Hw>lc KPmedr. ,Mur of. Th* P™*' P lh ' « thouuhtfui prfrtiuaa doubt thoprao fii*: and necessity of your “black tf«* billt .’, P Btt P reuied> lor gwnUa warfare. But its# 1 , ta application to sporadic cases, when trW r 'fu' o itendtd with the most beneficial n jio'lgt* . „ rB at epidetulo Itself? To show its suit! w * , bia end, let ns estimate the maxi ad!<l uilto 8 .,j, of the rebel army, »od also the force '""■Vwt mlgW drawand disaipliue from their d*v» rebel regions contain a white Hone®"* .ntipjioo, ot wnom, according to e o p»« i “ c L oß ;.flrib. or 1,200 (100 belong, to the i.DStis ,a “ E /la n, 46), »a reckoned'among nations jsitlitary 'pgtidng men reserved to hold their tin* o ',! mibleoiinu, but only one-eighth, or l,b»r«I« “ Z' military, age (18 w 35), as shown Is(!,oWt /fnefederate levy. <n this .number, for W tbe , , Older and overestimate of ago, physioal liM", in twenty - per cent, may safety be 000-tiOO men in the rebaioountry deducted. e „ rIIWI if Lieutenant Maury is . t ,ip»W e 01 , j ujeir first enlistments amounted l° Traill soWlcM* -of whom, judaiog by our 0,400,01® morB than 30u 000 can- be esperlea* 0 ®! Add the recent levy t« ußt fr. ihoir whole available f'nrco of 200,000, ,iisctblii| and to , a j ot 600,000. Their army Slid ce b this figure, it is hardly probable. To ■jury "fffu.j bave uiHtiifi'S'ed it 1 Uianrtljbal aodim gat&fj ", eo srgj, such ss no people have ever be pfoviothl■ nave consumed one half of lute sdpg ms'erisi, reuhi.neu upon the basis 3 1| tbeir free people. Tne uearuat approach of w f’L/jfn turns is Beeu ju the wars of the 10 1 t riavolutiou, when otieduurth of the fighting ffttch 11 B io one year, and the result F“l‘ ah n doaredatWn «ou demoralization, indus *!’ g military ruin* The only reason, that it is fnr the Sonin .for even a short period, is f ,s " si* hiivß 3 000 000 fund, producers to support army Wnhrifuw them, and ona- IW fibis army must 3“ t "' m ” *“supuiirttheother r But withdrawing tho slaves from the field is bH *' ,if» nos Wad* of your std-surs Arming them ” Liemuptary blade, by the aid of whtoh this iiiLs Samson may ba •"‘urn of his strength. v Hstsrudne ,bH tl,rßa whioh uur h,ll ok loyalists iL Sou'll tuny furnish us. [ reckon but 3 000 000 aStsmnoe to «ur fi irder State midi requiring the i. ruiictofl OllO.ilOO Oyusid« ring the early ma- J ". (l f , bl( jiopuiatiun of the ejttreme South - - tUII Slates atm tr,e habtis of labor to whtoh e !.“ el arc inured, wo might safely assume 3 third os capable of military service; ft I forego this and take but ouo fifth, or « 000 Of rtWe,' so aoeustonled are they ,to (Luo end privation, we need subtract only 50,000 ifLvffMlly incapacitated, and we have an army f -ijiS (100 id the heart,-pf. the enemy’s country, ao- Vusiutcd With every defile every swamp, every k oiimuiD path and forest, road knowing just where S bow fond " nd forage afa to be obtained. Join ro those the 450.000 - veteran troops that we now J; „ w ei around and in the enemy’s ouuntry, and Who doubts that the era of Cloudless victories will kre commenced, and tbat Abraham Lincoln, on L second anniversary of bis inauguration, may took around upon a md'.ed mmutry--a saddened North, but with happiness breaking faintly through , her teais— acoDfltteretl S .u'b, sullenly sitting at our ,: feet to learn the glorious lesson which it is the tnia sion of the North to ttaob—mat the only sure basis of national prosperity and happiness u free and Intelligent tabor. yours for the onuntry, S. 6KIECBB OP fils t'A icX • NT SrKAVfERS.—Ia namce of orders rmuvitt tie Dlimdsy nigh', from ail.iugtoni tli« Bioanti-r slaty WmbuigioDi of the Pa. 5f pt lino of *!(*!>« ra, “ , na esZid at an early hmr yea. ilsv tuornli g t>> Dnmt Mar. tut ttyons, with a poißs aiice. It Is lean ed that the teeaaier I*l auter, of the' 'ifltr,e, wassriiM! at Washington bv omer of the Go. nmtut, and that toe George W.-eais will also be tatted. ,e Qiireroment will plate auuttier crew with officers eurit, scd win use the .bouts lor ttaowtt purposes,— tUinore Sun yttltratlit. rii e ci a : y. JfUDPITIONAU LUCAk Mk-Wh SHB FbtTRTH PAGE. j War Me&'hnu ai> wjshmantown.—- srge uud fcntbuttiaano ajvtiUDg of toe ci*izena of Ger* .lOffll WIU field la *t eVuiiJug at 106 UiWu fiftli- The which was otconuwJ withihoMaiioual oelora, placed immedia e*> lu fr n of me b4l hoof, aaii the ;e between that auu «h<- turnpike wa* filled with a of buEPtuiily* wuu rent tbo air with their shouts. heimetiDs *aa oi>uiii7,il uj iho selucuoii of the foi ling i.fflcera : l'l-.iojBEST- F. 0. Brightly, Bern Vios I'Hsaißß.'iTji—Q -irgif Fnug, Anthony Mlsksy, An awltew flauti IKu ,W tt Stokes, 4aa. If, iigatrHh, Wm. hupkluti. F Wui Boost ua.Juo Stall i, Wni, Allen, Oxbu thisiuiiiM, J.io ,b K. ilorler, E 4, Copl, John 11 uI ui , Oo,e b .r.Hign, Denial it. )iu«ju, F, A, Uuyt, USaa, l* tvx, Eltaa BircOel, and ,i-li 31 -are. imimiitss—Henry 1> Starver, Wat , H f attire, M. .Henry 11. nderw li, Paul Kata, Go ,t*e Shingle, Boa i, V. Suleaa, William F, vYitj, Ghia. S. Whiter, Joint looks. Tbrloilowlng resolutions k»ituK been read by one of Le simtarles, were unaoHiinubi) udopred : ituli id, That li is tie imperative uuty of every loyal me, at ibe present cn«1«, to co-uper .to with the Pre fttrt the United btritee iu every measure which hie Mil ilia) suggest, tor the . petal) euiucuun o[ tee ex- C r>txllloo lu theMihthda .nae-i. {*mM, That lb ourjudjiEitiii'-t uie weracainut ibe \*t oltonld bo pruftg' uttd >nb tun «vu >U> power of the jib.ftwl tbftt tht m.’H Tigon.ua monanies «tioa!d bo . yitti lo bring tbfcio a*aiu into hubi-.csicm to the laws fif I’llOD. jVesiu"sd, That as otas'-tis of thy United States, we ■H' tiudtr tiie cuu.iut i. joj iu chene States at >«t ot iu retieliloo, awl stmt J» la ths duty of the 'ermtot to becnre iu UEUhiM-e rights aud to enforce Uwft oi the UtiioaoTrr every iMftigu of our com* cooatry. .. ..- v. • HcMvedt That re bate the (ntleat confidence in the itdom and patriotism of AOrnh uu Linoolu, and whi roto hk AfimimerrHtioQ om moat oor.iin} nuppors. Utsohtdt That we know tint t*o pa ties in the coon t at the.present b jar, ifs triruiid and its eoemies, bad \\ liie man who dons not su.-pur** rise (lovorniuoiit in a mui prcßfcnnou ut ttie war with its white pffwer, l'f M#fy ttitaoß at Jt# eoiMuinud* is, n.: ayropathizur lie rebedon auc- an emm/to bin country. Mr. *f-icknon m*ae *me ut bi.i u:uai stirring <■ I*?, *hich ww r«-$e Vrtl wo b 1 irt applattae. He irfeo saiiiicßUy to Jiff Darir, raying «hat Much a wretch aHdiamce any gahuwa itji? co Hi tuKuraatetl for i. H«d«cl&rorbia nnoylch cou&deh'cß In tho iSepnb aid Ui«ue a.K.tft m* appeal t« tnv »mu*g inaii present Vitit. Uut of atiitmi) o ; &?h brotherly of whiob ha oaa, tbfpe h*** ahead »<HlsteJ, IZr Jaofcaan l»sr auottng Drake’ apostropno to the Americjn George Lear» of Doflestown, was (be next speaker, that no peace could t»e a laaiog one bat one ;cer«t by & vlgoioua and bi»ud» war. The maa ledu-snotsay tb»i be is Ju tavor of the prosecution & war tor the pteserfatif*u oi Government t Haiu-vtr time on, \* * tiHltor hs /«e?.pt. We'mast >top 10 aik U therema? not be some sligut justification hib te .'‘;iU> u. 'ltu-um«. woo tains ! ot peace without IsftirajtdßgainsHi-eQuT-.inaloot. We hare those ugst us who are 1V to thus© who have <d nuainst as, They are our brethren is South, Wa must aut ftwht them we would fight reign nation, I gay to yoa thatttieae rebels area worse +fr»n rvut rot el n f"8 who would on our shore l , it*- eg rad ,g to make such pro ongj and thb men who do m.-tite them are leagued *f dip coontrj, ii<ii nt-i* not fear to call these '&iion, for these traitors are oi>vr.rdB,and the wo« Ht at oome ate otioog though to whip all thetrai* iothe North with then* nro*>m ‘icm, A year ago *ere discussing the of the Goveruraeat to ce the doutt, a QUB*tou waif fa any one would be untt; to propose to-night. Siuch the fall of bumpier putiiotioDi have bren Ugfatefl, aud I bope to to see ihuday when we shall have placed an army o ilea ci Bleu iiitfae ft f l‘*. l«>r spefce in a mining manner of the hoary r ™ at ffbeotla n, who is forced to bids to prevent an inrigoant people fiom spitting ' !**.." lie drew n fipnatiini eicture, contrasting the . OG r free (J-,»verm -at with those of the Old ■„ “Olhrntng again 10 the sonj-ct before the meet ati'i Lear argued that, at the present time* no loyal a* •’*"* to bring petit! j»l awattans befiire the p i Bit (hat alt ehould unite m the good work of gauiistmtnt, The wads batngpro « oittedaltogether i the edl oi U'ljculm where beotesum drat reared its ", /ho fair ttride ef Virginia have been dog into rhea Kid earthworks. thank ;hxl l and our own free 11 *>«» hot known what it la to the foot of an V *1 their bordere. rtilou ’«' l the Idea af administering the u feiegiaoce to traitors, and said that he would as * iwesr amad dog not to bita as to s»ves*r a rebel to »fw *I he B^* kw coslc toded by expreesiog his -* toat tbis people would come oatoftno purifying stronger and better natlonthan ever. - 6 i Inayei spoke leedngly of the death °f Bn MoCoi»k, Had rilinaled the last > J SI I F* D , cls t 0 too London Times. Whm “*f finished thl# war. let the dbiflih aristocrats of r toelr *neer* ioihe taco of freeman if i < ; Bre * Th o n let if they oyerride pre vail which they themselves have made, He drew a yre 01 toe progress made in suppressing the rebellion u 2 too past year, and showed that in less than w the Hag would flout oyer every foot of mjh territory. Thai er deprecated the two of the terms Democrat while the straggle lusts, and spoke ably SVf i of national unity. The man who now talks * bis party politic* is little b tier (ban a traitor. If, rnirtst of a common da»wtr, we are base enough to Ub pt tbe bones of office, we deserve to perish i'Hio js in our rr-in&t ell Know this, and are now seiinaa attempt to frmlva us in a controversy one ! ! ib« other, They know well that if no voice of " chmot la allowed to divide the friends of free in tbej must prevail. ‘ Van Hiper, of Washington, made a short and spU wdreM, previously announcing his intention to • tor r bais without glides. A reforerod to the late ' of bfEßifal Hope called forth vigorous rounds of «*, >bi 1 elf past eleven o’clock the meeting adjourned, me era for the Union and General Pope. ’Wah Boroihme United Irish Le '~A meeting of Irißbmon wan held lest etreaing at * Hotel, opposite the State House, for the pur “organising a rfeini*nr. or brigade to be knows M Jrisii Boroihme Doited Irish Legion. Brian Bo ne wss one of the fangs of Ireland about two oentn . fo ’Md with his legion was mainly instrumental In its o ri ®‘ nt9 > wt> u bad mote an inoarston on his ‘in. Be wae remarkable for his courage and daring. i,s m w snlng was called to order at eight Gt , Wm - Dowling was appointed chairman, torge Findley was appointed, secretary. On mo '„, f!sra ,Orooks, Motlne, and Toban ware appointed i,, rte ®ltttions characteristio of the meeting. The u«e then retired, and after some deliberation the '‘eg ns lntlons were presented, and, on motion, 'ibioualy adopted: ’ i That we, Irishmen, cannot allow events to J!l™ midst of war and rebellion that threaten it. wltbont giving the fullest expression of our ' »Bd sympathy to the Oovernment under which *■*. we feel prune of onr countrymen, to . B ™ 6 of them hare proved traitore, and that “ ™ array of t!)e United States bayo no-* i»». ??! iheir ancient glory and character, as In tl r ’, °* Brian the brave, while led to the charge £,’" 9 “emy before Btcbmond by the courageous It 1 . 1 * 4 ' 111,(1 experience has shown to men of natn a»d judgment that whe e union is amongst w? ij 6ls *irength» in the Old ae welt as In the 1 ? nd that past history, ae well as the working mn. r , the two countries fully derelopes the . 1.. ‘ arß doe® ns, and that we do ourselves harm more suited. nl 1 ’ *^ la( it ie onr intention to support the Go °if; ani * WB strongly recommend onr countrymen * J r ®\*y to the recruiting rands of this city aud if i‘ 6 hnion for the prosecution of the war, so as '* *0 a Bpcedy.end, and that we may lire to see sen stripes ways oyer eyery State that has re- That it [a our belief that there can be men for the war without tmrodnctng the con ,act| ?° d if our countrymen only get the regimente; and that we prefer this ‘N'fow* M-'Xrtrti hrtgada.. •; „» weed, ‘That a committee ot thr,e be appointed to jem.?. >honential citfaens, in order to seonre their the President, and .Governor Ofartin,ior ,f a regiment , . ” ' ’ °ie?e w * cannot separate withontexprewing «t confidence in President Llnooln and Governor MbUti * proT6d themwdvea worthy defenders of eMra - o<K ' r « 9: red Tobin, (JhaileaW, MeOne, wore ap "waltupon the gentlemen referred to in the i"™ fr «m Oapt. Powers, Oant" ,T„k,„ Pennsylvania Eewrve Corps, and Mr. is to k?‘ .? mMttn * adjourned, to meet again this TS "S 0 ? 4 frora 'he committee, and If 8 lor ® an Irish Brigade. , *icros Aocidbnt.—A man named 't»k« n 7«*? e4 i ** h»d th« flnk»M of htsleft , h, "ti. i, w “ c k«- Thowonnded member wm to !*: «■* «**»«£ Grand f culling Match Race »or THI CHAMPIONSHIP —Yesterday afternoon the thorrs of the romantio Sobnyikitl wets lined by a large and enthusiastic crowd desirous of witnessing a grnnl sculling match, which took place between Mr. Ward, of New York, the acknowledged champion of Amert'a, and a Mr HnniiU, ot Pltt-bnrg, who entered the Hats to com peto for the champion belt. Mr. Ward armed in tblgdty on Thursday Hat, and took op hie quarters, at the Falls House. Mr. Hamiii at rived here last Friday afternoon, ai d Htopped at the Itialto house. Both of the gentlemen hare been in train ing since their arrival. On Friday evening the two champions met. fur the Brat time at the Palls House. It was a very friendly meeting, and bath s emed well pleated with the interview. The hjats used bv the. champions are about 30 feet long, 14 inches aide, and weigh about 40 pounds. Considerable betting has been made, and a large amount of money changed hands yes terday afernosn, , ''he boats toft the starting point at 4 o’clock precisely, and Mr. Hamill, of Pittsburg, came in the winner abunt BO yards ahead of Mr. Ward,of New York. Thadiatanoe rowed was three miles, which was performed by the anc cestful sculler in twenty-two minutes and a half Mr. Hamill’e manner of rowing is ■ altogether, different from that practised by other, professional smller--; 0 o-day the race for the champion bolt will take place, when an exciting time may be anticipated. It is-gene rally supposedthat Ward Will be the successful chain pion. oho fciei d, of each of (he competitors are loud in heir praises, and largo sums of money are involved la tbo issue of the contest this afternoon, i ■ - 1 Attempted Suicide—Probable Fa- TAL BIBBTJIjT-—Yeate»day. morfilng h mWVte-nsed »a*a DMD.d WilLltuß H»gue, i eyeing tu Marlrwonaft above Qiratd atft ue, attempted to commit BulcLie hy cutting hia throat with a razor. Toe nufortrinate man wan laboring tinder a fit of tetnporary InB*nm at »ha tlflWi arid it te expected he will hardly recover from the would received. A New Counterfeit —Yesterday new counterfeit five-dollar noiea on the Ooro Bank made their appparence, and eomeof oar cHtae<is were victimized before the fact beoanno genoniHy known. It is nuppoaefl that U is an altered note from some worth less New York bank. FINANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL. THE MONEY MARKET. ' 1 pHii.*t>st.pniA, August IS, 1882. Business on the street was doll to-day. For a Week er two there has keen a falling off, caused partly by operators being onl of town} and parity by the desire to hear from the seat of war. Careful men never bay or sell on a rhk. If there is anything like danger to the financial structure of the country Impending, they wait and see what damage may be Inflicted when the, crash comes; hence, a very large elate of operators are just *» bn the tones.” If Pope succeeds iff capturing, or se- Jaekson’e forces, a lively time may be , anticipated In the stock and money markets. Cold was firm to-day, advancing from 112r5113, at the opening, to 113# «114, closing at 113, with a weak market Icmbtltsa the decline was accelerated by the stirring news Trent the Bspidan. Old demands were very active to-day, at prices rang ing from 105'M to 106/f ; 106jtc was the principal rale. Seven-thirty . treasury notes were in request on the street at about lOSjf. The new issue stamp' ohrrency will make its appearance some lime between the 17 th and 'the 21st of' the present month; the small notes, ones, twos, and threes, about the Ist of September. Prioes at the Stock Board advanced again to-day, aud Government sbcurlties were 1 in demand at better pi ices The sixes, 1881, Bold up to 100, an advance of X, »nd continu-d firm; seven-thirties, endorsed, advanced ji, hide; tbe blanks advanced %; one year cerdflcaies bronuht 93% ; oily sixes were active, the new continued firm atlQl; the old at 97. Bids for Pennsylvania fives advanced If; Beading sixes, 1888, advanced % ; North Pennsylvania Railroad, sixes advanced ; the 10’s remained at par— Bame as yesterday; Oamden and Amboy sixes, 1883, *»k at 91; Schuylkill Navigation sixes, 1882, at ; Phi ladelphia and Erie sixes advanced ; Sn-quehanna Canal sixes sold up to 83$ ; Tioga Railroad sevens sold same as .yesterday, 95; Beading Railroad shares ad vanced Xt with considerable sales; Oatawt-ea sold at 4. with 11 bid far the preferred; Elmira preferred ad vsnred If ; Pennsylvania % ; Lehigh Navigation ad vanced 1; SobuylkiU Navigation % ; Susquehanna Canal %• There was more activity i n pu eeuger railways West Philadelphia sold at 63 ; Arch »trw»t at 23#, an advance of % ; Green and Coates at 31% ; Becond and Third at 84, an advance of if. Bids for Spruce and Pine advanced if. The market closed firm, after 8160,000 in bonds at d 1,100 shares lud changed hands. i Brexel A Go. quota• New York exchange parol-10 die Boston exsbange parotl-lO dig Baltimore exchange. paro a dis Oountry;fundß,..... %<t % die. American g01d................i.... ....;,13>j nHj<piß Old Demands 6 a 6)4 pm. Qnartcmiasteiß’ certificates 2 ® 4 dig. The following is a statement of the. limonnt of coa' transported over the Lehigh Vallejr Railroad, for the week ending August 9,1862: . \ Week.ProTiousl3r.:Total.- . Tons. Owt. Tons; Owt. Tons. Clwl Hazleton...... , 6,104 IS 71,202 11 77,307 09 East Sugar L0af....... 4,508 12 68,2)2 00 62,745 t 2 Council Ridge. . 2,228 15 41,405 00 43,634 07 Mount Pleasant.,...;., ; 165 07' 1,271 00 3 134 01 Spring Mountain...... 1,950 07 56.471 00 58 451 12 C01eraine.............. 721 16. 19.214 00 19,976 05 New York and Lehigh., 1,067 08 19,696 00 20 764 01 N. Spring Mountain..,. 3,183 08 61,749-00 95 223 19 S. Spring Mountain;... ...... SlO 00 810 13 Jedd 0................. 3.405 14 48-879 00 51,233 07 Harleigh. 915 18 32 540-00 33 462 04 German Penna... 1,827 01 16,4 -3 00 18 280 09 Ebervale...l,o49 00 16,054 00 17.1‘S 10 MilnesviUe...... ...... 875 19 16 528 00 17.404 <6 Other Shippers 15 00 683 00 , 693 10 T0ta1..............27,331 02'452,899 16 490,230 IT Corresponding week last : year,............... .11,601 13 484 470 18 495,975 ; 11 Increase..... 16.82809 Decrease 21,571 03 6,744 14 The sub-treasurer at New York has issued the follow ing notice, the provisions of which are similar to those which will be required at the Mint in this city: NOTICE. •' . United States Treamjrt, , , - New York, August 12, 1862, Patties bolding fifty or more coupons oh United States three years 7 3.10 per cent, treasury notes, duo the J9th of August, are required to band them in for examination' at least three days prior to said date, with schedules of the denominations, numbers, Sc. If they prefer it they may do so at once. Blank schedules will be furnished upon application at this office. The coupons (which should be numerically arranged) will be examined, and checks given out on the 18th inst.. after three o’clock P. M JO-IN JCI 300, Assistant Treasurer of the United States. The following is a comparative statement of the ex ports exclusive of specie, from the jtort of New York to foreign ports for the week ending Angnst 12, and since January 1: " . 1860. 1861. 1862. Forthe week. . 81.894,058 1,587,935 , 3.697,657 Previously reported... 52,932,867 78.481,469 79,767,677 Since January 1...854.828,015 80,019,454 83,465,334 Though somewhat less than last week and the week be fere, the above return compares very favorably with that of the corresponding week of last year. The earnings of the Illinois Of htral Railway for the month of July were 8249,929—by far the largest earnings for Jniy in the history of the road. The July earnings for six years have been as follows: July. 1857..... .8139,0991 July, 1860.. 8196,009 July, 1858.,,...., 124.299|J01y, 1861.. 170,200 July, 1859........ 139,1021 July, 1882.,, 240,929 The New York Post of this evening says: The stock market is buoyant and much higher, with a strong demand for Governments and all the prominent speculative shares of the list. The vigor of the army of the Shenandoah and the growing ease in money are in ducing large purchases for the rise, especially of the leading railway lines, which are doing an unprecedented ly heavy business. Illinois Central Is attracting the attention of specula, tors/ Bales were made to-day at 6)4, a rise of 1)4 per cent, on yesterday’s quotations. The earnings of this company in July were very satisfactory; Pacific Mail is 2)4 per cent higher, influenced by the declaration of the usual quarterly dividend of 5 per cent. It WAS apprehended by Borne timid holders that the losb of the Golden 'Gate might interfere with the dividend. The closing bid is 112^. Stocks were lower after the Board, but continue in aotive femand. The speculative railways change hands in large quantifies, Tbe business is largest in the two Bries, Michigan Central, and New York Control. Govenmient sixes returned to par to-day, and are very sparinglpbffered. The coupon sixeß of 1881 are quite scarce, and sold at 99)£ffil00 Fqy the registered 100 ia bid. The fives 0M574 rose to 87)4, Oregon War Loan to 97)4- In 7.30 notes there was no change. The snpply of money is doily increasing, and the large banking-houses and trust companies find- considerable difficulty in keeping their balances employ ed at 3)4 o 4 W cent. Prime paper is nearly out of market. Choice names sell at4®6 W cent The market for gold is rather higher to dav, hut with out activity. Nearly all the sales were at 114, and this ia hid at the close. Dutiable demand notes are firm at an advance of H ® y t per cent,. The brokers are bolding to day at 106)(, and small lots have beon sold at that figure! Exchange on London 1b very quiet, the mail for Eu< rope oiosing early this morning. The rate for first-class hills on London is 125)4 ®126. The export ol specie to day by the Australasian was *389,000. ; . Philadelphia, stack Exchange Sale*, Aug. 13. [Reported by 8« IS. SniniAUM. Phila.Exchonge.] FIRST BOARD. . 4 West Philsß... S 3 20000 0 S 6j1881..1>30.100 . 26 Arch-st R...... 21ft 1000 do ...c»Hh »*- 10000 (Jit; 6s New,.. .101 60 Beading B-oasb. 29 li 300 do ....”...97 10Lehigh Nay.... 51 600 N Penna 6«..... 77 Jf 1000 N Penna 10i.b6.100 1000TJ S6a 1881..... 90k 200 Oatawissa R.... 4 BETWEEN BOARDS. 600Be»dlne 6« 1886.. 85 63600 0 S6s>Bl..b3wn 100 60 Beading B .20 81 100C0 do !. ...b3wn.lOO 100 do 29 81 [ 4000 0 8 7-30THKa.102* SECOND BOABD. 13000386 s 1881,....100 60ElmiraB Prefd...22 8000 do ........100 20 Oatawissaß...... 4 , 8000 do .100 100 Scbuy Nav Prefd..ls# 50 Bead’g 8.t6wn.29 81 300 do .... ...29 81 60 do ...sSwn.29 81 10 Green A Cot’s R. 34% 1000 C & A6S 1883.. 91 10000TJ 81-yr Cert,... AFTER' 2tCoßch Nv 6s 1882 b 5.68« I 12 Prana B b 6 48 1 CLOSING PBi 08#»’81...„..KH) 100),' OSTr7 3-10 H.loB# 103# Philada 6a 97 .. Philada 6s new.-ltfO# 101 Penna 5a..,,... 811$ 88 Beading B 29* 39’$ Bead m 65’80’48.101 .. Beading Ms ’7O. 961$ 96 ■ Bead me 6s ’86.. 86 .. Penna Bexdiv. 47J$ 48 Penna 81m6e..103x .. Penna II 2 m os., 091$ 100 Morris Cnl Con.. 42 46 Morris Cnl Pref.ll7 % 118 SohNav Stock.. 4J$ 6# Sen Nav Pref... IS 16* BchNBs’B2exint 68>$" 68* Elmir® 8...... 11 ■ Elmira B Pref.. 21)$ 22 | Philadelphia Market* Tiie Plonr market is steady, but very inactive, and the sales limited to 60700 bbtent 85 for standard snperßno, $5.37)$ 06.621$ for, extra, and $5.7506 .for extra family. Stocks and receipts are light, and the Bales to the trade small, at the above figures, including fancy biands at $6.5007 26 #' bbl, according to quality. Bye Floor and Corn ?Meal are Inquired for, and scarco at previous quo tations. '■ ’ : ISiiHAT.—The market i» fairly saopHedjbat prices are onacttled, and Hid demand leea active; aalee compriae 6«* 6,009 bnshfls at 12. r >al34c for red—the latter for choice' amber; wliite ranging at from 110wi50c, with email. : aalea. Bye la wanted at 80®81q. Corn la nrraly held at 64c, afloat and in atore. Oata are in good demand at the adyance. and 3,000 bn»hela, mostly old Peonjjivaola, Bold at 60c, including some new Southern at 39c, meaanre. Barley la quiet. , wiolro™ Bark.—The demand la leaa active, and Xat Ho. 1 Quer citron la offeied at »8S ton. ... ... Cotton.—The mariet Ja poorly anpplledj and the aaiee rmall a' lolly foimer rah a. . „ , „ Grocmhihs continue inactive, and Sugar and Molasses t TrotisioKS. — Prices are unchanged, and sales mostly cofiflDtd to doting out odd lott, in bod order, at Irregular ra WmsKr is firmer i 100 bbl» drudge eoM at 28c, Ponn’a - tit 3pCj c®d 600 bbla prime Ohio 32c. * »~ * 3000 Schuy Nv 6s 1882,«8>j 14 Bns<i Canal 6)< 10 Penna B ~..48 2 2d & 3d 8....... ,64 2000 Fbiladt Erie 6a.. .93* 12000 Susq Canal 68, BOARDS. I 62d&3a-»tß.. 64 200 Q Tioga B 75... 95 ICES--FIRM. ' Bid. 4t&«d. Kim 7»>T3.ex int M% 85 lildand'S:;...' 17# 17# LehCl&N.I-dT 60 51 LoClfcNavsop. 2f>X SO H Penna E 9% 10 NPa80*.;.... 77# 78 N Pa B 10a..... 100 100# CafawECon.,. 4 Catawia*ft Prf It ll>f Soc £ Third Stß 64 .. Eace&Vina-stß ll |W Fhila 8;.... "52% 63 Sprnce £ Fine.. 12% 13 Qr&OtsßexdY 34 34# Ch&WalexdiT. 39 40 irch Skei diT. 231) Thir * Fift’nib. I*# .. Toatb A Eiev'th.3l August 13—Evening, CITY ITEMS, New Card-Photographs op Dhtingmshed Maw —We have alieady had occasion to spook of ths extensive ejection of Octrfes df. Pfsito °f distinguished personagei taken by the well known Phowgiaphojs of this city, Messrs. Broadbent A Co., at their new and at tractive galleries, Nos. 912 and 914 Ohe-tnnt street. They have reces tly added to their collection, for the Pho tograph Album, fine picturesof Hon. Edward Everett; Brigadier Gen. Negley; Dr. J. E. Rhoads; Dr. A O. jHart; Rev Dr Snddards; Governor Yales; of Illinois; fp.tv. A. B. Atkins; Kev. Kingston Goddard, D. D; 'lev, T. K floured; Dr M. Duane; Rev. E. W. Rutter, D D Col Col*; of the-Zouayss d’Afrique; late, Hon. B T. Conrad, and others, all executed in the high est style of the art. . s An ExcEitLNNT AuMx Medicine.—We invito ftttentifm to Ibe ecveitigeoifiit of Army Balsam by Itfr. Frederick A’ Mi‘ler, No. 224 North Third street, corner Biaocht which will be'found in acotber colu;nn of oar paper to-day. The ' Army Bah-am is recommended’by tzniuent phyticianß as a most reliable remedy for the pro* Vfcßtion ai d cur© of dysentery, diarrhoea, and bow-lcom plaints, and especially for army nse. Iru uue iu csatßOf camp djEontory bna been Found most effective. Groceries Packed and Sent to the Camp.-. —»Wr. 0. H. Mntuoo, dealer in flue family groca ios. Arch and Tenth streets, la now selling large quantities of groceries to u» i forwarded to the various camps in.tbe. Army, the grt atest care being taken to insure the proper *ai-& fafft dtllvcryof all euch goods to toe parties f*r wbcm they are intended. There are many things in a sti'ck'ofihla kind that we need not horn enumorare, which,wnuld , add to the happiness and comfort of our brave #oldi» re. t The JN'e'w Cadi, for Troops. Listen, young heroes! your e motry is calling, Time strikes ibe hour for the brave atif the \tm l Now. while tbe foremost are fightibg ani falliog, Fill up tire ranks that havo opened fur you! Stay not for questions when Freedom stands gaping! . Wait not tifl Honor lies wranped In its pall! Brief the lips’ meeting be, swift the .hands’ clauping-*- :« Off for the wars,” is enough for them all. f ■ • Break from the arms that would fondly oaress you! Bark ! ’fie the bugle blast! sabres aro drawn ’ 1 Hotkers will pray for you, fatt will b'oßa you, Idtiidons pIhII weep for you when you are g >ne. UtiformSj ready-mdde, at Charles blokes’, under the 4 * Continental,” The Draft. — The last days of , grace bare nearly expired, and the conscription act is about going into force, home timid patriots desire to shirk thsir re sponsibility ; but the groat mass ot the people h »va de leiuiined to rally to the aid of the Go vernment, and to give It a hearty support in i s hour of peril. Those who aro drafted will enjoy a high honor and a proud privilege in being allowed an opportnnlly to'fight for their c hid. try; while’those who are left at home:can console them selves by procuring their garments at the 1 Brown-Stone Ofothiiig b all of Bock hill A : Wilson, Nos. 663 and 60S Chestnut street, above Sixth. Most of the uotforms for tho new levies will probably bo made af thesamo popular establishment,, j , , Good Breeding.—There is nothing more .• difficult to attain, or necessary to posses*, than par feet good breedirg, which is equally inconsistent *ith‘ a stiff, formality, an impertinent forwardnene, and awkward bashfulness. A little cefemony is sometimes necesaa-y;; a.cut tain degree of firmness is absolutely so,‘and an awk ward modesty is extrnnely nnbecoinlhg.. Good breeding is evident in,those who wear the cheap and fashiouable suninicr garments manufactured, at the one- price Cloth ing Emporium of Granville Stoke,, No.- 609 Ohestnu street, whose establishment has ;wbn, for itself renown and celebrity. , • 'riIBIJUS UN TEiilifCkEN (J E. WT SEE FOURTH PAGE - ARRIVED. r Fchr B E Perkins. Fhilbto* k. from Fortress Monro© In ballast to E A Souder A Go Scbr Ephraim<v Anna, Dole, from Port Royal, in bal last to A Beron, Jr. & Oo Scbr M Van Dnsen, Irelan, from Fortress Monro©, in ballast to captain. St;hr Duniel Oar,non,. Morris. 3 days from Cannon’s Ferry, Dei, with lumber to J W.Bacon. Srlir J Tinker, McDonald, 4;dajsi from Gloucester, in batiust io captain. .... . - Scbr Two Brothers. Chat d10r,.l day from Indian Ri ver. with corn to J W Bacon. Schr T P.McColiey, Carter. 1 day from Camden, Del, with coni to Jes Barratt & Sqn. !' ; tk-hr i’enil, Norman, 1 day from Lewes, Del, with grain to Jas L Bewiey A Co. * * * . Steamer ti'm bent, Breit, 6 boars from Cass May, with paraengers to captain. Saw an unknown bava coming in the Gapes .Wednesday morning Pa aed bo. Sow the Middle, at 9 o’deck, Wednesday morning,; ship Zend, hence for Londonderry, under canvass, going down; off Reedy Maud, barkD 0 Yeatoo. from Shields, Eng, beating up; below Red Bank, prtza schr Agatha, alto beating up. ULNA RED. Ship Westmoreland, Decan, Liverpool, John B Pen ■ .rose. ; , - Schr Emma. Smith. Lynn, L Audenriad A Co. Scbr J 1 inker, McDonald, Newbury port, L uudearied A Co. ■ Jk> ;■■■ Schr Thomas Borden, Wrightington; Fall River, Cap tain . * Scbr Nellie Tarbox, Vase, Barbados, E A Souder A CO. - Srhr Lamartine. Hutchinson, Saco, D Peanon A Go. . Schr West Wind, Gilman, Bangor, 1 Tyler, Stone A Co. Scbr Flora KihgfMbFariahd; Boston. -Twolls if'Cc; -" ) Str J S Shriver, Dade, Baltimore, A Groves,or. MEMORANDA. Tbo scbr Aqhllia, of and from Charleston, 8 O. for Hastan .N P, laden with a cargo consisting of 310 bbls spirita turpentine, was captured night of 3i inst. tn at tempting to get out. by the U 8 gunboat Huron, which placed prize master Delano and crew on board, who brought her.to this port last evening. : Schr Alvira, Brannon, cleared at New York yesterday, for Philadelphia. ARRIVALS AT THE HOTELS TO TO 13 O’CLOCK LAST NIGHT. CONTINENTAL HOTEL—Ninth and Chestnut sts Bobt Bradly, Chicago 00l J G Frick, Penna Capt Jos Anthony, Penna W F Patterson, 'Penna O Arbertbrot, Penna A F.Dalz 11, Penna’ . O TtSulfield, Lonisville John H Ziegler, Harrisburg Jas McLain, Pittsburg D G Drieabach Beach Hav J O Kerwin, Harrisburg * H W:Bnutoo, Delaware co Mr King, New York J Q Thompson,'WHeh, D O A B Coleman; Cincinnati J SI Coleman, New York Mr Smith New York J B Me Afee A wf; Greensb’ W S Bickox A wf, Ohio B 8 Taylor, Oairo, Til Jas W,Lowe Kdw G Nickerson. B >ston W F Clark. Jr, New York ’J! Burn* A wf, Wash, D O Mias Gertrude Thomas. Pa J W Mickley, Oatasaqua H McCormick & wf, Wash C“Yo»ger, Penna ■W B North, Connecticut J A Fessenden; USA Jos Franklin, bt Louis T C Yearsley & wf, Md J Mile 9 Matthews H 8 Macraw, Lancaster B; OCrommeiin, New York C M Henderson & wf, 111 Mrt,F»Bsett, Chicago M Fitden & ia, Cincinnati Miss Fiiden, Cincinnati Chasß Atwood, Tauuton Cbas E Cook, Boston ! Bt T Gamhrilt Russell Burt A wf,.N Y Cramer Burt, New York Mrs Spooner, New Bedford Miss Spooner. N Bedford Eli Johnson & In, Ohio B Gunnill, Pennsylvania A Leitch & wf, St Louis J O Mills, Memphis Thos G Reyhurn, St Louis . Off Lord, Baltimore J P Penney A wf, Pittsburg: H B Cbaoipin, Nashville G B Fuller G Gregory James Lowry, New York J H Rogers Yirginia Mrs D B Sackett Ac, Wash Capt N Caliu, D S A A R Potts, Wa-hington Geo Word. Boston J B Bunting, New York B Duncan A la, Louisville Chas Baltimore H Fisher. Baltimore Parks Fisher, Baltimore S M Whipple A U, Chicago E Fleming A la, Boston - John Larcomhn A wf, D O E P Bees, Anhnrn, N Y F O Perkins, New York Mr Duncan, New York M N Wiaowoll, New Jersey D B Morehead. New York Miss Nortbam, New York I Eckert, Beadiog Miss Eckert, Baadtog H M North,.Columbia J Small A w, New York Mrs J B Raw, New York G T McCormick, Pittsburg J R Bartlett, Sansaß D D Barnard, Mexico O H Barnard, lowa Ik Whitman A la, Ohio B W Johnson A la. Ohio H A Hagan, New York H L Kendrick, New York Mrs Mead W Mitchell. St Louis R Mitchell, Oincjanati. A Allen, New York J Torrey, Jr. New Jersey : D E Small, York, Pa 8 A Walsh New York J Sngler, New Jersey ' J H Heacock, New York. B P Gurney, England 8 Hyatt, New York A Roman, New York M Bntler H Livingston A sister, N Y Thos H Hicks, Maryland Bon A H Boeder, Easton L D Shoemaker, Wiikesb’e W C Detweiler, Easton Dr W S Klilr., USA Lt G G Hunt, Wash, D O -Thos ® Simons Awf . Thos.Wilson, Baltimore Miss M : Clennenden MissAEvans B C Stratton ' Tbos S Aliirou, USA 11) Greenawait, Harrisbg N P Haven, New York , W W Thompson A la, N J MERCHANTS’ HOTEL—Fourth at., below Arch. BH Jack, Pittsburg John S Piehl A tady Job Lockheim, Freeport, 111 J N Shallenberger, Pittsb Sami Fahnestock A son, Pa B R Frisbee Ala Pittsburg O P Scaife, Pittsburg John J O’Leary, Pittsburg Wm H Campbell, N Jersey John Ebab, Pittsburg W S Scott, lowa M Munhali A slater, Penna Jos W Longi Pittsburg R S Officer, Pittsburg , A'Speere, Pittsburg Jaß E Parser, Manchester John dongle A son, Pittsb Hon John Cessna A iai Pa Cary N Sandora, Pittsbnrg J J Beplenger, Alliance, 0 H I Barnett, Pittsburg Gao J Seuffnle Ala, Waßh Bev W Spesr, Pittsbnrg WI Clark, Pennsylvania Jos 0 Borland. Pittsburg J D MoFadan, Pittsburg W Davis, Pittsbnrg Dr W E Barnes, Bath, Pa F Mason, Pittsburg HS Johnston A la, Wash Albert Bell, Baltimore Mrs 801 l A,2 chit. Bait Gbas McFadden, Ashland C W Lewis, Pittsbnrg John B Ward, W ash, D 0 J K Powers, Wash, l) C John Magee, Pittsbnrg Dr E Wallace, Beading T B Orr. Mansfield, 0 Geo Schaltbesß, Illinois Christ Scbalthess, Illinois Capt C M Donovan, Penna H H McPherson, Wash, D 0 Jacob Kinzer, Pittsburg v Mrß J Cessna, Bedford W A Seitz, Easton ' AMERlCAN—Chestnut Btreet, above Fifth. J A I, am prey A family, Md H A Hoff & la, Reeling Miss 8 Leoser. Beading B Marsh, Virginia 8 T Sigfcter, Wuab. I) C W Alexander, Mexico Ef A Moore, Pottsvillle J A Gnldin, Pottavilie Mrs Bdmbleton A son, Md D Holmes, PottsviHe E H Gammon, Portland, Me T A Cloudman, Maine J Benedict, Easton B F Tracber. Maine D H Holman, Maine J as Evans, Jr; Maine Col J M, Smith. Ohio B Hannan, PottsviUe A Siliiman, Hazleton E B Payne, U S N K 8 Bifelt, St Paid S P Hesly, Cuba H Crawford; Maryland .'SB Pieau A Lister, New York L T Moire, Delaware B Jones.'Delaware P Toodvinei Maryland M J Carlisle A la. Dei Gov Wm Thorp, Delaware “James Bayne, Baltimore ' JosSchnlfield, Washington ST. LOUIS HOTEL—Chestnut street, above Thirds F Honston, Ohio Mrs Hollman & eh, D 0 Miss Wellman. Washington I, N Gardner, Muscatine JW Fennell Boston -A * Callender, Albany Hire E Bandall, Pittsburg W N Fisher, Altoona J D Harper, Pennsylvania Jacob .Cohen, N.Y B 1 Churchill, N Y Miss M E Kutz, Pa - W Kate, Pa • Jacob Ulrich,-Pa W Stone, Jersey City John Mnlloy, St Louis D N Kemble, Pittsburg A P Jones, N Y . Mrs MrLangblin, N Y Peter Tracy, N Y Peter McKnight, N T O G Carpenter, Altoona THE UNION—Arch street, above Third, J C Brown, Beading E 9 Chandler, Pottatown AD Palmer EE Ewing, Elkton, Md J Heebner,Tottsvi!U, Pa E Elnn, Sidney, 0 H Woodward, Clearfield 8 W Foljambe. Boston J G Beading, New Jersey B Barfield, Pennsylvania T OPervine, "Pittsburg F L Thayer Ala, U'B A ■ T Teachle, Baltimore J Chambers. Cin, 0 ' J Lesmsn, Lancaster A Bose, Navaie," 0 ! .1 H Rboads, Beading J W Mintzer A la, P.rttstown W Maxwell, Easton 0 Y Warren, New Jersey, W Mainheim, New York COMMERCIAL—Sixth street, above Chestnut. • Geo II Owen, Md ‘ Chambers Kimble, Chestci ' Blent H H McOune, Lane Lient H C Feger Mrs B Hetlbrun, Baltimore ; M Hellbrun, Baltimore "ho Nesbitt, Md ' ,W L Warren, Cohh‘" • W Hosteller, Penna " _ STATES UNlON—Market street, above 'Sixth. : Bbt Irvine, JrAson,Carlisle W K Aeti. Coatssvllle Mrs H D ABb, Penna, , Sami Jamison, Norristown J M Harper, Tyrone 1 J Miller; Williamsburg Issac SMench, Harrisburg Tbos E Watt, Latrobe M Hbwsoc, Ebensbnrg, Pa AH Parker,-Penna H B Brows, Lewisburg ' * 7 4IADIBON HOUSE—Second- street, above Market. I , Henry Bearhe, Smyrna, Del 8 Brown, Pennsylvania 7 , , B T ’ Janney,,Philadelphia Lieut 0 M Mlller. PottsviUe ,'E Yanihgtn; New. Jersey ' W G,Tbu«y,*New York ' .08 Boteri'Hartford, Conn < J T.Waltou,BtroucUhVS ' | rM£Ad&»i'BtKiM«hurg “» iB ( - in e i’ress.-ph i ladelphM; , „ BABLKY SHEAF—Second Btreet, below Vine. H Cooper. Bocks , A Hampton. Milleraville .. WmJEirg*, ©owkihgtewn > ■ Gapt A Graven; M ftti'wart, . >. Miss M Sw-dinw, Ponua * ■ B Reading, R*>ven Bock, NI: T Beading Raven Book, NJ J Richardson. Petna <S'Decour-ey, aar‘svtl!e. Pa B Pr.xier, ffartevillo, Pa J « la, Del Dr * Ontnly, B_\,beiry B.P|»j»nan Bristol' ' ' ■ B Foloell, Vhgir in , li. .Dabrea,.Houtgomery ■ ■'W B Samel, flammoolon.NJ Herat, J Monasters, 3d P B 'Pergt,B D Hemming, 3i PB .P Treesil. 3d Pa Reserves ’ ■ Oorp OH Soper, 3d Pa. Bes ,J MA.M Pa Reserves "; •!. ; NATIONAL HOTEL—Bace sweet, above Third. ' ■ J Wtieb, Pnttsyiile H K fitter, . 0 P Ripe, Hnvdi r ro, Pa ' A-Pass-tt, Ofindhaih „ J D BelMpe & la- Beading H Keeper. Reiving V ErwluA la, Bristol T> Pain, Pittsburg ? BALD EAGLE— Third stroot. aooro Callowhin. ' E Bremer, Wn»h, D O C O Tbmbier A soti. Penna D HeberUng. Weisdnort Jolin Sell. P' ntisvivania , Oapr J r A Greiner. Maine Dr H' A GorDetd. lil dno P 0 La'!>, Bath,"Maine M!»n E Story, PhastlixvMo ? : f BLAOK ,BEAR—Third street. iMw Oallowhlll. - D O'bnan. Hosnn Lark WO Bntz, Beading Jr bo 8 ; » ui k, Bethlehem ;J B Musneiman A sv>n, Paj <; D Bickahanahf OhrstmVel ■ - r > l : MT, VERNON—Second street above Arch. B P En ary . 8 YTrKnnn, Schavikl'l 03 A 8 fihaffur, Rchnvlkm oo J B Butts, Newport, Pa G Piockler, N"w Jeisey ■■■..■■ . Beat Made to Hear —lnstruments to Aasist the at P. MADEIRA'S, 115 d<m:k < TK3STH Street, below Obewt> nt. aul3-8t Batchelor's IJAIB Dye ! : ? i THE BEST tN THE WORLD. . WILLIAM A. BATOHELOB’S helabrated Hair Bye : produces a color not ro bn .rllettnanishoo from nature— warranted not to tnrare the Hair, in* the least; remoiliar <ho ill effects of had dyes, and Invigorates the Hair foi life GBA Y, RED, or BTJBTY HAIR instantly tnrna s •plendtd Black.or Brown, leaving the HaJr eoft and beau rifni Sold by all Drateißts. Ac. , The Genntne is signed WILLIAM A. BATOHE> i-On, on the four tidet of each boa. EAOTOBY, No. 81 BABCLAY Street, (Late ,233 Broadway and 16 Bond street), mr2B-ly * . New York. One-Price Clothing, op the latest .ifiLBB) matte In, the Best Manner, ezprossly for ftfii* i'&EL - SAtilflß. LOWEST Selling Prices marked In ?laln Figures. &.II Goods made to Order warranted <nt)sfaotorf« Onr Ststzm is strictly ad hered to. All are thereby treated alike. JMABBDfiD:..' . BEELER—TAYLOB. On the 2d of »April, 1862. by the Tim Dr. Atwood, A. h, Beeler to MUs Loniaa T»t tor. b"(b ot rlns city. * GA M OK— ra T F TISON —0 q the 23d of June by the Grorvp.. Vhh.. Denrs, Mr. Fbomud Gamoa to Miss • Atixi Pateretm, both of England, DIED. BOWLES.—On the ll*h insrant, Mr. John L. Bowleg, in the 55 b vear of his age. ' ' The rei&tivfs and Friends of the family, also Eagle Council, No. 19, 0. U. A M.« alfo Northern Liberty Cotmcil- Nr». l. 0. B A M . and the order in general, are resrpclfully invited to attend the fur»er-*l, from bis •let«r« tidpnre, No. 1405 Cclumbin aveoue, below Frank ford rend, tbif*' (Thuredav) afternoon, at 4 o’clock. To proretd to Mpc^rtpics , Cemetery. * M a T^EB.—On the aftefrboii of the 13th Inst, Anna S„ daugbwr of Thomas and Mary 0. Mather, aged 10 jpnra. ■■■ Funeral from the resident of her father, 1105 Wallace Btfyei, r*T» sixth day : afternoon, at 3 o’clock. , ##-. MATHER-—On the 12ih instant,'Elizabeth M. Ma ther.-*' ‘ • v : 1 he-relatives and friends of the.fatoily are : ii.yitfa to attend her frineral, from th» residence of her bivVrbir. Joseph Mi_.Jßatber,' No 1829 Wallacestreet, on fixtb daj morning, at 10 o’eloclr r ; fIALL.~- , on the 12th inst.j laaballa Fry, wFeot Gwt'gß W Ball. bsmhl 30 years. The friends of the familv arß invited,' without further nnrire. to the funerkl on Friday next. 15rh inet., at 3 o’ch'okß. W*. from Thirtr-ihird and* mariiig hw, . r T>U : B(in<sHFT—Oh the l’ith Xj*riiv v Au2tntt, dauishter of Dr. Obarlee A ' ft- d Lydia A.Du Boucliet, ageo three years »V d eight nibn ha . * ' • Fungal t» tahß plueefmmtho r»'«M°nce of her grand ta*bf*r, Ohas WariiTOond; Epq'i nho'tenhaTii, Montzom*>ry ceui.ty, on VritJfty morning nr-xN at 10 o’clock To Jf hTf, *he bouse of her father, 1533 Arch street*, at T O* inrfc ' - ’ . # -WARNOOK.—In Abington township, Montgomery chut.ty, Pa., of congestion of the brain, Robert War nock, in the 49< ln ear of his age. Biß-relativea and_ fnenda are respectfullyinvited to at tend ibe fnr erai, Irom hie brother’e residence. 925 Arch street 1 fhir ) affernoon, at 2 o'clock.’ Inter nae? t at Oen emry. *■ FEOILL —On thellth i«st.,fn thecity of NewTork, -Mr**. Rebecca 51, wife of Abner K Bedell,'and daughter o? Robert It. Morrell, Esq , of ibis city, ih the 30th year ofh*r Mgp, # •BkRRY—Oh Mof day, llth inst., Elizabeth, .wife of Beh * y B*i> ryl in the 42d ' ear of her ago %? /BRANSON.—On the 12rh._in*t . Joseph, Branson, of Co. E. 2Pth r-eimfint P. V.; irr the 26th'yearof hts iwe vOANNAVIN.—Ot> thejlth ioat . Mrs Margaret, wife .of Joseph'o«buH.Yjn. in »h« 45th y«*r of hpp ago. *- ■ JLINN —On.tbftl2'h tnßt, Michael, sdn of John arid Margarrt Fltni*. ag'd i>ne year, ■? # LUNBaK,—On the 11th inst., Margaret Dunbar, in the 40 { *> \ear of her nge. 3>4TfS.—On the llih inst Edward Clinton, sou of John and Anu Eliza Daxis. in the 3d year of hla ns»e. * GLE-r go In O.imdeu, on the lltb lost, kila E.. daugbier’or William as d Ellen Gleason, aged 1 year aad 1 m- r*»c;. -, ■/•.■• ■■ BARBTSON.—-On the 30th 'July, of ft wound reoeivod at B wri-or-V Landing, Y».y‘ James R*uey Kv'rison, agtd 22 vetorel a-u]Hiit>*r or Co.' D, Rush’s Lancers. # B«h RV i-« n the 12th Inst, Alfred. S , son of Wm. KI and Anna M Henry, aged,3 months, . # . HUDSON—On the 12th inst, Laura HAlena,hnlv daughter of PhtMp auct Em-na Hudson, Hged 1 year # BA*LAM~ On the 12 h iDSt., Thomas G. Haslam.in til* 48»h year of his age . , \ LOONKY —s!a garet Looney. Infant daughterof Da niel and Margaret Loouev, aged 2 months and 13 daye. MAYS —On 1 the 12th, Harry L « it.fmt mu of Joseph P. and Mass aged 6 months and 12 days MIDDLETON.—On the morning of the 12fckinst , An nette, daughter of Allen And Elute Middleton, in the 10th year of her ase. . . ; ' *= McGBANN McGrann, infant daughter of Anthony ar.d Ellza McGranu, in the sih month cf her '»§©. ■ - /*' " ■ * . NIOBBM;—On the 11th inst;; Willie Bell, youngest soil of Bemuel and Elvira L. Nicbtsm, seed 19 months. * BEaGAN.—On the 12th inst., Ann, wife of Patrick Rtftgarj. # ;E EE VES.—On -the morning of August 11, 1862, Hen- ir lai't son of Henty and Kabocca Reeves, aged 1 year and 23 days. * . BOBI? the 11th inst, Elizabeth Robinson, wife of the iate John Robinson, in the 81st yearof her age : -:x 'i'- ■ ■ >■■ ■ - & ■ RULE.—On the 32th inst., Sallie Young, daughter ot Robert John and Eliza Role, aged 3 y ears and 2 mouths. ’ TOMPKINS.—On the lltb inst, William Tompkins, aged 51 yea’s. , * TBORNE.—On the ltth iost., Sarah Jane, wife of Jarofrp L..Th: rue, aged 18 yews and 8 months. # SOBELL —On the ILth last, Sebastian Schell, in the 62d year of his age, * WALTON —On the 12th inst, Sarah Walton, of con sumption, wife of John S» Walton, 25. ayj oubkino stoei.—besson & J.VJ SOW. No. 918 CHESTNUT Street. Black Mousseline do Laineß, double widths. Black Tamises. - Black Summer Bombazines* ’ Black .EiigHsh Bombazines. Black Alpacas, bombaziae finish. Black Gres Grain and Poult de Sole Silks. Black Crape Marete and Bweges. Black Barfge Hemani. Black Bilk Grenadinea. BlMk and .White .Lawns, Ginghams. &c. 5y23 iy==» NORRISTOWN RAILHO lB —THE LL? 11 * J*. M. Train for MANAiUSK and ROB- IlilOVd will be disoontinned for iba prawnt.- . * H. K. SMTH, General Sacerinteodent. rjr==» CAPTAIN JAMEi TAGGART, OF CO. 1 L < ii, s:h Pennsylvania Reserves, wag first reported kihed on the etehingof June ,30thi and afterwardsclassed among the wounded,in the oflleial reporta of Gen. Sey mour Brd Gen. FUz John Pbrrer. Any information of him, living or dead, will be moat gratefully aopreciated by his relatives and friends. JOAN TAeSAET, . : Northumberland, Pa. BAYID T/.GGAET, Paymaster U. S A., anl4-tf Philadelphia. AT A STATED MEETING, - HELD [L3 this evening, TUESDAY, August 11th, 1882, it was, nnanimonBl). . Resolved, That the Jlepnbiican Association of Twenty fourth ward, as an evidence of their desire for a thorough end hearty union of the friends of the National Govern ment,' suspend all - further Delegate Elections, In this ward, for the October general election. ' JX P. BOUTH:WORTH, President. T. W. Maiitis, Secretary. It* TUOKTEKBITHWARD—A MEET -IJ3 INC of the People’s Party Association will meet TUIS (Thmsday) EVENING, at Spring Garden Hail. Punclual attendance is particularly requested. . , Bv order, [lt*] DAVID OR A M E 8; President. iyl== AT A MSETING OF THE REPUB LIC LIGAN Association of theg Nineteenth ward, held in pursuance of their rules on TUESDAYEVENING, August 12tb, t v e following preamble and resolntions were TOBtdmbutly adopted, and ordered to be published; ' Whereas, ’’ be time has arrived when patriotism de mur ds a sacrifice of personal aspirations and party pre judices for the general welfare, our Rational Government being encompasstd by the diffleoltiesofan intestine war, and threatened with the hostile interventie* of foreign potsniates : therefore,” : Resolved, That the sentiments embraced in the reso lutions adapted by the Convention meeting, at Sixth and Chestnut streets, on Monday, August lXtb, meet our hearty approbation, and that, in reiterating those senti ments, we invite the co-operation of. all loyal men, of whatever party, promising onr aid to secure a re presentation, upon both city and ward tickets, of aU classes of onr , citizsßß, and thus prove we prefer the in , terest of our country; to that of ourparty. Rejoined, That we will discountenance all attempts.to confine the nominations to any party! or branch of any party, as calculated to dissever the friends otthe National Admlnisi ration, and hence we earnestly invite all loyal fellow citizens to join with ub in the selection of delegates on TUESDAY, 26th inet., and thus secure a representa tion of the Royal Democracy, as well as the Republican and People’s parties. - J. FLETCHER BDDD, President Jas. Milmqah, Jr., Secretary. aul4 2t* rv*c=A NOTICE.—THE SUBSCRIBERS TO THE CITIZENS’ BOUNTY FUND, to aid Re cruiting, are hereby notified that the Treasnrer of the Fund, SINGLETON A. MERGES, Ear., will receive the amounts of their subscriptions, dally, at the Farm ers’ and Mechanics’ Bank, and furnish them with printed receipts for the same: or their subscriptions maybe paid to the member of the Committee to whom they subscribed, and the Treasnrer’B receipt will be sent to the donor. By order ot the Committee. . • jv2B-tf THOMAS WEBSTER, Chairman. SPECIAL NOTICES. 'Urtta-lv JO?3TBR e no , Rfcro** ryvsr. OUR COUNTRY! TO ARMS!!—THE 113 COMMITTEE appointed to race ve Subsoriptions in aid of the CITIZENS’ BOUNTY FUND, for pro viding tbo proportion of Philadelphia’s quota of men to increase the Army of the Republic, sit daily at ' INDEPENDENCE 1 HALL, From 10 A. M. to 2 P M. By order of the Committee. jy29 tSI THOMAB WEBSTER, Chairman. ! rw?==» INSURANCE COMPANY OF THE, lO STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA—PHILADEL PHIA, August 4,1862. —The Directors have this day de clared a dividend of SIX PER CENT, or Twelve Dol lars per share, payable to the stockholders or their legal representatives, on demand. au6-lot WILLIAM HARPER, Secretary. ry-==» RECRUITS FOR PHILADELPHIA U 3 REGIMENTS IN THE FIELD. The DIS BURSING AGENCY OF THE OITCZENS’ BOUNTY, FUND announce to aU Recruiting Officers for Phila delphia Regiments in the fltld, that thsy sit, . DAILY, between A M. and 12 M, at th- lr Office, in front oil the FARMERS AND MECHANICS BANK, and are prepared to pay.. ... . . :Yi -86-Prt-mtum to each Recruit, And ; #BO Bounty to each Recruit,uoOD compliance. with the forms they have adopted: Information in detail given oh application to the” undersigned. Bocrultins Officers twill please present their credentials for enllatipa f " - - ~ MICHAEL, Vi BAKERS . : ’ GEORGE’WHSTNEP, ? s«9-tsel BING.LBTON-A. MERGER. fvu?» } CITIZENS’ BOCISTY FUND* SNSTI UC3 TUTED to aid the prompt increase of tho armies - ! of the UnitedSt&tes.—ThoOsmujltleedn Oorreaijondenoe, to whom has been entrsyded the duty of addressing the wealthy: and patrioticWtizens whomaybe absent From the city, will receive, at the Independence r Hall, by mart or cjsherwise,' the names aod present post oflice addreesofAU Bucboitiaeosaa may bo alraent fronr the city, mid..fey*«nggeWohßtthat'theff'fenow"o!tlzehg j ■ mardcfm. -proper: to’commnhicata'totaehii 'iiiaii.i.c r'* By otd'ar Ofj I "snB- OS ryfs=. THIS UNITE® STATUS SANITARY Ui3 COM HI?SION—PBILADRLP IIA AGE ■fOY. | fto. 1238 OfiESTNUr-8 TREKT —The eHtowiiig recoin. iinendaiioD, by the Presioent of- the’lUnited dcatos. nuffl cieotls antbenticah-s the Oommissloaito the public: “The B»ntt«ry Oon«nissipp,ls doing» wort of great bumsnit) and direct pi acticnl yaiuhito the nati'n in this time of its trial It >, entitled to the gratltade and cou fidenoe, of. the ,p> ople. and .1 trust It will be geoeromily supported Th.rois no auency through whioh yoluntary offeilngs of patriotisni can be more effectively made ” 5 “ABBAHAM LINCOLN.” Tbe undersigned will receive, and forward to places where rbe» may bo most needed, all contributions for,the sick and wonnded. ! • i s . i . - Tbe'articles most required, are ,Mubllu -Shirts,,and Drawers (both > Id and new), woollen Undershirts, Panta loons, and Stockings! and for which tnere is ao.inoessant demand. \ , , ; V W. PLaTT, Ja, : : anl-IBt ", bnpo.intwndent. OmCKOFTHte BOARD UF H tAL PH, . H b. W. comer BiX'CS.and BANSuM Sts.— PuiLa- DKLIHM. Aughal 12 1802. . I nil. oirecten bj the Board of Health to publish tho following copy of a reßelntin, adopted hr chain this date: " :: Wash. I, BuADSS, OlerH. s Whereat, Information has been received that the Yel low Pfjveftto'prevßlJing ’at Key Vest; therefore, Unsolved, That pnbbe notice be eireo,that all vessels then fiotte'artivihk at'he Port of Philadelphia, shall ttrst ft' p at the Lazaretto Station, and there be treated In ac cordance with Section Ninth of the 'Health Laws of 1848 ' anl2. St CITY BOUNTY UJB ’ , TO THK VULUSI :fe;KRS 1 *\ a oticfi'tß .hereby glv»*iu that *he /‘on mission appoint* efl bv ih© Mavor, under nn'O'riinancv entitled: (> A.n i prcUnaticeto make an appropriation to 1 aid • the ;,n>ebt of* Tolumeerst** approvpd'JhH^26fchi■'■lB62. will he at itn iifflce, No 412 PBONS] stro-t;’DaIIjY, .chefwrei),the hour* ori2 6*clobft M and 3 o’clock P, M\, LSmidßyft' for thM of aopH eetfbn* fromiatid graotlrisc cortificafeß tc»» the VolnutWßrs tp rf . aloneyfrom the Oity ot Phi*- -Jadelpbm.. s&id ordinance.and the supplements ~tbw>to 'Fnr the pre «u.t, appHcationa ; wiU ho recwived yj.orlj wb* : * have, been" eriliated rto the Olty of ■ PhUadeluhiaron account of its <juMa»t under ...the call of the Governor .-and have bean nuMfcernd;for sorvion tn the Dew Regiments. as the bounty to tho recruits fnr the Old Begin ei,tB is xheftrod raised by private sub ' Bcripijoii;'atid-whlob pa>menfct by a Supplementary Or* oinarce.: approved August 4th» 1862, excludes inch re cruits frontparticlpalim? in the Oit.y Bounty Fond: -stitnp payable to all who havo thus voiunte<red in ,tbacity of Philadelphia, rind'have boon so imutorefl into the new Comoftbies and ra‘Med (whetherre«» . rierts of tbe’clty oretsowber®) since the call of the Pre sident f«f800~000 additional volunteers, or who shall hereaPer volntitetr, and bo bo mustered under said call, are as ToUowh ? ,9 momHa Vocroits..... 12-nioriThß/j do ye#rF ort-fcheAP»r..: ' 1 he Bomuyiie payable one-ha 1 F orhon the Oomnaaf to iwlnoh the claimant belong'* it* and. thttcnptain tnereof ; le ninut*red into and thoromaindar when'the' he ■ tfmmt is completer and the comm-iuding offieer-taereof ebnll baje into the eervice. .■■■■*:.■'. , The eyidewce required for the oortiQcato for the first fnatalmet t wifi be:, r ; , ; » let A wpy 'f f the roll of the company, duly certified by. the .United. Stateß officer - 2-Vi Satisfactory *Tid»nce that the applicant traa en listed in the city of Pailadelphta f:-r the parp >aei afore eaia.t " ' ■■■ • ■■ v ' ' For the remaining instalment, It mast be ebown that the claimant fo'eriU a ioembtr of the company, and fhat thf* regiment to"which the company has hoen attache d iec«>aipl‘*tH.. Rlauk formßof appsicHt(onwiUbe furnished bt the office of the c£>E3miessoa, 412 Prone street JOHN O. KNOXi Chairman. Philadelphia, August 11.1862. aul2 I2fc pyn=s». OUR COUNTRY! :T0 ARMS!-PA- Uof i" T,BIO - N iO Oitiaepa'whb'desire to subscribe to the * ITJZESS’;BOUNTY FUN 0, to aid the recruiting of the Pbilodfjphia quota; of the call for three hundred .thousand-men, are reeoectfuiiy iDformed that * the OoiumKtfe will sit daily: to.receivo subscriptions from ten A M to two P. M at INDBPBNDENHB HALL. Pubtcripiiona may Ukewiße be seat to either of the un dersigned: • AUVX ANDBBHBN BY, Mayor’s Office. OHABLES GIBBOJM 1» (Secretary, 252 South Third strer t 1 1 OHABLE3 D.FBEEMAN, Secretary, 602 Sausom street ' JAMES McCXjINTOOK, . City Treasurer, Girard Bath. . B ENBY D. MOOEE, State Treasurer, 664 North Eleventh HTrpet. ■■ , SINGLETON A. Mi 7 TITER, Treasurer , of Fund, Faimrre? and Mechanics 1 Bank. THOMAS WEBSTER, 14 North Delaware avenue. WII.LI AM WauSH, 218 South-Delaware avenue, J; BO' S SROWDKN; Independeii'ce HaU. ADOLPH E. NORTE, 153 Do* street. 8 W NE COURSEY, 881 Olieetnut'street. , GEORGE H STUART, 13-Bank street. • MIOH AEIi.V ,BAKER, Independence Hall. . GEORGE WHITNEY, office of A: Whitney- * Sons. BItfHABD O DADE. 621 Market street. . liORIN NBODGKTi Board of Trade booms. JOB N E. A ODIOKS, I.,dependence Hall. JOHN D. WATSoN. office of North American.'. v JAMES iwiLTilKEfj.,4lo Walnut street. Ward committees will be 'appointed to oroouresnb* scrintlnns tu every ward in the city, due notice of which will sherdy apnear. All-subscription* will-be acknowledged dally in the papers, nnlnsa otherwise requested. By order of the Gemnntroe, . Jy29 TtIoMAS WEBSTER, Chairman. removals. frag=s V-'M. 8. WILKINSON. DKN- bus removert bin to No. 110 North KJLEVENTTI Bfret-t, ohoTe Arch street. - aalJ.6*:# POLITICAL T?OS OIIY CONI’BOLIi®E ) .IB62, X’ GEO., W. HUETT, , ..FOUR; EENTH .Wa.RD • MILITARY. Aj BHCKT/JL BRIGADE.— FIF E| T3STCN BIKN WAITED to fill a.. Company la this l|| > Doimiir 001 pa. Lon’t Vuit to bs drafted, bnt corns ,”£■earlyiand receive the boniity. Pay and retinue to 'commence'at; once. ' Kecrni.ting Offlie at - SIADI3ON Hl.flSß 37 aßd*S9 North SECOWD STKE'R't. ißiLnot. Ch H. Miller,} BT. JANNEY, . ■2 6. Lieut A. T. XiSVJHB'. V It#' Captain. Ij f 162 BO! 'NT.T. G LOT SING-, PS PAT. and RATIONS immwiiatoly. U9tb R-at- Jjf. mcßt {Gray tteserves), OolODtl.R. OiVlliljSCiKlSßv Accepted for three - Beeruits wanted for Company 0, at 204'WAl.NTJT Street, - Oapfate A. T, GOODMAN. F-.rßtXieat. BENJAMIN SAY CEB, . Sfccond Uent. JAMES W. LATI’A. | DON’T WAIT TO BE DRAFTED. Cj| ~~ltfen wanted lo fill a Company for special sbr- JjJ : .vies, by awth -rfty otthe ArijatAnt Genera' of Peon- Bjlvania. .Blghf-st hountygiveo. One month-’B pay} rations and $lO jn advance on enheriDg. • .N. B —Eecroitß wiil be mustered into the service im mediately. - - . Apply at No. 1021 OREST SUT Street. ZEISS'S. W. corner of ELEVENTH andFITZ WATEB Streets. Lieutenant II S. SOHOM4EK.KB, Becrniting and Mastering Officer. a. EEOJRUiTS Ranted fo a oo.a fl.P'ijiT- 1. 121st Begiment, P.V., Colonel CH.AP- JhMSN BIDDLE. SlO2 bounty, aod one month’s pay ““in advance. Apply at ao 229 North SEOOND dt. J "UN DUEBOBOW, Lieutenant "arid BfCruitmg Officer. ; an! 2 B># j) BUOKTAIL RIFLE BRIGADE. . 1 5165 BOUNTY..; Ilf *lO EXTBA BOUNTY for first fifteen men. Men mustered iu on enlistment. Pay and rations to continence at ence. CHAS; 8. BOYD, (Formerly of Commonwealth Artille'y,) Second Xioutenant and Recruiting Offlcer, »ul2-4l* • 1131 FRANK FORD Bead. M EEORUITS WANTED; IMM@- HBIATETjT, for. the.- Color Company or the 231 iIIPBIIiADELPBIA LIGHT INFANTBY, (12lst P. V.), 061. CHAPMAN BIOIH E. Apply at the North east coiner SIXTH and MINOR Streets. ■. J PRANK STBRMNG, JAMES MAGNER, Becrniting Officers. anl2 Bt* fi.LAfJ DAY BUT TWO OB’ THE b| BOOH'XT—Gray Beserves;ll9Ui Regiment P. V. 81 b'2 Bounty and $13 —one month’s pay—in advance. $lO when sent to cnmp. $2 when:mastered in; ... f Col. P. 0 EUBHAKEB. Becruiting Hondanarterfl. 305 ABOH Street. - Capt. EJ6NBY E. TKCBFITT, Js First Bient. ChaB. Nobbb,' Jr. Second Went F. B. Faust. 1} ] 21st REGIMENT PENNSYL- S VANIA VOLUNTEERS, Colonel CHAPMAN 1/ BlrfDl/E: ' ’“- RECRUITS WANTED ; FOB THE WAR. A premium of $2 will be paid , to each recruit at tho • time of muster One month’s pay in advance, and 3160 Bounty, to wit: 82ft United States Bounty fn cash. S5O CRy of Philadelphia Bounty. S)0 Extra Bounty, and : 875;United States Bounty at tho end of tho war. Becrntta; will; be mustered immediately into service. Pay and rations from dßte of moster. Apply at any ot the following recruiting stations : ALEXANDER LAWBIK, Captain: Co. B, No.'SOB ■Vine Bireet. CHARLES F. HULSE, 2d Lieutenant Co. B, 8. W. corner Seventeenth and OalTowhill Btreets. J. FRANK, STERLING, Captain Co. C, N. E. corner Sixth 1 nd Minor streets. GEORGE” WM POWELL, 24 Lieutenant Co. C, N. E. corner of Twelfth and Spring Gardon etreets.’ CHARLES B. ETTING, 2d Lieutenant Co. D, No T QrvwVli afTAht 1 M.V C BARCLAY, 2d Lieutenant Co. E, No. 715 Girard avenue. J. ALFRED KAY, 2d Lieutenant Co. F, Bruner’s Hotel, Main street, Germantown. , . WM. SMITH HOBART, 2d Lieutenant Co. G, Polts toWD, Montgomery county. • * EDWARD GRATZ, Jr,, 2d’Lieutenant Co. H, N. W. corner of Thirteenth and Girard avenue. - .JOHN DUBBOBOW, 2d Lieutenant Co. I, No. 229 ‘North'Second street. JOSHUA. GASSED, 2d Lieutenant Co. K, Main street. Frankford. JOHN lUNGERIOH, 2d Lieutenant, No. 43 North- Third street. . SAMUEL T. LLOYD, Captain Co. E, No. 728 Zano HARRY HEBTZLER, Lieutenant, No. 821 Market street. JAMES ASHWORTH, Captain Co. I, Frankford, JAMES MAGNEB, Lieutenant, N. E. comer 6th and ~Minor street*. .... , ■ WILLIAM W. DORR, Lieutenant, 330 North Thirteenth Btreet. d. J, SAMUEL C. THOMAS, Sergeant Co. D, No. 431 Cbeßtnut street. 1- . _ . J. H. HOLMAN, Frankford roaa and York street. aul2-4t* THOMAS iM. HALL, Adjutant.' § 121st REGIMENT' P. V.—Be crnlts wanted for Company D, of tho 23d Phila delphia Light Infantry, Colonel Chapman -Riddle Apply at the ANDERSON j HOUSE, 1529 SOUTH Street, opposite the Kater .Market. Bounty 8160. Mns tered in at once. - CHARLES E. ETTING, anll-6t' = 4‘i Second Lieutenant 11 THE 116th REGIMENT, P. V., R accepted for three years, are ’now -nearly ready for W the field. Fractions of companies will be accepted ■ from the country. Recrnits from the ot-nntry coming into this regiment will receive 856, bounty in addition to -the bounty paid by their county and General Government. Transportation will ha.fnrnished on application to. these Headquarters, 624 MARKET Strieeti Philadelphia, or to Major G. HI BARDWELL, at «Herr?a Hotel.”. Harris burg.- ■ D. HE BN AN, anll-12t Col; Commanding 116th Regiment, P.Y. 11 CORN EXCHANGE REGIMENT. n| —Major General FRANZ BIGKL has selected thia BJ REGIMENT a» one of the three from the; Btate ol “ Pennsylvania to.he attaohed"to” his command. AIL those who desire to win glory in serring nndtr this SfCL*. 1-nt General, In lbs beautiful and healthy valley oS.the Shenandoah, had better join at once the' rapidly. yanks of the Corn Exchange Regiment. , auftSS*, a* ABLE-BODIED' MEN WANTED H FOB COMPANY H, GRAY RESERVES. - Becruit- IBlng Eeadqnarters,, Barley Sheaf Howli.- SECOND “Street, below Vine. Bounty, #162. . Captain H. H. EDWARDS. First Lientenant L. 8.-RIOHSER- - ' - Second Lieutenant G. W. ZIMERIHAN- r i- anS Bt*.- »[■'.MEN WANTED‘ to W -ifce ranks ‘ H of the PENNSYLVANIA BB6IMBNTS ,now in the 11}-field. • - - -.wV Bounty, preminm, and advance pav.,.BH3. . CaptainHßNSY Ab SOHEKrZ, t #-f.T • ... Aid.to.G.eneral,MpOall, , ! , -GineralßecrnUing Officer, 0 Mjl-.et* ,^vWhi?& c ySII^? r • •...« .$2O 00 SO 00 BO 00 ftn!3 3t* anlS-St* MILITARY. gNLI&TI ENLIST I TEN TOLLABB WILL BE GIVEN, IN -ADDITION TO ALL OTHER ■ BOUNTIESj .< r-■ ••• -t. - ■> . i i-j... i To recruits for the 45TH REGIMENT Pennsylvania .■ Volunteers, * (OoL THOftTA.B WBtiSHi) now at Newport News. OK B BDBDBB D ÜBK t of the first class? are wanted" Immediately for Ihiß regiment, ' , Apply at EVANS &,II ASS ARE’S, ■wiT-tt . ' N.f.V 41* A BOH Strict,,. FINANCIAL. u. s. FIVE TWENTIES; 08, 20YEAB SIX FEB. CENT. BONDS, PAYABLE AT THE OPTION OF THE GOVEBN MENT AFTEB FIVE YEAES.; I am instructed by the BEOBETAB-Y OF THE TBEABUBY to receive subscriptions for the above LOAN AT FAR. THE INTEREST TO COMMENOK FBOM DATE , OF DEPOSIT, Thus avoiding the difficulty heretofore experienced by requiring payment in GOLD of the interest from May teat. ... A fnll supply of these Bonds always on hand. JAY OOOKE, - SUBSCBIPTION AGENT, ’ 134 SOUTH THIRD ST. jy29«tf ' V'l-V.AMES H. WALTON, TXT ALTON ft YOST, TV : ' BASKEBS, BRJKEBS, . fc ’ AND ' G'BVEB&Ii COLLBOTOHB, 250. 26 South THTBD Strict, Philadelphia <• • i \ BEFEBBNCES. Hod. James Pollock, Hon. Ho D. Fomer, Hon,A. -H. Bender, Hon.'isi'Piieker, Hon. Wam-oJ. Woodward, V. B Bradford, B«i- , Jay Cooke & Co., ’ Jhhjcp, Kf-nt, Santee, & Oo. t HkheHck, Black,' & Co.# 0. McßLibbla & Son, E.«P* Mfddlpfor;' & Bro > Hod Wm, Wilkins, . =■ sn7-3m . ' ■ M SCHULTZ & CO. have removed • tobo- 16 South THIRD Street, where they will atter.o to tbe porchase and sale of Yorei m and Domestic Exchange. Gold and Silver,; Old Demand Notes ‘ and other feenrities. autl* Im* tfo CAA—TBIB AMOUNT WANT ED! upon Mortgage, first-class Farm near fhe city. ; Apply to; E PETTIT,- - jj 12 , No. 800 WALSTJTStreet. PHOTOGRAPHS. TT CANNOT BE ELSE. IB 1 YOU X call at invest $1 ici a Colored Pho tograph. You wiji be well pleased with it: . they arear tipticalJy finisbtdpictures. SEOOND Street, aboro Green. , - - -■ * It* • Y^AR,PRICED. —Take into oonsi- W dpratiolTthefiict that RE OIK TVS poonlar.and e'eeant Portraits, Oil colored, Photographs, of Life-tize, are now’ being made at reduced prices to suit tho times. SECOND Street. a*»ovs Gr*en. ~ ~ It* PROPOSALS. TEON VESSELS FOR UJ.YER AND J. H&EBOB DEFENCE.—The NAVV OEPABT MBN r *ih receive for? tbe xonatraction ; and in every * respect, exceot" gdns. ordnance • s*orf-s. provisions, fuel, and nautlcal dustraments, for vessels of iron for river and harbor' "defence, similar to. ; t»’Ope buildingi*. New York h*YlDg-,a--r®^^~~'^ of the Teßoc!c‘'tv“DD“-F*-w-w»A- ,| T** , i r Cocd6Dß rtP tOr siinpWing the boilers with pure-water.. On personal ap plication .to. the Department ..parties intending to offer can see the -plans and epecidcationfv which will be far hipbed to the contractor by the Department. = - .No oiler will be considered unless from parlies who are tfully prepared' tb execute work of this kind, havm? in tbeir£own • name at the present timesuitable shops and; tools. / >- • The act of Cor cross approved July 17th, ISO'S, pro* hi bits the transfer of any contract, or order, or interest therein.. 1 r/ ' •- The bidders wiU state the “price and the least time in which they will to complete Ihe vessel, and the re duced price for earh sncceediug mouth Propositions will be until the 21-*t of August, but will be ex tended to the 28th of Augußt for parties west of the mountains -v \ The pr- posals must be endorsed Prooosals foTlron Vesseis jor River andJßarbor Defence to disti'ientah them frnm. other business fetters. : , ‘ ■ aul4-4t ; mo PATRIOTIC BOOE-FANC SEES, —A young man, desirous of ltmhedlately : volun teering in this the hour ofhis country’s peril, and anxious to leave h is family the iceana,of, HveUhoqd., would : v pledge (or sell outright). to any gentleman who would' advance a reasonable sum on them, a number of BARE LIBE RAL PODITIOADi and ttISOBL DAN SOUS WOItKH, accumulated after much toil and at considerable expense. A note addressed to * I J. N. ftf.,” Office of The Prets, will receive prompt personal attention.. au!3-2c TVORY TY PES.—lleimer’s Beautiful X_. and natural Ivorytypes are the theme of universal admiration' Head , finely modelled, flesh tints life-like and natural. Gallery, SECOND Bt, above Green. It* MILLER’S ARMY BALSAM.—A Booster-liable remedy for the prevention and cure of- Dysenteiy, Diarrhoea, and Bovrel UomplaintH. Pro pared especially for army use, and adapted to camp dysentery. Imitations being offered, bay none without the proprietor's signature i» on each bottle. FBEB’K A. MILLEK, 1 No. 224 North TBiBD Street, - Corner of Branch, Philadelphia. Also for sole at No. 1337 RIDGE Avenue, and by GEOJRGE O BOV EB, N. E. cornor’Sixth and Vino. aul3"Wenr.Gt* -JTY TRUSS AND BRACE DE ffIRaSPABTMENT. ■ 0. H. NEEDLES, Corner TWELFTH nod BACK Street*, Philadelphia. Hernial Truese* and mechanical appliances correctly adjusted by 0. H. NEEDLES. Fine French and approved American, adapted.to every form of rapture, in adnlte and children, English and American Supporters and Belts, Shoulder Braces, Sus pensories, Elastic Stockings, and. Syringes in great va riety. ladies’ Department, TWELFTH Street, first door below Bace. Oondncted by competent ladies. . jySS.Siu if. . A CARD TO THE PUBLIC. CONGRESS SPRING* WATER DEPOT, 98 CEDAR STREET, NEW YOBK, An attompt has been made to deceive the public by. persona offering what-they call “Conobess Watb*’l from fountains, and at the price of six (6) cents perglsas. The wholesale price of the genuine OongTeßS Water, at New York, being about 7 cents per glaSB, the imposl tirn of pretending to sell at retail at less than cost, and without allowance for freight, cartage, or breakage, it apparent; but their probable course has been to empty one bottle of genuine Congress Water into a fountain fillod with their trash,-and- thereby christening its total' contents. . . We liavo nkvks Bold Congress Water In toantalns, nor In Teasels of auy other description than ordinary- riled: glass bottles. The cork or every bottle of the genuine it " branded* ■ .-■» ■ ■■ And any without I “ ——lthoae words and let- IOONGEEBS 1 ten on the cork is 0. * W. : ooißUlFm WATEB. ■ ■ tatrm nr hnttlea. CLARKE & WHITE, Proprietors of Congress Spring. whether from fonn- The Following gentlemen are "supplied by ue regularly with genuine Congress Water, In bottles, fresh from thi Congress Spring: FBED’K BBOWN,oor. Fifth and Chestnut st*. O. S. HUBBELL, 1410 Chestnut street. OHAB. ELLIS, * 00., Market street. E.J BTEVKNB & CO., Sontinental Hotel. AMBBOSE SMITH, Chestnut street J. 0. TUBNPEBNY A CO., Sil Spruce street. THOB. J. HUSBAND, cor. Third and Spruoe sta. WYETH Bros., Walnut street. CLAKKE & WHITE . Se3o-2mif ■ g FRANK. PALMER, , Surgeon Artist to the Government Institutions, Wash ington. Also, to all of the Medical Colleges and Hob pitals. The “PALMEB LIMBS,” adopted bp the Army, and Navy Surgeons. Pamphlets-sent gratis. Address, B. FBAN&. PALMEB, jy2-6m No. 180 S CHESTNUT Street, Phllad’a. TU&T'RICBIVBD 10,000 POUNDS t) best qnailty Linon Thread for Sewing Machines, Nob. AO a 70, put-npin 2-ounce and on 200-yard spools, and for Bale by WOLGAMUTH A-BALEIGH, an!2-12t No. 0 BANK Street. eases St. Julien Me doe Claret for tale by OBLABUDS 8. OABBTAIBS, So. 138WAX.HUT Street TOTtEJP-K PEAS.—An invoioe of su- Sj « .'netior'-<»®oisaußeorre” for ealeb; * V CHAfI. s; OABSTAJBB, 138 WAWSDT Street TpOM! WINE, —Tarragona and Oporto JF' Port for tale. In bond, b> ■ ; -' 1 \ ' V * ' ’ OHAB. 8. OA.H9TA.IBB, No. ISM WAXNOT Street. T AUIEB’ AND GENTS’ BAIR I J OTIIB in Paris fttFOUBTHand BE INCH. j ■ - ' i:.. Bay bum.—an invoice op wry superior BAT BUM, In Quarter oaska. jnM/ nMired ud for ulfl by OHAB. 1 & •OABBTAXB9 i i . jjU MMliin Street^. QREEN GIHGBB.- 35 bbls. . GINGEB, recetrefl diiwt from Cuba, foe tale BHOOEB * WITjMAHS, . . lW Sonth WATEB Street , ,iPt&STHiE SOAE.^^-airanted; ?ace! ' V4iM»rseUle« Bow to ■to** ■•&£ tor sale by.!. r —®- ; -- - - B2IODKB'.& WfLLIAMB. ; Jyli ...... a "WATSB'SJrMt. .THOMAS W. TOST, Saratoga, July 1, 1863. I>,KY-GOODS JOBBERS. YARO,C*ILLMORE s &Oo., Koa. 61Y OHEBTNUT and 614 JAYNE Btmta, ; \ V [ : "f 1 ' Hava now open tlielr • FALL IMPORTATION ' OF BILK AND FANCY , DRESS GOODS, SHAWLS, WHITE GOODS, LIKENS, EMBROIDERIES, &c. . BOUGHTIN EURO PE BY ONE OF THE FlttM. To which the attention of the trade is sarticnlft’-Iy in ■»ihd. ' '■ . ' aull-lim X MILITARY GOODS. JJVANS & HASSALL. MILITARY FURNISHERS, No.- 418 ARCH STREET, PHILADELPHIA. MILITARY GOODS, OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, ano-6t WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. XTOTICB TO CONTRACTORS. “-JL*; Baying made large lota of Infantry Moontinga, Knapsack Mounting*, ami Oava\ry Stmr* list fall, we are now prepared ro take orders for any of these articles, to any amount, and fill them promptly ' Address 0. A. VaN KUIR & 00.. F»aokfordi Pa- < aulS inwfßi# COMMISSION HOUSES. SHEETINGS. 10-4, 9-4, 8-4, AND 5-4 BLEACHED SHEETINGS PEPPERILL & BATES' MILLS. FOB SALE BY WELLING, COFFIN, & Co., anS-itntbOt jJED-QUILTS, SUITABLE FOR HOSPITAL PURPOSES. 8,000 10-1 WHITE AND BLUE AHD WHITE AND ■■■ SLATE. . ALSO, 3~4 ana 6-4 INDIGO BLUE FLANNELS. For anle by FROTHINGHAM & WELLS, jyl6-2m 84 N. JBONT and 35 LETITIA STBEHT. gHXPLEY. HAZAKD, & HUTCHINSON. No. 119 CHESTNUT BTBEBIV , COMMISSION MEBOHAMTM. yoi nca Rii.a o» PHILADELPHIA-MADE GOODS. , mb'-SB-Sm . GENTS’ FURNISHING GOODS. hwe shirt manufactory. MI TDe tfat«iuri»vc^—wWnld ~tu V tUf ‘iVCWmiIOTTW BJS~ IMLPRQTfBjn I iITT-juJ-S Which he makes a speciality li> bis bnstaess. Also, ooa- TOB GHHTI.IIMKN’3 WEAK. J.W.SOOTT, BENTIiBJIBS’S EUBNISHIGG • STOB*, m. 814 CHESTNUT STREET, FotiT doors below the Continental. SEWING MACHINES. & WILSON. SEWING MACHINES, 628 CHESTNUT STREET, jol3«Sm PHTLAOIBIiPHIA. WATCHES AND JEWELRY. AMERICAN WA3 CJB.ES, GOLD AND SILVER CASES. JOS H. WATSON. jy3l-8m : Wo. 326 OH.BBTNUT street* WATCHES, JEWELRY, to. | A FRESH AS«(J RTMEN T, at LESS X3L THAN- FOBMEB PBICIES. VABB & BBOTHEB, Importer!!, 824 CHESTNUT Street, below Fourth LOOKING GLASSES. JAMES S. EARLE ft SON, HANUFAOTUBEBB AND IMPOBTBBS or : IiOOKING GLASSES, OIL'PAINTINGS, FINS -®N GRATINGS, PICTURE AND PORTRAIT FRAMES, ' PHOTOGRAPH FRAMES, PHOTOGBAPH ALBUMS, CABTEB-DX-VISITS POBTBAITS. EARLE’S GALLERIES. 818 CHESTNUT STREET, Jalß THHJIDgUgIA. v DRUGS AND CHEMICALS. JJOBERT SHOEMAKER & GO., Northeast Comer FOURTH and EACH Streets; : .PHILADELPHIA, WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS, - IMPORTERS AND DEALERS' IK FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC WINDOW AND PLATE GLASS, MAKOTACTUBBaS OF . WHITE LEAD'AND ZINC PAINTS, PUTTY, &c. AGKKTS FOB THH CBLKBKATED ERENOH ZINC PAINTS. Dealers and consumers anpjliod at VEKY LOW PRICES FOR CASH. ' mh29-tsel• INSURANCE COMPANIES. QERARD DM AND MARINS INSURANCE COMPANY. OT7IOB 418 WALNUT STBEBT, PHILADBI.PHJ* CAPITAL $200,000. This company continues to take risks on t3w sate daises of Property at low rates. The pnbllo can rely upon lte responsibility, and abffl ty to pay losses promptly. Its dlsbnrsemaats-lor th benefit of the pnblle, during the last nine pMM, exceed $ 50 0,000, Kid we reepeotfnlly solicit its favor intaafutar*. DIBBOTOBS. OHAB. I. DUPONT, JEBBT WALK.KB, JOES W.OLAGHOBH, JOHN THOBNIiNT, 0.». HUASIiITT, ABBASAH HAST, DAVID BOTD, Jr., PBTHB 8- HOB, of Hi 5 WM. M. BWAXN, HBBMAN BHKPBABD JOBSPH KLAPP, M.D. N. 8. DAWBKNOM, WH.O.BUDHAH, JOHN BUPPDBH. ■>' ‘ THOMAS OBA¥HN, PnaUsnA A. B. GILLETT.YIo# President JAB. B. ALPOBD, Seenaiary. apSO-tt •WAME INSTBEAKOE COMPANY, X! H 0.406 OHBBIPSUT Breefc _■ nan jmo. wt&xo mensAwoM. D&seroßs. V. N.Bnck, BID. WoodruS, Ohas. Blobardeon, John KesalerjJr., Henry lewis, Jr., P.S. Justice, Alra.'V&blUdln, Washington Jobss, 6eo.Av.West, Ohaa. Btokee,' O. W. Davis, JobnW. Hvennan. BBANCIB H. BUCK, Preeldent. - OHAHLSB B3CHABDSON, Tioe Pj"*™"**; Vgfr.T.TAMa LDUANOHABD. Secretary. [mhlfr.gt P*HHBVI,TAmA. i)iBIOTOBa ’ n.lrii jetme M.D., .Charts# H. Bogart, SK, John K. Walker, wtwudO-Knigbt, Bobert Sboemaksr,-. -SSSS B- Btewti William Strothers, : BUiah Jones. Henry «• JAn }w M D Precldent. JOHN M: WHITALL, TUa Praaldttl BAMUBIiS, MOON, Secretary. ' BnU&nf,'Bl3 gHßßxaw SSO CHESTNUT Street. •.; sot-.-.” • “ NEW TEBLICATtONS. New books at reduoid paioES. - ’ BJarlof, by Victor Hugo. ...40 cents. - Faiiflne. by Victor Htito...., ..40 ooats, : Ooßotte, by Victor Hug 0....... 40 cants. Bansof Iceland, by Vmtor cent-. Btn-cbbatk of Noire D«me, by : Yictor 8d8»..,40 cents ->V Mrs, Grey .AO.-ofeiK. .i a N0w1a...':..... ;Z2i4b oSata, Flving Batcbman, by Saxe ,J4f bent*.- Trollota’aAmrrtca ....'SOconte. - 1 :» Wartsßrothertnlt, by Wtnthrnp .!„’!)!..» eenta.- - AU BobM'soidat a (HBConot fromi'the onhiinher's 9rtc« at Cheap Booftrtore. 439 OBBHIS- ’ Ci DT.,Street. ■ • aall SS“ 1 TVpiWi G3SMNABTICS.—New Gjm- and Ol>itfren. ByTJio * liewls, M ,3) With sl. Fot'ooe ot Arthur Hutch Clough, blue aad gold. 75cent&, Volume 9 Lockhait’a Life of Scoit, Boston ediUofc, 7S ci*ote e * ;i ‘ ... . .. .. ... .. Portrait.ofMajrrr GetierrirPopfl, 83 "cents. For ®ale by WLLLXA3I S. & aLFRE* W.\R‘'lBSr,; ' 606' nB E*TOT C EDUCATIONAL. ra'NTBAI, INSTITUTE, „TENTS . Vi/ and SPRING; GABBEN Street#, will reopen d*p- ■ . tenberl Bo>s prepared-foraay Oivtaion of tha Pablio ’• Giftum&r BchooUJfor OoP«ge, o> for B'is»ne*a. ” ' aul4-loi* B. G-: MoGTJfRB. a-. Rf « Principal V .. W BEOTHJBBHJSAIVB 01R OU' ’• "V tAtJNO IiiBEAST.—AU ttfo tBW Eugjieb. '• and American ALL OLASSBH ofLite rature. This is the ONLYXlbrari 'in the country thai , includes all the NEW ENGLISH BOOKS that are net BBPRINTEB here, " * '...; / /.; ’.V ;.. Tennfe S 6 per year; 0 months S 3; three months SlJtfV or 3 cents pßr day, 218 South KTGHTff Street- jy7-2m* AMUSEMENTS DT. JOHN’SJOHPBAN ASYLUM.— 0 OH*SO anfl'Hl, FR-mYvL. ... AUGUST 16 HI. 1862 FRIDAY, Tbs Board of Managers to announce to the large ruiober of the friends'-of rhe-TAsyiiio), expected at r.nia s ; Festival, that'ho PE N N bYUVAN I A?C« NI ft a L RAIG- ■* hOAI) COMPANY have Uindty co aeoted to Uke ?;■ ppten to a point opposite, t e:As> turn Gronnds, o«i their regular trains, teavi'ug ELEVENTH and; ME ABKE C 8»*•; at B 45 A M.,22 and 230 P. ML; and i*huy,wlU.«tao-raa ox«ra trains to Grounds ano hack at interval-*: t-3# ’ minute*, starting fronitbe IH'po'i, V?rst P/olalelohi*. afc: 1 o’clock P M. thsi da*, and propping opposite the Wins r Bifdge. going and returning; totafeo tio letdown pas- & - sebgers. Fare for t»w'Excursion 10 to be hM of: ’ the Managers and the Member Boflbn Society of St Vin cent de Paul, and of the Conductors on.tbe Oars. It* Pennsylvania academy or THE FINE ARTS, . 1026 CHESTNUT STREET, la ( Sundays excrptod) from 9 A M.tfil 6 F. TB . AAmxcsioß !Jconta. ObUdran haU prloo.: Shared of Stock. *3O -.-• jv» BOARDIN'®. STJ MM EE HO ARD, N E iR MIDI A, DELAWARE CO., PA. ' ’ ' , WALLINGFORD STATION. ■ AhcommodatioDs for a lew Booms' large and airy. (VnimliDicaLiou with thoAity Bvo lime* daily. : inIS St* ■.. 'FE T ER WORRAL L. Jr. LOST AND FOUND, . EBOii IPT L’^ST.—A Mmt • IVB Receipt, No.; 219. dated J nly- 12 1 862, for 7»S 60-100 buiccVnf silver Bullion, payable torJA3. B At*- . v VOBB or order, has been lost. Tho public are. cautioned; •not to receive or negotiate the same, as its; o *y caenc- has • been ►toopf'd at the Mini.. / . J AA. B. 4.LVORD, Philadelphia, Anen*'tT2 l 4 1862 i f ; . au!3-3 ; * ei C HAA .WANTE o-ln a Wet Cash t-PX* y vl/ Blamifactnri'-gbngfoeag well >1 Partner, either active or s'leot with 510,0.0 or SU,COO Id c»sh. Profits .w-ry large ; Theven oe-.t ci»y rc-ftroucH given a* to rmsiuesa aod character of aiv*r tieer. AddreEß “R Im J} ?. O.Box 1390, Phila, au!4-2t TTTAl^Tfcl.)—A BOY, sixteen years •W old* in ft Dry Goods Commission H/»u<e r; Adr drefes, in handwriting of applicant, Box 383, Poat offioe, apl3»2lr TXT A N TED—A young MAN. as Entry * * Clerk** Addres®, with r»;ter emcee, Box 1209' P >at an!*2 3t* \ TXTANTEO—A PAKTfNTEam THB V,T MOBOOOO MA.SU'PA;!TPpi?fS . ■with a cop tal of five or elght.thonaand dollars. Thh J! money can be aa the business ba». •> been established tor a.-;mjmber of years . T.he f*ctorr : now occupied i* complete. and every way suitable •* For p*rhcul«re\ apply efc southeast; wrner of CANAE» astd .FOBR r 0 Streets. Sixteenth -Ward, - : anll-5'* : FOR SALE AND .TO. LET. TT7S BBIFQ I,OOMS FOR £A.LSI.— VY The Fixtures, Looms of a W'ab- , biog Manufactorj, QuiUe>, 3 >bbioB« &c., are offered for sale, Part,of th* Loonn are obw, iromeciate operaticw* Jtiih.a of • .• auK 3t IAA BBAIDINGMACHINES WITH * VV Bonblfrß and •,Winders, for? sale cheap for ca-di. All in gocd laeiiing’order. Apply to O H. BIBN VBI», Empire'Worfrv foot of Twenty-fifth street, aW East Biver. New Tnrk. - ; / an 13 6t MEDICINAL. TX7 OKI BRBOL S i.?lKifePlif i G DIS- V f com? OF PROP. O. IT 80LLE3.1220 WALNUT STREET, PHItiADIBLPHIA. S? AT> THE FALLOWING CAREFULLY. The difference betwee?»/acs and fiction, of permanency curing the sick end Buffering of their dicea-es, or adver tiwngto cure, and showing but little or .no evidence of cures* can be well appreciated/by the anxious imiui'ers after health, after attentively reading the folio wiug sy xtopßis'of certificates from some of the most reliable gen tlemen in Philadelphia/ who were permanently cured by Prof. BOoXiKS. 3220 WALNUT addafter they hsdhetn ghee up as incurable by the most eminent me dkalnwn of this city•: £>2 he fellowirg is a statement of facts in reference to my condition and a&traishing care of Epilepsy : J : For five years previous to my knowledges of Prof. O- H. Belles* discovery of the therapeutic administration of Galvanism, Magnetism, ana other modiGcations of Electricity lor the cure of all acute and chronic diseases, I had been severely afflicced with Eoib-pic Fits of the inofiobßtinote character, and had abandoned all hopes of ever being cured, as t had. for years’ tried the treat- received the counsel of the most eminent Medf cal'|d?|-of/the State, with a view” of obtaining relief if found among the Old Schools; but all my effortslwefeunavailing, and, therefore, all hopes were ebahdomd, as I then knewofno greater skill for the cure of bbetidate cases than iv the Old Schools.- About six months ago my mind was turned to roves igate the new discovery of Prof. C. H. Holies. 1220 Walnut street, •and, after noticing several.eertificates of cures which were published, and some from persons with whom I was acquainted and knew them tobe reliable men, * w&b in duced to call on the Professor and obtain his opinion of my case. After ho.bad examined me about tin minutes, be frankly informed me that he could cure me. and. offered to give me a , written warantee of a complete cure, axd, in case of a failore, to charge me nothing. This at first ssemed an impossibility ’ but the frankness and earnestness of the Professor convinced me of hi* scientific at curacy it* the diagnosis,oi my case. Ho dhi cloatd allmy Bufferings and symptoms for five years past as well as I knew thsm my self I will here state, for the good of humenity, and ospeci&Hy those suffering as I was, that lam perfectly cured.' I further would stats that more than four months have elapsed dince my cure, and I no srmptoms,* and, therefore, feel confident that lam cured. I shall take pleasure in being referred to at any tune by any oee suffering aa I was, and any in forinfetfon of my condition previous: to my cure will be freely given to aßy one at 1542 North Thirteenth street* Philadelphia. GEO. W. FREER. Judah Levy, Bronchial Consumption, 814 South Front street, j-.. ' Edward T. Evans, preacher of the M. E. Church. Dys • pepfeia of long stani iog, Laryngitis and Lumbago, 163£ Helmuth street. . Alexander Adaire, Inflammatory Bbemr.atiam, Lum bago, long standing, 1812 Saver> street, Eighteenth ward, ELepringtoD. . > . Wilham S. Shaine, Paralysis of the lower limbs (Ba raplcgy) and Epilepsy, publisher of the National Jfer chanl, 3 2&£ou'h Second street. Thomas Owens/Congestion of the Brain and severe* Hr-morrbsge of the LuDgaand Piabe&s, American Hotel, Philadelphia. , r ' Charles L. Jonas, Dyspepsia and LumbagOj 523 Arch. Btre» t, = ■??*>*" ; Jan.eß Nugent, Deafness for six yeftrp, and ringing and. roaring in the heads Fifteenth and Bedford streets. George 0. Pregl>nr>, Chronic Bronchitis and Catarrh* former!) proprietor of the Girard Bouse. : ; Thomas fisrrop, severe Diabetis, Bose Mills, Wasfc Pbilsdelt-hia. George Grant, Rheumatic Gout, long standing, did- Cheetniii str<eT. . H. ,T- De Silver, Chronic Neuralgia and Rheairatiem, 173& Chestnut street.; . . • C. Jl. Otutmch, Chronic Dyspepsia and Inflammatfottt of the Kidneys, Oheg tnufai?d Fortieth streets. Bu>h Bsrrold, Bronchitis, and Disease ©f the Kidneys* 49 South Third street. . - „ ; B I’ M. Tatfcer, Chronic Dyspepsia, and Kidney Dis ease, 3 622 Sooth Fifth street. * .-■ „ . Janjeß P. Groves, SI D., long standing and severs Lnm fcaj oi 2j 6 Pine street. Bdward McMahon, Consumption, 322 T Frost street. Stanford Stillwell Congestion if the Brain and Chroma Dj spepßia, 1526 Palmer street Charles D. Onahney,-Paralysis of-the lower limba ( Paraslegy } and Byspepaiaj Western Hotel. J. iitket, Chronic Bronchitiß, Constipation, and Co ngestion ot the Brain,slB Cailowhill street. '■ Caleb Lamb, Bronchial Consumption of five yearn standing. 1435 Chestnut street. Bev. J. Mallory, Aphtnia, Philadelphia- ■ ' M. M. Banning, Nervous Prostration, Cadbury are no* ue.V . v--'..- • ■ « • ■ • J S. Bitter, Catarrhal Consumption, 33S Richmond r ireet . . ~ r. . ■ ». B In addition to tbe above cbbbb cared, Prof. 0., H BOI.IIKB has cared two thonsand'Ohrbnic and Acute, cates within less than three rears in. Philadelphia, all of.‘ which cases bed resiated the treatment offthe most etui*, nentaiedicut men. please taie EOtice that Prof. B, does not advertise any.- certificates of cares, except those cored in this city. Prof. B has established himself for life in thU'clty, andi his success in treaties the sick i* a sufficient guaranty, that he claims nothing but scientific facts in hlajdisoe- Very in the use of Electricity as a. reliable therapeutic, agent. ■ ’< S. B.—ft will he well for the diseasedho recollect that. Prof. B. has given a word’of caution in his paasPct, .to. guard them against trusting their health in tbe hands off' 1 hose in this city claiming to treat diseases according to. his discovery. This caution may aeom eevsre.on those, usirg Electricity at hasard, but it is th#' severity oft tr uth, and designed for the good of humastty. See ad-, vertrsetuent in another column.. GomultetionTret. .. . r _ _ * FBOF. .O. H. B9BUC& 1220 WAINUT Street, Phaada. SAFES. flfen LILLIE’S SAKS. DEPOT E 3? . jSp M nvgo th Ko. a BonC>aa.V»HTH Street, aws, yyayilrUn Tafttltllto. Th« onderalfmed, thanfcfQi&ff part fftMa, and bete& determined to merit fnttus*. patronage, has eecared eg. risimht and convenient store, end few -now <s*hand i* large amorimont of life’s Oelebsated "Wrought anSt ialled Iron Fire and Burglar Peoof Safao, jtiicUy dr* and diao,BSlkn| ffneanalled Bank Safe, and Bank Bt<ka. Idllle’i Bank VssH Boors aid Look*TjJfttofipafcSWl. to order on short *oflpe. t 'Thi> la toesteiugestybest sag* teeted, and chtusjeirt Boor and Bock yetoSOred- ' - 'Oabtnet Ba£e,fcr Bate,* .Jewelry, W»SaSsi# «**•■ reded to <in»pags to etpSeand eksanre stotik fend for this purpose, and is the only oaettatls sbmw fire ar,d burglar prod.< . ‘ . ' .... _* Bvpoui. Kotiob—l have now on toad eay tw^rat rtoreii Herring, <k Co.’eSafes, most of teem neaxy_»a^ «td some forty of otter makere, ooMJSMni •_““*** Msortoeut a» to rise*, and alfiately Jj? • 2wr * celebrated LIUls Ms, ThoywHl to «M#rwr . 'eYANS & WATSON’S lalll ■ * SALAMANDEB SAJi ■ store, • 16 SOUTH FOURTH BTBEIST, . PHILADELPHIA, FA. l lK*» vsrietr of FIBR-PBoos' SAF®i 0& hant. . ’ . n. ML WODOR^Fy, NE Wa UK. New Jcr«ftF.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers