rißLltilOrS IriTIELL/GENCE. The Religions Press on the War We have already given credit in these columns to the Religious Press of all denominations through out the loyal States, for the patriotic and manly tone which characterizes their columns in discuss. ing the all-absorbing topic of the day—the efforts now making to destroy this Republic, and the duty of the American people to maintainit at all hazards, and at whatever east_ There not .41. denomina tional journal among all our exchanges that has not spoken out boldly,many of them ably, on the right side in this contest; and s since the Mason and 011(1011 complication has arisen, some of the most intelligent and sensible transatlantic views respect ing our threatened troubles with England have appeared in the foreign correspondence of our reli• eons newspapers. The letters of Rev. Dr. Mc- Clintock. one of the editors of The Methodist, who is now in Paris, are especially worthy of notice in this connection. Ms two letters, published in the current number of that journal, contain an ex ceedingly able and newspaper-like summary of the tone and sentiments of the Paris journals up to the latest moment. In his comments, also, Dr. Mc- Clintock evinces a keen, observing intellect, n thorough appreciation of this great international question, and a creditable frankness that might be imitated with advantage in other quarters. Speaking of the attitude of England, he says : IL Cobden. std IMO!, yea eaa , haste spokes. out nobly ; but they will be hooted throughout the land as t peace men at any price.' I fear that the British oligarchy has decided to break the Re public' down, if they can. And if such is their feeling, our yielding in the case of Slidell and Ma son will only be putting off the evil day for a little whlic. — Again, he soya; " One thing is certain: if we go to war with England on this question, we shall have public opinion in France against us, as to the immediate ground of the quarrel." He add,, also, what many will be inclined to question, that "it is the Emperor's settled policy to keep the peace with England, if possible, as long as he Our errr. F eet fear that false ideas of dignity' and magna nimity' have cost us a good deal during this war, and will Mt us a good deal more. The re finial of the Government to exchange prisoners with the rebels, for instance, can have no other ground than a fear to recognize them as belligerents. Such conduct, lottlictl at from this aide of the water, is inexplicable. and it has alienated multitudes from our cause. Of General Scott's letter, Dr. McClin took says : Were it left to tell its own story in England, it would vastly mitigate the fury which the journals have excited among the people; but those very journals will take good care to non trance all its geed offsets by their comments on it. Its effect in Paris, however, has already been very great, though it was first published in yesterday's Constitationnel." Consecration of Reir. Dr. Stevens, The con:ecration of the Rev. Wm- Bacon Ste- D.D., to the office of Assistant Bishop of Penn sylvania, es Awe:4.w to the late Bishop Bowman, will take place in St. Andrew's Protestant Episco pal Church, of which Dr. Stevens is rector, Eighth and Spruce streets, on Thursday morning the 2d of January. at 10 0 - clock The cacasion, doubtless, as these ceremonies in the Episcopal Church usually are, will be impressive and solemn. Bishop Hop- Line, of Vermont, 1. unnounced le pre de. 111,hop Clark, of Rhode Island, will preach the sermon. Bishop Potter. of this diocese, and his brother Ho ratio Potter. Bishop of New York, will present the Bishop elect. and Bishops Whittingham, Lee, and Odenheimer are expected to be present and assist. The doors of the church will be opened at 9 o'clock, coote le be reAMT6411 . 64 +he g440._ REBUILDING OF ST. PAUL'S CATHOLIC CHURCH. —"Workmen have already commenced rebuilding St. Paul's Catholic Church, in this city, which was recently destroyed by fire. Everything has been cleared away preparatory to laying the foun dation. At a meeting, on a recent Sunday eve ',dab-, of the female portion of the cons - cog-44ton, the sum of six hundred dollars in cash was sub .eribed towards rebuilding their edifice, which we ladcittilfiti it to 1 c carried rapidly forward So com pletion. It will be ready for Divine service about the Ist of April. HENRY WARD BEECHER 'BEING PRAYED FOR.— itectmtly, at the Patton-street r'rayer Meeting, prayers for Henry Ward Beecher and his church were asked, and a Presbyterian minister accord ingly prayed that the pastor and church might ex. amplify the Gospel of Christ in doctrine and ex ample, and be made to use their influence in say ing souls. He prayed that the pastor might preach. thr FrAcada , 6-, hv kid 4s,it TqfWVViiiWd, and set apart by the laying on of hands—knowing nothing in his doctrines and teachings but Jesus Christ, and Him crucified. In the current number of The rndependent, of which Mr. Beecher is now the editor, he takes occasion to "thank the brother of the Fulton•street meeting who introduced this xeciweat, and the brother why tittered the aepplica lion," adding with keen irony, "How much better is it to pray for men than to criticise and find fault :" A P.P.e2NT Drill:MN of it court in Massachusetts deprives a Methodist minister of legal means of col lecting his salary. A Methodist preacher, in Ware, sued his church for en unpaid portion of the little stipend they were to give him, and was met by the defence that, under the economy of Methodism, nothing woe legtilly duo him; that the minister was sent to the society from his conference, not called by the society ; that all payments, under such circumstances, were voluntary and not the recta of 9 1.92j.91 .4eMeErient bindin g 6otl, aides and that if the stewards of the society did not col. Seat the full amount of the salary, there was no legal means of collecting the I ?aislice, th e court decided that the grounds of the defense were cor rect, and that the clergyman could not recover. THE funeral oration. in commemoration of the late NI. E. D. Baker, was delivered in the Mello= dist Episcopal Church, Portland. Oregon, on the 9th of IsTovornber, by Rev. T. H. Pearne, editor of the Pacific Christian Advocate. REVIVAL OF RELIGION IN TIM Cum. —The Methoel4Ft and other religious journals give us ac counts of revivals of religion now going on in the camps on the Potomac and elsewhere. One autho rity says! " A revival - , of religion is now in progress among the soldiers of Colonel Fuller's Regiment, at Camp Upham, Le Roy, New York. Rev. Charles Strong, formerly- a local preacher at Lockport, is chaplain, A company of Norwegian Methodists aro now in the Forty-third Illinois Regiment. These brethren have regular religious meetings in their own lan guage, And /Asa slinoit the Mask. regular and steady companies in the whole army. The regiment was at Tipton, Mo., at last accounts." THE VOLUNTEER REFRESHMENT SALOONS.—A festival in aid of the Refreshment A.VodiAtioll.4 will tato place in a few days. Gov. Pollock will pre side, and speak on the occasion. Rev. Dr. Brain erd, Rev. Messrs. Smiley, Atwood, and Rutter will also give addresses. Music will he furnished by the National Guard regimental band. EXCITEMENT IN WALES.—The Baptists of Rush• acre, near Ziarberth, lYalce, says the Chnstion. Chronicle, have been very much incensed by an attempt to take from them a burial ground, which had keen in the possession of the Baptist Church for nearly two hundred years Not being allowed the canna privileges of Christina burial in the grave yards of the established churches, a benevolent man had donated to them a romantic little ceme tery, and expressed the wish that his own last rest ing-piece might ho amid its pleasant shades, Ills request was granted many years ago, and his dust is still there. Recently, a claimant appeared in the person of one Lewis, who owned the adjoining property, and who declined allowing any further interments, without the recognition of his dishon orable and dishonest claims. Accordingly, the fu neral procession of a Baptist minister, recently de ceased? Rev. David Griffiths, was stopped, and great couittoion and excitement occasioned, and Dlr. Lewis ordered the newly-dug grave to be filled up again. The Baptists were overwhelmed, and, at first, overawed by the boldness of the wealthy landholder. Rut, after a few days of consultation, their Welsh ire and resolution were kindled, and they proceeded once more to the quiet graveyard of their fathers, and, upon arriving there, found a kip crowd anxious to see the manner in which the Baptists would conduct themselves. It was found that Mr. Lewis had erected a fence of thorns at the entrance to the field in which the burial-ground is, and in the direct and only path to it, and he and some of his friondo were within for the purpose of protecting his alleged rights. The spokesman of the Baptists desired its removal, but as the request was disregarded, Baptist hands SOOll finished the work, and the thorn fenee was demolished. A similar scene occurred at the locked gate of the cemetery, and with like results. Thus having cleared their way to the spot of burial, they calmly reopened the insulted grave. and reverently and with prsysr committed the dead' to its resting place, awaiting the morning of the resurrection. As the original grant of the land is capable of the clearest proof. as two hundred years' undisputed possession is of itself a title, the action of Mr_ Lewis is of the most dishonorable shade llis expectation evidently wee that his impudence, his boldness, tend his social position would win him an easy triumph. But they did pot, Lecturing The Albany Even ing Journal says: "The 1.1.1...,e a - of lecturing in this country is re• meltable. Less than ten years ago about twenty persons comprised the whule number of literary lecturers who were ever called a dozen• miles from home. These men grew rapidly into reputation; their labors mereeaed apace from year to year. until the number of invitations which they re ceived exceeded the number of days in the period known as the lecture season.' For some time these pioneers had few accessions to their ranks; but the spread of the lecture-going spirit, and the rapid multiplication of lecture associations, occa sioned, at length, a demand for more lecturers. accordance with a well-known law, the sup ply,waS Soon (Aug to the demand, and to the ori ginal score of tried men were added many more— some of whom have proved themselves fully equal to their predecessors—and, now every year bringi rreilt accession or those who shall be Hayed - or damned in the probation, accordingly as they shall answer the expectations of audiences grown critical and exacting in listening to the fine scholars, bril liant wits, eloquent essayists, and polished rheto ricians, who, with Everett and Emerson as pioneers, inaugurated the custom which is now a recognized and, apparently, an established institution' of the eountry_4' The Steamer Nova Scotian PORTLAND, Dec, 27. , The steamer Nova Scotian, Las arrived. Iler .advices have been anticipated. The Nora Scotian spoke the North American on the 20th, and the Tura in lat. 49 deg., long. 43 deg. 50 Min,, bound east. On the 26th she passed the Europa off Cable Island. Weekly Review of the Market. PILILADHLriIIA, December 21'. 1861 The holidays Intro interrupted the usual course of Inieineee, and the markets generally hare been Quiet thie week. Bremistatrs have been in limited request only, and for most kinds prices favor the buyers. For Quer citron Bark the demand has also fallen otf, and prices at the plow , are nominal_ Veal and Iron ate litha, and for the latter prices are better. The same may be said of Metals generally., Cot ton is quiet. Groceries are better, and prices tend upward. Fish and Fruit are quiet, but limo. The Provision market enntinnea dull and unsettled. Naval Stores sad Oils continue tirm. Rice and Salt aro rather firmer. Seeds aro very quiet. Teas, Tobacco, and Wool continue in request at full rates. In Dry Goods there has been /mite en Reline business deintt far the season, atfully former rates, the tendency for most kinds being still upward. The Flour market continues dull, and without any Change to note in miffs or demand. The solos comprise 10,000 bids Ohio and city mills extra family on terms nut made public. The sales to the retailers and bakers range from 55.31 X to P 5.75 for common and choke superfine anti extras, $5.87, 06 for extra family, and $.6.2507 for e., ijaalitr. These is espy little Rya Flour or Corn ?deal here . ; the former is selling in a small way at $4 a f p bbl, and the latter at $3 4' bid for Penna. meat, but the demand for both is very email; a sale of 600 bids Brandywine, Is mover, is reported on terms kept At'llVAT.—There is very little doing, and prices are unsettled and lower, with sales of 40,000 us prime Penn sylvania red at 130e133c, closing at the former rates. Southern do at 135 c, and white at 1400145 e V' bus. 0,000 toe. PennaAvania brought and some Southern 65c. torn ie in fair request at quo tations, with sales of 25,000 bus at 6.24r64c for old yel low, 53061 c for new, and 60.062 c for old and new mixed_ Oats are uricbaufed, but dull, and 30,000 bus sold at 30c but mime Vet:wore, solos of Barley or Malt, and the former in steady demand at 750 76c. PBOYLSIONS.—There has been very little movement in Pork except on Government account 1 sales cltr-packed man at iN2,e9O - 40, and WeetsTu at 16/2, Now prime is held at $9, but without sales. City-packed mess Beef is worth $12.50x14; 200 bids Dominick's were taken at a price kept secret. Pried Beef is dull. Bacon—There is very little demand far any kind 2 autos of 150 casks. in= eluding llama at Sok Sides at Os, and Shoulders at 4).; et sc, cash, and short tine. Green Meats—There is rather more offering; sales of Hams at 534 'sac, Sides at sc, and Shoulders at 401%c, cash and time. Lard eke ..ill, lileltid jennies, prises ass steady !, sales of tierces and bids at tle ! 100 mixed packages Cohn try at and kegs at 0,1(09)4c, cash and tints. Butter —There is very little coining in, and it is in fair demand, only with sales of solid-packed at 90934 c ; 200 kegs kiidi6E , dairy glades at ]Be, .and 250 bilis Pennsylvania et 15st18c. Cheese is dull at 7.iti3e lb, and Eggs 17 45618 c ti' dozen. METALS.—Tbere is a firm feeling in the Iron market, and all the Scotch Pig has been taken at equal to $2l, Aofheaeite is la aad 0,000 tons sold at 19:4 mac, cash and six months, for No. 1, and $l9 for No. 2. There is no movement In Blooms, Bar, and Boiler Iron, and they are in fair re q uest at full rates. Lead continues scarce at .1755i.25 the 100 lbs. Gopix , r —lngot lute advanced, English Sheathing sells at 25c tv lb, and Yellow Metal at 22c, six months. BARK comes forward slowly, and is held firmly at last week's figures, with sales of 60 hhds fine ground NO. 1 .Quercitron at NO per ton. - 13EBOWA.Ii is DUMB and held Brolly, with further sales of prime yellow at 33c 41-w lb. CANDLES.—Sperm aro dull at 30c, on time, and there is little or nothing doing. Prices of Adamantine and Tallow Candles continue ne last quoted, with limited soles, COAL.—The recent cold weather has caused more in quiry for home use, but orders from the Haat have fallen oft; and the scarcity of vessels at Port Richmond has tended to reetrict shipments from that taint i we quote carga ram at 00.31 for Scherliall wlLite a 66. g -3.4.5. 3.60 for red aeb, broken egg and lump, and 53.17 for Le high, deliverednn board. COFFEE—The market is nearly bare of stock in first hands, and it is in good demand, at a further advance, eales of 1,560 at 16.20 c, rat guayra at 22222 x c, and St. Domingo at Do ir Ib, cash and time. COTTON.—The late foreign advicea have had very little effect on the market, and trade is quiet; sales of 250 bales middiiog a n d E tad Uplaii& at il7 a 6lc 55 4, 5551 south American at 334t36c 43 3 '_ DRUGS AND DYES.—The excitement which has recently prevailed in the market has subsided, and there is legs doing; sales of Brimstone at $65 cash. TurkoY Opium at $5.50. Soda Ash in lots at 2,4623 c, 0 mos ; and Chemicals generally at fell prices. FlSlL—Nackerel are held with more firmness, and nmst of the recent arrivals here have been stored ; sales at 510g10.60 for No, 1, NO for No. 2, and $4 for small No. 3s. Codfish sell by retail at $3a3.2,5 4; 100 lba. Herring are worth $1.754r3.50 4fY bbl, as in quality. FEATHERS.—There are but few litre; sales of 3,000 The good Western at 38e 11 1 ' FRUlT.—There is a moderato demand for Bunoh Raising, pith sales of 4,000 rem on private terms. A lot of Malaga Lemons sold at $9, and 3lessina at $6 V' box. Domestic Fruit is in steady demand. Green Apples range front $3 to $4 hi,], as in quality Dried Apples from sact7, old and new, 100 lowa unrarao PLanhAl sold at 10c for halves and 6e for quarters. Cranberries range from kit'i 00 bbl, as in quality. FREIGHTS.—To Liverpool there is less offering, and rates are firmer ; we quote at 2s odin3s for Hour, lOuslld Lie AWilif, awl glans fee heavy heeds. 'l l 4l gab. PFAii dsco the rate is Me F foot. West India Weights are rather quiet ; a schooner was chartered to load for Sagas, out and back, at 40c for sugar, foreign port charges paid. A schooner was taken to load with lumber to Boston at 0.51 And In clenaAnd ice plot.. to Boston at $O, New York at $1.25, and Rhode Island at $1.05 ton. GINSENG is scarce i and crude, if here, would com mand 50e55c cash. ULTAIZO..—TIae sales are light and ',Aces uaellsage.cl, as the reason for active operations is over. 111-111IP is held with more firmness; 100 bales Jute sold on prim ate terms. HOPS aro rather dull, and selling in a small way at 20a22c for an,v tae4ern and "Western. LUMBER moves ; among the sates, we notice two cargoes Southern yellow sap Boards •at sl3ell M feet and 20,000 red oak Barrel Staves at Sl6. Laths are held at X1.20®1.25 1 Inn sales are in a small war. lIOIiiiS.TES to tieltl firmly i Any zhe tlemaud oontinnea quite limited. Sales of clayed Cuba at 25a2Tc, on time. NAVAL STORES. The stocks are very light; Halos 01160 bbls common Eosin at $6.50g56.75, medium grades at $7 03 , 7.50, and fine at $.6.60e12, as in quality. Tar rules very high ; tales of 'Norfolk at $'606.00, and Wil mington bble at ittectlo. Pitch is held at $6. Spirits Turpentine meets a limited inquiry; sales at $1.4541.50 1/7 gallon. 011,8.—There is uo falling off in the demand for Lin. seed Oil, and further sales have beta made at 8.5®87c, cash ; 10,000 gallons sold last week on private terms. Fish Oil is firm. Lard Oil sells at 70080 c for fall and prime winter. There is no movement in Bed Oil. In Coal Oil there bee hem more doing. Further miles of Ite. fined at 405 t or, cash. PLASTER is unchanged; small sales of s•ft at $2.25 ton. RICE is held firmly. but there is very little demand ; small sales at 634 67e, on time. SALT has advanced. The two last imports of Liver. pool have been stored for higher prices. An invoice of 3.600 sacks Liverpool ground sold privately. SEEDS.—Cloverseed is dull, and prices have declined , sales at 5404.50 per bus from wagons. Timothy ranges from 51.T5gt2.35. The market is bare of Flaxseed, WO it is wanted at 53.10 per bus. SPIRITS.—Brandy and Gin are held firmly, but there is very little doing. N. E. Bum is steady at 30032 c. Whisky is in moderate demand; sales of Ohio bbls at 202,20 Xe; Pennsylvania at 2.0 e; Drudge at 19Mc per gallon, and bhds at 20c. SUGAP.—There is a firmer feeling in the market, but not much inquiry; sales of 150 lihds Cuba at 771 and '2700 ban Pernambuco at 7N; TALIOVis ttnelienged; we quote city rendered at OM came, and country at 834 w9c, cash. TEAS.—Prices are tending up for both black and green, but the sales arelimited. TOBACCO.—There is no Kentucky Leaf hers in first hands, and of manufactured the stock is light ; the latter is selling as wanted at full prices. WOOL.—Tbere is no falling off in the demand noted for some time past; free sales of medium and low grades at 50060 c, cash. The stick of low.grade wool through. out the country is nearly exhausted. PHILADELPHIA BOARD OF TRADE. EDMUND A. SUNDER, eL CAME L. bilk.bat, Oyardursna yr uri EDWARD O. BIDDLE, LETTER BAGS At the Marehitnts? Exehe nge, Philade lphia Bark Elizabeth J, Foulke Brig Loango, Evans Oct!' D Eldridge, Ogden, „„ „„„ St Darts, soon bchr Wm Cumin, Chipman Maylignes, ra, Boon Behr Jas Allderdice, Stites Cienfuegos, soon MARINE INTELLIGENCE. PORT OF PHILADELPHIA, Dec. 28,1861. saw RISES 7 24 I SUR SETS 436 NIGH WATER .1115 ABRITED Bark Reindeer, Coutts, 3 days from New York, with sugar to Thomas A Newlinll & Sons. Passed at 6.30 yesterday morning, off Cherry Nand Flats, Alp TUERT rpm llencc, TUT Liverpool, IP tow or tug America. Brig IT D Ruggles (Br), Sterrett, S days from Balti more, in ballast to E A Souder ,Sc Co. Behr licrnet, Holmes, 4 days from New York, with potatoes to captain . . Schr T Smith, fi bye from Quincy, with wise to captain. Schr Bucephalua, Bush, 5 days from Provincotown, with mdse to George B Kerfoot. Soler Loei, 31.4esteo, 1 dity Goa Brondlo&lno, Del, with corn and meal to It 1d Lea. Behr Alphonso, Vincent, 1 day from Salem, N J, with wheat to James L Bewley & Co. Sebr Annie Gibbons. Straughn,l day from Salem, NJ, with MINI to James L Euwloy S Co. . . . _ Sehr Ida, Vanderslice, 1 day from St Georges, Del, with oats to Janice L Bewley & Co. Seim J S Buckmaster, Smith, 1 day from Frederica, Del, with corn to James L Bewley & Co. CLEARED Bark Bayard (Norwegian), Thursen, Belfast, Ireland, Raphael k Co. Scbr Free Wind, Jones, Allen's Point, L Audenried & Co_ Sehr W T Phillips, Smith, New York, Lee & Co. (Correspondence of the Philadelphia Exchange.) LEWES, Del, Dec 26 The briny W II Park, for Both, end PA:IMM for Port land, have rebirtied to the Breakwater. The schooner reported in rnk last as being burned proves to be the Silo B Holmes, from New York, with hay, bound to Balti more. We succeeded in towing her to the beach, where wan entirely eenstunati_ Yours, kc., JOUR P. MARSHALL. MBIAORA.NDA Ship Wizard King, Cone, from London for New York, 'nut into Cowes Bth inst. having run into the French oohs It'mire, Lotin, for St Wary (8 8) [or Swansea, on the 4th inst, off Portland, at 11.30 P M, and which was dis masted. The captain and three of the crew got on board the Wizard King; one sailor missing, supposed to be dints nett Thus ship ronoirod but very alight daimon to her eutwater. The Annie Ball, 0111, from Paßina for Philadelphia, which got on shore on Oyster Island, had been got off on the sth inst, and wouln be surveyed. Ship Flying Childers, Lector, from Now York for San Francisco, vas apoken 10111 nit, Int 10 N, long 9. Ship Waverly, Henry, sailed from Calcutta 28th Octo ber, for Calle. Ship Sabine, Cromwell, sailed from Calcutta 30th ()eta bid% for Colombo_ Ship Albert (hurler, Rayuca, sailed from Calcutta 2,1 tilt, For Russel', Ship Continental, Johnson, cleared at Calcutta 2d ult, for Bombay. Ship ISMIC II Boardman, Brown, for Idverfuml, galled Fran ElatuititutlOth Ship Crown Point, Knapp, cleared at Boston 24th inst for Bombay. Ship Atalanta, 'Merrill, from Liverpool for Valparaiso, was spnlon tlth air, lilt S N, long 114, _ Ship Phantom, Sargent, from San Francieco for Shang bee, at Honolulu oth October, awl proceeded 10th. Ship Dirigo, Bnelzminster, from Boston for Melbourne was spoken oth nit, hat 10 N, long 31 W. ship Juienta, Young, cleared at Now York 24th Mat for Shanahan. Ship Richard 111, Greenough, at Callao 26th ult, from San Francisco, and sailed 28th for Chincha Islands. Ship hook Light, Hndloy, from Chincha islands, at COW? gitli tilt. Snip J w raw, Orowell, Info] from Callao 21st lilt for Chillellfl.lllllllda. Ship 'Highlander, Sherman, from Calcutta, at London 911, inst. gip W D Brown' Munniond, cleared at London ilth inst. For Newport RIM Montevideo. Ship Tarquin, from Calcutta Ist August, at Boston 26th lust. Ship Pontiac, Jones, cleared at Liverpool 7112 inst. for Ellin Franke, Ship Northland, Any, from Portamouth via Cardiff for Shanghae, put into Plymouth 7th inst. Ship St Charles, Conway, from Antwerp for New York, put into Cowes 7th instant, with pumps choked with sand ban!: . . Ship Alice Walton, Itolmes, from Callao, wail off Queenstown 7111 inst. Shit, Monica, Will, Bailed from Liverpool Bth inet for Bombay. Bhip John Jay, Doty, from Hong Kong ad October, for Neu' York, hut Into &neonate Nor _leaky. Bark Old Hickory, Holmes, for Philadelphia, remained at Havre Mb inst. - Bark Pacific (Br), Bennett, hence, at Belfast, Ireland, 10th inst. Bark Whcoi Pwacinti l ;it 1 4Cring Witt %A 4-9 n. Alicante, Bark Army, Canwitell, from Tent Graz, at /few York 26th Iron, with cochineal, kc. Brig G W Barter, Gilchrist, from Cardenas, at New York 26th inst. • - Brig Elizabeth, Trumbull, mailed from fitly We et 2let inet for Canlmam. Brig 'Moonlight, Snell, cleared at Boston 24th lust for Buenos Ayres. Sclir Nary B Hudson, Hudson, at Key West 21st lust, to tall for Cuba MM. Schr II P SIMMOTIF. Godfrey, henco for Now London, at New "York 20th inst. Mal heavy W gales; lost fore sail. Seim E Townsend, Williams, hence for Lynn, at New York 26110115 t, B.elir fevers, Shepard, remained at Myr" UM Mat, Behr S T Harrison, Grace, cleared at New York 26th hist for Cape May. Saw L S Levering, Corson, cleared at Boston 26th inet RI Wilmington, Del. • sonr ;Amu a Anion, GoitireT, at SiiilAfitTlT Schr S W Pornlor, Atkins, at Now York 26th inst, from ➢Tilton, Mel. Behr Ala Undo, Tolley, hence, nt Baltimore 20th inst. Ochre COW, rAMon, Roi..inoon, and Potty, tioloants, hence, off Nal ma 11th hod, not being permitted to land their coal for war purposes. Fehr Amy Wooider, Wooster, cleared at St John, N B, lath hod, for rhiladebbift, Ma , Yaloroue, Oxiier, for Philadelphia, cleared at Halifax 19th inst. Seim C Matthews, at Portland, from Matanzas, reports that on Sunday, Bth lust, in the latitude of Savannah, in 40 fathoms water, was boarded by a boat from ship Eliza Bomall, belonging to Charleston, but under British flag. The captain reported that they were trying to get into Savannah, but that they cleared for Nassau, NP. They had been off there four days, and were in hopes of falling in with a privateer to pilot them in. Tho day preitous they saw skip (;neat Republic and three of our men-of war, but wore not spoken or boarded. Captain Kelley, of the C Matthews, further reports that three days after, off Cape Hatteras, was spoken by gunboat Itaska, bound red oet.id the above facial an they parted, the ofti care of the Itaska said : an We will look after her case." The Eliza Bonsall, when last seen, was standing north, with the wind from the eastward. . U S corvette Mace(buten, Copt Glynn, from St Thomas - *AA 2810, loose 72 20_ - . . . ti S steamer Wyoming had left Panama for anyaoull and the south. The Lancaster was about to sail for San Francisco. The Cyano was at Panama and the Bain bridge at Aspinwall on the 14th intt, PURE PORT WINE. DUQUE DO PORTO WINE, BOTTLER IN PORTUGAL IN 1820. Physicians and invalids in want of a reliable article of pure Port Wine can be supplied by inquiring for the 'Lave 121131 A at CANTWELL k KItErERIS. Southeast corner GERMANTOWN Avenue and MASTER &reek HENNESSY ; VINE-YARD PRO prima, Dinquiti TriG9ol9 11 , 1 nOrcticl LIAO% and other approved brands of CIOGNAO BRANDY, for ego, in bond and from atoro, by CANTWELL HEIFER, Without corner GirdiKANTOWN Avenue and ILfaiTEE. Stmt. QTU.ART'S PAISLEY MALT WHIS- Al ET? Ptivtesittees vow Rct'inilutcy, Old Van Gin, Old London Gin, London Cordial Gin, Boblea's Gin, In bond and store. CANTWELL & REFFER, Seatbeset aornor CiIIRMAIITOWN Avenue and MASTER Street. ZOUA E CHAMPAGNE. —A new brand—an excellent article. Imported and for eat. ate price to or& the time, L T WEE, eoutheitat corner or GERIEIAIVIOWN Avenue and fdABTEB street. RIIDESHEIMER-BERG, LAIIBEN HEIDIEII, and HOGIEffEIIIIIIIt WINE{ in oases of one dozen bottles each •; warranted pure. Imported and for sale low by CANTWELL it HEFNER, south east corner GERMANTOWN Avenue and MASTER street, ZIMMERMAN'S DRY CATAWBA WINIC.—Thie approved brand of Cincinnati wino, the beat article out for " coition," for eale Dam bat. tied and in easels by CANTWELL Q 4 NEEFLIL &nth. east corner GERMANTOWN Avenue and MASTER Street. se24-6m PRACTICAL AND ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY.—The Laboratory of the subscribers le open daily, from 0 A, M, to 6 P, AL, for Analyses of Ores, Guanoe, Waters, &c. Also, for the Instruction of Students in Chomietry, Mineralogy, and Geology. Opinions given in Chemical questions. Special Instruction in MEDICAL CHEMISTRY. JAMES 0_ BOOTH. THOS. H. GARRETT, JNO. J. REESE, M. D., 0e4.3m No. 10 CHANT Street, Tenth, below Market. - TORN WELSH, Pitiotioal SLAT.N ti ROOFER, TREED Street and GERMANTOWN Bead, is prepared to put on any amount of BOOTING, en the moat MODERATE TERMS. Will guaranty to sake MIT Building perfectly Watertight wir Orders promptly attended to. mY749 110 EVANS & WATSON'S SALAMANDER Urn. 'SWORD, 16 !MTH FOURTH EITIMIT, PHILADELPHIA, PA. A large variety of VIBE-pitoor BAFICI3 always on hand. F ORNEY'S "WAR PRESS." The intense interest everywhere felt in the mighty con test in which the Armies and Fleets of the Nation are (swaged, ON THE POTOMAC, IN IV - En Karr IN KENTUCKY, IN MISSOURI, ON THE REA. onksfr. and elsewhere, and the existing demand for a Weekly Journal that will furnish a full and accurate account of the thrilling events of this exciting and ever-memorable period, aiLeeptablo alilth to Soldier.* in OMAN le Peasant Firesides, to those who wish to obtain the latest war news, and to those who desire to preserve in a convenient form, for future reference, a correct History of the aroai 2rotAttoo, /me; lanced me to common - cc, on. SATURDAY, NOV.. 16. 1861. the publication of a GREAT WAR PAPER; (in lien of the present issue of the Weekly Press,) to be called 44 FORNEY'S WAR PRESS." It will be printed in superior style, on a large quarto sheet of eight pages, and each number will present the fallowing ATTRACTIVE }'En-XURES, viz : Illustrating an event of the War, or a MAP of some log cality where important operatioua are in contemplation A AAQQAP QA TPA hATA*T WAA NAMSS from all parts of the country, received during each week by Mail and by Telegraph, from numerous SPECIAL 0011,BESPONDENTS, and all other reliable sources of informaloil 14118Eit. Ciagitlao Frain Washington during the tut ems years have been singularly correct in their statements and predictions, and whose comments upon public affairs have been copied and read with deep interest through out the 'whole country i ...Barbadoes, Dec. 30 St Jago de Cuba, soon A THRILLING SKETCH OR TALE, ilinstratire or the romantic incidents connected with the War; GLEANINGS FROM THE RICH TREASURES OF WAR-WIT ARD WAR-POETRY, that are elicited by the mighty events now transpiring; ABLE EDITOBIALS ON THE GREAT QUEEITIOND OF THE DAY; THE LATEST LOCAL AND GENERAL NEWS; ♦ SUMMARY OE RELIGIOUS INTELLIGENCE, interesting to all Denorainationai IMPORTANT ARTICLES FROM FIRST-GLASS ACCURATE MARKET REPORTS, Including the Cattle Markets of Philadelphia, Now York, and other places, the Money Market, and Ileporta of the Prices of Produce and Merchandiae. Efforts will constantly be made to introduce such new features as will render the " WAR PRESS" one of the most popular and attractive Journals of the country. If, contrary to general expectation, the war should he and. denly brought to a close, its columns will be Mod with article that Will prove deeply interesting to its readers. One cony, one year Three copies, one year.... Five copies, one year...., Ten copies, one year. 12 00 Larger Clubs will be charged at the same rate, thus: 20 copies will cost $24; 50 copies will cost $6O; and 100 copies, qp.p. We also offer the following EXTRAORDINARY INDUCEMENTS! To every Subscriber remitting us $2 we will forward by mail a first-rate, new, large COLORED MAP of the Southern States, which gives the most useful and coin• prehensive view of the Seat of War, and descriptions of the important localities of the South, that has yet been published. Its retail price is fifty cents, and it is well Werth double that sum, We will also forward one copy of this Map to any per son who Bends um a club of three, of five, or of ten sub. scribers. Aiw itafgAti ki.hdlad us a dub of twenty suloiselbses, accompanied with $24, will be entitled to an extra copy (for the getter of the club,) and also to a copy of the above-mentioned Map. In p r •Ae r ip further. e tinntlete ireltvidual exertion to ex tend the circulation of the "WAIL PRESS," we offer the following liberal premiums: will be presented to the person or persons who may pro cure the largest list of subscribers by the let of April. /502. jrirlX DOLLASid to the person forwarding the second highest number by the same period, and to the person forwarding the third largest number up to that time. The conditions or Ma roregoing premiums require all Subscriptions to be paid in advance for ON& YEAR, at the rates pnblinhed above. and other loyal citizens, are earnestly solicited to amid in extending the circulation of the " WAR PRESS' They may rest assured that they will thereby not only pleura to out.ocriLoro a eirot-tojontnall, bnt one +Amick will be an earnest champion of the vigorous proseoution of the war and the restoration of the Union. SPECIMEN COPIES will be furnished to those who rh.lim4tl.6hi_ Subscriptions may commence at any time. Terms ALWAYS CASH, in advance. All Lettere to be addressed to THE PRESS.-PHILADELPHIA, SATURDAY. DECEMBER 28, 1861. WINES AND LIQUORS. BUSINESS NOTICES_ A BEAUTIFUL ENGRAVING, THE LETTERS OF 460CCAS1ONALOP WRITERS, TERMS: 62 00 ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS IN CASK TWENTY-FIVE ItoLLARs ALL TiOATMIATN.I34, JOHN W. FORNEY, "PRESS" thrice, 417 CHESTNUT STREET FROTH:INGHAM & WELLS, 34 BOUTII WBODTT ATM 311 LETITLt OTBRET, OPFER FOR BALI DROWN AND BLEACHED SHEETING% MASSACHUSETTS, GREAT FALLS LACONIA, EVERETT ? LOWELL. IPSWICH, HAMPDEN, SHAWLS, BEAVER CLOTHS, TRICOTS ? CASSIMERES, FLANNELS, TWEEDS, FROM THE WASHINGTON (WI BAY BM%) AND OTHER MILLS. oclan SHIPLEY, HALARD, & HUTCHINSON, No. HA CHESTNUT STREET. CIONNIBBION hI BORANTS /ON TIM SILL Of PHILADELPHIA-M_ADE GOODS. se2s-6m ANDREWS' ORIGINAL CAMP, OR TRAVELLING BED TRUNK. (Patent applied for) For sate by W. A. ANDREWS. nol6-2m No. 612 OH&STNUT Street. ARMY CONTRACTORS AND SUTLERS SUPPLIED WITH. BRUSHES at the loweet raise. Always 9R Renal q 140 100905 VT CAVALRY BRUSHES, Government standard ; WAGON BRUSHES, Government standard And every Description of Brusires required for the Army KEMBLE Jo VAN HORN, 0016.241 821 - MARKET Street, Philadelphia. ARMY FLANNELS. WELLING, COFFIN, & CO., 116 CHESTNUT STREET, An Roared to make contracts, for Immediate delivery, WHITE DOBEET FLANNELS, alljD ALI. WOOL INDIGO BLUE FLANNELS, of Government standard. 004-tf CADET MUSKF,TS AND EQUIP MENTS.—We have just made to order a lot of su perior 'MUSKETS suitable for Philadelphia Cadets. They are light and neat, such as every parent would wish to piano in thelands of their sons, affording healthful ex ercise without being so heavy as to injure the spine. Also, CADET EQUIPMENTS made to Hlasko pat tern. PHILIP WILSON & CO., no3o-1m (a/MTNUI Stud, SIiOEMAL.K.ER FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC WINDOW AND PLATE GLASS. WHITE LEAD AND ZINC PAINTS, PUTTY, &a FRENCH ZINC PAINTS. Dealers and consumers supplied at VERY LOW PRICES FOR CAM JUST RECEIVED, per 6 g Annie Kim ball," from Liverpool, Blander, Weaver, & Mari &Oa .rebaratiene! 25 %a Extract Aceniti, in 1 lb jars. 25 Ibe Extract Hyosoryami, in 1 11k jars. 50 ,be Extract Belladonna, in 1 lb jars. 100 lbs Extract Taraxaci, in 1 lb jars. 60 Se yin ROI Colajoi, 1.1 lb [azalea. 100 The 01. Bnccini Rect., in llb bottler,. 500 be Calomel, inl lb bottle€. 500 be Pil Hydrarg., in lib jars. WETHERELL & BROTHZE, mLS 4f land 40 itox-kb Al 3 i561311$ &reek EIEENSE REDUCTION LOOKING GLASSES. OIL PAINTILM, lINATIAVDTCIB, IIOTTIRIC AND PHOTOGRAPH PRAMS& JAMES S. EARLE 85 SON, biG OANOTAIIT ifTBART, announce the reduction of 25 per cent. in the prime of all Mel Manufactured Stock of Looking Glasses ; also, in Ingraiduge, Picture and Photograph 'Frames, Oil ?ting ing. The largest and most elegant assortment In the country. A rare opportunity le now offered to make purl thaw in this line Nor (Mah e at remarkably Low Primal 5, - 11 w 011:=IRFA 0 1 0 •00 4BA MATERIALS FOR MINCE PIES. BUNCH AND LAYER RAISINS, CITRON. DI:IRRANTS, SPICES', SWEET CIDER, WINES, 'lv ALBERT C. ROBERTS, de6-tt Corner of ELEVENTH and VINE Streets. MACKEREL HERRING, SHAD, SALMON, &0.-8.000 bbls Mess Noe. 1,2, and 8 IIACKEREL, large, medium, and small, in assorted aokages of choice, late-caught, fat fish. 0,000 bbls. New Halifax, Eastport, and I,orador Esp. hiss, or gbiliC9 qualities, 0,000 boxes extra new scaled Herrings. 8,000 boxes extra new No. 1 Herrings. 8,000 ibexes large Magdaline Herrin" 260 bbbi, Mackinac White Fish. 60 bbis. new Economy Mem Mud. 26 bbis. new Halifax Salmon. 1,000 quintals Grand Bank Codfish. 600 boxes Herkimer County Cheese. To atom And /WWI for vole Ay 11II1iPHT 6 ROOM, nob No. 146 NORTH WHARVEIL C ABINET FURNITURE AND BIL LIARD TABLES. MOORS & OAMFION, No. 281 South SECOND Street, n connection with their extensive Cabinet Etiolates ma sow manufacturing a superior article of BILLIARD TABLES, And Lays now ov band a full deldked with the bfOOBE 4 CAMPION'S IMPROVED CUSIIIDNS, which are pronounced, by all who have used them, to be superior to all others. For the quality and finish of these Tables the Rotor - ora robr 4o their to e Union who are familiar with the oharacterof their work au2l.6in 5 00 8 00 da PENN STEAM ENGINB AND BOILER WORHI3.—NEAFIII LEVY, PRACTICAL AND THEORETICAL ENGI NEERS. MACHINISTS. BOILER.MAIC2II3, EDAM SMITHS, and FOUNDERS, having, [or many part, been in successful operation, and been exclusively en gaged in building and repairing Marine and River En gizmo, high and low pressure, Iron Boats, Water Tent* Propellers, Ito., so., respectfully offer their OM NI to the Dubuc, as tieing Cully prepared to contract for In. glues of all sizes, Marine, River, and Stationary, haviti. sets of patterns of different sizes, are prepared to axe cute .orders with quick despatch. Every description.ot Pattern making made at the ehertest notice. High and Low Preserve, Flue, Tubular, and Cylinder Boiler., of the best Pennsylvania charcoal iron. Forelegs, of all sizes sad kinds; Iron and Braes Castings, of ell de ecriptione ,Roll 'Turning, Screw Cutting, and all ottigtf work connected with the above business. Drawing. end Speciti,Atione for all work done at VW establishment, free of charge, and work guarantied. The subscribers have ample wharf-dock room for re. pairs of boats, where they can fie In perfect safety, ens are provided With shears, blocks, falls, die, to Isising heavy or light weights. JACOB 0. AMATO, JOHN P. LEVY, Se34-tt BEACH and PALMER Street. I. VAUGHAN MIKRION, 10811 I. 00P14 WILLIAM H. MERRIER, HARTLEY WEIIIEII QOUTUWARK FOUNDRY, kJ WITH AND WASHINGTON STBUII, ffilinufectare High and Low Pressure Steam linsfase [Orland, river, and marine service. Valli, Dow Deals ! &e.l Oast tags of all kinds,either iron or brass. Iron-Frame oots for Gas Works, Workshops, Ball. road Stations, &o. Retorts and Gas Machinery or the latest and most Improved courisacktwa. Every description of Plantation Machinery, each tie Sugar, Saw, and Grist Mills, Vacuum Pans, Open SUM Trains, Detonators, Filters, Pumping Engines, &c. Sole Agents for N. Billieux's Patent Sugar Bolling Appearahm Verppardep talent Mesas nstaamor t Ina li pinwall & Wolsey's Patont Centrifugal Sugar Draining Machine. anfolit LAMP 131W,iE4TylltigUFACTOILY Southeast comer of NINTH and ARCH Street', Wholesale Eatablishment. Retail Store, opposite, No. 831 ARCH Street, For converkieure er looly eustormen, whe will Bad there the moat suitable article for a OlaMaus twawaii• no2s4dehll PHILADELPHIA. comminOWN HOMES. SHIRTINGS, DRILLS, MANS, OILECIAS, CANTON FLANNELS, fatal NM LYMAN', DWIGHT, VhUQT, CHIOOPEK, and BABTLEIT MILLS. imnsTruns, A FULL ASSORTMENT OF BLANKETS, AND ARMY GOODS, MILITARY GOODS. DRUGS AND CHEMICALS. & CO., Northeag Corner FOURTH and BADE Street", PHILADELPHIA, WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS, IMPORTERS AND DEALERS • MANUFACTURERS 01 AGENTS FOR THE CELEBRATED LOOKING GLASSES. S 1 CHESTNUT Street. GROCERIES. SULTANA AND SEEDLESS RAISINS, DEALER IN FINE GROCERIES, CABINET FURNITURE. MACHINERY AND IRON. PII/LJLDELPIITA MERRICK & gONR, JINGINBERB AND MAOHINISTB, INSURANCE COMPANIES. DELAWARE MUTUAL SAFETY INSURANCE OOMPANY.—lucorporated by a6..Le g :A:Ace. PARISLIYIVABIII. NRS. moo.. s.<,<,r nor T 11110) and WALNUT Streets, Philadelphia. M. rine Ineurance ou Vessels, Cargo, and Freight, to all parts of the world. Inland Insurances on goods, by river, canal, lake and land carriage, to all parts of the Union VIM INBURANCEB On Merchandise generally. On Stores, Dwelling llounee, &c. ASSETS OF THE COMPANY, NOY. 1, 1861. Mitt OoBT. $lOO,OOO UMW States Flvo nor mil Loan. $100,250 00 50,000 U. States El per ct. Treasury Notes. 49, 994. 37 25,000 United States Sevnn and Three tenths Treasury Notes.... 25,000 On 100.000 State of Pollll_ Pivo nor EL Loan. 89,601 25 123,050 Plat. City 81x tor coot, Loan... 119,418 17 30,000 State of Teunemoe Fire per event. Loan 20,000 Pennsylvania Railroad, let Mort owe Six Der cent. Bonds. 50,000 Pennsylvania Railroad, 2d Mort gage Six per cent. Bonds... 15,000,300 Shares Stock Germantown Gas Co. Principal and interest r; ,.,.ry.,1.-e.l-l.y the, 04 of Philadelphia. 5,000,100 Shares Stock Penn. It. R. Co. Bills receivable for insurances made.. Bonds and mortgages • • • • ..... Balances due at Agencies—premiums on Karina Policies, interest, and other debts due the Company Scrip and Stook of sundry Insurance and ' ' other Vompanies, q , 17,013, estimated Cali on band—in Banks $51,098 03 in Drawer. 517 33 DIRECTORS. Samuel E.ftokes, J. F. Penbston, liellrY Bloan, El warn Darlington. A. Jones Brooke, Spencer M'llvaine, Thomas i. Hand, Robert. ItiArtoi, 'lacol. P. Jonee, James B. McFarland, Joshua P: Eyre, IJohn B. Semple, Pittsburg, D. T. tf...,, w ,..., Plt.A.r s , A. B. Berger, Pittsburg. MARTIN, President. J. HAND, Vice President. cretary. de2l-tf William Martin, Edmund A. Solider, Unpinllia ralliding, John it. Femme, John C. Davis, James Triumair, William Byre Jr., William C. Ludwig, Joseph H. Seal, Dr. 11. N. Ruston, George C. Leiper, lit.gh Charles Kelly, WILLTII3I THOMAS C. HENRY LIL BURN, Se( THE RELIANCE MUTUAL INSURANCE 005IPARY1 OFFICE No. 305 WALNUT STREET, Insures against LOSS OR DAMAGE BY FIRE, on Houses, Stores, and other buildings, limited sr icryetual, and on Furniture, Goode, Wares, and Mer chandise, in town or country. QUI ihir/TAII I 820/ 1 i10.90—A619/GT6 sarranal, Which Is innottsi as follows, 113 In Bret mortgage on city property, worth double the amount " $/02,1100 00 Pennsylvania Railroad Co.'s 6 per cent. first _ mortgage loan, at par 6,000 00 Dennayleania Railroad Co.'s 0 per cent, se cond mortgage loan, (P 303,000) 117,900 00 Huntingdon and Broad Top Railroad and Canal Co.'s mortgage loan - 000 00 Ground rent, first-class 2,462 60 ,aletaral bees, seclased 6,566 06 NO of Philadelphia 6 per cent loan 40,000 00 Allegheny County 6 per cent. Pa. BR. lean. 10,000 00 Commercial Bank stock 6,136 01 Mechanics' Bank stock 2,812 BO eieek _____ 4,006 00 The Reliance Mutual Insurance Co.'s stock. 25,850 00 The County Fire Insurance Co.'s stock 1,060 00 The Delaware M. 3. Insurance Co.'s stock.. 700 00 Union Mutual Insurance Co.'s scrip .. 880 00 14,002 74 Book accounts, accrued interest, A. . 7,104 65 Clash on hand 11,544 04 The Mutual principle, combined with the security of • stock Capital, entitles the insured to participate in the PZOFITS of the Company, without liability for LONA& Leases promptly edjueted and paid. DIRECTORS, Samuel Bispitatuj Robert Steen, William Musser, Benj. W. Tingley, Diarehell J. Johnson Drown, Charles Leland, Jacob T. Bunting, Smith Bowen, John Bissell, Pittshorit, TINGLEY, President. Clem Tingley, William R. Thompson, Frederick Brown, William Stevenson, John B. Worrell, B. D. Gareon, Robert Toland, G. D. Bosengarten, Charles S. Wood, James 13. Woodward, OLE B. H. HINOEMAN, Secretor February 16, 1861. 'FIRE INSURANCE_ MECHANICS' INSIIIIANOE COMPANY ON PHILADELPHIA, No. 188 North SIXTH Street, below Baca, Insure Buildings, Goode, and Merchandise gene rally, from Loss or Damage by Tire. The Company pa es signet eii teem praniptin wad titorei4 trope to merit the patronage or the public.. DIBEOTORS. William Morgan, Francis Cooper, (Norge L. Loupes 1n James Marlin, James Duross, Matthew McAleer, PtITIR4 14 5 .P.Mt Tlmotiu 71valphiLip Thomas Fisher, Francis McManus, DVTLIEISVIS. I.ll2llMiliAiiill Charles Clare, Michael Cahill. CIS COOPER, President. 4{47, 904 MUM DAT?lgArrt PENN MUTUAL LIFE INSU RANCE COMPANY, No. 921 CHESTNUT Street, Philadelphia. CHARTER PERPETUAL. ALL THE PROFITS DIVIDED AMONG THE IN. SUEED. Insure Lives for short termer fat the wholeterm of lifm pant Annuties and Endowments. purchase Life Inte reale rarale, and make all couir.cis depandh,. en the contingencies of life. They act as Executors, Administrators, Assignees, Trustees, and Guardians. ASSETS. OF THE COMPANY, January 1, 1881. Mortgages, //round rents,. real estate 5884.08101 United States stocks, Tteklttil notes, leehti of State of Pennsylvania, city of Philadel phia., dm 988,795 84 Premium notes, loans or collaterale, /to 227,694 58 Polfilidt4VAlSlA, North Paunaylvannk roads, and County 8 per cent. bonds 166,806 80 Bank, insurance, railroad, sang stocks, dm. 97,647 49 Cash on hand, agents' balances, Ac., 88,206 14 el,ffl p ilig 61 DANIEL L. MILLER, Pmamt. SAMUEL E. STOKES, Vice Preeident. lon' W. Emma, Secretary. FIRE INSURANCE EXCLUSIVE LY.—The PENNSYLVANIA FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY. Incorporated 1825. CHARTER PER PETUAL. No. 610 WALNUT Street, opposite Lidepend ewe &mare. This Company, favorably known to the community for thirty-!ix years, continues to insure against Loss or Da mage by Fire, on public or private Buildinge, either per manently or for a limited time. Also, on Furniture, gtocke of Goode, or Merchandise generally, on liberal serme. Their Capital, together with a large Surplus Fund, is Invested in the most careful monner, which enables them to offer to the insured an undoubted• security in the can of low _ . _ DIRECTORS. Jonathan Patterson, Thomas Robins, Qnintin Campbell, Daniel Smith, Jr., Alexander Benson, John Devereux, William hionteliaa i Thomas Smith. Isaac Hunlabium" JONATHAN WILLIAM G. CROWELL. PATTERSON, Praddent. rotary. _ spit ANTHRACITE INSURANCE COMPANY. Authorized Capital 41400,000 CHARTER PERPETUAL.': Office No. 311 WALNUT Street, between Third and F9E4 11 §treetal Philadelphia. Tide Ovinpeny will Aware ovaries ion or damage by lire, on Bruildinge i Furniture, and Blerehandlee gene rally. Aleo, Marine Inenranoes on Vessel!, Cargoes, and heights. Inland Insurance to all parts of the Union. DLII32OTOR£I. Joseph Maxfield, John Ketcham John IL Maki:ton, Wm. F. Dean, /1, Dolma. BBDEB, President. DEAN, Vice President. Jacob Esher, D. Luther, L. Audernied, Rolle Peareou, rotor Sieger, 3/1.00 WM. W. N. SKITE, Secretary I NSURANCE COMPANY OF THE STATE OP PENNSYLVANIA—OFFIOE Noe. 4 and 5 EXCHANGE BUILDINGS, North side of WAL NUT Street, between DOSE and THIRD Stave* Phila. delphin_ LNCORPOP.ATID In 1701—CHAP.T111 PIRPITUAL. CAPITAL, $200,000. PROPERTIES OF THE COMPANY, FEBREMRY 1, 1861, $507,094.61. warms, Toren, AND INLAND TD.ANSPORTA TION INSIIRA.I‘O2. DDIZOTOBIL Henry D. Sherrerd, Samuel Grant, Jr., Charles Basilicata., Tobias Wagner, William S. Smith, Thomas B. Watson, John B. Budd, • Henry G. Freeman, William B. White, thumbs S. Lewis, George H. Stuart, George G. Oarson, Rdeunsa C_ Knight_ HENRY D. IDIEMIED.D, President. WILLIAM HARPER, Secretary. i729-tr • THE ENTERPRISE INBI7IIANCE COMPANY OF PHILADELPHIA. (FIRE INSURANCE EXCLUSIVELY.) 0011IPANY'S BUILDING, 8. W. CORNER JOUSTS AND WALNUT STREET& DIRECTORS. F. Ratchford Starr, Mordecai L. Dawson, William McKee, Geo. H. Stuart, Ifielbro Frazier John H. Brown ietim b. A, voimovioZl 4 Benj T. Trediok, Andrew D. Cash, Henry Wharton, J. L. Erringer. F. RATCHFORD STARS, Proddent. OlAniata W. Coin. Secretars A MERICAN FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY. Incorporated 1810. CHARTER PERPETUAL. No. 810 WALNUT Street, above Third, Philadelphia. Having a large paid•np Otipltal Much and 011111TUII In• vested in sound and available Securities, continues to Insure on Dwellings, Stores, Furniture, Merchandise, Yes. eels in port and their Cargoes, and other Personal Pro perty, All Desna liberally and promptly adjusted. Thomas B. Maria, James S. Campbell, John Welsh; Edmund G. Dutilh, Samuel 0. Morton, Martell W. Walt:am Pad* Dradri ierati Mcnish 301 ill T, Lewis, THOM/ ALM! 0. L. 011LIFFOAD, • E. KARA President Secretary. re 1-Y MI%OIE/INGE INSURANCE COS. PANT—Office, He. 409 WALNUT threat. lire Insurance on Houses, and Merchandise gonersUb en favorable terms, either Limited or PorpetuaL DIBZOXOIIB. seinik - afik Hansen, Thomas Hank John Q. Ginnodo, Oharlott Thomson, Mdward H. Roberts, James T. Hale, _ Samuel D. Smedley, Joshua T. Owen, John J. Griffiths. Reuben 0. Hala hatE H BONSALL, Prmident JOHN Q. OINNODO, Vim Priaddent Thinuin Ooa. Becretary. Jai rrizußAros, OYSTERS STEWED A- AND FETED, AND (HIGHER laden Cards and other notices will be distributed in all ports of the city, with punctuality. The undersigned is at all times prepared to present, for the loaneetton of Ladies and Gentlemen, a lie& of the &frisk beam/try for a large or small entertainment, as the ease may be, thereby avoiding all unnecessary profusion and waste; and flatters himself, that by his long expe rience la business, he will be able at all times to give, as tavttefora„ entire satisfaction to all who favor Um with their patronage. HENRY JONES, Caterer, No. 260 Swath TWELFTH Street, above SPRUCE. oel-em Q, l l l ll/131 -SCOURING AND TAILOR ING done at the shortest notice. HENRY B. BASCOM, 137 SEVENTH Street, above Walnut. BASCOIR'S plan the times is to recommend titan t 9 old Clanisa 46 him, and have them made now. Ml3O, their Clothe, and have them fashion ably made up. delo-17 'CURD PRINTING, BEST AND 0t, 0 444. In Wei City, at RINGWALT & BROWN Bo DI &oath TRIED Stmt. 11090 WINTER AR BA NOEMENL—PRILADEL. WILIMITUTInt, AHD BALTfIIIO SAIL. ROAD. PASSENGER TRAINS LEAVE PHILADELPHIA For Baltimore at 8.30 A. M., 8.15 A. M. 111.85 A. M., (Biareal). and 10.60 P. M. For Cheater at 815 A. M.,11.86 A. M., 8.46 sad 10.50 P. M. For Wilmington at 3.30 A. M., 8.16 A. M., 11.36 A. M., 8.45 and 49,09 P . M. rut' Zfow Qarnlo at 5.10 A. M. *Da 5.45 F. M. For Dover at 8.15 A. M. and 3.45 P. M. For Milford at 8.15 A. M. For Salisbury at 8.15 A. M. TRAINS FOB . PHILADELPLI/A : Y.artfreere at e,BO R. 111, (Erwinlhl.9 o (Express), 5.20, and 7 P. M. (Express). Leave Wilmington at 7.30 and 11.88 A. M., Cul, 8 45, and 9.50 P. M. Leave tielisbnrY at 2.35 P. M. Lorry., Milford at 4.55 Y.. M. Leave Dover at 9 A. X. and 6.10 P. X. Leave New Castle at 11 A. M. and 8.10 P. M. Leave Chester at 8.20 A.M., 12.13, 4.60, and 9.30 P. M. Leave Baltimore for dallebnry and Intermediate dation 15.20 end 7 P. 111 ror Dover and intermediate stations 1.05 P. M. TRAINS FOR BALTIMORE : Leave Cheater at 8.46 A. 61., 12.06 and 11.20 P. M. Leave Wilmington at 4.30 A, lit, 93.6 A. 31..17.36 P, and 12 11, X. FREIGHT TRAIN, with Passenger Oar attached, 24,075 00 20,000 00 46,130 83 14,587 50 5,000 00 500,780 OT 75,000 00 51,50 35 43,131 OT 51,615 36 OSONIZO At 3.00 A. M. and 10.60 P. N. from Plilladelphia to Ealtimore. At 7 from Baltimore to Philadelphia. The 3..20 A. M. train from Philadelphia to Baltimore will run daily. ilonnays emefitod. 5029-tf 9.-M. FELTON, Preddent. 1861. .I. L : ' 1861. 11.111 At 6 A. M, via Camden and Amboy, O. and A. Ac commodation 659 26 At 6 A. N., via Camden and Jamey City, (N. J. Accommodation) 996 At *% A. N., via Remington and JerseyCity,Morn.. ing Mail 810 At 121 i P_ M., via Camden and Amboy, Aeonmmn. dation 226 At 2 P. M., via Camden and Amboy, 0. and A. Ex- men 8 00 At 4 P. M., via Camden and Jersey City, Evening II 60 St 4 P. M., Tie Canuten and Jersey City, 2tl Class Ticket • 296 At 6% P. M., via Kensington and Jersey City,. Eve ning Nail 600 A* la P. M.., min Meskainßton and JoreormsT, ern Mail g 00 At 6 P. M., via Camden and Amboy, Accommoda tion, (Freight and Passenger)-10. Class Ticket.. 2 26 Do. do. 2d Claes Ticket.. 1 50 The P_ M Mill Line 21111i1 d aily , Sundays excepted. The 12 P. M. tionthem Mail runs daily. • For Water Gap, Stroudsburg, Scranton, Wilkosbarre, Montrose, Great Bend, &c., 7.10 A. M. from Kensington, Ma Delaware. Lackawanna, and Western B. B. For Maaeh Chunk, illlmitate's, Bethlehem, fielvidowt. Flagon, Lambertville, Flemington, kM, at 7.10 A. M.; from Kensington Depots awl P. M. from Walnut street Wharf ; (the 7.10 A. M. line connects with train leaving Easton for Manob Ohnnk at 3.35 P. N.) For Mount Mohr at A. M, 2 and 4P. X. Per irmatid at 8 A. M. and 2 P. IL WAY LINES. Vor Brietol, Trenton, &c., at 7.10 and 9% A. Id., 5 6 30, and 11 P N., from Kensington, and 2% P. M. from Walnut.etteet wharf_ _ . For Palmyra, Riverton, Delano, Beverly, Burling ton, Florence, Bordentown, &c., at 12X,1, 5, and P. M. Steamboat Trentom for Bordentown and Intermediate pocoes, at Sjf P. M.. from Walnut-et wharf. Or' For New York and Way Lines leaving Kensing ton Depot, take the cars, on Fifth street, above Walnut, half an hour before departure. The cars run into the depot, and on arrival of each train run from tho depot. Parr ,sounds of .tta ffs ... s a, only, allowod each tasue.- ger. Passengers are prohibited from taking anything ae baggage but their wearing apparel. All baggage over fifty pounds to be paid for extra. The Company limit their responsibility far baggage to One Dollar per pound, end will not be liable for any anrount beyvad 5149, WA °opt by epecial contract. Wlll. H. GATZMEH. Agent. $317,142 04 NORTH PENNSYINg YOB BETHLEHEM, DORIN L O I 47 A N II , R P I I A A D ir 0 H OBUNK, HAZLETON, EASTON. EMMET, &c. WINTER ARRANGEMENT. THREE THROUGH 'PLAINS. On and after MONDAY, NOVEMIIIIR 41, 1981, Pas senger Trains will leave FRONT and WILLOW Streets, Philadelphia, doily ' (Sundays exeeptedo as follows: 'At 6.40 A. 11., 'cExprese,) for Bethlehem, Allentown, Obk, floeleioo, Ao. At 2.44 P. M., (Express ' ) for Bethlehem, Easton, &e. This tram reaches Easton at 6 P. M., and makes • close connection with the New Jersey Central for New Pork. Bobort Flanigan, Miohael MeGooy, Edward McGovern, Thomas B. blel - Jormlek, John Bromley, Francis ..194 At 9.66 P. M., for Boadohorki, Allentown, Mano h °hunk, dro. At 9 A. M. and 4 P. M., for Doylestown. At 6 P. M., for Fort Washington. The 6.40 A. M. Express Train makes close connection 7 -4i3, Ate L 04.3 . 511 9 4.1.10 r 1}..1.1r00d Poilalothem, the shorted and most desirable route to all points in the Lehigh coal region. LOST.) Bethlehem at 7.07 A. M. 9.18 A. M. and 6.38 t,L Leave Doylestown at 6.30 A. M. and 3.20 F. M. Leave Fort Washington at 6.60 A. M. ON BllNDAY3—Philadelphia for Fort Washington at 9.30 a. M. miaaeirwe for Doylestown at 4 D. lA. Doylestown for Philadelphia at I A. M. Fort Washington for Philadelphia at 2.45 P. M. Fare to Bethlehem...6l.4o l e rere to StanchOrmuk.e2.o9 Fare to Easton 1141 Through Tickets must e procured at the Ticket Offices, at wn,Low Street, or BEBXB Street, in order to secure the above rates of fare. All Passenger Trains (except Sunday Trains) connect at perks groin with the Fifth and Sixth Streets, and Sa mna end niipl-streets raesenger'ealreadu ) twenty mi nutes after leaving Willow street. no 4 ELLIS CLARK, Agent. E ftAi mF ALL AND WIN TE B ARBANORMRNT.— PHILADEL PHU, GBRXANTOWN, and NORRIS TOWN RAILROAD. TINA T4BLE. On and after /llondor, Octottor EHMI man inrt➢ar notice. Leave Philadelphia,-e, 7,8, 9,10 05, 11, 12 A. M., 1,2, 2,4, 2, IN 7,9, 9, /SIX, mil //X r, Dg, Leave Germantown, 6,7, 7.30 6, OAI 8.11,1 0 X, //No A. 81., 1,2, 8,4, 5,0, 7,8, 9%, 11 I'. AI. The 8% A. Id. train from Germantown atope at Dny's and Tioga only. leave Philadelphia, 0,9, 11, A. 21., 2,4, 0,8, and 103( P, MT LIMO Ghoetniat /1111, 7.10, 8.10,10.10, AJ11, 1 1.2.19 1 o.*o, 8.40, 7.40, and 9.10 P. N. ON SUNDAYS. Leave Philadelphia, 9.05 A. M., 2 and 7 P. X. 1 1 9 6 79 Q 49440 Ail, 7,09 A. MI 12 . 40 , 5 . 40 Mad 9.10 Leave Philadelphia, 6X, 9.05, 11.05 A. M., IX, 8.06, 4 6.05, and 8.00 P. M. Leave Norristown, 7,8, 9, 11 A. M., 1%, 4X, and 6 P. Id. ON BIINDAY6. Leave Philadelphia, 9 A. M., 3 P. M. Leave Norristown, A. M., 5 P. M. FOR RIANAYTThiIf” Leave Ililludelpllia, OM, 8,11 A. Mop /Aig OM, 4)11 5.05, and 8.06 P. N. Leave Manaynnk, 6J, 7), 8,4, 94,11% A. M., 2,5, and 6% P. M. ON SUNDAYS. THE PENNSYLVANIA CENTRAL RAILROAD, 1861. THE CAPACITY OF THE ROAD IS NOW EQUAL TO ANY IN THE COUNTRY. THREE THROUGH PASSENGER TRAINS HYTWDEN DRILADYLPITIA AND PITT 13111111. a. Connecting direct at Philadelphia with Through Trains from Boston, New York, and all points Bast, and in the Union. Depot at Pittsburg with Through Trains to and from all points in the West, Northwest, and Southwest -Om, fiaratelmlag focilitiou for tromporkollon of Paasexa germ unsurpassed for speed and comfort by any other route. Express and Fast Lines run through to Pittsburg, without Change of Qom or Clowhotoro, AU Througb Passenger Train provided with Loughridge's Patent Brake—speed under perfect control of the engineer, thus adding much to the safety of travellers. Smoking Cars are attached to each Train ; Wood ruff's Sleeping Care to Express and Fast Trains. The TairDltee rAlltiti Past duos days excepted. mail Train leaves Philadelphia at 8.00 A. m. Fast Line 11.80 A. M. Express train leaved 10.30 P. M. keriteePurg disvewßsiv4eovis 14-2.6 g . st, Harrisburg 46 2.30 P. M. Lancaster.' 4.00 P. H. West Chester Passengers will take the Mail Frain at 8 A. 111., the Fackesburg Accommodation at 12.30 P. M., and iltv Lempeateker Aoccormasa silo. at 4 P. M. Faseengere for Sunbury, Williamsport, Elmira, Buf falo Niagara Falls, and intermediate points, leaving Philadelphia - at 8.00 A. M. and 2.80 P. kl., go directly through. Tivkcts Wvetvrewl may the ofe. of tta, Company in Philadelphia, New York, Boston, or Balti more; anti Tickets Eastward at any of the important Railroad offices in the West; also on board any of the replar line of Steamers on the Miasisedppi or Ohio rivers, l Fare always as low, and time mg quick, as by any other route. For further Information apply at the Passenger Sta tion Southeast corner of Eleventh and Market streets. The aleHaa of the Western eennertiens of the Pennsylvania Railroad to Chicago, make this the DEBBOT LINE BETWEEN THE BAST AND TEI The connection of tracks by the Railroad Bridge at mvolabw..ll 41rsyego or ferria g e of Freight to gether with the saving of time, are advantages readily appreciated by Shippers of Freight, And the Travelling Public. Merchants and Shippers entrusting the transportation of their Freight to this Commme, can rely with COnil• dente on its oPtAcly transit. THE RATES OF FREIGHT to and from any point to the West by the Pennsylvania Railroad are at all times as favorable as are charged by other Railroad ClootisaiWzi. Oar Be particular to mark packaged it via Pennsylva. aim Railroad." For Freight Contracts or Shipping Directions, mangy to, or address either of the following Agents of the Oom piny t D. A. Stewart, Pittsburg.! U.S. Pierce & Co., ZOAOSViIIe, O. J. J. Johnson, Rip ley, O. R. McNeely, Maysville, K ; y.; Ormsby & Crop per, Portsmouth, O. Paddock & Co., Jeffersonville, Indiana; H. W, Brown & CO., Cincinnati, 0, Athena & Hibbert, Cincinnati, 0; B. C. Helarum, Madison Ind ; Jos. E. Moore, Louisville, Ky. ; P. G. O'BileY & 00., Evansville, Ind. N. W. Orshain & Co., Oats), ;B. F. Sane, Sha fer & Glees, St. Louis, Mo. ; John Harris, Naahrille, Tenn.. Harris & But, Nym ph% Tenn. Clarke & Co., Chicago, 111. ; W, H, Hoonts, Alton, 111. ; or to Freight Agents of Ra il roads at different points in the West. B. B. KINGSTON, Jr., Philadelphia. NAGRAW HoONki, 80 North street ? Baltimore. BENCH & 00.01 alter House, or 3 0, wawa& pri,, 11, LEECH it CO., No. 77 State street, Boston. H. H. HOUSTON, Geng Freight Agent, Phila. L. L. HOUPT, Gen'l Ticket Agent, Phila. N. LIM% Qoo'l St o'[, Altoona? Pa jab-17._ i iiiramms PHILADELPHIA AND EVADING RAILROAD 00.1 (OMNI DIV South Fourth street.) • : : On and after May 1, 1881, season tickets will be lamed by this company for the periods of three, elz, nine, and twelve months, not transferable. diasim Season. sehnoletioketi may ales be hod it 88 DD[ 00111, These tickets will be soki by the Treasurer at No. W Routh FOURTH Street, where any further information can be obtained. 15. BRADFORD, Tnmim Maw WEST CHESTER RAILROAD TRAINS vla PENN. SYLVANIA RAILROAD, leave depot, eorner ELla- YBNTH mad KAMM Street* at II AL No um Mae P. N. RAILROAD LINES. On and after MONDAY, NOY. 18, 1861, will run a follows- Leave Philadelphia for Perryville and intermediate aces at 5,1.0 P, Leave Wilmington for Perryville and Intermediate aoesat7.loP.M. Leave Baltimore for llavre do Grace and intermediate Eakins at 9 A. M. ON SUNDAYS ONLY! ARRANGEMENT OF NEW YORK LINES. THE CAMDEN AND AMBOY AND PHILA DELPHIA AND TRENTON RAILROAD 00.'8 LINES FROM PHILADELPHIA TO NEW YORK AND WAY PLACES. PION W/LNDT-STRIVIT WILLRIP AND fIiNgIIIMOIR DIM WILL LEAVE AS FOLLOWS-VIZ: TRAINS. TOR PHILADELPHIA FOR GERMANTOWN o BUNDATO. Leave Philadelphia, 8.06 A. MI 3, T, and 10X F. 111, Leave Germantown, 8.10 A. M.,1, 6, and 931 P. M. M=IMIeMIMTI I IM=gIIUUU.M= . EI.).MLUU=Aia Leave Plinadelnhia, g A. N., 3 and 7 P. IL Leave Renayunk, 7% A. M., 5% and 8 P. AL H. K. SMITH, General Superintendent, 0028-tf Depot 117/iTU and GBEEN Streets. 260 NILES DOUBLE TRACK GREAT WEST ~FiS;ii~(y:ii~y:l BALES BY AtTUTIOPI. FURNESS, BRINLEY, Bt, 00., No. 429 MARKET STRUM. SALE OF FRENCH DRY GOODS. On Tumitiy Morning, January 3, at 10 o'clock, by catalogue, for estb -400 lots of fancy and staple French dry goods. MtT Sample. and Gratodommou oar r On morning o/ mla PHILIP FORD & CO., AUCTION BEES, Nos. 626 MARKET end 522 °MINIMUM Streets. LAIME POSITIVE SALE ON 1,400 CA@PR BOOT% IMONII, BROGANS, AND GUM. SHOES. On Bnngilly Mornina, Dec. 30, at 10 o'clock precisely, will be sold, by co- LON new,. bo, n , grain, and thick Loofa, brogans, awl Wellington beam, womon's misers', sod childron's goat, calf, kip, and kid boots and shoes. Also, a desirable assort moot of and MiI3FOP . goat and kid wised awl peened Balmoral &info, imitublt fey the hot! retail trade. ST Goods oven for examination early on the morning of este, with catalogues. LARGE POSITIVE SALE OF 1,000 CASES BOOTS, 531101111, 81L0C1A.11 . 2, On Thursday Morning. CLOSIBC- SALE OF TILE SEASON. January 2, at 10 o'clock precisely, will be sold, by ca talogne, 1,000 cases men's, bey's', and youths' calf, kip, Groan ' thick and Ilunweisn beets, toro ff sm, Wallin tan boots women's, misses', and children's calf, kip, goat, and kid boots and Flume. Also, a handsome assortment of won en's and misses sawed and pegged Balmoral boots, adapted to the best retail trails. attention Of Inlyrril is particularly calico To Oda our last sale for this season. IQ - Open for examination, with catalogues, early on the morning of sale. NNF. PANW ABT, AtICTIONEMI ) • Socceasor to B. Scott, Jr., 431 CHESTNUT St. CLOSING SALE OF GERMAN TOYS, FANCY GOODE/, Ba, by catalogue, on monany morning, December 30, commencing at 10 o'clock precisely. Fnibracing n great variety of rich fancy god., Met and Bohemian ware, tine tope, he. SALE OF EMBROIDERIES, DRY GOODS, HOSIERY GOODS, NOTIONS, &c., by Catalogue. On Tuesday Morning, December 31, commencing at 10 o'clock precisely. TN THE ORPHANS' COURT FOR VTIV. tIiTY JALI) &WNW OF Estate of THOMAS DURANT, deceased The auditor appointed oy the Court to audit, settle s and adjust am account of GEORGE SMITH and DAVID PoideiTT, ea.-pO%. rs of the Mc will um/ testament of the said decedent, and to make distribution of the be• lance, will meet the parties interested, mr the pummel of bis appointment, on MONDAY, December 30, 1861, at 4 o'clock P. iIL, at lila olllce, No, 213 South SIXTH buret, l'huaaeiplaa. LEWIS O. CASSrDT, del& theta In* Auditor. IN THE COURT OF COMMON _l_ PLEAS FOR THE PPM! CIIIHITY PHILADELPHIA. Trust Estate of GARDNER 1.. CRANSTON. The Auditor appointed by the Court to audit, settle, and adjust the account of JOHN HANLEY, Trustee for Gardner L. Cranston, under the will of lit Ilty JO tifig, deceased,-and to report distribution of Elio lialance k the hands of said accountant, will meet the partioa interes'ed, for the purposes of hie appointment, on FRIDAY, the 341 of Januat y. A. D. 1662, at 4 o'clock P. M., at his office, NO, E 33 ARCH Street, Philadelphia. GEOttaF, DI. CONAHROE, Audifor. de2l•etutthst JULIA W. YOELKER, by her next Friend, ke_, 4.. e. HENRY VOELV:P.R. Odbabioii Pleas. Jun.: Tenn, net No. 44. Sin: Take notice of a Rule tipon you to show cause why a Divorce from the man tags bond should not be decreed in the above care, returnable SATURDAY, January 4,1052, at 10 o'clock I. M. To HENRY VOELNER, Respondent. LEONARD MYERS, de27-frdmat4t- Attorney. for Libellant. MARSHAL'S SALES. MARSHAL'S SALE.—By virtue of a writ of sale, by the Hon. JOHN OADWA.LA.:: DER, Judge of the District Court 61 the Milted Statei, in and for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, in Ad miralty, to 11Ie directed, will be sold, at public sale, to the highest and best bidder, for cash, at CALLOWERT,L STREET WRAPS, nn WEDNESDAY, January Bth, 1882, at 12 o'clock M., the Schooner JAN JUAN, hot tackle, apparel, and furniture, and the cargo laden on boarethereof. The cargo consists of 2,400 bushels salt, sugar, molasses, WILLIAM MILLWILIID, U. S. Marshal, E. D. of Penn'a. PUMA DELPITIA, December 26, 1861 de2T-6t COPARTNERSHIP NOTICER. D ISSOLUTION OF PARTNER SHIP.—The Copartner hip heretofore existing be tween the undereigned, under the name of _BOYD 1 RATER, having expired by limitation, notice is hereby given, that GEORGE J. BOYD, having purchased the interest of DAVID BATES in the late Srm, will con tinue the BANKING business - upon his own account, at No. 18 South THIRD Street. PHILADELPHIA, Dee. 23. 1821 A CARD.-THE UNDERSIGNED, late of the GIRARD HOUSE, Philadelphia, hays to= of r ein, WILLAILTiIg HOTEL S Washington. They take this occasion to return to their old friends and customers many thanks for past favors, and beg to assure them that they will be most happy to We them in their new quarters. 1118E9 7 CHADWICK, & 00. WASHINGTON, SUIT 16, 1861. ' •en23-1y RAILROAD LINES. PHILADELPHIA NOWAWRINAND READING RAILROAD. PASSENGER TRAINS FOR POTTSVILLE, READ nich and HARRISBURG, on and after November 44861. - - DiORIPItTQ T.DTAS, ThArtiVi (Sundays caceptvd,) Leave New Depot, corner of BROAD and CALLOW BILL Streets, PHILADELPHIA, (Passenger entranceit on Thirteenth and on Callowhill streets,) at S A. M., con necting at flarrieb4rs with the 119..lim§yr,y4NA RAILROAD 1./O P. 111. train, running to Pittsburg i the CUMBERLAND VALLEY 1,60 P. M. train running to Ohambersburg, Carlisle, and the NORTHERN CENTRAL RAILBOADI.2O 3Z. M. train rumnlnitto Rano bury, /to. Leave New Depot, corner of BROAD and CIALLOW BILL Streets, PHILADELPHIA, (Passenger entrance. on Thirteenth and on Callowhill eta,,) for POTTSVILLZ and LIABBODIIite, at P, 11i,, PAMT I MOO tug at Harrisburg with the Northern Ventral naiiroati, for Sunbury, Williamsport, Elmira, &c. Express Train from New York via Easton makes close connection with the Reading Mail and Accommodation Trains, connect• jug at Harrisburg with thy Pennsylvania Central 815 A. N. Train running west. For 11 - BATPLNCI only, ai 4.30 P. M., DAILY, (Sundays excepted.) DISTANCES VIA PHILADELPHIA AND READING BAELBOAD, nor PHILADELPHIA, Mil% To FittonDonk in Beading 58 Lebanon 86 Harrisburg 112 PaliPltlin” • • • • T ? ? ? • • 324 Dlillereourg 349 Treverton Junction.lsB Sunbury 169, Northumberland....l7l Lewisburg 178 Sltitsi. 1139 Muncy 197 Williamsport 209 Jersey Shore 223 Lock Mem :30_ Fathiltoll Z3B Williamsport and Elmira Troy 261 Railroad. Elmira 287 The BA. H. and 3.15 P. . trains connect daily at Port Clinton, (Sundays excentedi with the OATAWISSAt WILLIAMSPORT, and ERIE RAILROAD, making close connections with Linea to Niagara Pas, Canada, the West and Southwest. DEPOT IN PHILADELPHIA.: Corner of BROAD and OALLOWHILL Streets. W. H. NOHANEPTNET I Secretary, October 30, 1881. ggapari.pg ELMIRA ROUTE.- W PHIL ADE LP HU Jam imam 180. BA ItAILIIOAti . . QUICKEST ROUTE to Tamaqua, Oatawissa, Rupert, Wilkeebarre ' Scranton, Danville, Milton, Williamsport, Troy, Ralsto n, Canton, Elmira, Buffalo, Niagara Ma, Rochester, Cleveland, DeWolf, Takao, 01ti64424, Douis, Milwaukee, and all points North and West. Passenger trains will leave the new Depot of The Phi ladelphia and Reading Railroad, corner BROAD aad OALLOWRILL Streets, (Passengers entrance on Oal- Ivwh3R street,) chili, (Sunder; iNroppo.l), tor oi.oro points, as follows: DAY EXPRESS 8.00 A. M. NIGHT EXPRESS 815 P. M. The 800 A. hi, train connects at Enpert, Or Wilk* Dam, Pinson, Scranton, and all stations on the LAVA. AWANNA AND BLOOMSBURG RAILROAD. The above trains make direct connections at Elmira with the trains of the New York and Erie, Canandaigua and Niagara Naas, and Buffalo, New York and Erie, and New Yea Central Eallrowia, Irmo ail points Go - AA and West, and the Canada'. Baggage checked to Elmira, Buffalo, and Suspension Bridge, and all intermediate points. Vegeta can be procured at the Philadelphia and El mira Maroon Lino - s Ticket Gnaw, FIREThlri...4 SIXTH and CHESTNUT Streets, and at the Passenger Depot, corner THIRTEENTH AND cALLowarIA. THROUGH EXPRESS FREIGHT TRAIN. Leave the Philadelphia and Beading Depot, Broad and Qanowbitl streets daisy, jband.ya az. - ...pta,1), fee all points West and North, at 8 P. H. Freights must be delivered before 8 P. H. to Insure their going the same day. For further information apply at Freight Depot, anti GA J9w 4LL, or to G. T. LEONARD, Agent, Northwest corner SIXTH and CHESTNUT Streets, apl9-tf. Philadelphia. ar ticams WEST CHESTER AND PHILADELPHIA RAIL ROAD. VIA MEDIA. WINTER ARRANGI.RDIENT. On and after laoripit rs rluT. 25, /130/ 1 the 'trains will leave PIIILADELFRIA, from the Depot, N. E. corner of EIGHTEENTH and MARKET Streets, at 8.30 A.M., 2, 4.15, and 6.45 P. M., and will leave the corner of THIBTY,FinT and MABENT Streets, (W o 4_ kt ? M ' delphiad at /7 minutes after the starting time WWI tite Depot. ON SUNDAYS. Leave PHILADELPHIA at A. A. M. and 2P. M. Leave West Chester at 8 A. M. and 4 P. M. The Train tenvitsinli.. l4 o , hbat g-m 11 - I = 4 4 -I 5 P. M. connect at PenneHon with Trains on the Phila delphia and Baltimore Central Railroad for Concord, Kennett, Oxford, &c., &c. HENRY WOOD, n 02,541 Stmertntendent EXPRESS COMPANIES. ---- ----- mom THE ADAMS EXPRESS ging rihmr , ot— sao OHTERTNCIT Street, forwards Parcel!, Packages, Merchandise, Bank Notes, and Specie, either by its own lines or in connection witn other Exprese Companies, to al lthe principal Towns and of the United State . N. EL BA_NDI4OIII3, WO Consral finveriniendent. matFOR NEW YORK. lam DAILY LIE% to Delaware ail Daritae OsnaL Philadelphia and New York Express Steamboat Oem. Nun , receive freight and leave daily at 2 P. RI, deliver. log their cargoes in New York the following days. Malaita Min at reavonablvWm. Wllli r, No. 14 SOUTH WHARVES, Philadelphia, JAMES HAND, Agent, Piers 14 and 16 EAST RIVER, New York. Agg iv ist Fen NEW YORK, The Philadelphia Steam Propeller ilampany will commence their bwdneme for the season on MetalYi 18th instant. Their Miefibere are maw reasivins freight at Stead Pier above Walnut street. Terms accommodating. Apply to W. M. BATED & OO h =MR CM Reath Thaftware Avant., OLD LEAD-8 barrels just received per schooner Amain, for sale by JAIIRETCHE & 04.11 STAIRS, noT 2112 and 204 South 'FRONT Street A FULL AND SPLENDID AS SORTMENT of Scarfs, Ties, Gloves, Rad Nate' Furnishing Goode, just received and for sale. Also, a variety of Travelling Shirts. J. W. SOOT; 5/1 CHEST. AVE SUVA; tivl9A Voatizionta LEGAL GEO. J. BOYD, DAVID B I.I`ES. d,,25-3t.* TIOTEL3. AFT/i/UTOVIT /4/113913. Philadelphia and Beading and Lebanon Valley B. B. itvilticru Balfroad. Sunbury and &to IL IL SALES 1W AUCTION. MTHOMAS & SONS. . Non. 13* aind 141 Month Fol.l4Tit etreet. =ZUM=I STOCKS ANT) BEAL ESTATE—TUESDAY NEXT PmuEdilrt NI a'lWlll.l.l PUBLIC SALES REAL ESTATE AND STOOK& AT THE EXCHANGE, EVERY TUESDAY, At Hi o'clock noon, daring the business season. REAL ESTATE AT 'IMITATE SALE scir We have a tarp amount of real estate at private loorociloff ovary doocription of city one ocrfparr pre perty. Printed note may be had at the Auction Rom STOoKS, Ac. llu Tuemluy, PACPII.I.4t Al, .t 12 . l e.toek s.t. (.e 111.Itadstshta. Exchange-- Executors' Peremptory Sale-1 share Continental Hotel. 2 shares Farmers' and Much:mica' Laid and Building I share Academy of the Fine Arta. 1 share Mercantile Library Company. 5 !Marra American Academy of Music. IJOT-VbAOO FA /illl, "On TueddaY. December :31, at the - Philadelphia Exchange, by order of &tett of Judge Igingetretin &eq. TADITABLI: 1 . 211131, 140 MAIMS, niontgonury county, Pennsylvania, r, of a mile from Sandy Rim Station, on the North Pennsylvania Railroad, 2 mlloa from Chestnut Hill, and 12 miter; from Philadelphia. It RI gilt of the hrrit fume in Montgomery county, DuiLimiti LOT, Cope tlfreut, Nhtek enth ward. ELEVENTH FALL SALE—JANUARY 7. Will include Om following, viz.: _ Exttrutnel SitlolAtalo of tiogitri dont BRICK DWELLING AND LOT OF GROUND, lionthwent cutler of Illotagontel'y avenue end Belgraule street, Eighteenth ward. Lot 47 by SO feet. Seine I:Ante—LOT OF GROUND, Belgrade greet, Br by 90 feet. Santo Estate-5 LOTS Or. GROUND, ialkilikitig the above, 17 by 141 feet. Same Ehtate-4 LOTS OF GEOUNP, Montgomery nvenne, rear Belgrade greet. 11i by 117 feet, • - `1111!1: inilti;c — TArK ciii9l 7 PiVi in in" TIME of qua above. oar For further particulars HPO handbills and litho graphic plans. Trmrv'm I'vrniptory AF Trout Wryer; between 'Vino amt Cailorrhill etreets, 'No.:AI 24 feet front, 40 feet deep, W Water street. Sale alniolute. Executor's Peremptory Sale—Alstate of Catharine King. time:iv:lh ADII; PW/541411:1001 abut, mum west of Thompson street, Maldenilth want. Peremrtory SaIe.—TIIIIEE•STODY BRICK DWEL LING, No. 132 Laurel street, cant of Newmarket street, §hIPTI,th worth Sale S'o. 41 Smith Eleventh Street SUPERIOR FURNITURE, MIRROR, OIL PAINT INGS, TAPESTRY CARPET:, &c. TN/ iG vrning, Oth Uint a at /I o'cloch, at 10, 41 Omitli liloyonitt street, abate Chestnut, the superior furniture, mirror, oil paintings, gas fixtures, bookcase, tapestry carpets. May be examined at 8 o'clock on the morning of the sale, Sole No, 90 Pine street. SUPERIOR FURNITURE, ROSY:WOOD PIANO, BRUSSELS CARPETS, &c. On Monday Morning, 9041 1.4_, :4 10 °Una-, oi No. oas street, the snperkr furniture, rosewood piano-forte, by Wilhelm & Schuyler, fine Brussels carpets, &c. sir May be examined at 8 o'clock on the morning of the sale. Bale at WO& la and 141 South Fourth Strut • - . . • -. SUPERIOR FURNITURE, FRENOH-PLATE BOSS, PIANO-FORTES, REDS AND BEDDLNG, CHINA AND GLASSWARE. BRUSSELS AND OTHER CARPETS, NO. On Thursday Morning, At 9 (Mock, at the Auction Store, the superior (oral furniture, piano-fortes, mirrors, Brussels and other car pets, Ac., from families declining housekeeping, removed to the store for convenience of eats, sir Catalogues ready the day beeViette to sale. AT PRIVATE SALE Sham 'Mercantile Library. B. HOPPIN, AIICTiONEER 242 MARKET STREET. GENERAL SALE OF DRY GOODS, FANCY WOOLLEN AND WORSTED GERMANTOWN HOSIERY AND KNIT GOODS, TRIMMINGS, &c. On Monday Morning, December 30, at 10 o'clock, compriAng ft good ogool t moot of onnuonolde gnat, niloolod to the Mfg retail trade_ . . . . _ W 7 Goode Aft`Abged Ibt• ekatnlnation early on the morning of sak, with cetalegnes„ AT PRIVATE SALE An insoicooff Sbagroent" or Jnonnogo Loather, mita. ble for book.bindorg l use; n 'gory fine imitation of Ruda leather, the find importation 0f the kind into this country m FITZPATRICK & BROS., XVOTTORXXASI 004 CHESTNUT Street, above Sixth. CHRISTMAS AND NEW-YEAR PRESENTS Sale every evening, at 7 o'clock, of a splendid aseort insist fo.to 8 K .646, wore, watch., Jewelry, cutlery, ta.TICr stationery, animals, gift book% illustrated works, in elegant binuings, juvenile books, &c. Also. fine albums, portfolios, work-boxes, &o. Also, a line collection of foreign sea shells, and an immense variety, of fancy goorle, of every ileac:4olo.. PRIVATE SALE. During the day, at oversize auction prices. 7Qr Consignments solicited for either public or private Woo, to suit tho coneordonee of eAllailliPP9. LP Oiit-deer Oidea Promidly attended to. Charges moderate MOSES NATHANS, AUCTIONEER Aid? MAW - 1a iitkinsaitt, minigolf corner of BLICTH and .RACE Streets AT PRIVATE SALE, AT PRICES TO SUIT THE TIMES The following articlop wlll be !iota for low Ilion LAS the usual selling price: • Fine gold hunting-case, double-case, and ionble-bot tom English patent lever watches, of the most approved mud beet makerei fine gold double.lime English petal lever lever Wiltalell inaoporelent seconds lever watches i tog gold hunting-case and open-face escapement lever lepine watches ,• horizontal and duplex watches ,• Whig bunting-case, double-ease, and double-bottom Emelt& patent lever, escapement lover, and lepine watches, of dm ce el eyprevv4 era tPoot• race silver watches i silver quartier and single-esee watches; fine gold vest, neck, fob, and guard chains" diamond finger-rings and breast-pins• note of fine Fad jewelry; gold breastpins, ear-rinp, finger-rings, breid. lots, ponoil-caavn, pens, and jewelry of ovary devAptless, guns, pistols, musical instruments, piano-fortes, gad arr tides generally. 1494PY 14,94 N, - Money advancei for any length of alinia agreed upon, on gold and silver plata, diamonds, watotssa, jewelry, fowling-pieces, musical instruments, dry goods, clothing, groceries, hardware, cutlery, furniture, bid ding, ancy firtivlef, 1 110 cin nll #rticliv 0114119, OONSIONDIENTS AND OUT-DOOR SALES ROW Moral cash advances made on all articles emu:Um for sale. Personal attention given to all out-door sates, SHIPPING da WEEKLY COMMUNIOA- Titaf /nr STEM bti'Vtitit YOLK AND LIVERPOOL, calling at QUEEN& TOWN, (Ireland,) to land and embark pamengera and despatches. TO 'Liverpool, New York e and Philadelphia Steam. whip catalpa - ars splendid "iyitc-instiS kea sCsow yowler ships are intended to pail se followe FROM NEW YORK FOR LIVERPOOL. CITY OF WASHINGTON EDINBURGH Aud. avory gotardo7 throughout this roar ? from P. 1.111 tfo. 44 if. . RATES OF PASSAGE THROUGH FROM PHILADELPHIA. Sy Quvoufftywa, 9r kiTerP99l hf Do, to London, vin Liverpool 1109 Steerage to Queenstown, or Liverpool. . 1189 Do. to London. 13$ Do. Return tickets, available for six months, from Liverpool • • x....."-“Ann,Ltatalzasta 111/0 Passengers forwarded to Havre, Paris, Harabartr, Bremen, and Antwerp at through rates. Certificates of passage issued from Liverpool to NM York Certificates of passage Issued from Quotostown to NeW York . eve These steamers have superior accommodations for pas sengers, are constructed with watertight compartment; and carry experienced Surgeons. For freight, or passage, apply at the olGoe of the Van- Dam JOHN 13, DADA Agents 111 Walnut street, Philadelphia. In Liverpool, to WM. INMAN, Tower Buildimpa In Glasgow, to WM INMAN, IS Dixon OirOOSi v ;,, LIVERPOOL, NEW YORK, AND PHILADELPHIA BTEAMOIMP oozarAvy NOTICE TO I,IA9RNOEE9 By order of the Secretary of State, all paasengen leaving the United States are required to procure pur ports before ping Olt Watt Os steamer. JOHN Q. PAVES, 45,63. t. g lia THE BRITISH AND NORTH AMERICAN ROYAL MAIL STRAW PASSPORTS.—AU persons 10114116 ff the Voiced State,s will require to have PASSPORTS from the authorities, their respective countries, countersigned by the Secretary of State at Washington, or by the Passport Agent at port of enabilliiiiii9ll, Muni NNW YQRH T 9 7sittifiOois, Chief Cabin Passage 1180 Second Cabin Passage 9 FROM. BOSTON TO LIVERPOOL. Cblor oot , to PorarBesllo .. . Second Cabin Passage ea The ships from New York call at Cork Harbor. The ships from Boston call at Halifec and Oat Har- Pr. EROLS, Copt JililiSiNs AFRICA, Capt. Shannon. ARABIA, Copt, J, Stone, 04t14)4, 040, 3. USA,. ASIA, Capt. E. G. Lott. AMERICA, Capt. Hoolday. AUSTRALASIAN, NIAGARA, Oapt. Moodie. Capt. Crook. EUROPA, Crept. enaotion. §c97 . 1.a., (now building.) These Vessels carry a clear white light at nowt-lased; green on starboard bow; xed on port bow. CANADA, Muir, leaves Bolton, Wednesday, Dee. 11. AFRICA, Shannon, . 6 N.York, Wednesday, Dec. EUROPA, Anderson. 6 . Boston, Wednesday, Dec. H. A VDT DALAbi Cook, 66 N.Vork, Wednesday, Jan. L. NIAGARA, Noodle, 6 6 Boston, Wednesday, dais. ASIA, Lott, N. York, Wednesday, Jan. E. Berths not secured until paid for. An experiso.ed Sorg r. b 6 Math. The owners of these ships will not be ibleditatiblelo Gold, Silver, Bullion, Specie, Jewelry, Precious. or Metale, unless bills of lading are signed therefo B M the value thereof therein expressed. For freight or pm. use. apply to E. CUNA mhd-if 4 BOWLING GENII, New TOIL BOOK AND JOB PRI1 4 1 „ U TILE PAN.4S" 11OCIK AND JOB PRINTING ESTABLISHMENT. No. 417 CHESTNUT STREET, P3l/LADELPLUA The attention of the Bushing Com Malty epeotfully Invited to the New Book and Job Print jgg of Tel Pass% which has been fitted ye with Now Material, is the most Complete and is now prepared to execute, in a iatialectoci thy% every 'variety of Nadas. MERCHANTS, MANUFACTURERS, MEOHANICS, LAWYERS, AUCTIONEERS, PUBLIC OFFICERS, BARS , fli- ROAD AID nisusealox crourattiNA, ATV,. Will be supplied with , any detoription of Printing required, at Short Notice and on the mot Rea -016444 Term. iaso•tt —Saturday, D.w. 24. Saturday, Jan. 4, IBM
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