THE CITY. TIIE GOVERNMENT ARSENALS AND STOBEHOLISES MAN UFACTURN OF ARTY GOODS.—But few persons are perhaps spare of the vast amount of labor performed, amt the large number of ens lidos ma engaged in the mannfacture of army equipments at the roiled Slalom arueuals in this city. It has been estimated that the Government hal employed, on an ave rage, eir ce time commencement of time rebellion, about ten thousand females weekly in this city alone, independent of the large bomber whose services have been secured by be meny contractors. Besides these, employment has also be en furnished to hundreds of mesa, who are used In different capacities, from that of superintendents of sub-arsenals and storehouses, through all the different grades down to tbetaborer. The arsenal on Gray's Ferry' Bowl, bas not, during the whole period of its exigtente, turned out as large a quintity of equipments of all kinds for the Malted States army as have been manufactured since the com mencement of the war up to the present time. Neither at any previous period of Its existence have affairs been so thoroughly syetenatized as now, or work en expedi tiously performed. In credit to Philadelphia, it cannot be denied that she has furnished goods of a far superior manufacture, and at a shorter notice, than any other city in the country. So thoroughly has this latter feet •heen established that the duty of fitting the largest orders has always been entrusted to this city. Shortly after the breaking out of the present unhappy strug gle, the War Department. at Washington, (elected 'Colonel George 11. Crosman, as deputy onartsr master general of Philadelphia, he having served here at a previous period for eight years, during which time he gave lime most entire satisfaction, and so ably performed his duties that he was again imme diately pointed out as the one must competent t 3 flit this. responsible post during these troublons times. Celenel Crosman cams 10 this city about August last, and located his headquarters at Twelfth and Girard streets, since which time he has labored arduously in furthering the beet interests of the Government. Us keeps a strict eye over the numerous departments under his charge, and brings promptly to account sit those who may ho Co. MMus in their duties. Ihe Mike of deputy quartermaster, at the present time, is a hundred - fold more laborious then at any previous period, as we now have in the field the largest volun'oer 'army over assembled together, whose wants are imperative and must be attended to. The business of Slits post bas increased to a vast extent, and the amount of labor performed was so great that the old arsenal was soon found entirely two small for the operations of the workmen and time accommodation of the goods when manufactured. In order that the Go vernment night not be crippled, and that this depart ment could • meet promptly the demands made upon it, other buildings were at once secured and fitted up, by the quartermaster, and are need as branch artensts. TIM SCHUYLKILL ARSBNAL The Schuylkill or G relate Ferry Are, nal is the mite donot for the manufacture and storage of Government goals. Captain George W. Martin is the military storekeeper at this point, ably assisted by George H. Roberts, Ban The armnal comprises four distinct departments—that, for the modulo , e of shoes and cam, the cutting de partment, the deportment for receiving the °tithing when made, and the storehouses and various oil:es. Each of these different departments necessarily gives employment to huodreds. The artily tents, which aro being made by rout, act, are also received and stored away here after beteg duly inspected by Mr. Thomas Timmons, who has charge of that particular branch of the business. It is thought that, on an average, come four thousand women receive work weakly from this inetitulloo. • They generally obtain such an amount of work as must compel Muss to seek other aid, in order that it may be returned at the stipulated time, hence more are actually employed In the manufacture of the goods than receive it directly from the arsenal. Three days in each week arc allotted to giving and re ceiving work, when the gangs of revving women may be aeon coming front ell parts of the town, with their liege bundles, directing their way towards the arsons , . Oil UMW drum certain of rho railway companies do a flourishing business In the conveyance of passengers. At each pay day a large amount of money is distribute" among thin class or working people. The paymaster, Efr.R.Gibson, Is generally occupied the greater part of end, day in the disbursement of funds. Ho also attends to the paying of the employees at the Chestnut-at out arsenal, and big position is both one of labor and resoonsiblilty. Each germent. upon being brought In, and before mild for; IC subjected to the most 'rigid inspection, and, if found deficient, is thrown on the hands of the maker. This work is given out under the direction of the super intendent, Mr. William H. Irvin, who, after seeing that the clothing comes folly up to the army regulations, Makes a transfer of It to the military storekeeper, from whose hands it misses into that of the addict. All these various departments are thoroughly organized, and, not withstanding the large numbers employed in each, yet they are no ably - mengged, that everything Is performed in the bestacd moat expeditious manner. Owing to the large increase of busioess it was not only found necessary to occnpy outside 'buikllogs, but also to make many additions and erect other structures at this place. Upon the breaking out of the rebellion the waste of the Government were eo urgent that but little clothing and other articles ft r the soldiers woe allowed to accu mulate. After some time, however, the demand fell elf and quantities of goods were dally placed in store until it well found necessary to erect two rows of sheds on the aouth side of the arsenal to be used exclusively for sto rage purposee. These structures, much resembling In appearance long rows of frame dwelling homes, run side by side, and are each 740 feet in length and 44 feet in breadth. At the present thus both aro complitely filled with coats and pants, which are carefully packed and eo. arranged se to prevent their being damaged or Injure" In au- way. This immense stock •is liable to be called for by the Government at any moment. 'Every available apartment and building on the ameba' premiss is filled to its utrnsat capacity with manufactured goods and raw material. Tho stock on hand Is almost beyond calculation, yet each particular kind of articles are marked and registered, and stowed away with care. Those under whose charge they aro placed are held strictly accountable for their safety and good keeping. Many recent improvements have taken plane, the most Important of which, and one which will everitnally save the expenditure of thorvands of dollars, Is the increased facilities afforded for forwarding goods to any point where needed. A row of Clods have been erected on the line of the Beonsi the uortitsideef the arsenal on a line with the floor of the . sherls extends a long platforin several feet above the ground, and from which geode vet en boxed, are with but little labor transferred to the freight cars which halt at this-point to receive their cargo. A similar arrange ment by which freight may be transferee' to the cars on the Baltimore Railroad has been effected on the South aide of the 1 ard. Through these increased facilities for the shipment of .goods, it le estimated that about tra,ooo per week eon be small. This, was the amount previously paid for .carting the goods from the arsenal to the various railroad depots. If ne cessary, goods can oho be sent by water. several vessels lying in the Schuylkill, west of the arsenal, baying al reedy received loadsandeailed. Toe forwarding by rail road, however, is mete, able to that by water. Money is not only saved the Government by these now improve ments, but time to gained In supplying our army with whatever may be demanded. THE CHESTNUT • STREET ARSENAL. Title building, located at Twenty-loath and Chestnut streets, was, some years since, occupied as a hotel. The structure Is large and commodious, and shortly after the commencement of the present rebellion was securedrlir the Government, to be need as a breech sewlee . •sli er , - placed under the superintendence of.„Jr - cost of acting who previously, for a short titteesdelkill Amend Many military stortkeeper octik have been brouaht about he Improvements ondeehilh the building was more Butted D 1 r. biter tiro than the purpose for which it had seen ler . peedy - et the different departments were so well orga meld and managed, that thittnew institution was found a valuable addition. It gives employment to about the eeme number of females a• are engaged at the former place; besides, a number of women are kept almost constantly employed in the building. en gaged In core ri rg canteens and repel ring clothi eg. Owing to the building not being constructed for an arsenal, much inconvenience le suffered on the days upon which tho gangs of sewere return their work. The small rooms and narrow entries soon become jammed up, and on mote than one occasion have come of the female operatives been injured. From personal observation, however, we are assured that this is a nuisance which, tinder existing circumstances, caunot be abated. In fact, the fault lies more with the emplortes than anything elm The women who obtain en.ploymeut fretu Ibis place aro generally on band at an early ]tour, long before thetime for their ad =Mance, endi when the doors are3opened, so great is the rush, that their lives and limbs are often imperilled. They have been cautioned against this, but to no effect. Even after they are once within the building, they are equally as anxious to leave it. All the clothing, etc., after being made up and returned to this piece, in thoroughly Jeweled and at once trans ferred to the Schuylktil arsenal, where it is placed In more. Dere It remains until sent off. The inspection in all cases is conducted with care and groat ecrntioy. Mr. jeciel Campbell is the chief inspector. In the first plane the unmade geode nrefurnished the Governmentby con tractors agreeable to sealed patterns exhibited by the of ilcer of the Quartermaster's Department contracting for the same. Upon reaching the arsenal they are examined by sworn inspectors, and are retained or rejected agree able to their coming rip to, or falling below the standerd.. If received, a bill Is made out in favor of the contractor upon which he is paid ,• the military storekeeper certify ing that he has received the goods in question, whilst the impeder certitise that they have passed his taupe:alma. A requisition Is received for a certain number of coats and pante ; the superiutendent makes a demand upon the storekeeper for the number of yard, necessary to make zip the garments. for which he gives hle receipt. • This cloth lie places to the hands of a corps of cotters steadied to the establishment. Here the cloth again undergoes an inspection, and if any Imperfections are found it is the duty of the cutters to report the same. The work Is given out, and upon being returned basalts subjected to inspection. II once it is almost n matter of impassibility that under an arreneemoct of title kind bad clothing or other articles of an inferior quality should be furnished. 'When the rebellion firm broke out, the p•aesing (remade of tlie troops in the fold was the means of their befog sup plied with tooth -made uniforms. At that time the Govern ment was hard pushed for these articlee, and goods which then were allowed to pegs' by the inspectors, wield now be thrown out at once. Much of this clothing to made by the contract P 3 stem, which la open to objection at all times, but that it comes up to the 'required standard there can be no doubt. Disappointed contractors and others were lostruterntal In raising a loud cry againet the management of the Philadelphia areenals—that goods of an inferior (tastily were furnished. This charge bee been disproven and rebuked. It would be unreasonable to en ppm, however, tent whore millions of dollars' worth of clothing es mannfecturesi and stored away, all abode answer fully to the requirements of the Government. In receiving ouch quantities as are brought to the Schuylkill arsenal, even the most careful might be liable to overlook sumo Imperfection. That the goods furnished from this oity. however, are of a far Impeller quality to those furnished elsewhere, is evident from the rest amount of patronage bestowed on Phila delphia, much • against the wishes and will of the Gotlinmltes, who have left no efforts untried in order to hare the work carried to Now York. THE STOESTWEENS Owing to the Schuylkill arsenal becoming completely filled with rendy-made goods, It was found necessary to smite buildings for thu storage of raw material. The old malt-home, et the northwest corner of Twenty-first and Spruce sheets, was rented for this purpose. The structure is 160 by 66 feet. and is six stories in height: This storehouse is under the control of Superlitendent Calvin Test. The upper portion of the largo building at the corner of Twenty-third and Filbert streets, under the superintendence of Edw. F. Phillips, Seq., is used for the mime nurposee. On one floor in this latter place no loss than 1"0 ke , enre are packed. The old Government buildings, at Fifth and Chestnut streets, was also for merly used as a storehouse, but has recently been ye 4ated. All the goods placed in store are so arranged and guarded as to e cape any injury. They are covered with .canvas saturated with turpentine, to protect them from moth tend other vermin. Tar paper is also extensively need for ibis mieposo. They are nail covered, and kept hole the light ns much as possible. Where an immense lot of material is placed in one pile, it Is so arrauged as to have a free passage of air through and under. The superintendents deity Inspect their stock, and notice any damage It may hare snetained, the cause of which it is' their &Arta ascertain and report at headquarters. The greatest vigilance and precaution is elan exorcised Against the occm r ace of a fire. No lights, under any circumstances, are nerd in the storehouses, each of which Is furnished 'With numerous buckets, which are kept constantly filled with water, and pieced In every wett able part of the hut ding. This precaution is awed in both the arsena , s /13 well as the storehouses. The Neill, ilea for extinguishing a lire are so perfect that the Ilahes could gain but little headway before they woeld ha Arrested. Ned of the buildings le also guarded during the night by patrolmen with loaded muskets. No ex ertion ben been spared to make our arsenals and store homes what they are, far superior and more ably con.; ducted than those of any other city. • ARRIVAL OE VESSELS.—The arrivals of totelan and eon wits vessels at Ode port, limit month, numbered 283 more than in the month of April, and 40 more than in 3151, 1881. Tho total arrivals lance Jana ttry let, 1882, ia.ebe en 11,184, and during tho ne tiod in 1801, thin Were 10,044, or 1,150 than the present) ear. To BE FENTENCED.—Wm. Gormley, convicted necrly a year since of murder in the leumit degree, eili be sentenced, by Judge Milian, oa Warder zest. THE CONTESTED ELECTION CARE OF THOM PSON VS. NWlNG.—Yosterday meaning, iu the Court of Quarter Cessions, before Judges Thetnteon ant Ludlow, the case of Tb . 01711/900 ye. Swing was called up. At the time the case was last before the court there vat a metier, let. To quash the petition of the con testn o w on the ground of inconsistencies therein, discrediting the oa th of the petitioner; 2. To di-tnisa (aide specifica tions on account of- irregularities and lucocals'eaolos therein ; and 3d. A motion for a commission to take the testimony in the morning. The last motion- was withdrawn by Mr. Thaler after the decision of the Su preme Court. Yesterday morning the motto's :to tomb the petition was own ruled, and the court declined ts de cide the motion to strike out specifications as decision on tto motion to quash the petition had in o'rd - decided this motion. " li/e8 / 3 • 1310 w , t l l Esti., on behalf of lir. twin!, de sirici a formal decision on MO motion to strike out the Messrs. Thayer and Gilpin then wlt/tdrew the epecal. cations complained of by the respondent. Mr. Hirst next moved to strike on; tho second specitl- Cation. Overrnled by the court. , Tt e counsel for Mr. Thompeon'declared tbeirroadinere to procted with the teetimon). Mr. Gowen stated that time was desired to prepare an anewsr to the petition.. Mr Mina, upon the same side, said that he had 1,0 , 11 engaged for the pest week in wowing the 'imam Mr. Thayer opposed the application for a portpone. trent. He said hero was a gentleman by law, on the race. of the records of tho court, entitled to the office of shsriff, who is excluded, and ono who, on the face of the records, is not entitled, is in the elljos meet of it for many months and reaping Its profits. It was propored to keep the. legally-elected candidate out of the office for a eV further length of time. 3lr Cowen admitted that the decision bytho Supreme Court had preaected a different kate of attains, which they were required to meet. An that wee now required was time. )Ir. Hirst declared that he would be reads with the answer in two weeks. The Judge destriel the contestant to swooned. Mr. Thayer offered the return made to the 'Return Judges, and produced Mr. Knight, the Prothonotary of the Common Pleas, no a settees°, for the purpose of iden tifying the papers. The return was admitted in evidence and reed. Norris Parker, president of the Board of Return Judges, wag called, and the return identified by him. As the original papers, from which the aggregate was made up, were at the reeldence of Mr. Parker, the coutettaats closed their case, reserving the right to produce those papers. Ir. Hirst renewed Lis request for Ume to prepare the answer. Air. Thayer thought if the respondent had any cage he should now present it. Judge Thompson said this case was different from any other contested-election case. Dere the contestant's case rested upon the elitism No now fact had been elicited, and ho was at a!ose to nnderstand how it would require two weeks to put in an answer. One of the pet ties wits in the enjoyment of the office, and the court could not have its time entirely occupied with this case. Ore week should be sufficient to prepare the answer. Thera was nothing to require an extended investigation. Judge Ludlow also considered the case pocaliar. In view of the fact that the highest smirched been required to decide the constitutionality cf a portion of the vote, both parties were entitled to count the vote until it w ee judicially thrown aside. The decision of the gamma Court lute wiped out of existence a law, ani It now ap pears that the majority of Mr. Ewing has been swept away, and Mr. Thompson, on the face of the returns, by, a majority • and cs the record presented Mr. Thomp son as entitled to *Le office, the counsel cf Mr Ewing should expedite the case as much as Possible, as a simple act of justice to Mr. Thompson. Ten 'Jaye shohld be sufficient for an answer. Judge Thompson veld • ten days would be allowed, (Yriday,l3th of June,) when the respondent mast be ready to preceed. The contested election case of Stevenson vs. Lawrerice was oleo argued for a short time, before the full bench of judges, by dlr. 1. O. Brewster for plaintiff, and Wm. I,: Hirst, Btu., for defendant. Nothing now was elicited, and their Honors announced this, they would give a de cision on Saturday nest, at 10 o'clock. CORRECTION —ln our account of tile contested-election case in yesterday's Press, by some un accountable mistake part of the report, including hir. Cassiday's remarks, was omitted. Then remarks wore in type, and should have been inserted immediately be. fore the commencement of hfr.Conarroe'e argument. We twilit the omitted portion to•dey:i* When this case was last before the Common Fleas mat ters were brought to a deadlock by the diearreament of Judges Thompson and Ludlow on several points, one of them being the power that the court had to proceed with the case after the expiration of the term, Judge Ludlow holding that the case must at once he brought to an un timely and, and Judge Thompson that the jurisdiction of the court having fnlly attached to the case, and the law directing them to hear and finally determine it neon tits merits, the judges were bound to go on and decide noon tht same, slid that they would be derelict in their duty if they did otherwise. Yesterday, at the euggestion of Mr. Hirst, a re-argu ment was bad before a full bench. Ilir. Cassidy (for respondent) said that when the cause was teat before the court the counsel for the respondent moved to day further proceeding' and to dltmiss the pe tition upon the ground that the jariediction of the court in the matter bad ceased. Ilion the motion tbb court was divided, and the question uow to be considered is the legal effect of that decision. It Is submitted that the Judgment of the court ,now onght to be that all further proceedings under the petition be stayed, hematite the court before whom the cause was tried was divided, thus making it impossible, no matter what labor was expended or time occupied for them to arrive at a final judgment either In favor of the contestants or the respondent. It was and Is not the case of a divided curt upon a motion in an ordinary proceeding, or of an ordinary mo tion in a canes. In each a case the motion would fail, but here the question goes to the jurisdiction of the court to hear it at V!, and unless at all times in the Dro wses of the court the jurisdiction is maintained, there Cbll be no final judgment, and consequently all proceed ings after a court Is divided upon such a question are use less—they have no result. That this is the effect of a division of the eonrt upon a antetion involving the Jurisdiction, is sustained by the decision of the highest and ablest south the land—the Pm:items Court of the United Slates, in case of Bingham against Cabot In 3d Dallas It is believed by us that no case holding a contrary doctrine could or CPU be cited. That this case should se terminate may be regretted by your Illinois, but our duty as well as your Honore, I take leave to submit, is to deal with the law as we find it. This to not the law-making power, but simply the forum for expounding and expressing the law as it is mad& The Legislatnre has Ken fit to limit your control over this case. They have used no doubtful words They have declared their intention as strongly as words can declare it. " Shall p roceed t a/tP l ittill •es — fe - recraire . no gument to enforce sod, I reser:Wally stennir, it would not In any cease other than a contested election. In such cases a desire to do some fancied, or perhaps substantial, justice between the parties, or to arrange the merits of the controversy upon principles other than those well-defined rules that are adapted to the adminis tration of justice, seems to possess all concerned in the cause, and thus we find ourselves freatnerely wan dering from the beaten track of legal reason and authn rity,- and consequently as often find ourselves in a la byrinth of troubles, and giving satisfaction neither to the parties tuigent, the legal Inquirer, nor the public. The uueetiortileow for consideration has nothing to do with the merifi of the mein question. • It arises in the course of the investigation, and is to be treated as all other legal questions, by the fair ems,ta.4--- tion of the law as we find it rod written..regsrrnoes of what may- nuce, and by consequences such a constructio the Light of authority. r T ee m :to m s mat er by this rale, • I believe your honors ce— , ot escape from the conclusion that the rear., caeo ought to bo completed by an en t ry marine - court before whom the case was argued it o„, divided as to the jurisdiction of the court, the fur-. pier proceedings in this cense inset be etayed. Tn CRIPracAIL COURT.—The June term of the Quarter &Intone COMlllatiCed yestsrday morning. The petit jury was discharged for two weeks. Mr. Dewy Long treth was appointed foreman of the Grand Jury. Ile and the other members of the Grata Inquest were sworn In. Judge Allison, in addressing the juries, remarked that it appears that only sixteen members of the Grand Jury bad answered to their names, and That only fourteen were sworn in. Be animated, as it requires twelve members to find a true bill, that there boa punctual at tendance of the cumbers ; otherwise they will have to emperd their business until absent members could be brought M. His Ilemor now adverted to the liminess of the Grand Jury. In regard to ignoring bills, the inquest has no disposition of the costs. In regard to misdemeanors, the inquest, if ignoring a bill, may put the costs upon the prosecutor; if a time bill be found in cases of misde meanor, nothing is to be said about the caste. The judge alluded to the fact that there would be seve ral cases of homicide brought before the Grand Inquest. Be explained minutely the nature of the proceedings in such cases. The judge enjoined secrecy upon the jurors. • A VALUABLE PENE.—The prize pro peller Cambria, captured by the United States steamer Huron, while attempting to run the blockade at Charles ton, has arrived at the navy yard In charge of Lieut.- • nant George E. Belknap as prizemeater. She is of 850 tons bntden, with new boilers, and hail recently been thoroughly repaired. The Cambria left Nassau on the 27th of April, with a cargo consisting of Entlekl rifles, saltpetre, cloth, and medicines, Jemmied for. Charleston. The vessel is owned in Oarliale, England ; the' cargo is estimated to be worth $5200,000. The prizenvister, Lieu .rehant Belknap, left Port Royal with his prize on the 28th of May. First Amistant Engineer Joseph lid. Adams and Pecond Aseletent Engineer EL A. Boyd also araleted to bring the vessel to this port. Lieutenant William Budd, who came as passenger, took part in the swatches on board nod rendered service to tho prizes master. A part of the crew of the Cambria was soot to New York. Captain Mulholland, the first and second mate, three engineers, and twelve of the crew. of the' Cambria. were brought In the steamer ta aul will he delivered over to the custody of the United• States marshal. The first mate, Whitney, was also brought to Philadelphia. RELIEF TO TEE 0101( AND WOUNDED. Another deputation will ho sent by the Young Men's Christian Association to-day to minister to the physical and spiritual wants of the brave sufferers In hfcGiellatt's ormy. Contributions of hospital stores and money are mach needed, and will be thaakfully received at the rooms of the Association, 1009 and 1011 (Mutant street. ldoney for the same purpose may be sent to George H. Stuart, 13 Bank strcot. We treat that the response to this appeal will be prompt and large. It is also to be boned that the four or fire thousand sick soldiers who aro Ii mg out in the canine, away from the railroads, will tie equally the object of sollcande with those who are lying at more accessible points. Not adisabled s,ldier, whether borne down by disease or by the bullets of the enemy, should be allowed to remain outside of a hospital an hour longer than 11 can be avoided, and no distinction should be made between those who are sick and those who have been wounded. CITY MORTALITY.—From January 4th to May 31st, the number of deaths in the city was 5,927, of which number 2,406 were under five years of age, and 161 over eighty. Of the diseases molt prevalent, 841 died of _consumption of the lungs, and 547 airmail pox. The forowlng shows the number In the different wards that died during the same time: First. 399; Second, 3511 ; Third, 215; Fourth, 292; Fifth, 213; Sixth, 135; So vinth, 287; Eighth, 198; Ninth, 147; Tenth, 228; Eleventh. 140; Twelfth, 139; Thirteenth, 162; Four teenth, 206; Fifte* nth, 368; Sixteenth, 185; Seven teenth, 308; Eighteenth, 282; Nineteenth, 418• Twen tieth, 267; Twenty-first, 125; Twenty - second, 127; Twenty-third, 190; Twenty-fourth, 306; Twenty-fifth, 40 ; unknown, or not located, 240. • DECEASED SOLDIERS. Andrew J. Ruff, of Company A, ith New Jersey Regiment, died on Sianday afternoon, at too residence of hi, parents, Fifth and Fine streets, from the effect of wounds received .at the battle of Williamsburg. Be wee previouelr a three months' volunteer in Colonel Prank Patten n'e Iteiti inrnt. Ha wne a member of the Hope Hone Company, and alwaTe maintained an excellent character. Edward Harvey, private, Battery H, of this StBO, died recently at Antioch 'Choral, Lleserico county, Va. I/acetified belonged to this city. • Tnn Tußl•.—From. present indica- , florin the lovereof the turf will be apt to be treated to /Me tine sport during the coming season. Notwith 7 Mending the depressing influences of the war, there is said to he more horses in training than have appeared on the turf for many days. The spring meeting in KentuCky has commenced nt Lexington, and there hag already been a promise of several flue stables of bones for Phi ladelphia. The cities of New York and Boston intona uniting with Philadelphia in this matter, and It is thought that Suffolk Park will be e•cnred for the purpose. • • . NEW TERM.—The June",.term of the District Court . commenced yesterday morning, and the genoral and current motion lists were before the court.. The Laof Reporters are .'under many obligations to John Dolman; Dee.;tlte clerk or the court, and, to Illostrs. Smith mid lionneida, the crier., for twiny favors recoiled at their halide, during the progress of the jury-trial ye . Tied. as well ea at other times. • DEADLY ASSAULT.—Dr. William A. c.ntro, ,w h ile passing Sevoeth and Catharine streets, about one o'clock on Sunday morning, was set Upon by a party of men, and was pretty roughly handled. !di. cited McGrath and Francis Ilvins were arrested upon the cliarke of having been concerned in the asmult. They were committed by Aldermen Dallas. . . ARTILLERY.—A• drill of Captain Has tirsee bait ry of flying artillery will take place this at lerpoon, :at Dimond Cottage, on the ground vacated by the regiment of Colonel Patterson. The drill will opens mere° about three o'clock P. hI , if the weather to fair, GUARDIANS OP'TQE POOR. The regu lar mend' g of the Guardians of the Poor WM held yester day afte•noon at the Blocliley Aimaltonse. The Board of Visitor's made their report for the month of May of the relief granted by them. The total expen ditures were 480643 Bomber 13.11 t. to Almshouse, 278. Refuted admission, 419 Whole number of those receiv ing relief, 2,206, of whom 467 were Americans; 603 ta rot, era, and IMO children. he Louse. agent reported hie recolpts to be $42 08. The out-door agent reported basing received $165 from emigrant tax and $712 13 for support cases. : The treasurer reported having paid Into ths City Treasury, since the lest report. $677.97 for !manna cases, $4l from emigrant tax, and s3oo front bouts receipts ; total amonnt $l.OlB 97. The sge t reported the census of the house for the two woks ending Haterday lest. Number in the home at 12 , 2,433 ; same time last year, 2,606 ; decrease, 263. 143 have been admitted da tion the peat twn weeks . ; there was 1 birth. 22 deaths, 102 have been discharged, and 50 have eloped. It may ho mentioned, no a matter of intereA, that but five persona have been admitted into the Almstinnso proper since the 14th of May. The lazy and indolent, who dee•re n winter's residence in the Almshouse, are afraid of being set to work,, and therefore keep aloof Irani tho institution. Mr. Iteen moved to proceed to tho election of an aro.' thecary for the Eleventh poor district. Agreed to. Mr. James M. Marks was nominated, and there being no other candiJato ho wee declared elaoted. Mr. Dickinson, from the special committee on printing the annual statement, reported that a delay in printing had been canted by the medical board neglecting to sand in its annual report. Sir. Dickinson then offered a reselntion directing the steward to prepare as full and complete Information on the subject as could be obtained from tile books. Adopted. Mr. Server offered the following : IVhereat ' Applicatiot a are frequently made by the in specters and others front the county prison fur tho ad of persona into the Almshonee from that depart ment. and Whereas, 'From the Tegulatieesof this Board, directing all their visitors not to send, and the steward not to re ceive, annpersons whatever from the county prised: Therefore Resolved, That the instructions issued by this Board to its - officers, prohibiting the admission of persons sent from the county prison, be SO far rescinded as to anth 7.0 the Presid,,nt of this Hoard to order the admission to the Almshouse or hospital of such ;arsons as he may deem proper subjects from the prison on application of the inspectors of the county prison to the that effect, Pro. vidcd such persons be properly chargeable to the city of Philadelphia. • The resolution woo adopted. The steward's requisitions were read and granted, and the Boma adjournal until Monday the 16th of Juno. DEATH OF A. NEW YORK SOLDIER.— N. M. Kerr, of Company K , 92d Now York Regi- ment, died yesterday morning of typhoid fever at the borpital of the Union Volunteer Refreshment Ooinmittee. The deceased was about thirty-two years or age and be. Tonged to Lisbon Berate, et. Lawrence county, New Yoh. A NOTORIOUS CHARACTER ARRESTED. —Officer Hammond, of. the Second Police district, on Senday, arrested an lodividtial named Jeff Davis, at Fourth and Infirm) streets, for Wing drunk anti disor derly. He was asked by Lieut. Frank Hampton If he wee the great criginal Jeff, and ho answered with an in dignant tte,gative.. THE DOG- OATCHERS.--The Dog.De teethes commenced operations yegterday, and succeeded in capturing a number of wortblers curs. • PASSENGERS ARRIVED In bark bleato, from Lagnayra—Mr Henry L Balaton, lady, four cbil.fren, and two oaryantic Mr B Dertda and lady, and Captain Garcia. . . 'PHILADELPHIA. 80....110 DR TRADE. GEORGE N. TATHAM, I.IINJ. MP }MALL, COMMITTEE Or TEI MONTH JAMES R. CAMPBELL, . LETTER BAGS At the Merchants' Exchange, Philadelphia. - Ship Tonawanda, Julius LlverPool, soon Ship Bolybead, Cole ........... .... ...Liverpool, soon Bark C G Ryerson, Robbins, Belfast, Iroland, soon Berk Cordelia, Roberts Rio de Janeiro, soon Brig Mount Vernon, Pike - • • •Rio de Janeiro, soon Brig C II Jordan Havana, soon Behr C El Pentazzl, Wooster Lagosyra, soon Bcbr Fannie, Fence Ilavana, soon Bchr Eveline, Torko - Havana, coon Eii4 id la tAttA A A CO*Cti PORT OF PHILADELPHIA, Jane 3, 1862. SUN RISES .4 31-8027 SIM 499 HIGH WATHB. 488 AattIVED Schr Fair Dealer, Cox,lo days from Bangor, with 340,000 laths to °mktll ftGalvin. . . Behr W Ponder, Norton, 6 days from Newborn, NC, in ballast to Tyler, Stone ,t Co. Scbr Telegraph, Rogers, S days from New York, with mdse to Croe6ll & Collins. Scbr .1 D McCarthy, Smith, 12 days from Fort Jack son, in ballast to captain. Schr Lucy, Spence, 2 days from Brandywine, Del, wit% corn meal to R M Ilea. Schr Telegraph. Connor, 1 day from Smyrna, Dos, with corn to Jae Barrett & Son. Scbr w m'Wallacr ' Scull, from Boston. Scbr John B Mather, Nickerson, from Boston. Schr Maly Ellen, C 331), from Nantucket. Schr Ruth Haisey, Penny, from Stoninsiton. Scbr J C Runyon, Mathias, from Yorktown. Schr A Z Douglass, Coleman, from Fortress Monroe. CLEARED. • Brig Cereal, McDonald, Queenstown or Falmouth, J B Barley Sc Co. _ . Brig Thistle, Smith, Barbados, John It Rue. Behr Fanny Fern, Briggs, Newport, D 8 Stetson & Co. Behr kI Clark, Howard, Salisbury, L Audenried & Scbr A H louglam, Coleman, Boston, do Behr J O Runyon, Mathias, Boston, Hammett, Tan Divan & Leaman. . _ .. Scbr 3 It Mather, Nickerson, Boston, W II Johns & Co. Seim. Win Wallace Scull, Boston, Slnuickson &Glover. Bchr Sharon, Thurlow, Newport, do Behr Mary Ellen, Case, Nantucket, J B Henry. Schr Bath Halsey, Penny, Providence. _an -- ,_-- ----- WitIGEITSVILLE, May 30. boats entered the Susquehanna and . Tidewater Canal to-day, bound to Philadelphia, laden and consigned as follows: Thomas & Harris, lumber to Tramp & Son, and bar iron to Allen, Wood & Co; Harriet Graves, lumber to Trump & Son ; Friendship, do to New York; D M Wag. ter, wheat to PCTOt. & CO. May 3L-8 M. Badyna, lumber to B Wolyorton; . Gen Geo B McClellan, do to Trump & Ebsti; Judge Linn, do to Croskoy & Co; E D Trump and S 11 Trump, do to Trump & Sou; Draper Nicholson ' do to Wilmington; Mary, do to Norcross & Slieets;.S B Sheets, do to B. Croskey 8c Co; B Curtin, do and iron to T Glentworth. m E moj t A 271 , 11.7 NonuareUragoril, i rem 8/111 at Yid- Inouthloth ult. . --wars Aaron I Harvey, Miller, at Barbados 13th tthil to sail 16th for Philadelphia. • • Bark Marion, Hugs, cleared at Baltimore 31st rat. fat , Hong Hong. Brig Roamer, Thompson, cleared at Baltimore 81st rat . for Philadelphia. Brig New Bra, Walker, from Sh'elds, at Cardenas 20th oh, partly dtscharged—expected to load for New York. Solos New Raven,Glover ; am Bristol, RI, and E C Dennison, Lockwood, from Saybrook, both for Phitoilet pbia, at New York tat that- Behrs Somme Rose, Burgess, Marriet Baker, Web ber, and Sea Breeze, Coombe, cleared at Baltimore Mat ult. for Philadelphia. PORT OF PHILADELPHIA. List of Foreign and Coastwise Arrivals at tho Port of tlilladelphia for the month of May, 1862: . 011EION. .... 5 I Brigs I Schoonere.... Ships Darks COASTWISE. 2 Sloops 7 I Steamers ....29 8arge5.........! ...709 I Boats Ships Barks Brigs Schaouers Total— PLIABINE DIS&STNES FOR KAY The number of American seagoing craft remitted last month its totally lost or missing, amounted to 29, viz: 3 steamers, 8 ships, 4 barks, 5 brigs ' and 9 schooners. Of these )2 wore wrecked, 5 burnt,lfonndered, Iran down, and 10 are missing The following are their names, destinations, &o, inclu ding several foreign craft bound to or from a United Slates port: • Those marked w, were wrecked; b, burnt; f, foundered; r d, run down; in, miming.- STEAMERS. Santa Cruz, b, from Shangbae for Hankow. P G Wallace, f—prize vessel. Bockla, (Br) m, from London for Baltimore. Oriental, w, from New York for Port Royal. SHIPS. Walter Scott,' b, frOm Antwerp for Soderhamm. Sultan, in, from Boston for Liverpool. Albert Currier, w, from Rangoon for Bremerhaven. ' Yorkshire, in, front New York for Liverpool. Modern Times, in, from New York fur Liverpool. Milwaukee, m from Now York for Havre. Zone, w, from Shields for Boston. Eliza & 11la, w, from Ship Island for Boston. BARER. Flight, no, from New York for Liverpool. Grape"hot, no, from New York for Barbados.. 1) Chapin, w, from New York for Vera Cron. ' ..• - Bobo Broker, (Br) m; from New York for Queenstown. • Stade, (Cam) w, from Sbangbao for New York. Sliver Cloud, b— at Williamsburg, LI, loading for Honk Bong. • Ilarpley, (Br) w, from Glasgow for San Francisco. Diadem, (Br) m, from Now York far Queenstown. BRIGS. Adeline, In, from Bordeaux for Boston. Ormus, w. from Philadelphia for Port Royal. East, w, from New York for Fort Pickens. Their, w, from New York for Fort Pickens. R B Haskins, it, from Port an Prince for Boston. Mladi Slaviani, (Amt.) no, from N York for Queenstown. Flower of the Forest (Br) zr, from N York for do SOHOOSIJcS. Mary Nankin, r d, from New York for Boston. Ann Maris, w, from Philadelphia for Portland. Alice B 'Dyer, w, from Sullivon for Boston. Wild Pigeon, at, from Boston for W Clgrifrica, Brontes, m, from Aux Cayes for Boston. ' • . W Pratt, b, from Philadelphia for Boston. Caledonia, b, from Bangor for Noponset W S Tisdale, w, from Buenos Ayres for Rio de Janeiro. Swallow, w, from Gardner for Boston. The total value of the aboite domestic craft is estimated at $710,000. MANY EFFORTS HAVE BEEN made to lateerve the form and faitnrati of the dead, without the usual mode, se reneguing tothe feel ings, of placing the body in ice. This difficulty has been overcome by Good's air. tight PATENT BOXES. Cold air le the medium need—acting as a preservative—in the warmest weather, and for any length of time required. Likewise, bodies may be conveyed hundreds of miles with perfect safety, and in a good state of preservation. • . JOHN GOOD, Undertaker, No. 921 SPRUCE Street. N. B—Lead, Metallic and other coftlne, furnished at the shortest notice. Hearses and carriages of the bostquality. Lots, half lota, and single graves, In the diftbrent ceme teries; one superior lot in Mount Morish Cemetery; one, two, three, or four hundred feet, can be had cheap for cash, or trade.' Iterasiermse-- , Dr. SAMUEL JACKSON, 224 South EIGHTH. Street; Dr. J. H. B. AIoOLELLAN, 1029 WALNUT Street... roy9-thstnBm rpo THE DISEASED OF ALL CL&BI3EB.—AII sob-acute andh onto' &mune cured by special guarantee at 1220 W ALNUT Street, Philadelphia, and in case or a failure no charge is made. Professor BOLLEE, the founder of this newiraetice, seal superintend the treatment of all cases himself. A pamphlet containing a multitude of certificates of those cured, also letters and complimentary resolutions from medical men and others will be given to any person free. Lectures are constantly given at 1220, to medical men and 'others who desire a knowledge of my discovery, is applying Electricity ass reliable thetapentic agent. Con. saltation free. ap26-2m BIOTINA ROOFING, • 11/311:11 . /OSITRICD BT SRI VAITILD STATES BIOTINA ROOFING COMPANY. No.l GORE BLOOR, Corner GREEN and PITTS Streets, Boston, Mass. This Portable Booting is the only article ever offered to the patio which is ready nrenaved to go on the roof withent any Botching operation. It is light, handsome, and easily applied, and can be safely and cheaplrfrans oorted to any part of the world. It will not faint Or diseo/or water running over, or lying on it, and is hi all respects, a very. desirable &hide. Its non-conducdng properties adapt it especially to covering manufactories of various kinds ; and it Ia confidently offered to the public after a teat of tour years in al Tartotio" of climate and temperature, for covering all kinds of roofs, flat or pitched, together with cars, steamboats, &o. It Is both cheap and durable. Agents wanted,•to whom liberal inducements are offered.' Bend for sample, circular,!&c.s with particulars, to B. ROOFING P7o GOBS BLOCH. Boston." a024-8m fiROSSE & -BLACKWELL'S ENG .; lan PHIELICS.—A. fresh importation of English Pickles and Sauces, just received and vor sale by • RHODICS & WILLIAMS, ie2 • . 10113 ittth WATER, Street. THE PRESS.-PHILADELP -■- DD3TILLEREL The DIBTLIZZRY known es the is PHCERIX)" and formerly owned and occupied by BASEL. fibIIPPH Nag., situated oo TWENTY-THIRD, between ILA - and VINE Streets, Philadelphia, OnPaeltV 800 bull • per day, is now offered for sale on reasonable and sooomi. Ellodahlg terms. Is in good running order, and tag al the modern improvements. An Artesian well on ite mimes furnishes an unfailing supply of good, purl vatec. Address Z. LOONS at CO., No, 1010 Street, Philadelphia. fellidtf ad • T 0 . ..R E N T• 7- A well-furbated We.Oountry House, of moderate size. The grc4intls chide Flower, Fruit, and Vegetable Gardens, an ireb a ll,, a pleasant grove, through which a little brook nice, d pasture grounds for the use of two tows. It is ei.o a mile and a half from Old York Road Station, Noll NM sylvania Railroad. * lnquire 1618'1.00U8 r Streit. I ap7-mwf if FOR SALE—On the most ,100111- Rfia modating tonne, P aysto lAN'S PROPERTY, - venient to the city ; good practice given to ; wea y neighborhood. For further particulars. apply to R. PETTIT, No. 389 WALNUT Stre IR FOR SALE -A DESIEtAB Mt FARM, mmtrtiuivg 124 acres, situate In Dela .county, Pc, five minutes , walk from railroad sai l 18 miles from the city ; flrst-rate substantial atop provtments; nicely watered; fine tamale, &c. Apply to E. PETTIT m)24-tf N 0.309 WALNUT Stro TO EXCHANGE FOR C 1041. PROPERTY—A YALTIABLit FARM, or acres, geed buildings ; situate near railroad static the Delaware river, New Jersey. Also, A F FARM, near Dover, Delaware, 160 acres. lam, . . possepslon. Apply to my2l. if di FOR SALE OR TO LET- Houses, on the west We of BROAD' Street, Columbia avenue.,Apply at the southWeet corn NINTH' iindSANBOI Streets. mb TO . LET—A. beautiful OOIN -6- TRY-PLACE, of 10 acre's, on the welt ei of FRONT•Street road, above Hart lane, within tettni oaten' walk of the Prankford and Southwark PasalSer oars. Polisossion early in April. Apply at the ,stith. weat corner NINTH and SANSOM, second atory..l • . •• COPARTNERSHIP PlOl THE 00PARTNEBSHIP tofore orlatiog between the entalaritir firm of ABBOTT, JOHNES, h 00.,'is th: by mutual content. The buaintsea of the lb Bed by George W. Jobnes and William B. of whom is authorised to aim in liquidation. REDMAN ABBOTT, GEORGE W. JOHNES, .• WILLIAM H. BERRY, GEORGE J. GROSS. • WILLIAM T. WILOOX. Philadelphia. June 2, 1882. je2-12tt DISSOLUTION OF PARTNE BRlT.—Notice is hereby given that the fi I CHARLES R. SMITH & CO., at the Fairmount I Works, hen been dissolved by mutual consent. T business will be settled and closed by May 10, 1882. CHARLIE E. SMITH The Dugnese will be continued by the nndersigod under the firm of MORRIS, TABRRB, & CO. Once No. 209 South THIRD Street. mylS.]m MORRIS, TAMER, & 0011 M . .ARSHAL'S SALE.— By virtue o a Writ of Fierl Facies issued out of the f.Hr. it Court of the United States, to sae directed, will be sot n TUESDAY, the Tenth day of June, at 12 o'clock M. at the Merchaute' Excbange.:in the City of Philadelp a, the right, title and interest of JAMES PREELAN.II . in and to thirty shares of Cotton Stock in the' Harrill) rg Cotton Company of Harrisburg, Dauphin county, Pe a sylvania. Par value $lOO WILLIAM' KILLWARD, M. S. Etaieltal E. D. of Pennaylvatu PniLansiainA, May 28,1862 -. mr2B- .A.RSHAI'S SALE.—By' . of Mi'7writ of sale. by the. Hon. JOHN Oak :WALADER, Judge of the District Court of the United 'States, in and for the Eastern-District of Penney/Tan* Admiralty, to we directed, will be sold at public sale, to the highest and beet bidder, for cash, at CALLOW BILL. STREET WHARF, on MONDAY, June 9.1862, at 12 o'clock M., the Schooner iIiIL.S.ND BELLE, her tackle, apparel, and furniture, as she now lies at said Wharf. _ WILLIAM. MILLWARD, 11. 8: Merahol E. D. of Ponnsylvinis. PIIILIDHLPHIA, May 27,1802. my2S-8t HA ZLE TON AND DIAMOND :• (LEHIGH) COAL-- • Broken, Egg, and Stove • $4.26 per ton. .Earge Nat 3.76 per ton. Until July lt,t, or until advance of tolls, we will allow non an coat to bo delivered Eleventh A DISCOUNT yr ra-osatt'rs PEE TON from - theso prices, f's.r ceah, it paid when the order Is Liven. R. P. GII,CINGUAM, my . Northeast FRONT and POPL Sta. C°Alj.---TIELE UNDERSIGNED beg leave to inform their friends and the public that they have removed their LEHIGH GOAL DEPOT from NOBLE-STREET WITAltf, on the Delaware; to their Yard, northwest corner of BIGHTS and WILLOW Streets, where they- intend to keep the best quality of LEHIGH GOAL, from the meet approved puinee, at the lowest price/. Your patronage is reepectfnily solicited, JOS. WALTON& 00.; Waft, 112 South SE9OND Street. Yard.SlGfl R naW.- - mta.o GROCERIES-AND •. PRO VISIONS IVA.TIVE *INES- A- I . • • OBIOTLY PURI JIII CD OF THE GRAPE—UIu 11/08T! Dziagyous, RIO% AND IirINEE4 ETRE orrzarti TO • 1_ Taxis ii2rxsziO. AN EXC . /MU/NT ASSORTMENT JUST REOEIVXII: ALBERT O. ROBERTS. • DEALER IN FINS aßoozraus, • ' .111140.4 001MIDD ELEVENTH AND TIDE ST/1 TAMES HOMER & SON'S OHOIOE ty new crop Tees. SEVENTH and NOBLE Streets, and tHETEI end WOOD Streets. SALT. -2,000 sacks Ground Alum Salt; 21,000 bushels do., do., do.; 4,00 brthel, Turk's Island do., in odors and for ode by MURPHY ILOONI3. No. 146 NORTH WESTIN'S& nayB B HAVE JUST REGENED from London direct a large lot of Grosse* Blackwell's celebrated Pickles. JAMES HOMER & SONS, SEVENTH and NOBLE and SIXTH and WOOD. , mp2o• if • SARDINES.—A very superior brand for sale by CHARLES 8. OAIIBTAIRS,. 128 WALNUT and 21 GRANITH !Weed JAMES HOMER & BON HAVE A splendid assortment of tine Groceries, cheap. SE •VENTH and NOBLE Streets, and SLIETH and WOOD Birents. mv9-Im* cIACISSE .4.:I3LAOKWELL'S eel°. brated PIORLEE end SAUCES, constantly received ERODES R. WI4LIAIIB, 107 South WATER Street. NUTS. -20 BALES LANGIJEDOC ALMONDS; 25 bake STOILY ALMONDS; 100 begs New AUScan PEANUTS; just received and for sale by • RHODES WILLIAMS, my 6 107 South WATER Street. STEVENS HOUSE, (LATE DELMONIO011,) No. 25 BROADWAY, • . NEW YOBS. Five minutia' walk from }fall flyer boat IanAIAS, Chambers street., and foot of Cortland ['tract. mb2B.Sm GEO. W. STEPHENS, Pr'oprietor. OARD.-THE UNDERSIGNED, late of the GIRARD BOUM Philadelphia, hay. based, for a term of years, WILLA-11D'S ROTAIL, In Washington. They take this oecation to return to tin* Old friends and elastomers many thank" for pant form, and beg to ammo them that they will be moot happy to NO than in thoir now ottartern. BYTaltB, GRADWICIK, b Jattrl6. Ma. ►1176-1. SANITARY COMMISSION. The U. S. Sanitary Commission will open an office for the transaction of its local business at 488 Broadway, second floor, on MONDAY, the 56th instant. It proposes to centralize at this office all information that can be obtained from govormental and other sources, concerning the departure and arrival of transports having nick and wounded troops aboard; to keep a re cord of sick and wounded soldiers arriving at this port, and of the disposition made of them. To act as a me dium of communication among the local associations for the relief of the Nick in transit, and to co. operate with the U. S. military and medical autboritice hero, in the transportation, reception, and distribution of patients front the army. Medical students, desirous of acting as dressers on the trensports in eerfice of the Commission, will please re port at thts office, enter their names and address, refer ences to their medical preceptors, and the notice they re quire when called to serve. - Male varies, volunteering their services on the trans. ports, will register their names at this office, with ad dress and reference, and notice required by them. Burgeons and physicians seeking information in regard to the public service,' or wishing to volunteer in omor sends's, will apply at this office •• • • MI perrons - baring business with the Commission will aptly in person to the Superintendent in charge, between BA. M. and 11 P. N. The Execntive Committee of the Sanitary Commission will nasally meet at the office, be tween 8 end 4 P. DI. daily. The expenses of the Commission are very heavy. The present month hat tort it not lees than $22,000, mostly in the purchase of hospital supplies for the army in Vir ginia and the Southwest. It is believed that this expen diture bag sated a thousand liven, at least, in Virginia alone , . , . Contributions are urgently solicited, and may be sent to G. , T. Strong, 68 Wall street. The 'various boepitale and soldiers' relief associations of thi s city are invited to report before noon of ovory day what number of Ueda are vacant in their several eats bliehatents. ' The following articles of hospital clothing and supplies are urgently wanted by the Commbutton, sod may be gent to the •" Women's Central Association of Belief," Ito.lo, Cooper institute oLOTIIING. Sheets, greatly wanted. Cotton starts, greatly wanted. Cotten drawers, greatly wanted. Cotton socks, greatly wanted. C o tt on (n o t woollen) wrappers, wanted. Flannel bandages, wanted. SUPPLIES. jellies, tea, spirits, wines, fatinaceogs food, condensed milk, preserved meats and dessicated vegetables, Boston monkey), beef extract, ice by the cargo. The prodigious demsnd of the last month, during which more than a hundred thoniand articles of clothing (be• sides other supplies) bare been issued by the Commission t o ;the lid ek sod wounded, in the army of the Potomac alone, (and probably a much larger amount to the West ern and other Departmente,) bee reduced our stock, and although 086 cases have been received nt the Washington depot since April 23d, the demand is much greater than the supply. A special regard to the specified Zest in this advertise nt is besought on the part of those sending enpplies. • '.To. .this is to be added a new and unexpected want-- that Of mat off outer clothing—costa, pantaloons, vests, to clothe soldiers who have lost or so fouled their uni forms as to be usable to leave the hospitals on shore without fresh clothhig. New York. May 23, 1862. . HENRY W. BELLOWS, Vres't. GEORGE T. STRONG, Treaa'r, 08 Wall at. THOS. 11. NAME, JR., Superintendent of N. I. Agency of the Commission, my27-tntlislOt 498 Broadway.- MBRIOMI ROOFING SLATES,. A FULLY EQUAL to BEST WiILSH SLATES. TROIKAS, 417 WALNUT Street: FOR NAM AND O . LET. E. PETTI No. 809 WALVI3I 8t LEGAL. COAL. HOTELS. A, TUESDAY, JUNE 3, 1862. MEDICDIAL. TARRANT'S RTIFESVEBOFIRT • SELTZER APERIENT. This va)uable and popular Medicine has universally ree• Weed the most favorable recommendations of the MEDIOAL PROFESSION and the Public as the moat semis= AND AORRNABLD SALIN E APE RIENT. It may be need with the beet effect In Dillon and Febrile Diseases, Costiveness, Siok Headaohe, Nausea, Loss of Appetite, indiges tion, Acidity of the Stomach, Torpidity of the Liver, '(lout, Rheumatic) Affections, Gravel, Piles, AND ALL COMPLAINTS Werall A GENTLE, AND COOLING APERIENT OR PUR GATIVE IS REQUIRED. It is pflrtionlarly adapted to the wants of Travellers by Sea and Land, Residents In Rot Climates, Persons of Sedentary Habits, Invalids, and Convalescents; Captains of Vessels and Planters will And it e valuable addition to their Medicine Chests. It is in the form of 'a Powder, carefully put up in bottles to keep in any clitaate, and merely requires water poured upon it to produce a de lightful effervescing beverage. Numerous testimonials, from professional and other gentlemen of the highest standing throughout the coun try, and its steadily increasing popularity for a series of years, strongly guaranty its efficacy and valuable character, and commend it to the favorable notice of an Intelligent public. Manufactured only by TARRANT & CO., No. 978 GREENWICH Street, corner Warren et. HEW YORK, And for sale by Drags - hits generally. PURE GEORGIA ARROW ROOT. The special attention of physicians and families is called to the superiority of this article. It Is rapidly supplanting all other kinds, and all those who have need it give it the moat decided preference. The following extracts, from certificates in the bands of the manufac turer, „ Col. 1141.1.0wie5," will show the high estimation in which the Georgia Arrow Root is held by those gen tlemen of the medical profession who have fully ex amined it. j One pound, 82X cents, or two pounds for $l. Complete instructions accompany each package, show ing bow to make the moat delicious articles for the table. FOR SALE, WHOLIIBALS AND RETAIL, A.T FBED'K BBC WN'B DRUG AND OHEMICAL STORE, N. E. COB. of FIFTH and CHESTNUT Streets,- PHILADELPHIA. "I have examined and propared some Arrow Boot, mennfaatured by 001. Hallowell, of Bt. Mary's, Georgia. It has the best quality of that variety of female I have met with, being superior to any Bermuda, or other Ar row Boot I have aeon. JACKSON, "University of Pennsylvania.'" mh29-etntb3m GLUTEN CAPSULES ' ON PURE cob -LINTER OIL. The repugnance of most patients to 00D-LIVKB OIL, and the inabllity.of many to take it at all, has in duced various forms jof disguise for its administration that are familiar to the Medical Profession. Some of them answer In special cases, but more often thelvehicle neutralizes the usual effect of the Oil, proving Quite SI unpalatable and of less therapeutic value. The repug nance), nausea, go., to invalids, Induced by disgust of the Oth is entirely obviated by the use of our OAPSULXB. 00D-LIVICB. OIL OAPBULIO3 have been much need lately to Europe, the experience there of the geodte suite from their use in both hospital and private practice, aside from the naturally suggested advantages, aro sat- Relent to warrant our claiming the virtues we de far them, feeling secured their use will result in benefit sad deserved favor. Prepared by WYETH & BROTHER, dat-tt 1412 N*ALIZOT Street, Philadelphia MRS. JAMES BETTS' OELEBRA-. TED SUPPOSTEBS' FOE LADIES, and tha Only Supporters under eminent medical patronage. La- Siee and phyekrians are respectfully requested to call only on !dm Bette, at her residence, 1039 WALNUT Street, Philadelphia, (to avoid counterfeits.) Thirty thousand invalids have been advised by their phyidcians to CM beg appliancee. Those only are genuine beating the United States copyright, labels on the box, and eignatarm, ane also on the Supporters. with testimonials. oole-tnthail • DRUGS AND ClilaraCALS. ROBERT SHOEM zo & 00.. Northenek Corner FOURTH end BROX three, PHELADELPIIIA, WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS, IMPORTERS AND HEALERS TOZZIGN AVID DOMESTIC WINDOW AND PLA.TE (ILAN - viarrs LEAD Arm ZIIIO PAINTS, PUTTY, io Aanern rou TEX OXLEBRATAD FRENCH ZINC PAINTS. Dealers and cowmen SuPPlled at VERY LOW PRICES FOR CASH. 5p29.2m WRITE LEAD, DRY AND IN T • Oi.L.—lizil-Lcad, White Load, Litharge.-Sugat or Lead, Copperea, Oil of Vitriol, Celonn:;Tittent Yel low, Chrome Bed, Chrome Yellow, Moe Portia, hin. natio Acid Epsom Balte, - Rechelle Salta, Tartaric Acid, Orange Mineral. Soluble Tart, Sub. Oarb. Soda. White. Vitriol, Bed Precipitate, White Precipitate, Lunar Chtuettc, NarcoUue, Suiph. Morphine, Morphine, Acetate Morphine, Lac. Satoh., Ether Soipburic, Ether ti Sulphate Quinine, Coors anoinn., Denarcozed Opium Chloride of Soda, weiherilPe Ext. Cloche, Tartar E me ti c. obi..eie of Lime, Crude Botax, Refined Borax, ri,..puor, Beata Copatia. WILTHERELL & BUOTHEII, Druggists and Manufacturing Chemists, Idea. M and 49 Nor th SECOND Street, PHTLAMMLPUIA.. ILIAIEENATING OLLS .OIL I OIL!! OIL!!! HIILBURT & BRODHEAD, No. 240 ARCH STREET, Having opened a General Depot for the Sale of Extra *fined and Lubricating COAL OILS, would call the special attention of dealers and consumers to their refined ILLIIHINATTNG OIL, as It possesses merit beyond anything heretofore offered in this market, being entirely free from that gluey substance and bad odor which characterize that commonly gold in this market, produces no smoke, and is free from all ezytosive ipropertion. trer Orders from City 0r . .. Oonntxy . promptly at tended to. . • myls-11a 75 BARBELS 'CARBON OIL FOR sale, In good barrels, suitable for shipping, and to' the trade, in small lots, st 415 0014MEROE Street. told'B.6t* „ .. • . cc L UCIFER " OIL WORKS. ' 100 Bbls. Lucifer" Burning Oil on hitni. We guarantee this oil to be non-exploidye, to burn all she oil in the lamp with a steady, brilliant game, without misting the wick, and but slowly. Bbie. lined with g lees enamel. IVBIGHT, SMITH, & PICAREI&LI, Office 615 MAR KICT Street. MACHINERY AND IRON. MORGAN, ORB,' A. CO., STEAM aiICILNB BITILDIEMI4 Iron iroundere, acid General Idaebiniete and Bailer Makers, No. 1210 OAB LOWKILL Street. Philadelphia. J. TAI7OIIAXMUCK, JOHN I. OOPZ, WILLIAM H• 111111III0X, HAHTLIT munixos, SOUTHWARK FOUNDRY, - . - FIFTH AND WASHINGTON STBNETS, PETUDILPHIAL. NEEBION & SONS, .ENGINEER. AND MACHINISTS, Manufacture High and. Lew iPremmre Stoam 1 4 08111 es, for lend, river, and marine service. Boilers, Gasometers, Tanks, Iron Boats, &o.; Cast ings of all kinds, either iron or braes. Iron-Frame Boas for Gas Works, Workshops, Rail road Stations, &o. Retorts and Gas Machinery of the latest and mod improved construction. Every description of Plantation Machinery, snob as Sugar, Saw, and Grist Mille, Vacuum Pans, Open Steam Trains,Defecators, Filters, Pumping Endues,' &o. Bole Agents for N. /Milieux's Patent Sugar Boiling Apparatus; Resmyth'e Patent Steam Hammer, and At pinwall & Woiney's Patent Oentrifngal Sugar Draining Machine. ant-tf Or&PENN STEAM ENGINE AND BOILER WORKS.—NEARTEI A LEVY,'PRACTICAL AND THEORETICAL ENGI NEERS, hl A OHINISTS, B OLLER-M AKE RS, BLACK SMITHS, and FOUNDERS, having, for many years, been in successful operation, and been exclusively en gaged in building and repairing Marine and River En gines, high and low pressure, Iron Rollers, Water Tanks, Propellers, &c., &c. ' respectfully oZer their services *c the public, as being fully-prepared to contract for En gines of all sizes, Marine, Elver, and Stationary, having sate of patterns of different sized, are prepared to exe cute orders with snick despatch. Every description of pattern-making made at the shortest notice. High and Low-pressure, Flue Tubular, and Cylinder Boilers, of the best Pennsylv ania charcoal iron. Forging*, of all dim and kinds; Iron and Brass Castings, of all descrip tions*, Roll Turning, Screw-Cutting, and all other work connected with the above, briefness. Drawing! and Specifications for all work done at their oatabtlehment,free of charge, and work gnarantied. The enbacribere have ample wharf-dock room for re pairs of boats, where they can tie In perfect safety, and are provided with shears, blocks, falla, &c., for rats tog heavy or light weights. • JACOB (7. NylAFllli, JOHN P. LEVY, BEAOH and PALMER Streets. T H E "E.,lrpg.tiszoxt- HAMS mud TIEDBEST IN THE W013.L.1). J. H. MICHENER & Co., GENERAL PROVISION DRILLERS, And corm of the celebrated "EXCELSIOR" SUGAR-CUR-ED HAMS, Nos.-142 and 144 North FRONT Street, Between Arch and Baas streets, Philade/pAia. The lastly-celebrated d , EXCELSIOR" HAMS are cured by J. IL Id. & Co., (In . a style peculiar to them selves) expreesly for FAMILY USE; are of delicious Savor; bee from the unpleasant taste of salt, and ere Pronounced by epicures superior to any now offered ;.:. • , apt-9m rIBAMPAGNE,An invoice of De oOucy 1 Co.'s, in quarts and pints, received per ship Wm. rrothingham, for male by . OHA.B. B. OARSTAIRS, my 24 ' Nr;. - 126 WALNUT Bt. and 21 GBANITS Bt. fIHAMPAGNII--An invoice for sale, to whew ably WM. FrothiDgbaro, by - • • - ORA& S. OARSTAIRS, myl4 N 0.194 WALNUT Bt. and 21 GRANITE Rt. RAILROAD LINES. _ 1862. 1862. an ARRANGEMENTS OF NNW YORK LINEAL THE CAMDEN AND AMBOY AND PHILA DELPHIA AND TRENTON RAILROAD 00211 . LINES FROM PHILADELma TO NEW TORE AND WAY PLACES. IHOK WALIIIT-1921011 . 1 WHARF AIM 131.11HR6WOH 1/11F01. WILL LEAVE As If OLLOW.B--VIE At 6 A. M., via Osandon and Amboy, C. and A. Ao oonunodation $2 25 At 6A. M., via Camden anti Jersey City, (N. J.) Accommodation 2 25 At 8 A. M., via Kensington and Jersey City, Morning Mall 3 00 At 11 A. M., via Kensington and Jersey City, Western Express 3 00 At 12X P. M., via Camden and Amboy, Accommo dation 2 25 At 2 P. M., via Camden and Amboy, 0. and A. ZX- Dreal 800 At 4 P. hi" via Otandon awl Jersey Oity, Ilvenitui At 4 P. M., via Clamden and Jersey City, Ild Olsse Ticket At 03( P. M., via Konsineon and Jersey City, Evening Mail B 00 At 12 P. M., via Eatieington and Jersey City. South ern Mail 800 At 6P. M., via Camden an Amboy. Accommoda tion, (Freight and Passouger)-18t Class Ticket.. 2 25 Do. do. 2d Oisms d 0.... 160 The 12 P.M. Southern Mail runs deny ; ell others Sun days excepted. For Water Gap, Stroudsburg, Scranton ' Wilksebarre, gentrosfi, Great Bend, &0 ., at A. M. from Walnut street Wharf, via Delaware, Lackawanna, and Western Railroad Yor Manch Chunk, Allentown Bethlehem , Belvidere, Easton, Lambertville,, M6A. DI and P. M., from Walout-etreot Wharf: (the e A. M. Lino connects with train leavink Zaatou for Manch Chunk at 3.20 r. .) For Mount Holly, at 6 A. M., 2 and 4 P. For Froohold, at 6 A. M.. and 2 P. AL WAY LIMB. For Bristol, Trenton, &0., at 8 and 11 D. M., and 6, 6.30, and 12 P. M. from Bennington, and 2N P.M. from Wal - wharf. For Bristol, and intermediate stations, at ug A. N. from Kensington Depot. For Palmyra, Riverton, Dolauco,Beverly,'Plartington, Florence, Bordentowu, dm., at 13)(,1, 4,6, and foi P. Steamboat TRENTON for Bordentown and Interme diate stations at 4,4 P. N. from Walnut street wharf. /IT For New York, and Way Lines leaving Kensing ton Depot, take the dare on Fifth street, above Walnut, bait an hour before departure. The cars run Into the Depot, and on the arrival of each train run from the Depot. NO - Pounds of Baggage only allowed each Passenger. Pargengers are prohibited from taking anything ae bag gage but their wearing +lsparta. Ail baggage over fifty pounds to be paid for extra. The Company limit their responsibility for baggage to One Dollar per pound, and will not be liable for any amount beyond $lOO, except by special contract. res-tf WINI:R.OLTZNEB. Agent. THE PENNSYLVANIA CENTRAL RAILROAD. THZ GRZAT DOUBLZ TRAM 'MTN. 1862. AMS THE CAPACITY OF THE ROAD IS NOW EQUAL TO ANY IN THE COUNTRY. THE GREAT SHORT LINE TO THE WEST. Facilities for the transportation of passengers to and from Pittsburg, Cincinnati, Chicago, Bt. Louie, St. Paul, Nashville, Memphis, New Orleans, and all other towns In the West,' Northwest, and Southward, are unsurpassed for speed and comfort by any other route. Sleeping sad smoking cars on all the trains. THE EXPRESS BUNS DAILY Mall and Vast Line Snndaya excepted. Mall Train leaves Pldlsdelphia at- ...... T. 15 A. M. •Fast Line 6 . - " . ....... ....11.30 A. M. Through Express .. 10.80 P. M. Harrisburg Accommodation leaves Phila. at.. 2.30 P. M. Lancaster it 4.00 P.M. • Weet Chester Accommo'n No. 1 " " .6 8.45 A. 51 . it " No. 2 6 . 6 . ..12.00 noon. Parkesburg " " .. 5.45 P. M. Weet ()baster passengers will take the Weet Chester Noe. 1 and 2 and Lancaster Accommodation Trains. Paseengers for Sunbury, Williamsport, Elmira, Buf falo, Niagara Falle, Ac., leaving Philadolphla at 7.15 A. N. and 10.30 P. 11., go directly through. For further information apply at the Passenger Hon IL E. corner of ELEVENTH and MARKET fitreetr. By this route freights of all descriptions can be for warded to and from any point on the Railroads of Ohio Kentucky, Indiana., Illinois, Wisconsin, lowa, or Ms! sour, by railroad direct, or to any port on the naviga ble rivers of the West, by steamera from Pittsburg. The rates of freight to and from any point in the West by the Pennsylvania Railroad, are, at all times, as fa vorable as are charged by other Railroad Oompardee. Merchants and shippers entrusting the transportation of their freight to this Company, can rely with confidence On its speedy transit. F o r freight contracts or shipping directions apply to CT midterm the Agents of the Company. O. B. KINGSTON, In., Philadelphia. D. A. STEWART, Pittsburg. GLARKE & Co* , Chicago. LEECH A Co-, No. 1 Astor House, or No. 1 South William street, New York. LEECH & 00., No. 77 Washington street, Boston. MAGRAW & KOONS, No. 80 North street, Baltimore. H. H HOUSTON, Genl Freight Agent, Phila. HOUPT, Geu'l Ticket Agent, Plana. EITOCH LEWIS. Gen? Snp't. Altoona. lyl.-E _P FUT, A_DE H IA ? IrtriATAWGERNA.NTOWN, AND NOR ,RISTOWN RAILROAD. TIME TABLE. - On ana-urrei - nrowitty,-m.y_stsch. lEo2—until _Nro....r notice. • FOB GEttIIVATOWN Leave Philadelphia, 8; 7,8, 9, 10, 11, 12, A. M., 1,2, 3.10, 4,5, 534, 7,8, 9X, 10%, 11%, P. M. Leave Gerumikmn. 6; 7, 7.35, 8,8%, 9%, 10%, 1.1)( 1 A.M., 1,2, 3, 4,5, 6,7, 8,9, 10.10, 11, P. M. ON SUNDAYS. • ' Leave Philadelphia,. 9.10 A. 37., 2 , -3 , 5 ,7%, Mit P. 11. Leaye Germantown, 8.10 A. M., 1,4, 6%. 93r, P. M. • - CHESTNUT DILL RAILROAD. Leave Philadelphia, 6,8, 10, 11, A.. M , 2,4, 5, 6,-3, 10%, P. M. Leave Cbeetent Hill, 7.10, 7.85. 9.10, 11.10, A. X., 1.40, 3.40, 6.40, 6.40, 7.40,9.00, P. ht, ON SUNDAYS. Leave Philadelphia, 9.'0 A. K., 2,5, 791, P. M. Leave Chestnut Hill, 7.50 A. lIL, 12.40, 6.10, 910, FOR CONSUOUOCKEN AND NOBRISTOW6I. Leave Philadelphia, 6, 9.05, 11.05, A. 91., 1%, 3,4%, 6.10, 8.05, 11%, P. M. Leave Norristown, 8,7, 7.50, 9, 11, A. M., 1%, 4%, 0%, P. M. ON SUNDAYS. Leave Philadelphia. 9 A. ht, 2X, P. M. Leave Norrisio,:o, 7 A. FOR IkIANATITNIC Leave rbilodelpbis,6, 9,11.06, A. M., IX, 3, 4)(0.10, 3.05.11 x. P. M. Leave Xasayunk, (SX, 7X, 8.20, 9X, 11X, A. M., 2, 5,7, P. X. ON SUNDAYS. Leave Pbiladelphia, 9 A. X., 2x, 4X, 8, P. 51. Leave blanayunk, 7X A. X., IX , 6X, 9, P. 51. 11. K. sauTrr. General Superintendent Depot NINTII and GREEN Streets NORTH PENNSYL VANIA RAILROAD. NOE BETHLEHEM, DOYLESTOWN, M A UOH °HUME, HAZLETON, EASTON. PiILRES. BARRE, &c. SPRING ARRANGEMENT. THREE THROUGH TRAINS. On and after NONDAY, MAY 5, 'IBS2, Paulen ger Trains will leave PIIONT and WILLOW Stretda, Philadelphia, daily, (Sundays excepted,) as follows: At 6.40 A. Id., () xpreas.) for Bethlehem, Allentown, Mauch Chunk, Hazleton, Wilkesbarre, At 2.46 P. M., (Exprees,) for Bettdotem, Easton, ba. This train reaches Easton at 6 P. 41., and !onkes a dose connection with the New Jersey Central for New York. At 140 d P. M., for Bethlehem, Allentown, Mauch ()hunk, dm. At 9 A. M. and 4 P. M., for 1)0,1N/town. -At 6P. 11., for Fort Washington. The 6.40 A. hL Rxerese Train makes dose oonnection with the Lehigh Valley Railroad at Bethlehem, being the ehorteet and moat desirable route to BB Dante In a RA Lehigh coal region. MAINE FOR PHILARRLP.BLI. prLeave Bethlehem at 6.40 A. M., 0.18 A. BL, and 5.311 P.M. Leave Doylestown at 7.25 A. M. and 3.20 P. M. Leave Port Washington at 6.30 A. M. ON SUNDAYS—Philadolphia for Bethlehem at 7.45 A. M. Philadelphia for Doyieetown at 2.45 P. 51. Doylestown for Philadelphia at 6 30 A. D. Bethlehem for Philadelphia at 5 Y. at. hags to Bermohem.„ I:are to Manch Obunk.S2 80 Pore to Easton 1.60 Wilkesbaro . 4.50 Through tickete moat e 'moored at the llokeit Olean, at vaiLoy Street, or EZIIIO3 Street, in order to secure the above rates of fart. . All Passenger Trains (except Sunday trains) consort it Berke street with the Fifth and Sixth streets, and Bs. eond and Third-streets Passenger Railroads, twenignik antes after leaving Wilier street. my 3 JELLIS OZARK, Amt. K n ammg WEST CHESTER AND PHILADELPHIA LUG. VIA MEDIA. SPRING ARRANGEMENT. On and after Monday, March 10th, 1862, the trial will PHILADELPHIA from the depot, N. E. cor ner of EIGHTEENTH and MARKET Streets, at BA andlo.3o A. M., and 2, 4.30, and 7 P.M., and will leave the corner of TIIIRTY-FIRST and MARKET Streets, 17 minutee after the starting time from Eighteenth and Market streets. ON SUNDAYS, Leave PIITLADELPIIIA at 8 A. N., and 2 P. H. . Leave WEST CHESTER at 8 A. hr., and 4.30 P. Id. The trains leaving Philadelphia at 8.06 A. and 4.30 P. X., connect at Pennelton with traine on the Phi ladelphia and Baltimore Railroad for Oxford and inter . . mediate points. mhB PHILADELPHIA • AND ELINIBA R. B. LINN. 1882 WINTER ARRANOBBLENT. 188! For WILLIAMSPORT, SCRANTON, ELKIPA, and all Points in the W. and N. W. Passenger Trains leave Depot of Phila. and Beading B. 8., cor. Broad and Cal. lowhill stroets, at 8 A. 81., and 8.18 P. M. daily, oxoopt QUICIUST BOUT& from Philadelphia to polnie in Bforthern and Western .Pennsylvania, Western New York, &0., /cc. Baggage checked through to Buffalo, Niagara Yalta, or intermediate points. Through 'Express Freight Train for all pinta abova, leaves daily at 6 P. N. For further information apply to JOHN 8. HILLER, Generel Agent. THIRTEENTH and °ALLOWED:GA and N. W. oor SIXTH and OHNSTNUT &seats. JaBl•tf EdamREOPENING. OF THE BALTIKORE AND OHIO RAILROAD.—This road, being Tully REPAIRED and effectaally *GUARDED, is now open for the trans portation of passengers and freight to all poinhi In the GREAT WEST. For through tickets and all other in formation apply at the Company's OGoo, corner BROAD Street and WASHINGTON Ayonne. S. H. FELTON, President P. W. and B. H. R. Co. ' WEST CHESTER IitICAMP--11AILIWAD TRAMS, via PXNN STINANIA ItAILBOAD, leave depot; corner ELL- S/MTH and MARKIN Street. at 8.45 A. Al., 12 noon, and P. M. CAUTION• • •. The well-oerned reputation of FAIRBANKS' SCALES Has Induced the meters of Imperfect balance to offer them as FALEBANKS' SCALES," and purohaaers have thereby, in many instances, been subjected to fraud and Imposition. FAIRBANKS' SCALES are manatee tured only by the original inventors, E. & T. FAIR BANKS & CO., and ere, adapted to every branch of the business, wherein oars* and durable Scales Is regain& FAIRBANKS & EWING, General Agents, hplo-tr IILABONIO HALL, 714 OBESTNIIT BT. RAMP . , SHOULDERS. 18 Nadi. Minoanlt's famous engar•cured, can mural, Rentacky Hams. ' 2,000 extra Boger -mired, no canvassed, Kentucky Hams. 3,800 auger. cored. unmanned, Ohio llama. 10,000 pounds Dried Apples. Leal Lard, in tin cams, mid small ken. For gale by LAMBERT TROLLS St CO., No. 248 North BROAD Street. myBl-3t* IWNT-DIARERS' CHERRY TENT -1 BUTTONS ar o SLIPS, United States pattern. for sale at J. P. REED'S, Southeast corner of THIR TEEN l'U and NOBLE &roots, Philadelphia. m7ZB•lmtt - _TORN B. MYERS & CO., AUOTION t, BIBS, No% 282 and 984 laAnKierr &rod. SALE OF BOOTS ANO BROILS THIS HORNING, June 3, on four months' credit. LOGO packages boots and shoes. SALE OF DRY GOODS. ON THURSDAY Zda June 5. on !err months' cred3t -600 packager; Britieb, Frenob. and American dry Goode SALE OF OARPRTING9. ON FRIDAY MORNING, June 0; on [our mootho` credit— IMO plane volved, 'Brussel', Ingrain, and Fonotion car -141=4 matting& An BALI OF FRENOG DRY GOODS. • ON MONDAY MORNING, June 9, on lbw months' endlt -700 packages French, Gelman, Merles, and Britteh dry goods. FURNESS, BRINLEY, 491 00., eto OREE/TNUT OTRXIZT EM!1!1M1 BALE VHS (TUESDAY) MORNING, JUNE a, AT •--- - - • A OARD.--Tha attention of purchaser! is* regnested to our Bale of French dry goods, this (Tuesday) morning, Jobe 3, at 10 o'cloct , by catalogue, on four months , cre dit, compthiug w d•elrable eiwartment for retill e Mos. Alto, for cash. French lace potato and bournous and 9.8 French prints. In sale ibis morning - Paris Edozambirines, pooling. Solid colors and printed brilliants, lawns. 9-8 French prints, orsaudles. Black Stella shawl', Lama lace points. Freud) black lace. filet mats, linen cambric PINE PRINTED LINEN Cartillltlo DRESSES. For City Trade. 200 extra fine printed linen cambric, for themes. NOTICE TO DE S.LEBS IN RISSONS; 'lbis morning, at 10 o'clock— • 600 CATINILI Nos. 12040 extra quality plain and figured pork do sobs bonnet ribbons. - cartons Nos. 4,5, and 8 cable cord edgo do., jug lands d. 1(0 cat tons children's Paris trimmed hate. NOTTCE.-BPECIAL SALE OF 600 CARTONS BONNET AND TRIMMING RIBBONS OF THE IMPORTATIONS OF MESSRS. EoLE LIAM FRERES. Jnne 3d, at 10 o'clock, on four months craft, comeria. log the mast desirable colors and qualiges, well worth) the attention of the trade. BLACK BTELLA SHAWLS AND LAN& LACE Also, 400 Paris brocbu border black (della 'bawls 30 Paris quality lams lace points. WO Paris lace points and bournons. FRENCH . MOZANBIQUES, PRINTS AND DAWNS —7O inch Pori.' grissillo mozamblones. 5 a 9.8 Paris new sty lo prints. 4 a 9-8 printed lawns. AID:), 100 cartons trimmed Parts hats and bonnets. 1862. Juno 3, at 10 o'clock, on four months' credit— Consisting of— Cartons Nos. 12040 plain and figured ponit do solo boor et ribbons. nog) corded edge black, white, end corn colored bonnet ribbons- .- —.4, 6, and G•ccrded edge white, corn, blue, and as sorted colors trimming ribbons. N. B.—The above are all just lauded, comprising the best qualities and most desirable colors, to which the at tention of the trade is requested. • pANCOAST & WARNOCK, AUC TIONNERB. Na 218 MUM= INreet. BALE OF 760 LOTS OF AMERICAN AND IMPORT ED RBI GOODS, RIBBONS, EMBROIDERIES, MILLINERY GOODS, STOCK GOODS, Ac., by Catalogue. OR WEDNESBAI MORNING, Stine 4, commencing at 10 o'clock precisely, comprising a general assortment of reasonable goods. TWO BONDRY , D CARTONS BONNET RIBBONS. Included in sale of Wednesday, an invoice of choice Styles extra quail y bonnet ribbons, Nos. 12 a 80, very heavy goods for best city sides. Also, cartons Nos. 4 a 9 bordered and satin edge trimming ribbons. Also, 100 carton choice new stylos Paris artificial Bowers. Also, bonnet silks, matmel blend laces, kc. LACE POINTS AND MANTLES. Also, 50 lots Paris black lace points, mantles, shawls, bramous, Ac. Sale positive, to close an account. Also, a line of Paris lace mite, Pusher lace, veils, be. Also, late styles embroideries, jaconet collars, sets bands, trimmings, Ac. Also, live...eight and three• quarter linen cambric handkerchiefs, shirt frosts, pantelots, aprons, Sko. Also, 150 dozen ladies', misses', and children's wire, tape end tied boopskirts. Med, jaconet, cambric, and Nanesook mulling. Also, 20cases fine quality pslin loaf fans. Also; notions, purse.bsits, fancy goods, trimmings, head dresses, stock goods, Ac. LARGE spEozA.T. SALE •OF STRAW GOODS, by esselogoe. ON FRIDAY MORNING, June 6. commencing at 10 o'clock precisely -1 general anortment of fashionable goods. DIELL.II" FORD_ & CU., AMMON. sionsosslailllCET end en 0010:3111inrai. numarr'roltit SJVKLE - OF /00 A:SIICLB OF ZION ,. EXPLOISIVIC 00A OIL. TP'4-112.711-INO. June 3(1, ai 16 o'clock precisely. will be soli, without resent, at the warehouse of J. Butler, No. 318 north raoad street, 150 bble of superior relined non-explosive coal oil, to be sold in lots to soft purchasers, with the privilege of taking the whole. Terms will be male known on the morning of sale. BALI OF 1,000 OASES BOOTS, BH01113 ) LIS(D BROGANS. ON THURSDAY MORNING, June 5, at 10 o'clock, precisely, will be sold, by catalsgue, 1,000 cases men s, boys', and youths' calf, kip, and grain boots; calf and kip brogans, gaiters, ties walking shoes, dm; women's. mimes', and children's calf, kip, goat, kid, and morocco heeled boots and shoes, gaiters, slippers ; buskins, do. 'lncluded in silo will be found a large assortment of first-class city-made goads. /KT Goods open tor examination, with rotator:6w, early on the morning of sale. . B y HENRY P. IVOLBERT, AUCTIONEER. I.IIIIIOVED from No. 0 South SECOND Street to NO. 202 MAREET Street, south side, above Second Street. REGULAR SALES OF DRY GOODS, TRIMMINGS, NOTIONS, Ac. Every Monday, Wednesday , and Friday morning, com mencing at 10 o'clock, precisely. City and country dealers, are mineeted to attend these sales. Conedgnments respectfully solicited from manctfactit rem Importers, comm'Jution,wholoaale,and jobbing houses, and retailers of all and every dtacription of merchandise. Entire stocks of goods arrangedsjanksold in lots to suit the retail trade. Cash advanced on goods. Settlement second day from sale. mylo Im* TAFPUTY QUARTERMASTER GE lintA.L'a OFFICE, PHILLDELPHII. 26th May, 1882. Proposals will be received et this Office until SATUR DAY, Juno 7th, 12 o'clock M., for the delivery of (250) TWO Hundred and Fifty A &MUG &RUES, to be delivered in this city on or before the Brat day of July next, and as much sooner as poaaible, a pattern of which can he seen on application to this Office. They must be made of the best seasoned material, and will be subject to e most rigid impaction. Prowsels for any num ber lees than two hundred and fifty will be received. Security for the faithful terformince of the contract will be retuired, the names of whom will beiritentioned lathe proposals. Bids to be endorsed, "Promise% far Ambu lancee." and addressed to G. K °ROSMAN, - tuy27-1157 Deputy Quartermaster General. ARMY CLOTHING- AND EQUI PAGE OFFICE,' TWELFTH and GIBAED Sta. PROPOSALS will be received Milne office until TUES DAY, inne 3d, at 12 o'clock lff., to furnish thirty thou sand (30.000 Flannel Sack Coats or Blouses, unlined, or the array pattern, to be made of army standard (indigo blue wool-dyed) twilled flannel, weighing live ounces to the yard of twenty-seven inches, 'subject to the usual in epection. Proposals will statehow aeon said coats can be delivered, as they are wanted at the earliest possible. time The award of these Blouses was given °lathe 24th inst. to Mr. M. GALE, of Boston, on hie bid, but ho hag since declined to enter into a contract for them, and. hence the necessity for the renewal of tide advertise ment, and consequent delay and injury to the public ser vice. All bids most be endorsed Proposal for Moran?, and beAedivssed to . f 4. IT. CROSKAN, • ,A RMY - • CLOTHING AND EQUI .II PAGE OFFIOE, TWELFTH and GIR&RD Sta. FutLAnccruts, May 28,188. SEALED PROPOSALS will be received at this office wait 12 o'clock, M., TUESDAY, Sd c.f JUNK next, for ftirniehing forty-soven thousand TENTS^ D , ABEI, or SUELTF,R TENTS, 'to be made of heavy cotton drill, or linen water-proof, like !sample to be seen at tide office, complete with gny tines and loops. Bide will be received for the whole, or any part of the above quantity, and bidders must state how soon they oen be delivered at the Schuylkill Arsenal. subject to in spection. All bide must be endorsed " Proposals for Tents VAbri," and addressed to G. H. °ROSMAN, my29.tje3 Deputy Quartermaster General 13. S. A WAR DEPARTMENT, NVesnmoroN, May 27, 1862 Pitorosata wilibe received at Rarrialnirg, Chicago, and Indianapolis, by the officers of the Quartermaster'm De partment, stationed at these places, respectively, until the fifth of June next, for the delivery, on or before the thirtieth of that month, of two thousand five hundred Cavalry Donna at Perryville, Md., one thonaand five hundred at Chicago, and one thoneand at Indianspoly. The Home to be sound, not less than six, nor more than eight, years old ; not less than fifteen bands high, of dark colors, and adapted to cavalry service. None will he re ceived until they are inspected by an authorized agent of the Government. G. H. OROSHAN, - HENRY WOOD, General Buperintendcmt. MATTI'S CELEBRATED ITALIAN crEABI wint poeitively remove TAN, FRZOKLES, BALLO WNESS, SUNBURN, PIMPLES, and all erup tions of the face ; giving a beautiful healthy glow and rosy color to the cheeke, to much desired by every one. in abort, it PRESERVES THE FRESHNESS OF YOUTH, removing all WRINKLES, and giving a soft, smooth appearance to the face, and ,brilliancy Cottle akin that is co, uriein • to ell. It 15 an article that is Upwards of 1,000 BOTTLES PER DAY are now cold in Philadelphia alone, and the demand is daily increas ing. Price 25 cents per bottle. Sold by M. B. R. MATTI & Co., Manufacturers and Proprietors, No. 671 CHESTNUT Street, Philadelphia, And by the following agents in Philadelphia: J. B. Casselberri, No 46 N. Eighth street; Andrew Taylor, druggist, cor. of Ninth and Chestnut streets,- M. Brad field, No. 802 Arch street; F. V. Barrett, Nn. 964 N. Second street; Miss Kocher, Seventh and Coates streets; M. L. Adams, N. W. cor. of Marshall and Girard ave nue • and by dragglats and dealers in Fancy Goods ge nerally. Agents wanted in every town and village of the United States and Canadas. mr2B-tf GARDEN VASES. —Ornamental Terra Cotta Garden :Vases, warranted to stand the weather in any climate. Them) vases are made in beau tiful designs, and all sizes, from 1 foot to 8 feet high, with a variety.of pedestals, round and square, from 1 foot to 4 feet high. No decorations add so much to the natural beauties of 'a Garden, sad at so little:cost, am row Vases filled with flowering plants. Illustrated Cata logues soot by mail on application. HARRISON, 1010 CHESTNUT Street. A Touit: oranrz tar„..:468 - baskets LAI OUR just received, bud for sale by JAUSET6HIC dasILTERGNZ, 202 and 204 South FRONT Street. ClAUTlON.—Thrsilig.aaen a spurious artfele of Oil branded "J. Latour," we caution the public against purchasing the same, as tho genuine J. Lat Our Oil can be procured only from Tic JAIIBUTOIIII k 202 and 204 South FRONT Street. LATOUR'S OLIVE OIL AND VIR GIN OIL, now. 0L1V27011i... , .A.1re0h . - lot . of Olive on, in lags and =all bottles, for side, to srrlve per ship Ocean Ilhbener, by OHAS. S. CABSTAIES, Infl4 Ne. - Ute WALNUT St. sod 21 GRANT! Z St. SALES BY AUCTION 10 O'CLOCK NOTICE TO RETAILERS. Ant landed. THIS MOANING, POINTS SPECIAL SALE OF 600 CARTONS PARIS BONNET RIBBONS Just laudod. THIS MOBBING, fROPOSALS. PROPOSALS FOR AMBULA.NCES PITTLADELPITIA. Drvir 28. 1882 1029.008 Deputy Qnarterimster Gener►l tr. 15.,A: Depots. QuarieimestierGeoireld D . 3411311'+1iiiipAllitiraffiff. JAMBS HOMEN. & SONS, SEVENTH sad NOBLE sad SIXTH sail WOOD A RTESIAN WELLS BORED, , A By • S. B. BA.UDE, my27-61.* Apply Or Oar* No . l 0 ALLII.OIII O St. SALES BY AUCTION. 34THOMAS. & SONS, . Nom. 189 mot 141 South TOURTfI Reset STOCKS AND VEAL ESTATE-THIS DAT Pamphlet catalogues' now ready, eoritainlng fall 6e• serinflons of all the yrrovertyto be wdd on Tuesday, June 2, with a list of sales end Jose 10. 17. and 24, compeslng a preat vbrletY of valuable poverty, by order of Orphans' Court and others. Ur PIMA° SAIMS HEAL EFIT ATT. AND STOOD AT THZ =CHANGE ON TUESDAYS. UAL ESTATE AT PRIVATZ RAU. OP We have a large amount of reel eeMte at =MOM tele, intAxeling every deem-lotion of city evol oorkatry pro- VortY. Printed lists may be bad at the Auction Mere. STOCKS, LO CAS, &c. THIS DAT, :Tone 3, na 12 o'clock noon, at the Exabange -7 thares Grani , e Land Company—par $lOO. 4 ebarea Reliance Mutual Inanrance Oomnattr -1 share Point Breeze Park rowoclation. 1 :flare °cam Scam•hip Company. 1 &hare Mercantile Library Company. For account of whom it may concern -30 eharee Locust Mountain Coal and Iron Company stork. - • ELEGANT DROWN STONE BESIDENOR.. No. .1.428 North Broad street. above Master. Ilea the mo dern conveniences. Tei 60 feet front, 200 feet deep to Carlisle street. Immediate rOggeselcon. NODEEN TIDIER bTORY BRICK RCAIDED/Oli. 1r0.218 Forth Fifteenth street, Brat home below Walnut street. Has the moderp corrrenieneles. Clear of income- Impure VALBABLE YODR•STORY BRICK REBIDENeII, No. 740 North Seventh street, north of Cherry. Lot 27 feet front. If ANDSONE MODERN OOTTAGE, Local street. brotweeri Thirty-efoth and Thirty-ninth stream. Wean rldlfolelphis, with stable and coach-hones on the raw end of the lot. • MODERN STONE COTTAGE, Pnlaakf avenue, north of Blenheim street. Oprmantown. 20f feet front. Peremptory Sale.—A WPIA SECURED IRRE DEW!! A BLE GROUND-RENT, VD a year (81,m), lICCTITeIi en a lot of ground Callowbill street, west of Se venteenth. LARGE AND VALUABLE CORNER LOT OF GROUND, formerly part of the Lontdown Estate, Twenty lonrth ward. Ib7 root fiont. R VALUABLE STONE AND mum FACTORY BUILDINGS, !team engine, 5 10013 P dwellinge end 'Dirge lot, Tvrenty-fonrth street north of Green. 129 feet front. NEAT TWO•STORY BRIDE STORE AND DWEL LING. No. 1817 Myth Nocond street, above Plwonis. 2 'THREE-STORY BElrlf. BBTGDING9. Waabing ton avenno. northweat of tba Frankford road, Twenty tbird ward. 90 feat front. Peremptory Sale—TWO-STORY BRICK DWELL ING, No. 64 Union street, between York and Staosp streets, Burlington, N. J. Sale N 0.928 werth Fifth Street SUPERIOR pritturrturg, PIANO-vontr, PLBR MIRROR, ARTISSELS CARPETS, &c. • ON WEDNESDAY MORNING. June 4, at 10 o'clock, by catalogue, at N 0.928 North Fifth strf et, the superior furniture, piano -forte, be Gale, Frencb-plate pier mirror, lino tapestry Brussels car pels, kc. . mar May bo examined at B o'clock on the morning of the sale. Side NOR. 139 nr.d 141 Sonth Fourth Sheol SITPRETOR 'FURNITURE, BRENOR•PLATE. writ- ROBS. ROSEWOOD PIANO-FORTES. BRUSSELS CARPETS, BAGATELLE TABLES, FIRE-PROOF ELSE, £cc. ON THNIZSDAY.IIOANLNG, At 9 o'clock. at the Auction Stare, an extensive assort meet of excellent eecond•hand furniture, elegant pfsno fortee, fine mirrors. carpets, &c., from families declining housekeeping, removed to the store for convenience of sale. Bate No. 2M3 North Torßlith Rtrrot SUPERIOR . FURNITURR, BREESE r.s CARPETS, dte ON FRIDAY MORNING, June 6th, at 10 o'clock, at No. 236 north Twelfth street, tho superior roFea - ood parlor furniture, mahogaay chamber and dining room furniture, brussels and other carpets, &c. Alpo. the kitchen furniture. fOr May be examined it 8 o'clock on the morning el the sale, with catalogues Sale on the Pretnieee—No. 808 North Broad Street HANDSOME MODERN RESIDENCE. AND FURNI TURE. BRUSSELS OARPETS, MIRRORS, MR. LODEON, &c. ON MONDAY MORNING. June 9, at 10 o'clock, by catalogue, at No. 808 Nazi& Broad street, the handsome modern four-story brick menage, with four. tors back buildings. Nas all the modern corveniences; gas thron.chont; 8 bath-rooms, hot and cold water; furnace, cooking range, &c. Also, a back stable and coach- house in the rear, on Cariboo street. lIAIMSOIdE attar the oats of the house will be sold the household furniture. Alpe, a two-orated carriage. sir The house will be sold at 10 o'clock, the furniture immediately after. Fall descriptions in handbills. MOSES NATHANS, AUCTIONEER AND COMMISSION ruananerr, mewed corner of SIXTH sad NAOS Street'. TAKE NOTICE The highest possible price is loaned on good, at M t/tans' Principal Establishment, southeast corner Sixth and Race streets. At lead one-third mcr• :bap .4 any other establishment la this city. NATHANB' PRINCIPAL MOPLif ESTABL/157. - - 1180,17., •cam oust =an amounts, from one dollar to tbongeolig, on diamonds, gold .and silver plate, watolies, Jewell'', •Wiffrobandise, clothing, furniture, bedding, pianos, erne goods of every deeorlptlon. WENS MADE AT THE LOWEST MARKET RATE. Tide ettablishment bee large fire and thief-proof sofa, for the safety of valuable goods, together with a prlvalt watchman on the premises. BOTABLISItED FOR THE LAST 80 YEAR& ALL LABOR LOANS MADE AT THIS, Tan "PRINCIPAL ESTABLISHMENT." OTIA.BOER GREATLY TtieTtiviern CABINET FIIENITURE. TIMM:NET FURNITURE AND BHA • NJ,ZIAND • MOORE: & C3AMPION. NO. 261 &lath SECOND Street, in connection with their extensive Cabinet Badness an now umattfaotnring a superior article of BILLIARD TABLES, llnd have now on band a fell supply, finished with the HOOEY & CAMPION'S ILISPROVED CUSHIONS, wtdch are pronounced, by all who have need them, to be interior to all others. Tor the reality and finish of these tables the mann %cturers refer to their numerous patron!' throughout tho Union. wbo are SautUtar with the character of their work. heid-rhe SHIPPING. int im % FOR NSW YORK—TEES DAT-DESPATCH AND MUMMA LINES-TIA. DELAWARE, AND RARITAN OANA.L. Steamers of the above Lines will leave DAILY, at it and 5 P. M. For freight, which will be taken on accommodating term'. apply to WM. M. BAIRD & Co., roy2l-tf 132 South DELAWARE AYentlo. s iffk BOSTON AND PHILADKL PHIA STEAMSHIP LUTE—Prom PDFN Street, Philadelphia. and LONG Wharf, Boston, an. The steamship SAXON, Captain hiattlwws, wlll sell from Philadelphia for Boston on WEDNESDAY, Jana 4, at 10 o'clock A. M., and from Boston for Philadelphia Or FRIDAY, May 30, at 4 o'clock P. M. Distwance one. half that by sail meals. Freight takettat fair rates. Bhiraera will please send bills lading with their pods. For freight or passage (having Sne accotornotiaigese for passengers), apply to EMMY WINBOB & OO M 832 SOUTH WHASY2B asa THE BRITISH AND NORTH ABLZBIOA4 BOYAL NAM mail FROM NEW YOBX TO LIVIMPOOL. _ Chief Cabin Passage lIliE Second Osbin Peassago 11 FROM BOSTON TO LIVERPOOL. Oldef (labia Passage OUR Second Cabin Pat.eage Tao shirts from Now York call at Cork Harbor. The Odra from Boston oall at Halifax and Cods Kw— bor. SCOTIA, Ozpt. Jndkina. CHINA. Capt. Anderson. PINSLi, Gap!. Lott. knA, Capt. Cook. Oapt. J. Stout. EITSOPA, Oast. J. Lefton. ARRIOA, Ospt. bborw. - CANADA, ()apt. kink. AMERICA, Capt. Moodie. (NIAGARA, Capt. A. BY., AU3TRAL&SIAA MEM3EMIMEMI SOOTL6., Judkine, leaves N.York, Wednesday, June 4. EUROPA, Cook, 4 , Boston, Wednesday, June 11. PERSIA, Lott, N.York, Wedueeday, June 18. AFRICA, Shannon, Boston, Wedneeder, June 26. CHINA, Anderson, €t N.York, Wednesday, July 1. ARABIA. Moodie, Roston, Wednesday, July 9. SCOTIA, Judklos; a N.Y•rk, Wednesday, July 16. Berths not secured until veld for. An experienced Surgeon on board. The ownere of these ships will not be aooonntable rw Gold. Silver Station, Spada, Jewelry, Freeform libe or Metals, !flaws bills of Wing are signed therefor, sae the value thereof therein expressed. Nor freight or pla, ISSN aPPI7 to Z. OVNATID. 4 BOWLING GBEILN. New Yert. B. 0. & .7. G. LATER, 103 STATE Street. Boston LONDON EXHIBITION RETURN 14 TIDBITS TO LONDON AND BAWL: Firsteelass Second-elass itila WEEKLY 00311VITINIOA TION BY STEAM BZTIVEBN NNW YORK AND LIYSBPOOL, calling at QUEENS. TOWN, (Ireland„) to land and embark passengers and denunohoo. The Liverpool, New York, and Philadelphia Steam aldp Company's splendid Oirde-bnilt iron strew stasis ships aro Intended to sail as follows: TBOM mmw vOitil SOB LIVSBPOOIa CITY OF BALTIDIORE KAIIGkEOO . . CITY OF NEW Saturday, June 14, 1862. CITY OF WASHINGTON— .Saturday, Jane 21. 1861. And every Saturday throughout the yew, from PENN No. 44 N. B. . BATZB Of PABBAOI THROUGH THOM PHILADELPHIA. Min, to Queenstown, or LiverpooL..... fifi Do. to Londoo, via Liverpool Sal Steerage to Queerwtown, or Liverp001........ Do. to London Do. Return tickets, available for six months, boo Liverpool US PaMengore forwarded to Irma Paris, /Imam* &Mee, and Antwerp at through rates. Certificates of passage leaned from Liverpool to New York 8441 Certificate. of Peesete boned from Quogastown to New York Them, stearaere have euporior acoominodstlons for pm singers, are constructed with water-tight ceintartossoli, and carrl enteric:wed Burgeons. Tor freight, or wane. apply at the offloe of the ikon - Pour, JOHN Q. DALT, Agent, 111 Walnut street, Philadelphia. In Liverpool, to WM INMAN, Tower Dulidings. Ia OlandoWs te AIL ROUX, 12 Dixon Wad. a dr oi t FOR NEW YORK. NEW DAILY LINE, Via Delaware led Nark= Canal. Philadelphia and New York Expreee Steamboat Om- Pony receive freight and leave daily at 2 P. M., delleue• !mg their cargoes in New York the following day. Vetehte taken at reasonable rates. WN. P. OLYDN, Agent, No. 14 SOUTH WHABYNS, rhtlideblath JAMBS RAND, Agent, anl-tf 'Here 14 and lb NAST SIVBE, New Twit. EXPRESS COMPANIES. gi.EAMIR THE ADAMS EX PUBS COMPANY, Moe ne 011 - ESTNIIT Street, Onwards Parcels, Packers, Mer chandise, Bank Notes, and beds, either by its ewa lines or in connection with other Isere's Bonsnallies, all the principal Towns and Mae of the Visited States. • • It. A. SANDFORD, le" general Buperintendera. LABOR-SAVING MACHINE. OLOTIIIS-SAYING 1110EGNI. TIME-SAYING MACIMINII. • Haley, Morse, t.,Boyden's Clothes Wringer saves labor, time, and clo th e., and is an improvement which will most certainly be generally adopted. It is eolf-adjusting, simple, and durable, and is far superior to every other device for the purpose intended. Over Ave hundred have been sold within the last thirty days in this oily. Ns family should be without one. They are warranted to give perfect satisfaction. For sale by L. E. SNOW, at the Office of JOY, (101, & CO , northeast . corner of FIFTH and CHESTNUT .streets. Orders from the OD promptly attended to. roylo-lin • EB!!= . Saturday, Ray 31, 1662. Saturday, Juno 7, 1862.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers