e 5 e....e5ere.......• • ..........,.......n......!eiremessese-----........... • • • • • - • ' • - • • .._ _-----------....----. TEL HOME GUARD REBELLION AND RIIIISIAN WAR.-Fourth of i Philadelphia Markets. CONTINENTAL HOTEL--Ninth and Chestnut. Limit D D Abohlot • N York Mr Thompson. Fhitads Tips Home Guard of Philadelphia is now oom July will bo well represented at the Assembly Jane 29-- Brelr ir l• Col J R Prior. • • Jos W Peuohtwanger. N Y L A i e N u tTh . .. A i or four thousand seven hundred and seventy Building I n addition to the Rebellion and Cri n.7members,and a grand display is antioipated mean campaign, a large number of Revolutionary For. Flour tc-day there la very little demand. ates - akier• N It M shield . Cinoinnati Wetherell eaeto ckoinna l l .v. F Drake & niece, Ohio New York 6 '" °netting our of is y, omman cornet presented There will be three and th e market is dull at previous quoted r■, Major D R "%Natoli. U 8 A rhea Der•ow. 4 25 2 J Gourd & Kill• New York Ramsay Crooks, N York ~ri ti e the Only buyers at $ eel Pleasanton The men have been very well ern billooe ont that da y; morning, afternoon, and the trade being about Emil Noel . New York Mrs M J Biome, Boston e - •andpresent a truly oreditsble appearanoe. evedileg The 1171 1 3 t6 having Completed the new 450 for Western superfine, $t 75 iii for Ponca do, Jaa 7 . ' Bowman. Boston El B monger. rabo.ni killed, J L Dual.y. New York A If Miller, Mit...bore They here been °applied with arms and equip. ve•J of the most atarUtog cooties of the &tail con- Da'. Remington. Ban • • di will begivenforthebrat - s inalading drums, fifes, sergeants' swords, ot they Mies hl A Shult, II York sant , ilety Pabree, and oevalry accoutrements, at the , - .. R Aloshnn aihin Jnha tar, Lew a Sane 50 per bbl for fancy * brands, as in quality, II Q. Sanderson, Mil k !CHALK FOUNDLING -Officer M rs T Campbell, California M's. Campbell, California Alberteori, of et "le ef the '341. . A I . abovea 11. e Flour I ThOe (lampoon, Jr Oat W ',tor en. Dayton. 0 The receipts continue fair, and Judders generany f ee following companies den/Vise the First Reg , - the Ninth -ottoot, toned a new-born infant In the are free tellers at the -ture- 7 a Gen If te lisoo,_ lie an Robe. T urner, w Baltimore ,„f Infantry of the Home Guard : Company area, No 2208 Brown street, on Saturday morning selling in a small way at $3 25 per bbl. Cora meal W Windom. Niemand John Brown. ou. - A Thirteen th about six o'ol ward, Captain Edgar M Gregory ; ook. It was taken to the station ' B,Fourteenth ward, Captain JM . Blot. • house is goatee at $2 6231'2 76 for Penns , and $2 871 for u llo T n T James Yort e. N I IH it ievinoott. P e rn a Holcomb. Delaware I 8 Warren. New York A moe II Breath & la i 0 1 Al Ise Burgos, Priv ft I ,oipany • Brandywine - 1) . - c ompany 0, Twentieth ward, Captain E. G. miss Smite. Prov . it I N C Rexford, New York sonars; etimPaU7 0, Twentieth ward, Captain W. SLIGHT FIRR.-Teetorday morning a alight wneor -The receipts and sales are moderate. w w Boom Ohio Genii Blame. Ohio Baker. Oregon J C Barlow, St Londe " ko, IC. Binder; oompatty V, Twelfth ward, Captain S. fire occurred in Controller street, above Union, and the market • dull at previous rates. A few to S Leidy; • ootapany F, Thirteenth ward, Captain geared by the burning of a barrel of clothes widish small lots only found buyers at sl.lBal 22 for fair N Y atenton New Jersey 0 R CarPeNtN r . J to good Western and Penne reds, $1 26 for time it Cowan, r ttaburg Ft W Forbes', Neve.York M mr Hurley Joa M Davis, New Yot J . l, Brodie ; company la, Fifteenth ward, Captain 'naught from a furnace. Rose Snowden; oompany It, Eleventh ward, • - - Southern do, and $1 27.1 35 for Western white. WM. Chaos . New York John J ThoMP'o7 l . N. 2 J tale L Kelly; isomptiny I. Eighteenth ward, WARRANTS FOE TUE "STEAMERS."-The W C Tuato . ber. intim. Del Clipa. le Durham. New York as in quality, all In store. Rye le selling in a : 0 gem Pittsburg _ fie as. /sew York • cote 11 Joh n Metz ; oompany K, Fourteenth Ward, warranty for the gleam Are-engine compel:ries will small way at 821 for Penna Corn comes in slowly, , etptilin Samuel Har t L. Baker. Jr, California fft Sanderson. Wash be ready to be delivered to the respective pempa. Red prime yellow is steady, at 52a63e, the latter F w weio o , N ow Y or k Theo ri Wilson, N V The Geld officers of this regiment are : .Colonel, Dies to-morrow.. I afloat. The demand is limited ORM continue Sol Beutbner. New York John R Patrick. N V J td I F Winslow. Troy. N Y Mrs Wilson. Canada • Bickel ; Majors, Leonard Myers and R. hi dull, and Penne are freely off ere d at 30... without miss Ladd. washintton J A Griswold. Troy, N Y lonic. Rsoerre..-There will be a regatta arranged sales ; 1,800 bushels Southern gold at 2810, afloat. 3At Caldwell. Maine goo A K McClure, Pa W Foley. CIA , ington.KY The following oompaniee Comprise th e Second for to day to Cheater. Del , and back. The sail. BARK -There is a good demand for Queroitron, I_ Willoox. Covirdeton, Ey .Ir Jos 11 itro 11. New Jersey Mel Davies. Fort Monroe. orient Of infantry of the Homo Guard ; loom- boat Dot, owned by J. /Whim has been challenged and farther small sales of Ist No. 1 were made at Liout J fit .tooke,ll a A Aal Gay. Bruton_ reg $29; the reosipts continue light. s my A, Sixth ward, Captain Barney; Oompsny for a purse of slooLlent Ilioliox, U al_A John Berry,NflV York t Ninth ward, Captain Welch ; Clemently 0, - _ . Corson -The market Is firm but quiet, and a w _ in Brand. New York S a Petit km. Look Haven " W .8 Lansing, N Y Sixth ward, Captain Flanagan ; Company D, PltorLgia UNION 11v.RTINO.-A. meeting of limited hotness only to note in the way of sales. R Trepobard. N Y E l sa' ward, Captain Pry ; Company It, Filth the People's Linton party, of the Tenth ward, will PILOYI3IOII3 -Ape movement • 0 ROCERtiII .ata J . ,,,,e.shße mum. it . 1 ,, 11 8 Wines. N Y o. card, Captain loolirtheed l Company F, Ninth be held at the southwest corner of Tenth and elontinues small, and the prises of both about the F B Revere. N I Geo A Hilton • Captain Patten ; Company 0, Tenth ward, Vine streets this evening. game as last quoted. .. Cl 7 Wells Jr M C Mercer. Towanda ward,WHISKY is dull, bbls selling as wanted at 1831 ..1 8 Ethrovrood.Frind dit Lao Cart L.ngsafelter. Oregon Coital° Grant ; Company 11, Ninth wardoldsptain . Thu C Weeks, Boston Jag H Freeland, Boston Reuel; Company I, Tenth ward, Captain Roat ; Fate.-An alarm Of flre Was calmed about 17o ' the latter for prime Ohio, and hide at 1810. John Sproston, Newark. NJ W Nunitms, Mame W W Dunlap, West Point' Addison Dougherty, N Y Coalesce ii, Tenth ward, Captain Rene Galliou. two Molook yesterday afternoon by the burning of Newlrork St k E h oe Re angeo4tine 29. The field Millers of this regiment (one colonel, a qu a ntity of cotton waste in the machine shop of • C W Smith. Naltimore A Van fiwarengen • • Geo W Campbell. N Y J it Woolf, St Louie , N ,i, lieutenant•oolooel, and two major') are to be Messrs. Hoff * Fontaine, at Third street, above PERIM HOARD, Jae Craig. St Joseph Mo John Scott, et Joseph. Mo Trine Tboronehman, Mo &Med to morrow. 8 1 other regiments of Franklin avenue. Damage trifling. 80001 J 8 lie, 'Bl, coup- 86 1000 Clew & TolB F bds 76 tl3.°NrP4TorStej°l"i` . . Maas A Harris , Washington !dotty, one of riflemen, one of artillery, and one --------em--• sooe tl Sas, Ott.res_._ Mg 7.Continental 11k.... 46 W Camp be ll , Nlr lits U 8 es. '67.-„...- Eses, in P&Mfill M ail IM tr._ eni lien li 0 (train. UR A John Amour. N V of cavalry, are now being formed, and as soon as FOUND DIAOWNRD.-The body of an unknown 4000 ill l'oup Ws '79.- 794 378 N Y Central It- - 73)1( • P 11 J ' wk°°ll ' ' 4 V C K Garrison, N Y • soh oonsiets of ten companies, each company .man was found Boating in the blehoylkill yester• Moo d 0..... _____.. ataf so do.--.......rm 7 5 M .T 0 Winrar, C hica g o 1 honor Perri, Baltimore °some V Perry, Balbm'e aeries a roll of settee members with not less than . 6000 Tenn 8t 6t, '9O- 33 40e do -_.... -... 71 li i• Teatman. Nashville -Gilbert day afternoon, at the toot of Vine.street wharf. 50.0 d 0.... - 410 eig 200 410. . ...s7 73 ose hundred names subscribed, the organisation The coroner will hold an inquest to-day . 200 d o . . 1 su Erie Railroad .. _. . 22 David B Horne, Wasalng'n Iloldetherg, California into regiments will be oompleted. . .._tre de • MO d0_...................... sr 12 do. Pre. 43 A t r p R 4 , 1, sr i & . . Johnston F W Yoshnrgb & la. N Y Alteralta 1111 W TOPIC 11,1101.11111 T. A SNP:OIL MBOTING Of Common Council Will a l Hrigner,l.l 8 A it hilk dt ----- iiii t31:7711 ISO Harle m iiira ILTZtiI:: ll' bu .t rn er l ady Geo_T kleokev,Minnesota The Fifteenth Regiment of New York velum be held thin afternoon, at 3 o'olook, relative to 10(00 d 0.....• , . WM 10 do- 2 , toff '• :I Perry. Minnesota . f i la ffi M n o x li . o n rm;i i k, Chicago Mere left Amboy between eleven and twelve o'clock leasing the Philadelphia and Erie railroad to the 20.: 1 0 Violeta St es .,.- 41 too htiohigairuentral. 4416 1 4 '" r i orgg r . , .V.,thiollloo 7 , 17 r li me, A u r a 10000 do _ _ .._l3 43 100 do. ~.,,. _.... MK os Saturday night. en route for the seat of war. Pennsylvania railroad. M orton . . WT B Duncan, Philo: • 6000 d a.-... --. sfi 438 Bond. N Y A T Meßer olds MM!, They arrived at Waehlngtonitreet'wherf about . the boy ' named / 1000 du.• ••• • • •••.alO 43 26 ido EV F .60 Hiatt 11 & N1 . H.... )2,4 . x often. Boston rio____.....-. etlit noill Can R f10p.439 6674 a MAW° - • Seyllght. ItECOVRRED.-The body . Of orris. tie im II r . Buffalo 0 M o r r i s . Calijoruts B .ll4tb i t l iL_;Watt, Oalifor nla Abirut one half of the regiment are meohanios-- Coroory, drowned on Saturday, was recovered yea- 7000 U+OD N e', l : r - iiii: - . .: . " 43,,,•'• 626, 1 1°•••••••'''''' - '„,° w ter Wm Dourtee t _Californin C W Waltoo, Me ingIVION, mamas, carpenters, blsokrialthe, ,to - terdsy and conveyed to the residence of MS pa •--- --•••-- M o Clerk.me • 1000 • do-. - " ',....: NV PEI d0...•:....4...1011. 61§ ir 7,1 c. :! . pf Y ••• 8 P c°w•r• '• .." a" John it Devrem e, le, Pa rhos turnlahlog within the ranks all the isotope- route: - 111X4) do " ' - 6. -- J - 5 01 i 100 13°- "" --." 6."4 WBhi ro t i e Li le, ri Y lions necessary to treat formidable defences of s dooo Louisiana ot es -EH 100 d 0............. •*X UN 4 • • 1000 Mich 8t7e........ St hie do ..._ -- 110 64E ANIESI O `AIe HOTHL--Cheatunt street. above Fifth war, in their march, Without a requisition of out- LEGAL IN'PEL L IGEN CE. sow re YSt Si , st__ un 10Cley Col & - Cin R. 97 - side aid. . 600 Missouri St 54., 38 Tee Gal S Cho R_-.0 eo Lt R P King, J r,Wasli,D CE A Howard. US A . MC d 0...--.... D6O 3834 so . do— -.MIO lina 11 Morton . W Morton . The following ht a list of the offices; . DISTRICT COURT IN BANO--,Todges Share- moo do __.. - ..., .98.1 i 100 d o.-......b0w 60% Col le Z Judson, New York 812 James & la. Ohio Colonel, John McLeod Murphy • lieutenant C W White e Chris 0 Faxon, Tonne see colonel, F ranc i s u O'Keefe ; 70 ,, j0r, C " 0 . C o l ga t e ; wood, Stroud, and liath.-Opinions in the fellow- 1 1 04 do- • -:::": 1 ' 39 3 ,A 1 50 d''' do----- —.. 3 1-4 lee Adjutant, Walter L. Casein ; quartermaster. Ed- lag oases on the Argument List were read by won do - • .7:130 l e ir LO Willianta, Tennessee W Purim Mar lard do ..._ 3£04 50 C 0..- _430 69X R P Penmen. Jr. USA_ Ins F Smith & c, r ) ra t Reading ward J Strang ; engineer and ordnance officer , Judge Sherwood on Saturday morni n g: efr..o do.--- ___-_r II 38,6( 10 do -----. 1110' ff Farnsworth.loek Haven 'Wm Sparta'. Mo. Richardson vs. Ineetran e Captain Stephen Chester ; surgeon, James hie- . • o Co, Rule for a .new moo Biklyn Wat'r bn.loo 180 do., ...-,....,... Hi% H Newkirk & la. ooston Thee hisser. Roomer, let A It Parker, Maga Nair; sergeant major, James W. Drummond ; trial disoharged. 11100 Hod a l e t m..... 10216 200 Clev: & Toledo . .it -Zr C W marker, Boston 2CKEI do ........103% 101 dn..-- ....UM' 13 Mof4 Breadelbam. Conn John Eioble. bew York drummajor, George &blesser ; fife major, Meant ;- - iir Trough vs. liarthest. Rule for a new trial ab- moo Chi to N 3 d .... r Stable New York Cape C Kokesperger,FU3oh chaplain, George E Post, D. D ; paymaiter, Jai. solute 4 MO 14 Sue it W let m 60% i lal do -- 23400 do-- ---34 . ° 1 4 4,61 l ia e rFranoine&laMuffolk Pk John Boswell. New lor k IMO do,---....._. 6 1. l 260 Chicago IRI-110 85 me Root, Conneediaut John KoCullough, Boston B Walsh. Fox vs. Dinmore. Verdlot amended, • J W Jermon. Philadelphia till tipleMetil, StOiill-S.Pa CoMpetiy A-Captain, J. 0 Hicks ; lieutenant, Meyer vs Burns. Rule for a new trial dim Nett , Yolk Markets on Saturday. . Wm M Rockefeller. Ps J a Packer: Sunbury. Pa DR. Beath . ; ensign, Wm. W. Dorton eherged, lied judgment for plaintiff on points re- FLoon was dull, and elosed at a farther decided do - JR. Scott, ILI 8 A Israel Leaming.NewJersey E De Marbom, U 8 A Company B -Captain. Thee. Bogen ; lieutenant served. ohne, especially for comm' 0 grades. Tim sales em- • • F. Lerkin ; ensign, J. W. Hyatt. ' Bowman vs. Knollieek. Me for a new trial brawn' 13.000 barrels at 53 75m3 so, and extra State at 84 6004 63 PTATESS UNlcti-Earket uredit. ahem) Si x Lb. • Company 0-Captain, J. J. Reidy, (detailed discharged, and judgment for defendant on point Hritgav was heavy and Glowed at aOdeeltne 'of Mlle Jesse Conrad, Washington H P Dumber, Pittsburg with Lieutenant Chas Bacon to forward supplies ;) reserved. V' bushel, with sales of 376 000 bushels. at SI 03E1 133( ti S Magee.-Maryland Immo Cook, Penne lieutenant, J. W. Da Cunha ; ensign, M. J. Bogen. Market Company vs. Lute. Rule for a new trial for winter red, 730490 for Milwaukee club, and 72e tr Walker, Boston NM for common to prime Chicago. W A Boyden. Altoona James Humphries. Penne W fil Allison. Mlllin, Pa Company D-Captain, James Bleogneen ; lien- dies:Merged. Rve-Balem 1.000 bushels at 647. JJ • fries. NW sit Chester A Braley. Delaware • • tenant, Joseph Wood, Jr , - _ensign, Timothy Lobey. Webb vs. Mears Rule for a new trial absolute. ? e r e v •l i il it i t,ZlATt r i i t,: c tl,f c tigos sa ll e r e goe c oo s h l o s sli c a e 75 IA F e K- nay . Johnstown, Pa J ae Fe_sentrin. Maryland ' 11417180 e vs. Steman Rule for a new trial dis- Ch es Juda . Maryland J Kennedy. Lancaster Company IE-Captain, E. 0. Perry ; lieutenant, James D Akltiv. Penns Geo :do Alpin 11 V. Stetson ; ensign hi Howlett.for tames and HID for prime. charged, and judgment fer defendant on point re - w flume-Sales 300 barrels at 185(e. 11 Helmond. Vireinte F Ewing, Virginia °emptily P-Captain. J Garrett; lieutenant, served. John Benton, Trenton It P. O'Brien; ensign, J. B Thomas. Meneth vs. Johnson. Opinion by Stroud, J. Y 1 l I'l ' T B M S e COMMERCIAL HOTEL--Bixth et., above Cheetaut. Company C-Captain, J. Lalor ; lieutenant, W Judgment. for plaintiff. . A Brown ; ensign, T. Sanford. Colston PLEAS -Jndgoe Thompson and J M hloMlnn. Wrceport. Pe W A lien & lady. Ohio Ludlow.-Joshua Elperlog, assignee of the National V L Stover.-Penna Mato Bee'ght. Penns Company 11-Captain, W. A Ketchum ; lieu tenant, H. P Bronson ; enelgn. Theodore Lane • Safety luminance and Trust Company, vs. Lewis W i lson , ' Tau Mtorrear Commute Dircor.-Rookhill * W H Grevemerer,Fteehuy H H ishantx, FL Pr:hurler Wilson's Brown Stone Clothing Hall &thews CO be me ~. H A Hamil Ft eohny'er Dr Quiet Phorroxeme Company I-Captain ,la W. Warner ; lieutenant, Cooper and At Thomas it Sons. ThIS was as ap •bd -a n ets ofmilitary cloth- W No 0. la Pol e .Jr. Penne F teems. as. ous t C.ll Amerman, (detailed as se rotary ;) ensign , landing house for the lineation by bill in 'equity for a epeeist injunction manufacturing ing. In the upper stories they have some twenty canters LMY. refill I ._ J 11 Ua,braith. Chester oo John Farrell. to restrain defendants from disposing of stook to • mp eloyed, and about seven hundred b an d , are oonetant- Compawy K-Captain, Jas. Dodd ; lieutenant, the amount of $12,000, which is held by defendant, HARLEY SHEAF 130TEL--Beciond at.. bet. Vine. A P Greene; ensign, George Murphy. • Lewis Cooper, as collateral security for money ad• ly engaged in making up the work. Over three thousand D P Nielson, Pennsylvania Chas Roster, Cheltenham coats were made no by this firm in ten days, for the CMORNANN'iI REIOIIIII/17 C 1 RIFLE RANGERS vanced to the reeeistly exploded National while It Smi'll Harper, Fox Chase Capt Writs it la, N Jersey State, beside. full suite for several oompentes of Home w Reberumok, Pa Joe Fill. Pennsy lvania was in operation. A committee has been appointed to oolleot sub The Stook is advertised to be sold by M es-. Guards, and for °Moms of the army and navy. The Win P Flowers. Ohio Wm Butler Delaware ariptions to be applied to the maintenance of the Themes & Sons tomorrow and this applroatleon'it location of this well-known establishment I. Nos. 603 13 W Bowes. New Jersey Fens S W Kirk, W Cheater J T Bunsen, Boatmen P Webb & is.' hi 1A.16191116 above regiment. , whiob has been accepted , and 11 based on that provision of the stay law which for- and 600 Chestnut street. above Sixth. Slug mustered Into the United States servloe Mies Ella Kirk, W Cheater Master le Kirk, W Cheater bids the sale of eollaterale under penalty of double Pa°v°"°.-It is said that General Patterson's Dr A C. Stiles, New Jersey GIRARD ROME GUARD. Geo Willhelm, Easton Weiler, Easton damages. piokets on the Potomac can see the &unionists reap- ..... The members of this corps will greet today on The defence deny the constitutionality of this log the wheat harvest, whilst that of the poor Union MOUNT VERNON HOTEL-Second sto above Ara: their armory a staff forty feet high, and at three Provision. - and also allege that the complainant is men was still standing in the fields and going to de- David Brelsford, Bristol Daniel Boas. Bristol • ended will fling to the breese a flattwenty two not entitled to equitable relief, because the some struntion. This is what the rebels Gall " stealing the -A Yandecrifr, Bristol Geo Bell, Pella •• .• . feet by fourteen, which was presented to the oom• sot which forbids the sale of collateraleat theism!, oomforte of the enemy." but the loyal lotions of the .A e J linrib. Pe_pne Geo If Tailor. Penna is th e nbee. Tonna in many instances, be furnished with what Naßollox, Pi Brown. Penn% piny by Chas. T Yorke', Jr. They will make time given an adequate remedy for a violation of . I "rth will , N Jersey Mr Taylor. Penns their first day parade in the afternoon, with one its provisions. the rebelit cannot obtain, vie i Elegant, serviceable. Thos Lowber. Penna. A Miller, Tonna hundred men and • full brass band, and will pro- The court took this view of the minter, and re. and comfortable Snits from 'the extensive clothing seed to Fairmount Park to drill. Prior to starting ruled the injanotion. Although this was not un. house of Granville Stokes, 609 Chestnut street. with BALD EAGLE HOTEL-Third at.. below Callowhill. from the armory, they will be the reolpient of a looked for by the (mussel foroomplaktant, yet they beaatiful firm MI mementoes. F P S'eltxer, Philadelphia Win G Beek.Plawburg, Pa handsome silk flag, from the ladle, of the Twin. deemed It their duty, in view of his efforts to save r CO; Breder, Bethlehem John K Rimy, Keaton John G Fetter. Bethlehem. T 8 Lehmann.' ra Seth ward• as much as possible, for creditors from the wraith PHILADELPRiA BOARD OF WEAJON GOING IPSO CAMP. ' of the National, to make it. Remak and F. C. GEO. N. TATHAM. • , . • • . . The following-named companies attached to the Brewste. appeared for complainant, and floury m,. Vl ck ..P_RDTHlNGHAM.iCostaorrisa ow THE Mowry, ISRECIAL•:- NOTICES. Phillips for defendant. L REHM, . . .. . .. . !sateen Regiment will marsh to Ilestonville this e . • .. •111 : • 11 -I • - __... 8 Nothing of interest transpired in the other omit. &Nowell to quarter there, preparatory to being . mustered into the United States service : Company QtrAitoos Smeslons---Judgo Allison.-lanac LETTER HAGS and )torten Hair Illyele ' the bane in She world. All A, Captain App ; eompeny 0, captain Millisor ; S. Webster was put on trial charged with obtain. „,,, A , t sf a t ac i r ii k are ut e n , l e s e ' d Ezejuln ii" , P , 1 1‘ 1 ." 811 ', 113 , a ,' . others are mere Imitations Of this great original, which dompany 0,• Captain Rloherdson ; company 11, log 165 pieces of dry goods, amonoting in value to 6 - ;;i Twosome, ilinTlT,e - y - . - .. -- __. --- ___ - 7, - "t r e ," ° "l •°..Y ° has gained josh extensive patronage in all parM of the Roo Captain Zarreeher. The clothing !or the regiment $ 6 0 3 , from Joel L. Bally, under false pretences. Bark &kernel Tarbox, Tar box___,. .linenoe gyres: R oo globe, 'The genuine W. A. Batohelor's Liquid Hair is ready, we understand, and will be delivered to It was alleged by the prosecution that la January Bark Bea Nagle, Kenny.........._ Fort Spain. Trin, soo Dye Mutant/5r produces a splendid bleak or natural the soldiers as soon as they are mustered in. The of this year, the defendant, who had been a ens. Ir r i k ~; t i n a ho t t l i n s e a e aar ---- - Thn ' arnr . l°° brown, without staining the skin or inlaying the heir. n. orgrave......--Key West, son 1121foraa is of the cadet gray cloth. tamer of Mr. Belly from the year 1858, became Bellies Maxwell, Davis --Lava yrs'. non and will remedy the VI strati of bad dyes. invlginating Company 0, Captain Richardson, Jackson Regi. unable ti, meet hie obligations, and accordingly Brig Lunge, Esau— ....----St Jago d. &bea, son the hair for life. merit, was mustered tato service On Saturday sent for the p:mieoutor *and -informed him of the B oh . i Scar Fannie .rte. R oss Vance -..... ... ~ • ---._--..- ort an Prince. , -- "L'TAnsi roc 000 Sold by all Druggists and .Perfuniers. Wholesale by ..- night, feet, and desired an extension. At the interview. North FARIVENTOCK it CO., 'DWI? it 00.. Philadelphia. ORATE( elt A pRILADRLPHIA SITSIGION. that then took place, at the request of Mr. Daily, . . sill-tf the defendant made a statement of his business MARINE INTELLIGENCE. Dr. William N. Bandy, arsistant surgeon of Col. condition, by whlith he . epresented himself to he : ONE PENIII CLOTHING OF TER LAMY , Lyle's Regiment of Philadelphia National Guards,MOßT OF PIGULAGELPIIIA. July 1, 1861 . . possessed of a stock of :goods worth about $8 000,ielTI.MS, made in the beet manner, expressly for Rlf died suddenly, in Camp Penneylven on Friday . against which there was an indebtedness of 'about SUN RISES— ~....4 a--BUN SETS _ ____...y se BAIL SALES.' LOWEST selling prices marked 2110 A WATER- -._ _-.---....... . in let. It. is supposed that his death resulted from $5,000, and that - he owed no borrowed money. .81a Plain Pleuras. All goods . made to order warranted heart dl , the deceased' Daring been Sound sailsfeetorl. Oat ONE-PlLlare-...... .... ....i..........- - dead is his tent after retiring in apparent health whatever ' o ARRIVED. . At the same time the bill Ale was produced In IT B steamer . Tremont. Copt Hand, from lin h erm; - 40 22_1 7 ' • 7071 -pm & cc_ steg leweygEgy g0..1 Imo. , .---..... are thereby treated alike._, - _ the night ;oarless. The remains were escorted to verification of these stater:acute. On • the faith of ton.l days , for orders. On Leann Point by the regiment, accompanied by a mranontialyin? o'in re dna: tall band. They arrived in this city at 4 o'clock these s representations, Mr.• Daily allege. that he . Erl i ."l• l l4 l3 42l7ilied by the steamer Pawnee, Imeg MT GROVIGs it, Harm's) CaLiraltatEr greed to give an extension and selltheidamoomos Aceula Creek. , tid gave them all the newspapers in our on Saturday morning, under escort of twenty man, goods, 00tinterMandiag - w contrary °riser that he mosesslon. They reported all quiet there. ar 12 30 P NOISELESS SEWING MACHINES. two from eaoh oompany of the regiment, under bad psemously given his salesmen. The defend. or passed steamers Freeborn and Rah noe and sieve- vie tun In Usefor plumb amino. • .... theme of a lieutenant. The funeral will take ant then purchased the pieces of goods laid in th e one cutter. name not recollected. At Il' M. oaf Cedar 0. ypo cal sanatarma.....l Pl.llsSalphia seer Ir else from the. /ate muldemse of the deoeassd, indlotment, as having been obtained under false in l it e eS s . a ire t t k o l ti :s r e s b t u '; a t Act r Christian Keen. or Forth _ _. , . y tea neciessionlete. l' iltii street, above Poplar, this morning, at nine CARD . PRIMING, MIST AND CHUFFS?. Ili o'clock The escort will attend the inners/ in g reteneee, and gave his note for the amount of the Steamship Boston. Crocker. 20 hours from New York, ill. with mdse. &o to due Aiderdiee. Passed a •ship at all- the City , as .24 Routh THIRD Strom'. , . Mob temp dress. They are under orders to return • ohor elf th e Ledge. supposed to be bound UP. In May ' Mr. Bally ascertained that Mr. Web. Bart H Faster. Brown, 60 days from Pa/arum. with • BILL-HEAD PRINTING. Best and Cheapest in its to comp tomight. Dr. Randy was but twentymix Mar had been sold out by the sheriff, and, on in- fruit to lease Jean ' s & Co. 10th Jane, let 404. loneer.9o, city, at 34 Smith THIRD Street. years Of age. ( s t r e itis i thip Zone, Fulle r t o n , from Leghorn for Phila.- vegtigating the matter, discovered that a note hadPAMPHLET PRINTING, and every other desert, Tall 611.1611- SUMP °MINERAL PARKHILL hi .40 clays out. been given in January, to one Sarah Book, for, Brig Mount Vernon. Hall, from Rio de Janeiro, 25th Hon of Printing, of the moat superior euallET. at the The pulse oommlegtorters appointed by the oourt $l,lOO, by whom it was transferred to one Foster/ nit. with 3.470 base coffee to order. Came in the Capes most reasonable rates, at RENGWALT it BRAWN'S. 37th Hut ; experienced a succession of light winds is take testimony in the name of the ship General who sued flout, obtained judgment, issued a f. flis . .- sad Illuoreire Building. le Route. TB Tit ID °treat. • - isets-ef ca l ms . Po44lll, seized as a prise for attempting to inn and sold the defendant's stook of goods, with t he Brig 6-.1 , Martin. French, 10 days from Cardenas, ~ . . the blockade, have oonoluded their labors. The exception of the amount exempted by law from with sugar to John Mason 5C CO. Sailed to commit - • A OA MIV-CHASE.-os. the 27th niCaliiiirilitieMlNl , with t b a ;il o c i rtine,; .i for cork. Parted with her Esc nit. report is ready to be presented to the court, but execution, for $735 nail that time the result of the investigation will Mr. Bally had an interviewwith the defendant, ' "I BIS Mary k. Makeh, Norden. 10 days from Carde• of the bride's parents. by Friends'. ceremony, Charier remain a secret. To day has been fi xed for the who then stated that the consideration of the note nu with sugar ton &• . W.Weleb. • H. Adams_, of-this oily. to Caroline A. deny hter of William H. and lelizab•th H Cease, of Onion Spring., 'moment of the report before Judge Cadwalader , was borrowed from the payee. This prosecution Brig 016 Allen. Ray. 10 days from Ptotou , with plea- York. Ca _es court . New ' at whioh time the claimant of the ship will be re- was then instituted. . ter to oa_etatu. hill LL- ;ZOO r.-on the Uth riP., by the Rev. 8. Brig Caroline A • White, Whyte. 10 days from Turks presented by Messrs. George M. Wharton, Barri- The defence, while admitting the represents- Island. with7o44 baobab" salt to captain. Y. Monroe. Thomas H. Soul! so Sarah Trout, all of this son, and Constant Gailloa. lions as to the value of the stock to have been Bohr 8 A Hammond. Paine,6 days • from Boston, with • 4 m i t 3 if iSWART-MORGAN.-On the 27th ultimo• by the • THE IIitHCHART TROOP. made, deny that any statement was made as Whits ni g li oVC c e a o Pt l: ta . • ' Green. Cobb, 6 days from Boston, in bal - Rev. P.Coombe. Mr. William H . Stew t to -34= The Philadelphia Merchant Troop, commanded owing for borrowed money. last to L Andenned & Co. . hlarthsiHorgan bud ii or Bustiero_o, a. " ARMSTRONG-WALKNR.-On the 27th _album, by by Capt. Martin, will leave this oily this afternoon, Evidence in support of this was offered, as also e:do:oft Noble. H a mm ett i i t e l: . ? i li from' Boeto' tr . ,in ballot .th - e Nev. Daniel•Gratom•Jamee A'. emotions ; 'Si.- D. to show that the value of stook was correctly - re- 7• 4,7,;,,7,. a i r r is c i, a i , Ti r'. r . d tei e l b l i sa a. Loinsa,,eaughter of Mr. Walker, all of Pills -10 encamp at Haddonfield, N. 'T., as may be seen. Bright, Smith, 4 days from Mitten, in by the following order which was received yes- presented, and that payment of debts and other ballast to captain. . • • - terday : . expenses bad reduced It, before the sheriff's sale,Bohr 'T T MoColley, Carter.l day from Camden, Del, • " Company A, Kentucky Light Cavalry, will be to a much lower agora. It was also stated tha with corn to Jae_ Barrett & Son. ' . DIED. • la readiness at Vise street wharf, to .proceed to Mr. Bally'was the only creditor of defendant who Sour Oliva , pox, 1 day from Odessa, Del. with grain to Christian & Correia. HANDY.- bas the 271 h ultimo, atcamp Perinsyl. , Camp Peyton, Tulip Grove, Haddonfield, N T., on had resorted to a criminal prosecution to obtain Bohr Bohemia, Clark. 2 days from Chesapeake City. yenta, Baltimore , William N. Handy, M. D., aged ES Monday, July lit, at 5 o'clock P. hi. his money, and that other creditors were so well with grain to Christian & Curran. years "By order of Col. WH. Touts'. satisfied of defendant's integrity that they willing. toots .1 El Bartlett. Ireland, from .1111 m m -use June B. in Funeral from his late residence, No. 934 North bedlam to captain. Sailed in oomeano RTKO OM Russian. Fifth-street. this (Mon ' (Signed) J. G PIITTON, Q. hi.o ly sold him goods even now. The jar ] rendered a der) morninie. at 9 o'clock. • for New York. Ketch Commerce sailed 6.h fo r Pence, hieCLONG.-un the 29 h ultimo, litr.John.MoClung. verdict of guilty. A motion for a new trial was totem! for Philadelphia. Sr .in the 74th year of his age. FLAG AND FOLK RADIUM. immediately made. Bohr Mary etandreb, Atwood, 3 days from New York, Funeral from the residence of hie son in-law, Geo. The Independence fickle Company. Intend raising - with mdse to captain. Jame , N 0.3 Smith Twenty- first street, below Marka.t. Bohr Commodore Dryden. Waters, 8 daire from Foca- this (Monday) afternoon. at 2 o'olook. a pots and flag, at their beam, in George street, A FAT OFFICE.-Probably the oast o ffi ce mob, liver. with lumber to J IV Bacon. a a Li...-Un• the 28th ulbm) / Mrs. Ilannah H. Balls, shove Second, on the morning of the Fourth ofßohr Bmily Denison, soathworth. from Saybrook. wife of William H. Balls, aged 4I years. • ~ - Jets', at 8 o'clock. The Rog will be raised by in the United States about this time is that hel d Bohr Telegraph. Rogers. from Hannah. CHAMBERS .- On the 11th ultimo, Samuel M.. Chia Lyle, and an oration delivered by George F. by Auditor Dubois, of Illinois. Presuming that kg :: pap p r o r P. Lase. Item Boston . atom *mite. from MOSiOn. Chambers. Enamel from the residence of his insteron.law, Cordon, Erq John Dolman, IN., will read the all the banks in the State are wound up by the Bohr New Haven. Melee. from New Haven. Mrs. Jane Oluisie. lila Callowhill street, -this ( Mon- Deolaralion of Independence. The Committee on process of delivering the bonds to the holders ofßahr s hlOnterie.Faikenborg ,from Salem. day) afternoon. at 3 o'clock. Mr. and Thuds of the City Councils have accepted the notes, he will be entitled to _no leas than Pohr Richard Hill, Smi th , from l Roxbury.kYNE--On the 28th ultimo, Mrs. Martha Payne, as invitation to be present. . . $BO,OOO in fees If the same banks ate wound tiT wt Steamer h e i t l o n v lT4 3 3.i i v . i.vggl 21 . hours from New York, - widow of the late Captain James Payne, in the 64th year of her ace. .. by a public sale of the bonds in New York, he wit Company 3, of th e Jackson Regiment, Col. J. . - • BIS WANG EIL-On the 28th ultimo. Juliano .Wilhel-' be entitled to not leas than $120,000. . • CLE_AILED. ' • mine, daughter of H,hard and Wilhelm.ne Burwasiger . E. Morph ) oommanding, was mustered into ears - Steamship itellettttol2, Baker. Boaton_i_H Winger. aced 4 years and 2 months. . • vine on Saturday afternoon. Companies A and C • .. . Brig Andrew Peters, MAIO. Ravams.Workman & Co. CAREY.-On the 27th ultimo, at Cainden, N. J., sill follow suit this afternoon. The regiment will FINANCIAL- AND COMMERCIAL. Brig Prentiss Ho bbs, El li s, Portland, ri . EltniteVeZt& James Carey, aged 60 years. then proceed Co. MITCHELL.-Matriath afternoon. 30th nit., George to .Efestonellie, Twenty-fourth ward, . Behr Il Jones, Tatem. Boston. do H. Mitchell, Fr., in the 66th year of his age. • to swamp. . ' The Money Market. eche J B Dieltinson, Fautentiurg. Boston. do • The relatives and frier de of the family are respect- Col. Conroy will proceed to Washington, during Behr R. G Porter Smith. numeration., Mimes & Co. fully invited tn attend him funeral, from hie late remi ' PHILADELPHIA, June 29,1861. Bohr Aid. Endicott, Providence, L Audenreid & Co. derma. No. 1447 North kletranth street on Wednesday this week, * with the master•rolls of the companies -1 Seer G L Green. Cobb, Boston. do afternoon. July 3. et !o'clock. Perm/mein Tabernacle oom poring his regiment, and lay them before the At the Stook Board to day Pennsylvania Rat • oche Richard Hill, Smith. Roxbury, do NG B. Church. at 4.7€ o'oloot P. M. .. War Department , 113 as to have the companies road stock sold at 373, a decline of i. Minehili Bohr Hornet & Sarah. Tioe. Llingbam. 0 Beeksoher. • mastered into service within a short time: RailroAd shares sold at 58, an advance of s3per al ' dwell. , Bohr Rook Cochran, Washington, Noble, Hammitt & • Weekly Report of Interments. . Bohr Gi'fillan, Smith. New Bedford, . do shareupon the last previous isle. Girard Bank. HEALTH Oitytca, June 291, ism, Asorasa 511311 AP TO THE JOHN TRUCICe.- (l Friday night this unfortunate ship was the stook sold at 311, the last previous Sale having Eolir Montesne, Palkenberg. Boston, d o lararsnants in the City ef Phitade/phia from the Ed to she Eth of June. 1861: • 6 ottr Minnesota, Foster, Boalon,Castner, Stiokney & sus of another mishap. The propeller John. B:- been made at 30.. Reading Railroad shares ad- w elbortoo. • se' co Thompson, having the barge .1. S. Shrives in reacted from 161 to 16 89.100. North Pennsylva- Bohr it P Stickney. Garwood. Boston. do nu F . ,• . a • tow, loaded loaded ' with Government stores, was coming nia aim - b r o ug ht 611, a dec li ne of 3 ; and Penn. '0'7.1.0 Henry, Love, Boston, WPI Johnson. Sohr lET Stile, Swain. Boston. Elt Sawyer. & Co. DISEASIS. . L'-• IL' DISMASZS. .S E doom the river, opposite the Kensington Water , la fives also fell off I selling at 78 The Bohr John 'tromp. Mate • do do FW . F F Works, when, in the darkness, they ran into the "`°"-- . ' Rohr Telegraph. Rodgers. Harwich, J R Blakiston. _ wreak of the Trucks, whieb lies partly in the market was steady. Bohr New Davey, Fields. Braemar K Hare Powell- &b.. ..._ .,_ __ --......- 1 Fever, Scarlet i 96 thannel at that point. Both the barge and ths The Pottsville Miners' Journal thus sums up ste Steamer 8 Say mour, Palmer. Weshington,Thos Web- Anh . xu , _....... 7 "' Typhoid-- 1; 3 r. Jr. Propelier•were stove, and it was with great difil •the coal trade for the week anti season : ' Steamer Saida, Robinson. New York. W P Clyde. StPoplexy 0011 7 they could be kept afloat b 7 means of the • The tlt t this week Is quart y Bent by railroad Steamer R Clef pool, Baltimore. A Groves, Jr. • Lancer ..... .... 1 Hooptng.Cough •• Stomach.— 1 1 Infb . unnuatton. &Mu . I • 7.• HUM pumps of the propeller, until they* could be 39 303 03 tons; by canal. 40,873 14 ; for the week, (c o go Csaualtien -.-.. i 1 Bronchi - - 2 rrespondenos of the Pa u hill Change.) run upon the bar. The tide was fortunately fall -80 238 17 tons, against 03,550 for the corresponding .- ' onorrams, D. L . J OOO pp. Croup.- -..,..., .. 2 " Larynx..-.-. 1 lag, and a strong party of laborers, with lighten, ' The obie Jenny Lind. from St Thomas. in ba ll ast, at Conheetion o Brain. 3 3 :: btver---'..... 1 week last year. Lunge.— 1 Lungs.---- 2 5 the Breakwater , and haa been ordered to Boston. fine ate got to worst during the night to discharge Th es hi pmen ts froma ll the regions sum up this brontht a a passengers the American C onsu l : f our chit- Chol,era Intrintum... Is " Yeritonernm- 1 the cargo sr the veuels. Early on Saturday - lllo7h:is.- ' s " Pleura.. -., 1 week as Pillows : dreg' and servo t: th ey ianued at this plum, and wil l 9,._nimpa mosning the bilge was brought over to Obeetnut- . . prowled to Washington. se n Lungs SO 6 insanity---....-- 1 street wharf, where the serviess of the steam lire . _: mso. • DEL • the brig Cannes, 'with ooal for Boston , is also at the ' - ""If 1 " 11 - '- g wo l.,.., I r ooo i sioo ,L . 7 engine of the Hibernia were obtained, and the owns, Breakwater. &python= 'it? . Iliii Teasel was kept !tee by her exertions, until the _ ',ergo was removed. P. it R. It. R..- .43 901 919,446 89 36 821 0946E4 - MEMORANDA. ' piptherso.--..-. - 7 Maraemtui........:.'-.. • 1 8 1 • Meaales- The Thompson settled down upon the bar during tiebuyl. Omni-- 49 164 au 89 60,374 436 db 9 4ele U S steamers Cambridg e d F Idok f SO_ _ ISM- -Al, . rem B o sto nTh rePtlP.ll 4 Old age., -• • ••• '''''• Lehigh VaLK.R 13 .07 66 We 4.1 4 a 234 D r0p5y ......... 6 for Washington , ' with troors-the former vessel havigig Dromy —-. 4 3 !Palsy. —. 1........... • 3 the night, and at eleven o'olools on Saturday morn- Lecisc -_ - Canal_. 36 . 04 M 4 33,06 303025 d 62,061 log the after part of her hull was oomplemly 7 . eu-- borantoe Sitti ... 03 362 7 31 ul 490. 117 6415 th . e_letier in tow-were spoken blith [ni t , 80 miles E b Brain....- I 4 Tureens..-.,-:„.., I Neatly Hook. .- Disease of Brain-- 1 . 2 Perofula . ~.. ......, merged. At that time a propeller, having • light. Ho. North...-. 6 co . s _ll3 , 21 769 alt Brig George Amu. Nicholas, hence at Portland 27th -41 14/111..... 1 3 Bore Thro - at;mitur- .• 3 sr In tow, was just approaohlog her. About one- PA . ,CoaLC?„•:•••• F, to 16 ' 67 .22,7 - 183.7 16 On lilt c 4.. •54 B. -. 1 . • a 110 i' W•6 l 191 -r- 4 11 - 903 Brig Tangent. Plummer, sailed from Pr ovidenee 27th ii Seidl emt. 1 Sataning neat-.._... • 1 third of the one hundred and fifty hogsher de of sti- y ' oeu r a 1. 50 ... '''...' .. 74 -.• 6 .104 013 636 n it. for this pore• • Stomach ....:.. / " Drowned.. .. .11 1 ~ h.....- ger on board has not been touched by water. It Do. - North. - 13 257 ... 1626 3012 Sthr Pe ilton, Keene, sailed from Hanford for Delp - Dysentery ..... a 3 None., _ _ Is Unpoeslble to tell what th e Mu on the rest will Broad Top --- . 4,176 89 601 6 . 621 94. 0,13 1 ware Citv. De bit ity.- „...... - ... .7 8 Elniall-Pox —.- 6le bhamolon.—.. 4 661 76,05 668 86 bet 10 639 be. It was insured for $ 40,000 The Tenets were 'i reverton . 2 401 43 67. 24 ..,...,„. Bohr ehenendeab, Gandy. for this port, sailed from ve"."' Newoort 27th ult. • Efrusion on Brain.- 12' Eltill-80ra............4:-. 11 lapilepey ........-. I 2 Suicide ..: ' 1 - from New Yorklind bound to Baltimore. Bb. Mt., pi. T-.. 3,7 36.4 2 35 , i. 5.7 ho l m a A Rime. Miller •L L Sharp, Moßlwee •RJ B 7 2611 1 2 Titan . ..i.„....- ---- "*" 2 • Likens Valley .. 2 . 161 21 3 . 40 31 83 10 . 4 0 9 MeTeef. Robinson; A %Vey, Miley • Pequotinook, F r th" E ii . rros ' 1 Wilco " ''''.`"... 1- 4 ever, n . -•-• .......... . ALTTSPIPTED SOICIMIC.-A German, who 'had . -- --- Barnes; Abbott Lawrence, Stanley: and Clara M l rick 413.3 141, 213,273i3.190,47 r F ever , Intermittent I 1.1 • ...c• . - - No tgom ry. berme arßoston 28th tilt,_:- Fever, ReMittellt.:...l 1 i Total -...-0..........1 wan got drunk and beat his wife, was looted up, ea 2.8 3733 190 47ii Whys J ° Birdsall. Mathis, • O M Wilson, Smith •, Friday night, in • cell in the Sementeentloward -- - II MI- let fide - John B. stales. I s 4; Females.' Boni; Mr . GirliOlol. station house. Daring the night he tore his shirt Austin . Davie: A Falkenbarg. W ilbe r t ' ' Exoelithr, OP THE an TRIMS W1R132 •• '. . .., BOWeri •It 11 Phaeton Marta; F F Randolph,Miller - --........ IFrom 60 to 60-- •—..- a into stripe , and made a rope with which he hung The trade still shows a weekly loss oolapareu J 0 Balxiock. Baboon . ; Ahi h d it sin Kw • war..., ....MOTS ;- M. ....1'......... " 60 to 70 —...... 10 himself He was (Hoovered, and out down in time with last year; and all this loss, and more too, is . Or slue, Itobinsoni Grace Chiller Clank. and LetiOn. ;.i......... " 70 to al- - 16 to save his life. Several poisoners have committed from the Schuylkill and Lehigh regions. •All the eilcar . Maimed at Benton 29th alt for this port. ...:,..:..... " BO to 90....„-- 6 orileide in the same cell. other Anthracite regions show a gain. behrs Wm L Layton. heed. N Holmes, Hewett, end John Compton Elliott, sailed from Providence, nth ..........- .....i.... 9O to IE. ... .. e " 100 to 110.....- -....---____ The fates of toll ' and transportation will be in- ult. for th•s por t. BOYS DROW/111).-Two boys, named Charles creased on and after the Ist of July, fifteen ciente Hob: Sarah N Smith, Fisk. sailed from Boston 37th . p Bonnet, aged th irteen, and Clorkerey, aged twelve, on Canal and Railroad until farther notice. ult.for this p ort . 'I, is, MO: Foreign, KW/HE' were drowned at Shaekamaxotiotreet wharf on We have no new Mater. to notice in the trade . . Saturday afternoon. Their bodies were not re- this week. It is generally supposed, however, that ARRIVALS AT • • THE PRINCIPAL HOTELS ; People of Color, /8; frame covered Bonnet lived in Girard avenue, above it will drag after the let of Jute. UP.TO• 12 O'ornen Lair stone. O'Neill street, and Corketey • lived in Hancook• The demand for Coal io the different markets is :ROC street, above Girard avenue, not very biisk, and remains without much change. The proposed advance in prloes has stimulated the trade to some extent for the hit three weeks. Tha St. Louts Republican of Thursday says HAY MASKEY.--HUYing ale -past week, the rrrivtie of hay amounted to three,hundred loads. The prloea realisad were from fifty to sixty mita Par owt for mixed, and from seventy to eighty teals for the best quality. Fifty loads of straw were sold at from seventy to eighty cant/ per owl. ittlN Ovzs..—Mr. Joseph Robinson, who resides in Oheetnnt street, above Eleventh, fell froth the front platform of a Thirteenth•etreat oar, It Pitswater street. Ws right arm waa ran over sod badly orished. POCKET Jonathan Jenks had bla pocket pleked, at the Baltimore depot, on Fisturday morning, of his pocket book, containing wend cheeks fora large amount, and other vain , ibis pipers. BOYS EMIT ay AN' EXPLOSION.—Four boys, Rho were playing with _gunpowder, in Quince 'treat, Eighth ward, on Friday afternoon, were b 14 1,1 burned by it§ explosion. Two a the young norm had their handi oentiderably shattered. EXPLosios.—Petrlek Lynch, hie wife 1,”,tw0 ehildren, were severely burned, late on 't'cul pleat, by an explosion of sae at the bowie of Reward Tilden, storthweit corner of Broad and Brown streets • • RECOTESID.—It affords us much pleasure to state that Chief Engine 4 ..Lylo ham fally reoovered riots a mime spell of *kneel, ointiraOted in the Machine of ate datteel - kod to agate at big post, ready for service. Frac—The dwelling of Mr. hUktfride No. 1510 JOllll street , Ninth ward. was dia.al:ei to the amount of, hundred and fifty . doll/11 1 2 an waSionts4:llm-botwoen one and tiro • o'01001CAni: timidly ' afternoon. Exehange to-day wu very dull at 11 per cent. premium, sales being pretty freely made at 10. It au a declining tendency, encouraging the hop. that the rate will recede to a much lower point. Complaint is made sgainat the restrictions which clog commercial intercourse with our de. voted oily. It is stated that article( going to towns In Illinois and lowa cannot proceed on their way, save by virtue of a permit (which must be paid for) from the surveyor's office. If the otnt plaints are well founded, it would seem that the little commerce allowed St. Louis is needlessly vexed and harassed. The ()Waage Tribune of Friday says: The demand for gold continues quite active, and it sells freely at fel per cent premium for cur rent), or exchange—the latter selling for onrrenoy at par to 1 per wilt. premium • There le a growing dissatisfaotion lo the com munity with regard to receiving the bulk of the New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and Free Indiana our renoy at par. 'To-day it was most generally re fused in clocomeroial °lrides, and the brokers and bankers will only give 9So on the dollar for it. If the owners of these banks are desirous of getting their oiroulation extended into Illinois, the only way to accomplish it is to redeem tt in Mil City with New York exchange or gold. Philadelphia Stook Riehatige Salts, • Jane W. Mt. RILPOII2IID 111 a. E. fltrormagrri, Morahan& Exa hot cc. PIM lin A ED. Patna R— in.llOW Poops cub 78 13 do -• Noo do osah 78 t City nee do —oash Te X to do r %SS WO do dash 763 i ,t, do New...—. . 11144 800 do oadb,;( 0 • .3 5 1 is/OWii :411, 410 do 0 & 00 4 Glro l d Bank.--,-. 8 Norilk Palma Si— eiN 10;0 iteeotos 11 31-id • . do' . -DO- - 11-16 Ila PACRANTIP ROTEL—FowI* street. below Ant. .1 R Lowther, Newport. Pa A Duncan. Penna John Mo Donald. New Yerk LewisS Correll, el Hope W M Kennedy. PiLtehurg .1 C ulberteon. Cincinnati John P Wetherill. Penns Samuel Wethenti. ranee rc S Van Tassel New York Qv rue Brown. Milton Hon.! Patton. Penna Thos 8 Rees, Phillipsburg Chas L breen, Pittsburg' Capt M Malone" fr. family A C Piimn. e , inegrove Don G P Steele. Penna Col C_L. w oodruff. Pe nns Ron FL Wright, Penna CaplT B 181311, 11 8 N (Apt 0 Bnllas. U ti Mn Bleaker in child J MoOonigle, Calabria Thom McNamara. Ph la banal mitb, Pbila R A Wade Ac lady. N J Cent A Pardee. Penna Jas U McKee, Hazleton Janteri MoCollem, Indiana Cl Lawall,4aston. Pa I) Leahnour, Reston. Joe Davin, Princeton, Ind Dr Write,Ll 8 A. It W Mitchell , Panama Capt D IbloKibbin.o 8 A BT. LOMB 11011Ble—Charnint street, above more. CJ Buek,U B A S K Hollinger; Pa . ClgsHaines. Mary land B. K bums/1, New York Crime g g Tisher ' Boston C W Biggins. New York W ones. ghiladelphis B Blanchard & son ,N Y .1 Y Burr. New Jersey James Morray. Vey York A Rsitlinger. Philadelphia A Bale, Delaware TRU UMION—Area street. abase Whirl tieo W Ilarrnon, Wooster.° Mrs R nrr Marshall. PIS J .ii M Houghton, Lewisb's R W Rill, Gonneotiout ?,US' Damson. Pa H Hoover, Ig•w York L Cook. Pennsylvania W 0 Mack. Penns, luenia W ling der, Tamaqua LEVERS ROUBIS—Th.rd street. above R. On B Xing, BinomO•urg Ono T Willinnig,oloomabe Crams , tn ikon. Fe. Mr Bunt. Peg& ra NI njor:Pir lona' Geo Mason. Pblla JILMIII Ifini ILI, el Chunk John idgion, Ohio 0 kramar, renna RATIONAL HOTEL—km' street. above 0 1, Dagenhardt. Penna Miss Jeanie Porstar, Pa WmPiohter. Lawlsonne MI.. M Nonni. Penna Mtn Sarah Paar.an- Penns 113. Labm. i ammator Levu Soka k wf.2aau Those alandara Pa' R t.waqz, Altoona it liwoTer, allentort lasso WaTd, Ashland tiardbar BLACK BEAR HOTEL—Third at., above . Callowlull lion T BOoeter,Cooppiebs Joke M liVallbeieer. Pe Alvin 'Pala Bcallar4r plabli Dllevic,Begenitaelll o MOTTiII, Iniumainplus T' Pt ; LPHIA, MONDAY,' JULY 1, 1861 135, __... Aiming Under 1 year -.-- 771 From 1 to X ........... 311 2 to 5...........:...... 61 Ato 10 . - «.... 79 10 to 18................ 5 15 to 20..........:”.. 9 20 to 30." ....:.. 17 " 30 to ta..::::......... 15 " 40 to 50:--........ 191 -- Nagivi22United Staten known. 24. From the Almshouse, lb; the Country, 6. . 1 WARDS. WAAL.- , InNatra. First.— . -.23 Tenth ....--... 6 Nineteenth-51 Second .....4..1a Ble venni— .10 Twentieth . 16 Third —....- 7 Twelfth .- 6 Twenty-flrat - . 6 1 0.01.....-.......111 Thirteenth...-. 5 Twenty-seoond . .. 6 i1t.......:'.:-..-..11 Fourteenth ..... 1.3 T;:i t i k aZ i r r t.... S youth ..:;....:25 Sixteenth= .. 9 Taknowa ..... - - . ...17 . ighth.- - -4--- 11 Seventeenth.- ..16 , Ninth—...... 6 Eighteenth-. -IS Total....— HO The number of deaths compared with the oorrespond- Inkw ee er c k e c T lLET j a , T r c i l e o a f o, liwit , w , i r iek..W .. as as follows : .n, Week ending June 22. 18,61, wail.-- :::.:.----:.:-.= By order of the Board of Health. :WILLIAM BHAD, Health °Meer. MOURNING STORE, BESSOS & SON; 918 Ca EGTNUT !treat, are now selling /Gaol( erase maretz. at 26 and 3134 Genii. Shan baregee, at 26 and 3134' 000 , 1. Bleat 74 wide baroges. 60 and 633 E Gents. treoond-motirn in. poplins, 26 °Gnu. Gray mixed lavellaa, 1.2340. they mottled model:mm.l234s. • Gray troz.d wide madonnas, Mo. • Blank and white printed grenaains bares's, 100. Shepherd plaid real crenedine ba ere.. 600. Mack and wluta Yana organdies, 260. 11 1 • TrCITIZENS OF PHILADELPHIA: TO morrowloa 111 1 , 1 - have en oPPor.noitr to oast your votes for that gallant soldier and aosomplisbed distinction Col. 011e.ttL u.S J. trIDDLes. He nes won distinction as a Lawyer, Orator, e whet. He If a• man of tue purest character—lust the man for the post and the crisis. Dl not slight this opportunity to *swim an able Representative It firTHE GIRARD LIFE INSURANCE. ANNUITY, AND TRUST comp/eel V or LADELPiIIA. June In. Wit Toe treteasere have this dity_deohtned a eiv,dene of FOUR Pall 0-le T. on the capital stook. for thtleet fiX mouths, sayable to the stockholders, olear of the hist* tax. on deouind. 171 80 . JNO. F. JAMES, Actuary. CITY commissioNElVis OFFICE. PH,LAnitt.P.EttA. ..I mu. Is. leta. Zdtt'th Itilla Lfoi; 1 'fa:4l%e re " r?' da t treal to grO ne ON ot D . ors or Isleotion. to be held. TUitEIDAY, 31)LAr n a. WI. t boo s Wr i te . gp th o e s2 at the °MY C i terVlllkl sai ci leotion. • , `,•-• ,' •-• IdhlitB B eoeua r firr ' Clerk 10211-at Utty CommtsalOter. TrUNIVERSITY 0 DEPARTMENT OF ' e Anneal Cflmmenorkmen In the area. will be held. on W of July. in the 011,181CIAL FU rion will leave theiCollege hall t reverend clergy. Mom of the oe‘urta. the mayor °Stile oar.. oils ) the ttoard of Diatotors and i 0-liege, the erin-lot of Ve Cel eamit'dater to , the dopes of Mai eredaateu of the Univeteity, jrl-3: 'peoletary cr" THE SOLDIER' • ' [END 15 THE f 9 t O P l -. l '''S ? D DAT —Yoe. CO v Golitel3 BCOND DISTIL 0 —Frani . lira City rum, June Seth, 1851 —Col. C rtes 3. i .le bag been nomi nated for Congress in t Seeen , I Orbit to rill the va ,roy ocoasioned be th, re „i gue , , e o f F d e ,„ a j„, erns. The election wifir a i re Uji N. , . • . glaul on Tuesday next, ' ^ls nomination. se ileitrineto of Piddle, ig most honorable to these who terhir it (l, tiledlg i s now at the head of his reeiment, earititly aiging in defines of the Union. the flonstitution.d the {lag. We have enjoyed the sotto tanoeof Colonel Biddle lbr twenty - years , and Oonid,l werdnooesdary.ovink of him verr parho .larly. Do t N i s so w -11 known and ro universally respeoted that I hardly worth while for us to do more than say that „ mei ever y qua . Ilfioation for the poet to which it pro p O t e 4 to e lev a te him. As a soldier, be won WO diatinotion In the litexican war. It will 'be rerun] ad 'that General Boots's report of the storming'ot epa i teeee named otron hide), its' one of the fire 0 th e assault;' reed ihe merit of this gallantry w .l,bt eee d w h en the fact was known , that. beterdi , i final operations against the City :of:blextoo,l al and exposure had so fold upon his health Ilia h keening in the field had beoome a remarkable ex fen of the power of a determined WI II to counter e e ff ect of ill. ateu ners and physical exhaustion. • WeN ne Mbar that one or our most emds •nt writers. now de et. embodied Ihe minima/Iry of the incident in anrit think that was published in our own sod other Jo 1. 0 1 1 . \ 'Phis. if Our 811400 allowed, we would reprint, t we the - DMUS. stated to the Official MOP ,am suit oi•ntiv expressive. Geoeiali Cadwal eyevort -of i the Battle •of Melillo del Rev. font in the Stn September • lea. mentions Ibat " Cap ii Biddle, of the Voltigirer e aliment, left his bed wh Abe-sring becan. and joined his company' " . and Col. le.. earib ie r , Colonel or, ehe.,Voitigeurs. xlving an eolitoi. the MorMing of Chepolt• pen, welch took Plao se days later, on the 13. h. sad in which the Voltigou I tie at ts nk,...ys i "Captain Biddle was I b0 , 1e.0. Ili- erre n d officer who entered the works,. end soled wiei his lii ouitonyd braver!. Get joined us in 'be inerniNely o ~, soak bi.d. 'eldest my wish and orders " An &aloha 0 encomium on hi. oonduot appeared • also la_ thei‘w eed of General Pillow. In whose .co!nmn t;cil Giddre ea& . themaroh from Vera Cruz, and took part in the os a . lions lnoldent to it. and it the decisive Battles of n. trams rand Ch use. Pillow always see a r him as - captain Biddle, always-prompt- vigilant. Id daring.". It was forealiontry in the field that s y \ ere-e- rank of ' . - Major" was given to him by Pre dent Polk. • • ' - as azeriter, Col. Biddle ruin the front rank. Hie man terly reply to Lord hlshon'a attack upon the character' of wa r - elusion gave - him inenviable positron in the world of letters. He has freanettilr found exercise for his pen in our leading. reviews and magazine.. 8,. colemporsries at the bar say he rarke second to none in-his profession. He is a ready. fluent. fervid speaker. ' • ' • ' An a man. he. Is above reproach.. No one mote completely enjoys .the respect and confidence of toe mnomnnity. He 'is brave, loyal, educated, manly, boners. C o l. siddle is now Re rving)is country at a consider ab • pecuniary sacrifice.. - rom the 'hour when our honored fiat wee sescurned at Fort Su niter,•down to the Present moment, he has given his whole time to the Public. to safety committees, to military supervision and disoipline, and to everyrt that MST becomes good citizen. • At a time of disinter and distress like the _present: ITsuch limn lie Col. Biddle (sweated in our leatiotial gislature. 'lle will be found eteilant, fearless, pe, triotic•-•• the right Man in the eight plow." 'Phone who vcre for Cot. Biddle. on Tuesday next, will serve their l'a tate of their country. The erisis de mand. the asorifiee Of Mere preferenoe for the good of the whole people. 1.. . '' • It ITTTO THE - QUALIFIED VOTERS OF TES !SECOND • CONGRESSIONAL Die- , 'n the midst of a Struggle for the existence of your country. rmy are bailed upon to elect a member of the House of Re preaegitatives for your dietriot.'The otiosely of that struggle slay. and will be. variously stated ; but that partisan teachings have educated a vast portion of our pimp is in thebenef that the Union created by the Constitution was One a compact. and not a nationality, is too true; and Wit the present Administration is not the exponent ofttborm teachings, is also true. The actuating truths if the party in power are well indi cated by its course i it is absolutely atainst the Wein testation of the lepnbliti, and against a retard to the chaotic times whith _preceded the adoption of the pre sent Constitution. Those of you—and we would hope it is all ot you—atio are proud of the Union and of the heroic uprising' el national - men to crash vise lion, at the °all of the Prtsident, must endorse the Administra tion, as you valm and love your country. You look upon it, we feel garrintuted. all the exponent of a patty which, in . ereierans and inensifying oar nationality.' becomes, Indeed, ibe party ot the oonotry. 'The ideas and the dootrturg wh.oh preceded its ascension to power are. in sons degree, of the pan; bat its present acts come before t iou now as the Cooatatntioo came be fore our forefath e—a positive recreation of witicioal thought. with w h every citisen ma. start afresh. The friends ole Administration (who were so at its incoming as new havegiresented to you for your suf frages on Timed y next Charles O'Neill, ir so . of the ti Ninth ward. Dom and reared among you. in the prime of manhood. with legislative exoerienoe. and with an established character for into my in private arid public life. we sac for hint. for the Administration, and for our common country, your cordial support. Wish him there is to datieer. That vote would be inconsistent with - his entire life which should be, recorded for any measure making insecure our inetituttons. resigning any portion of our carton& domain. or abating the on w/I.•d tri ...oh of the Scpublio in all that makes Christian civilisation.. • _.,. it nee nose snzegnea by some that he . or some o the r.h should have been steeented to you for your support by a mode free from politteal orceoixatinn. Have they who have so spoken %nougat well of this ? is an organizatio of any sort which Is intimately connected with al l nano, of people to, be carelessly set aside? The sug gestion which is norss party orgainzattons Ignores prin ciples, and looks a:elusively to men. In ail govern ments. and °seaman: in popular ones. must there be great thooretioal prtpositions of mAttioel motion, out up in simple forma' for" common thought. and upon - those the heal:h and virortif the nation depend. if they are right, the partrwhice-sustmuLa them becomes the im personation of oonstitution, oUnationaltty. and of coun ry, and the OPOOSOUt of suon a party is the enemy of the three. tech organization( become demoralized. and necessarily do. end so ooes everything human; but to break up such drdanaaatione entirely is positive loss, as well to the people as to she Government. Better, much better, 'bond the good and virtuous endeavor to heighlep the toneand moderate the excesses of politi cal Parties than tr m destroy them. The tr anti( down of organization. wi bout seeking . its improveent , so cording to its 1 erent provisions, is the distinctive folly of the VeSeirdreheahoiL. . • but there who lave deprecated the mode which has been m i ao w ,flays suggested no eithatititt,.. -.1. is UP Oe .tor a ,self constituted committee woo, it they ignore prominent men in our community who have become so by their adherence to volition erganizations, must pre sent to you men whose past life is without a . . history, whose virtue is Ail bent temotylOn. and whose at teLo menus are within . expenerme. This . cannot be. we want the expo enoed civilian In ow - legislative balls more than in those of apy -country of the globe; and until our institutions shall be,ditthrent from what they are now, and our popular forms °hanged. we !hall not get such except by strong, effeotrve. and. partisan or ganizations which grow upon sincere construotions of our Constitution and sincere views of public policy. Besides. the exeerienee of our country will now that the destruct on of p o lit i c al organizationally times peat has Been succeeded vitiated public tons, and by the introduatfbn of inferior oapilkoty to. controlling po sitions. Do the people to-day believe that the extinc tion of the, Federal party in '22-8, the Whir party in '.63-3. or the American party inl6-6, was productive of natiopal good I'' is it not olear that each of those orga nisations could have been improved and made subser vient to the analog issues of the times 1 And is it not also clear that, it' per.onal seifishoess and ambition had *galley/se it, the present rebellion would not have occurred ? --. The-People's Union party of the Second disertot therefore feel that for the Administration of which they are a part they need not be ashamed, and that they have acted with , a decent rerpeot to the times cud to you, in presenting the man they do.preseoz, and in the mode they present him. for your svaragee. it is to be hoped that those who have-revived political organize tiring whose 'doctrines have been repudiated by the Didg men rof twenty states: may feel the same. Let every man who. in past life. has repudiated and deprecated the doe nnes of whion secession is the. le gi Inuits ,ofThyring—every man who h vire for a suo • . • mation of the present conflict, thoush, n the - ns •of - 1111y."O'Neill. "it shouts Goat a thou sand mill Cons of money and a million of men"—all who . prefer the guarantee of a volition life congenial to the continued existence of the nationality - to that of a re cent oonversion—vote for the man we present. that the loyalty of the Sew nd district may not be dishonored. 13, order of the People's Union City Exec:tatty! Com mittee. - -•- :OLIN D. WATSON. Preen:lent- Jolly; Y. •FaAlawto4 B.ore ri ti es. l el6-et Giro. W. MoorillY. % PaI,UNIVERSITY OF N• SYLVANI 4 ,DBFARTALSNT OF Aft:l I.—The examination of Ganoidatee for. admission will be held at tbo UNI VERSITY, on TUESDAY. the Sci'dity of July, at 10 o'clock. A. M. Stadeute (mu sooty for adimamon, to pursue the full course for the degree of Baohelorof Ara. or only that portion of It forlehtob the degree of Bachelor oaloienoe is'gieen, or any much tortion es the Faculty may sanction. DEOlt GS ALLEN, Je2B-4t . Secretary of the Faculty ot Arts. irre PHILADELPHIA AND READING Railroad Company, Office uRT South FOURTH BtreeL—Pw MAMMY' ti la. June Nom. notices hereby given to the Preferred Stockholders or this Company, that DIVIDRIVD WARRANTS are pow rividy for delivery. payable December SI. /862. being 814 et per share. whieh intshides all dividends in arreer on the, Preferred Stook. including that for th e year 3300 , together with interest thereon, at SIX Pkit CENT. per annum' from the dates at ',troll they sue, oaasively accrued until the maturity,of the warrants. Blank powers of 'Attorney can be had at this office. je2B Ut S. BRADFOKD. Treasurer. CTUNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA, (DEPARTMENT OF h.RTB.) e k.xemination of the .Jonior. Sophomore, and . Freshman Ptleases, at the °lose of the Third Term, wid be held in tbyP roll:min, order: Monday. Him From 9 to 11, Juniors, by the Provost. ( Moral Philosophy .) and Sophomores, P rof. Kendall. (Analytical lisomotryo written From 11 to 1, Freshmen. by Prof. Coppea. (Genera/ History.) oral. Tuesday. 26t4p. From 9 10 11, limiters. by Prof. Ken dall, (Differential Ca/claus.) and 11"eshrnere. by Prof. Jackson. (Cioero's Epistles,) repines. From 11 to 1. Sophomores, by Prof. 00996 a, (Lalhaufir Handbook of lA. English' Lanevetre,) written. • Wedoisdoyi WA. From 9 to 11, Freshmen. bj Prof. Kendall., (Geometry.) written. Prom 11 to 1. Juniors, by Prof Allen- t the Prometheus of .21Isohylas„) oral. Thursday. 27th. Prom 9 up 11. Juniors. by Prof. Jack son...4.l)&l,oml Y ore/. From 11;to 1, Sophomores. by Prof, _Allen. (the Clouds of Artstothenes, oral. EV:deli...WA. From 9 to 11, Juniors by Prof. Fraser. (Heat and the Steam-Encored and Sophomores, by Prof Frazer, (Chemistry of the Meta ls,) Written. Z'atirrday 29 . A. From 9 to 11. Sophomores, by Prof. Jaoheon,(/lonwo—Odes and 'Epi,tles,) oral. Monde! y, July Ist. From 9 to 11, Freshmen, by Prof. He (rodotus,) oral. - GEORGE ALLEN, je24 7t , &oratory of the Faotilty,of Arts. ' WE RAVE EMPLOYED DELP FROM THE PROTESTANT EXCHANGE,lgouthweet corner SECOND end NEW Streets, and take pteasnre in reoornmending it to the , public ee an institution witch needed in our city; for tta oare in selecting the best men, women. and ohildren se to character and quell fioations : J. B. A DDIORS, 610 Raab street. E. M. SELLERB, o.een and Tr4ehooken streets. • JULIANNA RANDOLPH, HU Chestnut 'Anat. EDWIN IIthPA fItICK,LEIAroh street. Dr. r COA ,11311 Mount Vernon street. J6B. CE B.l6Xl•Alount Vernon street. GEO. FREEMAN, fialiorth Eleventh street. P. O. OLIVER. MO North Sixth street. K. R. BOWKR.'ihird.azd Germantown avenue. T. WILSON 210• North Front street. T. Meo UlRit, 423 South Front street. 111 WHI E. BMI Marshall street. W. C. BOILER,in Market street. W. H. RICHARDSON, 418 Market street, And over one:hundred , and filty more, to whom re ferencelrill be given at the *Moe. • =SO-1m ELLITARY NOTICES. ' HEADQUARTERS HOME GUARD, CITY OF PR[LADLLPRIA, June 29th, DAD. . ... . GIRIRRAL °AMR, NO. 16. The parede directed by General Order, No 13. on the seining Fourth of July, will be formed on BROAD fittest, richt resting on RIDGE Avenue, at 7 o'otook A. M. punctually.- . • The formation will be agreeable to the regulatiore of the army. and the troops will be posted as follows : let— • inked corer op the extreme right 3d—Battalione of Rifles, according to the number of their regiments. ' 11—Rizimonts of infantry of the line, as they ire namtie. 4th—Battalion of artillery. 6th—Field battery of six-pounders. 6th—eituadron of cavalry. The position of each corps will be designated by 031111 p colors. pieced where their right will feet. The details of the naiads and review will be announo ed I. future orders. °thetas will report themeelves at these headquarter', on TUESDAY, the Id of July, for further instruotiona. ,A. I. I'LsAkAhrl ON, Brig. Gen:Com:Rome Guard. .111 - it 7* jI OOMPANY A,J3EOOND RIGIMENT RESERVg BRIGADE.—It to importsht that every member of the ~ Compaarbepresent •ost !Drill this I Monday) evening. Let none be &tweet. O. Poi HOOPER. IL* Orderly Sergeant. TO YOUNIO MEN ABOUT TO VOLUN TEE-A youdg man Of Taint atabtlitY• who meat k , , nc o f going into the ranks, is desirous of nc and forming the acquaintance of s few respectable young men of temperate habits and good moral oharao- CM' t 'rho may also . contemplate shoulde rink a musket), wltti a view of °basalt:tr an to the best and most desi rable company to attach themselves, and for theiumn tufo interest as.ooropanioos in-arms. address. yak out delay, " Volunteer," °Moe of this paper: Je2a at• 11,00 KEN WANTED FOR . THE UN tTED STATES MARINE COEN, able - bodtedi between the ogee of 11 and di yea, not ley than five [eat four and a half Won.. hig h, and of rood character. Soldiers nerving le Ode carve perfOrM Mal at nary yards and on board United dtaWe dupe -o wax on foreign etatione. All other tnfonnalion which may be deeLywd wLII be 'riven at the Rendesvotts, No. 311 South FRONT Street. First Lieutenant-W. wroltr.s BOYD, -- • 1•4 - 1 m • Reorcbahg Meer. A N. -lINObLORED -pat, TORRAPH • IS 00 14 s li d repewee. • The °here. is oply el for CO LORED while ht HROTY are wade at , t a Kll!dil.a.g o,sl:ery, BBCObIO Wait, abovi ltreen. W ENNSYLVANIA- s. .. FEBRIS. & 4349., • • 'NO. 807 CHESTNUT STREET, still ooniinue to RETAIT. their large WHOLESALE 8T..0K of White Goods. Linens. cause. and Embroi deries, at prioe• which mot moke it to the interest of every one who may want milling ID their lice to/o°' them a oail. ae they will a IWO at least =per oent. o the usual eo.t by so doing. JACONETS. 0701.BRICS. Mt' LTA. NAIKROOKS. T ARLP.TANEB, WiSBEB, FRFNOR aRILLIAN Ills Quit,ll3. FIBORKO eWlBlvlt FOR BASQUES. IA1810111'1) PKIRTS. FLOUNFR - • t/GINOS. Ettass•V.H. R NOS. folmEß NOS. COLLAtis, VALKN^IFNNE AND OTwP LACPA, VEIL'. MITTS. ANDK EROBIEPS OF A K(NOil, toismurio, LOW Alvin SHIRT- Ilea LINENS, TA11 . ..v. CLOTRe. NAPKINS, TA• BLE HAMA •KB. ' , Ui( ABACK AND OZRER TOWIII,B iil4l) TOW &INS& N. 8.--A few 'Awes. read thread and Cambria Leos Pointe,. at about hair price. A new lot of trimmed end' plain net oodereieeoee. , • beautiful etyleslial. lace handkerchief. ALL vErer OHEAP. . or S conform:or Ogress Nk'SDAY. the Arl 0117 HALL. The_prores ao o'clock A. Al. The Ilted States and state ca and common none *evident of the Glra.d Fret nigh tiohonl. th+ r of Arta. sort other tt.d to &Vend. ttsFsaultiofarW PRICE, FERRIS; &I CO., 1,1-3 m , 607 CREBTNUT STREET. GBRAT BARGAINS IN SILK JkIA.N. 7ILLAR, LACE MANTILLAS, AND 8111VGARR OLOAKB, at J. W. PaocToft. tr.go , o GREAT 8a l A goit tha SARIS MANTILLA EMPORIUM, 708 CREBTIOT .titteet. Summer oloalts 00. worth 85 CO. nmmer olosks at......_. 2 00, worm a as. tri9ed summer Mosta... 500 worth 10 PD. Bilk twat.. —.- • 10 60, worth 16 DO. Silk —. 9 50. worth 16 00. Lace mantillas—....... 360, worth 10 0). Lams ma nt11150...—.... 6 00. worth 12 09. oe 150. worth 4 50. Lace palate-- 60, worth . 60. Finest Pusher Po*. and Mai:twist, at an equal TO duotton from value. jyl4lt . . . HOLESALE - STOOK- TRIMMINGS AND•FANOT . GOOK' , TRIMMINGS AND . NANCY GOODS; TRIMMINGS .AND FANCY (loops, • TRIMMINGS AND RANGY GOODS, . TRIMMINGS.AND BANOY'GOODS, TRIMMINGS 'AND BANOY: GOODS, OR SALE AT RETAIL, FOR CASH. AT RETAIL FOR CASH, AT RETAIL FOR CASH, AT RETAIL FOR CASH, \ AT:RETAIL FOR CASH. The babioribipii oaf for sale, on and efts? THIIRSDAY, 6th INST., • 4T TRRIR STORE, NO. 469 1ARKET STREET, NORTH RIDE; NO. 409 1 / 1 4HKET STREET, NORTH BIDE, NO. 409•10AREHT STREET, NORTH SIDE, NO. 409 11.k1KET STREET. NORTH BID?, FROM p, A. M. TO 5 P. M. • •T • • LESS THAN. WUOLESALE PRICES. All kinds or COTTON HOSIERY NEEDLES, PINS. GLOVES. HOOKS AND EYES, LACE' MITTS, SKIRT'BRAIDS, ZEPHYRS.. TAPES. BRAIDS, SHETLAND WOOL. COMBS, BRUSHES, SPOOL COTTONS, s ' PERFUMERY, BUTTONS, UNDERSHIRTS. (Of all Desorivtaorui ) (Silk; Merino, Am) ZIeO a . Full Assortment n Dress Trimmings, .1111tralJET • • . SWEARINGrEN; jelt-lial 409 &mu= anuswr PAIR .14A . 0E MANTILLAS, Goode hay' tog been. relinquished by our Import evertn view of the wilt orsts-for little more than the bare amount of duty, will be offered to purchasers at a corresponding reduction from usual retail prices, vie SILK CLOAKS AND MANTILLAS, SPRING CLOTH CLOAKS, BUMMER CLOAKS. Alio, TRIMMING LACES, DRESS AND CLOAK TRIMMINGS, Ao., Ali in large assortment, will be closed out at an average reduotion of ONE. HALF. in order to oomplete onr ar rangements with our oreditors. J. W., PROCTOR & Co.. YARD! MANTILLA AM bLOAH EMPORIUM. .110141 7OB CREST/VIM Stmt. NEW MA W-17TX * T- 4 - F• 1117 - 6 -TIE- The Most eclendid BILE MANTLES In the eir. t HOUGH & DO. , - sTLIK MANTILLAS; In every new style, tie richest qualities ever seen, at the elegant New Store, 22' 800TH TENTH STREET. • HOUG H I-I 8c CO_ 3,58-gm OaGANDIES AND FRENCH LAWNS, 323( cents. 60 pieces oven to day, 1.234 cents. . These are all rest colonel. Dark French Lawns. wns of neat styles. Rir. in !Ali DELL. . FULIKTIE and ARGIL • . VYRE & LANDELL are prepa red to snit TouriVE with— ' - - • • ' Fashionable Travellins Dteast . is. • . Fashionable Summar . • Fashionable Lawn Urgandtee, &0 . ., &a. - YRE. & LANDELL, FOURTH and ARCS, open to-day the genuine Moaambiane of be present fashion. Mozambique, )( wide. Mozambinues >ard wide. • Mozambique, 3 yards wide. riASSIBIEBES AND BUMMER GOODS for Men's and Boys' wear: at C•wdrneres and enmeser Etnfrs. y's Wear and Vesting' A Fine &cot at Lowest Prices. COO r & Col4Ait D. t•IT Corner NINTH and BA A a CET. 10 CENT GRAY GOODS. 25 cant Bewares. 6,4' Gent Firmed Barege Analate. 15.20. and 25 Cent Finest Berates. Black Benzes, Tarnarttnea and Crepe Maretz COOPBIk t COLIHD 017 L__ B. E. oor. NINTH and MARKE-5. ABANKRUPT IMPORTER'S 15TOOK of Samples of Lineal' Cambria Handkerchief', in Lem-stitobed. sheer-on:dad; and embroidered: from le oents to 63 cents eaoh ; a great bargain.,parehased a esoriftee for sash, and 30 begold to the same way only.' CHARI. SS AD 66CtS & SON. Jen) • EIGHTH and ARCH Streets. SILK MANTLES ! GRAY DUSTERS ! ! Frenoh Lace Mantles and Pointe. Very low pricey for Cash.. _ Fine fresh stook of these [nods in our LARGO Nl< W ROOM, SECOND FLOOR. N. B.—Mohair Mitts, Hoop Pkirts, and Sandkerohiefs obese. coorsa. & von A RD jel7 • • 8. H. nor. NINTH and MARKET. QP.RING CLOAK'S, IN WIRY NEW A. 7 style, at Muth uty3l-Im No. 93 5. Muth areal. QPRIVO ()LOAM, IN ENDLESS VA nety, at IVENS'. myn-1m QPRING ‘OLQAICS; THE ORICAPEEM P. 7. ever seen, e* nir3l4re . No. 93 8. Ninth street. CLOAKS.—Wholesale Merchants are in vited to leaved the steak et No. 23 South NINTH Street, 001110 r of Jayne at. • m731-1m • Between Market and Chestnut. VRENON.LACIE POINTS, BOURNOI7B, IL . AND MANTLES -.JI large !took to be so'd at less than wholesale price.. We cannot be undersold in these goods. CHARLES ADAMS & SON, Jet° EIGHTH and ARCH Streets. NEW STYLE CLOAKS, EVERY NEW 1. style; every new material. at _pnoas that eia_tOnish e an ve at e a t s!Pe e ag ' . rge "6", N. 16. cornerraofolifr CITY CLOAK STORE, No. 142 N. Eighth street, above Cherry, are now selling every new style of the season. suserb qualities, in every new shade of color, oheaDer than any other store in the oar. mySI-lm II STEEL & SON, • No. 713 North TENTH. Street. abtive Cealss, Will sell the BALANCE OF THEIR STOCK OF NEW AND DESIRABLE. DRESS GOODS At still treater reduotions in pritma than they have ever before made. and at MUCH LOWER CEA than cur RETAIL-WN OL ALE HOUSE in the oar. Fanny and Poniard ISt Ire, very cheap. Very cheap and good Wank Bilks. Mote! Dress Goods of every variety. Fine Jacsonikt and °rondo Lawns at IS). LACE MANTLES, POINTES, BOURNOUhI SILK AND CLOTH. CO TS &ND MANTLE'S. Jet GREATLY UNDER. COST PRICES. • SIIIMMER SHAWLS 1,7 Bilk Border Oral Batas. Shawls. ' Striped Bak Chant It_bawls. • White Same and BLenadrne. Light Paisley and Atehas. - • Black bilk and Broohe. ;Malt eLEdIII BROTHERS. len OH itilThlUT and El GIITE Streets. RETATh DRY GOODS HOSIERY; HOSIERY,; HOSIERY. HOSIERY, T6XII. ISTOCS. OP GOODE FOR CASH, RETAIL. !MOO ND IMPORT A TIION. AT 60 CENTS ON TEE DOLLAR THE BALANCE " OF OUR MA'NUFAOTUBED STOOK 46 OUT TENTH 13/KEI3I. YRE & LANDELL WILL OPEN THIS MORNING- lack [awe Pointan .15foot e liournottc D'aok Lan e Mantles. IVENS', M U EQUITO NETTING?, all colors . ; Tarle tan. colors. for Covering ale/sea; Plaid and Swiss M.usliaa at waolesale_prloes. CHAREEB ADAM!" k 80N. EIGHTH and A ADAM &root!. SMALL -PLAID SILKS. 1.7 Blase end White French Bilks. Blea end White French Silks. Brown and White Frepoh Silks. Green and Wnite French Bilks. 10 dos. Purper dos. le end White French Bilks. tlidtta. at 01 .60 p JO do:. White Eidk Gloves. atio. per Pair. Many goods rednoed very low, to oloseogit, et JOHN B. STOKES% Jet . 70.2 ARCH Btreet. RUMMER. GOODS. • Too Blankets—Mosquito Net.lags. Colored 'farlstana-43•eas ektrts. Bathing Goods—Blip Holland's. urnlture ebtottes—Blitule Holland!. • tithing Toarel*--Bnasia cra. h. id! BRA Itri,4BBROTHEItB, CHOEMSIFT and 8168711 Streets V, L lThilif CR STOOK OF DRESS GOODS AT P '' B . T r ic it e l a rk• Agc . c ti . h ;11 ) .WrIL T Itirairl i :BeTZ:Pr u t d u p e d rp'osi f so C to LtNio ; Smug Ctuntses redooed from ISM to 30 . apeefal attention is requelted to our stook or orm - thee and Jaoonet Lawns. trltion we ere bound to tame out at a low figure. QUARLES ADAMS A SON, ROO EIG and AROII Streets. 114111,10112 H. LACE ' VEIM. - --A choice lot Pargheqed frogn`,l bankriipt Importer, arid for lido at baufprioo or•• •• • 50N Jdo We exalt stios6. RETAIL DRY GOODS SPECIAL NOTICE i 1 OK anitafter HU hi MSda ts te • IiffORNLEy Cwill offer • EVERY POSSIBLE INDUCEMENT TO CASE PURCHASERS OF DRY GOODS:. Being_ determined o 'ldea their Stock they will ties 'good Bargains 1 ! Beeutlfal Peon auk' form ciente, worth 01.12 egvi #icat ano, Silks for /I, well worth $ll5. (Grenadine and 215Telre Do oils, about one half their value. erg, Misted Hoods, is every variety, from 8 cents per 'aid tosS.cents. SLACK SILKS, RICK AliP LUSTROUS, VERY . . War. Neat Black Brocade Bilks. double feted, &o. D e L at i um , c a li co ". c am imeres, Cloths. Vdeitints. Lillehe_j_ rr MUShrie flannels.Sturits, Corits t & &44.' 10. L AII'CLOAK-RtArM. EMU tilOrt, Frerth Lace Mantles, Pollutes,. Shawls, ammo,. • Ms rig Leos Mentles t Chantilla Lace (Ma:lst/co. Blank 8111 r Costeelantles, 0- in eveifitYle.• . Mir .111(N OFIRIbt: E.S•mor am( /amo 'DWI Mt MILITARY poops. COTTON DIJOK.• SUIT4.BLR . FOR TENTS, PDX 5A.1.2 sT tiOTHINGRA4 & WILLS. uiys-t tf . • • . . . • NEW I'VELICATIONE. NEW BOOKS.- For sale by • SAMUEL RAZSFD_, Jr.. __ 7114 CHicS re UT Street IttfOlCLß , ft HISTORY OF - alma/am( IN EOGLAND, VOLUME. TWO—from the second Lou don edition to which is added an alphabetical index. 82M. OSsERVATIONS Olt MILITARY LAWS AND COUNT MARTIAL, hearing of evidence, fro , adapt ed to the Arm and fljtvy or the United States, by y_ William C . De Hart, captain of artillery, one volume. Of 00. THE CAUSES OF THE AMERICAN CIVIL WAR. A letter to the London Timer: by John to throp Motley, author of 'I be Dutch Republic, tr.o.,tisPe r 10 .eats. . HE SEA—the new book bi'llitohelot Author of L'Amour. trameated from the French. One volume limo. $lOO. j9l-St • - • BALLOON VIEW MAP, THE SEAT OF WAR; as soon from LOWE'S BALLOON, TWSTITY-FIVS CENTS. Agents wanted in the City and State. Joan! MaFARLAN, • ie2B-3t 83 South RIX A.H. street, up maim. CAMP NEWBPAPEII.--NOW READY- The first number of the rukrioNAt., GU • R.D. printed In camp. for rolonel Lyle's Regiment. Price Tio•eGents.• cries for We by KI G BAIRD, No. 607 8 ANSOM'etreet link& O. Unita*, 310 CHEST NUT 'treat. • • iis2B-3t I_lOOKB, LAW AND 118113CRILLANEOU8,. R-. new and okl, bought, sold , and exchanged, at the PHILADELPHIA -BANK BOOK STORE, FM, 419 GHEBTri VT Street, Lib_ at &distance purohased. Those ha•lns Books to sell, if at & distance. will state their names, sizes. bindings dates, edition, prices, and conditions: IArANTEBooks printed by Beale min Franklin, as well as early Books printed in and aeon America Autograph Letters and ,Portraits ear- shaved. Pamphlet Laws or Pennsylvania for Dais. Cat& tones. in press, sent free. Libranesappreised by tens-tr . /OBIS CAMPBELL COPARTNERSHIP ,NOTICES. THE OOPARTNERSHIP heretofore ex jet= between the undersigned and Charles R. atone. under the firm name of.JOUIs STUNS & hONB, hes been dissolved by the death or the said Charles B. Mona.. The undersigned will tonti nue the business, at the old stand, under the same firm name. J MME'S N. s rows, ReNRY te. STONE', No. 806 CHESTNUT Street. l'hilada.. June 29. 1861. jyl-3t ISSOLUTION. --- The copartnership heretofore anbaistins between the nedereitned. under the firm..of J. P. STEIN ER .t CO., is this day dissolved: by mutual consent. The bu ;mess will be set tled at the old stand. No 9 BANK and No.I2STRAW- R SRRY Streets, Philadelphia. • . .1. Y. STRINER. FRANCIS F. WOLGAMHTH, HENRY VOLLMER. Philads.. July 1,1861. COPARTNERSHIP FORMED.—The un dersigned have this dsy entered into copartnership. an • W der the firm OLof GAMIITH to RALEIGH. De . _tee ea w re w spra to the Iste ef J. B. BTEI NKR stij.%,. se ih : T reinue the business In the saute br smix. atreet and ? .4 fo re t ll4he4axn ay s t l t . No. 9 FRe tams otatigiu,rir. llama., July i r s tURICE RALEIGH.' 171 1m DISSOLUTION. The Copartnership heretofore exalting. 1-etween the unsersigned, liner tee style of CHEeNUT, STEEL, & t:0 , is this day dissolved , by th wi th drawal of EDWARD T. STEEL. The business will be continued by RIO. M. CHESNUT and - PKTER ROELHAB, under tee style of CR EfIEUT & RORLHae. Either banner is authonzed to settle the bulginess of the late arm. .1. 4 1). el. CHESNUT, EDWARD T. STEed.., PETER KOHLE.A.B. JULY 1, 1161 C7OPARTNERSIIIP heretofore ex- listing between the filubsonbers, and oarried on in Philadelphia. New York. !laptop. and Chicago. un der the name and firm of JONES k, .WHITE. is die sok, d, by mutest coosent. BA of the rust of May last The entire barmen hat devolved upon, and will be ii-grivot i fi on fany t n ii k i ff r aThi.eite of the firm, The debts due to the firm at Philadelri...fiost- . n. and Chicago, belong_ to, a nd will be aett ed with. Mr. W ; those at Ne_w_ York,' belong_ to, end will b settled with. Mr. JONEM, at the New Yort office. .AISAB emuMf.: 8. WHITE. E ' Dated—New York. Jane M. 'M4 )1438-3V PURE PORT WINE. FOR BALE BY Q. H. MATTSON, ARCH AND TENTH STREETS les NEW . 14 0 Ail:. FOR SALE - A limited amount of the netrll.ooo,ooo LC/Att. in sums to nit pn!vhasers, for We by JAY • COOliV.a. CO.. • • -lii:siorriurnuutiditimr. Jem-im C , • ORD ENB RECEIVED' . 1460011 AND fie ITUYLKII.IO COAL, BY EDWARD N. HALLOWELL, . . j ESS-wfm-43t. 133" WALNUT STREET. puBLIO NOT1_0•1 SELLING OFF AT::OOST. - . A large stook of Matbeinaticat, Optical, and Philo gopluoal Instruments. to close. the buelnese ; Drawing - Instruments. Roles and • Scales, Surveyor's brat% .111 . 11t8, Microscopes, Telesimpia and Spy-Glasses, Stereoscopes and Pictures, Memo Lanterns. Ther mometers and Hyorometere. Sand-Olaassoi. Steam- lin rze. Magneto r,ieotrical Machines, Globes. t oienti6o - oks ; also, a fine assortment. of fine Cutlery and Razors, &0., ko., gco.,/co. C. T. AMSLER, Optician, - No. 635 CHESTNUT It., Philadelphia. N. B.—The selling price of each article is distinctly marked in figures. jel9-8t wfm NOTIOE.—Ihe Coupons due July Ist, 1861. of uto2_ReEistered Mortgage Bonny of the ELM. SA AND WIL IanISPORT Ito [LAO COM PANY will be paid on presentation at the (Ace of the Pennsylvania Company fer Insurance on Lives and Granting Annuities. on had = otter that date. Bonds Non. 563 to OM,. itiolOatego. the owoe•shitk of 'which is subject to indicts' decnsion, are exoepted from this notice. • By order of the Board of Managers. WM. C. LOfiGeTRETB. ffeo'y. • PRILLDZI.PHIA. 6th MO. Xt. Mt. • .102 S-St G1:ITT& PZEWHA. AXILLIL SHIELDS, or. [Ladies' Drees Protectors—a rare proteotion (torn all drintnrea by Peretaretton. INDIA RUBBER GOOD 6 of every deeeription. Belt ing Packing, Hone, and ever, arOole manufactured of India Rubber, of the beet material . Goods cold FOR OASIi, TO 8111 T Tll.. V*l4B, at the Great ladle Rubber More, 811 CITEIS NUT Street. above Third, north side. Army and Navy Equipments. JOlll4 T 110R.NLEY. I RTTIR FROM MR. ORO. L. OROLL, Alma for Dr. SCHENCK'S Medicines in Middle loin, Pa. MIDDLETOWN, Dauphin Co. Pa.. June 27,1861. , DR. HACIIkNCK, Phil/m.lpda. Fa., Caen cia Herewith I send you a certificate of one of our most respectable citizens, who has been using your medicine', and is row reirored to health. I think its publication would affect the sales au tins neighbor hood. It you sea proper to use it, do so, or threat Me to. HIMr. Ramsey 1. eak _old,reliable,well-respected. and is citizen. His word weuld not be doubted by any. one who knows him, and at present is the Chief Liorgess of th e town: Mr. Ramsey is himself a good advertisement. as he speaks for and recommends It more highly than the certificate mentions. Yours truly. 4ho. L. CItOLL. „ Co.,I.IIIMLIrroWN. EttliDo in 0., Pa., June "i MR. Gh.O. L. Agent. Iftga Ala In my Men' illness, which was from neglected cold on my breast and lunge. and whioh was in a' fair :say of hurrying me to my grave. I was so mnoh affected by the severity of the °oath that I could not lie down or obtain any rest. and this o^ntinned for two weeks. When I heard of Dr. ilotienok's Pain:mole and Bea Weed Tonic. 1 immediately commenced' the use of them, and. after using two or three .boules of Byrne.. I noti3ed a neroeptible (Manse. 'the Gough Was much easier, and I could rest much better. After using two bottler of Tonic and ten of syrup, I have been ye stored to health, which enables me to say I have lull confidence in its efficacy if taken in time, and most cor dially reocaumeno its t nee to the *Mimed. Ite &wealhy yours, E. J. RAMSEY. EASE AND COMFORT:. A. TREOSALD asks, Who oan . 3161 tee or wilt everybody/ • Boob a person probably never was born. But those who know when they are suited to 1100T8 or BRODY are invited to give him a tall, and those who never were netted before may be rafte now. Re is at hie old plaoe.soB 0041TEB Street- Jets 3m VOTTON SA DRUB and CANVAS, ‘11.7 of all numbers sad b ir Vr tv swan's Duck Awning ' of all dooorlodona. for iforisa..Avolorga'aez,and agouroft rais sdo A fop Yam. ora? Drioc IN A% ii . Mast wrto. TarpallTygro i. tgpsart 'Jk - ito " '" 4l ' • e v — inir wt. a .16. OLIVIA OIL-Pure Olive uil in white slue bottles Art reoeivenler bark yrt ia tor sale by . JA o. R 'AI JIM no 4 nth PRO street:" CLARET casks and cases of the breaidg of St. Jullen L Margaux, Unt..B r i an FZ U , e ' F " " le byaggilTethAiliNlFAlllB. .0.K.1016.-0 mall invoice of Hides, Sheep, Nef aw l Goit ISkins, re_crellvell horn t&p,:inst ha 90St dusk kr itids.ll JAIJILB II:Mb & GAR= sm i th _Qty tit,..t - - Pseua. BRANDY.— One barrel pure SOUXER ALAI Pli i irAtir sale lir G. flip a , 2 , • e. WOAD -400 lbs. for axle by - • .7-liirisrmuhr.t t ai m ....AT and, 4,9 P.M AMUSEMENTS. WALNUT -STREET THEATRE.. FOURTH AND LAST WEEK. TO fiVslff Jana EV RY aliotl7 This Wee*, WOOLEY AND CAMPBELL'S MINSTRELS, With toe Er.rit Cowls Trio, GIRCII. BROW bit and COLTON. The unerselled Qoartetts. CAMPASELL. ts.EFFtri. REEVES and MELVILLE. Tl2gether with Messrs. BOWARD, CAARLEB , sus. mons. &s. • A change of .roaramma n.rher E TE GLOKItiCS FOURTH OF JULY. Two Grand Preormanoim AFTEHNUON AND EVENING. .For partioulara as" bails. 171-It ASSEMBLY .BUILDINOS. FOURTH OF JULY WEE&! 19QUTHFRN RaRELLIO v sad K USAIAN WAR ! Both t , xhibittooe at 4I `oh antertatataiwt. evety_eveo inn tilt/Freak. 'three Grand Rxhtbttiotui F /UNTIL OF JULY. Motninic. at 11; afteraoen.s; Rvenint N& 30 NW ViaWEI OR THE RABELLtorc, - Adiatmos 2e omits i Children. to oenca • 1,1 St p&NNbYLVANIA ACADEMY OF THE FINIt ARTS, 1026 011.01TNTTT P treat. le open duly, Sundays excepted, from 9 A. M. tillB P. M. Admission US carve Chtloren under twelve years, tuff price. Shares of +Rocs, $3O. .411 311 SUMMER RESORTS. BEDLO FOR HOTEL, ATLANTIC CITY. nt.J.—At the tern:Onus of the railroad. on the left, beyond the dettot. Th s House is now open for Board ers and Transient Visitors, end oilers .000mmotionn equal wavy Hotel in AllanUo city. Chalets moderate. Ch_ildien an 3 ser dants. half price. Nur - Parties shoed keep their meats until the oars a+ rive in front of the h tel t-lm S OHOOLEY'S MOUNTAIN SPRINGS, xxvr JERSEY The " REATH HOINIR" will be opened for the re ception of Company June 16th having been axon ‘ively refitted and improved since the last deasoo ; affording additional comforts to visitors, and increasing the de sirablenrar ol the place. na a healthy. pleasant, r nd fashionable place of Rum mer teeOrt,"&hooley's Mountain" tea but fe w equals, and is suypssned by none it no reaohad hy pleasant imiroad ride, and Only saved hoara from Pabadelphia. Leave Phitanembia in the it o'olook train for 74ew York, remen Jersey City at 9 o'oloolt, thence by Morris and Essex Railroad to the Mountain. eleturningjeave the Mountain at 6.A. M. and IP. ftl.. arrivios in Phila delphia at 1 and ho'olock r. M. Rooms can now be en geged. Charse.arooderate. D. A. CROWKLI., jen-frmwlilt* Proprietor. EXCURSIONS ar gi p m Writ-+T CLIESPER AND PHILADELPHIA RAILROAD- Vie FOURTH OF JULY EXCURSIONS. Fxoursion %Whets to West Chester and retern,,Nood (rent July 34 to sth. inclusive. will be sold at the ticket office. lc E. corner .N.IOIITEENTII and MARKET Streets. • . ?are for the round trio. one dollar. 11 , 1 4t HENRY WOOD. Bee Pet. FOURTH OF JULY E XCURNIONN TO CAM,P WInHINGTOY EASToN, BKTHL h HEM ALLEN 'I OWN, MAUCH CHUNK, and the LE/bOll. COAL REG(ON. The NORTH PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD COM PANY w.lt lathe EXCURSION TICKETS to the stave Pointe uOoD FROM let J1.11,V TO 6th JULY. INCIAPSIVE. From its effuses, at WILLOW Street and BERES Street. . FARB FOR THE ROUND TRIP, To Fee -on__..—. ez 501 To allentoot— --SI 15 To Bethlehem.— 2OW To Man.sh 300 These eXCIMMOUS ,r 1 &Torii en opportunity. of siLeod in; the " POI/ RTH" amid the reality of Military Camp Life, or ol'enjo t mg the romantic beishtv of the scenery along the Lehigh, and Inhaling the mvigoraging breezes among the mount .tee around Mauch Willi& - No Zzouralon Ticket, sold 'on the can. TRAINS L aAVB WILLOWAT_ABM , At 6.40 A. M. 240 P. M., and 5.15 .2 3 . - Barks street twenty minu Ma later. - r As ELL pp.t R i . c. en. ' PHILADELPHIA -AND &IN tigINERRADING, RAILROAD' CO.. Offioe, g.:47 on It FOURTH Street PRILATIPLPITTA.. June 28.1861 . • • EXCURSION TICKETS be hinted b.tweett all points, at REDVORD FARES, good for all 'gement or tratng, from Setifdli,, June 20, to Monday, July_B. 1861. inchurivo. p329.6t WM. H. MeltH I3N NY, !WV. WANTS $l l 2OO TO LOAN. A.T. rtigA&GNAGE, WU 108 Powb FRTH met HORETARY AND AItANDENSIS.-A we young man of good sddren. education. andre specta bility. age twenty : eight. is desirous of meeting with a gentleman requiring &Denton to nails Pecretary and Amanuensis, and also as companion. Woted'have no objection to travel. and when nenessaiT. or in case of inners, would not hesitate to bestow alt the oare sad. attention whioh• neoessite iney restore. lrmolament not being the principal object of the advertiser. his ex- Lecowti olio in this regard will be found very moderate,. an furnish the most undoubted. references and renal menials as to character. oo taa otabliite. &o. Addreas .. .amanuensis." office of this paper, for a few days. jetY4t* AY.A.ING MAN, just graduated irom . the High School. desires a SITUATION in a meratattle house ; would be satisfied with &email salary until his experience would entitle him to an increased remuneration. jag-ift• VVANTED—A purchaser for a patent right that will yield fifty thousand dollars to any mp who has energy. *SOU will part:these it entire. te The proprietor being in fatlieg health, is oompelied to sell. Address " Alfred." at this offlise. jel9 12t. WANTBD- $5,000 UN MußiliAta on is first- °lass unenonmbored property. worth 025.000. Addreas" T. 1,.." thin office. j•l9-11t* IWMPLOYERB WANTING YOUNG Men, &0.. are invited to ultimo, I" Evzi ment Committee ," at the Roome of the onne ot t nitiou Assoostion, 1009 and 1011 1117.13T/191 Street. soS4Rol. FOR BALE AND TO LET. i.WANTED. To RENT—A Moderati sizad HOUSE. In a good loo‘iity. Reac.oot to ak oesd /9300 per aellatil Beat of N o ferenoes ven. At r •• Tenaos." clime of The Prue. _ jeg.ft• TO LET —At invir_ relic,..lleasatit . . Mil country Reef, with three acres of ud..well shaded. and a variety of fruit. corner Or Green LAMS and York Acad. DranoStnwn. grx 03 , 11111 Irma Market street by raalroY4 t atal eight minutes walk from Green /Ane etation of North Penoeylvanle Railroad loquite of Mr. shIEDAItY. oo_poute. 0 , of Dr. DE Bullf4 ViLLE. 123 South BEV IaNTII arrest. je27 erg! TO RENT LOW—Porrnat t ed or 'un f arretred, for six montkol or Jonger.if deelrid. UM, nun convenient Solisg., No 1736 Amtk street Apply to A. P. and J. H. MORRIS, 9kb AR ,;E' Street. ie u.. OHESTNUT-E3TR6ET MUM said BM. STORE to rent,—The (Imitable business local:rent 11143 CELESTN oT litreet,with dwelling attache& Apply at 4 31 MIEJMUT Atteet. , GERMANTOWN PROPERTY TO RIM RENT.—To Rent, the large end oomntodicaul modern-built Rome, Garner of ARMAT Street end WILLOW. Avenue, with gam, bath, hot and cold water, end nit the modern improvements. Apply to HENRY IS, TARR, 710 catEEN Street. Philadelphia, or on the premises. anit-u htlf.r4T—A very desirable ATO, 9r.S.A on the Ninth - street front of " The dontinerital Hotel" The Store at NW** and Bansom streets *ape sniffy adaged_for a ISADDLa and HA1111385 Maker, • Apply to - • r • - - JOJELN.RICS , fea-tf Southwest NINTH and SABSOM Streets, pOR TZULUT 11 : of good unimproved farm land in the state of Nor Jersey, convenient to the city owill he exchanged for et i aperty. Apply at No. 118 FEDIENAL West. BOARDING. I BST-CL MB BOARDING. AT G m ANTOWN. within six minutes' walk of Church lane statt.n. Apply at Jrti south BROAD 4t. i. 20 2t. T • FAMILIES can be accommodated TWO with first-olaas WARD. in a private family. where there are no ohildron. H 011313 lomunfolly arta ated; five !Mentes wait from "Wayne' atatioa. Re ferenoea exohanged. Address "Knottbuff," oa-man town Y. 0. .1066 t :PRIVATE BOARDING RO ÜBB.—Plest '.A. sant accommodations for families or mule per sons. comer of BROAD and NEW tweets. tonneriyjlie a T e llilehe i t i n. ot tra V 1861. jel&a. INSURANCE COMPANIES. ruin iNsußexcur, comp Arri, • No. 405,0 iP.4IIISTN4IIIi_BOrscU FINN AND INLAND IBUIVIANCE. DIS4CTOES. Seel'(. W. pay---o! Dar & Matiant. rHuel Wright.—" Wright Bros & lia J. B. Dime, . " D 11•11 ie Birnsy. • enry Denis. Jr.— " Lewis Bros & Ca . inbajdion-- "J. C. Bowe &G. Samuel T. Bodine... -Preet. Wyoming Cull B•710/ . 7. Jno. W. Evorman-- of J. W. Evennan & Du. Oso_. A. West. ... " West & Fobas. T. B. Martin.-....... " Savage. Martin, & Oa 0. Wilson Deittorney-st-I4v. Z. D. Wood ruff.. .0 Kibler, Molten, li lirembiff. /us. [mast', r -.-- 0.7L3 Green street. GEORGE W. DAY,Preaident. FRANC N. BUCK 'Vine Presid L • WIALIANI3 I. BLANCHA RD. elesnstarv. 1 SAYING FUNDS. SAVING rIIND—UNITIED OTATIFB. TRUST COMPANY, tomer THIRD awl ORM NET streets. IDIEERE37 FIVE PER GENT. 3. R. CRAWFORD. Pregidwit jAm.ras R. RincrEs. Secretary and Treasurer. ORoe Itonrs. firm to mitli t o'alook. This Company is not Mine( m any applisation as h r LArlsisturs. SAFXS. pi• LILLIE'S SAFE DEPOT REMOVID to No. 21 South 8EY211 7 / 1 'Street, user the =On Institute. Th e undersigoed, thankful for put favors, and Mins d e t er mined to merit future patronage, has securest ski element end convenient store, and Ma now on handT l arge etwortment oi Liihe s Celynstad Wrought Mt!, Chilled Iron Fire and Illurgrar roof Safes, (the tly strio lire and burglar proof sa escas i te te ) Also. lie's litteencliettsank Vault, Safe. and Looks. LiThe's Dank Vault Doors and Looks will fanuetted to order on short notice. This is the strongeet, beak= prised, apd cheapest Door and Look yet , parlpoular attention is called to L e's • New CA of Cafe for r late, Jewelry, to. This e Ii pim rp, to surpass to style and eleganoe g yet ai red for this pnrpoee, d 0 the only one that is stria*, fire and burglar Priltor , . Brevet. tiovicie.-1 Yll now on hand my tyrant,' el Ferret, Herring, k. Co.'s Safes, most of tham ocaro new, and some forty of other ;rakers, comprising a complete s ome aa to l sOst li t hi d raf tt v i s ei ty a _ changed for the now Caleb be said at very low prices. ease pall and exumne. isle-1W - ' ' .- K. O. SADIOUL Aust. &dragREGULARLIMA/1D DAILY EXCURSIONS.--stelaam co. HANSt:Y Leaves Brit pier berm ARCH Btreetailag. (Sundays axoert•d) at 73(. o`oloolc,for Otwat, r, Penn kiove. New Curie, Delaware FOXT DELA KA end !Salem. Yare for the Excursion. SO ono. Plaice for Bridgeton and d — Odessa meet Ulu WI% )efillSt* &sl ime FOR NEW YOWL NEW DAILY Lutz, via /Wm/egad Raritan and New York Eamon Etetkoto44 paw. pally will reeelge freight on and Alter *A Ay,. grith inereer, an d Jarmo daily_ at P. M., deliveriEk War ook tecUlt47 tii irg i t io n L e following days. W P . grit, Agent. As 11 ROUTH WEAR pli i i & deugds. l e i FUN_ Dakzent. Piers 11 and 11 EAST veer Thrk. , geho-iftf TOR 1.71GW YORK. THIS tuladeloble, atm= -Prevail/Pr Gomviny a eammetwe their Widnes' for the Beeson On Monany l g ut. Thei u r Bteainers are new mews'= freight it Illeemid Ptir above Walnut street. war= aenesnizotletinS• A l p • ". • WOO.. Oa SaSIMET• hispapie • OF.F I 0 B PBILADEILPEUA sf,A WORItS, Jurri 1.1951. - PROPOSALs 11 be reoeirea at this ofßoe. until N o on of the Ist of ol.r next _for' the We, to the 'lnci tes* of the Phihstle phis Chu. Works. of Stook In the Glerrnsstown Gas orks:. - Richmond GeneWurse; 414. k Southwark and htuAanneashig Oea 41 d in the rneee7aut w or ks aIT. he used annveistments for the Itliolttecanda at :Worts. Wit . Firauti ialitir I Cashier. VINE SHIRT MANUFACITORY.-J. W. ISCOTTIe la ilt C IRBZINUT /W WI , a_ low th e " line l." The 11 1 / 6 011011 01 trte& to Ms ITCWROV hill 9 Y g J TB. al 1111)Ortof It. nate. rail hisoorm oh bald/ MOO to Order st hhonloO 11•1111*. 14111-U
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers