THE CITY. MEETING OF COUNCILS. The Borne Guard Overcoats A Municipal Hospital—The City fee Boat—The Celebra tion of the Foterth of July—Paying and Grading of Streets, a‘c., The regular Matt d meetings of both branches of Coen- Os were held yesterday afternoon. SELECT BRANCH, Theodore Cu)ler, president, la the choir. Petitions and Communications From Win. E. Baker, for services rendered as auditor, by dir eo.lon of the Court of Commcn Pleas. Front the City Controller, seeing for an appropriation of 81,200 to pay asseflom From the Board or Controller' of the Public School", *m u" f or an appropriation of $2OO for the Twenty-fifth School Section ; oleo of $5OO for the purpose of papering the Gide' High School. From the City Solicitor, relative to the payment of demagog for the widening of Delaware avenue. From Simon Gartland, calling attention of Councils to Ilse ordinance panting the right of way to funeral earflaps without the payment of toll; that this law had been violated by two companies. • The resignation oT George IT. ?lecke, police magistrate of the Fourteenth district, was read and accepted. The City Ice Bont. The twenty. fourth anneal report of the Board of Trus tees of ;the City Ice Boat was received. The boat was kept in service until the first of June, when stio was laid up at her berth, in the first dock above tho navy yard, and the crew discharged. The boat towed and rendered ;service to 06 vessels, of an aggregate tonnage of 50,464 ; e.stiiing, therefore. the sum of 810,683 59; and $l2 11 was received from the eule of a lot of old rope. She is tenured against lire for tho mini of $21,000. The wear and tear to the boat from the service of the past winter bits been slight, end as the hell and machinery are in gcol.condition, it Is supposed that the expense of repair ing her will be small. The amount of aparopriation for the rear 1962 is 814.570; less unexpended balance on June 4, 1562, 63,922.17. Amount of warrants issued, $10,047.83; from which deduct amount received for tow age (RO 0U2.60), and from sales of old rope (872 11) showing the cost of running the boat from January first to date tube $482.05. Reports of Committees. The Committee on Health, Poor, and Prieeno, reported an ordinance to provide for the erection and management of a municipal hospital for oontsgions diseaaes. The monagera ere to consist of one person appointed by the mayor, three of the members of the Board of Health, two of the Board of Guardians of the Poor, two of the irar•—•-----•namity_Prison. with_ their resneetive_ vrealdento. The !ot an Hart lane, purchased by the B and of Health, in to be used for the erection of the tun -I.leitel internal, the entire coot of which shall not exceed $30,000. On molten of Mr. Baird, the bilr was ordered to be printed fir the Imo of the members. The Commit tenon Defence and Protection made a report. that the OTOCCOate pnrchaoid for the Homo Guards had been called in, and that in order to preserve them properly tee sum of .sl.•<6 %mild ho needed. An ordinance to this effect neeempanied the report, mid was passed. The Committie on Equates reported relative to printing a manual of Cent ells. for the use of members. Recom mitted to the c .nlertteA to report the cost. Resolutions. Me. WETTIERILL offend a ressintion to discharge a special committee appointed some months since to ex °mice the finances of the city, and into the condition of the yellow doom Intents, as s•iiti committee had not as sembled tegetht.r but of cc, nod hue proved to be useless and uncalled for, end that in the opinion of Council. the affairs of the unmicdpid goveinment, as managed last year, a creed' a character neither deser ring blame tor caw sure. Aft( r a ler gthy debate, the resolution was postponed A resolution was offered to inquire into the expediency of the mond:Won for the relief of the families of volun teers extending aid, Mao, to marines and sailors. Agrt ed to. _ _ . A reeoltt'l•.m was offered bemiring of the Chief Goiumis- Wolter by what anthority the Fifth and and Sixth-streets Railroad connects with the Thirteenth and Fifteenth at Girard avenue. agreed to. Bills from Common Connell. Common Cout.cli ennoun•ed that they refused to con-. cur in the amendment to the ordinance to pave certain !streets in Kre Nint teenth ward. The °heather the rece ded from Its aternemente. The sureties of Genre° W. nutty, City Controller, for the extended term of office, wero approved. The hilt, laid over at the last meeting, Inetrnoting the City Ccnlroller to Min certain warrants Memel by the Committee on Definer, wee taken up and pawed by a vrte of 11 toil. The Chamber then proceeded to the consideration of the municipal code. Mr. Mclimas offered a resolution that an ordinance be regenttd restricting the powers of the Committee on Defence, which was agreed to. The bill to pave Mifflin and other streets was agreed to and the Chamber adjouined. COMMON COUNCIL. Calcium Council was called to order at 8 o'clock, President W. Hirt . in the chair. City for Boat. I he twenty-fourth sonnet report of the trustees or the City Ice Bost vas re , rived and I.ld on the table. •Petitions, Communications, &c. A large numbtr of petitions were presented from citi zens of the Twenty•first ward, asking for the erection of waterworks in that ward, which were all referral to the Commitlec on Vi'amrworits. Petition, for gas tamps, opening and paving of street', culverts, were received and referred to the appro priate committees . Reports of Committees. The Committee on Finance, through Mr. Baird, their chairman, repo ted a reeolntlon approving the sureties of George W. lofty. City Controller, for the extended term of that officer. 7be resolution wee adopted. They also reported an ordinate to pay the claim of F. W. Thome!, for printing 500 copies of the report of the City Controller, amounting to $495. A amendment was offered. to pay Dr. 'Mar/kilo $lO, for p.sofeesionni services at tire Dei. n- street station-house. Another amendment wee proposed, to pay a Mr. Nines $129 50, bring the amount of his claim for laying anent ten around the court buildings of the city, by order of the cow t, the work having been performed some years since. The amendment wee rejected. Mr. Qour wee altogether opposed to the ordinance. It wee too much of a job, cud be would not vote to pay the claim. In Ida opinion it wee unlawful, unwarranted, and entirely uncoil. d for. Mr. LEIGH thought the claim was a hist one, and that it ought to be paid. On the tassage of the first section the yeas and nays were call( 13, and sumo—yeas lg. nays 10. The bill was then read a third time by Its title, and pasted 'Welty. The Committee o i Highways reported an Ordinance providing for the opening, grading, and paving of Vali. One streete in the outer ports of the city. Tbis ordinance gave rise to considerable discussion, but was finally passed. Mr..Ta B. ADAMS, from the special committee on the celebration of the 4th of July, made a report. The com mittee say that they are convinced of the importance of a proper celebration of the 4th of. July, to keep alive a -• • o suc a celebration. Appended to tho report is n programme for the cele bration of the day. It embraces salutes by artillery, music by bands. singing by tho children of tho public schools, a regatta on the Schuylkill, and two grand dis plays of fireworks. precisely similar in character, in the ovening—one in the northern and the other in the south 6rn putt of the city. Annexed is au ordinance appropriating $5,000 to carry the programme ioto effect. An meriting.' t was made to cat down the amount to VCO. Negatived. Mr. A. Emu:ft moved to postpono indefinitely. News- Another amendment was offered providing that no wit of she appropriation shoilid be spent in'theworks, which was agreed to, and the ordinance as amended was re cted—yi.aa 8, nays 37, as fellows: ling.—Messrs. Adams, Baird, Cattail, Freeman, Hai pe_!r Leigh, alter, Kerr ( Presidcnt)-3. NAM-15111MM Dower, Brinkwortb. Catin. Conily, Creswell, Hallowell, Henry. Hodgiton, Huhn, Hulseman, Lar r, Moore, Quin. }Lail, Tomlimon,Trego, Wright-17. Council then. after the transaction atoms unimportant business, mijourn«l. REBEL FOLDIERS AT 0171 i. HOSPITALS. —We learn that there are now thirteen sick and wounded rebel soldiers icetfrred among the various United States army htepttsin in this city. The majority of them wore brought hither on the Spaulding on teat Sunday after- Loon. The following is it sorra:dote list : Rufus Hughes, sth North Carolina Regiment, Co. I, captured at Williamsburg, bad been at die Broad and Chem •streets hospital for the last two weeks. S. B. Jennings, Co. 0.. Palnietto Regiment, of South Cart Una, captured at Pair Oaks; he to now at the Chrietlen•etreet hospital, sick He cornea from the inte rior of the State. C. D. Blackburn. CO 0.. 14th Tennessee Regiment. Taken at the battle of Fair Oaks and to now at the hos pital at Twebtf •tottrili and South streets. The followit g are at tho Rifth•street Uospltalt Rdward Steward, 00. 0. Btb North Oarolloa. W F stnhh, Co. 1, Palmetto Regiment, 8. 0. F. W. bleOlrooln Co. U. 27th Georgia. Benj. Bough, Co. 0. oth South Carolina. W 11. Porter, Co. 0, 0:11 North Carolina. T. B. Eingbetlen, On. R. Palmetto Regiment, S. 0. Corporal D. C. bicKetthuty, Co. C, Bth Alabama. Jam P. Percent, Co. D". 11111, Iforth Carolina T Reding, Co. I, 27d North Carolina. Corporal E. Roy; Co. A, Palmetto Regiment, 8. C. TEE SOLDItES' CENTRAL BELIEF AS— SOCIATION. meeting at Grace Mulch, corner of 'twelfth and Chr+ry meets. to make up garment+ for the large Central Hospital, nt Broad and Cherry streets, 'have almost exhausted the supplies of materials that hare heenthrniabed by the liberality of our merchants. the demand for MI pplies of comfort, such as this and kindred associations furnish, has never boon no great an now. We have already from seven to ten thousand nick and wounded soldier+ in our city ; hundreds ate salving every weak, and a battle et Richmond would swell the number largely. No one who vlAts these hospitals awl sees tho absolute steed of shirts, .90C1 P, drawers, c , for nearly every wi ttier who is bronaht there front the Calllp9. CAD doubt the suerrlfu , mlealtn of those noble samples of. their sex who spend their time In nherlating the sufferings of our brave volontiera let ue not be mercy:met' for their reception; but, by continued cuuttibutli to of money, goods, or luxuries, to there uriween ir 7, ladles, euuble them to make up anon enpplira as mei be serviceable dining, the summer Au tithe. The Saddle? o' Central Bullet Asmociatlon meets every Talley mornit g. THE BROWNLOW ZOEPTION.—The Winning ecru awn Met , ben been received: • POST OFFICE: I)EPARIIIHNI,/ WASUINOTON, June 11, 1862. Inn. Lk Lewis. !6s¢, Chairman Committee of Ar rangement', Philadelphia: PEAR Sin: I am very grateful toiyon for the Invitation to unite with the people of Philadelphia in doing honor to the patriot Browolow. If my public duties permitted, nothing could be more agreeable to ne then to be present on Friday exerting, at the reception to be given to Mr. Drownlow. 'The honors pn.romd ere most appropriate. Mnltltudes of our people, 1. deed, are freely giving their blood to sustain popular Government In America, but no soldier of tham all has shown more courage, or rendered more useful service to the canoe. them the heroic Drownlow. And the full ay precietion of this shown by the people Is not the least gratifying circuud tat cm of the day; for it exhibits strongly the wide-spread knowledge and Judgment of our people; shown how well they understand the true nature of the coatest, nud the facts arising in it; and how cer- tain tbey ere to appreciate real service and heroic con s net, even when performed in the remotest scenes and svithout pageantry. Yours truly, A FLAG TO BE PRESENTED,—The friends of Colonel 'Robert E. Patterson's (115th) Regi ment, Pennsylvania Volunteer', intend preaanting to that body a splendid new flag, as a token ,of appreciation and aoknowtedgmint of merit. The Reg is of silk, live feet Dy eight, the right side bearing a representation of a harp and shamrock, and on the obverse a picture of General Sarslield, mounted In full uniform, sword extended. The emblem is trimmed with yellow sewing silk fringe, and yellow Bide tam's. On pie pole Is a gilt metallic eagle, and the motto. " No retreat from sword or bayonet." The flag lb a line madmen of workmanship. It will be on exhibition for a few days. LIEUTENANT LEE'S FUNEBAL.—The funeral of Lieut Dorarm M. Lee, who died from a wound received in tbo baffle of. Pair Oake, took place yesterday afternoon. from the reeldeuce of his father, ou Sixth street, above Arch, and wee largerrattentled. "any of the Reserve Brigade, and one from the Rome innards, were detailed as an escort. The'cortege oroeeed ad out Arch to Tenth, and thence to St Stephon'e church, where the services were conducted by Rev. Dr. I/ricochet, the rector. The prom salon then ,mored -up Cheetnut street to Twelfth, up Twelfth to Brown, up Brown to Brood, out Bread -to Girard avenue, along Girard avenue to the Ridge, and out the Ridge to Laurel Aun, where the interment took place. A EOHOONER SUNK—Loss or Lars.— The achooner A. E. Douglass, from this port to Boston, xornngalook during a hoary gale on the 4th instant, and went down, about sight mikes north of Barnkgat. Cap tain Coleman , his wile and child, the mate, and a boy, of :gi a segebusettS, we ro drowned. Ddward onohue, a 11131. =an, was alone moved. . , . • — RAILROAD DETENTIQN.—The 7 o'clock . train, firm • New York, for this city was detained a s hoar and a:half yesterday morning in cOIIII9IItIODCe of the ,breaking dr wit of a freight train near Jersey city. fro oro WOK irjursd. THE FAIR AT CONCERT HALL-- What total unfasten of the topography of bachelordom is the mazy intricacy of a ladies' fair! It la . the place, more than all others, where he is helplessly, hopelesaly lost. Isle accustomed resources fail him ; hie usual prin ciples Unction mislead him. Here is nothing to do; no money is to be made by him; but that ordinary pecuni ary operation fa reversed—heart•atrings stud purse fittings being simultaneously relaxed; no polities are to be discussed, unless it be the protective ditty; snorts are exchanged for courting, and the only sound familiar to a lawyer's ear is the cry—low and soft, not bawled stento rian-wise—"" 0 yes " A man feels rebuked and abashed in a fair to Bee the wrangle of life, which eo entirely flits his thought and the scope of his action, set aside with (mist scorn, and the simple worths') of nertuty and Charity Riling every heart and guiding every energy. A fair MIS a definite character of its own; and remem bering the uniquenesa of purpose that pervaded the scene last night, we cannot forbear asking, What is the origin of this singular tines of exhibitions'? Philosophers hwe waged such a deal of learns! warfare in establiehing the universe and getting it on its right track, that one begins to think that Providence must feet rather abashed in presence of those gentlemen, they Bo morello/ally dig up and criticise Ilia arrangementa. Yet all the disputation has not solved the most important part of tide problem ; for why should we talk so learnedly of the universal af foira of creation, and say DO word about the particular fairs of the better half of creation 7 Are the origin and philosophy of fairs o theme of less moment than the ori gin and philosophy of Greek tragedy'! Yet, in elucida tion of the last, some German professor will indite fifty ponderous tomes uprn a single word of en .7Esoltylean chortle; to explain the first, some poor &vita a news reporter la left to gather what he can from the Mold Platt meets of a ladies' talking acetate's. shwas Mani fret injustice to the dignity of the scribe and of the sub ject! Judging from the scene exhibited, last night, at Con • cert Ball, we have no idea that modern fairs are mere dwindled repetitions of those held in the ancient time, or weak imitations of those that delight other !nude. The spirit of an ago finds its beet expression in the amuse ments current in that age; and the real culture of a land is the moat quickly seen In its relaxations and sports Contrast the lusty- animality of en "English rural fair with the ger tie refinement that controls an American exhibi tion of the same nature, and you put the rude muscularity of the one in opposition to the nervous sensibility of the other. Bere are no chattering mountebanks, no flaunt ing puede, no dash or glitter or strut, no monstrosities of nature—fat women and five.legged calm—lint cheat° beauty and Joyousness within the limits of taste. All wo mtved among the throng, last night. and saw all tho roughly enjoying themselves, nud looked upon the ex quieite decorations of the Bali and the variety of doli. rairi.erthitre miri. me 'were emioMeriA that . an Ameri can fair was the beet embodiment of the culture the re flucinent, the taste, ant the beauty of American ladles. Ohaptet one of the veraelcus history whose need was indicated above. Concert Hall never looked hatter than now, when it is laid under • contribution in aid of the Cooper Shop Re freshment Saloon. 'The adornments are most tasteful. Fruit, flowers, flags, evergreens. and pretty women, transform the place into a bower of beauty. The ven dable articles seem to be of peculiar variety and excel lence, though our mannish eyes make bungling wark of penaraiing the bewildering lab yriotles of dry goods and fancy articles which female ins enuly bath devised Oar blushing me nory can now only rdcall the fact that we did Involtmtartly pay tribute to a pair of eplendid eyes by stopping to ask the price of a doll simulating a negro Quaker, and were not awakened to the abtfurdity of the act till the diminutive black disciple of Penn was rolled up and extended to us with, " One dollar, if you please, sir." With the same clearness of inspiration wo pur chased a "tidy," impressed that It was a fancy handker chief, and asked the price of some things which we hal no business to price at all. We certainly did lay In a stock of perfumery that would shame the resources of the Continental barber shop, and adequate to all the capillary exigencies of ten winters of dandyism. We certainly did unload our bachelor pockets of sundry mysterious fabri cations for ladies' toilettes, two "nubble" (no relation to the colored Quaker), innumerable pin -cushions of every possible and impossible pattern. and two and a half pairs of baby socke—the oddness of the sock idea being ex pleased even arithmetically. Vic have only enough breath left to call upon all men who long for a new sensation and the pleasanteet of re creations to go to the fair. MEDICAL SOCIETY OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA—SECOND DAY.—The Society re assembled at 10 o'clock yesterday morning. A communication from the Guardians of the Poor, in viting the delegates to visit the hospital and museum de partruenta of the almshouse was presented. The committee on nomination of officers reported the following to servo during the ensuing year: President—Geo. lo Berton. Bradford county. Vico Presidents—Trail! Groan Northampton county; Inn Thomas, Chester ; Franklin Ilathe, Philadelphia; John F. Lamb, Philadelphia. Corresponding Secretary—Joseph Carson, Philaael phis. • . Recording Secretaries—J. Henry Smaltz, Philadelphia; Jos. M. Stevenson Westmoreland. Treasurer—Wiliam Maybury, Philadelphia.. Censors—First and Second Districts—J. S Zteglor, Lancaster • A. Parsons, Bradford; N. Oorson,• Mont gomery; Jacob Ponnypacker, °heeler ; B. Richardson, Susquf hanna; Mediu Luther, Berke ; Jae. J. Carpen- ter, Echuy ; J. S. Condie, Philadelphia; Cbarlea James, Northampton ; J. W. Glonenger, Lebanon.. Third and urth Districts—N. Packer, Voga county ; P. Ebert, Perry county ; J. D. Boss, Blair connty; J. B. Leaden, Huntingdon; W. R. Fenlay, Blair; G. L. Sheen, York. Fifth and Siztil Dietricte-3. Wishart, Washinenn; S. Cunningham, Beaver ; J. ?t. Stewart, Indiana; Wm. Lamson, Cambria; D. B. Natchez, Lawrence; James Bing, Allegheny. De(Tates to the American Atedieta Society.—John Pc) ruck, Montgomery county; J. L. Galbraith, Perry; B. F. Schack, Lebanon; S. D. Gross, Plifindolphtn; A. blobioger, Philadelphia; Daniel A. lllrick, Barks. Conmission era to ifedicai Society of New York.—D. F. Doodle, Philadelphia; John L. Atlee, Lancaster; Ed ward Wallace ' Berke. Additional Members of Committee on Pubtication— Levi Curtis, Chairman, Philadelphia ; 'William D. Atkin ton Philadelphia Joseph Leidy, Philadelphia. The ccmtnittee also recommend that the next meeting of the Society be held iu Ude city, on the wood Wednes dey of Juce next. Invitaticos to visit the 71.11 tita n, Hospitals, the United States Arsenal, at Bridesburg; Academy of Pine Arts, new Hospital tor. the Insane, lu West Philadelphia, and Atlantic City, were received. . Reports from mental of the 'County 'Medical S >cieties w. re then Toad. Rho report of the Sanitary gommittoo was read, show ing the number of deaths in the city during the last year to be se (allows: apoplexyl62, cantabiles 122, congestion of the bran, 275, dropsy of brain 224, disease of brain 112, influn.motion of the brain 806, cons - ulsious 635, con sum pi ion of tie lungs 1,819, croup 304, cholera !Meehan 618, diptherls 502, debility S:6, dysentery 167. sharrlirce 183, ropey 284, h. art-disease 264, scarlet rover 1,190, phoid fever 281, bronchitis 168, intl•nnmatiou or the lungr 881, iullammation of the stomach and b).rels 231, MRYOKIIIIII 020, old age 203, palsy 129, smill-pon 768. Total t.umt,er 10,963. Certain eniendinents were then made to the Conetitu- Con.' ðic 1, nit. 3, was amended so as to real, that the society Anil consist of &legatee and, aseeelatee. Section 6th altered so as to reed, "every member of the delegate, shall be long as he conforms to its regulations, and is In good *tending in his county society." Art. 40, sec. 3d, al tered to read, none bnt delegates shrill be eligible to the office* of president, vice president, secrelary“or tree inner, or delegates to medical etwoolation, but permenoot members may be appointed on committees of the society."' Art Sib, sec. Ist, amended as follows: " provided that in any county where no society exist; the members of the profe.selen In such county shall have the privilege of trolling with the msoclation of any adjoining city or county, which membership shell only condole daring the time that no organized society shell exist la the county in which they reside. 7 be following preamble and reeolutione were read . . . . . Whereas, the organization of the profession in this State Into county medical societies bra not progressed as rapidly as was expected by the founders of this society; and whereas, wo bolltve this body sufficiently influential, if proper and persevering efforts be wade, to accomplish the objects contemplated in its organization: Therefore, Resolved, That It be enjoined on the delegates from earl, county society, with the co-operation of the society they represent, to make special efforts, by Coerce eondseca and pen or al visitation, to effect organizations during the present year In the several counties adjacent to those in which Societies now exist, and that those delegates be Constituted committee's for that purpose, with instrnc- Hone to report the result of their efforts severally to this ht dy at its next annual session. . Resolved, That In furtherance of this measure, the delegates tom the Philadelphia County Medical Society, in conjunction with that society, be it.structed to make all possible efforts to reorganize the .profession Iu Dela wares Northampton, and Allegheny counties; that the Lancaster Society be instructed to make similar efforts to organize the profession in the couniies of Dauphin and Cumberland ; lu like manner the delegates from Berke county, in connection with their society, the pro fession In Lebanon and Lehigh counties; those from Chester county, tho profession in York nod Adams counties; those from Montgomery, that in Bncks ; those trent Beaver, the profession in the counties of Lawrence and Washington; those from Bradford, the profession in Wyentiog and 'flogs counties; those from [miens, and from the Susquehanna Union Society, the profession in Union and Northampton counties ; those front. Perry, that in Juniata : thews front Lozerne, that in Carbon ; those from Westmoreland, that In Fayette; those from Blair, that in Bradford. The preamble and resolutions were adopted and order ed to be printed. The Convention then took a recess until 2 o'clock. The Association assembled at 2 P. M., and were con veyed In omnibuses to the nary yard, where they were received by Captain Turner, and shown the New Iron• aides, and other matters of interest in the yard. From thence they proceeded to Merrick's foundry, whore, by the kindueee of Messrs. Bartell and Merrick. tboy were enabled to witness the process of preparing the engines at.d other machinery for the gunboats, Ac. ; after which they proceeded to the Retreehthent Saloons, and having ineptcted the bokpltale and other arrangerneuta, they w. le regal_•d by the committee of the saloons neon eol •diete' fare, including, by the kindness of Win. A. No binger, en entertainment consisting of and tLe eteetetaa FIRE A MANAYUNK.—Yesterday morning, about nine o'clock, the drying - bone attached to ihe mill of Jame,' Preston ,It Co., Mannyunk, woo dis covered to be on fire. The building Is of stone, has an i/011 roof, nod the floors arc slatted far the free trawl mission of heat and to afford complete ventilation. Under the drat door are situated the hollers which drive the machinery of the main building The boilers are eel in masonry, and the radlaCid heat from them in conveyed to the first floor cf the dryispliouse, and waste steam id lid In pines under the other floors. ' The fire was Bret discovered in the third slory.-whon a large force of workmen from the mill and from other es tablishments attacked it with buckets of water. Some one entered the burning building, and threw up the Wa tt' valve of the boiler, thus letting loose a most powerful Items extinguisher. They then set a large steam pump, which was in the main building, to work, and volumes of water were poured on the fire, but the fury of the flames seemed to be unabated. . . 13). this time the flre-evgines from Manayunk and Box borough arrived and went into eervice, while the 'fire cetupacks from Germantown, including the Fellowship etc inner, also• lest their assistance. • Still -the raging limes would not succumb, and a telegram wee sant to Chief "Erginter Lylo for asslatanco. Ho Immediately de- Bottchcd the Fairmount, the Mechanic, and the Good *lll Hem steamers, and with time powerful alds the fire wee soon enbilned. • The fire was exclusively confined to the drying house, and the main building is uninjured by fire and water. The lees will be between five and six thousand dollars, which is partially covered by insurance in the ItOyal and other companies. A 'mall building in tho roar of the dry.lioneo wee 'lightly damaged by the tire, but the ma chinery and stook in it was somewhat dawaged by water. The stoppage occasioned by the fire will be only tem porary, and stork will bo resumed again,int few days.,, M. BLAIB • CO3IMENDABLE.—A few . days since the girls. belonging to the Mifflin Secondary School col for the different hospitals : OS quarts of strawber ries, 14X pounds of sugar, /I doz. of lemons, 6 do. oranges, 2 jars .of preserves, 2 pineapplqs, 8 pounds of cakes, 4 wands of crackers, I loaf of bread, 6 pounds of barley, 2 lioitles of ketchup, 2 pecks of salt, 126 pickles. In coo- nectivn with this, the school sent, a short . time etnce, 72 dozen of eggs. „,• A GOOD APDOINTMENT.— Capt. Tar ner, at present executive officer of the Phi Mel phia navy I yard, bat been ordered to the new steamer Ironsides. Capt. Turner has teen twenty eight years of active ser- , vice, nearly nineteen of which was at sea. lie is an ac ooniallehed nod fearless officer. ADJOURNED AGAIN.—The Coroner's. Jury hi the case of the child supposed to have been mur dered and thrown Into the Delaware, met again yesterday • morning, but there being no witnesses preheat, the in quest ins again adjourned. The body has not yet been! identified. HABEAS UORPUS.—On Saturday, Wil- Bent end George. Iforepangb, ignpllcated in the attack' upon Richard M. Berry, will have a ht /wing before JAidge • Anton, on a writ of habeas corpus, asking t be admitted to bell. All the scowled, except one; have secured comma. " ' SUICIDE.—John Ahlman, resididg.'4.: • . No. 518 'Oxen cireei, committed enicide,.youterdayatter. i noon brentlinitile Wrest with n ricer, vikile laboring; under an attack of mania a.uptu. "Au inqunit Web field,' and a 'verdict.' suicide rendered. Decelaeil wan Warted. , I SERIOUS - AcoiDExT;,,Tlios. Weldon, aged 40 Titers, had hie arm broken and was otherwise Jun d. by being caught" in scmo Muldoon , : at the Key. atone Mill, near Fairmount. The atifferer was ;takia to his home, at Taenty-fourth and Biddle streets. • RELIEF OF THE SUFFERERS FROM THE LATE FLOODS ON THE LEUIGII invite. —The totdertigned acknowledges tbo receipt of contributions to Ilia fund—Wg : from Lehigh ()anal ocd Navigation Company $BOO Samuel and William Wombloo Stuart & Brother. Barry IngersolL „ J. T.. 7 Jaffee, Kent, Santee, & CO. Willful' E. Slayeuson Welling, Coffin, & Co Cash Letevre. Parka, & Co. . -- Jay Cccke &Co ' 100 Drexel & Ce .100 E W. Clark &Co • 100 Pasch & 50 De flacon & Brother 50 J E. Lewars & Co. . 25 Withers & Peterson 25 Wotic, 3TeCouch & Co. 25 John E. Fox &Co . . 20 Cash • 5 Cash . . 5 Cash.. • 6 Lord & Blaudy 6 Oash 5 Cash. 10 Denson & Co 50 Cash 30 George F. Work & CO 25 0 & H. Rorie 50 Wm H. Newbold, Son, & Aertten 60 $1.820 JOHN JORDAN, Jr., Troaturer. FELL DEAD. — Daniel Be w ley, a negro porter, tell dead yesterday morning, at Second and filar kk attests. The body wee convoyed to the Sixth ward statiombouse, whore an inquest WFIS held. Verdict, death from Dater/11 causes. Deceased resided In Bt. Mare street, near Seventh, and was well known to the business community. PHILADELPHIA HOARD OF TRADE. GEORGE N. TATHAM, ID NJ. M*BSIIALL, COMMITTEE OF TRH UOMII JAMES B. CAMPBELL, . ' LETTER BAGS . At the Merchants' Exchange, Philadelphia. Ship Wyomirg, Burtou , ' Liverpool, semi Ship Holyhead, Cole Liverpool, goon . . Bark Union, Heard Parnarabaoo, soon • • • Brig'o H Jordan Havana, awn Brig Anianeo, Hicks • Domorwra, soon Brig H D Buggies, Fovon Port Spain, soon eichr numb. Yeauce ....Havana, soon aIARINE INTELLIGENCE. PORT OF. PHILADRLPHI4 I June 1862. BON BUMS . . 87-BUN SZTS..... ...... 7 27 HIGH NAVEL' 3 12 =132 Schr Oarah, Benson, 6 day. from New Bedford, with incise to captain. Sam S 0 Fithian, Tuft, 2 days from Lapidum, with corn to R Lea. Schr Lucy, Spence, 1 day from IMandywhie, .Del, with corn meal to It M Lea. Stoamer 'titers Nichols, 24 hours from New York - , with rads° to Win Baird Sc Co. • CLEARED Brig J X Sawyer, Bryant, Key West, E A Sander it Co. Scho Ohara Colo, Portsmouth, do Behr ) veliue, Yorke, Bt Jago, G W. Bernadon k Bro. Schr George Pales, Nickerson, Providence, Crowell rz Bair Jae Batthorwalta, Maloy, Boston, Wannmacker & Maxfield. Str Fanny Garner, Pierre, New York, W P Clyde. (Oorrespondonce of the Phßads:tights Exchange.) LEWES. Del. Juno 10. 8 P or the fleet Layne reported, about eight Rchoonan m -1111611; the others have gone to sea. Wind sonttreatr— weather pleasant. Yours, &e. AARON IRSHALL; (Correspondence of tho Press.) BAVILE DE GRAM; Juno IL Yesterday two boats left for Baltimore, as follows: Piret with 9 boats, and second 24; to Philadelphia 4; making 37, besides those) for other points. Our canal is in good order, and great numbers of boats aro looked for, as the Unlon ()anal is imooseable. The towing for the last week Is as follows: To Baltimore, 84; to Philadelphia, 39 2.1A.V8E DE GI: eiol4, June 12. Entonehanua Canal-18 boats to Baltimore, and 14 to Philadelphia. W!IIGIETSVILLE,-Jane 10 The following boats entered the Basonehanna and Tidewater Canal to-day, bound to Philadelphia, laden and consigned as follows: _ Champion, wheat to A G Cattell & Co; Ontario, wheat and corn to Jaa P Perot & Rio; Daniel Webster, bitumi nous coal to Camden Rolling MEI Co; - steamer J Edgar Thcmson and barge, pig iron to Camden; Young Charles, pig iron to Cabeen & Co;' R Lloyd, bituminous coal to B It Powell. June 11-013 Weaver, lumber to New York; C Lyon, do to Malone St Trainer, M M Lind, do to Gastrin & TiElj Merchants' Friend, do to do, and oats to Rum• phreys, Roffman & Wright;• Pensacola, lumber and spokes to Norcross & Shoots; Mary Long, lumber to Pat tenon & Lippincott; George Hopson, do to Wm S Taylor & Co. MEMORANDA. Steamship Great Eastern, Paton, from New York for Liverpool, Wee seen 4th Met, at 1 30 A 35, las 4350, long 57 24. Ship Betalute Freeman, from Llyerpool 7tit nit, at N York 11th toot—ina 400 passengers. Bark Zephyr, Small, hence, arrived at Dublin Ist inst. Bark Winona. Oaliken, from Cardona!, at Now York Ilth Mat, On the 8d inet, off Bermuda, was boarded by 17 S gunboat Quaker Oily. Bark Emily C Starr, Ealrfowl, which cleared at Shang hae 8d .s.prit for Noya Lake, was taken up at 82,500 per month, for six months, for the Japan trade. &bra Union, Libby . , and T Bonedict, Benedict, cleared at New York 11th Inst. for Philadel pole. ecbrn Zoo, Potter, and Ruth Halsey, Penney, hence, arrived at Providence 10th inst. Selir Sollie J Aiken, clodfrey, from Cardenas, at New York 11th inst. Schr(Br) Bunco, L cleared at Now York 11th hard. for Philadelphia. Sulu - Wm Hunter, Bakor, cleared at New York 11th lust. for New Orleans. Ear Harriet Noal. Houghton, from Hillsboro, NB, at Lubec sth inst, and sailed 7th for New York. ScLr Utica, Thorlidike, cleared at Portland 10th inst. for Philadelphia. A large black ship, steering NE, with loss of foro top. lopeoll.nt mast and foresail was seen Bth lust, let 4112, long 6380. ILLIOMINATING OILS OTT• I caran OIL!!! HTLTABUAT .. :41s : -*OD HEADi No. 240 ARCH STREET, Having opened a General Depot for the Sale of titre Refined and Lubricating COAL OILS, would call the special attention of dealers and consumers to their refined ILLUMINATING OIL, as it possesses merit beyond anything heretofore offered in this market; being entirely free from that gluey substance and bad odor which characterize that commonly sold in this market, produces no smoke, and is free from all explosive properties. w Orders from City or Country promptly at tended to. . my L5-1m . g ‘ LUCIFER" OIL WORKS. •• • 100. bble "Lucifer" Burning Oil on hand. We guarantee the oil to be non-explosive, to burn all the oil in the lamp with a steady, brilliant flame, without crusting the wick, and but slowly. Barrels lined with glass enamel.. WBIGIIT , SMITH, & PE A.RS&LL, fe21.4.f Office 515 M S.RKICT Street. MOUNT MORTAR CEMETERY This ground is located a few yards off the Darby road, about the same distance from the city as Laurel Hill, and is beautifully situated on the highest point of ground for miles around. DE Boil ie admirably adapted for the purpose deeignoil, being high and dry. The pnbllc are invited to examine its claims before purchasing elsewhere. tieneral and sectional plane may ho examined at tbe COMPANY'S OFFICE, No. 1.2 S SOUTH SIXTH STREET, Where:any urther information will be cheerfully al forded by the agent. DESIRA.Iy 1E LOTS, AT LOW PRICES, AND ON LIBERAL TERMS, Are now In the market, some or thorn In sections jest opened, having hitherto been held In reserve. 01710 E Houas from 8 A, AI. to 4 P. H., sad either be• fore or after these Lours, at the residence of the 'under ulgned, No. 314 NORTH TENTH STREET. FREDERICK A. VAN C 7 EVE, N. B.—Conveyance to and from the Oemetery fox each akdeeire to purchase. my/5-2m. INFORMATION FOR THE PEOPLE.- FEANKFORD GENESAL NEWS AGENCY . . witiLiAm. BEIE %RD takes this opportunity to in form his patrons itad the public that be is now 'prepared to furnish all the •leading Philadelphia and Bew York newepapers, nutgeninee, and periodio;l9. Agent for the DAILY and WEEKLY PRESS. Sub scribers and others can hare them delivered as soon as Issued at their residences or places of business in Frank,. fold or vicinity. jog -1m OPENING OF *A SUMMER GAR DEL—The andoreigned beg° leavo to Inform the public that he has opened for the season hie FINE GAR DEN and HOTEL, at the toot of COATES Street, oppo ails Fairmount Park. .Families aro panienlarly invited. Ice Cream,Dakes, excellent Lager Beer of Balts'e brew. err, Wince, am., always on band. HENRY ,PRICKA, TWENTY.SEVENTH and COATES Ste. NUTS.—RHODES dc WILLIAMS, No. 107 South \WATER Street, offer for sale the following 100 bales Princess Almeae - ds. - 20 .. Languedoc 20 41 Sicily 20 .. Eugliah Walnut". /5 Filberta. 150 bap Pee Nuts. 10 bales Brasil Nuts. BAIRNS. . . 100 boxes 11. B. Nalsins. 100 ""•.. Layer " • • /60 ball boxes M. B. Bsdeleii.: jet B IOTINA R.0:0 F . „IN , MANVIAOTaito - - UNITED STATES BIOTINA ROOFING oompAinr, No. 9 GORE BLOCK, • • Garner GHEE ti and PITTS Streets, Boston, Naas. This Portable Roofing is the only article over olforod to the publiO which is ready prepared to go on the roof without any finishing operation. It Is light,- han d some, and easily applied. and can besafely and cheaply trans ported to any part of the world. It will not taint or discolor water running over, or lying on it, and is, Mull reapccta, a very desirable article. Its non-condnoting properties 'adapt it esniicially to covering manufactories of various kinds •, and it is confidently' offered to the public after a toot of four years in . all varieties Of Climate and temperature, for coveringafi kindeof roofs; %fiat' Or pitched; together with cars,'stenmboate, .9e. • ' - It le both theap . and durable: Agbuts wanted, to whom-liberal inducements aro offered. Send for sample, circular; &o.,with- particula rs , .to U.. S. ROOFING CO., No., 9 OEN BLOCK. Boston."' an24-9ns TrENTLIMICERI3".74IIERFT .TENT strvroirs inkilLTPS;'Unitesi Stain "pitternaor saw et ".E. P. HEED'S,- Southeast'. corner •ffIiIEB TEENTE and NOBLE Streets, nuledelPhla.! ...; my2B.lzirs. THE PRESS.-PHILADELPIII , FRIDAY. JUNE* 13. 1862. BARGAINS IN LINEN G00D3.--. Heavy round-thread Shirting Linen, suitable for Ladies' wear, for 26 cents per yard by the place, usual price, 40 coati; Union Table Linen. 87X cents per yard; 8-4 Barnsley, all linen, 47 cent,.; very One and heavy, 6"-X; Double Satin Damask, of elegant quality, SI ; very wide do.. $1 . 25; Narking. X square, for 75 cents per dog.; real Barnsley do., 51 60, ext.• quality; all linen Huckaback, 10 cents per yard; do. 12X,18, 20, and 25 cents; all.linen Towels, 8 cents each ; extra qua lity, 12X cents; Ladies' and Gents' Linen Ildlcts , 81.50 Der dozen—a great harg-in ; Marseilles Quilts, Hopei comb Quilts, Alley. dale Quilts, all very cheap. Persona In want of Linen or Furnishing Goals tR any kind, can be suited here, at lees price, for sante quality, than they Can be bought at any other store. N. D. 3t. W. H. PENNELL, 1021 mans ET Street, below Eleventh. N. large lot of Pheeting and Shirting 111 lobos. Also, Mosquito Nets, for WO,' s. BROCRE BAR EGES, all wool, at 20 cents. Rich styles fine Fronclißaregos. at 31 to 37 cents. Rich styles Silk and Wo-1 Chalet, at 50 cents. BIOS STYLvB SILK GRENADINES. E 0 pieces plain blostambinnets, double width. Thin dress goods of every description • TRIMMING RIBBONS, COLORED EDGES, ALL SHADES. Jost received, a small lot of Very cheap fancy Silks. 1 lot figured Silks, solid colors, greens, purplos, and modes, at 75 cents. 1 lot Cofded Bilks,aolid colors, rose, maize, purple, and mods, $l, worth $1.25. Plain brown and mode Silks at 87 cents. Plain brown and mode Bilks at $112%. A largo and choice assortment of Lace Bournotts, Lace Mantles, with Bathes, Lace Poiutts, Fifty per cent. less than cost of importation. H. STEEL St SON, JO. tf No. 713 North TENTH St , ab. COATES. JAS. B. CAMPBELL get Co., 727 OBESTNUT STREET, OFFER AT • WHOLESALE AND BETAH4, Very choice floods of recent importation. Black Filk Checked Grenadine, extra quality. Foulard Hike, elegant styles and fine quality, Black Silks, boat brands. Broche Berme, Hernanis and Hosambrques. 8-4 Paris Fil d'Cherro. Poll d'Chovre, all wool tilling: Grenadine VCiiE, ill mode and other shades. WHITE GOODS AND LINENS In groat variety, at extremely low prime VI RE & LANDELL, FOURTH an JJ.ABOII, bays a fine assortment of Snugger Shaw iE~ EYRE & LANDELL hove the Blao sad White Plaid Edna for Bonnets and Dressea a 11 per red. . • • ia2 NEW OLOA.E. STORE! Ttie most elegant assortment to the city. No. 29 South NINTH Street; First door above Chestnut. rg...OAKS ! CLOAKS! CLOAKS! V TIM GRIATEST BARGAINS IN THE OITY IVENS "& No. 23 SOUTH NINTH STREIT. ERE LARGEST STOCK, THE BEST ASSORTMENT, THE CHOICEST COLORS, ' THE FINEST QUALITIES, THE HOST SUPERB TRIMMINGS, . THE NEWEST STYLES, THEBEBT WORE, AND DECIDEDLY THE LOWEST PRICES, IN THE OITY, AT IVENS & CO.'S, • pLOA.IIB.-If you want : the beet value NJ for your tonal, go to the ()it/ Cloak .11bite, 142 North SIGIITH Street, above chem. mamba CLOAKS AND MANTILLAS. vv A SPLENDID ASSORTMENT Of all the Newest Materials, ' AND OHOICRST PATTERN% AT TU] LOWEST PRIORS, • AT "my1.6.2m No. 25 South TENTH Street. CLOAKS ! A MAGNIFICENT ASSORTMENT OP ALL THE NEWEST STYLES IMPORTED THIS SEASON, With every new material, made sm and trimmed in No very beet manner, at prices] that defy all competition, AT THE PARIS CLOAK STORE,. N. E. CORNER EIGHTH. AND WALNUT STE. 9t -CENT. GRAY GOO LTii. kJ ¢. Broche Figured Mohairs. BX-cent Dark Mozsmblques. 123 E-cent. Original Quality Leveling. 'I2X• cent. Figured Beragee, reduced from 37 cents. 14:cent &tined Moaatubiuues, Worth 25 cents. Neat Fast-Colored Lawns, 123 E and 15 cents. Large Lola of Cbeap Thin Goods. FINE WIDE MOZ AMBIQUEB. Gray Double-Width Floe Mozambique. Black Bareges, some bergains, 25-ceot. Finest B i k u k.g b p . ---‘vontl..-. - 7 -- Finest Black Alpacas ever sold, for 26, 31, 33, 40 cta. Colored AlopacAly, good, for 25 cents. DAMASK NAXII.INS. 81.50 per dozen. Nest Figures, Fast Edime, worth $2. Finer Gradea Napkins, Damask Towels. ' rower-Loom and other Table Linens. Extra Floe Table Damasks and Clothe. COOPER B CONAND, 3e7-tf 8. E. corner NINTH and MABILET 'Streets. NEW SPRING PRINTS, CROWE STYLES. PYRE & LANDELL HAVE the Fashionable Black Silk Mantles made of the best Taffeta Silks and Farisalispes. jet EYRE & LANDELL have desirable styles dark French Lawns; also, the beat stock of bowlwiced Lawns. jet T1,3111E k LA.NDELL . are 0104 'out • Sprtng and Summer Dree3 Goods at low prioec-jeg lIWOULD.CALL THE , ATTENTION of my customers and friends to the following Goods, which aro fresh and desirable: Black and White Plaid Silks. Organdie Lawns, choice styles. ' One lot of Lisle Gauntlets, at 18% o a pair. One lot of Black Silk, $1.12X ; the best I ever had for the money. At -NEW EMBROIDERIES, WHITE GOODS, &o.—Just opened, a general assortnient of desirable French and Scotch Needle worked • Sands, Edgings, Insertings, Handkerchiefs, Collars, Bleared, etc., at very law prices. A full line of all descriptions of Whits Goode for Ladlea' weer, of the moat approved makes. 181tEPPAAD, YAN lIARLINGAN. & ABUISoIf, je4 1008 OELESTNUT. Street•'. • , GLOAKS, PALATOTES AND MAN TILL/LB.—Ladies hi want of the above articles will find It to their advantag3 to visit the old established haute of Mrs. HENRY, No. tiS Nolth NINTH Street, below ARCH. The latest Paris Styles always on hand at prices that suktontith averylmtly. . . ra4-3m nom:J.-TRW UNDERSDINED %.1 beg leave to inform their friends and the public that they have removed their LEHIGH GOAL DEPOT from NOBLE-t3TREET WHARF, on the Delaware, to they Yard, northwest corner of EIGHTH and WILLOW Streets, where they Intend to keep the beet quality of LEHIGH COAL, from the most approved mines, at the lowed prices. Your patronage to reurpectfrilly . solicited. JOS. WALTON &' 00., Office 112 South SECOND Street, Yard, EIGHTH and W ILLOW. N ATIVE WINES. GENERAL AGENT ETBIOT.LT PUDE JUICE OF THE OBAPH-THE MOST DELICIOUS, BICH, AND FRUITY • WINES EVER OFFERED TO THE PUBLIC). AN EXCELLENT ASSORTMENT JUST RECEIVED ALBERT O. ROBERTS, , 1 DEALER IN ITNO GROCERIES, _ AD2/34 . CORNER ELEVENTH. AND .VEO.RES SALT. -2,000 sacks . Qitiund` ;Alum NJ Seal 21,000 bnsbobs do., do., d 0..;! dyooo‘4billtbele Tork's Island do., In store and for sale by MURPHY. /KOONS. No. 148 NORTH WHARVES.. myB SARDINES.—A very superior brand for 'ale by CHARLES S. CIABSTAIES, 125 WALllllTand 21 OR&NITEI Street fiROSSE & - BLACKWELL'S • cele. ILI PIOTLLIth and SAITOES, constantly received by - RHODES h WILLIAMS, nye - 107 South WATER Street. • NUTS. -20 BALES' LA.NGUEDOO ALMONDS; bales SICILY ALMONDS; 100 bags New !Slim PEANUTS ; Jut received and for Bale by' RHODES ts, Ny11,1;110119, my 6 • 107 South WATER Street. FOSSE & BIACKWELL'S' ENG. ISH PICHILES.—A fresh Importation of English Pickles and Sauces, just received and for sale by . • RHODES R wrr,LIARS, ieL - . 167 &nth WA : 17... 14 street. NATTI'B CELEBRATED ITALIAN - CREAK will positively remOve TAN; FREOKLES, SALLOWNESS, SUNBURN, PIMPLES, and all erno• SODS of the face ; - giving a beautiful healthy glow and rosy. 'color to the cheeks, so mach desired by every one. In abort, it PRESERVES TUE FRESHNESS OF "YOUTH, removing . all WRINKLES, and giving a soft, smooth appearance to the face, and &brilliancy to the skin that Ls in to all: It te an article that is • • INDISPENSABLE TO EVERY LADY. Upwards of 1,000 BOTTLES PEE DAY are now sold in Philadelphia alone, and the demand is daily /novas' ing. Price 25 cenfs per bottle. Sold by . .; ; , Manufacturers and Proprietors, • , No. 521 CI:USD:UT Street, Philadelphia; And by the following agents in Philadelphia: ',l,' B. Casselberry, No 45 N. Eighth street; Andrew Taylor, druggist, cor. of Ninth and Chestnut streets; lir Brad field, N 0.802 Arch street; F. V. Barrett, 1•10. 964 N. Second street ;'Miss Kocher, Seventh and Coates streets; M. L. Adame, N: W. cor. of lilarshaU and Girard ave. nne • . and by druggists and dealers in Fancy Goods nerally. Agents wanted In every town and village or the United States and Canadae. mY23-tf RETAIL DRY GOODS 1024 CHESTNUT STEM E. M. NEEDLES Invitee the "special attention" of Ladies" who intend "spending the summer" u, " the country" at " Watering Places," or in "travel ling." to a very large assorttnat of "TRIMMED AND MADE-UP GOODS," IN "SETS, SLEEVES," In "POINTE, YALENCIENNE, GUIPURE, MALTESE," and other Laces• and in " LINEN, CAMBRIC, AND SWISS," Iwbich he has just opened Also, in Videncienne Trimmed" and " Ruf- •ed Cambric Handkerchiefs," embroidered, In colors; together with a general assortment of While Goods, Linens, Laces, Eaebroideriei, Veils, Handkerchiefs," &0., adapted to the re• qnirements of the present season. A large and varied assortment of "Garibaldi Mus 'ins," and "Black and inite Figured Net' for Messes." All the above of the "Latest Styles," and a be Very Lowest Prices." • 1024 OEIZSTNIIT BTRZEIT mb2e-itm N 0.28 SOUTH NINTH STIINST alb2B.lrn minutlmAos, SPRAGUE, PAOIIIO, ALL TWELVE'AND A HALF GENTS. A large lot beet styles and fast colors at lflo. 00WPERTHWAIT & CO., tahls-11 P. W. nor. EIGLITH and MARKET JOHN H. STOICHS', 702 ARCH Street COAL. GROCERIES ANA. PROVLSIONS MEDICINAL TARRANT'S • EMTERVIIMUMNT SELTZER APERIENT. • Thle valuable and popular Medicine has universally re ; oelved the most favorable recommendations of the MISDIOAL PROF813810:1111.111 the Public BA the mod ErYIOIIIW2 AND ACIRSZARLII SALINE APE RIENT. It may he need with the beet effect in Bilious and -FebrEe Diseases, Costiveness, Sick Headache, Nausea, Loss of Appetite, Indigos . tdon, Acidity of the Stomach, Torpidity of , the Liver, Gout, Rheumatic .. Affections, Gravel, Piles, AND ALL COMPLAINTS . Wll6liN A GENTLE AND COOLING epratrinir OR PUR GATIVE IS REQUIRED. It is particUlarly adapted to the wants of Travellers by Sea and Land, Residents in BM Climates, Persona of Sedentary Habits, Invalids, and Convalescents; Captains of Vermeil and Planters will find it s valuable addition to their Medicate Chests. It is In the form of a Powder, carefully pot up In bottles to keep in any climate and merely miming water poured upon it to produce a de- ' lightful effervescing beverage. Numerous testimonials, from professional and other gentlemen of the highest standing throughout the coun try, and its steadily inereaeing popularity for a series of years, strongly guaranty its efficacy and valuable character, and commend it to the favorable tiottoe of an intelligent public. Manufactured only by TARRANT & CO., ' Ns. 278 Gamin/WIWI Street, corner Warren et NEW YORK, sp2.l-1y And for sale by Druggists generall;. - nßowws ESSENCE JAMAICA GINGER, Manufactured only at FREDERICK BROWN'S DIWO AND CHE !GOAL STORE, Fortbeaat corner of FIFTH and CIIIINTNUT Streetth PRIL&DELPHIA Attention is called to this valuable remedy whieh should be in every family, and for the Army and Navy it is in dispensable, curing affections of the stomach and bowels, and le a certain preventive from tho effects of bs/1 water. OADTION.—To prevent this 'valuable Essence from being counterfeited, a new Steel Engraving, executed at great cost, will bo found on the outside of the wrapper, in order to guard the purchaser against being imposed upon by worthless Imitations. And sold by all respectable Druggists in the United States. fob wfrm -am G LUTEN CAPSULES OF • 'LUL.MMIA_,N7i_4.IMIA The reingnauce of most patients to COD-LIVER OW, and the inability of many to take it at all, has in duoed various forms lot disguise for fte administration that are familiar to the Medical Prof.:mien. Some of them answer in special cases, but more often tholvehicle neat-alines the usual effect of the Oil, proving quite as unpalatable and of less therapeutic value. The repug nance, nausea, dm, to invalids, induced by disgust of the Oil, is entirely obviated by the use of our CAPSULES. 00D-LIVEB OIL CAPSULES have been much need lately In Europe, the experionoe there of the gooerre sults from their use in both hospital and private practice, aaide from the naturally auggested advantages, art enl floient to warrant our claiming the virtues wo do for them, feeling assured their use will malt in benefft and deeerved favor. Prepared b 7 I.4II.III9ALMUT Street, PhfladelPhis LEGAL M.A_RSHAL'S SATA.—By virtue of a Writ of Sale, by • the Hon. JOHN OADWA.- LADED, Judge of the District Court of the United States, In and for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, in Admiralty, to me directed, will be gold, at Public Sale, to the highest and best bidder, for cash, at CALLOW HILL•WIEEET WHARF', on THURSDAY, June 19, 1862, at 12 o'clock M., 235 barrels Turpentine, being pert of the cargo of the schooner DIXIE. WILLIAM lIIILLWARD. U. B. Marshal E. D. of Pennsylvania. Puit.Arisr.rnis, Jane 9, 1862. jelo.6t MARSHAL'S SALE.-BY . VIRTUE of a Writ of Sale, by the Hon. JOHN OADWA.L &- DEE, Judge of the District Court of the United States, in and for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, in admiralty, to me directed, Avill be sold, at Pnblic Sale, to the high est and best bidder, for cash, at CALLOWHILL STREET WHAM', on THUM) &X, Juno 19, 1882, at 12 o'clock M., the schooner WAVE, her ttokle, amp s rel, and furniture, and the cargo t.ken on board, consist ing of 40 bales of cotton. WILLIAM .1111 LL W A ED, U. S. Marshy!, E. D. of Pennsylvania. PHILADELPHIA, June 9,1882 • jolo-6: • MARSHAL'S 8 &LE.-BY VIRTUE of a Writ of Sale, by the Hon. JOHN CAD WALA.- DER, Judge of the District Court of the United States, in and forthe Eastern District of Pennsylvania, in Admiralty, to me directed, will be sold, at Public sale, to the highest and best bidder, for cash, nt CALLOW fIitifeSTREET Wllaltr, on THURSDAY, June 19th, 1882, at 12 o'clock 11., the Schooner ACTIVE, her tackle, apparel, and furniture, to al e now lies at said wharf. Also, at the same time and place will be sold, 103 barrels of pickled Herring. WiLLTAIR MILLWARD, U. S. Marshal E. D. of Pennsylvania. PHILADELPHIA, Juno 9. 1862 jelo.Bl UNITED STATES, EASTERN DIE TRICT OF PENNSYLVANIA, SCT. THE PRESIDENT OF TIFF, UNITED STATES, TO TUE MARSIIAL OF THE EASTERN DISTILIOT OF PENNSYLTA.NIA, GREETING: . _ ' WHEREAS, The District Court of the United States in and for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, rightly and duly proceeding on a Libel, filed in the name of the United States of America, bath deoreod all persons in • general who have, or pretend to have, any right, title, or interest in the schooner LION, whereof is master, her tackle, apparel, and furniture, and the goods, wares. and merchandise laden on salt schooner, captured as prize white trine in Pantglicreek, running into Perm° river, in the State of North Carolina, by the United States steamer Delaware under command of Mon ter ant P.. Quackenbosh, to be monisued, cited, and "called to judgment, at the time and place underwritten, and ,to the effect hereafter • ex premed, (jnettco so requiring.) Ton are, therefore, charged, and strictly enjoined and commanded, that You omit, not, but thud, by publishing these presents in at least two of the daily newspapers printed and published in the city of Philadelphia, and in the Legal Intellegen ear, you do numish mid cite, or cause to lie monished and, cited, peremptorily, all persons iu general who have, or pretend toy have,•wer- atm, or interest in the '.said schooner LION, her tackle, apparel, and fund "tore, Red the reat goods, wares, and merchandise , ...nerign, to appear before the Hon. JOHN tWALADER, the Judge of -the - said court, at the District Cnnrt room, in the city of Philadelphia, on the' TWENTIETH. day after publication of these presents - , if it be a court day, or else on the next court day following, between the usual hours of hearing causes, then and there to show, or allege, in duo form of law, a reasonable and lawful excuse, if any they have, why he said schooner LION, her tackle, apparel, end fur niture, and the goods, wares, and merchandise laden thereon, should not be pronowtced to be long, at the time of the capture of the same, to the enemies of the United States, nud as goods of their ene mies or otherwise, liable and subject to condemnation,. to be adjudged and condemned as good and lawful prizes; and further to 'do and receive In this behalf as to justice shall appertain. And that you duly Intimate, or cause to be intimated; unto all nereons aforesaid generally, (to whom. by the tenor of these preeents, it is also Intima ted,) that if they shall not appear at the time and place above mentioned, or appear nod shall not show a rea sonable and lawful casino to the routraiy, then said Dis trict Court doll, intend and wiff proceed to adjudication on the said Ceptnre, end may pronounce that the said schooner LION, her tackle, apparel, and furni ture, and the - goods, wane, and.merchandile laden thereon did. belong. at the time of the capture of the same, to the enemies of the United States of Ame rica, and as gentle of their enetnies or otherwise, liable and ensbjent to confiscation and condemnation, to be ad 'judged and condenmed as lawful prize, the absence, or rather contumacy, of the persons so cited and intimated in anywise liOttritligtandillg, and that you duly certify to the said District Court what you shall do in the premises, together with these presents. Witness. the Honorable JOHN CADWALADER, Judge of the said court, at Philadelphia, this tenth day of JUNE, A. D. 1862, and in the eighty-sixth year of the Independence of the said United States. iel2-3t .0. It. FOX; Clerk. District Court. TTNITED STATES. E &STERN DIS TRICT OF PENNSYLVANIA, SCT. THE .PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES, TO THE _MARSHAL OF TUB EASTERN DISTRICT • OF PENNSYLVANIA, GREETING:' • • WHEREAS, The District Court of the United States in and for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, rightly and duly proceeding on a Libel, filed in the name of the United States of America, bath decreed all persons in • general who have, or . pretend to have, any right, title, or interest in° twentY•eight bales of Cotton, and certain other goods; wares; - and merchandise, consisting of cypress shinglea, juniper rails, yellow pine plank, yellow pine board, teed yellow pine scantling, onvtnred as prize in the minds of North Carolina, by the Naval forces of the Unitid Slates, under command of Flag Officer J. C. Bolan, at Newb.rn, on the river Neuse, in said State, to be ?Punished, cited, and called to judgment at the time and_ place underwritten, and to the effect hereafter expressed,- (justice so requiriug.) Yon are therefore charged, - ?rid strictly enjoined and commanded, that you omit 'not, but that by publishing these presents in et least two of the daily newspapers printed and published in 'the City of Philadelphia, and in the Le gal Intelligeticer, you do monish and cite, or cause to be monished and cited, peremptorily, all persons in general who antra, or pretend to have, any'right, title, or interest in the said tweLty.- eight balsa of Cotton, and certain other geode, waren, and merchandise, eon 'elating of cypress shingles, juniper rails; yellow pine plank, yellow vino board, and yellow pine senutliag. to appear' before the Honorable JOHN CADWALA • ;DER, the Judge of the said Court, at the District Conn room, in the City of Philadelphia, on the TIVE.N -TIETII day .. after publication of these presents, if it be a court day, or else on the next court day following, between the usual hours of hearing causes, then and there' to show, or allege, in due form of law, a reasonable and lawful excuse, if any they have, why the said twenty eight bales of Cotton, and certain other goods. worse, and merchandise, consisting of cypress 'dangle!, juniper rails, yellow plea plank, yellow pine board, and yellow pine scantling, should not be pro nohnced to belong, nt the time of the capture of the same, to the enemies of the United States, and OS goods of their enemies, or otherwise,. liable And subject to condemnation, to be adjudged and con .denmed us good and lawful prizes; and further to,do and receive in this behalf as to justice shall appertelu. And that you duly intimate, or cause to beinthuated, unto all persons aformaid generally, (to whom by the tenor of these presents it is also intimated,) that if they shall not appear at the time and place above mentioned, or appear and shell not show a reasonable and lawful Cause to the contrary, then said District Court cloth intend and will proceed to adjudication on the said capture, and - may, pronounce that the said twenty eight bales of Cotton, and certain other goods', wares, and merchandise, consisting of cypress shingles, jauiper rails, yellow pi the plank, yellow pine board, and yellow pine ecantling, did belong, at the' time of the capture of the .same, to the enemies of the United States of America, and as geode of their enemies, or ether . wise, liable , and subject to coufiscation and condemna tion, to be adjudged and condemned as lawful prize, the absence, or rather contumacy, of tlte persons so cited and intimated in-any Wise notwithstanding, and that you duly certify to th . psaid District Court what you shall do in the' promisee, together with these presents. Witness' the Honorable JOHN CADWALADBR, Jtidge ot the said Court, at .Philadelphia, this tenth day of JUNB, A.D. 1882, and in the eighty-sixth year of the Independence of the said :United States.• jel2-3t G. It. FOX, Clerk District Conrt. DR., CHURCHILL'S HYPOPaps- PIIITES, - for Hie Provou Hon and ODES OON SUMPTlON.—Justrecelved from Paris; a supply of Dr. SyriA, of Dreophoaphite of Soda,Syrup uf. Ilyponboopilite of Lime, and Ping of lit'Pordornhate of Quinine, with directions for tie. RoreOne galleries front 'OBEST AFFECTIONS can now obtdin the Ante medi dim, genuine, at , SUEDE/UM BROWN'S jets-f tn• Bit • • . Drug and Chemical Store, N. E. corner FIFTH. end CHESTNUT Streets, Phila. • T° HE • DISEASED OF ALL 'SHE sub.acnte and chronlo diseases cured by special guarantee at 1220 WALNUT Street, Philadelphia, and in case of a failure no charge le made. Professor BOLLES, the founder of this new practice, tea/ superintend the treatment of all canes himself. A pamphlet containing a multitude of certificates of those cared, else lettere and comoillffentary resolutions from medical men and others wild be given to any person free. LeOtnreo are constantly given at 1320, to medical men and others who desire a knowledge of my discovery, in applying Electricity as a reliable therapeutio agent. Con imitation free. ap2s-2m • flAli DEN. .V ASES. —Ornamental Terra Cotta Garden Vases, warranted to stand the weathor in any climate.' Theee yaws are made in beau. Mal designs, and all 817.011, frOm 1 foot to 3 feet high, with a variety of pedestals, round and square, from 1 foot to 4 feet high. No decorations add so much to the :natural beauties of a Garden, and at so. little coati airs few Vases filled with flowering plants. Illustrated Cata logues sent by mall on application. . ' S. A. HARBISON, apltittf lillq 01:1 - ESTNRT Street. RAILROAD LINES. 1862. 1862. ARRANGEMENTS OF NEW YORK LINES. THE CAMDEN AND AMBOY AND PHILA DELPHIA AND TRENTON RAILROAD 00.'8 LINES FROM PHILADELPHIA TO NEW YORK AND WAY PLACES. IRON WALNUT-BMM? wn.ißr AND 11898190701/ IMO? WILL LEAVE AS FOLLOWS—PIS: 'Ala. et e A. M., vla Oamdeu and Amboy, 0. and A. Ao oornmodotion 52 20 Ate A. M:"; via Camden and Jersey City, (N. J.) Accommodation. 2 If A .l 8 A. M., via Kensington and Jersey City, Morning Mail 3 00 At 11 A. M., via Kensington and Jersey Oily, Western Express 800 At 12% P. M., via Camden and Amboy, /cocoon:no- dation 2 25 At 2 P. M., via Camden and Amboy. 0: and A. Ex- preas 8 00 At 4 P. M., via Camden and Jersey City, Everdrus Exprege 800 At 4 P. M., via Camden and Jersey City, 2d Gees Ticket 220 At 8X P. M., via Kensington and Jersey City, Evening Mail 8 00 At Ilk P. DI., via:Camden and Jersey City South ern Mail . 800 At 6 P. Et., via Camden and Amboy. Accommoda- lion, (Freight and Pamengerj—Lt Olen Ticket.. 2 25 Do. do. 2d Class d 0.... 160 The 11)( P. M. Sontbem Mall runs dally; ell others Sundays excepted. For Water Gap, Stroudsburg, Scranton, wilheeharre„ Montrose, Great Bend, Bingham oton, Syracuse, &0., at 6 A. M. from Walnut. street Wharf, via Delaware, Lackawanna, and Western Railroad. For Manch Chunk, Allentown, Bethlehem, Belvidere, Baaton, Lambertville, Flemington, Ike. at A. 21 and ax P. M., from Walnut-street Wharf; (the 6 A. M. Line connects with train leaving Easton tor Manch Chunk at 3.20 F. M.) Nor Mount Holly, at' 6 A. M., 2 and 4 P. M Nor Freehold, at 6 A. M.. and 2 P. M. WAY L'lti,lB. For Bristol, Trenton, Ac., at 3 and 11 A. M., 6 and 8.80 P. 21. from Kensington, and 2,tf P. M. from . Walnut. street wbatf. For Bristol, and intermediate stations, nt d from Kensington Depot. For Palmyra, Riverton, Delano, Beverly, Burlington, Florence. Bordontown, An., at 10 A. M. and 12%, 4,6, 6% and 6.30 P. M.' Steamboat TRENTON for,Bordentown and interme diate stations at 2% r. M. from Walnut-street wharf. ror New. York, and Way Lines leaving Kensing ton Depot, take the cars on Filth street, above Walnut, half an hour before departure. Tho care run into the Depot, and on the arrival of eaoti train run from the Depot. Fifty Pounds of Baggage only allowed eaoh Passenger. Passeugers are prohibited trom taking anything se bag. gage but their wearing apparel. All baggage over Mty pounds to be paid for extra. The Clorupauy limit their responsibility for baggage to One Dollar per pound, and will not be llablo for any amount beyond sloe, except by ipeolal contract. • WM. N. GATEBTER, Agent. LINES FROM NRW YORK FOR raniDzr, WILL LISAVE:, /*ROM FOOT OF CORTLAND ISTIDINT,' At 10 A. M., 12 K., and 6 P. M. via Jersey City and Camden. At 7 A. M., and 4 and 11 P.M. via Jamey City and 'Kensington. "From foot of Barclay great at 6 A. M. and 2 P. AI , via A mbay and Camden. From Pier No. 1 North river, at 1 and 5 P. 1!. (freight and passenger) Amboy and Camden. jeg•tf TELE PENNSYLVANIA CENTRAL RAILROAD. TLIII GUILT DOUBLE TRACK ROUTE. 1862. r."!!!! , 1 THE CAPACITY OF THE ROAD IS NOW EQUAL TO ANY IN THE COUNTRY. THE GREAT SHORT LINE TO THE WEST. Facilities for the transportation of passongere to and from Pittsburg,- Cincinnati, Chicago, St. Louis, St. Paul, Naahvllle, Memphis, New Orleans, and ell other towns In the West, Northwest, and Southwest, are unsurpassed for speed and comfort by any other route. Sleeping and smoking cars on all the trains. THE 'EXPRESS RUNS DAILY; Mail and last Line Sundays excepted. Mail Train leaves Philadelphisiit.. 7.16 A. M. Fast Line a 6. ...... A. N. Through Express ... . . .1020 P.M. . Harrisburg Accommodation leaven .... at.. 2.30 P. M. Lancaster.. .. 4.00 P. M. West Cheater Accomme`n No. I .. 8.45 A. DI .s No. 2 ..12.00 noon. Parkeeboeg .. 5.45 P. M. West Chester passeagers will take the West Cheater Nos. 1 and 2 and Lancaster Accommodation Trains. Passengers for Banbury, WiltanwPort, Elmira, Buf falo, Niagara Falb, dm, leaving Philadelpbia at 7.16 A. M. and 10.80 P. M., go directly through. For further information apply at the Passenger Sta tion,O. E. corner of ELEVENTH and MARKET Street,. By this route freights of all descriptions can be for warded to and from any point on the Railroads of Ohio, Kentucky, Indiana, Illinois, Wisomudn, lowa, or Hie sonri, by railroad direct, or so any port on the naviga ble rivers of the West, by steamers from Pittsburg. The rates of freight to and from any point in the West by the pennegivania Railroad, are, at all times, as fa vorable as are charged by other Railroad Companies. Merchants and shippers entrusting the transportation of their freight to this Company, can rely with madame on its speedy transit. For freight contracts or shipping directions apply to or address the Agents of the . Compeur. 8. B. KINGSTON, Ja., Philadelphia. D. A. STEWART, Pittsburg. GLARKE Ji Co., Chicago. LEECH 84 Co., No. 1 Astor House , or No. / South William street, New York. LEECH di 00., No. 77 Washington street, Boston. IdAGBAW fr. KOONS, No. 80 North street, Balthaar& B. H. HOUSTON, Heal Freight Agent, PhIL . . L. L. HOUPT, Heel Ticket Agent, Phila. trmon LEWIS. Geril finn`t, Altoona. Jil;4l • - o tt -gm- -GEMANTOWN, AND NOB BLSTOWN TIME TABLE. • On and after Monday, Nay 26th, 1862, until farther. notice. • FOR RR 111ANTO Leave Ithilfulelpbift, 6,7, 6, 9,10, 11, 12, A. M., 1,2, 310, 4,5, s}‘ , 0,7, 8, 91‘,10)4, 11%, P. M. Leave Germ Inteirn. 6,7, 7 35. 8,8 X , 9%, 10%, 11%, A. M., 1,2, 3,4, 5,6, 7, 8. 9. 10.10, 11, P. 51. ON SUNDAYS. Lena Philadelphia, 9.10 A. H., 2,3, 5,7 X, 10 ,49 P. Leave Gerinaptown, 8.10 A. M., 1,4, 6X, 9X, P. M. . CHESTNUT ]TILL RAILROAD. Leave Philadelphia, 8, 10, li t A 51., 2,4, 5,6, 8, 19X. P. 3f. Leave Clielitnat Hill, 7.10, 7.35, 9.10, 11.10, A. M., 1.40, 3.40, 5.40, 6.40, 7.40,9.50, P. M. OIT SUNDAYS. Leave Philadelphia, 9.10 A. M., 2,5, 7X, P. M. Leave Oliestnnt Hill, 7.60 A. M., 12.40, 1.10, 9 10, P. ST. FOR CONSHOHOCKEN AND-NORRISTOWN. Leave Philadelphia, 6, 9.05,11.05, A. M., IX, 3,4 X, 6.10, 8.05, 11x, P. N. Leave Norrhetown, 9 6,7, 7.50, 9,11, A. M., IX, 4X, 6X, P. M. ON SUNDAYS. Learn Philadelphia. 9 A. M , 2X, 43, P. M. Leave xortlatown, TA. L. 1,6, P. AL FOIL MANAYO.NE. Leave Pbiladelphia, 8,9, 11.05. A. IR., IX, S, 4X,6.10, 8.05.11 x. I'. M. Leave Manayunk, 6X, 7X, 8.20, 9X, 11X, A. 61., 2, 6 , 7 , P . M. • ON SUNDAYS. Leave Philadelphia, 9 A. M., 2x , 4x, 8, P. DI. Leave Manaynok, 7X A. M., IX. 6X, 9, P. 11. 11. K. SMITH. General Superintendent. rny26-tt Depot NINTH. and GREEN Streets. NORTH PENNSYL TANI& RAILROAD. SOX BETHLEHEM, DOYLESTOWN, MA UGH UHIINK, HAZLETON. EASTON. WILKES BARRE, Sc. SPRING ARRANGEMENT. THREE THROUGH TRAIM. - - Oa sad after MONDAY, MAY 6, 1.862, NUMMI. ger Trains will leave FRONT and WILLOW Streets, Philadelphia, daily, (Sundays excepted„) 69 follows: At 6.40 A. Di., (Express,) for Iluthlebem, Allentown, Maack ()hunk, Hazleton, Wllkeebarre, At 2.45 P. M., (Exprose,) for netalwaesn, Easton, dre, Thin train peaches Easton at 6 P. M., end makes a close oonzeotion with the New Jersey °entre! for New York. • At 6.06 P. M., for Bethlehem, Allentown, Manch Chnuak, &v. ' At 2 A. M. and 4 P. M., for Doylestown. At 6 P. M., for Fort Washington. The 6.46 A. M. Barrette Train make. close' connection with the Lehigh Valley Railroad at Bethlehem, being Dba ehorteet and meet desirable route to all points in be Lehigh coal region. TRAINS FOB PHILADELPHIA. • • Mesta Bethlehem at 6.40 A. AL, 5.15 A. M., wad 5.85 p. 21[• Leave Doylestown at 7.25 A. DI. and 8.20 I'. M. Leave Port Washington at 6.30 A. M. ON SUNDAYS—Philadelphia Tor Bethlehem at 7.46 A. M. • Philadelphia for Doylestowa at 2.45 P. M. Doylestowa for Philadelphia at 6 90 A. M. Bethlehem for Philadelphia at 5 r. were t o Bethlehem-151.61 I b Fareto Manch 0hank.212.60 Fare to Easton 110 Wilkeabtuu . 4.50 Through Tickets must e procured at the TiOltt.l Snipes, at WILLOW Street, or BERES Street, in order semare the above rates of fare. AS Passenger Trains (except Sunday Trains) eminent at Berke street with the Fifth and Sixth strand, and Ss aor.d and Thlrd-stroots Passenger Baflronda, twenty mi Elutes after leaving Willow unreel. ICLL/1/3 OLARIL,Agent. ig t PHILADELPHIA AND BILMTRA B. B. LINE. 1862 MINTER ARRANGEMENT. 1862 For WILLIAMSPORT, SCRANTON, ELMIRA, and all points in the W. and N. W. Passenger Trains leave Depot or Phila. and Beading R. R., oor. Broad and Cal streeta,,at 8 A. M., and 6.16 P. M. daily, eieelit Bundive. QUICKEST ROUTE from Philadelphia to points in . Northern and Weatern Pennsylvania, Western .New York, &0., &o. Baggage checked through to Bnlalo, Niagara Falls, or intermediate points. Through Expreas Freight Train for all points above, Ware daily At 6 P. Al. Tor further information apply to JOHN S. }arum, General Agent. THIRTEENTH and OALLOWHILL, and N. W. cor. METH and CHESTNUT Streets. leSl-11 latim;;,3,-,-10- REOPENING OF --,---- THE BALTIMORE AND OHIO RAILROAD.—This road, being fully REPAIRED and effectually GUARDED, is now open for tho trans portation of passengers and freight to all points in the GREAT WEST. For through tickets and all other in formation apply at the Company's Office, corner BROAD Street and WASHINGTON Avenue. S. M. FELTON, apB-tf President . P. W. and B. B. B. Co. Fas WEST • CHESTER AND PHILADELPHIA 131JL- ROAD. s VIA MEDIA BUMMER ARRANGEMENT. On and after MONDAY, June oth, 1802, the trains will leave PHILADELPHIA from the depot, N. E. cor ner of EIGHTEENTH and MARKET Streets, at 7.45 and 10.30 A. 11., and 2, 4.30, and 7 P. IC, and will leave West Philadelphia, from THIRTY-FIRST and MAN NET Streete ; 17 minutea after the sterling time from Eighteenth and filarkot streets. ON SUNDAYS, Loave PHILADELPHIA at 8 A Leave VEST CHESTER at 8 A. M., and 6.00 P. M. The trains leaving Philadelphia at 7.46 A. M., and 4 SO P. M., connect at Pennolton with trains on the Phi ladelphia, and Baltimore Central Railroad for Concord, Kennett, Oxford, ,to. FIEITS&WOOD, ji 9- If Briperintendent. ar t mats WEST_ CHESTER RAILROAD Trains via PENN SYLVANIA RAILROAD, leave docat, corner ELE •VENTIi and MARKET Streets, at 8.45 A. M., 12 noon, and 4 P. hi. On Sunday a train leaves Ileventh and Market Watts at 7.80 A. IC, and West Cheater at 4 P. M. no3-tf p 4:4 4A4 3 + , : lY_Ka, Z 301444 THE ADAMS EX worr. PRESB - 003IPANY, Office MU OHESTNTJT Street, forwards Parcels, Package', Xer obandiee, Hank Notes, and Strecie, either . by Its owr Was or in connection with other Express Companies, it elf Ilbeprinclisal Towne and °Motor the United Stake Z. S. SANDFORD, funeral AnDartnbustlerot WORMAN & ELY, No. 130 PEGG Street, manufacturers of patent CAST-STEEL TABLE CU' LIMY; also, a lately-patented COMBI NATION KNIPP,, "FORT, and SPOON, especially adapted for Camp use, for Fishermen, Sea-faring Men, Mechanics, Miners, L umbermen; and 'aTlVorismen car rying their dinners. W. E.'a Cutlery warrantai to be of the best quality of ENGLISH. OAST-STEEL, and la intended to supersede, by its excellence and cheapness, the inferior qualities of Cutlery now in the market, and to which they respectfully invite the attention of .the Hardware dealers generally. my29.3m A MERICAN ROOFING SLATES, .E 1 FULLY EQUAL to the BEST WELSH SLATES. T. THOMAS, W728-7.y 214 WALNUT Street JOHN B. MYERS & CO., AMMON- Elm, No.. 222 and 234 31M1X122' 8434414 BALE OF OARMITTINOL TFII6 3101:WINO, June 13, on Tour months' crolit • IMO Vocns velvet, Bruosels, togrean. end liteatedan oar iteting.o, mottling. ho BALI OF FRENCH DRY Gone. ON MONDAY IkIOII,NINO. June 18, on four months' credit -850 pechegee French, German, Swim, end British dry goods. SALE OF BOOTS AND SHOES ON TUESDAY MORNING. Juno 17 on four month'. credit. 3,000 packages boots and shoes. BALE OF DRY 6001110 ON T lIIIRSDLY MORNING, Juno IR, on four months' credit— OO nookenes British. French, and A Merit's dry (loads' VURNEBB, BRINLEY, & 00., ••10 42D OWASTRUT =MIT BAIN OF STLK DRESS GOODS, RIBBONS, Ac , THIS (FRIDAY) MORNING, JUNE 13, AT 10 O'CLOCK. A OARD.—The attention of purchasers is roquested to our sale of Ftench dry goods, this (Friday) morning. June 13, at 10 o'clooh, by catalogue, on four months , credit, comprising a desirable assortment for present sales. NOTICE TO RETAILERS. • In sale this morning— • 50 pieces 24040 inch heavy black gros de Ritines 20 pieces 24-inch double face Lyons black pock de BOLO 10 pieces 24. incb Seared black drcansets. 30 pieces 26-inch lthl! !mitre black tatfetas. 00 piece's Paris chintz figures] foulards. 150 pieces 8.4 Paris silk and wool faconne dross gloat!. pieces black organdie!' and lawns. 300 Paris lace point. and bounce. • 200 Paris black Stella thawls, bream borders. NOTICE TO DE IVERS IN RIR SONS, LACES, be THIS HORNING, • An invoice of 4 to 4.0 white, black, and colored ribbons, just landed. 100 cartons No 1 white and snorted satin ribbons.. Malice end laces. 50 carious trimmed bats. BHT CLOTHING .AND EQITIP- A OFFICE, TWELBTH AND GIRABD STREETS, PIIILADULI'HIA. Juni 11,1862. • PROPOSALS will be received at this offico until WE D. ESDAY. 18th most, at 12 o'clock H., for furnishing, at the Belinylkill Arsenal, one thousand (1,000) Hospital Tents and Flue, to be of army pattern; the Toots to be made of 28X.inch duck, 12- ounce ; the Flies of Bag-inch 10-ounce duck. Moo, one thousand (1,000) sots Hospital Tent-poles. Bidders can bid for Tents complete, in cluding Poles; or separately for eitive, or for any portion Of the Tenth or Tent- poles. Proposals will be endorsed, Proromls for Hospital Tents," or "Proposals for Hos pital Tont-poles," and addressed to CITY OF. CH&BLESTOWN, MAS -4sBAOIII7STITTS.—SeaIed Protocols will be received by the Water Commissioners of the City of Charlestown, until JUNE. 80th, for laying,' in eaid City and on the tine of their 'Water Works, about 21miles of CAST-Ift0.1( PIPES. Plana of the work can be seen, and informa tion concerning said work he obtained, at the office of the Engincer or Water Commissioners, Charlestown. Copies of specifications and contract, and forms of pro posals, will be seut to parties desiring to make bids for the work. on 'heir making application for the Baum to the Water Commissioners. Bonds, with sureties, will be required from mike contracting. The Commission ers reserve the right to accept that promo& which, under all circumstances, they shall consider most favorable to the interests of the city, or to reject all proposals of- fered. 1862. For Water Connnireioners, EDWARD LAWRENCE, Chairmen. ' C. L STEVENSON, Chief Engineer C. W. W •jel2lot • • • fIITY OF CHARLESTOWN, MA.S IL/ SACTIUSIETTS.—The Water Commissioners of the City Of Charlestown will receive prop-sale for making, delivering, and laying on the line of their distribution pipes, One Hundred and Forty PERE HYDRANTS. In making proposals for the same, parties must include the Hydrant Pipe, the Bend, the Hydrant, Frames, Covers, and all apptutenaucee connected therewith, ex cepting the branches in main pipes. They must also slate the price at which they will lay and connect the Ilydraut pipes with the branches In the MMUS, and perform all the work incident to placing the Hydrants in per feet or der [or use, including delivery and all trenching or other diming. Parties making proposals must accompany tbtm with doetgne of the style of HI drant thee propose. Them designs must be drawn to scale, In detail, so as to admit of their being readily understood. The total amount of 4-Inch Hydrant Pipe required le about Eleven Hundred (1,100) feet. 817.5 of Nozzle 2.l inch, with sufficient size of Hydrant to admit of increasing diameter of nozzle to 4 inches, without removal of Hydrant. Proposals will also be received for about One hundred and Sixty STOP COCKS, of the following sizes 76 of 4-loch, 66 of 6-Inch, 14 of 8-incb, 2 of 10-inch, 8 of 16- inch, 3 of 14-inch. The proposals for Stop Cocks to in clude every essential casting pertaining to the same anti the delivery of all Cocks or Castings at such pieces in Charlestown es the Engineer may from time to time direct. Designs of the styles proposed for to be presented at same time as bid. Plans of Dis tribution Pipe, showing Positions of. Hydrants and Stop Cocks, can be seen at the office of the Engineer or Water Commissioners. All design, mnst ho sent to the Engineer, on or before JUNE 30th, 1882. Tha Com missioners reserve the right to accept er reject any of the vituperate offered. 'For Water Commissioners, EDWARD L aWRENCE, Chairman. 0. L. STEVENSON, Chief Engineer, 0. W. W. jel2-/Ot pROPOSALS FOR QUARTY:RIIABTHR'S OFFICE U. B. MARINI3 COMPS, ) . WASEINGTON, May. 20, 18e2. SEALED PROPOSALS will be received at this office until Monday, the 236 day of Juno, 1862, at 3 , for supplying Wood and Cost to the U. 8. Marlees stationed at Philadelphia, Pa., fearer Ist July, 1862. to 30th June, 1E63. , • . • Tho Wood to bo good Merchantable Oak, and to be delivered, piled, measured, and Inspected at such points within the vralle of the Marino Barracks, as may be de signated by, the Commanding Marine °Moor, free of ex pense to the United States. The Coal to be beet White Mit Anthracite Egg Coal, free from dust, and to weigh 2240 lbs, to the ton, to be weigh ed, 'lmpeded, uod delivered at each points within Les walls of the Marine Part actin, ae may be designated by the Commanding Marine Officer, free of expe.use to the busted States; atm both Wood and Coal to be frunfslird at each times and in- anch quantities as the said Com mending Marine Officer may require. Payments will be made upon the quarterly requisition of the Commanding Officer, dating the quantities re quired for the tree of hie command, agreeable to regula tions. A guaranty to be signed by two reeponsible riersons, whore respensibllity must be certified to by the U. d. District Judge, U. S. District Attorney, or U. S. Collec tor, must accompany each proposal, otherwise it will not be considered. To be endorsed ..Propcnnebt for Fnel," and addreesed to the undersigned, W. B. blilkOK, rny23 fit Major and Qnarterrnaster. ToßorosALs FOR .FURNISHING JL THE PAPP.R. TOE TILE PUBLIC PRINTING. OFFICE BITPERINTBSDEXT PUBLIC PRIN7INCI. Washington, May 1, 1862. IN PURSUANCE of tho provisions of the Seventh section of the "Joint Resolution in relation to the Pub lic Printing," approved Jima 23, 1860, SEALED PRO POSALS will be received et this office until TUESDAY, the Ist day of July, 1562, at 12 o'clock 31., for ftirnishing the paper that may be required for the public printing for one year, commencing on the let day of December, 1862, and ending on tho 30th day of November, 1863: The subjoined list epecides, as nearly ashen be ascer tained, the quantity of each kind of paper that will be required: 14,000 reams tine 'printing paper, uneatoudered, to moo lure 24 by' 38 inches, and to wolgb fifty pounds to the it eon of 300 sheets. 6,000 reams fine printing paper, calendered, to measure 24. by S 8 inches, and to weigh fifty six pounds to the ream of 500 sheets. [agreeably to the provisions of the joint resolution aforesaid, samples of the character and quality of the paper required tor the above clams will be furnished to applicants therefor.' Thin paper is to be put up in quires of twenty4ve sheets each, and in bundles of two reams each ; each ream to contain 501) perfect cheats. Uniformitr. in color, thickness, and weight will' be reiuiredi and no bundle (exclusive of wrappers) varying over or under ive per cent. from the standard weight will be received, and the grove weight will in all cases be required. Mix ing of various thickieases in the same bundle to make up the weight will be considered a violation of the contract.] Clang 3. 400 reams sumfine printing paper, hard-slzed and roper-ealendered, to measure 24 by 32 inches, and to weigh elfty Denude to the ream of 500 sheets. 2,000 reams superßne map papor, sized and calendered, of such sizes as may required, corresponding i n weight with paper measuring 19 by 24 inches, and weighing twenty pounds per ream of 480 sheets. 500 reams superfine plate paper (caleadered or un calendered, as may be required), 19 by 24 inches, and of such weight per ream as may be required. 1. 1,600 reams quarto-post writing paper, 10 by 16 inches. 2. 2,000 do. 'cap do. 18 by lag do. S. 100 do. dewy do. 18 by 20% do. 4. 1,000 do. folio-post do. - 17 by 22 do. 5. 100 do. medium do. 18 by 23 do. 6. 60, do. royal . do.. •19 by 24_ do. 7. 50 do. super royal do. 20 by 28 do. 8. 60 do. impfrial do. 2234 by 31 do. 9. 100 do. double cap _ do. 18 by 26 do. 1. 6,000 reams writing paper, 16 by 26 inches; to Weigh twenty-three pannus per ream. 2. 3,100 reams writing paper, 18 by 25 inches, to weigh twenty.six pounds per ream. 3. 100 reams writing paper, 18 by 22 Inches, to weigh twenty-four pound. per ream. 4. 340 resins wilting paper, 18 by 18 inches, to weigh twenty two pounds per ream. 5. 400 imams writing paper, 12 by 18 inches, to weigh twelve pound. per ream. All the papers designated in clams, 4,5, 6, and 7, must contain 4 80 perfect sheets to the ream, and no "outside" quires They - are to be made of the beet materials, free from adulteration. finished in the best manner, cut to a true edge, and mcnrely and substantially enveloped. The papere in clam 6 are to be white or blue, laid liAt, and of each weights as may be required by this office. Those in abuses /f; 4,6, and 7 are to be white, and of the sines and weights specitied in the schee,nle. The right is reserved of ordering a greater or lees quan tity of each and every kind contracted for in all the classes, to be furnished at ouch times and in such quantities as the publichelvice may require. 'reach Was will be considered separately, and be sub ject to a separate contract ; but bidder' may oirtr for one or mere of the clams in the same proposal. No proposals will be coraidered unless accompanied by the guarantee that the billder'or 6dders, If his or their proposal Ilan be accepted, will enter-into an obligation, with good and entlitient sureties, to furnish the articles proposed. Blank terms for . proposale will be furnished at this office, and none will be taken into consideration unless substantially agreeing therewith. All the paper in the several classes must be delivered at the Government Printing tithe., In Washington city, (exorpt that in class 7, which most be delivered at lite ral°, in the State of New Tork,) in good order, free of all and every extra charge or expense, and subject to the in spection, count, weight, and measurement of the Sneer intendant, anti be in all reepccai satisfactory. Bidders are required to, turnieh, with their proposals, simples of not less thou one quire of each of the kinds of paper bid for, and upon which their proposals may be booed, exceit in classes and 2. The succusful bidders will he reutdred ilgidly to conform to their ninnies: Pronoeale Will be addressed to "Jong D. Ditfluils, Su rintendeit of the Public Printing, Washington," en d ens met, ‘. Proposals for Supplying Paper." myl-th9t 111.,*and 2 gar 11 OM. SON'S LONDON KITCIIENER "—We are now manufacturing "THOMSON'S LONDON KITCHENER," or EUROPEAN RANGE, !suitable for large and small famines, hotels, hospitals, and other public institutions, in gnat variety. Alm, Portable Binges, the ts Philadel obis Range," Gas Ovens, Bath Boilers, and Cast-iron Shills, together with a great variety of small and large sized Hot.air Furnaces, Portable Heaters, Eire-board Stoves, Low-down Grates, &c. Wholesale and Retail OXLY at our Warerooms. E HAVE JUST' RECEIVED from London direct a large lot of Orono and BLeckwell'e celebrated ridden JAMES HOMER & SONS, SEVENTH and NOBLE and SIXTH and WOOD., mr2o-tf COTTON SAIL .DUCK AND CAN VAS, of ail numbers mid brands. Raven's Duck Awning ' 'Twills, of all deaoriptions, 101 Tanta, Awidnga, Trunks, and Wagon Covers, Also,Paper Manufacturers' Drier Felts , from 1 to t feet w ide. Tarriuling, Belting, Bail Twine, &o. JOHN W. INBRII&N & m 7441, 102 JONES LW,. SALES BY AUCTION PROPOSALS ' G. H. OROSMAN, Deputy Quartermuter General NORTH, °FUSE, .9 NORTE', • No. 209 North SECOND Street, fonr doors above Race street SALES BY AUCTION lir THOMAS & SON'S, . Not. 139 and 141 South FOURTH Strom IIigrPPIILIC SALE' , REAL ESTATE AND STOOK AT THE Excn NCB EVERY TUESDAY. 11(7" FURNITURE, at the Auction Store, every Thurs day teeming. sir NEAL ESTATE AT PRIVATE S A.LIC —We have a large atnonnt of reel estate at private sale, in chiding every description of city and country property.. Flitted lists may be had at the Anction Store. REAL ESTATE BALE-JrriE IT Peremptory BaIe—VALUAPLE CO kl. LANDS.— Our t•a , el7th Jnne will inclode 7 tracts coal land., Broad Top townabip, Penna. Full descriptions ready in hand- JONES' lEIOTEL.—The valtisble property known as Jones' Hotel, south ardent Chestnut street. bet wee° Sixth and Peventh, 50 feet six inch.• on Cheatrint street, 235 tet•t in depth, and 51 feet 6 inches on &mem street. The betiding Is four stories high, end for many years kept as fitnt•class bore', In one of the b' et equates on Ciwilnat street, adjoining and opposite splendid stores. REAL ESTATE SALE-TUNE 24 . . . Orohana' ebort Sole—Rbtate of Soho Smith, deo'd.— TWELVE PROPERTIES. Orphans' Court Salo—Estate of Alm. 'Kitchell, deed. Pale N 0.1815 Vine Ptreet HANDPOME PURNITURE, BOOKCASE, vEvrqr CARPETS. &c. ON TUESDAY mommro. June 11, at 10 o'clock, by catalogue, at No. 815 Vine street, the handsome part r, dining-room, and chaining/ furniture, bookcaeo, line velvet carpets, china and glaer warc, &c. Alpo, the kitchen furniture. PHILIP FORD & 00.. AMMON- X3RI3, 625 BIAIIIERT •nd e92(7OItIMZEON SO. MLR OF 1,000 GAM BOOTP, BROW, BRO GANS, ke. ON MONDAY MORNING, June 16, at 10 o'clock. procinely, wild he sold, by cata logue 1,000 calms menu', boys', end youths' calf, kith and grain boots; calf and kip brogans, Cougrees gaiters, Oxford ties, walking oboes, Bm.; women's, mimes', and obiltren's alf, kip, goat, kid, and morocco heeled boots and %hoes, gaiters, slippers, &c., including. a large assortment of first-class city-made goody. s;r - Open for exaadnation, with catalogues, early on 11w morning of We. TDANCOAST do WARNOCK, AUC— MIMES& No. MS NARK= Street. LARGII POSITIVE SALE OP STRAW GOODS, h Catalogue. THIS MORNING June 13, commencing at 10 o'clock precisely, com prising a general assortment of fashionable golds for ladies', children's. and man's wear Included will be found fine and medium Ilona , * braid, split straw, and fancy and wbite hair bonnets; Leghorn, split stisw, pedal braid. and fancy Mali for misses' and children's wear; assorted palm and willow hoods; palm, eclat and Panama hats, for goats and boy:. ARTIFICIAL FLOWZR , S. Also, this morning, an invoice of artificial flowant. LARGE POSITIVE SALE OY AMERICAN AND IMPORTED DRY GOODS, RIBBONS MILLINERY GOODS, EMBROIDERIES. /co.. by Cata'ogne, ON WEDNESDAY MORNING, Juno 18, commencing at 10 o'clock preciaely. STOCK OF LAI IRS' FRANCO FURNISHING GOODS. ON WEDNESDAY, Jove 38, consisting, In part, of real French embroidered dresses, night and dressing gowns, skirts, cape, eels, bunnies, cuffs, chemises, linen cambric handkerchiefs, comprising very rich and high coat goods, imported for beat city sales. MOSES NATHANS, AUCTION/ WA AND 00111111881014 iIESZROTIAWT, soutbeeet corner et SIXTH and SAO'S Streets GREAT BARGAINS—WATCHES AND JEWELRY AT PRIVATE SALE.—Fine ;told and silver laver, le pine, English, Swiss, and French watches for less than half the usua l selling prices. Watches fmm one dollar to one hundred dollars each Gold chains from 40 to 50 cents per dwt. Pianos sheep. TA.KE NOTIOZ The htgbest POS3Iblo price is loaned on evade ni XV. Maw' Principal Establiement, eontivest yore .= Math and Base streets. At lout oac-third mere thAll et any other establishment to this city. -NATHAN'S' PRINOIPAL MONEY SETABLUMII MENT. 250,000 TO LOAM, In large or small amounts, from one idles to thotgands, on diamonds, gold and silver plate, watches, 71Sweir7: merchandiee, clothing, furniture, bedding, plano3, goods of every description. LOANS MADE AT THE LOWEST MARKET BATE& This eetsblisbmeut has largo fire and thief-proof nes, for the safety of 'valuable goods, together with a rivals watchman on the premises. EBTABLISRED POE. Till LAST SO TAE!. ALL LAWN LOANS MADE. AT TY, ..---._ linitiOrPEL OHLRGES ORNLTLY BEDI76ILD. RACHINERY AND IRON. J. VAl7olllll3nytaToB, JOBS Z. COM WILLIANRIOIL. ' HAHTLZY Kftsatoll4 QOUTHWARK FOUNDRY, 14..1 FIFTH AND WASHINGTON STREETS, PHILADRLPRIA. MERRICK. & SONS, ENGINEERS AND NAcHlNzsrs, Manufacture High au& Lew Preserve Steam Enema, for land, river, and marine eervice. Boilers, Gasometers, Tanks, Iror. Boata, &o.; Out ings of all kinds, either iron or brims. Iron-Frame Boofe for G6e tirt;ttta, Weikel/0^ Eat mad Stations, tco. Retorts end Gas Machinery of the Watt and most Improved construct:on. Every description of Mutation ittaohtnerY, such Sugar, Saw, and Grin Mille, Veen= Pane, Open Steam Trains, Defecators, Filters, Primping Engines, &a. Bole Agents for N. Billienz's Patent Sugar Boning Apparatus; Nennyth's Patent Steam Hammor, and As -Aim-nil & Wolney's ratont Centrifugal Dow Draining . Machine. an 6-11 gink i. PENN STEAM 'ENGI NE AND BOILER WORICIL—NZAFFII at rantrY4 PRACTICAL AND THEORETICAL ENCL. HERBS, MACHINTSTE,BOILER.III4IIEDS, BLACK SMITHS, and FOUNDERS, having, for many years, boin In successful operation, and boon exclusively ca. gaged In balding and repairer Marine and River Ma shies, high and low pressure, Iron Boilers, Water Teaks, Propellors, to.. too:, really offer their sorvioes to, the Dnblio, oa being fully prepared to contract for En. zinc, of all; Marine, River, and Stationary, having &a of patterns of different sizes, uro prepared to exe cute orders with Quick despatch. Every description of pattern making made at the aborted notice. High and Low-pressure, Flue, Tubular, and Cylinder Boilers, of the hest Pennsylvania charcoal Iron. Forging°, of ell sizes and kinds; Iron and Brats Castings, of all demi". tlons; 801 l Turning, &rew-Ontting, -and all other work oonnortect with the above business. Drawings and Specifications fbr all work done at Mete establishment, free of charge, sod work guarantied. The subscribers have ampte wharf-dock room t+r rs pairs of boats, where they can lie in 'perfect safety, sad aro provided with shears, blocks, falig, 5t0., &0., for Mt. tog heavy or Light weights. JACOB 0. NBABIZ, JOHN P. LEVY, BICACH and PALMER. Streets MORGA.N, ORR, :tr. CO., STEAM ENGINE BUILDERS, Iron Rounders, 11 , 0 Genera: Machinieta and Boiler Makers, W 0.1210 CAL. Lowumb Street. Pbiledigabia. falttAY SHIPPING d iz t _ FOR NEW YORK-THIS DAY—DESPATCH AND SWISTSIIRA •LibrEs—TlA DELAWARE AND RARITAN CANAL. Steamers of the shore Lines will lean DAILY, at 12 and 6 P. N. For freight, which will bo taken on accom:nadating terms. apply to WM. M. BATED & 00, nly2l-tf 132 South DELAWARE Aromas. an BOSTON AND PHILIADEIr , PHIL STEAMSHIP LINF.—Prom PICG Street, Philadelphia. and LONG lArharf, Boston, Sic. The steamship SAXON, Captain Matthews, wfg eaa from Philadelphia for Boston on SATURDAY, June 14, al 10 o'clock A. M., aud from Beaton for Philadetphia or. MONDAY, June 9, at 4 o'clock P. IL Insurance one. half that by sail vowels. Preight taken at fair rates. Shippers will planso send bills lading with their goads Yor freight or passage (having line accommodallom for paaseagsre), apply to H.ENBT WINSOB Et 00., SU SOUTH WHAB ' ' gm THE BRITISH AND NOR H. 11001106.11 BUYAL MGM r 12.6.0... YBON NEW YORK TO JAYNOPOOL. . Oiler Cabin Passage ME flcootel Oabba Paemge 1: ' BROX BOBTON TO LITYBPOOL. Chief Cabin Presage c'qf Beyond Oabin 'Passage C. The Wpm from New York call at Oork Errbm. The ship from Boston call at ilalifax =ll Oaf NFi bor. SCOTIA, Oayst.Niue °ULNA. Capt. Ando:nor- PE.118141. Gspt Lott. 13Ik, Capt. Cook. AEABLk, Capt. J. Stow. EUROPA, Ca*. J. Lanais. APRIGe , O..IITADk, Capt. Muir. AMERICA, Oapt. Noodle. !NIAGARA, Capt. A. Err ' • AWITUALkOTAN. Thews remold carry a oleo: white ilghl titzisev-ismsl Arvin en starboard bow; Tel on port bow. SCOTIA, Judkins, leaves N York, Wednesday, June 4. ETIEOPA, Cook, Boston, Wednesday, June 11. PERSIA, Lott, n N.York, Wednesday, Juno le. AFRICA, Shannon, « Boston, Wednesday, jrtue 2I ?NINA, Anderson, w E.Tork, Wednesday, .11dr 3. ARABIA. Noodle, 41 Boston, Wudneedsy, July D. EIGOTIA, Judhins, a .N.Y•rk, Wednesday, July 16. .Berthrs not secured until paid for. . An etyorienced Surgeon on hosed. The crstmonsOf these ebbe will poi be smr.ntetie for SW, Silver, Bullion. Specie, Jewelry, Precious Moine ; or Neuds, unless Mlic of Lading ars Blamed therefor, rat the value thereof thiredn expo: weed. For freight*: pee uPPIY to Z. OIINABIr ; BOWLING GREEN. New Twit. B. C. dr J. G. 102 STATE Street, BINIVitt. LOKIVNE.XHIBITION—RETUaIi TWEETS TO LONDON AND BACK : nea. seoond-elan Bd. gatWE IrLY COMA_ r/TNIOA .. TION BY STEAM BETWEEN NEW Your. AND LIVERPOOL, cake at QITTESO TOWN, (Ireland ' ) to land and embark parunkarr NeePateb4. The Liverpool, New York, and fradadelabia Steam- MP Company's rplendld Clyde-built iron gee steak dux are Intended to sail as follows: ram NEW YORK FOR Lrarrech. CITY .OF. B ALTIMORE...... Saturday, May 31, 1862. KANGAROO Saturday, June 7, 1862. CITY OF NNW Y0RK....... Saturday, June 24, 1802. CITY OF WASHINGTON... .satnalay, Jane 21. 1862. And every Saturday thronatont the yera, from Pm me. VS N. R. RATRB OF PA8811.61 THROUGH FROM PRILADRIRMIL Cabin, to Queenstown, or uv0rp001....- . Vfi Do. to London, Tin Liverbsol WO accrue to Queenstown, or Lborpool. SR De. to London. - tin Do. Let urn tickets, available for six months, from Liverpool SW Passengora forwarded to Ham, Par* Hamburg, Brunet, and Antwerp at through rate*. Destificatos of passage issued from UTISOOOI to Nate York itted Vertilicatee a Passe*, laffacki ikto Q c " nl+4 " /sc-4 York . These steamers bare supe - rior accommodations for lea =tors, CKJ•conatrnated with weber-tied cemparromU, wad carry experienced Surgeons. Por *eight, or paeaagte i apply at the office of tha pm_ piny, JOHN 0. DALT, Agent, 111 Walnut street, Philadelphia, • In /detegoot, to WM. 31112,13, tewerSadidlnea. In Glaegow, to WM. IMAM 18 Dixon street. sa dv at FOR NEW YORK. NEW DAILY LINN vie Delaware amt Barium Ottnal. Philndelptds and Now York lixpreas Steamboat espy receive freight and leave daily at 2 P. M., deliver- Leg their cargoes in New York the following day. Weights taken at reasonable rote+. • WA.; P. CLYDE, Agent, No. IA SOUTH WHARVES, riatadeWit. ,JAMEI BANE, Agent, ala.ff Piers 14 Ann .1A 'EAST SWAB. Now Toe*. T :ATOlat OkIVE OIL.- - 463 baskets A-d .LAs OUR OLIVE on, just received, and for sale by JAAJBETSILIik BLATXBONE, 222 and 204 South FRONT Strad. • OEGTION.—Having semen spurious article of on branded Latour," we caution the public against purohastug the same, as the genuine J. Latour Oil Can be procured only front na. JAREUTORE & LAVERGNE, 202 and 204 South FRONT Street.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers