~.-''' , i gs of City Counils. An ordinance appropriating $E333 25 to pay the rOlr V C.. 1 • „ de l westing of both branches of olaims of McNichols and Armstrong tor oor-struot. ‘• • lug onlverte in Fifteenth street and Washington held yesterday afternoon. avenue, Was agreed to. SELECT COUNCIL , Also , an ordinance appropriating $25,000 to pay the chair arrzsa. Pr"id en- • -a the last instalment on Bedgley Park. and ormmunic.tioas were " al pc .„ _ W Q .,.. An ordinance was adopted extending the terns 10 Ii roes C silt • Ulm of the lease of the tooth street lending to Oh , s Ar3B- asking f or an a PP rli P; l4 . .. ria .. ! Stewart:owner of tile lalcuoester Pout t Ferry-boats, terrainexpenses;from at a rent of $1 100 per annum ..A2C O • pay for nrovisims furnished tbe An ordinance Was adopted, authorizing floury offnot e i gn iar petition . was . reoeived frOM Watts to extend the boulevards ort Etroad atreet the a n tiO fl'at a r ,`'tf tim; f" - 113 g from Federal. street to WeShiegton avenue , unde r ' 7,• i ni'ued the loan hill, that there wee the supervision of the El.gaway — Dapirimsut.pro vided the ally shall not be at any cost for the same. 4 t ,,t " t r h for the eupportof the fatuities .;" she t4talsi6:o°llc;7.sllropttoi 4 D o ireators of the . Phihla; Dr AEL Smith was elected ore of the mane c g o o Aa ontintitY, letehtwif t gars of Wills' Hospital r ESltd, under the present state of M e Moved tO reconsider the vote by taec - ,,„`",, s aion was made to lease the road which t e h o.d nanoe relative to tbe oelebration of 'olP:a7rlvenia Railroad Company, for the the Fourth of daily was postponed until Thursday .th 9 e v i ere ; the Pennsylvania Railroad next. Net i3° agreed to. :` dtheinterest s to pp or se and guar.nry The ordinance from Select Conseil, making an plPs l t a t, at infahifilt of $ 3 56 0 °°° of npproprietion to the Board of Health, for the pUt- P' s , - t he fire-million loan authorized by the ose of . keeping open the City Hospital, was eon p• bl • said company to run the / 7 ' set a f 4"ein r and 40 ofcursed In. Adjourned. :es n jo order, pay per cent. the al k ee 'r• og s pf the road to the said Philadelphia e t t l i witood Company. The draft of a lease :3 Irted to the Board of Directors and eon- Your representatives earnestly 3 T' • hem to delay action thereon until the 111 ",,'„ o l ej d be perfooted, and all the n cessary guards bad been inverted therein to 1 164 5 a- p r ope r development of the resources of . oret,b B 4.: i n .:duets, as well as the correct acid t 14. .• n . .rnation of the means secured by the Olga ,7, o ,' ' ' e ut and guarantee towards the early oda'"'"7 the road, and the diolinnustnents ospiation o. s to samara the city that there f toPing ter"' ' ho pe of z retire for the tura and a guar -01511;„,o1 dollars invested therein. This r ' and eonaultation with the nomm "7"ne ;g rr ends from your honorable bodies was al" gad at their instance a provision was inserted d lease requiring the approval of tbe ,:oetpProrae Lifiroad Oompany to the contra, l y e eamplotiou of th e road; and the expendi t h-refor being thus secured in having the u.-. compete s railroad management tor alt enr.lef o • e t done and the proper disbursement of yi . mr direotors oast their votes for the l II ' and Jr obta i ne d a unanimous vote of the ieem brit measure t ' haring been agreed to by the the 0 , a ,, it mon be submitted to the stockholders befr ooneideration and nation, and in view of la',ating has been called for the 2lth Lust , ,11,,thirth said proposed lease will be submitted. 'g o ng reference to the peculiar condition of 0 ..,„ com pany as found by them when taking their r m; the utter inability ef the management to at:it+4 0 61;013ot:it and the Impossibility of pro te'ogeg with the construction of the line without ,ze additional aid, your representatives found in; 4. proposed measure the only mode of relief ; sad w ing someeded in surrounding the proposition f at t ed the guards which they esteemed neoessary pr the protection of every interest of the city, they 3 ,. e d se above suggested, and recommend to ;Or honorable bodies the immediate passage of a ;aalftilon authorizing the vote or the oily t o be ; elan favor of the measure at the steehbOldars! : wing to be held as above. yr BANTON moved to refer the subject to the zar:nines on Pinatas. Yr. lillgAltlr moved to amend, and refer to the Committees of Railroads and Finance. After along debate on the reforenee, the motion of amendment were both voted down Etadry motions were then made, and a long de .., followed. The communication was finally :t arred to the Committee on Railroads. A communleation was also received from the p. s aaeiphia and Baltimore Steamboat Company, klieg for certain repairs ThePassinear stated thatrthe sum of $10,250 SO ai thus far been spent for the relief of the fami of volunteers The number of families re al-re,/ op to yesterday were 3,615. The preamble anti resolutions from Common fatutal, relative to the death of Lieutenant oreble, were concurred in. Mr. McNair** presented a bill appropriating to pay a claim of Joseph Moor for school desks ass beaches. Tha bill from Common Connell making an ap- F aprianon of $340 to pay the expenses incurred is retooling and extending certain portions of the ire alarm telegraph was concurred in. The bill from Common Council authorizing the Commisioner of Markets to make a certain abate got was also concurred in. Ths bill authorizing the extension of the base of iamb street landing on the Delaware was concur rel in. Also, the bill authorising the extension of ds bpsievards on Broad street, from Federal to fame streets. BS bill from Common Council appropriating jaa, to pay certain °tabus, was agreed to. Also, , de bid changing the place of election in the Fifth ;.Trion of the First ward. De resolution from Common Council instructing tie chief engineer to repair certain streets, was referred. Yenta W5T111111.11,1., Banrow, and Fox were appointed in conformity with the resolutions of Ta ira to Lieut. Greble. yr Waranterte offered a resolution appropria rise Sal 05 to pay for gas oetisumed at the arcane], Aloe was agreed to The bill from Common Council appropriating 11,500 to the Department of City Property, was ascurred In. Adiourr.ed_ • COMMON COUNCIL. XL Simons offered the following resolution re core to the death of Lieut. John T. arable : inefeikt, An inscrutable bat all-wise Provi !WOO baring seen at to out do. =pan the field battle, in the prime of life, fighting . manfully our national honor sad our nattonal flag, laestenant John T. (treble, of the United States amp; removed suddenly from the highest point et awfulness and honor, the gifted and areeno- Oiled citizen ; the skilled, brave, and efficient tar, in the fervor of youth, in the vigor and fay of manhood, he has fallen standing by hia pit with the Orions insignia of his country ming proudly Over him, be offered his valuable kr a waling martyr in the vindioation of the beer and the preservation of his country. Called early in life to the stirring scenes of camp life, he performed his duty faithfully; though young in lease, with e ripe experienee, always ready to make any swift te his country demanded Thus has he fallen, the first martyr from the offl 'ors of the regular array, in the great struggle to main tain the principles of our glorious Conatirution. Radoe-d, That in the death of Lient, Greble our tiry to celled to deplore the lois of a most worthy citizen, cur country one of her nonlest defenders, tee family circle an honored son, en affectionate hutbaud and father, and his companions-in-mane a waved officer Rrsolved, That the Srhot and Common Councils moara it death sea loss to our city, State, and scurry ; and while we deeply sympathize with his eelerea family in this their sudden bereavement, red tender them oar heartfelt condolence, we re iinle to know that hilt memory will be enshrined is Eke heaths of a grateful people as one smong the iot sacrifices la the suppression of an unholy re bellion Resolved, That the Select and Common Councils attend hie funeral; that these resolutions be trans mived to his family ; that they bo solicited to have hii remains placed in Independence Hell upon We day of the obsequies, that our citizens stray have an ample opportnolty of plying a last tribute to the honored and lamented deceased; and that a touminee of three from sash Chamber be appoint. ed to early out the object of this resolution In presenting the above resolutions, Mr. Simons tail : Ma PILIBIDSPit : It seems to roe most fitting that I should offer there resolutions, associated no I have !Men with the dmeased from his earliest youth in the o:osast ties of friendship; and I must Jay, sir, that, outside of his immediate family, ro tan could have received the startling intelligence with deeper feelings of emotion than myself. Re. ceiving his early education, and graduating , with honor, at oar High School, he arose, by his own energy and industry, to the high position he so lately occupied, leaving behind him, in his me mory, a bright example for the rising genera tion. I have watched this light, sir, as it rapidly and steadily arose brighter and brighter, mail it disappeared within a few short hours, to rise, we trust, in a purer firmsmera That star has now Set, but a bright, hallowed ray la emanating from its setting, reflecting his image on the hearts of a grateful and affectionate people. Mr. Hearts objected to the second resolatien, sad ooneidered that the first was sufficient for this occasion. If they were called upon to pay these honors to every distinguished officer who tulle in the service of his country doing his duty, they might, in a very short time, be called upon to take op all their time in paying funeral obsequies. lie ooneurred in the remarks made by Mr. Simons BOW aa Pout. linable was concerned, and thought they were paying sufficient respect in adopting the Gat reselation- Mr SiIiONIS hoped the resolutions would be weed W. Lieut John Greble was the first (Meer 41 the United States army that had fallen. Re was Phitadelpesian by birth, and we all ought to feel an interest in the Philadelphians who are now in the service of their country. These resolutions. if adopted, will be benedoial and encouraging. The committee would confer with the family of da mmed. and tender them this mark of respect. Mr Faiawsk said that one of the peculiarities with which our late feilow.ooontrymen have sig nalised themselves is the care with which tney re gard the houor and reward the devotion to their servioe of those of their neighbors and friends who have gone forth to fight their battles. Lieutenant Greble was probably the only efficer In the list from Philadelphia who would fall in this mists Mr Harper seemed to forget that Lieu:et:ant Greble Was a native of this city, that he was - sent:o Wed' Point, and received his commission as a Philadel Pr... was eminently proper that the city of hiladelphia should pay some marked distinction her own child. Many of the officers who fall, if they do fall, will not be brought to Philadelphia, sad, therefore, the honor ore extend to the re mains of Lieutenant Greble will not be a preote dent. Ile considered that the ciroumstanoes of his death appealed to this city with peculiar solemnity, and trusted the resolutions would be unanlni.maly adopted. - " Mr. Artnaaw ?duxes concurred in the views of Mr Harper. Theta are many of oar citizen. in the artily, and' the fleet news we receive may be that Wale of them have fallen if they laid ilia remains of Lieutenant Onside in state in Inde pendence Hall, and attended his funeral in a body, they might be called upon to pay the same respect to the remains of all the officers sad privates that may be brought to this etty for Interment. lie thought the first resolution was quite sufficient, and would cheerfully vote for it. The resolutions were then agreed to. The committee appointed conaiste of Masers. Simone, Kerr, and Stokes. A communication WSJ received from the Sunbury and Erie Railroad Company relative to the con dition of said thoroughfare. Referred to Commit toe on Railroads. • Mr. Carrat. ;from the Committee on Surveys, Idadl9 a report of the . bids and the award of the *attract for the erection of the bridge over Chest usFt Eareat. The following to en abstract: roR MASONRY, J. B. Bodweil $475.3a3 Poland, cohurn. Co 330 730.00 Mcortowd IFV ter " 365 141 50 Clark, McGraw; Ac Ca 291,851 50 SOB IRON WORK 3 B Mamboed $l5B 955.00 Wiloux & Whiting 139,572 50 Among the proposals received w a s ore sot strictly in accordance with the advertisement, as It Made a proposal for the entire structure, ma sonry and iron work, samplete and flniahed, for the Min of $415,000 The latter was reterred to the Committee on Surreys and Highways, and at II meeting held recently it was ordered to repo-, this as the lowest and best bid. The lowest bidders, who conformed strictly to the advertisement. are Messrs. Clark, McGraw, 5 Co Masonry $201,851 50 - Wilcox &AN biting : • ,tiptastructttre —,..5139 572 50 15131 - ,424 00 Bid of 1111thiger, Cook, and othera, 415 - Diff_oronoo - $16,424 00 sport was lAA won the table. The Nexvtoundland Blots. Tito teltgrapb and public lettere have lately been telling of a serious rioting at St. Johns, N. F., be tween Protestants and Roman Catholios--without Tory elearly,explaining the origin or cause of them. The following le oomprehensible Wrote the Newfoundlander I On Monday last was opened the session of the Legialature,_ amid the inteneeet excitement—ma gonad chiefly by the known determination of the Government to reject the claim of Messrs Ilogsett and Furey to take their seats in the Assethbly as members for Harbor Main. Me Excellency and suite having arrived at 2 o'clock at the Council Chamber, the wembere of Assembly were sum moned in the usual way to the Governor's presence, and, after appearing there, Vetarned to elect a Speaker. The Hon Attorney General (Mr. Boyles) Immediately elleeted to the presence of Messrs. Haggett &t Furey, who thereupon asserted their right to their seats Mr. Lloylea men summoned the Inspector at Pollee and one or two constables, . and the two members retired upon compulsion. Mr. Hoylsa next proposed, end Mr. Warren ee sanded-Mr. F Carter as npeaker Mr Kent said that, though unatae to resist this proceeding. which was moat nova mutable in the condition which the House bad been reduced to ey the net of the Government in depriving it of two members and disfranchising their district, be wnd, at all events. record a protest against it, in, the glound of the Home not being then compe tent to proceed to the election of a opeaker He referred to the conduct just exhibited by the Go verumaot /eeder as about the most tyrannical that had ever been witnessel in this anentry, and to the scene just enacted in the expulsion of members as one wnich would have disgraced the sixteenth, not to speak of the nineteenth century. Re then the empire:oy, of Whin this act was the last, from its commencement within the last year, referring to the Government Home in trigues immediately preceding the lest /session; the nelliog of the. Legislature together at so un usual and inconvenient a time hat winter, for the pretended object of affording relief to the poor, bat for the real our of breaking down the former Go vernment; to Dr. Field's letter as an instrument of new confusion; to the scheme of the Governor upon the judges' salary question ; and to the dis• missal of the whole executive for the alleged offence against his Excellency of one of its mem bers He then glanced at the subsequent proceed ings of the Governor and his chiet adviser, Mr. Boyles, in the conduct of the general election which they tad forced upon the country, and to the ali• max of despo ism in the disfranchisement of Har bor Grace and Harbor Main, for the sole purpose of, by book or by crook, securing a majority in the Assembly. Lie did not envy them the power acquired by each foul means, and he wished them joy of the Treasury after they liad exhausted it by snob bribes as the abolition of the 10 per cent. duty. They must not, however, suppose that he or his friends would assist them in plunging the colony into further financial troubles, and as the revenue bill weuld very soon expire, lie would cordially support a new measure for the protection of the public: credit and institutions. The bon gentle man concluded a warning, yet conelliattny speech, by moving that his protest againat the election of Speaker form a part of the question, as he wished it to to recorded on the journals. The House thus being organized, the Governor's epetioli was delivered without interruption. But out of doors matters very aeon grew serious Tile papers say : ::The' scenes which took plaoa outside were of a character wholly unparalleled here, and such in their awful consequences as must make every friend of the country and every friend of hu manity shudder to reflect upon The day was one of dread and horrors welch assuredly can never be forgotten and never atoned for. We hove al ready said that the persistence of the Government in the arbitrary course regarding the Harbor Main members against which we warted them on Mon day, bad spread apprahenaion and excitement throughout all classes from the earliest hoar. These feelings attained a fearful height at the time when Menu. Hogsett and Furey were obliged to withdraw from their seats, and it was with the utmost difficulty that the crowd who surrounded the Colonial Battery could be restrained from vio lent denionstrationa by the presence of the mili tary and police, and even by that which always proves more powerful than either or both—the presence and exertions cf the Catholic priests. At one moment, in spite of all these restraints, a rioteeemed lmettenle. and the Chief Magistrate, Mr. Carter, read the riot set, which was then handed to Colonel Grant, R. N: ,in command of the military. The crowd, however, soon after became gradually mtr trarquil. and it is hardly possible to ore: estimate the serviCea of the priests in the preservation of peace throughout the trying hours from 2 to 6 o'clock They never ceased moving about among the crowd, calming, soothing, counseling them, and patting down the angry tor rent which threatened, from time to time, to sweep all before it. They succeeded at length- in in duoing gronn after group of a great multitude to break - up anti diapers: ' The crowd having left the Colonial Building yard, scattered about the town, and, as everiieg be gan to close in, an attack was made by a party of them, chiefly lads, upon-lbe shops and stores of Mr. Michael Howler, and Mr. Entehin, in Water street. In both eases they smashed the windows, made away with some goods, and flung others into the street. Judge Little, having been aporisad of what was going on, went to the amine at Mr Kitobin's, and, with such assistance as be could °cheat, managed to put a stop to the wreaking. and to clear away the crowd who had gathered. But the melancholy sequel is yet to be told. After the last-named rote chief was done the military were summoned into the town. Those who had been before then dis persing began to collect again; stones were thrown at the soldiers; Colonel Grant wee insulted and struck; provocation followed provocation, and the order was given to fire Seven shots told, three of them mortally. Ore man, named Clifford, an aged widow's only son and support. died on the instant . The two others (Gaut and Fitzpatrick) lingered but a short time ; the latter wee an elderly inva lid, who had only the day before come out of the hospital, and though, unhappily for the poor fel low, making one of the crowd, quite incapable of mischief, both from age rnd infirmity. Among the wounded, we grieve to Say, Was the Rev. Jeremiah O'Donnell, one of the most esteemed and loved priests in the island. When the alarm ran through the crowd that the priest bad been Shot down, their strongest feeding, were aroutod to a degree seemingly beyond all control, and infu riate demands for vengeance were heard in all directions. At this arleitial juncture (tame again the most prairoworthy services of the Catholic clergy and Judge Little . The Judge, at imminent peril to his life from scones on one hand and musket balls on the other, rushed to the middle of the melee. The Judge then asserted hie own superior authority. and as eared Col. Grant of peace if he would withdraw his soldiere. The Colonel at once consented. with an expression of reg•et for what had tak.,n place, and requested the Judge to accompany him and his men to the barracks, which was accordingly done Meanwhile, between 8 and 9 o'clock, the powerful summons of the Cathedral bells mate the terrified and enraged moltittlde repair from amid scenes of crime and blood to the house of God, there to hear the voice of their chief pastor. Toe thoronshfares began at once to empty themselves in that direetion, and in a few minutes a vast mai Matte bad assembled within the Cathedral The Bight Key. Dr. Matlock appeared on the altar in pontificals, and with heartfelt and melting suppli cations covjured the people to be calm, to keep the pesoe, and to go to their homes ; he then presented the ehaliee eontaining the most Holy Sacrament, and exacted a promise from all present that,for the honor of the Divine premixes, they would bey his instruotions, and endeavor to induce all to do the same. Soon after this all externally was re. stored m tranquillity, and no disturbance or breach of the peace occurred duties the night. .4. Historical Reminiscence. ,From the Rations] IntelHemmer:l Oar readers are aware that it is a postulate, or, if not a postulate, that it is a corollary of the *to talled " State-rights" theory of the Conetinadon, that the crime of " rebellion" against the Govern ment of the United Stir is not predicable of sovereign States. The patrons of this theory hold that the several States, es contradiatingniehed from the people of the United States, are the creators of the central "agency" established under the name of the Government of the United States, and hence it follows, according to their reasoning, that the authority of the States is so far paramount to the authority of the said •; agency," that in ease any one of the former chooses to "resume" the powers delegated to one latter, it has a right to do 80 without isiourring the penalties because not com mitting the mime of " rebellion." We have no disposition to enter into any nice dis criminations on this point of metaphysical . politios as the logical merits of the question have been too repeatedly discussed in our columns to call for any further exposition at our hands. But, as serving to show how unhistozioal is the assumption on which this whole theory proceeds, we purpose to recall a single Mot in our constitutional history. It is hnown to every reader that the oinventiOn which first assembled in the State of North Carolina to dtliherate on the adoption of the Constitution framed at Philadelphia, in 1787, adjourned without either ratifying or rej•oting that instrument. ID stead of coming to any decision on this paint, its members, by a vote of 184 in the affirmative to 84 in tae negative, determined to recommend to all the States the adoption of a Declaration of Rights and of twentpatx amendments to be inserted in the body of the Constitnion Among the latter was one which vary eignincantly implies a belief on the part of the North. Carolina. Convention that States, as States, could elites thennelves in en at titude of rebellion against the Federal authority ; for the twelfth amendment in the series was con ceived in the following terms : ''Congress shell not declare arty State to ha inter,- Won without the c nem , of at lonst two-thirds of .11 tee members present in both Houma ' As the great ettetiinotioa between the Govern ment established by the Articles of Confederation, and the present Constitnticeof the United States, Is f ou nd in the Oltat that the former , operated upon the States, while the latter, within the sphere of its jariediction, acts directly upon the people, as individuale, every reader will readily perceive the ohiMericial danger against which the anti Federal ists of the North Carolina Convention were seek ing to guard. Bat we cited the language of their amendment under ale bead, for the purpose of showing how alien to the genius of the Consti tution is that metaphysical login which. of late years, halt given &ash an exaggerated develop • ment to the doctrine of State rights. pit _ _ THE FAMOUS PORCELAIN TOWER:m.IIO7y Reboot Child has read soutottdog about the famous porcelain tower of Nankin, of which we have had numerous engrmviiags. One of au English Party lately visiting Nankin writes that all now left of that beautiful object is to be found in a heap of loose porcelain tiles and ether debris. From the specimens obtained of the unizte porcelain, it must have looked particularly beautiful'erhen the Fun shone ow its variegated colors of brown, yellow, green, ao. ;' but the oolored tiles are competed of Inferior I FINANCIAL AND cogiiNERcIAL. The Money Market. PRIZADILYIRA, Jana 38,1981 No more gratifying foot cum be presented of the patriotism of the Btate of PamirOnto* and the faith of its ottpiialistil iu tbo stability of the Gene sal Government and the Natio of the °muse whtok le concentrating its energise, than the Mmounoe moot that the loan of three million dollars asked for by the unto GoVermont hes been all lola willed for at par. The following is a list of the bidders , received from Harrisburg this evening. Oar despatch says lisertominto. June la. The Lids for the BA fat OM six tter Oen . loan of the Commonwaaith rf e^nnsylvaain- direct to the Beare tart' ..f e t the 7f: e rn :l in t :a , :e r a , e n . % t ‘ k , r d s a m m e a ss de n nn de- Drexel fyo . and Jay Cooke k CompliBB,ol/ere- were opened to-day, and are all follows. ad home atpar, Pki.P.I.IPS' and 010011111105' Bank, Philadelphia, 8200 000 ' Philadelohia Sank, I€o.ooo Girard Bank. tto -..... 122.100 Mechanics' Bark. do-- 100 000 Commerc , al Bank of renusylva . ix, do.. .. 100 000 Bank of Nor n Amerma. d0....._..111.000 Bank of Northern Libertine, Western Bank, do- 40.000 Cl y Bank. dO.. •.. 24 MO Southwark Bank. d 0....- 25,000 Tradesmen's Bank, 25,000 Bank of commerce. do-_-... 25 000 Bank oi Feee awnehip , do 25 100 Manufacturere' Ara '4 sahanics , Bank. do- • 20 000 Commonwealth Bank, 200.0 Corn Raohange OM enusi4tdatio... 15000 Kensington B ank. do---... 20.000 P Contre itionship Association. d 0........ 10.010 American Fire Insurance r 0.. d 0........ 10 OM Penna. Co. for Inn. and Annuities, do— ... 10 000 Itmura...se Co. of nab America, 24 100 Franklin Fire insurance Co 20 000 Delaware:Marna /neurone* Co.. do ..--- 21 00 Penn Fire rarumnes Co , 10-000 Retinue. Mutual Insurance Cu, o. 44W Mutest Viva insurance CO., 8enant0wn......•.. 4 oeo The Mutual Insurance eninpany. Plutadelimii.... 10 000 Peenaylvani , Railroad Co do.-- . 3x0.001 treading Railroad Co., 65.000 Mount ho'wßailroad co., 00 ach ieation 0.. d',........100 1 0 Beeaware Division Canal Co., 00 YL , sicros Coat Co.. de.... . 10 lOD 24t7obityrts' and mannf. Bank, Pittsburg, 64 me Bank of Pitfaburg, 0. -- MAW Exahange Bung , (Jo. 90,14.10 ei , -IZ.Oe Bank. do. 51000 then" , Bank, do. 40120 Iron , :ity Bank. do, 00 1 00 hienhannse do erie Bank of Cbombershurs. Chambersburg, Pa- 4001 M York Rank- York Pa Columbia Bank. Columbia, Pa 40 000 Yore County 20 ai 0 ParM.re Hk. of Elobuyl- County. Pottsville, Pa.. 20.000 frautrof rielawarr. County. Chester. 10 0 0 Do , lesootra Mink- Doylestown - , 10 oro Leek Haven B Look Raven. PA. HI 000 Bank of Chaste , , lonnYs. West Cle•sier„ - Pa-...... 100',0 R. ilk or Getty idiom. Gettysburg. Pa. . „.... 10 WO Bat,k of Germantown. nermantown, ra........ 10 000 Atrocosbure Rank.lltroudsburg, Pa.—. - ODO t.ebason Bank 1 ehamon,- - 10.000 F emu! n Pank of waseington, Washington, 10 000 Onto-am Bank Oxford. pa_ 3 00e Bank of anville. etc and othirs,_Banvill., Pa_ 11.0120 Fame a' and Mechanics' Bank. Boston. 10 000 Bank of Montgomery °curdy. rornotows, Pa... a 4100 R a na or POtt6 , OWII, Pottstown, Pa ..-.. ...... 10.000 Forme *a' Bank of Lancaster, I ammeter:Pa- - 20 600 Lancasterr •ounty Bank, I annaster. Pa-- 21 000 Leban •n Vanes , Bank. tobation. 00n Monntfoy ' , auk. vomit Joy Pa.- -.. 040 m Wyoing Bane W•lkesbarreaa....--....--... 10000 Easton Rank. Easton. Pa ... 000 Planonar Savint . wad, Banoner. Pa... • •• • 16 1 W Marro burg Rank. Ilarrisbn ra. au 0 41 Meohanias' B 'Harrisburg, Pa —.—.. 8).01 1 0 *Kittanning Rank. Kittanning. Pa..-- - wino Bank of • iddlicown. Middletown, Pa SO OHO Miners' Bank. Fottsvire. In MO Mono , rahela Bank Orownsvine, Pa.lo 000 Bank of No, thumherlaud, Northumberland, Pa. 10 OM John Grigg. Philadelp*ia ..... 10 000 -I^hl Virpi tel. Br desbura. • 250 Michael F. Clark. Philadelphia— 10,000 A. 2 , 138 key Banos, Germant0wn...._.—,..,.,..:.'50 Mars B. Mickey.. loa R. J. Iddings, 200 Chas. Iv. Rainier. Bustleion.»., --- 100 W. E. Garrett 4s Pons, Philadelphia 2AOO Samuel D. Walton, --- —.-- 3,000 Collins W. Walton, Chas McCown:. —......... /00 John P. Rowbothato. 400 E. Otis Itendall, do__._ -- 2,000 R. S. Waltos, do ......--- 60'1 John Rosa, Bucks county- • •• • • •• • • ---- 1.00 0 John Reset, d 0...... .—.— SO Ellis Lewis and others. 50.0051 Benrr Onhring tad others, .....• • 60,000 Ilelisecker. 00 Ranh A. Brown. j_amen W. Usaley do-- - 3011 M. 8. Gluey.. do-----... an - Rang, Williams. d0:_._...._::..:.....T00 Joshua T. Jeans*. d 0...............-..., 5,000 Eden Drew. fzusta^e Wod.kind, 2 000 Alarsarat Robb, 'Alen B Barnes, 2 000 John G. Moore. do.-- -.- 100 Tbso. J Wash. - ancy P. Pleaslatas, 161arg a et M ari in. d 0......- 100 Rises* Potts. Jr., 800 Boraos B rifler. Philadelphia 6 000 John Provost. Germantown ...... -..---.-. 1,6 0 Roger IL Kirk. Lancaster , warriet 1 1. Baird, Reading.- ..-............ 100 1 Joseph nt, edame ..... 2000 Joseph Harty. Mame county,..-. 200 Jcseph Fisher, Philadelvh-a. I,OM Nathan Trotter & Co., Fichdelphia 5,000 Limb, B. Banaher. Gettyrbur - 60 Bernard Conway, Philadelphia.- ,toot: 606 John Gray Trustees Girard Betinnat3,ooo Michael Moyer At' error/ Blight, • 1,00 0 Jerome Flariki..ton 500 penis O'Connell, Ninry Greleme.e,:Liam Ann C. PumMifigo, do— ... coo John 4. Brown, do - 10 000 3. 41M1031 Eysto r. CSnmherehn.rf 1000 Fire 'n'euraLee Co., ForthamOtoll 60, 1. E•eat.,e 1,000 A. McCoy. Tr.. - Antis Id Green, Um:ton- 100 11. 1 1 . Maxwell , Guard., kitaitoii - -- ....-.......... 100 IL D. Maxwell. 20 0 inor2b SMToerr York. ... 1400 Alex. J. Frey 1000 Rh La.'s 2%000 Jst Cooke & Co.. do—..- 10.000 Jnavph H'trrisoo.Jr-a do 70000 w. H. Newbold. Son 3r. Aorwook, rutisq6[llllll. aWa C. Br. 0. do ..,«.., /1.9.20 _ AV. Clarkkro. G—orge Mavalister k John P- C•orter,. - Jobn T. Williams, Germantown 'Edward Rear AO.. . Deka Lea. Philadelphia —. 3 000 C Lea. do 700 , R K. Rolle, no .. 1 000 Wm A trencher& . 5.0 W fi. Beef et. Titoism Riddle At. Co.. 1 Om 0. Rosen erten. du —.....-- d 000 . . .. .. .. Ger‘rge ft Oinart, d0_..........—..........i........... 10 000 Fyne, Rogers- do .........;:............. SOW Stephen ilo ris. d0.............:...... 5 000 Morris. Teeter k Co.. do .. .... . _,... 9,000 Edwin at B - nner. fi50nneytewn:Pe.—.............., 500 Inland find ranoe ConvenT.LAßoastor....... 2 Oro Henry Yottueon• Munoy --...... ................--,-- 1 000 Jaunt, M. Campbell. 1ahr1dnirn.............4...• ....20.0 0 Andrew riloClu-g. Alexandra .—.........—...—. • 1.600 Alex Aide , Hardine. Philadelphia ................--. 400 Thomas E Franklin. Lanea5ter—.....—...............-- 1.000 Jam- aH.&G. T. Lane. 00--...............—..... 1.000 Baser & Brother. d0.............i.www ....... 1 000 It F. Rauch. d 0....—.—.........--. wn R.ed. Moorann. Kelly, & Co.. lasooastarL......—. 500 Ge , rore M tatisinnian. Lannaatar..:............. 11 1 00 Charles A. Heinitlsh. do —....................: 600 E. O. Lona. d 0..............--.........:........ 100 John F. Lehner. d 0.—............«..... 600 Charles Bertild. d 0.........- - - MO A H.rr , mira. d0....,—.......—.......... 1.003 N Ellrnaker. d 0...... 600 Jnl,n F. Lone & Co., do— Joh it Bae r & FOLIC • • *v.v.. ••••••••• 1.000 F. • mnble. berg. do— —. 1 4 1 00 2 0 0 ww riv w• do opn Geom." R. Yapper. Philadelphia— 10 000 G ore Wetberill, 00.... —..... 0 000 Th .maa P. Hoepes. ......2 010) M. Parker: woo. Yeek 000 Margaret R °n . umbertard Vs Mr Pail.oad, Chazahersburg.. Thomas Webster, Jr, Total. three roillions and mat,. thausaad hart d•ed and Bill dollars. all at par, except fourteen hun dad dollars. Exchange Bales, 3. nill. 3 /sdiadelphia Stot June 1 R3ronTun us 3. E.SLAirstm 1n }mi . Iroo Lehigh 'Fay 6s ... 10 , 0 do 1000 do. )oo 26 Cam tr.. Am}, R... .112 loop N Palma .4 68 1000 enna ft I.t m 97g• Nu Cam Qc Anthem '7O. BuN Bb7WEbt 6 1 0 Cay 6.4.—New.P&P 96 400 do .New.C&P 95 I . 6 Penna R......... 37%1 SECOND 5000 Pensm bs ..... ...... 77 10.4 do.------.... 77 aro do. 77 4 20 & 3d Ili * ft.—. 5/ 1000 s.ehieh 6 1000 OM 66.. et 0W.C&I" 96 CLOSING PIP Bid. Asked. Phi a Ant oft a% 83 ?boa ea R.int off 875 a 88 Phila Se nevi kmo'9s ' 96 Penns 55... 76Nr,. 77% Read R__..l6 9 16 .5 11-16 Read bds 7934 50 Rea/ int 64 89 90 Rea rut tele— 70,‘ 7131 Penns M.— ._. 57% Sni( Penns R intas 83,X 84 Morrie Can non. 89 Ss% morns (An Pfd 106 108 Bah Nav Imp . 61-- 7; Pah /lay &odic. ._ Son Na, Preen. 10 L. 1.: Philadelphia Meikete• June 13—Evening. There is no quotable change in Flour, and holders ' generally are free sellers at former mites 2WO Ws We tern extra and 1.806 bbis extra family sold on terms kept private. MO bids Pennsylvania extra family at egio4l, bbt, flandard superfine is offered at 6f5W. and extra at 015 80 or bbl, withtut sales, except lot* to the trade, including Western do. at 111505.25. and extra family and fancy lots from 5575040 aiff bbl, as in quality. Rye Firms and Corn Meal are not inquired for; the former is offs,ed at $3.50, and Feradulvsana Men' at as 87M bbl, with: ut salsa. orriaar.-1 he demand has fallen off, and the market uniettlid and lower ; in the absence of large sales, red is quoted at 125e13i0 for common to prune, and waits at 14001000. asoordirs to quality, nye is nominally unchanged; the last sale of ennarylverna was at 640. Corn 1, inactive; about 3.0.0 buil said at Ste for prime southern afloat, and 424ttito for inferior to fair white ; Western mixed rouges at sumo, the latter for prime. Oats are unchanged; Southern are worth, 31:1o, and "enna Me. BAILS COSAN/ata in good demand. with farther sales or 75 Ws tat f4o querourou 4t2S qr ton. Tanners ' Bar* is dull COTTON —Thera is a limited business to note, but Wows are firm in their demands, and IMs market general'? emit, Gnocsaiss are firmer, with rather more inquiry for Coffee cud saline at full Wes. IenoyISIONS continue dull and negleeted. end no sales or anyoonsequen have 494:MAW tO Oar 41110tatiOnia. Writ KY mover elf as wanted at itifkenre for bbi, and 16Yao for nhda. IkMRII4I3 INTELIAGICNCE. eEE FOURTH PARE. ABRIVED Steamship Delaware. jobueMille hour from PI York. with mesa and pasaengar• to issue. Alidardioo. At .11/ A Nt yesterds) saw blit Alin Elizabeth, trout Siena Leone. totting nuderwaor. Btu Brouhaha fiosebrook.lO data from Cienfuegos with susar atm molasses to 3 A. W Welett—resae, to li souder & Co. hohr Bohemia. Clark. 2 days from Chestpeake City, with grain to uteriatian & Curran. Vein . Delaware, Booby, 1 dor tram Smythe, Del, with corn to Jas ISOTtlitt & bun. Steamer Mars,Niohois, 24 hours from Bow York, with to W id Baird & Co. raeamer Cormotd. thommi, 24 hours from New York, with mule to Wm M Baird & Co. (ILEA RED. Bark GA (Itr) Piton, talc of Jersey, Upg, A .1, On .lb.tage. Bark r ray, {Nor) BOPS, Cox*, for orders, VForktuan lit M r Light. Blair. Bath. Biahoe. @llama &Co Pou Itf r Halyard. Correy• Wa.hinglOo•J W Blown. Bohr Bee, ltaskell, Pawtuaket. Btarooksou.& Glover. cchr Bolter. Sausos. Bancroft' Lewin & CO. dater /1A Coggshall. T ion, Salem, L Itothenne. & Co Bohr 1. P Phan), Phan). Charlestown, Tyler, Stone Bohr Barth, Berson. New Bedford. J R. Blakictou. hohr Get] Palen, n teketeon, Provadenoa, It it Powell. ' l l ° L .b . t r! ) tid M is ) , 9 ll " ob j .n zi ao ge ir et u elyr "s Y le ci r rlt " .. s w - r m Co. Str It L Gay. liar. Baltimore. A Groves. Jr. rdy-SIDRANDa. Cata.tsioN.—Tbe bark ELen Morrison, for, Kingston , . Ja. whilst proeeedins down the rivet at 4 0 . 0101311. es' on. in tow of steanaug Dolphin. Wee r n into uff. Walnut street by the steamer estate-Rights t witch earnest away cathead . Imbue,' pmt and a OE cutwater. She pot into &emir+ tliniplaun & *b.'s. where she will undergo renews dais James strewn. Crabtree, at , Liverpool Mix alt. frigantp°allioTtsWvialinClou'reJta4lllll3for Phitadelpit . is. entered for loading at Liverpool arch Wt. Ship Frig ate Bird, Johns, for 'Currant's°, entered Ma yans at London s 9 alt. , • was Basilan Croaker. Sheriff hence, arrived at Bel fast 170 t. Simons having etteensbard VP, cavern weernenand had -to throw skint 6,70 Ulna titoorr 9v9r7 bo , ;4 for the gaiety of the skip. locumsoshipsoln:yournanittaeottormirfored.Ltatvezirpyooolr.indestelltral;;l,e, THE PRESS.---PHILADELPILIA , FRIDAY, JUNE 14, 1811. WORKING SOLDIERS —some of the fire eating mortice:indents of newspapers in Sectaries are finding fault with the ha dr Northern soldiers who aro on dear M Maryland mid V clinic. They ear they are rough, dirty. and uncouth and 'her conceive that a hanallat thrust from a'oh vu'gar hands. in the breadbasket of a Becersi :met would be au unbearable insult. These oalorio•dev..urinv individuals are hard to phase ; they don't like our rough Babe rii i thei sneer at our" silk cooking" regiments. and the- even profess not to ad mire the elegant germane made at the Brown bums Clothing Bah of Rotarian & Wi'son. Nos 603 and WO Chestnut street. above Sixth. The laet•deeortbed arti olee aro eour gray** to traitom Tae CAMP AT FORT FOIEITTYLRR —Volum,' Baker l e California R esimest in the only one now stationed at Fort Schuyler. and the men are well maciounodgrd. A gush.) , of the companies composing this regiment are Phi'adelpniane, who nurohased their military garments at the ooe-mioe Clothing Establishment of Granville Stokes 609 Chestnut street. At this large military and civic clothing emporium, a new [dock hasjust been laid. which in offered for es)e at the to west oaeh prices. Our military enould "ear this fact in mind. gh.10113L011 7 13 HAIR DYE. - -1/118 celebrated and perfect Hair Dye it she but is the seared. All others are mere imitation" of this great original, which has gained such extensive patronage in all parts of the globe. The genuine W. A. Datohelor'• Liquid Ran Dye iesearesis produces a splendid blank or natural brown, without staining the skin or injuring the hair. and will remedy the it/ edicts of bad dyes, invigorating the hair for life. Sold by all Drugpste and Perfumers. Wholeirale by PkANFSTOCK ft CO., PYOTt fr , CO. , Phlladelyhia. xll•lf Oita Palo 3 CLOTHING ON THE LATEST ErYnxs, made in the best manner, expressly for &B RAM BALER. LOWEST selling prisms merited in Plain Figures. All goods mute to order warranted satisfactory. Our ONE-PRICE system is strictly ad bared to All are thereby treated alike. .6114. /ONES & CO.. 604 MARI trg Ifirret ilmunon's lINiviBsaLLY APPROYBD Rivasay.--Compound 1 4 :.xtraot Buobu °urea Diseases of the Bladder. Kidney, Gravel, Dropsy, Weaimeas, Bead the adrertieement in another opium], beaded Helrubold'e Genuine Preparation." m72l).6tmerf OARD PRINTINN, BREIT AND OHILAPBST IN the City. et 34 South THIRD Street. PAMPHLET PRINTING, and every other dourly. tion of Printing, of the most superior quality, at the moat reanonahle rate:, at RING WALT & BROWlira, Draxel'e Betldinr. adi aatith TAMP ith•eat. del!-tf RAP 10 RD—GRUBI3.—On the 6th instant, at biome- Title. Burks eouuty Fa., by the Rev. A. 'l'. MOM, O. D , the 11 ev. Josep h R. Barnard. et Belleroote, Pa.. to Martha Grey, daughter of George 0. Grubb. of the 1011118 T place. UREIILE.—In the notion of' the 10th inst.. at County Creek, Ye. East Lieutenant John T. Grade, around Artillery. U. N. A. in the 27th sear of hia age. The mate friends of the family are respectfully in vited to attend the funeral- from the resider' , e , his lather. 'Sidman C reLle. No. tel South Nineteenth /treat, thief Friday) afternoon, at 4 o'clock , DEL •,--- n the 12th instant Lewitt Dela. Rho frierdr or the tei., ily are inured to attend hie funeral, on t• nada>, the 16th inst., at 3 o'clock P. M.- from his late residence. 813 Golumbis avenue. To _pro Coed to Laurel Hill Cemetery. Hi Prit —On the 11th losiant, Mary Q. Lippineott, wife of 11. G. Shama. Her relatives and friends are reepeotfalleinvited to attend the funeral, from the residence or her brn•lie.- 11l lan% John W. 2tokee, 1969 Green street. naturdar, June 16 10 o'olook A. M. Proceed to laurel fin. * 412 n tit /0 a 0 it the 11th instant' Thomas Ash rand, in the 77th year of hie are _ . Fnaera. from his tats resi dence, on ixermantown road. above the aeLond toll-gate, this (Friday) afternoon, at 3 - 8.003.14—0 n the 72th instant, Jane Brooke, in the 60th year of tier age, „ Funeral from her late residenee. No. Ogg ennui' strew, on • unday a:tern-ion. a* 2 cdolook, BROOKS —Oa the 121 instant. at his residerae, Bridgewater t'ottrige, a remits°. Mr. James Brooke, in the 66th scar of hie age. Fuller/I from hie late residence, on Saturday after noon at 2 te01 ,, Q2. CRUZ •Irr.—On the 12th instant, Ernest Crozet, print er, as ed 61 years ramie D'r —tin the 121 h instant. '~arch Jame's, daughter of William and hlsanor R. Edwards, in the 6 h 'ear of her age. Fanerat from the reeislenee of her parents.. Be. 16 Lafe.setis street, above Ninth, this (Friday/ mogning.. at 9 tro'oclr . • KIDYT.—On the ugh instant, William IL Kart; aged 16 years and 9 naphtha. k 'metal from the residenoe of hie uniee. Mr. Joni:i -v. Lurnavry. No 1011 South Sixth street, tnia (Friday afternoon. St ifOioak QUI • rr —On the nth ioniant, ratharine. daughter or nadir and the late Catharine Quinn. in the /2.11 e' of her age, from the residence of her brother, o. roderml street thin (Fridan I morning. stem W.A.*. SKILL M i,fa.—On the 11th instant. Wm.", iskilinisti. Funeral from the residence of his eon, 263 Juniper street. nn Saturday morning. BEI SW E. L.—On the 12th instant, Mr.. Augusta A. relict of the late Thomas onewell, in the 70th year ot her Puaneiiare. l eervires at the resistance of Livingston Phenol!: No. 11 North ibleventh street, on anturdar mornin • . a' 9 Me 'Mir. . 6 000 -. 5000 10.000 orn 600 113 Q 9) 651) Ea, Merchants' Ezohance• OARD• 3066 I.ehich Vol 86 /00 td & 3d-re 762 d 111 75 6 lehtgo Po rip 51 45 Plenum 58— 75 61 do 2 Catemussa It Pre— BOARDS. 100 Roadszig 1554 11),Si BOARD. 10 Cam & 2 do , .112 2000 Lotogh Nay Bi ..100 20 No ffffffff Lt..... 41521 20 Hew Mead K. 66 11000 loans R 2d .85 84 C.Ite—STEADY. Bid. krkid, Etmini 7a '7l—, 19 0 Lona laland It-. Ilf: 6 Leh CI & 14.-41% 4,7 X .45h Cl P & nns R - N 847)-52 8 K 33ni % • Nlrth e Iti a. a. ea..— .67% Hi I N eons R 105 -.84 9834 I %tsarinas R *set 5 8,4 Prank & go R ...35 al M & 3d-ata It 9... 3836 3734 Rsee&Vme-at R. 234 - West Phil& a.- -62 66 learnee & Pine._ 7 73G I araan A, Peatar..lo I Cheat & Waln't. 20 90 m S or hip 2th i Atalanta, Merrill, from ca 11..., . ..teed at Haig e Inst. park Tacony, Brown. sailed from Cette 25th ult. for New York. Bark Amy. Hammond, hence, arrived at Londonderry Barsr Addison Dbil.l.neulth.belme.eniled from (4.1 105 / 10 town 78th ult. for Tralea. Hark Mary Btker, Churchill, hence, arrived at Cork hurls ult. Bark 80, Hill. lirwr, hence for Boston. at Holmes' hole 12 h inst. and sailed Isamu. Brig 'inroadsTibbet a. sleeted at New YOrk Yostar_ dtv ior Wilmington. Del. Brie Cantina. Pinkharn, cleared at Boston 12th inn. for Philadelphia. Brirtbartne Thohole. Hatch, sailed from New Bad rord 12th inst. for Philadelphia, !MRS LAM. JOY. from niorra i lone, arnved at New York yesterday. sohrn Week H,rd. Compton. White Puce% Howell. I Ehtterthwaite. Malny, Si A Aindier. Ireland. A hl Al dridge. Human. and B N Fox. Pine. hence, arrived at Banton rim i net. l'ohrs exchange. Ballock. and, J B august, Harris, clewed at Beaton 12th inst. for Phi ade'phia. Sohn Thom Borden. Wriehtins ton, John Cadwalsder. Clayton and Alex Henderson. Gam. hence, arrived at Provide-non 12th inst. Bohrs Rinssolgl. Crowell. and Sea Wiwi'. Tyler. sailed from Providence 12 h inst. for Philadelphia. Sabra Win N Dennis, 14 sile, - Ond ,liebbooa• P rie h helm. arrived at Isewourrport fib loss- Bohm N J Pickup. Pickup. and WI P Hudson, Hudson, cleared at New Yorkyesterday fur Philadelpnia. Mr Barak. Jones, wowed at New York yesterday for Philadelphia. BBL KEW HnLls.JuneltAr IPA F Cake, Flitladel - Oils for Salisbury; enneroinise. Boston for Odessa, Deli J 8 Weldin. Lewis Chester, 8 0 Witletui. Caroline Hall. Demure Reward, at B Mamas. J II Stroxsp Mal! Ann Mame, U F Beeves. and Adolph .011g19. Boston fnr Philnderiai Hiawatha. Newbaryport for do; B. Thomism. oxbu.y tor do Jane 12.8 A tu—Ar rotas Nellie D, E Townsend, and Emma. Philadelphia for Boston. CITY ITEMS. SPECIAL, N OTICES. GROVER ac ONINBEATED NOISELESS SEWING MACHINES Sant in Ore for Family . Seeing- Ns. 730 OH ESTNIST Proof, Ph Psislrltio y 111. 4 kIK1CIED. DIED 7 4 WIDE BLII.VIi B H.EtiZS. only 511 (mats, 7-4 wide Rlaok Raregem, only 50 ends. 7-4 wine Black Banana, only 50 cents. 7.4 wide Black BYgegea. only 62l enlaces, 7.411 e a Mack Baregea, only 451 center. 74 wide Black &waken, only 18 , 4 coots. BENBUN & ROWS Mourning istore, 'en 1t0.91H CEI7daTN UT titreat. - • rtrOBSEQUIES OF LIEUTENANT J. T. Gttr BLIN.-1 be bod• will be placed in Ledo toodence wan TO-DAY. (Fridar.) at t 4 O'olook,sed minata there until 3 o'clock—the Hall being open during th..t.vme to en • citizens. At 3 o'mook the body wi r be taken from the Hall, in chars° of a military escort. which will proceed to the re/Mecca , fthe parents of the deo"ee•d, in ft. inttaenat .troat. above WelLut street, and theme to Wood and C•'meters. Toe Whom of the Army and Navy of the noted Rates. now in t"e atty. are respect n ly invited to :a part at Independence Hall at 3 o'clock. All companieh of the klorne Guards "or other mili tary organizations. &miring to attend the rtineral.t Who are armed and equipped,/ are reammtful y moiled to report ".their commends at Independence Hall by 3 o'eloor• The Select gad Common Council. will meet in their Chambei at 334 0 clock. to participate in the ceremo nies. HY order of the Joiot Committee of Commis. G1;02 R. P. GORDON. Clerk of C. , mmon Council. ry:77. OFFICE OF TAE CONTROLLERS OF • 1.. oCHOOLB, FLIRT BOBOOL. THICT OF PENNS LVA lA. PELLanrinrruajnne 31.1861. At a rri•etins of the Controllers of Pah , 0 Behtio . s, First Theriot of Pennsylvania. held at the CON tot:C LEW CHAMBER, on TUESDAY, JUNE nth, 1861. the follownsresointions were ad red : Resolved,That t is Board recommend to the Direo tors of the various Elections to allow th- mule pawls of the Public Schools to Varticipite in the prooession con templated by City Councils, to take Wave on the inh of July new. Resolved. That from the 17th of June.lB3, until the sommr vaestron, the Pueblo Bohoola of +Mena. shell bold one mission. °Gram:man: at 85g o'clock. A. M.. and closing at IM o'olook , F. M.,lroraufong half hour's reoeall. Resolved. That any Teacher '4ol4th:is the rules sad tesal.tions adopted by this Beard, tee warrant for mist,' of such Tawnier shall be tr.thheld. ROBERT J. HEMPHILL, iel3 3t Secretary. P/i/LADELPIRIA AND ERIE RAIL. RO TI.-vid BE TING. OF STOCKHOLDERS. SPECIAL 111.ER:TINO of the Stookneldeie of the Platedelohis and brie Rea'road Company will be held at the Office of the Comeau.. on THURSDAY, June raj, IEOI, at 10 o'clock A. in., for the en-pose of 01)6111- der/Dg. a proposition having for its °toot the early completion and leaning of the railway of the said Com- Dane. _ By order of the President and Board of Hanscom. t 27 w. Ito w.: POPFoR D. Peoratary • irr, CO ATLALITic RAILROAD CO.dPSPIY.—An &loion for ireoiors of the Camden and Atlantic Railroad Com pany. to serve for tile 01111111114 year. will be held at the office of said Company, at COOPER'S ril I V. Cam den, New Jersey, an TOURSDA V, the 27th inst., be tween the hours of 11A- WI. and 1 P. N. jell-RS ROBERT FRAZER, fieoretary, TTarr. nA EEmet.oYEunsi.eFawn THE PROTESTANT EXCHA.NOE,Southweet corner SECOND' ant NCW Streets , and take eielaure in recommending it to the pubilo mann institution touch' needed in our city, for its care in "'electing the beet men, women, and children as to character and dealt beacons J. F. ADDICKS, Time Street. M. SELLERS. q•een and Tidnehocken •treeta. JULIANN,. R ANDO LPH. nu Chestnut. street. EDWIN KIRK PA.IRICK.I3SIArohetreet. Br. PANCOA.BT.II3I Mount Vernon street. JCS, KWH A ADS. 1,1520 Mount Vernon street. GEO. PR REMAN. PH North Eleventh street. P. G. OLIVER„ . BSO North Sixth ,greet. S.M. BO W SR. , hird.sa Germantown avenue, T. WILSON, 210 North Front street. T. IideGUIRK,422 South Front street. hi N. WHIT R. MS Marshall street. W. C. fIOICER L W Market unlit. W. H. RICHARDSON,4iS Market street. And over, one hundred end _fifty more, to whom re ference will be given at the °Moe. nl3O-ant IMILITALRY NOTICES. iTHE BUBSCII4ER U& EZEN A' IT• ITORIZED by the P - Atildeizt et the Vnitnt Btater gqinnilen .461.i/MENT OF , INFalerhY to rewire dining the war. /36 desires tbet It. Emil be Qom rweii of eneh nr.terb , I as will )efleat Ihmor upon the publics serviee. With this view, he inviter the ga-nne. :align of men of eat blush d 7 DPIIULtiOD and , n ilita r y cnpericnce. and earnoially of graduate; of tae Gaited Marne %Oita," Ao...lemy+ so far as practicable. Gentlemen of this e tamp are rmineeted to addreee Like glibigv tber, at the sr. LAWRBirtIt.". lOtEl...*.ebil&- dnignia. without delay. JNO,. W. OEARX. Je14.31,* i NINTEI,WARD HONE GUARD.- An adirn waed meeting of the * Weans of the hhuth ward favoran:e to the formation of a Home Guard will be held THIS EYED' LNG. at 8 o'clock. ie the Hell at the a UthWeet corner of Fit.itwAT and TIV kt.FT.II titreate. CHBB. O'NEIL , . neoretary mo Om lATTENTION !—Wanted, for immedi ate active aervioe.AßLE-BODIED MEN nt,esoeo tabilir. tole n the " IMPERIAL QUARD.' ,,p3I, at .1106 so aeOond "to ry of N. VI? . corner of p Kurd, a• and PIP 1. 1 11 Streets. D. B ISIL IV, Jel4 St* First Lieutenant. I,Ort MEN WANTED FOR THE UNITED STATES 31 AMINE rIORPS. ably -hothed, between the ages of II and SE ream not lea than five feet four and a halt inches high , and of cord 0h..r..,,r. SOldlergalSTVlllj to this corps perform duty at navy yards. and, on board 'United mates ehipa•of= war on foreinn atations. All other infoiniation which ," b e &wire d I va, be even at the Rendesvons. No. 511 Seta FRONT Street. Firat Lieutenant W. STOKES BovD, j e 4-lm - • Rhenium °nicer. LINF.-53ZZ PHOTOQRAPIIS tat OIL ate inlldertOM Irwin Daguerreotypes or Anbrotypas wberi v•roon's are. &baled or deceased. and teach sure: ILIOLOAt paintings as likenesses and plotureg,tf made at i laijakdeli °Silent 15.c.00:411 Os., above G 114012. it ABTAIL DRY GOODS. W HOT.E ALE STOOT HOSIERY. HOSIERY, HOz , IERY. HOSIERY, TRIMMINGS AND FANCY GOODS, TRIMMINGS AND FANCY GOODS, TRIMMINGS AND FANCY GOODS, TRIMMINGS AND FANCY GOODS, TRIMMINGS AND FANCY GOODS, TRIMMINGS AND FANCY GOODS, FOR SALE AT RETAIL, FOR CASH. AT RETAIL FOR CASH, AT RETAIL FOR CASH, AT RETAIL FOR CASH, AT lETAIL FOR CASH. The aoheoribere offer for nate, an add SAM. THURSDAY, 6th INST., eT 1 . 11211 k STORK. NO, 409 MARKET STREET, NORTH SIDE, NO. 409 MARKET STREET, NORTH SIDE, NO. 409 MARKET STREET, NORTE SIDE, NO. 409 MARKET STREET, NORTH SID le, FROM 9 A. M. TO 5 P. M. THEIR 131.9C.1C OF GOODS FOR CASH, RETAIL. LESS THAN WHOLESALE PRICEB. All kind. of COTTON HOSIERY, NEEDLES, PINS. GLOVES. ROOKd AND BYES, LACE wawa. SKIRT BRAIDS. ZEPHYRS, TAPER, BEALTA MIBTLAND WOOL, COMBS. BRUMES, SPOOL COTTONS. i'ERFUMTRY, BUTTONS, UNDERSHIRTS, (Of all Deporiotions ) Merino, &Q.) Aker a Full Assortment of Dress Trinirnitee. BURNET I', SEXTON. & .. SWEARINGEN. jeti-Im NO. 409 MARKET STREET. NEW MANTILLA STORE. The Ilion splendid 51LIC NIANTLain in the city ITOUGE/ 20 'SOUTH TENTH 'STREET. SILK MANTILLAS, every uew style,tho riohest qualities ever seen. at tfin elegant New Mote l 25 SOUTH TENTH STREET. laB4rEt HOUGH - CO. • • 4F4 R,PRING OLOAKE, IN EVERY NEW m,S' 93 5. QPRING CLOAKS, IN ENDLESS VA- Ifr ,7 net', at IVENS', lay 31-Ita OLOAK -I, THE. OHE.APEEIT K2' ever seen, et - IVENS'. lm No. 23 3. Ninth Weld. NEW STYLE CLOAKS , EVERY NEW- Eyrie, every new material. at 32noes that.setolugh ever y_ono. at the large gore. N. Z. GOYIM' o f Eighth and walnut creete. myi/-3111 7ITY CLOAK STORV, No. 142 Lg. ' 11 ..." Eighth street. above Cherry. are nowyrelling every new style of the season. superb qualttict,in mg nay shade of color, cheaper than any other store la the oity. ,IRENS AT COST FOR CASH ONLY ! A-4 Damask Table Cloths. for cash. Irish Linens at cost for dash. _ Linen Damasks at oast, for cash. Towels at omit. for clash. rhestins. Pillow and Datoher's Linens. Napkins, Doylies, .remo Cloths, Ao., Comprising our entire stork Linens, AT Coin' FOR CASA, commando* to day. the 4th inst. Oar stook' is large, cheap, and fresh and will present many unusual bar gain., even in these times of extranrdlnarj cheap goods. COUPRIt h COriAßri jet 111. E. nor. W? NTH and litAßrlelr. nPENINO OF THE ARCH - STREET MANTILLA NTORE, N. W. corner TVAITH ncd ARCH. ALL afhl* BOOM. Rich Lyons Bilk Circulars. • Rich Lyone Bilk Baeiruee. (Umbria and Yusher. Laos Points. o. do. do. Mantillas. Cloth and Tweed Circulars. Summer Cloaks. Are. Purchased under. the Haunte of the War. sash), end to be Bold at lees than the oust of importation an t { msaufauture. Ladies are invited ip tesseet thin stook, without re serve. before surohasua elsewhere. mill Im J ACOB RORBPALL. guktmEß. GOODS,- Redixsati to very few priest,. Grenadineßiereana, Elm Riah Orinadharand Lawful. Panowerated Wife. Bungee. Gray Travelliron Goode. Detainee, • r oukards. Vtaitalre illfeassnbulE. Taney Mite. 9/11. Uae Berege,, taninune. and Ott y !Mai. °hely Broaha, and Malian; Sae RPLERS BOTHERS, rywnprrettry and itifiliTe Streets, SPECIAL NOTICE On and after Mu date THORNI.BY ift will over HVBRY POSSIBLE INDLICEMBIt7 SO CASH PURCHASERS OF DRY ODOM BeingitetarwLined 10 adieu Otair Stria the? will Ms °acid Bargawas Beautiful Panoy Silks for DI Gents, worth $11.12 Heavy Each Fancy Silks f0r..1. well worth Grenadine 'and Barage Hood., about one half their value.- Cray mixed Goads, in every variety, from a cents per yard to RI ets. • -•-• Bl•AOH lircjtAxp - Lorraoug. VERY Neat Bleek Breaade faoad. hoc &a, De LlOnea, CaJnoaa, cimminerme•Claha, Vestuara. Linen, Pletmele. Quilts, Co ve% &0., eco. stuow LAND GLOM R-ROollit EXHIBITION. French Lane Mantles, Pointe', Shawl', Eugene,. Cambria Lace Mantles, Chantilla Laos Goods, eao. Black Si* Coate Mantles., &o. in every style, Avsttolotkr. e CHICHI H. E. ourter mammas ammo COWEN atm. • I-1 STEEL & SON; iLvt• He. 713 North TENTH Street, above Coate. Will menthe • BALANCE OF THEIR STOCK OF NEW AND DESIRAULIi DRESS GOODS At 'till greater rednetione in avian than they have ever before mad.. and at MUCH LOWER PRIcHe than any RETAIL-WHOLESALE HOUSE in the city. Fico7 and P oolard mite, very cheap. Vetlr oheap and good Slack Silks. 01.0100 Dram Gorda of every variety. Fine Jnoonet and Organdie Lawns at Mg. I, CE MAN rt.Ert, rOIeITAS, BOURNOiIk SILK AND MOTEL CONK 4ND MANTLES, GREATLY UNDER COST PRICES. SMALL-PL AID SILKS. P.- , Blue and White French Bilks. Biaolc and Whits Frenoti Siam Brown end White French !Mike. theism and White French Bilks. rurele and White Freueh BO dos. edicts. at 81 eo ger doz. SO dos. white But (Noyes. Sao per Pair. Moly geode reduced very low. re °lase out, at JOHN H. STOKES. .10 70t3 ARCM atreet. NrSQUITO CURTAINS AND GLASS COVERING. WHITE AND COLORED SOBIIIETS. The subscribers have now on hand a full assortment Of White and Colored Hohmann. of different widtha, mutable 'or mirror and ointure °overman. FLY NETS AND MO sQ UITO BARS. They are nntrired to oover oha , deliers. was fixtures. pictures, glasses. &0.. and to make Mosquito Curtains for bads and (albs. in the MOM approved manner, and at the ahottest nonce. SHr SPA it I), VAN HARLINHEN Ir. ARRISON, Important and Dealers in Curtain material'. Shades, &, ~011+1 .. It. 1 CHESTNUT Street. ADAMS & SOWS STUCK to be closed nut At Lowest Wholesale Prioesi CHEAPER. THAN IF A DISCO UNT WERE OFF after die wale eras mTAKade. EN WORTH AND ARCH. sory Yti ig & LAN DELL OPEN THE MORNING I ease Mogsmbique•,l6Xo. 8 4 Manama-vies for Dragoon and Dilaters. EYRE & LANDELL open to-day one muss more Feet Colors Orgardies , l2% ate. Bummer Goods alt rednoed. ICE BLANKETS AT VERY LOW RATES. -- Ts!letans for blirror Covers. • 10-4 Nets for Chautieherr. Low SWIEff Murttu fordo. SYICR LANtmLt. Jae FOURTH and Altc;lL A DAMB & SON'S STOOK to be closed out et LOWEST 'WHOLESALE PRICKS, Cheaper than if a discount were taken off after thelisaa was wade. NIGIITH ARCH.. EYKE & LANDELL have Fashionable BILEPILERDS , P. , . A IDS. Hist* and Wbite ewe Valencia. Bleak aa/d White Plaid hloheirs. m.ADIEB, preparing for the Travelling -4 Season. are invited to example our aesofonent of Tounit Graz Dunce Woody,. tiheoherds' Yield Drees 6°oo. SuriertOr Mitt., aloves. Llonery.. /ea. _NYRE & LASI LEL_ L, FOURTH. and &Kull. LOAKS.—Wholesale Merchants are in vited tc t inspect the stook at IVENS'. No, :13 Routh NINTH Street. °erne? . of Jayne M. iny3l-1m Between Market and Chertnnt. ADAMS & BOWS STOOK to be dosed out at LOwNffr WROLESAr Cheater them ifs drecieugt we lA yep off after the Mae WEIS Mid?. lITII AND *NOEL etlee DAMS & SON'S STOOK TO be closed AAIL out at LOWEST WHOLESALE PRICES. Moaner than if a &secant were taken off atter the sale was made. EIGHTH AND ARCH. my 29 T LW—DUSTERS. te. sotto room, second floor, abounds in handsome mantles, Mortars. fsa, Thin floaters, for Ladies and Misses , Franoh Laos floods, at cost. CuOPER. CONARD let 11, li. Comer NINTH and MARKIM A lams 4. SObild STOCK to be closed out at Lowest Wholees PllOOB. OttEAPE.R THAN IF a ratitlNT WERE after the sale was =Cat .61N EI F OILTE AND ARCH. rug) ADAMS it, tiON'S STOCK to be clog , out at Low_est Wholesale Prioes, ClibArbit THAN IF A DIOOOUET WERE TAM OFF after the sale was merle. issuing AND ARCO. ms e 9 NBW PLAID IN EA Just riedirad. no "! r Flying Scud. From'Cutoff," 0 oboes of loc Plaid India Fil, extra iinalitri Wnannted to wash well. and aisrvioeside A Per thuomor Ammon AI one case of MIA% lOW Utah 1 51iiii& Snow POndooa. tor amine' Diaidail• - Waite louden. for 'icier wogr. !ct. rf,,nm; BROTHERS, 14)11., CaEntitrir SU EIGHTH Street& V.YRE 1 LANDSLL, FOURTH and ARCH. Htreets, °Ron this monuar- - a oases low Ural Honda. Eggeauf urea' Muklutes. RETAIL DRY GOODS• HARPER'S FERRY, FORTRESS MONROE. AT EXANDIaA., MANASSAS JUNCTION. And other places now IN THE HAN ua OF eB..:EsadoNIsTS, /re doahtlees midi of seeded intereet to OUR BRAVE SOLDIERS, And the male portion of the community generally ; but THE SPECIAL POINT OF INTEREST TO LADIES Is No 807 CHESTNUT Street, where the WHOLE SALE eTOCE OF PRICE, FEHR'S, CO., is selling of at Retail, and where FOR 1111 YOU CAN BUY THE VALUE OF 32. Wetherefore hope that the well-knowu lilt .17 spirit of the Ladies of Philadelphia win be sufficiently aroused to" Tenn" 807 CHESTNUT ST., WITH ALL ITS CONTENTS, Vlore especially al it can be done PEACEABLY FOR CASH. ALL KIN EMBROIDERIE S .N 1172•8 4OODS. LACES, HDEFS., e. N. 8.-000 LACE POINTED AND MANTLES, at a further reduction of d al per oent. goo PCB. l'e.rtuETONS, l solom, at 10 and 12 cents per yard, for covering mirror's, ahem debars, tto. 200 PCS. SOFT 'FINISH LINENS, entirely without dimming, manufactured ezpreaaly for /Mimi . Ulmer Wpm'. 1 LOT t•F RH eDY-MALIE CHEMISE& em broidered and lace trimmed. I LOT OF EMS. Cdr Muse. YOKES. WirA Fresh Invoioe of Point Lace Goods. YOKES., PARIS LACE MANTILLAS, MO 1D IMP ORTATIION. Those Goods having been relinquished by our Intecot err—in view of the war one's—i e more than toe bare amount of duty, will be offered to purohosars at corresponding reduction from usual retail prices, Vie : AT 50 GENES ON TOE DOLLAR. TIM BALANCE OF OUR MANUFACTURED STOOK &LI OLOAH6 AND MANTILLAS, SPRING CLO EH CLOAKS. all&lbiga CLOAKS ( A.lao, TRIMMING LACES, DKR% AND CLOAK TRIMMINGS, dco ..to., All in large assortment, mill be closed out at an average reduot.ou of OplE. H.O.L.F. in order to complete our cm rallgolllol3ll With Oar creditors. J. W. PROCTOR it Co.„ PARIS MANTILLA and CLOAK EMPORIUM. jet;-tf 706 oILEET•NUTt street. ;ABLEY, MOLTEN, & WOODRUFF, IhIPORTERS AND JOBBERS, No.S3IMARKET STREET, Offer the belertee of their stook of SILKS AND FANCY DRESS GOODS, LAWNS, ORGANDIES. Azd a Mtge assortment of FRENCH LACE POINTS, MANTLES, BURNOUS, AT RETAIL, • CHEAP FOR CASH. jet) et P' ARTIOULAK ATTENTION IS RE - guosted to our fine stook of _ ORGANDJ,NA, FUSZ LA WNS, AND SILK CHAU,- LI Ea. g l e n ' j ArgraM i . " or A h l e A & be w ilkpoaad EIGHTH AND ARCH. MILLINERY GOODS. WHOLESALE STOOK. AT RETAIL. rHOS. KENNEDY & 13110. 74 , 4 ORRSTIII UT street, below EEIGRTIi. Are offering their Stook of FRENCH FLOWERS, AND STRAW GOODS. AT RETAIL,. CHEM' FOR GASH. rin GREAT BARGAINS, THIS DAY, WAIL in BONNETS. C kP9. and READ-ORESSMat the'New York Store. 17 south TF.;IITH Street. ainve Chestnut. nt CLOTHING. WHOLTISALE WHOLESALE STOOK. WHOLESALE STOCK, READY-MADE CLOTHING REAT , Y MADE CLOTHING READY-MADE CLOTHING AT RETAIL, AT = IvFITML4, AT RET-6,1T,,, 33 to 30 per out. leav than the ,usual Retail Priori. 33 to 50 per cent. lees then the usual Retail limes Clothing Bu►erf are reapeotfally Invited to examine thin stock. The Garments being nearry alt manure* tared for merchant tailor mom of large towns and eitiee. are all well out, welltrammed; and subetantiallY made: and warranted to be fully equal to the beet Clothing manufactured for Retail Bales. This Stock will be mold regardlese of wit LIPPINCOTT, HUNTER; 4t SCOTT, - . 4U4 MARKET ekreet. GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS. sHIRTS,. COLLARS, DRAWERS, &a.— Wholesale 'took at retall—imEoved out. and war ranted to fit, at extremely low once& 2y7 NU - rttreet. Je7-12t* DAVID M. MESE & CO. 'WINE SHIRT MANUFACTOIY.-..1. W. MUOTT, 814 CHESTNUT Strew, a few doora below the " DentinentaL" The attention of Whotrosie Dealers is Invited to hio IMPROVHD CUT OF of onuerior fit, make. and =stern). ee bard t. .r 4 ar at ItArtaxt 1,..ti0>. 1 1 4 e-ir -- " - "DRUGS - AND - 111EDItiCINES. MR. 011ARLES M. BREAKER. DK 81E88 to return his sincere thanks to the nubile generally. for the very generous support given to his htsvr APOTHECARY STORE. at the rfurthe.at cor ner of BROAD and CHESTN UT Streets. The business having. since h 5 opening a few weeks eines. exceeded hill Malt einsUine eigeotations. has encourage/ him to make extensive nachtiene tO hie already Weikielected etook,together with every applifinCe nears/miry ct the ea tire sausfactionlof his patrons. having purchased an entirely FRESH SUPPLY OF DRUGS AND CHEMICALS. and vowed the aervrees of a fast-class Elowetaseutist at d Chemist for the vipers'sl oonouot of the Diapeneing department, he would acquit the elegant minutia] of phygioiane generally, and guarantees a 'continuance of the Ingb. malefaction which ham already been expressed by the rapid increase of thls branch of the business. jays -0t LEGAL. TN THE ORPHANS' COPBT FOR THE I N CITY AND COUNTY OF PHI LA PELPHI A. In the matter or the wstate of LAWItEa CV. Joart- BON, deceased. The Auditor ansointea try the Court. to audit. Fettle. and adjust the aeociont ot JaMEd ILLAN and W. G. % gym' ELL, Exisootoes snd Mistees or the es tate of LAWRENCe; JOllfi‘ool.deceased. and to re part distrinstios. will meet the parties interesttdtits office. No. MPS r divert. in th- Otry or pas delohia. wzmunDaY, Jane 26, Bed, et It o e:ocic A.M. ja 4-frov6t ISAAC II AZIARUR ST, Auditor. COPARTNEBBMP NOTICES. PARTNERSUIP lIERETOFORE JR. existing under tbe name of STI.L.ON. STONE, k CO., oomoosed of Robert &Non. James R. Stone, and John F. Bennett, =this day dissolved. ROBERT STI VON. Philo , June 12. 1861. ietn-st* ARMY AND NAVY SUPPLIES. kW The time for opening prOposals ander the follow ing advertisement is extended to 12 o'clock, M , Friday, June 21,1661. additions being mane to tht arlitleg 20 tie proposed ter. ARMY SUPPLIES. -- QUAILTESEASTIIR Ossmasz's Ovvteu. aiarnlSßOßG,,June 8.1831. pealed proposals wilt be receive. at this Office until 12 o'clardr...K.,ol2 Fridgi. the 14th day of June UM for the folloWing _Army *applies end materiel*. de li verable at the Mato military adore. nerrisourg, enantoties as veuired. Said Pommels to bs put/dole opened at the time and place name d and the successful bidders to be announced as dmu thereafter es convenierit-- , he right beiat reserved b. the State to increase or diminish the mobbed end qUantity Of said articles; Twenty titanotal .1:t At With POlk st vine. buttons. and slips comolete. any 'pattern. One thous .nd Common Tonle, army Pattein, poles. ' pins, acs. complete. One hundred Wall Tents, army pattern, poles, plug, flies. ha. carnotite. One thou/and five ed a m hundr p Kettles. sheet iron. three , algae. in nests. 18X pottu. Thins thougand seven hundred and fifty Mesa Pane, eheet bon. weight 2 pounds. • Pr/moss:a wilt be received at the same time for fur- Waives the Mexican or, other pattern of Teuta wim p es, drawling, and spernficatious to be furnished with Ind 12,030 all wool Pan.sloons (army uttelat :Ant preferred, it au+ cue be had to time). 2 1 ,000 Shirts. army entedsid and duality. gape Audit se Caps. indigo blue o.oth. 6,000 Senses. indigo arraY blur. all wool twilled 11,nnel , 12,000 Canteen/. army pattern, royale/1. with straps. is *regimental General Order Booker, full bound depu. 16 Regimental Deseriptive, " de 1 8 Villenial. Orders. Aei}neatat Letter. 04 Id Realm- ntal index BOOke, half bound. 160 Company Order nooks/. fell bound. 150 tloinparty Ciedbilig Hooks, full bound. 120 Comp •ny Morning Ilep-rts full bound. ltki °Mean,' Deeorm Ivo Reports. foil bound. 720 Post Morning Company Reports, full ttelle4. Maniples of the above b oaa to be 'nun at tete °thee, They eve all to be tun bond Slurp, the ilegiment.l Index book, and all demi, except P. at rooming Re ports, 'who* are to be oap. rhe Regimental bo each three q ores exodat the Descriptive cooks which are to be five quires. The Company bo.d. is each one spire. bee Arms Regulations. pages it and 16, 12,000 Maverstuaks, with straps th,mslete. It is desirable that all the above articles be of domes tic nonufacture. and 'where WY et the articles are Jumielied bi the United States, the same must conform in all respects to the seated standard lissom in the United States Quartermaster's/ Oiftoe and Military Store, Philadelpma. Temper cent of the amount of each delivery to be retained as 8, forfeiture until the contract is completed. Time of delivery to be tops cond as. a th 9 *seance Of the tiontror. Contractors ate in then prop. ea e the time when the goods can be delivered And the speedy delivery , of such art es as are needed will be amoodered in awarding the contract. Successful b./A ttire to give Londe With two approved securities, It. O. LOA. jei4 2t Quartermaster General. P. M. rIROPOSALB FOJ WOOD AND 00AL.. MUTT DA THE UNITED BTA.TES, ' FIIII.ILDICLPIDAk JODO 14, no. REALRD PRoPosALa for oupplyinebo mint w ith WOOd and Coal. for one year f , ent let July. 1861. triii be reoeived. by the nnderamned until a Woloolt V. hi , of the Seth mat The Coal must l of Os beet awl h a rdeste Anthracite, of the era 'Mid to epee. and tree from lime. Mate, or foreign goteten'Oes--paoh ton to wei6h termite tyre ling red sod forty pounds. 'the qualm, of tall coil rireerg t. be gummed will by imegeleroo a , on . bailie bid li t " to 1 1 f a r:l 1 d t 0 l a r : lie wood to girt and of the best quality of hick ory ked eptuee ice. other chars The armies must be delivered at the Mint, at such of it em :t in t: I t : te l t :: time and la 11110 e quatutitlee a* mar tte required. free w riv eti po on sa ar s a m szar te mr m al ad of e th ro a r h roan carting or and are to be endorsed " Proppaale for . Coat "--,'` Pro -7,°11611.181.4 for W°°a• J.altlE . d POLLypirKeitol:. MILITARY GOODS. ARMY BLTJ_F] ALL WOOL, BTANDABD WEIGRZ AND COLOR, CADET OASSIMESES, MOTHS, SATINETS, AND JEANS ; WELLING, COFFIN. & Co. JOB'•l2t COTTON DUCK, SUITABLE FOR TENTs, Von SALE DT PROTHINGBAM & WBLLS. m. 19-1 tf CO arn.ISKI ULL kTS.--United Staten al into Musket and Me Bally alma, every de scription of Round and Conical Bullets snannfentnred to order. Large stooks constantly on hand. Orden! filled ataight, br "TitOMAB OTIS LEROY Pc CO., Patent Shot and Lead Wrr 261 and SGS WATER Street bum voßk. 1117 - ITL NEW PUBLICATIONS. ASK FOR KING dc BAIRD'S ED /TIM OP TEE ZIXJA,VE L BOOK. It is ilhistraiedwithover Thittiingravings, shear ing the warionep lt osirinns in thl__ oisx 1iA4.114.0V BKIRMIESHE and RE' as need 1w ELLBWORTR',4 ZOUAVEB. Also. bins. FOR THE e L OIXII,R WHEN IN BATTLE, to is hion is added a Biography and Ft , SETRA I I' OP ELLeworrn, Handsomely printed in Colors. Thdt,e the bear Zinerre Dr il l Beck published." One vol nine. Price 25 Cents. Copies mailed free of postage neon receipt of the Price, br Meta k BAIA D. Printers and Fuglisbers, jell at No. nO7 BANES/hi Street Phila d elp hia ArrEa'a VOLUNTEERS' MANUAL . —PART 2. NOW ANA.DY. And for Bale by all Bankaellers. Price 26ems. 1011a,XTER 8 VOLUNTEERS' MANUAL -C-ar —PANT 9, Containing full inetruetion• for the aoLDEsit Ln Tub O OF TITZ COMPANY, With sixty enpavings illustrating the COMPANY MUVtiB NTB; FUNERAL Hormuz; cownt. saLITTE; MANUAL OF ARMS FOR SEROEANTS.; MANUAL OP TRIt PIW OD R R OR SABRE Yo OFFICERS' The whole arranged according to BCOTT'e ISYNTEM OF TACTICS, and in conformation with the rules and regulations of the iMited eiet.s Army. " 27ii- work is iedispentable to the officers 4, fortmet Volunteer Coopanies." g)3B VOL. nolo., 78 Pares. Price 31 cent.. Comes mailed free of postage upon receipt of the pries t bY KING & BaIRD, Printers and Publishers, io'4-3t No. 607 RANSOM Street. Philadelphia. NEW ENGLISH BOOK —lmportedand I jar gale bf Mo'LBOY & CO., Itti. 27 Routh ELBKU rH R P L r L eet, CIVILIZATION IN ENGLAND, V 01.2, Bvo. cloth. 55 LIFE OP PRO!. FORRON, the celebrated Greek soh° er. BY the Rev . J. 8. watcon, M. A. Portrait and fito simile. 800, cloth. ,94 SIN ON ROttB/..MANNRIP or. Common Sense and Colman Errors in Common Riding. By Colonel Greenwood. Illustrated with fourteen woodcut *. small Bvo Moth. Sy. MANUAL oF MOriERN GEOGR A P BY. -Py the Bee Alex. Mackay, F. IL G. R. 11n01 auto, cloth. SUM PetY • l 4 7.ar. GEOG RA PRY. By Fir John F. W. Herseheil. Post. Bvo cloth. 5150. YOUNig BBNJA MIN FRANKLLN. or, The Right Road Through Life. By Henry Mayhew. limo, cloth. el THE NEW EXAMINER: or, An Ingut , r into the Em lesion Relating to Certain Fannies in Lord Macau hire History. 01.75. ORD DUNFIGNALD'S AUTOBIOGRAPHY. Cheap edition, with fine portrait, maps, do., Thno, cloth, gilt Se 73. pr:374 RAMSAYMI IXEMJNIBCRNCPB OF SCOT TI II AND CMAACTER. BOGOadseries, sloth, isse. GI 87. PG L s.nl ige tLLU 8 TRAVFLR IN THE GORILLA. COI.INTR Y. Illustrittr.d with numerous plates and maps. Sun, cloth. Ga. Foreign Books imported to order by every steamer oiAn astatoptes of new and c.d Eng lignand French Boon. Fursishee gratis no ADDIIMLUMI. jOl3 St gOLIMER—LIEALTiI.---A new book by DR BALL. 24 Cents. JOAN httot?Aa LAN, 33 roam SIXTH St. Agents wanted is the city and Mate Jen•it BOOKS. LAW AND 1111BUBLLAVEQUI3, new and old, bought, sold, sad escheated, at the PKI,ADEbrIiIA-BANK BOOK STOKE. ito. 4/9 OLIBBT.NUT Street. Libraries at a distanoe pn ?hose having Books to sell, if at a dlstanOe, sAt il er i al Cob' lawmen, silos. bindings, dates, editions, pricier, and conuitione. WAPITI:Ill—Books printed ey Benja min Franklin, as well u early Books printed in and L . to i lt ul Ameries Autograph Letters and_Fortraits tear . Pamphlet Laws of Pennsylvania for sale. Cats tante& in Kees, seat tree. Labraries appraised by 9411-11 f IMIN 11A NI PBSILE, MEDICINAL. SUmblEft uoMPLAENT, DiroZeadaY, . DIARIMEA. CHOLERA; AND ALL. APPHO MISS OF Tlirs now WA. • • &re prOMPUT /01171 be rh, CARMINATI eILSAM. the nutg7:7lZornitd: vine baying row eted Ur enabled to Min . the miiifii,4 B i a n r a s ,,, , h o e m e r r.,L et r - for greeted of 111 - Diseases for which it to recommended. ElD'e NW. It OOMYL ales e, OR CHrlit EA A IN- F eNTUffd—A disuse so prevalent among teethes oh'ldren. and so Cifittd in its e (recta—is apeedity and effecoutilly cured by the Carminative. It removes all rispwf itr :ho abdomen, adaya the irritation, and scion of the stomach. lA. i AND tiVservngllV—lto matter from wh t o - , ...they originate, are speedily subdued by the arm IV i blfoLEßA.—The'llirompt us* of the Car minative Balsam well always remove the Dtaracc - i and Cramps which accomeeny the, amass of Cholera., dice ottan oomear.r.ng •he MUSS!" in he inoilierlOY. if has frequently been edminietered m neigabornoorie where the Cholera has been raging epidemically. and has never fatted to Five immediate and isrmanent relie , . For C1101,1%11. Be 010R141.1t1. C 01.10, GRIPING PAIN 4 OUR STODIartH, W ABRAMS PA , N OR 4ICKNE3B OF THE STOM A CH, WANT OF APPETI vrloLl TP'E BOW vLR. CRAMP 4 . Bela RICK NEBR, and all BOWEL A FF nCTIONS and NERVOUS DISEA.ES. it will be found to bee plea sant, certain and safe remedy, unequalled by any otter otepsretion yet offered the kublio. Head the tertMoar : Cspt.Jete. B. trUrSk.AND el Elizabeth townships Allegheny county', Ye., writes , I have usedlour Carminative vaisam in me Canute, and have found at a sure and safe care for .I.lYd e Pt- TISKY and BOWEL CoMPLAir•TS. I consider it an invaluable med.cine that no family thou d be without. Mr. LeVI int , Oßz. of Louisv Ile. Mo.. writes: I have used Dr. Jayne's Ca =native Balsam for my ohi'd'en. suffering from BUMMER COM.r•LA Cal when teething. and have found it A Iciest excellent remedy, and one I would not be without. • 'ley. W.O. E. CUR NY N okra , eupt. of the M. E. Church, (!oath,) in China, writes: I have cm led, pa; haps, one nandred oases of Diarrhea be the use of oarne'e Carnamat ye Pa'aisM. Mr. BARte SS I.OtI(iSTICE.E.T, of Port Washington, writes: was attacked with cnOLERA MORVIIS Baleuly last, and need two bottles of your Carminative to which cured me. It was pronounced by the pits mans to be a severe case. Your Carminative Balsam has alsoaurad my childeedef SLIM M eat COMet-Al is T. Mr. JAtirk„R rOUI.rION. of liolmeavibe, Oh•o,write et My eon was last fall taken took with CH OLERA MO KBllr, Although attended be a physician, he Grew wont.; he was orameed severely. and nothing would stay on his stomach, Until I had used your tlarminative Petstm, which 'aliened him immediately. 1 have 'mob !boom r ended the above medicine to otters, who have used it with like ewes% Mr. JoiliN B. isacKETT, of Cloverdale, Putnam oor.ty. Indiana. writes I was a volunteer in Company B. Seventh Regiment Indiana Volunteers. and while in Mexioo contracted the Chronic Illtarrhosas which continued , without any eenratioa after my oisoliargs from the regiment. When I returned Dome I became reduced to a Inert skeleton. I applied to Mtfßrent plirmotane in my neighborhood. but they only gave me a shott relief, when the disease would break loose with more violence than before. I was then induced to try your Carminative Balsam, which 1 need with the Sanative Full'. My imorOvs meta became rapid from that time. and though I have not entirety recovered from the eHenta of the disease, I Dave gained flesh and atreoirth. Mr. J BSPINETT, of Alum Run, Monroe county. Ohio, write': My little girl. over a year old, was tronb'ed from birth with Diarrhea 'The medicines prescribed fail ing to arrest the complaint, I was advised to administer Jayne's Carminative Balsam. Alter she had taken about one and a half bottles a thorough ouro was ef feoted. Rev. I. J. ROBERTS, Missionary at Hong Kong, Carve. writes; A few days ago one of my nearest neighbors—a Chi naman—complained of having Dysentery badly ; had had it for five six days. limit no time and cave him five of the Sanative Pine to clear out big °wets and then commenced giving him the Carminative Balsau. Before the evening of the fifth day he reported tom self es quite recovered be and the necessity of taking more medicine, and, in fact. he had gone ewer, they reported, aeektn et employment. Ur. E. G. SCRRAUK, of Campo Seim, California. writes: Mrs &bra,* and myself have just recovered from severe attacks of VOMltill g Purgin and C• amp. in our limbs. Übe was first taken. and f subdued her But ravines by the Rae of sour terminative Balsam The same raptures took bold of miler about the time I had her soothed row is to the different remedies laid down in •be Bfateriallf d• ca. but without any success. I then toot terse tablespoonful of your Carminative. which I threw up right away, bat imme d ately repeated he does. alter which I had no longer any symptoms of the disease. and oontianed recover tug my strength until f had regained my usual good health. I believe the sufferings of both of us might have beep gre..tly mitigated if I had us- d the Car minative in lame dotes from the start: end I rßeconi mend to those who may beoome alike attuned to take it iIIIIITge doles. .1 . .We of White RAII. Viteinie, writes: My brother William was lair .. .nag under a severe at tack of Bilious Dysentery, and the dooior • eing absent hie services (meld uot be obtained. 1 sent him a bottle of Jayne's CarMioaC ye Balsam. which gave him en tire wirer in a few hours. ReV, RUFUS BABCOCK, P. Feoretary of the American and Foreign Bible Fooiety, writes : Nome time ago. when travelling on the Western rivers, when the Cholera was prevailing and fatal. I saw and finally experienced the benef mei influence of the Carminative. For anima thirty hour/. on board of a *teenier be. wean Cincinnati and Pittsburg . , d ex permceed the power of roar fell disease. wnich at length entirt•ly yielded to the free use of your Balsam, A Fresbytertan elder on board the same boat, wag tad just been brought to the brink of the grave by • holera, in Cincinnati and Wee too soon hurrying I rmo to hie anxious family, experienord a mileage, an by timely use of the same mediemiti was tome iittelr and thoroughly cured. era-rigour w_curd I say Mall families. and to all travel ler,' ce tne West arpeedaliv, keep the Carminative Hallam 0 11 hand. and apply it promptly when needen. A v CHAN OW. K.Ol Bangkok. elettlfl. writes : When the Cho l era raged so tearful! , arguod us lest Lear. we tt. , d but a envoi emeriti y of your Caroimetive Hareem semi, h, however. to prove its elliciermy in that awful disease. The wile of one of our .111118136 compositors was taken with Cholera, d every effort Much the dative Oootors rook] make to break up the disease was unavailing. and the woman appeared sear her end. at this stage ol the 1ii4011.-15 they tent for O , House, of the ?rent., cerise Milano a, oat he declined giving MY medioine. as o :moldered it a ri• pet- aa ease. Asa last rem ),14, we gave your °ILYA/Anil iVe, aoted I.ke a oharm,and the woman was mired. The CURMINATIVSIAI4SdkhI.III3II eh of JAYNE'S FAxiby mEnIcINEts; are prepared only et 242 0 u viSTAUT Street. and may be had of Agents Wreath telt the Wintry. 03143 t Y URE PORT WINE, MK MB BY C. H. MATTSON, ARM" AND TENTH STREETS. ,el RHOEMAK.ER I CO.. • PAINTS. 01L8. AND VARNINARS. Northeast aoraer.Nowent and .11.4 1 / 4 91; Moats 13.1.(.* 1). ennetis Mil outs Lend, in Igo More and for Sale hr /SU 14.&L15.R. & HOWARD, No. 441, tdiditiCES Onset. Ak RI USA MBNTO 24kRell-BTREET THEATiItYkI• COAMPLOM KSTA HY BISItFyi JOHN L. MoDONO H. in When the followg 116 GREAT ARTISTS Will tomcat:: J. K K • ,I.PATB, j. lc oNoTTO4 ass ..... oTawtatit. MK... I. rotMAr.._ MRS. COWELL... BLITZ ' . Dammam " wiit also simmer. "rogx isKowza,etner wok concluding vi,hruntl t'WO HARRY In which Mr. C. JEFPAKSON O and HARRY CHAPIN win anew. Jett u t rAt 13 T-S'IRE THEAT.N.E. • • Bole Lougee-- .....MRq I. A.O A rtinellno3 Anaineu Agent__ ,„.eIR. Jug . A EXTR a.OADINARY AT KRACTION I ORAN D rIONIBIN STION HOOLEY t CAMPBELL'S MINSTRELS, From ft Iron's 4 smoa. Broadway. New York.. . EXTRA BILLO MOST. Tate tr RI trAY T June Is, The Programme wilt the of Yartety of Troop Denote, &a., in which the whole of this star Tronee w i 11 appear. The whole to camolude with the Plantation Revel, TOEICONY SOUND YOUR . 13 UOL,S, Br the whOle tromps. in costume. Doors open at ni o'clock commence at A A CADEMY OF MUSIC.— GRAND PATRIOTIC FESTIVAL! MARK BABOL.ER WILL inert nig GRAND VOCAL AND INSTRUMENTAL CON RT ON BATURDAY AVG." MG, June 15th. 18814 YOB THE BENEFIT FOR THE FAMILIES OF VOLUN TEER& The following eminent artists have kindly consented to appear on this mouton: MADAM riiit_JORANNSEN. DIRS..IOIIN DREW. MR. T. BISHOP, AIR. AARON R. TAYLOR_ MIL A. Bißaßclal. MR. CARL WOLFBONN, MR- Clltia J 0 1 1719. MR. MICHAEL R. MR, 91 HWY RA CUNNINGTON. Mlt. S. B =OMENS. Together with a Grand Orchestra. A Chorus of Ladies and Gentlemen. ___ CDCIPRRONG FiVe, HUNDRED VOICES. Will sing the 11611 Union HTMR. by Carl WOlforthni 811 4 the Star-8p infield Banner. TICKETts. TO aio, PARTS OF THE ROUSE. ste Ch'itTB. Proseenium flours, 35 Tirske-ir and prot.-arnmax mar be had- "sr and anger Tneedsr. fit Seek to lowtmes, Lee & Walker's. An- Gonhowee, ohodonmse'. and at. the Aesain'l art Way and Saturday, from 9 ti 1.4 o'clock. end at the doer on ovenrenmg of the Concert. Doom at 7, to commence at 8 o'clock. jet* 41 ASSEMBLY BUILDINGS. THIRD WEEK OF THE RRBELLION. . TEM WEEK OF THE RUMS AN WS ys, THIRD WEEK OF THE COMBINATION. NEW WAR fle RN EIE4. MONDAY EVENING. June 10th. - And Every evening Mums this W set. Admission 211 seats I . Children II molts. MOM, Wednesday and batardaY alterations, at a o ' o / 00 a. Jelo-6c )ICN N A . ACADEMY OP TEES FINI ARTS-1026 CHESTNUT STREET. - - Who Thiny-eishth ANNUAL EXHIBIT/On of PAUSTII9OB and SCULPTURE meow open. Admittance! ascents; Beason Tieketa 50 cents; Chil dren half pries. Catalogues /8 cents. Stockholders will receive their tieket• at the Academy. O from 9 A.M. till 7 P.M., and from BP. M. till 10 P. M. P. %DMA( WANTS. NEXT OF KIN WANTED.—Bnadred.s of ligillions rouidu Sterling in ehamers, Berl of England, &a— walung ointments. A, Catalogue of the hem. and ,nsinss a. those to whom letters should be addre , sed in J. nein:W, will he sent. eoet free. on receipt of ',events in stempe, or two for el. 0 d claims meet be weeny ed atonal,. References^ • K. Bill, Boston; J. Burnham, Chief of Pol.ae. ReverhilL Addrant W. W. a. °WOE rON & CO.. fell a Box 050, Post Offioe, Boatels. Meet 0 SURGICAL INSTRUMENT MA- )(FRS.—Wonted lingder and Pobiber. To ago bar. industrious man good war and Mead , emplOY mint he g van. by Magna. WADE and F 00.1., bd V LION Street. new York. ja/1-ot* BBNB INTEREST.-WA 14T E D A party of son capital to take an interest in tbe control of a Bank located in the country. l' he orient. Zetion is nearly ready for business. s tuatid in a favo rable tonality in the etas,. The Deity if atioaptitb4r, can name an 0210. in Bald Habil. rat lianratThon ad • drew; klox No. VI," Philadelphia Post Office. jelo.6t* WANTED—Men of intelligence and • • nines nc address as Travelling AVMs. A &mime to make money. apd no hum bu.r. AMldteu vitb stamp, or Gail upon S. B. bliA KAN, 139 South EIGHTH Street. Je9 121 WANTED—AGENTS to sell PAUKA. GER or RTATIONERY end JEWELRY. et °noes one third loss then can be pnroheaed elsenshe_re. Call OD or address (dam snornmsdl J. L. BAILEY HO. 164 COURT Strom Boston. Mast. RUPLOYE RS WANTING YOUNG 41.41 Men, &0., AM invited to addrers the" Employ- Po ment mantels." at the Rooms of the Venhajletes Mica. Am:mann, 1009 and 1011 CHI T.4la BOARDING. BOARDING} —At 1100 WALNUT Ftreet. Also, an office to root .uits.t to for & PhY. l l444n_} . betri^c he.n nanupiee mooh ror twenty Mil. j, U.AW iIIoARDING.—STRANGERS visiting the JI-Voity. and others desiring superior moon= &Lbw's m the .esst beautiful part of the ail), On se go ned pplication to moo uti 00K N, corner 1911 1. 112.t..NTH and I.oqUe'r Streets. Private Parlors, with ided Rooms adjoining. for single gentlemen or famoles. Terms moderate. jee let* RUMMER B)ARDING. AT RACEIrj- R 01'0 4.—One family. or Park". Willing to pay for real comfort. may obtain botrding for Bop so mar in a Private %rally at the new cottage. on RIDI3 ; 7 . Avenue, !shove .he sixth mile stone. Address ".1 " B ten Post omoo. radelphia. jela-mwige FOR SALE AND TO LET. T O R A: N T—A desirable Country JOIL Resitienee with 8 awes of r ands: withijApvtif v. hilyie w ilmila Son' A pltrtlo LL ll . ll ll s ands to mita ka. FOltTli Street, Phila. It• TO LET—A DESIRABLE DWEL tailor 123 North THIRTY.ENTH Street. ASI)I7 tO W trrnittub liktOTlCert, 47 end 411 Norte DECO P Ptnnett. rehl/1-tr C lIESTNIIT-ST tt tET 110 Uts2 snd ME STORE to rent.—The desirable liminess losation. ORESTIS UT Street, with dwelling sites:died. Apply la 431 CHESTNUT AMR EVERMAN'rOWN PROPUTY TO RENT.—To Rent, the ler,e and oomrsodiou modern-built Rouse, earner of AR.MAT Street aad WILLOW Avenue, with gas, bath, hot end ooht iron, end eh the modern improvement.. Apply to RNA SY 8. TA all, 710 Street. Philadeiphia. or on the premises. gm TO RENT TWO COUNTRY MIL ROUSE:B,one mile from Tummy. In ire No. 717 W.11),N MtMot. Mk= -Rm. ►fitlNT—A very clearable BTOttr, -IL on the Ninth-street front of "The Continental Etotel." The litore at Ninth and Elanaom streets en* elaliT adapted for a BALDDLII and HAHNISS Maker. tottri RICE A ida ! ! to Southwest NINTH and AA.NSOM ; a. poR EX.ollAltitiE.-A )IiOWE TRACT of good unmproved farm land is the State of New Jamey, oonireniont to the oity, will be exchanged fey itity_proporty. Apply at No. 118 FEDEILILL ee.U-tf tNOVILANCIi COMPANINS. FANLIC INSURA.I4OE UOll2-PAN I No. 406 WS Gnash FIN N. AND INLAND IINSVC.ANC k. Duescrosa. r&erta W. Day—.—of Day & Matlack. nue WrtgAt Bros tr. es. D. Birney " Davie & Blretei. gory Lewin, Jr— " Lama Bras & o. C. Rialtardaon--- " J. C. Howe & Co. &runnel T. Bodine....—Prss't Wyouunt Canal Combelts no W. Evarman—of J. W. Evp_ratan & Co. Geo. A. West— " West & FOGes. W. I•C_ &ream —...—.. " Savage, Martin, & Ce. 0. Wilson Darls.--..Attortisr-st-law. E. D Woodruff— ...of &bier, r4olrop, & WocEriL Jae. Kessler, „it ----No ins B reen Great. O.KORXRAY,Pres.dent. FUN N. DUCK, Vcoe reeident. WILLIAMS I. R.D.Eissretary. 1.21-01.1 SAVING FUND/. Q,AVINO STIND--UNITED BUM N.' TRUST COMPANY, corner THIRD and OFLEET NUT Streets. INTO:REST FIVE PER CENT. _ Id. R. GRAWFM, Prendett. 17 JAMES FL 11N TER, Seeretary and Tr/dearer. Mee hours, Thant nt until 3 o'olook. Title COMM& in BO joined to any appliutlon 13111 1113t4:13. i3AFIES. LILLIAN SAFIC LOPIPOT AI MU Yip to No. 91 &lac Nigvdiguit Street. near tide I li r l atin Institute. The undenorned.thankfid for past favors, and betas determined to merit future patronage, has smeared an elegant and oonveniept store, and ha s now mad I large assortment of Lillie ' s Celyrated Wrouet an' chilled Iron Firs and florglyir roof Bees. ( Ohl, *molly fire and NIT proof ga es ma)) , inl lie's Unequalled Ban Vault, Safe . and Bea k Looks, Bank Vault , oors and Looks an be furrushet to order on short notice. This la the stronuast, ban proteoted, and °heaped Door and Look yet offered. Also, parliotilar attention uealled to Lillie's Idt Cabinet Safe for Plate, Jewelry, Ito. This Ufa is east 'sato to ggypeas ID style sad elegance anything gotta feted for this purpose. and is the only one that Ds stemt- Is fire and burglar proof. drams', have now on handAy tirelitY et Farrel. &Trine, Co.'a Safes, mot OT them nearly new, and some forty of other =Miens, comprising a Complete assortment as to tints aed ta tll !stair ex changed for the now Celtsbm a ted Le e. They wilt be sold at Teri low pricing. Pew call and exe=ne. lem-rylf M. C. SADL ¢. FuR BeLTI etioltE DAILY AT 3 O'CLOCK P M. ATI 0 AND Pi+ I LAW , ' PHIA lIYAAMBOAT COMPANY. (Brie:sea Lined Via Cheeenea4e And Utnewate CAIOI. One of the now Ulan titeamboate of thiLcomiakily m leave the et side of Chestnut Street Wheal Av AFTERrkuuN (SWAMI AM:anted et 3 o,l oo k. an snll arrive in Baltimore earl, the next morning. Freight of all kinds taken at the Wyatt rates: else. ce t trio. Home, Stook. Vehicles, &d, ror Freight. mill at the office. mylB-lm It A. (MOVES, . A _ JllAgel bs. No. CC ROUTFI asarrak Nutt. Cala 4d lONA. NEW DAILY LINE. via DeLswars and Rj o iso Cana. Nthwelphift and New York Exidessateamboat Con' pally Wil) receive fretabk on and altar MONDAY. asik instant, and leave daily a,t P. Id., deliveries their 11-. go_44 in New York thll Moan= days. yneigkta Nikon at ramonabl nstoa. Wm—pp CLYDE AMA,. .. 1144 14 SOUTH WkinitVEli, ebiledeiveis. J KKR RAND Aent, Piers 14 and aS aPhist. New York. (11 adirm i n FON NEW YON& - Mit PhOadalpbis Stown Provetter Cortioller winmenns their Maness for she wagon on ?donee, 28th mat. Their insaiiiers archon , receiving freight at Baarst Pier shave W &hint street. _ Teruo adeenusiodatinc. Aw. pply he eg. BAIRD it GO voa Melt , D.M11110111,10 L° OR' MISIAID.—Ihe follow:0g wires f•wwfirded by ire (as we anippose I by melt Le j W. r A lab & 0".. of Benton. not bovine been fa 00vrad by them. all persons ere hereby eautioued not p, negotiate the vane. as Po meat has been 11.0p9.a. Vl3: Mster. Price, 4 Co . doe Aneuet 13. 311.03430. Egiortridtio. tiro., it Co.. due September 18 $196 96 iaP ortruf ge. Bro.. & Co.. due wit. XT. 8211 9, Ferlatid. Tatman, & Co., d oe &p t. 41 : i 1,011,49. teretßatrd. & Co.. due Rect. 93. ei is., p awl. & Co.. do WAIL 11361 11 . R. 11. Whey. due Out. 18 331006. G. H. Volt, due /WI 16. $400.42. llsates Billne.l. due Cot. o. Sao 68 - , eaiple. Harker, & Co. du , Jul' 9 : 43 133 . • B. Mourcrao. due July 15. elm /b. anon & Jobolloti, due auu:..at 31. 1432 03. J. J. tkohoegme & Co . due tfAyL 1. $1.710. Any in iforme.tion reebevt i ti i pl" ^ hove L vi a he Guinh . CHAS , . dt,__BON , fully received. jell-St 100 Ca r STb UT KIVA. --- - -. SlliotC , .---11. aro invoice of Hides, /sheep, and Gioar Skins, Just received from the West In d for .on_ . er_J U & 06.1i1STA/t.B. ' 2Oll rb pima r Jr 7 *OAD-500 lbs. for RILL de sale b W ETti BROTHER.KH • / 47 and 49-Borth BEGOP/D birest. PEACH BRANDY. One barrel pure SOUTHERN PEACH. for solo by C. C. DAD LEX 3 CU.. 103 ARCS Stmt. IoU
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers