THE CITY. THE UNITED STATES QUARTER:HAS TEN'S DEPOT AT PEAR YVILLE.—Frank Brownell, the avenger of Ellsworth, now a lieutenant in the regular =my, eta Honed with his regiment at' Perryville, has been in town and gives us the following items relative to the great Government depot at that place: An excitement was occasioned on the Twenty.second by a report that nine hundred teams had been ordered to leave for Washington immediately. Tho report grew out of the inquiry made by the War Department of the As aistant Quartermaster ae to how soon nine hundred rooms could be made ready for marching orders. Wagons wars sent to the shops for repairs, mules to be shod, and every thing and every body ordered to be ready for active ser vice. There was no movement, however Horses are frequently sent to Perryville from Wash ington to recruit in flesh, etc., and as soon as lit fur the berrice are either taken back to Washington or given to .cavalry comptudee. All the mules are now under cover, sheds having been erected during the laet aix weeks for each train. About half of them are covered with boards, and the rest with the canvas that had been used in co vering bay. The males stand iu two rows, facing each other, with an entry of about three feet between them. Each gang of teamsters has been obliged to pet up its own shedding. • Some have used picket 560 for fastening the mules and mess troughs; some pine acantlipga. others saplings, ,mad others still fence rails or boards. A great improve ment in the condition of the mules is visible. Thirteen pounds of bay and nine pounds of grain are allowed each animal per day. tri to the first of this month, only eleven pounds of hay were given at each ration. So vents , - six mules only bare died at this dePOL ntnce all reception of the first mules last summer. This is a small number out of the 10,600 that nave been kept here in seven mouths, when the fact is considered that all were ex posed to the weather up to the first of this mouth. Oat and torn are fed two days in the week, and corn the re,t of the time. Wheat awl oat straw are given in plate or hay, at the rate of about one to eight. filule•breaking ties been suspended since winter set in. No new trains 01 white men were received since hilt tall, though five or six trains of colorel men were brought in doting the last two months. There are now about two Ituuttred nod seventy-live colored men i I Perry Vide with reams, about surruty , fiYo without team, no :trier are detailed Inc duty in the horse and mule pens. A:c. There are about 1,•200 mules remaining to be broken into teams. Within the last two months souse ten hundred seers shipped to Washington and Frederick cities. There are about 1,100 teams lying here. Shanties, with bunks for the teamsters to eleepin, base Lett e.eeeted in finch train_ Nearly all time thantiss are heated nil h some kind of 11. stove. During the great er part if the winter the men were obliged to "rough it," sleeping in wagons; and few of them having anything more than a Government blanket and hay or straw, suf fered considerably from cold. The Sbley tent accommo dates but stunt tlftten men comfortably. Each train is RHOTled but one of these. Whilst one set were at the tire, de rest were freezing. The roads in the neighborhood of Perryville are still in very bad condition. In many places the mules sink into the mutt to their bellies. and the wagons over the hubs. Frequently weak mules are over-driven and mired. A wagon master, who had his train hauling on the Wad, a few tlaue egolletartmi with the report that his teams were mired, and that he had driven in a stake to mat k the spot where they had gone down. Each driver is required to have his team cleaned for in spection by the brigade wagon master, by ten o'clock on every morning. All sorts of expedients are resorted to with the greets aMmois. Some of them take them into the bay, and others are fled Up by a front or a hlua leg, or the heed, or lashed to a wagon wheel with a lariats, whilst nothiug slant of throwing will AMP. er for some The latter operation does not work well; for whilst the mule is being cleaned on one side the dirt is accumulating on the other. • The attiglant Quartermaster of the Perryville depart. meat generally gasses through all the camps on Son lay morning, and during the week, usually when he is not expected cr his presence desired by the wagon masters and their assistants. The food supplied to the teamsters is whit most of them a matter of little complaint, although the cook of a train is generally the bert abused individual in it. Some of' his boarders meter having their coffee sweet; whilst ethers prefer it without sweetening. Some want their flitch fried ; others, boiled Some want their rice mole into soup; others, into pudding. Some want the fresh beef fried; cullers, boiled. Some like everything well seasoned with pepper and salt; others like little of these articles. Atter becoming accustomed to this kind of food their appetites decrease. Those who have hem alvrtys Li half starved" whilst at home, usually complain of the living. Perryville is the principal point for the trade in Sas- Quehannah shad. The • 6 gillers" will commence opera tins in about a month. A great many shad are also caught a short distance below, but aro brought up to Perryville ter ,tale. As the Government occupies the ground on which the trade has heretofore been carried on, it may interfere mmeriall) with it, and the lovers of these delicious fish be obliged to pay high prices tor them. Last spring the business fell off greatly, on account of the Secession sentiment. PROPOSED A EMORY ON THE DELAWARE ICIVER—TRE IRON ARMOR FOR OUR FRIGATE.-The - plates for our Lew iron-mad frigate are being turned out daily from the Bristol Forge .Wcaßs ' above Philadelphia. These iron plates are fifteen feet long and four and a half inches thick. In width they differ. Some are twenty eight and a half inches, others one inch less. A second scrim designed to go below the water But, are to equal the others in length, but will be somewhat lighter. Their edges are all planed and grooved after they reach the city. They Will be connected by means of tongues of iron an inch and a half square inserted in the grooves. On the side next to the vessel twenty holds will be bored in each plate, but not entirely ihretigh. are to receive the ends of the bolts that will fasten the plata to the vessel, to be inserted front the inside. The whole weight of the iron to 1.. e used for the casing of the frigate is seven hundred and fifty tons. The Bris tol works contracted to do one-half of the work, and Bailey, Brov.n, & Co., of Pittsburg, tine ether.. The first - plate made at Bristol was sent to Philadelpinla on the last day of October. The sixtieth has already gone, while six more lie at the forge. The heaviest plate (bat lots been sent away weighed six thousand nine hundred and; eighty •eight pounds; the lightest, six thousand two hun dred and forty -eight. The whole number to be manufac tured at he one lanalred and one. J net now Igirnige fr u l r . . o rtite'Tfe n T i affill 43.f.0,1 1 2 curve. 'This it taunt to lie a difficult and laborious un dertakii g. The plates meeting and to be jointed at the bow will extend eight feet beyond the hull, and the ex treme outer edge of the united parts will be six incites across. la comparison With iron plates 91 it 7itilil4 character manufactured in England, we have the testimony of 'Hr. Tdorris, of the firm of Morris, Wheeler, & Co., of rhi ladaphia, in favor of those made at this plate. This gentleman has see, ann inspected specimens of both, ete se......seetdo the latter superiority of workman- About fifty worimuen are now employed at the forge in the various ow-ratiens. Those engaged at the large hammer upon the ,oetrk we have *hem. Lotus of labor tu midnight, commencing at seven in the morning. On Saturdays, however, they Quit at five in the afternoon. The expenditure for labor each Wet k ap proachta six hundred dollar& Previous to the close of canal navigation three thou sand tons of real were piled in the yard at the Bristol Iron Works, for the winter's use The number of ton; of iron on hand was six hundred. About one hundred tons of the latter are worked up in each month in tho several forging& Of coal they consume sixty tons per wort._ Senator Ten Eyck, of New Jersey, some time ago in troduced into Congress the subject of establishing a na tional armory on Burlington Island, opposite Bristol. The citizens of Bristol consider this a commendable en terprise. and are circulating petitions for its encourage- DMA. These Vriiiind are receiving § boat of aignaturea, CATHOLIC RULES FOR THE OBSERV ANCE OF LENT IN TILE DIOCESE OF PHILADELPHIA.— The Bight Bey. Bishop of this Catholic Diocese luss is sued from his Cathedral the following" rules for the ob etryance (Attic forthcoming Lent; I he first day of Lent, Ash-Wednesday, falls this year on the sth of March. 1. All the faithful, who have completed their, twenty first year, are bound to observe the fast of Lent, unless dispensed for legitimate reasons. 2. One mead a day only is allowed, except on Sundays. 3 Thin Meld is not to be taken nutil about 4. On those data on which permission is granted to eat meat, both meat and fish are not to be used at the same meal, even by way of condiment. 5. A collation or partial meal is allowed in the evening. The general practice of pioua Christiana limits its scan tly to the fourth part of an ordinary meal. 6. Bread, butter, cheese, fruit of all kinds, salads, vegetables, and fish, are permitted at the collation. Milk and eggs are prchildted. 7. Custom has made it lawful to drink in the morning some warm liquid such as tea and coffee, or thin choco late made with water. 6. 'Necessity end custom have auttnrized the use or lard instead of butter, in preparing fish, vegetables, &c. 9. The following persons are not bound to observe the fast, : All under twenty -out years of age ; the sick : pregnant women, and those giving suck to infinite ; those who are obliged to do barn work ; and all who through 'weakness cannot fast without injury to their health. 10. The use of meat is allowed by dispensation at any time on Sundays, but only at the full meal on all Mondays, Tuesday s, and Thursdays, except Thursday in Holy 'Week. 11. Persons exempted from the obligations of fastiog, by age or laborious occupation, are not rehtricted to the use of meat at one meal only, on those days on which its use 6 granted Ly aldpenni3lo.oll. A CURIOUS "dBASE EXPIRED—CONSE QUENT TItOUDLE.—Some years ago, in 1740, five hun dred acres of laud in Bucks county was bequeathed by will to the Philadelphia Library of thj4 city It Will /eased to certain parties, in accordance with the will of. James Logan, the donor, about the year 1740, at the rate of about 22 cents au acre, for a term of 191 years. The will provided that at the end of that time the land should he valued by disinterested persona, clear of all to cumbrances, and the interest thereof calculated at 6 per cent., and that the rental for the - next term of 121 years should be deternnned by adding half the amount thus ob tained to the rate previously paid. several trials have been made by the parties conceraed to agree upon - terms, but up to the present time no conclusion has been ar rived at. One of the tracts, lying near New Rope, con tains about .41:0 acres, cad is occupied by Richard lily and A. Jackson Beaumont. The other tract, of 200 acres, is at Paxson's Corner—about 80 acres being occupied t.y John Coates, and most of the remainder being divided into smaller portions or lots in the village. As the rent here tofore has been of merely nominal amount, and the . km almost tunal to three lifetimes in duration, Mu ous cupants of the property have become in a manner the owners of it, and their interests will be considerably af fected by the present change. The parties recently agreed to leave the matter to the decision of tour men two to be appointed by each. Charles 11. Muirhead, of Philadelphia, awl David Landreth, of Bristol, were no minated by the Library Company, and Benjamin S. Rich, of Buckingham, and William T. Rogers, of Doylestown, by the landholders. They met and viewed the property on Thursday last, and will meet again this week at Doylestown, to hear any testimony that may be offered. ARREST OF A BUBBLAIL-7.YeSterday morning, El young man named Frederick Kit:man-aim was charged before Alderman Kooken with robbing the soap and candle manntact.,ry of John Pearson, on Market street, east of Thirty-first. Mr. Pearson lens frequently missed small sums of money from the drawer in his count ing w.lll, Ail the ilacra rf 4M e§to , llArnen4 hire limo hound fastened in tile mornings, and how the thief en tered has been a mystery. For several nights post a watch has been set, and on Tuesday night Eisonbrann, ho resides in tie next home, was discovered in entering the trap door. He Ville immediately arrested, and upon hie mon eff, found a canddn nudg tygriSi =WM , ' and a large bunch of keys. The accused was committed to anov er. VIOLENT CONDUCT.—A returned vo lunteer named .loLn Fine, while intoxicated, on Tne day evening, behaved in a 'violent manner, at his residence, Twenty-third and Spring Garden streets. He sma-lied the windovii, and broke iu two doors. lie then attacked his father, cut his head, and threatened to cut his throat with a razor. The latter seized au old musket and mete furioue thane upon the young mconedroh, Win) mewed through one of the holes in the door, and was hninedede ly captured by Policemen Opernerle and Osborn. Yes lerday moinina lie was committed to prison. WAThr. FTATISTICS.--. About 1 7 77 9 - "09i feet, or nem ly 37 utiles of water pipe is now laid iu the city. From these pipes there ere 3,678 arrepcoekSi and 21472 Eire- pings. Of the whole amount, there wzm laid daring the past year 2,039 feet of tmee-inch, 10,119 fret of four-inch, 38,313 feet of 762 feet of eight -1,76+ feet of ton-ineh l 9Aii 409 fees of twelTo-inehi being a total of 0.0,406 'feet, exclusive et the re•i;-• thirty-six, awl thirty-inch amine at Fairmount. T A MEETING of Decilur Council, No. 36, Q, of U. A. M 1 held Tueatlay evening, 18th inatant, a aver ice pitcher ano preaenuat ex-i.t. William 34. Weckerly, on behalf of the Council, to Brother ex-C. Win. A. riper, Dl. D., of said Council, as a token of their esteem. BRANS BANIN COMING HOME.—The band of the Fitts -third Pennsylvania Regiment has come borne, having. with a large number of other bands in the Army of the Potomac, been discharged from the service. The only cause of this is that the Government it about to dispense with regimental bands, as a measure of economy. GRANTING TAVERN LICENSES.—TIiC time for the keepers of hotels and restaurants, and time who sell liquor by less measure than a quart, to rams.. their licenses. has arrived. The applicsdlous tor Are Lo he man at the °film of the City Commiesiiners. 111C*e from the First ward will be attended to on &tur d sy next, and the remainder of the wards on succeeding clays, according to notice from the Commissioner& Tr/ E UNITED STATES ARSENAL.-- Captain George W. Martin is at the preeenttime Acting Military storekeeper at the United States Arsenal on Gray's Ferry rand, in place of Captain Charles A. good, who, we understand, will in • few thus be trans ferred to sonic other poet. Assistant Storekeeper Thomas Martin will be continued at this place on account of his ability and economy in the management of public affairs. It w et.. that Mr. Mullin was appointed to this post by the Quartermaster General Infora the appoint - Hint of Captain Allieorst by Mr. CamerOn,late Secretary of War, was made, and for this reason he will be transferred to some other city. Both Captains Alligood and litartin are gentlemen of worth and intelligence, and the former has secured many friends during his short stay at this arsenal. Very little work is going on outside at present, as most of the contracts given out have been tilled, but the prospects are that there will soon be a revival of busi ness, as MI our vast army now in the field must receive their clothing, /to., directly from the Government, and not from the State to which the men belong. as was done at the time of the breaking out of the rebellion. Owing to the temporary slack of work, at each pay lay a num ber of flOemploreeti are discharged, It being the object to reduce tie force in each of the different depart m-mts. The foi 05 at the branch Arsenal at Twenty fourth and Chestnut streets, was recently reduced, and these men will, we undet stand, be placed at the Arsenal on Gray's Ferry road, from whence a number of the bands will be dismissed in a few days. There are now three assistants to the storekeeper, al though previously there wee Intl one_ The inbitary storekeeper, inspector of bootees, lmaster carpenter, nnartermaster's messenger, foreman or the cutting. shop, all reside upon the premises. The latter, we understand, will soon resign his residence to one of the assistant storekeepers. There were °tiler officers who previously resided on the grounds, lint the buildings occupied by them are TAIW lIFVII toe fitOrago porrFo.o... All the Arsenal Windings are well tilled with Government goods. The whole place is FO completell crowded that Captain Alli good, during his reign, after considorable trouble and delay, effected a lease for the Government her a lot on the send, side or the Arsenal, with a front. of 12i feet, and a 111141 rvn,iivg to the Schuylkill front. Upon bide lot the comnuelion or i,hom feet of nnedding was emu inenced, and is now nearly finished. These sheds will be used exclusively for storing away goods. A building at Twenty-first and Spruce streets, and a portion. of the Gevernment buildings at Fifth and Chestnut streets, are also need for storage. Alnnng other enielee in the atorebeftwa i 3 a large quantity or cotton goods, consisting of shirts, drawers, &c.. chide ,wero purchased by Colonel Crosinan several months since, at an exceeding fair price. As all cotton goods are now s-lling at exorbitant prices, this wise par chase has effected a great saving to the Government, afthomz.h the same was at first strongly eoncionmed COOltill parties. A large number of wOnutn, from all parts of the city, still receive work from the arsenal, al though the number is rasher smal: to what it was a month or two since. The total number of men employed at the present time is about eight huLdred. T DONATIONS FOR TH .D E ADIES 9 Am SO alfin,--The folklWill3 ikldlti9llel arlickii here been re ceived at SWRifll'el Laboratory, Seventh street, below Chestnut, and a second shipment of three cases was made 3 esti Hay to the Ladies' Aid Society - in Hannibal, Missouri, for the use of the sick and wounded United States soldiers: 22 pairs half hose. 3 cotton shirts, 1 piece linen lathfs, 1 pair woollen socks, and package of tracts, • Gerhard; 8 pairs knit. hose, Mrs. Mattson ; jar en. gar, box figs. bundle old linen, paper farina, 2 papers • starch, paper crackers, box rice, Mrs. J. Budd; 4 pairs slippers and needle cases, Mies E. Budd ; 4 tumb lers jelly, 2 jars plums, C. A. B. ; 4 bundles pamphlets and newspapers, Pro. R. Rooms;'night shirt, linen ban dhaTi Eckel; 2 woollen ldnidiete, pelts rsevlleil tc° 176 soldier's prayer buoirs,2s S. P. 13 mks, 23 small books, from Mrs. Catteli and Mrs. Egner ; box lint wrapper. night shirts, pillow case, bundle of bandages, from Mrs: Titellvain, Bridesburg. Pa.; sheet, pair pillow cases, 3 woollen socks, pair cloth slippers, 3 jars pre serves, paper sugar, 'bag dried elderberries, vest, from Mrs. Barpeil ill 'Attalla chiefs, 2-1 knit stackintil, 24 crash towels, 19 old linen towels, 1 pair pillows, 10 shirts, 2 bundles of linen rags, 1 do. of muslin, roll of bandages, 6 sheets, 6 pillow cases, 6 pairs carpet slippers, package religious papers, package tracts, white zephyr scarf, 3 pairs flannel drawers, 3 pairi yarn stock ings, 2 pairs knit mittens, l undershirt, from Mre. Caw; 9 pounds farina, 8 pounds prepared corn, 8 pounds rice flour, 6 pounds tapioca, 5 pounds sago ' jar ginger, from W. S.; $5 from a lady ; 12 jars pickles from children of E. B. Moore; papers and tracts from an old lade ; wrap. per, 2 shirts, bundle linen, bottle cologne, bottle black berry cordial, sheet, package tracts, Mrs. E. B. C.; pairs mitts from F. E.; pair wristlets from M C.; 20 pounds sugar, 2 pounds tea, 12 papers farina, 12 papers • es, 10 pounds crackers, toihneJa, 6 pounds tapioca, 5 - pounds raisins, Ladies' Aid Society, of Oxford, Penusyl raids ; cloth overcoat, black vett, W. T. F.; bundle of old linen, J. W. F.; cash, Mrs. 0. R. $2; contents of box from Ladies' Association. 13 ightstown, N. J., through Ili aggie S Morrison, secretary 32 pillows with white cases, 4 do without cases, 12 extra white cases, 11 quilts, 4 canton flannel bed gowns, 4 canton flannel slirtr, u pairs thiAlYtTe, I)" muslin shirts, 9 cushion ticks, 3 double calico wrappers, 3 pairs slippers, 11 bowls and cups of jelly, 1 jar jam, can preserved strawberries 2 bet tes bay ruin, 2 bottles apple rum, 5 jars pickles, 7 bottles wine, 6 pounds prunes, 3 papars corn starch, 1 paper fa rina, 1 paper rice fiour, 1 package tobacco, 1 package tra ' 2 packages dried fruit, 6 prepared rolls bandages, rolls of linen, flannel, and i liislin, 18 handkerchiefs far sick. 3 pairs knit hose, 4 pairs cotton hose, 2 dog. oranges and lemons, pounds crackers, books, papers, tracts, &c. TRAVEL AND FREIGHT BETWEEN PHILADELPHIA AND FOREIGN Pours —lllr. J. Bald win, a merchant of this city, has lately paid some atten tion to the subject of ocean travel, with particular re ference to the interests of this port. His investigations have been submitted to the press, and comprise a full table of annual exports, imports, and travel between the yt ore Iklo and ]6OO. lie gives the number ot pAeeengerts arriving at New York from Europe, front 1850 to 1860. 2 500,000—at $3O each 175,000,000 Allow 1.10 for cabin passengers, at $lOO extra 255,000,000 rront California, 134,220, at $320026,844,001) FreiAbt and hottrouel 914 eisch/v,c99 14- 11011, at O'c 132,427,1560 Value of merchandise imported by Philadelphia, through New York, in 18t50, $3•1,000,000. Allow ct. for freights per steamer.... Add pa,.e. - age moneys and freights on New _TAMS , Ahr nal tax for not providing steamships of our ow•n Passengers front great Britain to America : Front 1530 to IS3O. 15,000 it 1830 to 1840: 37,000 •4 1840 to 1850 154,000 1850 to 1856 370,000 Allow but 30,000 returning, and we have... 400,000 Yearly. Call alt steerage at $3O each, is $1:8,000,000 Allow 1.10 to be cabin 'Jammu - e l it 6100 extra, Total $1.6,000,000 From the above can be gleaned au idea of the annual lots to 'which our own want of enterprise subjects ns. further to illustrate tide matter, Mr. Baldwin has kisag.ll« , ..l the annual value of etaple, reaching u, by our great railway, and which should, by right, be shipped to Europe troll' this port direct: Tons of freight eastward by Pennsylvania Railroad in 1861 1 170,021 Tons of freight sent through to New Yofit in 180 ,,,t, 'VI I, IV \ITV.. ttttt ' t I tt ttttt 209,Q99 Over 10,0 f; TT tons a month sent to New - lora. New York has over forty ocean steamers (heat Britain employs over nine hundred. More than three-fourths of our ocean traffic is done under the British gag The value of ocean commerce is over 81,000,000,000 a pine_ Passengers arriving at Philadelphia from 1850 to 1855, imelmive, 83,968—at $5O each... 52,408,010 Allow 1-10 cabin, at $lOO extra... 830,880 Front 1856 to 1860, inclueire, 24,412„at S3O each V 732,360 40 noir 1.10 cabin, at at.loo each... 244,1L0 Total for ten years. Frcm 1850 to 18t5, inclusive, each year.. ittaiuma now running; each month Av'ragc last fire years Each month THE CENSUS BUREAU AND OUR BOARD OF T"DE- -- The Board of Trade pf thit city figs otrooto(1 a great deal for the cause of statistics in unwearieuty sett ering information of ail rorts relative to mer chandise., commerce, agriculture, mud manufactures. In this way, it has acted in lependently, but, after a fashion, auxiliary to the Census Bureau of Washington. A letter was read from the Census Bimini on 3londay sentisllMatilliig the Board of Trade on the accuracy and value of the statistics embodied in its reports, and stating that great use had been made of them in preparing in foi Illation for the tax committees of Congress. The last repeat of the Board had been received and distributed in many public offices as an authority upon the extent of manufactures, and used fit an flint tration of their na timml importance. The following approximate results of the general census wore communicated for information of the Board. Relating to the great increase of cotton manufactures, it was stated that the product in New England reached, in the year ending June 30, 1860, the value of 570,000,000. The following figuren illustrate the comparative T.llllO of Philadelphia manufactures in this and other fabrics Pennsylvania, outside of Phila .... 86.112,000 Philadelphi 5,620,000 R 11,762,000 New Jersey 3,250000 Maryland Boo 000 Delaware 0%000 Vew Twit 4,000,000 pt Eastern und Middle States 101,478,000 In 18E0 the whole return was bet.......... 65,501,687 P bowing an increase of about 36,000,000 F.xclusive of Western aid Southern. States, which in 1850 made 71000,000 t;apttai in 1800 76,0.31,578 Capital in 1860 94. 000,000 . 1850.1860. Pig iron ..... .13,491,898 ,1518 , 224,195.627,700 tons. Dolled ir0n...... 0,06,081, 1 20.78-1.209.390,70 D • SPitit. liquora, ,15,710,,1101 f:3,N7,057.afix mil gelid. Malt liquors 6,1250681 17,971,1313231,111 Ws. Pennsylvania produced , in 1660, 259,000 tons of rolled iron, value $11,961.519; pig iron, 1049,791—ab0ut 55 per cent. of the whole. Tobacco railed in IS6O, in United States, nearly 400,- 600,000 I bR. ..ElRit.4 i&hd I{ll6/4 , , is 3tligh., bi IPM 6. a .. 1880, over 46,030,000 Whole products in N. York State in 1850.... 237,579,219 .. . 1 1, MO, 398,0100,000 Pennsylvania in 1850.... 155,014,900 . ~ 1860.... 285,000,000 Whole amount of production in 18803 as returned $1,019,106,616 Whole emouut in 1860 will exceed 1,000,000,000 Or an increase efabout 87 per cent. The above figures are nearly accurate. Anthracite in Pennsylvania, In 1800, about 800,0cu,1300 lone, value $11,719,574 ItitIPPINTIS) 0,0171130 buolielo, lalue 3 ; 131.859 Value of c0a1.... $14,853,433 EOMBERY.--1:01110 time during Tues day, or at un early hour yesterday morning, the dwelling al Mr. Cox. No. 26i South Ninth Idera, unt nt.cod, by means of a rear basement window, and robbed of a num cer of articles, consisting of jewelry, knives and &Irks, &c. The window is supposed to have been left tiaras toned, as no marks of violence were visible. nat.—Yesterday morning, about quar ter past two o'cloek, a fire Woke oat in the smoke-house and shedding attached, on Alas.:her street, above Blaster. The sheds were totally destroyed, and the roof of the emoke•houso was burned off. The buildings belonged to John ghingle. The km is ht-tween PlOO 6.111 P.LOO, and is fully covered by insurance in the Fire Association. The fire originated accidentally. DISTLRBANCE IN A BEER, HOUSE.— S aklaMai: .Loa tnrbancil occurred in a beer home in Third street, below Poplar, during which chile+ and other missiles were freely and several partite were severely bruised about the head and body. Three of the participants in the fight am .rrf Ftpro by thp El-vor u ;,r.l p.Tire. Th,y gave I im intuits of William Tali- ilalal 1111 vituaTur s anal 'fancy Geito , el. Trelz wax held in $l,OOO, and the others in $6OO Lail to answer at court. BECEPTION OF A RELEASED CAPTAIN. —Arrnrptunto 4avel , Fon in by 0 1141 §icklee cQm pan!, of the FrOtt Legion lit-Ain't-10 for IL proper thin of Capt. Keller. 111:0 thn roleased prim - niers from Iticl.mond, upon his arrival in this city. Capt. Keifer baying been in the Mexican mr, was a member of the Scott Legion corps, and during tin) throe-monds service rpuit it hrtlC dthl of time in the camp of Qapt. siolOos, AREESTED.—Yesterday morning, Ro bert Spanish Mali committed for the larceny of twenty fi yards of eh.dh, valued et eighteen dollars, from a dry eueds kore in the neiehbortamd of Seventh and Spring , tiaiden etreetr. NOMINATIONS. The American and Republican Conventions, of Camden, have b o th nom i. nitictl Paul C. Budd for Mayer, J. W. Ayres for City 31Artiotl, and Jaupli .1 Manna Mr Raeantee. AN ITNAUTIfoRIZED A GENT.-An ml known man. sald to he a foreigner, and who repreaente hinttelf ae the agent of McKim do Coof ItAltioLorn, offering to purchase for it Irian wont:loan hank name, McKim &To. would caution Ile piddle to tie on their guard, as the individual may be purcheeing the 11004 'e ith evil intent. AT a meeting of the Twenty.fifih School Board, held on Tuesday. February 25tb,1882, the following preamble arid reeolutiona were unithimoualy adopted: VVLIMEAS, An act has been Introduced in the Senate of this State having for its object the abolishment of the present mode of el, chug the members of the Board of 10..ntrollers of Public Schools m the First District of Pennsylvania ; and VI hore., we believe the manner pro vided in said bill elm appointment of fifteen moot 4criii of the Councils and of the county courts) is unjust in de pr lying the people of the right to select those who Shall have charge of the education of their children, and it csle elated to destroy the present system of public educa tion in this district: therefore. be it . . Resolved, Vial, in the opinion of this Board, the pro iOnS of said hill are unjust, as it deprives the people of the riphi of selecting thilka alto shall have the gooetzt ment of the Write schools. Resolved, That this Board do hereby express their dis approbation of the principle in said bill (that the people me unfit to beh et their own rulers), believing it to be un wise and uncalled for. Rcro/iNti, That a copy of the above preamble and re point lent , be sient to our Senator and member of the House of Representatives from this district, with the tamest to present them to the Legislature. SOLDIERS' FlTNERALS.—Yesterday af ternoon the funeral of. John Walter Company I, Came ren Dragoons, took place from his late residence in linshortnigh. This afternoon the funeral of Janah Bendel!, Jr., a member of Company E, Twenty. third Regiment, I'. V., will take place from his father's residence, No. 301 South SecoLd street. COLLEGE COIIIIIIENCE,IIENT.—The an . Blatt commencement of the rounerlrania College of Dental Snrgery take place to-morrow ereuinglit the Musical Fund Hell. PRILADICLPIIIA BOARD OF TRADE. TBOATAB 'MAME - A, ISRAEL ➢IOItRIS. COMMITTXX OF TEM almirra JOSEPH U. GRUBB. At the Merchants' Exchange, Philadelphia. EllipJplin Wilt, G1Y413 I,ivs rpool, soon Ship Arnold Bollinger, Basbagen London, moon Ship Tranquebar, ad tl in.... Ship filoro Castle. Ross S. Fabnie, Vence Foe SHIT . 131.A:sp.—Brig Julia Ford, Cept Jacksen, will sail for the above port on the 27th hot. All pack• asop, letten4, pel.vspapers destined for the agowdrou will be forwarded if left at the Foreigu Lotter Wilco, Phi ladelphia Exchange. FORT OF. PHILADELPHIA, Feb. 27,1862. SUN RISES 6 38-SUN SETS HIGH WATER OLEABEIo. St.arnshto Saxon, Matthews, Boston. H Winsor. Sulu . Alma, Elder M ai St Thomaa, Yon /tom Wood worth & CO, By TELEGILSPFL (Correspondence of the Philadelphia Exchange.) LEWES, Del., Feb. 26. 11 A The packet ship Saranak, from Liverpool for Philadel- Oda, t awsied taA. Vaihan and J 'Sawyer, both from West Indies, remain at the Break water. The trig' Amanda Jane, which has been at the Breakwater fur a few days, dragged her anchors yester day morning, and, in order to prevent her going ashore, slipped her cheats end stood to sea.. Inn; Sze. JOHN P. MARSHALL. Ship Fanny . McHenry, Smith, sailed from Bombay Si ult. for Calcutta. Ship Northampton, Elwell. from London for Philadel phia, paFsed 1,4 e of Wight 4th inst. Ship dames Browne, Crabtree, at "t'alparaiao previous to Nth ult. from Swansea, and sailed for Cowan:at*, to discharge coals. Ship Frigate Bird, Thompson, sailed from Kurrachee 24th Dec for London—so reported—has been reported in port 11,th Jam Ship Otseouthe, Bursley, Hailed from Slm Francisco 24th ult. for Callao Brig Achilles, Gallagher, sailoil from London i tir inst. for Philnattphi a. Brig Lem, Speed, cleared at New York 24th inst. for Philadelphia Brig Wm II Parks, 111c&Ivy, hence, via Bermuda and Mame:: Hole, for Bath, Dle, at Portland 231 inst. Selo Argue Eye, Nickerson, from. Newcastle for Car devils, parsed Peat 6th inst. Jilli6A,tind.Coo AV Krebs. Enter-an, cleared at Balt:more 2itli inst. for Philadelphia. Sehr Valorous, Berman, cleared at Halifax 15th inst. for Philadelphia. Seto Jas Martin, Ilardhig, from Providence for Phila delphia. aid not sail from Newport 23d inst, as reported. The ship Grotto, Capt Wood, from New York for Bash, is reported by telt graph from Boston 25th inst. to ho ashore on East Chop, Yineyard Sound. Tw•o brigs and three schooners sre reported to be ashore on East. Chop, Vineyard Sound, with the sea breaking over them. Liverpool, Jan 7—The John Cottle. from New York, ONllPriMieki very bad weather 21at January----had deeke swept and shipped a sea, filling the cabin and doing other damage. Bombay, Jan 17—The Challenge, which arrived here Dec 21st from Hong Kong, was leaky, and must go into dock. Panama. Feb ri—The 19 gag ship Lancaster was to sail on the Ist inst. from Acapulco for San Francisco. RLe 17 S steam frigate Saranac, Capt Riche, arrived at this port from the Coast of Mexico on the 9th inst. The ti S steamer Wyoming is expected soon from Cal lao. Rho Wyoning arrived at Callao with the U . S store obi p Fridonia in tow from Valparaiso, the tatter to remain at Callao. 5,583,669 Tho U S 8 1 00 r-of-war Crane is to sail in about a week for Valparaiso. The U S coop• of-war Narragansett left 151anzanilla on the evening of Jan 27th for ACapuleo. 62,000,000 wp myrtim Ritz OF 11 00Nt ,by ref. . . D WALNUT Strett, Philedelobia. ELECTRICITY WILL CURE DISEASE after all other remedies have faihd. $2.500,000 For many yearslhave been attlicted with consumptive tendencies, and ninth of the time my condition has been truly alarming, especially fur two sears past. My cough has been very distressinF, with expectoration and he morrhage fri.n, the lungs, attended with severe pains, at times, through left lung, and it was evident to mood my friends that I could not live long. I hat been treated by several eminent medical men, who had exhausted their catalogue of remedies in my case, but no one gave me any relief, and I was getting worse. Appetitofailing, digestion mid circulation, as well as secretion and excre tion, were fabnormal. When in this horrid condition, r celled on Prof. ROLLIN, at lila Inatitution, 1520 WA,L NUT Street, for counsel, and, after conversing with him for about ten minutes, he told me frankly that he could cure me, and I immediately put myself under his treat ment, and was much relieved the first application. He offered to guaranty my cure, and charge me nothing if he failed. I can fraLitlY say that lam perfectly cured, and rejoice that, hy a kind krovidence, Y was led to try this new discovery of Prof 11. I most cheerfully recommend all consumptives, who hark failed to get relief by any other treatment, to apply to Prof. BOLLES before it is too late. GEO. DOE . IT. ASS, Clerk of ExPreas Nice, Phila., 215 JACOBY Street. 4,000,000 WATCHES.—Our facilities for procuring the BEST WATCHES manufactured are unsurpassed, and we are selling them at very mode- Vatc PriVVVI Fine watches repaired by Elllidind work. men, and warranted to give entire satisfaction. FARR & BROTHER, Importers, fe7-tf 824 CHESTNUT Street, below FOURTH. -- $3,331020 $E9^8,450 $ ,308,000 DR. FINE, PRACTICAL DEN.. ' 44 Tirrr , TIST for 15 years, No. 219 VINE Street, above Orece,,J, lo.cria the moat heoulifut Teeth of the age, mounted on fine Cold, P;atina, Silver, Vulcanite, Co ralite, Amber, &c., at prices more reasonable for neat and substantial work than any Dentist in this city. Teeth Plugged to last for life. No pain in extracting Teeth. Artificial Teeth repaired to suit. No pay until matimfitd all it right. Ral•Paid6, befit feo4.-gm 35.900 .. 195,2913 .. 19,523 SHUTTLE SEWING MAC El INES.- The cheapest and best for manufacturing and family use. Each Macbins warranted as represented, or the . pooney refunded. For sale at Ito. 911 CHESTNUT St. fatl-ISt* J. T. JOANk CO. SELF-ADJUSTING CLOTHES WRINGEB.—This improvement will wring water from any article of the most delicate texture to a bed quilt better than by band, without the least injury, and adjusta itetlf, co that it it auttrior to all other wringers and modes of wringing. Purchasers can use thorn ono month and, if not satisfied. return them and receive their money. For sale by L. E. SNOW, at otlice of JOY, COE, Sc . CO , FIFTH and CHESTNUT Streets. Ladies are particularly invited to call and see them. fe26.lm OFD CE OF TEE MAYOR OF THE CITY OF PHILADELPHIA. FEnntrxar 2t,1862. PROPOSALS will be received at this office until SA TURDAY next for the conveyance of PRISO NE RS frem the several police etations, by van, from 1, Iko2. to Dtoteubte 21, 1869, ia a4A610.411.68 with an' &mance approved this day, entitled 4 ; an ordinance to mako an appropriation to the Department of Police for the year 1862." Particular Information of route obtained by applica tion at this office. By orftr of the Alayor fe26-3t 1101RESOOTT'S NAVY REVOLVERS. P R Large . Stock of Preerett's NAVY 4-incn and d-inch Revolvers.. Superior in every respect to any other PISTOL introduced. COMPRISING STRENGTH, GENTILITY, ACTION, and ECONOMY; Or, in other words, containing all the excellencies or COLT'S, SMITH & IVE6TON'B, and ALLEN A WHEALOC'S, concentrated in one instrument, thereby making this risroL, ma most formidable weapon ever offered for sale. V14,16.0.,21143 The largest assortment of Cartridges ever offered In the city of Waahingtoo, adapted to nil CARTRIDGE PISTOLS. A very fine assortment of GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES, Imported by Fellows & Co., N.. 17 Maiden Zane, New York, expressly for the Retail Trade. A very this assortment of Ladies' and Gents' _ . fel9-Im* e is NEW SPRING-SHAPE BON NET-FRAMES. Also, BONNETS aid HATS Cleaned or Dyed anti Frogood. Wholesale and Retail, at the Factory, 405 ARCH Street. felB-12t* THOMAS MORG&N, Agent. PRUNES. -French Prunes, in kegs and boxes, in store and for sale by DROWN 1, WILLIAM, 705 107 South WATER Street. T . ESLIE'S GINGER WINE. J-4 Leelio'e Stomach Bittern. Yineyard Pro. Co. Como. Sole agents, J. M. LESLIE it CO., fr2.5.9t ]3B South FRONT . Street (lARBON AND COAL OILS.-50,000 1 GALLONS new in stsrs Sr iltliYsrf4 in Fittiblrrg. For sate by WILLIA.III 111. wiLisliir, 208 MARKET Street. Special contracts made with shippers for. Oils deli vet eit at the wells or at any Atlantic port, in "glass tined" barrels. fpIANG.ILS AND LESMONS—,:haiee tvJ Messiba Fruit , itt store aid for sale by RHODES A: WILLIAM% fe2s 107 Sonth WATER Street. T . A RD.—A consignment of yure Jersey null Wentern - Lard, ,s 1 reCelYokl awl ior Bilk by liklol.)C6 L WILLILAND:, fe2s 101 South WATER Street. - ur 111 TE Flat.-145 half ,bl3la. No. llf 1 White Fish, for oele by RILL-HEAD PRIIsITL.N . qBT and Cheapest la the city, sir =NOWA= • 11 1 / 1 1W100.. Lt Rasta THIRD Rhyme. azeil IF YOU WANT GOOD BUTTER, go to S. B. GOTTWALS', No. 812 SPRING GARDEN thmkt M3l-tf HERiI 111.-195 bbls. No. 1 Her ring, for solo by 0. 0. no.DLER & CO., trit 103 A nt:n Street, 21 dem.r above rront. tIAIRPHLET PRINTING, AND every other gescritaloo of Motto& of tho most superior quality, et the wort reetwoamto rates, et BIND. WALT & BROWN'S, Trazere lloUdim Bi Ikea TRIAD Street, moll THE PRESS.--PHILADELPHIA, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 27, 1861 LETTER BAGS MARINE , INTELLIGENCE. MEM.OIIkNDA NAVAL REAP THE roLLowitm; SAMUEL G. RUGGLES. Chief of Police DRESSING CASES. C. A. STARKWVATHRD, NATI')NAL HOTEL, WASHINGTON, D. 0 0. 0. SADLER a 00., 1.113 ARM( Street. 2/1 door •bovm Frani kVA aALE AND TO L.F.T. ei TO BENT A Desirable HOUSE, manear BROAD and WALNUT. All modern conve niences. Reserving Office. Furniture for sale, if de sired. Apply to R. PR TIT, ja2l-tf 1423 WALNUT Street. dtt HOTEL PROPERTY FOR SALE Mi. by the auhmkibt,r, at WOOIIIIIUUY, New Jam', now doing a good business. Possession gicon at any time. ia3o.linit JOHN P. PHIPPS. FOR SALE—A Debirable FARM. ...Si. containing 95 flerlitt of euperior lend, near Sandi. Run Station, North Ptunorivaniu Ruiltued, with Arai ohm Stone buildings_ Principal pert of the purchase. Money can remain at 5 per cont. Apply to E. PETTIT, jet No. 309 WALNUT Street. 1 - 11 )It SALE, CHE &P—Valuatio .1! Farm. 1:33 acres, near Williamstown, Camden es.. New Jersey, with good improvements only twenty-eight miles frum the City Also, several Farms to exchange, Price onlY 85,000. Terms easy. Apply to K. PETTIT. No. 309 WALNUT 8-reet. foB da 80,000 PEACH T8.141E8--ONE -+--Yeer's growth from the bud, choice fruit, and very fine trees—will be /old cheap. Apply to fol-tf J. 11, WATIGIIII, 1106. FOI7IITII Ot. FOR SALE - CREAP—Two fine Fruit Farm near Dover, Delaware, convenient to Railroad Station, with good improvements. Terms easy. Possession thin opting. Apply to E. PETTIT, No. 309 WALNUT Stmt. 18 FUR SALE AND EXCHANGE ... 2 A largo number of Farms in tno adjoining Goan- Vim, States of Delaware, Maryland, New York, and New Jervey, averaging from 10 to 200 acres of laud. Those Wishing to exchange or purchase would do welt to cili and examine my Register of Farms. Apply to jal-tf E. PETTIT. No. 209 WALNUT Street. ` VARIM. FOR SAlig.—A FARM, in JL2 state of cultivation, containing titty-0911 serf., (oiu., of which are woodland,) pleiwantly oitr.ted in Limerick township, MuntgoLuerY county, two and half miles from the Limerick runtime, on the BARMEN Railroad, is offered for sale. Price—Five thousand doi• litre ($5.,000). Apply on the premises. nol6-tf SARIIEL H. GRAF,. Loudon, soon London, soon Havana, soon COPARTN Ensiur NOTIVES, P ..... _ oka RIC HAION D IRON WORKS. —COPARTNERSHIP NOTICE. —JOHN H. TOWNE, formerly of the firm of Merrick & Towne, tole become a member of the firm of L P. MORRIS & CO ,h, wke effect from and after the let of January, HB'., leaac P, hlnrris nittnlntwo (rem actin' p4rticip Lion in the conduct of the busineßt. . The title of the new firm is I. P. MORRIS, TOWNE, & CO. ISAAC P. NORRIS, THE UNDERSIGNED have formed a Copartnership, under the firm of JAURETOTIE & LAVERGNE, for the transaction of a general Com. mission and Importing business, at 202 and 204 South . . FRONT Strwt C OPARTNERSHIP RAEL MORRIS this day retiree from our arm. His sons, THEODORE H. MORRIS and FREDICRIOK W. MORRIS, are admitted aa partnere; and the !mai nsail Will be continued as heretofore, MORRIS, WHEELER, Iron Merchante, 1608 MARKET Street. Philadelphia, Doc. 81. 1881. ]al,ll VSTAIE OF HENRY APPLE, Ss., DECEASED.—Letters Testamentary noon the Es tate of HENRY APPLE, Sr, deceased, having been granted to the undersigned by the Register of Wills for the City and County of Philanelphia, all persons Indebted to said Estate are desired to make payment, and those having daimp or demands against tho same, to present them without delay to HENRY APPLE, Jie, 205 S. WATER Street, below Walnut, or HANNAH APPLE, 020 PARRISH Street, Executors Or their Attorney, JOHN L. SHO VSIAKER, ja23-th6t* 325 North SIXTH Street E STATE OF SAMUEL IMIKMANT 7 Deeeased.—rh9reas Letters of Administration on the above 'Estate h_ive been this day granted to the un deraikned, al those indebted to the said Estate will please make Fitment, and theiie having claims against the same present the same for setdoment to W.1.LL1,111. 11. - NAN, or to ClBOTtitr. HI4RHA.I4, ia:3o-0.61* RIDGE Avenue, atmva Stiwt GLUTEN CAPSULES PURE COD-LIVER OIL. Ilse repugnance of most patients to 'COD-LIVES OIL, and the inability of many to take it at all, hue in &BAIfi01711 forma 10f disguise fig its aillninitiriliivn that are familiar to the Medical Profession. Some of them answer in special cases, but more often the'vehicie neutralizes the usual effect of the Oil, proving itulte as unpalatable and of less therapeutic value. The repug nance, nausea, &c., to invade, induced by disgust of the Oil, is entirely obviated by the nee of our CAPSULES. COD•LIVES OIL CAPSULES have been mucb nsnd lately in Europa, the experience there of the goodlre sults from their use in both hospital and private practice, aside from the naturally suggested advantages, are suf ficient to warrant ors claiming the virtues we do for them, feeling assured their use will result in benefit and deserved favor. Prepares! by WYE TH & BROTHER, N LE:St THE ADA.MS E.X PRESB COMPASY, Office 3zo cif J si'A U street, forwards Parcels, Packages, Mer chandise, Bank .I.citee, and Specie, either by its own lines or in connection with other Express Companies, to all the principal Towns and (Mies of the United States. E. 8. sa st/Ptelf.l), feiP Genera , Vinp,rintenditnt. A ' D. -TILE UNDERSIGNED , late of the GIRARD 11017610, ?ethictalent, hare tweed, fora term of years, wiLLABDI LIOTILL, to Washington. They take this occasion to return to tut old friends and customers many thanks for past favors, and beg to assure them that they will be most happy to NO them In their new quarters. ftELATIWIOIL, d WAHNIIIIMON. July 18. ISM ' als23-1. DRIED FRUlT.—Bright new half and mixed Peaches. Choice New York State Apples. Ceptce New 1:91 . 4 Omit DinlOnrriva. 'ew Ohio Apples, part sliced, in white bags. In store and for by RHODES & WILLIAMS,. 107 South WATER Street. DRIED APPLES. —66 eackg now Western Dried Apples-, 7 bbls new Western Dried Apple'. Just received and in store For sale by KOONS. N 0.11447 MIRTH VirIFFARVER, rfIENHAPINS, oysTnite BTI+:WED AND FRIED, AND CHIOREN tation Cards and other notices will be distributed in all Darts of the city, with punctuality. The undersigned is at all times prepared to present, for the inspection of Ladies and Gentlemen a list of the things necessary for a large or small enterainment, as the ease may be, thereby avoiding all unnecessary proration and waste and natters himself, that by his long expo limns in business, he will be able at all times to give, as heretofore, entire satisfaction to all who favor him with their patronage. HENRY JONES, Caterer, No. 250 Sottth TWEINTJA Streot., above SPIII7OII. E VERY LADY WHO WISHES TO BE BEAUTIWUL should purchase HUNT'S COURT TOILET POWDER. It is used by the Court Beauties in Europe, and it is the only Powder that will not injure the skin or rub off. Price, 12, es. and SO cents. HUNT'S .13L0011. I.:F ROSES, a beautiful, na tural color for the cheeks or lips; it will not wash off or injure the skin, and remains durable for years. Price $l. These articles are quite new, and can only be ob tained of HUNT & CO., 133 South SEVENTH Street, above Walnut. All kinds of Fancy Soaps and Perfu- Veer/. fel9 ara EVERYBODY BUYS BUCK WHEAT FLOUR of S. Z. GOTTWALS, No. 812 SPRING GARDEN Street, became be sell! none but the very best. jelT-bittistf ANTI -FRICTION METAL,. Superior quality, For We by JAMES YOCON, DRINKER'S ALLEY, Bet, Front and Second. Saco and Arch et& " 11 - . UCIKER" OIL WORKS. _LA 100 Bble. Lucifer" Burning Oil on band. We guarantee this oil to be non-explosire, to burn all the oil in the lamp With a steady, brilliant dame, without crusting the wick, and but slowly, Mlle. tiled with glass enamel. WRIGHT. SMITH, & PEARSALL. fe2l-tf Office 515 MARKET Street. Q Z. GOTTW ALS S No. 812 hPRING • GARDEN St., has now on hand a lot of very choice ROLL BUTTER, which he is selling very cheep. He receives Butter daily from some of the best dairiee in the country - ; hence he hart it always fresh. All who wish to get good Butter, and cheap withal, have here an excel lent opportunity. fell ANGING VASES. 11 ernamental Flower Pots, Parlor Vases for Growing Flo Wail. Baskets for Jardiniere. Pedestals with Vase for FLewere. Antique Vases for Mantala. Vases Renaissance for Parlor. Rustic and Terra Cotta Vase.. Lava Flower Pots and Vales. Garden Vases and Pedestals. Brackets for Busts and Figures. With a great variety of articles suitable for glut& mail presents, for sale retail and to the trade. Warerooms 1010 OHKSTNIIT Street, Philadelphia. dell H. A. HARBISON. ENGLISH ENCAUSTIC TILES FOR FLOOBS.—Minton'e Thor for vestibules, halls, dining-rooms, hearths, and for public buildings of every kind, as laid in the Capitol at Washington and in many churches, stores , banks,hotels, and dwel lings, to 6r6rr part or the country. Patterns, composed of BM; Bed, awl Black, 32c per square foot ; with Blue, Green, or White introduced, 34c to 36c per foot. Lithographic de sign(' sent by mail, on application. 8. A. H A RRIEIOII, Importer, ;an No. 1010 011KSTNIIT etre& S. JAMES BETTS' CELEBRA• 11'1 TED SUPPoRTEES FOB LADIES,sad the only Supporters under eminent medical patronage. La -21817 and Dhyelclane are reapootrully Tormented to gall only On Mrs. Bette, at her residence, 1039 WALNUT Street, Philadelphia, (to avoid counterfeits.) Thirty thousand luvelide have been advised by their phyFriciane to nee her appliances. Theo only are genuine bearing the United Mateo copyright, label, on the box, and signatures, and Alen no the g n unnroer,,. with COTTON SAIL DUCK AND CAN VAS, of WI numbs. and brands. Devon's Duck Awning Twills, of all descriptions, for Tenni, Awnings, Trunks and . Wagon Covers. Also, ram nit eracturcne Privr Flats:, foam / 19 ; tett wide, worputing, floning, Soil Twine, .%c. JUII_v W. EVERIIAN CO., my4-N 102 JONES Alloy. °BEEBE AND BUTTER.—Prime nerkimar County Cheese, Also, Choice Goshen Rutter. Constantly received, and for sale by RHODES & WILLIAMS, felB- lf 107 Boutb WATER Street. LARD AND GREASE.-50 tieroes prime Leaf lard; 60 tierces White Grease, Direct from the West, and in store. For sale by MURPHY & KOONS, 117-ff No. 1411 NORTH WHARVES. TWO HUNDRED THOUSAND PIECES OF 'MUSIC at one. c.nt per page. Up stairs, over MARSH'S MUSIC STORE, 1102 CIINIST NUT Street 142-71* QOURRROUT FOR SALE.-27 har refs beet quality. Apply t, 425 NARK - lc r Street. fe26.614 0. A. WILDAtAN. 7.t:WIS TAWS, JOHN J. THOMPSON, JOHN H. TowNE. P. TAU isE VOHS., F. LAVERGNE. LEGAL. MEDICINAL. 1412 Ve ALNITT Strmt, Philwi 4phia HOTELS. LAN LI MASI N. IL; glitir Art 11CA. DELAWARE MUTUAL SAFETY INSURANCE COMPANY. INCORPORATED BY THE LEMSLATURE OW zENNSYLVANIA„ 1835. OFF/CE S. E. CURNRR TUIRP AND WALNUT STREETS PHILADELPHIA. MARINE INStIRANCii. ON YESSFa6. CARCO, To all parts or the World. FREW LIT, INLAND INrItIItANONS On Goods, by Rivers, eallflie r Latina, and Land Carriage* to all parts of the Union. PIKE INSIMANCES On Merchandise generally. honeen, 46. ASSETS OF THE COHISII. NOV. 1, 1861. Pie. tree,. 1100,000 United States rive per cent. Loan. 9100.260 00 60,000 'United States Sia per cent. Trea sury Notes 40,096 87 26,000 United States Seven and Three. tenths per cent. Treasury Notes 26,000 00 100,000 Stan. or Pennsylvania rive per cent. Loan 89,501 25 343,050 Philadelphia City Six per cent. Loan. 119,448 17 80,000 State or Tennessee Five per cent. Loan. 94,076 00 20,000 Pennsylvania Railroad, let Mort gage Slit pet seta_ Bends 00,000 00 60,000 Pennsylvania Railroad, 2d Mort gage Six per cent. Bonds 48,130 88 15,000 300 Shares Stock Germantown Om Company, principal and interest guarantied by the City of Phi ladelphia 14,537 50 6,000 100 Sharon Block Pumusylyn.l2l Railroad Company 6,000 00 Bills receivable for insurances made...... 96,730 07 Bonds and Mortgages 75,000 00 Real Estate 61,303 86 Balances due at Agencies—Premiums on Sodas Inipmest, and other Debts due the Company. Scrip and Steak of sundry Insurance and other. Companies, 811,843—estimated ya. luo Cash on hand—ln Banks ... • In Drawer... DIRECTORS. Samuel B. Stokes, J. F. Peniston, Henry Sloan, Edwitri Uorllngton, Jones Brooks, Spencer Thomas U. Hand, Robert Burton, Jacob P. Jones, James S. ,McFarland, Joshna P. gyre, John IL &mph). rithibrilli D. T. Morgan, Pittsburg, A. B. Berger, Pittsburg. MARTIN, President. ). HAND. Vice President. cretary. jal4-tt William Martin, Edmund A. Souder, Theophilna Paulding, John B, 'Penrose, John U. Davis, James Traquodr, William Erre, Jr., James C. Hand, C. Ludwig, Joseph H. Seal, Dr. K. K. Huston, Wargo G. talnar, Hugh Craig, Charles Kelly, WILLIAM THOMAS HENRY LYLBURN. S MigM MUTUAL INSURANON COMPANY, 0? PITILADILPII4, opricE No. NO WALNUT STRUM, bang against LOSS OR DAMAGE BY VEDA on Houses, 6torea, and other buildings, mimed or perpetual, and on Furniture, Goods, Wares, and Nor. ohandlse, In town or uouutry• CIASEI CAPITAL, 6231,110.00--AMET6 11141;142,04, Will& 1s ittvatad lig follows, ! In first mortooge on city property, worth double the amount 0100,000 00 Pennestvenin Bs'hoed Co.'s B per cent. Bret mortgage Mau, as par.... rennailvania Railroad Co.'e 8 Der Gent, tie- <mad mortgage loam ($30,000) 17,000 00 Huntingdon and Broad TOD Railroad and Canal Co.'a mortgage loan 1,640 00 Ground rent, first-claw 2,462 66 ~:lateral loans, well secured 2,500 00 Oily of Philadelphia 6 per cant loan 40,000 40 811eglteny County 6 per cent. Pa. 88. loan. 10,000 00 Commercial Bank stock 6,146 01 Ilochanice Bank stock 0,812 60 Pauxurylrani& Railroad Co.'a Stnek. .. . 4.000 00 'rho &Banco Mutual Inanranco Co .'s tionk. 25,350 00 The County Fire Insurance Co.'e stock 1,050 00 The Delewaro M. S. Ina:mance Oo.'a stock., 709 00 Union Mutual Ineurance Co.'s scrip WM 00 Bills receivable 14,302 74 Book accounta, scorned Interest, &a 7,104 011 risph On hand 11.644 04 The .M.ntnal principle, combined with the security of a Stock Capital, entitles the insured to participate to the 7107113 of the Company, without liability for 1.088711, Leases promptly adjusted and paid. DIRIOCTQA B. L. 1 6.,5ual Bisphassi, Bohert Steen, William Musser, Benj. W. Tingley, Marshall MS, J. Johnson Brown, Charles Laaud, (Jacob T. Bunting, Smith Bowen ' John Bissell, Pittsburg. EM TINGLJCIr. Preaktent. Motu Ting Loy, William R. Thompson, Frederick Brown, William Stevenson. John B. Worrell, m. B. Canon, Rota+ Tolrod, (8. D. RosougArton, Charles S. Wood, James fi Woodward, °LEI lirsoinum, becretary ' , Abram 18. EXCHANGE INSURANCE COM ALI PANT—Office, Na. OKI WALNUT Street. /Flre Insurance on Home*, and Merchandise gtmeraPs, an favorable terms, either Limited or Pereetaid„ PUDYNTORS• Jeremiah Boman, Mumma Marsh, John Q. Ginnodo, Oharles Thompsoe, Xdward D. Roberto, Jame T. Hale, Samuel D. Smedley, Joshua T. Omen, Reuben 0. Hale, John J. Griffiths. .TEREMIATI BONSALL, President. /WIN Q. suutooo. VICO 'President. Itimien One. Steratary_ INSURANCE CVMPANT Ulf THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA—OFFICE Nos. 4 and 5 EXCHANGE BUILDINGS, North arlde of WA.L. rare DOgg and THIRD Btrrots. PhQa debW.. INCOSPOBATZD to 1794-011AisTrai PZ/Irnsuair. CAPITAL, *Mom PBOPIIIITIEB OF THE COMPANY, TZBBCABY 1, 1881, 5807,094.01. • - VA.17311Z, lr TEE, A.Bil) INLAND TRANSPORTA TION INSURANON. DiEZOTOBS. Henry D. Bherrerd, Samuel Brink, Jr., Charles 'Macstester, Tobias Wagner William S. Smith, Thomas B. Watson, John B. Austin, Henry G. Freeman, William B. White, Oharlea ft_ Lewis, Goorgo G. Stuart, George 0. Omni Edward C. Knight HENRY D. BHEEREED, President WILLIAM licarza. Beeretari. leja-if THE ENTERPRISE ENSURANCS COMPANY Or PRILADILPIIIAL. (FIRE INSURANCE EXCLUSIVELY.) COMPANY'S BUILDING, S. W. CORNER VOMITS AND WALNUT STREETS, DIRECTORS. N. Hatehibrd Starr, Wllllatu McKee, Halbro Frazier John M. Atwood, Bonj T. Tredick, Henry Wharton' F. BAT§ CZ/LILLIS W. Coss. Score FIRE INSURANCE. MECHANICS' MIIRANGI OOMPANT PHILADELPHIA, No. 138 North SIXTH Sem% kekw hews. insure buildings, Goods, sad Nerchandlas grog. rally, from LOBO or Damage by Eire. The Company re. tents to edMet ell Losees promptly, and thereby hope to merit the patronage of the public. DIRECTOR. Robert Flanigan, Michas! MeGeer, Edward McGovern, Thomas B. bicOormia, John Bromley, French; Falls, John Comedy, William Morgan, 0&5114F,, George L. Dougherty. James Martin, Jamas Minna, Matthew McAleer, Bernard Rafferty Thomas J, HemDbilb Thanes Fisher, heads NoNann3, Bernard IL HeLamm 01%flee Olare, Nichttel Cahill. 018 COOPER, President. -tam oda BIIIAID 8,APP1111.17. &.c A NT Hit ACITE INSURANCE COMPANY. Authorized Capital 1400.000 CHARTER PERPETUAL:. Office No. 811 WALNUT ; Street, between Third and fourth Streets, Philadelphia. This Company will insure spinet Ws or damage by Fire, on Du&lines, Furniture, and Merchandise gene- Alec, Marina Insurances on ifemad& Oaring& and Freight& Inland Insurance to all parte of the links. DIRECTORS _ ._ William /ether, Davis Pearson, D. Luther, Peter Bleger. Lewis Andenrled, J. K. Baum. John R. Blaklaton, Wm. P. Dean e 3.9.46 iiaximela, Jobe Beecham, WILL'AM ESHER, President. WM. 7 .DR&N, Pim President. W. M. Ewen, Rearatarr. FIRE IisIbTRANUE EZVLUBLVE LY.—The PENNSYLVANIA EIRE INSUBANCE COMPANY. Incorporated 1526. CHARTER PEE. ?INCA L. No. 610 WALNUT Street, opposite ladosend. ince Square. This Company, favorably Impair to the community for chirty-os ream ontimito to be *gaud Lon or Da triage by lire, on public or private Buildings, either per. manently or for • limited time. Also, on Furniture, stocks of Goode, or Merchandise generally, on nand *TIM Their Capital, together with a large Harplce Wand, le Invented In the enact careful moaner, which unable* them of to oloss .ffer to the !neared in undoubted security In the Nee DIRECTORS. Jonathan Patterson, Thomas Robins, Qthitin Campbell, Daniel Smith, Ir., Alexander Benson, John Devereux. William Montalto", Thomaa Smith. Uwe Hattlehtirst, JONATHAN Wn.LTAii O. OftowiLi. PATTERSON, Provident .retar7. siol AMERICAN FIBS INSURANO COMPANY. Incorporated 1810. CHANT= rENPETIFAII. Ho.SIO WALNUT Maw% Mors Thin, Philadelphia. Having a large paid-up Capital Stock and Burping, to vested In sound and available Sequities, continues to Insure on Dwellings, Storm, Furniture, Blerchandhm, Yee tele in port and their Cargoes, and other Personal Pro. perty. All Losses liberally and Promptly adjusted. LTIZOTOBEI. James B. Campbell, Zdmand G. Draft, Charles W. Poulton', Israel Morris. Thome/ R. Marie, John 'Welsh, Samuel 0. Morton, Patrick Brady, John T. Lewis, THOM Ammar 0. L. OILLWI.OID . MARIB, PoaddmiL Sec:Wary. fe92-d CHARLES S. CARSTAIRS, NV. 37.6 IYAI•NUT tIEBEEt (Late of the firm of JAIIRETCHE & OARSTAIRE3 I ) OFFERS FOR SALE COGNAC BRANDIES, of the brands of Glanyere, Pinet„ Cnetillion, Otard, Dupery, &c. ROCRELLE DRANDlES—Peilevoisin and A. Seig. nottc. BORDEAUX BRANDY—J. J. Timmy. CLARET, in casks and CRROS, of the brands of Haut Brien, St. Julien, Chateau Margaux. PORT WINE—De Muller, Alicante, and Mirror:ails. ADFIR A WINE—OId and New, of various brands. SHERRI WIPE— 110 CHAMPAGNE, of various brands. WRITE WIN 15 VINEGAR, &c.. fe20.12t TORTOISE SB ELL.— A few boxes of Tortoise Shell for sale by JAURETCHE to LAVERGNE. Ih2l 202 Ito 204 South FRONT Street. BST QUALITY ROOFING SLATE always on hand and for sale at thaion Wharf,l4sl BEACH Street, Kensington. T. THOMAS, EaVY-15; al? WALNUT Bine+. Philads F.I.VE BBLS. Prime Fresh Roll. But terjust received awl for sale at S. Z. GOTT WALS% No. 812 SPRING CA R.DEN Street. fen DROOMOORN, HANDLES, TWINE, kc. ; Brooms, Buckets, so., for male by G. B. BLAKIETON, Commission Merabikol. 3KIO-8m 73 Ranch WATER Sigred QOLDIERSt, SEADIEWS, AND kJ WIDOWS' PENSIONS, Pay, Bounty, Prize Mo ney, &c., pr .rured by JOIIN 11. Fttlf3C, Pension Agent, Notary Public, and Co diniiii3iOner for the States, No. 223 Dom Street. fe2l.6tit pOUND BUTTER, FIiE3H FROM 1 the country, received daily Fit the " Cheap store," Rio. 612 EIPBERG GABLUIZi SUM. je.3l-tf 48,131 117 - - 6,080 00 .../$61,068 08 ... 617 88 . 61.615 80 80180,144 87 0,000 00 1M.T.142 04 Mordecai L. Dawson, Gee. H. Stuart, John H. Brown B. A. Fahnestocs4 Andrew D. Oaah, Erdman, 010) BUDD, Dreamt. ion KAJLJUKUAD Liri m.b. RAILROAD. PITM'MMMVIInirMg . 7 Ocai.. 1862. 1862. THE CAPACITY OF THE ROAD IS NOW EQUAL TO ANY IN THE COUNTRY. . . racilitles for tho transportation of passengers to and from Pittsburg, Cincinnati, Chicago, St. Louis, St. Pad, Nashville, Memphis, Now Orleans, and all other towns in the West, Northwest, and thinthwest, are unsurpassed for speed and comfort by any other route. Sleeping and smoking cars on all the trains. THE EXPREBB HtINB DAILY and rad Line tiuntlaye exceptul. Mail Train leaven Philadelphia at. 8.00 A. M. EZIEEI Express Train . 1 "0.:30 P. M Parkesburg Accommodation 'caves Phila. at.. 12.30 P. M Harrisburg 44 ,t It 130 P. Lancaster .. 4.00 P. :a Went Cheater rasomworg will take the Mall Train, the Parkeebnrg Accommodation, and the Lancaeter Accom modation. Paean:igen for Sunbury, Willinmaport, IChnira Buf falo, Niagara Falle, and intermorate polnte, ? li oaring Philadelphia at b A. M. and 2.30 P. M., go directly through. Fvr ftudher Informallop apply at the Paamenger Sta tion, B. A. corner of EICENEATH and 11.11LBEAT Street!. By Ude route freighte of all descriptions can be for warded to and from any Point on the Rallroade of Ohio, Kentucky, lodianu, Illinois, Wisconsin, lowa, or Me ecrai, by railroad direct, or to any tort on the naviga ble rivora of the W CHiI by fliedglere from Pittahurg, The rates of freight to and from any point in the West by the Pennsylvania Railroad, are, at all times, as fa vorable as are charged by other Railroad flomy,anies. Merchants and shippers entrio.ting the transportation of their freight to this Company, can rely with confidante on its npoexly tnarssit. For freight contracts or shlypieg directions apply to or *dames the A g ents of the Cotepehy. S. B. KINGSTON, Jo., Philwelphia. D. A. STEWART, Pittebrirg. OLAICKE Mileage. LEECH & Co., No. 1 Astor House, or No. 1 South William street, New. York. LEECH a CO,, No, 17 Wanhington odes% Boson. MAGRAW 4 KOONS, No. 80 North street, Baltimore H. H. HOUSTON, Goal Freight Agent, Phila. L. L. HOUPT, Gen'l Ticket Agent, Phila. ENOCH LEWIS. Gen'l Sun% Alvumo. jyl-d NORTH PENNBYI 4 - _. VAN n. RAILROAD. /OR BETHLEHNIs, DOYLESTOWN, MAUGH OHUNK, HAZLETON, EASTON, EGIELEY, Am. WINTER ARRANGEMENT. THREE THROI7GII TRAINS. On and after MONDAY, NOV'EDIBMIL 4, BM, reo ammer Trains will leave FRONT and WILLOW Streets, rti At llt4thihitS dOIytASUP.4T excepted ,) wFoll ows: 4.40. xprest,) for Bethlehem, Allentown, Mauch Chunk, Harletee, &o. At 2.46 P. 21., (Exproes,) for Bethlehem, Easton ho. This tram roaches Rattan at BP. M, and ma kes a does connaotion with the New Jersey. ()antral for New Yea. At LO6 P. E for Bethlehem. Alletdown, Mama Chunk, acc. At 9 A. M. and 4 P. M., for Doylestown. At 8 P. M., for Fort Waehingtou. The 6.40 A. N. Expreee Train makes doge eOrmaCtiOn with the Lehigh Valley Railroad at Bethlehem, being the shortest and moat doeirable mete to An points . IA die Leiligit font regien. TRAINS 808 PIIILADELPHIL. Leave Bethlehem at 7.07 A. M.,"0.18 A. M., and 881 Y. 81. Leave Doylestown at 8.30 A. M. and 3.2 A P. IL Learn Fort Waattington at 8.60 A. M. ON SUNDAYIB.-Fbiladololge for Fort Wimhlngtott at 0.80 a. M. Philadelphia for Doylestown at 4 P. M. Doylestown for Philadelphia at 7 A. M. Fort Washington for Philadelphia at 2.45 P. M. /ere to I b Fare to M6llOll Ohunk.l3.oo Tare to Easton 1.60 Through Tichota must e procured at the Tioker °Mots. at WILLOW Street, or PERILS Street, In order to 10:411111 the above !Meg OF fare. All Passenger Trains (except Sunday Trains) canned •t Berke street with the 'Fifth and Siath streets, and Se cond and Third-streets Passenger Railroads, twenty nil antes after leaving Willow street. net 'ELLIS CLARK, Agent. WINTER Alir RANGEMENT-PRILAML WILMINOTON; AN)) BA:LT/MORE ALTa- WALL:. On and alter MONDAY, JAN. 6, 1862 PASSENGER IRK", S . VB. PHIL • v FOrßanir so ll) 51 8.30 A. M., 8.15 A. M.l U. 66 A. M. (sal-ruse,. B'lllll.oo 1. 51. NE".: Zlester at 8.15 A.l L, A. M., 8.45 and U.OO ra. For Wilmington at 8.80 A. 51., 846 A. 51., 11.35 A. FL, 8.95 anc 11.00 P. M. 3'or Now Castle at 8.18 A. M. and 8.45 P. M. Tor Dover at 8.15 A. M. and 8.45 P. X. Fur Milford at 8.19 A. M. for Palisbriry at 8.15 A. M. TRAINS 1011 PHILADELPHIA Leave Baltimore at 9.80 A. M. (Mxpreae), 1.05 P. M. (tzprees), 5.20, and 7 I'. M. (lexpres4). Leave Wilmington at 7.30 and 13.101 A. M., 4.16 1 8.46 1 end 6.1,5 P. Leave 0191ebnry .14.9.3 S P. M. Leave Milford at 4.55 P. M. Leave Dover at 9 A. 11. and 0.10 P. M. Leave New Castle at 11 it. hi. and.. 5.10 P. M. Leave Chester t t 8.20 A. At., 12.16, 4.50, and 9.30 P.ll. Leice P.lela.ore for 9a11e1..&4 5.20 and 7P. ; fur Dover and intermediate station' 1.06 P. M. TRAINS FOB BALTIMORE: Leave Clboater at 9.45 A. N., 12.05 and 11.30 P. N. Lowe Wilmington at 4.30 A. H., 9.25 A. za.0.2.36 P N., and 12.10 a. H. wivarairt TliA;ti, witn kaadenger t7nr aitibetied, will ran as follonv Leave Philadelphia for Perryville and intermediate places at 5.10 P. 81. Leave Wilmington for Perryville and Intermediate pleeee at 7.10 P.M. Leave Philadelphia for Chester, Wilmington, Stanton, Newark; Elkton; North East; Perryville, Grace, and Baltimore at 8.30 P. Al. 'Leave Baltimore for Havre-de-Grace and intermediate stations at 8.0 A. M. Leave Wilmington for Philadelphia and intermediate places at 2.05 P. M. ON SUNDAYS ONLY: MM=aVIZEi;M;I At 7 from Baltimore to Philadelphia. The 3..130 A. M. train from Philadelphia to Baltimore will run daily, Mondays excepted. ee2B-tf B. M. FELTON, Praddant. PHILADELPHIA. _AND READING RAILROAD PAneleW OM; TILAINS FOR POTTSVILLE , BEAD ING, and HAREVIIURG, on end after November 4,1801 111011.NENG LINES, DAILY, (Sundays excepted.) Leave New DAl.Bt, earner of BROAD afiel OALLOW HILL Streets, PHILADELPHIA, (Passenger entrances on Thirteenth and on Oallowhill streets ' ) at 8 A. M., con necting at Harrisburg with the PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD 4.16 P. M. train, running to Pittsburg ; the iIIEiII3ERLAND VALLEY 1.60 P. EL train running to tThamberldmirf ?... Carliele, Sic.• aad the NORTHEIIII ; it AL sslL$SAlt .11 train runiungen nun. bury, ke. AFTERNOON LINER. Leave New Depot, corner of BROAD and OALLOW NELL Streets, PHILADELPHIA, (Passenger entrances on Thirteenth and ou Callowhill ate„) for POTTSVILLI and HARRISBURG, at 0.16 P. EL, DAILY, connect ing at Harrieburs with the Northern tgentral Reamed, for Banbury, Williamsport, Elmira, Express Train from New York via Easton makes close connee , jon with the Reading Mail and Accommodation Trains, connect ing at Harrisburg with the Pennsylvania Central 8.14 A. M. Train running west. For READING mar, at 4.80 P. M.LDAILY, (Sundays excepted.) PI6TANDE6 VgA I.lll;teroSiAlikai AND imaprtie RAILROAD. FLOM PIIMADBLPHIA, MEC To Phoenixville 28 Reading 88 Lebanon 86 M==EBIE!I laupbin 124 alillereburg 142 Tv:merlon Juncflon.l6B Etuabury .... Northumberland....l7l M!MMiI Jersey Sbore 229 Lock Haven 235 Nlaton Tilb, ril WIIIIBM2II nd Ilkake itailroaa. Elmira 287 The 8 A. M. and 3.16 P. M. traituiconnectdally at Pori (Hinton, (Sundays excepted,) with the OATAWISSA, WELLIANSPOET, and ERIN RAILROAD, making close connections with Una, to Niagara faun, Oanada, the West anktionthweet. iniroT lUT PIIELADELPHIA: Owner ar DBOAD Sad OALLOWHILL Streets. W. H. NoILHENNET, Secretor/. October 80,1861. at n_ FALL AND WIN TE R A.BILLNGEMIINT.— Foimanimeme„ GERMANTOWN, and moaxwa- TOWN RAILROAD. TIBIB TABLB. On and after Monday, October 48,1961, until further notice. . . . . FOB GERMANTOWN. Lean PlM&Whin; 8; 7; N. 9. 1.0.06. 11, A. M.; 1; 1; 4,6, 6,7, 8,9, 10,,V, and 11% P.M. Leave Germantown, 6 , 7 , 7%, 8, B.;‘, 8.1(, 10 36 U%, A. M.. 1,2, 8,4, 5,6, 7,8, 9%, P. 11.. The 8% A. AL train from Germantown stone It Day's aral Tioga only. ux BUNDATB. Lem Philadelphia, 9.02 A. K., 2,7, an 1O) P. FL Lean clermanmr . t .. l, 3.N A. Id., 1,0, and 9) P. 111. OIIKSTIIdT RILL litalitOAD: NM;M;;;MiRMVIU=I Lvov %KM* HI, 7,191?491 /9491 . 1 4.1 /2.491 SAO, TAO, and 9.10 Y. 91. ON SUNDAYS. Leave Philadelphia, 0.05 A. N., 2 and 7 P. M. Leave Oheetnat Hill, 7.60 A. 111., 12.40, 5.40, and 9.10 P. M. FOR OONSROROORIN AND NORRISTOWN. Leave Philadelphia, Om, 9.06, 11.91 A. IL, 1) 1 1, AOC x, 8.05, and 8.06 P. N. Leave norrletown, V, 9,9, 11 A. M.,13w, Vir, and P. IL ON 817ADAY8. Leave Philadelphia, 9 A. NI., 8 P. N. LOOTS /*MiIIISOM', 79r A. 11,, 6 P. M. FOll IiIAN/LYUNIL Leave Philadelphia, Ili, 2, 11 A. 22.,13i, 8.05, 4g, 0.06, and 8.06 P. IL Leave Manayunk, 6%, 7%, omum Liz., 2, I, and OM P. AL ON SUNDAYS. Leave Philadelphia, 9 A. M., 8 and 7 P. N. Lem Manama. 7,1( NI; 6M and P. IL H. SMITH, General Superintend H. inet, qty Mont NINTH and Gltleirld Streets. Matimirm WEST CHESTER AND PHILADELPHIA RAIL BOADA PIA WINTER ARRANGEMENT. . _ On and after MONDAY, Nov. 25,1891, the trains will leave PHILADELPHIA, from the Depot, N. E. corner of ElfillTlCNNTli and MARKET Streeter, at 8.30 A.M., L 164 and BA Ps Iffss and Win leave the oornor of THIBTY•FIBST and NABKNT Streets, (Wog Ma delphiej at 17 minutes after the Marling time from the Depot. ON SUNDAYS. Leave PHILADELPHIA at 8 A. M. and 2 P. MI Leave Weet Cheater at 9 A. M.- and 4 P. M_ The Trains leasing Philadelphia at 9.30 A. M. and 4.11 P. M.. connect at Pennelton with Trains on the Phila delphia and Baltimore Central Railroad for Concord, Bennett, Oxford, ire., ao. 14214 RT WOOD, n025-tf Superintendent i m m ij n o PRILADELPFIIA AND READING RAILROAD CO., (Office 227 South FOURTII-Street.) On and after May I. 18fi1. season tickets will be intimd by this company for the is-nude of three, six, tour, and twelve xi:loathe, not transferable. Season school-6,l:We may also ho had at 33 per cent. discount. . . Those Whets will be sell by the Treasurer at No. 227 South FOURTH Street, where any further information can be obtained. S. BRADFORD, Trongrsror. PHILADELPHIA RPM AND ELMIRA R. R. LINE. 1862 WINTER ARRANGEMENT. 1862 Por 'WILLIAMSPORT, 80R.4.11 , 1017, ELMIRA, aed all points in the W. and N. W. Passenger Trains leave Depot of Phila. and Reading R. R., cor. Broad and Cal lowhill streets, at 8 A. M., and 316 P. 11. daily, clean' tiltindart, QUICKEST ROUTE from Philadelphia to pointo in iioi - thern and Western fenilaylvanla, NOW York, &e. Baggage checked through to Buffalo, Niagara Falls, or intermediate points. Through Expres] Freight Train for ail minim above, leaves daily at B P. M. For further information apply to JOHN IL MILES, 11lei/6r€6l Aikesit. THIRTEENTH and CALLOWHILL, and N. W. ear. SIXTH and CHESTNUT Streets. ja3l-tf „,„,„ A4 WEST CHESTER _ T11413i0, na I a KA lI,RO leavedepot ; corner TENTH and MARKET Ntreuto, at 8 A. M., 1230 noon, and 4 r. it. luo3-4 ........11.30 A. 31 PhlladoJidda and Beading and Lebanon Valley B. B. northern central Railroad. Banbury tad Mile IL it MALE'S 11 X A LIT 1021 FURNESS, BEINIAEY, 00., 4. tallinNUT BALK OF IMPORTED AND DOMESTIO DRY coons. On Friday Morning, ebrnary 28, at 10 o'clock, by notalogno, for cash-- 400 Into of British, Froncb, Gorman, Scotch, and Ame rican dry good's. NOTICF .—lnchuled in our sato on Fririay -Cases Manchester gingliams, prints. Alpacas, du begen, poplins, CPAs, casuirneres, satinuts. Italian cloths. surges, linens. Domplulcs, drills, coatings. ILK. Y. 111.1" iiTOl NA TIN*, AND RATTY CII IN ES. pieces }wavy Lyons black silk velvets. sL it black bath' vtmlings. satin rte chines. Also. Hark pros 111 ElliTlllB. Printed (Sa,linlere shawl, Sti.lla alumni, shawl hordpra, R'hito gonein, linen enenleric leattellet.rrteleefg. ititeNNNT M.117410N5. 300 luta Nos. 4 arlo ponit sole hornet rd.bons IMPORTANT SPECIAL SALE 5,000 PIECES SAXONY WOVEN DRESS GOODS, Of the Nall-kimven a ; ]]] ;:rvi ImpGrbajora 0E MhbBRS C. F. CI 1 D & CO., On Tucsliny Morning, March .1, at 10 o'clock. N. 11 —The attention of the Trade is particularly in vltc4l to tide aalc, a,‘ it Cr.lllllTir.A the latcht novelties in aIYIPa and fatt ice, surpassing is this class of goudA every ihin rrionn - c- linported. gar l'atticularn r B. HOPPIN & CO., AUCTION rEns, 24211fARIIET ST REM. pITILI.P FORD CO., AUCTION= BEM, .52b 111 r RKET and ri 2 commoz LARGE SALE OF 1,000 CASES BOOTS, SHOES, BROGANS, &o. Thig Aloriziug, February 27, at 10 o'clock, at precisely, will be told= by eatuioguo, for not nosh, 1,100 /ease Mail . % boys', and youths' calf, kip, grain, thick, and cavalry boots, brogans, gaiters, Wellington, and Balmoral boots; women's owes/ ', and children's calf, kip. goat, morocco, and kid Leled boots, shoes, gaiters, Raimondo, slippers, &c. Also, a large assortrneut of city-noule goods. . . . The above sole will couchit of mime mxids from city and naksiern slanaactur,.rs. OW" Goods open Mr examination, with catalogues, curly on tho morning of sale. BAIA OF 1,000 CAS]$ BOOTS, !MONS, AND DEO- GANS. On. Motolay Morning, March 3, will bo sold by catalogue, at 10 o'clock, prc. el,ii•iy_ 1,000 cases mons', boys', and youths' calf, kip, grain, and thick boots, brogans, Congress gaiters, Oxford ties, Wellington and Balmoral boots; women's, mis4es. and children's calf, kip, goat, and kid heeled boots millet..., Deere, Ea!morale, Sec. o, an assortment of dret.Ciaad city made 14 FITZPATRICK & BROTHERS, dux. Auctionecni, 60/ IJIIESTNUT St., above sixth. BALES EVERY EVENI.NO, Cif Fancy Goods. Stationery, Clocks, Watches, Jewelry, exilery, Silver-plated Ware, ac, Consignments solicited. Out-dour sales promptly attended to. ADMINIETRATRIN SALE Or HORSES, WAGONS, =OFFICE FURNITURE, &0., 44 ' Thin Aitallititi, February 27, nt 11 o'clock, nn the promisee, No. 1215 South Third Frrer t, by order of the adroinktrittrix. SHIPPING. ISOSTQN AND FIiTLA DELPHIA STEAMSHIP LINE—SAIL ING FROM EACH PORT VERY TEN DAYS—Prom PLNE•STREET WHARF, Philadolphia, and DON(I WHARF, Boston. Steamer SAXON, Captain MATTHEWS', will sail from Boston for Philadelphia on MONDAY, M arch 3, at 4 o•rlook P M. And From Philadolphia for Bolitan on SATURDAY; March 8, at 10 o'clock, A. hi. Freight taken at fair rates. Insurance one-half that by sail vessels. Shippers are reouested to send Bills of Lading and slip receipts with their goods. For Freight or Passage (having flue accommodations,: apply to HBIiBT WINSO.Is. gal tu.irtg wirk n'eirms. WEEKLY COMMUNICA TION BY STEAM BETWEEN NEW YOAR. AND LIVERPOOL, calling at QUEENS TOWN, (Ireland,) to land and embark mgengora and despatches. The Livorpo. New York, and Philadelphia Steam :Up Oocupsuy's splendid Clyde-built iron screw steam ships aro intended to sail aafollows: FROM NNW YORK FOR tiVERI.OOL. KANGAROO . .... „ Saturday, March 1,1.892 NINA ..Aatartlity, Marc-41 S, 144-.1. And every Beturdey throusghent the rear, front PIER No. 44 N. R, RATES OF PASSAGE THROUGH FROM PHILADELPHIA. Gabbs, to Queenstown, or Liverpool 875 Da. taL 61a Lioavval $.lO Steerage to Queenetown, or Liverpool. . $3O Do. to Loudon $33 Do. Return tickets, available for nix month", from Liverpool $6O Passengers forwarded to Havre, Paris, Hamburg, Bremen, and Antwerp at tbronsh rated. gortiftcates or plump Naomi from Livorpool to New York $lO fferilficatee of pastime leaned from Queenstown to New York 410 These maniere have impeder aceommtrietkeie for Dee mengere, are contracted with water-tight cempartmente, and carry experieciced Baratta/1. For freight. or mean, apply at ttie office or the Qom= pang, JOHN G. DALE, Agent, 111 Walnut street, Phifedelphia, In Liverpool, to WEI. INItIAN, Tower Itultdings. In Gllnagow, to WK. INAL&N, 18 Dixon r .treet. s iw.s. LIVERPOOL, NEW YORK, AND PHILADELPme zzaiAMEllll7 UOMPANY. NOTION. TO PA.BSENGEBS. By order of the Beeretary of State, all ousenseri leaving the United States aro required to procure paw pond before going on board the steatner. nod-tf JOHN a. DALE. Agent, THE BRITISH AND NORIIII Ernai BOYLL ➢YbIL OTRAiI. rPB PASSPORTS.—AII persons leaving the United RUM will roquire to have PASSPORTS from the authorities at their rennet:tire countries, countorelgued by the Secretary of State at Washington, or by the Passport Agent at port of embaikation. 111.(011. PEEW TOE" TO LIVERPOOL. Chief Cabin Passage Second Cabin Passage TI FRON BOSTON TO LIVERPOOL. Chief Cabin Passage 6/10 Second Cabin Passage de 7 4P !Mr) from 4 6 71.4 , rk_ . 1 0 , OcTIC The ships from Beaten eau at tiautax and Cori nar. bor. PERSIA, Oapt. Jadktna. 'ArinoA, Capt. 811$1111(41.. Amine, capt. J. Stone. OANADA, Capt. J. Leath ASIA, Capt. E. G. Lott. AMERICA, Capt. Hookley. .42013TILALASIAN. NIAGARA, Oapt. Monte Clot Cook, IDIFROPA A Ont. Anderson. SCOTIA, CHINA. Theta vessels carry a clear white light at niast-haal crren on starboard how; red on port bow. AMERICA,Hoodie, leaves Boston, Wednesday, Feb. 19 ASIA, I,ott, 11 N, York. Wednesday, Feb. 20 CANADA, Muir," Boston, Wednesday, March 5 luant.tiast,v, Cook, 1, N.York, Wednesday, Mar. 12 NIAGARA, Anderson, Boston, Wednesday, Mar. 19 Berths not secutekt until paid for. Au experienced Surgeon on beard. The owners of thew ebbe will not be amountatio ke geld, gilver, Ruffin, Spade, JBV/MIT, Peentena Rasa ; or Metals, unless bills of lading aro signed therefor, sue the value thereof therein expressed. For freight or pee. sage, sooty to E. CUNARD. 4 BOWLING GREEN. New York. Or to E. C. & J. O. BATES, /00 OTATE Strout, Boston, FOR NEW YORK. NEW DAILY LINE, via Delaware and Raritan Canal. Philadelphia and New York Express Steaniboat Com tmiy Pee/tire freight and leave daily at P. P. M., deliver ing their cargoes in Now York the following day. Freights taken at reasonable rates. WM. P. CLYDE, Agent, N 0.14 SOUTH WHARVES, Philadelphia. JAMES-HAND, Agent, aul-tf Piers 14 and 15 EAST RIVER, New York. mi dr orm t ..... _ FOR NEW TORE.— The Philadelphia Steam-Propeller Company wilt commence their business for the season on Monday, 12th instant. Their steamers are now receiving freight at Second Pier, IIWYY street ; Terms accommodating. Apply to W. M. BAIRD ,t CO., • mbl6 224 South Delaware Avenue. aareit_ FOR BALTIMORE, WARIIINOTON, D. 0., AND FOIL TRESS MONROE, DAILY, AT 3 O'CLIICK P. M., BALTIMORE AND PHILADELPHIA STEAMBOAT COMPANY, (ERICSSubt LINE.) One of the Steamers if this °oniony ISMS the upper Side of Chestnut-street Wharf daily (Sundays oxespted,) at 3 o'clock P. M., and arrives in Baltimore early next morning. Freights for Washington and Fortress Mot roe received and forwarded with all possible despatch, and are required to ho prepaid through. Freights of all kinds carried at the lowest rates, A. GROVES, Je.. Agaat, f014.2m* No. 34 South WHARVES. RAILROAD LINES. 1862. aster 1862. ARRANGEMENTS OF NEW YORK LINES. THE CAMDEN AND AMBOY AND PHILA. DELPHIA AND TRENTON RAILROAD CO.'S LINES FROM PHILADELPHIA TO NEW YORK AND WAY PLACES. fl 9 ITALNVT- STREET WF4rif A? 1 13 DMF9I WILL LEAVE ANFOLLOWS-VIZ; 'Ans. At 6 A. M" vig Camden and Amboy, C. and A. Ac commodation $2 25 At 6 A. M., via Camden and Jersey City, (N. J.) Accommodation 2 25 At OM A. M., via Kennington and Jersey City; Morning Mail ...... 3 00 At ]2% P. M., via Camden and Amboy, Accommo dation 2 25 At •L P. M., via Camden and Amboy, C. and A. Ex.. . . moo S 00 At 4 P. M., via Condon and JorAoy City; Eronlog . E _ xpress 3 00 At 4 P. M., via Camden and Jersey City, 2d Class lid et 2 28 Ate,{ P. M., via Kensington and Jersey City, Zvening Mail 8 OA At 3# P. M., via It eueingion and Jersey Oil*. goal.- era Mail 900 At 5 .P. 19., via (Jamilen au4 Amboy, Accouunoda- . Lion, (Freight and Passenger)—let Clam Ticket.. 2 25 Do. do. 2,1 Class d 0.... 150 The 6. I'. /2. Lim rum Agtltr giuishiyv vatcrytyd, Thy 12 P. M., Southern Mall runs daily. For Water Gap, Stroudsburg, Scranton, Wilkenbarre, Montrose, Great Bend, Ac., at 7.10 A. M. from Kenning ton, via Delaware, Lackawanna and Western Railroad. For Stanch Chunk. Alloltown, Botidehern, Belvidere, Da6Mn, Lanthorcrille, .tc., at Lid A. M. and S P. M. from limmioNion Depot i /kh., TAO A. M. Liue connects with train leaving Easton for Mauch Chunk at 3.35 P. M.) For Mount Holly, at 6 A. M., 2 and 4 P. M. For Freehold, at 8 A. M., and 2 P. K. WAY LINES. For tritkl, a 1.15 ivad 9j j A. IL, iss4 &al, and 12 P.ll. from Kensington. For Bristol, and intermediate dation.% at 11X A. M. from Kt tiningtou. For Palmyra, Riverton, Delanco,Boverly, Burlington, Florence, Bordentown, &c., at 12), 1,4, 5, and 5 P. M. lIET For New York, and Way Lines leaving Kensing ton Depot, take the care on Fifth street, above Walnut, half an hour before dopartnro. The cars run into the Depot, and on the arrival of each train run from the Depot. Filly Pounds of Iloggogo only '6l6W ea Oficit 9aeeoog r. Passengers are prohibited from taking anything as bag gage but their wearing apparel. All baggage over llfty pounds to he paid for extra. The Company limit their responsibility for baggage to One Dollar per pound, end will not be Liable fur any amount beyond $lOO, oxeopi by uppolisi GOTIfiri&OL fe9-if Wkt. U. CIAT ZIKER. Agent. QIIOVELS AND SPADES. GEORGE HALFDIA.R? OORNMR or RIO AD 1818-3m* Set Arch and Baca, mud Second mud Third. ;IAI.ES t3Y AUCTIots Ayr THOMAB & 801%18, • Iro,. ilht and 131 South POTJIM throok tYnnuorlt Nns. ruil O.) 111 21.;EL10 IiALES REAL ESTATE. AND STOOKS AT THE EXCH OWE ON TUESDAYS. REAL ESTATE AT PRIVATE SALE S We trove it WWI alsonst of real estate at prime sale ' tuchirlii.g 41 ,, GrIplion of city mid country pry porty. Printed IlArg may lio had i f. the Auction i3Wre. SALE Or SUPERIOR FURNITURE, MIRRORS. MANINL CLOCK, EI3 NDELIE IS, BEWILiG M ES, RPETS, tie. C A 11 11.—cur sole thitt It the Auction 86.,t, will 00131 p, h.. anlix-rlor kruiture, firm !French innidel viock. rune 21 Jaya, Rae tixturoN Lookrom,, than. superior deuiug machines. mein tr Singer, liwAv, and Lamb, beds and bedding, china And gins:mitre, Brussels and ingrain carpet'', olleivtlm. wortlij the attention of holies And others desirous of POI Wr copitope§ tho articlos arranao4 for exandualitah STOCKS AND REAL ESTATE—MAI:eIf 4. ORPHANS' COURT SALES. Or gale 4th Mn eh will incholi— Emote r.f Patrick McCarty, de,' , I.—THREE-STORY Btitt•E l V1..1.1.1t5(:,. otrccttnorth of Non rott N aunt. Er.liite of J,0.1.--TIIIME•Storer rtnicß IrwEIAANG, northwett corner of Twelfth and rearm tdreeir. Same Ewa b , ,—TJIItI. E-STORY MUCK DWELL ING, Ggden street, wrtot of Fiftt.enth. Xi" lull portico lore in handbills, Alpo, toy 1111PAIIII!g A I,Uit 111,E DU:SIN ESI LOCATION, No. 112, South Fourth street, between Chestnut nod Walnut. VALUABLE CH ESTI , . it 01 - NTY FARR, Uwchtaa ),,•11r Vnkhind elation, Chester Valley and Pe Ivania Central Railrolda, acre., with good ha prow n.ceta Lokitie - , Also, 4th Match, prat Mon ti flak. of Baal Fditata -27 :Mama Iblianca bitottal 1 nsnranco Company. shares W4,1/11 , 1TP11111.: C.N.I eOlllPanY ADMINISTRATOR'S SA LE--KENSINGTON BANK. Also. by or.ler of administrator of J. Shalinire,iloo'd 40 abarra lipt.3ington Bank Onek. 6,C00 81.1.%NES PENbSYLYANI.I MINING (10, On Thursday, Mara 6, at 12 o'clock noon, at the office of the com pany, No. 41: Walnut strcat, will be Eel , ' for nen pap meet nt esSPITF 6 : 000 slutros Pomißyl vania 31intlig or Sato at Nom. 139 atal 141 South - Fourth Stroat, BUPEItIOI.I. FUIt.NITUD.E. 11NE FBENWI-PL,tTN NThROBS, BEDS AND BEDDING. OtItNA AND GLASSWARE, BIIIISSELS AND OTIIKR PETS, &c. This Motulag. At 13 o'clock, Auctiun Bture, au assortment of excellpat atquaul-haml toruanta, mlrroro, carpets, &c., sa fa/11111Pb 41 , ellniny bifihelotettlag. one of Mehemtity's minks. Also, a by draulic ram. Also, a sopetior sewing machlne. made by Stetter & Co. " " Also, - Lamb's American Eagle aewing tip Catalognes reedy the Clay prt.iuus to Sale OD the PreniiAes North Itrowl Street. lIANPSOIHE RESIDENCE, WITH SI ABLE AND COACH•HOUSE, MODFOLN FURNITURE, DOSE- D. ()OD PIANO, .11111110Rii, PAINTINGA, TEL VET CARPF.TB, CIIANIiELIERS, COACH HORSES, Arc. On 'Monday 'Morning, Mord' 3, at 10 o'clock, at No. 500 North Broad't•t• , ,et; ttla,ve 'Brown, wilt be cold OIL the mewl:L.l,s, the handsome ins/441v fear-Hury Wick renidrncr, With thrro-ftbri bsrh buildings ' and lot of ground 7.0 feet front, 100 foot In dtldb, toCarlislo otroet, on which is a two•edory brisk stable and coach•honso. Immediately after the gale of the residence will 1,9 soil, I.y eataloahe, the superior parlor, dining-room, aral chamber furniture, rost.wrlnd fine French plate micro! eleLotut velvet earpebt, ttlq.4- P<4.o saa Clo4wAvihm4, tc laMi.;ll 11ORST.,8 Also, a pair of handhume black euxeli horses, 7 ant years old. Ifi" May be examined at B o'clock on the morning of sale. Pale No. 227 Pouth Pecund titrort. STOCK OF OAIIINET I , IIII.S:ITVRT, On Werinewlay, Morning, March 5, at 16 o'clock, at No. 227 South Second stroatp ly vatalosue, the stock of Walnut and mahogany par l or and chainbtr. fllmituro• P o ,o 4lllot•liAaktr tiUdllatait • bublue.s. R Afar be taan:in<•d the day prAvialla to 5.,06 TIC/NEE:RS, 2tn, 213 MARKET Street. SUPERIOR FIRE-rROOF SAY:IL At private sale, a very superior fire-proof safe Ii g rOSES NATIIANB, ATICTIONENR AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, toutheaat corner of 13INTH and I:ACID Strode. IiATHANS' LARGE SALE OF FORFEITED OOL. LAT cRALs. OVER I,tOJl LOTS OF FORPEITIM 006933. Un Tuesday ,Itorninft. March 4, at 9 o'clock, at 3foses Nathanst Auction House, Nos. 155 and 157 North Sixth street, adjuluhig the soatheaf,t corner of . Sixth anti Race streets, and - will conaist, in part, of— Fins overenata, Peplums, frock, deass, ana coats; fine cloth and cassintere pantaloons; cloth, velvet. cashmere, /trt other vests; woollen undorshirta, drawers, and hosiers* ; shirts; boots, getter'', shoes, gums ; gentlenu n'a shawls, Ae.•, silk, cashmere, merino. Meseta, delaine, and utbt r dresses, skirts. and dress patterns; underclothing cf every description; fur viol°. Vince ;muffs, valid, &c.; giiiiers, muroeco boots, and slip. Pere; handsonw hrocha, etelhy crape, merino, Bay Rate. woollen plaid, silk, and utlitt alsawls: velvet, cloth, and merino cloaks, eiteulars, capes, and mantillas; silk duelers and bausittem; large fine feather beds, bolsters, and; . handsome tapestry, Bruisels, and ingrain entry and bur carpets, rriA carpets, stair rods window shades;'quilts, condortahles, spreads, blankets' shec:ts, pillow-eases, towels, napkins; cutlet e tables, re ception chairs; china, glass, and gneensware ; writing desks ; knives and ferrite; ornaments; all Linde of cook ing utensils and iitelienware; castors; fine oil paintings and engravings; door mats; charni;or were. and nn melons other articles. Also, a number of books, among which are Aplonclia nakspeare'• Work., [loud • AultneLa. Coed's Family Mora, Ornaments of hfAmory, Novels, filinde Bootie, Sacred Music, and a thousand etb sr articles. NW" The goods will be open for examination on the afternoon previous to the day of sale. MACHINERY AND IRON. ,„ PENN STEAM EN G INE ABD AOILTiR. WORKS,—tia @LEIN d LE VYi PRACTICAL AND THEORETICAL EROI■ BEERS, 4AtJHINISTS,IOILER-MAKERS, BLAME. SMITHS, urd FOUTiDERS, haring, for many years, been in succesaftl operation, and been exclu4velY en gaged in building and repairing Marine and River En. glues, high and low pressure, Iron Boilers, Water Tanks, Propellers, kr., re.pectfully offer their services to tU. vuLlia, u 1.4.111 g, fully v.f.g.ii.Yt•il 6 5u1,8 , 4t foF Ra gime of all biZeß, Marine, River, and Stationary, having bete of patients of different tiers, are prepared to exe cute orders with quirk derpatch. Every description of pattern•makiug made et the shortest notice. High and Low-preseure, Flue, Tubular, and Cylinder Boilers, of the brat Ptnnaylrania charcoal iron, Forging& of all tille6 mil Made; Iron Mid Bram, CitAtlhmi, of all deliefig,- time]; Roll Turning, Screw-Cutting, and all other wort connected with the above business. Drawings and Specifications for all work done at their establishment, free of charge, and work guarair led. The subscribers have ample wharf dock room for re. trail Of 610,, W1t.1.4 tti6S) MAN pqp-zt ikfety, rad are. provided milli shears, Mocks, falls, &c., ter rais ing heavy or fight weights. - JACOB C. NEATIE, JOHN P. LEVY, BEACH and P A.LM E It StreM WILLIASt 11 , Ith1e6, ttglutiCt, S°TiTIiNVARK FOUNDRY, FIFTH AND WASIIINUTON STREETS, PIIILADRLPFIA. 2U; ililcJ PM, ENGINEERS AND MAC'IIINISTS, Manufacture liip,h and Low Pressure steam Enslade, fur laud, river, and marine vervlee. Boilers, Gasometers, Tanks, Iron Boats, am.; Cast ings of all kinds, either iron or brass. Iron-Flame Roofs for Gas Works, Workshops, Eall - &Anne, & - t, Astons nod Gag 'Machinery of the latest and moat improved construction. Every description of Plantation Machinery, such as Sugar, Saw, and Grist Mills, Vacuum Pans, ()pan Steam Trains, Defeentors, Filters, Pumping Engines, &c. hots Agoit4 Rlllions'o Patent gogAr Apparatus; liesmyth's Patent Eteant Ilanuner, and Ae. pinaall Wohey's Patent Cent' ifugal Sager Draining hlachins. aus-tf MORGAN, ORR, it CO., STEAM ENGINE BUILDERS, Iron Fonnders, • and General Machinists and Boiler Makers, No. 1210 OAL. LOWIIILL Otreet, WINES AND LIQIJORS 19tRANPIES.—Pinot, Castillon, & Co., Bisquit, Tricoche, & CO. ? J. J. DUIV, .§ 9 04 Apd, A. arignAic. ALI, I:lanai, PORT WINES.—J. Itampo, Desk, Bonicarlo be Mul ler Brox. SRERRIES AND MADEIRA WlNES.—Doeble apple. Gin, Stewart's Scotch Whisky. For sale by JAV RETCIGE it LAVERGNE and 164 num sirLi, TOUAVE CHAMPAGNE - - --A new LA-brand—an excellent article. Impeded and for Bale at a price to cult the times, by OAbITWELL & REP IPA F9114U9f ggt4l l l.4lll'9lYs iklTll99 MASTNIS btreet, pUDESH.ETIVIER-BEFG, LAUBEN .Lt HEIMER, and TIOOKOEIMER WINE, in caeca, of one dozen bottle, each; warranted pure. Imported and for eale low by C&NTWEL•L dc HESSEN., south• Z6iiVal- GERMANTOWN A.V-idilla and MAPPER Street. PURE PORT WINE. DUQUE DO PORTO WINE, BOTTLED IN PORTUGAL IN ISO.O. and involida in want of a rrliald9 artiste vt pure Fort Wino can be supplied by inquiring for the. above wine at C.A.NTWELL & REEFER'S Southeast corner GERMANTOWN Avenue and MASTER Street. HENNESSY, VINE-YARD PRO prietore, Bleouß, Trieneho. d , Oa., Maretr, Pinot, and other approved braLds of COGNAC/ BRANDY, for pale, in bond and from atom by CANTWELL & WIT% Southeast corner GERMANTOWN Avenue and MASTER Street. STUART'S PAISLEY MALT wilts- KY. Buchnutin's Cool Tla Whisky, Old Tom Gin, Old London Gin, London Cordial Gin, Dolilen'aGln, 11l bond mid Ore. CANTWELL dc KEYSER, Southeast corner GI R 11l A NTOW N Avenue and MASTER Street. VIMMERMAN'S DRY CATAWBA Wi442.—Titte Op pro vca brand of Olocintuttl wino, the beet article out for "cobblere," for male pure, bot tled and in comes, by CANTWELL 'EXETER, Routh east corner GERM. NTOWN Avenue and MASTER Streut. etol.-6rti BUSINESS NOTICES. JOIIN A. ALLDERDICE, A.,ToltNyv_pr_T.Avit, Litt§ nutilind thn ertioici , PI Ji,is riqoadl94 wt - NEW CASTLE, DELA iv An - E. Liad-13m0 AOPPENHEIMER, MEROHAN . DISE BROKER In all branches of trade. su munnfacturer of oTery deocription of Army Goods, No. in Smith THIRD Street, Wag Rid& second etorri dolphin. del i JN WELSH, Practical SLATE ROOFER, THIRD Street and GERMANTOWN Road, iy prepnred to put on any amount of 1100FLIIGt, on the met MODERATE TERM& Will guaranty to Tmdflieyery Building perfectly Water-tight, Orders promptly attended to STEAM -SCOURING AND TAILOR IN° done at the shortest Ilotitte. Hi BAgOOM, IST BEVICNTIT Street, above Walnut. H. BASCOM'S plan fur the tidies le to reeonfteed Gents to bring their obi Clothing to him, and have theft made new. Also, their Clothe, and hive them Milos. ably made na. de1047 RAISINS. -300 boxes Layer Itaisina ,• 800 half boxes Layer Rinsing; 800 bonne Di It Bunch Raisins• 800 half boxes DI II Bunch Balling. Bow and c6olo. fria, new Mahn 384 38F 3818 by MURPHY & HOONB. N 0.1403 NORTH WILUIVIIIiiL
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers