BOARD OF GFARDIANS.—Tho regular stated "meting of the Board of Guardians was held yesterday -noon, Mr. Marie in the chair. The collector of debts, Az., duo the Guardians for the relief and employment of the poor reported having col lected the sum of $5lB, and paid the same to the treasu rer. The treasurer of the Board reported having paid into 'the city treasury, since his last report, the slim of .$637.12 for support case, and $2O for emigrant tax. The 'muse receipts for the past two weeks are $1,M.07. The census of the house up to Outucdny Mot is os fvl lows: Whole number in the house fame time lest year Decrease Admitted within the last two weeks..... Births Deaths Iliedminted Eloted Bound Number or per,,ens granted meals. Number of - persons granted lodging.... The report of the Board of Visitors for January was 'read. Poring that time 16,832 per-ono were rmiered, of - whom 2,0.56 were Americans, 2,01 foreigners, and 10,295 -childred_ Toted ekpexldaiurca, asomistm, 192.11 was for coal, 82,548 for groceries, and 4153.22 for medicines, and the balance for incidentals. The Committee on Insane repotted that the suicide of rlfts. Jenkins, a member of the insane deem ttnent, Wet Inttroidable. She drowned herself in the beta. tub, the room-door being open at the time for the patients to 'trash. • - NT, l'icicoreon thought the committee had not thoroughly investigated this matter, and moved that the •repoTt be recommitted. After some debate, the motion to recommit was lost, .and the report was accepted. Dlr. Dickerson offered a resolution requiring the 'Steward to open accounts against all able-bodied idle and - vagrant persons admitted to the Almshouse. and against -all persons treated in the hospital for diseases brought on 1,1- vicious habit=, charging them a fair compensatio i for their maintennuee. winch expanse they shall defrAl' by working in seine of the departments, when they wilt be discharged by the Committee on Out-wards. Dir. Server thought the discharging power should be given to some other committee than that of out-wards, sts they seldom met. Be was also opposed to giving any -Ouch power to the steward or matron of the house. The resolution was finally agreed to. 111 r Server offered a resolution requesting the secretary to notify all the assistant visitors and the agent to cooler %dal the Minn Benevolent -ociety, that their services vitt not be needed a:ter the 28th inst. Agreed tn. Erety offered a resolution that a ventilator be placed in the children's asylum, at a cost not exceeding , S3e, which was adopted. The Board now continued the discussion on the revi laiOn of the rules, and then adjourned. CITY TAXABLE PROPERTY FOR 1802.—After loud, delay, the (Sty Commissioners have at last corn xleted the assessment of property, real and personal, fur the year 1802. Of course, the actual worth of property preponderates greatly over the assessed worth. Thus, all the real estate in the consolidated city is assessed at 05152,410,065-, 'whereas the real estate is worth nearer four hundred piilli9l4, Qf fQlnd church aud other exempt property foots np to a large amount, and this would not a large revenue to the city. Probably sixty tuillions would tie a small estimate for money at interest; met this is computed at $l 2,005,a79; furniture. /51,704,130; value of homes, 9467,323; carriages. 5231,436; personal tax, 527,549.50. The value of property exempt is *10,879,100. In respect t real estate, the Sixth ward Ime the largest assessment, the BUM being 521,044,309, slut the Seventeenth the emalleut, being it2oidt,43i. From the First, Third, Fourth, Sixteenth, and Seven teenth wards, there are no returns of moneys at interest. •Cf the remainder of the wards, the Fifth is the highest, *0,008,249, and the Nineteenth the lowest, the amount being $2,000. The Eighth ward rates the highest iu re 9ard to furniture; the amonntis 9613,750. The Nineteenth ward only returns 9300, aud tte Seventeenth is blank. In horses, the Twenty-fourth ward is the first on the. list. The assessment is 572,860. The Third ward brings mp the rear With Elmo, The Eighth ward has the greatest amount in carriages, viz, 32,118, while the Third ward is put down at $BO. In the personal tax, the First, Second, Fourth, Seventh, Tenth, Thirteenth, Fourteenth, Fifteenth, Sixteenth, Seventeenth, Eigh teenth, Nineteenth, Twentieth, and Twenty-fourth wards, all return upwards of a thousand dollars The First and Twentieth are the highest, there being not guise twenty dollars difference in favor of the former. The lowest anitotet Fetilined is in the Twenty-fifth ward, being $544. The largest portion of the property ex empted from taxation is located in the Twentieth ward, the assessed value being $1,579,900. The Filth and Sixth wards also return upwards of a million dollars. All the wards are represented in the exempt list, and the Twenty-fifth has the smallest share, being only $20,500. SHOPLIFTERS COMMITTED.—John and Mary Stroup, residents of Nicetown, in the Twenty - .fifth ward, ;(tad a hearing before Alderman King, at Germantown, 40n Saturday afternoon, on the charge of shoplifting at various stores at the iflat.ll:9Med place. A quantity of stolen good 3 were t ecovrred. The mode of operation of the parties was to 'visit stores under pretence of making purchasee, and while one would divert the attenam of the attendants, the other would pilfer any small article 'within reach. They were committed to answer. MILITARY F I:NERAL.—The funeral of Mr. vlitates J. Aasms, a member of the First City Troop, 1 - 09 k plumy yeutuldny teeming From the late residence of the deceased, Spruce street, above .Nineteenth. It was attended by the members of the troop, diswouuted, and in winter uniform, and by the n miners r f the Corn Ex- Change Association. 'The interment was at Wilmington. OPENING of A Sour liousE.—The Kensing ton Soup Society will commence the diarribution of coup to the poor of their district this morning, between eleven and twelve o'clock. The Soup House is located at No. 208 Alien Street, above Slntokamaxon, in the Eighteenth FINANCLIL AND COMMERCIAL. THE MONEY MARKET. PatiAnatalas., February 10,1862. The stock market was heavy today, with a decline in many of the securities on the list. Philadelphia and Erie sixes maintained the quotation of s 5, Pennsylva nia Railroad second mortgage bonds were a shade weaker, City AiXeS fell oft and Reading Railroad declined. We ask the attention of our readers to au article is another column, comparing the bnaineea of the Permsyl 'crania Central Railroad Company with that of the New York Central Railroad Company, and also to the report of the annual meeting of the stockholders of the Phila delphia and Erie Railroad Company. OFFICIAL BANK STATEMENT. WEEKLY AVERAGES OF THE PHILADELPHIA BANES. EiMENI $3,996,000 1,050,006 . 1,050,000 3,743,946 597,799 599,547 5,243,849 1,137,987 1,129,573 1.770,000 245,00 - 244,000 1,901,000 236,420, 237,762 1,572,0001 345,000, 348,000 927,460, 226.497; 225,720 763,573; 136,089, 08,524 732.9.37] 163,35 f 164,934 1,828,379 372,718, 312.996 1,247,907 152,420. 152.849 675,288; 170.329 . 171,107 2,320,579 391,199, 356,772 543,839, 200,744 198,239 669,0011 107,186; 103,359 900,6351 119, 4e 118,418 580,9351 75,573' 75,211 024,009 104,0001 166,000 443,000 73,000, 1 73,000 29,974,700130,385,319;5,923,874 5,881,011 :$1,111,000 3.775,696 544 3,812,000 . 11,854,000; 1,573,000, 905,5331 Philadelphia... North America.. Farm & Mech.. Commercial- Mechanics' N. Liberties._ Southwark 'Kennington .... ram Towles - Me Weeterm. ...... Man Jr, Mech .. Commerce eirard Tradesmen's Consolidation... City.... 785,9161 787,96 • L 620,9071 1,207,2301 710,539 2,108.246 497,352 667,548 892.819 567,376 509,000 456,000 Commonwealth. Vora Exchang: =DIE .1, , 1,490,000, e 2,562,000 .2245,004 2,204,039 2,353,095: 230,783; 3,831,147 4,299,574, 290,0351 1,128,000, 1,070,000 10 7,0001 875,t,00 971,079; 96,1451 1,210,000 1,226,0001 734001 701,6111 711,046 ; 58 210 1 660,080 622,4.421 103,986 518,5381 533,977 1 83,761 1,230,103 1.250,103 74,050 619,0051 625,408 144,405 531,5031 510,739 82, 'B5 967,036' 1,149.3271 157,367 473,285: 496,5241 53,708 271,673, 2 96,039,.159,347, 540,141; 547,163' 44,0081 205,488 212,7071 76,067 346,0001 370,0001 35,000, 239,000 250,000 79,000 1 1 1 19,032,585 20,068.893 2,191,457 North America Farm & Mech. Commercial.... Mechanics'. N. Liberties.— Southwark ZEensington Fenn Township 'Western Wan. & Mech... Commerce....... Girard Uradesmen's.... Consolidation .. City Commonwealth. Corn Exchange. The aggregates compare with thos Sneers as follows Feb. 10. F, '.ll7spital Stock $11,970,190 $11,9 Doane 29,974,790 30,5 elpecie 5,923,874 5,8 Due fin other Me.. 1,587,481 1,1 Due to other Bks... 4,890,288 4,1 Deposits 19,032,09 29,0 Circulation 2,191,457 2,1 Leann. Specie. July 1 .23,967,200 6,688,393 Aug. 5 24,211,527 6,743,321 feut. 2.........28,557,264 6,179,482 , as 9 .25,328,496 5,617,370 ' 6, 16 27,871,497 5,046,346 " 23 .27,459,47214,697,284 116 39 29,713,91715,222,672 7ct. 7 30,490,118 0,363,211 0 14 30,281,157 5,943,503 " 21 29,705,244 6,378,750 s , 28 28 805,509 6,554,683 .4._ „„..28,c1.31,735 6,764,7791 11 ..... .27,871,443 6,917,7691 18 27,629.794 7,066,809 25 30,498,431 7,487,108 .. 2. . 30,648,052 7,404,5301 ' 9 31,109,502 1,206,9121 u 18 21,140,989'7,354,11Q] 23 31.060 00117 167 266 5 493,181 1 5,688,728 5,692.123 5,733,459 5,8n,= 5,884,011 80 30,804,281, . 6, 1862.... 31,040,337' 13 31,145,938 6 20 36,001,160 ,6 27 ....30,:;85,6061 3 ..... 30.385 110, 10 2.9,574,70015,923,874 2,191,457119,032,585 is following is a statement of the transactions at the tdelnhia Clearing Homo, for the weak ending Jam furnished by the manager, George E. Arnold, Esq. Clearings. Balances. $3,213,765 84 316,259 59 2,485,912 92 154,341) 33 2,931.872 25 214,190 53 2,390,158 19 125,820 20 . 2,222,286 69 175,572 34 2,255,082 73 167,190 76 Feb. 3... ~ 4.. is 8... ss 7,,, “ 8... Xdb,485,295 02 $1,173,379 7 . 5 The following Quotations are furnished us by Meagre. azel & Co.: York exchange... n exchange ere exchange.... y funds ;au g01d........ Treasury notes Journal of Commerce says We had reason to know that the Intention of No - ^ of the French was to announce his design of inter. • with our blockade. Ms speech for the opening of dilative body was fully determined on, and con. such a declaration. We are now assured, how. y authority upon which we place great depend it a strong influence brought to bear on the Em the representative awl friends of the Union has t in persuading him to postpone the announce some weeks, or at least not to make it at the A the tiE,Elital, an he originally intended." lime has received further deposits of db/L6 , 646d td the now plan promises to give the Government mrtaut aid. is drawing supplies of cotton from Ellice and and the cultivation of the staple in those has been very largely extended. The value of recently at the fair of Novgorod was estimated ,000. lobile Advertiser gives the usual comparative rt of the receipts of cotton at alt the port, fee the r months of the cotton year, from the Ist of Sep t() the let December, as follows*. 1360. 1361. at New Orleans . 601,07 f. 1,789 bales. Mobile 326,370 sr 811V811D01 33,380 130 " dr Charleston 151,868 4,694 .• 6l Memphis . 70,310 3,325 Total 1 483,003 9,803 t. er commends a premium of 15 to 23 per cent. at deans. in uow atttpped from Arkansas at the rate of a week—so says a New Orleans paper.. allowing is an extract from the remarks of the Economist, of January nth, upon the grain of England: forage wants of the United Kingdom of Great nd Ireland are 25,51,0,000 quarters or wheat, quarters being required for food and manufac arrnsop and 4 7 090,000 quarter% for seed the on in years of plenty is 20,500,000 quarters, and utation 6,000,000 quarters. In conAaquence of raordinary late harvest of 1860, and the bad ..... 2.569 .....5,276 Feb. 3. Feb. 10. i Feb. 3 OIRCUL 1 Feb. 3. Feb. 10 W zO6 000 , 21 ,382 1 211,340 113,000 1 97,300 I 14,000 62,970 105,350 81,581 70,805 1:33,140 73 920 140,980 58,880 152,977 44,040 04178 37,000 77,000 ES= :e of preceding state- eb. 3. 170,190 '85,319... Dec. 410,019 :84,011...The. 39,8e3 707,136... D ec.119.655 572,872...1ue.317,416 169,693 Dec 3 1 166,309 144,005 41,059 Circtll'n.i Deposits. 2,101,312 15,997,943 2,058,574 15,941,881 2,074,048 19,030,712 2,111,439 18,326,837 2,148,565 16,976,017 2,202,773 16,498,788 2,194,491 16,344,113 '4238,739 20.331,970 2,249,731 20,929,931 2,250,385 21,100,095 2,234,542 20,326,329 12,273,063 20,350,911 12,837,484 20,032,613 12,226,422 19.591,141 12,234,594 22,260,001 12,243,828 23,047,331 12,331,199 24991,035 1 22,908,40 22,187,424 2,113,6193 22,543,403 21,048,610 21,395,014 21,32 +,510 20,698,396 20,0' 8,098 20,068,893 2,011,179 1 2,145,219 2,162,162 2,120,756 2,121,146 2,144,198 parasol-1.0 die. pare ;j pref. . pare}[ X e 3,v 4:13x prm. 102 die. weather which followed, only three-fourths of the customary quantity of seed was committed to the ground in the autumn of that year and the aping of 1861 and it is estimated that over on eighth of that which was sown did not germinate] that about one million quarters were t.shed, ' and lost in the fields by becoming over-ripe; that there bus been taken for seed 750,000 quarters above the usual average, this season, In, consequence of the Ono autumn, all the unoccupied land last sear be ing now devoted to wheat, in addition to the usual rotation of crops; and that the exports to Franco sum up 1,000,090 quarters. Reducing this statement to a tabular form, It will be seen tint there is only half a crop left for a year's Soit#lllli OHM, ' or 10,- 250,000 Quarters, making our necessities for foreign grain 15,21.0,000 quarters from harvest, a very email portion of which quantity has reached or is ex pected to arrive at our ports; and if there is not alacrity in the corn trade We shall soon have price. as high as they hare been at ally time since the beginning of title century The small farmers are mostly out of stock, and the large agriculturists have very scanty eqp- Plicr• The ThiSellirre Mid or 1.5130 involved um pro. ducers in debt, and they, therefore, parted with the greater portion of the crop of 1861 the first four mouths, leaving rely little in granary to send to market during the remaining eight months of the consuming year. As to the quality of the wheat crop of 1861, it is, no doubt, very fine he Ensland : it Is, however, very indifferent iu Egutind and Wales, ,tail very inferior in Ireland. On the whole, it may coital up to an average per bushel in nour-reaking propel ties. Qrs. The regular crop of Great Britain and Ire- land is Short planted for last crop one fourth, or Short yield of that town Quantity "shed a from being oror ripe 1,000,000 Extra Quantity taken for seed for crop of 1862 Exported to France from August to 314861 1,000,000 10,250,000 To abich add th 11011111 importation 5,000.1:100 Making our requirements 15,250,000 These figures, large as they may appear, do not include the live weeks' earlier consumption or " run " on the crop of 1861, to patch out that of 1860, which may be ccmputed at 2,000,000 quarters—in other words, the re markably early crop of 1061 has to supply a year of over thirteen months ; and that, with all the economy that can be practiced, the importations of foreign Eivoik injv H ag , land .will hose to be greater 1111111 ever to carry us through until next harvest, be it ever Bo premature. The New York Evening Poet, of to-day, says: The week opens with a very dull feeling on the Stock Exchange, and Trices of the speculative shares are barely sustained. Both buyers and sellers are awaiting the action of the Senate on the finances, and father po litical sews from Europe. no brief demitel, feces the America, at Halifax, early in the day, gave no important itt MS, and the course of the market will depend somewhat upon the details. The market closes weak; sales of New York Central at 79% es7o%, Erie 3334 erff:3% . teoverhment stocks are steady and without special change. The sixes of 1181 sold at 90 for coupon., and 8931 for registered. TO fives ore quiet at 79 for the coupona of Isi d. There is no change in the 7.30 treasury notes-98e98,1,;. It appears that the present legislation at Washington as to the payment of the interest in coin has no reference to the coupons due .February 19th, that having been already provided for. The money market is easy on call at 6 per cent. The sn-pply is free to-day. Prime short paper goes readily at kt4ize6 per cent, mid long at 0j on 7 per cent. Exchange on Loudon is firm for the Wednesday steamer at 1143 @DM fur first. class bills. The business is small at these figures, but the supply of bills is equally so. The speculation in gold continues very active at 103% *103%, principally on time—the closing sales at 109%, cash, and 103% on buyers' option. The large export to Europe on Satarday—Sl,lls,9B3—together with the in creasing importations, attracts some attention. The Oposits of demand notes at the Sub Treasury in eschange for certificates bearing 5 per cent., repayable On ten days' 'notice, open brisk this morning, and promise to reach a large aggregate before the close of the week. It seems scarcely to be understood that the privilege is extended to all individuals, as well as banks and corpora tions. The banks are, of course, willing that the panne should lend the Government money in this way, and most bank °lacers wit/ request their customers to avail them eclessof the ptieiLt , , , . The associate bails have not as yet taken any action relative to the use of these Sub-Treasury certificates at the Clearing House, preferring, perhaps, to await the vote of the senate on the legal-tender bill and the effects of the scheme. An official notice from the Treasury Department, re lative to the 7.80 treasury notes, may be found in ano cher column. The interest due on the 19th instant will be paid in coin. All coupons, together with echedules allowing the number and amount of each parcel, must be presented for verification at least three business days before payment. The woekt, bank statement shows a specie average of about $28,000,000, which is an increase of some 87t00,000. The average, however, is a falling one, on account of the heavy export of Saturday. The leans have decreased about $2,000,000. k Exchange Sales. 10, 1862. KEE, Philadelphia Exchange. BOARD. 1 Cam & Amb 18 Norristn It..2dys 4434 510 It Pennall 1 mScp 62 4250 do 62 3000 Pbl&E 68 Pa K... 85 2000 do 85 2000 do b 5 85 20 Morris Canal.... 90 ' 200 Lehigh 1000 Penna Coup 13s._ 99 1000 City 6e.New.sswn 9534 500 do New 953 f 600 do ...... 88 200 do 88 200 do li 88 600 Schuyl N 6e'82.. 65 20000 City 5s '67 85 153 American Gold „103% 500 do 103 g 10 Man & 51 B..sswn 20% 9 Sec & Third 1t... 48 1000 bun & E 7s.bswn 85 [WARDS. 16 Cam & Am 1t....1213 BoAltD. it Lehigh Nay 5194 1 4irat l / 4 1 01.4" 500 City 63.... New. 95,i t ' 5 Corn Exch'ge Bk 20) 10 Penns. lt 4374 2 do 43,4 300 17 8 730 Trees N 0874 2800 N Patina 6s 65 1000 do briwn 65 10000 Pli&E 6s Penult 85 itOARDS. Philadelphia Stec February REPO ED BY S.E. SLAYMA FIRST 10 Tonna B 43% 42 do 4:321 10 do 85wn 43% 1000 do 2d mart... 91% 1000 do 2d mart... 91% 4 do 43% 10 do s 6 43% 26 do ....s5 43% 123 do 43x. 1 Iflinehill 47 5 do 47 3 do 47 100 ti S 7 30 Trooo N 98% 50 Reading. s 5 20 50 do ..s5 20 50 do cash 20 50 do b 5 20 100 do la 20 15 do 20 100 do cash 20 700 do 20 5000 Cam d Arab 68'89 86 BETWEEN 2000 Beading 6s 10... 80% MEM 25 Or ik Coates 19 100 Reading A__ __bs 213 100 do ...... 50 do b 5 20 50 do ..b5 20 200 do .......... 20 25 Delaware Dir.... 39 10 Lehigh Nov 53 13 do ...... 51„54 10 do 51X AFTEB ll Penns 11 433 5 r CLOSING. PRICES.—STEADY Bid. Ask. 10 . S Tr 7 840 IT 98 Elmira la '73 Loug Island B. 10X 10% Loh GI & Nay.. 51% 51% Leh GI & N Scrp 35x N Penne .. 7 73i NPa 6e.inioff 61% 65% Pa'ln ue 88X 89% Phil& fis new... 95% 95% Penne 63 80% 81% Reading R 20• 20!, (le 'BO '42. N Penna R 108.. 79 81 ' Catawiees 8 Con 1,4 2 astawins Fr Sr South'k R. as 2rl /63d R div off 48 49 Race & V ate R. 3 .. W MIA R 51% Reading Ede '7O 89X 90 76},i 77 Penns It ex dm_ 42.14 dag Perms let m 6e.100 1003 Penne 11.2dea 8e 913 E 911,i P 1101715 C 1 Con.. 39 30% Morrie (31 Pret.llo 111 Spruce & Pine.. 9% 9% Green & Coates 18% 19 Chest & Walnut .. 31 Arch Street.... LON 10% Sch Nay Stock. 5 534 Sch Nay Prat_ 1234 12% Soh Nay 63'82.. 64X 65 Rtlmirs. B. 6 7 Elmira N. Spat_ 1.1,41 Philadelphia Markets The Flour market is rather more active, and holders are firm in their demands; 203,000 bbls have been taken for shipment at $5.62X 615-75 fer Western and Pennsyl vania extra; $5.8106 for 'Western extra family, the lat ter for choice brands; and $5.25 for fancy do. The trade are buying moderately at from $5.2505.37% for super fine; $5.5005.75 for extra ; $5.8706.25 for family; and $6.5007 for fancy brands, as to Quality. Rye Flour is selling in a small way at $3.50.x' bbl. Corn Neal is not inquired for, and Penna is offered at $3 IFY bbl. - Wheat is held 'firmly, and rather more doing for ship ment; about 10,000 bush found buyers at 1350138 c for fair to prime red, and 1400144 c for white, in store. Rye is in steady demand, and further sales of Penna. are reported at 73c. Corn continues dull, and the receipts and sales limited at 56c for new Penna. yellow, in store. Oats are unchangd, and about 2,500 bush sold at 38c for Delaware, and 3854 c for Pennsylvania. BARK.—The receipts are moderate, and Ist No. 1. is wanted at 833.50 ton. Cow:L-1h demand continuos limited, and the sales small at former quotations. GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS.—The market for both is inactive, and prices about the same as last quoted. Satins —There is not much Clover offering, and small sales are making at 44e54.373i bu. WHISKY' is Steady; . 250 bids eold at 24c for Ohio bids, and 23c 41Y gallon for drudge. Philadelphia Cattle Market, Feb_ 10,1882. teeelt4a of Beef Cattle are smaller flan camel this week, only reaching about 1,000 bead. Prices are 25c. 4# , 100 lbs higher than last quoted. Market brisk and the dercand better. The following are the particu lars of the sales: 48 McQuaid & Carr, Ohio, $8.50. 35 Scott, Penna., $7.5088.50. Kimble t Kirk, Chaster comity, P 05,75, 37 Kennedy, Catester county. $7.5008 50. 73 Jas. McFillen, Jr., Lancaster county, $8.6029. 70 P Dathatiery, Lancaster county, sBo9. 63 P. McFillen, Ohio, sBe9. 56 Cochran & McCall, Lancaster county, $7.50608.75. 60 Mooney & Smith, Penna., $7a8.25. 19 Schamberg & Co., Penna., 15708.50. 35 H. Chain, Penna., 8708.50. 20 Aull, Ohic, Wee& 37 D. 'Healer. Cheater county, fg.sofi£ 19 Fuller Bros., Delaware, $7.5003.50, 27 F.. Strickland, Ohio, $8a8.50. 18 Treninian, Penna., $7. 26 Means, Chester county, $7.5088.50. 37 S. Knox, Lancaster county, $1.50e8.75. 20 Tryfooee, Ohio, $707.50. 15 B. F. Houston, Lancaster county, $9. 20 Hofman, Lancaster county, $7.504a8. 91 0. Smith, Ohio, $7.30a8.50. 13 D. Kimble, Cheater county, 8888.62. 18 f', Eqtenbangli, Penna., s7eB 76 Cows arrived and bold at the Avenue Drove Yard at from $lB to $3O ,for springers, and $22 to $35 for cow and calf. The arrivals and sales of Sheep reached about 5,000 head this week, Belling at from 4X to 5c Vw lb, as to con dition. 800 Hogs sold at the Avenue Drove Yard at from $9.75 to $5.25 49 100 the, net. The arrival,' or Hoge at 11. G. linhotra Union Drove Yard reached 2. 202 head this wash, selling at from 04.50 to $5.2i .I.ooThe, net. Market brisk. change—February 10 80/RD. New York Stock Ex FIRST /000 U El 6s '67. .. ... 90 3000 U 6es '6B coup. 90 22000 U S 6s 'Bl coup. 90,X 2009 U S 5s '74 coup. 79 10000 Treat; 7 3-10 pc n 98 2000 Ohio St On 'OD... Innx 4000 . 111 coop h '77.. 80X 3000 Mich 0 '78... .. SOX 4000 Nish St B.wkbs. 80X 10000 Tenn 65'90..... 44 10000 do 44,x 2000 N Y Cen 75.....103 2000 bitch So SF Ws. 85 1000 Pac It 73 guar by St of Missouri. 38 2000 111 Cen R 92X 15000 Chi AY 1 in.. 41X 4000 ae 41X 1000 Tol di Wa 2d in.. 44 15 Bk of N York... 85 40 Chatham Bank. . 70 550 Erie Railway 34 100 do 930.33 7 50 do b3O. 31% 25 do bl 5. 34)g 50 Rod Riv R...b10. 3314 1200 d 0.... .. .. 50 do 3191 00 d 0,....,.... 35% 100 Harlem R pref._ 24% 10 Panama R ...113) 100 Reading R.. .. . ... 41 (00 do e3O• .4 404, 150 Rich Con B 49% 100 d0..........49% 15 d0..........49% 10 Mich S Ji2( NIB.. 21 50 d 0.... 21% 60 He& 100...41% 150 do 41 100 11l Con R ec..030. 57 • 200 do c 57 AKER/CAN HOTEL—Mostrint et. above Fifth. 100(1 111Cen can b sc.. 30 I H Rowley, New York .7 H Sturdy, Maiwachusotts 30 Cie & Pitts B. 16 J 11 Ryan, Wash, DC D T Lee, Now York 100 do. . . ... 16% . Hampton, Baltimore W W Arthur, Baltimore 150 Gal & Chic It 66% W5l Bell, Smyrna, Del J V Gasken, Smyrna, Del 1400 Cloy & Tol R.... 41% C5l Joy, Baltimore Mies Carrie Knight, N Y 10 do 42 • Aaron It Viven JSt Frick, Minertville 20 d0..,.......41N Gll Hiclanond, Prey, RI Wlll Boyd, Providence, .11 I 200 • do 14. 41R, W.l Barnes Jos K Riley, New Jersey NO do 030. 4136 Joseph Warrer, 'remit Joe Y Clement, Del 150 obi .0 IL llt 52 % J Lancaster, Pa G Dart, schnylkill cc, ra 350 do elO. 5 %i Dr L Trexler R A Abbott, burning. Mil 50 do b 7, 52% Richard Sharp, Eckley, Pa H Fitzsimons, Wilkesbarre 50 do blO. 523, i Jos L 'reinter, Rochester F H Lurands, New York 50 do .... . 52% It II McCtellau Troy, N Y 0 elation, Providence 50 Chic, Bar & Q R.. 61% N E Vine!, Maine Thos Wallace. Delaware 10 do 01 Lieut. S. Thompson, Lexington, Ny 15 CoMmeubd Bk. 713% 15000 Amer G01d.b60.103X 5000 d 0.... b 20.103% 4000 do 103% 10000 do. ...b60.103% 10000 do 1033.1 . 50 Par, DI S C 0.1,60. 09 15 do 99 50 d 0...-1.20, :CO N Y N...p..rte. 99); 6 do 50 04.4...L00.8036 200 d0....440. 80 430 d0....p&c. 80 50 Erie Rail'y Pd.. 56% 150 do 56% CARD PRINTING, BEST AND CEINAPZEIT In the City, et 34 South TRIED Street. CIRCULAR PRINTING, Beet awl Cheapest is the City, at 84 South THIRD Street. BILL-HEAD PRINTING, Bost and Cheapest in the (Sty, at St South THIRD street- PAMPHLET PRINTING, and every Mbar &Anglo tion of Printing, of the moat superior quality, at the most rosaonable rates, at RINGW ALT it BROWN'S, DrezelTe Bulhilag, Si South THIRD Street. delo-tt 20,500 3 000 5,000,000 3,aoi 000 --10,250.000 Bid. Ask CS 70 FEBRUARY 10—Evening CITY ITEMS. Col. Thorpe's Lecture at Concert Hall Last Evening The lecture announced to be delivered at Concert Hell last evening, by Colonel T. B. Thorpe, on " The Hidden Causes, or Inside View of the Great Rebellion," attracted a tolerably large audience. The lecturer, who is not unknown to fame through his pencil as well as his pen, is a hale, rs bust, geed-catered-looking gentleman, about forty-fire, with a keen gray eye, and copious dress of hair. His lecture was delivered, from a brief skeleton of notes, extemporaneously, in an easy, con versational manner, admirably adapted to his dry-wit :vein. Ile makes no pretensions to oratory His lecture, if it can bo properly called such, was a quaint and not uninteresting namiateve of hie own experience during a twenty-years is sidence in the South, interspersed with such comments as the subject be proposed to treat rendered applicable. He was introduced to the audience In a blibrt speech by Colonel Snowden, of this city. Ile commenced by saying that Philadelphia was a his tOrical city ho did'nnt remember ever having heeisl Fourth-of-July oration delivered in which it was not alluded to. Starting out upon his theme, he stated that the bed part of his life had been spent in the South. His children had been born there, and they sat around his table today and conversed about their borne in Baton Rouge, and he might add, about the negroes that Ind linseed tbeue hi Ihcli Infessej, After a few more biogra phic sentences, he referred to the former Union senti ment of the Southern people, which he alleged had been more demonstre live its character than he had ever wit nessed at Ilse North. Ile said also that the first Abolition sentiment he had over heard, had been uttered by a rich planter, owning some two hundred slaves, at his own table. Northern people going lout], generally went there with prejudices against slavery, and, for the information of the uninitiated, he proposes to give the usual formula through which 'slue scruples were overcome, which he did to the evident amusement of alt who hoard him. Die own experience in buying his first "nigger" was made the basis of this illustration. The negro girl tltus bought he had brought with him when he came _North, where the had resided in his family for some time, almost in the "shadow of Brother Beecherie church." The system of stump speaking practised in the South next claimed his attention. Two of the most prominent of these stump orators that ho bad ever met were Mr. Benjamin, present rebel Secretary of War, and Sergeant S. Prentiss. The latter he characterized as ono of the most extraordinary men, both in the charm of his per sonal appearance and the singular power of hie eloquence, which was graphically - described by tho lecturer. As be progressed from point to point, rehearsing his Southern experience, Colonel Th,rpe's humor became contagious, and the audience were repeatedly convulsed with laughter, The effect of the going down of the United States Bank, the local enterprises of their new cities, and the history of Missiseppi repudiation, were consecutively dwelt upon, with the view of showing the drift, objects, and results of Southern stump oratory. Coming more directly to his subject—the secret histOrY of this rebellion—he eeforred first - to the Nullification pro ject of John C. Calhoun, which had been crushed in its infancy by Andrew Jackson, and following it up with a few glances at the State Rights theories of that mis guided statesman, which, lie said, lay at the very bottom of the present effort to break up this Government. The iucipiey cy of the rebellion itself he traced back souse fif teen years. Many of the word-pictures which followed Were vivid and graphic, The whule tone of the Southern press for years had been disparaging and libellous of the North, extracts in proof of which were briefly given. In connection with this he referred to the taunt used by the South at the commence ment of this war, that one Southern man was equal to five Northern cotes. This exaggerated idea of Southern prowess, upon which he said this rebellion woe based, was immeshed with excruciating irony. Such men as the Bight Bev: General 'Bishop Leonidas Polk, Gideon J. Pillow, and others, were next reviewed by the lecturer, after which ho turned his attention to the North. The events which transpired in our country some thirty years ago, in connection with the forma tion of the Missouri Compromise, were introduced as showing that the best men of the South at that distant day had felt contempt for Northern representatives, who favored the extension of slavery in territory where it did not exist. Tho repeal of that compromise was his next point. In discussing this, the Congressional scenes attend ing that memorable event were depicted, in the course of which severe and unnecessary strictures were applied to the late Judge Douglas, who, notwithstanding his se verity upon the' dead statesman. was characterized as one of the noblest second- rata men that one country had ever produced.' The epithets employed in this connec tion, of Mr. Douglas having grovelled in the dust," and "betrayed his section," evidently fell gratingly upon the ears of his audience. The conclusion of his lecture— which was unreasonably long—was devoted to the pros pects and issues of the war. SUPERIOR FAMILY FLOUR—Mr. C. 11. Matt son, dealer in fine family groceries, Arch and Tenth atm ts, has constantly on hand the very b4.ok breads of Wheat and Buckwheat Flour, and the finest general lino of groceries to be found in tide city. Hie store is pa tronized by the first families of our city. OPPRESSIVE Ltiwg—ln the year 1632, the General Court of Plymouth Colony made thislaw, which. from its contrast with our way of doing things, its worth notice : That whoever refuses the office of Governor shall pay twenty-five pounds sterling, unless he were chosen two years going i and whoever refuses the office of Counsellor or Magistrate, ten pounds sterling." Now-a-day s, a men would as soon think of refusing to be a Governor as he would a suit of clothes of the grace ful and becoming styles of Granville Steam% non Chestnut street, one door above liarnden's Express Depot. THE ANNUAL Ass AT . THE MINT.—The annual assay at the Mint commenced yesterday. A number of scientific gentlemen have been appointed by the President, and certain high officials are ex-officio members of the Commission. These Commissions test the fineness of the coinage, verify the scales and weights used in the institution, and before separating, at the close of their labors, they usually pass a series of resolutions endorsing the peculiar elegance and the substantial character of the garments for gentlemen and youths made nt the Brown Stone Clothing Hall of Rockhill & Wilson, Nos. 603 and 605 Chestnut street, above Sixth. MORE cutting remarks by the Great Powers, chief of the Tanta/eon department of Stokes' 613e price " Clothing Store, under the Continental." Ire Faye: That for organizing an army, feeding, clothing, and equipping, and going into the war business in general, the American people stand a loan." He says: 6, The escape of Dr. Robert Tillery, a pri vate at the battle of Mill Creek, where he fought his Way through the WOOtie, killing five rebels, and escaping himself without a scratch, tells well for our gallant B. Tillery." Be thinks clothing for the soldiers might be made so as to prevent them becoming tight in them, and subjczt the men to so much reprimanding. ARRIVALS AT THE HOTELS UP TO 12 O'CLOCK LAST NIGILT CONTINENTAL HOTEL—Ninth and Chestnut sta. P Dougherty, Ilar.riaburg W A Allen, Delaware W 11 Kincaid, Pittsburg M B LORTOY, Erie, Pa II Lewis, Ouctnnati F B.ltunter, Reading 0 8 31...,0re., Poiwvilto Thauchard, Penns G Care, Columbia D K Stewart, Scotland D 0 Houston B S Renway, New York W B Tibbits, Troy, N Y Mr Ferguson & 2 ch, Md W Selland, Baltimore B H HersheYi Millersville Dr A E Heigh% ay, Cin Seth Bryant, Boston D Ii Jacobs, Boston Mr Swartwout, New York Dr Newton It la, New York Coin Stewart, II S N F S .Kirtland, New York W H Carew, New York Miss Foote, New York .1 N Berwick, Boston T B Keeling, Boston IV 0 Churchill, New York Hon T Jones Yorke, N J C Kendall, New York 8 Sturdy, Massachusetts E S Alvard, Indiana J M McCoy, Bellefonte M Thompson, Bellefonte Lieut. 11 R Walter, S A ERI Pettit, New York C R McConkey, Penns Mr Cooke, New York Dr C Field, Easton, Pa W G Field, Easton, Pa H S 'McComb, Delaware J H Willis, New York ' Dr J Torrey, New York W A Hull, New - York A Walsh, New York W F Ladd, New York Col T B Thorpe, New York Mr Alexander, New York Mr Tarry, New York C C DIDION] it la, N Y Mrs V , 10.1.0.-, Now York J V Ovine - ell, Harrisburg J J Dale ' Harrisburg P M Harman, Dayton, 0 Richd CDale, Wash, D C S G Ferry, Massachusetts J C Kunkel, Harrisburg B G Peters, Harrisburg WN. Wiley, Pennsylvania J C Bomberger,Harrisbnrg Geo M Lauman, Beading J B McCreary, al Chunk N It Biddle, New York C Walsh, Newark, N J J "mender, Now Fork H Wall, New Fork Jos Seligman, New York S P Hyatt Carpenter S Tuttle, New Jersey John Hill, New Jersey Jonathan Cook, N Jersey John J High, New Jersey John P Jackson, N Jersey 8 B Iluselton, New Jersey 11 Buckly, New Jersey Amos Rubins, New Jersey John Pierson, New Jersey Corey Drake, New Jersey Col McMichael, N Jersey Edw Beiley, New Jersey Joe B. Miller, New Jersey Jos C Baldwin, New Jersey D A Hall, New Jersey Dr S Hart, Connecticut F Foster, New York Clurhe, New York D D Badger, New York The.. C Odiorou , Cleeinnetl J N Willerd,. Wooten, D C Col T A Davies, New York Judge Davies, New York J Davies. New Fork S M Halchcock, N Jersey W A Virtue, New York A Cheseboro, Jr, N York H Ferry, Utica, N Y J M Williams, Chicago, 11l J F McComber & la, Boston Geo Keyes & la, Boston G 0 Sanborn, Boston G H Weeks, Boston Geo Busker, New York . CaptJ Quin R wtillaryland C D Gibson, New York W F Thorne Cincinnati, 0 John Gates, Cincinnati, 0 B F Parlett:Baltimore C 5 Jenkins & (lit Now York Lewis W Morrison, t Y Thos F Emhart, New York G L Schuyler & da, N Y Sam! E Parsons, L Island P W Kibbies, Now York Ii A Losdgene W L Shepord, Montreal m Wilson, Ohio Alex D Napier, New York nos Kennedy, Scotland Lyman Elmore, New York I M Jones. New York 'W K Goolkin E 31 Barnes Chas P Schuyler, N York Isaac Lehmann, New York W R Cole, Baltimore C II Hayden, Boston J D Sanborne, Boston 8 M Shoemaker, Baltimore Cant Wilson,Cmp Patterson Bon J H Brockway, Conn L W Crane, Connecticut E Willard, New York li Bowers & la, New York Bev B J Stearns, Md Lient Skinner, Wash, D II McNeil, Annapolia Limit Taylor, Baltimore J D Bichardson, Md S S Carrier, Harrisburg N E Berry, Baltimore T Sweeney, Wheeling, Va G A Brod, Baltimore MERCHANTS' HOTEL—Fourth at., below Arch. WP Case, Colorado T J Itronaon, New York N 13 Pratt, Connecticut Wt 3 Chaplin, Virginia Cen W hI Lilly, Penna B B Courier, Penna .1 W Guthrie, Clarion, Pa a S Repairer, Pottsville W J Moodie, Ashland H K Whither, M D, Pa Mho 8 Fisher, Penny J L Rightmyer, Reading Ali Rosenheim, N York David S Ker, Perms G W Morgan, Pottsville N D Cartright, M Chnnk Ilan A Packer, M. Chunk S Wetherill & wf, Perna Miss Wetherill, Penna Mrs B Lilly, New Jersey II Bowman, Millersville, Pa B Ripley, Newark, N.l C Bantu:Al, New York John Jones, Wilkosbarro WN W Dorsey, Delaware Chem Edwards, Lancaster Miss Lilly, New Jerrey • ST. LOUIS HOTEL—gbeetuut Street, above Third. JII Mohole, Massachusetts A Fitzpatrick, New York J Harr, Washington, D 0 W A Boss, Wash. D 0 II Beanie, Smyrna, Del D Norris, Atlantic City J Thompson, Phila. N 0 Parke, New York Bernard Riney Dr Valentine, New York Col Johnson, Penne. J Taylor, Baltimore Prof IDe Lanney N York HK. Slaughter, New York Maples, Brooklyn L Nnnonliorc New York J B Fenian], New York H Marsh & la, New York R H Norton, Mese W Raymond, New Jersey L W Raybold, Delaware WY A Bonwell, Del J Stokes & la, New York D Farris & wf, New Yotk H Ferguson, Massachusetts L Ferguson, Massachusetta THE PRESS. -PHILADELPHIA, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 11. IS2. THE UNION—Arch street, above Third. L S Cropper, Miryland I Dennison, Newark, N J J Lerch, Bethlehem J A Rice, Bethlehem J J hlcTuaue, Columbia I Cartrlnht, Bethlehem J D Laweea & wf, N J 9 T Lippincott & wf, N J IN Nall A wf, balom, N J J Silliman. Pottsville B B England, Nana Col II Ratcliff, Tamaqua I A Bootie, Moryland J Boyd & is, Philada G Johnson, Wave.' Meadwa J Ralston, el Chuck J G Reading, N Jersey J Rioter, Poona J L Dunham, West Troy, N Y STATES lINION-111/4ket etriick, shove Nix& A Long, Lowiatown R H Junco, Lockport, NY R B Bolmee, Davonport W B Adunis, Nutley, Pa mop U Henry, Lockport A 8 Erving, Lancipitor Jas Culifor, Lancaster co, Pa 8 II Lefever & la, Lane Co Itlre Davitlean, Tiffin, 0 11 Shirk, Lancaster co, Pa 9 S Saul, Illinois conIMIMPIAL—Sixth streot. Moire Chestnut. J Townsend, Jr, Ohio C E Shoemaker, Wilt% Dal R N Drosice, Peoria li a Jones, Roxboro E Potte, Bridgeport, Pa R C Loris, Mary-land W Porter, New York L S Hooting, Wilet, Del J McCreary, Maryland D Kimble, Cheater co, Pa A Nimble Cheater co, Pa C Phillip‘, Cheater co, Pa Leolose Kirk W B Benet., Delaware MOUNT VERNON OOTEL—Eecond st., lib. Motu Sam' Soliday, Now Rope David Sterna Mr T 111911181), Milford, NJ G S Adler, Pa Binsey , Bristol, Pa BARLEY SHEAF—Second drool, bolow J Oilihnoi, New jersey B Compton, Strptlddbnrg Aug Var, , leariff, Hdclington ili re 0 Griffith & oh, Wash J Such, Hartsville J 0 Perris, Hoylestowa A Hose, Newtown, Pit J P Rained MADISON HOUSE—secono sweet, above Market. S H Anetin, New York J Oldham, New Jersey Mrs N T Clement, N Jersey Mies Clement, New Jersey J Wilcox, Connecticut T W Carr, Bucks co BIIrrONVIA, Now York S W Andrews, Boston II N !lowly, New Jersey BALD BAC/LB—Third street, above Oallowhla, Joahna Foulke, Quakertown Nathan Geary, Pennsburg C P Follweiler, Albany, Pa Jacob Billegass, Pennsb'g Thos leakel, Greenville, Pa BLACK BEAR—Third street, above Oallowhill. Jerome Bassler, York, Pa 13 ,, 100m Fry, Cooperaburg Abraham Stouffer, Reading Jas DI Thomas, Falsington F. NATIONAL MOTEL—Race street, above Third. P Uhler, Uhlerville Pa E 11 Lucas, Allentown Ii S Thomop, rt invillo E Y George, Columbia co A Sprioevaan & la, Reading Mies RoseSchriffer, Pa J B 11o:stetter, LaTIC co, PIX REVERN HOUSIC—Thiro street, above Bum P Dixon, Newark G Gould, Newark B W Pe nnypacker, Mt Clair John Lipman. Trenton Thes NV Elnyl..r,Seli'l Haven Mrs James, Beverly ARRIVED. Scbr Flora King, McFatland, 4 days from Baltimore., in ballast to J E Bazley .t Co. Steamship M Sanford, Sanford, Now York, James An d erdice. Behr John E Dailey, Bart, Matanzas, A Kerr. Behr Caleb Stetson, Robinson, Bey West, Tyler, Stone & Co. Schr Fanny, Mayhew, Fortress Monroe, do. Behr M D Moore, Foster, Providence, do. Str 11 L Gaw, Der, Baltimore, A Groves, Jr. nip Bolan& I.4ek Wilbelmlna, and brig itiadeirn, from New York for Philadelphia, have 'mind at the Breakwater. The brig Francis J King, from New York for Philadelphia, passed up the bay. Brig W 111 Bodge, from Rio Janeiro, 'passed out this morning. Arrived, bark James R Ward, from Marseilles; South erner, from do; gunboat Forward, from Delaware Break water; bug Alice, from Porto Rico. At Bermuda on the ttOth, sehrs B G Minden and J Morris, for Philadelphia. BOSTON, Feb. Ilk Arrived, ships Exprese, from Havre; Garnet, from New York, and Elias Pike, from Cadiz. Br steamship Royal Bride, of Bristol, Smith, from Cardiff Nov 16th, via Bermuda Feb 3d, arrived - at New York yesterday. Put into Bermuda in couseouenco of haying lost sails. Left at Bermuda Br ship Plantagenet, Johnson, from New York Jan 11th, for Liverpool. grain loaded ; arrived 3d lust, leaky and pumps choked. Bark Dundalk, of St Johns, N B, Kiernan, 50 days from Limerick, at New York 9th inst. Bark Luzon, of Bath, Scott, 50 days from Barcelona, and 92 da) a from Gibraltar, at Now York inst. Bark J A Hazard, Lawson. it days from Matanzas, at New York 9th lust 311 inst, at 834 P M. during a thick fog, went ashore on Situan Beach, and remained until the evening of the Bth, when she floated oft after discharging cargo. Has not received any material damage, and is perfectly tight. Bark T A Bertram, Nichols, cleared at New York yesterday for 'Dublin. Brig Humboldt, Bryant, cleared at New York yester day for Havana. Schr Alida, Cutler, hence for Kingston, J, nut into St Thomas 12th tilt, in distress of Whet ttatura not gated. HOLDERS OF BONDS of the United States dated August 19, 1861, and payable three years from date, are hereby notified that provision is made for the payment of the Coupons of semi-annual interest which became due on the 19th instant, in coin, agreeably to their toner, by the Treasurer of the United States at Washington, or by either of the Assistant Treasurers at Now York, Boston, and Philadelphia. • All such Coupons, together with schedules showing the number and amount of each Coupon and the aggregate sum of each parcel, must be presented for examination and verification at least three full business days before payment. S. P. CHASE, fell 18-2 t Secretary of the TreasarY. WISJIART'S GREAT AMERICAN DYSPEPSIA PILL is a positive cure for DYSPEPSIA. I warrant a cure in every case, no matter if of twenty years' stand ing, or the money returned. Price e 1 per box. Sent by man, freo of charge, on receipt of the money. Depot, NO.lO North SECOND 5t net. feB.2m L. Q. C. WISIIART. OFFICE OP TIIE ADAMS WOINEXPV,I2BB COMPANY, 820 CHESTNUT STREET, PHILADBLPRIA., January - 27, 1882. The Adams Express Company having enlarged their facilities at Washington, D C., by building a Railroad depot, and having acquired addit'onal capacity for transportation, are now prepared to forward Heavy Express freights, Packages, and Parcels, to Wash ington, Georgetown, Alexandria, Annapolis, Frederick, Adamstown, Fartreaa Monroe, and ether nieces Send. occupied by the army, at greatly reduced rates. Special agreements made for merchandize in large lots. Butlers' goods and army supplies at satisfactory prices, on application at our office. Soldiers' parcels taken at much less than our usual rates. Heavy and bulky packages received and recoipted for at our depot, S. E. corner of BROAD and LOCUST streets. JOHN BINGHAM, jaTT. tf Superintendent. ONE-PRICE CLOTHING, OR THE LATEST STYLES, made in the Beat Manner, expressly for RETAIL SALES. LOWEST Selling Prices marked in Plain Figures. All Goods made to Order warranted satisfac tory. Our ONE-noon SYst4o4 hi Orion) , adhered to. All are thereby treated alike. se22-ly JONES 114 CO.. 604 MARKET Street. FOCHT—ItEX.—On the 10th instant, by the Bev. George Crooke, Hiram Focht, of New York, to Hiss Georgietta A:, daughter of Dr. George Rex, of Phila delphia. ICALPATRICK—S4OTT.—On the 7th instant, by the Rev. Francis Church. Mr_ Kill:atrial. to Mitia Isabella Scott, both of this city. MILLER—DUNN.—On the 6th instant, by the Rev. Dapiei Gaston, Mr. Henry W. Miller, Jr., of Philadel— phia, to Mies Sarah L. Dunn, of Wilmington, Del. * ROSS.—On Monday, 10th instant, Mrs. Emma ROSH t wife of Arrg. Samuel A. Bony, In the 421 year of her age. • The relatives and friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend her funeral, from the residence other brother. Mr. Samuel Daniels, No. 1821 Coates street, on Wednesday, 12th instant, at 2 o'clock in the afternoon. Funeral to proceed to Mechanic Cemetery. [New York papers will please copy.] ** FITZPATRICIL—On Sunday evening, the 9th inst., of pnwiunonia, John C. Fitzpatrick, EN., at his residence on Capitol Wit,hinsten City, in the 59th year of hi* age. ***- ATRES.—On the 9th instant, Preston Ayres, in the 51et year of his age. The relatives and friends of the family are respectful ly invited to attend the tuneral, from his lato resi dence, Charlestown Cross Roads, Charlestown township, Chester county, on Wednesday, the 12th instant, at 11 o'clock. ** ARRISON.—On the oth instant, Mrs. Hannah C., wife of Matthew W. Arrison, in the 46th year of her age. Funeral from the residence of her husband, 859 Mirth SiAlma street, thin (Tuesday) morning, at 10 o'clock. dk . . LYBRAND.—On the 7th instant, Mrs. Margaret Ly brand, in the 72d year of her age. Funeral from the residence of her son, Henry J. Lybrand, No. 1035 Crease street, on Thursday morning, at 9 o'clock. * . _ . SITTTOIT.—On the 7th instant, John N. Sutton, aged 24 years. Funeral from the residence of his mother, Mrs. Mary Sutton, No. 34 Charlotte Street, below Poplar, on Wednesday MOrlaing, ak 10 o'clock. it TERRY. -On the Sth instant, Philip H. Terry, in the 37th year oldie age. Funeral fromthe residence of his father, No. 1307 San som street, to-day. raiegptow.--Qp the Mlt Mutant, Mr. Isaac Thomp son in the 42d year of WA age, Funeral from the residence of hie sister, Mrs. Kimsey, Richmond street, above Allegheny avenue, on Wednes• day afternoon. at 1 o'clock. 41' TIECIIIN—On the 9th inatant, Enoch Thorn ? In the, 70th year of hie ago. Funeral from the residence of his son-in-law, A. Stewart, No. 224 South Twentieth street, below Walnut, on Wednesday morning, at 10 o'clock. * WARD.—On the 9th instant, Mary, wife of James Wald, aged 23 years. Funeral from the residence of her father, Mr. Moses Jordan, No. 011 Thompson street, corner of Tyler, this (Tueßlay) afternoon, at 2 o'clock. DURK--On the 9th instant, Sarah A., infant daugh ter of Thomas and Mary Burk, aged 1 year and 10 months. . - . Funeral from the residence of the parents , ' No. 745 Passytink road, this (Tuesday) afternoon, at 2 o'clock. RILEY.—On the Bth, Thomas Riley, in tho 83d year of his age. Funeral from his late residence. northeast corner of Fifteenth and Chestnut sheets, this (Tuesday) morning, at 10 o'clock. WOOLF.—On the Sth instant, John H. Woolf, in the 47th year of his atm. li'uneral from hie late residence, No. 1353 Christian street, below Broad, this (Tuesday) morning, at log o'clock. BEssoN & SON, MOURNING STORE, No. 916 CHISPIHIP Street. (Goods re. ceived January 15th to 31st.) Black and white striped and check Silks Shepherd plaid Silks; black Penh de Soles and glossy S ilks; English Chintzes awl De 'Gaines; Balmoral Skirts ; Lace and Riviera Bullion ; Lace Sleeves ; Grape COlllll4l BiallkOt SkaiNi4 Thibet Long Shawls, extra sizes; Tarlatan Bonnet Rachel; Silk and Cotton Blonde Neck Roches ; Large Crimp English Crapes; Love and Grenadine Voile: Crape Voile; Wide Hemmed Handkerchiefs; Mull and Piping Sets; double-width Black Moussellnes, &c. feT NOTICE.—A SPECIAL MEETING OF LIZ the Stockholders of the GEBNANTO WN MIAS. T COMPANY will In Leld at thair talcum TEIIIS3. DAY, February 20, 1862, at 4 o'clock P. K., on business of importance. By order of CHARLES J. MISTER, President. Joint Kure, Secretary. fe11,1.1,19,20-4t* MARINE INTELLIGENCE. LP SEE FOURTH PAGE CLBARED (Correspondence of the Philadelphia /Exchange.) LEWES, Del.. Feb 10 JOHN P. MARSHALL Er TIII.gGRAPEL (Correshondence of the Prem.) NEW Yong, Feb.lo . . 11113D101i &NPA SPECIAL NCYTICES. OFFICIAL. TREASURY DEPARTMENT, Feb. 4, 1862 DYSPEPSIA ! DYSPEPSIA. ! DYSPEPSIA cured for $l, or $1 returned! DYSPEPSIA cured for $l, or $1 returned! DYSPEPSIA cured for $l, or $1 returned! DYSPEPSIA cured for 81, or $1 returned ! MARRIED. DIED. irr DIAMOND COAL COMPANY—NO * timilinn of the Diroctom hold on WW EDNEbPAY butt, a dividend of Fifty Cent, per share wail declared, payable on and after the 75th instant, at the office of the Company, No. 713 MtIMMT Street. fell -6t* S. ALTER, :?ecratairy. ca.. NINETEENTH UARD PEOPLE'S AbSot:IATION will hold a • meeting, THIS (Tuesday) EVENING, February 11, at 7,14 o'clock, at the house of JOHN DOERR, corner of AMBER and ULLA Streets. Election of nflicera and other beishiee, be Minded to, [lO JAMES T WENT, ProgidenL cir ALUMNI ASSOCIATION CENTRAL SCHOOL.—The gond-annual mooting of the Alumni Association will be held on W lEDDNESD EV/ WING, February 12.1862, at the IIIGII•SCII0011, BUILDING, BROAD and GREEN Streets. Tickets fur the commencement will lie iasnrd ou that evening 6TEPIIEN BRBTON, President. eIIAitLKS BuffiornaTit, PP7E1.1111 , . fell ~t rff - • ALUMNI ASSOCIATION CENTRAL 81:11100L.—The annual wbires, before the Aesoclittion will be delivered by TIIEO OEFIL SOBLAGER, Esq., on THEIRSPAY EVENING, Fe bruary 13, at the MUSICAL I? ITN l) JIAGL. Member, may obtain ticket. from any of tim Board of blanagere, or Item Dr_ Wm. E. Atkinson, 9.16 grelide Akita j Win. Wag, Esq., b StralrherTy Rtront ; nr, PrnfONSOr Kopper, 804 Vine street. STEPHEN It N TON, Presldent. CHARLES BUCKIVALTEIt, Secretary. fell-3t* or. OFFICE OF THE PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD COMPANY. • PH , LADELPITIA, Fob. 10, 1812 NOTICE TO STOCKHOLDERS.—The Annual Elec tion cop InpAtteva iIII be h«ld on MONDAY, the third day of March. 1862, at the 011 ice of the Company, No. 238 South THIRD Street. . . The Polls will be open from ten o'clock A. M. to six o'clock I'. M. No shore or shares transferred within sixty days next preceding the election, will entitle the holder or holders themef to a vote foll-dtna trrAMERICAN LIFE INSIMASuE AND TItUIT (10fd P ANY, WALNUT Street, South east corner of FOURTII, PHILADELPHIA, February 6, 1862. At the annual election by the Stockholders, held on MON DAY , January 6, the following gentlemen were elected Trustees, viz: Alexander Whilld in, J. Edgar Thomson, George Nugent, felt. James Pollock, Albert O. Roberts, H. G. Eldridge, Samuel Work, And at a meeting of said Trustees, held THIS DAY, the following officers were elected for the ensuing year, viz President—Alexander Whilldin. Vice President--Samuel Work. Actuary—John C. Stine. Secretary and Treasurer—John S. Wilson. JOHN S. WILSON, Secretary and Tree ewer. rrOFFICE OF THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC 'WHARVES' AND LANDINGS, PLULADELPIIII, -MIL 20. IStll NOTRiE.—The following-named wharves and landings will be leased at public auction, for a term of one or three years, to the highest and best bidder, at the MERCHANTS' EXCHANGE, on WEDNESDA.I7, 12th day of February, at 12 o'clock, noon On the Delaware. 02 the Schay/kiit. Dickerson-at. landing. Callowbid-st. landing, (west Watillington-st. whf & Idg. aide,) Chriatiau-st. do. Race-st. wharf. Catharine-st. landing. Locttst-st. landing. Davis' landing. Pine-st. wharf. Spruce-at. landing. I wharf and Market-st. wharf and Iland-lauding. tugs (south side.) Bouth-st. landing Noble-st. whf., lot, and Idg. Green-at. do. do. Coates-A. do. do. Green lane landing. feB.3t* N_ T (KrOFFICE OF TILE RELIANCE MU. TUAL INSURANCE COMPANY OF PHILA DELPHIA, February 5, 1862. At an Election, held on the 3d inst., in pursuance of the charter, the following-named gentlemen were chosen Directors, of this company for the ensuing year, viz: Clem. Tingle', Bamnel Blapham, Williatn F.. Thobrpson, Itobrrt Skeen, Frederick Brown, William Musser, William Stevenson, Benj. W. Tingley, John It. Worrell, Marshall Bin, 11. L. Carson, J. Johnston Brown, Hebert Toland, I Charles Leland, G. D. Itosengarten, Jacob T. Bunting, Charles S. Wood, Smith Bowen, Janice S. Woodward, John Riese!, Pittsburg. And at a meeting of the Board. held this day, Clem Tingley, Esq,, was reelected President. fe6-thstn 6t B. M. HINC ELNAN, Secretary. ar , INSURANCE COMPANY OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA, February 3, 1862.—The Directors have this day declared a Dividend of SIX PER CENT., or Twelve %Hare per Share, payable to the Steckhohlen3 or their legal representatives on demand fe4.lot iBEADQUAItTERS NINETIETH REGIMENT INFANTRY, (National Guards,) I'. V., PHILADELPHIA ' Feb, S, ISP2. A few more RECRUITS wanted to complete the Regiment. Apply at the following Recruiting Stations: Armory, Race below Sixth; 333, 525, and 603 Chestnut street; N. W. corner Second and Master streets; Co liocksink Hose House; Maliarg's Hotel, Ridge avenue, below Broad, and Western Hotel, Market street, above * Eighth. Y. L YLE, Colonel. DAVID P. WEAVER, Adjutant. felM 6t NEW PUBLICATIONS THE ' , LOWER OF THE PRAIRIE! GtSTAVE AINARD'S GREAT ROOK! A TALE, OF INDIAN LIFE AND ADVENTURE, and far superior to. any of Cooper's. It in published this day in one large octavo volume. price Fifty Cents a copy, and is for sale at the Cheapest Book now* in thi4 country, ut T. b. kUTE.Woti ,s: DR9TIIERY, 306 CHESTNUT street. Everybody should pot and read it. It TIRE FLOWER OF TILE PRAIRIE! TI GUSTAVE AINABD'S GREAT BOOK! A TALE OF INDIAN LINE AND ADVENTUWIC and for superior to any of Cooper's. It is published this diki- s in ono largeoctavo No -price Fifty Cents %copy, and is for sale at the Cheapest Book House in this country, at T. B. PETERSON & BRO eIIERS', 31.6 CHESTNUT Street. Everybody should get and read it. It THE FLOWER OF THE PRAIRIE! 11 GUSTAVE AIMARD'S GREAT BO1K! A TAME OF INDIAN LIFE AND ADVENTURE, and for superior to any of Cooper's, It is Published this day, in one largeoetavo volume, pies 'Fifty (lents seem', and is for sale at the Cheapest Bonk House in this country, at T. B. RETEIISTSA BltoT ffERS', 306 CHESTNUT Street Everybody should get and read it. 1 A NEW SCHOOL HISTORY OF THE UNITED. STATES, BY WILLIAM ROBERTS important facts, eubetantiated by atandard Historians. without comment, are presented in this little work. It is admirably arranged for school pm poses, and is compiled by an eminent Philadelphia teacher. The following is an extract from a report of a Com mittee of the Association of Kale Teachers of the Public Schools of Philadelphia, appointed to confer with Me. Roberts, ID reference to a compilation of a History of the United States : The Committee are much pleased with the general style and character of the work ****, and take great pleasure in recommending it to the favorable consideration of the Association. 11. Y. LOUDERBACX, JAMES H. MCBRIDE, WILLIAM H. LIGHTER, GEORGE W. FETTER, JAMBS G. BARNWELL, Committee. The Book is a smalll2mo., 220 pages, beautifully printed and illustrated. Price, 40 cents. SOWER, BARNES, it Co., Publishers, 37 North THIRD Street S., 8.. & Co. have reduced the Price of Petton's Outline Mops from $25 to $l5 per full set of Six Maps. fadvdrm3t rpHE ALUMNI OF THE Mall 1 SCHOOL. Junt Pubßand, A New and Beautiful Editiab of MISTAKES OF EDUCATED MEN. ,BY JOHN S. HART, LL. B. 121 no, Muslin. Gilt„ Price .50 Cent& do. Paper Covers, 2.5 cents. J. C. GARRIGUES. Publisher, 148 South FOURTH Street, Philadelphia PORT RICHMOND IRON WORKS. --COPARTNERSHIP NOTICE. JOHN 11. TOWNE, formerly of the firm of ?derrick it Towne, has become a member of the firm of I. P. MORRIS Jc CO , to take effect from and after the let of January, 1862. Isaac P. Morrie Withdraws from active participa. tion in the conduct of the businees. The title of the new firm is I. P. MORRIS, TOWNE, dr, CO. I. P. MORRIS, LEWIS TAWS, JOHN J. THWIPSON, fell JOHN H. TOWNE. SOMETHING NEW.-THOMPBON A CO.'S PATENT DOUBLE-QUICK NUTRI MENT, particularly adapted for the Army and Navy, will be served up at 1034 o'clock this day for lunch. Of ficers of the army and navy are invited to call and test it, at CHARLEY GRILL'S Saloon, N 0.409 CHESTNUT, It 1050 n , YOUTH Street. HORTICULTURAL HALL, BROAD AND WALNUT STRERTS.—MonthIy display of Fruits, Flowers, and Yi.getables this ow ning. It T HE APEX OF EXCELLENCE bae been attained in the production ol! COLORED PHOTOGRAPHS, at REIMER'S Gallery, SECOND Street, above Green. Placed within the reach of all— only St TT YOU WANT THE WORTH OF -A- your money, buy your Flour at S. E. GOTTWALS', No. 812 SPRING GARDEN Street. Re sells the very bed, and sells positively TEN PER GENT.LOWER than can be bought anywhere elie in the city. Ho delivers to any part of the city free of charge, and in all cases, if it does not give entire satisfaction, IT WILL BE TAKEN BACK, AND THE MONEY . REFUNDED.jaI7-tuthstf SZ. GOTTWALS, N 0.812 SPRING . GARDEN Street, /Ala double extra Family Flonr, fancy brand, at $7 per barrel. jal7-tuthett EVERYBODY BUYS BUCK WHEAT FLOUR of S. Z. GOTTWALS, No. 812 SPRING GARDEN Street, becalms he sells none but the very beet. jal7-tuthetf IF YOU WANT GOOD FLOUR, GO to S. Z. GOTT%NALS', No. 812 SPRING GARDEN Street. ]al7-tuthed NOTICE TO HELPLESS INVA LIDS—RUTH'S PATENT APPARATUS, for removing Invalids without pain or inconvenience, and one person can remove the largest person with ease. The Apparatus can be seen at DR. MoULENAUHAN'S, No. 60 North SEVENTH Street. N. R.—State rights for sale. fOB-3ta, GRAY OR DISCOLORED HAIR DYED a beautiful Black or Brown, at GUM KUNST'S, FOURTH and BRANCH. feibtf if CHEAP CARPETINGS. DAILY A BROTHER Have removed their stock of Carpeting% to N 0.19 SOUTH FOURTH S MEET, Whore they will offer them for sale at low prices, not withstanding the great advance In the WhOlAnkk prices. Houeekeenere will find it to their advantage to call. FLOOR OIL CLOTHS. A large lot of Remnants to be sold very clump. CARPET-BAG, CARRIAGE AND DAMP-STOOL RAKERS can be supplied with Remnants of Carpets low. gar Our entire stock Is positively to be closed out. DAILY & BROTHER, fee-stutlat 130.19 South FOIIBTII St., up stairs. f&ia E. S. F.A.RLEY, FURNIUMEING WIDERTAXIS, Southends wect corn rot TRIM rad GRUB Street', WM lldladelardo. EDMUND snail, Secretary William J. Howard, Jonas Bowman, f.tanniel T. Bodin°, John Aikman, Charles F. Heazlitl, lion. Joseph Allison, 'BIROIIX, CiM1A1454161 i WILLIAM HARPER, Secretary FINArWII&L. N ATIONAL LOAN. JAY COOKE. & Co., 114 5013T11 THIRD OTREET, AU PREPARED TO * FURNISH T 1 runceesmy AT THE MARKET RATZ tSETAN AND TARE-TENTHS PEITZENT. TREASURY NOTES3,- IN AMOUNTS AND DENOMINATIONS TO SUIT. fe4-12t GOLD AND SILVER AND QUARTERMASTERS' CERTIFICATES, Bought and sold. 7 3-10 TREASURY NOTES Furnished at a liberal discount. DREXEL Sc Co. fe7.lm GEORGE J. BOYD, BANKER, NO. is SOUTH THIRD STREET. OW QUARTERMASTER'S CERTIFICATES, City Warrants, Bank Notes, Specie, &c, dealt in. STOOKS and BONDS bought and sold on commission. ja2S-lm GOLD AND SILVER BOUGHT AND SOLD, JAY COOKE & Co.. No. 114 SOUTH THIRD STREET $l,OOO to o A l lsl o p s o t 3 i 0 0 r O tg O a . g — e r T a h r s o a d m o n u t n t Apply to E. PETTIT, ja29 No. 3139 WALNUT Street. GOVERNMENT LOANS, OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, BOUGHT AND SOLD, BY JAY COOKE &. Co., 114 SOUTH THIRD STREET. fe4.l2t $3130 0 A FIRST-CLASS IM . proved GROUND RENT of this amount for Me, at a Liberal discount. Apply to E. PETTIT, jal No. 309 WALNUT Street. (UARTERMASTERS' CERTIFICATES, BOUGHT AND SOLD, BY JAY COOKE &I Co., No. 114 SOUTH THIRD STREET. fe4-12L MILITARY GOODS. SKY-BLUE CASSIMERE, FOR NEW REGULATION ARMY PANTS, OF A SUPERIOR QUALITY, FOR OFFICERS' USE. FOB SALE BY ALFRED SLADE & CO., 40 South FRONT Street, and 39 LETITIA Street. fol-3m ARMY CAP B - D TTONS AND SLIDES, manufactured at FIFTH Street and CULUIdDIA. Avenue. E. IVINS: fee...lm* BRASS EYELETS ! BRASS EYE LETS! for Blankets and Leggings. FIFTH Street end COLUMBIA Avenue. E. IVINg. feti•lni* RETAIL DRY GOODS HAINES' LIST OF MUSLINS !- I have now in store arta the following makes, which I offer at prices which I believe to be lower than they can be had. RLHAUHRD. 1 lot X wide and good, at 8 cents. 1 case extra heavy, at 10 cents. 1 lot fine and 7 wide, 10 cents. 1 case yard wide, 1171 cents. 1 case heavy New Market, 12, ,4c worth at least 14. 1 case Greene Manufacturing Co.,full yard wide, 12,4 e 1 case Red Banks, very close, full 37 inches wide, 12X0 2 cases heavy Housekeeper's, lf.c 1 case Mendota's, as fine as Williamsville, 16c. 1 case Wamsultaa, of the moat desirable ddieh. 1 ease Williamsville...Mat fresh rimmed. 1 case New York Mills, which are the hest made. 1 lot 2,X wide Sheeting, 28 cents. 1 lot 2X wide Sheeting, 31,X cents. 1 case 2% wide Sheeting, 35 cents. 1 case best Utica Sheeting, 21q wide, 37X cents. 1 case beat Utica Sheeting, 271 wide, 40 cents. tiIkIBLEACIIED Flue unbleached at 9 heavy do. at 10; very fine, 33 ineh aide. at 1234 I full yard wide do., log and. all the heavy 4-4 goods, such as Stark's, New Markets, Law rence's, Uticas, Bates% &c. ' which I will sell very cheap; Sheeting, 2g wide, 31,h'c. There is also a large assort ment of other domestics, such as Calicoes, Ginghams, Tickings, &c., to be had at the great Muslin Euiptorimu, GRANVILLE IL RAINES, 1013 MARKET Street,. above Tenth. P. B.—Juet opened, 4 cases Pokonoket Bleached Bias. line, at that are being sold at 14,, and were never sold at less thanl2X, when cotton was at the lowest. feld.3t E W HOUSE- FURNISHING .L' GOODS, LINENS, &c.—The largest assortment in the city of Fine Flemish, Irish, and Barnsley Linen Sheeting.. Dunbar Diclimon's and Ilichaulion'a Pillow Linens. Golden Flax Shirting and Fronting Linens. Table Linens, 7 able Cloths, Napkins, lloyliee. Towellings and Towels of all descriptions, for the bath, chamber, pantry, kitchen, and nursery. Quilts and Blankets, of all Rises, for cribs and beds. Table and Piano Covers, and Materials for covers, by the yard. Furniture Chintzes Furniture Coverings, etc. Rich Lace and Muslin Curtains and Curtain Materials. Plain and Gold Bordered Shades, in all colors. SHEPPARD, VAN HARLINGEN, & ARRISO.N, felt) 1008 CHESTNUT Street. INSURANCE COMPANIES. SECOND ANNUAL STATEMENT Of THE MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY OF PHI LADRLPHIA. OFFICE—No. 6 South 'Fir= Street. Amount of Ineurnnee first month (Jo6)let, 1882 $385,200 00 Amount of Premium notes first month, (Jan.) Ist, 1862 Cask assets, January 1, 1861 61,19196 Interest on Premium notes 1,514 44 Perpetual Premiums 39 00 Policies Rod Surreys 100 00 Intoreok on InToonnonis 81 80 Transfers 3 50 Losses by Fire.... Expenses—Salary, Bent, Printing, Statienery, Commissions, &c., &c 547 70 Wadi ABM'S. Invested in City C p. e. Loan Invested in 11. S_7 3.10 p. e. Loan Oftice Furniture Cash in hands of Treasurer ASSETS Premium Notes Amount invested in City Loan. Amount invested in U. B. Loan, Office Furniture Cssh in hands et Treasurer The undersigned, a Committee appointed by the Com ' - pany have examined the above statement, compared it with the books and vouchers, and find it to be correct. ELIAS FIRMER. January 21, 1862. JOHN CHAPMAN, N. D. DIRECTORS: Benjamin Malone, President, Simeon Matlack, Jae. Smedley, Vice President, Thomas F. - Rowlett, T. Elwood Chapman, Joseph Ilaywanl, Eli MUM, Thomas Mather Frederick Cadrime, Aaron W. Gaelnll, William N. Levick, Edmund Webster. BENJAMIN MALONE, President. T. SLLWOOD CHAPMAN, Secretary. feti-thstu at COMMONWEALTH FIRE INSII HANCE COMPANY, OF THE STATE 01 PENNOTLTANIA. DIBZOTOBS. I David Jayne, M. D., Charier H. Bowl, John N. Whitsft, John K. Walker, Edward O. Knight, Hobert Shoemaker, Thomas S. Stewart, William Struthers, Henry. Lewis . Jr., Elijah Jones. DAVID JAY It, N. D., preakient. JOHN N. WHITALL, Vice Presidia SAMUEL S. MOON, Secretary.. Oftice, Commonwealth Building, RS CHESTNUT Street, Phasideivbia. •14-if V EDUCATIONAL. BORDENTOWN FEMALE COL LEGE, Bordontown, N. J. This institution to pleasantly located on the Delaware river, 1,4 hour's ride from Philadelphia. Special atten tion is paid to the common and higher branches of Eng lish, and superior advantages aro furnished In vocal and instrumental music. German and French are taught by natives, end spoken in the family. For catalogues, con taining full particulars, fuldresa Rey. JOHN H. BRAKELEF, A. M., ja2o-2m* Preoldont. LIMITED PARTNERSHIP.- Notico is hereby given that HENRY CONNELL, of the city of Philadelphia, late grocer, and HELEN WARRELL, of the maid city, single woman, hare enter ed into a Limited Partnership for the buaineee of dealing in Groceries and Provisions. The said partnership is to be conducted under the name or Arm of Henry Connell. The general nature of the business intended to be trans acted by the said firm or partnership is the dealing in Groceries and Provieions. The general partner in the said firm is Henry Connell, and the special partner is Helen Warren. The said special partner has contributed to the common stock of the said firm the earn of eba hundred dollars in cash: The said partnership is to commence immediately and to terminate on the 31st day of December, 1888. HENRY CONNELL, HELEN WARRELL. ja 17-10t* Jainuiry 15, 1862 AUCTION mnricx., 150 BALES COTTON DUCK. RAVENS. AND TWILLS. FOR SALE AT AUCTION. We will sell at Auction, on TITUR sr AY MORNING 13th inst., at I% o'clock, au assortment of the above articles. Cat'alognes and Flarwpies early on morning of sale. ;or SALE POSITTIR. JOT-IN B. IVIYERS & Co., AUCTIONERIIS, It Nom 23e and 2.TV MARKET STRF.ET: WANTED.—OId Sit?er; Pilate; or . Coin botglit, in largo or ma@ viantiths, by batIDNIt & 11l D 131,0, silrerentither, /elo.lnr* EIGHTH and 3irbots. ATANTED- A au u lON- AS BOOK-K23PWR. by a Young Aim, a gmlunte of Criltondtn'm Commercial Uollega. Ramencis ag.t14.0- tory. /Wilms t , J. C. L.," at thiß Cllicu.* WANTED— A PRI NTE who • un r derstands Press-Work on Hot's largo Cylinder Press, Band Press workomd is a good Job Itompositor, Also, a ROY, about IT. years old—one who has some knowledge of the Job PrinVing business, and can work .a Guidon cc-Ruggles Press. Address "Printer," this of fice. teB.att' NIV ANTE D—A second-hand Sta tionary Steam login', of from 60 to 70-Bone Power. Address, stating particulars, ""Box 1155 Poet Of f ice." de2l-td UNITED STATES MARINES.- Wanted, Imitediately, for the United dikes iterine Carps, SEVEN uuNDRED ABLE-BODIED if for sea service, between the ages of eighteen and forty years. All information that may be required will be given at the Rendezvous, 311 South FRONT Street, below Spruce. JAMES LEWIS, Captain, ja3l-12t Recruiting Officer. la SPLENDID STORE STAND' TO LET- Ths ilbabriiigned offers to let Ow wed-known and tong established STORE, with fixtures complete, situated •in MAIN STREET; Opposite the- SUN HOTEL, BETHLEHEM, PA. Between the Stores of JACOB RICE and WILLIAM LUCK ENBACII. in the centre of the buslnewportion of the town. Thie STORE has been occupied for a number of scare by A: GRIDER,& CO: Favorable terms Rill be offered to a good reliable bll9l. new man. Apply to - WM. LUOICENI3 &CH; BETHLEHEM, PA. fcS-13th FOR 8A L E-011 easy, terms; a C. Large Factory Building, siluate in the Fourteenth ward, 110 by 150, three fronts ; containing Shafting, En gine, Crane, and Cupola. The above premises can be used for a Cotton Mill or Foundry, having formerly been used for both. For further particulars apply to J. H. WATERS, 110 South FOURTH Street. feß FOR RENT— A modern Residence, 4 : with Furniture, to a privato family, Terms mode rate. Located WALNUT Street, woof of Broad. Addion, "li. W. J.," Press Office. foa • la FOR RENT.—Store No. 331 Mar ket street. Store No. 23 North Fourth street. Possession March 1. House No. 539 Spruce street. Germantown House, corner Green and Harvey streets. Germantown House, Rittenhouse, west of Green street. WILLIAM 11. BACON, fe7-6t* Bat MABS&T Street. 30,000 PEACH TRWES-ONE ... 111 . - - Year's growth from the bud, choke fruit, and very flue trees—will be sold cheap. Apply to fel-tf J. H. WATERS, 110 S. FOURTH St. TO BENT A Desirable HOUSE, Idanear BROAD and WALNUT. AU modern conve niences. Reserving Office. Furniture for sale, if de. , sired. Apply to E. PETTIT, jaa-lf 1423 WALNUT Street. el PALE OR EXCHANGE-1 dwellings, Brown street, above Fifteenth street; 4 dwellings, Pine street, below Second street. Also, farm of 80 acres on Rancocas, near the Railroad; one of 34 acres, near 'Conshohocken; one of 100 Rens, between Bolmesburg and Franktord, on the turnpike; 160 acres, 1 mile from Mount Holly ; 75 acres. n ,ar Northeast Sta. tOpy moryloncl; IsO acres in the oil region, irenango ceinnty, Fa.:; and various other properties, both in the city and country. Apply to T. H. WATERS, fel 110 South FOURT El Street. t e l HOTEL PROPERTY FOR SALE by the subscriber, at WOODBURY, New Jersey, now doing a good business. Possemsion glyen at any time. 1.13p-1114* JOHN P. PHIPPS. is FOR SALE—A Desirable FARM. containing 95 acres of superior land, near Sand! Run Station, North Pennsylvania Railroad, with firer• clasa Stone buildings. Principal part of the purchase money can remain at 6 per cent: Apply to E. PETTIT, jar No. 309 WALNUT Street. FOR BALE—The Furniture ; Fixtures, and Good-will of a well-established first-class Boarding-house (25 rooms), fronting a public sonars. Now doing a profitable business. Rent moderate. !Satis factory reasons given for selling out. Address "+ E. W.," Box 1991, Post Office, Philadelphia. feB-3t* VOR S ALE,CHEAP—VaIuabIe Farm, 133 acres, near Williamstown, Camden co., New Jersey, with good improyentents. only twenty-eight miles from the City, Also, 'several Farms to exchange. Pike only $5,0643. TtrYno emu - . Apply to E. FIiTT No. 309 WALNUT S.reet. feB FOR SALE CHEAP-Two fine Prnit Farms near Dover, Delaware, convenient to Eailroad Station, with good improvements. Terms easy. Possession this spring. Apply to E. PETTIT, No. 309 WALNUT Street. fS FOR SALE AND EXCHANGE--; A large number of Farms in the adjoining Corm ties, States of Delaware, Maryland, New York, and Now Jersey, averaging from 10 to 200 acres of land. Those wishing to exchange or purchase would do well to call and examine my Register of Farms. Apply to jal-tf E. PET PIT. No. 309 WALNUT Street. FARM FOR BA LE .--A FARM ; in excellent state of cultivation, containing fifty-ons acres, (nine of which are woodland,) pleasantly situated In Limerick township, Montgomery county, two and a half miles from the Limerick station, on the Reading Railroad, is offered for sale. Price—Five thousand del lays (86,000). Apply fl the premises. nol6-tf SAMUEL H. GRAFF. ROOMS TO LET IN NO-14TII SEVENTH Street, above Arch strooti.oaat One room on first floor. Two rooms on second floor. Two rooms on third floor. Inquire at the southeast corner of MARKET and FIFTH Streets. fo3-tf '50,000 TRIUMPHE D'GAUD the largest and best Strawberry j rAopo reach : Trees, of the beat market variative; Apples, Prows, Cheeriea, and Plums, of the most certain bearing kinds; Rasp berries, Blackberries, Rhubarb and. Asparagus Roots, for sale low. Send for catalogues, gratis. WILLIAM PARRY, feB-30 CINNAMINSON, N. J. COAL OIL— MantLfaetureel at the Philadelphia Carbon Oil Works, Thirtieth and Estee etreeta Warranted non-explosive, and equal to any in thn market. Burning Oil, Lubricating Oil, and Benzine. For sale, in lota tc suit. by BENJAMIN R. SMITH, Agent, feti-tit* No, ill South FRONT Street. .. 24,829 00 COAL OIL! COAL OIL I GEORGE W. WOOTTEN, 38 SOUTH SECOND STREET, AGENT FOR THE NORTH AMERICAN OIL COMPANY. MANUFACTURERS OF COAL OIL, AND RE FINERS OF COAL AND CARBON OILS. wm. F. JOHNSTON, President. GEO. OGDEN, Secretary. Also, Agent for BEERS, JUDSON, it BEERS' Putout Glass Conga for Lamps, and wholesale dealer in Dith ridge's Patent Oval (fire -proof) and Eastern Flint-Glass Chimneys, Lamps, Am Burners tobu.m Coal 011 without Chimneys- Cash buyers or prompt payers are rearecil`felY invited to examine our stock. iskSO4m $2,931 50 .01,576 50 . 300 00 . 118 12 . 387 43 ..--42,352 05 $2,931 §0 1124,829 00 1,576 50 300 00 118 12 $27,181 05 OIL! OIL!! OIL!!! HULBURT & BRODHEAD, NO, 240 ARCH STREET Having opened a General Depot for the Sale of Itxtra Relined and Lubricating COAL. OILS, would call the special attention of dealers and consumers to their relined ILLDMINATING OIL, as it poesesses merit beyond anything heretofore offered In thiemarket, being entirely free from that gluey substance and bad odor which characterize that commonly sold in this market, produces no smoke, and is free from all exploitive properties. Sir Orders from City or Country promptly at tended to. ja1.5.101 PORTLAND "KEROSENE OIL. No •re now wowed to oappls tido BTANDARD ILLUMINATING One AT GREATLY KEDUCBD PRICER. ~i Z. LOOKS & CO. r BQL AQIITS, 1010 ILAILIEJET BTSIII7. ,N-em Philaddelds. S. JAMES BETTS' CELEBRA- D SUPPORTERS FOR LADIES, and the only Supporters under eminent medical patronage. La- Hoe and pbraisians are reepeetfully requested to call only on Mn. Betts, at her residence" 109. WALNUT Menet, Philadelphia, (to -Told counterfeits.) Thirty thousand Invalids have been advised by their physicians to use bet appliance.. Those only are genuine bearing the United Stated copyright, labels on the box, and eignatures, and hlda on the StlPSorter& with testimonial& oolli-tuttuffl WAN Tbi. FOR SALE AND TO LET_ ILLUMINATING OILS AMUSEMENTS AMERICAN ACADEMY OP MUSIC—BROAD and LOCUST Streets. THE TESTIMONIAL TENDERED TO A. MARSHALL, IST It . X Late lifitnimet of the Academy of Magic and Walnut. street' Theatre, LY Timmy iultueuLial eilizmni of Palladol- Pliitt, tte aernailmir of the Poet. will Wm nlaan an WEDNESDAY NEXT; 'Ferman , 12th, 1882. The Committee of Mannigatrient, to whom bits been en. tre.ted the pleasigg dilly of soliciting Ow petruumee tn the pubic In aid of Ms laudable object, nave much pleasure in announcing that MX. JOHN %OW, Tbe ctirbrafed 141411 Volum:liaa flow performing a liant engetgensent in this city, liffilagrity me most 8W49- PLAN j Pilaf MRS". .VaITN •• The enterpeel»g and poplar LeAna or the' Arcii•alreet Theatre. havhiglike.lite conamteti to closner Etta!,Hatt merit upon that evening, wate a view to f'urtliar HOU ex (lrwin; of the Committee by 'lacing at Orlrdisrpoeal all the proleesional repeure'es ar MM.' allinfewbl,y-,....luctud. J'lece or Atoo..4olont 01'4 ittl - ilitiLittl LO Urt.Millta. ewes junction, ILe voltralary aid 01 V'lti tellniving Artiktegt , 111186 CiAttOLI Nig Jiet only appearab•cfn thiWeit.Y.ln' along otrriod. Nil. EDWIN ADAPTS,; MR. .1. 11.. TAYLOR, 12: J; ii. IitIVOMOVCIR,• MR: P. 11.I.C1IINOS0 771,E, (IT.E <IA II STAR. COMPANY OlTltk A ILC WWI% • TailAtAtv ;AT?) , yrin CELEBRATED DOD-. DD ra A:AV/I-STREET OltattSTßA. finch a Combination of var•nn I fifurottic Mkt Musical - Re-' cel4nce. tat it in confillenly hoped by aft tbd frhufild of the exemplary Beneficiary, Bola the public will amply and , dubetnntially respond to thin Thlitimonial. PRomithDiN.4 9L L. Gra u ovravr tat s o itoi EsTRIO arranged by Chef d'Orchestrn, , Ches E Doelworth: 2: The ithpular Demlity, TI MORNING 'CA lA. Cliaractery liy Niea C. tilelitnga ar tt kr J. It. Taylor 3; The Irlalt.Cornedy 'of BIS LAST LE"Ill, In which St-e - John Drew will appezrrn.i . " O'Callaghan." 1: GnuldArs—Arisa Iron Is riIDtk.M.M.A: CORSA, By Into. C. RICRINGI 6: The Celetratiql Orthebtra tror-ethe Arch-ntreet Theatre, inertae” ftwthe occlude!' wtTeinecnte in their =sm./1y style Over - " fhwee, Sweet I:Stne with Flaxeolet, Uorno, and Flute Varieinns, executed by Ltesgra: Mnn, Btan:t4-and C. d. Dodwc - eh. 6. The Now Conic Sony,. if flea_ lopitlar By Ff'ANK BREW, 1. `ll , 3 , Dultir Comedy of WEDDING DAY." Prtncipat Characters by Mrs. JOHN DrltNif And Mr. JOIN GILBERT. 8: TLo Witttletual'All3txtrictil TABLEAU W WABII - Gen, (tcorge Washingtere TIN 111 OA al 65 'Llik , rly by C. Biota/to, With tho Natibnul Anthem, the eI'AE.SPAIitSrLED BANNED. Dianagers—Messrs:rlll3l).EßlCKS and Rini/NOS PRICES' O 1 ADMISSION. Parquet, Parrindt . Circle, Maconn .n 4 FaTii7 ciTGIN 50' cent/3 Anwitheatrel 2r.4 qvutv, Egger ved Bola: 75 ' cents. _ Box Office open from :PA. X. to 3 P. 3L, Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday. Doors: open at 6 o'clock: Performance to commend& at Tickets• for sale WT. B: Pautee Bookstore, corner of Si - xtb ant Cbcatnut* greeter:it the Continental and St. Lawrence Betels. AMERICAN ACAPEIVIT Cog TAUNIC.—O.BAND ' COMirtLIMENTARY NENE-" FIT to OIGNOE BLITZ; , TIPU3SDAY EVENINEh t - Feb. 13th, 1862, assisted by threcelebrated Dr. VALEN TINE, the Quizzical anti Exeellte.t Delineator of Cha racter. This will be the moat. brilliant, varied, and re cherche demonstration the Citizens of Phila delphia for years. Overture; Orchestra. under the direc tion of Mr. 11A8SLES, Birtnor BLITZ in his greet; Thatitialltifegiata itinatone. Overture, Orchestra. Dr, VALENTINE will appear in his popular entertainments. The wonderful AILITOSIA TON ROPE DANCER. VENT101.0til:1851. To con clude with the DANCE OF DINZItER PLATES, accom panied by the Orchestra. Admission, 25 cents. Doora opemat 7 o'clock; to com mence nt halt past 7. TH.ORNLEY, fell-3t Treasurer. CONTINENT Ali THEATRE', UtiPla'ak'PENTED ZCZTEMENT CHEAP" AND MORAL ENTRATAINAIENT. Patronized by Thousands of our &axons, Grave and Gay—Old and Young, Whose countenances are suffused with ALTERNATE SMILES•AnD TEARS. TUESDAY; February 11th, sad- EVERY EVEN. 1140, the peculiarly adapted mom/. Drawing Boom En— tertainment of w-NcT.E TOM'S- CABIN. The third GRAND e UNCLE , TOalii MATINEE, will take place on SATIIRDAYi AINTEDNDOZT next, commencing at 2 o'clock. MRS. JOHN DREW'S ARCH-STREET TILBATRE. Acting Stage Manager W. S. FREDERICKS. Business Agent and Treasurer JOS. D. MURPHY. Tni , EN TT.SIXTH NIGHT OP JOHN DREW. THIS (Tuet•clay) EVENING, Feb. 11, 1862, JOHN BULL, JOHN BULL; OE? A T.*APP§.44.N'S fdEPES/ PE. Dennis trulgrulitltri Jobn Mow. Job Thortibery Gilbert. Lady Caroline Mary Thornbery... To conclude with THE OMNIBUS Fat Rooney.., Sir Prices as usual. _ fit^ Curtain dues at X after 7 o'clock. Setts secured three days in advance WALNUT -STREET THEATRE-- NINTH and WALNEV.Streetn. Sole Lessee MBS. Eh GARRETTROM BENEFIT OF R. IL HaNIPLE, THIS (Tuegilay) EVENING. Feb. 11, The performance will commence with DREAMS OF DELUMON. Sir Bernard Ilarleigh .air, Edwin Adams. Lady Viola Him Alice Grey, To be followed by Tim TOODLES, Toodlee . . After which the Comedy of YANICEIC LAND. Lot Sap Sago, with a Yankee.atory....Mr. S. H. Hemple. To conclude with the farce of JUh3S JUH. Pnreng-50, 37.,56,15, and . 1.:5 centa i Private Dim% 915 and SI Lime open at quarter to 7. To commence at 7x. MBE COMMITTEE HAVING IN charge the 001EFLIMENTIOLY BENEFIT ten dered to Mr. EDWIN A DAMSi. respectfully announce that it will take place at the• WALNUT-STREET THEATRE, on THURSDAY EVENING, February 13th, 1362. Bulwer's Comody el MONEY, And the Farce of . . TOO MUCH FOR 00013. NATURE, Have been selected, in which Arr. ADAMS will appear in the characters of ALFRED .111'..ELYN, and RO.llllO JOFFIER JENKINS. The Committee confidently atipsal to the liberality of the public to make this a Butatantial testimonial to this deserving gentleman. A ESEDIBLY 13UIL , DINGS TENTH -t Mid bithOnti3T.—TO•IYIGHT, DAVIS' PANOILAIKA. OF AMERICA AND THE GREAT REBELLION/ From the Discovery of America by Columbus to the Re treat of the Rebels at Port Royal. lt* NOTICE.—In consoquenee of the ne— cekeary preparations for the COMPLIMENT ttlitS , BENEFIT to be given in .ginilblk BLIT2, at the ACA.,, DEMY OF MUSIC, on THIIIIiDAY EVkNING, the , 18th inst., his Exhibitions at the TEMPLE OF WOK. DE HS trill ho PoFtponcl. until SATURDAY AFTER" NOON, when the Perfortoemegs will be resumed, as ususd,,. fell. St IIIENCH BENEVOLENT CON.. The FRENCH DLNETODENT SOCIETY meant their Annual Appeal to the liberality of Philadolphda, the form of an Amateur VOCAL AND INSTRU MENTAL CONCERT, under the direction ci Mr. PERELLI, to be given at the MUSICAL FUND HALL; on the Evening of TUESDAY, February 11th, AO& at 8 o'clock. The high order of Amateur Talent that Leg volun teered in the cause of this charity will secure to Hi patrons an enturtaiument or the very first cle.ea4 behalf cf thee° whose urgent necemitlea are to be re. lieved, the undersigned Oita that thl4 appal/ may meet. with a liberal:and generous response Tickets can be obtained at the principaLtMusic, Storer. at the Bal4.and of any member of the Cr.mlittee. S. DESTOT.TET, JOHN E. DESTOURT.I.,, H. A. PINTARD, Committee. A. DURAND, • H. PERDRIAIIX, WO Eel 4 8 8 10 11 ] _ y CIERMANIA ORCHESTRA: NJ' CARL BENTZ, Oondactor. PUBLIO REHEARSALS (many SATURDAY, t 3 44, (Meek P. M., at the DUSIOAL EVRD H ALL., Package of Eight Tickets, 6d 7 Single Tickets, 2,% ctg. To be had at Andre's,llo4 Oheuisaut street, J.E. Go - uld'a, Seventh and Cheetnat, and at :ha door of tke Hall. 0015-E PENNSYLVANL& ACADEMY OP THE FINN ARTS, 109 OHISSTNUT Street, It open daily, Sundays excepted, from 9 A. M. tin 4. P. M. Minilmdon 26 cents. Children under twelve 'yew, half price. Shares of Stock. 580. /Y 1 SAFES. "F m l n LTILTWS SAFE DEPOT P 'ow MOVED it. Na. goOth PE VENTU ok 9e k wax t. e mann Institute. The undersigned, thankful for last favors, and being determined to merit future nalsonage, has secured on elegant and convenient store, and has now on hew • large assortment of Lillie's Celebrited Wrought .al Chilled Iron Fire and Burster Proof Safes, (the oily strictly fire and burglar proof safes made.) tilt% WWII Unequalled Bank Vault, Sale, and Bank Locke. Lillie's Bank Vault Doors and Locks will be fornhobel to order on short notice. TMs Is the epecegegt, Itea totted, and cheapest Door and Lock yet offered. Also, particular attention Is called to LiWe's NM Cabinet Safe, far Plate, Jewelry, dm. This Safe is qaq. ceded to mimes In style and elegance waking yet 01- feted for this purpose, and is the only one that le IDdleff fire and burglar proof. Si umm. tiovion.—i. have now on Itmul sqy bra* II Farrel, Herring, & Co.'s Safes, most of theta Atari, lks% and some forty of other makers, comprising • amok* assortment as to sines, and &Match , exchanged for OW now celebrated Llllle Safe. They VII Do 01 at Tay low prime. Flew osil and examine, 1.215-lytf H. C. SADLBB. Asset. :3 EVANS it WATSON'S SALAMANDIR BAST& 'TORN, 16 awns FOURTH STBRZT, PHILADELPHIA, PA. • low varlet, of FIBI-PROOF OATHS otwoos Co ban& T I L I BTE v i s!. BRACES ! ! SUP- 0. H. NEEDLES, 8 W. corner RACE and TWELFTH Streets, Phila., Practical Adjuster of True's* and Mechanical Appal. annex, bas constantly on hand a large and varied stook d elegant French Truman, and a complete assortment of beet American. English and American Supporter* Onil Delhi, Shoulder Brae., SIIIIPOZWOriOI4 ferinefe in 9111.1111 aorta% French Peasariea, he Ladles' Department conducted by Ladles, TWELPTE Street, first door below Race. no2l-ifihn WATCHES.—Our facilities for procuring the BEST WATCHES manufactured are unsurpassed, and we are selling them at very mode rate prices. Fine watches repaired by finished work men. and warranted to give entire satisfaction. FARR & BROTHER, Importers, fe7-tf 324 CHESTNUT Street, below FOURTH. giTHOMAS POWELL : WATCH ataxEB, (formerly stint North NINTH), having atecontinued business, Is now in the employ of L. LikDO. 141 US h CO., 802 CIIESTN UT Street, where he will be pleased to see hie friends and customers. fen.nt, 1 - WATCHES, FRENCH ourftr TIME PIECES, and MUSICAL BOXES repaired, by ior Workman, at LEWIS LOOMS be Cll l B, No. 802 CHESTNUT Street, Phila. iiir All work warranted. r &WA= Q Z. GOTTWALS, o. 812 PRING Li. GARDEN Street, eons the eery beet Oorn Neal .t 2 cents per pound. jail-bathed HERRING. -195 lablgi. No. 1 Hor ring" for ells by 0. 0. ['ADLER h 00. fell 103 AIM /Urea, td door skive. Proiii. G UNNY J3AGS-60 BALES FOR ails by aIIIIBIBTOII k OABSTADIS, .on MA lin* MOST Stmt. ... Mrs. John Drew -.Mrs. A. F. Baker. John Drew -.Mr. 8. H. Hemel.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers