THE CITY. THE RECENT STABBING CASES -Mr. Richard N. Berry, who was so brutally beaten at BeimTlM Beighta on Thursday last, had not improved yesterday. Be remained ineeneible during the day. On Saturday Andrew Forter, (horse Jeffries, and Edward Lawrence were arrested on the charge of having bean concerned In the attack. These men all made affidavits, in which they professed to narrate their share In the business, and in which they gave the names of the men wko were meet active In the beating. The parties named have made their escape, end thus far they hove riot been caught. On Saturday afternoon the persons named had a hear. log before Alderman Beater, at the Central Station. Se veral witiserses Were extunitted. Among them was Mary Ann Ste'toilets, ono of the females who had been insulted by the ruffians. The witneseta Identified the defendants' as persons who were present at the time of the occur rences aide!, preceded and followed the beating of Mr. Berry, but none of them were identified directly with that act. They were all committed, without ball, for a further hearing. The men most active in the brutal bustnets are well known, and it Is to be hoped that they may soon fall into the betide of justice. On Saturday afternoon, Wm. B. Flomerfelt had a hearing before Police Magistrate Debtor, neon the charge of stabbing a man named Charles Brown, on Friday morning last, at a lager-beer ealoon, in Third street, be low South. There had been a raffle and dance at the beer saloon, and a fight took place among the partici pants. The partici) left the house, and when in the street .a young titan who, it la alleged, bad been struck upstairs .by Brown, went up to bleu, and after stabbing him in the back he ran off. Thetnalfe entered the back of Brown, lust below the abonider•blade and inflicted a surious we usd. It was at first thought ' that it would prove fetal, but yesterday the symptoms were more favor stile, and hopes are now entertained of the recovery of the wounded man. During Friday Detective Benjamin Levy arrested Wil liam B. Flommerfelt eadjook him to the Irma of the vomit d man. Brown wee confronted with Itiomeserfolt, and the latter was identided as the men who inflicted the wound. At the hearing, on Saturday, at the Central Station, Dr. Deed, who is atten dug Brown, testified that he is not yet entirely out of danger, but that the mar,- toms were more favorable then ou Friday. John Beath _who witnessed the affair, swore that ho saw the defendant draw a knife from hie pocket and in flict the stab with his right hand. The defendant wee committed to await the result of the wound. • - EVENING CESSION OP THE EUNDAY NOHOOL OONVENTION —The Convention mummy • bled at eight o'clock on Friday evening, and was opened with prayer by Rev. Penn el Coombe. • On motion of Rev. Mr. Dale, of Noethamberland, it was agreed that each minister atteudlog the Convention should, on their return, road from their pulpits the retie- ' lutione adopted by the Convention. Prof. John E. Bart, chairman of the Committee on Re solutions, pimento:l the following preamble and reso lutions: Murree., The Convention is represented by the friends of the eabbath schools from all portions of our noble Commonwealth, and le composed of t epresentations from nearly all the evangelical churches within our borders; And. Whereas, Obedience to law and fidelity to government are cardinal principles of one faith, to be adhered Le by as. and infused nod imparted to others wherever our In fluence can he a sorted; snd Wnereee our Government, in this, the hour of her trial, demands the sympathy, Ito prayers and support of all loyal and Christian heart', and thus every man should limed firm in his plate, and frown down all attempts to weaken or misdirect the strong arm now pot forth to gruel, tide rebellion ; there fbro ierolvtd, That we hereby pledge OtlitelVs9, 59 Christian men and cltitees of this great Commonwealth, to sustain this Administration by our prayers, outer, ampler, RI d our efforts In crushing this wicked rebellion and restoring peace to our now distract 41 country. Resolved, Tbat we earnestly implore Almighty God to restore peace to our beloved land, and gren. that the blessings and the power of this good Government which Mohan given to the United States, be recognized in every pets or the land. The reeding of the resolutions elicited great applause. Several gentlemen made remarks, bat the lateness of the hour forbids their publication . The resolutions were unanimously adopted. Resclutiona were also adopted tendering the thanks of the Convention to the reporters of the newspaper press of Philadelphia, for the accurate account of the detest of the Convention The Convention was then declared adjourned sine die by the president, and the members proceeded to the basement of the church, where they were regaled with a light collation. They then separated. A N.IIW fIosPITAL.---Anotliei'new hos viol is about to be opened in connection with the Diann nary of the itomeeopathic College of Pennsylvania, la Wilbert street, above Eleventh : 'The board of managers of this iesti union have made the necessary arransernents, and already the mechanics are nt work upon the tene ments sititati il on the college property fronting Cuthbert street. When these structures ere cocupleteni they will accumucdiste about one hundred patients. There are many eoldlers in the city at present desirous of Image t gethic treatment, and it Is the immediate object of this charity to accommodate as many o' them us possible. Those of our citgene who have always bees accustomed to this mode of treatment, and so nobly responded to our country's call. but now, in consequence tberee', are lan guishing on bed,' of sickness, should most surely be allowed to choose the kind of medical treatment in which they have the most confidence. This Dispensary bee been in auccessful operation during the last fourteen 7 eare, and in that time it bee adminis tered to upwards of one hundred thousand patients. During the last year about eight thousand have received medical and surgical assistance. Thus far it has been sustained almost en , irely by the physicians of the city, but in view of a necessary enlargem.nt and the addition of a hospital, the managers feel the more umuranca for calling upon the community for pecuniary a•d to the ae eompllebm•nt of this noble charity. The board of mana gers ere composed of the tillowing named gentlemen: Henry Horner, 8. Dillingham, IL B. Sillier, B F. Glenn, B, A. 'Leslie, J. 8. Walter, by Atom all contributions, Ae., Pill be received. How IRON PLATES ARE MANUFAC-- TIIRED.—The following description of how the armor plates of the New fronsides frigate are made may not be sinintereating: The plat s are manufactured by fl piling" blabs of iron, previously rolled, ani placed into a large heating fur. race. Atter a sufficient heat has been taken. the pile is wet btn g ft" the required pattern. The fiuish•d plates are the subject of Much wonderment.. '1 he beautifully even surface, the sharp edges, and their tremendous weight, fill tho be bolder with astonishment, and mate him doubt whether projectiles can be produced to penetrate their solid thick ness. They are 4% inches in thickness, 15 inches wide, and of various lengths. Whether they are really invul nerable remains to be seen DIIOATION OF THE COLORED POPE:- LATION.—There are near one thousand negroce in Camden, most of whom are located in Beath Camden. The Board of Education, some years sillo4l, with com mendable liberality, took measures to provide the rising generation with a good common school education. To this end a school was established in the rear of the colored church building, on Spruce street, below - tThlrd. B. F. Brown, an efficient teacher, and one in every way quali fied for the position ' has been selected to take charge of the school, and under his management the scholars give evidence of rapid advancement. The accommodations are, however, very deficient, and but a small proportion of the juveniles of that pert of our population take ad vantage of the opportunities offered. This is owing, no doubt, In part to the fact that the parents generally being Boor, are compelled to depend somewhat upon the labor of their children for subsistence. but chiefly, we believe, to the lack cf encouragement in the way of attention by the Reboot Board, deficient accommadations, and the want of sufficient force of teachers. ro. A HANDSOME TESTIMONIAL.— The Columbia Hose Company, of this city, have becomo the recipients of a bandeome testimonial from the member,' of the Niagara Engine Company, No 7. of Troy, New York. The Loy company visitt d Philadelphia In 1880, sod were hospitably entertained by the Columbia Hose Company, end the testimonial in question records the fact. It epeeists of a massive frame,. measuring six feet by Ave, gm mounted by a carved eagle, and bearing nn met ous emblematic device,. In the centre Is a record of ft e visit of tile Niagara, surrounded by photographic tan traits of the members. The whole affair is unique, and reflects great credit In the Mete of the New York cons- Tony la wm brought to this city on Saturday lost, by integre. Jae. McKeon, Maurice Barron, and Jae. Kee• ran, who Pere appointed a committee for that purpose. They returned to Troy on Monday, after visiting vari ous public init:tutions. The frame will be exhibited, on and arm'. Monday next, at No. 780 Olieuteut street. The volunteer fire department system is an institution Early American, and the exchange of 'hits and courte sies tend to bind the firemen Into a common brotherhood. 131111,DlNG ?MMUS. During the month eliding tiaturday, May 31, the whole ',umber of LitiliEn3 no mite issued was 362, of wbtoh 332 sere for dwellings. 33tores ....6 Coaoh.r.nuEe 1 ffitaniee ..6 . Shope . . .. y.cio,l.—iwo of them five stories high -.- . .. - 6 II re w-li o uges - 2 'Vault . 1 . . Offices ' 2 AIM . 1 Depot and stable for Second and Third Street Hallway Ocmpsny, Lehigh avenue, west of Richmond 1 Of the factories two are at Maonyunk. Of the dwell. lase 7 are to Ls ocu.story,ll3 two. story,l64 three-stem And 13 four-story. AMITE= Lr i. 813/T.—On eaturday morning, Thomas Bawksworth - and E. W. 0. &Irene had u bearing before Becorder Brine on the charge of libel the charge being preferred by Mr. B. M. Dusenberry, or the Board of Control. The charge against Mr. ifstice worth wee that he had published a certain articlein the Sunday Transcript—Li prosecution for which was com menced against Mr. Greece, some time ago, and ignored by the Grand Jury. The Mince charged upon mi. Greene consists of a subsequent publication. Mr. March. meat, of the school Board, and OLIO or two others, were examined for the prosecution, when the defendants were held in IEI,OOO hail to answer at the next term of the court. Mr. Lewis C. Caesidy appeared for the defence, and Mr. Brightly for Mr. Dusenberry. • A SERIOUS COMPLALNT. Tle resi dents of the neighborhood of Eleventh and rs streets Lave for some timo put been much annoyed by the color ed Masonic Hall In that vicinity, at which bails are held almost nightly. On Some of these °condone 'Eleventh street is kept in an uproar and clamor during the whole night, so ninth so that many of thou residing near by complain that they are unable to deep. This hell bee long been a 60111T8 of complaint, and we know of one family which was obliged to vacate a house *ear it in order to get rid of the nuisance. DROWNED BODY FOUND.—A few days adn the body of a drowned man was found in the Dela ware, near New Castle. There was nothing to indicate Ida name or piece of residence. Tte body appeared to have beer; in the water for several days. Ho had on a knit undershirt, and over it a gray flannel one, and gray casein( t pants, a leather bolt around his body, in ablelt was a sheath knife nine inches long, having on the handle the letter "Id." Re appeared to be about rears of age, and had very dark hair. The body was Interred in the Potter's field. • • TO BE ENFORCED._ - IJllaturday morn lug Instructions were issued by the Mayor to the Houten. ants of police to have the ordinance for the suppression of nuisances &c., strictly enforced hereafter. The pro vision to which particular attention was called, is as fol lows: w That tt shall not be lawful for any person to cast any kitchen or other offal into any of the pub] c streets, lanes, or alleys of the city of Philadelphia, nnder a pt. malty of two dollars for each and every offence." COMPLIMENT TO A NEWSPAPER Con- RESPONDENT.—The Sunday Dispatch of yesterday took occasion to mention the name of Laurence W. Vaasa, the special correspondent of The Press at Fortress Monroe. The Dispatch characterizes - Mr. Wsllazz as indefatigable, honest, and reliable, and as bavirig eclipsed all other correspondents at that point the receiving and disseminating of new. THE COAL TRADE.—During the week ending May 24th, 35.110 tone of coat were transported over the Lehigh China], and 16,006 tone were soot over She Beaver Meadow, and Lehiah Railroad. This shows an increamo over 'the corresponding week et teat year, but a alight decrease in the full total since the beginning .of the year. • 'SUDDEN DEATH • OF A CLEHOYMAN.-- •The Rev. Same Latta, a delegate to the State Sunday. school Convention, felt dead on Friday .while sitting in a chair at the residence of his nephew, John E. Latta, No. SOB South Sixteenth street. The deceased was in the seventy-sixth year of his age. Ho resided tear Parkes- Liirg, in Chester county. CRICKET.— A match game of cricket Was played at Trenton, on Saturday, between the Chip pewa okth, LI this city, and the Unital Cricket Olub,.of Trenton. The Chippewa, were the guests of the United, 614 were handsomely entertained by then. YIBIT: The Fue Committee of Coun cils make their regular visite to the fire companies of our city to-d tr• • FATAL ACJOIDENT.—On Friday evening a Milo girl was run over by a hay wagon at Holoussburg and instantly kilted. The Coroner h id en indaest, end a verdict of accithewid death was readerzd. DIED.—Eft nry Fell, a member of Com m*, li, le4th Pennsylvania Regiment, diod on Satardor afternoon, at the Siete Arsenal, Sixteenth sod Filbert greens. He had been sick for some time. BEAPPOINMED —Mr. Robert E. SIRIUS hue been T 1 )&14 ,0410 ( 1 Building respecter for three years by the Court of Common Piers. GENERAL NEWS. THE NEW CANADIAN MINISTRY 00111PENTI. —Tho lumbers of the new Canadian Govern went wore sworn in on Saturday last, and their. .appointment has been formally announced In the .Royal Gazette. Tete of. Sces wore finally distributed as fellows : UPPRR CANADA Attorney General. Mr. J. B. McDonald. Minister of Finance, Mr. Howland Crown Land Commissioner, Mr. McDougall. Postmaster General, Mr. Foley. Receiver General, Mr. James Morrie. Solicitor General, Mr. Adam Wilton. • LOWER CANADA. Attorney General, Mr. Sicotte. Solicitor General, Mr. Abbott. Secretary, Mr. A A. Dorion. Preaident of Council, Mr. D'Arcy 'McGee. Borten of Agriculture, Mr N venture!. COM. of Public Works, Sir. Trevier. In the first programme, D'Arcy McGee was put down for the Bureau of Agriculture. He figures to Um final ar rangement se President of Council. ODD FELLOWB' STA.TISTIGI3.—Vrent the repor. . of the Grand Scribe of the Encampment of Pennsylvania are gleaned the following matistics ; Number of encampments in this State, 86; members initiated, 101; persona rejected, 1; admitted by card, 7; withdrawn by card, 36; reinstatements, 28; imman ently, 36; expulsion'. 4 ; deaths, 39; peat chief patri archs, 1,212; contributing pstriarchs, 4,648; number of patriarchs relieved, 612; number of widowed fsinilloa relieved, 88; number of patriarche buried, 33; annual paid for relief of nariarelte, $9,536 30; do. widowed families, $43.50; finrying the dead, $1,800; total amount paid for relief, $11,888.80; do. collected daring the year. $20,156 92. The Bncanipment is but one branch, and by far the smallest, of the Order. The other branch is teu times more numerous, with a much larger fund, and conse quently a larger expenditure of money for beneficial and charitable mirpotes. Notaittbstandiug the war, and the consequent depression of all hinds of bueiness, the Order is mill fionrishhig, and is steadily on the increase. AN OBSTINATE ORGAN.—In a small church, at a little village near Brighton, where the congregation could not afford to pay an organist, they recently bought a selLactieg organ, a compact instrument, well suited to the purpose, and constructed to play torty different tunes. The sexton had instructions how to act it going, and how to stop it; but, unfortunately, Le forgot the latter part of his business, and, after singing the first four verses.of hymn before the estrum, the organ could not be stopped, and it contftintd playing two verses more; then just as the clergymen comp etxd the words "Let us' pray," the organ clicked and started a fresh tune. The minister eat it out patiently, and then renewed his introductory words, rs Let us pray," when click went the organ again, and 'darted off on another tune.. The sexton and others con tinued Belt exertions to find out the spring, but no man could put a stop to it; eo they got four of the Moutest men in the church to shoulder the perverse Instrument, and they rattled it out down the centre aisle of the church, playing away, into the churchyard, whore it con tinned clicking and plating away until the whole forty tunes were finished. A IDONDENSF.D AIR LOOOMOTIVE.—A 4 oor respondent, writing from 80. Petorabnrg. says that, on the 16th nit., a new kind of locomotive was tried, with perfect StlCCess, on the Nicholas line. The motive power was condensed air, and the trial trip was made to ascer tain the adaptability of the engine in working the line. The inventor is named Baroneaski, and the machine consists of a framework, witb a reservoir for condensed air, and a number of tubes runnier; above and below it. The trial trip was made a ith a carriage tilled with wean gm, and gave a very satisfactory revolt as regard. speed, for the carriage was drawn at about twenty-four English miles an hour, and the inventor asserts that a greater speed can be obtained, as his engine was bunt for a screw steamship, and mach power was lost by the inter vention of cog-wheels, which would not bo necessary in a properly-constructed engine. 'UNITED IN DEATIL—On Sunday, the 18th instant, Mrs. Marcy Mott, aged eighty years and eight months, died end, on Monday, the 19th, Mr. Stephen Mott, her husband, aged eightyeix years and eight months, fol lowed her to the spirit land. They resided in Scituate, Masa., and had lived together as man and wife for sixty three years. Mrs. Mott had been in feeble health for some time, but her husband had been able to superintend the work upon his farm. A day or two before his wife's death, he was told that the would not probably recover, and, on leaving the room, he said, " Marcy is going, and Ignore I alien go, too' , Ile survived her but a few hours, and they wore both buried in one grave on Wel zusdaie A PLEA FOB NEWSPAPERS.—Rey. 'Henry Ward Beecher, in the course of his pennon at the Plymouth burch, Sunday might, made an eloquent plea for news panels, speaking of them as one of the most patent ele ments of our civilization. •' There is," said he, ••a com mon vulgar objection about newspapers that I,,tbey lie' so they don't lie any more then you do. MU is na turally a lying creature. Truth Is a gift from heaven, and very few of as possess it before they get there. The newspaper gives both facts and rumors, and they would be blamed if they did not do so. It is for the reader to judge of these rumors. The last economy should be in regard to newspapers. It is bettor to deprive the body of come ribbon or jewel, or garment, than to deprive the mind of Its sustenance." ITOBBIBLE•AIIIRDER.—On Tuesday night of Last week, a horrible murder wee perpetrated in the town of Belfast, Allegheny county. It appears that a young man, named Borne, was married in the forenoon of that day, and in the evening a party of young men collected and went to his house to 4, horn " him. The diKordant sounds incensed Burns, and be rushed from the borne and plunged a long knife• blade through the body of one of the horning party, - named Bock. Burns then seined the body and threw it into a stream running near the house. Bock was taken out Bud carried to hie home, where he lingered,in great agony until friday evening, when death put an end to his sufferings. Burns was ar rested, and is now in jell.—Rochester Union. olird cma is re- I her own bonae, and it was euppoeed that she hild."72P mitted suicide, but sueploions circumstances were dis covered, ha r husband: George 11. Colmar.. wee arrested and enough developed on the investigation to make it highly probable that he first choked her to death with hie fingers and -then hung her to create the suspicion of 'Weide. Weems., he Les been committed for trial. TEE GOLD-DIGGER‘.—From 1851 to 1850 the ex tent of land which had been wholly or maritally used by the gold diggere in the colony of Victoria was elx hun dred and fifty vinare miles, for which they paid the Victoria Government 53,015,022, or £lO per acre. If tbo pastoral tenants bad paid the Government the same proportion for the land they occupied during the same period, the Government would have received from them the 811111 of £450,000,000. WASH-DAY IN gOLLAND.--In the ancient city of Amsterdam a curious contrivance le extant, worthy of mention. From the top. story of dwellings there is a tackle and 'fall by which furniture, An. to drawn np. Ent the principal use to which it ie put is the discharging and receiving of baskets Of linen going to and returning from the wash. Washing is all done in the vicinity once in three months by the moderately wall-off citizens, and once in six months by the wealthy. VALUE OF .A LIFE ANNUITY =Au old lady re cently died In Boston at the age of ninety-six, who. in the year 1828, purchased an annuity of two hundred dollars a year, by depositing in the Hospital Life In surance Company $1,858.32, for which she was to re ceive MOO a year. Sho lived to draw from the company sip Thousand and :even hundred dollars.. O'CONNELL'S PISTOLS.—The Motels of Daniel O'Connell were recently sold at emotion in London. With one of these in 1855, O'Connell shot Colonel D'Eetere. 'An inscription inside the pistolecsse stated that D'Estere was premised £l,OOO down. and £l,OOO a year for life, by the Dublin Orangemen, if ho killed O'Connell. The Dieted brought. only .£1 18e. THE TEILINDERER —The London Times gravely informs ifs readers that New Orleans was taken by GOD Grant, who conveyed his troops across Lake Pontehar train in transports, and thus achieved an easy victory. SMALL ORANGE.—Boston has contributed 51,000, In hre•cent tubscrlptions, to the Lieutenant NYorden fund. TREAEURY NOTES.—The National and American Bank Note Companies run night and day upon Govern ment work, and al great is the pre/mire upon them iliat notes aro sent to Boston and Philadelphia to bare their becks printed there. Tho printing of the ninety millions legal-tender notes will be completed within a week. ' FOR THE StlandEß.—The Preiddent's family will vase the summer months et the MMus' Home, Presi dent Buchanatee summer residence, which in being re fitted far their reception. THERE Is cheering news of the growing orals' in liferyhuld. In the vicinity of BeLamar° there is every vrosir . „9l. of en abnialant harvest, while the country more bring similar gratifying intelligence. • • UNPRECEDENTED.—The grand jury . at celesta, after a threo days session, failed to a find a bill of In dictment against anybody. 'The case is without a Dre cedent in that region. DEDICATIONS.—During the past year the Catholics of the. United Ethics hare dedicated 95 churches, many of them Tell costly end magnificent. PHILADELPHIA. BOARD OF TRADE. GEORGE N.•TATHAM, Bb NJ. MAMSMALL, GOYMITTEE OP INN MONTH. JAMBS B. OAMPBELL, LETTER BAGS • At the Merehante' Exchange, Philadelphia. Sbip Tonawanda, Intim. Liverpool, emu Skip Holyhead, Cole ' Liverpool, won Bork 0 G Ryerson, Robbins, ....;,.Belfast, Ireland, loon Brig Mount Vernon, Pike •••Rio do Janeiro, won NABDTE lIMIEGLIGENCE. PORT OF Jnne 2, 1802. BUN BIB= 4 84-8= RTEI 7 21 NIGH WATIR. 6 48 ARRIVED Behr Iselin., Yorke, 10 days from Havana, with sugar, &c. to Q W Bernadou & Bro. Paseed In the bay. barks 1' Lamlg, from Segue, and Martha Alin, from Cardenas;, brig Orison Adams ' from Trinidad; two brlge . unknown, and ecbr West Whed,from Porto Rico. Behr Diawatha, Ingraham, 12 days from St John, NB, with lumber to M. Trump & Bon. Mr 0 W Bentley, Chess, 3 days from Ball River, with mdse to captain. Bohr Cora, Masten, 1 dap from Brandywine, Del, with corn meal to It Id Lea. Steamer Vulcan, Morrison, 24 hours from New York, with mdse to W Di Baird it Co. OLSAIIED: Brig Mom Day, Land, Liverpool, E A Bonder do CO. Brig Bolling Wave, Collins, Ship Island, P Wright 4t Rum &hr Wm Carroll, Chipman, Elt. Johns, PB, John Ma. SOD & Co. Fchr ?diaerva, Jefferson, Fall River, Caahaer, Stiekne, & Wellington. . Stair Martha Maria, Reed, Saco, Noble, Caldwell & Co. • (Correspondence of the Prism.) READING, Hay 20. The following boats from the Union Canal passed into the Schuylkill Canal to-day, bound to Philadelphia, laden and consigned as follows: • Defender, grain to L G ytinger;.Cdr Mollie. do to A G Cotten & Co; ferin, do to llnmpbroya, Hoffman Az Wright; Dr Wm Moore, rye to P Borborig k gone; B W Idgar, lumber to J Dayslieri Flat, do to Goo Adarne.. , Ma The following boats enteredWBIGHTBVILLIi ueh the Susqanny.a2 a 9. nd Tidewater Canal to-day, bound to Philadelphia, laden and consigned as follows: Coleman, lumber to W 0 Lloyd; R B Bridgers, do to Malone & Trainer; B M Crane, do to Bolton & Co; Q maker City,"do to Cheater; True ameriran, do to Norcross & Bheets; N J Mitchell and Wm Sdier, do to II Croskey.... mrston&wrie,.. - Bhip neetwing, Jayne, for Philadelphia, entered oat at London 13th.ult. Ship Philadelphia, Poole: for Ifew . York—so reported:— sant d from Glasgow 18th nit, and went to sea 14th. Ship Wm J Norris, Ja:keon, cleared at Akyab 21at March for Iraldtouth . , E. Brig Lion, for Philadelphia, was spoken is 28th ult. off Oane Flenlopen. - • ' echr Belo, Newman, sailed from Newburyport 20th ult for Philadelphia. Schee E J Scott, Bothell, Suitor Magnet, Perry, and P A Saunders, Somers, hence, arrived at Boston 80th ult. - . Bcbr Boni English, Hathaway, from Cohassott Nar rows for Philadelphia, at New Bedford 29th nit. Sara D Ci riot d, 'Hackett, J B eliau, Allen, and Martha Collins, Shrouds, hence, arrived at Providence 29th alt. , Sohn New Baron, Glower, Entire, Blunter, and G A • Hayden, &nitb; tram Bristol, and Elea Flower, Clark s from Bomereet, all for Philadelphia, sailed from Newport 29th ult. Bchr Wm Loper, Robinson, hence, arrived. at Mystio .19th ult. • ti c k. x 8 Kennedy, She!ten. aod. Antoci= Eagle, Bamroi, honce, arrived at Bartford 80th ull. Scbre Rlpaw, York, nnd'S Bolce, Boice p salted from Salem 20th ult. for ,Philae.o'plda, R ETAIL DRY Goo De. 625. NE W SPRING GOODS. 625. O. SOMERS & SON. CLOTH HOUSE, No. 620 OHEBTNIIT STEEET, Have nowt. store, ar A 1 r e N I .ALL,. g con s t a n tly a large and desirable aasortment of CLOTHS, CASS MERE S. COATINGS, SILK MIXED AND PLAIN. Vestlngs, Tailors' Trimmings, and ad goods adapted to MEN AND BOYS' WEAR. PLEASE GALL .AND EXAMINE. myl-lm• . . • • U:IAKS !•• • OLOAKS ! . CLOAKS: LI GBHATHBT BLIEIGKINB IN THZ HITT • IVENS & CO.'S, No. 28 SOUTH NINTH STREIT. THE LARGEST STOCK, THE BEST ASSORTMENT, THE CHOICEST COLORS, THE FINEST QUALITIES, THE MOST SUPERB TRIMMINGS, • THE NEWEST RTY'LES, THE BEST WORK, AND DECIDEDLY THE LOWEST PRIORS, IN THE CITY IVENB..k QO.'S, No. 29 SORTS NINTH STENET mb264m fILOAKS.—If yon want the best value N./ for your money, go to the City Oloek Store, 142 North HIGHTI3 Street, above Cherry. Enh2B-Sm • CLOAKS AND:MANTILLAS. A SPLENDID ASSORTMENT Of all the Newest Materials, AND OHOIORST PATTRENS, AT THE LOWEST PRICES, AT myls-2m No. 25 South TENTH Street. CLOAKS A MAGNIFICENT ASSORTMENT OP ALL THE NEWEST STYLES IMPORTED THIS SEASON, With Over" new material, made up and trimmed In the very best manner, at prices that defy all competition, AT TAB - PARP26.OLOA.K.:- STORE,. N. N. COMINiIIIGHTIf AID, WALNUT*. TAS. B. CAMPBELL* Co., WHOLESALE AND ICEITAIIi DRAFABfi, 727 CHESTNUT STBEBT, ' • Have ()mod Ms day, Bonnet's Black Taffetas. • Triple Chain Satin Plaid Colored Taffetas. Detached Figured Camel's Hair Thibot, high lustre. Satin Plaid and Printed Maranlilee. Lupin's beet black Bareges and Bombazines. Bich Plaid Mozambknee. Lupin's beet black, white, and high colored Chain. Organdies aud . Saconets, grissalle grounds. Cachemire Stripe PrintedPerealee, very rich. Foulard Poplins. Foulard Baine s de, &a. ttROCHE ENGLISH BABEGES..- A new and large stock at yen low prices. zoy29. tf . SHABPIESS MOZ 9MBIQUES.- Plain Mixtures and Plaids, two yards wide,lar Mantles. m 3 ,29 tf SIiABPLESS,BROTIIEBS. CHEAP BAREGE ROBES.- Two hundred Flounced Robes, et one-third' of the importing coat. my 29 tf ' - SITABPLES3 BROTHERS. BLEACHED MUSLINS.- Extrs qualities of Shirtless,' et much reduced prices. BHARPLESS BROTHERS, ms29-U CHESTNUT & EIGHTH. Streets. kTEW CLOAK STORE! The meet elegant aneortment in the oitr. • . . No. 29 south NINTH Street, mh26-9tn Phut door above Ohmlan 103 NORTH EIGHTH STREET, BECOND DOOR AWAIT, ARCH, lIP BT - AIRS LADIES' DRESS TRIMMINGS, Ao. The Owortnorship heretofore exiatiog between KAUFBIAN LONNEWITADTBB Having been dissolved by mutual consent, the nnder lined respectfully Informs the patrons and frienda of the old firm, and the trade in general, that he hav e taken all the ny-stain rooms of NO. 103 NORTH EIGHTH STREET, ABOVE ARCH. To continue the manufactming o all kinds of DRESS, CLOAK, AND MANTILLA TRIMMINGS, 181R61913, BUTTONS, TABSELS, CORD HEAD NETS,.. • Of al descriptions, ara., And will offer Inducements in price and atteltti, as EA u prompt attendance to orders, in every article amar taming to Ids line. WM. LOHNEESTADTEB, • opt-2m) No. 103 North EIGHTH Street, ab. Auto: • • SILK MANTLES AND SACQUEL . Black Taffeta Mantles. Black Bilk Sacanes. Elegant new styles. •• • • •:. •• -•- •.• -:•••.:.• Light Cloth Barques. - . . SHEPHERD'S PLAIDS.; New lots, bargains, 123 ,18X, and 26 eta. Plaid Mozambique'', very desirable. MIEN'S AND BOYS' WEAR. Bilk Mixed Casidmeres and Coatings. Light colors fancy Casshnerea. .. - '. .. ', . 6.4 Idixtnree and Haltom . Cloth goods for little fellows. • - - BOY'S. JACKETS AND PANTS., • over; min ) • .. •' :, ....._•za_p1,Z, A8 , 7 : 4 7 31 , ' 88° IJan/eons. * • .. ' Bore - Ijer. , . ' .. . • - COOPER a CENBIID, 8. IL comer NINTH and MARKET Btrooto. T. WOULD • • • 'CALL THE ATTENTION :. of my customers and friends to the following GOods, which are fresh and desirable : Black sod White Plaid Silks. Organdie Lawns, choice styles. • Mezambiones, Plain and Plaid. • Neapolitan Silks, for travelling snits. Argentines, Black and Brown, mixed. • Mode Tamertinee, scarce and desirable. Black Crape d'Eepagnes; from auction. ChallieDelainee, nice assortment at 18X o. 10 dozen Kid-fluish Silk Gloves, at 31%e. 31 dozen Ladies' Linen Handkerchiefs, at 91..82% per dozen; a bargain. Ono lot of Lisle Gauntlets. at 1880 a pair. One lot of Black Bilkisl.l2% ; the beat I ever had for the money. At JOHN H. STOKES', my2o .702 ARCH Street. ILL A I N MOZAMBIQUES AT 13 Plaid IKosaisibione at 18 cants, worth 20 cents. Plaid Mozambique, at 18 septa. Plaid Nozembiones at 25 cents. Plaid Mezambiones at 31 cants. Plaid Norambiones at 37X cents. Embroidered Mozambique at 50 cents. BCO yards Gray Himalayas at 10 cts. worth 18 ot& Gray Sollanaa, Gray Poplins, and 'Travelling Dress Goode of every variety. 8,000 YABDB BLACK AND WOOL PLAIDS, • filling, at 20 cents. BrOwn and Black Ground Lawns. Fine French Organdies. BEST • 12X CENT. LAWNS IN THE CITY. 1 Lot Handsome Silk Hobe& 22 Yards pattorne, At 917, worth 530. FANCY SILKS, 'VERY CHEAP. Just received, 2 small lots of Berate Robes, At $2.50 and 83, worth $8 and $l2. H. STEEL 4. SON, niy2o-tf No. 718 North TENTH St , ab. COATES. VOULARD SILKS-FROM NE W YORK4UOTION. Foulards, now open, at 44 cents. Mole Grenadine Vella • Brown Grenadine Veils. BYRE k LANDNLTh - my 20 Fourth and Arch streets: .* NEW GOODS OPENING DAILY. —Plaid Foulards, black, bruin, blue, and lilac. . Plain brown Foulards, one yard wide. Piaace, white ground and bouquets of Chintz colors. Wool De choice sbades. • Plaid and email figured Wool De Laines, for children. A large aseortment of Ginghams, at 12)(, 20, and 25 Emma. A fresh assortment of Malting Cloths. Small figure dark brown Mohair'', choice. Shepherd'. Plaids,.from 18% to 60 cents. Silk and Wool Poplins in great variety', at JOLUT II STOKES', No. 702 ARCH Street. P. 8.--Good black Silks, 87%, $l, and 51.12%. Cali and examine our $1.12% black Silks. • NEW SPRING PRINTS, _ 0/1010E STYLES, IMBRIHACB, SPRAGUE, • PACIFIC, ALL TWELVE AND A HALF OEMS: - O large lot best alylea and faat colors at 100. COWPEETHWAIT B CO., tabls4l E. W. cor. EIGHTH and MARKET St& CLOAKS, PALATOTES AND MAN TILLAS.--Ladfes in want of the above article' will Ind it to their advantage to visit the old established hone of Mrs.• UMW, No. 103 North NINTH Street, below *SOH. The latent Paris Btyles always on hand at pHoes that astonish everybody. and-Sm IQ 0. Y S', MISSES', AND CHII DBSN'S CLOTHING-, 1N ELNDLESS•VARINTY, AT No. 137 South EIGHTH Street, myls 2m Three Doom above WALNUT. MOUNT MORTAR CEMETERY. This Edmund is located II few yards off the Darby road, about the same distance from the city as Laurel 1614 and Is beautifully situated on the highest point of ground for miles around. . Its soil is admirably adapted for the purpose designed, being high and dry. The public are invited to examine its claims before purchasing elsewhere. G ener al and sectional plans may be examined at the COMPANY'S OFFICE, No. 128 SOUTH SIXTH STREET, Where ratty further informatiob will be cheerfully af forded by the agent. DESIRABLE LOTS; AT LOW PRIORS, AND ON LIBERAL TERMS, Are now In the market, some of them In sections itl3i opened, having hitherto been held in reserve. 07/1011 BOORS from IS A. M. to 4 Y. M., and either be fore or after throe holm, at the residence of the under aigned, • No. 314 NORTII TENT/1 STREET. FREDERICK A. VAN . CLEVE, B. B.LConveyance to and from the Cemetery for each ea desire to eareheee. • my115.2m. TNT - ORMAN & ELY, No. 130 PEGG- Street, manufacturers of patent CAST.STEEL TABLE. Cu, LENT ,• also, a lately - patented COMBI NATION KNIFE, 'FORK. and. SPOON, osivx lBll 7 adapted for Camp use, for Fishermen, Sea.fariniy Men, Mechanics, Minors, Lumbermen, and all Workmen car rying their dinners. W. ec. E.'s Cutlery is warranted to be of the beet quality of ENGLISII CASTeBTEEL, and is intended to supersede, by its excellence and oheapnesay the inferior qualities of Cutlery now in the market, and to which 'Alley 'respectfully invite the attention of the hardware dealers generally. my29.3m, 101ALMPBELET TRLNTING, Beet and ob ee ' De g in the Oily, I . 4IIIIIOWALT & BROWN'e t 111 Booth WOII3IITH. IDOL . • THE PRESS.-PHILADELPHIA, MONDAY. JUNE 2, 1862. To DISTILLERS. The DISTILLERY knows ne the " PHcENIX," and formerly owned and occupied by BAUM. miry", Req., situated on TWENTY-THIRD, between BACK and VINE Streets, Philadelphia, Capacity 600 bushels per day, is now °Herad for male on reasonable and &copra modefAng terms. Is In good running order, and has aU the modern improvements. An Artesian well myths 'co mbos run:Ashea an unfailing supply or good, pure writer. Address Z. 1,00.1111 & 00., No, 1010 MARKET Street, Pbiladelybia. fe22-dtf dt- TO RENT—A woll-furnished kaCorintry House; of moderate else. The grounde in clude Flower, Fruit, and Vegetable Gardens, an Orchard, a pleeeant grove, through which a little brook flows, and beaters grounds for the use of two cows. It is situated a mile and a bag from Old York Road Station, North Penn eylvenla Railroad. Inquire 1516 LOCUS I, Street. FOR SALE—On the most aocom ntodating term., P HTSIO lAN'S PROP El STY . , con venient to the city; gond practice given iu ; wealthy neighborhood. For further particulars. apply to E. PETTIT, my24-tf No. 309 WALNUT Street. gi FOR SALE DESIRAL3LE 9E.31. FARM, containing 124 acres, situate In .Delaware count.., Pa., five minutes' walk from railroad station, 18 miles from the city; lint-rate substantial stone im rcovernenia; nicely watered; fine shade, itc. APDIY to E. PETTIT, m)24-tf, • No. 309 WALNUT Street. in TO EXCHANGE FOR CITY Ana PROPERTY—A VALUABLE FARM, of 145 acres, geed buildings; situate near railroad station, on the Delaware river, " New Jersey. Also, A FRUIT FARM, near Dover, Delaware, 150 acres. Immediate possession. Apply to E. PETTIT, . No. 309 WALNUT Street. gffi FOR SALE OR TO LET—Four meg „frosses, on the wed side of BROAD Street, bolciw Elobauble 111701:1120. Apply at the southwest corner lof NINTH and RANSOM Stmets. mh26-tt 111 TO LET—A beautiful 001M TRY-FLAME, of 10 acres, on the west side of PRONT•Street road, above Hart lane, within ten nd hutss' walk of the Frankford and Southwark paesenger . care. Possession early In April. Apply at the south west corner NINTH and SANSOIII, second atory. mh2B•tf • • • • rpBE •COPAltillaitBEtlP -. HERE .& TOFORE• existing between the undersigned, under the name of STITT & BM/WE, has been this day dis solved by mutual consent. The business of the house wilt be. settled by SETH B. STITT and GEO. H. BOBBLE. who aro aleno authorized to sign the name of the firm in Liquidation • SETH B. STITT, JAB. M. B SOWN; GEO. H. KIEHL% JAS. L. SOUTRWIOII, EDWD. -A. GREENS. PIIILLMILPITTA, May 20, 1882. THE UNDERSIGNED HAVE THIS day formed a Copartnership for the purpose of transacting a general WOOL BUSINESS, under the name of SOUTH WICK, SUEBLE, & GO , as successors to STITT & BROWN, at their old stand, No. 6S South YACHT Street. EDWD. A. GREENE, • GEO. H. srIEBLs, JAB. L. SOUTHWICK. PHIL/DBLYIIIA, May 20. 1852. my2o•l2t DISSOLUTION OF PARTNER SHIP.—Notice is hereby given that the firm of CHARLES B. SMITH a CO., at the Fairmount Iron Works, has been dissolved by matual consent. The business will be settled and closed by May 10,1882 CHARLES E. SMITH. / The i)winese will be continued by the undereignet under the Brut of 'MORRIS, TASKER, & 09. Woe No. 209 South THIRD Street. myl3.lm MORRIS, TAMER/ & 00. LEGAL.' ESTATE Olf DEBORAH I.'iTACIC.; SON, deceased.—Letters of Adatinisration arm the Estate of DEBORAH L. JACKSON, °ceased, late of the city of Philadelphia, having boon seated to the undersigned, all persons having claims nyn the Estate will present them, and those indebted will bike payment to • A. REEVES JAOK9ONI.Adm., Strondebtirb Penna., or to his attorney, . LEWIS Dfie.m, 'myr7-s6t . ]OS North SIfTH Street. ESTATE OF ALEXANDR - 1, WR A.Y. iaiii Letters testamentary having been nted by the Negister of Wills to the subscribers, all one having claims against, or indebted to. said , willcall 011 . GEORGE 13 &ROLA. I 219 North SIXTEENTH Stria; Ex ,,,,, t0 .., JAMES ara . .c x • • --' • 1417 RACE Strt‘t, • ' or their Attorney, HERBY 0. TIOMPSON, sIiSS set No. 933 INCH Street. MARSHAL'S BALE.—B 7 virtue of a ALl:Writ of - Fier( Faciaa leaned out! of the Circuit Court of the United Stets, tome directed, winba Fiala on TUESDAY, the Tenth day of June, at 12 o'cldck M., at tbellerchant.' Exchange, in the City of rhfladelphia, the right, title and interest of JASIES FREELAND in and to thirty shares of Cotton Stock in ths Ilarrithurg Cotton Company of Harrisburg, Dauphin cl,usty, Pena ',hauls; Par value slfo WILLIAM MILIIWARD, S.-Mare - hal E. D. of Peimsyleards.... . , PIIILADELPIIIA, May 28.1862. l i my 29. 51 _ MARSEalaitel SALB.-13iiiirtne of $ writ Wf: pile.-by. the' Ibin. , JOHti OAD VALADER, Judged the District Otiart'd the United &atom, In and for the Engem Dlstrid ofTtmnellYania, is Admiralty, to me directed, will be odd public sale. to WILLIAM 111.1ILWARD, Bow tioe'at Baud U. S. Marshal. ED of t - • PHTLADRLPInA, May 27, use: , D. - taxa& a. my2B-iit ESTATE OF JOSEPH . G. , - COX, DEOEASED. •• Letters or Administration on the Mate of the above. named decedent having been grantedto the undersigned, by the Rep - liter of v. ills, Ac., in air the *city and county of Philadelphia; all person' Indebted to said Estate are requestid to make payment, and than, having claims against the mums to present then, without doles', to \ SUSAN F. COX, No. 635 North THIATEENTH St., or OUANLES N. THOUPSON, nry i .tbiwit Ny . . 1112 WALLACE St., Philadelphia, Administrators. VSTATE OF SOPHIA • MUNDT DECEASE. :Betters TestanAntary upon ; OF' . HI& BRANDT, late otthe Aity of Philadsllibbt, widow, do teased, having beeL granted ' to thiimndareigUed, by the Register of Wills foi the city and comity of Philadelphia, all persons indebted to said Estate e °Quested to make DaYment, and those intim claims n .n the aame, present them to AILES M. LO ) NS, Executor, myl.thiSta; `. • No. 1; ; BEAOII Street. T_TAZLET ON AN 0' DIAMOND (L E HIGH) 00A L Broken, Egg, and Stove • 4.25 per ton. Large Nut 3.75 per ton. Until July let, or until advance of lls , we will allow upon all coal to Do delivered north o . oh and oast of Eleventh streets, A DISCOUNT OF 25 CENTS ER TON from these prices, f_r reeli, if paid en the order is given. R. P. GILL GRAM, my 24.1m* Northeast FRONT an. • OPL 1.11 Ste. • C"L.-THE UNDEMIGNED A t beg leave to inform their friends en he public that they have removed their LEHIGH. CO DEPOT from. ROBLE—STREET WHARF, on the Del re, to that Yard, northwest corner of EIGHTH *mum Streets, where they intend to keep the lost quality of LEHIGH COAL, from the most epprov Ines, at the lowed prices. Your patronage is ream fly solicited. JOS. WALT & CO., • ' WU*, 112 South SE +HD Street. -. Teed. NIGHTS and WILLOW. mhl-tt _ STEVENS HOUSE, (LATH DELMOITIOO'B4 No. 26 BBOADWA • REM YOWL Elva minutes' walk flral Ball Biver Chamkersatreet, andloot of Cortland mk.2B-3m CEO. W. EPLEPHINS, ACARD.-THE UNDERSIGNED, late of the GIRADD 11011 81,Thailphla, bale leased, fora term of Years, WILLARD'S HOVEL, In waakdaston. . They take this emotion to rarn to theft Oid friends ma onstomers many, thanks Am r 4set fawn, and beg to aware them that they wi ll be harpy le Na them in their new (marten'. SIXES, CHADWICK, & 00. Waawninvor. into 16. 1 68 L I anTS-lv HP I "EXCELSIOR" SUGAR-CURED HAMS, Nos. 142 and 144 North FRONT Street, Between Arch and Bate streets, Philadelphia. The Justly-celebrated t..11X0111,81011." HAM ere eared by .1. H. M. & Co., On et style pesallar to them. eetveej expressly for FAMILY OBIT; are of deloioue flavor; free from the unpleasant taste of salt, and ere pronounoed by epicures superior to any now offered Sur gale. • OPENING OF A SUMMER WAR DEN.—The auderalgned bege !wive to inforia the public that be bee opened for the 11088011 hie FINE 4&R MIN and HOTEL, at the foot of WATER Street, °M otto Fairmount Park. retrain are particularlp Invited. Ice Orem, Oakes, excellent Lager Beer of Baltss'a brew ery, Wines, ho., always on hand. HENRY mime. TWENTY.I3EVENTH and ()OATES Sla. NAME, SHOULDERS. 18 bade. Ohenault'e famous sugar•cureili" can yenta. Kentucky . Hams. • • 2,000 extra eugar.cured, uncanyaseed, Kentucky Mune. 1,300 eugar•enred, uncanyaseed, Ohiu Hams. 10,000 pounds Dried Apples. Leaf Lard, in tin cans, and smell kegs.. For sale by LAMBERT THOMAS & CO., myBl-3t* 1i0.240 North BROAD Street. Fro THE .DISEASED OF. LIZ OLASSEB.—AIVsub-avate an chronlo News cured by special kguarmnoe at 1220 WALNUT Street, Philadelphia, and In case of a failure no charge is made. Profeesor BOLLES, the founder of this new praotios, ma/ superintend the treatment of all cues Aimed/. A pamphlet c on taining a multitude of certificatee of those Wined, aloe letters antroomplimentary resolutions from medical Men and others will be given to any perema free. Lectures are constantly given at to medical men and others who desire a knowledge of my discovery, In applying Electricity as a reliable therapeutic agent. Goa. imitation free. ap76 lm GENERAL /GENT. COTTON SAIL' DUCK AND CAN VAR, of all numbers end brands. ' Raven's Deck Awning Twills, of an descriptions, for Tents, Awnings, Trunks, and Wagon (lovers Also, Paper Manufacturers' Drier Belts, from 1 to I feet wide. Tarpaulins, Belting. Ball Twine&O. JOBS W. IVERWAII *. 00., rerr44 • • 102.JONIES 111ENT-MAILERS' CHERRY TENT JL; :BUTTONS and • EILII 4 S, United States pattern. for ealo"sii LtP. BEED'S, Southeast corner of 'VHS, TEENr Eauil .INCIBL Streets, Pluls4teleltle. FO. 24l rbri*' • .tP . • FOR MALE AND . TO LET. COPARTN ERSHIP NO i ICES. COAL. kfOTELO. -Exqmszoxt HAMS ARE Tllll 1 . 3E8T IN, THE WORLD, J. U. MIOI N 1L & 0 0 .; GENZRAL PROVISION MCALEER, And curers of the celebrated MEDICINAL. • TARRANT'S EMPERVICEIOINT SELTZER APERIENT. This valuable and popular Medicine MS Universally re ceived tho moat favorable recommendations of the Idscifut. PaorseatoN and the Public ae the meet iteriOlENT AND anagnalstil SALINE APERIENT. It may be need with the best effect in Bilious and Febrile Diseases, Costiveness, Siok headache, Nausea, Loss of Appetite, Indiges tion, Aoidity of the Stomach, Torpidity . •of the Liver, Gout, Rheumatic Affeotions, Gravel, Piles, AND ALL COMPLAINTS WOKE. - A GENTLE AND COOLING APERIEN r Olt PUR GATIVE IS REQUIRED. It is particularly adapted to the wants of Travellers by Bea and Land, Reeidents in Hot Climates, Persons of Sedentary Habits, Invalids, and Convalescents; Captains of Vessels and Planters will fled it s valuable addition to their Medicine Cheats. It is in the form of a Powder, carefully put up in bottles to keep' in any climate, and merely requires water poured upon it to produce a de lightful effervescing beverage. Numerous testimonials, from professional and other gentlemen of the bigheat standing throughout the noun try, sud its steadily inereasing popularity for a series or years,. strongly guaranty its efficacy and valuable Character, and commend it to the favorable notice of an intelligent public... Manufactured only by TARRA.N7 & CO. No. 275 GREENWICH Street, corner Warren et NE W . TORE, ap2l-ly And for mile by Druggists generally. PROWN'S ESSENCE JAMAICA GINGER, 11. Manufactured only at FIIEOEIIIOII BROWN'S . DRUG AND CHEMICAL STORE, Aortlaigust corner or IfIFTEI and CHESTNUT Streets, Attention is called to this valuable remedy which should be in every family, and for the Army and Navy it to in dispensable, curing affections of the stomach and bowels, and is a certain preventive from the erects of bad water. CAUTION—To prevent thin valuable Essence from being counterfeited, a new Steel Engraving, executed at great cost, will be found on the witted° of the wrapper, in order to guard the purchaser against being imposed upon by worthless imitations. And sold by all reaoectabie Druggists in the United States. fe6 ofrin-dm GLUTEN OA.PSITLEB OF The repugnance of moat =ciente to COD-LIVER OIL, end the inability of many to take it. at all, has in- Mimed vailons forme lot disguise for its administration that arel,famlllar to the Medical Profession. Some of them =ewer in special came, but more often the:vehicle neutralize; the ennui effect of the Oil, proving quite at =palatable and of Mee therapeutic =Me. The repug nance, nausea, &C., to invalids, induced by dlegnet of the 011, le entirely obviated by the nee of our CAPSULES. °OD-LIVES OIL CAPSULES have been mach need lately in Europe, the experience there of the geodlSei milts fromtheir not In both hospital and private practice, wide from, the naturally imggested adventagee, are suf ficient to warrant our claiming the virtues we do for them, foolfpg mimed their use will result In benefit and deserved favor. ' Prepared by I TH & BROTHER„ de9-0 •.1 ' 1412 WALNUT Street, Philadelphia naval AND CREWICA.LEI. ipt . pBEI,I,T. • SHOEMAKER i • 5 . 11 • I •ao., - Northeast Cbmaar irOMPra and SACS Streets, !• • 1 _ I PIELLADELPNIA, WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS, IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC WINDOW AND PLATE GLASS. - YANUPALPfIpaBaII OP ' LEAD AND ZINO PAINTS, PUTTY, ha. LIMP,/ NOB SU OBLIIBBATID IFILENOH ZINC PAINTS. Dealers and mummers imPleed at VERY LOW PRICES POR CABIL ap29.2m WHITE ..LEAD, DRY AND IN 01I.—Red Lead, White Lead, Litharge, Sugar of Lead, Copperas, OR of Vitriol, Calomel, Patent Yel low, Chrome Bed, Chrome Yellow, Aqua Vortle, Mu date Lcid Epeom Salta, Reohelle Salts, Tartaric Acid, Orange Mineral, Soluble Tart, Sub. Curb. Soda. White Vitriol, Bed Precipitate, White Precipitate, Lunar Claneti:, NarcoUne, Sulph. Morphine, Morphine, Acetate Itforpl hie, Lac. SWIM., Ether Sulphuric, Ether Nitric, Sulphate Quinine, Corp,. Bublirm, Denarcoticed Opium, Chloride of Soda, Wetherill's Ext. Cloche, Tartar Emetk, Chloride of Lime, Crude Borax, Refined Borax, Camphor, Brain CoDavia.. . • WETHERILL et BROTHER, Drtuirgists and Manufacturing Chemists, No. 47 and 49 North : E ECO A VStreet, LPHIA. ILLIIMINATING OILS OIL 1 , OIL!! OILIIL -HULBUILT & BRODHEAD, — Po :' " 2n Ait'Sllt . STREET. Having opened a General Dopot for the Salo of Extra Beßned and Lubricating COAL OILS, would call the special attention of dealers and consumers to their refined ILLIDUNATING OIL, as it possesses merit beyond anything heretofore offered in this market, being entirely free from that gluey substance and bad odor which characterize that commonly sold in this market, produces no smoke, and is free from all explosive properties. Sir Orders from City or Country promptly at tended to. my 15 -1m 75BARRELS CARBON OIL FOR sale, in good barrels, suitable for shipping, and to the trade, in email lots, at 415 uomentrwx Street. • 61 T ,UOIFER" Oil W0R.K13.: 100 Bble. . 4 Lucifer" Burning Oil on hand. We guarantee thin oil to be non-en - plosive, to burn all the oil in the lams with a steed', brilliant flame, without crusting the wick, and but elowly. ,Bble: lined with glaw enamel. WRIGHT. SMITH, & PEARSALL. fe2l-ti Mee 515 MARKET Rtroet. MACHINERY AND IRON. MORGA.N, ORR, & CO.;, STEAM ENGINE BUILDERS, Iron. Founders, and General Machinists and Boiler Makers,l(6.l2lo OAL LOW/JILL Street,Philadelphla. J. VAUGHAN NENZION, • JOHN N. 00PH, WILLIAM MNRAION, HARTLEY maim, QOUTHWARK FOUNDRY, - HUTH AND WASHINGTON BTBEHTS, PHILADILPRIA. MERRICK & SONS, ENGINEERS AND MACHINISTS, Manufacture High and Lew Pressure Steam Engines, for land, river, and marine service. Boilers, Gasometers, Tanks, Iron Boatel, &o.; Cast ings of all kinds, either iron or brass. Iron-Frame Roofs for Gas Works, Workshops, Bell. road Stations, dm. Retorts and Gas Machinery of the latest and most improved construction. Every description of Plantation Machinery, such as Sugar, Saw, and Griot Mills, Vacuum Pans, Operaiteasa Trains, Deiecatore, Filters, Pumping Engines, &o. Sole 'Agents for N. Billieux's Patent Sugar Bolling Apparatus ,* Newnyth's Patent Steam Hammer, and As pinwall & Wolaeri Patent Centrifugal Sugar Draining Machine. . anti-id =l=l:3 gm PENN STEAM ENGINE AND. BOMB WORRB.—NBAFIN ‘a LBVY , , PRACTIOU; AND. TRNORETICAL ENGI• NE RR% M AONINISTS,BOILER-MAXR BS, BLACK. SMITHS, and FOUNDERS, having, for many yeah, been in successful operation, and been exclusively en gaged in building and repairing Marine and River En gines, high and low pressure, Iron Boilers, Water Tanks, Propellers, go., Ao.; respectfully offer . their services to the public, as being fully prepared to contract for En gines of all sizes, Marine, River, and Stationary, having eats of patterns of different slues, are prepared to ex.. cute orders with quick despatch. Every description of pattern-making made at the shortest notice. Nigh and Low-pressure, Tine, Tubniar, and Cylinder Boilers, of the best .Pennsylvania charcoal iron. Forgings, of all 0208 and kinds; Iron and Brass Castings, of all descrip tions; Roll Turning, Screw-Cutting, and all other work connected with the above business. Proprietor Drawings and Specifications fbr all work done at their establishment, Lree of charge, and work guarantied. Thu subscribers have ample wharf-dock room for re pairs of boats, whore they can Ile in perfect safety, and aro provided with allows, blocks, falls, &e . t kg,, for rah. ing heavy VT light weights, 3AOOB 0. NEATTE, JOHN P. LEVY, jel4-If ' BEAOII and PALMER Streets. GROCERIES. AND PROVISIONS. NATIVE WIIsTES. BTBIOTLY PURE .111701.1 OF TEE GRAPF-THE MOST DELICIOUS, RUM, AND FRUITY WINES EVER OFFERED TO THE PUBLIC. *AN EXCELLENT ASSORTMENT JUST RECEIVED • ALBERT O. ROBERTS, DEALER IN TINE GROCERIES, *11634t CIONSER, ELEVENTH AND VINE BTB JAMES" HOMER & SON'S CHOICE ty new crop Tess. SEVIONTH and NOBLE Streets, end BTXTB end WOOD Streets. wyn-Im* SALT. -2,000 sacks Ground Alum Salt'; 21,000 batlike's do., do., do.i 4,000 bushels Turk's bland do., In store and for Bale by MUSPHY .IEOONS. No. 146 NORTH WHARVES. myS NirE HAVE " JUST': RECEIVED from London direct a large lot of Oromeand Illackwell'e celebrated Pickle*. JAMES HOMER . It SOD% EOLVENTH and NOBLE and SIXTH mid WOOD. '• • • - Q.A.RDINES.—A! very superior brand IgJ 'Kir sale bi 'ONABLZB 8. OABSTAIBEI spa ' WALNUT and 21 GRABITII Street . TAMES HOMER 86 SON HAVE A 1146 ,1 1 1 1 usortment of fine Groceries, cheep. SZ VETITH end NOBLZ Streets, end SIXTH and WOOD Street. . . mr9•lm+ etROSSE & BL&OKWELL'S oele. brated PICKLES and SAUCES, constantly rocolved NUTS.-20 BALES •11/01GUED00 • ALMONDS; 25 bales SIOILT ALMONDS; 100 bags Haw African PEANUTS • just received and for sale lambs a WILLIAMS, ' • 107 Synth WATER. Street. FIBAMPAGNE.-- - --An • invoice of De cktnei k Co.',,n quarts and Yints i 'lliceised per ship •WmArrothisgbani, for sale by • ' • .OHM S. OARBTATII9, 114210. , : No. 126 WALNUT St:asid 21 0114121T10 CHAMPAGNE ---An invoice for sak i airivo yer BfilP W OHA Y B r . c. : l o g A b liTir myls 128 WALNUT St. and 21 GBAISTRAI PHIL LDBLPHLi B.HODEB witaaAais, 10T. South WATER Street INSURANCE comraßizia. FIRE INSURANCE. MECHANICS' INSURANCE COMPANY OF PHILADELPHIA, No. 138 NORTH SIXTH Street, below Race, insure Beg,Dogs, Goode, and Merchandiee generally, fmm Loge or Damage by Fire. Tho Company guaranty to adjuat all Loma promptly, and thereby hope to merit the patronage of the Public DUINUTORS. William Morgan, Jaime s Marlin, .71U1108 Dnrosa, Francis Falls, Minion Clare, Thomas Fisher, John Bromley, Francis McManus, Ilagh °Wonsan, Bernard Rafferty. CIS COOPER., President. retari. ru.717-tf Francis Cooper, Michael.McGeoy, Edward MeGorern, Thomas B. McCormick, Matthew McAleer, John Cassady, Thomas J. Bengthill, 13ernard H. Ilulnewun, Michael Cahill, James McCann, • • ' FRAN BERNARD BerpilitTr. Sew TIELAWARE MUTUAL SAFETY iJ INSU RAN CE COMPANY. INCOBPOBATED BY THE LICQLSLATUBE OF tENNSYLVANIA, 1886. OFFICE 8. E. CORNER THIRD AND WALNUT STREETS. PHILADELPHIA. NADINE INSURANCE ON VESSELS, OASGO, To all parts of the World. FREIGHT, INLA D INSITRANCTES On Goods, by Rivera, Dumb, Lakes, and Land Oligitaille to all ;arta of the Union. FIRE INSBEANOES On Merthandiae generally. On Stoiee, Dwallina bonsee,Bn. ASSETS OP THE COMPENY, NOV. 1, 1861. ?AIL 008?. $lOO,O OO United State, Five per cent. Loan. 2100,260 00 60,000 United States Six per cent. Tree eery Notes 40,905 Ff 56,000 Baited Btatee Seven and Three. tenths per cent. Trosumry Notes Soon gg 100,000 State of Pennsylvania Five per cent. Loan 89,581 25 138,060 Philadelphia City Six per cent. Loan. 119,448 17 80,000 State of Tennessee Five per cent. Loan 84,076 00 10,000 Pennsylvania Railroad. let Mort gage Six per cent. Bonds. 80,000 00 60,000 Pennsylvania Railroad, 2d Mort gage Six per cent. Ronda 66,180 88 16,000 SOO Shams Stock Germantown Gal Company, principal and Literal guarantied by the City of Phi ladelphia. 14,687 60 5,000 100 Shares Stock Pennsylvania Railroad Company 6,000 oo Bills receivable for insurances made...." 80,730 07 Sonde and Mortgages 76,000 00 Beal Estate 61,368 34 Balances doe at Agencies—Premitmee on Marine Policies, Int4reet, and other Debts due the Company. Scrip and Stook of sundry Ininranoe and ota o r Companies, 811,848--estimated va lue 4,086 00 Cash on band—ln Banks 861,006 08 In Drawer 617 88 61,016 88 $869,876 HI 088. Samuel E. Stokes, J. F. Peniston, Henry Sloan, Edward Darlington, H. Jones Brooke, Spencer M'Llvaine, Thomas U. Eland, Robert Burton, Jacob P. Jones, James B. McFarland, Joshua P. EYTeI John B. Semple, Pittsburg, D. T. Morgan, Pittsburg, A. B. Berger, Pittsburg. MARTIN, President. HAND, Vies President. ial4-ti DIRE i William Martin, Edmund A. Bonder Theopbilus Paulding, John R. Penrose, John 0. Davis, James Traquair, William Eyre, Jr., James 0. Hand, CC Ludwig, Joseph H. Beal, Dr. R. M. Ruston, George G. Leiper, Hugh Craig, Calories Kelly, WILLIAM THOMAS I HENRY LYLEURN. ' THE RELIANCE MUTUAL INIFUBANOII COMPANY, OP PHILADDLPIIIA, OFF/OZ No. 806 WALNUT STREIT, Inrares against LOSS OR DAMAGE BY FIRM, on Rennes, Stores, and other buildings, limited or perpetual, end on Euraitars, Goods, Wares, and Met , • chaallse, in town or 0011.11t17. OABH CAPITAL 8281,110.00—A880T10 27,144.04, i Walsh s invested as follows, vii: In first mortgage on city property, worth double the amount 11100,900 00 Pennsylvania Railroad Co.'s 8 per cent. fist mortgage loan, at par $,OOO 00 Pennsylvania Railroad 00.'3 B per oent, oond mortgage loan, ($30,000) $l,OOO 00 Huntingdon and Broad 'Boa Railroad and (lanai Co.'s mortgage loan 4,000 00 Ground rent, drat-class 2,482 00 dilaters) loans, well secured 4,600 00 Oity of Philadelphia 6 per cent loan 80,000 00 Allegheny County 8 per cent. Pa. RR. loazi. 10,000 00 Commercial Bank stock 6,126 01 Mechanics' Bank stock 9,812 60 Pennsylvania Railroad Co.'s stock ... • ... 4,000 00 The Rtdianoe Mutual Insurance Co.'s st ock. si,abo 00 The County Fire Insurance oo.'s stook 1.060 00 The Deleware R. Insurance Co.'s stook.. 700 00 Union Mutual Insurance Co.'s scrip 880 00 Bills receivable • 14,802 74 Book accounts, accrued littered, Ao 7,104 06 Onsh 11,644 04 The Mutual orinciole, combined with the security of I Stook Capitol, entitles the insured to participate in tha PILOPITB of the Company , without liability for LOWINI. Leases promptly adju sted and paid. D1880T08,13. Bamuel !Strohm, Robert Steen, William Musser, Benj. W. Tingley, Marshall Hill, J. Johnson Brown. . Obarlee Leland, Jacob T. Bantle`, Smith Bowen, John Elwell, Plttabw& : TINGLIIT, Preddent Viem Tingley, William R. Thompson, Brederick Brown, William Stevenson, John R. Worrell, R. L. Carson, Robert Toland, G. D. Rosengerten, Charlee S. Wood, Fame S. Woodward, a. • Mal M. Bnicrsmax, Bear , February le, MI. VIBE INSURANCE EXCLUSIVE LY.—The PIENSSYLVARLS. YDIE ENEWBANCII (X 2 M.PANY. Ine o eß tus C , ajAsTris„. encatriere. This Oempany, favorably known to the oommanity for thirty-eis years, continuos to Insure against Loss or Da mage by Fire, on public or private Buildings, either per manontly or for a limitod time. Also, on Furniture, stooks of Goods, or Merchandise generally, on liberal ACM. Their Capital, together with terse Surplus Ttind, is invested in the most careful moaner, which enables them to offer to the insured an undoubted security In the sap DEHNOTOHB. Jonathan Patterson, Thomas Robins, Quintin Campbell, Daniel Smith, Alexander Benson, John Deveronx, William Itiontwins, Thomas Smith. Isaac Hariehnrst, JONATHAN PATTEIIBOri, Preddeat. WILLIAM G. Cleownia. Secretar7. 20 TEN ENTERPTUI3E /NSIJB.AIIOII COMPANY OW FHTLADILPHIIL (FIBS INSUBA.NOII BXOLUSIVNLY.) OOMPANY'S BUILDING, B. W. COMM FOURTH . AND WALNUT STIDIBTIL D1.8.740T088. L. HatoMord Starr, Mordecai L. Dawson, William McKee, Gee. H. Stuart, Haibro Frazier; John H. Brown John M. Atwood, B. A. FahnOstoOk, Beni T. Tredick„ Andrew D. Oseb, Henry Wharton, - J. L. Briinger. F. RATCHFORD STARR, President. MANZI& W. Ooze. Secretary fell ACHA_NGE INSURANCE 002 - • • •PANY—Offlce, Re. 409 WALNUT Street. rice Insurance on Rouses, and Merchandise seneran7l On bworable testae, either Limited or Perpetual. DIRECTORS. Jeremiah Bonsai, Thomas Marsh, John Q. Ginned°, Charles Thompson, Edward D. Roberts, J ames I'. Hale, Samuel 11. Smedley, Joshua T. Owen , 11/Attu 0. Ha* John J. Griffiths. JERE BONEIALL, President JOHN Q. OINRODO, Tice President. !mums cos, IleotetarY. fall ABIERICAN " FIRE INSURANCE OODIPANY. Incorporated 1810. 0/IAI3TER PEDPICTUAL, • No. 810 WALNUT Atreet, libove Thirty Philadelphia. Having a large paid-up Capital Stock and Surplus, Di vested to sound and available Seouritee, continues to Insure on Dwellings, Stores, furniture, Merohandine, 'Ves sels in port and their Cargoes, and other Personal Fro petty. .411 Lowe liberally and promptly adjusted. . _ DIEtIOTOI:U3. Thomas B. Mar* John 'Welsh, Samuel CI. Merton, Petrick Brady, John T. LTA', THOM &an? 0. L. Olawrozi). AS B. MABIB, rreellient f3eoretAtT. te42-It AN T RAOITE INERTRANOiII COMPANY. Authorised Capital E 400,000 CHARTER PERPETUAL.I • Oboe No. 811 WALNUT Street, between Third and Fourth Streets, PhliedelAls. This Company will insure against bee or damage by tire, on Buildings, Frumiture, end Merchandlne gene rally. Also, Marine Insurances on Weeds, Vergoeal, and Freight& Inland Insurance to all parts of the Maim DIRECTORS. Davis Penmen, Peter Sieger, J. E. Baum, Win. F. Dean, John Ketcham M ESHER, Piesident DEAN, Tiee President $854 William Esher, D. Luther, Lewis Andenried, John H. Blairlatex, Joseph MaxiUde,- WILL W. H. Mom Eleoretari. visiRTTRAN(7EI nnivrb: t jAy 'OF Tag STATii of PRHXSTI.... - TABIA-01111011 Doe. fi and b ITCHA_NOR BUILDINGS, North itele of WAIT HUT Street, between HOSTS end THIRD Streets, rtil/e -eelobia. MOOR PORATZD In 1794—CHARMER PRSPHTIIiit. OAPITAA 5200,000. PEOFICRTDII3 OF THE 001[PA_NY, ILBRDABY 1, 18431, $1507,094.81. SCR 7111 11 T , 10N TRU:MA.IIOa AND INLAND TRASBPONTA. Henry D . Igherregd, Ba 121110) Grant, Jr., Charles Ittacaleater, Tobias Wegner William S. Bmith, Thomas B. Weasel:, John B. Austin, - Geary G. Freeman, William B. White, Charles 8. Lewis, George B. Stuart. .• George . O. Clarion, Edward, Knight DENBY D. BBBKBBBD, President, Wismar a 11711.1. Sectretars. ir2941 CAUTIOTST. The well-earned reputation of FAIRBANKS' SOALES Hew induced the makers o Imperfect balmiest, to offer them a. c FAIRBANKS' SOALBS," and purchasers have thereby, in many instances, been subiected to fraud and imposition. FAIRBANKS' SOALES are manufac tured only by the original inventors, E. & T. FAIR,- BANNS & 00., and are adapted to every branch of the Wagner's, where a correct aad durable Scales is required. FAIRBANKS & EWING, General Agents, aplo4f MASONIC) N&LL, 715 OBLESTNUT ST. BIOTINA ROOFING, MAIMPUITURID By THI UNITED STATEB,I3IOTINA ROOFING 00111 PANT, No.-9 GORR BLOCK, Corner OREM% and PITTS Streets, Boston, Mass. This Portable Roofing la the only article ever offered to the public which is ready prepared to go on the root without any finishing operation. It is i, M, handsome, and easily applied, and Gan be Barely and cheaply trans ported to any part of the world. It will not taint or disco/or water running over, or lying on it, and is, in all respects, a very desirable !Aide. Its non-conducting properties adapt it especially to covering manufactories of .varlons kinds; and it in confidently offered to the public after a test of four years in all varieties of climate and temperature, for covering all kinds pf roofs, fiat or pitched, together with care, oteamboats,'&e. It Is both cheap and durable. Agent. wanted, to whom liberal inducements are offered. Bend for sample, Circular, &e., with particulars, to 4, 11. ti. ROOFING 00., No. 9 GORE BLOCK. Boston." 1024-3 m A RTEB-lAN WELLS BORED, :CS- Br 5 B. BAUDZ, sayrbailt Apply or addreoa N 0.109 ALMOND S. 1 - 0111 V B . MYERS & 00., AUCTION BEM, Noe. 292 cold 234 MLNICST BALD OF FREMIR DRY GOODS. • ON MONDAY MORNING. June 2, on for months' credit,— 700 packages French, Gsrsaan, ftWittl, and BrMob dry goods. SA.LO ON' HOOTS AND SHOZS MS TUESDAY MOHNEN% June 3, on fon: months' credit. 1,000 packszie boots and shoes. SAL'S • OF DRY GOODS. OR THURSDAY MORNING, June L, on fonr months' credit -604 packages British, French, and dosstica.cdt7 Goods BALD OP OARPICTINGS. ON ISIDAY MONNING ' June 6, on four month.' credit -860 volvot, Brasoola, lograln, sod Prawn= oar bottom madcap, &A • FURNE3B, BRINLEY, 429 ORNSTREIT MUM & 00., NOTME- - SPECIAL SALE .OF 600 CARTONS BONNET AND TRIMMING IMBBONFI OF TEEN IMPORTATIONS OF MESSRS. SOLELIAO' FRERES. Suet landed. ON TIIRSDay MORNING, Juno 3d, at 10 o'clock, on four months, compris ing the moat desirable colors and qualities, well worthy the attention of the trade. BLACK STELLA SHAWLS AND LAMA LICE PAINTS. Aloft, 400 Paris broche bordor black atolls shawls. SO Paris quality lama lace points. . . 100 Pail, lace points and bournona. FRENCH MOZ ANRIQURS, PRINTS AND LAWNS SO inch Paris grissille mozamlibries. 5 a 9.8 Paris new tittle prints. 4 a 9-8 printed lawn'. Also, 100 cartons trimmed Paris hats and bonnets. Juno 3, at 10 o'clock, on four months' credit— Consisting of— Cartons Nos. 12040 plain and figured pull de sole boor. Ft ribboos. -12e40 corded edge Meek, white, and corn colored bonuet ribbons. —4, 6, sod o•carded edgo white, corn, blue, and as sorted colors trimming ribbons. N. B.—The above era alt Just landed., comprising the beet qualities and most desirable colors, to which the at tention of the trade ie reonebtol. PANCOAEIT & WARNOCK, AM TIONXEM. No. 218 MilllllBT Street. 0,131 91 SALE OF 750 LOTS OF AMERICAN AND IMPORT ED DRY GOODS, BUBOES. EMBROIDERIES, MILLINERY GOODS, STOOK GOODS; &0., by Catalogue. ON WEDNESDAY 'MORNING, June 4.* commencing at 10 o'clock 'precisely, comprising a geaerel assortment ()treasonable gouda. TWO HUNDRED OARTONS BONNET RIBBONS. Included in sale of Wednesday, an invoice of choice styles extraquall y bonnet ribbons, 12os, 12 a 80, very heavy goods for best city maim. Also, cartons Nos. 4 a 9 bordered and 'satin *Age trimming ribbons. Also, 100 cartons obese new styles Paris artificial flowers. Also, bonnet silks, matinel blond laces, &c. Also, 50 lots Paris black Lice Tai ntz, mantles, shawls, bornous, &c. lisle positive, to dose an account. • Also, a line of Paris lace mite, Pusher lace, veils, &c. Also, into styles embroideries, jaconot collars, sots binds, trimmings, Ate. Also, five. eight and three-quarter linen cambric handkerchiefs, shirt fronts, pantelet , , aprons, Ac. Also, 150 dozen ladled', misses', and children's wire, tape and tied hoopskirts. Also, jeCOUCt. cambric, and Wanosaok mooting. Also, 20 cases floe quality palm loaf fans. Also, notions, purse-bells, fancy . goals, trimmings, head dreams stock goods, Ac. PHILIP FORD la CO., AUCTION REss, ns MARKET and 629 0061191111016 SIN BALM OF WOO . CASSS BOOTS, SHOW, BBIN GANS, &o. ON MONDAY MORNING.' June 2, at 10 o'clock, precisely, will be sold, by eats toga°, 1,000 cases mans', boys', and youths' osif, kip, and grain boots; calf and kip brogans, Congress gaiters, Oxford ties, walking shoes, ito.; women's, misses', and children's calf, kip, goat, kid, and morocco heeled boots and shoes, gaiter', *dippers, Ito., including a large staserknent of first-class city-made goods. glir Open for examlnation, with catalogues, early on the morning of sale. PEREMPTORY SALE OF 160 BARRELS OF RON- Jnno 3d, at 10 o'clock precisely. will be sold, without reserve, at the warehouse of J. Butler, No. 818 north Broad street. 150 bbls of superior refined non-explosive coal oil, to bo sold in lots to suit purchasers, with the privilege of taking the whole. Terms will be made known on the morning of sale. BALI or 1,000 OASES BOOTS, OHM, MID June 5, at 10 o'clock, precisely, will be gold, by catalogue, I,EOO cases men's, boys', and youths' calf, kip, and grain boots; calf and kip brogana, gaiters, ties, walking oboe'', /sc.; women'so misses', and children's calf, kip, goat, kid, and morocco heeled boots and oboes, gotte', slippers, buskins, &c. Included in sale will be found a large aksortnurnt of first-class city-made goods. 19 Goode open for examination, with eatalogues early on the morning of sale. 1ga7,141 04 BY HENRY P. WOLBIRT, AUCTIONEER: RIEBIOTED.tromNo;:a South BEOOND Street to No. 202 VIARBUCT Street, south side, above Second Street. REGULAR BALES OF DRY GOODS, TRIAIEUNGS, NOTIONS, &c. Every Monday, Wednesday , and Friday morning, com mencing at 10 o'clock, precisely. City and country deniers, are requested to attend these toles. Consignments respectfully solicitod from manufacta tem Importers, commission,wholesalo,audjobbing berms, arid retailers of all and every description of merchandise. Entire stocks of goods arrangedeland.sold in lots to snit anC6(/ on goods: " Settlement second day from gala m7lO int* EPU.Tit QUA.RTERMASTER GE OYFICE,, PHILADELPHIA. 26th May,18132. Proposals will be received at this Office until SATUR DAY, "Juno stli, 12 o'clock )L, for the delivery _of (260) Two Hundred and Fifty AMY AitIBUL&NORS, to to delivered in this city on or before the first day of July next, and as much sooner as possible, to pattern of which can be seen on application to this Office. They most be made of the best seasoned material, and will be subject to a most rigid inspection. Proposals for any num tier less than two hundred and fifty will. be received. Security for the faithful rerformance of the contract will be re mired, the names of whom will be mentioned In the proposals. Bids tube endorsed, Proposals for fintbu• len coo." and addreesed to G. H. GROSMAN, my27-tjol Deputy Quartermaster General. TIE Pt! TY QUARTERMASTER GE 1J NERAL'S OFFIOE, Dropouts are invited, and will be received, at this office, on MONDAY, June 2, at 12 o'clock M., for the delivery of (500) five boodred ARMY WAGONS—a net t.' n and specification of which can be seen on application at this office. They must be made of the best seasoned timber, nod subject to a most rigid inspection. The whole number to be delivered in this city within (15) fifteen days from date of letting. Bids will be re ceived for the delivery of any number of those. Security will be required for the performance of the contract, and the names of the proposed security must be given in the bids, which. shalt be endorsed Propoeals for Army Wagons," and addressed to ARMY CLOTHING. AND EQUI PAGE. OFFICE, TWSLFIII and GIRARD 1248 PROPOSALS will be received at thin office until TUES DAY, Juno 3d, at 12 o'clock M., to furnish thirty thou sand (30,000) Manuel Sack Coats or Blouses, unlined, of the army pattern, to be made of army standard (indigo blue wool-dyed) twilled flannel, weighing Ave ounces to the yard of tnenty-seeen locket, subject to the usual in spection. Proposals will state how soon 21.1111 coats can be delivered, as they are wanted at the earliest possible time The award of those Blooms was given on the 24th bet. to Mr. M. GALE, of Boston, on his bid, but ho has since declined to enter into a contract for them, and hence the necessity for the renewal of this advertise ment, and COMflitleßt delay and injury to the public ser vice. All bids must bo endorsed "Proem' for Blouses," and be addressed to G. H. °ROSMAN, James It. Campbell, L'dmund G., Charles W. Poulton, Israel Morris. ARMY CLOTHING AND EQUI PAGE OFFICE 3 TWELFTH and GIR&RD Sts. PHILADELPHIA, May 23.1882. SEALED PROPOSALS mill be received at this office until 12 o'clock, M., TUESDAY, 3d of JUNE next, for furnishing forty-seven thousand TENTS WASS!, or SHELTER TENTS, to be made of heavy cotton drill, or linen water•nroof, like wimple to be seen at this office, complete with gay lines and loons. Bidswill be received for the whole; or any part of the above quantity, and blade ra must state how soon they can be delivered at the Schuylkill Arsenal, subject to in. Bpeclion. All bide must be endorsed «Proposals for Tenth d'Abri," and addressed to G. H. CROSHAIT, mytlO-tlell Deputy Quartermaster General 11. 9.,A WAR DEPARTMENT, WASHINGTON, littly 27,1862 • PROPOSALS will be received at Harrisburg, Chicago, and Indianapolis, by the officers of the Quartermaster's De-. parimeat, stationed at these places, respeottrely, nnaf the fifth of June next, for the delivery ; or before the, thirtieth of that month, of iwo ihousilud Dee hundred' Cavalry liorßee aFt • • - •.:11‘.. ALI • •• •A A.-• ... retry ..., one woman.- hundred at Chicago, and one thousand at Indianapolis. The Horses to be sound, not lees than Mx, nor more than: sight, years old; not less than fifteen hands high, of dark COIOTP and adapted to cavalry service. None will be re ceived until they are inspected by an authorized agent of the Government. G. H. CHOSIKAN, my2B.llt Deputy Quartermaster General. MATTI'S CELEBRATED ITALIAN A-• CREAM will positively remove TAN, FRECKLES, SALLOWNESS, SUNBURN, PIMPLES, and all erup tions of the face ; gletng a beautiful healthy glow and my color to the cheeks ; to much desired by every one. In abort, it PRESERVES THE FRESHNESS Of YOUTH, removing all WRINKLES, and giving a eon, smooth appearance to the face, and a brilliancy to the akin that is sntprising to all. nil an article that Is INDISPENSABLE TO EVERY LADY. Upwards of 1,000 130TTLILB PIM DAY are now sold in Philadelphia alone, and the demand is daily increas ing. Price 2d cents per bottle. Sold by N. B. 8. NATTI d Co., Manufactnrers and Proprletoril, .No. 521 CHESTNUT Street, Philadelphia, And by the following agents in Philadelphia: J. B. CaSselberry, No 45 N. Eighth street; Andrew Taylor, druggist, cor. of Ninth and Chestnut streets; M. Brad field, N 0.802 Arch street; F. V. Barrett, No. 964 N. Second street; Miss Kocher, Seventh and Coates streets; M. L. Adams, N. W. cor. of Marshall and Girard ave. nue and by druggists and dealers is Fanoy Goods ge nerally. Agents wanted in every town and village of the Milted States and Canadas. niy2.3.B` GARDEN VASE S . —Ornamental Terra Gotta Garden Vases, warranted to stand the weather in any climate. Thew vases are made in beau tiful designs, and all gizmo, from 1 foot to 3 foot high, with a variety of pedestals, round and square, from 1 foot to 4 feet high. No decorations' add so much to the natural beantlee of a Garden, and at so little coat, as • few Yeses filled with towering plants. Illustrated Cata logue* sent by mail on application. & A. HABRIBON, aidEi-N • 1010 OBESTNUT Street. LATOUR-OLIVE-91L.-463 baskets LAlOl* Ol.lll39Winst received; and for sale by JAIIBETSILItza DATBSONE, 202 and 204 South FRONT Strad, • . seen a !purloin article 'of (HI branded wS. Latour," 'we cantina the public agaloet burchaelug the came, se the genuine J. Latour 011 can be procured.mdr from TM. JAELICUTORZ & LAVERGNE, tnil3-tf 202 and 204 South FRONT Street. T ATOURII OLIVE OIL AND Via .l-Aaar Miaow: OLIVE 011,.—A fresh lot of Olive Oil, in lirke and small bottles, for sale, to arrive per ship Ocean Skinner, by 011 AS. S. OABSTURS, ' myl4 kie.l2B WALNUT St. and 214E41712.E St. SALES BY AUCTION SPEILAL SALE OP 600 CARTONS PARIS BONNET RIBBONS .Diet lauded. ON TUESDAY MORNING, LA(IE POINTS AND MANTLES EXPLOSIVE COAL OIL. ON TUESDAY MORNING, BROGANS. ON THURSDAY MORNING, ritorosAL.s. PROPOSALS FOR ARRITLANCR4 PHIL ADEL PIII• May 26,188 G. H. OHO3HAN, Deputy Quartermaster General (Signed) my27-tje2 PAILLDELPUIA, MST 25, 1852 myl9-tje3 Deputy Quartermaster General U. B. A JAMES O SEVENTH and NOBLE sad D SIXT WER H sad WOOD. ••• SALES BY AUCTION 1/1" THOMAS & SONS, ,asi.• Nos. 189 sod 141 %nth FOURTH &nett OW mum o.t.Lrli REAL Ir.f.ITATE AND NTOCEE AT THE EXCHANGE ON TUESDAYS. REAL TISTATIe AT PEIVATS CALL :r We bate a large antioant of real estate at ;errata Yale, 'minding every descrietion of city and ccaxtry wt. petty. Printed lisle may be had at the Auction Stern. STOCKS, LOANS, Se. ON TUESDAY, June 2i at 12 o'clock noon, at the Exchaner -800 'bar,* AMYODALOID MINING COMPANY Or MICHIGAN (Copper). 'hares Granite Land Company—par $lOO. 4sbares Reliance Mutual Insurance Company. 1 share Point Breeze Park Association. 1 share rire•n 8 eamsbk) Company. 1 share Mercantile Library Company. For account of whom it may concern -30 shares Lomat Mountain Coal and Iron Com pany stock. Sale N 0.256 Forth Tos4Pb street. SUPERIOR. TURrriTußp, 13 .T. 1 .118'3ELS_CASPETB, att ON TRIDA Y MORNING, June Bth, nt TO o'clock, at No 238 rmrth Twelfth street, the mrperfor rosewood perlor forofteore, mehostattY chamber nod dining room furniture, bromide sod other carpets, & Alpo, the kitchen furniture. May he naomlned at 8 o'clock on the morning of the sole, with Cailllo2lleff .12NAL RSTATIC SALE-JI7ITRI L ELEGANT BROWN STONE nismiwar, No. 1428 North Broad street. shore Master. Has the rn,- dern conveniences. If4o AO .feet front, 200 feet demo to Cattirle Ptreet. immediate DOMPS4OI.I. 1110DEBN TNRNE fiTORY 13 Rfi:K. NACIDENON, No. 216 Pooth fifteenth street, first holies below wsious street. Bea the modern eorryenierocirs. Clear of foam brence. V.ALII&BLE YOUR STORY BRIM RESIDEffON. N 0.140 North Seventh street north of Cherry. Lot 2T feet front. BA GDSONE MODERN COTTAGE, Locnit eteeet, lelwero ThirtyrigMh and Thirty-Moth streets. West Plkilwielphle, with stable and coach-house on the rear end of the let. MODERN STOWE COTTAGE, Pulaski avenue.. north of fdanheiro street. Germontown. 200 feet front. • Peretnntorr Side,_e, WALL SECURED lEEE. DIMMABLE G11011710).BENT, 3RD a year. ($1,R33), seemed en a lot of ground Oallowhill street, west of Se venteenth. JAIME AND • VALITABLIt commt. LOT OF GROUND, formerly part of the Lamdown Baste. Twenty lonrth ward. Ili feat front. 3 VALITABLID STONE AND BRION FACTORY lIIIILTYING9, steam engine, 5 etene dwelling!' and large lot, Twenty-fourth lerret north of Groin. 129 foot front. NEAT TWO-STORY BRICK STORE &ND DWEL LING. No. 1817 No•th Feeond street. above Pbmnig. 2 TEIBEE.STOIIY BNI , N BI7iLDINGB. Washing. ton avenue. northweet of the Fritnkford road, Twenty. third ward. 90 feet front. Peremptory Sato.—TWO-BTORY BRICK DWICLL IVO. No. at Union street, between York and Staoey streets, Burlington, N. J. Bale No. min Weloot Street ELEGANT FURNITURE; PAINTINGS. FThENGH. PLATE MIRRORS. BRUSSELS OCIIPET3, ON MONDAY MORNING. June 2. at 10 o'clock, by catalogue, at No. 2010 Wal nut street, the elegant furniture. fine nil paintinste, tine French-plate mirror, handsome Brussels carpets, kitchen furniture, kc. • The cabinet fninitnre Was made to order, and ig of ex cinialto drolgn and finisb. Maybe examined at 8 o'clock on the morning of the sale. Fele No 928 North Fifth Street SUPERIOR FERN ITURE, PIANO-FnltTlf, PIER hIIRBOR, BRUSSELS CARPETS, &c. ON WEDNESDAY HORNING, June 4, nt 10 o'clock. by catalogue, at N 0.928 North Fifth street, the superior furniture, piano-forte, by Gale, Frerch-plato pier mirror, Soo tapestry Breeselo oar petn. &c. I May be examined at 8 o'clock on the morning of the sale. Belo on the Premiere—No. 8i) Sort)) Broad Btr•et. . - . HANDSOME MODERN mcsnymit. AND BURNT TURIL BRUSSELS OARPETS, MIRRORS, MR LODEON, &c. OR MONDAY MORNING, June 9, at 10 o'clock, by catslogae, at No. 808 North Broad street, the handsome modern four•etory brick metaage,• with rour•atory back buildings. Has all the modern conveniences; gas throughont; 3 bathrooms, het and cold water; furnace, cooking range, dm. Also, a back stable and In the rear, on Carnal, street. HANDSOME FIIRNITIIIIE.—ImmediateIr after the. of the house will be sold the household furniture, Also, . two-seated carriage. - I Thebonee will bn sold at 10 o'clock, the furniture immediately ari.r. Fnli dieurlutions in handbills. MOSES NATHANS, AUCTIONEER AYJL- AND 00MILIS8IorcicegogdifT. , nonthoolt corner of SIXTH and RAON-gfrhets TAKE NOTltla The highest possible pries is lomat on Roods et 114 Mans' Principal if:tab/it:Amami, eontbukst corner d Birth end Race streets. At least ose-titira zee, gum soy other establishment to this city. NATHANS' PRINOIYAL MONEY ESTAELIEI6 260,000 TO LOAN, In large or anal eremite, from one dollar to t on diamonds, gold and silver plate, watched, merchandise, clothing, furniture, bedding, plow, goods of every deeviptlon. LOANS MADE AT THE LOWEST MARKET BA This establishment has large Ore and thier-aroof for the safety of valuable goods, together with a pit watchman on the premises. ESTABLISHED TM THE LAST 80 Y - 2ABS. /Jai. LARGE 'LOANS — MADE AT Tins, PRINCIPAL ' ESTABLISEXENT." nIITADOES ABRATIfiIr RWorramy, • CABINET . FURNITURE. 1 (IABINET BURNITURE AND B WARD' TAlgfr.s.. MOORE & CAMPION. • No. 281 South MOND Street, b Octurectloc with their extensive Cabinet Rtiminese ert wow manafactaring a superior article of 1 . BILLIARD . .TABLES, .... i And have now on band . a- full supply, finished with the if DORE & CAMPION'S IMPROVED ousifforfal which are pronounced, by all who have need them, to be superior to all others. For the quality and finish of these tables the mans- , 'actorere refer to their namerone Vamp , thfoillhout Ike Wen. who are familiar with the character of bob • ..... ••• . - • fella-Mn ! SHIPPING ' sa rzk ' FOR NEWYORK-THIS DAY—DESPATCH AND SWIPTSUBII LINES—VIA DELAWARE AND RANITA.N CANAL. Steamers of the Wawa Ltnes.witt leave DAILY, at 11 and 5 P. N. For freight, which. will be taken on Accommodating terms, misty to WM. M. BAIRD & CO., my2l-tf I 3 south DELAWARE &Terme. ISMBOSTON AND PHILADEL MITA STRAIT SIM LINE—From Puri Street, Philadelphia. and LONG Wharf, Boston, &o. The steamship SAXON, Captain Matthews, vrifl from Philadelphia for Boston on WEDNESDAY, Jnae 4, a. 30 o'clock A. M., and from Boston for Philadelphia ta FRIDAY, May 30, at 4 o'clock P. M. Insurnace one half .that by mil vessels. Freight taken at fair rate*. Shipz;ors will please send bills lading with their goods. For freight or passage (havtng !Inn accommodation! for PiteenMera), firth' to HENRY WISSOB & 00., 8821300TH WITAIITVO d am THE BRITISH AND NORTE AIXIIRIO&N 'ROYAL NAIL BMW . PROM NNW YOBX TO LTIFIBPERMs. Chief Cabin reggaes {;pp Gerentsi Cabin Pastiness V/ THOM BOSTON TO LIVERPOOL. Chief Cabin Paasage ..11/0 Second Cabin Passage CS Ths shim !row Now York cell at Cork Bartrof, The elite from Boston call at Halifax ate. Octet Ete bar. I BOOTLA, Chpt..lndkine, CHINA. Capt. Andaman. PEBSLA, °apt, Lott. ' , AM.. Capt. Oook. ARABIA, Capt. J. Stone. EUROPA. Cart. J. Leitch. AFRICA, Capt. Phase, - CANADA, Oad. Muir. AMBBIOA, Clark Moodie. 'NIAGARA, Capt. A. Byr AIITRALASIAN., These ?meld carry a goer white light at meat-heset Veen on starboard bow; red on port bow. SCOTIA, Jndkitut, leaves IT York, Wednesday, June IL 'EUROPA, Cook, ' " Boston, Wednesday. June U. PERSIA, Lott, • " N.York, Wednesday, June 16. AFRICA, Shannon, " Rostan, WedneedaT, Jane 25. CHINA, Anderson, " N.York, Wednesday, July 1. ARABIA. Moodie, ~ Boston, Wednesday, July 0. SCOTIA, Todkins; " . N.Y.rk, Wednesday, July 16. Bertha not secured wail paid for; An experienced Surgeon on board. The owners of these alilte will not be aometeade tee Gold, Silver, Bullion, Spade, Jewelry, Precious Stones, or Metals, unless bills of lading are signed therefor, MI the TSITIT thereof therein expreeeed. For freight CT 9.516 , NWT, apply 10 B. 01INA.B11, 4 BOWLING GREEN. New Yost. M 0. A J. G. BATES, 103 STATE Street. Boston LONDON EXILIBITION—RETURN TICKETS TO LONDON AND BACK: First-class 5100. Second-elms 66. OIL MEEKLY COMMNIOA TION BY STEAM BETWEEN NEW TOM AND LIVERPOOL, rains at QUEENS TOWN, (Ireland,) to land and embark patmansera astd deeroatobes. no Liverpool, New _ - gork, and plautelphla Siam: . 011, Cotnpar-',, splendid Olyrle-bnllt iron ecrow *SNP 'r Wended to Alan as follows: FROM NEW YORK JOB LIVERPOOL. CITY OF BALTIMORE.— - Saturday, May 31, 1863. • /UNGARO° Saturday, June 7, 1862. CITY OF NEW YORK.- ... Saturday, Juno 14.1862. FT" - ^a WASIIINGTON....Saturday, Jane 21. 1862. And ovary Wardsa7 tarousbout the year, from PIS No. 44 21. B. BATTS OE' PASSAG2 • THROUGH FROM THILADRLYIEHA. Gatti, to Queenetown, or Liverpool...... *ll Do. to London, via Liverpool iii fitoeroge to Queenstown, or Liverpool. . fit Do. to Louden. Do. Return tickets, available for six roott, front Liverpool , Kp Passengers forwarded to Havre, Paris, Ramberg. Bremen, and Antwerp at tbrongb mites cortgoatee of 'mate issued from Liverpool to Hew York Eat Oertlflcates of pump !wood from Queenstown to New York Tese steamers have superior accommodations for am. gingers, are constructed with water-tight compartments, and Wry experienced Surgeon. lor freight, or Pease" apply at the atm of the Ooze- Pouf, JOHN G. DALY, Agent, 11.1. Walnut street, Philadelphia, • In Liverpool, to WM. INMAN, Tower Bending". In Glasgow, to WM. INMAN, 13 Dixon string,— FOR NEW YORK. NEW DAILY LIRE, Tie Delaware aid Baritan Canal. Philadelphia and New York Barmen Btearntroat O. pany receive freight and leave dally at 2 P. M., deliver. ins their cargras in New York the following day. freights taken at reasonable rates. wat. P. GLIDE, Agent, No. 14 8017TH WIJABYII3, l'hgedelgtft JAMBS HAND, Agent, sal-tr Pieta 14 sad 16 NAST EMIL New Taft - EXPRESS COMPANIES. am mo THE ADAMS EX - P 3718 - OOMPAISIY, Office FIN CIKICSINUT Street, forwards Perceia, Peekagree, Mer chandise, Bank Pates, and Specie, either by its own lines or in connection with other Bxpreea Ooramilee, ail the prhicdpol Towns and Oitiee of the United States. • E. 8. BANDTARD, felt "- (Unocal Rtromitatiruleisi LABOR-SAVING MACHINE. CLOTHES -BATING MACHINE. - THITHAILYING MAOHINS. Heley, Mores, & Boyden's Clothes Wringer saves labor, time, and clothes, and is an improvement which will roost certainly be generally adopted. It is self.adjasting, simple, and durable, and is far superior to every other device for the purpose intended. Over dve hundred have been sold within the last thirty days, in this city. No family ahould be without one. They are warranted to give perfect satisfaction. For sale by L. E. SNOW, at the Office of JOY, COB, & 00., northeast corner of FIFTH and OHESTNIIT streets. Orders from the Country promptly attended to. mrlO-Itn AMERICAN ROOFING SLATES, FULLY the BEST :117CLUI SLATES. iiiitralla.l6ll
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers