THE CITY. St. Patrick’s Day and Its Cele- BRATION.—The anniversary of Ihe birth of St. Patrick, the tutelary Saint of Ireland, occurs to-day, aud will be duly celebrated with proper spirit. St. Patrick ia said to have been born in the year 373, at Kilpatrick, near tho mouth of the Clyde, in Scotland. Some authorities say that he was born at Boss, in Wales. At tho ago of six teen, he was carried captive to Ireland, by a band of ma rauders, but, after a detention of six mouths, mode his «re«r? and returned to Scotland. Beiag carried off a second time, and escaping again, he resolved to become a missionary to the Irish, was ordained in Scotland, and, after a long preparation, was consecrated bishop. Hia ecclesiastical nomenclature of P»tric2iis was given to him l>y Pope Celeatine, who sent him to Ireland iu the year 41(3, There lie preached the Gospel with such extraordi nary effect, that, although not absolutely the first to in troduce Christianity into that country, he has always re ceived the credit ef Us general conversion. He baptized the Kings of Dublin and Munster, and the seven sons of •the King of Connaught, St. Barnard testifies that he fixed hin metropolitan see at Armagh In hia old age he wrote his u confession, 0 the authenticity of which iB much doubted. A. popular legend escribes to him the banishment of all venomous 'Creatures from the island by means of his crozter, which was said to have beau kept with great care nt Dublin, as late as 1560.' St. Patrick died at Down, in Ulster, about the year 464, and was there burled. The celebrated shamrock, which is an emblem of the day, is a species of grass, also called trefoil, containing three leaves upon one »tock. Th© Irish, when he first addressed them upon the doctrine of tho Trinity in ’Unity, were occasionally disposed to atone him to death, upon which occasions he always produced the shamrock, asking them if it was not as possible for the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost to xrow upon & single stalk, as those three green leaves, and thus reconcilcdthem to the faith. •* Chosen leaf Of bard and chief. Old Krin’s native shamrock. 1 * < Other Lifetoiians say that St Patrick was not a native of Ireland, nor was be born in Steotlat d aa many suppose, but he first saw light in the neighborhood or Boulogne, in the year 357. Ho was taken prisoner by the Irish Monarch Xial, of the Nine Hostages, in 403, when only 36 years old—that powerful Hibernian ravaging the maritime districts of Gnnl at that period. On arriving in Ireland he was, with other prisoners, sold as astavu, and parried into that section of the country now known as Antrim. There his duty was the humble one of tending sheep ; and this uutet and solitary occupation giving him a capital opportunity to think, he formed plans for future action. At Inst he succeeded in escaping to Gaul, and reached once more his boyhoud's home. Ills friends uud relatives, as a matter of course, were delighted to see bim t and he was placed In the College of Tours, where bo 'Btadied divinity and finally became a priest. PAtrlelUs” did not fancy the ileister, however, and resolved to re turn to the country of bis captivity to preach to the heathen, who darkened that beautiful [and. lie landed iu Dublin about tlie year 423, and startei nt once fox tho region where he had go long lived us a shepherd. He had follower* with bias, and hid party wfere attacked by a chiettaiu named Dicho, as they were travelling to the interior, beiog mistaken for a band of pirates. ~Rut St. Patrick returned good for evil, and made Picho one of bis firsi converts; so that, instead of being put to death by him, he became oae of hi* warmest friends and most zealous co»oparatora iu spreading Christianity abroad The Saint celebiateil Divine worship first in a barn, called Patrick’s Darn, and dually lighted fires on Tara Hill in honor of Easter festival; and they blazed, too, in the very eyes cl the princes and chieftains, among whom vvae K»cg J.vgaire. Gieat wfta the astonishment of the nobles mi siting this file sporting up to tho heavens in sight of the Halls of Tars, and the Saint was summoned to the presence of Lugaire. He addressed tho King so eloquently and ably, on the subject of truo religiou, that, almost to yield to his (the Saint’s) belief, be did not uuitc surrender. He gave him permission to preach, however, and the result w as that be built a church on the very * pot which had before been devoted to the sacrifices of the Pmidfcal god, Crum Crunch. Success continued to follow the footsteps of St. Patrick during the whole course of his exertions to spread Christianity in Ireland—ihe Druids aud others, whose enmity he had to encounter, offering a lees forcible resistance tbnu is usual with the supporters of a totteiiug system. His converts embraced men of rank and learning; churches ■w ere erected in comic erable numbers throughout Ireland, Slid, to give the new ereteffl 'he advantages of organist*- tioiu the See of Armagh was founded, and it was fined by St. Patrick himself. Tbi3 morning there will be an orchestral performance at St. Patrick’s Church, and Haydn’s Mass, No. 3, will be sung by the choir. The Irish volunteers of the city are generally in the service of the country, go that the usual military observ- ance of the d«> will noi be as fin© a* usual. Ii Is expect ed, however, that two regiuaeuts of the Irish brigade, now recruiting he»e. will parade. The Hibernia Society will meet in the afternoon at the Continental Hotel, aud enjoy their annual dinner, after electing officers for the ensuing year. In the evening, an oratioa will be deliver ed by l>r. Moiiftj-ty, on St. Patrick, at the Academy of Music, at half past seven o’clock. There will be al-so a solemn Pontifical celebrated by Bight Bev. Dr. Wood, The panegyric of the great Apostle of Ireland will be preached oy jtev. B. Maguire, &. J., of Washington, D. C., and late president ®f George town College. Charged with Attempting to De- FRAUD.—On Saturday, in the Court of Quarter Ses sions, an individual, formerly a grocer, was heard on a writ of habeas corpus, charging him with defrauding his creditors. A number of wholesale dealers were examined, with whom the defendant had been dealing for a number of years, As a general thing he paid his obligations promptly. To tho present creditors, examined in the case, he was indebted in sums ranging from *6170 to $5OO. A half dozen witnesses were examined. Ho finally sold cut his stock nt public auction, and tho creditors remain unpaid op to the present time. The defendant, it is al leged, con timed making heavy purchases, although he was arranging to sell out by auction. A pcibob in Hie emvluj of nofonlant a'nted that after the store was closed and the bill of sale put up, persons came in there and bought goods in much larger quanti ties than usual: did not kno m that defendant brought the customers there Another employee said that be left the store iu Febru ary, l&til; tJsere was an ©xcelfent busmeea done at the store; the sales amounted. to from $5OO to $7OO per week.; the customers were first class people. After selling out his stock by public auction he closed out his business and entered into the Quartermaster’s De partment in General Banka* army, leaving a few of his creditors unpaid. The couuh-1 tor the defence asked that his client be discharged, as there was not the least particle of evidence that he intended to defraud his creditors. What was done was done publicly, in the usual way, and the stock was sold at a sacrifice, of course. The counsel for the prosecution asked that he be held to answer. Tho judge said that he could not conscien tiously discharge the defendant. He thought the case was one that ought to go to a jury. Bail was entered for the appearance of the defendant before a jury. An Interesting Case.—An interest tag case of enlisting mechanics, such as bricklayers, stone masons, carpenter*, and blacksmiths, came up before Judge Allison on Saturday, and was promptly disposed of It seems that arm© time since; about a dozen of men belonging to Moorestowa, 2*. J., enlisted at a rendezvous in Chestnut street, above Fourth, as mechanics, to do the work at Fort Delaware and other forts proposed to be Built on the Delaware river. The specifications were that the men were to be drilled three fourths of an hour iu the morning &ud ©veiling of each day, eo that they might man Ike guns iu cage tbe regulaF soldiers were shot down. This they agreed t», and became enlisted. In stead of being tie&ted as they expected, after baviugbeeu cent away, they found themselves to aU intents and pur poses enlisted soldiers. They refused to do duty as such, and appealed to the court, on writs of habeas corpus, asking for their discharge. There did not appear to oe nny blame on the pert of the recruiting agents in the city. There is evidently a misunderstanding somewhere. Judge Allison euid that tbe c&je is very plain—none of ?he men enlisted as soldiers, and consequently he would have to discharge them. A decree to this effect was at mice made. A PbAyeb fob A Time Of CiylL WAR.—Bishop Potter has directed the following addi tional prayer to the clergy if the Diocese of Pennsyl vania, to be read as there shall be occasion: “ 0 Eternal God, the Hhield of our help, beneath whose sovereign defence Thy people dwell in safety, we tileeeend praise, -we land aud maguify Thy glorious name, for all Thy goodness to the people of this land, and especially for the success with which of late Fhou hast crowned oureflorts to maintain the authority of law and to restore once more the blessings of union and peace. Inspire our souls with grateful love: lift up our voices in songs of thankfulness; make ub humble and watchful in our prosperity, and prepare us for whatever reverses Thou ehalt ."see that we need. Give wisdom and grace to our i nt&ra. Pour constancy and courage usd charity towards all men into the hearts vf our people. Draw towerdfi us those who are now alienated from us iu appearance or in heart, and hasten, O Lord of flosta, the blessed day ulien as one people we may once more give thanks unto Thee in Thy holy church, and by our daily lives show forth Thy praise, through Jesus Christ, our most blessed Lord and Saviour, Amen,” Chester Valley Railroad.—A bill for the relief of this company has been introduced into the Senate by Mr. Connell. The “preamble sets forth U« flnmiri »b 4 its to p»y is terest on its mortgage bonds The board of directors are then authorized to create and issue, io such manner, on Btich terms, to such amount, and with each priority and privileges as they may determine, a preferred stock, which shall be entitled to an annual dividend of seven per cent, of the earning* of said company, (provided, however, teat if tbo eat rungs of any year eh-Ul aot be sufficient to pay such dividend, then said stock shall, in any such year, be entitled to only sack dividend as the earnings will afford,) and which stock shall be used and applied as the board of directors may deem expedient for the purposes of this act. The directors are authorized to accept and receive coupon bonds from the present holders, and to issue to such holders the preferred stock of equal value with tho botds. They may hlso deliver to the stockholders for each live shares of stock one share of stock of The par value of fifty dollars, to be designated as common stock, and which ahull be subject to the priority of said preferred block, Donations to the Refreshment SALOONS.—The f'oopor-Shop and Union liefroabment Saloons have lately been the recipients of several liberal donations- The Cooper Shop lately received a letter from several gentlemen in Cienfuegos, enclosing a draft for $125, the letter accompanied by a barrel of sugar—money and sugar to be applied to the use of the saloon. The Hlasko Cbdets presented each with £lOO, the pro ceeds of the entertainment given by them at the Academy of Music, on tbe Sth ot February. Jatnce E. Murdoch haa also contribute! re ceived at his recent reading af the “Wild Wagoner,” at the Academy of Music, to the Cooper-Shop Refreshment Saloon. The exhibition given by Professor F. B. Hasting-?, before Mantua Academy, realized seventy* five dollars, which is also generously donated to the nso of tbo same £»lo6d. The Union Yoluutcer Befreshmeut Committee ac knowledge the following donations : J. E. Murdoch, proceeds of the reading of T. Buchanan Bead’s new poem, $130.22; Famo Hose Company, $10; Empire Grove, No. 35, Druids, $10; William Gulagcr, $5; E. 21.y50, ... Coast Defences — The defenceless condition of the sea coast in this vieinity, and the en trances to our porta, is attracting the attention of the au thorities of the States interested. To-morrow morning there will be a meeting of the Governors of Pennsylva nia, New* Jersey, and Delaware, and a deputation from the Legislatures ot Pennsylvania and Now Jersey,/at the Continental Hotel in this city, to consult upon the best plun to be adopted for the establishment of permanent coast defences. Meesra. Ketcham and G. B. Smith will repre sent the Senate, and Messrs. Abbot, Armstrong, Scott, Williams, and fchtiith, of Chester, the House. The Legis lature of Delaw are not being in session, will not lie re presented- Col. Bupii’s Regiment.—A gentle man who has jm-t returned to this city, informs ns that Col Bash’s regiment, now at the scat of war, is in a line condition. The officers and men are in excellent health. He describes their appearance as very fine, as the whole toliuuu passed lllw Qft march, each man carrying HU lance, and with ihe guidons flyiug, anil Hint tbnlr disci pline seemed to him to be excellent. Even after <bs snountii g to « nitr ilnir horses, and appearing to h.« r««n - porarily at rest, not a loud word was hoard among other* nr men, all of whom appeared to be nndor the strictest military subordination. Charged with Libel.—On Saturday morning Mr. E. W 0 Creene was charged with libel before Recorder Emu, and he entered bail to await a bearing at 10 o’clock this morning. The charge was pre ferred against him by Mr. B. M. Dusanberry, a member of the Board cf School Controllers. We understand that Mr. Greene, in this suit, will act as his own counsel, and yesorttothe constitutional right to cross-examine me wit nesses. lie designs, we learnt to make an address on the condition of the present Board of Control. The case will, without doubt, prove a very interesting one. Pocket Picked. Alderman Shoe maker was robbed In a passenger railway car, on Friday eTeninii of a Docket- book contftiaing about tortr dollars | n holes, and a lot of valuable papers, consisting of re ceipts, due.bills, Ac. The car was crowded, and the alder man remembers that a couple of yonng men crowded hard against him. He,did not miss his pocket-book until reaching the box office of the Continental Theatre. The Continental Dinner— An In junction ASKED FOR—Ou Saturday, in tho Dio tiict Court, a bill was presented, in equity, praying a tl'ccisl and perpetual injunction to prevent the city of Philadelphia from pa tag the cost of tho la c dinner, by Councils, nt Ibo Continental Hotel. Tho hill is preferred by George F. Lewis and George Smith, citizens and tax payers, a gainst Philip B. Lutes, clerk of tho Common Council. Emanuel Boy, clerk of Select Oouhcll, Jam*.* McClintock, treasurer, and J. E. Stevens & Co. It ro utes the passage of the ordinance appropriating two thousand dollars for the expenses of the entertainment, and the Mayor’s veto of the same, aud the passage of it over the veto by a two»third& vote of both chambers. Tb© compfoiuauta allege that the eaid ordinance is illegal, and make the fullowtau übjuuLiuns to its validity: 1. That a considerable portion of the said sum of $2,000 was designed to cover the expenses of an ontertaiumont— viz: eating, drinking, and smoking, provided by Coun cils for themselves and their guests, the said object not being properly or legally tho subject of municipal enact ment, assosment, or taxation. 2. That the moneys thus misappropriat'd w«r« raised by general taifuiou. and cannot lawfully be devoted to any objects other than those of the geueral welfare, the entertainment referred to having no connection with the public or general good. , . 3. That the mom ys thus misappropriated were raised by specific taxation for certain specified purposes, and were paid and rewind for tiIWV particular purposes, aud none others; that the entertainment of Councils was not amongst the purposes thus enumerated, and the with draw a! of the funds from tho purposes to which they were to pledged iB a perversion thereof, and a breach of the trust reposed iu those controlling tho appropriations. 4. That the Council* are, in this particular, the trustees of the public funds* ana cannot lawfully appropriate the same to their own use.. 5. That by the fiftieth section of the act of the General Assembly, passed the second day of February, A. D. 1854, commonly called the Consolidation Act, it is en acted that “ No member or members of Council, whether as a committee or otherwise, shall make any disburse nieut of corporate moneys, nor audit the accounts thereof, r.or perform any other executivo duty whatever.” And your orators charge that tho action of the said Council?, herein complained of, is in direct violation of said section, the members of said Councils assuming in said ordinance to moke “ disbursements of tho corporate moneys,” to “ audit the accounts thereof}” and to uper form executive duty.” 6. That b; the twenty-fourth section of the act of May 33th, 33f»6, it is pro viced that (1 It shall not be lawful for any department or committee of said city, or tho officers tbertof, or ftr the prison inspectors, to draw any moneys out of the City Treasury, or to use any savings, or tUe proceeds of the sales of any work or material* for or Id any office, department, or prison, or any revenues what soever thereof, for any entertainment, eating, drinking, or smoking furnished to any members or officers of said city corporation, departments, or officers thereof, or of said priton, but shall pay the whole of said moneys into tlic City Treasury, and every warrant drawn for«tbe ox. pehsba of every department of the public service And prison shall contain the declaration that no part thereof has been used tor said purposes; and it shall bo lawful lor the City Controller, and his duty, whenever required by any citizen, to administer an oath or affirmation to any person presenting u bill aiainst the city i« to its ac curacy, the prices actually paid or contracted to be paid therefor’ whether others and who, arc interest therein, and as to whatever matter he may deem needful to pro tect the interests of the city.” 7. And your orators charge that the action of said Councils herein complained of is in direct violation of said section, tho Councils being the legislative ** de partment of laid city*” and the avowed object of said misappropriation being “to draw moneys out of the City Treasury for eating, drinking, and smoking, furnished to them as members aud officers of said city.” 8. That it is contended by defendants that said al leged ordinance was legally passed over the Mayor’s veto, whereas your orators ctmrgo to tho contrary thereof, that the same did not rtceive the number of votes requisite and necessary to enact the same over said veto. 9. That said alleged ordinance directs that the warrants for said misappropriation shall be drawn by the clerks of Couucils, there being R 9 authority in the law Tor confer ring such a power on said clerks. The Court allowed iliti hill to be filed, ordered a cau tionary injunction to ho issued, aud fixed Thursday next for the hearing of the case. A Series op I ires.— On Saturday afternoon, shoitly after five o’clock, a lire occurred at No. 235 Lace street, in a five.storied brick budding, owned tmd occupied partly by S. Levine ix Son, manu facturers and dealers in webbing girth*, tassels, Ac. There is also a large four-storied building in the rear of the one above mentioned. Misers Levine A Son occupy the first floor front as a store, and all the rest of the budding except the second story. The beck building was c.ct-upied by various tenants, among whom were Ctaren haclL A Herder, cutlers; Juhu Howard, last-maker i Beinliold k Moore, tobucco cutters; and S. Bache ana James Par&more A Sod, polishers and grinders. There were a few other tenants in the building. The fire ori ginated in the, and is believed to have been accidental It bnmed into the store where Levine & Son had a stock of good*, valued at $5,000. This stock was coueiderfthly damaged to' fir<? fled water. The loss is coveud by insurance in the Franklin, Royal, aud North ern Assurance of London Companies. The other por tions of the bui’ding were slightly damaged by water. The place had been closed ior Borne time previous to the discovery of the fire, the workmen having goue to their homes. The fire wa3 discovered by Officer Shrouds, of the Sixth ward police, wh > promptly gave tho alarm. Through the exertions of the chief engineer and firemen the flames were prevented from injuring the surrouuQing properties. Between eight and pine o’clock on Saturday morning, a fire also occurred in a three-story brick building. No. 817 Market street. The structure was occupied by A. S. Noe a 6 a furniture store And upliolst -ring establishment. The fir* origin.Vfid. in a at tho head of the stairs, in the third etory, and extended through the hatchway to the roof. 7 lie flames were subdued before any considerable damage was done. The building, which was slightly da maged, belongs to the Kates estate, aud is insured in tho Green Tree Insurance Company. The greater portion of the stock of Mr. Noe was removed. The remainder Buf fi red much from water. His loss is estimated at about $5OO. The stock, fixtures, Sc , are insured lor $l,OOO iu the Spring Garden Insurance Company. The origin of the fire was rather mysterious. Fire Marshal Blackburn is investigating the matter. Late on Friday night, a fire occurred at tho dwelling of Mr. Carling, in Manayunk. The damage done did not amount to.much. The itlnnu of fire About eight o’eldfife WAS OAUS«d by thd burning of a frame stable, at the corner of Moeller street and Germantown roi*d, attached to tho hotel of Elias Butli. The damage done was trifling. School Entertainment. —The young ladies of the FifteontluwMd public schools were ageem bfed in the Girls’ Grammar School room, of the Living ston building, on Friday afternoon, to congratulate each other on the gieat succo3sof their concert, held on the 2Stb ultimo at the Academy of Music, and to see aud hear the elegant piano purchased with the profits. It was indeed a brilliant sight, of bright ©yes and smiling faces. Tho room was tastefully decorated, as was re marked, “m tho Gordonic stylo:” stars and stripes all around, in tasteful profusion. A beautiful feature of tho occasion waß the presence of all the teachers in tho Fif teenth section, about sixty in number, charmingly dressed, and decidedly good-looking. Professor Fischer conducted the staffing, and tho school went through taeir pieccH in grand style. Mr. Georg© F. Gordon m-vie a short address* presenting the piauo to the school* and making a full statement of the matters with the concert, showingtotal proceeds $634; expenses $334; price of piano, purchased from Shoemaker A Co , Chcßtnut street, above Tenth, s3*2s—twenty-five dollars being a donation from Shoemaker &■ Co. From the de monstrations of applause with which 3lr. Gordon was grtetedi we Bbould judge he was a favorite. Short f-peeches were now made by Thomas Potter aul A. B. Irens; after which, Directors Charles Adam?, Henry Hoff, A. G. Hoffman, 8 Dauiahs, J. C. Dihaduay, J. Keller, J. Clark, and Thomas Wood served out, in great abundance, ice cream and cakes. The recently-elected principal of tho Girls’ School, tho aecoinp]t&li©d Miss Bradbiirp, 41141Ul gtp&r&l COlhUtAU dation by her gracefulness in actitn and promptness-in □isciplino. Her talented assistant', Misses Bolton, A. H. Cooper, and Drown, were admired for their attention and courtesy to all. The Concert Committee, composed of Mia3es Deihr, Potter, Bradbury, Cooper* Mendenhall, and Fischer, had a brilliant closing to their concert business. The former principal, the late Miss Gillingham, (now Mrs. Gasper,) appeared as a visitor, and was greeted with hearty applause by her old pupils. It was au occa sion long to be remembered. The whole thing waß sud den and unexpected, and, we understand, was one of Goidou’s surprises Smuggling Powder—An Exciting SCENE. —Captain Kennedy McCaw, the boarding officer of the port in the revenue service, received informa tion, late on Friday afternoon, that a schooner which was lying at anchor in the Dilaware, near Christian street, was delivering a quantity of gunpowder to a skiff which w:» lying alongside of her. Captain McCaw cus pected that tho powder was intended to go in some illegal direction, and he immediately ordered out tho custom house barge and pulled out to the schooner. On ar riving at the vessel, he found that a number of kegs had been put in the skiff, and that the loading was still in progress. He ordered the men to step operations, and be went into ihe cabin of the schooner to demand an ex pianktion. While he was in ihe cabin the skiff cut loose, and she was soon fairly flying down the river before a fresh northerly wind. The alarm was given, and, with the skiff nearly a mile ahead, the barge started in pursuit.- ,4‘ was an exciting chase, sails against oars, the skiff skimming a ong like a bird, and the four Imriemen bending to their ours and streiuing every nerve to overtake tho smugglers. Finally tLf month of the Schuylkill was reached, and the skiff, doubling the cape, turned up that stream. Here the wind was not so favorable for fast sailing, and the crew of the skiff took to their oa r s to help along thtir craft. As the fugitive approached Point Breeze the revenue boat gained open her, and, just opposite Lafferty’s, the barge grappled with her prize. The persons in charge at first attempted resistance; but Captain McOaw seon over powered them. The skiff had forty-four kegs oF powder, each weighing twfuty-five pounds, on board, and it was afterwards as certain ed that eight additional kegs remained upon the schooner. The latter,' it seems, was from Boston; and the powder, it is alleged, was intended for a manufacturing firm in (he Twenty-fourth ward. The Government had no claim upon it, and on Saturday the powder upon both tbc schooner and tho skiff was formally taken possesion of by High Constable Clark, who placed it in the maga zine until the question of its forfeiture is decided. Ac cording to what ib known aßtlie “powder law,” the pow der is forfeited, ami a penalty of sdooie Imposed, one half of which gees to tb6 Aa&AOlittiobfor the Belief 6f Disabled . Firemen, and the remainder to the informer. Sentences in the Court of Quarter SESSIONS.—On Saturday the following sentences were imposed by Judge Allison in the Court of Quarter Ses sions: Hemy C. Molaxi, a young man who pleaded guilty to (hd ]A»any of SJBS, was sentenced to a term of two ycuig. Ho said (hat his wife had been grossly in sulted while visiting hint in prison, onscveral occasions recently. The judge replied that il the wife should before b;m and enter a complaint, be would seo that she amply protected. Herelbe subject dropped. Joseph Brady, Charlc* Parkinson, and William Moun tain, convicted of assault and batter}’ arising out of a difficulty at Spruce* street wharf, the sentence of the court was that the defendants pay the costs of tne prose cution. George Thomas, convicted of passing, counterfeit mo ney, was sentenced by Judge Allison to an imprisonment of eighteen months in the county prison. James McChrlstie, convicted of an assault and battery, with an attempt to coconut an outrage upon a girl nine years of age, was sentenced to five years in the peniten tiary. Judge Allison, in passing sentence upon the pri soner. referred to tho brntal and unmanly offence for which the punishment was inflicted. Railroad Accidents. —On Saturday afternoon a young man named George Hinder, iu at tempting to jump from a car on the Third-street Passen ger Bail way, fell and was run over. One of his arms was badly crushed. The accident happened in the Ele venth ward. The sufferer was taken to his home. B&imielLewis was run over by a train of carsonthe North fctneylvania Railroad, on America Street, above Columbia on Saturday afternoon, and was go* rlously injured. He was conveyed to the Episcopal Hos pital. Election of Officers. — At the meet ing of the Catholic Philopatrian Literary Institute, tho following gentlemen were elected officers for tho ensuing nix months: i'ruaiiient, Rev. 0. Strnbul; Vino President, J V. Firniisan; Treasurer. .las. J. D.ipan; Recording Kvcietaiy, M. J. J. Urifliu; CoiicepvmHug Secretary, Jno. F. McGovern; Librarian, Charles MoUneaux; Board of Directors, J. Methane, R. J. Moliueaux, Thou. Kelsh,M. A. Barr, Kdw. A. Murphy, Thos. Mc- Coy, M. J. Sullivan. Collection of Gas Bills.—A po (Kivu is in circulation.ashing ibe Stale Legislature to pa&s the biU * * To prohibit the collection of tax bills from landlords.” The petition sets forth the unfairnosg of tbo system in vogue, and urges that gas companies should collect their own Pills from their own customers. Abolishing the Board of Con- TKOLLKBS.—At a meeting of tho school directors of the Seventh section, resolutions were adopted, on motion of Mr. Bichc, the controller, in favor of the bill intro duced by Mr. Connell in the Legislature to abolish tho Board of Controllers of the Public Schools. • Pennsylvania Central Railroad. —The president of the Pennsylvania Central Railroad has, we learn* served a notice upon Assistant Secretary of War Scott to resume his duties as vice president of, the In,©, or to resign lils office, as the road needs his services t-r those of some equally competent man, if such can be found. j Transportation of Coal. La3t week the amount of coal transported on tbe Philadelphia und Beading Bailroad was over 38,748 tons. The Juvenile Missionary Society op THE GREEN-STREET M. E. CtlUßCll.—YmiwJw afternoon, the fifteenth anniversary of the Juvenile M-s- Bionary Society of the Green-street Methodist Kpiscopal Church was celebrated at the church, in Green street, above Tenth The exercises were commenced by si offing a hymn, composed for the occasion, which was followed by a prayer from the Jtev. James n. McFarland. The secretary read a report of tho condition of tho so ciety, which sot forth the whole amount of money col lected during the year by the different classes at $550. After the singing of auotber hymn, testiviomals and re ports or each of the classes were handed iu, together with their anniversary offering of mouey. The church was filled to its utmost cupaclt?, and tho exercises terminated pleasantly to all vowmed. We subjoin the following, Witten by the Rev. Dr. Cook for the Dr. Livingston Bible (lass of tbis church, a number of whose members are now in the Union army in Virginia: Onr classmates, iu arms for the Union, In Icute or in battle are found j With them we will hold swoet communion. Though tenting on more hallowed ground. Their fleg is the il Star Spangled Banner The Cross ivc would raise with-it high; Wo’ro one, both tn heart and in manner— “ THE BIG HT” to maintain we both try. Deceased.—Mr. Robert NeeJ, one of the supervisors of the Twentieth ward, died on Fri day evening of consumption. lie resided in Hutchinson street, above Thompson. Insurance Companies.—A bill has been introduced into the Senate proposing to punish the officers of insurance companies which may default by A heavy fine and fivo years' imprisonment. EAST BALTIMORE CONFERENCE* [Correspondence of The Pross.] EIGHTH DAT. The service of this morning was conducted by Bov. Hmdt-n. The minutes were read and approved. £4-v4VaI ministers, including Samuel Kepler, Bauiuel Baruo, A. A. Bteeo, and John 11. Dasldcll, desired to correct the reporters in regard to somo remarks made ou yesterday. A communication was read by the Secretary from the 41 official body ” of York (Peuna.) station, re questing the Conference, if agrieuble, to hold its next geeeion in that ancient .borough. The pastor of the cbtuge, lUv D. Monroe, tehUi-kal that nothing would afford the people there more pleasure than for the Con ference to accept their invitation. He would warrant them a cordial reception. The invitation was unani mously accepted. The report or the Methodist Book Concern was then read, which gave evidence of system and energy in eon dnating, and prosperity attending It, Dr. Carlton then afrked pennisaiou to speak iu behalf of the “ Concern.” Ho remarked that it was iu a hoa’thy condition ; that the afflicting debt, duo the Southern Church was entirely paid; that the amount ordered by the General Con tetence to be paid the Pacific and California advocates had been transmitted; the salaries of the agents, bishops, Ac.! .Ic„ litiil been proiujtly mo,, mid ahttudtome sure plus remaining. The troubles we are passing through, as u nation, have already had a sud effect upon the r ? coipts of tho “Concern,” there being a great falling off in the purchase of books and periodicals, but he trusted the year ushering in would be one of more thuu ordinary tttlce; rad y tit, were the times to remain m they nre fit present, he believed they could still make it support it srif. Be called especial attention to the periodicals of the Church. Tho time was when he received more money from the old Baltimore Conference for the Book Concern than from any other two Conferences in the connection, but there had boon a sad falling off. Tho CVirfsfian Adiocare awf Jowrnal, while it contained some things that many disliked, this Bhonldbeuo rea son why they should not subscribe for it. Be cause he found articles in hooks that did not chime in with liia opinions, was no reason why he should cease reading them—not at all. This he regarded as a parallel caeo. The Quarterly Review next claimed his attention, and the /Sunday Schocl Teacher's the latter of which should be in the hands of every lover of Sabbath Schools. He then spoke of the Sunday School Advocate, and of tho choice selection of “ libra ries ” on hand, having added to tho already large supply forty-nine new ones during the past year. The committee appointed upon the affairs of Dickinson Ctdl&ge begged leave to report- It was a clear aud uue quivccal statement of the condition of said institution, with a resolution attached, advising the college to make h an of twelve thousand dollars to remove all claims gainst taid college. Dissident Jchnson, in an able speech, besought tho Conference to look well into this subject, as it was one of the gravest importance The proper education of the youth, who should fill their place in the ministry, was a matter of infinite M&fty s?©Ut»g* men AtoHiid him at the pretent, bad been reared within the academic hail of old Dickinson, aud others w ere waiting for admis sion. Tho Dumber of individuals who could trace thoir aspirings to litis place was upwards of nine hundred, and were found in all the vari d avocations of life. The committee’s report was then adopted tinani mouriy. Kev. Ktuben E. Wilson and Bev. George Warren of fered the following: “ That the v embers of the East Baltimore Conference, in Convention assembled, request the presiding bishop not to appoint as presiding cider of any district a minister who has held that office for four consecutive years.” At opted Vy ft decided y^te. Tho Baltimore Conference having closed its session, the ministers availed themselves of the opportunity to meet their brethren of East Baltimore Accordingly they re paired to the “rooms,” headed by Bev. Bishop Janes, who w* s introduced to the Conference. A report from the Sunday-school Committee was thou read by the secretary and also, one from the Trenchers* Aid Society, which woe also rectivcd and adopted. A paper was presented to the Conference containing a preamble and resolution as follows: W'Aereas, The position of chaplaincy is an important and responsible position, and that the Government-is en titled to all tbe tahxita acd time of an individual thus ap pointed: therefore, Resolved, That we disapprove of the appointment of any member of this body to a station in this city who sustaiuu such a relation to any Government post. A motion to lay it upon the table was lost. The mover of the resolution then made several perti nent remarks, when Bev Dasbiell moved to take the qpfijtjpn without further debate. Motion lost. Rev. John A. Git© rose and stated that, while there was a general principle involved, it was intended as a personal affair. He desired to say that a similar course had been pursued by men iu that body, viz : of holding a lucrative position under the Government and retaining their effective relation with the Conference, Bev. Mr. flicer betas flue «f that number, when chaplain to tho Senate of the United Slates. He became quite animated, and spoke with power. On motion of Kev. C. Graham, Conference adjourned without coming to a vote. Benediction pronounced by Bev. Bishop Janes. MIIIIAM. LAST DAT. Baltuiork, March 14, Bev. Geo. Hildt opened the Conference this morning by reeding and prayer. The minutes were read and approved. The Committee on Necessitous Cases made their report showing tht- amonnt ptid in and disbursed. A motion was offered by Revs. J. S. Lee and Welty upon tbe resolution of yesterday in regard to the pxesiding ol'fers, viz : That the resolution requesting tho Bishop not to reappoint a minister who had been four consecu tive years in the eldership be confined to those men ex clusively whose terms of office expire on a district Lost by a rising vote. The Committee on the education of preachers’ children and the colonization movement begged leave to report; both of which were of considerable length The court of triai upon the coses of Bev. John E. Amos reported that they had examined the charges pre ferred against him; that they did not find him guilty of immorality, but of imprudent and uuministerial conduct, and do hereby suspend him for the perio * of one year. The Ram© court of trial reported, al*o« upon the case of lUv. John Ti Cole, found guilty of immorality and indis cretion, and by virtue of tbe power entrusted to them do oxpel him from the Conference. The session of yesterday closed before tho final vote was taken npen a resolution offered by Rev. Samuel Wilson, pm porting to contain a general principle without retelling to individuals, viz: That the members of this body most earnestly request of tbe presiding Bishop that lie does not appoint any minister to a charge, in this city or elsewhere, who holds a position as chaplain iu the army or navy. Lost. 60 voting in the affirmative, b 9 in the negative. The committee appointed to collect the votes on lay representation within the bound* of the Conference re ported as follows: for lay delegation 935; versus lay delegation 3,819. The committee on the tract cause made their report, exhibiting tbe superior value of these messengers of mercy that are wafted upon every gale, showing some of the valuable results of this operation of spreading Scriptural holiness, and requesting the reappointment of Bev. J. France as agent for the Trace Society of the >l. E. Church. Tbe time for adjournment having arrived, a motion was made and adopted stating that we adjourn to meet this evening at 7# o’clock. Benediction pronounced by Rev. Henry Slicer, D. D. EVENING SESSION. Trayerbyßev. B. 11. Creever, a most appropriate, sble, and touching appeal to tbo Throne of " heavenly grace.” The Bishop requested the Secretary io read the com mittees for the ensuing year on Visitation of Colleges, Ex amination, Memoirs, Ac. A vote of thanks was ten dered to the citizens of Baltimore for their kind hospi tality, to the Bishop and secretaries for their efficient* gervices, and to tho presidents of the various railroads for tteir liberal reduction of fare to and from the Con ference. Obituary notices were read; first, that of Bev. James Ewing, who died full of peace, and in holy triumph. “ Blessed are tho dead who dio iu the Lord.” of Bov. fe&mnel B. Dunlap, who, amid all tbe commotion and dlßtrees caused by our national troubles, in this city especially, remained calm and undisturbed until the hour of bis death, when he fell asleep sweetly in the arms of Jesus. Bishop Ames then arose to address the Conference, be- ! fore reading the appointments. 11© spoke of tho sajiorioradvantages of th© “ Itinerant Ss&tein;” how that in agister denomination iu New England there were four or five hundred church es without pastors and vice versa, while iu the Methodist connection every church was supplied, and every effectivo minister had work, and of the six thousand pastors iu tho United States, only about thirty do not go to tbeir work on an average. Be challenged th© world to produce a plan wrought with more efficiency ppd harmony. He spoke of the trials they would endure; acme of xbe charges wero hard ones; but labor diligently, r and God will requite. No avocation is free from care and difficulties; meet those in the itinerancy with courageous hearts* Some of you have pleasant fields; strive to make them bettor; others are not so ploa *:<iit; so much more necessity of laboring assiduously. His syn pathies were not bo much onlisted (though he knew all about the tiila of an itinerant) for his brethren as they were for th© families; and this afflicting of fami lies caused him much anxiety, though the system was superior to any other in existence. Be besought them earnestly to be careful of a brother’s reputation. A u ord spoken, apparently harmless might hedge up that brother’s way for a twelvemonth. lit did not censure ambition in young men,(if it was of the wooer character, Tho Word of God expressly StUd that th© minister should be careful to covet the beat gifts. ho continued to interest and profit, not only those men of God who had taken upon themrolves tho vows of the Christian ministry, bat the entire audience for rising of forty minutes; so that when the appointments wero mailt, oath «lt VM PI?PSF«i to Kceiva hit charge with favor, and to go forth ta till the vine yard or tho Most High. May God prospor them in the arduous labors of the Christian ministry, and reward them with eternal lifo« MIRIAM. Tbe following is tbe list of appointments: B altimokk District.— J- McKendree Seilly, P. E. _ north Baltimore Station —yr R, Mills, w. M. Bhowalter ; Exeter street —B. B. Snyder; Harford avenue J. W. Langley, J. B. Cuddy; East Baltl rnore—A. A. Reese,J. A. Gere, J. T. Gray; Dallas street—H. Furlong; Caroline street—C. B. Tippett; High street James Gams: Jefferson street R 8. Vinton: North Baltimore Circuit —D. H. Parrish, C. F. Thomas; Great Falls— T. McCartney, J. F. IJvtT, J. A. McKtndleea,; Bast Harford—D. Shoafr, \V. H. K*tih: HAvre-di-GyaAA —Blehard Norris; Weßt Harford—E. IFelty, BC. Haslup; Harford Mis sion—A. E. Taylor”; Strawbridge—T. B. Sargent, J. H, Browne; Wharcoat—K Kinsey; Emory—3. A. Wilson, J. H. Dashiell; Huntington avenue—J. If McCord; Mount Vernon—J. H Stevens; Seamen’s Union Bethel —Henry Slicer; Hereford—J. S Deale, E. E. Allen; Bangor, AVelßh Mission—John Williams; namprtoad— I*. K. Ciovor. Vf. W Hicks nmt J D. Iliwr,, uils- BiL-naiivs <o India. J. Fiance, everetary ol Xruut uud Sunday, fcchool Society. FitubEiuck District — TFm. ITarden* P. K.—Fre derick City and Anbury—B. H. Grover, J. R. CaddiMi; Broderick Ciicult—George Stevenson; Liberty—W. Muhil ftrfi J- f * Ockernißii; Weßtminsier—J. Monroe, J. H. Carroll, J. r. Hait i West Falls—B. W. Daugh ,.jty» En-nilttebtirg—P. B. Reese; Gettysburg—G. Buikrfressrfv J. AY. ilrown; Sliddletown—L. D. Her ron, J.W. Smith; Booncßboro—J. Forrest: Hagers town—S. W. Fears ; Waynesboro— Goorgo W. Copper ; Greencastle—S. W. U&rtsock; Mercersburg— Geo. W. Herd. Hancock —J. Montgomery; 'Clearapring—O. H. Suvidpe < GumbsrlAnd Barnhart; Frostburg fciatitm—W. Downs; Frostburg Circuit —W. Mc- Kee ; Weaternport —C. Kklbfua; Pleasant Grove —D. Cattleman; Alleghany —B. G. W. Reid; Gaki.isx.ii District.— J. S. McMurray* . P . E. — Carlisle Station—A. W. black;. Carlisle Emory Church —To be supplied; Curlislo Circuit— : N. 8. Buckingham, \i. ll. Maxwell; Mech&nicsburg—J. A. Bice. -Mount Holly ?pri«gf—A. W, Guyvr; York Springs—J- P. Porter, C. L K. Sumwalt; Hauover—J. P. Stranger. York—J. Sank*; York Mission—W. M. Frysinger., Wrightsviile—G. W. Dnnlap; Caatls Fin—B. Butler,' Jt. B. Polk; Shippenpbusg—D.Shefftr ; Shlppensburg : . Circuit—F. B. Biddle J. A. Dixon ; New Bloomfield—- 11. 0. .Mendenhall, •W. K. Fester ; Petersburg—O. Hartman; Newport—O.W.Bruce; Cb»mb»rsburg—l. Brittain j Cafaib^riand- 1 Y alley MUdon—l. C. Jlagay. Shrewsbury—J. W. llodges, M. L. Drnm; Mifllia Sta tion—J: Stine; Mifflin Circuit— I T. F. McClure, E. ; Buhrman ; J. A. Boss and Wm. Farhshaw, chaplains in V. S.Army. - THE fPKESS—PHILADELPHIA. MONDAY, MARCH IT. 1862. A. G. Marlott, president, and B. D. Chambers, Pro foswr of Jrrlng Vrrule College, fc Juniatta District—Georgs D ChentndUh , r. A\— l7ollid»>tiburg—A. W Gibson; Altoona—W”. L Spot** wood; Woodbury—J. A. Mtdick, J. H. S Clark; SfcheHcf burg—N. W. (‘olburn, J. B McCtasky; Bedford Sta tion— Ktopler; Bedford Circuit—J. U. Clark, T. Greenly; Bainsburg—M L. tmith; McConuoUstmrg— J. N. Spangler: Sliirfeysburg—J. M. Clark, G. W. fan Voeson; Concord—R. E fiLolfey, J. W. Cleaver; Mc- Vtytoun —J. Anderson, J. C. Cook; Now G auada—A. Smith, L. D. Watson ;.Ganville — V. Graham; Hunting ton—J. Brads; Mason Hill—J Monrehoad, W. A. Houck; Williamsburg—K< W. Kirby; Birmingham—J. A. Coleman, W. W. Evans; l.ewlstnwn—J. Guvcr; Lewistown Circuit—J. 11. C. Smith; Kishacoquillas— WlUifiin Uuyiifi, g. j.. M. Causer, chajdAta lu the United States anuy, aud member of Huntiugden Q. M. Confe rence. UORTHUMRKRI,AND DISTRICT T. flf. Ree Sf., P. K. — Williamsport, Ist charge—A. K. Gibs-m; do ,*2d charge —B. Hinkley; MoitsonvUle—S. dhanuon ; Muucy—ll. S. Dill, I>. A. Ifeeuberg; Milton Station—E Wilson; Milton Circuit—<F. Gearhart, IL C, Burden; Lewlabnrg —E. J. Gray; Miffiinstmrg— A. Hartman; Middlebnrg— I. W. Buckley ; Northumberland—A. R. Reilly; Sunbury —B. F. Stevens, A. M. Creighton; Catuwissn—M. P. Crossthwnite, J. P. Akers; Anhlaud—A. Iff. K**ster; Danville —J H. C. Dosb: Bloomsbury Station— D O. John ; Espytown aiul Light Street—.l. W. Pric*'; Jerany lown—th lleaver; Jttuievitie—l». 1\ King; Beaver Meadows—J. J loyd ; While IlAven—D. 8. Manror; Berwick—A. M. Barnitz, W.c.XJesser; Bloomlogdale— J. W. Uaughawout, E. J. Schwartz; Orangeville—J. G. WcKeehau, Thompson Mitclwll, president of Dickinson ■Seminary, and W. G Dill and Thouias Case, professors. J.H.Torrence, secretary of the Pennajlvouia state Bible tety. Bki.lkfoxth District.— B. Jl. Hamlin, p. U.'—Belle fente Station —S. L Bowman; Bellefoute Circuit—T- 11. Switzer, H. 1 yun ; I’oit aLitikla—W. 11. Slovens; War rior's Hark—G. Guyer. J. B. Polsgrovu; Peon’s Valley— G. Worren, J F. Craig ; Lock ll%ven—ti. &1 Gardner ; Salouft—J. Hunter; Clinton—J. Y. RutUrook, J. M. Akers; Great Islanf—J. A Do Moyer; Jersey Shore— T. Sherlock; Liberty—J T Wilsou ; Newbury—U Wilson, G. Leidig ; English Centre —P. B. Ruch ; Nippnoa—J. B. Mann; Sinnemahorainy —J. Griss ; Shippeu —J. R. King ; Caledonia—tf. M. Ash ; lCar tliaufl—J. F. Brown ; PhilHpsburg—S. Creighton, J. G. Moore ; Curwlnsnlle and Clearspring—T. ir. Gorwalt; New Washington—A J. Bender, J. W. Olwin*; Glen Hope —J. S. Lee, C. H. Kitchen. W. A. Snivoly transferred to the Pittsburg Conference, and bamuel Barnes lo the Northwestern Virginia Conference. Baltimore, March 13 PHILADELPHIA BOARD OF TRADE. THOMAS KIMBEB, Jb., 1 s ISRAEL MORRIS, > COUMITTH Or TH> MOVTB. JOSEPH C. GRUBB. ) LETTER BAGS At the, Merchants’ Exchange, Philadelphia, Ship Saranak, Rowland Liverpool, March 25 Ship Adelaide Bdll, Robert on •..Liverpool, soon Sbip Frank Flint, Colley.* Liverpool soon Ship Argo, Ballard Liverpool, soon Ship Shatemuc, Oxnard Liverpool, soon Berk American, Christian .Port Spain, soon Brig LnAlign. Evans Jago do Cuba, hood Schr C Fantnzzi, Wooster Mayaguez, soon Brig J D Lincoln, Webber Laguayra, soon FORT OF FUILADfiLPHTA, March 10,1862. SUN RISES .6 lI—SUN SETS 6 6 HIGH WATER 2 13 Berk E Sherwood, IUII, 4 dAJ-S fWU New York, 111 ballußt to Robert Taylor <£ Co. Schr Emma Amelia, Harding, 9 days from Boston, with mdse to TwfilJs A Co. Schr James Neilaon, Burf, 4days from Taunted, with mdse to Twells A Co. Schr Toung America, Lawrence, 1 day from Port De posit, with vrneai to Jas L Bewley A Co. Ship Shatemuc, Oxnard, Liverpool, Workman A Co. Brig J W Woodruff, Robinson, Matanzos, J. Mason. Brig Mary Means, Wilson, Sbip Island, Twells & Co. Scbr A M Edwards, Hinson, Hatteras Inlet, Tyler, Stone & Co. [Schr Grand Island, Short, Newburyport, George B Kerloot. City Ice Boat, Schullcnger, went down at 10 A M, taktag in tow the barks Wilhelmiue, for Liverpool* and Aristides, for Antwerp. Thecargoof Wilbelmine is 17,168 bush wheat, 2,765 l.bla flour, 030 hugs eloverseed, 338 boxes bacon, 80 Dkgs lard, 14 casks callow. The Aristides takes out 14,000 bush rye, 9,000 do wheat, 1,000 bbls flour 10 hhds bark. AT NEW CASTLE. Ship Jesse Boyle, Rawls, 30 days from Plymouth, fi, in ballaat. to load atain timber. 15th uIU Ist 47 46. loti 29 40, exchanged signals with ship Cheltenham, from New York for Havre; 25th lat 4 2 13, lon 37 15, spoke bftik Texas, from St Nazair for New York. Steamship City of New York, via Bremen, cleared at New’ York Frirday for Liverpool. bteamsiiip BremoD, Weasels, fur Bremen, cleared at New York Friday. Steamship Nova Scotian, Alton, from Portland, at Londonderry Ist instant, and proceeded for Liverpool. Sbip Floia, Page, from Callao, at Leith 2?tb ult. Ship Speedwell, Wiley, Bailed from Cardiff 27th ult for Singapore. &bip dolfcrico, Pendleton, for Calcutta, #Ml6d fr6rn Newport 27th ult. Ship Manners Sutton, Rowland, hence, to Liverpool Ist instant. Ship Touawanda, Julius, hence, sailed from Holyhead 28th uit for Liverpool. Ship Superb, Bray, cleared at Liverpool 27th ult for Sydney* Ship Norwegian, Musans, cleared at London 27th ult for Callao. Shta Helens, Uansen, sailed from Baujoewaujie 26th Dec, for Amsterdam. Bark Pauline & Cordelia, Hagedorn, for this port, was ready for sea at Rotterdam 26th ult. Brig Baltic r Haddocks, cleared at New York Friday for this port. Schrs Niantic, White; E Townsend, Williams; E Haight, Beebe; and Transport, Tilton, cleared at New York Friday for this port. Scbr Ella, Packard, hence for Sandwich, at. New York 14th iuflt. • *-■ Schr John & Mather, Nickerson, for this port, cleared atßostoß 14th ingt. Bchr Mary P Burton, Vent, cleared at New York 14th inst for Milton. Sbip Simoda, Searles, which sailed from New York Nov 17tb for Liverpool has not since been beard of. The Simoda registerd 942 tons, was built at Kennebunk in ]BM, rated A IK, hftited from Boston. Her cargo Conflicts or 1,800 barrels flour, 26,362 bushels wheat, 25,203 do corn. * The brig Thomas Tileston. Scammon, from Sagas for New York (uo date), put into Nassau, N P, for repairs, and sailed thence Jan 16, since which time nothing hM been heard from her. Her cargo consisted'of 64 hlida and 140 bbis molasßea and 61 hhds sugar, consigned to p N Spofford, She was built in 1855 at Ports nomh, N H, 282 tons, rated A 2, and owned by B N Spofford, of New Yoik. •• Brandies. —Pinet, Caatuion, & Co., Bisquit, Tricnche, & Co , J. J. Dupuy, Sorin Alnj, A. Seigtiette, Alex Seignette. PORT WINES.—J. Rampo, Best, BenlcarloDe Mai ler Bros. SHERRIES AND MADEIRA WlNES.—Double Pine apple. Gin, Stewart’s Scotch. Whisky. For sale by JAVRETCHE & LAVERGNE, fe2l 202 and 204 South FRONT Street. AOPPENHEIMER, MEROHAN m DISK BROKER in all branches of trade, and manufacturer of every description of Army Goode, No '4B Booth THIRD Street, west side, second story, Phila delphia. dell MARINE INTELLIGENCE. ARRIVED. CLEARED. SAILED MEMORANDA. WINES AND LIQUORS. ZOUAVE CHAMPAGNE.—A new brand—an excellent article. Imported and for sale at a price to suit the times, by CANTWELL & KEE PER, southeast comer of GERMANTOWN Avenae and MASTER street* Rudesbeimer-bekg, lauben 11E1MEB, and HOOKHEIMKB WINE, in cam of one dozen bottles each; warranted pure. Imported and for sale low by CaNTWELL A REFFER, south east corner GERMANTOWN Avenue and MASTER Street. PUKE PORT WINE. DUQUE DO PORTO WINE, BOTTLED IN PORTUGAL IN 1820. Physicians and invalids in want of a reliable article o! pure Port Wine can be supplied by inquiring for the above wm© at CANTWELL A KEFFER’S Southeast corner GERMANTOWN tvenne and MASTER Street. Hennessy, vine-yard pro prietors, Bisquit, Tricoche, & Co., Marett, Pinet, and other approved brands of COGNAC BRANDY, foe tale, in bond and from store, by CANTWELL St KEFTKR, Southeast corner GERMANTOWN Avenue and MASTER Street. STUART’S PAISLEY MALT WHIS KY, Buchanan's Coat Ha Whisky, Old Tom Gin, Old London Gin, London Cordial Gin, Bohlen’s Gin, In bond and store. CANTWELL & KEFFEB, Southeast corner GERMANTOWN Avenue and MASTER StreeL ZIMMERMAN’S DRY CATAWBA WlNE.—This approved brand of Cincinnati wine, th© best article out for ** cobblers,” for sale pure, bot tled and in cases, by CANTWELL St KEFFEB, south east corner GERMANTOWN Avenue and MASTER Street. ■e24-®m Business notices. TOHN A. ALLDERDICE, el ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Has resumed the Practice of his MEW CASTLE, DELAWARE, [jitiß-tei* JOHN WELSH* Practical SLATE BOOFEB, THIRD Street and GERMANTOWN Boad, is prepared to put on any amount of ROOFING, on the most MODERATE TERMS. Will-guaranty to make every Building perfectly Water-tight. Orders promptly attended to. my 7-1 y SON, & BENBOW’S SOAPS AND PERFUMERY. Mri G, fit ° r the above firm* bo long known to the American Wade, ii-forma his friends and'patrons that, the parlnerahlp having expired with Mr. Low, he has taken into partnership his son, HENRY BENBOW, who has been many years connected with tbo tatn firm. G. H. Benbow having purchased the share of the busi ness belonging to Robert Low. Sr, who was the original proprietor of LOW’S brown Windsor soap, &0., BKNHOW & SON will continue the manufacture vf that superior article, having bad the sole management for several yean. Also, of HONEY, GLYCERINE, FANCY SOAPS, POMADES, PERFUMES, BRUSHES, Ac., tbe quality of which they guarantee equal to any imported into the American market. Buyers visiting England the present year are requested to examine our goods and prices without incurring the übligatioA to parehftM. BBNBOW & SON, IS LITTLE BRITAIN, LONDON, ML FINE, PRACTICAL DEJS VSB?'TIfiT for 18 irnn% Sffc m VJNK Street, above Second, inserts tiie o‘osft tietmtiTul Teeth of tho ago, mounted on fine Gold, P.atino, Silver, Vulcanite, Co rallte, Amber, Ac., at prices more reasonable for neat and substantial work than any Dentist in this city. Teeth Plugged to last for life. No pAin in extracting Teeth. Artificial Teeth repaired to suit. No pay until satisfied all is right. Reference, beet fflmflteh faS2-3a» SELF-ADJUSTING CLOTHES WRINGER. —This improvement will wring water from any article of the most delicate texture to a bed quilt better than by hand, without the least Injury, and adjnßts Itself, so that it is superior to all other wringers and modes of wringing. Fnrobasors can use them one month and, if noi satisfied, return them auA. receive thsif money. For tale by L. E. SNOW, at office of JOY, COE, A CO., FIFTH and CHESTNUT Streets. Ladies are particularly invited to call and see them. < fe26-lm •, SHEEP AND GOAT SKINS.—A email lavoic. of Sheep and Guat Skins for sale by JAtfRBTOHE A LAYaiRGNE, f e 2l 202 and 204 South FRONT Street FRESH POUND BUTTER always on hand at the CHEAP STORE, No. 602 North SECOND StriMt. mh4-tf BOM' OIL.—IOO bbls. Natrond Oil in etore and (or sale by WILLIAM M. WILSON, *OB MaSKKI Street. t mhia-tf LEGAL,. Estate oe John p. d. muhlen. BE KG, deceaefd.—The Auditor appointed by the Orphans’ Court to audit, nettle, and adjust, the ac count of CII \PM AN RIDBDR. one of the Administra tors, d. b. n. c. I. a., of JOHN 1\ D. MUIILBVBBHG, dtcfiued, and to ruport «liMlril>utioii of the balance in Ids liAMfri will meet the parties Interested «t hin office, No. b 29 ARCH Street, on WEDNESDAY, March 2D, 1862, at 4 o’clock I». M. KDWAItD HOPPER. nihH-fmw £t Auditor. Estate of samuel bransen, -KKCKASMJ.—'Letters Testamentary upon the Kmatflnf SA(tintsL HUrVNSIiN, ilhcmiflfid, having boon granted to the undersigned by the Register of Wills for th© city and county of Philadelphia, all persons indebted to the said Estate aro requested to make paymout, aud those having claims will present them to JAMES W. PAUL, No. 220 South FOURTH Street, ORLANDO BRAN4KN, No. 833 MARKET dtreat, nihlf-iußt Executors. IN THE ORPHANS’ COURT FOR THE CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA. In th) matter of Estate of Dr. O. 11. I’ARTItfDGE, deceased. The Auditor appointed to audit, settle, and adjust the account of CHARLES SHIVERS, Administrator of Dr. O. 11. PARTIUuGK, decea od, and to report distribution of the balance, will meet the parties interested at his of fice, at Southeast corner EIGHTH and LOt’UST Streori, on WKDNEBDAY Morning, March 19, 1802, at eferen o’clock. DANIEL DOUGHERTY, Auditor. mh7-fmAw fit f N THE ORPHANS’ COURT FOR X THE CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA. Estate of WILLIAM L. NEWBULD, deceased. The Auditor appointed by the Oourfc to audit, settle,’ and adjust the account of WAKDaLE G. MCALLIS TER, Esq., Administrator, C. T. A., of the estate of WILLIAM L. NEWBOLD, deceased, and to report distribution of the balance, will meet the parties into* rooted for tho purposes of his appointment, ou Wf’DN KS DA Y» March 19th, IS62i at 4 o'clock P. M>» at his Office, No. 213 South SIXTH Street, Philadelphia. mh7-frmwst* FIKRGE AR'MIER, Auditor. COPARTNERSHIP NOTICES. '\TOTIUE.—We, the subscribers, have JLI Ibis day entered into a Limited Partnership, agreeably to the provisions of tho act of Assembly, pass* ed the first day of March, 1830, entitled “Au act rela tive to Limited Partnerships,” aud the supplements there to, and do horeby certify that the name of the firm under which said pnrtnershipis to be conducted, is “ EDWARD M.NKEPUKS;” that the general nature of the business to be transacted is the purchase and sale of Fancy Dry Goods, and other busiuesss incident thereto, and the same will be transacted in the city of Philadelphia: that the name of the general partner of said firm la Edward M. Needles, residing in the city of Philadelphia, at No. 1123 Moiwt. Vernon street, and the name of the special j>artDerjß.Thomas J. Me gear, also residing in tho city of Philadelphia, at No. 141 Arch etreofc ; ibat the capital contributed by the said Thomas J. Megoar, special part ner, is five thousand dollars, In cash; that the period a which the said partnership is to commence is the first day of February, one thousand eight hundred aud sixty two, and that it will terminate on the thirty'first day of January, ono thousand olghfc hniidfbd and aijity-ftva. EDWARD M. NEEDLES, General Portlier, THOMAS J. MEGEAR, Special Partner. Philadelphia, Feb. 1, 1802. fe3 in-71 Dissolution of copartner- SHIP —Tho copartnership heretofore ©ilitlttg under the firm .of T. SIMPSON SONS, Dry Goods Dealers, is, by mutual consent. thiß day dissolved by the withdrawal of TflOS. F. SIMPSON, one of the sons. The busintsß or the new firm of T. SIMPSON SONS will be continued at their old established stand, 922 and 924 PINE Street, Philadelphia. JAMES .SIMPSON, xuhlfi-3t* ' CHAS. F. SISIPoON. PO&T RICHMOND IRON WORKS. —COPARTNERSHIP NOTICE.—JOHN H. TOWNS, formerly of the firm of Merrick A Towne, has become a member oi the firm of 1. P. MORRIS & CO j to t=»ke cHect from and after tke Ist of January, 186*2. Isaac P. Morris withdraws from active paiticipfr tiem in the conduct of the business. The title of the new firm is I. P. MORRIS, TOWNRt A CO. ISAAC P. MORRIS, LEWIS TAWS, JOHN J. THOMPSON, fell JOHN H. TOWNE. COPARTNERSHIP NOTICE. —IS- BAEL MORRIS this day retires from onr firm. His sons, THEODORE H. MORRIS and FREDERICK W. MORRIS, are admitted aa partners; and the bad ness will bo continued as heretofore. MORRIS, WHEELER, A OO. t Iron Merchants, im MARKET Philadelphia, Sec. 31.1331. jal-tf PROPOSALS. fWARTEBM ASTER MINERAL’S W OFFlCE—WismxaToa City. March 11, 1862. V7anted, at Sbip Island, Mississippi, two light-draught Steamers, suited for tosving boats. Pro pi sals, stating terms and time at which they will be delivered at Shin Island, with descriptions of tho boats offered, will be received at the office of the Quartermaster Cfeneral until tbe Slsl of Mftrohr Proposals should be enveloped and endorsed ** Propo sals for Steamboats for Ship Island,” and addressed to the Quartermaster General, Washington, D. C. M. C. MEIGS, n>hl4«6t Quartermaster General. TO CONTRACTORS.—ProposaIs will JL be received until MARCH 31st, inclusive, at the Engineer’s office, corner of THIRTIETH and MARKET streets, West Phil&delihia, foi the GRADING aud BAL LASTING of two and a quarter mileß of the Junction Railroad, between Bridge street and the Columbia Bridge, in West Philadelphia. Plans of the work can be Seen at the Engineer’s office, and tho necessary informa tion obtained, ou and after March 24. mhlo-tmb29 JOHN A. WILSON, Engineer. "YTOTiCE.—Agreeably to tbe provisions JteV of an act of the General Assembly of this Com monwealth, approved the twenty-fifth day of February, A- D. 1562, which is as follows t A SUPPLEMENT to an act in relation to public printing, approved tbe ninth day of April, one thousand eight hundred and fifty-six Section 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rejnre&enlativcs of the Commonwealth, of Pennsyl vania, in Generai Assembly melt and it is hereby enacted by the atithoriiy of the same , That the con tractor or contractors for the public printing aud biodiug shall hereafter be alJovred tor tne translation of English matter required tq, bo printed in the German language tbe sum of forty cents per thousand oms. Provided, That no charge shall be alio ved for figures or other mat ter not actually translated. Skc. 2. That in addition to the charges allowed for tho furnishing of blanks, by the eleventh section of the act to which this is a supplement, there shall hereafter be al lowed for down red ruling five cents per quire of twenty four sheets. Sko. 3.. That it is the intent atid moaning of the act to which this is * supplement, that there 9halL bo no charge allowed for compoeision on any extra 4wnm,n!s ordered, unless the composition has actually bean performed, of which an affidavit of the public printer shall be required - by the Auditor General Sec. 4. That on Tuesday, the eighteenth day of March, one thornaud eight hundred and sixty-two, and ou the fourth Tuesday of Jftuuary every third year thereafter, the Legidature shall inset in joint convention in the Hall of tbe House of Representatives, and let the Public FrintiDg and Rinding for three years accord ing to the provisions of this act. ami tbe act to which this is a supplement, except that but one week’s publio notice may be given or the time of tbe allotment for tbe year one thousand eight hundred and sixty-two. Provi• Tlmtthe bonds with tlie £UP£tI6S 6f the 86V6H&1 bid ders shall be duly executed, sealed up and delivered with the proposals for the Printing and Binding, and in addi tion to the condition now required by law, shall be con ditioned that in case the bidder or bidders to whom the Printing and Binding shall be awarded, 6hall neglect or refuse to accept tbe same at his or their bid, the said bid der 6¥ bidders, with HU or their turetles Aforesaid. shall be liable to the Commonwealth for thedifferenoo between the amount of such bid and thy amount of the bld'of the person to whom the Printing and Binding shall bn award ed, after such neglect or refusal. And provided fur- That said bonds shall he accompanied wltu the cer tificate of the President Judge of the Court of Common Pleaß of the district or districts in which such sureties may reside, or, in case of tbe abseuce or other Inability of such -President Judge, with the certificate of the Associate Judges of the county in which such sureties may respect ively reside, that said bond and sureties are sufficient to secure the Commonwealth to the amount of the peualty thereof, which certificate shall be authority to the Speak ers to approve said bond: Notice is hereby given that the Speaker of the Senate and Mouse of Representatives of said CvmcuonwvaUb will receive proposals until the 18th day of March, 1852, for doing tbe Public Printing and Binding Tor the term of three years from the Ist day of July next, at a certain rate per centum below the rates specified in the act rela ting to the Public Printing and Binding, approved the Bth day of Arrili A. D> 1856, nod according to the mod, and manner, and conditions, therein specified, and in the supplement to said act above recited. Said proposals‘to specify the rate per centum on the whole of the rates of said act taken together, and not a specification of the rate per centum below the rateu on each item. T 1 »e following? Se the foHH pwap&sftls for the State Printing and Binding: **l, , propose to do all the State Printing and Binding, in tbe nanner and in all respects subject to the provisions of the act of the 9th of April, A. D. 1856. and the supplement thereto, approved February 25. A. D. 1848, for the period of three years, from the first day of July next, at the rate of per centum Mow tna rates specified in said act, and should the State Punting and Binding, as aforesaid, be allotted to me, I will be ready forthwith to give bond, with sufficient sureties, for the faithful performance of the work so allotted,” which said proposals shall be sealed and endorsed, “Proposals for Public Printing and Binding;” and shall be directed to the said Speakers, and be delivered to one or both of then, to be opened, an nonneed, and allotted, on the 18th A«/of MjtrcH, ibUaht, 'Agreeably to the provisions of the act of 9ih of April, 1656, and the supplement thereto, approved Febiuary 25, A.D. 1862. ELI SLIFER, mh!2-6t , Secretary of the Commonwealth. riOTTON SAIL PUCK. ANP CAN- V/ VAS, of all numbers and brands. Baven’s Buck Awning Twille, of all descriptions, for Tents, Awnings, Trunks, and Wagon Covers. Also, Paper Manufacturers' Drier Felts, from Ito 8 feet wide. Tarpauting, Belting, Sail Twidb, Ac. JOHN W. SYERttAN A 00., jny4-tf 102 JONES Alley. Kerosene lamps, whole, SALE DEPOT AND MANUFACTORY, No. 114 South SECOND Street, below Chestnut, and No. 1 CAS TE B; Street, Philadelphia. In consequence of new im provements in machinery aud increased facilities for manufacturing, we are prepared to furnish the trade with LAMPS and lamp-trimmings of every description at w*aUv reduced prices. COUNTRY MERCHANTS are invited to examine our stock,which consists of new styles and patterns of temps, and all articles pertaiuiug to the buftness, us low ai can be purchased elsewhere. n>bB-lm* M. B. DYOTT. Every lapy who wishes to BB BEAUTIFUL should purchase HUMPS COURT TOILET POWDER. It is used by the Court Beauties in Europe, aud it is. the ouiy Powder that will not injure tbe Bkin or rub off. Price, 12, 25, and 56 cents. HUNT’S BLOOM OF BOSES, a beautiful, na tural color for the cheeks or lips; it will not wash off or Injure the skin, and remains durable for years. Price SI, These articles we sew, aud can ouly be ob- Ulfi&d&fHUNY A 00., 133 South SEVENTH Struct, above Walnut. All kinds of Fancy Soaps and Diery. feltt-2n> rrUBKRAPIJNS, OYSTERS STEWED A AND FRIED, AND OHICKKN SALAD—lnTi cation Cards and other notices will be distributed In kit parts of the dtv, with punctuality. The aiHiwivifffntDt le fti tail Smacn W pra****, Ur Out Inspection of Ladles and Gentlemen, a list of the things neoessary for a large or «naU entertainment, asthr ease may be, thereby avoiding aU nnnoceeaary profusion and waste; and flatters ItimsoV, that by bis long expe rience in rnmnrwn be wIU be able at aU times to give; at heretofore, entire satisfaction to all who favor him witb •heir patronnßn. BTIHBY JONES, fltWw, No. 2&0 Booth TWELFTH Street, above SPEUCA, All who want good flour end Buckwheat Meal, should not fail to go to 6. Z. uew stove, No. 602 North SECOND oahis celebrated brands of Flour are now used by tbe best families in the city, and are universally acknowledged to have no superior. mli4-tf riANDLES— Ohemicl Sperm Candles, \J for »le by JAUKIS'ICIIE A LAYS BONE, 802 and 204 South FRONT Street. mfa!4 -OROOMCORN, HANDLES, TWINE, if 4 C . • Broom*, Basket*, Ac., for sale by O. B. BLAKIBTON, OommlMion Merchant. MO-Sm 89 S«ith WlTiltw™* LAH.I) AND GREASE.—SO tieroe* prime ]teaf lard j 60 tierces"White Grraee, Direct Irom the West, and I& store. For sate by mreev «u*n MURPHY A KOONB, |*T-tf Ho. 146 HOBTH WHABYB3. INSURANCE COMPANIES. This mutual insu rance COMPANY OF PIIILADKI.PIUA. OFFICE, 308 WALNUT Street, > Jauuary 12,1802. \ The following statement of the affairs of this Company on the 3Ut day of December, 1801, is published in pur pusuce of the charter, vir, ; To Capital Slock paid in £226,957 00 To Certificates of Profit con vertible into Stock To I*r«r.i!imß received on Ri«cs undetermined, December 81, 1860 $90,410 19 To Tremimue rocflv<*! on Hick* during llm your 1861 To Interest Account, net, rec’d Ju 1851 To Policies, Transfers and other profits, received in 1861, ...... To Profit and Loan Account for balance lly Pividend Accounts, paid for tlie year J^r.O,. $21,831 30 By rpturnod pro miunm, conimisetot>R, Ac...... By Mato Taxes, Pefeuce of the City, Refrenhimuit of Voluii teern, Ac., Ac 1,536 50 By Losses by tfire iu 1861...... 6,172 32 By Expenses, including Agtm cicF,*c M‘2130 Remaining with the Company _. Which is invested as follows, viz In First Mortgages on < ity Property, worth double the amount .. »i Ground Rents, first class • *» City of Philadelphia 6 per cent. Loans, $50,000 u Pennsylvania Railroad Company 0 t>er cent. Seroud Mortgage Loin $30,1)00.. (( Pnweyh'Onift Railroad Company 6 per cent First Mortgage Loan. « Commonwealth of Pennsylvania 0 per cent.. $3,000,000 Loan u United States 7 3-10 per cent. Loan “ Allegheny County, Pennsylvania BaiU road Company 6 per cent. L0an....... “ Stock Account for B. M. Insurance Company’s Stock “ Collateral Loans, well securtd Pennsylvania Railroad Company's Stock, 80 shares 4,000 00 ** Huntington and Brood Top Mountain Railroad &ud Coal Company Ronds “ Commorcinl Rank Stock Philadelphia.... “ Mechanics* Bank 5t0ck.,,,,,..... 11 County Fire Insurance Co.’s Stock <• Delaware Mutual Safety Insurance Com pany’s Stock . Union Mutual Insurance Company’s Bcrir, cost <* Accrued Interest, Rook Accounts, &c u Pills Receivable “ Cash in Rank and on hand The Directors have this day declared a dividend of S£X PEIi OKIST. on the Capital Stock of tho Company, and on tlio Curtificatoa nf Profits outstanding, for the year ending December 31,1861* without deduction fur State Tax, payable in cash. Also, a dividend of RIGHT FKR CENT., payable pro rata on the Capital Stock and Premiums earned, out of the profits nf the Company for the year ending Decern* btr 31, 1801, fur whisk CyrUficateg v? Preftfa hewing Interest, will be delivered to the stockholders, and to the insured entitled to receive the same, under the provisions ot the charier. No certificate will be issued for any sura less than ten dollars, nor for any fractional part of one dollar. Sums leeu than ten dollars, and not less than ouo dollar, are credited to the insured on the books of the Company, and if within any period or tou yearn, the said credits amount to ten dollars, certificates therefor will be issued. DIBKOTORS. Samuel Bispham, Robert Steen, William Hussar, Benjamin W. Tingloy, Marshall Tim, J. JollUeiUl UPftWli, Charles LeUud, Jacob T. Bunting, Smith Bowen, John Bissell,Pittsbnrg. 151 TINGLKY, President, tary. mhl-l-fm w6t Clem Tißgley, William It Thompson, Frodt rick Brown. William Stevcßßon, John ft. Worrell, H. li- Oartvn, Robert Teland, G. D. Itosengarteir, Charles S Wood, Janies S. Woodward, CLE B. M. HiKcnMAN, Secreti r\ELA\VAItS MUTUAL SAFETY J J INBUEANCE OOMPaNT INCOBPOBATED ET THE LEGISLATURE OF 1835. OFFICE 8. E. COBNEB THIBD AND WALNUT STREETS PHILADELPHIA. MARINE INSURANT ON VESSELS, 1 CARGO, > To all parts of the World* FREIGHT, i INLAND INSURANCES On Goods, by Bivers. Canals, Lakes, and Land Carriagee to all parts of the Union. FIRE INSURANCES On Merchandise generally* On Stores, Dwelling housos^Ac. ASBETS OF THE COMPANY, NOV. 1, 1881. yil. 0089* §lOO,OOO United States Five per cent. Loan. §100,280 00 60,000 United States Six per cent Trea sury Notes.....* 49,996 87 §6,000 United State* Sovtii And TliSW>&- tenths per cent. Treasury Notes §6,000 00 100,000 Stats of Pennsylvania Five per cent. Loam. 89,561 26 128,050 Philadelphia City Six per cent. Loan 119,448 17 80,000 State of Tennessee Five per cent. Loan • 34,076 99 90,000 Pennsylvania Railroad, Ist Mort gage Six per coni. Bouds 20,000 00 60,000 Pennsylvania Railroad, 2d Mort gage Six per cent. 80nd5....... 46,180 88 16,000 SOO Sharos Stock Germantown Gas Company, principal and interest guarantied by the City pf Phi ladelphia 14,697 69 6,000 100 Sharos Stock Pennsylvania Railroad Company 6,000 00 Bills receivable for insurances made 90,730 07 Bonds and Mortgages • • 76,000 CO Real Estate * 61,363 86 Balances due at Agencies—Premiums on Marine Policies. Interest* and other Debts due the Company 48,131 97 Bcrlp and Stesk of sundry Insurance and other Companies, §ll,B43—estimated va lue 4,086 00 Cash on hand—ln Banks .......851,098 08 In Drawer 617 83 61,616 86 DIRECTORS. Samuel X. Stokes, J. F. Peniston, Heury Sloau, Bdward Darlington, H. Jouea Brook©, Spencer H’lWaine, Thomas O. Hand, Robert Barton, Jacob P. Jones, James B. McFarland, ! Joshua 7. Byre, [John B. SemfrU, D. T. Morgan, Pittsborg, A. B. Berger, Pittsborg. ARTlN,President. William Martin, Edmund A. Bonder, Theophilns Paulding, Jobn R. Penrose, John O. Davis, James Traquair, William Eyre, Jr., James O. Hand, William O. Ludwig, Joseph H. Beal, Dr. R. M. Huston, George G. Leiper, Hugh Craig, Charles Kelly, WILLIAM THOMAS O. HAND, Vice President HKNBY LYLBURN. Secretary. |a!4-tf Xj>XCHANGE INSURANCE OOM jCi PANT—Office, Ne. 409 WALNUT Street- Fire Insurance on Houses, and Merchandise generally} on favorable terms, either Limited or Perpetual* DIRECTORS. Jeremiah Bonsall, Thomae Marsh, John Q. Ginnodo, Charles ThomMOl, Edward D. Roberts, James T. Hale, Samuel I). Smedley, Joshua T. Owen* Reuben 0. Hale, John. J. Griffiths. JEREMIAH BONBALL, Prerfdsnt. JOHN Q. GINBODO, VloePresident. IIOIUO Got, Beeretary. EH TNSUKANCB COMPANY OP THK JL STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA—OFFICE Noc. « and 6 EXCHANGE BUILDINGS, North side of WAL NUT Street, between DOCK aud THIRD Streets, Phila delphia. INCORPORATED In 1794—CHARTER PERPETUAL. CAPITAL, $200,000. FBOFBBTIEB OF THE COM?ANT, FEBRUARY 1, 1861, 800T,091.01, MARINE, FIRE, AND INLAND TRANSPORTS TION INBIJBANOB. DIRECTORS. Henry D. Bherrerd, Samuel Grant, Jr., Charles Mac Blester, Tobias Wagner, William 8, Smith, Thomas B. Wattoon, John B. Austin, Henry G. Freeman, WiiHam B. White, Charles S. Lewis, George H. Stuart, George 0. Carson, Edward 0. Knight. HENRY D. BHEBRERD, President. Williui Burn, Secretary. irtt-H IJIHE ENTERPRISE INSURANCE COMPANY OP PHILADELPHIA* (FIBS INSURANCE EXCLUSIVELY.) 00 MP ANT'S BUILDINQ. g. W. CORNER FOURTH AND WALNUT STREETS. DIBEOTOBB. JT. Batcbford Blair, Morieeal 1». DftvaoOt William, Gee. H. Severe, Halbro Frazier, John H. Brows, Jobs M. Atwood, S. A. Fahnestock, Beni T. Trodick, Andrew D. Oaida, Benrj Wharton, J. L. Krrin^er, 7. BATOHFOBD BTABB, Present. Qliuiß W. Oosi« Secretary fell FIBE mSUBANCE. MECHANICS’ INSUBANOB COMPANY OF »pn.AT>iCT.PHTA, No. 188 North SIXTH Street, below Bam, Insure Buildings, Goods, and Merchandise geiia* rally, from Loss or Damage by Fire. The Company gua ranty to adjust all lasses promptly, and thereby hope to merit the patronage of the public. DIBIOTOBS. William Morgan, Bobert Flanigan, Francis Cooper, Miohael McOeoy, George I*. Dougherty, Edward McGovern, James Martini Thomas B> MGOormloki James Duross, John Bromley, Matthew McAleer, Francis Falls, Bernard Bafferty, John Cassady, Thomas J. Hemphill, Bernard H. Haleemani, Thomas Fisher, Charles Clara, Francis MoMm?"**, Michael Oahill. FBAHOIfI COOMB, FieeMent. Bimakd Birrimt Secretary. Anthracite insurance COMPANY. Authorised Capital *4oo,o#* OHABTBB PBBPETUAL.I Office No. 311 WALNUT Street, between Third and fourth fltFMta, Philadelphia, Thli Company will tamura agalnat loaa or tlantato by fire, on Baildlnaa, fnmltnre, and Memhandia* geM* nU;, Alio, Marine Inraranoea on Veeeela, Oarfoea, an* frelfhU. Inlandlnnuancete MlpartaofthaUnion. DIBHOTOBB. PMtt Peter Sieger, i. K. Boom. Wm. F. Dean, John KotohtUß, .M ISHKB, PmUMt SUBi Vloo Freatdent. •*B-« Willi MB IAW) P. Irother* Lewis Andenried, John B. Blakigton, Joeepb ttaxfteldt WILLii WM. I*. W. M. Bun t Beorairr. •CURE INSURANCE EXCLUSIVE. JP LY.—The PENNSYLVANIA FBftl INSURANCE CO HP ANY. Incorporated 182 ft. OHABTEB FIX. PBTUAL. No. ftlO WALNUT Street, opposite Indepeod* win* Square. This Company, ravorably known to the community for •thirty nett years, continues to Insure against Loss pi Dft* coast by Tirv» vr pr* v *k «!*•* T**' manently or for a limited time. Also, on TBraiftm* stocks of Goods, or Merchandise generally, on liberal «enxuu Their Capital, together with a large Surplus Pond, !i Invested in the moat careful monsar, which enables them to offer to the insured an undoubted security in the eaaa afionfc DIBZOTGBB. Jonathan Fattanon, 'Aomaa HoCiae, Qointin Gamfibellt Daniel Smith* Jr.* Alexander Bc-neon, John De>Yere*x» William Moateliua, Thotnae Smith* taaao Hazlefenret, JONATHAN WIIiLUK G; OmOVXLIu American fire insurance COMPANY. hoononM 1810. CHABTBB PEBPKTDAIi. No. 810 WALNUT Street. above ThW, Philadelphia. „ . _ Bovine a largo paid-op Capital Biook and Supine, In fHtod In aonnd and available Seonrltloai continued to ■name on Dwelling), fitom, ldetehanrtlie, Yen* mU la port and their Cargoes, and other Personal Pro- Mrtr. All Loom liberally and prompt!; ndjnated. DIRBOTOBS. Thomaa R. Marla. Jamea B. Campbell, John Welah, Bdmnnd O. Datilh, Bunvd O. Morton. Ohsrlea W. Ponltnar, Petrie! Brad;, laraal filer ria. ,John *. Lewla, R MABIS, Prerideal AbJllT C. B, Cnawronu, Secretary, feSl-tt TOHN B. MYERS & 0% AUOTION y EBBS, Nos. 232 anil 234 MARKET Stront. SALE OF FRENCH BUY GOODS. Ob Monday Morning, 17, for cn&li, 760 packages French, German, Swiss, find KrJti«h dry goods. $231,362 50 SALK OK DRY GOODS. On Thursday Morning, March 20, for cn*.h, 500 packages British, French, and American dry gvvdn. 4*2,402 f*2 SALK OF CARPETINGS. On Friday Morning, Man h 21, for cash, 350 pieces velvet, Brussels, ingrain, and Venetian carpeting*, mattings, Ac. 92,378 71 $17,667 33 FVmESS, DBINLEY, & (JO., 429 CHESTNUT STREET. 46,083 36 63,8'>5 43 SALE OF BBITJtB, FRENCH, AND SAXONY DRY 8383,090 61 40,058 82 LYONS BLACK SATIN VKSTJNGS AND SATIN T>K CIIIN ICS. On Tuesday Moruiug, Lyons black satin yestiimsi _ u eutin de chinos. Lyons plain and plaid nankiuets. QUILTS, LINKN IiAMBRI i IIANDKKRCIITEFS, SHIRT FRONTS. 30-4 to 14 4 extra quality toilet quilts. fi-8 and 3-4 plain linen cambric handkerchiefs. 5-8 and 3*4 bemstjrcbed printed-border do. 5-8 and 3-4 second mourning do. Linen shirt fronts. Also, jaconets, cambric, and chock muslins. .$347,137 82 171,100 00 2,000 00 29,973 75 27,900 00 5,000 00 10,000 00 PANCOABT & WARNOCK, AUC TIONEERS, No. 213 MARKET Street. 10,000 00 .... 25,350 00 ..... 2,500 00 SALE OF AMERICAN AND IMPORTED DRY GOODS, EMBROIDERS, WHITE GOODS, HO SIERY, Ac., by Catalogue On Wednesday Morning, March 19, commencing at 10 o’clock precisely, com prising a general acuwrtnicnt of Bnaß'.nablo goods. 4,500 00 2,812 50 . . 1,050 00 FIRST SPECIAL «AMS OF STRAW GOODS FOR SPRING OF 1862. On Friday Morning, March 21, commencing at 10 o’clock. 380 00 9,414 14 14.393 88 15,363 54 Lb. hoppln & 00., auotion * RGBS, 242 MABKXT STREET. $3*7,137 82 ATTRACTIVE BiLF. OF SPRING GOODS, BILKS, DRESS GOODS, GINUtIAMH, LAWNS, Sc., by Catalogue. On Tuesday Morning, March 18, at 10 o’clock. Included in talc on Tuesday morning, in lots to suit the retail trade, may be found— Moses nathans, auctioneer AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, southeast corner of SIXTH and RACE Streets, The highest possible price is loaned on goods at JT#- thant' Principal Establishment , southeast corner erf Sixth and Race streets. At least one-third more than at aE7 other eetftWl&hnipnt in this city. AT PRIVATE SALE. One superior brilliant toned piauo-forte, with metallic plate, soft and loud pedals. Price only $9O. One very hue toned piauo-forte, price only $5O. NATHANS’ PRINCIPAL. MONEY ESTABLISH- In iauge or small amounts, from one dollar to thousand!, on diamonds, gold and silver plate, watches, jewelry, merchandise, clothing, furniture, bedding, pianos, and goods of every description. LOANS MADE AT THE LOWEST MARKET RATES. This establishment has large fire and thiefrproof safe* for the safety of valuable goods, together with a private watchman on the premises. ESTABLISHED FOR THE LAST 30 YEARS. ALL LARGE LOANS MADE AT THIS, THE ♦♦PRINCIPAL ESTABLISHMENT.” CHARGES GREATLY REDUCED. AT LESS THAN HALF USUAL STORE PRIOBS Gold and silver watches of every description, from on« dollar to one hundred dollars each, gold chains, fashion able jewelry, diamonds. Ac. Oxford female seminary, Oxford, Chester county, Pa. In a healthful, and easily accessible location, it affords advantages for a thorough and normal education. Tho course of study iucludes the Orumueatal Branches aud YA&kt cf the solid br&uckea taught in our cnllegos. Tho next Session will open MAY 7, ,862. For circulate, ad dress Miss H. BAKSR, l’rincipal. mhl3-lm TTILLAUE GREEN SEMINARY— V SELECT SCHOOL NEAR MEDIA PA.—Tho rough course iu the Languages, Mathematics, English studies, and ail tbo usual branches. Special attention paid to Book-keeping. Flue Philosophical Apparatus and Library. Pupils of all ages taken. Boarding per week, S 2 25. Rev. J. BERYEY BARTON, A. M. tnhB-lm Village Green, Pa. •909,136 8T PATTERSON, PrMldenS. Cretan. ftH BAi£h BY AUCTION BAI.E OK4IOOTS AND SHOES. On Tuesday Morning, March 13, (or cash, 1,000 packaeoa boots and shoes. GOODS. On Tuesday Morning, March 18, at 10 o’clock, by catalogs*, for cash— -450 lute fancy und staple dry cooda. BRITISH AND SAXONY DBF.SS GOODS. 8 cases Saxony poil d« ch vres. 2 cases Saxony plain Mozambique*). 2 case* London printed lawns and cambrics. Senses rich silk stripe worsted poplins 4 rases solid check and fancy ginghams. 2 cittHt-s Btrlpe poplins and fancy Mnzanjblfjuos. 2 cases cheek mohairs and Himalayas. SUPERIOR FIRE-PROOF SAFE. At prtoto e»l«i» tot rapwlw 8r?-i>r?°f »** gULKS. Pieces fancy plaid and figured droaa silks* Pieces assorted colors small check poult de sole. To do grosdu Naples. Do do superior MutcolKuob. Pieces new style plaid and chintz Lyons foulards. DRESS GtiOD*. pew and rich style barege 1 issues. Pieces grenadines, barege robes, and satin bareges. Pieces as> oiled colors French ami Scotch ginghams* Pieces Paris printed organdies and lawn robes. Do do white and dark ground challys. Pieces new style Paris dress tlueals. Also, white goods, embroideries, and laces. TAKE NOTICE. MENT. 250,066 TO LOAN, AT PRIVATE BALE, EDVCATJOfiAb, Bordentown female col. LEGE, Bordentown, N. J. This institution is pleasantly located on. the Delaware river, 1 hour’s ride from Philadelphia. Special atten tion is paid to the common aud higher branches of Eng lish, and superior advantages are furnisned in vocal and Instrumental music. German tuid French t>re tMfibt !>7 natives, and spokon in the family. For catalogues, con taining full particulars, address Bev. JOHN H. BBAKSIiKY, A. SI., ja29-2m* President FRUIT. BIEJ) APPLES.—66 sacks new Wostern Dried Apples; 1 bbls new Western Dried Apples. Just receivod and in store For dale by MURPHY A KQONB, laT-tr Wo. 14fl NORTH wgittvig. RAISINS, —300 boxen Layer Raisins; 800 half boxes Layer Raisins; 800 boxes M B Bnncb Raisins: 800 half boxes M R Bunch Raidas. New and choice frtriU now landing and for sale tT MURPHY ft KOON9, iaT-tf No. 14fi NORTH WHARVES GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS. gMOKED SALMON. JUST RECEIVED, AL BERT C. ROBERTS. DEALER IN FINE GROCERIES, mhio-lf COBNEB ELEVENTH AND VINE STS. 1A BBLS. FLESH ROLL ROTTER IU for sale at Ibe NEW STOEB, No. 602 North SECOND Street. mh.-tf Extra family flour, ruck wheat Flour, Rye Flour, and Corn Meat, always on buiidy ttt 8. Z. GOTTWALV, No. 813 SPRING GAR DEN street. mh4-tf WHITE FISH.—I4S half bbls. No. 1 White Fish, for sale by O. O. SADLER ft GO., feß 103 ARCH Street, 2d door above Front Fresh eggs, roll butter, And Poultry, received daily, at the NEW STOdE, No. 602 North SECOND street. mh4-tf IF YOU WANT CHEAP RUTTER, Eggs, Cheese, ftc., go to Si Z> GOTTWALS*, No- 919 SPRI NG GARDEN street. mh4«tf CHEAP PRODUCE! CHEAP PRO DUCE! at the NEW STORE, No. 602 North SECOND Street. mh4-tf SAFES. LILLIE’S SAFE DEPOT RE- IpffiMOVEi) to No. 21 South SEVENTH Btreet, new theFranktiii lubtitute. The undersigned, thankful for past favors, and being determined to'merit future patronage, has secured an elegant and convenient store, and has now on hand • largo assortment of Lillie’s Celebrated Wrought and Chilled Ipoh Fire and Burglar Proof Safes, (the only etxictly fire and burglar proof Bates made.) Also, Liltie’i Unequalled Bank Vault, Safe, and Bank Locks. Lillie’s Lank Vault Doors and Locks will be furnished to order on short notice, This is the strongest, best pro* tected, and cheapest Door and Lock yet offered. Also, particular attention is called to Lillie’s New Qabjnet Safe, for Plate, Jewelry, Ac. This Safe la con* ceded to surpass in style and elegance anything yet of fered for this purpose, and is the only one that if strictly fire and burglar proof. BPBOIAL Notice.—l have now on hand say twenty of Farrel, Herring, ft Co’s Safes, moat of them nearly new, and some forty of other makers; comprising a complete assortment as to sixes, and all lately exchanged for the DOW celebrated Lillie They Will be sold &t V£PJ low prices. Please call and examine. ja26-lyif M. O. SADLER, Agent B» EVANS & WATSON’S y BAL AM ANDES SAVES. STPBE, 16 SOUTH FOURTH STBEST, PHILADELPHIA, PA. A luge wiety of FIBB-PBOOF SAFES »Iwar«o» hud. COAL. ROBERT 1L CORSON, COAL DEALER OFFICE, 133 WALNUT STREET, BELOW SECOND, fe27-3m PHILADVSLPniA. pOAL.—THE UNDERSIGNED V-/ beg leave to inform their friends and the public that they have removed their.LEHIGH GOAL DEPOT from NDBLK-STRERT WHARF, on the Delaware, to thoir Yard, northwest corner of EIGHTH and WILLOW Streets, where they intend to keop the best quality of LEHIGH COAL, from the mo*i approved mines. At tho lowest prices. Your patronage is respectfully solicited. JOS. WALTON ft CO., . Office, 112 South SECOND Street. Yard, EIGHTH and WILLOW. inhl-tf NttSBHHI ADAMS EX PBESB COMPANY, Offioe 320 CHESTNUT Hireet, forwards Parcels, Packages, Mor chandise. Bank Notes, and Specie, either uy its own lines or in connection with other Express Companies, to all the principal Towns and Cities of the United States. E. 8. fiANDFGRDi felP General Superintendent HERRING.— 195 bbls. No. 1 Her ring, for sale by G. 0. SADLER ft GO., feB 108 ARCH Street, fid doer above Front FOR CHEAP BUTTER, CHEESE, Eggs, Poultry, ftc,, go to the NEW STORE, No. 603 North SECOND Street. mhi-tf HAI.BS BY AUCTION. M THOMAS ft SONS, • No*. 18, and 111 Boats FOURTH Btrote, (Formerly Nog. AT and W.) STOCKS AND HEAR ESTATE— TUESDAY NEXT. Pamphlet cHinloj'ues now refuly, containing full da. BCriptlou. of nil t]i. jvroj»rtyti}beßuld.n Tuesday, 18ttl infit.i at the Eachange, with a list of real estate at priyate sale, THE FI TTY-EIGHTH I‘IIILAUKLFH tA TRADH SALE. BOOKS, STATIONERY, BTERKOTYPM ELATES, Ac., will commence mi VEDNKSDAY, 2Mli Mnrcli, at tho Auction Booms, South Fourth street. Catalogued now rendy. VT PUBLIC SALES BEAL ESTATE AND BTOOKB AT THE EXCHANGE ON TUESDAYS. BEAL ESTATE AT PRIVATE SALK. tUT We have a largo amount of real estate at private sale, Including ovary description of city and country pro perty. Printed lists may he bad at the Auction store. THIRD BPBING SALE—STOCKS, LOANS, BIAIa ESTATE, Ac, On Tuesday, March 18, at 12 o’clock noon, at the Exchange -71 shares Reliance Mutual Insurance Company, bp order of executor. 40 Coal Company. 1 share Philadelphia Library Company. 3 share Mercantile Library Company. 3 shares Academy of tho Fine Arts. SB, COO Qunkuko 10 pnr cent 1 , first-mortgage bonds. £2,000 Union Canal Company bonds. »3W do do scrip 1 share in the Philadelphia tthnnenm. 50 shares Locust Mountain Coil Company stock. GLKNWOOD CKMKfKItY LOTS. 20 choice lots. Section C, Glnmvnod Cemetery ; 8 chotoe lots. Section B. Glonwond Cemetery. THIRD SPRING SALK—M\BOH 18. BUSINESS STAND.—Valuable four-story brick real depco and drug store, southeast corner of Firth sod Green streets. Peremptory SaIe.—THREE-9TORY BRICK DWEL LING, No. 2001 Rcovos street, west of Twentieth, with a threc-etwy brick <1 welling in the rear. Stile absolute. MODERN REsIDENCK> No. 332 South Thirteenth street, below Spruce. MODERN THREE-STORY BRICK DWELLING, No. 1436 North Thirteenth street. Peremptory SnIo.—NEAT MODERN DWELLING, N0.,701 South Tenth struct, abovo Catharine. Pslft At the United Htotei Aracnil. PACKING BOXES, IRON, BAGGING, J’AFEBj Ac. On Wednesday Morning, At 10 o’clock, at tiie Arsenal, near Gray’s Ferry, about 1,060 puckiug boxes, lot lumber, rope, bagging, old iron, paper, Ac. Also, at the United States storehouse, Li brary street, below Filth, about 606 packing boxes, lot hoop iron, paper, cloth boards, Ac. Terms cash, Philip ford a 00., auction eers, 525 MARKET and 522 COMMERCE Bto. BALE OF 1,000 CASKS BOOTS, SHOES, BRO GANS, Ac This Mornfxg, Much 17, at 10 o’clock, precisely, will be sold by catiu loguu— -1,000 cases mens’, boys’, and youths’ calf, kip, grain, and thick boots, calf and kip brogans, Congress gaiters, Oxford ties, Wellington and Balmoral boots, Ac.; wo men's, misses, and children's calf, kip, goat, kid, and morocco, heeled boots and shoes, gaiters, slippers, Balmo* rals* Ac. Also, a large assortment of first-class city madegoodc. Goods open for examination, with catalogues, early on morning of sale §ALE OF 1,000 CASES BOOTS. SHOES, AND brogaHs, On Thursday Morning, March 20th, at 10 o’clock, precisely, will be sold, by catalogue, I,tGO coses men’s, boys’, and youths’ calL kip, grain, and thick boots; calf, kip, and enamelled bro gans. Congress gaiters, Oxford ties, Wellington And Bal moral boots; women’s, mlssef’, and cliildren’s calf, kip, goat, kid, morocco, and enamelied heeled boots, shoes* gaiters, slippers. Baimerals, Ac, Also, a large assortment of first class city-made goods. Goods open tor examination, with catalogues, early on the morning of sale. piTY AUCTION MART, FILBERT STREET. —The City Auction Mart will re-open* and have the first sale on Wrdnepday Morning, 19th Inst. Kami anil draught horses. Family and drivii g horses. Trotting horses, Ac. ALSO, Rock away wagons. Jenny Liurt wagons. Ynrkwngnuß, Barnes?, covers, halters, Ac. Full particulars at tb? yule, in catalogues. W. H. bTKRR, Auctioneer. N, advances made on wagons, horses, *«, ISAAC NAIBANS, AUCTIONEER. THIRD and frPBUCE Streets—LAßGE SALE OF FORFEITED PLEDGE*, by o r£c* 6f Aofi VHAH NA. T?.ANS, £l9fc?r, Oh TUESDAY MORNING, March 25, 160‘2, at 9)4 o'clock, Consisting M* gold aud silver patent lever ar.d ohtr watches, gold chains, finger-rings, breast pins, medallions, pencil-cases, Eiivcr ware, coat*, pants, vet>U } bhawls, Ureest-su guns, pistols, Ac. NOTICE.—AII persons baring goons" on deposit with me over ihv legal length of time will call And redeem the same, otherwise they will be sold ou the above day. ABRAHAM NA THANS, N. W. corner SIXTH and CALLOWHILL. mhU-lOt* MEDICINAL. QLUTEN CAPSULES PURE COD-LIVER OIU. The repugnance of most patients to COD-LIVEB OTLj and tho inability of mAuy to take it at All, has in duced various forms jof disguise for its odminUiratioo that are familiar tn the Modi cal Profession. Bomo of them answer in special cases, but more eften neutralizes the usual effect of the Oil, proving quite an unpalatable and of less therapeutic value. Tbo repug nance, nausea, Ac., to invalids, induced by disgust of the Oil, is entirely obviated by tho use of our CAPSULES. COD-LIVER OIL CAPSULES have been much need lately In Europe, the experience there of the goo sults from their use in both hospital and private practice, aside from the naturally suggested advantages, are suf ficient to warrant our claiming the virtues we do for them, feeling assured their use will result in benefit and deserved favor. Prepared by WYETH & BROTHER, 1412 WALNUT Street, Philadelphia, /TiiLECTRICITY, PROPERLY AP / JjJ PLIED, TRIUMPHANT. Doctor A. H. / STEVENS, IM. cf Ns. 1024 Wiilaut Mfeat, PUIIi [ 6rlpbia, tin. lncatn) bimuulf at No- HIS South PEHN I . SQUARE, a few doors wrat of BROAD .Street. The I location is a very desirable one in spring aud summer, \ particularly for those who may choose to take board In the Doctor’s family while under treatment. Having had extensive practice in the treatment ttf va rious disrasrs, both of ladies and gentleum, in this and cthf'P sittea, h& p«pAeb. a large share of patronage from bis special friends, and from the diseased generally. AH curable cases will be warranted, if desired. CONSUL TATION AND ADVICE FREE.. . 13! . B.—One day in each week will be exclusively do- I voted to tho treatment of the respectable and worthy ft poor, free of charge. 4 - I Location, No. UIB South PENN SQUARE; ft f«w I doors west of BllOAl) Street, Philadelphia. I A. H. STEVENS, ./ mh7-fmw3m Medical Electrician.* ROWN’S KSBENCE JAMAICA GINGER, Manufactured only at FREDRuitJK BROWN’S DRUG AND CHEMICAL STORE, Northeast comer of FIFTH and CHESTNUT Streets, PHILADELPHIA. Attention is called to this valuable remedy which should be iu every faultily, and for the Army aud Navy it is in dispensable; curing affnetiens of the stomach aud bowels, and is a certain preventive from the effects of bad water. CAUTION—To prevent this valuable Essence from being counterfeited, a new Steel Engraving, executed ad great cost, will bo found on the outside of the wrapper, in order to guard the purchaser agaiuet being imposed upon by worthless tmiuitions. And sold by all respectablo Druggists in the United States t fe&fffnnrflm TO THE DISEASED OF ALL CLASSES.—AiI sub-acute and chronic disease* cured by special guarantee, at 1*220 WaLNUT Street, Philadelphia, aud in case of failure no charge will be made. Professor BOLIVES, tho FOUNDER of this NEW FRACTIUK, win SUi’SttiKTEND the treatment of all cases HIMSELF. A pamphlet containing ft multitude of certificates of those cured, also letters aud complimentary resolutions from medical men, will be given to any person free. Lectures are constantly given at 12.20 to medical Emm and others who desire a knowledge of my discovery la applying Electricity aB a reliable therapeutic agent. Consul iation free. JBhT-13tft MACHINERY AND IRON. PENN STEAM ENGINE rifr s *i ANi? BditfcS Wd&BS.-HEAFII k LEVY, PRACTICAL AND THEORETICAL ENGI NEERS, MACHINISTS,BOILER-MAKERS, BLACK SMITHS, and FOUNDERS, having, for many year% been in successful operation, and been exclusively eo* gaged In building and repairing Marine and River En- BBSS, high and leu* pressure, Iron Bailor*; Water Tanka* Propellers, Ac., Ac., respectfully offer their Services t 6 the public, as being fully prepared to contract far En gines of all sizes, Marine, River, and Stationary, having sets of patterns of different dnoe, are prepared to exa cute orders with quick despatch. Every description of pattern-making made at the shortest notice. High aud Low-preftW?, Flue, Tubular, and Cylinder Boilers, of the best Pennsylvania charcoal Iron. Forgings, of aft sizes and kinds; Iron and Brass Castings, of all descrip tions; 801 l Turning, Screw-Cutting, aud all other work connected with tho above businußS. Drawings and Specifications for all work dona at their establishment, free of charge, and work guarantied. The subscribers have ample wharf-dock room for re pairs of boat*-, where they can lie in perfect safety, and ate uiih shawn, blocks, falls, &c., &0.,10r raid* iug heavy er light weights. JACOB 0, NEAFIB, JOHN P. LEVY, BEACH aod PALMEH Streets, J, TACOnAS MKRRICK, JOHN S, COPE, WILLIAM H* MRRRICK, HARTLEY MERRtOE* QOUTAWARK FOUNDRY* FIFTH AND WASHINGTON BTBMTB, PHILADELPHIA. MEBRICK A SONS, ENGINEERS AND MACHINISTS, Manufacture High and Lew Pressure Steam Engines* for land, river, and marine service. Boilere, Gasometersi Tlbkh lift) } 9ftH- Isga of all kinds, either iron or brass. Iron-Frruue Boofi for Gas Works, Workshops, Ball* road Stations, See. Betor*s and Gas Machinery of the latest and most Improved construction. Every description of Plantation Machinery, such a* SwS&Fi t?£Wj apd Grist Mills, VacUtimPahs, Open Steam Trains, Defecators, Filters, Pumping Engines, Ac, Sole Agents for N. Billieux’s Patent Sugar Boiling Apparatus; Nemnyth*s Patent Staam flammer, and As* pinwall A Wolaey’s Patent Centrifugal Sugar Draining Machine. ans»lf il/rOR9AN, ORB, & CO., S-TRAM -IVI ENGINE BUILDERS, iron Founders* and General Machinists and Boiler Makers, No. I*2lo OAli* LOWHILL Street, Philadelphia. felS-ly - >lT—w FOR NEW YORK. dBfeSBSa*NEW DAILY LINN, via Delaware ul Jiaritan Canal. Philadelphia and New fork Ksprew SWatuhoat Coia pany receive freight and leave dally at 2 K. M., Usilver ing their cargoes in New York the following day. Freights taken at reasonable rates. WM. P. OLYDB, Agent, No. H SOUTH WHARVES, Philadelphia. JAMES HAND, Agent, yfrfg 14 and 15 EAST RIYEB, New ¥o&. ril -ir-v FOR NEW YORK.— W Philadelphia Steam JPropeller )■ i.upan* will commence their businesa for the Mason on Mend a 13th instant. Their utAunera are now receiving freight at g -*i. Fi«r» aboYe Walnut street Tend* accommodating. AppSy to W. U. BAJBD & 00* 224 Bonth Delaware imoa FOR BALTIMQBH. WABHIN6TON, D. 0., AMS FOE TBBSB DAILY. AT 9 O’CLOCK T. U.| BALTIMORE AMS PHILADELPHIA STEAMBOAT COMPANY, (ERICSSON LINE.) One of the Steamers «f thla Company lenae the am aide otCheatnut-atraet Wharf daily (Sunday* nctytad,) at 3 o’clock P. M., and arrlTee in Baltimore early Ban moraing. Freight* for Waohh*aton and Fortreea Mo* roe iitHriA uulf&Hurded with all peulfcle dufMshy.MMl are required to he prepaid through. Freights of all Unde carried at the lowest rates. A. OBOYEB, Jr.. Agent* fell-Sm* No. St Bonth WHABYEB. Best quality roofing slatb alway* on hand and for sale at Union WbartiltW BEACH Street, Kenslnston. T. THOMAS, nl4i 817 WALNUT Street, PUlaUpWa.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers