Patriotic Jersey Women. The following letter, from a highly respectable .young lady of Hightstown, New Jersey, shows the sympathy there felt by the sea for those soldiers ',who have risked their lives in the present war. New Jersey in 1862, as in 1776, is not a whit behind ber sister States in true patriotic feeling and love for the Union. The 'articles contained in the boa Will be found enumerated in another column. HIGHTSIVICS, rebnusry 24, 18C2. J. SWAIM, ESQ.—Sir: You will find enclosed a 11;10- -rate list of articles contained in our box, which, accord ing previous arrangement, we have this day few weeded to your laboratory, to be sent by you to Missouri for the Stick and woos deal soldi re. The great Reed existing demons the soldiers of the West for aid of this de4cription Las stimulated no to renewed efforts in their behalf, and if we cat. only bear that our box has been of souse little *ender we ehsll be fully repaid for our labor end expense. Our aesocietion has sea several boxes to the Potomac, Jut we resolved that this one should go whore, from re- Cent scents, it is likely to be more tteeilei.l, and the 441p0.4l in your 11rWillintIll strengthened our resolve: but the .great expense of freight was a drawback, as our treasury is considerably reduced at present. We trust, however, from your kind otter, that the terms will be made as easy to us as possible. The weight of our box, as given at the wailroad depot here, is four hundred pounds. 'Very respectfully, yours, MAGGIE 9. DICIARISON. Faxnuson's COUNTERFEIT DETECTOR.-A UNIT number of this semi-monthly vale mecum oftrade, (for it is indispensable to those who receive and pay money,) is published to day. In addition to its usual extended and accurate information, it de torches fortylve new counterfeits put into circu lation during February. Among those during the iast fortnight are the following : Bank of Beaver County; altered—vignetto, inan seated with child. dog. horses, and plough; on each and, 6,T, 5; on the lower part of the note Slate arms. Bank of Crawford County, Meadeville, Pa.-10s altered from2s—vignetti, buck •nd five dor wader a tree;fe taste, girl, and chickens on right. j . Bank of Panvule, spurious—vignedo, an Nagle sioised on frame, man each side; brig and 1 right; female feeding eagle left. °phobia - Bank, eltered—vignette, an eagle .polsed on a shield, care, &c.; on right end, a girl gleaning and figure 1; on h.rt, &fled. seated near grain, holding OD eagle and the stare and stripes. _ . . . . . Farman' Bank. Penna.—se, spurious—lndian and b *bore on Wit. Portrait with 5 above on tight.. Wane° aerobe the bill. . Harrisburg Bank, Pa.-3s, altered from 11—vignette, Hen Scott in centre ; woman and child on left end two girls on Heil end. Mechanics' Bank, Philadelphia,Pa.-2s are in circu lation. This batik has nut issued small notes yet, so refuse all le, 2s, and :34. ; Necbitnlce Bank, altereil—Titmette, Wagons loaded with cotton ; on lower right, bnat of sailor; •ion homer left, man nionghing vvith horaea. Stroudeburgh ;tank, Penna.—le, alterod—vignette, a tun ter fighting a bear; a male head on right; Semite and grain on left. Tioga 'County Bank, Penna.-sa, altered from la—. vignette, farm scene, man, children, and dog; on righ t end, 5 and Indian ; on lefeend, 5 and Wataingion ; red r/Vit Acroll9 the t,etr. THE CITY. (FOR ADDITIONAL CITY NEWS, SEE FOURTH PAGE.] A GRAND TRUNK RAILROAD PROM IWEW Tom: TO NEsitTUS.—We have been apprised of a lacheme, trifling in 'its immediate results, but intended, Iperhaps,in the course of time, to make our State a link in a grand - highway, and rain a material part of our in terior trade. This is nothing more than an effort to "mild a great railroad from New York to Memphis. Ten %waft, try way of Trenton, Norristown, Downingtown, Hagerstown, and (via the valley of Western Virginia,) Cumberland Gap. This immense work has been devised with the cuetenntry enterprise of New York capitalists, end is being accomplished with their customary insidious yeas. If perfected, it will place Philadelphia seventeen miles from the main line, and thus make New York the alma Eastern terminus, so that the millions of dollars Leretofere passing into Philadelphia coffers will be di. Terted to aggrandize the merchants of our rival city. The bill to which we refer is one for the charter of the Norristown and Trenton Railroad Company. Ostensibly intended to benefit a quiet agricultural section ' it i. really :want to be n link the direct route to llemphis, That this is true is evident from the interests being, brought to Dear in its favor upon the Legislature A proadueut lawyer of New York, supperted by an efficient lobby, is working zealously at Harrisburg, and, unless our mer .chants awake t; the great interests involved, the hill Amer peas. if the charter should be obtained, a second step will be taketi to enema a charter for a rAilniati least Penningtobville, to eon% point on the, Maryland border .of York or Adams county. In this way, and nosuspect- Ugly, Penneylvaida will he surrendering up her rights Of way for the benefit of a city that, uusatiefied whit be ing the metropolis of America, aspires to be the metropo lis of the world. [Par best customers, who have been the people of the Southwest, will no longer travel upon the Eastern lines; but New York will be virtually nearer to them than rinladelphia. Only the negligence or cno tetrayal of Philadelphia can thus enable our adversary to ruin ns; for any railroad between New York and the Southwest must pass through Pennsylvania.. Snowing, therefore, our jealousy and distrust, New- York will endeavor to accomplish its rateposes quietly. 'Under the sermons plea of developing our State resources, -sad encouraging our internal improvements, we shall gee, piece by piece. an iron highway laid through our Commonwealth, to empty the tremolo - es legitimately ours into our neighbors lap. The Penusylvauia aleetral road will at once lose much of its Ohio freight bits - Mess; the Baltimore cud Philadelphia, and the Northern Central toads, will decline, and we shall, a few years hence, see our geins appropriated otherwhere. avd we pow erless to resist. A road frum trentou to Norris -town was char,ered some years 'aft,. and, on invoati it was found to be an unprofitable measure, and was abandaned. The project will not, certainly, prove more profitable to. day. From Norristown-to Pen mingtonville there is already a track direct. It would re 4WD, then, but to finish a road to Hagerstown. awl soon the fertile and miteral valley of Western Virginia and the broad acres of Tenneasto would La joined wirlt Now 'York city, If this - project is looked to at once, its magni tude and danger uiil be seen. Meantime any day may , consummate a part of it. DBATII 111031 VlOLENCE.—Yesterdav "afternoon a man osm d John S. Pritchard, aged .19 years, eßea at the Ped..,=,l*-1-nia Hospital- be admitt- , 1 to the institution na the 17th inst., with a commoual free. luxe of-the aka, and we- unable to a,,coutit for the dent or violence. The coroner will investigate the affair. A CM:Reli cOURT. es terday mernin g , in the Supreme Court. before 'Chief Justice "Lowrie, and Justici s 'Woodward, Thompson, aml Strong, She case of the Trustees of the First Reformat Dutch Church of Philaarlphim Tn. Charles hurler et 01., will ar— gued. This Oise comes up from the decree or the Court of Common Pleas ..f Philadelphia, groiting an irintaction to restrain the trustees of the church from [skim: further Setter/ in the instalialitm of the Rev. George W. Smiley we pastor, on the ground that he (lid not recognize the tenets of the Reformed Dutch Church, as promulgated by the synod of Port. Wlien the Cute Wee argaed i 4 tbe flemmen Fine, a full report was made or tr, and the decision of the 'ouprome Court on the appeal of the church is looked fur with in terest. M. Russell Thayer conducted the urgument for the appellants, yesterday morning. He was followed by TM*. Cuykr for the appellees. FINANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL. TEE MONEY MARKET. PHILADELPHIA, February 28,1882 The stockmarket continues strong, with an improve. runt in the prices of many solid Investment securities. Pennsylvania loans are firm at recent cuotAtions; city nixes are in demand at 9735 for the new issue; Pennsyl- WWI Railroad stares advanced to 46X, a gain of 3; ; 'Reading Railroad shares gained X, Schuylkill Naviga tion if , Long island %, Beaver Meadow X, Delaware Division Canal X, Camden and Amboy X , and Catawissh preferred was firm at NI. Green and , Coatesoitreets ramenger - Railroad millirem sold at za, ArdllStrOtt, at 11, tand Second and Third-streets at 62%. The tax bill is the next matter fa order before Con sress, in popular estimation, and it awaited by the pub lic with impatience, not merely because of the general wish to have the credit of the Government finances based 'upon the most safe and satisfactory bails, hat beosass ailmost every merchant is desirous of knowing what the epeeist tax upon his articles will be, in order to know bow to give his orders for foreign goods, or how to frame this busineso - arrangements for domestic productions. Peterson's Counterfeit Detector for March 1 is is "sued to-day, with it, usual valuable table of contents, ttleahrAtdae all the latest Cefootei-feite, stock iehlet, etia financial news. No counting- - house or store should be without this indispensable assistant. Messrs. Drexel & Co. repoit— New York exchange paral-10 Boston exchange pare pem. 'Ultimo?, exchange —pariah' rim Country fonds .31 6 % die Awerluau gold 8-10 Treasury noree The Nev. - York Evening Post, of this evening, says: Michigan Southern stocks are again higher. The guarantied rose to 49x, the old stock to $2434 es2l%. The second mortgages and sinking fatale further advanced .14 01 deenL Thr ar..eoi,4la sold at 72, abd that 1,1.1_ Illinois Central and hock Island were among the steadiest of therailroad shares. The latter sold at 57. 'Pacific Mail Wt.:" dull at 91.;€92; Panama 12ner121. Cleveland, Celon,tru4, and Cincinnati sold at 102. and that bid for more. Pittsburg sold freely at 18,4'. @IS34. The list of railroad bonds rentaine firoi, -- with a good in dairy for the low-priced descriptions. Bolfato, New York, and Erie tirsle sold at 82; Michigan Central S per cents, ; Illinois Central construction, 9i; Chicago and Northwestern firsts, 48. The State stacks are firm, especially the bonds of the Motthern States. Nev, - Yorks and Ohios are scarce, and 'wanted at high prices. Michigan and Illinois sixes are In demand at the advance. The active Southern bonds fluctuate considerably. ennessees rose to 65 and receded to 63, finally cloying at 153 g. Nissouris were activ'e at 560583 i. North Caro. /Was sold at Vt. The Government list shows a farther large advance in the sixes of 1881. The registered touched 923 j , the cou pons 108.9835. All the miscellaneous i44llfill, it will he peen by our quotations, aye higher, with few offering. The Oregon war loan is 1.34 per cent. better. Philadelphia Stock Exchange Sales, irebrunri 26. 1862. ANIPORTZD ST B. E. SLAYMAKER. Philadelphia Exchange. FIRST BOARD 2 Cam & Am R ..324 40 do ..... 2000 V 5 To Trros N. 094 1 Cato It 6 . ,44 160 do 28 do 6:4 5000 U 8 Cp6o 'Bliults 9234 5000 do 1,5 93 100 Big Mouutain.. 1.% 1000 Elmira B 78.... 70 \ _44 Puns B in lute. 46 15 do 40 34 'NI do ..... 9 do 46 31 2.' do cash. 4831 50 Del lots. 40 13 Or it Coates R.. 23 52d & 3d-et R.... 5281 3000 Reading Os '70.. 90 DRTWERti rounDs. 3000 Fenno R 1 mort.loo 132 &huyl Nav pref... 11% VOO do 100 40 do .45 127,,1 18 Oata B 63i 25 Long [stand R..... 1178 3000 Phila Brie 65.... •86 29 Reading R....... 21 ::1 ElOOO Lehigh Vel J 6s. 9113 M 15 Form t Btech 11,ink 47S BEUOND BOARD. MOO ramira R 75...h5 70 200 City Ss New €1736 2000 40 14 70 100 do B 92 501106011 1 & ji 231 f 23 Green & Coates.. 2331 50 do__22 3-16 1600 Now Creek 100 d 085.22 3.16 150 NPa It Chat Sep 59 50 do .. 55.22 3-16 100 Fenno 59 83% 15000 Penns& ..100 3000 do 83 TOW Raub & Frie.79.. 873 f 100 do 8371 66 penile R.. „lots 46.34" 1000 North Penna Bs.. 6111 11 im i t ak ß, 50 Sell! Nov 6,1'82.. 00 1000 Wilm Siena —lOO 1 m Lohigh Nay_ . ... 267 Sp h Pine 11 luta. 10 1150 Long Island 8... 11% CLOSING PRIONS.—FINK. Bid Irk. Cl5Tr 7 3-10 N 99% 993( .I'hlla 69 .92 92% Mails es new... 97% 97% Bent 59 53% 83% 33,99191ing 8.. 'A 3-16 www. 69 'BO '43 96 97 Ending-Ms '7O 90 90% Bow( 11:09 1 86.. 77% 78% Penns B 46% 46% /19 /nom .09..99% 100 7[ 3 , 9919 a Red ints 92 92 CI Con— 40 42 Mortise! :Pret.llo 111 h Nam Stock. 5% 5% : h Nev:Pret... 12% 13 h Way be 1 82.. 57311 SS 73 1 ( 4 a-A Pref.. 14 14 .2% 03V prm .3i en die 1000 Reading 96 100 Reading 31 10 do "' 31 100 do bh 22% 50 du b 5 2.4% 4 Remy Meadow... 61Yi 150 Long Island 8... 11% 50 Schi Nay prof 1,5 12? 76 do s 5 12:k 52 F AL MBk in Iffis 41,4 2000 Bchl ft '62 1,9. 69 1000 410 Bg 15 Arch-Ft R 18 EOOO Phil&Erielultelis 80 12 Kentucky 8k.... 75 2000 Cam& AM (St '8.9. 81% 1000 City Be New 573 4 Rorristownlicseli 40 Bid. Ask. Elmira 78 '73... 60% 70 Long Leland 8.. 1131 11% Leh 1:71 ic Nay.. 5r% 52 Leh 01 Ati BCD 35:31 'mg N Penne B 7 7% llf Penne Bee— 67 67% N Penns B 104.. 80 80% Getawiesa R Con 1% 2 Catawisse Pref.. 6% 0% Fr & Boach'k B. 41 .. 1 43 .4.2,1-beti tag 52' Pace & V-ste B. 3 4 W Philo B 62 .. .13pence & Pine.." 103( Green & Conte 21 23% @beet. & Walnut 31 31% I Arch Street.— 17% 16 Philadelphia Markets The Flour market continues dull, and holders generally are free sellers at previous-onoted rates. About 700 bbls found tourers at $5.87M for superfine. smog ra 575 for good and choice extra, $5.87%®8 for extra family—the sales to the retailers and bakers are within the same range of pricee—and fancy lots at $6.2506 75, according to quali ty ; but the demand, both for export and home use, is limited. Rye Flour and Corn Meal are not much in quired for, and the former is held at $3.25 and the latter at S 3 4' bbl. without sules. WIIBLI —There is less demand for shipment; Set9,ollo bushels have been taken, mostly at 811.33 for prime Penn sylvania red, in store, including a few small lots of white at 31.38®195, as to quality. Rye—Pennsylvania is selling on arrival at 73c. Corn is in steady demand ; about 6,000 bushels, mostly Pennsylvania yellow, sold at 5554 cin store. The recants are light. Oats are firm, awl about 10,00 bushels Pennsylvania sold in store at 39c for 32 lbe. 131nu.--There is none offering or'saning, and first No. is firm at 83334 V' tom. Carew / is (insetted and dull, and very little doing in the way of sales. CiIIOCKIIIKS AND Pnovisions.--The markets for bath are firm. but the tales limited to some 2ce300 pkgs Lard at 7,9 i each and sixty days. A sale of mess Pork is reported at $l4 bbl. sr:Nos.—There is a steady demand for Cloverseed 200 MN have bean takes at 54.12;431 25, including CHSIS.e lot. at $4.87U bu. WHISKY is firm, but dull, at 26c for bbls and 24c for drudge. New York Stock race SENONS 25000 U S 6x'Bl coup. - 03 6 000 9 d 9 "bBO. D 334 wool)vzx 50110 U S6s'ilbriV yearly 92 8000 Tenn 6e '90.... 62X 10000 Mo St 6e....b10 5478 5000 d0..........54X 5500 do e3O. 54j 17 000 d0_ .....__.. 5434 1000 m i to 10 St ifoe R 67 1000 Chi & l W 2 m. 18 1000 California 7e ... 87 1000 N Car St 78.580 72 5000 do . . .... 72 3000 Tol & Wab 21m. 494' 2000 T &W let m 77X' 00000 Am G01d...M0.10M 20000 do . .... , Iva miT,OO. do 20000 do 150 Pacific Mail S 91X 100 d0............91 50 do h6O 91 100 do b3O 92 . • ‘7 ' 17 II 1 M Pr " T 7 ' l7 M FORNEY'S WAR PRESS. A SPLENDID NUMBER FOR SATURDAY, MARCH I. ENGBATTNGS.—The Appearance of Fort Doneleoa on the Morning of the .I.6th ult., when our Troops, on Preparing to Renew the Attack, Discovered the White Flags of the Enemy—The Great Military Parade on the 22d of February, in front of the Academy of hit —Jeff Bevis Gazing on the Crown of Thorns Proper for hie Inauguration on the 22d of February_ WAR TALE.—A Wild Night Ride. EDITORIALS.—The Latest War News—The War in TeDnessea--The Inaugural of Jeff Darls—Tbe Hopes of the Rebels. WASHINGTON'S BIRTHDAY.—The Observance of the Day in Philadelphia„ Washington, Near York, and Allier plAaati_ FROM GEN. HALLECK'S DEPARTMENT.—The Fort Ponelson Victory—Arrival of Rebel Prisoners at Chicago—lncidents—The Opening of the Mise6sippl Ri ver—Scenes and Incidents at the Battle of Fort Donel son—The Fight and Victory—The Character of the Ground Around bonokon---The Plans and strength of the Rebel Forts—The Scene after the Surrender—lncidents utter the Surrender—Making War in Earnest—Killed and Wounded at Fort Donolson—Deapatches from Com modore Foote—Glad Tidings from Tennessee—Good News from Alahama..Discoveries itt Fort lienry—Rebei De_ minionin the West at an End—Corn. Porter, of the Essex, not Expected to Survive. GEN. BURNSIDE'S EXPEDITION.—Correct List of Killed and Wounded at Roanoke. GEN. WOOL'S DE PARTMENT.---Arrivril of the Re leased Pnion Prisoners at Portme 111onrou--Goo. Wool gone to . Arrange about a General Exchange of Prisoners. FROM TEE SOUTIL—The Rebel Congress—The Arrival of Released Federal 011icers—Winton, N. C., Abandoned and Burned—Severe Censure of the Babel Government—Another Fast Day Appointed—lmportant from Biobmond—GoTernor Magoflin's Message. THE LETTERS OF OCCASIONAL."—The Go vernment of the Rebel States—The Triumph of our Armies—The Suppression of the Rebellion—The Review of Mr. Seward's Diplomacy—The Comic Features of Se cession.. SPECIAL DESPATCHES FitOH THE CAPITAL— Death of the Preffhlent'n Son--IntereFting from Comore dare Dupont—Settling Seceded Territory EVCOULIIIid.• sance—The Medals of Honor—The Rebels Evacuating Ceotreville. LATEST NEWS,—The Capture of Nashville—Price Driven from his Stronghold at Cross Hollow. RIIHELLARIOLS.—Latter from Flarida—Name; of the Released Prisoners—Our Tietories—Jeff Davis In augural. WAR FORTRY.—The Dying Rebel—The Keystone Volunteers—A Brined° Drill—The Yietcri: . WAD. WIT AND Duatrvo Xi:l'4l/4VMM AND 06MMRILCIAL.—The Money Mirka—Weekly "Review of the Philadelphia Markets. Single Copies for sale at the Counter of The Press. TIMMS - --One copy, one year, $2; Three copies, one year, $5 ; Five copies, one year, $B. CITY ITEMS. ANNIVERSARY. FESTIVAL OF TIIE YOUNG MEN'S CEIRISTIAN ASSOCIATION.--The anniversary fes tival of the Young Men's Christian Association, to take place at Musical Final Hall this evening, will, dou'ltless, be a very brilliant affair. Tne most ample arrangements bave been made to render it not only a pleasant social re past, but " a feast of reason and a flow of soul." Re freshments will be served from 'TX to 10 o'clock, and short addresses will be delivered by Revs. Thresham D. Gregg, D,, of Dublin; Themes Brainerd, D. D,, Anthony At. wood, Daniel March, 9. P. Henson, Alfred Taylor, John Clambers, and others. The chair, on the occasion, will be occupied by George H. Stuart Eau., and the exercises will be enlivened by an instrumental quartette from Ilasaler's Band. As the sale of tickets in advance will probably be sufficient to fill .the hall, we advise those, who wish to participate to procure their tickets early to-day. STATEMENT OF TILE PILIENIX INSURANCE COMFANY.—In another column of our paper, to-day, we publish the statement of the Pluonix Insurance.Corn ef liartforti, of which Meesre, Sabine and Dun N 0.147 South Fourth street, are the agents in this City. The statement shows that the company - is in an A No. 1 position, and we have been assured by business men, that the " Phomix," both on account of the admirable manner in which it is mann. d, and the financial firm ness of its condition, is quite a favorite among our busi ness men: The Philadelphia agents of this company have won the confidence of our merchants by their straight. forward attention to business, and have contributed, in no small degree, to the popularity in Philadelphia of the company they represent. A GREAT LABOR-SAVING INVENTION FOR ifocartaltaranS,—Our attention was yesterday ealled to a Se if-Adjusting Clothes-Wringer, for sale by Mr. L. E. Snow, at the office of Joy, Coe, A Co., northeast corner of Fifth and Chestnut streets. The claims of the pro prietor for this patent article are thus stated : 4, It will wring water from any article, of the most delicate tex ture, to a bed-quilt, better than by hand, without the least injury, and adjusts itself, so that it is superior to all other Wringers and modes of wringing," To satisfy our own curiosity in the matter we yesterday witnessed its performance, and we must say, in all candor, that it has been a long while since we have had the opportunity of examining so satisfactory, and withal so simple, a piece of labor-moving ntoehinery, fir. Sa9W'S claims far it were •eatablished under our own eyes to a dentonetra lion, in less than ten minutes. A heavy article of bed clothing passed out of a tub of water through the machine. dryer than it could have been wrung by band; small -cuticles followed with a like result, and to show that its effects upon the fabrics were harmless, a well-worn bank note was next wrung without the slightest mutila tion. The inetrtunent, moreover, is thoroughly simple, almost proof against injury from use, and not expensive. It can he adjusted to the aide of a wash-tub, and worked with ease by a child, and is, noon the whole, ono of the most commonsense inventions of the age. It ought to find iii Way into every liottaehold In the land. CARTE DE 'VISITE OF PROFESSOR HENRY.— We were yesterday shoun a beautifully-executed Carte de Visite of Professor Henry, of the Smithsonian Insti tute, executed at:the gallery of Mr. F. Gutekunst, the eminent photographist, Arch street, above Seventh. Mr. G. has fairly won for Philadelphia the reputation of pro ducirg the finest opooimooa of these, 'ALMON photo graphic mementoes that are made in this country. LECTURE BY ARCHBISHOP rk.ENRICK.—The lecture announced to be delivered by the Right Rev. Archbishop Kenrick, of Boßimore, at the Academy of Music, this (Thursday) evening, on "The Chirity or St. Vincent de Paul," for the benefit or the Poor ant Orphans, will, doubtless, attract a very large audience. The eminent position and known talents of the lecturer, the noble object in behalf of which the lecture is to be giver, and the splendid edifice in which it is to be deli. erred, will all contribute to this result. We shall not be surprised to see the Academy t , crowded from pit to dome." THE FRIENDS of Saunders' Cadets are in cited to 'witness their drill this afternoon, at 4 o'clock, st saandera' Institute, William and Market streets. RP:A - DING r moat TIIE POET:if — Mr. S• M. Cleveland will give a third Beading from the Poets at Leypoldt'a zooms, 1323 Chestnut street, this evening at eight &sleek. 'rite selections are good, and, we doubt not, a large number will be present on the occasion. 4 JEFF. DAVIS'S ENVOYS EXTRAORIII:IARY.- 111agon and Slidell keep very shady abroad. Mason is supposed to be in London. Slidell has been measured for a new suit in Paris. Neither of them seems to be made much account of, RDA when the news of the recent cucceeses ol the is received in Europe they will be still less objects of regard or attention. Slidell has to put na with French tailoring, when, if he had behaved like en honest man and a loyal citizen, he might have enjoyed the privilege of procuring his garmeots at the Brown-Stone Clothing Hall of nockhill & Wilson, Nos. CHI and 605 Eh stun street, above Sixth, Philadel phia. So much for treason ! run TRAITOR FLoyo.—What adds to tho lgoominyof this rascal's sneaking away from Donation is the fact that he was the commandant of the post. On the list of rebel brigadier generals, Floyd stands the se cond while Buckneris the fortieth. Pillow is the tenth. Buckner, therefore, was outranked by the other two. Whet eimOdeltee can even the rebehi hove hereafter in such miyerable fellows as Floyd and Pillow, especially when we knew that none of them can wear the fashiona ble and cheap styles of garments manufactured at the 'Mammoth Clothing Temple of Granville Stokes, No. 609 Chcetnut etreet, Philadelphia. BUFERIOR HAM AND DRIED IdEATs.—Mr. C. H. Mattson, dealer in fine groceries, Arch and Tenth ' streets, has just received a fresh supply of elegant Jet.- sey•cmeil Hams, the finest in the market ; also, superior dried Beef, and Tongues of large size, to which we in vile the attention of housekeepers and others. FEBRUARY 26-11,0IIIAIr Lange—February 20 BOARD. 150 Cumb Cord PL... 8)4 100 Erie Railway, .1)30 31% 20 do 830 34N 100 do a 50 do ..Prefd.soo 5S 100 do 660 59 100 do '18,,N 50 lind Riv R... 030 35N 25 do 35% 50 do 250 Marl= RR 12 190 'Mich Cen BE 51% 240 Rich S. & N. 1....24 250 Mich S, (Ina.? 483{ 150 do 45% 200 Cen scrip 61X 50 eal & Chicago -10 chicago & B I 56., 500 do. ~56ii 500 do 500 07 30 C. 11. & Quin 64)4 10 AL & P. Do Chion.2o% 50 do 20N ' 50 d0..20.1' 15 X. & P. due 10.t.p.77,144 ARRIVALS AT THE HOTELS UP TO 12 O'CLOCK LAST NIGHT CONTINENTAL HOTEL—Ninth and Chestnut mtg. Protteboue, Wyoming Ig T Bravo, Pittsburg H W Cowles, Minnesota B N Prather, Wheeling, Vs G K Wheat, Wheeling, Va B E Hatch, New York Bon G Y Sackot,Sonrca Falls 0 Latham, Seneca galls F Chamberlain, Albany E R Biddle, Now York S P Kase, Danville E neberton US N Wm Duryea, New York 'W CI Case,Columbia P Tillinghast, New York J N Bose R 2 ladies,Geneva W id. Wiley, Pennsylvania Miss Coleman, W.Ol, D Mutter Freeman. IV oth,l) C C 8 Maltly. Baltimore John A Morris Alf It Woollen, Delaware C F Willis, Jr, Pennsylvania F N Smith .1 Eckert, Pennsylvania It flay, Now York Gto de B Kelm, Pottsville W Gray, Jr, Boston 3 P Batiks, Boston 0 S Horse, Boston W W Webb, New York J Simmons, New York S M Johnson, New York D Simmons, New York S A Allen 0 Norcross, Boston 0 Norcross, Jr, Boston C Barnum. New Vork Mrs De Forrest G S Bullock, Chicago C D Hunt r, Reading C Boreituni.g, Jr, Newark J Lake, Boston ' A Pardee, Hazleton, Pa Id Bigelow, Jr, New Jersey C St Moorheiul Mrs B Massey A. ch, N Y Nisei% A Sterbuck, N Y Jll Rawden, Baltimore A D Ellis, Louisville, Ky Mis Sherman A. son, Wash Mrs J W McMinn, Erie etre Yardley, Connecticut Dr Sir Coves, U 8 N J s Smith, Danes!. Mrs Coves .1 P Merlon F wf Kentucky Memo Ager, Penns J C Kunkel, Harrieborg C J Smith, New York L Suydam, New York Mrs J T Foote A ch, Ohio It 'l' Barrett, New York Jai: M Willson, Brooklyn Chas C Duncan, Brooklyn Is BDe Land A la, N York B Gardner, Becton J E Elting S la, Catskill J Dickson. Cincinnati, 0 E C Mandy, M D, N York Saint 11 Crane A da, Boston C A Richards, Boston M G Cs,ly, Brut:l . ll3n S A Walsh' tow York W F Latin, Now York C W Jenks, Prey, it I Robt P Titus N & Mitchell, Now Raven W Ewing, Irelatni C Hall A. la, Brooklyn C Maddock, New York S Cornell A la, Buffalo G A Shaw, 'Boston W S Pinckney, Now York B W Evius, Prey, R I WR Pye, St Louis DI V L MeClrllaurb St Louie J 11 Champion, New York .1 Cuba Mr Duncan, New York Mr Boss A la, New York A It Dutton D N Small, York, Pa S B Fisher, Springfield C T Barrett. INA York J W Brooke, N York S Seligman, N York J Baker. N York A Baker, Rochester Capt K 11 Sanford, Boston fdrsEanford A son, Boston J H Brace A wf, Boston W Blanchard, N York S Richardson, N York J L Bellinger, St Louie 0 D Dudley, Dayton, 0 Xlt Pmi,t. D. aware Mr Aleop &1:. ,.N . York P Acker Si la, Schur, en, Pa II N Wells, blase C H Ingalls ' Mass W A Allen, Delaware W 11 Gray,N York X Lambert, N York J Merrefield, Baltimore G 1' Tow, N York MERCHANTS' HOTEL—Fourth st., below Arch. E Temple. Baltimore N A Foster, Miner-re, 0 H Miller, Dayton, Ohio J Patterson, Pennsylvania James el Hume, Indiana Mrs B F May, Maryland F Gillen, Guyandotte, Va G Levi, Hagerstown, Md J Johnson, Icotland J Cole, Ramon, Pa A Wilhelm, 9 Easton, Pa 9 W Hale, Reen, N ti E W Kirby & la, Wmsburg C Ii Lefever, Lancaster Miss Lefever, Lancaster J Dubois, New York J3l Sanderson, New York C C McClelland, Pa D Baird, Lock Haven, Pa Jos II Thompson P Snow, Council Bluff J 5 Brown, Pennsylvania Di Henry, Pennsylvania A Wolle, klethlohem J R Philips, Philadelphia L Id Brodhead, Pa G W McPhail, Easton, Pa John Freese, 'R I Iheophilus Hunt, R I AMERICAN HOTEL—Obeetout at.. above Fifth X W Earle, Reading J K ,liteCtirdY S 4au, Fa Joe A Wickersham & its, Pa F at Pyle & le, Chester co G B 'Mottle & la, Baltimore AllieM Anna Minna, Balt C D Fuller, Catasauqua B altr i t n ali a ti, an Catasauqua ,penua R Abbott, Palma A B Chaa L Welia,Downingtoun Albert Drinkhouse, Easton Van Brant M Bergen, NY PP Fink Litgestown J F Gardner, Penns Fricker,Reading Mrs W Gainer, New York P Ron, Providence, RI Y R Rathboue, Prov, it I J Fttrutroktr, /ivy York Pavia Hurtle, Rase W B Ratak , New Yokk J D 1 Vl'evloo, N ew Y or k Jos II Willis, Bridgewater W Bogle, Boston ST. LOUIS HOTEL—Cheebaut street, above Third W Rogers, Pennsylvania Chas 0 Pennill, Indiana Mrs J H Ilaneinen, Chicago St C B Bishop A H Pattereenr New Jersey 3 Garretson, Midle Creek L P P Lieerer, Vvoccuek L MLinarey, Venezuela E A Brower, Massachusetts D P Elmer, Bridgeton THE UNION—Arch street, above Third. A M Belknap, Philadelphia J C Stone, Ohio. V II Gaga, Ohio G Wistar, Saban John D Sktlee, Lancaster Jacob L Frey, Lancaster It n optin, Pukon co, Pa A S Wolcott, New York W F Kimber, Springfield, 111 W K Jones, Tamaqua NATIONLL HOTEL—Race street, above Third. W B Long, Portnoylrani& 3 room, Milton. N E Johnson_ Leek Haven J Volker, Wheeling,. Ye Armstrong lime - Ohio S Boyer, Pennsylvania W Major, Potterille T B Linton, Ashland 'nos Coleman, Lancaster E C Mundy, New York Mrs Be'Milan, Erie, Pa Mies PalknemitErie, Pa illre Revere, Michigan S E Elting T S Beach, Pennsylvania STATES UNlON—ltterhet street, Ogre Sixth. James Coates, Pennsylvania J S Snyder, Columbia J G Herbst, Martinsburg James Hussey, Martinsb's J Needham, Boston James Mc Hertree Ii L Mason M McPartin ' DelawareDel aware hockey,Amos ockey, Lancaster It E Brown, New. Jersey Jacob Benner,'Xiddlvtown 117 11. Gable, Lancaster, Pa Itobt Stephenson, Peoria Jacob Myers, Pennsylvania John r Farr, Ohio Ii El - &holiday, Landisburg nos E Wttit Pirtetn , rs E Nse, New York COMMERCIAL—Sixth street, above Chestnut. D C Durnite, Harrisburg D PatiBoll, Delaware co,Pa exrpenter, Penna TM Thornhnry la, Pa B Smith A G Shaver, Conn Gll Livingston & son, Pa L P Crosby, Pottstown 5 H Garver, Oxford, Pa "if Ewing Penna Il Lamella, Chew= co, Pa D W D Barth, Delaware S D Allen, New York M Duckett, New Jersey J Wileon,'Delaware J Cleland, Delaware MADISON HOUSH—Second street, above Market. rc va-hatt,stacyttuld D. Gleaned., Masi C ElOppock, Frattsv'e, NJ Dr A C Styles, New Jersey 1T Junnvy Poi nii Thom Simpson, Delaware A G Agin, Ltrownsburg Miss Agin, Grownsburg S M Bough, Penna Capt C Wetlin, Ft Monroe Col Wilson, Mo . Jas 13 Ferguson, X Jersey BARLEY RHEAF--becona erweeli, below Vine. Ci W ltianw, Baltimore J Lewis, l Jersey hI ltsimstt, Yusdlsseille J Cadwallader, Fax ellitgo De Roy, Ditheeville F Wilson, Montgomery D D Prosser, Washington T White, Prenehtown, IZ J Ii Kane, Deeosta, N J BALD EAGLE—Third street, ttbore Char W Raw, Catosathina G D Seseugood, Alyerstown D Kuns t Centre cu II 0 Wilson. Slufington Y Trailenrcky beitletena II r OeLerne, Dvshlehem R W Benner, Op Patterson Geo W Spangler, Centre co BLACK BEAR-Third street, above Oallowhill. A G Hendricks. Penna 1) J Harper, Olney Thee Kephart, Warrington Sigrnond Hoagland, Pa • David Bear, Penns John Strunk, Bechtelsville MOUNT VERNON HOTEL—Becond et., lib. arch. Mrs B Pierson, New York Thos Duckmaster, Del B 1' Fountain, Delaware Thos Fountain, Delaware , James Cook, Delaware J Bender & la, New Jersey REVERE HOUSE—Third street, above Race. E C Burt, Trenton A Munson M LewinWashington, DC J POVi4eth St Clair, P 4 S Norris, Benvertown Ii Stamp, Pennsylvania W C Mellon. Phcenixville C J Wemple, New York MARINE INTELLIGENCE. Oar SEE FOURTH. PAGE IiBIiPTIGD. ship Lord Brougham, (Themb) Bertiug, 3 days from New York, in ballast to Workman & Co. Steaming John F Starr, Evans, 6 hours from Norris Lielon's, having towed thereto the bark Thomas Didlett, hence for Laguayra, wheKe she remained at anchor up to 9 o'clock on Wednesday morning, and brought up from Reedy Island shin Lord Bronaham. Passed off Da. lowa. City brig F J Kisg for Key west; @On; MIURA L tiprinusi from clam, and Ephraim it Anna, from do. Passed skip Wyoming, for Liverpool, off Reedy .Island, in tow of City Ice Boat. CLEARED - . - Bark White Wing, Ealing, Lagnayra, J Dallett & 00. Rehr Exceleior, Riley. New York, D Cooper. Sl In TrluroPhi Reern, &kr Polly ?rico,' Adams, Boston, E IL Sawyer it Co. Schr N E Clark, Clark, Port Royal, Tyler, Stone k Co Schr J Prambee, Somers, Hatteras Inlet, do (Correspondence of the Philadelphia Rxchange.) LEWES, Del. Feb 28, S P M. The ship Shatemue and brig Julia, both from N York, enure in and proceeded up this evening. Wind SE. Yount, &c. JOFIN P. MARSHAL MEMORANDA . . Steamship Suwanne, Johns, hence, arrived at New York yesterday. Steamship M Sanford, Sanford, cleared at New York Yesterday for Philadelphia. Ship Slorienein, Dreyer, elekrea M NeW Yak Yettet day for Shanahan. Bark Tacony, Monday, for New York, was at Messina let inst. Bark Amy, Hammond, uncertain, remained at Messina let inst. Brig Golden Lead, Seely, for Philadelphia, was loading at Trinidad sth inst. Bair N Lunn, hileton, cleared at New "t eek'Yeetee day for Frederica, Del. Schr L Sturtevant, Willetts, at Now York yesterday from Wilmington, Del. Schr Thomas C Bunting, Pryor, at Providence 24th first from Delaware Bay. Sloop Alice, Ludlow, from Delaware Bay, at N York vstqaday. NAVAL. The II 8 steamers Tranania, Quaker City, and Ander son, were at St Thomas 3d inst. SPECIAL NOTICES. QFFIOE OF THE ADAMS EXPRESS COMPANY, 320 CHESTNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA, January 27, 1862. The Adams Express Company having enlarged their facilities at Washington, D G., by building a Railroad depot, and having acquired additional Capacity tor transportation, are now prepared to forward Heavy Express freights, Packages, and Parcels, to Wash ington, Georgetown, Alexandria, Annapolis, Frederick, Adamstown, Fortress Monroe, and other places South occupied by the army, at greatly reduced rates. Oyvvlal agreements made for raorchancllzo in largo lota. Butlers' goods and army supplies at satisfactory prices, on application at our office. Soldiers' parcels taken at mud) less than our usual rates. Heavy and bulky packages received and recsipted far at our depot, S. R. corner of BROAD and LOCUST Street/I, MIN BINGHAM, jam"-tf Superintendent. DR. ROBERTSON'S VEGETABLE NERV— OUS CORDIAL; sr, NAT lIRWS GRAND RESTORATIVR. Tha groat remedy for all. Nervous Complaints, Debili ty, Prostration, Lowness of Spirits, etc. Price $l. For sale by DV/3T et CO.. No. 232 North SECOND Street, Depot for all Popular Mndicines. jal-thittf HELMBOLD'B UNIVERSALLY APPROVED 81221HDT.--Compound Extract BliClin cares Diseases of the Bladder, Kidneys, Gravel, Dropsy, Weakness, &a Head the advertisement in another column. noe-ths DYSPEPSIA! DYSPEPSIA! DYSPEPSIA cured for $l, or $1 returned! Tyspgpsi,t cured for $l, or $1 returned! DYSPEPSIA cured for $l, or .111 returned! DYSPEPSIA cured for $l, or $1 returned! WISHABT'S GREAT AMERICAN DYSPEPSIA PILL le a positive cure for DYSPEPSIA. I warrant a cure in every case, no matter if of twenty years' stand ing, or the money returned. Price S 1 per bog. Sent by mail. free of charge, on receipt of the money. Depot, No.lo North SECOND Street. fed-2m Orrz-Psiox CLOTHING, OP THE LATEST Orn.uo, wide laths Bea Manner, expressly for RETAIL BAIR& LOWEST Selling Prices marked in Plain lrlgares. All Geode made to Order warranted sallifec torY• Our Orts,Patol Sysrmt Is strictly adhered to. All are thereby heated alike. seY2-ly JONES OD., 004 MARKET Street. THE PRESS. -PHILADELPHIA, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 27. 1862. L. Q: 0. WISHART MARRIED. McP,WBIT—WaTERS.—On the 20th inst., by Bev. 3. B. Dales, Mr. Peter McEwen, to Miee Mary 'Waters, both of this tiny. MIL;IIII2II:IL—CLARIL—JuIy 3d, 1801, by T. W. Mr. Jot, F IL Mlchvgier to Mies Mory P. CiAsk l both of this city. dK DIED. KEYSEIL—On the 24th inet., Jane, wife of George W Keyser, it, the 26th year of her age. Tin relatives and friends of the family are reepectfraly invited to attend her funeral from the rosidonce of her husband. Carlton street, between Twenty-wood arid TIN enty-third o below Gallowhill, on Friday afternoon, at 3 o'clock. ** DILNLAP.—On Tuesday morning, 25th ink., Mrs. Sarah, relict of the late Robert W. Dunlap Rod 74 years. The relatives and friends of the family are respectfully Invitvil to attend the funeral, this day, (Thorsday,) the 27th inst., at '2 o'clock, friim her late residence, No. 1803 Girard avenue. *. KELLEY..—on the 24th Wet., Quillen Kelley, in the Olth year of his age, Funeral from his late residence, No. 1325 Brown street, this (Thursday) afternoon, at 2 o'clock. * 111.111BBIt.T.—Ou the 2eth inet , Benjamin llubbert, eldest son of Wm. 11., and Harriet S. Ilubbert, In the 20th year *lbis ego. The relatves and friends are reaneethilly invited to Ottelei hta funerni troni hie parents' maidtince, No. 233 Folmar silver, on Friday 'menorah the 28th init., at 1 o'clock. liervicee at the Front street M. B. Church. Funeral to proceed to Odd Fellow? Cemetery. ** IiUMER.—On the 24th inst., Adam Butner, aged 57 years. Funeral from Ids late residence, Chestnut Hill, this (Thursday ) morning, at 9 o'clock. e.CHMA.W.—On the 231 inst.. Jacob Bachman, Sr., in am 52d ow of hie ago. Funeral from the residence of his son-In.taw, 1322 Franklin street, this (Thursday) morning, at 10 o'clock. Ert.ltlFS.—On Sunday, the 234 inst., James Hughes, in the nd ysar of his age. Funeral from his late residence, 432 Storens street, Camden N. J., this (Thursday) afternoon, at 1 o'clock.* PIIII:LIPS.—Ou the 26th i het, Amt. C., infant son ofd, D., and lit. W, Phillips, aged 16 month& Funeral from the residence of his parents. No. 713 Creel, street, on Friday afternoon, at 2 o'clock. ** SIIRINER.—In Lewisburg, 11th inst., William, son of Joseph W. and Elizabeth Shriner. aged 5 years. * PESSON & SON, MOURNING -11-1 STORE, No- 918 CHESTNUT Street. (Goods re ceived .TATIIIIIPY 15th to 310.) Black and white striped and check Silk. • Shepherd plaid biting; black Poult de Soles and glossy S ilks; English Chintzes and Do Laines; Balmoral Skirts; Lace and Itiviete Ruffles; Lace Sleeves ; Crape Collars; Blanket Shawls; Thibet Long Shawls, extra sizes; Tarlatan Bonnet Ruches; Bilk and Cotton Blonde Nick Ruches; Large Crimp - English Crapes •, Love and Grenadine Veil s : Crape Veil s ; Wide Hemmed Handkerchiefs; Mull and Piping Sets; double-width Blaok 107 OUR COUNTRY.—LECTURE BY REV. 11.3 E. W. BUTTER, at CO.NCER e HALL,. Chest nut street, above Twelfth; TIIIS (Thursday) EVEN ING. It* arST. ANDREW'S SOCIETY.--A Meet ing will IPe held on FRIDAY EVENING. at 71( o'clocli, in the CONTINLNTAL HOTEL. Nerabera will Wean, attend without further notice. fe272t GEORGE YOUNG, Secretary. 0:r LOMBARD AND' SOUTH-STREETS PASSENGER RAILWAY COMPANY.-At an Election held on the 22d inst., in pursuance of the Char ter, the following-named gentlemen were chosen Direc t Ore of tins COMflanY for the ensuing year: JOHN K. McCURDY, GEO. W. MIDDLELON, JOHN WILSON, GEO. H. ARMSTRONG, WILLIAM B. MANN, And at a meeting of th a oard or Directors, held the same day, the following officers were elected: President—CHAS. A. BUBICAM. TreasurerFß INCIS Melia - AIN. Secretary—J. W. BOUDEB. fe27-3t* OFFICE CATAWISSA RAILROAD 113 COMPANY, No. 308 WALNIIT Street, PHILADELPHIA, On and after Feb. Ist, 1862, Mileage Tickets will be issued at $4O each, giving the holder a right to travel 2,- 000 miles at any time, butween any points, and in No. 1 cursor Passenger Train of the Catawissa Railroad Com pany• Business men and others having occasion to travel fre quently between different points, will fuel this arrange• went convenient and economical. Fur said tickets and other information, apply to 11. STANLEY GOODWIN, Superintendent, Williamsport, WM. B. FIQHE K, Treasurer. ZOS WALNUT Street, Plain fe2o-tlistu-lm NOTICE.--THE ADJOURNED MEET ING and Election of the Stockholders of the QUICKSILVER MINING C4MPANY will be held in the city of Philadelphia, at No. 410 WALNUT Street, Room No. 6, on TUESDAY, March 4. 1862. at 11 o'clock A. EL FRANK S. POND, tel6•tath tmli4V Secretary. 07.COMMENUEMENT.—THE ANNUAL Corarneaepinent or the PENNSYLVANIA COL LRGE OF DENTAL SURGERY will take place at the MUSICAL FUND HALL, on FRIDAY EVENING, Feb. 28th, at 7X o'clock. Tile Valedictory will be de livered by Prof. J. L. Suesserott. The public are in vited. [fe26-Stik] W. CALVER I, Dean_ g.:5-•• OFFICE OF THE FEZINMYLTANLI RAILI:OAD COMPANY. Pn IL ADHLPIITA, Feb. 10, 1862 NOTICE TO STOCKHOLDEBS.—The Annual Elec tion for Directors will be held on MONDAY, the third day of March, 1862, at the Office of the Company, No. 238 South THIRD Street. The Polls will be open from ten o'clock A. M. to mix o'clock P. M. No ghllll , 6rl , lll.ttAk ta , atiestred within sixty days next preceding the election, will entitle the holder or holders thereof to a vote. EDMUND SMITII, fell-dtm3 Secretary. CITY COMMISSIONERS' OFFICE, Philadelphia, February, 1862. (M . TO HOTEL KEEPERS, It EST ALTRASTS, and otherP, dC'Sir oll q of ? !Dig LiclllorB by less manna than a nuart.—Applicants Tor License will apply at this Office, as provided by act of Assembly, approved April 20, 1853, on the following days, viz : let Ward, on Saturday, March Lit. Oil lvards, on Monday, March 3d. 4th Ward, on Tuesday, March 4th. tali Ward, on Wednesday, March sth. llth Wind, 4111,_ 7th and Bth Wards. on Friday. Starch_ Yen. Oth and 10th Wards, on Saturday, March Bth. 11th Ward, on Monday, March 10th. 12th and 13th Wards, on Tuesday, March 11th. 14th and 15th Wards, on Wednesday, March 12th. 16th Ward, on. Thursday. March 13th. 17th Want, on "Friday, Minh 14th, vim and 113th Wards, Saturday, March 15th. 20th Ward, on Monday, March 17th. 21st and 221 Wards, on Tuesday, March .18th. 23d and 24th Wards, on Wednesday, March 19th. . 25th Ward, on Thursday, March 20th. te2.6..7t JAMES SIIA.W. Clerk. cx. AmurErtsahr FESTIVAL. 'curve MEN'S caniallatt aSBOCIA.TION. MEM! THURSDAY EVENING, FEBRUARY 27,1862 The exercises of the occasion will be preened over by GEO. H. STUART, Eau., President of the Association. Short addresses will be delivered by Bev. Thresham D. Gregg, D. D., of Dublin. Thomas Brainard, D. D. Anthony Atwood. . 6 Daniel March. .. S. P. Henson. .. Alfred Taylor. " Jno. Chambers, and others. An Instrumental Quartette, from Hassler's celebrated Band, will be present, Mr. Hassler baying kindly vo• luptPorod nig own eorvicoo, The Plano has born kindly loaned by Idr. J. B. Gould, Seventh and Chestnut streets. Itefreslunents will be served from 73.6 o'clock to 10 o'clock. Tickets 50 cents. Fnr sale at Hartien's bookstore; American Tract Society ; M. Joluison's, 1019 Spring Garden street ; Rooms of the Association, and at the duor. Doors open at 7 o'clock. fe26.2tit THE MOST REVEREND ARCHBISH u,3 OP RENRICK, of Baltimore, will deliver a Lec ture in aid of the Poor and Orphans, at the ACADERY OF MUSIC. on THURSDAY EVENING, February 27th. Subject— ,, The Charity of St. Vincent de Paul." Tickets 25 cents. Reserved seats 50 cents' may be secured at the Box Office of the Academy on Thursday morning, from 9to 12 o'clock. Lecture to commence at 8 o'clock, Te stir Fria AMERICAN TELEGRAPH COMPANY, Wesuisorov, February 26, 1862. The undersigned gives notice to the pw.lic that the mili tary possession of the Telegraph, taken by order of the President; will make no change whatever in the conduct of grade], private, and commercial business by telegraph. The lines and business remain in the hands of the Tele graph officers., duly authorized by the War Department. E. S. SANFORD, ja26.6t President of the American Telegraph Company. BISHOP KEMPER.—WiII be ready, THIS MORNING, a very line Card Photograph of the ht. Dm JACIRSON ICE MPH D. D., formerly Rector of the United Churches of Chriet, Saint Petar'e and Saint James'. Price 25 cents. Mailed free of charge. MckLVISTER dc BRO., fe27-4t 728 CHESTNUT Street. NOTICE.—THE PARTNERSHIP of LINCOLN, WOOD, & NICHOLS la this day dig: solved t mutual consent. The business of the late firm nettled by THOMAS H. WOOD, or the firm of WOOD & CARY, who will carry on the business at the same place, No. 725 CHESTNUT Street. H. E. LINCOLN, .TllO3. H. WOOD.* R. E. NWITOLS. Phitedelptele, Pet, 211, 102. fe27-St • rpnINK ON IT, ACT ON IT. REIISER'S Life-size Photographs in Oil, are be ing made at Lie Gallery at war prices. Now is the time. SECOND, above Green street. It ROBERT IL 0011b'ON, COAL DEALER. OFFICE, 133 WALNUT STREET, • DELON SECOND, fe27-1m 1111LAIALPIII& VEIN' CARTES DE VISITE. .1.1 Bey, BICIIMID NEWTON, D. D., --and Bey. REBER NEWTON, on one card ; Also, a Carte De Visite of THE LATE JOHN MERRICK. For Bale at the PROTESTANT P.PISOOPAL 130011' SOOINTE, 11 No. 1222 CHESTNUT litreet. PROFESSOR u MORRIS' AZUMEA BAKING POWDER. This excellent composition does not contain a particle of Alum, Sakeratus, or any kind of deleterious drug; but is perfectly pure and healthy, and, as a culinary prepa ration, Is infallible and invaluable. At the Fair in Cin cinnati, there were a number of Baking Powders on ex hibition—the A zumea, with several others, wars analyzed, and obtained the Brat prize, as the purest and best known. It raises the flour directly it is introduced, without fer menting it, or leaving any sediment, and retains all the nutritive qualities of the wheat, the best of which are lost by the ordinary fermenting precees, (hence one loaf of Azumea bread contains as much nutriment as two loaves of yeast bread, and weighs lb per cent. more); it keeps moist for many days, and never sours_ Many celebrated physicians, both in this country and Enron% have de. dared this to be the only true and natural process for making bread, and at least 10,000 families in Philadel phia have, by ~ their constant use of the AZUMER for breast, cakes, pastry, &cc , during the last three years, given their hearty approval. For sale by grocers. Fac tory, No. G 2 Noi th FOC Call Sti eel, Philedelphitt. It B& CO,'S PURE; MED.T.CI- A, NAL TMAPi'II'ABENT MID LITER' OlL—Pre• pared for our sales by our own agent M the fisheries. Its polity and excellence have won for it the confidence HMI patronage of the Medical' Faculty throughout the eountry, Mho ree.miniend it as superior to any other now manufactured. Its delicacy and sweetness enable the weakest invalid to retain it. Its efficacy devonding on its purity, and thA r ability of the balleut to use it for a king time, results must be nb. toned from the use of our Oil which osunot be expected from others. -•- - - Manufactured only by . JOHN O. BAKER & 00., No. 154 North 111111. D street, Philadelphia, And may be Lad of all Druggists. It DR. BPR A.R'S PILLS CURE Sheumatism, Dyspepsia; and all diseases of the Liver. Sold only at 33 South FIFTEENTH Street. Agents Wanted. fe27-3t CtARDINES. GUILLOUX SARDINES for Mc by JADRETCHE & ASVERONR, fe27-3t 202 and 20i South FRONT St 11 . E MODEL HAIR-CUTTING 1 AND DYEING SALOON, in Philadelphia, ie Fd FOURTH and BRANCH Streets. 020-iftf NEW PUBLICATIONS A MASTERLY NEW NOVEL OF A TIMELY INTER ST. TICE NOR & FIELDS PUBLISH T,,HIS DAY MARGARET HOWTH A STORY Or TO-DA Y One Vol. 16mo. Cloth, 75 Cents This admirable story has excited so much attcntion during its appearance in the Atlantic Monthly, from last . October to the present time, and such high praise has Veen warded to it of late, both in America and lEngs laud, that It is now published In a volume. fror nallty of situation, sturdy thought, profound knowledge of human character, and earners determination to plead for all that Is good and noble in life, no novel in our time is the superior of this Y. Story of To-day." 135 WASHINGTON STREET, BOSTON It WASEBTJRN ON REAL PRO- TOL. 11., COMPLETING THE WORE LITTLE, BROWN, & CO, 110 WASHINGTON ST., BOSTON, DIIBLISII TUD3 DAY; A TREATISE ON THE AMERLOAN LAW OF REAL PROPERTY. BY EMORY h AsilßL RN, LL. D., University Professor of Law in Harvard University Vol. IL Svo. Price $5.50. DETERSON'S COUNTERFEIT DE TECTOR for MARCH Is published this maiming. PETERSON'S COUNTERFEIT DE TECTOII for -MAILCIEf is Dublished this morohig. it Ac NEW COUNTERFEUTS ARE 'TV fully described in PETERSON'S COUNTERFEIT DETECTOR and DIAEXEL'S DANK-NOTE LIST for MA.ROII, which is ready this morning, at the publication office, at T. B. PETEESON S . BitOTHEB Na. 308qIIISTN UT street, Philadelphia. Taasta.—One dollar a year monthly, or two doliare a year genii -annually, or ten centa a number. Peterson'a Counterfeit Detector is corrected by Drexel le Co., Bankers, and la the only correct and reliable Counterfeit Detector published; and every person that takes any paper money at all should Rend and subscribe for it at once, to the office of publication, at the Cheap Pookaterc of T. D. PFITBBBON DBOT HEIST, No. 206 CHESTNUT Street, Philadelphia. ADVERTISEMENTS INSERTED As an advertising medium for advertising all branches of business, and to reach Countm Storekeepers every where, Peterson's Counterfeit Detector is one of the best in the country, as it circulates everywhere. Advertise ments will beinserted in it at Tory low prices. lt PETERSON'S COUNTERFEIT DE TECTOR for MA.TtOg hi ready at No. GOO Cheat. rut et , eat. It PETERSON'S COUNTERFEIT DE TECTOR for MARCO Is now ready, with forty five now Counterfeit§ in it. For sale at PETERSON'S, No.BoB CHESTNUT Street. it NEW ENGLISH BOORS —lmported and for sale 13# McELROIC & CO., No. 27 South Street, above Chestnut. TRACTS FOR PRIESTS AND PEOPLE. First aeries. Svo. Cloth, 52.50. BRISTOW'S GLOSSARY OP MingooLogy, tty v , cloth, sto.Ta. SMILE'S LIVES OF EMINENT ENGINEERS Illustritted. 2 cols, myttl Sco. Cloth, $l2. . . SOUTHEY'S LIFE OF NELSON. New Edition. Printed at the Chiswick Press. 18ruo Cloth, gilt top, SI. HERBERT'S POETICAL WORKS. do. do. $l. MILTON'S POETICAL WORKS. 2 vole. do. SS2. LAMB'S TALES FROM SHAKSPF.A.P.E. do. SI. HOUGH DIAMOND. By John Hollingshead. Mao. Cloth, gilt edges, $l. WHY PAUL FERROLL KILLED HIS WIFE. lano. Cloth, $1.75. • GOLDEN TREASURY OF SONGS AND BALLADS. Edited by Palgrave. 12mo. Cloth, extra, $1.50. TEACH US TO PRAY. By the Rev. J. Cumming. 12mo. Cloth, $l. TDB FOU.N CIEORONS. By K. it. Thackerey. Il lustrated. Small Beo. Cloth, $1.50. ROB AND HIS FRIEND. By John Brown, M. D. Beautifully illustrated. 4to. $1.75. THE BOOK OF FAMILIAR QUOTATIONS. Second edition. 12mo. Cloth, antique, $l.OO. THE WISDOM OF SOLOMON. Illuminated in gold and colors. By Samuel SlatlesbY. Sauare 12m. Cloth, extra, ;$4, • SPIRITUAL OONCEITO. Extracted from the wri t:lga of the Fathers. old English Poets, ctc. Illustrated. By W. Harry Rogers. Square Svo. Cloth, extra, $6.50. TBE PSALMS Or DAVIE). Illustrated. By John Tranhlin. Small 4to Cloth, gilt extra, 56. - FAVOBITE ENOLISIJ POEMS. Beautifully illus trated by the trot English Artists. Small 4to. Cloth, gilt extra, Y,t6_ Morocco. By Heyday. SM. . . . . EIIAKSPE3BE'S SONGS AND 8A.4410,.'",;.i„i Wood cuts. By John 01 ' er • trilled. With fae.sirails. .. it w t t "Vai:; . Cloth. 81.2. F c, ,,, ien 1500 e imported to order Catalogues of new and old English Books fur- Monthly , .by every steamer. pished gratis on application. fe2s- at (SUBSCRIBERS TO PUTNAM'S 1.7 uworaaaoit icttoikp Can have mew 'Parte exchanged for Sound Volumes, at the Office, 23 South SIXTH Street, up-stairs. JOHN IdcFAILLAN, Agent. Volumes 1 and 2 aro now ready. fe26-wthe3t RETAIL DRY GOUDA. TABLE LINENS. Heavy Brown, all pure linen, 28; Bl'cd Union do., 37%; 8-4 wide do., 50; Hand-loom, half blc'd, all linen, 62% ; 8 4 wide do., 75 ; these goods are very heavy ; fine bled 8.4 widet 75 •, the - old-fashioned bloom pattern, heavy, 62% ; Spot Naphine, 75 cents per dos.; tine D'sk do., $1.50, have been 11151,4 as high as SL7S; heavy Barnsley at $2 and $2.50, sold by regular Linen Stores at $3; heavy Hocks back'rowels, from Auction, at 75 cents per doz. ; Hncka back Bath Towels, I% yards long, 18%, with broad red border . one lot, $1.20 per doz., worth $1.50 •, Scotch Diaper, $1.25 and $1.50 per piece ; extra good Fronting Linen, 31%; Richardson's heaviest, 37% ; these are less than regular price, and many other Linen goods. RANYIL LE D., HAINEC, No. 1013 MARKET gteedt, Aht.VA Tenth. P. S.—One lot heavy gray twilled Flannel, at 18%, that has brought lately 25. fe26-3t WILLIAMSVILLE MUSL IN - WILMA MbVILLE MUSLIN.—We are selling the Best Quality Winietneyille Muslin, at a lower price than any retail store in the oltY_ We have a large gook of rod BLEACHED AND UNBLEACHED MUSLINS. which we are selling LOWER THAN THE LOWEST RETAIL PRICES. NO HUMBUG. Call and sec for yourself. We will open to-day, from a large New York Jobbing House, DOW going out of bush:wee, w large tot of GOOD BLACK SILKS, bought far cash, at a great sacrifice. Good heavy qualities, 70 to 95 cents. Beet $1 Black Silks in the city. Superior qualities of Wide Black Silks. Two-faced Figured Black Silks. FANCY SILKS. A large assortment of NEW AND RICH STYLES, 50 cents to $.2, 30-iiish Black Mara Antiques, at 62/4 cents. 11. STEEL it DON, fel2 No. 113 North TENTH Street. above Coate.. COWPERTHWAIT & CO., N. W. cor. EIGHTH and MARKET Streets, Have opened a handsome stock of NEW GOODS, cope chilly adapted to the times, consisting of now and elegant Fabrics, at low rates. Black Wks, vvr, cheap Prints in immense variety. D large line of Flannels, such le Ballardvale, Saxony, and other celebrated mikes. The best twenty-five cent white Flannel in the city. Hindi= by the piece, at wholesale prices mostly purchased be fore the recent rise in domestic go ods.: fe22-tf TI INEN FURNISHING GOODS. SHARPLESS BROTHERS have now , WWI! Linen Sheetlnge and Barnsley Damasks. Natural Color Loom Damasks, for Tabling. Linen Diapers and Towls, bordered. Crumb Cloths, Stair Crash, bowls& Kitchen Towels, Huckabacks, Cregulllaa. Beet makes of Irish Shirting blimps. Linen Booms, made in the best manner. and Body and hue Fronting Linon@. ALSO, English white Counterpanes and Quilts. • Summer Quilts and Light Counterpanes. Blankets of all descriptions. !duelin Shittinge, bleached and brown. ' Cotton Sheeting@ of every width. BOw-eftite cOttmas and binecdt. Green-Salves and Furniture Coverings. 110Ranch' and Chintzes for Slips. All of these are offered at lowest cash prices. felB CHESTNUT and EIGHTH Streeter. RECENT AUCTION BARGAINS. 6 doz. fine hemmed Handkerchiefs, at 3734 cents 2 pieces extra fine 4.4 white Flannels, cheap. ED am Ladies' L. C. Diandkorchiefaj at 13 cents. 41 Bslmolai Skirts. 2,655 yards beet American Prints, 12) cents. ALSO, 1 plece oil boiled heavy black silk, $l.lO, worth $1.25 pieces Shepherds' Plaids, 25 and 31 cents. 20 pieces new spring De Dillies, 25 cents. 4 pieces brown and black mixed Lavellas, 1'23 cents 47 pieces Russian Crash, from 0 to 12,56 cents. 12 pieces heavy domestic and imparted tihtghsashi. 11 pieces fine Swim Ginghams, at a bargain. 101 pieces fine bleached Muslim, at 16 cents. Cotton, Table, Diaper, and Linen Damask. CASSIBICRES. BOYS' WEAR CHEAP. COOPER di CONARU, felb S. E. Caner NINTH and IifiLEKBT. NOTICE. -DRY GOODS. Two lots 8-4 Table Linens Two lots Towelling, 12%. One lot Huckaback (bordered) at 25. One lot super do. , at 33. Viva impartment Plain and Plaid Ginshauila 700 yards Plaid Ginghams at 12j(, worth 18%. Calicoes, large assortment, 12%, 13, and 14. Gents' L. C. Ildkfs. at 24,28, and 31; a bargain. Gents' Suspenders; very cheap. Fresh lot of Book Muslin and /LIMA 60 pa. Plaid Muslin, from 18% to 50c. At JOHN H. STUBBS', fel6 No. 702 ARCH Street NE W AROUSE-FURNISHING -LI GOODS, LINENS, &c.—The largest assortment is the city of Fine Flemish, Irish, and Barnsley Linen Sheeting'. Dunbar Dickson's and Richardson'. Pak., Linens. Golden Flax Shifting and Fronting Linens. Table Linens, Table Cloths, Napkins, DoylieS. Towellings and Towels of all descriptions, for the bath, chamber, pantry, kitchen, and nursery. Quilts and Blankets, of all sizes, for cribs and beds. Table and Piano Covers, and Materials for covers, by the yard. Furniture Chintzes, Furniture Coverings, etc. Rich Lace and Muslin Curtains and Curtain Materials, Plain and Gold Bordered Shades, in all colors. SHEPPARD, VAN HARLINGEN, ac ARRISON, fel° bog WiItSTNUT Street. GREAT REDUCTION IN PRICES OF MANY STYLES OF WINTER GOODS FOR FIFTEEN DAYS LONGER, BEFORE TAKING THEM INTO STOCK, viz: Figured and Plain Itierinoeih Plain and Gay Long Shawls. Dark Drew Goods, Poplins, to. • Plaid Flannels—Pink, Bine, and Brown. Ladies' Scarfs, reduced 30 percent. One lot of L. C. lldkfs., at Mc. Two lots do., at 2Sc., a bargain. One lot of Linen Duper at 6146 a piece, Hoop skirts—m, arm, 81, and 51.11. Nice assortment of Gingbarrus. Ladies' Merino Vests, all sizes. Misses' Merino Vests, all sizes. Glove. and Hosiery of all MEAL Bent' Silk Itandkeroblefe, splendid assortment at J. 11. 13T0iillEr, 1026 tf 702 ARCH Walt 'PYRE & LANDELL, FOURTH and AA ARCH. are opening for Spring Fine Plaid Dress Silks. Fine.Flaid Bonnet Silks. Bich 'rat White Shepherd ma. 1 COMMISSION ROUSES* WELLING, COFFIN, k CO.) 220 CHESTNUT STREE2',I Agents for the following makes of goods: PRINTS. BUNNELL MFG. C 0..... GREENE MEG. CO. LAWNS. DIINNELL MFG. CO. BLEACHED COTTONS. Lonedtde, Forestdale, Auburn, Slatereville, Centredale, Jamestown, Blackstone, Hope, Red Bank, Dorchester, Newburyport, Nanmeita. Zounve, Burton, Greene Mfg. Co.'s.A. A., B. A., C. A., and other style& BROWN COTTONS. Burnside, Trent, Groton, Ashland, Chestnut, Glenville, Mechanics' and Partnere'. CORSET JEANS. —Glaseow. Manchester. DENIMS AND STRIPES....Grafton, Jewett City. Madison, Slatersvllle, Agawam, Keystone, Choctaw. CANTON FLANNELS.—Siateravilie, Agawam. BlLESlC3.—Smith's, Social Co., Lousdale Co. WOOLENS. ARMY BLUE CLOTHS, KNBSNYS, and PLAN. NEIS. BROAD CLOTHS.—Plunkothe, Glenham Co., &c. CASSIMERES.—Gay & Son, Saxton'a River, &c. SATINE7S.—Bass River, Convereville. Lower Tal ley, Hope, Staffordville, Converse and Hyde,- Cowmen Bros. &• Co., Shaw Erg. Co. KENTUCKY JEANS.—Rodmon, Mystic, Gold Modal, DOMET MLANNELS.—WILLIAMS'S Angola, Sax ony, Merino, and other styles: LONSDALE Nankeens and Colored Cambries. PLAID LINSEYS, COTTONADES, &c. ffe2o-3m SHIPLEY, HAZARD, & HUTCHINSON, No. 112 CHESTNUT STREET, COMMISSION MERCHANTS FOR TUE BALE OF PHILADELPHIA-MADE GOODS. se2B-6m DRY-GOODS JOBBERS. 1862. P R N G. 1862. W. S. STEW ART 80 CO., IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS OF SILKS AND FANCY DRESS GOODS, NO. 305 MARKET STREET Buyers are invited to call and examine afroeh stock of NEW AND DESIRABLE GOODS, bought exclusively fur GAM, and which we will offer on the most favorable terms. Our stock comprises, in addition to a complete assort ment of BLACK A2sTD OTHER STAPLE - ' SILKS, a Tarim of Seasonable DRESS GOODS, IN NEW AND APPRDVED STYLES, specially adapted to City Sales. fe25.3m yAIiD,GIELMORE, &Co., Nos. 617 CHESTNUT and 614 JAYNE Streets. Have now open their SPRING IMPORTATION OF SILK AND FANCY DRESS GOODS, SHAWLS, WHITE GOODS, LINENS, EMBROIDERIES, &c. Bou g ht in Europe, by oneef the firm. To which the attention of the trade is- particularly in vited. fe2l-thn SELLING Orr STOCK OP CASSIMERES, VESTINUS, DRIL LINGS, MARSEILLES, &c. Twenty-five per cot, undu forma prim. A. H. GUBBS, fe2l-1m No. 531 MARKET Street. JAS. R. CAMPBELL & Co., IMPORTERS, AND CASH DEALERS IN DRY Gooris, AT WHOLESALE AND BETAILi No. 727 CHESTNUT STREET. Hating organized a RETAIL DEPARTMENT in connection with their WHOLESALE TRADE, will ex hibit, at all seasons, a line of Goode by the yard, piece, ae gaelistts, at moth rates am to &Amami& [lisle stock to the attention of cash buyers. ja2B-tf WHOLESALE ROUSES. 27 AND 24-INCH SIKY-BWE KERSEYS, SUPERFINE INDIGO-BLUE SATINETS, BLACK CADET AND OXFORD Do. PRINTED Do, in variety. BLACK AND FANCY MIXED DOESKINS. FANCY CASSIMERES AND MELTONS. IN STORE, AND FOR SALE DT .JOSEPH LEA. fe29-12t 198 AND 130 CHESTNUT STREET MILITARY GOODS. SKY-BLUE KERSEYS, (27 by 64 inch.) DARK-BLUE KERSEYS, DARK-BLUE INFANTRY CLOTHS, INDIGO•BLUE CAP CLOTHS, SKY-BLUE CASSIMERES. NEW REGITIL4TION FOR OFFICERS' PANTS. WHITE DONET FLANNELS, CANTON FLANNELS, 10oz., 120 z., & 15oz. TENT MM. AS warranted 'United States Army standard. FOB SALE BY ALFRED BLADE & 00., 40 Sontb• FRONT Street, and 39 LETITIA Street, Philadelphia. tel4-tmyl. ARMY CAP BUTTONS AND SLIDES, manufactured at FIFTH Street and COLUMBIA Averme. Z. IVIES. feu-Im4r LL BRASS EYELETS BRASS EYE LETS! for Blankets and Leggings. FIFTH Street and COLUMBIA Avenue. N. IVINS. ferl-lm* RETAIL DRY GOODS, BLACK SILKS BY THE PIECE. Black Oro de Rhinos. Black Oro de Brilliant. Black Corded Gro Grain. Black Figured Double Faced. EYRIE k LANDBLL, fel3 FOURTH and ARCH Streets. EYRE & LA.NDELL,. F 0 UR ril and ARCH, are opening for Spring 4-4 Bic} Light Chintzes. 4-4 Light Spring Brilliants. Now Spring Style DeLaines. feLS EI"LANDELL, FOURTH and Lacs, are opening for Spring Napoleon Blue Plain Silks. Select Shades Brown Silks. Solid Colors Figured Silks. feta 67 PIECES NEW SPRING PRINTS. New 4-4 Shirting Prints. New Oil Chintzes at 18% cents, worth 25. Dew Imported Glngbams. _ COOPER & COWARD, feS NINTH and MARKET Streets. BLACK ALPAOAS. Ono suction lot 97X, worth. 50 contr. One auction hat 25, worth 31 cents. glue Black Wool Delaines, R. 37X cents. COOPE & CONAN% Tea Southeast corner NINTH and MARKET LINENGOODS. modiwri And Fine Fronting Linens. Dowry Mining and Pillow Linens. One lot Red-bordered Fringed Towels, 18% cents; cheap. Linen Bheeting, Diapers, Napkins, Doylies. • Damask Table Cloths, Rtaf Linens, ac. COOPER a CON &RD, fe3 Pontheast corner NINTH and HARRIET. PROGRESSIVE.—To merit further the liberal patronage bestowed upon all Pictures emanating from his establishnient,P.ElMEß has reduced the price of Life-sire Photographs in Oil. SECOND, above Green street 'IMPORTANT! ± ALL ARTICLES FOR SOLDIERS Should be eent ty NARNDEN'J EXPRESS, 42.07 CHESTNUT Street. They charge only HALF RATES, and send daily to Baltimore, Washington, Fortress Mon roe, and all other points occupied by our troop'. fe2,1.31n* 111 R USSR B! BRACES ! ! BUP- A. t 0. B. ItSIDDLNS, S W. corner RAW: and TWZLITH Streets, Philo, Practical Adjuster of Trance and Mechanical Appll• antes, has canasta) , on hand a large and varied dock et elegant French Trusses, and a complete assortment of best American. English and American Supporters alai Boito l Ithinddor Dram. Suponsorios• MOW al PM Yoriety, French Pessaries, be. Ladles' Department conducted Wisdom, TWNLIFTI Street. Ord door below Boo*. CtikiD PRINTING, BEST AND ii t onged in UM My, BINOWALT BILOWN B, B. nos* THUD Bins& soil INSURANCE COMPANIES. STATEMENT OF THE CONDITION or TRH PHcENIX INSURANCE COMPANY, HARTFORD, CONNECTICUT, ON UM 31sT PAT OF DECE3i6Eii I 1861, CAPITAL. Capital Stock, all paid in, la cull 1§400,(7Di7 CFO ASSETS. Real &date held by the Company ... . . 17,500 MP Oaab on band. Ouh deposited in I , State Bulk" " Charlet' Oak Bank" Cash in hands of Agents and in cones or transmission Amount of Lonna on bomb anu Ziortgagea, constituting the liret lien on the Real Es- tato, npon which there Is loss than one year's interest duo and owing 17,000 00 Amount of Bank and other Mocks owned by the Cowpony. Par Thine .. 15350,100 Market value Amount of Stocks bold by the Company ae collateral security for loans. Par value, 522,2e0; market valno, n 2,140 ; amount Amount of all other loam; Amount of interest due and rmpaid 2,7 M 75 LIABILITIES. Amount of claima for lemma which are in nit or contested by the Comtism; Amount of losses during the year which have not been Nettled, $8,400'. Amount of loose* during the year, reported to•tthe Company and not actednnon„ „ 11061 00 INCOME. Amount of cash uremiums received (net)•... 379;459 57 Amount of interest money received EXPENDITURES: Amount of losses paid•during the year....: .. 318;022 14 Amount of 'oases paid during t.kc year which. accrued prior to the year $57,411 74 Amount at which they were estimated in for- ....852,808 - 41 tiler etatement. Amount of dividends paid during the year:: 20,003 00 Amount of expenses paid during the year, including commissions and foes paid to agents and officers of the Company, and tales Paid by the C9/ 32 TiliY• 85,628' 78 SIMEON L. LOOMIS, HENRY KELLOGG, SECRETARY. SABINE & DUB', AGENTS, Pio. 147 SOUTH FOURTH STREET, PHILADELPHIA COMMONWEALTH }IRE IMP RANCE COMPANY,. ON THE S CATE OF PENNSYLVANIA. DIRECTORS. David Jayne, H. D., I Charles IL Rogers, John H. Whiten, I John K. Walker, 'Edward C. Knight, I Robert eloonagtkokr. Thomas S. Stewart,l Wildant Struthers, Henry Lewis, Jr., Elijah .1 , nes, PANIC JA-YNE, President. JOHN AL WHITAIIII, Ties President:_ S.A.MUIL S. MOON, Secretary. °thee, Commonwealth Builiing, 613' CHESTNUT Street, Philadelphia. se4. tf FINANCIAL. GOLD AND SILVER AND QUARTERDIASTERS' OBBTIFWATES, Bought and sold. 7 3-10 TREASURY NOTES Furnished at a liberal discount DREXEL & Co. fe7.lm GEORGE J. BOYD, BANKER, NO. 18 SOUTH THIRD STBEHT. QUARTEBHASTNWS OBBTIVIOATIS, Warrants, Bank Notes, Specie, &c., dealt in. STOOKS and BONDS bought and sold on commission. Ja2ll-1m $lO,OOO $5,000, AND $x,500 Td , invest in First.class Mortgages. Also, from ss,oato 8 8,.000 for the purchase of a Ground Rent. Apply to E. R. JONES, No. 129 South SEVENTH Street. lt* fin AND $5,000 TO. INVEST 14.71, 9v., in Fitst 111nriEngq . Spenrity: Apply to B. A. it/TV/Ilk:IL' / - 41 Ovuth 11341 rest, $3,000 -VERY DESIRABLE. IU • LOTS in FME:FORD, clear of all encumbrance, and Cacti, will be givenfor Ground Rants, Mortgages, or improved city property. Apply to J. H. WATERS, • 110. South, FOURTH Street, $l,OO O AND s3,ooo.—This amount to LOAN on Mortgage or Ground Rent. Andy to E. PETTIT, js29 No. SO WALNUT Street. FIRS . 310GT 11SS tti Droved E this for ..a, liberal discount. Apply to Z. PETTIT, jal No. 809 WALNUT Street. CABINET FITItSITURE CABINET FURNITURE AND BIL-- LIARD TABLES. MOORE & CAMPION, No. 261 &nth SECOND Street, in connection with their extensive Cabinet Business are now manufacturing a imporior article of BILLIARD TABLES, And have now on band a full supply, finished mitt, the MOORE & CAMPION.% IMPROVED CUSHIONS, which are pronounced, by all who have need them, to be superior to all others. For the Quality and finish of these tables the mann. %chime refer to their nunierOtin POW SOOIIOOI3 the Union, who are familiar with the character of their work. fe2o.6in SAFES. MLILLIE'S SAFE. DEPOT RE— itOVE.P to No. 21 South SEVENTH Street, near the Franklin The undersigned, thankful fur past favors, and being determined to 'merit future patronage, has secured an elegant and convenient store, and has now on hand a large assortment of Lillie's. Celebrated. Wrought and Milled iron Fire and Burglar Proof Safes, (the only sti icily fire and burglar proof safes-made.) Also, Lillie's 'Unequalled Bank Vault, Safe, and Bank Locks. Lithos isarl Vault boom and Locke will be furnished to order on short notice. This is the strongest, beet pro tamed, and cheapest Door and Lock yet offered. Also, particular attention is called to Lillie's New Cabinet Safe, for Plate,Jewelry, &o. This Safe is con ceded to surpass in st yle and elegance anything yet of fered for this purpose, and is the only one that is strictly fire and burglar proof. firECIAL NOTICIL—iiit&VO new on IMO Pay twenty of Farrel, Herring, & Co 'a Safes, most of them nearly new, and some forty of other makers, comprising a complete assortment as to sixes, and all lately exchanged for the now celebrated Eillie Safe. They will be sold at very low prices. Please call and examine. N. C. SADLER, Agent. EVAN S &WATSON'S SALAMANDER SAFES. STORE, • 16 SOUTH FOURTH STREET, PRIGADELPHIA, PA. A largo variety of FIREPROOF SAFES always on hard. A ' D.—The undersigned, respect fully takes pleasure in announcing, to hie friends and former nutrons, that, in connection with his fashion- able stock of MILI.CARY and CiTIZ.EI3S; REIDY MADE CLOTHING , he will open, areaca 1, 18132, one of the best assorted stocks of - 130 4 11 H. biCADY-DIADE CLOMAINGI . ever before offered in this city, all of which will be sold at one low, uniform price. A portion of the store has been furnished for this de partment exclusively in good style, and particuttrly pri vate for ladies with children. We cordially invite all to call and examine the stock before purchneing. AU goals Isola at E 24 CHESTNUT &TRENT, Under the Continental Hotel, warranted to givaperfect satisfaction. CLOTHS, CASSIX LAM, AND VERTIN.G,S t always on band, direct from Ow bast importing hpusos in America. • Clothing made to order at abort notico, and i tho moat fashionable styles. • • • Also, will be keyt an hand, a large aad complete as sortment of GENTLIMEN'S FURNISHING, 1310(11/5, selected from the most fashionable importing•honms in Now York, en.l will receive our 44ecie,1 attention, in ertlor to be ahead of all competitors. Price law, and uniform itt all case*. UMBRELLAS. Silk, Alms, Cotton, Gingham, and all other atyles, will be found in our stock, at No. Ei!ld CHISTNUT STREET, Under the Continental Hotel. fe26-6t 011AISIM8 STQIi ES, M 1146 , JOHN DREW'S Anom-sitticT THEATRN. Acting Silts Manager W. EL IeIIidDRILICILL Mtiell AMR and Ttlthatiret ,10.8. D. gt.OOESS uzinvsxtLEVAlD. Seventh Week. Seventh Week of JOHN DREW. JOHN DREW. WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY Nights, THE COMEDY OF ERRORS. Drondo, of Et,Lonna.... Dromio, of Syracuse... To conclude with the THY. EVERIGISS FAMILY. Cant. Murphy Maguire. Biro. Ormeby Delmain. /it Prices as usual. far Curtain rises at M after 7 o'clock. ST Beata secured three days In advance. fe24•6t WALNUT -STREET THEATRE-- BIRTH 01124 WALNUT Streets. Sole Lemma Dine. M. A. GIARESITTRa t THIS erhin,,D.) Feb, W /ft tiny -mental, the thrilling Drama, entitled THE WHITE TERROR,. Mr. Leconr Father Etratnce Lento, XVII . Adrienne After Mitch . . OF ROUEN. Merteavi. Mr, Xdwin Menu. PNICIRS--49.4 014, 76, end 25 cents; Prlyste Boxes. $5 end $3. ' Dome open at quarter to 7. To commence at 7,W. IALNUT•tiTREET THEATRE.- 11 V - Hr EDWI-If 1 , 08111191', On SA TVILIIILY EVE 1.411441, BIWA 1, 18411, pr, occasion of tho 1,166 18 50,261 40 of the Lewin., MRS. M.- CkAItRETT,9Ir..I. The' Mammy. annonncea% Me* public' sent pleasure the fact The flreatest Living 7 ragedian,''' Eitt. EDWIN tvOititEer baviimin thcrinest generournrennner volunteered his INVI , ricee—en tumor of which the'ri.freee 14 Mai, Asttered. Also, fla ftrotof his reappearing once more on tins . Wage of his R.XitLY Twit M.P1113,. Will, abe feela,-he make it an occasion to be rememberen! the public, amt. never to be forgotten by the Reneficiairo. The name or the Paw will ha IfT Box Bcok open from 40 tilt AT.. to se. cure Seats. 45,399 40 CONTINENTAL THEATRB. CHEAP All`l MORAL ENTMRTAINNISINT. Patronized by Thouttands of our cittzeme, Grave alai eay—Old and Yrnhg, Whose countenances are euffneed with ALTERNATE MIMES AND THUM - DAY, FeUnary With, and MIMI . SYMP. INO, the peculiarly adgled moral 'Drawing BOOM Lew tertainment of SNCLE TOM'S CABIN. The FIFTH GRAND ..UNDVIC TOM" manna. will take place SAT URDIVIr AFTERNOON next, at ? o'clock and terminating about 5. 'Pickett now ready. 330,070 00 ... 20,600 00 7,940 00 A THIRD READING' KIM Tag POETS will bo given at • Mr. bEirl i Olil/113P Roman, 1323 CHESTNUT Shoot, MIS (THURSDAY} EVENING, at 8 o'clock. Tho•aelections to be presented are : aiiol,7ol 73 Charge of the Light Brigade Tennyson, • Break, break, break Tennywom Faithless Bally Brown, r. r,trrer,e: ~,,,, P 904, Haag of the Shirt .. %MO 00 The Liver Schiller. Banedick She Weave. Conclusion of the Fire Worshippers ,Moore. Bridge of Sighs Stag- eyed Lady Hood,. • Tickets 26 cents. To be had at the rooms. .B.* S. M. CLEVELAND: GRAND UNION A. LI-Lu r RoRO4 filri RECENT BRILLIANT VICTORIES' ACHIEVED BY THE LAND !ND NAVAL FORM , OF THE UNITED STATES, TO HE GIVEN AT TILE AMERICAN ACADEMY OF MUSIC, 26;955 15 'NUM EVENINO, MARCEL 4, 1362, UNDER TIM AUSPICES OP Honorable ALEXANDER HENRY. Brigadier General F. E. PATE asoti, U. S. L. Commodore O. J. PENDERGRAST, U.S.N. Commander THOMAS TURNER, U. S. N. - Meier JACOB ZEILIN, S. Oaptuin W/LLI A tit B. OeDtN, V, 8.. N. Lieutenant FAIR /'AX, U. B. N. Fairman Rogers, James L. Claghorn, Win. Cameo, Thomas Sparks, J. W. Grigg, Isaac S. Waterman, Wm. It. Angier, Clement C. Barclay, Wm. 11 Harrison, R. M. Hooper, Edward Shippen, James D. Smith, A_ Milroy Stuapt, W. S. Vidaii i 0. W. Davis, Duane Whiteout, Wm. H. Kern, Josiah Randall, Wharton Chancellor, E. S. Whelen, Jr . George Moore, Richard A. Lewis, William Mann, J. William Small, Alexander heron, Robert E. Randall, Cornelius Walborn, S. E. stokee, Edward A, Manch, l', 8, liutchinson, John Rice, S. J. lifogiu , g4, A. G. Gnw, R. J. Hemphill, Henry B. ameba, S. Morris Adams, Wm. J. Reed, John Thornley, Lewis Bitting, J. D. Craig, James Freeborn, A. J. Buckner, F. A. Godwin, Dr. A. de Lippe, Thrman 0. Neill, R. F. Shannon, J. Colklin, HOST Nell, James 11, Orne, lf, T. Ito tinter, And other distinguished citizens. Natter of Ceremonies at. tiIASHO,` Assisted by a number of woll-known Gentleman. The Sinsic under the directim _u.toar.ipen.• - "Thrii v aTiemy on this occasion will be nmst gorgeously decorated and illuminated. Family Tickets, admitting a gentleman Rn 4 Bb 00 icket admitting a lady and gent1eman......,300•• Gentleman's Ticket 2 00 8,0, 80 441 0 n Book open daily at the Academy of Mu-• aic and at the Continental Hotel. The music for * Promenade will commence at 8 o'clock. Danciug at p o'clock. earritmen will act down heads smith take - north. "/ his rule will be strictly enforced. The Wardrobe Rooms will be placed in tho hands 01 obliging and experienced persons. PRESIDDNT CONCERT HALL, cullaTtillT STRUT, ohm TWICT,IIIII, Commencing on FRIDAY Rustling, Febtltall 211. GEORGE CHRISTY'S MINSTRELS, Comprising FIFTEEN of the most talented Minstrel performers in the United States, under the immediate direction of the great Comedian, its GEORGE CHRISTY ! jgg The acknowledged LEADER of tho Ethiopian Dramas. and the find Minctrel Coinedian in the world, THE GREAT STAR TROUPE! will appear as above. on FRIDAY EVENING, FEBRUARY 28, 1882. Particulars in small bills. Admission 25 mita. Doors open at a quarter to 7, commence at 73i. fe2s. 5t JOHN P. SMITH, Business Agent. A SSEMBLY BUILDINGS, TENTH end CHRSTNIIT—DAVIS' PANORAMA OW 4M21 ICA AND THE olaltT illatiti,MONl Fourteen thousand feet of canvas and one hundred Pad two scenes. Open NYIIHY NIGHT and on Wednesday and Saturday afternoons, for Ladies and Children. fe27-6t* C IERMANIA. OROILEST.R.A. CARL BENTZ, Conductor. PUBLIC REHEARSALS every SATURDAY, at 11,1‘ o'clock P. M., at the MUSICAL FUND II ILL. Package of Eight Tickets, SI; Single Tickets, 25 ob. To be had at Andre's, 1104 Chestnut street, J. E. Go= Seventh and Chestnut, and at the door of the Hall. pEiliinliVAlllA ACADEMY OF 1 THE FINE ANTS, 1025 CHESTNUT Street, open doily, Sundays fomented, from 9 A. M. till 8 P. IL Admission 25 cents. Children ander twelve yews, bell price. Simms of Steck. NO. EXiTLS/01.1 kl oltl4 A la INOT/- TUTE, a tirst,class Country School for both sexes, located at CARVE RBVILLE, Bucks county, Pa. - The next melon will commence March 31,1862, and con tinue twenty-two weeks. The school is organized with three departments—the PREPARATORY, the NORMAL, and the ORNAMEN - • TAL. Students of all axes. and every stags of advanoa. menu are admitted on terms of equality, The healthfulness of location and thoroughumil Of Ma struclion are unsurpassed. Terms—For board and tuition in common English.•. es per week. For catalogues and particulars, address Rev. F. R. S. HUNSICKEIit, Prineinal, fel3-Imit OARVEROVILLE, Bucks co., Pa. poRDENTow.N 001 Jul , LEGE, Bordentown, N. J. This institution is pleasantly located on the Delaware, river, l o it hour's ride freru Philadelphia. Special attan tion is paid to theca:arson and Meter branches of Eng.• lish, and superior advantages are furnished invoctd audio instrumental allude. German and Yrench are taught by. natireei and spoken In the family, For catalogues, Oita tainingfull particulars. address Bev. JOHN H. BRARELET, A. M., ja29-2m* President. WANTED.,A Medium-sized Durel.l MigaL ling Hedge,. RitttAto Mat of Bryn t street, botlrenti_ Arch and Pine streets, at a rent of abont $4.50. POEMS.. Bien any time up to Ist of April. Apply to J. 0. REM, BOTIL.No. 480 WALNUT Street. fe27.,3tie WAN TE D—A- Protestant young. : woman to take care of children and Pew. from the country preferred, Apply for two week 4 from,, g to 11 , A, Dl., at 1801 LOCUST Stroot. ittt. TEACHER WANTED.—The.. Truce tees of the Elkton Academy propose to elect Is. PRINCIPAL on SATURDAY, the Bth day of.Aferch next, until which time applications wilLbe received, with tealitnoulals, in person or by letter.. The branches re— quired to be taught•are.the Lathe, Greek, and French Languages, Mathematics, and . such ,other stmliegas era required in Classical geboolf. Address Ji T. hicCDDLOUSIIIi Secretary.. fe2d. St* Elkton, Rd. WANTED.—OId Silver, Plate, or Coin bought, in large or mall rtuantAtioa, , by KILIDER ii BIDDLE; daverensthc felo.lm* EIGHTH and JAY NE Streets. DISTILLERS. TO a•• TllO DIBTILLERT known:mills ' 6 PH CENIX and formerly owned. and occupied by. UAL. SMYTH, Esq., rituated on TIVENTY.TIIIIIE, between 11&0111 and VINE Streets, Shiladelphia, Capacity, GOO bushels per day s is now. offered for sale on reasonable and. accom. modating terms. Is in good running.ordtr, and has di the modern improvements. AnArtanar-wolLon. the pre mises furnishes an unfailing aupply of. good,.pure water. Address Z. LOCKE & CO., No, MU* MARKET Street, Philadelphia.dtg Al FOR SALE, OR Willi,. RE EX. changed fin good city, propor,ty, a small VILLAGE. on the nastern Shore of MarYlahrli. at the. head of dams. fres laver, comprising a Grist Mill, with French Burr Stones; Saw Mill, Spoke Factory,. Store House and Poet Shop, rind some seven or eight email Dwellings, and libout thirty litmus of Ground. The mill& are in tiret-rate order, _having recently been repaired. end IIVW fcrano a and Turbine water wheelo In tivilis44, The water• power is tugglp and sußicient, the whole year round. The surrounding country is good. Twolre front railroad ; five fr.oinstemboatlaudlng. Now rented for 51,500 per year, with good security Price $15,000. Apply to S. H. WATHR% fe2s-if lin South FOURTII Street. FOE, SA,LIC—THE GOODWILL Naland FIRTURE4 or a IIaTEL tiad BTABLIC, heirs doing a good business. The yard and stable are large, and will accommodate eighty head of horses. Apply back of 319 X MAIMS'S Street. fe2:s4l* firstselass Grocery and Provision Store, established for six scars, iIL4 {IOW g a gaga blurb:me, SatioNciori reasons given for asiblag. laqUire at No. 552 N. 8111 , 7NN. .TI ENTII Si., corner BRANDYWMIC St. fe2s-stii T wo PLR fiANT ROOM, WITH Fiat-olama Boarding, at 1411 LOCUST Wrest. fel4-]m* fIISCULAR PRINTING , BEST via_bbespid the Otty, et INNA= 11, szowiri l N In TIMM tiln* M , AMUSEMENTS. .....,.....30h12 Draw, Mrs. John brim. AWN#.I% ISENEnT EDIJUATIONAL. WANTS. FOR MALE AMP TO LET. It SALK _ Stook and Fixtures of BOARDING. John Drew Mr. Frank Drew. Mr. Edwin Adam Mr. B. Young. ..Mr, A, Ba.comb. Mra. Anna Cowell.
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