*N.AOT TO AUTHORIZE THE ISSUE OF UNITED STATES NOTES, AND FOB THE REDEMPTION OR FUNDING THEREOF, AND FOB FUNDING THE FLOATING DEBT OF THE UNITED Be it enacted, by the Senate and House of Repre- Sentatiees of the United States of Amer ica,zn Con gress assembled, That the Secretary of the Tree- Miry is hereby authorized to bane, on the credit of the United States, one hundred and fifty millions of dollars of United States notes, not bearing interest, 3 .y-able is haarree, at the Tilsainsy of the milted ifitatee, and of such denomination as he nosy deem expedient, not lees than live dollars each: That fifty millions of Said notes shall be in lien of the demand trea sury notes authorized to be issued by the act of July 17, 1861; which said demand notes shall ho taken up as rapidly as practicable, and the notes herein provided for substituted for them; that the amount of the two Linde of notes together shad at no time exceed the sum of one hundred and fifty millions of dollars, and such notes herein authorized shall be receivable in payment of all taxes, internal duties, excises, debts, and demands of every kind due to the Uzl;ted States. except duties On imports, (and for all salaries, debts, and demands, owing by the United States to individuals, corpo-ations, and ammiatione, within the United States,) ani of all claims and demands agaimt the United States of every kind whatsoever, except for interest upon bonds and notes, which shall be paid in coin, and shall also be lawful money and a legal tender in payment of all debts, public and private, within the United States, except interest and duties on imports as aforesaid. And any holders of sa,id United States notes depositing any sum not less then fifty dollars, or some n n:tiplo of fifty dollars, with the Treasurer of the United Statee. or either of the Assistant Treasurers, elesil receive in exchange therefor duplicate certificates of deposit, one of which may be transmitted to the secretary of the Treasury. who shall thereupon issue to the holder an equal amount of bonds of the United States, coupon or registered, as nay by said holder be de sired, bearing interest at the rate of six per centum Ter 0.11111101, multi° somlinnunally at the tree. suer or sub-treasuries of the United States, and re deemable at the pleasure of the United States after lira years, and payable twenty years from the date thereof: And such United States notes shall ho re ceived the same as coin, at their par value, in pay ment for any loans that may be hereafter sold or negotiated by the Secretary of the Treasury, and WY be reitiewil Item limit In time the exion, Cies of the public interests shall require. [There shalt he printed on the back of the United States notes, which may he issued under the previsions of this act, the following words: "The within note is a legal tender in payment of all debts, public, and private, and is ex changeable for bonds of the United States hearing six per centnm interest, at twenty years, or in seven per centum bonds at flee years.,' StC. 2 And be it further enacted. That to enable the Secretary of the Treasury to fund the treasury notes and floating debt of the United States, to te hereby authorized to issue, on the credit of the United States, coupon bonds, or registered bonds, to an amount not exceeding five hundred millions of dollars. (and] redeemable at the pleasure of the United States after five years, and payable twenty years from date, and bearing interest at the rate of six per centum per annum, payable eemi-annually. And •he bands herein authorized shall be of such denominations. not lees than fifty dollare, an may be determined upon by the Secretary of the Treaenry. And the Secretary of the Treasury may dismose of such bonds at any time, at the market value thereof, for the coin of the United States, or for any of the treignry notes that have been, or may Nrcafter b 9, io- Med under any former act of congress, or for United Slates notes that may be issued under the provisions of this act, and all stocks, bonds, and other securities of the United States held by individuala, corporatione, or asso dations, within the United States, emu be exempt from taxation under State authority. Sae.2. And be it further enacted. That the United States notes, and the coupon or registered bonds an thoezed by this act shall be in such form as the Secretary of the Treasury may direct,' and shall bear the written or engraved signatures of the Trea surer of the United States and the Register of the Treasury, and, also, as evidence of lawful issue, the imprint of a copy of the seal of the treasury Department, which imprint shall be made under the direttio% of the Secretary, after the said notes or bonds shall be received from the engravers, and be fore they are issued; or the said notes and bonds shall be signed by the Trea , nrer of the United States, or for the treasurer, by such persons as may be specially appointed by the Secretary of the Treasu ry for that purpose, and shall i.e countersigned by the Register of the Treasury, or for the Regis ter by such persons as the Secretary of the Tres, 111117 MAY specially appoint for that purpose and all the provisisiona of the act entitled "an not to authorize the issue of troatury notes," approved the twenty-third day of December, eighteen hundred and fifty- seven, KO far as they can be applied to this act, and not inconsistent therewith, are hereby revives! and re enacted ; and the sum of three hundred thousand dollars is hereby approptiated,Mrt okany money i the Tre.ssury not otherwise appropriated. IP enable the Socrotary /3f the Treasury to ear.-y this act into effect. SEC. 4 And be it further enacted, That the Secretary of the Treasury may receive from any person or persons, or any corporation, United States notes on deposit for not less than thirty days. in RIMS of not less than one hundred dollars, with any of the assistant treasurers or designated depositaries of the United States authorized lv the Been-tory of the Treasury to receive them, Rho shall issue therefor certiticstea of deposit, made iu such form as the Secretary of the Treasury steal prescribe, and said certificates of deposit shall bear inte rest at the rate of five per centum per annum ; and any amount of .United States notes so deposited may be withdrawn from deposit at any time after ten days' notice on the return of said certifiestee, PreVided, that Me interest on all such deposits [man cease and de• terrnine at the pleasure of the Secrets. , y of the Treasury; and provided. further, that the aggregate of such depo sits shell at no time exceed the amount of twenty-five million dollars. BEC. 5. And be it further enacted, That all duties on imported goods which shall be paid in coin, or in nocea payable. or in demand notes heretofore anthorirod to be received, and by law receivable in payment of public dues, end the same so paid shall be sot apart as a special fund, end applied as follows: First. To the payment in min of the interest on the bonds and notes of the United States. Second. To the purchase or payment of one per un bent of the entire debt of the United States, to be made within each 'fiscal year after the first day of July, eighteen hundred and sixty-two, which is to he at t apart as a oinking fund, and the interest of eir Melt ehall, in like manner, be applied to the purchase or payment of the public debt, ae the Secretary of the Treasury shall, from time to time, direct. Third. Tho residue thereof to be paid into the Trea sury of the United States See 6 And be it further enacted, That if any person or persons shall label; make, forge, counter feit, or alter, or canoe or procure to be falsely made, forged, counterfeited, or altered, or shall wil lingly aid or assist in falsely making, forging, Colin. • terfelting, or altering, any note, bond, coupon, or other security issued under the authority of this art. or hers- Wore issued under acts to authoriee he ;sone of Treasury notes or bonds: or shall pass, loiter, publish, or sell, or attempt to pace, utter, publish, or 041, or Grim; Into the 'united States from any foreign place with intent to pass, utter, publish, or sell, or shall bare or keep in posses sion or conceal with intent to utter, publish, or sell, any . Such false, forged, counterfeited, or altered note, bond, coupon, or other security, with intent to defraud any body corporate or politic, or any other person or persons whatsoever, every person to offending shall be deemed guilty of felony, and shall, on conviction thereof, be punish.' by fine not exceeding five thousand dollars, and by imprisonment and confine ment to hex' labor not exceeding fifteen years, according to the aggravation of the off. nee. Sac. 7. And be it further enacted, That if any per son, having the custody of any plate or plates from which any notes, bonds, coupons, or other securi ties mentioned in this act, or any part thereof, Shall have been printed, or which shall have been prepared for the purpose of printing any such notes, bonds, coupons, or other securities, or any part thereof, shall use such plate or plates, or knowingly permit the same to be used for the purpose of printing any note., bonds, coupons, or other securities, or any part thereaf, except such as Shall be printed for the use of the United Stater by order of the proper officer thereof or if any person obeli engrave, or cause or procure to be eu s raved, or Weill aid in engraving, any pints on Vermin the likeness or similitude of any plate or rilllOStiosigued for the print ing of any such notes, bonds, coupons, or other securities, or any part thieleof,or shall vend or sell any such plate or plates, or shall bring into the United States from any foreign place any such plate or plates, wish any other in tent or for any purpose, in either ease, than that sueh plate or plates shall be need for printing of such notes, bonds, coupons, or other securities, or some part or parts thereof, for The nee of the 'Putted nutter, or 'shall Lave in his custody or DOEISDifiDa any metallic plate engraved after the similitude of any plate from which -any such notes, bonds, connote., or other securities. or any part or parts thereof, shall have been printed, with Went to use such plate or plates, or cause or suffer the same to be used, in forging or coon. lerfelting any inch notes, bonds, con pone, or other securities, or any part or part. Cheroot, i-sued as aforesaid, or atoll have in his custody or possession any idea note or notes, bond or horde, coupon or coupons, or other security or securities, engraved and printed after the similitude of any notes, t.onds, coupons, -or other securities, issued as aforesaid, with intent to sell or otherwise use the same; or if any person shell print, photograph, or in any other manner "execute or cause to be printed, photographed, or in any manner-executed, or shall aid he printing. photograph ieg, or executing any eereraeing, photograph, or other print, or impression, in tee likeness or similitude of true' each notes, bonds, coupons, or other securities, or nny part or parts thereof, except for ti e use of the United States, and by order of the proper officer thereof, -or shall vend or sell any such engraving, photograph, print, or other impression, except to the United States, .or shall bring into the United Stains from any foreign place any such engraving, photograph, print, or other impreseiou for the purpose of vett...ing or selling the same, except by the direction of some proper officer of the United States, or shall have in his custody or possession any paper adapted to the making of such notes, hoods, coupons, or other securities, and similar to the paper upon which any such notes, bonds, coupons, or other se curitiee shall have been issued, with intent to use such piper, or cause or surfer the saute to he used, in forging or comiterfeiting any of the notes, bonds, coupons, or -other securities, issued as aforesaid, every such person so ofteriding shall be deemed guilty of a felony, and shall, on conviction thereof, be punished I.y tine Lot exceeding five thous:eel itillare, and by imprisonment and confinement to hard labor not exceeding fifteen years, according to the ageravetion of the offence. The PrcaWrnt'e algnature is now only required to make the bill a law. PENNSYLVANIA \ LEGISLATURE. lIARRISBURGI, February 25,1892. SENATE. The Senate Wan called to order at 11 o'clock by the Skeaker. Prayer by Hey. Mr. Gregg. The SPF.A.KER laid before the senate the annual re port of the Norristown Laurance Company Messrs NICHOLS and SMITH preeented petittona Irmo Philadelphia againet the supplement to the North philadei plait Railroad Company_ Mr, CLYMER, a potition fur the pasting; of a law pro, tailing the erection of wi,odon and frame buildings in the eiiy ei" Beading. Yr. rENNEY (Judiciary), :is committed ; reanlutiona proposing &try udments to the Constitution Mr. SMITH, of Philadelphia (4ame), with a negative recommendation, the supple went to the act relative to execteiene. . . Mr. CLYMER (same), al committed, the supplement to the act relative to mum in Delaware citrate- Also, the bill fixing the time of haling courts in Le high county. Mr. CLYMER, a bill prohibiting the erection of wooden buildings in certain parts of the city of Beading. Considered and passed. Mr. 1F1LF.41,. joint resolutions retative to the aboli lieu slitmAry in the Dietriet of Columbia_ Mr BOUGHTEB, a bill to csteud the act relative to sheriffs' and prothonntaries' coats in Lucerne county to the countie of Dauphin and Northampton. On motion of Mr. DOUG LIT Ett, the bill to extend the charter of the Hummelatown Mutual Fire Insurance Company, was considered and passed. On motion of Mr. CONNELL, tho bill to extend the charter of the Granite Land Utnnoany of Philadolatia was considered and passed. On motion of Mr. REILLY. the bill authorizing the Court of Common Pleas of Schntlkill ciunty to appiint auditors to resettle the account of William Bickle, late Treasurer Of said county. . . On motion of Mr. MC(.7LUILE, the bill providing for the adjudication and payment of certain claims was considered on second reading and missed. - tin motion Of Mr. CLYMER, the bill Axing the time Of - the commencement of the toms of Morin in the several counties of the Commonwealth, was considered and passed second reading, when it was pogpaned. Adjourned, HOUSE. The Rouse met at 10 A. M., Hon. John Rowe, Speaker, in the chair. Prayer by the Rev. Mr. Steele. The Hewing We t on the PliVatillionclu pf 440-017 passed their first reading: An act to reduce the expenses of collection on unpaid taxes in the city of Philadelphia. Objected to by Mr. Catkin, of Philadelphia An act for the relief of Charles Johnson, late treasu rer of Delaware county. A farther supplement to an act relating to the lien of itteelutbien and ethers mum buildireze. approved the six, teenth day of June, A. D. 1836, so far as relates to cer mimeo= tiea. Amended. An act to prcvide for the better protection of the con omen, cf gas in and fcr the city of Philadelphia. (A cted to by Mr. Moore. supclement to the act consolidating the oily of Phi elebie. Objected to by Mr. Wildey. . . . . • n se; to consolidate the laws ap licahle to the Guar of the "nor of the city of Philadelphia. Objected n Mr. McManus. act to provide for the more correct and faithful assessment of real estate in the city of Philadelphia. An act to change the place of holding the general, special, and borough elections in the borough of Millers burg, Dauphin county. A supplement to an act entitled an act to incorporate the Dothlohom Raihowl Company, approved May 1, 7.661. An act to enable Edwin W. Lehman, executor and trustee named in the last will and testament of James A. Lehman, deceased, to sell certain real estate. An act to authorize the arrest of professional thieves, burglars, &e., in the city of Philadelphia An act to incorporate the Eighth United Preihytorian Congregation of the city of Philadelphia A supplement to the charter of the borough of Now town, Pucks county. An act to incorporate the Hyde Park Cemetery Com• pany. - An act to incorporate the Pennsylvania Lying-in and Foundling Ilospit. 1. A further supplement to an ant to incorporate the North Philadelphia Plank Road Company, and for other purposes. Objected to by Mr. Smith, of Philadelphia. The Senate met in the hall of the House of Representa tives, at 12 M., in joint convention with the House, to allot the public printing, Mr. Speaker HALL, of Blair, in the chair. On motion of Mr. EIESTAND, of tantister, the con vention adjourned to meet on the 18th March next, at 12 o'clock The Senate then retired to their chamber. The House resumed their consideration of the orders of the day, Mr. Speaker HOWE in the chair. An act to authorize the extinguishment of certain ground rents. Passed to second reading. An act relative to the distribution of the proceeds of sheriff's sales on real estate in this Commonwealth. A further supplement to en act relating to the lien of mechanics and others upon buildings, approved the Itith day of June, A.D. 1836. An act to provide for the more correct and faithful as sessment of real estate in the city of Philadelphia. An act for the relief of Charles Johnson, late treasurer of Delaware county. An act to change the place of holding the general. Spe cial, and 'borough elections in the borough of lifillers burg. Dauphin county. A supplement to an act entitled an " act to incorporate the Bethlehem Railroad Company, approved May 1, 1861." An net to enable Edwin! W. Lehman, executor and truatee named in the last will and testament of James A. Lehman, deceased, lo sell certain real estate. An act to authorize the arrest of profetteional thieves, burglars, &c., in the city or Phlloaol r Ui. An act to incorporate the Riebth United Presbyterian Congregation of the city of Philadelphia. A ff implement to the charter of the borough of New town, Bucks county. An act to incorporate the Hyde Park Cemetery Com pany. An act to incorporate the Pennsylvania Lying-in and Foundling Hospital. An act to authorize the, extinguishment of certain ground- rents. Adjourned. THE CITY. Special Meeting of Common Council. A special meeting of Common Council was held yester day afternoon. The President being absent, Mr. Trego was called to the chair. The bill making an appropriation to the Department of City Controller was taken up. The Lill was discussed, and finally passed, as follows: SECTION 1. That the sum of $19,674 be, and the same is hereby, appropriated to the Department of the City Controller, for the year 1962, as follows: 1. For the salaries of Controller and chief clerk, $3,700. 2. For salaries of assistant clerks and messenger, $7,700. 3. For books and stationery, $6OO. 4. For advertising annual statement of /801, in not more than two news.i)apers, nor more than one !Lao in each, $3,024. .Prorided, That the cost of said advertising shall not exceed the regular advertising rates charged to individu als. And provided further, That this shall not be con strued to authorize the printing or publishing of said an nual statement in pamphlet form. 5. For cleansing and care or other, $2OO. 8. For incidental menses, sm.. 7. For the salaries of four clerks, for six months in the year of eighteen hundred and sixty-one, 81,600. 8. To pay four clerks, for six months, for auditing the accounts of A. Flomerfelt, late Receiver of Taxes,sl,6oo. SEC. 0. That it shall be the duty of the Controller to arrange and distribute the labor of the clerks in his de partment, to that after the first day of July next all the auditing of the books of the Receiver of Taxes, and oll,ek °Meets of no city go6leime,t , 11,011 be Pre formed by the regular clerks of the department with out extra compensation. Sac. 3. That not more than one-half . of items Nos. 1, 2,3, 4,5, and 6, as contained in the first section of this ordinance, shall be expended before the first day of July, 1862. SEC. 4. The warrants for the said appropriation shall be diems by the City Controller, in conformity with ex isting ordinances. The ordinance making an appropriation to the Depart ment of Stirrers was called up, the Chamber in the Com mittee of the Whole. The it,.rn appropriating $5OO for a revision of grades of Manayunk was, on motion, struck out moved to insert a new item appropriating S5OO for the revision of the lines and grades contiguous to Celled:sink creek. east of Front street The item was agreed to after some debate. An item appropriating $BOO 'or a revision of grades between Wolf and Carter streets and east of Fifth, First ward, was debated the whole afternoon, and finally agreed to The bill wag khan reported to the Chamber, atiel lsld aside for the present. The Chamber then refused to concur in the amend ments of Select Branch in the bill making au appropria tion to the clerks of 41)11C1CiiS, and a committee of con ference was appointed. The Chamber then adjourned. THE F. TOEM OP MONDAY NIGHT.— The storm of Monday, to which reference has been mule, proved somewhat disastrous on Tuesday morning, blow ing a perfect hurricane, and threatening the demolition of all species of person and property. There were few neglected awnings and flags that did not suffer, but more stable matterswere merely endangered ; as, for instance, men and women that were turned about and insulted, 0.4 itt Ito dingle ease fAtAlly iArvti, A large flag. staff, in front of the public house of James 7ticClaskey, at Passyunk road and Feed street, First ward, fell about half past eight o'clock. Several men were standing around the pole at the time, but all escaped injury. The roof of a house, No. 813 Morris street, was carried for some distance. Likewise a tin rodf, from a house in qreelt below Ellowortlit Flea! Hard, _ . The chimney of a house on Eighth Meet, ahoye mist. came down early in the afternoon. An iron plate which was attached to the chimney was raised a distaore of twenty feet above the roof anti finally landed in the middle of the street. several young ladies were passing the building at the time, but none were hurt_ The old well on Fifth street, below Adelphh the rem.. nant or a tainting destroyed by fire some years since,. was blown down with a tremendous crash. Fortunately, no pt reon was passing at the time. The chimney on the dwelling of Hon. Wm. B. Mann, at Fifth and Green streets, was also demolished. The large flag-pole surmounted by &liberty cap, which has stood for many years, at the N. E. corner of Seventh end Votes otrote, was blown down. The gable end the house of Mr. Friedly, at Seventh and Callowhill streets, was forced out. Sevetal parties sustained slight injuries from the falling bricks. Several fences on Franklin street, above Parrish, were destroyed. The chimney of a house at Seventh and Green streets, and one at Thirteenth and Ogden. Were destroyed. On Twenty-third street, below Gal Within, a portion of the front of a house was forced out. A house on Hamilton street, between Nineteenth and Ta entieth, was completely unroofed. In the noel sections of the city, where the wind had a clear sweep, the storm was v'ry violent. Large trees were torn up by the roota while heavy limbs were car ried, in some instances, for several yards. There was also a great destruction of fences, blowing dawn of chimneys, &c. In West Philadelphia, several houses were unroofed, and one or two cornices were demolished. The roof of the mansion of fr. Hoopes, OA the Da: byroad, near kascat- Tille, was carried MI At Fairmount, several beautiful trees were almost entirely destroyed. One largo white pine was torn out of the ground, and another was stripped of all its limbs. An elderly man, limited Thomas Alisop, employed as a watchman on the wharf of Messrs. Leech & 00., at Dock street, met with quite a serious accident, Tho wharf is surrounded by a curtain to keep out the rain. During the gale this curtain got loosened, and Mr. Alison went outside the railing to fasten it. By 831n0 means he misted his footing and fell upon au oyster boat, injuring his back severely. Mr. Alisop was sent to his residence in the lower part of the city. There was the lowest tide in the Delaware yesterday morning ever known to the present gaperation of phtie,- dripliiints. Tho high wind during the night blew the water out of the river, and at the extreme ebb tide, a little after daylight, the bottom of the river was 114 We in many places at the ends of the piers. Vessels lying at anchor in the stream were left hard aground and lying upon their beam ends. RELIEF FOR MissoußL—Tho following articles have been received at Swaim's Laboratory, Seventh street, below Chestnut, and the first shipment of two cases made last Thursday to the Ladies' Aid Society in Hannibal, Mo., for the use o. the sick and wounded United States se biters: 1 peckage of groceries front Parvin's, corner of Twelfth and Chestnut streets, through Mrs. GIVN 1 lot of groceries, Mrs. Runyan • 1 lot of dry goods, Mrs. Conway; shirts from Dfrs. T ; 8 papers of farina, 4 _jars of jelly, Mrs S. 11. Warner ; 1 overcoat, from a German, taken off and left in the - office, Such's; 1 package of merino shirts, drawers, linen, Arc., J. It.l 1 piece of muslin, 2 shirrs, &e., Mr. J. E. G. ; 6 undershirts, 4 pairs slippers, Mrs. G. Biter; 85 cash for medicine. Mrs. Harlan; 4 pairs of woollen socks, Y. 7.; 2 pairs socks jar of pre serves, Mrs. Evans ; R pairs of carpq slippers, 5 Pairs of woollen gloves. pair of socks, Mrs. Seller.: 2 jars of prererves, 1 paper of tea, 1 Witt; wine, sugar, pactusgo of linen sheets, 2 pillow cases, 2 shirts, one comf ,rtable, and newspapers, Mrs. E. T.; one dozen Mors- eYe towels, I dozen crash do., 6 pounds of tapioca, 3 pounds of castile soap, 21 pounds oatmeal, 2 jars of crab applci, 2 jars of plum jelly, 3 small glasses of currant jelly, 1 can crant.erries, 1 1113 art of ginger, sponges, 8 dozen lemons, 3 rolls of bandages, 6 pieces of old linen, package of tracts, B. 11, Arc!, street; 2 bundles, containing con Portables, pillows, quilts, &c., selected from various persons, through Mrs. C. H. Needles, Twelfth and Race streets; 6 - large blanket shawls, 1 sack of Rolm, lire. Grabenstatter ; 1 piece of muslin, G. S. Lang, Eighth street; 2 guns percha blankets, J. Thornier; 1 piece of muslin, 3 feather pillows, 4 sheets, 6 pairs of long mittens, 3 pairs of short mitts, 1 box of prunes, ono com fortable Mrs. J. S. MORE FROM THE BALL'S BLUFF PRl- SONER:s.—Reporter McCleary, who appears to have kept his eyes open in Richmond, stated to us, yesterday, that united States treasury notes are actually at thirty per cent. premium in that city. After. the Ball's Bluff affair they were at ten per cent. premium. When subsaquent Fnion victories were won they rose, until, at present, they are win th thirty per cent_ more thaa the aldnrlat tees of Confederate or VI, gime authority, which answer for circulation at the capital of the Old Dominion. The blockade it severely felt in Virgtnia. Mr. McCleary wore a pair of pantaloons made out of a common blanket, which, he affirms are worth $lO in Richmond. Good cloth pants are worth $25, and dress coats are held at $5l) each, at the rebel metropolis. Common tea is %earth $4 TWI. round; eater, $1; snap, 81.2.5, and maim; from $1.2.5 to $1.50 per p nitel. The poorest kind of German cigars are worth $4 a hundred, and for a realty good cigar you must pay $lO or $l2 per hundred. Chewing tobacco is plenty, and cheap. ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION.—The Old Union Mission Sabbat under the charge of C. W. Reed, celebrate their twenty-second anniversary to•morrow eve ning, at the Washington Hall, southwest corner of Eighth and Spring Careen. There will be speaking and singing by Elm children. and the Nev. Ro bert Lowry, who was in the school twenty years ago, and is now pastor tof a Brooklyn church, will be present to address the audience. At the close of the services a sup pg will lie spread for the scholars and friends. All of the old pupils and teachers, who can be there, arc in. vited to attend. Father Martin, of Sabbuth.school re. now n, will be present and take part in the services. THEE ENSINGTON IRON - CLAD FRIGATE. —A busy scene is daily presented ,at the slug yard of. Cramp a Co., adjoining the Kensington Water Works, where the new iron-clad frigate is being rapidly forward ed, with expectation of gutting }fur afloat in July next. The yard has been enclosed recently, and a large pits. way erected at the Richmond-street front. The encao sure is almost entirely covered with lumber, and scores of ship carpenters are trimming down the joints and el bows, caul ing timber, etc. Caulkers are at work bn neath ship, and most of the wooden hull has been put in place, and the ports opened. It is supposed that in a few weeks the work of putting on the iron plates will be commenced. FutEL—About o'clock ye . gtOgilay morning, the house of Officer James Oar, No. 1161 Pat syunk road, was slightly damaged by a Ire, which ori ginated accidentally. A trifling fire occurred last evening at the limos or Mr. Beam, No. 1306 Chestnut street. It wee extinguished by Reserve Officer Kiker, Wore much damage had been done, BODY FouND.—Yesterday morning the body of a man was found drowned in the Schuylkill, at Lombard•atreet wharf. It was identified as that of Win. Oath). an employee at the Point Breeze Gas Works, out who hes been missing since last Christmas. The c ironer took charge of the body. MAYOR OF CAMDEN. --The Deinocratic Convention of Camden have nominated James M. CM. sady for mayor. THE PRESS.-PRILADELPHIA, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 26. NM PHILADELPHIAN ROBBED.—Alexander G. Callell, president of the Philadelphia Corn Exchange Bank, had his pocket picked at the celebration at the Capitol, Wnaltington, on Battmlar, oh a wellet containing about n hundred dollars in money, and cheeks and drafts for nearly ten thousand dollars. The pocket-book was found in one of the closets at the Capitol. The money was abstracted, but the valuable papers were safe. BLIND A 5YL1331.--Yesterday morning the pupils of the I,,annitlea Cir the Tlllikd to Me riebnrg to exhibit before the Legielature their proficiency in music, handicraft, and other branches taught in the Institution. They will be under the direction of the managers and teachers. The Instrumental department is in charge of Mr. Carl Sonic, and the vocal, of Mr. A. it. Taylor. THE Rixtit FRONL—Delaware axe -11110, from Pine to Tine streets, present; quite a busy scene. Vessele are lying at the different wharves re. ceiving and unloading their cargoes. Large quantities of hay are being shipped &nth from this city, for the use of the Government. Several of the wharves aro being extended, and the work of widening the avenue - Negresses slowly. THE LUMBER TRADE.—Lumber mer chants state that their business is exceedingly dull at the present time, only such wood being in demand as is used tor ship building, gun stocks, tent pins, and other Go. vernment uses. This quality of lumber is selling at fair prices. AWARD OF DAM AGE S,—Before the District Court, Judge Stroud, yesterday, came the case of Paniel Woodhouse vs. The Pennsylvania insurance Company, garnishees of the New Granada Canal and Steam Navigation Company. A ace. fa. on a foreign attachment. Verdict for plaintiff for $3,824. ANOTHER REGIMENT OFF.-00101101 Angeroth's One Ilundratli and Twelfth Pennsylvania Regiment 1. ft this city for Washington yesterday. They looked well, and were glad of the opportunity to see some active service. FAILROAD ACCIDENT.—Henry Mason, emplrqed as a teamster upon the Reading Railroad, was caught between two GMT, at Broad and Callowhill etreete, on Monday afternoon, and WAS seriously injured. He was Wien to We residence, in Rhoades street, between Eighteenth and Nineteenth. DRowNED BoDY. Yesterday after noon the bay of an unknown white man was found in the Scbuylkill, at Lombard-street wburf. Coroner Col:L -isa was seat for to hold BLIGHT FlRE.—an alarm of fire was created, about twelve o'clock on Monday night, by the slight burning of a house at Plum and Richmond streets, Nineteenth ward. gIIIIORATION TO BAYTI.—The trial Regiment, now forming at Harrisburg, Pa., will leave this city or New York, in April next, for Hayti. The great emigration movement is being carried on successfully. FINANCIAI4 AND COMMERCIAL. THE MONEY MARKET. PHILADELPHIA, February 25,1382. The stock market was quiet today, with sales at 9g• ores varyinglittle f 'are previous quotations. Pennsylva nia fives gold at F 4, and the coupon fives atS6Jf, the same as at the Becond Board yeeterday.l City sixes were dull at yesterday's prices, one sale of the new being made at 97%, a decline of M. l'ennsrlvania Railroad shares fell to 44%, a decline of M; Reading Railroad and Catawissa Railroad shares gained each 3 ; Philadelphia and Erie bonds advanced ; and Schuylkill Navigation preferred was steady at 12.7 ii. The prii•sage of the United States treasury-note bill, with the legal-tender clause, gives very general satisfac tion. The only wonder is, that the law was not passed some days ago, and the time spent upon it devoted to ma. raring the tax bill. It will be seen that the legal-ten der clause, the right to receive the notes on deposit bear. tug interest, the payment of interest in coin, and the specific pledge of the duties on imports for such payment, which duties shall be receivable only in coin, are among the provisions of the bill as passed. The money market is quiet and unchanged. Dieser& Drextl & Co. report— tttlw York exchange parcel-115 dlr. Boston exchange waif prtn. Beßimers exchange.:.purest( prm. Country funds 'sag die. American gold 3*3% pro. 7 3-10 Treasury notes 1.101 die. The New York Tribune of to-day says: We understand that the oll'orta that hat'e been made to compromise and unite the two divisions of the La Crosse and Milwaukee Road are likely to fail. The Land Grant division is advertised to be be sold on the 21st of May, under a decree of Judge Miller; but his decree on the second mortgage has been appealed from, as well as in Chamberlain's case, by which the amount of the second mortgage bonds was reduced to 50 41 , cent and interest, and Chamberluiit's debt and claim reduced to some 5.118,000, exclusive of the Cleve land judgment. We are also informed that a new and unexpected obstacle has presented itself by the decided stand taken by a large second mortgage bondholder from the West demanding par a - cd interest for his Londe on the prosecution of the appeal to the United States Supreme Court. In addition to this, iL 34 said there are several other suits in the way of a com promise to he removed. We had hoped that the intelli gent and practical gentlemen entrusted with, and in terested in, the bonds and debts of this road would bo able to unite upon some reasonable and jot plan of ad justment, so as to erase, as far as it is possible to do so, the past history of this unfortunate corporation. Unless somethieg of this character is done, we are trustworthily informed that soother and, it is claimed by some, bettor arrangement can be wade to unite with the Watertown road, via Watertown, Columbus, and Portage City to La Crosse. Philadelphia Stoc February ER. Philadelphia Exchange OARD. ISZPORTED BY S. E. SLAYMA FIRST Donna 108..65 19% 1000 Lehigh Val It 65. .98% Long isl It 65 cash 85 5 Girard 11aak..... 37% 2 Fenny It. ...cant 45% 38 do ....in lots 45% rlOO City Os New 97% 2000 do New ..... . . _ 8040 PennaCp ssJ.k.Tu 86 7800 Puma 5e... ahwn 84 20 S pr a; Pin() R.. .. 10% - 10 Cata 50 do Pref....bs 63 60 Leh Val R..bswn 55 1000 'Elmira R 7a 70 500 U$ 7:302rr . li 85.993‘ MO &fitting 6B '70,, 80 50 Reading R.. cash 21% 100 do b 5 21 94 325 Arch-st lt.in lots 18 275 Feld N a 03 is lots 12% 3060 Sunb & Erie 75.. E6M 4000 do 1 Minebill B._ - bETWBE 190 Reading B 21 100 do 22 190 do 22 SECOND 125 Reading R....219r. 22 50 Arch-street R.... 18 15 Man & Meets Bk. 21 BOARD. 't.300 U $ 7 3-10 Tr N. 99,36 177 Arch-street 18 50 Schuyt 3000 eliigh Val R 6s. 9834 3500 City 6s New in Its 973 i 2000 Yenta It 2d niort. 93 50 Girard Col 12..65 163,‘ 1000 North rem' 61.. 66 250 N Penns R scrip. 0 . 334 350 do 6235 100 Lovg Island R... 11k ]5O do 11.4 4500 S 7 3-10 Tr N. 994 260 do 99g AFTER 25 Pennaf 45X 1000 &Min.. 63 78 1000 Schuyl Nay 63 'B2 63 1000 Patina 63 Reg.... 100 100 Spr & Pine-st R. 19% 600 Lehigh Nay 63..102% 13 Reading lit 9-2 3000 Tioga B la 93 OARDS. 600 Penna. 50 CLOBINII PR ÜBTr73-10N99% 99% Philo 6s . 92 93 Phila Oe new... 97 97% Penna. 5s .83% 84 Reading R 22 , " 22% R'dg M 6s 'BO '43 96 97 Reading Bds '7O 89% 90 Bead hl 66'86.. 78 78% 1 Penna It 45% 43% Pa R let m 68..100 100% Penna. R2dm 6a 9211 93 Morrie Cl Con.. 40 44 Morris CI Pref.llo 111 Belt Nay Stock. 5% 51 Bch Nov Pref... 12% 13 Bfli PIY 4' 82 , 68 Elmira I 7 7% Elmira R Prof . 14 • 14% ICJE3.-FIRIII ffed. Elmira 7e '73... 69% 70 Long Island R.. 11% 11% Leh el .5i - Nev.. 51% 52 Lelt Cl & N San 363 37% N Penult R 7 7% N Perna R 66 66% N Penne R 10s.. 79% 80 Ostawison R Oon 2 2 entrilVlSSEt Pref.. 63' 5% Fr & South'k R. 41 1 .. 2i Sr. 3d-sts E... 52 53 Rene & V-ets R. 3 .. NV Phila R...... 52 54 Spruce & Piue.. 10 log Green & Coates 22% 23 Chest dt Wxlnut 30% 31.. Arch 8ac0t.... 10 10% hange—February 25 BO&RD. New York Stock Ex FIRST 18000 S 6s'Bl reg... 92 156000 L S 6s'6l coup. 92,!; 600 dv . 1,10. 9.2 100017 S 6s 'Bl Or IV 10 Pacific Mail S ... 91 DO do 83092 ..., eb do. .... 9 - 14 50 do.. . .. .s6O 91% 50 do 92 14 N if Central R... 5334 50 do ..... 83% 100 do 860 83% 10 Chicago & B 1... 56 100 do b 3057 250 do 564: 60 do 1.110 56% 400 Erie It 34% 1000 .... . 35 200 do. . . 354" 250 Erie R PrePil bl 5 59% 50 Hud Riv R...b30 36% 100 do &V 36 50 do b3O 36% 70 Harlem B. 12% 100 Harbin 1t prf,... 30x 100 Reading R.... sOO 44 525 Mich S I R. 24 1300 do 24 1( 50 Mich S Guar.... 48% 276 do 42% 50 In Cen scrip..s3o 65 100 do sOO 65% % yearly 91 50000 Trea 7 3.10 p c n 09% 6000 Tenn 6s '90;053 65 10000 do blO 65 6000 do b3O 64)4 5000 do 1,5 64% 30000 do _ .... 64 10000 Mo St 68 56% 15(00 do s6O. 56 0000 do ...... . 56 5000 do. ..... 56% 6000 do 56% 5000 111 war 10an.... 88% 5000 Chi & N W 2 in. 18 4000 Ilnßic3dmbca 83 1000 Told Wab 2m.. 49% 5000 do bib 40,i 2000 Gal & Chi] m.lOO 4000 Ole Tol f be. 85 15000 Am G01d...b30.103% 6800 do ...... .. ..103% 10(810 do ......630.103x 17 Ameni an Es Bk 87 900 CUM & Tot R.... 46 000 do ball 40% Philadelphia Markets norn.—The market is very quiet, there being very little demand . either for export or home consumption, but prices remain without quotable change. The only sales reported for shipment are 1,000 barrels extra family, on terms not made public, 500 bbls extra at 55.75, 700 bbls extra family at $6, and 100 bbls fancy at $6.123 ; smal sales to the retailers and bakers at from $3.37% to $5.41 for common and good superfine, $.5.1523 to $5.75 for ex tra, $5.75 to $0.123 fur extra family, and $6.25 up to $7 for fancy lots. There is nothing doing in Rye Flour or COTO Meal. The former is steady at $3.25, and the latter $3 Ift' bld. WITEAT.—The offerings GTO small, but fully adequate for the demand, and prices are lower; sales of 5,000 bush els fair and prime Pennsylvania and Western red at $1.33 to $1.35 4tY bushel, chiefly at $1.33 ; white ranges from $1.37 to $1 43. Pennsylvania rye is selling on arrival at 73c. Corn is steady, with sales 0f3,000 bushels new yet low at 554e50xe iii ettire, mid Sic un9iii. Oat* are un changed; sales of 700 bushels Delaware at 37c, and 10,000 ',whets Pennsylvania at 39c weight; 1,000 bushels New York. Barley sold at 05c. BAKK.—'lliere is very little Quercitron here, and Ist No 1 is wanted at $33.504' ton. CoyloN.--The market continues dull and unsettled, and Kiev' unchanged. GROORILINS AND PROVISIONS.—Thero iH vary little doing in either, and prices continue about the same as last quoted. • SEF:lPS.—Cloverseed is in steady demand, with sales of 300 bushels at $4 1234 et 4 .25. Timothy is in demand: 100 begs sold at $2.25 4F bushel. Flaxseed is selling on ar rival at $2. 002.15 4P' bushel. WHISKY 18 vi ry quiet gales of Ohiu bratulA at 20c, and [lmago at ?Ai% MARINE INTELLIGENCE. W' BEE FOIIETiI PAGE ARRIVED. Saw D .151 French, Stitoe, from Ship Island, in ',Mast CLEARED. Bark Essex, Ray, Cienfuegos, Stewart, Carson & Co. Bar Barnet Lewis, Steadman, Watthingtou, J W Diem. Bela Burrows C, Clark, Port Royal, Tyler, Stone & Co. Behr Mary Willie,ekwortli, Baltimore, do Behr Flt*lkt, McNamar, B Alexandria, Penn Gaa Coal Co. Btr II L Gaw, Iler, Baltimore, A Groves, Jr. (Gorrespondence of the Philadelphia Exchange.) LIMY.% MI., Fels 21 The following reabela are at the Breakwater; echo Adeline' front t'biladelphia for ilattera; C W Holmes, du do; Rhode bland, froin New York 'for do; White Cloud, from. Baltimore ler. New York; :do, Bohn Eliza border, D Foot, a Burt, E W Perrr, and too steamers mina); unknown. Wind SE—weather foamy. Yours, MEMORANDA Steamship M SanfOrd,ti anford, hence, arrived at Now York 3 efderday. Steamship North Star, Jones, at New York yeaterday from Aspinwall, Bark Hanson Gregory, Gregory, for Philadelphia, rid at W.ll - York yesterday. Odic *lire Matilde Remy, cleared at New York yes trills) for Dbilattelpllia. Sohr Marietta. Hmitbg Band, from New Haven for Deal's Island*, kld, at New York yesterday. Exchange Sales, 5 Mind dt Loch Bk 21 100 New Creek 2 Philada 8ank....100 BOARDS. . . 23 do • 18 3 Norristown R.... 45 2 Ws 81 FEBRUARY 25—Evening CITY ITEMS. ANNIVERSARY FESTIVAL or TILE TOUNO Mutes Canis?tett ASSoCIATION.—The anniversary fes tival of the Young Men's Christian Association, to be held at Musical Fund Hall, on tomorrow ( fimrsday) evening, bids fair to be an occasion of unusual interest. It will emitdituto a delightful reunion of the old friends of this praiseworthy Associati in, and wo bare reason to believe will impart a new impetus to its efficiency and usefulness in our city. It will be seen, from the an nouncement elsewhere L that the tickets of admission can he had at the bookstores, }yid at the rooms of the Asso ciation, Chestnut street, above Tenth. LECTURE BY THE REV: E. W. IIUTTER.—.The next lecture of the popular course given iu behalf of the Lutheran Board of Publication, at Concert Hall, will be delivered tomorrow (Thursday) evening, by the Bev. B. W. igniter, pastor of St. Matthew's Lutheran Church, New street, below Fourth. Mr. Butter has chosen for his tht•nme Our Country," than which none could be better odapted to his peculiar powers as a public speaker. A discourse of consummate ability may he safely antici pated, and, judging from the attendance hitherto, he will have a very large audience. FINE CONFECTIONS AND FOREIGN FRUITS.— Mr. A. L. Vaneant, southeast corner of Chestnut and Ninth olrenta, un ler the Vslitliitnti4 ?TOM, in egfifibiLdPg these Dee departments, (Confections and Fruits,) both in greatest excellence, has secured to Philadelphia the honor of an establishment unrivalled by any other - city in the Union. Uhl Confections, moreover, are the most tasteful and the finest in the world, and in foreign Fruits thero is no stocic equal to hie in thin country. ran heAditin an itiktlttltiOn. THE ADVANTAGES OF USING GOOD TEA AND COFFEE have been made apparent to many within the last few months, who have been induced to try inferior imitations, on the score of economy. The superior Oolong and other Teas, and the prime Ohl Government Java Coffee of Mr_ G. B. Mattson, dealer in Fine Greco. ries, Arch and Tenth streets, from their greater purity and strength, are really cheaper than tile quack imitations re ferred to, whilst the beverages themselves are infinitely more delicious and wholesome. At least, this is our judg ment in the matter. DICTIONARY OF MILITARY TE117119 Forlorn Hope--A - party selected to begin an attack. Fngle.man—A drilled moldier who acts as guide in the manual. Fuse—The match by which a shell is exploited. Gabion—A bottomless cylindrical basket, used in building entrenchments. Clads—Parapet of the covered way of fortifications. Grape—Large shot packed in bags by nines, and used for cannon. Grenade—A shell thrown from the hand. General Officers—All above the rank of Colonel. 'Uniforms for General Officers, ready-made or made to order, at Charles Stokes' One-Price," Clothing Store, under the Continental. THE STOntif.—There was a formidable gale lest night. Houses were unroofed, steeples blown down, and ships wrecked. Amid all this crash of matter, the Brown-Stone Clothing Hall of Rockhill & Wilson, Nos. 603 and 605 Chsidnut street, above Sixth, stood firm and erect. This groat establishment daily sends forth hundreds of elegant garments to render clothes-wearing humanity comfortable; and soldier and civilian alike have their wants supplied here. HANG OUT TOUR. BANNERS.—Never, within the mrmory of the oldest inhabitant, has so much pa triotic bunting been "flung to the breeze" in our city. From all the Shipping at the wharves, from every flag staff, and from many private residences, the loved and venerated "star-spangled banner" floats proudly in the breeze, rebuking traitors and inviting patriotism to en robe itself in the new and elegant winter costumes got ten up at the one price fashionable Clothing store of Grenville Stokes, No. 609 Chestnut Street, where the finest and most extensive stock of garments in the city are selling at sacrificing prices. SPECIAL NOTICES. OP I V A N A Y D A 1: 2 1 3 0 Pr'n :EX ° P P .II P E IC SS E CHESTNUT STREET, RumensLynxe, January 27, 1862. The Adams Express Company having enlarged their facilltic/ at Washington, D C., by building a Railroad depot, and having acquired additional capacity for transportation, aro now prepared to forward Heavy Express freights, Packages, and Parcels, to Wash ington, Georgetown, Alexandria, Annapolis, Frederick, Adamstown, Fortress Monroe, and other places South occupied by the army, at greatly reduced rates. Special agreements made for merchandise in large lots. Sutlers' goods and army supplies at satisfactory prices, on application at our office. Soldiers' parcels taken at much less than our usual rates. Heavy and bulky packages received and rocsipted far at our depot, B. E. corner of BROAD and LOOUBT DYSPEPSIA! DYSPEPSIA! DYSPEPSIA cured for $l, or SI returned! DYSPEPSIA cured for $l, or $1 returned! DYSPEPSIA cured for $l, or $1 returned! DYSPEPSIA cured for 61, or 81 returned: WISHART'S GREAT AMERICAN DYSPEPSIA PILL is a positive cure for DYSPEPSIA. I warrant a cure in every case, no matter if of twenty years' stand ing, or the money returned. Price $1 per box. Sent by mail, free of charge, on receipt of the money. Depot, No.lo North SECOND St eet. feB.2m L. Q. 0. WISHAST. DR. ROBERTSON'S GOUT AND RHEU— !UTZ° DROPS—VW only reliable remedy for Rheuma. tiem, Govt, &o. Price $l. For sale by DYOTT & 00_, No. 232 North SECOND Street, jal•wmtf Depot for all Popular Medicines. UPHAM'S HAIR DYE, ONLY 38 CM'S Box.—Bottles larger than the Dollar Dyes. Colora in stantaneously, and will not wash out. Try it: Sold only at UPHAM'S, 403 CHESTNUT Street. n027-wfm3m ONE-PRICE CLOTHING, OF THE LATEST STYLYS, made !lithe Best Manner, expressly for RETAIL SALES. LOWEST Belling Prices marked in Plain Figures. All Goods made to Order warranted satieino tory. Our Oxil , Pßion SYSTEM is strictly adhered to. All are thereby treated alike. ae22-ly JONES & CO.. 604 MARKET Street. MARRIED . 13611711—RUSSELL.—On the 26th December, by the Rev. J. S. Willis. Harrison H. M. Smith, to Anna H. iiweeD, both of this city. _ 11 - 67(T—DALLMAN.—On the 19th of January, in Norristown, by the Bev. Dr. Boone, Lieut. Henry 0. Hoyt, of Stuart's Engineer regiment, New York Volun teers, to Miss Annie Dallman, of Norristown, Pa. * X ERR—MAULL.—On the 22d inst., by the Rev. Dr. Blackwood, Mr. James Kerr, of Norristown, Pa., to Miss Maull, of Philadelphia. it DIED PRINLEY.—On the evening of the 24th, Fanny S., wife of Edward L. Brinley. The funeral will take place from the residence of her husband, No. 1815 Pine street, at 12 o'clock, this morn ing. DrhiLAP.—On Tuesday morning, 25th inst., Mrs. PPriqh re et cr tlig tats 119byrk W, PilAiAPt iks . csi 74 Yelllll. The relativet avid friends of the family are respectfully invitEd to attend the funeral, on Thureday, the 21111 inst., at 2 o'clock, P. AL, from her late residence, No. =2l hELLry.-Ith the 23th inst., at No. 1.8t5 Drown street, Charles Kelley, in the 37th year of his age. * BIDDLE—On tho 115th inst., Caldwell K. Biddle, Eat., in the 34th year of Mange. tt HUBBEET.—On the 25th inst , Benjamin Hubbert, eldest son of Wm. H., and Harriet S. Hulbert, in the 20th year of his age. Due notice will be given of the funeral. AKEItS.On the 22d inst., Elizabeth, wife of Joseph Akers. in the 27t1, year of her age. Funeral from the residence of her husband, No. 911 Filbert street, tide (Wednesday) afternoon, at 2 o dill 31, BOSTICIC.—On the 22d inst., Mrs. Ann Bostick, the widow of Isaac Bostick, aged 61. years, 2 months and 12 days. Funeral this (Wednesday) afternoon, at 2 o'clock, from the residence of her son-in.law, Henry 11. Gilbert, No. 407 South Twelfth street, below Pine. To proceed to the Olive Cemetery. 11171MERS.—fIn the VA inst., John R. Rudders, in the 55th year of fig age. The relatives awl friends of the Family, also the mem bers of the Carpenters' Company, are respectfully in vited to attend his funeral this ( Wednesday) afternoon, at 2 o'clock, from his late residence, 514 Wood street. ** BESSON & SON, MOURNING STORE, No. 918 CHESTNUT Street. (Goods re ceived January Isth to 31st.) Black and white striped and ch.ek Silks; Shepherd plaid Silks; black Poult de Soles and glossy Silks; English Chintzes and Do Lianas; Balmoral Skirts; Lace and Riviere Ruffles; Lace Sleeves; Crape Coheirs; Blanket Shawls; Thibet Long Shawls, extra sizes; Tarlatan Bonnet Ruch.; Silk and Cotton Blonde Neck Ruches; Large Crimp English Crapes; Love and Grenadine Veils' Crape Veils; Wide Hemmed Handkerchiefs; Mull and Piping Sets; doubln-width Black Meneselines, &c. fe7, riev: FOURTEENTH WARD, ATTEN -113 MON !--A. Ineetine of the People's Association of the above ward will be held at SPRING GARDEN DALE. TIIIB (Wednesday) EVENING, at 7,}i o'clock. Election for oiliegra of filo Annicialion for filo glinting year. By order, DAVID CRAMER, President. Attest, JOHN A. ItIcDOWELL, Secretary. it* COMMENCEMENT.—THE ANNUAL Commencement or the PENNSYLVANIA COL LIGE OF DENTAL SURGERY will take place at the MUSICAL FEND HALL, on FRIDAY EVENING, Feb. 28th, at 7.% o'clock. The Valedictory will be de. livered by Prof_ J. L. Sueeeerott. The public are in vited. [fe26-3t4i] W. CALVED. f, Dean. LOMRARD AND SOUTH-STREETS 1.1.3 PASSENGER RAILWAY COMPANY.—At an Election held on the 22d inst., in pursuance of the Char ter, the following-named gentlomin were chosen Direc tors of this Company for the ensuing year JOHN K. NeCURDY, I GEO. W. MIDDLETON, .101 IN WILSON, GEO. H. ARMSTRONG, WILLIAM B. MANN, And at a meeting of the Board of Directors, held the acme day, the following officers were elected President—CHAS. A. RUB [CA M. Treasurer—FßAN CIS Mc DNA IN. W, MTN& It* arOFFICE OF THE PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD COMPANY. PITrLAIH Fob. 10, 1882 NOTICE TO STOCKIIOLDERS.—The Annnal Elec tion for Directors will bo hold on MONDAY, the third day of March, 1862, at the Office of the Company, No. 22a South THIRD Street. ME12611 No share or shares transferred within sixty days next preceding the election, will entitle the holder or holders thereof to a vote. EIMIUND SMITH, fell-dtm3 Secretary. ry.• CITY COMMISSIONERS' OFFICE, ik3 Philadelphia, February, 1862. TO HOTEL KEEPERS, RESTAURANTS, and otherr, desirous of selling Liquors by loss measure than a quart.—Applicatds for License will apply at this ware, as .0,14,1 by oa. of .1.;-..cnsWy, spprovod April 120,1658, on the following days, viz Ist Ward, on Saturday, March Ist. 2d and 3d Wards, on Monday, March 3d. 4th Ward, on Tuesday, March4th. 6th Ward, on Wednesday, March sth. 6th Ward. on Thursday, March 6th. t 7th and Rth Wordo, sn Fri4y, March 7th. Silt and 10th Wards, on Saturday, March 8111. 11th Ward, on Monday, March 10111. 12th and 13th Wards, on Tuesday, March 11th. 14th Bud 15th Wards, on Wednesday, March 12th. 16th Ward, on Thursday, March 13th. 17th Ward, on Friday, March 14th. 18th and 19th Wards, Saturday, March 15th. 20th Ward, on Monday, March 17th. 51st and 2Sd Wards, o. Tuosday, Starch 23d and 24th Wards on Wednesday MATO' 1915. 25th Ward, on Thu rsday, March 20;t4. fe26-7t JAMXS SHAW, Clerk. JOHN BINGHAM, Superintendent. la.. ANNIVERSARY FESTIVAL. YOUNG MKS'S CRMSTIAN ASSOCIATION AT INK MUSICAL FIIND HALL, THURSDAY 4YEN/Nlii YEDRUAttY HQ The exercises of the occasion will be presi led over by GEO. H. STUART, Esq., President cf the Association. Short addresses will be delivered by Rev. Thresham D. Gregg, D. D., of Dublin. Thomas Brainard, D. D. Anthony Atwood. Daniel March. S. P. Benson. " duo. Chambers, and others. Refreshments will be served from 734 o'clock to 10 o'clock. Tickets 50 cents. For sale at Martian's bookstore; American Tract Society ; M. Johnson's, 1019 Spring Garden street; Rooms of the Association, and at the door. Doors open at 7 o'clock. fo2o-2t* la. THE MOST REVEREND ARCHBISH OP KEN HICK, of Baltimore, will deliver a Lec ture in aid of the poor and Orphans, nt the AOADE OF MUSIC. on THURSDAY 'EVENING, February 27th. SubjEct—. , The Charity of St. Vincent do Paul." Tickets 25 cents. Reserved seats 50 cents; may be secured at the Box Office of the Academy on Thursday morning, froth oto 12 o'clock. Lecture to commence et 8 o'clock. Ut it TWENT IXTH QUADRILLE PARTY TO TUE CONTRIBUTI , G MEM BERS OF. TIME PRILADELP FHA BAND, No. 1, mill lake place on WEDNESDAY EVENING, Feb. 26, at the "MUSICAL FUND IiALL. RS" Tickets can only be transferred at the Band's room, southeast corner of EIGHT'S and WALNUT Streets, on Monday, Zdtti, and Tuesday, 26th host Its• preen the hours of 3 and 6 I'. M. No new subscribers taken, or tickets sold at the door. Persons becoming contributing members will be enti tled to tickets fur three parties. Please make early ap plication to JANES MADISON BECK, No. 7.10 FLORIDA Street, fe2l-3t Above Eleventh Street, below F,tewnter. orOFFICE OF DISBURSEMENT FOR. VOLUNTEER ORGANIZATION, 1137 GIRARD Street, PHILADELPHIA, PA., 21st February, 1852. By directions from Beadunartera of the Army, publica tion is made that all claims against the United Stated, in curred by authority of Col. E. D. Baker, ,m well as those agninet the Twenty- neventli Regiment, Penna. Yole., (Col. Einstein,) the Twenty-Math Regiment, Penna. Vole., (Col. W. F. Small,) and the Twenty-ninth Regi ment, Penna. Tole., (Col. John K. Murphy,) which are not presented to me, at my office, before the let day of April, 1862, will not be audited for settlement C. F. BUFF, Lieut. Col. Third Cavalry, U. S Army, fe22-smw.3t Diehureiroz Officer. NEW PUBLICATIONS NEW ENGLISH BOOKS.—Tmported and for Fate tn. 111cELBOY & CO., No. 27 South SIXTH Strnet,aboveChestnut. . . . TRACTS FOR PRIESTS AND PEOPLE. First Bvo. Cloth 8^_.50. BRISTOW'S GLOSSARY OF MINERALOGY, Svo. Cloth, 83.75. SMILE'S LIVES OF EMINENT ENGINEERS. Illustrated. 2 vole, royal Bvo. Cloth, $l2. SOUTHEY'S LIFE OF NELSON. Now Edition Printed at the Chiswiet Press. 18mo Cloth, gilt top, $1 lIKRBICEDS POETICAL WORKS. do, do. $1 MILTON'S POETICAL WORKS. 2 vole. do. $2 LAMB'S TALES FROM SHAKSPEARE. do. 81 ROUGH DIAMOND. By John Hollingshead. 12mo Cloth, gilt edges, $l. WHY PAUL FEBROLL KILLED HIS WIFE 12.1n0. Cloth, 51.75. GOLDEN TREASURY OF SONGS AN) BALLADS. Edited by Palgrave. 12mo. Cloth, extra, $l.OO. TEACH US TO PRAY. By the Rev. J. Cumming. 12mo. Cloth, $l. THE FOUR GEORGES. By M. M. Thackeray. Il lustrated. Small Svo. Cloth, $1.50. ROB AND HIS FRIEND. By John Brown, M. D. Beautifully illustrated. 4to. $1.75. THE BOOK OF FAMILIAR QUOTATIONS. Second edition. 12mo. Cloth, anti q ue, $1.50. THE 'WISDOM OF SOLOMON. Illuminated in gold and colors. By Samuel Stanesby. Square 12w. Cloth, extra. $4. SPIRITUAL CONCEITS. Extracted from the wri tings of the Fathers, old English Poets, &c. Illustrated. By W. Harry Rogers. Square Svo. Cloth. extra, $6.50. THE PSALMS OF DAVID. Illustrated. By John Franklin. Small 4to. Cloth, gilt extra, $6. . FAYOBITB ENGLISH POEIIS. Beautifully illus. trittril by the hest English Artists. Stnall.lto. Cloth, gilt extra, 56. Morocco. By Hayilay. $lO. SHAKSPE ABE'S SONGS AND BALLADS. Illus trated. With fae-simile Water-Color Drawings and Wood Cute. By John Gilbert. Folio. Cloth, 1M S. Foreien Books imported to order by every steamer. Monthly Catalogues of new and old English Books fur ei§b.Nl gr4tig qn applicAvn, SUBSCRIBERS TO PUTNAM'S REBELLION RECORD Can have their Parts exchanged for Bound Volumes, at the Office, 33 South SIXTH Street, up-stairs. JOHN McFASLAN, Agent. Volumes 1 and 2 are now ready. fe26.wrh93t CABINET FURNITURE CABINET FURNITURE AND BIL LIARD TABLES. MOORE c‘; CAMPION, No. 261 South SECOND Street, in connection with their extensive Cabinet Business are now manufacturing a superior article of BILLIARD TABLES , And have now on baud a full supply, finished with the MOORE A- CAMPION'S IMPROVED CUSHIONS, which are pronounced, by all who have used them, to be superior to all others. For the quality and finish of these tables the menu• facturers refer to their numerous patrons throughout the Union, who are familiar with the character of their work. fe26-6m LEGAL. TN THE ORPHANS' COURT FOR IN THE CITY AND COUNTY OF PFIILADEL- Iletate of ANN HILT, deceased The Auditor appointed by the Court to audit, settle, and adjust the account of JOHN HILT, Administrator of ANN HILT, deceased, and to make distribution of the halanen in the, hands of tha fteeanntant, will moat the parties interested, for the purposes of his appointment, on FRIDAY, March 7,1862, at 4 o'clock P. M., at his office, No. 131 South FIFTH Street, (2EI floor,) in the city of Philadelphia. fe2s.wfm 5t LETTERS OF ADMINISTRATION to the Estate of JOHN B. W. filk Otti.tifig, late of the city of Philadelphia, deceased, having been granted to the undersigned, all persons indebted to the estate will please make payment, and those having claims or de mands will present them without delay, to JOSHUA. C. CRAVEN. Administrator, fe2F-w6tiS 504.M1N0R Street. THE MODEL HAIR-CUTTING AND DYEING SALOON, in Philadelphia, is at FOURTH and BRANCH Streets. fedti-iftf SHUTTLE SEWING MAC G LNES.- The cheapest and best for manufacturing and family use. Each Machine warranted as represented, or the money refunded. For sale at No. 911 OHESTNUT St. fe26.6t* J. T. JONES CO. • SELF-ADJUSTING CLOT HE S cifßlNGEll.—This improvement will wring water from any article of the most delicate texture to a bed quilt better than by hand, without the least injury, and adjusts itself, so that it is superior to all other wringers and modes of wringing. Purcnasers can nee them ono month and, if not satisfied. return them and receive their money. For sale by L. E. SNOW. at office of JOY, COE, du- CO., FIFTH sod MIES MUT Streets. Ladiee are particularly invited to call and neethem. feffii•lm OFFICE OF THE MAYOR OF THE CITY OF PHILADELPHIA. PROPOSALS will be received at this office until SA TURDAY next for the conveyance of PRIBO NEItS from the several police stations, by van, from gar di 1, 1862. to December 31, 1862, in accordance with an or dinance approved this day ' entitled an ordinance to make an appropriation to the Department of Police for the year 1862." Particular information of route obtained by applica tion nt this office. By ortier of the Mayors fe26.3t SAMUEL G. RUGGLES. Chief of Police AA CARD.—The undersigned respect fully takes pleasure in announcing. to hie friends and former warms. that, in connection with his fashion • able block of MILITARY and C/T/ZIalF IHAPY -31A-DE CLOTHING, he will open, MARCH 1, 1862, one of the best assorted stocks of BOYS' ISEADY-MADE CLOTHING ever before offered in this city, all of which will be sold at one low, uniform price. A portion of the store has been furnished for this de partment exclusively. iu good style, and particularly pri vate for ladies with children. We cortlially invite all to call and examine the stock Wort; putellasing.. All gotwiu sold st E 34 ORKSiNUT STRI ET, tinder the Continental Hotel, warranted to give porTeet sattefaction. CLOTHS. CASSIMERES, AND VESTING'S, always on hand, direct from the beet importing houses in America. Ctettdog made to order at abort notice, and in the mast fashionable styles. Also, will be kept on hand, a large and complete as sortment of GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING GOODS, selected from the most fashionable importing•houses in New 'York, and will receive bur special attention, in order to be ahead of all competitors. Price lew, and uniform in all cases. vet i Lt kß. Silk,Alpaca, Cotton, Gingham, and all other atflee, will be found in our stock, at No. 524 CHESTNUT STREET, Under the Continental Hotel. fe26-6t CHARLES STOKES. ANOTHER RECENT CURE OF COM UMPTION, by Prof. C. H. BOLLES, at 1220 WALNUT Street, Philadelphia. ELLCTIMITY WILL CURE DISEASE after all other remedies have failed. BEAL THE. FOLLOWING: For many years I have been afflicted with consumptive tendencies, and much of the time my condition has been truly alarming, especially for two years past. My cough lam been very didtressine, with expectoration and he- Pnorrhno from the lungs ; nttonded with severe pains, at times, through tli left lung, and It was evident to mend my friends that I could not live long. I 'lathe= treated by several eminent medical men, who had exhausted their catalogue of remedies in my case, but no one gave me any relief, and I was getting worse. Appetitefailing, digestion and circulation, as well as secretion and excre tion. ere !abnormal. When in this horrid condition. I callild On Prot. BOLLES, at his Institution, 1220 IV/1.14- NUT Street, for counsel, and, after conversing with him for about ten minutes, he told me frankly that he could ewe me, and I immediately put myself under his treat ment' and was much relieved the first application. ll* offered to guaranty my cure, and charge mo nothing if he failed. I can frankly say that lam perfectly cured, and rejoice that, by a kind Providence, I wee led to try tbie new discoVe.ry of Prof B. I moat cheerfully recommend all consumptives, who have failed to get relief by any other treatment, to apply to Prof. BOLLES before it is too late. GEO. DOti 'MASS, Clerk of Express Office, Phila. t fe26-3ti* 215 JACOBY Street. 4 BAMRELS GOOD QUALITY v CARBON OIL (non-expleeive) for sale, in lota of five and ten barrele, at 435 00111.51EIWE Bt. fe2s-63* TN UNIFON.—The public voice, with IN one accord, pronounces REVIVER'S Colored Photo graphs the ne plus ultra of photographic art. Only V. PECOND, above Green street. lt4t- NVE ASSERT with aotifitlenet- that Colored Photographs made by REIMER,. for $1 only, have no equals, in point of exCellunce. They need only be seen to convince. SECOND. above Greet et. lt* WATCHES, FRENCH TIME and MUSICAL BOXES rmmired, by natrior Workmen, at LEWIS LADOMUS k CO.'S, He. NS CHESTNUT Street, Phr WP All meek IMPMAntail. Ja27.11m WATCHES.—Our facilities fot procuring the BEM WATCHES mannfactured are uneurpaseed, and we are Belling them at very mode. rate prices. Five watches repaired by finished work• men. and warranted to give satire wetiefoctien. FARR k BROTHER, ImPortarai MA! 894 CHESTNUT Street, below IYLPIITH. DR. FINE, PRACTICAL DEN- Ilea for 18 years, No. 219 YINN Street, above Second, inserts the most beautiful Teeth of tho are, mounted on fine Gold, P.atina„ Silver, Vulcanite, Co mfits, Amber, At., at prices more reasonable for nowt end wnindearttial work than ooy Ilemtlett iil this Teeth 'Plugged to last for Ilte.. No pain in estraeling Teeth. Artificial Teeth repaired to snit. No par until satisfied all is right. Reference, best families, fc4l.3a 1862. 8 PRIN G. 1862.. W. S. STEW ART & CO., IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS OF SILKS AND FANCY DRESS GOODS, )40. 305 MARKET STILE FIT. Buyers are invited to call and examine a fresh stock or NEW AND DESIRABLE GOODS, bought exclusively for ()ASH, and which we will offer on the most tavorublo terms, Our stock comprises, in addition to a complete assort ment of BLACK AND OTHER STAPLE SILKS, a variety of Seasonable DRESS GOOD:S, IN NEW AND APPROVED STYLES, specially adapted to City Sales. fe25.3m yArtD,G-ILLAIORE, & Co., Nos. 617 CHESTNUT and 611 JAYNE Streets. Have now open their SPRING IMPORTATION OF SILK AND FANCY DRESS GOODS, SHAWLS, WHITE GOODS, LINENS, EMBROIDERIES, &c. Bought in Europe, by ono cf the firm. To which the attention of the trade is particularly in vited. • fb2l-2m SELLING OFF STOOK or CASSIMERES, VESTINGS, DRIL LINGS, MARSEILLES, &C. Tttentp-five per cent. under former prices. A. H. GIBBS. fe2l.lm No. 531 MARKET Street. JAB. R. CAMPBELL & Co., IMPONTERS, AND CASH DEALERS IN DRY GOODS, LT WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, Having organized a RETAIL DEPARTMENT in connection with their WHOLESALE TRADE, will ex hibit, at all seasons, a line of Goode by the yard, piece, or package, at ouch rates as to commend their stock to the attention of cash buyers. 7a28-tf TABLE LINENS. Heavy Brown, all pure linen, 28; Bred Union do., 37A 8-4 wide do., 50; Rand -loom, half blo'd, all linen, 02;6 ; 8 4 wide do , 75 ; these goods are very heavy ; fine bled 8.4 wide, 75 ; the old-fashioned bloom pattern heavy, 62,14 ; Spot Napkins, 75 cents per doz ; fine DA do., $1.50, hove been sold as high as $1.75 ; heavy Barnsley at $2 and $2.50, sold by regular Linen Stores at $3; heavy [bloke back Towels, from Auction, at 75 cents per doz. ; Rucka back Bath Towels, 131 yards long, 183.1, with broad red border ; one lot, $1.20 per doz., worth $1.50 ; Scotch Litiper;sl.2s and $1.50 per piece ; extra good Fronting Linen, 31S ; Richardson's heaviest, 3714 ; these are less than regular price, and many other Linen goods. GRANVILLE D. RAINED, No. 1013 MARKET Street, above Tenth. P. S.—Ono lot heavy gray twilled Ftsgsuel, at .53,1, that has lately. 25. f022-2t MUSLINS, MUSLINS.—I. have now the best I2g-cent Bleached Muslin in the city, six different makes, full yard wide, at 12g e., some of which cannot be bought less than 14c.; those are a bargain. Full IM-wide Pillow. easing at 123 e.; full IM-wide at M.; best quality good Shut tit g, full wide, 28e.; very heaviest bleached sheeting made, at 40c. Persons wishing to replenish their stock of Sheetings will not find a better selection, or as cheap, anywhere. Fine unbleached, full yard wide, 1234 c.; 14.-yard wide, 14c.; and many other makes equally as cheap. GRANVILLE B. lIAINES, fe2-1.3t 1C0.1013 AIARKET St., above TENTH. WILLIA.MSVILLE M U S L IN WILLIAMSVILLE HUSLIST.—We are selling the Best Quality Williamsville Muslin, at a lower price than any retail store in the city. We have a large stock of good BLEACHED AND UNBLEACHED MUSLIN& which we are selling LOWER THAN THE LOWEST RETAIL PRICES_ NO HUMBUG: Call and see for yourself. We will open to-day, from a large New York Jobbing House, now going out of business, a large lot of GOOD BLACK SILKS, bought for cash, at a great sacrifice. Good heavy qualities, 70 to 95 cents. Beet Si Black Silks in the city. Superior qualities of Wille.Black Silks. Two.faccd Fitntred Black Bilks: FANCY SILKS. A large assortment of NEW AND RICH STYLES, 50 cents to Va t 30-inch Black Moire Antiques, at 6235 cents. H. STEEL & hON, Wel No. 718 North TENTH Street. above Cosh*. COWPEE.THWAIT & CO., N. W. cor. EIGHTH and MARKET Streets, Have opened a handsome stock of NEW GOODS, espe cially adapted to the times, consisting of new and elegant Fabrics, at low rates. Black Silks, veri cheap Prints in immense variety. A large line of Flannels, such as Ballardvale, Saxony, and other celebrated mskes. The beet twenty-five cent white Pbinnel Li the by the piece, at wholesale prices, mostly purchased be fore the recent rise in domestic goods. fe22-tf LINEN FURNISHING GOODS. SHARPLESS BROTHERS have now open Linen !Meetings and Barnsley Damasks. Natural Color Loom Damasks. for Tabling. Linen Diapers and Toads, bordered. Crumb Cloths, Stair Crash, Dowlas. Kitchen Towels, Huckabacks, Crequillas. Best makes of Irish Shirting Linens. Linen Bosoms, made in the beet manner. Stout Body and fine Fronting Linens. ALSO, English Nitite Counterpanes and Quilts. Summer quilts and Ltght Counterpanes. Blankets of all descriptions. lanolin &linings, bleached and brown. Cotton SleeHngo of every= Pillow-Case Cottons and Linens. Green-Baffles and Furniture Coverings. Rollands and tildutzes for Slips. All of these are offered at lowest cash prices. felB CHESTNUT and EIGHTH Streets. FEBRUARY 25, 1862 R ECENT AUCTION BARGAINS.AA: 6 doz. fine hemmed Handkerchiefs ; at 37.4 i cents, 2 pieces extra fine 4-4 white Flannels, cheap. 20 doz. Ladies' L. C. Handkerchiefs, at 13 cents. 41 Balmoral Skirts. 2,655 yards best American Prints, 12% cents. ALSO, 1 piece oil boiled heavy black silk, 81.10, worth $1.25. 8 pieces Shepherds' Plaid., 25 and 31 cents. 20 pieces new spring De Lainea, 25 cents. 4 pieces brown and black mixed Lavellas, 12% cents. 47 pieces Russian Crash, from 9to 12% cents. 12 pieces heavy domestic and imported Ginghams. 11 pieces tine Swim Ginghams, at a bargain. 101 pieces line bleached Iffnalins, at 16 cents. Cotton, Table, Diaper, and Linen Damask. OASSISIRRES. BOYS' WEAR CHEAP. COOPER & CONARD, . fels S. E. Corner NINTH and MARKET. NOTICE.—DRY GOODS. Two lots 8-4 Table Linens Two lots Towelling, 12%. One lot Huckaback (bordered) at 25. One lot super do. at 33. Flo ”99iri119pt Mill and Plaid Gingham. 700 yards Plaid Gingham's at /2%, worth 16x. Calicoes, large assortment, 12%, 13. and 14. Gents' L. C. Hdkfa. at 24,28, and 31 ; a bargain. Gents' Suspenders; very cheap. Fresh lot of Book Muslin and Hdkfs. 60 pa. Plaid Mnslins, from 18,,f to 50c. At- JOHN 11. STOK6B', felb No. 702 ARCH Street. E W HOUSE-F URNISHING GOODS, LINENS, &c.—The largest assortment is the city of Fine Flemish, Irish, and Barnsley Linen Sheetings. Dunbar Dickson's and Richardson's Pillow Linens. Golden Flax Shirting and Fronting Linens. Table Linens, 0 able Clothe, Napkins, Doylies. Towellioge and TowAs or all dt.§criptions, for the bath, chamber, pantry, kitchen, and nursery. Quilts and Blankets, of all sizes, for cribs and beds. Table and_Piano Covers, and Materials for covers, by the yard. Furniture Chintzes,Furniture Coverings, etc. Rich Lace and Musin Curtains and Curtain Materials. Plain and Gold Bordered Shades, in all colors. SHEPPARD, YAN HAREINGEN, & &EDISON, fell) 100 CHESTNUT Street. aREAT REDUCTION IN PRICES I7A OF MANY STYLES OF WINTER GOODS FOR FIFTEEN DAYS LONGER, BEFORE TAKING THEM INTO STOCK, via: Figured and Plain Merinoes. Pleio and Gay Long Shawls. Doris Prom Qv." P9PIIPP, Plaid Flannels—Pink, Blue, and Brown. Ladies' Scarfs, reduced 30 per cent. One lot of L. O. Edicts., at 15c. Two lots do., at 25c., a bargain. One lot of Linen Diaper at $1.25 a piece. Hoop Skirts-76, 57X, $l, and $1.12. Nice assortment of Gingham s. Ladies' Merino Tests, all sizes. Misses' Merino Yeats, all sizes. Gloves and Hosiery of all kinds. Gents' Silk Handkerchiefs, splendid assortment at J. H. STOKES', ja2s tf 702 ARCH Street. BLACK SILKS BY THE PIECE. Black Oro da nines. Black Gro de Brilliant. Black Corded Gro Grain. Black Figured Double Faced. BYBR & LANDELL, fel3 FOURTH and ARCH Streets. E& LANDELL, FOUR T H .12.1 and Altoll. ere ootodog for spring 4.4 Bich Light Chintzes. 4-4 Light Spring Brilliants. New Spring Style DeLainee. fel3 WYRE & LANDELL, FOURTH and Ja ARCH, are opening for Spring Napoleon Blue Plain Silks. Select Shades Brown Silks. solid Colors Figured Silks. real EY"& LANDELL, FOURTH and ARCH. are opening for Spring Fine Plaid Drone Silks. Fine Plaid Bonnet Silks. Black and White Shepherd Plaid. fel3 67 PIECES NEW SPRING PRINT& New 4-4 Shirting Prints. Now Oil Chintzes at 1&) cents, w0w5h.35. Mew Imported Gingham& COOPER a CgriARD, leB NINTH and MANIXT Shoest& BLACK ALPACAS. One suction lot 3734, worth Monts. One auction lot 25, worth 31 cents. sine black Wool Delaines t ST% cents. COOPER & CON &ND, f 4 Southwest corner NINTH and KABUL T .INEN (OODS. J./ Nediw.n and Fine Fronting Linens. Bean , Shirting and Pillow Linena. Onr lot Red•bordered Fringed Towels, 18% cents; cheap. 'Linen Sheeting, Diaper*, Napkins, Doylies. Damask Table Clotho, Dias Linens, !M. 000P1111 k CONS.10:0, M grouthettot corner NINTH owl 11145111 T, DRY-GOODS JOBBERS. No. 727 CHESTNUT STREET. RETAIL DRY GOODS. COMMISSION HOUSES. WELLING"-, COFFIN, & 00.. 220 CHESTNUT STREET, Agents for the following makes of goods: INTS. DIINNEI6 I . M}'G. CO. GREENE ISM. CO. LAWNS. ,DUNNELL MFO. CO. BLEACHED COTTONS, L on o u l e , AoLurn, 6.4latengsille, Centretlalr,, jamestown, Black. 4 ta.e, Howl Bed Bank, DnFalirinttit, Newburyport, Namulag, ZonaYr, Grano Mfg. Co.'s an, BA, Burton, and Other styles, BROWN COTTONS. Burnside, Trent, Groton, At - Nand, Chtelnut, alcaffilte, Mechanics' and Fanners'. ConSET JEANS —Gliniaow. Manclanit'orl DENIMS AND STDIPEA. , --.44^3.ftnni: &Witt CPIs Madison, Slatersville, Agawam, Keystone, Chin...sm.. CANTON FLANNELS.—SIaters,SIIe, Agawitur. SlLESlAS.—Smith's, Social Co., Lansdale Co: WOOIALENS. ARMY BLUE CLOTHS, KERSEYS, and rt NEU, BROAD CLOTHS.—Plunketts', Glenham Co., .ho. CASSIMERES.—Gay dc Son, Efitxton',; River, &c. MIME^. s.—Bass River, Conversville. Lower Val ley, Hope, Statfordville, Converse and Hyde, Converse Bros. & Co., Shaw tlfg. CO. KENTUCKY JEANS,—Rodman, 'Hymn", Cold Medal. DOBSET FLANNEL.—Wiiiinnia', Angola, Saxony, AteriNo, dic. At.so, Lonsdale Nankeens and Colored Cambria, Plaid Lineeye, Pantaloon Stuffs, Ac. fe26.3in SHIPLEY, HAZARD, & HUTCHLNSON, No. 112 CHESTNUT STREET, COMMISSION MERCHANTS FOR THE SALE OF PHILADELPHIA-MADE GOODS_ ge2B-6ro WHOLESALE HOUSES. 27 AND 24-INCH SKY-BLUE KERSEYS, SUPERFINE INDIGO-BLUE SATINETS, BLACK CADET AND OXFORD Do. PRINTED Do, in variety. BLACK AND FANCY MIXED DOESKINS. FANCY CASSINERES AND MELTONS. IN STORE, AND FOR SALE BY ' , JOSEPH LEA, fe.2o-12t 19. 1 .4 AND 130 CIDEgTNIIT FYI'WEET MILITARY GOODS. SKY-BLUE KERSEYS, (27 by 54. inch.) DARK-BLUE KERSEYS, DARK-BLUE INFANTRY CLOTHS, INDIGO•BLUE CAP CLOTHS, SKY-BLUE CASSIAIERES. NEW REGULATION FOR OFFICERS' PANTS. WHITE DOMET FLANNELS,, CANTON FLANNELS, 10oz., 120 z., & Isoz. TENT DUCH. - £ll sv:cranked United Staten Army standard. FOB SALE BY ALFRED BLADE & CO., 40 South FRONT Street, and 39 LETITIA. Street, Philadelphia. fal.&-tmyl ARMY OAP BU TT ONS AND SLIDES, manufactured at FIFTQ Street- and COLUMBIA Avenue fe6-Im* BRASS EYELETS BRASS EYE LETS for Blankete and Leggings. FIF/111 Street and COLUMBIA Avenue. IC. WINS. fre-linv INSURANCE COMPANIES. STATEMENT OF THE CONDITION I=l PHOKNIX INSUIL&NCE COMPANY, HARTFORD, CONNECTICUT, ON THE 31sr DAY OF DECEMBER,.IB6I:. CAPI_TAIJ. Capital Stock, all paid in, in cash 8400,000 00 ASSETS. Beal Estate held by the C0mpany......:...17,500.00. Cash on hand- Oash deposited in State Bank"... Charter Oak Bank" Cash - in hands of Agents and in course of transmission Amount of loan! on Sonde and Mortgagee, constituting the first lien on the Real Re- tate, upon which there is less than one year's interest due and owing 17,009 , 00. Amount of Bank and other Stocks owned by the Company. Par value I=2 Amount or Stocks held by the Company as collateral aecurity for loans. Par ratite, $22,2C0 q market value, $22,140; amount Amount of all other loans Amount of interest due and mail 2464 76 LIABILITIES-. Amount of claims for losses which unlit suit or contested by the Coropariy Amount of looses during tho year which:haTo not been settled, $8,400. Amount of loose& during the year, reported to the Company. and not acted upon =O6lOO INCO. Amount of cash premiums received ,(pat)'... =5,459 57 Amount of interest rumor receiyud 25,955 15 EXPENDITURES. Amount of losses paid during the. year•...... 318,022 14 Amount of loosen paid during the year-which accrued prior to the year„ ~..s:+:;sl3 Sf Amount at which they w•ero.cetitualed•imfor- V1.4).048. 41 mer statement Amount of dividends paid duringtimyear.. 20,003 00 Aaibuetaf ear/Laren rtkillduring. the year including COIIIIIIOSIOILI3. and. fees. paid to agents and officers of•tha.Ccapany, and taxes paid by the C0mpany......... S_WEON L. LOOMIS, HENRY KEUEIGG, axcnicteitY. S•ABINE d; AGENTS, No_ 14T SOUTH FOURTII, STREET, ? IILADELPJIfi CIONXOSWEALTH }IRE INSU PKN RANCE COMPANY , O. MATE OP NSYLNANIA DIRECT WW. Vauld Japae, M. D., Charles 4. Regan, John M. Whiten, Jghii.l . Walker, Edward C. Knight, is Robert Shoemaker, Thomas B. Stewart,l Wilfixn, Struthers, Hoary 'Lewis, Jr., Elijait.J. nee. DAVID JAI lit President. JOHN M. WHITAIa, Vice Presidrsts. SAMIIIL S. MOON,SecmtaxY. Office, Commonwealth Duilling, 613 CHESIINITT Street, Philadelphia. se-4 it'd T _ wo PLEASANT ROOMS, WITH First... Sass Boarding, at 1417 LOOUSSI Street. fel4-Imit TMPOIt TA NT ALL ARTICIIES FOR SOLDIERS Should he sent by 11,0117DEN'i EXPRESS, 007 CHESTNUT Street. They charge only HALF RATES, and send daily to Baltimore, Washington, Fortress Mon roe. and all other points occupied by our troora. re24-3m* NEW SPRING-SHAPE BON NETsFRAMEN. Algo„ , BONNETS and 116.18 Cleaned or Dyed and Pressed. Who Senile and BMW. at the Factory, 4.01 ARCH Street. telB4.2t* Tit(131.19 DIORGAN. Agent. MFITZPATRICK & BROTHERS, Auctioneeni, (SEINSTNIIT St.. above Sixth.. SALES EVERY KVEIsI !.10, Of Fancy Goods, Stationery, Cloths, Watches, Jewelry, Cutlery. Silver-plated Ware, &c. Consignments 'whetted. Out-door sales promptly attended to.. SA.LE OF wiploNg tirkiur; truntirrunE, On Thorwlay Morning, February 27, at 11 o'clock, on the prowl icti, No, 1216 S.railh Third street, by nrder nt th.ndrolniktra•rlx. MRS. JOHN DREW'S ARCM-STREET TIIICATRB. Acting Stage Manager W. IL FItEDMRIOXI. iltddnona Agent and Tenamireg JOS. LE MUMMY. SEUEEMS UNPARALL !MED. Pow nth We k. BeVentli Win& of JOHN DREW. JOHN tAIf.W. WEDN ESDA Y And THURSDA Y Nlghte, THE CUDIEDY UT EHMIRS. brornio, of Mptiedmi... Pre:hin t . of Syracuse. To CO2iofitaill with the TITE SEItIOTIS FAITItGY Cult. 'Murphy r; , , 'Dftust lir Prices us usual. #7 Certain ricca at after 7 o ' l ' l °o. Ihr newts secured three Ilayts In lulvance. WALNUT -STREET TEATRE- H NINTH and WALNUT Streets. Bold Lennon THIS - SVorinesday) EVENING, WUI presout.l,4lm thrtiling Ilt•nr.ta. nutiticd Tilt; TN BA 0% _ _ Mr. Leco Father Eustiteo loqiis Adrienne . . .. After whirl' HOWSE SHOE HOBINION. Hope $l , lO0 . Eubjnson Nitwit:W(lam, kre, Crogiy ....... . .'Amen PRICEM-50, 3TX, 75, and , '..15 coats; Private Dozes, 1F.5 and $3. Doors °Don at . enatter 0 . 7% To commence et 736.. CONTINENTAL THEATRE. TUE CRY IS . ig 131:7;1; THEY cbqui" . THE: VICTORY IS' WITIV TIM JUST. TR II TI! E A TIM ft,li l; MURATA& CHEAP AND BIOR:AU larTy.u.T.A.fs.nrm.btv. Patronized by Tliousanda orvur citizena, Grate and Gay—.olll and Young, Whose countenancem are eliffuscd with ALTERNATE'SHIVES'AIiti TEARS. WEDNESDAY, FRiruhry illitt; and EVERY ING, the peculiarly adapted moral Dtawingitootti tertainment of UNCLE T ?CB - ktitt. The FIFTH . GRAND UNCLE TOM" DIATINIftI. will take place SATURDAY A iTTI I IINDON neitt, or/ o'clock ani terminating about 5. Tickett now ready. CONCERT HALL,. GEMITNITT STREET, iLliovd TWELFTIG Commencing on FRIDAY'S eshrtiV.l''SlsPiiiti,2. GEORGE CHRIST iris. -Niliqml4l,ELS,'. Comprising FIFTEEN of the most tannted Minstrel' performers in the United State's.' uridet'the intimidate direction of the great Comedian: IQ - GEORGE CFIRI9TY ! The acknowledged LEADER of the Ethiopian Drama, and the first Minstrel Comedian in the'world. 'PHE GREAT OTAIt TROUFt will appear as Minya. on FRIDAY EVENING, FEEIRRARY'r.% 1862. Particulars in small bills. Admisilon SLR cent/. Donre open at a quarter to 7, <muumuu: at .7;e4 fe25,5t J II N P. Sal al I, 81141113bil Agent. ASSEDIBLY BUILDINGSi TENTH and CHESTIVUT.—DaVIS' PANORAMA. , OW AMERICA 4,17) THE GREAT REBEIIIITONI Fourteen Mainland feet of Canll.9 And one hundred brid two iieenes. Open EVERY NIGHT Mid 'Ott Vidillieaday and Saturday afterneoua, fur Ladies and Children. INSTITUTION FOR THE -BLINto.— Emltibitiota Avon , WEDNESDAY APYFIDNDON, commencing nt half met three o'clock. Admission tett cents. Store, 11 South EIGHTH. Street. - G - 0 - 1: - D - AND AND QUARTERMASTERS' CBDTIFIUATES, Bought and sold 7 8-10 TREASURY NOTES Furnished at a liberal discount G EORGE J. BOY.1:),' BANKER, NO. 1S SOUTH THIRD STREET. ear QUARTERMASTER'S CERTIFICATES, City Warrants, Bank Notes, Suede, Are., dealt in. STOOKS and BONDS bought and sold on commission, 1a28.1m E. IVINS 53,000 -" Y DESIRABLE LOTS in ,F KAN FO lUD, clear of ail encumbrance, and CaSil, will be given tor Ground Rents, Mortgages, ur intproved city property. A.pply to .1. 11. WATERS, 110 South FOURTH Street. t In i l() AND /i3,0()0. This pktyliALl 14 to LOAN on Mortgage or Ground Rant. Apply to E. PETTIT, ja29 No. 309 WALNUT Street. 531300 - A FIRST- UL ABB IM- V. proved GROUND RENT of this amount for.ea r . at a liberal &mount. Apply to L PETTIT, jal NO. 809 WALNUT fitemut. EXCELSIOR NORMAL INSTI TUTE, a firet•clase Country School for both sexes, located at CARVE KSVILLE, Bucks county, Pa. The next seesion will commence March 31,1862, and con tinue twenty-two weeks. The school is orgaiized with three departments—the PREPARATORY, the NORMAL, and the Olt MAHAN TAR. Students of all ages, and every stage of advance- MVO, pro allinithl Qn tvnnt voifity, The bealinfulnoss of location and tnoroughnues of ins structiow are unsurpassed. Terms--For board and tuition in common English, es per week. Tor catalognea and particulars, address Rev. F. R. S. lIUNISICK ER, Principal, VARVBRSVILLE, Bucks co., Pa. LM=I BORDEN TOWN FEMALE 00L LEGF., Bordentawn, N. J. Tins institution Is pleasantly located on the Delaware river, hour's ride from Philadelphia. Special atten tion is paid to the common and higher branches of Eng lish, and superior advantages are furnished in vocal arid Instrumental music. German and Freucb are taught by natives, and spoken in the family. For catalogues, con taining full particulars, address Rev. JOHN H. BRAKELET, A. bl., President. 1,1654$ 66,201 40 45,399 40. TEACHER WANTED.—The Trus tees of the Elkton Academy propose to elect a PRINCIPAL on SATURDAY, the Bth day of illsrch next, until Which time applicaticua will be receivel t with IFSIIMMIIMP, in person or by letter_ The branches yes (mired to he taught are the Latin, Greek, and. French Language*, Illathemelice, and such other studies as are reiluireil is Classical Schools. Address J. T. IIIcCULLOUGH, Secretary, fe2B4lt* 'Elkins( Sid,; $350,100 330,070. 011 WANTED.—OId Silver, Coin Vought, In 1:11-ge o Juan by IiBIDER & BIDDLP., Silversmiths, felo-Im* EIGHTH and JeYNE Stream. 20, 000.00 7;940'00 TO 1)/F1‘11, 4 11r#40! The DISTILLUTtY known as (lie $l3O/;701 73 "PHCENIX.," .. and formerly owned and occupied by SAttlf.i. Surni, Esq , situated on TWENTY-THIRD, between R&D* • and VINE Streets, Philadelphia, Capacity,loo, bushela . per day, is now offered for sale on reasonable and wont, modating terms. Is In good running order,.and bars all the modern improvements. An Artesian 1114 013 tiro pro- . mites furnishes an unfailing supply of good, pure. water. Address Z. LOCKE & 440., No, 1010, MARKET Street, Philadelphia. fe22•dtf 4;.. , 439 00 FOR SALE OR TO .RENT,_ 1•;. WDERLIV RIGHT tiliOF, DWI:W.IRP. ROUSE, on .. lot ~f land Li, il.h Ohio of Titatipnettilds, Rucks . county, 2 inlet. from Shrum - my Station, on tha delphia and Trenton Railroad, that valuable bite:mess stem], now occupied by George La Rue, consisting of a two-story frame dwelling horse, • barn with stabliwr, WIIERLWItIGIIT-SITUP 84 feet square, f rst. floor wed as a wood hluv. and has three benches; second story used for painting and trimming. and a SRO er SHOP. . inklaiiiing. 7 La lot is about mini ..talf.itpre of hush , fronting on two rondo. All the bundle:se Ate WWl' new, and 111 excellent order. The into owaer has made hlcttiV, ALI& row retiree to farming; the Liminess haiheen Fong es. Wills' edt located in a pleslani and healthy. village. end surromdril by all excellent country. A note .amiresetegi. to the agent se ill have attouthin.. .0 , Agent. Bulmexille, Burke count - era, few-too. FOR SALE, OR. WILL BE EX changed for good ci property', a Rival! VITiL AGE, on the Eastern Shore of Allarittiud, at Lae litatilpf Sasso- . free river comprising v....iiitdst Mill, with French Burr' Stones; •, avr Mil, Spoke .Factory, Store ,house auk Post Office. BlacksniiCs Shop...arid voce seven or tight. &mall Bwr Mugs, and ;tbont.thirty tic do of Ground. Tho mills are in first-rate czdtr, having reatintly been rep Weds and new forchwi a itr,:o Tnrtriuc wait, whccfe 10tr05 146 4-, The waterpower in dr.aptdand mit . r.,iicnt, the whnio year, round. The alarm:344lg country IS plat! Twelve miles from railroad ; live Irony steamboa'.knaling. Now : ranted for 51,500 per yer.:,,,with good noLitrity Price ittfi 3 Onfh Apply to J. rt. wit . run.s, fe2n-tf lip .8c...„0h FUllßTlf,Mtreet. 95,608:'.3 FOR kei relki 000 AW.lti 4 , It alai FIXTITIOS of a II .tA:kilL and STABLE, doing a good I.a4u,ega,yard and ere ta rge t : aud will aciPaunoodato eief:',.,y head of Apply ; back of 319S„LIAIIKET 8t:04. f024.3t,:ik PRESIDe.,; , S.7. VOR 14 14 4tui:es.of gro4-olo,:o C.t o ry ay3 Precision for oix And doirrAa good bludnosa. Satiofactory. rensons for selling, lapitilxo st Nc, As'4 N. sevEg n TREN7.I St, corner LaAIiDYWINaSt. ftl2;ool4f, Ll 5 '0 D4PM Rwr. eizz;i7::MQVICD to. - No. 21 Solidi 511:fliNTII fidget; new' tliaArank lin tout.lute. Idio.underalgnod,.tbankful kr pad : favotkand baing datormiaed to 'writ future lidrdyittgo i har„ socured, ni elegant and eonrenieni store, and has now op band b. large assortmant of Lillie'a Celebrattal Wrought, aktd Chilled Iron lire and Burglar Proof Saes. (the. only strictly fire and burglar =not safes inada.). Vnillinbilldlldi)EYßPlti t3vro, WA. Piga9cl9.l, Dank suit Doors and Locks will be runnampa to order on abort notico. This is thg.st s rongost % beat ara trcted, nn;licheapeet Door and Limit yet offered. . Also, yowticrilar Attention is t 0101 to lOW's New Cabinet gale, for Bette, Jewelry. do. Vila Safe id con ceded :o Burgess in style and (At:place funtwag rot d fereil Sor this pumas, and is tho only one Skid is strictly fire and burglar proof. 6~i pt 4L 1402144,--1 have low on hood ray twenty of Fr.rrelq.l3 erring, & Co 'o Sta.ww.olotit of thoW. nearly noir and coma forty of other sager& coliAltligril tottiOloti assortipeni ea to All MOM; rlonAnged for= the DOW celebrated Safe. 'They win he Bold at vary low prices. Please call and monies. fd. O. FADIAS, Agont. al EVANS & WATSON'S svuh..44liPElß tiATP, BTOPltia l 16 SOUTH YOURTII STREET, PHILADELPHIA, I'A. A large variety of VIILE-PBOOF SAFES alwarl oil Lend. P AMPHLET PRINTING, AND ovary istilv aiesevirdea d Priathi& of the idletrior okellfr, et the wort reseenebte estik at Ril i t RED & Wu& Dirasers SOSIDaa U "AU TIMI ao AUCTION SALES. AMUSEMENTS. irain brow. Mr. Frank Drew. John Drtiw, ~....f Mtg. John Drew. MRS. M. A. C.MRIVETTBON. Edwin Adoms. . err. at Young. • • err. If. iliweorab. .....stra. Nunn: Cowell. • •Sl4ae ld. Wood. FINANCIAL. DREXEL &I Co_ EDUCATIONAL. W ANTS. EOR SALE At TO LET. MMUI
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers