The Present Rebellion. A rkxabkable document, showing THE secret DESIGNS OP ITS ORIGINATORS. Thft N vk York Twits of Saturday caiitaiM tha following document, which was sent to that papor by a correspondent, who found It Iu tho fortifica tions at Fernamlina, Florida, after they were taken [possession of by our forces. The dWUUVQt giYW U 9 an insight into the secret history of tho traitors during the month of January, 1861, and shows con clusively the wicked designs then entertained by the present leader* <jf the IchrilWU. £t ia ff9W Di li. Yulee, then Senator from Florida, and is as fol lows : Washington, Jan. 7,1861 My Dear Sir : On the other side is a copy of re- Solailvu adopted at a consultation ©t the COQftUO from the Seceding States—in which Georgia, Ala bama, Louisiana, Arkansas, Texas, Mississippi, and were present. The idea of the meeting yf*s that the StatoS should go out at once, and provide for the early or ganization of a Confederate Government, not later than 15th February. This time is allowed to ena ble Louisiana and Texas to participate. It seemed to bo opinion [aioj that if we left here force, loan, aiid volunteer bills might be passed, whieh would put Mr. Lincoln in immediate condition for hostili ties—whereas if [sic] by remaining in our places until the 4th of March, it thought we can keep ■the hands of Mr. JJutfmtm titd, and dimbic, The Republicans from effecting any legislation which will strengthen the hands of the inconi ivg Administration-. The resolutions will be sent by the delegation to the president of the Convention. I have not been able to Bud Mr. Mallory this morning. Hawkins fthe member from Florida] is in Connecticut, f have, therefore, thought it best to send you this copy of the resolutions. In baste, yours truly, Di L. Xuiitißi Joseph Finegaw, Esq., (“Sovereignty Confe rence,'') Tallahassee, Fla. The following were the resolutions referred to: ULtsolvtd, 1, That, in our opinion, Otisli of tho Southern St&tefi Should, soon as may bo, secede from the Union. Resolved, 2, That provision should be made for « convention to organize a Confederacy tfce gQ «edmg States, the convention to meet not later than the 15th of February, at the city of Mont gomery, in the State of Alabama. Resolved, That in view of the hostile legislation that is threatened against the seceding States and which may be consummated [ric in original, for it seems his Secession mania extended even into or thography,] before the 4th of March, we ask in structions whether the delegations are to remain in Cosgregg until that date, for the purpose of defeat* ing such legislation. Resolved, That a committee be, and are hereby, appointed, consisting of Messrs. Davis, Slidell, and Mallory, to carry out the object of this meeting. Garibaldi, at Caprera, has every luxury he con desire; not that he cares himself about personal comforts, bat because half the world has insisted upon making itself his purveyor. From Malaga, from Cadiz, people beg the favor of bis accepting consignments of wine j a Bordeaux merchant sends him, with many apologies for intrusion, rum and brandy; from Naples and Sicily, confections and fruits are showered upon him; from America, sugars and coffee arrive: from England] aU manner Of woollen and cotton manufactured are sent in for the use of himself and his household.'A merchant from Denmark wrote to beg the favor of his sceptauee of a quantity of stockfish and cod. A writer ip the London Morning Fost, :<peuk> sng of the marvellous story of the vision witnessed by the poor child Bernadette Soubirons, in the Pyrenees, notices one or two peculiarities which 'Characterize nearly all those singular phe nomena. The person who sees the vision is always A weak, sickly girl, and the vision itself is evident ly “ subjective ” in the girl’s own sensori/tm, for mo one else can see it. Tho Post writer is inclined to believe the story, bnt would make a small bet £hat the girl has tubercles in her brain. Mb. Dayton, the American ialnuUr to Paris, .g&re a ball at fais house, in the Hue Jean Goujon, on the occasion of the anniversary of the birth of Washington. It was attended by some of the lead ing fashionables of the city. Mr. Slidell, the envoy frvtt the Souths not to be behind hand with‘the dipiomauc statesman of the North, entertained, most hospitably, in the avenue des Champs Elyseea. Ah exciseman, calling at the house of a good humored landlady at Shrewsbury, she consnlted him about some liquor that had been deposiud in her cellar without a permit. At the words, u with out a permit,” the exciseman rushed below and soon found himself up to the middle in water, which (he flooding of the Severn had forced into the cellar, The London Review says it would seem that a publisher might almost commence business only to produce new editions of the 44 VTarerley Novels.” We hoar that Messrs. A. and C. Black, of Edin burgh, sold 20,000 copies of the first volume of lhei£ h£w shilling editions. Bi' a Parliamentary paper published recently, it appears that the total quantity of coals raised from the coal mines in the United Kingdom during the last ten years was 605.454,910 tons, and that the hUftber of lives lost by coal* mine accidents during the same period was 1,466. The Prussian Government has testified its grati tude ro Add-el-Kader for bis conduct on behalf of the Christians in July, 1860, by conferring on him ; the insignia of the order of the lied Eagle, first Wool in Vermont.—The annual production of wool in Vermont, for the last five years, has been about four million pounds. The price last year averaged thirty-three cents per pound, while the CoBt of producing was at least forty cents, moki&g & loss of nearly three hundred thousand dollars, which has passed into the hands of speculators. CITY ITEMS. : JMr, Gough’s Second Lecture at the I Academy of Music. I Another immense audience was attracted to the B Academy of Music, Friday eTeniog, to hear the second lec a tme of John It. Gough. Bis subject- was, 11 Here and m There in Britain.” He was again presented to the au w dicnce by ex- Governor Pollock, who requested the audi r% •trace to remain a few minutes after tbo close of the lecture, as there was an important item of information i|to be given to them. Mr* Gough said, in opening, that it not his iaten . Jhnn to give a history of Great Britain, but rather a do* -Macrtption of the customs and manners of tbo British Stopte- He prefaced this, bowev&r, with &h interesting sMusion to English scenery, and complimented Queen Cll ictoria Cn P QiS<in t 98 being one of the nobleat and frienos of the United States. [Load applause.] Tins lecture was written and read with fearful (for re ' jlortonal purpose*) rapidity from a toblo much too low the ease and comfort of the lecturer. Mr. Gough’s 1 while confining himself to his manuscript, 7 which he did but temporarily, tLough vehement, lacked Y&the naturalness that diatinguisheß hia extempure eftarts. jw His descriptions of prominent points ho hail visited 'Swere pictureEQue, and by those who knew were pro- faithful to the life. S The old stage-coach system, in vogue until superseded jßmy fhe modem radroad, was literally re-enacted on the Stage of the Academy, the lecturer transforming himself Sntoa first-class jciiu with the utmost fuciii'y, to the ) %reat amusement of the audience. A’l Turning from the slow coach of thirty years ago, the kjpsrlr history of the railroad was taven up and lndi jjjcmely presented, the audience ttitonmiing between ipursti of laughter and. deafening clapping of hands. One Janemher of Parliament had iiseu in his place, when the #«nbject of introducing railways was being debated, and L given it as his deliberate opinion that a railway would ' never be able to compete with a canal { [Great laugh? ter.] This had been uttered in Parliament in 1826; i in 1861, another distinguished member of that ; r jbody had delivered as his deliberate opinion that republic could never compete with a monarchy! , &£Benewed laughter.] 44 Thank God 1” said the lecturer, v *( this latter eohiparison was juafc as absurd as the former, W And that a republic was competing with a monarchy.” a The English Queen, the English nobility, and English ■ high-life hospitality next claimed his attention, in which I much was said to amuse, interest, and some thing? to in* [ utrurtt Nor were ttio Euglifih geutiy» N morGliapt4, and flunkeys overlooked iu this inventory. There were, however, he said, just about as many sets and circles in this country as there were in England, k There was a blood aristocracy ia England; in this couu \ try there wps a muity aristocracy, and, in some eases, a aristocracy ; though the latter, ha said, were, ft generally, very much like a hill of potatoes, (he best of ■ them were under ground. [Laughter.] He also related Kgmd acted an anecdote of Sir Charles Lamb's first dip in j||ilw fiurf, which had been recommended as a remedy for Hfcia chronic nervousness. laboring classes of England thirty years ago, the 'rugpeaker said, were the most, wretched and uncared-for tittings in the world, not excepting the slaves in tlio futb. The concluding part of tho lecture was devoted more ■ ’f«Bpecialiy to the humorous phase of life aud character, j, as illustrated in the beggars if Ireland Spa i* .Bcimens of their blessings and curses, pronounced upon * ’those who give or refuse, were given In this connection, great amusement of the audience. Wo subjoin a •few of the raciest specimens. *‘May your Bowl he in heaven a fortnight before tho flivil knows you’re dead 1” •‘May the walls of heaven never bo darkened hy the ahftdow of per dirty soul!” 44 May ye live for iver, and die happy at last I” *‘Och! and if l*d lived in that counthry till now, I’d r.t>een dead two years ago!” 1“ I wish I knew where that counthry was, where peo- I nivar dif » I’d so there and end me days ! n An allusion to good St Patrick was next made, in rich the following was quoted Iromoneof their Bongs: “ The frogs went hop, The toads went Hop, Bight straight i B fc tt)9 water; And the snakes committed suicide, To save themselves from slaughter.” He did not wish to apologize for what tho London pies, and other English journals, had said with refo fcce to our present contest, nor for what the aristocracy 1 terles had said about us, but fee insisted that tho rds of those brave Englishmen, who had stood up for p Government, along with the laboring massee of If land, ehould not be forgotten, of whieh John Bright brded a glorious example. Having said this, the lec tor proposed that the audience should, then and thero. a hearty cheers for John Bright, and they were fen with a will. |kt the close of the lecture, a few minutes before ton lock, Governor Pollock, in a few brief remarks, ea rned, in the iiii*ne of the audience, the patriotic Dti of the tafurV] and waul, at the solicitation of morons gentlemen in this city, Mr. Gough would re - st this lecture—or rather continue it—this (Saturday) ming, at Concert Hall. fj ibis time (he entire audience were on their feet, an the fellewlhg estolfclri£ incident occurred: i man in the parquet circle, clad in the uniform of an ky officer, which, by general consent, he for ilie time jag disgraced, rose and repeated tho words spokou by i Gough respecting the, friendship of Queen Victoria ihe United States, adding, In stentorian tones of rage: pch sentiments might be applauded in Philadelphia; [if they were uttered in the West, where we had done - fighting, the man who uttered them would be spit Wi and damned aud sent to hell 1” %is Imlbm by Mr. Gough was, upon the whole, one of moat remarkable efforts, and those who desire tickets admission for (his evening jvill do well to apply mCnr Auction* Mart It will be seen, by re- H»nc« to our advertising columns, that W. H. stere jPfl reopened his Auction Hart, on Filbert street, end jpill here his first sale of horses and carriages, etc., on Wednesday next, the 19th instant. His sale will com prise farm, draught, and family hones, rockaway, York, pnd Jenny land wagons. Mattson’s Fruits. —Mr. Mattson, dealer in Fine Groceries, Arch and Tenth streets, has just re ceived a lot or superior Spanish Olives. His etock, Also, of preserved sumßier fruits is unequalled by Any other in the city. Ilia canned peaches, tomatoes, green corn, peas, Ac., havo all the delicacy and. flavor of the green fruit fresh plucked. In this department Mr. M. has cer tainly been singularly successful. ' ah « Ironic ;7 Idyl. I'll Bing a song of modern times; Of a battle fought in Southern ciimos, By *• iron-cladq,” By which one 44 Mac,” not "both” or “duff,” Was whipped, though made of stronger stuff - Than ShakspeareVlads. The 44 Merri-macp” with coat of mailf Showered on our ships her iron hail or shells and balls, Until a foemAn crossed her track— The “ Monitor ” —who drove her hack WUhlu kee w&IU. The story’s known. It proves full well That t velbclail ships, or men, will tell In daily strife. Thus Stokes, hieath tho Continental, Clothes men ivilh power that will be felt, all Through their life Chas. Stokes’ u One-price” Clothing Store. Spring styles. A SrEECii from Gen. McClellan.—The address of Gen. McClellan to the Boldiere of the army of the Potomac has inspired all Union peoplo with incroased confidence and zeal in our cause. In Ilia address, aftor alluding in the highest tewus 6f to tho discipline and instruction of the army, he states that the mouieul for action has arrived; the period of inaction has passed. Although the General makes no allusion, yet it Is pre sumed that he wonld recommend all economical people to purohuße their Spring GUiiTringt at tlio kfnnunotli mottling Emporium of Granville Stokes’, No. 609 Chestnut street, where prices are 25 per cent, below those of other es tablishments. Middle-ace fashions Revived.—Steam rams, mailed ships, And floating turrets, seem alrnoit like a revival of the days when the walls of beleaguered cities were attacked with battering rama, when brave knights charged on turroted battlements, and when soldiers were measured for their uniforms by the blacksmith. AVe put iron suits upon our men of war; but woollen ones upon our warriors j while soldier and civilian aUke, pf9S\U'@3 bis elegant and substantial suits at the Brown Stone Clothing Hall of Kockhili & Wilson, Nos. 603 and 605 Chestnut street, above Sixth. ARRIVALS AT THJB HOTELS CP TO 12 o’clock last might. CONTINENTAL HOTEL—Ninth and Chestnut sta. J V Vincent, Erie, Pa IV l MacfiulauJ, Cm, o F Johnston, Pittsburg A Johnston, Pittsburg Ur Beliman, Illinois A Kirkham, New York C E Freeman H Wood & sister, lowa C M Alien, Wilmington, Uel W H Tilford, St Louis J A scholten» St Louis S 35 I>ana, Boston S G Webber, Boston. H droavener, Buffalo 8 B Grosvener, Buffalo G 31 Kibbe, Buffalo 11 Morris, Washington, D C Mr Edwards, New York C T Wheeler, Chicago Cbaa M Stead, It I A Williams & lady, Brooklyn 1> A Schymser, Hew York s V T Qdeii, New York C P Van Schanck, Indiana h Foils, jr, Foustowu J N Miller, Pittsburg G W Shaw, Ohio E B Thirkield, Franklin, O D Adorns, Franklin, O W H Cozzens, St Louis It J Watson, St Louis H B Belt, St Louis C B Snii*h, Washington, D C Wm Porter, Lynn, Mass Richard II Wells, Boston T Broum, B<sste& Jlc Moyne & wife, Ptmua W W Irwin, Harrisburg B F Bowltz, Baltiore Mrs C S Lozier, New Fork A W Lozier, M D, > owYork L W Johnson, New York W Phytheon, Baltimore J Greenwood Ala, N York J T Pack, Milwaukee J A Smith, New Jersey W A Allen } Delaware G N Dana, BoiteH R Chicago D P Jefferies &. la, Ohio Dr J B Newton, New York W Gilford, Ohio H M Shepherd, Ohio W G Eanleigh, St Joseph Hon A B lleeder, Easton II Green & la, Easton TC M Paton & la, N York L Prestur, Hartford A Maubey, York JR Mauher* New York J Parker, Jr, rittaburg W G Park, Pittsburg J Holbrook, New York II D Braman, Springfield JH Maddox,New York J Boy, West Troy P Roy, West Troy J Baker, New York J C Parsons, Hartford Miss Parsons, Hartford K ?pen«r t fit Louiß A 0 vmem Pittsbarg V Kelly, New York P B Smith B T Holcomb, Delaware W H Speed, Burlington J Freeman, Portland E A Presbury, Boston W D Forbes, Fall River D M Chapin & la, N York E H Lewis & la, New York N W Conflict, N Jersey Geo S Cnrtis. Boston. 8 L Wd&lhdaae, N York J B McCreary, M Chunk C R&nson, Cleveland, O H Whitford, New York Julins Samson, New York Jas M Coppernoll, N York E A T«*nney, Wisconsin J H Mellor, Pittsburg W F Reynolds, Indiana Miss S A Reynolds, Ind Jas Makey, Pittsburg W B S?n»ltb, Penn» John P SX Weutworto, Cal AMERICAN HOTEL—Chestnut st., above Fifth* Jas R Taylor, New York Wm Campbell & la, Ky W D Wertson, Baltimore P B Weitzel, H Chuuk Dr G S Franklin, New York J B Ryan. Wash, I) C D M&ydole, Mew York C H Horrit, New York John W Walker, Delaware Jas S Allen, New Jersey B Presley, St Paul 8 F McQuillan, St Paul John Miller, Ohio ST. LOUIS HOTEL—Chestnut street, above Third. A R Pritchard, Roolieatev JAt Underwood, SI B, J Curtis, Jr, Boston E H Coombe A B Rosenbaum, N Jersey Mrs Brinkley A sister, N Y O Kingslnnd, New York Cba* Baron, New York Wm Grozser & la. Wash A W Kirk, Brooklyn E D Bossier, York, Pa H Edwards, York, Pa MERCHANTS 1 HOTEL—Fourth st., below Arch. J N Ftewart, Butler Capt H Lacock J T Schofield, Penn’a Jos Bondy, N York W E Costo, Illinois Jas P Whaling, Wis B 1‘ Valrner, t-onn L T Sharpless ft la. Pa P E Semple, U S N H W Orotzer, Le^visburrg IV Ullids, Pilteioii. Pi Dr J W Lymon, Peun'a John Weil, Tunkbannock J A Vaughn, Ohio G B McGregory, Wafh’n W T Davies, Towauda A J White. Cbamborahorg John F Gant, Virginia Albert E Fotb, Mass H V Hall, Penn’a j; 1> Marks A Clark ft da, Brooklyn J W McHhetojey, Pbfla THE UNION—Arch street, mboTe Third. L B Hawley, Pho'nixville Jas Cowden, Phconixville John SJ Holcombe, X J James Yakts, New Jersey E B lowft Yt Dl IjisVeW, lowa A Bynemac, Chicago, 111 It F Burt, Ohio Jas Gorden, Indiana tiamuel K Hoover, Toledo Daniel Baugh & la, Phila R W Marshall, Parksbnrg M Thomas, Delaware Wm McLellan, Chambersbg NATIONAL HOTEL— Bac* itrset. above Third. J Gorctlcy, New York Col T T Worth, Lebanon Miss L Rutttr, Pottstown Miss M Brooks, Pottstown W McK Gallagher, Penna J Glendening, Phila J B Master, Detroit C II Gsrber, Connecticut J G Rankin, New York G W Buayeon, Reading J A Strohecker, Beading H B Robinson, H B Wrighi, Jr, Wiikesb’e J Dougherty, Ohio W Dougherty, Ohio Chas Plymton, New Jersey MADISON HOUSE—Second street, above Market A II Reeder, Penna J S Mundy, Williamsport J Trout, Williamsport J Hart, Doylestown B T Janny, New York J Ge Skirm, Trenton, N J D Phillips, Maryland Robert Beans, Penna A R Carmer, Penna MOUNT YEBNON HOTRL—Second st., ab. Arch. H Adolph, ControviJle g M«l'#te, Centreyille Felix Trailer, CentreviJle Gluts d Jloherts, Geatrev’e N Smith, Penna Jos Taylor, Wasbiogton G Slocom J McGary, New York A Mann, Now York John Gainer, Washington B Wood, Penna J H Devers, Indiaua, Pa H J Bishop, New York B Hendricks, California D L Hall, Bordtmtown H Wood, Bowtentown E S Bowen, New York J L Hunt, Easton J Bussell, Pennsylvania COMMERCIAL—Sixth street, above Chestnut. E Pearce, Chester co, Pa C E Anderson, Delaware A W Lyinb, Delaware B (J Pearce, Maryland S Mason, Delaware T Walton, Penna G L Lloyd, Delaware T C 9hields, Delaware W Kennedy, Penna S Smith, Penna F A Allen, W Chester H Jil Worth, W Chester W W Heed, W Cheater R Hodgson, Oxford, Pa Lieut H G Miller, N Fork Mias J J Emlin, Penna Mies Sarah Jones, Penna BABLEY SHEAF—Second street, below Yino. B Hamilton, Ist N J Cavalry J Oliver, Ist N J Cavalry D F White, Bucks co L Bradshaw. Centreviilo C Connard, Lahaska, Pa H Jeffries, Penna Penrose Wilson, N Jersey Pierson Wilson, N Jersey J Hobensick, Milltown Wm Connard, Bucks co G Snyder, Montgomery D N Fell, Millersville S W Ti>ining, Uilleisville EDe Cornea, Massillon, O H Atherton, Montgomery S Kitchen, Williamsburg STATES UNlON—Market street, above Sixth. G L Plitt, Harrisburg J L Milligan N Jersey J D Afekiy, Mititintown J Rinser, PottsviUe J Kulp, Patterson, Pa C Walton, Philada J J Erideman, Philada Col C Garmany, Phllada D Kerr, Philada J Wagoner, Philada Mrs Lewis, Baltimore W H Watt, Pittsburg W Wheeler, Chester co, Pa REYEBE HOUSE—Third street, above Race. D E Weurich, Penna J Stodart, New York J Jones, Media D R Clemens, Punna W Boon, New Jersey Lawu Briggs, Newton C A Tail, lioßton BLACK BEAK—Third street, above CaUowhifl. W It Book, Newtown D It Clemens, Pennsylvania S Morris. Peniisylvania D Davis, Jr, Pennsylvania Jos &>ryer, Bvxbvro John Snyder, Snydsrtown BALD EAGLE—Third street, above CallowhiU. D T Lassieger, Perry co, Pa J F Ilasringer, UarrUburg Thos D Hall ft wife, Bosio i Mrs McPherson, Boston MARINE INTELLIGENCE, 19* SEE FOUBTSL PAGE. AEBIYEB. ® Ark Martha Ann, Chase, 11 days from Cardenas, with molasses to George Uclwutb. Brig Golden Lead, gueiey, 21 days fr»m Trinidad de Cuba, with sugar and molasses to S ft W Welsh. Bchr Bichara Vaux, Prink, 6 days from Port Koval, in ballast to Tyler, Stone ft Co Bchr GoldOH G&to, Fleming, 1 day from Frederica, Del, with corn to Jas. Bowloy ft Co. Schr John W Hall, Day, 1 day from Magnolia, Del, with corn to Jas L Bewley ft Co. Schr Lucy, Murra>, 1 day from Brandywine, Del, with flour and meal to It M. L«a. Sclir P P M’CoUejr, Cartsr, 1 liar from Camflon. Dal, with corn to Jas Uarratt A Son. Schr Ceres, Hillyard, 1 day from Newport, Del, with Jas Barratt ft Sou. Schr J L Heverin, Bonsall, 1 day from Dover, Del, with com to Jas Barratt ft Sou. Brig Eliza Ann, Herrick, 21 days from Cardenas, with sugar and niAjAiso« to Sft W Woleti. s<i inat, iat ;w di, lung 7167, felt in with schr Misßiasippi. of Bangor, from Cardenas, bound to Portland, with molasses, in a sinking condition. Lay by her for 36 hours, and alter great ex eiliou aud risk of life, succeeded iu taking off tho captain and crew; brought them to thi9 port. The captain saved his chronometer and the crew their clothing. Drig Mary E Mallikiu, Nardam 3 days from New York, with mdse to D W Prescott. Bchr Exchange, Ayres, 4 days from Newtown, *M<l, with staves to J W Bacon. Schr Access, Bennett, 3 Cays,from Laurol, Del, with lumber to J W Bacon. City ice Boat Bch*i?h»g**r, 4 hours from Bombiiv Hook, having iQWbd tbtrtito tnu uatk» ArUl.d.-,, tor Antwerp, and Wilhelraina, tor Ljvrrpool, and proceed down at < o’clock this (Sunday) morning, in companv with ship Jlan>on Gregory, for Ship island. RY TBLKOKAVH. vf Ui9 Press.) Nhw Vork, March Id. Hiip American, Congrn«), from London. Ship Villa Franca trom Havre. BELOW. Biis KxMnplnvfi'om Cijmfitegos. CLEARED. Steamship Carolina (Spun), Costas, Havana, A Merino. Bark Nazarine, Sanders, Ship Island, Tyler, Stoat ft Co. Ba >k Meidl, Siffith, Ship trifttidi Tyler, Stoue & Co. Brig Billow, Hodgdon, Kittery, Me, A J Rarratt. Schr Emma L Day, Hackney, H&tter&s Inlet, Tyler, Stone ft Co. . Sclir 0 M Neat, Ileiiderson, Port Royal, Tyler, Stone A Oo Sclir Revenue, Candy, Fall River, R II Powell. {schr Emma Virginia, Conway, Washington* L Auden rciu A Co. Schr J O Babcock, Hand, Boston, L Auden raid & Co. Schr F F Randolph, Risley, (few York, David Cooper. Sclir Somerset, Hiller, Washington, Penn Cos Coal Co. Steamer John S Shrlver, Dennis, Baltimore, A Groves, Jr, SPECIAL NOTICES. Dyspepsia ! Dyspepsia ! DYSPEPSIA cured for 91, or 91 returned! DYSPEPSIA cured for 9l» or 91 returned! DYSPEPSIA cured for 91> or $1 returned! DYSPEPSIA cured for or 91 ntfllUtd I TTISHABT’S CHEAT AMERICAN DYSPEPSIA PILL k . positive cure for DYSPEPSIA. I warrant a cure in every case, no matter if of twenty years' stand ing, or the money returned. Price SI per box. Sent by lull, fees 6f on receipt of the money* Pepotj No. 10 North SECOND Street Descriptive Circular sent free on application. feB-2m li. Q. C. WISHABT. One-Price Clothing, of the Latest Bttlus, made In the Best Manner, expressly for RETAIL BALES. LOWEST Soiling Prices marked In Plain fflgOTMi All Goodi mods to Order warranted tory. Oar Omb-Pmoi Bybtsm Is strictly adhered to. All are thereby treated alike. ae22-ly JONES ft 00., 604 MARKET Street i Office of the Adams EXPRESS COMPANY, 690 CHESTNUT STREET, Philadblphia, January 27, 1862. Th« Adams Express Company having enlarged their Wasblugtofl, D C., by building a Railroad depot, and having acquired additional capacity for transportation, are now prepared to forward Hoavy Express freights, Packages, and Parcels, to Wash trigton, Georgetown, Alexandria, Afin&polis, JWorick, Adamstowu, Fortress Monroe, and other places South occupied by the army, at greatly reduced rates. Special agreements merchandize In large lots. Sutlers’ goods and army supplies at satisfactory price#, ?a appiiv&tivn vur uflicoi fioifliors* parcels i&Kon at much leßs than our übuol rates. Heavy and bulky packages received and rocaipted for at onr depot, S. E. corner of BROAD aud LOOUST Strata. J<SHN BINaaAM, jaST-tf Suporintenflont. Helmbold’s Universally Approved fisMEDt.—CompoHDti Extract BuchU GUTOB Ol the Bladder, Kidneys, Gravel, Dropsy, Weakness, Ac. Bead the advertisement in another column. uoS-ths Maeriei>. SMITH—BENDER.—On the 12th instant, by Rev. J. H. Kemiard, Mr. Arthur J. Smith to Miss Susan K. Bender, both of this city. * WEICK—BCD!) On tho 14th instant, by Alderman Mfleehw, Mr. John Welch to Silas Mary Budd, Pennsylvania. # NICE—IIALLOWELL.—Ou the 13th instant, by the Rev. James Soddon, Mr. George Nice to Anna Rebecca Hallowell, all of the Twenty-tbird ward, Philadelphia. * DIED. lIAFFELFINGER.—On the 14th insfc* Martin Haf felfiuger, in the62d year of his age. Ilia male relatives and friends are respectfully invited to attend the from the residence of his 80D> Noi 1311 Mount Vernon street, on tUe l?xU inet., at 3 BEATTY,—On the 13th instant, Catharine, wife or Samuel Beatty, Sr , in the 76th year of lier age. Fuuernl from the residence of her husband, No. 913 Rodman street, this (Monday) afternoon, ITthinst., at 3*£ o’clock. , , * COCIIBAN.—On tho 12th inat., Mr. Philip Cochran, aped 55 years. Funeral from his late residence, No. 721 South street, above Seventh, this (Monday)morning,at 8K o’clock. * M ORGAN.—On the loth instant, Mr. George Morgan, aped 58 years. Funeral from his lute residence, No. 1018 South Front street, on ’i uesday morning, at 10 o’clock. * LUKENS.—On tho 13th instant, Ann, wife of Mahlon Lukfchs, in tbe 62d j ear of her age. Funeral from the residence of her husband, No. 428 Poplar fctlWt, this (Monday) morning, at 8 o’clock NEEL.—On the 14th instant, Mr. Robert Neel, in the sSth year of liis age. Funeral from his late residence, No. 1329 Hutchinson street, below Mascher, this (Monday) afternoon, at 3 o’clock. * BOSQUET.—On the 14th instant, Mrs. Elwaboth Bos quet, in the 65th year of her age. Funeral from the residence of her sister, Mrs. Sarah Evans, No. 1207 Parrish street, tins (Monday) morning, at 10 o’clock. * irt of Interments. .va OrriCK, March 15, 1362. Weekly Repoi IISAI/ of Philadelphia fn ■ of 3larch, 1862. Interments in the City r to the Ibih pxsßAsna. Apoplexy Burns and Scalds... Cancer.... 44 Stomach... Casualties Croup.... Congestion Bj'ttjiji ♦* Lungs. *♦ Livor.. Cholera Morbus.... Cramps Consumption Lungs et Pleura..,. S.ft Bowrid. Intemperance and Exposure Mania-a-potn Marasmus Measles Convulsions Cyau€«ie..... ..... Diptlieria Piarrhwu Dropsy Brain..... Old Age.... «taUy..k» Purpura Uheumatism, Heart. Scrofula Small-Pox Still-Born of the ** Chest, llfftrl..., Disease ol Brain. 44 Heart..., 44 Lungs. ► 4 Liver...., Drowned Debility isn't i sioxi Lunge. Bowels Tabes Mesenteric*.. Tumors 44 Brain, Epilepsy....... Erysipelas Unknown Fever Congestive, ABOVII ... 64 ... 26 ...36 ...18 ... 4 ... 9 ... 26 ... 23 Under 1 year..., From Ito 2..., 44 2to 6... •« 6 to 10..., H 10 to 15... 44 15 to 20... « 20 to 30..., « 30 to 40..., WARDS. First.... Second... Third.... Fourth.,,.* Filth 5ixth....... Seventh..... Eighth..... Ninth Total Deduct ceatba from conn' Elevenih Twelfth.. Thirtcent Fourteen! Fifteenth Sixteenth ISeventeei i Eighteen! th ft ith.... I*2 mth. tt .2'2j \th Net deaths in city Natitiit.— United Stat known, 19. From the Almshouse, 8 the Country, 3. The number of deaths, compared with the correspond ing week of 1861, and of last week, was as follows: Week ending March 16th, 1861 ••..285 Week ending M&rth Btb, 1869. 291 Males, 147 ; Females, 148; Boys, 84; Girls, 73. ' By order of the Board of Health. WILLIAM READ, Health Officer. 33, 218 j Foreign, 68 j Un- TV/rODRNIWG GOODS, AT VERY JLtJ_ LOW PRICES.—Just received 7ft cents; Silk Chally, 37# cents; Bareges, 12#, l&<acd 16# cents; Grape Maretz, 18# cents; Camera Hair BuregeE, 37# cents; Tamartinos, 18# cents; Satin Plaid Bareges, 18# cents; Mouaselines, 23 to 31# cents; MwiMCltacflj double width* 663* and 6234 cents; Mom. sellnes, two yards wide, SI; Figured Silk Grenadines, 87# cents; Glossy Silks,7o cents; Second Mourning Chene Boregeß, 12# cents; Black and Purple All-Wool Mousselinea, 31# cents. BESSON & SON, Mourning Store, mhll No. 918 CHESTNUT Street. TO VOtCSTEER COM PANIJS9. Aiktittaxt General's Office, ) Haiihiski’kg, March 14, 1862 > VOLUNTEER COMPANIES regularly organized under existing l»>vb of Pennsylvania, are hereby notified that bo authority has been given to any individual, p w ticnlarly a certain person calling himself Captain 0. Bailey, to demand ami receive from them any arms or accoutrements issued to them by the State. Any snch demand, therefore, made on any such company should not be regarded. A. L. RUSSELL, It Adjutant General P. M. NOTICE..-THE BOARD OF MANA ILS GERS of the PHILADELPHIA, GERMAN TOWN, AND NORRISTOWN RAILROAD COMPANY have declared a dividend of THREE PER CENT., for the six months ending the 31st inst, payable on and after the Ist day of April next. W. S. WILSON, March 17,1862. mbl7-mwf«Bl Treasurer. ffi WEABIXL PHILLIPS WILL DE liver a Lecture in this city on WEDNESDAY EVENING, the 19th inst. Subject—“ The War And the Times.” It# THE M E. SUNDAY-SCHOOL AND UJj 110 MK MISSION ASSOCIATION will hold an ANNIVERSARY FESTIVAL, at the SANSOXI STRKKT HALL, on TUESDAY EVENING, the 18th inst. Tickets one dollar; to bo had at the Methodist Rock Store?, or at the door of the Hall. mhls-3t* ST. PATRICK’S DAY.—ORATION UU? by the very Rev. Doctor MOSIARTY, in the ACADEMY OF MUSIC, at 7# o’clock P. M. Tickets 25 cents each to all parts of the house, Stage and Private Boxes excepted. nihl3-4tr* HIBERNIAN SOCIETY.—THE AN ILS nual meeting of this Society will be held at the CONTINENTAL HOTEL on MONDAY, 17th inst., at 12 o'clock M., for the election of officers. The AnnuAl dinner of the Society will be given at the Mme hotel at halt 4 o’Glock of the sumo day. mbl3-4t JAMES L. TAYLOR, Secretary. yg* GIRARD COLLEGE —THE DIRECT ILS ORS OH’ TUB GIRARD COLLEGE give no lice that they are prepared to BIND O"CT, in the State or Pennsylvania, THIRTY ORPHANS, in accqriiance with the Will of Stephen Girard, to suitable occupations, such as Agriculture, Navigation, Arts, Mechanical Trades, and Manufactures. The master will be required to teach his apprentice his respective art, aud to furnish him with suitable board and lodging in his own place of residence (except where, for special reasons, the appren tice may be allowed to board elflowhsw.) TL© iuaater will be allowed to take each orphan on trial for a term not exceeding ono month* and the apprentice, whon bound, will be furnished, by the institution, with a suita ble outfit. Persons desirous of obtaining an apprentice can apply at the College, between the hours of 3 and 5 P. M., or, If not cifiseHsof Philadelphia, can address the tmdeniigiiM] in writing, giving name, residence, occupa tion, and reference; the latter, whenever possible, to he rosirtents of Philadelphia. mlill-St HKNBT W. ABET, Secretary of Girard Colloge. ARMY CLOTHING AND EQUIPAGE Iks OFFICK- PifTi.ADKT.rniA, March 14tb, lSli'2. Propopalß ore invited, and will be received at thisoftice, until 10 o’clock A. SI. ©n WEDNESDAY, tho liUh in stant, for 6, 0(0 Camp Hatchets. ■ r >,ooo do do nautllim. Valins Ax 4 iln. Bids must he endorsed “ Proposals for Hatchet*, and be addressed to G. Q. CRGSMAN, mhls-tf Dep’y Quartermaster Gen'l. pm BIBLE SOCIETY ANNIVERSARY— IL3 Tint twwitV‘fifth Anniversary of the FEMALE BIBLE SOCIKTY of the MMhodNt Kpiscopul Church, wit] he held in the TRINITY K. K CHURCH, EIGHTH Street, above Race, on MONDAY EVENING, the 17th inat.. at half past 7 o'clock. The Ber. John F. Chaplain will prosido. The annual report of the Board of Managers will L& |-ofld. The meeting will he addressed, and in tho following order, by the Rev. Messrs. Carrow, Smiley, and Moore. The Singing will be conducted by tho Choir. At the close of the mooting a collection will betaken to aid the Society in the work of BibladlatribllUou The public arc cordially invited to be present. mh!6-2t OFFICE OF THE CATAWI9SA RAllt lk§ ROAD COMPANY, No. 303 WALNUT Street. Philadelphia, March 10,1862. NOTICE TO STOCKHOLDERS.—The Annual Meet ing of the Stockholders of this Company will be held on TUESDAY, the first day oF April, 1862, at 12 o'clock hood, at the Company’s office, No. 303 WAI.NUT Street, in the city of Philadelphia. The Annual Election for President and Directors will be held on MONDAY, the fifth day of May, 1862, at the Company’s office, mblO-Upl • \VH. R. FISHER, Secretary THE PRESS.-PHILADELPHIA. MONDAY, MARCH 17, 1862 Fever, Intermittent Scarlet...... 44 Typhus 44 Typhoid Gangrene.... Hemorrhage. Kidneys Huopiug Cuughiiii Inflammation, Brain *•’ Bronchi... * 4 Kidneys.. * 4 Liver.... 44 Lungs. T«t;il thrrb wers: From 40 to 58 44 50 to 60 « 60 to 70 44 70 to 80 u R 0 to 90 « 90 to 100 | WARDS. Nineteenth.... . Twentieth.. ••». Twenty-first.... Twenty-second., Twenty-third... Twenty-fourth.. Twenty-fifth... V«kn«TO ......295 3 People of Color, 11; front avis aux lions de la mode. Us 3 Mr. P. Axpriot a l’bonnbur D’xxronacsa naa KttAHCAIf KT LBS KTRAKGBHS QU’IU B9T AUJOUBD’HUf OSRAKTDK Li MAIBOM. GRANVILLE STOKEd, 600 CHESTNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA. II guarantis par *a poiltion aux bommes de gout, qua see vfetemena porterons toujunrs un cachet de distinc tion innlmitable et k dea prix a 25 pour cent au desMUS de n’importe quelle maieon. Sa longue 6tude eteapra tiane Toni mis so rahhort avao ka artistes Im plus kabllAi de BRportie.tant a Paris ati'k Londres, etaui lui fournl rons toujoure lee plus nouvelles modes et leg mieux por tdes de ces deux pays. Avis A ceux uni tiennent k et re a l’avance des modes, Enhl-lm CLOAKS AND MANTILLAS- QPENING-CL.OAKS. J. M. HAFLEIGH, (SUCCESSOIt TO L. J. LEVY A C 0.,) 233 CHESTNUT STREET, WILL OPUS', OS TUESDAY, MARCH 19th, t'FMi A£sPliT M Fi ft T 9F SPRING AND SUMMER CLOAKS* Id Black Silk And CLoth; a varietl assortment, com- pricing all the NOVELTIES IMPORTED THIS SEASON. MUNICIPAL NOTICES. SURVEX NOTICE.—AII persons in toi in the plan of tha Survey and a f tho Second flection of Uia late borough of Germantown, Twenty •second ward, bound as follows: No. 16—North by M'aabingtou avenue, eoutli by Queeu street, east by Geruiazit'-wn avenue, west by Wiseahickon avenue, are notified Umtthti Court of Quarter Sessions for the City ana County or Philadelphia, havo fixed MONBAY, May 10th, 1662, at *0 o'clock A. M.t at the Court Koora, main building of the State House, to consider said plan, and any objection against the same which may be made by any freeholder ; and, in the meanwhile, the said plan may be eeeu at Die Ullice of the Department of Survey s for the city of Philadelphia, No. 212 South PI FTH street, and aduplicate thereof at the office of JESaE LIGHT FOOT, Surveyor and Regulator of the Ninth Survey Dis trict, in the Depot Building, Germantown. CHARLES E. LEX, ffilllT ffl3t Bfti'ftite? 6f the Oitv of Philadelphia. SURVEY NOTICE.—AII persons in trrfsted in the plan of the Eleventh Section of the survey and regulation of the Twenty-firtst ward, bouudkd as follows: No. 174—North by Erie ay?nfl p i finilth by Lg? high avenue, east by Thirtieth street, west by AbbOUStord avenue and Schuyvkill river, are notified that tho Court of Quarter Sessions for the city and county of Phila delphia have fixed MONDAY, May 19, 1862, at 10 o'clock A. M , at the -Court Room, main bnitding of the State House! lo consider said plan, and any object ton a against the same which may be made by any freeuoldei*; and, in the meanwhile, the said plan m-ty be seen at the Office of the Department of Surveys for the city of Phila delphia, No. 212 South FIFTH Street, and a duplicate thereof at the office of JAMES KEILY, Surveyor and Regulator cf ih& Eighth Siit-vey District, Main street, Manaynnk. CHARLES E. LEX, lubl7»m3t Solicitor of the City of Philadelphia. QURVEY NOTICE.—AII persons in kJ twested in tlie plan of (lie ScYtulli Section of Be. survey ol* the late borough of Germantown, row Twen ty-second ward, bounded as follows: No. 162—North eastwardly by Chew street, northwestwardly by Gorgas lane, southweetwardly by Germantown avenue, south eastwardly* by East .Washington avenue—are notified that the Court of Quarter Sessions for the city and coun ty Af Philadelphia have fixed BIQNbAY,' May lyth, 1802, at 10 o’clock A. M., at the Courtßoow, main build tag of the State House, to consider said plan, and any ob jections against the same which may be made by any freeholder; and in the meanwhile the said plan may be seen at tbe Office of the Departments Stir vevs for the Cil? 6f Philadelphia, No- 212 South FIFTH Street, auU a duplicate thereof at the Office of JESSE LIGHT FOOT, Surveyor and Regulator of tho Ninth Survey District, in tbe Depot Building, Gem nntown. CHARLES P, LEX mhi7-in3t Solicitor pf the City of Philadelphia. QURVES NOTICE.—AII persons in tereated in tbe plan of the Line aud Curb Regula tions of tbe late borough of Boltaesburg.nowtheTwoaty- Ihird ward, bounded as follows: No. ISO—North by Pen nypacfc creek and Carman's read, south by lia* of Fox and Desilver, east by Philadelphia and Trenton Railroad, west by Old Swede's line—are notified that the Court of Quarter Sessions for the city aud county of Philadelphia, have fixed MONDAY, May 19th, 1862, at 10 o'clock A. M.r»t the Court Room, main building of the State House, to consider said plan r and any objections Against ihe eame which may be made by any freeholder; and in the meanwhile the gaid plan may be seen at the Office of the Department of Nurreye for tbe city of Philadelphia, No. 212 South FIFTH Street, and a duplicate thereof at tbft Office of ISA A ; SbALLCKOSS, Surveyor and Regu lator of tho Tenth Survey District, in the Lyceum Bnild« ingi f rack ford. CHARLES K. LEX, mhlT-mSt Solicitor of the City of Philadelphia. OURVEY NOTICE.—AII persons in lO rerrsted in the plnn of the Grade Regulations of the Eighth Section of the late township of Bleckley, bounds! as follows: No. 142—North by Betkg agd MvfitSVlUSry avenue, eoiuh by Weatnimater and Sweet Briar Creek, esst by tbe river Schuylkill, west by Lancaster avenue aud Forty-ninth street—are notified tba t the Court of Quar ter Sessions for tbe city and county of Philadelphia have fixed MONDAY, May l&th, 1862, at 10 o’clock A. M„ at the Court Room, main building of tho Stale House, to consider said plan, apd Ally GhjtfCtWM agftillSt the same wbiuii tnay be mode by nuy and in the mean* white the said plan may be seen at the Office of tbo De partment of Survey b for the city of Philadelphia, No. 212 South FIFTH Stnet, and a duplicate thereof at the Office of SAMUEL L. SMEDLEY, Surveyor and Regulator of tho Eleventh j?«rw Pi&trictj Tlrirtrafiftli and Lancaster avenue. CHARLES E. LEX, mlilT-mSt Solicitor of the City of Philadelphia. CURVEY NOTICE.—AII persons in- M terested in the plan of tbe Fifth Section of the Be fiUivey and Rvgniatien of the l&te of German town, now Twenty-second ward, bounded as follows: No. 176—Northeastwardly by Chew street, southeast wardly by lownsbip line rood, soutbwestwardly by Ger mantown avenue, northwestwardly by Mill creek—are notified that the Ck'urtof Quarter Sessions for the city nod county of Philadelphia have fixed MONDAY, May 19th, 1862, at 10 o’clock A. M., at the Court Room, main building of the State House, to consider said plan, and any objections ogams: the same which may be made by any freeholder; and in tbe meanwhile the said plan may be seen at the Office of the Department of Surveys for the city of Philadelphia, No. 212 South FIFTH Street, and a duplicate thereof At the Office of JESSB lilght- FOOT, Surveyor and Regulator of the Ninth Survey District, in the Depot Building, Germantown. CHARLES E. LEX, mhl7-m3t Solicitor of tbe City of Philadelphia. GUftVEY JNOTIOJ3.=AII persons in lO temted in the plan of theLineand Grade Regulations ol the southwestern portion of Moyamensing, bounded as follows: No. 164—North by 'Washington avenue, south by Tasker street, east by Twenty- second street, west by the river Schuylkill—arenotifhd th&tthe Court of Quarter lies Mona for the city and county of Philadelphia have fixed MONDAY, May 19th, 1862, at 10 o'clock A. M., at the Court Doom, main building of the State House, to consider said plan, and any objections against the same which may be made by any f; eeholder; and in the mean while the said plan may be seen at the Oilice of the De partment of Surreys for the city of Philadelphia, so. 312 South FIFTH street, and a duplicate thereof at the Office of THOMAS DALY, Surveyor and Regulator of the First Survey District, Prime street, west of Ninth. CHARLES E. LEX, Pihl7-m3t Solicitor of tie City of Philadelphia. QDRVEY NOTICE.— AII persons In kJ terested in the plan of the Seventh Section of the Survey of the late township of Blockley, bounded as follows: No. 150—North by Oxford street, south by Wyalustug street, east by Forty-Eighth street, or King eeesing avenue, west by Fifty-Sixth street—are notified that tbfl Court of Quarter Sessions for the city and conn* ty of Philadelphia hare fixed MONDAY, May 19th, 1862, at 10 o’clock A. M., at the Court Boom, main building of the State House, to consider said plan, and any objections against the same which may be made by any freeholder; and in the meanwhile the said plan may be seen at the Office of the Department of' Survey f for the Ally of Philadelphia, No. 212 South FIFTH Street, and a duplicate thereof at tho Oilice of SAMUEL L. SMEDLEY, Surveyor and Regulator of the Eleventh Survey District, Thirty-Fifth and Lancaster avenue. CHABC.KB E. LEX, mhl7so3t Solicitor of the City of Philadelphia, CURVES NOTICE.—AII persons in- Kv terested in the plan of the Eighth Section of the Resurvey and Regulation of the lato borough of Ger mantown, now Twenty-second ward, bounded as follows: No. 177—East by township line road, northeastwardly hy do.) gOßthwegtwardly by Chaw street, nerihweslward ly by East Waelungton street—are notified that the Court -of Quarter Sessions for the city and county of Philadelphia have fixed MONDAY, May 19, 1362, at 10 o’clock A. M , at the Court Room, main building of the State lionse, to consider said plau, aad any objections gainst the same which my be tuavle bi any freeholder • and in the meanwhile the said pUn may be seen at the Office of the Department of Surveys for the city of Phila delphia, No. 212 Suith FIFTH Street, aud a duplicate thereof at tho office of JESSE LIGHTFOOT, Surveyor and Regulator ot the Ninth Survey District, in the Depot Building, Germantown. CHARLES E. LEX, n)hl7-n>3t Solicitor of the City of Philadelphia. CURVE! NOTICE.—AII persons in k 3 terested in the plan of the Survey and Regulation of the First Section of tho Into borough of Germantown, Twcntywcond ward, boundod as follows* No. 145 north by Queen street, south by Roberts avenue, east by Germantown avenue, west by Wfcsabickon avenue— are notified that the Court of Quarter "Suasions for the city and county or Philadelphia have fixed MONDAY, May 19th, 1862, at 10 o'clock A. M, at the Court Room, main building of the State t? 9?RHI?r jWftil plftjij. and any fcobjeciions against the same which m&y be made by any freeholder; and in the meanwhile the said plan may be seen at the Office of the Department of Sur veys for the city of Philadelphia, No. 212 South FIFTH Street, and a duplicate thereof at the Office of JESSE LIGHTFOOT, Surveyor and Regulator of the Ninth Survey District, In the Depot Build lug, Germantown. CHARLES E. LEX, mhl7-ni3t Solicitor of the Uity of Philadelphia. WORTH KNOWING-.—RE IM Eli’S Life-fifee Photographs In Oil are now made at reduced prices, to keep pace with the preient war times. SECOND Street, above Green. It# 9 Af|A FEET APPLE-TREE WOOD, U.v v v Ijg inch thick* for sale low. * HICKORY, ASH, and WHITE-OAK PLAtfK constantly on hand, or cut to order. OLIVER QTTINGER, nih!6-3t# North FIFTH Street, near Master. A FAITHFUL TRANSCRIPT.— RKIMER’S Colored Photographs, for $l, so close ly rtwmblQ the origin&lfc that they a re at ones the waa der and admiration of all* SECOND Street) abovo Green. It# OHOW CASES—PIate glass, German kJ silver lnounted. usual height.and width* per foot running measure, $l9; crystal glass, do. dn„sSi crystal gli,*!*, Lair sliver, do «|'w., $0 j Cl >atul glidd Walnut dJIOW Cases, do. do., $4, packing iucludM. WM. H. GROVE, mbl4-lm 111 North FOURTH Street, Philo. LADIES’ TRUSSES, SUPPORT BBS, BRACES, and other Mechanical Appliances, or correct conduction and easy to the wearer. For sale ai.d adjustment at H. NEEDLES’ LADIES’ STORE, TH BLFTH Strcot, first door below Race. Gentlemen requiring Rupture 'JL'rnMes'wHl call at the Sauthwost oam» PWELFTH »ad RAUS, whore C. U. N. gives attention to this special feature. mhl2-3mif. TVORYTYPES LIKE ALL OF X IiEIMER’S PICTURES—bear the evidence of »r -tietic hands, carefully finished, and failbful in likeness And coloring. GAllery T SECOND Street, above Green. It# jfct WATCHES.—Our facilities foi £Qj[ procuring the BEST WATCHES manufactured are unsurpassed, and we are selling them et very mode rate prices. Tine watchee repaired by finished work men, and warranted to give entire satisfaction. . TARR A BROTHER, Importers, 824 CHESTNUT Street, below FOURTH. mOBTOISE SHELL.—A few boxes of A- Tortoise flholl for aale br JaUBBTOHE A LAVE RANK. f»2l va and WM South FRONT Stmt. MILLINERY GOODS? 1862. BPHINO - 1862. WOOD & CARY. (6il££4iiors to Lincoln, VooJj A KichvlS)) No. T 23 CHESTNUT STREET, Hav» now In Store a complete etwfc OF STRAW AND MILLINERY GOODS, SILK BONNETS, STRAW AND PALM-LEAI? HATS, Ac. To wbich ibey respoctfnll) inrito tho nttontion of the f.n m.r p.trou. of the house aud the trado generally. E8r12.2m £ SPKINa. 1862 WBBQNS, MILLINERY. AMD STRAW GOODS. ROSENHEIM; BROOKS. & Co., NO. 431 MARKET STREET, Have now open—and to which daily additions aremado— their HANDSOME TABIETY OP RIBBONS. BONNET MATERIALS, FLOWERS, . RUCHES. BTIIAW AND FANCY BONNETS, MISSES’ AND CHU/DHEN’S lIATS, FLATS, SHAKE It HOODS, anl ALL OTHER ARTICLES IN THE MILLINERY LINE, Which will be offered at the LOWEST MARKET PRICES. The attention of the trade is respectfully invited. B7* Particular attention given to filling orders. iuhl3-2m rjIHOMAS KENNEDY & BRO-, 729 CHESTNUT Street, below Eighth. A Clioico Stock of SPRING MILLINERY GOODS, mhl3.3m] AT LOW PRIORS. YARNS, BATTS ; AND CARPET CHAINS. H. FRANCISCUS. WHOLESALE DEALER IN YARNS, 433 MARKET and 5 North FIFTH Street. PHILADELPHIA, Buyers will find a full Slock of COTTON, LINEN, AND WOOLLEN CARPET CHAIN, .COTTON YARN, TWIST, FILLING, WADDING, BATTING, COTTON LAPS, TIK YARNS, TWINES, CANDLE WICK, COVERLET YARN, BHOOM TWINES, SHOE THREADS, GIIiLING AND SBIVK TWINR?, BED CORDS, WASH AND PLOUGH LINES, COTTON, HEMP, AND MANILLA COUDAOE, Also, a fnlt assortment of FLY NETS. Which he offers at Manufacturers’ LOWEST NET CASH PRICES. WOODEN AND WILLOW WAKE. H. FRANCISCUS. 433 MARKET and 3 North FIFTH Street, PHILADELPHIA, ' ' WHOLESALB PEALED ID WOODEN AND WILLOW WARE. Always on hand, a full Stock of TUBS, BUCKETS, CHURNS, MEASURES, BROOMS, WHISKS, FANCY BASKETS, WALL, SCRUB, and SWEEPING BRUSHES, LOOKING-GLASSES and WINDOW PAPEB, klats> Keelers, Flour Buckets, Nest Boxes, WASH. BOARDS, BOLLING and GLOTHN9 PINS. FLOOR and TABLE OIL CLOTHS. SCHOOL, MARKET, and DINNER BASKETS. Sleds, Barrows, Carriages, Hobby Horses, ftc., ftc. AU Goods sold at LOWEST NET CASH PRICES. mbll-2m NEW PUBLICATIONS. Q.EORGE FRANCIS TRAIN, UNIONIST. T. COLLEY GRATTAN, SLANDERER. THE SPICIEST PAMPHLET Or THE TIDIES. FRICK FIFTEEN CENTS. rimusiiKD iir LEE A SHEPPARD, Boston FOR SALE BT T. B. PETERSON & BROS., 306 CHESTNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA. THE LONDON AMERICAN AND GKO. FRANCIS TRAIN’S UNION SPEECHES. —Tilt- publft are respectfully notified that I have placed the care of the above publications in tho charge o; Mr. S. E. COHEN, 712 CHESTNUT Street, who will he pleased to call upon the Union citizens of Philadelphia who may desire to assist the London American in the good cause. JOHN ADAMS KNIGHT, It* Publisher of the London American. TO THE TRADE. PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS, NSW AND IMPROVED STYLE Tho subscribers* who wero among tho first to import this fashionable article from Paris, have, the past year, with their long experience in book-making, made many improvements in the Paris style, still rctaiuiug the best features found in the French-make. The Album will be found of peculiar strength and beauty, dispensing en tirely with the 6rsfce»-i>scfe, so objectionable in the old plan* These books are now used exclusively wherever known, and aglance at them will show to the moat care lets observer their great superiority over all others. They have already published ONE HUNDRED SIZES •*kND STYLES, at from 50 conts to $5O. .LTTlm®' publish one thousand choice CARTES DE ‘ YISITE, including portraits of all distinguished persons. 3 ‘mbl7-mwst J. K. TILTON & CO., Boston. JUST PUBLISHED— TUB SILENT COMFORTER: series Of Scripture texts for each day of the month. Designed for use iu tents, hospitals, tho sick chamber, school-room, etc. Folio, large type. Price 60 cents. . Published and for sale by the AMERICAN SUNDAY-SCHOOL UNION, mhlfi.SC No. 1122 CHESTNUT Street, Philadelphia. PORTRAITS FOR PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS. We have now ready a variety of Portraits of the most prominent generals and leaders of the time, beautifully engraved on steel, in line mezzotint, aud stippe!, 93 ft card of a size to fit any properly-made Photograph Al bum. These areeofiuely engraved, aud such accurate likenesses, that they ere now generally preferred to tho Photographs, they are so much bolder and clearer. They are sold at the very low price of 10 cents each*, or $1 per dozen, the price that much inferior pictures are usually sold for. W« have them alai nisei? framed in oval frames, u beautiful ornament for the waU. NOW READY: Lincoln, HcOall, Halleck, McClellan, Baker, Dlx, Burnside, Lyon, Banks, Ellsworth, Buell, Bailey, Wool, Corcoran, Grant, Foote, Stringham, Jackson, Stanton, Jeff Davis, Dupont, Chase,- Wilkes, Mrs. Lincoln. Others preparing and being issued weekly. PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS. We have a very large sleek of Photograph Albums, presenting a very choice variety at all times to choose from, and at the lowest prices. We receive them daily from the binderies, constantly presenting new styles and improvements. WILLIS P. HAZARD, Bookseller, 724 CHESTNUT Street, below Eighth/ rjREEN CORN AND PEAS 50 cases Winslow’s-hermotically-eealed Green Corn, 30 •* “ «« Green Pea 3, 20 .Ills G u Fresh Tomatoes, just lauded and for sate hy RHODES A WILLIAMS, mh!7 107 South WATER Street Adamantine CANDLES.—A job lot of old Adamantine Gandies, in store and for RHODES A WILLIAMS, 107 South WATER Street HOB SE RADISH.—Pure ruck Island Horse Radish, prepared for family use, la pint and half-pint bottles, for sale to the trade by RHODES & WILLIAMS, mbl7 107 South WATER Street T BUCHANAN BEAD.—A very . tine card Photograph of T. BUCHANAN BEAI>, photo,raphed by Gu oßmiht, ou thft 4th last. Prico 25 cents—mailed free of charge. McAllister a brother, mhl4-3t 72S CHESTNUT Street. pBJLDREJN’B HAIR CUT, and LA.- \J DIES' HAIR DVRD, ,H(aUcallr, at EOUrTR and BRANCH. mhlS-ittt RETAIL, DRV GOODS. JIYRE & 'LAND-ELL. E. & L., FOURTH AND ARCH. FOURTH AND ARCH. FOURTH AND ARCH. FOURTH AND ARCH. FOUBTH AND ABCII. SPRING OPENING. NEW CHINTZES, NEW GINGHAMS, NEW ORGANDIES, NEAT PLAID SILKS, SHEPHERD’S PLAIDS, FASH lON ABLE SILKS, BLACK FIGURED SILKS, COLORED POULT PE BOIES, mblQ-mw&Btr 1862. special notice. 1862 . NEW LINEN, WHITE GOODS, LA C E , EMBROIDERY STORE. The subscriber has opened the Store, No. 1024 CHEST NUT Street, as a LACE, LINEN, WHITE GOODS. And EiniltOlDHltV HOUjU. lie designs an establishment where the very best goods of every va riety in tl e above li&e may be procured at prices much below tbu usual retail rates, and finite as low as they are generally wholesaled. Having for many years been per sonally, thoroughly conversant with all tho n))tfKet3 Of Europe, he possesses unusual facilities, and can Offer to the public very great inducements to extend to him a share of its patronage. He refers to the annexed list as being a partial representation of his stock, and respect fully solicits from all an inspection of bis goods: WHITE GOODS DEPARTMENT. liantos ; Bishop and Victoria Lawns; French BuMling Muslin; Tarletansi white and colored* and all other articles in White Goods. * Jaconet, Mull* Cambrics, Nainsook, Swiss and French Muslins: plaid, striped, dot ted, and figured Mfisljnsj French and Skirting Cam brics, Dimities, and Bril* LINEN DEF Shifting. Fronting. House wife, Pillow, and Sheeting Linens; French Ruffling and Chemise Linens; Irish, Scotch, and Barnsley Table] LACE DEF. Valencienue, Ileal Thread, Pusher, Blonde, Guipure, Houston, Maltese, Pointe, and other Laces and Edg VEILS. Reni Thread, Cambria, j and Grenadine Veils. Pusher, French, Magfrie,| EMBROIDERY DEPARTMENT Cambric,Swiss,andLinenllnsertings, Skirts, etc., etc. Collars, Sets, Hdkls, Cuffs, | Infants’Waists, Robes, etc., Bands, Flouncinga, Edgings, | etc. HDKF. DEPARTMENT. Ladies', Cents*, and Chil- clear lawn, embroidered, and dren’s corded and tape bor- other fancy Hdkfs. My as dered, printed, bem-stitched sortmeut iu Hdkfs ia very and French Hdkfs j Be- full and exceedingly Ttered, scolloped, tacked,} SPECIALITIES. Will own on MONDAY, the ITtli inst., the fillowing extra cheap articles: 300 all*Linen Printed Cambric Dresses at 25, 30, and 35c, worth 50c. 20 dozen all Linen Hemstitched Hdkfs at 15c, worth 20c. 20 dozen do. do. do. 25 s, WPFth SCO Beal Thread from S 2 to si6. 600 Fine French Work Collars from to $2.50, whole sale price $2 to $4. 200 Fine French Work Collars from 30c to $l, whole sale price 40c to $1.50. 100 Fine French Work Bets frem 30c to $2, wholesale price from 50c to 83. 20 pieces Linen 25c, worth 30c, 50 dozen all Linen Napkins $l, worth $1.50. 20 pieces 7*4 and B*4 three*fourths Bleached Table Linens, 65c, 70c, and 75c, The above become white with a few washings, and are usually retailed at 75c, 80c, 88c per yard. 40 pieces Linens frem 23c tc 00c, Worth from 05c to ?sc, and a variety of other articles in this line very low. EDWARD M. NEEDLES. 1024 CHESTNUT STREET. "VTEW SPRING PRINTS, ■IV CHOICE STYLES. MIHSIMACS, SPRaGUE, PACIFIC, ALL TWELVE AND A HALF CENTS. A large lot best ecylee and fast colore at 10c. OOWFKBTHWAIT S CO.. mh! N. W. cor. EIGHTH and MAEKET SU. ■JV/TEREIMACK, ameeican, and IYJL ENGLISH PRINTS at 12# ceuts. Spring Delaines from auction* 12# cis, 300 doz. L. G. Hdkfs. from auction* 8 to 14 cts. Shepherd’s Plaids &f dHiftibie sixes. Black Wool Delaines, usual good stock. mh!3 COOPER A GONARD. T INENS BY THE PIECE OB YARD. J -A Ballard Yale Flannels, 33 to 75 cts. Lina) Diapers, old prices for best goods. Shirt Fronts* fresh lots, 25 to 60 cts* Domestics always at lowest market rates. mhJ3 COOPER A OONARB. pASSIMEKES. \j 8*543 yard* all-wool goods. Roys* Cassimeres in greatest variety. Men's Fancy and Black Caseimereff. Black Cloths at the right prices. BOOPER A OONABD, znhl3 Southeast corner NINTH and UIKSBT. O HEWING OP NEW SPUING GOODS, Just received from New York, and will be opened to* day, a choice lot of NEW SPRING DRESS GOODS. Also* a large lot of NEW CHINTZES, purchased at very low prices* FOB CASH* which we guaranty to sell at prices that will DEFY COMPETITION. Best English Chintzes, 12# cents. Best Mammae Chintzes, 12# canto. Best American Chintzes* 12# cents. Best Cocheco Chintzes* 12# cents. Best Pacific Chintzes, 12# cents. Best Spragne Chintzes. 12# cents. 3 Cases Good Chintzes* fast colors* 10 cents. I Cat e Good Chintzes, fast colors, 9 cents. 1 Cnee yard wide Chintzes, new styles* 25 cents. A BANKRUPT STOCK OF WHITE BBILLIANTE9. 1 lot white Brilliantes, 8 cents, worth 10. 1 lot white Brilliantes, 10 cents, worth 12#. 1 lot 4-4 white BriUiantes, 12# ceuts* worth 15. BARGAINS IN WHITE LINEN HANDKERCHIEFS. 60 dozen white Linpg Cambric Handkerchiefs, 75 cents per dozen. 1 60 dozen finer quality, tape borders, 51.50 per dozen. Cheap Linen Towels, Doylies* and Napkins. Cheap lot of heavy Butcher Linens. Cheap Shirting and Fronting Linens. Honeycomb Counterpanes, 2# yards square, 81.50* 2# yards wido Bleached Sheeting, 28 cents. 2# yards wide Bleached Sheeting* 31# cents. 3 yards wide Bleached Sheeting* 37 # cents. 3 cases good Bleached Muslins* 7# cents. 2 cases good Bleached Muslin, 10 cents. 2 cases Unbleached Cotton Flaunel, 11 cents. A full line of Black Silks cheap. New styles Fancy Silks, 50 cents and upwards. New Spriug Delaines and Reps. Shepherd Plaids, of every variety. New styles of Spriug Dress Goods, of every variety and quality, opening daily. H. STEEI, ft BQJf, rohS No* ?i§ North TENTH Street. atioTe Goatee pALICOES! CALICOES!! V-/ American Calicoes, at 12#. 'Manchester Calicoes, at 12#, Pacific Calicoes, at 22# EitgH&li Calicoes, at 12#, Calicoes, the beat In the market, for 12#. 3. H. BTOKBB‘, 702 ABOH Street New house- furnishing* fi6OD3, LINENS, d:c.—The largest assortment la the city of Vine Fleminh, Irish, and Barnsley Linen Sheetings* Dunbar Dickson’s and Richardson's Pillow Linens. Golden Flax Shirting and Fronting Linens. Table Linens, Table Clothe, Napkins, Doylies. Towellings and Towels Of Ail descriptions, for the bath, chamber, pantry, kitchen, and nursery. Quilts and Blankets, of all sizes, for cribs and beds. Table and Piano Covers, and Materials for covers, by the yard. Furniture Chintzes, Furniture Coverings, etc. Rich Lace and Muslin Curtains and Curtain Materials. Plain and Gold Bordered Shades, in aU colors. SHEPPARD, VAN HARLINGEN, & ARRISON, felO 1008 CHESTNUT Street WIDE SEEING CHINTZES. A fine display of English Wide Chintz Prints. French Percales and Chintzes. Brilliant b, Purples, Cnmayeux. Wide Figured Shirting Prints. mlil2 BHABPIIEBS BROTHERS. fH OOPS FOE CHILDREN’S WEAR. Poil de Cbevres, bright plaid. Plaid French Dress lioods. new styles. Paueanias, MbandoUnas, Amelias. Black and White Checked Goods. Ginghams, Chintzes, Checked Silks. mfal2 SHIBPLESS 8808. TTERY CHEAP FRENCH BA- V BEGEB.—I,OOO pieces of Milanalse Bareges. and Plain Bareges. Selling at half the usual prices. SHARPNESS BROS. ttMS CUB STRUT and EIGHTH Street* FINANCIAL. QHECKS FOR QUARTERMASTERS’ VOUCHERS Forwarded for Conversion into BIX PEB CENT. CERTIFICATES AT LOWEST BATES MONEY ADVANCED, IF DESIRED. gmhl3-10t DBEXEL A CO' (£1 RAA —For sale, a well-secured, tj? l.tlvvi city MORTGAGE at 8 per cent, dis count; Interact paid punctually. Direct to »J. 8,” Box No. 2218 P. O. mh!s 3t* (TO CAA OLD MORTGAGE FOR tJW.Uvv. SAXE, on . valuable farm In Montgo mery county, Aleo. a number of city Mort> gage, md Ground Bent*, of different amount* at a dle connt Apply to I. PETTIT, mhT-tf No. SOS WALNUT Street \TI N E G A B—French White Wine V YtaegMj for Milo by JACRETCHE ft LAVKBGHE, mU3 Noe. 292 and 208 South FRONT Street. 'ARTMENT. LifittU' Cloths, Kspbinß, and Doylies; Linen Lawns and Cambrics, Birdeye Dia pers, Crash, and all other [Towels and Towelling. iRTMENT. ings, by the yard, and also in Collars, Sets, Coiffures, Capes, Sleeves, Hdkfs, etc., etc Illusion!}, }{?{,) etc. Military and sportsmen’s DEPOT. PHILIP WILSON 4 00., 432 CHESTNUT Street, Philadelphia. ' Single and Double Guns, Cadet Muskete, and Equip meats. Military Goodeof every description. Fishing Tackle in greet variety. George's Superior American Tied Flies, for Trout, Bass, and Salmon. Rods* Basis, Biudtfits, Line*. Hooks, Snails, At. Oricket and Base Ball Implements. Burgees' Celebrated Rods, in great variety. mh\s*6t AUCTION SALES. LARGE and attractive sale fRENOH DRY GOODS. Messrs. TH IRION. MAIL- LARD, & Co. WILL SELL, THROUGH JOHN II MYERS & Go.. Nos. 333 and 334 MARKET STREET, MONDAY MORNING, March 17, Commenting at 10 o'clock, An attractive line of their cetebrated'fabrics, consisting, in part, of— 6*4 and 8-4 light and DRA.P D l £tk. Do. do. DBA? D'KOASSE. Do. do. GRAIN DE POUDBE. 4-4 brown, green, and bine VEIL BABKGES. i>®T Yfilfc Gmiil ABlEtfiai Paris black BOMBaZINES, fine to sublime. ** Semper Idem” celebrated make of GROSDJE NAPLE3. DO. do. POULT DK SOIE. SHAWLS. Alflo. block and colored CASHMERE «HU &ud wool fringed Shawls. Black and dolored MERINO silk and wool fringed Shawls. Plain STELLA SHAWLS. DELAINE SIIAWLS, modes and blacks. Together with a general assortment of French Goods. mhU-3tif DRY-GOODS JOBBERS. gPRING STOCK SiLKAND FANCY PRESS GOODS. A. W. LITTLE & Co., mhls-tf No. 335 MARKET ST. 1862. spbing. 186 2. WHOLESALE DEPARTMENT. J. R.OAMPHELL & CO., No. 727 CHESTNUT STREET, HAVE NOW IN STORE, LINKS OF CHOICE GOODS, TO WHICH THEY INVITE THE ATTENTION OF CASH BUYERS. WHITE GOODS—In all their Varieties. LINENS—AII qualities and boot makes. TABLE DAM ASKS— Napkins arul Doylies. L. C. HDKFS —Towels and Toweling. GINGHAMS—Super, Fancy and Solid Checks. LAWNS—New and Choice Styles. ORGANDIES, and Paris Printed Jaconets. 9RISS 6PPDS—In very desirable styles. BLACK SlLKS—Choice Brands. FLANNELS—Of the beet makes. BLEACHED GOODS-A full limn PRlNTS—American and English. CHINTZES, BRILLIANTES PERCALES. TOGETHER WITH MANY OTHER GOODS, ABAPSEi) TO FiR3T.CI.ABB TRADE, ALL OF WHICH WILL BE OFFERED AT LOW PRICES. gELLING OPT’ STOCK or CASSIMEREB, VESTINGS, DRIL LINGS, MARSEILLES, &o. Twenty-five per cent, under former prices. A. H. GIBBS, feSl-lm No. S3l MARKET Street WHOLESALE HOUSES, 27 AND 54-INCH SKY-BLUE KERSEYS, SUPERFINE INDIGO-BLUE SATINETS, BLACK CADET AND OXFORD Do. PRINTED Do, in variety. BLACK AND FANCY MIXED DOESKINS. FANCY CASSIMERES AND MELTONS. 11l STORK, ARD TO R SAM BT JOSEPH LEA, fe2o-tf 13S AND 130 CHESTNUT STREET CARPETS AND OIL-CLOTHS. CARPET WARI HOUSE. OLDEN & RICKNER, 532 ARCH STREET, TWO DOORS BELOW NINTH, SOUTH SIDE, Have this day opened their New Stock of CARPETS, of the beet English manufacture. The newest Patterns in Velvet, Brussels, Tap. Brussels, 3-lMy Ingrain, and Ve netians, Oil Cloths ifc &11 Widths, Canton Malting, Mala, Druggets, Ac., bought before the late advance, Belling at the lowest prices for cash. t . mblsl2t REMOVALS. JJOTIGE. THE BUSINESS OF THE PARIS MANTILLA E MPORIUM IS REMOVED , TO No. 990 CHESTNUT STREET. J W. PROCTOR & CO tnhB-lm Removal.— macky & hogg, General Produce Commission Merchants, have re moved from No. 1015 Market Street to No. 25 South WATER Street, between Market uud Chestnut, where thoy will be pleased to see ther friends and customers. HATS AND CATS. IQA9 SPRING STOCK IQA9 IOU/Oi COMPLETE. J.OUi'V. C. H. GARDEN & Co., Manufacturer, of and Wholesale Dealeia in HATS, CAPS, AND FURS; STRAW GOODS, FANCY SILK AND STRAW BONNETS, Artificial Flowers, Buches, Feathers, Ac., No. 600 and 603 MARKET Street, S. W. cornor of SIXTH Street. A large and complete stock* The best terms and the lowest prices Cash and prompt tint buyer?* are particularly invited to examine our stock. mbl-2m SEWING MACHINES. & WILSON SEWING MACHINES, 628 CHESTNUT STREET, mhll-3m PHILADELPHIA. THE AMERICAN TELEGRAPH COMPANY Have reopened acd refitted a BRANCH OFFICE IS WILLARD’S HOTEL, WASHINGTON, D. O. Thie company i* prepared to accommodate the gneßtfl of that house, and the public, with every Telegraphic facility. Communication direct with BALTIMORE, PHILADELPHIA, NEW YORK, And ail Telegraphic Stations in tbo loyal States. GENERAL OKEIOK, No. 432 PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE. W. P. WESTERVELT, mhlMm Superintendent. AMUSEMENTS. Grand GYMNASTIC EXHIBITION, By the members or Profe. HILLEURAND A LEWIS' GVMNASIUM. and CONCERT By the S/ENGRBBUND VOCAL SOCIEjy, ( ff h« lave Icindlr vol.mtc-.TVIi .) MUSICAL fund hall, WEDNESDAY EVENING, March 10th, 1802. pboAsa.mmk 1. Choice Mimical SoltcUoiis. 2. Inlrodiictorjr Bomnrks. 3. Calisthenic and Gymnastic Exercises. Cnder tbs direction of Prof. LEWIS 4. Chorim—»«An die Freude”....» s,^..Greyer* IMiJitfßlfflVHD VOUAL SOCIKTT, o, Kicrclaes upon tlie rollon log Apparatus! SINGLE BA It, RUiGb, HORSE, LADDERS, DUMI! STSMS, „ I’ARAtBt BARS. 6. Chorus — ii Wie Ijmlp ich *ie Geliebt" Mooring* S.KNGKBBIND VOCAL BOCIETY. 7. Beautiful Exercise's—Les liommos d’Air,” 8. Clivni"—'“ThpßiftrflmuiKltiJ Bimuor;” SyENUKRUUND YOIJAL SOCIETY. 0 Acrobatic Exercises and Pyramids. 10. Chorus—“ Cute Naoht” Ott u SJKNGKttDUND VOCAL SOCIETY Dooi b opt-n at <juurter of 7 o’clock; the Exhibition t® comjrjenep at o'clock. Tickets 20 ceutK; can be had at tho Institute, and at the Hall on the evening of the Exhibition nibL7»3t A SSEMBLY BUILDINGS—INDIA. il AND TFE GREAT SEPOY IIEBgJjLJQH,—A beautiful and tbriiHng Exhibition from ttlO Hoj'ftl Poly* ttcbnic Institute, London. KVKKV EVENING and on WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY AFTERNOONS, com mencing MONDAY, March 17. The Entertain!? ent consists of a Borics of brilliantly Jl- Irmmaled Tableau illustrating iconory; arohiiGetuM. turn cuHiomg or tiiu gorgeous East. Also. tUe wiftM&U events connected with the late Mutiny ill India—Tho great Battle of Havelock; Jessie Brown at Lucknow; Alias Wheeler defending herself from tho .Sepoys; Siege aud FnJl of Delhi, .vp„ ,sc, *■ BoVin-. r*ATCIi» tor BATGJiDAY ATTKK* NOONS—Combination Kntertaiumerit of filuric (iDd Art —introducing Herr KNGELKA’S celebrated Quartette. S 3” Seo Programmes . t, d , n -“ ! "', 2 ; 5 c< ’ ,l }“-. 1 si * ‘iebeta, fj, Children, wlien ■. ~ ~y. ,y c „ rnTn encn, Brenlngs ftt hight; Afternoons at three o’clock. Doors open ou® hour previously. Communications should he addrossed t® mhl7-tf JOHN TOY. MRS. JOHN DREW’S ABCH-BTBBBT TIIEATBX. Acting Stage Manager W. 8. FIiEDEBICKB. Bnainesa Agent anti Treasurer JOS. D. MUIiPHT. Ooth NIGHT AND Sil MONTH OF MR. JOHN DBE VV . bT, PATIiIOK’S DAY! THIS (MONDAY) EVENING, MARCH IT, Tyrone Power's Irish Drama el ST. PATRICK’S EVE. Major O'Dongherty Mr. John Drew. Alter whirl], first time this Boston. ALL THAT GLITTERS IS NOT GOLD. Btephen Fltim Sir. Geo. I’auncefort, Ills first appearance in Philadelphia. Martha Gihbs .Mrs. Raker. WALNUT-STREET THEATRE— NINTH and WALNUT Streets. Bole Lessee. MBS. M. A. GAHRETTBON. MU. AMU MRU. BARMEY WILLIAMS POE SIN NIGHTS. MONDAY EVENING, MAIiOH IT, 1882. WILLIE RILEY. Willie Riley Mr. Barney Williams. Mary Moriarty Mrs. Barney Williams. To be followed by the new Burlesons, entitled THE MAGIC JOKE. To eoueluds will, the OomcJltiU of LATEST FROM NEIV YORK, Pbioks—so, 37j{, 76, and *6, cents; Private Boise, #5 and S 3, according to tbeir locale. Poors open at quarter to 7. To commence at 7*. CONTINENTAL THEATRE, LAST WEEK BUT ONE Of this justly celebrated DRAWING-ROOM ENTERTAINMENT ©P KNOIiK.TOHL'B oabin. OR LIFE B AMONG THE Adhilssiou IS and 25 cents. To commence at 7)£ o’clock* WEDNESDAY EVENING, March 19th, ** EVA’S’* BENEFIT, a GRAND UNCLE TOM MAIINEB on SATURDAY AFTERNOON, at 2 o’clock, for Ladies and Children, terminating about 5. A COMPLIMENTARY CONCERT TO MB. QOAYLE, B V OLD FRIENDS, "Will take place at the NATIONAL GUARDS’ HALL, RAGE Street, between Fifth &ud u&tk, On WEDNESDAY EVENING, March 39th, >Vhen many of the bent Amateurs in the city wUI ap pear. The Committee feel proud to announce to Mr. Quails’* numerous fiiends that Mr. J. FRAZER, the well known Taiiap fif tks S&gnlh Opera Troupe, has, in the kindest manner, volunteered to slug two Songs and a Duet with Mr. Quuyle. Foi particulars, see Programme In next Wednesday’s papers. Tickets 2* cents; caq be had of the Ccmmitteo, or of Mr. QUAYLE, 701 Sou«h NINTH St. n»hls-4t ON EXHIBITION, * KGB A BBIGF PERIOD, AT EA RLES’ GALLERIES 816 CILESTKUX STREET, Mr. RFGIS GIGNOUX’S magnificent new Picture, “ INDIAN SUMMER IN VIRGINIA/* Painted for the Great Exhibition, London, this year. Admittance , ..*,..25 cent*. Also on view, free, for a few days, Mr.E.D. LEWIS* latest and most important work, ” THE GLORY OF THE TROPICS/* And merle’s lovely Picture, “ THE CHRISTIAN MAIDEN,” Witb other Works of Art. mhl4-6t* Germania orchestra. CABL 6ENTZ, Conductor. PUBLIC REHEARSALS every SATURDAY, at fltf o’clock P. M., at the MUSICAL FUND HALL. Package ef Eight Tickets, 91 ; Single Tickets, 36 tfs* To be had atAndrs’s, UMOheetnnt Itroet, J. K. BorJd’l. Seventh aud Chestnut, and at the door Of the Hall. OCSt-ffi PENNSYLVANIA ACADEMY 0» THE FINE ARTS, 1021 CHESTNUT Street, tt open daily, Sunday, excepted, from 0 A. 2d, tilt 0 P, M* Admission 25 oontx. Children under twelve run, half price. Share, of Stock, *39. jyi TOR SALE AND TO LET. mO DISTILLERS. J- The DISTILLERY known as the "PHCENIX,” and formerly owned and occupied by SAML. SMYTH* Esq., rituated on TWENTY-THIRD, between BAUM And VINE Streets, Philadelphia, Capacity GOO buahelfl per day, is now offered for sale on reasonable and accom modating terms. Is in good running order, and has all tbe modern improvements. An Artesian well on the pre mises furnishes an UDfailing supply of good, pure water. Address 2. LOCKE & CO., No, 1010'MARKET Street, Philadelphia. fe22'dtf gH FOR SALE VERY LOW—First ■fy class ntw Dwelling, No. 1827 Greeu street, with fin* BONSALL BiiyTIDiRS, 116 North NINTH Street. mhl'.et* ®FOR RENT—A Furnished House, in Germantown, by the month or year, on moderate terms. Apply on MAIN Street, fourth door above HAINES. inhlT^t* 4,000 PEACH TREES, v VERY ■T fine, thrifty } 10,000 Silver Leaf Maples, large and handsome; also, a large assortment of other Fruit, Shade, and Ornamental Trees, for sale cheap for cash or on time. Catalogue, gratfa, CJIAB. I’, PETERS, mhlT-lm* Concordvilie, Delaware county, Pa. TO LET—A House on DEWEF’S fiiii lane, Germantown, with all the modern conve niences, Coach House and Stable, first-rate Garden, and various kinds or fruit} within five minutes, by a good walk, to the station. Apply at Nd.!2s NArth FOURTH Street. [] JAMF.S CRKSSON. F)R SALE—A desirable FARM, near Norristown, Montgomery county, containing 89 acres of superior lan£, nicely watered. Large stona improvement* finefruits, .fee. Price only p&p isfk For further particulars, apply to E. PETTIT, No. 309 WALNUT Street. SHADE TREES.—Different c^un ■ larse-slz© Trees, for sale ver> low in price* C. S. ESHER, No. 120 North NINTH 8 reet. Address mhl43t* TO BENT—A large third story front ROOM, in SIXTH Street, near Green. Will be fUHdsL&d if re>,uir<d, Addrvss l/o.\ Ivio, I’biHii-lphia V. 0. mbl4-3t* WANTS. A YOUNG MAN from the country, with a few hundrod dollars in cash, has now a fine opportunity to get an interest in a cash business in this city. Address Box 1200, Post Office. mhls-2t* BOARDING. A SIN OLE GENTLEMAITwiSHES to obtain BOARDING In a respectable private family. West of Broad Street preferr* d. Address Box 1457, Post Office. mhl2.4t* INSURANCE COMPANIES, POMMONWEALT KJ BANOS COMPANY, PENNSYLVANIA. DiBECTORS. David Jayne, M. D., Charles H. Rogers, John M. Whitall, John K. Walker, Edward C. Knight, Rohm Shoemaker, Thomas S. Stewart, William Strutbers, Henry Lewis, Jr., Elijah Jones. DAYID JAYNBj M D., JOHN M. WHITALL, Vice President SAMUEL S. MOON, Secretary. Office, Commonwealth Building, 613 CHESTNUT Street, Philadelphia. se4»iftf HOTELS. rriHE ST. LOUIS, J- CHESTNUT STREET, BETWEEN THIRD AND FOURTH, PHILADELPHIA. The undersigned having leased,for a term of years, this popular house, have the pleasure of announcing to tbetr ffl&fcd**, And the travelling community, that Tt is now open for the reception of guests. The hditse, since the first of March last, has been entirely renovated and re fitted, in a superior manner ; tho apartments are large, well ventilated, and furnished in modern style. It is centrally located, convenient to aU the depots and steam boat landings, and in the immediate vlcjjfjiy pf the Gufo tom Hou*e, l l oM Othce, and the Corn RxchangOr |l£?* I‘onnrctcfi with tho Hotel is ft RBiTAUI’ANT for the accommodation of those prefertingthe EUItOI'KAN PLAN. Prices of rooms from THREE TO SEYEM DOLLARS per Week, according to location. Board §1.50 perdftT. Table d’Hoto for merchant* wA business men, trom 1 to 3 I*. M, mhB-lmif A CARD THE UNDERSIGNED, tat* of th» GIRARD HOUSE, Philadelphia, L.V* Meed, dor ■ term of year*, WILLARD’S HOTEL, la Wnahlngton. They take thla occasion to return to theta ild Mend, end otutomen many thank, for *aet favor., ud be, to anure them that they will be moat happy ti ie. thm in their new quarter*. OTSIS. CHADWICK, A 00. VutmiMi duly 10.18SL anSS-ly \TONUMENTB AND GRAVB lvl STONES at very reduced uricee at Marble Works of A. STEINMETZ, RIDGE Avenue, below Eleventh Slrrot, mhl3>3mlf « UNITED STATES MARINES.— Wanted, Immediately, for the United States Marin. Corps, SEVEN HUNDRED ABLE-BODIED MEM for aea service, between the uree of eighteen and forty year,. All information that may be required wia bt> given at theSeudezvoue, ill fioato PS9SS Strata, below Spruce. JAMES LEWIS, Captain. mhs-U Recruiting 0 Ulcer. ..Or&k&ilH. *H I IRE INBU , OF THIS STATE 09 HENRY NEIL, ISAAC L. DEVOB.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers