(Continued from first page.) Further Particulars of the Battle at Nun fordsville, A correspondent of the Louisville Democrat, writing from Munfordsville, under date of Decem ber 18, says: You Moo, ere ihig, been informed of the battle at Green river yesterday afternoon. 'between the rebels and a portion of Colonel Willich's command, under _Lieutenant Colonel Von Trombeia. The rebels, according to the admitted statement of a flag of - true, which came in to-day to bury their tivost, rep that they had fifteen hundred cavalry, a full regi ment ofinfantry, and a battery of four pieces of artillery. Our forces, under Lieutenant Colonel Von Trout= beta, numbered about five hundred; yet, notwith standing this great preponderance in favor of the rebels, they were completely whipped, and retired from the field_ During the engagement, a charge was made by the rebels upon a portion of three companies in - Colonel itiillich's command, which was severe. In this Anne the fighting was Mare, and during its continuance we lost two orderly sergeants and one lieutenant.. Here the loss was greatest; it was a heavy charge, made with the usual allotment of ;Southern chivalry, of 814 or eight to one, and yet the chivalry were beaten off. Lot three times three and a tiger be given for the bold and gallant little band that so nobly defended and ultimately main tained their position on the well-contested field. A riu s lu g hurrah should g o one diatc to an ether, that here, on the south bank of Green river, a little band of the gallant Thirty-second Indiana volunteers, under their noble leader Von Trombeia, numbering only five hundred, and they hastily gain moned together, notdreaming of a charge,ltnede good their position. and won the field against an attack ing force of at least two thousmad, supported by a battery of artillery. The rebel colOners (Terry) death is confirmed. - Rebel loss said to bo seventy killed and 'wounded. Our loss, killed, wounded, and missing, is thirty-two MISCELLANEOUS WAR NEWS. A Skirmish bear Fortress Monroe. FORTRESS MoNROE, Dec. 22, via Baltimore, Dec. 23.—There has been no flag of truce today. A skirmish took place to-day, at New Market 'bridge, four companies of Federal troops went out from Newport News at nine o'clock this morn ing, and were attacked by a force of rebel cavalry and infantry. Colonel Max Weber's regiment was ordered out to reintnee them, and went to. their aid. Colonel Wardrop's regiment also went to Hampton bridge. Sergeant Rehr, of Company I, Twentieth Itegi• mein, and two or three others, were wounded. The fight is all over by this time, but no particu lars have yet been received_ Punishment for Missouri Bridge-burners. Sr. Loris, Dec. 23.—General Ballot* has is sued an order, in which he says that any one Caught in the act of burning bridges, destroying railroads or telegraphs, will be immediately shot, and any one accused of this crime will be examined by a military deisinthiien, and, if fauna guilty, suffer death. When injuries are done to railroads and telegraph lines, the commanding officer nearest the pest will immediately - impress into service, for repairing the damages, the slaves of all Secessionists in the vici nity, and if necessary the Secessionists themselves, and their property and any pretended Union man having information of the Intended attempt to de stroy such roads and lines, or of the guilty parties, who does not communicate such intention to the proper antboritieF, and stve aid and assistance in arresting and punishing them, will be regarded as yartireps crivirnis, and treated accordingly. :hereafter : the towns and counties in which such destruction of public property takes place, will be made to pay the expenses of all repairs, unless it be shown that the people of such towns or counties eonld not hove prevented it on Recount of the superior force of the enemy. From the Upper Potomac. FREDERICK, Md., December 23.—The finding of the court Martha in the case of John Lanahan for shooting Major Lewis, of the Forty-sixth Penn sylvania Regiment, sentencing him to be hung, has heon approyeo b r Gcuvral McGlvllau, The enU ention has been ordered to take place to-day be tween one and three o'clock this afternoon, on the Hagerstown road, two miles from this city, in the presence of the whole division. Lanahan appears calm and cheerful. All is quiet on the Upper Potomac this morning Trani of Ts-Trziors in New Mexiee. By a late mail the proceedings of a military Com mission, convened by Col. Canby, commanding the Department of New' 1 4 1eaie0, for the trial of trai tore and Mitres. have ban received here. Brevet Captain Morris of the Third Cavalry presided. An alcalde named Pablo Alderrita, who is a citizen of the Territory, was convicted of treason in sending information to the tmo r a or Tees s, et Ports miss and Fillmore. of the evacuation of Fort Stanton last August, and of giving aid and comfort on their arrival to take vssession. Ile was sentenced to nonfinomo_nt nt hard Inlet afiPite the ife.F., eild to the forfeiture of his property to the United States. Another citizen, Francis Berran, was convicted of stealing two United States mules, and sentenced to a yore§ bard labor with ball and chain. The Movement Against Savannah A letter from a correspondent at Tybee Island says that a message has been sent to Fortress Mon ree for the MAD of the mender Unica Gun, with which, and their present supply of artillery, it is believed Fort Pulaski can be easily reached and made untenable. Capture of a Rebel Female Eaussavv_ The Burlington (Vt.) Free Press reports that United States iliarsbal Hiram Dunn arrested at St. Albans, on Wednesday eveuin,‘ , ., a woman who gives her mate as Mrs. Myer, the wife of a German Jew, residing in New York, who has been acting as a messenger between the rebels who congregate in Montreal and the Stath. She was extremely vie. lent for a few minutes t but found it best to put up with ythat could no; he avoided, and submitted to an examination of her person and trunk by some ladies. The result was the discovery of a package of letters, containing important treasonable corres pondence which has been forwarded to Washing. UM. General Hunter's Command The command of Generalßanter, intim Depart ment of Kansas, is about sixteen thousand strong, t4tru*ax4 cavalry' and fie field batte ries. The Abolishment of Sutlerships The efforts being made to abolish sutlerships in tics pilaw - are bringing to tight 1111273 y ilbtan3 I/0 be fore dreamed of. In sumo instances the appoint ment of sutler has been given to whoever would agree to contribute the largest bonus to the regi mental fund< which is under the control of the re= gimental officers. Out of it is paid a portion of the expenses of the band ; the remainder of it is dis posed of by the officers ' who also appoint the ant ler, ComAiute have been made that this course results In injury to the interests of both antlers and soldiers, who are, in many eases, thus indirectly taxed to pay for wines, liquors, and cigars for the regimental mess. The Supply of Arms from Europe Thurlow Weed, in a letter to the Albany Eve ning Journal, dated Paris, Nov. 29, says : In one moat modal element of war we shall soon be relieve d. The feet that the South intended war long before we supposed it possible, and not only rifled Northern Arsenals, but procured large supplies of arias from Europe, left us to open the azapal i y. ak 8 -1-cat, .16244 vantage. This disad vantage bus both delayed action and exposed our troops to murderous fire before their inferior arms became effeetive. But this inequality will soon CON, Mr, Ocorge L. Schuyler, the tioyernment agent, bag completed his mission. He bag obtained from the Government arsenals in Austria and Saxony over one hundred thousand rifles, equal to any in the world. These arms aro now on their way to America. Mr. Schuyler, though for a long time embarrassed and thwarted, and all the while encountering rival ries and complications, finally overcame them all, end goes home reworded for his Moloney am! fidelity, by complete success. The knowledge that our Government needed arms has sharpened the cupidity and wits of all who deal in them The armorers of Europe are at work now, night and day, in patching up old muskets and in counterfeiting new ones, in the hope of palming them upon our Government. Europe aboundm with infgicr, ilinfir4e4 wicets, VOW ncry And reliable arms, in band, are only obtained from Government arsenals, and that, of course, with great diffieulty. T. W. The Seventy-first Pennsylvania Regi ment—Leiter from Gov. (Arun Com.. =snowing Col. AVistar. Just after the battle of Ball's Bluff, Governor Curtin commierioned Lieut, Col, Isaac J, Wistar as colonel or the regiment which had been command ed by the heroic Baker, the regiment having been received into the number of Pennsylvania volun teers, The original letter from the idaveravr, emu tnis.sioning Col. Wistar, in as follows : "PENNSYLVANIA EXECUTIVE CHA.3IIIER, 11AEETSItTifyI, Noy, IL 18(11, " COLOICEL enclose you a commission as colonel of the Seventy-tinA Regiment, Pennsylvania volun teers "Under authority conferred upon me by the Le 1361a.t.tre, tt%IAA halt , . Ar<tedecl me much rte.:sure to have given yoo a brevet rank ; but the loss the country sustained in the death of Colonel Baker gives me the power to offer you a more substantial mark of the prile And Confidence I entertain, in common with all your fellolr•eitizens rennaylea ll* in you, as ñ gentleman and soldier. 4 . nest assured. toy dear sir, your courage, pru dence, and gallantry at the battle of Ball's Bluff "rill. ever =Ow it brilliant Fagg in Om military 61s tory of the co-wary. "I will be plet,:ed to bear from you on the sub ject of filling the other offices, now-vacant, in your regiment: and if you suguist promotions, or name Any officer or raiefito who deserves a mark of ap probation, it wilt afford me much pleasure to gratify you. " With the hype that you may soon recover from Tour Warier ; I hare' tkil ,,, mor to remain " Your obedient servant, " A. G. "Colonel kane J. Wistar, colonel of Seventy first Regiment Pennsylvania Vglunteers." TIFF. Tre-eo.k.r Fi.Fit:T.—The Spitfire leads the van of the last mitell of the tug-boat fleet built at this place. The boa's going to-day are the four last built. and are improvements on the first four in several particulars. hcing larger, more roomy, with greater poster, ttal larger propeller. We understand that these tugs are to be con verted from Line (cullers to the gunboats into what we thihk will be the most efficient and useful pot tion of the aimed :Mississippi flotilla. They are to he armed with twelve-pound Parrott guns, one forward and ono aft. mounted on pivots. end being email and eusoeptilde of being handled with great rapilliiy, they, if the guns are proparly :served, will be able to do quite as good service at their larger consorts. In feet_ we aro Kati find that the arming of these tugs will add largely to the strength of Comniodore Foote's tram( use inland steam flotilla. In this coi Leo i. n it is our pleasant privilege to Fay that in the omstruction and finish of these tug 4. holt] the Ship built - info anti Oho machinists intro added enothe.r gem to their crown of excellence.— T?, piddiron. BRILLIANT APPEARANCE OF TRE GUESTS—THE FOREIGN MINISTERS PRESENT AND ABSENT— litin-YENATION OF TUN 11 MTN ROPati, We copy the following graphic description of the White House as it is, and a Presidential recep tion there, from a letter published in the New Yesl: Arkiwid of the lAth instant ± The President. gave his first. levee of the season to-night. The White House was thronged with a brilliant company of citizens, and civil and milita ry officers of the Governmerd i Jig Prabient, tll though not wearing that ruddy glow that he had whex he first came to Washington from the West, looks quite healthy, and was as pleasant and social as though he had but a single fight on his hands, without another in t.romeet, rs man y .oppose_ Deputy Marshal Phillips did the introductory to the President. Mrs. Lincoln never seemed in finer spirits. She WAS ...aired e 11, 5 ht-ll si erod silk heeeade elegant ly flowered. Upon her head was a beautiful wreath of flowers, and her fingers sparkled with diamonds and pearls. Next to the President in attraction was &Mel McClellan. The moment he entered the house all eyes were fixed upon him. Ladies and gentlemen, civilians and military officers, for the moment for got the courtesies of the occasion, and crowded around him thee 6 h he was a. " Jaw:, " not come to pay his respects to the Commander-in- Chief. Secretaries Cameron, Smith, and Welles, and la dies were present. also Assistant Secretaries Scott, of the War Department, and Seward, of the State Department, with their ladies. The great fact which marked the levee with some degree of importance, and which may hereafter be quoted as significant, is that the ministers of Rag land, France, Spain, and Prussia did not appear at the levee, but the ministers of Russia, Sweden, Bremen. and Nicaragua were present, and the Rus a,,-. teiniAtet was tapeeielly emend in his earit.e.P cation with the rretAtlent. The miscellaneous com pany was quite brilliant and numerous. The President's house once more assumes the appearance of comfort and comparative beauty. Two coats of pure white paint on the outside renew its right to be designated the "White House." The interior, during the last six months, has been thoroughly cleansed, and almost entirely reorna mented. Very little new furniture has been intro duced, as much of the old is yet substantial, having been procured in the time of Monroe, and is not only valuable on that account, but is really Very hem its antique style_ Mush of this old furniture, however, has been revarnished, and the chairs have been cushioned and covered with rich crimson satin brocatel, tufted and laid in folds on the backs, rendering a modern appearance, Upon entering the great East Room, two promi• vent things strike the eye—the paper on the walls and the carpet on the floor. The first is a Darieian style of heavy velvet cloth paper, of crimson, gar net, and gold. It gives a massive appearance to the room, and is quite rich. In the daytime it seems rather dark ; but when the soft light of the great chandeliers illuminates the room it develops its full richness, and harmonizes to a shade. The carpet is an ingenious piece of work , not because of its rich quality or exquisite design, but because of the fact that it is in one piece, and corers a floor measuring one hundred feet ong and forty-eight feet wide. There is nothing flashy or extravagant about its appearance. The admiration of the be holder is not suddenly excited by a view of the whole surface, so ingeniously and beautifully are the various ngurca and colors harmonised. it is like a constellation of stars, where the beauty of one star is lost in the combined grandeur of the whole. It is a very heavy Axminster, with three medallions gracefully arranged into one grand me dallion. As we walk over its velvet surface from centre to sides, or from corner to corner, the most chaste and beautiful surprises of vases, wreaths, and bouquets of flowers and fruit pieces excite our love of true art. The carpet, in its mechanical construction, as well as in its artistic design, is a wonder. It was made in Glasgow, Scotland, upon the only loom in the world capable of weaving one so large. Mr. W. H. Carryl went to Europe, and, after examin ing various patterns in different cities, including Paris and London, proceeded to Glasgow, and de signed this. His mission was a success. The firm of which this gentleman is a member (William 11. Carryl & Brother, No. 719 Chestnut street, Phila delphia,) bad the entire order for furnishing the Executive mansion, and they have completed the to a iLlaal4VV iv elicit tho hearttect ccu4 - mendations from the President and his lady. The most attractive features among the orna mental, in the East Room, are the curtains and drapery at the eight windows, The inner curtains are of the richest white needle-wrought lace, made in Switzerland. Over these, and suspended from massive gold-gilt cornices, are French crimson bro catels, trimmed with heavy gold fringe and tassel- work The embraiw, or eurtain.pin, at the side of each window, is of solid brass, and covered in gold gilt. The design is a commingling of banners, ar rows, swords, an anchor, chain, &e., interwoven behind the American shield, upon the front of which is a raised figure of an eagle. Opposite the great east window of the room is the door leading to the promenade.. In order to harmonize the in terior appearance of the great East Room, this door has curtained with laee and crimson brocatel trimmed with gold fringe and tassel, to match the window opposite. Tho eight mirrors in the East Room are the same that have been there for years. Passing from the East Room we enter the green, or conversational room. It has been newly papered, carpeted, and curtained, and greatly improved. Next is the blue, or President's reception room. This is the only room, when Mr. Buchanan left the house, that was very well furnished. A new car pet has been placed upon the floor; otherwise the room is in the same condition it was when Mr. Lin coln leek pee...lee. Next we come to the Red room. This is properly Mrs. Lincoln's reception roam. Everything in it is new except the splendid old painting of Wash ington. The fine pictures of Queen Victoria and Prince Albert, and other members of the royal family, presented to the President of the United States for the Presidential mansion - by the Prince of Melee, and hung upon the wall of this room, are roleeing. I learn that ;hey were rcteeTeti lv Wiwi* land with Mr. Buchanan. Nevertheless, under the general direction of Mrs. Lincoln (to whose excel lent good taste we are chiefly indebted for the beau tifying of the President's house,) this room does not need those pictures. It is a model of elegance and modesty combined. The most perfect harmony prevails throughout. The sofas, chairs, .te., are covered with rich crimson brocade satin. " DowN IN DIN/E." _ The guests' room, now known no the Prince .of Wales' room, since that youth occupied it, has been thoroughly ornamented and refurnished. The carpet is a beautiful Wilton. The paper is a light tinted purple, teith a golden figure of n masa rose tree in full bloom. The principal feature of the room is the bed. It is eight feet wide and nine feet long, of solid rosewood. The sides are cushion ed and covered with purple-figured satin. The Lead-board is a piece of rich, carved wood, rising eight feet above the bed, and having an oval top. Twenty feet above the floor, overspreading the whole, is a magnificent canopy, from the upper carved work of which the drapery hangs in elegant folds, being in the form of a crown, the front orna ment of which is the American shield, with the stars and stripes carved thereon. The drapery is a rich purple satin fringe, and otherwise orna ....tod,gill, the d o o c t gold love, The carved work is adorned with gold gilt. The curtains to the room are made of the finest purple satin da• mask, and trimmed to correspond with the canopy. The centre.table is of solid carved rosewood, is quite costly, and exceedingly beautiful. The private apartments of Mr. and Mrs. Lincoln are more modestly but very beautifully ornamented and furnished. The President's library is chastely and not extravagantly refurnished. reen is the color that predominates in this room The room in which the President is usually to be found, and in v bleb the Cabinet meetings are held, has been newly papered, earpatea, p . 1.6, 17 And it pre sents a very rich appearance. The rooms of Se cretaries Nicolay and Hay are "neat, but n - t gaudy." They are also newly painted, carpeted, end curtained, So much for the White Rouse tnd its new decorations. I understand that the Messrs. Carryl, who have achieved such a success in the refurnishing and redecorating of the White SEALED PROPOSALS, UNTIL THE House, have also just furnished full sets of curtains 80th December, 1361, are invited for furnishing the the rnst-slons or eeereiartes Mattson-a Cameron. a United States Subsistence Department With FLOUR. I About 12,000 barrels will be required, of a high grade of extra Flour, to be delivered in Washington, at the Railroad Depot, or at Warehouses in Washington or Georgetown, sopio time between the Ist and 111th of Janu ary, 166;, Each barrel of the Flour to be inspected just before it is received. The Flour met be equal in quality to the samples to be obtained at the Capitol Bakery, Washing ton efts , . Bids to be directed to Major A. BECKWITH, C. S., T.T. S. A., and endorsed "Proposals." de23 t3O PB.ILADBLPRIA BOARD OF TRADE. EDMUND A. BOUDER, GEORGE L, BEERY, Clomorria or MEI MONTI EDWAED C. BIDDLE, Ship Holyhead, Cole Liverpool, soon Ship Crimea, Peabody Liverpool, Boon Ship Tuscarora, Dunlevy Liverpool, Dec. 26 Brig LOWO4 Evans ....St Jago de Cuba. goon Kt telt Commerce, Rama ....Mayagnog, PR, goon Scbr Wm Carroll, Chipman Mayngues„ PR, soon Schr Jag Al!derides., Stites Cienfuegos, soon SHIPS LEAVE FOR DAY. Europa Boston.. Liverpool Dec 25 Teutonic Now York.. Hunthurg ...... 21 en, N' Lisscpsol l3cc dB Nova Scotian.— . -Portland. -Liverpool Aubtralaeian.....New St Andrew New York.. Glasgow Niagara New York..Livorpool.... Apia Now York__TAvortmol John Dell New York.. Glasgow.. FROM EUROPE. SHIPS , LEATH FOR DAY. A ustralasian.....Liverpeol—New York.... Dec 7 sc 4ralrow Oliwgow..Nrw York r •• • • Dec I Arago ..Sontliampton..New York. .... --Dec 11 Southampton.. New Y0rk.......... Dec 11 C of New York ..Liverpool..NOW York ...... —.Dec 11 Niagara Liveipiol..Doston Dec ld Ewa . • , , Livtrpool• •New York Dec IS Norwegian Liverpool.. Quebec Dec 19 John Rell .... Glasgow ..New York ...... ....Dee 21 Asia ... . ... ......Liverpool..New York Dec 21 Caned•' . ..Liverpool..lloston..... .. . ... . . Dec 23 Damminn Liyorwal—rortinn I Dee *** The California 11101 Steamerssail from Now York on the lst. 11th and 21st of each month. FORT OF PHFLADELPHIA, Dec. 24,1861. SUB B.ISES 7 25 I SUN BNTS 4 35 HIGTI WATER , 7 40 Selir Win Rowe, Harris, 6 days from New Bedford, with ea to Shober & Co. chr J B Antlthl l Davis, 6 days from pmtcp, wig! lomn to wiltrur, Fitter S CU. Schr Lucy L sharp, McElwee, 6 days from Boston, in ballast to Tyler, Stone & Co. Schr S L Crocker, Presbrey, 4 days from Taunton, Ili WI noise to TwellN Co. Echo - liondolio, Cooper, / day from Smyrna, Dol, with corn to Jas Barrett It Son. &Dr Ana) Virden, Chambers, 24 hours from Lewes, Del, with corn to Jas L Bewley isc Co. 4„,g CLEARED_ :ot:Qi Mi. , Nathan, Atiinns, Triniand, E A Sunder & Co. tiolir E. it Coggsliall, Tilton, Fortress Monroe, Ty ler, Sttrl:e Cu. SW11)141140 Star of the South, Kearney, at Nee• York 22,1 hq.t. from Port Royal, SO. Ste moship Ocean Queen Sailed from Now York 221 just for Port Royal, SC. Enrk Reindeer, Contts, cleared at New York 21st inst. for Philadelphia. Dant Achillue, Gallagher, hence, at Falmouth previon3 to Iltli inst. Brim Ilaniel Ilialony, Steelman, was at Port Royal, SO, 17111 inst. 'Brig Tranton,lo , rton, bonne, arrived at Portland 2011. itibt. Rehr .31 Tilton, Tilton, N•ence, via Queenstown, at Li verpool previous to 7th inst. Schr No:ad Queen, Hulse, hence for New Haven, at N Yfflk 22(1 WEI Sehrs W W Braitorl, Eawditelt, and Amulia, Lane, brim!, arrived et New Haven 2011, Sehr John Jones, Corson, trim Wilmington, Del, nt Pio vide! ce 20th ins:. chi 511.41111, Ilf 11111011114 from l'hihtlilphio, with mil, oti Rate PutNt, CAR no, at Ciffla (1 - 00Pli:(111 idox It is thought :dm will Not bE szot off. A gl)tisCo OiL CO. - CARBON A i_LOOO Hitio in lots MT FnIG nernhi in this city. SliOltl J K CO.. • (1.42-In& 26 South DELAWAItE The President's Levee": LETTER BARS /Iffrrotanie Ewa/tangs, Thieladdpidra, SAILING OF THE OCEAN STEAMERS. FROAI THE UNITED STATES. MARINE iikprELLte• ARRIVED MEMORANDA RETAIL DRY GOODS. HOLIDAY DRESS GIQQDS, The following goods are desirable for Christmas Gifts : Low priced DeLaines and Calicoes. Wide, English and French Chintzes. Drilltniitr-isview non-ricual BrLatoes. • Pressing Gown Stuffs of Guy Cashmeres. French Figured Ds Laines and Fancy Merinos. Plain Poplins and Rich Styles of Epinglhies. Plaid Flannels, Bright Brodie Press Goods. Cloves, Warm glik :mil Cloth Gloves. Ernbrohl*Tot Collars and Lace Goods. Silk Handkerchiefs, French Linen Cambric lldkfs Black Silk Cravats, Scarfs, nini Neck Tied. Plain AM Fillips , Silks, Binh Black Silks. Blanket Shawls, Woelie illerlttitgliatelti. SHARPLESS BHUTHE.II9 . , dolS CHESTNUT and EIGHTH Streets. ALL -WOOL FIGURED DE Ex. LAMES. Magenta 'figured De Lainea. - Polka tipot. De Lai(lee. Reserve Printed liatnoc EIRE & LANDELL, delB FOURTH and &UCH GARNET BLUE AND GREEN REM_ Pine Reps. Rich Printed Reps. Solferino Figured Reps. EIRE & LANDELL, &VI VOLTRPII k ARCM HOLIDAY PRESENTS. Pelainea, at 18% cent I ; Calicoes, 123 E cents. Black and fancy Silk Handkerchiefs. Snawia. Misses' and Ladies' Shawls in v wiety. Nice. assortment of Dres.. Goods. Balmoral Skirts in groat variety, at STOKES', 705 A BUR Strout N. 13.—Un hand, Jack•straws and Solitaires, made by and sold for an invalid. They are nice games as well as presents, and any on: would confer a favor by purchaa• lett the same. HEAVY CLOAKINGS.. Brown and Black Sealskin, 75c to $1.50. Cheap heavy Coatings and Cloakiuga Fine Black Cloths and Beavers. Good LOCI: CISSiELVICPR at old prices. COOPER & CONARD, del4 S. E cur. NTNTR and 'MARKET HOUSE FURNIRATNO- -DRY : DS—SHBrP a D iI : AN ARRlo7,lMportereaetlelsin House Furnishing Dry Goods, etc. Have now on hand a full assortment of Linen Sheeting, Table Cloths, P , aphine, Totdr, Piarty Towolling t ric,l etc., imported under the old tariff, or bought a great sac rifice. N.H.—Five per cent. allowed on purchases as above, if bald far an delivery. • n 0271.1 WILL CONTINUE TO SELL UN TIL JANUARY lot, our entire stock of BLANKETS et the old pricce. Will open THIS DAN a large stock of all wool Is6o - Onr 5 cent White Flannels are the best in the city. Very handsome neat styles Dot aines at 18X c ; hand some dark grounds, all Wool, at 31 and 37 cents. COWPERTAWAIT deb-4f N. W. corner EIGHTH and MARKET UTVt tAliti Vt. Ntiti 4 SCHUYLKILL HAVEN RAILROAD COM. ratiT. PHILADELPHIA, 12th month 20,1801 A stated Annual Meeting of the Stockholders will be hem at their Once in the Belt of the Franklin Institute, South SEVENTH Street, the 13th day of Ist Month, (January,) 1862, at 11 o'clock A. Dl., at which time a report of the proceedings of the Board of Managers will gg prc§ptcd, mil all clecfi9l4 ryjil be IM4 for § President cud ten Managers to conduct the affairs of the Gamow for the year ensuing. WILLIAM 1310DLE, de23.tjal3* Secretary. la. PHILADELPHIA AND READING AILItuAI) COlitkeilll7-0141CR 229 StaTTlt FVURTII STREET. PHILADELCHIA, December 21, 1861 To avoid detention the holders of coupons of this Com pany, duo on the Ist proximo, are ri guested to leave 41.1,, het.re it.. Slot wh.e....-e -ceipts will be given and cheeks will be ready tor delivery on the 2..1 proximo, in exchange for said receipts. de2l-tja2 S. BRADFORD, Treasurer. ory PHILADELPHIA, DECEMBER 20tH, 1801.—Tlio /Withal Meeting of rho &tack• holders of the LOCUST ➢LutiNTAIN COAL AND IRON COMPANY will be held at their Office, No. 230 South THIRD Street, on MONDAY, the 20th day of January, A. D. 1862, at n o'clock A. M., when an Election will tvisol - vp birectot , , for the - crminB . fear. Tito transfer book of the Company will be closed for fifteen days prey - ions to the day of election. de2l-tjaslo JOS. C. COPPITCK, Secretary. - ipirracx vt• IY-IPiVA3,lO4PAel•riu 11_3 COAL COMPANY, No, 280 South THIRD Street, corner of Willing's alley, PHILADELPHIA, Pea. 18, 1861. The Annual Meeting of the Stocitholdere of this Com pany will De held at their Office, lit. MO South T3L lUI Street, on THURSDAY, the second day of Jauuary,lB62, at 12 o'clock M., at which time an Election will be held for eleven Directors, and a Secretary and Treasurer, to serve for the ensuing year. Cier3-Tjf4li F, /1. JAGESOZiI Secretary. ocrOFFICE OF THE WESTMORELAND COAL COMPANY, No. 230 South TRIED §FlTetrcUner of Wining's alien rundinutrin Pm 16 1 3661. At a meetlngo the Directors, held' this day, a Divi dend of EIGHT PER CENT. for the past year was de clared En the Capital Stock, payable to Stocahulders or their, legal representatives, at the 011ie° of the Company, on and utter FIGIDAY. Jan. D. 1601. The Transfer Books will be closed until January 6th next. P. 11. JACKSON, del9fja4 Treasurer. l irr OFFICE M E OF THE DIAOND GOAL CODIPANY—NOTICE.—The Annual Election for Seven Directors, to servo for the ensuing year, will be held at the office of the Company, No. Tl 3 Market Weer, on WEDNESDAY, January Bth, 1802, between the bouts 0112 and 1 o'clock P. M. delo-tjanB* EDWARD PEACE, President. NOTICE.—APPLICATION WILL BE made to the Board or Directors. st.r.s.ome Libra rs Combativ; Tor renewal of CERTIFICATE of ono mharo of stock No. 961, game haring been loot or mislaid. GEO. H. EARLE, For Thomas Earle, deceased. delitu.3o ocr. COMMONWEALTH. INSURANCE VONrebliV OF TUIsl *111TI: OF Fr.p. - tisx - r.- NANIA-0 Mee, Commonwealth Building, No. 613 Chest nut street. A meeting of the Stockholders of the COMMON WRATAM iNlantAiWk. 06811...4111/ a the ttate of Pennsylvania, will be held at the Office of the Company, on MONDAY, January 6th, 1862, at 10 o'clock A. M. Au Election for Ten Directors, to serve the ensuing year ? will be 'held at the same place, and on the same day, between The bourp of 12 amt 2 P. 15e. SAMUEL S. MOON, Secretary. delo-tuthe tiali4 firOFFICE OF THE LITTLE SCHUYL KILL NAVIGATION RAILROAD and COAL COMPANY, 401 LIBRARY street, PHILADELPHIA, 18th Dec., 186 L The Annual Meeting of the Stockholders of this Com pany, and an Election for Officers to serve the ensuing 'Year, ly at P P 14c 1 4c the. OffeC 4 l. the 4 7 5411P14RY7 49, 491 LIDEAIii Oliva, on 21.1./iIDA 13 the /Mk of January next, at 11 o'clock A. M. del9-thetutjal3 Wlll. WALN, Jr, Secretary. IrrBEDFORD -ST MISSION SCHOOLS CIIIII2TMAZ LINKED_ The managers are now preparing for the usual Christ mas Dinner to the Children of the Mission Schools, and will be glad to receive donations of suitable articles to furnish the tables. Poultry., Moats, Broad, 1t0..., oe Money, will he thank fully received as contributions to the Dinner, while kind hearted Christians who can send a barrel of meal, a basket of groceries, a ton of coal, or a bundle of cast- off clothing, will, by so doing, alleviate tho misery of many poor creater es who have Little to eat, and almOsi 46 .IG thing to treas.." Contributions may be sent to the Missionary, Bev. JEREMIAH BECKWITH, (successor to Rev. B. T. Sewell,) at the Mission House, 619 BEDFORD Street, or to any of Oho following managers ? viz E. 8. YARD, 209 Spruce street. J. H. BURDSALL, 808 Chestnut street. J. B. STEELMAN, 52 South Second street. THOS. SAPPINGTON, 303 Market street. WIL O. STEV2N - gON, 712 South goeond altrtot. C 4%. MILLIR UN, 829 Arch Mtreek. delB-t 24 SKATERS' HEADQUARTERS.—We 1.. J just roverrea a Pali atQ of aupariar 04,atEa of the hittEt patterns. LADIES' SKATES, MISSES' SKATES, GENT'S SKATES, PATENT SKATES, STEEL SKATES, ROCKER SKATES, IIL ALP SKATAS, skates of every variety, Cadet Muskets and Equipments,Cricket and Base Ball Implements, Camp eau, Army Chests, Guns, Pistols, &c. PHILIP WILSON & 00., no3ll-Iva 43.1 01111gillItYT &rv.f,t- Dee 23 .Jan 1 n 7 Jan 3 Inn 13 Jan 21 AOPPENHEIMER, MERCHAN. •DisE BROILFiII in all branches of trade, and manufacturer of every description of Army Goode, Ho. street, west side, second story, PhiiN dclphia. del7-tf A FULL AND SPLENDID AS -BORTMENT of Scarfs: Ties: Glom: and Gantt? Futhishltig Goods, just received and for sale. Also, a variety of Travelling Shirts. J. W. SCOTT, 814 CHEST NUT Street, below Continental Hotel. no3o-tf THE NATIONAL HOSPITALS_.. A DEPOSITORY of "The Titoted States Sanitary Commission" is now open at No. 1235 CHESTNUT Street, Philadelphia. Contributions received for the Hospitals, and for Sick and asl7-4ar rfIERRAPIIsiS, OYSTERS STEWED -L. AND FRIED, AND CHICKEN SALAD.—invi. talon Cards and other notices will be distributed In all parts of the city, with punctuality. The undersigned is at all times prepared to present, for the Inspection of Ladies and Gentlemen, a list of the things necessary for a large or small entertainment, as the case may be, thereby avoiding all unnecessary profusion and Waste y and natters himself, that by his long expo. rience in business, he will be able at all times to give, as heretofore, entire satisfaction to all who favor him with their patronage. HENRY JONES, Caterer, 11.0113 T_ WELFTH. fkir99t, ati , Ve fiPRITOIL ma'am BLANK ACCOUNT BOOKS, IN EVERY VARIETY, AND OF THE BEST STOCK, SELLING. AT LOW PRICES. Buy at the Manufactory. W. G. PERRY, BLANK-11'10K MAN urneruitua, S. W. Corner FOURTH and RACE BOOK BINDING OF EVERY DESCRITE EON EXECUTER IN THIS BEST MANNER, AT VAWY LOW PRIORS, I At W. C. FERRYIN i BOOKBINDER, S. W. Comm. 'FOURTH and RACE. MEM PORTLAND KEROSENE We are now prepared to supply this DTA - A - lIABD 111LIID1121 - ATIIIO 0111 GREATLY REDUCED PRICES Z. LOCKE /IL CO., Sou: AGENTS, 1010 HARRIET STREET, Of otli kinds of nAMPTON'S 8 PLENDID LEHIGH I . ARMY GOODS. 1... i.. NU. 1 A lino line of gamin on Wind, Advances made. 1 Cotitratta filled at d guaranteed. Term liberal. Hampton's splendid Stars Coal. Hampto s splendid Egg Coal. Office and Sample Room, Northeast corner of FIFTH • and CHESTNUT Streets—Room No. 2, second floor. Yard, southeast corner FRONT and POPLAR. d16.12t4S ; delS-12t BILL- HE AD PRINTING, 1-3 ES T I gaUNNY BAGS -60 BALES FOR and Cheapest In the city. at RINGWALT & ILA eale by JAURETCH & CARSTAIRS, BROWN'S. 34 South THIRD Street. no'XI I n 022 202 South FRONT Street. THE PRESS.-PHILADELPHIA, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 24. 1861. NOTICES PHILADELPHIA, Dec. 9th. 1864. 0 I L. NEW PUBLICATIONS pHOTOGRAP H ALBUMS, RICHLY BOUND IN TURKEY AND VELVET, ELABORATE ORNAMENTS AND EXQUISITE DESIGNS. • Who, a Targc wortinuat of ILLUSTRATED WORKS. BIDLES4 JUVENILES' STANDARD WORKS, &c., MARTIENS' BOOKSTORE, de::1-3t 696 .TWASTZTVT STWFiriT. HAZARD'S BOOKSTORE. A SUPERB STOCK or ILLUSTRATED BOOK'S, PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS, BIBLES AND PRAYER ROOKS, Cifit.DREIVS BOOKS, &u., Elegantly Bound and Illustrated; ALSO, AMBROTYPE PICTURES AND CARTES DE VISITE PHOTOGRAPHS, Are now displayed on our Counters and forming an un or enoicm ROOKS for HOLIDAY PRESENTS, AT MODERATE PANES, HAZARD'S 2(43.121 721 CHESTNUT STREET. HOLIDAY ANNOUNCMENT. OrBOTAL INPITGEMBNTB TO BOOK BUTBBBI A - NEW FEATURE FOE TITE ITOLITIATS. ROOKS AT REDUCED PRICES, IrITH VALIT. ABLE GIFTS, AT GEORGE G. EVANS' POPULAR GIFT BOOK EMPORIUM, 439 CHESTNUT STREET. CHOICE DOOR LOW PRICES; ELEGANT PRESENTSI BOOKS SOLD AT LESS than the RETAIL PRICE, end accompanied with a beautiful Gift, worth from Se ...A. to teloo_ We are now offering a rare combination of attractions to holiday purchasers, such, indeed, as have never been presented at any previous season. Included in our vast collection of Books will be found a full and well-assorted variety of MAGNIFICENTLY BOUND WORKS, era: braving FINE PULPIT, FAMILY, AND POCKET BIBLES, PRAYER, AND HYMN BOOKS, as well as all the newest and richest styles of 1 4I1OTIIORA.PII, PO ElSP,kgn AUTOGRAPH ALRUMP, designed expressly for our Christmas and New Year sales. Also, a full supply of the latest authorized MILITARY PUBLICATIONS, and all the choice literature of the day. Strangers and others visiting the city during the Holt. days axe particularly invited to call and view our stock and prices, and satisfy themselves of the liberal, honest, and systematic features governing our transactions with the people. Catalomms furnished free on application, and all nest. ears. information concerning our ik MB Book Sygtemn clicerfnlly given. de23-3t PRESENTS FOR THE GIRLS.- 11016, maid l'Almy Oze.d.a, ne trl. W. HilliblONß & SURA, la south St. DRUMS! DRUMS! DRUMS FOE THE BOYS. Tin Drunis, looking and ringing like the "sounding brass. 7 Ornamented Juvenile Military Drums; each one echoes «Hail! Columbia?, Eagle and Plain Drums, all playing 64 Yankee Doodle" by ins. inct. Bops' Sleighs, atrepg, batelsome, and cheap. de23.2ct. tAVORITE RIVENILES. Melodies for Childhood. With 30 Illustrations 16mo. 75 Cents. A remarkably indict= eatunilation from the lIIMMAAt Poole for t hither, with width our tongue abounds. It contains such favorites as " The song of the Snowbird," "Little Bessie," "Robert of Lincoln," "'Twas Night Before Christmas," and a host of oth.rs. BUS' en °MUM Rh. , 1 or, the Metals , of Jamie Wood. ford. Illustrated. 25 cents. If our readers will do as we have done, go through these pages at a single sitting, we vouch for it, they will think with us that the history is one of the most simple, 41. A tal_ The Postmants tag and other stories. With 16 en gravings. 75 cents. Plain Words to Young Men. By Rev. J. B. Ripley. 16mo. 25 cents. Werkis shd Wedting PAlLsace is Well_l7l3tng By Mrs. i!srey Brock. Itirno. BO cents. - . - Mark Noble; or, the Button Necklace. Illustrated Moo. 30 cents. - Mime§ bc§pnis With Illustra tions, J - Auo. lii Grim, , John Ellnid ; the Philadelphia Newsboy. Handsomely illootrated. 18mo. 80 cents. Blind Tum ; or, The Lest Found. Illustrated. I.Bmo SCP cents, Willie and Nellie; or. Stories About Illy Clansries. Illustrated. Squarel6mo. 50 cents. Heights of Eidelberg. By Helen Hazlet. Illustrated. 16mo. 75 cents. ldmette Stanley j or, The Beauty of Discipline. Mas i IvEsltcd, 4Crrno, 75 cents. The Young Marooners. By F. B. Goulding. With twelve Engravings. 16mo. 75 cents. Influence. By Charlotte Anley, author of " Miriam." 16mo. 75 cents. iris Prieral E T warhor of Edward Clifford. Illustrated. 18mo. 45 cents. Charles Norw,od ; or, Erring and Repenting. By the author of " Dick and his Friend Fidus." l6mo. 15 cents. No Lt. Tilt-Ives- A Noolr. for Thy, Illugtriked. Imo 50 emits. Published by WILLIAM S. Ez ALFRED MARTINN. 4321 stu.-2.t No. 606 Chestnut street, Philadelphia STOCKTON'S POEMS, ILLUSTRA TED.—Just published, Poems with autobiographic and other notes. By T. 11. Stockton, Chaplain in Con gress: illustrated by Darloy, Hoppin, and others. For sale at th 4 BOORSTOREg.. Prid e Lti, cloth q glfso, half morocco. de2l-3HS A NEW AND ELEGANT NA TIONAL GIFT-BOOK. ME FALLEN BRAVE A 3tEMORIAL OF OFFICERS KILLED IN DEFENCE OF THE UNION. ED/TEP Di JOLD:i . A beautiful quarto volume, containing Biographies of twenty-four officers, and fine Portraits on steel by J. A. O'Neill of Brig, Sim IT9I, V, ts, A,i (791- . 1.9w5, gf 210;4 Maj. Tilsu. WIATHROrg 01.FLLITAZI DALLOUsIia. Capt. Wean, U. S. N.,_ COL E. D. BAKER, Lt. J. T. MERLE, U. S. A., Got E. E. ELLSWORTH. Cloth, plain Artibesano. > ilt Mos., 4. Turkey Morocco 8. C. 13.. RICHARDSON & CO., Publishers, No. 14 BIBLE HOUSE, N. Y. JOHN PicFARLAN, Agent for Philadelphia. Office of Appleton'e New Cyclopuslia l SS South SIXTH Street, up stairs. ae2i.at CHOICE ENGLISH BOOKS FOR CHRISTMAS PRRSENIS.—The subscribers are now offering their large and well.seleeted assortment of English and French Books and fine Engravings, at greatly reduced prices for cash, in order to reduce their stock prior to theist of January. ... Their collection comprises the best editions of the standard English authors. splendidly illustrated Books in flue bindings, together with a large and valuable stork of Scientific and Miscellaneous Literature in every depart ment of science and art. Eew English Illustrated Books for the coming Holi dgru. Woke for the Young, and every novelty published in England received regularly lly steamer, Detailed Catalogues furnished gratis on application, or mailed to any address. MoELROY Si CO. Importers of English Books, A., Ml_3l. tra . _ 11 Unnth 01, ALSIP.% Oligkilitit. MOTBERS ) MILLINERS, DRESS MAKERO, and LADIES GENERALLY—Do 1 - 19 t fail to secure the splendid Winter Number of MitE. DEItIOIIESI - 0 QUARTERLY - airravitt OF I'AUL ION ; now ready. Contains magnificent Fashion Plates, three useful, plain, f ull-sized Patterns; valuable informa tion, and nearly 100 elegant Engraving& Yearly $l, with a valuable premium, Postage en the premium three rents; mint single copies twenty-five cents; without the plates and full-sized patterns ten cents. Published at No. 473 BROADWAY, New York, and sold everywhere, or sent by mail. Largest, latest, and best Fashion Maga pine lt! the ty grld l and worth more than ten times its cost. Utl/elt BOOKS, LAW AND MISCELLA NEOI3B, new and old, bought, sold, and ex. obappil, at the P4II,ADELPHIA-BANK BOOK BTOKEI Ido, eV UDESINUT btrect. Libraries at ei distance purchased. Those haring Books to sell, if at • distance, will state their names, sizes, bindings, dates, editions, prices, and conditions. WANTED—Books printed by Benjamin Franjain, as well as early nooks printed in anti upon America. Autograph Letters and Portraits purchased. Pamphlet Laws of Pennsylvania for sale. Catalogues, in press, Bent free. Libraries ap praised by ffe2s-tfl JOHN CAMPBELL. WINES AND LIQUORS pITRE PORT WINE. DUQUE DO POBTO WINE, BOTTLED IN PORTUGAL IN 1820. . _ . Physicians and invalids in want of a reliable article of pure Port Wine can be supplied by inquiring for the above setae at CANTWELL & KEFFER'S, Boutheaet corner ingIiMANTOWN Moue and IuADTES. Eitivet. HENNESSY, PINE-YARD PRO orletors, Bison% Trkoche & Co., Marett, Pinot, and other aporoyed brands of 00aNA0 BUNDY, for We, in bond and from More, by CANTWELL it HEFFEB, Southeast corner GERMANTOWN Avenue and MASTER Street. STUAAT - '8 kAtatht . MALT WEIS EY. Bnchanatee Coal IlaWbieky, Old Tom Gin, 01(1 London Gin, London Cordial Gin, RohlonliiGin, In bond and store. CANTWELL & REITER, Seutheast corner GIERDIANTOWN Avenue and MASTER Street ZOTJAVE 01 - IAMPAGNE.—A now brand—an excellent article. Imported and for sale at a price to suit the times, by CANT WXLL & KEY PER, southeast corner of GERMANTOWN Avenue and DIMITEB Ftr9€4. JAU UDESHEIMER-BERG, LAUBEN. REIMER, and HOCKEEIMER WINE, in cases of one dozen bottles each; warranted pure. Imported tual for sale low by CANTWELL $ KEFFEB, south east corner GERMANTOWN Allinue and MAUER Stmt. ZIMMERMAN'S DRY CATAWBA WlNE.—This approved brand of Cincinnati wine, bcgik wriisiv " tied and in cases, by CA NT WELL & KEEFER, south east corner GERMANTOWN Avenue and BLASTER Street. ne24-8m OPPENHEIMBR, AGENT AND MANUFACTURER CLOAKS AND MANTILLAS. CLOAKS I N^ CLOAKS ! MAGNIFICENT FRENCH SILK PLUSH CLOAKS ,row rczarryz•Dczn LAST STEAMZ"ii• FROSTED BEAVER CLOAKS In endless variety. Also, the largest and best assorted Keck of SEAL SKIN CLOAKS In the City. V.Vralt 14111 N STiLF j VNTiItV ATI:III2AL The very best work, at PR/4g.5 THAT .IATONLSI/ BURT SINE IVEN S", N 0.23 SOUTH NINTH STREET WINTER CLOAKS to SABLE CLOTHS, FROSTED BEAVERS, SEALSKIN CLOTHS, ELAM BEAVERS, LYONS VELVETS; A LARGE ASSORTMENT, MODERATE PRIOES, AT THE PARIS CLOAK EMPORIUM. 705 CHESTNUT STREET. J. W. PROCTOR & Co. nol4-tf CLOAKS! CLOAKS! CLOAKS! WATER PROOF CLOTH CLOAKS, in endless variety LIGHT AND DARK CLOTH. CLOAKS, of every shade BLACK CLOTH CLOAKS, of every quality ; BLACK SILK-VELVET 'CLOAKS, EVERY NEW STYLI, EVERY NEW MATERIAL; THE LARGEST STOCK AND THE MOST REASONABLE PRICES IN THE CITY IVENS, 6615 No. 23 South NINTH Stmt. CAK 8! I—.l The Largest, Cheered, and Beet-anorted stoek In the eity. HOUGH & CO., No. 26 South TENTH Street, Opposite Franklin Market rpHE ARCH-STREET CLOAK AND J. MANTILLA STORE. NEW FALL CLOAKS. WATER-PROOF TWEED OLOAKS ELAM CLOTH CLOAKS. EVERT NOVELTY AT MODERATE PRICES. JACOB DORSFALL, sv3l-6m N. W. corner TENTH and AMOR Ste MILLINERY GOODS. KENNEDY'S FRENCH FLOWERS, FEATHERS, AND GENERAL MILLINERY GOODS. No. 729 CHESTNUT STREET, BELOW EIGHTH ocs-8m FOR SALE AND TO LET. MO LET—A STABLE with 15 stalls, and yard with sheds. Inquire at the northeast corner of GIRARD Avenue and FRANKLIN Street, at the Wit& d020,6t* FACTORY FOR RENT.—The un dersigned will rent a first-rate Factory Building and Water Power, one mile north of the Pennsylvania Railroad, at Canteavilla, Pa_, if amdination he Made soon. Address del9-6t* T .ARGE AND SMALL OFFICES / TO IMM— IX FRANKLIN BUILDING. Some HANDSOMELY FURNISHED. Terms moderato. Apply to M. C. LEA. M 2. 2! Logt,wr Street, or to S. K. WA.LiUT 'stmt. delB.l2tt FOR EXCHANGE - A FINE itMMILL PROPERTY, on the Eastern Shore of Mary land, consisting of Grist, Saw, and Carding Mills, Wheel wright Shop, Blacksmith Shop, Store, compri.iag a whole village, with about 30 acres of ground ; superior water power—no equal in the country ; bringing a rental of $1,500 per annum. Apply to J. 11. WATERS, aoe_er 110 g...AL, POUI3TII SkrOA. irg FOR SALE-A LARGE FAC TORY BUILDING, covering a lot of ground WO feet by 150 tech baying three frOuta, with a large titoam Encino, and all in comploto order, situate in the ce)utro of the city. Will be solo at a great sacrifice. No money required. Part can remain on the premises ' and the balance will be taken in city poverty. Apply to J. 11. 110 South FOURTH Street. FARM FOR SALE.—A FARM, in excellent state of cultivation, containing Mty.ono acroa Pine of which are woomana,) pleasantly sitnaunl in Limerick township, Montgomery county, two and a half miles from the Limerick station, on the Reading Railroad, is offered for sale. Price—Five thousand dol larg MAO, Apply on the premises, noTh.tr SAMUEL H. GRAFF. TO EXCHANGE—VaIuabIe farm of 64 acres of first-rate land, situate near Quaker lonn North P.m...A...A.. well fruited, Nrith good and enbatantial stone improve ments, &c. Apply to E. PETTIT, No. 309 WAL .t4UT Street. (1,1.3 TO , EXCHANGE—A &Amble FARM, situate near 'West Chester, and one mile from Railroad Station, containing 60 acres of excellent land, with good improvements. Price only 86,500. Also, Farms of every description for sale on reasonable terms. Apply to den No. 309 WALNUT Street. fa, PUBLIC SALE.—The fillowing tehi.raltiable proverb', in Mentganteu canal', will tio . offered at public sale, on NONDAT 4 December 30, at 2 o'clock P. IL, at the Itontgomecy House, NORRIS TOWN : A first-class FAKIR . , containing 120 acres of laud, 12 acres of with h is woodland, consisting of fine black and white-oak timber ; the remainder being arable taro, in a nigh state or crittivarign, fronting on the Giage turnpike, about 3 miles northwest of Norristown, and on three other public roads. The improvements are a large and commodious STONE MANSIuN; a very large and substantial Barn, which cost upwards of 55,000 to build; Oiler-hoiae and Pres,, r. othe coave mien+. out-bui .l ldings; water conveniences very superior; apple orchard and other fruit trees. Also, adjoining the above, the following , property—viz: TWO SCE AM FACTORIES, known as the „ Clayton _Factories) , note in successful oftttehtkot, and fronting , on the Township-line road, one mile front the Schuylkill lending calculated for the manufacture of either cotton or woollen goods, with facilities for dyeing and drying, and all other conveniences, and one 25-horse-power Engine, tun 40zineli Boilers, 31 feet long, and two 313-ineh nuid Boilers, 24 feet long, with heaters, pipes, and all the necessary connections. Also, with the Factory pro perty, THIRTEEN STONE AND FOUR FRASEE DWELLINGS, for the workmen, and ONE BRICK MANSION HOUSE, with w.sh-house, wood and ' house, dc.; frame barn, carpenter shop, wagon-house, hose carnage and hose, with double-acting forcing pumps, de. The Factory property embraces 10 acres of ground. For further particulars, apply to JAMES S. YOUNG, &ID MARKET Street, 46 R. MARKLEY BOYER, NORRISTOWN, Pa. de19420* LEGAL. IN THE ORPHANS' COURT FOR THE CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILADEL PHIA. Estnto of THOMAS DURANT, deceased_ The auditor appointed o; the Court to audit, settle, and adjust the account of GEORGE SMITH and DAVID POLLITT, executors of the last wilt and testament of the said decedent, and to make distribution of the ba lance, bill meet the parties interested, tor the purposes of hie appointment, on MONDAY, December 30,1861, at 4 o'clock P. M., at his office, No. 213 South SIXTH Street, Philadelphia. LEWIS C. CASSIDY, thstn four Auditor. TN TEE COURT OF COMMON JL PLEAS FOR THE CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA. • Trust PAW oT GARPNER Ti, CRANSTON, The Auditor appointed by the court to mini settle, and adjust the account of JOHN HANLEY, Trustee for Gardner L. Cranston, under the will of MARY JOHNS, deceased, and to report distribution of the balance in the hands of said acquaint, will meet the parties interested, for the purposes Or Ills appointment, on FRIDAY, the an of Jimmy. A. D. 1862, at 4 o'clock P. M., at his office, No. 633 ARCH Street, Philadelphia. GEORGE M. CONARROE, Auditor. pIithADELPHIA NOVEMBER 1861. Noticeis hereby given that write of Haire ludas will be issued on the following Claims for CURB. INS PAYMQ, 4i t4.;Te from the date hereof', unless the Iwo tun paid to tile nnuardignea at their Office, No. 617 SPRING GARDEN Street, Pinta. N. R T P. POTTS, Attorneys of H. S. Stephens. THE CITY OF FIIII:APEEXHIA, TO TM; QF fi, C. FANLINO 18. M. LINNAIiD 4 in the Court of Common Pleas, No. 135, June Term, 1881, against a cet tain triangular lot of ground on the east side of Ninth street, 198 feet 11 inches south of Moore street, in the First ward of said city, containing in front on Ninth street 20 feet 1 inch, on the northerly lino about 210 Mat 6 inches, and on the southerly line along the south line of the towpath of the old Delaware and Schuylkill canal, about 300 feet to ground now or late of John Wagner. SANE TS, SOTS,—In the 09114 of 4QM111411 Pica?, No. 131), June Term, 166 h, Against a certain triangular hot of groundon the west side of Ninth street, in the First ward of said city, 235 feet 4 inches south of Moore street, containing in front on Ninth street 16 feet 8 inches, and jp 4(10 23 feet more or less. noel-013t* TN THE COURT OF COMMON I N PLEAS FOR THE CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA. RILEY To. ROOK. Maroh Term, Mil. Ito. 4. In Ettuity. . . . The Auditor appointed by the Court to audit, settle, and adjust the account of R. D. LAWRIE, Receiver in the above case, and to make distribution of the balance in the 'ninth of the accountant, will most the Partiou in terested for MB purposes of Ms appointinont, on 11ION• DAY, December 23d, 189, at 4 o'clock P. M., at No. 128 South SIXTH street, in the city of Philadelphia. del4-stuth-6t H. E. WALLACE, Auditor. BUSINESS NOTICES. PRACTICAL AND ANALYTICAL L CHEN/BTRY,—Tim /102911 , f917 2f iimmiliscribtril 13 open daily, from 8 A. M. to 0 P. M., for Analyses of Ores, Guineas, Waters, &a. Also, for the instruction of Students in Chemistry, Mineralogy, and Geology. Opinions given in Chemical questions. Special Instruction in MEDICAL CHEMISTRY. JAMES C. 1100T11, THOS. li. GARRETT, JNO. J. REESE, H. 1)., oc4-Sm No. 10 CHANT Street, Tenth, below Market. 10}IN WELSH, Practical SLATE u , ROOFER, TIMM Siroin wad OERUANTOW Seed, is prepared to put on any amount of ROOFING, m the moot MODERATE TERMS. Wm guaranty to make every Building porfectly Water-tight. ir coon prmptly attnadoil iv, tiOrTeiT ei EVANS & WATSON'S SALAMANDER SAFE MORE, iti BOUM NOIIRTII MEW, PITTLADELPHIA, PA. A largo variety or VIER-PROOF SAFES Maey* an hand. OOTTON BAIL DUCK and CIAN, VAS, of all numbers and brands. Raven's Duck Awning Twills ,of all desorialiona, for peals, Awnings, Trunks, told Wagon Covers. Mici, raper VanufacturerV Drier Vena l from IL to ! Wet wide, Torpediding, Boaing, Mil Twine, eau. JOHN W. gyinmeN a 00., eart4ir led JONES 1,20 i. FROTHINGEAM c t WELLS, 11. G. 1110SIA.S, Attorney for the Owner FRELH MINCED MEAT. The subscriber begs leave to inform the public that he is again prepared to oiler his justly celebrated NE PLUS ULTRA MINCED MEAT, In large or small quantities. Orders through De spatch Poet will be punctually attended to. JOSHUA WRIGHT. SPRING GARDEN and FRANKLIN. Streets, nol3-2m Philadelphia. QPRING GARDEN FRUIT AND rsoDucii STORE STILL AlIEAD.—Yfie mitt scriber takes this method to inform his patrons, and the Public generally, that he has removed his Fruit and Pro duce Store to No. 812 SPRING GARDEN Street, where Ile is now propnroti to Imp up a full supply of 4PPin - Potatoes, Sweet - Potatoes, Cranourries, Buts of all knots, Pried Fruits (both Foreign and Domestic), Butter, Eggs, Poultry, &c., Ac. Also, EXTRA FAMILY FLOUR, Buckwheat Flour, and Corn Meal. All of which he will Sell as low as can be bollitht anywhere in the city. Being Ittartßful for past favors, to those - who have so liberally patronized him heretofore, the subscriber most respectfully solicits a continuance of their patronage, and invites all others to give him a call, at his new place, where ho has superior facilities for supplying all with thb tArms_ Illy motto is To live and let live; quick sales, and small profits." Please give me a call before purchasing elsewhere. S. Z. GOTTWALS, de44l 812 SPRING GARDEN Street STEAM -SCOURING AND TAILOR ING done at the shortest notice. lIENRY B. BASCOM, 137 SEVENTH Street, above Walnut. K. 'BASCOM'S plan for the times is to recommend Gents to bring their old Clothing to him, and have thorn made now. Also, their Cloths, and have them fashion ably made up. dolo-ly LAMP SHADE MANUFAQTORY OF V. QIIARRE, Southeast corner of NINTH and ARCH Streets, Wholesale Eat mblifiluvunt. Retail Stoto, ohpositia, No, g3l AACEIStroot, For conVOIIIMMO of tally customers, who will Rue there tin most suitable article for o Christmas pram). unfi-tdp3l OLD LEAD-8 barrels just received per selooner Ama for sale by JAURRIT HE & OMISTAIRS, no 7 202 and 2111 .9.neth FRONT Steno+, COMMISSION HOUSES. 34 ROUTH FRONT AND 35 LETITLA. BTRRET, 1=3:1 BROWN AND BLEACHED SHEETINOS, BHIRTINGS, DRILLS, JEANS, SILECIAS, CANTON FLANNELS, IFECIII THE MASSACHUSETTS, GREAT FALLS LACONIA, 14TMANI EYBEETT, DWIGHT, LOWELL, CABOT, IPSWICH, CB LOOPIER, and ILA IYIPBRHI ktildetit LIKEWISE, A FULL ASSORTMENT OF SHAWLS, BEAVER CLOTHS, TRICOTS, GASSIMERES, FLANNELS, TWEEDS, BLANKETS, AND ARMY GOODS, FROM THE WASHINGTON (nets BAY STATI,) AND OTHER MILLS. ocl-3m SHIPLEY, HAZARD, dt, _MITCHINSON, !h CIHMTITUT Mart 00111MIBEIION M 110HANTEI /01 THII BALI or 1 5 -ti/LAIDVIAPHIA — VIADE GOODS. ise2B-13m MILITARY 1100 Db. ANDREWS' ORIGINAL CAMP, OR TRAVELLING BED TRUNK. (Patent applied for) For sale by W. A. ANDICEWS. nol6-2m No. 612 CHESTNUT Street. ARMY CONTRACTORS AND BUTLERS 301TLIED WITH BRUSHES at the lowest rates. Always on hand, a Imno dock of CAVALRY BRUSHES. Governmext standard; WAGON BRUSHES, litovernment standard And every Description of Brushes required for the Army HEMBLE lic VAN HORN, .2018-sn. 50.1 HARRET ARMY FLANNELS. WELLING, COFFIN, & CO, 116 CHESTNUT STREET, foe SPAZILVAIi to make eenivaels, fer immediate delivery, WHITE DO? -ET FLANNELS, AND ALL WOOL INDIGO BLUE FLANNELS, of Government standard. oc4-tt CADET MUSKETS AND EQUIP MF.NTS.—Wo have just mule to order a lot of su perior MUSKETS suitable fur Philadelphia Cadets. They are tight and neat, such as every parent would wish to plan in the hands of their sons, affording healthful ex ercise withont being en heavy AR to item the nine, Ales, CADET EQUIPMENTS made to TIMM pat. tern. PHILIP WILSON & CO., n030.1m 432 CHESTNUT Street. DRUGS AND UDF.RICALS. 1-14 C. 1 .BERT SHOEMAKER _ _ 86 CO., Northeast Corner FOURTH and RACE Streets, MITT A nELRELEA., WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS, IMPORTERS AND DEALERS FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC WINDOW AND rLATE 111 LAMS MANUFACTURERS OF Wain LEAD AND ZINC PAINTS, PUTTY, AGENTS FOR THE CELEBRATED FRENCH ZINC PAINTS. Dealers and consumers supplied-at VERY LOW PRICES FOR CASH 0c.:31.3in JUST RECEIVED, per " Annie Kim ball," from Liverpool, Malodor, Weerror, &. ten der's preparations : 25 Ma Extract Avila% ia / lb jam, Xa Re EXtraGtltYoaOryauu, nn. ID MTh 60 The Extract Belladonna, in 1 lb jars. 100 Ibe Extract Taraxaci ' in 1 ft) jars. 50 IbR Yin Bel Colcbiti,ln 1 lb bottles. 100 The 01 Succini Bea l in /th bottles, §O9 IDs Oalomol, in 7 lb bottles, MA The Fit Hydrarg., in lib Jars. WETHERILL & BROTHER, • tobB 47 and 40 North SECOND street. LOOKING GLASSES. IMMENSE REDUCTION LOOKING GLASSES. OIL PAINTINGS, ENGRAVINGS, CHTI7/1/1 AND rucrroasAra !BANNS, JAMES S. EARLE & SON, Sl6 CHESTNUT STREET, ARMIN" TG9 PARMA 91 P.M MVO vr ltl Mannfactrired Stook of Looking Glum ; also, in Engraving% Picture and Photograph Frames, Oil Paint nge. The largeet and most elegant assortment in the MOM APT, 9pp9±SlOlitYls tiptv 914 ml t 9 4±1440 PRI thane in UM line For Onebi at remarkably Low Prim EARLE'S GALLERIES, 09-tt 816 CHESTNUT Street. GROL ERIES. MATERIALS FOR MINCE PIES. BUNCH AND LAYER RAISINS, EUIiTII,II - 41 ALW SEEDLE SS IC AIVILTSO CITRON, CURRANTS, SPICES, SWEET CIDER, WINES, disc ALBERT C. ROBERTS, DEALER IN FINE GROCERpIS, deb-t 1 ccrur 01 ELR %WITH and TINE stroetl, MACKEREL, HERRING, SHAD, SALMON, &c.-2.000 bide Mese Noe. 1,2, and lAOKEREL, large, mcdium, and small, in assorted mimes of choice, late.canght, tel fish. 6,000 bble. New Halifax, Eaatport, and Labrador Her. Olga, of choice ttalities. 6,000 boxes extra new scaled Herrings. 8,000 boxes extra new No. 1 Herrings. iyiSa6 • 250 bble. Mackinac White Ptah. 60 bbls. new Economy Mesa Shad. 25 bble. new Halifax Salmon. 1 1 000 quintals Grand Bank Codfish. 649 bozos Horkimer County 06.00. In store - and landing, for sale by MURPHY it KOONS, nob No. 146 NORTH WHARVES. vwnrlZT kVEN IT ÜBE. CABINET FURNITURE AND BIL WARD TABLES. litookin & CAMPION, No. NI South SECOND Street, in connection with their extensive Cabinet Boidness are row manufacturing a superior article of BILLIARD TABLES, And have now on hand a full manly, finished with the atOolat B CAMPION'S IMPROVED CUSHIONS, which are pronounced, by all who have need them, to be superior to all others. For the nunlike and finish of these Tables the mann. ?sett:were refer to their numerous patrons throughout the Union, who ere familiar with the characterof their work. an2s-6m ABD PRINTING, BEST AND C Cheapest in the City, at ElNGultatrß Watflfft4 South THIRD Streot. uo2o SALES ISY A ECTIOrt. FURNESS, 13R1Ni4EY, & 00., No. 4111 MARKET STREET. SALE OF IMPORTI:1) .1 NO OILY (39ODS. On Fri:lay Mon.ting, 11414110aq. 27, at 10 0%1.0,, fi n - c 1,1,, !,y 4., 1.4 p aa.il impt , rtani :try - 3 , 11.11ni, and catalcattlen arty f3ll mormne sir 4alt , „ VIENNA BRUCHE LONG AND squAinc SHAWLS. On Friday M.waing, An invoice t.l line ViPtllla brocha 1611,Z and utnaro An invoke of 4-4. 13-4, and B• 4 all-weal ',laid du sToi K OF DRY GOODS. (lii Friday /IrCrlllllrr 117 4 at 10 iftinrit, fur cloth. x Stark of dry goods, ronsiiiliip. or_ Prir,ted reps and poplins, white anti colnrod and de laine,, lainee, awl liart•gc , , efiliKilitYri.F, clam; iinzs, whar goodi., wool lung 111:r I) , ,ll•WeAt owner "r Twelfth and Mai het, eni:nter,, i••procif, Sc, NyIL E. SMITH, AucTioNNI4m 3 filrert, BEAVTIFUL Y . BOOKS, VALUABLE AND STANDARD WORKS. 'fhb+ Evoniug, Al 0 4 ,1u.au, 1,064 tom or the most choice and viduahle collection of hooks ever oftertd to the public, richly hound and beautifully illus trated, suitable for he holithos, Lein; the finest London and American editions. At.homtm-d I._ Warmly Gallery, tr , V , 'N of the Poets, Court ~f Napoleon, Women of Duality, Parablet of t h - Lord, /cc. de2l 3t NPANWAST, AUCTIONEER, ' • auc cemor to TS. Scott, Jr.. 431 CHESTNUT St. BALE OF AM EnicAN AND IMPORTED DRY cOOPS 7 Esll3llolbEntEs, Ri m l mmo, KILL'. 999P@ITT°T1S)rib', 1160., by CatalOgnOi Thin Morning', December 24, commencing at 10 e'clock precisely. An invoice of very rich eiahrc hierivs for hofillay bake, com-iptjjls 10 port of ierl, collars, haratherchichi, walaba robes, &c., &c. 3VITILINF.RY GOODS Also, bonnet ribbons, bonnet materials, French ilowers, black and fancy feathers, Se, cOI,OCiNE, Sa Also, an invoica of fine perfumery, extracts, colognes, romailt f.ottpm, 110SiERY GOODS, GERMANTOWN GOODS, ==o Ala°, jai E .-c.f.' , a "c 7 .i s arc.i4FNlVlT tinq giracni zephyr 'knit nobiss, hoods, scarfs, sontags i notions, stock goods, hoop skirts, &c. FURS. Thio Morning, Ateommencement of sale, at 16 o'clock -precisely, a yortion of a stock of a first-class furrier, comprising an assortment of goods made and trimmed in the best man ner. Ft - BS, FVlcO, EOM. LARGE SALE OF LADIES' FANCY FURS, ROBES, &c. On Thursday Morninß, December 26, commencimi nt 10 o'clock precisely. r B. HOPPIN, AUCTIONEER. • 242 MARKET STREET. AT PRIVATE SALE _LK IhYolbA 6f it Jai i auoae LAsithei., Lie for hook-binders' use • a very line intnailon of Russia leather, the first importation of the kind into this country MEDICINAL, DR. VERNON PIERPOINT, MEMBER OF THE ROYAL COLLEGE OF PHYSICIANS; ENGLAND; Anther of "Skin Diseases - and their Remedies," and ""Diseases of the Rectum:" May be teaselled at his Beiudence, /012 WALNUT STREET, raiLAPELFRIA, FROM 10 O'CLOCK A. M. TILL 13 O'CLOCK P. M., OR BY ArITINTMEIiT, Dr. PIEUPOINT has been especially sucessful in his treatment of the following diseases: SKIN DISEASES of Every Natore, _NEURALGIA; RHEUMATISM, DYSPEPSIA, and DISEASES of the ItECTUZI. no2s•tf HELMDOI , TPS CtENUINE PREPARATIONS. lIELMEOLD'S GENUINE PREPARATIONS. RELBIBOLD'S GENUINE PREPARATIONS. 8.8.LM80t15 , § ERTRALIT BUCHt Cures Diseases of the Bladder. HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU Cures Diseases of the Kidneys. HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU 011D11. OPILVAL HELMBOLI it.'.XTRACT BUCHU Cures Dropsy. HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU Cures Nervous Sufferer& WANZINVI/P'S "NWIBAVI NVONO Cures Debilitated Sufferers. ". HELFIDOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU For Loss of Memory. HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU For Loss of Power, HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT DUCK , ' For Consumption, Insanity. HELMDOLD'S EXTRACT BUCLIU For Epileptic Fits; St. Vitus? Danes. HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU For Difficulty of Breathing. HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU For General Weakness. HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU For Weak Nerves. HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU For Trembling. HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU For Night Sweats, HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU For Cold Feet. HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU For Dimness of Vision. HELMBOLIFS EXTRACT BUCHU For Languor. HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU For Universal Lassitude of the Muscular System. HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU Fer Pallid 001 Melina HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU For Eruptions. HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU For Pains in the Back. HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU For Headache, HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU For Sick Stomach. HELMBOLD'S GENUINE PREPARATIONS. If you are suffering with any of the above distressing ailments, use HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BMW. Try it, and be convinced of its efficacy. HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU, recommended by names known to SCIENCE and FAME. HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU, See remarks made by the late Dr. Physic. HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU. See Dr. De wee's valuable work on Practice of. Physic. HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU. SW Dispensa tory of the United States, HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BIICHIS I . dee remarks made by Dr. Ephraim McDowell, a celebrated physi cian, and Member of the Royal College of Surgeons, Ireland, and published in Ring and Queen's Jburnal. /igifNDQIIP'§ %POW rfredrittiflilB, gt? 11.94199 - Uldrurgicel Review, published by Benjamin Travers, F. R. C. S. HELMBOLD'S Genuine Preparations. See most of the late Standard Works on Medicine. HEMIROLD'S Genuine Promotions, Bee remarks made by distinguished Clergymen. HELMBOLD'S GENUINE PREPARATIONS it Give health and vigor to the frame, Andbloom to the pallid check i" and are so pleasant to the taste that patients become fond of them. HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT RUCH:II,4I per bottle, or six for $5, delivered to any address. Depot 104 South TENTH Street, below Chestnut, Philadelphia, Pa., when oil lvtiqr§mmt bc Nl4r§l§o, PHYSICIANS IN ATTENDANCE From 8 A. M. to 8 P. M. Describe symptoms in all communications. ADVICE GRATIS. CURES GUARANTIED. kola by ijnigairma and Deal ere everywhere, 94-ei-gailaSm MIS. JAMES BETTS' CELEBRA ED SUPPORTERS FOR LADIES, and the only Bm:utters under eminent medial - patronage, La dies and physicians are respectfully requested to call only on Mrs. Betts, at her residence, 1039 WALNUT Street, Philadelphia, (to avoid counterfeits.) Thirty thousand invalids have been advised by their physicians to use her tria.ca baavir,g the. MiltaA States copyright, labels on the box, and signatures, and also on the Supporters, with testimonials. ocl6-tuthati GLUTEN CAPSULES OF PURE COD-LIVER OIL• The repugnance of most patients to COD-LIVER am; and the inability of ninny to take it at all, has in. &mod various forms of disguise for its administration that are familiar to the Medical Profession. Some of them answer in special cases, but more often the vehicle neutralizes the usual effect of the Oil, proving quite as unpalatable and of lola therapeutic value, The mug, name, nausea; dte , to invalids, induced by disgust or 1110. Oil, is entirely obviated by the use of our CAPSULES. COD-LIVER OIL CAPSULES have been much used lately in Europe, the experience there of the good m oults from their use in both hospital anti private practice, WOO from the naturally auggverost WITRIIciVatTOT RFC Vlit ficient to warrant our claiming the virtues we do for them, feeling assured, their use will result in benefit and deserved favor. Prepared by WYETH ei; BROTHER, de9-tf 1412 NI , A [NUT Street, Philadelphia HOTELS. ACARD. -THE UNDERSIGNED, late of the GIRARD HOUSE, Philadelphia, have leased, for a term of years, WILLARD'S HOTEL, in Washington. They take this occasion to return to their uld Manila anci mmtorama many *harass for post favors, and beg to assure them that they will be most happy to see them in their new quarters. SYKES, CHADWICK, & CO. WASHINGTON, July 16. 1801. MACHINERY AND IRON. gink PENN STEAM ENGIN.III AND BOILER WORKS,NEAPIEII LEPP, PRACTICAL AND THEORETICAL REDD KREBS, MACHINISTS, BOILER-MAKERS, BLACK. SMITHS, and FOUNDERS, haring, for many yew% been In emccessinl operation and been exclusively en gaged in building and repai ring Marine and Rini Mk' %chaos, high and low pressure, Iron Boats, Water Taunt Propellers, &c., Ric., respectfully offer their eerthiell the public, as being fully prepared to contract for sines of all sizes, Marine, River, and Stationary, harts , sets of patterns of different sixes, are prgpArtod to OZIP ante orders with Quirk despatch. - Bleu deiscription 01 Pattern making made at the shortest notice. High not Low Pressure, Fluei, Tubular, and Cylinder Boilers, of the beet Ponneylvania charcoal Iron. Forging', of all Wm and kinds!, Iron and Brass Castings, of all do. aniptious iNoil Turt4o, Ouitioo ! mad ca 1444 r work connected with the above business. Drawings and Sperilwations for all work done at Cash establishment, free of charge, and work guarantied. The subscribers have ample wharf-dock room for re. imam of boats, where they can lie in poefeot safety, Inf are provided with ahead, Web, fa% &c., &e., raising heavy or light weights. JACOB O. NEATIII, JOHN P. LEVY, Jel4-tf BEACH and PALMER Streets. I. TAIJOHAJI EINKB/01110 WILLIAM H. MEIVIIOI4 HARTLMT win% SOUTBWARK FOUNDRY, - fIFTH AND WASHINGTON @TWIT% 11317 , A&AforiTf - NERBICX. & SOIS, MNOINEERB AND MACHINISTS, Ilannfarture high and how Pressure Steam Ilinteet for land, river, and mar lo service. Cwtozuetera, Tikuks, iron Dent*, 49,i **t inge of all kinds, °Rhos iron or bras& Iron-Franke Roofs for Gas Works, Workshop, son. roali Stations, &c. Retorts and Gas Machhazy of the latest and m0d1?..R5.44-11419.64 Every deticrioton of Plantation Machiz"7, =oh Sugar, Saw, and Grist Mills, Vacuum Pais, Open Steen Trains, Doferators, nem, Pumping Rumbas, he. Sole Agents for N. Ginieur's Pawn Sugar BMW AplAsstuos. Nrarauptlitallsu..at gleans Rammer: and An. pinwait hlite, & *otay's CoutrlNVl ktf* Dildnint Diao 11041 Vi THOMAS 3.1. ks thus. 139 Rrid 141 Bonth FOURTH kltroat. rr.tltil•g , l 4, !lll ,, A rf•roly, ti , l:; descrir ti,r- , ••1 nu ::,-, T. , :1‘ , 1•1• , 1 T - 4-11 b .td, of ndrnim-'rii!•.vn;slid,d!~rt'r, SALES ILEAL ASTATIG AND STOOK* AT 1:1111 EXCHANGE, EVIRY TUESDAY, at 11 oPolopk noon, dnrinst tho LoAnitti4 mulAn - - . - AO" We have a large amoint or real estate at private sale, Including every deacription ofslty and country pro perly. Printed bets may tied at the Aaqth i rt fit ac BALM Uk Ul'JMolt lettltNiTtitk, RUSE WiK/Y) M.OliE ON, LA ne: II: V- PROOF, INTI.Mt ,, INS, IIA NAT EL T A P.L.F., BEDS RNA BE I' , DIN (1, CHINA AND CARPICTII, Eith , ntl ThuuUnf 11111rIlillg, nl Tho A Ite.tinn Store, will eninprigr., la.sid,A :100 Subt nr miperior w.f.:011,1- 'mnd funiiture, rpsf wo o d inel.lileon, 1;117..0 and Superior chem, made by mini IVRititit I)N.- gamin, table, Mai flint cuoq conintoto, inirroro, ehina and ninggunro, thug Juni tiobiliw. tine vidvot And Brua•i•la enrioN, filming All attractive liqb?, to which wo in- Nitr the attention of ladles and others deatroun o 1 par- IR" Clanlimos am rawly, and the artlcina arranzad for UXllllllllllliOll. 6TvinCS, a• - c. This Par, Pm:ember 24 at 12 o'cl9oi n 9; n, fit the FlONdelphiks 5 sban.s Arrwrieml Ara:Thni% of 3ITIRiC, with ticlEet. 2 slier , 8 A eruiemy of the Fine Arts. 1 i,hare Ocean titemoBhip Cmopany. 1 Alan. I'hil:Blelphin Library company, sitar , . Strt-catall, ~.,11111o4;,y, R i 6 inrlllllo following, viz NEC 11101)ERN I'IIIIEE-STORY MUCK DWELL INC, 2014 partre./ throat:chant, awl has ai the no, fern t_salve.l,nees, nasliate possession. Terms—? 3,000 may remwin on morteasre. MODERN TRU Er-STORY BRICK DWELLING, 1 1, ..:0rth norrit tl'allaoe str,-t j haa the modern Xe. Lot 18 fro! front. Totra.t mn3• re nit Oil 1110I'lea211. NEAT MODERN THREE-STORY RitICK REAT TYENcr.. Nn. 102 T Tine street, (Palmyra Row,) between Te,ah aaal Ehrraath sias , etei han:e has gas, I,stlc r for - Imre, . 6 .tr. Lot '..10 feet front. Terms—S:4soo Lthvy re [Alain on mortgsge, TWO VALUABLE BUSINESS LOCATIONS.—The Tavern and DlVel!ihg known a:1 tilts UPittOmrg Ilaase," 911 Let tko 40 feet fiM inches to Water street. TANKT:N AND DWELLING, known as the " Wood man's 'Hotel," No. !<O9 South Front street, adjoining the above. Terms of sale one-half cash. Administrulotalt Sldo—E.th.tr, of laney,tlee'd_ HANDSOME MODERN It e-gf t)r.N,3'., 'No. Int Arch street. Lot 22 feet front and 16i feet deep, to Cuth hurt street. Sate hr order or Ileks—t.tate et Silage tongAreth, doe% VALUABLY. FARM, 140 .1(.3R1 nonteourmy ' county, Pennsylvania 11' of a mile Warn Sanity Run Station, on the North Pennsylvania RaLtrarul, 2 miles Chektoot. llilt, 'awl 12 milt, fr,m PhlinelAph6. SUPERIOR FURNITURE, FNENOH-PLATE ROES, PIANO-FORTES, BEDS AND BEDDING, VU/Pl4 ANP Q/4.OSWABEt SKINSZO AND OTHER DAMELD, ,Vg. On Thumlny Morning, At 9 o'clock, at the Auction Store, the superior fnrni furniture, piano-fortcs, mirrors, Brussels and othor car- DO% 110,, from families declining housekeeping, removed to the MOTs TOT convenience or 11418. Kir Catalogues ready the day previous to sale. ALbO, A ladies' fine gold watch. hunting-claw gold watch, A nor rinti. A superior exteithion table, made by Henkel& An elegant rosewood melodeon. A very large runt tiuperior lire-proof Bare, by Farrell SUPERIOR FURNITURE, ROSEWOOD PIANO, BRUSSELS CARPETS, 4:e. On Monday Morning, Mill catalo;ote, at go. 465 Pine street, the buperiur furniture, ro,sowoul piauu-furte, by )1;1!helm & Schuyler, fine Brussels carpets, &c. LP May be examined at 8 o'clock on the morning of the Bale. AT FIIITATEi SALE Shores Mprearitile Library. FORD et.. CO., AUCTION HERS, Noe: 526 MARKET end fat COMMIROI Streets. LARGE POSITIVE SALE OF LON CASES BOOTS, tee._ Lid ? ,s l 4-,,A , pre..lE,el T , will be, mod, 6 7 ca— talogue, 1,000 cases men's, boys', and youths' calf, kip, grain, thick and cavalry boots, brogans, Wellington boots, women's, misses', and children's calf, kip, goat, kid, mo rocco, and Ha!merit horde and oltre. Alai), a deßirabia agortmant of tiret.uluam eity , miule good,. sir Open for examination, with catalogues, early on the morning of age. MFITZPATREX & BROS., . - AUGtiONEtub, 004 CEEST.NUT Street, above Sixth. becember fi4, at the 1 1 4 ) l( . ll :.!:ituut street, at 10 o'clock, mill be sold— A splendid odsortruent of fancy goods, silver-plated Hare, table and pocket cutlery, clOchO i Irilloloo. it "Miff vf 11l vralto and paitcrns, lonsvlrts, prns, ntrolrnyri, shirt studs, sleeve buttons, finger rings, lockets, vest chains, neck and guard chains, gold and silver pencil cases, Ac. Allllll/116 and gift books, Bibles, Prayer Books, juvenile and miscellaneous books, niOnsus, partfellos, ports nanmairsi dugurrmitype caws, photograph frames, tic. Also, a splendid assortment of foreign sea shells. • Sale to be continued during the whole day, also in the evening, at 7 o'clock. Bale every evening, at 7 o'clock, of a eplendid assort meat of fancy goods, diver-plated ware, clocks, watches, Jewelry, cutlery, fancy stationery, annuals, gift books, illustrated waits, in elegant bindings, juvenile Woke, Ice. men Ewe albums, portfolios, worlt•boxvs, Ac, Also, a fine collection of foreign sea shells, and an immense variety, of fancy goods of every description. PRIVATE SALE. P... 4-, IL. 7. 9 .-, r eiceo. WO" Consignments solicited for either public or private sales. to snit the convenience of consigners. titr Ont-door sales promptly attended to. Charges moderate MOSES NATHANS, AUCTIONEER AND COBIMISSION MERCHANT. 'southeast corner of SIXTH and RACE Streets. EATIIKEIO GREAT SALE OF FORFEITED 00L- L.V.PRILALS. OVER 1,000 LOTS OF FORFEITED GOODS. This Morning, December at 0 o'clock, at Moses Nathan' Anctlen KU. 115 MI 10 Noah the soothe.' corner or gixth and Race streets, and writ comprise Cold and Silver Watches, Gold Chains, Dia monds, Jewelry, Sec. viz.: Fine 18-carat gold patent lever watches, extra foil jewelled; in ituntin cams, double eases. and double bottom. of ti.e most approved and beet makers;. line 18-carat gold potent lever watches, extra full jewelled, in heavy magie cases, and of the very best makers splendid hunting case chronometer watches, in heavy 18-carat Qms, suita- HP for ladii'eor grnilrinun linr 0-ornt avid raorment gatcor lever and lulu winches, or the moat approved milkers; silver huntine-case and open-face escapement lever and lepine watches; English, Swiss, and French watches: magnificent cluster diamond finger-ring, brit limits of ibe !Rat n tier, cps 3 t 419 magnilielent diamond crescent, urillimite et the first limn cost non thannond rings, studs, and single-stone breast- - pins line gold vest, fob, neck, and chatelaine chains ;• magnificent mosaic and gold bracelet, cost $5O; fine gold bracelets, sets of jewelry, breast•pins,: and ear-rings i fine gold finger -Mgr, scut Par t stoat Wll4 sivvre-nniwiv, peach-canoe, necklaces, and, in short, every variety of jewelry. Dealers, private purchasers, and others - are invited to attend the sale, or (Ipvit Inv muninntinn nub* nn miming of a deg GBEAT CHANCE FOR CEIRISTMAS PRESENTS This Evening, At 6 o'clock, gold and silver watches, gold bracelets, lockets, medallions, sets of ear rings and IDTPII.4I3IIIE, Etude, eie-eve LudtSus ? necidacesk r scarf pins, and every variety (fjewelry. MARSHAL'S SALE.—By virtue of 2. writ of sale, by the Hon. JOHN CADWALA DER, Judge of the District Court of the United States, in and for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, in Ad mlialtp. Se me dlendted mill he odd at Palate Hale. to the highest and beet bidder, for cash, at 'CIVEEN- Street wharf, on 'MONDAY, December 30, 1861, at 12 o'clock, 31, the one-fourth part of the Schooner HOME," her tackle, apparel, and furniture, es the new' lice -at above mud wharf, WILLIAM MILLWARD, U. S Martial E. D. of Penn'a. PHILADELPHIA, December 18,1861. del9-fit MARSHAL'S SALE.—By, virtue of a., alit of sale, by the 11010 JOIEN VITALLIIIIII4 J udge of the District Court of the 'United States in eng for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, in Admiralty, to rim directed, will be sold et Public Sale, to the highest and beet bidder, for cash, at MEAD, Alley Wharfi.on THURS DAY, January 2, at 12 o'clock 111 the dna mar "SI - SAN JANE," her tackle, apparel, and furniture. as she now Iles at said wharf. WILLIAM MILLWARD, De r ce , m s b . er N i trl2, P, of Penn's. PIIILADELPHIAS deiV-Os NAM_ THE ADAMS EXPBEOI3 COMPANY, Office 920 CHESTNUT Street, forwards Parcels, Packages, Merchandisa, Bank Notes, and Specie, either by its own lines or in conneotton wltn othor Baotou Companion, to of prbripal Tows' ind Oltles of the United Ntotei is dr y FOR , NEW YORK. NEW DAILY LINE, via Delaware sal Raritan Canal. Philadelphia and New 'fork Rama Steamboat ooze. zany receive freight and loavo daily at 2 Pi Din @Wm. ing their cargoes in Now York the following dam freights taken at reasonable rates. WM. P. OLYDR, Agent, No. 14 SOUTH WHARVES; Philadelphia. Ageeh Ia1•U Piers 14 Etna 15 EAST li/Taßt Mew work.. w r i t FOR NEW YORK. The Philadelphia Steam Propeller Company, will commence their kmhum for the 00110011 on IgOlidnlit lath leant. Their steamers are now receiving freight it Beeong Pier above Walnut Area. Terme accommodating. BOOR AND JOli PRINI/Nci No. 417 CHESTNUT STREET, The attention at the Business Uommuniej ie is. /Tactfully invited+ to the New Book and JelePrini ins Office of Tr.a Puss, whioh hee beta Sated up With New Mat vial, in the Met Oemplata Mann!, and is now Deepared to, execute, in a natbliaOkel Style, eversr - eariety (-Al/Wing. JOLLA M. VIDTIIi POST'S, SALES HY AUCTION. ===l=2 1:FAI I'l ATE A. 5!) sro( K 74 REAL ESTATE AT PRIVATE BALI TEN 7 II FA LI, snug—DECEMBER 24 gEVEITTII PALL gLILV. i 4141 Bate at Noa. 139 and 141 South Fourth Street uori riue etreet. 81101 GS, BROOMS. On Thursday Morning. SALE OF ;:itit,IDAY GOODS Ma 3[...,:fhir,L. VIIII/3T2140 4111.1 PRESMILI. MARSHAL'S SALES: EXPRESS COMPANIES. E. 13. SANDFORD, Genoral Snveriut.fmelenk arirdi to W, 14, fIAIBTO 124 FlOntb Dednwnm Aororrn. BOOK AND JOB PRINTING. ESTABLIBILMENT. PHILL►7PLRHIA,. ITANDBI.LLB, DRUGGISTS' LABELS, 2 1 . 1f14 DAY CIRCULARS,
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