pdniel Dougherty, Estl- Harrisburg Telegraph,] rfW' 1 , (he speech of Daniel Daugherty, de be monster mans meeting held lu the motrovi')- lidftilnst, because It is decidedly one l»e" f“’„t (-RV*r>fl yet m*d« toarnnw lh» aril'ir ft'id ii l- " 1 , r mr,f t)m peop'eof P«m< Ivniita. Mr Diuflhsrty rfrif 1 ”v, been known n» a Democrat-one of thorn JiM gave the DeroocrMlo parti prestige. and yl'C”' ISrgy bad woo it a success wh™ it. P'incieles to a majority of the people of the rr.ro <"6“ ’ , WM ll0 „ Mt then. In couviodon and I'lii’”' ' jioiish.rty is hornet now. in ortoclpls and dliji'Ct. “ ri,, „ PV .r r‘erme<l ibe organiiati nof a party J" ,rpC ’!o' Importance than Ira principles, so that when h'T.ln o.k the Initial steps-In this gm.t rebellion, pEicPeesn ', and com, ten and og the excesses of his W p “£“os, from Cabinet officers to West Point cadets, o* nr .chcrir was among the first to bravo the dlsplos-- r a powerful admliilßtruim, heoante he bated («rf O' * oesptsrd liars, and hart the courage of a true ~L'e t and expose the frands and the orimes of m'f *„,L wore sworn to promote Ihe pnbllc weal by pro cthorlahlsof the P opto. t fC, r S .«incii of Mr Dougherty on the occasion referred T "’.Meed a tnas'erly effort, We had the pleasure of srcsent during its delivery, and thonal) < ho sketch 1 ,e,t to-day is vert meagre, It still conveys an idol ‘'’Vlcommanding eloquence With which one of the na of of ‘ [ imootnphahed orators urged and defended the * l ZeofW tc,, "' rT - -, ' fINANCIAL AM) COMMERCIAL. the money market. PainADJsnvHu, .Inly 81.1802, Chtre ere many complaints against the no. of postage ii olliir Ciiittd States etnmpa a. a currency. Some t think strongly ami tatk loudly (hat our Government 4 descent tag from if* high dignity, t. t auder to the mer r,c a „allty of gain i that in es.ttmlng the issue of it exhibit, not only a s ifish aud sordid mo ®'m. 0 f her po: pie’s money, hut also betrays an ardent ® r I )0 , 0 h the bat k» of .their inherent privileges; in tier words, it is destroying that power which has tnain l thus far. upheld at.d supported it; that as the banks (|,c first to ct.DIO f. rward with their means to the pencil! rescue of the couutry, It is ns H.tlß as the Sucre irr c»n do in relura to permit theta the uudistu. bed use of their right* SlHt * privileges. Now. It Is impossible at ail jliaei fur * Government to control the conduct and trau -llePsdf the great stars in the monetary firmament, ftsch loaders are apt to create panics by which they eau largely Increase their profits, it is totally bosoad the w£ p ooveruments to. prevent a species of fraud upou their peoplel bonce the cur. one of the country hatde prreiaird. a scarcity of coin been engendered, and groat Bufferings to tho bu iness community resulted, and yet there srs those to be found who are growling at the only possible remedy for tho evil. <jh e je eoniptaluers may be of that class who never pay their Bms (| debts, and. consequently, seldom wane small ItBligo! or •h°l r nay be of the wholesale order, who buy ever! thing they «se in large quantities; or. perhaps, of that mtnurons class who bny a di ne’s worth of au ar tide and compel the dealer either to change a note or go unpaid, save in promtseSt In all suoh oases it la natural for these people to wish to stave off a small currency, and hence their complaints. Ihe Government, is Its action regarding stamps, is only jitWtng to tho clamors of suffering eommunliles, and paving those communities from the curse of harboring millions of worthless shin plasters, In fact, these croak ers are those men who would vomit over their breakfast If they were certain they bad paid or had lo pay for It. A beayy tax on bank bills would certainly seem unjust, but the exigencies of the Hines require that a restriction be pat upon bank issues jus! now, in order to give the Government ihe benefit of a full circulation of her own *. promises to pay.” Besides, when these troublous times are over, the banks oan be repaid by having great er and more valuable privileges extended to them. When a nationality is to be saved, all clashes of men and corpo rations must yield either tboir profits orinflaeoces to save (jj«t power which has protected them and without which Ibej cannot exfst. The poor man gives hts ttfe, tho rtchhta wealth, corporations their rights, ana municipalities their powers and privileges Where one common in forest ia at Stake a common effort must be made to preserve that Ip. terest, and tho banks should not complain if they suffer a share of taxation. War is expensive ; the burden of it must be borne bp the people, and taxation is the only way of insuring the receipt of the necessary revenue. A year or two and the necessity may be removed and bus), seas will resume the old channels; until then we must bear our buidens as gracefully as possible, and console ptirtelves with the reflection that we are not the only ones who Buffer, There was very little fluctuation In the price of spscie to-day, ihe ruling figure being 114. The market closed with a downward leudenoy. Silver remains the same as piloted yesterday. Old demands were steady at about Its, with considerable activity. Money remains the lime as } esterday, • ', There was nit much obtrage at the Stock Board th's morning, but for the better class of investment securities there was more inquiry, and a very firm feeling prevailed for tbla class of stocks. United States coupon sixes, ’Bl, closed atßB®9B%, and the 7.80 loan was in demand at 202%. State loans were decidedly firmer, and 92% was bid for the coupons, the interest upon which will be paid to.ffiorrow. Old City sixes were rather lower. Penn sylvania Railroad shares and binds were steady at yes terday’s figures. The bonds of the Oamden and Amboy Batlroad were rather better. There was considerable in auiry for Mineblit Baiirnad at 47%, but none offered under 48%. The market closed steady. The fancy gecurliUa are looking np. Beading Kill road closed at 28®28 3-16, Per Oalawissa Railroad 8% was bid—lo% for tbs preferred and 36 for the chattels. Little Schuyl kill Railroad fell off %. No change in bank shares, Girard College Paeaooger Railway sold at 23, and Shoe find Vine.etrcets at 11 %. The banking house of M. Schnltss & Co, has been re moved from Strav-berry street to No, 16 South Third Street. The following sre some of the principal articles ex ported from this port to foreign ports from Jnly 21 to Jttir 31, 1662: TO BHOLAHD. Floor, bble., 8,197 8’3,892 Wheat, bn.. 87,907 89 s*l C0rn,b0,.,, 8,610 8,885 »*r, tea 150 3,4 00 I'oik, bbls.., 15 800 Bams, lbs„, 6,593 : 322 BIUTISB NORTH AMRRIOA, Flour, bbls, ÜBfTISn WEST INDIK3. Tloor,bbl#.... 1,485 &i* t B72 Sutter, 1bi,... 2500 8313 Corn meal, bbls, 600 1,550 Obeeee, * ~ 2,770 : 264 B^S b hhi* ** 4 ®22 IS 4 Vinegar,gals., 420 -40 Bread* bblk, 4 * .80 Sli Vooacco, Pkga 62 1,36 d gfoi 9kgi 70 1,137 Dumber,,,637 Oats, bu 8,,,,,, 200 100 Matches, grow 360 180 24 412 °ap*r........ 85 Tougnw, tkga . 20 190 Bedding 63 Pork, bb1a,.,,, 35*2 3,014 j Carriages and ?«“»]!» IW3 136 Fire Engines 1.615 iMi, &5......3r00 36. Scale St Tools. 87 Candies, tt>„.16,000 2.210 SOOTH AMERICA. Floor, bbfc... 4,147 26.482 Beer, ga11,......160 $55 Corn, bni*.,, 4,4&0 3,4 9 M1e0icme5.,,..,,. ' 90 Breai, kegs.. ITS 173 Tobacco, pkgs... 25 1,672 Beef t bbls*'«*. io 85 010tbe5,..,37 Pots, bkga.... 102 1)025 Lumber.,.,,,.., 4,516 ? a^ B, *? s “'* 400 Furniture..,..,.. 60 IffJ* &!**...39, 575 1 870 8ra5he5,,..,.,,, 121 Balter, 65..,,10 300 1,5 3 'hoofes, pkg5,...500 337 2 600 275 Machinery and tools, 101 w!*? % B ‘ *‘l4B Gold r01a,,,,,,, 20,000 Pifih, bbls,... io 70 Sundries., 104 Imports of foreign merchandise at Philadelphia ror the free* esding July 31,1802, were as follows: . FOB OOSiStfJfPTION, Sugar hhdi" ,1405 Shellac, cases. ..29 $2,643 bbts and Olives, keg,. ...8 60 boxes. ..746 Bromine, keg... 1 26 ... '* 6r ft B $104,899 Uolozyntb, cases 6 393 Molasses,hhds 264 Qubcbs, bag5...43 tierces,..26 . Oast oil, caseß.. 2 bbls.... .62 6 628 Hit, acid, eks... 9 29,667 Obi potash, pks 0 3,767 NitSi? 1 ?’^ 292 6,079 Oar. ammo, css 4 170 ■ K £®' o of ■„ Peru. bari,oas. 9 1,192 SaWro 67,081 Naotha, cases.. 10 IS2 2,372 30,882 Ras sails, bags.. 26 1,412 “fib casks, 72 864 Xodloe, cases„... 3 ' Cblo. soda. *< .. 25 Oi4 ,< kegs. 20 791 lod. pitas U,cs 6 c bs- 4- 37,1 Dext ine, casks... 1 2,893 *!“■■ ,*? 1,274 Gaos soda, bbis.,l4o 2,563 a»i^,*»wL ,Ck k B ' 40 ! 2 > ool Tar, bbls 15 140 18 S '6 ’’anaris’d, »ck5...91 618 oS mSL. *? 8 2 38 Mustard seed, ' fialL 1 Sf/ 1 Ckl V 2 72 Bac ' tl> ,132 1,317 ■» S";! 17 Iron, bars and V "h-h^ kB ‘,? I-S bund1e5..31,952 37,269 Cisi>.i )UB ' H,S9S Pig Iron, tns,. 41 690 4,148 Tin plate.bxs.l,l4s 6,885 Whisky, pun.., 15 1,371 Percussion ' Pickles, cases a.’BB 904 caps, case..,, X 48 , « .. 7 895 Tin and Japan ..’???** 2 ware, casks.. 6 434 bha ~. 1 86 Paddtery hard- Jamaica ginger, 26 891 ware, cases... 7 990 Aniseed..,.’,. ...2 .81 Glass dishes, nuchnleaves,bun 370 b0xe5........ 2 46 Cocoa, bagß, ~100 1,582 Steel, bdls 486 wine, 0a5e5,.,... 6 170 Bo oases,... 65 6,506 Uksfixtures,do.. 7 7»4 Ohamols ikins BWes.. 709 2 201 ca5e5.......... 2 216 Berring, boxes.. 71 10 Grind.tooes.... .148 628 iaitbenware, (Logwood, tons... 91 978 packages... .1 2$ 4*36818 Bales, bags . 45 1 868 Hardware, do .., 78 5,263 Flour, sulp’r, k.. 200 971 finis, pkgs. . 20 816 Steel wire, cks... 4 810 fialls and chalts, 26 1,917 Hardware & cutlery. 3,015 •r?™ f * 498 'ihina and porcelain. 284 imens, cases.... 36 7,784 W»ol. bales 107 S 883 uioveß and Ho. Woolens, d 0..... 27 1,803 slery, cases..., 41 10.467 Hair seating, cs.. 4 1,176 Spool cotton, do. 65 18,703 Salt, sack,4 613 2,550 „ , do. 41 6,801 Bags, ba1e5......100 462 'botton velvet cord Leather gloves 6 1,463 case. 1 317 d ccttODS do, 7 2.829 Needles, do.. 1 121 worsteds, go. Eg 19,484 OoFd velvets,do, , 4 2,192 volored and wor- Stationery and Bteds, cases.... 20 4,800 books, oases.... 10 1,668 cottons, do.. 12 2,588 Bristles, casks... 2 567 min n J lace * ,ao " * 778 Silk shirts, oases. 1 642 JLWUIed, do., 3 683 Druggets, bales., 2 643 Cotton warp, bale 1 435 j Mohair braid and Worsted*braids, gloves, oases, 8 2,983 ,bale, 1 200 Pickets and pa ■Braidingcord, ; do. 1 m , 1ing5..,..732,600 939 VMbtntre, case.... 1 436 Pine apples, bana woqiecs and’Woret- nas, and limes _ eds, case 13 6.486 doz, 1,409 533 Blankets,bales., 53 9,B22’Limes,bbls.,,, 872 Woolen yarn, bale 4 1,060 Tamarinds, bbls 892 19 cotton prints, cafeo3 16,334 Coffee, bags,... 270 2 800 Jscooets.,.,,, do 3 565 viambrics do 4 739 _ _ winze Sloffee, bags, .Vt.oar $14,140. rii Bis.ni *. °*l ng statement taken from the New York Mpping and Cemmercial List shows the quantity of feadituffs exerted from the Urited States to Qreat tlritala acd Ireland aluee the Ist of September, 1801: Flour, Meal, Wheat, Corn, , bbls. bbls. bn» has. - m n.MT 789 11,482 655 311.289 408 2,094,630 613 858 bS 0W '“" o f?'S2s •••!. ®'.M9 580 155 a 4l ' OBT 81.852 63,893 wilier ports,, 88,125 1,591,627 6 600 Joist, 1.238 21:487,447 12,717 207 ■lota), ’6O-’81.2,402,915 3,805 23,885,731 9,888 849 ‘B0r«8B8,,, .... .... PecreaM,, 84 703 2,060 , 2,878.281., , .. ’6»-’6O. 667,060 651 3,260 284 2,105.180 Jotftl,'sB-’69, 90,733 23 454,604 320,681 Floor, Wheat, Corn, Bra, __ Continent, bbls. hns. bos, bus. ‘2Tott.,., 581,958 J,»SW 302,591 1,473,899 " UIM Ports.,. 21,344 , 107 910 : 19,483' 42,915 ?o S' Sr $?• °? 5 ' 232 7,437,209 322,074 1,51 >,805 2,467,897 ' 441215 ''" 267.357 «,877 161,914 19,358 49,176 67,845 25,519 ,l'. .... ? he raUa of Interest allowed on ie- J-j!.. . , n . dcm > England; ®hconnt house* at ’n'otJce.’.'.V.V.'.'::", \ Am, wlthT d »>»’°*U do. CIU„. , ”® * he • r *“* of o*Boonnt in the principal o! the continent of Europe: Bank rate. Op. Market. Faria Far cent. Per oatit, Jtam«,V’.V.V, v * ’**“ 3 Berlin,, “ 6 ?™n««t."‘ **>•—*—. -4 3 Ameteidßiß , r . i ? Turin V ............ 4 4 ®ruieiV* M ** 4 **‘ l "’********‘**‘* ■ ® 6 ftaburg ’**•*“ 3 a bard, Iba 51.409 §4,370 Talow, 1b5..80 380 6,000 Butter, lbs.. 4,187 689 Hark, tons., 49 1,800 Rae*, 1b5.,..29.050 2,098 j #eep*, bbls. % iso .....950 5,700 ss2lj*z3B Bum, punch .. 13 St 571 2,823,658 The New York Evening Pott says: The stock market opened tolerably firm, and prices heir the upwaid tendency of yesterday, ttieforeign news being verj fatifaciory; hut os business procee led price fed off %®% per cent., owing to unfavorable rumors trom the seat of war. The reports relative to the movements of transports (a Urge number having left thin port for the South to day)'add to the dullness, and at rbe close ihere is little doing In stock t, The market, closes vory dull; sales of New York Oen tral at 92% ; Erie 88% j Government sixes 99%. Railroad bonds are sieady, and generally better. Erie bonds are % per oo? t. hieher; New York Central bonds %®1 per cent.; Illinois Central Oonstrnction' 2 - Government sf entities are quiet but steady. The sixes of 1881 ere % per cent., but are not pressed in the -market. The 7.3(1 notes sold at 103%, and that bid for more The fives of 1874 are % per cent, lower The money market is very sluggish, and at 6 per cent. Ihe supply is In excess ot the den,and. We hear of some business at 4% per cent, hut the ruling rateaof the mar ket ere &ST&H percent. The gold market 1* firmer, but not ac.t!v«. The open ing sales*were at 114% ; hnt the price immediately rose to 116, at wbloh there is more inquiry, The.exchaoge mar ket, however, showß no d.elded signs of advancing, though holders are less disposed to pr.sv their bills for Bft’e. The business for the Saturday steamer has scarcely opened yet. and the quotations are, for the most part, nominsl. First class hills range from 125% ®127. Du l i able Demand notes arc weak and lowe- to-day. The saleß early this morning were at 108% , but a“ th» piesent writing they can he had at 105%. The demand hss greatly slackened. The now tariff goes into opera tion to-morrow. Philadelphia Stock Exchange Sales, July 31. [Reported by S. K. Slavmakek. Phila. Exchango.) FIRST BOARD. 4 Lit Boh B 16% 20 Race A Yine..,. 11% 105 d 0..... 16 60 do 11% 40 d0.....2dy5. 16 2060 City 65..........97 80f0 7.30 T N bl’k c’h 102% 6CO do b1ank..102% 100 do blsnk. .102% lOtoo Readisg 6,1844100% 10 Penn’a E....... 47 ItO do. 46% 2 Girord Col 1T.... 2H 20 Baoo & Vine.... 11% BETWEEN lON Pa 8.,.. 9 600 City 6s new....... 101 BEOON] 2l’ofl City 6s new 101 1000 do new 101 4 Phila Bank In 9 1000 Pa R 2dmtg...., 99% 10Ch& Waln’bstß. 40 SO B A Ylne-sfs R. AFTEB! 1000 Camden & Amhoy 6a II CLOSING PBt , Bid. Allied. | a585’81...... 98% 99 DSTr7 8-10N.102% 102% Philada 6a 97 97% Pliflada 6s new.,100% 101 Penns 60,..,... 86% 86% Beading 8...... 2774 28 8eadm69’80 ! 43.100% 101 Beadbds’7Q.... .. 97 Bead mt 6a'86.. 84% 86% Penna Bex div. 46% 47 Penna Rim 65..103 103%' Pekmaß2m 6a.. 99% 99% Morris Cnl Con.. 42% 45 Morris Cnl Prof.ll7 118 SchNav Stock.. .. 6% 3ch Nay Fret... 14% 16 Sch N Bs’B2exint 68% 69 Elmira 8...... 10% 12 Elmira B Pref.. 20 Philadelphia Market*. Jens’ 31—Evening. There la a steady demand for Tlour, mostly to supply the homo trade, at 85 for superfine, $5.503 5 62 for ex tras, 85,7t>06 for family, aid 86.5007 V. bbl for fancy brands, according to finality. Bje Flour is scarce, and selling at 83.37# W bbi. Corn Heal is scarce, and selling, in lots, at S 3 bbl for Pennsylvania. Wheat —"There is not much ,off=rtng—sales reach about 5,000 bus at 128® 130 c for old reds; 1320133 a for Dew do—the latter for prime Pennsylvania and Dela ware ; and 1330146 c for old and new white, as in duali ty. Bye id scarce at 78c for Pennsylvania, Corn is held firmly at 6ter6sc, \vith Tery little prime yellow offering or selling Oats are more active, with sales of 6,000 bus old Pennsylvania at 44c, in store, and 2,500 bus new Southern at 35®37c. mf asure. Ba'bk —lit No. 1 Quercitron is held at 533 ton, Cottos.—The maiket is rather firmer, with little or nothing doing in the way of sales.. Gbooeribs —There is a moderate business doing In Sugar and Coffee, at full rates. Provisions —The market is more active, Mass Pork selling at 10# allc; Lard at 9#o9#c for prime tieroes, and 9#®S# o for kegs. Whiskt.— The demand is light, bblj selling at 30a 31c, and drudge at 29c per gallon. - CI T Y I 'T:E M: S ■ The American Sanitary Army—Work Abeatl. One of the ne w and strange things of this American war is the spontaneous creation of its Volunteer Sanitary Army. Following hard upon every column of the grand military army is a noble hand of volunteers, eager to minister to the reliefof the wounded and sick on ’.he^battle, field or on the march. Snob an array the world never saw before, and they go with “the oil and the wine” in their habds, cheerfully given without money or price, to poor into the wounds of our prostrated heroes wherever they may find them. Clothing, towels, soap, farina, jellies, jams, crackers, wines, brandies, cologne, handkerchiefs, napkins, tank, lemons, oranses, lint, bandages—every thing, in short, for their bodily wants is furnished to the sufferers, including testaments, books, papers, pamphlets, and tracts, for the religious improvement and amusoment of both the well and the sick. . Strengthened and cheered by the vast ingathering of conscript victims to be sacrificed on the bleody altar of rebellion, our enemies give signs of new vigor and life. They have already entered upon a new and determined policy of war. “So more evacuations!” is one of their watchwords. “The capture of Washington and the liberation of Maryland is another of their war cries. They have taken the offensive in many different places and ways. AH this will make new work for and impose new responsibilities upos onr grand sanitary army. The same may also be said of our own new war policy. The “ short, sharp, and quick ” principle Is the principle of wiedom and humanity, bnt it implies sharp and terrible blows vigorously and rapidly dealt, and with these come blood and wounds. There is before us a terrible struggle. It is just at band. We could not blind our eyes to the fact if we would. Forecasts and preparation are now true wis dom. let our Christian Commissions and our Sanitary Commissions be on the alert, and let every man, woman and child, who has anything to give bestow is at once,' so that there may he an abundant etore in advance of an , UiSugs neeonil for bodily and sjpiritual comfort in the boar of Buffering and death. So, too, * there ehould he in rea diness a noble band of Christian .men awaiting the call, willing and eager to go sb volunteers, the moment the mighty events transpire which are now casting their shadows before. The Staff of Life— Mr. C. H. Mattson, dealer in fire Family Groceries, Aroh and Tenth streets, has constantly on hand a supply'of. the very best brands of Flonr. Those who use them find she problem of making good bread an easy matter. Country Ice Ckeam and Choice Cheese. —The lover of these delicacies will do well to call at the stand of Messrs. Stocumb A Bassett, in the Eastern Mar 'ket, comer of Fifth and Merchant streets. They have always a supply of Ice Ortam made from the bedi mate rial, and their Cheese is or the most superior quality. They also offer during the season choice berries. We advise housekeepers to give them'a oall. . Notice to Volunteers.— -ITnifor ms, made of cloth and flannel,.for dress or field service, always on band, ready made, in the bast manner and on thß most reasonable termß. These goods are all made np with the same care as our regular clothing, and offered at a price below any other articles of the kind in this city. Charles Stokes, proprietor of the “One-price” Clothing Store, under the Continental Hotel, Chestnut street, below Ninth. General Burnside Makes a Speech.. General Burnside made a speech at New To* a day or two ago; He said—“My Friends: The enthusiastic welcome you have extended to me has quite taken me aback. I expected to come here quietly, and go away without making any excitement; bn! the kind interest you take in me proves that you wifi also take some inte rest in what I am going to tell you. It is this: That alt is going well it you will only fill up the old regiments. This is the best advice I have to give yon—fillup the old regiments. The next best thing you can do is to pro cure all your garments at the Brown Stone Clothing Hail of Bookhill 4: WUBon, Nob. 60S and 605 Chestnut street, above Sixth.” . . ARRIVALS AT THE HOTELS UP TO 12 o’clock last night, CONTINENTAL HOTEL—Ninth and Chestnut sts. Miss Hays, Pittsburg A S wain, New York Obas O Burke, Boston Mrs It W Burke&2 eh, Mass Sami A Drew, Boston Dr W J Bates. Wheel’g.Ya Mies Bates, Wheeling, Va Miss Tingle, Wheeling, Ya J W Dennis, Maryland JH Holt, Centre Co, Pa Nrs Jane Steele, Pittsburg Mrs Caroline Hays,Pittsbg W Hays, Pittsburg Mrs D Coleman & dan, Ky E J Coleman, Louisville B Dupont A la, Louisville Mrs Jug B Morgan, Pittßbg A J Murdoch, Logaosport E J Martin, Louisville W A Duncan, Gettysburg H A Cook, Evansville, Ind T Herth, Evansville,' lad J G Flint, Jr, Boston H MB-nnett, New York Col J Collins, New Mexico Capt W H Bell, DS A H Bell, New York * Chaa F Smith, Beating . Dr Ctt Ellis A la, Elkton H A Dow A wf, Detroit Bon Alex Bamsey, Minn H Wheetock, California Mrs Orabbut, Washington Gardner B uoiby, N York Lieut E L Taylor, Conn H W Tracy, Pinegrove D B Tracy, Pinegrove H 8 Watts, Pinegrove Mrs Gen Peasley, Portsm’th Brig Gen S O Parmenter Mrs 8 O Parmenter, Newb’g W » Wisweli, Boston J W Wall, N Jersey • Dr H Kratz, England Alex L Bobinson A wf, N J Mrs B Dubois, N Jersey F Tyler, Hartford N T Spear, New York A Campbell, New York T L Pottft, Washington JMNewhall, Mass Geo S Bran, Pittsburg Geo 8 Bountsg A la, Ind • David Tavlor. Indiana Mr Cunningham, U S N S Pyne, Washington J B Wilson, Washington H L Platt, New York Miss Y E.Wolf, FottsriUe W Wolf A la, PottsviUe L W Gille’, New York H Silver, New York W Wail, New York- J M Hall, Washington J O Koberts, New York A Verio, Huntsville J N Crooker, B Island SB McClean, Pittsburg W Elmea. Cincinnati Dr M G Woitney, Penna Dr 8 Hunter A la, Beading Mrs HII Muhlenberg & oh, Airs Hittell, Lebanon Beading Mrs HiUinger & son. Leb W U Gregory, Albany John Gibson, New York H H Bancroft, California M Meyer, New York 8 Salomon, New-York Col O N Luli, I s H Gilbert, Harrisburg B P Huntington, DBA, M Hoyt, New York Isateb Bogers, Washington M 8 Bess, Baltimore T 8 Faxton, Utica, N Y B G Leiper G W Platt & dan, Michigan W P Frost, New York Mr Barnes,'U S N 8 Hurlbnrt A la, Balt JO McKee, USA Jos Pratt Awf, Boston 8H Jacobs,U SA Maj Bennett, New York J Simonson, New York E Mills, Now York J W Lawrence, Maine W T Young, Baltimore Cbas D Lincoln, Mass ~. 0 W Batobeler Awf Mrs SI Kiney, Pittsburg Lewis Kraus, Baltimore G E Bay, Wash,.DO . E W Mitchell, USA H Bradford, New York J Woodruff, New York J Snyder & wf, Baltimore G E Hersh, York . , J G Moody, Boston N Kingsbury, Connecticut T W Sweeney, Wash; D 0 MEBOHANTS’ HOTEL—Fourth Bt„ below Arch. S McCreary, Pittsburg 8 H Lemon, Wash, D C W,*W Irwin, Lewistown Thos 8 Balsoy, Detroit W-B Peters, StenbenviUe, O Mrs E H Davis, Pa Misa Jennie Davis, Pa Mrs D B Miller. Altoona O MHler, Altoona H SBnckner, Louisville M Walsh A son, Cincinnati 11 Began ft son, Cincinnati MUJ King A son, Cincinnati John Dean A la, Allegheny Miss Dean, Allegheny John Hough. Newtown B W Bing, Detroit W L Cannon, Delaware J W Wiley, Trenton O H Kirkbride, Harmony F 8 Blitz, Colombia ‘ Hon John D Stiles, Pa D H Neiman, Easton ' • H Adams, New York XUasßoth Aw. New Oxford J H Orevweii, Shippensbnrg Jos MoLerau, lowa w KUmstof,iowa Clement Williams, Pittsburg Jas A Elliott, Philadelphia James Nicholls, Allegheny James Patterson, Allegheny NATIONAL HOTEL—Baoe sheet, stove Third. W Lackey, Weet Chester W Fan*, DanviUe, Pa B D Taylor, Port Boyai J_G Krebler, M D, Pa J Winan, New Jersey ■ ,H E Warford New Jersey W Major, Pottsvilia 8 I rank , „ „ , John Weltzel. A G Davie, Connecticnl Msj D Nagle, Penna Capt J*B Brandt, Penna MOUNT Bteeet, aboye Aroh. B Angle, New Yprfc,. P Banemahi Fort Monroe 200 d 0...... 97 1000 do E 97 5400 do new...... 101 4 Souther 8’k...,. 73 , 9000 Phtla *„Bria 6s . 93 5000 Pa U lstmtg 103 100 N Pa 8'......... 8 % BOABDS. 25 littPchM E 2dys.. 15 200 US7.3OTrN end. 102 I BOAHD. 100 Wash’n Ga 5.,.., 22 6 Pel Mutual Tns.. 26 82 Pennsylvania R.. 48# 5000 Phila A Kile 6a.. 93 5000U5651t81...... 99 (CARDS. 170... .....3dys. 93# IKS—STEADY Bid. Asked Elm 7s’7B.ex int .. 85 Llslandß..... 16# 16#’ LehCl&N.x-dv 48 49 LeCl&Navscp. 28 29 N Ponna B 8# 9 . NPaßfia 74# 76# N Pa B lOS 98 89 B 00n... 3# 3V Ofitawissa Frf.. 10# 11 Sec A Third St 8... 64# BaoeA Vine-stß 11# 11# W Phila B 52 63# Spruce & Pine. .12 12# GrACta Bexdv 29# .. .. Oh & Wal exdiv. 39 40 Arch St ex dlv. 23# 24# Thir & Fiff,’nth, 15 .. Girard College.. 22 23 Tenth & Eiev’h .. 34 AMERlCAN—Ohestnnt street, above tfiftb. Clay McCauley, Obatnbersbg J Hergev, New York P D Kennedy & w, Pa J l. Hohbs, Wheeling Mr* Pan feiver, Alabama O T polk, Odessa. Del J Y Cunningham, Delaware Cbae Claws, Delaware W B Clapp J B Gardner F w Record & da, N J W Lyall. New York A W Fellows,>M C hunk ' C O Ackerman. BaMmore Thos L Powers, Man lend D J Justice, Minnesota Jae M Morrißon, M D, Balt Jeo B Morris. Dong Branch Lieut J W Sunderland, Va HA Jarman, New York J O Zeller, ludiana O M. Jackson, Indiana Jos F Sudder, Washington John G Warwi k, Ohio J Ben* diet & wf, Easton, Pa Miss Benedict, Easton O A Brian. Delaware J G Graham, Delaware Bev J li McKiov Delaware l b MdCim, Delaware Isaac Stieet Baltimore Jog S Wheeler, De'aware N Bayse, Delaware Benj Green, New York ST. BOOTS HOTEL—Ohesnut street, above Third. J F Lyon, Toronto. O W E Mo Fern Baltimore John Franklin. Phila O D Galdetto GB McCabe; Tamsfiua F 9 Eaton, New York J M Ware, Providence, B I J Bussell - AT. Olivi r Cincinnati, O E Gri uzer, New York Hastfr J Qrimzer, N Y —-■ S Y Arrowsmith, N T I. Bocheeter. Ohio N W Sadlor, Now Haven Co! Johnson, Pennsylvania A L Mellen,; btassaehnsettg Mui Devon, New York C N Gifford, Peoria, 111 W P Burls**, Peoria 111 0 9 William,otvM'Ch Mrs H A Neil. New York ' "Wm Mumfordj Brooklyn J. Jones, Philadelphia THE UNION—Arch street, above Third. W H Boggs, MlJoy. Pa J H Seancnko. Plnegrove Mre hi Daily, Bristol, Pa .J M Martin, Weßtmorel’d co W H Belknap, Ohio _ Bev E 'll Esbbach, Pa John Ar.dersnn, Bphra*a,’Pa W A Hammer, Oresmna Dr J B Wegener,- Easton . John Mendel Wheeling /. Cnrran Mendel, Wheeling Ca ret Martin, Pottsville Henry Spang, Beading Daniel Seang, Reading Gnorpn Ferguson, P.-trsville Dr E H Horner, Pa Mi Lnne, Mt Holly. N J COMMERCIAL—Sixth street, abovo Ohostnut. Jss Wilson, .Port Deposit - Tbos Duncan, M 4 : . , Jos H Miller,’Pebua > .1 H Rowland, Md Joe Irwin. Obestiu-co P B Van Broke! & sis, N J Beubeu Baines, Hd —=Tguman Ooa'es. Pa Cba* Buffington, Chester CD John Yandersliee. Pa , B W Levis, .West Chester Geo I. Lloyd, Wilmington A T> R Anderson. Phila » ,Tas Fulton, Chester oo DL Thompson, Pa Thos Beifsnyder, N Y W F Nields, Pennsylvania STATES ONlON—Market street, above Sixth. . Bobt Bell. Carlisle Wm Gibb, Carlisle • |t£s3 S D Martin, Carlisle Wm M Boss, Pa TM Brown, Pennsylvania D D Wood, Altoona C B Long. Lancaster J-G Willlamsan, Pa .1 P Boyd, liancnster T K Siokels Pa H Bonner, Lancaster CO J Banner, Lancaster co JKforger, Illinois John Bead, Huntingdon Geo \V Thompson, Pa Bobt Sseotenson, Pa • 8 M Gibb*, Williamsport W Newell, New York J Joyce, New YoikjU® 1 J B May, New Jersey BARLEY SHEAF—Second street, below Vine. T B Rosevelt, Delaware Dr Winder, Attleboro Miss 8 Chambers, Davisville S Chambers, DavUvilla H PaxVon, Bucks Miss M Ely Backs A flack, New Jersey • W Coryell. New Jersey P Williamson, Now Jersey M Ten Eyck. Trenton, N J J M Menal, New Jersey T B Fittlor, New Jersey O Clark Kingwood, N J H N Oaryer, West Chester T B Comly. Montgomery A Phillips, Montgomery B Meyers, Milltown, Pa I, Pauling, West Chester W Donaldson; Pennsylvania J W MoGaffey,Chicago 0 Toy, 104th Pa Begiment BLACK BEAE—Third street, above CallowhiU. A M Sigmund, Milierstown O H Haines, Millerstown K Haines, Millerstown .1 Young. Allentown E K Moll J Gackenback, Lehigh oo J K Hill, Penna "W Kline, Penna MADISON HOUSE—Second street, above Market. J Bursonj Salem, N J J Weller, Northampton J F Drinkhouse, Monroe co J W. Reynolds, Delaware Lieut A Gilbert Lieut Geo W Dorman BALD EAGLE— Third street, abovo Oallowhill. J G Fetter. Bethlehem J Mickech, Bethlehem A Sbe> tz, Maucb Chunk MARINE INTELLIGENCE. SEE FOURTH PAGE. * ABBIVED. Sehr Nrllle Tarhox, Yase, 12 days from Havana, in ballast to E A Bonder A Co. . fccbr Golden Gate, Fleming, I day 6rom Frederioa, Bel, with wheat and com to Jas L Bewley k Co. Bleamer Beverly, Pierce, 24 hours from New York, with mdre to W P Clyde. tteamer Mars, Nichols, 24 hours from New York, with mdse to Wm M Baird A Co. OLEABEB. Ship Esther, Leslie, New Orleans, B S Stetson & Co. Schr Sarah, Benson, New Bedford, L Andenried & Co. Scbr Young Tesßsr, Morrison, Provid-nco, do Schr JMc Adairs, Pierson, Boston, captain. Slr H L Gtw. Her, Baltimore, A Groves. Jr. Str Bristol, Charles, New York, W P Clyde - MEMOBANDA. Ship Compeer, Thompson, from Calcutta, arrived at Boston 30fh ult. Bark Stampede, Look, from Matanzas, at New York yesterday. • Brig Wenonsh, Bow, hence, arrived at Portland 27th ultimo. Brig Odeslina, from New York for Philadelphia, was spoken 28th ult. off South Shoal. Brig Emma, Baker, for Philadelphia, cleared at New York SOth ult. Schrs B Shannon, Marts, G Loeser, Lewis, J B Plater, GaDdy. L & K Smith, Smith, Mary Haley, Haley, T H Watnwrighb Ludlam, A Haley, Haley, Marcia. Munroe, Oliver, Malony, and Bolivar, French, hence, arrived at Boston f Oth nit. , ' Schr Z Stratton, Steelman, hence, arrived at Boston 30th nit. Schr J O HBraden, Shaw, cleared ae Bangor 29th nit. for Philadelohin. Schr Maine Law, Amesbury, hence, arrived at Bath 29tb ult Schr E F Lewis, York, hence, arrived at Portland 30th ult. Schr Mary E Smith, Smith, hence, arrived at Ports mouth 29th ult. Bcbr D G Floyd, Eackeft, hence, arrived at New Bed. ford 30'h nit. Steamer Anthracite, JTones, hehco, arrived at N York yesterday. SPECIAL. NOTICES. OFFICIAL NOTICE. Hsadqctjlrters Protost Marshal's Office.) Washihoton, B. C., July 30,1862. J BANIEL S. CLARK, of Williamsport, Pa, a private in Co. F, 6th Penna. Yota, and WILLIAM H. KNAPP, of Belcbertown, Mass., a private in Co. H, lOth Mass. Yds:, having deserted from St. Elizabeth Hospital on the 22d of Jnly, 1802, notice Is hereby given, that a reward of Five Hollars will be paid for the apprihension and de livoi * of iUu most convenient military post or recruiting station. . . . - . , -Byorder Major W.E. DOSPEB, Provost Marshal. A. S. Baker, Lieut, and Acting Adjt. It Assembly Buildings. Positively the last EXHIBITION of CAPTAIN. WILLIAMS’ WHALING VOYAGE, 'Will take placo Mil-St ‘ MONDAY EYE SING, Angnit4, Buy Tour Bathing Robes for La dies, Gentlemen, and Children, at BLOAN’S, JO6- MABKET Street, Philadelphia. aul-K* Batchelor’s Hair Dye! / THE BEST IN THE WOBLB. / WILLIAM A. BATCHELOR'S celebrate! Hair Bye prodnceß a color not to be distinguished from nature— .warranted not to injure the Hair in: the Meet i remedies the ill effects of bad dyes, and invigorates the Hair for life. GBAY, BEB, or BUSTY HAIB instantly turns a splendid Black or Brown, leartnggie Hair soft and beau tiful. Sold by all Brugstets, Ao. The Genuine Is signed WILLIAM A BATCHE LOR, on Sie fear ti&ot tf eachboa. FACTORY, No. 81 BABOLAY Street, (ZaU MSS Broadway and IS Bond ttrect), my2B-ly ''' New York. Eingee & Co.’s Letter Fa mily SEWING MACHINE, WITH ALL THE BE OENT ‘ IMPE GYEMENTS, is the best, ami otbaprst, and most beautiful, of alt Sewing Machines. This Machine will sew anything, from the running of a tuck in Tarletan to the making of an Dverooit—anything from Pilot or Beaver Cloth down to the softest Gauze or Gossamer Tissue, and is ever ready to do its work to per fection. It can fell, hem, bind, gather, tuck, quilt, and has capacity for a great variety of ornamental work. This is not the only Machine that can fell, hem, bind, and so forth, bat It will do so Vetter than any other Ma chine. The Letter “A ” Family Sewing Maohioe may be hod in a great variety of cabinet cases. Tho Folding Case which is now becoming so popular, is, as its name implies, one that can be folded into a box or case which, when opened, makes a beautiful, substantial, and spa cious table for the work to rest upon. The oases are of every imaginable design—plain as the wood grew in its native forest, or as elaborately finished as art can make them. The Branch Offices are well supplied with silk twist, thread, needleß, oil, etc., of the very best quality. Send for a copy of “ Sraoxa & Co.’s Gazette.” I. M. SINGES A CO., . . 458" BROADWAY, N. Y. PHILADELPHIA OFFICE, 810 CHESTNUT ST. -. ■.■■■ - V 1 jy!2-mwftf B._T—lB6o—X. Drake’s Plantation Bitters—Ex hausted Nature's Great Restorer. They Invigorate, strengthen, and purify the system, Cure Dyspepsia, Acidity of the Stomach, Diarrhoea, Ac. A perfect ap petizer and tonic. They invigorate the body, without stimulating the brain. They, are compounded of pure St. Croix Bum, Boots, and Herbs, and are recom mended by all who use them. Adapted to old or young, but particularly reoemmended to the weak and languid. Bold by all Grocers, Brnggista, Hotels, and Saloons. P. H. BBAKE A CO., ; my3-mwfBm 202 Broadway, New York. Lyon’s Magnetic Insect Powder, Tested for nineteen years and grows in favor. It kills and exterminates Beaches, Bed Bogs, Ants, Flea*, Moths in Clothe, Furs, and Furniture, Garden Insects, Ao. All genuine bears the signature of E. Lyon, and it notpoisonottt tppertm t or domestic animalt. Be ware of counterfeits and imitations. Lyon’s Powder kills ail insects in a trice, ' Lyon’s Pills are death to rate and mice. . Bold every where. D. B. BABNES, myS-stnthSm 202 Brosulway, New York. One-Price Clothing, of the latest Bttuib, made in the Best Manner, expressly for DE TAIL BALEB.: LOWEST Selling Prices marked ks Plain Figures. . All- Goods, made to Ordey warranted satisfactory. Our osb-Pkiox Sybteh Is strictly ad hered to. All are thereby treated alike. se22-ly: JONEB A CO., 604 MABKET Streri. Card Printing, Best and Cheapest in the City, at Ul South FOURTH Street. OABD FEINTING, best and cheapest in the City, at 111 South FOURTH Street. M A RRI . PUBSGLOVE-SOWBft—On the 28th nit., by Bev. J. C. Clay, Mr. William W. Pujreglove to. Miss Oatbarioa Sower, both of this City. * LEITEEL—MADAMS.—On the 29<th nit, by Recorder Eneu, George P. Leiize} to Hannah Adams, of Hamburg, Berks county.' 1 . DIED. WESTENBEBOEB.—Oh the SOth nit., Snsab West enberger, wife of-William Westenberger, aged 28 years. - Funeral from the reskieuoo of her husband, No. 921 Morris street, on Buhday afternoon, at 2 o’clock. " # HABMEB.—Qn the 29th uli, Samuel Hamer, in the 61st year at his age, - ' Funeral from his late residence, Edge HQI village, Montgomery oounty, on Satniday morning, at :10 o’clst. USsaEß.—At Camp Mißs, Ya., on the 27th ult, Wil- Dam .B. TJssher, of Col. B. B. Price’s 2d Pennsylvania ,; Cavalry Beguaeot, of typhoid fever. ' 46 TBITEB.—On the 29th nit, Henri' Trites, aged- 42 years. Fnneral from .the resldtmoe of his mother, Mrs. Mary, ' Trites, No. 809. Leonard street, above Eighth, thU fFrt- 1 day) afternoon, at 1 o'clock. * " ■ THE PRESS.—PIIILADELI-HI CLOSfON.—Oa Thursday» July 31, Joßepbioa’liosieo, wife of Lieut. James -B. Clotson, of the- Gist Begimeut P V. The relatives. friends of the family are r©sp*cl> follj invited to &’tos:d the funeral, from the residence of her mother, Mrs. H. Bants. Ko.,110? .Brown street^ on Saturday. August 2, at *2 o'clock, without fucther.'i-otico. To prnrf-cd to Oid Felio-vs 1 Oom- terv. ■ •..“##«*- HDOWEtt.—J«l> SO, in the 523 rear of Mrs. MarthaD, Shower, wifoof Oharlee J. 8h end daughter of tbe tato Ed James Bti»es more. Carlisle, and Oett.vshurg pipors will ptease cfrM?.] The funeral will the hou«e of Mr. Kt E /Parker.. 203) Green street, a* 8 o’clock on Saturday morhinff. to proceed tn Laurel Bid. - Thursday, Jaly 31, Mrs. Mary White, in th«* 65tb year of her age. Tbe relativeß and friends of the family are invited to attend tbe funeral, on Saturday 2, at 4 X o’clorfe, from the Broad-street M B. Okarcb, Bur* lington. N J. : FU.^SELL. —On the moroiop of the 30th nH . .Emma J., dsuahier ot Fr- Edwin and Bebecca L. Fussy aged 23 years. v .. Her relatives and friends, and those of thft famiiy, are respectfully invited to attend: nor': funeral, from-, her father’s residence, 910 North;PMfth street.' this *nxth-d%v (Friday). Eighth month (August), Ist, at 4 otoloek P. m . ■ -'V •• ASHENFFLTEB.—On the 29th nit, Ha ba?tae,.wifo of Fri»rcis in the 21st year of her a iGj Funeral from the repidltnce of her mother' in law, .No. 1126 St‘John street, this (Friday) afeernnosyaf3 I p’clk. 15 ARNES.—On the 28th uU,,-Robert• Barnes* raged. 86 . years *''£*'* Funeral from the re&idetceof lub son in-Hw, bfr, Jnhn Williams, No. 83 P*nn street, above Shippen, this • (Fri da*) afternoon, at 6 o’clock, * BLOOM.- Oh the 30th-uU., Katie H., daughter of 01-rMopbir and 3£upb*-mia Bloom aged 14 rabntne. • Funeral from the residence of her sonthwest coiner Eighth and Cherry streets, Ihia (Friday) after noon, a* 4 o’clock. ' BOBBITTS.—On tbe 29th nit., Mr. Jacob Bockius, in the C9ih year of his »ge- . : ! . Funeral from his late residence. No, 704 Franklin at., tliie(F* Way) ef»ernooh, at 3 o’clock w MOURNING STORE.—BESSON& XfJ SOS, No. 918 CHESTNUT Street. Black Moussoline de Lames, doable widths. Black Tamiaes- ' . ' Black SnmnWr Bombazines. . Black English Bombazine*. i 1, Black Alpamffl, hombftzi-io Spiflli. N s"■ Black Gros Grain and Poult*de Sole Silks, Black Crape Mareta and Bareges. | , •i Black Parcse Hernani, s Black Silk Grenadines. , J Black and White Lawns. Ginghams. &o. J -' jy23 TAKE NOTICE—»R. SCHENK will Lk_? not be profre&ioQallv at bis office No 39 North s*tXTTT Bfr**V aftor SATOBOAT*iNEXr, u*itH tbe FIKST SATURDAY in SEPTEMBER. Qe MsovwiU be abhent from his offices in other cities during th&month of August. ■ .^.lt*- THE UNITED STATES SANITARY ILj COMMISSION—PfIILADELP <IA aGEYCF. No. 3235 CHESTNUT STREET —The following-rtiedm mendaiion, by tbe President of tbe United cleitth amhenticateß the Oommlfsinn to"the phblfe - “The Sanitary Commission isdomga wofktjf' great humanity and direct practical value, to thenati m in thiß time of its trial It { b entitled to the gratitude and con. fidecce of tbe people, and I trust it will be geoeroudy supported Thpreis no a mney through which yMuptary offerings of patriotism can be more a ffoc ti rf Ipm ado” ,- : v “ABBAHAM LINCOLN.” The undersigned will receive, and forward where they may be most needed, all contriomiotuffor the sick and wounded. . l , The articles most required are Muslin Sbfrts-ond Drawers (both rid and new), woollen Undersbirtsj Panta loone, and Stockings, and for which there’is an i&cessaut demand. W. PLATTi JrV aul*lBt i ' , * .PupenoteMent.^ NOTICE— WARD CO HMITT£tS. LLS following gehtiemen have been lmsaimoasly appfinttd Chairmen of Wa*d Committees for (heir re* Bpective Wards, with authority to appoint the members of-their Committees, for the purpose of canvassing reach WaTd, ard obtaining euhßcHpttons and mating col lections for the CITIZENS’ BOUNTY FUND, ii6w.beiag raised to secure tbe prompt increase of the arajes of.’he United Slates. The said Chairmen will please l call at Board of Trede Booms, No. 595 Street, THIS DAT, between the hours of 9 A M aad 5 P. M., tor Collection Books for themselves and theircoUeagaes, and proceed to organize 4heir Committees forfawith. Tbomiis Ttfsker.-Sr., First Ward, j James Simp s 'on, Second Ward; j *' Rev. John W, Jackson, Third Wards ( Francis P. Stoel Fourth Ward. • v Edward O. Knight, Fifth Ward. . I Peter T Wright, Sixth Ward. Willismßradford, Seventh Ward. < Edwin Grebie. Eighth Ward j James h: Olaghorn, Ninth Ward. * - George Boldin, Tenth Ward ; • Henry Croskey, Eleventh Ward, j Pfter Rouvoodt, Twelfth Ward. [ - John H Dohnert, Thirteenth Ward. 1 Warner M.-Raidn. Fomteent*, Ward.) * William H. Kern. Fifteenth Ward ' ( Mahlon H. Dickerson, Sixteenth Watfb William O. Kiine, Seventeenth Watd. ; Hon John Bobbins, Eighteenth Ward. s Marcus 8. Bnckiey, Nineteenth Ward, ; Georee T Tbor*, Twentieth Ward! : Clmilrs Thompson Jones,tTwentv-iSrst Ward, Bobertß. t sheen, Twenty-second Ward. Caspar W. Morris, Twenty-third Ward. N. B. Brown Twruty-foo- William Baird, Twenty-f THOM, It*;,' r ■■■ Chairman o rv-==* OUR COUNTRY ! ’ Lk3 TBIOi’I.C Oitizenß who (1, OIOZENS’ BOURTY FUND, . ropru the Philadelphia quota of the: President's calj for three hundred thonaand men, are respectfully informed that the Committee will sit daily to receive sohacilotions from ten A II to two P. M., at INDEPERDBSCS HAUD. Fnbf criptions may likewise: he sent to either of the tin- dereigncd: j ALEXANDER HENRY, Mayor's Office! CHAIUiKS GIBBON j, Secretary, 252 South Third street ' f CHARLES I). FREEMAN, .Secretary] 601 Sausom gfreet | JAMES McOLINTOOK, City Treasi-er, Girard Bark. ....... .... , ' , { HENRY D. MOORE, State Treatursr, 654 North Eleventh street. . .. ! SINGLETON A. r MFROEB, Treasurer of- Fund, Farmers’ and Mechanics' Bank. *" 7 THOMAS WEBSTER, 14 North DcTawrro avenue.' WILLIAM WeLSH, 218 South Delaware avenue. J. ROtS BBOWDEN,Tudenendenoe Hal. ADOLPH E. BORIE, 153 Dock street. ■ 8 W. DE CODRSE Yi 631 Chestnut sfrjet. GEORGE H STB ART, 13 Bank street MICHAEL Y BAKERj-JudepeßdenceHall. . GEORGE. WHTTNEY, office of A. Wletaey A Sons. BICHaBD. O. DALE. 821 Market street. LORIN BLODGET, Board of Trade Boom. ‘ r . JOHN E.>ADDlCKS,'Lidepeedence-llan. "JOHN D.-WgTSoN.*office of North American. JAMES MILLIKER. 410 Walnut street. Ward eommittees.wiirbe appointed* to crocnro sub scriptions in every, ward is the city, dne notice of which will shortly appear. . Ail subscriptions will be acknowledged daily in the papers, tinless otherwise reouested.—-i- Briorder of the Committee, J*29 . THOMAS WEBBTEB, Chairman. . rwc==> REGOtAriONS FOR THE ADVHS. LL§ ,SION OP VOLUNTEER LINE' OPPrOESS frt THE UNITED STATES NAVY. Acting lieutenants must have served at least six months in the United Mates Navy as Acting Master or Acting Ensign, and been mentioned In official despatches for bisblrmeritorions conduct in battle. Aiding Masters must have served at least three months as/Acting Ensign or Acting Master's Mate, and been favorably reepmraended by their immediate commanding officer, which recommendation most be approved by the •Flag Officer of the squadron in which they are serving. Acting .Ensigns must be between the ages of twenty five and thirty-five, and have seen atleast twelve years’ sva service before the mast, or as an officer. Those who have served as chief mates of merchant vessels are in vited to apply for the position of Ensign. Acting Master's Mates ahnnM be between the ages of twenty and thirty, and have been ateea, before the mast, ,or as an officer, five yeats. Before entering the Navy, Acting Ensigns and Acting Master's Mates will be required to furnish to the Navy Department proof of tbeir age, eea service, sobriety, and professional knowledge. A Letters' of recommendation should come from Captains with whom they have sailed, owners for whom they have sailed, and insurance effioerg acquainted with tbeir professional character and sobriety. The pay of volunteer officers of the line at sea since July 18,1862, is as follows: - Anting Lieutenants #1,875 per year and one ration. “ Masters 1,500 *< “ “ “ Ensigns 1,200 “ “ “ Master’s Mates... 480. “ <t « jy2B-6t \. . OTR COUNTRI ! TO ARMS i—PA- Lk3 iTRIOTIO CITIZENS who desire to subscribe to tbe Citizens’ Bounty Fund, to aid in recruiting of the; Philadelphia quota of the President’s call for three hundred thousand sen, are respectfully informed that the Committee wilt sit daily to receive subscriptions from 10 A. M, to 2 P. M.; at Independence Hail. Subscriptions may likewise be sent to either of the tuidvrsigned: Alexander Henry, Mayor’s office. Chasi Gibbons, secretary, 262 South Third street. Chas. D. Freeman, Secretary, 601 Bansoin street. Jag, McClintock, City Treasurer, Girard Bank. Henry D. Moore, State Treasurer, 664 North Eleventh street. Singleton A; Mercer) Treasurer of Fand; Farmers’ and Mechanics 1 Bank: Thomas Webster. 14 North Delaware avenue, ' Wm, Welsh, 219 South Delaware avenue. J. Boss Snowden, Independence Hall. Adolph E. Borie, 153 Dock street. S. W. BeCoursey, 931 Chestnut street. George H. Stuart, 13 Bank street Michael T. Baker Independence Hall. George Whitney, offlce of A. WbttDey & Sons. Daniel Haddock, Jr., 438 Market street. Lorin Biodget, Board of-Trade rooms. John £. Addicks, Independence Halt. John D. Watson, offlco Barth Atnorican. Jatnee Miliikeu, 410 Walnut street. A. committee of three was appointed to apply to insu rance, railroad, and other companies, composed of Mr. Wm. Welsh, as chairman. m . And a committee of three, Messrs, J. E. Addioks. j. Boes Snowden, and Michael O'. Baker, to receive sub scriptions at Independence Hall. f . v Wird committees will be apoointed to procure sub scriptions in every ward In the city, doe notice of which wjll appear in ihe papers ofMonday. All subscriptions will be acknowledged daily in the papers, unless otherwise requested. » , By order of the committee. jyjg-tf ; ;; thowas Webster, chairman.. rvr==. OUR COBSTHY! TO ARMS!’.—THE LL3 COMMITTEE appointed to rece ve Subscriptions in aid of the CITIZENS 1 BOUNTY FUND, Tor-pro viding the proportion of Ehßadelphia’s quota of men to increase the Army of the Republic, ait daily at INDEPENDENCE HALL, Fro® 19 A. M. to 3 P. M. By order of the Committee. ! jy29tSl THOMAS WEBSTER, Chairman. t-v-— =» NOTICE.—-THE SUBSCRIBERS TO 03 THE CITIZENS 1 BOUNTY FUND, to aid Be crnlting, ere'hereby notified that the Treasurer of the Fntid, SINGLETON A. ME ROBB, Esi., will receive the amonnta of their subscriptions, daily, at the Farm ers I 'and Mechanics 1 ' Bank, and furnish them with printed receipts for the same; or their subscriptions may be paid to the member of the Committee to whom they subscribed, and the Treasurer 1 * receipt will be sent te the donor. By order of the Committee. . ii26-tf THOMAS WEBSTER, Chairman. lOR RECEIVER OF TAXES, LLS JAMES C. KELOH, Of Second ward, subject to nomination of People’s Oon -jv3-lm* ,■■ -D EMOTAL.-M A H L 0 N KIRK, X«J DENTIST, has REMOVED to No. 1602 OHE9T NUT Street. jyS-lm# : TRUES akb brace de ; ®»s2Jpabtmbnt. i 'r-- C. H. NEEDLES, ! Comer TWELFTH and RACE Streets, Philadelphia. Hernial Trasses and. mechanical appliances oesrootly adjusted by Kne French and approved American, adapted-toevovr form of rupture, la. adults and children; English and American Supportara and Belte, Shoulder Brahes, Sus pensories, Elastic. Stockings, and Syringe* in. great va riety.. TWELFTH Street, -first door below Bace. Conducted by competent ladies. - jy2B-3m if LA DI &8 ’ HAIR-DYEING AND Sbavapooing, done in the best style at FOURTH and BBANOH, jy3o iftf (OPENING OP A SUMMER GAR* VA DEN —Tbs undersigned begs leave to inform th* pnbUo Oat he has opened for the season his FINE BAR- : DEN and HOTEL, at the tool of COAXES Street, idle Fairmouet Park. Families are particularly invited, lee Cream, Gakesj excellent Lager Beer of Baltz’a brew ery, Wins#, Ac., always on hand. _ ■. ■’ L HENRY FBICK.A. myß-Sm TWENTY-SEVENTH and COATES 8t«. BAT RUM—I 9 casks very superior, just received. For sale by - . . < . OHAB.;B.' t OABSTAIBB,’.f 3 jylß . 13S WALNUT end a.QBAlfirS Straetfc‘l REMOVALS. 0. K. NEEDLES. . FRIDAY. AUGUST military notices « VICTORY.' VICTORY'—THE ®1261h flKGf&l FNT P. Y. M. , has been specialty ac ljf ceptfd by the War Depsrtnoeot for three year*, or durii g the war. Capfaibs report foimehiatMiy. Bounty . Raiiot 9, Clothing, and Pay fumtahsd from dete/.f enlhto eot This is the only ibrre year Regiment authorized by the Secietery of War fiom this State, and all patriot* de sirous of serving our common country, um« now come forward. The Regiment will positweiy mafch on or be fore the Ist of September next r V. 0 SEN AN, Colonel Commanding. A. MALSEED, Adjutant. Per G; H. R M*jor. jySl.St •; Hfadquarters, 624 MARKET Ph ? !a. « VOLUNTEERS WANTED FOR @ TBT? 81tt ES O 114 BN T P. V.,i OoSonel E, M . jj| GBEGORY, rovv at Alexandria, Ya—Yoaog Men, . , t your country asks your services in her hour of peril! Will j oii vclonUer. or will you wait until yon are com pelled -to gol Bave you forgotten what your fathers suffered to establish this Goveramer«t. and are you wi ! iing to remain at home.while yourrbrethretj are in the .field pouring out their in defence of the Uaion, Ihe Constitution, and - the be *t Government -in the world 1 Surely not I Come.-tb«n.- and enroll yourselves in the 91st R+giment P. V , whe>e yon will be-placed ‘-under competent, sober officers, and. in a. regiment that, for drill end has'no ruperlor ini'th9 serrioo. Bounty given causl to any offered. : Recruiting Offices:. ? ’ N. W, comer Bidg© avenue and Coates street. Ooim r of Frank ford road and York street. • 1 No 620 Obestrmt street. Franklin and Girard avenue. ... . Lieut. JAMES H. CLOS3ON, ; Lieut. J. A. GREGORY, jj3l-5t . . .. ; Recnii'ing Officers. jy COL. BEEN AN’S 116th RlfiOl- N T jIBBAD,- OB . ANT TWO, ,087 ABB OTHERS, BDrt lave the full Equipments for 1.(00 Men ready, a beamiful Onmp eetabdebed, &o. Men joining tble Begiment will oe anre to be in tbe field mor-tbe before any other Beaimrntfrom the old Kersfono State- .HradQnarterß, n ; 624 . M VKKKT - eireet.,: “ Oatnp Emmett ” .lonoa 1 Wrode, Twenty-foorth «erd. jv2s.tf a HIADQUARTEaSPEISiNSYL- M. TANIA MIBITIA, TRANS.POSTATtON AND sj| TBBEGKAPH DEPARTMENT. : ,7 , ■ .‘HißittSßuna, July; 25i.*1832. The attention of, soldiers and oifieers now, absent ttom their regimmls fa'especially directed to thefolmwing paragraphs of General Orders Nos. 60 aod 72 i-esp-ctivsiy: ■ Was Dki>aßTV(k.n-t, i , A»jnrAJfT.GiesEaAi.’S Offiob,> Wasiiingtos, Jane 5, iB3’2. ) GKNEEAL OEDEE No 60, ; It. A large number of yolnnteers are absent from their regimeufs who are now Bt for daty. To enable them to return, the -Governors of States are authorized to give them or passesi which will entitle them to vtiansportaiion to tbe station of the nearest United States mustering officer or Qriartormester, who will pay the cost of transportation on anch c.rtilicEUe or pass, and provide transportation for the Boldier: to his regiment or station. j’WAB-DKrARTMByT, j . - Adjutant Gbnsbal’s Omni,} Was.bington; Jane 28,1&42.. . \ GENEBAL OEDEB' No. 72 ; 111 xVo more'furloughs will he granted to 'paroled prisoners. AUjurloughs heretofore given to them are hereby revolted; and all prisoners now at large on their parole, or who may hereafter be pa-oled by the rebel antboriiies, will immediately repair—if belohgiog. to r, giments raised in the New England and Middle States, to tbe Osmp’of Instruction established near Annapolis, Ma. i if belonging to regiments raited in the State, of Viiglnia, .Tennessee; Kentucky,; Ohio, Indiana, and Michigan, to Gamp Oha»o, near Columbus. Ohio : if »e. longing to regimehte raised in the States of Illinois, Wis consin, Minnesota,. lowa, and-Missouri, to the camp near 3 efferson Barr act s. Mo —and report for such duty, com patible with their parole, as may be assigned to them by the officers in command oi said camp.: And alt. io&etfter officers or soldiers, who fail to comply with this order , within Hie space of ; time, necessary for them todo so, will be accounted deserters, and oealt with accordingly. The attention of all commanding, mu-tiring, and re cruiting officers is particularly directed to this order, and they are regtiired to use their utmost exertions, not only *<give if the wideßt circulation in thoir neighbor hoods, hntto see that it is faithfully carried out.; And their Excellencies, the Governors of the several States, are respectiully solicited to lend their efforts to the same ■■ end. .' ' • IV. The transportation necessary to a compliance with this order can, on application, be procured fr-m thv Governors of the several States, or .from the United States mustering or commanding officers in the various cities within them. That the Governor of Pennsylvania may, under the previsions of the paragraphs above quoted, materially assist in bringing about a compliance, the following circu lar is published: OIEOULAB. I. Transportation, .upoi) application in form to this Department, will bo forwarded by mail or telegraph to soldi era and officers coming under the provisions of the above named General Orders, either to Harrisburg or the point at which tbe nearest Quartermaster, Mustering or Commanding Officer is stationed. 11. Tha lonh reguired for snch application is the cer tificates of two responsible citizens of the place in' which the loidier or officer may then be residing, that his state ment aB to being a paroled prisoner now at large is cor rect, or that he is a volunteer absent from his regiment and now fit to return. By .order of Governor A. G. Curtin. . 0. W. SEES, Chief or Transportation and Telegraph Department of Pennsylvania. jy3l-4t FINANCIAL. u. s. FIVE TWENTIES; 08, 20-YEAR SIX PER CENT. BONDS, PAYABLE AT THE OPTION OP THE GOVERN MENT APTEB FIVE YEARS. I am instructed bF the BEOBETABY OP THE TBEASUBY to receivo .subscriptions for the above LOAN AT FAR. THE INTEREST TO COMMENCE PBOM DATS, OP DEPOSIT, Thu* avoiding the difficulty heretofore experienced br reuniting payment In GOLD of the-lntorest from May last. A Misapply of these Bonds always on hand. JAY COOKE. SUBSCRIPTION AGENT, ...... 114 SOUTH THIRD ST-, jy29-.tr. .. M SCHULTZ & CO. have removed • to 250. 39 South THIRD Street wlieretbeywill &tte»a to tbe purchase and salo of Forei/nand Domestic Exchange, Goldand.SilTer, Old Demand • Ho'-qb and other t'ecoritieg* (DO KAA -THIS AMOUNT WANT tJIAjyUvi ED npon Mortgage, first.class Perm near the city. Apply to ®. PETTIT, - jy!2 No. 309 WAL GUT Street. MILITARY GOODS, j^TjTs^iiassTlE MILITARY FURNISHERS, No. 418 ARCH STREET, PHILADELPHIA. MILITARY GOODS, OF EVEBY DESCRIPTION, . WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. TENT BUTTONS AND SLIP 3, U. 3. Pattern, manufactured and for sale by J. p. REED, southeast corner THIRTEENTH and NOBLE Streets, Philadelphia. jy9-lm* PROPOSALS. Deputy quartermaster ge- NBB&l’S OFFICE, PmLAOßtssiA,, 29** July, PBOPOSALS will be received at. this office, ''until FBI DAI next, Ist Aiicnst, at 32 o’clock ft!., for the im* . mediate delivery, in tills city, of seven (7) sets SHOE ING TOOLS, complete. Proposals tobe endorsed “Pro posals for Shoeing XooIb,” and addressed to G. H. CBOSMAN, jv3o 3t Qoartermaster General U. 8. A. 1 XTOTICE.—PROPOSALS PROM DBALEBS AND MILDBUS ARB INVITED, till the 12th day of August, 1862, for furnishing FI.O'IIIt to the Subsistence Department,.of the same kind as has been received by the United States Government, and known as No. 1 Extra. Samples of this Flour can be seen at the Capttolßakery in this city. It is desired to make a contract for 20,000 barrels. Should, however, any person desire to furnish a less quantity, he will state the precise nnmber of barrels in his bid. - r The contractor will be reopiredto furnish at the rate of about 500-barrel a dally untitithe contract iaiHled. No Flonr will he received which does: hot come up to the standard at the Government- inspection made jnst be fore the purchase. \ The B7our to be delivered at the Bailroad Depot In "Washington, or any of the "Warehouses in Georgetown, D. O. t Tbe.Fleur to be pnt np in new barrels. Government reserveethe right to reje otany bid for any propwoanse. ■ No bids will be reaved from-contractors who have previously failed to comply with their contracts. Bidders meet be present in person to.respond to their bids. The oath of- allegiance must aocompany each bid. Firms making bids shonld state the names of all the parties interested. Payments to be made In Treasury Notes, and the bids te be directed to “ COh. A. BKOKWITH, A. D. O. and 0. 8„ U. P. A., Washington, JKO.,' 1 and endorsed “Pro posaig-for Flora.”' ' jy3o-10t bents’ rtnufisHme boodb. TpiNE SHIRT MANUFACTORY. 1? Thai subscriber would invite attention to his . : ■ IMEBOYBB OHT OF BHIBTB, Which ka makes a speciality in his bnatnesa. Also, eoa> StaKtly receiving ROTBLTIES FOB GENTLEMEN'S WEAK. J. W. SOOTT, GFNTLSMEN’S FUBNISHING BTOBX, If*. 814 CSESTIfW* STREET, . laihtf . ; Four doors below the Continental. . ■--•y, SEWINB MACHINES. & WILSON. SEWING MACHINES, 628 CHESTNUT STREET, }elB-8m PHUi ADFIPHIA. TV ORX TYPES.—REJMER' S are.per ■Jt feet gems, and.: are highly characteristic likenesses,, finely and ; truthfully colored; drapery tastefnlly ar-.: ranged and colored. Gallery, BEGQND Btreet, ahove Green. ... . " It*. ■« «u rdi A « A-',-. 1 1, 1862; ' -- 1 . «...X, X .9. A NEW PUBLICATIONS. gECOND SERIES TRAIN’S; , UNION SPEECHES! TRAIN’S UNION SPEECHES, BEOOND SERIES ! . . .. UHtIVEIIED IN ENGLAND. . c , EBBING THE PEE3ENT AMERICAN WAE, Since the publication of the ‘‘ 'ifliat Serlos," BY GEORGE FRANCIS TRAIN, ESQ., OF BOSTON, UNITED STATES. Containing all the -Apee'cbee delivered liy GEORGE FEANOIS TEAlNjin England; up to the present time, Bincethe publication of the first volume of his Union Speeches. ,Jt is complete In one large octavo volumo, prinied in the best style. Price 25 cents a copy, or five copies for one dollar; and is published and for sale by ' ’ ’' T. 78. PETERSON A BBOTHEES, , No. 306 CHESTNUT Street, Philadelphia. EVERY BOYAR CITIZEN IN- THE UNITED -• STATES SHOULD GET A COPY-OF IT. Boolisellers. News Agents, and all oth-ra, will be sup plied at Two Dollars a dozen, or Fourteen Dbilars a hun dred, and they *UI please send on "tileir orders at once for what they want nf the -‘SECOND SERIES OF TRAIN’S ON lON SPEEOHE 3,” as it will 'prove to he a more popular Belting book even than the “First Se ries'.”- •*>-- 1 Agi>Dfs wanted everywhere to engage in their sale. Copies of the*Second Ser’es of Train’s Gpioo Speeches will bo sent at once, free of pbeiage, per first mail, on re mitting the price'for the.quantity wanted to the publish, ers, in a letter. Price of single copies per noli!, post paid, 25 cents or five conies for Ooe Doll.r. - Address ail orders for whatever quantity youmay wish, at the abote rates to the publishers, !. T. B. PETERSON & BBOTHRRS, . / , No 3C.6 CHESTNUT Street, Philadelphia,,; .7 And they .will receive prompt attention. . ... forp.ny quantity, wanted of;the “ I'IRtT SERIES.” will be filled at the same rates as the “SE COND SERIES.” . It Major winthrops new BOOK.—Edwin Brothertoft. By Major Win throp. 12mo. 81. Uncle Jab* z; Or, The History of a Man whose Boy hood was Spent in the School of Adversity. Illustrated. 18mo. 48 cents. ■ BoeeDariiDg; Or, The Path of Truth; 30 cents. : ToDy Starr’s Legacy. By the Author of “ Win and Wear.” 75 cents ■ - The Boy Friend; Or, AH Gan Help.” By Aunt Friendly. 30 cents. . V ’ ' - - ('' Harry’s' Mistakes and Where They led Him. 80 cents.' '-' ',-- Plain Words to Young Men. By Eev. J. B. Bipley. 26 cents. For sale by WIIIIAM 8. A ALFRED MABTIEN, jy23 606 OHE3TNUT Street COMMISSION HOUSES. gEAMLESS BAGS. “LEWISTON” and “PREMIUM” “A” FOE SALE BY WELLING, COPPIN, & CO., jy2l-mwflm No. 220 CHESTNUT Street. JJUNNELE 'AND GREENE MANUFACTURING CO.’S PR INTS. 460 Cases NEW FALL STYLES. FOB SALE‘B Y ; /'M" • .;; : weJling, coffin, & CO., - - 'f’liik'"' • jy3l-mwflm . NyfW'CIIUSTNUT Street. HOSPITAL, PURPOSES. 8,000 10-4 WHITE AND BLUE AND WHITE AND ■ . . SLATE. . ALSO, 3-4 and 6-4 INDIGO BLUE FLANNELS. For sale by FEOTHINGHAM & WELLS, ' jylfi. 2m 34 N.FBONT and 35 LETITIA STBEET. CO.’S 4-4, 7-8, AND 29-INCH .FINE BLEACHED SHIRTINGS, SILESIAS, NANKEENS, PAPER. MUSLINS, and COL’D CAMBRICS. FOB SALE BY , , WELLING, COFFIN* CO.. SELLING' AGKNT3, jy!9-stuth6t 320 CHESTNUT Street. gHLPLEY; HAZARD. & v HUTCHINSON. No. 112 CHESTNUT STBEET, COMMISSION M:BBOHAHTfi »Q* TBX BALI Of PHILADELPHIA-MADE HOODS. mhSB-6m ' *. DRUGS 'AND CHEMICALS. ROBERT SHOEMAKER & CO., Northeast Corner FOURTH and RACE Streets, PHILADELPHIA, WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS, IMPOSTERS AND DEALERS ■■■■ ‘is .FOREIGN A ND- DOMESTIC WINDOW AND PLATE GLASS, HASUPAOTUKBSS 0V . ' WHITE LEAD AND ZINC PAINTS, PUTTY, Ac. AGENTS FOR THB CBI.BBBATKB v - FRENCH ZINC PAINTS. Dealer* and consumers supplied at VERY LO W PRICES FOR SASH. mb29>teel • LOOKING GLASSES. JAMES 8. EARLE * SON, MANUFACTURERS AND IMPOSTERS; LOOKING GLASSES, OIL PAINTINGS, PINE ENG EATINGS, picture And portrait frames, PHOTOGRAPH FRAMES?; PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS, OABTES-DE-YIBITB PORTRAITS. EARLE’S GALLERIES. 818 CHESTNUT STREET, jalfi PHILADELPHIA. ’ WATCHES AND JEWELRY. jH AMERICAN IN GOLD AND SILVER OASES. JOS. H. WATSON. No. 336 CHESTNUT street. jySl-6m REMOVAL. Jv O. F ULLE R Having Bemoved from No. 42 South THIRD Street to No. 712 CHESTNUT Street, 2nd Floor, | (Opposite M&sonlo Temple,) 1 Now offers a Large and Desirable Stock or COLD AND SILVER WATCHES, BOGBBS ft BBOTHEBS’ SPOONS AND TUBES, AMD ...... FINE JEWELRY, 1 To which the attention of the trade is invited. ; apBP-8m ' afe «AMERICAN WATCH COM pant.” 60LD AND SlttPEB WATa H E S ; TOB BASISS AND QBNTABUBS. OOMPANY > S SALESROOM, No. 713 OHES3NUT Street, Second Floor, (opposite Masonic Temple.) I. B. MASTER, Agent. apSO-8m yULCAMTE RUBBER JEWELRY A beautiful line of . OENTUEMRS’S VEST CHAINS, J.ADJXB' OHA TALAIMJ CHAINS, THIMBLES, 0808888, STUDS, BUTTONS, fto., Now in Btose. J O. FULLER, No. 713 CHESTNUT Street, Second Floor, (Opposite Masonic Temple.) apBo-8m WATCHES* JEWELRY, ' A PREBH ASSORTMENT, at LESS Xi. THAN FOBHEB FBIGES. > TABS ft BBOTHBB, Importer*, 834 CHESTNUT Street, below Fourth. mhSO-tf .. GW STRAY HORSE—Came to the VCyVpremieeg of the subscriber, to the Twenty-fourth : ward, WertPbiladelphla, a light-sorrelHOß3K; has a white etripeon hit face, two hind feet white; supposed to be 13 years old ( ring-boned on bind feet, .jibe owner is requested to corns, prove property, pay charges, and take him away,orhewill be sold, according to City Or dinance, passed May I,lB®, JyBl-3tf - H. CHAIN. fIOULIGIAT® V" INSTITUTE FOR vj li 0 G-Tv G L&D1E3,1530 Arch street, Bair. Otiarle* A. £m|Jb, D. D., principal. The eighth y«»r will begia Beptembt r 15th. At drees Poet* office Box 1839, ftui-lm* \ PENNSYLVANIA MIL 1 T A.Jft.Y AOADEMY at West Chester* (for boarders only). This Acad« my wiil be cput.ed on Sep tember 4th, 1602 Xu. ita capacious buud ng* are ar rangemeblß bl the highest order for; the comfortable quar tering and EUbßisthig one handred and fifty cadets. ~ A corps of and experienced teachers will give their undivided att ntion to the educational depart ment, and aim to make their instruction .thorough and practical; The department of studies embraces the fol lowing courses: Pnmary, Commercial, and tfcientific, ’CblJegiftte and Military. 1 Tbs moral training of cadets will be carefully attended to. For circular i, apoiy to James H. 626 PhestDUt street, or at the book stand of Continental Hotel, Philadelphia, or to P. B.—lt was advertised that/this-Academy.-would be opened id Aprillaat, but a Budden aad severe Bickness with which the subscriber was visited compelled a post ponement of the enterprise. : By the blessiog of God be bas been r< stored to health and fitness for active duties'. -If any applicaitona for circulars or for infomiafcioQ' cou certfine the Academy werg uvanswi.red, =tbe neelect is aecribable to 1 bat sickress. aul- 6t TBEO HYATT TTiLLAQ'S- GREEN SRMINAR7:— V A select BOARDING SOHOOb, near MEDfi, PoDDpylvania. Thorough course in OHa- Bics, Engiu-h Studies. &c. Book*keeping and Oivil En gineering taught; Exercises in Military Tacticß. Seventh year begins September Ist. Boarding* per week.........•,.....8225 Tuition,ptr Quarter........ 6.00 For information, Address Bov. J. HERVF.Y BABTON, A. M ~ jy 28.9 m YILLAGB GBEBN. Peun’a. ■ Tt/TADAME CLEMENT’S FRENCH i?JL BOABDTNG SOHUOL FOE YOUNG LADIE3, GEKMrNTOWN, Pa The Eleventh Session vrill open onWEDIiESDAY, September lOtti, 1862. .For particulars, please apply to the Principal, West -SFALNUT Lane, Germantowp, Pa. ])23-wfiriot&W:, ■ORISTOL BOARDING SCHOOL JIJ for Girls will open its Fall aesßiou on Seccnd day, Ninth mo., Ist. r Beferences: James Mott, Philadelphia; Anne Churchman. 908 Franklin street, Philadelphia; C 2?. Peirce, 501 Nonh Seventh street, Philadel olii* W. Bidgway, Cropswlcks, New Jersey; David J Griscom, Woodbury. New Jersey. For circulars, apply to BOTH ANNA PEIBOB, Principal, Bristol, Pa. jy23-2m* iyR. WIN THROP TAPPaN’S XfJL Boarding and Day School for Young Ladies, No. 1616 PPEDOhi Street, will reopen on WEDNESDAY, September 17lb. 'jy!9-3m ‘ HOLMEhBUBG SEMINARY FOR TOING LADIES, located on the ,Bristol Tom pike, 8 miles from Philadelphia and 2 from Tacony. The first term of the scholastic year begins the first MON DAY in September; second term the Ist day of Feb ruary. . A circular, ,cb|jaining terms, refwoncos, Ac , can bt obtained by application to the t jyX4-3m* Missea CHAPMAN, Principals. XXTANTED-A YOUNG; MA.H SIX- M TEEN or Eighteen years of age,‘ who ha 3 a knowledge of bonk-keepine, in a wholesale Shoe House. Address ‘‘Box9Bo Post Office **: jy39.3t* & STORE WANTED—CHESTNUT ■a,.. Street, South side, between THIKD and MINTH, rent not ,to exceed 51,600. Address EDWARD P. KEL LY,I42 South THIRD Street. , S jy2B-6t* ASSETS OVER EIGHT MILLIONS OF DOLLARS. 400 WALNUT STREET. All policy holders in the above Company who may volunteer in response to the late call of the President of the United States for 300,000 men, or who may be drafted into the service (should that mode of obtaining recruits be resorted to), are hereby informed that War Permits will be issued to them on the same terms aa to those who entered the service in 1861, . Full particulars and explanations can be obtained on application to QIRARD FIRE AND MARINI OTM«E4IS WAINTTT STBEBT, PHILADELPHIA. This company continues to take risks en the safe desses of Property at low rates. The public can rely upon its responsibility, and abili ty to pay losssb promptly. Its disbursements for the benefit of the publlo, during the last nine years, exceed S 50 0,0 0 0, Hid we respeetftdly solicit its favor in the fatare. • DIBECTOBB. OHAB.I.DDPONT, JEBBY WALKEB, JOHN W.OLAGHOBN, JOHN THOBNLST, O. JVHEAZLITT, ABBAHAM HAST, DAVU) BOYD, Jr., PETEB S. HOB, of H. 1, WM. Mi SWAIN, ITJRMAN SHEPPARD JOSEPH KLAPP, M. D. N. S. I/AWBBNOH, WM. 0. BTJDMAN, JOHN BDPPDSI. THOMAB OBAVBN, President A. B. GILLETT, Vioe President. JAS. B. ALVOBD, Secretary. apM-tf WATCHES, TTAME INSURANCE COMPANY. JP. Ho. 408 CHESTNUT Street J IBB AND INLAND INSUBANOM. DIBEOTOBB. V. N. Back, X.D. Woodruff, Ohas. Biehardaon, John Kessler, Jr., Henry lewis, Jr., F. S. Jnstioe, Alex. Whllldln, Washington Jones, Geo. A. West, Ohas. Stokes, 0. W.DavU, John W. Zvermaa. JBANOIB H. BOOK, President CHARLES RICHARDSON, Vice President WILLIAMS I. BIiANOHABP, Secretary.; [mhHMIB COMMONWEALTH SIRE INSU \J BANOX COMPANY, 0» IBM STATE 02 PENNSYLVANIA. DIBIOTOBB. David Jayne, M. D., Charles H. Rogers, John M. WhitaH, John K. Walker, Edward 0. Knight, Robert Bhoemaker, Themes 8. Stewart, William Strothers, Henry Lewis, Jr., Xlijah Jones. DAVID JAYNE, M D., Present JOHN M. WHIT ALL, Vioe TresMsat SAMUEL & MOON, Secretary. Office, Commonwealth Building, CIS OHXBTNUT Btreet, Philadelphia.’ aet-lftf LILLIE’S SAFE DEPOT 111 HPMOYZ& to No. 21 South SEVENTH Street, sw the Franklin Institute. The undersigned, thankful for past favors, and befall determined to Imerit future patronage, has secured « elegant and convenient store, and has now on hand ■ large assortment of mile's Celebrated Wrought ant Chilled Iron Tire and Burglar Proof Safes, (the onQ strictly fire and burglar proof safes made.) Also, Idffle’i Un&inalled Bank Vault, Safe, and Bank Bocks. Ullle’s Bank Vault Doors and locks will be fomlshai to order on short notice. This is the strongest, best pro tested, and cheapest Door and Look yet offered. Also, particular attention is called to IdUlo’s Hen Cabinet Safe, for Plate, Jewelry, Ac. This Satis is con ceded to surpass in style and. elegance anything yet el fered for this purpose, and is the only one that is strictl) fire and burglar proof. ' Smwlu. Mono*.—^l have now on hand say twenty el f arrel,Herring, A Oo.’« Safes, most of them nearly new. and some forty of other makers, comprising a oompleb assortment as to sizes, and all lately exchanged tar tbs now celebrated. Lillie Safe, Theywill be soMatverj low prioea. Please mill and examine, jags-lyif M.O. SADLER, Agent Bn EVANS & WATSON’S Si SALAMANDER SAFE STOBX, 16 SOUTH FOURTH STREET, PHILADELPHIA, PA. A large variety of FIBS-PBQOF SAFES always on hand.-- *■■■ - ■ EDUCATIONAL. , aul-4Ct Col. TflEO- HYaTT, tPresiloat P, M. A, WANTS. FOR SALE AND TO JLET. M GERMANTOWN COTTAGES TO LET, situated on Wister street, with large lots, pleasantly located, within five minutes’ walk of riilroad. Apply to JOS. KING, Conveyancer, Mils street, Ger* mantown. , ; anl fit# COPARTNERSHIP NOI ICES. IVT'OTIOB.—THE: FIRM OF H. 0. JLS XAHOABTHSB & 00. iB this day dissolved, by mu tual consent H. 0. LANCASTER is alone aathorized to collect tbe outstanding debts, and use the name of the firmin liquidation. H.O.LAftfQASTER, . JOHN <*. FXjEMJNQ-. . : Philadelphia, August 1,1862». - , The undersigned will continue the Grain and Feed business under the firm of J. B LANCASTER & SON, at the old stand, S. "W. corner of Spruce street aad Dela ware Avenue, where he would he pleased to see his old friend and customers. . : ■ • ftu'gHBt ~ H. C. LANCASTER.... THE COPARTNERSHIP heretofore existing under the - firm of WAJSAMAKISII & BROWN is this day dissolved JOHN WANAMAKER, NATHANBBOWN. Phit.abbi.phxa, July Slat, 1862. TCTOTICI OF LIMITED PARTNER JUi SHIP.—The subscribers hereby give notice that they have entered into a limited partnership, agreeably to tbe provisions of the several laws of the Common wealth of Pennsylvania relating to limited partnerships. The name of the firm under which ssid partnership is to be condncted is WANAMAKEB '& BE jffS. That the general nature of the hnsinesa intended to be transacted ts the manufacturing, purchasing, and selling of Olo.hing. ' _ • That the names of the General and Bpecial Partners, all of whom reeidein ihe City of Philadelphia, are JOHN WANAMAKER, General Partner, residing at 821 Lombard Street ;_ NaTHAN BROWN, General Partner, residing at 33 North Fifteenth Street; and THOMAS BBOWN, Special residiig at 1219 Sprnoe Street LV—.--. Tbatthe amonnt of Capital contributed by the said Special Partner, THOMAS BBOWN, to the common stock of tbe said firm, is Six Thousand Dollars, which has been actually paid in cash. That the Baid Partnership is to commence at the date hereof, and is to terminate on the first day of July; one thousand eight hundred and sixty: five. : JOHN WiNAMiKEB, I NATHAN BROWN, $ General Partners. THOMAS 880 WN, Special Partner. July 31st; 1862. , aulltmSt INSURANCE COMPANIES. LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, NEW YORK. S. F. WINSTON, President. ' PHILADELPHIA AGENCY, F. RATCHFORD STARR, j>SO-6t 400 WALNUT STREET, PHIL A DA. INSURANCE COMPANY. CAPITAL *200,000. SAFES. WAR TIMES AND WAR PRICES. v v —Go without deiav to BETMER’S, and eofc a Life-size Photograph, In oil colors—the moßt a o’ir%t» and artinticaUv colored pictures made. SECOND Street, above Green. It* TjIVERYBOPY GOES—The rest of JLi man and womankind should follow a good ex ample— to BEIMER’S GALLERY, SECOND Street, above Green. Hia Colored Photographs for $1 are the pictures to ruit all tastes, It* CIRCULATING LIBRARY.' WBROTHERHEAD’S CIRGU • LATING HBBABY.—AU the MEW English and American Books, inclnding All OLASBE3 of lite rature. Thiß Is the OH BY Library in the oonntey that includes all the HEW ENGLISH BOOKS that are not BSSPKINTEB here. Terms S 6 per year; 6 months *8; three months 81.60, pr 8 cents per day. 218 South EIGHTH street. jyl-2m# A SSEMBLY BUILDINGS. jOL LAST’WEEK.- CAPTAIN «IL LIAMS’ V THBILLING SCENES , , I H TH B LIFE OF A - ' YANKEE WHALEMAN, . EYBBY E v'EHIHG. at 8 o’oloclc precisely. WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY Afternooons at 8 o’oik . ; Admission 26 cents. . Six Tickets for one dollar. Ghildren 10 cents. • Will open in ATLANTIC CITY, THUESDAY Ka~ gust 7th. _ . _ . aul-3t TTNITRD STATES DOTBL. AT LANTIO ClTY—Grand Combination Concert and Soiree D»ns»nt. bv HASSLEK’B OEOHE3TEA, SATUBOAY EVENING. An*ust.2,lB62. Adrolsfion-60 cents Children, 25 cents. j >3l-11 FOR THE BENEFIT OF THE OOOPEB SHOP AND UNTOHSALOONI. • ‘‘DICKESON COLLECTION OP ARTS AND SGIENOES,” Booms No. 60S CHESTNUT Street, wBI be opened to the public, Day and Evening—SngleTicte ets Ten Cents each—for the period of two weeks, com mencing MONDAY next, 28 th lost, for the benefls of the above-named patriotic institutions. jj2o-6t# PENNSYLVANIA ACADEMY OR THE FINE ARTS, . , 1025 CHESTNUT STEEET, Is open daily (Sundays excepted) from 9 A. M.HE# P. M. Admission 26 cents. Children halfprioe. Shares of Stock, 830 > jy* FIT OF TEE SICK AND WOUNDED SOLDIERS.—GRAND ONION EXCITE SION OF LODGES No. 16. 28, 45. and 67 OF Ten AMERICAN PROTESTANT AB9OOIATION TO AT LANTIC CITY. on TUESDAY, August sth, 1861. Tickets gl 25; Children, from 5. to I 0 veers, 63 cents; may be proeurrd at lIVNE-BTRETT Wharf. on the mornins of the Excursion. Laat boat leaves the wharf at 6 o'clock A. precisely. . THOS. CONN, - j)3l.3tit Secretary. WEST CHESTER La rwr- nM- 'er'=•.• , .=AND PHILADELPHIA RAIL. BOAD, VIA MEDIA. PLEASANT AND CHEAP AFTERNOON EX- CURSIONS ON TUESDAYS AND FRIDAYS, Through the 'finest Country and the most 'beautiful . Scenery in the vicinity of Philadelphia. On TUESDAYS and FBIDAYB of each week tints further notice on Extra 1 roin will leave West Chester at 5.65 P, M. for Philadelphia. Passengers buying Excursion Tickets can take either the 2 or 4 30 P M Train from Philadelphia, and the I or 6.55 P. M. Train from West Chester. BOUND-TBIP TICKETS EKOM PHIDADEDPHIA to all Stations east of West Chester, good on any of the abeveTrains, out or in,may be had on these days ONXiY, at EXCUBSinN BATES, good only oh the days issueSi for further information, apply at the Ticket Oflice, fa the Depot, M. B. comer of EIGHTEENTH and MAIL. KET Streets. : 51 ASYDELtOHTKHL LOCATIONS FOX BtJKMBE BoAKDIE* OS TDK DISS OF THE BOAD. . je2l-tnwfs tf HEMOHTFUL SUMMER EXC URSION Si NIAGARA FALLS, LAKE ONTARIO, THE THOU SAND ISLANDS, RAPIDS OF ST. LAWRENCE RIVER, MONTREAL, LAKES CHAMPLAIN AND GEORGE, SARATOGA .SPRINGS, HUDSON, RI VER, WHITE • MOUNTAINS, BOSTON, NEW PORT, NEW FORK, &o. Fare from Philadelphia to. Niagara Falls, Montreal White Mountains, Boston, and return; $42 20. , From Philadelphia to Niagara Falls, Montreal, Sara toga, Hudson river, New Fork, and return, $30.00. To Niagara Falls and Return, 818 00. : For further particulars and handbills apply at the office of tbe PHILADELPHIA AND ELMTRa BAILBOAB LINE, corner of SIXTH and CHESTNUT Streets where a choice of routes may be made to suit the tasteor any one. ; JOHN S. HILLES, General Aeeut, Cor. THIRTEENTH and CALLOWHILL Streotg. Philadelphia, July 1,1862. jyl-36t I;m , msin PLEASURE-SEEKERS. THE PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD COMP AN? ’ le prepared to issue, during the Summer, tickets at greatly reduced rates as fellows: PENNSYLVANIA BAILBOAD COMPANY. For one, three, six, nine, or twelve months, at very low rates, for the accommodation of persons living out of town, or located on or near the line of the road during; the summer. From and after July 1, still greater reduction has been made on these tickets. For twenty-six trips between any two points at about two cents per mile. These tickets are intended for flic use of families travelling freguenlly, and are of greatad vactago to persons making occasional trips. Forono cr three months, for the use of scholars at tending school in the city. , f Living on or near the line of the road, and having occasion to use the road freunently in their clerical capacity, are furnished with certificates entitling then to. travel at half fare. Applications to be made only to Enoch Lewis, General Superintendent, at Altoona. Issued at half fare to parties of over forty, good She any reasonable time. EXCURSION TICKETS during the Summer ara spiff, at greatly reduced rates, for the benefit of those seek ing recreation from business, or in pursuit of health. These tickets are geod for ten days, and are issued ts OEESSON (top of tbo Allegheny Mountains), AL TOONA (foot of the mountains). BEDFORD, DOUB LING GAP, and EPHRATA SPRINGS. For time of departure of trains see bills and cards of the road. ■■ For Through Tickets apply at the office of the Com pany, Sonthoast comer of ELEVENTH and MARKET Streets. . ■ . JAMES OOWDEN, Agent. LEWIS L. HOUPT, General Tioket Agent. jylS-trel EXTBA NOTICB. FOR THE SEA SHORE. MAIIj TRAIN, ON SUNDAY NEXT, AUGUST 3d, FOR ATLANTIC CITY* Ds»tob YINE-STBEET FKBBY at 7.30 A. M. Betarnißg, leaves ATLANTIC 4 40 P. M. This Train will stop at ALL Stations going and retara faig. Fare to ATL ANTIC and back, for this day and thia train, only SI 25. JOHN G. BRYANT, jy3l-3t X AGENT. AGENT, —=2 SHOB El SUWMBB AB BARGEBIENT.—OAMDEN AND ATLANTIC BAQi- BOAD. Three trains daily to Atlantic City and return, (Boa days excepted). Trains leave YINE-Street Ferry follows: Mail Train.............. Express Train...... _..4.00 F. M. Freight and Acc0mm0dati0n................5.00 Pi *. : BBTUBHINS: Heaves, Atlantio Mall Train.. 4 40 P. M. “ “ Express- Train. .......015 A.M. “ “ Freight and Accommodation.B.lB A. M. FABE 81.80. Bound-trip Tickets, dead only far lit Say and train on wMch they are iseued, 82.50. Bzonr sion Tickets* good for three days, S3*- Hotels are now open. JOHN G. BBYANT, mir-ta FOR GAPE MAY.—Th* Jimiiatt.au steamboat WM. KBITT, Oapt Brett, leaves ABOH-street wharf every TUESDAY, THTJBB- D AY, and BATUBDAY at 9Jf o’clock A.M., for CAP* MAT, returning alternate days, touching each war It Newcastle, . jyll-lm* CARD TO THE PUBLIC. CONGRESSSPSINO WATER DEPOT, 98 CEDAR STREET, An attempt has been made to deceive the public bp persona offering what they call “ Oosoßias Wat** ’’ from fountains, and at the price of six (8) centaper glass. The wholeiale price of the genuine Congress Water, at Hew York, befog about 1% bents per glass, the imposi tion of pretending to sett at retail at less than cost, and without ; allowance fer freight, cartage, or breakage, la apparent i bnt their probable course has been toemptr one bottle of genniae Congress Water into a fonntaht. Ailed with tlieir trash, and thereby christening its total contents., , We have sjrr*a sold Congress Water in fountains, hht In vessels of any other description than ordinary-steed glass bottles. The cork of every bottle of the gennine te j branded, And any wHlaotit —■ ■ -■■ ■ ■ (those words and let* OONGBESS ters on the cork is O. &W. whether from fotffi- The tallowing gentlemen are supplied hjr oe regularly ' with genuine Oongreee Water, In bottle*, bosh them th* Oongress Spring: a ;i~ FBED’K BBOWN, cor. Fifth ani Chestnut ate. 0. B. HTOBEMi, 1410 Chestnut street. CHAB. ELLIS & 00., Market street K. J STEVENS * 00.! Continental Hotel. AMUBQSE SMITH, Chestnut street. J, 0. THEN PENNY AGO., 941 Borneo street. THOB. J. HTJBBAND, oor. Third and Sprnoe sta. •• WYETH Bros., Walnnt street. CLARKE & WHITEi JeSO-Smit PHOTOGRAPHS. AMUSEMENTS. EXCURSIONS. FOR TEE BENE- HENBY WOOD, Superintendent IMPORTANT TO COMMUTATXON TICKETS COUPON TICKETS SCHOOL TICKETS CLERGYMEN EXCURSION TICKETS SEA BATHING. FOR THE SEA- i......T.80 A. '^E». NEW YO BE Sabjitooa, July 1,18 W». oonmnn WATBB. OLABKE A WHITE, Proprietors of Congress Spring.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers