We give below a etatemont of the bnetnese _of the I'hlladelphla Custom House, for the month of Mey, 1862, ea compared with the two previous pearl: Mar. 1880. 1881. 1862. In warehouse May let... $738,1103 $1,273,921 $681, 0 2 3 WarehM from foreign phi. 812,626 437,619 414.349 1 . other districts... 43,489 68,236 41.279 Withden for conaunipt'n 220,653 199,010 442,490 " filinenortation— 8,497 405 30,886 " exportation.... —.. 631 In warehouse May ill—. 882,268 1,572,930 668.656 Lutered for col:towel lion 1,296,483 835,797 6135,332 Froe mdse. entered M 0,830 853,382 249,502 Demos/to produce expq... 496,511 1,481,496 904,352 DUTINS lIXOSIYED 1809. 1860. 1881, 1862 . Itisy.... ... e 211,528 $308,475 611 te're 820,831 911,84 721 $419,11:4 I 7 891404 937,781 $1,031,857 $1,260,149 $866,51631,417,565 The Median'co.' Back, of Baltimore, 1.146 declared a iieldend of four 4;?' mit. for the pait elx months, payable .on end after the 16th Met. The Lou Willa Journal of May 30th remarks Cold hes further advanced. Thole wore sales yester day morning at 4 per cent.,promium, but at the closv the :bankere were (Merging ; 4}(. and paying 4. Exchange is .dull and go a t, the linguini notes, in a great measure, 'supplying the demand for hills on the Eait. We con tinue to quote et Set M par cent peeentom selling, and .N discount be) lug The hankers were buying the notes 'of the Plautus' and 'Conn Batiks of Tennessee at 25 '.per cent. discount. The general market is quiet. There - lea pressing demand tor tobacco, and the receipts and gales are unusually large, at excellent prices. The books bf enUnriation to the capital end stock of •I/be Cincinnati and Jul:bane Railroad, (Cincinnati to Lawrenceburg .}.varo.op.ned at the banking offce of A. L. Mowry it Co , on Monday Met, and the entire amonnt, t5500,0(.0, woo dtlarctibed. This read extends the Qin vtinnati and Indianapolis road directly into Cincinnati, and will give it large advantaged for a thorough business. Thu New Yea: Evening Post, of to-day, uyst The tear news this morning. though variously con , ddrued by the epernelatoke In the street, had no nil 'favorable effect on Government securities. On the cone .trary our advanced prices of Iturorday were more than mustained, and a further else occurred in 6 per cent., of son and 7SO per cent treasury bonds. The State •atoots and retitle Mali were also steady at Saturday's advance, The extreme advance of Saturday afternoon, on the Now York and Western roads. was not supported at the Itret hoard to-day, although the range of tieing is above 'the =online iransactiime of that day. Now Jersey Oen- - tral to KV esBB%, Erie 8i 1(e37%, and the Western itotide In afoot tun saute proportiou, the actu,l business being moderate In amount. The prevailing disposition de rather to await further iorwe from Richmond, although •t the dose of t• e board the turn to again upward, on •later advicee through the War Department from tdc 401ellan and Relied,. The price of Rohl this morning 14 dull at 1033 42403 9 Ter cent. The transsotioas are not important. The ex .charge wonted for the Scotto. on Wednesday °pax. at 114 X mll4B par coot for first-claw bankers' bills The males ler money are easy at 485 per cent.. mid prime pa ;Per is scarce, of short, within the quotation. The San. Treasury received on Saturday alone 8120,000 la United Btates notes for conversion into th. 5-y ear 6 per cent. 'Mock of the GOTOtlitaelit at par. Some &Trait.) are also bolos made with the Sub-Treasury on bin days' notice after thirty day Fl at four per cent. per annum. . . The market for Covet nenent goose since the adioirrn etnent -of the beard is Orin. Bales of 7 3.10 treasury bonds at 105,11'. Philadelphia Stock Exchange Sates, June 2. (Reported by b. E. 31 : ! . r . .a..lshs, Phila. Exchange.] FIRST B 0 AR b. 50 Little Sell It 28% 50 Bo'g It.ss am .tint 24% 108 Mortis Omuta. 49 100 do_ „„„ 543 • 4 Penna 1t• 47% 100 do y 24% 00 Beta Nov 6% 10 do 24% 10 MinebillA 46% 2000 Seta Nay 6x'82.. (sog 123 Bchl Nav Bost lin 90 460 do. 63x •090 do. 90 6000 IT 9es 'Bl 105 16000 Bon B Teetivro. OI,V 600 US 7.301' Nts 1118105. V 6 Mechanics ilk... 25% 6000 Penns 53 8855 100 Long IBM Bee... 00 800 City 63 0 ,ct P.. .. 97 • 2/1 et 3d 8..56 en. 68 100 Bch! Nsv Prof... 153.5 2000 City Be New oa3 8000 Reading es '70... 94 Ck P ,Own. 07 200 Norristown It lots 48 67 Elmtralt Prvt.ch 215 V BET WEEI\ 2000 City Co N 0 2 P. 100% 4000 Peons 6a....8dYs • 88.3 i SECOND 60 Ches.& Wal•st B. 34y, 60 Catswiess R.. .. 2% 2800 Bch Nay tis 69N, 5000 do bb. 09A 5000 Petins;ll 2d mt... 99 2000 Leh Via es e5wu..100 7600 II 6 6e'Bl. lux E. 200 Penne fie. 88) 8 Meebanlea . 81c.. r 25 )1 100 Bead'g R efiwadin 247 g 24X 200 _ -do .......xii,Ext 1000 N Peuna Ca... 2000 d 0..... ... 8100 US 7.30.1'21ns 111k106% CLOSING PR Asked.l Bee 181 105% 195% Tr BTr 7 3-10 1.7.105% 105% Phtlada Be. 96% 97 Philada Os new..loo 102% POIMP be. 88% 88% Peadlns 11. z 21 8 1 24 % Bosom 83'8043.100 102 Read bde )70. ... 03% 94% Peed mt ea '86.. 064( 87 Penns It ex drr. 41% 47% Penns R 1 m 88..104 % Qs. us.. VEFX w jf Morrie Cid Con.. 49 60 Norris Col Prof.l2o 121 t3chNtiv Stock.. 6) o % bah Way Pref....16.g 15) Bob Nay 63 2 82.. 89,v 603 i Rainira R 10% 11)4 Prices of Stocks la New York.—By Telegraph. First Ca ll . Second - Call. II B 6081 105 X bid 1053( bid tObloago sod It hiand . . .... bid 63 sales Beading Baliroad 2431 bid , 2436 bid Illinois Central... .. . ..... .. bid , 623( sales Galena and Obioaao . bid •. • 663( bid New York Central 883( bid 1383( sales Brio 313( bid .- 973( sale) Harlem 33X bid 14 sales Cleveland and Tiled')..... bld 44% a •lea Steady, atnady. rhUadelphia Markets. aim Flour market continues very dull; the demand both for shipment and borne use being limited; sales Wm wise about 400.bbla at $4.6064_75 far comma and good Onfa sling ;46.26 for good Northwestern extra family, and 600 bbls choice Ohlo'do at 88m5.12,4 4P bbl, Sales •to the retailers and bakers have been, to a limited extent, within the above range of prices, as to brand and quality. :Rye Flour loss Illog in a small way at $3.25. Pennsyl vania Corn meal is offered at $2.62X 4lv bbl, without sales. Wriskr comes in *lowly, but the demand for it la limi ted and the market dial; about 2,000 baelkels Ponasyl- Tank' red sold at 1180.120 c, and 2,600 1)11.1101e white at 3.260. I RTE.—There Is cot muctioffering, and Pennsylvania is iteady at 680. Corn Is iu good demand, and about 8,000 bee yellow sold at 54c fur prime Southern, afloat, and fiac for Pennsylvania, iu store, chiefly of the former descries tlon. ' Cats ate in good demand, and Penneviracua are quoted at 30540 e.. 700 bus Southern sold at 37c. BARK.—Q,Urreltroll Is firm at 333.50 P ton for lot 'No. 3- COTTOti.—Tho market le firm, but !neat's% owing to the difference In the views of buyers and sellers. Onoomictis AYn rROTISIONS.—The markets for b' th •Sre unchanpsd, and simoderat6 business doing In Sugar snd Coffee at full prices. Wniscr reninina usiet at 240250f0r Perimlviuda and 'Ohio bble, and 22s gallon for drudge. rhlladelivltta Cattle Market, Jima 2. The receipts of Beef Cattle are moderate this week, .leaching about 1,2.50 head. The demand is good, and •pricea about the same as last quoted. The following are She particulars of the autos: 03 Kimble & Kirk, Lancaster county, 818.6009. 18 B. Cr. Baldwin, Chester county, sBeB 60. 40 J. 2501411,n, Jr. Pennsylvanir S3A3. .101 P. Hathaway, Ohio, 28t69 26. . 70 P. Mennen, Ohio, i 0.61.469. 38 Coabnua & McCall, Chester county, $3.5009.25. 82 J. Beldomrldge. lowa, $909.50. 1112 Ullman & Cu., Peune7iYuals. $BO9. -34 Fellblmer & Kirwiu, tibial, $708.60. -50 Vaulter, Ohiu, 3808.75. , 15 G Darlinatan. Chester county, 87.5008.50, •40 Fuller &Brothers, Pennsylvania, $7.5000. 85 B. Dryfeos, Ohio. 809 25. 88 E. Barash or, Lancaster county, 3808.75. .50 L. Frank, Nimes 'amnia, 8808.75. 15 H. Biller, Lancaster county, $BOB 75. • '74 Rena & Smith, Ohio, $009.60 18 B. Hood, Chaster county, $808.50. 40 J. Culp, Cheater wants , ' $BO7. $0 MMus, Obretor county, 1808 50. 41 Airman & Bro., Chester county, 37.5009.25. $4 D. W. Witar, Pennsylvania $ BO9. 25 J. Kaufman. 'Pennsylvania, 158 2509. About 160 (lowa arrived and sold let the Avenue Drove jard at from $2O , o $5O sr head, aa to quality. The arrivals and sales of Sheep reached 8,006 heal Ude week, at from 3 to 4? s#' lb., gross, for clipped, as to Condition. The arrivals and roles of Hoge at H. G. Imhoff's Union Drove Yard reached 2419 heed tide week, selling at from $4.26 to $4.76 for still-fed, and from $4.6006 4P' 100 lbs, Tor corn-fed Hogs, liccording,to quality. CITY ITEMS. DEATII OF YOUNG PHILADELPH/A. MEP.- ONANT.—On Saturday, the Met ultimo, after a brief Illness, Mr. John Cary, of the firm of Wood it Cary, in this city, depart, Silas life. But three months ago, 31r. Cary came to Philadelphia, at the age of twenty-sir, to enter Into mercantile life, which he did under the meat gromfaing auspices. From our own short acquaintance with Mr. Oary, we I•arned to appreciate in him the well bred, educated New England gentleman, and during his brief aoiourn in cur midst he made a large circle of friends who have bern pained by Ms early death, trul who deeply sympathize whit his bereaved family and friends In Foxboro', Mee., whither his remains have been con •eyed, accompanied by his former partner in business, filr. P.M. Wood. Am FOR TUE SiCIFFERERA ♦T YORKTOWN.— Several members of the Christian Corambutiou have vLeited Yorktown, Vs., where a number of hospitals have been established for our sick and wounded soldiers. As many ea 5,000 patients have been there at one time. At present there exei about 1,250, bat a large number era expected goons the troops in advance. The physicians who have charge of these hospitals had hard work to do, but they ilaVe labored nobly, and have accomplished wonders, in =ailing the poor fellows comfortable. But they have re quired a number of articles for their comfsrt and welfare b addition to Am which the medical department can provide. The various stores sent from Philadelphia Inevebeen very serviceable there; and Mre. John Barris and Bev. Mr. Sloan, who have boen distributing them, Lave done much to relloye the suffering of our brave pp:Adieu. The Pbliedelphia Ladies' Aid Society has pro eridedmonso things which have been very useful, and Dire. Mania, tboir representative there, le indeed the soldier's blend. Mr. Sloan, it is reported, will remain for same time at Yorktown, and attend, tender the counsels of the 'physicians, to the spiritual and temporal wants of the poor invalids. The deputation consists of Bev. Dr. Wylie and others. Any &aides intended for their use. pent to the rooms of the Young Men'e Christian Astoria. lien, 1009 and 1011 Chestnut street; or any money Beat to George E. Stuart, Dm., 13 Bank street, will be faith- Sally applied. at MT Pion's OnintoN.—On Sunday last, ghe Bey. II Masten Goddard, D. D., entered upon his du ties as rector of this old pariah, and we hare rarely seen a larger congregation than way then and filers assembled to welcome the ntw rector to his charge. lie discourse ♦vas eloquent and appropriate, and was listened to with 2trofound attention and evident satisfaction by all who .eard it. 0/82ORD & Sox's . SUMMER HATa.—Meaare. Mts. Oakford & Bon, under the tjontinental Hotel, have just opened a magnificent assortment of Bummer Hata Tor gentlemen, of various styles, and prices to stilt all ipurchseers. Their store, yesterday, was crowded from imonting till night with customers. In Gentlemen's Fur laiebing Goode they also make an elegant display of all the choicest novelties going. In Headgear for children, their stock is also very superior, . THE BEST PORTABLE LIGHT OF THE AGE IS tbe celebrated Lamp manufactured and Rohl by hiesme: liters & 430.. at their povutor Light 'important, No. 216 North Nigh If:street, corner of Filbert street. ' Tbeir took of this elegaut, safe, convenient, and economical Lamy la very extensive, and LI justly attracting tbo M. Sention of the trade throughout tte country. BOARDS 1600 0 B Amb 6+'83.. 01 1000 Phit & Erie 64... 91X BOARD. 60 Healing B 24% 1000 N Peaus 103.... 04 6000 CIO 6s New Ui P.lOOll 6 Far & Nooks Bk. 52% 22 40 . 62% 60 Bahl Nav Pref.... 16% 4 Allaohlll B 4414 3 Leh Nay. ' ' 53% 'l3OOO Pawn 11 let tot 630 flit 10t 1000 0 1 1 Y Ca O&Y.alam 97 I OA MS. 1600 08 7 30 T 5118.170,11.104% 6 Penns R. 47% I 11 do titian.. 47% 10176-3.111:51. Bid. Asked. Elmira 11 Frt.— 21% 22 Elmira 7a 88% 90 Cleland R 16% 16% Liegh CI & Nay.. 54% 64 Le CI Nay east 401( 40% N Penns R..... 8% 8%. NPaR 63 76% 77 ' N Penne R 10a 91 , 95 Cataw R Can..: 2% 2% Prat.l3outh_R 45 y7._ - 47 2418 at-st R..... —o6 Race& Vineetll 8 8% 'W Philaß. 533 54 Spruced Pine.. 12% 13 Green it Coates.. 26% 26% Chew dr Walnut. 34 35 Arch Street..... 22% 22% Jolts 2—Evetdotr. FINE SMOKED AND SPICED SALMON.--Mr. C. H. Mattson ; dealer in flue groceries, Arch and Tenth streets, has now on hand an elegant fresh lot of Smokei and Spiced Salmon, to which we invite the attention of our readers, "TEE TYROLEAre."—At Dr. CollOn'il lasi Exhibition of the Laughing Gas, a Tyrolean vocalist ex cited great enthusiasm while sander the influence of the gee, and we understand that he has engaged to inhale it again, at the exhibition thia evening, and perform faux. pieces, one of which will be after be has inhaled the gee. The entertainment will be worth witnessing. COMMODORE PORTER'S LETTER to Senator Grimes, in reference to the light with bie mortar flotilla, saw "I moved the bomb-schooners under a point of woods, where, with their masts coverei with green bushes, and their rigging with vines, they were invisible to the best gismos. We destroy ad throe iron-plated batte ries, mounting thirty-one rifled guns, six or seven iron plated gunboats, end nine or ten things got up for the occasion, besides a testified dry-dock, and" the rebel rams Manatees and Louisiana." We may add, that notwith standing the greet destruction of rebel cotton, and the re b e l rattle, cotton and woollen clothing is still sold at a low price, at Charles Stokes', under the 1, Uontmontei," as ever. Taz Cmoranmanir.—This oddly-named place has been the scene of one of the great straggles of tho war. Most of the'soldiers of the Union bore theta solves right gallantly, and Ohickabominy" will be em blazoned proudly upon their bannera, with 4 Williams burg" and " West Point !" The colors of filcOlellau's grand army will have their faces covered with heroic legends, lust as our newspapers teem with notions of the elegant garmente made at the brown•etono Clothing gall of Reckill 3: Wilson, Nos. 003 and 605 Chestnut street, above ffixtb. Tns Dowlama, or RxezrmonD.--If the down fall of Richmond has not already taken place, we feel perfectly free in saying that it soon may be expected. 'When such an event does come to pass, prepare for grand jubilee, an universal illumination. Councilmen should call a special meeting, and make arrangements for the celebration of this glorious occasion. Let every man go on ht, way rejoicing, to the mammoth Clothing establishment of Granville Stokes, No. 60) Chestnut ,street, where the cheapest eneanum garments in the country can be obtsinrd. ARRIVALS AT THE HOTELS VP TO 12 O'CLOCK LAST MORT CONTINENTAL•IIOTEIs=-Ntnth and Chestnut ate. O R McCabe, Tamanua Goo E Belknap ds wf. II S N Mre Moore. Boston H Spencer, New York B Thiele, New York T C M Paton & wf, N Y li•L Willman, Pittsburg Dr Gibbs, II 8 N Thos Burman, Bath B Mc Annan>, New York 6 A Allan, New Jersey A Sinnickion ' Now Jersey It De Sole Ac la, Laguayra H N McAllist er wf, Pa J Baremerslongh, Dlinoie Wash A Datiskin, hid W,ldackenzie, New York Mrs Kellett, New York W Porter, Lynn, Mass John T Nixon, N Jersey John Howland, Now York N Blglow, Jr, Newark, N J M Yonian Caps L Gardner, II 8 A Mr; Tacker. New York Ries Tucker, New York W F Denolde, Pottsville II B Petrikin, Penne Miss S Haldeman, Poona R 0 Garwood, New York D Phillips & wt. Hartford Miss Phillips, Hartford 13 Eldridge & wt,llartfo:d E Hills & wt, Hartford • L Allen, New York litre A Pratt, New. London I' II Shepherd k ton W Wall, Brooklyn W H Wallace, New York Dr 0 Wells, New York F B Hunter, Beading S Bigelow. Jr, Now Ynrk litre Johnston, Now York J A Johnsb•n. New York It 13 Drrolly, Al 4 x. Ye 0 P New York Bra Eilliuger, Lebanon' Mrs Bitten, Lebanon J W 1E11111:ger & eon, Penns A North. Now York A W Neff 0 GShllds 11 IC Corning & wf. N Y Mica Corning, New York Col W H Russell, Cuba D W Dean, St Louis C P Sawyer, Boston II P Bard, Boston • W C Maddock, New York C M Simonson. New York .7 C Ludlow, Newark D D Badger, New York W F Claflin, Boston A. Coburn, Boston B Yard, Now York Hon J L N Stratton, N J W R Wiltc, Linden 0 E Morehouse & la, 11l W D Miller, Lancaster Hon F Watts & ls, Carlisle Mralllcttlare, Carlisle 'X It Sprague; Brit Oliver Hoyt, New York W A Richards, Boston C Yale, New York A Whltteman, New York John .1 Cooper & la, N Y Geni C Williams, Chicago Robt Macdonald, N York R N Peterson, New York N Kingsbury, Hartford L If Scott, Pennsylvania G Nobler, New York II Ell, Ohio Thomas Appleton, Man N D Nelson, New York W 0 Goff, Newborn, N 0 W Griswold, Hartford A Donnell & Is, Nan York R C Root & la, New York J Donahoe, Norristown J B Mclntosh, New York J C thinking, Boston Wm Brand, New York C Wendell, Washington W D Beall, Georgetown;HO T Batle, N4W York W Crawford, Baltimore Mogen Young, New York W Morrison, Cincinnati N Myers, Cincinnati M Stern, New York Bennett. Kansas Wm J Wilmer, Baltimore J Downing, U S A MERCHANTS' HOTEL--Pdurtk et., below Arab. T B Scattergood, Jr, Penns Francis Worth, Otiestec en B H Cox, Louisville, Ky P B Stark.ld. Louisville, K Dr Baldwin, Maryland J Lehr, Altoona X Chunk WILD...Ler. Wayoestnny lilies eft_ 11. -3 JZ Hamilton; naruora W R Otis, ,Jelre-----„T y:, uer At L McDowell, Penni , J Craig, Clarion, Pa 8 P Ancona, Reading -B Irwln , Cumber'd co Jas X Burcbfield. Pittsburg John Bane, , witv,,barg .1 Id Sanderson, New York Levi 9 Smith, Dinner X Barry, Lancaster B W Murales , Dr W E Barnes, Baltimore 8 J Berger, Baltimore Hon J . I) Stiles, 'Allentown Maj A Pardee, Penns A H Jacobs, Eckley, Pa C 8 Palmer,..Bucks co S E Palmer, Bucks co Joe Drier. Bucks co Cline Hampshire,Jettnesville .7 T Cunningham, N York James Cole, Brooklyn Oliver Toomey, Indiasapolis Maj ME Avery, N Yotk M T Dili, Altoona AMENlCAN—Cbestnut atreet, above Fifth. J D Field, 'Taunton J F Griffin, Chicago. Jacob Loucks, Maryland Joe Cleveland, N J • () F Burden, Baltimore J B Whitaker, Maryland D Nagle, Beading D J Lin ooln, Birdsboro C O Beck, Washington, DC DP Stratton, Salem, N J J W fiteacy, Columbia, Pa C A Banyan, Harrisburg Thoe Harvey & la, Baltimore W Westendorp, Hamburg W P Lander, New York H Howland, New Jersey H W Howland, New Jersey W T Barnes, Oswego, N Y B Scott, Cowes°, N Y Liout Theo P Eynder,Pa P Atwood, Winterport John Wilson, Chicago S E Foehey, Salisbury, Md H J Myeri, Hanover, Pa Chive T Shoener, Tamaqua W Spencer, Mineravllle W C Shinn, New Jersey P B Davis, New York. N Heath, Now York S P Gillett, New York A P Hale, New York Jos H Rumor, New York W Lee & wf, p embing`n en John Crossley, New York B Richardson, Penne. Capt A 0 Eddy Copt Whitcom S H B Merryman, Balt O e McKnight, ProT, fi I 11. P Olsrk & 18, Waub. D 0 Wm Mop, Pottstown ST. LOUIS HOTEL—Oheetant street, above Third. Jos Noble, New York J blouson, Now York W El Knew, Wash. Zi 0 Thos F Aston J Lyon, New York • ElrsJ T Griswold, N Y Con Schell, Pennsylvania W N Johnson, New York ll W Whkr.ey,New York John Warner, New York II 0 Heywood, Lake Valley W S Sperry, New York John Hest, Pittsburg J Hambleton & son, MA It U Mackey, Matyltuad THE UNlON—Arch' street, above Third. .1 Brown, Velem, N J J T Reber, Reading W Green, Easton, PA J Howell, Philipsburg Bummer, Pittsburg S Nicholson, Penne 0 Moloy, Pine Grove D L Rhesds, Bucks on 8 Hunt, Lewisburg J Batcliff & la, Tamaqua Gel B Retell% Tamaqua 0 S 'Reynolds, New Jeraay COMHEBOIAL—,Sigth street, above Obostnut. W P Meld, Pa James II Barlow W W Cone, Rochester, N Y WB. Eder gleryland It H. Jones, Mar) land J Conger diva', Wilmington bliss Cornier, Wilmington V G Stubbs, York co, Pa N B Hammond, Chester co le hlcSparran, Laricasterco J H Herehbergor, Cheater co Jacob Bine, Freehold, N George Walters, Pboiotirville L B Kirk, Pennsylvania Bre Bocklnson, Port Deposit H C Nesbitt, Port Deposit Miss Hartenetine, Pt Deposit Jas S Kirk, Obeater co J Devoe, West Cluster A Kimble, attester Cu, 'Pa 1) Nimble, Cheater co, Pa Tbos B Potts J C Wcrtb, Oxford P Parson, Chester co NATIONAL BOTRL—Race sheet, shore Third. B Smilh, Bollidayaburg Chas D Kooni, Hollidayab Geo M Ermentroul, Beading Cyrus Bowery, Lebanon co N Eby, Mt .103, Pa John Ramsay ,b la, Penns JA L Tice, Tremont, Pa John Garea, Tremont, Pa Jos Whitaker, Mt Clair D J Boyar, Bnydor co John JI Gress & la, Ephrata Miss L Horshberzer, Pa bend Arnold, Carlisle D B Hostetter, Lanc co F A Whitaker, Hazleton John Scott, Butter, Pa STATES DNlON—Market street, alcove Sixth. J P Clark; Penna R F Shelalsarger, Penna 0 H Fox & wf Jag Wateon, Baltimore 0 Jones, Peon& A WoMall, Pittsburg R M Rooley, Pittsburg L d Zwieler, Pittsburg Chug Neal, Pittsburg T M liares,lPittsharg Time McNally, Pittsburg R Woodhouse & la. N J J II Rutter, Lancaster co J MiMintown Wm It Findley & ter; Pa G W Stewart, Penna Soo Swartz, Duucannon S Curry, Huntingdon Bowers, Lancaster hi filcCiees, Atlantic Oity J II McOleee, Atlantic City Rev J J Stine&wf, N Scotia A Montgomery, Chester co BARLEY BllEAP—lksond street, below Mine. P W Robeson ' Ftrondsburg C H Beale, New Jersey M Q Winton, New Jersey It M Gooch. New Hope Lea, - Abington, Pa nummerdyke, Ya P McEntee, Backs J McEntee, Backs J 0 Rice, Centreville 3lise & Ely, Bucks Miss Lilly Slyer, Backs Jas 0 Cornel6 Bucks • kf Ire Anna Garbs Fa A Ellis, Buckingham P Pickering. BuCkingbam Chas Smith, Doylestown FI P Statte. New Jersey E Catkin, Sullivan, N Y J Q Taylor, Alex, N J 0 Connard, Lahaika O W Minty, Montgomery Missß wcaloW,Montgornery W If Boxier, Easton, Pa Lisa Jets M Carver, Pa J B Mason, Baptiettown L B Leber, Lumberville Geo Reading, Lamberville II B Hopkins, Now York Wm Brittbn, New York Jag Thornton, Byberry, Pa E ifs Mary A Blakey. Pa Miss S Blakey, Pa Wm T Blakey, Attleboro, Pa MADISON HOUSE—Second street, above Market. A Mclntyre, Wayne co A D Taylor, Dalt(more Lieut W F Wiiaon, US A Mite Ety, Bucks co Dltes Blacklane, Bucks co J Patchen ' Wilmington Mrs M Smith, Docks co A Waller, Newtown P P Gilbert, Dover, Del Bee J Belivllle, Hartsville E H Smith, Mount Holly • Walton & 1. Stroudsburg L B Oarhart, Zion, Md Gen I Potter, Lewistown BLACK BEAR—Third ['treat, above On/lowhill. J Stabler, Rolleratown W Bettor Treglortovra J II Fogel, Traxierlown W A Treichier, Peons 0 W Faint, Lehigh co L Brown, Poona B Bechtel, Beading, Pa D n Harper. Obies , N Wegonboret, Penne Mrs Wagonhoret, Penna Wegonboret & la, Penn% C Brower, Pottstown P D OrWerner, Olney BALD BADLE—Third street, abote OalWarta. I[ S ihster, Kutztown Owen le Unbar. Allentown T 8 Laieruring, Pittsburg B Hausman, Allentown Jobu Nellgb, Allentown Leyl BimOn, Allentown John Ball, Quakertown Robt Good ct In, Bucks co J Wollner h wf, Bucks oo Joaish Rellertown John Metzger, Easton J B Prutzman, Virginia B Beldenbuch ds eon, Lana co °brittle* Unger, Penns A Stone, Myeratown D T Bordner, Lebanon co ]COUNT VERNON llOTEL—ffecond et., above Arch. S Shaffer, New York W S Weed, New York W C Stied, Bristol, Pa B Brodhead, New York E Middleton, Penne T Boyd d Is, Now .Jerniey MARINE INTELLIGENCE. fa" EEL rOUBTH PAW] ARRIVED Brig 11 D Ruggles, Cann, from Lucia, Ja, lath rat,. with logwood, sugar, and ginger, to D N Wetzlar di Co. On the 17th tilt, let 23 86, long 86 36, was boarded by 15 8 bark Pursuit, cruisinsg 20th, let 28 60, long 82 48, was boarded by 13 B guoboet (bark) Amanda, Acting Lient Goodwin, commanding, cruieing--all well. Prig BF Nesh, Putnam, 9 days front Bogus, with anger to 9 & W Welsh. Bohr Jonathan May, Cobb, 5 days from Paraunkey River, in ballast to captain. Bohr Lady Lake, White, 4 days . from Pawtucket, in ballast to Castuer, Btickney & Wellington. Bohr g B James, Obese, 6 days from Boston, with ice to captain. Bohr Banner, Jones, I day from Indian River, Del, with corn to Jai L Bewley & Co. Bcbr Henry Wolfe, Atkins, 1 day from Milton, Del, with grain to Cbristian k Co. Mesmer Fanny Garner, Pierce, 24 hours from New York, with =dab to W P Clyde. CLEABZD Brig J P Eltloott, Darereux, Ship Island, Tyler, Stone & Co. Behr J Irelen, Bowen, fortress Monroe, do Bcbr Yoke. Brooke New London, P Fisk. Behr Lady Lake, White, Norwich, Quitter, Bilekaey & W,lliogton. Buhr Arthur Simpson, Churn. Cumberland, Va,G Baum Bir B Wi liog, Claypool*, Baltimore, A Groves, Jr. (Ckarreepondeuce of the Philadeiphis Exchange.) LEWSB, Del., Jimao 2. The brig Ann* Tama, from liantop, Brazil. with coffin. came fo tim Breakwater thin afternoon, and left at 3 P AI tor New York. Yours, Ao. JOHN P. MEIHOSANDA Fitrainsbip North star, Jones, ctosred at New York . Trob-rdity fur Arminwall. Phis Westmoreland, DetAll, was adverthred at Liver pool 77th rilt, for Phil idel phis 25th. Bark Libra, (Dutch) Dirkeon, for New York and Phi ladelphia, was at liottordam 74rh Bark D. 0 'Fenton, Polo, for Newcastle, to load for Philadelphia at .Cl 7 pry keel, was at London 17th nit. Ketch Commerce. Barnes, hence' fur filarrdiiirr, WasvPokeri 14th nit, let 22, long 57 - Bahr United dtatee, Babson, from Charlottetown, PEI, for Philadelphia, at Halifax 234 nit.. Bohr Perrin, dmith,bonce, arrived at Halifax 23d inst. Schra A" M dldrldgo, Fithor, leldella, Wheaton, rel. Roden, Hooper, and Madagascar, Moore, hence, arrived at Boston Slat ult. Sabra Lady Suffolk, Baiter, Eben 'Sawyer, Tracy, and J Grierson, Harding, hence, arrived at Boston let inst. Schen Evergreen, Potter, D G Floyd, Beckett, and and Martha Collins, Shourda, sailed front Providence Slat ult. for Philadelphia. Rohr A H Drown, from Providence for Philadelphia, tinned from Dutch Island Frarb..r 30th ult. Bct•a Uahxna, Wilc x, ettilcxl from Pall River 30th nit. for Philadelphia, via Sencooet. Echr Ottoman, Blanchard, for Philadelphia, cleared at NOW Thrifotd 3let ult.. amer Mara Nichols, hence., arrived at Now York yeateiday. t tr.- roar. Comet, Jame, elearg.d at New York yesterday for Philadelphia. SPEGIAI, NOTIOES. - BATCHELOR'S BAIR DYE! THIS BEST IN THR WORLD. ILLTAN A. DATOHELOR'S nelebratoil Hair Dyo producto a color not to he dlatingnlatied from nature— wearantwl not to injure the Flair in the least; comedies the ill effocta of hod dyre, and inrigoratei the Hair for IIfeIIGRAY, RED, or BUSTY B AIR instantly tarns a splendld Black or Brown, leaving the Hair soft and bt au tifuL Sold by all Druggists, &c. its - The Genuine is signed WILLIAM A. BATCHE LOR, on the four sides of each boo. FACTORY, No: 81 BAROLAT Street, (Late 233 Broadway and 16 Bond street), Eny2S-ly New York. ONE-PRIOR CLOTHING, OF MR LATEST . STYLES, made in the Beet blamer, exprerdy for BE TAIL SALES. LOWEST Selling Prices marked In Plain Figures. All Ckmds made to Order warranted satierfactory. Our ONe. PRIOR 13YSTSW 16 . strictly ad hered to. AU are thereby treated alike. aeP2-ly JONES A 00.. 604 MARKET Street. LYON'S MAGNETIC INSECT POWDER, Tested for nineteen years and grows in favor. It kills and exterminatee Beaches, Bed Bogs, Ants, Fleas, Moths in Cloths, Furs, and Furniture, Garden Insects, &c. All g..mitne bears the signature of B. Lyon, and is tust poisonous topersores or domestic animals. Be ware of counterfeits and imitations. Lyon's Powder kills all insects in a trice, Lyon's Pills are death to rats and mice. Bold everywhere. -D. B. ItABNIIB, myB-etuth3m - 202 Broadway, New York. CARD PRINTING, BEST AND CHEAPEST In the City, at 111 South FOURTH Street. CIRCULAR PRINTING, beet and cheapest In the Oity. at 111 South NOUR7II Street.' QECOND MOURNING POPLIN'S, KJ VALENCIA% AND . GINGRAMS --BESSON SON invite attention to their New Stack of— Second Mourning Gingham*: 16 to 25 cents. Second Mourning Silk and Wool Poplins, 62g to 75. Second Mourning Bilk and Wool Valencia*, 76 eta. Black and White finest French Jaconets, 25 eta. , Plain Black finest French Jaoooota, 26 eta. latnin's Black °battles, 44 cte. • Ltipin's Black Barogo, 7.4 wide, 62g ctn.. . • . LODION Block Crape Itiaretz, 26 cis. • Lupin's Black Tamartines, 26 cts. MARRIED HEY—PALETHORP.—On Thursday evening, the 29th ult. by the Rev. Henry Steele Clarke, D. D., Joseph Hey to. Angelina W., daughter of the late John B. Palethorr, Btu. WALLACE—WILSON —On the 29th tilt, by the Rev. Dr. Bullock, Daniel Wallace. of Pittsburg, Pa , to Annie, daughter of James Willett, Esq., of Baltimore. * FRIEDMUTH—DOTNEY.—On tho 22d of May, by the. Bey. Dr. R. Jeffery, Mr. E. H. Friebmuth to Mite Lizzie Cotn.y, both of this City. JOHNBTON--811AitP.—On the 28th ultimo, by the Rev. W. R. Rice. David A. Johnston to Eliza Jane botliof this city. ak DIED. . eA.B.Y. , —un I n_ nose, John Cary, of the firm of Wood ik Cary, or-tola -art, , late of Foxboro', Magrachneette. aged 26 Years* . EARDING.—:On the 2/.1 instant, Maria, wife of Jeeoar IDELLZzOilliiilexiifitlaif, Elwood Idea, in the 21st year of hie age. . - Ills relatives and friends are invited to attend the funeral. at. Oresswicks, N. J., on Fonrth day, 4th inst., at 10 o'clock. Caningee will meet 6 o'clock A. M, train at Betdrritown, N J. it BUBgtows.-0i) the 31st May, Catherine, wife of Stones Burrows, ate, a abort illness in the 70th year o f her age. 'lb° inners] will take place on Wednesday morning, 4th inst., at 10 o'clock, from the residence of tier son-to law, Mr. 'William Getty, corner of Twenty-first and On tariOstreete, (Twee station Germantown Railroad.) Cars leave the depot, corner of Ninth and Green. ovary hour. CURTIS —On the 31st ultimo, Edwin B. Cutts, in the 37th year of his age. The funeral will take place on Wednesday afternoon, the 4:b Meant, at 2 o'clock, from the residence of Dr. srederiok Berruister, Otis' (late Wood) street, below Frankford road. Interment at Odd Fellows' Comefere. CCEST.—On the Met of May, Mr. Benjamin Gest, aged 76 years. The relatives and friends, and members of Southwark Mechanics' Beneficial Society, aro respectfully invited to attend his Toners', from hie late residence, No. 46 P. Imo etreet, en Wednesday afterooim, June 4, at 2 o'clock. To invieeed to Swede's Ground for interment. Ww BlKllL.—Suddenly,• on the let Inetent, in the 31st year of her age, Mary I.shelle, wife of Lieutenant John S. Diehl, now in the :6:h Bean:omit P. V. Dna notice will be Riven of the funeral. SHUFF.—On the Ist inetent• from elPcbt of wouwis received in the battle at Williamsburg, Mr. Aud-ew Ruff, orderly tergearit of Co. A, 7th Regiment New Jer sey Volunteers. Due notice of hie funeral will he given. IrrHORTICULTURAL HALL.— SUB. je c t for diFCUBBiOII TRU EVENING, Culture of Window Pl.ntp." 11 PHILADELPHIA SOCIETY FOR PROMOTING AGRI:IFILTURR—Stated Itteet irg et Rome No. 3.6 WALNUT Street, on WedooLdny, Jane 4tb, nt II o'clock AI DI. yea -21 crrFIRST OF THE SFASON.—LADIES , STRAWBERRY FESTIVAL, for the benefit of the TWELFTEI• IMRE r E. CFRIRCIR, will bo hold at HANDEL AND • HAYDN GALL, sloth cost corner of Eighth and Gteen etreett, on THURS DAY EVENING, June sth. 'Dakota at the door fifty cents. je3-3t* NINTH WARD PEOPLE'S ASSOtTIA. TlON.—kisetlag at the Hall, TWELF 111 and PILBERT Ftreets, THIS (Tuesday) EVININO, June 3d, 1862, at 8 o'clock. HY order of the Association. JOHN THOMPOON, President. It* DAVID Hautse, Secretary. . • COMPROMISE—PEACE .—SHA.LL WE 11.3 make the former and thereby secure the latter I Or, Shill we submit to Foreign Intervention 7 Lec ture on this subject, by the Ser. It. •A. CARDEN, (tor the benefit of DOD Church.) at Snrioa Garden institute. BROAD and SPRING GARDEN Streets, on MONDAY BVENTNG, June 16th, 1862. Admission 10 cents. iefi-12tes CIT.AN EXAMINATION OF APPLICANTS for Certificates of Qualification f ASiLiTANT TEACHERS of the. Public Schools of Philadelphia will be held at ;he Jefferson Ichool House, on FITTS Streit. above Poplar, commencing on 1? CAT, June fitb, at 2 o'clock P. Id . and continuing on SATIIRDIY, 7th. at 9 o'clock A. M. Applicants under 17 years of age will not be examined. By order of tho Committee on Qualitleation of Teach ers of the Board of Controllers. GEORGE W. VAUGHAN, Chairman OFFICE MONONGAHELA. NAVIGA TION COMPANY, rirrssinta, MEW 23,1862 At a meeting of the Board of ?amassers of this Campo ny, held on the let of May, 1862, the follow - tag resolutions were adopted: Resolved, That coupon bonds of this Company, bear ing date the first day of July next, be issued to the amount of 'Two Hundred Thousand Dollars, in earns of One Thousand Dollars etch, payable in twen ty-file years after the date thetoot, bearing interest at the ,rate of six per content per annum, paya ble sami-annually, in the city of New York, and the said bonds be secured by mortgage of the works and revenues of this Company, to be made to Thomas Bakewoll, as trustee, for the holders of said bonds. Resolved, That the President of this Company be au thorized to procure, to be negotiated, of the mortgage bonds of this Company. this day ordered to be issued, the amount of one hundred and twenty-five thoneand dol lars, for cash, or the ontotinding bonds of this Com pany, maturing on the first day of January next, at Tar. In accordance with the foregoing resolutions, SUB SCRIPTIONS will be received until three o'clock of the 24th DAY OF JUNE NEXT, for the above loan. In formation with regard to the character of the Improve ment may be obtained from Joshua Hanna, 800., of Can na, Bart, 8t Co , Pittsburg ; Abraham Gibbons, Esq., Coatesville, Chester county, Pa. ; and Misers. Jay, Cock, & Co., Philadelphia, who are authorized to receive subscriptions for the loan. The Capital Stock of the Company is $728,700 Funded debt, (bondsontstanding) 182,000 There is no tooting or other debt existing. The works are in active operation and complete repair, and the re. mints justify expectations of the usual or average divi dend for the present year. Ti o works were so far com pleted, and the debts of the Company paid as to enable the Managers to declare their fleet dividand, July 7th, 1863, 11113C13 which time they have declared fourteen divi dends op to July, 1881—eight yea.a—amounting in the aggregate to fifty-four and one-half per cent., or six and eighty-one hundredths per cent. per annum. There are no bonds in the market better secured than Gioia of this Company, and nose that offer greater Inducements for investment es to security and prompt payment of tete rest, which is well known by the holders of the present ontetanding bonds. The object of this mortgage is to concentrate the bonds of the Company and secure the whole. A preference will be given to the present holders of the bonds 'maturing January 15t.1.853 The tioniplur reserves the right to accept the whole or any portion of the amount subscribed. my 27. tJe24 J. R. MOODMEAD, Preeldent. iffw PEOPLE'S STATE CONVENTION. THE PEOPLE OF PENNSYLVANIA. who deoira cordially to unite in SUSTAINING THE NATIONAL ADMINISTRATION in Its Patriotic efforts to suppress a sectional and unholy rebellion against the UNITY OP THE REPUBLIC, end who desire to support, by every power of the Go vernment, our hundred thousand heroic brethren In arms, braving disease and the perils of the field to preserve the Union of our fathers, are requested to select the number of DELEGATES equal to the Legislative Representation of the State,' at such times and in such manner as will beat respond to the spirit of this call, to meet in - STATE CONVENTION, ' HARRISBURG, On TOMISDAY, the 17th day of July next ) at o'clock on said day, to IiOMINATIL CANDID/VISO • . for the offices of AUDITOR GENERAL AHD SURVEYOR GICITERATh acid to take such measure. as • may be deemed necoestu7 to strengthen the Government in tills season of common peen to a common country. A. K. MDOLUEE, °halm= of the People's State Oonimtttee. GM. W. HAIkIMICRSLY, 2 . ereischms. JOHN M. SULLIYAN, S mys, tt PgrrCOLUMBUS. PIQUA, AND INDIANA RAILROAD' CONPANY.Bendholders assent to the plan of reorganization of said Company are requeeted to eend their bonds to the office of the under signed, No. 248 South SIXTH Btreet, as speedily as pos sible, to be receipted for and deposited at the Chemical Bank, New York, in compliance with said plan and ar rangement. Office hours 10 to 12 A. M. my29.thetu 8t JOB. T. THOMAS, Trustee. THE PRESS:-PHILADELP • • Tr. NOTI CE. —A GENERAL lIIEETIV of the Rod holders of the UNION 0 A NAL 0:111 PANT, and of the Bondholders of eald CoinDattY. ra• eacnred by the let mortgage, Eland the 23d A ern. 1853 will he held at the Boome of the Board of Trade. No. 59 CHESTNUT dtreet, on MONDAY, the ninth day O JUNE, 1862, at 11 A. 41., for the purpose of coosiderfa end acing upon the provieteue of an act of the eminent wealth of Peons) lvanla, entitled A farther anent meat to the several act. heretofore awed relating to t Union Canal Company, of Pennolvanta." ApproY the 10th day of April, A. 1). 1862. By order of the Board of Managers. JAMES PAGE, President. 0. THOMPSON. Secretary. mY2g-teg• tff. OFFICE GIRARD FIRE AND MA.; RIFE INSURANOII COMP.ANT, .115 WRLI I NUT Bt , Pert ADBLPITrar Mayl2, 1882 —The Directors; bare this day declared a semi-annual DIVIDEND of three and a half per cent., payable to the stockholders of this Company, on and after the 15th instant. myl4:lnwil in ALFRED 8. IL Ir E IT, Treasurer. ,y OFFICE LEHIGH COAL AND .—r SAFI -113 GAIION lECllPANYuctartix.ruze, May* A Dividend of TUBER PER CENT., eonal to one dollar and fifty cents per Abaco, on tho capital stock of the company, has this day been declared by the Board of Idanaaere, payable on demand. 1ay28..6t EDWIN WALTER, Tressurer..!, - RS ltir - REGI MENT INFANTRY, P. - 111 4 ' o.—ririt.anst.rnia * ,' Jnne 3, 1862. Pnrrnant ‘tomrders from the Go vernor of the Commonwealth referring to a de: witch from the 'War Department, hereto annexed, this Regiment ha. been acceptei for three months' service. A meeting will be held at Spring Gri-deo ifkli this eve ning, at 8 o'clock, to 511 up the ranks of the Regiment. J. ROl6 SNOWDEN, • • Lieutenant Colonel Commanding. M. LIIRENS, Adjutant. WAEMINOTON. May 30. 1862. To Andrew G. Curtin, Gouornor qf Pennsylvania: Order reepecttng mustering and Day of resent enlist ments. All regiments of. militia, or of three mnntha' volunteers, who have offered their services midst the re• cent oall of the War Tevartment, end who have so far perfected their organization as to be able to reonrt for enders at St. Loots. at Columbus, Ohio, or at Washing ton Oily, by the 10th of Jine.. will he mudered into the service of the 'United States for three months from that date. The pay of each volunteer or militia man com clan eing from the date of his eulistment. By order of the Prealdoot. SCARCE GOODS. GRENADINE VEILS, In Mode, Lilac, Blue, Black, Brown, and Green. CRAPE AND LOVE VEILS, • Ml Sloes. NARROW TRIMMING RIBBONS, . Corded Idgee, Nos. 4 end 5, In all colors. M. L. HALLOWELL & Co., mr3l.Btl 333 MAitIEBT STRRRT. CLOTHING. BOYS' OL . OTHI•N .' G F. A. HOYT & BRO'S.; S. W. Comm TENS and CHESTNUT Streets akl3B3ilißLY • BUILDINGS. 428. thirtn-19t • -2VEIUTAT _ DARK AND LIGHT BLUR KIBBETB. STANDARD 8.4 AND 8-4 INDIGO WOOL-DYED BLUE PLANNRLB. INDIGO BLUR MIXTURES. OOTTON DUCK, 10, 12, AND 15-013 NOE. FARNHAM, KIRKHAM, & GO., 22Z (11114STSIVIT RTRRET. WIEEKEER & WILSON v • 18BAING• mamma, 628 04141,8TNIWAT-11.311:Er._ PIIIMATIZTAPRZA AMERICAN purl -WANTED,i At high priced. ONE-YEAR (TEIITIIIOA.TILS FOB BALM SEVEN-AND-THRED-TENTHS AND 00IIPON BONDS 808 SALE. DREXEL, & Co., . • tore-lm 34 South THIRD Street. $5,000, AND $l,OOO TO $6, 000 , INVBST on Mortasice. APPIItO . • A WAND TITLE S, No. 51 North SIXTH Stmt.- my3O-BM► TVORYTYPRS.— In REIM ER' S Pir OW TY P'3B you realize the ideal 'of a perfect likeness-complexion accurate, diffusion of light on drapery elective. BBOOND Street, above Green. lt* yrWARD, Nos. 103, 1.135, 107 North 11 . SECOND Street, will open, on TIIE4D&Y, a splendid amen:mit of Children's Eats. jeS 2t* VXPRESS TO ATLANTIC CITY.- ..1 'J The Philadelphia Local Express Oompany, Office 26 South FIFTII etrett, ruo two daily •lines forwarding Perkily's, Bairg.,ge, and Freight of every - description. Goods celled for in ail parts of the city by leaving orders at our Office. Bapgage chocked through. je3.6t* lt/fARBHAL'S SALE.—By virtue of .1.1'.1 a Writ of Sale, by the Hon. JOHN IJA.DWA LADED, Judge of the District Oourt of the United States; in and for the Enetern District of Pennsylvania, in Admiralty, to me directed, will be sold, at Public Sale, to the .highest and beet bidder, for cash, at !GOAN NEWS STORE, No. 142 North FRONT Street, on MONDAY, June 161 b, 1862; at 12 o'clock M., the cargo of the Schooner LIDA, consisting of 160 bawl 41)&0; 526 pigs Lead; 5 rolls of Bheetlead ,• 1 box Shoe Thread; 1 box ruse; 1 box of Preserves •, 33 bogewof Cigars. nWILLIAM MILLWARD. U. S. Marshal. ..Tbiladelikis, Jane 2,1882 . MOUNT MORIAR CEMETERY. " This ground is located a few yards off the Darby road, about the same distance from the city as Laurel Hill, and to beautifully situated on the highest point of ground for miles around. Its soil is admirably adapted for the purpose designed, being high and dry. The public are invited to examine its claims before purchasing elsewhere. General and sectional plans may be examined at the Wbere:tany further information will be cheerfully la forded by the agent DESIRABLE LOTS; LT LOW PRIORS, AND ON LIBERAL TERM, Are now in the market, eomeot them in sections just opened, having hitherto been held In reserve. OPTIMI norms from 8 A. M. to 4 P. M., end either be fore or after tbeee hours, st the reeidenee of the under• No. 314 NORTH TENTH STREET N. 8.--Conyeyenoe to and from the Cemetery for each as deetre to porchme. myl.&2m. TO PAPER MAKERS.—The under -IL sJgned will receive Proposals at the office of the State Printer in Harrisburg until THUBSDA.Y, the 12th day. of June, 1882, to supply the following described shied paper, (samplee - to accompany praposals,) for the Mate Printing for one peer from July 1,1882, rte i Double Royal, fifty pounds to the ream. Double Royal, forty pounds to the ream. Each to measure at least twenty-six by forty inches. And double•sized Pooistap, to weigh twenty.elgbt pounds per ream, and measure at least twenty. alz by seventeen Inches. Samples must accompany bids. Those making proposals most be prepared to give tisfeolory security for the faithful perfdrmance of the contract; and the right is reserved to reject ail bide not satisfactory in price and samples. The paper must be furnished in such quantities and at such times as required by the Superintendent of State Printing. T. T. WORTH, ' Superintendent of State Printing. BABRISIITIRO, May 9,1862. , • mylT -swift OPENING OF A BUMMER GAR- Dzw.—The uoderelgned bege leave to Inform the public. that be hoe opened for the season hie TINE GAR DEN and HOTEL, at the toot of COLT ES Street, oppo. elle Fairmount Park. Families are particulatir invited. Ice Cream, Cakes, &Moneta Lager Beer of Balte's brew- UT, W 1 12 09, &c., &bran on hand. IiZNIIF TRICK A. M.98.8m TWENTT.I3IFFIL NTH' and 00&T.Sti I'ArrOILMAN .& ELY, NO: 130 REGO Street, mannfacturors of -patent OAST-STEEL TABLR CIDLI.BYi also, a lately-patented COMBI NATION SNIPE, 70BE, and SPOON, especially adapted for Camp nee, for Pith:men, Sea.fartng Men, Mechanics, Miner:, Lumbermen, and au Workmen ear- TON; their dinner:. W. dt. E.'e Cutlery is warranted to be of the best quality of ENGLISH CAST-STEEL, and is intended to supersede, by ita excellence and cheapnete, am inferior qualities of Cutlery now in the market, and to prlitolz they respectfully finite the attention of the Hardware dealers generally. my2X.lm LADIES' TRUSSES, SUPPORT- ElO 13 BACUES, and other BortenJoel Appliances, , of coned construction *Mean Mille wearer. For sale and adjustment at 0. H. NEEDLES' LADLES' sTonz, TWELFTH Street, first door below Ewa. Gentlemen requiring Burtare 'Trusses will call at thi Southwest corner TWELFTH and BADE, where 0. B N. gives attention to this eresiild feature ethl2-Etmit MONUMENTS . AND EVA V B wroNse at very reduced pilaw at Marble Worki of A. STEINMETZ, RIESZ Averotte, below laeventi BMW. entra-Boar EDWIN AL STANTON, Secreiarp of WU WHOLESALE HOUSES MILITARY GOODS. ON NAND !MIMING MACHINES COMPANY'S OFFICE, No. 128 SOUTH SIXTH STREET, FREDERICK A. VAN CLEVE, GBNESeiI: AGENT , TUESDAY. JUNE 3, 1862. RETAIL DRY GOODS init t Y GOODS J. M. 13 A FLED:III, CHESTNUT STREET, OFF3CItB ON L MONDAY, JUNE 2, AND DURING THE WEEK, wing GOODS et lees prices then the same have . linen offered in this market: TE -ORGANDIES, AIN AND:EIMI Do., .1 WNB IN VAEIOUS QUALITIES, iENCH PEIiCALES, Do. ,PIQUES, DO. CHINTZES. HARBORS, ox BLLOK & BROWN GROUNDS, BEDUORD FRON 76 TO 37% mfrs. ROB ANOLAIS BROCHE, REDUCED BROM ' 25 CENTS TO 12%. E AND WITITZ 0111101 roman's, 37x at BLAZE AIM WIIITZ OfiXoll. MKS OURNING GOODS, IN GREAT VARIETY BIOR BLACK EILK, AT 137% AND $1 LACK GRENADINE BARKGE, 9.5 CT3. ALL-WOOL BABIGE. ALL-WOOL BAREOB SHAWLS. GRENADINE DAIMON SHAWLS.; • ST& ORGANDIES, 1‘ MOURNING COLORS. GHANS AND CMNIZES. SHAWLS. HITS BAREGE 811 A.WLB. 'WHITE GUENADINK BAREGE SHAWLS WHITE SHETLAND • Do. BLAOK AID WILMEI.PLAID Do. LACE GOODS. Mk LACE POINTS AND MANTILLAS, 111011AI6 MANTILLAS, BEAL LACE POINT 3, AT RED UCED PRICES. ANDKERCHIEVS. A LARGE LOT; VINE EMBROIDERED, :EVENTI-FIVE CENTS AND $l. tu GI aft ORIGINAL PRIOR RIM and 61.75 EAT REDUCTION IN PRICES LIGII.T. PLAIN, AND FANCY CLOTH. SACQ,UES, FROM $8 TO $5. FROM $lO TO $6. FROM $l4 TO $5. These garments are elegant and rich In appearance, as much eo as Bilk Garments at twice the cost, and are thin enough to be worn the entire season. • PROCTOR & co., 920 OMlSTirtrx-Diac&Vi.-- nn SO•tieB MEWS ANP . , • • ....• C4BI4IORES. LIGHT..BfiriURES. pia(litiiißEs. • Butt BLACK LADIES' 01 ...0.‘XTNG3. BLACK BBOADCLOrszn. BILK MIXED COATINGS. • KIM' MELTONS. • :COOPER Bc. CONA.RD, S. E; --00 P.26:31 NINTH AND MARKET. m727•im - 1024 CHESTNUT STREET E. M. NEEDLES -• Invitee the "special attention" of a Ladies" who intend' "spending the sunnier" tn'_St the cosintry".nt Watering Places," or 1.1/ - "traVel• ling," to a Wry large ass'Atmat of • • • " TEDIPdED AND SIADE-lIP GOODS,"• IN." SETS, SLEEVES," &c. In “POINTE, TALENOIENNE, aureuas, MALTESE," and other Lanes: and in "'LINEN, CAMBRIC, AND SWISS," Which be hes just opeued Also, in Vaiencienne Trimmed" and " RUf- ed Cambric Emu!kerchiefs," embroidered,.in colors; together with a general assernneut o White Goods, Linens Laces, ,Embroideries, Handkerchiefs," adapted to the re , uirements of tbo present. large and varied assortment of "Caribreld Matins," and "Black and White Figured Net ' for' Sleeves." '4ll the above of the "Latest ~ ,S'tyles," and a rem Lowest Prices." JeS .1 012 4- OHESTNUT BTREBT 1.03' NORTH EIGHTH . STREET; SECOND DOOR ABOVE ARM lIP FITAIES . LADIES' DRUB TRIMMINGS, Ao. The Copartnership heretofore 'existing between KAUFMAN & LONNERSTADTER Having boon dissolved by mutual consent, the under signed respectfully informs the patrons and friends of the old firm, and the Bade in general, that he has taken all the op-stairs rooms of 80.103 NORTH BIGHTH STIIEBT ABOVE Altoll. To continue the manufacturing o all kinds et DRIOBB, OLOA.K, • AND MANTILLA TRINIKINQS, BRINGEBS, BUTTONS, TASSELS, 00ND BEAD NETS, Of al deporiptions, do., 'do., And will offer inducements In Drift and enallt7i OS well as prompt attendance to orders, every article apper taining to his line. Wit LONNEIBSTADTEN, api•dmj No. 103 North EIGHTH Street, ab. Arch. QLLK MANTLES AND SACQUES Black Taffeta Mantled. Black Silk &tapes. • Elegant new styles. Meta Cloth Sacenes. SHEPHERD'S PLAIDS., New lots, bargains, 123 i, 18%, and 25 cts. Plaid Mozambique& very desirable. DIZEN'S AND BOYS' WEAR. Bilk Mixed Cush:meg and Coatings. Light colon fancy Casetmeres. 8.4 Hixtmes and Melton. . Cloth goode for little fellows. BOY'S JACKETS AND 'PANTS. (New DBPARTMENT, 86CONP MST.) First-clans Beady-made Garment& Style and Pit nnexceptionable. Prices very reasonable. . Boye' snits made to order. COOPER & COWARD, S. B. corner NINTH and MARKET Streets. T WOULD CALL THE ATTENTION .L of my customers and Mends to the following (local 4 which are fresh and desirable : •••• Black and White Plaid Bilks. Organdie Lawns, choice styles. Idozamblarten, Plain and Plaid. .. • . Neapolitan Bilks, for travelling silts. Argentines, Black and Brown, mixed. Mode Tamertines, scarce and desirable. Black Crape d'lspagues, from auction. Challis Detainee., nice assortment at 181io. 10 dozen Hid-finish 1311 k Gloves, at 37,4 o. 37 dozen Ladles'.Linen Handkerchiefs, at $1.62% per down. ' abargain . • One lot of Lisle Gauntlets, at 1810 a pair. One lot of Black Silk, 51.12%; the beet I ever had for the money. At JOHN N. STORRS% my 26 702 ARCH Street. Plp L A I N MOZAMBIQUE& AT 13 GENTS. PlaidMosambinnes at 78 cents, worth 20 cents. Plaid Mostembinuee at 18 cents. ' Plaid Mosambiquee at 25 cents. Plaid Ifavambignee at 31 cents. Plaid Mosambiquee at 37g mite. Embroidered Idozambiques at 60 oents. 860 yards Gray Hicualsyas at 10 cts., worth 13 eta. Gray Sultanas, Gray Poplins, and Travelling Dress Goode of every variety. 8,000 YARDS BLACK. AND WOOL PLAIDS, All-wool filling, at 20 °elite, Brown and Black Ground Lawns. Fine /Trench Organdies. BEST 12N GENT. LAWNS IN THE CITY. I Lot Handsome Silk Robes, 22 yards patterns, At,817, worth $3O. - FANCY SILKS, VERY DEKAP. Just received, 2 email lots of Bares° Robes, At $2.60 and $3, worth $8 and $l2. H. STEEL b SON, m7204f No. 713 North TENTS St, ab. COATIS. NEW GOODS OPENING DA] :Y: —Plaid Poniards, black, brown, blue, and liloo. - plain brown Poniards, one yard wide. Pique*, white ground and bowies of Oldnts colonL Wool De Woes, choice shades. Plaid and mall figured Wool De Leine., for ohßdrca. A large assortment of Gingham, at 12X, 20, and 24 "ta. A fresh assortment of Cloaking Oloth& Halal Done dark brown Mohair', choice. Shepherd's Plaids, from 111 X to 60 cents. BEM end Wool Poplins In great variety, at JOHN H No. 702 ARCH N. 11.-GoOd black Silks, 87x U, and *Mak paR spd sciinine eat . Bl.l2K black Bilks. SMI r11.0e.F3, PALATOTES AND MAN- J TlLLAs.—Ladles in want of the above articles WW find it to their advante43 to visit the old established hones of Hrs. HENRY, No. d 8 North NINTH Street, below /MOH. • The latest Paris Styles always On baud at prises that entonleh everybody. ,• . . , . LINENS AT DI PORTERS' PRICES. —RICHARDSON'S and .DIINBAR DIORSON'S celebrated SHIRTING and FRONTING IaINENS, re (*Prod from the manufacturer direct, and guarantied perfect—to which the attention of buyers and the trade generally is respectfully Invited. SHRPPAIID, VAN HARLINGRN, & ARMOR, aplo-rptf 1008 CHICSTNIIT Street. GAUZE BUMMER - BLANKETS. The subscribers have received an Invoice or throe very desirable goods, in fine quality, at last soaeou's Tem SHEPPARD, TAN HA.B.LrtiGHN, & ARMOR, •pl9-rp 1093 OLIESTNIIT Street. RETAIL DRY ROODR. E. & L., FOURTH AND ARCH. OFFER FOR SALE, NEAT PLAID BILKS, BHEPHERWO_PIAAID IK.PKI3, PLAIN •00L'D POULTsDE BOBS, LEATHER. 4;IOL'D -MOHAIR, LAVA• OOL'D DELAINES, 'TOURISTS' DUOS GOODS, 5.4 SHEPHERD'S PLAIDS, NEW, CLOTH SACKS, NEW.I3EWE, CLOTHS FOR MAKING SACKS. .p3O-wam tf fI.LOAKS ! CLOAKS! CLOAKS! ‘../ Tax GREATEST BARGAINS I.N TUX OM IVENS & CO.'S; No. 28 SMITH NINTH STREET. TR& LARGEST .TOGS. THE REST Aasaarmicsr, THE CHOICEST COLORS, THE FINEST QUALITIES, THE MOST SUPERB TRIMMINGS, THE NEWEST STYLES, MB BEST WORK, AND DECIDEDL Y N THE THE CITY LOWEST PRICES, I,' IVENS & No. 23 801PrII FaNTH 8111ZET. ml4B-11m n.LOA_KB.---If you want the- best value N..." for your money, go to the (Sty Moak Store, 142 North. EIGHTH Btreet, above Cherry. mh26-8m CILOAKS AND MANTILLAS. • A SPLENDID ASSORTMENT Of all the Newest Kriterialt, AND 0110I0.1CST PATTERNS, AT THE LOWEST PRIORS, Ar myls-2m No. 25 South TENTH Street. (11401AKt9 eta A MAGNIFIORNT ASSORTMENT or ALL THE NEWEST BTYLEB IMPORTED• THIS SEASON, With every new material, made ay and trimmed in the very beet manner, at yricee that defy all competition, AV nrs PARIS CLOAK STORE; • N. E. CORNER EIGHTH AND WALNUT STB. mb26-5m . • JAS. R. CAMPBELL & Co., WHOLICSALD AND RETAIL DEALERS, 7117 CHEtiTNUT STREBT, • Have opened this day, Bonnet's Black Taffetas. Triple Chain Satin Plaid Colored Taffetas. Detached Figured Camel's Hair Thibet, high hluaus • Satin Plaid and Printed Marinßise. • Lupin's best black Bat ages and Bombazines. Bich Plaid Mozambiones. Lapln's beet black, white, and high colored Mal% Organdies and Jaconets, grissaile grounds. Oacbetnire Stripe Printed Percale!, very rich. Foulard Pop • Foulard Satinaoko., &o. apl6-1F EYRE & LA.NDELL, FOURTH and ARCH, haves fine assortment of Summer Shawls. ljr2 EYRE LANDELL have the Black and Whits Plaid Bilks for Bonnets and Brenton at per yard. - Jet EYRE & LANDELL HAVE the Fashionable Black Silk Mantles made of thobest Taffeta Silks and Paris shapes. . jet 'PYRE & LANDELL have desirable styles dark Frenc& Lawns aloe, the beet kook' of loir•priced Lamm • ' , Je2 EYRE do LANDELL are olosinglout Boring and SOTIIOIOI. Dress Gouds at fog' Todoet. jai BROCHE ENGLISH BABEGES.- A now and largo stock at very low prices. my29-tf SEIKEPLESS BROTHERS. MOZ I.MBIQUES.- Plain Mixtures and Plaids, two yards wide, for Mantles. • • ray 29 tr .SHABPLEa9 BROTHER& fiREA.P BAREGE ROBES.- Two hundred Flounced. Robes, at onatblrd of the . Importing coat. - my 2911 . SIIARPLES9 BROTHERS.- IILEACHED MUSLIMS.— at much reduced prices. • • msumsf,•:— • • (win ir? ettillng&Lts,.._ NEW CLOAK STORM, The moot elegant assortment in the atty. No. !ellen& MATH Street, .ah2s-nni 3Plrst door above Oheetnut. Ns " PRINTS, CHOWN EiTYLIDB. EIRBRIMA.OI3, SPRAGUE, " • PACIFIC), ALL .11 1 110LV.E AND A HALF (TENTS. A large tat bat styles And fat alas at 100. - trablE.-ft N. W..co - 47 r ° . B I GVIL E - 1 -- V A m BO Y MIBBEB', AND MINN'S CLOTHING, ,ENDLNEts yeanrry, No. Is 7 South EIGHTH Street, trillS hop Three Doors above WALNUT. WA.TCHEB AND JEWELRY. pR i AMERICAN, ENGLISH, dim . : AND SWISS WA.TORES, dT J6WELRY, AND BILTER,WARS. REDUCED PRICES. ' JOS. H. WATSON, mama • 326 OHIESTNUT R E 810.7 A . • . 0: FULLER ...Having Removed from No. 42 Bonth THIRD Street to No. 712 CHESTNUT Street, 2nd Floor, (Oppoelte Masonic Temple) Now offers a Large and Deffirable Stook of GOLD AND SILVER WATCHERS, ROGERS & BROTHERS' SPOONS AND EDER% FINE JEWELRY, To which the attention of She trade !Mayne& . sp2A-3m • THOMAS .0- GARRETT, 712 CH.ESTNIIT • STREET, Has received a fresh stook op• GOLD .AND.. SILVER .• .. ~ • ••,• . WATOTI.ES., • - FINE PLATED WARE Mgt TABLE CUTLERY, And is manufacturing a great variety of snono. wenz adapted for borne nee and for presents. Prompt and particular attention is given to repairing Watchos by first-claim workmen. aP24.tbstn2m gi AMERICAN WATCH COM PANY!' • GOLD AND EITLVER WATCHES. FOE LADIES AND GENTLEMEN. 00. : MP ANY'S SALESROOM, 712 CHESTNUT Street, Second Floor, • (opposite Masonic Temple.) I. B. MARTER, Agent. ap304101 VULCANITE . ERRE JEWELItY A beautiful 800 Of 1 GENTLEMEN'S VEST Clanfef _LADINIP OIL. TALAINE GRAINS, THIMIST,IS, oßossis, STUDS, BUTTONS, ko., • Now in Store. • • - J. C. FULLER, No. 712 CHESTNUT Street, Second Floor, ' (Opposite Mesonio Teinie.) spBo.3at WATCHES, JEWELRY, &o. Am's H ASSORTMENT, at LESS THAN FORAM PRIM. TAM & BROTHER, Importer,, Zit 011.1113 T NUT Met, below fourth. mb2o-Y SAFES. , LILLIE'S SAFE DEPOT RE MOVER to No. 21 South iiNVIINTH Street, non e Institute. The undersigned, thankful for past favors, and being determined to 'merit future patronage, bas secured an elegant and convenient store, and has now on hand large assortment of Lillie'. Celebrated Wrought and Chilled Iron Fire and Burglar Proof Safes, (the oaf strictly fire and burglar proof safes made.) Also, Chile's Unequalled Bank Fault, Bare, and Bank Locks. Lillie's Bank Vault Doors and Looks will be furnished to order on abort notice. This le the strongest, beet pro tected, and cheapest Door and Lock yet offered. Also, particular attention is called to Mlle's Neu Cabinet Safe, for Plate, Jewelry, Am. This Sale is con ceded to surpass in style and elegance anything yet ef• fered for this purpose, and la the only one that Is striobla fire and burglar proof. SPIOIAL Norton.—l have now on hand say - twenty ei Farrel, Herring, & Co.'s Safes, most of them nearly new, and some forty of other makers, (*marts:lag a comical! assortment as to sires, and all lately exohanged for ohs now celebrated Lillie Bare. They will be sold at very low prices. Please call and examine. ja.245-lyif EL O. OADLIII, Agent at EVANS & WATSON'S SALAMANDER E1A126 STORE, 16 BOISTH FOURTH STREET, PHILADELPHIA. PA. A. largo variety of ME-PH.OOI SAPES always 0. band COTTON SAIL DUOS AND CANS VAB, of all numbers sad brands. Raven's Duck Awning Twills, of all description's Our Tents, Awnings, Trtnim, and Wagon Cloven Also, Payer Manufacturers' Drier Felts, from Ito feet wide. Tsrwanling, Belting, Sall Twines &o. • JOBS W. WirIDIMAN & 00., 102 50Nleg All's. PAMPHLET PRINTING, Beet and Cheapest to the City, at IiLINGWALT & BBOWNT, 171 South VOIIIITH ed. 6,10 PHOTOGRAPHS. G O TO REINER'd, and invest 111 in a Colored Photograph, executed and finished by kle ikilfal opernt-re, and you will be pleased with It. SEOUND Sin et, above Green. lt* REV.WM. J. 11. TAYLOR, D.D.- •Wo thall publish T HIS (MONDAY) MORNING A ircel , fine Card Photograph of Rev. William J. B. Tay lor, 1).1). Price 2b emit; NcALLISTER & 11110 TITAN, 728 CHESTNUT Street. ET. THOMAB BRAINE RD, D.D. WU. Beady THIS MORNING s very tine Card Pieter.) of Bey. Thomas Brainerd, D.D., Pastor of tho 4 , Old Pine-street Church.”. Price 25 coots. Seot by mad, free of charge. MCALLISTER & BROTHER, itC-2t . 728 OBBSTMUT. Street. REV. W. CROSWELL.DOASE.- -. We pebtieh TO-DAYS very tine Card Picture of Rey. Wm Croswell Deese. Price 25 cents ftleiled free of charge. *OALLISTER k. BROTH'S% je2-2t - 728 CHESTNUT Street. EVERY DAY BRINGS new crowds to REINER'S Gallery, SRCOND Street, above Green, drawn by the fame or his artistically Colored Photographs, for tel. BRCOND Strad, above Green. * PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS, Imported from Parte, Botha, and Vienna, MUM styles and improvements, wholeeate mid retail. SOROLZ I J BENT , K.Y. 112 South AVOtaTH Stunt. men-1M NEW PUBLICATIONS rpHE MASONIC SECRETS RE- A. VEU.ED. MORA RDSON'S biONTrOR .07 BILE 0-111t.SONBY, A complete Guide to the various Ceremonies sod Routine in Free-Neeone' Lodger, Chapters, Encampments, Me rambles, &c , . in all the Degrees, 'whether Modern, Ancient, Ineffable, Pnllosembical. or Historical; con taining ongravioge of the S'gue, Tokens, and Gripe, and deacriptirne of the Decorations. Drapery, Drees, Re galia, and Jowele, and likewise the Pass words and other Secret Worde in each Degree - . Profusely Illustrated with Explanatory Elnerayingte and Mtn of the Interior of Lodger. Symbols, &c. BY J kBPZ RICHABDSON, A. M. - A book of 192 pages. Price, 50 cents, bound in gilt cloth. [lf sialtd up with sealing-war, awl letter postage Any Society of Masons who wish to work in the higher Degrees, or in - any Degree whatever, will Had this book an invaluable aid to them Pend eaeb owlets to roy3l-etuth Pt F. 0. BABCOCK, No. 18 Lion Street, N. Y HE HOUSEKEEPER'S NEVER TAILING COMPANION. WHAT I KNOW, OR THE ECONOMICAL 000 K AND NOUS& BOOK, comprising five hundred receipts for the daily dillies of a Houtokeeperi for cooking, preserving, pickling, washing, ironing, gardening, plain and fancy needlework, putting up of winter stares, and numerous other receipt., useful and needful In every well. regulated household. By Era. ZABETII NICHOLSON. 1 vol., 16mo. ISO cis. ~ The people called Quakers," it is well known, live well and not expensively, and an every one wants to know how to do the same, we advise them to save money by spending a modicum of it for this book, as it contains tho compound concentrated BMOC° of good Quaker cooking and houtiekeeping in every branch of it. Quietly and steadily it has worked its way until 'thus reached a fourth edition, each Irene being enlarged and improved. For sale, with a full collection of all the beat Cook Hooks;by WILLIAM P. BAZAR?, je2-31 . 724 CHESTNUT street, below EIGHTH. N EW . BOOK! NEW BOOK! THE ORRISTAN SABBATH : its History, Autho rity, Duties, Benefits, and Civil Belationet a settee of dla oonreeeby Rev. W. L. Bice, D. D., Bev. William Hague, Bev. Harvey D. Ganee, Bey. William Adams, D. D., and the Rey. Alexander 'lfs:Vinton, D. D.; with a aketch of the Sabbath reform, by the secretary of the Now York Sabbath Committee. 12mo, 75 ota. For eale by WILLIAM B. ALFRED HARTIEN, . my 22 . No. 606 CHESTNUT Street. -- HOTELS. POWERS' HOTEL, Nos. 17 and 19 PARK LOW, (OPPOSITE THE ASTOR HOne,) NEW YORK TERNS $1.60 PER DAY. This popular 'Hotel has lately been thoroughly reno vated and refurnished, and now possesses all the regal- Mee of a . . FIRST-OLASS HOTEL The patronage of Philadelphians and the travelling public, desiring tho best occornodations and moderate charges, is respectfully solicited. .' je24ra H. L. POWEILII, Proprietor. SPRING MILLINERY. Iit)REMOVAL. • MISSES O'B RYAN, 924 ORESTNErr Street, have removed to 1107 WALNUT Street, threedoors above lite ventb, north side, and will open PARIS IdlLLll22,ltlf, for the Speen', no TITURSDAY. April 17. sel2.2m* PROPOSALS. ARMY CLOTEING - 4 ND EQUIP AGE OFFICE, TWELYTU AND GIRARD STS. TEMADDLPIIIA, Tune 2, 1882. PROPOSALS will bo reoeived at We ogice until FRI DAY, Mk June, at 12 o'clock }R, to furnish: TEN THOUSAND BLACK. FELT UNIFORM HATE, to be of the army standard, a sample of which '•".ratuaa_cd , sortment of sizes. Subject to inspection. ProposalS will be endorsed, "Proposals for Arm? Eats," end addressed to G. H. OBOSMAN, Deputy Quartermaster General A RMY CLOTHING AND HQUI ca. PAGE OFFIDE, • /NII , GIRARD STRERTE_I4A} PHIL/DELP/11A May 30, 1869; PROPOSALS will be received at this Office until 12 ceclocrliE . on Tuesdev, 3d of June, to fan:deli 114 14-aital Tent Poles. 500 . 4 4 Wall 'A..... propows will stste the earileet thm..stiy can be dell vered, as they are wanted as soon as possfinseZ lw - endorsed "Proposals for Toot Poles," and addressed to p. H. OROSIIA.If, Depaty Q. -- r0731-St - OFFICE „OF TELE COMMISSARY .OF SUBBISTENOE, No. 1139 111.11&1111 Street, Philadelphia, June 2 1662. • • Sealed proposals will be received at this Office, until 12 o'clock on the 6th day of Jane, 1662, for purchasing from the U.S. Government, for caeb, 29 barrels Mess Beef not reqnired for issue at this poet. The Beef may bo examined at the 11. S. Comniessry Storebouse, Broad and Primo streets, by those wtebing to bid, to date of opening proposals. Bide to be endoraed Bide tor purchasing Mese Beef," sod directed to F. N. BUCK, jeZdt Capt. and 0. S. Vol. Service: ORDNANCE OFFICE, N 0.55 'WHITE etrost NNW Yonr, May 31, 1862 TO IIEALICILB IN Altll3.—Fint-claes Enfield Ei Muskets, in port ready for-immedlato delivery, will be: purchased, subject to inspection, by United states Government, on application to the nodersigned. Pur chasing Office, 55 WRITE Street, New York. No other description of arras are wonted or will be a. CRISPIN"; Captain of Ordnance. purchased je2.61 if - 11QtY ORDER OP THE PRESIDENT Ji-N OF TUE UNITED STATES, the following con demned ORDNANCE STORES will be sold at Public Auction, on TURSDAT, Jane Bd, at the United- Statue Armory. Springfield, viz: ..- 887 Tips for Stotts.' 2,494 Butt Plates. • • 1,023 Guard 1,242 " Rows. 1,763 Swivels. 1,326 Triggers. • 86 Trigger Screws.' 20 Guard . • 1,100 Leaf Sight Bases. 109 First Leaf. 311 Second Leaf. 28 Joint Screws. 23 Base " 46 Front Sights. 1,908 Breech Screws. • . 1,928 Cones . . 166 Vent Screws. ' 7,495 Barrels in various daps, 1,852 w poli.hed. 827 cited. 1,711 Upper Bands. 1,883 Middle 0- 1,654 Lower " 537 Band Springs. 1.236 Leek Plates. • 1,289 Magazine Cover Studs. 160 •' Catches. 303 Covers. 1,076 Cover Rivets. 168,600 Pounds Coarse Scrap Iron.. 264,060 " Fine 80,t00 • Old Cast. 130 Feeding Springs. 381 Flogers. 982 Main-Spring Swivels. 187' Swivel Bleats. 1,271 mooomis. 1,224 Tumblers. 6,126 Bridles. 1,136 Sears. 1,684 Sear Eprings 1,761 Lock Screws. 4,928 Main Springs. 1,4e0 Bide Screw Washers. 607 Screws. 488 Ramrods. 1,162 Bayonets. 167 •Bas , onet Clasps. 96 Wipers. 600 Files (worn). 400 Cadet Barrels. 427 Pistol . • - 1 Screw Drop. 5 -Ratchet Drops. 1 Large Wood Fan. . 1 Smell Iron " 60 Powder Barrels. 9,164 Rough Stocks. 10,251' Stocks in various stegee. 187- Barrels model 1842, rifled. 8 Vices. 4 7 Harnesses (worn). 27,748 Pounds Scrap Cast Steel. 60,000 Chips 209 Tools. Sale to commence at 10 o'clock A. N. Terme Oath All bills to be paid in Specie or Treasury Notee. A. B. DYER, Captain Commanding. _ U. S. ARMORY, May 27th, 1862. my3o.4t MATTING,O ! MATTINGS! MAT mos ! ,2-4 WHITE AND CHECKED, ' 4-4 WHITE AND CHECKED, 5-4 WHITE AND CHECKED, 6.4 WHITE AND CHECKED, AT LOW PRICES TOE CASH. •REEVE L. KNIGHT, No. 262 South SECOND &root, My 27-1 m if Weet Bide, near Elprnee. NUTS.-RHODES & WILLIAMS, No. 107 Bi.utb WATBB Street, offer for sale the following : • 100 bales Princess Almonds. 20 " 20 u BICH." It 20 rt English Walnuts. 35 - 4. Yilborts. 150 bags Pes Nuts. 10 bales Dined' Nuts. RAIBINS. 100 boxes M. B. Raisins. 100 • " Layer 150 ball boxes M. B. Nags miaricalip—' CYRUS HORNE, UNDE R ... TAIIKE, No: 23- North ELEVENTH Street.—Eserything pertaining to Innen& furnished with great care, at tho shortest notice, and on the most liberal terms. . • Tholatestand moat approved Metallic Burial Curet and Lead Coffins, very deairible to persons who have lost their friends in the army, or otherwise, who may wish their bodice conveyed a distance. my2l-wsBt* N. B.—Undertaken supplied at %liberal discount. SUMMER RESORTS. IiptEDFORD SPRINGS.-A. G. AL. LBN respectfully informs the ontOlc that this cele brated and faphionabie WATERING PIAUJI is now open and folly prepared for the reception of clatters, and will be kept open until the let of October. Persons wishicg Bedlord Mineral Water will be sup plied at lb. following prices at the Springs—Yin: For a barrel (oak) SS 00 balf-barrel"2 00 Parties wishing rooms or any Information in regard ter the place will address the "Bedford Mineral erring§ centrewil." . mv24..ew FLORENCE SINDGIIEN respectfully informs the former pa trons of this beautiful SUMMER RESORT, and Oar Public generally, that the House will be opened for the season, under her management, on the 15th JUNK. For terms, and any other information, apply et Hrs. UtVELIi 'B, 1211 CHESTNUT Street. my24-12t* AMUSE M E N TS MRS. FRANCES ANNE KEMBLE'B • READINGS AT • CONCERT HALL. • WEDNESDAY, 4th instant, 8 P. 81.--" Merchant of Venice." FRIDAY, 6th inet , 8 P. Benry the Fifth." SATURDAY, 7th instant, 3 P. EL, Out reading)— SA Hamlet." The Readinga will begin precisely at. the hour Axel, and the door, will be opened one hence/Wier. .TIORETS ONE DOLLAR EAOR. To, be had of T. B. PUGH, Sixth and Cheatnnt Streets, and at the NMI on the orening of the door.. je3-tf ASSEMBLY BUILDINGS. CAPTAIN WILLIAM* GREAT NAUTICAL ENTERTAINMENT, THRILLING SCENES IN THE LIFE . OF YANKEE WI; AMMAN, - EVERY EVENING. at B o'clock preci:el7. MEDI MATINEE, SATURDAY at 3 o'clock. Admission 25 cents. Si: Tickets for ono dollar. CM dren 10 cents. Liberal arrangements made for schools on Wednesday Afternoons. rilliE GRAND FIELD-DAY AND FETE CILLISIPETRE IN HONOR PHILADELPHIAOF THE CADETS Will take place 'MONDAY, Jima 9, at RIDGEWOOD. For, parFiculara, please to apply at No. Sig Sant' BROAD Street. X. TILASED G. EGKENDORR. j e 2•3 TriTALNUT-STRE ET Y V THEATRE NINTH and WALNUT Streets. Bole Leave• ... .. Mrs. M. A. Garretteetr. SECOND. NIGHT O T MIS. KIMBE ELY. THIS (TUESDAY) BYEITINO. Juse 3, 1862, The performanoe will commence with THE. HIDDEN HAND . Capitols Miss Kirnborlf. Wool Mr. B. Young. To conclude with the leugheble burlemne of THE STAGE-STRUCK. Tom Tar*, tho tailor Ca1E12.73=1 PAMIRS-60, 37X, 76, and ZS oents ; Private Boxes, 115 sad $143, scconling to their locale. Doors open at 7X o'clock. To commence at 7X. MRS. JOHN DREW'S AMOL•STILVT TEOBATBN doting and Stage Manager W. 8. PRIDDERIOKS. Dwane.. Anent and Troaourer JOB. D. NITTADITY. ENGAGEMENT OF F. S. ORANFRAII. MOYDAT, TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY. Chalice Gaylor'a National Drama of BITLL RUN; Or, the Sacking of Fairfax Court, "roue Jupiter, (a contraband,) Provioua to the drama, the WIDOW'S VICTIM „TcrEmigh Clip F S. Chanfrsa. Podge Frmnk Draw. Jano Clattery ....Mrs. C. Hand. Prices as usual. 1/oora open at T. 5(. Curtain riles at 8 o'clock . je&St LAUGHING. GAS. Dr. COLTON. at the suggestion and requested' se veral prominent citizens, will have the honor of giving ONE 'MORE EXMIBITION of the LAUGIIING GAS for Lad.ea and Gentlemen, AT CONOEITT TALL, ON TUESDAY EVENING, JUNE 3, On this occasion TWELVE GENTLEMEN and SIX. LADIES will again inhale the Gas—the same care an formerly being exercised in the selection. The popular TIIEDIAINE BROThERS will give a .brief' and brilliant Ooncert, closing wilt "Rally for the Union," received nightly with the moat bearty applause. Dr. O. has the extreme pteaenre• to announce that ME. DAVID BENJAMIN, the Tyrolean Vocalist," who crested such a sensation et the last exhibition, has consented to inhale the gas again on this ocoasion, and will perform ONE PIEJM while ender Its influence, and THREE PIECES whew not tinder its influence. Dr. O. believes hi can promise an entertainmont estr passing in interest any be has yet given. On MONDAY AFTERNOON, Jena 2, Dr. C. will give an Exhibition for LADIES ONLY. Twenty Ladies wilt inhale the Gee. Admission 10 cents. Commencing at 3 o'clock. Trieeday evening, Tickets 25 cents. Children 16. Doors open at 7. Commence at 8 o'clock. my 31-St PktarirryLANlA ACADEMY Oil .T 1312 FIRE ARTS. Thirty-ninth Annual Rxht.. Haw of Paintings and Sculpture, 1025 OHRSTIOTT Streit. Open from 9 A. M. till 8 P. R., and from! P. M. till 10 P. M. Admittance 25 cents; Beason Tickets 50 cente. Webb°ldere, Artiete, and Contributor° will retelh their tickets at the Academy : no admissions without. Open from 9 A. 21. till 7 P. Id , and from 8 till 111 erols c,r~ A - 131E117D — 8137 - 71 7- 311TIED=Iii a A Wholesale Stroe house. Addreas se*.st* ,9fin .WORK HORSES WANTED.- ..A.IV%, Ands at HAGUE it.SA.S9DIAN'S Livarrata. blce SANSBY Street, below Girard SWIM. Elahrerath Ward.... myBl-Bt* PAR TNER WAN TE D.—The adver tiler deeiree a partner with some capital and extent mace to loin him in the Produce and Oommiestoe Address " Omega," at this office. my26.los* IVANTED.-SOMETHING NE EMPLOYMENT —Male and female Agents wanted, in every town and city in the United titatee; 820 to $4O per month can bewutde and no humbug. Baninews easy and respectable. It required a very small capital. and will not interfere with other employment. This Is no book agency or humbug of any kind. No person will regret having sent for this information, let ble employ.. meat be what it may. Tull particulars given to all who n fitsp_a three-cent postage stamp. and addreee HA.nvzr d'` Amalkeav N.H. mvl6-46t. to w2ttele FOR S ATBENBTAT.—One tarp, Price only $B. The par Table is 525. - --hale. " P. ale& jell.3oe* VOR SALE—A welt recured Ground Bert of 526 per annum. 1820 WALNUT Street. Office No. 2, Up stairs. lt* d HANDSOME STORE TO LET- No. 517 .512011 Street. It le 76 feet deep ; unusually well lighted, and hie large plate-glaaa windows. of a new toretraction. ft* inTO RENT—Four Different Country Places, with a few acres of ground, fine fruits, rear railroad stations, and convoeient to the city. one of .which is furnished. Apply to E. PETTIT, je3 No. 809 WALNUT Etreet. FOR . BALE—A deniable Farm, 108 acres, near Downingtowo, Chester county; nicely watered ; hydrant water at tbo house and barn. First-rate stone improrements. all in complete condition; fine timber, excellent fruits, So. Apply to R. PRTM, 'ea No. 809 WA LNUT Street. BOARDING.. BOARDING—At a first-class Farm holies In (lheetei•coonty. Acceee by Met ros& For particulare, call THIS DAY oo the omprietore, from nine till live, et No. 11/1 North SIXTEENTH Street.. Reference exchanged. 4c* INSURANCE. COMPANIES. GIRARD FIRE AND MARINA /INSI7II,ANOE COMPANY. HITIOZ 415 WALNUT STHENT, PHILADELPHIA. Ct&PITAL 5200,000 This company continues to take risks en the eater disease of Property at low rates• The public can rely upon its reeponedbillty. and abili ty to.pay loam promptly. Its diebureemente for tin benefit of the publio, during the last nine Years, o xoeed $500,000, and wo reerpootfolly solicit ita favor in tho future DDIZOTOBB OHAB. I. DUPONT, JERRY WAUKEE, JOHN W.OLADHORN, — -JOHN THORNDEE, 0. 7. HBASLITT, ABRAH&H. HART, DAVID BOYD, Jr., PETER S. HOE, of N. Y. WM. N. SWAIN, FURMAN SHEPPARD JOSEPH KLAPP. EL D. N. B. LAWRENOE, WM. 0. JODI/LAN, JOUR SUPPLER. THOMAS CRAVEN, President. A. B. GILLETT, lirioe President JAB. B. ALVORD, Secretary. ete264/ Vida ORM No. 408 CHESTNUT FLED AND INL INSI772AIVUR. F. IL Buck, Z. D. Woodruff, Ohm. Richardson, John Kessler, Jr., Henry Lewis, Jr., P. S. Justice, • Vildlldin, • Washington Jew* Geo. A. West, Ohm. Stokes, 0. W. Pavia, ' John W. Everman. FRANCIS F. BIT K, President 011ABLZEI 111011A.RDSON, Vice Prodded. WILLIAMS L BLABOHA10), Secretary. [rohlOSW COMMO.NW.EALTH FIRE INSII HANOI 0011PANII, OF Tel errATI or PINNSYLVAMLL DIRECTOR& David. Jayne, M. D., . Mutes H. Rogers, John M. Whitall, Odin - H. Welker, Edward 0. Knights Robert Shoemaker Thomas B. Stewart, William &rather", Relay LOW* Jr., &Sub linies. DAVID JAMB, M. D., Preeident. JOAN H. WEITAIL , Vice Prealdwit. RADII= S. MOON, Secretary. Ofiloe, Commonwealth Building, 613 OHISTIMIE Street. Pbuedelebia. . a4-if Grjt"Oß • DISCOLORED HAIR eyed & beautiful black or brown at FOURTH and BRANCH. . • mySt-i tf TPURTLE AND CLAM SOUP served -L up daily (filmdom, excepted) by JANIS PROS BBB" 808 lI.A.BICET Street. Families supplied Jul asn'il• NOTlCE.—Certificate of Girard Bank Stock, No. 642, for four shares, dated May 26, 1869, baying been burnt, application•will be made for re newal of the same. - MARY ANN YOUNG. my24-th a 6t BROWN'S EBBRNOII JAMAICA &NORA lgannfacturrxt only at FREDERIM BROWN'S DRUG AND ORIAGOAL STORE, Northeast corner of fItYTH and GELZSTATUT Streets, PHILADELPHIA, Attention is called to this valuable remedy which *bona be in every family, and for the Army and Navy it is In dispensable, curing affection of the stomach and bowels, %rid Is a certain preventive from the effects of bad water. CAUTION.—To prevent this valuable Essence from wing counterfeited, a now Stool Engraving, executed at Meat coat, will be found on the outside of the wrapper, In wder to guard the purchaser against being imposed upon worthless imitations. And wild by all respectable %maids in the United Btatee. tob wirru-dat ...... Mr. Vi fling Bo WWI. ?STN. Anna Dowell. F. 8. Obanfrau. TO LET CE COMPNY,
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