FINANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL* TILE MONEY MARKET. PIIILADISUPIIIA, 6181 31, 1862 The exciting now. from Corinth, and the still more ex citing rumors of important rebel evacuations, has caused an intense thrill hi die stock market and on Third street. As the rumors wore buzzed from one to another, a great Commotion was visible, and business for a wirle received new impede!. There is a feverish anxiety existing to know If the desertion of the rebel onpital will be con timed by our generals now surrounding that city. Un prepared for or unexpeoting such an evoat, It Is quite Boaelble that we have boon made acquainted with the toot long before they will be aware of It, and whey; their first intimation will come from tlortnth to them, as it has to us. Consequently, we must allow some little limo to clap!. before wo hear the confirmatory news. At the board, stocka, almost without a single exception, /advanced ; U. 61. securities were the first to feel the +effecter& the glorious news. At the first bid the id:eget 1881 role from 104,X, the clewing bid of yesterday, to '196, sales 'being mode at a still further advance of %, :Clueing at 10514 bid; the seven-thirties were a little , slower to feel tbo exhilarating touch of triumphing power; they advanced 34 on yesterflay'd bid, but being 'held 'at a higher figure, there Were no soles on the Blanks; the endorsed brought 105. l'hiladelobia eixes, new, adeanctd x t and were firm all day at 103; old were Melville firm at 99X at the first board, advancing to 100 at the eecond, being X advance on yesterday's figures. Needing flathead advanced X on yeeterdavie bid, with considerable sales, and closing with a fors rish firmnese. Pennsylvania fives were firm tot 85,44, ten advsnee 01 . Pennsylvania Railroad at 47X, a slight advance. Long Wand Railroad was brisk and firm at. I 5 4; North Pennsylvania Railroad shares 8X1: the slime 'Arm at 7634 ; 106 at 93X, the latter being an advance of lon yesterday's bid. Philadelphia rind Rrie 61 firm at IRX ; Narrlsburgliallroad stationary at 65; Schuylkill Navigation steer, 1882, advaoced g, bringing 69. 7 .01 0 01 0 g 'firmly at that figure; the preferred shares 15X, 'an ad vance; Elmira Railroad advanced to 11, declining to 10X bid; Sunbury and Etta eevous x, firm; Little Schuylkill' Railroad 18, an advance of 2on last gale,. Morrie Canal Coosolidated 49, en advance of X ; the pre ferred brought 120, an advance . of 9,X on yesterday)/ • laid; Delaware Division Canal brought .58X, an advance Camden and Antboy sixes advanced 1, and continued Atm at 96. Dank shares wore dull; sales of Mechanics' at 2453( bide for others same as yesterday. Passenger Beltways nearly mute. Chestnut and Walnut sold for 34, rising 34 of yesterday's bid; Race and Vine BX, an' advance; Green & Coates 2X, no change. Gold cpaned SM, and declined to BX, with some large sales at the lat ter figure. Land warrants dull, an was foreign coin. No change in money matters. Mesers. Drexel & Co. furnish the following quotations: New York exchange Par to 1-10 pre. Boston exchange . 6 to 1-10," Baltimore exchange ' to Lae die. Country finale X to 0.10 " American gold 314 to 3% pro 7.3.10 Tremor, notes 105,4 to 109 U. 6. coupon 6e, 1891 105 to 105 J( A number of tie very dangerous counterfeits on the old plate of the thiltalelphia Bank,- of the denominatives be. and 100 Mier!, have lately made their appearance. We advise merchanla and others to be on their guard, as but few notes of the genuine Issue are now in circula tion. 1 The United States Railroad Register, In regard to American securities In London, says: toile firming which characterized the markets for American accutitios, as mentioned in our last report, has continued - with ad cancel' rates paid In several fillifilleet3 by purchasers of railroad Wads. The improvement in ICrte third mortgage bonds has been from 70 to 81. There are several buyers of &Gentle and Great %Vetter° bends, with few, if any offering; they close firm at 63 bid. Erie shares are in steady demand at an advancesif 36 per cent. A similar improvement had taken place in Illinois Central 890 sharer, but ou the Tilt Instant, on re ceipt of telegram from New York reporting a decline to 68)6; they fell to 47X fiiscoust •, the market at present, j these ehares, Is firmer at 47 diecontit." Mho foll Owing statement shows the business of the Reading Railroad during the month of April, 1862, com pared with the sumo month of 1861 . • 1862. . 1861. Biecelvod from Coal •• • •3 17 3-32 1 6 1 .. 8167.415 41 merchandise.. 4.4:".81% ' • . 41,M1 .8 2 4i travel, A. 0... 3rl 24 ,674 14 82 3 2, 1 84 23 Trunkportatiou roadway,. I dempage, renewal fundi land all charge5..........'tY1.14, 6 82 46 122,380 63 Yet profit for the m0nth..."2 3 d90 1 60 • 15120.767 65 •• for previous 4 triv.l. 93 339 . 33 3 47 Tote: net profits for nye . . - maths • ..111586,262 . 62 8469,121 12 ThiCommer , lini Bank of-.oanittelaut obtained it ver dict or 81;000,000 against the Cleat Western Railway CoMmy, for nivney furnished for the comp'otion of the Detrt and hillwankee,Andway, It being held that the GresiVestem company • was the real creditor In the trenction. 13, Ti following la the amount of coal trandlported on the Bellikill Navigation farina -week -ending Thursday, 21.632, 1602: ' .. • Tone. Owt. , tlfrofflort Carbon 11,284 00 " rottey Ile 878 00 .4q3obaylkill Tinfoil •*t: . ' ,..... 21,303 00 0 Port Clinton 3 623 00 'N for week (Piously this year ..... ......... 0000 'llama time lest year • 2111,188 11 'X following is the avouni of coal transported on the dPhielphia and Treading , Rallroad during the ITeeg .scidr Thursday, May 29,-481:12: Tons. Cwt. 'Fm Pnrt Carbon 10,308 00 Potts-villa • 1,309 07 Schuylkill Haven. 24,401 08 Auburn 2.904" -07 Port. Clinton 8,212. 08 Harrisburg and Dauphin ...... 07 - Total anthracite coal for,week:r. - f 36,014- 03 4ln flarrieburg. total 61 11 /fatal of all kinds for weaC 39.036 14 Previously this year • 1 826,691 01 • • Total To game time last year The statemente of the bank, of. the three principal cities of the Union for the last week compare with pre. vim* one, and the corresponding time of 1861, as fol. Lonna. Doposif s. •. Specie,. C 8 rcitlat'n N. T.. 5142,360,140 8124002,864 $30,872,180 890.32016 Boston. 63,280,272 28,261,858 8,109.605 5,503,758 .1th114.. $1,53803 23,973,478 5,687,012 4,188,055 Total .11234,755.0)7 $172,840,908 $44,030,407 818,282,487 Let wk. 233,471,080 709 132 854 •44.114,462. 18,376 818 ja,yesr. 203,451,500 125,881,734...60,668,089 17.483.508 The New Tork POI I of this evening wits: The skAr market opened firm on Obvernment aecarl ties this forenoon, and at a fw they salience orKes% per tent. on the 6 per cents of 1881 and. 7e30 per coat Trea sury bonds, and 4im% per cent. cg the 5 per cents of 1874. Soon after the call of the llyt left the. Government Stocks, the stirring news from Richmond and the South wept was made penile, PrOthfOing a buoyant effect upon Pacific Mail, New York Central, ,to., the advance being quite general on railuay'shares and alto ou the railway bonds. At the clam of the first board tho general market w firm, the Western stacks empathising etromaly with the upward mevement. The Government stocks are •somewhat higher than our table of quotations—made before the news—would hellcat& The price of gold II 103X*1033 per cunt. The mar ret for exchange left off yesterday .afternoon at 1!4% 0 114% per cent. on London. Siam additional bustnees was done this more. Mg before the ,closing of the steamer's /palls at or within title quotation.. We undereimul that the rapid rise in the lolls slx-per tents, of the Goya rrtnent, noted tabor), is already in, during the further- conversion of,Unitot States noted into the five-trier Ilz per coots. at;par. The am mot applied for at the hub-Treasury' to-day is not pet re- Vorted. The sales of 730 per cant. Treasitry bonds are large • ,outside the Board of Brokers. • The further accumulation of deposimiat bank, at a moment when confidence is somewhat stieken in thane on demand to the brokers In conseniArea of the Indiana fraud, producenitbe natural result of inducts! the city banks to there're, rather than`lessen, their own !tweet meats in United States etoliis aid Treasury.lionda and certificates, by way of employing the extraordinary • ba 11111C08 left with them. . . liailadelabtaAtock Excaujira' Salsa, May 31.. [Reported by S. E. fix"YnCi r gis, Phila. Exchange.] FIRST BOARD. SOO City Cs New 103 • a4l) 'Hazleton Coal.b3 45% 600 do ......N ew .103 '6- do 05.45% 100 de...New—ch.lo2% 6800 *Poona 65...0h. 16% 200 do ..1( te 99% t00').A... do ch. 76% 7000 d0..New..0h.103 3003 Penna 55........ 88% 200 do,SR S 99% ;2Denna 47% 100 Long Island 1t... 16% - 60": 'do • . 47% 10 d 0.... 16% 60. Harrisburg 55 60 do a... 15% 20 Idechaniee 8k.... 25% h 0 N Peuna lts 50300 h se '81..... n. 5.105% 150 do b3O 2000 Uhl Nay Os '82., 09 100 Reuling R.. .1)10.24 tit 1000... do b 5. 09 • 60 do hswn. 24% 60 Sehl Nay Pref... 15% 200 do bsten 24 81 • 7 Delaware Div.—. 43%. 1100 do ..... ..cosh.24 81 20 Elmira 11 10% 200 do bb. 24% leo do 11. 125 do - 24% 2000:Scin St Inge 75.... 94% 3000 Phil k Erie 'BETW Ca.. . 91% BO 31),A DitRDS. tle acid 8..b30 18 EEN r ft Morrie Canal.... 48%18000 ,Peona. 6s 88% 74 do 2dys. 49 1 65 Sheet & Wal It .. 34 1000 I 1 S Os 'Bl 105%12000 City 6e 2000 N Penna 93% 8E00141) R&VO& PR.. 8%1 Penne 5e 88% Reuling R.„.1.1t, , ,24% do.; LA6.21 94 •re • aelaware Div.... 43% Penne R 47% do awn. 47% do 4 7% ity Os C & P.... 100 do ch.loo do ch.loo do- .New.. ch. 103 & Sao 7a.... 90 ()DOSING PT Bid. Asked. I els '81......106% 105%. Tr 7 3-10 14.105% 106%1 Ida oe. 99% 100 is fta new..loB 108% 88% 88% g 81 24% 1 .608043.100 .. '7o._.a 98% It6e 'BO.. SS% .. "am dIY. 47% 4 7 %1 Ann 65..104 .. :2at98% Jul Con.. 49 49%1 pakkal.l2o .. I r Stock:. 5 51( or Prof..; 15% 1534 reel '82.. 80 69% B lON 11% :es of Stock in New York.--By Telegraph Aral Call. &cond. CMG. t'Bl 106% bid 1.961( sales to and 11 Island .—. . .. bid , 421( aalet ling 8a1h0ed.,...24 60.100 bid 24 48.100 stein obi Central bid '' 813 balm ins and Chicago.. bid' - NM Baled York Central 117,4 bid , 87X sates $7 bid ' ' ' 87 ' Woe teas 14 bid 'l4 - : Wee fond and T01ed0..,.. bid 43f1 . 11 4111 Firm. Mem. , Philadelphia Markets. Max 31-111venlag. Pio= market continues dull and unaettled,lhe id both for shipment and home use being limited; rOO tibia found buyers at $4.6004.87X for common ' and choice superflue.:-the latter Pennsylvania -5 for extras, $5.873016.16 for extraKamily. ant Al for fancy brand.; a male of 600 bbls Redatoue family was made on private terms. Eye Flour is in a email way nt P 8.25 iP bbl. flora Meal ie but winked for, and dull at 62,62 g bbl. us ?Kara is not liana offering, about 6 000 b ut mere at 1180124 a for fair to choloe Penner 'yank. 'eluding 2,400 bus prime at 1200 afloat; 410 bus ru do at 128 c, In store, and 1,000 bus Kentucky at do, as In quality..ig selling at 664 for setae, wanted, and about 10;0 0 0 has Southern and Faun a yellow at 640 afloat. ()Ma continue in demand, rosy hunts scarce and wanted at 300, whioh Is au sales of first No.l Quercitron are nut -28.60 t' toe. mg.—There is very, little doing, owing, to the high A' holders, who ore asking an advance. (mums AND P ROT 18108 ,—T bete 110 IleW fe+ture, fair Magma doing in the fanne 4 r article at proving Illf.Y ft firm but quiet ; Permit blAssellingZieliNo, 2ijfe2(m, and drudge at 2202 LAG qv gm. CITY ITEMS. WE wonder whether any of our readers know the statistics of the travel between the cities of Philadelphia and New York, and how many persons are every day interested in finding good hotel accommod a. tion. For ourselves, we have made a discovery, and that is, that it is possible to tlnd in New York city a hotel having all the requisites of a first-class house, and whose terms are only One Dollar and Fifty Nato a day. Powers' Hotel, 17 and 19 Pack Bow, is an illustra tion. It seems, however, that some of our cotempo reties are ahead of us in this discovery, for we find in our exchanges the following notice of this deservedly po pular house Its proprietor, Mr. IL L. Powers, has recently made large additions to it, refitted, in fact modernized it, until now it' has ail the aubatantfal convonlonceet of firer-clam houses. without their exorbitant charges. Its tables are laden with the substantiate awl luxuries of the mason in abundance; ire chambers aro roomy, with good beds and sufficient toilet appurtenances, while front its windows a bettor view of Broadway can be obtained th an from al moat any hotel vibrated upon it. The ladies' parlors aro evictor's and beautifully forniehed, so that even a rainy day to New York can be cleasensly scent in viewing the panorama of a great city, as it moves on with eights, acmes, and incidents ever charging. and hardly equalled won any elev. With its advantages of situation this betel has long been a popular stopping place for merchants ♦idling Now York, but now, under its present manage ment and with its recent improvements, we anticipate a ;perfect rush." It is a matter of some interred to our readers to know that they can find in Now York city a hotel situated di rectly °melte the ardor lions; offering to its guests the conveniences and accommodations of a firsCcbass house, for the unusually moderate charge of one dollar and fifty cents por day, and we recommend them to try Power.' hotel. They will find that its proprietor passemes the accomplishment of knowing how to keep a hotel. COMMODORE PORTER'S LETTER to Senator Grimes, in reference to the fight with hie mortar flotilla, says: '(I moved the bomb-schooners under a point of woods, wherii, with their masts covered with• green buebes, and their rigging with vines, they were invisible to the best glasses, we destroyed three iron-plated batte ries, mounting tbirly-one rifled grins, six or seven iron plated gunboats, and nine or ten things got up for the occasion, besides a lot tiled dry-dock, and the rebel rams Manassas and Louisiana," Wo may add, that notwith standing the great destruction of rebel cotton, awl the rebel rams, cotton and woolen clothing is still sold at a low price, at Charles Stokes', under the Continental," as ever. , FEEDING TILE REBEL POOR.—General Butler hoe seized a lot of bread and meat, that was intended for the 11E0 of the rebel army, and ho designs distributlog it among the poor of Now Orleans. Some of the Orleans itre grumble_ at the . arrangement. These malcontents would growl if the geieral would give every poor man In' the Crescent City a clean shirt, at his (the general's) own cost ;Willie they would scarcely feel cowman, grati tude if he would make their Mayor and Councilmen look at least late gentlemen, by sending on to Philadelphia to procure, for each of the magnates, a now and elegant sult, from the brown-stone Clothing Mall of nockhilt do Wilson, Noo. 603 and 605 Chestnut street, abo on Sixth. • TisiE is MONEY, says an-old proveib, and he who owes money generally, wants .to gat as much time and value for h 'es possible. • Bence, we advise all who wish to get the full value of their money, in the purOhase of clotbinifi to repair at onco to the fashionable temple of Granville Stokes, No. 609 Chestnut street, where the most superioi eumnier garments in the city are manu factured, and sold of greatly reduced prices, in order to keep pace with the temporary dulinoes of the times. Let those who wish bargains call at the mammoth em porium, No. 609 Chestnut sheet, beforo purchasing else where. • • SUPERIOR SIMIXED AND SPICED SALMON.— Mr. 0. 11. Mattson; dealer hi fine groceries, Arch end Tenth streets, hue now on band a *chblco lot of Smoked end Spiced Salmon ; also, Sardines and Messliacberel, of the finest quality. - FIELbfBOr f P?O'I3:III4.LLI , MEDY.--Cothpound txtract llnehn cures diseases of Wo . bladder, kidneys, gravel, dropsy, weakness, ge. Bead 'the advertisement, in another column. j02.9t Steamship Saxon, Matthews, 44 hours from Boston, with mdse, &c. to Henry Wineor k 00. Off Fourteen• feet Bank, passed brigs Eaglet and B F Nash, from Cuba, and two harm brigs, names unknown, light. The tug America was off Delaware City, having in tow ship Caro lina ,hence for Buenos Ayres. Bark Mauro, Wilson, 12 days from Torto Cabello, with hides, coffee, &c. to Jcbn Daltett & Co. • Bark F Lannig, Sumner, 8 days from Sago% with eugar and HT° pasiengors to S Morris Wain Ji Co. Brill Alliance. (Br) Hicks, it days from Sagna, with Baser and molasses to 8 h W Welsh. Brig Leni, %mod, U days from Metsrass, with molls ate to• J MSBOII h CO. Brig Orison Adame,ltorke, 19 days' from Trinidad, with mobilises to Bik W.Welsb. 17th ult, let 23 16, long 82 30, vas boarded by 138 steamer B R Curler—all Behr West Wind, Oilman, 19 days from Ponce, PR, with sugar and molasses to John Mason & Oo Behr D B Bayles, Jayne, 8 days from Gardener, with sugar to B & 1 W Welsh. Bailed in company with brig Eaglet, for Philadelphia. Behr Castition,,Bellatty, 10 days from Franklin; Me, with spars to Gaetill & Bahr Joseph Maxfield, Clark, 2 days from Fortress Monne, in ballast to captain. Bchr Martha Maria, Road, 3 days from Cabals, Me, with lumber to & A Snider & Co. ~:34;628 00 • • ' 263,800 04 • •-• 207.911 . 3 04 Behr Lizzie W Byer, MeDottie, B days from Portland, Me, with mdse to E A Savior A Co. &kr Sparkling, Morey, 8 days from Bangor, with 2500 bnehele potatoes to Setter & Bro. Behr Maria 'Whitney, Christian, 10 days from Casein°, lie, with 2800 bushels potatoes to Sober k Bro. Bohr /..,iberty, Johnson, 2 days from Indian Blyer, 'gbh corn to Jae L Bewley. & Co. &br George I 'Weaver. Turcniut_n._ Meer, Del, with corn to J L Bewley & • dchr Pearl, Noinuto; 1 day from' Lewes; Del, with corn to Jas L Bewley .4 Co. " bcbr • Andrew Manshin, Collings, 1 day from Little Creek Lending, Del, with corn to. J L Bewley & Co Behr Sarah 'Warren, Ilolling•tworib, 1 day troniLittle Creek Landing. Del,.with corn to J L Bewley & Co. Behr Chief, Townsend. 2 days trim Indian River, Del, with grain to Jas L Bewley & Co. Scbr Garnet, Quilion, 2 days from St Martin's, Md, with grain to J L Bewley A Co. Scbr Reindeer, Cooper, 1 day from Smyrna, Del, with' grain to Jas Barrett & Son. Behr Vendetta, Billy ant, 1 day from Smyrna, Del, with corn to Jae Barrett & Son.' 865.685 18 710,621 10 . . _ Fehr T P 111cColley, Carter, 1 day from Camden, Del, with corn to Jae Barrett & Son. Behr J 8 Grier,. Deborough, 1 day from Smyrna, Del, with corn to Jae Barrett & Bon. AgETTAL or A TWEE STE/WM.—The English steamer Oambria was captured WA' Charleston on the 26th nit, by the U.S gunboat Huron. after a chase of five hours. Bile was bitten into Port Royal, and sailed front there 28th nit, in charge of Lieutenant George 14 Belknap. Lieu tenant William Budd, First Assistant Zngineer Joseph NI Adam', and Assletant Engineer II A Boyd were oleo 'placed on board. Her cargo consists of Liquors, teas, medicines, 'Enfield rides, saltpetre, to. finie brings the malls and three paasengers from Port Royal. Ship Carolina, Lefavor, Buenoa Ayres, Butter & PM town: - Brig D B Doane, Coombs, Balton, L Andonried & Co. t3cbr 8 81 Shadeoc.k, Arnold, Norwich, trfultios & Co. Bchr Narragansett. Hall, Hoy Wes., Tyler, Stone & Co Bohr F Lucite, Taylor, Norfolk, Va, 8 S Thompson. Schr ti 0 Lone, Cork, York Riser, D A is ray: Bohr John Direly, Richards, Williamsburg. J Heub. Scbr W G Smith, Poynter. West Point, W Knox. Str Bristol, Charles, New York. W P Clyde. Str 13. L Gaw, Iler, Baltimore, A. Groves, Jr. An English prize stetwnehlp has just gone up. The balk Arthur White is at' anchor off the Breakwa`er, vatting orders, in company with brig nenmark, with bay for Yorktown, sloop Bob ROY,' and three schooners, lIIIIOCIII unknown, loaded with Government stores for the blockading squadrons. The brig Gen Marshall, from Philadelphia for Cardenas, is also in the roadstead. Wind 13, and weather stormy. Yours, &o. JOHN P. MARSHALL. 1000139 7.80 Tr N N0d.106 1000 .do ..... ..N94.101X Prf.l9d 9 Monts data d.... 40 9000 U 8 Os 'Bl 105 g 5 Bad Nay Pref.... 161 i 20 Lehigh Nov 51 83 fdecbsnlcs 8k.... 95g 1000 Cam & Amb Os 'B3 05 2000 do. .... '75 95 /00 N Poona sg 6 Orsen&flostss stft 28) 66 Little Soh' It 18 zczs—rmar. Bid. Aska. Elmira R Prf... 20% Elmira 75'73... 88% RO Island 16— 16% Le'gh CI &Nay.. 58% 61% Le CI & NaT 3C P. 40% 41 N Penns It-- 8% 8% 11 ex 76% 76% N Nona it 104. 92% 93% 0414. w It Con... 2% 2% Catawisea Prf..o Fmk & South 45' 47 k r 24&84-et 8.... ..65 66 Race& Victo-stß. 8 8% W Phial. 55% 54 Spruce & Plne.. 12% 13 Green & Coates.. 26% 27 Ohes & Wainnt. 34 34% Arch Street..... =)( 22% MARINE. •INTELLIGENCE. Er BEN POURER PAGE AIIRTTED 0 1.,Z ARV) (Oorrenondenee of the PhitadettoMe Zsehliage.) LEWES; Del.. Si, 1 P BT TBLEGRAPB. (Oorreepondencoof The Frees )... New YORK, June 1. Arrived, bark Legatter,. from Bordeaux; .ichr Dn.; Itereudum, from Rattan island. The etcamer Labnan bee been rateed, with, but trfolng damage. SPECIAL NOTICES. Da. D. JAYNE'S EXPEOTORANT.-" Thirty loan of experience haa demonetrared beyond the shadow of a doubt that AYNE , d NXPECTORANT excels every other remedy for the cure of A ST D MA, BRONCHITIS, CONSUMPTION, (MODS AND COLDS, ' CROUP AND HOOPINO COUGII, SPITTING OF BLOOD, . AN]) ALL PULMONARY COMPLAINT& hundreds of other remedies have been lauded and ex tolled to the Ode°, but haying no 'virtues to snstala theni, have rank Into ob)lvlou, while JAYNE'S EXPEC TO RANT has continually increased in popularity, until now there Is scarcely an inhabitabie part of the globe `7l;:rr, it is rot need and highly ap;:reiated.' • • Tho following are a few of the many certlflcates lately received: Itey. A. 11. DANFORTH, Missionary at Assam, In dia, writes: On my way home from India, on board the English passenger ship Marlborough, I met with Major Clarke, an officerla the Queen's service, who was connected, I think, with the 534 Regiment, and wee located in Fort William during the rebellion I soon perceived that he had a TROCHLUSOMa canon, and urged him to IMEOIIOIIIO RXPEOTLItibIiT. He at Brat reftwed, saying he had bad the cough for sixteen years, and had tried every thing without the testa benefit, end be had now siren up doctoring as useless. His wife, however, persuaded him to try Wend to gratify her lie did so. Ito found so much relief tbat he begged me to let Aim have all I hvi with me; raying I could got more when I reached home, and ho could not." Mr. BEADING DOTY, of Twenty.nalle Baud, War. ien'eonnty, Ohio, saw °Decently I had an attack of ASTHMA, the moot dia. fresiting Of all , diseases, and yesterday afternoon, after taking a short ride, I returned borne almost unable to breathe. Through the Uersuasion of my wile, I was led to try your EXPEOTORAIiT. The first dose gave in stant relief, and after the fourth dose I enjoyed a refresh. trig sleep, and the next morning arose in better health than for two years Nat.,' lIIADQUARTERS 88111 (11CD11iN>£1) Bsoiximi COMPANY D, ALBIATIDRIA, YO. M 13819. D. Jilin & Boy:.Gentlemen: During all the Vine we hire been in the service—nearly four intieitteg—but one of our company has been elOk enough to •be..placed In the bonito'. Our surgeons have often spoken of this, and attributed the nnnenally healthy condition of the men to the nee of Dr. D. JAifttZ'S MEDIOINIB. The NIPEOTORANT bas-been muoh sought after In oases of ()OLDS, 091:1011.13, &a., and has always af forded-relief while the Carminative Balsam bas One rated . film a charm In all came of Looseness of Vie Bowels, I:Havilicta, - Ztc.--diseasee to which soldiers aro particularly exposed, from the frequent changes of water. We are convinced, -therefore, that much ..'suffering would be prevented, and many lives saved, If every cosi- Awini in the army was provided with a small supply of your lifealcines, similar to the one tarnished us. On behalf of the company, I remain, arc., Lours WAGNER., First I.tecttooant Company D. Mr. PRNSTON I:WING, Leconte. sliarrison county, Ind., writes : .• . *, Being afflicted With 1111.0NCOTTIR,for the space of three ycari , to such an extent that I Wee obliged to re jingoish the teaching of vocal' music, - and failtug to oh. fain any relief from the physicians whom I coneultod, I gay° the EXPICTOWST a trial. After wing it tir few weeke, I wee very Youth relieved, null by its constant nee my throat le now entirely clear of any disease." FBEDEUICICA BROOKFELL, No. 641 Fisher street, below Seventh, Philadelphia, writes: " For more than two poste r was afflicted with COI SUId PTION, and timing tide time, owing to a constant Cough and the sharp pain and difficulty of breathing which accompanied it, I obtained but little rest. Hating tried in vain many different remedies, I began to Mee all hope, when a neighbor, whose husband had been cured of a similar complaint by JAYNIe'S EX. PHOTO RANT, persuaded me to give it a trial. after taking several bottles, large quantities of corruption were thrown from me, and I then began to mend gradually, until now my health is perfectly rtstored." Mr. W. O. FISHER, of Weston-Spalding, Lincoln shire, England, writes: A. , little nephew of mine, five years old, was a few Months ,lace suffering front Iho HOOPING.'OOII3II, and I never saw a more distressing esso. I immediate ly pave him JAYNE'S EXPEOTOR&NT, according to directions, and My soon began to see an Improvement. The COllOl became easier, and expectoration mach freer In afew days, and in two weeks the malady wee so en tirely overcome 't? at it required no further attention." The EXPEOTORANT is prepared only by Dr. D. JAYNE & BGN, 242 OfIESTNCTT Street. -,iiP-mw2t BATCHELOR'S.I - JAIE, DYE! THE REST IN TRH WORLD Ve TILLILed L. BATCHELOR'S celebrated Hair Dye predoces a color not to bo distinguished from nature— watranted not to inhere the flair in the least; remedies tbe ill effects of bed dyrs, and invigorates the Hair for life.ErßaY, BED, or BUSTY BAIR instantly tnrne a splendid Black or Brown, leaving the Hale soft and beau tiful. Sold by all Druggists, Ac. 1312 - The Genuine is simnel WILLIAM A. BATCHE LOR, on the four sides of each. box. FACTORY, No. 81 BARCLAY Street, (Late 233 Broadway and 18 Bond street), roy2B-ly New York. ONE-PRIOE CLOTHING,OF THE LATEST Br:Las, made in the Beet Manner, exereeely for RE TAIL SALES. LOWEST Selling Prices marked In Plain Figuree. AU Qtiods made to Order warranted satisfactory. Our ONI.PIIIOII BYSTBSI is strictly ad hered to. All are thereby treated alike. 5e22-17 JONBIIIi 00.. 604 MARKET Street. 8.-T.-7800-R DRAKE'S PLANTATION BlTTERS—Ex hausted Nature's .Great Restorer. They invigorate, strengthen, and purify the eyatem, Cure Dyspepsia, Acidity . of the Stomach, Diarrhea% &c. A perfect an. petizer and tonic. They invigorate the body, without stimulating the brain. They are compoUnded of pure St. Croix Bum, Roots, and Herbs, and are mended by all who Coe them. Adapted to old or . young, but particularly rcoemmendecr to the weak and languid. Sold by all GroCers, Dniggiota, lintels, and Saloons. • P. H. DRAKE & CO., my3-mwt2m , . 202 Broadway. New York. MARRIED. DBY—TALETHORP.—On Thnraday evening, May 29, by the Bev. 11. T Clarke, D. D., Mr. Joseph Hay to Miss Angelina W., daughter of the late John Patethorp, BN., ail of this city. . tF WISLER—ARAW.—On the 21st of May, 1862, by the Beo. M. D. Kurtz, Mr. Benjamin H. Meier to bliss Merian Ante Shaw, both of this city. tk DIED. DOLBY.—On Friday evening, 30th ultimo, John Dolby, in the it tb ye 'r of his age. The male friends, the members of liking Star Lodge, No. /A and Columbia Mark Lodge, No. 91, A. Y. M., and the Southwark Hose Company, are respectfully in vited to attend hie funeral, from Ms late residence No. 1018 Coates street, this (Monday) afternoon, at 4 o'clock. BONNELL.—On the 31st Nay, at 2X o'clock A. M., Samuel Rommel], in his 72d year. ViiriiirAl from his late residence, No. 725 Wood street, this (niotidayYafterooon, at; 4 - o'clock: . Services at St. John's (Episcopal) Church, N. L. ratermant at Lancet 11111. .* JOBNSTON.—On the 28th of .May, at St. Touts, Missouri, of congestion of the heart and lunge, Robert Johnston, for many years a broker of this city. be fissured to take place from the house of his son-in law, Wni. E. Taber, No. 150 North Seventh street, near Eace, this (Monday) afternoon, the 2d instant, at 3 o'clock. To proceed to Woodlea d Cemetery. * CONNELL.—On the 30th ultimo, Joseph Richards, ton of George and Elizabeth Connell, aged 20 yearn. The relative. and friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend the funeral, this (Ifonday) afternoon, at 4 o'clock, from the residence of Ids parents, near Der by road. To proceed to Mount Mellish Cemetery. * CURTIS—On the 31st ultimo, Edwin - 11. Curtis, in the 37th year of hie age. The funeral will take place on Wednesday afternoon, the 4 b Instant, at 2 o'clock, from the residence of Dr. Frederick Burmister, Otis (late Wood) street, below Frankford road. Interment at Odd Fellows' Cemetery. *** MoVAIIGEL—At Darlington, N. S., on the 31st of 6th month, May, Lydia McVaugh, In the 77th year of her aye. , • The relatiyee end friends am Invited to attend the funeral, from her late .residence, this (Second day) afternoon, 'et l) . it SECOND MOURNING POPLINS; vALlororAs, AND . GINGETAMEI-8N8391i & BON invite attention to their Now Stock of— • Second Mourning Gingharns,ls to 25 cent& . • • Be cone Mourning Silk and Wool Poplins, 625( to IL Second Mourning Silk and Wool Valeacias, 75 eta. Bleck and White finest French Jaconets, 26 cis. Plain Bleck finest' French JaCODOtil, 25 et& Lupin's Black Ohallies, 44 cta. Lupin's Black Berea°. 7-4 wide, 02% eta. Lupin's Black Orape Maretz, 25 cten Lupin's Black Tatuartines, 25 eta. talfl.44f crrMAGONIC NOT ICE..—TIIE hi EMBERS of RISING STAR. LGRGS., 121,A. T. al., and dm ardorly, irk resoccttalla fitkltedta meat ittrOo t h WAVriat IM , at 3 o'clock, to laitottlfia anent of lbeir late Brothers. P.R. JOHN DO GB Y and ROBIIRT JOHNBTON. By onlar of - It . M. A. DS GROOTR, W. ozrA. MEETING OF THE REPUBLIO&N ..91.13110t the Fourteenth ward will he held at the Hechabici.:7ll4l, (third etoiy) CO kTE3 Street, above Zleventh, - .an TVICSD&Y EVENING, Jrine 31, at 8 o'clock. ; Ptlicttial attendance to tegtitlltEd. 11* %4 DANIEL W. CLAIM; BectetarY. Iffit TWENTIETH WARD REPUBLICAN ASSOCIATION.—A meeting of the Republican /immolation, of the ' Tlyentieth ward, wlll be held at the Ponth Penn boo /1011.1 , 0, on TIIIB (Idonlay) 11986 f... ING, at 8 o'clock. *oral eminent speakers will be present and names the 'meeting. All friends of the Na tional and Stste Administrations aro invited. THOMAS ASHTON, Vice President. AUGUSTUS SAMOAN. Secretary. ltie Met.- - NOTIVIV."—A. • GENERAL MEETING 11.3.5. of the 6toct%lders of tbii UNION CANAL 0011/.. PaNY, and of theatendholders sof said company now seeertd by the ).tit mortgage, dated the 28d April. ' 1853, warm held at the Booms of the Boardnt Trade. No. 505 CHESTNUT Ittrcet;',On MONDAY. the nita,,day.. of JUNE, 1862, et 11 A. IL, for the purpose of conatdortpg and acing neon the provlrions of an act of the coMmon '.wealth of Pennsylvania. entitled " A farther .eappfen. went to the several acts heretofore passed relating to the Union Canal Company, of Penneylvonla.7,4Aßproved the 10th day of April, L. D. 1862.. , By order of the Board of. Managers. • • ~ • ....TLIERBf,PAC3B, Prbitldent.. , ' 0. TITOMPBON. Secretary: • ErrOFFICE MONONGAHELA. NAVIGAR.. TION CObIPA.EY, PITTSIIIIRG, 1181 23, 18M: • At a meeting of the Board of Managers of this Camps held on the let of May, 1862, the following resolutions were adopted: Resolved. That coupon bowie - of this Compatiyt hear ing date the first - deiy of July, next, be issued to the amount of Two Hundred iThenamid Dollars ' in same of One Tboussnd Dollars. each, payakle in twen ty-five years after the date thereof, bearang - taterest at the rate of six per contain per .annunt', paya ble rend-aorinslty, to the city of New York, .avid'the said bonds be secured by mortgage of the works and.iivennes of this Company, to be made to Thomas — Bakeivell, as trustee, for the holders of said bonds. • - Resolved, That the President of this Company'be au thorized to procure, to be negotiated, of the Mortgage bonds of this Company, this day ordered to belssurd, the amount of one hundred and twenty-fivethimand dol lars,. for cash, or the ontstsnding bonditmf Coin: pany, maturing on the 'grist day of January next, 'at In accordance with the foregoing resolutions, SUB SCRIPTIONS will bt received until three o'clock_of the 24th DAT. OF JUNE NEXT,' for the above- loan. In formation with regard to the character of the Improve ment may be obtained from Joshua Hanna, H 97., of Ma ns; Hart, & Co, Pittsburg; Abraham Gibbons, Ese.,. Coatesville Chester county, Pa. ; and Messrs. Jay, Cook, k Co., Philadelphia, who are authorized to receive trubecriptionafor the loan. The Capital Stock of the Company is $726,700. Funded debt, (bondsoutstanding) 182,000 Thereto no limiting or other debt existing. The works. are in active operatics' and complete repair, and the re- , cadets justify expectations of the usual or average divi dend for the present year. Tim works were so.lar com pleted, and the debts et the Company pairlafto enable tho Managers to declare their first dividend, July . , fib, 1868, eines which time they have declared fourteen divi dends up to Juiyi 1861—eight years--amounting in the aggregate to filly-four and one-half per coot, or six and eighty-one hundredths per cent. per annum. Thera are no bonds in the market better secured than those of this . Company, and nose that otter greater indacernentilor investment an to security and prompt payment. of inte- rest, which is well known by the holders of the present outztatding bonds. The object of this mortgage is to concentrate the bonds of the Company and secure the . whole. A preference will be given to the present holders of the horde maturing January Ist, 1863 The Comp sue reserves the right to accept the whets or, any portion of b seri hod - • . :* _ • toy 27. t.7e24 . J. K. 141001131E1w, irarrosiri. - • . TrNOTICE. - THE .ANNIYAL WIEETINia of the Btookholdein of the PHILADIMPHIA, STEAMSHIP COCK COMPANY, for the election or five directors and the transac'inn of other,businese, will be held at No. 120 N -DELAWARE Avenue, (2d floor), on Monday, Juno 2d, 1862. at 12 o'clock, noon. • !surf-6t -WM. DIDNNIS, Secretary and Treasurer. OFFICE LEHIGH COAL AND NAYI• GLUON 00NPANY.—Pilnaintrnii, May 21, 1662. A. Dividend of TURBB PER BENT.. equal to ono dollar and fifty cents mir shore, on the capital stock of the company, has this day been declared by the Board of MlLlafffie, mats% on demand: • my2B-fit BDWIIi WALTER., Treasurer. trrOFFICE GIRARD FIRE. AND MA. ROB INSURANCE COMPANY. 415 WAL NUT Sr, rIIILADBLPIIIA, May 12,1887.—The Directors Dave this day declared a semi-anonal DIVIDEND of tbrre and a halt per cent., payable to the stockholders of Ibis Company, on and after the lOth instant. • myl4.mwilm ALFRED B. GILLETT, Treastmei. PENNSYLVANIA. ACADEMY OF THE PINE ARTS.—The annual election for a Pond. deot and twelve Directors will be bold at the Academy on MONDAY, the 2d of June, between the banns of 6. and 6P. M. JOHN T. LEWIS, tiecretarp: •. - Philadelphia, May 26,1862.. . • m127-6t. .. TTNITED STATES PATENT OF . V FIOE, WASUINGTON, May 29, 1862. • • • On the petition of Robert Burns Goodyear, formerly of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, now of Elkton ' Maryland,- preying for the extension of a patent granted to James A. Bowie and Charles Carr, of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, ae the assignees of the said Robert 11. Goodyear, dated March 13, 1849, antedated eeptember 13,1848, and ro-. assigned by them to Robert B. Goodyear, and reissued to him on the 20th May, 1862, for an improvement in aphis. rains •for operating 'shuttle boxes of looms, for seven Seats from the expiration of said patent, which takes place on the lath day of September, 1862 ' It la ordered, that the said petition bo heard at iftta.,Pa tent Office on MONDAY, the Roth day of August next, , at 12 o'clock M.; and all persons are notlfkit to appear: and show cense, if any they leave, why said petition ought not to be granted. Persons opposing the extension are required to file In the .Patent Office their:objections, specially set forth ln writing, at least twenty days before the day of in (ring ; all testimony flied by either party to be used at the said hear ing must be taken and transmitted In accordance with the rules of the office, which will be furnished on spelt cation. • .The testimony in this• case will be closed on the 11th day of. ugust next; depositions and other Dithers relied • upon ei teetimony most be flied in the office on or before the morning of tbst day ; the arguments, It any, within ten days thereafter. • Ordered, also. that this notice - be pubilahsd the Na. tional Republican, Washington, D. C., assirrbs:eyess; Philadelphia, PeDllB:, - 011C0 a week for three sutoeintos weeks; the first of said publications to he at letiet.sdry; days previous to the day of beatin P g.. -•-• --D. . ifOLLOWAY, • • Oconadlefooer of Patents.. . . P. S of the above rapers will please 00pY, and send their bills to the Patent Office, with a paper contain ing thif notice. jet-nelt THE PRESS.-PHILADELPIM, MONDAY, JUNE 2, 1862. torHEADQUARTERS PEN3SYLTA.NLA TOLUNTESItet, 242 , t P"' nereot, ITASEHNG TO7, D. 0. May 27, 1882 The folloa it Ft in a lint of the sick and wounded Penn sylvania sokiit re to the hospital! indicated Major Githland, who by the Instructions of Govornor Curtin is detailed to look after our nick, will furnish any additional itformatioa to tlitir relatives and friends. Lettere addrested to these headquarters will reach him. J. H. rOLKSTON, tdilitary Agent. Cartier Hospital. near Washington, in oho* of Sur geon Irm. A. Bradiy, May 27, 1362.-- 1. Jneoh Reptant, Co. B, 76th Regiment. 2, .Wm. Armstrong, Co K. 12th do. Reserves. 8. Bosom Mtrnbu, Co. C, 78A do. .Volunteers. 4. Jobo Berbemon, Co. A, 61st do. do., lum bago. 6. Peter Campbell, Co. B. Gtb do. Rourros, obro- MC rheum... Cm. G. Peter Davila, F, 73&1 do. 7. B. Moister. Co. F. 74th do. ._ . .. _ . ... 8. Gustavus Harswaid, Co. 1,75 th do. 9. J. J. Bunter, Co. I, let Cavalry. 10. -Radice, Co. K, 9th Reserves, chronic bron chitis. lt. Patrick Gorman, Co. B, 6th Cavalry, pleurodlida. 12. --- Ives, Co. 11, Gth Regiment R. V., 0., chronic rheumatism. 13. - Miler Co. D. 74th do. Voluntoers. 14. 0. Reinke, Zki. K, 74th do. ' do. 16.'J. Anon, to. M, let do. Cavalry, debility. 10; B. Curry, Co. I, 107th do. 17. A. A. Succor, Co. A, 107th do. 118. Philip Leikins, Co. K, 734 do., chronic brochitis. 10. John Meichner,Co. (3, 76th do.- 20. Julius Leignix, On. 13, 74thdo. • 21. lienr.y Schroder On. E, 76th do. 22. - Enhan it. do 11, Tstb do. 93. Unladen Wost, CO. K, 75th do. • 24. Israel Schud, Co. 1, 75th do., rheumatism. 25. George liess, Co. 0,73 d do., do. 28. Sergi. Schroder, Co. I, 76th do. ' 27. W. Clerk, Co. I, 42d do. • 28. )IL Long, Co. C, 8d do. It. V. 0., dis charged May 21. W. Shields, Ou. D, 63d do, _ 29. W. O. Spottswood, let do. R. T. O. 80. M. Lippincott, Co. K. 7th do.. do. 31. N. N. Pert, Co. B, 3d di). do. 32..1. It. Donghet ty, Co. I. 03d do. ' 33. P. Londerback, Ca D, 03d do. i 84 B. Testy, CO. E, 11th do. E. V. C. 35. M. V. Brigs, Co. K. 40th do. 36. 61 Sexton, Co. A, 57th ST. D. Clbristuan, Co. I, 934 do. .. , • 38. D. Jame", Co. 13, 99th 89. C: Burnside, Co. I, Ist - do. 11. V. 0., dig . charged. .40.'A. Bardolph, Co. D. 7th . do. de. i 41. W. Gebber, Co. -, 7th do. do.. / • 42. R. Gilmer, 106th Regiment. t 43. R. Till, ell do. 44.' Wm. W. Wilecr., 636 do. 46. J. Lauhead, 634 do. 48. W. Smediel,'lstdo. IL V. 0. 47. E. B. Davie, Co H, 9th do. Cavalry, debilitl. 48.-Johdll. Wober,'Co. I, 9th do , do. • i ' ' 49. Joseph Cilinel, Co: K, 9th do., do. 60. Lev. It. Querdy, 2d do. R V. 0 , catarrh. 61. Jeremiah Stanley, Co. B. 7th do., do., do. 58.' Joseph Fowler, Co. B, 95th do. 69. George Kendall, Co. I, 20 do. R. V. 0., bionchltia. 60. S. R. liinchly,' Co: A, let do. Cavalry. I 61. Milton Klutz, Co. I, 63d do. Infantry. f • 62. V.'m Duddy, 00. H, let do. R. V. 0. 8.1. Jain B. Brink, Co H, let do. do. , • 84. Michael Kiien, Co 1.., sth Cavalry. 85.• Edward Riley, Co. 0, 95th do. Infantry. 66. Charles Bonet, Co. A, 95th do., rhenmatien GT. Benjamin F. Haupt, Co. K. 95th do. 68. Alex. L. 0. Woods, Co. K, let 00, 11. V. ~ rheu matism.' . . . 69. Michael Pigot, 2d do. do., melancholia. L 70. K. H. Carpenter, Co. 61, Ist do. P. V. 0., cluing. 71. Thomas Smith, Co. 0, 7th do. do., rhOuniathim. 72. John Lavin Co. B - llth do. do., rhelanatism chro nic. - t" 1 73. Wm. Dixon, Co. G, 95th do. ' 1 ' 74. Benjamin Root, Co B, 95th do., debltity.' 75. Jacob F. Tracy. 95th do., piethia. ' 76. John Conway, 12th do ' debility. 77. Edwin Onspangh, 98th do.,rotations. TS. Henry Bwler , Co. B, Raii. R. V.O rheumatism chronic. 79. Alex. eutodella, Co. H, 81st do.rmeasl#l. 80. Geo. W:l3ntle, Co. B, 95th do., meads,. 81. Geo. 11-Lowrey, Co. 11, 95th do., clitrrhcoa acute. 82. Chas . 0 Allen, Chi. B, 95th do., motodis. 83. Samuel B. Dairies, Co. B. 95t.b dr, , 1rP.a9103. 81. Janus Barnett, Co. A, 95th do., diarib.coa. 85. John A. Thompson. Co. I, 103 d do., Measles. 86. Thomas Davis, Co. H, 1034 do., measles. 67.• Ira Sloth, Co 'F, 105th do . measles. 58. Abraham Sitterly, Go. I, 99iii do., phthisis puim. 69: George _Worley, 38th do., pleurisy.. . , i 90. Arthur Swisher, (Jo. 13, 10111 do. B: Y . 0 .; measles. 91. John Butler, 4). G, oth do. Cavalry, diarrhoea chronic. 92 'Robert Evens, Co. 6", 10th do. R. V. 0., measles. 93 Jaime Bolt, Co. B, Slat do., contusion. 94. Cornelius Ilfelvirn, Co. B, 2,1 do. R. T. 0., rheuma tism. . , 95. Georg° Klein, Co E, 6th do. Cavalry, rheumatism • chronic. • . . 96. Corporal Chia. Harrin gton; Co. K, 6th do. R. V. 0.,. catarrh. .97. James Lindeay, Co: CI, 680 do., 8. 98. W. 11. Fraley, Co: B, 6th do. B. V. 0., exhaust curdo. 99. John Palmer, Co. I), 2d do. do . rheumatism. 160. John Goetz, Co. B. Cameron Dragoons, contusion. 101. Wm. Bayer, Co. B, 4th Regiment B. V. 0., bron chitis acute. 102. W. H. Palmer, Co. 0, 6th Regt, P. V. 0., fracture. 163. Patrick Mulvey, Co. E, Bth do., do., . S. 104. Wiu. Burke, Co. B, Bth - do., do., bronchitis . acute. • . ' l 5. James Ryan, Co. D, Bth do ,ido , 8. B: J. 111 cilvaine, Co. 11, Bth do., do., 8. S. B. Clark, Co. B, 16th de., do , 8. Harrison Penrose, CO. A, 10th do., do., bronchitis acute.. . . 0. idedin. Co. H, 11th do., do., do. Thomas Hughes, Co. K, nth do. do , do. Peter W: Poland : Co 0, 12thdo., do., do. Hoary Esrey, Co. L, 72d do., bronchitis acute. Thomas Welsh, Co. F, 99th do.. debility. .• Thorium I. Gibbons, Co. I, 67th do., fracture. Jacob Runs on, Co. I, 49th do., (returned to duty), u.. pleurisy. Nicholas Conroy, Co. "0, 49th do , rhesinatiam. 116. Thomas Zitley, Co. K, 85.1. do., debility. 117. D. P. Goodwin, Co G. 85th do., pulmonary Phthfabb 118. Adam Hem Co. F; 105‘31 do. 119. Samuel Brown, Ca. D. Islet do. 320. Henry Haden, Co. 0, 85th do. 121. Janice B. Johnson, Co. F, 77th do. 122. Wm. H. I emit, Co. K., 85th do. --- - - • ._, :123. Jacob Moore, Co .0, lith.Davalry:" _i.„ --.. . 124.. A rt,-....-Ett 5c .•••••••. , :t,,L•;,,,, 9 11,41,11 L'il i: , tit .. y. AR: - J. 11. tMe ridock, Co. It, 85th Infantry. 127. Hiram Butingerner, 67th /planter bronchitis. 128. Thomas Pennons, 17th do., phthists pulmonary. - 129. Thomas O'Brien, 00. A. Bletdo. 130. Blasius Dill, Co. .0, 56th do. - 131. John Hintz, - Co. G, 52,1 do. 132. George Bess, Co. F, 77th do. • •... 133. Oliver Baker, Co. D, 6311 Regiment. . i 134. Jerry 6prayue, Co. I', 83d do. - 335. Edward McCollough, 77th do.. -, 130. , W. F. Buyorsit, Co. B, 93d do. 1374 George Goodrich, Co. B, 93d de. i 138. John Cocktiller, Co. D, 93d do. • 139. John' Media, CO 0,93 d do. 140. 0..1. Doolittle, Co. 0, 934 do. 141. John Goodwin, Co 1), 93d do. • 142 8 Clink, Co. A, 57th do. 343. Bernard Debuy. sth Cavalry. 144 M. J. Wheeler, 62d do. rofsntrr. 145. Sergeant P. Bristol, Co. D, 67th do. do. 146. J. Supper, Go. D, 71st do. do.. 147. F. Schaffer, Co. H, Ist do. 11. V. O. 148..T.Tiouglas, Co D, 57th do. 149. .I.,BlcDivitt, Co: Artillery. 160. IL Lernierd, 5Sd Regiment It.fantry. 151..7. Murphy, Co. 13, 12th do. IL Y. 0. 162 I. Becker, Co: K, tllat'do. 358.. 0, Fisher, Co. K, 76th do. 154.• T. Bleantry,'Co. B, 49th do. 166. J..E. o, , klua ' Co. H, let Bides. 166. G: W."'Wolt,,Cog, 49th Beginsont. 167. J. Smith, Co. 31, let Cavalry. 358. 'O. Biddle, Co. a ' .83d Reek:Dont Infantry. 159. A. &berme, Co.K, 98th do. do. . 180 . 1. J. Edinger Co. 0, 182 do. do. _ 161. 1 `.0,,1ff, Tutt l e, Co. ir, 7th do. R. V. O. , 'RISK - Z.7. Bancroft, 18th do. do. . . j• 363. .1. Lager C0,,•11,4d,"8,d;d0. ....4115i•lpscrTfeftOcr,•31340.11o. do. ii, • . '386. S Reese, Co.'Fl - 49th•Higiniteitt. 166. .1. R. Runyon, Co. 1. . do. • • 107. S. Argo, Co. F, 85th Regiment. . 168. ThomesZebley, Co. K. do. . 169. DI. Carper, Co. 1, T3d Regiment. 170. Y. blathiee. Co. B, do. • • 171. John Pfeiffer, Co. I, 74th Regiment. 172. John Ilessni, Co. 0, do. - • . 173. Crr. M. Wheeler, 62d Regiment. 174. John P. Black, do. • 175. Colin McCallnm, CO.ll, do. • 376. James W. 'Riley, (Band), 2d Regiment, B. V.O. I 177, James Clirle, Co.". 11, lot Rifles. , . ITS, Milton Woodward, 00. 11, do. ' • . 179. Adam Stingeremith, Co. G. 11th 11/8011, R. V. 0. .. 380. Oliver Gillett, Cu. B, 3d Ritios, . do. . • 'lBl. Jacob Clinger, C0...0;7th do. • do.' - 182.. Elias W. Holbrook, Co. .D, do. 183. Benjantin D. Liditch, Co. 13, do. • do. GeorgoiWilliams Co. A, do. do., Mach. 181` • James Potter. Co. 0, 3d' do. - do. 186. Thomas Stillman, Co. K, do. . do. 386. Jewett Murray, Co. G, ._ - do.' • do. 187. Absalom Palmer,- Co,i I, llth Elites, do. , 388. Franklin G. Smith, Co. H., 7th Rifles, do. • 189. John S. Dover, 11th Rifles, 190. Robert G. Thompson, Co. D, do. , do. 191, •Delos D. tryout, corp., Co. F, Ist 'Artillery. 192. J. B. Dennis, . do. . 303. John A. Jones,. •; i' . do. - 194:' Georgo Ancheit, . 19k. Wm. 121 . Dounton, . . . do. 196. Thomas Doc oho°, 3d Cavalry.; • 197: Jolin.Greolifinld, 513th Regiment Infantry. 198. Charles L. Perkins, Co. K. do. 199.'llanletWolf, Co. 0, ild Regiment, P. V.' C. 200. Daniel Kane, Co. K, 73d Regiment Infantry. 201. Martin Thompson, (Jo. O. 4th B.egt. Oise., debility. 203. B. W. Philips. Co. B, 73d &get. InfantrY. 203. Dodson B. Cabbert, 00. I`, 90th Regt. Infantry. 204. John Schmidt, Co. 8,7411, Regirrogs lgysnrry, 205; John Meaner, Co. 11, 75th do. debility. 208. W. W. Crime', 00. 0, 107th - - do. 247. John Mine, CO.ll. 73d . do. plithieir. 208. Roger Bane, Co. F, 90th do. chronic rheumatism, ' 209. John Voot,.Co. B, 74th dd., do. 210. Mat tin Whaler. Co. Z. 75th ao. • do. 211. James Meyer, Co. H. 27th do. do. 212. Simon Elide, Co. F, 74th do. do. 213. Herman Statue, Co. I, 74th do. do. 214. J. W. Vicler, Co. F. Slat do. do. 2/5....1'4'''' sore- - ;.'C;; ri.- 71.1 . :1.:,. tumor on breast. 21CDatid &dere, Co. B, sth Regiment, R. V. 0., debit. 217.'W. Staley, Co. K, 98th do. , rhonmalism. 218.'llictolas Bower, Co. I, 74t do. do. 11 210: Stephen Chub; Co., oth '" do. R. V. C., diarrhata 229.• Wm. Norris, Co. D, Ist do". do. measles. 221: B. Hamelman, Co. B, 75th dO. do. . debility. 122. James Bunicy, Co. K., 63d do. 228. Jacob S. Baird, Co.K, 63d do. • 224. SAMOICI Buts, Co. IC, 53.1 do. 225. Charles Jefferson, Co. K, do. 226. Israel Den, Co. B, 101st . do. 227. H. B.'Jeconiae, Co. 13,•101et Regiment. ' 228. J. Q. lienderion, Co. B, 101st Regiment. 129. David 0. Thompson, Co. Ai ' do. 280. James Robison, d 0... do. , 231. Sand. Bobbin, do: do. 232. Andrew Eastman, . do.. 634 Regiment. 233. Jacob Kuntz, 21st Regiment. , • 234. Matson J. Miller, Co. to, 101st Regiment. 2.85. John Guts, Co. F, do. .. 286. Corp. Heilly Levin, Co. D, do. •. •-• • '287. Samuel Thompson, Co. E, 1030 Regiment. . ~..• : 1 3MIE , Jonathan Greeley, Co. B, 101st Regiment. . r 289; Corp. Daniel Faulkner. 81st Regiment. .. , • . •-i 240. Clark Cburr, Co. E, 88th Regiment. • • : :• 241. John B. Wollace, - (3o. 4, - 103d Regiment.. • 242. Jaaifth Lowrey. Co. K, 85th Regiment. 243, James Brieer, Co. F, do. - , - _ 244. Joeephilhalfant, Co. CI, Old Regiment. 245. John Walton, Co. D, ' ' do. 246. P. 0. Dickson, 85th: Regiment. 247. -J. 11,8picer, do. 248. H B. Wilheini,•Co. A, 103,1 Regiment. 249. Jot n IS:Meter, . do. do.. ' • ' 2611 Wm. L. ,Reed, Co. F, . do. 261. -Thomas' Reed, do do. 109. 1.10. 'U; 112. 118 314 .•Douglas Hospital, Washington, in charge of Warren ))'abater, U. S. A , May 2, 1862. . 1: E.. 1: Evans, Co. A, 11th Regiment Beseriee. 2. A..Efaince, Co.]), 3d do, ' do. 3. .1 Verenson, Co. B, Bth Cavalry':.. , • . 4. J. Mt Shade, Co. B, 93d Infantry. 5. F. Katzmer, Co. 0.934 do 6. O. Hebeler, Co: F, 74th do. T. J. Beminege, Co A, 74th do. Gledfeltor, Co. E, 40th Infantry. . 9: J. E. Bitty, 00. B. 34 Reeervea. 10. A. Ruing, Co. B,', 49th Regiment. • 11. B. Maloney, Co. E, 31st do, 12. B. Martin, Co. G, Stet do. • 'lB. W. Forbes, Co: 0, :23d do.' 14. B. Markley, Co. I, 23d do. ' 11). 11. Fare, C 0..!, •• 934 do. i 16. W. Gorman, 00. B, Old *do. 17. 11. Borman, 00. H. , Slat 'do.': 18. J. Lowenberg. Co. I, 231 do. i 19. W. 8: Evans, Co: 11. 99th : do. 20. B. &cm e,.00. I, 2d Regiment Cavalry. 21. J Lenie, - Co. B. 12th do: ' do: 1..M.!.13m1th. 00. L, 12th Regiment Cavalry. • 23. D.Mibbo,43o:L, 12th . do. do. • 24. 3. Khmer; CO:1C" 12th ' do. do. • 23. 0. 8. Knox, Co. C,..3d . ,do. do. 26: Ti. Lehman, Co. B, 2d * * . do. Artillery. 27. J. Bentz, 09. If,' 724 do. ' Infantry. 28. •2`.1. Lewis, co. B, 624 do. do. • 1/: W: Clarkson,Vo.D, 49th do. 86. J; , Co. E,-. Bth' .oavalry. . 21..T:)B.Iteed, 06.7; • '1034 do. : ''lnfantry., 82..1). 8. Sh 83d f. do. -I". do. • • 33. J. Corbett), 00. 1, 61st do. do. 34. R. Houston, Co. 3, 10311 do. do. 35. O. Smallwood, Co. Cr, 2.3 d do. do. 38. J. Thelon Co.'o, Slat Regiment Cavalry 37. J. C. Applegate, Co. I, 1036 dv. do. 38. A. Croalord, CO. I, 1434 do. do. 39. 11. Eaton, ^o. IC, 12. h do. Cavalry. 40. J. Miler, Co. B, 12th do. do. 41. A. P. Drcker. Co. D. 49tb do. Infantry. 42 J. Griffith, Co K., Bth Begicuent Cavalry. 43 T..5..m0g0ir, Co. F, 103 d do. Infantry. 44 1). Farra (corporal), Co. D, 26th do. do. 46 J. JAPries, Co. I, 34 do. Cavalry. -- 46 W Miler, Co. C, 8d do. do. 47 T. Orrick', Co. D, 85th do. Infantry. • '4B J. Fisher, Co. C. 10let do. do. • 49. A: Smith, Co. ft, 49th do. do. 50.111. Caldwell, Co. E, 52d do. do. 61. J. H. Patton, Co. I, 49th do. do. • • 62. If. Pavan (lieut ) Co. 1, 85th do. do. 53. 3. B. &attics (enataiu), Co. I), do. 64. 0. Mcorebouse, Co. B, 101etdo. do. 56. T. Sullivan, Co. C, 69th do. do. 56. L Kna pp, Co. C. 03d do. do. 57. J. L. Hanna, Co. D, 95th do: do. 68. G. hlcElderney, U, 101st do. do. 59. J. Donivan, Co. 0, filet do. do. 60. R. 31. Snyder, Co. Li, 15th do. do. 61. P. 'llochetueyer, Co. H, 103 d do. do. 62. E. Burgess, Co. F, 52d do. do. 83. J. B Brown, Co. D, 103 d do. do. 64. R. Cathcart ,Co. 1), 1034 Regiment. 66. R. Emmons, Co. 6', 236 do. 66. 8. Ferris. Co. H, 526 do. 67. J. Thompson, Co. It, 102 d do. 68. L. omBl., Co. 14, 12th do. 69. W. D. Brown, Co. 11, 12th do. 70. F. Alfred, Co 1., 12th do. 71. W. Vi atm (itergt ), Co. I, 12th do. 72 J. W. Bend ow, Co. K,l2th do. 73. J. H. Baum n, Co. 1.., 12th do. 74. M. Voider, Co K, 12th do. 76. Et. 1) Ileffner, 00. D, 40th do. 78. D. Belton', Co 0, 584 do. 77. G. Ostrich, CO I, 88th do. 78:B. 31. Mitchell (sere.), Co. B,llth do. R. 0. Y. A List of Pennsylvania Sick Soldiers in l'atent Of fice Hospital, May 21, 1882. 1, J. B. Miller, 88,1 Regiment. 2. David Raymoud, Co. (3, 49th Reg., convalescent. 8. tiolemon Ittimonel, Co. G, 49th do., do. ' 4: A. I'. BCDjiMiD, do. do., 5...5. II Smy Di, do. It, do., do. .. 6.',W. Cowder, do. 11. 53d do., do. . T. H. lidcl4lsh, d0.1),103d do., do. 8. Daniel Brosenos, do. D, do., do. 9: James Cummings, do. F, 4911, do., do. • 10. B. D. Winn, • do. F, 106th do., ' do. 11. !J. D. Norton, hand, 49th do., do. 12. 'lsaac Fanseer, do. A, 66th do, do. 13. Wm. J. Cook, do.K, 91st do, debility. 14. F. G. Mee, do. 0, Nat do , do'. 15. Thomas Cornier, . do. C, 91st do., do. 18. Thomas IdcGtain, do. 0, 91st do., ' do. 11. Thomas Conroy, do. K, 91st do., typhoid Pnen. 18. Atignstavis A, 91at do., do. 19. Richard Fares, do. A, • 91st do , do. 20. M. S. Snyder, do.K, , Slat do., chronic rhau. 21. W. D. Penthood, cory.,do K, 91st do., do. 22. Emmons Lewis, do. G Olaf do., do. , 23. Same, Mainces, do.B; 91st do., do. 24. - John Rowell, do. G, 91st do., debility. 26. --- Bloon, do. G, 91st do., do. 26. .-,- Olueln, . do. il, 915t.d0., typhoid fever. 27. John T. Lott, • do. 11, 91st do., rhoomatista. 28. John S. Voltz, 63.11, 91st do., do. 29. Min B. Barwarth, do. 11; 91st do., . do. 30. Peter Alhiater, - do. 11, 91st do., do. 31. Palrecbus Kline, do. A, 107th do., debility. 32. Ruble Conrod, do. A ,107ili do , do. 33. Wm. Wattman, do. I', 91st do., remit. fever. 24. David Fordsman, do. F, 91st do., debility. 35. Wm. English, do.B, 91st do. 36. Wm; E. Watkins, do. F, 31st .10. 37; David Gray, ' do. D, Dlet do. 38. Patrick Cahill, 11o.F, 91st do. 39. A o:Price, do. A, 58th do. 40. H. Conklin, . do. L, 58th do., debility. 41. Capt. D. Vanderlin, do. E, 56th do., do. 42. Andrew Ball, -• do. A, 58th do., rheumatism. 43. ,J.. 8. Clarkson, do. A, 107th do., debility. 44. I Scliwain Reuben, do. F, 93d do., do. 45. 'Rufus Slefler, do. B, 104th do , do. • 48. James S. Price, do. A, 104th do., rheumatism. 47. Crispen Bober to Co. C, 104th Regt. rheumatism. 48. ;Ames Douche, Co. F, d 0. .. do. , 49. W. A . Morgan , Co. I, .d do. `5O. W. B. Walker, Co. F, do. do. W. N. Brown, Co. D, do. do. 51. Henry Mercelious, teamster, do. do. 53. Peter Senn, Co. K, 81st Regt., rheumatism. 54. George Bondman, Co. I, sth Artillery, typhoid fever. 55. George Ilelsenborg, Co. L, 524 Rest. la., debility. 56. John 'Y \ ollbold, corporal, Co. F, 98th Regt., rheum' ar. 57. J. I G. Bu er, Co. H, 96th If ogt. debility. ,x 68. Hugh Scat', Co. K, 1034 do. pnettinoaa. 59. Wm. flour, Co. I, do. do. debility. 60.-. Henry Do*, Co. G. 81st do. catarrh. 81. Thomas CI p, Co. D, 01st do. - - • Seminary Hos fal, Georgetown, D C., in charge of S yeon Smith, May 21, 1c62. 1. James Johion, Co. K, 8d Car. • 2. H. Y. C. Bieber, Co. E, 83d Regt. In., debility. 8. J. L. 7 hookon, Cio. D. (Y:d do do. 4. Henry tirne, Co. fd, lot Reserves. 8 7 6 ... J a mes JohnD S s u i r a 7 1 l i r() : 0 Co. .. Y D ' , D 6 l: n h lc t ite a Ci e T e ll .7 ll ) l e. : u, catarrh.rdiseby ility. \ i do. . gunshot wound, - 8 j a ain cerde G n i ta 'u l n . ' °. K, O. Win, Belsford,Co. I, 8d Reserves. 10. Nathaniel Gmbaor, Co. G, 8d Cav:, debility. 11. James Tr mpleepo.: 6', 65th Regt. Is.. debility. 12. Corporal Em Schmidt, Co. E, 'lsth Itgt. In., chronic rlictiratism. • 13. Jacob arter,l. Co. D, 27th Regt. In., chronic c rheumatism.j . 14. John Dalk, CMG, 74th Reg(. In., chronic rheuma tism. ', . . 15. Jacob Maitici,(Co. C, 75th Regt. In., chronic rbeitmatitin: ~ ' 10. John FDIC°. B, 11th Beret. In., hernia. 17. John Cla m(Osborn), Co. E,_ let Cay., chronio theamah i. 1.8. G W. Wile , Co . 0, Ist ()ay., chronic dysentery. ..19. Thomas E.. owilog, Co. I, let Cay., pnonmonia. - 20. Noah Cialut!tell, Co. B, let Cavalry, pnonmorda. 21. keret. Relit. p. Waken, Co. I, let Cavalry, chronic rbeuirmiled 22, William Moitgomerr, Co. 11, Ist Cavalry, hepatitis chronic. .' . . 213:. Henry Swell, CM 0, 188 Cavalry, chronic rhenmet. 24. Alexander. IhirWiok, 04;4 :7,-'l4 Cavalry, typhoid fever. • ' . - 26. Bergs. Joseph Wright, Co. K, let Cavalry, remittent ' lever. 26. Jacob Cole, Co G., 88th CkFralry. 27.•A10nz0 A RM.*'..,-15,11.1-anot wound ag :1. 3. B a. olVer, Cd:21., BON011eb: - ;;-..-... , k. _ - 2Y. F....0ms liortlysoo, 45th, debility. 30. NV. B. Smith, Co:3, 834, dyspepsia. 93 31 . . Jahn am Ecli D elLto ie t b e: 4 111 .. 0 0 7 3c a1 a r , Y . , • 1..--. - • • Columbian College /7' 'tat-Surgeon, C. H. AbadiS. 32. Jacob Frank, bib Vlavalry, fra c c h tn "z rO l o c f b t r he n i c e b g B . lB. - Mites, rheumatism. 1. David Wvetiv7. Co. 4, 83 d Regiment, rheumatism. do t . 4. Thomas Pugh ;00 - . E, lid Regiment, thew:nal:Um. Int. scloper hes 6. Win Estrioger, Oa E, 61st do ..rheumatin. 23 5! John CW rnam rAT Eij i I bum° . 1 el e n: s i 1 •Te r kku' e 1 n' Co. w 1 / 2 . d K o 7I . " E01 t ti ,. d d d 0 0 0 debility 7 Abort A. Boyer, Go. I, 41th do 8. Win. Fry, corporal, Go. I; 49511 Regiment.) 9. George F. Blubaugh, (k.. 0, 81st do i 10. Andrew Jack., Co. C, Slat / do , -11. P. T Clark, corporal, lilo. B, 101st do • 12. Janice York, Co. I, 51st do P I 13. Win. J. Little, 00. I, 67th do 1 14. James Early, On. 0,3 d Cavalry. 15. Solomon !Brewer, Co. 6,93 d Reg/Monti. 16. John Cape, Co. K, 10801 do.. debility.; 17. Franklin Petters, Ca. A 49th do , ty plaid foyer. 18. Adam Boktaret, Co. D., do.. typhoid fever. 19. Calvin Cane, Co. I, 49d0., - diarrhcan 1 1 9 20. I. Hollswarth (band), di do., taboret:duds. 21. Robert GBIIIALO CO. 93d do. 22. Robert Darrell (bend 93d do., rheumatism. '' , 23. W. M. Grose, Co. 11., 9th do , typhoid fever. 24. Ebon Weand, Co. B,Ald do., debility. 2626: StephenW .H . l. li a Lacy, g e .. o . 0 8 .. , Cavalry, 91 0 d i 0 . . t , d di o arr ., d h c ce bi a l , lty acute. ... . ... 27. Alfred W. Mitchell, .K, 634 do. .1 28. Benjamin Wise, Co- 93d do. 29. Jacob Delany, Co: F Sd do., chranic rheumatism. • 30. Frank Wunderling, t do. oavalry. 82 31..' Johnt Francis.Gr en y tl a l o . 8 0 o i i D , 1 0 1 . 3 0 t h . gdho, Co. Infantry. 9.0 t h fracture (accident • • 83; Jacob O. Pickering; 84. Wm. G. Moore, Col 86. Milton 0. Giatly, C 86. H. D. Casson, CO. 37. Wm Oroser, Co. 38. Andrew. White, 39. John - De Foid. Co 40. Charles 0. Keith; 41. Relay Philips, . 42. Wm. Thompson', 43. Willowby Dietric fracture. 44. Jcslah Lenig, Co , 42d infantry, measles 46, Charles Cavanag Co. 11, 6th Cavalry, bubo 48. O. J. Holderman o. 0, do. bronchitis. 47. J. C. Jinn, Co. • do. - sprain. 48. M. J. Joyce, Co. ', do. fracture. 49. David Jones, Co. , do. nenralgia. 60. Adam Gatlin, nor rat, 00. )3, do.. fracture of skull. 51. Philip Kilin Co. , 524 de. • pleurisy. 62. William It Rill, .A, 6th do. contusion. 53. Corporal Mongel,po. G, do. ''catarrhis. 64. Robert Croft, Co 0, 26th infantry, debility. 65. Sorgt. Char. Russ, .F, 28th do. rheumatism. 56. Corp. John Rich e, Co. 0, 26th Infantry, de , • Linty. ET: James Donahourb, Co. F, 104th infantry, injured toot. 56. Christian Hearts, Co. .6., do. foyer. A • 59. James Boyd. Cle. F, 6th Cavalry, asthma 60. Charles White, K, 6th do. bronchitis. 61. Philip Blow, 0 K, do. rheumstism. 62. John 3: Swat t,Po. F, do. debility. 68. George Baker, Co. 0,103 d do. measles. Stone General Horyital, near Washington, in charge of I Surgeonß. .S. .Fry, May 23,1882. • 1. Leo Monier, do. C, 27th Regiment, dysentery. 2.' John Shrop, Co. K, 52d do.. ophthalmia. 8. Michael 111clialy, Co. K,524 do., S. 4. Benry Baker, cetporal, Co. D, 52d do., S b. John Murphy, Co. F, 62d do , amputated leg. . 6. Eli Remus, Co. D, 73d do., incontinent urin. 7. Charles A. Maker, (Jo. D, 834 do., debility. • 8. Lewis Ortat, CMD, 83d do., debility. `9. Wm. Chedwick, Co. D, 88d do., debility. . 10. Flying Johnston, Go. o,BBd do., debility. 11. Philip joust, Co. 11, 1034 do.; debility. 12. Wm. Johnston, Co. a, 109th do. 18. James Miller, Co 0, 109th do. 14. John johnatoo, Co. (1, 109th do. 15. Charles timberger, Co. 0, 109th do. .. . 18. Tholobe Richardson, Ca. I, 109th do. 17. J. Stoner, Co.)), 109th do. . . . 18. Jacob Iluiyard, Co. A, 109th do. 19. Barney Mikan, 00. A,l69th do. 20. Wm. (J. Bay, corpora), Co. C, 109th do, ,• .. A, 6th do Cavalry, diarrhoea 6th do do., gnat; itle. H., 6th do do., convalescent. 52d do. infantry, M011.9i0.5. 13d do Cavalry, hydrocale. 1 8, 3d do. do., do. 1: , ad dodo., pneumonia C. 11, 3d do. do., hydrocola. G, 52t do. Infantry, measles. 6th do. Cavalry, p 'en. Co. J, 6th Regiment, Cavalry, Eckington R4pital.'nedr Washington City, in ekaroe of Surgeon )Y. I. 11. White, Ray 29, 1862. Samuel Price, Co L, Bth Cavalry. Andw. McColliugh, Co. G, 103 d Infantry, measles. Rimrn Daffy, Co. 1,1031d0, died in May, 1882 Joreph Dlungel, Co. E, 103 d do., measles. • Wm. McColionth, Co. 0,103d'd0., chrun. bronchitis. Charles flinc:ally, Go. 11, 75th do., do. do. B. F. O'Bnon,;Co. li, let Artillery, splenitis. Levi Sheffer, Co. 0, 4th Cavalry,typhoid fever. Beni. A • Parks;Co. L, 4th do., led May 7, 1882. James McAbee; Co: B, 4th do., perldatis. Wm. McKeHY,Co. H, 4th do., contusion. :Charles F. Millard. Co: F, 45th Regiment, debility. 0. D.' Nixes, Ca. R, 83d do., mania. John Chadwick:Cr:AL 71st do., chron. dysenterY• Strgt. Edmund Poetsel, Co. A, 4th Cavalry, cont. fever. United States General llospitai, Judiciary Square, • in charge of Assistant ! Surgeon E. P. Vellum, May • 24,1862. ' 1. Jacob Reed, Co. L'B4th Regiment. 2. Alex. Funk, do. do. 8. Geo. A. Black, Co. 0, lltk R. V: C. general debility. 4. George Sty ir; Co. K., 7th do. coryzs. 6. Henry R. labia% Co. D, let Cavalry. debility. '6. George Becraft, Co. r; do. • cl r. broach. 7: George W. Olawson, Co. B, 66th Infantry. 8. Allen H. Bondman, Co. A, do. 9. James Snedeker, do. do. 10. Francis T. Dolk, Co. 0, do. 11. 'Anthony Ballet, do, • do. 12. Jacob Geudner, Co. D, 11th It. V. 0. 13. John WRtraley, Co. L, lak Billet, B. V. C. • 14. Alpheue Cady, do. do. . do. 15. D,Tuprer , cont. Co. 1:1; do. de. 16. Simon idclitaw, do. do. do. 17. V. W. Langworthy, Co. D, do. do.. 18. Joseph Shirk, Co. R, do. do. 19. Orlando P. Davis, Co. G, do. • do. 20. Abra. Newcutumer, Co. A, do. do. 21. Wm. B. Caries', Co. E, . do. • do. B. V. O. 22. thsintel Weiler, Go. (1, do. do. 24.. Jos. VI. Dnau, Co. A, do. do. William Cu o rley;Co.E, do. do. 25... Lewis Parker, Co. O, do. do. 2d. Joseph NlcholsOn, Co. K, 241 B. V. O. - - • - 27. Isaac B. Denton, • Co.r F, sth ' do. 28. John Acbenfow, Co. 11, do. ' do. 29.- Hsr. Stonebreaker, Co. 0, do. ' do. • 30. William Hoye, Co. A, Bth do. .‘31 I ; James Faucet, 'Co. H, let Cavalry, hemorrhage 32.. Martin Buttoy, - Co. 0, let Cavalry. SaMnel Albright, Co. F,.sBth Begt. Infant!. • • 3 4, Addison treng; Co. D, do. do. do. 35. George Kilter Co. D, do. - . do. do.• , • • i 36: John Riche iari B, do. do: - do. ',Wm. dson," Co. B, do. do. ' do. . - 28. Wm-V.-Patch, • Co: B, do. de. • do. O. Andrew G. Fife, Co. L, 72.1 do. do. goners! 40. John Stuart, Co. C, 101st do. do. 41. Mules G. Shutt, . Co. K, 2811, do. do. 42. Samuel Belly, • Co. I, 103 d do. do.' 43. Willie 11. flonfor, 00. A, 49th Reg. Infantry, died 24thlitte, 1861. 44. Chas. C. Ruddick, Co. A, flat do. do. 46. Leotard Rook, Co. A, Bth CavelrY, 40. K. McCormick, Co. H, 12th Begi. R. V. 0. 47. C. Whitmore, 00. F, 74th do. do. 48. William Crouse, CO. r i 85th do. debility. 49. Peter F 7 e, CO. P, 106th do. rheuma tism chronic. 50. Jacob , Co. 0,113 th do. rheuma tism, chronic. 51. Lewis Durhing. Co. D, 7411 r do. rheuma tism chronic. 62. Wm. Ilackenfleld, Co. I, 74th do. scorbutaa. 63. David Simpson, Co. If, 12th R. V. C., fracture. U. Thomas Bogen, do. do., ontiritle. • '65 - Jowl& Mtn, D, 75th Regiment, debility. 56. Casper Bowore, Co. D, 74th Regiment. 67. Daniel uncle, do ' do., debility. 58. Matthew Saber, Co. K , 47th Reg., typhoid lover. 50. Paul Bowers, drummer , Co. D, 74th Regiment. 60. John Sunderling, Co A. 90th .Regimont. 61. John Meieney, Co. 14. 75th Regiment, debility. 02. mullet McCertney, Co. 0, 4th cavalry. 63. Jacob Runder, Co. F, 74th Regiment. 64.8im0n Lambrick, Co. P. 74th Regiment. 65. John Schmidt, 00.11, 74th Regiment, acorlrutus. Oil. John Koolnig, Co 13,* .do. do. 67: Gustave Brant, Co A., do. bronchitis!: 66. Sergeant Rudolph Novrkennet, Co. /I, 73d Regiment, debility. 80. Gebtuat Haller, Co. 0,-73d Itogiment, cond. lunge. 70. Englebert MangerroOrt, Co. 'O, 7311 Regiment. 71. Adam Cramer, Co I, 73d.Regiment, bronchitis. .:2. Sergeant John McGovern, Co. K, 7.1(1 Regiment. 73. George Heavily, 00.11;96th Resiment, chrto rhen'in 74. Michael Renick, Co. B, 27th Regiment, rheumatism. 76. Leonard Wei'hofor, Co. I, 76th do. 76. Thomas L. Clink, Co. A, 57th do. • 177. George B. Keller, Co. A, 90th do. debility. 78. John C. Webb, 00. K, 90th do. debility. 79. Wm. Dailey, Co. 11, 90th • do. orchltie. 80 Jamea Morrow, Co. D. 90th do. 87 G. R. Paul, Co. 17,411, It. V. 0., debility. 82. John Brown, Co. I, 74th Regiment. 83. A. Rnsrell, Co. 11, 4th Cavalry, bullet incision. 84. A. Fahegon, Co. K, 2711 Regiment Infantry, chronic rhenntatiarn. . 86. John Keleg, Co. D, 7411, do. 86. J. Gunder, Co. F, 74th do., rhonmatism. 87. Javier' Schaller, Co. E, 75th do., acorbutie. 88.-72fichael Baumgartner, Co. F, 74th do , rheumatism. 89. Paldna Mil eaten, Co. F, 47th do. 90. George Rustler, Co C, 73d do., rheumatism. 91. F. klabautt, Co. H, 75th do. 92. Theodore Lonbart, Co. 110,73 d do , pneumonia. 93. John Richardson, Co. K, 73d do., phthisis. 94. Joseph French; Co. 1), 107 tn do., measles. 95. Bere't Henry Weckeeeer, Co. 11, 74th do., typhoid fryer. 90. Absaltan J. Potter, Co. I, Bth do, E. V. 0., chronic rheumatism. 97. Wm. Terry, Co. I, 3d do. do., detailed as nurse. 98. Henry Lorman, Co. A, 21 do. do., chronic rheu matism. 99. Joel T. Yount, Co. F, sth "do. do., chronic shone matiem. 100. James M. Gustin, Co. F, sth do. do., debility. 101. Charles B. Aide, Co. B, 6th do. do., rheumatism. 4 162 Henry Cunningham, Co. G, Bth do do., sprained knee.. 103. rdward Curran, Co. K. Ist Cavalry, detailed as at. • • tendant: . . 104. Wm. H. Mershin; Co. 0,3 d Regiment, R. V. 0., catarrh-nurse. • 105. Br beet Oahe, Co. K, let do. Cavalry, hemorrhage. 106. Albert Wordier, Co.. A, 3d do. R. V. 0., fever. 107. Christian Kaufman, Co. H, lat do. do debility. 108. Henry A. Harlan, Co. 0, sth do. do.. debility. 109. Henry F. Fusater, Co. I, lot do. Cavalry, chronic rheumatism. 110. Harry Klap, Co. E, let Regiment, Cavalry, ;chronic • rheumatism. 111. Robert Edlebute, Co. H,l2th do. do. 112. Jeremiah Shafer, Co. A, 10th do. do. 113. Alexander Lane, Co. 11, Ist do. Cavalry. 114. Robt Duddy, Co. A, 12th do. R. V. 0. 335. The. Diendenhall, Co. A, 6th do. do. 116. Joseph McLaughlin, do., let do. do. 117. Thomas Martins, Co. .61, Ist Cavalry. 118. John P. Kink, doe do. : 119. William Patton, Co. I, do. 120. Patrick Abbott, do., 6th Regiment, It. VO. 121. Frank Rouse, Co. GI, do. • do. 122. Thomas Cloyd, Co. I, 12th do. do. • 123. William Crider, Co. I, I,t do. Cavalry. 124: John Cook, Co. D, 10111 do. B. T. 0: 125. Jam. W. Bauer, Co. F, 10th Co. do. 120. leasc.Pickel, Co. E, let do. do. 127. Jas. W. Weimer, Co. 0, 10th do. do. • • 128. Lorenzo A. Ries, Co. I, let do. Cavalry. It WHOLESALE• HOUSES SOAB,CE GOODS. EIRENAIDINF4 VEILS, In Mode, Woo,- Blue, fleck, Brown, and Green CRAPE AND LOVE yEILS, All Sizes NARROW TRIMMING RIBBONS, Corded Edges, Nos. 4 and 6; in all colors M. L. HALLOWELL & Co., m731.6t] 333 MARICHT STREET. RETAIL DRY GOODS GREAT REDUCTION IN PRICES OF LIGHT, PLAIN, AND FANOY 01-OTI-I SACQ I,723 """ _ - FROM no TO $6. PROM $l4 TO $B. Thai garments are elegant and rich In appearance, al much eo as Silk Garments at twice the coat, and are thin enough to be worn the entire season. J, W. PROCTOR & CO., 920 CHESTNUT STREET. my3o-tjeB MEN'S AND BOYS' WEAR CASSIMERES. LIGHT MIXTURES. SILK *MURES. FINK BLACK .'CLOTHS., LADIES? OLOANINGI3. BIIO4.DCLOTEIS. BILK MIXED,COiTINGS ! , • , NEW DrELTONS. COOPER & COWARD. S. E. CORNER NINTH AND MARKET. JRAASSELBERRY WILL 02E El • THIS MOElNiNG,',Auaton pnichasee during the past week, the following goods: 10 pieces, all linen, Huckaback, at 12g, extra hoavy. 10 do. do. . - do. " 14 do. 100 doz. Huckaback - Towels, all linen, $1.05 per doz. 60 do. do. do. 51.373( do. 10 pieces pare linen Damask, unbleached, 3731 es4o cts. • DRICSsi GOODS. 30 pieces smell check, Silk and Wool Darege Poplins at 21 cents, cost to import 32. • 10 pieces plain 4.4 Mozambique!, cheap. 6 pieces silk and wool Mozambinues, 2 yards wide. 1 additional case of Ho zatablques, at 12%. 10 Mecca eager quality half-mourning striped Mohair!, 12X. 30 pieces black and while Organdy Lawns, 12X. 44 pieces pink Organdy Lawns, at I'2X. . • IIL &OK SILKS. BL &OK SILKS Black Silks at the old prices. No advance, from 75 cents so $2.8736. Above goods bonght for cash, before the rice. FOULARD SILKS. etrlyed Thule rds, 'at 37X. X stripe atm plaid Poniards, at 44 and 50 cents. Blue Delano", the right shade, 31 o 37x. CANTON MATTINGS. CANTON ULTTINGS. Arranged in second- etory, at last year's auction prices. No importation this season, and will be much higher. Bed check Ilattings, 8-4, 4.4. 5-4, and 0-4. White Battings, 4-4, 5.4; and 0.4. J. B. OASSELBZERY, Mammoth Dry Goods Goose, 95 N. 21011TH street, below Arch. P. 13.—A fresh supply of the Double Action, Flexure Skirt, patent, containing 18 binges. Also, a fresh invoice of the -Bnreka Patent Skirt. Agency for both. ", • . ' • It "PYRE LANDELL, FOURTH and ARCH, Lava s line aseortment of Stimmer Shawls. VIRE' Sr, LANDELL have the Black I_4 and'Whito Plaid Bins for Bonnets sad Dresses at 81 per yard. je2 ErtE & LANJAL6.IIAVE "the shionable Black 88k.Iiimilesiudwof the big Taffeta. Silks and . Paris shapes; ,:j(':S.t:<': Sea' VIRE it LANDELL — have desirable JLII. styles dark 'Breach Lairui ;Alas, tha chest stock of low•Drlcod Lawns. leg EYBE LANDELL Spring and Stinuner Did Goode M low Prices. $62 1024 OWS N. TBD'7"T M. NEEDLES. Hee received by the letest, arrivals from Swope, the following desirable goods, suitable to the re. s. uirements of the present season, which he offers t very low pricea : Narrow Guipure and TalenclenueLsees, suitable for trimming dresses and Garibaldi's ; neat linen embroidered Breakfast 'Dollars and sets; 20 place e (n fresh invoice) orpoffed Garibaldi muslin ; also, new goods in points. Valencienne and other laces; a new lot of .Valenclenne lace trimmed. Handker chiefs ; also, ruffled French Cambric Handkerchiefs embroidered in colors ; 'Magpie (black and 'white figured) Lace Veils; Barbee in real thread, Chan tiny, and point° aplique ; involCeof choice styles Paris-mfuie Infante ceps. The special atten. ra lion of ladies intending to visit out of town during the Blamer is called to the above, as also to my exteuslre assortment of. White Goods and Linens, adapted to summer uses ; a great variety' of plaid. Im striped, dotted, flowed, and plainmuslins, and nets, ti hle for Garibaldi's, kn. rey26 1024 ,OHNSTNUT EITRICILT LINENLINENS AT IKPORTERS' PRICES. S —RICHARDSON'S and DENIMS -DICKSON'S celebrated SHIRTING and IRONTING MINNS, re ceived tram tbe manufacturers direct, and pritarantled perfect—to which tho attention of buyers and the trade generally la respectfully Invited. SHEPPARD, VAN ILABLINGRN, & ARRISON, • arlo-rptf 1008 CHESTNUT Street. D EBEL.:NOTES AND POSTAGE lilt STAMPS ATM &LP PE:M S .—Fourteen differeit Rae; Notes and Postage Stamps sent pest'pald on re. celpt. .of twrnty-tise cents. Trade supplied at 50 cents per 100; or *4 per MOO. Address B. C. - UPHAat, mySo.3t* 400 CHESTNUT Street, Philadelphia. fiROSSE & 'BLACKWELL'S ENG- Lisu PICKLEB.—A fresh importation of English Pickles and Sauces, just ß received and for male by HODES & IVILLId S, • , .• • ,107 South )9.k11111, Street. 111.!:" !TRUNKS. VALISES, . 15 ), s.. Lit N. P.: DUTTON% ) N0:927 MARKET ' ..,Street, bolovii,Tootb, uorth Eny3o-Btlv MONUMENTS AND &BAV 3 6TONEI3 at very rodueed prices at blarble Vi'oricr oS A. STEIN-KEW., SIDON ti.vetans, Wog, irlevautt amt. sitaa-autif PHOTOGRAPHS. • PRICES TO SUIT THE TIMES.— unuER, in view of the times, is executing. kW "- pry% Ports AMP, life-size Photographs in oil cob" at war prima SECOND Street, above Gree n . • 11* REV. WM. J. It. TAYLOR,..D.D.- we shall publish THIS (bIiONDLY) SOBBING a very fine Card Photograph of Rev. Williom L B. Tay lor, P.D. Price 25 cents • Mc:ALLISTER & BBOTIIBR, 128 CHILSTNI/T Street. REV. THOMAS BRAINERD, D.D. Reedy THIS MORNING $ very floe Card Pictare of Rev. Thomas Brainerd, D.D., Pastor of the Old Pirm•eireet Church." , Price 26 cents. • Sent by mad, free of charge. . moeursrza A BROTHS% je2-2t •: CHESTNUT &rept. pEV. W: CROSWELL DOANE:— wo publish TOZI&Y a very flue Card Picture of lice. Wm Creswell Dosage. Price 26 cents Wiled free of charge. IIIoaLLISTED & BROTHER, je2.2t • • -7213 CIIIMPBUT Street. IR YOU WANT •.A. FINE, NATURAL, eat icfactory Pietro*, go to . ; 31,11:11dirdrS, SEOOND Street, above Green. Ins Chdomed Photographs are un rivalled by any yet , ms4s.• $l, only. IiZJO.ND dtreet, above Green.' • . . lctk PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS, Imported from Pada; Bailin, and Vienna, toted styles and improvements, whOleelde and retail. SOHOLZ & JAL 111111Tgf.T. nil Booth WOO TEI Street. NEW PUBLICATIONS T.BB HOUSEKEEPER'S .NEVE .NEVER. . FAILING COMPANION. WHAT KNOW. OR THE ECONOMIOAL 000 K AND HOUSE BOOK,• comprising live bnnared receipts for the daily dulled of a Housekeeper; for cooking, preserving, pickling, washing, Ironing, gardening, plain and fancy needlework, putting Up of winter stores, and numerous neer receipt., useful and needful in every well• regulated household- By ELI ZABETH NICHOLSON. 1 vol., Dime. 50 eta ,‘ 'The people called Quakers," it is well known, live well and not expensively, and as every one wants to know bow to do the same, we ivivise them to Faye money by Blending a modicum of it for this book, a. it contains the compound concentrated essence of iood Quaker cooking and housekeeping in every branch of it. Quietly and steadily it has worked its way until it has reaohed a fourth edition, each Wale being enlarged and improved. For sale, with 81%0 colleetion of all the beet Cook Books, by. WLI,LIAM. P. HAXiRr je2-3t 724 CHESTNUT street, below EIGHTH. NEW BOOK! NEW BOOK!, THE OHRISTAN SABBATH: its History, Autho rity, Duties, Benefits, and Civil Relations: see:Lei:of dis courses by Rev. W. L. Rice, D. D., Rev. Williatn . Tiagne, Rev. Harvey D. Geese, Rev. William Adams, D D., and the Rev. Alexander H. Vinton, D. 1).; with a sketch of the Sabbath reforini by the secretary of the New York Sabbath Oommitiee. likno, 76 eta. For side by WILLLklif. S. k ALFRED MARTIAN, ta722 No. 606 OSESTNIIT Street. DRY GOODS JOBBEEt.4. NEW eItING: arm • SUMMER M. L.l-IALLOWELL & 00,, sss 11111RHET aad 37 NORTH FOURTH EMI Wholesale Dealers in SILKS AND FANCY DRY GOODS, Desirous of selling off their stock of goods, previous to removing to their New Store, in " JAYNE'S - MARBLE BUILDING," CHESTNUT STREET, Offer for the remainder of the season, at Wholesale only, their AVISAOTrirE STOCK of recently-purchased DRESS GOODS. At prime generally much ander COST OF IMPORTATION. Thep m aLso offer, at LOW PRICES. well•seleoted aseentatestt of other goods in their line, many of which will be 'sold at a GREAT SACRIFICE. 409-rmirfAles SPRING MILLINERY. OpREMOVAL. MINES OM RYAN, 924 ORISTNTIT Street, have removed to 1107 WALNUT Street, three doors above Rle venth, northeafdo, and will open PARIS MILLINRRY, for the Sarin*. on THURSO AY. horn 17. aol2-2m* PROPOSALS. P OWE RS' HOTEL, Nos. 17 and 19 remt BOW, (OPPOSITE TEE ASTOII IrOOSE,) NSW YORK TERMS 31.50 PEE DAY This gopnlar Roth! has lately been thoroughly reno vated and refurnished, and now possesses all the requi sites of a FIRST-OLASS ROTEL The . petrobege of , .Philadelphiana and the travelling public, desiring the beet aceopmeletirme---A---w.,-Z EQUlP minas, TWELFTH A.ND igRAAD STS. • . PaiLinstruis, Jane 2, 1862. PROPOSALS will be received at this office until El/I DLY, 6th Jute, at 12 o'clock. 11., to furnish: TEN THOUSAND DL ALL' FELT UNIFORII HATS, to be of the army standard, a sample of which can be seen at tbis Office, to be made of the regular as. eortmeut of sizes. Subject to inspection. Proposals will be endorsed, ""Proposals for Army Hata," and addressed to G. a 0.11091/.17, Deputy Quartermaster Geneial A RBa zi !,]LO3!3ING. AND EQU TWITARIr Algo 411ARD STRUTS, PIIELAMILPIttI. tday 30,1862.5 I'IIOPOSA.LB will be received at this Office until 12 o'cloCk Id , on Tuesday, 3d of June, to furnish .500 sets Hospital Tent roles. 500 Wall Tent Poles. Proposals will st►te the earliest time they can bo deli vered, as they are wanted as soon as possible. To be endorsed "Proposols for Tent Poles," and addressed to G. H. 080811fAlf, Peputy.44.ll. General 11. 8: A. (IFFICE OF THE COMMISSARY v..." 01' SUBSISTENCE, No. 1139 GIBABD Street, Philadelphia, June 2,1862. • Sealed proposals wal be received at this Office, until 12 o'clock on the 6th day of June, 3882, for purchasing from the S. CovernmOnt, for cash, 29 barrels Mess Beef not required for issue at this post. The Beef may bo examined at the 11. S. Commissary Storehouse, Broad and Prime streets, by those wishing to bid, to date of opening Pronolals. Bids to be endorsed 4, Bids tor purchasing Mess Beef," and directed to F. N. BOCK, Capt. and C. S. Vol. Service. fIRDNAIiOE OFFICE, . A.! N 0.55 WHITE Street Nsw Irons, May 31, 196 TO DEALERS IN Altit3.—lfiret-class Enfield El fin, Muskets, in port ready for immediate delivery, will bo purchased, subject to inspection, by United States GOTVlTlTGetit.on i neplication to the undersigned. Par dialing Office, 65 WRITE Street, New York. No other description of arms aro wanted or will be purchased. • S. ourspor, je2Altif • °Wain of Ordnance. BI ORDER. OF THE PRESIDENT .AIJ' Orlin?, UNITED STATES, the following con demned OBDBANCR STORES will be sold at Public Auction, on TUESDAY, Jane 3d, at the Bolted States Armors , . Springfteid, vie: 887 Tips for Stocks. 2,494 Batt Plates. 1,023 Guard .. s 1,242 6. Bows. • _ 1,763 Swivels. 1,326 Triggers. 86 Trigger Screws. . 20 Guard .4 1,150 Leaf Bight Bases. 169 First Leaf. 311 Second Leaf. 28 Joint Screws. 28 Base " 46 Front Sights. 1,998 Breech Screws. 1,928 Corea. 166 Vent Screws. 7,49$ Barrels in various stages. 1,862 .. faill•hed. 627 .. rifled. • Lilt Upper Bands, 1,883 Middle .. 1,654 Lower .. 537 Band Springs. 1.236 Lock. Plates. • • 1.2E9 Magazine Cover Studs. 150 . " .. Catches. 303' 4 . - Ci..vers. 1,076 .. Cover Rivets. 168,600 Pounds Coarse Scrap Iron. 284,000 .. Fine .. ~ 80 , 000 4. Old Cast. ~ 130 Feeding Springs. 881 " Fingers. 982 Illain-Spring Swivels. 167 ' " . Swivel Rivets. 1.271 Hammers. 3,224 Tumblers. 6,126 Bridles. 1,136 Seam. • 1,654 Sear Epilogs. 1,761 Book Screws. 4,928 Main Springs. ' • 1,460 Side Screw Washers. .. 007 .' Screws. • 486 Ramrods. 1,162 Bayonets. 167 Bayonet Clasps. 46 Wipers. .. • . ' 600 Files (worn). v 460 Cadet Barrels. 427 Pistol .4 ' ' 1 Screw Drop. 6 Ratchet Drops.. 1 Large Wood Fan. 1 Small Iron .. - 50 Powder Barrels. 9,164 Bough Stocks. 10,251 Stocks in various stages. 187 Barrels model 1842, rifled. . 8 Vices. 7 Harnesses (worn). 27,748 Pounds Scrap Cast Steel. • 00,0 to rr Sliding Chips. 209 .• 4 . Toole. Sale to commence at 10 o'clock A. M. Terms Cash AU bills to be paid in Specie or Treasury Notes. A. B. DYER, Captain Commanding. U. S. Amway, May 27th, 1862. my3o.4t MATTINGS ! MATTINGS! MAT TINGS !. 8-4 WHITE AND °NECKED, 4-4 WHITE AND,CHECKED, • 6-4 WHITE AND CHECKED, 6.4 WHITE AND CHECKED, AT LOW PRiozs YOE CASH. . BEETS L. RIFIGIT, No. 262 Beath BECIOND street., West side, neer Spruce._ 107 974 m it TVORITYPE I 3 , —The finest piotures .I.of the kind a-e made at 1111181 IPS: In effect of light and shade and color they aro wonderful. Gallery, SE COND Street, abotei.Green. Itte riTURTLE AND. CLAM SOUP served 1 up doily (19uudsys excepted) by JAMES PROS. 508 tdiNIEZT Street. • F1011111(018121)plied G _ RAY OR DISCOLORED .HA.IB eyed a beautiful black or brown at FOtrItTEI and 8116.1.4C11. • my3l..ifti PUBLIC SALE OF COAL OILS LARGE LOT OF COAL OIL AT PUBLIC SALE. 150 BARRELS SUPEIBIOX REFINED, NON-IXPLOSIVI COAL-OIL, WM be melt AT PUBLIC ' SALE, -AT BUTLER'S' WAREHOUSE, . BORTH. BROAD STREET, ow • TUESDAY MOBBING, JUNE 3D, AT 10.CLOOK.. About 640 gallons of the above 011 is tont tip in five gallon rams, and cared (five cane to the caeo), in excel lent order, either for shipping or home trade. The cane are 811 etipplied with spivrenta. The remainder of the 021 is in good barrels. The 011 will be e)ld in iota to snit plirebasere, with the privilege of taking the whole. TERMS will be made known on the morning of sale. ,my2o•dt SUMMER RESORTS. BEDFORD • SPRINGS.-A. G. AL. LEN• respectfully informsahe public (bat this cele brated and fabldonable WATERING PLACE Is now open and fully prepared for the reception of visitors, sod will be kept open nntil the let of October. Persons wishing Bedford Mineral Water will be sip plied at the following prices at the Sprioge—yis: For a barrel (oak) 83 00 " half-boned" 2 00 the wishing rooms or any. information in regard to the placo will address the Bedford Mineral Borings Company." mr2ft-fiw VLORENCE HEIGIITS.-3111.6. BANDCREN respectfnily informs the former Pa trons of this beautiful surartlEß RESORT, and the public generally, that the House will be opened for the season, under her management, on the 15th JUNK_ For terms, and any other information, apply at Mrs. LIVELY'S, 12111 CHVISTNUT Street m924-12t AMUSEMENTS ASSEMBLY BUILDINGS. CA PTAIN -WILLIAms , GREAT NAIITIOAfi• ENTWAINMENT, THRILLING SCENE A IN TUB LIFE OF A YANKNIEI WIT MEDIAN', EVIBY • EVIC bTING. at 8 n'clock precielv. SELEO) MATINEE, SATURDAY at 3 o'clock. Adrnheion 25 cents. Six Tickets for one dollar. Chil dren 10 cents. Liberal arrangements made for schools on WednastUK Aftorncona. ja2-6t* TBE GRAND FIELD-DAY AND . FETE OTIAMPETRE IN HONOR • OF THE PHILADELPHIA CADETS Will take place MONDAY, Jane 9, at EDGEWOO). For wheelers, please to apply at No. 319 Booth BROAD Street. M. EILA9EO G. ECKEIVDORF. jet WEI. JOHN DREW'S ARCA-STREET THEATRE. Acting and Stage Manager W. S. FREDERICK& Butting , Agent and "f rammer JOS. D. INTruntr. ENGAGEMENT OF F. S. 0 ANFRAII. MONDAY, TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY. Charles Oaflor's National Drama of BULL RUN; Or, the Sacking of Fairfax Court Hoare Jut)liar, (a contraband,) Previous to the drama, the • WIDOW'S VICTIM - . Jeremiah Clip - F. S. Chanfralt. Podgy Frank Brew. Jane Clatteriv ...Mrs. C. Flood. Prices as usual. 7JOOII open at TX. Curtain th 3133 at 8 o'clock jt2.3t WALNU T• STRE VT THEATRE NINTH and WALNUT Streets. Sole Lemeo Mrs. M. A. GarzeMitow. FIRST NIGHT OF MISS KIMBERLY. THIS (MONDAY) 'EVENING. lime 2, 1862, The performance will commence with THE HIDDEN iffAND. Oapftole Mies RiMberir. Wool Mr. B. Yoyng. To catch: de with the laughable burhroue of THE ETA.GIi-STRII6i Tom Tape, the tailor Mr. Vining Dowers- Bally &resat ' Kra. Anna Ooweil. rarons-60, 873(, 76, and SS erne; Private Dorm, 86 and $5, according to their look. Doors open at 7X o'clock. To commence at 7X. LAUGHING GAS. Dr. COLTON, at the mggeation and request of se veral prominent citizens, will hare the honor of giving ONE MORE EXHIBITION of the LAUGHING. GAB for Lad ea and Gentlemen, AT CONCERT BALL. ' ON TORSO ialr EVENING:JURE 3, On this occasion TWELVE GENTLENEN and SIX LADIES will again Inhale the Gas—the same care as formerly being exercised in the selection. The PaPtailr TBEM&TVE BROTHERS Will give a brief and brilliant Concert, closing wink ' , Rally for the 'Union," received rightly wi is the most hearty applause. Dr. O. has the extreme pleasure to announce that 5111. DAVID the i'Tyrotenn Vocalist," who crested such a sunset(' at the last exbitiits . o n fia en er moment war eggp_onthts - 01Wng in interest any he haw yet given. Oa MONDAY kV rEinroolsr, Jima 2, Dr. C. will give en Exhibition for LADIES ONLY. Twenty Ladies will inhale the Oar. Admission 10 cents. Commencing at 3 o'clock. Tuesday evening, Tickele 25 cents. Children 15. Doors open at 7.. Com Mince at II o'clock. my 31-St B. FRANCES ANNE KEKBLE'S ALL . • HEADINGS AT CONCERT HALL. SHAMSPX SALE HEADINGS. MtEi. EEMBLE WILL BEAD TOE FOLLOWING COLIESE OP PLAYS: SATIIIIDAY, Blot inst.—a Midsummer Nigher Dream.') MONDAY, June 2d.--rt The Tempeit. ,, WEDNESDAY, June 4th —" Merchant of Venice." FRIDAY, June 6th —"Henry the Fifth." The- Beadinas will besin at 8 o'clock P. M. precisely. except the Saturday Beading, - which will be given et 8 o'clock P. M. Punctuality la earnestly requested. The doors will be opened one hour beforethe Readings. TICKETS ONE DOLL AR EACH. To bo bad of T.B. PDGII, Sixth and Chestnut Streets, and at the Mall on the opening of the dome. my,29-tf pENNSYVIA_NIA ACADEMY OF TUE FINE ABIB. Thirty-ninth Annual Exhi bition of Paintings and Sculpture, 1025 CRESTNTIT Street. Open from 9 A. M. till 8 P. Id., and from', P. M. till 10 P. 8!. Admittance 25 cents; Beason Tickets 50 cents. Stockholders, Arliats, and Contributors will reodue their tickets at the Academy: no admission!! without. Open from 9 A. M. till 7 P. M., and from 8 till 111 P.M. sal WAff WANTED—A Boy to learn Curry - - ing. Apply at W. 00 ER'S Leatttor and Mad jog Store, SECOND and WILLOW. Its 200 WORK . HORSES WANTED.-:- Applv at HAGUE & S ASSUAN'S Livery sts- Wei, SAN BHT Street, below Girard avenue. Eiebte•ntk tayBl-43t* PARTNER WANTED.L-The adver tiser drakes a partner with some cspital and elDeri sacetoJoin Malin the Produce and Commission hu•tnas. Address '• Omega," it this Mike. my26-10tik DEPUTY QUARTERMASTER GR IMRAUB 021'10E, Pm LADELPHIA. May 71, 1862. WANTED ieIItIEDIATELY, 300 able bodied, healthy melt, to go to Yirecia, as la borers. Pay 525 per month, and a ration per day. For Jortber particulars, apply to A. 8.-IiII6TISi at 227 South FRONT Street.. A. BOYD, my27-0t Capt. sad A. Q. M. COUNTRY ROUSE ".WANTED —Ono large and furnialnd near CHESTNUT BILL or GERMANTOWN preferred. Addreu 1533 LOCUST Street. inr27400 111. B. MARINES.-WA TED- For the U. S. Marine Corps, for sea service aboard of men-of-war. SEVERAL HUNDRED ABLE— BODIED MEN. between the ages of 18 and 31 years. All information that may be required, will be given at the Rendezvous, 811 South Broca street, below Spruce, Philadelphia. JAMES LEWIS, no2o-1.2t. ' °satrap and Recruiting °Moor. FOR SALE AND TO LET. in A HANDSOME STONE COT MEI-a TAGE, north of DIANUEIN Street, GERMAN TOWN, i.JD be sold on TUESDAY, Jose 3, at the- EXCHANGE, by TROIK & SONS, at desirable is eser7 respect. AS Terme easy. noon. Very FLNANCIAL. AMERICAN GOLD WANTED, At bizb prices. ONE.TIZAB CEETIFIOLTES FOB Sara; SEVEN-LUC-THREE-TENTHS /iNE COUPON SONDE. TOE semi DREXEL: & Go., $6,000 5 u, m tN: ge. s A 4 , ,O pl O y Ci to TO ALFRED FUME% No. 51 North SIZETR Street. m720-6t* VrILITARY AND NAV - A - 1. ILA_ AGENCY. JOSEPII E. DEVITT A CO , (Late Pinion Agents for U. S. Gevernment,l AGENTS For the Adjueiment and Collection of Claims against the United States or any State Government, An. Principal Officals, No. 427 WALS'IIT Street, Phila. delphla. Donuts', Enlistment, Recruiting, Subsistence, Transportation, Commutation and Rent of Quarters, Pay Dolls Adjusted and Negotiated, Transfers Effected, Prize Money, Beck Pay, and fibrillar Claims attended to. . .. . . 110 'charge unless the claim is adjostod eatistactOvilY, .witli preroptnesa end correctness. Information given as to the location or catuiltlon of any realmeet. Applica• Lions by mall attended to as It made in person. it THE COPARTNERSHIP . HERE . torero existing between the eubsOilbers, under the firm of ABBOTT, JOHNTS, & CO., to this day dissolved by mutest comers. The bueineee of the firm will Do set tled by George W. debries and :William H. Ilorry, either of whom if: authorised to Bien In liquidation. REDMAN ABBOTT 'GEORGE W. JOIINE, WILJA AK H. EhERT, GEORGE J. GBOBS. 'WILLIAM T. WILCOX. Philadelphia. June 2,1862. 302.12t* .I.ANUTS.-RHODES' & ' . WILLI &MS, No. 107 South WATER Street, offer for able the following 100 bales Princess Almonds. 20 Lsnguedoc , 4 • . 20 eici 20 Rogilati Walnuts. • lb " Filberts. ,• 100 bags Pea Nuts. . . 10 Wee Brazil Nuts. • • 100 boxes 11. R. Raisins. . 100 Lsyer 100 bolt boxes IL B. Estates. LAMS'. TRUSSES, .SUPPORT EBB, BRACES, and other bleoltardoal Apvtionowla A correct conetrnotion and early to the 'wearer. For salt and adjustment at 0. H. NEEDLES' LADIES' STORE, rW BLEW! Street, first door below Rooe. Gentlemen requiring nurture Trusses will call at ibr lonthweet corner TWELFTH end RAON, whore 0. H Y. gives attention to this spootoltootare. 1nb.12-Bcod ..:F.6Chaufras. 3e Booth TIMID Street.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers