GENERAL NEWS. CIVIL WARS IN ENGLAND.—In view of the fact. says a correspondent of the how York Journal af Oorn pierce, that the journals of Enelend aro constantly play. fug the pathetic about the dreadful •• f• eternal war" to the country, the subjoined particulars from Thomas Painela "Common Sense" ere worth rem. raSeritte: et Thirty hinge and two minors have reigned in th it dis tracted kingdom slot* the conquest, in which there litre been nn loot then eight civil were :CA nineteen rebel:lons- In abort, mouercbt and eecesidon have laid not thin ktag dont only. tint the world in blood end et•lms Paine Wm Won iu Englocd, and wrote molt morksonen. and come Occomon Sense' , but the above Nate are entistantiated by the records of history. VINEYARDS 1N OftlO.—The oloyelan.l (0.) haft,. eleater Pays there are now over five hundred acres of 'vine) ards on Kelly's Mend. In 1861 there were 170 g sera, In tt• acing. From thio. area the Iguana was to valor, for fruit and cuttings mid, and win., $53,345. be ing Slid per acre. One 11 , 119 will do the labor required ler five acres. Each acre, when is full batwing, yields :about three tone of fruit. A gallon of wine fa 'produced om eleven pounds of fruit. The fruit ' when sold for •eating, brings about seven cents per poun d. Si CESSION INPUDENOE --A. daughter of-fleptaln :5 rims, con mender of the famous rot•el pirate Sturm. :ter, eitended weddiug at St. Paul's Ohnrch, New polt, Ky.. night before last, (18th Mat envelnavd In a •Scarf of rich material, bearing oho 4 )nun-Aerate colors.' led end white, arranged iu bars or stripes.—Cincinnati •Continerciali. • WORTH 'TRYING —A. gentleman. who has expari leen' ea with Kerosene all, in dertn.yiug tha worms whtah infest nod deetroy currant and gooseberry bushes, toned it a 'perfect autidote. By pnitiog R ant4ll.itinniitv or lierovene into a spriLkllng pot, and .oh .woriog .the •bnehee, the worms instantly tall to the ground, and du not lolly.. A GOTIL—The editor of tho Portland Transcript has rt Ten nee for antiquity er antlunlt's omit eat , e: ‘ 4 We had the plosturo of holdtt g in our hand the other d n hook that was printed twenty years before the MI- Cost ry of Ike Maori= conduent It was a Latin work, •Ity at. II ugo, In which the old mtiut holds a confab with Ids Noel." CHO n Eft% ATTENTION —T ho Now Park Eve- Oino PM 9'19 that since the flret of Fr lirtnry, when the Trreident assumed command of the army !kW the Der. Oirettlon of the War, there lime been arty tout: Won idrloriee, or one for every elstyels bout% Any_ where Else than in this country this would be called rapid :vowel:. • PIitIattITIIEOPIO COM:MM.—The third an nual meeting of the International Philinthroplc Don grebe seeceihiod In London on the fhb of Juno. The 41.ogrets hal for its object tbe amelioration of tee physi cal, totelhctual, and moral condition of the working -claws, and of the 'poor. IN RTALL &TION.—The Duke of Devonshire was in • stet ed an Chancellor of the university of Cambridge on the 9th of Juno. The 'ceremonies were very tramming, ard the etndeata extremely hoist•rons, as they are al /owed immunity on thew) oc , neon! The LAMAS of Lord Palmerston and Die: eel' were grasned at, while Lord Ilronobom received an ovation. AN OLD PAIIPER.—A M. 40 named Fitzpatrick, one hunt ICit and six years old, is auintunte of the 'Troy poor u-e. 'What a horrible fate to !survive friends and Tor ture, live to a patriarchal age, nest be mewed np for the xrrnninecr of Obß'S days in a miserahl. almshouse ? SOUTH/ERN FIN &NOT:S.—Florida. at the tim4she no •cedie , bed in her treasury fourdollare and efty-five cents. It in known to the Government at Washington " th.o the e hole of this sum _has been expended In defending the rights of the Bout& CITY ITEMS. LADIES'-HEBREW ASSOCIATION FOR THE RE ,IIEF OP inc SICK AND WOUNDRD FOLDIBAS.—WO have already alluded to the fact that !maim the compels sating Mots of the preetnt war is the universal impetus it has given to the charities of our people, expressed in an active, living, cud Intelligent form The catholicity, mieo, with which our charities are being dispensed, ex hibiting itself in a general disposition to "do good uhto an men as we have opportunity," cannot be too highly •ovualuended. Among this latent and roost promising no .cesslons that have been made to oar various organiza tions for the relief of the roldters, that of the Hebrew Indies of this city deeervee special notice. The Associa tion has already enrolled a large number of members; a Constitution has been termed, lu which the views of the Society are sot forth, and an executive committee has :been appointed for the purpose of procuring necesemry articles and distributing them judiciously amongst the various hespilals. We may here state that the Society tins foraud is not designed exclusively for the participa tion of m• mbers of the Jewish faith, bat th it all who de r etre to benefit the etch and NVDDINI4 d of our army may be came members, at any meeting of the Assoctatiom by paying fifty cents, which eons will mate a lady an active, and a gentleman a contributing member. The meetings of the SINNICIAtiOD are held at the Synagogue, in Julisnba aired, where contributions may be sent, or to any of the members of the committee. At a meeting of the Society, held at the Synagogue on WM/MD.IR/ evening, the fol lowing officers were' elected : Proeident, Mrs. Cem-lits Moyer; vice president, Mrs Simon Steroberger; trossu e'er, hire Henry Mayer; correspondiug secretarY s Mien Merebberg, recording secrstary, David Stern. A CooL StrooEsnott.—During the heat of stammer improper dries is in no part of, the lumen body Snore ?etricueotal to health than the head An shiest aanralpob nt preventive of disease, in fact, at this season, is found In Ir,oping the hand cool. Thu selection of a hat, Mindere, becomes a matter of g tnitary importance. Vert;urten's elegant summer Ants, in every variety, at 4.T3 Chestnut street, meet the philosophy upon this paint to a nicety. His stock of Straw Il eta Ia nurivallod. FINE TABLE BEVERAGES AT MODERATE Patties —Mr. 0. 11, Mattoon, dealer in floe Donny gro aeries, Arch and Tenth etreete, hen at all times In stern the choicest Oolong and other Teas Also, n pore article of Old.Osrerument Java Coffee, to which we invite the attention of our readers. SEASONADLE LUXURTES.-- I .l(OsSrg. SloeStnb Bassett, whose stand is in the Hastens Market, corner of Firth sod Merchant , treete,- will offer this day, for the appreciation of the public, an almirable assortment .01 flee Old Cheese, adapted to every taste, haaldes the choicest Strawberries and Ice Cream anywhere to be forad. All Nebo desire such articles, of reliable sasliti e shodid not fail to cell at their stand not purchase their 'supplies. THE PLUMB) EXAMINATION, at the Institution Sor the Blind, which oconplei all the Present week, will elope on Saturday, at ono o'clock. Tbie (rriday) after -moon, and Saturday forenoon, will be devoted eatirtly to the =tetrad perforrnancee—orcheatral, rood and piano. l'hetuddlc aro invited free of charge. IC r E INVITE ATTENTION to the card or Jos. C. Tumor, Attorney•at.ltaw, which wllt be found In another column. STRAling SEPISATIM—The Emperor of Chi na recently washed himself, thereby occasioning the greateet consternation among all classes of hit subjects. At first it was thought that so daring an innovation would be visited with serious cousennouct a, but al soon as tit vats atcettained that the experiment wad only per lamed is an actor humiliation and peremal roortifica ?lion before the Chinese deity, with the hope of averting 'the political calemittes ortho nation, public tranquility was restored. What a sensation would be craated if the 'Emperor was to order a handsome mit of simmer ger minae from the palatial clothing emporium of Grauville &ekes, No. 601 1 Clubtuut street, Philalciphis REBEL BELLS FOR LOYAL USES.e—T he SeeeSh lilacs Dtovo to be troublesome customers to deal with; 'out the belle contributed by secessis to be converted into artillery, and seised at Now Orients by Geoand Butler, taro been received at Boston. There are nearly eight ilurtslred of them; varying in size from a cowbell to /ergo church bells. Most of whom are of the size used on atosnilionte end plantations. It would be a merry c.mceit ee use them for the purpose of proclaiming to all the land :rind to iii the inhabitants thereof, the Morita glint summer sulfa for gentlemen and m"2° at the h Wilson, Nos. Drown Stone Clothing Han' - ' 403 and 60e ducat. above Sixth. , ‘ ,.....AttiNE BUTLER'S COHE TO TOW:l.' 2 —We sill rtmeniber how the New .Orleans prose tried to be slimy' over the rumor of a visit from General antler, in the roily part or the Haring, when as yet the destination or his expo/MOT' was unknown. But. now that lie line come, they Sod he la more than they hsrsainci for. His detection of the restate - ping of the United States coin with st Mexican die, shows that ho is quick to detect the true stamp, whether In d o nate or damsels. The litter 0. ere -violist), on the rota, showing its mintage at New Oriente, f ont h e ld os Place prominently, as the letter U tf ,es in ..,,no price," that marks tho advert semocts or Charles 13tokee , Clottlioo Store, under the o Oentitientao . ARRIVALS AT THE HOTELS VP 20 12 O'CLOCK LAST MART CON ZINHNTAL HOT ICl,—Niuth and Ohestant ate. Truman of, tandem, l y MIRA "'roman k ale, ICentlV7 Miss K Morrison,' Kentucky F P J , •hutiron, Leniev, Ky A II Vol* Duncanville Joe E 1)47, kliELll{ollllBdttj Mr Menne, Vermont G Church, Minnesota 3 A Bridges & In, Allentown lire Tempi, Peormi yam% Tarrey, Jr' IF Jersey James Young. ITiddletnwa •J Buinbetger, klarriaburg B F Etter, llarri-burg •J M Stigma, finrrisburg M • II Tageart, Harrisburg Jno II Harrisburg WIV Raeder, Wadi, 0 •Jams DlAaren, Edinburg Smi , h .Fuller 'Uniontown .John Wyld , Edlnborg '• Dr Wireelwrlebt• Boston A 13 Kota, Boston W Converse, Breton allpeJ Brixton, W Mester • Mil Thomas W Chester 'Con n'l hontas, W Murder F L (Wee- & e ls, Nona If it lltenentan, Lapc,lr, Pa Dent Cln Kinsman 311-8 B Bader, Lowell Alba F Eli.leretb. Crowell 0 Beatty, Rentu , ky Dr 0 0 Keeney, U S A- .J J 14 It, California A W Barker, Deansville Non Alf Reeder, Easton Franklin Hamm. Bangor W B Osgood, California W Hatcher, Wilm, Del S Minter, Reading E Hama, England 'T W Whitt, Lexington, Ky W B Smith, Syracuse •J O Plurner,lstw York 0 Sprague. Hew York O Noyes, Hopkinton, RI T Mill, r, Fludson, N York H Campbell Illinois W F 1 ittntell & la, Cain 'Hugeoe S Abadie • Ur E U Alsadie U S at re A bailie Parks & wf,•l n diana A TSDIS, Mexico E Pigeon; !flexion ."Nr H 80-glieus, Harrisburg Bliss Clapham. Baltimore 3lice Donaldson."Baltimoro }1 Pennington, Bnltinylre J P Brun. II B A. B filesselman, MAristta, Pa B B Lancia, Harrisburg TLi Borrows, Liancestc.r • C P Hackle, Wtstuaorrland L.Horris. Saw llork 0 &Mord. Boston A N Gceeo & wf, York, Pa BI Loot!, New York A G Chandler, Blaine Mee Chandler, Blaine N•Denrcitlee, Now York 1:1 B Ferns, Jr, Nave .0 li„. Detroit • L'H Dyer ' New York J.B Pio + e. Boston 15 , T i 1 Duncan, Now York N A. Dell, Boston Dradforo, Newport, R I J. 7 liewl•, \V (Theater. Pa F }lonised /11 1, Mari York Mrs U Briull'a oh, N York 59 8 Scott. Nei York /I M. lll:What, Now York • •J Smelt, New Yolk E P,Bram, New York Oulterroae, New Ycrk •• W ol erem. New York EH 8 Willem, Atbeam, Pe ' 'Rev S Pgoe, Wash, D rs Beveridge 2 dn; Wash Miss Buckingham, Wash' Mims 0 Finley, New York Nisi Christie; Ndw. York E 8 Baldwin, Beaton ' Mr F7,ick Ott. Boston J DUI er, Ontonagon& B 0 nolo. llotriahurg `Don A K JSlcOloro, Po Palm Blight. Proy, B I W Wood . Polio Inogrlgh . Jas U Lennie, .Maryland Jobn Sueden ln.Brooklyn. Joe W Harper, Jr Howard Heald, Baltltnore P Sietion, Baltimore W A Boom, Raltiume . 31 Hamburger. New York $1 U Wadi kw, California N Downing, Boston '; i;; A S Sturtevant, Now York .3 Dlslvr, New York P R .Dreke, New York 'W Mona, Baltimore Ohne 0 Elenew, 9t Loafs ;John Burgess, New York It G Nall, Now York Longtnier, New York .J H Mellor, Pittsburg •O 0 Platt, Nritr York Jae McAuley, Pittsburg J A•Pntter, Pros, It I F U Grovi. B4ltithore It 13 Steele, flew. Orient' 15 Bally. New York Jcbo 1) Tarbox & w, U B A J$ Maloney, Wald, D John P Thigerc. lowa John Beirear, B iltlmore P 8 Hock lue, Boston Ohee T Banded!, Bosom Ntr T (Beacon, Portland J 0 Price, Blailland MBRORANTS' BOTZL—Fonrth et., below Arch B Morrison A de. Baltimore J T Holmes, Prowl , lona 'W J binderis,TennsylYnnla B,ml OAlysn Pa .J Morrison, Broad fop Mt Mary K Stone, Lanouter Benry Lipp, Lancaster '• IRAs A fietnitsh, tAnciptev John Bulky, ChernbersbUrelt fluter, Ohautherebarg W Be, aer, Obatoberaburg • .1 A Mkater, Chamberabarg B Ahl. Penneylvania , .;D'A Varlirki, York J A Pattrraon, P,a li B Lindarinao, M Ohuuk J D Ileclvo & 16,,0h10 " 'Ohm M 'Mirk to, IcalianA Theo Mare, Pittrbarg B 8 'Kunkel, Ilarrisbnr,4 J 0 D Lilly L Boardman, Connecticut Anon Cameron, RlcMerif Rodgers, dpringr,o TJT lINION—Arch street. above Third W Dli, 'Washington, D 0 John Tunnies, Dt,laware Mintrer, Pottstown - 'rhos teshbr. Balton A 0 Brindriter, Allentown David G..rla t don, Wagon .Jos B Ooodhst t, Bonding Mrs tf Naylor, bambertv Jame... Eliot. New York H Rlllntt, Hartford, Ot A Bowtil Theo Stryker, ISS J A MOO A li, Akron, 0 . . (AMERICAN—Chestnot street, aboTe Fifth L B Wing, Newark, 0 D Green, New York V A Ryan. New York Geo B Bearleg, Now York Jimee It Tailor, N Y B B ichnrll &11. Perm P H Rally & la. Wilm, Del John W byneh & .at. RH II W Trundle, Maryland Jas A Williamson, Md John Pontine W L Hirst D J CaldNeli, Altoona, Pa W 8 Lyorm, Baltimore El B Sexton, Baltim.rß ' B McKenzie, New York G W Fernald & la, N Y D 0 Dodd Jr, New ark.NJ Dire En acne!, Maryland Id B Carlini% Milford, Del W L7Bll & In, New York Bobt Taylor, Warren, Pa ST. LOUIS HOTWL—Otteeinta street, above Third. Chas Rrgge,ltlnkirs J Unnsoo, New . York John A Wrister, Dslowans J T Hamilton, New York Watron Dupuy, New Jenny T Hoorn, New f ork • H 0 Henboor,Wtwellog,Ya John Le Good,Wheeling,Va A 1 Andtb: New York S Stmne, Proneylvania limegen, Baltimore Mem W,tenn, Delaware.. J Moore, New Jereey, D Hanby, Neri'.York W Robinson, Albany Llt Maybe, Ne,iVork • . /onto Yernoy, New York 11 Logrange a at, N Y . • Still:BB UNlON—Market street, above dixth. JU McMira, Atlantic Oily John J Bard, Boller co J r cable, Lmiclister - • A B Baker, Uniliitavalitirsr 'floe M OrtBPMAS, PA W W VlcCannall, Weyab'g • Il Glazier, Buntioadon N S GNl,Prniciylvania • • J Lealistowtt nos Mcdovetn. POttritnwit Alive Mary Mr:Govan., Pa A G Watsou. Penni; trade henry B Ilarplinp, Bedford J 00311BERGIAL-131xth streot, above Ohestn4. P 0 'Riley. Reading Jas Crawford, Ettitoo. T Barton, Baltimore Nra B F Shantz & da, Pa. P W B Brinton, Ohm Valley John Larkin, flh.:eter co J I' Brom( 11, Pa W II Long. Shirloyebarg O B Long, Shlrloyeburg 0 B Rlday. Coaster co A D Baden, Conteayillo W B Morrison, Coate,ylllo 3 Dove, Woßt t heater .1 11 Baker, Wen Chester J Il Entchlution, Chester co NATIONAL BOTEL—Mace street, above Thin'. A D Clark, Monroe, Pa. Miss IC Given. Bolton B K Mratao s Moston Jess 0 Olveu, Boston J.A Parrlib, Summit, Pa B Balm, Allentown P SV Welds, Beading J Shirk & wf. Jonestown Jobn Weitzel . J ['mordant', Boehm Miss KJ Grim, Allentosin J Smith, penatown A - 3 Bowen .Baltlinore . 0 Light, Lebanon ~ J George, itbanon J W ilubler,.Laficaster . . BLAOK BEAR—Third street, above Oullowhill. 11 Becbtel, Becbtelsville . D EOM.% t3chlic co, - Pa J Young, Allentown B Butz, Allentown S 7 Ruppert. Allentown. J Bntz, Allentown W P Buck, Dauphin co, Pa W Allen, Illontonrsville John W Helper. Penne I P Howland, Penns Gep W Wolf, Danboro, Pa BARLEY SHEAF—Second erred, below Vine. Wrn Noble, Tyrone, Pa .1 thaiwallvior, Fox Obase D 0 fleugb, Doylestown, Pa S Y Addis & la. Ballastla E Ream, Now Jersey Jae Vauhorn k la. Doylest'a 11 Hough, Rolgolaville + A Swnrtzleuder, Dayloet'a S Bite, Ilucks ' Wm Doan, Bucka B Cadwallader, Doylostown • Wni Thompson, DoyiesVa 0 Brooke, Washington Mies Id Foram, Penns N Ins B Frets, Penneylvanis 8.1 Briggs, llsry laud J Brown, Backe MADISON BOIIIIIS—Second' street, above Marta. S Cumminge,•Esston S Smith, Now Jersey - N D Bennett, Lambertville A B CalwaDador, Poona 00l W Bader A; la, Lewistown MOUNT VERNON HOTEL—Second et., above Arch. Win Hobert, Pennsylvania Cant Lenox . , Tesnten N .1 Mr Kinsey, Kentucky John Janney, Pennsylvania BALD EAGLE—Third street, ablove CallowhilL D Heberling, Woi•yort I Bntz, M. Chunk - Itlni Neuffinsn, Allentown Jae P idichnor, Easton 'V A Iternig, Northarnyt`n co I MARINE', INTELLIGENCE. fir BEN FOURTH PAGII ARRIVED Behr Bailie B, Bateman, B days from Cardenas, rith sugar and molasses to Stewart, Carson & Co. Behr B It Oogeshall, Swain, 12 days from Cardenas, in hallaat to Baker & Folsom. Behr J C fleraden, Shag, 7 days from Bangor, with lumber to J E Bosley & Co. Behr Thos Borden, Wrlghtington, 3 days from Ira River, In ballast to captain. Bchr S L Crocker. Preabrey, 3 days from Taunton, with anise to Twella 3 Co. tiebr Columbia, Hasson, 10 days from Bangor, with laths and 'potatoes to captain. Behr D H Bills. Brown, 5 dap; from Dostma, to ballast to L Andaturfell & On. Schr Noll, Kelly, 8 days from Providence, with rodeo to Crowell do Collins ,achr Utica, Thorodike, 6 days from Portland, with Do tators to Bolter t Bro. Seim John B ?Sadler, Niekorson t 6 days from Boston, 'with potatoes to Srlea & Bro. Scbr Edwin Reed, Goodspeed, 6 days from Beaton, with miles to Crowell & Collins. Scbr Fly, Chessman, 3 days from Nantucket, in bal. lon to cattain. Bahr asrah, Benson, 2 days from Now Bedford, in bal lot! to L Ardent-led k Co. Bohr Lizzie Taylor, Taylor, 6 days Lona Newborn, NO, in ballett to Tyler, Stone & 00. Bohr Olivia, Fox, 1 day from Odoesa, Del, with grain to Christian dt 00. OLICARED Fehr Julia, (Br) Cox, Halifax, Yan Horn, Woodworth a: Co. Schr M 13 Dyer ' Ferrero, Boston, Twells & Co Scbr D Bills, Brown, Boston, L Airlanded &Co Behr &wish, Benson, New Bedford, do Schr R Knight, Endicott, Chelsea, Haas & Behr GeoJ Jones. Crowell, White House, W J Taylor. Behr Seal, Higbee, Washington, H 0 Lancaster t 00. Hair Geo Henry, Smith, Alexandria, A G Cotton &Co. hl X Freeman, Howes, Boston, Sinnickson & MEMORANDA Steamship Columbia, Barton, cleared at New York yesterdny for Baratta. Ship Connecticut, Bpa_Men, from Singapore Feb 12, at Ltyf two! 12th Mal. . Ship Weatrpoigland, Decan, for Philadelphia, eiesred at. Liverrool 12th host. Ship Gee Green, Fairbanks, for rhiladolphia, was adv el Liverpool 14th inst. , Ship Fleoiwbag, .Jayne, for Philadelphia, was loading at London 14th bat. Bark Win A Banks, Bartlett, from Havana, waa in tho river. Antwerp, IStl, inat Brig theeze, for anantanrano, wriaat Bt Jago de Cuba 6th inrt, read, to rail. Bobr :91doe, Stokeley, hence, arrived at Borbadooe Bib brier. Sara td Weghtington. Tbachor, and Pathway, °emp loy', cleared at Boston 26th luot. for Philadelphia. Schr Itlavy Fletcher, from Delaware Oily, arrived at Bath 2411, Met. Behr Wm Jonea, Jones, for Philadelphia, sailed from New Bedford 25th ult. ' l / 4 • Schr Trader, Baton, bonce, arrived at New York yel -1 erday. Behr Fanny Boardman, Matthews, cleared at New York yesterday for Philadelphia. Steamers 'ltasca, Remyltoo, .and Anthracite, Jones, berme. arrived at New York yesterday. SPECIAL NOTICES. RONEY'S WAR•PRESS, FOR SATIIR DAY,,TIINE 2S, IS ONE OF THE BEST NUMBERS EVER PUBLISHED. IT CONTAINS, AN ORIGINAL TALE OF THE WAR—"New Or- Isar s as It Is." /MR ENGBAVINGS—ToragIeg on the Pa. =inky, and a View of St. Joseph's hospital, Girard ATBISCIO. EDITORIALS—The Death of Col. Eliot—Brigadier Breckimidge—The Tax Bill, as Pe:lna—latent from sn• rope—Spence on America—Sfenarer Butler—Richmond. 'WAR CODItESPOITDEI3OIE—Tbree interesting Let ters from the Army of the Potomac—From the Axmy of the Shenandoah—Movements in Banks' Division—From Gee. Dix's Division—From Gen. lialleok's Army. - - - . LATEST NEWS BY TELEGRAPII from ""*.'nliig ton, Ac.—A Speck of War. In Th.o* .-- . 4 " 1 Mempliill — Cl Rebel Account of a Eattl•—•-•". harleston, Ac. aiir"l:ELLltENOE—Death of Col oVi3i:e;xpeditn. LIST OF BIOS ,AND WOUNDED PENNSYLVA NIANS to the Hospitale o? New York - , the. LETTERS OP " 00CASIONAL." .11ISOELLANEOUS ; —The first Execution for Treason In the United Statea—General Neg,ley's Command at Chattanooga—Oflielal Bulletin of Now Army Appoint ments—Revelations of a Spy—The Groat London Fair. CHOICE POETRY, ORIGINAL-AND BEL ECTED— The Plaint of the Planter—The Holdler of the. Third— Britannia to Columbia. Local News, Financial and Commercial. TRllBlB.—fine copy, ono year, $?; Niue copies. $5 flat, conlee, $8; ton copies, $l2. Single copies, for Belo at the counter, Four Cents. BELL-ADJUSTING PATENT CLOTHES— WHIN GER.—Sole Agency for the State of Pennsylvania. JOHN A. MUILPFIEY, jo1S•1m 922 46131ESTNUT Street, Philadelphia. BATCHELOR'S }LAIR. DYE! THE BEST IN TUB WORLD. ILLIAM BATCITELOR'S celebrated Hair Dye produces a color not to be distinguished from nature— warranted not to Miura the Hair in the least; regoedice the 11l effects of bad dies, and Invigorates the Hair for life. GRAY, RED, or BUSTY HAIR instantly Perna a splendid Black or Brown, lowing tho Hair wit and beau tiful. Sold by all Druggists, SF, FT The Genuine le signed WILLIAM A. BATCHE LOR. en the four latil of each bon. VAOTORY, No. M. BA.B.CLAY Street, (Late 233 Broadway and 16 Bond street), my22-li New York. OFFICE OF THE MATHH;OITY HALL, SAINT . touis,...lnne 13,1862. To the Creditors of the City of St. Louis: Interest on the Bonded Debt of the City of SL Souls already due, and to become due before the first day of July, or Natured Bonds still micaucellod, will be paid, on end after the tiret • d+y of that month, at the Boat man's Savings Institution, in said city. Ooopens and bonds maturing on and subregnont to July flirt, when not made payable in Philadelphia, will be paid as formerly, on presentation at the Dank of the BgpubLic, Now York, the City's Eastern 'Bleed. Agent No interest will be allowed on matured coupons Or bonds from and after the first of July proximo, Jen-tin • • DANIEL G. TAYLOR, Mayor. ONE-Piacr. CLOTHING, OP THE LATEST armee, made In the Best Manner, expressly for RE TAIL SALES. LOWNST Selling Prices marked in Plain Figuree. All Goode made to Order warranted sattidaistory,, Oar ONR•PRIO. S7seie 4 4 strictly ad. hered to. All are thereby treated alike. JONES & 00., 604 MARKET Street. S.-T.-1880--X DRAKE'S PLANTATION BITTERS—Mc. haneted Natures Great Restorer. Tboy Invigorate, strengthen, and purify the system, Cure Dyspepsia, Acidity of the Stomach, Diarrhoea, to. A perfect ap petizer and tonic. They invigorate the body, without stimulating the brain. They are compounded of pure Bt. Croix Rum, Roots, and Herbs, and are recom mended by all who ago thorn. Adapted to old or Young, bat particularly rcoemmended to the weak and languid. Bold by all Grocers, Druggists, Hotels, sad Saloons. P. H. MAKE & 00., my3-mwfBor s 202 rfoodway, New York. MARRIED. COMLY—BEILS.— On the 234 of Jane, 1802 by tho Bey. Samuel Darhorow, Mr. Clifford 001111? to Hies Bal. lie M. Bees, all of this city. • RICO ARDSON—YOIiNG. —By Rev. Wm. Rice, on the 27th of September, Mr. John Richardson to Mae Emma Young, both of this city. . _ HERDER—POWELL.— On the 20th of March, 1882, by the Rev. J. hlcKean, Mr. Edward Bruder to )pee Vir ginia E. Powell, all of Philadelphia. DIED. oKIBBItr.—On the 27th Indent. Jennie F., wife of Captain David B. LicEibbin, to the 24th year.of her ago The relatives and friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend her funeral, from the residence of her puerto, ( Merchants' Hotel,) fourth street, below`Arch street, on Bunday, the 29th instant, at 8 o'clock, without further notice. To proceed to Woodlands Cemetery -44* KINN &BD.—Suddenly, on the morning of the 29th, Mrs. Beulah E. Kennard, wife of Boy. J. H. }Kennard, D. D., of thi pity,• Parties • hereafter: — ' DAB. •TR AD.—ln "Camden W. J., on the 24th . nna 7a ona, daughter of Rev. Al. E. and Debora J a • • Ilatmeteed, in the 12tti year of her age. * STELWAGOIC-Lan the' 26th ititithit, Ohbries Noble, eon of Jothpb end Margaret Stela:aeon, aged 7 years. ,! The relatives and near friends of the family are re ineettniliiniited to attend . the fonerel, from the D.,rente retidence, No 'ss7 North Seventh street, on daturdnv, the 58th lenient, at 3 o'clock. without farther notice. To proceed to Soul] Laurel Bill Cemetery. 1.16.1 . 71110.11. On the 25th tuatara, Fla Mari, paugh ttr of Nate M. cud the late Samuel a.. .Datum', in the 13 h year id her ego. " The relatives and Maude of the family are respectfully invited . to attend the funeral, from the ro'tl'oce of her mother, No 30 North Fifth etrcet,• this (Friday) after noon at 4 o'clock. . * • STILLS.—On the .22d instant,. at •Fortress • Mown., Dr..a.•Orren Stifle. burgeon of Colonel Noll'a Regiment, Peonbylvauia Volunteers. • 'The relatives and.untio friends are invited to attend-the four rid. without .farther notice from his late ruddence. No. 1058 Chebtnut,street, this (Friday) evening, at . 3 o'cleek P. M. . * BALL.=.Oa the June, 1882, J. Welnert, eon of Rcu y Jr., and Catharine Bail, aged two Years sail 00 Fum ral from the. parents' maritime.. No. 830 Marken 11111.0, this (Fridey) aftm noon. 27th last.. at 3 &cloak-fit MOGARgaLlt.—On the 26th instant, .Mrs. Mar Itcqaret,le, aged $S team 'Omelet from St. Ana's Widows' Asylum, Second ,etrert,' below ChriAlan, this ( Friday) morning, 27th fit itfret. nt 9 &dank: e BRYANT —Birth() 24th inst , John Q. Bryant, in the 50th seal of•hls age. Flaxen I 'roc( his Into residence, No. Tub Federal street, OD Saturday'. the :Bth that., at 2 o'claak.• . . • OitiltßOLl , —On the 25th instant, [dent Thnniasoar. roil, aged 27 years, of Colonel Owen's Regitrient;69th Pettiwylviutia.'Co. H. Funtral from-his late reoldencei Twenti fourth and Spites Gorden streste, - on Sunday, at 12% o'clock. -** STEYFNSON.—On the 25th instant,_ after a lingering Winton, M nry'Louisa Stevenson, mood 24 Fenn. Fusers.' banu the rnoldince of her brother-in-law, - Mr. .' , Jachoon euyder, No. 422 Catharine street, on Satnrday afternoon, 2Fth instant, at 3 o'clock. •('#* SA FETZ —On the 24th inetent, Mr. John Shoats, In the 770 Iron' ot Me age. Flute:al frou, his late residence, 9SB Sercntli street, above Porter, this (Friday) afternoon; at 3 o'clock. * 111SEBT.;=On the evening of the 24th instant ' Jeltina T., son of-John A. and Vinhtl B. Mickey, aged 3: years and 5 menthe. The reletires aid friends of the family are Invited to. attend hie %net el. from the residence of his parents, No. 858 North Twelf h, this (rriday) morning, 27th inst., at 0 o'clock, 'without further notice. Fa..EGDSON.—Suddenly, of disease of the heart, on the 26th Instant, Peter L Ferguson. • ' Hie relatives and male friends are invited to attend the funeral, from the rividence of Mork' 1? Lex, No 1225 Arch street, on Saturday morning, at To'clock, without tlisr notice. SSW B 0 PE.—On the 24th instant, William M. Hope, egad 88 yetu•e. tonerill from his Ito residence. No. 128 Coo Per street, Camden, this (Friday) morning, 27th init., at 10 o'clock £M. * GROSS.—On the 24th instant, Margaret, wire of Me mento Orme, and daughter of Ileury Eloblanta, aged 27 scats and 4 mouths Fureral from the roeidence of , her husband, No 'fin eolith street, this (Friday) morning, at 8 o'clock. * OBITUARY WO ore deeply pained to bear of the death of Hrs. DAVID Naming, as announced in thie column. Amid all {be clash of arms and turmoil of political movements, these sad disruptions of sweet family and social ties come to us with, etartling vividness. The soldier is drawing around Ws 'bet agonies all the pomp of military pagean try, all - thii giOry - which daring, all the courage which desperation can•kive. Bis last groans mingle with the ' cannon's roar, his last sighs are borne upward on the smoke of conflict and carnage. Lifo's wild scene Ands en end in the wilder scene of such a death. The sunset bee no quiet beauty; the midnight brings not on its wings a breath of balm; the life meets an appropriate close; its best energies were given to struggle, and now, when its every vital force is waning, Straggle closes its troubled et ee. But hem; is a death amidst friends, and peace, and brighteat hopes ; here is one, crowned with all that is loveliest in womanhood, breathing out, in quiet resignatien, a life that had been eilently moulded by sorrow and sacrifice. Here are no flashes of blood, but regretful tears; here are no yells of defiance, but low prayers of entreaty. There is heroism no Use; for our departed friend walked towards death as her fulfilled life bed given her right to walk—with a step firm yet hum ble, distrustful of its own power, but with implicit re nonce on a Higher Power.' May this painful shock open the eyes of sorrowing friends to the herotem of a lire so true, eo noble, ao pure, so strong as was hint. Holllß ß MOURNING GOODS FOR J UNE MlES—Black Barege Heinani or Grenadine BOreges, Bereges, Crape Mentz, Silk Chaiss, Point de V. nice, Summer Bombazines, Tiunises, fintiMousselines, Silk Grenadines, Ponit de Sole or Mourning Silk, Gros de Rhinos, Foulards, Crape Lime. Grenadine and Crape Veils, Barego and Grenadine Shawls. Silk Net Shawls, &a Also, Black and White Silks, Foulards, Lawns, Gingham°, Talencias, &c. BESSON & SCr.'S Mourning Store, jell • 'No. 918 onEs riknyr Street. UTTHE MEMBERS OF SELEUT AND COBI3ION couNcns of the City of Philadel phia eve invited to meet in their respective Chambers on IBIS (Friday) AFTERNOON, at 3 o'clock, for the purport. of attending the funeral ceremonies of Colonel OH ARLES ELLET. By order of the committee. It ISAIAH H. ROMER, Clerk. TrPREMIUM FUND ASSOCIATION, No. 419 WALBUT street.—The Annual Meeting of the Assoc:alien will he held on MOND4Y BYESISO nest, 10th ho t , at 7 o ' clock , ' at the Odic°. at which time a !indent, nt of tho operations for. the past year will. be presented, nt.dll•3 election for Officers to serve for the 01.0)1111 scar. Was B • rre NOTICE.—TIEE COUPONS DUE JULY 1, 1!62. tf the Registered. Morigsge Beads or the XL BMA AND WILLIARSPORYB trlato.l.o 00 will be raid on pr.sentniion, at the Office of the PRIME YL • VANTA COMPANY. FOR INSURANCE! ON LIVES AND GRANTING ANNUITIES, on and after that !into. By order of the Board of Managers. WM. O. LONGsTRIITH, Treasurer.. rIIII.ADELPHIA, 6Lb month 26, 1h62. DT'THE MALE RELATIVES AND Irletidn of Col. CRAM:ES HURT, Ja y ore Invited to attewi hte fouevot on FRIDAY, .27t1i kat, at 4P. D. To proceed to Laurel 'Stn. - 0mria.,....01.b e In welting on the emit aide of Mita attest, east of Ind*. gendence Square. ' je26 2ta REPUBLICAN GENERAL COMMIT- Crl n . TRE 01 SUPERINTENDENOS.—A. Meeting of Ate Committee will be held at the Counts Court ROnee• corner of SIXTH and CHESTNUT Streets, on S knit- DA Y EVENING, Jure 28,1882, for the purpose of hold ing a joint Convention with the People's Committee .of Superintendence and the Sub-Committee of the Republi can Ci nvention. • GEORGE H. MOORE, President. long W. DIIIIREZ, S. oratory. . je27.2t* try. THE UNITED STATES SANITARY COMMISSION—PHILADELPHIA AGENCY Nu. ]23 CHESTNUT Street —The following recom mendation by the President of the United States suffi ciently authenticates the Commission to the public: ti 7ho Sanitary Commission is doing a work of great humanity and direct practical value to the nation in this time et its trial. It is outiticd to the gratitude and eon Silence of the people, and I trust it will be generooffy supported. There is no agency through which voluntary offerings of potriotiam can be more effectively made. g<ADS.A.II &Id LISOOLN." The undersigned .will receive, and forward to places where they may ho most needed, all contributions for the sick and wounded, and will furnish all turormation to persons applying to servo as nurses, droners, kc., in the Floating Hospitals of the Commission, or elsewhere. iee7•Ct W. 'PLATT, Sc., Suneriatendent. IMEADQUARIPEES -HOME GUARD. • emir or Pima, uRi.PRIA, JUDI) 254141992" ....----asPnCIAL ORDER, No. 19. owe officers of the Army, Navy, and Marine Corps et Volunteers in service, and of tbo First Division Peanut- Tarifa Militia, end of the Ilome Guard not on duty. are respectfully invited, without further notice, to assemble in the Ttdeaeudee ce Dag on FI Id ay next, the 27th at 3) o'clock, P. M., to participate - 1n the funeral °bee (mien of the lace Colonel Cherie,' Ella, Jr., commander of the United itatee steam iron-clad ram fleet, serving on the Miesisslppi river.. The funeral. procession will march at 4 o'clock P. ET., punctually on that day. By order ot A. J. PLE ASA NTON, Brigadier General Commanding foam Guard. Wu. BRADFORD, je2e:2t Assistant Adjutant General: [ErHEADQUARTERS HOME GUARD, CITY OF PHILADELPHIA Jima 26, 1862. SPECIAL OBDAIt, No. 18 CHARLES ELLET, Jn., late Commander of the United Suttee Ram Fleet, on tho Mississippi river, is no more. A native of Pennsylvania, ho was reared in and near thin city. In leis early youth be vieited Europe, and t -a• veiled over much of iron foot, devoting his time to the study of bridge architecture and the kindred branches of civil engineering, in which he subsequently beams moat t lably distinguished. ' On the In asking out of the present rebellion he urged tenon the Government the construction of etfam iron-clad rams for the defence - of our Western rivers, and was commissioned by the President to organize and command a fleet of such TO/ Ws. With his nn firing energy he anon completed his fleet, organized big crews, and, in com mand of it, be descended the ldissiesippi river. and took a most active and decisive part to the naval action with th. rebel Bret before Menielde In thisbattle the value of - steam rants for naval war fare wee stain illustrated in the most conspicuous man ner, but it was at the expense of the life of their dirin guithed Commander, who, severely wonnded in the notion, use taken 'o Cairo, where he yielded his life on the 21st instant. 'Victory crowned hie efforts, the nation rejoices in the success of his brilliant genius, bat Pennsylvania laments the lose 'or anothor or her most gifted eons. remains having been brought here 'for 'interment, it is ordered : 1. That they lie in state on Friday next in Independence between the hours of p o'clock A. M., and 3 o'clock P M. . 2. Company B, of the Ist Regiment of Artillery, is de tidied es the Boly Guard of the romaine. Captain H tat• legs ill repo4 to these Ifeadquortera for instructions. 8. The 2d Regirutnt of Infantry, Lieutenant Colonel Hiwkiroci, COMMo.ll4ing, is &tatted as the funeral moon. 4. The funeral cortege will leave Independence Ilan on Friday next; at 4 o'clock P. gr., and the remsios will be itterred at Laurel MIL By older, A. J. PLEASONTON, ' Brig. Gen. Oom. Home Guard. WILLI Al[ 13 a.SDP ' Assistant Adjutant. General. jo2B 2t .TAKE NOTICE. THAT -WE Mad, apply to the Board•orillort Wardens' of and-for tba.Port of.Philadelphfa, at their next mart'ne. July Sth, 1t62, for permission to extend TORSI . : PIER 3 Into the River Delaware, fronting onr -property at tlbeater, Dela ware county, agreeably to the p'an feed to tboirofMle. CHESTIM, Jnae 44t1h1862. rlrti CENTRAL MOH SCHOOL.,—The El- A3IINATION of Applicants fur ddmistion into the Central High School trill commence on Lt0 . .11191Y, Jane 30, it 9 A lit , Candldatts must be at least thirteen years of mute, fed dtnts of the City of Philadelphia, and they must hove been for at least one year pupils' in the public nhoola of tlio city. • • The order of Exam!' atinn whims as fellows: bIoNDAY. Jumi 90-11Tensuration and Orthography. TUESDAY, July l—Theory. of Arithmetic and De fining WYPNESDAY, July 2—Prfeciples or ammeter. end Paroing. • Thursday. July S— Arithmetical examples, and Consti tution of the United States The ne:w Clem will be almitted on TaItSDAY, the Bth cf Jalr.. NIOfIOL IS 11. MA:017III:8, je2s-4t. • • •-Prtneipal. • UNIVERSITY OF PENNSOFALN4A.,': 113 (DEPARTMENT OF AUTO . . examination of the Juoior, • Fophomore, ad F reehu.en Clas•ea, at the - close of the Third Tertn,.will be held in the following order : • ' • MONDAY; June 234—From 0 to 11, Juniors, by the Provost. (lute lemma] Philosophy ' ) oral. From 11 to 1, Sophomores, by Prof. Frazer, (Metallic . Chemlstey,) . written. ; TUEPD &Y, 24th.—From 9 to 11, Sophomores, ( &nit -11 beat Geometry,) and Fresbmen, (Geometry,) by. Prof. Kendall, written. From 11 to 1, Juniors, by • Prof. Frazer. (Feat and the Steam-Engine,) oral. WEDNESDAY, 25th.—Fro n 9 to 11, Sophomores, (lifstory,) and Freshmen. (Rhetoric,) by. Prof Copan, written. From 11 to 1, Jnniors, by Prof. Allen, (The Birds of Arietophenes,) oral. THURSDAY, 26th.—From 9 to 11, Juniors, by Prof. Kendall, (Differential Osionlnn.) written. From 11 to 1, Sophomores, by Prof. Allen, (Thucydides,) oral. • . • FRIDAY, 27th. From 9 to U. Jordors, by .Prat. Jackson, (The Epistles of Horace,) oral.. From 11 to Freshmen, *by Prof. Allen, (Minor Greek Poets.) oral. MONDAY, 30th.—From 9 to 11, Sophomores, by Prof. Jackson, (The Odes of llorace,) oral. TIMM) AY. July lat.—From, 9 to 11, Freshmen, by Prof. Jackson, (Livy,) oral je25.1j71 GEORGE ELLEN, Secretary of the Faculty et Arte. TrPHILADELPHIA AND READING RAILROAD OOPIPART—OFFIOE 227 Sentb FOURTH Street, PIIILADIMPHIA, June 21st, 1812. To avoid detention. the holders of Coupons of this Company due on tho let proxlmo are requested to leave them at this Office on or before the 30th inst , when ye t:elite will bo given, and checks will be ready for de.' livery on the let proximo in exchange for said receipts. je23.411 S. BUDFOAD, Secretary. T14..:.:,k•u%)i.r.f.c.(:-.#11,E:u..!... _ . . or PEOptivs - STATE CONTENTION. TUE PIMPLE OF PENNSYLVANIA, who dedra cordially to unite in . • SUSTAINING THE NATIONAL ADEINISTUATIGE In WI Patriotic efforts to sunproffe sectional and unholy rohslilou against the UNITY Or THE EXPUTILIG, - and who desire to-nu:Tort, by even Power of. Go vernment, our hundred tuonsand heroic brethren in arms. braving disesac and the perils of the field to preserve the Union of our fathers, ore rot:En:mind to lid,c-t the onmha• of DELEGATES equal to the Legislative &presentation of the Sista, at finch tines and in such monitor as wiil boat respond to the spirit of this cal!, to meet in On TWORSDAY, the lith day of July next, at 11 o'c!ock on mid de7, u• NOMINATE CANDIDATES -for tho offices of ' AUDITOR GE.I.IF;RAL AND • SITIIVETOIL GSWERb,L, and to take each meaenrew as CORY be de*rned . necesnarr to strain g then the Government in thia season of common Dorn to a common conntrY. Chairman of the People's State Clommtttee. ONO. W. EfAftl =WILY. JOHN :SULLIVAN. tiecretarlea ' . my2.-tt arr G gEg e Ir m A t ratS P. M., SURGEON state Blsdicel Botird far' the rxarnioation or (rind!, dotes for the Poet of ASSISTANT BURGEON in Penn= Berrimente, will asapilblo` at H A BRISIIIIBG, lily 8, at . 9 A. M.; and GUMMI° in see.ioa one day. Ceadidates vrtlt rogieter;their eternal on arriving at the capital. By order of, the Governor. Rya; BY Ti. SMITH, • jo2l4ataij3 8 ,burgeon Goneral Bennsylvania.'.. jeep. OFFICE'OT TIIE LITTLE SCHUYL. 'KILL NAVIGATION', RAILROAD, AND OnAL rOIEPANY, 401 LIBRARY Street, PAILAVAL PRIA. /nit , . 6;1862. A Special 6IE-rting of the Stealth°ldnre of this Com pany wlll be held at their office on TEIIII23DAY, the 26th inatent, at o'clock A.M., for the *Patch of business generally. By order of the Board of hlanooors: . • WM. WILN, ,Tr,, • je6•fSmtl6 Tiesenrer and Secretary. HEADQUARTERS 'MILITARY COISMANDER, PHILADBLPIIIA, June. Et, 1882. ail SOLDIERS of the United Mateo army, In this city rind the surronfiding cdnulYY. not on duty, or pa tient,' in n. Fined States hosnital, will, withnnt deity. re nnet Menne! yes to the Military Pommatetcr in Phila. telebta, on penalty of being considered desertem Thom who cannot an report will forward reliable cm.. tificetes of their disahility. • •• • By command of Brie. Con. MONTPOSIERY. je25.3t J. R. LIVINOSTOR, Lt. nod A. b. 0... i'97 . 0T0 . RYI....V.ICTORY! !-THE 116th REGIMBNT. •P. V. M., has been itheetallY accepted by. the War Departiumg for three years or during the war. Captains report immediately.. Bounty, Rations, Clothing, and Pay furnished from— date of enlistment 'lbis is the only three-year ltogiment authorized by the f ecretary of War from this State, and all patriots desirous of serving our common country must now come forward. The Regiment will positively march on or be fore the let of September next. D. HEENAN, Colonel Commanding... A. MALSEICD, Adjutant. • Per G 11. BARD WELL. Major. Tfeadquarters, 624 DIAIMET Street, Philadelphia. jel3 tf 11010 . PULARTBE MOST TOPIL len Picrure.g now made "aro RR WE R'S COLORED PHOTOGRAPHS, at the popular price of $1 for lilt.' 11056.1. ' ono accurately colored. GaIIerTBEOORD Street.. above Otteu. A LBUMS FOR WA: R VIE WS:- These Alburtis are prepared expressly for the Gard Photograph Flewsof the War, Groups of Statuary, Laud, stapes, copies of Pine Paintings, .&c., and are the only . Albums suited to this clans of Photographs. • No. 50. Imt. mor., gilt edg. and clasp, for 20 Pod'aArk 50 61. ~ .£ • 46 80 ft 8-00 52 - ~ " 44 40 ~ 350 58. ‘, $1 tt 50 " ' '4 00 54 Tney or., ~, two clans, 20 ~ - 876 55. it SI it • 30 .1 -4 00 56 .• al 41 40 ~ . 4 50 b 7. 1, Ls • tt 50 " 600 58. " vf . " pan sides, 20 ~ 52i 50. 4, 1. . 44 GS 30 " •.0 60 60, 44 It 61 - 16 40 44 576 61. .£ • 45 . II ta 50 .. 600 62. Velvet, gilt mom:og ~ .20 ~, 5:6 63. 44 16 .4 30 ~ 600 64. £4, I. • t. 40 " 625 65. ~ - .., - " - 5 O 5O ~ 675 .66 -Turkey. - gilt edge, ~o blo'g 4to, 00 1, 700 07. 0 at iS . 80 " 750 68. II If IS 160 • " 500 69. 41 •• ' • 41' - 44 pin; E. 4 3,, 60 4.6 .. 575 70. ." " ttII • ' BO 41 g 25 • 71. .. 16 14 100 tr 973 - • QUARTO ALBUMS. ' Imitation • Dlorocco, 'turkey Antique, . two clasps, New Stylea and Designs are coast mtly introduced. Every Album ra furnished with a Title Pare and . Index, printed In Gold. • fl Complete Catalopnea of Card Portraits and Photo graph Album war be obtained gratis. Publialted by s. ti ALFRED NASTIER, je26 In. 606 CHESTNUT Street, Philadelphia. 514311.1F.1 CANT.— The public- aTipre elation of the floe' qualities of ILEIIIEtt'S 00- LOBED PHOTOGR aPaS for $1 fe evinced in the greet &mud fir them at hie seller), 8300 JD Street, above Oreve. JAY COOKE & CO:. The nrulormigned,'as Subscription Agent for the Go vernment, is prepared to deliver KEW SIX PEE CENT. UNITED STATES LOAN, Subscriptions received AT PAR, and accrued interest from May 1, 1862. Lea Tender or Par Notos and Chocks received -Ter the Bonds—the Interest to date must be paid in Gold. This Loan is called "5.20," having TWENTY years to run, but redeemable at the option of the Government at any time after FIVE sears, but Is a eix•per cent. Loan. JAY COOECE & Co., AND 7 ago Titi;#l,SVitY $2,100; $1,500,51 200 WANTED, on ret•cass securities, impreved'city propertaeo. Apply to, E. PETTIT, je2o . No 309 WALNUT stied. . W. CHURCHMAN, ,No. 32 .South FRONT Street, Philadelphia, is prepared to make cash advances on consignments to his friends in Liver. pcol. jot - imp AM0UNT4 250.7. 7,,T0-ne.rei.t.,TaClorlNonni NA& Apply .to 3. PETTIT, No. 309 WALNUT ; Street. • . kg T.N THE COURT ,OF • COMMON .1 . PLNAb FOR THE GM - AND:COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA Betide of GEORGE. CH &NOLEN. . . The Auditor appointed by the Coact to indit, aettla," • and adjust the account of ROBERT OEUUltfltled. taf, Amignco for the benefit of creditors of. GEORGE C!IANDLEE, and to report distribution of the balance he the hands of the accountant,. will meet the puttee in terested, for the purposee of his 'aupointment, on TUE 3- D AY. the Btly day of Tnly, at 12 o'clock all, at the IWITlif ERTL', USE, 'Yi ASSO2T, above Sixth street, in the cis) of Philadelphia. " • 1621-St FRICK & TIIO a& 1 . je25.3t -MARSHAL'S SALE.—By virtue of a Writ of Sale, by the Iron. JOHN CADWirLA . - DER, Jndge of the District Court of the United States, In and for the Eastern Distiot of Penneyleanfa, in adnyi-. roily, to roe difected, will be . sold, at public. eels, to the hiFbeek and beat bidder, for cub, at CALLOWFIDA STREET WELtItF, on WEDNRSD 6,Y, July 9, 1861, at 12 o'clock M., the sobOoner GIRD 5, her tackle, apparel, and furnitnre, and her cargo laden on board, ootiediting of 100 .Ides of cotton, 6 tierces of rice, In bane, 400 ; empty begs,. and a quantity .of tobacco., Oen be ex . Bylined on the mce nine of rile. . . WILLIA . BI MILL W,431.D, D. B. Margie] Pastern District of Nuns. FFiII . .4DELPITT4, June 26, 1862. jai. et A B SIT AL' S SALE.L—Bjr virtue' of M . a Writ of Bale. by the Hon: JOHN OAD WABA DAR, Judgo of the District Court of the United States, In and for the - Beaten District of Penneltlyania, in admi• ratty, to me :directed; will•be sold, at public sale. to the hiabest and beet blddrr, for cash. at QUEEN-STREET 1% BARS. on 310NDli7, July 11,.1802, at 1.1 o'clock A. M., the Steamer CUMBRIA, her mlltle, apparel, and furniture, and the cargo 10dm on board. The cargo will be. -sold at MICHENER'S STORE, No. 142 'North FRONT Street, at 12 o'clock ht. Catalogues will be Word prior to the day of sale. - The goods can be ex amined on the morning of Me. WIGLIA.II MAIM .. • U.S. lfaratiol Baatern District of Reim. PRILAM3I4•IIIA, Jinie 26, 1882... io27-82 ACARILLI SHALL . START' .on. a BUSINESS TOUR through the -Western .and /Northwestern States In a few days, and will give atten tion to the Collection of Olaime, Bedemitlec, of Lands, Payment of Taxes, dtc.. &c. JOSEPH O. TUENER,: &ttorney•at- Law. je27-fm-2t* No. 611 WALNUT Street. I VOll3l TYPES.—REI.MEit'S Ivory tyrcware dad, finished. la - all the details of posi tion. color. andtcdessories, the artist has succeeded to a SZOOND Street, above Green. 110TAVANA LEAF T98A.003,440. 1.1. bales ' 4 . Vuelts Absjo,n just received, for sale by A. MARINO. • jo26.ei* • 140 South FRONT threat. TURTLE AND ..0LA.14 SOUP served Ili daily (Sundays grail ';;t.ixl) by .4.11111 a Plit4lo.•• MARK VT Eltroot. - Ir=itio4ll4 ea turnaL my7-tr BT ATE 00111reNTION IttIiRISBUIIG; A. H. MaULTTRE, PHOTOGRAPHS. LIST OF STYLES AND PRICES for 200 Portraits $1 59 209 u S 50 200 .$ 10 5D pan aides. 200 FINANCIAL. BANKERS, NO. 114 SOUTH THIRD STaEET, NEW " " LOAN. AT ONCE, ON PAYMENT, COUPON :BONDS. AUTHORIZED FEBRUARY 25,188 JAY:{ GOOSE, BUBBORIPTION AGENT, 114 . 11 oin k. THIRD Street. BANKERS, Wilt buy at a rreinium the next due coupona of EATBD STATES 6s OT 18S1, ITAY:OOORE & 00., 114 SOUTIVIIITED_BTREET LEGAL FRIDAY. JUNE 27, J 862. RETAIL DRY GOODS. UST REOEIVED, RAIL SPIII. - N43- SKIR,TS von, A]MES, ATLE:EES, AND ; CHILDREN, SUPERIOR QUALITY; EXTRA LENGTEI, BEATIT'IFUL SHAPES. ,BEPPARD, VAN HAALINGrEN, & ARBISON, "r , I i-o 7008 011MSTNOT ATREET 6TEEL & SON, • - •. No. 713 lioltil TENTH Si , above - POATES, Haw jest respivsti, ' 3,009 YARDS FINN Iritirqpß SAI MIGtE3, .t 31" emits 'novel' Wei 1(.9 than '44 cents, Ilia greatest jot. of the eeaeln. , 'ltch Ptyl.l , of Biregea. at 313/ to 50 eenta. Bich ldght . Grountl Granath:. a, at 50 cents, worth $1 Rich Foreech Organdiee, nt. 37% cents..' Fine Preach Orearkdieß. 2.% wed 31 tentß: 1 lot of French Orgav (Bra ; at 18. worth 3735 canto.' Beautiful talle; rf Awns, at 1231, mite, ' NOW , etYltF BYOUV Ground Lawna, at 12% cants. NO ADV r . .ICE IN BLACK 811.N.5.• A. fell Hne x,rnsi Dina Pints, at low orkes. \EAT REDUCTION Iv. LACE GOODS. In oreer to effect more riled sales, and to _closo out In season our entire , stack - • lace Karate's, Lace Douruous t and we have toads great roductimis from our FOItMEI L'OY/ PRICES.' jo2o !CLOAKS ! CLOAKS! CLOAKS! TEM GREATNST 'B&W oINB IN TUN OITX TV ENS 4te 400.'Sq, No. 23 SOUTH NINTH STREET. THE LARGEST SPOOR, THE REST ASSORTMENT; THE CHOICEST COLORS, THE FINEST QUALITIES, THE. MOST' SUPERB TRIAINIBTA TB E NEWEST STYLES, ; THE BEST WORE,; ; AND DECIDEDLY THE LOWEST rzusEs, IN VIZ CITY, IVENS & CO.'S. mb.26-3m NO. 23 SOUTH NINTH STREET. yott want the beet value IL,I for your money, go to the Oity *plonk Store, 14E gorth VT.GHTFI Stmt. above, 011errY. ,Ml}26-8m fILOA - Kti A DIA.GNIVICZNT ABBORTZBNT ALL THE NEWEST STYLMS INPURTED TUB SE SON, With every nevi material; made up and trtmraMl in the very.Tery beet manner, at prices that defy all compettlen, AT TH$ EMS , CLOAIC STORE, N. Si. OpRZER ZINIITH AND WALNUT EITIS. mb2B-8m OLOAKS AND MANTILLAS. A. SPLENDID ASSOBTrifENT Of all the Newest Materials, AND CHOICEST PATTERN% AT THE LOWEST PRIORS, , myls-2m ' No. 25 Smith TNNTET litreot ( MEW CLOAK . STORE! AA The most elegant aisortment in the dip. 3i - o. 29 South . NINTH Street ? First door above elestnnt. mh2 , 3-3m OLOA_EC.S, PA_LA,TOTES AND MAN=' TllLAS.—Ladlea In want of the above articles wFH ilnd It to their advanteg )to visit the old established house 'of -Alre, HENRY, No. a North NINTH Street, below ABOR. The lateet Paris Styles always on band at =lsar that astonish everybody. ant-Rio TAEfiIEARLE SUMNER, GOOD& IJ' : Übeckid Worettds. Travelling GooOe. - . Checked Poplins and Silks. Plaid Mozatubiones. Very Cheop Fancy 'Savages. Cheap lots of Barege Bribes. French Orgaudias and Lawns. Plain Baregee, of alt colors. Vide Bart gee for Mantles. Barege Shawls. India check Silks. Foulard Silts. • Black Silks. • French Chintzes. Aloueselitos. SHARPLESS BROTHERS, CHESTNUT and IMFUTH Streets. PYRE & LANDELL, FOURTH and Andre; aave Bine 'Flannels for Bathing Robe& Gray Flannels for Bathing nobler Riold Flannels for Bathing Robes. Shepherd's Plaids for Ba hiog Robes. jolB VYRE c LANDELL RAVE a full ap , ortment of - Tourists' Drets G' 3,0• 1 8. Mode Grenadine V. its. of Emperior grade. , Sea-gide Stripe &agle VbiteTerege and Shetland Shawls. - jECIS TAS-13. CAMPI3 I 6.I 00., 727 CHESTNUT STREET, WHOLESALE AND BETAM, Very choice Goode of recent importation. Black ilk Checked Grenadine, extra quality Foulard filke, el;ennt stilee and fine engity Black- Mike, beat brands. Droche Barege, Eternanfs and Hozambiques. 8-4 Ptwis Fil d'Obeyre. Poft dtCbeYre, all wool 1311ing. Grenadine Toils, in mode and other abed... . :, WHITE GOODS AND LINENS. In great variety; at extremely low prices. 1'024 'OBIISTNIIT ST BEET E. M. NEEDLES Invitoo'tbo special attention" of Ladies" who intend .g spending the summer , in 44 the country" at Watering Places,'' or in .‘ (rand• ling." to s very Ibrge rtm at of TRIMMED AND 'HAWN: -UP GOODS," OX=MI:M=II In "POINTS, VALENOIENNE, GUIPURE, MALTESE," and other Lacea; and in ' .oit htBRIO, btili SWISS," which be has inn , . opened A lAO, in Volenttenne Tritiated" and Cambric Handkerchiefs," embroidered, iu colors) Maribor -with a general e•sor a neut of Whlfe Goods, Linen, Laces, E etbroidEries, liandkerehiefe," &a., adapted to the re quirements of the ,present season. A large and TRYititi assortment of "Garibaldi Musiitu," and t•Black and White Figured Nee' for "Sleeves." Allah. above of the "Latest Styles," mat at he " Very Lowest Prices." JOS 1424 OHMSTIiTTT STBEIIT NEW- BERING Pi 011010111 EITYL74B. • MICURTAIAOB, SPRAGUE, PACITIO, ALL TWIALTE AND A. HALT OBNTB. A large lot bard sodas and fast colors at 100. • • 00WPEETHWAIT B 00., tolds-13 B. W oar. NIGIITH and BIABILICT Sla • I WOULD CALL THE ATTENTIAN of my cnstoizieril and friends to the following Goode, which are fresh and desirable : Black and White Plaid Silks. • ' Organdie Lawns, choice styles. i One lot of Lisle Gauntlets, .at 18)(is a Daly. Ono lot of Black Silk, 81.12)E ; lbe best I over bad for the money. At . jell}6m - T. • 43. R I r- 11:0 . 0.D..8.. 8-eent. Brachia Fignrod 6M-cent Dark illozaroblques. , • • • • • 12M-cont. Original Quality !Axons& 12M. cent. Figured Bermes, seduced from 81 canto. 14-cent. Sti lead Idozawhiquos, worth 25 coats. . Neal Fast-Colored Lawns, 12% and 15 cents. Largo Lois of Cheat, Thin - Goods. FINE WIDE 5l DEA billions. Gray Double-Width'Fine Moiambienes. Black Bareges, some bargidoa, 18% to 25 cotta. 25-cent. Finest Black Tamartlnee. BARGAINS IN t,LE`ADAS. Fi-aest Black Alpscaa over sold, for 25, 81, 88, 40 cts. • Colored Alapacas, good, for 25 coute. DAMASK NAPKINS. 61.50 per dozen. Neatrigares,FastEdges, worth $62. Finer Grades Napkins, Damask Towels. Power-Lam add other Table Linens. Extra Fine Table Damietta and. Clothe. 000PKB & GONARD, -:•..jel-tf S. E..corner NINTH and MARKET Streets. NEW ; IMBROIDERIIa, W HIT GOODS, &0.,— , ,1n5t, opined, a general assortment of desirable Frenckand Scotch ;Noed!e- worked Sande, Edgings, Insertings, Handliorohlofe, Oollare, Sleeves, eto., at very low price,. ALSO, A full line of all descriptions of White Goods for Ladies' wear, of the most approved makes.— . • • 8 ErrAr.D, VAB BABLINGAN. BABBISON, je4 . IOOS.OBBSTBUT Street. 70t ARCH STREET MAY BE A fouud Bareao o Shawls. White Boregotilosodo Mozambique Sbem L 9. Blida Sbawle. Jug received 'and for ealo by jr9.4 • OILIC H. STOKES WILL • OPEN • TISMOBROW NORNIN 3, at 702 ABBE Street, 10 dos - Biala' Light Lisle GiO7P(I, at 18 , worth 37%. . Alto, 8 dos: Ladies' Modo Hobe at 18, worth 26., Alio, Ode 'piece Black India Silk, Without lustre, for moue' Mos and aprons. - le2l .TZAROAINB IN COTTON 3 AND JJF LTNENS:LNetwitlistanding the datial. ADVANCE in' the prices of ILUSLItid, we are prepared to sell a large dock of all kinds, bought previone to thp rise, at lees than they can sow be bnwtbt. - X verf width of Sheeting And Shirting tinelin Also, all kinds of BURNISHING GOODS. Those proposing replenishing their stocks can now do so with a great saving. •. • • Table Linensfrom 37,ti cents to $1.25 per yard ; large Napkins, 75 cents per yard; - good all Linen Towels, 8 cents each; real Rtirne/ey :Linen Sheeting, 76 cents per dozen, very good ; Blankets ; 40 cent Shirting Linens for 26 cents; Marseilles Quilts; Honeycomb Quilts; Lan caster do.; DIMitY do.; Cloth Table Covers ; fine bleached Linen Damask Table Cloths, of all sizes. R. H & W. H. PRITNELL, Jc2.l-0t 1021 MARICIaT Street, below Eleventh. E P U T,Y .QUARTEPAASTER GEN/CRAB'S OFFICE, PUILADELPIIid, June 25, 1862• Proposals will be received at this office until TCES• DAY nest, at July, at 12 o'clock M., for supplying ail the Coal requisite nntil let October, 1862, for the follow ing 'United States Military Hospitals, situated at West Philadelphia, Broad and Cherry streets, Twenty second and. Wood streets, Buttonwood street, near Fifth, Christian street,' Twenty. fourth and South streets, Fourth and George streets, kWh end Master streets, Deetonville, Germantown. -.Old German 11 ospital, (now Bolted States ' ) Near Cheater. Delaware county, or any other Government Hospitals that . may be eata. ..bliabtal within the city limits 'previous to October 1, !ISM. The coal to be of the best quality Anthracite, size stove or broken, and in such quantities and at such times an way be required. The successful bidder or bidders will be reqiiired to immediate/ r - enter into a contract, wit's good security; for the faithful performance of the same. Signed, w A. BOYD, je26.4t Captain end Aseistan s startarmaster. trAPENING OF A SUMMER GAR "...7,Dtx.—Tb• undersigned hese Wave to Inform !hi pnbllc tbst he has opened he seasonAls FINE BAB. vim and HOTEL, at thet oo t of CIOA3 BSBtreat. oppo , site tratrinount Park. Paint Hes are sartionlarly invited, Ice Crean4oakeik excellent Lager Beer of Baitz's brew. cry; Wines, deo., alyays on hand. - ' HBNBT FEICIKA, TWENTY•BBYBNTH and 00.i.T1de Se, - TIONAL F.LA.GrS. SILK, BUNTING, AND MUSLIN FLAGS FROM 7 lITOHES To 50 FEET. GILT FLAG- ORNAMENTS. POLES, FPEARS. EA-4htE4 and " - BALLS. BUNTING, OF STIPERIII LITY ‘A. -- - FLAGS OF ALL 'NATION'S lAA= To ORDER. COUNTRY ORDERS PROIIPTLY FILLED. W. H. HORSTMANN & SONS FIFTH AND CHERRY STREETS. r iLLIANT CHESTNUT ST., BELOW FOURTH, FIRE CRACKERS.-50Q boxes Gold .1: Chop No. 1 Fire Crackers. Oranges and Lereone, in prime order, for sale, by 1110 DES & WILLUOIS, ieliti N 0.107 South WATER Street. F°ll THE PARTICULAR AT- Pronounced one of the best and cheapest Spool Clot, tone in the market. A fun 811PTAY on hand. ie24-Im* CetNATZRNITUEAND BIB & CAMPION, fD ocenectlon Nab their extensive Cabinet Bushmen arc tow manufacturing a 'superior article , BILLIARD TABLES and have now ori-hand a full supply, dnished with the 4.003116 & namPlOlPB ThiPTIOVED OUSRIO.I4B. 'which are proem:seed, by all who have wed theta, to be toterior to all °there Ter the quality and finish of theme tables thb tattali , rottirere refer to their neroorous marrow throutelreni the Union, who are ferellier with.the character of theb. HE;" DR. HAYES' REFRIGERA TOR". - These are, beyond doubt, the moat scientific and efficient REFRIGERATORS Enjute s being WARRANTEP to KEEP PROVISIONS LONGER, • WITH LESS ICE, :THAN ANY STAMM. • RETAILING AT WHOLESALE PRICES: Also, iqtele assortment of the most apioroved WATER COOLERS.- CLARK, mow No. I not. lit ABR irr Street. GpARD. ,FIRE AND MARINE OFFIOE 415 W/LTATITSTBEZT, PHILADSLP/M. Thin company condones to take risks en the ealoi classes of Property at low rates. The public can rely upon its responsibility, end abllf • ty to pay losses promptly. Its disbursements lcr thl benefit of the pubilo, during the last nine years, e =co 8500;000, and we rowDectfully solicit Its favor in the future. GRAS. I. DUPONT, JERRY WALKER, 101 IN W. OLAGHORN, JOHN THOBNLEY, O. D. SEAZLITT, JiBRATIAN HART, . DAVID BOYD, Jr., PETER E. HOE, of N. Y. WM. M. SWAIN, YUBBIAN SHIPPAID JOSEPH KLAPP, N. D. N. 8. LAWRENCE, WM. •O. RIMIAN, JOHN SUPPLER. JOHN a STOKES', 70k-ARCH Street ANE INSUR • .1: No. 4015 CHESTNUT FIRE AND INLA DIRE° COMMONWEALTH HER IN'i3- lJ CONPANE,, 07 THE STATE W PENNSYLVANIA. DEREOTORS. David Jayne, M. D., Charles H. Bogert, John N. Whitall, John R. Walker, . Edward O. Knight, Robert Shoemaker, . Thomas B. Stewart, William Struthen, Henry Lewis, Jr., Elijah Jones. DAVID JAYNE, 11 D., President. - JOHN M. WHITALL, Vice PreeSdrat SAMUEL S. MOON, Secretary. Otßre, Commonwealth Bonding, Cl 3 OHNSTENI Street, Pbilatielahla. ' +r4-i+ tr 1P6 71 ., LILLIE'S SAFE DEPOT RE. Im-kaovro to No. 21 South SEVEN - TA Street, neat the Franklin Institute. The undersigned, thankful for past favers,And belay determined to 'merit future patronage, has secured se elegant and convenient store, and has now on hand I largo assortment of Lillie's Celebrated Wrought and Chilled Iron Fire and Burglar Proof Safes, (the only strictly lire and burglar proof safes made.) Also, IMO Unequalled Bank 'Vault, Safe, and Bank Looks. JORN ; U.STOKES Lillie'e Bank Vault Down and Locke will be formless( to order on short notice. This Is the strongest, beet pro. tected, and cheapest Door and Lock yet offered. Also, particular attention I. called to Lillle's Eau Cabinet Safe, for Plate, Jewelry, &c. This Safe is eon. ceded to surpass in style and elegance anything yet el fared for this purpose, and hi the only one that is strictly Are and burglar proof. SPECIAL 210T1011.—1 hare now on band say twenty ce Farrel, Reeving, & Co.'. Safea, meet of them nearly new, and some forty of other makers, comprising a complete assortment aa to sizes, and an lately exchanged for the now celebrated Lillie Safe. They will be sold at Ter/ low prices Please call and examine. jaSS -I yil Id. 0. SADLER, Agent. MI EVANS & WATSON'S SALAMANDER BATIM STORE, 16 SOUTH FOURTH STREET, , PHILADELPHIA, PA. A' large variety of FDUI.PROOF SAFES aksvare of band . eiLOTHES .WRINGER.-EXTRA J CAUTION.—The only wholesale agency for PUT NAM'S SELF-ADJUSTING CLOTHES WRING ERS is at No. 433 MARKET street, where the Wringer may be coon at work. It is far superior to any other in the market, as it has no wood to swell, no rubber bands to stretch, and no thumb screw' to get out of order. It will wring anything, from a /dart collar to a quilt, and needs only to be seen at work to convince any housekeeper that it is just the thing they need. The public are invited to call and examine. For sale hy A. H. FRANCISCUS, The only Wholesale Agent in Pennsylvania, No 433 MARKET Street.cad'No.6 North FIFTH St. je23-St W. DI. CARPENTER,. Travelling Agent. B:, -CHURCHILL'S . HYPOP HOS PEIVItS,, for the Preventlai and OURS OS 00N STOWPTION.—Just received from Parts, a Puppis , of-Dr. Churchill's Syrup of HiPoPhogehite of Soda, Syrup of Bypopbosphite of Lime, and pills of Hypophospbote of Quinine, with direction's forme. Perilous suffering from CHEST AFFECTIONS can now obtain the above medi eines, genuine, at HEEDS RUM BROWN'S • jeti-f to 121 Drug and Chemical Store, N. N. coiner . 717TH and ONNSTNIIT Streets, Phila. INFORMATION FOB THE PEOPLE.- PRANKFORD GIINBEAL NEWS AGINCY. WILLIAbi C. BEIF.A.RD takes this opportunity to In form hie patrons and the public that he is now preparea to furnish all the leading Philadelphia and Now Ank newspapers, magazines, and yoriodiosie. Agent for the DAILY and WEEKLY PBBSt.. t3nh- Beriberi, and others can haco them delivered e., 3 upon ea homed at their reetdonces or 'tact:4 of briente'A in Frank ford or sicinitY. 3e9-1m NATIONAL "FLAGS FIREWORKS : SUPERIOR QUALITY. ERENDII, AMERICAN, AND CIITNESE 81rici3OCEBTE, ROMAN CANDLES, COLORED STARE, WHEELS, FLYER% ROSETTES, FT.REKEWS TORORES, 46 TORPEDOES, FANCY PIECES, Eta:, 808 BALM, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL., BY E, G. WHITMAN it Co., AT THEM NIW STonz, NEXT DOO7l TO ADAMS' EXPREb3 je26-th3 SPOOL' COTTON TEHTION OF THE THE,DE.', ALTEMUS & COZENS, NO. 2n CHESTNUT STREET, GREEN & DANIELS' CELEBBA.TED IYOBY.FINISH SPOOL COTTON, CABIN - ET FURNITURE. No. 461 South BEUOND Street, REFRIGERATORS AN Q COOLERS INBIJRANCE COMPANIES. INSURANCE CORPANY. CAPITAL $200,000 DIRZOTOBS THOMAS MAVEN, President. A. & GIELLETT ) Vice Ptahkat JAB. B. &UMW.), Beeretat7. araba ,CE - COMPANY, ;treat. . . ,ND INSURANOL 3TOBS. B. D. Woodruff, John Kessler, Jr., P. S. Justice, " Washington Jonah ..Ohms. Stokes, ii, Jg ee n 1 7 0 .2 t. tvorman.. • • BDSON, Vico Pretddent. ' AHD. Secretary. [mlll9-Ifr P. N. Bock, Chas. Biebanixon, Henry Lewis, Jr., Alex. Whilldin, Geo. A. West, O. W. DIM% FEANOTEI N. 811 • OHABLZB RIGHA WILLLVAG I. GLANCE SAFES. NEW PUBLICATIONS. --- RIFLE SHOTS! ' RIFLE ismyrs ! PUBLISHED THIS DAY, BOOK FOR THE ARMY. EVERY SOLDIER SHOULD HAVE IT! EVERYBODY SHOULD RLOD II: PRICE - TNENTY.FIVE CENTS A. COPY RIFLE SHOTS AT GREAT TYIEN Is publiellid and ter eaIeTTEIS DAY', complete in ono /ate() Octavo VOll3lllO. Price TWENTY-FIVE C&NTS,-la. T. B. PETERSON lc •BROTHERS', No. 306 CIDESTNUT Street, Philadelphia RIFLE SHOTS AT PAST AND PASSING EYEAS. A POEM lIT TEIREIM CANTOS BEING BITS AT TIME ON THE WING ftY Ai TTUABITANT OF TOE COMET OF 1861 Tide work embraces a destriation of the author's de scent from' his Comet Treme—A Sojourn in w Dirie's Land "—lnterview with President (or King) Davis—ln terview. with General Boaurogard: His Description of Battles, .3:c....--Solourn in Washington, D. C. Interview with President Lincoln—lnterviews with Secretary Se. ward, General Scott, General 'McClellan, &t.—Visit to the Diplomatic Corps.—lnterview with Lord Lyons— Rambles through Washington and Georgetown—Visiting the Capitol, Congress, the Public Buildings—General Philosophical Speculations—Sojourn at Willard's—So , Illoquizing 'at the Ilene of. the rational Monument-See lug the Elephent--FightbYg the Tiger, Bm, Visit to Baltimore—Sojourn and Ramblings through the City—Visit to the Mayor and Provost Marshal, Gene. eel Mix's and Major Beiget's IleadonartereL.The Igth "April Mob—The Corn and Flour Exchanges—Reading Rooins, libraries—The Courts: a Trial—Brokers' Board —Visit to os Maryland Club, the w Allston" Club, and the Germania Club—Attending a Grand Party, Songs; &c.—Attending the ignior Assembly—Going to Ohara, dc.—Ascent of Washington's Monninent—Ode to Liberty by the Marble Statue on 10 Top—Sentiments of a Versa; table Patriot—Masons and Odd Fellows, etc., etc., to. which M added a brief Tcnr to Philadelphia, New York, Boston, etc., etc. Copies of the above great Book will be seat to any one, free of postage, on remitting 25 cents to the Publisher% or Ave copies will be sent for One Dollar. Booksellers, Sutlers, Army Officers, News Agents-, and all others, will please send on their orders at once for what they may want of tbie book to ,start:Avith., Xt la going to have a very large and extended ea e. • r Agents wanted everywhere - to engage in lie sale, who will be suppligg at Two Dollars a Dozen, or Fifty Copies st•Tifteen Cents each, or Fourteen Dollars a Hundred:. Address ail orders, with remittances enclosed, to the T. B. PETERSON it BROTHERS, It No. 306 CHESTNUT Street, Philadelphia TROLLOPE'S NOTIT El. AMERICA. paTITIORIZED ZDITIO.V.j ET ANTHONY TROOLLPE, Author of 4, The West Tulles and the Spanish 'gulls,' .1/tutor Thorno," /so , Published by special arrangement with the Author. 1 vol. 12mo, 60 cts. 2 vols. 12oto, J. B. LIPPINCOTT & (30., 22 AND 24 /NORTH FOURTH STREET. kW-et . TRAVELLER'S DEVOTION AL LIERART.—The Trace - does Devotional Library, done op in a neat ease, suitable for she varlet, contain ing. the following works Spiritual Songs, by the Roy. J. G. Rile. .'Walton the Lord. bi ller. James Smith. Mr Times in God's Hand, by Octavio:, Winslow, D. D. None Like tihrii.t. by Octerius Winslow. D. D Going Home. hi the author of ' 4 None Like. Christ." Go and 'Sell Jeans, by the author of 4, Going Home." For sale bi WEbLIA.AI S. b. ALFRED 14 - 6.IITIEN, 440 No. 605 OffESTNUT Street. CIRCITLATING LIBRARY VBROTHER:HEAD'S CI RC U • LATLNG MBAR - Y.—AB the NEW English and American 800k9., inclaing ALL (LASS of Li rature. Thie is the ONLY Lihrarf in the country that Includes all the NEW ENGLISH BOOKS that are not REPRTN TED here. 7erme $5 Per year; months $3; three manta $1.50, or 3 crate per day. 213 South EIGT4TiI etreot. ja7-Imi! VVAN TS. NNT.A . undersigned • sirone to learn whore either Kra REIM or 0. DEED. who resided in BUTTON WOOD street, a f.w doors above Ninth In the month of Aupht, ale& where frlrA. MARGARET B (ACK. who reeled In THJRTEENTEI s eireet. third door above Vine street, in the month of Angust,lB34, are. Any person who hao linewn either of them, or con give any. information about tta m, or any of their relation', so that they may be found. will confer aver* great favor by addressing It'. 8. DAYTON. nt the Pub/iv Ledger nffice. j027-3t* AFIRST-CLAES BALESMAN WHO Belle a large amount of near Penned lvania trade. Is open for an engagement with a not Dry. Goods Job- Igng Douse. Adorers ..flarrf,” Press office. je2B 6;* WANTED—By an experienced per. son, with "some capital, a PARTNER nith wall capita - I Sn the meet profitahle breath et the Whole mete Dry Goods trade. Addreee Penneylvante." at /evafeer office.je2s-st* • ASSISTANT QUARTERMASTER'S OFFICE, corner or O stod. TWENTY-13E00ND Streets, WASHINGTON, D.. 0 Jono 17,1862. EXPERIESOSD TEAMSTERS con obtain employ. merit on application at this oiTice. J. J. DAN a, jrl9-dtjyl Captain, A. Q. M., 11. S A. WANTED-2.90 a Mon along the line of the Lehigh Canal, say 1,500 laborers, 250 car penters, and 250 stone masons. Apply to the officers of the Lehigh Coal and Navigation Company, at MAUCH CELINE, ALLENTOWN, or EASTON, or anywhere along the line of the trorlta.. RE ROYALS. EMOVA' E. G. WHITMAN & Co CONFECTIONERS, HATE BISMOVDD N IRDAADAND AND WIEST TO No. 818 CHESTNUT STREET, DICLOW TOMB, NEXT DOOR 10 ADAMS b CO.'S EXPRESS WO. bait • - pEmovAL.—POTSDAMER & BRO , Cap Manufacturers, hero rumored from No. 118 Nord) TRIRD.Strem, to the capacious wore, No. 313 M6BRIT Street, shore they will open a new and cons, plete ersortment of goods In their liue. 7olb•Bdt HAS. L. OitIIM &*OO., 00 . CCESSORS . TO OLDIGIBRAGN dg TAQGdP,T, I.lanufacturora of and Dealers in GENTLEMEN'S FINE SIIIRTS FURNISHING GOODS. No. 146 North FOURTH STREET, PIIMADELPHIA ALUX. 11. TTIOUPSOIi OBAS L. ORIIM jeb-1m FINE SHIRT MANUFACTORY. . The subscriber would invite attention to hie IMPROVED OUT of SitIRTS, Which ho makes a speciality in his business. Also, con. ataxtly receiving NOVELTIES FOR GENTLEMEN'S WEAR. J. W. SOOTT, GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING t•TORE, ' No. 814 ORESTNUT STREET, jag tt Fehr doers below the OaetinentaL - piep Y' 3', MISSES'; AND 0144. ±ft DRYS'S CLOTIIING,-• 1.11 ENDLESS VARIETY, AT No. 137 South EIGRTIE Street, myl6.2es Three Doors above WALNUT. MOtINT MORIAH CEMETERY. This ground is located a few yards off the Darby road, about the same distance from the city as Laurel Eifll, and Is beautifulli situated on the highest point of ground for mites around. Its sell is admirably adapted for the purpose designed, being high and dry. The public are Invited to examino tie claims before purchasing elsewhere. General and sectional plane may be examined at ths COMPANY'S OFFICE., No. 1138 60IITII SIXTH. STNNICI, Whererany thither information will be cheerfully it forded by the agent DESIRABLE LOTS, AT LOW PRIOES, AND ON LIBICBAL TERMS, Are now in the market, eosin of them in sectional jug opened, having hitherto been held in reserve. 071 , 105 HOURS from 8 A. M. to 4 P. lg., and either he. fore or after these how*, at tho reetdenoo of the under. eigned, No. 314 NORTH TENTH STREET. FREDERICK A. VAN CLEVE, GENERAL AMM.C. N. B.—Conveyance to and from the Or:metery , for enoh es desire to purchase. • my 16.201 TILE TIJItI' PHILAD,bILPHIA BPEISG SUFFOLK Pk 171 . 7! THIRD' DAY, FRIDAY JUNE 27. 1862 . FLEST it.9O;E. PURSE *5OO- MIL E RSV', BEST THRIt' EIN FIVE. 7.€11. Ward. rape, Sweigert. 5 yesrs old, by Mont:Ayr; tbrni own get , rto Littto Flea, by Gray Eagle. D:o3.3_ Bed, orb, and Avbite. Dr.. 3 .W. W. We, colt Hinberoug4, 4 yearx nl4. len , portal by 6teekv. ell ; dam by Lanoneo.t. Drese—RA end maroon. P, C. I,nsh, b. in Cycime. 5 'roars old, by Vandal; dam Marygold. Drfv—Red and lilac. J. W. (jar, b. colt Wagrane, 4 yeara 01.4, by York. shirr dam Topaz, by Gleocce. Dram—Blue, btno and Naito, SINGLE DASIf-ONE lIGE ENTRIES —P. C.. flu ch Ally A eraiifc, 3 lean old, by Revenue; cum Rhoda, by Glencoe. Dress—Rai and Ztb. Ward, bay 031 t Biondin, 3 years old, by &we.. rtign : dsra by neff white. 41 . 04). JirlDtte: , t.b. lily Miss Jessie. 3 Tessa nl4. by iltck MTh j +ban Fanny Fen, by Crlartabe. Dress—Blaa and Zeb. Ward, br. filly, 3 years old. by Lexington; dam by Drene—Bed, oink, and white. Races cot:lnlet:co at 3 o'clock. AU Entriee ui start: Tyalue leave the Baltimore Depot at I o'clock 10 tr:itiitee, Bud 2 o'clock to the Course direct. Returning after the racer ere ever. e PRIVILEGE RADGES, giving all the privileges FOR otzli - DAY, can be has at the gate. Price al pitioN OF 5117,S lON .—Field Tickets can be had at, the Railway Depot. Price 50 cents. Tickets for the Ladies' Stand, 81. Entries far each day's Reece will class at the Course beif an hoar niter the la9t race. POOLB'm)hi every evening and morning bv UNDER. WOOD 4 Gat3SADY, et the DONT/NENTAL HO rear. A NI USEDIEPrIS MBS: JO} N DREW'S ILL A TWIT-STE Stir TaßA.Tau. FOITRTTI bUCC.E.SSFUL WEEE OF F. S. cmANraeku. P. r# OII&SFBAT7. TO. NIGH T. (Friday.) jllllB 27th. 1862, BENEFIT OF o—lt BODW 0 tall. THE HIDDEN HAND. • F S. Chanfran. Ospitnla (with snags) airs. G. Henri. Bluing the Pines, a Grand PLANT&TIOIIi SONG X.ND 11.INCE. Sionday. Benefit of fir. Bailey. J) 4th of July,-2 Pertbrza,nees. Prices as usual. Curtain rises at 8 &clack. 'WALNUT ETRE ET THEATRE 9ole Lee ee Noe, M. A. G 9 BRETSON. '1'1319 (Friday ) EVENING, June 27th, tot vosittvciylast night but one of the great Attorican comic tictre e. MISS JELIN DALY, And. by special renowst, tewirively le.ftitile of *OMR FBItIALE AIRERIOntS 13011 - 91 N. Parnelle mihs :Rata Daly. (With eoog# and ehorteteristie OAtlCed ) oonoinde with the Farce of EVERYBODY'S fIusEAND. .?..11040.5 open st O'CIOCk. COMIDOBOO at Et riO.NTI.NENTAL THEATRE. ‘...) mu. SPL. OASTS. Sole Lome. Tenth Night of iiOOLEY'S NINSTBELS, The'theat popular iron pe or artiste in Am rice. Fi tL Fliplit of the origienl arrtet.„ AI It. CFI tI..BLES GA Rtti DIN ft. StcrtA Tfmt. of the stir OLK 'RACES. Third Time of LA Tt3AVfAfA, And 17 Nrw Act]. Coole4t Theatre in America; Cheapest Prices, nod best entertainment. Drees Circle, 25 Cents; Family Cir cle may 10 Cents. inl3-t1 ASSEMBLY BUILDINGS. OA PTAI.N WILLIA.TrIEP GREAT N.AITTIIta L ENTERTAINMENT. THRILLING SftENES IN THE LIES OF A YANTOCE MI ' , LEMAN, - EVERY EVENING. at B o'nlnok preci?ely. BEL:.10.1 MATINEE, SATURDAY at 3 o'cictk.. Admission 25 cents. Six Tickets for one dollar. 0111- droll, 19 coots. Liberal arrangements made for-schools on WednostliF Afternoons. je23-6C GRAND EXOURSION.-DARL GWEX TTOWITZ A.TTET! Y. P,I.R.GPELD'S BRIGADE BA VD. Tat get practice with Rtfled Gannon * Sbot, end Shell at lo!!a range, on the DOaware. by steamtr STEPHEN GU - LARD, MG UAT. .Tune 30th, at 10 o'clock, :rim SOUTH-STREET WEA.B.F. - frethtOntfi on hoard. Ticket!! $l, admitting a laly and gentlemen, or two lem)ke. To be Lad at tee ueww.aner office of the Continental Hotel, and at the Wharf n-fore starting. " ie2-1-St pENNS - YLV.AisTIA ACADEMY OF 1025 i•H?;3Tliti Street.— Teo splendid F.i hiSition of rainLinga and Sealptore clone on e 25th inst. Admittance reduced to 21/ cents; Children half price. Open front it' A.. X. till 7 P. 3T , and from 8 tilt .0 • j 4,3 SEA BATFIEVP. IM_F 0 Pi: THE SBA- S7l (7, R. ! St sTI26. it NGERiENT.--C3IIDEN AND AT LANT SO 'IAI4- '1300% Three trains daily to Atlantic-. City and return. (Snu. days excepted). Trains leave VINE Street s'erry follows: T 17 14 .1 Express Train Freigbt and Accum7.ll , dation, RETURNING- Leaves, A.tlantie "Mail Train 4 47 P. 21, 'Express Train d tn . A.. M. g. gg_ 'Freight and .Accomrnodariou.P. 19 a. FARE routid trip 6rood only for 40 , day cod train on ;Mich they are issued. 53.50. Excar emu Tickets ; good rex three darn. %B. Yo; ay ars now open. JOHN G. 13aYANT, Aeent. EXCURSIONS g t ,, emcl WEST CD - ESTER AND RAiLLSOA.D. VIA. MEDIA EXCURSIONS. EXCUTISIO•NS. SUNDA'S scuooLs. LIVinkRY S9CIETI.II% &c find Beautiful GROVES, with ample no cemnicdetiona, on the line of the Road, in the vicinity of MEDIA. SATR•S YI:117 LOW. Committees can view the Orminde withont charm F. r fwther information apply at the T!ORET 0 FYI= . the Depot, N. E. Corner of EIGDTENNTH and 1114110(1111' Ste. • • FOP tiALs AND TO LET. • . • • ak• . TO: RENT—&slarge HOUSE. or =tie, oitis Carriage 17,7n.a and ambling. Inquire at the Wars. in'HARROWGLTE Inno. Ja2741 11. ...111R& IffATOTifElt. . . WALN EIT STREET, AYE-:T P RI- L¢I)RLTHIA.-FOR SALE--A substantial three story SIGNE I)WELLIN4, with back bonding, eitn ate on the south sidOof WAIZ UT, (tbe mast fashiona -I.le street in the city,) between Tbirty.seventh and Thirty...lE4oh streets. florbs , d, paved. and gas and water I..trodneed. -LoY, 32 front by 175 in dmth, it being the w, sternmost house. and now occupied. Ternm of payment will be made reasonable. It being offered for save to ekes an esteto. Apply to .T K NYKK. No 116 GOTHIC 6treet, bctwern /0 and 5 o'clock. je27-Im* - DESIRABLE HOIISER TO LET; AT LOW BENTS, at BIEtATIN'S BR &L NS TATA) OFFIOR.,, House No. 50S South TWENTY-SEgOND 'Strad, cottatntng plx ronins. Rent R4ll par Bonve3 No 4PS owl 410 QUI•N:l& Street, containing four T0C.319 Pnnl, nt SIO tow mouth. Bowe No. 1837 ORE .9.SE Street, containing six rooms, at ftlo NT' month, Homo hl9 South SIXTH Street, contaking tea rooms and I.lmp back. It..nt S2O par month. Howe No 227 MONROE Street, containing eight ?Tome, lately occupied as a bakery. Rent 516.6 T pot month. llama No 110 SHIPFRN Street. containing seven rooms. bath and gee. Bent $18.67 per month. • A Stable. containing five stall.; on OHIO Street, above Quince. Rent ES.I3 per month. .Apply to THOMAS MARTIN, Beal 'Estate Agent and Oolltctor, ff. W. corner THIRD Audi.° 11 B e RD Streele. F. B.—ros. BALE, good FARM ‘Alsitti, In Arm strong, Elk, Forest, and Lyconsing counties, Pennsyl vania j - 6 ter F 0 B SALE—Delaware.munty -sels- Farm. containing 96 acres of tint-rata land, situ ate near Mucus Hook, Philadelphia and Wilmington Railroad. Large mid substantial atone imar-remtuts, Dingy watered, good fruits, Bc. Price E. 9.000. Aioo, a tine Fruit Farm in the State of Delaware, near Dom, 134 area. immedlatepossession. Price only N.OOO. Apply to B. PRTTIT, N 0.309 WALEITJT Street. FOR SALE—A first-rate Mont• sontery-connty 'Farm, eontsining 89 acres. with I»rge and substAntial stone improvements, on the Ridge Tan np ke. near Norristown. Trice only $95 Mfr soro. Apoly to "E. 'MDT nr. jf26 If No. 309 W Ci r Street SALE OR EXCHANGE--- A convenient Efoiuse, with . all the tueJern improve meals. rurroandedwithehadeaad ornameutM tree*, No„. 9ti'ONION Street, Burlington, N. J. Apply lo E. P. MIDDLETON, 6 North FRONT S'rert. .T°7' CA PITA.LIB7I9.- V ALIT &BLE LEAD MISIII;FORRAt.S, WITH Pi. itNl' AND MACHINERY CORPLETE.—The undersigned now offer for sale their valuable LEM) 3lli E. eitnsted iu NEW BRITAIN TOWNSHIP, BUCKS 40TINT Y. Pa. The property containe one hundred and twenty-two acres of good, arable land, with two farm. Mum, bents, and other oubbuildioes. The vein has Leen opened at places nearly the whole Muth of the farm, and SEVERAL THO vSAND DOL LABS' WORTH OF LEAD extracted. The bottom of the mine now shows a 'vein of very rich LeadrOre, throe 'feet in width, and het all. the appearance of iocreseing in size and value in going'dnwo. There to on the pre- Mites a 20•hcree•power Steam Encino, with Pumping and Hoisting Machinery complete ; also, a Crusher and . Stamping Mill turned by water-power, Jigging Ma chines, Anddies, Ties, for weThing the ore, and. Smelting Furnace, already tinitt. For mice, Um,. and further information, apply on. the premises, or to JOHN ANNDAR., No. 229 NORTH FRONT Street, Philadelnhia, where samplee of the Ors can be eeen. j023.6t . , J. &G. NEIMEYEB. rDISTIF,LERB. • The DISTMLEBY known ea the " and formerly owned and (moulded by SAIEL. BYUrra,,, Esq., eituated on TWENTY-THIRD, between MOM and VINE Str eets, Philadelphia, Oapeolty 800 booltiits per day, is now offered for sale on retwonatge and aocort modeling terms.. Is in good running order, and bag 41 the modern improvements. An Artesian well on the pro mime furnishes an =falling supply of good, are water- Address Z. LOORD A 00., No, 1010 IWIERE Street, Philadelphia. ..twit-dti WEST . CHESTER paILADELPLUA. RAIL NOM, VIA MEDIA. PLEASANT AND CHEAP AFTERNOON EX. CURSIONS ON TUESDAYS AND FRIDAYS, Through the finest Country and the meet boautifull Scenery in the vicinity of Philadelphia: On TUESDAYS and PAID AY4 of each week rottili further notice au Extra grain will leave West Ctiestos a& 0.55 P. M. for Philadelphia rattatutters buying Excursion Tickets can take sitlttm the 2 or '4 30 I' II Train from Philadelphia, arsi t tl , 4,l6._ or 0.55 Y. X. Train from Weat Cheater. ROUND-TBIe TICKETS FROST PEILADIEfspERAL to all Stations east of West Chester, good on Far of !ham above Traits out or in. may be hod on therm Aays.OXIM, at EXCURSION RATES, good only on the dayuismied. For further information, apply at the 214icket. Callao. % the Depot, E. corner of EIGHTERWII. and MAE EICT Streets. DIA XV Ds Lionry ut Lon AVMS F F tools? Bolus DS a 9„ ON Tint LINK OF SEM ROAD. _ je2l4nwris tt LTRAT OR'DMOI.OI3,ED. HAIR .' Dyed a twantlfuj pia& or Brown, nt FOUR ra Red *AA NOB Strpsta. jo23.if tf QPANISH QUEEN tix.vss. Supe rior quality i x ?vim% 'palanla and Half %meta, for sale bi migartio, jP:WIVIV 140 South FRONT atmt, .60 & 4."0P 3 P. IiNasIBOT WOOD, supelintAndent.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers