THE PRESS, ..„,joisD DAILY, (SUNDAYS NXCEPTNA,) P.">3Y .rosEN W. FORISI.rix, aricE No. 417 CHESTNUT STREET. DAILY PRESS, 0 . 8 clin-6 Waniv. payable to the Gathers i:oed to Subsoribere out of the City at Six DoLLAIIe wrx. Fore DOLLARe 7011. EIGHT MONTHe, f DOWD!" yOT BIX MOHTHS—IATOTHIbIy 11:,, or the thee ordered. 6d. 'SRI -WEEKLY PRESS, 101 610 Eubso berm out of the City at maxis D oL _ advance. COMMISSION HOUSES. ,BAY FLANNELS. BLUE-GRAY FLANNELS. GRAY FLANNELS_ SLOE-MIXED FLANNELS. cHEAPEST 3N 2 1 118 .314122.21 1 . GRAY FLANNELS. 701% SA Ys BY TEE PIECE OR BALE. FOR CASH, DT JOSH ESA L. B ATT ,y, 00-00 140. ALS MARKET IMES'S, ffal. HAIM, it lIIITOMNIKIN, NO. 112 OWINIII COMMON KKIIOIIANTR. FOR IMF. MILS OF PHILADFT-.VITIA-MADE max -04 CARPRTINGS. FOSE( CANTON AIATTING. J. F. it E. B. ORNE. OPPOILLTE MATE HOBOS. Nava new worn their Refit I'4 rhsPORTATIONS or votartat EXTRA TIIIIIRIAL wArtins. rvirix, ant RED ORROXER °ANTON MATTING. IA ALL IRE DIFFRARNT WIDTHS. AT goIDERATE PRICES. J. F. & E. B. ORNE, reltim OPPOSITE /STAIR HO' SR* GROCERS. r FAMILIES RESIDING IN TUN RURAL DISTRICT& Ire law ;wowed, as heretofore, to imattly Wallas at air °miry Residences with every demotion= of PINE ttioaranta, TRAB, &c., ecc. ALBERT 0. ROBERTS ;MEEK EIiEVBEVA AND VINE IITREE7B. sou EXCELSIOR HARM , H. MICHENER & 00.. e.RISKRAI PROVISION WALESA Lino Cutninl or TIM CIELZBRATED **EXOELSIOR" 11 1 10AX-CVIRD lUMB. ICA 149 .4118 144 BOIT, "FIOBT 11111151ST (Between Aron and Uwe Streets.) YLLADBLPHIA. fhejastly-aelebrated Exoelsier Hams are oared by B. it. & Co. tin a style peculiar to themeelves). ea red, toffees:isms • are of delicious flavor,free f rom esupleasant taste dealt, and ere pronouneed ent rees moaner tO ally now oared for sale. sula-Si o LOOKING GLASSES. LOOKINCk-CILASSES. irir daily Mibaing sad seriudattat raw sad alionitt Wee of LOOKING-GL 422 RS, im b ilang ail taa faMpirs unpro , eilligati inAL nsittuaini as frost 'novelties to Walnut arta 110141 and UISWMd tad Bold rtILMNS for RIBULOita. eh. asteraiite and mitt witortment ui +No vverlg. S. EARLS k SON, 6.4111,1i5' OAiaLEB.ISS, aki - ST tneMalriffir macrit. BANKAiG. tHlrffi'r BILWOPIT CX).. }IAN 1 3 1 1.3 ge WALL STILFIET A NEW TOSIL) 14.111 *WM .rent to travellers, fiverEiele in al rim of Versos, selvage tee Messrs. Illtetlursiell et es. Lenten. Fraskfert, Naples. Vienna, and their sec- reopeedesta f•lgMka* JEWELRY, &e. PAIrEpANI:s7ZPS! if& ITDlmproved Patent Lever Spiral Spring _SAFETY B, end the Patent PEARL . CMTRE. having thoroughly tested, and possessing advantages over every other intention, are being very generally adopted by Castleman of taste. Soli Wholesale and Bistail ONLY by ELI HOT .1)E14„ toin MARKET STREET. ImoOrter of Moots, Watches, and wren. &pl3-ainthilat FINE WATCH REPAIRING. I PERSONS HiVING FINE WATOIIEB that hare hitherto Wen no aatiaraction to the *mem are 131VitOO to term them to our atom .where an demote can be remedied by thoroughly aiital and miebocten, and the meta warranted to litre mitiremmeentien. Mantel Conks. Metal Bones, oaterollr vat an eemplete order. FARS. & r e meara of Ware& 9,_,a,.rdoweal Boxes. Cloolay._ 391 onstarrin Street. below roam. liTnirTTrr7rM7. l7 l7lM l Mil D o YOU WANT WHISKS:RP DO 1 - 011 WANT 00 7011 'WANT 31011511MIELE DO YOU WANT A MOIIITAODEP BELLINGITAM'S OSLIBRATED STIMULATING ONGUENT, roa TDB WIIIII*AS AND DAM. Irkti snbearibets tate pleurae in announoins to the *Rise= of the "United Inane that they have obtained the Mena, for, and are now enabled to offer to the Arnertein pnblio the above jnally-oelebrated and world-renowned Artie& TBR STIMULATING ON OffENT Is prepared by Dr. C. Y. BELLINGHAM, an eminent stmatas' n of London, and is warranted to bntt oat Una set of WWlVan, Olt A'.111011,101111 IA trent three to gut weeks. This article is the only sae of the kind need by the French, and in London and Pans it is in universal rms. it rs a besatifah ecoacamiesi,aoothut . g, yet Albumin,- tint tolliCalldrlOU WI If PI magic upon the roots, swam a besuAtui crowd, of luxuriant hair. If sa shed to the Noah, at will cars brddress, and Gann to surtegrop la the ghee of the bald spots a fine mirth of new hair. Applied according to aireatiatt. will turn AZD or TOWY hair Dale*. and restore gray hatr to its T The me O NGUNI I P a P w i r ing ru t nd oft o . r in s i m sab o e ar tic le n a oavbelrey. tentlenura'send after OUP week's one they would, "&fOr $ll3 oanWeration. be without it. flit subscribers are the only .bgeats for the article In the 'United States. to whom all orders must be ad harso, ?nee gue *Mar a box; fora,tebyall lamina and ilwatne.; or a bag of the w OWGIMIII7.' warregiled Sive the desired effect. will be sent to any who decire 1 1,b, wail, direct. securely paoked,on receipt of ones tot mum aug, Apply to, ca adduce 'MUM lk, BBONNIAN /keel. Drumm, lt**** St WILLIAM attest, New York. IMOTV & CO.. MI6 232 North SECOND afraid, rid Wapitis Amato. - OPAL DIENTALLINA.--We speak from I na o u d ex p er i e a t owelmowriAt that the OPAL t ri WeifilnA =Vie br Mr- NNN. of BROAD and rft sm o l t 's deeidedkv the Tama orevarst a otthe month teeth that We have ever tood. w e believe Midrib shot is elairood for it. and boles re " Mini qi4o4 b711103094.11=1 1 0 dootials we Moue all to rt.* lATTY TZSTAMENTARY TO-THE -•-• 'SWAT& FUJogN R. WEEKLICR; dammed. late Tracer, MN eli ev kdArimb a rd par = b k 12111 e l fe'reeneetlel Ito payment, nal anyone= °llinum are : d e Arrarta arra, 407 WALiNu Street. NORMAN B. wiEsztatii. mho continues the Ore ten and Tea nominees. southwest isomer of THIRD; and LOMBARD streets. is dolt authorised to receive Payment of debts due said Estate. midsections. sitainkt n•••- be 10ft inns him. - - TrUte' EIELMBOLD'S G-EINUINE PREPARATION_ HELMBOLD'S I -11ELMBOLD'15--HELM /OLD'S RBWIT. BOLD'S-WEL MBOla 1113-. H IS Li M. DOLT"EI NEL MUO LIYB-11E L OLD 8--ILELAI go L•D'A MIA& I , IIIL 0 , 14-112 LIT 'ROL niE1...14 ELM BOL IV 8 lISLMBOLIPS-RELMBOLVB-HELIVIBOLDIT 14 MLA OL'E-fl BO LD'e-li ELMS 01.1r8 E L M 011,13'19-HELMBOL D'FI-H ELMBOLD'S KLNI aLD'S-RRLINIBOLD'S-HIMM BOLD'S Famanliwa—aut.mßoues—H - Faanßowym tsb. BM, Fre- W.W.I BO L 1:08-4in L 11.1 ROL OW HELM BOLD'I3-HELMEOLD'A-RRIALBOLINI RELIMBOtD"4--TIELMNL 0 1 15-HELMBOLADIt ERIACHO IrS-F1 IADNI MIA taiitnav is ELM BO D'B -libla BOLDVY-ITALUDOLD'S HSLINBOLD is--HELME9LIPB-HELIIIIIOLD'S FOR DISEASES OF THE BLADDER, KIDNEYS, GRAVEL, DROPSY, BLADDER, EIDNEYS, GRAVEL. DRTY. BLADDER. xnvEr. GRAVEL, DR 0 sY. ti BLADDER, M INE s, (RAVEL, Dito S y, BLADDRX, ICIDtVE S, GRAYEL, DROPSY, BLADDER, EIDNEY. GRAVEL. DROPSY, BLADDER, KIDNEYS, GRAVEL, DROPSY, BLADDER, KIDNEYS, GRAVEL, DROPSY. BLADDER, KIDNEYS, GRAVEL, DROPSY, BLADDER, KIDNEYS. GRAVEL, DROPSY, BLADDER. KIDNEYS, GRAVEL, DROPSY. BLADDBLADDER, XIDNEYS, GRAVEL, Duke:- Y, ER, KinNsys, .p•ROPSY; BLADDER, KIDNEYS, GRAVEL, DROPSY BLADDER. KIDNEYS, GRAVEL, DROPSY", NERVOUS DIEEASEN, DilinlEgal OE VIBION. The mart eminent flasiciani ; endorsed and recom mended by dlatingshillad CISITYMen , Governor. of States, Judges+, the Press, and all Who nee it—ecer7- Where--evidenoe of the most reliable and responsible character open for inspection. IT 18 NO PATENT NOSTRUM. It 11 advertised liberally. and its basis is merit; end depending upon that, woofer our pitmans lion to the afflicted and estiffering Numanity with entire oonlideneek THE PROPERTIES OP THE DIOSMA CREHATA Were known an far bank as tie hundred gears, and its peculiar effeoto on the Mental and Physical Powers are When of in the highest semis by the most eminent authors of the present and *natant dote, among whom wiU be found aliakespeare. Byron. end others. JOAN C/1.881.141 2 313 trruoti Street t - - I / '-/- N NN\ 1 , , _ kt, ;If ) • r •-•- • - _ FA • ____ eff / 111_402V1..-, I all o - „ 11. , ft"- VOL. 4.--NO. 273. Mr Dit-INAL. I.IES . TRACT Hp_cau EATE.ACT BucOU EXTRACT RUCRU I2 NTRACT Brca TRACT BRCEu TRACT RuCHU EXTRACT EU 'RD EXTRACT EllOBll EXTRACT BU - 101.1 Er; RACT 81-CHU EXTRAcT BUM] RA tXTCT g ot TRACT IMMIX, EXTRACT BUCffu EXTRACT 13CCHU TEE GREAT DIURETIC. THE GREAT DIURETIC. 1 T E GREAT T GREAT DIURETIC.PIURETIC. TR GREAT GREAT DIURETIC. T R GREAT DIURETIC. T eRDAT D.URRTIC. E GREAT. WURETIC. THE GREAT DIURETIC. THE GREAT DIURETIC. TILE G RE AT DIURETIC. THE DIURETIC. A POS4TTIv E AND SPEcIFIC POSITIvE AND SPFCIFIC FosiTIVE AND SPECIFIc A POSITIVE AND SPECIFIC A POSITIVE AND SPECIFIC A POSITV AND SPECIFIC PostrlrE AND SPECIFIC A POSITIVE AND SPECIFIC A POSITIVE AND SPECIFIC A PO- ITIvE AND SPECIFIC A FOSITTris AND SPRCIFrc A rosiTIVE AND SPECIFIC A EOSITIVE AND SPECIFIC A POSITIVE AND SPECIFIC A POSITIVE AND SPECIFIC AND ALL DISEASES AND ALL DISEASES AND ALL DISEASES AND ALL DISEASES AND ALL DISEASES AND ALL DIS PAsES AND ALL DISEASES AND ALL ME AS&S AND ALL DISEASES AND ALL DISEASES AND' A LL DISE AS E S AND Akl. DISEASES AND Aki , DISEASES AR MI in rar N E r ING F ROM ARI Irre ZGOM, A AR RMING FROM lAING FaoM oc6 f ROM ARI'NG ROM G ROM ARIA ARMING FROM M TIES OF THE DI, _OOD, &o. linus OF THE BLOOD. ico. tap R 7 B OF THE BLOOD. &o. MP HIT ES OF TRE BLOOD. &o. Mr HIT KS OF THE BLOOD. Rco. Lair arms OF TELE BLOOD, to. IVPUI t if I TIN ° 11; Rit limp.; to. IMPURITIES OF THE BLOOD, .t.o. IMPURITIES OF THE BLOOD, &c.. IMpURITIES of THE BLOOD. &o. • IMPURITIES OF THE BLOOD. &o. if i IIBITIES OF THE BLOOD, &o. 'UNTIES OF ir W s BooD, &.. i nirisTira OF LOOD, &o. CONBVMPTION. EPILEPTIC FIT% ErlnveroU Leektude of the Atheoxim nevtem. INKAMITY. PALLIp COUNTENARGE, SOIIR BTOMAGE, SICK HEADACHE, ABLIKBOLIPS EXTRAtYr NUCHV NO FAMILY SHOULD BE WITHOUT rr. NO 'FAMILY SHOULD DE WITHOUT 17 Prepared scoot dun to PHARMACY AND CHEMISTRY; PEEMBIBED AND BOND BY Prom this filet it has Droved iMiittatttli moomalld is those symptoms of a nervous temperament, ruining from *Montan habits and protracted abrdobetorn to bulimia. literati tinrintiti, and. oonfinement ,from the open air, sad is taken by MEN, WOMEN, aND OHM DARR RELIEBOLIPE EXTRACT RUCRU is 111.01111111IIt iii itr taste and odor, and immediate in its action, and nee from all Injurious Propertied, GRIN at Little Expense. Ltirmt OR 210 ORANGE IN DIET. LITTLE OR NO GRANGE IN DIET. If you are suffering, send or , call for the remedy at once. Explicit directions sooompany. Price ONE DOLLAR per bottle, or six: for FWD DOLLARS, de livered to any name, initial, hotel, post, =promo office, or store. TRY ONE BOTTLE. TRY ONE BOTTLE. REURBOLD 8 GENUINE PREPARATIONS RIBIALROLD'S GENUINE PREPARATIONS EXTRACT BUCIEIb EXTRACT SARSAPARILLA. fifYiilGlAliet YUBA= NOTICE We make no secret of ingredients. The Compound 'Mahn i• composed of Suchue, Onbebs. and Juniper Berries, selected by a competent Itrositat, and are of the beet toraftr. PREPARED, Is Tatum H. T. lIEEMBOLD, roAcTwAL AND ANALYTICAL CHEMIST, BOLD AT MELMBOLIPS MEDICAL DEPOT. NO. 104 SOVTH TENTH STREET. - BELOW CHESTNUT. Where ad Lettas must be &Jeremiad. BEWARE .07 COUNTERFEITS. ASK IDE s* EIELMBOLIPIL” TAKE NO OTHER. Notx.—Besot No. IX &path Tenth 'West. Sone, owl. or irrits at ono,. The medicine, adiested to each and Ovary coos. Wild. BB PREEKEED. If Itemagliffe ou t:111141W patient to the benefit of advise. and all.eadY and dannanant Care. THE" BITD SO KWH DESIAND. m3lO-fialdea ASR FOR KING & B AIRD'S EDITION O pttr ZMJAVE DRILL DOOR. It ia illudrated with over Thirty Bagravinge, show mg the 'various posii loon in the BAYON nd ET XERCISE KiRMIELUR RH' DRILL. se Mee DV ELLSWOHTti'a ZOITAVES. Also. hinto FOR. THE VOI L NER WtIEIT IN DATI'LN, to whith is added a pifograPhy and ttaft...o t t e. t: v nr Color liandeomely P •• Tin .e the beet Z I OURVO Drill Hook published." One vol .12tno. Pries }..5 Cents. Copies mailed 'tree of poetage atm° reoeipt of the urine, by KING & BAIRD. Printer. and PulAishnre. 3t No. set RANSOM Otreet, PhitadOlphie BaXTEIV.I VOLLINTZERS' MANUAL —FART ROW READY, And for gale by all Iklokstillerlii hue ze rents. n A XTER,B VOLUNTEERS ) MANt „RAF —PART sr Containing - full instruction* for the B°l,OlEl IN THE SIBOOL OF THE COMPANY, With sixty engravings illustrating the COM PAN Y hatlV RAI KNTS; FUNERAL RuNORS ; COLOR SALUTE; MANUAL OF ARMS FOR NEWMAN - 173j MANUAL OF TOE SWORD OR SABRE FOR OFFICER. The whole arranged acourainit to SCOTT'S trtartim OF TACTICS. and in conformation with the rules and regulations of She ited Mate Army. M th . work is irctispensablp to the officers 4 f f gram; 'Volunteer Companies." cnin vnl,, 1Am0.,15 popes. Price Stomata. Cornea mailed 'free of Issetege upon receipt of the prtee, by RllrO tt BAIRD, Printers end Publishers. je'4-3t No. GOT SANGOM. Street. iduladelphm. _ NEW EDICALInII BuOK.s—imported and L for sale by MerLROY te. CO., No. P 7 South SIXTH Ktreet, above Chestnut. BUCELE's CIVILIZATION IN ENGLiAND, Vol.?, Bvo, cloth. IP LIFE OF PROF. PORSON. the celebrated Greek sone'er. Br. the. Rev. J. 8. Watson, AL A. Finnan and No-simile. Ss°. sloth. 04 re. UINTA ON FlOtteElliANstrlP ; or, Common Eense and Common Errors in Common Riding. By Colonel Greenwood. Illustrated with fourteen woodcuts, Smell Stro cloth. $2. MANUAL OF MODERN GEOGRAPHY. •By the Roe ales. Mackay, F. K. G.B. Thick limo, cloth. /173. PIiViICAL GEOGRAPHY. By Sir John F. W. Rereohell, Post. rico. cloth, Az.oo. vouiv( BENJAMIN FRANKLIN. or, The Right Road Through Life. By Henri Illaihew, limo, Mott. THE NEW EXAMINER; or, An Inquiry into the Evidence Relating to Certain Peg/atom in Lord ideetan lae History. via. ORD IMINOONALIVS AUTOBIOGRAPHY. Cheap edition, with fine portrait, maps, ,to., limo, cloth, gilt. eI D v 5. nAN RAMEIATS REMINISCENCES OF HOOT TI 411 LIE c: Mir) CHARACTER. Second series, ISmo. Cloth antique. f led. tretateiLLlPS TRAVELS IN THE GORILLA COUNTRY. illustrated with AtIMISTOUI plates and maps. (Pro cloth. SO. Foreign Books imported to order by every steamer blontnly catalogues of new and old Emitlien end Franca Hooks furnished gratis on application. Jell.St SO D L R UtE4t. t. --111 5 cA c i en il ta ll.—A new book by JOHN fiLOFAO LAN, 33 !Tooth MTH Bt. Agents wanted tn the nith and state 1012-6 t Boußs, LAW AND ALINIAGLLAMBUIA new and old, boned, soid, and exchanged, at the PRILMADELPRIA- BANK BOOK BTORE, tio. 4111 ORBSTN UT Street. Libraries at a distance purchased. Those having' Books to sell, if at a distance, will state their names, sites, bindings,_dates. editions, ruses, sad ...conditions. WANTED ...Boehm printed Py Belga = Franklin, as well as early Weeks printed in and upon America. Autograph Letters and Portraits ear chased. Pamphlet Laws o[ Pennsylvania for itals. Cats tognes. oats, sant free. Labranem appraised by. fese-tt Yowl CAM PB ETA. REMEDY SURF HOUSE ,' ATLANTIC CITY, NEW J FRSEY. Title ROTRI., with its fitst-elass itosoniMOdationi for otter 400 nest', will be opened on the rah of June. situate d within stryyards of the Ocean, at a point Where the bathing is the beet and safeeton the coast and remarkable for An unusually dry and, nealth. abode- Phere. the SURF ROUSE will be found one of the most plume of summer re•ort near Pniladeiphia. Whe WAe will be most I;bandie The housti is lighted with gas and plentifully supplied with good cistern water. A fine band of music and the services of several fast-sailing Yectite have been engaged, and on the pre mises are Billiard Tables. Bowl ng Altera, and a milli cleat camber of lieth Popes.. The Fishing, and Sailing at Atlantic City cannot be summed. All trains stop at the SURF ROAMS, to land and take up romeengere. .'oresy lefurrn hia.etlee. apply at ASHLAND HOUSE, AR Street. /Philadelp elt-Stt R. S. BENSON, Proprietor. VOISPEEdt.3 LULL, CAPE MAY, CAPE IMAIND, N. J. This Well-known fiat ohms Hoed will be opened for the repetition of geegies on TITURBD AY. Jobe 20. WEST k THOMPSON, Jelt-6a ' Pronrtstora, fIOLUMBIA HOUSE, Cape Island, N. J. Il•-•" This celebrated house will be opened for the re bel/tit/II of guest. on June 25. BR. . be intuntion of this booms in one of the moat beauti ful on the Island. 'commanding an itimbatnuttad mew of the MUM. A band of mimic has been engaged etobleiveir for this house for t-e sewn. • • Alum number of bath houses are connected with the eetabbithinalit. Good Oda= for hones attacked to the womb ea. Applications for rooms or other amitticubwa y 1111604 with prompt attention togadatimeingthesabeeriber. - - -AULD PrO TONTINE HOTEL, NEW HAVEN , OONNECTICUT.—The Subsonber refurniehed this DUthionable first-e'ass Hotel entire met Boring. re modeled-the-old Dining Room, added a new Ladies' Ordinary, and put in complete order bill Billiard and Bath Booms, Families can have suites of Rooms at ut tier 11011 , 59 ar low ass at any Ent-slats HOMO in the country. Boarders can to to and from the TONTLBE to the HEAD, three times a day, by rail, and take their meats at either Howe, without extra charge. Having purchased anti stocked a large Farm at Be a em's Head thin germs, the two houses will be furnished with Mean, Poultry, Milk, But.q Vegetable.. and Frail , . dalty. from Ilift Farm. A. Teletraph Liao hoe been put up at. Baahem Head and at the Tontine. at tr.e p ro pypicerom own expense, whioh conneets with all the lines lin the United States. H. LEE SCRANTON. jel-lin Q AOHEM'a NAD HOTEL., GUILFORD, II CONN.—The proprietor of thin trell-known. first tease, fashionable SUMMER-HO uSIS would inform Its former patron/. and the nubile generally , that be built on three huno red feet last similar. malting seventy- four nave bed room,. new "dining-room, forty by one hun dred. new parlor, for%hyse-enty. Every room in the hone!' is newly furnied with nest carpets and new mane furniture. The Hotel is of modern construe tion, built on an extensive scale. with 80 , ommodations for four hundred guests; beautifully located on Long Island Sound. fourteen miles east of New Haven, on the New London end Eltonington Railroad: new bit. Hard-room, with three new tables; two WM ten-pin alleys, at a convenient distance from the home, and twelve new bathing , houses. Fishing in not env Lied on the Sound. A nem yacht of forty-five tons and several small nail-beats, will be constantly on hand, ready for parties. Owns from New York to Sachem's Head. talne the 8 A. M. train and 3 P. M. train ; cheek and ticket to Bachem'a Head direct, oharigier oars at New Haven' time through 33i hours. From New Haven to the Head at TX a. M. l ll • , &ride NL—tinie 40 minutes. At the mtebem new depot will be found one of Cook's best four-honseennsibueee, new and mean, to ourrY You direct to the house. A new Barn. one hundred by fifty - two feet, 1155 built last spring, wh ich will accommodate fifty horses. Fi (- teen sores of land have been enclosed, and filled with ornamental and fruit trees, walla! Bso. The hurtle Will be op ened for t a le reoention of com pany on the 35th day ouin nett, under the immediate enperinrendence of the owner. N. 11.—tdoesuitoes are never seen at the Head. H. LISTS SCRANTON. LANGUOR, RVOIJDNESB CRESSON SPRINGS OAMBRIA 00 . 7 delighthil and pognlar altos of 2111111001" resort. located directly . ..on the line of the Yenneyivanta RaWend. on the mamma of the Allegheny mountains, twenty-three lomdred feetabose the ev e of the ocean. will be open for guests the 20th of JUNE. Since hurt season the grounds have been greatly improved and disabled. rendering Crosson one of the most romantic and attractive maces in the State. The fornitnre is hem thomugely renovated. The seeker of pleasure. and the sufferer from heat or disease, will find *Brae noes here, in a first-olase Livery Stable, Billiard Table,. Tenpin Alleys, Baths, .to.. together with the purestpurestair and water, and the mom magni ficent moan tam scenery to be found in the cloeutry. Tickets good for the round top from Philadelphia. 457 A; from Pitbiburg. For farther information, address G. W. MUI‘LIN, jeg-fm Creagan Springs. Cambria Co.. Pa. uzarie PLUM, ka. HOWLAND'S HOTEL.— SEA BRANCH, R. The subscribes will ern hie hotel for the RitCEPTI 14 OF VISITORS on Setup:lap June 18. - 1881. mill-Sul a. ROW LAND. Proprietor. -AP H R A T A MOUNTAIN SPRINGS. LANCASTER COUNTY. PENNSYLVANIA. Thte celebrated Watering Place will open for visi tors on the 3d day of JUNE. with all the attraction of former seasons. Situated on a mountain 1,100 feet above tide-water, overlooking, the nohea eartoulterel country in the world. the air perfectly pure and dry at all times, ren ders it proverbially healthy'. There are maple accommodations for WO visitors— fine graded walks through the forest to the various sorrows and mummer-homey on the mountain and to the observatory. from the top of whiob is eneeutod to 1 the ere one of the finest sad Met extensile pano ramie views to be seen. A good livery is kapt on the place. and beautiful drives around ; hot and cold bath,; a splendid band of Plume, (from the Germania, of Phi ladelphia;) bowbsig alleys and saloons with the latest improved t o Largo gardens attac hed to the place, from which ail the vegetables are taken fresh for the able, which, too, grill be supplied from Use Philadelphia and Balt i more markets, ea well u from the rich agricultaral country around. Careful and attentisaservante. Saving men unlimited with the eetablishment for some years with the late _proprietor, the undersigned assures the old patrons of the place and the puolio generally that it will be o onduoted• in every depart ' meet, in its former popular war. Visitors to the Senn gs will take the oats to Lauer ter, thence IS miles staring over pleasant roads and through a beautiful country. Throte .ilekets issued at the Pessisrivania Railroad SVANTH and MARKET streets, Philadelphia. For furtherparticulars or (Arnim' the proprietor refers to Jo+3. MYERS! corner TFILR.,P and VINE Streets, and to lAMBS h. BRYSON. No. 2 North BOLTS Street. louadelphia • or, address 11.:O. SL,AYRIAREE, Ephrata P. 0.. Lancaster eo.. Pa. BEDFORD SPEINGIS.-A. 0. ALLEN resteetfuLls informs the public . that this well eats bliehed and powder watering place is pow open for the reception and exwommodatioa of vimtore, and will be kept open until the first Of 00iober. Persona wishing Bedford Mineral Water, will be sup plied at the Rennie at the folk wins pnoes,vis : For 1 bbl— —l3 00 .•X " (mninerry)--.---. _ acs " (0610—. 200 Bottles, X pint, per dos-- .. _ 10 Parties inishing rooms, or any iriformation ip regard to the p _will address the Bedford Mineral d Sprin lace_, Company, Bedford, Pennsylvania. mil-lit lIERR'S .110TBL, JIL-R. HARRISBURG, Pa. The MIIIIIKOMOItt Of this wen-known Hotel having been loaned by Manna GOYa.B & HSU R, die t rasent nroprietors bet leave to inform the public st the House le now bemgthoronghly RENOVATE , RE PITTED ,and IMPROVED, with a view to the proper and comfortable accommodation of those who may favor the eatabliahment, with their custom. embalm will receive due atten tion and courtesy, and no ex pense will beggared that may conduce to maintain the Hotel in .& Ent - also style. Farsibea and others desiring to Mourn in Harris burg durum the sum Mer months will find pleasant 011tliblidlinenti Upon moderate Boarding and large and well-ventilated ROOll l / 1 at our nVet coos mv7-n J. 61.31Rr , F t. oR Nn iPA NEW PUBLICATIONS. SUMMER RESORTS. mv tra i f DRUGS AND MEDICINES. MR. CHARLES M. BREAKER DE SIRES to return his sincere thanki io the pttblin geneitioga f or the very genegewg engem given to his fejf,w YOTRXCARY tlTOftm, nt the flicjiheaat oor =rot BHtrAD end WiBBTt4 UT Streets. The business having. since h. a opening a fey weeks mace. exceeded his moetsanshine expectations. has sn , onreged him to snake entangles additions to his awed, well Wasted eceok,top ether with ewes appliance nee Exam to the en tity sansfactiontof hie patrons. Raving purchased ea esti. eir FlthSli SUPPLY OF DRUGS AND CREMICALS, and s-outed the services of a Sist-class rimeeentist end tiliemlst for the especial Conduct of the Dispraising. department. he would salient the Massa scrutiny of physicians generefig. and guarantees a einitintiancos or the high satisfaotion which has already been expressed by the rapid iciness* of this branch o the holiness. PHILADELPHIA, SATURDAY, JUNE 15, 1861. gije -41" SATURDAY, JUNE 15, 1861. RELIGIOUS INTELLIGENCE VOMpliment to a Philadelphia Divine; The General Synod of the Reformed Protestant Dutoh Church convened on the bib instant, and has been in session ever since, In the Reforined Dutch Church on the Heights, instate oily eflintoli- Ism. Among the moat important business presented for the action of Synod was the eleotion of a Pro fessor to the chair of Didactic and Polemist Theo logy in the Theological Seminary at New Brune wiok, which on Tuesday last ranked in Cm selection, by a unanimous vote, of our distingoishet. townsman, Rev. Joseph F. Berg, D. D., pastor* the Second Reformed Dutch Church in this °its' Seventh street, above Brown. The Didactic OW of this old and respectable institution Is regard as the highest position in the gift of that 46130 nation. It has hitherto had but three occupants, Rev. Dec. Livingston, Binh:dollar, and Van Vrank en, the latter having died on the first day of the present year. Considering tha Immense bade pace, wealth, and acknowledged talent embraced in this esolosiastical organisation in Amerkia, the election of any trail to this reeponellia post Is a high compliment. This cornplimmit,, we are pleased to add, has, in this inetante, n every respect been worthily bestowed Dr. Berg had no. less than fourteen eompetitore for the position, all gentlemen of learning and abi lity, the most popular of whom, judging fry the ballots as published in the Christian in tellveneer, was the Rev_ Dr Campbell, at pretiont the occupant of another chair in the same institu tion. Having been chosen on the fourth ballot by a large majority of all the votes east, hie election wee, amid much enthrutiasm, declared unanimous. On appearing before the Synod, at the instance of a committee deputed to notify him of his election, the whole body rose en -nzad.4.6 to receive him. Thie_ mutual addremes were then made, Dr. Berg eta tins that, as lie bad neither expected nor taken any part to secure the honor which had been con ferred upon him, he accepted the result as a - cult from the Great Read of the Church co a duty *blob be did not feel himself at liberty to de cline. HU • Installation in the chair, wa have , since learned, will take place at New. Brunswick, on the litkof September, the sermon to be preached by, the Rev. Dr. _Bethune, and the charge to be delivered by the Rev. Di. Campbell. By tills election another of the three Reformed Dutch 'Churches in this city will 'be left without a pastor: the a First," on the corner of asventh and Spring Carden, having lost its minister a year ago by the resignation of Rev. Mr. Wilts. It is to be hoPed 1 that the difficulties consequent upon Mr. Willits' removal from the "First"-Church will not be re- . =soled in the ft Second," although, should the people of the-latter be bent upon securing DI Berg's equal es his successor, they can hardly hops to make a speedy choice. - A WORLD'S Cearaniseen or RVANSILIOAL CHBIBTI4IIB.—/irrangememte have been made for holding a Conference of Christians from all parts I of the world at Geneva, on the 2d of next Septem ber, to obese on the 12th, and the Rev. Dr. Merle 'D'd.ubigne has written a letter to the London , Wears, giving the programme of He prospective ' deliberations. It is expected that all the proud eclat church questions of the day will be folly aid freely discussed by distinguished representatives of different oountries. The notion of this bodj will be looked for with considerable interest. MILTON'S ALLEGED lINITIMIANISM.—The As -1 &mac Monthly lately contained an article, chime ' leg the immortal author of '- Paradise Lost" es•ii Unitarian. • Slim thane eotemporary has furnish". ed the following explanation in regard to Milton'?" ' book on " Christian D:ctrine," upon which 114 i [ this opinion depends : ; "It must traffics to say that this Christian Deol. trine is proved to have been a very early work of , Milton's unsettled years, .suppressed by himself as trasearthy of prblicatton, and wholly inadcguntsi I at a bade of the classification of its author annum lite IhtiTeSISHI. That the illnltriolM prie tK ' site pintlitteolVeid ophonir . —,ifilleNelmer - • one wm - tissert wh o has mastered the iTvl.7lo2otin volved in a fair settlement of the date et ahe tria -1 tire ow which the eontroversy tarn." , .. • CRALPLSINO.—We p e rceiv e that thO ohaplalab of our army, at a meeting at Washington, ex- pressed their thanks to the Secretary of War, the Commander-in Chief, the Adjutant-General, and other officers of . the War - Department, for aid and interest in the sporal and religious instruction of the trOOpEt; also to the resident clergy of the dietrlot, and the Young Men's Christian Asada- tion, fee assistance and courtesies; and to the Tract Society of New York and Boston, and the New York Evangelical Alliance, for books, papers, As., for the army in end about the capital. CATHOLIC OPINIONS ON THII OATH or ALL.. Garton —A correspcsdeet of the Cincinnati Catholic Telegraph mks the question "whether a naturalised eitisee, even in the South, can take part with the Southern Confederacy without the guilt of perjury ;" to which the editors reply : " Au oath binds a man under penalty of perjury to what he 'conscientiously considered his wows to promise. Apart from ignorance, prejudice, or false representation, we believe that every nata relieed citizen has, according to the Intent at _the Term of naturalisation, sworn to support tti legally constituted Government at Washington. Many a poor man may have- been taught, how ever, that his obligations were not of this charac ter, and may therefore,,without willing to perjure hissseelf, be carried. away by the w a vas Of public opinion about hiat to the wrong side. ~, To this reply, the Boston Pilot adds the follow ing : "It becomes the duty of every clergyman in the seceded Matto to abeteln trete any Hit that may lead their people to.believ• that they are re leased from the obligation-of . their oath of al legiance. The appointment to a chaplaincy in e rebel regiment does not imply that the chaplain sanctions the violation of the oath He only lends his services to reconcile with God a dying soldier who may have been guilty of perjury." The New Peorasson re Parrscuron CovLseN.— The Sunday School Tioioe of this week speaks of the Rev. James C. Moffat. D. D , recently cleated professor of church history in the Theological Seminary, at Princeton, as follows : " Dr. Moffat has qualifications of a very high Or der for a theological chair; and his reading and study have been each auto tit him peculiarly for that to which he has been now promoted. Cburob history in the United States has heretofore been taken too much at second hand. We need, in this department, a few men, at least, of eminent lin. gerstio attainments, who cam give to church history original Investigation, and who can speak and write on this subject with authority." MIAT•EATINO. IN Lanr. Recently the Pepe, through the leading Maronite clergy, gave permis sion to the people of that faith in Syria to sat meat in Lent. The privilege, however, was othipled with the condition that each man availing himself of it should pay four cents a day. This oendltion has given some trouble. The Dapple argued Abe, point with the clergy an this fashion : "If the vio lation of the fast be wrong, the payment of four cents cannot make it right; and if it be right, why pay for the privilege of doing right?" There not being any answer to this reasoning, the people re fuse to pay the money. A RILIGIOIII3 ILIGINIITT.—A regiment is now in progress of organisation in which Ronde Webster, LL.D., and Dr. Byard, N. D.',"both - df the fess York Free Academy, are to hold the podtious re speotively of colonel and lieutenant colonel. Dr. Webster is a graduate of West Point, and Dr. By ard has been a colonel In the militia service. The regiment is to he formed of men of sound moral and Christian character, without respect to sect Or ereed—men who will enter into the sereloe of sup porting and defending the Government from a principle of right, and not from any mercenary Motive. A notice of the formation of this regiment was read in the various churches ot New York On Sunday. Brunson 021 Warr' CHAVATS.—Spurgeon, the eminent Baptist divine of Ragland, in • late speeds before the Baptist Home Miseionery Society, ex pressed his contempt for certain ministerial badge, as follows: Re was calling for men to assist in the work, adding that they were were* articles : "What I mean by amen," said he, " is not a person with a l white cravat and a black coat. From my heart I wish that these white °mate were done with. No I person wears them but waiters at tau, assistants in drapers' shops, undertakers' men, and ministers. I believe they are a badge of servitude. I believe they were originally invented by the old sort of deacons who need to aontrel the ministers. They are all dead now-a-dam lam happy to say. What I mean by a man is just this kind of person : One who has got a thing in his heart, and means to do _ it—lf he smash the earth and shake the heavens in doing it." C.NAPLATNCT —We understand that the Rev. Janice hi MoOarter, of the Philadelphia Confe rence, is to be appointed chaplain or the Twelfth, Pennsylvania regiment. This will be a good ap pointment, as-Brother - MeCerter is an energetic and reliable man. .Chaplains rank as captain' la the a, and Twelve the same salary.—Chrss rrari Adv ocate and Journal. Nauman PansureauriXis Os:mortar To Dtiltill-, MIINTAL Music —The Spud of the Praebyterian Church of England, in their last session at Liver pool, would not accept a congregation at. Exeter, because they had an organ in their ehuroh. Fi; natty, however, the Synod remitted its decision; end agreed to sarrOtion the congregation, providsd it was 44111% within a reasonablatime to abandon the we of instrumental mud*. Dn. Pommit, Or' Bu.,niong, Itivibg failed to Carry Maryland out of the Union, and to 00Z1Vill4)0 Patient Lineolp that treason wee Christianity, ha. dbtermined to discontinue hie pastoral oonneo tion with his thumb. .Irho Dr. still maintains his ,abominable . tdetiersion doctrines as tentnioualy me , e ver, While hie eongregatiim aro 'Dahl to On about equally divided into the follotting throe ingre , clients : one third out-end.odt Unionists, ohs third against seassalen, and the ether thiid devoted 10 )seeeesion. NAV JlClteltlr CHAPLAINFI —00 , 701110 r Olden, of New Jersey, has appointed an Episaepallan, a f'resbyterian, a liniverseliet, aid ft ROUIIII Catho lie as chaplains to the Ave regiments from that State. The Roman Catholic eheplain is Rev. George H. Doane, of Newark, a Son of the late Bishop Doane. Tus'Losmon BOARD OF BAPiIBT MIRISTRRB vited Christians of all' denominations to set apart Monday, the ad day of 3,sne, on which to prey unitedly for the' abolition' of slavery , in America. TRAI SYRIAN (117E911011 AGAIN --From a raris ptiblisted in the Dublin Irishman, we glean the following interesting points of a mulct debate in the French SIAMe on the Syrian question There was perfect unanimity expressed in the deletinination to maintain the principle that the Eallierit Christians are not to be abandoned, though Syrian soil is to be evacuated for the mo ment; Next, all agreed in attributing to the mean jealousy ef. Reglatd, and English intrigues upon the Continent, the difficulty in procuring the eel:- sent of Europe to a continued occupation by trance. And the debate was also remarkable in biting brought to a Mose by a formal declaration, on the part of the Government, that although the troops now stationed in Lebanon under the European treaty must be withdrawn on the day appointed, yet France will, from that moment, act alone, without the consent, or against the will, of any other power in the world. * Der friends, the Anglo Barone, this writer Con tinues, were spoken of on all sides in no nattering terms. " What must be our indignation." said the Cforote Segur D'Agnemean, against that Govern ment which, from a feeling of rivalry, pastimes thelstrorts of Prance with other powers—a Govern ment whioh has friendship on its Ilpp, but hatred t 1 zee. heart ?" You never spoke a truer word, M. le ilomte it 1111 generally admitted that - the terms of the ooneentien meet be honorably observed. When M. Bataan rose there was a " movement of attention." His said shortly, that !Prance baying Accepted the task of protecting Christians in Syria for this time, under a oonvention of the Great -Power', has no choice but to conform to - the terms of that convention—the troops will-embark-on the sth of June; but from that moment France will consider herself free to act upon her own reepon albllity—tbat a. Fretiott fleet will ramie* off the coast, where a large English fleet is also lying, and on:the first shedding of Christian blood will go in and take order both with Turks and Drumm, let "Europa" say wliat It will. The coast of hyrfa, then, is going to be periloha ground for the intents cordials. The strong and tlititillbtati indignation expressed in this debate against that people " which has friendship on its Ilps, but hatred in Its heart "—the °eget adhesion of tke whole Senate to a Arm declaration of the Government which must be extremely offensive to Ragland—all this le a warning to the Eniperor, that the English alliance hue gonotabout tar enough. So far from the Syrian question being over, It is jot now going fairly to begin. 'There is at this moment lowa more serious danger of war break ing out upon that one point than on - all other mat ters of controversy' put together. To Clitistitee of every name and dime, and more 'especially to intelligent student" of prophecy, the solution of this peculiar =Eastern question has an almost unparalleled interest. The National Guards at Locust Point [For The Prese.) PHILADELPHIA, ITU= Is, 1861. it was our privilege to be present at a roll glens service at Lomat Point last Sabbath, conducted by the Rev. Dr. Bringhurst, of our city. Per the benefit' Of . tke Mends of the volunteers encamped there,' we would give 'a brief sketch of the proceedings on the coca sion. At ten o'clock the reverend gentleman took his stand beneath a tree, with Vol. Lyle at bis right, with the other officers and a full brass• band on his left. After an opening pieemely tligr hand, Dr. Bringhmet - led the soi- TAy was . ft e o t r i t - divi„ . , -thw:-Lettert-pftreffi sort several otwarrirvincluding the prayer for the President of the United States, and a chapter from the New Testament. Another hymn (air, ,‘ Home, Sweat Home) was sung. A sermon was de livered from the text re Watch ye; stand last in the faith; quit you like men; be strong.'! The preacher urged upon them the duty of watchfulness ; the necessity of building on that faith taught in the Bible; and the value of a manly character, which;was always a vir tuous one. lie dwelt with great force on the evils of profanity, wicked companions, end intemperance. .After an address to Col. Lyle, the other officers; and our flag, therband played with fine effect the Star Spangled Banner, which was followed by tbe doxology and bene diction. Th 6 Col. then returned the thanks of the regiment to Dr. Bringimrst, and cordially invited him to_visit them again. As be loathe Camp, and as we heard the different squids admiring his sermon, and the kindness which he manifested to them in many ways, we could not but indulge the hope that he would be persuaded to become the chaplain of the regiment. We axe informed that the same clergyman preached on the same day at Federal Bill. Srszs axe &raves. Letter trom ilarre-de-Oraoe. tCorrooroodortoe of The masa CAMP Roam, Havaz.DE-GRaos, Tuesday Afternoon, *Tune 11, 1861. It is just now unusually lively in Camp Riley. Orders have been given out that the 11th Regiment of Pennsylvania Volunteers are to march for Chambersburg to-morrow morn ing. Asa consequenCe all b confuein and bustle. The troops - are busily eugaged 4 n Pre paration, and are happy at the idea of being constituted a portion of the army to march upon Harper's Ferry and assist in regaining it from rebel hands. Two weeks ago last night our regiment as sumed the duties of guarding the Philadelphia railroad from the attacks and annoyance of secret enemies. During that time they did their duty bravely, and exercised a commend able vigilance which effectually prevented every attempt that could be .conceived to de-, lay the passage of trains and troops over this road. Every rumor of an attempt was promptly met and successfully guarded against. So much for the labors of the 11th regiment Qom far, which is determined to do its duty upon every occasion, be the result what it may. The lat iteghnent of Delaware Volunteers have taken our place on this road. That they will properly protect it, not a doubt exists. The officers and men are a fine-looking, able, and stalwart body whose every appearance in dicates their peculiar fitness for any duty they may be called upon to perform. This camp is situated near and in sight of the Chesapeake Bay. The ground is even, solid, and nicely grown with grass, which makes it excellent for drilling. The situation is in every respect delightful, and we find but one annoyance ,• that is, the prevalence about ns of the abadAly, by the residents here called the These flies are extremely an noying, and Ily upon yonrperson in such num bers that it is impossible to keep them off. At night they are much worse than in the day tikie.:4 o ' • • Havre-de-Grace is most beautifully located at the month of the Susquehanna river. Though not a large place, it covers a great deal of ground. The buildings are not built com pactly. Perhaps the population will reach 1,700. No elegant residences adorn the town, but the dwelling 'houses generally present a very comfortable appearance. The hospitali ty of the people here, like it • bas been else where, merits the:praise and thanks of every parent, brother ' sister, and friend, who has relatives or kin In the army. Where it is de served, there it is conferred by the kind and hospitable of this place. Only to-day, in view of the departure from among them of our regi ment, they manifested their hospitality toward 1 us in the formal presentation of elegant cakes to companies A and B. Speeches were made 1 on the occasion, and fine music discoursed by the regimental-bend. Cheer upon cheer rent the air in plane- -the ladies who had thus shown themselvei - On the side of those new engaged in-thodelenee of the country. The occasion wee-moat happy one, and was great lyenjoyedly Beterenoncluding this hastily-written letter, allow me, Er. Editor, to congratulate you and your readers upon the very proper and sensi ble views contained in the leader of your Issue taday, concerning the contemplated appoint omits in the army, to be made by the Secre tary of War, General Cameron. The views which you have therein expressed meet with the universal approval Of all the troops, and' all the citizens here who have read them. And so they should. The strictures and censures heaped upon the National Administration, in view of certain contemplated appointments to high positions in the army, by contemporary journals; are not endorsed here. Every eon fiderice exists in the Adminietratien to do its duty, and.especially do the_people confide in the admialatrative sad executive abilities of the;Secretary of War, than whom a more ener getic man never before ffiled'this position in the Cabinet of the nation. When we again pitch our tents, I will write yen a more interesting letter. Until then, good by. V,1 4 , WWI? BRANCH. ROUND ABOUT WASHINGTON• The Wanderings, Ponderinge, ana oute.the. way Loiterings of a Roving Yankee Corrosoondenoe of The Prem.! NO. VIII.—THE BATTLE OF BETHEL BRIDGE. On Tuesday afternoon ' at dusk, the o Ave nue," as seen from the editorial rooms of the Chronicle, wore the moat animated appear !Mee, since the fourth of March. At noon, the netts of a pass-at-arms, near Fort Monroe, had come in. Before two 0 9 cloels, s bulletin extra spread the vatiOns rumors and reporta throughout the city; and, by stift-set, in the cool of the evening, from every quarter of the• town, citizen and soldier flocked to the re gions of Brown's and the telegraph-office, for the usual purposes of receiving the latest in telligence, of gathering the most reliable opinions, and joining the general diecneelon, which of course follows the reception of in teresting and important tidings by a mixed concourse of motley and gossip-disposed groups. The moral arising from this miscel laneous hut arbitrary court of is-ljudiostnre, where plausibility constitutes reason, rumor I passes for fact, and notions the result gf im pulse, report and prejudice, assume the di- Mensiona Of opinion, presents a mingled "comedy of errors' , to judicious reflection, which is recognized and laughed over on the I nserrow by the populace itself. As usffial, most of the substantiated facts turn out to be fictions of the most idle character; and nearly the whole, of the pre-judged verdict is reversed by the mere positive diatomof actinide de. tail. The pliant grace with which the fiercest commenters upon o first tidings" fall hate the coned and prevailing judgment of fact and reason, exhibits a striking inatance of our national capacity for a liberal, enlightened self-government ; whilst the patience, pre deuce, thoughtfulness and fairness of the final decree proves in a clear light the magnani. I MOUS spirit of our- character as a nation and people. The official report of the battle of Bethel Bridge, together with the descriptive accounts, which may be taken as reliable, vary materi ally from the rumors which were circulated among the anxious citizens of Washington ' and were canvassed by the exalted crowds upon' the Avenue on Tuesday evening. Its consequence as a hostile encounter, its Im portance as a military measure, its force as a moral disaster, are considerably diminished i Whilet the lesson it inculcates and the expe rience it teaches are calculated to impress the I loyal Mind and heart more sensibly and seri ously than would. naturally be produced by a 'conflict of but little or no physical result, one I way or the other. lam myself but vaguely conscious of the basis upon which many very sensible people build up accusations of negli gence, incapacity, and want of prudence and foresight. Not at all sure that the unfortu nate accident which exposed the object of the *expedition might not have occurred under the command of any and the most efficient "commander; and, quite certain that popular pride has pitched the hopes and expectation of the mass of our people beyond the natural reason of the case, I am inclined to view thie first onset and repulse as among the inevitable consequences of war. One of the most °ne in:WS ideas with which men and. nations enter a personal or gener a_ engagement, and one of the most common, is a foolish exaggeration of their own strength, to a proportionable un donating of the courage and skill et the enemy. Prom the beginning of this contest, this die astrous idea has governed the minds of a large portion of the Northern people. They forget that the contending race is, in almost every respect, physically like ourselves. They for get that by the aid of official treason the re bellion has been ushered in, armed and equipped in the full panoply of war. They forget that our troops march upon strange territory, whose geographical advantages to the enemy almost balance the superior force, martial and moral, Which the Government em ploys. In a word, the spirit of sproad-eagleism —which however glorious in calling into action the energies, impulses and patriotism of the masses, is not the most effective implement upon the battle-fleld—has to a.sertseles • blinded.mannit_psi- s-I. l .l. l, lfitiderit eau o''''''"*.b.—S:WaWn censured by rash-brained - stifiliteicri, has appreciated' it. The Adminis trntionderstande its-and this repulse will' " fi26ll'ee gOligialittnii-ta ' a faller conapm hension of it. Who.. sta. oDeniting armies meet, somebody has to be beaten, and. many. must fall. On the present occasion it fell to lot to sustain a comparatively trifling de feat, which will react with treble force one favor. As to the sad accident, which could, not have been fore-thought-of, which in the darkness and in consideration 01 the striking similarity of the enemy to oureelves, was liable to happen to any one and at any time, we mind view it as a warning. I do not see the justice of placing any blame upon General Butler. I believe I am the last one who would feel disposed to cherish kindly feelings towards that officer ; for being in the late Baltimore Convention as a warm partisan of Judge Douglas, the political course of Gene ral Butler there, and his subsequent action, was calculated to .excite a feeling of which his more recent actions have scarcely effaced. Bat here—in this eneounter—his conduct has been in no-wise that of either a negligent or incapable chief. It seems to -me that his misfortune—for, however unjustly, the brand of prejudice will fall on him—was the result of many inevitable matters beyond his personal control. I believe, too, that such is the general opinion prevalent in this city at the present moment. - Doubtless there are many private woes, which spring from the disaster, whose eeho can not bat inspire a deep and prevailing sor row. To one who but lately witnessed the departure or the troops from the capital for their destiaation, a bold, fearless, brave-look ing band of men, who had clustered and mus tered from highway and byway, in response to a patriotic duty, and enrolled themselves un der the fair free flag of liberty, "Old and battle-worn awl torn With many wounds," As it once again waves into battle , _gushing blood at every hallowed rent achieved in blither wars, the catastrophe excites many sad reflections. But in war times, a nation's and a people's duty is to philosophize lees than moralize, and to hearken more to the calls of sinew than the claims of sentimentality. Ac tion--action is the word. The blenchless cheek, the dauntless eye, and the firm lips, which stamp the face of our national divinity, best fit the faces of men, and women, and children, from whose homes and hearths the grand image of Patriotism should wipe away the tear of sorrow. Glory to the dead, and God and liberty to the living ! It is better to strew roses upon the biers of a thousand heroes than blush for a spot of dishonor 'no bigger than an agate's eye. Roll forth the drums anew. Plant our banners OD the outer wall. Let the smoke of battle rise as thick as the clouds of the winter storm. It is not for brave women and men to quake when the thunders roll or the lightnings flash. It is not for hearts to oink when screams break upon the air from the wounded or groans from the dying. It is not for freemen to pause till they have as serted their liberty, integrity, and honor be fore the world; have secured their Eight to domestic perpetuity and foreign respect, and have placed on field and fort, on tower and crag, where no hand can tear its blessed. folds asunder, the emblem of their nationality—till out before the lion of Britain, and the , eagles of France—out before the crescent of the Turk, or the sword of the-Ruasian—out before Pagan and Christian, in every quarter and cor neree-out before the nations of the earth— ,' O'er roof and spire, A living fire, The stars shall blase forever!" Proudly, freely, immortally! Ase TBBNCHARD. WASHINGTON, June 13, 1881. Publications Received. From W. B. Yuman: Temple Bar, a London magazine, edited by Q. A. Sale, June, 1861. Art Journal, for June, with three eagrevinge on steel, and numerous Illnotrated article& National Quarterly Bo tany, edited by Edwird J. Bean, A. 8., Nen York. From CALLUDZR k CO., South third street : Illustrated London News end Illustrated News of the W'orld, June 1. From B. C. Brutus, 310 Chestnut street: Cor-nhill Magazine, St. James' Magazine, and Tompto Bar; also Illustrated London News and Punch, of June 1, and London Jour nal and C053611'.1 Illustrated Family Paper, of June 8. We shall have occasion to speak e. to write) about some of these publications on Monday. Meantime, we may notice that with the Illustrated News of the World is given a portrait, on steel, of Professor Bterndale Bennett, Mae. Doc., who, by the way, entitled to the title, se ProfeBBoY of Mole in the University of Cambridge With the Illustrated London News is given, as a supple• I mint, a large and handsome map of the United States. It is clear, u well u minute, on the Innis of one hundred miles to an bob, and includes not only our portion of North America but Upper and Lower Canada, New Branswiek, Nova Bootie, and British Colombia, Mexico, Cuba, junks, et, Domingo, and the Bahama Islands. It ban been drawn by T. Ealing, and has been Pantoographed by Gillet, of -Parte. This map, in which the tioeusion Kates are distinguished by & difference In tint, would be cheep at a dollar. TWO CENTS. Trouble in the . Rebel Camp. iBA cilAnsiiarom abanctrsit ntwerNCilfd Tl Remr Ann an ClOrAlDit. (From the Charleiton Mercury, Jane &I The reported retreat of two companion of tr &fa cavalry before the advance of a single com pany of United States troopere, Witbottt oven ozone rag swords with them, is almost incredible news. We do not know. what to make of it. Is the thing possible ?•• It is said, in.extenustion of Attie appa rently deetardly eandlet, that one company of the Virginia cavalry were Without, piste's. Bat what a vain and. empty exam !- What is the use of pia tole In a sabre tight ? .The sabre, not the pistol, is the weapon for 'Labarge of eaValry CtiValrY• ,still farther, it is Stated" that the other company of 'Virginians ki;:f :pistols They were two to one against the United States troops, and basked, be Eiden. by a companyotritiamen. • Good God ! is this the sort of Ogtaing BOutlaera tr6opi intend to mike? Why, with their riflemen, end:Awe sabtoe to one, they ought to have tint up the Liscolnites to a man, and pursued' the. last man' into the very ormatuP" meet of the enemy. Is the banner of the (Mk Do• minion lobe thes trailed. In the dint? Are thew men found in Virginie..thus to rob her of every vertigo of her anefentprentige, and, more than all, her honor, her glory in erns ? Will, then, no Mar talon upbraid them? wiry tfeeerre tere(ve Imo-toter hint•- • Wee re's Ham Meet?. Fita'Enettee.hrtintlr.."' Oh'. for ad hour foe old Light Siren Haul ones• more to yield his daring, dashiog,bladis Unless our nicogre awl:mote' from nich..aa pews arc strangely inoorreot, the epaulettes should be torn from the shoulders .of the ofliiiers , who have than stained the honer of theirstste, and a court mar tial should Oxpel Mein from the rinks of the Con federate alley." That therefore breve Mtn ha Vir ginia who will maintain bar, integrity, the pliant cionduct of the singly company of rides, unsup ported' and without baYonetir t *bo drove back the enemy with their holloke, will Willy. Let those, then, who have no stomach for the fight be spurned from the ranks of the army—objeots of contempt to mankind. • FINANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL. The Money Market. Pair.4oiLratt, lone 14. 18M Stocks were in better demand to-day. Beading Railroad stook advanced, under the intlaenee of news from the Now York Board of Brokers, to 181, and there was more inquiry for all the better class of ritlroad seouritiee. The „Boston Traveller gives the following ac count of Mr. Lindsay and his probable motives for - the remarkable epeesh to which he lately gave utterance irr the British Parliament : "Our shipowner!. who feasted and flattered' Mr. W. 8 „Lindsay, M. P , last year, were somewhat astonished that he had taken ground against them in a long rambling speash which he delivered to his constituents at Sunderlaud on the .224 alt. He wants Boglend and SPIDCIP to interfere, ostensibly to prevent blOOdehed;bnt in reality to aid in break ing up theNdlon, that England may have a mono poly of the carrying trade of the South. Ile also raised the cry of Southern privateers, end the impos sibility of our being able to blockade the rebel ports. This wag simply a shipbroker's dodge, to injure our shipping abroad, by causing distrust of tnetr safety, thereby inducing the ownen of meninx,- dice to give the preference to British bottoms. As the fellow's views of statesmanship are concentrated in making money, be thinks that be perceives in the dissolution of our Union a riot field in the South from which sharpen like himself can reap a golden harvest. He does not think that any privateers will be fitted out in British ports to prey upon ems eemmeree, but he has hypoefitiolll fears that they may be fitted out from the ports of Spain _ Upon this point we can calm hie fears. Spain is conscious that we can not only blockade the rebel ports, but those of Cuba at the name tine. a suffiefent consideration to keep her neutral. Besidee, most of our valuable merchant vowels are now heavily armed, and abundantly able to defend themselves. We do not entertain the slightest apprehension of privateers, either tit home or abroad, for the simple reasons that foreign nations will not allow any to be fitted out in their ports, and because the rebels are strictly blockaded, and have neither ships nor sailors. Mr. Lindsay is a ship agent, not a statesman—a greedy money maker, not en enlightened merelsant his opinion', therefore, are not =tided to more oonelderatiOn than those of any other demagogue, although be is a member of the British Parliament. lie will DM learn that 'the shipowners of the North nu 'deratand their own bushing beet, and will °endue! it successfully without hie advice or interference." The St. Louis Repablecan lays of the efforts making to provide for the July interest on the -Missouri sonde: afr _ ets ue or them " We learn tkatj e arrangements for o nicyment were, we have been informed, entirely sedsfaotory to the holders. Nothing de finite Is yet known as to the prospeate of the pay ment of the interest due in July. The opinion is freely expremed, in some pretty well Informed ,quarters, that it will be FRO." Families Cotunterfeit Detector for Jane 15th 'is pnbTfalyetl to EMT retailer, and irde Ad ail whose business brings them into the receipt of any number of bank Mlle, should take a counter felt detector, as the loss by a aingle bad note equals the coat of a detector for a year, aid in this ishlng state of the ,counterfeiting business, the probabilities are In favor of many deceptions upon those wbo are eeproelded with the safeguards that deteotore afford. Philadelphia Stock Exchange Sales, June 14. 1881. itIrORTY.Ta ES. n.ELA. MAW B 3 Cam to Amb 8 Beal? Mead R 66 8 do • 66 20 2d g 3d-atg. 37 to do— 37 12 d0—r.:..37 • ZS Meohamor Bit-- 20 MOO Poona 66,---- 77 too do .-. 76Y, 1000 97 Parma R 10a 86 S Phdadalohla ilk._ al 2 do.-- .66 BETWEI r . 60 V eading R.— Ltfil 60 &Mutt rimy Prefds 10%1 4000 Clay 66..t1aw.C.t1 91361 NRIIOIIII/ 6 lAmehi ettl U. li ; ._..R.Cgr 67tfi 66 6 Spruce to 736 4060 Reading ita 1 I 0. 80 2000 do '44-0 for Labielt &Rio ....L. 33 4 27 63 2 . 33 20 goading . UK I CURIUM I' Arksd hilefL...illtoff 6731 OEI rhiss 6x /cant car amass Phila Ea new inoff 96 96 Penna 56.....-- 763 i 77 Read. R. LW 45 13 16 Read baWitt77., toK goad mt 66'80 '1.7 8934 Road mt go 'At-. 70K 7134 I Paula R--- 57X Penn 6 It 241 mt6a 8336 64 Morns Can con. 69 -3956 Biome Can. Pfd 106 Soh Nay vs 17 is ao Soh Soh ,Nap Moak. 4 7 The New York Post, of this evening, says Stocks show renewed firmness to-day, with more speculative activity in the leading ritilroad'shares.. New York Central war unummlly active, and all the time bargains, it will be Dean, were on sellers; option. About 1,500 shares changed handl! for °ash, and 1,000 on time. There was elan Dome buoyancy in Galena, whioh roes d per cent. The market gathers tone from the firmness in New York Central, which advances .under the daily wants of the bears, who have largely over efald the stook. Mnoh of the stook has also gone off the street, it being a favorite with persona who Book employment for their large balances, because. ' of the facility with which it may be turned into money again. Then, too, it is earning a dividend, and its safety is beyond question. New York Central closes firm at 731.73 f. ICl riOil Central Is very quiet today, at eea66# Ga lena la in demand at S9is6o. Pacific Mail and Panama are quiet at former ; prices. The letter is 105} bid, 106} asked. The oval stooks are dull. Delaware and Hudson 79;180, Penntrylrania 76a77i,'Lsolutivanna and: Weetern 7247. The following is et approximate statement a the earnings of the Pittsburg, Port Wayne, and. Chicago Railroad Company, daring the month of May, 1861, compared with the 883410 period of last year, viz From 1161. MO. Increase. Decrease Freight......... 3137 .343 64 $9B 493 SI $38,06147 'Passengers. 61 ter 84 72 a 97 It —. 10.09Z5 Express.—. 2 700 CO 2.7u0 00 -- Matto_ 7.826 to 7 SD 00 R't of s itOad 7,083 33 7.00 53 a. 7 76 34 40 216 76 Total_ ,0217 857 66 ens 830 66 $59,036 90 San. 1 to 31-031,171,672 30 MS SOO 31 NOM id ..... The following is the amount of coat shipped over the Huntingdon and Broad Top Mountain Rail road, for the week ending Wednesday, June 13, 1861, and since January let, 1861 Week. Previously. Total. Tons. Tons. Tons. 7. 1 91 73 723 03,919 3 903 76 251 80.464 /0 se6 O : 3.585 Deoreme—.-- The following ie the amoral t of Coal transported over the Philadelphia and Reading Railroad, for the week ending Thariday i Jane 1; 166 1: Total siothrsoito ooal for SS 460 00 Harrisburg. total tatoottnows—...— 6.000 00 Total of all kinds for the week—. PrOVIOIIIII7 -- Total -- To same tint, last year—. —.— 03 The following is the statement of omit transport. ed over the Hazleton HttHrOlui for Ike week end. tug joins 8,1881 Week. 'Previously. Total. Tone. Cwt. Tom Cwt. Tons Cwt. liazletern 2,47 07 20427 00 02301 10 Orenberry--.....—. 2,129 is a Sea we* On 4.743 13 0120 06 East spear 2.262 09 411,281 14 4700 WI Connell Ridge 2,242 10 ggo eg 14 46 300 01 311:0121,1'10041124--- 24 12 2 524 07 ' ll ° B " Harie{ah..... t /80 JO 28 291 '9 Jeudo _ 3,616 11 35 BO 20 2'41 12 9 42E sou 06 of .13 120 09 st 6 IS 240 961 of Last, 24,1 E of 2317,799 u 6 8414 5/0 -• " The Ltwoccootions of Fleur and Meal in Philhdel: - . phlie-iferhog the week ending' June 18,1881, w ere ea !allows " - - narreie of do. fine -- 486 do. Ile do. do. Corn Ideal—. 300 Tana TIME wEETcuy PRESS.. Tun WeeLy Flees will be sent to itobeeribere bT mill (Der KRUM in edirerttled I%t..e...rtr*.+O"° Three Copies. .• 11.. * 00 ......• .0.11.••••. 0 Five " ii " ed.. 9.90 Ten " ~ " .... 19,00 Twenty Twenty Conies. or over. -- each ettliyoriber.) each For a Mob of Twenty-one or over, we will mend an eats copy to the getter-up of the Club. sir postmasters are requested to ei , t 6i4 Asento for Tat WISZELY Pans. CALIFORNIA FRAM bolted three times it Month, in time for the Qattara , a Steamers. Weekly Review of the Philadelphia iliftrketit Parr.Anavrind, Jane 14,1561. Business generally continues dull and neglected. Quercitron Bark is scarce and firm at the advance. Breadetudis are unsettled and lower, with a mode rate demand for Flour, Wheat, and Corn. Coal le in good request to go East, and prises are firm. Cotton rasing very 'quiet. 'Groceries have at treated more attention, and the seliif are confined to Coffse, which is firmer, In Metals there le nothing doing. - The • Provision market is very lo cally.), and prieal AM nominally nnobangsd, bah, Fruit • and Leather continue. dull. Naval Stereo and Oils quiet. Plaster, "aloe, and Seeds, little or - nothing doing. Bait is inastive, and Teas, Tobacco, and WOOl tritlioqt any,Partialities . ehangs. In . Dry Canis there is no new feature, and a limited bud sere doing, Mostly 'hi' All army contrasts ; and Orr • ton fabrics" are "well held and AM. " - The Breadstuffi market is dull and drooping wa der the &dykes from abroad. There la Some little export demand for Flour and the market gene rally is unsettled. 12,000 fable sold at $5'2645.37i for good Pehisdylverds superfine, , at sahib rata, isiormereasawoodiritt westr m ' 0‘ ,oenset ride .I '5OO bbi extra and 'ettra• nail off kept private, and piat,sit :from, in quality, The trade are baying is a,*+.ll etay„, and at very irregular *loge, ranginiTrbMss44, $5.50 for Western and Pennsylvania soqiiiiine and extras, $5154 50 for Rood and oheiee s extrannilt extra family, and $0 2037,09 per bbl tot filmy brands, as in quality. The reoeipto are on the crease, and some conalderable sales of Ammon extra are reported at $5 per bbl. Rye Floor and Corn Meal are not Winfred for, and freely offered at $5 00 for the forreofand q.2l.ri rot Perinsyleania meat. without sales. ' ' . Wnaczr.— T . he receipts of most kinds have fallen , . off, but shippers are not disposed to operate, and the market is anti and droop-log. The sales remelt 20,00 G bin common to, good and prime Western and Penna. - reds at $1 250.'35 in store and *gnat,' closing at 1127; -white ranges at from $l. $1 50, U in' quality ; Rye is dull, and Penna. le milling at 42 , t645. Corn is in Malted retina% lirith sales of /0,000 bus to note at 540 for prate South ern and Penne ; yellew afloat 50552 c for fail' quali ty, and 465500 for Western mixed in store:. Oats are steady at 20.4310 for . Southern, Mid 3lit3io for Pinnn , and a small business doing at thermos rates from store. Paovisions.—There le Ilttle or nothing doing, and the sales of Pork in a retail way only'st $lB per barrel for mess Beef it steady, hat Anil, at $14a16 for Western and City mesa In Batton and green meats the oaten are limited, and prioes no minally unebanged. Lard moves off as wanted at 0,018 for notintiy, and 100 for prime western in tee. and bbls ; kegs are worth lOtallor oath and time. Butter is dull, and roll is - selling at Baloo, and a sale of packed wee made at 9to. Chime is dull at 6590 as in qiudity. Eggs are better, and selling at 12e _per &Zen. tiaveLs —There is no new feature In the Iron market and nothing doing to alter • quotations which are nearly rtominal, both for pig and mann featured Iron, the former ranging at from $lB to 121 for the three numbers of maltreat.; en time. Lead-3410TM is unsettled and low, owing to the difference of exchange -with the West, and a sale of 1,000 pigs new made in a neighboring"market ta Immo bete on terms - kept pnvate. Pot-sign is held above the dews of buyers: Copper, sethieg doing to establish a price for either sheathing or yellow metal. ' - Beau —There is very little Queroltron arriving, and Ist NO. 11s SUMO and wanted at $2B . per ten, at which rate about 140 hbde sold. of T a naeigs Bark the sales are limited at $1151154 for Spanieh and $8 50 per cord for Chestnut Oak. - Banu.—Businese is moderate, without ehang,a in . quotatlone. , BIIIIEWAX.—But little offering,. and the sales light, at 30a31e per . lb. Outman —The inquiry for all kinds oontlnues limited, with a small business to note in Adaman tine at 1811180 per lb", . COAL —.There is a fair demand for Anthracite, to go East, at fully former rates, say within the range of $3 25a3 50 per ton for white and red ash, free on board, and a moderate business doing for the ma inn., Corroc—The market eontinnes at a itaidetlli, and without any partionlarohange to note inea V it or demand, most of- the mills being idle °Ewer short time The demand -from mennfaoturers 1 ver/ limited within the range of 12418 e per pound; The following is the plovarna..+--` --- September last. -- - 2061. we& .11.heetortat porta, .000 4 MS,OOO 3 093 000 MU 000 Export to ere 8ritain...3.107.00 9469.000 1.801,1910 1.510.000 Export to France 570.000 665-000 383.000 833 Export to other F. 867200 '419.000 510.000 - ant Total export. .......3,00M00 5,676 t 2 7 10,002 21 222 41 0 Stook on hand..... 48.000 &So 392.000 426,000 Of which, during the pest week, incindedin the above • • - Receipts at ports.- .. 4.000 13.000 11.400 124/00 Export to 19't Brita in.. 20,000 47.000 21.000:, .4e,001 rort to Franoe....- 8,000 9.000 4an 2,090 Dort to other F. P.-- mew 8.000 10.000 6 000 opp i ngports.--... 13.000 89,0119 30200 vies Nrsmniirk.t.•-ttletriplas Deerease. at tiny nate compared with teat year, 975,000 bales. Ritiorte-- Decrease to Great Britain, 40/000. bales ; increase to Prance, 5,000 bales; increase to other foreign • ports, 91,00: Total deorease export:li, 537000 bales • •-- ' • Cerven is firmer, and the stook light. We note some further small sales of Rio, mostly front second bands, at nail!,; 1.600 bags Laguaynt at 131..121c-ter venni, and 1,500 bags Maracalbe at 131 e, all on time. . Davos saw Dreg.—littsittese continues lititottimi. -Among the sales are some Gusts:hale Indigo, Ben get do., refined Camphor, Soda Ash, and balSoda, ill within the range of former quotations- All kinds of Logwood have advanced., The Moot is light, and the demand good. • iteenners —There is very little produoe offered; the going rate, 2+l 68 for flour and 101 for 'troth to Liverpool; 31 forliour and io.i for grain to Landes, and 255301 for weight. West India freights are dull. Nothing new in Boston freights, and badness very moderate. Colliers are in steady demand at 110 s to New York, /100 to -Abode Island,- and 1250 par ton to Boston, .fronr Part Richmond, - Fan —Most of the recent arrivals are going into store, and the market very inactive; tiro outputs of new Magdalene Bening, in /kaki sold on-terms •itent prints. Store pfillelftlf Maillffel mpge at $l2 50a13 for medium lit, $l7 for is,rge de, $5 50a6 for medium 2s, (large fish are - scaroth)'and s6*7 for larges3a. Pickled .Uening are quoted at $2.504.75 per bbl, and dull-. Dry• Ced—no sales. Pam? cantinas' dull. Two cargai Of Silltiona Tine Apples have arrived, Wand tales are - making, in lota, froni theveasel, atSTaillbe the 100 Oranges and. Lemons are- jobbing out at from $1 to $2 . 50 per box, an to condition.. Inalomeitio dried Fruit there is nothing doing, -thirsentitur biting ova.- -Guam" i-rTheroAsnoqdyg - doing,' butaberet is no alteration in . . HAIM Stook being nearly all is thebands of the mateaftletundin, the market-is gimlet. Hops.—A small Wings:Mt° pelt Woo mating from 130 t 0,25 for new. imp Eastern and Western. 018 flops are riot inquired' for. ' • - - Eines mirainarmse are quiet, with moderate business doing in the latter at steMy rates. LUAU;dull, and in white anti yellow Pine there is very little doing 'lithe wiLy of Wet; Bit& queliannai-130arde ranged at $12415, . and Lehigh flintlock do et SlO. Lathe and Pickets are, plenty and *Flies - unsettled Without any large sales. Southern Shingles are out •of first hands, white Pine do sell at - 1512.15 M., • •• Nougat:lL—The market is steady and t he only transactions we hear of are some small sales Cuba at 1.6a18e, 4 months. • • - 21.sitiujivonna.—There is little or nothing do- ing in any kind, and Spirits of Turpentine is sal tins in a small way at 75e per gallon. No Change in Rosin, Pitch, and Tar, and the: limited. Ores —Sperm and Whale sell se wanted from store at about previous rates. Linseed meets with a mcdorate home demand -at 545550, weight. Lard Oil is very dull at 751600. Of Coal 011, whisk if more In request, we note sales at 550 per gallon " Iniperta of Spann and -- Whale' Oil, and Whale lime auto the 'United States, for the week ending June ISSIL Bbla. Se. Shia. Wh. - lbs. Bone. 'Total for 1.910 Uhl . 12 900 18,01576,780 101,400 . - From limo. to date, 00 2 22 7 2 - 222 . 275.400 29.210 time lag year, MeV 91,34 ammo Peasettia.—There is little or none selling, and we quote soft dull and unchanged and nearly no. 19111101 at $2 per ton. • • Rica is quiet, anti the sales ins retail-way only at 5i,163.per pound. , S.&vr Is dull, and the arrival of Turks Island, noticed last week, has been taken by a packer on terms kept private. Senua.—There is nothing doing in any . kind worthy of nate, and no change in the market Sadnzes.—Brandias continue firm Auden the nil vane* bat there is little or nothing coins_ in the way of salts. Gins are steady ; and New Ragland Rutn.very dull at quotations. Of 9n:take the re °Mph, and sales have been limited- at-16tine for barrels . 18018#o for drudge !lab Is • sesrce, and 161 for hhds. • • 61341545.—The 'market is firmer, With more dis path:ion to operate in most kinds, bueno large tales Imre 001110 under our notice. Refined Sugars are rather better. • Teniow continues firm but qttiet, Stilts9io for city and Bfo for nountiy rendered, and a small bu siness doing in the latter.. - , Ties.—There are very few selling, but prices are well maintained and inn.- TOBAOOO is firof at the advance, but most of the dealer; are , supplied, and there is little or nothing doing._ • ' Wool; The market continues unaettled and dull , and the eaten mostly confined to small 1011 Of the low and medium grades at irregular rates, Inn ing from 30 to 400 per lb, as in quality. - • Ifferahante &dant& OMIT. ISO Catania& R Frafd 5 1000 sun% R tat no— 913 E a Minekdd R.. . 541 100 City' es 86 IMO cam & klub de 'B9, 74 4 Penns L.. ---.... 5 ni do . 500 N Penns 11.60-- ait , 1000 do. .241311 67% no Lehigh Nay 55---155 IMO Lehigh V 4144— 06 BOARDS. 1000 Penns R Is m— 9731 10 Beaver Meadow R 86. 2000 Penns - - --11 BOA N.D. 8 Reading R 100 do — ' 18g 100 field tiav Fred... 11 eOO Cam & am Oa '64— 90 MO Penns R 2d ra -3 d 0..... 373 i WOO do Ist 9754 IWO Penns iss. —.—. 7? MIMEO Bid. Asked. Long blond R_. 8% 9 Le 1 & N.-47 48 Leh CI & N 800-873 i 88 North Penn* R - 6 731( NPa A to, .ant 48 renps R UM. -84 Ng Gonswuna. R wed I 6.,54 Freak" flo R. , ,;,D6 let & 3d-ate It - sax . 1 / 4 Rnoo&lrine-st R. 3 37 _-- West Philo 66 irnoe & Pine..- pson &.(loatoo_lo I Chest It Wan't. 20 30 .153,07 14 43 44511 .00 _..soo,ssa ss " (to one address) 20.00 (to address of - How re VOTE ITNION astono" TRAIToati,,—A resident of Alegendris 00Mmunittatee an account of the way in whioh Union men there secured a free expression of opinion against &suasion_ " Whioh way do- you vote?" shouted the emitted and armed rebels at the pelts.- -"one To t e l e 'iA,i,t,tt he replied, dreiring a revolver; - "but I shall not use tt until I have thrown this," showing a Union ticket. lie was unmolested. A few snob suds of heroism would redeem a State, and should not go unrewarded. • - AT A Diattnlon COXYlitTiox of the Third Con gressional District at Jamestown, Koottivki. the 4th inst.,..tbe, Simonton speakers annotated their determination to " wan this fight "--pearesbly it they eould—but to win it *Wen 'if they SWAM hkee 'attend hytheir Musket& The 7 8.14 they= heei the ellettelliAcand were resolved, it stecrii!!,!7.,,te tie • To !berm :Away lidOSOMTo l l. — Canspber is the aAOat _ p earti rov e e h an oriblie ctwa y'hmas u isp in , sier to their entrance. amphora ad7erililf, ap plied 'as perfume to the Tome and haitdriisig4,roee **':effectual preventive; but whets _litho .by them, aromatic vinegar is the best antidote. ga _lb . Dioirop of ALABAMA ItEr.—e Noisome'', Advertiser says that -Rey. - Pundusey wee ideated Bishop by ttia clergy; but that be was not attosptable to the - laity. The furthersliation has Pith of next llermaher. . !!!=i
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers