spaeldlng, Steele (N. V), Stevens, Stratton, Th.vm‘n (11,18:.). Train, llotnn, Vanhorn Van Wt,Ut, Wall, Wallace, . ) (Vt ), Washhurne Who,lnr. White (sal.), cat./ IVOlVaner, NAYS—HS,M:4. A l driob, Alien, Anemia, Arnold, Rsittneri. Binir of Itlienouri, Buffin , nn Burnett Colfax Co:. Grove's, Crisfield, Crit.tatideu. Den lap, E L L Orton, kJ:Wish, Punkt, 4rider , Ilatht, Hale. ilialohnl,t, ttartlit , g, Holum. Jackson, John son, Sellovg r.t Mickijau. Isar., Leary, Lohman, Logan, Lovejoy, Ni ry, Illottury, dairies, MarriP, Noble, NI , tun, Odell, Pondle'on, Perry, as, Robinson, Shanks, Steele of N•tiv Jar-ey, rrowbririge dlontliOitut VAtkiever, Virthard, Walsworth, Welt-.n of M tine, Ward, Webster, Waite of 011ie, Wiakliffe, IVi4dom, Woad, Woodruff, and Wright MT. STWVONM, Or pann3yivtita., from the Com• mlttee of W4Ts en 4 Means, reported rt bill, ap propriating $lO 000,000, to ho expended under the direetion of the Premdent, for the pnrottase of arms fur the use of the voluatessra and regular troops of the United Stew. Passed Mr Sally ens also reported the Senate bill, pro +riding for the appointment of a board to scale, eqtralize and wince the oornpensation of all officers of the Government, and to report a bill for that purpose at the next maiden Passed. On motion of Mr WASEIDI7II; the House took up and passed the Senate tall in addition to the moot not further to provide for the oolleotion of duties on imrerts Mr. (lox, of Ohio, asked leave to introdtme the folio sang : Whereas, ft is the part of rational beings to terminate their difforenoes by rational methods, and inasmuch as the diffsrencos between the United Stales thtbOritie4 and too eleven seceding States have resulted in a state of war, oharactermed by bitter hostilities and extreme atrocity, and although the pray in the welding States aro guilty of breaking the national unity and resisting the law. fel nothorlty, yet be it lissolved, That while we make increased exist'. floss by our army and navy to maintain the in tegrity and stability of this Government, the corn men lawn of war, those msx,res of humanity, mo• deratlon and honor, which ant a part of the code international, ought to be observed by both par ties, and for a stronger reason than exists for such observance between two nations, inasmuch as the two int:moiled parties have a common ancestry, his tory, prosperity, glory, government, and Union, and are »ow, unhappily, engaged in laaerating their common country. Second, That resulting from these premises, while there ought to be telt open. as between two nationa, the name means for preventing the war being carried to outrageous eitrernitles, there ought else, in the interest of civilization, to be left open name mean: for the restoration of peace and union Tittrd. net to Macr!. the restoration of peaes and Delon, on the basis of the iundameetal printjl plee of the Constitution. there he appointed a com mittee of one Member from each State, who abet! re port to thia Bowie at the next session enoh amend• moots to the Constitution of the United States as chat! assuage all grieVeuries. and bring about a reeenstrnotion of the national unity, and that for the preparaion of mach satisfactory adjustment, and the conference regaisite for that end, a °out mission of eeven citisans of the Coked Mates be appointed, consistiog of Edward Everett, of biessaohusetts ; Millard Fillmore of New York; Reverdy JAnsort, of Mary land; Mar tin Van Buren, of New York; Thomas Irving, of Onto; Franklin Pierce. of New Hampshire; and James Guthrie, of Kentucky, who shall request from the so-ealled Confederate States the appointment of a stroller coturniesion, Rod who shalt meet And oonfer on the aulipor, in the oily of Lvnlrallle , on the first Monday t.f Sep tem boy flex: end that the committee appointed from this 11 , oso shalt mthly said oommisaionors of their J appoiroment and functions, and advise and onnter I With them, end report their notion to the next ees eton as an amendment of the Constitution of the Felted Stereo, to be proposed by Congress to the Slates f, r their rstliostion, Recording to the fifth Reid. of said Constitution Mr Wm111110P.3121, of Illinois, objeoted to the in trodootfon or too rwolation Me Cox moved a swpontion of the rule. The question was determined in the negative—yeas 42, nap' 8i Arjourned The following is the vote on Mr. Cux'a resolu tion : YZAS—Niesgra WWI, Pomona, Batley (Penns ), Barnett, ()avert. Cr , x, C 4V.9103, Orisield, Oritteo den Dunlap, ({rider. Harding, .I.l,im+o, JAokson. J ttcson, LBW Leary, L gun, May, Mal lory Kinzie", Morro, Noble, Norcoa, Nugent, Pert dle,on, Perry, Reid, Richardson, Robiosun, Boolth, Steele J ), Vailandifrbozo, V..orhees, Wads worth. Webster, White (Ohio), Wickliffe, Wood, and Woodruff. NAYS-410°5ra Aldrich, Allay, Arnold, Ashley, Babaim Bakor, Baxter, Beaman. Bingham, Blair (_lido), Blair (Pa ), Blake. Baffin:on. Campbell, hamberlain, Clark, Oollaa, F A Co , ,kling, Ros coo O.:inkling, Conway, Corode, Cutler, Davie, Dswaa, Hakim), Divert, Buell, Elgerion, Ed wards, E lot, Paseenden, Frannhot, Prank, Gooobe, , dvrtn."Granenr. Hale, Harrison, Hor ton,Lintohlr.e, Julien. Filly, Kellogg (01Ioh.), Kellogg 11. I), L motug , Llocile, Lovejoy, McKean, M,lCoight, I4oPleraon, M Mn• rill (Me ) Morrill (Vs ). P,ke, Pomeroy, Potter, Potter. Rice (Mica ), Riot (Mo.), Rid dla, &Altus IL), riedgrrion, Shankas, Sher held, Sivellahe Sh.rman, Spaulding, Stevens, Thomas (Wros ), 'Prato, Provb.-:die. Upton, Van dever, Van Wynk, Wall, Wallace, Walton (Me ), Walton (Vt ) Weehburnn, Whito (Ind.), Win dom, Worcester, end Wriekt. atinSollll Stti‘u Contrentton. Jznonitenn eiTY; July 28 The-•revised report of the Committee or Bight, oath wilt be pre sented on Monday morning, Antes out that °lease le the formor report relating to the Supreme Judges While it cloture's vacant the swat live and legis lative departments, it ordains that an election for thee, OMJeS shell be held on the !het Monday of lieveneber text; also, that the ao'ion of the Con vention be subsal:ted to the people; at the same time I separate potl-book t, to be opened, and two tlakets are to be strook eff, unc for the aetion of the Conventi9n, the other against the aotion of the Oorrrentiun. • Should a mrj , rity deoide for the action, thea the offiJers elected shall take their teats; if against its action, then Von 84id election to be null end void, and the offic-r3 eloatal shall not take their meats. and the °dicers appointed by the Convention shall go one of cf6x, ant the ordicanoe providing for the abrogation of °tirade acts of the Legislature ahaf be not! and void It afro deolnroe vacant all the °Seta to which appointments were made by Gov Jackson, and also provides for tho appointment or officers at the election, in case any of those rept lorly elected refuse to verve. Western Virginia Legialature. Wasserek..ll 23 —The Legial-ture adjourned 'onlday, altar tramming a good deal of busi ness, looking to the complete working of the new State Government. A stay law was enacted, and a patrol hill passed, authorizing the Governor to organize a patrol la each connate as may need them. About $2OO 000 was appropriated for carrying on the Government, and a similar SIM for military purposes Resolutions were adopted on the last day of the session, pledging the members In their irsaividaal opacity to We all effirts in offectiog a thorough military organization of Western Vir ginia. The last week of the Emden was occupied chiefly in discussing the bill reported from the special committee on th- division of the State. The bill proposed gave the Sakbnt of the Legislature to the division. cod recommended the Oonventit n shortly to reassemble to take immediate action. The dismission developed a pretty atrong ele ment oppesad to any division. A good many fa- VONA innnalliate notion, on the ground that, when the Butte should be tally represented, assent could not be obtained, acid shay wanted to make tote of the advantage otreum.tsnees bud thrown in their way. They were for division. Grid, lest, and all the time Another oiess,.sinl the mai fa.vors a dtvisi.n, but thee iht it im,criqa, as it would in terfere with the plans of the G 'vert:Dent, widish would not at this time Coon tOn/LOOO each a move The result wea that no action at all was taken, and the Legislature left the sarjeet just where they found It. The Convention r eseeeintiles on the 6:k of August. Release of The dumpers Prizes. Boma, July 29 —A. lot es from Cape. White, of the bark Louisa inlbora, dated Cienfuegos, July 19 • say* she was to sail the next day for Pal month, under convoy of tho U 5 Bremner Gra, Nufer, who would keep is company until after p teeing Cape Antonio. All •ho Tercels before re ported taken by the Sampler were liberated by order of the Captain General, and were ready to leave on toe 19 b under rho seam onovby. The United deems steamer Niagara touched at Cienfuegos a fow days niece, and had gone to pursuit of the Sumpter, which there was no doubt would try to lump:lopt one o: the California steamers Captain 'White says the commander at the Sumpter took all hie papers, aad he wag obliged to b5ll with e Sea from the Ueited States consul. Surety of fife Capital. WABUInOTON July 29 —The 'National Jntellt• voteer of ttild morning says: flume of the riewrpaper writers are designating points in the neighborhood of WriAtingten wbioh they think need speot■t and stronger defences All we can say is to reflect the•remark of one in anthOrliY^nemelY, 'bat military men in charge live an eye to all theae.things. and tne arrival of regiment after regiment gives us assurance that so proper safeguard is omitoed." Serious RHilroad Accident. Jerritason C', July 28 —A serious railroad accident mount d last evening about 10 o'olook, at lonia creek bridge, on the Pacific Artilroad, 17 miles below this city. A spenial train, with about 100 troop' Dora St Louis, ass turning the curve approaching the bridge, when the loci mo:ive ran over four cattle. One of them 'Ns th own across the cow catcher and carried on to the bridge ' where it fell off and threw the train off the track • The fliors of the bridge then gave way, preoipi tating f.ur empty (tattle care and the tender into the oreek. The looomotive caught on the abet ment on the °melte side and then hung halt way on. The cAlpfing fortunately broke. or the oars in whiob the troops were would have been drawn into the vortex, and a groat loss of We would have ensued. The engineer, John De Ornmmont, was vary badly scalded and bruised, but it is thought he wit reo.ver Sultan, the fireman, bad his leg broken in four places ant terribly lacerated. Ho will probably die. No others were butt Two of the Nome Guards, who were stationed on the bridge, wore found tact asleep, in a house near by, eborily after the accident. They were arrested and brought to Jefferson city, and are to be tried by court mar tial Colonel Stevenson on down the nteomer /gran and brought np the isontis. The damage to the bridge will ezo•ed $lO,OOO, but it will be repaired by to morrow night. Riots at Norbulk. Va. LOITIRVI4L6, Jni7 28 — Th. Montgomery (kin ) Conpthiratton, of the 211 ion , sa3 I cher, the Nor fork Day Book reports the nightly 000nrrencef,f riots there bettteen the soldiers and the aitizaan, and that the soldiers have entered the hour's of citizens and committed horribtedeoredetious The Confideratiom requests the Day Book to partmu lame hereafter, ea that Ala/tau/bats need not be implmated. COl.. Lakura. will be authorized to organize and summon to Wnshington the men of the moun tains a ndof the plains, with whom he wee :osc ulated and became very popular whoa engaged in eprnind overland mail routes to the Peoifia Their skill with the rill, and in woodcraft will be turned against the sneaking chivalry that infests our ar mies wherever they advance, and undo glory in murdering solitary pickets. MA.JOR ANDRISON will report himself at Wolitinigton 10-doy for orders, having recovered his hutch. =ZIZZ2 GUARDIA-NB Or THE POOR.—The regular ( MOLASSMS.—The market in very dull; the only sale 1 :Ta r t 1 4• 3 1).`k"d11,1)"„7„ig!.? Kr 3 l.°4 ~; rite Tu eentine meeting of the Board of Guardians was held yes terdity afternoon et the A,lmettonee le dui at 84; crude is firmly held atBs and unwatdi• Return of Rainer's Regiment. The Reuse Agent-reported the census of the Common lies,a is in good . (loomed, and price! have A body of gallant Germans method this city last Rouse on Saturday last as 2 718 Roe's OdvaboOd; the sales ma ode 10 000 bine at aL1234 • al 26 in yard ant delivered ; the better grades are 3,231 ewer.; sates .f 600 Ole ot ,S 3 76. spilling, otter three months Service in the army of Sac" time /dill ' Yc." Otts —For Like-tdthe e is no demand at allefing. the Republic. We allude to the regiment of Oot. 4 8 7 Corm -la •o,in is mead , at 91 stall . ,Ni., arra whale is Increase ..... ..... . . ~.. au., WWI im mir m i ~, Baffler, which left this city in the latter part of A-twitted daring the past two weeks, 199; g!d f ~T 4 1 3 1 4 . 1 1 5 Z b i r e ' a tri g i d e Z l r p el iTz, fo do he. inc ; istie May. after being enoamped some time at Suff lk granted aP h i g . ,-- " Phl l igiVi e tTd r url i l i tlbteB per 10) Ib°'" to births, 10 ;. deaths, 35; dleiharged, 181; eloped, for winter do i 731.46 e l.6:1 for natural and Moitoned Park, and which formed the forward militia bar 24 ; bound out, 2; number of persons Gillen in the advance to Martinelmig and the akin wishing at Hainevitie As they cents into the funds tobe sent to Pittsburg Declined. An op - I°4 A 4in gth l g l3 girl ;d named akeale o .llolt Kelly applied for ' qu ill i a " ;.—The nut titet la firmer for Cathie ; sales orate loxes inutile at Mite/Mo. t d the market is depot lent evening, end formed leisurely ender the pliontion of a similar ohrtraeor, from a Mrs. Ito fi r ' n ° , A a n a r aa ft r . g r r i l i t id l i ° t v il t a n i lrai i gi a an d 60 oho flicker of the street lamps, we thought of the great : harts, was referred to a committee, to report at the rent; oleo at oath" TALLOW.—The market in firm_.; Wes of 25 COO lbe national element to which they belong—the Anglo- , i next meeting iron oity atlD6o ; also 70 elide Butchers' aanomation• is • 0 Teuton. The out door agent reported having collected 1 7 L , g j $261 75, and that he paid the same into the city Tie —Bleak is quiet but firm at 2874027 a for Banoci. To other races the rebellion has extended, and i treasury. and 24m260 for :Strains. Lotions the spectacle is today presented of a sectional' The steward reported having collected for aup• ;7ClAZlP:)lfliglllll4'ieetlllll:lllti.fieu:daPrnivih'lleginisirovedi revolt, embracing in its army a large portion of port cases the rum of $722 37; for emigrant tax; ease o f 4.0 rib,. at 170, , WOOL —1 he market oontmuea very quint. and prices each of the families of man. The Teuton alone The receipts of the house for the last two weeks are nominal ; salmi of IMMO lha domestic fleece on Int . has been loyal ! We have heard "ate terms of his gallant were reported be $43 12 ...............--- -- conduct under Siegel in Missouri, Roeenorante in J J Clark, hi D , submitted a communication, ...... ..,_..— Virginia, and with the regiments of the great tendering his resignation as physician of the Ele• Northwest he Is yet to do yeoman service in the moot E s cio s r u dis e,o tr u iot in as tk l t i e e b r a w dzo h ed an appoint grand grand army at Washington. In Texas, where he The resignation r was accepted. Regiment makes a leading resident element, the G erman A resolution, pasted last April, providing for is biding his time for deliverance, and wherever the continuance of the pay of those employees of the Board wile may volunteer in the service of these sturdy Germans have taken up their abode they stand rooted to the Unionthe Government, was rescinded. as the safeguard Tho committee appointed to contract for a sup of their homes. Their attachment to free inati- ply of lite!, mutton; &a., reported that they have talons him elwaye been a marked oharacteriatia in part attended to the duties assigned them, and and their military excellence is made up of aas have concluded (subject to the confirmation of the Gee enthusiasm, perfected by a military OCIU0A••• Bsard) a maltreat with Edward Wertman and tion. George Wonder, trading us Wartman & Co ;Deal Pant and P ,n 1 trading as Pant & Son; Shuster Bo- The regiment of Colonel Dallier contains in it raeff and Gottleib Soheist, and Abraham &hetet. rank and file all the best features which mark the trading as J & A. Bibelot for a supply of beef rem Sturdy, intelligent, brave, and upside, for the hundred Almehouse o , of good quality, including one pounds f whole itaitide per day, (and they left tbe oily with an enthusiasm for their excluding - necks, lags, ant shins ,) from —. cattle country and Its flag which has known no abate• weighing eight hundred pomade—the contract to went through three months of bard labor, and in commence on too let of August, 1851, and to con all that time thermal' the sight of a foe, tinne one year. The beef to -be suejeot to !aspen- Col Col Dallier left Harper's Ferry,at font o'clock oL t curb, da Y b I end to e delivere s, In Saturdad at the Al snob o quan n ities mshuse i one on Sunday afternoon. At that time the baggage, , and at such times as the Board y of Gnaidians, or heavy guns, and most of the fortes had been moved the proper officers, may direct. Oa Saturdays two to the Maryland side of the Potomac. The men deliveries to be made—one in the morniog,.for Saturday, and one in the afternoon, for Sundae seem to have the tallest confide the in Gen Banks, o u n se the P o ir t ents are to . ;.e a mecle bywa o rT e te di d v r i a d r7 and are mstistied that he wilt inangurate.a system of warfare which will reolaim in Northern Virginia as follow?: treasury . to ° B 'amounts ifortna an t & Co, tyro. e what McClellan has done for the West, and will fifths to David Pant & Son, one fifth to 8. Boraeff, yet do for the Bast. and one•fifth to J & A &heist.- , . The committee offered the following resolution : The regiment dame direct to Baltimore by rall• : ResolvAd, That the oontraot for a supply f beef' road, and, after loPering in that oity for some to the Almshouse, commenoing August 1, 0 1941, hours, were at length provided with a train, and and to continue one year, made as above sat forth reached Broad and Prime streets at 9 °Week with the parties named, be confirmed, old that They report the Scott Legion and Colone l 0 ~,,,,n l a 'they shall oolleottvely give their own bond in the regiment In Baltimore sum of $5 000 for the faithful erformanee of the contract. Adopted. waiting for the means of I P transportation. A r solution empowering the officers fif the The streets were filled with people last evening house to purchase what mutton and pork they when the regiment came in. There were hundreds_ may require Until a new contract can be made, of wives anxiously expo: ding theirwa i s in e d o p p e d haebeads, sad h r te sident announced the following as the the number of yellow haired Teuton giris was very time of the meeting of the committees : great. Toe first half hour after the arrival of the Hospital Committee, nP. M. Friday. men was epent in relating the occurrences of the Manufactures, i'l Children's Asylum, 3; P M :: . soldiers' absence, and the women dispenred to their ' acquaintances copious draughts of beer from pewter /mane Department, 6, ~ Oat Wards. 3s P. M. Wednesday and Friday. pitchers, and enormous sandwiches, repeotaity Accounts, 4P M “ prepared for the occasion. There was very little The other committees are to meet at the call of their respective chairmen. cheering, for the time was taken Up in lovemaking their Mr Briny sabinitrtd the final report of the Oom narration, and congratulation. Bat one man in mitten on Classification,which was ordered to be the whole regiment is sick, and the tangle one not printed. present last evening had deserted under the plea A number of, bills were read and ordered to be of Elcknisui The blue uniforms of the m en are i n paid. The steward's pay-bill amounts to $548.60 floe preservation, and many of them appear eufft Ad j ourned ' otently stout to last three months longer. .. . . . _ _ .. At ten o'olook the German Reserve Rifles came down to the depot, with music, and the returned regiment passed them —the latter giving the mili tary Sainte. The riflemen thou countermarohed, and took the lead, the German band playing the beautiful meal° of " The•deareet rent on earth to me Is some hweet home " The scenes at Military Rail, where the regi ment was dismissed, were marked and peculiar. The place was filled with women, and an Im mense crowd, situated in the .street, cheered till their throats were hoarse. The men will b e paid off in a few days They are all well satisfied, their sole lament being that 'they had not the pastime of a fignt. Four-fifths of them will return for three years, and arrangements have already been commenced for recruiting in the regiment— thus far with great sumac At midnight, the 800tt Legion was reported to be near the oity. The railroad Moms assured tie that they would not be in town Hu morning. Colonel Owen'. regiment, we believe, acme in during the night. ARRIVAL Or THREE MONTHS VOLUNTEERS. —The E gateentli Regiment Permsylvenia Volan • leers, Cul William D. Lewis, Jr. commanding, reached the oity on their return home at two o'clock yesterday morniog They marched up into the airy from the depot and dismissed, after the men had received inetruations to rendezvous at their respective companies' armories. Like the Twenty second Regiment, the command of Col Lewis has been much weakened, within a few days, by the coming home of squads of men, who declined to remain after their strict term of service had expired The following are the staff officera of the regiment : Colonel, W. D L-wis, Jr.; Lieutenant Colonel, Charles Wilhelm ; M jar, Ale.reuder E Newbold; Adjutant, T F G Courier; Burgeon. S. B Wylie Mitchell; Assistant Surgeon, '.A .Owen ; Quartermaster, Jonathan felartlissU; ttergeant Ma jor, Charles Ji T Collins ; Qttarlarmaster Sir geent, fl P Morris; Chaplain, Wm. H. W. Du atelier; Dram Mejcr, A. V. Banker; Fife Major, T. Banker. Tile Twenty-almond Pennsylvania Regiment, tiontmanded by Colonel Morehead, left Baltimore to return home on Sunday evening. They were all night upon the read, and it wee Ave o'elosk yester day morning before they • reaorted the depot at Broad and Prima streets. After spending a couple of hour', there they took up the line of march, and poised through a number of streets to the west side of Franklin Square, whore the regiment was armed in line, and after a dress parade the men were distal ased. The ranks of this corps have been greatly thin ned Biwa the expiration of the term of melee of the men Some of thorn refused to stay after their three months wore out, and they have been coming home in squids for several days. Not over three hundred men were in the rants yesterday morn. log They looked well worn, and evinced gigue of exposure ; but the men were not as deeply bronzed no them who have wen service in Virginia. This was the first Philadelphia regiment mass tared into the service of the United States during the present war. Its officers are as follows : Colonel, G T Morehead ; lieutenant colonel, W T. Curry ; major, G P McLean; adjutant, A. S. Leidy ; quartermaster, B S. Gambles; quarter master sergeant, J M. Lynch ; sergeant major, A. Peabody; surgeon, J. A. Taylor; assistant surgeon, J Allan Runny. Daring yesterday the streets were filled with the returned volunteers, who were wandering about with their friends. SLYGULAII EMOT Oa Lioiminin.—Dnring the 'thunder storm on Saturday alteinoon a man named Roach was about climbing a telegraFh nole in Oak street, above Tbirtyatzth stiffer, West Pnilydeiphis. He was engaged in repairing the line. and he had a wire in his hand. The light ning struck a tree is Chestnut street, above Thirty• ninth, a distance of nearly four squares from the pole. The tree was shattered to within two feet of the ground, and the fluid appears to have glanced off at that point and struck the wire Mr Roach was half way up the pole at the time. He was knocked to the ground in an insensibio condition, and had several spasms afterwards. Sureini.—A. man named Robert Roscoe, who Bred in Hamilton street, abuse Thirteenth, committed suicide yesterday morning. He was employed as engineer at Van Horn's spice mill, in the Fifteenth ward. He got up early in the morn log and went to the mill, where be kindled a lire under the bjiler as ulna' Ho then returned home, and taking up a r•istol disoharged its contents into his left breaat. Death soon resulted. No cause is assigned for the ant. The deo:aped loft a family. AHEM OF AN /311 , 08 TOR.—Yesterday young man waa arrested while collecting money under false pretences Be had in his possession a paper with the Mayor's LIMO forged on it, stating that the bearer wee authorized to collect money •fora number of our volunteer comps/lies. Tho writing on the paper waa in lead pencil, and the signature of the mayor vory poorly executed. The prisoner waa committed to answer by Aldermen DROWItrD.—A, man, named Jacob Fraybrirg, was drowned on dm d‘y, at the Point Douse. Dela ware river, while barbing. He Was a German, and !waded back of 519 Shippen street. The Coroner held an al quest, and a verdict of found drowned wde rendered. WORK FOR THE lIRRRPLOYED.—Tbe ordi nance en , .nor,sing the commenoement of the Otrietnatstreet bridge hos been signed by the Mayor, and, in s—few days, the work of preparing the fmndations and masonry will be commenced. EXPECTING TO Sau..—The United States ego ,p of war Luuisiana wail, It ie expected leave for the Gilt to clay This vessel was rceently patella/ad by the Government, and bits undergone the necessary alteratiots and repairs at the navy yard. bbe is in first-rate condition, and carries a formidable battery. Tut Fire Department regiment is being rapialy organised by Colonel L W Baxter, one must be filled by the last of August. Five com panies are yet requited, and the department ex clusively wUI furnish the men. Let the firemen of Philadelphia emulate the example and fame of the Ellsworth Fire Z m•vee SAD ACM - WENT.— Lad evening, a ,than named John snyder, while handling a pistol at hie reaiaence in PORT' street, near Sixteenth, aooi dentally shot himself through the hand. The bail also entered the body of a man named William News, Wilding a painful and dangerous wound. A LARGE Tnam.—The train which came in from liattimore on &nide) , night contained eighteou owe, moot of which were crowded with O , Mb/ea coming North. The train wee detained about four nouns over ita mined time by the im menae travel on the road. CAPTURE 01 0 A SIIAME.—On Sunday after noon, a patty of &batmen ' from Brideaburg, cap • tared a shark, about nine feet in length, In a net. It le not often that each taiga fish suoend the Dela ware to far as Taaony, where this one was taken FELL DEAD.—A woman, aged forty floe, mimed Mary McColl, dropped dead on Sunday utternoon, at her residence in Mechanic street, Maeuyunt The omoner was notified to hold an nateent. Tax TIIIRTRENTII 14Evr YORK RV:Man.-1 At nine o'( keit len aveuing, the Okuvaeuti (Vac !banal NOW York) arrived Irma Witei)ington, and, after being fed at the restimant, loft for New York Dear midnight. • Bnoicx sus Ana.—A boy named Goorgo Demi, aged tarteen years, broke bis arm lett evanioirby falling from a oar in the vloinity of I Fairmount. .lle was taken to his rebid epee Tux depositors of the National Saving Fund will meet •t Military Bell this evening, when the committee on organisation will report. THE (SIT . TEM VOLUNTEZR REFEHMINVIV SALOON-- This noble undertaklng, in Wage of Mr. WtWarn Cooper, has been kept busy for ttc last forty-oight hours in supplying the troops going South and EdBt with meals' This was the first organized sa loon for supplying troops, and with the Volunteer Refreshment Committee the troops are supplied without delay to the Railroad Company Too much praise cannot be awarded to either of the above organizations, and we are glad they co operate with earth otherin their gold endeavors The fol ;owing committee hoes been appointed to receive contributions for the William Cooper Saloon Adam M. Simpson, No 9 Queen street; Arthur 8 Simpson, Sectional Dry Duck, Christian.street wharf; Frank B Palmer, Burgeon artist, 1809 Chestnut street. nreoident of Society Sons of New England; 0 V Fort, No. 122 Queen street; Hen n Pierce, No 812 Soca Front street; William M. Mend. No 330 Catharine street; William H. Dennis No 28 ?loath wharves; George Of. Flick, N 0.141 North Front street; Eben C. C. Jayne, No 242 Chestnut street; Captain H. Cain, No. 117 Beck Place; L B M Dolby, No. 222 German street; Robert H Ransley, gold-beater, No 212 Doak street; 0 T Jones at the Continental tel; Thomas omith, president of Bank of North America; William Struthers, firm of J. Struthers A Son, No. 1022 Market street. A number of the Massachusetts Fifth had their wounds dressed In the cooper ahop yesterday morn ing by the surgeon and assistant surgeon of the regiment DEATH OF AN OLD CITIZEN.-Mr. John Wright, for a number of years in the umbrella business ; In Market street, died on Sunday morning, at his re sidence, Burlington, New Jersey. • Holz. Jonm P. HALE receives an honorary LL D. from DArtmonto College. LEI Gird, INTEL!, LGEII CE UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT—Judge Cad walader —Tao °curt was in semion for a short time yesterday morning, bat to businefa was cren Imo cad THE SUPREME COI3IIT AT NISI Pain was also in &WWII. but beyond malting one or two mite on the sheriff absolute, did nothing. The Qaerter Beselone 7 room le undergoing the alteration we spoke of some time ago. Tae work. men were engaged la removing dunk yeeter• day morning. - CITY ITEMS . riILSTAIT'S &WIRD ARMY —The wont thing hat the fat knight °elides,' against his reoruite, whom he refuted to moan thr lige Coventry, vas that they were ragged and dement in re.neet to linen. Upon the cansane prinolple. to•.d and comfortable rarmeate must condone to the effimenoy of as army. The probability is that our Pennsylvania Union soldiers will be the beet clad orally men in the service, for the celebrated firm of Itockhill & Wilson hare established a groat Military Clothing Depot at their Brown btone Clothing Ball Dios 6(3 and 605 Chestnut street, above tilxtb. They are constantly tilling large contracts for uniforms, and every garment is handsomely out. and well made of the ire y beet material. WARY WZATHBR —Yeaterdsy Wee another warm and sultry day. • The Ili.rmometer at noon reached an hghas 90 Now :s the timo for onr fnends ro visa the mammoth Gift Clothing Eitel)! aliment of Granvi le Moses. No 0 . 09 Chestnut street. and purehale some of the neat and durable summer whtoti to offered for sale at art atly-reduoed prices. i o every purohaser a handssme and ueefut g.ft is presented. WINDOW SHADES, all styles and sizee, of good duality and strong aztures, 719 Chestnut .treat, Phila delphia. W. B. CAnnst $e 800. Er Also, United States Flue, levee inset. (math -t Money anti triot;ks iu flew York. The New York Evening Post of yesterday Bays : The week commenting with a better kook mar ket. There ill an average improvement of per eent. en Saturday's - prices, and at the advanoe there are few offering. The dealings are still de. void of animation, speculators for the The awaitieg farther developments from the seat of war before moving with the boldness of ten days ago. Mach encouragement drawn, however, from the vigor one reergunization of the army of the Potomac, under General MoClellen, and to this may be at tributed almost entirely the improved tone of to day. The onward tendency is assisted by the sciareity of Piave York Central for delivery, the Bears having largely oversold the stock during the excitement of but week. After the Board there were sales of New York Central at 76 °gab. Huck Isiand feev.e • [Fat 40a 401. Galena 611.62, Illinois Central 63x63 1 } • sud• son 34:34}. The Soatnern State Stocks were irregular, some higher, others lower North Carolines, Mieaontis and Tennessees were :1 per cent. better, whsle Lonislenss declined 1 per oent. The weekly bank statement presents no Impor tant changes from lent week. The specie average, notwithstanding the large transfer to the sub treasury in exchange for treasury antes. shows a gel°, the reserve reaching nearly $47.000 000 The luFttie are kept tip with diffioutty, and would run down very fast were mercantile discounts, the solo depstdenoe of bank vetoers Although nearly four and a half millions of treasury noses have been taken during the weak, the line of loans gives only a small mimeses on last week. Money Di a ding at 455 per vent on call, and some lenders are even accepting 3} where round amounts are taken. The paper market is ex trernoly dull, and _prime six-months bills Dave been done at 6 per cent. Short acceptances of the leading banking houses are actively sought after at this figure. Now York Stock FIRST xchangc—July 29. (NUM. 12000 UEt a. '6l ooup--87 IMO N. Y. Central H.-0 76n At.oo LI 15 fla '7l 1eg...-. eg to) d 0..... ... 15% 2100 U 61 . 74. oil s.--7211 -*MO do --.... —.96n 7/.3 • E 100 1 r'y 12 p o Notes.' 2 60 do.-- ...- .e 6 7.34 lour) I r'y 6p o 2 Year.. 97 65 Bud Ilve R R... bi. 34 1906 do.— .._. 9614 mi neamige R....._-. 36 WO Miob•gem 75...-- .61 MO Harlem it pref-_ 2/ /is 0 111Cous bds '79.- _79 100 do- ..—...-....245ig &Mu Cal 61 15.....-7041/00 do --........-..... MX 3010 Louisiana St 65.... 191% ao %to ...26 11000 N i aniline 64.-- is2NI 1.1) !Slob 11 & r'l I Guar.= 103) Tenn tit tils '9O.- -41h115d d 0.........— 2 1 14 .000 ao— ._ diAi 60 do— .. 1:60 /1314 8100 do —...... 4r 1100 d0..—...—b50 2•44 10000 do -............42,W, .i 3) co-- —b7 25. 5 4 lAA' Virginia St 6s--.49X 860 111 Can Hilori9-..0.03 3001 do—. —...971 200 do.____ .—s6o e 2).. 234100 lYillsouri State (ki 4 1.4 200 do —..- ......6 AI 6000 do .4114 pis d0..............-..6334 64,0 do— __ell 4119' 100 Hal gt Cm R.....—.G1yg 20ou kleorgi aFt 64 ......07 •00 do —.— 6. 34 VW N Y ao It 6*.--...9211 300 Cleve. & Toledo R.. 31% 1000 bud R 3/ mtg.-- -Pe 231 do -......-- •. • .97/"; 6300 v. ich r. 2 bu 5..... ISO 1 0 d0—._,x30.17 300 Hen"bl Er, et Joe.. 3( 60 Cht ge It I St- ---40 10 Batik of America.. 100 60 do.—,_._. 4914 lo rain Bank.. ._.-.....93 60 d 0.......... ..... --tug 100 Hat Railroad— ,lul4 ROW York Markets Yeiterday. Fiona. &c.—The Inquiry tor Western and Elate V ur early to the day was fair, and prices irurroved, but et the a °me the market wee ether heavy. The better grades were In lair request at about former Dr Cfe. The sales i minds 12,700 tails at ®404 16 for superfine western; 84 11604 16 for do tear; 04 1 7340,36 tor extra dta'a ; 44004.66 for , anay do; $4 2604 50 ler the low grades of Western extra • 84 L 606 tot eltfovluß brands of roerd-hoop extra OM°, and es 1006 - 26 for trade brands do Lazadian 1. lour Is with , ttt material change ; good brands are in brisk demand ; sales of 1,400 bb:s at 84 7607.60 for extras. 61outeera Flour is firm end in fair demand ; the sales are tOO able at MI 1006 75 for mixed to good superfine Baltimore. • e. and $6 woe 60 for the better grades Toe Flour tel I fat, request Mid steady at 8 243005 60 . A mode ate t esnatd b• t.ails for Corn meal at 62 800 286 for Jar ey sad 8606 for Brand• Wine. Ylu vtatohs.—lioluers of York are t. little firmer in their viewil and the demand is Modena., ; sake 540 bhle m • 11•1 lit Me 76016 313; thin do 841..00; prime 810 26. Beef is vireo, but fitni at the admit oe ; anis & ,;(276 bids tea sue.° 60 Tor repacked mesa, and elLloo /2 60 for extra Heel Br Ma are stendr; sales of /20 Ws at 814 1 00 14 76 I aid is ISM ; Wier • f 260 packages at Waage. tm. former price for s. 1). arty. t'ut Mae s ate quiet; sales at diitatto for shoulders. and 11)4sts6o for hams. Butter end Cheese are tim ohen ed. essas --lite market is stesAy for both deacriptions at $b 26 f Dols, 800 86.015 i for pearls. Co/ Vac-1 net. Is It•tlo dolls. but trioaa are with out quotable ohmage ; sales of 10 b.ra Rio at 14. go CUTTUIC—The IS habt. but 1)110Pi Rye woo/ in.quned; ea of meddling üblaciia and Gulf at alto. ,ric;l4 —The market le firm; Isles of 1.00 toes elootah Pig at 1,41. THE PRESS.-PHILADELPMAiz TUESDAY; JOLT 80, • .1861 PHILADELPHIA HOARD OF TRADH. GEM. N. TATHAM, TH. FRO H I NGHAM,> GOALNIITTBII OF TIM MOUTH W.M. L. AMIN. LETTER nAes At 'sits Merchwas' Exeltangg, Phiterdelyhta, iLlpTusoarera, Liverpool. soon dale Lancaster, Liverpool. soon Margaret Quig ...Feroamnstoo sod Rte, soon Bark Ananias, GNltaglier London, soon Balk white Wog, atlnr t Legnayra., goon Brig Queen Ember, (ctrl Gard --Port Spain. soon bArELlttft OF Till; OCEAN STEADIER" FROM THE FNITED 571ATNIJ. bAIPS fOni.V nel A Asia --Now York- Wye July 81 Otrygovr-_,,.....-New Volt -Liverpool— ..—Aug 3 New York.-.-.. New York- Brenton --Aug 8 o•nrsis American_ QUebeo-Livercool—..--Aug, B omen .-..... New York -Bremen 3 Gre•tt Eastern— ..Quebot-LtirPrPool---...—Aug 6 oosron....Ltrerpool —... Aug • 7 ark Ham burg ---- Aug 10 Cof Etaltunore-New York-LirerPool —Aug 10 norursi•!.....,—.New 0r 4, -.9fI.I3IeUYK —A UK 10 Norweatan--- Quebee-Laserpool-- —.Ault to Arne& TOW York-Liverpoot—.--.Aug 14 _ Kangaroo —Ness York . uk 17 Mumps: Boaton_LAvropool---- AUK 31 i'ersos— -.Near York-Liverpool 38 MINS LIRA Vlit VOR -D L TJ Priem!, Albeit : ...,.. Galway-Nur 1 t0rk......." * Ju1y 16 Boruaaia iv o w Jllll IT Note evert taverpool..Quebeo—,....—July 18 Alma ow York** , ury 20 Teutoura—.6oothootprou _New July 21 Pulron --..-.6outeampton-Piew York St Neugeroo...— ...Llvorpool-Neer Y0rk....:....—.Ju1y ---- Liverpool .Boston;...— _July at, -. Liverpool- Hem York Aug Bremen —.Southern uton,-New Aug '8 Itavarta— .8. utluiropten-Nevr 'York 16 Araie— —Bapthempton-Now ark— .—Aug St The California Meal 3teamers froni.ktoor York on the iskilth, and knit of °soh month. • The idavanit Steamer!! leave Pi era YorkOn the At, 7tO, 17th. and !17th of amok month. ALMR.IIVIR /INTEL I. XG' OF PHILADELPHIA, Stay SO. 1861 UN 11113E5 ----011S8 62'88. 4.7 2 ARR.AfFin Hark Old Hickory. Holmes. from Liverpool ne 10. with salt &o Burton & Clommit July Ai t4S 0 N, lons 4110 W. spoke ■ , h•A Letitia. f 1 5.1 from Dan Ik for 0 ape; 24tn, at 40 BO N. ions 48 LS W, .pokr. N York plt nat s a w Jones. On Ortlisej 27th. lat 99 08. N. lona 74 10 W. sh.c. qaranak. lona . for LivryoN.... • The 0 H has exnart•nced vary light winds and thick weather t e entire pass ism Bark Wash noon I 11..e.n) Wenoke. 50 days from Bre men. with rodeo and 198 passenger., to &flea Brom. Bark A.ex MoNeti. Somers, 44 days from Parrs. in ballitet to J hn it Hearne"- not as before. July I , t. lat 42 IS long 3836 signalled a.-1 Arnermsto its rlr. showing a bme flag with •hits diamond and r. d in the centre. steering E; tali. la. 42 12, long 61 10, spoke ship thole Joe heace for Lire cool. Hart Day d G W.lson PA.karrolt, 8 days from Re, West. in ballast to Baker & Folsom. Bark lonio, Butehinaon. tom Hey West, in balls/ to anemic. Brie Dant M aloney, Bteelman.lo days from Key West, in hailastrncap ain. Rohr .1 F Doughy,. Deeds, 4days from Eararioliport, with fink to Crowell & Colfino. Aohr A J Horton. Elwell, 6 days from Quincy, with stone to captain, :.ohrf`. Loeser. Laws, from Portsmouth. in ballast to E R Saw. Or & CO. Pohr .1 Griemon, Harding, front 'Holmes' Hole, in bed hut to N 'Nu .tevant & Co. Boor Delaware Denby I Aar from Smyrna, Del, with cal at to Ins Barratt & Rom • Fehr Rancoose. W right. 1 day from New Castle, Del, wbv.t. t Jan Hamar & eon. 'ohr Farmer. Bounty 1 day from Milford, Del, with wheat to Jac "arra. tn i l. Behr Mantua Max day from Prederma, Del,with whoa to Jae Parratt & Bon. Nehr Bee. Vasheil, 1 day from SmYrna. Del, with OMB to Jai Bs Trait & Don_ soar A ft Wetmore, Hutohloson. from New York, with toe to caution. achr C 0 Gerry. Monre. 1 day from Still Pond, Md. with whet to Jas L Howley a Co. Bohr Levin Lank. Bore.. t day from Conoord. Del, with bark to J L Bewley a CO. Rohr Mechanic. Corhea. 1 day from Odessa. Del. with wheat to .1 L Bewley a flo Pohr John 13. Dale •. Rearatt, from Poston, l'Ohr L Andenned. B . r.lett. fr.m. Lion' Richard Vaux Prink. from Boston. • Bohr Pauge.aset Wapiee from Roston Rohr Buann F Abbott, I ndlam. from qoaton. Rohr Dararn. Pitcher, from Waldoboro. Bohr Wm Jones Jones. from sit iseorre. • Behr Amelia C •-• eaves. Lake, from Giouoenter. Fob.. J P Cake Endicott from ROKhtir• Bohr Klouise. Thatcher, [loin Portsmouth, Behr Sarah Moore Black. from Dj, Fahr I mane Rickey. 'Pico. from pawtuokat. Steamer C C sleer. Fenton. 119 bourn from Washing ton, DC, with Ladle to Th.ollWebntor.Jr. Bohr .1 .14 Daley, Efearat Boston. Reacher & Bra. BO •r L Audenried Bartlett Iloston.Traverton Coal Co Behr Ploniss. hatcher Boston. I R Mal 'Lon. Bohr 21 A Hammond. Paine. ! - •oston C A. flookaoher.. Sohr Wapies Boston. N Sturtevant & Bohr Wm Jones, Jones. Tnomaston. - do Bohr Arietin. Ohm° Hansioh. do ohr J Grieraon, Harding. Providence, do Bohr Riohard Faux Frick. Boston, .11 ff. Saw, sr &Co Pobr C Loeser. Lave ElaleM. do Behr q F Abbott, Ludlam, Providnee, Costner, Stick nay 6. Wellington. chr Ameba Reeves, Lake, Providenoe,Binnickson Ci , OVef. Sally Damon. Pitcher. Ft Georre, L Audenried & Co. Bohr Sarah Mon' n. Klock. Salisbury, do Behr John A Griffin. Foster, Boston. do Fehr J P Cake. Pirdirmit. Salem. 'Paler. Stone & Co. So IS Rickey. Tice. Yawtooket. B Milnes & gobr floriton.-Davie. Lynn D Poarson a Po. Str I IS thrrrer. Donnie. Baltimore. A Grows. Jr. lOorrespendonoo of thaPhiladelptta Exalt/mew.. CAFE IBLAN . N. J.. July 20. The achr Minerva. of Londonderry. Nki, previim , iy reported as tiavinr cone on Cold Sprint Bar, Caine off. 11 the silent of the 20th inet and is now safe in the harbor, She wi,l sail I for Philadelphia soon. Yours, TII.OB, E. KUGHP.B. MEMORANDA. Coot 6prautua. of the aohr Gan Ramer, beforeTeported at the Lazaret•o. Tenant.: Off Hatteras saw & Coro-and aft aohoo.,r. painted white, with about fifte Mall on deek; took her to be a privateer. She stout .•tf towards a &ea' y laden trawl than in gig ht. without boarding Ilk BLe&IYI51111) Delaware, Johnson, henna, arrived at flow York 28• h inst. . • • . EOM DIM t Fr) Baron, hence, arrived at New York 2th instant to load for Havre. Rare Cats o. Gardner. from Havana, arrived at New York yeaterdar. Rohr Vvaat•incron. Merrill, olearod at Now York yes terday for Phllvdeiehla. Bohr John Walser, (India, hence for Providence, at New York reatardar• Bohr Orireat. Thompson, cleared at New York fester doy for Philadelphia. lola Pauline. Brown, hence, arrived at New York yea:ere:iv. anhr voline, York, hence, arrived at Havana )9th 1124CILIIt. Sabra !Joules.. Frazier. and Mary I" Hudson, llndsoo, hence, ar,lred at Hogion 28th inst. Soh, Sarsh L. Simmons Gandy, sailed from Provi dence 2itql inst. for Pniisdatshio. Bohr 'Choc as Hoiden. wristittenton, sailed from Pall Rive , 26th inst. tor rigladolnhla. ttnnr Prolootor. Linneain, eailed from Idatanzaa 12th inst. for Phioadetpl -teatners Vidoan. Morrison. Conoord, Norman. and Middlesex. Coa. hottO., arrived at r York 7esterdaf• Propeller Novelts.lntaw,mearedatliew York yester day for eidtadOptos. ARRIVALS AT THE PRINCIPAL HOTELS, VP TO 12 ON:MOCK TAIT NIGHT. CONTINENTAL ROTEL—Ninth and Chestnut. G F 9rdres. Mass Oeo Gn.oddard. Mass J m'atson, Wash. D 0 B , ettebone & , h. Penns iota J P Tenni., N Y Jas Wilson, California Miss C . Wi!•on_, _. . Jylseter 1 , Edulpsd... . G --- EreauileiNew Yorkl i A F W.. 0 a, Ke.atto.y i F Kond al. new York Mrs • with Maya 1 - oseells aml K Boyd. New York / I Gay W:. . New York Judge Ma. tin, Maryland J D Devi', Ll 8 A N W aherrnan, New York Jur' r Brewer Rnstoo Wro 1 OWV•PIr. Pen lo at latobarri: Chi azo Cape la r: Lamar, Boston Mai - Rimer & 1 , , URA Miss Banner C A Raymond & em. - Va R Ikr Pertorson. U /1 A T A Parsons, • riVrfinCe A FI Haskell Boston eT H. boook Barton 1 . , D urskan Brooklyn Cent 1n.,. e. Uo M - C a Deriokeon J. Derroasoa C P.. As/din Hoston 4.-; Full tn. bee "ittaburg I 11 r Italian & la, lowa W t.: J. r nos & wf, cal N Burt, Lin o co. Pa - I L Miller, Indiana. C 11l &nen, New York D W Flakier. U 8 A. D B Bust. U 8 A ' J T Mitchel., wasrington It • l (dyer. • nelmod B B Arne Baltimore C Paulbant. U 8 N Jno F Appleton. • Fulani Geo 8 Benediot• Cleveland Amax carver, Cleveland Wm '•imerdio . DOI A Hobbs, U -Imo& C Tehdor. Liam a B T aura. Virginia R F mortar, Pitt bark M 8 Burnett, Mars M I Blinn:Chicago B Lanham, R h, de Islamd Na. moor. e. 'ea Yolt Jou Itiontelin.Jr Scla.Al 'oh 03 W Tad . Pennsylvania F 8 Win .t At. New York P e iobards. Jr. imew York Alex R. Lath. Weal,u t./ (lima n. 4., let New Ynrk Co• Jo :41Boltoog. Wash 13 W Wewhiukton Wash.DC Laws A i• , anklin. Ba t a B Whwr ,•n, Hunnnzion Win H. P tie, Harrisburg M W ... htpin. Roo tford Conn . 1 hos Booms/in:flora-4110 C Brin on, Jr. Coe•t , r oo Wa II illl or. at r•ouie • R B Wellt, Plorih Adorns D N Ropaki. New York P Tillinghsat. New York 813 Ja.oora's, New York - Jar" E a aut.:rid, B•o, k•yn UR Brown. Pew York •an H. Potts. New York Alf item l e. Lei/amain John i. Fl•her. NeW lock Lient G V Wirr, UA A Ger, 1r B .11. om N 11 J M Livingston. Aow York A.ISA Pi roe* *abh, D 0 Lemuel bor , b , ns. N Y Limn W harrow.,, UNA A a benerreeiu. Baltimore F Hebert;lila timore 1• deer aili• tt, hover, Del nr King , U • 8 A Ali Aokeol.urgh, N }uric Jame" w Haig. Baltimore A , &to nfflw York Jul Alter, New York Master Barnard. Hosing (I M Barnard & la, Boston L ObermYer, MarYlar.d J B Mo ireary. Ainuoh Ch'k T Pet ~a,opo, Lieufnegos At F i opt z. Cienfuegos W F Larva .0,5, Baltimore P 11 GRIIOI2II. New Yurk 1 Ii Morred. New Yurk Tana R. R 0.04, M ass W Johns 'a, Philacie,ibia M I Tbompson• Conneetlellt Cr M. Cretin. New York A Cummins', Utah _ PLE.XO.II4.III7er al./11.E.te—r mule meet: below Areb. .I ,, linson. New York Jesse Batley. New York. Chas Buirrs New York Joe !I e tools, Aturyland E P Miller & wife. gt / Israel Prim:der. re Elitht Packer. ea oeo BMus, En•ton 6 H Newholi, Philadelphia J it khr, itarriabwg J. U n obinenn, Pusiburg L P Williams, Judiauft W B Btowort, Pottstown Ira Uhler, Marlin., 0 B. It Linderman, Ptilla .1 Hoffman. Carlisle .1 W Boughton, ebarnherabg N B Wigton & h. Pa MM oh te & la, um, J R erawford & ri J T•hs U Stewart Pa J b Men inch. thitaWitka A Fulton, Pittsburg J S McNeal, Perry co, Pa Ardl3l.loAll HOTEL—OuP.untt tweet. (advt. Fifth. H $ Flearibrandt. Ilitkilted Jae Jenkins & 2eo”a, hi l W Bu ne. Wash, D C J, , a W Brevitt, Battimore J (3 ',lva. Baltimore Win P Lander, best Yttrk Ueo Vaitntine, Bellefonte Wld Pollimuue. li Jamey r A Cott, New Jere y. 0 Pain. Philadelphia/ A_W Butler & eon I. , nna F Baines, West cheater W .i: I amp, new York olt pllXOtny, 13tOOkr J Frani/ Lanciaater •P Chihli nt•Joeepti, o R D tv , ,,,ris obit) Wm 13 Curry, Pettus H Bender, Perhuylvania ST. LOlllll 1101M-4:llheramt street, above Thinl. Capt Rumor. Baltimore It Benoke. ht Louis .11 Pecblca. [hewn E B Birumondc , lllinnesote G It Mouabe, Ternatua 4‘.. W Frick Ph la 11l N Winslow. Phil& F M Lunt. (ruentlout Jos 1 3 Fleming. Penna .1 M Premise. Bloom Tee° WF. eosin. 1 Illniqs J Brink Bat miro A 1 , ColinSA, New Yo k .1 A Feltz r, Parma Aug Douglas, Beittrnore A J Fuwa , d , New Jersey 1) Nul liven. Newark, N J 111r1franklin 1., W Bowes, Maine J Noble, drookarn I' ID Clarke, Brooklyn C W Parkee L liroiiklyn B 'CV oolman. Forma . G 11. Keerl, JAIUMAre Mrs M., cebaoh,_blaryland M Fisher. Lancaster W W Henri. New York P Fitts, Boston John Ball, Boston TER UNION—Arne street. above Tatra. Laeut E A Brown Virginia W H McGrew. Kentucky A Ikver, Pennsylvania F V Pittenger New Pork It Wilson. klintra 'oaken ono.: Penns W H ariuol.e), teubenvillo John a vti.ilatto, t too 00 DI) McGinn.. Pottsville ljami t, BiloGear. N Jersey hi* FE Howtll. Pet.n L toi Hoßetl , Penusylvenaa Mr Stoney, New York Reeder wrath. Aeetetoa T W W iitron, Chicago, In MOUNT VERNON ROTEL—Peoond et..abore Areh. A R Sloan. Penuaylvsnia F O Stniih, Walsh. D Il Fox & eau, Pottsville N Tr , pple. Voonsylv.nte D vnutolifc. Why ue 00, Pa tl SuHoley. Peussyls slue /STATES UNNlV—Maricat arrant. abnve 81.211. 2_ McDonnell. New York F W Lewis, lernoaater W Baker. treaforo, Del Lr E Kamer, Dauphin owed. arlor, W Chester Jaa W Bmltn, r E tem Carbon in 1311G1 t r klydelf AIiOIID.MII D Galbraith. Altoona W McConnell. Pa COmMERGIAL MOTEL—!!that.. above cheats° t. Alf C.l Frnz•r. Woaiiington .1 M Leine • J Amon Work 1.1 MoUorvio, Philo K Yotte, 13( Idge port. P 6 Jams, Wihoo. Maryland JD W Cliandl•r. l'hoo Babb,Phi,o, J W yea is, Pbcemxvine rs Leeper, Pittsburg Wm Levis, Wan Caloator J btkotitur. Chester oo FROM EUROPE 'RATIONAL HOTEL--Ztace avow, above Third. Gr; Kreoht, Philadelphia SS Steiner, Philadelphia J 8 NioNinoh New Jersey Chin Fredal. Pottsville Jo-I q itier.Reading Wm Y Lynn, Reading .1 P Kiclir.Towanda nos Benedict, Pittston Robert Helm, Pittston. l'a ILIKVERE 11.0tide.—Tturcl 'street, &bow , Ratig. David J ROM New Jens, Mon M Knotly, Parma o,Kamer. Tamaq . T/ol wilion, Harrisburg John 8 Bronko..trvohda , e t: Wo.cly 17roratown Jeronmotn. Penntylvan.s. Jai Vlr Anderson, Xi York Withers, Lebanoneo, Pa G&W) EAGLE HOTEL—Tturd rt., above Cellowhill. R ImMenring. Harrisburg V Hoffman, Allentown John Mulvey. books co. Pa H M Riegel. Pennsylvania Jaob H Smith. Montsom co D dhoch, Bucks co Aeon &boob, Bucks oo BLACK BEAR HOTEL—Third at., above Callowlull, A Fonhz. Philadelphia Gen Moyer, Pennsylvania 0 I) B Heim. Germantown Win Kroll. Youngberg ii Bruner & la. Doylestown M 0 Frantz, Lebanon BARLEY 4SEIRAit-Seeend street, .below Vine. Will ll ?torten. eading J 3 T 'Janney & Trenton Pei Ames A Ortiz Pens Ira k" Geneell, IS Hartley. Phi)zdalphia SPECIAL NOTIOES. IThorX PRIOR OLorgiii - O Or slir LAM? Sz!tat, made in the beet learner, ekoreeely for RE -1.131 JILL:SS. LOWEST selling priees marked hi chin Firdrea. All goode made to order wcarr.ntet aatisfastory. Oar ONR-PRIDE system is strislir M itered to. All are thereby treated alike. ed 3-11! JONES Ai CO.. ethi !SAILS u, Stress. Bairounaca , s nem yrs.---This celebrated wad serfoot ,Unir Dye is tae beat is. t.ts vortd. All o there 614 mere imitations of this Siam °risme', which has rained such extenstve satronasein all Parts of the elobe..Tl%e stLlllthe W. A. ltatohelor's Liquid Han Dye instasstly erodueee a ielendld black or natural brows;irithout staining the Ain or iujurins the hair and will rtsnuly A. ill Affects etf bad dyes, ineigoratiot the hair for life. Sold by MI Druggudie and Perfinnera. Whigtele by FARNEBTIMX & QO., 9YOVW & CV, (ABOVE% & BAUM% 0213#141tATED aarsELEas FAMILY imwirre hiAagnocs Vac:test In WO for Fonaily,Zowinn. * "V STEFESVNIIV Atrotat. rolindclokis 1337 PIIIIMING. Mar ASID Illt9urss7 Ix the (Nu, al 34 Routh intiab Strut iIItLeARAD PRINTING. Best andOkespost in tie Hay, .034 , dotttb THIRD street. CIXOSLATI PIitIPITTTIII. Best slid Cflictseri a tb• Orr- it Nonni ?NIRO fttr..t PAMPHLET PRINTING, and every other desorip tion of Printing, of the matt superior quality. at the most reasonable rates. at IitINGWALT dr. BROWN'S. DressP. Betiding X 4 loath Vil I JED Iltrost. 4•111-tf MARRIED. p Arm R.D—GALLA GHP . R.—At Rloomfinld. N. J., on the Sid Instant. by too .Rer. J. 8. Gs 11:r. Pro f or w Miam A. qu i 3kard; of Dartrooot Collo o ie Fr om tu psrs. to 44 Buasn &sea. apt "'her, looodolu,bl. J. * DIED. EVANS —On the 28th instant. hits. Isabella Evans, woe Et ears Her frisnus end those of the family &TB invited to gt tsnit her funeral. from the -real , ono* of her son No. 820 North est , 'nth street on Wedniieday afternoon h. . at .1 o'clock. Interment at Lower Merl • on Chwo • s• • GHT —On the 28th instant, at his late r - aidenee Reckleastown Iturininton county, N. J., John Wright, i be 73d • rar of hie age. • H e 'Matisse and rriends of the family are simpeot fthlv Invited to ' , trend his funeral from "so: 005 aroh guest. stogie Fifth, on Werneed •y, the Ste lust . at It o'o flak. without further notice. Interment at Ronald. ion's iremetery. BURTON Williamh instant, Theodore Julius. eon of Captain nd Busaa B. Barton. aged 7 month,. -: Funeral from the residence of his. parenti. No. 546 Wharton street. on wreduesday afternoon. ar 3 o'ork.• -11 K.—At Oamdsn. N. .1 • on the 2fth instant. Luna. Ca.tutrine. ' oun est daughter of .8. J. and Lizzie B. Shier. ared 6 woeks. (I.thf I.L.—i , n the Campbell, Mat e eoll/11D bel. daughter of Jamee of Bummer Mogille, Ireland. Funeral from the residence other fathes. 'No 315 . N. Seventh street nn ' hiirsdly morning. Airs'clock lif aNNUSI.-05 tre 2e It [natant. Charlotte Shiver* Wannum. in the 8741 year of her ago. Funeral from the residence of Cot. William Brad ford, Fifteenth a' rect. bents Bnruce, on W edueso . ay afternoon, at o'clock.' • • 8H '•H: the 2rth instant, Mr. Isaac Smith; in the 41. h year of his are. . Funeral from his lase resoleecie. 119 Germantown rued, this ( Tuesday I afternoon. at 4 o'clock. CAI 1, 'MAN.—On the 27th instant, Alm. Elltemth usilahan. aged fir Years Funeral from the restdeve of Anthony L,. Anderson, Lowsr Merton, o tgonidry county, Oita (luesday / =mint. at 10)6 cec ons. the 26'n instant, hlartarilit Elkins, wire of John b thine. aged 11l years. Funeral from the res.denoe of her husband. League Island mit of Broad street, this ( uesday)) afternoon, at I o'clock. Isti? ING.— On the - 27th instant. Elizabeth Ewing, aged 24 tears. Funeral from the realdenee of her ene'e. Robert Aml. No il3B Filbert area. this ( ruhads.)lmorning,.at o' , took. . . . F 000 .—rn the 28th instant. George, son of Miles end Catharine Flimu, aged i rear. Funeral from the residence or his swains. No. 'JII9 Pathan street. this rrussday &item() n at o'olock • FOSITGR.--i l ilthe 78th instant Willm Vaughan, son of Jacob and Pa. riot P. Foster. aged 3 years. • h Bib:ft.—On the nth instant, John Belmar, aged 37 years. u eral from his data residence, Ivo. 216 Markeri Mrs. teth a t Tuesd,ay'l afternoon sag gee oak. V.—On the 28th natant, Richard Kent, aged 60 9•11111. Funeral from tra rsin ones. in Church street, Marra. this (Tuesday) afternoon, at o'clock. • rr °DONNELL —On the 28th instant, niary Co neviei,e. daughter of Terrenee and Mary G. IlleDen nail, aced / yew. Funeral Ginn the residenee of her parents. 13 Me . ad street, thts(Tuesda• lamming, at 8 o'cloulc. Riga, —On the 28th instant, Patriot Rell, aged si years, Funeral from his lite residereo. N 0.026 Cherry street, this( Tuesday) afternoon, at 1 o!olook clClNNl...V.—On the 28'h instant, Mary, wife of John IA °Pinney rig 80 /9 3 ears• Funeral from tL« rosidenee of her father t No. 1814 Filbert street, this (Tuesday ) a ft ernoon, at t o elect. • MA tIiAP7IB,—(M the 29th instant, John 'l'. Mathews, Rod 21 years. Funeral from his late residence. Glonsester City. G. J., this ( Tuesday ) afternoon , at _ • (WI oURNING STORK, B SO- & FOri LLP 9I 8 CH RATH UT Ftrnet. are now 1161116 2 • Blank Grape =trete at 26 and 8116 bents. Blank b*repea, at 26 and 6L% - oenre. Black 7-4 wide baregea, 40 and 6356 cent', almond-mourn in. graph a, 25 cen (2. Gray mixed layette's, 1234 e. (linty mottled madonna. 12%0. Gray mix-d wide madonnas. 182(a. Giant and white printed grenadine barrage, 3D4. iira 2 i d p i t t i iitli e P l T:A d aTIZ:2I I. ini TrFOR OUR WOUNDED AT WASHING TON. I MNIEDIATE DONATIONS WANTED ICE BY TAR OARGO. IN LYE Aft.)) PURI' oPIRITB. SHEETS AND "HARTING. FLAN , Gr•- AvD TOw diUSQUIsTO N ETTING. Peed to the care of THE SANITARY COMMISSION. Treaeurz Dui lime. Wasenngton. HENRY W . Skid.° 0 18, Piesident. Prof. A. D MIR E, Yiee President. EL.PtIIA BARRI)). M.u. C rresponding Bee. GEORGE W. CULLUM.. 8. it my. A IAX ‘I , 4DER M. i•SIRAIL U.S. AnnT• 081sR f t). WOOD. M. I) U. Army. Wri,i,iAmß VAN BUREN, AL D. wOI,COTT NI e 134. M. D. SAMUEL G HOWE, CORNS. WEI R. •13 NEW. AL D. J. S. NwWIIERRY ht. O. I DRUB T. 'vs RON°, TionauTer. FRED.ERICK LAW 0 LiMST LD, Resident Bea.— Mr Donations in mortar are argentiv rnquired, and ma. be addressed to GEORG V.STRONG. ereasurer of tkoConnips , on, 68 w all Ftree t. N. Y nr G ru l . fi 1. ROES. Treasonsr of Central Exeontwe Commit , oo, Amerman kicoban , a Bank, N. Y. 1,29 2t gir:TIOTICe.—OFFICE OF THE PENN 11Y1Ar1e. IA Fe Rix cowl eAnY, e 5. oult- BROA D ANn Vl ,l V. STO FETA. All persona loving chums lumina the Pennsylvania Farina Company. or holding Bred Tinkers otne4 by it are ramie, ed to nr-sent he same for payment to the undersignod. on "r be.o,e the Ft Rit Dill , t)FAU GUS next on whioh day the aliens of tho oompany wit' he oloted finally according to lam. 125-6 t EDW 4 D B. FkR.R IR. Bearetary. !OFFICE MORRISCANAL AND BANK ING CO Ir Jalr n. 7861. n3iVi DENT) N. tTiCo..-7 h* Board of •-freatori bave &Oared. from the earninta of the Canal, a semi-annual Piv dend of FIVt; P• ft Ch.NT. upon the Preferred nook, pavahle on and titer the 6th day of augu‘t next, at tho t-lboe of the Company' at Je,sey Ci.t. or to Stookho)oe , a In and near Philadelvhis, at the oft', of E. W Cl.rk & Cn . them The I racy fer B oke will be closed from the 2 / s thibmt. to th. 6th of '.uf.ttat. /in t • n'6" - rt"..Ctr4TIT, Beoretarl. MrtioTIEE—TO THE IN fidEl Tit NTS Olr TR Rh [MORO—That 'ho ORILY or W.E.KLY S ran be dtt the oonoterof m• ear., or served at your hoturee regularly. at WIZ • h^ur, W. C. BREA RD, irlB-Im* Airott for TAt Prat. in rrankford.' KrOFFICE OF THII . EIIIILADELPHIA. AND DARBY Evll.aoa 4.0k1P NY. PHIL •DILPHIA July 13 1861. The Board of Directors Dave thie nay declared a Di vidend of rw- Y-F , V- C.,.P1T8 par .hare on the Capital Stook of th r Company:. ontetandine this day. parable en and after the 26 h tout . at the Office of time Treasurer. No , 2 Walnut street. 4 ,For the oonveni.non of toe Stockholders, the Trea surer vitt' be at the Depot corner of Darby avenue and Forks ninth street(opposite the Gray's Form road.) batsmen 6 e , on SATURDAY, the fifth in t., prepared to pay the above. Traoner Books will be closed until the 26th Inst. Tpos. aPARKS. Secretor. and Treasurer, iyl6• lm No. I +I Ist A 1.141 estraet. 07w 0 FYI luE OF THE FAME INSURANCE COMYANY, No. 400 Ow MIT UT k tre a t PRILAMILPIITA. Jai? 1 an. At a meeting of the Board of Dj ttoni held this day. a dividend of LE PER CEN T. wee declared on the capital, payable on the first day of August aext. be . W. 1. BLANCRAILD, Secretary Ber WE DAVE EMPLOYED DELP FROM TIME PROTESTANT EXCHAI(GE,Southwest corner SEOON NEW Streets, and take Pleamtre in recommencing it to the publio as an institution much needed tn• our city, for Its care In selecting the .heirt UM% women, and children ea to character end Snail- Acetone &VICK& 630 Roos etreej. 51, LLE E.B. Omen And Tulpehooken street:. JULIA NNA RANDOLPH, Ms Chestnut street. EDWIN KIER PA S RICE, MD Arab street. • DAs.NT, 118, Monet V enton street. lift-RA.RD/1.1620 MOUnt. Vernon etreet. OEO. FREEMAN, nff North Eleventh street. O. OLIVER. MO North Sixth etreet. A. S. P.R., turd and Oermantown *ranee. . T. WILSON, SID North Front etreet. T. Sloe Ul Rk,g22 South Front street. M WHIT E, SD Ittanshall street. W. O. 1119K131402 Market street. W. H. RIOHAR DEION, CS Market street. And over one hundred and fifty more, to whom re ference will be leen at the race. . myllo-Sin 0 'POE OF SICORETARY AND THE - BURKE, BOLDIERB' HOME, —Texan Pull CITY RE , 11,)•D Pa OPOSA L 8 will n th oft/d at this office until UP.SDAY, (noon.) the en, 7861, for the cionstruetion of two Buildings, at die Soldiers' Home. somewhat similar to the two now there known as officers' qua , tei s he r lane and ensoffieistious may be examined at this Mlles. where al , inf .rumtion telative he location mid charaoter of the buildings wit) be given. Every offer tor the construotion of 'beim buildings must ce acoompsuled byu. rtspowiihle written guaran tee that. if the til4 should be tiooepted, the pa ty or parties will, within ten days. enter into an obligation, wish good and sufficient anounty, to erect the proposed ationrding to the pleas and pecilioauorm which h eave boon or may hereafter be furnished and &dome . The • proposals will state the differense between facing iho walls with white stone or marble, similar to the builiang• already emoted, or failings with the beet pleased bricks; or bind •ra may. in addition. maks sash Proposals as to other materials as their experience may a nest, n ing on the bide, right will be reserved by the B oa r dof Comm scone's of the Scthers' HOMO to accept such offers only as may be deemed nPat Ad vantageous foi the Iry Room' ; and also to r.jtot who e snould none 0 thent 010.-Lflo d itCelgibio A 1 bids to he seated aid ei do sod ' Sroposala for Building ," and ado rep; d to B~l'dnAlih K/ NO. .1730-taul7/Wet Burgeon. Bacrettury, and Treaeurer. STATE PENNSILVANIA • Hoarrzea. D.Erare.rktvnT. tiAnttitszuno. inje MX..? A Medical Board. fur the exruoneuon gaohcatee fur the poe. of Surgeon in the vo unto .r regluttrne tho Itiraro. aitt convene at Her:ahem. TUr..,bl4.Y. Anyun 6,1861. when and where all desirous cashpoint meute wlll lineal% nrdeg of the , reverner. erift.Y H. Bt4ITIL M U. b3O-111thi8l Surgeon 001:101711 of Seam henna. Jo- P f pfiUTOGRAPBB 8 UITABLIC FOR MaiI iUTOGRAPBB Oct, eo °ante. Duplicates 20 oente; are tare well as 0010T00 ?autos rapes $l, KblMltlt'd gallery, 151500. ND street. above Green, It !!!!!=1 MILITARY NOTICES. j WANTD—k finishod drummer and . fifer for the United &also frigate Potomac. Ale .. eoo ' , Me-bodied men fcr the United Ina es marine carps for sea and lard service. immediately. AD - P') at Rendezvous Nu. nll R FICONT RtTret. let Lieutenant W. OTOKEB BOYD. i3BO-12t Recruiting ORMer. 1101AnQtrAhTWIT,s FIRE DEPART niEvr ZOtTeV , q, No. dflq WA LNUT tirreet.— P ire Connumrss desirous of conoeot+-g them' Ives or wi bs,.th the ropment will urnish a lister members on bar BAT , . aDAY,Auauet 3d hum rvisimAnt has boon cogged. and will be made up from the l ire Da partms , t exo usivoly 1730 itioULELLAK RE' I OMNIST," namrd in honor of ourirarant towr amen. Genera' George B oreanized . end under merololog ordere to two weoke Ooe more 00n piny will IN tweeted. brapplyme immediately te heedmor tere No 226 omit PIMNT Street. 'rhe following in hat or fie d nad statrnffiners; Wow!. JACIIB ZIFEILF:R, Li utenant Colonel, B. JOHNSN, frlelor. 5.11 2 41 . 4' NF.O djutant. B. C. BR OOKKR,_ Quartermaster, W tsRAKKEY. arm win, H. B. MAITOtv. Anglin burgeon, PHILIP LEIDY, Se. .ATTENTION!-"LINCOLN litivitt.xv. , ,A few gym! men wanted to fill up Cant Waimea Company. Camp at Cheat nut Hg.i emit. Meta mustered into the amine at onso. BYlndquatteri FUURTit and WALNUT. il:7-et LIEUT. BILKS. WANT ED—FOR THE THIRD .Regiment U. 8. Cavalry'. able-bodied Met' of Balif• good morale, between the sire of 18 and 65 >ne,rb, Lu serve fora yeaie. Fay from Isl 2 to 8 21 VT month. with board. clothing. and medical attendance A minor will not be enlisted will' out the cionYent of parents or guardian., Mon aociustomed to homes and ',dere preferted. Apply at prirunpal Rendezvous. No. 116 booth 1021/ini btreet. Captain JnFIN sAvAnE, 'Chard Cavalry Recrultlng Officer. imEg LocAnkiG GLASSES, PHOTOGrEAPH FRAMES, (ENGRAVINGS. PICTURE FRAMES, REDUCED TWENTY-FIVE PER CENT. EARLE'S GALLERIES, 816 CHESTNUT STREET. j 127 St. CCITEMI= REMOVAL OF • • - PRICE, FERRIS, & Co. EXPLANATION. We have for the present removed our Stook to our Who]. sale Stand, No. ben MARKET Street, where. on and after MO :DAY, the 29th instant. we will im pre 'Jaren° offer it.for sale at Retail until we can: procu•e another Store in a suitable looation for retatting. We deem it doe to ourselves, In explanation of our sudden removal, to state that we were sub-tenants only at No. Bu 7 CH.BI3TNVT Street, and having understood, a few days since, that the warm of whom leased were in arrears for rent to the owner of the store, and that legally our stook could be distrained upon for these arrears of the original tenants, we deemed it Prudent to remove our stook to avoid its probable seizure fora debt not our own. PRICE, FERRIS, &- nE,BOIC FIGURED 811. KS. -ALF A Pme.ll Lot Jwit Received. Eilliail Ulnae et. 75 clews. itHA R E. 815 BkirrSEß.s. CI7RBTIILT zed 131613TH Street., FLOKIN A ROI:SAS. _ Vert doaira,ble rsoloring• is New Goo& • • Measuring 18 to 18 yards. 1110ta. 81 to 5180, jy2B Rh A RYL.N.BI4I3.IIOTHKR6 VNGLI...H 13 ARIGES, - • Mixture. and i rrinted Figures. In Ystio Quail ea. at very Low Prioes. French and English B.3.Tegali 8 d wide. i• 25 !Malt PLIESe BkOTHSItB. NEW MANTILLA STORE Ths mod splendid hum.= In the alb. HOUGH & CO.. leB-8m Ai 1501.7111. TENTH SPAZET. SILK MANTILIAt3. jr. every new style, the richest 4IRIAIRIII4 ever Peen at the elegant New Store, `45 808TH TENTH gITRICKT. leB-2rn HOUGH & 00. C HEAP DRY GOODS- STILL rURTHER REDUCTION IN aIIImMER STOCK', in order to insure sales and realize 0g,31(. Fine Chintz colored Pane Organdie's. Do do. Pans Jaoonete. Medium little do. do. Dark Brown Lawns. /24oents. Silk Chattier!, Bare : gee. Barege Anglats, Graz Goode, roving. Mom. de t si nes. &o. Black Taniarttne Crape de Escang, &c. Foulard silks and to damns, &o. hite Goode in variety. A Bee line of plain Swum lb ustium,l234 to tkl Mc. . Black Laoe Mantles, Emmaus and Faints. Bevsk and Colored Stella Shawls A very cheap lot Linen Camhrlo A good stook or Flannels and Baronet° Goods at tha lowest market rates, lor_cash ADAMS & BON, EIGHTH and ARCH Street,. IU . Ws AND 'BUM' WE &R.• Cat hmarettes,Tweede. Coiton Linen•DrElls t datteons, Corduroys. - 75 seat fine all-wooi Casstmeree. azielt sad allOy Cassimeras. 0,10... k.OA E 1 716 • E. Et. trornor MINIM sad MA 111.1431, iILOSING OUT SALE DRESS GOODS. IL , !Uranus of oar stook Bummer Dress (ioods, a. merely nosninarpricer,to close teem. Bemires and Bareao Hoban. itss than half prim Fine stook Black Dress Goods, extra °hoer. COuFEII & CONARD, 1)43 E. E. oor. fariTE and MARKET. - - FRENCH LACE POINTS& JO- Shawls. Mantles. and Bornons eono-d to one-haV &hair valus. Ill.ok Bilk Mantles.e Cloth do. Atuntror busters. A five smolt, oh•ap. COOPER & CUNARD N.a. oor. -H and MARKET. o.—Beet Root' bid rts. 17 to 40 gyringsYl3 ci KS do LANDELL AR F.l OPENING r.AeIC SlLKFl.—BlookSalks, fino orndo. Black Bilito tor oily sates. Itlftok Silks whole...lle. Black Bilks, V. to 56 wakes wide. PYRE & . LAND FOURTH and ILAL Reps aro selling all their Summer GOird* to dose them. summer Pan, India and French. flak French Orrandy Lawns Barents and Lawn ohne to the yard• floubin and Tama - ilk Grenadines. . IYfr(P.: kLANDELL HAVE FOR BATTING DR ;W4.8 All-wool Glue Flannels- All -wool Plaid Flannels. Good assortment of Toweling& ' Bummer Quilts wholrinde, 1861• -1111040E.ABIE YEAR! ! • HARD ON DRY Goons! VERY LOW PRICER! THORNLEY & MISR, SPL ORE REDUDED: IL M N. E. oor. FIG • rR and SPRING GARDEN. Want to sell their stook glows off. And have_oonsequently REDUCED Ta.h.l R. PRICES, V Efty LOW, INDEED. Panay Silke a-little over half price. Some sty lea of Dress Goode at half price. Lace Mantles. Pointe". Nuteuies &0.. very obese. Black bilks, the ojleaseet in Philadelphia. A great variety of Gray Goma. Lame, ko., )co. A very tar. e stook of vom-stio Goods. A WIT. lane stook Oc ir roillell GOOdn. Cloths, CPtlpilnefee, MI6 age.&o.. /ce. N. B.—Phis is a ttARE 4Abli:E to get Foods Un usually cheap. TRI 3 I2.NLEY & N. E. Car. EIGHTH and •PRuto GA• GEN. N. B — C Prom this date, July ath. Terms "Cash on • tyll °HAAT , R RS.DIJOTION 1ND11,7 GOODS.--fies quality of Gingham far 204: "..: Ntne awortment of Dress Gong' from 1.234 o to; " : •••••• Detains and Chalho ~e lainee rectnoed from 26 to Me /Mies' Clothe, plain, plaid, and striped, at a low figure. Men and Boys' Wear. much tedunad. Lawns in grPat varlet) from 8 to 3750. Furniening Co , dB, at the lowan autrlot Tori 088• Shadow( Shawls, from 3l to 48 at JOHN ARCHIv. 7v2Street. gOIIMER STOOK OF DRESS NOODB AT PRICE!? ACCORDING TO THE TlNlEB.—Poplins. Garages. BD2 Challlea. bslf pnos ; Challis Delsioes re ason(' from 26 to 12640. ; SPrillg Oh:razes redwood from 1134 to 20. especial attention is requested to our *Cooke(' Wien dies and Snoonet Lawns. which we nre bound to olose out at a low fiture. DHARL RS ADAMS & SON. Je3o SIOFCA and ARCH Streets. BAS.GALNB ! BriltaildNB.! ! SPAT SACRIPIDEt_ EXTRAORDINARY INDUCEMENTS offered in %no balanoe of our Stook of DRESS GOODS. now doeinr out O..,ATLY:UNDER COST PRICES. Parsainetn Laos Mantles Bournows. Pointes. Bargain/ medic Coate. Sa;pere ei-d Mantles. nARCAMS IN ANCY 8811 Ail. EAROAINA IN BLACK SILKS. 000. Mohair Grenadines (or gee. 180. Detainee. new ets tee, for 83. 500. Organdie awns for Mo. WO. Layne, futo quality, for So. H. STEEL & SON, igti No. 713 North TENTR Street. above Coates AA BANIIROPT IBIPOIiTER,'S bTOOK. of Samples of Linen Cambric Handkerchiefs, in hem-atitched. sheer-oorded, and embroidered. from 10 cents to 63 cents each; a erect bargain. purchased a saertftoe for cash, and to be sold in the same way only. CHARL4.2I AD6Me is SON. le2o WORTH and ARCH. Streets. 14 1 11ENUti .LAOS choice lot Just purobsesd from a bankrupt importer, sail for sate at hog ➢rice at CHARLES ADAMS do SON, Je9D• EIGHTH and ASCII Streets, I'BENOH LADE POINTS, BOURNOUS, AN U MANTLES —A large stook to be "old at less than wholesale prises. We Gannet be undersold in those goods. MUSLIMS ADAM.IS & SON, • Jell) EIGHTH and ARCH Street'. TLIQUITO NETTING, all colors ; Tarla tan. all colors/ for oeverlng glasses; Plaid and fiWilia blast= at wholesale noes. CHARLES ADAMS h 80N, leZ/ and ARCH Streets. S _ MALL-PLAID SILKS. Blue end White French Silks. Bleak end White French 81Ike. Brown and White French 3[l k e. Breen and White French Bilks. .Par snit White Frenolt Bilks SO doz. Ilditfs. at 81.60 per doz. 60 dos. White atilt' Wove/1,21W ner pair. /Reny goods reduced verflow. to close 012 t. at JOHN H. STORES' jeS . 702 ARCH Street N'l P.ICUIMe' 1 , 101.10.0 1 . 1 'lt On andpfter this date VIIMPI Lea & 011101 w_jlKey_ EvKay ronannx, 11 4 1.0GC1sAlE147 TO CASH fT,KCIIASEXB OF PRY they t w ill ) Being.dotermined to redscs their Sloth they will yieik Good &Of I eTiOB i i 1 eatitartil Fumy !Jan for 76 omits, worth 1111.17 navy Riot, Faimy Bilks for ei,vell wurth w a s, renadino and Bares* Goods. about one LAIC their Bra! Mined Goods, In every variety, from 8 °naives v ue. Yard to Se mask • BLACK a/Lica, BICH Arco LUBTROV/3, VIM' pose Black Brocade Bilks, double tweed, ise„ Rs. De Leine/. Celli:toes, Can:men% Cloths, Vesting', * tine Mush 1 .1r le ta ' iSla*L AirCL I M-lit) ( 6V ixtripitle. -.. rrenoh Laos entire, Pointes, Shawls, Wow. Oambna Lace Mantles, Mantilla Lace floods, IT.O. Illask Bilk Coots dim (Co.. in ever" style, At VA° Ir4r tr. ounini ,_ A I. farm EA§ a OFKIXer EfAxs/CM its. COL. D. W C. HAILXTER SEA-BATI , TIie, SALLING, AND FISH - ATLAN 1 , I ROgralt, WATCH 1111,1A . ,- , Near atonington, vonn. ' 4 2lda 'celebrated watering-place , Rotal, where the faoihttes for Bathing. Nearing, 1 7 ishing.und toe ardor ment of the best quality of sea fool, are emperior any other-hi the United States, opened on the 20th of June, 18a. a. EL - 82161413K1r, - Proprietor. B(COLON'S HOTEL, ATLANTIC (. I .ITY N. J.—e t the terminus of the railroad. on the left, beyond the deoot.. Thm Thins° is now open for postd ate and Transient Vimmrs, and offers accommodation: equal to any Hmmetin Atlantic City. Charsee moderate. Children and ser.anta hall price. oar Parties onon)d keep their seats turd the ears arrive in front of the hotel. . iTI-Ic4 COIiGRESS BALL, ATLANTIC CITY. N. J. Thie symileue Nouse, actuated at Atlantic) City, will be opened on the 2Oth June. with every mmommodation tor, cUltora. The Rouse froute the beach 129 feet. awing a splendid view or the ocean, and is near the Fishing and Sailing point. No pains will bo spared to secure the oomfort and convenienoe of aunt& Je2l-teal TRU 51A.3 C. GARRETT. LIGHT HOUSE COTTAGE, ATLANTIC CITY, the oearoet House to the eafeet part of the bawl', is sow coKio for tho Sown. NO TERMS MOD y ATE, LIQ.UORS.BOLD ON LE PREMISES. J NA2 WOOTTON. rsoorietor. REASIDE 1101j2E, ATLANTIC CITY, N. J. EY DAVID SCATTERGOOD. A NEW PRIVATE BOAR •ING-BOU3E. beauti fully situated at the foot of Pennsylvania Avenue Now neon for visitors for the season. 1e24-2m E A BATIDNG. The Clarendon," ATLformerly Virginia Rouse.) VIRGINIA, AVENUE, ANTIC OIT , isnot, open for the aooommodation of Beards's. Rouse is situated tinroseiateiv the Bettolt, and from every roem,_afterde a f tie view of the sea. rioei-im) JAMES JENRINd. Al. G. PABIHANY 110 1 E18E, NORTH ()ARO LINA AVENUE, Mar the Depot, AVLAIITIO 0/TY. The siaboarlber takee pleasure in informing his former patrons and the pub , lo that be has reopened the above House, where he wlll be italh2.7 to Please all who mar favor him with a oall. M 24 8m ELIAS CLEAVER, Proprietor. WASS iNGTON HOUSE, ATLANTIC CITY. N. J.—This House fronts toe Surf. and has the finest Bathing Ground on the Beach. Board per week, 8840. Bathing oressos included for weeldy boarders only. Board per day. SLIM. Stork) meals, 60 earn". • JOHN ROT:ibRITAM. Jett-7m Pr oprietor. KENTUCKY HOUSE', A'VLANTIOY. N J. This oomfortable and convenient new house. loce.ted on Kentucky avenue. opposite the Surf souse, has been fitted up for visitors this meson. Carriages . UIGLEY, Proprietors, N. B.—Homes and to Mrs. )e74-7m CENTRAL ROUES, • • • ATLAwric cm-, rt. J., , M. L AWLUR,roVrictor. The above new house le open for Boarders. Rooms equal to any on the hearth, well ventilated, high Ceil ings. &a. *orvants attentive and polite. Approximate to the Bathtng grounds. .0211-2 - 'FRANHLIN HOUSH, ATLAIv:TIO CITY, BY MARY hall 3 BULB. "k'his notes fronts the and, and DOaseggel the finest Bathing_ o , ounde on tpe basott. Bokrdang 88.450 per wp f BIM per day. Maki° eat ma Al cents.. ins in( Diees eluded lot weekly boti n =rdore only. en 12m CONSTITUTIONAL 110U8E, ATLOA. pp NTIC d CITY It , N. J.. JJAM::(_ theakanal.) J. BA , • forth Olobo.) Proprietor. air The choked kende of Liquors and Cigara to be found on the felcutd. Jesf int VOIXIMBIA -HOUSE, Atlantic City, K. J. EDWARD DOYLB. Proprietor. 'Shia Bonne is in the Immediate vicinity of the Burf Rouge, and within half square of the . beet Bathing rounds on the beach. The proprietor will use every effort to intim his musts comfortable. Team reason able. i 024 2m ALTAR lIOTBL, (Nearly °nett° the United States Hotel,/ b &NTH) Calf, N. J. SAKTI ADAM. Proprietor. Diener.— —— .-143 cents. Also, Carrie es to hire. tom' Boarders accommodated on the most reasonable forma. Jett 2m BATI3ING.—N !NAL LI LL, CAPE IILAND. arl Mar N. J.—The ttropnetor of the above-named bnely located establishment would respectfully inform the thousands of Guest's that have heretofore visaed his house. that. in order to meet the preaeure of the dines. he has. for the present season. sioucev Rigs CHARGES for Rtarce•ts to EIORT DOLLARS PER WEEK. Children under 12 years of age and servants half price. Superior accommodations, and ample room for 200 persons. iltsfers to J. Van Court.= arch street Philadelphia. A. je2l-2m ARO re 0 A RRETSON , . Proprietor. Wang SULPHUR . AND MALY • • IMATE SPRINGS, DOUBLING GAP. These F)Drins are In etunberland county Pc., thirty miles west of Harrisburg on the Cumberland Valley R sitrov, and a. now open for tho reoeptt on of visitors. guard tram EMS to !Mat 00/18111. aocording to rooms. rootire your through tickets at the Pennsylvania Rail road Offion, at a reduced price $4 th - ough. Gall on B. B Janney, Jr., & Co.. 605 Market strvet. for information, OYLE, AIIL, . REAMER. Proprietors. ieso-Sm• 11..TOWLANDT 80T.W34.-- SEA RATitme. LONG BRANO:4I , N. J. IL JI. Who subscriber will opini his hotel for the RECEPTIOri OF vierroae on flatiandaj. June Is. ISM. mslll R. HOWLAt D. Proprietor. COL UM BLit HOUSE, Cape island, N. J. This oelebrateci house will ba opened for the re oe,ption of roast" on rope nt. 1861. rhe situation of this house is one of the most beauti ful on the Island. commanding en unobetrnaled view of the ocean. A band of musio has been engaged exchudvely for this home or too meson. A large number of bath Lotuses aro aohneoted with the establishment. hood stabling for home, atteohed to the swami's& wttg v g i g i el n g:n r ,Tru 'r t g ),..lidg i aa er ir r itr i stil l ii i ri l ei neet roertetor. jell-!m Cape island. N. J. CESSON . SPRIEGS, OAAIBRIA- P.a.—This delightful and "email. ph° e of summer resort. located directly on We line of the Pennsylvania Railroad, on the summit of thell%7 mountains. twenty-three hundred feet above the syg of the ocean. will be open or guests the teth of N . Storm lest season the grounds have been greatly improved and beautified. rendering Cresaon one of the most romantic and attractive places in the State. -The furniture is betas thorgughly renovated. The "esker of pleasure, an the enamor from heat or disease, will nod aurae -1 ons here, in a first-class Livery Stable, Billiard Tables, Tenpin Alloys. Baths, &0., together with the purest air and water, and the moat magnificent moun tain scenery to be found in the omintry. Tioliets good .for the round trip from Philadelphia, 1/7.e0 ; from Pittsburg $3,06. For further Informauen, addreas W. M Dj.,1,114, Cresson apriam Cambno Co.. Pa. gEA-BATHING.—The 'UNITED STATES I L- 7 HOTEL. ATLANTIC. N. J.. L now open for visitors. This is the largest and best-furnished hotel on the Island, and being aonvenient to the beaoh and surrounded by extensive and well shaded grounds. in a desirable House for families, It is lighted with gas and Welt supplied with pure water. The Germania Society will furnish the music for the season. The cars stop at the door of the Hotel ("or the winvenienoe of._usts. JEREMIAH ?QOM GIN. Proprietor. BATHING.—United States Hotel, r*-- 7 Long Branch. N. J., will oven for the raosption of visitors. Innen. UM; with the enlargement of dining room. parlor, auditionat room', &0., rhyme lust f.eRSOCI. Address H. A. SHOEMAK oft. Proprietor. jy9-lm' • SIIRMER ' BOARDING}, ATLANTIC CITY. N. L, ASHLAND ROUSE, Corner of renneilvania Avenue and the peatroad. Atlantic; Avenue. 18 now °pun For the reception of perm Anent or transient boarders. 104 utti JOHN & ATONES. pEIOI I OOBAPE ALBUMS, The larxest and moat edema ASSORTMENT, AT ALL PRICES, • • • OUR OWN AN D PARIS MANUFACTURE. jAmEs S. EARLE & SON. 816 CHESTNUT STREET.. NOTIOV.-SRAL&D PROPOSALS BN i dOrzed ProDossla for furniaring the Public Soboost of the Tent -third Ward with Lehigh or fiebuylkiit Coal" will be received by the undersigned at the fit/0 1 /O'ORD POSY OFFICE. Box. Po. £6. until MON DAY.Angust 4,1861. The prosals will inolu e tne stores* of the Coal. There wil po l .lie two rites re act ed. Egg and Stove the ton to be 2,20 pounds ro- IMMO/ will be received at the same time for the Char coal and Kindling Wood that he requlretl• WILLIAMCRANE. Control) r . 1719-8 t Wwenty-taird Ward. MEW kIIBLICIATI MESS AND plEw BOOKS.— • rUBLIZ/lb,,,tTD' CAILLRION PHILIP r A".'"NG A Powerful Novel from tho Fen 4 -IER,' 1 V01.,12m0, , Price Author, PARTISAN : LEADER. The Great Disunion Novel. THE: BEA (LA MER.) Miolielet'd new work. 61 Cordova's fine poem. 8 THE PRINCE'S VISIT *.* Any of theme beoke sent bi mail, free. on receipt of igloo. by RUDD ak 0.4.11.LEi0N, Publis'ie:e. New York, , i730-tutheSt pittooKs, LAW AND MIEWEij , iII,I4.NuDb, new and old bought : sold, and exolianged, at the Pnip&DBLPHIA ri.h.4 :BOOK STOlth,- no. 419 C. 11158 TN LIT Street. Libraries at a diitanoe Putehalled. Those haying Hooka to cell, if at a distance, will state Ikea names, sties, bindings,_datea, editions, prioei, and conditions. WAWEED---Booke printed by ben:M ann Franklin, as well ea early Books printed en and upon America, Autograph Letters antt.,Portraibt our- Stine l'aurphlet Laws or Pennsylvania for sale. Cata logues, in prem. sant fres. liabnines appraised by 14115 -tr JOINI CAMPBELL. all XL 1£ RESORTN, wLa• P R RATA MOUNTAIN SPRINUS, LANCASTER COUNTY, PENNBYLVANIA The rates_Qt P•OARDINV, at this twautiful reanrt. will be teduodl from and after the first of August. to BIGHT DOILARB per week. RI,AVMAK Nat, Ephrata I. 0., Leneeeter eo., QEik BATEUNG, OkPE I4LAND, OAPE MAY, N. J.—DELAWARE . ROWIE is Pow open for the reason. Terms. sBper week, JettleB MP:CRAY. Proprietor. RED BAITING, NTINK 801.15 V. "I" I ' 4011. N J BRIGANT B . , Plow am for the season. The Bathing, Fishing, Gunning, and Yachting being very superior. Beata avail caftan at the inlet on arrival of tram. :Baud per, week 88. P. O. Address Attenno City. D : SMITH, js.l-2m - ' Proprietor. Z .11.0 USE, vs. Lower end of PLAN6ACEINIMIN Avenue,ATLANTIC CITY. Tide house is located immediately_on the Beach, and presents evert aoaommodation for Visitere, Terms moderate, WLL,LIA.AI WRITE 3 1 0 1 1 844 -, .'' jeed-7m Proprietor. rilH I ALLIABIBRA,” 'A,TLANTIO CITY. N. d SPIE,NDID NEW ROW% R. Comer of Atlantis and Maessohneetts Amnon. tote Dern for the reception of &ardent.. he Roome and Table of `• RR ALHAMBRA" are _surpassed by any on the Island. There I soacions fee Cream and Refreshment Se ism attached to the House. Terms Moderate. • C. DUBOIS 8, J. you - re, Jerr-2m Proprietors. EXCURSIONS . T° NIAGARA FALLS AND BAOE • FOR $l2. • - rifiRMNNANIEVENS EXCURSION TICKETS • WILL DE HOLD DAILY THROUGAtitIT TAB ABABON. 4.. , •. FROM nELPHIA TO THE FALLS OF NIAGARA. AID RETURN.VI a and HutfaA - r.., 5 , - ELY& DOLLARS, 716A 11 , S , and Catawimia, t the opportunity to FALLS "Act, (-)>. lt/ BW THE - -AT TAB MOST 1 C Al3Ae TICKETS good for asehrt Oolornochttione throughout are Pisa,., Scenery along the route is unvisited.Ao- For information es to hours of starting, a,"4 the & E., Through-Tiehet Office, LC W. Corner SIXTH AND CHEMTNUT STAKE., It. O. NEARS, General Agent. G. T. LEONARD, Ticket Agent. ArAIiSISIIIBIi TS. A ASSN •Y RUILDTNi A-- BTrIpFN. DO NS NOV ' , liTY.—TiVtery night Opel:Tag. nay exhibition on gaturday aftereo n. at 3 n eloetr. Fltere ootioon of the :ROL/T/3ERN RE L i 0 N—Fifty Vipvirs —tnalnding the great Battle at Oull'e Ran. ea.. Battle at Ca , thaze, Missouri, with Portraits of all the Gene rale ebe followed • - ky 4 endereon'e great reprreenta tion of the KU - NIA tq welt. with the fall of t•ebas repel admit/ion. 25 ciente ; children, 16. Colored peo ple. 25 Gents. J 129 6t ati LT 11 ILLER'S WINTER GARDEN, 740 And 722 VINE Street, between Seventh end Eighth. tIRADID ON VOCAL A N I D Dor'FRERUArNMETAL C AL p:tri. RV I- V. 1.( LNG. r With nightly. ebringe of proeramme. and supported by the must einineui Soloists and Vocalists in the city'. q‘EAND kt• Private Ba genies for Ladies (only when escorted by gentlemen.) j 26 et pPINNSY VAILA .40:tDfe.111Y (F THE • Fl tiR A 2 TFI. 1026 011.5 , ,RTNTPIT *treat. is open daily, Sundays excepted , from 9A. M till P M. • , • Add:deafen 29 Cairo Chikren under twelve, Ye Yl ars, half, Drive. Rh aros of Stook, $3O. i WANTS. WANTED—A SITUATION as ("room .or C 0.1 1 1411,11. by an esrepenoed man. City „yeference given. Addrees •• J. .1.. " at this °thee. WANTED—lmproved City Property in ?exchange for ficptt farm land in New Jmney. Addreas.• New Jersey," offioß of tliooarer. .1•20 lot* ANTED To lace. =t4 r orth Pennsylvania Railreed Bunli , nrY and Pre, and caber bonds for a cite residence,. in a good locality. Afldreoll Trze,4e." ollSee of TArt.rras. stating localliT and seer. of the wavers • fris pmpLUYERS WAVTINCi YULINO - Men, Eco., are invited to addrem the" Em m t o ;- Committee," at the Rooms of the Young hen °Mutiny) Anoolation. IGoe and 1011 CHELI 11T Iltromet. ne" *n+ FOE SALE frA.Ni) TO LET. TO ILENT---11ADD' .A 7 FEELD, N. J. I=-443ouvrodiors 13 'BOI.IBE, centrally . lo cated on t conveniences. P addonficid hag ail thg Gem forte Andof a complete Country nOlll5O. Inquire of J. V.. et3y7 . 0%. 1)27 2.22 WALNUT Street,. fa to THE ADVERTISER WOULD LIKE Purchase a moderate sized city residenoe. ln a rood neighborhood. lot which he would give desirable six and sewn per cent. bonds. Address ." office of The Press. 1119-t.f ANTO N.-10 1... ET (for the NM nation oriear) a pleasant Reeneenoe, snarled. ne soaker Lane Station • Um rooms; well E mcCa t. r, 1.0 Bente 8 MON D xtreet. it& Iru` To LtAINT LOW—ftralshed or un =l.funiuslied, for six months, or longer, if desired, a large and ooneentont MAME No 1735 Aroh street. AWAY to G. P. and &mama, 916 ARCH Street. le 19 tf _ _ 011.011TROT-STRETT EtoDEE an d JIM +STRE g, ) yantv—The desirable buzinese looation, anl CaMTN VT Ill_Pre e t. walk dwelling attached. Apply et 431 a - atm./74'11T Wee'. AD/1 7 1'41 ti.4/.l's --A very .debirabio tettxtuE, ths zenth-Et t p3t trod of "The Gontiaental lOW.' 'Zile Store B ea mth aeillasects effects Me at zdooted for a s OM na.P.VisS:. Make - . Au! y to MEN Rldg i _ Southerest sad RAIsBO.M eltroeui. plait 4 3litriOt TRACT gooc ratinorovad fora: Land in, the State of Dleat larsan (=enfant to the_ettr, yin be exehanged fer %its' yrutxtr. ADDIY et NO- X 1 ,1 Fitrsei. 04-11 PERSONAL. ag o WM. 8. HELVM.ON, UNDER TAKER, has withdrawn from the mid Srm , sod is now at the northeast corner of BT. JOHN UM COATSS Streets. i,2 INSURANCE CORIPANIES. FAUN 33 817114210 E 002111 1 ANY, No. 406 CHSVIZIVIT'Stott' rill: AND LNLAND IN - 5 treANCii. ,114102011.2. 2sorso W. Day... . -.-of Day & Matiask. lemuelyltright....--- " Wristt Bros & Gs D. B. Birney,— "ri! , & Birne& ... Rens, Lewis, Jr " ems Bros & Montt dson. : -..----" J. C. Bcwe & Cs. ISIIIIIII6I T. 80dz00...-Preet Wyoming (lazuli 1 606iTY. ( .., 0. W. sermar—.of 3. W. Xverraan k. Os. eo. A. West.-- - ... " West & ll'obez. . t. Martir.....-......_. " [towage, Ittartio, 4 ri.s. 1 . Vilson Da is.. -. -intact:ay-at-kw. 15, D. Wocolrujr--- -.of Sibley, Molten, & WisodralL 6s. Kessler. Jr -._. .N0.17/3 Warm street. SBUBNE W. UAY,Fresidtat. P HAN CM N. BUCK. Into Presiisat. WarislA.M6 I. BLANCHARD. &scooter,. 15.93-ind MILITAR GOOI3s. COTTON JDUOIC. 6UIT-46L.E PO.R rev, •Alt ST FROTIIINGBAId & WZLLB. syn 4 tf CB R Lt• EfAJCILLIZ R.V,SIDING D' THE 11:131Ait DIZARIffiE. So re premod, as heretofore, to aupply families at tastr Cfratitri Seaidanoeewith every deaartoaon 171kCfc 0903,EX174, _WEAL 160., &44 ALBERT C. ROBERTS. (.301?2 , 1ER ELEVENTR AND VthE STREETS puRE PORT WINE. 808 /ALB BY C.. H. MATTSON, ARCS AND TENTH STREETS. sAFms. LILLIVB BAFI, D.N.POT REMOVIIID to No. ii :South /Street, near the r7tnklin Institute. The undersigned. thankful Icy past favors, and tmlnz determined to ment future patronage, hes seemed an elegant end oonrenitdnt store, and has tiow or. hand large assortment of Celebrated Wrought and Chilled iron Fire atd Burglar Proof Rafeu, lthe pply ctrietly Ore and burglar proof safes made.) Also, 1.4- 1111'1111 Uneenalled !hulk Vault, Bate. end Bank Looks. Lillie': Beek Veuit Doors and Looks wall be harzusiee to order on short notion. This is the at:envoi, bent Protected, end ohas.pest .1. , 00r and Look yet offered. Lieu, particular attention tc ended to Lillie'a New la¢lnet:Safe for Pots, Joyelry, fr.e. This Ufa it eon teititki to corpses sure said elagatioe &r.7thing Tet tared for this purpose. aml the only one that Is ;Mita ly llre and burger proof. bAFill 119 W 00 hind eV of Farrel, cloning, & Co.'s aa.ea, most of %nem nearly taw, and some torty of other makers comprising a template eatortmett as to myes, and all lately ex changed for the now Celebrated Lillie t afe. They Will be sold at very low prises. Insase esiland eau :anti. fail-IYII ht. C. RA BLS: it. Agent. SAVING VILINDS. §ZA V iNe l 3 -111 4 iLtEZD STATE L. , TRUE': Cf.;MPANY, isomer ?311D 444 i NWT stmts. lINTEREET Pais 1 a CENT. . R. cRAWFORD, President. JJAMER R. MINTER, §aaretary and Trimmer. OMnejsonra, from to nnttl 8 o'olook. This Company is not Mined in any noPliaation to tko Imendaturo. ton PIIILADICLPRIA AND vvASHIBGTON EXPRESS STEAM BOAT 4 /4 Y. New line, direot for Alaxandna, Washington, and Georgetown. brone Ni boars B,esiner P/11LatUN CAprarn THOR. HAND, Steamer JPillo,ll/ii. Ca_n JEBOBIE, Win leave PhilAdelphi, every WP.DI4B.BDAY and BA.- '1 UR DAY , al 12 o'iriook At— connecting with all lines at those nods, and returning. leave Waehington, GeorgetoWA, apd Alexandria every TUESDAY and hATURJ)AY, tor Philacielplim. No. 14 SOUTH W HER. . Y. CARV LYDE, Agent. monoati & .RRINEHA RT. tents, )724-iftf Foot of G street. Washington. adriat REGULAR LINE AND DAILY EXCDRSIO.N&—SteaMeL Also.bY leaves Brat Por below ARUM Street. EV - ICY MORN MO, at 7)t 4olcok (exoeyt Etu3day f or Chanter. Peannerove, New Cootie. Delaware City. Fort Delaware, and Salem. Returning, leave ealeta at IX and Fort at 3 o'olook. Fare for the Excurson-- • BO cents. Staten for Bridgeton and Odessa re. Pet this line. Wir Steamer It baYBOLd) leaves A RC/I-Street wharf daily, at o'olook. for all landings named above ex oopt Fort Delaware. ]tom 12t• jkagGit Itth ri t, W Y 01111. Till Yhilole:phia Stearn Propeller COMMIT will commons. their basalead tar Ike seazon fin Monday li tior Memnon ara oow reativina freak% at bessa. P Of abOTill Walnut .treat. . onze asimmsenistir.z. •Ittrit_ Is w. /X. ZA11.21 & SIM ilkelaintro • VaELISTIAN RENTSOILLSIO3 LAGER v BE SALOON AND OFFICE. No. 409 CBREIP.SIWER NUT Str No. eet. Y, 942 North SEVENTH Styes Phi ladolph ia. J'26 1m 4 UST At4E tiTAMPS.-24 et., 12 ot., 10 a at., 0 ot., end J ot. mulct's for sale at tttur aloe. Exeopun: toe E ot. otamo. they will be Bold et o &s -umo of Ems toe► cant. tra-tf . 200 OASES UNITED VINEYARD PRO PRIbTORS COMPANY (Gaol:ire Babe - ono, Mover.) OUGrtsci.— Just reoeived ear • ocean Shim ruer,_ from 11adeaux. 100 oases 112 bottles each) very flue oLD DKANDY (bottled in Cognac) of tar above well known and, favorite brand, the first imports tion luso the Unted 451,61te under Mae new tariff. to whieb we Deg to call the attenti on of the trade. Sam ples can be seen at our aloe. or sal eon bond by the sole -seats. M M. LM lalli Alt 10- lag gouge PROM r Rtr.mot. 801 YATRIOTIii, UNION, and COMIC E tr.E.Lo Stew.,R. all different styles. the largest oolleotitt in the United Sts.. for eve at one cent 4 /IVolltrordor from 25 up to 500, at the &nova price; • pa t tuteMved. venetie• of 500.allinti MIVIMODeig from Ma ylt nrs; Virginia. and ato. tors will figui It to their advantage to .mder direst from ARIAS it.7.5511.24,1t, 23 ANN Street. N. Y. New Mestallareselved daLLy. 1 supplied frl3-1m pEACTII BRANDY. One banal J.. sorra:NAN YAM'S. In Bala In , 411. 6 6 10.11 AVM Iliteit
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers