siizQu OF AIMS IH BAt,TIMOBE . s•TART L PIG DISCLOSURES. REBELS LEAVING THE CITY, &a (From the 13 4ltinioro Clipper. Patardar.] lie Orate ear tae beiteesionts a to get up en ex citement couttquen. upon the events of Thursday, Only partially eutoeeded, and by sundown it had entirely ant:toiled Toe night was quite, more than usually to, and esterdny not the &lightest excite meat was menifeo• 'the feeling in the city is one Of greater security than heretofore, and a die ptelition generally to a 1 p •rve and endorse the vi gorous measnrecof Orb. Bask/. • ♦ aratirttlita DiScnoattita. Information was ounveyed to (Jul Kenly in the morning that there was concealed in the Old City Holt (toe former hesaquarters of tdarshal Kane ) a vast quantity of war material intended for the tisotocnoritate in this airy • 'Col Kehl, aerieg upon the information•receivtd, ordered:a number of de- tailed policemen to search the building. Toe first place searched was In the rear of the city telersoph tithe, and Rasa at a lumber cod 0..1, room. Upon remoViDi the coal, upset& of 80,000 reunite of Minnie cartridges were found. , Tots disclosure Indue•d the make far ther explorarions, and he result was that in,a beak room a false ft Air tied been laid, under whioki , over" TUV sinekete,ans ma its " patent ratios were found.. inaroom - at the - extreme end of the Me pounder field-pleats with ail the requisites for warfare was aiso round.. Continuing ins seareh the police mumbled over a qtiaertity of Iron halls ranging in *is ',team the• tousket 'oalibre up .10 s e twenty pounder. This 'donee ion was stored away in a darn corner of , the wood shed. - Atter thottienthly examining the lower portien ; of the building, ;toe pollee (woo by this time Were looked.UpOri tea' sappers and 'miners) ascended to the upperportion of the betiding, and atter, peer, beg into dark holes and moieties ' , oeme lunette isp wares of•a cart load of canister shot, At Ilret the pollee were of the opinion that the tit:Coatis con tamed ,hermetioally sevled provisions, but:, when,. they rattled the tin % bullets was the eoho, whiob, In a measure, did ooneleon the police that the cane did °onuses sealed proirisionr - Af dr A Ifareh'ot 'throe boars the police_ became convinced that the secession arsenal.. had :been thorom,hly examined, lad that no more Contraband . *Glebe were bL fund • :alley, however, nun °saved en idea that something 'wee' to lie ne , tde by . vaulting the'centrel Police'etailion, corner ot Holli day and 'Saratoga streets. Their visit' wee re warded by the tioding'of a•arx.pound field piece; and several Chili which were plaoed in nharge of the provost marshal. Upon die news relative to., the diecovery of the, above war 'materiel being made puelta, several friends of Marshal packed up their dude and left tee oi.y, fearful that General 11 inks woald send thom . an invitation to take tea with him some time during the week. A later and more thorough search away about thirty Colt's revolvers ; stowed away in the loft over the last story of the building, netwe.n the ceiling and the ref ere The pistols wore new, and had, evidently, never been used Among the ,nenekets oohed were two masked tt Wetherid Bros.; safe keeping, Marshal's title° " A large Maryland flag was alto toned on the premiere, the came as that iteed on the eventful 19 b of April. White the guard were inverigatlng the different perts of the , old City Hail, a bag containing letters was found ocatsealed under a coal pile the brg -and aohtente weie taken in °barge brthe provost, marahal r who will have them examined The Nal . : ters.were oompoaed chiefly of the correspondence of Marshal Kane with the reeidents of different seotionahf the country. ,We lawn.that tome vain able recreie were. &nod among •the letters, which will gofer to criminate a number of persons. • The following la the °Motel inventory of the war, mate:lel sailed :-_- • -.• • - 2 4nx potrsd iron guns 2 font petted iron guns, half ton assorted shor, keg shot for steam•gttn., 120 flint 'Muskets, - 2 earblnis, 46 rifled duo ote44berrelled snot duns, 8 single barr;lied - AOC . guns, 9 (oral ,plstole, 65 malt pte:ols, 112 bullet moulds. 4 .owt - belle, 8 dirk:knives. 5 -awords, - ,8 kettle drains, 1 lot of sore. drivers, box musket carriage., 33 gum ricers 44 copper Reeks, 20 small flasks, 18 muskets. II? oanamere,4l lot tome, bags; 1241d' muskets, 25 &Lime make's. 47 Hall's oar buses, 1,',10t of Mow .malehe44 48 000 percussion caps, 2 ball cartridges, 1 000 rills ball oar• tridges, 73 5 ' /1•1 1 's vas cauridgcs, '3 162 /Mind bail earttsdges, 6 520 lung ball Mdiin:/i cartridges, 8 osmtatei,shot, 1 ball. 12 poundete, labelled " irons F.Jrtl3naipter to Oct K .30. " In eddidon to the above arms, subsequent search disclosed the foot that twenty or thirty resolvers hoc Dawn searetea between Ufa ceiling and flooring of the slicond story, immediately in rear of the detective's miens! A email Lumber of revolvers wale also found in one of the outhouses . . The Lest or these etas, and tome of the ammo tltton, have been recognised as part of those Wien' from the baggage oar of the Meessotmeetto t•at moat that was assaulted on Pratt street on the 19th of April; . - Bs ARMS TO17.111). The newly appointed tfiloers of the Southern district made a puma tearon of the station Mitten yeatazday. and wand three muaketo buried in the yard and thirteen a owed away in the jolt, between the ceiling and ratters Tne mwkete were new, and apparently had never been used Concealed in a loft of the Central Melon-house area found a keg Ailed with Moto, and 78 United Stales marked.- COLtUnilDg the erste/i t a false Son was auwevered to ins wain rawm of the build. int. under:whteh was peeked way, Ile amines in a tx;k. a t t nintier of muskets A minute Beard' of the orter,alatlon lionaea will be made to day, and it is expected that more treason will be uressaht to ligLL. TIM 'PLOT TatCSONTOG, ‘. The old City Hall affair having been exposed, attention was attested to the' different foundries' in the on), and resulted in the honing of dire pieced and ieverat.glin earitageti at the foundry of. Adam Demi ad &Son, on North street. Three of the `one are.hthiwa to military Itfe air sea /mas,. and were Oinerraoted by the : order : of lifsr.hal l Kane The.Aleapia Dinmeed iaid, when the War: material gas Bused, that they " were glad that: toms authorised person bad arrived to take posses' Nun Aa a matter of crow.e tee passage of the got s through the city created some excitement, but no breech of the peace was perpe:' t sled by the &slashers, who, with feelings tired, were &impelled to look upon the instrument' adopted. by Uncle Sam to arum one the rebellion now Tempera in the rebellions district. GIN. BATIKB' OftDIIIII TO OOLONSL EIIOCUT Gen. Bilotti, issued the followittiorder to Proveat IdaPsbal linty : -_ • • ow Anwar%Llß, June 27, 1861. To roconst Ksamv, Provosehiarshai : era : My "tioeniton - has been called to a reSOIU. 'Hot pntp. , riirg io"thave beer. this day psalm° by the late Maida - Polio.. C. mtoissioners. express it g the opinion that " the rut pension of their tun°. lions tiospended at.the !setae time the operations of Qingdao I.w, and puts the ti6oers at.d. men ell du:y tor the present " You will take special notice, elr, that by . my ViOlsmation of this day neither the law nor the oftioessappotnted. to execute the laws are &fleeted in any manner whatever, except as it operates upon the members of the Board of Commissioners and the Chief of Whose fonenona were and are turperidetf." . Every part of the police law is t o . be enforced by yon; axe-pt that which refers to tbie suthoritY of, the Cdmmiasienets and Chief of lice, and every ottioer and man, with eicepticitof: three perons above named, will . be coratinurid.iii: service by you, in the positions they now occupy and with the advantages they tow receive, Unless' One or Mare Jihad refuse In discharge their duties. — If 'lay police offleter declines to perform his duty, in order TO avoid the acarohy whtob - it .was the purpota' of thiLoone mini( tern : I to: : britig thin city, by inaort emit stating thatit had heen by my act deprived - oUlts polies protection, you will so led; in °obtained - et - With soon of the public authori ties as will aid you, good men and true to fill their ',limes and discharge their duties. You will also take especial notice that no ton, resolution, or other act of the late Board of Commissioners can operate to limit the tff-ative forms td the pollee law, or to dbchargenny offiorr Swaged in its execution. If any provision of the larefatia to-be executed, it will be from the choice of the oily, sad if any officers, except snob as are herein named, leave the eervioe, it will be upon his own decision. You wilt cause these views to be made known as the rule of your oonduot ' I repeat my declaration and my purpose : No intervention with the laws or government of the city Whatever ti Aritentied, except to prevent sr- Ore t, violent, au& treasonable eombinations of di.- loyal men against-the- Government of the United fixates. f am, sir, very truly youts. Newmann:Li P. Baines. The Movements in Western Virginia. ♦Dl)llll . 0F Tits FUItLIAB GoIoIgATIOR tO THI PRON.& or VIRGINIA The dele4ates to the State Oonvention at Wheel. log, Virginia, have bitted an addteetto the people. of the State ' in explanation .and vindioation.of that; orgattlx nig . • new State G overn ment. bears the signal:tree of Artikai. 1 Sofro:tan; President of the Convention, antitif lirtnener,:seetetary. It TCOU66 tho treasonible acts of the State Convention at Richmond. deelaiiit that the feeders in the Seoesaion mavens. nt do not represent the real sentiment of the people of the State, denteirthe right of secession, and traoes the Union movement .of the northwestern pert of the State down to the organization of a new State Go vernment.. The oanolUdiag part iii u follows t - " W• Call noon the loyal eitlaene of the: Ckrae , .. monwesi-h to organise and arm for ils:diersMials. , agafrist the conspirators and usurpers at RiObteetiel;l and their aide's and abettors Plana will diately be devlged to give to snob organinatloni, tbe;greatiPet tfoteno,. The General Gayer:Jr:lent will aid and protect us to the utmost ot their power, and' wikr lP Olt, UT cpcitionsbly recognise the re-' orgaideed a:averment aa the true end teeth:anti, Govern men I-of- the- State. - -They oannot and-will not do oats:why u a• • " The :reoigaialited,alyarnmeut appe a l s a the gteit.bbillof this'peoPtejor„tiontsteriehae•and sup : : port to , hiehotti.of greskanziety add trial' They do so cionfidently.'beciauegs, while , there base been many deteodons from the treat atilf.holv cause of ' Liberty and - Union,' among : . !hiews whom you have been 8000Am:tied to look for Political inr" ma ion -and-dirotlitis-7130-f6-htve-been oompara Weal, few aimmg: , yourselves Ia ata matter, which appeals to your deivest rights:UW.4We' rests, you have responded spontaneoUsly, to.. the . pirnmpunge of your 11611 eat hearty Your parientfe bas taught you the great benefits of the Union, and you recognise the great principle, gist a government so beheaolei to its operations, ea maid in :its rtgairetuents so powerful to protect, coo so coostituted as to diffuse throughout an lat• mer ,,, e t e nt ray the blessings 'orz - prosperlty and b app th.,,,--e,,n,,aid not be Changed for light or Iran gi a nt aaagiaTUl2,la every °minty where the free ox preetiervatiour views bus been permitted, -your ma) Adel In; fairor of the main eoaace aid per pmity of the Tinton have far-exiseded the cialeu• letter:a of the most slogutrie among your friends. Persevere, then, la your most holy war against .h. corrupt and Pal erect. oligarch, who have usurped your Government,: and who have sold you to the ameittous:deipota of en neholy.rtlitiatlon In tech, a tiadae: we mpy to k for the bl , e :Ingo o_,, Ps _ rthlet. l o l .7 his':, ede it a,p in demos that those weo. impurity Of,bri kt4o4lpor rise, strive for tie preservatlOn-of their. ( their 14,01Seg rod . diet r 'ooentry - '''although kb, woggle may protra cted for 1412 g and weary leagi.llball River strive in v.ict • - - LOOtltheftl Iptellrgeaae via Lottliville. Toe latest 4Sounts from E tat tenatisme I‘ Ti o betty fir. r. the rebel Cloyerinsiiit Taal in;:3 7riti , *TO fOt :the iteuguretion'ofis%pro.% ,ristoi ss a tioerrament of.E mt Tennessee: -thstt. Toe gunhat ConialAzz' at the dri,deiaki;iit Penland, Ky , ieaking badly. It is 'donbtfttl'if tither of the gunboats oan . get over the Portland bar, or, if so, whether they can got to Cairo, on I.o.otlat of the low state of the river. iltate of Public Feeling xn England• LZTTLEt !ROM Ulll[B'llll adtiVILY The following private letter, written to a friend in Washington by Janes Homey, our atOlPter. to Portugal, was banded to the National gencer and published in that piper on Saturday Pants, Jane it. lat. MT Dean It has occurred to me that the ream a of some of my po•eonai obsetvationa In passing through England might be aooeptable to you A very considerable reaotion has marred 'hare in the lan fortnight, both in the prises and to Parliament. I made It a duty, without ooneulting any one, or making my purpose known at all. to lee personally the leading writers in the Times: Post, Now, and Herald, and to oonvlnce them by practical facia of the mistakes Int- whinh they had fallen, and of the fella Views wills% emote• nose from the scene of action and misrepresents trone had Wooed them to form Some of them reeponded promptly • and oredltably ; others were slow to relinquish .preoonoaived ideas, but gradu ally yielded, and have now almost come over to our side. The popular sentiment in England, Ireland, and Scotland is almost entirely with us; and the know ledge of that feat has bad muob to do undoubtedly • with the recent action of the Government All the:people I met in oars, steamboats, bo , els, and 'institutions, and with whom I bad any opportnni ty of oonversatmo—whiob I always sought warm It wne proper—were ardent for the Union, and anxious for its preservation at any eat. I did cos meet ore man who expressed sympathy with .the .Southern movement. Spurgeon preached to a Ccingregstion of over six thousand people last Sun day, and closed with a prayer for_ the .14.irth and the estlnotton of slavery. The response from that mighty multitude was like the muttering of die 'tent !banal ' Soak as amen never fell on my earl before. That ,fao,l t."e the feeling whiob tektite among the metisesin B igland, and whiob no litnistry dare realm • • The ,publlo men whom I have met in Europe 'look to the new, Administration with great oonfi om des for . a solution of the neat pioblem which now Convulses• our unhappy• emuntry, and they see to the means now adopted the promtai of a satisfactory end.. If I can be of any use at Lisbon or elsewhere.. Issue an ediot Commend me very kindly to your household, and believe me to be, ' p.einly your friend,- JAN 13 E maims-. • SoUttiern: Account us time iriititia'Airair. The Richmond Divatch. says : du Sunday morning Colonel Grerg, maimed or. dere to ge out on a 'reoonnoltring expedition He took with him 600 South Carolinians, a'company of Kemper's artillery, and two oompanies of we vairy, including 40'of Captain Ball's Chester corn oany, and Captolu Terey's company. of Bedford He started at 8 .'clock A..fd They remained fluidity night at a place milled Dtaneevilli. On' ihday morning Colonel Gregg termed his emu, mend into column and marched down the road to a plebe called Vienna - Here they remained only. look enough to tear up the track of the Alexan dria, Loudon!), and Hampshire railroad and de• etroy a water-tank—probably about an hour— af ter whioh they started to return to Dranaaville The troops had proceeded about half a mite, when the whistle of the locomotive was heard in the distance, whereupon Colonel Gregg ordered a oait, wheeled hie column. and warmed rapidly baok to Vienna. They had mine]) time to place two cannon in volition when a train of cars, con sisting of six fiats and a; baggage car, name slowly around the ourve, pushed by a locomotive. Each fist was orowded with armed men, whose bayonets glistened in the evening sno, and gave our men an llinpreesion that re,oontest was at hand ibis, however, was not realiied, as the result will show Just as the train was about to step. the 'artillery dried a _well directed shot from one of their guns Which raked the Heesians tore and aft. •Coaster.: nation and dismay were distinctly visible, and, after another enemy were seen basil) leaving, the oars and taking to the .woods The engineer of the train was smart enough - to un couple the locomotive and take the back track for. •Alexandrla, leaving the entire train to be captured' by, our troops. Col Gregg's itfantry . and the revelry pursued the fugitives s- abort distance through the woods, but were: unable to overtake them A few of the pirtj exhibited some bravery, end endeavored, by shouts, to rally their flying :comrades bat it was impossible They then turned and discharged their pieces at our men without effect. Six of the enemy were left dead upon the ground - • . IL is believed that this invading party consisted of regulars and Michigan volunteers Col' ,Gregg had received infaimation a' "detachment adetachment of Federalisis came to Vienna on, Sunday evening • and brought timber to repair the bridge ' and :bar tb.y sated while th ere • that they re-old oome on Monday with men enough to whip snithang every Secessionist-in-the neighbotheod: They made :a slight mistake in their calculations. . About twelve rounds were fired by our artillery: but tt a enemy scattered after the almond. 'Neither the infantry nor oavalry fired a Pb0t..,., Our troops burnt the and captured a eon eiderable quantity of carpenter's toolkblatkete, sod other baggage, together with *bolt twenty ma-kets 'and -a 'number'.{ pistols Mr Hancock brings with him as trophies, a United States sol dier B asp, a_bavelock thoroughly saturated with blood. and a bayonet. The fire of :our while/We was most effective Ole men Was found with hie hand shot completely tr another with his bra) shot ‘ff at the shoulder; and other ghastly ohjeols troved the .deetruatiVe effect of the shots. It is , thought by some that one of the bale, broae—sue - riowngs - or inerroco.. - motive; : es sir events, the engine was taken away freer thews:me of !Lotion With all' possible . speed After the engagement, 'Colonel Gregg retired with his command to Fairfax Court House. DRDPOS. L kiK ARMY WABONB. tarlalitTBRNIASTRit OENBRAL'a °eaten.? setetoTott Ju a"2l 161. _t Proitals are invited for the of Army tug , gage wagons Prop "a s should state the prioeft itt whom the r car. be furniehed tat the viruses of in,all facture, or at etr; Y Potted. labia, talttmore Washington, ur ChiSitinatt, as_prefero d by the modern Tee no mbar which oast be made by any bidder within one m th aiter receipt of the order, also tee rumba' *Mon he oast deliver wnttio one week Ihe Wagons mum, ezeorlY o ordsm to the 'Sp <ottani.° 6, an i. to the eette Wm/awl p +reins. (00nerrd Witguittl, of the wee and desOritr- Wet as 1.,)! tws, to.wit: Tn. iron*• wheel' to :be three feet ten inches high, hubt ten inches in diameter. and fourteen • nd a mist ter loch a lona ; titud wheels tour teat ten inch sto it. hues ten and s onar•er limbos Ind• %meter. gild maltose:l and ft quarter Mottles long ; lire* two and a bed Inch" wide and two nod three•quarter walletdeers; oast Iron man buttes -we've income long- two d bel t , tut hes at the large end endow. end seven-eighths inch at amen rift• ; tire .mo and a, half isehes wide b five etgh he of an trash .11 eh fasten- d mi h one mew bolt an t nut In each faille; hubs made of mon the masker and tithe of the heat whtte oat ' free front defect-;each whet' to have a sane bond au lonohpia band tWO and three-quer er inches were, of No , 8 head tron. and two driving nand*-owatues band, one nd a q miner mob be ones quarter inch thus', ins de hand one Itch be three sixt enrhs inch thick ;'he nd wheels to be m ide and boxes. so that they will 'measure f•om the In side of the ato the tare" 0 the imx six and a half tar herr, ato front wheels six and one- eighth 1. oh ^sin a parstoei tine, One each are to be three fees rue an mot thr, 0-eighth /ochre fr. In um ou nide of one shoulder'. washer to the °mind, of the o her; a, to have the want,,,,,: all to ir , .ok five feet from centre to ()entre of the wheels, Axletrees to be mane of the best qualtry refined e it erieau tr as, too and a half inches ',lustre at the 8 o alder. raper as d ewe Drone and a ha to the mold.° limbo seven ete hths enoh king , b thole to e •eh azietae; wa-Ii re and Lincoln a for each axioms.; size of linett pots one ineh woe. th.en-sighrha oleo mob %took mt , a boos each end ; a wooden s mat roman(' three quarter inches Wide and our mottos deep fas 'rotted sub•tort to the agletree urtth. lips on the ends' ono et h two bolts. six i. otote. fro'. the m.dd e a= d fastened to the hoe de and belet.r. (the bol.ter to• he :tour feet fi.e inches lone, ove Mabee wide and three and a half inches deep.) wi k tour half-troth bolts toe tongue to be ten feet eight. Molten long, foul tootle. wide, end tar-a Mabee thick at front end of he hoot de. and two and aqu titer tuottee w de' to two and three enerta• ;Patties de at tie fforit sod end eo t reated as so lift up. the front dofit to hang two feet of the vaunt; when the wagon is gtaudlng at rest on a +ay& surface. • The front hounds to he eix feet two, inches 'lollg. mohas th.ek and four i oche, wide over anintree, and to 'et in that worth to the hark end of th • tongue ; inwe of the! penes one f .t sight Inch , a loos and three lashes saustrl at the front end wob a p ate et iron•two , h afisOtg! h it' ..?totitusina oi tee tepittle With one ha il -mob I owl" b , it in 0 Oh .d. an plate of iron of she same six turned no at mie n en d iii:,, and a -ail Manse t o amp e front hound togetr sod tam aped on he under sire. and ,t trim end of hounds. With half Inoli aorrw bolt through earth 110 ltd. a seven-e.abth igloo h thro4.6 tone.. Sad hounds in the. entre . IAsSIII msarame the t netts in the 1101100111 a rower of iron' thme molt.. wde one , qa trter in. It Thie' , arid, ones foot mein tonnes loos," aeourea on the slllellito t.f J.wo of hounds with two rive it, awl a plate of setae thinenstrins. On Minh std. of the tonnue. a here the Longo and hounds rite faget.h - r.' senile d in ilk • manner ; a brace of seven • is hths of an inch ',moo iton to extend, from u mar the fr..nt axle tree. arid * mho tw- boas la froot part n'-the Mai ds. same trace, three-quarters of an 111011 round to wave e to the beespert et . he hounds: ^ nd to t e f;-tared *int two be ll s. one near the trick end of the h tends ard one tor , nen the • flier inn heend. 1 a brae* over front bole er one and • half inch Ida o quarter of.", inch • thick wo b ti .I.ln eeh ends f .4t.the-honed ,• tap Operitu.. he we It me j.wa of the bourid . to sermons the tongue foot and live quarter in bee 13 ; runt , en d four and aha t motes as he h cg. pen. t the jaws h • hood tutu. da fonr feet two inches long. two and three quarter no •es th ok.a d' three inohea wide; jaws one toot tone where toe , clasp the • nap opt pole; the 0 ,,t, t o e four fe t eve molt-s long and five. inches wide th es incites deep with ate dy ir, p two anti half Melt a wale by u e half if on thick turned rip two and a Mar niches and feeten• a on lieu eta eI ii three Meta ; tne b dater a oohs ann !woods to he Rea red e sth fur f inch Pere. b rrs,s.nd one ha f•inon BOIVW bolt through the coup! ng rude tne more 111 X polo. o toe feat eight {oohs s 'nog. three um be l ; deep and lour and a half inches wade at Iroollo; end. and two a d dyer-quarter inches. wideatt,bsnic e d ; donatiee flow 've canna, of Wag belt hole to tee oe tre of the osok azletree six feet oue mob '944 from the contra of hi It tio t hole to the cents. ol the mortice le he mud eve or the pole eteht beet mine incite ; - tnrt bolt on. and a wafter in. lies do meter, of best refined iron, drawn dove or seven-eighths of an Inch wh re it peer es 1 h rotten toe trort etre" 1,„ trot, pate ea Mohan long three manes wide, ono one-eighth of as inch the* On the 114.111)1KTOO1.1.0 tongue wyere they rah tonwher ; trot plats one and it hdi by one-quarter.of an inoli on the a lithe oar. famoned at:ea. Ii #13(1.b. a raw holt through the it mots; pont hohteeto have_platoe .Vet alld below eleven =bolt Italier three and a half Mabee wide. and three eighths of an inch th oft , corners drawn out a•,d turned down, on the tattles, of- the g l itter, with anil in eaell corner.•and four oou•t -tIrettLk nbta nn top : too bands;. n the hind hounds MO and too nd a bal. i ohms wtde. of No_ band iron; the rut. plate on the o eating, de to be eight inches long one and three quarters lionises and ona au es of en_ noh thiok. Doubletree three-reot feet ten ineh-e long. singletree• two ire; men Inches long, at, well naive ut hiok re, vi h an iron ro"s. an d al pat earth end, the oent e ohp tope well Boomed ; lead . bar and stretcher Cu, ne three 1413 t two inches .cong,two and a quarter inches wide. and' one .00d a quarter inch thick earl ha a acre 'cher* and singlet, e e l , far aix mooie team; the two singletrees for the cad mules to have boosts in the widow to book to the end of .he fifth eh& n.'tne wheel and' Middle pmrs with open rings to attanh them to the doubletree and lead tier, „ ti he.,firth chain o b. ten feet Img to th." frith.; ihs 'fork ong ioot ten inane!! lona. With the stretcher t- , techeu 'to mooed the Praia apart:; the tin -a of • boo don t horse.' sta. and, tontine elle , hl3 Three-e ghthh o r, an is h ; he forked about alldeett-01X reef h tnort in di meter ; the fifth. Mato to be even-set enth• tioh diameter to tie ttok ; the fork to be five-orteenth tr oh dianeetee ; the lank& of the.e and of the Ottk chains to be a of mot- man two and a la toter 1, 1 one.; he hod, io be strata ht. three , feet six inches - W l de. t w o feet deep: 'en feet 1 ag at thiab ttom, anu te r",t ,ix inches at the tf . m. atoning ego-al lat PAO end ail in . _ the weer or , maid • , the bed pieces to he two aorta ha f isit ragramexte. A correspondent of the oza tooheseLde and three. inches. • fop; feo n e owes . Iv , lie writing from Bedford -county, says .t nito.. iva dt'et two hu .nukes Wid h e; tat piece . . .two and a n i ne ' -li.e end I re* ea atop; and °Coding to a requited far your country readers - to 'four lvtslio. deep n he motel to rest on' he coapling give yon an sectiant of the Appears:nee of the crops p,'le;.tip rail ove and h.if in thick b• un- and neleti eightb mob t ; lower mile one .Hutt tuck by • in their respeotiviitiorhoodo, I take pleasure sewn! 0 e end seen :ergs ; a tuiph wid ; three atood.arat one_ in giving, you 'the following I tun truly glad to tali II tient. Wlth seat OD etre h tit es to (dose it up' Bad, 111 these Inn/ 80 e and a xeltinl(,ttmes, y ,hotics an Wei as the e; a box Oree feet four tootle.. long and eh:melte - paid. and "a deep inn r•st le the tits bet'om fi`e to, bag wine re ""t"aie• 'Una amid a half • grand staple of our county by the -L'eien—ing hi n hi e ^ deep. and eight turd a half inoh at me mato tts4 - live in th e western pars of 11,, o f eta irately, stanttal y lra f e as , t o en the bI y in the 0 rm. e a b e nu b d to the flout et.d of Its. h o d, ten 'miles^ Mint •of- the summit .of Old Allegheny to-hive to iron et*, wileithe round each end, se , mounts* Our wheat and rfeeropl are exoelittut; an ed to the-headpiece arid front nut by a nvevin „ each end of it passing though them the its to be seemely" ever better 'in One itilighbirho faatened to the front rail wt h ro go , dat nobles',,. a indeed. throughout the entire twenty - Corn ant) IMMO five-e.ghtb iron armed the ,boa a r•elf", n e n fro m early rains, and - good oats are . Short yet with a few , ;ins io # Odra. and ? ( ventm woe size on the sio neer tail, will have an average crop. erase et - ro-p hoses ;to nay. a n Za a n fr nt edge. to iita t . hi to i e .. rtteem ,.,l oll:ll 'sty fine " t • , . the ti-f. with ago d win-den 0 elf of 'he inside a strap ?oast 0017N71" —With: Ake" close of theresent of t-on on the (moue of the biz. with a &tapir p mina P through ta.ten the ltd, to; eight stn e and two' week,- and... a -•continuance of the present fine_ rails on each side; ono bola or fastened .to -the buoy, weather. otalanners will have mainly through. six llamas deep and four into es wide et. kin. b t note; with their hey•making, attd'will be ready; some -Oft Iron rod tu front and centre. of eleven oixteenths of an mob round iron., with s vead on the toe of yeti and nut them, to Commence • harvesting tier' grain next on, tower end; iron red and orthe hehind with should. re Week, The graft orbit his been a :very good 'one; on toe piece. and nuts on the Linder aide, and n while oats, _wheat. and rye promise."e tritely as on t .vo of Tell ;a p at -. two, and a half inches wide ,'- q nut f ut Oo 10 nand lon On tail pietist across the bo ; two' well7 l We-hear that the' fi elds of, white wheat.ln yriOrtto. sin rail pieoe and hti d bar two sodagamier. and .d.e inth thin& to receive DRO , 3 three ibis ultigilborhota bine' been hurt considerabliliy inokes wide she-dep n the c ern r and pots fee. • four itches :Dogeto be 'teed s earnest, nemers; roar ri vets 'rough each lode a ud, and two Ili,ate toes loorvery - proinising liqW The former book through math trent stud. to ' , entre the Hates boards. to ward at.d small, - while the latter looks retaisekably be of he he=t quality iron . aid . riveted en tt good nor wail. A lictfe re* We aunpree. wo u ld h e ' & mu g- on. rivet, thiough snob end of tea rails; . floor - ft e elevhs of an , inch Oak boat*. ; aloes five elal to - both three crops --U r right*oille Star." fowl of h white pine tail colt* thr °- an tho guar- , .MIPIOLIN 00tI2rTY We 'are gratified id being (era of an man "nli"•°r'lytuta Pine' to well clea te d with dye oak e/eata riveted at oonoh end through the • ably to (ley that from ill *Mounts the wheat bar - tednenFd ; • en iron plate three feet stain names et. east in •thisoositity will ti can abundant" one-^ ...We two and a quaver inches wide and three-east aof a.. tf eh n der lode or the bed pie to gyms tal• haws heard of neither' - weevil rust ' This is lick kon fnthod end of tne body to eight Imhof, front ; obinfiy owing, no doubt, to the fact that our ferret of the. iyud hole sirs - to'be fa ten ad by the t rod at he - reared- 9.017 little White :Wheitt.--Ltfutistotors nod of the bade by the, lateral rod end two three R eg h a tvp, , - , air htha of an mob screw tmits One at the forward end - • . • r f the plate. and the ether about, ettm distant between . s ungatirrtigth. t,0171trY...--14.9 weafeer_slaring the t. ono the attars' rod n hair mob rou d Ae - rn roa or paseweeirbas been warm and pleasant . We bad bolt to mess dte..otially through the rate, t.eiw,en the ?everel showenVand'alEthiti crops ire "growinglloe. two mho sonde to Mid th °ugh the tied pletie and plate we learn, that the wheat whirunder it. with a so. d head n the top an t rat and screw ;Prim at the hot om to he .t toe top one font six .noh. e tram ',proudest kobetter yield than for many :years The ineloe t ot tail board, and oo 'he hottom fen mimes fom Coro, though _planted latifilit thrifty 'and limning' the bind rod on iron clamp two inches Ida. one _ t. , bed plea . the nen riiititfirf Petah:4Blnd . an'other vegttablers bail a quart , rot an vet thick scan d the . ^ • sq, halt to qi which e (rdi cave atteotrtd itatantig good.sppeatientie. T And if Abe:Batmen is favorable th r o ug h it. to extend Bayou inehes on Me itorlde or the throughout, this county will 'produce Morn then bode the tine b nom be ercur-d by two ante aVerafe yield of Mt kinds of grain ard'veget^ torte az• the inch screw b its . the midd e bar stt the •- ends to be flush al h the r td:unfelt' on the lower s de. tables.—Baftwartn Journal ..^ • - eine sotoo ed to the ream , bit id the hod', j e ffi re eki rt ii,,D em i crat n e y ,th e t ot.e end er even mohes, them w feet six Mob along. , • I A ~ to be id ill ea-airtiihsol an Inch round t.on; feed the prospect for an'tatchense, y e ^o^ lwfmato eons, trough uo h.. four l eer stz i , oh a long from out to out and bloatfu foatr , all props rr Clark oovint,y;,toe hottent a• : n anus of oak, inesid•s ot yellow p n 'never untie fiatterjogv-ag Aldo, majd n i o f -04 y e a ? . b 4 eight inetes wide at b otom. Icy ve turtles wdo made` i ,. or tfp d eight and a hall nches, deep all in the In some ' pave oft 'he oomitythii rusehrie wet trone ,ev th a nand or :ont o arca 0 the top, appearance on the blades of the wheat, bat Imam t one around each sad and three. betW. en .the • ode, yet affeotedttie bead, nor. is it , apprehended.tibet .air' bga d suitable Irons to 'seta them on telt tonsue senile teethes ; goon et Omits to be atto hen to tea any War/ will he suitained f rom whe at 'tun tall O. th dp cu re d Sr by a staple Wlth tt. hook to appears to be fillini up handsomely. who early fittadh it to Ur trough nil, bows fto o I ash. tso potato erop la fine beyond at Prailadeutt end o :her void- and Poe half matt thuds with three stem ea vegetables are abundant.; Ton ;army see p nn ..h ee to itoi fine the ridge Pole to pa plea° ; pap( • nu a see ard of the bwe nee d i e 1 14/ 0 1:,fte , da , 7) and if Would ileentithatlteravegeg. l ' il „ . ', 2 4 l ° .!?v t : , : a e‘t i tons e . nue and eel,' quarter: inch ide wake mostly eorlaed to. ere' tomtit*, 'Ott et t- Ey five-e ghthe of An inch think; tbtaniver to he of the Hewed there will also be an averageba y oropin the fi rst revits cottrei duck fifteen- feet tone and , its er eight Weber, wide. made t L l i a ld be nn st e o t r i . r ri n n u a c r ii , county. , and the Aargau fr t crop that has hem V - .1:1 four head; Mods on enoh ale raised in the county for a 'number of gears primps the white; tt, r op looking poorly, a P ti e d aoliegi ln od d . t . o .. ti t l ,: o " s ci e o t a lf zi,ai l ^ lrv : a dca t r a s i a !il i d i ;i at hs t t 0 1.6 c r h. i d n 7 r.f .r t u iti t o : o ry . tenhr d t: and grapes appear to be very abundant ' 'he se each Oilf extbaopa in - dtiftrent par of th e st i l t i re . a t .11 ta eh, 1 w he ti eand ud from Pro - lt dy and reed trona.. te have two soot oat of white wising a meagre yield. Others fay it looks well, lead. colored n mud taut the Runde of tnem to nave and a large amount of grain will he harvested. two octe , r venstito red ptitnithe moo p 5- gear and The wont is - dotug eonsidera_.„e _mega ',sherds to have two good coats- ; v venetta red datkened y. m d , out of a oho(olate color; the .bob at sl fel tea 10 be Well Oa ravages arofnoetij car Acid to meadows.- Alto; rt totted. instead id pa uteri,. if regal!' d: 01116 .. t t tbin l . O at. the 31.141 of wtat,nr„b,B hint ztrvig-Nrtz. Atoti *if liwaragi ob ui rr - - -tta a, d mogiatteea ember in all - respeots tattles. talons! east:•ti‘e-yeire ^ This Opinion is based on Mate- lug to it - meats of, ,:the pierent oonditionrof the crops —Dr B each side of t he body nf the wagon to be marked. U, d . urnerpolis Journal., , and.nuroberen as diteotod ; coast parr. to be et tared U. e. ; the Coo , er- teed boz , bolus linchpins tot em:sag . T .A hang, crop of lianseed will be raised • pu t -it d ha-ve.s he tars tor emit mason to e • put up ill Ong county lb e a tc strong box. Mewls• re.) and the contents marked wlJornig stortlog finely. An unusually large crop 1 It, ot t° be d lootlY understood that 4t;. w•eops aro a ilpi a o l ud tO be so eu, at.UO e that the "...Wild p rte of 'an; 040 of potatoes has been planted.. Of •' I t:s e ttr il te lk att. i t! g tio °4 ati2 4 44-I ' . 5. I". ar a-) 1)(1"4 ` ..° 1,117 crop and all the nia a etn:Tio r dl a it i t as ei':" autn"ti)- 'rqrbll tiftroatatat Is that we will brie an abundant to tat of t Meat quaint • a l t n wood th r i f i r a:Vrr a n yield of wheat —Randy/ : Tour and me vote in al Ile Winn• lantittiti, exectoted in the neat Iforall troika :tanner Kat DUET , --The Bowling• - map-CAM rrola time Odle Green.-(Barren 40.. The t. K 9 ) sla_latLl"vt,aliew that the wheat ` arvest has frogr 2 ••••• " 7 e n e ffi eel ° P a lle°. a l OA Lit ter Vtatit a ... am pei t totea ot lt all 00211114 1 011 HIu'au luta" lootion Never in the hiatery been inereated and aperovea be said p r tee, or'BirreVtoounty his 'wheat " born so fine 'ogle° r• aollet tO , plena When flo r a. _abundant. The yield will be enormous. Trait paint d. and &r tep ad by au Moor Or stem or me trees, ails, of every kind are groaning under the 9.ualterßihit ter a U t e . v aid e r e o 7 . l, and di f tll . rtre i llui qua n burdens of rapidly maturing fruit. '" gdartenniseter Generatil.S. Vic Isn't*mon of Memphis. Under .the alma bead, the Memphis Ballet:in of Sunday %bus bolds forth : We converted yesterday with a gentleman from Memphie who last Wednesday in (Mr°, end , .wh‘ se ext•ntive ectiaalntanee in the Egyptian empire] enabled him to learn ell that is ma , erial of 'their pins Or the invasion of Memphis. lie says the Invasion of Memphis is loudly talked about at (Wye lie saysthwy hey/ abandoned the original plat, of. b•loging 50 000 men downin s• esmboats, as that would y result in discomfiture They hive greatly enlarged their plan of operations. which, np to Wednesday, is as fultowe Cabinet Prenties said last Wednesday that he wanted at least Sevetty-five thonsard troops to .invade the B.v.h. and thatthq did rot intend to mime at all till they obtained them He said be expected to get them ready in ten days, sod that if, they did, they would,rnarob down the rlver_in three colonies, one °Oman of 25 000 troops in twenty five steamboats, to prooPed down the river, sunoored by a column on each iide of the river of 25 000 troops The forces by land will go in ad Vftllo4l of the river column, and are expected to turn all the batteries and cot quer all the forces that they may come' across in ;their triumphal Ca . :Indeed the forms ie so large that Prentiss ex ppresses it as his belief that mash bloooahed would be avoided, inastemoh, as he arose' that DO re sietanoe will be made in a rise . pieties, and brit little anywhere, the large fore* being the best de. fence against attack. He says he expects to take dinner in Memphis on the 4h of July. Troops are already moving from Minnesota, lowa, Wil OODPIR Illinois, and Indiana, the last named send. log 8 000 K • are arErnred that some twenty steamboat pi Pits, formerly engaaed in the St Louis and New Orleans trade, are quietly stealing away from Oat to tearing lest they may be pressed into 'ermine— seeezvioe for 'Web they have no heart We saw Dement them here yesterday, who bad left their 'hhmes in order to prevent being foroed, against 'their.. will. Into piloting their dtKlation hordes doWn the hilwiteippi A number of the Camp Jackson soldiers are now prriarners at. Cairo, baring been arrested while on thetr.way:SenthAnd ate. made to _work on the levee, anti treated to all sor ts or Indignities. THE: CROPS. A. KorribleVragedy in Missouri. A correspondent of the Bt. Louis . Demoorat, writing from Oatop Blair, on the southwest braneh of the Pacific) Railroad, in bliesonti, Joao .131, 141,11: . "I send YOn the particulars . of a horrible mur der perpetrated about ten miles from - this plum' onWednesday lest It Seems that there was some disPuterbdween two neighboring filniliee about a • trees of land Oa the day mentioned, as •Mr.• the mu•dered man, was filooghlog In his* held, be was met by a Mr. L Wilson, his wile v (Wilson's.) with their two eons ;and daughters. Wilson began abusing MoNall, the whole Wait threatening him with anniellatitniand finally told' Meting that if he did •not . leave• the oontity he' would be mobbed and. forced to leave. The latter recited that he would die first; upon which Wilson enappod her finger!, and said to the rest,. Dime on, , boys; damn him; et's kill him A gun Was levelled at McNeill, NOIR failing to go t ff he was struck On the book of the bead and : felled to the 'earth. Mrs Wilson and her sons and datighters and the old man, then fell him and beat him until life was Winer. rbe tragedy, however, did not end bare Mrs'MoNall, from her house, seeing her husband thus, brutally as estil'ed. ran out to assist him. Elbe was; met- by old Wilson, woo naught . her boy the hair pulUd bar down, and stabbed her In the back The - Wilson gill then fell upon bar. and beat her until they were aornally tired - They then left their victims and hod • " boon after the °eon trance a messenger name into Gemn Blair for asalstemee fe m the troops to arrest thrimordetera r G a ptain McF all at °coo started forth° teens of the tragedy with twenty Men, but on 'rafting at the spot bound that the civil anthari ties had arrested the murderers. They were all captured and securely oondoed " THE PATENT OFF/GE OF THE CONFEDERATE STATES —Chi/ oranon f the. S •utaern new govern ment, says the Richmond . Dsrpatch, is about going into operation, and, we are glad to observe, under the most favorable ausploes. Commissioner Itbodes bas 'arrived from Montgomery, opened Ale depart ment at goddin's building, and in a very short cme wll be ready to proceed to b seinen. No lees loan 120 applications for new patents, 40 apolloa lions to revive old ones, 40 reveals Alai tor future anions. and numerous assignments for record await the aolon of the commissioner ANGEL CALDSRON, DE LA. BAUCS..—By the jut steamer trvm Barone we Lave reoeliVed intodt genial, of the death of Dr. Angat Calderon de la Banta, late Spanish minister at Wethington. The declassed, who was upward of sevenitlears old, wet well known rn this country, where be married a Scotch lady of superior attractions and intelle .t, sod dwelt happily , for a, number of years. FM' death occurred at SmiSaastian, Spain, on the 3nt, ultimo , _ PHOTOGRAPHB.—The reduction of price : or Attiing photvgrapha is owing to a discovery at to ifiiriparing the paper and a more powerful °moon yot on of the aun'a rays by the lenses. Whited.. Wally cost thirty cents to the artists can note be aff wded at one cent. , OEVICIA THE PitESS.-P CEPH A:La . v° • -• _ t. • . NERVOUS! ADAOHE. • OURii KIM or HE ACHE • • , • •• BY lie Vie 01'_ Pitbithe periodical attaoka of Net wrist or sieh'H" ire) arid be prevented • dif Wei tithe 001prfiti/ Itlitti.Of sn attaek immediate relief Toni ein oan . • tri,L will be obta.ned. , i 4 They "sield, . oil lif ren.ovins the nausea sad Ehoig- Sok' to lifhiikh • mataa ' are to suld+ot, , _ . , , They a ge • 9On the bowels, reincrring Of Itiltlltaft For • Otdr • Abe; Steubnts, Delicate Females; and ell perdne • • _sictraory iobits; thiy are valuable a 4 I Lezatiiii.jmnroving thetysttui, giving tole. and Ott lo to the litilstrre- organ*, d restoring the tuatara! else dotty andiFength of tbdwnole finest: ' ' ' , *b e 0/PILALICI•PLLLA are the result of Wei invedti vitiob d oarefhlly 000duoted erearimente;- haring .yen e Intl2), year., dating wthetittiie they km' o rep T d and relieved a vast aniotuit of oein,and ruff g. i r on:v - 11.3450ne, whether' orlinsifing in the ter system or from a detanged state of tie nit ey are entirely - vegetable in their oeltinalltion; and y be taken et, all times with nerfeot Wet, without king any change of diet, and tAt obieses of say diae. i ersiebie sash' readers it eery le irilesiaisier Woe s. eaUtrea. BIWAKI ... OW 00 1 - 4 '1:'1 , i : 1 .. . . -. .•. . , `Vie genuine Iwo IVO 'diluting Know itivaldbig 11114 h Sim ; •. : : b - 44 Ile" by Drugriiits Ow; N ia irmitinsik A , Box will be Ind 117:111a1 rimilefe the I , RlOlEft, lib All niers idwal4 be 444rulei t 'HENRY C. SPAILXIING. OX • 48 CEDAR 8711.1001. WNW Y . _ - •IE FOLLOWING ENDOZIEN Ur • SPAEDINGIEF CIEFFI LLIO P !LLB vas. ixanratat ,4apr HE A D 0 14 . 11 r. • IMAM • 1 irEZDT AND . SURE CURE IS WTTBIII TIMER REAOII. I •, • ,ts aoss Tailfirsofsiiiii art•uotsoitestsd'bY lit*. Skew afford ungwestionst,l. proof_ ' tan•iif tilta truly 5W411404 - • . - lIIUMIMUII4 Cu.oFob;!, 1311. Km; Simian% '. - • . ;, • • .• • ' , - - . • . am' _•_' : .•-•. ! •• . ~., ~;....:, . r....•, f bay's triec..your ,- -oohallo - P1110: . Plihis r itrog a. win that I went you to lend toe two do 'wo 'morn, Part of Ufa. are for the neighborrto op gave a ote irri tow of the rut box I - got from yOu.,• ,:• .- • ' - fend the ills by pail, ay.d °Wis..% .•.,',.• . • . • Your Ob't aorMilk_. ' .1. • • • •ZENIXEDY. .141,A1m • XavzitiosiiiliA KR, 1PA.101116. . o. • on , ions WiJA yom jo Barna me oaelk i tialer Ma. ira home rasaid a mat ' 4 "" 1110 ". •.: : • Y" ri ne 1 . 9 • 111:11011133. 8 . . . 102,011 ustox, i • . • .. 11 .1*. 11 ? in_ m ut am two We 1 ?<K0 11 1 1 Af Yeti = • • 1=44,.. " b 0,14 ANS Vinrion, Ottie,Ja.n. 11.1119 4 flrktagno, Eat. Please find enolosed twenry-eye oentsi ter irlaleh send sr •ano th er box of Toni Cephelio ?Ws. Th‘v aro truly tAa ent Efils /keys "'sr trsect.' • • lusin - . _ • A. 61()VER, P. Vernon. Wyendet ea., 0. • Mais.,Dos.ll.3.eak wirh for Dome ntroiMrie, or large 004 to brut ?ourCenhelta rtlla more pertmularlr.t.e[ore rayons-, tomer,: 11 yon .have nnything of the bad nlegill• teed' One of MI oustiOnere.wha le ,eable.ot to Iteadaohe.(mmally luting prop dewed eyar.'estrird ß lew Oflllllll MP Amer by your pins:which' sent tier. _ , Asspootftlit W.B. W 114.12. fUrrigoz.irssinto.TßLALcui C10..0k 1 / 4 1 - Janzar7 O. LICIT C. erattinti da Ciday al. ri. Y . oenta, (IL ) for vbioh 'Goa box of 't Caoldlo-ru.o nelta4dressof taw. Wm. WACO. 11.1. itaLallar. • ' . Mai . • • - - . . X• 1 long ranee I sent to roe for a box et Ceptuate-Pille for the etre of the ri erro a s Headache andOoetivenw, sad-reeeteed the same , and . //441( Add g• prait - set: treat tast-iires toutuceds•iimedf•raare: ,, .. - , : •-; - • - • ream end -by telltetratell. iti Ad, I' Oft Liu -.Exago4orr, ffinfoi.k. Y., ' Pill. atusomplith Oa) °Weal fin ILkisk /Aft Toro &Ado, Trz,: .(acre or ooadooho all - 1 41 1111.1 6 • h 61114 Brevrisar, /Yer./OA Whey have been toted in Wore 11Fn Uttinfiong 140 1 116 With entire ramose. ' : • 'pr linnocr4B. 5i..01010,'1410044 11-you tire, or Wive been' troublOd ipitb headiatio, send for a boa: (Ceshalia PiLba'solluit yqa razz 40% them in cue of an attaot. • • ' • Rorrtii Aitmerlii• PreirtiOtl,./ 1 .1•-• • • . - Thelan Pllle am amid Whip e realarkablY eleel Ova remedy for the hendaohe; and, one of the eon won for that very frequent uotonlaint.trhlab has ever bee Acme tAw Waiters H. IL 6111111, MeOtt We Itearvily endorse . sad Als au:Mind/4 lievtuslio Firm th 4 irsnaspAis 9111114 Y Stsr, SaawtrAa, Illelire — ihre that persiiii eufferuig with the hemlock* . who try them. will stiok to them. • Nan 1U Roi d Path' Pistiti, Nato O r iimot 1,41 Try them you that sin atlisoted, and•wa alit sure that your teem:non, tan be added to the already nnmerou bit that ban rooton , -• benefits that no other tneittoino can prodttco. t Looks lhaseiras. The tamenie dennuad Writhe iittilk(9,lplisZins wrapidly moresains. • - • . I • • • tA• flas.ts.d,Darankrent, Mr. Ilysichrm wonld not eodiseaL,witit as la Cole he did not /mow to pollen real merit. - • Free rii leieeritesi..Preeestrese. A. The testamonr in war biro! II as wet respectable tueutersr • • Ns, 14e Doi#,liess. Nor A. 1. fsfLJle PUL areialiinttier•,' se all kIM.. Itvei IL Clermeureial Brasile, Bailees, man. laid to be van eloaaloas for 'the keadmilts. • ; ." ..jrprosti,chaiiiistigs;mcifiluo: 4'sft tiilielai essa now be relleee4; a stiubiircimarsizs • • 111;r1 lU 1111/11 WS 6111•111111kriallt arsiatexitni `i ~ ~~~. SPALDLNOIS raves= .GLUE.! E0024 . 0M171 : ;Miar4i9i! ST" A 6,i Tell tll. TIIIII aLVIPI • 14111S."Itili •-• • Al ioisidettli , will' tulsik, - rieri.'in :vol - Yeruustosi families; lt LI •e n doors te' bays • , some open, anal oonvani ant vai [Or rep ot nj rtr*Vlo.7 0 1 11 . Orooke : • EPAignif Era ritzputAD 'my's ‘ i . ' • , .. ameti all • Wilk . ems! g Imo I ea, and no nalaanold- sani afford to do without it. it Is always ready. and iv $ the sticking POint• " •6EFUb IN EVERY 00116 E." • IC EL—A Erni& aticottumuee Beak bottle. •nits. Ad&rem, HENRY 0. BPALT.,DX:KG. no. as CIEDAIL ErtLEXT. NE* YOllt oertaLa anprinolplee pinions are atl;eraltln(lle tam All on the 'enseereeertni paella, inattatlone of me Y JEEP Aft EP Gt. OK, , f irtrikraaatioa all eardon• to az autintrbefore verohaminvand see thrit the hillftelnit Imo' IMILI.DIIIOII ?WANK. 1111711L,7111 Is irm tka msnla visaser i 6/1 eQe an irriAttbli sseassellem bard ELPHIA, MONDAY, JULY 1, 1861. t,Lic~ck{r~ 1:22=25313121 TP613414,1. MIIL. 1•18.14 UM. 4 I=l SAYE VIIC . II , S , P11{0211.1 INSURANCE COMPANIES. THE - RELIANcw, - , !RITUAL pisugANoi comp Any, WXLLADNI-PNIA., •)7ISE► ffiiip,'4ol3 WAJ VT IFIrKiET, Wyss sashimi - LOO , O 'OR DAMAGE 'lnt F',l.lE, *a ji mu ,.., motes, and, alter budding*: Hutto* or M'll, 4431 ; v o rukn o t r tt , i , re. . • oliguidlse to town Or oonntry. .114111110Aill'AL, *921.1° 00—AMIXTIS *WA] 04, Which is Invested as follows, viz: bli first minims' •otretty property. words' double the Amount '.........:.;,._ ___ ........11141 me pc Pigunsylvitnle•Rotlrotid Co.'., 6.per cent. BM : _ ntortgare lcusn, st•par---.—. 8,1k)0 Cly rennspisnnia •Irtallrood 90.1 it 6 per oent. se- .. ). Bond montage louni,•(l3o,oL—. rjatj Oat niatingdon 00 8403.0 op Irood and • • Li t ' Canal Co.'e 01011t0t0; loan— ---- r •• 4,000 . 00 . tHround ram, nrst- 01d5..._.. -...... --.._;,—. 2.46340 . !late r al !cause well seoured— ".--.. ". 2,060 do • I of. rtuledetptda•6 Per.oent, loon--; •• 60,000 00 ie g h en , Cot .6 per Gent. Pa. RR. 10.141... 10.000 . 00 . innienotal Bank stook.-:-- —.—.— 5,196 01' sohar d ee Root et00t.1:...... ——.—. 2,412 60 Peamuinutos Railroad' Co.'s stook—:.... . 4,000 BO the Helm:toe Matuarlrusuranoe Co.'s stook 16,550 00 VIA County 'Fire insurance Co.'s stooks. • • 1,940 00 Lhe Dehtwate'td:n.'lnstiranoe Co.'s stoolt-'. MO 00 num Mutual 111sUrenee te'o.'s sonp-- 680 013 Ills roottlyable— . —. 14,5 0 0 't4 k aodounts , scorned interast. 1t0..............: 7404 66 hon nue— ~...—..—.......... ---. 11,84'64 . . • • • • • ' T 317.14204 The Mutnarpririelple, combined with the secant, of ,Btoekcapitel, entitles the Insured to Izarticipate in a...—....,,.......-.,.„......,.. crie insured to . part.— thelF,Ters of thi9Oompany, without llobtUty for 1 .Lowiss promptly adjusted and paid. ' • ' • i ' Dianc•rona i • •i• .. • Clem Tingley,' aemuel Bierphaii. William it, s nomoson, Isibort Steen, '• FTederiek Brown, William Musser. William Stevenson. Beni. W. Tinsley, John R. Worrell, Marshall Hill,' .. O. L. Carson. • J. Johnson Brown. ' iLobert 'reload, li.tharles Lolan.a • §I. D. itosengarten. Jacob T. Bunt i ng, haring 6. Wood, Smith Bowen amen B. Woodward, John Bieselj. erddent., httshtirr. OLEM T B. M. EINOTIMAN; Secretary.lNGLEY ' Febrnars ie. NM. THE ENIMRPIIISEk • TNIII:ISANtag - COMPA • ' 'or ranAD - ffit • .canitE INAHHILHOIC EXCILIMIVELYJ'!' I,OISPANr 5 BUILDING, B. W. 001(NBlit • 701114TH ARD WALNUT 5T55575. UDI.ILEOTOIH: . F. itA.IOIOOID 1114Lak. . 1 1 11.0111ACAI L. DAws•ii. WILLIAM •MclCmg,- 6x°. H. ISTVAILT, • . NAZIISM FRAZIER'. = JOHN H. DROWN; JoHn Atwoon, • B. A. Fainissloca, Osar. T.Samnicr., ' .Arinarw D.DAszr, *rem: wrusvort. • - E 8.111144112. , . • • '' ! • _Li. ISA.IC 0 I) nxialdent.' CIIAJELEA W. Cox& boorstarv- - ' . . . pENN,-MUTUAL 'LIFE .INSURABOE L I . N 0.9 NIJIf Street, hi adelehia, • CHARZER PRRPET ALL. A IHE PROPI.Td DIVIDED AMONG THE IN . SURED. Maine Lives for short tams or for the whole term of life.; grant Annuities and Endowo2ents: snroheae Life Intermits in • heal Estate ( end make all oontraota de pending on tae contingencies of life : . .1 • Peer sot m Exeontors, Administrators, Aasignees, Trastees; and'Ouardians. tAssETs.OF THE COMPANY, Jotter! - I. 1151. Migrtgases,.ground rents: real eartate-: .BSM : 2M SO Ignited States stooks. Treararz notes; tumor of State of Pennaylvania, otti of Pl - delpkia. ko— ,796 84 premium notes, loans on oolleterals, 't7t,6841t ennsTiyama, North Ponrasy'omron,ltall- • roads ; and County en' per cent. bonds— 305.101 10 8a5k.1111911114306. railroad, canal stooks ,to. 57,141.9 Cash on band, scents' balances, &.0., MANI m el ;178 IW. H gArtL.' MILLER, Prisident, JOHN _E STOKER!, 1 7.1oe'Preindent. lf og.spotetary. intalktf MILAW AILS MUTUAL BAFET EVIAN= DOMPAIIIN PHILADELPHIA. rPorated by the Legislature of Pennsylvania, 111X1. Wien onorisfef WHIID4nd IFAI.IIIIIr drfietr. PIZILILDELPEL46 c. :ol V th!it itP4s7 " l"ll4l47:t tr.firsfif ti • WAND num: . 4491. givengeOanskr sad int ear -1 . Win? ° ifferminn oninnll7. On 111111 mmuu Mmes. h o. RESETS OF .1111 c crom PART. November 1, 1100,000 Lilted Stated ovo V coot. loan - ._..610 M 6 00 , 113,000 rotted States six eir sent. Treaddry •_ . Notea,(witb worded iutereid)— nil ea it - ..100,74 Pe t nsylvexdr, Stets 110 , ..spnt , 'AZ " SPITO 11111400,' - do.' do. 31.146`00 WAN Philadelphia City M oent.'Laoan. 2.20402 /12' 30,000 Tennessee State five cent. 100n...2400 CO 10400 Pennsylvania Radio 3 d mortgaso 4, cent. bonds...-. 60,000 00 . 11,000 300 shares. stook Germantown Sas Company, interest and prinelpal rearm:ailed. by the laity of rbills dolplds GC IM 100 shared Pennsylvania Railroad 1,100 00 0.000100 shares North Pennsylvania Rail road Compaledny-- ' ' Km 00 Phi 4 ' ' 1" 00iliale71ftuoJelphia lee Boat and Steam Tng Cotnnany. ' ' • • IA2D CO 1001 'harem Philadelphia aDdltswiela , *race Steam Tow.boat 00111,11 DY. 150 00 SOU 1 4110$ Ph . iladelylaia 'Exchange • 1,000 2 shwas Continental Hotel C 0..-- alsemo car. Oast 1150,333.34. Market eaL SWAM 71 Bills reoelvable, for inenronoes fn.= 41 .oends and mortgages.-.- 34,600 00 Real estate— 11,363 33 Balances dap atagenales—Preminms en Ma rine Policies, interest. end other debts doe 11,15 t Of LiQuiirdeirtar "nfirr_ Luanne, mul .03 X aux kaa -fa , . BEILECTONA • n i o j iHlir .. PrP l etAit "a . • 11 17 "1141;igft-- - - r r7 r - d ßi re n airn. . enrol's, • C.• a ria, r .Joneirßrooko, ll". farea raggair j . - Denver DUllvalps. J r ili g i g. E llik " • - F.; tz i rfloa.rat4 Mum 0. liner. • amb r•lelle4. _ _ omit N. Seal, . - . J Wan 8: 111.'rerande LM. mute'. . Je..hia P. Byre. r ' g• . laip•r. , :''. :, John B. Semple Nkaran , Patsy& ILI CI 416 :-V. 1 .. ~,,, 4 1.144.AitNIAIMgeodOent.;- : O. MAIND. Illu .Prendent 2 111KMILY 1 1.7%Paritolamtn7 • o 017-Of PIRE N :fINSURAVOi:EIt/LUST-VELY:-,- .&-.. onc y `Pre a gigrYlzni t aka A u st:T iErhiN tpCy • 81.0 "AIM Street, opposite InderpenT 81136/0: This GOMpar• favorably known to the oommeeiti for thirty) +u • earr, oonti ones to illauro ewainet loss or' 48, 044 ,. F‘ye„ 0 1 Liblio or private Suildipes. either p ermanently 01 tor it imited time. , Also.,on Fn tare ' artze,ks 01 0 - 00426 or - orohoodomO soser6l/"..021 411561111 shear Capital, tocether with a !arse Surplus Peed, u. invested in the most careful manner, which enab l es Ikea to offer to the mitered an undoubted seintrtry is the LIM of loam, 1111.11CTOIl. - Jonathan Patterson. • 'LBW Emiletat*, Qx.intin•Canapbell. Thomas itobins,• Aiexander Benson, Dame) 6mith, WWl= Monteliwt, John Bevereux. Thug's- • JON ATa AR_ fATTE4I I 80N. President. WILLIAM GL . Czowsz.74"oeoretary. • _ set-1) 'VW 811 RA N 0 ridA litr A N Y Cif' Thi • • R i g ll s OF PF.NNiglailirAMWL-FlRS_ o Alle t ini i N 40;tAllOr-- .4 ne!., AMP .6 .16,Z 0 reel labe l PaaJan Ini-Loaofial . 12*.lospor.'1; um uid . , fa 7 7. ' • - ' __ 0 ___ All Inirearteil in Mend and avaklable mina/lies-Go_ li? ilium -tn. limn on . VoinieliC sa i d Omega; 'miming,. Maki of Morokandao• ko., on liberal NMI: . - . - - DI/LEMON! '.`:.X • - ' - • ears' D. illiterinfil• . : ' : 114,111 i1l ir j r biiing - • .; • 'aeon 'Toby • • " - loyoael run" Jr.,. Ise Musa , , 'Web= lg. . Miura! Ihnit.k. ' Dnonine.P. -Norma; ottutljado_ --' ' • I Monty". kap. „ 4 A. waits, Okarioop:orns. . . . " 1 . (1. C li a rkitit - ilkiiii ‘ ` - lIEN X P, ill WILLIAM if 41.1.9).: . f00r50ar...... , , . . iiig_er . WWI ' ANS.V.W.S..*Tat: b —:-..b.MCIEL‘I4.OB?- . . ..„ R: iNaRRAINCE -COMPANY-of - of No. 1.515 North BIRTH Streot,'below..Rsoe. insure BMW- Inv, Roodit i and nerohand Me gettentlly from loos or i ta x ime by nre. The oomPanT guweritoo to adios , . all Moro prorepuy. and thereby hone to merit tie Patron age Of the pabßio. . . • .._ • • - • . - -. PIRM*1•11. . Wiilla Mann, .. Hobert Flamm. els Cooper, - : .' • . bflohisol MoGeoy, rte L. Desekirtri • Edward Motiorern timed Martin, es Romeo F . Thomas B. MoCorsibet. Jetta Jiro y, elr J McAleer . Franoia FUe, . turd Rafferty, _ John Caseady, 'dMhe I. Hemphill, Bernard' H. Hareman. one. thither, Charles Clare, ell Romp% &Bobbed Cahill, ' . ••••-•- lr ?MIS COO.P.ER, Preeident. ?REWARD RA • • ERTY. Seoretarr. - oolti-ly - A hilratioWtilijr:ll:ll3UßANOß. 00., rx , rn . copogiorrai ..iirto - .01LJUtTPOIC ISA-. . a NoitiNrjlfiXD7 • Street r atioie Third, Philadelphia, Hann a large • ~tietid-up Capital Stook and . earplug, invested in sound and available fleourities, oontiones to insure oz. Dwellings, Ettore.. Pornitore. blerohandise, vessels in pOrt end then - cargoes, and other personal prepprty. All losses liberally and promptly adjusted. , DISZCTOIIB.. • . cmis. It. Id aria, , John T. Lewis.' .. oho Welsh _, ' ',une' R. Campbe/l. , apt g Q. Morton, - t..dround O. Dutilas Lindy, ' 'Char. W. roaltney, - I Morris. - (hau l W. KAKIS, Prendeit. AIBER7 C. ill. r: AWFORD. Secretors. tetra A IiTHRACTITS :INSIMANiat COMPA- P aFralillih.risid,Pl,l f4.4412-(11AI71441 ( Moe Ng. ni F b i t eii‘ etifoi, ilet;r11•1 ihiliZa 1114 " & th griall:wiatiiiiliiloss •r Lusiu . • by Mt pn:Bau cz. . , r 44: !igil tetorokaniurs gose-' is j . " gras l i a = "l B* ti gtagr:Pravt.rd . ... sl i.„.. I gi"lirl i )". ii iiixieit.: .' . 0.4.1. T. .....ev... *rigatAid. in to, ttftiat;a: • • Tut Pearamil, , ; Sig a . l lZan. aligir. JAcioil gWt,546.0•11_ WM. F. DEAL Vise Preeldull. W. N. BAUM ' Seers tar/. :-' i a g_spg . OE COMPANY EXCH ANGE •INEITRA.N' —Ornoe No. 409 WALNUT dtreet.•.., _.• ' • • PULE INBVBANCE on Houses sod Merokaneri• 1•142/1/, on favorable term,. orther Ilmitoll Sr. rm. O• • • . DIRE. . Sto • ' Vai• mita Bound. tionam Marik, • Q.hinsode.. .. ballet Itoppeq2, ward . sobvitis .... wiles T. slit, • Total .. thne4ti . 97;.-^ • loahum T. yon. ben. P ; • 2l ol.o.folA " lfttlika i i9l;ode_p_l. • ' ". RN Q. G N O DO. V.oe 'fb•XARD Cloy,frooo•mr. •., .. i /al P . .. t.ilLiolnLPiliA - TICS ft. As. -0 0 T T aft woxictii.,_ - •:-.-- - ofiaa aad Ware;1010 OHISTII WI Strett• Ora ameßtl ac n i umtLe7 lS Tops. Garden vont and el 10:newt'. Eaolll.lltlo F _yina 110, .... tiVillirannigelfeee. • d T ae I%ld Basaitary.Warea team-pr ated Drum ' rip t ti. •• , ir r n steTr latt wii nd rnanted O d g Ur trb b rSfl t?*ll.. inaltrated--Catalognar emit y!.. .. .; . • llitl an app4satron. tri a leltatr'. - ...- ~ , .• 111 Oa .49.411414010%.;111 Avi ACE E R.E I 4 L181UKU.4110311.4p, :' SAL slut. molt, & 0 .,..4,6 b 40." L'oega,s. alai,* kaiak . - , rB l. tang, meat" , da Imo:IN itawkasime iroloi meth ` t t i.- ‘ • • . • . • .• goo 74. Rim 13 ; as, ir e& < mu "” -- atigilltaigit lin nn‘., p etiot t engi r p rigireriiiiirs. .. :., . . WoXas -, Ml* Dozeig eitts ktrilr R r ia - rEarryingil. „sop anled taegallatdatneXeril ; n4m: -, . • ..... -.. -so bbla. Maiskirm -A hits PU4. • •• . • - 7 :r. . •. 6) DIAL new gajun ka inesi Wad. , . r. z ', • ..•.. ,- •-•-,. • -moo Quintals Grand Bank Coati; l• ~ • '..1 ....: ~ am banes Rerkimer-oonnty Chian, ;• ; i , •.? , .' - 2 ' • IS Aar. ate landiain - for liale - S , i - . -- •'•'•- - • , '• ' latrapitr&* . itikituji . ne .,,• ...:!:..e.01...,..t.: .: chm:.14.f...q . p . Wll, 4 . 1? vßit.. A usT.littioliykbp, pier "••• Annie Jinn_ ~... ,biglei if.' froze : fAiehigli ;:mix4e,i,, , i9e&ver; lb . /111111111111 itijillfl4loll , I' • - •—• . lg. Oa 159r1;11114 , eonttte In Ilb Pm ~- . '. 15 IN Igatftlii. Y 0450 half , 111/ 1111 hall. - • , , 10.1bs I Vtrall' mumbll'll I' WWII.. • 100 14 xtraet araxsoi. u3l , lllkjanh. .• .go as. , Vm 11.&) Ighial 0 n.) I.,bottlic . ,go E 8v ...i„ Robot:, ui 11 ]m. • Qmel, In I botr.•,, ? mydr y Ai 1 . 1 . 4 —-—• • • • ::: •., -, • '4(l. ay .40 Nn i An'itanlit it e: 4 , , ',3 lila Baer IU4LITY ItUOritig SLl.Viii n hit d Tor sale Vnlon Wt. 1461 ime n: l4"'l 4 .-1 . 4 1 - afl as - 7 RAILROAD LINES. !7PHILADBLPHIA it MO 111.64V 4 .1,„? HILROAR. itt i FtErtGEß litAllajoy Pt) ._ L , G NIA d alter May 20 R 141. - It lik ' d ROI /MIN I M. GAILY i . ft,prlAsYli eaaalite 4 U liiiteve Now Genet, oortierlo O AR end GALL() la - L s tr e et s. ralLApn LA. Iyaaseneer . en: trances, On Thirteenth and on Callowhill streets.) at 6 it. ftti nonneoting at_ Harrisburg' with the PE MN @YE,- vANIA it 411011)AD / tilLtTn l / 1 . running to Pitts burg ; the to ER R o..yiktk,Ey 106 P. M. tram running to ChambersbtkrgLatrUele. &o.i and the No wTwER.Tt CENTRAL. ROAD 'I Y. M. train rillaninS to Sunbury, .to. AFTERNOON LINE& &ease New Depot, cantor of ORO AD mid CALLOW 11It.t. Streets. YIKILACICIArfiIiti (Peeeeneet oa tmeal," op t hirteentli and ot Oallowhill streets.) for POTTAVILLK and AARRI fIORO, at a la P. M.. ~ E l.ll.l i ._oonneotltig at Harris imorith the Northern antra Railroad, for Bunoury Williamitpo_rt, Elmira, ci.; tor ItEADIN CI only, at 6 l l. at.. GAMY, Mondays 16oelited. a' Air ER vlit Ut i t A LADELTBLIA AND READ IN ILEOAD. FROM PIIII.ADELPRIA, Meet, , To Phcenixvilia—.— bil I Reading— . ..— 68 t Philadalplilaandßeadinft Leban0n........... 86 J and Lebanon Valley R. it. intrisburg— —l3 aushin --: --IN' illersburs—,, . su Traverton Junotion 116 Sunbury.. --.-169, Northumberland..-171" Lewiebtarg-- --flit 1ti1it0n—...............124 Manor . .--liir WI 116M1111(1n —.309 Jersey Miura— XIS Look • Raven— —136 luston--.—.--259 Troy __. —..3615 Williamsport and Elmira 'emirs..__,—• . 107 Railroad. T e 8 A:111. and . 2.18 P. M. trains oonnaot datly_atCort glipton;(Bundisr• rixoarited.)onth the CATAW [ SA. WILLI ariltiTtillT, emu BRIE. RAIL.Ru/D , ata its ohm) commotion' with tines to INiegara Falls, Canada, Mai West and ?mutt:treat__ . , DEPOR IN PHILADELPHLIty..Ctitwer of - BROAD and cALLoviran...l. smog,. --• .• - • , • • W. •11- mathlifiltiMeY, Beetitayl May MI .11111111.* • li r pm." ? - EttriallitalßßANGE in! G : :AN To . 9ref I e l i st r itti - 4 1 1*.illlatt: On end alter Monday, Mal 18,4601,1 - .7 , • • .• , _ FOR GERMAN }' O 'W' N. • • • • Leave Phtlacielptua, 6,7, 8,9, 10;71,11A. 171,, 1, SA 3.98. 4; B. 6, ISSi, 7,8, 9,10 X, and GMT. , M. ''._ , • • —Leave Germantown, 6 7,1. 8, 810, 9,10,11, 71 4:11.5. 1;1, a, aa, 6. Mi. Tii: a, 1/0 F,Jlt7„:-.'3 - • • : •.. , • The 8.20 A. M. and 3.81 . ;MOM itop at German torn. din!.' .. ..: ON 81.TNDAY& , ."" , Leave Philadelphia, 9121 A. M., SG Rif, 6,7 X, arid 10% AL _ . %Leave Germantown,' 8,10 A M., I 4, W ...nd e.ti F. M. •—• . . • ORIATItin laud., RA I LRO A D. Inave Philadelphia, 6.8, 10, LI A. 01..9, 3.29, 102, S. IN sk i lour lc . , - eve Chestnutilill,7 10, 6, 8.40;9.40, 11.40 A. M.,1.48, $ 11.40, Tao. 8.0. and 10.10 P. pl. ••, • T e 8 A. M. and 6.66 P.m. Ifral Mae no store on the Germantown road. • • , t ...- . . ON SUNDAYS. Leave Philadelphia, LOS A.: M m illC, 16 eaek 7% F. X. - • Leave Chestnut Hill, 7.50 At x..../2.40. 6.10, and 8.10 ; P. Id. FOR CONSHOROCILEN 1 iN.D440 '1.111; Leave Phibulalphia , 6.60, , ;gm. U 1 117.0 • 3.05. 1.3 i 6ii. 8. and 11.11 P. MT •• •!. 3 : ._._ _.-.• . .... - , Leave Nornetown, 6,7 i 3.31. 9,11 A. M., Me 41 0 19 ‘ and 336 P. M. I ."•:' r• OR RiNtYll: •• • ~ ••• ,' ' • Leave Philadelphia 9'A. .", 3 and:B r..m.-. . : :. Leave .Norrintawn,. 71( _A. ; tend 6;l'.•* ~, FOR ffIANA• UNll.._-,,a,-,. •,- • Leave Philadelphia, 6.60; T . 935;11.=‘ A . M. , LOS. 3.06,11.05.0., CR 8, and 11. M P. L .... • —..- Letive:Manayank, 636. 731;8.88,4X, ILX A. M., 1; 316, 8, Ti axtdlo F. M. , ' • •, J: ', - , . . ON NNi t i t riK.....,, , p IMMO Philadelphia. II it. ~ :6,:Fd .7a P. D 1..;. - Leave Menai - Ant. m ir ..l)i, 8 and OP. za,... i'.: • .... • K. K. Ma General nperintendente ;.",..• " m7ll -tf Denot, IV NPR mm4.0 19 ' 4 4E1 ( Street& • . THIC PENNha-LV:ibiti;_:-4ArrN II A _ • , sko ,1.0 T4cx. :1861. faiiitim 1861. TR ; ECIAPA R T ANVII ffI etu R n i at NOW EQUAL 1 11113 BE TBROBleflressENGEß. tßAnits' BETW EEN PHILAD ELPHIA AND P TTSBURG: Connecting dtreot at Philadelphia with Throurh Trains from Boston. Ns}} York. and all points East a and in the Union Repot at rittabyrg with Through Trans to sad from aft points int he west;lsortnweat. and Southweat —Om furnishing facilities for the tramportation, of Passengers unsurpassed for snood and comfort bv any OnTolll.lh rem and Fast Mhos ma through to Pittiburg, without °hap KO of. COlll or "Conduotors.. •Througn Fomenter Trains provided with Lough - ridge's latent Brake—meed under perfeot control of the engineer, than adding much to the safety of travellers. • Smoking .Cars ere. attaohed to. wit Train; WOAld ran's Sum ping Cars Mlt.gpress and Fast Tlllllll. The RXPII RAS RUN G DAIL Y claiall and 'Fad Lines, San . Mail rain leav es eiT.lO A. Fast Line , . 1110 A.M. Exeress.Trats leaves ' 10:16 F. M. WAY TRAINS •LEAVE AS FOLLOWS: Earrisburg Aocommodation, via Tumble , . IN 1. K. Columbia 1410!. Parkeslmrg - at 6.40 P. Wee. Ohenter " No I, at 8.15 A. EL - " • No. 2 .at 12.00 P. M. West Chester Passengers will take the West a tte stert Non. 1 and 2 linmsbarg accommodation and Columbia Trains. raggengent for en nbury willthiosoort; Bpf-• Oslo, Niagara Falls. andintermediate "mints, Raving fluted/di/Ma at 7.30 A. M. and 2.30 P. M., go directly 13 2 11 1 h. the ofis of the Co mp any a Attilt i dembia, New York, Boston, or Baltimore ; and skate Rastward at any of the Miner. taut Mattroad Moos in the West; akeo op board any of the regular Line of Steamers on tho fdississipoi or Ohio rivers MT Fare always as low, and time as gala. all by any or tirt er inforination_ay4l:ll: the Passenger eta tiDti Southeast corner of Element and Market streets. The'completion of the Western conneopons of the Pennsylvania Railroad to Chioago,.make this the KOT LIME BBTWSMN THE. EAST A.N.I) THE The connection of tracks by the Railroad Bridge at Pittsburg, avoiding all drayage or ferriage of Freight, togs ther with the saving of time. are advantages read ly appraolated by Shippers of Freight, and the Travel tin s Public. _• • • Merohants and Shippers entrusting the transporta tion of their Freight to this COMIMMT, can rely with confidence on its wedy transit. TRE.RATES OP FREIGHT bland from any point in the West D 7 the Pennsylvania: Railroad we at di! ano.tislizeorsble as-ers etterged by other Ssifaod ,r&r. /T . Be pti — tit — a:r - To . • renni n_ For Pi l fht Cootraotti or Signing' 'Dire/Miens ep — pili W r. ad rasa either of the following Agents 'of the • D. /I.Btewart, Plitiburg 2 ' • • H. S. Pierce &, Co. Zrtle. o.i J. J. Johnson, Rip- My, 0.; R. MoNeely, Ormsby & Cul ver, Portsmouth,Paddock .& Jeffersonnue: thiptia ; fl . W.. Drown & Co., Cmcninati: O. ; þ & 0.; R. Z. .ateldrum,-Madumm• F . .. Joe. B..filooye, Loetavills. Ey . ; P. G. O'Kiley.& Evansville: .Ind.; W.. Graham & .04., Cairo. Bass, Bhaler & Glass. at. Louis.. Mo.-. John H. Harris, Nashville, Tenn. ; Harm & Hunt, Mem-- p_his, Wenn.; Clarke & C 0.,. Chicago,lll. ; W. H. H. Koonts. Alton. IIL; or to Freight Agents of ilatlrOadi at different yk_mits in th e West. B. KINGSTON_,Jr. Philadelphia. &QV/N:tr. llttetroi, aft NorttistreetißOintore. LEECH k Co. 1 lurtar House, or 18. William et.; Y LEECH & CO.. Nii,_77.fitate.streegißoston: r!I • . , • H. H. 401/STO.N. Gen'l Fretthaßtitrientithfisk k : i t ivary. G r ek T ia-.l„,k,ka t ip-o„,;„.. a. slew pilleAltbasztiPail 20.1111 11 VISLAT il :mi ., .: : ,.... ,,. .. 7 ,. :. •-• •41•&sit . *PAM ARRAN 't•-• : FA ;.. 17:tird ff.ff f -AH:•!1_,: 11,41 1 1XN1 •Ha 0 M 1 9 4tf " W ini7lo I.II.ILAApId. 11 . 18 yr" •' :' YOJLIC AND WAY PIA .•;: • • ..: • • • • ini am v u ttrakeyr r as le isog i tt,:s*firr . ' • - , . . At OA. M via ClAtaidti mid Amidy,ts.and-AlAa- • eoaum ea" " 11.$ At dA. via Camden dot 'Jimmy 01371.101: J . ) /teternsitedatien ' .2 33 dad& id., Tin Camden tad ortri Wity,VSittgaa , At 11% A. M., via Im*iirtiti . 7lW,Wptii7W; Winton' •X:inidette. ' co 'At DM P. Mt. via Oyadea.aal•Aatfoy Amanita.- dation— I 25 -At P. M.orta Claindon and AntbaY. O. lind a a 0 wag rontintfon and 4flpf.Y.oo7.l4tLva • Wag re 00 At Of via ..C.entinaton. Atm n‘iry,Ctit t , 44t „ *Net' 113 At' P. hi., ?la Clamda3. and Odra" attir rl Trltatu ALI ' • S 00 At 11* P. M.. via Camden and lonwP lAM'Alostk 7 MaiLM At IP. M., via Camden 624 AM - bo b _ (Froiritt and Paaaanaor)—mt 2 26 De. - - do. ad ass ket., I Joo IFlo dpal Mali lice rant 'tally.' nom( P H. sank imp.. Mail. Itatardays exaentod. For Belvidere, Eardon,Laratertville, Plesdartea, see., at 7.10.131'31. and '4.5d P:IM. fronr.i.evutton. For Water ean. ‘ ..ittronarmar floranton. ilteatarrit. Montrooo. @Teat Bend; As., 7.20 t; A. M. from Kenn= ton via Delaware. Laokaaraana sad ;Western It, X. . Per Knuth Chant, Allentown; and , nothlonoarat 7.10 A. M. and 254 P. M. from XeniOnzten. Depot (the lad t . lual,--ealaneett with tram lalirvi332 'Easton at LSI pstc aid and O.A. add el p.m . r at II A. 31., and 3 P. 313. WAY LINKE. - Per .ertaast,,ltranton, &a.; at 1.10,a. 11. et_altil l% P. M.. from Lianaingten, and 254 M. frOm. Widzint itrset wharf. .. . . . • . FoLl'almrra. laverten, Dolanoi. Beverly. ?Puling rn nominee, itardentoen, fie., at I.llf. 1,4, 434, and 6 ,14.. • - steamboat Trenton, for_Bordentown and Intonate . .. Late Placee,_st IA P. M. from - wainut-etyeet wham • rFor New York and Way Linea leaving Kosaingtof aot, take tho can, on Fifth Street; above walant. Wan hour before , departure. The , oart ran .into the de t, and on' amual Of eat& train; mn from the depot ri Pomade of baggaae, only allowed each. reason hrer.Pl'amengere are prohibited from lagne'anything ai gage but their iliaring apparel. All bailage Ova' pounds to bo P d for • extra.. The Company :limit • reeponelbinty or baggage to One Bollarper volute and will not be liable for any anoint beielmi *ll. al loy% LT epe , ~, uial 'entrant ji nom • • Pd. N. lIIATZMEX, Agirat. NtsjE mil 'l4 OR T H PkINgSYI6 , _ ' v irlt NIA RILLIDAD, .. ~..., _MANOR( i ji tiU' l3 NY. z, ori hni. SOILLBY. IL A RE ko. TERSE aRoUOB takitta.,,, On and after MONDAY. MAy W_IENO, r Tramswill leave FRONT and WILLOW Btree l tri= delplua, darly, (Sundays cried/8S fel: 1 0 11 1j. • • At ea A. in.,lF.apress or Be thlehem. Amintarta, nab 3ruipl:Basleton, iLtabarre, ks, , • • • t 3.011". M., (Elyria); for Bethlehem; Eatotf.-Ste. train reaches Easton ate P. M. and make, Mae estimation with New Jersey Central for New yo_rjt. At 11./3 P. IL, far Beals/hem, Allentown, Kama At II 4. . lrod 4 P li.tfoOm f riestowv ' '• ' kr i0.,,g A. an. and Las P. a., or Fort aohnurtesh . The A. M. Ear press trein makes olose anneal" with the Lehigh Valley Railroad•at •Bathlahem,.beakt mostthe shortest sad desirable mute. to WilkOlOarrOr "41 to ail l e argi , itrAl l airla v Ektf ti tas---ta taloa at LIB A. ...711.111 .., and kell P — 47 i.e.. gatooo at La A. M. and,4 *m i t Nimes WaialniNon at VS A. fa. sal .r. m. Oft a A Ya,--ratatactoot. tat Be it at I At:lieelyhm for,Poylestoinl ta stet. yleitown fotrintade Meat 6.40'A. at. ' • thlahola fir Ykilade Fare to IL•thlehem...lll ay are to Mtogeh Otrenk.lll 60 ir to mutat lal Fara to Wtlitabarre— t 110 o rirolla Ti to Ja be provireti at tie Ticket scat Wth.t.ow street,tir BERKE Street, in order to secure the above rates of fare. • . All Pesteler Trains tangent Sunday Traitor) connect at Barks 8 at With Yilth and Sistir-itrista, and wane, iiiht . hirtgreppirei Liaroas, nnnty r lea t 1 sow ref 1 1 Wier LAIN. Anent, - - - SPRING •ARR.&NUE atEtur.—igithmt 314, 191141.1 CI 11,_ D tBALTMORE. I.24 , attikr MOrmay,4l , lk.L4 lk tak__ . PARRE ) f n Ier.K.R TRAINS LEA VB PHIL ALUlyt z tlnA s s For Ba timore at 8.11. A. N.. Ilad A. 111., ( "ntat). and 111.80 P. M.... . . - . • - • Fk.r . Oheater at RN .Xi 11,M M .M.. Lill and IDA in;t .. !, , 1 911.!.% li.iii 4. Is» 44.,4.14..4.11 and t; pis! :tatirt!At'''' 0 . ts t .. . . or itik g a. . . . ___. • . - • NIS F 4 . II.6.IIDELPNLA IV: ectri r at 6- 1 a A. M. (Ittsreas). 1.45 A. K., li t '1 Vilmintion at 1.110 art Ile A. AL. LC and a . . v... &disbar? at Lag_ I'. ft, tia r riggp i 4 i tk l' A L . N. and LID P. ra. vo ear, 0 iat 8.35 A. M I.M F. M. ~ leave gleater gIAA. M. 9 . 49,1.57 and Lati P.M. I.eavelialtnikOre for Ballably? and Delaware Rail road at 6,11 A: et • • - - • TRAIN'S FOR BALTIMORE.: : leave Craeater at 6.41 A.M.: 11.06 and 214CP.A. - ye Wilaitsistop at Lb A. ii.. /R .V IO . . arid LI A kt e hirtii.v."4 Hy. with reiz, nisi Cal attialied, hilliiire Philadelra, hr. Fori7ville sad latoriamtbite .gat P. ra. ..e witrolarton for Parrroillo and istsrpastlito wail P. to, re Witraillon for , Philadelphia and intardnw... to Havra-lle-groae fer Baltimore satititddatimk. Letraws.' at it'Arac ' ' ave Baltimorek; Irma-de-omm illAilltaillaßt-' ate stations at /I P. . ON 1511111:1A y 1: Gemmel:loin Sudsy . . May la. wiakuntaLitutlust so figs, TWO Iftall'ild will rhr-enatillis , _____ . ...ri - imavaid Philadelphia fok i itliguamwlfga. at 11 38 A.ltt. and lam P. • t aii . ....._ ~..4 . E .:. , ., .=; Leartat Balurtioro for P lade it4a.t F 1,414404 4.15 • - . ' a; pc ricyfOgiptiornic.; '.VAN is -WA : 8 - , is :t. - :7% - z :.. - - 6 - 7 ii• ioc,,: - ...,. 44-, ,- - . . 11 0 A 11_11 a TAM a ll UMW" , raj L4p_____..... m ... ~,._ 41 ki llass• misty a Flaili-rW was owl FURNESS, BRINLEY, & 00., No. 4%9 KARL= STREET. SALE OP DRY OODDA POR °ARYL On Tuesday Morning. . July 3. at 10 o'olook, for moth— ma l a ., and zendle dry rondo, c01:230146g a general assortment or geamonYnle dry g00d... Sample/ and oatatoguey early on morning of aale. • WHITE AND HEX CEVOIf.. NANKIN MATTING. On knorlay Morning. 150 pieces 4 4 re w d hite Nankin matting. 4 °heck 23"4 4 6 44 16 " 4 " • " BLACK GROG DE RHINBB. plooes Meal. ineh hlgh lustre Meek gone tie libitum. Ott u? n: Cr.PUA, CHASE% Ole MILAN. &B. 24, Al, and 40-tualt plain and broohe orePe de Castle.. •• orepe de Milan. Orisaille mostamblaueeand griiindmes. Masonester al ea Hy nix. • • • REGULAR MAKE COTTON HOSIERY. OnTuesday Moraine, 8000 dozen Tornio.* tense .sriute, blown, and mixed cotton hose end Wilt-hose. - NEtiDusioieußlC EMBROIDERI7,B.. 76 lotsneWret styles neediewer erebroide.ies. LACE AND SILK mANTILLAB. Au invoice of French blykk lees points sad silk man tills'. Nort=2r . tral HILIP FORD it (30., - AUOTIONICERB, tio. CIO MAlCKEl . ll . treist ant Sill DEMO". It. Onzinary and me Jit. R. POSITIVE nALE i,i. multi OnB,EN BOOTS, SROE6. AMP GROGAN'S. 4 CLOSING GALE OF T 46 3EASON, On Wednesday - On Morninc. Se MlO o'atook vreouieig. Inn be eold;bg eats , en maw teen'', bore and'youths' calf. and kin boat" ealf. Ipv. and goat brogan', Conte genets. OsL ," ford taes; an, gainsays; •mrennen•s. misses% and ahitd i-enoa boots. taffeta. bus 4 , , , dllllDVers "Was tla 01- ao.tment °neat -made g••• . • • :IT Goods oven fortianen. with evader's", sem on the monnnt of. "1 - . • PANOOMIT. 4 :44TOTLONEIOI., • (lessor to B. 1 5^4cti• c P ,EST/ 9,1 ac. - - SALE OF §TplIK:E100 0 4 3,. AIM) MAY, LACE (JO:IDS. w pu;oiogueo, V 011.. edoktasn; July 3. ooramenallig , 10 , ,0 ):0 04r .: . • POSITIVE setE,,ortintilw Gown. Also, ' 'At 111 &Moak. a laraa.'antioattniaUVa siwitnlent :of *home stave °oder.). r --- .1 AND OZOWB 01241 M 11t0111' POPULAR' RVIMIF DAT. And testimindap, UW„..lllMl:sbnegt:without! number, might be given , from ladies and gatittemen in all grades offsooiety,_ - whose • united testimony none co. Id resist, that Prof. Wood'a Hair. Restomttve inn restore the bald mid_gray , end preserve the hair of -the youth W Old age, all Its yonthful bunt, eines. Mia h.. Deo. 21,18 M. -Te.on..Woont Thee willt please accept a line to in form thee that the - hair' raY head ell fell off over twenty years ago, caused by a complioated °wont° dis ease. attended with an, eruption on the hiked. A con tinue] oourae Of suffering through life having reduced me to state of dependence, • L have not been able to obtain stuff for eau neither have 1.-been able to dO.- them up, in consequenee of which my head has Karam& extremely from cold. MN induced. me to pay Briggs & Ramis almost the-last cent I had on earth fora two/ dollar bottle of thy-Hair frtestorative about the lit, August last. I have faithfully followed the directions,- and th e bald spot is now covered with hair th ick and black, though short; it is alwi coming in allover my head. Fee hag oonlident that another large bottle would restore it: entirely and permanently, feel anxious to persevere to its use and being destitute of means to ppurchase , e any more, would as: thee if thee wouldst :not be willing to send me an order on thine agents for a • bottle, and receive to to yself the Scripture declaration The reward is to those that are kind to the -Widow and the fatherless." • - • Thy friend. BLISANNAN: KLIME. . Luton's*. Noble 00., Indiana. Yeti. 6;11169:: . l'lo7. 0. J. WOOD :11ear t 8ir : s i t : the latter earl3f L the Ctroolfri ZriVittatil "r°,,,k, m te y a l l iairr & u m ° ea "' Winknown to me. oommencied ththn air very rapidly, so that in the, abort span' of six mouths, the whole- upper part of my scalp was almost eetirely bereft of its cover ing. and much of the remaining Portion, upon the aide an d haze part of my head shortly lifter bourne gray; so that you will not be surprised when I tell you that, upon my return to the State of Indiana. MY more casual ao quaintenoes were not so much at - a loss to discover the cause of the change in my etwearanoe, as my more in- Ornate acquainranoes were to recognize•me at all. • / atonoe made application to the most ekilful phyai-. Maas in the country, out, rooorrtnir no arsturdioe•from them that my hair could again be litored. Liras forced to become reconciled to my fate, ntilLforteestely, he the latter tort of the : year lasT, your itheto* l ve was recommended to me by` a druggist • ea bein most reliable Hair Restored - vein use. II tried one' gtle, and found to my great satisfution t it was prollubing the desired el/eat. Sinop that haveielrion dol late' worthrof your Rest° , ' d to a' have a rich coat of very loft Mao hatrorldoh . l,xl ones oar: buy.L, • AB mark of MY gratitildpfor 'your Wier ded:slall in the produotion of so wonSprfail %0 in reoom- Mended its use to eardt - mY trim d' etrtten oere who, lam happy ter/inform ui rott , , - tui it with effeot. Very re LATTA. Atto r at Law. Piet; 4M. Broadwe,y , and sold by - all deelers through out t e world. The:Restorative is pet up In ..BOttleg'2af three roam via: lar e. medium. and:oi n all ; they email holds half • pint, l t Irraln ails twe o n r tr ol ger can a t r . giiiiiiticliothpoertino m edian the small,. retails. for two dollars Cbottle ; the holds a quart, 4u percent: more in proportion, and re, Pala for Bab bottle. 0. 3. WOOD to-CO., Propretoin, 444 13RO A.DWAY, Nov York, and IVA MARKET &rest, St- Laura, Mo. And sold by all good Pruggiatiand Feacy Goods Deal- Sold instill' oitv by. A. FAHNESTOCK St Co., Nos. 7 and 9 North FIF PH *Street4titi & Co. TWELFTH a.nd.o ..81' UTA treats ; IIYtrET & 00 ., t 132 North ShCOND Street. nol3-marfenvolVec SA_LIN BY AUCTION. HAI R ?R.4 8 rO ß it 1 .7 - tTiklE ONLY- BESPARATION - ,Tilig nA.B . 1 : STOOD THE, - L• 118 T OF, rriA.RMI,I • PHOPYLA&xINIp; z!iiv Remedy for tretutt the peat year we hays introdneed to the ne doe of the totediefti profession of this ootititts the Pews Crwtetisset Chtori4s of Prcursolasing. an g • RP.MEDY FOR RHEUMATISM; • :and having received from many sotto:me-both from phy 'linens of the highest standing mid from patients. the . N 067 FLATTERING TESTIMONIALS - z : L=_irehis in the trestinant of: thus painful and o --- , leen to present 4 to the enbno in a form REA b Y Fos - r ffifl,.iApp 1781. . whioh we hope will oommend itself to those wheat.e coffering with tnl athlotang complaint; and to the me .dical. practition.r who may feel disposed to test the Nilsen of thie valuable remedy. , EL.IICiR TROTYLAMINE. in the form above erpo 'ken of, bee recently been extensively exeeriznented with in the • PENNSYLVANIA HOSPITAL, and 'with MARK k U SUCCESS (ea will appearfrom the published accounts In the me final journals.. ;grit is carefully out no ready for tmmediate With fan t , direotione. and can'. obtained from all the druggists at 76 centsr bottle. and at w ..tesal e of SU pe LLAGX. h CBE?' AW, Druggists and Zdaunfacturing_ mute. ma 34-1. Phi adalehla. - MACHINERY 'AND IRON. PENN RTEAIt EMMEN ! 'AND BOILER WORKS.--mKAPIS PitiiOt VAL Afro THh;oB.I.:TICAL KSIGIVEKSS. MACH 111118T8. BOIL R-M K 148, LACKBmITHB, and POUNDF.ftri, haviog. for man. yeava,.heen in sonority al operation, and been exclusively coma. rid in build,ng and rep‘irint Marine and River r nines, high and tem preeiora Iron B mu. Water Tanks. Pronell. Ac., &o.,respectfully offer /heir services to the pub in as bernitinky prepared to oontrnot t.r I- opines of a.ll sixes., Marine', Rlwer, and ,Stationary. h•v. ae sets n patterns of different sizes. are prepared - to exeonta or ders with twins despatch Bran d• script on of ?Intern mating made at the shortest notice High and Low Pressure, - flue, Tubular: and Cylinder Boilers. Mr the beat Pernervania eharodal tron Forging', of all sixes add kinds i; Iron and Braun Cast:mph of airdesoriptione; 11n11-Tarning.Berew Cutting - and all other work 0011- 1100tid with the above tit:mil:less. Dram/nt end opecifioations for all work &neat their estatuishment. free of charge. call wort guavantivd. The subearibe• 21 have ample whartdoet room (or re- Mire Q 1 boats. wpme tnet can lie in perfect safety, and ate p•ovpie(l with sheara;blocks; falls. Ac., Ac., for raising heavy or light weights. . •• •• - • • J COB C. NVAPIE, JOHN P. LKVY. ' BEACH and' PALMKu. street.. 1. YAZToIIitATO wanstics, ioniir I ours. WILLIAM H. MERRICK, HARTLEY MEREICI. t)I3TI3WARK. FOUNDRY, " FIFTH ASIR WARRINGvOIi STREETS ' . TREL.AblttnitA.. • • MR ItKli e & ;oral • ENGINBERS AND MACHINISTS, Manufacture Gish and Low Pressure hteani for la.d. river. and marine service. Rotten. Gasometers. Tanks, Iron Boats, &n.; Cast ins of _all kinds. either iron or brass. Iron Frame Roofs for Gas Works, Workshops, Rail road Station. krt. Retorts and , Gag . Maohinery of the latest and most improved nonitruation.., Every: desoripoon•ot Plantation Machinery, such as S!nay. Raw, and Grist .Mills. Vacuum Pans, ripen team Tram& Defecators, Filters, Pumping wigwam . . . Petti t *plata for N.. Riilienre Patent Pngar Bolling Ann....rattur,_• bleutriirtVe Patent Steam Rammer. and As rnwall.&• WW.sey gPatent Centrifugal (Sugar Draining Machine. . POINT:PEE ASANT : FOUNDRY, No. 951 Ble.loll &reel. Keatington. LIAM 11. TIERS info ma his irietds that. having par °based the ant ire /took of-rafts:us at the ab o v e F utiti . ory . he t, now premium to reoet a 'noon tor ttuUmx. tt uer- and Saw- fulll Owings. Soap. Maniacal. and Bowe Work. ()saner. Camloge m de from Rever beratory or Cupola Furnace'. in dry or trees sand. or toßm. nava 16iNKS. INA WEST 0 HEB,TRE RAILROAD TRAIN 8 vui PENheyt.VANIA RAILRuAD. leave depot, earner 81,8111..N1.11 and MARK= tilseeda, at Y. 16. s A ba.., - .13 aeon. 23 , P. 31..tasid 4 M. .. on Sanaa,: tears — Pluladelvina - at 7.30 A. M., and West ChesLerat4fAlL • '=. • - $230.-tf g i umi - oric . W;;E BT % 'CHESTER! .1 3 1.:"PR/14ADELPII/A* • , ~, ", .: .. _ EVIL i i Vitbt. , ••• ' . ; ..'.. I . .161Cldraw.11,4_ Nu eIAIENT: Ont CM 1111tOgd i kc. gm 2.51.2nt, ;tho frame will leave PetlLA E A_Orom•the:Depot,.N. It corner or EMS ' MAR. fre•T Ott eats, at 7.45 and 111.20 A. - and • , - ..4!.80 : and 10 P. M, as will leave. the,„ tittion e :deffner, of Tki 'wry -phorr. and 9 3 MARILET . treat... ( West .Plpladelphla,) at. AIM and 10.42 A. Al.:Auld 2.15. 4,-3h_n_Aft Aug 10 16 1". M. • -. 1 ON BUHL/AYR,— _ LeavielitiLeDßLVß I &eta A; M, a nd 2r. M. Daiwa' WEST.O.IIEFITER at A—IL and SP. M. Trains Isamu •Philsdelshtliiint Welt Chester at 7.411 A. M. and 4 LS 1 . . SI. COSIISSt•st .Pennetton watt Trams en the Philadelphia and Baltimore Central Railroad for Oxford and intermediate nnizta,__ . - • -- .. HENRY •WOOD. - • General t•nperintendent. r=ftsl PtIILADELPHIA AND READING , RAILROAD 00., • (Mae xo Booth mirth street.) rllll,apy24, April gf, SEASON TIC K ETS. On and attar May 1. UAL season tiekete , will be landed by this compeer for the periods of three, cl.x. 1211:10. and twelve months, not transferable. Bastion sohool-taokets may also be had at SS per oent. ult. These taoketa will be sold by the Treasurer at No. 297 South FOURTH Street, where any further IliAlrEtteu 211 r. obtained. B. a.p. , stied '• . - Treasurer. ar tiurog XIV Cnri. .. RESTER )ii raFtuiltair k tVWSg" S u eititpr t zi Au -on NB _d o_ , th e . t ozor tofu for DO INGT v OWN r s k In Ilt;14 1 lev. i tiger Depot n ot,the Philo itibl44l . t la 5 tr. c., °l i jame ° 2= it i A. . . _ . y Dowalaotown loam it US tr qiatillAN f• V0031:11/ALUI for Doarainitrwa Lan. at .4 t _. . ET ord l 4' ' eli:7l3riiiiiin of tie 7kilaiol- 1411 1" : - : % T . M. itolaYilliY. iNerotary. ai m wow ELMIRA ROUTI.__ I'XILADWILL AND Kir ill ata l kVitriT Tomio4 0107toor, Az FWillreaDa ° 15• K ta to .11 Tlik tu r a tO ' Wil - LI MITTOY 0111 11W:ten - ajo - , ol urorti , , , r t e :r a o , votr a t=t rik fiße. fror (rains inll lOW* tka nay Delpoi of II no -1 k WI fhttir:::t44=ANTSLU 0. aZt lai do tau . 7 (Ilendsn ;moon ). far %Novo To A Ffix5a.....„..................... 4. IL Alio i it XIALF,XL—....'...—, lb r. li, Vhs 50....., M. c train alornesta_,at avert. far Wlllrea- Ft/d/MAW ° I3 I3 L7 I EA tt& 'VII usi n g v l / 2 zsay ,or trtrwlro"lit T r 4_-_s_i_Ligna VA' York nt a P i satt I = e irir o po rk lit ar tM n Ara A , wad tterolllfy . ' M . 2 ti. Komi. Tsiffeas. am ummitini . n o, an al.winiKlate ipotp%, , _, 6•• i : ' it" 't, •1 " rii, kilai "" and 2* ../rF,' ,° %, - ...r. , ,.... - .1 ° 4 t w l . :5'r4 '.. ,. er t t ' •b p., n. : and ty I ' 'as . I :+ - V V. 27 , • 10 : "I" I . • '' ' ' aM e l t • • 1 4+ ; • to isi.`' • bolo?* a7.X. is imbi* I , , ~, .„. ~ ... . ,,,,.‘,.,,,.._........ ail I L WI Amt. Wortk i r eenkin aurirm 1 gli 'hrs .,. MPU - r toga BALES BY AUCTION M & t•i01418, ann. • Nos. 139 nod lilt south FOURTH Street, (Formerly r 100.67 oud OJ TUDLIO DALES ftrAL ESTATR AND sT ocv A r [HE EXtE AN DE eVbftY TUSDAY. '‘ cOolnoir. poen / durum the bra inane epaa fl. •OA /I ea , Randhilla or eact, oroverty Leaned arnagaT a u addition to which we "rubbish on •*ha B ..turday 1,, , ,__" 2 foroh sale ow threnter.d oatelotnes, in am ni a' thrust , ftilideecalnitinna of all the vi uvaity to t.t t sold on the following v e ,d vv , REAL Ea rATE •1' PRIVATE SALE. age- Awe bare a large Amount of real antue at eTtv isle. Including every .leaoription Of (thy g u t b3c :te Proven/. Frieted Llera . Mll7 be had et the atieuonaiiirrar eats VATE SALE Re:OLSTEN lEir Real te entered he oar prieeie sale rev e , and advertised oonenionelly VD our ',abbe Bele etkra' lof which one thonaand copies are printed v ,„qr , free of charge. • sTooxp.,6.ND REAL ESTATE--TEESPAY NH?, YemptilFt oardoenes nnw ready. coutnicia r p a ir. Bar panne of ell , be proved. tg he *di on 7 Pu e ,,.!: next, but 11. oompron I P. MIMI of re. low s Estate, by order 01 orphans' Court and other, """ MITCtCKh ? 130iNDIS, On Puesday, change. et U &Moot noon, at the Phladalkda will be sold— Wi thane reserve, by order of administrator— ] share Point Breeze Park hasooiatou. For other aonounts -42 opo Sun bur y mint. fit-mortgae bowls Philintet _ phi& and Railroad compa n y. sh,rea in PhEladelputs. and therdautile Lamina r aad Ateacirtmr of Pipe Arrs •*2 etiesnneitte and Delaware Canal Loan. la gnitres Phi adalonta Exal'an.'e. 2 share. , t'hilade phis sad ilavre- de-Ontes Blear, lownoat Co . par 850. ea Ga Also. without reserve. for account of whom It Ur na— Xs shares Oommonwealth Bank of Phlladelphla Poo 160 rt 24 per tha ea eati, dives CRtawmea Preferred. 10 maitre, Morris canal Consolidated. Com 100 pt ah ur IBD .t ,ra Pvle auhiladel d ei phia nfi arra laraea Fear R i ai wity 100 abates Fairmount Fassenger Railway r amp ,, (Pace and Vtne). I_2uti atm es hirteenat and Fifteenth -streets Purge ser ttailwity COMMtnY 1 share Philadeightn. Fzobante. 310 i i•t v.nrares Ccmmonwea th Insurtate Comytny. ;(Psona.l •inpts. 6 shares Academy of Music. PEW—rBUR9 OF TR V. HOLY TRIC(IIY, Pew Igo. 15, mile, Cho oil ut the go TAixi REM.. EarrecK.E oat.t..—.ltll,y d, VALUABLE DWELLING, OPRUCE 3lTRfit., ta l l Orginalge _court Bale—Eslate ofAbrahatn oti • deeeseeek—v V A. OLE. TilltEwertONY it R. 11, DWe.LLlNG,,northeast corner of Somme and tA, etreiete, between &woad and Third. 30 foot 11 tocam, front. __ ROBE STORY BR DWELLING. No. Rat Walnnt street, west of Ten th, 16 feet 6to how, 80 foot deep. Perentprory SaIe.—PRAMW. TIWItI,LING, Roo it, north of « ichla ad street,fainewn , h ararrt, reremptory ate. —TARE G-OTONY [NICK. WEL LINO Ai _P BaliEß Y_, Otis street. Nineteenth g e m 'I WO ST ORV ORTCK DWu.t..1.1•0, Pio.ati id. ' lta wrest, between Fifth and Meth tweed, 404 1 ,,,„;a 1 100100 street. lho louse has two rooms on s 0,,,, Di , int,rodned. range. ,to Hlt Kg "TORY BBICK TIWELLINO, No 3/1 wharton street. west of Third street. Hes cidler.k t t e t„ en bath. tee .ao TWv_tel %.ItY FRAME DWE 1.1,1 NO wnd Carpenter ahoyrto.l226 Race street writ of Ty-lf tt street. lot 20 feet front and (CO feet deep to 141.easte t street. at alocti street a erected a brisk and tram,. ostounet shok_ 11P Fs U particulars of all the above sake now read', in handbins. LA,ARGE FEREMPTORT BAy , FINE WIN EB, 88 PCNDIE , km. STOCK OF' ME849 , 4 1 . ARIA. Ht A. CO. Relinquishing OM In- richer their bismy.s. On Tuesday. July Y. At 12)1 - o'clock. at tbeseorlon store. from the mot of Messrs Rama, dt wile.. an netionme9l of fin• Inman. Brauthes. &c. comprising Ya.4l ninny, ?emanate Co.'. Me h- grade Sherries, ,rdadeira. Bunt & Co. n draught. Hun.arina Pon Ctin. .Also Martel. Henamsey Fmet,_ Mind Sinnua Cgt n, Brandies; oboe Bohipn Gin. Femh and apple nma &es Menonmhels Whisoir.lre sir . The we will be eepenially 'worthy of anemias. Mime Ming some of the finest Wines and kraunisr ever imported.- es in bean timed:nod with treat ear- by fyy,oorg. Harty 88 , 0, during tlie last twelve years and now to be sold without any rywer•soy. tutu tattt.n, they to this breather then bop near. • 07" ample' will betatron for examination with s►Gt. 10. use, et the emotion ro .me, two hours pumas to the Sala at No 2025 Walnut /greet. ELEGANT FERN ITt:RE: MIRRORS, PIASO, V IVET CaßPhart.. CrIR.TAPIS. LIBRARI PURNITURIS 150 , ..K-OASEB. S: AhD COSTLY ENGRAVING! a STIR VS' Prt(loPB, he. On Wednesdly. moinine. July 8. et /1 o'olo°B. at Po Me Watritt street.vill be icid by eatelegtte.. th, very elegant thrsitom fa family remove. The cabinet fureitore was all made to order. or rico:ette deems aid finish, and bee teat hut a .shoit time to are. There is a 'Site number of framed - engravinss, selected by , he .odor IA ° Mill; moss of them are artists' areas. and A09.1t the *all oopss to thus aosntry. Also. several fine bronzes. Mae be slammed tir•ta eataahttair mime rsurnms of the Kale. at eight o'e ock. Execmtme' Sale—ilo • 111. North Nlath Eltreet , NEAT ROUSE rtaCARP F E iI.Oi. URNITURE. RitUSIELS TS, he. On Wednesday Morning. Jaly 9. at 10 o'oitioti uu gworib ?ban street, above saeo, .neat tveossholo roman's, Drassets oar. eta' bs order, et the ex , entors oar May be examined at 8 o'clock on the Morning of the mile. Buie tit Wctirl39iiiii K 1 ttoutu Fourth 4.reet. SUP It. It Ittit. FUR+. rtrax.FR.KNCII-E'L OR". -.LNG RTEu 411. , BEDDING. BRUBEI:J..B At4D 9Tara gARPETzs. /Le. ThursaavloEinint At .9 o'clock 'at' Ens notiE•n stare. acad•ria..l4.. 4 : ..naellent sea nd-hand furniture. &Eliza:. piano tiros,. hoe nvErnr& carps.* b.da and b ddini, a••• tjp- Lea necoin nit hmuirkeevng, removed to tho got: denvent•noa of me: • I,IOBAB INATUANS, A UCTIUNE I,Ii. OR AND COMMDPION MERCHANT, mahout 0011101' of aura and RACK Streets. BALL: ON_ ACCOUNT OF THE UNITEn ET4LITE2 ciovltr4 , o BY (IR_Br R JAMBS 8. CHAMBERS. ESQ. NAVY AGENT. Ma tanrriss, • -1111/ 1. at ID oteloi k. at Ole Ph. adelobin Navy Yard., orniimiag o iot of oil o•akt sod to irois. lot of was. Ilon. lot of o d r. - yo. large quanta , of Ish sky, hr vinegar, sad molakee Alan, tot of-tosattre,Ao._ r • v •e. AT PRICE* TO 'WIT TEE TIMM& The following artioles wilt be sold for Ina than bra the usual ending prioe tine gold htintnut ease denb e 0/110, and double-not , tom ...tent lever watches of the =UV saProvett end beat makers; tine gota - notitin, tune - s.IW, dent lever :watches; independent seootds lev-r fine gold bunting-came and own lies esearment levee and Opine watches ; • horizontal and dno.ex .itohet silver Mintmt-case: donols. case, end `palish patent lever: eurnap.roont laver, And lotion warobee,o the most approved sod beet makers; non, hie-ease end open face silver watches; silver summer silver grimmer and is vele viiie watches • Fes told Nit, beak. 709. and gnardilobaine; diamond enter yoga ita breairp pins ; sots of .1 KOPF PTV- 11, • gOld el-out-IAM ear rins e. Anger-mac bracelet., Wonoi - -cases, pens and J-welry or evert desorietwo; gees, pistols, mem! inetrnmenia, plano-tonea, and article. genera 13. . MONEY. LOAN: • Money advanced lot any length of tine agreed upon, on told and 'sumer plate, d•.utordt. watobee. Jewelry, coerline-uteoes. musical inetrauteatu cry goo.e, okatng.'irrooeryes, hardware. cutlery fee niture, bedding, tenor arlacilea, and on all admits of came. CONSIGNMENLS Av ICITro COT—DOOR SALTS EOM L RD. Liberal Gash advances made on all articles Gemmed for We; Pe*•ona attannon even to all not-door aka M xI3 Z !AT kI K. & BROS., /WO ."'" TIONEERB, 604 r:R RsTpru r gy„ abort BALEB tiVgrtY EYBNIyB, At 7 o'clock of backs, stisnoners and Ism:Trois. tratokss, jewelry. °looks. eilser - plalea ware, eaJar7. panting', femoral Ins rumen. A.J Also Rosier', art roods, boots ar.d shoes, and an. ohn, disirot 'every description. . DAY 71A(...-.8 every Aloud/kr, Wednesderi and Fri day, at 10 o'olook -. DS. PRIVATE BALFE. Ittorirate sal*. several lane oonsieementsofiraister find jewelry. books; a Wooers: silver-pl ited ware oat :err, tailor goods. &a.. to which the rasa- Laos o, opy ilea oostetu m- reheats and otters Coostraments soiletted for at. kinds of n.eritutndisb. for either yobbo or private vales. tar Liperal oasb adynnee• wad , on ennammesta. • u•-dnnr me grr.n.ptly Wt. • rif.d , SEA BATH 1N.14. gratiimmi FOR THE SEA-g;dogß, —cAm DKr.' AND 4%e fli ilC RAILNO - A o.—On slid after MOND • Y Jor , t ,st rg i a r. will leave Y ltt tSTIU J Ft.R.iiY. ea `ma y ; . Mail trim A M. %prior 4 - train opo p, 33, dooommadattpri . Do p . RE a UliftlNG, LE.A.VES oil ; 114"il • 45 P. u 5.31. oaommadatt A. M. PBllO to Atiall , ls3, sl.waz. b b o l ot .. goodfdr tbreedays,alseo. rreight must oe d , • The Com' 4"Yir at COOPER ' S POINT bt DJ wt / not be reeporelhle ler lUD EDNXID Until UM.. ved and reop,te r ON tid for r aj Nei! _Meat. at the Point. G a NT. dliar• or IA alit- , • - WEEKLY GOMMUNTOATION BY STEAM BETWEEN NEW YORI Al " L/YERFOOL; Galin= at QUM:NerrOwN (Ire land.) to land and embolic- passennem and dealletam• The - Liverpool, New York, asd Philadelphia Blom: ship 0001Stall7'• splendid Clyde-Mutt iron =eV gleam ohipsi are =eyelet' to Grail as follow.: PROM NEW YORK FOll LIVELPOOL. _ CITY OF BAIT/MORA, 15atunlar, "nt r : KANGAROO, Eatu , dar. J u ' l • ETNA...„ .._ ~ - • Batorda7. Juke And OMEalitardar throvehont the yew, fr om r.... N. o :'- . 4 4 it: R".•..., - TEt AMAQE THROUGH FR O M FHILADEL _ HIA. Capin, to Quitenztown, or Liverpool..--"- •••""- 1)0. - t01..00d00. iiii LiVerPool- ..................- to !teenage r to gueenatolirti. or LavereooL—.—_—... Po. •to Lktolon.• __ . ....r 2 Do, Acne tickets. avahaide for At mouth*. __ P LivOTPOOL. - _ .... .---- V. _Paseengere forwarded to Have. Perm. - Hamburg. 'Bremen. and itnrwerp, at through rates. Gemilloates of pomace mimed from Liverpool to Maw 1 York • - ~....--.11. .O- t:fioatos of passage 7- • o su -' e . d .. .—fo. m-- Q . ueeto - wn co ow Yorkz' vime eteanTratsl7upor acoom — odElZl passengers, are oonstrapted with watertight oomparfr mtuts,orid carry .expenernoed Burgeons. For freight, or swage otnly at the Ono° of the Coe 011*I. .. ' • . -411N0 G. DALE Atell ri 111 Walnut atreet Pipsdel ii. la Liverpool, to W cmo i tileßallit • r inpe • In elilllgollr. to W MAI 4. apt-tf - 1. piton west -0.1 411161::7Atii • litiln Ater— 1 V 77 .A54 . 4..A . ',44/74.0.i. - ritalit ". l7 - ',.- . . . .'• . . ...., r:triox . 'l332y - ilotta• to tanarost. _....-St • NB . Taa74;g0........ - -- •- 'Y tt'248202 29 7.1922,001. :IghiatO Pau/we -'' ---.....*7 Neeond tun reseage.--__..-- be 'hit Was rom Blew Tout call d, c...k Horbcr.. beif2 nt ' *t Wass L C ol . rl • 53 ", Nil * ItV abfaa 194 'Art leg r23.44l'lkini.' elt°'°•:- re(44iernete. I Alt.adlyttlf _AI:Lott. - - K . 1 ~.. .pt. Hort dlr• A wiii&U.,ABIAN; • NUE _l•97 . 7i , ''''' ' -' - PAl Ci A °° . (toß ll( llla. 4 : ? "t. "" . a • These wok& carry a ohm) . white lif , l tat mall - ro'''' ~6,-.zt:...-ed.Prz,...-I..7'„Viveaze-..y. J.l' 1. E B tz, BOYA. Andataol,, " bottom, Peal. s .:37 . J u t' it ,• :. judJuns, “' pf York, vre4.osdia. lo)• C • r•iDA Moodie, •• Roston, we .144.1 1 1. 1, . In . . 24 , AB/ A. LOU. ," N. Vol lc, Wr d nesde 1- 4 01 AIIABIA, SONIA. " Bolton, Wenhatcu;m l . • Bemis toy, aeorPred until pato for. easasent.Pd Burgeon on board. ut t fbr . yAnerreftfaitilreesekoos 11l no i tbe p aorT 4 ne . OP stale , unless big; orraTiag e = :Led Ille l °' , "j s t the value. thereof therein 'Formed. For i te m ." ii N errti 6"l7 t. . /Bowling litten c • l l :l4llv '''''‘' ...... BROWN'S ESSENCE OF JAMAICA GINGER.—FREDRRIQR BROWN Cbamplt gad Druonst, nor th ooat *mitt of Chestnut gild Filth .te-; rhile4el9ll4, sole manufeoturer of Brown's &ono. 01 iarneisebinE n2 srorhloli is rooognized and eresorlEig the medical Oland baa become th e stgaftant ,are tnedlcons , o e [fated Steles. Thu Easenot Ina preparation of tintona 3 eice u e °l l l In ordinir3 d Lgrrbcea, =Went chola rs, In alii , ort, w . 4 , wes of vroatratiou of Me clitootiv• mneto,e s -12, n re, lneggiebabla yalug.- Dignab yvalfino• " 0 1" - -.... cholera anflgammar oompi b* basesi. gf ig gn,_ Mill otlionoxans; no •, i t4RaUdgi Or brigYa• should be without Ik, Nona No/u NOTlC.—Tp_AlloTilt thi t l , 4 o Thl e nl' bl & S , 0 . 0 0144 b°l"°°"ttilta no n r theYntaldt c".i . a + a l r - VT kn r"t ri t ' Niltit,'" , guat 1 ' 04 " .4,- by ` nerd _ a p ur chaser ...... o&. ii.. &gliW gra by ifor b thiliakottill Piar bia d d o lan y lAll,s 9l— , I .7111 , °4 Emelt Mint N . tnt noii Am lial Stoop B. B. corlir , of 24_1124_,a i nt a Che t r em, Cei , il;: nectar atm. 2111/We a • f sato by au .W 4 Inlo •••••.•••••• :, .1.. •Ii•••• . .07 ...,_ .0. ....v. "" i ii-,--4 - ---- Di1fi1:...1..v e `speak from FA . et q - rear 64.1m g rdP ertiNeg r 4 A .?. o c ie h. . „ L odi/ the „,11.1 °ag e r r jer4l. 1, TA ' a it drat la4igarfor jt„,and WO r ; sommaud . Re maitztammustigt, We simusp, l oty: iiIKVANA rldalla B . . okoffe' sailor : 0 0earrigint tome of WC malt oitabraistl brands in the Barana ma/- tot. soot On 14 o. (labium, Yarded Bepanote. ?ore tan°. Flack Bea, Punchinello, Oka., 41w. Furatc and Ss!ola Cuarettee. For sale low for oeti. et oi a Wien/toss, br the Importer. gli,AßLal Ho. 130 W ALN &Mull.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers