Employment of Volunteers. The following are the main features of the art to authorize the employment of volunteers to aid to enforolog the lawn and protecting public pro perty Whertri.T. Certain forte, the United arsenals,oonstom houses, navy yards, and other Pthi l r a t.r ther violaticue of that"' have been aairall' an d are thre 'wind by law have been committed, in severs : of the Swett, creams -t1 bodies of wen i and a cosepirnoy has been entered into to over throw the Government of the United States : therefore, Be at enacted 4-e , That the President br au thorieed to aooept the services of voltinteerve ro V se cavalry , infantry, or artillery , in such o° '° Ns not exceeding 500,000, as he may deem IteSgllitTY. e if repelling -4°,°Bllonreosing g - servin4 , Provided, , be for snob it exceeding ad they shall ind all pro os volunteers el to all vo be accepted ;for a period manner as if Before re funteers ex empted, the me hie pro ad, either as .ry, States from - --- which they ate to be furnis hed, having reference, In any snob requieltioo, to the Dumber then in ser vice from the several States and to the exigencies of the service at the time, and equalizing, es far as practicable, th e number furnished by the several Suttee according to h'ederal population. lino 2 Volunteers shall be subject to the rules and regulations governing the army of the 'United States, and that they shall be formed by the Pre sident into regiments of infantry, with . the excep tion of such numbers for cavalry and artillery as he may direct, not to excited the proportion of one company of esob of these arms to every regiment of infantry, and to be organized as la the regular service Bash regiment of infantry shall have one colonel, one lieutenant colonel, one major, one adjutant (a lieutenant), one quarto toaster (a lieu tenant), one surgeon and one assistant - surgeon, one sergeant major, one regimental quartermaster sergeant, one regimental commissary sergeant, one hospital steward. two principal ransto'russ, and twenty-four musicians for a band ; and shall be composed of ten oompaniee, each company to cop=' slat of -one captain, one first lieutenant, one second lieutenant, one first sergeant, four sergeants, eight corporals, two must:dans, one wagoner, and flow sixty four to eighty two privates Sic 3 These forces shall be organized in di visions of three or more brigades each, Mid each division shall have a major general, threefilds de camp, and one assistant adjutant general, with the rank of major. Hsieh brigade shall be composed of four or more regiments, and shall have one brigadier general, two aids.de-camp, one assistant adjutant general, swith the rank of eaptain,-orie surgeon, one assistant quartermaster, and one commissary of aubsiatenee Sic 4 The President to appoint, by and with the advice and corisent of the Senate, a number of MLi If generals, not exceeding six, and a number of brigadier generale, not exceeding eighteen, and the other division and brigade offices required for the organization of these forties, except the aids decamp, who shall be selected by their re. el:motive generals from the officers of the army or volunteer corps: Provided, That the President may select the tnejor generals and the brigadier generals provided for by this sot from the line .o attire the regular army, and the officers SO an looted shall be permitted to ,retain their rank therein. The Governors of the &Meg fasslehing volunteers under this act commission the field, staff, and company offieters requisite for the said volunteers; but in ogees where the State au thorities refuse or omit to furnish volunteers at the call or on the proclamation of the President, and volunteers from such States offer their services under such cell or proolamation, the President shall have power to accept smelt services, and to oommisslon the proper field, staff and company officers, Sic 5. The Oftio6ll, non 00IIII:ritaioned Othears, and privates, organized as above, shall, in all respeota, be platted on the footing, as to pay and allowances, of similar °erne of the regular army : Provided. That the allowances' of non-oommie stoned <anent and privates for clothing when not furnished in kind, shall be three dollars and fifty cents per month, and that each company officer, non commissioned officer, private, mneioian, and artificer of cavalry, aball furnish his own forge and horse rczipments, and shall receive lorry cents per day for their nee and risk, except that, in case the horse shall become disabled, or shall die, the al lowance shall cease until the disability be re moved, or another bone be supplied. Every vo lunteer, non•commiseioned officer, private, musi cian, and artificer, who enters the service of the United States under this act, shall be paid at the rate of fifty cents in lien of subsistence, and, if a cavalry volunteer, twenty-five cents additional, in lien of forage, for every twenty miles of travel from his place of enrollment to the place of mug ter, the aistanee to be measured by the shortest Usually travelled route; and, when honorably dig charged, en allowance, at the same rate, from the place of his diaoharge to the plane of his enroll meat, and, in addition thereto, if he Shall have served for a period of two years, or during the war, if sooner ended, the sum of one hundred dol lars : Provided, That such of the companies of ca ,valry herein provided for as may reclaim it, may be furnished with horses and horse equipments in the same manner as in the United States army. Sac 6 . Any volunteer whe may be received in the service of the United States under this ant, and who may be wounded or otherwise disabled in the service,shall be entitled to the benefits which have been or may be conferred upon persona disabled in the regular service; and the widow, if there be one, and, if not, the legal heirs of snob its die or may be killed in service, in addition to all arrears of pay and allowances, shall receive the sum of one hundred dollars 13so 7 The limn& of the regiments of infantry and of the 'memento of cavalry shalt be paid ae fellows one fourth cf esoh will receive the pay and allowances of sergeants of engineer soldiers ; one fourth those of corporals of engineer soldiers; and the :remaining half those of privates of cogi• neer soldiers of the first class; and the leaders of the band she I receive the same pay and emolu ments as seoond lieutenants of infantry . Sao 8 The wagoners and saddlers shall receive the pay . and allowances of corporals of cavalry. The regimental commissary sergeant shell receive the pay and allowances of a regimental sergeant major, and the regimental quarteinaster sergeitat Shall receive the pay and showancee of a sergeant of otmoiry Bac 9 There shall be allowed to earth regiment One chaplain. who shall be appointed by the regi mental commander on the vote of the field of leers sod aompany commanders on duty with the regiment at the time the appointment shall be made. The chaplain so appointed must be a regu lar ordained minister of a Christian denomination, - and shall metre the pay and allowances of a captain of cavalry, and shall be required to re port to the colonel commanding the regiment to which he is atteohed, at the end of each quarter, the moral and religions condition of the regiment, and such suggestions as may conduce to the social happiness and moral improvement of the troops. Sac. 10. The general command' g a separate department, or a detached army, is hereby bath° rised to appoint a military board or commission of not less than three nor more than five officers, whets duty it shall be to examine the capacity, qualidoations propriety of oonduct, and efficiency of any oommitsioned offioer of volunteers, within his deparment or army, who may be reported to the board or commiseien ; and upon each re port, if adverse to such r fti ter, and if approved by the President of the United States, the corn mission of mob offioer obeli be vaosted : Provided, a/maym, That no officer shall be Mirth], to sit on soot baud or oommi.sion whose rank or promotion would in any way be affected by its proceedings, and two members at least, if practioable, shall be of equal rank of the officer befog examined. And when vacancies occur in any of the companies of volunteers, an election shall be called by the colonel of the regiment to fill such vacancies, and the men of each company shall vote in their re speative companies for all Moore as hizh as cap tain, and vacancies above captain shell be filled by the votes of the commissioned officers of the regiment, and all officers so elected shall be nom missioned by the respective Governors of the States. or by the President of the United States . Sao 11 All letters written by soldiers in the services of the United States may be transmitted through the mails without prepayment of postage, under snob regulations as the Poet Office Depart ment may prescribe, the postage thereon to be paid by the recipient. Bac 12. The Secretary of War is authorized and directed to introduce among the volunteer forces in the service of the United States the system of allotment tickets. now used in the navy, or some equivalent system, by which the family of the volunteer may draw such portions of his pay as he may request. GENERAL NEWS. HoN. HENDRIOS. B. Wiliam., member of Congreee from the Lawrence dietriot, visited the Seventh Regiment of Pennsylvania on Sunday. The company , from hie own dietriot saluted him, and he made a speech of the same determined character as that with which he answered Burnett. He was for subjugation and wine afterwards, a sentiment which allotted hearty cheers. HEADING. OFF TEE “CONTRADANDS."—The slaves wuo ran early from their meetors in Vir. glnla were set to work at once by General Butler, and made to keep at it, iamb to their annoyanoo Ode of them havin horn pat to it rather strong, said Golly, Marta Butler, die nigger richer had to work no ha-4 before ; guess dis chile will seoede once moab!" LADY at Colebrook , Conn., whilo out etrasvberrylrg One day lust week, wce attaoked by e bloOksnake, Biome eight feet in length. The hidtous reptile coiled itself around her legs, and did ooneiderable en uirming, but no injury beyond a severe fright to the lady. SAD APPAIR.—On Wednesday last ; at St. Louis, a dithoulty occurred between a chin= and a soldier, when the former drew a pisiol and dis charged it nt his adversary, but missed him, the bail taking effeot on a boy named Hennousy, log him almost instantly. CA.PT. GATIDNEN, a native of Maryland . , who received his appointment from Virginia in 1841, has assumed command of the navy yard near Safi Francisco. He is an officer of great experietre, and loyal to the national cause. PENNSYLVANIA MALL MEISENGEES.—For Columbia, Bleary Fisher is designated by the De partment, In the place of Christopher L P. Boioe. Nor Street's Ran, Hope Church, and Buchanan, from Pittsburg, Pa , August Ammond Is appointed In place of Samuel Miller, from date of his com mencement. FEIMLE CAVALRY COIIIPANY.—A. cavalry company, competed of young ladles, has recently been formed at Pt isdeld, blase, under the name Di Vernon Phalanx " Miss Pinkie Pomeroy ,ie the oaptain; and Mlle Anna Hipp.is the lieutenant. AnOTHItIt NEWSPAPER DRAD.—Thp , Chicago Democrat ban creased to exiet having been ab• lambed by the Tribune. Mr. Wentworth will re tire from editorial life and visitlEnrope. lie has been an editor for twenty-five years. Tim First and Second Connecticut 'Volun teer. have tendered their services to the Govern ment for thirty daye after the capitation of their term. . GEo. HOTOrIKESS, a clerk in the New Haven post °ince, was arrested on Thursday.` by Opeolal Agent Holbrook for robbing the mails. A large amount or money wee recovered: ONE EIDNDIIND AND ONVENTY 1ar1.7,8, 14 hands high, and costing the Government $lOO each, payed through pinolonati, on.lhtursiday butt, for the East, A NEW gXPEDrriON to the Arctic regions is shoot to be nadertaken lir Captain W. Parker snow, in a venal of forty-ftve tons. ARMY 131".3PPL.IES. 02E1C11 OT! Aunty OLOTHINI; AND aractirlPAGUl Corner of Howard sad Meteor streets. Pisiv VonyeAttly 17, 1861. HEAL hill Pi r il'iMA 01 570 Minted, and grid bl 7 0- 3etited at this MUM- unfit 12 o'l,loak'on T t 3 G its Lie v.ltie a th " 7 of ensues o eXt. , : „ bene... they will be pultlioir evened , for h un ishing„by,:ernitrivot. the following A rtn7 Supplies and Mat,'Tilaaredeliverabla at suuh lace of r or pl ac e s , eityiorNew York . MRS ce h p ares , . desi g neisit, io taught ties as required. v lO. 200.6 W Iv. ene with ours stops - mt. 3 pints, to lab ounces without the StOPPer tO Oa ; vered with sloth, after an inspeohon has 0011 IThide Of them. soorda canteen straps. 1000 00M0 kr tack' sheet-iron, 3 sizes in Delta 191 pounds. 67.000 mss one, s hout- iron, weight 2 pounds. l i 7ao iron pots, with bales. 36,000 letting ages oast steel. beat quality, 4%, 8, and ay, pi-u [We, 10,000 ase handles. hest Maker:. 87,000 camp est:Mots, east steel. best quality. 18 ouuties. 000 hstottet handles. best hiekory. 27 WO pickaxe', two sizes. to weigh (1)4 and 7 pound'. 54,100 gnat age handles. best hickory, au 060 axe alines. 27 000 hatchet slings. 27,6 0 spades. two sizes, best quality. 400 eels hospital tent poles. 4 WO eets watt tent p see. 2710/Sibley tent p lee. With iron tripod. 2.000 sots of servants' tent poles. 9,000 hospital tent pins, large. 10,000 hospital tent pins, small. 48 000 wall tent pins, large. 5311 0110 summon tent pins. 10 000 Sibley tent stoves. 2 000 drums, infantry. 2 000 drum oases. , 2,0.0 drum }made, batter. 2 000 drum heads. snare. 6 000 pairs drum wicks. a' 2.000 drum stick carriages. 2 000 sets of drum mimes. 2 000 drain slings. 2 000 drum cords. Offtaltan homy, 34 feet long. 1,400 bugles. with extra mouth-peer% - 1.400 inftntry bugle cords and tassels. 200 garrison llst 200 recruiting (tag halliard& 400 000 great c -at straps. 3 000 ssrgeante' sashes. - 200.000 braes lettere. 20,000 each, A, 33, C, p, F, G. 11, I, X. 276,000 brass numbers, 25 000 each, of 2,3, 4,5, 7,8, 0, 50.031.4 1, and 601) V of 6, to serve also as 21, 39.000 yards Worsted lace, i b1ue,)152 inches wide. ' - 40.010 lards worsted lane, ( blue.) 34 mob wide. - • 200 pairs sergeant major (infantry) ohevroes. 200 pairs q , artermaster's sergeant (infantry) oha vrooe, 200 pairs hospital stewards' chevrons. 96(1 pairs ordnence sergeants' chevrons. 2.o's) smite first sergeants' (infantry) 0110 v -runs. 3,000 paire gerrsants' (infantry) elievrons. 16.000 pave corporals' (infantry) . 0/levier:to. le 000 yard. red bunting. . . /7 000 eras white bunting. - 8000 yards blue bunting. 2 200 yards 4.4 mt4ilin. 1.000,000 yards X cotton drilling. 241000 yards, beilamik tape. 3 0.0 4 arde option w-bbing, 1X inches. 7.000 ards bolting rope. 200 000 knapsacks, complete._ 2 0,000 iyvverssake.,aomplete, Bids will also .berecielved. at the name time and place. for the making op, from materials furnished by the Government, the following articles, to be delivered at the depot of tirml.olothing and equipage, in this city, • 2130,e02 tangle bedew:lS, 200 garrison nags. 200 stonn fine_ r t 200 recruitii.g nags. r All the above mentioned artiples mast conform in every resent to the sealed staneard patterns in this of fice. where they may ha examined and additionalin formation waived concerning them. - As it is desirable 'hat the articles be of domestic ileation, bids from manufacturers or regular dealers will be preferred, which must be made for and aonform io such articles only in quality and description, as are reinnird by the adverbs. meat and the samples in this office,. butcontracts wit ba awarded to the lowest re spo sible bidder, whoshall furnish sat-efaotory securi ties for the faithfal performance thereof. 1 he manufacturers' establishn eat or dealers' plane of business must ne distinctly mated in the proposal. together with the names, addre.a, and responsibility of two persons proposed as sureties. The sureties will guarantee that a oontraot Beall be entered into within teu days after the acceptance of said bid or urePoe-d. Proposals will be received for any one of the articles see moiety, and for any portion of each, not Ws than one. four th of the number or quantity advertised for. be privilege is reserved by and for the United S ates of rejecting any proposal bust may be deemed extrava i &inane, to commence within twenty days after the acceptance of the proposals, and one-tin dot the quan tity contracted for must be delivered within tWO months from ssid date and acceptonee, of tne remainder in monthly proportions. within four months of said date nf acceptance, or so ner, if muoticarde Bidders will, noverthetees, state in their proposals the shortest pea sible time in whirl the quituttites bid for can be deliv ered b • them all artfoire will be subject to insoretion by sworn in- Reactors. appointed by authority of the United States. It is to to distinctly understood that contracts are not transferaqe, without the consent of the proer author ity. and that any sate. eseisernerit or trans fer, without such cement having been obtained (except under a pro cure of law ), will ba regarded as an abandonment of the contract; and the contractor end his or their securities will be held responsible for all loss or damage to the United States which may arise therefrom. Payments will be made on each delivery. should Con gress have made an appropriation to meet them, or as soon thereafter as an appropriation' shall be insde for that pure se. Ten per cent of the &menet of each de anery will be retained until the contract shall op cow tde`ed which will be forfeited_ to the United States in case of defalcation on the part of the controotor in ful filling the contract. Forms of proposals and guarantee grill be furnished upon application to this office. and none will be con sidered that do not oonform thereto Proposals will he endorsed." Proposals for Furnishing Army Supplice and Materials," and be addressed, Major D. B. VINTON, Quartermaster 11. e. SIMI, Jr22-tAB Box 3205 Post Moe. ARMY .13IIPPLIEL. • ta,llAßTEßMatemilt Gamow. L's OPVlelt,t HARRTIMITRO, Silly 26. HSI. sHaI.PD PROVOS aL wi Ibe received at this coffee until it o'o'ock. M.. on FRI D V. the 2d day of August. 1861, for the following Army Supplies, deliverable at the State Military Store Harrisburg. in quantities as re qu red. Said proposals to be publicly osened at the time and place named, and the snooessfel biitders to be announced as soon thereafter es convenient—the rir nt being reeeived by the state to increase or diminish the number and quantity of said articles: Ten hospital Tents, -fflith flies, poles, pins, etc., com plete Sixteen hundred and fifty Common Tents, Poles, cies. eta, complete. Two hundred end fifty Wall Tenth, with flies, poles, pins. eta.. complete. One hued ed Drama, with tibiae, slings, carriages, own. oomplem. Two hundred 12001 Drum Heads—batter. Two hundred 2001 Drum Reads—snare. One hundred Coco% Fifes. Ten command three- pint Canteens, covered and strap ped. cotton. Ten thousand Anversooks, army standard. Ten thousand Haversacks enameled cloth. Tr n thousand Knapsacks, ,:rape, rtc , complete , awny standa.d. Ten thousand Knapsacks, straps, to., complete. ena meled loth. Six hundred Shovels. Btx hundrod spades. six hind 04 F atohete—handled. Stx hundred,Axes—h Six hundred noks—hanuled. Ten thousand Tin. Plates. Ten tneneaud pairs Knives and Forks.. Ten thousand Tin Cups Three thousand Meet Pans. One t ousand Camp Kettles. Ten thousand Blouses. tine thousand yards sky blue Tape. for chevrons. Teo thousand pairs roamers, footmen. Twenty thousand white tom t Fianna' Shirts. Twenty thongs d pairs Stockings. One thourian • pairs Cavalry boots. Ten thousand pairs Bootees. Ten thousand orage Cape. I Waive thousand Doub a "'umbers. 89 to 50 inclusive. Twelve thousand Letters. A to K inelneive. Ono hundred and thirty Sergeanta' Whets. Tea thousand Blankets. Ten hiousand Great Coats. Ten them, d sets infantry - accoutrements. Twenty ut usand pairs of Drawers Ten houeand Bankers. Wool (dray.? feet bye feet 6 inches. weighing 5 pounds each, with black letters, F. V., in centre four Ice' es 1013. P orty Ambulance Wago , s. of the rat'orn of the U. 51 arms, of four (4t wheels and two (2) Wheels. Forty hospital or Medical Transport Carts, U. B. ar my pattern Also. nets of harness for hors.', of above. The ambulance wagons, carts, and harness subject to the -inspection and approval, in quality and finish, of the surgeon general or Pennsylvania. whose decision shalt be Seal and conclusive. It is desirable that all the above articles be or do mystic manufacture. and, when any of them ere fur nished by the United Stales the gime must conform in all rasp eta to the sealed standard Pattern in the Uni'ed orates Quartermaster's Office end Military Store, Phi ladel hie. Ten per cent. of the amount of each delivery to be retained as a forfeiture until the contract is oomph ted. Contrairmp to state in their proposals the time when the goods can be delivered, end the speCIY de Well of snob aro° es as arc needed vii he considered in award ing the oontraot Successful bidders to give bonds with two approved securities Every prop sal to tie endorsed " Proposal for Army &who.. August 2d. 1861." all supplier contracted for under these proposals to be deli% bred at the Miiitery tsiorthouse in the city of Harrisburg. unions oiher•ise directed, free of ell (Marge for freight, boxiag• or drayage. unless freigpt to piece of greater than to Harrisburg, in which oa•e th- difference 'will be allowed. eD p pick ages so delivered to he marked on the mashie with num tmr and description of article, therein, and acme of party furnishing same, together with an Inv° oe of contents, enclosed, embrecips, in addition to above, notice of what special supply it is a part. R. C. HALE, j227-dtaue2 Q. M. en. P. M. THE WEEKLY PRESS. • .11 IS WEEKLY PREBB bBBlll established on a seOlire and permanent foundation, tut it is, in reality, a. marvellous example of the degree of favor winch a richtly-oonduoted LITERARY, POLITICAL, AND Ng WEI JOURNAL san receive at the hands of a liberal and enlightened public: Our most grateful thanks are tendered for the Patronage already:lir:stowed upon no, and we shall spare no Worts whioh serve to render the paper even more attractive,'usful, and popular in the future. The general .feihares of the paper, in addition to its POLITICAL AND NEWS IMPARTNIENTB, will be IpoStry; Skerthis, Biography, and Original and Br /rota Tates, chosen for their lessons of life, eiluittra. lions of history, depieture,of manners, and general merit—and adapted, in thou' variety, to the tastes el Loth sexes and all ages. OUR NEWS COLUMNS will continue to be subject to unremitting mire and attention, and all diligence be employed to make this paper a compendium of all the prinoipal events of inte rest which transpire at home and abroad. The LITERARY character. of TILE WEEKLY PRESS, now universally acknowledged to be of an ele vated stamp, shall not only maintain its present high standing, but shall be enhanced by important and valua ble contributions 'ram able writers. Deeming Puargli or reoneLs the great safeguard of private happiness and Rubble prosperity, We - shall carefully exclude from oars columns everything which may reasonably be objected to on the score of improper tendency. The fields of pure literature afford sufficient material to make au AC CEPTABLE FAMILY NEWSPAPER, containing all the elements of exoellenae, without ei single objeotion able line ; and the progirietor of the TILE WEEKLY PRESS, may hotly claim that no head of a family need hesitate to let its columns go under the notice of an; member of hie household. The 'POLITICAL conrge of THE WEEKLY PRE4fI need not be enlarged upon here. Independent, steady, and fearleen. It has battled, unwaveringly and gemout ly, in defence of the R.IGHTS or THE PEOPLE against EXECUTIVE USURPATION, and unfair snit tyrannical legislation; ever deolaring and adhering is the doctrine that POPULAR SOVEREIGNTY noun tutee the fundamental basis - of our free institutions, anti that the intelligence and patriotism of our oitixens will 'away' he preservative of a wise, lust,and military Gov ernment. Thes- are itthe principles to which THE WEEKLY PRESS has been committed, and to thole 11 Will adhere. TBRMO One Copy, One 00 Th re e Copies, one yeas. -_---- 5 00 Five Copies, one year-- _ 8 00 Ten copies, one LI 00 Twenty °boles, to one addrear, at the rate of gl Der 50 Oe Twenty Copies.to one address of each sub- writer.:. 011 Any.peraon sending us a Club of Turenty onnore, will be entitled to an extra copy. We continue to send Tifit WEEKLY MESS to Clergymen for $L Summon Owe/ will be forworded to !lode Who ra quest them. Batoorlatioat may ODZIIMODCO at any Was. 10111111 alwaYa opts, in allimutoo. All letters to be addressor/ to JOHN W. FORNEY No. 47.7 IV WISTNUT STREW?) Wir T. " - Mt 74. v. AL . VIBST, QUALITY ROONTRWSLATI zra bawl i for twie at the • 15MteiJrntrmt LiZurtv, ii * T illr x / % 1 0, 411.1 IR S. Fs* C0:444 gollicphia. THEY G.O EIGHT TO THE SPOT." INSTANT RELIEF! STOP YOUR COUGH! PURIFY YOUR BREATH! STRENGTHEN YOUR VOICE! SPALDING'S THROAT CONFECTIONS GOOD FOR CLERGYMEN, GOOD FOR LECTURERS, GOOD FOR PUBLIC SPEAKERS, GOOD FOR SINGERS, GOOD FOR CONSUMPTIVE% OENTIkEK6II OLIZY SPALDING'S • TEROA.T CONFECTIONS piano 4.13 ,pwourists WITH SPALDING'S THROAT .CONFECTION CHILDREN CRY TOR SPALDING'S THROAT .00NPROTION8 They relieve a Clough instantly. They clear the Throat: •ire They give strength and volume to the Voles. They impart a delicious aroma to the Breath. — They are delightful tothe Taste. They are made damp!. herbs, arid cannot harm I advise ever? one who has a Cough, or 11 - Milk" Voice, or a IlatiAlreath, or ariy dirioulty of the Throat, to get a paoktige of my Throat Confections. Ther-SWill relieve ion instantly. and you will agree with me that " they go right to the spot." You will find thein veri useful and pleasant 'utile' trayelling pr attending publics meetings, for etilling yonr condi or laving your thirst If you try one package. I am safe in laying that you wi4 over afterwards consider them indispenoable. You will find them at the Druggiste' and Deniers in Modininns, PRIOR TWENTY-FIVE CENTS: , My . Sigeeture is on each pookage. , other" Are • A Pecker° will be sent by mail, prepaid, on reoeipt of Thirty Coats. Address TIENRY O. SpALDING. No. 48 CEDAR STREET, NEW YORK C3EPHALIO PILLS SICK HEA.DA4:3IIE- NERVOUS HEADACHE. ODRIC ALL HINDS OP HEADACHE Ey the ave of these Pill" the periodical attaeks of Mar •err ar Siei Madam** may be Prevented and if tote. at the commeneement of an attack tinntetate relief !tom pain and slot - nem will be obtained. Whey seldom fail'an removing the Nelms end Ilisol .4tA4 to whioh females are so sulzject. Whey sot gently on the bowels, removing fferrionsoss, For Literary Mr.. Students, Delicate Females, and persona of sodootrare krabirs, they aro valuable as a Leurariso, bnyroving the annorirs, giving Imo and viler to the digestive organs, and restoring the manual elas ticity and strength of the whole slates. Who OE.PFLA.I,IO PILLS are the result of long investi gation and carefully conducted experiments, having Dean in use many yearn, taring which time they have Prevented and relieved a vast =aunt of pain and suffering from Keadaette, .whether originating in tie urges, system or , from a deranged stain of the ore totasA. Ike; are entirely' vegetable in their Si mpoiritiott, and may be taken at ati times with verfeet eaSely without mating any Ghana' of diet, mut the absents of any 0104- rrigabld Imago roaders it sissy Is lkilitheistar Assn es &Mersa. Bfftrdfil& 01 0013NTSIMOIT8 1 "le genuine ►ave are tizraisros of Roar? el. gPillefila on emit Box. Mild by Pristine and ill *flier Donors nn tdedieinos. ► Box Intl be Beat by melt orienald on rocitnt of tie PRIDE, OENTP4 ,All orderg aksielt Do Winona IEICEN" Rl' C 3. ePAf te CFID.AX SSW 70XX litrove the Saaweiners ly Wolk, rat. svpkelio Pins aerAomplisk the °War for'whisk thal were nude. rm.: Cure of headache in aft its Rona& Prime the Ersettoww, Notfoik, Va. Whey have been tested in more titan a thalami arias. with entire shoemia. /real the Democrat, St, Mond, Miami If you are. or have Pine ) übled with the may loud for a. box, feephallo too that 7011 may have them in mare of an snook. Peen eke Advertise , Pf R. I. The Cenhalio.Tilly are said a n d remarkably *ee live remedy for the headacheone of the very beat fo r that very frequent complaint Iftdoh has ever been from thi Westors .R..a. fiasstu, 171. We heextity endorse Er. XPeadinc. and kii urivsll•4 2111/11. Pr owe 144 Kaisasdas Tatity Star, ifisotawka, ?a. ere axe sure that persona ►iffibrint with the kosaisoko, who try them, will stick to theta. Erma £44 Strut/urn Pock Fiala, New Of USN Try them'. you that are afflicted. and we are rand that yaw tecainiony can he added to the already uttrovons Wt that ham merit& benefit% that no other medomine tan produoe. . , . . Pres As bt. Laois Daiwa. Wks immense demand fok-th• Mstiatis rithei to rapidly moressinc. , . . Ism tise Garstte,Davoirort. tans. Mr. soeming would not connect hie name with en ar ticle he did not know to "omen real merit. AvistAs Advartissr, .Preetiortee, .11.4 I. Iflie testimony in their favor is strong. (tea tks reset tssoostable quarters. Now Ma Deny Noun, Nowpoti. L I. grpkalis Pills are takiztt the )11 ' 1 4( a 'did,. Ines she ffootiownsi Boffins. Borns. 'sit to be oorr eiticielou for tko kinifmtlir /from at Ctinmourrioti MassiatioP IhdrOrtni Immunity eau raw be rolisvot. sr - A. mule bottle et grAMPINIFII NIMPAILEJ. 011113 will ono in timed Warns* sunny:MN SPALDING'S PREPARND OLDS 1 SPALDINCPS FRIPAUND GLUM SPALD/NOIS FRZPARED GUTS 1 NAVE IMF PLEOES! ECONOMY! Dygpaydrail NOP'" A ISTITen IM ttuts Ram liont."1111 As seetdents will happen. even in well-regulated families:it is lan dorirable to have some cheap and sonvonint war for repairing Furniture. Tore, Crocke r'', As. 11PAI.DINVE PREPARED NIUE Tots ail sue& emerienoios, and no household Oita ord to do withott tt. Li ii !AMATO reads. Iltc4 lUD tot the stinting pour.' . "15,3,1 1 11,1•111 EVERY HOVISE." M. Br—A Brouth seaomnsnie,it sash bottle.mull'. Address. I:LEINRY ID. SPALDING'. NO. 46 CEDAR STREET. MEW TORE, TAITION. As eirteiti unprincipled venom are rittszarling tp palm air ion the iineimpeoting priblio, imitation* ',of MY PREPARED GI ME, I 'would asetion all person', to =- jumble before pireba4ping, and see that tha felrroteme, 1111Gir SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE lit'; Is an the °staid* Wrasoirt ; akin are nil id I*g I t PRESS. - PIILLADELPHIA, TUESDAY, JULY 30, 1861. RELMBOLD;S GENUINE .PREPA:EA.TION! . HELM BOLD'S—FLMBOLD'II-11ELM BOLD'S ikLM BOLD'S-- 'LM BOLSVS--lIELMEOLTILS C.LMBOLD'S— LM. OLO'S-11 L ELM 90LD15 ;CLAM SOL O'S—Fl ELM SOL D'B--ti ELM BOLP 8 ELM BOL, O'S—TIEL M 801,D4111 ELM HOL D'S MLNIBOIL4II3—B IKLM HOLD'S—a E I4M BOLD'S HE I m BOLD'S—REL M SOL D'S--11 EL MEOLP'S H ELMEt •LD'S--if EL MEOL D'S--.114M BOLD% IIEt.M.BOL D'S—H EL M SOLDI-18 ELM BOLD'S ffELM BO 14 093—fi RLM r Ll:id-r L M BO LD'IS ILI BOL P:S—DELM OLD , A-- is BOLD'S fiis §op. g--11ELM 0 0 8-- ELin goL Q 'S E LM SOL Lli Mb M DO D'S--EDLM SOLO'S HELMMOLP' —HELM BO D'S - -191nLMBOUP'S Rim /Klima, aELtasouva— HEL M Bowes IPCSIPOSITIVE 410 SPECIFIC TIvE AND SE'g POS I TIVE AND POSJTIVE AND SPEC , IC A POSITIVE AND SPECIFIC POSiTiVR AND ' A POSITIVE AND SPEC FIC A POSITIVE AND SPECIFIC A POSITIVE ANO SPECIrIC A PO ITIVR AND SPECIFIC A POSITIVE AND. SPECIFIC A POSITIVE AND SPEcIFIC , A POSITIVE AND SPECIFIC • A POSITIVE AND SPECIFC A POSITIVE AND SPECIFIC 1011 DISEASES OE rift BLADDER. KIDNEYS, GRAVEL, DROPS BLADDER, KIDNEYS, GRAVEL...DROPS . BLADDER, KIDNEYS. GRAVEL, DeoP:s . BLADDER. KII.NEYS. GRAVEL...DROPS , BLADDER, KIDNEYS, ORA vEL, DROPSr, -BLADDER. KIDNEYS. GRAVEL,. DROPSY. BLADDER, KIDNEYS, GRAVEL, DROPS BLADDER. KIDNEYS, GRAY ELOES ' • BLADDER, RION YS, GRAVEL , DR OPS , BLADDER, KDNEYS, GR 4 VEL: ROPSY,' ' BLADDER. KIDNEYS GRAVEL, DROPS'' BLADDER, KIYS, GRAVEL, - DROP' - GLAD' ER. KI DNE YS. GRAVEL, DROPS .DLADDER, KID EYS, GRAVEL, DROPS_ , BLADDER. KIDNEYS, GRAVEL, DAPPSy, IMPURITIES Or THE BLOOD, ..,,• lIITIRITIr OF TILEFOQD, &o. IM URITI 18 r 1 LOO, &o. IM URITI '3 OFT ali LOOU &a, IMPURLTIPS OP THE BLOOD ,' &o. /MPURITIES OF THE BLOOD, &o. IMPURITIES OF THE 111..00D, &a. IMPURITIES OP THE BLOOD, &o. IMPURITIES OF THE BLOO , &o. IMPURITIES OP „THE LO° . &o. IMPURITIE S OF HE 1.00 . Its. IMP uarcus OF HE BLOO D . ice. IgPURITI OF THE BLOOB, ir 144#141112 3 3 Sc :111 - 1;111.10°D; #..: . . . AEIVOIS DLSB.MSIII, lftuversal Lareitode of the htesottlar System. DIMMES6 OF VIBIOII, INSANITY, 4-EMCI 4M4P4 , &P HEILMEOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU. H 0 FAMILY SHOULD.BE WITHOUT IT. no EvgLy SHOULD BE WITHOUT IT. PHARMACY AND CHEMISTRY; The meet eminent Physicians; endorsed and reeoM mended br distinguished Clergymen. Governors of Suttee, Judges, the Press, and all who use it—every- : where—evidence of the moat reliable and responsible character open for inspection. IT 1S PlO PATENT NOSTRUM. It is advertised fiberfill,, and ita basis is merit; and depending upon that, woofer our prepara tion to the afflicted and euffenng Humanity with entire confidence. IIM pitopErrigs OF TEE inosnA (NU: BATA Were known as for baok as two hundred years, and its peculiar effects on the Mental and kliyal cal Powers are spoken of in the highest termer by the most eminent author. of the present and ancient date, among whom will be found Shakespeare, Byron, and others. From this fact it has proved eminently successful in those symptoms of a nervous temperament, arising from sedentary habits and protracted application to truthless, literary pursuits, and confinement from the open air, and is taken by MEN, WOMEN, AND CHILDREN, REIMBOLIPA EXTRACT BVCRU Is pleasant in its taste and 00.0 T, and immediate in its notion. and free from all Injurious Proierties. Oates at Little Expense. LITTLE OR NO ORANGE IN DIET. LITTLE OR NO ORANGE IN DIET. If von are suffering, send or oall for the remedy at once. Explicit direottona aoctoMpany. Frio. ONE DOLLAR per bottle, or six for FIVE DOLLARS, de livered to any name, inittal, hotel, past, expreaa °Sloe. or store. .HELIABOLD 8 GENUINE PREPARATIONS. RELNLBOLD'S GENUINE PREPARATIONS. EXTRACT BUCRU, EXTRACT SARSAPARILLA. PHYSICIANS. PLEASE NOTICE : We make no aeoret of insredienta. The Compound Hoehn la composed of Beams, Cubebe, and Juniper Berries. seleoted by a competent Druggist. and are of the beat quality. H. T. ETELMBOLD, FRAOT/DAL AND ANALYTICAL CHEMIST. SOLD AT HELDWOLD'S !MEDICAL DEPOT. NO. 104 SOUTH TENTH STREET, BELOW CHESTNUT, Where all Muer. must be addressee. BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS ABE FOR " HEL11113014:r TARE NO OTHER, flog.—Depot N 0.104 Beath Tenth 'treat. Send, on% or write at onoe. The medhnne, adapted to each and every ease, WILL BE PREPARED, if neoeesarY, en titling the patient to the benefit of mirk*, and a speedy and permanent Our., THE END SO KWH DEfilltED ievie-fievl=. it NO ,PAT. TORNIP SEEDS. Now Crop. (warranted,) 1861. Wbolehalo and Retail, ALFRED 0 ALTRMUS, Implement and Beed Warehouse, .No. Sl3 North DECO?' D Below Callowhill. SliliNci.--A small invoice of Hides, Sheep, fuld Solt 134•1,i t yt Iteeisei from the West fit Gee, mitt. hy JA • .TCIiE * CAXETAI SIOS 11.00. v., oWe OOlL.—Pure Olive oil in white IV DID= bottles juitt reoctived Der hark Juliet- Par aalabl JA tritErOßE &MA tlrl A 1 11.8. •mm ND. MIS) 114101 b pizowv .1.4.1. CLARET WINE—In casks and ca,ses of the brawls oft. Joliet. Mercer Want- [Woo Pup Ilaa. For sale by_JAIIIILETC:Re. 411LBTAIRX • do. OD. ihvit 1 1 1 W rotto.t.. W OAD-500 lbs. for sole by EIMILSA 111ARVIM It flu 47 W ail * .ts 111.1111 itwas *butt MEDILINAL. 1 XTRACT BURIT XTR ACT BIT U EXTRACT BU DU xTR ACT BITC 1.1 EXTRACT BUCHU VI X : TR / C:T - O BUCH I U EXTRACT I O FU EXI RACT BeICRU EXTRACT BUCRU • EX CRACT. SUCH U , EX rRACT BUCRU EXTRACT BUCHU EXTRACT BUCHU , THE GREAT DIURETIC THE GREAT plinpvc. • THE GREAT Dili la:fig: T TIII gTun tl , , THE GREAT DI 11.3. THE GREAT _RE ; • . TILEGREAT R_ICRETIO. • THE GR EAT , of URETIC. • • THE GREAT pt URETAC. • THE GREAT DIURETIC. THE GREAT MIMETIC. • 1431,rIEDY AND ILL DISEASES AND ALL DISEASES AND ALL . DISEASES AND ALL BIS TES ,AND ILL MS SES AND ALL DISF RS D ALL DISEASES AND ALL DI SEASES AND ALL DIS EASES AND ALL AND ALL DISEASES AND ALL DISEASES AND ALL DISEASES AND ALL DISEASES ARISING FROM A RIS INQ *Witt f? Om &NG F *OM 14. SING FRO 1_14181,16 PROM ARISING FROM ARISI NG f FROM AR ISING FrROM Axial re F I.GM. .. ARISING FROM ARtET FROM AR ON O FROM ALUZO 0 FROM Aff.W 0 FROM iIOtiSSILPIION, EP/M . OlBlO FITS, lANGVOIL rfutvousr(ESS. PALLID COITN7ENAJIOE. BOHR STOMACH, SICK HEADACHE, rrapsrad saaattitug to PHI6CRIBID AND USID BY TRY ONE BOTTLE. TRY ONE BOTTLE. PREPARED, fa ream, TNSURANCIC COMPANY OF THE RTATF: OF P PI4 NWLVA 4 lA.—OFFIC f`ies. 4 and 41 EXCUANGE BUIL nINO . _,B Nol th aide of W AL UT liftroat. between DOCK and THIRD !Mee vs, Vials- INCORPORATED in 179/=CII A PTER PERPETUAL, C 0 1P1 PAL. .5100 000. PROPERTIES OF •''RE •• • 04 Y. FEBRUARY I, 186 1 ,8/.07 091 61. MARINP, FIRE. AND INLAND TRANBPORTA wam INSURANCE. DM ECTI7RS. Henry D. Phorrerd. Sninu.d Grant. Jr.. Q;tri t :a Mitosis/nor , Twins Wacker. I I m 4 . "'man, Thomas D. W Memo. phn B. Budd. Gems G. Preeninn, William R. Whito, Char es''. Lewis, George H. Stuitriow.rd C. T n e i or h r (7. Carson, HENRY D. Sit ARSE D. President. WILLIAM. HARTS n. Gamete' , Y.• jy29-tf NTHRAOITE UTOURAPIOI4 00.11112A "1- gaeltal 0 4 .0.WO — CIMA1TE1 01100 No.llll vIAIII tiu Street. hetwen nub' Street, Yliisdolpkia. Company will 112211115 I°l4 *r d7l3are by Piro, se BitiJimrs.fermtary, and Marchand:a* c.a.- "ll Alb Matins llMlllitill4ll *lt Ys i ls, irtem9, MU Yutrlt*. 1004 lauritt.To4; • Aliy.ra a tta armiolg, J saelolaker. ic‘epit 111. irtltsr !eke Ketcham, kadsuriert. ;min itleluet•z, rater Peels _ ti reuse', Tr?. Pam, 10107 f • J. AMS • Wm. F. SIEJLIf Vise Zremlitent, W. K. lief MIL Reerstary. THIN. IFU:r tit ;)2; • hiDTDAL Ilifftrit ti nitt a)1, •: lC f 4.IIIISLYNIAL, striate se. Be. IV Aikanow ilierss 'salmi LORI On 4.l.iim4R i p 167 r iwA. .1 Estelle, Maroc, ant other bkildiuss. hull. : . sr c mbl oetoal. and on Fornitare Wares, and Mir• skindice, in town or ecintry. gaga BA.1•17/A.1,,.t 331,110 do-A86k.M.0.12.511 ..t: .... Which is limited as follows, rm.: is first morteaces 'on my property, worth double the amount--;. - _ 8t04.n8 is rinasylvanda Railroad Cole 6 per coat. first ••• , mortgage loan, at par —.- --- .Pereterleania Railroad Co.'s 6 per sent. is . • coed mortrage toact, (450,04) ......... 77,1k)0 00 ilhinttazdon • and Broad . 'Top Railroad an 4 ,• '. Canal Co.'s mortgage 10611—'-.:-...-...a. 4,000 00 round rent , first-olaso---......-• ...:-.:.....- . 2,462 GO !lateral loans. well scoured ' '' .._ .. ........- 2,600 00 . 7of Philadelphia 6 per omit. losui - ......"..... 00,000 On esherry County 6 per oent. Pa.1211...10an.. 10,000 00 minerals! Bank stook—. --................ • 6,116.1/1 eohiulios' Bank stook - '......1.-•; . ..:..4..- ......4". ' som - so Pennsylyarua Railroad Co.'. stook:—....- 4,000 00 like•Lelienee Mutual Ituswanoe Co.'s stook 10,310 oo ihe County Fire Insurance Co.'. stook— 1,050 00 be Delaware M. S. Insunsnoe Co.'s stook.- Sao PO Rl_lt Mutual / 1 1Sursooss CO•11 !ono-- sec Oo Pair r =ls4;4 ' ini - S ie - r - list. ; 7 -.4 ... . "," " ..,.. 7,104 Ell lash on hand-- —..—,..--- - .. 11,666 64 .. . emits at The hiutaal principle, combined with the aeourity of %Stook Capital, entalem the insured to partmipette in theprotta of the Company, without liability for lorses. 01111611 promptly adjusted and paid. DIRICTORII: 1eittaTTPV,.. 67 .1,0.,„.., "ZuNllit.'„h — . Fredariok B rown, William Nittiapr, William Stevenson. Bent. W . Tinley. John It. Wetted', Marshall Bill, 1. 1,, Carson. J. Johnson Brown, °WWI, GimalesUlang. . 0 ..-Krain ol ianD JoaogT. Be.;•11- us barles S. ' _ ilmit M i ze, James B. o wird ikr ;:ohn. Blase . Pittabare. • - • - 0 TOM , P.rWdocit. A. M. MINCVMAN, n. -iroblusry 1...1931.1el THE . ENTPIRPRXISW INKCIRANOM 0011a.P.a.rin- 01'l'ara4.1)111,PAA: (FIAZ IIfSB3AXOS RXOI4/3I'VEL7., d'OMPANT'Et Iir.fLDIN6, S. W. +SFOR NAS PO WITH AND WALIIUT 82".CRETS. IDIA.1:0707t0: 1 f P. JLiseavoig Briat.. Pdontatcki 1,..04.145qu. • ILmall IlicX2s • str. ifellr.l2ll .•. .• ot7V. P A.Pstruoit . , r..V W. I r 'MIA , lU. T . WRILD/071.. PD.ABIA D. o.a.cd.' ilium Ws,►B }• Od~ee, it t.IAILINGIII. F.RAIDM 0 317.AR.1.. Powdent.. CL►ALES W.OO.XE. /Mon:nary. DO PENN MIITI7A 0 1:9:1;EFE .INSURANON A. COMPANY No. E151,..011/reif IfAgtSakiirig.. Et a ..E4.1 zEn.rtci cid g Lido Ja; 'PROF.( KZ pnrwElt /ow e 'tut to ußbp. Inman Lives for short rum or for the whole term of life; grant Annuities and En dowments; purchase Life Interests in Neal Estate, and make all contracts de pending on the contingencies of life. They act ,as Exeantore.. Administrators, Assignees, Trustees, and Guarcimne. ABBETEI OF THE COMPANY, January 1, 1861. Mertgages, ground rents, real estate.— .salgtAl 57 Vnited Mates stocks. Treasury notes. loans of State of Pennsylvania, city of Ptlin • delpttia, am,768 Painianin notes, loans on oollaterals, /Co. ... • 25'7,694 68 Pennsylvania. North Pe4l/417fraDiS• roads. and Comity sti per cent. b0nd5..._.106,802 50 4_30u1 t. inintr4noe;Yailroad, canal stooks , &a. g 1.06 746 I.BMtl on hand. agents' balances, kg.. 38,206 14 $1,41,1i1 g h. AUL/XI, Pretrinea. 8A iUEL E. STOKES, Vice President. • Jolla lc NOR OR. filsoretuy. mh.22-tf fraAwma M - UTUAL SAFETY M- IntilArafCß COMPANY..PRILADELPHIIt. ilt•Oftootatod by th* Loristataro of Pennzylrataa, .1414* 11. IS; was 17CAE1MT lervotr. • yEnLAD.E.L.Frint. • v - : V r+l4ll" ir* sal villa, tic Via: t! V 11. • • • LARD ixr.f2A.Koiss itsF.*.7l, pold la: 4 d orte_ • . TIIV ViI t IINN I AVFU I°6' • 4 1 31.Maiiiind.h• f. 4 Fmers.l!r• Iztisrikk t - biers. G.I. TPLE 001.frt I". ft ovamt.sr 1, IMO, 4100.000 'United Stator 4V6 4r sent. loan tt: Ca,ooo Tinted States six cent . Treasall' Now, (with aoeinad interest)__ 21140ar 100,50 Po tioxylvania Etat= Eva ih:" ten ,570 02 11,000 do. fle. sir do. As. :HMS CO IM MO Palladekhis Citr gi cont. Lean. /20,503 KI 80,000 Tonne's°. Stags two osnt. Loan-. 24,0011 tO 68,000 l'attnrylaatua Rsalro 3d yaortgago eta I. lent. bonds—. Oft PO shares, stook td.cmiontc - Vni eau Company, llizoreat jald amaoival grarcototgl Vr thy. 011, of Olio itTahia • - lf ZOO OO ilargi ILO share. Yormarhosnia IZailroai 2 • •• • " ,I,W 00 2,60: 1 7,90 4.1.5rea Aorta Paririarkfisaire 4 , 1 4 / - rodop 00 02.4.a0ra - lzh.46leir/da Ean ttat d stow 1,175 03 MO 5 share." Pmond MaTro-do lkyans Steam `low-boat Conivaa.r. IQ DO • 020 2 Philadolalda E7-Ottanta 15A 1,100 la aru Coathloatal 'Rotel Co..— 100 001:10 • clial,7oo oar. Coat 8147.17(0.01. Market T21.41601.10a 71 Bills receivable, for ituotraztoiat toado-111,38a Bends-and 111,1 W DO Taal masts • T 51,601 PO Tabooed dr. stAgonoted—Praintaros on Ma- TIM Petioles. intorest...3.l . othdr debts do. tka Contoa.nr- - that: fr.; lend. 414 steak of 'scatty Ittraranoa 10 , 4 of or /,aSt eras so "".04 Alt. Ai • 401 41. Villlnsi Ail 1151. - ' EAretel Z. V.15:£11- . iyi k vao A. Vs. , 3qr; Ile Ye 2, 214 11 M, Tbri:, -- aik.t , ..tv,;,gjac . i krZignizztos, .I , elLs C. Owns.. ~ i .!... Ica , selirsolc*, . . i rser 1, .v.ot say ; _bencer Ai'llyzepc. i Mleftliel 2. RUM, ji lll , l 4 akt u, ..7,j a r t t l, 7.., , P. wbort r.iirton, Wawa 4 — .Extirt.r. , .. i,N.n. 7. J*ntv. .iws.nek A . • Sofki, i . 3,t,r , ,,..:1 , . !el.'lrtrien.i. - .or. X. rd. Amost•ii.. .Ici - ArA P. Eyre, Or..pres • -.rCfi...4 i le.s*, 44 . ii• B. !Icnple, rityY t. trja 4 ,,g kr, . 2: ii. 7 ., I: . 0:"I1td L ,P r4lieAt. t 79. U. LOW; Inao Prodient. I1EXR1" Ie.T.F.EVX.N. decrecarr. nolf-tt . pax LNSUILAIWE EXOLUSITELY.— c s. 14 ' u t T y PFNNSYLIaIIrA f c , f t ß A ii e ttr T?ifAL--No. 610Wef TT Street, opposiee Indopr3 pL ~ XPE 4: *nee Square. This. Company, favorably known to the oomronnier for thirty-six years, continues to insure against inaa or damage by Fire. on public or private Buildings. either Permauent4 or for a limited time. Alto. on Furpiture t rtooka .ot goods or-leterehendian genera ll y , on liberal terms. Their Capital, together with a large Burp* Fund. iA favesteel in the moat careful manner, which enable& thin CO offer to the . insured en ter/demote: Deserter 11' tko out of loot zraligvnte. ' Jonathan Fineman, te..sa Eulaltarst. iuntin Comtotrell. stoma: "Robins, )aiandar Hanson, Daniel !Smith, Jr., Winitat biontalins, John Deseretz. • Thomas smith. JONATILA.N PATIVE.RBOIi, hititlent. WiLLIAN. e. CROWILL, Seteretary. A 6117 _ . wi lrlsrite INSURAEUE 7.1 1 1:0 -1. 1 , ./F410E' I.2I3IIItAIME COMPANY of Pkiladolohia, 136 Ilerth BIXTE Street, below Raoe. insure Billie uteßo3e4dAtonti Nitt6handjse gene:Ally from loos or Omega by Fire. If ka somfany gee -matey , to eilioxi 101 lessee pronivy. tkoroby Xope 'amt. els 1102.1731 , ass ottlia Pt Ail. VILZU2,I,R, 'William Wete.aa, •—• kabert Fiamgea. ""minis Cooper. hijohael bicaeac, ehotea L. Dellizr6. IZiwarci aletiorena, • Jtainfel . p. ffkophss tB. Mlflorxiek iblet D' & .1 a a r e lroteler, tthew °Alan, Flanaie Fein*, Bernard Rafferty, /elm Casoadl, nem& J. Rempiiili Bertarii R. kailememe.. inICIVCIS Fisher, Charles C lare P 3(shiansti, Ittlp4el Cahill. FRAIICIIS C00.141t. Preiddetit. PEJLM . Jan 2..G.FFERTY. Seonsterv. eagl-ly AIifERIOAN FLEE INSURANCE 00., 0100111.11 LAVED CZAIVIRX PER rV ~o 310 WALNUT Street, above Third , Philadelphia. Raving a large paid-no (..hpital Stool . and-Surplus, insetted in tonnd and available Beoarities, continues to Misr. on Uwetlinga, stores, Furniture, aterelnandise, Vessels in port and their cargoes. and other personal property'. Ail losses hherally ;nd gromutly uttiusteel. 111111C1rOka. WhOs. H. Maris. John T. bowls. John Welsh, James A. Campbell. Ifamtel Q. Merton. Edmund 0. Dutilit.• ?Mak Brady,) Morris Cho& W. Positives. brrao. 'WHOM AS iL MAWS, President. Alliaiklitlf eItAWFORD. aeoretary. fell-tf d xiiirt, - Sag • lislitaiLiNt4 . QUAIPANT • —Office No. 409 W4lllOl Street. FIRE INS bRA1443_14 on Roane: and Merchandise pe Essierelly, on favorable totem, either limited. er per tual. • Hilt Ef...1105.13: Jeremiah Bonen% themes Mareh, En L a Q . elnuodo, Charles Thore.ssos. dverd_p. Roberts. Jamas 7. Hale, asa L. Smedley, ;Wen 7. Owen. ' sten C. Nal Jobe J. Orlifittur. J.EhilAn BONEIALL, President. ' JOHN Q. GaimoDo, Vloe President, Itierrazp Uos. Secretary. Jeri 10111-IILADELPHIA TAR R A-0 OTTA AL WORKS W , • Ones end are ROOM, 1010 C.REWYNIIT Myatt, Ornamentel Chimney Tops. garden Yuen and Btatnery. Brepacietio Floo inz AVr i l g i o tt E g r raani' Iort iT4 I S M I FT P A lira. 4earn-eresam Cramp' ye. liter Pipe, MUM to stand vrassnre cheep and amble. supplied on hberat mom i Illustrated CaWorark - war by Knit cc arsiloation bi I 0. nAiXaOll, labia 4 PIIIVIOIIII, xopasi. J IIST RICOECTED, per "Annie Kimball," from Laren's:Kit, Mintier; Weaver, & Slander's oreearatto.ws. re F im.raot ileonitt.tn,l 19 jam, U. •p tract Rystmt:ln I aim, its •. • treat Del minor, In I *lam, 1911 19•••' treat War i. Int *jam, -00 1191 ID Eta' Golohsol, In )19 bottled. Se Da 01. ?Woolen Stmt.. in 1 II nett*. NV lk Calomel, in If bottler, 440 St• Pi) lirdrarr, In 1 *Jana WETH ERILL & BROTHER, *MI 4, and 49 North SECOND street MI AURSRM.` , LIBILLIM:2 , SIIAD, SAL,. tell MON; ein.--44000 Ohl. bleu flea. I, 2, all it MAO ow 16 41 0,rodrear,„ aci small, In nuliortti vaakagii el •Aolne late- e au ght at 6.b. 1,003 biota. NeW q l4 ll .l , Eat trort, int i.r.Srat.r is,. • r log6 trl.iettnnaieVi s i . .. .re". 2,000 boxes extra new r. 04 e mote. WV boxes tams Alarlakili: errlr,ek• X , ISO btOe Meet nee wrt e k. 10 bWi, moo nom_y LA , a S bble. new Inez. serum,. 1441. ILON Quintals *rand Bank , 8311bexers gerineter-noentMet, Is itta• sad Inbar. fer sale sr htlltiliY k_l(29m, nell 1 1 19.141,6 ZlOteili wnAgVE,X, ill PHILADELPHIA AND HEADING RAILROAD. PB§4/ ENGLER TR t4S for POW/I/VILLE, READ ING, and HARRIS DAIL Y and after May X, 1951. MORNING LIN IRS; , (Sundays exoevted±L Leave ?law Dcpotoorner of BROAD and CALLOW- X ILI, atreets PH,ADELPHIA,. (Passenger en trances on Thti U lennth and on Callowhill streets,/ at A.M.connecting at thsyrusburg with the PENNSYL VANIA RAILROAD 1 P.M. train. running to Pitts burg • the CUMBERLAND VALLEY 1.011 P. M. tram 41 / 1 1 1 . 1' nt to Chamber/I/built. Carlisle. tec.; and the H NORTERN CENTRAL 111.311,R0AD 1 P. M. train running to Sunbury, ke• AFTERNOON LINER. Leave Now Depot, oorner of BROAD and CALLOW MILL Streets, PHILADELPHIA (Passenger en trances on Vhirteanth and on Calli . lllll , hill streets.) ror POTTSVILLE and HARRISBURG, at 3.16 P. M.. DAILY, cannoning at liarnsb with the Nothorn Central Railroad, for Sunbury, willittelsPert, /RUG. ho.; for READING only, at 6 Y. M.. DAILY, (Benner; ti e _y/ tad. ) Di : ETA-NOES VIA PHILADELPHLA AND READ ING RAILROAD. FROM POILADILIMIA, Miles, To Phcemgwille—.-- SA} Philadelphia mad Readies if and Lebanon Valley R. sr- Millersburg.'—.l42 Treverton Jon/Alen 189 /Sunbury. . ..153 Northumberland 7....171 Lewisburg.....— —l7B Milton Manor Jersey Bhere.--..3113 Look Haven --...233 Wililitnikport and Elmira ' 2/17 Railroad. The 8 A. M. and 3.16 P. M. trains connect daily at Port Clinton, (Sundays excepted.) with the CATAWIIR3A. WILLIAMSPORT. and , FMB RAILROAD. k i ppzg (dose oonneetions with limes to Niagara Falls, Cana,la; the/Wthe/Wont and southwest. ent It! j`IIII4ADEL FRIA.: Corner of BROAD and CALLOWHILL Btroets. W. H. McILHENNEY, Secretar.t. mYIO-tr May SO. MR iligittagNE r rgi„ AMP., GERMAN TOWN, AND NOltilS 7 / 1 1 )44 tfAlfigity. (10 and atm' Mon4laY. Als7 1 3 18m. FOR En6B.ISAN'I'ONVIi. Levi 6 Philadoiplus 5,7, 8,9, 10, 11, 12 A. M., 1, 9.3. 3A6. 4 , 5 4. 63 C 7 ,8, 9, 103, and /135 P. Al. Leave viertnantown 6.. 7%. 8. 8.20,9, /0. 01,17 A.M., 5, 4.6, 6, 634,734. 8919 X P. M. The 8.20 A. Al. and 3.6 1'. M. Traina atop at German t.own only. - ON SUNDAYS. Leave Philadelphia, tii A. in., 536 r 5 . and 1034 P u n Leave Germa ClaESNlMntown- a- A ILL A m 1 4,6 t- and 534. P. M. Ye Philadelphia, 11, 8,10, lA. M., and 106 P. M. Leave Cheetnatßill, 7.10, 8 8.40, 9.40,11.41 A. 614.00, am, 6.40, 7.10, 8.40, and 1030 P The 8 A. M. and 3.36 P. M. 'inn make no stove on the ermatitoirn road: ori au ryDAI. it y Laave.Philadelphia,.64l_A,M 1.9,741 Chestnut 7.50 A. 51 4 0 6.10, and w FOR OONISDOILOCKEN AND NORRISTOWN. Leaves Philadelthls, 6.60. 7%, 9.06. 11.06 A. 10 , 0.06, 6.06,4 M, 61t. 8, thud 111 i P. Lamm Norristown, 7. COO, 9,11 A. M., 11G. 91G, MC and 9% P. M. - ON 813NRAYB. Leave Philadelphia, PdANA9 A. M.. 3 arida P. M. Leave Nornmown. f 3( YRNK. =4B P. M. FOR Leave Philadelphia SAO, 73i 9.04, 11;85 A. M., 1.06, f. 03. 346,4 X, 6M, 8, aa.ll4' P. Leave Manarunhalh(.7M, &U, 934,1134 A. M., 2, SM. 0,7. and 10 P. hi. ON EIVHDAyB. Leave Philadelphimi:9 /11:: dg. it3id 93i P. M. Leave Manaynak. lA. M., Hi, Mu. Mll 9 P. M. ElMlT_R,`Hederal Supertntendent nrell-tf Depot. RIME and GBERN. Struts. VIIHE • PRNI4BI rIN AN tit :'0 SI.Q Tit (L stu...Ruz, 960 MILES DOUBLE TRACK. ' 1861. Mistapfte 'lB6l. TER CAPACITY OF TI9O IN All Ta NOW EQUAL TO ANY IN BF, COUNTITi . . TERRE THROUGH PAH.SENGER RAINS BETWEEN PHILADELPHIA AND P TTSBURri Connecting direct at Philadelphia with Through Trains from Boston, New York, end allsointa F.eArt, and in the Union popot at Pittsbmg with Through Trains 01 and from ati Persia in the West, Northwest. and Southweat —thee furnishing facilities for th.e tranawittatior; Paesongers uniparueand for sued' sad' cosntezt by ?tar talker routo. Idmlea 9 and F4..4. 14.4 HIU teraugl - . to ?Maha r '. witho , tOliange utvra or uonduotors. All Through ter Twain% providtid with Lo l ug i hridge'y Patent Fligu e Titritil l o l h G I ; trergteioonftat?eligt engineer. Smoking Care are attito e to each Train ; ood rulrs➢ SteepluOara to Express and Fast Tilting. The Fan) EBB RUNS DAILY: Mail and Fast Lines, Stin• tare eactipuit. Mail Train luau Philadelphia at LE M. Fast Line " Newels: le.are;_ r P. N* ' 1g la LOW Eurriaburg Accormaoilatol i N a ida Columbia. 7.11 P. M.. Columbus nricesbarg " bee cl. West Cheater " No I, at 8.15 A. M. " No. 1 at 12.00 P. ht. West Chester Passengers will take the Weed Cheater Noe. 1 and 2 Harrisburg accommodation and Columbia Trains, Paasengers for Banbury, Williamsport, sg fedo,. Niagara Falls, and interm.dir,b3mfitemant Philadelphia at 7.P9 4, a..d Ilk P. M., to directly through. lifi.iteta Westward may be obtained at the °Mese of the Company in Philadelphia, New York, Boston, or lialtinsore i.and Tickets Eaetaerd at any of the impor tant Railroad Mesa in the Weet • als o on board aILT bf the regular Line of Steamers on the ffi ississippi or °hie rivers. Fare als!arts as 1 0V. 2;44 ti4oag cathek, kw I , r any ° Air "FaiNo s r iniordiation apply at ilia. Passenter tips, Pldetheast corner of Eleventh and Market streets, The completion of the Western connections of the Pamylvstils, Railroad to Chicago, make this the DIRECT LINE BE' LEIGN TH EAST AND THE VOgllrT: Vho connection of trao by the Railroad Bridge et Pittsburg, avoiding all drayage or ferriage' of Freight, together with the saving of time, are advantages readi ly appreciated by Shippers of Freight, ?Ltd lac THerel ling Paoli°. Mbialveltind Elaissore entreating the transports ti‘,l, of their eight to this Company, can rely with confidence omits weedy trrit THE RATER OF FRE GRT to sad frz:zo any point in the West by the Pommy veins .Reilroad are as alt lianas ad favarabis as are della by etatr Kaiksad SF" Be lertiettly tatiaaava " via l'enasyt vatic RA For to Or add res s eater .tollowing Anent; of the C.4alnoony . • - •D. A. IStowart, Pittaburt: .11. IS. Flares & Co. i 2.aineavine, od J. 7, Johnson, LOY, 0.; R. McNeal', M ay s ville, Ky .' (.Ir4leby DK, POrt.irOtab, ; Paddock & co.. Jeffersouvuns. Indians ; W . Brown & Co., Cincinnati. O.; Ahern Ifibbert, Ciaornsustr, O.;: R. -Q. Irladusor., rad. , Joy . E. Moore, Lowaville; Ky. - P. G. O'Eiler & NirmorriGes, lad. ; rt. W. Oraldun & Co., Caro, ,_• BeuEa, Bha2er & Glare, St. Louie. Mo.; Joitn 4. Harris, Nashville, Tenn.; Barris & Ru s t, Mem rotitl.ladi;,(lla.r C .Fa - i01 1 147;1 11 .-c,;fIiff.zr1; 1.1,6 A.' Jr.. Pk Ar e tlelaiiin, • IdAGRAW & KOONS, 80 North atxoe_,t Bahircore. LEECH & Co.. 1 Ardor Ronza;or 1 N.Y .11. 1 3.60_31. ac CO. N 0.77 atm* strapt, /I.<"?B'2oN, fienel Frairkt Annnt. Pidia. .0 PT, Gen'l oas, B. LB 13, *melaninAltoona. Pa. 1a84" 1861 • • 1.04).te CIUMMINt 4._&p.NGA- .-Pi W YORX 1.L.188 29 - Z.E. m l , .Art r • BOY ..ND PALMA ..UN " Pi iILULCIDAD 4:10.'13 ALIAS F Ord PiIif..ADELPIRIA'WOKBW YOXIC ADD WAY PAA02913, MUM ws.kpirw-FT. arisaXtr Ala SINSIIIIITCIN PaPer Wadi /BAN% AI 70ALLOWN, VLY. : At C A. 32., via fasslagt aad A*b*y. 22. and A. As 4c.morodatlea . _ et 23 At 2 A.. eta Gana's sad .7 . errer (D.;44 Aseoraridatuoa.....w....• - • - 2 U 32 G A. !Loots %Os Au Sires*lll2l's Marian A i l / 4 41 4rnaittime.gten and .faresy city, At r • law, drialinidera — aid - AsibeyJe. es* raw,- °CI datum-- - • 23 At P. M., vlaOgindeWeant.pobey:O.a.iid.ll:l23- At P. raidnor ."-- ron andJaraky gihpil9v7- DOD ran 2 .-.- 00 At oc v. Witatnegton ate sorra, OW 04 . avgliti`li chat ' .•' • - At IP M.., via 0921211611 and Jersey atty. Evening D n At 11x1 P. M.:, via Madan and fersav Oity,Deasa- 3 00 ere . .... 3 00 At 113( P. M., via . Camden and Jersey City, Yd Clans Ticket • --._ 323 At fj 2., M., 1.10 06AGATLGY.:4. - ArT, Airsora tufa. (Freight iti.Peseohg?r :1111 guy et_ 2 t 13 Do t • - - ulaes i0.0t.. Zige-scr bagerans 11M P 21, ern Men, tfato Eden: extorted. Per Water ( dapAtrondebescKiirantan., Wilkoebarro, Montrose, Croat bend, ate" rad 4,1%. from Unsington, rik Dalaws.ra.Usanwsnna and Western I. A. Far Mauch 13bonl, Allsntewn, Bethlehem, Belvidere. Easton. Avast: Maws, F111iA1120.432. he. at 7.10 A. M. and 4 ) 2 P. M. min Kensington Dap ; (the 7.te A. 26, free eiknnaett wick train ICSTI22 s.estern for Mauch Chunk at Lag P. 11.) or pasion Reny, ate and 8 A.M., 1 and < (d P.M. 7er Pretkold, at Bp„ M., and 2 Y. PI, Y LEA. Per Bristol, Wrenton, WA Ao., I a N 7. P. t 19 A. fd., 4,34 and 6% et. front Kensington. end E P. rd. from Wainitt street wharf. Fer_Tahryra, Riverton, Delanee, Beverly, Darting ten ir erenee, Herdentewn, Ass., at 1211, 1,2, OA, and 6 P. Irh isteamboAt Trenton, for Bordentown and interroOdiate Placos,a.t 9X, I'. X. from Wahalt-strpet •phArf. 'bar Ter New York and VI/ay Altos leaflet Kensington era, 'ft the earsOon Ereet, above Walnut, aifanb before departure. The oars run tato the e .t v,kak i mriste sz olzi t h o f a ir arg e tlyi e T o th , depot ger...Par:sea gen are prohibited ?tom %Wu' anything as baggage bat their WOISTillf apparel. All baggage over Iffy pounds to be paid for extra. 'the Company limit their responsibil.it y for baggage to One Dollarper pones. and will not be liable for any amount beyond $llOO, ea se-et by reward eentraet._ rah'? WM. D. DABZMEI2. Agent. • - NORTH PIDITNSYL . • • TAN! RAILROAD. Fo CH x UNK, ..1 MON. , E OYLESTOWN, _MATCH HAZL .ABTOI4 HOLLEY, WIL HET BBBARRE, &0. , • TIMER THrtOUGH TRAINS. On a,nd ' after MONDAY, 111/ 11,1940 raw. eager Trainrwill leave FRONT and W.l , LOWStieets, Flulig dolthie. ftlikailare ezeeetea ,as follow*: . At ode A. ALI Cbgerecrl i _for Bethlehem, Allentoyn, Manob Chunk. Haeleton. WOketharre, At IA P. M., (Rupreu), for Bethlehem, Fiurton, .to. hi, train reaohei E&aton At 6P. N. and make., *loge conneetion with New Jersey Central for Ilea York. At LIB P. H., far Ilitt'olckets Allentown. 91.taalt Chunk. ice. At 9A. M. and P. M., for Do_riestown. At 1920 A. and 5.43 P. M., for Fort 'Washington. The 5.413 A. M. Buren train makes close tionneotleu with the Lehigh Valley Railroad at Bethlehem, being the shortest and, moat dutiable route to Wilkeabarre, tut to &B re ba the Lehigh 'oat region. lAMB FOI PRILADELEHIA. Leave thleketst at CM A. M. 9.19 A. M., and 6.33 H. ~...>yleatown at IX A. M. and 4.15 P.lll, Loavo Fo rt Wool:Ors:on at 5.30 51.. And SAO .P. M. OX fl DAYls.—Pitila ft iolnitia for Botitteheto at 8 A U. kyladelphut for _Peyltatowti at P. M. lestown far Philadelphia at 6.40 A. ft, Bothleaem for Philadelphia at 5 P:,14 ~ Pare to Bethlehem —el 55 l i :are to menoh ehtknk.RE 60 Pare to EttatOh X Fare to Wilkalbatio— gi Tbrottch Tioketiraturt proou rod at the Tiokat °Roes. at WILLOW Street, or BEAKS dtreset,ivrardor to oreourelhe oho** _rater of fal.e. All Passenger 7%114 (aoseept arunday 'Trains) oonneet at 13sykar Street with Fifth and Sixth-streets, and simona and Thiro-streets ptumenner Railroads, twenty mutates attar ;oaring Wilmer etrisat. • riII.A.RX. Agent. • • • . SPRING Atuumiii-- MEIIT.--YRILARKL,PR/A. WILMINGTON, AN BALTIMORE RAILROAD. On and allot MONDAY_,APRII,I6,IB6I_ PASSENGER TRAINS LEAVE PHILADELPIA: For Baltimore at 6.16 A. M., 11.88 A. M., (Zayre's). and IBA P.M. For Chester at 1.1.1 A. M., 11.00 A. M., ill and 19.50 .P. M. 'OMFo Wi P y latulgtou .t a.:13 A. M., 1 11 . 5 A.M., US sad . M. For Pelf Caput' at 8.11 A. M. and 6, 111 P. IL For Dover - at 8.18 A. hi' and 4.111 P. M. FAT Milford lit 8.16 A, : Per Salitibury . 6.l6 A, • SULALOM Fidlt IPILAA.OttI.PiIi. Atlas* Baltigebtre at 64 A. M. (Essiragio, Ittai A. H.. TI 4:# P. D 4. i 4 WilmingtO at tt.fe kad SA A. M., 1.00 Safi .ariA Salitbsty it . IA P. M. oafs .Itlllford at 4 P. M. Leave Dover at 6A6 A. M. and 6.16 1•:..M. . heave New Castle at 11.24 A. M., 140 P. M. vel . 7ester at 744 A. M. 9.40, LC and 1.40 M P., • a lt!wave mote far Salisbury and Delaware .Ritii road at I. A. M. TRLIDIS FO.f I :ALTIMORE: less. Mester al au A. ~ MOD and 11.30 P.lt. leave Wilmington at a A. Pd., 11.10 P. M., and if A. dd. niziows 'Anne, with Paaaenser Oar attaelted, - inn ran as follow) s Leave Philadelphia far Perrrsills and intents/dans h:um at 640 rad. • • leave Waist:Won fir Perrreille and taterategints l'i nr,l l Vi s hit V insien ior l'kuladalplua and later e:-. cats pii.o4lll at I P. M l lm lease II avyw - de.Grace far Baltntaore and Intermatl ate stall(///' at 4 A. li. Leave Baltimore or layre:de-Irate and 'ataxy:and: ate stationa at Ir. . • • • , ' • 0 AItIADAYI3 : tie ?imajna Bun ay, May - ia. MI. anal lattlisr no- TRAIN wiii run on Sundays, fearing Pbiladelpilia for Ba Wilma and Waahinaton at 1/.35 A. SI. and 10.00 P. M., ewa Lori me Baltimore' for Ptillade :dila at 9.44. A. M. and add - P. M. apt! 4. 1 4. FfLIT QM Pr.**. \n., ZVAINT2 ier WATSON'S __.. . SA T. AIV k KOMI' BATE& -.:•::,:''." lITOI. jk ll ~. .1;1,4 411i E 81 .11 - ASSiirif t ~ 7D.Ap_Kle A zrein v%nsity N. at 21 Ks- +mem lin lallar t rt . 214 !ALAS BY AVOTION. N T. PANOOM, Am:maxim Sao. • aessor to B. Scott; Jr., 431 OMEETNIT Bt. SALE OF EM BIn.RY. &c. BROIDERI I7 S, STOOK GOODS, KO- On Wednesday Morning. July 31, oommenoing at. 10 o'eleek ureeisely. lnolnde - . will be lon - (1 late styles embroidered collars, ars, and Ih:ruining ; kJ' s' and gents' hosiery ; steel sprier boon skirts, tinges &oenesprising a desira ble assortment, suited t ) present to-nil sales. ARMY wl,ANKbArtl. 100 pair extra veiny arms blankets. Co FIB .WEBS. 100 oartonn Paris artificial tlyarera. 1110111iii,12 F 021116:. WYNIUNECP.49, A. No. h3O MARX67I: Wrest Knit Mai MINOR St FIRST NAIL SALE 01? TO BRAWN. • 1,000 CASES BOOT , MOSS, BROGANS, &o. On Thursday Morning. August 1. at In °Week pren,arly,wdt he sold, by cata logue, 1,000 oases men's, boys', sad youths' calf, kip, and grain hoots oalf, kip, goat. and enamelled brogans, Congress gaitfrs. Oxford ties. walking sloes . ko .; wo men's, misses ', and children's boots. shoes. tatters, slippers buskins, ho. Also, a large assortment of lint els..+ nit,. made goods. sir Open f.r examination, with oat%logues, early on the morning of gale. Also, at private nate, a large invoice of prime army brogans, Northern Central Railroad. VIRMI. BRINLEY, & (TO, No. 99 51,111.KET al' et HMI' 8 h ., .XX 1 r7 And P;ri• X. X IS A.AO NATIIANS, AIJOTIONEEE., ocular of THIRD end SPRUCE Streets. LARGE. BLUE OF FOILFEITEI) PLEDGES. By order of Abraham brOkeT.. Thin Morning. Jul! 30, 1301, at 9iit o'clock, constetint of gold and sayer patent lever n.^d other watehee, gold chaise, firmer-Tinge, bream-pine, tnedalhotts, peeoil oturAlr. ~,yet , omit,. pants, vests, eliawle, dream's, violins, aceordonns, pistols. pout°. &a. IYOTIO.E.—MI persons having goods art donned With me over the taiga length of cone will will and redeem the anine,'otherwten thee wit: be sold on the above day, ABRAHAM NATI' ANS. Broker, N W. corner of ill XTII and CALLOW HILL Ate. }719-10t• 06ES N.ATUANS,. AII OTION k; It LTA-. At+.o COMMISNON MEACHAM?. xoothcood corner of SIXTH and MOH ?Wools. AT. IVATZ SALE, AT PEACE , TO SUIT THE Tird.fia. The following &Moles will he sold for less than hall the usual telling price : Flo gold hunting case. dont) . a- case, and double-liot toin 161101811 Patent. leVer watches . of the inner approved and bast makers; fine gold double-time patent lever watches; illilepentlent-seConda lever wetohee ; fine gold hunting-case and open-face escapoinent level and lepine watches ; horizontal and duplex watches , silver hunting-case, double.osse, and double-bottom English patent lever. esimpement lever, and loping watches, of the most approved and best makers ; dou ble case and open-Nee silver watches; silver Clertier silver quartier and single-case watches- fi ne gold vest. neck, fob; and guard ohitins ; diamond linger- rings and breast-pins ,• sets of fi ne goldjewelry ; gold breast-pins, ear-rings. finger -rings bracelets, pencil-oases, pens, and jewelry of every deeorietion guns, pistols, minnow instruments, instruments, ptano-fo rt ep; and articles generally. Money -advanoed liberally, for any length et - time agreed upon, on gold and silver plate, diamonds, watohei, jewelry, fowling - pieces , mueloal instruments, dry good', clothing, groceries, hardware, cutlery. fur niture, ,bedding, fancy alto's,. !tad on all satiates of value 001ISIGNSIZIthe Al D.OIM-DOOR ALE SOLI- sin'T ED. . Libera! (Ash idvanoes made on all artialm coDamned for sal*. Persons attenteon wren to all oat-door Wee. ELIXIR PEOPYLIOINE, flair ltomed7 for imErm.sivara., Daritg the pad roar ire bays introtlaved to the no too of the medics! r.rofansiop Of this oonntry the Pure I .7ry:losiixaci Chios:lds of Ps'opyMosaar, se a ItZISTEDY FOR RIUMMATIBM ; and homing rooatvod from maw source', both from Waldman. of the tu chest inandtng and from vat - mute, the MCAT FLATTERING TERTINIOXIIAL9 of its real sable in the treatment of this vaiiiruj sad obwinate disease, we are mdiaced to present it to the public in a form READY FOR tat MEDIATE 178 E, which we hope will pommend itself to those who are sillferina with tnis afflicting complaint, and to the me dical practitioner who may feel disported to test the powers of thin valuable remedy. MAMA PROPYLAMINE, in the form abave spo ken of, the has recently been extensively experimented with in . PENNSYLVANIA BOBTIT'iL, and with MARKED SUCCILSSire wilt appear from the pubtiehad aociordora sir tae me /loft! joi for mil` t." 4 aaPdrilliY out no ready for immediate ;ma, salts tasl airootiona. and can be obtaineO from el: the dirtiontata at 76 cents per bottle, and at whiiimiale of BULLOCK 0.. CRENBRAW, . , Braggiata and Manufaoturina Choral** weil6-1, . Pialadalanin. 'LETTER FROM MR. ow. L. onoLL, Akent for Dr. ecgtaszars Medicines in Middle town. Pa. • Inizp_matc Wri.' Dauphin CO, Pa.. June TT, ISH. 013 NeK, iadelphia, Pa. eau bta : Herewith I send you a certificate of one tar moat respectable wizens, Who has neon uaing your medioiras, and is raw roe ored to health. I think its puolication would affect the aster; to thus neighbor hood. If you see proper to use it, do so, or direot me to. Mr. Ramer is ansild,yeliable. well-respected and in fluential citizen. 'Um word would not he doubted by any Burgess Who knows him, a Ramey resent is the Chief of the town. Mr. is himself a good advertisement, as he speaks for and recommends it more highly than the certificate mentions. Yours trier, • (tO. L. CROLL. AIIDDLETOWN. Dauphin Co., Pa., June 10,1861. MR. GEO. CROLL, Agent. 'Dsatt Bra In my mien. Illseas, which waa warns in cold on my breast and lungs. and which was in a Fair war of hurrying' me to my grave. ! wee co muoh alfeetP3 r.y the seventy of the aon ‘ h that t could nc,t lie down or obtain any rest, and this continued for two week'. Whon 1 heard of Dr. Bchenek's Pulmomo and Bea. Weed Tonle. I immediately oommenoed the use of them, and. after using two or three bottles of /Syrup. Lziotlied a pereoprible change. The Gough was ranch sealer, and 1 oould rest muob setter. After using two bottles of Tonic and ten of idyntp, I have been re stored to health, If inoll enables me to say I have fall corifidenes in lie efficacy if taken in time, and moat cor dially recommend its use to the afflicted. • • . • , Respeotfully years, ie99-lm • 4 R..J. RAT.llrßir. _ . - riOTIOB.--OBLZSTRiIt v BENGER TRAIN FOR AtiVV Y INCITOWN ARI P a TERMIDIATE STARION3.—On and after Noy. 6th_, ISM, the Passenger Trains for Devvpurtelvwx will start from the new Passenger Depat of the Phila iteishig and Readingitailroad Coma/mi. mincer of BROAD and CALpowB/LL Streets, (mgagengor on trams on Callevaili.) 1:10,2412 , 10 R.A.15/ for Downingtews Massa at la A. 61. • - • PHILA_DELPEITA AND _ READING RAILROAD 00., c zo. ra boo th cam% street) PH/LAM111,r21.1., Atoll 12,1851. MayA SON TICKETS. On and after I. UAL season tickets teill be isseed by this uarm, for th. cfriodlcd th ree. MX, nine, an t twelve months, not trecsorab e. Hasson selthol-ttokets roar ohe had at =net sent, demount. The FOU N TSkoII bo sold by the Treeenren; at No. 11517 eolithStreet, where any fertqformsnon oen be obtained. IL It FORD, soill-tf macre?. - - -- - - -• • _ . miaow Itraffiß 4. ROUTE, ILOAD 711(33 , ADEV.TAIA AIRS Fa.- okI . AA RML. I . O SiVI - 417 U,OV'dk. in Igamonr... Ca_.,trniona; Ro om% lkaeoarro,Enrantoo, Danetlls. /dingy), 1 ,71:- nanumort, Wray Ralston, Canton, barn!. rlainkara do4loater. Olevelisni.,33qtroit.:Sgtode; iatOi at. bal , !Clirsakan, and all panda It rut ant ePaasence; trams Will leave Oat raw Mast of the Pitt i,tlkOVOL7l-3trotall', t i y iroa t: lAtTrTir " I . °M; er: etroato daily Mit .aya ozesoloe.) , l ' ar above man. actsllota: DAY 8.N...P8 —5,11 P. M. ilk• lAA. M. gain :annests — at Izqattrfor %%Ikea barro ituoa c a aeon ,statoa tie LAOb AILNA AD 1tL0M894)41 AALLIOA.rk•a 'go treat, Mate direst oonnsonoto at Hiram •rltilk• trains er tie Now York and Erie, Carandatena dM la e :rm. Palle, and it dtralo, ea York and erik Vow York Central "Ai treaty, Drum al! pointer .krorta and .55and trioCtuts,tes. mash, ta Llama, 8it:T. 1 44=4 raGG*22;Ol s,a and all ar.t.emadiata eenito. Wittelig eau two I Minted at lho Pidis4oWai, ;,rd ir vs stoked Oro*, non:11one °cruet id 210, 01 itohl.,Ai f Thent*: 4,wirt d7t streeta, and at tlot Pkvonzer • oo_rusr !/;31).171F, WITH atid iL. Irllll.ollol. EZT.C.F.42I I e ZELOZ.V IMATA tke fkutittiota sum Isadins Depot, Bread and Miatowg4 at'. t adult' (t! dale ersaptod), Sur all kaiak, w est au idortk, c ‘ G .Planckta thetr C ntko tr-d•Uvcrad Wore IP.M. to burn* Irti 11=4 i r ritlMAltirad grAAILOWtry • • • 9.• L ? AMU), Agent *amino laaraii KlXWAllsmiles latrao:o • 1:01kit AL9.1.4 thr AOTORY.—:-.1...1Y . corti.bl.4 . 011 40 7 Ttrir Street, a low oor, 0 5 w the uentleenta4" -he ettenti_oo of ,wßoloiale orshe Invited to R.* IMPIt4M,D 1311 T OA V*. nportor It. make. nit head t ' moo t. mot Si EIJI•11411 UMW, MONEY' TO LOAN MEDICINAL. DYSPEI , I6I.A Dr. DARIGN RAM'S • :AktntIATIO INVIGORATING snit's. nic Medicine /ins bran sized by tat pidirat'An - isne-gray. %rick increasing /neer. It is rccorninneged to Oars DyspFpais, Nrrisorentsit, jrcart- Thins, relic oi pats, Wind in L A ' Stainitek, or Pains Betosls Zriadnas, Drowsiness, Kidscrie .7:Wry/aim:a. L ate "Spirits, Vairiants , TrIMUNS.InIMPtrgrx44. Is EgistwraLemi, Ilzurts.a.assa, Invioonalsts. ear) WILL I1G: INTOXICATZ OR ISTWPAPY• .oas a Medicine it is quick end eh - actual, curing the stoat e.ggravatad case: of Dyskeps is, Kidney Complaints'. and all other derangements of the Memnon and Bowels in a speedy manner. - It will instantly revive the moat melanoholy ansi drooping spirits, and restore the west, nervous, and sickly to health, strew streai k th, and vigor. . 'Fent m on! who, tra to iniudimous use of liquors, hayr. becoe denioted, an their nervous systems shattered, sionstitutions broken down, and nubie:it to that horrible surge to humanity,- the the TRXMIIIiS s will, mal most immediately feel happy and healthy invite rating efficacy ofpr. Ham's Invigorating &grit, RAT IT WELL DO. poul.—One wine elm tail as often es nociessetlo One doze will remove all Bad apirint, One dose will cure Ileart-bnia, Three doses will once Ira' ra4eia~. One dose will sae YOU e6ood One doge slop the distressing p a ins o f DYINMIZ ' pa deep will remove the distressing and disagreeable edeals of Wind or Flatuienoe, and as soon as the stomach receives the Invigorating Spirit, the' distress ing load and all painful feelings will be removed. • One doom will remove the most distressing moans el Golic:elther in the rtomaoli or bowels. A few doses will remove ell ch.o o trnalic,lat is the Kidney, Bladder: or Urinar-y o.rgag;. Persons who us Perini:sly afflicted with any if idnar fromuleuita ere assured of speedy relief by a dose or. ilia. he a radical ours by the use of one or two bottles. NIGHTLY DIRBIPATION, Persons who, from dissipating too much over night, and feel the evil effeou 01 poisonous liquors, in violent headaches, sickness at stomach, weakness, riddigedio Aso., will find one dose will remove all bad fealiags. Ladies of weak and siokly. constitutions uld m ake the Invigorating Spirit three duiria a day ; twill make them strong, healthy, *And haw remove all obstnui tient; and irregularities from the menstrual organs, and restore th, bloom of health Lad beauty to the careworn fame. • During pregnancy it will be found =invaluable mad', eine to remove disagreeable sensations at the !Amount.. All the proprietor asks is a trial, and to induce this, he has put up the Invisionavitto Brous in pint battles at enter, quarto VI. general Depot, 45 WATER street, flew yort. DITOTE GO,. 23:1 North SEOOI9 Sweet, Wholesale Age in kciailadelphia, And for sale by JOILII EATON, Ge Id. hlOrtTti itreet. and all Dniterpiee. 157-tbstvolv fRS. - JAMES BETTS' CELEBRATED SUPPORTERS POR LADIES, and the only tun- Porten! under eminent medical patronage. Ladies and gosiojans are respectfully requested to Only on re. Oette,at her residence, 1039 WALNUT Street, Philadelphia, (to avoid counterfeits.) Thirty. thousand Invalids have boon advised by their physiois.ns to use ler appliances. Those only are genuine bearing the United Stateii oopyright, labels on the box, and signa ture& and also on the Sepperters, with testimonials iirlf-t•tbAunf RAILROAD LINES. dt • . T CLUESTER HAILHOAD TRAINS via PENNSYLVANIA LROAD, leave depot, corner ELEVENTH kV MARKET Street', at 8.15 A. ;1.., 12 noon, 2.83 P: AL, end 04 SithdaY. leave Pfuladalphia at Ma A. M., and West Cheater at 4 P. M. IY3O-tf artivisow WEST °HESTER AND TETI.IiAD.B.EPRI.A RAILROAD, VIA _ZISP.I A. SIMMER A KEAN a Lr. MEM. On and An:ION/JAY, June 3, 1261, the trains will let.tre'PHl,LA EEPRIA L from the Depot. N. E. corner of EIOOT TH and KARILET dtreets, P.M. 7.45 and 10.30 A. M. ~ and 2, 4.11, 6.30. and 10 P and VIII leave the dtationo corner of THIRTY - FI RST and MARKET (Streets, ( West Philadelphia,) at 8.05 and 10.45 A. M., and SAIL 4,80,6.40. and 1112 Y. M. Q 7( di/ROADS. Leave at BA. M. and P. M. Lease WEBT CRIATER at, t. et M. and P. M. lendeaving Philadelphia and West Chester at 746 A. M. Cie P. M. oonneot at Pensteltou with Trains on the Philadelphia and Baltimore Central Railroad for Oxford and Intermediate points. HENRY WOOD, irtyl2-rt General (superintandent. _ _ AP*.EILIMOON intAPI far Bowninvtown. Ismer at 11 4 . ht. —WIT 4 3ahays exsoe Ode. of the }Wird o Managers of the. rkflagei biz and Kandla: Railroad ConineeT . ail W. N. idolrAtgidNY.SeerstarY. 11 ; 3 80 , • N0a.139 and 141 flouth F 0 119.131 Ztrox. (Permed, Nog- a 7 nud a 3.1 37uciffi AND REAL tetTATE-90th JULY CAR U.--We shall hold a large sale o n .ruKtO/Ay. 30th net., inoluding Merrier's estate, In order of Or. ehans' Court. Mao, Without reserve, stooks, loans, PUI3I.IC 13A LEE Re.AL_EItTATE AN a'Tut3E AT THE EXCHAv.GE IgvERY TUESDAY, at o'olook, noon, during the hush:cell sestet'. 1 3 hit a u Auglist,oull Occasional 'ales. REAL Ea rATE AT PRIVATE: SALE. so- We have large amount of real estate at sale. inoluding eVeTV description of oity and prism'°sentry Property. Printed line mat les had at the auction •PEREMPTORY SALE—STOCKS. ie At 10 o'olock, noon, at the 'mileage. will he sold without reserve, in account of wit in it may suc 92 shares :Uric Cincinnati Pr Co . Co 93uisencer Railroad .• • Paissonsor Railroad Co. of Cincinnati . Also. without resec and for atter accounts. BO shares Ca.inden and A (Jail/ill HaltrOMel en. And without reserve, in order of Assignee, .01 shares North Bramit Canat c o 50 shares Paseepsor Railroad Company of Cincinnati 6.3, 000 6 per cent.. morlzage coupon bends l'estrirlva nin Iron l'orticanY• len. without renerve•to - clons an estate— la shares Sunbury and Erie Ratirold company. 60 shares Pusaengcr Railroad COmpallY nr eine nnsti. S 3 000 Butlr cont. mortgage itiouuott bonds i'ec niy i_ came Iron Coutpan•. Also, without reserve, to aiolltl an estate -15 shares Sunbury and Erie Riulroad Company. 20 shares Etarrisburg Bridge ConcianY—nat 310. Ott PHANS' COURT SALE-30th J VAL UA 13L.F. D LA WAKE: witAltP PUILI;nd Our Rale Seth met.. Will Include trio Cante or (;,,„,. P. Mercier, deceased Lance Wharf. Lot !el Building river Delaware anil tiwaneon 'stree. adjoining Dr , party, and near the tertnintin of the Pannnylvaairt Hail: rowd. ASSW VALUABbi WA I,N liT EITRIMT Mao, s treet .in: throo Mary brick yore. Nn. 32 Wainut 24 foot 9 inches front and 81 feet de e , fininhed in beet manner, and a Brat-rata business wan- VAL Ua BtrE TORE AND DWELIANiI. Also. the valuable three start brink store and , re t iog. with three story. bark buildings. No. 939 Gino avenue, occurred as a dry geode store, and an casettes stand. Bur BF UIRfnN nD t o ; t i S . OV A Le l ua l . 110 R, TA PEST,ItY CARPETS. &a. nue Morning, ;3011 inst.. at 10 o'clock at No. 3311111amiD0 0 a w e above Thirty-eeeond street. bleat Muted-lout, dl superior furniture, Immo-forte, oval French -Plate mi ro , , fine Lancet y earners, fine hair mettresees, ae., 0 agentleman dooliniflg hottsekaealan• Open for examination early on the morning sale Sale at Nos. 139 and is' youth Fourth Stri.er SUPT RIOR P URN IT URE, FR ENOS- PLAT E'idf s. RORS, PIANO-FORTES. BLCDS AND IlEdwa t BRUSSELS AND OTHER CARPETS, &a On Thursday Morning. At 9 o'clock. at the Auction flume. au asnonmett of excellent second-hand remit:are, elegant piano f oTtes. fine mirrors, carpets. beds and bedding, &a, from fem . lies declining hour.skemping, removed to the store for convenience of Bale. M. FITZPrATRI(II. & BROS., no, • sIONEEII2. 604 CHESTNUT St., above Sixth. At 7 o'clock. of book', atattonera, and Amor gooda, watehee, Jewelry, chicks, silver-plated 'ware, miler,' Paintings, musical ins rumens, Oce. Also, Hoeiery,ory goods, boots and shoe., and may_ eliandise of every demi - nion. DAY SAL t 3 every Monday, Wednesday, aad day, at to o'clock . PRIVATE SALER. kt.orirr Bale. !several laree consignmenta "amber ato loom ry , nook., loutionery, silver- plated Were 01.1 r. kin, caner POOde, kek.. to which la solicited the atten tion of out, and country uti.rchanls and others. Consignments aclioited for all kinds of alerehlephsp, for either public or private ealee. Liperril cosh advances made on oculanzMecti. nr-dnor Ho'rot erno , ntls arts-mind MACHINERY AND IRON - - PENN STEAM EtIGiNIIANE. Ron.:Ea woßia.—N.E.,v),:c !J'Evy PRAC CAT . Are THEORETICAL ealGtl'i;.:Egs • MACHINISTS. BOILP.:R-R A R. E RB,BLA CI( 81 , ' and FOUNDERS, having, for maw , years, tees it suocessful operation, and exclusively emoteed building and repnns Maxine and River eneinee. hut and low pressure. Iron Boats, Water Tanks. Prneen.lx, its.., Oto.. respentfully offer their services to the puha& as being fully prepared to contract for k:ogibs e of t`l iliraCZ• Marine River, and Stationary. Iviviog lieu of patterns of dif'f'erent sizes, ere prepared to execute or dem with euiok despatch. Every ileseription andttero making made at the shortest notice. High Low Pressure, Flue, Tubular. and Cylinder Boilers, o, the best Pennsylvania charcoal iron Formes, Mall woes and kinds j Iron and Bra:men:dans. of alf dssiinimom Roll Turning. hiorew Cutting. and all other work con nected with the above business. Drawings and oneolfieations for all 'work detest their establishment, free of eharge, and work guarantied. The subsoribers have ample wharf-thou: room for re pairs of boatel, whore they can lie in perfect seed.% and are provided with shears, Nooks. talha. for raising heavy or light weights, .1 COB C. NKr. FIE. BEACHSOHN PA LEVY. end P. •Jic.,,,,„ Z. VAUGHAN MERRICK, JOHN Z. CL2 H. ALLLIAX H. DIUMILICK, RARTLS: GLEREICI. ROUTHWARK FOUNDRY, Ps. , FIFTH AND WASHINGTON 15T1±EETrE; PHILADBLPIIII.. MERRICK k SONS ENGINEERS AND iI ‘ VINISTS, Manufacture High and 1.,c0w Pr e Steam Entices. for 'awl, river. and wrinne service. Boilers. Gasometers. Tanks. Iron SCAM, he.; Cat- Inv of all kinds. either iron or braze. Iron Frame Roofs for Gee Works. Workshops. Rah road Stations, ko. Retorts ace Gee Machinery of the latest and mut improved oonatruotion. Every description of Plantation Dl.e.chinerf. arch as sugar, Saw, and Gnat Mills. Vacuum Paco. OM Steam Train/hi:Nicest:ire, Filters. Pumpint engines. &c. 8010 ngeuta for N. Rillieux's Parent Sugar Bottler Appnrsten,__• Nesmyth's Patent Steam Barnmer r and A. pinwall Wolsey's Patent Centrifugal Sugar Drairdtx machine. anal pOINT PLEA6ANT rGUNDRY, 100. 952 EltVilf Street, Kennington. Philr.delnkia.—wli.- LLCM 11. TIERS info. mg his fnends Mat, hawing ay.- °hazed the entire stook of Patterns at the above Fogs dry., he m now prepared to rem: e orders for Rams. Gnat, and Saw-!dill Castings, Soap, Chemical, sad Home Work, Gearing.. Castings mode from Rever beratory or Cupola Furnmes, In dry or greaa sand. or loam. SHIPPINO• ST AMSBIP GREAT NASTERN FOR LIVERPOOL. 7be GREAT EAST RR N Jetties Kennedy. c 00.• mender. will aatl front Quebec for Li vorpool, (welder DBrnuit e 1 on Tuesday. 6th. of "menet. !weed. gore to be on board ou tee everung o' the Rh. ItATEB OF PAS:kAGE. Cabin...._..—... _Sat Steerage.-- -- -; • • "4 . ' 2° Ps/sensors ocoupring the grace sateen beaus it charged ,Slik • :tins. Berths not secured until paid for. Two experienced suttee: 3 RTC no Lsid • Steerage pa-set . .arra are metre it• arctldabetair,g, atee eating and drinking utensils l ite ship will take as oario—llenr, erns, mikes, dr! deals. &0., &o. For further particulars, apply to the entircees. ALLAN GILMOUR. & Cu.. i.jattee, or GILMOUR & CU., Motutal, Or to their agents in how York. EDAM XON BROTH 1i0.3 Benin; Gmo. iyn tAI. WEIELY BY 131EASI BETWI3_ I 74 fit. 7/ Yoga AND LiviiatrOOL, calling at QtliceltiS - 1011N (Ire land>) to land and embark passenori 1:1 despatches. The Liverpool. Nov YoTS, and rodadelphia Steam ship ComnAny's svlenclid Clyde-Wilt iron aorta steam ships, ars intended to er.it totiowei FROM Nvou voo K FOR LIVtAN.X.E. CITY OF WABB.MGTOI4. Bab:clay. GLASGOW. Eaturda>• CITY And ISTOT zaturaar to:ea:lkon the tear,from fEnt O. 44 N. I. RAVES OF rAESAnt; YRROVGB FROM 11:1 1 / 4 .D.ELPRIA. to Qnnenstorn, or Liverpool.-- Do. to London, vm 5 5; Steerepe to Queenstown, or Lavorre - oL - • r Do. to London.— _ L Do. Return Doke's, &reliable for oil =owls, from Live moo:- Tamen:ere forwarded to - Form, Etr:bla. Bremen, and Antwerp, at throuFh TALES. Certificates of Pla sage leveed front Liverpool :3 :ICC Yor • ___ td eR Ctifi ik oatea of passue toned from Queenotoon to New York- --. __- Int When 'teen:ere have terpar',Or 13301Datenitlett for PEAsencert arc Constructed -nth vratettitht oorapsd manta. an carry +experienced Siirgeonn For freir t. or nessate. apply at the valet iho Con- NUM Itllflt O. DALE 14321, . I'l Walnut' street, rittltoolft;t. In tvivert.ool, to WM. llCitArt. 1011117e:i4 1 4 1 giaarow, to WM. flittet, -*Att iva. BILITIBB ra r llS .-AidEitliliN Stat N- TLOU. NSW TOri. Se lar2~`O Ghia( Cabin Pa55age_......,......_... Second Galati •--- ruort bOSTO2.I T 4 XIVEMS. chief Cabin Paessga.--..------• 4118 Nooostd Cabin She 'Mips frOm New York oati at t.:0:1 - ffir DM. 'Who Muse from Boston eau at BahLts and Ced rift"t r .A., 'Capt. Judi:ins AFKIC,i. Capt. - A:M.I=X. qtrnlA, Cef t. J. Stone. CANAD4.C.IO Le:tah. " AfAl.CaPt. E. 0. Lott, Afd.ElW.l. ur.p!. flozk er. NIAGARA. t.:spi. Roodo Cavt. Cook. KUEIOrA, Cact. Anderrox , COTIA, ( now buildirtr.) These Peseetz carry olaar whitefit men AIU mean on starboard bow ; red oa port too, CANADA. Moodie, leaves Beaton, Wrdasplar, iclf ABU, Lott, myork, edceadly July ARABIA, tame, " Boston Weheatar . t, 7. AFRIA. nannon, yer,damear. ur S , UROPA. Andemon, " Bo:ton Ailg 41 PIiFIBIA, " N.Yort, ~.o.v7,...ad,sr,Act lkirthe not secured until paid for, An experienced Burt eon on bcart. The owners of those chips win sot be mocsambie far %o i l, Silver, Bullion. Spam, iewelr), Precast atones er SUN, unless bills °flailing are signed therefor, lad the value tkeraof thatein examen!. Por . freight or onto to E. 0 Bowling (neon. flew Yot. • arla TE ADAMS .11X9.312 6 co., amt.:tut cavistrt fernliaskayea, b..nrcbs.r.tise, Este arckba•eie. either by Ita avi Lite' er tszrr4oz "kw Zayre:. Ge•talanita. la el; '4* riceio Isaint.issiitttlect el the Preget tte.;c4... S. BII7BINILSS CARD 4. TORN WELSH, PRAUTLOAL Sitter ROOFER., TRIAD Street and eratauhyown t Road. laDrepared to pat on any meant of Roist. the molt moderato terms. Will swirling to mate D building verfeatly water-tisk Orders 001— attended to. ntr 7- l'Ohri ELLIOTT, W124:2b raid Lit/VOX: 4 . mir. 317 and 319 INALI9IST Street. I t1 (61 " 1 " (tru, between Third and „Fourth, north "'• 11.fblit *lnnis. N. B.—Fine Old Whialces nisi? , 44. tabluted 1130.) N.1(40. pAWBO d N 101101,8014, 13001CBINDBICIS, Arac.g.ll3 and /123. Miriam Bow. BOFXV.3lllajk - nt awl_Cheetnai Want .PRILADE.LYR.I.II. JAMS3I PAWBON. JAI. )3. rial..itiool FILE MANUFACTORY, 211 :YEW ISTEZET. Files and ItaXIM of every desonotbm 3314 gl" lit/ail:Y. made to order, At the above estabtial.std• WHOLE/Lux and at manufacturer's prima. nosattlnc demi In a Gummier atomiser. aol-dam J. B. antild- EASE AND COMFORT. A. TII.E.OBALD alibi, Who oat *lease or calk everybody? • Snob a personprobably never was born. But th°2 Who know when they are salted to HOOTS or 8110% are invited to give hire a oall, and those wIl O gl ev were witted before may 'tie Stated now. He ie at ha Dia was P.O A3' FR At - root i.te am " THE PRESS" BOOK AND JOB PRINTING ESTABLISHMENTt NO. 417 • CHESTNUT sfriturrr. PR/LADEL,PH./.d. The attention of the Business Community is respectfully Invited to the New Book Red Job Printing Office of cc Tux Plass," which has been fitted np with New J#futerial, in the most complete manner, and is now pr"Par7, to execute, in a satielectory style, every sty of.printing. _:_ate
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers