THE CITY. THE WOUNDED AT ST. JOSEPFI'S Hos- PITAL.—Amnos the eick and wounded officers at the St. Joseph's Hospital who are doing well, we motion the name of Colonel Charley Campbell, of the 67th Regiment, who was wounded in the upper part of the thigh and forearm, basing made a wonderful escape. The pain of his wounds having subsided, he promises, after a week or ton days more of magical supervision, to be able to PAT his friends a shod visit. Colonel Campbell received the second shot through the arm whil4 bring drigged off the ground by a gallant soldler—W. D. Ray—the sante ball killing the latter it:MAIMS% Lc' Lieutenant Colonel D. B. Herds, of the 101st Beetroot. deep flesh wooed in the log. The inflammation has aba ted. and big general health is excellent. A. few wealts will fit him up for attire date in the field. His friends may feel assured that be is doing well, and Is well cared for. Lieut. Col. Purslane,, of the Washington Regiment, wee wonoded in the lea fie is rapidly improving, and ble emend health le without Nth. Re is an:tioui to return to dray. Captain J. Dennisfon, (of East Liberty ' ) First Ex• celaior Regiment, wourded in the arm, both bones fractured. Hie arm with great diffion'ty saved He is buoyant in spirits—ls well cared for and recovering rapidly. lie is BIIZIOSIX to join his comrades In ono more conflict thiplain Patterson, or the 1023 TlJitiment, wounded is the Fide, le getting welt raphdy. Hu bee rooPiTA every attentl e n, nud a close Mend le near to while away hie hours. Captain Christman, of Lifitt. Col. Houle' regiment, wounded and rapidly recovering. Captain Honker, of Pervisure's regiment, wounded in shoulder, and improving rapidly. Orderly Sergeant D. H. Lenoaster t 'Fayette county, coreppny 0, 85th Re A lment, wounded on picket the day beforo tbo 6th of Jim. A.nt ampere's(' above elbow—in good spirit% want( og for nothing at.d almost ready to turn bin face toward his country homo. The Meade or wouoed soldiers' in hospital hero.mar rest assured that wanian`e tender care le not and will not be epared where it cue admbieter relief. Philadelphia bee a world-wide renown for her phileutaropy. EMBALMING TAE DEAD.—T he em balmment of Mote of our brave volunteers who have died in the service of their country has lately bowl a source of great completion to sorrowing relatives, and is extenthely practissd. Throw who aro engaged in the pumult tends the Ir charges acconliog to the rank of the deceased. varying from $l5 to 8100. The bendy of a pri vate toldkr is embalm• d for $l6 and sent home in a handsome coffk for $l6 snore. The proce-a is simply to make an arterie__a a p n_d m tsi u nto , tt therein a liquid invents : litch is a avast. to theoperatera------........ to woundi have been received a much lager time is mquired. according to the quantity sod Latino of the Injuries. A gunshot svennl protraote embalmment to eight hours, and cases occur whore the prompt lasts for two days. An onlinary utoda of con ducting this operation has been to (meat arsenic in the VOIDS. as is done to preserve minims for diseection; bet thin is only temporary in lie effmte, nod, moreover, ran dom a corpse poisopoue.' It thoroughly pervades the turface of the skin, which, if kissed by relativee, creates illness, arid often• death. Touching a corpse thus pre pared, with a cut or abraided ling r, wosid engender a salons sore and gnat pain, perhaps terminating fatally. The embalming fluid of Summet exorcism a remarks'. ble after, indurating the flesh, rendering-it exaeolingiy hard and of marble whiteness. Even uncolored holies lose, under its inflneues, their purple tinge, and Meows of a light yellow. °ohm to recent invention, °Marconi *ties of testing their powers of preservation have not ex tended fora long pi.riod, bat many bodies are in existence in this country which were embalmed by this mourn in 1952 and anbstquent years, which have not in the slight est degas a altered, and p.omise to remain In the some condition indefinitely cormectioi with this euNect, it might be federating to learn the mode of embalmment of the far. famed Egyp- tian mummies, v bleb era handed down to no, after an interment of several thormands of years, (bled and per fectly black. The procws we.. very simple, althongh It occueiid a very long time the and intetrinei were first extracted—the Brat through the nostrils. a d the second by an lecielon in the side. Ths body was then shaved and washed, and the stomach tilled with pwfmnes and spices The whsle soma was , then covered with nniron, alive carbonate of soda.) for seventy days. It was then walled, steeped in a b chant, enwrapped in many thicknesses of linen, sod was fluidly ready for the earcopbages. TAR RECENT . GREAT .FRESHET —The Philadelphia and Binding Railroad was not, even for the brief pit riod of s day, embarrae•ed in lie operation. by the recent greet Ire,Let , uor did the Schuylkill canal Puffer anywhere in its dame e d locks ; the breaches in its banks were all betwten &Inn MU Haven and Read lug. By Monday next the repairs will be completed. The damage to the cane/ will not exceed $25,000. The Minebill and Sclunikifl Haven It diroadmwitained a 'Bala injin yiu Mee UPI Gap. The Little Schuylkill Ryilroad will be in operation by Monday next The Mailman an 4 Broad Illonot,in Railroad lost a culvert, (ten feet wide, ever a amain amnia,/ end some embank. meet. Other lateral roads lost bridges aced otherwise *attained damage, hat not to serious extent. The reatett freshet that ever occurred in the Schuyl kill previous to 1830, that we have any account of, wee the "Pumpkin freshet," which took place seventy-three years sgo—lu the year 1789 We have no accounte or very remarkable freshets on the Bchulli,lll from the time of the " Pumpkin ftoshet" until the year 1839, 1%10010 it is probable that horde occurred, - ntore or lens deaructive in their character. In the year 1830 an ice freshet occurred, which produced very high water to the tchutlkiti, especially for 23 to 30 miles hom the Delaware. At WO time the river was covered with ice, and as it was broken up and carried ott greet destruction of property was pr.xthcof along the -river. Iu 1841 a summer freahet teok place, at which time the river was higher than to 183 t, though not so high to wel(' the Delav are. The minx were very heavy, and in the Lehigh and other itvore the water was higher than in Eeptetuner, 1850 In July, MO, another remark:4ga flood occurred, and the e att rs of the Schuylkill roeo three inches higher than in 1841. At this time the farmers along the Schuylkill Valley left an immense amount of grain mcodly In the chock. One former, a few mile below PAtstown, lest Rye hundred ebockr, *nether Our hundred, and another eeveniy, &c. The deetroction of fencos, timber, .kc., wee vety great. The river was a number of feet move its usual height, thou gh not eo high, by severe! Inches as at the last freshet. ADMITTED TO BAIL.— On Paturday morning the case of William and George Forepangh, Andrew Ferter, William Tii.SUINU, :Edward Lawrence. and George Jeffries, charged with !he murder of Richard M. nom wee celled up before Judge Allison, in the Comte (fustier Sessiour on habeas corpus.. The Grand Tory bad lk.uutl a tree ad against the fret four of the defttidenta for minder, and n true bill against all of the defendants en I oblige of riot. Meet's. Cassidy and Bonham appeared for the two ForPpeughs, and they propw ed to submit to the court the avid, nee taten dnwn btfl.ra the coroner, in order that the judge might dr. the amount of hail: Mr. Mann Hid that he would frankly admit that the charge against the Bret tour defendant. would be of no higher grade then murder in the (second degree; but at that offence wee clearly wade oar, and an the attack mien Mr. B. rry wee nupronked, he would 'unmet net lees then $8,0(0 for Pt-cage ltd NI/idiom Forepeogh, Tltte wan, nod rerter, and 8,000 t,r Lawrence and Jeffrlea. Lir. Cassidy for the Forepaughs, and Mr. Doltgherttler Fetter. objected to the amount as OXCNISIVO, 11l Tier, of the Kenton to life of the uefeudAnts ; $5,000 would be maple in their opinion. Idr. Mann still toshectl upon.° heavy amount of bail in order to the attendance of the parties at the trial. Judge Allison cold that the circumstances %arrow:Whig the ease were to be taken lute consideration with the position of the Cfendante, and In his opinion $d,003 eazh ts , uld be sufficient for tho four defendants designa ti d by Mr. Mann, and $4,000 for lice other two. Ball a tt,t then entered. Mr. Mann gave notice of his ittettion to tail the ease to-day, in order that tho de fendants might be arraigned. lie would can the Cd3o fir trial on to day week. THE.J.EITERSON-STREET .B4ILWAY.— A large and spirited meeting or eitizeiti Of the Seven teenth d Twentieth wards was held on Saturday eren• fog, at Fictir and Oxford -trod., for the purpose of ex premiss the r oppositlim to, mod to remonstrate with the Ottr ng.inet, the onward location ef.a freight railway for the tianepertatiou of coal, ac., by the North -Pruneylvanitt EMIT/ m.l Company, Moog Jefferson street to the jubetk.o with toe Philaipistita. Germantown, anti Norrietoan I:slitoed. on Moline M Ninth street blichael Ylemrtn, &q., of the timenteauth ward, was aptolottol &airman, and Joseph Wood, Eat., of the Twentieth word, scoretary. spirited arldreree,s were made by Meyers. Thomas L. Ilarkine. Joseph Wood, and others, after which a long eerie,, of rerolutions petitioning Monello to withhold their consent from the lacution of the railway on the street named, owing to the fact of its being highly im proved at d demi, populated, were unanimously adopted, amidst great entburtarni. We extract the following Resolved, thirdly, That we request the detect and Clotumou rJouncils , •f our city to condemn by their no lion, and we call upon our Immediate representatives therein to reaist, by their appeale, their influence, and their votes, the project which has for its foundation no just claim of any nece•o-ity of trade, but only the con • ferring non an imperinui corporation a no a means of transit, without any aseurance cf diminution of travel over that part of their teed running along American street, which woe originally donated and intended as a market place, for the accommodation of the citizens of West liemington, (nod of which they are in eonsoluinoe new deprive",) or firsisralnler a d other streets, both beretefore and at present used, and, indeed, almost ex clusively monopolized, by the North Pennsylvania Rail road Company. GRANTING OF A Nzw SR . turday Judge Allison decided lo grant a new trial to the pohliehets at the Bucks Comity /ntelltgencer, who were . --term some time since ou the charge of publishing a Btu I on the ammeter - et cr.._ e _ The alleged libel was that Bleak was a Becevioilist in feeling. and so exasperated were the people in the upper part of the city of Philadelphia that they were about to take summary vengeance on him, threatening to hang him, the rope having been procured for this purpose. The jndge, in grunting a new trial, said that in charging the jury he stated in plain terns, that owing to the existing state of things at the time the publication was made it was thee ight of NI Deratona to know who Were and who were not the film& of the Government. The very oilstones of the nation woe then at stake, end it was the duty of public) jourr Whits to inform the parole, the loyal people, of the doe gee which surronuded them. This was his view of tic rase tin o, and it is life °Diann now. In entertaining aentinr.eas each tut thew, he whniVed the truth as evi dence to justify the pul Haitian hut It seems that the jury rid not think this point wavall made out. Hance the verdict of conviction. In looking ever and studying the :1 orate set Nal In favor of arantlng n now Wet, he en. free to enY that he did not Chink there was a attut ciere ii.tent on the part of the publikhera, but they wore -actuated by a sole desire to warn the-people in an hour of SC dement and danger. Malice is the essential ingredi ent of libel, and, as it apnoea, to him that tehre was no malice in this ease, he was tboref,To prepared tegrant the motion for ar ew trial. An order to This effect was re corded by order of the court. Here the case closed. MEETING OF THE MEMBERS OF TUE DKR hive meeting of the members of .tho her leas lied on Fitton's, morning to take 04100 with reference to the doxtb of Horace H. Lee. who was killed at the battle of Fair Oaks. Judgn Attleon presided, end Rich ard Lucius( and Thomas Cochran noted tte secretaries. Ir. Den. Dmigherty offered thelollowing, which were nennitnoto4y adapted : Resolved, That we have heard, with sincere sorrovr, of the &mite of our young associate, Horace N. Lee, who bravely MI at the recent battle of Yale Oaks, a 121.143 r in the sacred MHO of our beloved canotrY. Resolved, That in the death of Mance Of. Lee, we mourn lite dosili of one %rho gave early promise of COO- OrlrttoUS ability, and whose gallant bearing and genial trimmers endeared him tone all Resolved, That 'a comMittee of the be appointed by the chairman to convey to our entrained brother, tho father of the deceased, the oxpresiion of our heartfelt sympathy. Addresees were delivered by Messrs. Doughertr, Be mak, Pierce, Brooks, and Mann, and the reeetations were adopted. A PROVOST HARSIIAL FOR PRILATtEL PRIA.-oaptain William Et Koine, of the Califyrnia Regiment, bee been appointed provost marshal of this city, Brigadier General B. R. Montgomery commanding the poet. Captain 0. M. Beeper, also of the California Regiment, Is acting deputy provost marshal and officer of the gum,. The old Pennsylvania Bank, in Second street, bas been selected as guard-house, and the proper arrangements will at once be made, by the officers, to carry out the requirements of the service. PRESENTATION.— On Saturday eve ning, the Cooper Shop and Vision Volunteer Refresh ment Saloons were each presented, by the Hope Hose Stearn Fire Engine Company, with a handsomely drawn no resolution, enclosed In a gilt frame, tendering their sincere thanks to the ledhs and •genVemen connected with each institution, for the sumptuous repast furnished the said company after the Bre on Christlan-slreet wharf on the morning of 16th May,1862. REBEL PRISONERS.--We are informed that Gen. Banks has telegraphed to Oov. Curtin, re questing the State of Pentuolvania to relieve him of five hundred rebel prisoners, and that the anthorities inti mated promptly, in reply to this request, a willingness to receive and take charge or the prisoners in qirtion. MORN WOUNDED EXPEOTED.—The steamer 8. B. Spaulding le expected to arrive here today or tomorrow with more el* and w.inaded on board. MIR FAIRS IN AID OF THE BEFH.KBBw idICNT SALOONS —Thejair at Concert Hall, in aid of the 0 oper-Shop floePttel sod &Allem' Homo, ()lewd on :Wortley evening, It would have run very well for a couple of verfs longs, hut the ladles. with t'aat kind consideration characteristic of the cox, thought that by keeping it open would interfere somewhat with the straw berry festival of the Union Refreshment Saloon. Tole ouo, It in to be hoped, will be well attended. Too touch money cannot be raised for the beuott of the sick and sulferitg volunteers We understand that another groat fair will be inangorsted exclusively for the Soldier.' Home, for which we learn the acalemy of kluge will be taken. The eirawborry festival commences this evening, at the saloon, foot of Washington street wharf. A great feature connected whit it will take place t I..morrow afternoon, which will be the reception of a mammoth bouquet, Biz feet bleb and four broad, "to b 3 pressutad by the daughters of New Jersey to the daughtera of Pennsylvania, for their kindness to the sons of New Jeteey•" A steamboat will bring the delegation to Washington street ; tpt echos alit be mule, and a salute fired. The - fitir id for tte benefit of the fund, which has been reduced in carrying out the object of the organi zation. The committee acknowledge the following donatiole: A. Ii Vranciectie, $25; anklin Vire Inenrence.Oorn. pony, $100; Dr. Audi/Amend Robert Nebinger, $5 roach; Richmond Lodge, lir2M; A. Y. 01.. slo;Pitota' r.xmas, $10; Edmund A. smtder & Co., 810. CELEBRATION OF THE FOURTH BY THE FIREMEN ad7ltion to the celebration of the Fourth of July contemplated by the Independence Hose and Engine Company, es etattd, the United States Hose Oom pany are also making preparations for a proper celebra tion of that great day. The nation's anniversary is also the anniversary of the organization of the company, and the celebration will, therefore, he two-fold The base house, in Buttonwacd striet. below Fifth, will be hand somely decorated with Rage, and in the evening the build ing will bo brilliantly illumine:ed. Within a few days the members have raised upon the top of the house a flag staff forty feet in heinht. from which nave thirty feet long. will be floated to tho breeze on the infra log of the Fourth. During the day a band of music will be stationed at the house, and a collation will be pre pared for the friends of tho' company. Altogether, there promises to be a "good time generally." Perh'api few companies in the city have contributed mere largely to the ranks of the Union army than the United States Noss Company. Ova• one hundred members are now In the service of the country in Pennsylvania, New York, Ne Jereey, and other regiments 'THE • RECENT kaursz.—A corres 'pendent send us a communication, in whtnh he states that in the course of a y ear there may not he a stogie eclipse of the moon, although some writers maintain that there must necessarily be two. Tne lunar ecliptic limits extend about 12 deg. on oither side of the nodes. Snp for fell moon well occur 121( dog. from the descending node, and south of it. There will be now no eolipte; either solar or lunar, until the Its lunation, when there will be a cenlral eclipse of the sun, he being at the de. spending node. No tunes eclipse can either immedistely precede or follow, for lull moon in both cases is 161( deg. from the node. Nor can a lunar or solar ecliose occur during the remaining 6 lnuations and 101. 27h. that complete the year, reckoning from the fleet solar eclpse. Thus there will be no lunar eclipse. There may also be nee solar ecu pees: ht. Soler «im, 1T dog. south from :mantling node 2d. 13x deg. north 3d. 14 • t 1 descending nodo 4th. tt 28X deg. south 6th. a 10 It THE WESTERN MARKET. For the week ending Saturday, the following produce was sold at the Western Market House,Sixteenth and Market : 94 beeves, wsighing 66,80 ponads, ruling prices 6 to 10 cente per pound. 503 sheep, weighing 26,160 pounds; 5 to 10 cents per pound. 782 boss, weighing 36,400 pounds, 4 to 8 Starer pound. 165 calves, weighing 13,500 pounds, 4 to 10 coats per pound 18,480 tamale of print butter, 10 to 13 cents per pound. 2,789 pounds of cite, riee. 6 to 10 cents per pound. 14,916 quarts of strawberries, 6to 15 cents per quart. ' 106 pars of spring chickens, 90 to 02 cents per pair. 780 extra tenuity hams, S to LO cents per pound. . 370 smoked beef tongues. 35 to 50 cents each. 280 pairs of chickens, 87X to 75 cents prr pair. 4,800 &zoo of eggs, II to 14 cents per dozes. 1 700 bnoches of new' boats. 5 to 7 newel par bunch. 60 barrels of Bet rends potatoes, 31 to 40 cants per half peck. 170 dozen of emoted sheep tongues, 34 mote per dozen. 1,260 baskets of peas, - 10 to 12 cants per half peck. .• -42 ORA salmon, extra line, weighing 20 pounds °sob, 40 cents pot poutd. ' • • . . Tag C OAL • TRAD.B.-The water is being rapidly discharged from many of the mines Roofed, and those of the letenq roads that were injured will coon all again be in oleo:atlas.. order. Of the six tidewater trunk carriers, however, but one (the Philedelphia and Beading) Is in operation; and although the tonnage of this road for let week wee small, owing to the fooling of mines and idjery d,q.e to lateral roads, sod also to the stoppage of the Oroad Top coal trade by reason of damage dope to a bridge in that region by fro. the week ending next Thursday will exhibit a different result, for soon all the rolling stock of that toad will be required Lofts utmost capacity. The price of coal has been advanced by the operators in the S‘huyikill regions 81,50 per too, and attar July 1 the carriers will doubtless also increase toll and trans portation charges the latter bang entitled, equally with the former, to a share of the rise in the honors! market. Since the trade bets become protitable in the Schuylkill region, operators will hurry forward their coal, sad not Ward it in the expestallou of realizing exorbitant prices. N T 1,0 N 8 TO TILE SICK AND WOUNDED.—The scholars of the Boye' Madison Grammar School have sent quite an amount of delic 'Ciea to one or tat) of the army hospitals. Iris needless to say that there delicacies were received with emotions of delight. Other schools aro engaged In the same Chris work. It is smgeested that everybody join in the good work, and send their delicacies to the military hospitals generally. The members of the Franklin Lodge, No. 5, I. 0. of 0. Y., have contributed one hundr.d dollars for the re lief of the sick and wounded soldiers new In the city. The smenot has been placed in the hands of a com mittee, who will purchase sueh articles as are moat • needed, and will see that they are properly distributed among those they are intended for. The example of No_s, if fat owed tip by other ledges of, the order, would greatly add to the comforts of the gallant men who hare suffered in the cause of their country. ARRIVAL OF A GOVERNMENT STEAMER. —Late on Friday night the United States steamer Mai eachmette. Lieut Cooper commending, arrived at thie port from Fernandina end oda r intermediate porta. She brings a smasher of prisoners from prime captarsd by Unita States vessels, and bee ai peaiseagers Lieut. Gam. hie, of the U. S. N.; Surgeon Hamilton, U. S. N, of this city; Theodore Striker, U. S. N., and several warrant officers from the blockading squadrons at various points. Lift in port at St. Simon's tiound, United States 'Mom. of war Mohican, Capt. Rodeo, of Philad.iphin; United States steamer Wamsutta, A. A. Soma's*, Lieutenant commanding; Untied States steamer Potagnoica, LlSA tmant-cominamliDg Watmough; also, Unhod States steamers Medgie and Uncial. The Maseaohnsetts com municated with the fleet off Charleston. PENNSYLVANIA ALWAYS FinsT•—On Saturday Morning Hou. elenry D. littera. treasurer of Ms State, paid to the Assistant Trossurer of the United States at the Mint the sum of 5330.000, being the Seal in stalment of the State's ouotaef the direct tax imposed by the Act of Congrees of last July, the whole amount paid by Pennsylvania being nearly two millions. By making the pay 'tint at this time, the State paves the fifteen per centtun authorized by the act to be deducted from rho to tal amount. Penney irania is the first State In the Union that has complicd with the terms of the law. Site was first to come to the rescue of the capital when it was threatened by the rebels, and eho is Scat in contributing her abate of the expenses of the war. • DEMOCRATIC CONGRESSIONAL CONFE DENCE.—e. Democratic Conference of the Fifth Oon arterional district, embracing Bucks county, and the Twenty-second, Twenty. third, and Twenty- fifth wards of this city, was held at Brietol on Thursday lost. It well agreed that a Convention, for the purpose of nom'- listing a candidate for Congrea, should be held at Doylestown on the TIS of September, said Convention to consist of 88 delegates, 36 from Bucks and 82 from Phila delphia. The election for delegates will be held on Saturday, the 20th of September next. The utmost unanimity prevailed among the members of tho 0012100- lion, and a good report may be expected from that lo cality. CAMDEN ITEMS. A cricket watch came off Saturday, on the cricket grounds in this citY, betwenn the first eleven of the Philadelplua and Youug America elute. Moat of the bent players are in the army, but the young 104-113401'11 proved themselves equal to the few old r nee left behind. On Friday, 1111147 Johnson, a seaman on board the bark Old Oak, was before Commissioner Cassel?, charged with attacking the mate of that vessel. lie waa held for a further bearing. Recruiting is now going on very fast in Camden. Among the parties engaged in this service Is Capt. JOllll It. Cunningham. Ills rendezvous is at Beyond and Bridge mane. FATAL ACCIDINT.—EarIy on Satur day morning. the watchman at Patterson's bonded ware borne, 'Front and Lombard streets, found a man Ifing under the hatchway in an insensible condition. Ity hie side were a dog and a basket of chips belonging to him. Ferro aprearances, It wan evident that ho . had been gathering shavings to ono of the neuter stories, and bad fallen through the hatchway. As ROOM as postitSle, he wets taken to the Penn Hospital, hut died soon after reaching the institution. While there, be recovered sufficiently to elate that his name was John Nevins, and that his age wee eixty.nlne years. -. • - DROWNING UASIL—J os. Biffard, 46 sq are of age, was drowned on baturday, about 12 o'clock, at the Koosington screw dock. The deceased was known es se excellent diver, and has, in his time, rescued a huge number of persons from drowning., He was diving for copper at tho time of the accident, and was cenght in the sluice, and thus perished. The body Will recovered yesterday morning, sod taken to his residence, &every street, above Girard avenue, Eighteenth ward. Tho coroner 'was notified to hold an leanest. PREPARATION FOB THE UOUNTING IIOUSE.—To those who wish to qualify thenwelves for. the counting house. Orittcnd en'e Philadelphia Commercial College, at the tbrtbeest corner of Seventh and Ohe dna. streets. offers tiocqualled facilities Instruction is given in book-keeping, in its various breeches, tie practieed by the beet accountants, penmanship, commercial calonla. Von), hc. Students ore taught separately, rind the in struction is of the most thorough nod pre.tical charatter. To she businessman such knowledge is invaludile. ELIGEIT FINES.—About, half past 12 o'clock. on Satur?ny night, a lire wag discovered In a store on Front street, belw BprncoATne'ilames wore extinguished by. some police officers, bat broke out e second time &boat 5 o'clock in the morning. Tho da mage altogether wag trifling. A fire occurred yesterday morninz at the milinery atom No. 309 Ponth erreet, between Third and rouitb, but was alto extinguished with trifling lots. WASHING PAVEMENTS. = The ordi nance prohibiting the washing of pavements betweon.the hours of 7 A. ht., and 7 P. M,, was very generally ob served on Saturday, greatly , to the gratificatio n o f t h e resident. of Kensington and Southwark, who receive o more bounPful supply of the aqueous fluid than within the memory of the oldest inhabitant. THE SCOTT LEOION INMOTIO.—ThiS e.orpe, in anticipation of another call for Yam:item by the ationst Government, are making preparations to organize a regiment. A meeting to further the object was held on Saturday evening, And it was unanimously determined to offer the Legion for the war. As regards lie acceptance no doubt can be entertained. We with for them every Runners. • THE. ThltP.—Tho spring meeting is to take place at Suffolk Park Course on the 23d inst., and to continue four days There will be haste. one, two. and three miles, for coddle horses, in running races There are a number or celebrated horses now on the ground, and the races are likely to be/Wong', coutested: Fire thousand dollars will be paid in stakes and purses. SELLINO BEER ON SUNDAY.—The Su vrems Court, now in session at Trenton, N. J . has doci dad !bat the selling of beer on Sunday is indictable, and that de landlord of the premises, knowingly lotting his property for any snub purpose, could he indicted with the tenant for keeping a disorderly house. - IN Toww.—The captain of the vessel. which was the first to bolet the Palmetto ffeg In Chastest ton harbor, on the outbreak of the Seceseion spirit, is in town. The vessel, It will be remembered, belonged to the Eon. Caleb Cushing, of Massachusetts. THE ONE - HUNDRED-AND-SIXTEENTH PENNSYLVANIA.—This regiment, under the command of Col. C. Keenan, Is rapidly tilling up. _Their term of service to for the war. Penkirim . .averpmNr.—Timothy Ciin ningbini fell from a wagon, at Sixth and • St. Mary etreets, on Saturday afternoon, and fractured hie arm. He web taken to the Penn Hospital. . . • TEE A ORTOULTURAL AND MODHANICAL . EXIIIIIITIoN AT NORRISTOWN, PA.—The But nn.oviteos Aaticultorat and Aecbaoical duciatr held their drat opting exhibition, on Thnreday Inc, at Norris. town. The affair proved smog agreeab'e diaapp )intment and ourpilee to air the people thereabout. =lt was h 41.1 one da, mar, and the number or people in attendance excreded 2,100. The display of mowing machinea, in the extimt and variety of mooing and manulacture, excee red that of any fair ever held in Permoylvank Twenty Mama ocerd menu were out to roowion, and Ohio vied with Nei7•xk, dud both with Penna)lvania, for the birth at meed or maim The grace wet well cut, bud indeed It would be inv'tdicue to particularize In favor of any one machine, ',tittle all performed dO well and gave Inch general ebtis fectiom 7ho large patent churns. tbe horee'rakn, the fans, form bells. tint eldog mini:lnes. cider rutin, plough,, cul tivators, grain drilla, market wagons, hay elevators, atone dipgers, stump exnactor-i, washing machines, Vothee wringers, terracotta ware, draining tile, esti oll lamr, and numerous other articles of domettlo ma nufacture. moat of thorn criginsi invention*. Rave inte rest and variety to the general incise'. Indeed, many an annuli' fall exhibition has not been to well sustained in the number and variety of ite contributions from the mechanical department as this wee lost 'ebnreity. No premiums were awarded for any of them, nor were any offered, aud; therefore. there was not that !uncial induce- Meta to tXtribltolll which is always thrown out in the autumn.' The great feature of the exhibition, however, was the It lot of speed and the display of hones. At 2 o'clock P. 11f. tbteeihorees were entered for the premium of thirty dollars for the beet trotting beret, in the county," viz: 'Botcher Boy," I.y Joe. Lona. Norrietown ; Barry Whalebone," by William 11. Davis, Pottstown; and "Lady." ;hp U. B. Batter ' Altarolo Hall. Beet 2 in 3. "Lady" took the Bret beat In 3.04, and the sec..nd in 2 58. she did it with Taloa] grace and tam &Tara other br.nes were entered for this trial, but did not take part, viz: yslry," by John HllMptoni.g.Sdall." by J. Carr Jackeen. Plymouth; Polly," by Georee K. Sit ter, Plymouth ; and Coully," by Pullin Kuhn, Norris town; all good horses. The balf-mile track en these grounds is acknowledged to be the best in eastern PlAlll3S.)iyania, cad It was well teetrd on Thuroday uft-rneon. • Tie Dint trial was for / the 860 premium for the beet horse in harnees, trotting, between two bay horses, very nearly matchat in . c01..r, one owned by U. S. Elicitor, Ertl., of Mathis Bull, Montgomery minty. Pa., and the 'other by A. S. Maylin, Esq., Ohio. Mr. Bather's horse " on the that beat in two minutes forty-nine tweeds, and ' second in two minutes forty-eight recouds. • -•" -- .4 bares nrxt COMPS upon. the track which deserves particular mention. It wee tt "Young •Itiorr ill." of :New Batupebire, owned nod entered by S. R. Perkins, Sal. This hnrse iN a Mean trotting stallt mt. Tie in full. blooded, fifteen lends tbretriuches high. and was the Itettest here on the ground• trotting the mile in two minutes thirty.' nix ecconde—ridden by a )sung boy. The next race was betwten six pacing horses, entered' town ; "ono black' horstiby Zieltb - 1 4 11 . ,"ChdRicr - do - dBti -- one bay horse by Dr. John IL Crizg. Montgomery .counts; one bay horse by Sol. Gilbert, Monteomery county; one black mare by Albert Sturb. Pottstown ; and •one roan mare b Zenith Savage. Metier county. Messrs. Gilbert's and Stortie horses were tinder the mane, the" others in sulkeys. The first heat was taken by Gilbert's bay, under the saddle, in 2.46 The eecond beat was takes' by Stoat's little black mare, tinder the paddle, in 2.49. and the third by the tame in 2 47. She hal no trouble to win the r tctVand the only bow that followed her cloerly was N. S. 141600 bay, in harness. Delegations a ere present from (interact agricultural societies in Now Jersey and other State., and all, by C5lll - consent. pronounced the exhibition a complete sac Tim State Fair will be held here next fall, commencing on Tuesday, the 30th of September, and holding over four daye. TEE PROGRESSIVE • FRIENDS. —The tenth anniversary of this organization was held at the Longwood meeting-house, Chester comity, commencing on the .sth instant, and continuing throe days. The weather wan stormy at tho commencement. but the house v as tilled, and when clear days appeared the attendance was very great. and the interest coutinued until the ad joruntrent. Letters from various Friends thronkhout the Union were read. Ono from the Dugd ale family, in lowa, ' was very cordial and impren,ive Prominent persons wm e present from most of the Northern and some of the Border Among them ware Wm. Lloyd GUI/901), of lionton ; Themes Garrett, of Delaware; Theodore Titter , of New York; Rev. George Gordon,of Ohlo, raster of Iberia College, and lately tiniteo. e in Clove land, Obio, for aiding cloves to escape, Lut who was par- Cloned 'by President Lincoln; Rev. J. Stella Martin, of Dorton ; Wm. L. (Theft, pastor of the swy, Unitarian. eitety of Philadelphia; Oliver Johnson, of Now York, and Edwin B. Coates, of New Jersey. The rebellion,' its cause and cure, was freely discussed, and the argn• ments advanced proved highly instructive. It was con ducted with earnestness and the deepest footings of pa tricoiem and humanity ; all agreeing that the great cause was slavery, and that emancipation would alone end it. A clear arid compret et sive mem Aril was adopted, to be presented in person to President Lincela, orgies him to proclaim the abolition of slavery under the war-power. This important mission vas entrusted to ThamasGariatt,, of Wilmington Delaware; Mice Eliza Hembletion. of ()heeler co., Pa., and Oliver Johnson of New York.. A testimony on Peace woo adopted, reaffirming these prin ciples of Friends, and the great , st unanimity prevailed. Dinner was taken under the trees, in the groves adjoin fog, nod the liberality of the country friends was fully tested, and is as well appreciated. The proceeding. will be published in pamphlet form. The committee mode partial arrangements for the meeting in 1863. • • • RECOVERY OF THE BODY OF MRS. TALMAGB.:—The body of this estimable lady, who wee drowned in the Schuylkill, on Monday last; while out pleasuring in a boat with her buehaed, child, niece, and sister, was recovered, opposite Race-street wharf, yes terday morning, about 5 o'clock. ' The body wag disco vered by a party of men who have' been employed to watch the river since the occurrence of the sad affair. Coroner Conrad was notified, and, after summoning a jury, postponed the inquest till to-day. -The b9dr, as eoon as found, was removed to the residence of Mr. D. P. Moore undertaker, in Vine street, above Ninth. It was much decomposed, nod had it not been for the clothing in which the deceased was 'dressed, recognition would have beta almost impossib:o The bonnet of tire. Tal msge was still on her head, and her jewelry was also found on her person. After the ieenest tho body will be removed to the residence of the husbend. at tie. 943 Franklin etreet, from where it will be honed this arum noon. 'The recovery of the body was a source of great satisfacticso to the friends of the deceased. Her Mother, who bee been much depressed in mind and epirita since the sad mishap, see nod much better yes terday after the receipt of the news. The deceased was a lady much esteemed in the northern section of the city, where she was *well knowh. She bale for a long time, taken a great interest in our sick and wannilegi Rol diem, and, through her etergies and exertions, furnished arm with many necessary articles. She has also been prominent In many otter great acts of charity and be nevolence. Her death was alluded to, in eloquent terms. yesterday moraine, at the Second Reformed Dutch Church, in Seventh street, above Brown, of which her heel:mod is voter. Since the. occurrence 'Of the accident, no trouble hag been spared for the recovery of the body. Oa Friday last, a number of artillerists were engaged in ffriog heavy guns- at different points along the river where it was thought the body might lie. Lash day men have been engaged in grappling the river, but all their efforts proved unsuccessful. It is not improbable that 'the heavy thunder, which visited our oily on Saturday af ternoon, was the means of causing the body to rise to the surface. DELAYED.-711e steamer Louisiana, which was to have salted at noon yesterday, will not leave nntirone o'clock this afternoon, being delayed by necessary repairs to her boilers Persons &yttrium of contributing any of the erticlee enumerated in the lid already punllshed can send them to (lalinwhili-atreat wharf before the hour of moiling. They should be ad • dressed, &applies for wounded soldiers, care of Dr. Elite, surgeon in charge of devmer Louisiana." CHARGED WITH BEING A PROFESSIONAL THIEF.—On Saturday, in the Criminal Uncurl, Albert Riley, committed hy Alderman Denier, on the charge of being a profetsional thief; was l.oard on a writ of halms* corona Mr. L. Cassidy appeared for Riley. After eon aiderable argument, the judge said be would hold the case under advisement. PRILADELPHIL BOIBD OF TRADE • GEORGE N. T&TRA74,' 114.11 J. maIISHALL,s_. 00/10KITTRZ 07 TIES Morrx JAMES R. CAMPBELL, LETTER BAGS ---, •At Ms Merchants' Exchange, Philadelphia. Ship . 877 Oath a. Burton , Liverpool, soon Bask Union, Heard ' Pernambuco, soon . Brig 13 H Jordan Havana, soon Brig H D Buggies, Feven . Port Spain, soon. Bcbr Fannie, V.anta, - • Havana, soon. MARINE ; INTELLIMENOII. PORT OF. PRILADELPHIAIL. :June 16: . 1862 . SUN RISES 4 82-SUN SET& 'I 29 HIGH WATER. " 8 2 Behr Cha llenp , 4 days from White Hopis, Ira in ballast to captain. Schr Coreno, Tarr, 4 days front White House, Va. In ballast to captain. Schr Enoch Moore, Gaudy, 1 day from Wilmington, Del. In ballast to Tyler' Stone Co. • Elobr Caleb SU bon, Tyler, from Fortress blonroo. Scbr C 8 Watson, Aldridge, from Newborn. Steamer Allds, Robinson, 24 hours from New York, with mdse to W. P Clyde. Steamer Vulcan, Morrison, 24 hours from New . York, withmdeo to Bainl A Co. CIVE ABE D Brig Redwood, Boyle, Key West, J R Battey , 00. • Brig B F Nash, Ramsdell, Roston, E d Sander & Co 'big Sarah, Coombe, Boston, do Schr E Moore, Gandy, Fortress Monroe, Tyler, Sono & Co. Echr Pitogatet, Wapies, Fortress tionree, do Schr 0 S Wats° ,•Aldridge, Newport, J R Blabiston. Schr Bail, Kelly, Proymeece, Caemer, Btte4tioy & Wellioglou! Behr C A Stetson, Robinson, Braintree, do . Ear W P Phillips, dmith, • eo do Schr Charm, s:arr. Georgetown, 0 F Norton & Co. :, Ecbr Porto Rico, Tyler,Georgetown, do Behr Yeoman, Cannon Washington, . do - . ••• .• ••••,.. WRIGHTSVILLE, June 12. The following boats entered the Suo.teehanna and Tidewater Canal to-day, bound to Philadelphia, laden and consigned as follows: J 11 Humes. With lumber to Wm C Lloyd; Oar Mollie, bituminous coal to Garret k Son, Wilminvon; A Shark:: lumber to Gaakill Jr Galvin, diary * Susan, do to 11 Creekey & Co;' J E Blackwell do to Tramp * Son; Con rad & Barber. do to W S Taylor; J W. Young. do to Nor cross & Fbeots; Nymph, wheat, rye, and oats to. Hum phreys, Roffman & Wright. and B. Kirkpatrick; Orion,, wheat and oats to Kirkpatrick & Up; England ct Brown, lumber to fl Oreskoy. June l3.—Conatitntion, grain to' Thornton &Barnes; John N Eantne, lutuber to blainne & Trainer, and enema to linaphreye, lioffmatt & Wright; Mary bonioa,lumber to Corydon, AJ J & L Richards, do to Normoes & Sheet% Carrie, do to W 9 Taylor & Co; ;Blooming Bush, do to Garkill dr Galvin; Major J,llobrar, do to B B Taylor & Co; Fowler & Illc'Jarty, do W C Lloyd; Mary Elizabeth, do to John Craig: Backwalter, do to Black Bock, Schuyl kill. lIIKKORAND. Ship Myra, Frutnenta, enterod ont at Liverpool 30th tilt. for Philadelphia. Ehipa Clyde, Perry, and Fleetwing, Jayne, were load ing at London Slat nit. for Philadelphia. Salim Woohnoreland, Decan, John Leslie, Given, and Belle of the Ocean, Reed, were loading at Liverpool 2let ult. for Philadelphia. Ship Sewall, Delano, from Shields for Boy West, passed the Is'o of Wight 30th ult.. • ' . Ea: k D 0 Yoaton, Pote, cleared at London 23th nit. for Shieitly, to load for Philadelphia.- • . Baik Minato Schi ff er, for Philadelphia, was loading at London 31at ult. Bark Florence, (Br) Toyo, hence, arrived at Olenfne•. gee 21st ult. Bark Lanretta, Wells, hence, arrived' at Trinidad., 21st ult. Bark David Lapsley, Beadling, at Havana 2d inst..' from Shields. Bark Ha vest Queen, Murray, from Key Weat, at file. . . veua 2d Met. Bark Linden, Rowell, at Havana 6th that from He/. west. Balk Alnmo, Goafrey, at Matanzas 31st ult. from Key Went. Berk D Colden Murray, Warner, from Key West, at Matanzas let Met. • Bark Emil'', Itlcketson, hence, arrtvcd up at New Or• teens nib ult. Brig Baltic, Haddocks, hence, via Ship Island, at New. Orleans 24th ult. P Wetherill, Eltowbrldge, hence, arrived at Now Orleaoe 24th Wt. . _ . Bildt Ilia Bead, Jarman, Balled from Havana Mat nit. for Sagas. Brig Mary 0 Mariner, Mariner, for Philadelphia, was at 'Havana 71hiunt. - _ Brir Adieu, Fjullne, Balled from Cardenas 234 nit. for Philadelphia. Fehr Amy 'Wooster, Brown, haute, arrived at Trini dad 234 alt. &bre Solite, Carey, and M B Dyer, Puriere, cleared at Nassau 29th ni:. for Philadelphia. Bare Hannah Grant, Disney, and Jamey Bliss, llatel, btnce, arrived at Newbury port 12th inet Briars Tbos Borden, Wrightingtoo, and litinerya, Jel -1 lemon, berm, arrived at Fah BLeer 12111 far J B[gator, Nickerson, hence, arrived at Boston Inst. . . . Behr J J Spencer, Smith, at New Orleans 24th ult from Ship Island. Liverpool, May 31—The Chicano, from New York [Or Acapulco,-has beau lost by Ore..- Crew at Peenambum. • LA Rye 74 . ? .. v .3 '• P . 4. 1 : ~• THE 1 P 2.-PHI..DEIX MONDAY; ' JUNE THE yjagOTION TO MARINIIRB. • SION•LS.cos 1301 AD THII LIGIURYISSMILS 01,..12111 MIMED Eeravea.—All light.vequils of the Milted littitos nee turotalud with bells to be rune by hand, gouge tobe sounded, and borne to be Won alternately at interim of not exceeding five infiite, ' with a duration of -!) signal of about three Mooted, leaving a eilent lab3cett , about two minutes. By order. TIIORNTON A. JENKINS, Secretary. Treasury Department, Office L. H. Board, Waslungton City, May 30,1801. LIGHT-VESSELS AT MITE'S POMP, MESA. PEAKS BAT. - A Pgi.t. Wiwi has been placed to mark the Shoal and Spit waking out from the eoutheaat aide of the in,tatli of the Potomac River, in Chesapeake flay. Tue vessel is schooner-rigged, podukd lead color, and "Smith's Point," patnled in large white lettere, on each side. Two refb ctor halite, illuminating the whole horl7.ln, will be • Wetted 'every night, from sonnet :,to sunrise, which ehould be seen is, clear weather, from thadock of a vessel, front ti ti to twelvo nautical miles, Loring snow atoms, fogs, and hazy weather, a. bel wall be rung. it fog-horn blown, and a gong a model al ternamir et ibiutervals of not excmitnn fly° minutes. By order. TIIOIINTON' A. - JENKINS, Socrdtary. • Treasury Department, Offico.L. IL Bonn!. Washington'Tity, Kay 30, 1862: • MAIMBAL'EI RALE—Bit VIRTUE of a,Wtftof Sate, by . tbo Ifon:JOHN 4bADW&L.t. PER. Judge of tho District Court of the United States, in and for the Batten) i bit idol' Pennsylvania, In ndadra , t3'. to me directed, will be sold, at Public Sale, tl the high. eat and best bidder, for Cash, at 0 ALLOWILILL -81 'BEET WIRES, on TRUSS() VP, June IS, 1862, at 12 o'clock M., the schooper WAVE, her tackle, appa rel, and furaitnre, and the cargo t-ken on board, consist ing of 40 bales of cotton. WILLTA3I MILL WARD, \H. 8. 11Torahq, E D. of PelllllYlVanig“ FBILADIMPIIA June 9, 1862 j0101.6t MARBllittla 3.ILE.—BY VIRTUE or a Writ ofiale, by the Ron. JOHN CAD W ALA•' DER, Judge of the District Court of the 'Coiled rtatos, in' and forthe Eastern Datrictof Pentonlrania, in Adunraltr s tome directed, will ,eold, at Public sAI. , to the highest . and best bidder, for 4sh, at ()ALLOW lIILL-STREET. VII allF, on THURSDAY; Juno 19th, 1812, at 12 o'clock M., the Belmont ACTIVE, her tackle, apparel, and furniture, 803 eke ilow lies at said .wharf, A l 4Ol the emcee time and placewillbesold,lo3barrels of pickled Derrlug. 'WILLJA di MILL WARD. gh . .U. S. Milgthril E. D. of-neaa l yiyapie. — Panama. ?mann 0.1862 *elo-61 je•B,SHAL'S A'S SALE---jßzgiT t l i lf zt f bY tbe 11°11 .7° r r r inited Btatea, in and for the IC maim Dirt RiriSM l. l'h° D~~i~ . iriaty o.orkgr.iy PM a• 111 In • to me dorocted, wily be sold• at public sole, to the higheet,' and beet biddrr, for Cash, at °ALL° Wif IL E.- STREET WHARF. on TDE 4 DAY, \Jane .2.t, 1882, at 'l2 o'clock hi., 750 barrel!' Rosin and ilk emits do., the cargo of echoonar P. A: SANDERS. • wiLLIMIUMILLWAR,O, U.S. Marshal IL D. of Paitne) • PEITIADIMPRIA. Juno 12. 1882. : je18•Bt MATISH.AL'd 15ALE.--By *kw (f a Writ of Sale, by the Hon. JOHN 0 aDIT &LADE% Judge of the District Court of the United 'hates, in and for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, qt iwmirmay. to me directed, will be sold at public Brie, on the highest and beet bidder ' for cash. at CALLOW HILL.S CRC E 'WHARF, on IUESDAY, June 24, 1862, at 13 o'clock M.. 950 barrels of Rosin, the caigu of the thhooner EVA BELL. • WILLIAM MILLH taD. • U. S.lrtanibal R.D. of Pikinsylyania. • PitticAnnatut4, Juno 12,1882. • jel3 at MARSHAL'S SALE.—By 'vortue of a Writ of Sale, by the Hon. JOHN CSDWALA.- DEB. Judgo 01 the District Court of the Ultited States, in and for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, in ad miralty, to me directed, will be 'told, at put male. t.) the highest and bast bidder, to- cash, at CA LOW EIIGL STREET WU ARP, on TUESDAY, June 91 , 1662, at 12 o'clock M., 220 barrels of Pi•ch, 50 mobil do , 11,001 Staves, and 116,000 AhiogleA, the cargo of the schooner FRANCIS DURItITT. WILLIAM MILLWARD, U. S. Marshal Eastern District of Penns. PHILADELPHIA, June 12, 1662. 3el3 .6t • MARSBAIIB SALE —By virtue of a Writ of Salo, by the Hon. JOIIN CAD WAL A DElii, Judge of the District Court of the United States, iu and for the Eavern District of Pennsylvania, in admi ralty, to me directed, will be sold, at public sale, to the highest and beet Mader, for cash, at ottLbowrit6u -BTREET WIIARP, on TUESDAY, June 21, 1882, at 12 o'clock, 81.,014 barrels of Rosin, 103 eisska do., and 83 barrels of Turpentine, the cargo of the schooner GIL.- BERT GREEN. WILLIAM DII&LWORD, • • • tr. S Months' }:mtern District of P enns. .Piimilmcraiet, June 12 , 7882, je18-Ot MAICBRAVEC BALL-: . -By virtue of a Writ of Sate, by the Hon -JOHN OADWALA.- DER, Judge of the District Court* the United States, in and for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, In admi ralty, to me directed, will be sold, at public sale. to the biebeet and beet bidder, for cash, at CULLOM:IIIZ STREET WHARF, oMTUESDAY, June 24, 1861, at 12 o'clock, M.. 520 barrels of Rosin, and 318 casks do., 101 barrel+ of Turpentine, and 32,050 rtroaßed Cypress. Shin glee, the cargo of the ecbooner LIZZIE TA YLO B. WILLIAM AIILLW &SD, U. S. llarahnl Eastern District of Penna. PIIMILDELKIIA, June 12,1862. jelB.Bt MARSHAL'S SALE.—By virtue of a Writ of Sale, by the llnn. JUHN OA D WA LADER, Judge of the District Uourt of the United States. in and for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, In Admiralty, to me directed, will be sold, at Public Sale, to the highest and beet bidder, for cash, at °ALLOW BILL.SI BEET WDARF, on THURSDAY, June 19, 1862, at 12 o'clock M. , 233 barrel, - Turpentine, being pan of tbo cargo of the schooner DIXIM. WILLIAM. MILLWAIID. D. 13.1darebal B. D. of Pennsylvania. PHILADELPHIA, JIM 9,-181 . 32: .• , jelo•St UNITED STATKS EASTERN DIS TRICT Ole PENNSYLVANIA, SCR - THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES, TO THE MARSHAL OF THE EASTERN DISTRICT OF PENNSYLVANIA; GREETING : • WHEREAS. The District Court of the United States in and for tho Roolorn District of Penneylvania, rightly and duly proceeding on a Libel, filed in the namekif the UrthettStates of America, Math decreed all persons in general who havo,,or pretend to have, any right, title, or lutenist in the schooner REBECCA, whereof Albert 0. Ptone is master, her tackle apparel and furniture, and the goods, wares, and merchandise laden on board there of, captured by the United htatei steemer Ilteuville, under commend of Capt. Mallaney, to be monithedi cited. and called to judgment, nt the time and place underwritten, arid to the effect herea ft er expressed, (justice so requiring ) You are therefore charged and strictly enjoined and com manded, that yen omit not, but that, by publishing these presents in at least two of the daily newspapers printed and published in the city of Philadelphia, and .In the Legal Intelligeneer, you do monish and cite, or cause to be moniehed and cited, .peromptorily, all persolts in gene ral who have, or pretend to have, any right, title, or in ter& In the said schooner REBECCA, her tackle, appa rel, and fu rn iture, and the goods, wares, end merchandise laden on board thereof, to appear before the Hon. JOHN CADWALADER, the Judge of the said Court, at the District Court--omit, In the City of Philadelphia, on the TWENTIETH day after publication of these presents, if it be a court day, or else on the next court day follow ing, between the usual hours of hearing causes, then and there to show, or allege,, in due form of law, a reasonable and lawful excuse, if any they have, why the said schooner REBECCA, her tackle, apparel, and furniture, and the geode, wares, and merchandise lad is on board thereof, ehould not. be pronounced to belong, at the time of . the capture of the same, to the enemlee of the United States, and as geode of their enemies, or otherwise, liable and subject to condemnation; to be adjudged and condemned as good and lawful prizea; and further to do and receive in this behalf as to justice shall appertain. And that yon duly intimate, or cause to be intimated, mite all persons aforesaid, generally, (to whom by the tenor of these presents it is also intimated,) that if they shall not appear at the time and place above nientioued, or appear and shall not show a reasonable and lawful cause to the contrary, then said District Court (loth intend and will prodeed to adjudication on the said capture, and may pronounce that the said schooner REBECCA, her tackle, apparel, and furniture, and the goods, wares,. and me , eliandise laden Oa board thereof, did belong, at the time of the capture of the same, to the enemies of the United States of Americo, ` and ns goods of their enemies, or.other— wise, liable and subject to confiscation and condem nation, •to be .adjudged and condemned as lawful prize, the absence, or rather contumacy, of the persons so cited and Intimated in any-wise notwithstanding, and that you duly certify to the said District Court what you shall de in the premises, together with these presents. Witness the Honorable JOHN CAONVALADER, Judge of the said court, at Philadelphia, this twelfth day of JUNE, A. D. 1862, and in the eighty-sixth year of the Independence of the said United States. jelB4t G. R. . FOX... Clerk pydrickCourt, V. 8 ARMY CLOTHING AND EQUIP AGE OFFICE, TWELFTH AND GIRARD STREETS, PIIILADBI.THIA, Juno 11, 1882. PROPOSALS will be recelred at this Wilco until WED NESDAY. 18th Inst., at 12 o'clock M., for tarnishing, at tbo Schoylkill Arsenal, one thousand (1,000) Hospital Tents and Flies, to be of army pattern ; the Tents to be made of 253 Inoh duck, 12-ouncei the Flioe of 28%-inch 10-ounce duck. Alto, one thousand (1,000) seta Hodpltal Tent-poke. Bidders can bid for. Tents complete, in cluding Pdles, or separately for either, nr for any portion of the Tents or Tent-poles. Proposals will be endorsed, .Proreseals for Hospital Tents," or "Proposals for Hoe vital Tent-poles," and addroned to G. H. CROSIIMt, 5e12.13t . Deputy Quartermaster General. filTr.:OF • CHARLESTOWN, MAB - Proposals Will be rocelved by the Water commissioners of the City of Charlestown, until JUNE 30th, for laying, to said City and on the line of their Water Works, about 21 miles of ek iT-TRON PIPES. Plans of the work can bo seen, 'and informa tion concerning said work be obtained, at .the cane of the Eggintec or Water. Commissioners„ Charlestown. (*Pres of specifications and contract, and forms of pro-' posels, will be sent to parties desiring to make bids for the work; on their flaking olication tor the same .to the Water Commissioners. Fionds, with sureties, will be required from parties contracting. The Commission ers reserve.the right to accept that prop-root which, under all circumstances. they shall consider most favorable to the interest+ of the city, or to reject all proposals of fered. For Water Commistrionere, EDWARD LAWRENCE. Chairmen. • . C. L STEVENSON, Chief Engineer C. W. W jel2-10t • CITY OF CHARLESTOWN, .MAS FACIRISETTS.—The Water Oommiesioners of the Oily Of Charlestown will receive propcsals for making, delivering, Dna laying on the line of their distributlon rine,,Hundred and Forty FIRE HYDRL NTS. In making proposals' for the eeme, parties mast Include the Hydrant Pipe; thiv Bend, the Hideout, Frames, Covers, and all appurtenances connected therewith,'ex- ; cepting tile branches in main pipes. They must also state the price at which they will lay and connect the Hydrant pipes with the branches in the Mains, and perform all the work Incident to placing the Hydrants in pet feet or der for use, including delivery and all trenching or other dinging.. Parties ,making proposals 'molt: accompany them with design' of the style of hydrant they propoie. These desists must be drawn to scale, so es to admit of their befog readily understood.. The total amount of 4-Inch Hydrant Pipe required Is about Eleven Hundred (1,100) feet. Firm of Hozile 2X inch, with sufficient Mad of Hydrant to .admil of increasing diameter of nozzle to 4 inches, without removal of Hydrant. 'Proposals will also be received for about One hundred and Sixty STOP COCKS, of the following sizes : 76 of 4.inch ' 66 of 6-inob, 14 of 8-inch, 2 of 10-inch, 3 or 16- Inch, Bof 244nch. The propoeale for Stop Cooks to in ciado every essential casting pertaining to the same and the delivery of all Cocks or Castings ar such places in Charlestown es the Engineer may from time to time direct. Deeigne of the etyles proposed for to be presented , at .same time as bid. Plane-of Dis tribution Pipe, allowing positions of Hydrants and Stop. Coate, can be seen at the office of the Engineer or Water Commissioner,. All doeigne mind be sent' to the Engineer, on or berore . .lUNE 80th, 1862. Tho Corn; mleeloners reserve the right to accept er reject any of the Frond/Ale offered. For Water Commissioners, EDWARD LAWRENCE, Chairman. 0. L. STEVENSON, Chief Engineer, 0. W. W. BatIOTINA ROOFING; ", ••. entriswrtraso n tilll " ini/TEP STATES BIOTINA Room° COMPANY, No. 9 °OBE BLOOL Gorier, GREEN and PITTS Streete,llesibety ' This Portable Rcioling is the only article Over offered to the public which is ready prepared to go On the roof without any finishing operation. It is 1' M, handsome, and easily applied. and can be safely and cheaply trans ported to any part of the world. It will not taint or discolor water running over, or lying on it, and Is, in all respects, a very desirable article. Its non-conducting properties adapt it especially to covering manufactories. .of various kinds ' • and it le con fi dently offered to the public after a test of four years in all varieties of climate and temperature, for covering all kinds of mote, fist or pitched, together with oars, steamboats, fie, •?, It is both cheap and durcsb ie. Agents wanted, to whom libbral indncemeots are offered. lead for sample, cher:4lll7,, Ac., with particulars, to "U. S. BQOPING 00., No: 9 GOTA 'BLOUS; Boston." ' ap2440) LEGAL PIItOPOSALS. RAILROAD LINES. 1862. Hamm 1862. • ARRANGEMENTS or NEW YORK LINES. THE CAMDEN AND AMBOY AND PHILA DELPHIA AND TRENTON RAILROAD CO.'S LINES FROM PHILADELPHIA TO NEW YOWL AND WAY PLACES. vital watann=suuim WHAM , 'A.Nn curelllololll MOT. WILL LEAVE AS FOLLOWS---VIZ: PALI, At 5 A. M., Via Camden and Amboy, 0. and A. Act ' oommodation ~.2.2, 2 2 At iA. M., via Camden and Jersey City, (N. J.) .Accezernodation.— 2 2i At 8 A. RI., Tia Kensington and Jersey City, • Morning 'Nail 800 At 11 A. 31., via Kensington and Jersey City, Western Express 3 00 At lag P. M., via Camden and Amboy, Ascommo ' dation. ' 225 At 2 P. M., via Camden and Amboy; 0. and A. 331:- pras~ 300 At 4 P. K., via Camden and Jersey Gity, 10voning .BExpress o pa At 4 P. M., via Camden and Jersey City, 2d Clam Tioket • - 226 At 6% P. M., via Kensington and Jersey City, Everting Mail B 00 At 11X P. hi., vf KOamden and Jersey City. South ern Mail . 3 50 'At 5 P. M., via Camden and Amboy, Aecommoda; Con, (Freight and Passenger)—DA Oleo Ticket.. 2 22 Do. do. 2d Class do. ...1 50 The ii „k P. DI. Southern Nall rune daily; ail others Snrelaye excepted. For Water Qap, Stroudsburg, Scranton, Wilkesbarra, Montrose, Great Bend, Binghampton, Syracuse, dm., at 6. A. M. from Walnut street Wharf, via Delaware, Lackawanna, and Western Railroad. • For Manch Chunk, Allentown ' Bethlehem, Belvidere., Beaton, Lambertville, Flemington, &o.,at 6 A. and 2N P. HI:; from Walnut-street Wharf; be 6A. M. Line connects with train leaving Baotou tor Manch Chunk at 3.20 P. ELI For Mount 00117, at 6 A. M., 2 and 4 P. M. Yor Freehold, at 6 A. M.. and 2 P. M. WAY LT h•~e. For Bristol, Trenton, acc., at 8 and 11 A...M., 5 and 8.80 I'. IR. frota Kensington, and 2% P. Itt. from' Walnut street wharf. ' For Bristol; and Intermediate statiens, at 114 from Kensington Denot. For Palmyra, Riverton, Delano*, Beverly, Burlingtcalt Florence; Rordentown, at 10 A. M. and l 2), 4,5, 6 14 and 610 P. M. Steamboat TRENTON for Rordentown and tntarme dlate etationa at 84 P, M. from Walnut-street wharf. *1 F,or flew York, and Way Linea lea)mLi 1194414, lint Depot, lakll l ls-0154Mtn!" - TVre care run into the 1 ---bliforl — ind on the arrival-of each train run from the Fifty Pouids of Baggage only allowed each Paesenger.- Passengers are prohibited trom taking anything as bag gage but their wearing apparel. All baggage over Ally pounds to be paid for extra. The Company limit their responsibility for baggage to One Dollar per pound, and will not be liable for any. amount beyond $lOO, except by tpecial contract. faa 6ATZIIIIII, Agent. LINES FROM NEW YORK FOR PHILADELPHIA' WILL LEAVE, FROM ,FOOT OF CORTLAND STRRET, At 10 A. M., 12 M., and 6 I'. M.. via Jerfey . City and Camden. At 7 A. AL, and 4 and 11 P. M. via Jdraey City and Kensington. From foot of Barclay street at 6 A. M. and 2 P. NE ria Amboy and Camden. From Pier No. 1 North river, at 1 and SP. M. (freight and - passenger) Amboy and'Comden. Je9.4 THE PENNSYLVANIA CENTRAL TRIO Meta POTTIVE A TiIdOX BOOTIL imal 1862. 1862. THIS CAPACITY OF 11112 ROAD IS NOW EQUAL TO ANY IN THE COUNTRY.. - THE GREAT SHORT LINE TO THE WEST. :facilities for the tramtportatiori of pasaengers to and from Pittsburg, Cincinnati, Chicago, Bt. Louis, St. PRI3I, Nashville Memphis, New Orleans, and all other towns" In the Weld, Northwest, and Southvest, ire rinsurpasaed for speed and comfort by any oilier route. Sleeping and smoking cars on all the trahm. • THE EXPRESS RUNS DAILY; Mail and Fast Line Stuidays'excepted. . Mail Train leaves Philadelphia at .. .. . 7.15 A. K. Fast. LIDO 11.30 A. M. Through Express I' 10.30 P. M. Hanisbtug Accommodation leaves Phila. at.. 2.20 P. M. Lancaater " 4, .. 4.00 P. M. West Chester Accommo'n No. 1 " .. 8.45 A. 51 44 " No. 2 " " ..12.00 neon. Parkesburg " "" 5.45 P.-51. West Cheater Paseongers' will take the West Cheater Noe. :l and 2 and Lancaster Accommodation Trains. • Passengers tor Sunbury, Williamsport, Elmira, Buf falo, Niagara Falls, ac., leaving Philadelphia at 7.16 A. M. and 10.30 P. M., go directly through. . For further Information apply at the Passenger Sta. Hon, S. E. corner of•ELEVENTH and MARKET By this route freights or all descriptions can be for warded to and from any :mint on the Railroads of Ohio, Kentucky, Indiana, Blinoia, Wisconsin, lowa, or Mia gouri, by railroad direct, or to any port on the naviga ble rivers of the West, by steamers from Pittsburg. The rates of freight to and from any point in the West by the Penneylvanla Railroad, are, at all Gums, as fa vorable as are ' charged by other Railroad Companies. Merchants and abippars entrusting the transportation of their freight to this Gompany, can rely with lionfldeno• on its speedy transit. For freight contracts or shipping directions apply to or address the Agents of the Company. S. B. KINGSTON) JIS., Philadelphia. D. A.. STEWART, Pittsburg. VLARKE & hicago. LERCH & C0.,120. 1 Astor Home, or No. 1 South William street, CO., dew York. LEECH di 410., No. 77 Washington street, Boston. MACRAW & KOONS, No. 80 North street, Baltimore. -H. H. HOUSTON, Gaul Freight Agent, Phila. L. ROUPT, Gong Ticket Agent, Phila. 'XNOOH LEWIS. Gen'l Sun% Altoona. m ailAßg om PHILADELPHIA., We IT_ BISTOW1( RAILROAD. _ ; On and after Monday, May 20th, 1882, until further SOB GERMANTOWN Leave niladebbia, 6,.7, 8,9, 10, 11, 12, A. If., 1,2; 810, 4,5, s,it , 6,7, 8, 9,V, 10X, 11%, P. SL Leave Germantewu, 6,7, 7.35, 8,8%, 10%, 11%, A. IC, 1,2; 3, 4,'5, 6,7, 8. 9, 10.10,-11, P. M. Leave Philadelphia, 9.10 A. IC, 2,3, 6,7%, 103 , Leave Germantown. 8.10 A. ILO, 4,6 X, 9%, P. IL. OH ES'INIIT. RILL RAILROAD. Leave Itiladelphia, 6,8, 10, 11, A M., 2,4, 5, 6,,8, Leave Cheetvalt 11111, 7.10, 7.35, 9.10, 11.10, 4. 11., 1.40, 3.40, 5.40, 6.40, 7.40,9,50, P. M. Leave Philadelphia, 9.10 N. hi., 2,5, 7X, P. 61. Leave Chestnut Rill, 7.50 A. U., 12.40, 6 10, 9 10, • FOR CONSHOHOOKRN AND NORRISTOWN. . '..Leave Philadelphia, 6, 9.05,11.05, A. 66.,13%, 3,4 X, am, 8.05, P. 66. Leave Norristown, 6,7, 7.50, 9, U, A. K., IX, 4X, 6X, P. M. ON SUNDAYS. . Leave Philadelphia. 9 A. iH , 2X, 4%, P. Leave, Norristown, 7 ,A. hi.. 1,6, P. 21. FOR NANAYUNK. Leavo Philadelphia, 6, 9,11.05, A. M., IK, 8.05 11,V. P. 61. Leave Dlanayunk,l3K, 7%, 8.20, 9X, A. M., 9, 5,7, P. M. ON SUNDAYS. • Leave Philadelphia, 9 A. M., 2g, 4g, 8, P. M. Leave Manavynk, 7) A. M., 82i, 9, P. M. 11. K. SMITH, General Superintendent. tny26-tf Depot NINTH and GREEN Streets. NORTHIA AJL PEIioNSYL. FOR BETILLNIIEN, DOYLESTOWN, M A 1J 0 U OHUNK, HAZLETQN, EASTON, WILKES BARRE, &c. SPRING ARRANGEMENT. TIMER THROUGH TRAINS. On and titter MONDAY, WAY 5, 1e42, Pum as; Trains will leave FRONT and WILLOW Streets, FhlladaLphia, daily,lundays oxcepted,) follows: At 6.40 A. X., ( Express.) for Rethiehnin, Allentown, Monch Chunk, Hazleton, Wilkeebarre, An. At 2.46 P. Id. (Ziprese,) for Bethlehem, Easton, This train r eaches Easton at 8 P. M., mul mato!' a den connection with the Nees Jersey Central for Now York. At 6.04 P. N., for Bethlehem, Allentown, Match Munk, ego. At & A. M. and 4 P. M., tor Doylestown. At 43 P. M., for Port Washington. . The 6.40 A. M. Express Train makes otoni 00tIIISCUOII with the Lehigh Valley Railroad at Bethlehem, being the shortest and moat' desirable relate to all points in lbs Lehigh coal on . TRAIN' FOB PHELADBLPHLX. P.TC,eavii Bethlehem at 540 A. WI, 9.18 A. 61., and 4.511 P.M. Leave Doylestown at 7.25 A. M. and 8.20 P. 11. Leave Fort Washington at 6.80 A. 11. ON SUNDAYS—Philadelphia for Bethlehem at 7.45 A. M. Philadelphia for Dorlestomn at 2.45 P. DI. Doylestown for Philadelphia at 6 30 A. 62. Bethlehem for Philadelphia at 5 r. 26. Sane to Bethlehem...43l.sC F are .e to Wench Ohlink.S2 60 Sore to Keeton 1.60 Wilkesboro. . 4.50 Through Tickets most Drummed at the Ticket Wires, at WILLOW Street, or BEMS Street, In order eo secure the above rates of fare. All Passenger Trains (except Sands , " Trains) connect at Berke etreet with the THU and Shah streets, and Se cond and.Thhd-streets Passenger Railroads, two* int. rates after leavtng Willow street. rays 3,11L13 inalpi e :AVM. PHILADELPHIA islggwgs AlfD ELMIRA B. B. Lisa. 1882 WINTM ARRANGEMENT. 1882 - Yor WILLIAMSPORT, SORANTON, ELMIRA, and all points in the W. and N. W. Pawnlller Trains leave Depot of Phila. and Beading B. R., aor. Broad and Oia lowhill streets, at 8 A. M., and 8.11 P. M. daily, exposit Sundays. QUICKEST BOUTS from Philadelphia to ' , points in Northern and Western Pennsylvania, Western New York, &0.,..t0. Baggage checked through to Buffalo, Niagara Falls, or intermediate points. Through Express Freight Train for all points abOvo, learns daily at 6 P. M.. For further information apply to JOHN B. BLUES, General Agent. ., THIRTEENTH and OALLOWHILL, and N. W. cog. BIXTH and CHESTNUT Btroota. • • .JaEl-tt . REOPENING .OF THE BALTIMORE AND 0810 IRAILROAD.—Thie road, being fully REPAIRED and" effectually GUARDED, is now open for the trans. Donation of pareengers and freight to all points Wilke GREAT WEST. For through tickets and all other in.. formation'apply at the (kunoany's Office, corner BROAD Street and WASHINGTON Avenue. 8. rd.. Intf,TON, . ap3-tf President P. W. and B. R. B. Go. WEST CHE STER aimmo AND PHIIADELYIIIA VIA MEDIA sumaaza. ARRANGEMENT On and after MONDAY, June 9th, 1862, the trains trill leave PHILADELPHIA from the depot, N. N. cor net- of EIONTENNTH and IidARENT Streets, at 7.45 and 10.50 A. M., and 2,4.80, - and. 7 P.M., and will leave West Philadelphia from THIRTY-FIRST and MAR EST Streets ; 17, relantee after the starting time from Eighteenth -and : Market streets. ' r, 'ON SUNDAYS, Leavo PHILADELPHIA at 8 A.' M., and 2 P. M. Leave WEST CLIESTER at 8 A. Id.„ and 6.00 P. M. The trains leaving Philadelphia at 7.45 A. M., and 480 P. M., connect at Ponnolton with trains on the Phi. ladeiphia and Baltimore Central Railroad for Concord, Kennett, Oxford, &c. DENBY WOOD, :$19.14 • • • • Bunenintendent. WEST CHESTER NM BA ILROAP Trains via PENN SYLVANIA RAILROAD, leave depot, corner ERE. VENTII and MARKET Streets, at 8.45 A.11.,12 noon, end' 4 P. pl. On Sunday si train leaves Eleventh and Market streats at 7.80 A. M., and West Chester at 4 P. 57. no3-tf To THE D ' ISEMAED . OF .- .- ALL . CLASSES.—AII sub-acute and chronic, diorama cared by special guarantee at 1220 WALNUT Street, Philadelphia, and In case of a failure no charge Is made. Professor BOLLES, the founder of this IWO practice, r tritt superintend the treatment of all asses himself. . A pamphlet containing a multitude of certificates of those cured, aloe letters and complimentary resolutions from medical men and others will be given to any per3on free. _ Lectures are constantly given at 1220, to medical men' anti others who desire a kiiowledge of my discovery, lo applying Electricity as a reliable therapeutic) agent. Con inltation free. ee26-2m WOMAN at, ELY, No. 130 PEGG Street, manufacturers of patent OAST-STEEL TABLE CCM LERY; also, a lately-patented 00 tdBI NATION KNIFE, FORK, and SPOON, especially adapted for Camp me, for Fishermen, Sea-faring Men, Mechanics, Miners, Lumbermen, and aU Workmen car rying their dinners. , W. ZS. "E.'s Cutlery Is warranted to be of tip beat quality of ENGLISH OAST-STEEL , and is intended to supersede, by its excellence and cheapness, the inferior Qualities of Cutlery now In the market, and to which they respectfully Unite the attention of the Hardware dealers generally. inyV-Sm 4800 LIiSTFRANCE COMTANI.EIi. DELAWARE MUTUAL SAFETY 111BURANCE 000treNT. INCOAPORATED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF .e" .YRIINSYTVANIA, OFFICE S. E. CORNER THIRD AND WALNUT STERETS. PHILADELPHIA. inesE M I A BR INT INSUBA2IOI CARGO, Mo all parts of the World. FIXBIORT, IRMA D TNBURA.NOES ON Goode, by Rivers; Canals, Lakes, and Land Carriages to all parts of the Union, On Itterchsm se" generally. On Stores, Dwelling honsesjto. ASSETS OF ,THE,COMPA - NY, NOV. 1, ion, #Att. 0000. 1100,000 prated States Five per cent. Luta. W 105,660 00 60,000 United States Six per cent. Trea sury Notes 40,906 07 26,000 United States Seven and Three ' tenths per cent. TreasnrY Rotas 35,000 oo 100,000 State of Pennsylvania Five per - cent. Loan 69,651 26 113,060 Philadelphia City Six per cent. Loan. 119,445 17 50,090 State of Tennessee Five per mat, Loan. 51,070 00 204111 Pennsylvania Railroad. let Mort gage Six per cont. Bonds. 20,000 CO 50,000 Pennaylvania Railroad, 2d Mort ' gage Six per cent. Rondo 46,180 as la,ooo 200 Shares Stock CißrinantOWn Gas Company, principal and intermit guarantied by the - City of Phi - ktdelohla 14,687 60 6,000 100 Sharea Stock Penniyivanta Railroad Company . 5,009 00 Bills receivable for insurances m0de...... 00,780 07 Bonds and Mortgagee 76,000 00 Deal Estate 51,0313 Balances duo at- Agauciee--Preminms on Marine Policies. •Infarost. and other Debts due the Company 13crlp and Stoek of sundry Insnranoc and other °on:manias, 011,M—estimated t 14,060 00 0 mb on hand--Tn Banks..... In Drawer 517 BB DIRROTtatE. IBainnel E. Stokes., 17. F. Penist.tig_-- William Martin, Edmund A. Solider, Darihigtes, (Prix '1 O. Davis, A R. Jones Brooke, James Tragaair, Spencer M'Uvaiva, William Eyre, Jr., Thomas 0. Hand, .Tames cr. Hand, Robert Burton, William 0. Ludwig, Jaceb P. Jones, Joseph H. Seal, James B. McFarland, Dr. B. M. Huston, ' Joshua P. Byre, George G. Leiper, John B. Semple, Pittsburg, iltigh Orals, D. T. Morgan ' Pittsburg, Charles Kelly, ViOLIAM. MARTIN, President, THOMAS O. HAND, Vice President. HENRY TATLBURN, Sooretary. iadA-M THE RELIANCE XUTUAL INSIJRANOI 001tPARTI OF POILLIML72/At orrioz No. 806 WALNUT STRANT, lugurea agailint LOBS DAMAGB BY rocs, at /louses, Storm, and other buildings, Unijtid or perpetual, and on Furniture, Goods, Wares, and Mar. , ohandiso, In town or. ' 0.&311 OARITAI+, 32.31,110.00—A85ZT8 • e 817,143.04, Whioh to Invested no follows, vhs In Ord mortgage on city property, worth double the amount • oaosygoo 00 Penneylvania Railroad 04:04 8 per cent. Arai - mortgage loan at par 0,000 00 Pennsylvania Railroad Clo.'s 0 percent, 53'. amid mortgage loan, (880,000) VOW GO Rantingdon and Broad Ton Railroad ar4 Canal Co.'s mortgage loan 6,000 00 Ground rent, first-class 9,409 60 dtlateral loans, well secured ' 3,600 00 City of Philadelphia -.6 per cent loan v),00; 00 'Allegheny County 6 per cent. re. Bai. loan. 10,000 00 Commercial Bank stock 15,186 01 blackening' Bank stock 2,812 60 Pennsylvania, Railroad Co.'s stock .... 4,000 00 The Reliance Mutual Insnranoe Co.'s ....... 25,860 00 The County Wire Insurance Co.'s stook 1,060 00 'The Deleware M. B. Insurance Oo.'s stook.. 709 00 Union Mutual Insurance 00.'s sorb 880 00 Bills receivable 14,802 74 Book accounts, Scorned inlet - est, as 7,104 22 nub an band 11,644 64 The ffinivel rainctple, ocanbiressi with the security M iltock Capital, entities tile infrared to participate in tbe mime of the Company, without liability for smegnit. beaeoe promptly adjustc-d aid paid. • DIBMOTOBS. Catania Clapham, Robert Steen, William Musser, Boni. W. Tingley, Marshall Hill, J. Johnson Brown, Oharlea Leland, Jacob T. Bunting, Smith Cowen, John Bissell, Pittsburg. iIL TiIYGLI4Y, President. 1)101 . 11 TinglOY, Wi1119411 R. Thompson, Frederick Brown, WlUnita Steveneon, John U. Worrell, Carson, Robert Toland, a. D. Roseogarten, °bailee 8. Wood, Ismeat 8. Woodward, OLZ el. M. llinaimalt, Be rebrußry 15, 1861. VIRE INSURANCE. INSURANCE COMPANY OF PHILADELPHIA; No. 138 rNORTH SIXTH Street, below Race, insure Buildings, Goods, and Merchandise generally, from Loss or Damage by Fire. The Company guaranty to adjust all Losses promptly, and thereby hope to merit the patronage of the public. . . DIREOTCIRS Francis Cooper, NiebaelMeGeoy, Edward McGovern, Thomas B. McCormick, Matthew McAleer, John Cassady, "Thomasl. a - amnia, Bernard H. Rulseman, Michael Cahill, Jung -McCann, . •BERNARD RA.Frxim - , Seen VIRE INSURANCE EXCLUSIVE- Lar.—The PENNSYLVANIA FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY. Incorporated 1E25. CHARTER EEPE. TUAL. No. 510 WALNUT ictreet t opposite Independ- This Company, favorably known to the community for tbirty-six years, continuos to insure ae,jost LAII4 or Da• mega by Fite on public or private Buildiogq, either per manently or for a limited time. Alen, on Furniture, Stocks of . Geode, or Merchandise generally, on liberal tome. Their Capital, together with a logo Surplus Fund. is invested in the most careful manner. which enables them to offer to the ileum d an undoubted security In the case of loss. DLBROTORS - Jonathan Portman,l whomos Robins, Quintin Campbell, Daniel &MTh, Jr., Alexander Benson, John Devereux, William Mrntelius, Thomas Smith. Isaac Haalehnrst, • - . JONOTHLY . WILLIAM G. CROWILLi'f INSURANCE - COMP ANY OF THE -I_ STATE OP PENNSYLVANIA—OFFICE Nos. 4 and 5 EXCHANGE BUILDING& North side of WAG. NUT Stmt., between DOOK and THIRD Streets, Philo delphis. INCORPORATED In 1194—CHARTER PERPETUAL. ; CAPITAL 3200,000. PROPERTIES Or THE COM PANT, 'FEBRUARY 1,1801, $c07,094.61. MARINE, MLR, AND INLAND TRANSPORTA TION INSURANCE. DIRECTORS Henry D. Sherrerd, Samuel Grant, Jr., Charles Mace!eater, Tobias Wagner, William S. Smith, - Thomas B. Wattson, John B. Austin, Henry G. Fmemas, William B. White, Charles B. Lewis, George H. Stuart, George 0. Carson, Edward O. Knight. - :HENRY D. saERIIERD, President. Wn.LIAN HARPER, Secretary. ia29 tf pm ENTERPRISE ;DIM/HAIM COMPANY OF PHILADELPHIA. • . ..:(FIRE INSURANCE Excmusrvst e.) OMB ANY'S BUILDING, 8. W. CORNER FOURTH AND WALNUT STREETS. DIRECTORS. F. Ratchford Starr, Mordecai L. Dawson, William McKee, Geo. H. Stuart, • Shinto Frazier, John H. Brown, John M. Atwood, B A. Palmetto*, Benj. T. Tredick, Andrew D. Cash,. Henry Wharton, J. L. Erringer. • F. RATCHFORD STARR, President. . OHAIII.IIS W. 00XE, &MIMI. - fen AMERICAN FIRE INSURANOE COMPANY. Innorporated 1810. CHASTER PH SPETITAL. No. 310 WALNUT Street,abere Third, Philadelphia. . Having a large paid-np Capital Stock and Surplus, in vested in ecund and available Securitiee, rnattnnos to invure on Dwellinee, Btor.s, Furniture, Merchandise, 'Witch. in port and - their Cargoes,- and other Personal Property. All looses liberally and promptly adjusted. DIRECTOR'S. James R. Campbell, Edmund G. Charles W. Pouttnoy, Israel Morris, 'Thomas R. Marie, John Welsh, Sonatel 0. Morton, Patlick Brady, Johu T. Lewis, THOM. ALBERT C. F. °BAMFORD ANTHRACITE INSURANCE COX PANY.—Authorized Capital 5160,000 CEIARTER PERPETUAL. 'Office No. 311 WALNUT Street, between Third and Fourth Streets, Philadelphia. This C( means will 'wire against logs or damage by Hire, en Bulldinge, Furniture, and Merchandise gene rally._ • Also, Marine Ininrances on Vessels, Cargoes, and Freights. Inland Insurance to all parts of.the Union. ' DIRECTORS. William Esher, A. Luther, Lewis Audemied, John B. Blekiston, Joseph Maxfield, • WILL • WM. W. Sarre, Secretary EXCHA.NGE INSURANCE COM PANY—OffIee No. 409 WALNUT Street. Fire Insurance on Houses and Merchandiaa generally, on Womble terms', either Limited or Perpetual. DIRECTORS. Jeremiah Nowell, Thomas 'Marsh, John Q. Oinhodo. Charles Thompson, Edward D. Roberts, James T. Halo, Samuel D. Smedley, Joalina T. Owen, Reuben C. Hale. John J. Griffiths. JEREMIL BONSALL President. JOHN Q. GISHODO, Vice President. RICIFIAIID 001. Secretary.'. . ja3l COAL. COAL.-THE UNDERSIGNED beg leave to inform their friends and the pabilo that they have removed their LEHIGH GOAL DEPOT from NOBLE -STBEZT WHAM", on the Delaware,to their Yard, northwest oorner of EIGHTH and WILLOW Streets, where'lhey intend to keep the best quality of LEHIGH COIL, from the most approved mines, at art lowest prices . Tour patronage is respectfully solicited. JOEL WALTON & _ • ' Office, 112 South SZOOND Street Yard, 'NIGHTIE sod wrizaw. GAll DEN VASES. —Ornamental Terra Clotta Carden Tame, warranted to stand the Weather in any climate. These Tama are made in bean. tiful deeigns, and all size., from 1 foot to 3 feet high, with a variety of pedestals, round and square, from 1 foot to 4 feet high. 140 decorations add so inuoh to the natural beauties of a Garden, and at so little oast, as a few Timex tilled with flowering plants. Illustrated Cata logues eent by mall on application. d. A. HARRISON, - 1010 011ESTNUT Moot NUTS. -RHODES & WILLIAMS, .1-1 No. 101 South WATER Street, offer for sale the following : 100 bales Princes@ Almonds. 20 Languedoo .6 20 (4 Sicily 20 " Engliab Walnuts: - 15 .. Filberts. • • 150 bags Pee Nuts. 10 bales Brazil lints. • - 100 boxes M. B. 100.._« Layer/• 100 half iorteld; IS; 15,011011 48 al 97 $890,879 sal .141 04 William Morgan, James Martin,. James Duross, Francis Falls, Charles Clara, Thomas Fisher, John Bromley, Francis blelfanus, Hugh O'Donnell, . . Bernard Rafferty. 019 - COOPER, President. retary. Jx*-17-ti IPATTEB9ON, rivddetit ecrctm. • ap6 D It.: 21 atlB, President. Secretory. fe.l3-tf Davis Pearson, Peter Sieger, J. B. Baum, Wm. B. Dean,. - John Ketcham. AFL ICSHER, President. . DEAN, Vice President • 5p.34/' SALES BY AUCTION TOWN B. BITERS & SO., AUCTIOIf =HA Woo. 232 and .131 11.1111;i3CT &•resi. iSIALI: OF FRENCH Orpy Goma TIIIB 51ORN1NG, Juno 16, on four months' creak -850 packagea French, German, Swiss, mpi Delilah dry toode. BALE OF BOOTS AND SHOES ON TUESDAY MOBBING, Juno 11, on four months' credit. 1,000 uackageo hoots and oboes. BALK OF DRY 000D8 ON T EIURSDAY DLORNI_NG, June 19, on four coonVao' credit-- 600 paokageo Dritioh, French, And lisnarkan dr, BaoC►. BALE OF CARPETING', ON TED BBDAI DIVENING, Jilt!, 19, on four montho' credit— ptecem velvet, Brunch, 1nV11150114 Voliottun oer+ Perna,. roattinaiN FOR SALE APIO TO LET. FORSALE—A good - ,second-band Ehifling-top WAGON. Will beech! low. Toilitire or A. P. ABELL, Gli AROH Street. jol4-3,40 ('IOAL- OIL WORKS FOR , SALE, within the limits of the city. Any ' , tram wial lt , a g to employ a Capital to good ail vantage , wilt please aPPlyi for full particulers, aft N 0.127 WALNUT Street. PaILADELLIIIA, duly 31, 3502, jel2-12f* TO RENT—A well-furnished ntiCountry Bonne, of moderate size. The grounds in clude Flower, Fruit, and Vegetable Gardens, an Orchard, a claimant grove, through which a tittle brook flows, and pasture grounds for the use of two It is situated a mile and a half from Old York Road Station, North Penn sylvania Railroad. Inquire 1618 ',opus l Street. ap7-mwf tf itTO RENT-A TEIREM-STORY BRICK DWELLING, on DALE Btreet, onedoor aboro Twelfth, north situ. Rent low to good V , unt. - Apply to WETBEHILL Fr BROTHER, jell 47 and 49 North SilOOdD Street. 2 1 , ,Di 0n PINE Street, near it TO RENT— A.,_TSIP_k 93- t3To seventeenth, ,Z; r jh r; Ft ; ( 1 .1i e. FIC yto • WitTEIEBILL k BROVIER, 47 and 49 North sECOND SS FO R SALE, OR PART' EX CHANGE.—Fine FARM, 218 ACRES, situate oh the Delaware river, 23 miles from the city. Railroad sta tion upon the place. Large atone ?latish:ln, beausfolly located, having a view of the surrounding country *ad river from it Three tenant's houses, large barn, uumber of out-buildings, all in complete order. Superior fruits of every kind. Apply to E. Per fir, jell No 309 WALNUT Street. get FOR SALE.---FIRST-CLASS -.L.. FARR, containing 85 AORDS, near Doylestown, 28 miles from the city, in Bucka county, large and coo. vernent improvements, nicely watered, etc. Mao, a num ber of EMBUS in Cheater and Delaware countiee. ply to E. PIIPTIT, jell No. 309 WALNUT Street. iffm 'lO RENT—Four Different Country Places, with a few acres of ground, tine fruits, near railroad stations, and eonve.dont to the city. one of which is furnished. Apply to 11. PETTIT, ie3 No. W 9 WALNUT Street. its FOR SALE—A desirable Farm, 108 acres, near Downingtown, Cheater county; nicety watered; lrydrant water at- the home and barn. First-rate stone improvements, all in complete condition; fine timber : excellent fruits, ac. apply to E. PETTIT, je3 No. 309 WALNUT Street. FOR SALE OR TO LET-4our gonses, OD the west side of BROAD Street, belOvr Columbia avenue. Apply at the couthwest corner of NINTH and SANSOM Street& rah2B-tf dit TO LET.— Dwelling House, South sait teat corner of TWNNTY-SECOND and GREEN Streete. Keys at Reif's grocery ; corner of cond and ?daunt Vernon Streets. Away to JAMES CRMSSON, je7•tf 23 North FOURTH Street. DISTIILEBI3. The DISTUALEBY known as the "PIICENIX," and formerly owned and occupied by BARU,. 661.77 R, eitusted on- 191 7 2NTY-THIRD, between BABB and MIRE Streets, Philadelphia, °specify 600 bushels per day, is now offered for sale on reasonable and maim. modating tonne. Is . in good running order, and hae all the modenkimprovemente. An Artesian well on the misee fornisties an unfailing supply of mod, pure water. &dame, Z. LOOSE & CO., No, 1010 IKAKKW2 Street, Philadelphia, - fe2S-dtf ILL U MIN ATIP 1.4 UILS OIL I OIL!! OIL, ill HULBURT & BRODHEAD, No. 240 ARON STREET., Having opened a General Depot foithe Sale of Extra Defused and . Lni2ricating COAL OILS, would call the special attention of dealers and consumers to their refined ILLIIIIIINATING OIL, ai it possessee merit beyond anything heretofore offered in this market, being entirely free from that gluey substance and bad odor which characterlpe that commonly sold in this market, produces no smoke, , and Is free front all explosive I*" Orders from City or Country promptly at tended to. my 15-ita 66 LUCIFER" OIL WORKS. JLJ 100 bble "Lucifer" Burning Oil on band. Wo guarantee the oil to ho hon. exelogivo, to burn ail the oil in the-lamp with a steady. brilliant flame, without crusting the wick: Mid but olowly. Berrele linel with glass enamel. WRIGHT, SRI TH. & PEA RSA LL, fe2.1.4! - Office 615 MARES Street. GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS N ATIVE • EITRIOTLE PURE MOB OF THE GRAPE— , THE MOST; DELIRIOUS, RION, AND PRUITT . • • WINES EVER ()ammo TO THE PUBLIC. • • . RE.7OI.OELLENT AESOETHENT JUST REOZTVIID. ALBERT O. ROBERTS, . DEALER Hi FINE OROORRIEB. 5p2641 • . CORNER ELEVENTH AND VINE STE SARDINES.—A very superior brand for sale by GNARL= 8. CARSTAI ES, apt 126 WALNUT And 21 GRANITE , street- (11ROSSE k BIACKW.ELLT ENG. 1.1 LISH PICKLES.—A troll) imporiation of lisk Pickles and Sauces, just received acid toroth, by 11110 D ES • WIGWAMS, 107 South NVAl:illt Streak NLEDICII 4 IA.L. T ARRANT'S waraßviumisrr SELTZER APERIENT. This valuable and popular 'Medicine has universally re ceived the most favorable recommendations of the MIDICAS: PRontsszos and the Public. an the DIM EFFICIENT AND AGREPUBLS SALINE APERIENT. It may be need with the best otTeet in Miens and Febrile Diseases, Costiveness, Sick Readeohe, Nausea, Loss of Appetite, Indiges tion, Acidity of the Stomach, Torpidity of the Liver, Gout, Rheumatic Affections, Gravel, Piles, AND ALL COMPLAINTS WEEMS A GRNTLR AND COOLING APERIENT OR PIM GIATIVE IS RZQUIRRD. It is parlieniarly adapted to the wants of Travellers by Sea and Land, Residents in Rot Climates, Persona of Sedentary Rabbit, Invalid's and Convalesoenta; Captains of Vessels and Planters will find it s valuable addition to their Medicine Chests. It is in the form of a Powder, carefully put up In bottles to keep in any climate, and merely requires water poured upon it to produce a de efferveming beverage. - Numerous testimonials, from professional and other gentlemen of the highest standing throughout the coun try, and its steadily increasing popularity for. a series of years, shongly guaranty Its • efficacy and valuable character, and commend it to the favorable notice of an Intelligent public. fdanufactured only by TARRANT & CO., No. I'.7tS GRRENITIOII Sheet, corner Warren st. NEW YORK, apfilay And forsake by Drng,eists generally. G IJUTEN O.B2SULES OP PURE 00D-LaVER OIL. The repugnance of most patientn to COD-LIVER OIL, and the inability of many to take it at all, has in- Sliced verities forme lof disguise for its administration :het are familiar to the Medical Profession. Sonic of them ostmar In special casec, btit more eften theivehiole neutralizes the usual effect of the Oil, proving quite as • unpalatable and of lees therapeutic value. The repug nance; wpm, &a., to invalids. induced by disgust of the Oil, b entirely obviated by the coo of our , CAPSULES. 001):LPIEB OIL CAPSULES have been much need lately In Europe, the experience there of the geoVre mks from their use in both hospital and private Fraction aside from the naturally suggested advantages, are Nur dcient to warrant our claimins the virtues we do foe them, feeling assured their use wOI midi in benelit and deserved favor. Prepared by • .WYETH &. EIROTT - TKR, doe-tt „ 1410 WALNUT Sb'est. Philadelphia BROWN'S .• •• • ...• • ESSENOE JAMAICA GINOMS, Manufactured only at IniEDEATOK BROWN'S DRUG AND 0113111OLL STORE, Northeast corner of WIETP. and CHESTNUT Btreetet PHILADELPHIA. Atientlon le called to this valuable remedy which should be In every family, and for the Army and Navy it la in dispensable, curing affections of tho stomach and bowahs, and is a certain preventive from the effects of bad water. OAIITION.—To prevent this valuable Essence from being counterfeited, a new Steel, Engraving, executed at great cost, will be found on Um outside of the wraPPers order to guard the purchaser Maud being imposed upon by worthless imitatt. And -mid by all respectable rtregoata to the Mated &Mel: tekafrm-titn VATTPB CELEBRATED ITALIAN L.‘ CREAM will positively remove TAN, FREOILLII9, SaLLOWNESS, SUNBURN, PIMPLES, and all erup tions of the face ; giving a beautiful healthy glow and rosy color to the cheeks, so much desired by every one. In abort, it PRESERVES THE FRESHNESS OF YOUTH, removing 'all WRINKLES, and giving a soft, smooth appearance to the face; and a brilliancy to the akin that is em prising to all. It is an article that is ' INDISPENSABLE TO EVERY LADY. Upwards of 1,000 BOTTLES PER DAY are now sold in Philadelphia alone, nod the demand ie daily increas ing. Price 25 teats per bottle. Sold by In. B. S. MATTI b. Co., Manufacturers and . Prop+Wont, No. 621 - OnitnITLIT . Street, IThiladelphla, - - - And by the following agents in Philadelphia: J. R. Casaelberry, No 45 N. Eighth street; Andrew 'Taylor, druggist, cor. of Ninth and Chestnut streets; 51. Brad field, N 0.802 Arch street; F. V. Barrett, No. 984 N. Second street; Miss 'Kocher, Seventh and Coates streets; M. L'. Adams; N. W. cor. of 'Marshall . and Girard ave nue; and by druggists and dealers in fancy Goode ge nerally. , • Agents wanted in every town and village of the United States and Ganadas. my 23-11 101111IPHLET 'PRINTING, 'Best and tiheiTiest In thee* at HINGW ALT & SWAN'S. tn.Bnatti TOIJETU eat. SALES BY AUCTION Nt THOMAS az: SONS, g. . Mae. 139 and 141 Bacith rotlem Btreert. Ofgr PICiELIC SAE),i SEAL ESTATEI:ND ST(70 1 11 AT TILE EIPS.! HlfiGE EVERY TITESP_EY. Cr Pen - 10111 ft Cat Icaral, tainlog ilfficrlptiaersi orfry t 7 orevinur to each pale. FURNITURE, at the Auction diere, every Thum.- day morning. air NEAL Egvenr. AT EII.TrrATE have a large arrionot of rat 2 rotate at prtrate e. in cluding evrry drAcriotlen of city and country prevail. pi haw nee may he had at the Anction Store. REAL ESTATE SALEC-J(.ls& 17 Peremptory BaIe—=—IALCAULE CO AL LANDS Our salei7th June will include 7 tracts coal lands, Broad Ton township, Feints. JOIfIIS' HOTBL—The 'valuable property known as Jones' Hotel, south bids of Chestnut street, between nigth • and Feyenth, 60 teat siX. iaches, on Chestnut street, 236 feet in depth, and fit ,rest 6 inches us Samuel street. The building is four stories bitch, and for many years kept as a first-eines hotel, in one of the brat squares on Chestnut street, adjoinio: and oopositc,splendtd stores. 7 Tracts Broad 1. p Coal Lan TBBEE-STOBY BB[CE D W ELLING, 1537 Cherry street. 71111:11E-STORY BRICK Inrrztatfc, 1341 goatee etreet. FOIIB•8TOBY BEVIR IMILDING, 117 Aqpletree 113/IVE-STORY ERICH DWELLING, 153) fittlaa Areet. TIIBEE•6TOBT PRICK DWELLING, 29 Virginia .iitet IT THREE-STORY DEICE DWELLINGS, north Second Btz eet, Phifip atreact, R:c. A a iarge mmunt a Stocks. Lamm , . ten. 137" See Pamphlet Cataloenea ntAv ready. REAL 'ESTATE SALE-JUNE 24 Orlibang Court Sole—Rptato of „Polio Smith, deed.— TWELVE PROPERTIES, includin4n Tolumble Market efri ot orphans' Conrt Soile—l'obile of &bin. Mitchell, doo'd. ExecutornSnle—Estate of Mary Cornell, doce,ined.— TR RIZ DWE [ZINGS end STOR E. NEAL ESTA.T.I3 S LE.—JITArI. Orphans' Cotrrt Sale. Estate of John W. Coleman, deceased. REAL 7t3TATIC S 9LE —JT:rLY OrphanerCourt Salo—Estate of Ifemud ilillor, dec'd Sale N 0.1815 Vine Stroet. HANDSOME /1111NITOR1C, BOOKCASE, VELVET CARPETS. &c. ON 'TUESDAY MORNING. June 17, at 10' G , clock, brcattlegne, at No. 815 Tine , street, the handiteme part •r, dining-rmin r • and &lambed tnruiture, bookcasoi fine velvet carpets, china and glow were, &c. Aloe, the kitchen furniture. Executor's Ssle - - . STOOR 05'' STIPP RIOR OITA'S& ON IrICORSDAY MORNING, At the A nction Store, by order of the Executor's of the Into Joseph Snyder, about 75 dozen seperior coned nod ru , lt seat chairs, lOunges, eetteee, rooting chairs, etoro stools. &c. Mr - The endre etnck•waemanufacturod by Ur.. Snider, exeresfly ler retail ealee, of wel-seasoned matriLdsi and supf-rier 87 - Kay be examined any time prETIOUA to the mile. pBILIP FORD /t CO., AUCTION MORS, 625 MARRZT sod 622 001121MB011 BGIR 0.17 1,000 OASES BOOTS, SHOES, BIM GANA. gr. THIS' DIORXINO. June 16, at 10 o'clock, precisely, will be mtd,•by cata logue, 1,000 cases mane', boys', and youths' calf, ktr, and grain boots', calf and kip brogans, Congress palter s, Oxford ties, walking Aloes, dic.; women's. mimes', and obileren's calf, kip, goat, kid, and morocco heeled boots and Shoes, gaiters, slippers, dc., including a large assortment of fast-clam city. made goods acir Onon -for examination, with catalognes, earls 04 the morning of sale. SALE OF /,000 OASES BOOTS, SHOES. AND BROGANS. ON TIIIIBSDAY MORNING. Sone 19, at 10 o'clont, precisely, will be sold, by catalsgoe, 1,100 cases men's. boys', and Tenth,' calf, kin, and irrain boots; cal: end kip brogans. Congress gaiiere, Ox 9 rd and Scotch ties, !to. women'._ Mimes'. and cbildren's calf, kip, goat, kid, morn,cr, and enamelled - heeled boots end oboes. gaiters. slinners, buskins. &so. Included in flnle will be found a large assortment of first-class city-made goods. air Goode open for examination, with 'oatitiomma, early on the mornind of sale. VITRNESS BRINLEY, & 00.. 129 GEZSTIMI: EVESZNT SPECIAL SALE OF FRENCH LACE POINTS, WAN TILLA S, A NO 800 NODS—This Seasons Importa tion—For the beet City Retail Trade ON TUESDAY MIMING. Jnnel7th, 6CO rich, new style Lace Gnodi, consi s ting of— " —new style rich - irench lace Piccolonainis. do do paints 'Cohens& do do hoornotte. do douhlle ehawbo. do mantles. with neleelnee do high cost rent pushy lace noiata SOLID ONION. GINO-OARS. liIittS.LAYAS, AND LA.VitTAA.S. ON TUESDAY, _ 2 cases 28• inch EatirrfirlP solid check Scotch ginghams. 3 cases. 30-inch superb quality. for city trade. 2 cases fine quality Himalayas. 1 case extra fine do. 3 cases splendid quality layellas. BROGUE EARS 300 pieces super broths beregn An slais 7.4 NBW STYLI , STLIE AND WOOL.DTOISS GOODS. 200 pieces 7-4 Paris new style Polk and wool dross geode. BONNET AND TRYITMING RIBBONS. Just landed. 500 cartons - No.. 40140 11 ,, avy. cable cord 'white aud blarit poult r!e Bole bonnet riblmos. Alan, malthe and 111178100 iRCPI? 101ANCOAFIT 4t, WARNOCK, AUO- TiONNERS- No. 212 MARKNT Strad. POSITIVE BALE OF &KERMAN AND IMPORTED DRI GOODS RTPROND MILLINERY GOODS, NaIRROIDERTEI3. Jc.. by Osalogne., ON WEDNESDAY INTORNING, Jane 18, commencing at 1 1 ) o'clock precisely. STOCK OF LAI ICS* Fittsfiell FIIELNISHING GOODS, ON TvEONFIFIDAT. June IL consisting.. in part, of ri•al French etuhroidered dreses, night and dressing gowns, skirts, cane. Hots, batones, cuffs, chemises, linen cambril banilk..roldefe, comprising very rich and high coat goods, imported for best city sales. IA - 08E8 NATHANS, A UOTIONERS AMR AND commastoa MERCHANT, maimed corner of erwril ...a ILION Streeea,. GREAT BMWSINS—WATCHES AND lEWELEVE AT PRIVATE BALE. —Fine °old and nil...Hever, la pin°, English, Swiss, and French watches for lent AIM half the usual telling prices. Watches from one doUtir to one hundred dollars each Gold chains from 40 to 60- cent) per dwt. Pianos cheap• TAKE NOTICII Moo bighead posablo prise io loaned on goods 'Moss' Principal Alstablishinent, ocathesat coma. of Oath and Race streets. At least one-third cooly thrs ai oar other eetabliebment to dila city. EIATEARS' PDTSCIPAL MONZY ZSTABLISZi. OLONT. 950.000 TO LOAN. _ . 10 'sage or small amonnts, from one dollar to thournedx, an diamonds, gold and 'silver plate, watches, Jew izs i merchandise, clothing, furniture, bedding, pianos, gott goods of orerr doscription. LOANS MADE AT THE .T.OIV - EST MAREMT &Alin .This astabliehment has large lire and thief-woof shfri, for the safety of valuable, goods, together with a rriVIA4 watchman on the premises. L'STABLISESTI FOB THE LAST SO Ir 7. ALL LAJILGE LOANS MAD] AT TEM, TIM `a, PRDTOTPAL ESTABLISMILICN'T." rrff AWACS gitNATLY monroyin. • SHIPPING m ar l & FOR NEW YORK—THIS DAY--DESPATCH AND BWIFTBI3RI LINES—VIA DELAWARE AND RARITAN CANAL. Steamers of the above Linea will leave DAILY, at. II and 5 P. M. For freight, which will be taken on accommodating terms, apply to WK. M. BAIRD & CO., my2l-tf 132 South DELAWARE Avenue. BOSTON AND PELLADitir PEI& STEAMSHIP LINE—Prom PINT itieet, Philadelphia. and LONG Wharf, Boston, ,ko. The steamship SAXON, Captain 'Matthews, will mr. from Philadelphia for Welton on SATURDAY, Jana 14, al 10 o'clock A. M., and from Boston for Philedeipoks m MONDAY, June 9, at 4 o'clock P. M. Insurance one. bolt that by sail T 8138411. Bread taken at (air rates. Shiners will please send bills lading with their goo Err freight or passage (baying fine accomotedaekaw for passengers), apply to HENRY WIESOII tt 00, 332 500.114 Wr!:1111r$0 as dr s a FOB. fillW YORK. NNVT DAILY LINZ, via Delays:lD sad itaritan Canal. Philadelphia and New York Nwsrees Steamboat Ctn.. :Any receive freight and leave daily at 2 P. M., *da eir. ins theft cargoes in New York the following day. Freights taken at reasonable rates. WM. P. CLYDE, Agent, .110.14 SOUTH WHAILVSIB, JA.511119 HAIM,- Agent, arI.AT Plan 1.4 and 15 !AST RT17711., Hew ~crv. MACHINERY IRON. 1. TATIOZIA3 8281=3, JOB 3 H. 00P14, WILLIAM 118114108, HAZTLBY 3.813108, O,,OUTRWARK. FOUNDRY, Q • FIFTH AND WASHINGTON EITRIZTO, PUMA VELPIITA. MERRICK & SONS, • SNOIZaERS AND MACHIN:IBM; Mannfastura High and Low Prelmiro Steam Xnginea, for land, river, and marine service. Boilers, Gasometers, Tanks, Tron Boma, do.; Oast- Inge of, all kinds, either iron or brass. Iron-Frame Roofs for Gas Works, WorkshoPs, Bail road Stations, &c. Retorts and Gsa Machinery or the latest and mos! Improved construction. "ivory description of Plantation Machlner7, gush as Sugar, Saw and Grist Mills, Vaccum Pans, Open Steam Trains, Defecators, Filters, Pawning Stigines, Gc Sole Agents for N. Billions's Patent Sugar Bolling Annaratna; Neemyth's Patent Steam 'Jammer, and As pinwall & Wolsey'a Patent Centrifugal Sugar Graining Machine. ' ars6-11 PENN STEAM EN( I NE AND BOILER .WORES.—NE &PM at LEVY, PRACTICAL AND THEORETICAL ENOI BEERS, MACHTNISTS,BOILIER-111AKE ES, BLACK SMITHS, and FOUNDERS, having, for many years, been in successful *reclaim', and bean exclusively ea. gaged in building and repairing Marine and River glues, high and low presenro, Iron Boilers, Water Tanks, Propellers, in., fie., respectfully offer their services to the public, as being fully prepared to contract for Mo sinee of all sizes, Marine, River, and Stationary, baying Nets of patterns of different sires, are prepared to exe cute orders with quick despatch. Every description of pattern-making made at the shortest notice. High anti Low-pressure, Fine Tubular, and Cylinder Boilers, of the best Penneylvt:nia charcoal iron. Forging!, of al sizes and kinds; Iron and Brass Castings, of all desierti- Rom, i Roll Turning, Screw-Cutting, and all other work oonnoctcd with the above business. Drawingsand Specifications for all work done at ttigit establishment, free of charge, and work guarantied. Thesubscribers have ample wharf-dock room for re pairs of boat", where they can lie in perfect safety, and are provided with shears, blocks, falls, Aix, &0., for rak ing heavy or light weights. JACOB O. NEAFIR, • JOHN R. LEVY, BEACH and PALMER Streets. MORGAN, 00., STEAM =MINI MILDER% lron Poundals, and General Machinists and Weer Mallaa*No.l2lo Mar LowiilLL Streak Philp& raw, EXPRESS comPAPTZES irmpgti THE 'ADAMS EX NUM 001SPANY, 01Hoe 83111 ONESTIMT Street, forwards parcels, Yaohsges t Msg. thandise, Beach notes, and Specie, either by its awn lines or in connection with other Hawes. Oompardee, In W the inincipal Towns and Oltiß. B..BANTIFORDes , of the 'United Stable. , General finstwintrmdeat. • rpENT-MAJLEREP CHERRY TENT BUTTONS.ani SLIPS, United States pattern. it sale at J. P. NEED'S, Southeast corner of 11111 TENNIS anS NOBLE Streets, Philadelphia. mv2B.len* AMERICAN ROOFING SLATES FULLY MAL to the UST T EL eal 131,&T). 11189 917 WLLIIIIT Base
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers