THE CITY. {FOR ADDITIONAL CITY NfiWH, HE* FOURTH FAOS j iUBTHEB INVESTIGATION 07 TBS EXPLO SION IN THE FIRST WARD. VERDICT OF THE JURY. Last evening the investigation Into tho cause of the re cent explosion of the cartridge factory or Sir. Jt*ekeou, in the First w«d, was resumed *t the office of Coroner Conrad, in Fourth street, below Chestnut. A number of new witnesses were examined, but no uew additional iacts were elicited Hr. Jacks-n informed us that gtfU more young indiov; about thirty in number, have called •onhim for employment, the; understanding that he con templated again commencing the business. When asked if they were not afraid of the dangers attending the manufacture of these cartridges, they nil answered in the .•necaizTe. and one of them stated Bbo would rather labor ,nt this work, with all its dangers at a living salary, than 2o w ork elsewhere for the poor pay and ealure all the insults and taunts to which working girls are generally Subjected. Mr. Jackson has just had completed an im proved machine, commenced before thesKpiosion, which .can be used for moulding cartridges without any danger. One of his two daughters who were shockingly burned and otherwise injured, is improving rapidly, and the either, sUhoueh by no means out of danger, is doing as •well »b can be expected. The following evidence was elicited last evening: Mies Atm e Griffiths, a young girt, was first sworn. She was in the parking room* at time of the explo sion. waiting for the fftrtridaea to do- • she Arse saw the •blsze and biuoke hi the moulding room; she did not re collect hearing any noise: the cartridges were drying iu the yard; there were some in the packing room; there •was five u»t.d in the toorn where t»h“ was; thn hre was kindled l«y Mr. Jackson’s son; ho was always very care ful in doing it. Alddf-biAr, Lenlz swrn.—Tie sining In htS OfilCf, A the comer oF Passyuok road and Beed Btroet, nea--y opposite the factory, at the time of tne explosion; t*tfl first noire caused the transom over hisdoor to tall in; the second explosion was very sharp, and broke all the glass; lie ran into the street; saw numerous ones in Haines, IMlMiihg In all directions; be saw the third explosion ' tho other two he did not; between tbe grit a d second explosion there wag probably au intermission of three ta iiutes t f ire Marshr.l Blackburn here staged that those who were most likely to know anything of the ftfluir were either dead or so seriously Injured as f o be unable to lip* pear, while others, who were iu the building at tho time, were so much frightened as not to bo able to recollect nothing. Officer Burling sworn.—He was there a few minutes after the exfinaipn; t)« BIW Mr. ililCk.On’fl BOH in tl.e uortlmest corner of the enclosure; he was not Quite d< ad ; as soon ns ho thought H safe h« weut rip to him j he was unconscious, but lived about twenty miiintsa. Fire Marshal BJackbnrn further Mated that, from all he could learn from the wonudwl and from thog© who had died, the explosion had occurred in ttie moulding room, «id was caused, as shown In the evidence at the first in "irt-stigation, by the iron p linger striKing tho mould, Mr. Jackson, tbe proprietor of the factory, hero stated that since the explosion he. with oth*> s, hai tried expe riments of igniting powder by a violent blow, without 'She aid of a spark. Mr flkarlee Bullock, one of the jurors, stated that he had condensed the evidence elicited for the use of the .jury, which he read. He quoted from a work on « Ord nance and Gunnery,” iu wbi. h it says that, according to •various authors, powder explores by the coiJi.uuu of iron against iron, iron upon brass, byapa against coppfer. and I*3© readily by copper against topper. It also explodes l>j the shock of bronze and copper, iron and marble, Quartz and quartz, lend and lead. Experiments were here made with common gun - Jooioder arid gw cation, laid on an anril and struck a blow u-tfft a hammer, exploded the same ■if ignited with a t 7TutHC. -Tho cartridges mauutactu.od at Mr Jaeksgn's also exploded in tho same mauner, thus plainly tbowing that the exultation wax canted by the iron plunger coming in contact with the brass mould Containing thepoteder. Tte evidence here clesedi Md tbe jury retired to ogee6 Tipr-u a verdict. VERDICT OF TIIE JFRT. The jury, after a careful examination of all the evi dence before them, are of opinion that the firing of the powder, which resulted eo disastrously, was occasioned by tbs detonation and ignition of a seal* of dry powder tinder one of the iron rammers used by the moulders of the cartridges. This supposition is tiro .gtbened by the testimony of one of the hands, since deceased, employed in the moulding department, who said he saw tH6 first jßft?ll mid IE & blow Struck bp or the person on tt>« •opposite side of the work-table. The ..ury further find, that all the deaths, thus far, re sulted from the explofelon, at the placo and time named. They also find that, in view of the particularly dan* serous process employed in the manufacture of the cartridges described, the establisbmnn' In which the work was performed was not fitted for the purpose to which At was applied, and many obviously essential precautions, to prevent accident, seem to bren OQliruly us* glccted They also find that an amount of powder far bpjoiKl that allowed by the law of March 20. 1856, known as tbe “Powder Law,” was habitually in use on the premises, to the constant imminent peril of life and property- (Th* jury would urjse upon the pr >per authorities tho must strict enforcement of the powder law, aad the en .actxnciitof such additional laws as ma> be necessary to priveat the location of such dangerous establishments as *bat recently under the charge of Mr. Jackson Within the* built-up pattidM of tbe oily. The tel a ware Bay.—A . s})ecial fcecering or the Board of Trade was held lost evening, for purpose of hearing Lieutenant George A. Davidson tha TGiTIIU of bf 3 latA survey <?F the Delaware • river, below fort Delaware and at Port MiiliiQ. Liuat. pav-dson is alt ached to the Ccaat Survey Department, and at the time of tbe breaking out of the rebellion was or. his v.cvj- to Florida, to attend (0 the duties of bis po .SiliQfi. Wo give a sjaopsU of M* remarks: la tie %t-ar 1811, tho first by Orographic survey of the Delaware bar and river was made. At that time the in sin ship channel was between the Pea Patch Inland aad ti e Delaware sbor-, Its arersge «Mch being 600 /aid*, The late emvej lifls dei’bLpysi ih« fast that in twenty cars there have been many changes in the bed of fhe r’.vtr. Those dim?* s arc s*iil aoing oo; in pome places the channel is deepening, wtnl* iu others it is rapidly filing up. The shoal that formerly extended tue rea Patch has been cat a* ay, tho soil being thrown on Jo the DtJawartf sfcoru. The finoai above tne 3siar.d hft« advanced up tr.e river about 1,300 yard*, Fiom Beedy Point, the 18 feet liue has artvftuoed into «ke river about 1,800 feet Forty-two fret of water NtS3 found witbiu 40 feet of tbe e übankment at Fort Tfctiavftre. This survey fcaa shown that tha current will ultimately endanger the wall* of the fort. At fi-iow Island, on the shore, where there w.»s formerly dry hind ftl low wrttr", there is now eight feet if water Teasels going to the east of Fort Delaware can carry the Hood-tide an ln.v.r longer than in the channel on the Delaware side of the rmr. The meSr. chancel runs within one and a quarter milfs o7Reedy'lv>n»t,and, of course, within the reach of gnus. whole of Salem cove is a mml-lUt, with only live to •ate ft et of water upon it. If fortification* arc placed •upon. ITJsinhoro Point and ILcdy Point, any vessel •coining up have to p*3S u&dcr tlieSr gUQfc as ■wril as those of Fort DeiiiTr& r ** Jr; answer to a question, the lieutenant ntvzd that th? .-attention r.f the proper authorities hai been drawn to the threatening the wails of the fort. Gea. Totten lias been very solicitous about the matter. The current there is very strong, and fa fast; carrying away the gouth es.-t comer cf the isistiO. a drawing twenty «i«ht fret of water can com-i above New Caatle without difficult?. At no dace was less than fwprsty-two feet 'foiled at low water, or twenty-eight at high water, and that only for a short diaWuce. AitiMush thr. east chan nel is much shorter ami iaf‘»r than that on ivost side •of river, it is comparatively li’tln u-»ed bv our ailofca. As the > have been, from boyhood. arcu»t -med to pass up •apd down on the west side, they will continue to do so as long as a ehailop will float there, being a very conserva tive' cet of men, and opposed to any m*w-f*ngled ideas. H*e only vessel? habitually using ihs Pfigt filianne! are fbe sreomers which ply from Philadelphia to Boston. F The lieutenant expressed the belief that the best policy of defence for our river was by means of floating bat terifi, Ci* like tue Monitor could rest upon a dot, with only fmftr It. sis feet of water iiadfr hfTi ftnfi in that position cguM not t>e blown up, and no large vessel coud ap proach her. A resolution of thanks was given to Lieutenant David son. ftftei which the meeting ttf.hjumed. Trouble at the Arsenal. ~We un» <WrWand that there has recently been an investigation, at the United States Arsmal, on Grav’s Ferry road, into thr quality and kind of leather used in the manufacture of army shoes. Charges were made that the leather was of a r^ry-:r.ffr!orfiu»lityj and The investigation wftsor ■dtred by Quartermaster Grosman, who caim&l the In spection of s large lot of hides in store, which, it is said, were feund answer fully the requirements of the Governs ent. Col. Grosman <l*-9‘rves credit for thus promptly apprehending -and rectifying a matter of this kind, however slight, touching tb* of the Go vermviprit. ft is said the investigation will lead to the dismissal of certain parties. Accibent. —About half past 5 o’clock : iavt evening a lady, whose name we could not ascertain, lrad her f«ot cat off by ene of the Eiehrh-ntreet cars, at Jtisfith *r4 Walnut street*. She was tifeen to hoe real ' deuce in a fainting condition. ‘We UNDERSTAND that it is the inten tinn of the First Regiment Infantry (Gray Rflsorvfts) to celebrate the anniversary of it 9 organization, at the AOfldtJny Of Music, 6h Saturday ©v«*uing, inat. An •oration vHI be delivered, which will ne followed by a irr.met adp conceit. The piocbpob will be applied to the TPhif r.f ovt rfck and wounded soldiers. FINANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL. THE MONEY MARKET. Philadelphia, Aoril 11 1832. There U but little movement in Stocks to report, the f&arkct continuing very dull, and prices without varia tion. Beading Railroad stock is steady at 21)$ ; Penu -syivaai* Railroad stock at 46# •, City Sixes, new, gained #, and Government certificates ef indebtedness advanced 'to 97. Rrexfrt A Co. quote— New York exchange.., Boston eichsoge ■Baltimore exchange.... Country funds geld ‘One year ceitificatw.. Tho anthracite and bituminous cnal brought down on the Beading Railroad and Schuylkill Canal this weeki •gras as follows: Railroad, this week in 1860 36.310 tons 1801 31,421 u a- 33,01-0 Canal, this week in 1860..., 31,713 ** « 3861 25,047 »* «« 1862 21,862 The followin’ i 3 the amount of coal shipped over the ;Sußttafr*lva mid Drotid Top Mountain Railroad, for the ending Wednesday, April 9, 1862, and since J - anary 1: Week. Previously. Total. Tonff. To***. Tuna. ■ 7,82.5 52.788 90.248 ".*,".".".4,208 34,255 38,463 The ina(v»ctiGDS of Flour and Meal in Philadelpbla, burins ttw week ending April 10, 1862, were as fellows j ItaiTCla of Superfine do Fine do Middlings.. do Rye do Corn Meal, d<> Condemned. The statements of the banks of the three principal «citiea of the Union, for the lu»t week, compare with the preTioua ona, and the corresponding time of 1861, as fol lows T.oar.s. Jtejxwils. Sptcio. fjjinil’n. K, York. .41£MTT,484 i'4,«9Vi!i S»,7>» B*2 ",i.9i.(Ul Bouton. . 61,2P3,°74 21.014.-100 8 674,170 6.557,153 2PM!ad» 28,087,691 16,636.548 5,636.421 3.378,070 T0ta1...*216,724.148 131.733,183 48.324 976 17,636,766 214:213 TSS 131,417,’,17 47 137 1 2 16,571.127 Last I car 215.318.284 151,328,007 88,423.851 19,039,457 .fhilmlrlphin Stock Exctoage Salea, April 11. [Be ported by S. E. SLAy.MAKKi: rhila. Exchange.] FIBST BOaBD 2 Prona B 46JSJ 100 City 6s now 9. 26 do ~,, 46k 6<Kl di new*ll3., 1000 Penna B, 24 ru... 92 15 Corn E.* Bat'K... 2aft 2800 Hooding 05,'88... 771 i 500 Sell Nar 01, ’Bl.. 82 800 U 8 Of coup, ’Bl.. 94 100 Bead B 2 lys. 21 £ KOO North i’enna os.. 68 jg! 1000 0p c I>>-M cert .. 97 2000 do 68J<: 4 Has Coal ..sswn 44J4 1000 an 68>g j 5 fhi.a Hank M 3 1000 City-Os new.,,.,, 9734! BETWEEN iOOO Fcnun &s 83| oiHK) do sfiwn 83 6000 do sswn 83 1000 do ..bswhB3 SECOND 30 Long Island 1t,,, 13^' 10 do,.* 13# 50 do 13# 30 North Ponna R,, 7 1000 Perffia sr. s 5. 83 300 do 83 2000City6anew.,,,., 97# 1000 do new 07# AFTER 2000 Elmira R 7s CLOSING PB Bid . Asked. VS 6s 1881 PS# i>4 VBTr7 8-10 N 100 Philada fis 91 91# Pbilada 6s uew. 90# 97 # Pem>a 05....... 883 Beading R.... 21.31 21^ Read m6s *BO ’43 94# 95# Keadbda’T?.... 87# 88 ’B6.. 77# 77# PemiSTl 46# 46#' Pennaßlm6s.loo# 101 Penim R2m6i 92 92# Morris Cnl Con. 37# 41 Morris CnlFref 111# 112 Sch Stock. .. 5 Bell Nnv Pref... 10# 11# Bch Nav 6a ’82.. 61# 62# Ehniraß 7 7# N«W YdPlc Si The following were the a&l' board to-day 25000 IT 86s ’Bl Beg.. 93 ft 20 Penno Coal 80 ; 1000 U 8 6s 1 yr certs 97ft 28 Pacific M 8 Co. .100 6000 US 65'74 Cp.... 87 100 do .slO.lOO 7000 N Carolina da... 00 100 do 130. 100 5000 Tenn 6s ’9O. .slO 55ft 100 do 100 ft 1 000 d 0... 1)30 551 f 50Brio B "10 30# 10000 do 5514 50 do s6O 30)4 5000 do s3O 55 100 Hod Hi Tor 36),' 10000 Missouri 0s 49 X 100 Midi 9 & N 1.... 23 15000 d 0.,........ 49J4 100 111 Osnt Sop 01ft 10000 do 830 40 10 Gal & Cbi R 68 2060 Culifoi nia 7s 80 200 CleTO & Tut 8.. 45)4 10000 Am Gold "5.10171 200 do s3O 45ft 10000 do .660.102 106 Mil A PdnO 26 I*sooo d 0... b 3.102 22 lud & Cin R.... 20 00000 d0......b10.102 CITY ITEMS. New Unitarian Minister,— The Second Unitarian Society has engaged the Rev Wm. L. Chaffi.i, a graduate of Meadville College, for a limited period. Mr. C. comes highly recommended by the prosirient of that college, is, from account!* a young proajhor decided talent. Prospective Improvement in Mr. J. W» Price’s Restaurant. The steadily increasing pa tronage of Mr. J. W. Price, proprfet l r of the first-class Restaurant, Southwest corner of Fourth and Chestnut, has rendered it necessary to enlarge his facilities for ac cnnmcd&ling the public, which he is now doing. From an advance glimpse at the addition, we feel assured that the hosts of gentlemen who habitually dine at Price’s s in days in the week, will do so hereafter with even more comfort than heretofore. We shall have more to say about this improvement when it in completed. In the meantime, we would advise our readers who have not yet practically tested the merits of Price’s dinimrsu or sup pers either, to do so on our recommendation. Mb. A. L. Vansakt, the most celebrated confectioner in thi9 country, now exhibits in bis elegant store. Ninth and Chestnut, a choice variety of Sweet Jordan Roasted Almonds, Vanilla Cream Chocolates, de licious Butter Taffy, Cream Walnuts, and other confec tions, all of the finest flavor; also, elegant Almerta Grapes, sweet Havana Oranges, and other tropical fraits in geacoc. WiTTF.its & Co.’s Lamps fob Bfrnino Kerosene Oil are as safe a light as a sperm-oil lamp or a tallow candle, and for neatness, convenience, and economy are unequalled by anv other portable light in use. We commend them t<? every household in the Union. Spring Confectionery.—Messrs. - E. G. Whitman & Co., Second street, below Chestnut, have just brought out several choice pew varieties of con fectionsj especially adapted for the present season, that are aa tempting to the eye aa they are delicious to the palate. Their store, notwithstanding the inclement weather this week, has been daily crowded with cus tomers. Their confections have a national reputation fts being unrivalled for purity, variety, richness, and deli cacy of flavor. Fi re Imported Malt Liquors, for.invalids or tabic use, can always be bad at the store of Mr. C- H. Mattson, dialer in fine family groceries, Arch and Tenth streets. His London Brown Stout and Scotch Ales are considered tbo finest imported. It is truly alarming to contemplate the immense amount cf human suffering from disease Of the Pulmonary Organs, ditch as Coughs, Coids, Group, Con sumption, Asthma, Bronchitis, Whooping Cough, Spit ting of Blood, Ac., &c.: and yet a large amount of these dueaecs may be speedily and radically cured by that well-known remedy, Jayne’s Expectorant. It Is a itmedy lor the above and similar eomplainU which can not be equalled, as. the evidence of. thousands who have been cured by it will verify,. Prepared only at 242 Chestnut street. Betrothing in ancient time was a much m re solemn and binding engagement tl>An wh*fc la now known by the name of engagement between two lover?. It waaacontractformally transacted in the presencenf wj' • i-estcs. and considered legally bine ing on both patties. Thi marriage ceremony followed at a convenient time, when the happy couple would appear diefssd lu their plainest robf.°, feinting unite a contrast with those who wear the beautiful styles of garments manufactured byGranville Stokes, at his Mammoth Emporium, No. 609 Chestnut fciiett, Philadelphia. The Beauty of Laiv.— A stockholder in a New Yo; k bank rued the directors upon the following facts : The plaintiff, on applying for his dividend, was offered the EmcuDt, 556, in New York State currency then at cmc-tonrlh per cent, discount. This the stock holder refused, paying that he would either take specie or the note* of their own bank, on which he could get specie. The directors objected, and the suit wa? com merced. Tbe suit has passed through all of the inferior courts, and is now before the Court of Appeals. Tba costs on both sides have already reached several hundred dollars, while the controversy involves only Jijleen cents discount. This suit evidently will not pay. The liti gants had better have invested their money ie a suit that would pay Ihfltia, a spring SW7—at Charles Stokes 1 one price Clothing Stole, under the “ Continental.’* The Coming Battle at Yorktown.— We are nil holding our breath with suspense as to the result of the coming battle at Yorktown. Magnifier ie said to have a hundred them and rebels within his entrench meets, while Ibo gallant McClellan has an army of gal lant fellows who ArG prepared to battle to the last ex tremity in the cause of the Union, SeVCr&l regiments from our own State are before the works at Yorktown, and great expectations are indulged concerning them where they are best known* They are all accomplished soldiers, and in the best possible condition for service, having procured their uniforms at the Brown Stone Clothing Hall of Itockhill & Wilson, Nos. 603 and 605 Chestnut street, above Sixtb, Philadelphia. McClellan has splendid fighting material in bis command. ARRIVALS AT THE HOTELS OOJiTINENTAI. HOTEL—Ninth »n 4 Oheatnnt ate. J W Gniy, If Turk J D CliajaVsnii Wwlli Fa K 0 Ultuicliar'i, Indiana H Mayo, Boston Bateman Goe, Penna W H Bod, N York Mrs C SI Wench, Boston M SchaJ), York, Pa C N York 3) Wallace. ntlsbuTg G Snell, B niton v r Kettridge, New Haven E S Jennings, N York J S Kwifl&ll, N York \V Thompson & la, Dul E F Hooker, lowa T F Young, N York' Miss Young, N York Sira Ely, N York Dr N T Moore. N York B T Dare Boston Co 1 Wilkinson, N York Capi Blair. N York W H Strong, Albany R S Bancroft, Albany H Hoyt! IHflPgSChUiOttl (UIM B Ptttt & Maaa Mrs J P Dale, Mass Otis L Hammond. Ma« T H Cozzena & 1». N York Juo W Cornell & wf, Mass Win Stover fc la, New York A M Stark, Olvo C T Curtis, New' York H S Magraw, Lancaster C W Metcalfe, Dar-rillo, Ky JG Talbot, PanriHo, Ivy Chna H Wolff, Cincinnati F CUrkann, Now York J Passmore, Penna Oapfc R S Lammot, USA John A Morris Jos H Wightman, Boston Geo N Parmrater, Boston S B Spiuuey, Boston Oliver B Spurr, Boston Alf T Turner, Boston C Fergusou, San Francisco Gordou Haniersley T, C Hamerdey J S Hamersley Suniuel E Sawyer, Boston P H Oalerander A wf, H Y W J Walker, Kentucky Chas Albro & wf, Taunton ,7 B Bray ton, Fall River J Kingsbery, USA K C Upbam ft wf, VS N H S McCombe, Delaware Evan Morris, Cbes co, Pa B F Palmer, Bos on A P Downs, Boston J A Clarke, New York John fintimu Boston RobtH Snow, Now York D JTollidav, Baltimore H Tallant, Wheeling, Va N Blod, New York F Hay, New York B Brook Nyce, Baltimore H Dale, Clinton, C W Geo B Hollis, Dorset, Yt Mr Kirtland & la, N York E Stanley, Missouri C Hager, Lancaster C T Joner. New York Chas Bardotling, N Jersey Dr ,t Wnot\ New York P S Duncomh, N~w York H B Ingram and lady Wm W Gandy, New York C Coilins, Hartford F G Ballard A 1, Boston J S CortisK, Chicago N Thayer & 2 sons, Boston Mr Berry. New York J 0 Wilson, Pittsburg B Franklin, New York A C Duuham, lltrkf jrd D M iUbome, Atiburh Mias Hitchcnck, N fork Mi"B Bulkley, Now York C J Duoont & l. Delaware H B Dupont, Delaw we Jas M Cnnpernsll, N York \V Burden, Brooklyn W M Brewater, New York E Corning, Albany Thos T Wierman, Harriab’g M T Hedges, New York 70 Clapp, New York J P Vincent & wf, Frio Ira 0 Whitehead A la Mrs W N Wood Rot P Irving John S Loomis, Sp ! tffield,lll Chna C Moore, N Y Goo H Moore, New York W H Tliomoson, St Louis J C Derby, New York Miss M A Derby. N York 31 A Hudson, New York J Hoburt & la, Washington E C Johtfcon, New York Lieut H B Butcher, USA D Miller* Baltimore L Rich, Main® TltOb Clarke, Baltimore K H Middleton, Baltimore K Wilmer, Delaware Mr Green, Wash, D G J Atwood Par to I*lo dig. “to 1-10 •• ... “to 1-08“ . Hto % « lif to ] pro. M!»i to 41 MERCHANTS’ HOTEL—Fourth at., below Arch, w Fairchild, Kansas c Hampshire, Jeaiiville t Pa J llllStfiH, Ohio D 0 Anderson, Franklin, O V Xnnhftlifcr ft in, Morcor B Levy, Centro co, Pa John C LumviHe, Ohio A Weiler, Ohio Wm S Young. Allentown W G Patton, Columbia, Pa J H Burger, New Bedford Sol Huber, ChambersUnrg All J Bnnkfr. Shlppensburg Geu Israel Painter, Pa Mjw JsniPgoii, Wnab, D 0 MI« Auuh Jaiueaoa D O B Yon Eifer, New Jersey IV J Moodle, Ashland D p Bible, Newbern,N 0 J S Woolaay, New York Geo A gold, Williamsport Wellington Jones, Auburn T A Lambert, Reading John Newcomer, Jr, P* A W Coulter, Pennsylvania AIV M<?Kinßtry* N Y Thrw Boyd, VVsttrii’ji co, Pa Mrs Graham, C mire co, Pa J V Forster, Centre co, Pa Miss Bead, ttimiasburg Mrs R Curtin, Centro co P H Kelly, Ohio J H A twater, Prov, B I JR Crawford, Penna B Curtin, Centre co M H Angeli, Columbia F S Hildebrand, Berlin, Pa \V !i Jolmton, "Ido j Danner, Canton. Ohio 8 W Fowls, Boston IV H McAUaster, USA N Pe’cru, Delaware H B Walton, Delaware I ieut H Buck, USA A Martin ft a, Lima, N Y V. Lougjor, Lima, NT HB Smith. New York S Builer, New York W New York F Dann, New Yoris C L Prishtng* Penoa Hod it Rowland,Pike co,l*u J O Uildwell, I‘utrna G W Stein, Penna ... 8,761 AMERICAN HOTEL—Chefltnut at, above Fifth. D Gei/endanner, Jr, Aid J G Nokos, Pittsburg WJ> Ludlow, New York H C Bond, St Lonis 1) ThAIUkH, Jj, 0 & Currviu, Peuusylvauia fiond Osgood, Saco, file Geo H Jorda t, Saco, Mu H Lawson, Norristown L Bruutou «la, Penna J»b Y Smith, Reading j HI Woodall. I clawore B K Holdane. Now York J C. RevHle, fililford. Lei Jos R 3 r augesel IVinO SattcyMd, Meryliuid Jsa Wilson, WUUamspori J tl Matlock BT. LOUIS HOTEL—Chestnut street, above Third. Mrs Simpson, Bilstol, Va Abolßretr, Oounecticut w B Suiitb, Tror, BI E Wilaou, New York 51W rvaraun. Buffalo TIV Ofay. w S Norton, Baltimore A UCUristiau, M Chunk \ K Potts Isaac Potter, Cincinnati! M» s Van Suren., Sclij l co,Pa O U Tucker , Boston R W Carter, Wash, l> C Isaac Davege, New York J C Lyman W Byan I\ li Realey. Kent co. Md J B BeMfard, Milford. Del. V R Milford, Ua t BOARDS. 15000 Penn aR 2d m... 92 38 Catawissa fi oref. A V 20 do 6* 100OUy R.niii.... 91* 5000 Penn* It 2d m... 92 25 Reading R 21.31 2000 r<mna 6.4 reg.... 99 If 1000 U 8 coup 6s, *Bl.. 500 do 03* 15 Fonnalt BOARDS. HOES—DULL. Bid. Asked. Elmira R Prf... IS* 16 Klmiia 7s-T3.. 73 74 L Island R 13tf 13* Le’gh Cl & Nav 51 52 Le Cl & NavScp 3A?£ 36# [NPeunaß 7 7£ N Penna 86».. 68 68* NPenna 10f til 84* •'Jatftw R 00n... 1 % 2 Catnwissa Prof. 6W 611 Frk A Sthwfc R. 45 doc & Thd-st R. 66jf 60 RACAAVirte>st R 5 6 W Phil*la U... S3jf M Spruce A Pine., lnjj 10 & Green A Coate*. 23 24 ObcsA Walnut, 30 31 Arch Street.... 18 19 Jtock UoaTii* lea of stocks at the second VP TO 12 O’CLOCK LAST SIOHT J H Warner, Ohio THE UNION—Areh street, »bov« Tiura. Q A Crane, New York B Little, Sparta, Illinois Israel BVilltr, Ty»ou<- H F Harman, Muncy, Fa Geo Stoltz, Muncy, Pa B M Green, Mnuc>, I’a £ U Bussell. Muncy, Pa BP Marshall. Penna b K Rollins, Pennsylvania A McConnkKi AttUOttt J F Illechensdurfer, Ohio H Parsons, Ohio J K Smith, Jr, Pittsburg Miss M Smith, Pittsburg Wm Locber, Lancaster I. G Graff Wtu Lind, Lewis town S J Bouskulp* Hagerstown Wm W Rogers, Pittstown K Somers, Indiana A War, Terre Haute Miss C Way, lerre Haute L A Penwigm Ohio A 8 Gw, Gonlan, Pa Jot n H Peareol. Lancaster G Y Warren L A Buckley, Easton* Pa JB Storms, Del W Gap J H YVoUe, Be'blthem, Pn JC Montgomery, Ponna \V T Black, Illinois STATES TOlQB—Market Btnmh aboTo filth* YVKHunter,Weetmorel’it co J W Woddell. Wooster,® J H Murry, New York 0 Jones, New York P Worn 11, Connecticut Mrs Chamtors, Virginia C C Culver, Illinois H Shaw, Connellsville, Pa G Bundle, Cliurcblowr, Pa Jos Anderson, Penna j Smelt, Broad Ton, Pa BC KeynoMe, Marylaod E j Boatch. Yorktown, Ya Q ffl. Kiddle, Pbitoda D Grubb, Pottatowu K Levis, Media, Pa Wm Chamber* Penua Goo L PUtt, Harrisb’g, Ta B F Barron, Jenna J W Ely, Carlisle, Pa Sam! Moser, Girard, Ohio J Sikes, New York COMMERCIAL—BIith street, above Chestnut J Kennedy, Lane co. Pa H L Brinton, Penna' E H Seal, Chest* r co, Pa Mrs U A Baker, theater so Mias I* Baker, Ches co, P* A Bitrdsall, Del City Job Pyle. Chester co, Pft J L RlfttOb & l ft. CbO.tfor CO Wm Balaton, Chester co, Tft Wm Foy, Chester co, Pa 1) Kimble, Chester co, Pft W A Johnson, Chesco, Fa D K Cochran, Ches co, Pa D J Brogn, Wilrn, Del J Darlington, Ches co, Pa S Mason, Delaware NATIONAL HOTEL—Race street, above Third. John Kilgore, Ohio II Schock, Scbylk Haven Capt G Junker, Florida Geo W Slater, Pottsville y J Schork, Pennsylvania Miss A Spyker, Lewisburg Jonas Haas, Pennsylvania E Adner, Wheeling, Va J 11 Beam, Lebanon county H J Meily, Lebanon co John S Lentz. Lebanon co C Henry A la, Lebanon K MMi*, DfthvMU BCias M Barkty, Danville Mrs Vnnckston, Danville S Dreifus. Towanda M H Buwmau, Palmyra J Wolf, Pennsylvania J G Cleveland, Oirville, Pa ttAPtttft HOUSE—Second street* above Market J Fell, Bucks co. Pa H Horner A la. Maryland K D Gcodwiu Ala, Wash T Mablon, Port .Royal J Tucker, Norristown G Donaghny, Bridgeton,NJ S Stokes, Stroudsburg, Pa AConard, Wilm, Del J Bo»en, New Jersey D Jeanoß, Penna ABlhker, NOHrlfctovh James Norton, Bonding BLACK BEAK—Third street, above OallowhlU. W N Treicbler, Teuna T S Headman, Ponna II S Clemens, MD, Penna C Harper, Jenkintown W Faff, YardJeyvihe I L Treater, Yftr&toTYiUe S A Neal, Y»rdlej vlllo P Dahl, B'Wiing C Morrison. Penna J Stevens, Byberry WH 11 oilman, Allentown J P Knight, Bucks co. Pa S Stillwell, Bucks co*Jßa J Willard, Bucks co, Pa A B W Knight, Peasterville W Goforth C Roads, Souierton A S Roads, Sornertpu J Whiift), Northampton T f> Wolf, Danboro F Tomlinson, Byberry JArs Tomlinson, Byberry SJC Broadbent, Bucks co •' S Trumhowor, Doylestown B Burroughs, YardleyviUe W I Shafer, Harrisburg G Clemens, Chester Y&Hey, Pa MOUNT YEBNON HOTEL—Second Bt„ ab. Arch. A New ton, Pittsburg S Furguson, New Jersey F Weaver, New Jersey W Kinßey, Harrisburg J B Y'ancleve, Jobnsville, Pa SEVERE HOUSE—Third etwat, above Race. Rufus Yerf* Bethlehem Miss Eberath. Bethlehem J Sayboit, Newark Jos Whitaker, Mt Clair MARIN £ INTELLIGENCE. SEE FOURTH PAGE ARRIVED. Ship Zered.MoGonagle, 22 days from Londonderry, with 615 tons salt nnd 18 passengers to II Taylor A Co. Schr J G Babcock, Hand, 6 days tw>«. Boston, in bal last to captain. Schr John Jones, Corson. 3 days from New York, with mdse to captain. tebr R P King, Leeds, 3 days from New York, with mdse to D Cooper. Scbr Olivia, Foi, 1 day from Odessa, Del, with grain to Christian A Co. Schr Mary, Hendrickson, 1 day from Odessa, Del, with grain to Christian A Co. Scbr Pandora, Conway, 3 days from Federalsburg, Sid, with railroad ties to Jas L Bewiey & Co. Schr Clayton A Lowber, Jackson, 1 day from Smyrna, Dp), with corn to Jag L Bewloy A Co. Schr Wm George, Hazel, 1 day from Bmyrna, Del, with lies to Jae L Bewiey & Co. • Schr Mechanic, Conies, 1 day from Odessa, Del, with corn to Jas L Bewiey <fc Co. CLEARED Schr Thos P Cooper, Taylor, Washington, L Auden ried & Co. Schr E S Downing, Thorn, do do Schr Volta, Brooks, Boston, R A Powell. . Schr Panthea, Clark, Boston, do . Sfhr E T Smith* Smith, Fortress Monroe, Tylor, Stone & Co. Schr R Thompson, Bhikiston, do do Schr J Buckalco, Mcllvaine, Hartford, W M Baird A Co. Sclir J H Jones, Street* Washington, Hammett, Van. Duscn A Locbman. Schr L A Danenbower. Barrett, Boston, do Schr Mary Priscilla, Smith, Washington, do Schr Cornelia, Noyes, Washington, Noble, Caldwell A Co. Schr Fair Leader, Adams, Salisbury, Md, J W Bacon. Schr John Jones, Corson, Providence, Castner, Stick uey A Wellington* m gtr J S Sbriver, Dennis, Baltimore, A Groves, Jr. SAILED Ship Adelaide Bell, for Liverpool, cleared by Polar Wright A Sons, Uft on Friday forenoon, in tow of Citv Ice Boat. Her cargo consists or 3205 bhls flour, 18.917 biuluia vheftt in bulk, 9,360 do corn In bulk. 6.012 flo grain in hags, 476 pkgs lard, 470 tierces and 50 barro a beef, 330 bbls pork, 234 pkgs tallow*, lard oil, Ac, 99 bxs bacon. 89# tous logwood. 37 hhdsand 25 tes hams, 37 hi.da bark, 4do tallow, and 4 cases indso. MEMORANDA. Steamship Northern Light, Tinklepangh, for Aspin wall, cleared at New York yesterday. Steamship Etna, Kennedy, cleared at New York yes terday for Liverpool. „ „ . , „ Slop Goddess, Crowell, for San Francisco, cleared at Ef yeslfeidky. Brig Francis J King, Futber, hence, at Key Weßt 31st ult. M , T , . Brig Rebecca Sheppard, Somers, sailed from Key \\ eat 81et ult. for Philadelphia. v , Schr J P English, Nickerson, cleared at Neif York yesterday for Wilmington, Del. . . Schr Compliance, Andrew, cleared at Borton 10th mat. lor Odessa* Del , . . . t , Scbr Abigail Haley, Haley, hence, arrived at Key G*W Hynaon, Scull, sailed from Key West 2Sth ult for MataiiZiMi , Schr Jas English, Nickcmn, from Boston for Phila delphia, sailed from Newport 9th in6t. Schr Lizzie W Dyer, McDuffie, cleared at Portland 9th intt. for Philadelphia. Steamer Vulcan, Morrison, hence, arrived at N York jvetsrtey* NOTICE, TO MARINERS. , Notice is hereby given that toe Nantucket South Shoal Eight Vessel has arrived in Fyanniafrom Now York, and new moorings bttviug been furnished lior* she will he replaced upon her station as soon as the weather will permit. . By order of the Lighthouse Board. E. A. LONG, Clerk to L. H. Inspector, Second District. Boston, April 10,1862. SPECIAL. NOTICES- TnE Gbeat Victory. BY THE BARB OP T6w£r hall. It ie a melancholy thought That victory must be dearly bought; That many a patriot must be slain, A triumph o'er base foes to gain, And make tUc rebels ruei Alas, that any traitor’s deed Should cause on honest heart to bleed ! Alas, that felon hosts should claim The soldier’s doom, the soldier’s fame, To truth and honor due! But let our slaughtered heroes be Embalmed in grateful memory; In brass and marble write their praise, And trophies let the nation raise To virtue so adorned; While for tfce unpitied, culprit dead, No anthem peals, no prayer is said \ But on each, perjured leader’s head Contempt and execrations dread In torrents shall be poured. At Tower Hall we raise tbe cry, The joyful note of « victory ! M But oh, the melancholy thought That victory was eo dearly bought! In contemplation of our great successes in battle, and the anticipation of others, let it not be forgotten that we are prepared, at Tower Hall, with an unequalled stock of Spring Clothing— fAat we buy and sell for cash only —and are iiiuH enabled to offer goods, surpassed in stylo and workmanship by none, at prices which defy compe* tilion. Our stock embraces every grade and quality of goods, from low priced to the finest. TOWEB HALL, No. 618 MARKET St., l>kit». BENNETT JO. The Popular Remedy.—Jumelle’s COMPOUND SYRUP OF DOCK ia the most jojiular medicine, because it la the Lest Cougli Syrup, the best Blood Purifier, the niDst potent invigerator, and the moat soothing aud epeedy cure for paina iu the lunga and spitting of blood. For Bale by the proprietor, F. JU MELBE, No. 1525 MARKET Street, and by all Drug giata. ap!2-aw2t* One-Price CuoTniNa, of the Latest Sttlxb, made In the Beat Manner, expremlyfor RETAIL SALES. LOWEST Selling Pricea marked in Plain Figures. All Goods made to Order warranted saltafac* tory. Our OKK-FurOf Sybtch is strictly adhered to. All are thereby treated alike. se22-lj JONES A 00., 404 MARKET Street. r7Tw?rrr—OFFICE OF THE ADAMS ■t?#B COMPANY, 06 CHESTNUT STREET, PiILADILTHU, January 27, 1802. The Adams Express Company having enlarged their facilities at Washington, D G., by building a Railroad depot, and having acquired additional capacity for transportation, are now prepared to forward Heavy Express freights, Packages, and Parcels, to Wash iugton, Georgetown, Alexandria, Annapolis, Frederick, Adamatown, Fortress Monroe, and other places South occupied by the army, at greatly reduced rate,. Special agreements made for merchandize in large lots. Sutlers’ goods and army supplies at satisfactory prices, on application at our office. Soldiers’ parcels taken at much lees than our usual rates. Heavy and bulky packages received and receipted for at our depot, S. S. corner of BROAD and LOCUffT MARRIED. YOUNG—PARK.—On the 9th Instant, by Rev. Wm. Cooper, Mr. Andiew H. Young to Miss Jane A. Park, all ot Philadelphia. * ROBERTSON—COOK.—On the 23d tdtiaio, by Rev. Joseph H Keiinard, Mr. William H. Robertson to Mi»S Ellen CoDk, both of this city. * DIED. Cl. AG HORN —On Friday afternoon, 11th iustaat, Sarah Iteed, wire of John W. Claghorn, aged SO years.* * SMITH.—On the Uth innumt. Currie E. F., wife of Will Mon F. Smith _ . Funeral from 2126 Summer street, oa Sunday, 13th instant, at IP. M. To proceed to Woodlands Cemetery. [Washington and Baltimore papers please copy. * CLAYTON.—At Denver City, Colorado, ou the 20th of March, Mrs. Letltia F. f Cl#yt9B, WIW 94 V. W&MI. Ului ton, ami daughter of P. D. MyerSa Ksq. The relatives and friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend the fuueraU from the residence of hef father. No. 605 Marshal! street, on Monday afternoon, st 2 o’ck'tk. 4 ** CONSTABLE —On the 10th instant, John Constable, in the 75th Ida ago. * RIIAIVN. —On the Uth instant, Mrs. Jane Bhawn, wife of George W. Rhawn. • . The relatives and friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend the funeral, without further notice, irom the residence of her hnibandf near >o* Chape, 9Q Monday> Uth lust., at t o’citek. To proceed to Abinff ton.. ** THE PRESS.—PHILADELPHIA, SATURDAY, APRIL 12, 1862. SHIPS.—On the IQlh Instant, George D. Krlps, aged 34 > ears. Funeral from his late residence, No. 1320 North Se venth Afreet, on Monday morning, at 10 o'clock TJNROH 9o the 9th instant, Samuel H* Unruh, in the 17 ih j*t«r vf his j»gei Funeral from \iU late residence, Gorgre street, Ger mantown, on Monday morning, at 10 o’clock. MEREDITH.—On the 9th instant, In the 61st year of her age, Catharine Meredith, wife of Robt. F. Meredith. Fui eral from the residence of her husband, No 3 Hyde court, Fillin't street, below Ninth, on Mondap aftPMPon, it 06’61-ck. * MYRRd.—un the 9th instant, Mr. Nathan Myers, agetl (2 jears. Funeral from bis late residence. No. 1118 Columbia avenue, {late Hanover street,) on Sunday afternoon, at 3 o’« lock * KELSON —On the fllh instant, WilHim Charles Nel son, in the 23d year of his age. Funeral from the residence of his father, No. 618 South SixtePDth street, this (Saturday) afternoon, at 1 o’clock. —On the Bth Inst, John Pfitaeu malor, in the 61st year of his age. Funeral from his late residence, 218 Jarvis strooL be* 10->v tie<-d. on Sunday afternoon, at 2 W o’clock. * REDFIELD.—On the 9th Instant, Willie if., son of Jumps anil Ellen Bcdtleld, aged 4 months nnd 4 days. Funeral firm tho residenco or his parents, No. 949 S. Sixth street, this (Saturday) afternoon, ut 2 o’clock- FAUROE,—>On the 9th instant John H Faiinco. son of Hannah nnd the late George Faunco, in the 80th year of his age. Fnncral from the residence of his brother-in-law, 'William M. Garwood, No. 140 Edward street, on Sunday afternoon, at! o’clock * GOODS, AT C*SH lu PRICES.—BIack Bombazines, 62)4* 75,and 87# cts ; All-wool Tamiscs, 75 cts; AIL wool 31 cts; Camels’ Hair Baroges, 37)$ cts: Grape Maretz, cts: MilAnaiie Bftregos. eu: Silk Cba'Jiea, Si# cte; Satin Plaid Barogeß, 18jk ctej Plain Bareges, 15, and 18# eta; Silk Grenadines, To cts; Gros deßhines, 70 cts j Stcond Mourning Bareges, 12# cts; Black and White neat Check Bilke, 62)( cts; Black and Purple All- Wool Mousselinog* cents. BESSON A SON, Mourning Storq, mh2B . No, 918 <shbstnut Street. CHURCH OF Tll£ INTERCESSOR IJoC SPRING GARDEN, below BROAD Street.—Rev. B. A. CABIrEN will (D.Y ) preach tho Monthly Serinor’i before the membirH of “Tim Young Ladies’ Bible Classes,” TO-MORROW (Sunday) EVENING, at 8 o’clock. Subject-—“ Her Father’s Home, Exchanged for lift* Own.” Seats will bo provided for strangers, It* /yea SECOND UNITARIAN SOCIETY', WASHINGTON lIALL, SPRING GARDEN, above Eighth street.—Rev. WM. L. CHAFFIN, SON DAY** April 13th. Services to commence at anarter be fore 11 o’clock A. M., and 7% o’clock P. M It# SPIRITUALISM.—MISS BELL SCOU IAj GALLi of Illluoii, fl Medium, Will at SaKSON-STBEET HALL on SUNDAY, at A. M. and BP. HI. She will givoher closiug lecture—«A funeral sermon of the Devil.” Admittance, 5 cents. # “ CHRIST. AND HI3I CRUCIFIED.” I XS —Her- At WiMILBY, Dftfllor of Sanotnary M. "Church, on tins subject, on SABBATH AFTER noon, at 3)tf o’clock, in AMEBIOAN MECIIANIGa’ HALL, FOURTH Street, below GIRARD AVENUE. Seats free. JAMES NOLEN, It* 9n perintondont. a» ARCH-ST. M. E. CHURCIf, 3f, E ii v Corner BROAD and ARCH —Proachiug TO MORROW, (Sabbath,) by Bev. A. BITTENHOUSE, iu the morning at 30)4, and evening at 7# o’clock. Sab bath School at 2% V . M. Young Men’s Prayer Meeting at 6* F. M. Uf akK i *‘AN APPEAL FOR THE SOLDIERS ” —An interesting meeting in behalf of the brave men who are risking their lives to sustain onr glorious Union will be held TO-MORROW EVENING, in the Wi arson-street Methodist Church, WHARTON Street* below Fourth. Addresses will be delivered by the Pastor, Rev. G. D. Carrow, by the Rev. John McMillan, chaplain cf the 109th Regiment P. V., and George H. Stuart, E 34. Tbe public are invited. Seats free to all. it# JOHM S. ROCK, THE DISTINGUISH IJsS ED COLORED ORATOR, member of tho Bos ton Bar, will, by 1 eqneet, deliver his great Lecture, “ A Plea for my Race.” in BAN3OM-STREET HALL, on MONDAY EVENING next. The beauty of his elocution, and the solidity of bis logic, are seldom equalled by our best lecturers.— fffiy dep A'trJtni. Tickets 25 cents, or five for SI, at T. B. PUGH’S, PIXTB and CHESTNUT Street. apl2-2r* “THE JAYNE’S HALL CRAY* AT iLS STORK,” founded originally by RAYMOND & t u.j of New Yorkj under JAYKfi'S HALL* is now AolulASug ai No. SOO, Southwest corner cf EIGHTH and CHESTNUT Streets, A Complete Succors. CRAY’ATS, SCARFS, and NECK-TIES, Always 20 per cent, lower than can b« bought at any oth<T Horn iu Philadelphia. it-g rwrs PHILADELPHIA SABBATH-SCHOOL Lk_s ASSOCIATION.—The Montbly Meeting of the PHILADELPHIA frABRAI H-SCUOOI. ASSOCIA *t3UN will be held ou MONDAY evening, April I4tb* in tho Baptist Church, pu BROAD and ARCH Street* at Qimrttr before 8 o’clock. Interesting statements may be expected from several brethren, from different churches, in regard to Mission- Bchools, Ac. Sabbath* school Superintendents, Teachers, and friends of this implant enterprise* are cordially invited to be present. it fpSjp* REV. DR. BELLOWS YVILL GIVE U*3 a Conversational Lecture, at CONCERT HALL, on IUESDAY* fcVENING. April 15, eutitled •« A PER SONAL vis-tt to Manassas the third day AFTER ITS EVACUATION,” log tho eicaation, fortifications, etc., giving many interesting facts, iilus tialed by trophies from tbe ground of Manassas and Bull Run. Tickets for Bale by T. B. Pugh, southwest corner of Sixth and Chestnut streets. Price twenty-five cents. &pll-4t lyss-- THE REBELLION—H. D. TORRfcv Us. 3 will read his celebrated Patriotic Poem, entitled “AMERICA, OR VISIONS OF THE REBELLION,” in Concert Hall, CHESTNUT Street, on MONDAY EVENING, April 14. Doors open at 7 o’clock, reading to continence at 8. The proceeds to be devoted, to tho Cooper-Shop Refreshment Saloon. Tickets 25 cents' t& be procured ot Lee & Walker’s; Andre’s; also at the door, and from tbe Saloon Committee. apll-3t# THE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE ii_3 PBILADEUPSIA SOCIETY for THE EM PLOYMENT and INSTRUGIION OF THE POOR will be beui at the Moyan eLsing House of Industry, CATHARINE Street, above Seventh, ou MONDAY (Second day), the 14th instant, at 4 o’clock P M. C. L. NICHOLSON, Secretary. BCSI XESSKSOiVLEDG6,-A YOUNG h»ah can gain a more thorough and practical knowledge of Book-keeping, and the other duties of the Counting House, in the short time required for comoieting a course of instruction, at CRITTENDEN’S Philadel phia Commercial College, than by years of ordinary ap plication to business. aplo-6t^ . t w MECHANICS’ INSURANCE COMPA- Us 3 NY, No. 138 North SIXTH street, April Tth, 1862. —At a meeting of the Board of Directors, held THIS DAY, a dividend of six percent, on the capital stock vvftß declared for the past year, payable on demand. apg-6t BERNARD RAFFERTY, Secretary. r*=* OFFICE OF THE AMERICAN FIRE ITj INSURANCE COMPANY. Philadelphia, April 7,1862. The Directors have this day declared a dividend of FIVE DOLLARS per Share for the last six months, wh'eh will bfe paid to the Stockholders, or their iegal re presentatives, on and after the 17th instant. apB*’9t# A. C. L. CRAWFORD, Secretary. SCHUYLKILL AND SUSQUEHANNA RAILROAD COMPANY—Office 227 South FOURTH April 3d, 1862.—The Annual Sleeting of the Stockholders of this company, and an election for President and * ix Managers will take place at the office of the Company, on MONDAY, May 6tb, at 12 o’clock M. W. H. McILHENNEY, »p4-tMS Secretary. . -^REMOVAL. sslV BIIS-ES O’BRTAN, 924 CHESTNUT Sireet, bw« esmoved tollOT WALNUT Street, threedoorg above Ele venth, north side, and will open PARIS MILLINERY, for the Spring, on THURSDAY, April 17. apl2 2m* TO THE MERCHANTS.—Mrs. M. A RING, from 27 South §§?9ni Street* hllB rtiimvetl her Wholesale and Retail MILLINERY ES TABLISH MEN T to 1026 CHESTNUT Street, and h»s now a full and choice assortment of SPRING and SUM MER BONNETS, to which she invites their attention. ap3-thstu6t# V VOBYTYPJSS.—BEIMER’S Ivoi-yj JL types hare gained hosts of admirers by their fresh ness of color, Tidiness of appearance of snrrouudings, and great taste displayed in execution. BJBCOND Street, above Green. It* rjIHE MOST FASHIONABLE AND X ARTISTIC HAIR DYER in this city-is GUTE KUKS’t, FOURTH and BRANCH. apl2.iftf TNGRaM’S AMERICAN BANK JL TEA WAREHOUSE.—IO pound of 76 cent TEA for $G 60. Try it. 43 SECOND, below Market street. It# A LAMP CHIMNEY THAT WILL NOT BREAK. —Tbe patent fmica chimneys, for Gnnbftil Lumps, will sot break by beat, fAlllfig, or any other usage. Try them. AMOS HORNING, Agent for Manufacturer, It* No. 321 North SECOND Street, Phila. Deputy quartermaster ge neral’s OFFICE. PROPOSALS will be received for the delivery of seve ral thousand bushels of OATS, in sacks. For particu lars, apply at this office. A. BOYD, apl2-3t Captain and A. Q. M. T U. S. A. CO AL.—Lehigh, Locust Mountain, Engle Vein, and Hickory, of best quality, and well prepared. WM. H. CURTIS, apl2-ln»# 1517 CALLOW Eli LL Street. JOHN BINGHAM, Superintendent. SPRING MILLINERY* m LANPKETH’S WARRANTED 3C GARDEN SEHDB.—Flower Seed a in gfm variety; Gross ami Field Seeds foi solo by D. BANDRETH & BOS, Implement ond Seed Warehouse, It* Noe. 21 and 25 South SIXTH Street. Philadelphia, Uth April, 1862. i n non LBS - hams and shoul ll/jUvv lERS,fromsto 10 eentsperpound. 1, lbs. Jersey Lard, 10 cents per pound. 1.000 lbs. Prime Roll Butter, from 20 to 24 cents. 2, COO lbs. Prime Cleese, at 8 to 10 cents. At the Cheap Store, 1579 MARKET Street.. It* \V. H. WANAMAKEB. ■MARSHAL'S SALE.—By virtue of AJ-Jl a writ or order of sale, by the Hon. JOHN CAD WALAi>EB, Judge of the District Court of the United Stales, in aud for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, in Admiralty, to me l directed, will be soli, at public sale, to the highest »nd Lest bidder, for cash, at CALLOW* BILL-STREET WHARF, on WEDNESDAY, APRIL 23d, 1862, at 12 o’clock M, 593 barrels Rosin and 329 barrels Tar, being a portiou of the cargo of the brig HERALD. WILLIAM MILLWARD, U. S Marshal E. D. of Feunsylvsua. Pnu.APßt.vniA, April 11,1862. ap!2«6t ‘VfO'JIOB —All persons indebted to XI the Estate of SAMUEL D(CKSOK, Ute of the city of Philadelphia, gentleman, deceased, are requested to make immeuiate payment, and those having demands against the same to present them, duly stoatali to Oithor id the tubscrlbera, executors of the last will of said de- JAMES RUSSELL, At the Bank of Penn Township. WM. MACFERIiAN, No 835 North FIFTH Street. ftpl2-e6t* QAUTION • The well-earned reputation of FAIRBANKS’ SCALES Has induced the makers of imperfect balances to offer them as “FAIRBANKS’ BO ALES,” aud purchasers have thereby, in many instances, been subjected to fraud and Imposition. FAIRBANKS 1 SCALES are muMiftf tured only by the original Inventors, E. & T. FAIR BANKS & CO., nod are adapted to every branch of the business, where a correct and durable Scales ia required. FAIKI34NKS & EWING, General Agents, aplO-tf MASONIC HALL, Tig CHESTNUT 3T. HOR SB RADIBH.—Pure I uck Island Boris Radish; prepared for family ru** In plni and half-pint bottles, for sale to the trade by RHODES ft WILLIAMS, mhlT 107 South WATER Street. Monuments and grave STONES at very reduced prices at Marble Works pf A. BTRINMETZ, BIDGV Avenue, below Klsvemb Soraot. mhl3-3mlT RETAIL DRY GOODS. & LANDELL £l. & L., FOUETH AND ARCH. FOURTH AND ARCH. FOURTH AND ARCH. FOURTH AND ARCH. FOUBTH AND ABOH. SPRING OPENING. NEW CHINTZES, NEW GINGHAMS, NEW OfiGANDIES, NEAT PLAID SILKS, SHEPHERD’S PLAIDS, FASHIONABLE SILKS, BLACK FIGURED SILKS, COLORED POULT DE SOIES* mhiO-mwAstf Q.RENADINE VEILS, SIOPEB. BBOWNB, ETC., IN BEST SHADES, RECEIVED BY E. M. NEEDLES; 1024 CHESTNUT STREET. apll.3t Fink medium and low-priced DRfiSS GOODS From the late Auction salop. Lots of desirable and seasonable DBBS3 GOODS, YVblch we are selling at low prices. Wholesale net Cssh-bnyera will find cheap GoQdS ill ouyitock. CORWRN 4Toi>i>AßX & brother, 450. 452, and 454 North SECOND Street, apl2-smtu3t above Willow Fine lace curtains—real BARGAINS. An extensivi assortment of RICH LACE CURTAINS, of new and beautiful designs, at 20 per cent, below im porters’ prices, ranging from $6 up to $22 per pair. ALSO, Nottingham Lace Curtains, Nottingham Lace Dra jKTiee, and Tamboured Muslin DraperUs, at gteatly re duced prices. SHEPI’ABD, Y*AN HARLINGEN, A ARRUON, Curtain Warehouse, ap9 1008 CHESTNUT Street. 10240HBSTNUT STREET E. M. NEEDLES flag mat received a small invoice of Pointe Ap plique which have been bought a very great bargain, and will be sold at corresponding low prices. . Milliners andf Press Makers would do Well to call and inspect tb£ above. Also, Choice NOVELTIES of the latest Im portations in POINT LACE and YALENCIENNE COLLARS and SETS, THREAD VEILS and BARBIS. and BLACK THREAD LACES. 10 2 4 CHBSTHUT STREET, i E STEEL & SON WILL OPEN • this morning from New York a choice lot of RICH STYLES OF SILK GRENADINES. RICH STYLES OF CfIENE SILKS. BLACK AND WHITE CHECK SILKS. CHEAPTLAIN AND FIGURED BLACK SILKS. Persons wishing to purchase a GOOD SILK at a LOW PRICE, would find it to their advantage to examine our Btock. BLACK AND WHITE PLAIDS, 18# TO 44c. FRENCH OIIALLIEB, HOKAMfttQtiifiS, POIL D® CEEYRES, and other NEW DRESS GOODS, of every variety. BLACK STELLA BHAWLB, withßrocho Borders* 52.76 to 818. Ladies’ Linen Cambric Hdhfs, fiUgbtly damaged, 100 doz. r 62 and 655,, worth 75. 100 dox , 70 aid 76c., worth 87. 100 doz., 87 and Sl* worth $1.25. 100 doz., $1 12 and $1.25, worth $1.50. 100 doz., $1.31 and $1.37, worth $1.75. 100 doz., 81.50 and 81.62, worth 82. Just opened, a small lot of White Plaid French Organ dies* a very scarce and desirable artitle, suitable for eve ning dresses. ap7 do. 713YTorth TENTH Street, abave Coates riLOAKS! A MAGNIFICENT ASSORTMENT v OF ALL THE NEWEST STYLES IMPORTED THIS SEASON, With every new material, made up and trimmed In the very best manner, at prices that defy ail competition, AT THE PAKIS CLOAK STORE, N. E. CORNER EIGHTH AND WALNUT STS. * TDh26'3m New spring goods. Assortments received of Plain Brown Po de Sniea. Modes and Bright Colors. Neat Checked Silks. Black Figure* Silks. Glossy Cloaking Silks. Now and neat printed Lawns. Plain St» led of Organdies. Bich printed Organdies. Children’s neat tine Chintzes. PJqnes for Girls, and Wrappers. New, neat* and rich De Laines. Bright plaid Worsteds. New printed Bareges, very cheap. Foulard Robes, at very low rates. New Spring Shawls and Mantles. 6HARPGES3 BROS. CHESTNUT and EIGHTH Streets, "VTEW SPUING PKINTS, Av CHOICE STYLES, MEBRIMACS, BPRaGUK, PACIFIC, ALL TWELVE AJJP A HAW CENTS. A large lot boat scries and fast colors at 10c. COWPERTHWAIT & CO., mlilS-if K- W. cor. EIGHTH Mid MARKET Sta. riLOAKS, palatotes and man \J TlLLAS.—Ladies in want of the above articles will find it 1o their advantage to visit the oM established house of Mrs. HENRY, No. 38 Noiih NINTH Street, below ARCH. The latest Paris Styles always on hand at prices that astonish everybody. ap4-3or New cloak store • The most elegant assortment in the city. No. South NINTH Street, mb26-3m First door above Chestnut. f'ILOAKS. —If you want the best value for your money* go to the City Cloak Store* 142 North EIGHTH Street, above Cherry. mh26-3m TRIMMINGS. RADIES’ DRESS TRIMMINGS. We invite the attention of buyers to our large and veil-selected stock of LADIES’ DRESS AND MANTILLA, Together with a good line of STAPLE TRIMMING’S, BERLIN ZEPHYR WORSTED, PRUSSIA BINDINGS, WORSTED SKIRT BRAIDS, GIRDLES, TASSELS, SILK EMBB9IDERINO BR,SID, FANCY SILK BUTTONS, beltings, BUGLE GIMP AND BUTTONS, VELVET RIBBONS. CHENILLE SILK HEAD HETg, ETC., ETC., ETC. The goods being of our own manufacture and importa tion, tre can offer them at the very lowest prices. WM. H. HORSTMANN & SONS, rohSQ-tnthaalm FIFTH AND CHEEKY STS. BLINDSANBSHADm^ AND SHADES. B. J- WILLIAMS, No. 1G NORTH SIXTH STREET, MANUFACTURER OF VENETIAN BLINDS WINDOW SHADES. The Ingest and finest assortment in tlio City at the LOWEST PRICES. Repairing promptly attended to. ap3-3m IJIHE "EXCELSIOR” HAMS ARE THE BEST IN THE WORLD. J. H. MICHENER & Co., GENERAL PROVISION DEALERS, And curera of the celebrated "EXCELSIOR” SUGAR-CURED HAMS, Nos. 142 and 144 North FRONT Street* Between Arch and Raze streets* Philadelphia. The justly*celebrated ** EXCELSIOR 11 HAMS ate cured by J. IX. M. & Co., (in a stylo peculiar to them selves,) expressly for FAMILY USB j are of delicious flavor; free from the unpleasant taste of salt, and are pronounced by epicures superior to any now offer#) for sale. apl-3ui A N ARRANGEMENT OF MEDALS a\- and Tokens* struck in honor of the Presidents ot the United State*, and or tho Presidential Candidates, from the Administration of J&kft AdAmi to ALfaWn Lincoln* inclusive, by A. H. Saterlee, of New York. For Bale by KDWOBP COGAN* No. 48 NORTH TJCNTH Street, Philadelphia. Price 75 cents. ap9-6t# TO COIN COLLECTORS.—Th« priced Catalogue or Edward Coo.n'n solo or coins on tho 2fttli and 26th ultimo, will bo ready for doli v. cy on MONDAY, the ltth iiot. Fries 00 cents. »p9-et* DRY-GOODS JOBBERS. 1862. BrKiHa, 1862, RIEGEIi. BAIRD, is 00.. IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS or DRY GOODS. Kft. » svna TBII9 9TBIII. Merchants visiting this city (9 parchaaa Drt Goons will find onr Stook largo and admirably assorted, and at LOW Figures. In oertain classes of Goods wa offer Inducements to purchasers unequalled by any other house in Philadelphia. mhlB-2m 1862. SPItING - 1862. WHOLESALE DEPARTMENT. J. R. CAMPBELL & CO.. No. 727 CHESTNUT STREET, HAVE NOW IN STORE, LINES OF CHOICE OOODB, TO WHICH THEY INVITE THE ATTENTION OE CASH fcijYKES. WHITE GOODS—In all ihoir Variotioe. LINENS —All qualities and best makes. TABLE DAMASKS—Napkins and Doylies. 1.. C. HDKFS—Towels and Toweling. GINGHAMS—BII ear. Fancy and Solid Cheek*. LAWNS—New and Choice Styles. ORGANDIES, and Paris Printed Jaconets. DRESS GOODS—In very desirable styles. BLACK SlLKS—Choice Brands. FLANNELS—Of the beet makes. BLEACHED GOODS—A full line. PRlNTS—American and English. 99 n *4. chintzes, brilhantes AND PERCALES TOGETHER WITH MANY OTHER GOODS, ADAPTED TO FIRST-CLASS TRADE, ALL OF WHICH WILL BE OFFEBED AT LOW PRICES. JAMES, KENT, SANTEE. & CO., IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS or DRY GOODS. Nos. 339 and 341 N. THIRD STREET, ABOVE RACE, PHILADELPHIA, Have now open their usual LARGE ANP COMPLETE STOCK or; FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DAY GOODS, Among which will be found a more than usually attrac tive .variety of LADIES* DRESS GOODS; Also, a full assortment of MERRIMACK AND COCHECQ PRINTS, and FIIILADELPniA-UADE GOODS. To which they invite the special attention of buyers. mh2l-2m WHOLESALE HOUSES. 2y ands 4 SKY-BLUE KERSEYS, SUPERFINE INDIGO-RTJ'V *=">> BLACK CADET AND OXFORD Do. PRINTED DO, lb variety. BLACK AND FANCY MIXED DOESKINS. FANCY CASSIMERES AND MELTONS. in STORE, AHD FOR SAL* BY JOSEPH LEA, fe2o-tf 138 AND 130 CHESTNUT STREET IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS. JJAZLETT, LATHROP, A LYONS, No. 414 MABKET and 409 MERCHANT STREETS, ■ IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS OP ENGLISH, FRENCH, AND GERMAN FANCY GOODS, WHITE GOODS, EMBROIDERIES, GLOVES, HO SIERY, LACES, TRIMMINGS,,RIBBONS, COMBS, BRUSHES, $9,, Are now opening find receiving a mw and choice stock in the above line, to which attention of buyers is ta sted. -, • • . mhS9»ltp MILITARY GOODS. gKY-BLUE KERSEYS, (3T am) 54.1NCH.) DARK-BLUE KERSEYS, DARK-BLUE INFANTRY CLOTHS, INDIGO-BLUE CAP CLOTHS, (JKY-BLUE CASSIMEREB, (Now Regulation, for Officers’ Pints.) WHITE POMXT FLANNELS, CANTON FLANNELS, lOoz., 12oz„ A l&az. TENT HUGS. All warranted United States Army at«Bdaf% FOB BALK BY ALFRED SLADE & 00., 10 Booth FRONT Street, and 39 LETITIA SIMM, Philadelphia. felS-tmyl CHINA AND QUEENSWARE. goYD & STBOUDr NO. 32 NORTH FOURTH STREET, (Four doors below the Merchants 1 Hotel,) Now offer to country merchants a large stock of CHINA, GLASS, & QUEENSWARE. ap9»lm FINANCIAL. PROFITABLE AND SAFE INVESTMENT. UNITED STATES 0 PER CENT LOAN^ Payable in ONE YEAR, in sums of $l,OOO and $5,010, for sale. 7 8-10 TREASURY NOTES For sale at a DISCOUNT. Qnaitprmastm’e vouchers sml receipt wanted at low rates. Onc-year certificate doli rerod at anon fur receipts. DREXEL & CO. QUARTERMASTERS’ VOUCHERS, OR THR CHECKS RECEIVED THEREFROM, WANTED. AMERICAN GOLD WANTED. DREXEL & Co. ap3-10t <J> I n prnn —THIS AMOUNT TO IN ip 10)t/UVi VEST in one or two Securities, as a permanent investment. Apply to E. PETTIT, nih26 , No. 309 WALNUT Street. ffQ onn OLD MORTGAGE FOR sJSjLOU V* SALTS, on a valuable farm in Montgo mery county. Also, a number of first-claBS city Mort gages and Ground Bents, of different amounts, at a dis count. Apply to H. PETTIT* mb7-tf Ho. SO9 WALNUT Street. •VTOTICE. —The Adams Express Cora i f pany are prepared to attend to the Collection* at the Treasury Department. Washington, of United States CJCBTIFICATEB-OF INDEBTEDNESS, for merchants and othera holding Quaj-tonilßSter’a RocniDlai Torma rewonaUr. ADAMS EXPRESS COMPANY, aplo. 6t No. 320 CHESTNUT Street. TJARMONY SHERRY—For sa'e in I J bond, by OTIA9. S. CARSTAIISS. aplO No. 186 WALNUT St. and 21 GRANITE St. Fm SALE—SO bbls good CARBON OIL. in lots, at No. 415 COMMEBUK St. aplo-3t* NEW PUBLICATIONS. sTiNpixnMBUM OF THE WAR. PUTNAM’S REBELLION RECORD, EbITBD BY FRANK MOORE, HON. J. BOSBKLL BARTLETT, Secretary of State of Rlinde Istaad, Writes “I see the LITERATURE OF THE REBELLION Lids fair io be unite prolific. Rut you were first in the field willi the REBELLION RECORD, WHICH, WIiATBVKIi 19 PUBLisiißn, MUST TAKE THE LEAD OK EVERYTHING ELSE. In fact, all the “ Histories’ MUST BE COMPILED FROM IT. indut»! t even thoso who posers* tho various fanny pio* toriHl wotks, must have the Bccord besides," Part 15, with two portraits, h» jt«t out. 50 cents, 2 vols, are ready (24 portraits), 53.75 each. JOHN MoFARLAN, apl2*fltu 2t 33 South SIXTH Street (up stairs ) DEAUEE9AIID ON HIS WAY TO 1J PITTSBURG LANDING— Just published by 8 0. DPIiAM, 4051 CHESTNC*’ Street. Everybody should have a copy. Sent post-pahl to any address, on receipt oftwored stamps &d!2- 3t# ,JL& the NEW BOOKS. A BOOK ABOUT DOCTOHS. A volume of rare entertainment. The curlositios and peculiarities of tho Medical profession set out in a most amusing light. Price SI 50. SPIRIT or HEBREW POETRY. Isaac Taylor’s IUA/zniftoent n*w cMitrllmtlon to the literature of tlio Bible, with I)r. Adams’ Biographical Introduction. Price 82. TEACH US TO PRAY. A series of admirable discourses on the Lord’s Prayer, by Bey* Dr* Guriiiiiiugi author of » The Great Tribula tion," &c. Price?!. THE SUTHERLANDS. The new novel by the author of “ Rutledge." Nearly thirty thousand of these capital novels have been already sold. Price 81 25. TWENTY YEARS AROUND TUB WORLD. A delightful volume of travel and adventure, by John Guy Yasser, of Poughkeepsie, N. Y. Price 82.50. Any or tbehooke soot by mail free. CARLETON, Publisher, (Late RUDB A CARLETON,) No. 413 BROADWAY, cornerLispenard-street, N. Y. ap!2- eAw-tf „ COMMISSION HOUSES. COFFIN, & CO., *2O CHESTNUT STREET, Agents for the following makes of goods: PRINTS. DVNNELL MFG. CO. .... GREENS MFG. 00. LAWNS. DUNNELL JIFG. CO. BLEACHED COTTONS. Lonsdale, Forestdale, Auburn, SiMersviHe, Centred ale, Jamestown, Blackatone, Hope, Red Bank, Dorcheßtor, Nawbwyport, No.U®64g, Zouave, Burton, Sreene Mfg. Co-’s A. A., B. A., 0. A., and other sty lee. BROWN COTTONS. Bnrnßida, Trent, Groton, Ashland, Cb&etanfc, Glonville, Mechanics’ and Farmers’. CORSET JEANS.—Glasgow, Manchester. DENIMS AND STRIPES.—Grafton, Jewett City, Madison, SlateraviUe, Agawam, Keystone, Choctaw. CANTON FLANNELS.—Sl&tereviile, Agawam. BILESIAS.—Smith’s, Social Co., Lonsdale Co. WOOLENS. ARMY BLUE CLOTHS, KKE9EY9, god FLAN* NBLS. BROAD CLOTHS.—Plunketts’, Glenham Co., £e. CASSIMEBES.—Gay A Son, Saxton’s River, Ac. SATINETS.—Bass River, Conversvitlo. Lower Tal ley, Hope, Staffordville, Converse and Hy<le ? Oonyergf Bros. A Co,, Shaw fitfgs Co. KENTUCKY JEANS.—Rodman, Mystic, Gold Medal. DOMET FLANNELS.—WILLIAMS'S Angola, Sax ony, Merino, and other styles: LONSDALE Nankeens and Colored Cambrics. PLAID LINBKTB. COTTONADFB, in. [MB-3a J)ID(xWAY, HEUSSNER, & CO., IMPORTERS OF CLOTHS, DOESKINS, CASSIMERES, Ac., Ac., n -rußin ymil LARGE STOCK OF CLOTHS, DOESKINS, &e., Of these celebrated Manufacturers: ESCKENS, {Little Ticket;) JOHANNT, GEVERS, & SCHMIDT, (S. & M.,) Ana many others, at CONSIDERABLY REDUCED PRICES. No. 206 CHESTNUT STREET. apo-lm QARPETINOS, OIL CLOTHS, AND MATTINGS. WOLFE & GO., COMMISSIQN MERCHANTS, Ho. 132 CHESTNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA. *SP*AfuU assortment of Philadelphia-made Carpets always in Store. • apl-lrn ohipley, hazakd. & HUTCHINSON, No. 112 CHESTNUT STREET, COMMISSION MERCHANTS yon THE SALE OF PHILADELPHIA-MADE GOODS. mhSB 6m SEWING MACHINES. WILLIAMS & ORVIS 5 $25 SBW IKO MACHINES are tbe only good, reliable, simple, and durable maehmo ever sold in tine city. They gew from two spools, and are in all respects as good for family use as tlioie now sol *at exorbitant prices Sales room 782 CHESTNUT Street, corner of Eighth. THOMAS J. PYLE 5, AgOPt. UTYHEELER & WILSON SEWING MACHINES, 628 CHESTNUT STREET, mhll-Sm GENTS’ FURNISHING GOODS. QEORGE GRANT. MANUFACTURER OF AND DEALER IN GENTS’ FURNISHING GOODS, No. 610 CHESTNUT STREET, mb 20-3 m JjTLANNEL OVER-SHIRTS FOR THE ARMY. FINE SHIRTS. COLLARS, STOCKS, AND wRAFP E R S. Manufactured at W. W. KNIGHT’S. NO. 606 ARCH STREET. %f A full line ot TIES, SCARFS. GLOVES, SUSPENDERS, HOSIERY, AND UNDERCLOTHING, Always on hand. mhs 3rnlf Fine shirt manufactory. The subscriber would invite attention to his IMPROVED QVT 0? SHIBTSi #hich he makes a specialty In his business. Also, ten* ■Untiy receiving HOYILTIEB FOB GENTLEMEN'S WEAR. J. W. SGOTT, GENTLEMEN’S FURNISHING STORK. If®. SM CHESTNUT STREET, Four doors below the Continental* PHOTOGRAPH AND ALBUMS. Ci UIDE TO LOVEBS OF ART.— VJT Go to REIMEU’S Gallsry, SECOND Street, above Green, and get a Colored Photograph for SI. Their ac curacy of likeness anil fine finish will amply repay for ln veetmentof lime and money. The observing cannot fail to find great merit in RHIMISB’S Life-size Photo graphs in Oil. All who have Been pronounce them su perb. How made at war prices. SECOND Street, above Green. It* MARTIEN’S P HOTOGRPH al bums AND OABD PORTRAITS. We have now ready, of our own manufacture, a com plete and extensive assortment of PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS, Made of the wry beat materials' and omul; if mt an* perior, in stylo and finish* to any now in the market, whilst they are offered at Lower Prices than any others. The assortment comprises several new Varieties, as well as NEW DESIGNS AND CLASPS. Every Album is furnished with a TITLE-PAGE AND INDEX, Prjntko IN Goi.n. CARD PORTRAIT!!. We are now publishing » series ot uol'ino and Life like Portraits of Ihe Distinguished Mon ot the Time embracing Military and Naval Officers, Members of Con gress, Civilians, Ac. They arc fine line engravings, executed in tuptiior style, au«t prepared from the latest Pliotoswlißi man? of which have been ob tained expressly for this collection. Being printed on cards of the name size as the “Cartes do Visite,’ 1 they are adapted to the Photograph Albums, or can be sent to distant friends by mail. These Portraits arc snoerinr to any now la the market, ami ftr* ntnHrUabft {or the fttithfulUßSS with which the lihctu’Bß is portrayed. When purchasing, be careful to inuuire for MARTIKN’S CARP PORTRAITS, PmeE 10 Cents Each. OR TWENTY COPIES kOUONR DOLLAR. Complete Catalogs ol our Albums and Portraits may It obtained trails. Published by WILLIAM S. & ALFRED MAR T IEN ftplO-tf 600 CHESTNUT Stveoi. MRS. JOHN DREW’S ill ARCH-STREET THEATBE. Acting Stage Manager W. 8. FsSiDEBfGKF. Business Agent and Treasnrer.... ..JOS D MUBPHF. SKVKM Y-EIOIIJ Jl NIOIIT 01' .KUI.V IJIIKW. TO-NIGHT. SATURDAY, AI'RIL 12, 1802, GBOHOORE-NA-BILHOGE, Andy Houlehen, the Foster Brother.... J To be loUowtd by A DAV WELL SPENT. Mlm*!,.*.. Provious to the drama» the intei-huta of MlsvttJUrTMAKiaa. oiftnette. , Mrs. C» Henri?. Seats can he secured for Sir. John Drew’s representa tions three days in advance. Doors open at 7 o’clock; performance commences at 7# precisely WALNUT-STKifiISX ninth hum walnut Btreott* *W» Leslie*. MBS. H. A, QABRET^SDN. LASC NIGHT <>!>'MISS CHARLOTTE THOMPSON THIS (SATURDAY ) EVENING, April 12, The jietTurmancu wiU corutmiiiro with HADRLAINK. »... Mins Charlotte Thompson. To conclude wilh Hi* drama of ROBKUT MACAIRE. ltfeliort Macafre Mr. Kdwin Adam*. Pjuoss —so, 37 )$» 76, and 26 cant*: Private Boxm. ft and tfidi according to tludp lo&kU, ' ~ Doors Opfcn at 7 o'clock. To coiumehoa at 7^, Continental theatre. ANOTHER NEW DRAMA l ! A DECIDED HIT. SATURDAY EVENING, April 12, 38A2, And until further notice, will be presented the entirely new three-net IRISH DIUMA! entitled “THE MACAKTHY;” OR, THE PEEP O’ DAY, The Mftcarthy,,, (t , mmuaMr. J. B. Ktiiritoy. *fim pftbtiy.',,»».» Mr. 0. Halo. Nelly Brady Miss jnnuio Parker. PBAND CONCERT FOR THE BE \J KfjriT Of THE SUFFERERS BY THE UR. (•ENT EX PLOSION Rt Cartridge Factory, ok! MONDAY EVENING next, at the MIMICAL FUND HALT,. The sumo eminent talont which ap pealed at tJui Concert in aid of tho Volunteer refresh ment ?alooi«p, on the 31at ultimo* and which tdiiikd Bitch rapturous applause, have kindly vo'urjteefed tlltiir BBr* vires for lids oeeasldfi. Tic' ots 26 cent*. Can ho procured from tho following gentlemen : Daniel Mclntyre, No. 327 Jones alley ; Geo. Young, Nn. 36 South Third Btroot; Robert 0. Gibson, northeast curuerof Second and Race.streets; Jno. Booth, No. 3£ou Market street; Price T. Patton, JfVi Hit? Mtlf* ket SlfflOt l A. N. MllePhcrsKjrj, Merrick’s fuiimll y, SfUßh* wmk, and at tho principal mudo stores it* American academy of MUSIC. BENEFIT op ATTACHES A OUAK'd vocal uoxqkrt % lider the direction of PROFESSOR FISOtfER, ON MONDAY EVENING, APRIL 28, 3Sb2. Single tickets 25 centa; secured seats 10 cent! extra. Box office open three d*ya In advance- 25th, 26th, and 28tii of April—frotn 9 A.M. to J p, flf, Tickets and secured scuts can now lie had at tho fol lowing places ‘ Mr? .1. R. Gould j Leo & Walkor, and Mr. Risley'd; at ContmrLtnl Hotel. npl2*stllth-7t CARD.— Mr. M. HASSLER respect fully announces tn his uubsuHiw**, »hd the public in general, that No EXTRA CHARGE will be made for St cured Seats al his TESTIMONY \L CONCERT, »t the Academy of Music, MONDAY EVENING, April 21, and that suhrcrilxTß rat exchange th<*ir tickets fur secured peats, \ y appljing at Gould’s gmsic efcore, Seypflfi and Cl Gttnut strwtii, M?>h'l*y, Tm*?rhiy, and Wednesday Dt-xt. On Thursday next, the 17th instant, the general sale of tickets will commence, a nl continue till Oh eve ning of the Concert at place.-wbi :U v. ill bo advertised lfc Evening exhibition—inst[» TUTItOS FOR THE BLIND, RAGE AND TWENTIETH STREETS. Conductor.. Admission 10 cents. Commence at 8 o’clock. adl2 3t S' TEll EOSCOP riOOJ> SOF THU! lIB BELLION* for public exhibitions; vlawsV.f a)l tin prominent Battles, Incidents, and Men. Fall pi iced nod illustrated catalogues sent free, by JAMES W. <iUF,EN ft. CO., Optician", apll-ltn No? 924 CHESTNUT Strcat PWlmMfrhlA. /CONCERT HALL. ' J A Bill LI. of the Battalion of S V*'NBEHS' CA DET?, complimentary to their military In.trnctor, Major G. ECK END ORFF, will take place mi TIII7RB DAY EVENING, Abril 17th. Tickets SO cents. Sp extra charge for reserved scats. apl>l6t# Assembly buildings. CAPTAIN ERICSSOm, FAMOUS STEAM BATTERY MONITOR Will hs ehoan EVERY EYESING DURING THE WEEK, commencing MONDAY, APRIL 7, Together with other Aod all the MAGNIFICENT S'JENEs of INDIA and the GREAT SEPOY REBELLION. 'WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY AFTERNOONS, 11 film ENGELKK’B UNRIVALLED ORCHESTRA Will perform choice Gems of Mn-4c, including our ow» NATIONAL AIBS* The vlKle forming an Pnttrulhineht heretofore uae, quailed for BEAUTY, BRILLIANCY, and EFFECT. Admission 25 cents. Six tickets, $l. Children, 10 cents. Commence el 8 ami 3 o'clock. rnHE M/ENNERCHOR VOCAL SO- J- CJKtY respectfully anxoimcti to the>r and the public, that they will give a GRAND CONOSBT AND IJALL, on the 2Sth day of April uexr. Further particulars will bo published in duo time. a?2»«9 2t PENNSYLVANIA ACADEMY OP THE TINT' ARTS fs now closed, but will reopea on MONDAY, the 28th ins*. npS.ff. - PUBLIC REHEARSALS every SATURDAY, at 3W o'clock P. M., at the MUSICAL FUND HALL. Package ef Eight Tickets, 91; Single Tickets, 26 ct©.. To be had at Andre’s, 1104 Obostnnt street, J. K. Seventh and Chestrmtj and at thett e Ilrtlh 032S»tf TT7\ANTED A GOOD, ACTIVE YY ROY— niio acunaintod with the Notion biut ness preferred. Must come Well recommended for Rood character and industry. Apply at 504 MARKET Street. It* ■WANTFD- —A complete set of “The YY Press,”from its commencement Address Bo* I&C3, Phllarlidpliift post offico, stating pries, Ac. apP-St* J UNITED STATES MARINES.— Wanted, for the United States Marine Corps, for eea service aboard of men*of*war, mui BCH DRKD AQLE-BODIED MEB, between the ages of eighteen ned forty years. Young men from the coun try not lees tlmu 6 feet 4# inches high, who shall pas* the medical examination, and ontiut, will receive three c«nts per mile for the distance travelled in confine to the Bendcv.vousi at 311 South FRONT Street below Spruce, FbiludplpbiWi or lit 108 MARUET fettr-eol* Delaware. All other information that may be re quired wili be given. JAMES LEWIS* Captain, apB-12t and Rocnilting oflficftr. WANTED —A Situation as Salesman, by a yotiDg man, Who bas been eogAgcd in the Hardware business for fifteen years—part of the time lo this city ; haß a large arc! valuable acquaintance In Mis pnnri, Illinois, and Kentucky. Address box 3913* Bt. Louis Post Office. aps- 12t* WANTED. 500 good wofk horBPB wanted immediately. Apply at the Ohio House, IVest riiiladelphiu* Pa, ap7-ot* GEO W. FITZWATER. wfes. DEPUTY QUARTERMASa i&g TER GKNKRATj’S OFFICB, PjniiADKLpiu.i. April 3. ISA 2. WANTFD IMMEDIATELY—YoaseIs to load with Ooal ior Fort Monroe, Va. A. BOYD, ap4-tf Captwin and A. Q. M. DEPUTY quartermas a=STKK GENERAL’S OFFICE, Puii.ADßi.vurA* April 3,1562. WANTED IMMEDIA9 ELY—Vessels to load with Coal for Alexandria, Ya, A. BOYD, g{4, tf O&pL&iU itiUl A. Q. &I. PHILADELPHIA. m COTTAGES AT ATLANTIC Pllil CITY.— Fap SMe or to L<t. four cotinges, suitable for fuufily stiumier rosidencc?, aituatert near ttie beach. For pariiculars and terms, ftpptv to JOHN STBWVRT, No. 427 WALNUP Street. Or at the Office of tho Can den and Atlantic Laud Co., apl2 6t m WILNPT Stroeh DESIRABLE COUNTRY HOUSE ESto LET—For the summer or for the year, ready furnished, on the Limekiln piho, 1 % miles north of Ger mantown* containing ton rooms* including parlor; with seven acj-fg pf growiiii garden, (ahoimdlDg hi ilfakx berries, raspberries, currants, blickberriee* Ac.,) fish pond. stable, &c For further particulars, iwntfra of N, H. JBBOWN. 118 CHESTNUT Street, or J. M. McKIM, 1015 North TENTH Slrect. It* TO BENT—THE NEAT DWELJ ftii LING. 14ftC CHEIIHY Street near “Friends 1 Wetting-Hoiue gftß, bath, range, &c., in elegant order. Rent *250. S. KINGSTON MoCJAY* apl2.St* 427 WALxUT Street. tio LET, AT A LOW RENT, for a BOARDING.HOUSE—Tho Urge DWEL LING, No. 620 LOCUST Street, opposite Washington Sonsre, 27 moms. Heaters, gas. bath, ranee, water*clo sets, Ac., in good repair. S. KINGSTON Mt OAY, nrlS.Ot* 427 WALNUT Btroett » TO LET.—Large HOUSE and premise. So. 135 BACK Street. Wmiblnnswer for a. Manufactory. B- UA.YS, apl2-12t* 210 North THIRTKENTH Street. I OUSE TO LET, HERMAN II TOWN.—A </ottago in tho lower part of Ger mantown. commanding a splendid view of the surround ing country, within 150 yards of Turnpike, aud throe minutes walk of two stations on Steam Railroad. Apply to GEORGE JUNKIN, Eb*i m Bonthoast corner SIXTH and WALNUT Streets. ap!2-18t* FOR SALK, Oil PART EXCHANGE—A STKAMROAT, ma chinery in good .condition, new boiler, side wheels, Ac. Will be sold at A encrifico. Apply to p; PKTTITS, HplSvtf No gflQ WALNUT SU'ft&t. 4* ELEGANT GERMANTOWN BE- B»a 6IDENCK TO LlsT.—Thf couuuoJioas mansion, witli lar*»e lot. stable, aud coach-bouee iuid garden, on ABMAT gtmt. (liimlvn rinvr). ivitliiu three mluut**' walker'church-lino Station. This property |3 bfnnti fully situated, well shaded, and is replete with Conveni ences—pts, bath, and wator closet, Ac. 'A desirable winter and Bummer residence. Apply to V. l>. tvrT.STACH, So. 38 u 9 rth TIIIBD Street. aplO.thrtufltif* TO KENT—A well-lighted SECOND STORY ROOM, suitable for a light manufacturing burines*. or a lSilltiird-rooni, situated on the rorner of FOURTH and IK DEBAR Streets, CAMDEN. N. J. Apply to SAHIUEr. ROSS, , Corner of FOURTH anti PLUM SIMMS, nj'9.]2i* Camden,X. J. "DOARD WANTED, by a gentleman, I )j n a plain, neat, respectable, eninU family, between Third and Vighth and Cheetnut and Pine. Any gentle man or widow lady baying spare room can addresa •• Konte Agent,” until IS o'clock, Tuesday, April Ist, Philadelphia I*. O. mll3l T ABOH-SAVING MACHINE* XJ CLOTH EB.BAVINO MACHINE. * Daley, Morse ft Hoyden's Clothes Wringer safes|&b£f| time Bhd Clothes, end it &fi Improvement which will most certainly be generally adopted. It is self-adjuatinff, sim ple, and durable, and is far superior to every other de vice for the purpeso intended. Over five huudred tiava bceu sold within the last thirty days iu this city, its family should be without one. They are warranted to give perfect sat iaFA*H«\&. For sale by L. E. BNOW, at the Office of JOY, COTfi, ft Co, Northeast corner of YIfTH and OiIKSTNU? Streets Orders from the Country promptly attended to, apl-ltu AMUSEMENTS* TUESDAY BVKXIKG, April 15, Mr. A. N, Taylor* SEW VIEWS CARL SBNT2, Conductor WANTS. JPOR MALE AND TO FjET* BOABDIN&. TIMK-SAVINO MACHINE. Mr. John Drew. John Drew.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers