GENERAL NEWS. THE PARIS CORBISP aNDENT of the Now York Beenfrig Post writes is his lest letter, ender date of hlay le : The great romance of the day is " Lee Miserable." 'of Victor lingo. The first, part, tt Fantine " in two Volumes, has run through five editions for France alone; 25,000 copies is France, Belgium, and Germany, an d nine traneletiona, all in She space of a few weeks. Yes tettlay parts second and third woro announced, ti (to ilette" and Marius." The work is published in the neatest Parisian style—splendid type, thick paper, and broad margins. Price, twelve francs for the two volumes. No book hate over been so devoured by the public Mace 1 . Uncle Tones Cabin." Edition after edition disappears like snowflakes on the water. It is the groat sensation •of the day in literary circles; and I do not wonder at It, for it combines all the elven nts that would naturally es •clte enthusiasm and stir up the souls of readers of all classes to ttelr very depths. GENEROUS AND NOBLE.—A. few nights ago, one of the ladies of our city, a passenger on the Metropolis, while coming from hew York with some sick and wound :od prisoners, seeing that they wore not oared for as . her generous nature would dictate, and learning from them that the want of the inner man was thoatrongost, called the steward of tho boat to her, and said: 4, Oan these num have supper T" "No, mann, theta has been no provision made of that kind by the Government, and we cannot provide these unless we provide all." "Gan you get them suppers If I will pay for it!" • Yea." " Very well, do so." The supper was accordingly get, with al. the delicacies on band. No stint, but the beet, for which the sum Or $llO was paid. No one was informed of the act—t.o het old or newspaper reporter was there - to pro claim it. One of the recipients of her noble bounty Is the author of the above —/.4/1 Nicer Press. MARRIAGE A HUNDRED YEARS AGO.—The fol ios lug extract from the Gentlemen's Magazine far 1760 may not be uninteresting to our readers Juue, 1700, Mr. Win. Doukin. a con siderable ftumer, of Great Tosson,.(near Itothhnry,) in dhe county of Northumberland, to Miss Manor Shoton, an agreeable young genthwoatin of the same place. The entertainment on this occasion was vary grand, there being provided no hes thin 120 quarters of lamb, 41 Quarters of Teal, 20 quarters of mutton, a great quantity of beef, 12 ham& with a suitable 'mintier of chickens, , which was concluded whit eight half anklet of brandy, made Into punch, 12 dozen of cider, a great cuany gallons of wide, and ninety bushels of malt made into beer. The corupiuy consisted of 558 ladies and gentlemen, who concluded with the mimic of 25 fiddlers and pipers, and the whole was conducted with the utmost order and unanimity." THE GREAT bIONOPOLY, the Camden and Amboy Railroad, will receive a serloue blow, to the delight of the 'civilised world, by the opening of, a new fine for pennon. gera and freight between New York and Philadelphia. Thin in formed by a ecnnectlon of the Raritan and Dela. wara.Ray railroad with the Camden and Atlantic rail road, and in expected to go into operation in two months. tit la undmatood that the Peuosylvania Central Railroad will small thenwelves el lti i ecilitlee for freight carriage if afforded at a cheaper rate than that of the Camdoo and Amboy Company. The road was chartered with no op. bosition from the Camden stud Amboy, it being !opposed that the route wan impracticable, and would not be pre..- .denoted. ANDY J OHNSON.--A correspondent who visited Andy Johnson, ears he takes his meets In the public dining room of his hotel at Nmhvilitt, with not even a waiter to parse him specially. lhough a brigadier general, he 'neaten° mark of hie military honors, and teems to avoid bed. room Is a plain affair, half filled by a bid, and he often sits there mail after midnight, reading and leditivg despatches by the light, of tallow candles. As a coesenueuce, be locks pale and careworn. Us de <llllTell his belief that if tia military iueations were Net tled, the people or Tennessee would vote themselves back into the Union by a majority of arty thousand. OFFIOE-SEEKERS WANTBD. —New London, liana, is a city in which the (Alice of mayor does not pay, ns it minify COILS rbout $l.OOO more than the regu •lar salary.' Consequentli, at a recent canons in that city, about a doeeu candidates were nominated, who, -being prole - lit, immtillattly rose and declined. Finally, flay notninaiod Ceurtised Starr, who, being absent, -could net decline, and the meeting Immediately adjourn ed, for fear he ti ould come In and do so OUR the fourth of March, 1881, when President Lincoln Wll3 innnguratad, the Government 'Towels available for servicewere only four in number, carrying 2;i guns Our navy now consists of 264 vessels of all antes, carrying 2,057 guns, -with an aggregate ton nage of 318,015 tuna. Tho number of seaman now em ployed Ia 22,000. TM/ RUMFORD MEDAL AWARDID TO .ERIOi -501C—Ace ato Erot•th+d to learn that the .Amorioan _Academy of Atte and :Memos, on Tuesday evening, by manimout vote, gwn•drd the Rumford Medal to Oap lain Ericsson, lot his dlaeov,.riee and improvements In dbe application or calm ie. The award is highly honora ble, both to the Acsdemy and the recipient of this ap diropriate and well•mcrited honor. A SPEOIMXN.—The Wabash Express says that D 'Webster Toorhem Eso , who recently made such a Man Ins speech in Cougre•a, complaining of.the increased taxes, &c., bee lived in 'I erre Haute six years, and has mover paid a coot of taxes. He Is a pretty speaimen to talk about taxes. THE LAST ease of modesty le that of a lady who dis• •carded her luver, a era captain, to speaking of •one of his Toyer a, be said that be hugged the shore. A NEW,NAME.—The Nashville Union calls the Trebel league:4 , The greet douthera Skedaderecy " FINANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL. THE MONEY MARKET. PHILADILPHIA, June 12,1862. The new 8150,CC0,000 treasury-note bill, reported, from the Committee of Wars and lifeline, is a insist deal of exOtentent. With foreign Imports Increas ing and exports decreasing, the belaace of foreign trade is against ne, and incroaere the export of gold. Cotton and tobacco bolos out of the market, and likely to be for some time to 'came, we see no way of avoiding the deple tion of our bank vaults but by prohibiting the exporta tion of specie. money is plenty to day, anti is without change In rates. Rican:ley any paper is offered, buye , s being too nume• one at 4to 0 per cent. Gold is active at 4K prentiout Drying, 5 eelllni• Stocks were unolmally active today, menially the' bond list. Pennsylvania Railroad, Orel mortgage, had a large eale, at 105; the second mortgage advanced X, with heavy. ealee. Beading, sixes, 1870, also advanced, and sold at 93X, rem ding Xon the closing bid. 'United State, certificates of Indebtedness brought 100 X, with a -short supply; 720 e endorsed brought 105 X, the blank 100, the latter berg an advance; the alxee, 1881, rose X, Ond were firmly held at 105 X. Philadelphia and leis sixes' declined X on last enles. Pennsylvania lives were active at 80X, Red the coupon, fives at 92, Elmira Ratirocui • sevens, at 89,1090, were firm. Schuylkill Envigatien sires, 1832, at 74, and 1872 at 90 were an advance. die former of 2. Sunbury and Erie asvens.were steady at yesterday's price. North Pennolvania sixes ad/nerd X, with 98 bid for the tans. Lehigh Navigation still contlimes depreeeed— 47X was Lid for sham; the eerie cold down to 20%, but recovered to 30 before the close. Refilling Railroad shares were un easy, selling as lee as 25% and aa high as 28%; the lat ter was advanced on Y , s'erdey's closing sale. Oatawissa preferred sold up to 1231, an nil vsnce of X; the common 3X, X advance en, yeeterilei's Beare. Norristown, in lots, Proutht 43. Long Island advanced %, with con siderable sales re; 17%. Deaver Bleadow recovered a little, and sold up to 52X. North Pennsylvania declined X, but recovered, sold at 10X, and Met X oa the closing pule, Mine Hill ialveneed X. Little Schuylkill fell N. 'Schuylkill If aviantloa refen al was very active at prices ranging from tlig to 10%—the latter was bid for more; mottling was done in the common ellarce. Passenger rail ways were again active. Thirteenth and Fifteenth brought 10X at the. First Board, and advanced to 17, being an advance o lon yesterday's price. Girard Gel lege advaucid 1; Green and Coated 1%; arch etreet 1%; Spruce and Pine 1. 39 was bid for Chestnut and Wal nut; 54X for Weet Philadelphia; Tg for Race and Vine. For hank thores there was little demand. Girard remains at 40% ; Courollactiou brought 25g. .Tdoefirs. Drexel .k Co., bankers, No. 88 South Third greet, Quote : Vow York exchauge partol-10 pm Easton exahange. ' -. • ' ' Parol-10 pm Baltimore exchange. wog dM Country funds . ' X tat3.lo ilia. . akmerfcau geld 4X cos prom. V. 5.7 3.10 Troasury 110000 1000,106 X. One year certlicatro MOM prom. The New York Poet of today says: The Stock markt t opened with much buoyancy on Go vernment securities tL la morning, and the railroad stook' followed up Xal per test.. under a pretty general ex •citetneut through the speculative list. The demand for New York Central continued strong, and NS per cent. vas freely paid. The United States six per cents of Hal advanced to lottx the4,llo per cent. treasury notes to aoe3i, and United Sratee Doted of .the Custom House is pus to 1027 per cent. The railroad bonds were also quite firm, and moat de. perlptions scarce at tine Board. The recent rise in Har lem shares of both cia4sen is very decidedly supported, •while Bock Island, Iliclugvn Southern, and moat of the other Western stocks arc tirm.• Since the Board, the amok market la firm ; males of New York Central at Pa% n 93;1 per cent. The market for gout L. up to lo4x elo4,?; per cont., and this additional adranet hie carries bille on London to 116 per cent. Exchange is not RO slit as earlier in the day-115%n IN per cent. Ithilaidelphla Stock Exchamo Sales, Jane 12. [Reported by S. SLA BO ALIBR, Phila. Exchaage.) Fi.nst ARD. a 13th &I ith-ht P. 10% 50 Catawba B 3% 40 Girard Conoge R 21h 200 do 3 % 'CO do 22 45 Croen Jr. Coates.. 30% 921 a itiglt 6trip.... SO 147 Norrintaa R Job 48 00 do ...... .... 29% 200 Long leld R 17% 10 do. b 5 29% 100 do. bbwa 17% 1100 Reeding R 281( 11000 13 R Debt Clert..loo% 4 do 1.8, 1 i 641 , 0 SUM Genel Be-- 32 . 100 do. .. n 8 44 02 Roarer Mead.— 52 60 do . b 5.28 44 .. 8 do 52% 11.0• do 2de 2E% MOO Phil & Erie 6g... 92M 21 do :SK 400 U d 7-90 T N 1i0.105M 100 do UM 100 dn....blank-108 11 Morrie Cl Pret..lls 0000 Alle Valley 75.... 731( 15 do 115, 2800 Poona 5e.. ..... . 89M 220 N Pa R. lstmtg pep 76 765 do ...... . 753( 1000 Rlintra R 7e . 00, 4 4 140 N Pentut R 10 3.0000 11 S 68 11 106% 50 Cats R Pref.... 12 200 do 121 j 0000 Read° I 10.1)S tt is a 3 BOARDS. 2000 U S Bs Coup , si...lcni Girard B‘uk 40x 65 Bruce & Pine— iag 100 do. 14 60 Arch et B 204 3000 Bch Nov Os '82... 74 600 - d0....'72..b6 90 60 18th & lbth•et.... 17 EETWEt, 6000 Elmira R Ist n.t1.0 90 470 Del Mut ec..kG v. U 49 13 Little Sch )1 '9% 6 do IPX 100NPenasR 10 19 Lob Scrip ....lots 36 41 do 53)4 3.4C00 Pa E 2d mt.tut•. 98 BECONI) BOARD. 100 N Patios ft 103(1 100 Bch Nay prf.. 16K 150 do: ........LS log 5009 Pa Ooap Bet.biwn 92 100 do 10X 100 Ara-RI It 25 .100 d 0... ... 101;',. 5 dlioshlll R....". 47X 62 6149 e &Mott. 14 500 Chao & Del 05.... 80 27 Green & Coates.. 81 50 Little Bob B 19X 11000 Pa 11 Ist 9 Parma It 48,1( Iv molds CI Drt., ! . 116 10 Consothlation Bk. 2in lON Am Gold ..1048 160 Beading 8....10tA 28% `l5O do 2811 BO Cotawlsea.. 3% 1320 do . loto 183 Lebikh 3etip.lote BO 100 Sob' Nar 5X 50 do 1.5 51( 200 Bch Nar NV... 15X 100 do -5 IV; 100 do 1.60 IN 200 do 10x AFT 613. 3 N PPnoa 1 0 1{ 11 d 0. .• . . 101( Crailli) P Did. Baked. 11:1 B 6a 'Bl 'lO6 1118 Tr 7 8-10 ti.loo 106 X nogX Phllada 6a. 99 99X .ICES--STRONG. Bid. Asked Elmira R Prf... 23 26 Elmira 78 '73... 89% 90% 1. Island R..... 17% 17% Lab CI SiN.x-dv .47% 48 Lee! Nay acp.. 30 89% N Fauna R..... 10% 10% I'a R 6M 80% 81 SIT Pa B 104..... 98 100 Cataw B Con... 3% 37 ICalawiaaa Pd.. 12. 12% jrnnk &South B 48 .. 24&8d-at 89 70 Race& Yin....atß 1% 8 Phllaß 34% 65 .Strace it Pine— 14 14% 'Green &Coates.. 32 • 83 Chea & Walnut. 39 40 Arch Street--; 26% 26 ?Wads Gs new..lo3X 103 ?eon' 60 8934 e 9,1 -jieading . 2814 287 i IRead m60'80'43.102 104 Steed bde 'T0.... 034( 93% Reed mt fte 'BB.. 89 90 'Penes It ex dlr. 48 t 8)( Tenni 111 m 61..104% 105 • ' • • ;Penns R 2 ni On.. 98% 98;4 'Morrie Ceti Con.. 42 46 Morrie Cut Pref.lls 115 Ott Nat , ock . : 5 63; , 13ch Na, St Pref... 16 % tax Bch Na, 6e'82.. 74 76 itelmira 1t...... 13 14 1 Philadelphia Markets. FLOUR —There is more inquiry for Flour, and sales •iimmove. 200 bbl, COlutrion NJrtlivrestern Superfine at -SCUM ; 1,500 hble gold City Mills, do. extra W. B. !Thomas, on terms kept private ; 400 bids at 515; 500 bbls 'Northwestern the same figure, and 1,200 blds Seed atd choke 0:1I0 do. at $5.51xe8.50 bbl—the latter for fancy brands. The ,ales to the trade aromas:ly t.fa a mall way, within the same range of brleee4according •to brand and quality. etie the recciptemoderate. Bye Flour comes In ,lowly, and readily commands $5.25 4P' • , bbl. Corn Meal is ram e inquired for, and Pennsylvania jlfeal la scarce and wanted at $2.82y. 41 , LW, " FIGHTS TO C0M.R. 33 —(13y our sport ing Editor)—Between little Max, the tt Caton pet," and Jeff, the "Richmond novice." Articles are to be drawa and signed at the Seven Pines," where the first part of the Makes ia to be paid down. An intelligent contra band " will be there to enliven the performance. Next meeting to be at Charleston, when Pete Beauregard will appear on behalf of the "novice," and Jim Hunter for the " pet, > when the belts will be given. A. host of comic talent is engaged, and a lively time is expected. On the same day, in Philadelphia, there will be an exhibition of counter hits, between " One Price" and an " old Cue tomer," at Charley Stasi', No. 821 Chestnut street, under the Continental. The parties can be seen to-day. GENEIIAI, SIGEL is described as of medium stature, and of light, but well-knit frame. Ha wears a thin mcustacbe and goatee, and hie hair, which is rather long, to cut square round. He exhibits not a particle of pretension, and his a very ordinary appearance, and is not at all unlike a man clothed in the elegant styles at garment. manufactured at the palatial clothing establish mans of Granville Stoke., No. 609 Chestnut street, w9.ero the finest assortment of summer good, in the country is now cn baud. 0 Ledd, London bra. Kidder, Boston Wm Menzies, New York WB Ailing & la, Rochester Mrs Cembrill & 2 chit, N Y V Plummer &w, W I Mr Roberts, Boston ThOs Bishop & Media W H Witte G W Baldwin, Mesa Robt C Wright, Baltimore A Sibler, New York Sidney 13 Miller, Alex, Va Theo IV Miler &Iox; Va Mrs S G Miller, Alex, Va Miss Cicely 21.1110 r, Alex,Va Miss Rate Miller, Alex, Va Miss Fannie Miller, Alex,Va El Wainwright. N York Dr F Everts, N York B W B Boyd, Lancaster J A Hiestand, Parameter Jos Armarorg Sr le, Balt Semi Altaselman Fenno J H Reed, N York J Z Mclntosh, N York T E James, N York B E While, N York B P Outten & la ' Mess A Alexander, N York W N York H N Strnthere & wr. N S 0 Munger, N Jersey W T 11 Minoan, N York D C List .2 la, Virginia Mu Crawford, Virginia. B C Germander, N York Lieut. Col Batteries, N Y Mrs W S Humphreys, N Y Mrs F S Stewart & ch. N Y H Critchlow, Pittsburg Jets J Sprague, N York RJr Brodhead, N Chunk L G Rotifer). N York T Ii Dodge, Wash, D C Liout P Monroe, U S SI S Lewis, AUentown, Pa S E 'Baldwin, New Raven E 3.1 Ryder, N York F, P Roan, Anhui-a Jae A Smith, Wisconsin B A Boonel James F Carlin & son, Ya W Whiteside, Now York G Come, New. York Jai W Hammorsloy Dr Illts 1T 8 A G A Wheeler, Now York J Simons, Now York Beoj Wood, New York E Marsh, Jersey City Mrs Lizzie Marsh,‘Jer City Nine MSS Marsh; Jar City L E 111gby & wf, Dotroit DS Avery & la, Now York G W Bowen, Lockport, NY Cant Jae B Quick Jt lady Chas M Manna, New York it W Hagar, Lancaster J B Moorhead Miss Clara Moorhead Miss Caroline Moorhead E R Bennet J A Walser, York, Pa H 11 North, Columbia Mies B B Belly, Harrisburg lilies 0 Al Beily, Harrieburg Dr Reny & la, Harrisburg J K Buck, Brooklyn M Chapin, Springfield ' Geo Dwight, Springfield Geo Dwight, jr. Springfield F 8 Oozzens, N York G H Sargent, N York Thoe R Davis ' N.York James T Lovett, N York 'G W Bowers,N York L Ward, N York J Passim &la, N York • W A Stead, N York - John Havel, N York O Borcherling, jr, N Jersey J B Callin, N York S lilt dskopf, (Nacional, 0 'l' Coultney & wf, Baltimore 0 0 Lockard, Oinolniustf, 0 A Metcalf, Boston 8 H Dougherty, N York 027 Woolsey, Chicago J L Woolser,,Merago J J Blaik, Delaware 12000 Penna 18 2d mrt 99% 2000 Cam tam 6s'B9. 90)4' 2000 Sun & Erin 75.... 91,1 30 Matz% Prf 12 . 2000 N Puma 6e..2411 81 DOAK% 1000 Bch Nay 811'82.... 74 Joni 12-. Evening. CItAIN.—ThE re is not much %heat offering, and the market is bettor to-day, with sales of 607,000 btt Penn sylvania at 1260 for prime rod. and 130 c for white, all tat. Bye 13 steady at 66c for Pennsylvania. Corn, of prime quality, Is rather more inquired for and o.ooohu Sul:pit s,. R eid at 113 c for yellow, and 61:0 for white, afloat 0 .ts are 114 Ring at fully former rates: sales com or so about 6,000 bit, at 40c for Pennsylvania, and 39c for Delaware, the latter afloat. Bans.— Queroitron Dark is In steady domain], with furtbor small receipts and sales at $33.60 for first No. 1, and *l3O Ifr ton for No. 2. Corrott —Tbe market continues Inactive but firm at D 16710118 quotations, and the stock very light. G noesni as —There is no new features, and a limited brininess doing in the way of sales. Pnovisioss —The market is quiet, and prism gene rally favor the buyer. About 100 bble . Western Mess Pork sold at $ll3O 4P' bbl. Wu NKr is firm brit quiet ; bble gelling at 24m25c, and Drudge at 22et223ic. CITY ITEMS. REP. MESSRS. STERRETT AND WYLIE, of this city, have returned from Eastern Virginia, to which they lied been sent by the Christian Commission to ad minister toilet - to our wounded and sick soldiers. In the various hospitals they visited, there are about five thou sand patients, most of them suffering from typhoid or other fevers; the wounded, both in former and recent battles, being generally removed to the Northern cities. They confirm the statements already published of tbo need of bedclothes, garments, wince, biscuit or soft bread, lemons, ten, and similar articles. The efforts of the physicians are exhausted in medical services, and much must be done by private benevolence, or our bravo soldiers waist:ire? or perish. They speak very favorably' of Dr. (linter, the chief of the medical staff of Eistern Virginia, Dr. Ellis of the sanitary commission, Dr Wet eon at 'White Home, and others. From Colonel Josiah Harlan and Chaplain Whitaker, of the 13th Pennsylvania Cavalry, valuable aid has been received. The opportu nities of distributing Bibles, tracts, and books of a moral religious character are almost unlimited, anything reada ble loins seized with avidity. Anything which may be contributed should ho left at the rooms of tho Young Men's Christian Association, No. 1.009 Chestnut street, or at Mr. G. H. EtuarVs, No. 13 Bank street. A DELICIOUS TREAT.—The oppressive state of the thermometer, yesterday afternoon, was pleasantly received by an Immense tratlfilled with delicious straw berries], einothered in ice cream, sent to this office with - the compliments of Messrs. Slocum & Bassett, wedge stand, in the Eastern - Market, has become a great favo rite with our citizens who are in the habit of indulging In this healthful, luxurious, and refreshing delicacy of the season. Tho berries and tie cream were of the finest that we have ever tasted, and the gusto with which they were despatched by all hands, was a very practical tri bute :e their excellence. Woe may state, in conclusion, that " the eat& in this ease is "as good as the eam pis a—in other words, that Ideeers. Stoma d: Bassett are feeding their patrons on the finest strawbentes, Ice creams, and other delicacies in their lino, that the market affords. We advise all our readers to ere them a call. OAKFOBD & SON'S NEW STYLE SOMER. Hers.—The rash at the rooms of Hears. Charles Oak ford and Eon, under the Continental Hotel, yesterday, for charming and light new Summer Hata for gentlemen, was tremendous. Their salon of these delightful and comfortable coverings for the head must have been very large, whilst in theft—Children', list department the throng of ladies, purchasing for their little ones, showed that Oaltford & Son hare carried elf the palm of victory as netted in furnishing this class of eeasenable goods, A LARGE TRADE TO THE COGSTRY.—Mr. C. B. 'Mattson, dealer in Eno groceries, Arch and Tenth streets, is now shipping largo quantities of goods to the various towns throughout the country. His orders from the watering places alone, which are now about opening, give him a largo trade. Everything in the grocery lino can always bo bad at Mr. Mattoon's of the bast quality, and at moderate prices. THE FTATIJE FOR THE CAPITOL DO:ww.—The bronze statue of Freedom), after the model of Crawford, which has just been cast by Clark Mills, at his foundry near Washington, has been completed, and two of It brought to the. east Capitol grounds, where the other portion will be brought and met no on a temporary platform, until the dome on which it is designed to Place it Is reedy for its reception. The figure is clad in the ancient t ga, which becomes it as well as more modern suits become gentlemen who procure their gm:moots at the Brown :tone Clothing of itockbill dc Wilson, Nos. 603 and 805 Chestnut street, above Sixth. ARRIVALS AT THE HOTELS DP TO 12 O'CLOCK 'LAST NIQIIT CONTINENTAL HOTEL—Ninth and Chestnut sta. Henry Souther, Harrisburg E Lytle, PCDUAYIVanin. T b Chuke, Pittsburg S Cowan, Pittsburg Elias D Honnedy Dr W C Perkins. ltild Richard Corbeiey, Maryland L W Boss, Harrisburg E Wise, New Orleans 0 Hager, Pennsylvania T E Franklin, Pennsylvania Capt B P Nickerson a wf, W W Eaton, Hartford, Ct New York Mrs Cary & children, N Y Wm A Pattlson, New York John Gillolam Now York Jos L Selfridge, Penns Mimi AEI Selfridge, Penns Win Hancock, Danville S A Allen N J Stratton, Washington J Daniels & la. Cincinnati fi B Kendrick, Indiana F B Hunter, Seeding John R Dow, New York Edw Jordan, Washington W V Lidgenwood, N York T Chufee, Providence Albert Bowker k w, Boston B B Walker, New York P W Groot, New York J F Winslow, Troy, N Y L Pasoan, Jr, Baltimore Oro B Sanford, U S A Capt J N Wheelen, U d WII Russell, New York Mrs Viele, New York Di J J Cummings, Portland E Saraent h la: Cincinnati L M Kollock, New Bedford Dr E L Budd EMIZM B F Ingham, N York 0 Durand & la, Conn MERCHANTS' HOTEL—Fourth at., below Arch. S Stambaugh, Mifflin, Pa 0 Baird, Ripley, 0 Baird, Ripley, 0 Mre Kiernan & fa, Penns Miss Early, Somerset, Pa Mrs Aurorae, Pitteburg J Caldwell, Allegheny R F Miller & wf, Penns B D Benson, New York J Si' Emmons. New 'York L Barber, New York C F Ronyier, Lancaster B Franke, Lancaster , .1 Deaver, Lancaster F 0 Harrison, Bloomsburg Ahf fart, Reading B K Lytle. Ohio E H Navin' & fa, Mass J 0 lattilholland, Reading P 0 M Englbrecht, Erie, Pa T Wilson, Allegheny J Beus, Cheater, Mon F gay, Chester co, Pa Misa P, Malin, Cheater CO Miss S B Hyman, Chester co Mrs Col Campbell, Penns Ceps A C %bomplon, Penne Capt II Kirk, Penns 0 B. gen, NOVA Scotia J J Buck, New York Jae Waldbaum, New York D March, Boston J itankin, `law York John Fowler, New York P L Wikee, Maryland Dr L M Osmuo, Pouna W 11 Redid, Flemington, N J AIIERIHA-N—Chestnut street, ahoy° Fifth. Bichaiti Gill, Altooona 3 IV Dickinson A la, N 3 Jobn Laferty Chee Beneton, Odom, Del tAits lierwen, jr, °demi, Del S Mclntire, Elkton, Mil A Mitchell, Elkton, Md $ Smith, Columbia, Pa 11 Sitele, Mar)latal Miss M A Steele, Maryland alias babel (Steele, Maryland Miss Bereb Steele, Maryland Iln *unstrung, Hazleton Jacob Burk. . Dr 'X 0 ',artier, Bangor, Me Mrs McDowell, Montreal Mies I.c,d.y, Montreal Master Lordly, bluctreal I It Putnam, N York o'o Deere, Wash, I) 0 'Y Bt waif it he, Jeffrey Shore Dr A 0 Smith, Pa Y J klarris, Wllna, Del - Jag II McKee, Hazleton F i kanghoun Ilauover,Pa J Dalton, Hanover, Pa F Yarras, Munch Ohuuk James Morgan, N Xork . Mid Bola McClure. Pa Mrs P. McClure & 2 ohm Ps Or oft.. ,Irwin. 1g York W Sherley, Baltimore B Foci', New York 7t 8 Waters, Snow Hill A 1; T u.t.vit o, alarylauS 0 D Hottenetain, Poona G B Arery J 0 Black, Delaware Eq. LOUIS HOTEL—Obeid:not street, above Third 1S k Wikeu, It Island W Wlleou, It Islard- A B Weytcott, tt Island W Malloy, Baltimore B Smith, N Jersey Wm WIIIIIDII • fa UN 11 tl•[ams W H liendereen, Balt J T I, yin. moryland & Von Scheldlng Wo, S Mc% ',Borne, N J Wm Ilobroyd; Waterford Dr 131.1+1.P, JoneY Col Potter, N Joraey U O'Douoyllnc, N York L C Snyder, Huntington Lleut J Lt freer St eon, N Y .1111988 Hunt, Butt 11. rbcil , v, Brooklyn J Shekirake, 1V Jersey • TRIG UNION—Arch street, above Third. JSEtrlcLuitt, Now Jersey Jos Kemp, Poona J m ailbr, Hancock, N Y 'Mrs Twaddle, New York 31:r !idler. Nat:cork, NY ti Hopper, Newark, N J XXXf 4 , 1.4 & ter. Chicago W R Jewett ,f vet, N Cul k ung, New Jersey CON AIBBOIAL—Bistb street, above Chestnnt.' J D Planefliton, Cheater co W B Woodward, Penns si‘ nen, Brlegeget,Pa J D Brooanall, Coatesville L G Hnrnat. PeuneYlvannt J B Baker. West Oltemer W 1.044, West Oli.ster 811 Bard, 11.,11Idayshitrg John SJouss, Pennsylvania J Devoe, Weet Cheater J Q Hort, kikton, Ind Mrs SWEIDLOD, Ohio Mr Minor, Ohio MOUNT VERNON HOTEL—S-cond st., above Arch J J egremcii .Bawley, Pa L Labar, Equinnut, Pa N 1 ,1 nl, /untunolc, Pa T Oorbrieht, Penna W Whbiiker, Pains - John DeWitt, Penne Ai T Alitehrd , New York' D Dibbell, New York BLACK BEAR—Third street, above CallowhiU. FelFon Wptter. Allontoval T B eletzger,.Alleutown Wm K OritO,lloyertown B A Male. Trieder eburg Wm 11 Hoffman, Allentown Chas Keck, Allautown 8 8 Backus T H Wolf, Bucks 00, Pa STATES UNlON—Marlcet street, above Sixth. FV B Laird, Greensburg W J ohnson. Wilkesberre Pry J li Mt. New Jersey _E Harlon, Chester ct, Ps .3 &map, Chi star to, Pa J 00389 0 Davie, Dover, Del F Beery, Binh. co, Pa A O Bentley. Blatt. cu, Pa P II Cook, New Jersey IS Ir Wickersham, Penns J F Ilulwr, Lancaster J It anodic Preeminent C It Clerk, Baltimore Lint W S Moulton. N • S Re} nolde, Jr, Maryland Mrs J woe MADISON BOUSE—Second Street, above Market. E Arnett, New Jersey J It Smith. New Jams' E a Weizman, Belvidere 1 1 ' 81eFn11, Rockpert, J Williams, Brw'ona F B Smith, Bucks county J B Smith, Washington J B Boileau, Blicke co Morrie, Atlantic City J W Cornell, Doylestown B Wat•on, Doylestown ll McCarty,'Pike county 0 St John, Port Jervis A A 'Hyena, Deposit. N Y O W Kugler, Maryland E H Smith, Monnt Holly W 'Thomas, Morrisville B Hasten, Stroudsburg NATIONAL 110TRL—Race street. abovo Third. B F Schenck, Lehnion C L 'Harrison. Bonin T C Darner, Shartleton II D Miltrr, Shartleton V. J Smith; Muncy J Widmer, Asbland Goo Weidman, Lebanon co 111 n; 0 Fehrstein, Leb'n co J T Jonnings, Wyoming co A Witman, Bloomsburg Wm Byer, Oatawlsen 8 B Thomas, Polley/lie • BALD EAGLE—Third streot, above J Gerhart, .Penns Miss Dltnurigh, Germentwn A tilllemeamltb, Allentown A W Pfirairr, Allentown John Btulnger, Mootg co .1 C Schlough, Easton Peter Brown, I nnesster co L Peterson & la; Delaware S Rosenberger, BID, Penne tt C Boyer, Port Clinton BARLEY SHEAR—Second street, below Vine. W H W111'41187, Pennn J Dufour, Canada West L J Bunt, Now Jersey 8 Taylor, Attleboro Geo DIN, Penult I Trauma, Monroe co S Glllngbttre a la, Lahaaka T Warner, Wrightstown J Lnkens, Bucks county MARINE INTELLIGENCE Sir SEE FOURIO PAGE KRA! D Bark Loland, Nickerson, 3 days from Now York, in ballast to Workman & Co. Blia Delhi, Dat noisy, 10 days from Port Spain, Trini dad, in ballast to Thomas Wattion & Sons. Left brig Calvert, Miller, front Philadelphia, diacbg. Bs Ist Eliza Ann. Herrick, 17 days from Savanna la Mar, Jo, with sugar, logwood, &e. to D N Wetzlar & lo J E Baxley & Co. Four passengers. Scbr Charles 11 Bogue, Langley, from Begat la Grande 20th nit, with sugar to 8& W Welsh. Loft brig W .1 Treat, for Philadelphia, loading, to sail In 7 days. Bchr Julia, Fox, front Charlottetown, PEI, 28th ralt, with potatoes to Tan Horn, Woodworth & C. Schr L A Orcutt, Amesbury, 8 days front Camden, Me, with ice to Baler & Safford, Seer Julia A Martha, Toothaker, 4 days from White House, Va, in ballast to E A Bonder & Co. Fehr C Stetson, Bich, 4 days from Fortress Monroe, in ballast to Costner, Stickney t Wellington. Behr Louise, Hallett, 5 days from Boston, with mdse to Crowell & Coiling. Behr John C "'spry, Hearn t .3 days from Laurol, Del, with lowboy to J W Bacon. Sax Jas 17 Bacon, Outten, 3 days from Laurel, Del, with lumber to J W Bacon. Schr John Henry, Taylor, days from Salisbury, Md, with lumber to J W Baron. Steamer Bristol, Charles, 24 Lours from New York, with mdse to W P Clyde. ODE&BED. • Ear Marietta Tilton, Tilton, Salem, Hammett, Van Doren & Lochman. Schr Panrhea, Clark, Norwich, Miinea k Co. Schr S A. Boice, Boice, Salem, L Audenried & Co. Scbr I ecort, Bloke, Alexandria, Noble, Caldwoll & Co. Scum J Idartin, Harding. Fortran Monroe, A G Cot ten & Co. Bohr Odm3elt, Tobey, Boston, Costner, Stickney t Wellington. Sir Farmer, bleCue, Alexandria, A Gravel, Jr. MEIIIORANDA Ship Tara, from Liverpool for Philadelphia, was spoken 11th inet, Bernegat bearing N W 25 miles. Ship Nonpareil, Green, for New York, tntered for big at Liverpool 2341 ult. Ship Niegfisber, 'Freeman. cleared at N 'York yester day forBau Francisco. Bark Minnesota, Symmes, from Matanzas, arri rel at New York, yesterday. Brig Ban Antonio, Snow, from Cardenas, arrived at N York yesterday. Brig Cain:trick, Johnson, hence for Olen! uegos, wee sig nalized let inst. let 26 14, long 70 24 Brig Emma, Raker, hence, arrived at DoPton llth hist! Brig Mary R Susan, Eaton, at Boston 11th inst. from Wilmington, Del. Schrn Fr ank Herbert, Mayo, R L Tay, Sbephord, A. Hammond, Paine, L P Pharo, Creamier, Baulnit, Han son, II B Weston, Illaloy, Rebecca Knight, Endicott, W H Aliicbell, Eaton, and D E Erisley, berme, arrived at Boston 11th Inst. Scbr La Plata, Stratton, hence for Saco, at Glonseeter 7th inht. Sam J 0 Harraf en, Snow, from Bangor for Philadel phia. at Gloucester iuh hunt Strainer Antbiacite, Jones, hence, arrived at N York estsrday. SPECIAL NOTICES. 'MEDICAL STOREKEEPERS.—The fol lowing extract of an act of Coogrosi in relation to the appointment of Medical Storekeepers is published for the information of pinions deeiroua of applying for such to poeltlon : AN ACT to authorize the appointment of bfedleal Store keepers and amplain! of Ifoanitais. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Repre sentatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of War be authorised to add to tt o medical department of the army medical storekeepers, not exceeding six in number, who shall bare the pay and emoluments of military storekeepers in the nuartermaster's department. who shall be skilled apothecaries or druggists, who shall give the bond and security required by existing laws for military store keepers in the Quartermaster's department, and who shall be stationed at such points as the necessities of the army may require: Provided, That the provisions of this act shall remain in force only during the continu ance of the present rebellion. Approved May 20,1882. IL The following are tho regulations which will go• yen the appointment of medical storekeepers under the Bret section of the foregoing act of Congress: 1. A board of not less than three medical officers will be assembled by the Secretory of War to examine ouch applicants tie may, by him, be authorized to appear be fore it. 2. Candidates, to be eligible to examination, shall_be not less than twenty-rise years or mbrifthan forty years of cgs; shall possess snfficlent physical ability to per form their duties satisfactorily; and shatl-pressnt with their applications satisfactory evidence : of goad moral character. 3. Cardidaten will be requited to pass a satisfactory examination in tho ordinary branches of a good English education, in pharmacy and materia modica ; and to give proof that they possess the requisitebusiness quali fications for the position. 4. •The board will report to the Secretary of War the relative merit of the candidates examined, and they will receive appointments accordingly. 5. When appointel, each medical storekeeper will be required to give a bond in the amount of .640,000hefore he stall be allowed to enter on the• performance of his duties. By order of the Secretary of War. THOMAS, adjutant General A Board of Medics' Officers for the examination of applicants will be convened in tbo city of Washington on the first day of July, to 'continue in session ono month. Applications lo appear before the Board should be ad dressed to tho Secretary of War. Euuc¢OS GEssaei's OPPlcx, June 5,1862. iel3-3t BATCHELOR'S Rum Drz! THE BEST IN THE WORLD. . VI ILLILS A. BATOHELOWS celebrated Hair Dye produces a color not to be dietinguiehed from nature— wiurented not to injure the Hair in the least; remedies the ill effects of bad dyes, and invigorates the Hair for life. GRAY, BED, or BUSTY HATE instantly barns a splendid Black or Rfown, leaving the Bair soft and bi &U -SN). SOW by all Druggists, Ac. Wir The Genuine is signed W CLLIA eI A. BATCHE LOR, on the four sides of each box. • FACTORY, No. 81 BARCLAY Street, (Late 233 Broadway and 18 Bond street), my23-1y New York. 8.-T.-1860.-X DRAKE'S PLANTATION BlTTERS—Ex hausted Nature's Great Restorer. They Invigorate, strengthen, and purify the system, (lure Dyspepsia, Acidity of the Btomach, ‘ Diarrhcea, &o. A perfect ap petizer and tonic. They Invigorate the body, without stimulating the brain. They are compounded of pure Bt. Croix Bum, Roots, aad Herbs, and are recom mended by all who use them. Adapted to old or young, but particularly rcoeinmended to the weak and languid. Bold by all Grocers, Druggists, Hotels, and Saloons. P. H. DRABS & CO., myB-mwiBm • 202 Broadway, Now York. ONE-PRIDE CLOTHING, OP THE LATEST Eirrmes, made in the Bost Manner, expressly for BE TALL SALES. LOWEST Soiling Prices marked in Plain Figaro'. All Goods made to Order warranted satisfactory. Our Ons-Paioß SYSTZX is strictly ad hered to. AB are thereby treated alike. se22-ly JONES & CO., 664 MAIMICT Street. CARD PRINTING, BEST AND CHEAPEST in the City, at 111 South SOMITII Street. CARD PRIETING, best and cheapest in tho City, at 111 South FOURTH Street. • CIRCULAR PRINTING, beat and cheapeat in the City, at 111 South FOURTH Street. MARRIED BABCP,OFT—BANOROFT.,On the 11th instant, by Friends' ceremony, Joseph W Bancroft, of Aahland, Pa., *to Anon Bancroft. of Philadelphia. CBIBBOL,aI—KLINF..—On tho 26th nit , by Bev. . Dr. Emilh, at Baltimore. Captain Thomas Chisholm, II b. N., to Miss Fat E. Kline, of Philadelphia. DIED REINS.-On the 6th instant, in Downingtown, Ches ter county, Boren Rvans, wife of Carl Heins, in the 81d yr ar of her age, 6I heart dleease. TBORBEOKB —On the evening of the 12th instant, Adelaide,. daughter of Edward Thorbecke, In the 6tll month of her as e. YALLANCE.—On the 10th instant, at Towanda, John K. Valiance, in the 49th y ear of hie age. His relatives and friends are respectinlly invited to attend his funeral, from the residence of his brother-in-law, Thomas Latimer, 929 German street, this (Feidny) afternoon, at 3 o'clock. Interment:et the Woodland Camotery. HORN.—On the 10th inst., at:Burlington, N. J, Jo seph Horn, Or., in the 89th y ear of his age. Funeral will take place from Walnut-street wharf, this (Friday) morning -at 10 o'clock. Carriages wilt be In waiting to proceed to Odd Fellows' Cemetery. ARTBUB.—On the 10th instant. Anna, eldest daugh ter of T. S. and Eliza Arthur, in Um 224 year of her age. Funeral from the residence of her parents, 1609 Mout Vernon street, this (Friday), afternoon, at 3 o'clock The Mends of the family are invited to attend. 44: LEEDO.6I.—On the 10th instant, Eliza, wife of Samuel Leedom. The friends of the family aro reipectfully invited to her luneral,lrom her late resideuce, Haverford, Delaware county, this ((sixth day) afternoon, at 2 o'clock. * AOI.IEIDL.—On the 9th indent, Annie T. Macneill', eldest daughter of Malcolm Macneill. .• The male friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend the fneorid, from the residence of her parents, No. 310 South Fifth street, ibis ( friday) afternoon, at' 4 o'clock, without further notice. DEOWNING.—On the 11th lust . Mrs. Sarah Drown ing, in the 99th year of ht r age. Funeral from her late residence, on Pea Shore ' near 'lpamilen, N. J., on Saturday afternoon, at I. o'clock. 00.11130 N. On the 11th instant, Caroline W , wife of ' 'Rufus T. Corson, in the 25th year of her age.; ' Tuners) from the residence of her father, &hart Thornton. Main street, Frenkford, on Saturday after 'noon, at 2 o'clock. ** • MOURNING GOODS FOR -JUNE I.TJLEALES.—BIack Barege Hernani or Grenadine Beiregef, Bareges, Crepe &tarots, Silk Chaim Point de Venice, Summer Bombazines, Tamiees, fine Mousselinea, fink Grenadinee, Poult do Solo or Mourning Silk, Gros de Ittsines, Foulards, Crape Liese, Grenadine and Crape Veil', Barege and Grenadine Shawls. Silk Net Shawls, dc. Also, Black and White Silks, Foulards, Lawns, (Anshan 's, 'Valencia's, klehairs, &c. BESSON Sc 809'S Mourning Store, fell . No. 918 OILESyNUT Street. OFFICE OF.THE LITTLE SCHITYL. KILL NAVIGATION, RAILROAD, AND OAL COMPANY, 407 LIBRARY Street, PUILADEL- Jnne 6,1662. A Special Meeting of tht stockholders of thin Coln- pony cvlll be bald at tho'r office on THURSDAY, the' 26th instant, at 11 o'clock. A. M., for the despatch of boelneaa generally. • By order of the Board of Mammon: WM. WALN, iee•f&mt26 • Treasurer and Secretary. THE PRESS.--PHIL&DRUHIA, FRIDAY, JUNE 13, 1862. cry .ANIERICAN ACADEMY OF MUSIC.- REV. WM. G. BROWNLOW BY TILE CITIZENS OF FRILXDELFERA, THIB (FRIDAY} EVENING, JUNE 13, The Committee of Arrangements respectfully annoumfe that the gale of Tickets will commence at the ON MONDAY, JUNE 9ru, AT 9 O'CLOCK, A. lit., and continaa daily until all am disposed of. Admission, with Boserved Beats, 50 cents. The entire proceeds to be appropriated towards the re. establishment of the Knciavillo Whig. Doors open St i o'cloc r a PEOPLE'S STATE CONVENTION. THE PEOPLE OF PENNSYLVANIA, who deatre cordially to unite in SUSTAINING THE NATIONAL ADMINISTRATION in its patriotic efforts to suppress a sectional and unholy relK,liiou against the UNITY OF THE REPUBLIC,. and who desire to support, by every power of the Go• vernment, our hundred thousand heroic brethren in arms, braving disease and the perils of the field to preserve the Union of our fathers, are requested to select the number of DELEGATES equal to the Legislative Representation of the State, at such times end in such manner as will boat respond to the spirit oc iltle call, to moot In STATI; 001*TENTION, SAF!RISTIVISO, On THURSDAY, the 17th day of July not tµ U o'clock on eald day, to NOMINATE CANDIDATES for the offices of AUDITOR GENERAL AND SURVEYOR ORNERLL, and to take each measorea as may be deemed necessary to strengthen the Government hl this Se&Son or OoMMOD peril to a common country. • Chairman of tho People's State Committee. GEO. W. HA HITERSLY, s em i ar i„ JOHN M. SULLIVAN, a • ' mY2 if ca. FAIR OAKS, VA., JUNE 9, 1802,—AT a cal . f the members of Company E, Captain C. H. Danes, Colonel Baxter's Philadelphia Fire Zonaves, 72d Regiment, P. 'V., Orderly Sergeant Thos. J. Borer Rae called to the chair, and A M. Jackson appointed Secretary. Ou motion, a committee of five were appointed to draft resolutions expressive of our regnits at the lose of oar corn pant on-in. tarns, EIILEN BIT Tfl R.. Too committee reported the following: 1V Urea:, It hsspleaeed an All-wise Prdkidence to call from our midst our comrade, EMLEN RITTER, while in the discharge of big duty as a volunteer in big corm try's defence, and whereas, sradeem it but just and pro per to chow a fitting tribute of respect, be it Resolved, We deeply regret his untimely end, and in bis death wo logo a gnliant soldier' and a companion ever ready to enliven us by his cheerful spirit when In camp or bivouac, or to encourage in action by his steadiness and intrepidity. Resolved. That in bin glorious death he has shown an example worthy of emulation to the young mm of Our republic, freely sacrificing bin life upon the altar of his country, battliog for the right. Resolved,. That to his bereaved parents we tender our sincere sympathy in their great logs. teustiug that tlte consolations of Almighty God will visit them in this their hour of trial. , Resolved, 'rhea a copy of the foregoing be sent to him parents, and be published in the Ledger, Press, Inqui rer, Dispatch, and Transcript. Orderly Serg't THOS. J. BORER, Chairman. A. M. JACKSON. Secretary. Corpr rid WM. M. MERVIEN, -Private JOHN BARNES. 4, JAS. W. OARFREY, aommittee. 4, P. P. KELLY, 4, W. S. entYENSON, ) lt* ayTHOSE WHO SYMPATHIZE WITH, the ]tattle-Snake Confederacy should - come and bear some of Ito doings, by ono not born cinder its pro tection, but feeling all the benefits that it is capable of giving, THIS EVENING, at 8 o'clock, at the S. E. cot. NINTH and SPRING GARDEN Streets. 11* . CORI PROM SE—PE A.CE. —SHALL WE make the former and thereby secure the latter Or, Shall iee submit to Foreign Intervention' NNYER: Lecture OD this subject, by the Be,. R. A. CARDEN, D. D., (for the benefit of von Church,) at Spring Garden Institute, BROAD and BFIIING GARDEN Streets, on MONDAY EVENING, June 18th, 1882. Admlstdon 10 cents arr OFFICE MONONGAHELA NAVIGA TION COMPANY, Purryntrao, May 23, 1862. At a meeting of the . Board of Managers of this 41 1 oforas ny, held on the Ist of May, au, the followlog resolutions were adopted: Resolved, That coupon bowie of this Oompusy, bear ing date the first day of July next, be issued to the amount of Two Hundred Thousand Dollars, in sums of One Thousand Dollars each, payable In twen ty.flve years .after the data theteof, bearing Intermit at the rate of six per rectum per annum, paya ble semi-annually, in the city of Now York, and the said bonds be secured by mortgage of the works and revenues of this Company, to ha made to Thomas Bakowell, as trustee, for the holders of said bonds, . Resolved, That the President of this Company be au t'horised to procure, to be negotiated, of the moregage bonds of this Company. this day ordered to be issued, the amount of one hundred and twenty-five thousand dol lars, for cash; or the outstanding bonds of this Com pany, maturing on us. first. der of Jaouary next, at par. In accordance with the fore resolutions, SUB SCRIPTIONS will be received until three el.look-of the 24th DAT OF JUNE NEXT, for the above formation with regard to the character of the Improve ment may be obtained from Joshua Hanna, Req., of Han na, Hart, & CoPittsburg ; Abraham Glbborub RsQ., 'Cioateeville, Chester county, Pa.; and illeeers. Jay, Sock; & Co., Philadelphia, who are authorized to receive anbecriptlona for the loan. The Capital Stock of the Company !9 .... .. ....$726,700 Funded debt. (bonds outstanding) 182,000 There is no floating or other debt existing. Tho works are in active operation and complete repair, and the re colpts justify expectations of the usual or average divi dend for the present year. T 1 e works were so for com pleted, and the debts at tie Company paid as to enable the Idanagers to declare their first dividend,' July 7th, 1853, since which time they have declared fourteen divi dends up to July, Mil—eight yews--amounting in the aggregate to fifty-fonr and one-half par cont., or six and eighty-one hundredths per cent. per annum. There aro so bonds in the market better secured than those of this Company, and nose that offer greater inducements for investment as to security and prompt payment of inte rest, which is well known by the holders of the' present outstanding bonds. The object of this mortgage is to concentrate the boOds of the Company and secure the whole. A prefereneo will be given to the. present holders of the bonds maturing January Ist, 1868 The Company reserves the right to accept the whole or any portion of the amount enbecribed. my 27. tJe24 J. K. MOORHEAD, President. ErrOFFICE GIRARD FIRE • AND MA RINE INSURANCE COMPANY, 415 WAL NUT St , PHILADELPHIA, May 12,1887 —The Directors hale this day declared a semi-mina] DIVIDEND of three and a half per cent., payable to the stockholders of !hie Company, on and after the 15th instant. inil4-taerflat ALFRED S. GILLETT; Treasurer. OF.F.T.OERB OF THE PENNSYL VANIA;. OTTARD . -:1111 meet at • Healrinarters, TENTH sad 'WILLOW, FRIDAY. EVENING, Jane 1882 Eat 8 o'clock, by command of • • • •:: Lieut. 001. ORAEF F. VICTORY!. .VIOTORY!•!--THE 116th RIGIMINT. P. T. M., hag been specially accepted'.by the War Department for three years or during the war. Captains report immediately. Bounty, Rations, Clothing, and Pay furniebed from date of enlistment. This le the only three-year Regiment authorized by the Secretary of War from this Slate, and all patriots desirous of eerviog our common country must now come forward. The Regiment will positively march on or be fore the let of September next. D HEENAN, Colonel Commanding. A. DIALSRED, Adjutant. Per G. H. BARD WELL. Major. Headquarters, 108 Sotith SIXTH Street, Philadelphia.. jei3 tf F A C. Fllll ILE.— REIMER'S LlFE eize MI. colored Photo g raphs are counterfeits of the ori g it els, in lihmiees and colorin g ; now made at war pi leen SECOND Street, above Green It PARSON BROWNLOVi r .—A very line Card Photograph of Parson Brownloir ; price 25'cents.! MOLL LIVE & B 110.; jr 2t 728 till trSTN UT Street. nom. MoKEAN, U. S. N.—A. Card V Photograph of 'Commodore Mogean, 11. S. N., just publiebed jel3-2t SYLVANUB W. GODON.- N.V. A Caid•Pliotogiaph of Coot. S. W. Godon, just pnblislied ieas-2i wAit-DAY eESTIVAL.Cara Pho ograpbe of May-Day Festival at Miss Oarr's School, Linwood Hall, ktontgarnery county, Feunsylva nisi just published. hicALISTER & DRO., jel3-2t .725 oansTsur Street. TE JUDICE.—Go to REIKER'S and obtain a colored Photor aph for 51.; they era ad• rotrable pictures, worthy the name they have received for, troth and beauty_ SECOND Street, above Green. It $lO, 000 WANTED-ON MORT 7 .t Z ao"ll l llPa T Per a wo grr:For partculrs aess..l."ostl, aCe P. O. iel2.6!* 12 000 $4 ,end.60e0r0.,.!?1,0002,,N52,100d gap. A O, Pply to • JOSEPH B. BABB_ JeThit* • • • • 430 WALNUT &rest. W. • O.IIIIRMISIAN,' N0..82 ;Swath . C IRONT iiireet, Philadelphia, is prepared to make cub advance on - aoneignmeata to his friends in Liver, • .3•11-imil , • A 150. -THIS AMOUNT:W*.-M $ . VEST, in one or more iellkinind Beets. ' 'Apply to E. PETTIT, .No. - VM ,WALNOT BEAIj4VEAL.---.REIDIER'S-Tioir .types are perfect models of beauty; flesh tuts, fresh, warm, and impressive drapery, elaborately-color ed.' •Gallery, 13300 ND Street, above Green: It THE HAM?, MORSE, AND BOY DEN fartr4D3.IJSTING ' CLOTHES. WRINGER: ,:. JOHN A. MURPHEY, 922 0 HMSTNUT Sieset;-fis no longer an ngelt, for the. Self Adjustimi Clothe! Wtligee. This Wringer has given universal satisfaction, and* warranted to do so in every particular. Before purchasing, eal4 examine, and try it, at office of JOY, COE, it Oo FIFTH and CHESTNUT Streets. je12.301 • L. E. SNOW. VOUND. , -: Some weeks since, a HEM .A2 LOOK RAFT, which the owner can have proving property and paying charges, upon application . WILLIAM. 0. SHINN & BRO., jel2-2t* - 222 WALNUT Street TURTLE AND CLAM SOUP -served tip daill (Sundese excepted) by . JAMIS PROS: 8101, 8011 DIABKIIT Street. Facalliee supplied es asuaL • ' use-if PUBLIC RECEPTION OF TENNE2f. ER, AT 8 O'CLOCK PRECISELY AGADEMY OF MONO, A. K. MoOLtIRE, PHOTOGRAPHS IIoALLISTEB & BRO., ' 723 OHESTNUT Street 111cALLUT MR & 13110., 728 CHICSTEUT Street FIIVANCIAL. •ItZTAIL pint EiOOINS MEN'S AND BOYS' WEAR. CASE IMERES. LIGHT MIXTURES. SILK MIXTURES. v FINE BLACK 0 X. 0 - T IL S . LADIES , OLOAKINGS.. BLACK BROADOLOTEIS.' SILK MIXED COATINGS 'KEW KELTONS. COOPER &• CONARD, S. E. CORNER NINTH AND MARKET. nriy274m VERY CHEAP. BAREGE ROBES. •A large invoice of Preach Binge Robes, printed figures and dark grounds, widr silk ilenucings, A ono third of the importing cost. Printed French Dareges at very low prices. Nein and barred Colored Dareges, cheap. Narrow and wide Darege Angleis. French Lawns of floe quality and now styles BLIARPLICS3 BROTHERS,' . CIIESTNIIT and EIGHTH. Startle. BLACK 'AND WHITE "CHECKED ronairs.-a.. small jot jnet received, silk and thread. - loßblewidth and Single Checked Worstods. SHARPLESS BROTHERS, A7B . CHESTNUT and EIGHTH. Streets. DRY.GOODS JOBBERS. NEW 1110ORTATIONS. HOSIERY. GLOVES. GENTS' FURAISHING GOODS, LIMNS, SHIRT FRONTS, WHITE et9,PAS2 AND EMBROIDERIES. THOS. MELLOR /fa mi 1946 40 and 42 North THIRD Street. 1862. SPRING. 1862. W. S. STEWART & INFORMERS AHD JOBBERS OP SILKS AND FANCY DRESS GOODS,* 80. SOS NARK= STRUM. • Bow In store, POULT DE SOLE, AR Rade& BLACK AND WHITE CHECKS, In SILKS and WHIRR FABRICS. ALSO, A PULL LYNN OP CLOAKING CLOTHS, PLAIDS, STRIPES, And desirable PLAIN COLORS. •pl 7 SPRING STOCK BILK AND FANCY DRESS GOODS. A. W. LITTLE & 00. 4 mhlls-tt ao. $U !ÜBE= BT. • . KIELLMERY:6IOODB 1862. B PRm'a- 1862. WOOD & OARY, (Simonson to Lincoln, Wood, I.Nicholo,) . ' 725 OBESTNIIT STREET, Have now in Store a complete stook OP STRAW AND MILLINERY GOODS, BILK BONNETS, STRAW AND PALM-LEAF RATS, *0 Ts which they respectfully invite the attention of the ormer patrons of Um house and the trade generally. marl9-am THOMAS KENNEDY, & BRO., ORESTIM Street, below lashils. I, Melee Stock o SPRING MILLINERY GOODS, mhia-am) LT. LOW PRIM& cOmmissioN.gouszs. SETIPLEYw XIAZELELD. -& HU'I'CrEIINSON, X 9 :. 112 .O}TESTIIITr STREET, oo ititsro la MERCHANTS 101. TIM W OP PIEIICEDNErna.A-MADE _GOODS. _ LEGAL. MARS AL'S SALE.—By virtue of a Writ of Sale, by the Hon TORN °ADD' &LADES. Jedge of the District Court of the United States, in and for the Eastern District, of Pennsylvania. in admiralty, to me directed, *lll be cold at nubile sale, to the highest, and best bidder, for Casb, at CALLOWHILL STREET WHARF, on TUESDAY, June 21,1882, at 12 o'clock M., 750 barrels Rosin and 26 casks do., the cargo of schooner P. A. SANDERS. WILLIAM MILLWARD, U. 8. Marshal E. D. of Pennsylvania . PHILADELPHIA. JUDO 12, 1862. Jel3.ot MARSHAL'S SALE.—By virtue ( f Writ of Bale, by tho Bon. JOHN 0 aDW A L ADER, Judge of the District Court of the United States, In and for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, in admiralty, to ins directed, will be sold at public sale, to the highest and best bidder, for cash, at CALLOVirIIILL-SrBEBT INJURY', en R riESDA.Y, Jane 24, 1862, at 12 o'clock M., 050 barrels of Eosin, the cargo of the schooner SVA BELL. WILLIAB MILIAVA.RD, 11. B. Marshal B. D. of Pennsylvania. PHILADELPHIA, June 12,1862. jel3.6t MARSHAL'S SALE.—By virtue of a Writ of Sale, by the Hon. JOHN CAD WALA.- DEE, Judge of the District Court of 1116 United States, in and for the Eastern District of Penneylrania, in ad miralty, to me directed, will be sold, at public vale. to the Menet and best bidder, for oasis, at CALLOWHILL STREET 'KB AMP; on TUESDAY, Juno 24, 1662, at 12 o'clock M., 220 barrels of Pitcb, 50 casks do , 11,031 Raves, and 116,000 Shingles, the cargo of the schooner FRANCIS EVERITT. WILLIAM D. S. lifersbal lantern 16Jurici of Penns. FRILADBLPHIA, June 12, 1862. iel3.6t MARSHAL'S SALE —By .virtue of a Writ of Sale, by the Hon. JOUS CIADWA.LA.- DER, Judge of the District Court of the United States, in arid for the Easiern District of Pennsylvania; in admi ralty, to me directed, will be sold, at public sale, to the highest and beet bidder, for cash, at CALLOWHILL STREET WHARF, on TUESDAY, Jane 24, 1862, at 12 &clock, M., 914 barrels of Rosin, 108 casks do., and 83 barrels of Trirrentine, the cargo of the schooner GIL *BERT GREEN. WILLIAM MILDWARD, U. S. illursbal Awitern District of Penna." Pat7.nuL't.rttt►, June 12, 1862. • jelB-6t MARSHAL'S SALE.—By, virtue of a Writ of Sale, by the Hon. JOHN CADWALA.- DER, Judge of the District Court of the United States, iri and for the Rnstern District of Pennsylvania; in admi ralty, to we directed, will bo sold, at public sale, to the hisheat and best bidder, for cash, at CALLOWHILL SI MEET WHARF, on TUESDAY, Juno 24, 1862, at 12 o'clock, M., 620 blunts of Rosin, and 3111 casks do.. 101 barrel. of ?Turpentine, and 32,650 dressed Cypress Shin. plea, the cargo of the schooner LIZZYR TAYLOR, WILLIAM MILLWARO, U. S. Marshal Eastern District of Penna. Pntiengt.rnta, Juno 12,1362. . ..,jel3.llt • • • • TrKITED STATES,BASTERN DES.; TRICT OF PENNSTLYANIA.,-807. TEE PRESIDENT Or THE 'UNITED STATES, TO THE MARSHAL OF THE EASTERN DISTRICT OF . PgNIESYLVANIA, GREETING : WHEREAS, The District Court of 'the United States E in and for the astern District of Pennsylvania, rightly and duly Proceeding on a "Libel, tiled in the name of the United States of 'America, bath decreed all. persons In general whu Save( or pretend to have, any right, title, or interest in the schooner REBECCA, whereof Albert 0. Stone Is master, her tackle apparel and furniture, and the geode, wares, and merchandise laden on board there of, captured by the United . States steamer Bianyillo, under command of Capt. Elalfaney, to he monlshed, cited. and called to judgment, at the time and place underwrit ton, and to the effect- hereafter expressed, (justice so. requiring ) You aro therefore charged and strictly enjoined and com mauded, that you omit not, but that, by publishing these presents in at least two of the daily newspapers printed and published in the city of Philtulelphia, and:in the Legal infaiigencsr, you do menial, Rod cite, or cause to be moonshot] and cited,i peremptorily, all persons in gene ral whc; have, or pretend to hive; any right, title, or in terest in the said schooner REBECCA, her"tackle, Qatta ra, aid furniture, and the goods, wares, end merchandise laden on board thereof, to appear before the Hon. JOHN OADWALADER, the Judge of the said Court, at the District Court-room, in* the City of Philadelphia, on the TWENTIETH day after publication of these presents, if it be a court day, or else ou the neat court day follow ing, between the usual Loom of hearing causes, then and there to show, oiallage; in due form of law, a reasonable and lawful excuse, if any they have, why the said schooner REBECCA, her tackle, apparel, mid furniture, and the goods, wares, and merchandise laihu on board thereof, eliould not be pronounced to belong, at the time of the capture of the same, to the enemies of the 'United States,' and as goods of their enemies, or otherwise, liable and subject to condemnation, to ho adjudged and condemned as good and lawful prizes; and further to do and receive in this behalf as to 'justice shall appertain. .And that you duly. intimate, or cause to be intimated, unto all persons aforesaid, generally, (to whom by the tenor of these presents it is also intimated,) that if they shalt not appear at the time and place above mentioneel, or appear and shall not show a reasonable and lawful cause to the contrary, then said District Court doth intend and will proceed to adjudication on the said capture, sad may pronounce that the sild selvioner REBECCA, her tackle, apparel, and furniture, and the goods, wares, and merchandise laden on board thereof, did belong, at the time of the capture of the same, to the enemies of, the United States of Artistica, and as goods of their enesniee, or other— wise, tlable and subject .to cenflecation and condem nation, to be adjudged and condemned aa lawful prize, •the elegance, or rather contumacy, of the persons so cited and intimated in anywise notwlthetanding, and that YOU duly certify to the said District Court what you shall do in the premises, together with these present*. Witness the Honorable JOHN CADWALAINER, Judge of the said court, at Philadelphia, this twelfth day of JUNE, A. D. 1862, and in the eighty-aixth year I of the Independence of the said United States. jel33t .G. R. •FOX, Clerk District Court, U. S. • IUATTEN" GB ! MAITINGS ! MAT ALL. TINGE I 3.4 WHIT& AND CHECKED, 4.4 WHITE AND CHECKED, 0.4 WHITE AND CHECKED, 0.4 WHITE AND CHECKED, AT LOW PRICES FOR CASH. REEVE L. KNIGHT, No. 202 Beuth SECOND &red., m 7 27-1 m It West side, near Opreoe. NEW PUN CATIONS pETEREONS' COUNTERFEIT DE TNOTOIL FOS JUNI la will' be - ready st 13 o'clock talky. It pETERFONS' COUNTERFEIT DE TECTOR FOR J UNE . 16, full of Diets of New Counterfeite, Pored li'etee, etc., Will be ready at 12 o'clock THIS DAT, at the ;publication offico of It, at T B. PETERSON a 1180TH CRS'. Igo 206 CHESTNUT Street, Philadelphia. Terom.--One Dollar a year, monthly; or Two Dollars a year, amai-montaly or Tel amionber. Every Storekeeper e bould get It at once. It WILKIE COLLINS' NEW BOOK, THE STOLEN MASK," by author of" Wo man in Whitt,' a second edition, in four dove, to pub- Jibbed and for Bala THIS DAY, in elargeoetavo volume, price 25 ante, at T. D. PETERSON & BROTHERS', :Ad CHESTNUT Street, above Third. Copies lent per midst once on receipt of prim. lt TIIE TWO PRIMA. DONNAS, BY GEORGE AUGUSTUS SALA, editor of "Tem ple Dar," and author of 6 , Tee : even Sone of Ilsinmon." etc. i one volume, octavo, price 22 cents: a second odi• tton In four days is Imblishei and for side THIS DAY at T. B PETESSON & BROTHERS', No. SOS CHESTNUT Street, above Third. Copies sent per nail at once on receipt of price. It MBE STOLEN MASK, BY WILKIE COLLINS, author of Women in White," OW. vice 25 cents; second edition Is published end for sale THIS DAY. T B. PETEASON & BROTHERS, Ho. 306 OBES TNUr Street, above Third jr ,IFIHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS !—THE -la m est assorlinont in the city, from the cheapest to the most expensive, are for rale a lower miens than anvslscre tire, at T. R. PETERSON & BROTHERS', No Stitt CHESTNUT Street, above Third. Call in and examine before purchasing. It MR B SOUTHWORTH'S NE W BOOK—LOVE'S LABOR WO !I ! Will be published uniform with the "Lost Heiress," And for Dale on SATURDAY, Juno 21. Address all or ders to tho publishers et once for It. T. B. PRTERSON BROTIIRRS, It No 30 ORNSTNU C Street, Philadelphia • TTIHE OB; PASSAGES IN -L THE LIFE OF A FASHIONABLE YOUNG LADY.-11118. GREY'S NEW BOON Will be published and for saloon WEDNESDAY nest, Juan 18, in a large °dm) YObnno ; price 50 cords ia pa per, or 75 Onto in cloth. Address all orders to the publishers, T. B. PETERSON BROTHERS, It 304 QuE S TNtTT 1q5.44, BOORS FOR THE HOSPITALS. WORDS OF JESUS, paper covert!, 10 eta MIND OF JESUS, paper covero,lo cto. . • •,' FAITHFUL PROMISES, 6 cto. • . 31 TRACTS FOR SOLDIERS, 10 cis. ••• SOLDIERS' PR. iYER BOOK, 6 eta. 'All tho publications of the AMERICAN TRACT SO CIETY, Boston, to be obtained at the PROTESTANT EPISCOPAL BOOK 13001ETE, U 26 OECESTITUT Street, Philadelphia : • M 241 • • • N EW' • RUBILIO AVION I.ICOTURICEI ..OW THE • HISTORY OF THE EASTERN OBERON ; with an • Introdnetion on Oa Study of Eccteelasticat History. By L. P. Stanley, D. D. Svo. 52.60. FAISHL By Jamea W. Alexander, D. D. 12mo $1.25. LECTURES ON THE . SCIENCE OF LANGUAGE By Max Muller. $1.50. PROOFS OF PRE-SIILLENNIALISM. Introduc tion. By the Rev. Dr. Newton. 25 cents. HARRY'S MISTAKES, AFID WHERE TREY LED HIM. IScuo. SO cente THE CLOSER WALE; or The Believer's Sandia cation By Darling. 60 rents! POEIIB. By Rev. T. ll,Btozkton, D. D, 12mo. 61... For sac by WILLIAM 8. & ALFRED MARTIEN, 309 N 0.806 081118TNIIT Wrest. CIREMLATING: LIBRARY . . • BROTITERHEA.D'S 01.1“ 3 13 . LATING LIRBAILY.-411 the NEW English and American Books, including ALL GLASSES of Lite. stare. This is the ONLY Library in the country that inclndcei all the NEW ENGLISH BOOKS that arenot BEPB.INTED here. Terms $5 per year; 8 months S 8; three months $1.50, or 3 cents per day. 218 South EIGHTH street je7.lln* WATCHES AND JEWELRY AI.I.IIRIOAk ENGLigia, SWISS . JEWELRY, &ND SILVERWARE, AT REDUCED PRIORS. my2o- J 2m H 826 CHESTNUT 0, STKEET I N REMOVAL. J. C. -F T_7141, E R Having Removal from No. 42 South TIMID Street to No. 712 CHESTNUT Street, 2nd Floor, (Opposite 318.301310 Temple.) Now offers &Large and Desirable Stook of GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES, ROGERS & BROTHERS' SPOONS AND E3RICS, AND FINE JEWELRY, To which - the attention of the trade is Invited. ap3o-8m ci AMERICAN WATCH COM PANY." GOLD AND MYNA, WATCHES. FOR LAMS AND GENTLEMEN. OOMPAN.Y'S SALESROOM, No. 712 CHESTNUT Street, Soromi Floor, (opposite Masonic Temple.) I. B.• DARTER, Agent. 000.3 m TTULotae ri r 33 urnyr.:Erkr_ . . • _ • A. beautiful ilia 0f • . GENTLEMEN'S VEST CHAINS, LADIES' OEIA . TALAINE CHAINS, THIMBLES, OBOSSEt3, STUDS, BUTTONS, &0., Now in Store. J. 0. FULLER, No. 712 CHESTNUT Street, Second Moor, (Opposite Masonic Temple.) apBo-3m wmpips,...mwELßy, '&0; AFRESWASSORTMENT, at LESS THAN EMMEN PRICES. FARE & BROTHER, Immi tare, 321 CHESTNUT Street, below Fourth. mbZO•tf . . NATION &L FLAGS. TT S. FLAG EMPORIUM, • 418 ARCH STREET. BUNTING AND SILK FLAGS, ENGLINENTAI4 STANDARDS, NATIONAL ENSIGNS, , CAVALRY GUIDONS, PRESENTATION FLAGS. EVANS & HASSALL, No. 418 AMOR Stmt. above FOURTH. m729•22t SEWING MACHINES TICTI7IF...E.LE Et 45: WILSON; v , . SEWING MACHINES • .628 CHESTNUT Bi'REBT, Jai. ptimorriPins. •IL ! GRAS.. L.' OEM & CO., soooßssons To OLDETBERCIE & TAGGIRT, Manufacturons of and Dealers in ONNTLEMEN'S FINE SHIRTS esa • FURNISHING GOODS, No. 146 2ioit h TcstritTH IPEILLDELPELS,.. 01 AS L. ORITM. ALBS N. TlloxPeoN Jes-1m FLANNEL OVER-SHIRTS • FOR THE ABUT. , FINE SHIRTS, . , OKILLBR, STOOKS, AND . , • WRAPPERS 'Manufactured at , • G. A. HOFFMAN'S. (BUGGESBO3. TO W. W. KNIGHT.) NO. 606 ARCH STREET. Sir A tall line of TM, BOARDS, °DOVE% SUSPENDERS, NOIMERY, AND lINDERCLOTRENG, Always on bead. my23-1m GEORGE GRANT. BIANUFAOTOBBE OF AND DEALER ni GENTS' BURNISHING GOODS, No. 610 OHEBTNIIT HTBENT. n.h20.8m FINE SHIRT MANUFACTORY. The subscriber would invite attention to his IMPROVED OUT OF SHIRTS, Which be makes a speciality in his business. Also, oon stand), receiving NOVELTIES FOB GENTLEMEN'S WEAR. J. W. SOOTT, GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING STORE, 814 CHESTNUT STREET, ja9.ff . Four doors below the Continental. ..VASHIONABLE HAIR OUTTI.NG J.! and artistic Flair Dyeing done at rpIIRTH end BRANCH. lell-ittt BOARDING. SUMMER BOARDING.-MRS. BROOKit, having, taken a large and eligible borne at MOUNT AIRY, is prepared to make engagete.nta for the fawn. 'the loon e are large and airy, and the house well provided with ainniseinerita. The station befog within three` vela, üß.to great indecent. eta to business men. Apply nein gat 34133 LOCUST Street. jeltbiStii COUNTBY BOARD.—Boardhig for six or eight persons may be obtained, on reasonable terms, in a small family, within three rintrters of a mile from Wallingford Elation, on the West Cimater and Philadelphia Railroad. pelo•Eitet A. P. G kRVIELD. PRIVATE BOARDLNG.—Accenno datlons for Gentlemen end thsir Wives, with plen exnt owl . communicating reoms Alen. tot rooms for several `inglo Gentlemen. £psy at 802 North TEls TH . Street. Term► moderate. ielo-12,,* :WANTS. • W • • A NTE P —By a young man, .1 8 Barg old, a odtionfon in wh. 10.1510 betablish. moot, where a knowledge of Mieipese • may be acquired. The best of reference will be given. Ad Irate I.p.x 1029 P. 0. • J0113.43:* WANTED—A first-class Salisman for Middle and 'Western trade. None bat those. able commend a good salary mod apply. .103-2t* SHAPLEIGII, lIIJE, .t CO. , WANTED TO PURCHASE -A. property on the south Bide of AROH street, be; tween Eighth end Ninth otroetn. App'y to A. 13 CARVER; d: CIO, je1.3.31* B W. cor. 'NINTH and FILBERT Ste WANTED—In a Connniosion and nippin g House, a 9ALE3M AN, who u. deretands Bock looping. Address "T. u.," office of this "13.0er. with references and salary required iol2. IWANTED-2 00@ Men along the line of the Lehigh Canal, say 1,500 laborers, 250 car penters, and 260 stone masons. Apply to the oflicers of the Lehigh Coal and Navigation Company, at bLUICH. CHUNK, ALLENTOWN", or EASTON, or any ahem along the line of the works. .ielo tf APAYSICIAN, well connected at Philadelphia, with about 54,000, may hear or a desirable opportunity to enter as partner in an se tablitlied and well-paying profeeslonal buriaese by ad dreseing Station_ll,_New.:York._ _..-34.7, 1t* ._ WI.LB AND TIA BALE, yamito, ....m pleat, 00.111 e . OIL .WCollitsro - 211. - .: . . —.4 • .4—/. OF! , t...llrxt *idling to.aoptoy a Capital to good ad apply! for full partioulara, at No. 327 WALNiJT Shear. • PHILIDELPUIA, July 31, 1864. 4513.12i2 • di FOR SALE The Thred-Etory If4ellin g , wilt' side yard, N 0.112 North Eltiliteenth swat, above Arch A Oply to ALL EN & 81.110, S. E. (holier FOURTH and WALNUT Streets, second Hoer. jel2-3t* :TO RENT-A THREE-STORY Sin BRICK Di7ELLIRG4 on RACE Street, one door ahoy° Twelfth, north siea giant low to a good tenon Apply to IVETH NEILL S &NOTE( ER, jel2 47 and 49 North EiNthiND Streak - di TO RENT-A. THREg-STORY Wezl BRICK DWELLING, on PINE Street, near Seventeenth, north tide. ADDIy to WETNERILL & BROTHER, jel2 47 end 49 North SECOND Street. gig F 0 R SALE, OR . P.A.RT ILX ...a•CRANGE.—Pine SARK, 218 'ACRES, situate on the Delaware river, 23 utiles from the city. Railroad sta tion upon.the place. Large stone Mansion. beautifully located, having a view of the surrounding country and river from it. Three tenant's houses, large barn, number of out-buildings, all in complete order. Superior finite of every kind. Apply to • E. PETTIT, jell No. 309 WALNUT Street. g 2 FOR SAL E.—FIRST-CLASS FARM. containing 85 ACRES, near Doylestown, 28 mites from the city, in Bucks county, large and con. valiant improvements, nicely watered, etc. Also, a num ber of FARMS in Cheater and Delawero conntiee. Ap ply to E. P 4TTIT, jell . No. 300 WALNUT Street. TO. RENT—Four Different Country met Places, with a few acres of ground, fine fruits, near railroad stations, and convenient to the city. one of which is furnished. Apply to E. PETTIT, ie3 No. 309 WALNUT Street. da , FOR SALE—A desirable Farm, 108 scree', near Downingtown, Chester county; nicely watered; hydrant water at the house and barn. Yirst•rate atone improvements, aU in complete condition; fine timber,'excellent frnita, ,tc. Apply to E. PETTIT, je3 No. 309 WALNUT Street. is FOR SALE OR TO LET—Four 'IIBA Houses, on tho wed aide of BROAD Street, below Columbia avenue. Apply at the eouthweat corner of NENTEL and SANBOId Streets. mh2B-tf a TO LET.—Dwelling House, South out corner of TWENTY-UE.OOND and GREEN Streets. Keys at Rotre grocery, corner of Twenty-se cond and DCount Vernon streets. Apply to JAM.EB CRESSON, jcir. If 23 North FOURTEI Street. TO RENT---A well-furnished BR•Country House, of moderate size. • The grounds in clude Flower, Fruit, and Vegetable Gardena, an Orchard, a pleaaant grove, through which a tittle brook flows, and pasture grounds for the use of two cows. It is situated a mile and a half from Old York Road Station, North Penn sylvania Baron& Inquire 1616 Loousr Street. sp7-nnif tf rpo DISTILLERS. -s- The DISTILLNIIT known ae the " PHCEINIX," and formerly owned and occupied by 86.111M.11511T11- leg., situated on TWENTY-THIRD, between and VINE Streets, Philadelphia, Oapnclty 00 bushels par day, la now offered for side on reasonable and accom modating terms. 1e in good running order, and has as the modern Improvements. An Artesian well on the pre mises furnishes en unfailing supply of good, pare water.. Addreee Z. LOOKS & 00., No, 1010 11AltliZ3 Street, Philadelphia. fe2.2-dtt ~i~l2S.'b'ii (' . OPARTNERSBIP — NOT — M - - - fire 'kJ undersigned bave formed a copartnership, under the firm of SLADE, SMITH, 00., for the purpose of umlauting the Domestic...l)l7 Goode OOMMiSSiOII Bud. cu ea, at Nos. 40 and 42 South FRONT Street, and 39 LE TITIA Street. J ARVIS 'SL ADE. J. FRAILEY SMITE. rHILADEL NIU E Jfiuo 32 : 1.5c2 THE COPARTNERSHIP HERE total.° existing between the subscribers, under the firm of ABBOTT, JOIINES, & CO., is this day dissolved by ututusl consent. The business of the ftrm will be set tled by George W. Jobnes and William H. Berry, either of whom is authorised to Man in liquidation. REDITAN ABBOTT, GEORGE W. JOIINES, • WILLIAM. H. BERRY, • . GEORGE J. GROSS, WILLIAM. T. WILOOX. Philadelphia. June 2;1862. ja2-12tak . MUGS AHD CHEMICALS. ROBERT SHOEMAKER & Northeast Dorm" FOURTH end FADE Streets, PHILADELPHIA, WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS, IMPORTERS AND DEALERS Ia YOREIGN AND DOMESTIC WINDOW AND PLATE GLASS. luxuriant:runs or WHITE LEAD AND ZINO PAINTS, PUTTY, Loam rem tits OBLIIIIRAMID FRENCH ZINC PAINTS. Dealers end oommers supplied et VERY LOW PRICES FOR CAREL ap29.2m BLINDS AND SHADES BLINDS AND SHADES. . . WILLIAMS, No. 16 NORTH SIXTH STREET, NANIIIPACTIIREB 07 VENETIAN BLINDS . AND WINDOW SHADES. The largest and finest assortment in tho Oily at tb• GOWNS'? DEI3EB. STORE SHADES LETTERED. Ilepatring promptly attended to. enS-Rei CABINET FURNITURE. (IABINET.FURNITUBB AND BM. MAUD • TABLIIIB. MOORE & CAMPION, N 0.261 South BEGOND Street, to conneetke with their extensive Cabinet BIIIEIIBO3 Sie :ow menufsotarimg a superior artiole of BILLIARD TABLES, And have now on band s full supply, finbthed with Ole MOORE & CAMPION'S IMPROVED CUSHIONS, which are pronounced, by ell who have mod them, to be superior to all others. For the quality and finish of them tabloe the menu acturere Toler to their numerous patrons throughout she Union, who are. familiar with the obarsoter of Me& :work. tali6-Ban SAFES. LIIALIE'S . SAFE DEPOT R MOTES' to No. 21 South SEVENTH Street, near Franklin List - ante. The undorsignod, thankful fqr past favors, and Wag determined to 'merit future patronage, has secured se elegant and cenvonient store, end has now on band large assortment of Lillie's Celebrated Wrought and Chilled Iron Fire and Burglar Proof Salsa, (the onb stxtctly tiro and burglar proof Wee made.) Also, Lillie's Unequalled Bank Vault, Safe, and Bank Locks. Lillie's Bank Vault Doors and Locks will be furnished to order on abort notioe. This is the strongest, beet Pro tected, and cheapest Door and rook yet offered. Also, particular attention Is called to Lillie's Ns. Cabinet Safe, for Plate, Jewelry, dm. This Safe Is con. ceded to surpass In style and elegance anything yet et. fared for tide purpose, and is the only one that is Birk* the end burglar proof. tlirsalat. Noritig.—l have now on hand say twenty cc Parcel, Herring, di oo.'e Sake, most of them nearly new ; and some forty of other makers, comprising a complete assortment as to eine, and all lately exchanged for the now celebrated Lillie Safe. They will be sold at very low prices. Plow call and examine. ja2B-lyif • IL 0: SADLIII, Agent MI EVANS & WATSON'S SALAMANDER SAM STORE, .1.5 SOUTH FOURTH STREET, PHILADELPHIA, PA. • A jliFsis 'variety or FTRE-PROOF SAFES away.= B 0 TB' MISSES', AND OHM DWI'S . OVOTHING, IeNDLEBEI .1-Almm, No: 137 South BIGSTH Street, mylll.2m Three Awe shore WALIOT. SUMMER RESORTS. UNITED STATES HOTEL, ATLANTIC CITY, N. J., JAMES K. ROBISOE. Superintendent This celebrated Hotel will be open for the reception or visitors on Saturday, Jane 21, 1862, and sill continue open until September 15. Hums the last season many handsome Improvements have been made, both to the house and the groands, adding still further to the comfort, convenience, and Warm e of the guests. Persons di sirirg to spend the sum tier at the Sac Shore mid find the accommodations at the UNITED ST VI'S superior to those of any ether house on the Atlantic Coast. Haanier'S celebrated Band Gas been engaged for tho seanon, nod will to under the direction of the ilfeeara. He ster. TITOIVIAS BARRATT, late of Cap* Hey, wilt have charge of the Billiard Room, Ten-pin Allele, and Ehoothar Gallery. The extensive improvements made two years ago, and thee. now in contemplation by the owners of this splendid establishment, arena ample guarantee of what the patrons of the house may expect under its present management. TEENSY A B. Bactwx, For Proprietors. SUMMER BOARD)ZIG.- BROAD TOP MOUNTAIN HOUSE.—& romantic spot for a SUM Milt ItBfiIDENCE on one of the Mountain Tops of Pennsylvania, reached daily by the Pennsylvania Central, and the Broad Top Mountain Railroad from Ilmitingdon. The 11011E0 is one of the finest in the in terior of the State, handsomely furnished. with all the re gnisitcs for comfort sad convenience—pure air, deli cious spring water, romantic econery, and everything to rector') sr d invigorate health. Telegraph station anct e daily moil, so that daily commnnication may be had with Philadelphia. The Pennsylvania Railroad will furnieb excursion tickets through the Demon. Persons leaving Plidedel phis in the morning can take tea at the Mountain Mouse the same evening. 1 he eubecriber has kindly been allowed to refer to the following gentlemen. residents of Philadelphia, who have been Tattoos of the Mountain Mouse: Wm. Cummings, Eat , I David P. Moore, Eel., Semi. Costner, Bet., Thos. Gerstein), Esq. Non. Beery D. Moore, Lewis T. Watt'on, John McCanles, Esq., G. Albert LPIVir , Ji n Hartman, Eat . Richard D. ; liWood, Esq. farther informatioo„ adJrese OItRISUN, Proprietor. , Ilnutingdon county, Pa. TERMS MODERATE. For JOSEPH • itH2-1m Broed•Top Cit eiRESEON SPRING, CAMBRIA kJ COUNTY, rd.—This delightful and popular place of summer resort, located directly on the line of the renusytvania Railroad, on the summit of the tilleirher. , . arountsitia, twenty-throe - mu-ionic net Move the term of the ocean, will be open for guests from the 10th of June till the 10th of October. Since last season the Found& have been greatly improved and teiti=a., and a num ber of eotiagAs have been erected for the accommnds- Sin of families, rendering Cresson ono of the moss romantic and attractive places in the State. The furni- Imre is being thoroughly renovated. The seeker of -%flasure and the sufferer from heat find !Biome will find attractions here in a firabclasa Livery Stable, Billiard Tablet, Tenpin Allem Baths, &0., together with the purest air and water, and the most magnificent mountain acentry to be found in the country. Tickets good for the round trip from Philadelphia, 47.60; from Pittabitrg, 133.05. For further information, addffi; • G. W. MilLI4ll., Cresson Springs, Cambria B1)21ORD SPRINGS. A. 0-. AL LEN' respectfully informs the public that this cele brated end fashionable WATERING Flat:lE is now open end fully prepared for the reception of visitors, and will be kept own until the let of October. Persons whit:dr g Bedford Itilueral Water will be sup plied at the following prices st the Springs—viz: For a bend (oak) $D 00 tt bell-barrel. 2 00 Parties wishing rooms or any information in regard to the place will addrem the "Bedford Mineral ipriogs my2B-ew HOTELS. po'wEns , HOTEL, Nos. 17 and 19 PARE ROW, OPPOSITE TIM ASTOR HOUSE') NEW YORK VERDES 81.50 PER DAY This !lobular Hotel beg !ably been thoroughly reno vated Bad rofarnialted, and now posseseen all the requl ellen of a The patronage of Philadelphians and the travelling public, desiring the beat accomodations and geolarate charge', is respectfully solicited. je2-3m H. L. POWERS, Proprietor. gTEVENS HOUSE, (LATE DELMONICO'M Ho. 26 BROADWAY, " NEW YORK. Five inixintoe' walk from Fall River boat leading, Chambers *vest. and foot of Qortiand street. mh2B.Bro 0:ZO. W. S'illiPHSWB, Proprietor. ACARD. -THE UNDERSIGNED, late of the GTPABD HOUSE, Philadelphia, have leased, for a term of }ears, IVILLARD'S ao Mb, In Washington. They take this occasion to retoru to their old friends and customers many thanks for pal: Covoro, and beg to assure them that they NM he mc•t happy to Dee them to thotr new onortArs.. @Y) E 3; It CO. tvAsnocrrox, July 16.1861. aw 23-1.7 rTgV7.V"'''M R THE SE A Slf OREI- SU MP.R AR RANGEMERT-.-OA DORN AND ATLANTIC RAIL ROAD. Three trains daily to Atlantic City and return, (Sun days excepted). Trains leave TINE-Street Ferry as fOHOWB: Nail Train Express . . ....... Freight and Accommodation RETURNING Leaves, Atlantic Mail Train 4 40 P. 81. 10xpress Train 610 A. M. . 4 • Freight and A ccommodation.3 18 A. ItT. FA RE $l.BO Round. trio Tickets, °cod only for the day and /rain on which (hey are issuod, 32.50. Excu.r mon Ticketa, good for three Gaya, $3. flotele are now ANUS ; . TWA!! Acting and Biggs Manager W. S. TREDERILIKB. Bnigneel Agent and Treaemrer JOS. D. NURPlift. BENEFIT OF F. S. CLIANFR&U. BIS LAST NIGHT Bur !DNB. THIS (FRIDAY) EVENING, Jime 13,1801, BULL RUN, BULL BUN, BULL RUN! Or, the Sacking of Fairfax Court Route. Jupiter, (a contraband ' ) F. S. Chanfratt. Previous to the drama, the piece of MOSE IN CALIFORNIA Note V. S. Obaufrau. 'Eliza Stebbine.. Dire. C. Henri. Jenny Mies E. 'Price. Prices cur mat Doors open at iN. Curtain rises at 8 o'clock. 'XTALNOT•BTREET THEATRE NINTH and WAIKEIT Streets. Sole Looses Afro. M. A. Garrettson. Acting end Stage Maneger Mr Wayne Olwicus. BAPTU•RE AND APPLAUSE. DISTINGUISHED SUCCESS. Fifth Night of the Engagement of THE. AMERICAN COMIC ACTRESS, MISS JULIA DALY. FRIDAY EVENING, June 13, 1362, Fifth night of the original Comedy of OUR FEMALE AMERICAN COUSIN. New Songs snit Demo, by MISS DALY. To conclude with the Comedietta of EVERYBODY'S HUSBAND. Doors open at o'clock. Commons. at 8. ASSEMBLY • MIXINGS. CAPTAIN WILLIAMS , GREAT NAUTICAL ENTERTAINMENT. Tarannw SCENES •" N'• T.lf LIFE OF A YANKEE WE sLEMAN, EVERY EVENING, at 8-o'clock precisely. SELECT MATLWEE, SATURDAY at 3 o'clock. Admission 25 cents. Six Tickets for one dollar. Chil dren 10 cents. Liberal arrangements made for schools on Wednesday Afternoons. jol0•Bt TIENNSYLVAICIA ACADEMY Olt 1 TES FINE ABM Thirty-ninth Annual Exhi• bibon of Paintings and Sculpture, 1025 011ZSTInr: Street. Open from 9 A. M. till ti P. M., and from P. M. till 10 P. 11. Admittance 25 cents; Season Tickets 50 coats. Stockholders, Artists, and Contributors will rocelis their tickets at the Academy : no admissions without. Open from 9 A. 51. till 7 P. M . and [ram 8 till 10 P . 51. aim INSURANCE COMPANIES GIRARD FIRE AND MARINE INSURANCE CORPANY OFFICE 41,5 WALNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA. CAPITAL 8200,000. This company continues to take risks so the sass &mitotic/ Property mints rates. The public can rely upon ite responsibility, sod eleill ty b imp linden praruptly. Its dithursectente for the benefit of the public, during the last nine years, e steed 3500,000, and we mipeetray EIOUCit Ita favor 13 the farr-ze DIRECTORS JERRY . WAL - Sam„ JOHN THORNLRY, IREALTAM. HART, PETER S. HOE, of N . FURMAN SHEPPAIW N. S. LAWBENUE: JOHN SUPPLE'S.. CHAS. I. DUPONT, JOHN W. CLAGB_OHN, D. Y. HEAZLITT, DAVID BOYD, Jr., WM. M. JOSEPH KLAPP, M. D WM. 0. BD - Dm N, THOMAS OILATEN, Pregdeat. A. B. GILLIDTT, Vice Provident JAS. B. ALVOBD, Secretary. ap7B-t!• FAME INSUR No. 406 OILESTITUT FIRE AND MI. . DIEM F. R. Buck, E. D. Woodruff, Ohas. Richardson, John Kessler, Jr., Henry Lewin, Jr., P. B. Justice, Alex. Whilldin, Washington Jones, Geo. A. West, Ohee. Stokes, G. W. Davis, John W. EV6IIIISEL. FRANCIS N. BUCK, President. CHARLES BWHABDSON, Vice President. WELLIA.MS I. BLANCHARD, Secretary. [mug-Bat CONXONWEA.LTH T Pim maw BANOS COMPANY, OE THE STATE 01i PENNAYLVAHLA. DIRMOTOII6. David Jayne, H. D., Charles H. 'Rogers, John K. Whitall, John IL Walker, Edward O. Knight, Robert Shoemekor, Thomas B. Stewart, MUM= Strati:era, Henry Lewis, Jr., Elijah Jones. DAPJAYNE, hi D., President. JOHN K. WHITALL, Vice Preetderit. ISAMVIL B. MOON, Secretory. Office, Oommonwealth Balling, 613 OKESTHUN Street, Philadelphia. ee4.l( V TRJSSES LB' TRUSSES, SUPPORT &BB, BRdOEB, and other Mechanical Underway of correct oonstrnotion and easy to the wearer. For sale sad adjustment at 0.11. NBLDLLB' LADIES' ETOIII, TWELFTH street, diet door below Mao& Gentlemen roanirina Nurture Trauma will call at the Southwest corner TWELFTH and BLOW where 0. M. N. Elyse attention to this meselalf extern nibl2.Bmit TUONIMENTI3 AND GRAN'S STONES at vary redwood itricea at Marble Worlue of A. ST.IIIENNETZ, =el Avenue, below Itleirtalli threat. . 001111-1110, 11111A3IPHGET PRINTING, Bost and Cheapest In the Mr, at ISIXOWLIA dt anown-a, U.l South TOTIBTH eat. apL3 -.7.10 A. M. ..4.00 P. M. ..5.00 P. M. JOHN G. BRYANT, Agent. OE COMP NY. D INSURANOI OBS.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers