, '•••';;-"-,:c-t*,;1::.'1 - 1,ti:'' ,- 4: , ,„ .:' - ',. 7 . , .. ,..J ! ,,1 1 , g. -, 'Ll. - ,-" ,- , , :r:.:'f-.' , ' , : ,- - . '::.:'-‘,-: i=. '• ...-; - :***.rece.p.. X: ilk lb. !Nick ''rWlA tp heck ria~ doff--tweeti, 11 :00 10, kiiiiilt b. i.6lt;Viusittmcmodat l 7jv - * Zs 1044, L 4 = itil l . l oofityllailkilt3* -14` 01 ''• 4 4:0: 42 5 - AIA -, ',4awkw, , ,Piatikigo llll, 4o.* ",111140711011141104.114ilklitVektbeitiet board - `1- .40141/I*4***lll4,:htii*iiiirleilitkelfau,; - P0itte ,60 4 4 .4 6 *to - a:Wye ;400ii*Ogiggit'u*-4i00.1.--;50,4161 fair the Creeteoz - f atjulletitik. -Tibe-240 . eirliti n glitAVaittWitik'hMlideV 1 004 1 , 7* Ait:13041 . 4 4 SOAC7"- A__ Tl, eiirlA Wirt riaker Itithribx ,coariat Make "II Ahldo6dot MI, cents M sWx. "-- - - = - 1- - 4.0.40" rtzimods..(4,4s9**itisa the -inowiti.ottteetiiettkOSl, eseeikeiperitil With the two p r e. • nioftiksiimle as ; - - ; - , ;1689. - - 1881. Isi $916,720:4944,813 `Ware474l thithiwiselorty,=l 64• 828 2300 3 68,855 • - "NW„• 70,128 eter.twe .40,10 - .. , 10,437 • 239,242 - teelkoweiailea: 14,810 , +'o,BBl 1.0,248 2,1123-- -11,543 -1,23 e • Izeitnump --`661,82 , 11;16.4.559 5114;047, "• Xl44,erid for eeesdeiptio74: _EATS 472,167 2i2,231 ~.Ifrite/Axelle . 1 -- .18,651 ' 200,212 . ego akeniege wpdy 040 ed, - 6t0,786 '171,487 1,600 56i • - _ 1856 _ 181,9. • ove r bor,;, .. .1.17;T1r 1101,922 "5100,413 - 8184,750 .1,861;214 - _ 2 , 213(4155 2 . 442,849 /490,562 ~~ -_~~ S: ‘,.. -111,916,94253,331,67112,543,26211,476,612 ,11 - • 110f011eCaring 1i the, =Kant of coal .hipped over the • Traudiandonind Broad Top. Mountain Railroad during *. the.week ending-Wedneidet• December 31, 1861, and . . -,,..atnei Jannarp-1,1861 : . ' - . . '. Week: - ''t , - -• Toni.. r:f., 6,319 liz ,p - POO F -N. 1861 V® Increase 4 869 , 80,497 84.856 The insp•etione of Flour inel Meal• in Philadelphia, ..tlathkg the weekending Jae. 2,1862, were as follows: Men Darrell of IMOD - dine 432 04nelsef snper•6ne 19,138 - do ' Fine - 163 ~ do , do 364 , .de ' do - ,.' ',Condemned 'Total - • -2 2.648 -NiwAinsiMfluSitteei "or Cosneitain neon vas ...11goser ; Taairif - Acf—Haseessersio GOODS TS 80ND.... The - chairanki (A. A. /me) brought to the attenUell of - the Chamber - the tariff of December 24w/itch he eon: .idgerg i t, tu,souns of its resiturce, a departure from the ,geheral principles which have governed the imistatiors .of title country. At nopreitions time in our history has a tariff bill been passed so soddenly and unexpectedly, .or pee taibrileng two, feethres so, objectionable—vie ; in itstetion (op:coding to the let..rPraditiou given bYße ,cretery Cherie) Congeals on shipboard, which - have here. tofete Witt wittgapt;asidron Ewa In bond. Be was not -Mate etre that third naiad Mena& to invoke the ex -moth:s 'given to goods on board ship; but that goods in -bond, which tied • hem atemsed. Wreak, Mould be re aseemed at nhlither rate, was , an Injustice which he fait -warned Congress never contemplated, and Which the -Chamber idieuld reincinstriire against. Ms. loyal Phelps wooed the following: Resolved; That the coarehantior Wow York have seen with Regret the construction which -the Secretary of the Treasury has pus IMOD the laMact of Congress In rola. lion to as increase of duties on' certain articles of mar rehandle', end that 'she Ezeoatfve Committee of this Chamber beiaseruceed to prepare a.remonstrance to its bottle inadaaPplicable to seeds In bond Imported prior to - the teenage line, - and goods on shipboard on the , bth of Anitiet. , . . Opdyke agreed with the chairman in considering ' , the policy taxteggeods in bond as absolutely wrong; 'station a 'rueful perusal „of the . bill, be thought the Secretary of the Treasury instltied - in *bp interpretation he bud put eibon It. ,He felecosuideet that Congress had *not Inleruted ft to act in outliner, and that on the re ano&telied of the - Chamber they would pass an MEDIA. -naterract inedifying it. - ' Plielpi thought the 'construction PM upon the bill 'by Peered/We'. Chun* forted _one. to plain merchants, -and (ses be was Infonied) , , According to numerous .legal -enameller, giode - are “Imported".when the merchant preeentehls miniffest at the Custom House; therefore, the Menem detiarit:ig that roman:of after the passage of - the Sint,"l6 - lieu of duties heretofore imposed by Inert there shell be levied; collected,' and paid on articles aim-`.ported trimforeigncountrier the duties named, did not fairly apply to goods in bond: No merchant, on reading the bitylia tt.was published some days ago, would think ' of potting each a construction upon it. Otherwise they - might have availed themselvoe of -the time intervening the publication bf the -bill and Its going into operation. to have paid the dotiefi heretofore aseessedomil mama their gcod,s. But goods In bond were already "Import- eel," and *geld not beau to be impotted.again.. He at. tributed the' interpretation given by tear Chess to the ellstre - ated state of public a ff airs at the. present Eminent, *spatially in view of the suspension of epecle_payments by Jibe bardes. „ . • Dirvklturgie stated 'that he was informed by membersof the committee who prepared end reported -the bins that theserWas nolntentton to apply it to goods In bond. By the interpetehen gtYn i 6 it, the Government might n itch articles Itethe hands of the consumer. Oplyke was eathitted Congremilid mot such an In tention in Piestngthe bill ; but as the language stood, it warren, tell the-interpretation given by Secretary Obese.' Iced the : thilre dame, to show thattt reeuired thole.' creastA dudes 'to paid hereafter en all merchandise" Imported,- whether Imported before Or sabssonout to the puseecof the act. -The ,Assistieut. OeHetery told hitt (3l eirridi hi) th4Hr. Otani - nod:I reefed , hie decision. lindiubtedir. if he' considered- Lie interpretatlOn. arid moss, helot:lid - at once Modify it •ilinit he knew-the Be. , wretary will enough to-be sure, if he arrived at the con. .clualou That his first dechdierwas right, It would be use. ken to expsit bias to change It. Idr. Wetmem hoped the committee of the Chamber,- bating inlbarge the itilereate- of the commercial 'coot , snunityi wnn'd consider the whole Matter of the bill - in a' wide eentecand would .ireinerustrite against any- 'Aglaia. lion on tariffs which did not glee 'time for the fasts to reach conniaareisl cities. Did any one suppose that this - t ill, In any of its elenusetaihad niched den Fancier.° before it temente a tail - How could enerchleM deal with , each offs Nor with the Government, under such dream * Kr. r. Tileften remarked -that' every tariff heretofore ea. - acted had been Promective. Thabtble shot-lid be retro.. eneetive was opposed to 'belie mmitilecittirinofjeettes• and to the imirit of our Coverraneot. - ' ' - The reatdutionwas ;stewed ynentmOnele. , . . , -Iffew York Tribune. New taersing,lrostof eta evening says:- The htazit ,Exchange has si,heavy and unsettled sp. wombs* to.day. The eotangiensentsof the banking In terest, which down to bo aggravated by the warfare going on betweenthe spiele.paring and the non-specie-paying bitakt,*eiglieleundli neon the Market, and' stocks are -freely inkitteetfor edieb. rilin minket also - loam some of its enpport fsties the nbeenee - of the spirited bidding on' buyers' optke noticed emir in the week, the COODIDSSIOII houses loving few ordare from tbeinnblic. The disposi. lion of outalderetotisrupon the - bank suspension seem. to hive given piste. to - .heeltattou and doubt, the Pre existing dititMdtkertif the Sammy market again attracting their attention " - . " At the ieleae;thims Is a fair -degree of steadiness at the efeeth.e. Teek_Ceneral is dimly held af79N079X1 &le, 81031 k, after selling as low as 31. Patted Abie, and Paneemere weak. The former Omer with aisitereitterltheliOard at Panama is altered M 110. - The anifiel - rmort la not eedeided ex very Ft-N r. ;,j • &Me •.111;f; sox, Tear:ewe** 42g. a ,ttorsiiii,,yysinials North .Coro- Naas:AMC' . V , efik/rame ire scarce sad in good demand at Lour gnotaiktoi. • GoVernateet.liertritles are dull, and :tther lower. The dieitdisl4 are offered at 79; -the registered sines of naked 81 .The sixes of 1892 are firm, antin 'de; Wooer 000116niali closest 5 tar eent4 though we h ea r of loop" beteg effected at -Os, where large margins era offered.-- Tb• lbanks; are Arsenal:Abair purse striate bardomul :gook bonsei are oblieed' to lean almost en tirety, Egiourthe Ovate tenth) o Wines-and trust C4iMpa 00104111014A6tke 0414 istie higher . ,rdte of ire. intitonco:Ct,-..transactionsthave 'taken -place at 'l.li to illeterset. Th e bale tormented the few banks Ade bold oat are .gely In- smell KM* though we bear that Weir 'eta* of strength is bringing them some few, aceomitts.,. - - The bents have mot yet comet° an understanding re lative to thadablargdP of specie OP the mullet aloe bags eadlliektielsletiosi of United Settee demand - notes ewer their oottnieta- "Bernething may be done in a day or two by the onstesdttes cottoned with the enbleet. marbantai en.Leadon is again :higher, with a strong demand jet drat -elearbilli'atll9. -At this rate there are • -few ay, he;had, most of, the drawers demanding 118 N • - .felpkikt:Stiie anolinfb:re $4 l au lo_Coma ikestbit.-.l2ix moo Nauss 97 ea 8438 1000 ,bait 84X 1000 - -A098 . 0,9a99449 saitoefoilAig 17;4 1000 . 092 7 / 8 "-. . 82 ao t ssr - . .; . 14 Peitmc 90 do 00% 2 mirde 00/11d., ;;IP/ 36 /t / - dC; P . rft.,.10/x 90 ~ .. - 415 i 14 .44.4 41x , 47 .4 I Piti l .l4.4' ' '.4 l lff . j. Alt 2191011919:. ;49 -, :,111g Pllosl9lersi:. 7, ,9 14 119 twat - Lif.4.4lytt ' 7 1049 ~.---- _*11949001140 10 ' 1ibit1900911.4 11211 -Poi*** ' ask= SiAO POMO ROM* Kw It% nor* Pr C 0 0 ,4 Routig,o4 ofidotic se. stotioet;:ts , as 1.1 Mkt Ss - .19 Mi wo,l*** : 1 4 1911.19oftVii:'.1t ilimbro X not* ;" 20 . . „ Iliriii:,l6oll2ittocat, - two sog 21020 INCent. • ' 000 __fcli*OrlV..7s 11009 , vi5g2999;. - 40 92009 999994 Apo' writti.-4 , ;,17% K99 . Airo. - - swii 92 fetoctieft lax - • lON- galewiteliL;4l , so -100 1tii9dW22912.9L •.100.'<`4e '414 / 0021 7 14 ., rtlik 101 1 11 4 #hga l a W ;4_90 lalnikaat 711.81 W inactive. at 40G Allarforlianlonitveatandiso,andiltats Vont in dull and - dieliadigObiltrAuldpcof *ooo . f.bzudolla„at 64e660 'for otued Weitefci the Inside rate for not *ldly sound. 'PliOTlOlnnar , — , POrk Ii Outfit and unaware the sales :iire 826 Ws at,sl2 for old snail t• for new moaa; $l3 to far Jay prime niewaWn& taltonPrin for new prime. 'wow mop are in amid demand at 446 c for Westerm an& al.': Beef Is active and firma with. sales of 700 bole at sa•Lap for country mess, 81e4.60 for country prlnie, 811.76012, for repacked Western, and 118.76014 - for entie raen. , Pr me mess Beet li quiet end firm. -- Beef barns are dun. Biwon is in Lair rantese; sales too boxes at No for city- skOrt-rib piddles and 7o for long-rib do- -:43115 meats ere dull at 4% optic for hams, mad 8X st4Mr. for abonlaers. I,ard heavy and lower, with eater or 1,000 too and bbis at 7.4 f ett%e. ' - REV. ALFRED TAYLOR'S SECOND LECTURE.— The Brat lecture, on Jerusalem and its environs, given by NV. Alfred Taylor, on Tuesday evening last, at Con cert Hall, for the benefit of the Young Men's ChrieHan Association, was one of the most interesting lecture board entertainments of the mason. Oil TtiesdaY eve ning of next week, January 7tb, the second will bo given by hint under the lame auspices. Ills subject for that evening will , be, "Up and Down Palestine." Those lectures are magnificently Illustrated by a largo number 'of superb oxy-bydrophotic views,' which have the merit of conveying a life.liko and vivid impreesion of the in teresting places described that will never be forgotten. We bespeak' fur the Young lien's Christian Association a ciowded home on Tuesday evening. SUPERFINE CONFECTIONS.—There is much confectionery advertised under the head of fine;" but wo may here state—whet probably moat of our readers are already aware of—that the purest, most expanive, and consequently mod wholesome materials are employ ed in manufacturing confectionery by Ma'am. N. G. Whitman A Co , Second steed, below Chestnut. This, in tonnection with their very reasonable prices, accounts for the fact of their doing the largest business in line family confection' of any single house lu this country. BEAUTIFUL LAMPS, -ET CETERA.—Messrs. -Witters A Co. have, at their popular 4. Light Empori um," No. 35 North Eighth street, corner of Filbert, now an elegant assortment of Lamps, of their own manufac ture, for burning Kerosene Oil, (of which they keep the purest article constantly on hand,) imitable for either portable or stationary lights, for public or private edi fices. :In the may of floe fancy goods, suitable for eta, Messrs. Witters do Co. have also a superior stock. Prosionsly. - Total. _ Tons. Tons. 267,390 272,709 180,930 181,453 64 859 1,818 ' SEASONABLE GOODS at GANFORDS'.-011S readers who are 'in Want ot . elegant Hatsor Caps, In the latest and void graorefal Styles, vrlll end them at Hears. Cherles• Oitkroi ‘ dit Hirnt,inder the Continental Hotel. The same . ma' treatso said to all who wish to pur chase, of val.' moderate prices, either Hats for Mules and Children; Ladies' Parle.made shoes; Gen. tiemen'tirtunisbiag Goods, or line Military Goods for Army Ofiloors., - Eantamales MeCistram Tyge.—Mr. J. A. Nobleman, yroprlebOrof the Philadelphia Cravat Store, corner Chestnut and Seventh streets, is now obliged to employ alarge number of hands in the manufacture of hie celebrated new patent 'McClellan Ties and Scarfs. They are - certainly the neatest things out. - rURE WLNES AND LIQUORS FOR AfEDIOINAL int:Pease —Mr. 0. 11. Mattson, dealer in fine groceries, Arch and Tenth streets, bas constantly on hand a stock of pure old liquors, for medicinal purposes. His rare old prandler, and superior Port end Maleira Winos are highly commended by those who leave tried them. Lamest MEETING.—The last meeting of la dles, to arrange for the Eighth•of•January Festival, in aid of the Volunteer Befreehthent Saloom, will be held this (Saturday) afternoon, at 3 o'clock, at 819 Arch street. All aro Invited to come and tako part. PEOPLE'S TATERAPX INSTITLITE.—Rev. Dr. Cherinprbo has recovered from his recent illness, fe attain advertised to lecture an Monday eiening, January 13th. This lecture will conclude the course. 'NEW GOODS AT OAKPORDP, 'UNDER THE CON- YillgtirAL.—The extraordinary demand for the beautiful - goods manufactured, imported, and sold by Messrs. Charles Oakford k Sons, under, the Continental Hotel, during the holidays, in their several departments, has Induced them to make a number of milliner's to their stock; to that their bbeivoi and counters and cases to•dsy present as tempting an array of goods fir gentlemen, ladles, children, and military officers to select from as at the height of -the business sewn. -The facilities of this house for selling elegant goods, at very moderate prices, ate unequalled in this or any other city in the Union. ITEMS OF Ngws.:—Every unmarried man but one residing In the village of Washington, Lallans, has volunteered In the war. Out of 18,808 members of Divisions of Sons of Tempo rance,:in !lane, 508 have enlisted in the volunteer army. Rim Irish tobacco dealers have raised their prices four Centiperiound for tobacco, In apprehension of a de. Solent supply from the 17nited States. Superior - vriuter gannents of all styles aro now being maimfectured and sold at sacrificing prices, at the re nowned - Clothing Emporium of Grenville Stokes, eoo Chestnut street. _ - A Sgtlrs.—" It is announced that two tons of gunpowder have been &covered burled on Governor Jackron's forrn."—Missouripaper. There are other things that flash and end In smoke be sides sninpowder, and that is some of the rivals of Charier Stokes' «one price,'? Clothidg Store, under the "Con tinental.' , Gm; is lliblialimo.—The Lord- Chamber lain bf;Engliuid has leaned an order, requiringait who viSit Wear rusurning, out of ' mama to the hie' mory of ,Prince Albert. The ladles will Wear an appro. ,priete 'costume, - and the gentleinen will sport black broadcloth. It is understood that if It wore not for the Mason and Slidell difficulty, Victoria would sand hither and promo snits for the male members of the Hoyal household from the Brown Stone Clothing Hall of Hock hill & Mon, Not. 663 and 606 Chestnat street, above Sixth. The Prince of Wales, who paid the establishment a visit when be wet in Philadelphia, etrongly recom mended the measure. ARRIVALS AT THE ROTELS CONTINENTAL HOTEL—Ninth and Ohesturit Chas L N I • W Greswohl, Hartford H W Mine, Hartford 0 13 Dibble,'New York Jos FrommUne, MY' 0 r Simon Stohi, Olm 0 Isaac Van 'N Y WTG Eschstann, N Y J B McCreary, FL Chunk J F Comstock, St Loafs E Cowari,lir aeon NI G Bee, New York J W Brown, Columbia , E W Levenworth,N Y Chao P fiehnlier,N Y P Gotilor, Erie - Geo M. P4rsonialitolumbne,o Miss It Parsons, Ohlo W Swanton, Bath H 0 Bressler, Ps 11Kingaleyi Hartford 81 E Kingsley, Hartford K , MMninHariford ,• 0 T Butt, New York Z Corning k la, Albany A Hobart, Boston II Jones wt, Trenton, J N Green t II 8 N Chas Bureberlin , Jr, N J Mad Du Trobraind, Wash W 0 Freeman-,New York Blt Thompson, Cape May .1 DE Doubleday, N Y , A Owen, Boston E Castellen, Nevi York A Goodrich, St Paul Judge H Button, N Haven Mrs J W Ritchie, Boston 8 D Lawton, Hew York • Geo' M theater, Detroit Wm Hall,'Dmiddyn Mr Hooper & it, Brooklyn JL li Stratton & wf, N.l Mist I, Stranon,H Mast J N Stratton, ht J • D Butane &wf Mrs Bartlet _ - ' Mitt Bunn. Miss Slater • ' - W 8 Slater J W Barger, Jr, New York W Brand, New York ES Hicks, New York W at Liter, New York AEI Lockwood, New York 0 Durand, Connecticut Ad) &uglier, New York- 3 BanNord, New York A N Ramie!). N London- Thos Ramsdell, Mangßold 0 P Bartudell, Buffalo Chas Ikunsdell, Buffalo W H Denny, Pittsburg 0 Meier, New Jorge)" .1 A Lynch, Bonen Itobt Morris, Wash A S Bright, New York B 0 Southwick, Now York Anson Steger, Ohio E Litterford, New York B B Bhudej, Mau ' ' A Stewart, Mama A .1 Bider, Pittabnrg , 0 IT Ballard, Saratoga Spas W B 1111croffreh Saes Spas G E OlcAubcr, ber's Spas E. 8 Sanford, Nenr York 'lie Gould, New Jersey John T Duan;Boen Mrs *Moms A son A Duckhart,MerrYork L W Tappan, Jr. Bosbitt Oro 8 Biter, J B Batten, New York John A McGraw, N York Jag SAW-tune, Maryland Ira lierris; Meet* - B Rathbone, Albany J Mereine B IswNewTork Studa ell to la. New York inns TM Stavin, IL 'rink Clapp, New York Geo Ackeemeni New Tort E 0 Tufts, Boston. - G Church Crmutright,New York EMEi or*,tldl. elphta inhume. 110A.ZIO. Catalans R.... I 8 do 'do - • . lot mein • S" '4lx OM Wadi& It so* . Cleo W McCook, Ohio P TMlrrieter, New York John T Martin, New York Wilmer, Delaware MOTN4 7 .obssiunt above MX, 0 D.LiWeL, SeeLl44,49,Ncr Jae H slawson, Pa 111 Wright, beetwn- „ NU De Nyse, Trenton Jos H McKee, flarletoi " Col J W Dickinson, Conn Miti 8 A liumpbrici i . Conn HT Meicheack, Bethlehem • W Townsend, W Cheater W Immbdtn, Delaware Col 8 IL Jenkins, 1J 9 A Nisi Lamborn, W Chester W P Calder, New Tork Wm P Canso, Delaware E Cline t wife,'Beer York Lient Col G 0 Brown, N J Copt 8r99, N jersey Capt IL I Irick, N Jersey Ikbt 0-N Barb, N Jersey, " Moj It Newbold, N Jersey • ',lentil IL Newbold, N J Mot 8$ Irick, N Jersey Vent W 13 Deacon, N J J 8 D Dearon, N Jersey Ikm J WiNek, New Jemmy W H McClure, Ne w Jena _Meat 9 o,:rez''Jwaled , Jo , Budingo , N Jersey ' , WW11 . .. , ;Del ' D Stratton, New York /I Olumedkw, Delaware ,G D Oummine, Delaware - Coot 0 Ward, Indiana W Boblnsoe, Delaware Wee Merrick, New York • Beni El Henderson, N J - B L Wright, NewJereey Geopollier - Lehigh4o 200 C•m4Ass6o-'9O: - .59 /WARD. SAldgbiNsii 42, 1000 140/114 Canal 04.11/1 1000• do 01 2000, - Pasos.oo 1 01101.. .101,s 2414. - . 79 1100iStr Oa . . 80s4 isooolortis Yeaaa 6...65 - Ba. Ask. I Iladra 00 -01 Loos blood B. 93 10 losh CI di Nat..4o .40si Lab CA * N Bap /BM ~. 14 111 1 44 ins 8..... 6- 6)j II Nona B Os.. 63 '` SO 111.0n0,106 CaisirSonllOon Ceti'triris het: 414 ‘66 06.13.3. du 49 RaoooOlooratan 2g 3 11- ONUS' SO Byre' oo ` OK °oval a *au: leg Clint* Wawa , Archdories . E.. 11 M X Clar, PlsOa.- J Eddy, Milford, J Her J A Ryan,' - Ireland 11 Howard, Massochusetta A Baca - Diaar, Smyrna, Del VIREANTStrHOTEL,—VouttIi drool, ab. warai,, Milford, Del CaptA C Wood, Indiana 8 Holum* New - Pork G H Rowland, Pike, Pa B Crawfaldi 'Blair so, Pa Capt J T Harr! U 8 A Ben W Ceo Gage, New Jersey W Wiley, Trentein ' W Bell, kloneynolde' Camp J D Epee, Wyoming, Pa D B Jenkins, do A A Wiffwall, Chicago • B 0 Hodge, Indiana Geo Wilivtie. Bollidayeb , g Jai 631lUai,d , Ilarrlsbprg W Plan" Jr, Danville B B Yoram, New York W Broob field, Penns , Wm - Mann, Danville, 11l M H Butt k*, Tinos • d KRIM, & vri, ream 1. Mom le, (Bloater no P Cooley, New York 43 13 (Albert& lot Row York , Xxeilinge—Jau. , 3. '4 - Mich Gera R.—. 47% $2B do 48 100,- • do 680 48 • 50 do — .140 48% MO Mich S Gosed....; 80g .60- do . , ...MO' ao,t , ' itch s F. 10m ~ 50 • dodor /940%. 00 Poiousio R. - 110% 300 . 91ey & TorM.:... 34% 100- , do .. .. ... '34% - do .514/34% 015: -. .`4 .. • 34% - do.. bb adit 100 6S - bib 34% do ' 34" . I 515 . :- • . ,h 8 83% too 4 : 1°10 Z4 1 4 61 , ..... ST. tOBL3 HOTEL—Obeid:ant street, above Third. J Weight, New York II 0 Allen, New York A B TreneW_MsOls W - B Itosenbanm, N Jeroq L B Ohuor, Mina John Orris, Boston W MtxweU, Mercer " 3f Coal, Washington W Dickson, TrofrN Y J Bowers, - Phllade/phia Dlituart, Wash, D r'S 0 Wilmer, Camden ‘JOhh.Polin, Phlliuloighla F Tobrener, Wad:, D ITNION—Arob street, above Third. Tionration,qdl), Pa it Grabeheld, Boston J, — 1 Keeney, Clarion L G Somers, Columbus, 0 Fithian, Fort Monroe J L &eves, New Jersey ad. A Amp, N Jeri* , Kiss BP Jessup, N Jersey irotherton IP, Penne Nit Elmer, Briddet.a,NJ VELosneillridgeton, NJ 0 Salkeld. New Jersey tliphant, rollsdelphia Geo W Lovejor, Mats - 44..rwmt4tiot, drai Th r t 6: o4 " ' -ke n „ 0 01, * haw *mows row rat -A hi CITY ITEM,S, What I Gunpowder dead 1" Exclaimed one u hexesel : "Gunpowder that lives but by Gashes; Leaving nothing behind But some smoke on the wind, 'Twere absurd to cry 'Peace to its Ashes."' ur TO 12 ceouom LAST maim 101411BINCIAL—litzth street, above Chestnut. Ider,"BlitonOltd ' • John N 'Eckert, DI 1), Pa Geer, Altoona_ C Jefferls, Wilm, Del %les, Baltlmbro G W Maxwell, Baltimore Joyce, New :York . John E Wow th , Rebu t POMO . Ni llltictette, Bikton.'M teak* Baton, ltd E Petraen, Chester co AB' INRIAP4ac • Mein, below Vine. : - Hatffonte, lleetonvllle , tolner, New York -ON Itoblhatookstlhe Oalknihirl Fox WOW jag B Boileau, Bucks Gkbarattiokir'. ' iironen T Von, Bucks A Refight; Phili co Tbbp , White, Preochthh NJ rEittklrrOtiekithi, NJ' 0 R Rmit6, Penne Lag Backe.,:, Mae", Philadelphia - a=orttstiawri Winn Robb, linOks - ;11400 AittiebOnti..2 0.-Yandegrift, Jr, Xikrn ,Netboro Andw Leugboad, Newtown iewbad 4- h, Newlin Joel Worthington, Oontrev 4 0 1 4"PitrAit ' - 0 ElYt ntlckB CO ' Backe - Joe X tarter, Attleboro J Parr ? , Attleboro_ -, O Kirkbrine, Nunn Belleville, Pa .000 Plowerej Attlehore . . riIps.—PHILADELPHIA, SATURDAY, JANUARY 4, 1.86`2. • 0 PATES' EN/Off—marketntreet, abovo W Wlison , Now York 8 G Way, Bedford, Pa Jos Elder, - Pittsburg • Win H Watt, Pittsburg Geo V Mitchell, Lewistown Lewistown- Jos 1 eland, Taylors - 0110 - G E Nowllu, ()hosier to NATIONAL lIOTEL_Race street. above Third. W J Wood, Trenton J E Ancona, Reading 8 8 Nouns, Catasauena Jos Hunter, Hatasauqua P F IV Azon,•New York if H A pplebs.k. St lAMBI T V Brown, Columbia co,Pa N B Hamilton, Wmeport 0 Beefier, New Jersey J L•Ngtting, Pinegrove BLACK ENKR—Third street, above Oa B Tromliower, Doylestown C Morrison, Feasterville R ti Rorer, Olnoy "John Hiestand, Poona F 0 Dots, Reading 0 Jones, Buovss co S llogelend, Smithfield 1 'Tomlinson, Ilmttalon Master Torolloson. Bustleton L Roads h ia, New Jersey AI Urvin Ac wfiNeVr Jersey &Iron Faust, Penns J Whits% Northampton Casper Roads, Somerton ♦ Strome, Allentown MOUNT TERROR HOTEL—Second et., ab. Arch. J a Young, Boston Robert Smith, Indiana F Sholtz, Indiana E C Quin, wash, D 0 0 Smith, Washington, D 0 John Morton, Boston MADISON HOUSE—Second street, above - Market. H Weytue, Now Yiirk J ffi Vito Angleton, Bait ffi W Allen, Attleboro 0 0 Skirm, New Jersey 0 Dilworth, New dope, Pa E Hob...tante, New York A W Angle, U s A JJ Stewart, New Jersey BALD BABLZ—Tintrn street, above Callowlaill. Peter It Yoder, Penne .17 Gabriel, Allentown J Ettaine f Nazareth, Pa Aaron B Waip, Penne Jacob Ihttenhouae, Parma E Clime% Nazareth, Pa J Weise, Bethlehem Thos Darling, inostg co MARINE INTELLIGENCE Sir SEE FOURTH. PAGE ULlgeitED. ship Manners Button, gasslasal, Cork, Thos Richard• son et Co. - - Behr S A Bornmonl, Biggins, Boston, Crowell dc Collins. Behr D P Hickman, Hagan, Annapolis, Tyler, Stone Co. Sir II L Gaw, Der, Baltimore, A Groves, Jr. 13111 p Manners Button, Captain Rowland, for Cork, loft .aco•streas wharf at 2 Phi In tow of tug J Starr. Her cargo comprises 20,480 bushels rid wheat and 2,273 Ufa flour. M.IIIIIOBANDA.. Sultan, Lothrop, from New York, arrived at Boo tom. 2d inst. Bark Baena, Snelling, from Boston, at Gambia Nov 10. Bark Young Turk, Harding, from Boston November 18, at Gibraltar 7th nit. . . Bark Merrimac, Strout, from Portland, arrived 44 Ira. Tana Wlth ult. Bark Aura, Lindsey, at Fortress Monrof affth alt, 'waiting alders. Brig Harvest Queen (Br), Hollis, from New York, at Werra Leone November 21et. Brigs Trenton, Cunningham, for Boston next day; Henry. Bates, do 10 days; Cayenne, Drysdale, do 6 days; at Surinam sth ult. - • • Brig Croton, Eddy, from 13rIstol, RI, arrived at Ha. vans 27th Wt. - Brig Morning VOA, Blair, cleared at Havana 28th ult fOr Boston. . . Scar Maryland, Knight, from BMW for Philadelphia, arrived at Portland lg. Inst. , . Scar Amelia, Gould, arrived at Machias 23d ult from New York. Behr Lotus, Clark, cleared at Boston 9d inst for New York _ SPECIAL NOTICES. To MASON AND SLIDELL DT TUE DARD OP TOWER /TALL. Goo worthless pair of rebels base, in foreign regions find your Phire ; Where vassals bow at kingly thrones, Where honest labor toils and groans, Oppress d and trampled in the dust - By pride and arrogance unjust; Where they who freedom most detest Are ever found to thrive the best. That is your home, detested pair, Go, then, and live and flourish there. Though Briton's rage We do not fear, We do not wish to keep you here. Your presence is a pestilence That sickens every soul and sense; The very sight of you, base pair, (As they oho caught you all declare,) Was odious. Your untidy looks Disgusted even the navy cooks, Aud every sailor and ramble, Who handsome clothes had ever seen At Tower Ball or elsewhere, thought Such chat by rogues should not be caught, But he allowed to range the earth, Fit objects of contemptuous mirth. Our asset tment of Winter Clothing is tho largest and fullest in rbiledelnlda, and is being sold at reduced prices. 671 tastes and pockets can be cuffed. Military uniforms mode to order in the boat manner, at the shortest notice. Coll and examine. Torrsa NALL, No. 618,1ABILET Street, Philadelphia, It BENNETT & 00. CARD.—One of the editors of THE Passe having been so kind as to make favorable notice in that valuable journal of an improvement fn hats lately invented by, and patented to me, I take the li berty of republishing his remarks, as they give a f air do ecription of said improvements, and add reliable testi mony as to its utility and the comfort it affords. W. F. WATtBURTON, Hatter. tt WARM:MI . OI , Oa Now 801ENTIVIO Her.—Mr. War burton, fashionable hatter, No. 430 Chestnut street, haa brava' t out his elegant now winter styles, with his pa tent flexible band, mtpplying complete ventilation to the head, and preventing the grease from striking through upon the hand. By means of this light Inner metalio band, abide adjusts itself naturally to the forehead, the hat is made thoroughly comfortable—more so than any other hat we have ever worn. tientleinen making pre sents, either to themselves, or , to their friends, will act wisely in giving' tide hat the preference over all other/. d 027.41, ONE-PRICE CLQVI'LIING, OF ; THE LATEST St retie, made In the Best Manner, exaessly for RETAIL SALES. LOWEST Belling Prices marked In Plata Figures. All Goods made to Order warranted eatletac• tory. Our OEE•Paine SYSTEM le strictly adhered to. All are thereby treated se22.ay JONES h 00., 841 MARKET Street. NEW GOODS FOIL HOUSEKEEPERS, comprising a general assortment of flonsokeeping arti cles, with hinny new improvements and inventions for Housekeepers' use. Also, a number of fancy articles, snitable for Holiday preeento. Selling at reduced prices, to suit the times, by E. S. PARSON & CO., delB•tf Corner of DOCK and PEAR Streets. DR: ROBERTSON'S VEGETABLE NERV— OUS CORDIAL; or, NATURE'S GRAND RESTORATIVE. The great remedy for all Nervous Complaints, Debili ty, Prortratlon,Lowneekor Spirits, &c. Price $l. For Irate by DYOTT & CO., No. 232 North SECOND Street, Depot for all Popular Medicines. ILEursoLD's UNIVERSALLY APPROVED Bat ra.—Oompound Extract Buchu cures Diseasea of the Bladder, Kidneys, Gravel, Dropsy, Weakness, tee. Bead the advertisement In another column. no6.ths MARRIED. GBEENE—fdoOßß.—January 2, 1862, by the Bev. Richard Newton, D. D , Edward A. Greene, to Ante, daughter of Thee. H. Moore, Req., allot this city. * BEOOIO—BEGIITEL.—DeceMber 24th, by the Rev. Frank L. Bobbins, Mr. Alfred Frank Brooks, of Ger mantown, to Miss Clarissa Hate Bechtel, of fide city. * HOUSEMAN-811ALLOB.08.9.—In Frank.ford, on the let Instant, by the Bey. Isaac Gray, Mr. Thos. B. Boum man, of the former place, to Mlee Jane B. Bhallorose, of Myberry. tk BOWAND—NESWENGER.—On the 24th ultimo, by the Rev. A. J. Hay, Mr. Wm. M. itoweind to Miss Jennie Renwenger, all of Manaynnk, 111118 - I"—HIJGHES.--On the Ist instant, by the Hey. A... 1. Hey, Mr. Jesse E. Hirst to Miss Mato Ilughas, both of this city. . . FORL—NOBLE.—r n the let instant, by the Rey. Albert Bermry Mr. Montgomery Ford to Miss Margo rotta Noble, both of this city, SAVERY—PUTINIB.—On the Ist initant, by the Bev. Abel 0. Thomas, Mr. Charles 0. Lavery to Was Ettra both Purvio, both of this city. tt YOZIXII-31.1711PEIY.—On the 29th ultimo, by Alder man Bela. r, Mr: John W. Tozier to hiss Jane Murphy, both of ibis city. DIED. CONRAD. n the 24 Instant, Isaiah Conrad, la the met year Ohio age. The relatives and friends - of the family are mepectrully Invited to attend the funeral, from his late residence, No. 1350 Stidge avenue, on Tuesday a ft ernoon, at 1 o'clock. Funeral to precede,' Germantown. - ** . . - MARTIN.—On the Sixth day morning, hue P. Mar tin, eon of Jemlma, and the late Benjamin Martin, in the 48th year of hie age. • The friends of. the family are invited to attend the fu neral, from the residence of his mother, No. 021 South Second street, on Third -day afternoon, at .. 2 o'clock. To proceed to Lafayette Cemetery. *re* RINZEIL—On the 2d Instant, George Kinzer, In the 03d year of his age. The relatives and friends of the family are respectfully Invited to attend his funeral, from his late residence, No. 1231 Spring Garden street, on Monday morning, the oth Instant, at 10 o'clock, without further oaten. ** ALLEN.—At Poolesville, on the ansh:Jultimo, Mr. litchard B. Allen, of the 100th Regiment P. V:, aged 43 years ills relatives and friends are respectfully invited to at tend his funeral, from hit late residence, No. 020 North Tenth street, this (Saturday) afternoon, at 2 o'clock, * lllCllMAN.—Suddenly, on the Ist Instant, Mr. Saml. Rickman, Sr., in the 75th year of his age. Funeral from Lis late residence, Gallon/1M street, above r Tenth, on Sunday afternoon, at 2 o'clock YOUNG.—On the list ultimo, Sir. Peter Young, Sr., In the 89th year of his age. • Funeral from his late residence, beck of 'No. 225 Ger man street, this )Saturday) afternoon ut 2 o'clock. * BITER.—On the Ist Instant, Hannah,O., widow of t o late Matthias Alter, in the 97th year of her age. Funerel from tile residence of her eon, Frederick Biter, on the Penrose terry road, on Sunday afternoon, at l o'clock. • MuDONAI.D.-00 the let inst., Mrs. Ann McDonald, wife of Bernard McDonald, aged 48 years. Fitheral,troto the residence of her J1110,1111(1, No. 518 Lombard street, above Fifth, this (Saturday) morning at Sji o'clock. ADAMS —On the lot instant, Margaret, daughter of Joseph and Mary Adults, aged 5 yeani, 4 months, and 6 dare. Funeral from tho reeidoneo of hor parents, corner of Ash anot.Brown streets, Eighteenth want, olftilanday af ternoon, at 1 o'clock. 1118.111Alda4nddenlY. on the 211instn et, Mrs. Harriet, relict of the late John Blephatn, in the 74th year of her ago. ruilerel from the residence of ber daughter, Dire. DI. A. Über, Howard street, third door below Norris Street, on Burnley afternoon, at 1 o'clock. MOURNING BTORE,Dec.23. —IIESSON do SON, No. 018 CHESTNUT STREET, offer for sale to-day, for cash— Black and 'White English Chintzes, 1234 to 16c. do do Atlantic do 22)4 c. do Purple do do 1234 c. Gray and Black English 123je. Plain Black do do 1.23 j c. n Black and white imported Be Baines, gto 14 cents: do Purple do do 18,1 g c. Second Mourning Chem. Idohairs, 12,4 cents. Black Reps Anglats, 26 cents. de24 REUNION AND RECOGNITION OFIIII FRIENDS IN HEAVEN . —Discourso in St. imw,o Lutherat, Chuck, NEW Strout, below FOURTH, by tba pastor, Rev. E. W. RUTTED, TO MORROW EVENING, at 7j o'clock. Morning set, vice commences alba( past 10 o'clock. lttt CHURCH OF THE INTERCESSOR, finting Carden Street, below Broad.—ANNl- IIRSARY OF TILE SUNDAY 1301100 LS at 3 P. If. The 'Rector will (D. V.) preach at 10X A. 31. and 7$ P. N. Evening Sermon specially intended for Young Men. Seats all free, at BP. M. It* ErrN 0 T, I C E —A MEETING OF TIM Stockholders or the ODIUM RILL MARKET COMPANY, for the ElecliOn of Seven Managers, will be held - at 'Room No. 2, Bret floor, Ihtilding 411 WALNUT Street, Phtladelpida, on MONDAY,' January 131 h, at ta o'clock M. ' ALrEED OILINVI', President. Phtlidelphla,latinail 4, 11102: ia4•etuth Stit Iff"NEW JERUSALEM CHURCH, Cherry -S:reet, west of Twenneth.—Dirtne serrleo on SUNDAY, at 10,‘ o'clock A. Ilf. - LectotO at ix I'. Ili. Subject : "The Second Coining of the Lord." Itte DcrJESUS, TIM CARPENTER'S SON. Bev. J. HYATT SMITH will preach to Ameri can Mechanics, In their Hall, FOURTH Street, below GIRAHD Avenue, SABBATH, at 31'. M. The various Councils invited. J. NOLEN, It* Superintendent. GEO. STORRS, EDITOR OF THE Bibie Examiner, Neu• York, will preach TO MORROW, at the Hall southeast corner of SPRING GARDEN and NINTH Streets, at 103 o'clock morning, and 7,4' evening. The public are invited. It* UNPARDONABLE SIN.—LECTURE (Iv muest) TO .M.ORROW EVENING, by Rev. A. C. TDOMAB. Church In LOMBARD Street, above FOURTH'. • It* (6 --- • THE THIRTY-SECOND ANNIVER SARY of the PARENT AND THREE-MISSION SABBATH SCHOOLS of the First Reformed Presbyte rian Church will take educe TO-MORROW (Sabbath) AFTERNOON, at 3 o'clock, in the Church on BROAD, below Spruce street. Addresses will be delivered by ox. Gov. Pollock, Rev. Dr. Wylie, Abraham Harlin, and John O. Bibs, Rims. lt* tob SPJAITITALISM.-OWING TO THE sickness of the Lecturer engaged for SUNDAY, ut lox A.M., a COIsiFERENOE mlll be held at SAN BOM•eTREET HALL, and at 7g P. M. Mrs. WIL HELM will lecture. Admission 5 cents. SEMES OF LECTURES ON MODERN GERMAN LITERATURE.—PROF. FRED. A. RttESE. will deliver the Bret Lecture of the above Como, with which will be combined Readings. from the Classic German Authors, on WEDNESDAY, JanuatY et 8 o'clock P. At., at the Foreign Reading Roome of Mr. F.Leypoldt, N 0.1323 CHESTNUT Street. Subject: Unclad. Admission to the first Lecture Free. ja4-0* SIUSICAL FUND HALL. Dr. HAYES (by particular request), will give o Lectures on itiESDAY AND THURSDAY, January TO, and 9th. SUBJECT—AROTIO EXPLORATIONS Doors open at 7 o'clock. Commences at 8 Tickets, 26 cents each, to be had at Beck & Lawton's, Seventh and Chestnut; Pugh's, Sixth and Chestnut; Continental Hotel; and of Mr. Beckett, at tho Hon. ccrTHE WESTEEN SOUP SOCIETY si ill open their house, No. 1616 SOUTH Street, for the gratuitous distribution of Soup to tho Poor of the Southweetern section of the City, on SECOND DAY, (MondaYi) the 6th inst. Donation in provisions will be thankfully r , ceired at the home, or In money, by either of the undersigned: SAMUEL L. BALLY, Secretary, No. 920 Chestnut street. GEOECtE YAM, Treasurer, No. 40 North Seventeenth street. JAMES WIIITALL, No. 412 Race greet. RICHARD RICHARDSON, No 992 Arch street. CHARLES L. WARNER, No. 1614 Spruce Street. JOSEPH POTTS, No. 109 North Tenth Street. ia4-3t t FRIENDS OF THE SOLDIER.—THEIir next meeting for the promotion of the Spiritual Interests of the Soldiers, by the distribution of religious literature In the camps, will be held on SUNDAY EVE NING, January sth, 1852, at the Clinton-street Presby terian Church, corner of TENTH and CLINTON Ste. Addresses will bo delivered by the Rev. Ed. B. Bruen, Rev. Pr. Alfred Nevin, J. W. Paxson, of Bilmols ,• and Geo. U. Stuart, Esq. The public are earnestly invited to attcnd. Services commencing et 734 o'clock. There trill also be a meeting held in behalf of the Sol. there on. "I lIESD tt,Y EVENING, Sammy 'lth, at 'IX o'clock, in the Presbyterian Church, Frankfort], Rev. T. Slurphy, pastor. Interesting addresses will be delivered Ly the poster, ox-Governor Pollock, Geo. H. Stuart, and otbnrs. lt* Kz PEOPLE'S LITERARY INSTITUTE. The Closing Lecture of the Course wilt be do ilyvred in CONCERT linLL, on-MONDAY EYE TIN% JANUARY IC(b, by Bev. E. IL CHAPIN, D. D, Sub ject—'l DE PEOPLE." Lecture, quarter boforo eight o'clock. Tickets 25 cents t • for sale by T. R. PUGH, SIXTH and CHESTNUT Streots. ja4-2tff lir 46 UP AND DOWN PALESTINE." SECOND LECTURE BY REV. ALFRED TAYLOR, Before the Young Hen's Christian Association. CONCERT HALL, TUESDAY EVENING, JANUARY 1rtt,1352, Illustrated by magnificent OXY-WYDRO-PHOTIC VIEWS - Of places of interest in the HOLY LAND. COsSr—Tyro, Sidon, &manta, Mount Carmel, Jenne, Am, Ac. Inuntonz-Bethieherrt, Hebron Mount Tabor, Mount Hermon, Tilmi las, Hata, Nazareth, Slain of Esdraebn, Ebal and Gerizim, Sea of Galilee, dm , do The VIEWS mill ho of increased and improved bril liancy and clearness. • Admittance 25 cents. Dom open at tix . Lecture commences at 7X. ja3-41 trrOFFICE OF TILE t 4 PENN MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY," 021 CHEST NUT Street, Philadelphia. ELECTION—An election for nino Trustees, to servo for three I nave, kill ho held at the Office of the Company, No. 9tl CHESTNUT Street, on MONDAY, January 0, 1862. Polls open from 10 until 12 A. M. je.140 JOHN W. 110115011, Socretnri gyTHE ANNUAL STATED MEETING OF THE CONTRIBUTORS TO THE NORTH ERN DISPENSARY OF PHILADELPHIA, and an election for twelve Managers, will be held at the Hall of the Institution, on TUEbDAY, January 7, between the Lours of 2 and 4 P. M. de3l.tja7* JOHN KESSLER, Jr., Secretary. gr. PHILADELPHIA AND R EADIN RAILROAD COMPANY, Office 221 south FOURTH Street, - - PIIILADELPIIIA, JamlarY 2 , 1862. DIVIDEND NOTICE—A dividend of seven per cent. on the Preferred Stock of this Company has been declared, payable on the 15th Matadi, froo from State tax. Stockholders on the books of the New York Agency will be paid at the Fannon' Loan and Trust Company. Stockholders on the books of the Boston Agency will be paid at the office of libissra. J. E Thayer & Brother. jab-flb S. BRADFORD, Treasurer. orOFFICE OF THE FRANKFORD AND SOUTHWARK PHILADELPHIA. CITY PAS SENGER RAILROAD COZIPANY, BICRKS (late Chatham) Street, below Fourth. PIIIIADIALPHIA, January 2,1222. The Board of Directors have this day declared a divi dend of Three and Ono-half Per Cent, on the Capital Stock, out of the earnings for the past el: months, paya ble to the stockholders or their legal representatives on and after the lath Inst. - Tho tranger books will be closed until the 16th moot ja3-tl6 OIIAS. B. ABBOTT, SocretOry crrOFFICE OF THE PENNSYLVANIA COMPANY FOR INSURANCES ON LIVES AND GRANTING ANNUITIES, 804 WALNUT St. Put LADE/A.IIIA, January 2, 1862. The Annual !Sooting of the Stockholders of this Cointe piny will take place at their office, 304 WA LNUT Street, on MONDAY, 20th (net., at 12 o'clock 31.; end at the same time an election will be held for thirteen Directors for the enaufog year. WILLIAM B. HILL, ja3•t2ork Actuary. cry. INSURANCE COMPANY OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA. JANUARY 2,1862. An election for thirteen Directors of the Compel:lY, to serve for ono year, will be hold at the Company's Office, Noe. 4 nod 6 EXCHANGE BUILDING. un NONDAY, January 13, 1862, between the hours of 10 o'clock A. N. and I o'clock B. hi. WILLIAM. HARPER, ja3.03 Secretors,. THE SPRING GARDEN SOUP SO CIETY 1011 commence the distribution of Soup to the Worthy Poor of their District, en TUESDAY MORNING next, January 7, from lOX to 123 o'clock, and continue daily (Surolityo excepted, during the win. ter. Any contributions in Coal, Flour, Vegetables, Breed, or Money will be gratefully received. The house is shunted on BUTTONWOOD Street. meet of Broad. JosErn J. WILLI ►615, Secretary. )a3.3s* No. 1129 ARON Street. OFFICE OF THE MINE HILL AND SCHUYLKILL HAVEN lIAILJIOAD COM PANY. PHILADELPHIA, 12th month 20, 1801 A stated Annual Meeting of the Stockholders will be held at their office in the Ball of the Franklin Institute, South SEVENTH Street, the 13th day of lat Mouth, (January,) 1862, at 11 o'clock A. M., at which time a report of the proceedings of the Board of Managers will be presented, and an election will be held for a President and ten Managers to conduct the affairs of the Company for the year ensuing. WILLIAM BIDDLE, de23•tlal3# Secretary. R. 3- . OFFICE HUNTINGDON AND BROAD TOP MOUNTAIN RAILROAD 00. Dsozmuirn 2.(101, MI. NOTICE.—Tho Annual Meeting of the Stockholders of the Huntingdon and Broad Top Mountain Railroad and Coal Company will be hold at their Office, No. 258 South THIRD Street, ou TUESDAY, the 14th day of January, 1862, at 11 A. DI., whoa an Election will be held for a President and twelve Directors, to Berra for the ensuing year. 3. Y. AERTSEN, de2l-dtjal4 Secretary. ayOFFICE OF THE AMERICAN LIFE INSURANCE AND TRUST COMPANY. PII/LADELPIIIA, Dec. 23, 1851. NOTICE—The Annual Meeting of the Stockholders of ebb, Company, for the Election of Thirteen Trustees, to servo the ensuing Year, will be held at tho Office, In the Company's Building, WALNUT Street, southeast corner of NOURTII, on MONDAY, January 6, 18024. between the boars of 10 A. N. and 12 M. JNO C. SIMS, de24-12t - Secretary, tirOFFICE OF THE WESTMORELAND COAL COMPANY, No. 230 South THIRD Street, corner of Willing's alloy, PHILADELPHIA, Dcc. 18, 1801. At a Meeting o. the Directors, held this day, a Divi dend of EIGHT PER CENT. for the past year was do. elated to the Capital Stock, payable to Stockboldera or their legal repreeentatives, at the Office of the Company, on and after FRIDAY, Jan. 3, 1802. The Transfer Books will be closed until January 6th next. P. H. JACKSON, dolDila4 Treastu-or. OFFICE OF THE PHILADELPHIA OITY PASSENGER RAILWAY VOMPANY. Estoguntln 27, 18d1.. The Annual Meeting of the Stockholdors of the DADELPRIA CITY PASSENGER RAILWAY COM. PANT wily he held at No. 9.5 ISTEVAMIXIVIV (MANGE, on MONDAY, the 18th day of January, 1 86 8, ttftlTo o'clock M., at which time An Election for Proqi deut end alt plrectore to serve for tho ensuing year will he held. WAL W. COLKET, de28.14t Secretary. 07. OFFICE OF ASSISTANT TREA• BCItEIt, U. 8. PIIILADA., Doc. 26th, 1861. /folders of the two years Treasury Notes, with inter est at six per cent., payable eomf.annually, honed under the Act of 241 &larch, 1881, are informed that the interest on such notes to the Ist January, 1802, will bo paid at this office on and after that day, provided that such notes with a schedule signed by the holder of such notes, showing the number, date, and amount of each note to gether with the interest due thereon to said let of January, are lodged here three days beforehand for veri fication. J. H. WALTON, de27.12t Asalstaut Treasurer U. S. arHOUSE OF REFUGS.-TOE ANNUAL MEETING of the CONTRIBUTORS TO TIIO DOUSE OF REFUGE will be held on WEDNESDAY, the Bth inst., at 4 o'clock I'. M., at No. 100 North TENTH Street, above Arch. The Annual Bewt of the Board of Ifanagers wilt he submitted, and an election will be hold for officers and managers to verve for the ensuing year. ALEXANDER lIENItY, Secretary. Plana&lain, January 15t,1882. .ial-worn 46 EAST iIIAIIANOY RAILROAD COM PAM', 407 LIBRARY Street. PHILADELPHIA, Bee 23, 1861. The Annual Meeting of the Stockholders ct this Com pany, and an Election for Officers to servo the ensuing year, will be held at the Company's Office, 40T LIBRARY Street, on MONDAY, the 13th of January next, at 10 o'clock A. M. ARCHIBALD BIDINTYRE, de24-tathAstial3 Treasurer and Secretary. urOFFICE OF THE LITTLE SCIIUYL• HILL NAVIGATION RaILROAD and COAL COMPANY, 407 LIBRARY Street, RIIILIDELPIIIA, 18th Doc., 1.861. The Annual Meetiog of the Stockholders of this Com pany, and an Election for Officers to serve the ensuing year, will Mt hold at the Office of the Company, No. 407 LIBRARY Street ' on MONDAY, the 1310 of January next, nt 11 o'clock A. M. del9.thstonalB WM. WALE, Jr . Secretary. firOFFICE OF THE ENTERPRISE IN SURANCE COMPANY, 400 W:ALNUT ST. 1' VILA MIL Do:timber 28, 1861. NOTICE.—Tho Anneal Meeting of the Stockholders of the Entertorlße Insurance Company xlll bo bold on ' MONDAY, the 13th day of January, 1802, at 10 o'clock A. 14., at the Office of the Company. An Election for Twelve Dirooton to serve the ensuing eer will be held on the same day, at the same place, be tween the hours of 10 o'clock A. M. and 2 P. U. MO-U. 113 CHARLES W. COXE, Secretary. OFFICE OF THE DIAMOND CLIAL COMPANY—NOTIOE.—The Annual Election for S den Direetore, to serve for the ensuing year, wlll he held at the office of the Company, No. 113 Market streot, km WEDNESDAY, January Bth, 1862, between the ImOrik of 12 end o'olock P. N. -delOkkaoll* EDWAILD PEACE, PreeldooL. acrOFFICE OF THE HARRISBURG, PORTSMOUTH, MOUNT Jul", AND LAN. VASTER RAILROAD COMPANY. • PHILADELPHIA December 2T,1881. The Board o9 ' Directors have this day aualared a semi' annual dividend of THREE AND A HALF Plitt MINT. on the Cap Pal Stock of the Company, payable to tho Stockholders or their legal representatives, on and niter the 10th day of January next, nt their 0111ce, No. 3 NI L. LINO'S Alloy. GEORGE 'VA 11 R, de2B-stuthst Treasurer. COMMONIVEALTH INSURANCE CODIPAN V OF TUE STATE OF PENNSYL. YANlA—Ornee, Commonwealth Building, Re.olB Chest nut street. PHILADELPitIA, Doe. 9th, 1884. A meeting of the Stockholders of the COMMON WEALTH INSURANCE COMPANY of the State of Pennsylvania, will be hold at the Office of the Company, on MONDAY, January 6th, 1862, at 10 o'clock A. M. An Election for Ten Directors, to aorve the ensuing year, will be held nt the earner place, and on the sumo day, between the hours of 12 and 2 P M. - SAMUEL S. MOON, delo-bathe timid Socrotarr. [G--, OFFICE OF TILE UNION MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY PUILADRLPI(I,I, Dec. 30, 1861.—The annual meeting of the Scriphablors of the Union Mutual Imurranye Company of Philadel phia will he held at the °thee of the Company on MON DAY, January 13, 1862, at 12 o'clock It., nt which time an citation will ho held for eight Directors, to some for the ensuing three years. JOSEPH ooLiasoN, ascrotnry. orr OFFICE OF THE FRANKFORD AND BOUTIIIVAEK PHILADELPHIA CITY PAS tIENGEE RAILROAD 00a1PANY, BEEKB (Into Chatham) Street, below FOURTH PIIILAIMPIIIA, December 23,1861. Tho Annual Meeting of the St micheidors of tho krank ford and Soothe ark Philadelphia City Passenger Rail road Company will be held at the Office of the CompanY l on MONDAY, January 13th, 1862, at 12 o'clock 31,, at which time and place nn Election will he held for Drool dent and Twelve Directors to serve the ensuing year. d3O-tial3 CHAS. It. ABBOTT, Secretary. 0 OFFICE OF ANTHRACITE INSU RANCE COMPANY, No. 811 WALNUT 13THEET, PHILADELPHIA. The Annual Election for TEN DIRECTORS will be held at this office on MONDAY, January 6, 1802,10- en the hours of 10 and 18 A. M. de.30.6t WM. M. SMITII, SedrotarY. trym PHILADELPHIA, DEOEMBER 20th, 1801. —The Animal Meeting of tho Stock holdereof tho LOCUST MOUNTAIN COAL AND IRON COMPANY will be hold at their Office, No. 230 South THIRD Street, on MONDAY, the 20th day of JanuarY i A. D. 1862, at n o'clock A.ll, when an Election wilt be held for seven Directors, for the ensuing your. The transfer book of the Company xlll bo closed for Moog days previous to the day of election. de2l-rja2o 305, 0, COPPV9K: SP,f,tafT, FAME INSURANCE COMPANY, OE. PIOJE No. 408 CHESTNUT ST10:111`. Trzttelesarrits, December 30, 1861. The Annual Meeting of the Stockholders of the Fame Insurance Company will be held at the Office of the Com pany on ,MONDAY, the thirteenth day of January, 1882, at /0 o'cloclets, An EleCtlon for Twelve Directors to serve for the ensu ing year will be held at the acme lime and et the same place, between the hours of 10 e. U. and 2 P. M. • d80•tja18 W. I. SLAW:MA.IW, Secretary. OFFICE OF THE PHILADELPHIA. AND DARBY RAILROAD COMPANY. PUILADELPIIII, December 28, 1861. The Annual Meeting of the Stockholders of this Com pany will he held at the Depot, on DARBY Avenue, be tween Forty-ninth and Fiftieth streets. on MONDAY, the 13th day of January, 1862, at 3X P. IL, at which time an election for President and Directors to servo for the miming year nlll be held. Tho Supplement to the Charter, approved the twenty eighth day of February last, will be submitted foraccept ance or rejection. THOMAS SPARKS, deal.balS 'UR ANKLIN INSTITUTE LEG- A.: TUITES.—The second course of lectures before the Institute will coxnmence on MONDAY MIMING, do fill inst., at 7% o'clock, and be continued on litonday, Wednesday, and Friday evenings. for ten weeks, as fol lows: MONDAY EVENING, by Prof. T. M. Drysdale, on the "Microscope and Microscopic Objects." WEDNESDAY EVENING, by Prof. Pairtnan Rogoro, on " Ice antl the Glaciers." FRIDAY EVENING, by Prof. J. Alkon nolgs, on "Food." TERNS OF IttEMBERSLIIP of the Institute ' per annum, or ,925 for life, with a charge of $1 the first year for a certificate of membership. Each member is entitled to a reason ticket to the lectures for himself and a lady, and any additional ladles' tickets at S 2 ouch. The minor children, wards, and apprentices of mem bers will receive tickets for the course of lectures for $l, or for the use of the Library and Reading-room and the Lectures for S 2 Gentlemen Nsithing to become members will please ap ply at the Hall of the Institute, in SEVENTH Street, above Chestnut street, to WILLIAM HAMILTON, ja4-7t Actuary. IATEEK OF PRAYER.—The Third Annual Week of Prayer for the Conversion of the World, will be observed by all the Evangelical deno minations of this city, commencing on SABBATH, tho bib, and endingon SABBATH, tho 12th inst. In addi tion to services which may ho held in particular churches, according to the arrangemocts of the several denominations, Than Meetings will be held as follows: MONDAY Alornoon, at 3)d o'clock, First Baptist Church. BROAD and ARCH Streets TUESDAY Afternoon, at 3J o'clock, Union M. E. Church, FOURTH Street, below Arch. WEDNESDAY Afternoon, at 334 o'clock, Rev. John Chambord' Church, BROAD and SANSOM. Streets. THURSDAY Afternoon, at 33. s o'clock, Rev. Dr. Wylie's Church, BROAD threet, below Spruce. SATURDAY Afternoon, at 3t o'clock, Church of the Epiphany, fuIIESTNUT and FIFTEENTH Streets. Perlog the whole meek the Ransom-street Union Prater 31 . 0 i Cog 1%111 be estenal ball an hour—say from 12 tol X o'clock P. M. The Christian public Is respect. fully Invited to attend all these seri lees. Ito" 'HOLIDAY GOODS HOLIDAY PRESENTS. THOMAS C. GARRETT. 712 CHESTNUT STREET, OPPOSITE TIIE XASON/0 HALL, PHILADELPHIA, Dios just received an assortment of LADIES' GOLD WATCHES, Of the newest styles, and of very superior quality, as well as those adapted to men's and boys' wear. Ile is manufacturing extensively a great variety of USEFUL AND FANCY ARTICLES 01' SILVER, And gives special attention to getting up (hinge suitable for BRIDAL AND TIOLIDAY PRESENTS PLATED WARE Got up under the proprietor's own inspection, in a great variety of styles. Will be warranted IIEAVILY PLATED with pure sliver, in a way to insure Its wear ing Bluch or hie JEWELRY Is manufactured on the premises, and hie stock will be found to comprise a great variety of fashionable goods, from the smallest articles to SETS OF DIAMONDS. These are offered for sale ht PEWEE ADAPTED TO THE TIMES, And persons aro invited to call and examine them deB-tutha Ink • HOLIDAY PRESENTS. WATORSS, • JEWELRY, BILVER AND PLATED WARE, REDUCED PRICES. JOS. H. WATSON, deT-stuthlm UOLIDAY GOODS FOR HOLI PAY PaEBENTS. What would make a more useful present than A HANDSOME DRESS, A HANDSOME SHAWL, or A HANDSOME CLOAK? Just received from New York, a large armament of New Goode, suitable for HOLIDAY PRESENTS. 1 LOT MOIRE ANTIQUES, at 500., An enormous lom to the importer. Beautiful Fancy Silks for the Holidays. 1 lot handsome Velvet Flounced Robes, at - less than the Cost of importation. I let double•width Printed Cashmeres vtge., never before sold tom than 50c. CHOICE DRESS GOODS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. Newest and moat desirable styles of CLOAKS AND SACQUES. SOO pieces Merrimack and English Chintses at 12X0., worth 13 c. In first hands. CHEAP BLANKETS AND FLANNELS. Now Fancy Casein:lens and Rich Velvet Vestings at Imo prices. H.. STEEL Itt SON, delii No. 718 North TENTH Street. above Coates. HANGING VASES. XX Ornamental Flower Pots. Parlor VNICS for Growing Flowers. Baskets for Jardiniere. Pedestals with Vaae for Flowers. Antique Vases for Mantels. Vases Renaissance for Parlor. Hustle and Terra Cotta Vases. Lava Flower Pots and Vases. Garden Vases and Pedestals. Brackets for Busts and Figures. With a great variety of articles suitable for Christ mas presents, for sale retail and to the trade. Warefoolos 1010 CHESTNUT Street, Philadelphia. dell' B. A. 1:IA1211180N. WOOD AND COAL, CHEAP— S 4 50 and $5. 1,000 cords Oak Wood, $4.50 and $5. 100 4 4 Hickory do., $4.50 and $6.50. 100 44 Pino do., $4.50 and $5.25. Hauling 25 to Sic per load. .500 tons Egg and Stovo Coal, $4. 200 44 Nut I. e 3 and $1.25. J. 8. LOWRY, "Limo-Kiln Wharf," LOMBARD and BARNWELL Street, _ 304-sra Sts MADAME EGERIE R TIN'S Second Quarter (Private Classes) will begin at her residence, 1340 SPRUCE Street, on MONDAY NEXT, at 334 o'clock. ltd' -I. RIME INVESTMENTS.—T H E subscriber has for sale several first-class old BONDS and SIORI GAGES, from $3,000 to $12,000, secured on very centrally-situated City properties, and hitertstpunctually paid• E. R. JONES, It* No. 120 South SEVENTH . Street. THE PROOF OF EXCELLENCE of REIMER'S 81 Color s ed Photographs le manifest in the groat demand for them, at hie Gallery, SECOND Street, above GREEN. 100 C. M. SLOCUM, DENTIST, - 1345 011 E STNUT Street, bolqw Broad. jit4-st* (IFFIDE OF THE BOARD OF V HEALTH, B. W. Corner SIXTH and SANSOII.I Streeta. NOTICE. TO CLERGYMEN, ALDERMEN, PHYSICIANS AND MIDWIFES In conformity to the REGISTRATION AOT, ap proved March 8, 1800, you eve requested to make your MARRIAGES AND BIRTHS for the quarter ending January 1, 1802, to this office, early in the Inlaying month, so that this Department may make their Annual Report to thelluyor. , By order of the Board of Health, WILLIAM READ, "(BALM OFFIOBII. ja2-thetuBt 260730 gocretstry. 326 CHESTNUT STREET l'iliLADELrm.t, Docktnbor 31, 1811 RETURNS OF RETAIL DRY GOODS; GREAT BARGAINS. IN LADIES' °LOAN% To close out, At the AREN•STESET CLOAK AND MANTILLA STORE, M. W. corner TENTH awl ANOR tits. issilli-6m • JACOB H0R5141,1.. COWPERTHWAIT & 00., Haw now on hand A LARGE STOCK of MUSLIN'S. - Which will be sold at brlcea • LOWER THAN THE MARKET BATES. Also, GREAT BARGAINS IN PRINTS, 2,000 man of which will be cold lier 9 tow. ie.4.6m 'WEE & LANDELL have in store-a J-:A fait etock of dit.IBLINS, comprising all the makes justly celebrated for durability. 4.4 Wllll4lneville a. 4-4 Now York Mills. 4 4 Warnsulta 4.4 Fruit of the Loom. 12.4 Muslin Shootings. Golden Flux Linens. Linen Bosoms, Floe Stitch. jai PYRE & LANDELL, FOU(TB and ARCH, will open, to. day, ft large lot of womo - RA - LB, *240, full le - with and fell width. Eina G REAT BARGAINS iR FINE CLOAKS, TO CLOSE OUT THE STOCK PARIS MANTILLA, CLOAK, AND FUR EMPORIUM, 708 011ESTIiin STREET, PREVIOUS 70 RE4IOYAL. SYNOPSIS OF REDUCTIONS. leftOBTR.D DEA:n:II CLOCII3, From no to 820—Prom 842 to $l7. FAOSTED BKAVSK CLOAKS, Front $lB to sll—Front $lO to $7.60 BROWN BEALRICIN OR BAJILS CLOTII CLOAKS, From $lB to 314—From $lO to 312, BLACK BEALSRIN 04 OTT6II OLOTK CLOAKS, From SIB to sl4—From $lB to $l2. VELVIIT OLOTII CLOAKS, From $3O to 822— , From $3O to $2O FINN BLACK Blikrint CLOAKS, From 645 to s364•srotn tra. to $2lll •••-•-• FMB BLACIC DlA.Tfat CLOAKS, From $25 to slo.so—Brow $2O to $lO FINE BLACK 11sAygn CLOAKH, From $lO to sl2—From $l2 to $9, FAIIOY BRAYER CLOAKS, r rom 640 43 .980—Nroli e3O to eN, FANOY COLORED TINAVgn 01,0AKO, From ft2l to $lB--From $lB to 813,60 LYONO VELYZT riboAcr, 'IOW to $65-From 1670 k, $56 • •-•-•••••• OUR FUR DEPAILTMYNT t Which It replete with every cleelrabla idyll, and deeerf p lion, Will be open to Inapxtlon at payee arroNporeling to the general reduction ,• particularliatlon, among aueh an inflhity of qualltlee, being, If not trapomble, at nil events, ttnentlefactarY• ,1031-Inn CLOAKS ! CLOAKS! GOOD STYLES. BEST MATERIALS. LOWEST mon. • COOPER & CONARD, S. E. corner NINTH and MARKET Strecto del4.btuthlin - THE HOLIDAY GIFT STORE, NO. 1024 CHESTNUT STREET, For the ealo of LACES, LINENS, EMBROIDERIES, AND WHITE GOODS, Will remain opon only for a FEW DAYS LONGER. Those wishing to purchase anything in that way should avail thecomelyesof an opportunity which seldom offers of buying the choicest goods at prices FAB BELOW THEIR USUAL EETAIL VALUE POINTE LACE COLLARS, SETS, HANDKER CHIEFS, Ac. POINTE APPLIQUE n es a a HONITON. a 66 64 0 If a VALENCIENNE 66 a a a a IC MALTESE 4C u a a u a FRENCH EMBROIDERED n LACES, EDGINGS, INSERTINGS, FLOUNOINGS, CAPES, COIFFURES, BARDEB, VEILS, IN GREAT 'VARIETY. LADIES' HEMSTITCHED, CORDED BORDERED, EMBROIDERED, REVERE, MOURNING, CO. TOILED BORDERED, AND OTHER HANDEER- CHIEFS. GENTS' HEMSTITCHED, PRINTED BORDERED, CORDED BORDERED, ANVOTHER'RANDKER CHIEFS : CHILDREN'S CORDED, lIEbiPiED, AND PRINTED HANDKERCHIEFS BRUITING LINENS. PILLOW BIRDEYE " LINEN LAWNS LINEN CAMBRIC'S And a complete assortment of LINENS AND WHITE GOODS, All of which, for A FEW DAYS LONGER, ONLY, , WILL BE ormum A GREAT BARGAIN, AT TRW GREAT HOLIDAY GIFT STORE, NO. 1024 CHESTNUT STREET. JOHN A. MULLEN. d028.12t AGENT HOLIDAY DRESS GOODS. • The following goods are desirable for Christman Gifts : Low priced DeLaines and Calicoes. Wide English and French Chintzes. Brilliant Figures now American De Lithos. Dressing Gown Stuffs of Gay Cashmeres. French Figured De Lathes and Fancy Merinos. Plain Poplins and Rich Styles of Epinglines. Plaid Flannels, Bright Brodie Dress Goods. Blankets, Table and Plano Covers, Quilts. Rid Gloves, Warm Silk and Cloth Gloves. Embroidered Colima and Lace Goode. Silk Handkerchiefs, French Linen Cambric Mktg Black Bilk Cravats, Scarfs, and Neck Tied. Plain and Fancy Silks, Rich Black Silks. Blanket Shawls, licorice Morino Shawls. SHARPLBSS BROTHERS, dell' CHESTNUT and EIGHTH Streets. HOLIDAY PRESENTS. Delollies, at IEIX cents; Calicoes, 1234 cents. Black and fancy Silk Handkerchiefs. Neck-Ties, Gloves, Gouts' Shawls. Misses' and Ladles' Shawls lu vulety. Nice assortment of Dress Goods. Balmoral Skirts is great variety, at J. H. STORES', 102 AB.OII Street. N. B.—en band, Sack-straws and Solitaires, made by and sold for an invalid. They aro nice games as well as preemie, and any ono would confer a favor by purchas ing the same. della HEAVY CLOAKINGS. Brown and Black Sealskin, 750 to 81.50. Cheap hoavy Coatings and Makings Fine Black Cloths and Beavers. Good stock Gassimeres at old prices. COOPER. .4•OONAHD, del4 B. E cor. METE and MARKET T_T OUSE FURNISHING DRY GOODS.—SHEPPARD, VAN HARLINGEN, do ARRISON, Importers and Dealers in,Linen, and House Furnishing Dry Goods, etc. Have now on hand a fall assortment of Linen sheeting, Table Oloths' t Napkins Table, Diaper Towelling, etc., etc., imported under the old tariff, or bought a great sae- Wive. • - ' " N.B.—Five per cent. allowed on punebases u above, if paid for on delivery. no27tf '"ILL CONTINUE TO SELL UN TIL. JANUARY Ist, our outtra stock of BLANKETS st ths.ol.l prices. Will oven T DAY a largo stock of all Wool Flan nels. Our 25 cent White Flannels are the beet In the olti. Very handsome neat styles DoLalnes at 18X o q hand some dark grounds, all Wool, at 31 and 87 cents. 00WPERTHWAIT & 00., des-tt N. W. corner EIGLITII and MARKET. C LOAKS-- Random.) styles of well-made, serviceable gar ments. The best made, the beet fitting, sad the best tuateriah, for the price. A large stock from which to select. 000PRR .k COWARD, drl4 S. E. cor. NINTH and MARI:CRT. NEW PUBLICATIONS HOLIDAY BOOKS AHD PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS SELLING AT VERY LOW PRIOEM. W. G. MIRY, Bookseller. d020.1m 8. W. Cornor FOURTH and RAPE ROOKS, LAW AND MISCELT A !MOUS, new and old, bought, sold, and es t:hanged, at the PHILADELPHIA-BANK BOOK STORE, No. 419 CHESTNUT Street. Libraries at a distance purchased. Those having Books to sell, if at a distance, will state their names, sizes, bindings, dates, editions, prices, and conditions. WANTED—Books printed by Benjamin Franklin, as wall as early Books printed in and upon America. Autograph Letters and Portraits mu chased. Pamphlet Laws of Pennsylvania for sale. Catalogues, In press, sent free. Libraries ap praised by ffe24.tr7 JOHN CAMPBELL. LOST OR MISLAID.—A Certificate of Stock, No. 100, for f 0 shares Allegheny Ittning Company of Now Jersey. dated July Bth, lalT. Notice le hereby given, that an application ills been made to the Board of Pirectm 0 of said Company for a new Certificate. 1E0441* P. BARRY HAYES. QHAMPUOING, HAIRCUTTING, kJ and DYEING done in beet style at Fourth and Branch. CENT JAKEY KEEPS STA t./ TIONERY, CIGARS, DAILY, SUNDAY, and WEEKLY PAPERS, NOTIONS. &C., &c., and SELLS CHEAPER then anybody else in the city. S.OENT JAMEY, 115 MASTER Street. 11* PRESENTS FOR THE HOLIDAYS, AT WAR PRICES, of Loniclng.Ciassott, Engravings, and fine Frames, at GEO. P. DERKERT'S, No. US ARCH Street. - jal-iftf COPARTNERSMP NOTICES. pSSOLUTION.—The' Copartnership heretofore existing under the Britt of H. O. LAUGHLIN & 00. is this day dissolved by mutual consent. The Itosiness•will be settled by either'of the partners, at No. 303 MARKET Street. •• ' -IL 0. LAUGHLIN, ' THOS. 0. HOLLINGSWORTH', - • BENJ. P. -DEWEES. Philadelphia, Dec. 81,1861. ja4.3t* POPARTNERSHIP.— The under algue4 have this day formed a Copartnership, under the firm of HOLLINGSWORTH & PEWEES,.for the transaction of the Nett Gash DRY GOODS JOBBING Business, at No. 303 MARKET Street. Tilos. 0. HOLLINGSWORTH,' Philadelphia, SannarEßNJ... DEWEES. Y an. lest .StAt THE FIRM OF M. BOWNIA.tI & dissolved this day, by mutual consent. Either partner is authorized to settle the affairs of he late firm. atoaEs aOnTMAN. ornus BOWMAN. December 31. 1881. ia3.3t* THE PARTNERSHIP EXISTING between WILLIAM If. MERRITT and ADAM TURNBULL, under the them of MERRITT dt TURN BULL, was dinsolted September 14, 1881, by the death of Adore Turnbull. The business of the late Arm will bo settled by the surviving partner. AM 11. MERRITT, N. W. corner FRONT WILLI and CHESTNUT streets. Philadelphia, Dec. 31,1861. COPARTNERSHIP.-TOEUN &Maned have associated under the thin name of bIEBBIT T & TURNBULL, for the transaction of a Wholesale TEA business. WILLIADI H. MERRITT, THOS. TURNBULL, N. W. corner FRONT and CHESTNUT Streets. FlRM°lplaa, January 1, 1882. 1a.2.8t* TIESSOLUTION.-THE FIRM OF ILF LEVIOK, RABIN de CO., WOE DEALERS, consisttng• of the subscribers, is this day dissolved by limitation of time. The business of the firm will be settled up by RIORARD DEIrIOK and WARNER At. BASIN, at No. 605 MARRET Street. rtiILADSLPUTA, 12th mo. 31, 1181. RICHARD LEVICK. WARNER M. MEIN THOMAS B. LEVICK THOMAS J. LEVICK COPARTNERSHIP. - THE BUB SCRIBERS have THIS DAY formed a copartner ship under the firm of LEVIOK. RABIN, and will continue the SIIDE BUSINESS at the old stand, No.. GO MARKET Stmt. PIitLADELMIIA, lyt mo. lat, 1862. ItIOFIARD LEVIOK. .161-6 t WARNER M. RABIN IDITILA.DELPHIA, JANUARY, lst, 1862.— SAMUEL 0. HE CODltarr,' lately witie ?deo-sm. Alfred Blade it Co., and HUGH HAMILTON, formerly a repredentative of Meesrg. A. & S. Henry & Co. England, have this formed Copartnership, under the name of DE 00IIRSEY & HAMILTON, for the transaction ig ft General Dry Qoole Coma:0811mi Dui nom, an: 104 open during the present month at No. 237 CHESTNUT Street. BASIL. 0. DE COTHISEY, jal.Otar HUGH HAMILTO N. NOTIOII.—The Copartnership - of P. .1.1 KIRKPATRICK & BONS haring been diasolviA by the death of David Kirkpatrick, Sr., the subscribers will erttle up the business of the said firm, and will con tinuo the HIDE, OIL, AND LEATHER COMM 1410N MOINES% at No. 31 Sonth TIMID Street, un der the some lam and name of D. KIRKPATRICK k SONO. CIIARLES 31 KIRKPATRICK, DAVID KIRKPATRICK, FRANCIS A. KIRKPATIMK. Phlladalplds, Jan, I, 1862. jal.10: fIOPAItTNI6IIBIIIP NOTICE-18- N J RAM, ;4 1 /11Iith thIA day n.tiree from our Oro. m V/lar Tit Eqigthi; If, 51D.41:114 and FREDERICK W. Aittls ttIN, tiro wknfiz.4 a. ortuers; and tho Liszt /-44 riU lm koutii.ko4 xa tontotore. Yffil6Eld',l:, 4 en, IVY!) !"I"reltantr, 1 1 4 S SIALMET Street. Phltad.lkbia, T)v, - • LIDIITJ:U PA.ktTivERSHIP tun ICE —TLe eubseritore, freie tido daytterrned a limited P.mtnerehlti owlet the ant of Assembly to andt cam male and provided, und,r the Arai of DA rf SCULL, Jti. The genetel ,stare of the beet t ee ft ,to La trantat led le that of baying and yelling weed. The ge neral partners interetted therein ork florid Scull, Jr., roe siding in the city of Philadelphia, and Wdliatu,Sarte.re an the city of Camden, If. 3., and the special roartuer le David Scull, reelding in the city of Philadelphia. The emonot or capits4 in actual mak payment, which the said David Scull as special partner has contributed to the common stock, to fifty thousand dollare. The acid part nership is to commence January let, 1502, and is to 'ter minate March 3154 1864 DAVID SCULL, Jo WILLIAM B,XTER, General Partners. DAVID SCULL, Special Partner. Philndelphis, 12 mo. 31st, 1861. MBE FIRM OF McFARLAND, TAT HAN, & CO. In this day dissolved, by limitation and tho decease of Henry Berghenser. The basil:Less or the firm will be nettled by JAS. B. MeFA BEANO, who is alone authorized to use the siguature of the firm in January 1,186?. 111.6 t IJOTICE.—We have this day admitted SAMUEL COLLIER, JR., and ISAAC REELER to an Interest In our business. JOHN B. ELLISON & SONS. Jal-6t* First Month 7,1882 PARTNERSHIP NOTICE.—We have 1 this day admitted Mr. FRANCIS W. RALSTON as a partner in our house. LOWBER 8; WILMER. jal-st* Philtuielain, Jan. 1,1862. REMOVALS A. FAFINESTOCK & CO. HAVEB. REMOVED TO 909 MARKET Street. sal-lm GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS PATENT McCLELLAN TIES. • PATENT koCLELLAN TIES. PATENT McCLELLAN TIES. PATENT McCLELLAN TIES. PATENT NWLELLAN SCARFS. PATENT McCLELLAN SCARFS. PATENT MCCLELLAN SCARFS. AT J. A. ESHLEMAN'S ! AT J. A. ESHLEMAN' AT J. A. ESHLF.MAN'S ! AT J. A. ESHLEMAN'S AT J. A. ESHLEMAN'S ! AT 3. A. ESHLEMAN'S AT J. A. ESHLEMAN'S ! AT J. A. ESHLEMAN'S NORTHWEST CORNER OF SEVENTH, AND CHESTNUT. SEVENTH AND CHESTNUT. SEVENTH AND CHESTNUT. THE ONLY CRAVAT STORE IN PHILADELPHIA THE ONLY CRAVAT STORE IN PHILADELPHIA THE ONLY CRAVAT STORE IN PHILADELPHIA THE ONLY CRAVAT STORE IN PHILADELPHIA P. 8. The above articles, being PATENTED, cannot bo obtained eleewbero. P. 8. No. 2. Men'a Furnißbing Goods, in every variety P. S. N 0.3. PATENT ENAMELLED COLLARS, 10 FOR A QUARTER. de7-atutll3ln CLOTHING. E H. ELDRIDGFE„ FASHIONABLE CLOTHIER, Formerly at Eighth and Ohestont Streets, Has taken the Store, No. 628 MARKET STREET, Where he is prepared to furnish his old friends and the public la general with CLOTHING, READY MADE OR MADE TO ORDER, IN TUM BEST STYLE, AT MODERATE PRICES, As he buys and volt!! exclusively YOE CASH. del-lm if • FINANCIAL. GOLD BOUGHT AND SOLD 7 3-10 TREASURY NOTES DOUGHY AND SOLD. QUARTERMASTERS' CERTIFICATES DEALT IN ja2-Im DREXEL & CO. NEW NATIONAL LOAN. OFFICE OF JAY COOKE .t; CO, BANKERS, No. 114 800111 TIMID STIOIST, 5 The 7 3-10 per cent Treasury Notes of all , denomlna. hone, of the second issue of Fifty Millions, dated Coto ber let, are now ready to deliver to purchasers, at the office of J. COOKE, SUBSCRIPTION AGENT, de2B-Im 114 SOUTH THIRD STREET. § 3 300 -A FIRST-CLASS In .ale, at a li t a p r r a o l v d el a G a ß a O t. UN A D ai ll y Er of We amount E. PETTIT, jat No. 309 WALNUT Street. NEW FIRMS AND CHANGES. 1862. Merchants And Public Institutions supplied with BLANK BOOKS Of all sizes, made of the beet LINEN PAPERS, And warranted durable. AMERICAN AND FOREIGN STATIONERY in great variety. LETTER, NOTE, and DILL PAPERS. TRIPLE-EXTRA GOLD PENS. LETTER PRESS and LITHOGRAPH PRINTING. WM. F. MURPHY & SONS, PRACTICAL DLANE-BOOK MANDFACTUREP.S," COUNTING-ROUSE STATIONERS, PRINTERS, AND LITHOGRAPHERS, 339 CHESTNUT STREET. de4-Iv/4'4w UNITED STATES MARINES.— wanted, inffilediately, for the United. States Marino Carps, THREE HUNDRED ABLE-BODIED MEN for sea strvice, between the ng•e of eighteen and forty years. All information that may be required will be given at the Rendezvous, 311 South FRONT Street, below Spruce. JAMES LEWIS, Captain, jai -12t Recruiting Officer. .•.rne E. S. EARLEY, FURNISHING UNDERTAKER, Southwest corner of TEM! and °BEIM Streets, nol9-3mifik Made,iskis. mwff;izzm.9. A MERICAN AOADEKTOF MUM A.3. -BROAD AND tOCTI:7O* fiTMTS . . . ..... . . Imam and Manager d. M. NUON. TWO GRAND .PREFORNAPICES. SATUSDAS AFTESNOOFr.lainary At 1 8 81; - BENEFIT OF IME VOLUNTEER AND worm. BUOPMEFBESEIDISIST SALOONS. Last appearance of - SENORITA :PIMA%.• Who win" appear ABAGONESES , T GALLICOS. " And Spanish National Paa "Old,' • • IQ,' MI; 0LE., 4 4 - DOMESTIC ECOSOMF, ' • BATTLE OF OHIPPIif.A., SATURDAY EVENING, at half pew I - O'clOcits - EDWIN PORREST Will appear in his GREAT_ ROLE of ' ROLLA, THE PERUVIAN HERO., r MONDAY-LAST NIGHT BUT THREE OF EDWIN FORREST. RItiIIiDAY—BENEFIT OF MR: JOHN Mobtrf4- LOUGH. THURSDAY—BENEFIT OF MR. GEM ROOD„ IR" Duo notice will be Riven of the repetition of "TRH LADY OF LYONS." Doors open at 7 o'clock. The Performances be com mence at ball pad 7. AM ERICAN ACADEMY OF NUSIC---EBOAD AND LOCUST ,SIITEETS. A CARD TITESDAY' EVENING, JANUARYIOC% BENEFIT OF MR . JOHN Moetra.ol:lGlT, When a groat hill of attraction will be- presented , on ills occasion, widcb, Le trusts, will meet the approba tion of his friends and the public in genets! la4-2t MRS. JOHN DREW'S IN-T &W THISAT - DIA Acting and Stage A ManaDlgS erBENT . IBIDADISOILL EnsineesAgentand Treasurer ' JD& D. ilitiltPflT.. SECOND WEER! CROWDED DOUSES t T0.N10117, SATURDAY, January 4, 1862, Tenth night cf Sh akspeare's t , LOVE'S LABOR. EWA", With its Great Cast and Worelerfad Last Scene, A DIVDLICT DVAL WATES. To conclude with the thrilling Drama of GWINETTE OR; RH% SEA-SIDS MU.DER. Mr Prices as usuaL Curtain rises at 3( after 7. Seats aecured without ex. tra charge WHEATLEY'S CONTINENTAL THEATRE—WALNUT Street, above =arra. • FARFWELL NIGHT! LAST NIGHT OF THE SEASON! The Cheapest and Beat Entertainment In the CRT! 808 THIS (SATURDAY) IiVENING! CROWDS! CROWDS! CROWDS! Ib T e h t e en l t sat h night saa el B t gE th ß e ß r at ou ßO xy , arise which, fal. To conclude with • A HISS IN TICE DARK. Adnelolon_2s andls cents. lIVAINUT-STREET THEATRIC-- NINTH and WALNUT Streets. Sole Lessee MRS. M. A. GABEETTSON. BENEFIT OF ME. VINING BOWERS. THIS (SATURDAY) EVENING, Jannorr 4. The entertainments wilt commence with the Drama TIIE 8110E1IAKEE OF TOULOUSE. Bombes Chignard Mr. Vining Dowers. To be followed by the roaring Farce of - NY WIFE'S COME. To conchido with the comic Drama entitled THE VIEGINIaN OUTWITTED. Patois—bo, 37), 7.5, and 25 mute; Private Dom* $5 aad $3. Doom open at quarter to 1. To oommenoe at 79(. pOSITIVELY LAST WEEK OF 1 BARNUM'S MUSEUM OF LIVING WONDERS, 1009 CHESTNUT, shore Tenth: The great Ferocious, Yorscions, gad•lntelligent • BLAtil SEA-LlOlir gaintling In the water end reposing our et It The tamer talons and mccli talked or WHAT 18 ITT interesting, whether Man or Monkey or Efsbrid. And, tirote paralorrir of Haters THE ALBINO FAMILY, Africans with white Emir owd skin end pink - 9Qt - TO tre seta at all Isrars from 9 A. M. for 107. IL Admission, 25 cents:. ChEarn, /A cents. &Met rfiEMPLE OF WONDB R - ..... TENIII. and CHEBTIMT Etreets,.llol•MAT WEEK.—EXTRAGEDINA BY ArritacrioN. MONOII. MATZ. Perron:name WV.EXYATiEI23OON mud 5TE3"127% emu/eating atZ and a o'clock, and THEEREXHISI TIONS 02i NEW 'MAVIS DAY,. at 11 Ltd, Z and t P. L, illuttrafing fbs myeertee met powers of ancient and =de= 22 , 4143 RPM' &eat, in Yeattilatut.., the Yoke in rations pl,ttons, and Lextaed. Canary Birds Adtala.icn 25 tests; ChOlvsa 13 - Centl. de27-tr , G ERMANIA OICOKESTRA: CA HL BENTZ, Conductor. MIMIC 11EILEAPSALS rah.; BAT4ItIDAT,, M $ o'clock P. IL, at the MUSICAY, POND H Package of sight Ticket!, $1; Stogie Tickete, 21 eht To he hal at andca's,llo4ChestogretteM. J. M. Ctra Seventh and Chestnut, and at thedoorog are Hall. PENNSYLVANIA ACADEMY OP THE 1n Ann, 1025 0119.81t1RT strait, open daily, Handaya excepted, from 9 6. 111. till 8 P. IL Admission T. 5 coats. Children under briars rwq buff price. Shares of Stock. 1131 in • WANTS. IATESTERN SALESMEN.--Wanted, 2 tiret•eiars SALESMIIIi, with goad Weeiera atquaintaneet SHArLEIGH, RUE. it-CO., ja4•2t* 329 MARKET Street.- DRUGGIST'S ASSISTANT .WANTED.—One well qualified, neat, and careful, with good city ' references: REDFIELD, - NIN-E -TEENTII and PINE Streets. It* WAN T E I)—A second-hand' Sta tionery Steam Engine, of from 60 to 7041otve Power. Address, stating particulars, "Box 1155 Poet Office." dell-tf ITTHE HARDWARE TRADE -IL $l,OOO TO $2,000 TO INVEST.—Wszeran—A. situation where tiro above amount will be acceptable .m is loan or as an investment. The advertiser has had thirteen years' experience in the business. Please address 4s. A. 8.," Box 40, Freetown, Mass. de23-12tit BOARDING ► I LET--With or without board, to a single gentleman, a bed room and silting room, or bed room only, In WALMIT Street, betiroen Tea* and Broad. Address, for further particulars, "X. Y. Z.," Press office, Chestnut street. dsd.tf SAFES. PELIT,LIE'S SAFE DEPOT DJ& 110 1 TBD to No. II South SIVIETII. Street, IbININ DIEM Institute. The mltweigned, thankful for past favors, end balm: determined to merit future patronage, has secured al elegant and convenient store, and has now on hand a large assortment of Mlle's Celebrated Wrought oaf Chilled Iron 'fire and•Bnrglar Proof Safes, (the Cab Strictly lire and burglar proof cafes mad.) ASS% LBWS 'Unequalled Bank Vault, Safe, and Bank Lacks. Lillie's Bank Vault Doors and Locks will be farnistud to order on short notice. This is the strongest, beat pro tected, and cheapest Dan and Lock yet offered. Alec, nartierdar attention is called to Lillie's Slaw Cabinet Safe, for Plato, Jewelry, go. This Safe is OM ceded to aureate in style and elegance anything yet et ferod for this purpose, and is the enly one that is @UMW fire and burglar Prool fiyamit.. hay - e now on hand say tWitltr os Farrel. Herring, g CO.'S Safes, moat of them nearly new ; and some forty, of other makers, comprising a coneybrie masortment as to sires, and all lately exchanged for tint now celebrated Lillie Safe. They will be mid at mirt low prices. Please call and examine. 1a26-lyif M. O. SADLER. Agent. INSURANCE COMPANIES. H FIRE INBU. , OF TUX STAFD OM fIOMMONIVEA.L .4.J RANCE COMP. PENNSYLVANIA. DIBEOTOES. David Jayne, H. D., Chariee 11. Roger". John AL Whitel.l, John S. Walker, Edward C. Knight, Robert Shoemaker, Thomas S. Stewart, William Struthers, Henry Lewin Jr., Stephen Coulter. DAVID JAY E, Si. D., Preeident. JOHN M. WIIITALL, Vice Preabkol, SAMUEL S. MOON, Secretary, Deice, Commonwealth D Street. Philadelphia. FAmE INSURANCE COMPANY, No. 408 CHESTNUT Strati FIBS AND INLAND INSURANCE. DMOTOU. Glom W. Day of Day A Matlack. - Baronet Wright ° Wright Bros. & Co. D. B. /tinker 6 . Davis & Buoy. Henry Lewis, Jr ° Lewis Broe& Co. 0. Bithardson ° J. 0. Howe & 00. .ho. W. Everman....... "J. W. Everman & Geo. A. West...—. ° West & 'robes. F. S. Harlin ° Savage, Martin, & Co. 0. Wilson Davie.. Attorney-at-law. E. D. Woodruff of Sibley, Molten, A Woontia. Jno. 'Under, Jr.. No. 1718 Green street. GEORGE W. DAY, Fruident. FRANCIS N. BUCK, Vice-Prenblana WILLIAMS I. BLANCHARD, Secretary. sa7B-11V TRUSSE S! BRACES! ! SUP PORTERS!!! 0. LL NEEDLES, FL W. corner RACE and TWELFTH Streets, Phila., Practical Adjuster of Trusses and Nechanlota Avail. lxes, has constantly on hand a large and varied stack of elegant French Trusses, and a complete anawtment of best American. English and. American Supporters sad Belts, Shoulder Braces. Suspensories, Syringes ist punt variety, French Pessaries, kg. Ladles' Department conducted by Ladies, TWELFTH Street, first door below Race. noST-ittat EIiaWEST CHESTER gEMAND PELLADELEFILS. RAM. VIA MEDIA. WINTER ARRANGEMENT On and after MONDAY, Nov. 25,1861, the traira Will leave PHILADELPHIA, from the Depot, N. N. Miner of EIGHTEENTH and Ma • 7 7VT Streets, at 6.68 , 2, 415, and 6.45 P. M., and will leave the corner o 6 THIRTY-FMT and MART Streets, (Wect delphia,) at 17 minutes after the starting time prom Ow Depot. ON SUNDAYS Leave PIIIIABILiPIaii at. 8 A. X. and 2P. X. Leave West Chester at 8 A. X. and 4 P. It. The Trains leaving Philadelphia at 8.30 A. AL and LIB P. 11. connect at Pennolton with Trains on the Phil*. dolphin and Baltimore ()antral Railroad for Concord, Kennett, Oxford, &e., &e. EMBRY WOOD, tio2s-1: Eltroarintendent THE BALTIMORE GAS-BURNING FIRE-PLACE HEATER. - - - Sometimes called the Latrabe Stove," to the bed stove for worming the nom In whiett it stands, and ahr rooms above. Call and look at them. ARNOLD & WILSON, No. 1010 OETICSTNIIT Street. SLATE MANTELS. Then beautifully enamelled MANTELS, act d•- eldedly preferable to any others, aro manufactured by as, and sold at _ PRICES TO SUIT THE TIMES ARNOLD 8c WILSON, ocs-3mit No. 1010 CHESTNUT Street. LADIES' SHOE-SKATE'S,' WITH OUT-LI STRAPS, Illontlin'a Patent, for sale low, at 609 COMMERCE Street. jl3-3iis W. XIiRIAT, SOli, At CO, rpHE NATIONAL HOSPITALS.- 11 A DEPOSITORY of "Tho Uruttd State,3 Sanitary Commission" is now open at 2.;0. 1.251 OBESINUT Strett, Philadelphia. Contributions reonived for the Hospitals, and for Sitk and Wounded Soldiers. 'READS ! BEADS! BE ADS !-Cry.. J-1 tal, Chalk Opal, Ruby, TONTIOLICS flold, Silver. Wax, Satin, Jet, and all other colors and varieties of Reads for sale low by W. TILLER, Importer, d3O. 8t 32 Swath YOURTSI Street pispoPs OF THE PROTESTANT EPISC,OPAL CIIIJRCIL—DIsbopo Wbite, Hader clortlg, ?otter, Ilovkinv., Lee, virLVKADI r•WW‘Vab. DMA. Odelllic•fmcr, Baden, Dtcllvaine, Burgess.-Pe Laucoy, dc ja?..3t DIcALLISTER BP.OTIIES I 729 CHESTNUT Streit, MEMO 613 01/BBTWOW neo.ll fit
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers