THE CITY. 'tarp and Naval Matters. ARitrirm, o ?RA TWILIITY BIRTH 21IW SORE RE GOMM. Tat fine regiment, oompssel of three battalion' o f Genoa, numbering fifteen hundred men. were ii n ,, fro'o d to arrive in this oily about one o'olook inOrning. They are under 'summand of Col. ..,, Szeinaen, and the men have . been fully ripped Mr. aad fa toiatted with arms ai through the oitstor, the millionre, of New Igl iv of A k, Some four or live hundred of the German oT , ne s Philadelphia are members of the regi. Dist eveeto . .s. the German Turner Rifler of I Tidi city had their ball, et Third and Willow wo o l , brilliantly illuminated, and decorated with dopars,in anticipation alas arrival of their friends.. 'willve prepared a beautiful sat of colors, present them to the Twenty-ninth B e e.. mint A large delegation of the Turners marched wohingt di-street wharf at ten o'clock last bt, and remained there at midnight anxiously i s t i g A g the train. The rettantaat at whioh the . I , i i es are So hospitably entertained was the ne o f great activity, and everything was being s e pt in order to tarnish the soldiers with a corn boriable Popper. The German 'Lida, however, b i d 11001Istion waiting for their Mends at their bail, an d, If possible, intended to escort their com rades thither. wo learn that both the leading °Seers of the fogiment served with distinotion in the Prussian wr y. All the otbsere were graduates of the con tinental military oo:domicil, and have commie beenT surgeon, Dr. Charles Nowitaue, has a regimental surgeon ita the Pa-Emden and Men armies through several campaigns. He ham the most ample provide= for operations of all kind', and with the assists/toe of hi' mate, Dr. dheriel H. Osborne, hat already p er f orme d several le rgissi operations on members of the regiment. Ds regiment take with them a full set of surgi cal instruments. litters, bandages, and large quasi ogee eF hilt A very large crowd of people as stabled at the wharf at nine o'clock In she emo ting. supposing, from the firing of cannon, that the regiment bad arrived. Such, hOwanner, was not fps MOO. Two squads of soldiers, belonging to mimeos/ now In Washington, were on board the regular train, and proceeded southward. BZW WAR ZQUIPXIIIIII roe of our Chestnut street firms exhibited to oar ro wer yesterdey a kind of knapsack new to Moulage!! The same was recently imparted from Fame, audio simply the havresaek for the use of the French foot soldier (Chasseter d pied) The hart-tasch, however, mint not be confounded with tits provision-bag (sae de ;mate menture) to which our soldiers have applied a name similar to that of the Frenoh knapsack referred to. The haversack resembles very nearly the knapsack of our ordi. 'try foot soldier, but the Preuoh material is ell: tirely different from ours. Instead of being tester or rubber, vrnioh have been found by ex arlance to crac k or elt beneath the "no. and the Lnner, at least, to decay rapidly in dretzahllig rates, the haversack is made of cow or calf skin, oil-dratted, with the hair on, faced with stout can ing, and bound along the edge with morocco. The dressing Mikes it almost as pliable as rubber, while the hair sheds both rain and sun SIP comfortably as It did on tee bank of the original animal. Of small dbnanrions when empty. and, indeed, when peeked, the Aovresoek yet holds with ease the following flit of artiOles imported with it, and exhibited to our reporter " Tit e S'ac de perste anonture (our haversack) ; two pairs of heavy Chamenr pantaloon', a heavy blue damel testa, a linen sack to roll this latter jun), an burnouse flannel great-coat, a pair of leather leggin" and one pair Gaols of leather sad linen gaiters; three heavy brown cotton•dritling shirts of ample size and two pairs of drawers simi lar in material and proportions, four brushes, a leather neemsairs or housewife, which le a whole magazine in itself; a clothe" beater and a outridgerbelt, oil for looks and belt-peate. All these, besides rations !" The straps pendant from this navreasok are in tended to hold comp kettle, drinking and eating utensils, and many other articles necessary for the soldier and the ramp. Two curious lanterns St , tired with this strange piece of equipment : One of those is the Lanterns Antrichienne, open on all sides, and used to indicate the poeitien of poste or direction of line of march ; toe other, the Lea nne a tram:ale, Dowered with a bell-shaped dome of tin, and open at the bottom only, for the rellen tiell of light into trenches which must be Com pleted without warning to the enemy- These implements appear to eolipse in many respect, the narrow utilities of our American infantry knapsack. NITS YARD. The greatest sotivit prevails at our navy yard, and over fi ft een hun dred men are employed In she shop, yard, and fisting out vessels for sea. The St. Lawrence received her stores, and went Into commission yesterday. The following is a list of her officers : Captain, H. G. Purview's ; lieutenant, James H. Gillis; sating =oder, H. P. Picking; surgeen, Robert Woodworth ; assistant do., James Qamn Haut. of marines, James Lewin; sating midship men,G-Cotton, J. F. Pearson. G. W. Wood, 0. N. Tracy, P. W. Lowry, R. T. 'French, B Sammy; paymaster, Bony Duffield; Boat swain, John A. Brisooe ; acting gunner, L SUis; aailmaker, Lewis Rogers; eaptain's clerk, P. G We learn that James C. Krim, late boat builder at the yard, has been ordered on board as acting carpenter. Orders have been received at the yard to erect new buildings, for the purpose of placing therein machinery and steam power, to make blacks and other Wert that bee heretofore been done at the Washington navyyard, for vi role fitted out at this yard. We have also un derstood that the Government intends leasing the fire proof building at the foot of Prime street and jolt outride of the navy yard walk, as a store mate for navy stores, tit the capacity of the yard at present scarcely being antßoient for as wants of the Deparrioettk The steamers Yoldmi and Keystone Mate are now being tho roughly overhauled, the former having been taken from the docks on Thursday, after eopperiog her bottom. The Keystone State will be taken en the dock to undergo the same operation. Among the yolk going on is the bringing to light old tim bers 'shish have been under the sheds for ten or fifteen years, so that all St for the new sloops of war may he out and put in shape. The laborers are, therefore, kept busily employed, under the auperinteedenoe of Kr. James Palby, the master laborer. Eighty marines lett the yard on Thurs day, for Washington, and about the name number of seamen were received from New York for the St. Laneenee. gelligOw PRO( PISCENLIVILLE WeleamithatthellnttedtimumiGovernmenthas awarded a contract for six hundred cannon of the griffin ride patent to the Plicenlx Iron Company of this Bonne These gone were warmly recom mended by Quartermaster thineral The Griffin rifle gun 15 manufactured in a roll ing mill It is not hammered like the Armstrong and Wbitworih gun, but is rolled hollow It bee been thoroughly tented, and wo understand that a rirpoueder will throw a ball throe miles and a half. It has the strength or a bronze gun, with moral advantages not possessed by that compoei tin. A six pound Griffin gnu will throw a fifteen pound ball of the acorn shape. The authorities of our city have ordered two batteries if six-pounders of thin Masa of cannon, compriaing twelve gone. They will be ready for delivery In the course of two weeks rumantmrum MILITANT HOSPITAL. The military hospital in Christian street, albove Ninth, has now sixteen p otiente in it Moat of the patients sae truffaing from various dieeases. there Wag but few trorgio.ll wages, Thomsh L Orman, of taw Fourteenth New York Regiment, was re. Gaited on Thursday with disease of the eyes. The patients mem to be well attended to, and the ae• ooramodatious are very good. COL c s. MBE' 6NO/11107 Beyond companion of Mid rogicooot will be ~gxtad to night by Brigade Laspeetor Firth, at e Peunsylvaula Railroad Company's Bmigrant Repot. They Dave been accepted in Ru-Governor Cteau's Brigade. COL. CRVITEriI BMILIINAT. At a tussling of the board of officers of Colonel Chantry's Regis/out, Major Cooper presidia& Lunt. Strolls as seoretary, the followgitgoonapa age were accepted in the resii4ontal Lille: Captains McDonough, Taylor, Farran, ftszlitt, Reed, 4. Thompson, Pilliner, Coopsr, Grant, mad geysa 9.111 Captain L. !Midget, of Company A, of the Re- Suva nooraiary of the Board o Trade, has returned to shin oity from garriaborg, *l'4 orderifor atop to Ripply the Second Reg Meet 11,08SITIS. 21111 SCOTT TAGION, COMPANY IC, presented Captain Keifer with a beautiful sword, foiterday, as a omen of their regard for him as 'unitary otheer mil be remembered that the Captain served, with merited distinction, in a number of battles in Mexico. cLOTBIZG "OR TIM SIVE Dr. Throop has sent e message to the charitable ti this city to he furnished with shirt', sheets, stockings, and bed.oevers, for the use of the doh is the hospital at Chamberseurg. The panels ire suffering for the want of these articles They {ill be reeeirad and forwarded at the following places : Ity litre. Joel Jones, 625 Walnut street ; Dr. J. Hints, 1106 Pine street • POI K. Price, 811 4rch street. Tna BTIND Otern.earAert.trts LimnOrnstnrf.. —The work of the erection of the above-named institution is rapidly progressiog. The laborers Dave commenced excavating the cellars, and the Mills will be run up as rapidly air poraible. The style of the architecture is pure Gothic- The ran al the buildingeis ordoiform, four buildings in the chaps of a cross eouneoted by corridors. Artifioial ventilation, therefore, comp; toe very alight ex tant, /1 inpeifiaolus. 28 every apartment is USW telly retaliated- More than this, there is not a dark room in the Wawa, nor any single limonite Lidoe in the entire arrangement. -Bath rooms arid Water-closet!, upou an entire new plan, are tabs:ll)Bn each floor; iheataireagoa are all to he of iron, so that iu ooze of fire communication eannot b .,.e mg off Each building will be entirely detached, and Sued with iron doors, with two otoitoloolr to bd. The building lo erected to accommodate log children, with teachers, nacre, matrons , 40. Too eaapel is b be the front centre building, of a ea Nets to seat 400 person,. The dormitories act ohnodate thirty children each, with a single bed Ist each_ A skuresa , room and other conveniences 'united to each, of which therp are three in s. The two centre buildings, the north wing and the out buildings, are to be completed at once, the te_luitlder alter 8 b rief 411 the cooking ' a rrangements, laundry, gee works, amid 1501,11131te !DOW, Will be in the out building, ecttanettnicatleg The h the aid one by covere d passage wall% hole' is to be heated by steam. An ample G, Plll3 of spring . ' 'Sates ettlete upon the ground he Wltei gill be primped . into the building. The T., 11°41 3 forty five acres te, to be tumuli 1 2 .1140 out, will containalso a milk house, play r 9, a laige pond for bathing, and ample eta 4i4g. Crooning, es the b sliding Is designed to t ° ,' a ihhiChifteent rise of grouod on the outside of 'tie Twenty - fourth ward, and commanding a view .!,IDS in every point of the city, the asyldm edifice l i l t i n,Parpetuate to a remote era the benevolence of 4 ' 6 a -bast', and add another important one to the Bbsettling eharitisa of Philadelphia. T _ Accibisirt Tux Weer tinier= RAly •—l'uo bodies of tho two won woo won, vas ! . f , r aan hived by a _train of oars an the Wont !Jitilater ti %il roa d , oh Th ur sday morning, have been issatificd. Their names werg Joseph ablppa and Ulamt. They were ShOSalekal ST trade, .ed unmarried. They lived ill fhb 0.1.7. es wig Iqr ßileed at the timeo f th e aeobleht, both were deal to . • ATTESitt•TXI. PI7I,CIDLi f —LIIBI evening en TM. , k Umn ritan, aged iiieoet 55 years; att441414 fo 150meit eatable, by tithing laudanum, in the mat !lt) of yet:mount Peri; Be Wand to a rm lai r r o n tor ooteinitting the melt let, Wig * 61 14 to ht. tloseph's Hopei, In a' dElltaill'eus - - TEN MORMON ELDERS AMONG. US.--On Wednesday, Elder Nathaniel Vary Jones, of salt Lite, the &Venda agent for the reception of bier man emigrants from Europe, WU in this 1)10 ne gotiating for the passage of a number of the saints over our Western roads to St. Joseph, Missouri Miter Jenes, we learned, WAS accompanied by Elder Jibes Woodward, Elder 11 0 Harmon, and Elder Niel Williamson. These latter named arrived at the port of New York on Tuesday, in the ship Monarch of the Sea. with nine hundred and forty sine Mormon eon. vertu, the 'sagest number ever arriving in one vessel at an Areeriove port. Two reoent arrivals at the same port brought out six hundred and eighteen, and three hundred and seventy nine Mormon. ' Eider J aloe Iliroodward is the oeptein or president of the company Re bee been for years a dis tinguished lingliith Mormon missionary, and has insole frequent journeys to the nbureben in Ger many, Frauee, Sortie erland, and Italy. fie speaks four languages fluently, and preaches elf quently, his hearera say, in English, French, Berman, and Italian The people appear to have a profound nes_ peat for hie portion anti his teaching.. The Monareh4 orew was made up of nine diffe rent nationalities, via Es Nab, Welch, (with a few /ketch and a very few Disk) Frenoh, German, Swiss, Italian, Panes, Swedes ' and Norwegians. Of these, no lea than 549 areSoandinavians, and prement the wholesome and healthy appearance no. thmehle in that class of emigrants The general health during the passage was excellent. Gee old woman and six children died, and six Andrea were born on board. They behaved well ; there was not a single qnarrel amongst the passengers, and the captain loos he never brought out a better class of emigrants They are from the middle and lower °lessee in life, and are farmers, mechanics, and laborers. While there are a few who are " elders" in age, if not by apoointment, the larger part of them are middle aged and young There were many children on board, and a large number of girls from fifteen to twenty years of age, some of whom were quite good looking. As a class they are not remarkably intelligent, fin: named plain and vary ordinary emigrants They all bring means enough to carry them to theirjourney's end, but not muoh more than enough. Generally speaking, they are oomforta. bly clothed, and the deal and hold of the ship showed a considerable quantity of haggage_ They did not encored in matting arrangements in this pity; and we believe that they passed, yesterday, over the New York and Erie Railroad to St. Joseph's, Ma ; thence they go up the river to Florence, which is a Mormon eettlemeat, fifty four miles from J,inrson City, end then commence the tong journey by ox teams aureate the plains, 1,130 miles to Salt Lake City. If they have money enough to carry them to Florence, the brethren will always lee that they are conveyed across the plains Oa arriving at this point, they can aelect their own route to the West, but they generally I prefer to leave the matter in the hands of th a Mor mon agent, who contract, for ears and passagea at are inoed prise They also like to go en together, I and prefer travelling with the "e-tint," rather. than the ordinary sinners who go West to locate Wnen these people arrive in Utah very- few of them ever some away again, except those who are employed as agents and missionaries Eider Jones says that they have all the elements of prosperity and happilmee within their own borders; they are mining and manufacturing their lead and iron, and are beginning to raise their own cotton. They have large nail works, manniasture woollen and cotton clothe, and, indeed, find full employment for all elseses of their people The elder says that the Mormon. in Utah are not at all affected by toe rebellion in the Southern States The withdrawal of the United States troops from Utah necessitated a military el-geni i/Ain of their own, u a protection against Indian depredations on the frontier; but otherwise nei ther their trade nor their feelings are particularly affected by the war la the States The latest report. from Salt Lake City give a moat favorable amount of theorem!, and announce that a large emigration is expected from Missouri and the frontier States during the season. THE NEw GA.9 Taxi.-The gas tank now in course of creation is situated in the Twentieth ward, between Ninth •nd Tenth, Diamond and Barris streets, occupying the whole square between those atreets 2 with a front of five hundred feet on Ninth street The tank, when finished. will mea sure some one hundred and forty four feet in dia. meter, by thirty tour feet high, and will be capa ble of holding .500 000 feet of gas . This tank is intended to equalise the pressure of gae in the northern se tion of the city. A steam pump is kept in motion night and day pumping the water from the excavation, while some seventy. nine men, masons and laborers, are employed on the winks. The pretesting wall of the tank Is oomposed of atone, whtoh will have an inside lining of brisk. Some 36 000 peroh of stone sod about 300,000 brick/ will be used in its oonetruotion. A neat three•atory brick Moe has boon emoted on Dia' mond street, which is now in course of completion. The whole concern is under the superintendence of Wm. Allison, Jr. DELEGATE ELECTION OP TRE PEOPLE'S UNION Pairm—An election for delegates by the People's Party to the Second Congressional Convention, took place last evening between the hours of 8 and o'clock: Tbe delegates cleated will meet this evening at 8 o'clock to nominate a member of Con gress in the place of Hon. E Joy Morris, resigned. DEMIST. Yesterday afternoon a boy named McCormick wits drowned, in the Dark Wood's pond, Fifteenth ward The body was re covered and taken to the residence of his parents, at No. 2308 Coates street. The Coroner w.O hold an inquest today- . Ai imrosvon,-,A man, giving the name of Henry Turner, was going to different houses in the upper part of the city, yesterday, and collect ing money for the sid of volunteera. He has no authority for so doing. Persons should be careful to whom they contribute. BADLY SCALDED.--TeSterday morning, about eleven o'clock, a child named Berjamin Hanes worth, aged about vino montin, Woo very badly soaldaxi by aeoident at the residenee of lie psrents, in Cress street, below West, Seventeenth ward. FATAL Rasum—The young lady named Margaret Maletrab, whom we =optioned $lB having been gored by a sow, at Germantown, some days time, wee an serionely injured that she died on Thursday from her =pules, NEW Smarm= Bamez.—The framework of the new bridge over the river, at the Falls of Schuylkill, will be completed in the early part of August- The piers of the old bridge. it is under- Mood, can be made available for the new structure. Arrommenr.—Jobn M. Greif bee been ap• pointed on the River and Harbor P 4186 in thee of W Wilson. resigned. Mr. Graff was a lieu tenant of police under Mayor Vans, and was an effirisat Giber. Tan Mon Sonoot..--The examination of punks for admia-ion into the Philadelphia High School will acrantenoe on the 28. h of this month. The aemi-annual commencement will take place on Thursday, the lid, of Sall. CITY ITEMS. 171111 , 01019 TOR TIM MILITARY —MA understand that Meyers. Wanamsker & Brown, proprietors of the new Oak Ball Clothing Bazaar, southeast corner of Market and Sixth streets. have been exeentine large or* den for the military. We had., esterdsy. an oppor tunity of examining some of the Uniform. Mlll3lOlO. tuned by tb.m, and we are free to way that. in point of quality and excellence of workmanship. we have Amen no military olothing ac.l' comparable with therm mann featured by Messrs. Wanamaker & Brown. POWDIR AND PAVSIOTISM.—From time inane. mortal. or at least ever since the invention of that sovereign explosive, gunpowder and patriotism have gustagned very Intimate relations. Consegassils, pas tnotiem being now at fever heat in this oommunity and th mama the loyal States. the approaohing ••Fourth"will 'witness the greaten ooniumption of ,deeibeeks that hen aver been known in this oonntry. To prepare for this oontineenoy. Meant.. E 0, Whit man at Co . the enterprising Conteoloners, Ycoond street. below uheatnute have provided the Buret stock of iliotwor ge that hue ever been offered by any one etiablllilllllßl to the - Untied Mates. Tlisy are already (immanent' to sell them. Tv* Wirt-erns Pozetaims Ennoristin OIL LAM. — Thom htlApg are 'spicily naive the place of all others, on account of their brillientir of light. elenpli nese, corvestemoe, and economy. They mar be bed In enalema venetp at Messrs. Waiters k. Co.'., No. as North Eighth street, corner of Filbert. TON MILI.M2I" &arum Depot.—Rookbill Wilson's Brown Stone Clothing Hall appear/ to be the lending house for the manufacturing of military cloth ing. In the upper stories they have some twenty clutters emplord, sad about seven hundred handgun" constant ly engaged in making up the work Over three thousand costs - wore made up by this farm in ten days, for the . State. burden full suits for several companies of Rome Guards, and for officers of the army and navy. The location of this well known establishment is Nos. 003 end ese ceee.e.e.trest. above amak. iiiiSOVUGIG OR Vnititwn.—Granville Stokes the fsebioner end elothier. 609 Chestnut street. ses.erdin romanced that he had an order for a large number of stutitory suds which were toms to Virsinirs. " Bat how can von send them ?" inquired a friend "the Government will not allow pan." -"Oh. el It wilt." was the response. They are coins to be ear n dan the buns of our volimmers. We are informed that Stokes can supply as. many Infirm, garments as may be needed at the lowest cash INTZ4,LIGENCB. BEE FOURTH FARE. ARRIVED. Bohr John A Hansard. Smut. I day from Milford* Del, with bark talus L Bewisy & Co. Behr Sarah A. SOS. Bassell. 11 days from roniana, with potatoes and lathe w Yam Horn. Wo,aworth & Bohr :tenon. holism. 2 days from Bridgeton, DIJ, with !amber to J w Bacon. Steamer New York, Banter, ID hours from flow Yorke wit ti utd-e to W Y Clyde.. CLEARED Busamehio Kensington. Baker. Boeton,H Winsor. Bata tMeatieleer, Retch, lito de Janette, It Ituadel. ling Lama. tin e. Zetniehow, vork, for orders. 3.110 g abardeon & Co_ ok r t.;,;iltroilir, Layman, Walluntton. Baum Ogle . Bohr Elate, Faoetoite, Norwich, B Mined & Co. Bear Nellie U. ettolana. CllMbridgeport. do SORT Jai Barran, Jr, Pea:cad, Laurel, Bel, &pall & erriattil. . Beht Com. Magee. Little Egg Bather, entitle. emir it. beans. Moline. Boston, Cain, Li:vicar & Co. t•oor tinned gnaw, Salmon tea% Van Burn. Wood oral, Co. lair J 8 Shriven, Dennis, Balturtote. A droves. Jr. lifthfOktAir GA . Eteamship state Er Germ. Garvin, leared at New Yora rewarder tor Fort riotettl nteasnatup north ntar- Scums. for Aspinwall. cleared at New Yorty _eaterdey eteamsety soma, woiton,learail at New York us. Praia, for Maw*. Snip Garibaldi. EMSII, hence for Fernando Po. was spoken (a , Oats) lat M. lora 42—a1l well. Sem Onward, Jenkins. from anangnaa, arrived at N York yellterdar. Brig Gondova, 300116014 hone Delaware City. at Pro. videuce Xsti mst. ever .1 H. Moore. Ingersoll. hence. arrived at Boston Mtti u eclus mt NB T Thomloon, Conover, W Mailer. Co!. by, and a 0 Reeves, ousted at Boston 9Ptn mat. tJT ruilacitlpttis' Sours Cittberi etreeti. Wearer. frog) LAW for rntia delabta, and Wm. Loper. lor.bertson, from Ht aunts tor Dectware tatr. at Nee port lam lust EtOtti Olivia restos, Williams. hawse. arrived at Bath ) 1 9 LEI .nss. At,chr ,1114 ext bar.4l4 Cary ed at.roftwo Ma cat echr FIT. Cbeeseman. hence, airtyed at Nantucket MC. bast. satire Afor.bzene. Falkeeburc. and It 11. G . Egeshalt, Tilton. kenos. arrived 5 :Aleut Ma lust _ wn- et. Porter . a:Lath, honors, ara....v.a...s 16ce inst. ever J.:septum% Wsterbury. cleared at New York Y 4440,11.4 our Yhtl,del,hia - istesumeA Baran. Jones. and Black Diamond, Allen4' bean, arriged 16 ir art reeterdety. DWlllaws Conoo , d , Norman. 014,4304 M N lark Yallter. clay for Yhttadelptua. xchange—Jane 21 lkw York Stock E OM, rIRS? 11058. D. 28 7 "1 : . !t i t 07 90 4 . 57 * .... - . 7 9 8 : 3 6 1 4 CO 1ibrgr201.........MaiR1i!"1:87___*."...... 211 5 420 Ant __._ sou 245 do— --- • 60 agi I " 914 e a ^arrito 6a. 40 itio Refuting R.-- & 4 ... & , u0 do, % 0 a 10 ttheeigan Central ... 4 71. 7090 Abeaottl iig 51 d - -• • --•-• "*"."-- 4534 100 d 0..... .I=. 59 10 do.- - - ---ii:".. 31M 8000 do.-...... sx to men .1 &NI . • .„. 5000 do ---..., agit 150 InichS Guar stx.. . :!11,,, 18100 do--....a0 2851 200 00 --,.•••-- •yr Alunoo Louisiana 6a- •..38ii; 5 ran, 5 50 5 ..--- .am 10 1 0 do - .... -JO 6 0 do._- -- -or - • 61 MOO Brie Ist rai......--A, 200 211 •en SOD '...7 3 " ) 65 I I 50 Midi eo 2 mt.- 5 r do-.-..-- ...., 1051 ohi az N W 48,- 1115 50.--.--.- --". 2... , ,,T e . 10 Bk : t.,ete N York. 75'no do.- ---• ••- • • '3_o 5 fik ot omme roe. 76 A do. -- - --, "pre sBk of Reettblie„ 9!ls 00.....--. .. 1 ; l e. lA Wmetropoinsa ,A. 60 06 0 .------,..-..-- 6 ,,,, 60 canton Co. 9 224:Plena fr. tall 1t ...... A 5 th6l & Bud t.anal 79 150 'fa-- Ipri, 89 Nome Cost ro .. 76 60 \-- -•• • 016 . 65 Pao.fie Mail 8- - 6 22 , 76 0 d , .. ----• . • - 6 .•7$ 300 N Y maw IL , 74X 160 Cleft 1...... ........... ilO 60_ , 379 Hs, lern Railroa d. 90 b .00 do.Ndedo R... ms.A. I 10 d-,........ 93i 5 , 0 Onion° --Jai) an 107 d 0.........-..- 24 00 dO--... 7 200k 1... atiK 420 do ......._ 9 15 CM, 13 &Q. 110 35% -it... 5514 ARRIVALS AT THE PRINCIPAL Ring , VP TO 12 O'CLOCK 'AST ATOM. CONTINENTAL , HOTEL-Ninth and Chestnut. D Gordon, Philadelphia Wm R Howell 2 Barnum, Baltimore D M Boyd. Pennrylvenia .1 , 1 Talley. Mame Neaten Brooke,Cmoinnatt Jas Perrino, () Da•ton, 0 P A Baboook. New York B Rend Key. Cintonnati, Geo W Hathaway. rittabi S 6 Ward. Beaton Ward. Boston H M Davis. BAblutore A Bradley. Pittsburg Wm aeete,teew York Nathan Cheney.e. ew York D D Badger . New ork F Clew. New York Geo."! Eteherdeon. Boston AI 'l4 Radtke,. &EMI D tr . Mier. New York 8 Yon Bensehoten. le York Hon J Law. Indlona J A Slack Indiana O G Holbrook. ohnois Alez Snuck. Pennsylvania Ii H A.. en Ch calm 11l Rev De • A Heather. Cm.ti Mans Hoopes, LancasterL R Bnll. Cmoinnati, 0 Clt Gammon New York Geo ii Uht.k, Pew Jersey John N Sleeper. Haverhill Deny' Flits Haeerhi.l Bassh.s. ew York J B Idtpasy, New Bedford P H. we. Jr. New York Pon 44 L Norton, Boston M J Rton*, Boston R. e Pope), Beaton tlr J W &one, B .sign W B MOO', Maine J Davis t yin is U m LIOSSTC. k la,. N York Mr Patterson & la, Pet Mr Co. a Baltimore M B Blake. ew York N T üblmrd. rew York oet Bo.eette. ow York Wm R ean. Jr. 8..m0n J B Pitney. Ki -ow Pa J r uro. er New Yo k 14 el Jeckson. nod 'eland Jackson. It I Jas Mohab, NPII 104 k E F Aiss lA. vermouth B en. (Apo fi Guiteer, Bat Wm * Torrey. New York J L Mosier, Boston T Mosley. Jr- B. atop u..olnns U 8 A John sparrow. Pottsville J W toter. Pottsville Feng seht st.n IMack. Boston Mei J Gordwin. Hereford Jonas Doodw.n, En-tford Jaa 43 Bette ann. Hartford Jlt Sererant New York O B Potter, New York Wm Pentongtoll. N Jersey IS Winner. - N Y Amns Fries. Broom WRI-A„Kestl't. Y'realin T Busse, Germtur Ni' rlaner, Cincienati It M6lrliMl. Sa. fer Geo bdiorne. :met n Jno ft Rideety, Baltimore w Mcadverr Maine 111 4 Farwell, 'rovidanoe W n Barger. Baltimore B D Memalf. Maine W Lawrenoe, !Plaine Jno A Riestai d.L..r.caster JO° Dickson. Perla F c Adan s. New York John Smith, LerVaillna, Ran & wt, Wash. D C J C Woods, wash, D U Ferry, New Jersey Lt I warden Yr. la- U 3 A N 1. pan,kney, New York Faulkner. New 'York W lt Potter & la.B Pimore Mrs A U Weeks. Baltimore John Patterly New York John C dont, New 1 , onc Hit Pa• son, ('hiease D Pow York it W Perham, New York It 4) k &ward.. ' oow York H Haw Ines. Bost , n U Carpenter. elate P Bossed, let.s R n Kinks new York 1' Jefferson, N Orleans B W Maas A J Case. Ve mom. Dr Gardstt, Pada L W Hoop r. Penna 4118 X al an, Jr. G'assow Robt - ilsn. Liverpool J it Crowin, NOW York J su 8 Williamegambridge • HOTP - b—Fourth meet. below Aron J T Rogers. Brownsville. Ps R T Fl iott. New York tiro eher & 2 oh, rit'ahurg Mrs Eliza Bruck'. Plumb'' , F M Hutchinson FOIL* J B Priy.tor. Vitohborg H Boner I , aohhnnt D T Pratt. Palle W A W•1130e & sno t Pa Dr E Wallace e eadinir mrs W g Raven. Pittsburz Thomson McGowan,Pa R P Getty. AlleghallY OW' J Carson. 4.llenhelllClt7 Ang.ll.lo/O1 .GOTEL—Ghasttint stmt. ibbire PHIL Geo J Fonda', Wilm. Del. Wm Jameson. Baltimore Wrt ecusuab. Baltimore Johu Joi es, t hdadeltinia A C Dexter, Poston r- MO fionoush I oinsvulle B marten, Louisville John Crowed. rleveland, 0 J it Ambirtom r J re D vall, 'Wmseurt JFSmith.readint Mr Ilinnkbuuse ee 2 den Pa G Femour. Jersey City C Weightina ~New York Geo Dunn, Mew York W R Chamberlain. N Y A Hunt, Boston T W Barnum, Brooklyn.Rl MB UNlON—area street, above Third John Bucher. Senna field A morose Y Baheliy,Po F K sunrorland Indiana Ft Wood. Ohio J Et Co•te. PeSade phis IL Stephenson, Phi's C Brown, e pathos Alex M. 9 hompson. Pittabg Mtge C t homplon, Pittsbc At 4 Easton,Setviedreat J Mlehartf Sark. Ulna M Wheeler, (.Ihin t; Stockton & wi, Mitts, S Szni'n, Pennsylvania BT. LOIJIB ROTteL—Chesiant *treat. above TWA. R Guterman. Phi Melville, Chas Foxerell, Warn. Del Ono • sten. Wash. D C Chas I Graves, U 8 N G Ekok with Jesteu .1 7 Lauer ken Re , dint 8 W Biekley, Bethlehem R meDonell, New Jersey N Boyd. Yenuvrlvania A F Butler. Boston Rev C Towneend,rows Cy B W043 1 1113An. Pa A Andersen, New York N W Baited, New York HADLEY lIIHRAF ROTEL—Besiond et.. bel. 411111. trettrywatoon.Bookteoham Plaml Bookman. NeWtOWn J eolith. Dunks county P Boas. Centre Hi ulna E oore, Salsbury Ham Holoomb.. Bucks co J"hn Kelsey. Bunke oe W Davison, Che tenham Sim gioft Cheltonham D McCarter. Uertuyilic A fl qtiter Hammonton,el J J Blakeslee, titaddartesille W angler, Maryland T J Janney Newtown Jobe rift,Bucklngham J o e Elms. Bucks county Devia. Bucks comity Flowers. Bucks no Jonas kly. Bucks county Fam 93ker. Taylorsygle M B Waikon.ideohanicemoe G Quit* &2181. N A H "ceder. rnokingheini A 9• Duffield I)%vmsille Jos Busby. eirossmicks.N J D McNair, Books county 81) Mason, Buckingham Jac Palmer, Hooke on J 9 Paul. Boots county E 43 Bushes, Books on Nam Buckman. Newtown C F Mauler, Burks county N Mtlee, Bucks county Jae C Cornell. Bucks no m John Polk, Bucks county A Yeikeg, Hatboro BLACK BEAR—Third street. above Calloarldli. las_Tomlimon & la. Penns Beal Tomlinson & le. Pe A Hunk 4 , 1115. Pennsylvania 11, 'Vex et. Yardley None Wm Pafr. Yiirdlel vire In While, YOnlleyville S A Nee ld. Yardleyville F T amine, Yerdlervi le Evan Woodward. Penns John M Wallheteer, Pena Ibex Willard Venn& eoads. komertoo Jae It Backman Penne Taos Br.. Lohaska Mra Eye. !.sharks Mealier Bye, La alike Ati Floods, too o oooptoo dnn W. 116,4. M....U....Pi... D Harper It la- Olney. k's laaao Tominnion By_beryy Joe Whityli- Pinney's:anus Geo Clemens, Cle'es Yeller Jacob Smucker. Beading Aden/ Btondt. Beraville M Willa.d, Northampton coniattuacam, ROTEL—Bizet et., above Chestauf. H W Levis,Weet Chester J. , hn Herr, Cheesy 00, Pa wt PraD, Washiocton. D C H ' , tamp. Mat. land Joe 3t. 1:. Newtown. Pa .1 B ea k,storon.Cliesteroo VandenHoe PGlBlliVille Garner r W Y Boort. Delaware oo tit Duntmg, Dole,wo,“. oo I. Obett. flAw Jena, Win Ratsron Peens Geo W Knox. Wilen. Del John w Woodside Penns Mr A ()hen & la. New Jersey J Jeffries, Center on C Pea. amp, ew JBllO7 Jon West, Shippenstes,Pa STATES llNloG—Market atrest, above Sixth. 0 K Patt•reon. Mtllerstown Geo Z Bentz. Kerrieburg Gen vitt. eittaourg A J Oltkeit. Penns Jss Wile 7, Pee neylvenis G M Kline. Leneneter_ N Camden, Set See I, Kerr. Yoe k co. Ps R rawyer. Elart.tts t< N Meyers. Franklin, Pa B James steel*. Ad me no . Pa obt zasonotdome eo,Pa John Adam, Bedford no MOUNT VERNON ElOTEL.— , !eoond at..above Arab. W Wilbur. Lanoaete , B Johnson. Lancaster .11 Revivals, Fenton. Del John N Mutual. Illipois W Backman & la, Bid Mrs Harrod, Baltimore NATIONAL, HOTEL—Rans sweet. shove Ware. W WWI, Penns FJNaiIr.UBN J F SEr.iane_ New Jers•y L Davis. Pottstown W F Vous% Pottstown J R Runenoker, Nornsto's Chid" Rutter, Fotstonut setveusE BOUM—Third street. above Rae*. Reuben Keller, Penns Geo 8 Wallace. Pen Seen PL. lencLer. Penns S nehnurmen, Allentown 8 M 80Pktyll. wilimeesel Geo 'Y Young Penns GJ Reed. Wei.t Chiliter W Bonsall:Bartietown J dmith, Bethlehem BALD VADLE HOTEL—Third et.. above CallowMD junry. jubuccu. suck.. oo y miller. Montgomery co ii fiem..rer. Montgom'y Co daametBmith,Penna Wm Beams, Pere*. SPECIAL. N itYIACES. TRH WIDE REPUTATION Wilson Bit. J. Hostetter% "Stomach Bitters" have attained during the past year, bespeaks its excellesee in a more forci ble manner titan any words which we can offer. It renovates, purifies, and strengthens the MOM. and aids the stomach in the performance of its lutiations. It is regarded on all si-vs as a sovereign specific and. therefore. to procure it in the best possible way. should be the obirot of the public. We coin-mend it with more than usual zeal and confidence, believtng and knowing, as We do, that it stands foremost among ,he many pre parations of the dm tor imparting strength. vigor, and tone to the system. and possessing the curative powers for all similar diseases arising from a dismiss ed sto mach. In the most severe easel of oramps. Marrnces, and weakness in the stomach. the .. n tiers" have been riskily tested. and always with the greatest sat)Ores. For sale by druggists and dreier' generally every where. DYO IT & t 0., agents. ral-dISWIt 939 North Seeped street. Phi a. Bartatewe's HAIR satin.--ilus celebrated gad perfect Hair Dye L the best is the erneld. AU others are mere imitations of this great original, whigh has gained such extensive patronage in all parts or the globe. The genuine W. A. Batahelor's Liquid Heir Dye i•stmeat? produces a orplaudid bleak or natural brown, without sts'ining the skin or injuring the hair, end will ygn-44ary iu• ill effeets of b•d dyes, invigorating the hair for life. Bold by all Druggists and Pedateena Wholesale by vialcurrocir k 00.. DYOII7 tr. co.. Philadelphia. ORS PintraTams or TEI LATER' STYLI 6, made in the best manner. mere/illy for RE WAIL BALE!. LOWER'S gelling prison marked in !'fain Figural. AO goods made to order warranted satisfactory. ON 0112-PitICB system m striotty a rena to. Allure thereby treated alike. JON YAI & t•.0..1104 MARKET Otrest altoll3 dG Batas.'s OBLZBILA.2II3, NEWSY RRR BEWINO MACHINE', Yip Ben in Irmo for Family flowing. U. PWWWWW ntroot. PlpflakalvMa. ever MAII.II.IED- BROOKE-BROO7O4.—At Radnor. Delaware county, Pa- on tae 19th instant. by the itev. Tomas S Yocum. John Brooke. M. D.. to Hattie W.. daughter of Murk _Bro. ke an of Delaware twenty. 8o M YER-80 . 8 MY ISA UM.—Oe the 13th instant. by the Rev. Dr. Etuhorn Mr. Nathan eohroaser. of . Yore, to Mazy Ro.enbarim. of Philadelphia. -DR AlB —On the ,6th instant by John G. Wah n. V. D. M.. Mr. William M. Smith to Mts. Mary anti Dram, both of this city. DIED CLARK.—On the 25th instant, Mrs. Theresa Clark. daughter of Tames Brien the eider, in the 03d year of her age. The relatives and friends of the family are invited to attend her funeral. 'rem her late residence. No. 2021 Walnut street. of Twentieth this (Baturday) morn ing. at 8312 o'clock_ Funeral servioe at Pt. Petrick's' Church. interment at ot. Mary's, South Fourth at. t. 1.1 . 1. Rel.—On the 19.11 instant, near Gorau h Italtimore Gouty. Md., Lori Henri hollers. onlv child of Alfred J. and Sarah . P. cellars, aged It mouths wad 21 dais. The relatives and friends of the fermis are invited to attend the funeral, from 2324 hlarlborous fOre+t, to-day. +launder ,) at 4 o'clock P. M. (Bucks county interrs 'cleave copy ) utJNU sit.—On the 10th instant, John V. Dangiut. in the TM year of his ace. Fueera from hia late residence, this (daturday) morn st 10 o'clock. gt'ußryl, s the 29th instant, Mari Sane. daily liter of Elizabeth and the late John Murtland• a edltyoa.s , . Funeralfrom the residence of her mother. R 0.132 German st , eat. on Sunday a ternoon at 2 o'cilook. he 2hth instant, Mrs. Elizabeth aro- Ca , tv, aged , 76 years. Funeral from the 'residence of Mr.' AMOS Peters, Poplar street, shove Broad, this (Saturday) aitsrnor, at 4 o'csiock. - IneGRO 8E19.--On the 90th instant, Rosanna. 'wife of Th.mas MoCrossen. aged 33 years. Funeral from the tee deuce of Per husband. rear of No. 414 Noble street. shove Fourth, the illatnidit” niorniirs. atto'olock McDEVIT P.—Ou the 20th instant, Wra..7. MoDevitt, Funeral from the residence of his mother, Mila.M.ah nail Pt. 0 DeVltt, Twenty- a rst street, souse *squaw t?l , :s (tiniiirdayl Merriam, at 9 o , oloog, Mc 6 " Se — On the 19th instant, John kleEtwee, a rtlf 40 'earn. Funeral nom his late resident*. Tairesty-fourth street. below Chesttut. this leaturday) afternoon. 312 o'e oat. MARTIN.—On the 19th Instant, John Martin Jr the a* h Tear of P. ns... k11Z161.1 from the residence of his parents, arleghurif S treet. Germ ,ntewn on Su day arm. noon. at 30 01003 s Z it —Cu the I9itt instant, Airs. Franoes mi n . 4er , the ye h 7,ar of her age. puo l rei from ner late residence. No 987 North Fifth street. osM end ti morning , at 8 o ' clock. * 9.100, NY —tin the kith ma ant, eunaZillah, Smith. ter of Johu Sac Rate /11-tcter aged 4 'swaths. Funeral from tit+ re-Menne mher Grandfather, 31 Richmond street, vestal Frankfort road this ( catur -11511 V i nt! g 1 1 . ) ;74 1 . 15 .44411a1. Helens. D. 11101110. In the 69th year of her ace Funeral from the residence of her son-in-law, Gee. Wade. No 1118 r rank ford road, above Otter street. on tp itlistiW-1 1 A 3 min ' tNr k n , on *he 18th instant, Mr. >;u on (1,11121 10 7. in the Mtn YOU of his $BO. THE PRESS.-PHILADELPHIA, SATURDAY, JUNE_ 22 1861... GILVERT.—On the gOth" Decant, Emma Virginia. daughter of Joseph and darah Gilbert, aged 4 Isere and 2 months. Fune•alfrom the ree'denoe of Ler ',striate. No- 241 George 'treat, below Third, this (Naturdayi enamor, at i o'clock. GL‘ESON.—On the 70th instant. John 010eren. eon ofdward and Ellen Gleeeen, aged 1 year. 30 menthe, d 9 dare. funeral from the residence of his truants, on the turnnike, two mile. above Franklord, (Baturdaul efternoonois 4 o'oloolr -41..—0n the Mil instant, William L. Ball, Sr.. in the 67th seer of his age. PDueral from the In-ineenee of hie son. No 1667 Mentholl street, on /Sunday morning. at 9 0'91991' WIDE , BLAOK BARICUES, only 7-4 ao o.lltai 7 4 wide Blank Bayonne, only 60 omits. 7 4. Irmo Blact &Immo', only 60 enntet -7 4 wide Bleat ropes. only 6234 cents. 7-4 inns Mack Etnoreaolo. only , O§ wide Bleak Hareem, only 16nen?. BEesuN :worn moeirmee .7 7 0 07 .• 710.87'4je1l CiliWel'NUT Strign. FIRST REFORMED DuTvEL 1:W obi] RCN, N. W. corner of gsvisteria and 'Tv G GARDEN SUOMI Ihe Eon M ATTE IBW E. GRIER will preach ( D. V.) 10-MORROW 18A 8- 114 TR) MORNIN G, 6 mmenoinor at 10 o'clock. It * UNIT/41 Hl, IAX SERVicEs wiLt.. B BE holds. at • ANDu AND EANDN RAlLaaa ; OATH end SPRING GARDEN Stmete. TO MOR ROW. at MK A. M. and 8 M. M.. by the Rev. LIVING bTON 8 roods, cf Idaeaaohusette. It* CHURCH OF THE IRTEREEssOR , IsSPRING emu/NW atr et below Hrea4.—tril. IA I, COLLECT! , , N in aid o f the Sunday i , ohnole of Tiplittroh on SUNDAY MOREINO and EV ell isv O. y ) oev. JAMEI JGNES, M. A of Canada. will iD. --blaoh in the Evening , at 8 o'i;look. ------- lt* ----- .isoLID RICHES."—REV, DR. Vt n th'UNTlAlf, p star of - robonimile Daptint T. onnio Of Garth CD tins Areitleot SABBeTti eF FOURTH. APi P',l`4lollC. Merman Meohanies Hal, it. .0011008treete. 1. NOL ?A. flunerintondon YOUN MEWS CHRISTIAN ASS°. CIA I lON t . Ps ItA,DE..PHIa.—The regul-r filunthil m e°4 "g : 4 te held ott MP •DAY . EVIRNING. 211th AlletalitL s h e vests of the Aosocration. °6 ' abd 144 " ' ll v o•L'IO CT Street. Mr. 3.1 M. Pit terson to the Eseayiet. Members meet sea toted to attend. Strangers and the nubile geuerstly tatted. WaTIAMAXIZR. cre.powl ing Beata twit rCr.'THE 111E14 'MRS OF THE Htf DEL AND B ell off boa kry, v bo so kindly 4 femd to sine -t the Co”oert et 4215 Aendetty on Moe day main June kith will meet To rehearsal at Chloe arises Rooms. 807 Mies nut Street, Nato day June 284 at r. lc e, 888 as -0. t EILADELPHIA Se READING R. R. CO.—Pinta D.KLPFITA•Iaue 1D1561. 1.V014 m •t• mina the ho , ders of Coupons of this bompasy, dna on the lit eroXinlO, are rfelleated to leave them at this ceps on or before the 99th inst., when renews will he given, and checks 'wit, be ready for delivery on the let proximo, in exchange for said receipts. jell at 8 BRAD Dan. Treasure-. prri.lPV, CHARACTER, AND DEATH. of the lamented :Morel klleworth ev. Wm. dall, SASH/Via EITENINS at 8 o'clock, at tba North Bmtiet Church VG'. ER Street , allay!, Ideper. Morning Bervioeitleg o °look. It* PHILADELPHIA AND ERIE R./111X4, BOA ire-MEETING OF STOGEHOLDEE SJ .-SPECIAL MEETING of the Stockholder. of the Phi'adelohis and Erie Rai 'road Company will be held at the Office of the Con. an. .on THU RBDe Y, J une 2'th, tall, at 10 cr'elnek A. M., for the pulose of consi dering a proposition having for its oh eet the early completion and leasing of the railway o the said Cont emn. By order of the President and Board of Manscers. jek6 t.,12 W. VOW SPOFPOR sworehirt inlif4 - pvt2'..l°.,VictAft, A eT li tt " l Irv:dors of the Camden and Atlantic Rairro a eit n Com or : Deny, to serve for toe ensuing year. .1,111 be held at the office of said Comm". at COOPER'S rtirn V. Cam be den, New Jerecy , on re UMW AY, the 27th init., - tween the hours of ll A M. and 1 P. K. fen =7 RODEver PR A ZP.R. Seoretars. NOTICE.—OFFICE OF THE PENN BYI.VANIA FARINA COMPANY, E. W. eor ner BROAD and VINE treats. All perique havine eliinisantel the Pennsylvania Broad Farina Company, or holding Broad licks:to low by it. are regeeetea to prang= the same, for payment. to the unsereurned. on or before the-fost day of A UGIJ‘T next, on which day the affairs of the Company *RI be closed finally. acoordiAt to taw, Inyld-thSt 151twARD B. FERRIS. Secretary. firWE HAVE EMPLOYED HELP FROM TB E PROTESTANT EXCLIANGE,Southwest earner SECON D ana ft EV Streets, and lake pleasure in recommenains it to the publio as au institution much needed in our city. for ire 094 , 5 in selecting the best men women , and children as to character and quali fications J. E. A DDICKB llto Race street. E. M. SELLERS, &van raid Tulpehooken streets. JUILIANNA R aItIDOLPH, 1734 Chestnut street. EDWIN KIRK_PA SICK. 1331 Arab street. JAS.PAT, 1131 Mount 'Vernon street. Mull 5 ROM It= Mount Vernon street. GEO. F R BEM? N. P 47 Nortn Eleventh street. P.O. OLIVER. WO North Sixth street. x. 8. BO Vf +. R. to rd. awl Germantown avenue. T. WI L50N..210 north Front street. T. fkIoGUIR”,.42II South Front street. M M. W DITK.I9II Marshall street. W. C. 80KER,_433 Market street. W. H. RICHARDSON .418 Market street, And over one hundree and fifty more, to Whom re ference will be given at the office. my 30-Sm 1,0 11 0 MEN WANTED FOR THF , UNITED STA TES MARINE CORPS. able-bodied, between the area of at and 35 years, not less than five feet four and a half inches high, and of rood character. &Mien serving in this °ores perform duty at navy yards and on board United states duns-of war on foreign stations. All other information which way be desired wall be given at the itendescone, No. 513 South FRONT Street. HEA DQAh. . UAiI.T.ERS YOUNG'S HENTUCKY REGIMHNT. LIGHT CA. VALRY—Pniia ma mma. Sane /9, 1991.—A OM men le lil be awes cd_to 6'l the ranke of the ri oginal Independent !denoted Rangers no. I. to be at- Mohed to Colon-1 Young's Kentucky e eeiment. Light Cavirry, already ecoaroect, end ro oe mastered into the United litaese dorm° for threelears. apply at 140 Coath WitIRD eltreet, Room No, It. M. H. N. KEN DIU. jel9-6t Captain Commanding. 3110111MitT 7 8 N - KW BOUK. FRESH FROM THE PRESS * -THE SEA ("LA NIEII.) * Y * Y Y * Translated from the French FditiOn just published ut 2/ITiL DT M. J. ICOR tiLE fo Author of LOVE (L'Amour}—WOMAN (La Femme,) ne large volume. Price 8/ 25 THE SEA (LA MER.,) This is another of M. MIIIIELET'd a:goodie vo lumes—half 'came aid half fancy, with a blending in bath of tender suggestion. Micheletti a man of genius, and shows a ;MVO nature in the tree ment of his themes. Els works have produced en impression upon the reading - public almost without parallel in late years. Such audacity and debaser. such vigorous analysis and order sentiment. were scarcely ever before so etlea lively' combined. The thousands who have read `• Lova" and `•We was" will need no drAtele to 'woke's* his new b ick, " TUE ttEa." it is as philosophical, as instittating, andas fascinating. A Jao. Nom Ready: THE PARTIZ tbl LEADER. Complete. two Pole- in ono. cloth. Price * 4 .* Sold everywhere, •ad sent by mail, pawn hit by RUDD & CARLX... ON, Pahl/oboes, se22 a to th-et New York. DiCkENts' WORKS AT RALF PRIDE. NOW IS THE TIMM TO GET te PET. COMPLETE IN TWENTY VOLUMES. PRICE in gErcrel EArllit. UgUa le PRICE 60 CENTS EACH. or FIVE IiOL ARS for a COMPLETE SET of all the troths ever written be 4i:bailee Du:dens, IngWierg tWenly MAIM dealt tbe lisuM Pl'o'i ei Widek di Ten Voliare, am' are Low sell ng ter Five rollers only at T. B. Pie TER AIM tc tifIOTREEV. No 306 OEM eTNU I' etreet.l This edition is published complete in twenty octavo volumes sli follows : A I ale of Two Gitiee, Bleak Home. Little Dome. . David Copper Geld, Ptoswiek revere, Lomb-, Is. Eon B•rnab7 Budge. Nioholaa Nickleby. Old klairaire eshopi I Mart" ChusStaorit , New Years' Peoria', Solid y atones. t h NOMA. etones. American Notes. r ketches bv ' Doz." Pi- o io repent. 1 Oliver Twist, At eggsge. from toe Sea, Dioloseue hew Stories: Dickens' Short Stories. Read what the EVeftiftr BlaiSeele .ays of :hem: DICKENS' *WIK.3 FUR FIV6 1:01i14• RS. Kelm, T. H. Peterson & Brothers eis..• reduced the vele. of one of their e diiicies of the Works 01 Charles Dickens, tojive donee. liir the whole twenty volume.— Or JIM half toe Orli mat prim', wh oh iS tea doll TS. We need not sty anytbinc in praise of Ilyikrns ; Mr we To rque I be able to, say toot hie wri in a are eiffered to eh... e ... till. et the reduction to e Dor lonely made. as it will enable all Perrone to wally g set at once, as w 1 , es the fieuds of tive voluite erg now in name at Cartons Maces to send them a large amount of delightful reading at every kw price. Call in at once. or send to T. N. PRTg PRIEM je tifinvjugps, No. 306 CHESTNUT Street, And procure a set at once. It RCLIENT ENGLIBEI PET BLWATIONs— Imborted and for Elle by MORIN OY it CO.. No. ST South •-.IX N. Street above Chartist; BOCK LE'll II lel ORY OF CIVILIZATION. Vol, .I. Square Bee, cloth, V. SOUaN Or Tisk: ENGINE. New edi tion, greatly , enlarged. Very nnmeroes piMee etc. oI AI -MARY OF NATURAL HISTORY. By Wil liam Baird, Al. O. With map and nurnaroon ',Lustre - u. na aro. cloth. V. blINTrs ON Hort -EMANSHIP ; or, Common Sense and Common ream in Common Riding. By Col. Ono. Greenwood. Plates. Nair NW O% t CUM dru, OJOBI ad& flags AuNARY OP cOWrEMPORAine RIOORA PRY. oont.oning Memoirs of nearly I.oeo eminent in div.divre. Small 8 o. eloth,_32. SUUG STLO , ts ON YorULA R EDUCATION. BY Hagan W. ReniOr, Bvo, cloth, IS. wrORY AND REROEa ok THE ART OF HE =Mb:, By J. Rutherford Busoell. M. D. With por trays. Bvo, oluth. eIJO- YoUrry B N PhANR.LIN. A 80011 Own Rookon a Boy', Own Subject. dr Peery Mayhew. Numerous il-, Bow, cloth 31 P-ILeD - lECTC - ES ON TILE PRY'S ICAL FOROb.W. Edited by William Crookes, F. C. S. Na. morons illowations ISmo of tb. SI. Daly S SIX IiaOTURBa ON CHEMICAL HIS I OR Y OF' A VAP•DILE• to which is add ad a leo tare on Platinum 111.4ereted. nwo. clod*. $1 Foreign llo,lce irrinerted to order by every steamer. Monthly catalogues of new and old English and Erin.* Books furnished grata on apylicatlon. left-dt PEE DEBATES OF CONGRESS.--The Debates Of the next session of Congress, to con vene an Weoluestom Doty .he ith of July. ISSL. will be published of br the uodermened m THE DA tirlar., newspaper form, and in 3H S CupiDE diONAL ett.itic. AND APPENDIX. in book form. The 'aneurism' free through the marls of the united States. The once far ei her enr)no The session is $3. to advarkee payable in specie s Poet &K .ea Mame, AY the notes of seem. 01)3 me toots. JOAN C. WASHINGTON JlllO3lB 1861. iengt* 25 ASSORTED UNION REVEL( PlS with Pairings, Military. Naval, and. Grotesque Dominic handsomely printed in colors, mailed frost or 'luggage upon receipt 0125 cents. bj. Kt • G & BAIRD. Ger Hansom street, Plulada. rUAVB DRILL BOOR, Ring Az Raircnt edition, with thirty engravings, mailed, free of postage upon receipt of 25 counts, b DING & BAIRD. fiItAXT.E.W.3 VOLUNTERIVS MANUAL. " First Pert. for the Soldier. with le4) eng*MTIIIEN. mailed tree of poetace upon rectelpt al6 at etc, br KING & yItAXTER'S VOLUNTEER'S Al iNUAL, -LAW Second Part for the Officer. with SO erigraviogoi mailed bee 01 postage upon receipt are cents, by KlNti es BAIRD. Trim CAMP FIRE COMPANION OR. somas FOR THE FOLDIER, Malign free of postage upon reeeipt of 35 seams. by RIMS & BAIN% Printers and vublisbers. len St No. 607 Ransom street, Phitanelpina. kaSALE OF 44 COLTS, nuns. AND BROOD MARES, TROROLIOR BRED. • Bith,D. e D TROcTirto SrOcm, fetistid hJ Mown. A. MAILLIARD and H. RECK lin. On TOP.AD s F. July 1..811 At Mile Hill lireedins Farm °egoista the Donlparre Grenade. H rdeptown. 1%, I , ommenoing at o cloak p M • wi bout resood to the WOnttiOr /07" i to- attention of intedisent termer, mid breeders era.. ass temerity& their st of ie . invited tot! • us lgree./ the V moußbbreu owl Ana Pero." and of the t, owns at-loons 0. M. Palohou, New lamer. Bedoton. Fatehen Jr.. may D a y, k o ,, sir of the colts anc fill si.offered at this s.le. Catsl-p ties cogitations fun rtioHlars. • eteW 'midi , at ten thiemsr. pedigrees. .1.21-3L4 ALF w r.O in,. ci ER IC er rim, Avow:moos. SKILL, combined with superior instru ♦" - Minas does wooden in inakivi rhotographr sad Ambrat, pc', aF ltgdNlEß•e ',Wm. BEGUN D IStv okoo., No'ritiE.—The Volunteer's Cammatooit only 50 cant* a piece. Noia 1273 *ad ilv+l North RIXTI 4 Street, I. W 53143, 312 larkat* MILITARY NOW.CES. - - First Lieutenant W. STOKES BOYD. Beornitanr Offiast AIN Ve PI7I:II.IC,ATION3. DRY 900D5 L A It FOURTH E y AND L ARCH, GAVE A FINE STOOK OF GOODS ADAPTED TO TIER I:RESENT WANES OF THE FLOPLE. MOZAISHIQIFES, PRESENT FASHION. SHEPHERD PLAIDS, BLACK. AND WHITE FINE FRSNCH ORGANDIEi, LOW. DARK LAWNS, FAST COLORS. FINE PLAID SILKS FOR BONNETS. BUMMER Sikvms, NEW LOT. LAOEI3, marLEa s SILK BOURNOUS FINE LINE F TRAVELLING GOODS BEST AIITT4 GLOVES AND HOSIERY. HOOF SICIRM, ONLY FIRST QUALITY. SOMMER WILTS, NAPKINS, 'TOWELS, Ac 3e21•6c CAPE lIVIAY, SARAIOGA, NIAGARA, ATLANTIC CITY. LADIES Intending to nit these or other watering plaint" should bear in vivtdtemombranoe that the large WHOLE- S ALE STIC of PRI 41E, FERRIS, eic Co. is still • a salat 807 tIHESTNUT ST., . In 111hinh themli find, ligeriialig guilt d to the "EN RON AN THESE& tRORE." Or any of the Omer Resorts, KANPUR* BK Of DKRED SKIRTS AND PRIGNOIII4 for mearins with alumna wrapper' ELASTIC ClNEBEfor4ravelitng dresser and dusters:pi:lN sIIN HOLLERS arfil SETS, Re., to gether with large airortment of EMBROIDERIES and LACEIOODB. muted to the above-mentioned plume. I "IRBTAY-AT.ROME COMMITTER." Should remther the I.:REAP TARGETANEIL for aeliera„ &e., to ether with our rA v ardre g ildt h 4B. m ..LbI SWISS flat 1.4 SM .. HQ at aatialMS'iril'?.lllsl.lllZl2. ,, • JticiT OPEN PD. A fresh lrf Pine apple Handkerchiefs, at ;tents. ad We ZWIII4 teL far aloava4 at 20 cants. Vomneieunett Laces and &dgiaga. Carob 'a dkfa trimmed with Val. Lam?. " Vai. and other Lase tete. Oar ALIALai AY A.O4II3I'..nALF PRICE. PACE, FERRIS, dc ler : $O7 CHESTNUT STREET. WIT.3O.LEAT STOCK HOSIERY, HOSIERY, HOSIERY, HOSIERY, inflitlNGs AND FANCY GOODS, 'ZIMMINGs AND FANCY GOODS, lIMIBMIGiI AND FANCY GOODS, SIMKINGS AND RANGY GOODS, SIMPAINGS AND FANCY GOODS,_ RIMMINGS AND FANCY GOODS, Poa SAT .F, AT RETAIL, FOR OASH. AT RETAIL FOR OASH, AT RETAIL FOR CASH, AT RETAIL FOR OASR, AT RETAIL FOR CASH. The Enbaoribera offer for nalo, on and after TI!.ITTBSDAY, 6th INST.. •T,. TIITIR EITORTI N0:409 MARKET STREET, NORTH BIDE, ROAN MARKET STREET. NORTH SIDE, 110.109 MARKET STREET. NORTH NM N0:409 MARKET StREET. NORTH SIT4i, FTIVI 9 A. M. TO 5 P. M. TIME SMOCK OP GOODS _TOR CASH, RETAIL AT LESS IRAN WHOLESALE PRICES. ARkindn of COTTON HOSIERY REPDLES. fors. ()LOVES. BOOKS AND EYES, LACE MITTS. SKIRT BRAIDS. ZEPHYRS, TAPES. BRAIDS. SEDITLAND WOOL, COMBS, BRUSRES, SPOOL COTTONS. PsRPUMPBY, BUTTONS, USD SH'IRIRTS, (Of ID Desorintlons ) (NE. Morino. &a.) Alio, s Palt Assortment or Dress Trimmincn. BURNETT'. SEXTON, & SWEARINGEN, 1.4-1•1 - NO. 409-411_11NNT ISTREET. NEW MANTIteraA.. STORE mi. most splendid SILL MANTLES is the city. HOtF H& CO., go soma mow stuzFri. SILK MANTILLAS, In every new style, the riehent queEties ever seen ht the elegant New Store, i no SOUTH TENTH STREET. jeB-ara HOUGH & CO. RPRING ULOAKS, IN ITVEBY NEW style, at TVENB', ay St - lm - N 0.93 IS. Ninth 'treat. QPRING CLOAKS, KNDLKsS VA A. 7 nett, at IVENS , . t0331-Im QPRING CLOAKS, THE CHEAPEST to ever seen, at IVENS'. myBl 1m No, 23 S. 'Moth street. ORAB3,—Wholeask Merchants are in vital to teapot the stook at IVENS', we. 23 South NINTH Street, corner of Janke at. ray3l-1m Between Market and Chestnut. RUMME.IL MAW'S Milk 80-der Gra• Barran Shaw ls. Ettipedlk Challu Rhaar a. White Rayeze and G anadine. tent Paisley and nal es. Zilliek 101 k mud 13Toobe 1.11 AR L add BROTHERS, jel rstwom.r P mut VIGIITH Streets SuDirilira .019 - 4, Th.-81.-Eketa-moricraito Net.ings. eoloted .itrititsna-G ass • brig Bathing Gonda-alip Holland*. Flinn are Chintzse-nisda tinilands. Bsttung Towels-Ituagia i2tra. tt. BRAN ylie,lsB tHWTERO, jea3 tnormarrriser and Etolairil ritmets FRENCH LACE VEILF.—A choice lot just purehae•d from a bankrupt importer, and for sale at calf price at CR A RLFS APAMR & RON. PRI klGaTHand ARC rl ogresw. MCP Q UITI) NETTING, all colors ; Tarle tan all colon. for *ovarian glaanem; Plaid and a wits muslin' al 'll4olergel _ cEtea.Was and 3.1614 TH and A Val &mtg. VlRigliiSß STOOK OF DRESS GOODS AT PRIONIFI. 4 IOORDING TO THE TlMYB.—Poptiniu, Bare.evi. !lick Chani•s. half preOlt • Melte DBIILIFPI ilwod from 2S to 123tc. ; Spring Moms reduced from 12% to ao. eseeiei ettembort is requested to our stock of Organ die' and Janonet Laws.. which we re bnucd to close Out at IS low Sion% ClitAllio , s ADA & NON. leanLUni elt and A.RCIEt Streets. AB ANHRIIP r IMPORTER'S FA TOOK or Pimples of Linen Cambria handirershiefs. yn hrm-stirobed. ebeef veiled. and embroidered from El emirs to 61 cents each ; a great bargain ID itrehased a sacrifice for oath, and to be sold in the same may only. CII A Rkite AD e apt & Ford, le4o EIGHTH and ARCH Streets. F RENCIII 14011 PiIINTt, BOURNOUS, AND MANTLES -- D In , stook to ba to'd at tee s th an irndleente Nines. We mann be undersold is these geode. cRARLER ADAMS & 80N, jeep - EIGHTH and ARC reets. NEW STYLE CLOAKS, EVERY NEW • style, every new matenal. at_prises that astonish everyone. at the large *tore. N. E. earner of Eighth gust Walnut streets. my3l-Im CITY OLOAK STORE, No. 142 N. Eighth street, above Cherry. we now gelling eVar, new style of the season. superb qualities, in every new &ads of color. *heaver than. any other store In the atty. utyri-lts RiT4)IAI4 ktOritHO I I ^- 1 On and after this into TEORNLEI & CROSM will offer_ EVERY POSSIBLE INDUCEMENT CASH PIIRCHAISERS OF. DRY GOON! Dal e dataurazied to rotors any is; oak they will sirs ° . l lre t atitirift , : i sa;y i tlilks for 1 cants, worth $1.12 Newry Rich Filateff Silks for fl, well worth 81.25. Grenadine end Same Hoods, sheet one half their al , Gre ue y Mixed Goods. in *vets' "...ow , from 8 cents Pet yard to so cents. BLACK SILKS, RICE AND LUSTROUS, VERY EA. Nest Black Brocade Silks, double faced, &c.. &o. De Lames, Calicoes, Ceelnateree, Cloths, Vesting', eca. Linens Muslin. Plannala. Quilt,. Covers, AO. &a. SHAWL Alt CLOAK-ROOM EXHIBITION. Preach Laos Mantles. Palates, shawls. Eugene& gansbna Lace Mantles, (Mantilla Lace Goods. aca. Black Bilk Costs, Mantles, &0,, is every style, At 711101114 LAY & CMISM 15, _ P K. Corner Extaint a SPUN* SAADIStir Bic .11 LINENS AT OOST FOR CASH ONLY ! Damask Table Clothe. for sash. .Irish Linens at eost for rash. Linen Dantaelre at oast, for oash. Towels at Allowor cash. F heating, and Satedier's‘Linenak Napkins, Doylies, • rumb Cloths, Mo.. ho. CeVesilinne entire stork FO R AT CUB r FOR ootointroeirte to day, the, 4th inst. wur Omit is large. cheap. and fresh and will present many entonsal bar gains, even in these times, of extraordinary cheap good., COOPER & OttrimitD. rat IL R. nor. PUNTS and 1 1 4 AMIE?. /VEND*/ OF THE ARCH-STREET AR ‘I nt MAI TILLA STONE, N. W. corner T 1 NTR and ALL NKW GOOD . Lfe u t i i LfOne Bilk eiroulare. ah LI eau Silk Elsoeueib brus sad Pusher Laee Points. Do. do. do. Mantillas. Cloth and Tweed Circulars. Bummer Cloaks. ire, Porobased under the influence of the War INI!!tot and to be sold at less than the cost of imporcatiou sa d insnufaeture. Ladino are invited to inspect this stook, without re serve. before purchasing elsewhere. mitt Iwo JAGOti EIORBFAIdo rtotert LADIRft, preparing for the Travelling A-0 Beason, are invited to OXIIMUot our assortment of °unlit Ural D rule .400ds. Bhoobeldis * riatdDress Good.. Bnpanto ARM Glow es llosistir. &a. EY& ig t fr FOUlrrsi and AACEL AN TLES--DUSTRELS. JUL Minna ilam.iiiseiwids is • • • •• • Coats, Mantis. Musters. &a Tido Button [or Ladies , and Misses. French Lao. foods. at oost. Ctif)PICS. & Sea IS. B. Center Nltiwit end M' ANTALL DRY GOO M . E. lIA.IJLOWELL 84 . CO. IMMENSIC WHOT;ESALE STOOK, SILKS, DRESS GOODS, SHAWLS, MANTLES, AO., cte., AO., FOR m Aug AT RETAIL, At much heow the ordinary wholesale rates. or: 333 MARKET and 47 North FOURTH. Streets el etuacthlet pARId LAUB MANTILLAS, SEOOND IMPORTATION. Thaw) Goode haying beearelinquished by out Import ern—in view of the war or isii—f .r htt e more than the bare amount of duty, wilt be offered to purchasers at a corresponding rednotion from lomat retail prices. vii : AT $0 ass rs ON THE DOLLAR. THE BALANCE OP OUR IKANUFACTUAtFD_STOOK SILK OLOAi3.B AND MANTILLAS, SPRING CLOI'll CLOAKS. SUMMER CLOAKS. Also, TRIMMING LACEq, DRESS AND CLOAK TRIMMINGS, Ao A.., All in large rircortment, will be (dosed out at an average reducvon.of ONE HALF. in order to complete our ar rangements with oar craditor& J. W. PROCTOR 8a Co.. PARIS MANTILLA and CLOAK EMPORIUM. 708 CRERTNUT &mat CLOAKS AND Id TILLAS. —OA 17- TION —Ladies are a-utioned unload the nefa rious etatemente of oersonerformerir in our employ, and now m ta e employ of other parties who rtpresent themselves *to be coonested" with Ili, and their Web' lishmentil to bn " Manche% of the Parts elan , Pla Em porium.' Seca Sta , ententa are eimply trrrrittrHe, used to ensnare and tisurpwring. We hale no other eto-e than the one we have Osten pied theta s,x years, at 708 0 tioBT N 41T Street. J. W. PROCTOR & CO.. m144-ti Paris Mantilla Emporium. - • VRB & LAND.ELL open to-day one Daze more Fut Colors Organdies. U) eta. summer UOOdIS MI 11141100 d. HSTEEL & SON, e N. 713 Borth TENTH Street, above Coate*, Will Bathe BALANCE OF THEIR STOCK OF NEW aND DESIRABLE DRESS GoODS At still greater reduntione in prince than they have ever before mad*. and at 116 CB LOWER PRICER than any RETAIL-Wb OLBOALE HOUSE in the city. Fanny and h collard bilk*, very oheay. Very *bean and good Meek Siam Choice Dress Goode of every variety. Fine laeonet and Organdies Lawns at I23G. LACE MAN PLOY, POIISTES DODS Nous. BILK AND CLOTH COATI' AND MANTLES, jai aftSATLV VNEse.R COST PRICES. TOE BLANKETS AT VERY LOW RATE& Tarlatans Tor Mirror Covina. 10-4 Nere far Chandetters. Low Swan lawn( fat do. BY F O LANDELG, FOL R T sad A R... 11. RSIALL-PLAID SILKS. Ng Blum and Whit' French BIM, Maorand White French Silks. Brown and White French Biikg. Olean and White Froaoh Sas ; tondo and White French atiks. SO doa.irditfa• at 01 SO pot dos. SO doz. 'white 80k Gloves. 7So per pair. Many good" reduced very low to aloes ant. et JatiN H. STOKES', JBB 702 S t reet . Steet. EYKE & L&ISDELL have Fashaonable SHEN:IERN' P.. 14 IPI3. " Black and white Plnid VII Sauk and White Plaid Maiming. V.Y.KE do LAND4L L Ft/Mali and ARCH Street*, oppeen this mon:one— ; oases low Gray Goods. gnome ~nay Nurtures. RY RE Sr, LA NDELL OPEN TIM .A. l MORNING— Ioam •dassmbique.. Urge. 8 4 81olaru4 quois for Drassaa and Dostarg. mturrAnY GOODS ARC GOODS. ARMY REGULATION BLUE BLOUSES, And a few Weis INDIGO-BLUE TWILLED FLANNEL, For sale by E. A. GrREENE. je2o-et* No. 8 SOUTH FRONT STREET. ARMY BLUE CLOTHS, ALL WOOL, DWA-11DAAD WEDFIRT AND COLOR. _ CADET QAMAIFIREB, MATHS, SATINETS, AND JEANS WELLING, COFFIN', & CO Jel3-12t COTTON DUCK, 8171T48L.E FOR TENTS, POIL BALM D'l FROTHINtiILiM & WELLS. mosp-t tf SUERE.R. REsORTS. 1/1 ADISOti HOWIe, POTTSTOWN , PA nr.R BOARDING.—The above Vote', lo c,ted in the borough of Pottstown Montgomery county, 1%., on the 1 ne of Philadeishis end Read rut Reitman, is now amply prepared for the accommodation of meets, end preemie topemal advent see to those mho wait to email. fora few weeks the. heat and du.t of the city. The Rotel isnew. Mums large and well yenta -I.ted with all the modern onnvenientra. ftialiiiet , can always us accommodated wan convenient rooms, as may be desired. Zottstown , s beautifully located in the romantio val ley of the eclinylkill, and the country surrounding &bow ds with fine scenery. delightful wales. and 911a 'ant drive, over good toads. Carriages can alwaj a be furnnhad. Merchants, who may desire to spend the "heated term" in the sou stry oanuot do so at any more cotton. Meat Pl^ne Amu at Pottstown. reason notate can be procured on the. Reading Rail road at low rates. and pee enter.< can leave Pott town at? A. M. reach Philadsiphia at 9; and returning. leave rhiladelph - a at 313 orb I'. M., reaching PottettArn tether at 6 or 7 P Boardlng accommodation* at VAI7 reallan nth' PAW. iddtess R. F. YtiflN, $572.21' Madison Rouse, Pottstown, Pa. SFA-BATEHNEL-NATIONAL HALL, CAPE ISLAND, Cape Maw N. J.—The oropnotor of the w cmz bove-ned fm-ly looaled ontoblodiwoot would retoroduLly inform the thoasende of Guri a liVit have he , eto'ore visited hie house Ord. in order to meet the or. 11Silie of the times. he hem, for ilia valiant *seem], NE.rtickD (al/LEGE/4 fur B %mire to JetaT pow...Jr* PER virKEK. Children unoer •eare Of lige sad Perosof.. halfp.loo. P•noortor sooMMOdatiOnl, god bowie room for 200 Pariahs. R. fere 10 J. Van Court. 20 'Arch Street. Phileoelphis. Jett .2m , *ARUN ti.ARREEbON, Proprietor. GrAk.b. I _ _ N THE O.IIPRANS I COURT OF CUES TER COU SY. g e tate of JANE DAWSON. late of the township of Bettsbuty. in the county of Cheblieri sod plate 01 Dieu st Ivey's, deo'd NO as is hereby given to all person. interested in the Estate of the said JANE OAWRuN, deed and silo in the Estate of MetROARET RAW Ails, a slyer o. the said.J.the. a. d of the seine towpohip.deo'd. th.t the itettereleetd ton noon appointed 6,7 eeiiit t:ouri. Au dit to report 13 lam bution of the h.Lenoe 4139) in the heads of MA EIS BUR FORti. Executor. leo of said JANE DAWSON, deed. I, and amongst the parties en , itled to th• same, and that he will meet the said par- Esc at his Orme. in the borough of west ri m i e r, an d oneoty eforeea . d. on the twelfth day of JUL Y. A. O. met, at 10 &Moak A. M. _ P. FRAZER lIIMITFf, auditor. is 22. 27, & j 4, 11 iNSUIRANOR CO= ish.Pg FAME INSURANCE COMPANY. No. 408.4auEsintirr_ FU AND IPILANI) INBINANO t e . us. Moores W. Boy...—of e lVi ' y k MstinoL lamest Wright—. " Wtifbt Bros & Ce. D. 11.• /limey " Dam Inn Dame & er. Henry Lewis, Jr—. " Lewis Bros & C. Riohardson t " J. C. Howe & C.. Samuel T. Bodine.—Prezq Wyoming CUM Ckilip 9 7B /no. W. Everman.«...of J. W. Beene= & Us. Geo. A. West— " Wear & Faber. T. B. Martin-- " Sarsge, Martin. &Cc O. Wilson B. D. Woodruff'— Molten, & Wootratir. Jae. Under. 1711Ureell lAMB. tiLBOACE - w. DAY Pnesideut. FLAIWIS N. DDek, Vise Preeddini t WILLIAM I. BbAriallAßD.Beeretery. SAVING FUNDS. RAVING FUND—UNITED >STATES TRUST COMPANY', corner THIRD sad MUM NUT Sket'. INTISItES7 FITS PER crew', IL R. CRAWFORD, President; LAMES R. BUNTER. Secretary and Wraluntrer. Moe lams, from IP until 8 dalook. This Company is not joined in any aoptioatfon to tie liatmlaturo, A dr iii t DAILY EXCURbiONS.— Steamer CORANB leave' first pier twhow sat a /Street, at 7X I A. M., dallyglaedaya aw ,pt.dlfer 9ezuMN9lB, Ilaw Dela. i ways Cty. frOltT DEL/LW/Mc sad Salem. EXOUrilion tiokets for Chewer and Psdnetroye. ots. Do. . do. for New Castle. Del. city", Fort, and Salem..._ _... es a l Oar Leave on MONDAY. 24..1. iron, (for that day ottt7,) at 9 o'clock A. M. jeff-St* FOR NEW YORK. NEW DAILY LINE, via Delaware an* Raritan Canal. rknaoolprda and !dew York Ewes. gararakdatealtlo Pan , will "Old" Night on and after MONDAY.= meant. and ikairk daily at P. M.,delfvering their am mo in New York the following darn. Freights taken at reasonable rates. WAS. P. CLYDR. Agent, No. 14 SOUTH ADVES. Phsasslghls, J4EII HAND.,ekeent. Pion 14 sad is NAST AMAX. New York. wille-tftt i s is dr o t . FOE NEW YORK. roitimudota. ProranisT aerneang mill OGUIMORO4I their business for the moon on Komar Thertetessiore are noir recoiling freight st Second Pier above atnut Wee. orate socortuntcleting. Vi t t* • . . HAM) 004. It/ Pestle Plikbilinkr• ipozAtm BRANDY. -- One barrel pure Torn -Heim PEA.cH, for W. b y 0 . 0. Lug _ 10A A IrMl 1•11 vir oAii-500 lbs. for sale by Liz 47417111glititz8otgr1414. wow SI WA N—To xehange some excel- Th D I lent Firming Lands in the West for Liquor, To mas), or • 'mars- A ridsforftve days. at ti? pfflie of this paper..." merchant." Jen 3c" $2 00 WANTE LI—A., PARTNER, with the above amount in wail. in a l e n ,-eirabbahed Flour, Grain. and Feed business, w era there is a railroad tr ok and depot. with ever , 1.014.7 for business. re a enviable person lbe is 4,g00d offie owing. Aud„ till - Wheat," Box 4004 MIAs. Pm AOAtitLaTE or PRINCETON 0:i1.- 4 LPG 41 wishes a PITITATfON es teacher in a first-alaaa aeminary. ddreas " Palmer." Offina cv this AY .TING WIN. just graduated from the High sohoni. denims a *OITA it mercantile house; would be 'AMMO with &mewl .8.144, until Mg examinee would eutula him go a. unmerited raromer4t.on WA NTXD—A purchafar for a patens right that will yield 6r r thowiend dollars to an, person who has *Fiery,. Ledo wlf purchase it mauve The oroer etor being in faid , e health, is compel ed to tell. Address lived.' at this office. Jeri-Ur" WANTED —35 000 IN M. eitTGAI4 WANTED -$5 • on a first-o Tars propertr- 'worth SONO. Adams "T. L.." this office. jel9-12t* WANTEU T BENT -A OOMFORT IF • ABLE memos.. within Sae minutes' walk of Fourth and Chestnut streets Rent must be low• Ad dress" Reber " tht. office. tei9-Bt* WAA'rgll —BY AN EXPEMENUED I,lB ,!msu, who aan oommand a, fair amount of near nen , e nua r ii: RopsFeniena in a fiat Masi Jobbing P. B, office of The Press. J. 19 100 WANTED—AGENTS to sell PAOKA ORS cf STATIONERY and JEWELRY, at. rides one third lees than sin belprohamed elsewhere yell on or nddrees (stamp enotossoo J. L. DAILEY No 1.54 COURT Street. Boston Mn... mhIK-Itm JE-ZaMPLOY ERS WANTING Y 0 UN Men, &0., are invited to addremety " Employ. meet Committee," at the Rooms of the oun MO 's Christian t Association, 1.009 and 1011 .11.EST141T/ Stree. S4ta FOR SALE AND TO LET. da TO LET—A very desirable and con• 2E2 venient 2TORE. No. 24 Eolith FOURTH &rest, Rer t reasonable It* im TO RENT—A 'Farm of about forty Iltat acres, with large stone Mansion. coots fling heater. hot and cold water bath. and free range ; also. two tenant NOTIVOIN and Barn ;sae, flange . the pl ort, Bituniied on the Town/clip lne road. six or sossn nu es from the eit , ' about one m le from Get rnantOW.,, and overlooking the Wissahickon creak. To any responsible party from ti,e city. desiring a perma nent country retreat. this's a fire opportunity, es it will be rented low to a good tenant. Crops are in. Posses sion given July lit. _address the undermined, or call between 3 an t 6 o'clock, any afternoon. 'Or a week B. KOWA Y & b 0 cf. It* Q 2 MARKET Rt., up stairs. Phila. el TO LET—To a family without eh ll lliitdren. a three-story hriek UWE' LING. with the Furn taro. ie the vicinity of c Ivan Nacre from July 1. , 'ill October let. Bent, 1135. Addiela ' 9 ll P.. " at The P. ess c ffice. jr2l2t* TO KENT LOW—Furrusbed or un fey lux month,. or longer. if eigglred, large and convenient ritrUStz. No 1735 Arch street . Apply to A. P. end J. L eIORRIIS, 9:6 A Reri Street je 19 tf in TO LET—A DESIRABLE DWEL• LING. NO 123 North THIRTEEN/II Street Apply to WETHERILL do SHOWIER, 47 end 49 North SECOND street. miLld-tf OBLESTNUT-STREET HOUSE and fiTORE rent,—The desinsblp busoinena legation, 1339 CILESTN uT Street, with dwelling attached. Anal, at 431 aßEBTNll74ktreet. apn MkTO RENT.—A rare opportunity is offered to a competent mane.ger of a Hoarding Home by the tindersisnAd whooffers to rent the po mmy form dr . known as tbe UNITEDISToThS HO- . „ T L. situated on CHESTNUT Street, above Fourth, opposite the custom House. 2he house contains forty rooms all of wnieh are partly furnished. The din tug-hall is ninety-five feet in length. besides kitchens, tie ntriem, and every other convenience I hat can be de inred. the pternotes have been fitted up in a ocm pieta manner, and are ready for immediate Oennearier To a proper person, having expenenoe, a profitable bnainen• can be done. To an aceentalve tenant the terms will be made reasonable. For partiowars nyply to JOHN REL. on the armies, between the hours of 9 and S o'olook. Jell-tutnelot de GERMANTOWN PROP ERTri TO RENT.—To Rept, the large and oommodlow modern-Inuit Rouse, oorner of ARMAT Street ant WILLOW Avenue, 'Fitt. geta, bath, hot end cold water and all the modern Improvement,. Apply to HEN It 8. TARR, 710 GREEN Street. Philedelphht, Or on thr eremites. ate- a TO RENT -TWO 00IINTE3 ma. BOUBEffill,orm mile from ToccoaY. 1411tY 717 WALNUT' Street. 111llflo rIIOIINT—A very desirable STORE. Ilk on the Ninth-street front of " The Continents' Hotel." The More et Moth end annllnut streets mine dimity 5t10,0:42 fore ISADTH.• end liaat.mress Maker. Apply to JOHN RICE, red-tiElonthereet NINTH and RANWINI Invents. FOR BALE —The Stock, Good Will, lrix. tures. and rdeoh;nerr duke old-established PAaer Box Faotory. N 0.19 N. Fourth street. &HAY WM. B. BACON, k xeontor. 334 , MARK. j-T Itt. Bt* FOlt BALK —A large Derrick Pole, 116 feet lour, imitable fore flat staff. Apply to WM. MORON EY. at the Ott MED e.&L,Logest dolma. ie2l-2t• RR. CORSON,REAL ESTATE BROKER • &ND CONVEYANCER, NORRISTOWN. PA —Real Eetezo bought and sold on ressionable terms Roses and dwellings for sale or rent in IVorristown anc gauntry. Good mortgages negotiated. Collections made The best recentness elves. st24-en, UOAILDINii. ROARDING.—FannIy and single rooms WO ro to rent. with - board. at 616 Boma WAPHIKi TOM oft to SLi/Awl:cc A./Ain:ol2o3 at Florence P" -g Betghts.—Tlis undersigned has opened the large house on ilia Heights. and is now ready to receive boarders. He will keepthe hone sod he table in the best condition. 1111.1)1A8 J. Dollme Y. jeSO-15t oat LOCUcT etreet. THE YOUNG MEWS HOME, 273 !South 'THIRD Btre t, Philadelphia. posad. Loaglor, and Wookung. iiCiiii.lll tWir Week Itatraotion and Medical Atteadanoe, anthant extra charge. ALEXANDER SLOAN, Ropennteadent. BOARD OP PICL.WILOZEte: John Bahian. ruminant, C R. lisfelliX• F. Retail, ord Starr, George R. Pox, • Wm. gig Collins, F. Mo.tironr ...eerie, Caspar Moms, M. D., 'Wm. Gillespie, Pierce . Butler , Wm. H. Atibh.irst, Beery Wharton, W.. 7. Amy. od. Secretary, A bre ham Mania, Augusta's:testae. jail) St William P Law a. BOARDING.—STRANURKS visiting the eity, end others desiring euverior anorimm dation' in the most beautiful part of the oity, can be suited et piteation to Mrs KOOK C . , N. E. corner .x rbbriTH and LOOM" r Streets. Private Parlors. with ea Rooms adjoining, for single gentlemen or [mollies. Terms moderate. je6 160 MOTU:F.-3 be subscribers having corn / Plied with th, reentrements of se sot of the Leg is. Isture of relative to senders 01 Mineral wagers avid oth-r beverages. herons caution all per sons InMinot buries or 'dont, Dane any Lovtl•I mwked " DOM/ & t 30.." no& r tee meet t o presorined in the afo.easid waned the susrhe hereto. DOOuY 322 south WATS . R Ptreet. JUNE 59 1861. hat alith t WIFE ti.ktil HAD A DISEA S E OF the right eye for els. yearn. During ih , pew two PRars in spite ot a tonere con se of treatillen wh oh she notlorscat. it grew trmitially 11 , 110 , tiOoat two manila ago the placed herself under the treatment of Itr (JONI U N (Mob at No tAtt b,.uth 1 , 11 , re.E.N1.11 BUNK, and to day the eye ia well. W LKKR JACIVION. Pastor of ht. Penl'• M. v. % lamb, Wo an Catharine btreet. V DuNoGuUE, WiIOLkBALEDEALkE • in Coff-e, Fusses. end Syrups, No 23 Fonth WATIJt St) eat. 500 paoksgoi Swim Refined Bu rt!!! and Byrum including all grades and coo of Rio a. d Java tA , lree, at the lowan motkot r-ioes, to prompt °ash bole's. 1411-3te EASE AND OOMFORT. A. ThEOBALD asks, Who can please or Mgt everybody Peon a person probably never was born. tint those who know when they eve muted in 1300 r 8 or 13E1ub.9 are tuvued to give him s call, sod those who never were gowed before may be muted now. Re la at hi. old place. SOS COAT ES Street. Jou 3m PURE PORT WINE. FON MB BY C. H. MATTSON. ARCH AND TENTH STREETS. NEW LOAN FOR SALE A iimited amount of the tier 3,000,000 LOAII. in sums to suit purchaser*. for sale by JAY COOKE & CO.. 114 SOUTH THIRD STREET. Jell-lm MAYEb 111 LILLIE'S SAFE DEPOT ANHWEI) to No. 91, Booth SEVENTH Street, near the Fri witlin Institute. The undersigned, thankful for gait favors, and being determined to merit future patronage. has scoured ag elegant and convenient store, and hes now on hand • large assortment of Carted Wrought and Chided iron 'Fire and Burglar roof Hates, the onh menctly Ore and burglar proof sa es made.) Lii lie's Unequalled Bank Vault, Safe, and Bank Locks. LillieTs Bank Vault Doors and Loc k e Will be barnmhee to order on short notice. Thu i the etrougnst. best protected, and cheapest Door and Look yet °Berea. Also. particular attention is called to New Cabinet Safe for Plate, Jewelry, &o. This Bate is con oede*i to surpass in style and elegance Nullifies yet.ol- fared ly fire f and burgl a r proof this Pe i nod is *0 91111 9 9 e Bust la Janos' . flricrei. No:rms.—l have now on hand say twenty of Panel, Bening._ & Co.'. Sates. most et them nearly new, and some forty of other makers, comprising B complete assortment as to sines, end all lately ex changed for the now 901i/bated Lithe Bale. They tr ig! tem dat very low 'noes. Pia:we null and'itemise. JOS-Isif N. C. SABL E. Agent IN THE ORPHANS' OvIRT FOR. THE CITY ANEI COUNTY OP PRILAORLPITIAJ In the matter of the 'Relate of L cifftt.ElNCti PAM NON, deeeased. The Auditor **pointed by the Court. to audit, elttle. end adjue. the now nt et JAM 626 Mum ILLArt ant W,er, Wt. WELL, Exeout”re end Trustees of the ea tat. of 1.6.127R.11N0tt JOR6I•O2OBO6B6Cdt end TO re p.rt dettritadoe. will meet the lalirraillt a car,bli office. ho. som.weLNu (greet- in th- of Pude detebia. on WEllitnittDaY, Jane 26. 1861, at lleo.ock A. 62. .10/4-1011,61 ISAAC IIaZtAIIURST. Auditor. VSTATE OE I BEATON SMITH, DE ALAI- fIEABVD. hOTICK is hereby T een, that lettere o r adman atra tion on the estate et BNATOtti hid IT rt. Imo of the oitr ei Phili.delehot. deceased. have been granted to the undersigned All pereme, therefore•llo9ll3a OPtime or demands against the set t estate, are rettoratee to 'melee them known to the almtnistrator without delay P. FAAZ BlttrritokoministrAto , Jen- th6t West Chester. ro• LETTERS 'TESTAMENTARY TO THE ESTATE of JOHN H. WHEELER. drummed. late grooer. Third and Lombard streets. basins been granted to the understated. all perorate Indebted to said Ere,_ _ roeuestea to make and AU persona having Outima are maneatial to present taw. to EA LFO O. men VII. 407 WALNUT Street. JOHN ,313 313 UNION Street. NORMAN B. WElEDioria,...ri,” ta* Gro ner" and 'VOA Buiduoms. soutnarout corner or THitta and LO nEa RD treats ta duly authorized to receive payment of maga due sold Estate. and accounts against It may be lett wi th him. June I. UHL Je3inthUt n ail HAVANA HIGARS.—A 1 / 000pu'Wehoiee assortment, o om p r od ut tit, 6 liocfh tu G e em o F a i t g c a e ro le , b C ra e t b e e d t btrs,Ver m g oE e s Be n a ol m I m l a P ^ Irne6ih6ll6. k.e. Also Plum and Ga . oie Ciaerettes. For tele low for owiti, ola ter m. pr i c es, by toe importer, CHARLES T$ E, Jell - 1m Pto . lSo WALAUT Street, WALNUT -STREET TILEATIM—LioIe Lommee. Mra M. A. GA ER EI'THON. BA.TURDAYBEsErITSUNS 22. 18519 Or THE JACK'ON INFAAThy wiTilif COmmaode 4 by col. J. K. MURPHY, EICHARD THE THIRD. Mr. J. d. ItOftvik r 'Kee kindly volunteered Ilia valuable aorvioes. and wilt appear as the DUKE OF GLOB rER. Mrs ALEXINA FitlttEß BAKbR as Queen Elisabeth Mt. JORN E. Mc ONOUGII Duke of Buokinsham as Mr. J. LEWIS EMCEE 2 T1T2201. Mrs. am Mr . Ira 2 altY OfiaPill*N In the laughable fame of the YOUNG WIDOW. Box Bonk now oven Dress tarola and Parquet 20 obi. Family Canis ss ote. Doors open at 7. Oututhetteagat M us 8.1e1; ag. Mr. B N. YOU 4 0, • We Manager. Ivl ME 1 8E ATTRACTION .—A (;%AND muncm., AND LITERARY F'flriVAL 111_84 t. or the V. unere. will be Fiv•n et ODD FELLowill LL. Frankford 011 T I , 8D so ns caie. June sith. The follutrana dieitaguish.d pe will imam. at Shill entertninment:—M.e. ANNA GOWIKLL, Mies H. SN On% tx. tine J IoOLLOCK, Dr. R. eaDL TON MACKENZIE, Mr W. TIAISpiLWO PD. Mr. W. J RILL, ( 3W. FE RENR GMT. g. I:MIMI , DP. rile WA'iMjNG/OdlA^l anti uNION (theit; co ÜBa, form rut au 4111111, ..f talent 114 will Impure Boob an entertainment an wet never before coven in Freakford . Ti , f ete 28 gents. Dom own at 731 Porto:woos to comm . noe at 8. Jen St. AMERICAN ACADEMY OP MORO. GRAND TA BLEAUX oMUVCAAN TFEszrrAL, IN Alb OF THIS VOLUNTEERS' FUND. 0 4 MONDAY aVEN LNG, June 24. MAL The enter tainment will be under the patronage of' the following eistinemehed gentlemen! Rea. A Misr& r Henry, rat James Pare, lion. Richard Vann. R. P. King. Esq S. H horsimann, Esq., George a. Hensel, Egg., David W. Sellers Ere.. George 8 reth o ol, Charles E Stewart. t 444 Sk Huey, r sq.. Messrs I. K. Mollvain Sr. Mo re Stewart & Peter t•on. so The following array of' talent will appear: Madame B aItTH JORANNOE++. Mum HUN al rTll SHAW, Mr. G HO. W. HABELWOOD. Mr. 010. FISLIX MIK RT GAO. A. COFFEY, Fsq.. Mr 8. HERREN% _DOD WO MTH'S GREAT MILIPA Y • MD.- And a See Morns evonposed or mbere of the HAS DEL AND IL4YDN SOCIETY. Iwo llamas Dorn t e OPERA of IL TROVATORE—wan the wage set with snare priaie meow y—will , ung. A GRAND MARCH by MENDELSSOHN, be performed ea etA .ttd. 43+X et:es LA- Dale awd GEN fLEM- und•v the di tine of MR GEORGE FELIX BENKERT. A S PLENDID SILK B 4 NNER wilt be ['wanted o the GRAS MAST ZOUAV ES, Captain Hillebrand, from their lode friends, b. iteorge A. Coffey, Esq The Zotuives will exhibit their proficiency in Military Drill i.n the niags. the National othem. AMERICA. will be ming, the audience assisting in the performance. To conelude with BEAUTIFUL TABLEAU VIVANT, which W eeIHiNGTO r appe le the clouds. cretonne the Stara and .trinea, with the SECRSSION LAG at hie feet uririfr the scene th. chorus will eine the THE STAR SPANGLED BANNER. l'he whole under the direction of 8. Hebron'. Tickets Twenty five Cents to AD carts of the hgtue. (meant the Prosoenium Boxes, mh oh are SO oenui each seat. sews in the Parqcet otn be procured at the Box Office, daturd sy and rem:ides. for ten cacti extra. Tre.eta can a e•t be °Loaned at alt the Athlete stores. Doors epee at 7; to commence at B. je2l3t A SSEMBLY BUILDINGS. 4 - 11 - SIMIAN WAR AND STEREOPTICON. NV SCENES OF THE Rl , Blll.bltils. FOURTH WEEK, MONDAY, JUNE IT. AM Ems /fiat this Weak. Lient. Grab ti. Harper's Ferry, Gen, Davey Scott, Anierson„ taiswortn, and. Brownell. Matinees Wednesday sent adas afr & Admission 25 cents '4' 4;kuldren 15. Ur/ It A GLAND BIUSIO F &wily AL IN nid of the Poor end Families of t' e Voluntary, Cathedral Pariah will be held at etattnitti•L 081 •II re. on Vit vDN v BRAY, June 25 1861. The grounds are eaiiy of access, via the r turmourit boats sad litra d avenue cars Tickets 25 ewe ; children 10 eau's. Can be had at the o ffi ce of the Cathed vl Ce metery hummer street, below Eighteenth, one 11` the usthotie bookstores. jon)-itt* rum, THIRTY-Mil:lM ANNUAL JIIX- Jk- HIBITION OF THE yEziNSYLVANIA ACA, DF,MY OF THB F 1 1 ,14. ARM 13 140 W Orlin AT 1093 (711.:ATNIFIr Rtreet. Admission fee reduced to 10 Ce*ts. Peaaon inotets. 20 ants. Chituren under twelve years, half pride. Catalogues IS ants. eli pIOPO‘ALB FOR MATBRIaLB FOS, . 11 . THE NAVY. NAVY DrPARTNIN? BUREAU OF CONsTRUCTION, t QUIPME T, J nue 11, 1331. Reeled proposalg to furnish materials br ibe Navy for the fiscal )ear erding 30. h June. 1511. will be reoelved at this Bureau until 3 o'clock P. M. of the Bth Jnly next. bees ProPosets must be enoorsed " Proposals for Ma tensile for 11,5 Navy. Bureau of Conrtruotion!' that they may be distinguished from &net business lettere, Tee materials andartro!ea embraced in the obtkie• named are pertosniarlv desorined in printed schedules, any of which will be fora shed to such as desire to Of. for, enamel/cation to the oomm andents of the respective yards, or to the Navy Agent nearest thereon and those of all the yards upon noplioatlon to this Bureau, ILi division Into 'Bastes being for the convenience of dealers in each. such p ittions will be furnithert we are entnalty required for bids. 'fhe commanoant and navy agent of each station will have a OOP) ..1 the sohedoleo of the other yaroa for examination only. from which it May be judged whether it will be desirable to make ap plication for them. edam amid us made for the whole of theaters at any ya. noun one 01 the printed *oh. dotes. ono strootcon forMity therewith. nr they will nut be consider d. The contract will be awards d to the ow-at bona Atte bidder who , ivee proper security for its ointment '1 he united States es. erves the right to tejeut ell the bole for any ease if deemed exorbitant. All art ales most be of the vets best quality. to be de livered in goon order. and in suitable vessels packages, a the case may he. at the expense and risk of the oontrictor, sod in al vestisets frubiset to the in specition. me oitueinent, count. weight, ego , of the ard where reeeived and to Ma swore satisfaction of the commandant thereof. Bidde.a are refeiree to the commandants of the re de..cto.• verde for sample itutruoil ne. or Particular esertption of the articles; 'Ltd, all o her things being • anal prelerence will be given to articles of American manuf °tura. hoer) offer, as required by the law of 10th August. 1516 must be aocompanied be a written guarantee. the form of which is tierewtth given. Those Only whose offers .elaf be accepted will be notified and the contract Ind be forwer, ea a. soon uherogfrer a.. prao 'cable. which the. will be required 0' execute within ten days atter Le receipt at the Duet omne or navy steno; named by them. curdle') in the lull amount w' 1 he requirrd tat Men the contract, and their reap nub lay nertrfred to la, a Uni.ed states &strict Bides. bated States dietriot attorney, oelleot tr, or navy scent. es edoiti-atel se curity, twenty per comma will be withheld from the amount of the bi is until the contract shelf have been completed and eighty per oentun each bill. appro red in Tullio to by the commanAnts ut the ressect vs yards, will to paid by the navy agent at the po.nre of delivery witnin Nutty days after its presentation to tum. Its stipulated in the contrsot that if debut be made by the parties of the first OUT in delivering all' r any of the as , Riles mectioned in any class Mu tor in the 0001- trent, of tfte OttlhtF, mad at the tmean t acre sh .ve eruvided. then an" in that ogee the contractor and his sureties will for pit and pat to the Uniteact.tiss a sum of money not ex eedine twine the at. ount of such of or, which may be °covered from tme to time accord ng so the nut of .timgress in that CMG provided- ap.roved March 3,1843 Claikree Noe, to be delivered one-fourth Silt fn or ',afore the lath of May, one fourth pall en or be ., e the WA 01 July. one-fourth pa• t to or before the 20th of ciente mbar and toe fathoming fourth pa t on or belore 1-t ot I)ooernb•r. IP6I Cle,sea 3.4 7. and 9. the whole obe delivered by the 13th of May, 1861 • tie re/- mart:titt effuses to be '.livered one. fporth part on or before the Ist of Veptemher next, one worn part on or before true let of Boor other next 000 fourth part on or before the tat of the resound r on or be ore the 30 hot June 1863. littlest earlier required.w an a no of tWeive da 5. comprising a' esion celivery.a due proportion of ea are.un. • lass Mend all totlowmg. if adartionat quantities of an, of the artiolse named therein are demanded. they are to tie furnished on like terms and conditions pr v ous to tne expiration of the hecac year. upon receiving a nuttoe of fifteen days Irma the bureau, um oommandant of the yard, or navy agent. ./ , nrtri of Offer, I, and, th- the ' re of —, hereby agree to furnish vee, in the respective navy yards, ail the articles named to the masses hereu to itimeged, ag r eeably to the provisions of the a hednielt therefor, aid in conform ty with toe auvertisement of the the ean of Construistion, ko .Of JUNI 11.1861 111 h. and my offer be mmented. I request it to be rods seed at —, and the contract sent t • the navy agent at —, or to lot signature mg comfiest°. Date. near , Tan sandals which the bidder encloses must be pasted to his offer . eta each of them ei.ned try him. ppOSlte each sr tole n the soneoule the Pfine mos be Bet, the amount carried out the egstetate looter] an fir each alum, add the amount likewise 'litter, in words. Form of Guarantee. The undersigned, ---, in the flute of —, and -- of -- in the State of , hereby guarantee that in case the foregoing bid of --- for any of the Muses therein named be untested. he or they will, within ten date atter the retie et of the Contract at the post office nanard, or navy asset aortinated execute the ooarraot for th• same with good and sufficient sureties: and in ease said - shall (sit to enter into contract s aforesaid. we gueran eto mate good the differenne betwr en the tiffiir Ot the said and that which May be so'pp'ed. signatures of two guarantors. C. D. E. F. Date. Wtruess. I hereby certify that the above-named ------ are known to me U men of propetty and se.° to Lasko food their guarantee. Bete. igignatare. G. H. To be signed by the United statea District 1n .ge. United SULU' District AttJrneY. Collector, or Awry Agent. The following are the classes required at the respect, We nevi- Yards KITTERY, MAINE. Chun No.l White Ban Logs; No. a. White Oak Pro lulu:mons Tnob r ; r o 6. Yellow Pine Plank Stook ^O.B. Voliow Pula Masts s, d steer Tanner No, 10. White Pine; No. IL ASS and Oviroeni NO. 13. Slack Walnut and 'terthoganr; No. U. White Ash Oars and Hickory But; • ^0 21 iron; No. 22 and hails; No , 23 Laud' Zino. and lie; •o 26. Hardware; No. 27 Paints and Oi a ; No 28. kiltt 0 .ultes ; No. 2e. Cotton canvas; N 0.30. Flax and cotton No, 31 Maui; No. 63, Leather; No Be. Blushes; ho W. Bunting and Dry Goons; No 37 Yvon. Tar, Rona; No. 38. Mhos , . 2404 p. OA; No. S 9 %lug Chandlery ; No. 40, Stationery; No. 41. lire Wo d WIARLE‘TOWN, MASSACHUSETTS. Clans No.l White Oak Logo,. NO. & Whits oak PrO. inhicinone Tusher: No Yellow Pine rook alma Logs; No.lo. White Pine; N 0.31. Ana and Oyoren.,- 140.12 Dinah Walnut and Cperry; No. H. White. Ash Oars and Itiokory Bocce ;• No 15 wade Oak +toenail...4l tie ding ; N 0.31. Iron ; 23. Poi/Na. 34 and Non; No. so. Lefttl,2olo, 'PILL N 25- Hardware oo Paint% Oda. &03 ; 38* .1 , lag C anvas; nvas; no. SO. Conon Canna: No 30. Flax and COMM Twine; No, Si. Ohms; No St I,eatheri No. 33 Hose ; No. S 4. Brushes; No. 34 Bunt ing and Dry cloode; 140.37. Pdok, Tar. Roain; No. 34. Tallow. Soap and Oil; No NI. olup.Oloodulaeri N 40. igithonars .No. 41. Fire Woad; NO. 1 , 2 010144 IST hope. BROOKLYN, NEW YORK. - - • Class No. 1, White Oak Lots No. 2. White Oak Plank; No.S White ilsk Promisanous Timliair; N 0.4, WAILS Oak Keel PleOes ; To. 6 Yellow Pine Bank atonic Lona 1' No. T. Yellow Pine 804 mg ; 110 th Yellow Pine Must alt.' agar 4.lniberi N 0.9 Whiteruin Mast TanheriNo , TO White Pine; No 11 ash and Oppress No. 12, kg auk Waliortehrrry. filahosan.z_t 11. Wage sub Otis and h ickor y Bars; rt 0.14 wrote Oak Wave. aud Heading's; so. le, Sleek •p sae; To. 18, LtranmintM; No 21. non t No. 22 elutes sort Nada: A t , hiao, in;. No 21, Pig Iron • ^to , 23 U."- Waro_ l • No 27, Paints awl ,• No. 28. 'Flan thauvas .140. Cotton Canvas; N 0.30 Flax sad Cotton , Twins; No. 3i. Goon; No. 22. Lawns. • . No. 33 Hose ; No. "" Brushes; No. 33. aiming and Dry Gods; No. 36, Lanterns; No 87; Pi oh "tar. Ragan,. No 33, Tatlorr, Soap. No. b 9; ship Chat.diary ; 40, 21 6 0e2517 N 0.41, Fire Wood. Pat LA ELPIII.4. Pr 10N3 Yt. V•NI a. _Class N 0.2. %lots Oak flank Wh.te Olt Keel Manes; No.ll. 'tallow Pine Plank amok Lase; aux g. Yellow Pus Beams! No. .3 Yellow Pin: Meal land 'PM Timber: No.lo • White FIDE O. .13. nab and CI WM* ; NO. 12. 111.ak Walnut Cherry,and Makopiln No. ig. Whits <Ash rare and topkoty No. 21. Iron;.NB:21! epTuee ; • , o 18 Lignammite d • N & , /e ; No: al Loud. Z no. and • No 25. liardaaie . - 1 0 iti. 27 Paints and Anti; Na. 211, FistCan vsio zr. COMM] Oisovria_i No. ...l o x v own , Twlnr; 31. Gass ; No az Leather ;_ No 33 MAO; 34, artlthOS..; No. 35 Bunting arta Pry Go di; 1%0. 3 Tar, ACHIM ; al .allow, Ace", and gni ; No , 39 Nhip Onandi. Ty ; No. 4). Busuoner, ; no. 41. Pirlo.WOOd. WeBBINGTON. P. O. Claw No.lo Sc bite Pine; _No. 21. Iron; No 22. Elp'kes 333 IS Lead, Zino. and Tin; 140 31 Pis .2/0. dwave; Ito. 27. raints and Oils: No. 39 Snip_ Lhand err; ti. Boiler. lank , and Gs. or trop; N 0.41 Chinn' Iron; No. 4a. Ing o t Cooper; No 47. Bellows; PULA FOWL ion-tllO CIOTTOR SAIL DIICrIC and OAPIVASp 1 1.1 of all numbers and breads, r art 4 .,,,,,A r e mui. f or Raven'. Duck Awning iinui v i°. covers, TIMM, AWnium Inzats, sal prie r wma ILi AU*, Paper Manleatilren tom wide. swims nip oven tor, Il e Ji)m, • • r oe. E NTATE or SAMUEL MARTIN, DE csassu. Lotter' resiamenton to the 'ROMs of 111113eMIL A nTLY. droaallektir having been this ray mated by the Resta& of wail to the undersigned. all prison ind.ood to said titan tiro rt tow a IN Mohr pa' Wrier. an d thug* booing claim* to 'newest them without dolor . v. , WILLIAM B. .Pkik. 4 otf4. IOAAU FrB7OY , yx-ootori, IttocKLEY root OfflOO. Or to their Altman. IAR ii t• RICK )INYft • Phila. low 10 , 1861. 1141 Booth WlttletP Mon. Signature. A. B
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers