Store Important, Arrc>l.s in Hew Yoilc. The polioe, csp_*o:.iU;r ik:» m.-raccrs cl kie detoct- Sto force, seem unliving hi ir.rir fifcrU So ferret out tho rebels who are conskw/Jy .wing a* ►pies among lis, and, undoubtedly, uuil.g all that hos in their power to give iui'fruni'J-.-;: to \hc »SoulLoru tinKors. Within the past wtok f.evw.'il impor! in: -mvsi.: have been made, 1-ni tin* f-.olj r. sre fco:r. withheld from the public by tho .vaporiau-ndent of Police, hoping, no doubt, that by fo doiag they m:iv manßgo to obtain such Inf;-ration us \iw\y \\s:u\ to other armi*. IWcver, il U cH-uLiu! that those rebels should knoiv Hut New York Will Boon be t.»o warm ::r than, and that they will have to s-,*k .x-mo Miicr place for safety. Yesterday a v?-ry important ar rest was made at the P ita Aroaao Hotel. A Southerner, who-;;- name -,r: v.v/o unable to learn, but who is from Petersburg, Virginia, wa3 nrrested by two of the dciuolivo ibree, and uh ills was found over one hundred ihuu&ond dollars in drafts and Southern Stages h'r.d*; ni.>o. about one thousand dollars in gold. Ho is said to ho 11 heavy dealer in tobacco, and is ihc owner of (wo large tobacco plantations in iho rod'll. He is a man about fifty years of age, unmarried, and is alleged to be a rabid ilo was taken to the police headquarter*--, vh.-s-oke is temporarily con fined, and wili no doubt seen bo bent to Port La fayette. There v/sts said to h’tW brim fmiml upun bis person ineinoiai’dj) for various articles, such as needles, thread, quinine, mid tV«r various parties in Virginia, which .:e lo doubt iuiendod to take on With him. Three other arrests hav-- : been made by the above force during tin* 1.-aa twu davs, one c.f thy latter also being taken from tho hWo fcolul. On hi* person were found Important Straihura v*nt*rs, about S<oo in. gold, and about $lOO ill bill*, Wally Virginia money. He is said to be in 5 -mo way connected with General mid w;» Ivirer of despatches from a leading Si_;:rk:*rj inui--o m riiis city 1o (fune ral Wise, and « bnrkh-g-honse in Savannah. The other two pink.- *?n» .-nM 1 o bo both South* Wb®i?, one of irian;? ««s iiiTcsitvi for offering bogus drafts on one <»: :h«s Virginia b.mks. The hitter two were ycslordiiy sent Hi Fort Lafayette.—iYV;;* York Herald of >jt>t(ivicy. The Post of List evening s.v;s: George Wiles, of PetorAnir-, Virginia, and John Garnet Guthrie, of Bidiicontl, collecting agents of tobacco bouses in Virgi: iu. wm* arrested in this city this inoniing \:y the dmeilvu police, and sent to Fort- Lafayette for safe keeping, by order of Se cretary Seward. Mr. Gutari? i- a tobacco r«;:.nuf. t eturer, and has xnado large shipments of the article to ibis city, Philadelphia, and Baltimore. The passage ef the confiscation act had compelled him 10 come North to make collections before the enforcement of tho measure-should .Numhilnte all hopes of 46 refiliring.* r He accordingly visited these cities with such suc cess as to obtain about $144,000. Having a fancy for speculation, ho visited Wall Street, whore his friends helped him to liberal in vestments in six per cents of Tennessee, Virginia, Georgia, and North Carolina. About this time his operations caiuc k* the knowledge of the police. Milos was t'orJamvs Th*?mus, of Richmond, and had been in -collecting about s«£►,ooo* He had also made liberal investment in Southern Stocks. Sergeant Young and Officer Wilson undertook the task of avre.-iingibese men. They paid a domi ciliary visit lo il:■* Metropolitan Hotel. where they found Mr. Miles, and arrested him. Mr. Guthrie was found nt ihc Fifth Avenue Hotel. About titfthflM was recovered from UlO two pri soners, principally in bonds, acceptances, sight drafts, Virginia paper money, and about $l,OOO in gold. A large number of letters, addressed to persons in the Southern States, wero found in their possession, inuio.iing that they Were contemplating an early departure. Intelligence ft riie ftrrost was telegraphed to the Secretary of State, and inquiry was made us to the disposition to be made of ihe prisoners. The reply from Mr. Seward directed the prisonors to bo sent to Fort Lafayette. They were accordingly placed in oharge of a suirablo notice force and forwarded fit Onte to tbut SMiietnary. The Privateers. l;.st or mv. frizes tiiu® far. Wherefrom. Where lowal .8a1tim0re....... Aantipoli*. Wane. Scmr. St. Nidi.*! £tmr. Mobile Stair. Star of iLo Wotc. .Tesiaa. Stmr. Poeahonta- Ship John s. Iljii.!/ Cuba Ship Golden lSodot («).Havana Cicnfucgos, Ship A. B. Thom>u....Savannah...*.. .New York Ship Mary Goode:! (••}.. .New York Buenos Ayres. Ship Scba.stii.vd.- Liverpool,. Charleston. Bark I*ov.i?a Kill ;:m (o).< h nfuegos Falmouth. V.. Bark West Wind i i>) Oieufnegos Falmouth. K. Bark Glen Philadelphia.... Tortuga?:. Bark Chester Seized while lym/ratlC-Orl^ans. Bark Ocean Fhv'-e.,,,,. ,I!ockland New Orleans* Bark California fr) St. Thouias Cork. BarkAlrarndo. C.ipe Town Boston. Bark I). 0. 1’ir.c:...... .lleim-oios.......Falmouth, T.. Bark Rowena Lnaunyra Philadelphia. Bark Joseph Maxvvil.. .Philadelphia... .Lasuayra. Brig Panama Provineetown ... Whaler. Brig Lydia Frane-.- r-t. Jago ..New York. Brig Joseph Car-Jena5........P»n1/ulf-?j>iii<t. Brig Hannah Ilaicii Cardenas Boston. Brig John WeLl* Trinidad.. Falmouth, E. Brig Monticcllo llio Janeiro Baltimore. Brig Machias (I*) Trinidad........ New Turk. Brig Naiad .Cienfuogos Now York. Brigßenj. Dunning (?•). .(.'ionfnegos New York. Brig E. T. Martin (d).. .Philadelphia Havana. Brig Wm. MrUilwry Pardonas Philadelphia. Brig Itasca Nue*. itas New York. Brig M. IC. ...... Brig Santa 01,mi Porto Jtico Boston. Brig Albert Allans (?.*}. .Cienfuegos,.... .New York. Brig Cuba (o) .Trinidad New York. Schr, J. Adams Provineetown...Whaler. Schri Mermaid Provincetown. ..Whaler. gchr. H; Traverse Seized at New Orleans. Schr. E. S. Jayne....... Seized at New Orleans. Schr. Enchantrc>s {?).. .Boston St. Jago. Sclir. S. J. Waring ("}. York Buenos Ayres. Sckr. Transit New London.... Buenos Ayres. Sciir. Mary lMem* Boston Washington. Schr, Ella Tiunrico, If or Yuris. Schr. Herbert Menhm...West 1ndi0H...., Schr. Protector Cuba Philadelphia. Schr. Mary Alice (d.... l’orto Kico..,. ..New York. Schr. N. Chase New Y0rk...... Antigua. Schr. Priscilla (•»} Pumcoa Baltimore. Schr. Henry NuH Key West....... Philadelphia. Schr. Sea Witch Jiaraeoa New York. Schr. W. S. Jinhiafi Arroyo .New York. fichr. Margaret ...... —— Schr. C Keen (f) Schr.Mary..... Schr. Windward {'■) Turks Island.... Holmes Hole. The following .daps wm* seized in the port of New Or leans : Arfelino, Ariel, American Vnion, Clia.. F. Faiw'.!, Kxpn-as, Slarathun, Marshal!, Milan, Robert llardmg. Slate of Maine, Toulon, .T- H* Jarvi*>, . XifOlUti TtV i'l &« Bi Pcttiat'VlV. * Tpf<£-4 19 ships, 10 harks, 16 brig-, -1 schooners —Tu. (a) Burnt by h privateer. {&) Released. (C) A wreck when seized. (i) Driven ashore by United States cruiser, and onnn. after capture by rebels. («) Recapture;:. (/) Burnt by rvWlf* Gen. Rosencraas and the. Press. HeAIXII AItTKKH AIIMV OF OCCCrATIOX J or Westers Virginia, > Ci.ap.ksville, August 20. ) The General commanding the army of occupa tion in Western Virginia invokes the aid of the press to prevent the enemy from learning throngn it the position, strength, and movements of thu troops under his command. Such information hr of the greatest service to the enemy, and deprives toe Commander of or r own forces of all the advantages which arise from the secrecy of concentration and Surprise—advantages which are constantly enjoyed by the rebels, whose press nevor appears to betray them, W. S. Kosencrans, Brigadier General Commanding. Stringent Ordkrs or G-kneral AVooi.. — General Woo! has issued the following geneva' orders: , HEAnovARTEnR. Department or V A., } Four J.lo.'iiiOE, Ya., Aug. 20,15G1. ( •General Order, 2s r o. 2. j I. The following officers are announced as Hie staff of the Mejnr-G encral commanding this Depart ment, and vrii* be obeyed and respected accord ingly: First Lieutenant. Charles C. Churchill, 2d Artil lery, Acting Assistant Adjutant-General, Chief ot The staff- Captain Grier Tollinadgo, Quartermaster Depart ment, chief Quartermaster. Captain J. bid,. Taylor, Subsistence Department, chief Commißiii y. Surgeon J. M. Cuylor, Medical Department, me dical director. _ Captain William F. Reynolds, chief of Topogra phical Engineer- and acting aid-de-camp. ' 11. All pern:boons heretofore granted to pass beyond the pickets, or to come inside of them, are revoked. Tut order will be rigidly enforced, an.l fronpianders ot pickets will bo held responsible that it is carried out. TIT. All leaves of absence to - officers, and lui - lonohs to enlisted men, are revoked; officers and enlisted men absent will immediately return to the len&rtmcnt. unices on leave of surgeon’s certificate. Itanaanders of regiments and battalions will nottly bsent officers anil enlisted men of this order, ; By command of Major-General Wool.. C. C. CiniP.nni.r,, Acting Assist.-Adj’t-Gen. the staff is --t lecled from tho officers of the gavri ■'go\ Captains Tullimidge and Taylor were upon GCoral Butler’s staff, and Lieutenant Churchill for ome time ilisciiarged the duties of Adjutant- Gettml. Captain Reynolds has recently been dddato this department. It is an interesting c>r anasVuec that Captain (then Lieut.) Tallmailge served on General Wool’s staff as long as ten anil twelve years ag». and is an intimate personal friend theeonunaniliug general. ' Smvaa.SE or Ms. Botklkr.—The Boons boro* (Maryiand) Odd Fellow says: “We Stated last week that the Hon. Alexander It, Bolder, of Virginia, had boon captured on Mon day night of last week, by Federal troops, and taket to Sandy llook and placed in the hands of Geneml Banks'. It appears that on the night in Sues ton, about, twelve o’clock, fifty soldiers, guided J tw* men from the Maryland side, crossed the Fotonsw and marched, by a circuitouß route, for Ur. Boleler’s residence, which iB about one mile beyond Shepherdstown- On tbeir way they came across tinmen, whom they made fall into line, They arrived (t the house about three A. M., and caught Mr. Botefer 1 napping,' and soon apprised him of the objectof tlieir visit. That gentleman immedi ately givehimself up, and was brought under a Strong guard to the Maryland side and taken to the Thirteemh Massachusetts Regiment, under com mand of Col. Leonard, stationed at Grove’s war bouse, about four miles above Shepherdstown, ah,l not to Sandy llook, as we were before informed. Here he remained until four o’clock the next day. Bis Oaso woa investigated bnt nothing actionable was found against him, and under the care of seve ral officers he was taken out of camp, released, and nentoome. The men thought he was to be sent to Genial Bank?, 1 and when they understood what disposition had beon made of him, we understand ttwr indignation knew HO bounds, and almost re sulted in a rebellion. It also Ofoated quite a sensa tion at Sandj Hook. However, Mr. Bolder was set free, and will, no doubt, hereafter remember prudence is sometimes the better part of valor. Fboic St. Loris.—A special despatch to the Ohicagt Tribune of the 2lßt instant says: Jeffer son City, about which some alarm is felt, is now considered safe. All reports tend to confirm the statement that the ysccesatoniats in the counties ail-' i&etnt to the capiut are rising in great numbers, but are poorly armed. No alarm is felt, however. {To-night a splendid torchlight procession takes place In honor of Gen. Siegel. Great admiration is ex pressed for Siegel by tte Germans, and they say they •rill make up nn nvmy themselves, if he will lend them against the enemy. Another lot of gamblers irere, this afternoon, marched np to headquarters, and will to-momw go down and labor on the en trenchments at (liiro. QVAPR pi*eiw>tRIANism.—The French Zou aves, according to travellers, generally charge at a dog, trot ' Oars, representing a faster country, pre (crtbchaigeftt a Bill Bun I— Vanity Fair. A Pat Fkk. —Major A. K. Sjrster, vrlio has gor.o to l' 1 : eh n: on cl to try to obtain the release of Mr. JUysU-r, el who irrvi made » prisoner whilst on ft- visit to Imfriomls at. Winchester, will lie well compensated if ho should succeed, lie ro coh cd iu hand §5OO to boar his expenses, and has the guarantee of £5,000 more if he accomplishes the object- of his visit, Mr. Syestcr will also endeavor to recover the hi dy of Lieutenant Colonel Thomas, nephew of ex- Governor Thoimi?, oC this State, who was killed at the battle of Bull llun. — Loonsboro' (Md.) Odd i'\ /tow. «Trpf?K Catron’. — Vbv. saw this distinguished genlleman yesterday, lie informs us that the Vi gilance Committee of Nashville did not wait ou him ns a committee, and give him formal notice to leave the fttate. but that individual members of the com mittee Assured him that lie could not live there. His wife is now with him in this city. —Louisville Journal* Stocks and Heal Estatk Tuesday Next.— Thomas & Sons hold a sale at the Exchange on Tuesday, 27th instant. Sec pamphlet catalogues issued to-dav. "Wats. Meeting in Chicago. —The Chicago Tribune contains a vnll for a i - War Mooting*’’ to be held this (Saturday) evening, under the auspices oftho Union Defence Committee, to consider vari ous mattors concerning the welfare of the Illinois volunteers and the protection of our country. LEGAL INTELLIGENCE;, United States District Court —Judge Cadwalader. —Martin Conway and Elizabeth Con nor were put on trial yesterday morning, charged with passing counterfeit lmif-doliar.s. The evidence of Deputy Marshal Schuyler was, that ho had been watching the defendants for some timo, and on the morning of the 12th of Juno Insl, he obseiTud them svt Hidgc road and Vine streets, in close conversa tion. and followed Elizabeth to the Callowhill-street market, where she passed two counterfeit half-dol lars, one on Mr. Weckcrly, from whom she bought beef, and the other od a Mr. Sailor, of whom she purchased butter. The deputy marshal first requested these parties V- 1 mark the money they had Tccoivod. amt then arrested Elizabeth, and found on her person othor counterfeit coin. A verdict of not guilty was ren- A decree has been entered in the case of the schooner JZiichantress, awarding salvage, in the sum of $1,500. to the crew of the United States ves sel Albatross \ and also decreeing that the negro cook*, Jacob Garrison, who, by jumping overboard, gave the alarm, thus causing the recapture, should come in the same as one of the crew of the Alba tross for proportionate share of salvage. Restitution of the schooner to the owners was likewise decreed. New York Stock FIRST lOOOrSfia’TiC®.*. 7937 2000 USCs’Bl 0p... 88 5000 C ft Gs ’SI Reg.. 23450 Trens 6p c 2 y.. 07 ij 2000 do 07£ 10009 Ohio St Os 18130. DO )- A 2000 Ohio Cs 91 1000 Kentucky C 5.... 77)7 2000 Michigan 65..,, SO 2001) St S w btl. 70 1000 Louisiana 65... 1000 Georgia Us OS 0000 Tonn 6s ! 90 '42# 4000 do blO. 42)| 1000 do. 42$ 1000 Virginia 6s 51 & 4000 d 0........,, 51$ 2.1000 If UiUOlilia os.. 00* 5000 d 0.......... 1000 Miss Os iss to H. & ftt J K;..., 45$ 22000 Mi*r.onri SI os.. 41$ 25300 do *lO. 41$ 2000 r.*v]“n GWli). M'x 2000 Har It Ist mtg.. 90 1000 Midi C 5a lsfni. 97 1900 C 1* & Q 8 pc.. 02)7 1000 N In Ist mtg... So 4000 I. K A W 2d in. 27 20 Merchants Rank. So 30 Am Exchange Ilk. 70 10 Rank of Republic. 85 .New York. New York Markets of Yesterday. Ashes are steady, with sales of 25 bbls at 65.25 for Pots and §5.37)7 for l’earls. Ijlveaustcffs.—The market for’State and "Western Flour is a little firmer, with a moderate export demaud. 'Hie sales are 10,000 bids, at 54.3ya4.45 for superfine Stole; .64.55a4.70 for extra State: .54.35a5.4r> for super fine Michigan, Indiana, Ohio, lowa, Ac., and 84.55ad.80 for extra tlo, including • shipping brand* of round-hoop Ohio. at §ji«, and trade brands <•!' do at 5?5,25a G. 25. * Snuiheru Flour Is steady, with a moderate demand; ?al,-s 600 bbls at 65.10ii5.50 for superfine Baltimore ; 55.75a0.25 for extra do; SGaO.IO for Brandywine; 55.60 a 7.25 for Georgetown; 67u0.50 for Petersburg Cih ; S7uo for Richmond City. Canadian Flour is quiet but ilnaer, with sales of 450 M.l> nt 54.40a4.45 for superfine, ami §4.45r«7,uU for the range of extra brands. Bye I’l.Mw is dull, and si-lllog slowly at s2.3on*isQ for the range of fine and superfine. Corn Meal is quiet and unchanged; we quote Jersey at 62.75n2.50; Brandywine, 60.lfiafi.15; puncheons, 6]3a15.25. Wheat is scarcely so fine, witli h>s activity for export; the «.;des are 13,000 bushels at 61 -21a1.25 for winter red Western; 51.04a1.14 for Milwaukee Club; 51.C5u1.40 I’m- white Kentucky ; Sl.filal.fiC for white W estern, and Si JJft fur Chinigo spring. By- Is .jidft’mid firm, -at eOaCOc for Wv'-torn, and 05a CSe far Siarc. Bailey i.-» dull. Oats are ami rather quiet at f»oa"2c for Jersey, Delaware, and Pennsylvania, .‘VJnfitc for Western and State, and 20a29c for Canadian. Corn rules firm, with a fair inquiry for shipment; sales IUb.OtH) bushel* at 48a4Dc fnr good am! shipping lots of mixed Western, and 43c for common to fair do. !si:;:Mi'.iX. Yellow is firm, with small sale* at 2&aSle • far cemiuon to jfood lots of Wt-rdt-nti can'ulks.—The market is dull fiir nil descriptions, and tle-re U only a limited jobbing trade going on ; wo quote adamantine at- 10al7c, and sperm at ofialUr fur plain and paler.*. form:. —Manufactured is quiet and steady at 24c fur new Sheathing, and 15c for Yellow Metal. American Ingot is firmer, under the late foreign advices, and there ],:■* been more activity for shipment; sales 400,000 lbs Lake fiupeikir at l'iiolSc. t Tix—Tliere is .1 miulnrma and sabs of 500 slabs, la lots, lave I*™ **'f b £**j£‘ -0 ‘io, casli. liancu is (lull at i.o. llatcs art maitire, , aiaf prices ave nearly nominal. _ i7 i llt I>yewooi)«.— There is a better supply of logwood, but the demand has subsided, and wo do not hear ot aivi tu^i- Iticr -«ap*.M»klonK; Instif-s arc quiet, ami we have ouly to report sales of CO tons St. Domingo, at SIS, cash. Drugs, Ac.—Chemicals are niii-t, with sides of -•> tons Soda Ash at 2)^c; 200 kegs Newcastle Bx-curb soda at ijpic* and -5 tuns rrnl Pmtu at fi?3.50.V i all rush, 'Tea.—The xuarkethas bom. very quiet ouy last, but there is no anxiety manifested by holders to sell, ana m ires are sustained. We notice sales of two small in of Green, together 500 half chests, at steady rates. The cargo of 900,000 lbs Greens, which arrived a few davs since, was not m-w crop as stated by ft moriuug i.-nimal; the new crop of Greens cannot reach us before December or January. , , « a,.i u Dib Case,—’There in little or no rioch o? City hors, exid operations arc- entirely nominal ut present, in Wi rteni we have nothing new to record, the bulk, ot tne recfipts being on previous contracts; the last sales were * t (m. meal is quiet and selling at 52.55a1.01) for State end West-rn. . , , . Penvisioxs.—Pork is dull anil inactive, with rales of 000 Phis at Si a for mess mill t-10 tor prune. Heel is unii-t. with'mica of 100 Mde «* f-r «>- £4t\4.50 for country, prime, foi it.- i.iM-lcril AVestern. anil 912A0«13.25 for extra mess. Prime im-s iJecf is dull. Beef Hums are uuiet nt siUiilo o>r We-tcrn. Cut Meats inactive at sa6c for limns, nml \,. 2 Tt.Vfi.r Shoulders. Lard is tin.. mid i» a.rtiv., demaml, wiih wile#? of 1,100 ten and bhl-5 sit lor No. 1 to Western. Butter and Chee.-'u arc filing mode * rately at ouv revised quotation*. Prospective Grange roi: tjie Better. It is jh.w confidently expected that the next few weeks will develop .such a change hi the situation of affairs that v.-Hi* tin* nvi-itin-s tif trade again to flow with tho n.k* of Imsimtss life and prosperity. To prepare for this .uilnUiry change, Mr. J. A. Eriiloimm, ihe celebrated V, K. C.« author and proprietor of tin* Great Central \ 're vat Ht(ii‘C. northwest corner ul C)i" Itmt and Seventh has provided a magnificent stork of goods in his line lor the fall trade. Some very h«*auliful novelties, for Hie akc'S especially, «*f h!x»wn importation, have already hern 11 pem\\ ( and others have been ordered to arviYC, Beyond iiiiestion, in gunds ior the nevk, and Gents rmni.-hing Com Is in general, Mr. Esitk-mau, Seventh :m:il t has fuiily disfaneiil all competitor-'-, llii hlore is mdly an “iusututiim.*’ Kerosene Oil I<ajips.—.Vs those ndmivable lionp-. aw rapiOly coming into univer-tvi use, super* v-eilhts ;-U otherlifilit--. ttml hi mmiy «'ftrVrt vYvil wkhc.r the place of gas, it is a fuel \!« knowing that the place to obtain the be?! iu-A iUe . i-t of oil is at the Light Empm-iiim of AViuei n Sr Xo. Go North Bighlh .-tm’t. cunier of Ftlhert. 'l'hese ffontlemen are now ritippl.i ing more of those in tuiiKihle lamps tlum ail otlier iii:umfnciiin-i> roiiihinttl. A SvcCESSFVbF-W Entkri'Hi^h. —Tlic sue i f.-s of the splendid iiew Oak 11 ah Oliiilmig Bazaar, ww.theast corner of Sixth and Market .-treetH, under the emerprising i»roprietoi>hip of .'drx-rs. Wauamaker & no longer a unestion. Their superior stock id gomis, avtistic voikmam-hip. eapital Jlif? polite treat n,*.nt of customers, and in«-i-rato price*, have already j.jnffd their, name in tin* from rank r.f, hmisis. They arc now,., hc.-idrs smmiding To oiders of citizen*, making up large order.* ui military clothing for llie Government. Get the Best.—Persona lining confectionery at this season of. the year, and ot all-easons of the year, should got the best, both for the- enjoynu-ut of it. and for its heaUhfuJness. To do tlii-s wo must toll the reader frankly,-with all duo defiTenre io other manufacturers, that he must buy those prepared and sold by Messrs. E. G. "Whitman & Co., Second itroet, below Che.-tnut. Thhjsb gentlemen employ ouljr tlm imri’-t and choicest materluls do an inum*n>M* b:i.-in»’», ami hence sell the b:ft for thceame prices charyed by others hi the trade for ordinary goods. Ouit Volux'TEEks.—The mooting annouuccd fi.r in-morrow crentng, in Hr. V\'i lu-'s Church, to con suler wliat cun be done for th* inutal and lvligious bem- J)t of. U worthy of the atten tion of all wlio'loTfl llii i!* Country, m Now Vork, mid other citio.s,'inimeiino mootings have boon hold, and the mai hinery fcet in motion, that !m? ri-rultod in great g*>od m the soldiers from that State. Our citizens ought to arouse to the importance of a measure of the same kind f.»r uur own hruye soldier**, and outer into it with a de it niiiimtiim not to be ouMene hy «ny Th J l* vV ; 0. C. Goss, from Washington, <‘ud i.iendianW flrul minister.-* of this city, will address the meeting. The church is in Broad street, below Spruci*. TitEEMOUST Skmjnakv.—The estimation in which Ilo* public hold Mr. Loch's school at Norristown is evi dent from the increased patronage enjoyed by the insti tution. The location or Treomount need only be seen to be admired. Dull Times.—Employment is very scanty, thnasamls" of hands are idle, lacking upp'irtunity to earn necessary subsistence, and the i-rut-pcii of an immodiato reviral of activity in business operation* is not brilliant, in order to suit the dullness of time-, Gritnrillo Stokes, the Fashioner and Clothier, OOU t. he?:tintl -tmet, has le duecd tho prices of his largo and superior r-iock ol clot I»- ii»g, amVnow offers for sale gurmento ot the latest styles, ot prior.* lower than ftliy other e-c«bl*sd*in«*nt in the city. A, hnndeomo gift is also given wixli r«ch isdc. BitiNGiNO Down tuk House.—Not long Fince, when Lord Biimlivary said ujx'it the stage, In his yffecled Cockney style, «the wngged wascal wun nwound tlie wugged wock!” n wag riioutisl out, ** Why didn’t tlio nagged wascal get liimw If a <Wrnt nuit at tho Brown pitpnc Clothing Hall of llockhill it Wilson, Nob. 603 and GO3 Chestnut Btreet, above Sixth r* This sally of courM rai.-ed ft roar, Wc bare often wondert-l, when reading of “Bagged ftegimentp, 1 * that the lowers that be had not availed themselves of the facilities offered by tho ph lubliehment named by the wag of tho theatj-e, and pro cured there handsome, comfortable, and substantial uni forms for the soldiers. Exchange.—Aug, 23, UO A !tl). i»9 Metropolitan Rk.. 80 10 Park Rank 87 25 Shoe & Death Bk. 30 10 Del Jc Hud Canal. 83 10 i’eima Cord 76 40 Erie Railway 25 50 do 25 ISB Pacific Mail S Co. 72 50 do. ...... .slO.. 72 15 «h. T .. MI , 72if 50 N Y Central I». .c 74 400 do T.Tpf 50 d0......5nwk, 73)^ 130 do 73& IUD do >3. 111 Hudson Rtv li.&Q. 32?4 50 do 72V 01) Mil’ll (illJlfil stk. 211 350111 Cent Scp..s3o. G4)i 50 do slO. 64 V 150 Gal A Chicago.... 65 400 Cl'-v A TuWh».... 29 fiOO do 29 V To Chicago *it I 11.. SPV 125 do 40 no d 0... 810. 40 100 d0.;......b10. 40K j 50 do.. 40V 250 d 0............ 40 V 100 du............ 4D,V 100 do:. . ..... >lO. 40V 70 C B A Quin R... 00 r CITY ITEMS. ARRIVALS AT THE HOTELS VP TO 12 LAST NIGHT. CONTINENTAL HOTEL —Ninth and Chestnut. A W Biakemore, Kcnlucky C B Sawyer, Chicago J W Jones, Cumberland W D Jones, Cumberiand J D Chambers, Wash. Pa W McVrftgh, If Chester J J Pinkerton, W (.'heritor H Brunner, New York Eli Gharlier, New York Ira W Steward, New York J J) fUevv, Ifew York Win 1-* lJoynulds, Ik; Avtbuj' (!!ii-ih'X , .To» 11 lbvrtu--<, U !4 A. Geo E Franrie, Ft Monroe J D Wright, Washington S]l Thniijpeon, Montreal John Benson, Now York S P Franklin A 2 la, Wash Limit N 1) Smith, N York 1) K French, Milwaukee O H Bronenian, Lancaster J Hespoler, Oauada S H Keeler, Toledo, O II Shirk, Lancaster eo W T Dift'enderfter, Lnncro W A l'i.-her, Cleveland, O R Nichols, Betiml G K Nichols, New Yuri- Dr l'lrdsall, flal’fornla F W Waldo. Now Yorl: A Wniirim, Cornwall Pfi W H Kinraid. Pittabui** K HP!l7.»'ltO!i, Jr, J U MeMreary, M Chunk S Sv.eoi, Jr, New York John U Fisher, Now York Dt C Hate. Chicago ll M Pomeroy, C'-m, O T S Wright. Chicago . T. E York-', U S A Mr Brown A la, KTiglanJ W’m S Srewari. Pldla Win C llulfington, Md Wm Stjpltnov A son, Wash Ihmry Thomas fc K Pa Wm H Rockafcilow, N Y H E Browne, Baltimore S C Davis, St Louis Edgar living. Now York C Remk-k. Baltimore J C .lbriuberger, Hnnishurg Mast J it ICuuael, Pa G K l''lyxit,San Ankq»iv,Tex F 0 AdnmSi Now York Jvim W vuiiiry» New York W C Chllixig, Utieji, N Y John Gethics. New York Faml T. Day, New York W Yelkuid, Biiltimore W T Poitou. Now York J 5! Ke\nokls, Boston li J Armstrong, Newark Geo F Wilson, Kh Inland fc? K Labatt, Havana K T Downil, New York '/• D Gilman, Washington Geo W Shaw, Ohio I 'lms li Sliaw, Cm, O J Richards, Chicago J ! Hillard, Vail River John liujii, liultimorc Ideut Goo M Lovp Mi> Col Yon Stenwifk.Wud) C Fii(sirirk, New York J Dunham, Boston H F Bnoverton, U S A E(' Sterling, Warii’n, D C Geo J Seatterxtood, l*hi!a J A Stearns, Boston MERCHANTS' HOTEL—Fourth street, below Arch. Madison Sallndo, Reading Alex II Seigle, licadiua: T W Barlpdi, lowa M Y i Wi*Btcoii, lowa J Tl Bell, ivuun Jno Kugler, Milfonl jvi Uuihuis & la, N Jersey L C Men-iU, Wash, D O L Ilusted, Galena, 111 J K Koch, Miilershurg, 0 H It Linilennan & vrf, Phil a Jos W Hawley, W Chester Isaac Massey, ll' (’ltester J C Ilocliester, Peuna J Woodnift - , Cliester co Jos M Davis, Pall River SB Me Elroy * wf, I’ittsbg Mins Knox, J'ittsburg D H Ncimaii, Easton .1 M Ivramer, AlUmtowfi A D Wt-hb A {a, Wtirreni Cf Wtw M Ilaryeyi AUau'c Cy A II Kvam:. New Jersey T II Arnold, New Jersey Jiv. T JjimgstroJie, Mass Geo O Warner, .'fass Ij Hartroot, Terre llante J A Moore, Kben.-Auirg T B Hogar, N Castle, Del Jas JVI Wise, Jr, N C'astle ST. LOUIS HOTEL—Chestnut street, above Third Geo Beattie, Newport I>r G A Liebig, Baltimore T Merchant, Baltimore W Wilkeiis, Baltimore \Y Koch* Baltimore M Bitlillu, (ionimntown N W Busbert, New York J M AL-Clure, Xenia, O C L Sammo, New York W L Davis, Easton 3*l Ilirkniun, Easton I Al Pattersoo, Boston E Suter. Baltimore J Watson, Paterson, N J A Van Dunkirk, Wash, D C Robt B Allen, riiilada Robt T Brown, Newark THE UNION—Arch street, above Third. H Chadwick, New York Jl* Kerr, WriahtaviUe, Pa J Condy, I’esiim O 1' Jouw, Kw Jcx'bwjt J W Loch, NorrUtowit A Olarke, Ohio J C Stone, Obio T J Devine, lowa J C Hood, Indiana Miss 51 Hood, Imliana II N Sterling, Brooklyn Leris Kirk, Reading W E Barton, Connecticut J R Folweil, Maryland AMERICAN HOTEL—Chestnut st., above Fifth. Cftpt'J II Price, Wmsiiort J T Souder, Pliila TBL Norton, YV jlkosbarre 1111 Golubs. Rordcntown Wm (.• Soovel, Pliila J 0 Black, Delaware J G Nokes A fam, Atlan C'y Lieiit li Shrcve, Mt Holly F C Luwlhrop, Trenton, NJ SB Sexton, Baltimore Rev Dr Lyons A wf, Penua B Pedro?.?! ,i JViice, Wa-')iingtou IX R Ilabklus, Albany L A Goiuins, Now Y’oi K BARLEY SHEAF—Second street, below Tine* Tf 1.-aac-on. Pa I) C Cdy, Sergeant-ville (‘ J} Kv<tcli, Sergcsr.lsvillo O B Reading, Hathoro W KKirk, Fon-.-lviUt- W Pii’kerinfi, Doylestiiwn Gw Pickering. Buck* co J C Hart, Momestowis, N J J W' ilulJoweii, IlunWngdon A T Dufiiehl, Davisville D T Binir, Buck* co J 0.5 Barurti'y, WiU'tnlns>t<M* E Atkinconi Wxightrtown Jos liaritbunn Atllnboro S li Dice, Solebury W Byberry Jehu C Rich, IVnna Jno Davis, Peima S B Tomliiwn, Buck,- co L Iloppock, Bucks co G G llv.ghe?, Bucks co J K llibbs, PineviUc M llci-.lcr, Solohury A II Dewier, I‘a K N Mile?, Bucks co Sami Holcombe, Bucks co S Harper, Pa : J S Heston, Newtown A Longshore, Newtown Jinny Watson, Buckiug'm F Taylor, Pa J Fisher, Bucks co Jas l'almer, Bucks co Jas Smith, Bucks rn J>aac Buckimni, Buck? co W m Davison, Cheltenham Sami GrolY, Ciu-Ue;d»am COMMERCIAL HOTEL—Sixth street, above Chestnut. J P Bi’oomell, Pennft A Perkins James Plunkett, .Delaware* J Claypoole, Delaware J S Delaware J L Pratt, Wist Chester C tfpackmeii, l'liiia H llamer, Illinois M V Pbila V ll iteym-ldi., Peuaa Thos MiUvr, Phila O W Fillmore STATES UNlON—Market street, above Sixth. Cl Libbey A lady, Ohu> D Kendis, Middletown, Pa T E Watt. Pittsburg D W Gemmill. Jr, Dela J ?1 Chri.-ty John L Kurtz, New York Henry Eichulf/, Penna Jos Ifider, Piti>lmrg ft B Paimobnker, IVnna Julm ’Waters', Now York Y‘ iUwan, Latrohe J (• Lrfiingwcn, Newark John Greer A lady, Pmm P.I.ACK BEAR—Third street, above Caiiowiiill. SL P»:t!J, Pjiiladeiphia Wxn Paff, Y’nrdlcyviiie W R Neal vV Kin, Yhrdleyv T L Tivxler, Yardley villa Jas Slack, YardleyvlHe S A Nceld, Y'ardleyvile V T Beans, YnrdleyviUc ft Homeland, Somerton D«>ad?, AJvb; P'-inisj 2run?a Saniuri SiiuH, Wairington BD (i Keim. PemiKylvania Jacob ICiio/el. Jacob Trout, Lerka co Geo Clemens, Chester Valley MOUNT VERNON HOTEL—Second st„ ah. Arch. Jl* Barns, Damascus, Pa JDBrniming, Dam.xscua.Pa A Lord P Y Baird, New York J Rogers. Pojhvstown ft McFate, WaKhinglmi, P 0 O W Wo:.rail. Bucka fa -S B G«.»Uwal«l, Pie.-mxville W C NevfYbrk B V-RHi?, Bu.-k-. co, Pa 11 B FliuinuktT, r<»Tiim DKYERE HOUSE—Third street, above Race. John Tl Pimm IVnaa W II I! Roberts, Mvo?ntn L VY Lcriic, Penna Jno Retu-i a i.., x |lCf N<-Ih»v. W'iiliniiis, Jno P Lons, Clianiber»bg J B Sevinger, Port Carbon Mi.s.s K C ftessinger. Peiiua Frunk WeUU-r, Sriim-gvove (’apt Thomas Poltaville f,. ..reel, snore CulltraWU. _ A W Endive, CavWa vo, Pn Tin Wilteri-on, i-Mionivkin .lulu, S Itiirli, New Jersey Jno R Breniaer, Lanrast CO 1! W Smith, Ducks ro Bt-nj Beans, Ducks co PHILADELPHIA BOARD OF TRADE. GEO. K. TATHAM, ) ■ . l'H. EKOTHINGIIAM, > COMMITTEH OF THE Mos-TH. \VM. L. RKHN, ) ■ - ■ LETTER DAOS At the Merchants’ Exchange , Philadelphia, Ship Tnscarnra, Dunlery Liverpool, Boon Ship Westmoreland, Dccnn Liverpool, soon Burk Martha Ann McNeil, Somers Lon Son, soon Bark D G Wilson, Peacock Rio do Janeiro, toon Bark American, Christian Barbndoes, soon Brig Diary E Dlillikcn, Nordcn Hatamas, soon Seine J Kor LI imp, (Hr) Ilona--- ■Port an Prince, span MARINE INTELLIGENCE. PORT OF PHILADELPHIA, Aug. SI, 1961. SUN RISES. 5 23 J SUN SETS. HIGH "WATEII arriyed. _ . . Stenm^ldp’Delaware, John-on, from New York, via Capo Ma*-, 7 hours, with mdse and passengers to James Alldeidict*. Oir the Lotlgc, at 11 A yesterday, saw liaik Union, Vi*r Vcrnnubuco, going down, bark li Yarrington, from Boston, was at anchor off the Buoy on the Middle. „ „ „ . ~ Brig Ida, (Br) McMullen, 10 days from Porto Cabello, with coffee and hides to John Dallett Sc Go. Left at Lu guayra Ist inst, bark Tivos Dallett, DU:, hvucc, just err* The’ I brought as pnv*n»gers o«pt Davis, of the brti-k JoS Maxwell, (captured) hi* wife, and two of tho crow: also Capt Freeman and all of the crew of the schr Abby 3?i:ulforil, before reported captured July 25, 45. miles N3*. of Porto Cabello, while on her passage iroin hew lork to Porto Cabello. , _ . . , Brig Sarah Woosthr, Loru, 5 day.=> from Bath, m bal lalhi&t to li >i Svuuer & Co. . , Schr Yalftia, Means, 7 days from Eastport, with fish, Ac. toll A Sender A Ci», Sehi 1 A il AVetmm'o, Bogarl, 2 York, with ice to captilin. . Schr Golden Cate, .Fleming- 1 day from irederica, Di l, with oats to J L Uewley & Co. Schr Clayton A Lowber, Jackson, 1 day from Smyrna, Del, with grain to Jl. Bewley & Co. . Schr N I.ank, Boyfi', 2 ilays from Concord, Del, with bark to Jas L Rowley & Co. »Vhr Van Burcit, Wall, f»*o»n Si C»-<»rge. gclir Mohawk, Giles from George. Schr Wm Wallace. Scull, from Boston. Sclir'Snow Flake, Dickerson, from Boston. Schr Marietta Hand, Terry, from New \ ork. Schr S C Willetts, Smith, from Maurice River. Steamer .T Joroiue, Jerome, hours from W aslungton, will) nulve to W J* Clyde. Steamer Concord, Norman, 24 hours from New- York, with mdse to IV M Baird A Co. CLEARED. Burk George Thomas, Lewis, Saguu la Grande, J M Coolbroth. Brig Sandi Wo osier, Lord, Boston, Bancroft, Lewis Bri«y V Nelson, Marshall, Boston, Cain, Ilacker A Co. Schr Om nst, Thompson, Jersey City, JMkri* Powell. Sehr Louirii Dyer, Jamieson, Portlund, G A lrocKschoi. Selir Sariih Loujkh, 'Wawliuff, Wnsliiiiatoiu DG*i Noblej Hammett Sc Caldwell. _ . Schr C 11 Mulh r, Allen, New York, Bancroft, Lewis A Co. Schr Cora, McKeene, Little. Egg ITarhnr, captain. Schr I.ewis Mulford, Doyle, Millville. NJ, eaphum Sc)ir Wm Wallace, Scull, Boston, Baum, Ogle & Co. Schr Snow Fluke, Dickerson, Boston, N Sturtcvaut & Schr Tun Bnrcn, WTili, Portsmouth, T, IS Sawyer & Go. Scl.r MuWk, tiiUf, PerUaml, V, & Glover. Schr Marietta Hand. Terry, Sag Harbor, J It Blaktston. Sclir Adelaide, Young, Boston, do Schr Eliza Williams, Taylor, Quincy Poiut, L Auacu- S°C Willetts, Smith, Providence, J II White, Str J Jerome, Jerome, Washington, DC, VT P Clyde, Str R Willing, Claypoole, Baltimore, A Groves, Jr. (Correspondence of the Philadelphia Exchange.) \ LEWES, Del., Aug. 22,11 AM. The schooner Shark, of and from iialvc-dion, in at tempting to run the blockade at the latter port, was cap tured by tho U S steamer South Carolina, and ft priz© crew put on hoard and ordered to New York—put into tlie Breakwater yesterday forenoon with loss of jib-stay and flying jibboom, where nhe repaired, and at 3 P M loft for destination. Tlie U S ti-an-port steamer Jersey Blue, for New York, wont to sea yesterday, in company with ship Mary Saw yer, for Portsmouth, Eng, brigs Borneo, for Key West, Tyrone, for Bouton, Pilot Pish, for do, C Nichols, for E-VpcrilliMit, ftU‘ West I»ulil*f{, iliMl o¥6e fti*ty 5-all Sr schooners, coni laden. Wind S. The weather luw a rainy appearance. Yours, Ac. A * MARSHALL. (Correspondence of tlie rross.) • RHABINU, Auff. 21. The following bouts from the Union Canal passed into the Schuylkill Canal to-duj r , bound to Philadelphia, laden and cunrigual na follovrs; , _ _ JY. (’iinnony, lumber to D J Lincoln & Jersey, do to I> B Liudorinan: Mary, do to Jones A fcon; Prairie Flower, do G W Lumlis; Wm King, lumber, and S Gould, boards to Noreross A Sheets; Durango, pig iron to Cabcen A Co; American Eagle, grain, Ac. to captain: L Xj Trump, boards to Trump A Sou. nr TELEGRAFIt. (Correspondence of the Press.) New York, Aug. 2v» Arrival, Bhip II I> Metcalf, From Liverpool; LiirKK Quincy, from Caldera; Govotte, from Bremen; brig Eliza beth, from Gloucester Bot?TOS» Aug 25. Arrired, fillip Mary and bark Celesta, from Cadiz. MEMORANDA. Steamship Boston, Crooker, hence, nrriTcd at N York 7< Ship hhiiher, at this port from Rio de Janeiro, reports: On the afternoon of the 21st inst, off New Castle, Michael Carter, aacd 18 years, a nutire of Baltimore, fell! from aloft, striking the crosstreee, and fell overboard and sunk, steamship Kensiugeon, Baker, hence, arrived atßos t°Sh^,KnTtilbot, from Bio de Janeiro, arrived at Boston 22d iugt Ship Washington Booth, Pescud, cleared at Baltimore 22d iust. for Valparaiso. J . rtn . . , , , Bark Lelaud, Boss, cleared at Boston 23d instant for Montevideo. . . . n , Bark lonic, Hutchinson, hence, armed at rortlauu ■ a tkh? , H B Baseom, Williams, hence, arrived at Barton lreland, cleared at Boston Sid Inst, for Philadelphia. , , „ , Schr S B Wheeler, McGliaugldin, cleared at Baletn S 3 i inst. for Philadeiphia. THE PRESS-PHILADELPHIA, SATURDAY. AUGUST 24, 1861. Wash Irvin?, U S A J W Boody Schr Mary Ellonder, Chapman, at Providence 2'2d iusi from Poun's Grk,v^ } NJ, Sthr Anna It llayoH, Lenee, arrived at New port 21st Inst. Sclirs C'has 11 Vickerj*, Babbitt, from Taunton for Phi ladelphia, at Newport 21st in?t. Schr Mary Cobb, Cornwall, sailod from Rockland 19th inst. for Philadelphia. ftchrs A M Aidiidgi', Batonmu, Jas II Moore, Tnger- Foll, J C Baxter, Price, J H Allen, Babcock, ami Kfi/.a beth A Eleanor, Ihibbins bonce, arrived at Boston U2J instant. Pchra E W rrntt, >Vhnidf*ji, A M Martin, Edwards, And Alliance, Ireland, cleared at Boston 2'2d inst. for Phllndelphiu. Schr Horace Slaples, CihhH, hence, arrival at New Bedford 21? t inst. Schr Kmelino Rickey, Tice, hence, arrived at Paw tucket 21st inst. ScJirs D M French, Stites, and Allen H .Brown, Elliot, aailed from Providence 21.3 t. for Philadelphia, Selim Heaton, Ryan, Transport, Tilton* and Alice» Da« v»r, dented :*t New York ycrtterrtfty for rinlwU'lpiiin,, ftchr Grecian, Hagorty, cleared at New York yester day for Philadelphia. SteiunerH Sarah, Jones, mill Black Diamond, Allen, hence, arrived at. New York yesterday. Steamer Drietol, Alien, clearwl at New York yesterday fnr Phiudelphia. SPECIAL NOTICES. A G ooi? Pit And An East Boor is wur ranted by A. THEOBALD for straight, crooked, or ten der feet. See his advertisement. It Brown & Brothers’ Liquid Black :.\‘g is worthy of the attention of thoso who delight iu wciDpolifthed hoots. It will uot injut’o the leather. For sale hy nil family grocers and fthoedealers. It Batchelor’s Hair Dye.—This cole brated and perfect HAIR DYE is the BEST IN T-HH WORLD. All others are mere imitations of this Great Original, which has gained such extonsivo Patronage iu till rarlH of the globe. The genuine W. A. BATCHE LOR'S LIQUID HAIR DYE ixstan'tlt produces a splendid Black or natural Brown, without staining the Skin or injuring the Hair, and will remedy the ill effects of-had Dyes, invigorating the Hair for life. Sold by all Druggists and Perfumers. Wholesale by FAHNESTOCK & CO. and DTOTT A CO., Philadel phi a mlil»U One-Price Clothing, op the Latest Styles, made in the Best Manner, expressly for RETAIL SALKS*. LOWEST Selling Prices marked in Plain Figures.--All Goods mado to Order warranted satisfac tory- Our One-Prick System is strictly adhered to. All are thereby treated alike. 6P22-ljr JONES & CO., 604 MARKET Street. Grover & Baker’s Celebrated NOISELESS FAMILY SEWING MACHINES. The Best in Use for Family Sewing. No. 730 CHESTNUT Street, Philadelphia. Card Printing, Best and Cheapest Li tl,* city, ut 54 South THIRD Strwt, BILL-nEAD PRINTING, Best and Cheapest iu tlio City, at 34 South THIRD Street. CIRCULAR PRINTING, Beet and Cheapest in the City, at 34 South THIRD Street. PAMPHLET PRINTING, and every other descrip tion of Printing, of the most superior quality, at the most* n*Uorat<^ fl UUNGWALT A BROWN’S, Drexeirs Building, 34 South TITIRD Street. delO-tf MARRIED DAYIS—BRAY. —Ou the 18th inst., by Rev. C. W. IfeMey, Mr, Alphcus Davis to Miss'Ellen Bray, all Camden, N. J. NOAD—PEACOCK.—On thi} 15th inst., by John O. Wilson, V. D. M., Mr. Jolm Nmul to Pliss Mary Aim Peacock, both of thin cite. * BARTH—JACOBS.—On the 21st inst., by leader Frankel, Mr. Alexander Barth to Miss Pauline Jacobs, of tins city. # LYNN—THOMPSON, —On the Bth of April, by-Rev. FAllu-l* 6- IL-ron, Mr. JstmC*s Lynn to AKr»-i Ann st. Thompson, all of this city. * CRAWFORD—CAMPBELL.—On the 20th inst., by Rev. Janies Cunningham, Joseph Crawford to Miss Mag gie Campbell. * DIED: PEAI.E.—At Washington City, I>. CL, on the H>rh inst., ftyhilla Miriam, daughter of Titian R. Poale, for merly of lMuladelpiua. * , BIDDLE.—At her residence, in Chester county, An* gust 23d, 1801, Mrs. Christine Biddle, widow of the late Thomas Biitdle, in the 81st year of her age. McGLAUGHLIN.—On the 22d inst., Mr. Michael Me- Glaughlin, in the 6f»lh year nt his age. 'Hie rtdative.s and friends of the family are invited to attend his funeral from liis late residence, No. 1307 Chris tian street, on Monday, ot O o'clock A. M. Funeral ser vices at St. Theresa's Church. Interment nt Cathedral Cemetery. * • GREEN.—On the 21st inst., Mary, wife of David R. Green, in th 6 32d year of her age. Funeral from the residence of her father, George Cal laghan, Island road, near the Blue Bell, Kiugsesriiig, Tvcnty-fourth ward, this (Saturday) afternoon, at 2 o'clock. * kitchen.—On the 21st inst., William F., son of tlio late Andrew 11. Kitchen, In the 26th yc«r of hlr age. Funeral from his late residence, No. 1223 Chestnut street, this (Saturday) morning, at 9 o’clock. * CANTLIN.—On the 22d insl., John R., son of John R. and Mary A. Candiii. Funeral from the residence of his grandmother, Mary A. Cantlhi, this {Saturday) morning, at 10 o’clock. * CLARK.—Git. the 22d inst., Samuel D. Clark, Ln tiio 47ih > ear of his age. Funeral from hie late residence, Reed street, below Second, tliie. (Saturday) afternoon, ?«i 4 o'clock. DAYlft.—On the 22d inst., Manuel Davis, aged 28 years and 7 months. Funeral from his late residence, Fifth street, abovy Dauphin, this (Saturday) afternoon, at 3 o'clock. # I>K SANNO.—On the 21st inst., Willie, son of Wm. P. and Mary A. De ftiumo, aged 5 years and fi months. Funeral from the residence of his parents, No. 1749' Francis street, this (Saturday) afternoon, at 3 o’clock. # KBKKTH.—On the 21st inst.. Miss Sarah Kbovth. Funeral from her hi to residcucci No. 252 Wurnock street. thi? (Saturday) Afternoon, At X o’clock. * HUTCHINS.—On tin* 22d hint., Edward 0., oldest sob of Margaret and the late Joseph Hutchins, aged 21 years. • •Funeral from the residence of his mother, Gillingham, -afreet. between Gorinantown ariujiu*- - arttniooii, iit 1 <fc< _ „ 2i ijuu, Joseph Kdgar, sou orlliiliy anil ary Jane Mullinennx, ngi'il 2 years, U months nml 22 days. Fwncvsd from the residence of hid **vr<-r>r*, street. Manayunk, this (Saturday) afternoon, at j o elk. NOLAN. On the 22d inst., Elizabeth, relict ot the late Charles Nolan, aged 92. Funeral from her late residence, 904 Filbert street, this (Saturday) afternoon, at 3 o’clock. YALKN'TIN'K.—On the 21st hist., Mr. Albert Yalca- _ tine, in flip 45th year of his age. • , Funeral from Ida late residence. No. 245 Poplar Street, this (Saturday) afternoon at 2 o'clock. OT * _ 1 WH AHTON,— On the &M William, son of Joseph XI. and Anna Wharton, in the 3d year of his age. Funeral from the residence of his grandmother, TiU street, below Ilaverforrt, West Philadelphia, this (Satur day) afternoon, at 1 o’clock. . • TX/TOURNING STORE, BESSON & XVI SON, 818 CHESTNUT Street, are now soiling Black crape mnreti, at 8-5 and SIX cents. Block bareges, nt 26 and 31# cents. Black 7-4 wide bareges, 60 and 62% cents. Second-mourning poplins, 25 cents. Gray mixed layellas, 12%c. Gray mottled modenas, 12%c. Gray luLxed wide madonnas, 18%c. Black and white printed grenadine bareges, 10c. Shepherd plaid real grenadine bareges, 50c. Black and white Paria organdies, 26c, if l CHURCH OF THE INTERCESSOR, k_3 Spring Garden, below Broad street.—Her. air. WILLIAMS, from England, will (D. V.) preach at 4 !’• M.—the Hector at 10% A. M. ami BP. M. It* rvT==« REV. JAMES B. SIMMONS, of Indi [ 3 anapolis, will preach in the New Chapel, Fifth Baptist Church, corner of Eighteenth and Spring Garden streets, TG-MOIIROW, Morning and Evening. It* rTHE SPIRITUAL WANTS OF THE [Tgl PENNSYLVANIA VOLUNTEERS—IV hat can ijTdonr* for them I —A mooting of Christians, aucUU others who cun* for our heave soldiers, will bo hold, by of the Army Coimnittce of tho lining Mon * Christian Association, in tho church on BROAD Street, below Spruce (l!ev. Hr. Wylie’s), TO-MOBttOW EVE XING at S o’clock. Rev.- C. C. Goss, who is just from Winhinstm), will lie present, ami with ethers (both mi nisters and laymen), will address tho meeting. Geo. 11. Stuart, Usq., will preside. ■ “ THE TEACHING OF PROPHECY |[ 3 and Providence in Relation to this Country miu lheWoiM nt the present Time.'’ Rev. Dr. XAXHAMEIi \VKST, AK’I'J-MiXOON', o’etoi'k. Amen cim Mucluiuics’ Hull* IOURTH tuwl GhOßulv It J. NOLEN, Supmutendont. LAST EXCURSION OF THE SEASON [ S to ATLANTIC CITY takes place > 11TDAY next, August 50th, to kid a young church. Tickets S«l.2ii, Children half price, at 110 North id VIII. Last boat 1,-ives Vine-street wharf OA. M. Wo with us, tnonils. V,v of our who are willi.ig to sell one or lucre Tiiets for ns, please all fttRWMANRniP, THUS. T. TASKER, Sit., 1,8 WM. 11. HUBBUKT. rwctF=- PEOPLE’S ASSOCIATION, TYVENTY LL-3 FOURTH WARD.—A Meeting of tho PEOPLE » J’AItTY will heliekl at their lfenihiuartcrs, LANCASTER Avenue and MARKET Street, on TUESDAY EYE KINO, August 2"tb, to nominate Dflngsttea to make CetuTid Nominations, JAMES NEWELL,, nuf'l-’it 1- Secretary, » YOUNG MEN’S CHRISTIAN ASSO [Jj c'IATION OF PHILADELPHIA. —The regu lar Monthly Meeting will ho held on MONDAY EVE NING. August 26. in the Romns of tho Association, 1009 and 1011 CHESTNUT Street, at. 8 o’clock. Members especially are requested to attend. Strangers and the public generally invited.- Members, Ac., wlio have not already obtained their Tu-mdon Ticket*, can procure them nt the meeting. "au‘24-2t ' JOHN WANAMAKKR. n-—, NOTICE.—THE BALTIMORE AND [h3 PHILADELPHIA STEAMBOAT COMPANY hereby give notice that they intend to apply to tho - Port Wardens for the privilege of extending their wharf, first above Chestnut street, 40 feet beyond the present line. au23-3t* A. GROVES, Jl-., Agcnt._ A CARD. —THE UNDERSIGNED, |[ 3 late of the Girard House, Philadelphia, nave leased, for a term of year.-, WILLARD’S JIOTBL, m Washington. They take this occasion to return to their old friends and customers many thunks for past favors, and he" to assure them that they will he most happy to ,ee .hem in their new —a. CHADWICK, & CO. Washington, July 16,1801. au23-ly rv-==. NOTICE THE PENNSYLVANIA INSURANCE COMPANY, AUGUST 24, 16, Tlic Annuel Mc tIH" *r 0,6 glAckhildera C.f the Penn evlvania Fire Insurance Company will be held at their office, on MONDAY, the 2,1 day of SEPTEMBER next, at JO o’clock A. M., wlion an Election will he held lor mno Directors, to serve for the ensuing year. nu23-tsi-2 WILLIAM G. CROWELL, Secretary. ry=> UNITARIAN CHURCH, REV. WM. IT $ H FURNESS, Paator. Services ai this Church will tonwnmnl «n SUNDAY unit, the 2ttL lust., at 10%| in the morning. an—-dt EAST MAIIANOY RAILROAD COM ID? PANY, Office 407 LIBRARY Street. Phila delphia, 16th August, 1801.—The fifth instalment of FIV E DOLLARS per shine id the stock of tins company will ho payable ou tho Ist of September next, nt the Com pany’s office. A. McINlll. !•., ■ HU2I-WAS tsel Treasurer. —-e POST OFFICE, PHILADELPHIA, UXS AUGUST 19,1881. , NOTICE.—The public is hereby notified that tho new UNITED STATES POSTAGE STAMPS are now ready and -for sale at this office. Those haring any of the OLD ISSUE are requested to call and hare them ex changed for* the now one of the same denomination! within SIX DAYS from tho date of this notice, as after date they will not be recognized in payment of postage at thin office. . • . The new Stamps are of the denomination of U.NL, THKEE, riYK,TEN, TWELVE, TWE^TY-EOLR, THIRTY, and NINETY CENTS. „ aul&*6t 0. A. WAtiBOBN t P. M. •\rOTICE. X Y Bvildinc Inspector’** Office, City of Philadelphia, August 23,1801. The Court of Common Plcob having decided that tho erection of frame buildings (except in tho rural districts) is in violation of the act of Assembly providing for tho regulation and inspection of buildings, upproTfd- the 7tH day of May, A. D. 1855, notice ia heivby given to build ers and others that the said law will hereafter be en forced in all cases (except bath houses), and which, IT enclosed below, must be enclosed with incombustible tua au24-3t* JOHN D. TAYLOR, Clerk. POLITICAL NOTICES. p A THE Proprietors of the HwnAny Mercury, h a candi date for t!io office of CITY CuMMISSIGNKK. Mr. .JONEi? has never luM office, but lavs he«ui a consistent. Union-loving Democrat, and i* in every way qualified for the position ft i which ho is propo-u-d. The Mercury is the only journal iu tin* city tiuu supported ihf* gallant Will patriotic Biddle as a candidate r«*i* Conm-ess. and it lifts always julvncuted the interests of tit* firemen the citizen whlirry. Tiro DrmucnUs could select no more deserving nominee. mi£s-2t A DEMOCRAT. OirSHElim^ JOSEPH 15. THOMPSON, of the TmUTFEMTH WARP. The Union, one anil inseparable. No North, no South, no East, nnd no West; hut one and indivisible. miT.Ußt* MILITARY NOTICES. fsT~oV FIELB AND- STAFF OFFICERS COL. HENRY BOIILEK’S Colonel—HKNKY BOHLEN. Lieutenant CuIeneI—FRANCIS MAHLER. Major—ALVIN MATSSDORF. Adjutant—RODEßlCK TIIBUKE. Quflrtrrmtwtcr—JOHlf WEIGH. Beg. Surgeon—CHRISTIAN A. 8. BEEICKN, M. D. Ass. do. EGON KOEHPEIt, M. D. Regular Chaplain-—FRANCIS KKCKERITZ. HEADQUARTERS, 34-1 North THIRD Street. «u2O-0t fl' HEADQUARTERS HOME @ GUARD— City of Philadelphia, August 21, 1861. ]U GENERAL ORDER—No. 22. The public exigency'requires that there should be a large nml iminediHle increase of the military force. Captains of Companies will forthwith take the neces sary measure* to fill their respective commands to th« rfijiiired number of one htwdH'd HltU hix, ulMcrt*, uoih coniniiMtiimril oflirupq mui privates. New Companies should he organized ft >rthwitb through out the city. A. ,T. PLKASONTON, 1? Brigadier General Commanding Home Guard, HEADQ CARTERS lIOME GUARD— City or PuiL.vrnci.rmA, August 20,1801. GENERAL ORDER—No. iiS. The Commanding General heivwUh th« .billowing letter of tluuiK* Hu Ims just received frnni the •Governor utul Commandcr-in-Chief of Pennsylvania for the tender of service', made tlu* Government, of detach ments of Home Guards for immediate rorvifo. A. ,T. PLKASONTON, Brigadier General Commanding Home Guard. HEADQUARTERS PENNSYLVANIA MILITIA. liAnnrsnnui, Augusr22, IStil. Brigadier General A, J, Pleason foil, Commanding J/a:-» C fJIUi i'd, l ,}phia .* GemkrAL : The Governor and Commander-in-Chief directs me to acknowledge the receipt of your putviutio lender of yesterday. It was at once. forwarded to the Secretary of War, whose reply you have doubtless re. ceived. The Commander-in-Chief cannot, however, per- mit the occasion to pass without thanking you and your command for the prompt and cheerful .manner in which < his application for y our services was responded to. I am, General, yours, very respectfully, It (Signed) CRAIG BIDDLE, A. P. C. S ATTENTION! Young Men, don't wait to be drafted, but select your own regiment, anil enroll your names at once. Colo nel VVM, A. LEECIf is now recruiting the 17tU regi ment for immediate service. Returned volunteers, end ali young and active mm, can now have an opportunity of joining a good regiment, and bo mustered into service immediately. Pay and rations from date of muster. Recruiting stations now open— Philadelphia Gray»* Armory, Market street, above Eighth; independent Grays’ Anr.ory, 002 Arch street; Cadualndor GI-Sys’ Armory uortheusl corm-r Eighth nml Chestnut streets ; ... Cftptftin Candy’s Company, 421 North Second street; And at the house of Henry Mehrhig, Passyunk road, opposite Queen street; .Southwest corner Eighth aud Parrish street?, Wash. R. Dr* Young. Col. WM. A. LEECH was educated at West Point, and served as Major of Col. Patterson's 17th regiment. fUI24-3t# JU U. S. MARINES.—WANTED ira- K mediately, for tho U. S. Marine Corps, 500 able jjj bodied men, for sea and land service. Also, a few. competent Drummers and Fifera. All information that may be required will be given at Rendezvous, 311 S. FRONT Street, Philadelphia. W. STOKES BOYD, First Lieutenant, lircruiting Officer. au!7-12t VjA REGIMENTAL ORDERS— «)) HAKLAN’i? CAYALKY. I'IULADEU-JUli 'T 9 St August 2'. 1861. Captains of Companies accepted in this organization will forward their recruits, in squads of twenty or more nu.-u, to Regimental Headquarters, Heston villa, West Philadelphia. When a full company, already mii-tevod, is to be despatched, the Captains will be provided with tniusyorrntion upon their own requisition, by the Mtu tqring Officer. The men . must be sworn in by a civil magistrate when enrolled. The Captains will transmit previously to the Com manding Officer a statement of the route over which they must travel to reach Philadelphia. The Captains accented are constituted recruiting officers for their seve ral Companies, and will act until tueir quota is idled. Thev are requested to report every *ix days, until further order*, JOSrAH HARLAN, nii24-dt Colonel Commanding Y-ilimtoer Cavalry. NEW REGIME NT.—PHIL A- Jfia> DELPIIIA. I.TGIIT CAVAI.RY. 'r tp Vd COL. RICHARD HUSKY RUSH. Accented by the War Department for STlm'e Years or the War. riiTSCrrAL RENDEZVOUS, 833 MARKET Street. This Regiment offers to nctire young men who desire at once to go to duty peculinr ailYantiigos. The muster ing Will ho ty companies. The order,, from the War IK pnrtmcnt hare already been receired to supply earli com pany, as toon as mustered, with uniform, arms amt diuipments, anbsistence, and horses, enuipmeyts and and at once go into camp lor Guartermnster Sergeant, $23; Chief Bugler, 523; First Sergeant, $22: Sergeant, 19; Corporal, SIG; Bugler, £l5 • Parrier and Blacksmith, $l7 ; Private, Sl4. The army will he simply the Sabre and lavge-swed Re volver. The uniform Bark-Blue Jacket and Cap, and Skv-Biuc Pants, all trimmed with Yellow Brnid. The Colonel, RICHARD 1112HRY BUSH, is a West Point graduate, and an experienced army officer. All the other officers are,without exception, selected for their known fitness for their positions. Yciing men between the ages of 18 and 28, able-bodied, of light build, and over 5 feet 6 inches high, who wish to join this Regiment, can apply at the Principal Rendez vous, Ho. 833 MARKET STREET. Tlio restriction ns to age does not apply to Buglersjor to old soldiers of tlie mounted service. All minors must produce the written consent of their parent or guardian. au!s-12t _ MILITARY GOODS. BLUE SATINETS. 5,000 or 6,000 Yards Indigo Blue Satinet, such an is mad in the United States Navy. For sale by FROTHIN'GHAM & WELLS, 35 LETITIA Street, and atil4-2oi 3* FRONT Street. qotton buck, SUITABLE FOR TENTS, FOR SALE BY my22-iftf FROTHINGHAM & WELLS. CAUINET FURNITURE, ABINET FURNITURE AND BIL LIARD TABLES. MOORE & CAMPION, No. 261 Sonth SECOND Street, in connection with their extensive Cabinet Business are now manufacturing a superior article of BILLIARD TABLES, And have now an hand a full supply, finished with the MOORE k CAMPION’S IMPROVED CIfcHIONS, which are pronounced, by all who have used them, to be superior to all others. _ _. .. For the uualitv and finish of these Tables the mann facturors refer to their numerous patrons tln-oughont the Union, who are familiar with the character ot their work. &u2fi-6m - LASTS— LASTS—LASTS—LASTS. LASTS foi* awny woi'lt. 100 pairs day am bo dflitcTcd nt the au24-2t* JOHN H. FRICK, NOTARY PUB lie, Commifisiouer for all tho States, Real Eidato and Pension Agent, 223 DOCK Street. PASSPOHTb procured. PROTESTS noted and extended. au2o«6t* TTNION PAPER AT MAGEE'S— -1-J UNION ENVELOPES AT MAGEE’S. UNTON KXVRI.OPBB at 316 CHESTNUT St Over four hundred dilferent styles. Also, tin. Coutot Anna of each State, beautifully colored and plain. Largo reductio u to country Storekeepers. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, At MAGEE’S Union Taper and Envelope Manufactory, 316 CHESTNUT Street. all - 4 - flt PROF. C. 11. BOLLES (OFFICE 1220 WALNUT street, PliiLutelphia.) has associated with him DR. A. H. STEPHENS, of Sew York, hia old partner in .business. They invito tile attention of the afflicted, whoso diseases have baffled the skill of the me dical profession, to their reliable treatment, by Electro Magnetism, amt tho various other modifications ot Elec tricitv evolved from machines mostly of their inven tion It in a well-established fact, that all acute and chronic discuses, which have proved a terror to tho me dical profession in all ages of the world, have been speed ily and pormiuiently cured by us. Wo hare warranted mill cured ill alt cases the inert obstinate still warrant all persons who desire. A pamphlet of great value, containing certificates, references, anil recom mendations from persons who have been cured, m Pluia delphia and other cities, will he given to any person calling at the office, No. 1220 WALNUT Btwct,_Phda ilclphia. a1123 - 6t * . “VT OT I 0 E TO LADIES’ SHOE XN DEALERS. . „, T An assortment of Lft<Ue«, MifWfc', anil Ohiblren bG A - TERS anti SHOES, nm<b* by J. W. 3IcCUKDY & SON, No. 321 CHESTNUT Street, in their uauul liaudboino tftyle, for City trade, Ac. . , The. assignee offers this slock for thirty days; tho ob ject is to close the concern. All dealers will find it to tlieir advantage to call and examine it. au23-nmv3t ;^_ CONSULATE OF SPAIN.—In no- V-/ cordance with a Royal Ordinance* dated 30th Max last, the sales of Quicksilver from Almadou’s Mmes nave ceased in Cadiz and in tho interior of tlie Kingdom; it will be sold only at Sevilla and Madrid. Purchasers at the first-named place will apply to the Commissary of the Mines of the State, (Comisano ae las Miuas del Kstado,) and at the second to the Superintend ent of the Mint, (Superiiitendeute de la Casa de Bloneda,; in whose offices, respectively, proper facilities for making payments will be afforded, and tho Quicksilver delivered in iron flasks containing three Castilian arrobas ouch. The pfictu fixed by the Bftid Royal Ordinaire, at ti» Above-named places, are as follows— namely; On sides ftoml to 999 flasks, per flask. .634RcalesVcUon. On sales exceeding 1,000 f1a5k5....... -632 ** ‘ Moreover, the quicksilver will continue to bo gold at tlie Commission de Hacienda de Hspana en Londrcs, 0. A. Token Turd City, Londres, in the said flasks of a mini mum conteuts of 75 English pounds each, at established prices, to wit: , _ , _ , On sales from 1 to 909 flasks, prico per flask, 7 pounds sterling, with a discount of 3 per cent., and of % per cent. On soles exceeding I,ooo'flasks, 7 pounds sterling, with a discount of per cent., and Jtf per cent, commission, exportation from X-ondon being obligatory. . Tho Consul of Spam. BAMEATT, au2l-3t Philadelphia, SOth of August, ISGI< n Tho whjsl i-f mi ;m.l liinltjry nf the ltubeliioiu fur jin-soul n'tVn-ur** mnl fuunv i\r<s:*rvn tiujr* i.s tli'* rtu!/j''ft ul /j-ii'TsU k. M —lt ip Van Winkle. The above want jias been AMPLY SUPPLIER NOB i- uiijt MONTUS 1-AST, M 4 Mouth!/ parts TO cl?, each. Subscriptions received at the ''ftD- r.f Anpl'di.n’s Cy clopedia. JOHN MuV’AIILAN, Agent. au*»3-3t ISSUE STAN]*AHD A NO VKEStfY- X'IKIIfAN HXI’O.iJTnH. fHt v. Ali'iv.l Ni‘v,'u, i). I)., Talitor, llev. C.//.»•<;<> M.-.j'U-;:, .‘de V. lilor,) h pnb lislic*l *mmltajj«-<.u.-!y ot I'Jiilu U-’ohi-'. end The in i’hihuh Ipnia j., lux .Smith l« It'J'il Stivat. TUN STANDARD if. n W..i-k!y KeiL'inus .luurnai in ktrge quarto form. Sp<’Cim>'u nuiabc.v, fund.-dicd t n *»- plication. U* : Books, law and miscella- N'KOUS, new ami old, bought, sold, and ex cl!art!ii''l| sit the I’JI 11*A 1 * J*l Ll’ll iA-J* A N JC ISOOIC STORK* No. 419 CIIKSTNUT Htroi-U Liur:u’ti«i at a. djutjuiefl pufulmsMl. Tlin.^i l having Book* 1o *?*•!!, if j«t a distnuce, will state their name*, size*, binding*, dab*;?. wliliniDs, prirea* and conditions. WANTKD—Honks printed by Benjamin Krauklin, as well an early Books printed in nnd upon Amerir.a. Autograph Letters and I‘ortniita purchayed. Pamphlet Laws of Poinitylvarn'i for sale. Catfdofrues, in press,'tent free. Jjihrarsos ap- Pl'fliswl lif [fritf-tf] JOHN HAMIMHiM., FIELD REGIMES!. QIIIPLEY, HAZARD, & ►3 HUTCHINSON, C 051 MtSSIO N It It t! II AN T S FOR 7'Uli SALE OF PHILADELPHIA MADE mli22-6m RETAIL-DRY GOODS. g p ECI A L N OTIC E . PliTfeEi FERRIS, & Co.. Wil! Cl.v,;. H, c . sale tfCHw'r \VI!OI.Bft,U.R STOCK of WiiiU? Goods, Linens, Lace.-, and Embroideries, at Kn. 535 MARKET STREET,■ on SATURDAY, tlie 2Uh Instant, in order to remove the stock'to the store No. 7*26 CIfKSTNTT Street, where they will reopen on or about the 2d of September with a full and complete stork, including nil rmreHh's in their Jiiu-, which will he .UTVsvd K*>U CASK. at prices defying c-urt v] v-1H lon. Pur notice of their opening: win he given. PRICE, FERRIS, & Co. ftu24-lrt<l fIHEAP MUSLINS! UIIKAT IL\K- VjIIASNK! OLJ> V. K. ATIGH.\M IIAI'LT. N. E. enwu'l' KJJ’VKNTJL anl MABKi-M will open thi- Ds-.ming, yard wkL' long cloth Muslin?, 5, G, 7,8, y, 10,12 and 12.'< veuVf ; -heavy Sheet ing and pillow cane Mu.-din.-, 10, 11, 12, IS, 25 and 31 i.-eiit?; new style fall Chintzes 0, S and 10 cents: cheap table I.inous 00 to S 7 c-.-nts ; cheap Towelling. au2-*-Gt WE WILL STILL CONTINUE TO SELL our stock of Mn.-Hus at the okl low prices, notwithstanding the srcot n‘x>: in Cotton Coouz —vi/.: The best Gi,' cent Bleached Muslin for 6% cents, by the piece ; cofct 8 cent for 7 cents: best 20 cent for by cents'; best Vl)f 2 rent for 11 cents No. 1 Mhimsutta, full >ur« wide, Yiy, rents; IVilliamsvilh*, New York Mill?.’ 1-J4 cents. •. (These are not the 20r.-n*. quality, i-nt made by the same Company.) CanLoi Planus.-!-, the v<.-ry Le.-t jtjatle, Vul'h-arhed Muslins, of nil finalities yard. Wide, cent»; the best I'ticn, inches wide, 1-% cents; and any make of Bleached or Unbleached Mus lim, at less price by the piece than they ran be bought at any other place. Many of these Muslins were f ought at a discount of 25 per cent, on first cost. No further abatement to Storekeepers. Twilled Lead Color Pomot FktniseL cents, co.-t to make cents. Gy cent ] J iinls for 5 Cents, by the piece. Table Linens, of all GlUditiOfJ, the host bargains Wy <>ver offered. Nupkhrs, in all ijiialities, in great bargains. Hurkafuirk Towel ling, 25 inches wide, 12;;t cents. Good all Linen Towels, large, 10 cent? each. B. P. A. W. »L PENNELL. au23-0t 1021 'MARKET'.St., below Kleveuth. Muslins still at old prices. —Kotwitlistaiiclir.g tlie advaneo in price of Cot- ton, VKEtEACHEP gHIRTIVft Anti Domestic Goods of all ttimis, AT THE OLD PRICES. Now styles of PRINTS nt 8 j,-, 8, 10, toil 12 V. 1» oilier to insure more RAPID SALES, and to our siurlr in coo. cm, we lmve made STILL FURTHER REDUCTIONS In prices of oil our Summer Dress Guo,is. 11. STEED A SOhi, Ko. 718 North TENTH Street, above Coates. acg!6-tf fMHEAP PHY GOODS—STILL FUIt- THIvR BEIHJCTION IH SOIMER STOCK, in ortler to'insure fftles RBd realize Cash. Fine Chintz colored Paris Oryandics. Pc. do. Paris Jaconets Medium style d.->. dn. XM'.iß. Piv»« i*»i' rent's Silk CliftUies, Barry*\s, Barege Angm'.*, vrt « 7 wooct9,- Poplins, Moiisde Laine?. Ac. Black Tamartinc' Crape tio E.apang, Ac. Foulard Silks and Milanese* Ac* White Goods in variety. A fine line of plain Swiss Muslins* 12# to 50 cents. Black Lace Mantles, Houmous and Points. Block and Colored SfellaShawls.. . towesFnuirkei rates, for cash ojdy. CHARLES ADAMS A SO>, EIGHTH and ASCII Streets. Dry goods at the lowest MARKET KATES. Bareges Cballies, and Tumertines, rneap. Madonnas, Poplins, Moliiiir.s, Alpacas. Plain Brown and Tan Colored Silks. Kice assortment of Black Silks. Small Figured Silks. Blue, Green, and Lilac Plaid Silks. Larger plant*, very clvoap. Men and Boys’ Wear, nice and cueapi House Furnishing Goods. .. k 200 pairs Gents' Suspeuders at Oo ceuta* wonu ©L A decided bargain. _ , , _ AlhO, Fifty dozen Gents’ Linen Cambric Handier chief,, at 86 per dozen, STOKES ., ~,6 70S ARCH Street. -(Q/>1 —MEMORABLE YEAR!! 1001. HARD ON DRY COODS! VERY LOW PRICES! STILL MORE REDUCED \ THORNLEY A CHISM, N. E. corner EIGHTH and SPRING GARDEN, Want to sell tlieir stock dean off, And have consequently REDUCED THEIR PRICES, VERY LOW, INDEED. Fancy Silks a little over linlf price. - Some styles ol Dress Goods at Half price. Lace Mantles, Pointes, Engonies, Ac., very cheap. Black Silks, cheapest in Philadelphia. A great variety of Gray Goods, Lawns, Ac., Ac. A ycry large stock of Domestic Goods. A very large stock of Linen Goods. Cloths, Cassimeres, Vestings, Ac., Ac. . K, B,—This is a. BAKE CHANCE to get goods un usually cheap. THORNLEY A CHISM, N. E. corner EIGHTH and SPRING GARDEN. N. B—From this dale, July 9, Terms “ Cash on Da livery.” Jy . RAY SHIRTING FLANNELS. Plain and Twill'd Grays. Plain and Twilled Snulet3. Plain and Twilled Army Blues. Fancy French Shirting FianuoH. Wldte BhglUb itml Ameylean Shieling Flannels. Mixtures anil Irish colors Shirting Flannels. SHARPLESS BROTHERS, anls : CHESTNUT juid EIGHTH Streets. TTIANCY THIN DEESS-GOODS. JJ A. few lots remaining, of- Summer Drees GouilSi Iu Bareges ami Gremulinee,. rojjUna. Barege Anglais,; MoHnnbiaues, At Wry low prices, to dose the stock. PIT.\ni>J.ESS BROTHERS, CHESTNUT anil EIGHTH Streets, EYKK & LANDELL, FOURTH and ARCH, nrr now openingi for Tall Sales— Black Stellas, low grades. Black Stellas, medium grades. Black Stellas, fine grades. an!s EYRE & LANDELL ARE OPEN ing, for near trade— Black Silks, at old price?. Full Ftock of Muslins* £Wwl« of J dl prmU'#. Brown and Blue riaid Silks. Full stock of Staple Silks. FACTORY, 112 BREAD Street House-furnishing dry COODS, of every an 7 s. K. cor. NINTH and MARKET. CLOTHS, CASSIMBBBS, • VEST -INGS, comprising a fine stock, low-rntee, of men's ami boys’ wear. )lu 7 8. 11-,I 1 -, corner NINTH * MARKET. Entire mantilla stock Reduced 40 per cent., to close. Bargains in dusters and laco mantles. Best hoop skirts, right share, mM -HaMe.^ n n 7 S. 35. corner NINTH & MARKET. NEW PEEMcaTIONK Ptf.VAM 'S lUiCOKD ON TJIH KKHELLION. NOW READY, COMMISSION HOUSES No. 113 CIIEBTXUT STREET, CtOODS, OLD PRICES. BLEACHER SHIRTING MUSLINS At tlit* Old Prirer. SHEETING ANT) PILLOW-CASE MUSLINS At the old Price). BLEACIIED AND UNBLEACHED COTTON FLANNELS, O CENT DE LAINES AND DA- O RECKS. $2.50 ami $3 full length barege robes. Summer dress goods at half price. Black dress goods, a lino & CON . Am an 7 S. E. corner NINTH and MARKET. " GKOCEKIES. mO FAMILIES RESIDING IN THE RURAL DISTRICTS. We Rre prepared, ns heretofore, to snpply families at their Country Residences with every description of FINE GROCERIES, TEAS, Ac., Sc. ALBERT C. ROBERTS, CORNER ELEVENTH AND VINE SHEETS. mylS • SAFES. geftT LILLIE’S SAFE DEPOT RE- IgBIMOVFD to No. 21 South SEYNNTJI Street, near theFranklm Institute. . The undersigned, thankful fur past favor*, and being determined to merit future patronage, has secured an elegant and convenient store, mid has nowon hand a large assortment of Lillie's Celebrated Wrought and Chilled Iron Fire and Burglar Proof Safes, (the only strictly tire and burglar proof safes made.) Also, Lillie 1 * Unequalled Bank Vault, Safe, and Bauk Locke. Lillie's Bank Vault Boors and Locks will be furnished to order on short notice. This is the strongest, best pro tected, awl cheapest Door and Lock yet offered. Also, particular attention is called to Lillie’* New Cabinet Safe, for Plate, Jewelry, Ac. This Safe Is con ceded to surpass in style and elegance anything yet of fered far this purpose, and is the only one that is strictly fire and burglar proof. Special Notice. —l have now on hand say twenty 01 F&rrel, Herring, A 8o. 1 b Safes, most of them nearly new, and some forty of other maker?, comprising a complete assortment as to sizes, and all lately exchanged for the now celebrated Lillie Safe. They will be sold at Ter * low priceß. Please coil and examine. jaae-lyK M. C. SABLES, Agent. SURPRISE IS DAIITTMANiFEST «I that «1 is only charged for colored Photographs at REIMER’S Gallery, SECOND Street, above Green. It* T7DUOATION OF YOUNO LADIES. -IL—'riip iiiiiii’H i.r tin- M-rti.NK (i\!:i>K.v r.vsn •Jl'n;, St. *>ll Stn-oi, w'ill rcA\mvsi «m MUMiAY, n.- u,.1 i:f S»-plt*inW. Tt*u pupils nftiy fiii'l ;i h .j-.n jn Usn f;nnil> of tin? Prrinjwl. IiiWJKKT OUMUS, A. M., Principal. ■ri* N'n. f.OH Hlivi't. nn2M»j j; POLYTECHNIC COLLEGE, WEST X PKNN SliLAltK.—Thf S'MKSTIKU* SCIIOOt will bt'irin on S»*j*t**i»il»**i* tin- i*IiO]'K.*>SJON’AL SCHOOLS fur KNUINKKUS. A !LCM I’nwti csi! CIIKMJST.S •*.•;'! <;K«»UMnSY.% on 5,.. t« m W 11J. r i !jo Comvi 1 on MILITARY K.NL 1 N i-J K.jil.N' J vill iu- Ti-vi l' ii! ’.!!.< ;'■■!'•:••• *>;i..ii,-.r Hiid Tsu-lir-.. A. 1.. KKS.VKDV, M. !».. miiM-liit ]*n"-i'!nh! u| Ki. •{!!* miiK SELECT CLASSICAL AND JL KNCUe'D SCHOOL of lli*» Hijli.-vriliiT will roupm al LOCUST Strevt, MONDAY, 9. mREEMOUNT SEMINARY, NOlt _L KSSTOWN, I’A., FOR Vnt'SG SLKN AND jii>YS.—The winter s<~, l .inn rnnnnenres SKJ’TKMRKII 1;1. F'>r rntnhiVH'vs and rimilar.-*, address JOHN W. I.ot.'H, tMindp*), CJ uMM E R - STREET INSTITUTE O Foil YOUNG LAWKS—Mi*, D. V>. RL'RT will i. "in n her Knglieh and French Jbjßrdini; and Day Srhool on MONDAY, September -I ut Is<>. lG2d SUMM KU Mjv-'t. I'LF'iM'phm. muM-mwfrtt* MV. UIIHJONS INTENDS TO • voi'i-n ih** oil ORANHK Street (second £:<•*t«' below Kialilh Mivrt) on the 2d of 9th month (Sep tember)- I’irasi- apply'al the school. au-4-JUt* 'pEV. -J. I. HELM WILL"REOPEN • JLV hisSrljnnl fur GIRLS, at 1 tj'2j WALNU'I’ Street, £vpG-mter 12th. 111122-1111 PEN N INST IT L r f E— Southed corner TMJin*KENTH and FJLBKUT Sts., re opens MONDAY, Sept, 9. For ’catalogues, address Young ladies 5 school— no. 00m CUNTON Street—Established by Prof. C. Ti. rr.EVia.AKl> its l-WI. Tha <UitU*s of the school v.ill ho resumed by the puhj-criber, on MONDAY, Sep tember 9." [?ni‘2'J-lm] FLINT K. CHASE. _ QCIIOOL OF DESIGN FOll WO- O • MEN, Dm CHESTNUT Street, reopens on the first MONDAY of September. au2l-12t* PNUL I S H AND CLASSICAL J J SCHOOL.—The school of tin* subscriber, in Simt**' Building, at TWELFTH and CIIKST.NU'iI .Streets, will be rem Med lo tin- larger Hull, direrlly over Mr. ihis sard’s Move, in llu* same building, and will be reopened on MONI)AY, 9th of September, aulil-lf CHARLES SHORT. ELGEIIILL .SCHOOL, : ITOEIOS.N.J, a home FOit.BOTS. ruiininrewuwi ttoroiigwy for’college or for busiii“ss. Tin 1 school premises con tab) IbiHfcn acres, providing amply for lawn, play ground, mid garden. Terms Sl *2s per wssirm. J ; r.v cimilars. ;uidrc.->s ltey. .1. I*. HUGHES, aulS-thsAtut.xT Principal. TRYING FEMALE COLLEGE, Pa.—'This institution, chartered Y.ilii I'uH cniieainU* power.*, will open it* next session on Y'EDNESDA Y, September 4, w ith a full corps of efficient ami experienced Teachers.' The attention of parents luiviiig daughters to educate is respectfully called to this institution. For Catalogue-.; riving full information a 3 to terms, &c., niWreso A. G. MARSHALL, President. aulT-stuLktitv Borpentown female col- LKOK. Itonlenknvn, N. J., situated on the Camden m:u Amboy ihiiiroad, thirty milts north of Philadelphia. Special attention paid to the common ami higher English brandies, aml superior advantages furnished in vocal and instrumental Music. Gorman amlTrimch. Session CwiiiaiC|iCfij Aridresr Ilt*v. JOHN W. BIiATCKLEY, A. M., President. n«2llnv* ST. MABIv’S EPISCOPAL AGAPE MY, LOCL’ST Stm-t, ’vve.-t of Sixteenth, reopoas on MONDAY, Si'ptenibiT “J, at 9 A. M, J. ANDitEWS liAltlllS, A.M., Principal, nii2l-2w^ : THE MISSES CASEY and MRS. ft EE BE will re-open their English and French Bonrdi nt; and Day School, No. 17011 W ALNI.T SI root, on ■WEDNESDAY, the 11th of SEPTEMBER. au‘2Q-lm “jv/TAEY L. STACKHOUSE "will re- JJJL "open her BOARDING and DAY SCHOOL, Tor Girls, nV Ts".>. loco Srr.LUG GABDEN £trv,Y, on the- 2d of SEl'TEatwmt licit fu»2o-24t* MUSLINS AT THE WESLEYAN FEMALE COLLEGE, WILMINGTON, DELAWARE, The next session of this Institution will begin on MONDAY, the 2d of September. It possesses the best facilities for thorough instruction in ft complete course of solid and ornamental studies. Superior accommodations for boarders. . : For Hd! infovmtLon, luldvews nul9-teel JOHN WILSON, President. MISS _ MARY e7tHIIOPJ j ' will rel open lier Boarding and Day School fur Young La die*, at 1321 SPRUCE, Philadelphia, on MON DAY, September 9th. Circulars, containing full infor mation, to he had on application. nu!9 dtOcll^-' Tl/TERCIK E. BROWN will REOPEN IYJL her School for Girls, in the Spring Garden Insti tute, on the Northeast corner of BROAD and SPRINT GARDEN Streets, on Ninth month (SEPTJvgMP*' ' Charge for tuition, Ten Dollars for five «19-lm^ /~i ESTN’ CT - STREET FEMALE Lf SEMINARY.—Mira BONNEYftnil Miss DILL AYS will reopen their Boarding and Day school on \V r- L»N & 3- DAY. fiontemljM' 11. at No. 1815 CHisblNl f Street, PLllwlolrUa. aill6 - Im BOARDING SCHOOL, near Media, iJ#K!Wiv»AUR COUNTY, Pa., for Twelve Boys. The private school for BOYS, in th* Philadelphia City Institute. North east corner of CHESTNUT tunl EIGHTEENTH Streets, will reopen MONDAY, Suptomlier 2,1801. mUS-2m» L. UUHBOWS, Principal. TTIAGLE HOTEL, ATLANTIC CITY, ‘ J "large ADDITION OF ROOMS. Board 57 per week: Buttling dresses included. anl3-lm Kentucky house, ATLANTIC CIT V, N. J. This comfortable ami convenient new house, located on Kentucky avenue, opposite the Snrf House, has been fitted up for visitors this season. _ _ . . F. A F. QUIGLET, PronnHors. 1;. B.—llorses ami Carriages to IliW. je'H-’lm CENTRAL HOUSE, \J ATLANTIC CITY, N. J. Bt. T.AWLOR, Proprietor. The above new house is open for Boarders. Rooms canal to any. on the bunch, well veutilated, high ceilings, Ac. Servants attentive and polite. Approximate to the Bathing grounds. •" - • • jevt-wm Franklin house, ATLANTIC CITY, N. J. BY MARY MAGUIRE. This House fronts the surf, and possesses the finest Bathing Grounds'on the bench. Boarding $8.50 per week; 81.00 per day. Single meal 50 cents. Bathing dresses included for weekly boarders only. jcftl-Stu • CONSTITUTION HOUSE, ATLANTIC CITY, N. J., (Opposite the National,) v JAMES J. BARR,: (of the old Globe,) Proprietor. gy The choicest brands of liquors and Cigars to be fciuid on the l&lmid. ~- tll COLUMBIA IIOUSK" ATLANTIC CITY, N. J EDWABP DOYLE, Proprietor. This House is in the immedinte vicinity of the Surf House, and within half «■ wiuare of-the'heat Bathing Crowd*' wi bcacti. Tl»a proprietor will use evory ef fort to iimke his guests comfortable. Terms reasonable. jt*24-2iu _ j ' STAR HOTEL., (Nearly opposite the United Siates Hotel.) ATLANTIC CITY, N. .1. SAMUEL Alt AMS, Proprietor. Dinner .50 rente. Also, Carnages to luve, V&~ Boarders accommodated on the moat reasonable terms. SEA BATHING-, BIUGANTIXE HOUSE, HItIGANTJNK IIEACH, N. .T. Now open for the season. The Bathing, Pishing, Gun uins, and Yachting being very superior. ; _ r .e..i., a Boats will await guests at tlic inlet oti nrrnal ortriuns. Board per weeK i&6. F. O. Addrcsfi f Atlantic < : dv’ XI. 1/. Dj'l XAJI, jy3-2m Proprietor.^ W” HITE HOUSE, , Lower end otMASSACHCOTT^Ayen^ Tins house is located immediately on the JJeueh, and ■m-L'scnts every aecummodatinn for Visitors. • • Terms moderate. WILLIAM WillTLllOLan, Je2B.2m I'ruprn.wr, “ mHE ALHAMBRA,” I ATLANTIC CITY, N. J. A SPLENDID NEW HOUSE, B. E. Corner of Atlantic and Massachusetts Avenues, Now open for the rcc. j.tion of Boanlers _ n - ; The Booms and Table of “UIL ALHAMBEA aie "'S’te’aS!and Refresment Saloon attuehea to the House., DBB^« je27-2m Proprietor,h EDUCATIONAL It. STi:\YAP.T, Principal. SIDUm RESORTS. riONGRESS HALL, ATLANTIC CITY, N. .T. This spacious House, situated at Atlantic City, will be onom-il on the 29th June, with every accommodation for visitors. The House fronts tin* beach 120 feet, giving a splendid view of the ocean, mul is near tho Fishing and Bailing point. Wo pains will bo spared to secure tho comfort and 66nv&nUmer! gvu^tp. Bearding reduced to $lO per week. mm jc24-tsel TIIOMAS C. GAIUtETT.^ Light house cottage, AT LANTIC CITY, the nearest House to the surest part of the bench, is non- open for the Season. * -TKKMS MODHItATH. NO LIQtOBS SOLI) OH TUB PREMISES. • JUN All WUOTTON, je24-5m Proprietor. E A S 1D HOUSE7 ATLANTIC CITY, N. J. BY PAYJD SCATTERGOOB. A KEYT PRIVATE BOAIIDIEG-IIOCSE, beauti fully situated lit till' foot of PeunsylTaimi Arenne. Now open for visitors for the season. je‘J4--ni T“ AJIMANY _ HOUSE, NORTH Ca rolina AYESTUE, near tlio Depot, At LA A HE CITY* « ■ The Btibßcribor takes informing liia former patrons and the'public tluit he has reopeneil the aboTO House, where ho Mill bo happy *» bh'aso all who may fc le°"3-3m '" tU “ ‘“"eLIAS CLEAVED, Proprietor. SEA - BATHING. —THE UNITED STATES HOTEL, ATLANTIC, N. J., is now open tor yhitoTf*. Tins is th© largCßt find best-fumiebod Ho tel on tbo Island* and being convenient to the beach, and surrounded by extensive and. well-shaded ground®, is a desirable house for families. It is lighted with gas, and well supplied with pure water. The Germania So ciety will furnish tho music for the season. The care stop at the door of the Hotel for tbo convenience ox guests. JEKJSMIAU McKIUBIN, 6 jo 20-lf Proprietor. QTJMMEB, BOARDING, ATLANTIC © CITY, N, J. ASHLAHP HOUSE, Corner of Pennsylvania Avenue and tno Banroftu» At* Untie Avenue, (9 KO7 OPEN For the reception of penuoucnt or boarders. je24-2m JO UK 8. eTQHko \V ABIIINGTONHOUSE, ATQSt 'Y T TIC OITT, N. J. Tl»is House fmntn the Surf, mid has the finest Bathing Ginnnri on the lh*:uh. Board per wee!;, 69. Bathing DresspH hifhuh-tj fur weekly hoarders only. Board per d;»3\ ?! SO. bingl.' nu-iOi f>or. j«*24-2m JOHN ROTHE7ITTAM, Proprietor. QE A BATJII NG.-7« The Clarondon lO (fnnnfily.Virginia Ihnme,) VIRGINIA AVENUE. ATLANTIC CITY, isnuwnp. n fur tlie ivcominohuion of Boarders. This Ifuurt* is nitrated immediately on tho Bench, mid from every room affords a fine view of tha eca. [je24«2m] JAMh'S JLNKTN.S, M. D. ivioDONOUGiT’s olympiFtheX. jj/Ji TKK, It A f'ls Piti'pN hrW Third, TO-NIGHT, (I^ATf'HDA Y,) 24. AN IMMENSE liiLht VirrMitiiffif th<* j/r.-nt Histm-iral TJrnnwu T.AFITTF, THE rIKATK OF THE I.rtfiltf, Mr. Fannin, fJnV. CliwlruHV* *. Mr. Wl<*. Mr. Tuylnr, Mr. H. rr*l, Mr. Aniln'W*, Mrs. Pl:t>-e t Mr'. Knmiin, See. VGLrNTKKTFS WHT,.. AN'NIK 1.0-VSDAT.E, ISAI.I.Y AXiJ TM.U.UV TAPE. MUs Amn<* L.-ms-UK KKMI.tU Fally... Price* iu u«ual. Mr. Harry Pearson, tin* «’'d<*lu*ftb'«d Comedian and Vocalist, will on Monday’ Mr. 1 li>*ll?if»»<*•"*- SANFOItP will moon rrvirf the lU.rJtlj> v sinrif OPKKA. THIS EVENING uiU lu* given, I',* ib-hr-A time in three year.*. I.A Introducing Mr. T. n’lh-ikeEe daughter as Aniinft. Th» opera, Vi 1 mnliGdand, will iutrodure Use It* i;i new Sci'ii.** >, 3>i( j*scs. At., nil its ifi-ms. H>‘ Assem bly ~y> UILDJNGS.'IIIAST WEEK JIT'T HXE fJOMPLHTE AND ITMV?K-AMEEEHl TMV?K AMEEEH SlX'CKF.’v—Every night this week. Dap exhibition on FATI'IIDAY A-FTEIINOON, at 3 o’clock. Stereopticon of Uha KOL'THKKN KKliKl.LTON’—Fifty Vifws—including the great IhilHc nt ItiilPn lltin, Va., IhiUSc at Spring held, Missouri, 'with Portraits ol allth& Generals. To he followed by SnwlersniiV great r"pro« Kfotiilion f.f the WAJI. Admission, 25 rente; clilUVi-ii, I'. r,*!ity. Cr >lnr<*d p(*o|i«e, 2- r > cent* 1 .. imlD-Ot PENNSYLVANIA ACADEMY OP tut: fink act?, 1025 ohestsut strvet, i, open daily, Sundays I'xcertet!, from ft A. M. til! 0 I” SI. Adniis.rioi! 23 cents.. Children under twelve years* half pi-iee. Shares ol Slack, jyl YOUNG MEN’S CHIiISTIAN AS. SOCIATTON.—Second Excursion to AThA.VTIO CITY, TUKSHAY. August 27, 1301. S.*ci:i! M-elhi;; at 4 o’clock, in the PIIJCSJIYTKIUAN CIUTItCJI, muter the patronage of a number of ministers, who wilt aa company the Association. lSuat loaves Yine-stred: uhcirf at 6.39 A. M., return ing at I*. M. Tickets One Dollar and Fifty Cents. CiiiMpei, half price. For sale nt the priuciDiit BootutonMi and the Itooma of tlie Asfociniinh. uiiPJ-Plt*- TXT ANTED.—A Lndy well qualified T T a*- a loin her an,! uf eNpericMv uidies sltUH tion either in e or family in or weir th** e»n. ply h«iu,dlj»i.-!,v t.. b«>x ! IJJ {'“ i UiiVrl'OVV The si b,semiiEii, having l;:id several year.-’ evpcricr.op in Teaching both lr*r» and in Europe, wis-hes an ENGAGE ME .ST, u, Teacher 1 r-f Darin. Gorman, or Kugli.di brunohe.-, one or morfr hours daily. KclY-renre—ll, D, GUKGOTtY, A. HI., Tuielion HOfi Market Stri ct. H. 1.. EEf’lJSt. 1014. MAJiKET, wi* l-id'i $Wh Poi’PT'i Str^t. BO All DING SCHOOL .WANTED— For two fhildmi'of an Olth' «r in tic* Amv—a non and daughter, 7 aid 2*J year- of ng.*—seller* fliey wiR ]mve nil the roniftirt-rof a home. Cdmirry prpferrai. Adders *- oiiu-e, with r*‘h‘p-|i'T, aul’O-ut-V A YOUNG LADY, LATELY HE turned from tin' Smith, i* unxioil* to obtain a i*>rii ti(*n in a SCT!' *iiT., in thi* city or its vicinity. IS fnfly competent to teach adviui' f*«l scholars In the higher Kng ti.-h brunches. Tei ms moderate. lvet»*r»‘iw**s uuexcey- JiuTiftbie. Addic*s cin iH. T.,," 420 Fl'itt CM s'ceof. i‘u2v-2t* . A BOY', six Icon yours of age, wishes t* k*?.rn u Mechanical business.'” Ad,lres*. :: Alfred,” this Oflice WANTED —By an experienced Book kecjier, a situation in a Wholesale l»ry Good* or Good reforouee given. A Hv;«* il Ilunirr,” au22.Cr^^ TTUANTED—APGECHASE« POE V» a I'll tent KigJit, that .will yi<dd n fortun* t.> A num of energy. For psirticuhir i uddres> *• Patent.” ouk«i of tin's paper. au2J-iV» ; WANTED—A TEACHER IN YY Self*”! PMri'.t NY>. 74, !n New ( iiitle cuurrtr* Pc’nwnrp. iSiKbrnctory rnfi'iviire ns t.i /pi.Ulfi-- Uhh. .uid into h 1 diiUTict'.T will be Ap|>l>* tj tie* au ler siatu-i?, at Smntnit Briilyc, IM.-nvw. BKASTJUX. AXURKW KLJ.VS>N, R. Vr\ MULFOJtn. TjiMPLOYEBS WANTING- YOUNG JOi M<*n, Arc,, HTO to Coimnittoo, 77 nt tho .JfWf/rf ( "•irsT-virT * 11,^ tI * ri FOR SALE A?iD TO LET. jo A'niv co^.'a-iizvcrOil.S— £j»ii jy, i,.t, ;t w.-]Mi-iliti“l BuiMimr, frur IWf-'H dtrr, with :-hi'V,;-, ”.ts lutntvs, vrntiT =o»l ws»ti*r rt»>*u In !«.. Mori.-, .V.-- in sTBAVIiKKItV Str.vr. =.411(1, or y.'.i.’l. - H A - I'U.VI I, /• ar.24.3t* 2? FTP WJ)J.3!IIV Wr^-i 'imf TO HENT —The beautiful andoow Mvmicnt lUH’SK, replete ivitl. nil niodoni linnm** nicntf., So. 1735 AliOH Street; furnUheil or MO CCOIMKItCR Street. . »«-**“*- I Funnelled ROOMS, for Gentlemen, (without huflelfi in n private fnmilv, on WALNUT Street, wit o£ Tenth. Apply to 1)111? Store. H. E. comer of Elevi ntli ar.i Woinnt tt. v. 1.0 w»-# fSk A EAEE OPPORTUNITY ! SS-EIGHTH -STREET DRY GOODS SXO'RF., witfc laree DWELLING, lo Kent. One of the best-locato* Olid fitted-up Stores ou tiie street. For particular*, ap ply to E. WItIGLEY, Conveyancer, anl9-Ct* 134 South FOURTH Street. «kTt g l b team's lli n a MllOliSE, WiIItHUKSTM Slreet, nliove Arch, with all the modern convenience*.■ Rent moderate. Apply t» WETJIEKTI.L & BROTHER, r „3 47 North SECOND Street. re, TO BENT LOW —Furnished or ua sDirurnishcd, for six months, or longer, if tb-ured, a Inreo and convenient HOUSE. No. 17750 Arclt streat- Apply tu A, V. mid 4,11, MORRIS, W AttVH Smart. jcia-ir - PERSONAL: —I wish to know more. It* hi. Q M. N. HEATON'S iO. LEHIGH AND LOCUST MOUNTAIN (OAI, WIIAKF, ftKl North Dekwrarn avenue, abate Poplar street. , , , AU Coni particularly solecte*! au-1 pv.-pruu-l iov faimlf u«t*. lliHiy«*koi»p« , i> tlwirins to lay in fhvir v.i’it 'r sup ply will V'i- rums.-lifil vUL ;t 00-'O'l nml cl -m artUJ * at u-ry re*.Uual vii*'vo f\'V crtfili, , . . . lh‘Uk‘ts niul SlHinifai'tuivr-i nt!* prirps. __! t V.‘'bl!ill u !l c --“L il -71-^ INSURANCE COMPANIES. Fame insijbance company, No. 400 CHESTNUT StlVJt- FIRE AND INLAND INSURANCE. DltlKCrOItS. Grorsy, Wi Day,,,,,,,, of liny A Matin:!:, Samuel Wriclit (i IVright Rios. Ca. D. Jl. Bimoy “ Davis & Dirney. lienry Lewis, Jr “ Lewis Rros. & c/. C. llichardeou i; J. C. Howe & Co. Jiio. W. Evermnn 11 .T. IV. Kvcrman A Ca. \ \V, : t; \v, , .0 Fober. F, S, Ttlorlttv.. imu 111 , it Savour, Miiriiiti & C ! a, C. Wilson Davis Attorney-at-law. F. D. Woodrntt of Sibley, Molten, Sr WotM-uu. Juo. Kessler, Jr No. 1713 Green street. GEORGE W. DAY, I’resident. FRANCIS N. RUCK, Vice-Pro admit. WILLIAMS I. RLANCHARD, Secretary. ja'23-iftf DATING FUND—UNITED STATES TRUST COMPANY, corner THIRD and CHEST NUT Streets. INTEREST FIVE PER CENT. S. R. CRAWFORD, Preudeat, JAMES K. HUNTER, Secretary and Treattu'er. Office liomv, from 10 until » o’clock. This company is not joined in auj’ application w W# iifgiatnturc, LIVERPOOL, NEW YORK, aXI) PHILADELPHIA STEAMSHIP COMI’ANY—NOTICE. I'lie monim-liip I'.IUXUVTW’.U, of t\iU lim>, will Ssul from Pirn-44, North Hirer, Now lolls, on SATURDAY, Uio 24th instnnt, ntiinnn, ■j!,o rrmihir weekly clejnirluroß of the rniujiany stoaia tliiliS Will Inks' I'lacv ns usual, 1 JOHN Cn PALE, Asi'lit, 111 WALNUT Surety FOR NEW YORK. vr. tv DAI LI LINE, »hs Delaware and PliilaiMl.lim mill New Tnrk Express Stenmlioat Com pany receive freight and leave daily at 2 I’. M„ deliver inf; their cargoes in Now York tlw following ilaya. freights taken at reasonable tat™. lf)I. P. CLYDE, Agent, Kn. 14 gOt-Tll Yf II AJIYKS; Philadelphia. JAMES HAND, Agrnti Piers 14 and 15 EAST ItIVEII, New York._ PHILADELPHIA AND JrssniYS%o ’WASHINGTON expukss steam- BOAT COMrAKY. , . , . Sew lino direct for Alexandria, Washington, and Georgetown. Through inBB hoiirn. n , V n Eteamtr rillliAPßl.rillA, Cnplam THOf! HAND, BSeM..i-e JEUOMH, CaWnta Will leare Philadelphia iwery WkD£lBl>AY *tM SA TUIIDA Y, ut 12 o’clock M., connectingwith ailhnca At them- ports, luul retmninft IXjfT’sn’.l’sATlfS! town, Mi.l Alexandria ercry TU;.M>AY at,d SATUB- IiXY fur Philadelphia. V* 1• Agent* BAY, for 1 !‘-' ''“^ ou . nr WHAUVKS. Philadelphia, MOitC! tS & ItHINEIIABT, Assents, j t34-irt. I' ool of O Btroct, Washington. YQlUv.—Tha JgSwaowffg^Plriladelpliiu Steam Propeller Company vlll commence their business for the season ou Mouilny, steamers are now receiving freight at Second Tier above Walnut street. Trims accommodating. Apply <» „ ATBI) co _ 224 South l>elrtware Avenue. fggwarPliliADMLPHtA AMD RKADIMC, RAILROAD CO., (Office 227 South l’°" rth Btrc( ‘t.) v Philadelphia, April 27,1861. SEASON TICKETS. On mill after May It 1861, reason tickets will he fasusi Vty tills company fur tlie periods o£ three, s», nine, on* twelve months, not transferable. Season school-tickets may also be had at 03 per cent. thhets win he BOW hy the Treasurer at No. 02T South FOURTH Street, where <“*? fu £ t 'i‘iVS£^ atloa cuu he obtained. S. BBADPOBII, ap2o-tf Treasurer.^ SWBBB .YHi.,?“*???■* ““““Sl’SsrßK.'”** Trains leave the station* northeast corner 0/ Tenth jnj Market Btreets, at 7.45 and 10.30 A. M„ i* 4.10 auil 6.3 ft Leave Station for Philndelplufti at 11,15 A* M., 2.45, 5.14 and BP. M. _ _ . lTaro for the Bound Trip* Twenty-five Conte. _ U&ciY a OvV, General 6nperintaud»t. Sr'IMEII RESORTS. AMUSEMENTS. EXCURSIONS WANTS. PERSONAE, SAVIN It FUNDS. llirJli-IlL*
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers