Ahrival of a Regiment.—'The vicinity of Washington street wharf was kept in a state of ex citement yesterday morning by tne arrival and de parture of the Sixty-third New York Regiment l called also the “ Third Irish.” Joy at the prospect of seeing service, or the fatigue of travel, or the balmy air of New Jersey, or some other cause, had made tbe men pugnacious, and the route from Jersey City to Camden is described to us as a trait of gore. Many of the men were so weak that it was necessary to carry them ashore in blankets. TVe can only say we pity the rebels who shall have the bad fortune to be met by the Sixty-third. The regiment numbers nine hundred men, armed with Enfield and Belgian rifles, and uniformed like the Sixty-ninth. The following is a list of the officers i Field and Staff Officers—Colonel, Richard C. .Enright; Lieutenant Colonel, Henry Fowler; Ma jor, Thomas F. Lynch; Adjutant, Thomas \Y. Onrtright ; Quartermaster, Philip O’llanlon ; Surgtw, David Reid Shanahan; Assistant Sup geon, George G. Gilligan; Medical Cadet, Charles O’Had on. Company A—Captain, Joseph O’Neil; first lieu tenant, J. McDonough; second lieutenant, Thomas Tuohy. Company B—Captain, John Warren ■ first lieu tenant, Philip Connelly; second lieutenant; Cook Malloy. Company C—Captain, John Charles Lynch; first lieutenant, Richard L. Ryan; second lieutenant, Horace A. Russell. Company I>—Captain, George Tobin ; first lieu tenant, John Flynn; second lieutenant, James J. McCormick. Company E—Captain, Jas. J. Prendergasfc; first lieutenant, P. J Gormley, Jr. ; second lieutenant, Richard P. Moore. Company F—Captain, James McCaffrey; first lieutenant. Win. Tennon; second lieutenant, P. J. Xydon. Company G—Captain, P. S. Condon ; first lieu tenant, John Canty; second lieutenant, Geo. Lynch. Company H— Captain, Michael Walsh; first lieu tenant, John Glosson ; second lieutenant, CadmtU der Smith. Company I—Captain, James O'Sullivan; first lieutenant. Win. Meehan; second lieutenant, Silas C. Herring. Jr. Company K. —Captain, James BrafiSgani firafc lieutenant. Sullivan; second lieutenant, McConnell. Naval Mattkrs. —The building and repair ing of tin* numerous vessels at our nayy yard Is being rapidly pushed forward. During Thunks giving day but few of the workmen stopped. A force of men are at present employed in pre paring the keel for the new aloop-of-war, which, is to be built in the small ship-house. The vessel will be of the same model as the JmhaMj but some what larger. It will be substantially constructed, and he provided with a very heavy battery. Tho keel of a companion ship will be laid in the large bouse as soon as the Juniata is launched. Tri ll trips of the Itasca and 1 Vissahichon have boon awls. The sloop-of-wnr Brooklyn will be ready for sea |>y the latter part of next week. Yesterday (he side-wheel steamer Miami was placed on the sectional dock. Tbe Keystone State has receivod all hor stores and crow, and is ready to sail. Tho side* wheel £ieainer JV/’-'T'vrrr, lately purchased by tho Go vernment at Wilmington, will be ready for sea in a few days; also tho gunboat Dakoma, Tiio engines of the sloop-of-war Tu scar ora have been tried by a board of engineers. The nominal power of her engines is I.ODO horse. The following-named Pennsylvanians have passod examination before the Board of Engineers, in ses sion at the navy yard, and been appointed to the grade of (bird as-istant engineers: C. F. llollings worth. Henry McConnell, James W. Hutchinson, TV’m. P. Laws, Hiram Parker, Wm. D. Mullvaiuc, Howard D. Wm. J. Clark, Jr., Joseph Mor gan, and Peter A. Sassi. Personal. —Charles P. Clarke, Esq., bus been appointed pecretary to Colonel T. W. Sweonoy, Of the Nineteenth Regiment P. V. I'nmps of Instruction. THEIR IIISToIIV ANJ) USES —IMPROVEMENTS lit THE FRENCH ARMY The progress recently made in the military art has produced vtrious results, which any nation ihat is jealous -f maintaining its rank, and de sirous of securing the respect of its neighbors, must study und adopt. Conspicuous among these results are the introduction of improved arms into lie infanti.v aid artillery service, and the change which they lu.vc produced in manoeuvring und tactics, a change which has compelled the Govern ments of Europe to devote greater attention to the destructive arts cultivated by Whitworth and Armstrong line io the productive inventions of Arkwright and Watt. The menne t-f attack having become terrible, it has been found j.ccessary to devise new methods of defence. It is dear that if iron-cased ships aro capable of demolishing the strongest forties?, ptono walls are no h uger a sufficient protection Against an enemy, hut must be superseded by iron vessels. For a similar re?, .-on, if rifled cannon can take effect at a distance of tour miles, an army cannot deploy in view of tbe « nviny, nor preserve the same order and arrangi-mimr ils before. The marching, the depth of e<iliiinti. the concentration of bodies of troops, the jawdunu of artillery and cavalry, must be either changed or modified. All these considera tions, and mmy others, have led military comman ders to rehears**- in camps selected for the purpose, thenuma'uvw .t and tactics best suited to project armies against ihe destructive weapons which modern science has introduced in the art of war. These camps of rehearsal or instruction, how ever, are not modern inventions. They were known to the Greeks urd Romans, who never went to war tihlilthey hud prepared their men, by long marches and gymuusiic exercises, for the hard duties of war. It was the establishment ot such camps that gave birth to the science of castrametation, or the art of forming <-nuip.=. The camps of the Greeks were jpntrnlly irregular, with a ditch in tho rear, and the walls protected by a parapet, surrounded with a palisade. The Romans, however, excelled the Greeks in the science of the camp. Besides their rehearsal camps, in which the young uieu made public exhibitions of their proficiency, they had disciplinary or campaigning camps, and even erected camps uhilst they were marching and en trenching themselves for a single night. Military Writers fire of opinion that the great success of the Romans in war is due as much to their system of entrenchment as to their valor and discipline. The advantage s which the ancients derived from 4h&Cstab)Khui«-Dt of camps as preparatory schools, as well as a protection against the enemy, could not escape the arten’ion of the military leaders of our times. General llogniat, one of the best officers of Napoleon 1., us xl to say: “If we wish to have healthy, robust, adroit soldiers, a well*disciplined army, skilled lit nil manoeuvres, and able and ex perienced officer. let us collect our troops in camp 3 of exercise 1 * Yfho doubts that the army which the Emperor led against the Austrians at Marengo and Ausierli z, and against the Prussians at Jena, received its rib-spline and its knowledge at the camp of Bohhifcri.e, which was formed in view of a descent \i|n>u ? Napoleon had so high an opinion of of exercise that he recommends the generals net cr to venture an army in the field before it ba- w u.’nlergono at least six months of pre liminary unman: v rings and tactics in cainiis esta blished for tho purpose. Tbe example ami precepts of Napoleon I have been follow'd by Napoleon 111. Armies are now enabled to move* bj r mcans of railways, and run the risk of being decimated before any general engage ment takes pb c“. by the long range of rifled can non; so tbiti it has been found necessary to intro duce important changes in the composition of mili tary force. It was with this point in view that the Emperor of the French and oneofhis ablest officers. General McM -lion, recently went to Chalons to establish a complete camp of instruction. They were not long in perceiving that under existing cir ■CUmstances trm.ps must not only move at a much quicker puce, hut perform their evolutions more rapidly; that droops must be thoroughly disci plined nnd serve for a considerable time in the yanks before going into battle. It was obvious, also, that, inasmuch as the ball of a rifled cnnmm Traverses abroader space in a shorter time than airy other projectile, the pace of the ad- Vancing lint of 'ixiops must lie accelerated as mush as possible. It' the pace is changed, the formation must bo nIK-ri il. and if lightness is a condition of Success, it is e\ ideal that the lighter the coat, ilia easier and safer are the soldier’s motions. These points have ei.guged the attention of tho French Emperor, ami it is to meet these that tlio print ip il •changes in tbe French army have been introduced. In consequence of these changes, the Flench :ii tick Trill no longer he made in column, nor in lines three -deep, but. like those of the British army, in linos two deep, so as to present a small front to the •enemy and in.'ilitnte tho formation of group? in -oblongs and squares. In short, the maxim is, that •while tho fit lu exercise must be ns rapid and simple as possible, the smallest and thinnest front must be presented to the enemy. Drees has he*-u the second change introduced in the French army. The old tight coat, tight trow -Bers, and clmn.-y boots, have been superseded by file loose dres-' of the Zouaves, with gaiters anil leggings. Tin- dress, in fact, has been made as ' comfortable nr possible. Finally, the art of m:i- THeuvring on the battle-field being the best guaran ty of sucurss. i.i.,1 skilled and experienced soldiers being tbe only f--rces that can xnanteuvre well, the French Emperor has tried to secure old soldiers, ■not only by au.mnnting their 'pay, but by increas ing the pension to which they are entitled at the end of a certain number of years of service. ■o.Fno consequence of this measure is, that service in the French army, instead of being an object of com parative dread, i. now an object of arfbition. What infen nee can fact!, If not that the conttfinatafif of tho. old system of tactics, in presence ol rijjfed eannon.nnd new small arms, is an Sts-unffrytaand tHat we ought to shdnga it? It is clem (bat an army which has alrenly _ •ffeotot" the requisite changea,.and put them into practical operation, will enjoy a very marked su periority over one which has to submit to a com plete transformation in the midst of a grout mi tion&l crisis.—ZVWa* York Evening Foal. FINANCIAL and commercial. Til*: MONEY MARKET. PniLiDELPHiA, November 2?, 1861. The business transacted by the Stock Board was small amount) and showed but little change in prices, thrush market gc*iu-nilly was somewhat more firm than on WodnoadK?. Sum* fives closed at city ~*• iu ; 4 j ©>r the new is.«ia*. Pennsylvania Bailroad shares -s. »1«1 at 37#, Minehill lUilroad 49#, Elmira preferred at 9 Jrthigh Navig *liou at 49, and Beading Railroad at 7. For Passenger Railroad shares there was a better f-.d- Jng, and for Second and Third-street 46# wturbM: for West Philadelphia, 50#_ Arch-street sold at 12, Sp*-««o And Pine at B#, Cheat nut and Walnut at 28. Race and Vince closed 3 bid 4# asked, Green and Coates 17 asked, Hnd FrHiikford and Sonthwark 36 bid 39 asked. 'Bank stocks are quiet; fifty shares Mechanics n»H at ISO*, and five shares Corn Exchange Bank at 21. The market closed steady. In the money market there is nothing now to r<:p *rt. •GepitalU plenty, and cheap, while credit continues <h* ir, Consequently undoubted paper is wanted at low ntc.-, find pH per* second-rate paper* anil runewai paper’ureoutot l'tvor, and only sold to those m*lio hap pen to know w* Jl the resources and character of the makers, find onli then at rather high rates. The Knthracito coal brought down by tho Ulm-Hz]" Bailroadthis weak amounted to 31,156 tony* stuno week 4ast year 3£,&22 tons. The bituminous coal, not yet re ported, will he shout 4,000 tons. Tho Schuylkill canal has brought down 37,883 tonB; Barao time last year, 36,272. Thf following ik the nmftunt of coal aliipp.M ovit tho Huntingdon and liniad Moiigtam Kailm,.!, f„ r the -reek ending Wednesday, Nov. 2T, 1861, and Bin™ Jan Jet, 1861 Week. Previously. Total. Tons. Tons. Tons. .7,276 263,820 241,nf»6 IttO'M.r.,..' ......4,443 108,285 172J28 Increase.,,,,,. ,2,833 €5,535 68,363 The following is tho amount of coal transported Oil the Philadelphia and Reading Railroad during tho week ending Thursday, Nov. 28: Tons. Cwt From Tort Carbon 8 >*!? “ » Fottsvillo 3?0 1 Z “ Schuylkill Havei 10 “ Port Clinton 2,269 01 Harrisburg ami Dauphin 08 Total Anthracite Co;d f»v \wolc., 31,921 14 “ Harrisburg, (total), Binimlnoiis.... 3,727 06 Total of all kinds for week Previously this year Total..****...*.. To same time hist year The New York Krenhu) Post of this evening says '■ Stocks aro tinner, mid early in tho day prices rose )£a> 1 per cent, on WednesdayV ({notations'. On muiio ih-scriptkms the advanco was about 2 por cent., hut at the close the market is weak, aiul X<3>)6 per cout. of the improvement is lost. New York Central, after selling largely at 79, closes at 75?.,'. Rock Island fell off after the Board to I*4. Eric Preferred is among the firmest of tho railway shares. There are buyers ut 54 y t . Vaclfic Mail rose to B\hs, ngulnst 87 on Wednesday. At the close the stock was lower, selling at BS#. Pa nama Is 112 bid, 114 nek id. The Government list is firm. The sixes of 1862 are scarce—97# is bid. The fives of 1874 are }{ per cent, higher. The sixes of 1881 are at Wednesday's quotations. .... The State stocks arefirmly hold, especially tho issues if the Secession States. North Cnrotiuas, Georgias, and Louisiunas are scarce*. Missouri* arc neglected at 41 % ® 41#. New York State stocks are in strong demand at otir quotations. Thu money market romaimt very easy at 0 por cent, on call, and Gf<*7 per coot, on prinn* paper. Philadelphia Stock Exchange Sales, November 2D, 1861. Kepoktrd nY S. E. Si.Aymakku, Philadelphia Exchange. yiBST BOAUD. 6400 City 6s New 03# 10 Leliis?h Nav 40 1000 do New 93# 11 do 49 SCO do New 93# 4 do s 5 49 100 Cites A Wul 1t... 23 5 do s', 49 10 Arcl»-st 11....... 12 7 d 0.,...,,..,, 49 10 do ll! fi Elmira 11 Prof... 0# 20 do.. 12 10001’* Coup 6s..2dys 93# 10 do 12 24 Pcnim 8,. ..cash 36# 2000 Pcnna 11, 2d m.« 5 S 5 24 d0....,..ca5h 30# 2000 do 2d m.ss 85 26 do 36# 15 Spruco A* Pino It. 8# *2OOO Pa Coup 5a .sown SI 21i00dm|tR.....-- 17 BETWEEN _ . & Spruce & Pine It.. 2dys 8# SECOND 500 City 6s New 05 VI 3 Lettish K>iv «f» 40 1 lOMinohfflll mi] 0 do 49# I 14 do 49 7a i AFTER BOARDS 25 Spruce Pino R 8# CLOSING PRICES—STEADY 27id. Ask, Phil ft 6s 87# 88 PhilaOsll 87# 88 Philadsnew... 93 93# Penna&a 78 78# Beading B 17.31 17% Beading Bds ’7O 82 83 l J dgM«B T 80’43 92 ff liead SI 6a ’SO.. 72# 75# Pennaß 37# 37# Pennaß2dm6a 85 85# Morris Cl Con.. 35 3ti Morris Cl Pref. 108# .. Sch Nay 6s ’82.. 62# 63 Sch Nav Imp 6a 70 74 Sch Nav Stock. 3 5 Sch N&v Pref... 11 ll# Elmira R...... 4# Bid. Ask. Elmira li Pref. 0v (ly Elmira 7b *73.*. 63 65 Long Island B. 10# LehCl&Nav.. 49 49j^ : Leli Cl A N Scrp 33 33 If Punna B 5 V B% .V Penn# RBs.. afiJi 57 N Penua 105... 71 78 Oatuvrissa R Cun 2 Oniawissa Prof. 4jlf 4# Frkfd & South B 36 39 2d &3d 8t58.3. 46# 47 Rnee&Yine-staß 3 4# \V Philft R &0?4 £l# Spruco & Pino.. 8# 8# Green & Coates .. 17 Chest & Wnl... 27# 28# Kew York Markets of Yesterday, Ashes are firm, anti selling at §5.50 for pots and 7'oarls. liuEAns'iTFKS.—The market for State ami Western I'lour is dull, heavy, and declining, with only a mode rate business for export and the home trade. The calf's are IfyOOO Mils at sd,3sfr§,4Q for pnpcrflnc State, fi.oOffl S.GQ for extra do, So.3oCtD.4U for superfine* Michigan, Indiana, Ohio, lowa, &c , 55.55®<3.75 for extra d», in cluding shipping brands of round-hoop Ohio ut $5.83® 5.00, and trade brands of do at $G®6.5O. Southern Flour is dull and drooping, with sales of 000 tdds at .55.75aC for superline Baltimore; $6.25®7 for extra dp; $6,4060,50 for Brandywine; 56.30gj7.30 for Georgetown. Canadian Flour is quiet, with sales of 300 bids at $5.40 ®5.45 for superfine, and 6*7 for the rauge of extra brands. Rye Flour is steady, ami selling at $3.25 04.40 for the range of fine and superfine. Buckwheat Flour is selling at $1,75nj1.87j£. Corn Meal is scarce ajul fimj; we quote Jersey at §3; Brandywine, §3.30: puncheons, §15.50. Wheat is less active, and there is only a very moderate demand for shipment, without important change in prices; sales of 150,000 bush at 51.2001.2 S for Milwaukee City; SI-34 fer red State; £1.28©1.20 for Amber Iowa; 51.31 ©1,37 for Ambgr Michigan* Bye is iiuiet at S5®SSc. Barley is dull at 70@85c. Oats am without essential change, but there is loss activity at 47tff48c for Western Canadian and State. Corn is quiet and unchanged, with sales of 35,000 bus at for primomixed Western, Beans are again higher, with a good demand at §2® 2.15 for mediums, and $2.15® 2.37# for marrowfats. Fnovisioxs.—Pork is less active, but prices urc un changed ; the sales are 450 bbls at §12.50013 for mess and §8.5009 for prime. Beef is quiet and firm, with sales of 150 bbla at Sroao.&O for country mess, §4®4.DU for country prime, 811-50<a12 for repacked Western, and §13.50 for extra mess. Prime mejs Beef is steady, Jiccf llams are quiet at $15015.50 for Western. Bacon is firm, but less active. Cut Meats are dull and lower, with sales at 4# 05c for dry salted hams, and 4>j g?4#c for shoulders. Lard is steady, with sale3of 800 tierces nnu bbls at S# ®9# c. including 500 for December and January at 9c. Butter is in lair demand, and un changed. Cheese steady and in moderate request. CITY ITEMS, Northern Benevolence versus Southern Treason. The Philadelphia correspondent of the Lutheran Observer, « Wissahickon”—generally believed to bo the Rev. K. W. Hotter, of this city—in his last letter to that journal discovers with an eloquent pen some of the fol lies and ingratitude of our Southern brethren. Speaking of our various Philadelphia asylums for the insane, the deaf and dumb, the blind, tho idiotic, the widow end the orphan, he makes tho following statement: During a recent visit to several of these houses of mercy, we learned the interesting fact that fully one third of the inmates arc from the seceded States l Tho . families of these children of adversity, although residiug at the South, have been glml, it seems, to avail them selves of tlie superior advantages which these unrivalled institutions afford, and they remain within their walls, to this day, the recipients of tlielr many and unspeaka -I>U* heiiefftp. But, owing to the rebellion, they have not been visited by their relatives and friends during more than half a year. In not a lew instances they have lan guished for weeks upon beds of sickness, and have died, and been conveyed to their last resting place, dependent for every comfort of life, and a deooht burial, on stran gers, whilst their unnatural and ungrateful relatives at home have been foment ng sedition and rebellion \ On account of the blockade of the mails, the officers of these charitable institutions have also failed to receive from their Southern “patrons 1 ’ any remittances since then, and the singular anomaly is presented, that whilst they of tlie South are «breathing threatening and slaughter” against us of the North, we are actually hav ing in charge hundreds of their afflicted ones, feeding, nursing, and educating them, without any assurance that we shall ever be paid for our trouble and expense in any other currency than bztlleLs aimed at our destruction! Could any fact sem more forcibly than this to demon* ‘■trate that Secession is both »n egregious folly and a stu pendous crime ? Before set-king, at the cannon’s month, to establish a separate slave Confederacy, the people of the South ought to have thought of building asylums for tlicir insane and idiotic, their blind and mute. Thai would be a work on which the blessing of the God of love could with propriety be invoked, AbWi thou fallen iuvl misguided Soulli! Wilt thou not learn wisdom until the righteous Ruler of tho Univcr.<o shall have plunged thee in tlie ditch, and covered tlieo with poverty and shame 1 Winter Evenings with Siiakspeare and the Oiiatoiis.—Mr. Charles Wliitnoy, one of the most celebrated elocntinnirtß of tho age, will give two of his elegant entertainments at Musical Fund lla’l, on Tues day and 'Wednesday evenings of next week, the 3d and 4tli proximo. His readings and imitations will embrace a rich programme} the chief features are to be u Slmks* pear© on the Passions,” and “ Webster oil tho Union.” An Emporium for the Ladies.— There is a class of ornamentation which ladies uso with so much advantage to tlieir porsomd appearance, for the sale o f which Philadelphia has, in some respects, the very fore most establishment in this country. We refer to the ele gantly-stocked French Flowers and Feathers Empo rium of Messrs. Kennedy, No. 729 Chostuut street, be low Eighth. The most exquisite articles in this line, and millinery goods? generally, can always hero be lmd, und at prices very much below the rates usually charged in retail establishments, from the fact that they are their own importers, and do a very large trade with all accessi ble rarts of the Union. Tlieir beautiful Hats for misses’ and Ladies’ Head Dresses are worthy of special notice in this ccnrraectlbu. Tin: TVar at Oakfords’.—From the im mense throng of customers, who daily find thoir way to the splendid salesrooms of Messrs. Charles Oaktord & Sens,'under the Continental Hotel, awl. the extent of their purchases, one would hardly suspect the existence of a civil war in our midst, unless reminded of it by the elegant military trappings with which they are supply ing army officers. Oakfords arc in fact becoming bet ter Appreciated every year by our citizens. They keep only the lest goods, and in greater variety than any othertiouse, in either the department of Furs, Ladies’ Shoes, CJiildrcn’s Hats, Gent’s Furnishing Goods, or Cent's Hats and Caps, and sell uniformly at more mode - rate prices than any others in either of these branches of trade—owing to their superior facilities. Under the Sun—Esiile jmx’-* Patext Ckli^ great merits of Mr. J. A. Eehleman’s celebrated Cravarestablishment, Seventh and Chestnut at length beemduly recog nized by the dep«rtmsfiTf at Wasbmgtdtfr His unique ■"and elegant stylerdf-Gfejitlemcn’s Cravats, of every. pos sible description, are now* being'regularly patented, so that to obtain-the choicest and latest articles in this lino Eahleman’s hereafter will be the only place. His Letters -Plight, MCfehtly reeled fe>&i . Washington, exposed lit his Window*g, are attracting mu£h attention. ,So are his jnaceful McClellan Tics. His stock of Gents 1 , burnish ing Goods, we niay also mention, embraces everything desirable, either fur a man’s appearance or comfort. Pere and Artistic- Confectionery. Messrs. F.. G. Whitman &. Co., Second street, below Chestnut, are this season taking their customers (which includes every well-informed citizen of good taste, whose lumrtis in the right place) by surprise with their su y.orb preparations for the holiday*. The reputation of this popular old home for making the finest Coufoo tlurfery, and in greatest variety, is deserved, and well- Mistained. There is this peculiarity about their house : they use only the finest materials in manufacturing, and employ the most costly ingredients, and yet, doing busi ness on the largest scale,'Me# sell as low as the lowest in the trade. E. O. Whitman & Go’s, is, emphatically, an establishment/or the people. The Greatest Portable Light of the Age.—Wo challenge, on our own responsibility, the combined genius of nil the lamp manufacturers and inventors in Christendom to produce a Portable Lamp as desirable in all respects as those manu factured and sold by Messrs. Witters & Co., at their “Light Emporium,” No. 35 North Eighth street, corner oF Filbert. Wo haYo givon these lamps a thorough trial, and cheerfully recommend them to the public as by all means tlac safest, most convenient, and economical in use. Window Shades, beautiful designs, with dm-Able cents 0:19},, AU<?, fine goW a u4 Vel vet border, SI, 51.50, S 2, and S 3, at W. Henry Patton’s cheap West End store, 1408 Chestnut street. Thanksgiving Day.—Thanksgiving day was generally observed. The street* wore crowded with citi and the Gray Jtegprvns paraded. Both eiviliaua and soldiers presented an elegant and comfortable ap pearance, a fact which is mainly attributable to the great popularity and the consequent patronage bestowed upon the Brown Stone Clothing Hall of JSockhiU & Wilson, Nos. 603 and 605 Chestnut street, above Sixth. The uniforms and other clothing mado by this firm are abso lutely unimpeachable in every respect. . 35,050 00 .1,584,128 11 .1.610,187 11 .1,570,010 10 BOAl&DS. [2600 Penna 5s 78 50 Mechanics’ Bni,, 20^ I A f?ni»n l it. UU 21 1000 N lYnuft 0a..,,,, 50% THE PRESS.—PHILADELPHIA, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 30. 1861. Fine Malaga Grapes.—Mr. C. H. Matt eon, dealer in fine groceries, Tenth and Arch streets, has now in store a tine lot of this delicious fruit, which he is Belling at the moderate price of 38 cents per pound— about one half the piice uMiolly charged for them. Mr. Mattson’s preserved fruits for tho table, Peaches, Corn, and Tomatoes, are tho finest in the market. Winter Garments, at Granville Stokes’. Winter GflrnirntF. No, COS Chestnut street. Winter Garments, all styles and fashions. Winter Garments, cheapest in the city. Winter Garments, at reduced prices. Winter Garments, of the best material. Winter Garments, at one price only. Winter Garments, of the best workmanship. Winter Garments, of every description. Winter Garments, at the Mammoth Emporium, Winter Garments, No. 609 Chestnut street. ARRIVALS AT THE HOTELS vr to 12 o’clock last nioht. CONTINENTAL HOTEL—Chestnut and Ninth fltroetfh W A Wheeler, New York Gen A Fuller J V McKee, USA Col W P Kellogg, Dlinois Robert MeKniglit, Penna Sum S Blair, Uollidnyslmrg Judge Law, Indiana O II Browning, Quincy, 111 Lidliwi, Delaware W Kellogg A hi, Illinois A C Babcock. Illinois Geo W Sewull, Maryland Caleb Cope, Philadelphia Lieut W L Walker, USA John P Grove, Danville N A Gray, Columbus, O Thun Johnson, Penna Geo F Thomas, jr, N York John C Wilson, Pittsburg 1) L Shields, Pittsburg Miss Shields, Pitching Miss Bissell, Pittsburg FII Lathrop, New York FII Dewey A la, Mass ar Dmt, Biihtun M Dyer ir & toi Boston Mrh J S Robinson, Boston Mr Warner. Springfield A U Miniugor, New York F L Mncomber, Boston P S Micklcr, Pennsylvania SII Reynolds, Lan *tcr C O Simpson, New York <• Wheeler jr, New York .1 P Warren, Boston T W Wellington, Mass Jos Seligiimn, New York Jos McClure, M D A It Woottim. Delaware Tims I, Davie, New York Mr Weldon & la, Kmflnud C W Campbell, Wash, ]) C J Spencer, Kent co, Md M M Beck, Kent co, Md Miss It S Steptoe, Maryland Miss lv Steptoc, Maryland C Merriam, Massachusetts O M Bassett, New York Miss Kate Scovel, N Jer«,ov Tj \Y Guy, New Jersey lion II R WrittliU Ponim J H Willi*. Now York lion 1) Wilmot, Penna L M Morrill, Maine W D Condi, Elmira Jns Lee, St Louis Win Wall, Brooklyn K P Walton A w, Vermont C P Sanger &1, New York Edw Sangor, New York A Doimlaf). Jr, & 1, N York DrMarcy, New York JB UR Crt'iiry, M Chunk AY Tnrroy, Naiv York N Stetson, Now Jersey J C Wellington, Boston I. E Snow, New Jersey J W Jones, Cincinnati, O Mr Man, Philadelphia Mr Alexander, New York Hold Whvc, Boston Lieut J McGuir, New York J S Fillebroun, Maine Hon A T Galt, Canada Hon W P Fessenden, Mo P Baxter, Vermont E Cnniinp, Albtinv Mrs Martin, Auburn Mbs Martin. Auburn Miss Jessup, Washington It Colliding, Utica II N Gambrill, Baltimore T A Drake, Connecticut F R Drake, Connecticut C P Randall, Now York 8 Peck, Boston F H Salties, New York J P Haines, Boston J W Osborn, Boston E W Sclmcidliii, Havana W R liitmnur, Italtimoro H It Koraon. Brooklyn (.’apt (lopping, USA M Courtright Miss Hamlin W K Orr, Albany Oliak Ji Train, Mass It L Martin, Del co, Pa Mrs G M Simonson, N York F Tracy, New York L R Boyd, New York A W Newcomb, New York C M Thomas, Springfield E PHoff, Now York Mrs K Butler A 2 eh, $\ Y Cico Uitcon RaUimore T Y. llanson, New York JI iUielack, New York H Baldwin, Jr, A wf, Wash W A Wheeler & wf Mir Capt Soaver D It Sperry J S Barry, Baltimore II Lee, Pittsburg M H Casßril, Illinois C Barnum, New York J F Fmleiiburg, New York G C Ricliardson, Boston J A Lntx, Wusliington, DC W A Havley, W P ShiJlifild, Rhode Island M. Abbott, Bethlehem G H P Smith, Maryland N (J Freeman, Burlington Sand Wood, Albany J C Cooper, Wheeling, Va R T O’Brien, USA GW Green, Delaware It W Rimed, New York J S Roiferfl, Paterqpg, N J D« xlcv II TolU-U, Bobton St R McKee, Oliio 8 lligginson, Boston John bo Cocy, Brazil W T Blodgett, New York Jolm E Hurst, Baltimore G West, Baltimore Chas A Maitland, N Yotk .las P Viele, New Jersey A B Baueus, New York E W Johnson, Japan MERCHANTS’ IlftTEL—Fourth street, below Arch. C C Howard, Lancaster W V B Till, Louisville John L Hays, Penna >i Perks, Clearfield Jos C Brenner, Clearfield N Wolle, Bethlehem Geo S Green, Trenton R McDowell, Slatington Jtrrtf 1. G Coock, New ark, Del W C’oock, Newark, Del J C Portt-pfield, Pehha 0 McNancee, Scranton, Pa (T R Houghton, Poolesvillo K A Crandall, Now York J P English, Baltimore Lieut Riley, Penna W D McKmutry, Morcersb’g C W Deans, Media, Pa A N Bullard, Montrose, Pa J F Weeks, Peru, 111 II J Ewing, Illinois Lieut J G Marshall, USA Dr E Wallace, Reading THok Broderick, M Chunk A Lentz, New York Capt B R McKibbin, USA R R Ohrisman, Jersey City II L Erben, Lancaster AMERICAN HOTEL—.Chestnut at., above Fifth. D S Baker, Trenlon, N J J D Wilson, Trenton, N J J T Raymond, Treutoii, N J D Cooper, Nmv Jersey Hl> Biddle, Pliiladelphia W H Ihiley, Philadelphia W S Harris, Jersey Shore P J Nichols G W Cropsey, Joliet, 111 Rufus W Briggs, Lockport J P Wild, Delaware N 11 Do Nyce, New Jersey Capt W Painter, USA Mrs Dr Brinton, Pa Mrs IV B Brinton, Pa Miss M H Brintoih Pft Mhs M It Irwin Pa Cl Benjamin, England J 1 Tlieili, New York Dr It H Johnson. U S X ,T F Mcginness, Illinois W Rhoads, Baltimore C A I»nniels, Nantnckot Vm M McClure, Danville Win O Foster, Boston J 1C Byerson, Yarmouth J II C'roshy, Yarmouth It C Eliott A lady Col $ II .Tonkins, Ik»l Do C 11 Oonl<v, ilHlihuoro C E Carey, New York R McKinaic, New York ST. LOUIS HOTEL—Chestnut street, above Third 2 C A Meyers, Philada J Zimmerman, Cincinnati J Husccn, Baltimore O Reed, Jr, New York c J!i i?gs, IVlmviuc C liicliaiilsoiii Del co, Pn W K Potts, Philada .T T Harrison, Maryland V Kriegsdiabcr, Kentucky V B Rosenbaum, N J Fltidolfi, New York Col J Tt Kck, Maryland Isaac Lea, Baltimore F IV Jones, Wash. 1) C I Seligman, New York F Thorn, New York J Jtym-x, Wahh, D C <i Burns, Wash, D C J H CollilUS, Penna 1) M Taylor & son, Md E II Brownson, Philada K Adams, IMiilada D A Letliorbury, Philada D P NewhaJl, Boston Thomas Martin THE UNION—Arch street, above Third. Mr Gahlonbock A la, SC V lvrebs, rottovillo J 11 Pool, Now Jersey W II Wood, Hudson City V E Ellis, Boston Lieut W Mayor, Wash BLACK BEAR—Tliird street, above Callowhill. WM 81 ctler, Trenton, K J DR demons, I*a C?o W Wolf, Dnnl/oro II S Borer, Olnoy John Borer, Olnoy J It Haldeman, Warrington W Haldcman, Warrington Levi Line, Allentown J B Johnson, Shippen, Pa I Tomlinson, Byberry Seneca Fell, Pennsylvania Win Kddows, Pa A Buckingham, Pa € Buckingham, Pa Sami Morris, Philadelphia P A Adler, Philadelphia F T Beane, Yurdleyvllle S A Ifcehlj Yftrdleyrilld fo Burroughs, Newtown C Roads, Somorlon L Tomlinson, Somorton A Boade, Southampton Jacob K Hill, Earlville C B Knight, Smithfield A S Ronds, Southampton E Woodward. Moreland J Yanartftdalen, Foastcrv S Garner, Doylestown Jos Wliilali, Pennsylvania F Roads, Southampton A J Druinbacli, Reading T Willard, Bucks co, Pa COMMERCIAL HOTEL—Sixth at., above Chestnut. O P liillingswt rth, Md C Gilpin & la, Maryland W M Wilson, Newark, Del K C Gray, Philadelphia Geo P Taylor, Maryland Jt V Pne-sey, Penna G W Ortlipi Newark, Ltd J A Kirk, Maryland J K McKifisiek, Chen co, Pa E McKissick, Ches co, Pa John R Cummins, Minn F Jarnicr, Delaware L E Pennington, Md J J Stadiger, Philadelphia D W Brower, Philadelphia NATIONAL HOTEL—Race street, above Third- Col W JJ K llsmgcn, AUentn Mianßf Stopp, Allentown J M Drensoll, New York F G Arrowswith, Penua J S Wood, Penna J W Smith, Hugliesville J S Helfenstein, Germantu J H Long, Ciiuton co, Pa J W Royer, 8 Haven S 11 Harrington, Balt C W Rogers A* wf, Norristn JII Swartz, Ohio T V Clark, Amwille J Housum A wf, Reading STATES UNlON—Market street, above Sixth. J W Smith, Hartinsburg Sand F Ash, Contcsvillo James Moony, Phiki Sami Jamison, Norristown Jos Y Crawford, Pittsburg C C Tollman, Philadelphia D S Drain, Virginia Noah Killer, Juniata co, Pa BALD EAGLE—Third street, above Callowhill. JI Y Strassberger, Sollersv T C Kcmmcrur, Allentown D B Kocheu, Lancaster J L Raub, Lancaster J Bonipf, Lancaster T S Leitsenring, Pittsburg W lienns. co. Pi Ronj Benns, Bucks co, P» R Y Linton, Rucks co, Pa V Stapler, Rucks co, Pa D Kmies. Centre co, l’a Mrs Jiuuea, Centre co, Pa MADISON HOUSE—Second street, above Market. D B Janney, USA J A Davis, Scranton i‘ Notre, Baltimore II Galt, Baltimore D Lowry, Baltimore J A Van Horn, Wash R Bonus, Bucks co E W Morrison, Pa O S Dei trick, Stroudsburg All Reeder, Penna SEVERE HOUSE—Third etreot abovo Race. Peter Knt, Coluinbia co, Pa (.'apt B DuvU, Mlsriouri Lieut C Horn, Philadelphia H L Harris, Harrisburg Thos J Elder, Wrightstown, Pa MARINE INTELLIGENCE. SEE FOURTH PAGE. ARRIVED. Ship Oliver Moses, Otis, 40days from Liverpool, with salt to Peter Wright & Sons. Brig Trebi/oude, (Br) Pearson, 36 days from London derry, in ballast to Thos Richardson & Co. Sclir J C Heuryi Lous 3 dayn from Jersey City, in ballast to J R Blakiston. Schr Fly, Cheeaeinan, 4 days from Newburg, in ballast to Van Dusen, Norton A Co. Sclir J L Hcverin, Bonsftll, I day from Dover, Del, with corn to Jas Barratt & Son. Schr Freemason, Furman, % days from Indian Rlrori with com to J L Betvley & Co. Schr Eiiy.abetU June, Richardson, 2 days from Easton, Md, with grain to J L Bewley & Co. Schr Daniel J Birch, Evans, 2 days from Indian River, with corn to Ktall & Mcrriman. CLEARED. Sclir J W Driseo. Drisco, Boston, Tyler, Stone & Co. Schr Hannah Willetts, Parsons, Norwich, Castner, Stickney & Wellington. Schr Mary II Banks, Banks, New York, captain. Schr Josephine & Edwin, Connelly, Baltimore, Van Dnren, Norton & Co. Sehi‘ Presto, Coi-kln, Baltimore, Jo Sclir Sollie T Chartre, Chartre, Lynn, Sinnickaoa & Glover. Str Alida, Robinson, New York, W P Clyde. 1 1 Str L Ghw, ller, Baltimore, A Groves, Jr. * , MEMORANDA. f3U!ps and William Cummings, illar, for riumflfelplilm k ailed Liverpool 16th inst. Slup Hcrtensia, Dreyer, was aiTY-jR Liverpool 16th inst. for Philadelphia 25th. Ship St James, Colley, cleared at New York2Bthinat. for Philadelphia. Bark C W Poultney, Sprague, at Plymouth 14th inst. from Queenstown. Burk Linda, Hewitt, from New York, arrived at Cork 14th inst. / Bark Amy, Hammond, sailed from Glasgow 14th inst. for Genoa. Brig C H Frost, Hopkins, hence, arrived at Belfast 14th last. Brig Rebecca Sheppard, Somers, hence, via Queens towe, at Havre 12tli inst. Brig Jcddo, Melvin, hence for Dublin, sailed from Queenstown 14th inst. Brig Tiberias, Lecoq, from London for Cieufuegos, at Heal 16th inst, and proceeded. Brig Koterson, Crowell, hence, arrived at Boston 23th instant. Schrs D G Floyd, Racket, H A Rogers, Pierce, F C Smith, Anderson, J Clark, Scull, Eliza A Rebecca. Price, B L Toy, Long, A Cordery, Babcock, and Geo L Green, Cobb, hence, arrived at Boston 2Sth inst. Bchr L Dupont, Herring, at Boston 28th inst. from Del, Sclirs Blary i> Oranmer, Cranmor, L A Danenhower, Miller, and J 11 Wainwright, Ludlarn, cleared at Boston 2Btli inst. for Philadelphia. Schrs B G Porter, Ilayner, hence for Boston, and Re becca Knight, IMsley, do for do, arrived at Holmes’ Hole 2uthinst. , , - • . ‘ Schr Adelaide, louog, uence, arrived at Salem 28th * 3 Schr Panthoa, Clark, sailed from New Bedford 28th inst. for Philadelphia. Sclir Village Queen, Ilawkuis, cleared nt flew York 28th inst. for Philadelphia. . • * Bel,re OkaHeu Citrroll, Pratt, and Blaek Diameud, Voung, chared at New York 26th inst. for Philadelphia. Sclirs Alliance, Homer, and Problem, Tyler, hence, at Baltimore yesterday. .. . , „ . , Scln-s Edward Slade, Stccie, Maryland, Knight, and Trade Wind, HiU, cleared at Baltimore yesterday for Philadelphia. grills J W Bacon, Outter, from Lowes, Del, Stan Boyce, from Concord, Del, and Pearl, Lftbk, from Sea ford, Del, at Baltimore yesterday. Steamers Mans, Nichols, aud Tacony, Ely, hcuce, ar rived at New York yeßtorday. One-eighth of schr Cordelia Newkirk, of Philadelphia, which was seized at Salem by the Government several u'oekg since* that portion Iteing owned in Wilmington, NC, was sold at auction 26tb inst. for $375. She was to sail 28tli for Philadelplua. SPECIAL. NOTICES. Think ok Me. ELLEN TO ROBERT, nv Tins BAUD or TOWKIt HILL. When thou art reclining On tby truckle bed. While the stars are shining On tby drowsy head, Through the casement pouring All their light on thee— If thou art not snoring, Dearest, think of me. TVlwii tuneful birds thy napping. At early dawn shall break, Or, at thy portal tapping. The house-maid bids thee wake Before thy thoughts directed To buckwheat cakoa shall bo« Kro coffee is inspected Dearest, think of me. And when (if I must mention Such {hinge* to men of Tliy toilette ueeda attention, Heed not a small expense. Well dressed from top to toe, dear, Thy form T love to sec— To Tower llai.l then go, dear. And there, still think of me. Our stock of Seasonable Clothing is uiMMunllcd in Philadelphia, and is being sold at reduced prices. All tastes and pockets can be suited. Military uniforms made to order in the best manner, at tho sl|o!’t9§t notice, Call and examine. Tower lUi.l, No. i>lB Market street, Philadelphia. RKNNKTT & CO. It II alible ton’s Hair Stat.v. — The most reliable article in uso for coloring the Hair anil Whisker* a natural Mack or brown, without injuring the hair or skin. Does not fade or wash out. Depot, 22$ SPRUCE Street, Philadelphia. no3o-Gl# gj—lg3 Special Attention is called M • t I* to the unprecedented inducements offered to those about purchasing Tianos and Melodoons. Large temporary reductions being made to ine by the manufac turers iu consequence of reduced wages, rent of manu factory, and all that goes to make up Jim pro duction, the full benefit is proffered to buyers, and a call must satisfy all that now is the time. Can sell a first* Class Piano at $225. Give mo a call. no4>lm J. E. GOULD, Seventh and Chestnut si*. Dn. Robertson's Gout and Riteu mattc DKore— The only reliable remedy for Rhouma tisrn, Gout, &c. Price SI. Forsrieby DYOTT & CO., No. 232 North SECOND Street, noSO-swlm Depot for all Fopular Medicines. Helmeold’s Universally Approved Rk.medy.—Compound Extract Buchu euros Diseases of tho Bladder, Kidneys, Gravel, Dropsy, Weakness, Ac. Read the advertisement in another column. no6-ths One-Price Clothing, op the Latest Stylxs, made in the Boat Manner, expressly for RETAIL SALES. LOWEST Soiling Prices marked Plain Figures. All Goods made to Order warranted satisfac tory. Our Ora-pRiOE System is strictly adhere# fo, All are thereby treated alike. se22-ly JONES & CO., 604 MARKET Street. Batchelor’s Hair Dye.—This cele brated and jerfuct HAIR DYE is tlie BEST IN THE WORLD. All others are mere Imitations of this Groat Original, which has gained such extensive Patronage in all parts of the globe. The genuine W. A. BATCHE LOR’S LIQUID HAIR DYE instantly produces a splendid Black or natural Brown, without staining the Skin or injuring the Hair, and will remedy the ill effects of bed Dyes, Invigorating the Hair for life. Sold by all Druggists and Perfumers. Wholesale by FAHNESTOCK & CO. and DYOTT & 00., Philadel phia mhl-tf Card Printing, Best and Cheapest In the City, at 34 South THIRD Street. BILL-HEAD PRINTING, Boat nfljl Cheapest in the City, at 34 South THIRD Street. CIRCULAR PRINTING, tost and Ckeapoat in the City, at 34 South THIRD Street. PAMPHLET PRINTING, and every oMier descrip tion of Printing, of the most superior finality, at the most reasonable rates, at RING WALT & BROWN’S, Drexell’s Building, 34 South THIRD Street. delO*tf MARRIED. SLOCOMB—PROVOST.—In this city, Nov. 10th, by llev. E. 11. Adams, W. H. Stocomb, of Sutton, Massa chusetts, to Lucy Provost, of this city. HILL—COWPLAND On the IStli imdaut, by the Hev. J. K. Murphy, N. Sellers Hill, of Delaware county, to Enuna M. Cowplnud, of Chester county. *?. FOSTER—EVANS.—On the 22th of October, ISGI, by the Rev. E. W. Hutter, Mr. Jesso Foster to Miss Elizabeth Evans, both of Bethel, Gloucester county, N. J ? * KAMBO—WILSON.—On tho 27th instant, at the re sidence of W. B. Minster, K»i, by the Rev. J. 11. Cas tle, Capt. E. Y. Rambo to Miss Mary E. Wilson, both of Chester county, Pa. # SMITH—CARLTON.—On the 21st iustant, by the llev. James Crowe, Mr. Moses Smith to Miss Bat-hel Carltnn, both of Philiidolpbiu. * COTTINGIIAM—WEST.—On the 21st instant, by the Rev. D. L. Patterson, Mr. James Cettingham to Misa Mary C. West, all of Philadelphia, r * McCOLLIN—JUDKINS.—At Barncsville, Belmont county, Ohio, on the 14th instant, by the Rev. A. D. McCormick, John McCollin, of PliiladPlphia, Pa., to Mattie, daughter of TUoraaa and Sarah Judkins, of the former place. SHOEMAKER—CLARKE.—On the 2Sth instant, by his Honor Major llenry, Richardson Shoemuker, of Delaware county, Pa., to Anna G. Clarke, of Philadel phia city. # DIED. WATMOUGII—On Thursday, Nov. 23th, Colonel John G. Watmongh, in the CSth year of his age. His male- friends are invited to attend the funeral, front hiR late resilience, No. 1722 Pine street, this day, (Saturday, ) at 3 P. M. =* MUEPBET.—■Ou the 20tli instant, James MurpUey, aged 78 years. Funeral from his late residence. No. 324 Lombard street, this (Saturday) morning, at S o'clock. * BITTING.—On the 28th instant, Charles A., son of William and Eliza Bitting, aged 3 years and 7 mouths. Funeral from his parents’ residence, 808 Wallace this (Saturday)-afternoon, at 1 o'clock. lIAILINGS.—On the 28th instant, Mary Ellen, wife of Benjamin Bailings, aged 24 yoar/»> Funeral from the residence of her husband. No. 126 Prime. street, this (Saturday) afternoon, at 2 o’clock. * HAMMER.—On the 27th instant. Mary Jane, daugh ter of Williaqi and flip- Me Rebecca Hammer, aged 25 years. Funeral from the residence of her father, N. W. corner of Oxford and Hope streets, on Sunday afternoon, at 1 o’clock. * LEGGETT.—On the 28th instant, Annie F. Leggett, in her 11th year. Funeral from tlie residence of lie* grandfather, Ferris Price, No. 320 Sonth Twelfth street, this (Saturday) af ternoon, at o’clock. * MeIIKNRY.—On tho 2Stli instant, William McHenry, aged 08 years. Funeral from his late residence, N. W. corner of Eighteenth and Shippen streets, this (Saturday) after noon, at 1 o’clock. ‘S ENGLE. —On the 2?th instant, Harriet R„ daughter of Aaron 0. and Eliza H. KDgle, in the 17th year of her age. Funeral from the residence of her parents, No. 806 South Tenth street, on Monday morning, at 10 o’clock. * OHLIGER.—Ou the 2Stli instant, George Ohliger, in the 42d year of liis age. Funeral from his lute residence, corner of Culvert and Chartotto streets, on Sunday afternoon, at I o’clock. * RKHN.—On the 28th instant, Willi© L., only child of John and Elizabeth Itohn, aged 3 years and 28 days. MOUENING STOEB, No. 918 CHESTNUT STEEET. BESSON A; SON have lately received Black Beaver Cloth Cloaks, Gray "Water-proof Cloaks, Black Thibet Long Shawls, extra sizes; Shepherd Plaid Long and Suuflre Shawls, Crape and Grenadine Collars and Sleeves, Jouvin’B Black Kid Gloves, Alexandre’s Black, Load, and Purple Kid Gloves; Fleecy Silk Gloves and Gaunt lets, Black Centre Broclie Scarfs, Black all wool Velour Ottomans And Reps, $1 a yard: Black Reps Anglais, 25 cents a yard; Grenadinw Veils, Ac. no 4 NEW JERUSALEM CHURCH, CHER LLs BY Street, west of Twentieth.—Divine service on SUNDAY at 10% o’clock, A. M. LECTURE at 7% o’clock P. M. Subject—“ True Religion Dependent upon a Correct Idea of God.” It ryiP- THE FUTURE WORLD. —SECOND UJj of a series of discourses in St. MATTHEW’S LUTHERAN CHURCH, NEW Street, below FOURTH, by the Pastor, Rev. E. W. HUTTER, TO-MORROW EVENING, at half past seven o’clock. Subject—“ The Employment of the Saints in Heaven.” It* CHURCH CP THE ATONEMENT, \l3 SUMMER Street.—A meeting in behalf of the Army, TO-MORROW (Sunday evening) at 7% o’clock. Addresses from the Rev. Dr. GOODWIN, Mr. COL YER, and others, on tlie Spiritual Wants of the Soldiers. BIN- B.—A collection. t* UNION PREACHING.—REV. J. UJ3 WIIEATON SMITH, Pastor of Spruce-street Baptist Church, will preach in AMERICAN ME CHANICS’ HALL, FOURTH Street, below GIRARD Avenue, SABBATH AFTERNOON, at three o’clock. AcoUectiouforreutofUn.il J. NOLEN, It# SupMintenilout SPIRITUALISM.—OR. CHILD WILL Lkjj lecture on the “History of Spiritualism” at SANSOM-STREET HALL, on SUNDAY, at lOjf, A. M., anil Dr. J. L. PEIRCE on “Reform as applied to the present Crisis and tho Condition of Society.” Admittance five cents. It* ryr==» EUROPEAN AND AMERICAN SE UJ3 NATORIAL COMBATS.—Mr. WHITNEY, at MUSICAL FUND HALL, TUESDAY and WED NESDAY Evenings, Decembers and 4, at 8 o’clock. “Lord Brotighniu an<l George Canning,” “Webster nud Haym*,” Cluy nud Randolph,” »Shiel and Lard Lyndhurst,” “ Slinkspoure on the Passions,” PA TH ETICAL WAR BALLADS, etc. Admission 25 cents. Tickets at the Continental Hotel, Hall, etc. nooo-4t* ELEVENTH MEETING IN BEHALF |J jj OF THU SOLDIERS, Uild^i 1 the Auspices of the YOUNG MEN’S CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION.—Tito next Public Meeting in behalf of the Soldiers will be held in the Second Presbyterian Church, Rev. Dr. SHIELDS, SEVENTH Street, east Bide, below Arch, on SUNDAY EVENING, Dec. 1, commencing at 7)£ o’clock. Addresses will be delivered by the Pastor, Roy. Dr. COOK, of the M. K. Church, Rev. JONATHAN ED WARDS, P. D., and Ex-Governor JAMES POLLOCK. The public are invited to atteml. Seats free to all. The Committee are receiving pressing demands from Chaplains of the Pennsylvania Regiments for aid, and they appeal to a generous public for the means to sup ply it. It* rvr=> AX A STATED MEETING OF THE LkS ROBERT FLANAGAN BUILDING ASSOCIA TION, on the 26ih inst., the following preamble and resolutions were unanimously adopted, and ordered to be published: Whereas!, Since our tost meeting, it has pleased Provi dence to take from among us, by the hand of death, our i&le fellow-manager, associate, and friend, Major RO BERT FLANAGAN: therefore, Resolved, That, whilst we bow with humility to the flat of Almighty Power, we at the fame timo deplore the loss of one who has shown himself an affectionate hus band, kind father, good citizen, and a man of marked nud useful character. By much self-culture, he greatly improved good natural talents, and acquired great and varied information by a shrewd observation of men and things in the busy paths of life. Resolved, That we tender to his widow aud family our sincere sympathy in tlieir bereavement. HUGH CASSIDY, President. BERNARD RAFFERTY, Secretary. It* nr=» PEOPLE’S LITERARY INSTITUTE. —A Lecture for the beueflt of the VOLUNTEER REFRESHMENT SALOONS will be delivered on TUESDAY Evening, December 3, at CONCERT HAD (n by BAYARD TAYLOR, Esq. Subject: “ The Ameri can Pcoplo Considered Socially and Politically.” Lec ture quarter before eight o’clock. Tickets 25 ceuts, at T. B. PUGH’S, SIXTH and CHESTNUT Streets. Tick ets to the regular course will not admit to this lecture. n029-4tif* »ub ST. ANDREW'S SOCIETY,—The U3ih UJj Anniversary will be celebrated on SATURDAY EVENING, 30th inst., at the ST. LOUIS HOTEL. A Business Meeting will take place at 6, and Supper at 7 o’clock. Members and subscribers will please attend without further notice. Scotsmen, or their dependents, wishing to participate ill tliA eelebralien, ftVt F&lUd&tod to leave their names nt the St Louis Hotel. GEORGE YOUNG, Secretary. rv» UNIVERSALIST CHURCH, LODI LLS HARD Street, above FOURTH.—Lecture by Rev. A. 0. THOMAS, TO-MOItROW Evening. “Is this Life a State of Probation?” It* THE WORLD'S FAIR OF llof Persons desirous of sending articles for exhibition at the World’s Fair opening at LONDON May 1,1862, are informed that application must he made through tho resident agent at this city, and the articles accepted must be sent to New York before January 1, next. The agent fur thin city is Dr A. L. KLWTN, m* MBted by L. BLODGKT, Secretary of tlie Board of Trade, at whose office, 605 CHESTNUT Street, appli cations from manufacturers and inventors arc invited. n027-6t rY-~===* DIVIDEND,—OFFICE LFIIIGII COAL ILs AND NAVIGATION COMPANY, I'.m.Aom.- euiA. Nov. 26, 1861.—A Dividend of THREE PER CENT , equal to one dollar and fifty cents per share on the capital stock of rim Company, lias this day been de clare! by the Board of Managers, payable on demand. 11027-Bl EDWIN WALTER, Troftfluror. rvy* PHILADELPHIA EXCHANGE CUM PANY, November 25. 1861.—A meeting of the Stockholders of tho PHILADELPHIA EXCHANGE COMPANY wilt be held on MONDAY next, December 2, at 12 o’clock, at the EXCHANGE, (Room No. 30, third door,) for the purpose uf electing nine managers, to Korva tor the ensuing ytai-, and for Uie transaction of other biihiuess. n025-6l WM. S. GRA NT, Secretary. CONSOLIDATION RANK, IL l*n 11. a i)i: i.[*ii iA , November 25,1861. At an Election, held op Monday, IBtli infit,, the follow ing gentlemen were elected Directors for the ensuing year: James V. Watson, A. Snow Nimdain, Abm. 8. Wolf, Henry <'rnsUey, Win Iliiup, Ludlam Matthews, llcitj. Malone, Than. J. Potts, John P. Verree, Jos. it. Van Dusen, Josi.ih D. Brooks, Robert Shoemaker, f. Logan, ho Board, hHil THIS DAY, l.» was unanimously re-elected SOL, Cashier; and GEO. W. no2G-totlis3t John V And at a meeting of th JAMES V. WATSON, Ksi|. President: JOS N. PETRS THORNE, E*i|., Solicitor. - OFFICE OF TlfE LITTLE SCHUVL LUf KILLNAYIGAIION RAILROAD AND COAL COMPANY. PIItI. ADKI.IMI (A, Nov. 18, 1861. A special meeting of the Stockholders of this Company will be held on MONDAY, tho Oth December next, at 11 atolwk A. M., id the Office 407 LIBRARY street, for tho purpose of receiving the Report of tho Committoo ap pointed at the last Annual Meeting, held the 14th Janua ry, 1861. WILLIAM W.\ LN, Jk , * iiol9-tuthst9d Treasurer and Secretary. pya OFFICE PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD UL3 COMPANY, Pnn.AnKi.pniA, October 16, 1861. The Board of Directors have this day declared a semi annual dividend ol THRICE PER GENT, on tho capital stork of the Company, clear of State tax, payable ou and after November 15,1861. Powcrfi-of-Attorney for collection of dividend* c»n be had on appliantinu at tha oftlaatof tho Company, No. (228. South THIRD Street. ocl7-tdel THOS. T. FIRTII, Treasurer. UNION ItICXEVOLENT ASSOCIA* jJ.Jj TION-—At the anrimil meeting of tho Society, held Tuesday, October 15th, tlie following gentlomen \verf elected officers roftnflgors f(>r the oiisqjpg jnj^ri l’KEijlDJtt'Tj SAMVEL H. PEkRTNS. VICK MSKSIDKSTS, RICHARD I). WOOD. J. FISHER LEAKING. theasl’ker, EDMUND WILCOX | m CHESTNUT Strcot, CUUKKSrONIUNi; SKOHKT.inV, li. MUXTUUMEKY BOND. ItECOKIMN'ft SKCItKTAKY, JOHN ir. AT\YOOl>. JIAXACEI'.S. Joint D. Taylor, 3. Morrln Wain, Jos H. Dulles. John Aslmrat, Thomas A. Budd, Zcbnlon Locke, Charle3 Khoad. u , Richard Wuol, Charles S. Wurtz, M. D., A brain B. Perkins. Benjamin Contes, M. W. IlAldulh, W. M. Collins, Thomas Latimer, John Boblon, 'William Pnrves, Arthur G. Collin, B<*hjam!n Orne, John W. Clftghorn, Thomas Walfron, ot the Board of Managers, tppointed Agent, and Messrs. [AS EVANS t’ollactoM. At a subsequent meeting Mr. JOHN HICKS was rot S. C. COOPER a nil TJIOJI It is well known that this Society is not a mere ulnuu giving agency, but u moral-suasion institution as well, which strives to remove pauperism by leading the poor to habits of industry and good morals. In pursuing this work, its visitors necessarily meet with poverty in every condition, and especially among such of the poor as do not beg upon the streets. In view of the Buttering to be ap prehended the coining winter, the Society usks attention to the requests of the Collectors, who are now making their annual calls. The Managers luivc made arrangements for ft larger supply of fuel than usual, upon terms more favorable than at any providin' season, and mmt look to the public to contribute liberally to enable them to supply the pxtrft demand which is likely to arise. Persons preferring to contribute directly can baud subscriptions to the Agent, at the office, Northwest corner of SEVENTH and SAN SOM, or to EDMUND WILCOX, Esq., Treasurer, No. 404 CHESTNUT Street. SAMUEL H. VERKINS, President. Joiiy H. Atwood, Secretary. a023-s,fewot SKATERS’ lIE ADQU ARTERS.—We have just received a full stock of superior SKATES of the latest patterns. LADIES’ SKATES, MISSES' SKATES, GENT'S SKATES, PATENT SKATES, STEEL SKATES. ROCKER SKATES, DUMP SKATES. Skates of every variety Cadet Muskets and Equipments, Cricket and Base Ball Implements, Camp Cots. Army Chests. Gun?, Pistols, Rill.*, Jvo. MUMP WILSON ,v Co., iioOO-liu 4 \jZ CHESTNUT Sircot. CAPET MUSKETS AND EQUIP MENTS.—Wo have just made to order a lot of su perior MU SIC KTsj suitable for Philadelphia Cadet*. -They arc light mid npiiti such as ovory parout would uißh fo place in the hands of their sons, affording healthful ex ercise without Ix-hig srn henry as to injure the spine. Also, CADET EQUIPMENTS made to llluMko pat tern. PHILIP WILSON & (JO., hoSO-lm 432 CHESTNUT Street. TX7ILLIAM F. UEDDES, PLAIN T T AND FANCY JOB PRINTER, No. 320 CHEST NUT Street. Book?, Pamphlets, Constitutions, Circulars, Cards, Cheeks, Notes, Drafts, Bill-heads, Bills Lading, Law and Custom-house Blanks, Ac., at low rates. n3o6t# GK AAA TO LOAN ON MOHT CAGE in one or two sums. Apply to B. A. MITCHELL, 134 Smith THIRD Street- up stairs. uo3o-3t* A FULL AND SPLENDID as sortment of Scarfs. Ties, fllovos, and Gants’ Fiumshme Goode, just received and for sale. Also, a variety of Travelling Shirts. J. W.SCOTT, 814 CHEST NUT Street, below Continental Hotel. no3o-tf TpOtjND—On the evening of Novem bor 1, a SILVER WATCIf, on Richmond street, above Lehigh avenue* Oil proving property and paying for this advertisement, can be had at Northwest corner of SOMERSET and SPRING Streets. It* VALUABLE OLD ENGRAVINGS, that have been torn or defaced, can be remounted ami framed, neatly and cheaply, lor preservation, at RENKKKT’S, No. 826 ABCH St. uo3o-iftf - CLEANLINESS strictly observed at GUTEKUNST’S Ilmr-Cntting Saloon, FOURTH and BRANCH. no3o-iftf RETAIL DRY GOODS. QPRING-SKIRTS AT REDUCED lO PRICES.—The improved style of Steel Spring Skirts for Ladies aud Misses, just received by SHEPPARD, VAN HARLINGEN, & AKRISON, noSO 1008 CHESTNUT. Street. Green ottoman reps for Gored Dresses. Blue Ottoman Reps. Brown Ottoman Rep*. Purple Modes, Ac., &c. Richest Printed Reps. EYRE & LANDELL. FOURTH and ARCII Streets. SCARLET LONG AND SHORT SCARFS. Scarlet Scarfs $2. Scarlet Scarfs $2.50. Scarlet Scarfs $3. Scarlet Scarfs $5 and $B, n 023 EYRE & LANDELL. Eskimo cloth for cloaks. Black Beaver Clotlia. Black Ribbed Sealskin. Black Cloth Cloaks. Popular shawls— Large and full assortments of the following Winter Long and Square Scotch Blankets. Fine American, of all etylua. Black and White Check* and Browns. Children’s Long and Square Blankets. Fine Stellas, Scotch borders. Broclie, from low to extra fine. Black Centres Brocho Chain© Laine. Light Gray and Dappled Berlin. Friends’ Shawls, of all kinds. CLOAKING CLOTHS. * Water Proofs, Repellents, Aqua Scutum. Spangled and Frosted Reavers. Black Beavers and Tricots. SHARP BESS BROTHERS, CHESTNUT and EIGHTH Streets. Bargains in dress goods. NEW AND CHOICE DRESS GOODS AT EXTRAORDINARY LOW PRICES. Rich Silk Plaid and Printod Reps. Plain Pops and Velours de Epingie. VERY CHEAP BLACK SILKS. Rich Printed Magenta Cloths. Rich Printed Merinoes to $1.25. Rich Printed all wool Delaines from 31 to 76c. 3,000 yards Mohair Brocades at 14c, worth 25c. 2,800 yards Printed Delaines at 13c, worth 18c. A choice assortment of Blanket Shawls, ,-NEW STYLES OF WINTER CLOAKS of Beaver, Tricot, and Water-Proof Cloths, Handsome Velvet Vesungs and Cassimeres. H. STEEL A SON, no 9 No. 713 North TENTH Street, above Coates. Gentlemen, take notice.— Will open tliis morning— A full line of Merino Shirts and Drawers. A nice assortment of Gent’s Mauds. A full line of Cotton and Merino Hose. A nice assortment of heavy Casslmeres. Two lots of fine French Black Cloths. Thirty doz. L. C. Hdbfs, from Auction. Twelve 4os< Suspenders from Auction. Striped Cloths for Shirts. Twilled Flannels, White, Red, and Gray. Gloves in great variety at JOHN H. STOKES, 702 ARCH Street. WILL OPEN THIS DAY AN IM menso stock of all wool Be Lames, the balance of a large importation, consisting of 1 lot neat figured dark grounds, at 31 cents, usually sold at 62)£ cents. 1 lot chintz colors, at 37 cents, usually at 75 cents. 1 lot, yard wide, Haiti?, at 12 X cents. COWPKHTHWAIT A CO., no9-tf N. W. corner EIGHTH and MABKET. House furnishing dry GOODS.—SHEPFAIU), VAN HARLINGEN, A ARRI&ON, Importers and Dealers in Linen, and House Goods, ote. Have now on hand a full assortment of Linen Sheeting, Table Cloths, Napkins, Table, Diaper Towelling, etc., etc., imported under the old tariff, or bought a great sac rifice. N.B.—Five per cent, allowed on purchases as above, if paid for on delivery. no27tf LADIES’ BLACK CLOTHS. Men’s heavy Overcoatings. Men’s line Dreßs Cloths. COOPER A CONARD, no 7 NINTH and MARKET Streets. Flannels— Yard wide, fine white extra at 38 cents. Shaker Flannels, warranted genuine. COOFEB A OONARD, no 7 NINTH and MARKET Streets. Fancy cassimeres- Of every' grade and style, from 62c to $1.50 per yard. Black Cassimeres, some extra fine lots. . COOPER A OONARD, no 7 NINTH and MARKET Streots. Dress goods. Reps, Merinoes, Poplins, Delaines, Ac. Black Poplins, Merinoes, Delaines, Bombazines, Ac. COOPER A CONARD, no 7 NINTH and MARKET, pLOAKS— K—J Ready- made or made to order. COOPER A CONARD, noT NINTH aud MABKET Streets. IJIHOS. W. EVANS & CO. FROSTED BEAVER HOSIERY. Would invite attention to their LADIES, GENTS, AND CHILDREN'S SIZES, A FULL ASSORTMENT THE CELEBRATED BALBRIGGAN HOSIERY REASONABLE PRICES. 818 and 820 Chestnut St. no2S«St HOLIDAY GOODS. QHKISTMAS Ahd W 6 Assured that many who read The Press are already considering WHAT TO PRESENT TO THEIR GENTLEMAN TIUENDS, Wo would suggest the fdHowing: Either A FINE WRAPPER, Muffler, SCARF, TIE, or GLOVES. Or. if they have friends IN THE A1U1IY ( what ciwid t» mole acceptable to our noble Volunteers and Oilicere, than GOOD FLANNEL SHIRTS, OR HEAVY UNDERCLOTHING ? THE PLACE TO HUY THEM IS AT W. W. KNIGHT’S GENTS’ FURNISHING STORE, No. 606 Alien STREET. N. 11. FINE SHIRTS ready made and made io or der, at $1.50, AND UPWARDS. noSMf tf CLOAKS" ' to Qxomiua our RUSSIAN PROMENADE JACKETS. OOOPER & CONARD. In their LARGE BOOM, SECOND STORY, CLOAKS EYRE & LANDELL. pLOAKS! CLOAKS! CLOAKS! \J WATER PROOF CLOTH CLOAKS, THE HOST REASONABLE TRICES IN THE CITY IVENS, oclß No. 23 South NINTH Street. C l OAKS! The Largest, Cheapest, and Best-assorted Stock In the city. - . HOUGH A CO., No. 25 South TENTH Street, . OCI6 Opposite Franklin Market. New cloak store! The most Elegant assortment in the city. No. 29 Sooth NINTH Street, oc!s-2m First door above Chestnut mHE ARCH-STREET CLOAK AND MANTILLA STORE. NEW FALL CLOAKS. WATEB-PKOOF TWEED CLOAKS. BLACK CLOTH CLOAKS. EYEBY NOVELTY AT MODERATE PRICES. JACOB HORSFALL, an3l-6m N. W. comer TENTH and ABOH Sta REIMER’S COLORED photo graphs have superseded the plain ones, being much more life-like. Only $l. Gallery SECOND Street, above Green. It* TRUSSES! BRACES!’ Sup porters hi S. W. corner RACK and TWELFTH Streets, Phila., Practical Adjuster of Trusses and Mechanical Appli ances, has constantly on hand a large and varied stock or elegant French Trusses, and a complete assortment of best American. English and American Supporters and Belts, Shoulder Bruces, SiispebaorieS, irt qi“6g,l vaviety , French Pessaries, Ac. Ladles’ Department conducted by Ladies, TWELFTH Street, first door below Race. u027-it'3m Baker & CO.’S UNEXCELLED COD LIVER OIL—Tho most approved remedy for Coughs, Colds, Bronchitis, Scrofula, Ac, Physicians, in prescribing it, have fin tho testimonials of many of the profession) a guarantee of genuiuoness in which all the efficacy of the invaluable medicine is retained. Invalids are assured, by the evidence of thousands, that It is less nauseous aud more readily retained to their benefit than many manufactured oompoundg sold as Cod Livor Oil. Sold, wholesale and retail, by the Proprietors aud by City Apothecaries, JOHN G. BAKER A CO., no2Q-lmif 154 North THIRD Street. CHILDREN’S OVERCOATS AND ZEPHYR GOODS—The most beautiful assort, ment, and at tlio lowest prices in the city, at the Central Children’s Clothing Store, No. 2 North EIGHTH Street, ahoy o Market. n029-OME rpHEODORE EVERS’ PHOTOGRAPH AND AMDROTYPE GALLERY, NO. 606 ARCH STREET, ABOVE SIXTH, Opposite the Arcli-streot Theatre, n026-lm if PHILADELPHIA. COLONEL BICHARD H. BUSH.— \_y Now ready, a very line Card Photograph of Col. Richard H. Rush. MCALLISTER A BRO., no2B-3t 728 CHESTNUT Street. E. S. EARLEY, Ft'itNiSHlifa UNDERTAKER, Southwest corner of TENTH and GREEN Streets, nol9-3mif* Philadelphia. RETAIL DRY GOODS. HAVE JUST OPENED A BEAUTIFUL ASSORTMENT F CLOTH CLOAKS, WITH A FULL STOCK. OF CLOTH AND VELVET DO. OF TUB LATEST PARIS STYLES. JUST RECEIVED ONE CASE VELVET CLOTHS SUPERIOR QUALITY. Nos. BXB and 820 CHESTNUT STREET. no2B-3t THOS. W. EVANS & Co. LARGE AND WELL-SELECTED STOCK ENGLISH HOSIERY, JHF. MOST APPROVED MAKES, INCLUDING FOR SALE AT VERY CLOAKS AND MANTILLAS. We inrite THE LADIES NEWLY-RECEIVED ASSORTMENT CARL PETERS & CO., Northeast Corner TENTH ami CHESTNUT Sts. a027-6t CLOTH CLOAKS. FROM 96 TO 920, no7tutlis-lm S. E. cor. NINTH and MARKET Sts. SABLE CLOTHS, FROSTED BKAVEKS, SEALSKIN CLOTHS, BLACK BEAVERS, LYONS VELVETS; A LARGE ASSORTMENT, AT MODERATE PRICES, At the PARIS CLOAK EMPORIUM, TOB CHESTNUT STREET. J. W. PROCTOR & Co. no!4-lf in endless variety: LIGHT AND DARK CLOTH CLOAKS, of every shade; BLACK CLOTH CLOAKS, of every quality: BLACK SILK-VELVET CLOAKS, EVERY NEW STYLE, EVERY NEW MATERIAL; THE LARGEST STOCK AND C. H. NEEDLES, NEW PUBLICATIONS. rjfH A N K S (T I V I N Gr. A SERMON, Preached iu the ARCH-STRKET PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, On TIUTRSIiAY, November 28, 1801, By Rev. CHARLES WADSWORTH, Pastor of the Church. Is puhlihhed ami for naif* this day, in a beautiful octavo pamphlet. Price 15 rents a copy, nr $1.60 a dozen ; nr, Ten dollars a hundred. T, 11. PETERSON <fc IiItOTFfERSt J!of. CHKSTNI'T Street. I*7“ Copies sent everywhere free of pontage, on mailing the price to uh in a letter. It Foil BETTER, FOR WOIISE. " A CHARMING 1,0 YB STORY, EVERYBODY SHIHT.D READ IT. Only complete and una‘ridged edition is published iu one large octavo volume, large and clear t j pe, and on line paper. Price 2a rent* « e«*py, hy T. 11. PKTKKSSM>N A RUOTIIKRS\ It .'lOfi CHESTNUT Street, Philadelphia. DICKENS’ NEW BOOK.— Till-: LAMI'LIGHTEB’S STORY. Two illustrate,l eititimiii limmtt, pneo si .'if)e tell, ami :t <> 1 1 t,ij e.li lion in |.:i I'er rover, jirico 50 oolite, is pilli libhrtl this (fay anil tor sole lit T. It. PETERSON * HROT HUBS', It No. 306 CHESTNUT Street, I'liibi.Mliiiiti CARPETINGS. QHEAP CARPETS. In order to clow out Ill'll ENTIRE STOCK OF CARPETINOS By the end of tin* jear, we »h:d)thia day main* STILL FIRTIIKK KKIHITJOXS IN PRICES. BAILY & BSOTHEK. No. oao CURST NUT St STORK TO LET, AND FIXTURES FOR SALE. bp] 7-Tilths Zru MILITARY GOODS, ---- - • OOLLEN YARN FOR ARMY 1-3 HOSE, jj’ANCY WOOLLEN HOODS, NU BIAS, SONTAGS, &c. THOS. MELLON & CO.. 40 AND 42 NORTH THIRD STREET. no2B-lf 12-OZ DUCK, ARMY STANDARD, FOR SALE BY ALFRED SLADE & Co., 3» LKTITIA mill 40 SOUTH FRONT STREET. mi2S-12t - ... MILITARY NOTICES. " regiment of lancers. A _ RECRUITS WANTED. A few Young Me» of GOOD CHARACTER to fill va cancies in the PHILADELPHIA LIGHT CAVALRY. No Minors need appl*. TWO DOLLARS ROIINTY will be paid to any one who'will bring an accepted recruit, when mustered into service. Five feet seven inches is the lowest height now accepted inthls Regiment, which GENERAL MeCLELLAN Has selected as A BEGIMENT OF LANCERS. Apply at once at the Rendezvous, 426 MARKET STREET. n027-4t* II IRISH B RIG A D E.—Recruits m wanted to fill up a company of the SECOND RKGI MENT, IRltrH BilttiAiiff, Fay, rations, uni forms, and comfortable quarters-on signing: tho roll. Apply at 14 South EIGHTH Street,-or LOCUST Strnet T opposite the Musical Fund Hall, or at tbo CENTRAL DEPOT, LEDGER Place. M. REILLY, Captain. (i. 0 7 MJLLEY, Vim Lieutenant. nooo-st* WM. A. REILLY, 2d Lieutenant* S UNITED STATES MARINES.— Wanted immediately for the United States Marine Corps, THREE HUNDRED ABLE-BODIED MEN for sea service, between the age? of eighteen and thirty-five years. All Information that may be required will be given at the Rendezvous, 311 South FRONT Street, below Spruce. JAMES LEWIS, Captain, n027-12t Recruiting Officer. M HEADQUARTERS CURTIN R LIGIIT GUARD REGIMENT, P: V., No. 801 SANSOM Street Authorized by the Governor, and accepted by the Federal Government. Comfortable quarters provided in Philadelphia. Pay, Rations, and Uniform as soon as enrolled. By order of COL. H. J. STAINROOK. W. R. MACADAM, Adjutant. h026-lU* WANTS, WANTED— BY A YOUNG MAN, a SliWUtloft &s Clerk, or employment in any bu siness capacity. He lias a general knowledge of business, and can give the most satisfactory reference. Address J. HOFPER, Blood’s Dispatch Office. no3o-14t* MAGAZINE. —Wanted a Person of responsibility to assi.t in tho management of a Magazine well established. Address “ Magazine,” at this office. »030-3t* TO MERCHANT TAILORS.—Want- JL ed a competent CUTTER to take sole charge of a business already established. Must be of good address, a good salesman) and good manager. To n. suitable per son an interest in the business will be given. Good re ference required, aud must have a few hundred dollars. Inquire, December 3d, at No. 53 North THIRD Street, Philadelphia. iio3o-4t# WANTED BY AN ACTIVE young man, a thorough Bookkeeper, a situ ation in a mercantile or manufacturing establishment. Address “ H. W.»" this office. n026-st# WANTED— IN DRY GOODS Store, a PaU*«man—one of a few years’ experi ence. Must speak the German and English. Undoubted re ference as to honesty, industry, and business qualities re quired. One from the country preferred. Address “ Box 192,” Pottstown, Pa. no2B-niaiu-4t* WANTED —A House on Arch street, west of Broad, with all the modern improvements. Price not to exceed §9,000. Address Box, 2*243 Post Office. noffi-tuthsa-St* WANTED —A FARM, within ten twelve miles of Philadelphia, for which the be3t quality of improved city property will be given in ex change. Apply to E. PETTIT, oc3o No. 309 WALNUT Street. EDUCATIONAL. PROF. F. A. BREGY, OF GIRARD College, gives private instruction in the French Language and Literature. Apply GIRARD COLLEGE, noifl-tnthsfit* MARSHAL’S SALES. TV/TARSHAL’S SALE.—By virtue of a Jj/A. writ of sale, by the Hon. JOHN CADWALA DER, Judge of the District Court of the United States in and for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, iu Admi ralty, to me directed, will be sold, at Public Sale, io the highest and best bidder, for cash, at QUEEN-Street wharf, on TUESDAY, December 10,1561, at 12 o’clock M., 240 bars of IRON, marked X white (V) n., and4ol bundles of IRON marked X white m» part of tho cargo of the ship AMELIA, BBH WILLIAM MILL WARD, U. S Marshal E. D. of Penn’a. Philadelphia, November 29,lB6l. nooO-6t MARSHAL’S SALE.—By virtue of a writ of sale, by the Hon. John Cadwnlader, Judge of the District Court of the United States in and for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, iu Admiralty, to me di rected, will be sold, at Public Sale, to the highest and best bidder, for Cash, at the MERCHANTS’ EXCHANGE, on WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 11, at I*2 o’clock M., the oucrfourth part of tho ship MARATHON* her tackle, apparel, and furniture, being tho interest therein of WILLIAM KNOX, a resident and inhabitant of the State of Louisiana. Tho ship is now lying at Race street wlmrf. WILLIAM MILL WARD, U. S. Marshal E. D. of Penn’a. FitlLADkl.Mll A, Nov. 23.1861. n029-0t BOARDING. I? 0/4 SPRUCE STREET—Rooms for OOi families or single gentlemen, with hoard. . nu2o-<H* INSURANCE COMPANIES. F~~ame insurancFcompanyT No. 406 CHESTNUT Stntii FIBS AND INLAND IN3UBANOB. DIRKOTORS. George W. Day of Day A Matlock. Samuel Wright........ “ Wright Bros. A Co. D. B. Birney u Davia A Birnay. Henry Lewis, Jr...... 4i Lewis Bros. A Op. O. Richardson *» J. 0. Howe A Go. Jno. W. Everman....... “ J. W. Evenuan A O 0» Geo. A. West « West A Fobea. P. S. Martin *« Savage, Martin, A Co. O. Wilson Davia Attorney-at-law. _ - B. D. Woodruff. of Sibley, Molten, A WoodraS Jno,Ksuler. Jr.,....., No,ITM G? B ™ ' oeoBGB V. DAY, President. FRANCIS N. BUCK, Vica-Preetdttl ■WILLIAMS I. BLANCHABD, Secretary. ja23-lM QLATE MANTELS. These bwwtifwHy enameUed MANTELS) bo do* cidedly preferable to any othere, are manufactured by ua, and sold at PRICKS TO SUIT THE TIMES. ARNOLD & WILSON, ocO-Sniif No. 1010 CHBSTNUT Street. fJTHE BALTIMORE GAS-BURNING FIRE-PLACE HEATER. Sometimes called the u Latrobe Stove,” is the best stove for warming the room In which it stands, ana algo rooms above. Cali Mid look at them. rwme aoove. vau ««. ARNOLD A WILSON, ocs-3mif No. 1010 CHESTNUT Street. AMUSEMENTS. American cademy of music —BBOAD AND LOCUST Street. T.o*?oo and Manager' J. M. NIXON; Stage Manager' J. IS. WRIGHT; Musical Director, J. I'. COOKE. The Management Ima the honor of announcing that Mr. EDWIN FORREST, THE GREATEST LIVING TRAGEDIAN, Ib engaged for a LIMITED NUMBER OF NIGHTS, And will Apprnr on MONDAY EVENING December 2d, 1801, Supported by n full and POWERFUL DRAMATIC COMPANY, Including Mrs. OLADSTANE, Mrs. FARRF.N, Miss ATIIENA, Mph. LE RRUN. Mr. MARK SMITH, Mr. J. McCULLOUGH, Mr. J. COLLIER, Mr. CARTER, Mr. J. MARTIN, Mr. TAYLOR, Mr. BECK, Mr. FOR. UKSTKIi, Mr. STEVENS, Mr. CLINTON. And ninny oilier Driinmtic Celebrities ! ON MONDAY EVENING, December 2d, 1881, MI!, FOIIItKST Will nppeur In Ills (ireni Rendition of II A M L E T . Tin* Ciibl will im bide the Entire .strength of the Com- I'ttny. . . . magnifa-ent Wardr4»b#*, Properties, and Ap lisive Iwn ninmifiictumJ expreasly for Mr* Fonest's KngHaeincntK, from Models collected from the Best Authoiition, and have never previously been pre sented to the Public of Philadelphia. The Forrest Nights will he Monday* "Wednesday, Fri day, and Saturday. SPKCIAT. ANNOUNTKMENT.—The Renownod Spa iiii-h I.A feENOIIITA ISABELLA CUBAS, From the Jloj al Opera, Madrid* and the. Principal Ha rui'oau Opera Bonnes, who has recent‘y created a Perfect Furore in Boston and New York, will make her I>ehut On THURSDAY" KVKNISG, DiMwmber sth. This J‘iihim;itinj:]y Bcautifiil Dariseiwe will bo Sup ported by SIG’R KIMMINES, And it grand SPANISH CORPS DU BALLET. IHitCfrlK : YnmwU Pftnimt Circle, mid Ilitkimyi»u»«i.iisocwiU. Family Circle nwl Amphitheatre *2* cents, Private Boxes, with admUdon for Eight per tons, $6. No extra ohnrqe for Reserved geate. SoaU secured for any Evening in Advance. Itoni> open at nuarter past 7 o'clock. The Perform* (liht will ronunencc at 8 n cluck. QBAND VOCAL AND INSTRU- MENTAL CONCERT IN AM) f)t* THK JEWISH FOSTER HOME- HAN DEL & HAYDN HALL, THIS (SATURDAY) EVENING, November 30th. The following nrtlstoa have kindly volunteered their valuable bcrviceß: Mndame R. Johmmsen.,. , Prima Donna. Mr. A. Birgfield Baritone. Mr. C. AVolfrohn I'innir.t. fill'. C, ll' Jurvif s ,iiiiMiiiiiiimimitiuuuiPianut. Mr.Sinmu Hasler Concert to commence at 8 o’clock. TICKETS FIFTY CENTS EACH. To be had of the Manager?, at the principal Music Store?, and on the eve ning at the dour. It "11/rRS. JOHN DREW’S JLfJ_ ARCH-STREET THEATRE. Acting and Stage Manager. W. S. FREDERICKS. Business Agent and Treasurer JOS. D. MTJBPHY. this (SATrnDAT) evening, tfwemtor W, WIVES As THEY WERE AND MAIDS AS THEY Lady Mary Rattle. SUYLOCK. Sir. Frank Drew Mid* Eliza Price MAD AS A MAIH.'If IIAJtE OM L&mihe Change or Tins. —Doors open at % before 7; curtain will rise at 7 if precisely. No extra charge for reserved seats. WALNUT-STREET THEATRE— NINTH oni WALNUT Streets. MRS. M. A. GARRSTTSOH. Sole Lessee. Positively Hi* w»3 night of the “Octoroon,’' THIS (SATURDAY) EVENING. November SO,’ The performance will commence'with THK CrtJTOJIOON. ...Mr. J. 8. Clwka. .Mrs. Anna Cowell. 3HHS NETTLES; Oiv'i'HK MU DEL SCHOOL. VucMUove, the l-’ut Boy Mr. J. 8. Clarke fittem gpuddor. Z« SPECTRE JSSMDHGUOOM. Dfsrs'opy Mr. J. S. Clark*. Pricks—so ? 75, and 25 cents- Priv&ft S?Zoft $3 and Doors open at 6),'; Performance to commence at WHEATLEYS CONTINENTAL THEATRE—>YALNI'T above EIGHTH* INCREASING EXCITEMENT! H'iueetri.tn Priimit in the ascendency ! THE CHEAPEST AND BEST ENTERTAINMENT IN THE CITY, For TUTS (SATVUDAY) EVENING, forth© Sixth timo, The Gurgruns Kantcrn E*jitet*trlan Spectacle, THE CATAPAC’T OP THE GANGES! Or, Tllft RAJAH'S DAUGHTER! To cominenre witi* ‘'JENNY LINIh” Assembly building, WATJfJH’S ITALTA. MONDAY EYENm, and EVERY EVENING DURING THE WEEK, A SPLENDID PANORAMA Of the most iiiti>rr'Stins9!C4*nofl in NORTHERN, CENTRAL AND SOUTHERN ITALY, THE GRAND CATHEDRAL ATMILAN. Together with Scenes of great interest ht the AMERICAN WAR, With many views illustrating the heroic struggle of our dpvotod soldiers. Gram! Matinee on Thanksgiving Day, commencing at 3 o'clock. Also, on Saturday afternoon. Admission 25 eta. Children 15 cts Magic lantern pictures op THE REBELLlON—Representing aU the promi nent Scene?, Engagements, and-Incidents to this date. For sale by JAMES W. QUEEN Sc CO., 924 CHESTNUT Street. A descriptive List furnished gratis, and sent by mail froos on Application. hoQI-Im Temple op wonders, tenth and CHESTNUT Streets. SIGNOR BLITZ, THE GREAT MAGICIAN AND VENTRILOQUIST, in his new and constantly-varied performances, EVERY EVENING, commencing at , and WEDNESDAY aud SATURDAY AFTERNOONS, at 3—illustrating the astonishing and interesting Myste ries of Ancient and Modern Magic, entertaining Ventri loQiiial Demonstrations, in which tho voice wilt amuse and delight, and the LEARNED CANARY DIRDSk Admission, 25 cents; children, 13 cents. nolfi-tf /VARL WOLFSOHN AND THEO- Vj BOBU THOMAS’ SERIES OF SIS CLA3BI CAL SOIREES.—Third Season. Subscriptions will be received at the Principal Music Storoa, where Pro grammes and full particulars can be seen nos lm Germania orchestra. CARL SENTZ, Conductor. PUBLIC REHEARSALS every SATURDAY, atBU o’clock P. M., at the MUSICAL FUND HkLL. Package of-Eight Tickets, SI; Single Tickets, 25 ota. To be had at Andre’s, 1104 Chestnut street, J. E.Goald’a* Seventh and Chestnut, and at the door of the Hall. oc2B-tf Pennsylvania academy of THE FINE ARTS, 1025 CHESTNUT Street, H ope'n daily, Sundays excepted, from 9 A. M. till 6 P. M* Admission 25 cents. Children nndor twelve yottfli half price. Shares of Stock, $3O. jyl FINANCIAL. RATIONAL LOAN. The undersigned are prepared to deliver the Seven and Three.tenths Treasury Notes udoh D&riaenO DItEXEL k CO., Bankets, 34 South THIBD Street WATCHES, JEWELRY, &c. TN ORDER TQ REDUCE OUR JL large stock of WATCHES JEWELRY, SILVER WARE, and MUSICAL BOXES, we are now, in ac cordance with the times, offering them at GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. Ladies or gentlemen intending to purchase & Watch for their own wear, will find at our Establishment am article that can be IMPLICITLY RELIED ON for time, and at & price MUCH LOWER than ever before asked. Particular attention is given to repairing fine Watches, Clockß, and Musical Boxes, by skilful workmen. FARR A BROTHER, Importers, 0c23-2mif 324 CHESTNUT Street, below Fourth. SAFES. ■gfe, LILLIE’S SAFE DEPOT RE RSSJmoVED to No. 21 South SEVENTH Street, n ear UteJ?i i &akHti Institute. The undersigned, thankful for past favors, and beta* determined to merit future patronage, has secured an elegant and convenient store, and has now on hand • large assortment of Lillie’s Celebrated Wrought and Chilled Iron Fire and Burglar Proof Safes, (the only strictly fire and burglar proof safes made.) Also, LiUla’i Unequalled Bank Vault, Safe, and Bahk Locks. Lillie’s Bank Vault Doors and Locks will be fomlihati to order on short notice. This i» the strongest, best pro tected, and cheapest Door and Lock yet offered. Also, particular attention is called to Lillie's New Cabinet Safe, for Plate, Jewelry, Ac. This Safe is oan wded to flurpaes in style and elegance anything retot* rered for this purpose, and Is the only one that is nnofly fire and burglar proof. Special Nones.—l have now on hand say twenty ol Parrel, Herring, A Co.’s Safes, most of them nearly new, and some forty of other makers, comprising a complete assortment as to sizes, and all lately exchanged for the now celebrated Lillie S&fet They will be sold at rav low prices. Please call and examine. ja2s-lvif M. 0. SADLER. Agent. STOVES AND RANGES. JL, SILVER’S AIR-TIGHT GAS £3 BURNER, FOR THE PARLOR, DININQ- AND OFFI«E L __ IN ALL SIZES, And made in the most ftpproyed manner, or the_ beak Imported Russia Iron, withPATENTED CLAY CYLIN DERS, of which we have the excliisiyo 8 » le - _____ NOJVTNj CHASE, (f NORTH* No. 209 North SECOND Street. 012-2mir jftk NORTH, CHASE, & NORTH’S a CELEBRATED COOKING BTOVHB, Gas-cousunv4ng, with Double-plated Tops, and all the latest improvements. Manufactured and sold at o!2-2mif No. 209 North SECOND Street. THOMSON’S CELEBRATED £St LONDON “KITCHENER,” Tlje bfflh most durable, and WBYSBISB* SffffißW ment for Cooking: having Iho best facilities for U“ftl)un* dant supply of Hot Water, Boasting, Baking, Stewing, Broiling, Ac. For sale, in various sizes, of our owft manufacture. NORTH, CHASE, A NORTH', No. 209 North SECOND Street, Philadelphia. oIZ-2mif _ -if h. FOR NEW YORK. fifiSBBaNEW DAILY LINY, via Delaware Ul Bariten Canal. Philadelphia and New York Bxygou Steamboat Ooe- Mny receive freight and leavo duly at 2/Fi M.i dellwi ins their cargoea in New York the (Aliening deya freights taken at reasonable rates. WB. P. CLYDN, Agent, No. M SOUTH WHABYB3. Philadel»Mi. JAMBS HAND, Agent, aul-tf Here 14 and lb BAST BIVBB, New York. FOR HEW YORK. TU MfiSHHaFhiU&lltiLs Bteun Propeller OompMJ will commence thek bnelnMe fox tbe aeaeon on Monday, 18th instant. Their stoattws at# now receiving freight at flfttxmt, pier MboTe mimit etreet. ft W.. ■M South Delaware Anonst Violiniat. Mrs. John Drew Mr. WttUii,
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