A Correction [ooereepondence of The Press.] SMITH'S DIVISION ; CAMP GRIFFIN, Feb. 24, 1.362. FDITiIR ! There is a mistake, in your repot Oh the 24th inet , a the reeeonnoissatiee mole from this division on the 22d, which has caused some dissatisfaction in the ranks. The whole command was not under CoL Friedman, in any respect. The colonels of the respeetive regiments commanded at their various posts, viz : Col. Vinton, Forty-third New York, at Flint Hill ; Col. Mason, Seventh Maine, at Vienna ; Col. Burnham, Sixth Maine, at hunter's Mill ; to support the Cameron Dragoons, who were to make the recontioit , sanee on the tier mantown and Branchville road, under the command of Col. Friedman. Diaadier General Smith instructed the colonels on the previous evening, and sent out his adjutant general to see the orders carried into effect. On arriving . at Vieuett i the leading squadron, commanded by Capt. Rssenthal, Company A, under the charge of Capt. Currie, A. A. G , and accom panied by Lieut. Carey, A. D. C., immediately proceeded to Flint Hill, where, after a short pur suit, they Captured iwo of the First Virginia Ca. valry, one of whom. was unfortunately badly wounded. In the meantime the remainder of the cavalry, under Col. Friedman, arrived. The lead ing squadrons proceeded at once, as before, to Fox .Mill, one and a half miles to the right of German town; then turned to tho right on to John Fox's, on the Centreville road, where, after exchanging a few shots, captured five more of the rebel cavalry, belonging to the First North Carolina—Cot. Fried man arriving a short time afterwards on theground. The leading squadron then proceeded to the rear of Dawslturst's lt1;11, from which the rebels run ; after which they returned to camp by Hunter's Mill, the whole of the troops being ordered home. The whole affair was little in itself. If any cre dit is duo, it is, in the first place, to Brig. Gun. W. F. Smith, fur the eaueliesit dispositions made; and secondly, to the commanding officers, for the man ner in which they were carried out; and thirdly, to Companies A and F, of the Cameron Dragoons, and those who had charge of them. There were only seven prisoners taken, who wore badly armed and still worse clothed. I am, sir, your obedient servant, Seventh Regiment P. R. V. C. fOorrosroodenoe of The Press.] CAMP PIERPONT, Feb. 23, 1562 The members of the Seventh made every exer tion possible to creditably celebrate the anniversary of the birth of our illustrious Wasnington. Al though it rained in the forenoon, and the mud was knee•deep, every man that was well enough turned out, and the ten companies were paraded, at twelve o'clock, in front of the chaplain's tent; and there, upon a high platform, stood our patriarchal chap lain, Thomas F. lint, with his head bared, and fanned by our glorious banner, the Stars and Stripes. lie read the "Farewell Address" of our sainted Wathingtun. 'During the whole of his read ing, there could hardly be heard a whisper from the thousand upturned faces that were so intently fixed upon the reader, trying to catch up every word that escaped his lips. After he concluded the Address, and made a few appropriate remarks, "the earth fairly trembled from rapturous cheer ing." Wo all anticipated hearing an eloquent speech from our colonel, E. B. Harvey, but, ho be ing too indisposed at the time, we had to forego the treat. Our band discoursed some excellent musio on the occasion. We eagerly look forward to a march upon Rich mond., when the roads become passable. Tie receive The Press two or three hours sooner than the other daily papers; it has a large circula tion in the Reserve. B. Confederate Gunboats The subjoined letter was found in one of the rem gunboats captured at Elizabeth City, North Caro lina, after the defeat of the insurgents at Roanoke Island : [" SPECIAL SERVICE."] IsavY DEPARTMENT .January 19, 1802, DEAR 7..reen : In my judgment the greatest loss to us, since the war, occurred yesterday, when Mr. Taylor died. It is to him that we are mainly in debted for these new sinews to our naval anu. Your own ;letter was apropos. It helped the cause along. I am very solicitous that the enemy should not be aware as to the extent of our preparations,; for there is no necessity of letting contractors or any one else, except the few persons engaged with the armament as a whole, know the extent of it. More is already publicly known of it than I could With ; and I fear the keeping of it to ourselves is out of the question. Still the best secrecy is cele rity; and we must drive ahead. Minor has the guns in hand ; most of the engines and boilers are provided fur ; and by the end of this week I hope to be able to say that in ninety days or less all the hulls will be ready for the machinery. I should have said the last hull. These ditlieulties being overcome, then the great one, that of providing officers and men for one hundred launches, com mences. Pray take the mutter up, think over it, and let me have the benefit of your thoughts. Hero is where we are at present. A call has been made upon the army for a transfer to us of all the sailors in the State ; and a law has been passed offering a bounty of filly dollars to all who wilt ship for the war; also, a law for the appointment of fifty lieutenants and masters during the war. The crew of each boat will be about forty, all told. These, both officers and men, have to be trained and drilled. Indeed, it may be said that the whole force nearly tuts to be created, for most of the offi cers have to be made and educated ; still, with pro per encetragenuent and facilities, that, you will agree with me, is not an impossibility. We want one hundred lieutenants to command these boats ; where are they to come liern ? Judging from the way things look at present, we shall not be able to get more l than twenty from those now in the navy. The new law for fifty will, I suppose, give us, say thirty, who were in the old navy, and who, resigning before secession com menced, have not been admitted into the Con federate navy. Where are the rest tO come from ? My own thoughts suggest, as a source of supply, the educated youth of the land—young men of the best blood—between the ages of eighteen and twenty-five, who have pride, ancestral renown, and family reputation to encourage them and to be sus tained. The choice lies between these and mer chant elpfitille. pilots, and watermen generally. Then there are wanting one hundred second lieu tenants, to be rated as such, or as masters or mates; the rating is immaterial. They are to be second in command, and also to arm the guns. some of these will come from the navy, and some from thOse who resigned, mu; c than a year a1 ; , ,0, from the old navy. For the rest, tve in the other case, I would draw upon the blood of the land. By ‘• blood," I mean, as you are aware, ne-particular condition in life, but all. however humble, whose hearts glow with patriotism, and who, in such a cause, have the spirit to dare to do. These are the bloods for me. Some of the boats are already in a state of for wardness; as soon as they are ready convert them into school and training and practice ships. Send these young aspirants of both grades to them for drill and training. As more are launched, send out the cleverest of these to help us drill-musters; receive on board also the engineers find crew; have a receiving-ship near, and draw from her every hour or so, from sunrise to sunset, a fresh set to be drilled and " put through" with all the motions ; all of which is to be dune under the eyes of regu larly qualified officers of the service. Now, considering our means and resources, that all the vessels are steamers of the sane model, and that they are intended for bay and river navigation only, I think we can manufacture a pretty good set of officertawnd capital guns' crews. Nevertheless, my friend, we shall in this have among our brother officers, I fear, old notions and professional prejudices to contend with.. {that! snake a man a lieutenant who has never been at sea, and then give him the Command of a gunboat? It is to you, and such men as you are, my friend, who are capable of viewing things by the lights of an unbiased mind and judgment, that I look for support and encouragement in the scheme. If you can chalk out a better, pray let me have it. But, if no better plan suggests itself, pray assist me with your influence in gaining countenance and support for this. The whole expedition is to be subdivided into divisions of five or ten boats each, under the general charge each of a regular navy officer; so that, as a rule, the boats will always move in squads, and the " blood " will always have their leaders to follow. It is to be ready for sea in one hundred and twenty days, I hope. Not only do I want your assistance in another re spect. I wish you to point out to me such young men as in your judgment would make good lieu tenants and masters after this. I can't promise ap pointments myself, but I can genii their names at the proper time before those who bestow appoint ments. I expect my son John, yoar pet, here in a day or I two. shall propose to hies to try a master's place in one of these boats. Ile has been giving his at tention to drill, naval gunnery, &o, If ho fannies the idea, I wish to oiler him as a pledge of my faith in our ability to have this expedition trained and drilled, all ready to put out, next spring—in June at any rate. John is a well-behaved and resolute lad. Can you let him come to you for the sake of the school, the drill, and experience ' till some of the boats are launched ? Be candid, my friend, and don't let your desire to serve me embarrass you in any way. If you can give him any rating by which, in ease of accident, he would be entitled to be considered as a prisoner of war, so much the better. At any rate, if you can take him as a supernumerary, and work him up as a middy—re quiring him to de any and everything—it will be the "very dandy." The boat that is at present proposed as the model for all is twenty-one feet beam, and one hundred and twelve feet long, and six feet draft, with one hundred and seventy-one tons, and an armament of a nine-inch gun forward and a thirty-two-pounder aft. I nsa psotealing, with all my might, against such a large and such a feeble stern gun. That was a clever little dash at the enemy off Newport News. How I wish old Neptune, or Mars, or some of them, would present you with tl chance and opportunity P' I could ask " the gods" for no greater favor to you, my friend. Yours, ffi I. F. Maim - . Commander Wm. F. LYNCH, Waters of North Carolina. N. B —lf you can find room for John, say what bedding, Jcc , in the way of Quail, he shall bring. He could be ready to join you about the lst Fe bruary. EFFECT OF THE GAI.E Iti BROOKLY.N.—TIIO high wind which prevailed on Monday evening did do„Maeria,jo damage In Brooklyn. A large num ber of awnings, sign- posts, etc , were blown down in the principal thoroughfares, and several wales trians were injured by being struck by them falling. Shortly before five o'clock, the entire roof of one of the wings of the City Hospital, situated on Ray mond street, near Willoughby, was blown off and swept in a mass into Canton street, at the rear of the hospital. It was composed of wood and co vered with tin. Fortunately, no person was in jured GENERAL Surawis.—Washington letters say the eohlhination of the appointment of General Shields, who boars honorable sears of Cherie.!tape.; , as a " deooration," has occasioned wild joy among the Hibernian regiments, who now hope to be brought together in a body, and to rival Blenker's , German division in deeds of oaring. The Baltimore papers of yesterday have long no counts of the damage done to property by the gale that prevailed in that city on Monday. The S MIL EDP! Yesterday morning the atmosphere was dark and lowering. and there was a misting rain for scrotal hours. About half past ton o'clock the clouds lifted from the eastern horizon, but they soon set tled again, and the wind changed to west by north west It rose rapidly, and in a few minutes had reached the fury of a hurricane. With the change of the wind there was a heavy shower of rain, bat that was of short duration. and the atmosphere again became clear and bright. The wind in creased in violence until about two o'clock in rho afternoon, when it reached its greatest height. in exposed situations pedestrians could stracely make way against it, and many of the street lamps in the west end of the city were blown front their posts and broken to pieces. About the time the storm raged with the greatest fury, the tin roof on the four-story ware house at the riorthes.st enthed. of Baltimore and Green streets was rolled up. broken into pieces, and thrown into the street. St is occupied by Messrs. F. L. Lawrence d Brother as a grocery store, and such was the danger considered that ropes were stretched across the sidewalk to prevent persons from passing near to the building. The building N.. 502 West Baltlmore street. near Pine, occupied by William Christopher ,t Cs. as a clothing house, had the tin roof blown off and tho bricks of the combing thrown upon the sidewalk. In the extreme western part of the city the storm appeared to rage with greater fury than anywhere else. The eravel roofs of three houses on Hutton street, near *ea°, belonging to Mr. Edward B. Moon, Jr., were torn in shreds, and some of the pieces carried a considerable distance from the buildings On the west side of lloward street, be tween Lombard street and Cider alley, five tin covered dwellings were unroofed, and the roofing and rapers were carried entirely across the street, arid dashed Against the buildings opposite. The roof of the First Constitutional Church, corner of Green and German streets, WWI damaged conside rably by the severe blow, the tin roofing being rolled up for some distance. The damage can be repaired ate.slight expense. On Baltimore arrest and other butie,ess thorough fares awnings were blown down, and other datneges of a trivial nature indicted upon exposed property. At No. 86 North Charles street a chimney was prostrated, and fell upon the rear premises of an apothecary store, demolishing the roof and endan gering the lives or Etrverztl persons. The slaughter houseand out-bnildings connected with the establishment of Mr. S. Super, butcher, corner of Lexington and Republican streets, wore also blown down by the violence of the gale. A colored man employed about the place bad his shoulder-blade broken. A son of the proprietor made a narrow escape. A AN EYE WITNESS Some vemls lying at anchor in the harbor dragged towards the middle ground, but they were soon got to places of safety without any damage. The change of the wind was sudden and without any apparent premonition. Quite a number of a smaller class of suiting vessels ran in the river atthe time, but they inade safe anchorage with ail possi ble haste. The vessels at the wharves sustained but little, if any, injury, as they were protected from the violence of the wind by the high houses around and on the docks. About three o'clock the sky was again overcast, and there was a slight fall of snow, but the clouds soon passed over aunt left the afternoon clear and beautiful. At the time the wind changed the thermometer indicated fifty de grees, and there was but little change from that during the afternoon. The wind continued with less violence until night. It was one of the severest hurricanes that have;beeu experieneed in this lati tude for years. After night the temperature changed, and before ten o'clock it became very cold, and the wind howl ed cheerlessly through the city. flow a Mau Feels on the Battle Field_ Pew persons are there who have not some curi osity about battle-fields, and who do not desire to know how men feel when under fire, especially be fore "custom has made them feel indifferent or secure. Most of those who were at Donelson must have had this experience. as the field was sash that few could go to any part of it without incurring MOTO or less risk hardly any ono could see the enemy or their guns, and consequently the first in timation of their presence would be the falling of a shell or the rattling of shot or balls in his immedi ate vicinity. I do Lot suppose I have much physical or moral courage, but the sensations tinder tire, judging from my experience, are different from what is expected. A reasoning man at first feels alarmed, and his impulse is to run away ; and if he has no reason to stand, he probably does run ; but at each exposure, he grows lees timid, and after hearing canister and grape about his ears a dozen times, begins to think he is not destined to be hurt. He still feels rather uneasy, perhaps; but the danger becomes fascinating, and, though ho don't wish to be hit, he likes to have narrow escapes, and so voluntarily places himself in a position where he can incur more risk. After a little while he begins to reason the mat ter;.o reflects upon the doctrine of probabilities, and how much powder and lead is necessarily wasted before a man is killed or wounded. Why should be be, he thinks, so much snore unlucky than many other people ; and he soon eau hear the whizzing of bullets with a tolerable degree of equanimity, though he involuntarily dodges, or tries to dodge, the cannon balls or shells that go howling around his immediate neighborhood. In the afternoon, he is quite a different creature from what he was in the morning, and involuntari ly smiles to see a inanjbetray the same trepidation which he himself exhibited a few hours before. The more he is exposed to fire, the bettor he can bear it; and the timid being of to-day is the hero of tomorrow ; and he vvho runs from danger on the first battle-field will run into it on the next, and court the hazard he once so dreaded. R Thus courage, as it is styled, is little more with most men than custom ; and they learn to despise what has often threatened without causing them hsrm. If wounded, they learn wounds are lees painful to hear than they had supposed, and then the doctrine of probabilities teaches them once more they are less liable to be wounded again. So the Mental proms goes on until the Nerves become by degrees the subjects of Will ; and ho only fears who has not the will to be brave. A correspondent, with General blitebeirs com mand, writes as follows to the Cincinnati Gazette, from a point south of Green river: Some of the moat beautiful farm, and lovely residences, which only a few months ago adorned these fertile valleys, are now the abodes of owls and bats. In order to impede our marsh, the read bad been obstructed for miles with fallen timber. In many places the road had been plowed up. All the ponds, some fifteen in number, on the line of march, were rendered unfit for manor beast, owing to the fact that these desolatora had killed horses, cattle, sheep, and hogs, ripped them open, and thrown them into the water. Ina few instances drains had been dug, and the water let off. I counted, in the distance of eighteen miles, eleven sites, where once stood residences, now nothing left but a few eharred timbers. As we passed Cave City, I rode over to take a view of the nag of the once fine Cave City Hotel. Here it wns that the visitor came afar to visit that wonder of wonders, the Mammoth Cave. Nothing now remains but the indubitable evidence of the fiendishness of Hindman and his guilty marauders. Many incidents occurred during the march of eighteen miles of an affeetinn• ' nature. .1.1 the Column passed the Woodland Rouge, where the remains of Zollicoffer were received, the stars and stripes once again greeted our vision. waved by a couple of young ladies. Several of the officers dis mounted and entered the hotel. The young ladles proposed to sing , the Star-spangled Banner, we joining in the chorus. I have often heard it sung ; but never before did its notes fall so sweetly as then. As the joyous party came in on the last verse, the enthusiasm became intense. The old lady, with tears in her eyes, blessed God that their hour of deliverance had come. After drinking the health of the hostess, in the shape of some good buttermilk, we took our departure, satis fied that there are still many loyal hearts in this part of Kentucky. MURDER, HIGHWAY ROBBERY AND ATTEMPT TO utURDER, —A Western drover, named Newman Etlwood, while crossing the Harrisburg bridge, on Sunday morning, with a considerable sum of money about him, became aware that he was being followed. Satisfied that some mischief was intended, he leaped from the footwalk of the bridge into the wagon traek, and returned to the city. Repenting of his timidity, however, he returned to the bridge, de termined to cross it. About half-way over, he was suddenly assaulted, and after being stabbed and beaten with a billy, he was held by the throat until his pockets wore rifled of between four and five bnnalred dollars in bunk-notes. The highwayman then made his escape, in the direction of the Cum berland side of the river. When the drover had somewhat recovered from the immediate effects of the attack, he returned to Harrisburg and gave in formalion of the affair, which, it is hoped, may lead to the arrest of his assailant, ANOTHER RAILROAD PROJECT.—The old Boone mite Society, owners of a large quantity of land along the Little Beaver creek, in Beaver county, are, in conjunction with other parties, applying to the Legislature for a railroad charter. The society owns some of the richest mineral lands in the State, especially in deposits of cannel coal. The routo of this railroad is to extend from near the village of Darlington, Beaver county, to the debouckare of Little Beaver into the Ohio river, a distance of fif teen miles. Thus one of the richest coal deposits of the State—one of the most productive regions of the State, if anything like equal, and both in agri cultural and mineral wealth—will he opened up, and its products reach a market, either north or south, by the water of " La Belle Riviera." CHESTER:COUNTY Tonacco.--Some of our ClieS ter-county farmers, seeing that tobacco is a pros perous crop in Lancaster and York counties, are moving in the matter of procuring seed to plant the coming season. The beat tobacco raised in the United States comes from the valley of the Connec ticut river, We learn that the cultivators in that region procure fresh Havana seed every year, for the reason that the seed degenerates. ExciTtlifi FON' /IVNT, — A fox was started a few days ago in West Rikeland township, in the pre sence of near one hundred huntsmen. The ohase was an exciting one, and kept the dogs an hour moving at a brisk rate. It was finally holed on the property of Mr George Fetters, in West %Cent, where it was dug out, and the brush was claimed by Mr. S. Graham. EXPLOSION or as OIL TANK.—A large oil tank, attached to the refinery of Messrs McCormick Jr Co., at the mouth of Butcher's Run, in Allegheny, exploded at an early hour, a few merniega 61t166 7 with great violence. A portion of it passed through the roof, and a laboring man, who was standing near the tank, was severely, though not danger ously, injured. We were unable to learn the cause of the accident. SINO the commencement of the war, the rebels have lost, in battle, the following-named generals : Simon B. Buckner, captured. Lloyd Tilghman, captured. Edward Price, captured. Bushrod Johnson, captured. Robert S. Garnett, killed. Barnard E. Bee, killed. Felix K. Zollicoffer, killed. The Unionists have lost but one—Nathaniel Lyon, killed. INDIAN SNOW-81113E RACES.—A race on snow shoes came off at Montreal last Saturday. The competitors were four Indians, and the winner made the distance (four miles) in 33 minutes, 3 seconds. ..A subsequent race of one mile'was won by another ;Indian- , —time 7 minutes 5 Seconds. • The Gale in Baltimore The Old Kentucky Homes. PENNSYLVANIA ITEMS. THE PRESS.-PHILADELPHIA, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY $6, 1862. PHILADELPHIA BOARD Or TEAM THOMAS !UMBER, JR., ISRAEL MORRIS, COMMITTEE OF THH MONTH JOSEPH C. GRUBB. LETTER BAGS At the Merchants' Exchange, Philadelphia Ship John Leslie, Given Liverpool, soon Ship Arnold Boninger, Ilashagen London, soon Ship Tranonoliar, Goodwin I node... bOO/1. Ship Nero Goalie t Boss London, goon Earls White Wing, Ealing - aguayra, soon Srlir Fannie, Vent° Havana, soon Schr Alma, .Elderkin St Thomas. soon Fon Sim. litl.Awri.-11rig Julia Ford, Capt Jackson, will sail fur the above port ott the 2711, inst. All pack ligee, letters, land xeacipapere declined for the squadron will be &Jr.-on - lei' if loft at the Foreign better °ince, Phi htiltiphin Brabant+, MARINE INTELLIGENCE. runr OF PHILADELPHIA, Feb. 26, 1862. BUN , 39-Mi SETS 5 47 HIGH WAT/Cli 1S 43 ARRIVED Schr D N Richards, Joy, from Savanna la Mar, Jam, with loigwcod to D N Wetzlar & Co—vessel to J B Baz -11.'5,, St Co. OLEARED. Bark Plein lee, Yatee, Ship Island, E A Souder & Co SAILED The pocket ship Wyoming, Captain Burton, for Liver- Itool, lett Walnut. street wharf at 9;4 o'clock yesterday, ill tow of City lco Boat. !She has on hoard 21,782 bushols Wheat. b 207 Ude llour, and 18 bales rags; also, 1 6 stsor uge F esscurra. • BY TNI.Ralt ANT. (Correopondonco of tho Philadelphia Exchange.) LEWES, Dol., Feb. The big Hooka, for Barbados, went . to sea this morn ing; ths brig Gillum, for. Cardiff, went to ma yenterdaY. A licary gale prevailed nearly all day yesterday. Wind nertloweA. Yours, &c JOHN I'. 3LAICSIIALIa. rttEhIOR&NDA Ship Poole, hence for Glrsgow, Wad did chargiug at St Tbotnaa 31et ult. Bark tr.oturn ' (Br) Crosby, hence for Queenstown, wan revairing 613 Damns altt llli Bark American Eagle, Dyer, from Rio chi Janeiro. at St Thomas 31st ult, nth. Bark 3 hoodcre Curtin, Small, from Wilmington, Dot, for Plymouth. E, at St Thomas 31st ult, Brig Calvert, Willar, hence, was at Sierra Leone 20th tilt, to roturn 30th. tichr L Lank Milton, at 14;tew. York 240 w inst. from S.!Lr Alhla, °Mint% hence for Kimmtou Ja, was re ,. pairiug at 8t Thomas 31st ult. Schr Valorous, Turner, hence, arrived at liallfax instant. Scbr Champ, Robinson, cleared at Baltimore 24th inst. for Philadelphia. Schr J 1. Bewley, Burton, cleared at New York Illth inst. for Milton. 1301. Solo. Jonathan. May, Cobb, line, remained at St Tho mas Blst ticlir Jas Martin, Harding, from Providence for Phila delphia, sailed from Newport 2.311 inst. ship. Brkwriglit, ashore south of the Highlands, has been mov,il live feet. Ifer cargo of salt has been die. ebargid is good otdef, she is perfectly it ht, nod CAA Merritt, underwriters' agent, expects to get her off with the first spring tide. Sax A N. Bartlett, from Boston for Bogus, lost on No Name Key, Abaco, sas built at Sullivan in 1858, and, though hailingfrom Boston, wa, owned by paitiea at the eastward and in San Ntauoisco. The V ti stoop•of-war Pensacola, from Fortress Mon roe, bowel South. grounded at 4,b: o'clock on the morn ing of the 4th inst. on Ledherry Reef. ehi the 6th they were lighting ship, and expected to be afloat by noon on the 7th. LEGAL. TN THE COURT OF COMMON PLEAS FOR THE CITY AND COUNTY OF PM LADELPHIA. The. Auditor appointed by the court, Bur petition of 11. HOLME6 et al., to state an account of the [llllollllt due by ROBERT K. SCOTT, Trustee of Al -1101.31108, awl ELIZA, his mite, to the said trust estate, and to report distribution of the balance in his hands, will meet the parties interested, for the purposes of his appointment, at his office, No. 829 ARCH Street, on MONDAY, March 3. 1862. at 4 o'clock P. M. fel9-wfm 61* EDWARD HOPPER., Auditor. TN TIIF, ORPHANS' COURT FOR I N TILE CITI AND COUNTY OF PIIILNDELPIIIk. Estate of ISAAC W. 3.100 R E, deceased Tne Auditor appointed by the Court to audit, softie, and adjust the account of. GEORGE GILLINGHAM and RICHARD S. 'MOORE, Administrators of the Es tate of ISAAC W. MOORE, deceased, and to make dis tribution of the balance ' hereby gives notice that he will attend ix, the.Aluties of kis appointment op yptipAy, March 4, A. D, 1862, at 1 o'clock P. DI., ut his oltico, southeast corner of SIXTH and WALNUT Streets, Phi ladelphia. i[fe2ifrmw-st] D. W. O'BRIEN.. Auditor. ESTATE OF JOHN POTTER, 1)E -CEAE.ED.-34ettere Testamentary upon the Estate of. JOHN POTTER, deceased, having been ffranted by the Register of. Wills of the city and county of Phibulel. Olio to the undersigned, all persons indebted to said Es tate are requested to make payment, and those haying claims to present the same for settlement to STEPHEN A. CA.LD ffELL, 1112 GIRARD Street. HENRY C. P.....TTER, 425 MARKET Street, Executors. Or to their Attorney-, JOHN B. CHAPRON, ja27-e 6t 204 South FIFTH Street. - pHILADELPIIIA, FEBRUARY i 9, 1562.--NOTIUE IS HEREBY GIVER, That writa of noire faciee will he issued upon the follo wing, claims, at the expiration of three months from the date hereof, unless the same are previously paid to the undersigned, at his office, No. 520 WALNUT Street, in the city of Philadelphia The city of Philadelphia, to the use of James McOlos key, vs. James Stroud, owner, &c. D. C., March T., 1860. No. 3. Claim for $518.16, for curbing and paving in front of a lot of ground on the N. D. corner of Thirty fifth and Aspen streets, Twenty-fourth ward. Same vs. Thomas Bracken, owner, &c. Com. Plane, March T„ 1860. No. 19: Claim for $60.90, for curbing and paving in front of a lot of ground on the oast side of Thirty-fifth street, Twenty-fourth ward, 155 feet north of Sycamoro street. STEPHEN BENTON, lel9-want.Attorney fOt Ciahnant, PRRSCOTT'S NAVY REVOLVERS. Large Stock of Prescott's NAVY 4.inch and B•inch Revolvers. Superior in every respect to any other PISTOL introduced. COMPRISING STRENGTH, GENTILITY, ACTION, and ECONOMY Or, in other words, containing all the excellencies of COLT'S, SMITH & WESTON'S, and ALLEN & WHEELOC'S, concentrated in one instrument, thereby making this PISTOL the most formidable weapon ever offered for sale. Tito lottOpi atEgoottraent of llariridgeo over offered in the city of Waßhinglon, adapted to all CARTRIDGE PISTOLS.` A very fine asaortment of GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES, Imported by Fellow Si Co., N.. 17 Maiden Lane, New - fork, morosely for the Retail Trade. A very fine assortment of Ladies' and Renta l _ _ _ DRESSING CASES. G. A. STARNWEATHER, NATI9NAL HOTEL, WASHINGTON, D. C fel9-1m UNITED STATES PATENT OF.. FM, WASHINGTON. February 14, 1861. On the petition of EDWARD SPAIN, of Philadelphia, Pa., pra)ing for the extension of a patent granted to him on the 16th day of May, 1848, for an improvement in CHURNS, for seven years from the expiration of said patent, which takes place on the 16th day of MAY, 1862, It is ordered that the said petition he heard at the Pa tent Office, on MONPAY I tho 254 . 1/ Mit of APRIL next. at V. o'clock al. and an persons aro notified to appear and show cause, if any they have, why said petition ought Oct to be granted. Persons opposing the extension are required to file in the Patent Office their objections, specially set forts in %stickr., at least twenty days before the day of hearing; all testimony filed by either party, to bo need at the said hearing, omit be taken and transmitted in areordanco with the rain of the office, which will be furnished on application. Ihe testimony in the case will be closed on the 14th day of APRIL next ;.depositions, and other papers re lied upon as testimony, must be filed in the office on or be fore tie morning of that day i arguments, if any, within ten days thereafter. Ordered, also, that this notice be published in the Na tional Ilepublican, Washington, D. C., and Philadelphia Press, Philadelphia, Pft., once a week for three BUCCei dive weeks; the first of said publications to be at least sixty days previous to the day of bearing. D. P. HOLLOWAY, Commissioner of Patents. P. S. Editora nf the abtme mom kr,lease.opr, and send their bills to the Patent Office, with a raper contaix leg this rotice. fel9-w3t NOTRIE.—We the subscribers, have this day entered into a Limited Partnership, agreeably to the provisions of the act of Assembly, pass ed the first day of Starch, 1836, entitled aAn act rela tive to Limited Partnerships," and the awypiorriente there, to, and do hereby certify that the name of the firm under which said partnershipis to be conducted, is t‘ EDWARD M. NEEDLES;" that the general nature of the business to be transacted is the purchase and sale of Fancy Dry Goods, and other linsinesas incident thereto, aad the same will be transacted in the city of Philadelphia; that the name of the general partner of said firm is Edward M. Needles, residing in the cityt of Philadelphia, at No. 1123 Mount Vernon street, and the name of the genial partner is Thomas J. Alegear, also residing in the city of Philadelphia, at No. 141 Arch street; that the capital contributed by the said Thomas J. Megear, special part ner, is five thousand dollars, iu cash; that the period a which the said partnership is to commence is the first day of February, one thousand einkt hundred and sixty two, and that it will terminate on the thirty-first day of January, one thousand eight hundred and sixty-five. EDWARD N. NEEDLES, General Partner, THOMAS J. MEGEAR, Special Partner. PUMA DELPHIA, Feb. 1, 1862. fe3 m-7t COTTON SAIL DUCK AND CAN- N./ TAB, of all umbels and brands. Raven's Duck Awning Twills, of all descriptions, for Tents, Awnings, Trunks, and Wagon Covers. Also, Paper Manufacturers' Drier Felts, from Ito 3 feet wide. Tarpauling, Belting, Sail Twine, &c. ,„JOB el . W. EVERIIAN & CO., kny4-41 102 lONS'S Alloy. CARBON AND COAL OILS.-50,000 GALLONS now In store or delivered in Pittsburg. For sole by WILLIAM FL WILSON, IP - Special contracts made with shippers for Oita deli verrd at the wells or at any Atlantic pan, "glass Lined" barrels. fe22• tf RAISINS. -300 boxes Layer Raisins • 800 half boxes Layer Raisins; 800 boxes M B Bunch Raisins; 800 half boxes M B Bunch Raiidna. New and choice fruit, now landing and for sale by MURPHY ,t 4 KOONS, iier-ff No. 148 NORTH WHARYIIIB. SHOVELS AND SPADE% A MANWFIOTURSR, CORNER OF BREAD AND clumsy STERwm haft-Arn* 11nl. Arai and. Race, and Second and . Third. Two, HUNDRED THOUSAND PIECES OF MUSIC at one cent per page. Up stairs, over MARSH'S MUSIp STORE, 1102 CHEST UT &Mot, fe2l.7t* QOURKROUT FOR SALE.-27 bar p•-.1 role beet quality. Apply to 425 MARKET Street. fe2B-6t* O. A. WILDMAN. LESLIE'S GINGER WINE: _ILA Leslie's StornaclL Bitters. Vineyard Pro. Co. Cognac Sole agents, fe25.3t PRUNES. -French Prunes, in kegs and boxes, in Store and fur sale by RHODES ,t, WILLIARS, fe2s 107 South WATER Street. ORANGES AND LEMONS—Uhoice Messina Fruit, in dare and for sale by RHODES Sr WILLIAMS, 1025 107 South WATER. Street. LA RD .—A consignment of pure Jersey and Western Lard, in small kegs, just received and fur sale by .11110 RES & W11,1:1&1111, fe2s 107 South WATER Street. WHITE FISH.-145 half bbla. No. Whit. tbh, for wile by O. O. SADLER & fan 1l) ATOM Stmt. 2.1 don,. othavo 'rant. PILL-HEAD PRINTINGjAS T BILL-HEAD sad °hs in lb. 43h7, giFSEXGWALT • BROWN I 6. South TIMID Bind. NOD EM=MTJ=r3 J. M. LESLIE CO., 138 &mat FRONT Street FOR SALE AND TO LET. EN TO BENT A Desirablo HOUSE, .ar BROAD and WALNUT. AU modern COThlltm Iliollool. Riturvlng °lnez. Porunnro for nolo, if do aired. Apply to. E. PETTIT, ja2141 1423 WALNUT Street. di HOTEL PROPE[tTY FOR BALE by the mulmeriber, at woormuny, New Jetwer, now iloiDg a 000 d bilaiftesa. Postiostiloll glytll Nt all 7 time. iaao-Im* JOI1L( P. PII.I.I'PS. gig FOR SALE—A Desirable FARM, containing 95 acres of aaporior land, near Sanity Bun Station, North Ponnaylvania Railroad, with Oral clam Stone buildings. Principal part of the pnrchsee. money can remain at Ep per cont. apply to E PETTIT.' Al N 0.209 WALNUT Street. FOR SALE, CHEAT—Valuable FILER', Macros, near Williamstown, Camden co., New Jersey, will' good improvements. only twenty-eight miles from the City. Aloo, several Farms to my:lmage. Price only $O,OOO. Term easy_ Apply to E. PETTIT, No. 309 WALNUT S reet. feB g 30,00 0 PEACH TRPI--- ESONE year's growth from tho bud, choice fruit, and very ftu trees—will he sold cheap. Apply to fol-tf J. 11. WATERS, 110 S. VOITRTH St I'OR BALE, CHEAP-Two fine Fruit Farms near Dover, Delaware, convenient to Railroad Statical, with good improvements. Terms easy. Possession this spring. Apply to E. PETTIT, No 309 WALNUT Street. IS TiloE SALE - AND EXCANGE IT A largo Lumber of }Parma In the adjololog WWI - States of Delaware, Maryland, New York, and New Jersey, averaging from 10 to 200 acres of land. Thou wishing to exchange or purchase would do well to call end examine my Register of Farms. Apply to ja.l-tf R. VET TIT. No. 309 WAGNTIT Street VAR U FOR BiILE.—A FARM, in . .112 excellent state of cultivation, containing fifty-on, acres, (nine of which are woodland,) pleasantly situated in Limerick township, fdonti,vongery county, two and a half guiles from the Limerick station, on the &Mina Railroad, is offered for sate. Price—Five thousand del , lase (55,000). Apply on the premises. nole-tf SAMVET, , H.. E 14477, COPARTNERSHIP NOTICES POliT RICHMOND IRON WORKS. —COPARTNERSHIP NOTICE. -- JOHN S. TOWNE, formerly of the firm of Merrick ,ot Tommy, h.s become a member of the firm of I. P. MORRIS A CO , to bike effect from and after the let of January, 1862. Isaac P. Morrie withdraws from active participa tion in the conduct of the business. The title of the now firm ie I. P. - MORRIS, TOWNE, & CO. ISAAC P—MOBBIS, LEWIS TAWS, JOHN J. THOMPSON, fell JOHN IL TOWNE. 'THE UNDERSIGNED have formed JL a Copartnership, under the firm of JaURETWIZ k LAVERGNE, for the transaction of a general Com mission and Importing business, at 202 and 204 South FRONT Street. P. JAUEEKVIIE fee-im. F. TJAYEEONE. COPARTNERSHIP BAEL MORRIS this day retires from our firm. Hie eons, THEODORE 11. MORRIS and FREDERICK W. MORRIS, are admitted as partners; and the bnal- DOW Will be Coutinuel ss here Wore. MORRIS, WHEELER, a CO., Iron Merchants, HOS MARKET Street. Philadelphia, Dec. 81. 1881. • - ial-tf MEDICINAL. G LUTEN CAPSULES PURE cop-EnEa OIL. • The repugnance of most patients to COD-LIVER OIL, and the inability of many to take it at all, has in duced various forms lof disgutoo for it asiminiotration that are familiar to the Medical Profession. Some of them answer in special cases, but more often thelveldele neutralizes the usual effect of the Oil, proving quite as unpalatable and of less therapeutic value. The repug nance, nausea, Au., to invalids, induced by disgust of the Oil, is entirely obviated by the use of our CAPSULES. COD-LIVER OIL CAPSULES have been much need lately in Europe, the experience there of the good‘'re stilts front their use in both hospital and private practice, aside from the naturally suggested advantages, are suf ficient to warrant our claiming the virtues we do for them, feeling assured their use will result in benefit and deserved favor. Prepared by WYETH & BROTHER, 1412 W AlaillT Street, Philadelphia MUTTER'S COUGH . SYRUP. COPY-RIGHT SECITRED Prepared only from the Original Prescription of the late PROFESSOR MUTT /CR. AT FREDERICK BROWN'S, Northeast corner of FIFTN and thIES'iIiIIT Street% Philadelphia. This Remedy is a safe and simple preparation from the receipt of the late distinguished Professor Nutter, with whom it was a favorite prescription. That he used it in his extensive. practice, insures to the timid a certain proof of its Mire and irmovious elements, and to those who know his character for skill and 'careful attention, to prescribe only such remedial agents as should secure restoration without producing subsequent evil, it will be welcomed as a real good. Under the guidance of a Phy. sieian (to whom its combination will unhesitatingly be made known), it will always be found very beneficial, and in eases where a medical Melees is not at hand, it may be used with safety, according to the directions, in all cases 0 f short or long duration. Nor sale at ' FREDERICK BROWN'S, Drug and Chemical Store, N. E. corner of FIFTH and CHESTNUT Ste., ocl9-sdm 6m Philadelphia. QPERMATORRHEA.-ONE TO SIX P...J Boxes of a, WINCHESTER'S BPEOIFIO PILL" will permanently cure any case of Seminal Weakness, or its resulting impotency, however aggravated, and whether recently developed or of long standing. READ THE TESTIMONY We believe it to be as near a specific as any medi cine can be. We have curet] many mere epics with from BIX TO TIGN llot3Eii. "P. KEITH, M. D." Amer. Jour. of Ned. Science Price $1 per box •, six boxes for $5. Sent by mail, Sold only by S. O. UPHAM, 403 CHESTNUT Street, sole agent for Philadelphia. Trade supplied. no2T-afm3m CONSUMPTION. WINCHESTER'S genuine preparation of DR. J. F. oramoni - Lve HYPOPHOSPRITES OF LINE AND SODA, A Specific Remedy for the treatment of CONSUMPTION. The great success which has attended the nee of the Hypopbosrbitee is creating a very general Inquiry, not only among the medical profession, but also among the thousands who are suffering from Pulmonary Disease. In ail Nervous or Scrofulous Complaints, Debility, Lon of VITIL Powitx, Dyspepsia, Indigestion, and Female Weaknesses, it is a sovereign and invaluable re medy. Price $l, or six bottles for E 5, with fall directions, Circulars may be obtained by all inquirers. Bold whole sale and retell, by S. C. UPHAM, 403 CHESTNUT Sinai, Bole agent for Philadelphia. Trade aayylled. n027-wfm3m BROWN'S ESSENCE JAMAICA GINGER, Manufactured only at FRE OBRIPIC. BROWN'S DRUG AND CHEMICAL STINCS, 24orilteset corner of !MT B . and Oa &STRUT Streets, PHILADELPHIA Attention is called to this valuable remedy which should be in every family, and for the Army and Navy it is in dispensable. curing affections of the stomach and bowels, and is a curtain preventive from the effects of bad water. CAUTION —To prevent this valuable EsEamee from being counterfeited, a new Steel Engraving: executed at great cost, will be found on the outside of the wrapper, in order to guard the purchaser against being imposed upon by worthless imitations. And sold by all respectable Druggists in the United States. fos rfrra-Rm DIEPFRITIT,—Bright new half and raised Peaches. Choice New York State Apples. Choice New York State Blackberriee. New Ohio Apples, part sliced, in white bags. In store and for by MMODMS ,t _WILLIAMS, rein-a 107 South WATER Street. DRIED APPLES.-66 awake new Western Dried Apples; 7 bble new Western Dried Apples. Just received and in store For sale by 21IIRPHY h HOONB, ia74/ No.lGt NORTH wilAjtvirp. riIERRAPINS ; OYSTERS STEWED J. AND FRIED, AND CHICKEN lotion Cards and other notices will be distributed in all ales of the city, with punotnallty. The undersigned is at all times prepared to present, for the inspection of Ladies and Gentlemen, a ILA of the things necessary fora large or email entertainment, as the MO may be, thereby avoiding all ammonia', Drofnelon and waste ; and Batters himself, that by his long expo. deuce in Dimwits, he will be able at all times to give, II heretofore, entire satisfaction to all who favor him with their pat ronage. HENRY JONES. Caterer, No. 250 South TWELFTH Street, above SPUME. A NTI-FRICTION METAL, Superior Quality, For sale by JAMES YOCOM, Js., DRINKER'S ALLEY, 1613-2m , * Bet. Front and Second. Race and &rob sta. " - LUCIFER" OIL WORKS. _L.. 100 Bbls. " Lucifer" Burning Oil on hand. We guarantee this oil to be non-explosive, to burn all the oil in the lamp with a steady, brilliant flame, with.mt crusting the wick, and but slowly. Obis. lined with glass enamel. WRIGHT. SMITH, Pa &MALL. ft..21-tf Office Zl5 BLittitET Eitraot. Q. Z. GOTTWALS 3 No. 812 SPRING • GARDEN St., has nos on hand a lot every choice ROLL BUTTER, which he is soiling very cheap. lie receives Butter daily from some of the best dairies in the country' hence he has it always fresh. All who wish to get good Butter, and cheap withal, have here an excel. lent opportunity. .fe2l 'HANGING VASES. 11 Ornamental Flower Pots. Parlor Vases for Growing Flower.. Baskets for Jardinlers. Pedestals with Vaso for Flower& Anthills Vases for ldratels. Vaeee Renaissance for Parlor. Rustic and Terra Gotta Vases. Lava Flower Pots and Vases. Garden Vases and Pedestals. Brackets for Baste and Figure& With- a great variety of articles imitable for Ohrist.• ass presents, for sale retail e 414 tcp trwle. Wareroonui 1010 OHNSTNITT Street, Pbtladel➢ata. dell B. A. HARBISON. E NGLISH ENCAUSTIC TILES FOR FLOW/S.—Minton% Tiles for vestibules, halls, alllll6E-1 . 000214 IleerthS, sod for public bulging' of every kind, as laid in the Capitol at Washington, and in many churches, stores, banks, lintels, and dwellings, in every part of the country. Patterns, connicreed of Buff Bed, and Black, 32c per umere foot•, with Blue, Green, or White introduced, 24c to 26e per foot. Lithographio de rips nut by nigh on aPlSicatiOt S. A. HARR SW& Imparter, 1524 No.lolo MINSTNOT street. C HEESE AND BUTTER.—Prune Herkimer County Cheese. Alec, Choice Geehen Sutter. COhOtßiii/F received, and for polo by SHOD - F.B ft WILLIAMS, fel& tf 107 South WATER Street. L.AILD AND GREASE.-50 tierces J-41 prime Leaf lard; 60 tierces Whits Grease, Direct from the Weet, and in store. Per late by MURPHY A ROON9, No. 1411 NORTH WHATIVIIS IF YOU WANT GOOD BUTTER, go .1 to S. B. GOTTWALS', No. SU SPRING GARVER Street. ta3l-tf HERO .- 1NG195 bble. No. 1 Her ring, for sale by O. 0. SADLER & 00., teB 108 ARON Shoot, 3d door &bor. rmot c,,IIIEEP AND GOAT SKINS.—A small invoice of Sheep and Cleat Skins for sae by JAUSETCHE & LATSUGNS, fe2l 202 and. 204 South PkONT Stri;ot, INSURANCE COMPANIES. D ELAWARE MUTUAL SAFETY INSURANCE COMP (y iNCORIORATED BY TUE LEWSLATURE OF A.ICN N SYLVANIA, 1835. OFFICE S. E. CORNER THIRD • AND WALNUT STREETS PHIL ADELPLIIA. MARINE INSURANCE, ON VESSELS, CARGO, To atl Parts of the World. INLA D INSURANCES On Goods, by Rivers Canals, Lakes, and Land Carriages to all oarts of the Union. FIRE INSURANCES On Merchandise generally. On Storee, ikvniiinw homel ad ke. ASSET* OF TUN (.10/NPAN NOY. 1, 1861. rain. own.. 2100,000 United States Fivo per cent. Loan. 0100.250 00 50,000 United States Six per coat. Tres- Bury Notes 49,995 27 26,000 United Statue Seven and Three tenths per cent. Treasury Notes 26.000 00 100,000 State of Pennsylvania Five per cent. Loan 89,101 25 123,060 Philadelphia City Six par cent. Loan. 119,448 17 89,000 State of Tennessee Five per cent. Loan. ..... . . 24,076 00 20,000 Pennsylvania Railroad, let Mort gage Six per cent. Bonds.. 03,000 00 b 0 ,090 P 01 401'751110 Railroad, 211 Nod. gage Six per cent. Bonds 46,130 MI 15,000 300 Shares Stock Germantown Gas Company, principal and interest guarautied by the City of Phi ladelphia • 14,587 60 6,000 100 Shares Stock Pennsylvania Railroad Company 6,000 00 Bins receivable for insurances made......, 90,;30 . 07 Bonds and Mortgages T 5,000 00 Real Estate 61,383 36 Balances due at Agencies—Premiums on Marine Policies, Int...west, and other Debts due the Company Beri4o and Stork of sundry Insurance and other Companies, sl2,s43—ostimated ya ws Cash on hand—ln Banks In Drawer DIBSCTOBB. sanmtl. stitt% J. F. ronigrOn, Henry Sloan, .1C(1 ward Darlington, H. Jones Brooke, Spencer M'llvaine, ITbumaoJ. Hand, Robertßurton, William Martin, Edmund A. bowler, Theophilna Pauhimg, John E. Penrose, John G. Davis James Traquair, William Eyre, Jr., Junin C. Band. Jac o b P. Joutel Junes ti. McFarland, Joshua P. Ere, William C. Ludwig, Joaaph Fig Oral, Dr. R. M. laugtork, IJohn B. Semple, Pittsburg, D. T. Morgan, Pittsburg, A. B. Berger Pittsburg. MARTIN, Pinsident. George G. Leiper, Hugh Oraig, Oharlea WILLIAM THOMAS 0. HAND, Vice Preeident. HENRY LYLBURN I Secretary. - isl4-tf THE R.ELIANOR MUTUAL INBURANOM OOMPAMT, Or IMILADILMELL, OFFION No. 800 . WALNUT OTNNET, Easuree againak LOM OE 'DAMAGE BY tIB OR ROLM% Stores, and other buildings, Mated or perpetual, and on Furniture, Goods, Wares, and Mer chandise. In town or country. OA= 0AP1T24 4 , e23I,IIO.OO—ABUTO 1817,14104, Which le invested as follows, In drat mortgage on city property, worth doable the amount sumo 00 Pennsylvania Railroad Co.'s 0 per cent Mel mortgage loan, at par 1,000 00 Pennsylvania Railroad Co.'s 6 per cent, se cond mortgage loan, ("30,000) 27,000 00 'Huntingdon and Broad Ton Railroad and Canal Co.'s mortgage knut 4,000 00 Ground rent, first-class 2,489 60 masters] loans, well mimed 9,600 00 City of Philadelphia 6 per cent loan 80,000 00 Allegheny County 6 per cent. Pa. RR. loan. 10,000 00 Commercial Bank stock 6,186 01 Mechanics' Bank stock 3,812 60 Pennsylvania ILAlli , i66/1 Cola stook 4,00 00 The Bahama Mutual Insurance Co.'s stook. 16,360 00 The County Vire Insurance Co.'s stock 1.050 00 The Delaware Si. S. Insurance Co.'s stook.. 700 00 Union Mutual Insurance Co.'s scrip 880 00 Sills receivable 14,802 14 hook accounts, accrued interest, Ac .7,10406 Oash on hand.. 11,544 64 11817,1411 DI The Minnal principle, combined with the security of is Stock Capital, entitles the in sured to participate in th e PROFITS of the Company, without liability for LOSORI• Lessee promptly adjusted an d paid. DIDEOTOBB. Samuel Elephant, Robert Stem, William Musser, Benz. W. Tingley, biarahall Hill, J. Johnson Brown. (lharles Leland, Jacob T. Bunting, &Pith Bowen, • John Bissell, Pittabors, iM TINBILBY, Precedent. tlienk Tingley, William /4, Th9)411011. rrederick Brown, Wißlaze Stevenson, John R. Worrell, Z. L. Carson, Robert Toland, G. D. liosengarten t Vhigiee S. Wood, James 0. Woodward, QLE Z. M. MINOIIIIIAN, eleorerar Veterinary 16.1881. pACRANGE INSURANCE COM JUJ PANP—Odice, M. 400 W &LITUT titreet. Fire Immrance on Homes, and Merchandise nemerally, on favorable terms, either Duoited or Perpetual. DIRECTORS. Jeremiah Bonsall, Thomas Marsh, John Q. Ginmado, Charles Thompson, Edward D. Roberts, James T. Hale, Sekamel 0. 'Smedley, Joshua T. Owen. Saaben O. Hale, John J. Griffiths. JEREMIAH BONSALL, President. JOHN Q. GINHODO. vies PresidemL 11011.11 001. Secretary "INSURANCE CU ANY OF THE STATE OF PEENSYLVAMA.—OFFICE No/, and 5 EXCHANGE BUILDINGS, North We or WEI,. NUT Street, between DOCK end THIRD Streets. Mae delphis. NOORPORATED In 1794--OHARTER PERPETUAL. CAPITAL, $200,000. PROPERTIES OF THE COMPANY, FEBRUARY L 1861. 6007,094.61 AND INLAND TBANOPORTA. UWE% 711114. TION INSUBANON. DreZOTOllB. Hem" D. Sherrerd, Samuel Grant, Jr., Oharlee Maca'eater, Tobias Wagner, William E. Smith, Thomas B. Watteon, Jan B. Austin, Henry G, Freeman, winiam R. Whits, Charles 8. Lewis, Georgo H. Stuart, George 0. Carson, Edward . Knight. HENRY D. ORDRR.ERD, Dreddent. WILLMIII RAIPER. 8001134817. i799-ff THE ENTERPRISN INSURANCE COMPANY OP PNILADELPIELL (FIRE INSURANCE EXCLUSIVELY.) COMPANY'S BUILDING, d. W. CORNER WOMB= AND WALNUT STREETS. DLSECTORO, MOraf)Chl L. DOW3OII, Gee. B. Stuart, Johu.H. Brown B. A. 'Wiliest°Ar., Andrew D. 'Nall, J. L. Erringer. ORD STABS. President. F. Ratehfoie& Blass William McKee, Mare Frazier John ht. Atwood, Beni T. Treglick, Maury Wharton, F. BATCH UIIEIM W. Ooze. Soon FIRE INSURANCE. MECHANICS' INSUBABON 00111Prati OF PRILADIMPLEIA, No. tas North OMT/18i:rest, below Race, Insure Buildings, Goode, and Merchandlee from Lore or Damage by Fire- The Company gem early to adjust all Lessee pronip#7, end thereby bow to merit the patronage of the public. DEBECTOki, Robert Flanigan, Michael McGee", gdward McGovern, Thelma B. McCormick, John Bromley, Francis Falls. John (`aesedy, Bernard 11.1FInhamilint, Charles Clare, Michael Cahill. 000PI411. President pow William Morgan, Francis Cooper, George L. Dougherty, Yemen Marlin, James Dnrwl, Matthew McAleer, Bernard Rafferty, Themes J. Hemphill, Thomas Fisher, Francis If Off RDAS, Bssraan Bateasrt. ANTHRACITE INS CHANCE COMPANY. Authorized Capital *400,000 CHARTER PNIIPETIIAL. Office No. 311 WALNUT Street, between Third and fourth Streets, Philadelphia. Thie company will insure against loss or damage by fire, on Buildings, furniture, and Ilerehandhis pne- Also, Morino Insurances on Tomols, ()argon, and Try Wits. Inland Insurance to on ports of She Union. . . . DLRECTOBS. Delis Pearson, Peter Sieger, 3. E. Bantu. Wm. V. Dann, John &Wham, JA ISMER, Preteldea. DIAN, Vioe Preeldent. avB-* William Esher, D. Luther, Lewis endeuried, John 11. Blekieton, Joseph Elsagehh WELL WK. W. X. Slam Secretary. FIRE INSURANCE EXCLUSIVE -I,ll.—The PENNELYLVANU. rum rwsuasorcrs QMPANY. Incorporated 1825. °HAWSE PER. PBTUAL. No. IRO WALNUT Street, oapaelte fiviettend wee Square. We Company, favorably known to the oomanuirly foe shirty Alin years, continue.) to Insure against Loee or Da mage by Fire, on public or private Buildings, oither per manently or for • limited time. Also. on Furniture, docks Goode, or neS9l4fifl4lll, sentiallYt on Merit WOMB. . Their Clapihd, together with a large Minato Pond, kg Wrested in the moat careful monner, which enables thee to offer to the Insured an undoubted security hi the me of lam. . . DIBLOTOIIB. Jonathan Patterson, Thomas Robins, lanintin Corollate% Daniel Smith, Jr., Alexander Benson, John Dsverenx, WNlem Illoutenus, Thomas Smith. Lase Hariehnrst, JONATHAN WILLIAM G. Oadvrrimt.. AMERICAN FIRE INSURANCE IJOMPANT. Incorporated 1810. CIHAILTHII PERPETUAL. No.Blo WALNUT Sheet, above Third. Philadelphia.- Having a large paid-up Oapttal Stook and Burping, ht. voted In sound and available Securities, continues to Insure= Dwellings, Stores, Furniture, Illercnsucthie, Vet* eels In port and their Cargoes, and other Penionni Pre. party. .All Lopata Liberally and promptly wijuated. • DlRinrrone. Thomas R. Maria, James H. Uanaptiell, John Welsh, Edmund 3. Dntilh, Samuel 0. Morton, Obarlea W. Poultuer, Patrick Brady,lsrael Morris. Jan T. Lew is, TRORAR B. ALIBI% Trodden& ALBUM 0. L. OILEW/011D. Secretary. remo CHARLES S. CARSTAIRS, NO. 125 WALNUT STREET, (Late of tbe firm of J A URETCHE CARSTAIRS,) OFFERS FOR SALE COONAO BRANDIES, of the ltrende of ohtnyere, Pinet, Catfillion, Otard. Denny, 8.7 c. ROCHELLE BRANDlES—Pellevoisin and A. Seig nette. BORDEAUX BRANDY-3 J. Dimity. CLARET, in casks and cases, of the brands of Haut Brien, St. 3tuten, f‘hoteau Slargeux. PGRT WINE—De Muller, Alicante, and Senecas. MADRIRA WINE—OId and New, of various brands. SHERRY WINE— do do do 1111AMPAG1910, of various brands. • WHITE WINE VINEGAR, &a., Ac. fe2o-12t riIORTOISE SE ELL.— A few boxes of A- Tortoise Shell for sale by JAIIRETCHE ,4 LAVERGNE, fe2l 202 and 204 South FRONT Street. BEST QUALITY ROOFING SLATE always on hand and for sale at Union Wharf. 1451 BEACH Street, Kensington. T. THOMAS, my 7-17 217 weLturr Street. Philadelphia. VIVID BBLS. Prime Fresh Roll But ter Ad received and for sale at 8. Z. GOTT WALE'', No. 812 SPRING GARDEN Street. fe2l DROOMOORN, HANDLES, TWINE ; -UP &o.; Brooms, Buckets, &c., for sale by G. B. BLAKISTON, Commission Merchant, hawarn 22 Breetb W STIR Wrest S 0 L - D lERS SEAMEN'S, AND WIDOWS' PENSIONS, Pay, Bounty, Prize Mo. ney, &c., prmured by JOHN H. FH,ION, Pension Agent, Notary Public, and Coiandiodonor for tbo elates, No. 223 HOOK Street. fe2l.6t* POUND BUTTER, FRESH FROM the eetdry, received dal) , at the 6 .oheap Store,' 116. Yl2 spgnlCl CARDEN Street. i4l-tt 1862. THE CAPACITY OF TIIE B.OAD IS NOW EQUAL TO ANY IN THE COUNTRY. THE GREAT Bill - MT LINN TO THE WEST. Facilities tor the transportation of passengers to and from Pittsburg, Cincinnati, Chicago, St. Louis, St. Paul, Nashville, Memphis, New Orleans. and all other towns in the West, Northwest, and Southwest, are unsurpassed for speed and comfort by any other route. Stooping and =eking Cara on all the trains. THE EXPRESS EUNB DAILY; Mail mud Past Line Sunday!! excepted, Mail Train leaves Philadelphia .. . ... 8.00 A. M. Fast Line L. " ..... .....11.30 A. M. Express Train.. .4 . ....... ....10.30 P. M. Parkeslmrg Accommodation leaves Phila. at.. 12.30 P. M. Harrisburg " LC 2.30 P. M. Lancaeter. 4. .. .. 4.00 P. M. West Chester passengers will take the Mall Train, the Perkenhiirg Accommodation, and the Lancaster Accom modation. Passengers for Banbury, Williamsport, Elmira, Buf falo, Niagara Falls, and intertnediate points, leaving Philadelphia at 8 A. M. and 2.30 P. M., go directly through. For farther Information apply at the Passenger Sta tion, B. N. corner of 411Filrlf,NTi/ find,. MARKET Streets. By this route freights of all descriptions can be for. warded to and from any point on the Railroads of Ohio, Kentucky, Indiana, Illinois, Wi.consin, lowa, or His. sour;, by railroad diriet, or to any port on the naviga ble rivers of the West, by steamers fret'. Pittsburg. The rates of freight to and from any point in the. West by the Po:amyl-F.ld* BaiirOlifl, an, at all times, as fit amble its ars charged by itailroad Companion. Merchants and shippers entrusting the transportation of their freight to this Company, can rely with confidence on its speedy transit. For freight contracts or shipping dtrecSons apply to or address the Agents of the Company. S. 11. KINGSTON, Se., Philmelplila. A. STEWART, Pittsburg. CLARKE' & Co., Chieop,o. LEECH & Co., No. I Astor House, or No. I South Willitun street, New York. LEECH & CO., No. 77 Washington street, Boston. MAGRAW & KOONS, Ito. 80 North street, Baltimore, . H. 1.1. HOUSTON, Gen't Freight Agent. Phila. L. L. HOCPT, Gen'l Ticket Agent, Pbita. ENOPI! LIIW Genii Soul. Altoona 48,181 97 . . 4,038 00 . 03 517'33 61,815 88 $868,k14 87 PATTERSON, Preddent. awl RAILROAD Lir on. DIRE PENNSYLVANIA. CENTRAL RAILROAD. THE GREAT Doirnix TRAM ROUTE. ialso._ 1862. NORTH 1 - 11NN8rid. VARIA RAILROAD. you !MTH LICHEN, DOYLESTOWN, It A UOH DRUNK, HAZI,NTON, EASTON. Noxicia. ka WINTER ARRANOEMENT. SEIRgE TRRQU4IU TRAINd. On 004 altar MONDAY, NOVEMBER 4, 1261, Pas senger Tratas will leave FRONT and WILLOW Streets, Philadelphia, daily,(Sundays exeepted,) as follows: At 6.40 A. rd.,(Express,) for Bethlehem, Allentown, Manch Chunk, Eazleton, At 2.46 P. M., (Expross,) for Bethlehem, gaston do. .This tram reaches Easton at P. M., sad makes ! ,10 ga 0N1A0 1 931 With Use New Jersey Onkel for New fork.' At Lee P. N., for Bethlehem, Allehtowa. Mena • wilt, &c. At 9 A. N. and 4 P. M., for Doylestown. At 6 P. M., for Fort Wftahluigton. The 6.40 A. M. Entornint Train make. close connection Witti llottigh Yaller Bailroad et Betblehentu boing the ehorteet and moot desirable route to all points in the Lehigh coal region. TRAINS FOR PHILADELPHIA. imore Bethlnborn at 7.07 A. M., 9.28 A. M., and LW r. M. 'eave Doylestown at 8.30 A. D. and 8.20 D. DI. 7OBYO Fort Washington at 8.150 A. X. ON SllNDAYB—Plailadeloblo for Fort Watlahagton at 9.80 a.. M. Ptdlattelphia for Doylestown at 4 P. M. Doylestown for Philadelphia at I' A. M. Fort Washington for Philadelphia at 2.45 P. N. Fare to Bethlehetu....lll.so ( f are to Mauch Ohnnk.ll3.lo rare so Beaton 1.50 Through Tiekate tenet pi.drea at the Tteloti Ofilceu, at WILLOW Street, or BRUM Street, In order co secure the above rates of faro. All Passenger Trains (except Bandar Trains) connect at Berke street with the Fifth and Sixth streets, and Se oond and 'Third-streets Passenger Railroad* twenty mi nutes attar leaving Willow street. no 4 RLLIB MARK, &gent, WINTER AR RANGEMINT.—PMILADNL. i'lll.e. WILMINGTON, AND DALTTMOBIN RAIL (LOAD. Oa sad after MONDAY, JAN. 8, 1882 E E. - am Pr 1 . I. P.r , Forßaltimore at 3.30 A. M., 8.15 A. M., nes A. M., (Integre). And 11.0 P. M. For Chanter at 8.15 A. M., 11.86 A. M., 8.46 and 11. Q P. M. For Wihnington nt 3.30 M., 8.15 A. 3L, 11.35 A. M., 3.45 and 11.00 P. M. For New Lisette at 8.15 A. M. and 8.45 P. M. For Dover at 8.15 A. M. and 8.45 P. M. for Milford et 8.15 A. N. For Saliabttry at 0.15 A. M. TRAINS FOR PHILADELPHIA: Leave Baltimore at 8.80 A. M. (Exprese), 1.06 P. N. (Egpreas), 6.20, and 7 P. M. (Ex:areas). Leave Wilmington at 7.80 and 31.88 A. M., 6.16, 8.46, and 9.60 P. M. Leave lialleleury at 2.36 P. M. LeriVe Milford at 4.56 P. M. Leave Dover at 9 A. M. and 8.10 P. M. Leave Now Castle at 11 A. Al. and 6.10 P. M. Leave Chester at 8.20 A. M., 12.16, 4.60, and 9.30 P.M. Leave Baltimore for Baliebriry and intermediate &adonis 5.20 and 7 P. M; for Dover and Intermediate stationa /,05 P. N. MAIM FOR BALTIMORE Leave, [Theater at 8.46 A. M., 12.06 and 11.30 P. M. Leave Wilmington at 4.30 A. 31.. 0.36 A. m.. 12.36 P IL. and 12.10 Ai. M. irUZIIMIT TRAIN, with Pactengor Oar attached, will run as followe. Leave Philadelphia for Perxrdlie end hatermadiale itwoue at 0.10 P. M. Leave Wilmington for Perryville and Intermediate places at 7.10 P. N. Leave Philadelphia for Chaster, Wilmington, Stanton, Newark, Elkton, North East, Perryville, Efavre-de- Brace, and Baltimore at 8.30 P. M. Leave Baltimore for Havro-de-Grace and intermediate stations at 8.40 A. N. LeILVA fo Philtiaelphts and Wei - me:Hato places st 2.05 I'. N. ON SUNDAYS ONLY: At 8.30 A. hi. and 11.00 P. M. from Philadelphia to Baltimore. At 7 from Baltimore to Philadelphia. The 3..30 A. M. train from Philadelphia to Baltimore will run daily ? Afencktys excepted. B. M. FELTON', Freida:mt. PHILADELPHIA AGE. REAGINti RAILROAD P /OMEN GEL. TRAINS FOE POTTSVILLE BEAD THG, and HARRISBURG, on and after November 4,16 e MORNING LINES, DAILY , (Sundays excepted.) Leeme Now Depot,toornor of BROAD and CALLOW - HELL Streets, PRILADELPHIA, (Yawn/ger entranees on Thirteenth and on Callowhill streets,) at S A. 51., con necting at Harrisburg with the PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD 4.15P.M. train, running to Pittsburg ; the CHM:BERLAND VALLEY 1.50 P. M. train running to Chambersburg, Carlisle, ac. • and the NORTHERN CENTRAL RAILROAD 1.20 P. M. train rariraing to Ban bury, go. , AFTBBNOUN Leave New Dei.ct, corner of BROAD anti CALLOW HILL Streets,PHILADELPHIA, (Passenger entrance. on Thirteent h and on Callowhill ere„) for POTTSvILLE and HARRISBURG, at 8.15 P. Bi.. DAII Y, connect ing at Harrisburg with the Northern etentral Railroad, far lituitin.ry, Williamsport. Elmira. Ire. Eiirweese Train from New Turk eta Easton makes close connect - ion with the Beading Mail and Accommodation Trains, connect ing at Harrisburg with the Pennsylvania Ventral 8.16 Train running west. For READING only, at 4.80 P. M. DAILY, (Sundays excepted.) PISTAINV 2 .B VIA 'PW.Ie.DItLPIIIA. AND BRADINfg RAILROAD. PKILAIMILPRIA, To Phceutuville 28 Beading 68 Lebanon 88 Harrisburg 112 Dauphin 124 Stillereburg 112 Preverton Junction.lsll Sunbury 169 61orthuinberland....171 Lewisburg 178 Milton 188 Piluncy 197 Williamsport 209 Jersey Shore Look ELAVeti 298 Balaton 238 Williamsport and Elrairs Troy 281 Railroad. Elmira 287 The BA. 11. and 3.15 P. vrainaeouneoinady at Pore Clinton, (Sundaya excepted,) with the OATAWISSA, WIELLLAIISPORT, and ERIE RAILROAD, inakinc atone connection .4}12 linen 4 9 ft:War* Police Nun.* the Weer and Southwest. DEPOT 111 PHILADELPHIA.: Owner of BROAD and 0111,DOWEILL Streeta. W. H. MoILIEENNET, 'Secretory. October 80.1381. NALL AND WIN -021115_ PHILADELPHIA, GERMANTOWN, and NORRIS TOWN RAILROAD. TIME TABLE. On and after Monday, October 28,1861, until further notice. SOB GESI,LiNTOWI4. MOW Philadelphia, 6, 7, 8,9, 10.06, 1/, 12 A. A l 1 1 S, 8,4, I, it, 8, 9,10,V, analljg P.M. Leave Germantown, 6,1, 7.1 i, 9,83 i, 9 1 i. 10.49. L. 11,1, 2,8, 4,6, 6,7, 8, 11 P. M. The 83 A. IC train from Germantown 'LOPS at Day , . and Tiogo only. 191:111DAY14. Lome Philadelphia, 9.06 A. 61., 2,7, owl 60) P. M. Leave Germantown, 8. HILL RAILROAD PAL CHESTNUT . Leave Philadelphia, 8, 8.11, A. M., 2,4, 8,8, and 10)/ I'. M. Leave Olandnut Hill, 7.10,8.10, 10.10, A.11.,12.40, 8.40, 8.40, 7.40, and 9.10 P. H. ON SUNDAY& _ - . - - T Leave Chestnut Hill, TAO A. PI., LILO. 6.40. *ad 9.10 P. NL NOB CONISHOHOCKIN AND MolialsToWn. Leave Philadelphia, 6%, 9.0/4 11.06 A. 11., 1%, $Ol, 6.05, and 9.00 P. M. Leave Norristown, L 11, 9, U A. AL, 1%, and P. ME. OP( OtTBDAIA Leave Philadelphia, 9 A. M., 8 P. M. Leave Norristown, Tx A. M., 5 P. N. FOB MaNAYUN& Leave Ptrlladelptda, 6N, 9, U A IL, kg, 8.05, 5.05, and 8.05 P. M. Leave idansynak, 6X, TM, O X, 934, UM A. M ,1, 15, wad 1:1M P. iL ON BUNDATIL Leave Philadelphia, 9 A. M., 8 and 7 P. M. Lease Manayunk, K. 7 SMITH, GenX A. M., 6,4 eral Superin and BP. M. tendent, H. K fl"a"t NTNIFFI and (Mum AhWinl- •"- , ; ROAD. VIA MEDIA. WINTER ARRANGEMENT. On and after MONDAY, Nov. 25,1881, the trahu vrlU leave PHILADELPHIA, from the Depot, N. N. Gomm of EIGHTEENTH and MARKET Streets, at 8.30 2, 4.16, and 8.45 I'. M., and will leave the onnior of THIRTY-FIRST and MARKET Stream', (West Phila. delpble,) at 17 minute's after the starting time from the Depot. ON SUNDAYS. Leave PHILADELPHIA at 8 A. M. and 2 P. M. Leave Welt Chester at 8 A. M. end 4 P. M. The Trains leaving Philadelphia at 8.30 A. M. end 0.10 P. M. connect at Patinelton with Trains on the Phila delphia and Baltimore °antral Railroad for Concord, Emmett, Oxford, &c., AA. HENRY WOOD, n025-tf Superintendent PHILADELPHIA anaplin AND RRADINO ItIALROAD Co., ((Ake 227 South FOURTH Street.) On and alter Nay 1,1561, season tickets will be issued by this company for the periods of three, six, nine, and twelve months, not transferable. Season school-tickets may also be had at 33 per cent. discount. Thee° tickets will be seld by the Treasurer at No. 2'17 South FOURTH Street, where any further information can be obtained. S. BRADFORD, ap2o-tf Treasurer. PHILADELPHIA Riffll4 AND ELMIRA R. R. LINE. 1862 WINTER ARRANGEMENT. 1862 For WILLIABISPORT, SCRANTON, EL ![IRA, and all points in the W. and N W. Passenger Trains leave Depot of Phila. and Reading B. R., cor. Broad and Oat lowhill streets, at 8 A. Id., and 3.15 P. M. daily, except Eirmdays. QUICKEST EOVTE from Phitikdolphii+ Northern and Western Pennsylvania, Western New York, Ac., &a. Baggage checked through to Buffalo, Niagara Falls, or intermediate points. Through Express Freight Train [or all points above, leaves daily at 6 P. M. For further information apply to JOON S. MLLES, General Agent. THIRTEENTH and eALLowaiLL. and N_ W. ear. SIXTH and CHESTNUT Streets. ja3l-ti EST CHESTER I lINIPMW. 3 RAILROAD TRAINS, via PENN SYLVANIA RAILROAD, leave depot, corner DUE VILIiTH and MARKET Streets ! at S A. M., 12.30 noon, mud 4 PAL W 0344 • OALE OF IMPORTED A tili DOMEST.IO DRY OOODR. On Friday Morning, I ebninry 28, at 10 o'clock, by cnialogne, for cash -400 loan of Britioti, Froncti, Cloonan, BCOTCh, aud Arne lieu' fin , Ariellk 13. HOPPIN ,Sr, CO., AUCTION /Jo FERS, 242 MARKET STREET. PHILIP' FORD UO., AUCTION -525 MA RYCET and 522 COMItIEBOB Mr. LARGE SALE OF LOOS OASES SOOTS, BMA% BROGANS, Ac. On Thuniday Morning February 27, ot 10 o'clock, id 10 o'clock prccicely t will be E(Jld, by catalogue, for flirt cast, 1400 c11.4(1 11.70 s, boys', and youths' calf. kis, grain, thick. awl cavalry 'mots, liroor t gaitcro, Wellington, foul fiultnoral WfaDvlAl 01 , roirc' l and cliiititrou'a cull, kip, goat, morocco, unit kid icolnd 'mak, 01(1ftel, 13411110rAlel, siloperd, !Mgr. I:swill:m:01 of city-niailci gondol. '1 . 1).i above sale consist of prima goods, front cf.ty at.,l Bar:turn Inalinfitallreni. sr Grndn (quill tor exonlinatlOD, with catalogues, early nn the morning of ewle.. USES AUCTION 11t .LT-1 AND COM MISSION MENCHANT. Hindmost corner of 3IXTEI and 'RACE titroetr. NATIIASS" LARGE SALE OF FORFEITED COL- ehlladelphl• and Heading and Lebanon Valley E. Ztorthern ()antral Railroad. Sttnbary antl Zrie B. B SALES BY AUCTiOR. FURNESS, BRINLEY, do 1.10., 429 0111CATIVIIT OTRNBT TATERA I,S. OVER 1,000 T.trg (re GOODd. On Tueßnity Miriam!. Navel, 4, at II o'clock, 331. M. 5.33 Nathan;' Auction /louse, NOR. Ifib and )57 North :list); stuent, adjoining the southeamt corner of Sixth and Mace attputa, CollFilit, in part, of— Fine overcoats, Jkaglana, frock, Irate , and linainetta matte; flue cloth and cae”imere comalom.; cloth, vtt Wain, cashmere, and other yt .,, t5; woollen netionthirtmi and Ituriery ; shirts; bnOti, IVittiitA, ;JUAN. gums ; gentlemen's shawls, dtC ; silk, casbnair., merino, alpocca, deltima, and othe r drameco, skirts, and arena pant-tin; underclothing of every deem iption; tar viclo - muffs, culls, irc.; gaiters, morocco boot., and tdip perk, • hantiatane bruche, ;fella, crape, merino, Bay state. tvoot .:n - plain, silk, and other eiltawk; velvet, cloth, and met iuu cloaks, cape.., and3..333111..3 `ailk ditetere and inttqlleii i large 1110: ft•Elttrar Ikeda, bolsters, and pillows; bandanna tapeatry. Brussels, and ingrain entry and hair ourpol.s, rag carpets, emir rode; tvindow shaace ; bed quiliE, comfort:o)les, spreads, blankets, sheets, pillow -entice., [ovals. napkins; centre tables, re- Cep, ion chain; china, glare., and , jueoriaware ; writing drake; knives mart cork« 3 ornanowns ; all kinds of COOP leg utensils and kitchen ware cast.is, 11... oil F.l33tings and enprovings; door slats; chamber ware, RIVI nu. ratioua other articles. Also ' n number of books, among which am splendid 1311.10., Sliaksaeare's Works, Goode Marimba. Good'a Fatuity Flora, Ornauteate of Momory, Novels, Music Books, Sacred 51usic, and a thousand other articles. 11Q - The weds will be open fur examination on the aftoinonn previous to tha day at Pale. SIIIPPINI . BOSTON AND PHILA DELPHIA OVIAPT*IIII' 11:24 I ltv3f haull FORT EYERy TEN DAYS—From PINE-STREET WHARF, Philadelphia, and LONG WEARY, Boston. Stcanaor SAXON, Captain MATTHEWS, will Rail from Boston for Philadelphia on FRIDAY, l'obruary 21, at 4 o'clock P. M. And Froth Yhilniltinhin for Boston on WEDNESDAY, Yob. 26, at 10 o'clock, A. K. Freight taken at fair rates. Insurance one-half that by nail vessels. Shippers are requested to send Bills of Lading and slip receipts with their goods. For Freight or Passage (having fine acconuodations) apply to HENRY WtriSOit & IJO, jay.tr a 32 SOITTH WHARVES. sm WEEKLY COMMIUNICA ' TION BY STEAM BETWEEN NEW 20.r.1i AND LIVERPOOL, calling at QUEENS TOWN, (Ireland,) to land and embark pameengere and iltsepatchoe. The Liverpool, Now Tork, end Philadelphia swam. ehlp Coinptsriy's eplondid Clyde-bunt iron scrbw swam aIkIDE aro intended to sail de &Mora : FROM NEW YORE FOR LIVERPOOL, KANGAROO March 1.1862. ETNA— .Saturday,,Ylarch 8, 1882. MEMiaZ=VIME EATEti OF PANAGE THROUGH FROM PRILADELPIII.A. Dubin, to Queenstown, or Liverpool . Do. to London, AR Liverpool 830 Bteeruce to Queenstown, or Liverpoo'. . 1530 Do. to London Do. Return tickets, available for six monthe, from Liverp&ol 860 faneengort forwarded to Mare, Palk Hamburg;' firemen, and Antwerp at through rates. Corfificatoe of passage hinted from Liverpool to New York $4O Certificates Cr paaeago loaned from Queenstown to Now York 830 These eteamere have superior aceornmodatiotes for pee omen, are construsteil with water.tight °lmpartments, and carry experienced Surgeons. Tor &algid, or passage, apply at the omoe of the Com pany, JOITIT G. CALA), Agent, 111 Walnut street, Philadelphia, In Liverpool, to WM. INMAN, Tower Blandings. Ls Glasgow, to WM. INMAN, apti-tt 18 Dixon street. LIVERPOOL, NEW YORE, AND PHILADELPHIA EITEAAU3HIP COMPANY. NOTIOE TO PASSEpiGEBtI, By ardor of the Secretary of State, all easeertiggl leaving the Mated States are required to procure pasta ports before going on board the steamer. nog-tf JOHN G. DALE, Agent. THE BRITISH AND NORTE LIKERIOAN ROYAL NAM eITIAIII, 2S•iRd PASSPORTS.—AR persona teams the United SOAR will roortire to have PAtiSPONVI from the authorities 01 their respective countries, countersigned by the Secretary of State at Washington, or by the Paeeport Agent al port of embarkation. NEON NEW YORK TO LIVERPOOL. Older Cabin Fewest ;BM second CARL PsAsage „ FROM BOSTON TO TAIVZSPOOL. Chief Cabin ?ussago .$l/0 Second Cabin Passage fig The ships from New York call at Cork Harbor. The ships from Boston cal at EaUlu and Cork Eat. bar. PERSIA, J ulkins. AntllG4 OADt. !thalami. ARABIA, Capt. J. Stone. CANADA, Capt. J. Leitch ABLA, Capt. E. G. Lott. AMERICA, ()apt. Huo klsy AHSTILALASIAN, NIAGARA, Capt. Moods Capt. Cook. EUROPA, Capt. Andaman. SCOTIA, CHINA. These weasels carry a clear white light at mast-bakti green on starboard bow g red on isn't bow. AMERICA,Moodie, leaves Beaton, Ihredr.seday, Feb. 10. &SIA, Lott, - N. York. Wednesday. feeb.26. CANADA, Muir, .; Boston, Wednesday, March 5. A UST.RAL ASIA N, Cock, " N.York, Wednesday, Mar . NIAGARA, Anderson, o• Boston, Weanesday, Afar. 19. Berths not secarea until emu for. arparloused Surgeon en fleas& The owners of these obits; will not be twoonntatels lot Gold, Silver,Bullion, Slade, Jewelry, Precious Stoner. or Metals, tlees bills of lading are signed therefor, ant the value thereof therein expressed. For freight or pat. sage, apply to . E. CUNARD, 4 BOWLING GREEN. New York. Or to E. O. Ak J. G. HATES, 163 STATE Street, ilester6 FOR NEW YORK. sir " NEW DAILY LINE, via Delaware and kering. Canal. Philadelphia and No York Express Steamboat Cara way receive freight and leave daily at 2 1/_ 1t itieliVer. ibk their cargoes In New York the following clay. Freights taken at reasonable rates. vin. D. CLYDE, Agent, No. 14 SQUID WHARVES, Philielehddik. JAMES HAND, Agent, and-tf Piet s 14 and 11 EAS r RIVED, New York. FE .NE YOR.— ‘r.Philad O elphia Steam W -Propelh-r K Co The pany pis) commence their business fur the detlBoll uu Monday, 13th instant. Their eteamers are now receiving freight at Second Pier, above Walnut street. Terite 4cc9plgtodati.Ttg, Apply tq W. DI, BAIRD & 00., ruhlf. T. 2,4 South Delaware Avenue. FOR BALTIMORE, ifs WASHINGTON, D. 0., AND FOR- T 1 ESS MONROE, DAILY, AT 3 O'C WICK P. DALITIHORR AND P OIL A.DELPHIA. STIMHBOAT - - COMPANY, (ERICSSON LINE.) One of the Steamers ,f this Company leaves the upper side of Chestnut-street Wharf daily (Sundays excepted,) at 3 o'clock P. M., and arrives in Baltimore early next morning. Freights for Washington and Fortress Mol roe received and forwarded with all possible despatch, and are requ red to be prepaid through. Freights of all kinds carried at the lowest rates. A. GROVES, Jr., Agent, fel4-2m* No. 24 South %9 ARV F.S. RAILROAD LINES. 1862 angEl 1862 ARRANGEMENTS OF NEW YORK LINES. TEE CAMDEN AND AMBOY AND PHILA DELPHIA AND TRENTON RAILROAD OO.'S LINES FROM PHILADELPHIA TO NEW YORK AND WAY PLAUES. FIION WALNOTLNTNERT WHANP AND rIBTINNWPON MOW. WILL LEAVE AS EOLLOWE-Vl2: YAM At 6 A. M., via Camden and Amboy, O. and A. A - commodation 82 25 At 6 A. M. via Camden and Jeremy City, (N. J,) Accomm:dation 25 At 9K A. M. 4 via Kethiington and Jervey Morning Mail ...... 9 00 At 1234 P. 111., via Camden and Amboy, Accommo dation 2 26 At 2 P. M., via Camden and Amboy, C and A. Ex press " 300 At 4 P. M., via Camden and Jersey City, Evening Express 0 00 At 4 P. Pit, via Camden and Jersey City, 2d Class Tick et 226 At OX P. M., vla Kensington and Jersey City, Evening Mail 3 08 At 12 P. M.. via Kensington and Jersey City South ern Matt 3 00 At 5 I'. 11., via Camden one Amboy, Accommoda tion, {Freight and Passenger)—let Claes Ticket„ 2 26 Do. do. 2.1 Class d 0.... 150 The 63 P. M. Line runs daily, Sundays excepted. The 12 P. M., Southern Mail rune daily. For Water Gap, Stroudsburg, Scranton, Wilkeebarre, Montrose, Great Bend, &c., at 7.10 A. M. from Kensing ton, via Delaware, Lackawanna and Western Railroad. For Mauch Chunk, Allentown, Bethlehem, Belvidere, &Ova, Lambertville, Flemington, dc., at 710 A. IL and 3 P. M. from Kensington Depot; (the 7.10 A. M. Line connects with train leaving Easton for Mauch Chunk at 3.35 P . . For Mount Holly, at 6 A. M., 2 and 4 P. N. For Freehold, at 6 A. M., end 2 P. M. WAY LINKS. . For Bristol, Trenton Arc., at 7.10 and 9h A. M., and 0, 8, 4.30, and 12 P. hl:froni Bennington. Per Bristol, and intermediate stations, at 11% A. M. from Kensington. For Palmyra, Riverton, Delano, Boverly, Burlington, Florence, Bordeniown, 10., at 12%, 1,4, 6, and IA P. For New 'f ork, eaa Way Lines leaving !teasing ton Depot, take the cars on Fifth street, above Walnut, half an hour before departure. The cars run Into the Depot, and on the arrival of each train run from the Depot. Fifty Pounds of Baggage only allowed each Passenger. Paenewgera tire prohibited from taking anything al bag. gage but their wearing apparel. All baggage over fifty pounds to be paid for extra. The Company limit their respousibiiity for baggage to One Dollar per pound, and will not he liable for any amount beyond 6.100, eucopt by special contract. fq.q. tf WM. 11. A'TZTIVIR. Agent. EX PitEt4l4 cOMPAN ~,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, THE ADAMS EX - PRESS COMPANY, Office 320 CHESTS U £ street, forward!' Parcels, Packages, Mer chandise, Bank Notes, and Ppecie, either by its own lines or iu connection with other Express Companies, to al the principal Towns ma Ottlee bf the United Slotoe, B. 0. fIA Nfir4llll, felt) Gonoral FlnporintenilAnt. noTELs. AOARD.—THE UNDEIIIBI.GNILD 7 late of the ciiisebb 11653 b, huMomatua, leave aimed, fora term of years, WILLARD'S HOTIL, Washington. They take this occasion to returu to OWE yid Mends and customers many thank, for vast favors, Ind bey to assure them that they will ba most happy to see them is their new onartera. WAD=OWL i l abilt an7> 4p SAGES BY la OUTIOA MTRUNIid & 150N13, . 2444. IA9 dnd 141 Bnuth POVWFB. street. (Formerly Noe. 07 and 09,) OW" 'PUBLIC SAL J REAL EST ATM ANT) BTIYOKIS AT THE EXCH.! A.NG ON TUESDAYS. }SEAL ENTA PM AT PRI VATM HALL gr We have a largo °mount of real MAW at promote to*, Including awry duncription of city and country pro perty. Printed lista may be had at the Aucttau Stare. SALA OF SUPERIOR FURNITURE, MIRRORS, 31A8?E1, cLOCii, Con NDELIERS, SEWING ACNTivFli.l, CARPETS, he. cmcir:—Onr Salo to.roorr)w morning, fit tly) ithrtlon ~vtil onsiairrmait oY 711/WlTiflr ft share r firm tirrencil 'sante) clock, rune 21 days, gas fixtures, thrrn sopstior Benin.; machines, made by Shiaor, Mows , uwl Land', hods and china and flosssels and ingrain carnet% oil cloths, &c,. N‘iddlis the attention of ladles and others denirons or rehn,ing, Oar Catnlautinsi new ti ik4p, 4n4 arilatei arranged for exrunination, STOCKS AND RICAL I:STATIC—MARCH 4. /11 , 11.4213' COURT iCAL: 4 IB. Onr tale 4th Ma, rh wit/ ihrhusK -1:01111,. of TOtick Mr.f.tarty, dot:M.—VIRE /0.43 , T0RY PA:WI; bartuvuk titruttc, north of MOll. f 01.4 Ninelnuutlt word. /OM, Hithth• drOlia• - --1111tER-STORY BRICK DWELLING, ite4.lloveht comm. of 'Twelfth and CustOli ptrrelp. Smite Eittittl..--TIIREIC•STORY BRICK DWELL. Guilon rtreel, ..veht riffolith. ILJ Ilnll partied !ere in itantihills. Alpo, Inc otio.r .-Poe 1111 l Yrl rei OLE Btid LoGATlON,Nit.l42goufli F . /myth girvt.l., ht.twiqm Waiont. VA 1.11A111.11 CHEMIN COUNTY FART, Uwchtatt towt.Nhip, hear Oakland gtohoo, Chrytor Valloy and Ivanin Central noilromin.l2o avtoe, with good ha vrovcreeta. STOCKS. LOANS, St.r. MHO, 4111 prOVjolin 10 hale; • .24 rhinvl lip lrnncu Dlntual Innuranee Company. sliarfs Wsstniorslittll Coal Cron ploy. ADIYISIsITRATffit'S SALE-IcENSINGTIST BATiX. AWN by nrdpr n 1 nlintnistrator of J. hhelinire,.lec'd flittlletl ENisivgtmi 4timk. ig,COO SJIARLS PEN.NSYLVANIA 2.IINING Of) Th !Imlay t Nnrclf 6, ut 12 n't.lock. 11141 i, lit Yhn rdlblet or the coin pelly. No. 417 1 1 ;:i1rtut street, will be rolel for non• pay. nq.r.t of ft 6,000 :Attires Pcniis)lvania DlSnlng Company of 711Iohl. Sala Lo. 1923 Ituiaut V rums mtr4.,nt kiEAT FURNVITRE, If-OS . IOIVA PIANO, OVAL Mnait, TAPPAI HY CARPETS, sta. Thig Morning, . . 26th islet., at 10 o'clock, at No. 1923 Ilene% Vernon eireet the neat parlor, dining -soon+. and elsaodier furni ture, roetexosel piano forte by Chlckering, el pier Wit• flue tepeetry carpetti, &e. MT May be examined at 6 o'clock on the morning et the gale. at Noe. 139 and 3.11 South Fourth Btreeti SUPERIOR FURNITURE, FINE FRENO3•PLATR MIRRORS, BEDS AND REDDING. OfirNA AIfD GLASSWARE, BRUSSELS AND OTHER OAR. PETS, re, On Thursday Morning, At 9 tal. , ,ek, t 4 L,n Anniion Store, an assortment of. excellent second-Imnd furniture, mirrors, carpets, &a., Iron fainiliee declining housekeeping. Also, ono of 11Iclienziu's sinks. - Alen, a 111 drank rein. Alan, a euperior sewing machine, made by Singer & 0.. " " Ilewm lion, Lainb 4 6 American Eagle sewing machine. Ivor Catalogues ready the day prseious to sale. Snlo on tlioPrenithseo, North Broad Street 'HANDSOME. RESIDENCE, WITH SIMILE AND COACII-lIOUSE, MODERN FURNITURE. ROM WOOD PIANO, MIRRORS, PAINTING?, VEL VET CARPETS? COAUIL 0010.-M, On. Monday Morning. March 3, at 10 o'clock, at No, SOO North Broad street, above Brown, mill be sold, on tho prontinea the handsome modern four-story brink residence, with tl:ree•atory back bnililiogs ' and lot of ground 20 feet flour, 100 feet is dt Mb, Corlielo &tree'', on winch Is a two-story u - jck Villch , llollao. Immediately after the sale of the regblettec will be sold, by catalogue, the ntipertop parlor, dini ng - man , an d chamber furniture, re:A:m.(l piano -f o to, tine French plate wirrors, paiutiuge, elegant velvet carpets, hand. sumo goo chandeller , , tt.c, CO.lOll HOUSES AIFO, n pair of liandaime black coach limes, 7 and 0 yeore old ICs' MAY bb v'clyck (pa the myruing of sale. Sale NV. i2i Noutlr Second McPet. STOCK OF CABINET FURNITURE. Or/Inealay Atorning, Idarch 5, at 10 o'clock, at No. 227 South Second street, catalnaila, the stock of Walnut and nhahognny parlor PIA furniturat of a eabinebruaker (helloing ousiom. rir - play 14 , rraniined the day pmvlona to halo. PAN COAST & WARNOCK, AUG TIONEE3 3. No. 218 MARKET Stroet. BALE OF AMERICAN AND IMPORTED DR? GOODS, lIMBROIDERS. WRITE GOODS, HO. SLEET, GOODS, Su:. by Catalogue. nil Morning. Fedrnary 241, commencing at 10 o'clock precisely. Included will be found— EMBROIDERIES. A full Rho IS later elites etnlaultterea net and Bails collars and sets, just Lando, for best eitt sales. Also, jaconet and cambric edgings and bands, lace col lars, Asc. Also, embroidered breakfast caps, infanta' waists. relics, AG. • Idiom eAmnn7o 11,4}714:RhOtittko, An invoice of Ind iPie 5.8 Mein-border Linen canehrie hatnikerchiefsi gents' 3-4 hemstitched and printed•border do., ac 'HITE GOODS Also, a line cf cambric, Swiss. and bcconet muslin, taps checks, brilliants, white niarseillys, &c. ICIAATO N. Also{ Diem white and colored earlotnn. Also, an inVolde of 10-4, 11,4, end 114 Marseilles HOOP SKIRTS 100 dozen London misses' and children's tied and woven [ape hoop skirts., DOSIERY GOODS. &c. Also, ladies', gents', and children's white and mixed kOttf'h hoile•y 1•01 fn 0 Navy mynas, hvad.urt s , know goods, trimmings, tsqolle, buttons, fie. DMA ESTICS, CLERKS, !kn. Aleo, printed soluiets, clerks, dress goods, cambriee, NLRB, Also, at oomoieocoutent of tale, at 10 o'c'ock precisely, an Invoice of Wel' Ebro" for ladiaA, alta.43 SUPERIOR FIRE-PROOF SAFE. At private sate, a very enperter fire-proof safe. MACHINERY AND IRON., PENN STEAM ENGINE AND BOILER WORKS.—NEIFIE LEVY, PRACTICAL AND THEORETICAL ENGI NEERS, MALIIINISTS,DOILE R-MAKERS, BLACK SMITHS, and FOUNDERS, having, for many years, been in auccessfid operation, and been exchmvely en gaged in building and repairing Marine and River En- Ribeta. Ligh and lull ovis*c, Ti.on Dogeret Water Tantint Propellers, ,tc., etc , re.pectfully offer their Borvicee to the public., as being (idly prepared to contract for Nn ginta of all AZCH. Marine, River, and Stationary, having sets of patterns of different iizes, are prepared to exe cute orders With quick de•petch. Every description of pattern•umking made et the rimiest notice. High and Low.hressure, Flue; Tubular, and 011luder Hollow, of the beet Pi»llsylvahlak charcoal 'iron. Forginge, of ell sizes and blues; ircu and Brass Castines, of all descrip tions; Roll Turning. Screw-Cutting, and all other work connected with the above business. Pram hies and Fpecitications for all %Cork done at their eehible•lauent, free of charge, aml work gear:tilled. The tubecritrers have ample wharf-sock room for no rain of boat., toliova they ten 1k In poPf.sa karoti•, taa are provided a ith ahearo, blocks, faits, Sc., fie., ior rala. tag heavy or light weights, JACOB 0: NEAFfE, JOHN P. LEVY, BEACH end PALMER Streets, J. YAUCiIIAZi :•I tat HICK, WILLI.OA Sts SltlttdUlt, 1W:11-kV Q€ ll OTl 4 W It K FOUNDRY, FIFTH AND WASHINGTON STREETS, PHILADELPHIA, MERRICK 5; SONA, ENGIN.ALL'ItS AND MACHINISTS, Manufacture High and Low Pressuro Steam Enables; for land, river, awl marine service. Boilers, Gaeta;letees, Taul:s, Iron Boats, &c.; Cast ings of all kinds, either iron or brass. Iron-llama Roofs for Gad Works, Workshops, Rail road Stations, &c. Betotts and Gas Machinery of the latest and most improved construction. Every description of Plantation Machinery; such an Sow, SAW, and Grist MBA, VACUUM PiMA, Open SWIM Trains, Defecators. Filters, Pumplug Engines, &c. Polo Agents for N. Milieux's Patent Sugar Boiling Apparatus; Nestnytit's Patent Steam Hammer ' and !As pinwall Woleer's Patent Centlifugal Sugar Draining Machine. anti-tf MORGAN,ORR, & CO., STEAM- E. Gl2i]l IltILIYEIt•Os Iron Founders. and General lliaeldnieta and Boiler Makers, No. 1210 CAL LOWHILL Street, Philadelphia. WINES AM) LIQUORS. Cabtill9n I Qv. _Li Rhona, Trienebe, AS Co., J. J. Dnpny, Boehm Ain[, A. Seignette. Alex. Soionette. PORT WINES.—J. Rarapo, Best, Benicarlo Do Mte. ler Bros. SHERRIES AND MADE IRA WlNES.—Donblo Pine acite. Gut Steyairt'y Scotch WMAbI. For ~,,, 44YRETc11N. LAYNRQNIII fe2l 202 end 204 South.IRONT Wont. ZOUAVE CHAMPAGNE.—A new brand—an excellent article. Imported and for We at a price to suit the times, by 04_DITWELL KEW FEU, Poiiihriwt corner of GERII6.XTO W S Avon.* mkt Id A Street, AA?UDESII EIMER-BE R G, LAUREN IIEIMEB., and HOCKIINIINER WINE, in cases of one dozen bottles each', warranted pure. Imported and for tale low by CANTWELL & IiFIFFER, month east corner GERMANTOWN Avenue and MASTER &Mt. PURE PORT WINE. Iwur. DO PORTO WINE, BOTTLED IN PORTUGAL 1N 1820. Physicians and invalids in want of a reliable article of pure Part Wino earl be soppliva by inquiring for the above wino at CANTWEIA It MEE'S suutbetiet corner GERMANTOWN teem% and MASTER Street. ITENNESSY, VINE-YARD PRO prietore, Biequit, Trienclirt .1 Co., Markt, Pint, and other approved brawls of COGNAC BRANDY, for sale, in bond and from store, by VANTIVF/Tili R xywriln, Soutlwaat corner GERMANTOWN Avunua and idABTER Street. QTUALIT'S PAISLEY MALT WILLS !..." KY. Linebanan's Coal Ea Whisky. Old Toni Gin, Old London Gin, London &Aka din, 13ohinn 4 ts In bond and store. CANTWELL & KEE !Eli, Southeast corner GERM NI:OWN Avenue and MASTER Serest. ►7IMINREMAN'S DRY CATACSTA. WlNE.—Tilla approved brand or Cincinnati wine, the beat article out for ..eobblerv," for Halo pure, bot. tied and in cases, by CANTWELL Sr, KEEFER, south. (qua corner GERMANTOWN Avenue and MASTEN. Street. aw24:801. BUSINESS NOTICES. JOHN A. ALLDERDIOE, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Halt resumed the Practice of hie Pctrfeadoti at NEW CASTLE, DELAWARE'. riaßihdinie AOPPENIAIMER, BIEROHAN s DIKE BROKER in all brouchesof trade, and manufacturer of every &ascription of Army Goods,lfa South THIRD Street, west side, second story, Phillia &Aphis. JUAN WELSH, Phu:tit:hi SLATE ROOFER, TRIM) Street and GERMANTOWN Road, is prepared to put en any amount of ROOFING, on the most ISIODSRATE TERMS. Will g uaranty to make every p l ainly: perfeetly . Water-tight. Sir Orders promptly attended to QTEAM.SCOURING AND TAILOR• ING done et the shortest loottee. NEWBY B. BASCOM, 1.87 SEVENTH Street, above Wglnnt. H. BASCOM'S Dian for the time, to to reoomeeistil Genie to bring their old Clothing to like. and have tiers made " W. M a % %h9tr cloth', and, bill titf4f 1 ~ fasigl** alb mite up,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers