Sermon of Rev. Dr• Kranth, in St Mark's Church, Spring Garden St. 'Reported for The Press.] The Church of St. Mark's (Lutheran), in Spring Garden street, was crowded, by a very attentive audience, on Sunday evening, May 20. General (now Captain) Bickle was pre sent, with his fine company of Home Guards, who occupied a considerable portion of the body of the church, and presented a very sub stantial, soldierly appearance. There was also a large a ttendance of Lutheran clergymen, and other attendants upon the Synod, now in session in the German Church, in Brown street. Dr. Kranth in a great favorite among hie clerical brethren. with whom he enjoys the reputation of being not only one of their most eloquent preachers, but of high intel lectual eulture and profound learning. His sparkling wit and social character have also gathered around him a large body of private friends. On this occasion he repeated (by request) a sermon which be had preached, two weeks before, to another body of soldiers in attend ance upon his ministrations. His theme, adapted to the times, was "Jehovah, our nation's banner," being hued upon the words found in Exodus xvii,ls, 10: cc And- Moses built an altar and calld the name of it Jeho vah nisei—the Lord my banner," &c. We trust that Dr. Kranth may be induced to give this sermon to the public, as it is ono of the ablest presentations of the principles involved in the present struggle of our country, to which we have yet listened, and may serve as an effectual antidote to the perverted senti ments and delusive representations of such men as Drs. Thornwell and Palmer, by whom the Christian Church is so shamefully misre presented in the Southern Confederacy. We want some such exhibitions as this of Dr. Kranth to show the South, as well as the North, the broad foundation of Christian feel ing and principle, as well as of patriotism and love of the government given ea by our fathers, upon which this contest is waged, and with which every Christian, as well as every patriot among us, will stand or fall. We cannot pretend to do justice to this dis course, which was listened to with the most profound attention by the large and intelligent audience in attendance; but the following sketch may serve to give an idea of it, and prepare the public for its perusal, if it should, as we hope, be published In full, and in a farm adapted to general circulation. Having read the portion of Scripture in connection, and announced his text, Dr. Kranth proceeded to say that, 4 , The words in this Connection tell f those movements of the hand - the one in ich the hands are against the threnthe hands of those who hate Him; the hands which are towards the throne—ot his.Peinile who loVe him ; the hand upon the throne—of the Lord—tbe hand of Him wbo hates the wicked and loves the good—the hand of Jehovah, lifted in his wrath and declaring that the war for Israel against Arnalek shall continue from generation to generation, until . It ends with triumph. "It is an awful truth and proof of human de pravity that the Lord uses war—lsrael against Amaktk. It is not true that Ho merely permits it. Be commands it and controls it, and par ticipates in it. One of His most fearful titles is that of g God of Battles.' The first altar reared by Moses was an altar' f memorial and thanksgiving to God for aiding his people in suf. 54 The times seem to point to the character of the theme which should occupy our thoughts to-day. The pulpit and- the religious press, which should never defile themselves with the themes of partisan politics, ahonkl be the first to speak in the awful hours of a national crisis, whictrottght to unite the hearts of all good men. We naturally consider the question, When is .le horak 'the banner ef nations in war? We reply, when tha war is one of absolute necessity to self-defence--a war for great principles, and which will be maintained only to secure them, bat Will be maintained inflexibly until they are Secured ; a war made necessary by the intereatil of peace, of law, of property, and of lite. Then is Jehovah the banner of the na tion that fears Him, and pledges His own life ZS the surety that the power of evil shall be overthrown. Such is the conflict to which our country has been called." Raving very happily elucidated these seve ral points, Dr. K. proceeded to say : "' This struggle is more important than that of our I Revolution. We are now to decide whether the life whose heart then beat lie first full pul sation In now to be as water spilled upon the ground, or is to rise from the stroke radiant with the life of immortality. Our Revolution was accomplished, but we are now to settle whether it was worth accomplishing. It our Unkeiln its_present shape falls, the Revolution falls with it; otir prat is ignominy, and we'have no future; our Union cannot be reconstructed. If the theory on which our Government stands is the tree one, we need no reconstruction; we must not tolerate tne thought of it. If the theory on which the rebellion against it is based is true, this Union would not be worth reconstructing. When Washington was about to sign that glorious Constitution which hair made our country so happy, he rose from his seat, and, holding the pen in his band, after a short pause, pronounced these < words : Should the States reject this excellent Con stitution, the probability is, that an opportu nity will never again otter to cancel another in peace—the next will be drown in blood.' Could he speak from that home from which, if the glorified know oor estate and can feel for us, he now looks down in sadness, be would say In that same voice of tender warning : If these States let this Constitution fall, it falls forever. They will never have another to support, or to trifle with, or to trample on) "'Bo nation dies more than once. There is a power which did, indeed, once raise the doad, botthat power never raised one who died by his own bands. If our land commits suicide, it will never live again. If we perish, let it be brae stroke of the murderer, not by that of self-destruction. We believe in our Inmost heart that the Go vernment of our country, as our fathers left it, is the best under which man has ever lived. We.believe that our Government, as the inter pretation of it which originates our present difficultiee would make it, would be one of the worst Governments with which man can be cursed. There is no Christian governMent which would afford so little security to pro perty and life, and the highest interests of men as ours, thin interpreted. I would be far better to live under the rale of Prussia or of France or of the Czar of the Russian , than under such a government as that foreshadowed in the South ern. Confederacy. It is to maintain the glo rierurgood, to resist the Immeasurable evil of which we speak, that our country now calls her eons to the strife. eg If these things be so, they show where our duty Iles. In the warfare which God wages ageing, evil He allows ot no neutrality. No neutrality is possible. God is Either right or wrong, and His creatures must accept the issue, 4 1Ie that is not for me is against me.' We must either be for God or against Him, and He will be either tor us or against us. So;also, our country is either right or wrong. It: she is wrong, no man worthy of the name of nisii should be neutral. He should rise ust, that by theprocessek of her. own Constitution that:wrong may be redressed. It she is right, no man should be neutral, but with heart and sonl, with goods and life, should give himself to the maintenance of the right. It was not the curse of Heron that the inhabitants took port'jivtinst tbe Lord. They maintained gan armed . : neutrality,' and refused to come to the help of the Lord toptinst the mighty))) /111LADtialita IstieJLlJ 111 , piitaKESEIMLE, * i& A °DICK% Cohnearris or rug ginITIL. /70111041, LETTER BARS At the Merchants' Exchange, Philadelphia. trnye-Trieiraoms, Den ievy soon MS, Lime 06Xford. Eldridge.—......--Liverpool t soon able V nstori X sea, Prebla - London- *coo. ship Zemd. l3 Tom/ el Lesdostions. Jame s art riatOrl. arreliman Bremen , soon ejk Arthur bite. osoMnlhn Glasgow, loon tilos Dalian, .---.--Lagoayra. soon C Atemander, Mei L ryntan........--Uardenas. soon sons Am, Havana, soon lIATLING or THE OCEAN ATEA/MERE. FROM TEE UNITED STATE& WITS L.DAVD DOI DAYS .1.= ,. ....--- -....— Bor on —Liverpool— . May 2 9 .............. i rottrl_Liverpt.ol.........*4 • ... mayl ...,..,...„, ..-- OR OTIL-U1aiguW..........-Jutio 1 ''" 4 "" I--- --.-- -Now oilc-41extiburg—...-- JUDO 1 Foram—..— New York_ ttverpool ----JUL. I SW York---New York- remen June S Amenoa-- ... Amon_ Iverpool June 1 2 Dv r2441 1 1,-- , --Now York-, harridan' ................. l auty 16 gnuvoisaiiin.--hew York.L vorpool -- Joao )9 Fulton _.___.Neer York_ h eivre _.—_. June 21 Eavaris-.-- hot Yotk_Haincurg_... into 2? FROM EUROPE. WHIPS t. 1•911 ?O) DALV• Gilavacm--.l4aerpooi-New York____A s y IA N o , ,A pritm____Liasep.al_Pmtlaart__-.--May IS Anberlisa—Livsf9ool- 80tt0m} ........ r , 18 Cotumbui-..... -.-. Gatway-N ewY0re..,.......,, ay 21 0 Wastriragtok.. _Liirerpool-Now Y0rk....-- .1.2 22 Bo,mita...._,4ourberopton.-14ew Tort ----May 12 Aida _.. Liverpool .Pievir I , ork .............Play 26 4iiisrallaiart.... LiverigNA- New .P"'"'" ^-4116 Y 25 1 " , " • •..--. , toUtbaxopcoo . blew - ewk...............A"eL, at. Ambit& --...-.--LiverVoo/-jet"-----.. Ikna I &drinjo___ _Galway_ tuA -. and 4 Bavivid.___ :18,urbiLmpton _New York.-........5une 8 Preicloa.-........8011a1aftW0U -Noy York-- -...-...)n..e If The Californiaßuono ra sail from NSW York en the la s Ilth. and Met of eaeirtnonth. The Havana Summers tome New York on then, fah 12th. Uth. and rith of snob month. At &MAE INTELLIGENCE. roATXiir PRELLIHISLPRIA. May VS. 1861. 41-11U1. um_ RIO . - . . - AttitlVEZ.. B o h r .1 u sus, Dwaine, 6 dsy• from Wilmington, N Comm naval stores to ft tnitemoe & co. Fehr Groat, Girder. Clerk. 4 days from Laos's Cove, with grnnite to eantaal• Bahr John il Dana, &ties. 9 days from PinomOko At•mr. with Intoner yo J W Bayou. , Behr M ma r's , hdramon, 5 days rrom geoonnet, with fun to instals.Boer %bozo um. Amabiiry, d days from &sonnet. with Bah to oapta.n Bohr Mary 11 nabs, Book, 4 days from &soonest, Velh to await, , Cf ,,,,, .. rooher,ll days from Caltds, With laths to ill & chLlv uz . ftbr John Thomas. Hilliard .1 day from foMfraao Del. Wlsm to Jae darratt & non _ AvTe_lanTa_ PO, Conner. day froza Ifnanci..D6l, Worn RP JSI nit & B on. — 41. 7 Shore Yowl., a onys froul 9044' with-eat to Jaa - Barrett tr. eon. Ser ut.ilweet.fronlipewleh, ' - t:.. Clark. from rt °ask. .. fuizaboth. Brod. from Cilotic r. It &Wood. Baker. from # Iloinnait Motada. Prue. froo n. err U hobrammer. frm Salem: moan,. MIMI. r.. 30 .15 opera 'rum New York, With sodas to W II Saud t Cm OLRAJUID. Bis,l: Flamm. (Br.) Levitt, Cork, for order", E A Soodsr & Co. Barg Canto. Gardner, Havana. J E Basler. Bohr Messenger. Fogs, Portland. Van Horn. Wood worth & Co. SOW entrusts Newton Bowden, Portland . J BasieS• Soar Georgia.. Sweet , IS Cambridge. fi Sturtevant k Co. Pohr Parallax. Clark.llatem, Bitinfokson & clover. & Bohr M D Crenate r. Cranmor. Salem. C A lieoksoher . • Bohr Remy May. Booiriy. aglow, L Rothermal k Co. 604 r M. 117 falembetid, Reed, Raxbury. van Damn. Norton it ye. Bohr M A Wood Baker, Nawburiport, do Bent Hennah Matilda, Prtoe, Boston, Reppller k illorreerwndenoe of R E ADING, Mai 24, The following boats from the Union Canal t tweed into the Sehuylkill Canal CO-day , wand to Phtladel- Dhla Iron. znsin to J P Perott & Bro LJaa Coover, do to Jae Coover ; do to oeutain ; Buokeralter Wards to Abel Thomas; Prairie Plower. do to Geo Landis; ateaboa Gould. do to Mr. wooiverton ; Mani emma. do to Wm H Lloyd Cc Co; Bolden stele, grain and door to Amid de nlit. and tlntir MWm ft roue & Co; A C Monroe, boiler iron to B it W Welsh. 14E1410s ANDS. Steamship Nova Footian, Ballantine, sailed fron/Que beo 24th hut for Londonderry and Liverpool. U S steam transport Philadelphia. Kittridgo. from Fort Piok.ris 14th inst, via Tortugas and Key West, at 1419, York yesterday. u S steam transport Catawba, Baker, from Wash ington DC, at flew York yesterday. Brig A J W Applegarth. Groves, was at Ponoe, lath inst for this port in ft days idg. Brig Hobart. Jordan. from Pal-rtno for this port, was spoken /6th tilt, lat 36. 25. lon 16 40, Brig fiaml Welsh, C .le. 45 days from Palermo. with trait. at Mew York yesterday. Pohrdouto Wind, Mitchell, cleared at Baltimore 66th iryt for this port. Mohr Arnon• small. at Eastport 18t1t inst. from Win nor. and sailed tor this port. Bohr 0 F Naylor. (Nokial. from Danvers for this port. and Win H. Rowe. from Boston for do. at elreenoort. L fruit • OFFICIAL. ARMY SUPPLI ES. - OIrICB OF Anwr CLOTHING AND P.QI7IPaGE, Philadelphia, May 20U1.1b61. SEALED PRZIPOSAIA are invited and will be re onived at this office until 12 o'clock M. on MONDAY, the third day of June next, for furnishing by oontraot the following Army Supplies and Materials. deliverable at the United states Clothing and Equipage Depot I Schuylkill Arsenal), in qusntittes ae required. viz : 10,000 yard. Cloth, dark blue, (indigo wool dyed.) for nape, Zs inches wide, to weigh about le ounces Per Yard, .100,6110 yards Clolh. dark blue, (indigo wool dyed,) twilled, at itoches wade, to weigh 26 ounces per yard. 130.900 yards Kersey, dark blue, (indigo wool-dye d,) twilled, 64 inoltea wide, to weigh 21ounces per yard. 175,000 yards Kersey. sky blue. (indigo wool dyed,) 54 iniches wide, to weigh 2Z otilleell per yard 110,01) arm y Blanked a. wool. gray, tenth tips letters U.& in blsok, 4 inches lout, in the centre,) to be 7 feet lot g. and 6 feet d inches wide, to weigh. pounds each. 200,000 yards Hannei, dark blue, (indigo wool-dyed,)34 mhos wide, to weigh 10 ounces per yard. 100,000 yards Fiardcei, cotton and wool, dark b ue, (in digo .eyed,) to weigh 034 ounces per yard. 4041100 yards Flannel. white , ( cotton and woul ) & inched wide. 10 weigh 6)4 ounces oer Yard. 409,1100 yards Canton Flannel, 27 inohee wide, to weigh 7 ounces per yard. 800,000 yards Cotton unbleached, 27 inches wide, to weigh 634 ounces par yard , 100 000 Cotton Dri ling, nob cached, 36 inches wide to w ighe ounces per yard. e00,5(0 pairs of half Stockings. gray, 3 sizes, proPerlX made of good flues wool. with double and twisted yarn to weigh 3 pounds per dozen paint. 60 000 yards Kuzma Sheeting, 42 inches wide, hest quality. 10,000 yards Brown Holland. 35 inoltee wide, best 50 000 yards Cotton Munlin. unbleached, 35 inches wide. 30.000 taros Nlttolt Silesia. best nu ilits. 56 inches wide. e 000 yards Buckram, best quality. 40 ouches wide. 8.0 0 sheets Wadding, cotton. 34.00 f. pieces Tape, (6 yarded white, 31 and inches wide. - Silt -red, white, yellow, green, and blue, for Assn, par yard. -Bilk twist nnd Sewing silk. best quality, per pound. 41.000 L nen thread. W.ll , Na.. NI and 40, per sound, 80 0 Do. do. blue, Nos 30.35 mid 40. do. 1,000 Do, do. assorted colors, N 0.35 and 40, per lb. 3,000 dosen annals Cotton. LSO pieces Webbing. yards) I and IX icon. 40,000 yard. Cotton i•uck, 80 inches wide. to weigh 2234 punoes per yard. MOO yams Cotton Mak, 30 inches wide, to weigh 1113 ounces per yard. 200,000 yards Cotton Uunit,2ll3g inches wide, to weigh 15 ounces per yard. 150,000 yards Cotton Duct, 28)4 inches wide, to weigh 10 armee per yard 40,000 yards Cotton Unoa.24 laehee wide. to Weigh/14 ounces per yard. 8,000 yftro. C.Aton ierk. 13 inches wide, to weigh 10 ounces per yard. 6000 yards C..tton buck, 22 inches wide, to weigh 9 I ounces per yard 40 000 yards ilanvas .Padding. 60.013, yards Boutin t-red, white and blue. 600 Cords and Tassels, for trumpets and bugles, 63- sortAd colors. 34 inch Silk I Me. assorted colors, 40,11, yards g, end 134 inch Wo , stao Laois, do. 40,000 Hat Cords. wonted, assorted colon, 3.15 inch diameter, with a teasel at each end, two inches long. 40,000 Black Felt Hate, best quality, made of Scotch and Kodiak econey and Koss a Hare. 40,000 Black Ostrich Feathers, 12 inches long. 9U 000 Brass E agles. 6 000 brass crossed osuoon. 30,060 de Bugles. 6,000 do do sabres. 200 do t'astles, 2 000 Trumpets. 60.000 do Knapsack trimming sets, brass. HO do avails and Ferrules. for guidons and colors 2.600 gross huoklesilron rollers, "i" and W inch, boat quality. sno gross Buckles, for neck stooks. 400 pairs N. C. a. Braes Scales and 100 pairs Bronze. 1,100 pairs Sergeant's braes, and 600 pair Bronzed Scales. 30,000 pair Corporals' and Privates' brass, and 800 "air Bronzed eclairs, 6.000 gross C at Buttons, best quality. 5 MI gross Vest Buttons, do. 9,000 gross Shirt Buttons. do. 8000 gross Suspender Buttons, last quality. 400 Bugles. with estra month-pieces. 200 trumpets. do. do. lave F.fea. B and C. each kind. NO Diurna l complete, artillery, 700 do. do infantry. 9,000 do. heads, batter. 4..00 do. co Snare. 2,0 0 do. snares, sets. 4OW do. Stacks, pairs. too do. C.irds. of Italian Hemp, at feet long. Loot do. Slings. tiao do. Nook Carriages. 300 Hoepital Tent Poles. 090 Wail Tent Poles sets. 16,100 Common so do 8,000 Hospital tent Pins, small and large. 30.1 1 00 Wall do. large. ULM) Common do. 3 0.00) 1 ant Hutton!, (woOd), large and small. 30,000 Tent Slip. do. do. 600 Garruott Flag Halliards. of Italian Hemp, no feet long. 1,000 Recruiting Flag Halliards, of Ita tan Hemp,47 ft et. long. 10.000 pounds Cotton Sewing Twine, 6 cad 8 'trends. 30,000 rounds Manilla tent Cord, large. medium, and small, best quality. SOO 'minas Belt Rope. 6,000 do. Selina Rope. 300 do. Flax Twine. 5.100 yards t'otton Webbing, I and IV, loch. 50,000 Tin Canteens, with cork stoppers, 3 pint". to weigh 11X ounce. without the stopper, 30) Iron Pots with baits. 23 000 Mess Pnns, sheet iron, weight 2 pounds. 10,000 Camp Kettles, do. 3 sizes, in nests, 18X pounds. 5 000 Pickaxes, 3 sizes, to weigh 034 and 7 pound'. • /0 WO Felling lases, oast steel, hest quality, 4,14,5, and o>fi pounds, 10 000 Camp Hatchets. do. do. 18 cooties. 10.000 Pick-axe Handles, bast quallty. 20 000 Felling axe co do 15 WO Camp Hatchet Handles, best quality, 5 000 Spades., sizes. do. do. 1.000 Stoves for riti!sy tents, 16.0110 Chem. for Sibley tenni, eels, Ail the Stave , mentioned articles must conform in el/ riSSFicrs to the sealed standard materna m this office, • here they ran be examined. and any additional n.alion in regard to them will be furnished. sample petunia of the Woolen and ( lotion Cloths will be sent by mail to bidders. It is desirable that the articles be of domestic+ inanufaeure. Proposals will be received for any one of the articles senaratsi • and for any portion of Gaon, not less than one-foartb of the number or quantity advertised far. The privilege is reserved b. the United BtAtee of de creasing the quantity one-fourth, on the acorn:danceof the oropioals, and of increasing It not to exceed doub le the quantity at any time prior to the eompletion of the contract. by giving the contractor thirty Onye notice of Imola oesired morose*: and of rejecting any proposal winch iney be considered extravagant. The manufacturer's establuthment or dealer's plus of business must be distinctly stated in the proposal. together with the 90,111 1 3 e, eddies' and reeponinhinty of two persona proposed an sureties. The e:inn:ire will guarantee that a contract shall be entered into within to days after the soceptance of said bid or proposal. Bids from manufacturers will be preferred, or from reinter dealers in the articles. and contracts will be awarded to the lowest reap nsible bidders who &hall furnish the required securities tor the faithful perform ance Memo!". Deliveries to commence within twenty days after the mocoptanes of the prosoesls. and one-fourth of the quantity contracted for must be delivered in equal monthly proportions within two months from said oats of aaosptsume, and the remainder wawa three months thereafter. in monthly or greater orosortione. t )I to be distinctly understood that oomntors are not transferable without the consent of the proper autho rity, and that ally sale, assignment, or transfer, without such consent having been outained. ( except un-er process of law,) will be regarded as an abandonment of the contract ; and the contractor and nig or their secu rities will be held reap osible for all toes or coinage to the United States which may anse therefrom. Payments will be made on each delivery. should Con gress have made an appropriation to meet them, IN as soon thereafter as an appropriation shall be made for that purpose. Ten per cent. of the amount of mach de livery will be retained until the contract shall be com pleted. whieh will he forfeited to the Voiced Mates in ease of deftloation on the part of the contractor in ful filling the contract. Forms of proposals and guarant7 will he furnished upon applioauon to his office. and none will be cum dared mat do not conform tliere. . ro Proposals will be endorsed, •• Proposals for Fattish /as Army Butoilien and Mn.nrisi.ln," na addrsased. C,CL. CHAR], ts 4 tlitild &S. .m 331 bath* - Arai. Q.A. 8. Army, IIDROPOSALS FOU.FURNISHING MAIL JR. LOCKS. Posy 0,/ms DZTARTSIINTat and 361. Seated Proposal, for furnishing all Loots aionlll.nd Keys, of new kinds, to be substituted for the loot* and keys now used on the United Mates Mafia. will be received at this Department until nine o'clock A. M. the tenth day of July, 1061. It tieing desirable to Obtain *la and 'eye of a new construction. and invented expressly for the exolusive woof the United States mails. no model is presoribed for bidders, the Department relying for its selection on; the results of mechanical skill and ingenuity which a fair competition, now invited, may produce. It is deemed necessary only to state that a iced look should be eelf-looking, and that it. other principal rot/milks are uniformity. mount,. lig Mon - s. strength, durability, novelty of construction, and facility of use. Two kinds of mail looks and keys—ope of bnias and the other of iron—different in form and tionstrnotiOn, are required; and proposals should specify. separately., the tome o f each iron kaiak, eambi key for IMMO. MIMI brace look, and ouch brace key fdr same, Duplicate samples or patterns of each kind of looks proposed are required to be submitted with the propo sals ; one of each kind of sample looks to be riveted oP and finished, and anorher to be open or unrivaled. so that its internal structure may easily be examined. Leery sample must be plainly marked with the bidder's name. •1 he looks oferod should not be patented, nor should their internal construction be otherwise publicly kbown, or be similar to any looks heretofore used; and th west be warranted cot. In any way, to infringe or in terfere with any patented invention. The various samle limas presented by bidders will be submitted to a b oa rd 9f roomier; to be ammo cloned 07 the rostra-star General, for the purpoee of examining and reporting on them and unless the Postmaster General snail deem it to be for the interest of the Pe part roent to reject all the proposals and speci mens submitted under this advertasetneot i contracts will, upon the report of the examiners, be entered into, as soon as practicable, with the socesaaf u l looks are adopted. for furnishing similar f nits and he's for four years. as they may be required and ordered with the right, on the part ol the PoStnmeter (Amoral for the time being , to extend and °online. the contract ID force for anMoat term of four years, on giving notice. in writing. to the contra for not less than six moons before the lerlialnation of the Mat term of tear years; or at tae expiration of the first term of four years, to contract with any other party for furnishing similar or different cob and keye,ais the Postmaster Go oral may determine. The contractor must agree and be able to furnish, if au,r.d and ordetao. 6.000 brims lonics and 13.000 brass keys. within three manilla from th e tin e entering into contract. and 30 OM iron looks and 30 MO iron ken. within eight months from nob time. But the Post master General wall reserve this right to increase or di mitimb, as the wants or it - 143165ta of the Service may demand. the quantities ot the looks and kys above Dye minmolr ittt A proportionate allowably. o f nme to Lor i:alb them. AU the locks furnished by the contractor must be warranted to keep in good working order for two years. In th- Firth narl use or the *error', when not so bjeeted to obvious violence i such lie PM/0 defective donna that•tarns, to be roplaoed with perfect looks without charge. The contractor will be lectured Oboe De p artment, at me own expense, at the Post Vireahltistqn• D. C.. put UP on sticks, forming separate bundles 01 dye locks each, anti securely peeked in woo den boxes containing not more than two hundred locks each. The keys are to be uslivered to an agent the authoriz ed sa m e from inm of the Department. duly and speciall y each case, to take charge of anti co the contractor's factory to the Department, where both looks and keys are to be inspeoteo and approved before ti 1 . 1 .11111 De paid for. I, contractor wo. required to give bond. with amp to iseourity. In the sum of twenty-hve then/imp dol.a,s, fc, the [satirel performance of the contract on his part. both as to formsning the supplies ordered, aile guarding the manufacturing of the mail looks and keys With dee privacy, integrity, and oars. Nio Promosal will therefore he emiaisleyed. if not gooOMplintra with a written plialantee from theyroposeo (whose r";omm 4 moity must be certified by the Postmaster at the place of their residence) that they will become rall y" Lath 1 .00 the reopired bond, for the fulfilment of um contract by the bidder. In case such proposals be accepted, oe...idrus ob time proposals mad SpeCitira..• the ._ P°""_t eaSetair General May deem it expedient to *aloof the wiggle.* of one bidder and the iron lock of another. ii i - f m ayefoyscerres the right of DOratrallailtith agye r a r g inuL - 17. isellifor snob different kind. o ei he may select. Peosoesb•• AOgaVtecareful ly l aied:4 l 446 l tile PostmeaterGeera o a p ndeodoardlith. earpe.Prowehr i/ Postmaster mYM s . I ARMY AND NAVY SUPPLIES. PROPOSALS FOR ARMS. Sealed Propoyal• will be reoeivvd at Springfield. Illt nein. on or hefore the twel ft h ( i2 , h)day of June next. at noou. by the unde•signed en • minions?. on the iart of the elate .1 Illinois. for furnishing. - delivered at Springfield, Illinois. the following arms and equip ments : we re (1.2)8-lbor hrnsgans. tifled. Six (6 ) 12-lbs brass howitzers. rifled. Twelve (12) o masons for 6 lb ye, s. S's (0) ominous for Is lb howitzers. Three (3) travelling finites. Three (3) battery wagons. Three (9)spare eon °enlarges. One hundred and ninety eight (198) sets of artillery hsrness, wob a) the implements and equipments. for three companies of light sr iiiery complete. corres ponding In all respects with the arms and equipments used by the United States. and to be ambinitsd to the same tests. One thousand (1,0a1) (loyalty sabres. One thousand (1.000) pairs cavalry Pladk ( revolvers' ) one thousand (1.000) carbines. Oue thousand (1.000) holsters. One thousand MOOD) belts. To correspond in all resents to the like arms and ap pendages used in the xerytoe of the United States. and of the newest and most approved style and finish, and to he subjected to the same tests. The commissioners reserve the right to reject any proposal not satisfactory. The terms of payment under law, eighty per cent. on delivery, twenty per cent. 0 , 1 immolation or contract. Address SOMMlyetoDere for purchase of arms. &0., Springfield. Himont. JAS. 15TOKtill, JOHN T11.4.80f1 myPl.2ot W M. suzekLuth. MEDICINAL DYS PEPSIA . REMEDY_ muntulA YN A MRATLNIF SPIRIT. ..Tlite Hear:free hos bus used by tits public for six pears wits isersasiecfaspeer. It is recoup trusudad se Curs Dyspepsia, elsraininuss. Heart - Byrn, Calif usher, Wind is , As Slossatii, or Pesos is alas Bourslss Hsesdaeks, trowsirsoss, Kidney issimpleints, Low Spirits, Delirium Tonessist, fettogpsresses. IT BRUM/LAIRS, EXHILARATES, INVICORATRI, STY WILL ROT lwrorteLTß oR STOPITY. As a Medicine it is Quick and , effectual, outing the nett age ravaged tame of Dyspepsia i Kidney Oompleants, and au other derangements of the ntounsott and Bowels in a speedy manner. It will instantly revive the moat melancholy and drooping sis, and restore the weak, nervous, and 'Misty to h eartn, strength . , and slam. Persons w o, from the injudicious use elicitors, have Demme dejected, and their nervous systems shattered, sonetitutions broken down, and !reliant to that horrible coarse to humanity. the , Deptititill TRatilittg, will, al most immediately feel the happy and healthy invigo rating eillosoy of Or. Dam's Invigorating Spirit. WHAT IT WILL DO. Doss.--One wine glass fall as often as neeeseary. One dose will remove all had Spirits. One dose will cure Heert-burn. Three doses ours Indisestiou, One dose will give you a Good Appetite. One dose will mop the distressing pains of DroPepsia. One dose will remove the distressing and disagreeable effects of Wind or Flatulence. and as soon as the stomach receives the Invigorating 'Saint, the distress ing load and all painful feedinge wilt be removed. One &tee wilt remove the most distressing paths et Colic, either in the stomach or bowels. A fow doses will remove all okirtrueklons in the Kidney. Bladder. or Urinary Organs. Poisons who are seriously afflicted with any Kidney Complaints are assured of speedy relief by a dose or two. and a radical care by the use of one or two bottles, NIGHTLY DISSIPATION. Persons who, from dissipatugg too much over eight, and feel the evil eflOots of poisonous liquors, In Yndent headache!. sickness at stomach, weakness, giddiness, &a. will bud one dose will? mnove all bad feeling.. Liaise of weak and eighty constitution shottkl take the Invigorating Spirit three times a day' it will make them strogtg, healthy, and ham y. remove all obstruc tions and irregtilarities from the menstrual organs, and restore the bloom of heplth and beauty to the careworn fens. Daring pregnant* , it will be found an invaluable medi cine to remove disagreeable isensatione at the stomach. All the proprietor asks is a trial, and to induce this, he .kas put up the INVIOORATIN9 SPIRIT in pint Manias at ISPEcents, quarts 51. `111R4.-Fettel.2 2 1 14 k ITtg . r r t a sVO ' , fir Street, r wholesale AMU in Philadelphia, And formic by JOHN H. EATON. QS N. EIGHTH Street. end ell Drogrode ley-tbstelv ELME PROPYLAMINE, _____ . The New Remedy for RHEUIIIATIBM: During the past year we have introduced to the no tice of the mafiosi profession of this country the Pars Cryrtatized Chloride of Peon/amine, AS A REMEDY FOR REEIMILATIBM and having received front many sources, both from physicians of the highest standing and from patients, the MOST FLATTERINO YEEVTINLONIALS of its real value in the treatment of this painful and obstinate disease, we are induced to present it to the public in a form READY FOR. JAIME' !tali tier, which we hope will commend itself to those who are entrering with tnis afflicting complaint, and to the me dical practitioner wha may feet disposed to test the powers of this valuable temeilV, MARI R PROP Y hi IN in the form above spo ken of, hos recently teen extensively experimented with in the PENNSYLVANIA HOSPITAL, and with MARREDSUCCESS (nu will appear from this publiahed accounts in the um hoal j. , ntnals. • Kilt In carefully put up , oad) for immediate age• with full directions. and osn be obtainea from al. the druggists at 75 cents per bottle. and at wh“lesale of BULLO..7R a CRENSHAW. Druggists and Alanufacturintenenuete. m 524-17 rluladedshia. LEGAL- TN THE DISTRICT CaURT FOR THE A- CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA. JAMES MILLER, &Team? of KILIiANOR A. lON EP. who maa Aesitnee of WILLIA _DREAD va EDWARD P. HAWKINS and H NRY W. OVERMAN. terra tenant. March Term, 1861. No. 128. Le•lari Room. - • - The auditor appointed by the , Court to distribute the fund in Court. raised by the eherifPa sae under the above writ, of all that certain lot or pirce qf ground. Situate on the smithwertwardly side of the Lancaster Turnpike Hood agreeably to a recent survey thereof made by Francis Lightfoot. Flop. at the distance of one hundred and fifteen feat seven inches northwestward from the northwestwards; side of eyrgeant street, in the borough of West Philadephia. aforeatul, containing in front or breadth. on the .aid Lancaster Trompiiie amid, forty teat, and extending of that width in length or depth southwestwardly two hundred feet to the north outwardly side of cretin street, la certain fifty feet wide street. laid out and intended to be opened to - Pub lic use. by the said William Crean, parallel with the said Lancaster 'turnpike Road - I b-tended northeast weirdly by the mato Lancaster Timitiike Hoed. south westward', by the said Crean street. northwestwardly by ottir ground intended to be this day granted by the said William roan tai the Bald Edward P Hawkins, D and southyastwardly by . ground granted by the said William Crean to are' .52edlinley, on ground rent, (being the same premises which the said William Crean. by indentnre bearing even date herewith. but duly executed. aoknimledgoO, and delivered immediate ly before these presents. and intended to be forthwith /VOW ded according to law, tor the consideration money therein mentioned, the who's whereof is hereby se cured grant-d, and conveyed unto the said Edward P. Hawglne, in fee; subject. nevertheless, to the express restriction that no slaughter ho o se, eln n.d resein estab lishment, glue, soap. candle, or starch manufactory, or other building for offensive occupation, should at any. time thereafter be pat, erected, or used on any part of the thereby granted lot of ground ; and subject. oleo, to the express restriction that no building or port of a building should at any time thereafter, be put. erected, or used on the said above-described lot of ground within fifteen feet 'ram the line of the said LOX 10•1140/ Turn pike Itoaddwi II attend to the duties of me appointment on Tiy ViteDe'r, the alth day of May. mat.. A. H. mar, at t o'clock P.. at Iva office , No. /49 South SIX u, IS Street Philadelp hia, when and where all persons in terested are requested to presani. their claims, or be debarred from 'coming in upon the said fund. say JOILDI F. BRINTON, Auditor. swy BUSINESS CARDS. 710tI8INESS BIEN ARE ADVERTISING in the Bast Newmpent of City and 0011Dtv, flit *ha Mors of ;JOY. COE, & Co., ADVERTISING AGENTS. IrEPTH awl CHESTNUT STRJSETS, Pluindelphin. TRIBUMB BUILDING, New York, opll tt HO. ULLMAN, ATTORNEY-AT . LAW, JERSEY IMORE, Pennsylvania. Colleetions aromntly =de in Clinton and Lyeonlina eonntaes. REYNA" TO Kowa. welter & Raub, ilatiactelphla t J. Eaa. Jersey Shore • Mews. Bereeoft Co.. Phi ratter, Zietier. & Co., naiads.; Fnshmuth &Co Ueda.; L. A. Mackey, Look Haven: Yard, Gilmore, Phitede.; Thatcher & Woddroi. Phils4ja.; Rey nold'. Bewail £ Reiff. Fluted& feld-dm JGllisi WELSH, PRACTICAL SLAT.E ROOFER, THIRD Street and GERMANTOWIv Road, la prepared to put on an. amount of Roofing. on the most moderate terms. Will guaranty to make every building perfeotly viater-tigh Orders promptly attended to. nnY.ll JJOHNELLIOTT, WINES and LIQUORS, Noe. 317 and 319 WALNUT Stmt. (basement stored'. between Third andZ_onrth. north inde) Phila delphia. N. R.—Pine Old Whiattaa always tin hand. atatahluihed 1141.) p AWEION & NICHOLSON„ . BOOK EINDERA L Not. 612 and 621 .111NO2. iltrent .detween Illytet and %Want anneal, r ILADELYNIA. PAWSO , JAIL B. nicutoiamai YUGUET tt SONS, IMFORTEirk OF HAVANA. OIOARB, No. 918 South FRONT Street. • t..p t .elve reeelerle a full asierbiteet of deOreble CO Whichlit ey stfor it tor rates. for sea or sir Droved oredO.,. imtrariMwmP.PLE IRON, BIaDGZ. No. 3 E 3 olify,& STA BURRR? TO. vAi. tki . N • FEILLA:LIELPEJIA, igeg lea - re to Wenn RalitOad Uoletis, and others bridge oonstniouon, they !we formed a connection in Manna= with .1 gi W. MURI'Mr. Civil Engineer, f author and inventor of the above wet - lumen sla.n of iron bridge.) and are mowed to eremite order., from am part of the country, Iron' hie designs and personal irunenntettdclioei All letters relating to Km and ostnafttee I shonld be redressed to .10Wf W. URPg Y, Civil gums_ ,er nols-41.• Per PPM . BMW. & FSIWITOB in ES. JAMES BETTS' CELEBRAT ED AAA- SUPPORTERB FOR LADrES, and the only Sup porter" ander eminent medical patronage. Ladies and gill/now' are reaneptfally reque s t e d to (sail only on Nlnte il etts, at her random:o, 1039 . WAJ,NUT Street. riti . minus, (to avoidoottnterfeita.) Thirty thousand [an have been advised by thou papne e ians le Use bey alMiillalolll. Wto:er k only are annulus mins the United XfAtea cowrie labels on the box, and Cana. Wale and also on the 'Porters. with leatiworusla aell-tvithketr FLLE MANUFACTORY sin NEW ruin ri . Files and Reap, of every deaoptton, and good visalV, made to order, et the RETA l L,bliehment, WBOLERALE as at taanalsotnror's MOOS. iseettlng don* in Slinierner etseeer. eel-tee. It *Ott • VIi7EITING -AND LEDGER PAPERS.— Nhave now on heed. sad are manufacturing toarder, at the _Aiwa holly Paw Mikis, every de aortption of WRITING AND LE,Dtrltat PAYI3IIS. whiettjor color a ril quality, are nut eaeetlo il by our other to the mted oaf! attention to a . new article of Paper reernarectured be us, and now for sale, called !insoles@ Letter, which has been rotten up to meet the wants of Mimeses men and other., Who object to Commenstal Note as being too narrow, and do not wish to rue ran of astral letter sheet. . . Thu overoomee bOth the above obJeotions ; is a per fect sheet, pure wove ; plate finish ; ruled on one ride ; stamped to centre near the top ; made from beat =- tenni, free from adulteration, and pa up In neat bones, convenient for nee. We also have a paper called Bank Letter, similar to sk• sbowe, exno w t It has hat half db.cilizalwr of litula on. so as teatime printed blank or heeding above xErotrrort & Nrui,mr4 Mount Holly gamma. Cumberland The above Pe_ipere can be had of Messrs. J. B. IP MOOT'S & _and MBOARGEE BROTHERS, Nee_ A std & pri.diteux /etyma. whit-ltre Plll] 4D.ELPIIIA T & RBA -0 0T T A WORE Waco and are Raprna, 1010 CHESTNUT Street. Ornamental Chimney Topa. flattish Vases and Stignarr. htioatietto Flooring ado. Architectural Ornaments. ventilating and Smoot, Flues. Ridge Tile and &miter, Ware. Steam-nyasteed omen rape. Water Me, warranted to stand pressure w cheap and du table. Tee Trade supplied on n bend terms. illustrated Catalopaeasent by Mail on &DOW= by letter. 11.A.U.AftitisoN. 7470 r:111 , . - TNIOV Ft.". IBM • NIAOKEICKL, HERKIIie, BRAD, tiAld• A-LE: MOP, tgo.-34160 hbla. Meng MA 1,2, and 11 Mack_ Orel,. large, medium. anti aritalt. in monad packagers .14:3101 , 30 lateht fat fob. 1,000 bbla. Clew Halifax, Elattrort, Ltd Labrador Mar rims. at allerils^ CitiAlikinft. . 15,000 Dozes extra IMF 10/fillagierrinP , Imp boxes extra cow No.I errinsg, iit /plc bcuoga la e Magitat Lae itemtilt• 110 Ws, mo. INre-,;te Fish, . all MAL am norai s rac: DM& sew. fla usop faitintWs imi us " twi , NI beteg itarkrogor-oogul . 1.1 6 4 L stirs maul Landing, for 1, .... ar. 1 44,112110 E. CEIROME G Iliapuhectureaand for .4 , Z. 7 64 4, 1 ' tagausik, THE PEESS. - PHILA4WHIA, 114PgDAY; 1861. CEPHALIC RILLS E4lO IC H EADAO et C.. NZAWOUIS UhIALIACHE. By the use of theie Pint the perblxiloal Moots of 80. Corr or JSicar .1. 4 4. smile presented ; owl if tokosi at the gamy-mm=oot .of an attack immediate relief from WWII and sitdraess Will be obtained. _ . . They seldom Winn removing the Namiste and H sehs to which females are so inbieet, • • Whey act gently on the bowels, removing Nokomis.. For Literary Mos, Students, Delicate Females, and all persons of sedentary habits, they are valuable a 4 a LiszatiVer; improving the dernitar giving tone and Inger kith° digestive organs, and restoring the natural alas. Unit, and strength of the whole erteten. fhe CEPHALIC PILLS are the resale along inveati- Sation end carefully *conducted experiments, having mien in use many years, daring which time they have prevented and relieved a vast amount of vain and im ff er i Eg f r o m Headache, whether origimiting in the asrsous system or from a deranged state of the no- Tftey we entirely •bte[able in their competition. end MY be taken at all times with perfeot safety without making any change of diet, and At absence 01 any dim- Us taste readers ft easy se.adoeisister Mem to skildrsa, 13WiTAICE OF CX)UNTERFEITO *he mud= have Ave einustitree of 4021.1 . 1 C. 8 1 1 61411111 an each Box. Bali by Druyouto end all ather Dealers 1.8 Madieiats. A Box Will be rent by mBll prepaid on receipt of the PRIOE. Ul5 CENTS. *rim akonli C. aildreard f-lENRY Cl. SPApECING. 4$ CEDAR 8101.0E114 NEW YOlti MN FOLLOWING ENDOBASENIEWIIe OF CEPHALIC PILES WILL CONVINCE ALL WHO NWYPHIL Pion HEADACHE., SPEEDY AND SURE CURE IS WITHIN Lt iktit DititßOtilktie otro wolae/fcgot by Mr! Oralp tkey Alford vessesstionabis 'woof of tks un "lacy 4f tkis gritty safari/1e discovery, Iraa,tono. tdcgonymor, Coca, Feb. SOM. Sim :- I hems "tried your Cephalic Pills, and I like Vim so at that I want yon to send me two dollar. worth more. Part of these are for the neightere, to whom I VINO a ew of the Bret boa I got from YOU. Send the Pills by mad, ob and 0b . 12342 A ' Vont it Se KEDITIEDY. Mi. SPAZDT2I*. acII via Toe to laud me one ram box of roar 4 30 - p4ab• Pill. Then vicsiwai a mat dial a/ OamEAt ft ;am. Yourse Y au etfollit mra STOEKHOUSIL &Rios Cain, fivrrincencirrCOvlrrr, 'gat/ IL IL 31`ALDINII. jan"17124 /86a ' Bra:" lon will view- send unity.° boxes Yonr Ugltslio PHIL Bend themimmediately. • • xswalotrully young, .72(0. P. 8..4 Isms r anent smi avast is Vimo sd And titfw szemliair. BELL'S VIOLVION. Ohio, Jan. 13.1861, R. C. Srs_tszno. Eat. Please And enclosed tweity-five Gents, far which send me another box of your CeehaheTAse are, !fitly sAs best Fitts times seer irmd. • Direst A. STOVER, P. AI., Belle Vernon, Wymagot oar 0. Dammam, Mn,..Dee. 11 Ma. N. O t apnranne, Sen. I goal for some oironlam or large show bills. to bring your Cephaho Filial more pertioularly before MY ous tomer& /f you have !WOW= of the Iliad Meese send One of mr dostomers. who is anbjeot to severe Bien Headepho.llteaaillrleatiu6 two golltekwas cirad aj sue choseono hour to your Pills. whom I sent r. • Respeotfally yours. W. B. WILKE& NWT Li. StLioutils no, OS Cedar St, L.Y.4 i DLt Srx : Inclosed and twelttr-tvo cent*. 4144) for whieh send box of " Copholio Two. Bead toaaarasa of Rev. Wm. U. Finer Renualderarg. FnankhnCo.,Sthio. Your Pins work itia a charas-«eart. Hatataage almost if,/ AMIN. leporLatryr. Atm. Jan,l4, ISM IrreLlUnsi MX Not Um aims I dant to you for a box en d _be MEd for theonre of the nervous Readaohe madman, and tecenved the suns, and they had so rood en drair that I Milli iStfiltetd to soled for *tors. roue swd b! return math Direct to A. Ad. WALEALEA. Iddlanti. Prom The ,wweissitiaw. 2f 4 wfoiki rw. Orphan° rills accomplish the objcot for which they were made, as.: Cure of headache in all its forms. Nine lA, Enemies,, Nerjoa, Y. They have been tested a more lian thousand roam With entire mums% From ate Dosoorat, St. Violet, efts% If you are, orlame been troubled with the headache. send fora box. [Omahalie 21419 Al tbat . 70t1muu hare them in case of an attack. • • NOSPII Ms Advertise , Preediatee, The &Thalia Pills are said to be a remarkably effeo tive remedy for the headaoke. and ono of the very bast forthnt very' frequent Offillabilit winch Mu eyer been opeurrerea. Prost the Wutmt R. R. fit mutts. Meaty, IN. We heartily sodas* NY, ihrildiag, end'his tuiriinalled Grohalto Ikons the Kessetha Vattie Seer, Kanawha, Va. We are save that Demons marina with the headache Who err them, will stink to them. , Prom Ms Soothers Path Ander, /few &bask, L. , Try thorn ! you that are aillioted. and Ire are Imre that year tenurially oan be added to the already numerous hat that has rewired benefits that no other medinine producer • Frost Ms St Limit Thtfatter,st, The immense demand for the artiele [Cephalic Pills is madly moressins. From iie.SexohltDavon?9 , ll 401.41 Mr. !Spalding would not connect him name with an ar ticle he did not/sew to nommen reed merit. =!CM!S=M The tistimons in their favor is strong, item the most reinteathhie enarters, • From Us Daily News, Notesel, D. I. Dayhallo Pills are taking'. the place of all Minis. Irmo tit Goinottrisi 80it.% Mott' Bald to be vo' atomic= for the boodutiO. Awn ilia Coessurciel. Obwbuwei, Oh& ■ererinc humenity oft now be rebored. A nine* both* of WPALDIBeiI PJLEPABBD 9LWB win save ten time their eon anwitaily:9ll SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUM I SPALDING'S FILIIPASSD GLIM SPALDLNG'S PREPARED GLUE I Emmomy; Sir" A STring it Woos SAWN Ifittn."lll An accidents happen, oven in vell-ionnbited &nation. very &writable to baps tom* ennui and convenient way for reyairow Furman? . Toys. UtOOIO SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE meets all =oh emergencies, and no household 0331 azord to do without it. It is always ready. and no to the Amides point " USEFUL Pi EVERY Rolm." N. B.—A Brush accompanies eaoh' bottle. peoe,2ll Gents. Address. HENRY Q. SPALDING- RO, 4@ clam& STRUT, NEW YORX As - gra . • sterki4 ustsea aro siteosstieS 'ilia a a thi PREPARED GLUJI, I. wooldetliticrii att vArsoos to ex mins before- vasiGtim and see MI =AL or imam, . . , in on thn entin dn WrePar ; others are 'Mellitus OnintWatitt (05'11. QUA:: aLL WWB HLEADAOI-1E 1 SPA LDINGII MAW A THEIR REACH. RayszvoßD, FL. 'Feb, 5,1861. itsrnozDanwise, FLINXI.IN Co.. (Mil ianuarT SW Trull Bonn.ll:Wi ISA.VII THL PIXOVS! YIrBITRA►Nc coarrikrazi. TAE RELIANO.E MMTILEtti INEMBAVOR COMPIXT, elt PHILIDRLPELI. OFFICE. IYo. 30525 WM:min 4111.81:7, Lumen against LOSE OR 'DAMAGE BY FIRE, Rouses, Btorea, and other Witha m ihnited " er =tang ... L aud au - Furniture, Warts, and Aler. *handier,. In town or 001113 t.,% GAM CAFrPAL,O6OLI/0 ABUTS ;MAIO W. Which is invested as follows, wig In find mortgages on oily property, worth double the amount ...__L emseto ea Pennsylvania Raitroad.ekt.'s 6 percent first mortgage loauostgar 0,000 e 0 " Pennsylvania Railroad Co.'s. S per *exit. sa uced morttape load, (#3o,oop 21400 00 Thilitlngdon and Erma 'sop Railroad and • Canal Co.'s mortgage 4.000 Oo Ground rent, first-class- 3.461.60 Collateral loans, welt secured= —. 2400'00 A Cl l tY les o n f on P y h C liad outi Pti e l4l p e e r Pe ' o r e t ° , U F t' a l . ° a l t 14410,"1,60're-. • Commercial Ban stook 6165'01: -Mechanics' Bank stookr mutely FeindrYlvania - Railroad Co.'s stook._._... . » 4400 or The ',Reliance Mutual Insurance ook 24,310 WO The County Fi Co: .'s re Insurance Co.'s 'stook— i. 50.50, Tee Debisrare M. a. Insurance Co.'s stock-. - lee 00 `Union Mutual Insurance On.'s Sao 00: Bills reeeivable_ . MOM 74 Book accounts, =trued interest, /co—...—. 7,104 66 Cash on hand— 12,544 54 swats . 04 The hintaal prinoipte, nonittined with the eoparity of a Stook Capital, entitles the insured to participate in the ;Twits of the Company, without nubility for togaci. Lowe promptly' adjusted and said, DUIRCTORI: Clem Tingley. -- Iranian] Biepham. William It Thompson, Robert Steen , Frederick Brown, William Musser, William Stevenson. Beni. W. Tingles. John R. worreil. Marshall Hill, H. 1.. Carson, .1. Johnson Brown. Robert Toland, Charles Leland. a. 1). Rosetigarten. Jacob W. Bunting, Merles S. Wood, Smith Bowen, James S. 'Woodward, John Elwell, Pittsburg. CLEM TINGLEY. President. B. M. BINOWNLA.N. aeoretanr. Februars 16. 1861. ran TJEUI ENTERPRTIBE INSURANCE' COMP ANN' OF FRITADELPHA. (FUR INSURANCE EXCLUSIVELY.) iIrOMPANrS BUILDING, S. W. C0.N.5.611 ZOURTH 41W WALNUT STREETS. ~ D 11.1013 TO:115: S. ALIMPIVOIVOaTiIOt. MORDECAI L. DAVV*OI,I, WILLIAM MoICHN, H.Ho. D. HTVAHT. riALDHO FRAZINH, JOHN H. BROWN, Joan M. ATWOOD, 11. A. FA.m.rse•rima, .131N7. T. THxnma, ANDREW D. CABE', 11.1101 Y liniA.B.To%, J. L. ERRINOZR. F. RATURFORD STA HR. Frinitlent. CHARLES W. OWLS, Secretary. fel) lIIPEN.N MUTUAL LIFE INRUEANCE 1- COMPAQ No. 991 CHESTNUT Street, Philadelphia. CHARTER PRIcP ALL, THE PROPITd DIVI Dh D AMONG TUE IN SURED. Iron:ire Lives for short te_nns or for the whole term cif life grant:Amman', and Endowments; purchase Lite Intermits in Real Estate t and make ail contracts de pending on the mintingenoies of life. Their act as Executors. Adminietraton, Aisignoss, Triusteee l and Guardian'. ASSlati OF THE. COMPANY. January 1, iskl. Mortgages, ground recta, real estate— .G322,911:91 United stares stooks. Treasury notes, loans of State of Pennsylvania; oity. of Phila delpkia, &a...-. • .. 169.799 Ei Premium notes, loans on eollatorals, llco.. MAU 18 Pennsylvania. North Pennsylvania' Rail roads, and County lox per cent. bonds 1011,992 91) Bank, insurance, railroad, canal stocks, Re. 97.647 49 Chat on hand, agents' balances, &0., ho,-- 88,906 14 81.401,128 os DANIEL L, MILLER, Prepl69t, SAMUEL E, SOKES, Vioe Preardent, A w l w.lioß NI) K. Secretary. mhZi-tf DELAWARE MUTUAL SAFETY , W EUNANCE COMPANY, PHILADELPMIA. Insorporated by tbo Lortobstoro of rotuaylvonia, iIS i. 01lei G. E. UM/ of TFURD end WAINIII7 /streets. _ MARINE INSURANCR. On Venn°ls. ;arca, /To all Putt of the Wane. reight, I LAND INEVILIRCRO- On beats by Rivera. Canals, Lakes, ant hand Oar nag FIRE pa I NS URANCEon. On hterekandin generally. On Stores. Direhla. Toosen. ace. November 11fbo. •100,000 United States eve lir tient. loatt-.....er1t0ge0 /14.000 United Statea six Iv cent. Trauma Notes reedeterrni"al 21 100 Pe nns ylv ani a accrued 1000 do, do. six do, de, PIZ? ra l mow Philadelphia City six er cent. 1.,0an. 12403 3t ROW Tennessee Stare five tr cent. loan- KM to MAIO Peonsylvanin Railroad 2d mortgage au 42' cent. bonds 0.000 SOO shares. stook Germantown Gni 46.°176 GoinPanY, interest and pnnolnal • laftT a nteed by_ the City of Viola- CAM 100 Company_egarts Paa3a7lvams Raißailroad WM"' 1,0%) 100 Pennsylvania Rail- 1." rjo road Company-._., - • 1.100 80 shares PhOadelptualoe Hoak at Steam TUS Company. 1.010 BO 1310 6 iharoe Phi dryhisand Havre-de- Grace 100 Steam Toy. boat Company. Mil 00 3 shares Philadelphia RiohatiSe Company— . 166 00 1,000 f shares Continental Rotel Co.-- Nu 00 1666,70 g intr. Cost irs4rAss.34. Market I - M.804466 71 renemble: fur nuaranees Made-- 1714583 Bonds and mortgagee.— 84.600 00 Real estate . 81.368 36 Salsnoes due at Age noien—Premiums on Me rino Policies. interact. and other debts due the Company. • 111,566 w ;Sarin- and stook of randry .thintra:r.oo and other Compan, ion 3,315 4 e Sank en nen6--ir. in. drawer—. 6611 25 • -- • 14.1tECTO.M .... Artniam Mange; i PUMICE. Stokes 7Edmand A. Roeder, I J. P. Penteten. eophllus Paulding. gouty Sloan, ha R. Peewees. Rdirerd Darlington. ohm C. Davis,. - Thomas C. Rand. Jamey C. Rand, I P.obert Burton. Willitifu C. Ludwig. i iseob P. Jones, Joseph H. Bets'. " Jamey B. IfV.Fartand, Dr.R. M. Huston, ' • loulmus P. Ere, ffearre C. Leber . Julio B. Semple , Pitisteg. Rath Craaa, D T. Mores Charier 'Kelly. i .A. B. Berger, " egiga.l.A.M. MARVII, President. , TROS. a AND. Vies Pratident. ALP.PIII:7 .11YLICURN. Rsoretarr. nol7-tf VIRE INSURANGE MOLT% TRE PENNSYLVANIA FIRE INSURANCE YELY.- COMPANY—ineQuordeted mu—CHARTER PERPt.- TUAL—No. 510 WALNUT /Street, oppoiite Independ ence Square. Thie Company, favorably known to the community demotety-eg yawn, continues to Imre acainet lose or by Fire. on gmbpo or pnvnie flaw permanently or for a limited time. dire. on rurnicare, smoke of Roods or filerchandue nenerally , on liberal UMW. lamb!. Capital. together with a large Butp/OirFand A rs ingestad in the moat careful manner, enema them to offer to the bunted an undoubted aeourity the ease of low 'DIRECTORS. Jonathan Patterson. Imo Ilehlehnist. I.lnintin Carnahan, • Thames Bobbie, Alexandar Dement Daniel Smith, Jr.. "imam Montehas, John Devereux, Thomaa Smith. JONANDAtt P.A.WERBON, Pre/idea. 81.17021 Mwr. ileoretars. aT4-br TN BURAROE COMPANY OF THE -■-• STATE OP PENNSYLVANIA—FIRE AND MA XINE TINDIJDA.NOE Nom. 4 AND EXCHANGE BVILDLINGS; jhartsted 19,41—Capitat ODICOIXI—Fet.. ttWa. sue Antal? in ;aged and aveulabLe seserthes—eaa tinis to infare on Vessel; and Cargoes. Bnildinge. Moat of blOtohfitthoodr e , on liberal terms, ' Nears D. litterrerd. liesirege 11. Ettialits ;Mem i p Samuel Dram, Jr.. Skates oaten GONG Winery, Wiliam . AutiGg. tflomaa IL-Wausau- Mix B. BNIA, _ Henry G. Freeman. wmala - wane. Charles 1 1 ./ewis. George C. Carson. 'HENRY D. EIHERGEGD, President. WHIRKAM NumPER. eloarstary. Jee-tf FIERE INSURANCE. MEORANTCB' INSURANCE COMPANY of Philatlelphiek, y. 13! North SIXTH. Street, below Race. [newel -Build ings, Goodo.o A nd Melohentliee generally-from km" or damage by Fire. The ooinnaor guarantee to adjust lames prommy. end therehr hose to merit the eetrat ego of the Dublin, 313121tY0 as • Wawa Morgan, Aobert Manlgati, Fraaais Carper, Miehael Alp Ueoi, p,pore...l.t . pougherty. 14 4 .prard Iltio&fern. James Hama, Jaen _Wombs. Ftthew Ma&leer' Frans,. ruard Rafferty, John Owned It home J. Hemphill. Bernard H. Hishremaa. Thomas Fisher, Charles C i tr r. Franois M°Nian YkA.NCIr d 6 3 OOPER, President. 11.111 3 / 1 .111 ILAFfERTY. fleore hßa tan i ciaZ•ly A MJRIoAN FIRE INSURANCE 00, PET 13MORPORATBD 1810 OHARTHR PER UAL. No. 310 WALNUT Street, above Third, Philadelphia, Havinca large said-nu Capital Steak rind..Surslos, invested mond and amiable deourities, liontinune to injure on Dwellings: Stores, Furniture, Merchandise. Vessels to port end their cargoes, and other . pereonat property. Ail losses hbenallY and promptly ad justed. DIRECTORS. 111016 It . Mali., John T. Lewis, John James K. Campbell, [Samuel c. Morton. Hilmund G. Dutdb, Patnek Brady, Ohm. W. Poultnev, Israel Morns. THOMAS R. MARIS, President. ALBERT O. B. CRAWFORD.Searetarr. Ihn-tf . A NITLELAVITE .111%5URANUE WAW PRIPET" A.- .1 1 Y.—fitlioNged Gintital 1410,0011—CIWVES1 °Sloe lie. ill WAIaIII Street, between Ithirt and FoorttiV, Philadelphia. ey will bum* against loss Cr . dexere 11,7 Sireoro. 41utee,Pitroatoe, and matotha vow _ Ably on Vowels, Stslietsto and Pringkte. =mad Inieranne to all out,• tke Skies, • DISI34II I OSK _ .Tameb.Facker,, Joareett atesseld, 14 In Joke ICoto l t att4 t kl t, •kederaisi, Joke IL 11 ?eerie& W. F. D6lll. met' News J. E: AMR, JACOB ESRES.,_freabient, w. _ WIC P.DF.A.M. Vies President, M. NISI& ikteraterr. I'X(3I3ANGE INgURAIsIOR 0011P4N7- —o9Soe No. 409 WALNUT SW:. FIRE INSURANCE op }loose and literninkadion peaerally, on' favorable term, either limited or nor ttoll• initliGTORE.; Jen:womb women, Whom*. Mush. John Q. Ginnodo, Charles Thompson. Edweni D. Roberta, lames T. Reve, Samuel L. Smedley, Joshua T. Owen, itanbea C. Hale. John J. Griffiths. JERRMLSR BONSALL, Premdent. JOHN Q. OINNODO. Vi c e Pruidant .itaniuim Gasp Euvre;snr. and littiOWN'S ESSENCE OF' JAMAICA GINGER.—FREDERICK BROWN. Chemist cod Druggist, northeast Corner of Chestnut and Fifth 04 % ti ro,eiteishis, wee ii , Mllll - 1110W117, Drown'. Estrange Vi Jammu. Enure., which is recognised and ureeonbud nY the Mad real faollll,l, and hag become the standard family medicinesr the United Stares. This Essence is a preparation of unusual excellence. In ordinary diarrhea. incipient cholera, in alert, in all arses or prestratiore of the digestive function.. it re of inestimable value. During the prevalence of epidemio cholera and summer oomplainte of children, it in peon hariy efficacious; no family, individual, or traveller should be without it. NtrFloE.—To prevent this valuable Esecnoe (roe being counterfeited. a new steel engraving. auSenthd es a great oast, Will be found oii the - onside of the wrap per,-in Order to rtuurd thepurohnzor i against being Im posed upon by wor th less tintationc—laiB Prat:area only by FREAEK I CK BR OWN. and for sale at his Drug and Chemical More. N. E. corner of Fifth and Chestnut stream, rtitlettlelPlii4, and RS FRE ILUttICIL ititOCt N, Drug and Chemical Story, S. E. earner of Ninth and Chestnut streets, Conti nental." Hotel. Piuladelptua. Also for tele by all re spectable Druggists in the United States. mvs-gm NUTRIB.—The Oitizents of the different awes arid Towne throu,acnat the State are minted to Competition for the plebe at which the nett ANL. NUM. STATIt FAIR shall be held. ProPoanle ountaininz inducements and advantages, directed to tne tuidereisced Committee. appointed or the FA eoutive Committee. will be received up to and in. oludint MST Mat Cemmunteedone Illiquid be ad ammare to either thokidtowtog . Emmons: vr4l. COLDE.R., /OEII , I P. itUTHERPORD. JAMB itl49.E. ...114 . zistai 4 BR., msbura, Ps., JAM P- er pe. inebartanti; Pa-. ttetmetttee. LIAVANA. OIGARS—A large and spice. 111- 0 dui awrortznent elan sixes Ala StitaitiOt. In stare end for sale very low far emit by CRAWLER TFTE4IIIII 130 WAlittllT Street. 30,10-19 t MA041.0 P , in ME PHILADEITJELIA AND READING RA.ILBOAD. AstißAO eIIIMII for POTTAVILLELREAD INfiki and 11 AR RISBORG. ou and after Marfa: VAL • fdt/ RN IN 0 LIN 611. DAILY. I_3l/adage ezoepoad Leave Mow De pot,corner of BROAD and CALIA/W-. RILL Streets,.PRILADELPYIA, (Passenger en trances on Thirteenth and on'Callowhill irtreets;) at 3 A. M. , emaciating at -Harrisburg with the PENeIIBYL- . PANDA RA I LRfl a 0 1 l'. M. tram. running_ to Pitts burg; the CU NIBIERL AND V ALLEY 106 Y. 14, tram running to Chainhersburg, Cerhaie. .to. 1 and the NORTRItRN Obl t TAAL RAILROAD 1.1 ? . M. tram limning to Dunbau. An. . AY PERNOON LINED. - . Leave New Depot- corner of ZIIO AD and CALLOW DILL Street.. PHILADELPHIA: , (Passenger: en- PM sim.LtiVithorießcidrilV.V r111. 1 .. ) 47. DAILY. connecting at HarrtebnAl with the Northern Central It...dread, fo r 1112nburf- WaiaMillaft. Email Ac.; for READ Lai Gaoly. at 5 P. M.. DAILY, (Sundays excepted.) D/11TANCES VIA PHILADELPHIA AND READ ING RAILROAD. nom Pm LA.DLLPHIA., Miles , To Ph_cenjxville-.- 251 i t ' adi ng- ----- • . --- 581 Philaeelphta and Reading eLeeon_.____ .._ co • d Lebanon Valley R. R. Harrisburg.. .....: " il pi Dauphin Ml do rsburp--. . ..142 Northern Central TrevertonJun;tiO ma Railroad. 'tPn l airr•:: -.•- 169 % • NRitinbiaia-._171 1 L ewusburg• ..• • . —l7B NAM 0 1 -TIPY Banally) , and Eris B. R, Jersey Shore— .......szS Look Haven— —Me Williamsport and Elmira . 281 te &Woad. The 8 A.M. en d P. M. trains oonneot datipat Port (Illendats exeenteti.) with the ORTRWISSA. WILLIAMSPORT. end KRIS RAILROAD, making Gloss connections with lines to Niagara Falls, Caoada. the] West and southwest. DEPOS lel PHILADELPHIA: Corner of BROAD and CALLOWRILL. Streets. Na, :O. 11361. W. IL MoILHE NEY. Seurat/inf. Er&WAP II IMM S E I L II T I . M r B IIearP?iI E- A. GERM All TO Wel, AND "ORR/ c,.TO WN RAILROAD. On and after Monday, May 18,1861. FOR GIAMANTOVVEA. -Leave Phil atelphla, G. 7. 8,9;10, 11,12 A. Ed., 1.2, 3. 3.85. 4. 3. 6,6 Ki„ T. 8. 1013.2.1id11% P. M. Leave GermanMwn 6.7 7% 8, an, 9, Mal, 12 A. M., 1,2. 3,4: 6, 6.8%,74.21.9 L ieti11. M. The 8.20 A. AL and 8.36 r. M. Trains Mop at German town ontr. ON SUNDAYS. Leave Philadelphia, 9.06 A. M., 23‘. 3.Si. 5,7%, and MX P.M. Leave Germantown 8.f6 A 2 1 -,_ 4, 61‘, and 014 P. M. CHKSTN UT HILL RAJ/ACAD. Leave Philadelphia, 6, 8, 1 0,1 2 M..3, 3.35, 4,6, 8, 9. find 10.4" P. M. ,Leave Chestnut 7.10, 8 8.40,9.40, 11.40 A. 5.,1.40, 5.40, 730;8.40. and 10.10 P. M. • The BA. M. and 3.36 P. M. will make no elope on the Germantown read. ON SUNDAYS. Leave Philadelphia 9.06 A. 2%. 6. and 7% F, M. Leave Chestnut Hill, 7.80 A. M., 12.40, 6.10, end 9.10 Y. M. FOR CONSHOHOCKEN AND NORRISTOWN. Leave Philadelphin, 8.50, 73i. 906. 11.06 A. la.. 1.05. 3.05,434.614.8. and 11% P. M. Leave Norristown. 6,7, 8.0, 9,11 A. AL. 13L. 434, 8%, and 9%P.M. ON ITLINDAVS. Leave Philadelphia. 9 A. M., 8 and 6 P. M. Leave Nornetown.7M A. M. , L A mid P. M. FOR ArAnsAlcuroc. Leave Philadelphia, 5.50.'7%; 9.06,'11.06 A. M.. La, 3.06,3.06,4%, 6X.8, and IDif P. M. Leave manavonk, 63‘. 7m.15 35, 9. 4 4• 1/34 A. 2 , Sg• 6,7, and /0 P. M, ON SUNDAYS. Leave Philadelphia. 9 A. Nl.; 3 IS. and 73( P. M. Leave hi anank. 73( A. Al., D 6. tui. and 9 P. M. H. De p otl. General Superintendent. rarll-tE NINTH and Gil BEN Streets. T uE PENNSYLVANIA CENTRAL RAILROAD 960 960 MILES DOUBL E TRAM 1861. Artimmin 1861. THE CAPACITY OP Tale ROAD 10 NOW EQUAL TO ANY IN TICK oDIFRY. M THREE THROUGH ?AER R a/N8 BETWEEN- PICIL&DELPBIA PITTriBURa, Connecting direol at Pliiindelohia with Through Trains from Boston. New York, and all _points Emit. and-inthe Union Depot at Pittsburg with Through Trajusso - Sod from ail - points in the West. Northwest-. and Southwest —thus furnishing facilities for the transvortation of passengers unsurpassed for speed and comfort by any ottior route. _ _ Express and Fast Linea run through to Pittsburg, without change of Cars or Conduotons. Through Passenger Trains provided with Loactiridge's Patent Brake—speed under perfect. control of the engineer, thus adding flinch to the safeof travellers. - Smoking .Cans are attache d to each Train ; Wood pare Bleeping Care to If preige and Pail Trance, The pm's Egli ItUtil3 DAILY Mail and Fast Lines, Sun days excepted. Mail Train leaves Philadelphia at tan A. M. Feat Line *6 66 ILO A. M. Express 'Praia leaves " 10.46 P. M. WAY TRAI.IO LEAVE A 8 FS/MAWS: Harriiin4:474)Wmodation, via Columbm, 2.30 P. Columbia " 4.00 P. M. Pargesbnrg " at 0.40 P. M. West Chester" 1, at 8.15 A. M. .6 No. at LI 50 P. M. West Chester Paseengers will take the West Chester 2 and 2 and Columbia Trains. Paaaangens for Sunbury Willlamsoort, Elmira, Buf falo, Niagara Falls. and intermediate 3sointa, leaving Philadelphia at 7.30 A, M. and 11.37 P,M., go directly through, Tickets Westward may be obtained at the office. of the Company in Philadelphia, New York, Boston, or Baltimore ; and Toikete Eastward at any of the impor tant Railroad Offices in the West; also on board any of the regular Line of Steamers on the lituununpin or 0 010 rivers _ _ _ ital o Fare always as low, and time as quick, aa by and other Route. For farther information apply at the Passenger Sta tion. Southeast corner of Eleventh and Market streets, The completion of the Weetern connections of the Penney Railroad to Chioag_o_,_ make this the DIRECT LINE REIF WARN 'EWE EAST AND . THE GREAT tit 7 The conrieetinn of tracks by the Railroad Bridge at Pittsburg. avoiding all drayage or ferriage of Freight, together with the saving of time. are advantages remit 1111'rroiated by Phial:iota of Freight, and the Travel- A:3lle. arch:inns and Shipper' entrusting the transporta tion of their Fre ight to this CommeeTi can rely with son6denee on its speedy transit. THE RATER OP FREIGHT to and from any point in tae Went by the Pennsylvania Railroad are at all times as favorable as are charged Ms ether - t i oUr°a 4 Comrsyyias. POP Be partionlar to mark packages " via Pennsyl vania Rata/tad." For Freight Contracts or Shipping Direotiona apply to. or address sutler of Lite talioWulg AMID! 'Ol the Colitpani D. A. htevrart, Pittsburg: IL B. Pierce & Co., Zanesville. J. J. Johnson, Rip ley, O.; R. McNeely. Maysville. Xy.; Ormsby & Cro per, Portsmouth, O. • Paddoek & Co.. Jeffersonville. p- Indiana ;H. W. 8r047.1 & SCiaoinnati. o._; Atnern & Hibbert Cincinnati 0. • X C. Meldrum Madison Ind. Joe. k. Moore, Lontsvifle, Ky. ; f'. Co., 2 Bransville, Ind. ; N. W. Graham & Co.. Cairo. 111. i_R. F. Bum. Sheller & Glasilßt. Lords. hIo. _John Xarris. Nashville. Tenn. • Harris & mem p_his, 'Senn.;-Clarke, & Co., 'Chicagoan. - W. H. H. Xoonts, Altan,.lll.; or to Freight, agents of Railroads at different points in the West. B. B. XIStetiTON, Jr:, Philadelphia; MAGRAW & KOONS. 80 North street. Baltimore. LEECH & C0..l Astor-House, or 1 B. William Y LEECH & CO.. No 11 State street, Boston. H. H. HOUSTON. Gen'l Freight Agent, Phila. L. L. BOUPT, Ganq Ticket.:Agent, B. LEWIe. Gen''! lice't Silptnina. Fs- ja-ly .9114410 T VI !sal. oF_IIERG ARAAnOosiiißiTT.' YOKE IN FD NAB CAMDEN ARIP- AMBOV.AND DMA AND TRERRONRAIIROAD Co.'* FROM FIEELADRLFRIA 70 RINI YORK AND WAY RIALOEFi - /AIM WALNVT-IT. WEAN/ AND lIINSIDAToN ZlATtri WILL lACAVB FOLLOWS, VIZ "tie, Al It 4, ;do tn. Glihnden Om; AgaVY•l cr nue A , 49- commodation— - . . . ..82 25 At 6 A. M., via cielei, ' - wieyi , iiei - bliti . : as • • . .I.) Acaommodation— -- .. .2 26 At 84h. hi...eia- Camden Jersey City. 6.l:zraire Al 11 1F 1111 7miCreilernitio - r. - ...ia. - Jersey' tiiii7 sal We re Fawns, - - - :--- , 300 Al MN F. M., via Gattiden and Amboy itoooluerki: dauon- . -- - At AP. Pd., via Camden andAm);(74 . ,..0. and A. Ex areas - ... . —. 3 00 At 1134 P. 111., eta Kenaluigton e.nd JeMeY Citr, RT.- rung Faoress..—.—.—. -- .__ . 3 co At CO .P. td... 713 Kensington and Jenter City. fd Clarialloget—... - --__ 3ge At SP.-M., via Camden and Javier gity.i.. , 7oDisi Mail . . ------,.., 3OO At UM, r. PEE., via Camden' alio J ersey City, so ut h- arri,. Mail . -.._ 225 Al 5 P. M., ma Camden and Amboy', Aooonareoda.- tldn,.lPrefeht and Pardrangerl.-Dit Masa Tieket_ a U im. do. • ad Clam Ticket- IMI She OP Al Mail Mae :am daily. The 1/. l i ?DI, Soma ern Mail, litaturdma excepted. . For Belvidere, Fasten, Lameertinlle. Fleminnon. tee.. at 1.10 A. M. and 4X P. Al. from Kensington. For Water tianxNreadsbarkleranron, Wileeibann, morn:rose, great °end, ate., LOVA, Al. from Keneington, ma Delaware. Laoltawansta Mid.Weidern R. It. Pot Manch ()Minh/ allentoptriand Bethlehem et y.te A. Mandl% P;.M. - Trom Kenuington. Depot ; (the 7.10 A. hi, line connects : with_ train Mamas Earton at 3.35 P. ht.) . For. Mount frolic, at 8 and 8 A. M., I and 061. For Preeko.d. m 0 A. td., and X P. M. . WAY.LI.III3B. AM Bristol, Trenton. tee., at MO A. lc, 43 , 1111/ sBi F. Al. from Totuengton, and Mt P. hi. from Walnut- Street wharf._ . FoLPl.bnyra, JLiverton. Delano°, Beverly. malign , - toaFloreneo,Berdentemn,- the... at 11114'1, 8, Q. sale k. k.._ - • • , • Steamboat Trenton, for Bordentown and intermediate plauee. at 2$ P. from Walnut-target *hart h liFfror New . York and Way Lines leanzie Yensiaston take th e ~ ears. on Finn street, above Walnut, an War befor cispartere. The earS4un into the in tiar de t,. and on leer tplof stab train. run from the depot. Fem.& o flagewionly, allowed each Poseen a.... imam era proMnited from taltinganything as gage-lint therr weeiring , apparel. All-bagage over Madill to tet pend for_ extra. Tian Commer - .Emit their gesoorMhtht7 tor bateau. to One nollarr.er_posss. and will not be liable for any amount beyond Tun; an ent bY moil) aer.trest. mho Wel, I. arnzrdEl.. Anent, pinammo li 0R T H PENNSYL - vt, NIA AIL,RoD. FO zBETEILETEM,_.POYLESTOWN. MAUCH trIVR, NA2 iToN. _EASTON, ERVIEF, W 3 ' ESBARRE,./to. •" ' 'HEEL' AR OUCH iit 411318. On - and after 81011 A.Y. MAY Itaace, Pagaepger Trainewill leave FRO :Lad WILLOW Streets, F/741.- dell/hue. dank, (dringlayg excepted), 641 fOnORII i Ai 6.41 1 A, qibaprefi)..ter 13ethleh311, Allehtirier eleimeh Chant, rwleteir.l.Vitaerierre., ag., ... Attila P. M., (-enema), ar lielheiriA.Saiit on, &O. Chit train reaches Eettee MI . 1 a lt , ' - .4akes close eonneotion pith Nap JAte t g Oestre re" ( At 1.19 P. hii, fat ma o gre. e ttero' -- Airen Ma aoh Chant. art, Ate A. M. and I P. Al.; Inc Thplegtearli. Lt 10.x0 A. at. &ROCS/P. M., .or Fort Waehlnitton. The 1.60 A. M. elzprese train matee 0101115 commotion with the Lehigh Valle! Railroad at Bethlehem. being the shortest and moat desirable route to Wilkesbarre. and to ell 'pints in the Lehigh osai_sesum. wILAINII FOB, pRILADitbrRIA, P Leave Bethlehem at aWI A. M.. 9 apt A. M.. and te L6gea 'W e' Fait "caleateern at A. M. and 4 ill P.M. rashington at 11.10 A. hi. _and 230 P. M. . SlllDAY&—Plilladelphis for Bethlehem at 8 Alioblosdelphia for Doylestown ate P. M. Motown for FluMdelphla at IA A. M. ettnehern for fluladelonia at I P . ht. Fare to kiethfiehem-111 11 01::41t0 Pdaneh Chank.SB 80 Fare to Baer ,1 Si Fare to Wilkesbarre-- 4SO I CATQUEtt lidtata must .DrOCUrad at the Motet Oiliees, at W LOW Street. or BERNE Street. in order to :mgt. the above rates of &re. - Ad muenserrihsuris /ayes./ MettLai_T T. , ..10 , 5).,,,,,,,e0s at Soils Buell with Fifth and Sizth-strests, and word mad Third-innate Fazsencer. Bailroede, twenty mantes after leasing Wil low Streak ' • RLLJ CLARE. Agent. oat jo r ia SPRING _ARRANGE -'IIIM MET.--PHILADISLPR/A9 WILMINGTON, AND BALTIMORE RAILROAD. On and attar MONDAY, APRIL IS 1961„. PASIDENGER TRAINS LEAY.F, :PHIL ADELPIIIA: For Hain inora at &IS A.. _'tl., 11.S1 A AL, (EXoralo), and lUD P. AL For Chester as &le A. M.. /I.MA. M., 4.11 and V. rd. Far Wiltabutatt at 8.28 A. M., 11.88 A. M., 4.11 and P. rd. For hem Cabtle at Ala A. M. and CUP. M. For Dover at B.IIA. M. and 4.1 i P. M. Ivor M. For !Salutary A. M. TIAIIIB FOR PAM/ DELPILIA an l A ll 2 R tiliatore at 614 A. Al. (Everette), CM A. M I 8 Id LeaTa Winnunaten at 6.80 and 9.10 A. M.,.110 and I'. Leave Salisbury at 1.40 P. 81. Lem DLlford at 4 P. M. Leave Dover at AU A. M. and e.n3 Leary NiFte Ogee at 8.2 e A. 84., 740 P. M. lama* Chaster at 1.40 A. 61., 940. 1.57 and 8.40 roLeave Delnmare ter Millinery and Delaware fail • ut at &if A. M. +.11.41Ne voit nALTimorn Leave Mester at 8.46 A.M., 13.06 and 1130 P.M. f4ya Willathatoll at 6.36 12.96P.M.. andA. of: 12 ?PRIAM TRAIN; with Passenger Car entailed, will ran AS fellows !Awe Philadelphia for Perryville and intermediate eaceo at am Pan, Leave Wilminr for Perryville mid Intentiedie• la rs e s i rtrii i itil l yon for ?Misdeals and lumina them:V=lB4 ti-traoe for Baltimore intermedi ate stationer at e A. at. Leave Betiotore for Itavre-de-Graoe and itttennedi ate 'teams at 6 P. M. ON EIINDAYO Oommessitit S i unday. Msy MI. until &Filter :10.• ilea. 'l' WO' O A NE*l , l rtv, on it andUfl. Leavitit' Philade phi for Ealtimoie and WallOtikal qt 13 A. M bpd lose F. .ed, littritug Ealutooro for ,potwolphis at 9.46 A. M. and 146 Y. M. soil S. M. FELTON. President. • COTTON SAIL DLWIC and OA/iVAZ , of 041in:umbers and brands. Roven t s !took Amintoot Twitio_ k . of sit dtisoriptiollii for went', Awning.. %Walk& and IN ottota_Cooort. Alsoi Paster IltLennEsotrirenr Dl7lO Feita . from • it toot olds. Tort e, itir • Patin 1 . 1 !, WV/C . 441 0 CP ft Val., Mri-tf • 'lO3 /ONES Alter, AD LINN U.& ROUT.X.— MIRA RAIL 4 21.15111 PRILADPAPHIII 41,8 D Fas . irti/CIEET LIMPTE to TamatlVlll6 4, TAN , Al ;rb willmelesuo thrronwn_. Dan n ra.ilto/ airport, Tro n ca n ton , want Fella, %tater: ClevelaaDaktaiL Wed°, Chicago, et. Louie, wastoe, and au ratite north au or d leoting ftiFhl1 r tf . : ctisltrltosaa arOWVILLB4ta, treaencer entranet on Cft aow street.) date (neadall owaitod). rOr above ROMs. ea follow : DAY A.lll. Iff Carl , .1.1.5 P. 1 1 11.. The $49 it, X; train tonneau at UPI% OH WIIUI. tarre i cason, eorantoo, ace • station= 0,1- the LAO AND 81.06182.1186 RAILROAD. he a ye trturui make diraot oonasetioos at Eigara with the trains of the Him York and zne, Canirodanna and Niagara Fa and lattraloiNew York an Brie. one New York Cm .Rellsoads, mom as point. north and West. and the Br a z lon Elmira . - gala* and ifkgpsfain Eli IN and ti-termmuite potato. Via la out be ireeareld at_ Qs Fhillohdalua and M ama Railroad tar 'Om Motet moo northwest owner of ffIXTIt and OM UT Eltreetw:and at the Peaserger MilroOtiMo I . /E I RTEENTRaad cida,vvv - E ILL, et raison FREtanT Tneln Leave the Plat !.del} and Reeding Depot, Drop! and eldlowtill sue t *daily (Bandana ozoootett), for all Poinq Weatiat norta c , at If F. N. Freziou not-• be doaverod beton aP. teinento thou grthe tame ear. Par_ ,e,i; mformadae only_ at Ptalrit Banat. MINIM 111 and (MILO whet L. or to a. T. LIsONARD• Arent. stertheraos wormer If.LXlllllaa4 IGALlelern 'knew, arde-tr Plalade.sala 14°21(111—°ERSTS ig VAILLiErittaL.ROAD.—Fft WOOER = DOWN 19 FOR DOWIGTOWN AND WOWS& ATE EtTAVOtio.--03 apt. after itr , e t h . rem the . er 'roam for imormsorow-}t will start from the POW Zazeireri o epot or the Fkil 5- 1 0 ‘ 4 1 0VILIL.litn,X. P r TP 2rxr 9 ! trouwrxitalii for Downixeciin area at 8.00 . Alf AFTOON IMAM for Davainctown !Nivea at SAO P. DADA 'Muds» ammo pMfa ordoLot him Elpoird of Managua of the Ong Assent .. 11 toed COMMA. eMairig Y. siberat.,. are DAILY r.-- t : A Tn . "'- FPREnri. 5am.........-..... VA.alellt ye 1404- and to tuo urinal thl°lllMMlnta NW , " ..... -. 1 _net's. rent 0 .- Luria the boh to_.lo. Southwest. W scig i b . A D hoe, Mall itOn,s Street and t _e ir raw venue. in °minded daily, and am try any other Lim 11. F. KENNEY, lestalf Mane of Tra tet On .P. W. eri i. CO. FURNESS, BEWLEY, i -- ou.; No. s2° etLARRET ETX "i:t BALE THIS MORNING. AT 10 O'CLOCK. A CARD—TO DEALERS IN 1108INRY. The vartiouie, attention of anrahalan is reStpagted to our sale of 303 iota homer.. glover. and Wag. this anew*/ morning. =WI 18, at 10 o'clock, for cash. comprising a full assortment of the most desirable style& NANKIN MATTING. 100 climes 11-1 and 0 t white and red cheek Nankin MAIM& LARGE SALE OF GERMAN °OTTO'S NOB %RV. This Morning, May 28, •t 10 o'clock for mit— a' e dozen regular make white wn cotton hoes. 000 bro 400 " " openwork " SE 41 merino half hose. 000 " hr wn cotton half hoe& 300 " fanny cotton half hose. 600" ohikdren's white cotton. hoes. 000 " fanny 000006 " a y n ' aa a n n d y omen s cotton and Wee thread g oyes. " men's la ite glottal -200 " women's lisle 'tread Eguntieta. ;Kir Samples and catalogues early On morning of sale. BALE OF FRENUR DRY GOODS. On Friday Morning. May 81. at 10 o'clock. fi.r cash— ew packages and lota of fanny and staple Franedi dip 000d11. SALE ON ACCOUNT OF UNDERWRITERS. FOR CASH. On Friday Morning, Map 3i, UM, at 10 o'edoak for naafi - oases 0 4 alpaoae and de began, damaged on board bio.folm Trotting. "IVF. PANCOAST. AITOTIONEER, Sue • wow ,. to B. /4 , .. Ntr. Jr.- 431 CRESTNIPI SAL v..OF DAY 13. c)DS. RIBERLISS, MILLINERY GOODS. .c..1M.8 Of isERIES,Sco., by cataiogue. On Wedneadar_ alorninr. Mai 79, oonmettoina at 10 wolock oreoiaely. . CyliralNG. DOUSE D.BB/CB. At co -manonment of sale, le superior new counting house dem. EMBROIDERIES. An invoice of late styles omnbno and laconet collars, flouncing > bands, handiternbi.fa, ko. BONNET RIBBONS. 90 cartons late and ohmos sty len Pans'borinst ribbons. FRENCH FLOWERS. 100 cartons roses,ao °holes. styles Paris artificial flowers, buds. /caved. lion- &el. V J. WOLBERT & CO., ,019 ARCH STREET, DRY 9001)8 AND CITY-MADE CLOTILIND. Phia Allornms'. May 24th st 1034 o'clock, at 51g Aroh street, A general assortment of seasonable fancy and staple dry goods, in lots adapt!d to retail sales. After which, Ls Stsome GarilnENTS—Nlerohant Tailors' stook, fresh made mats. pantaloons and vests. Sir Now open for examination. UQOK & CO., ALF No. 124 south . / EftNT Strout. STIV.RIFF'S RALIC - -- STIICK AND FIXTUit.RB OF A. WHOLESALE PORK PACKING AND %TRIM* EST 4 BLISHMENT. On Pilday Mar Slat, nt 10 o'clock. ar 144 and 148 North Front street will ha sold by orderer the Sheriff, the stook and fixtures of the above eetablishment. comprising -271 Mids. smoked hams, sides and /shoulders. 4.078 loose do do do do. 13,471 do bulk sides and shoulders. 86 Ws. mess. wings nue flank oleic. 20 tierce. smoked sides 400 gators ground salt. 46 kegs Western lard. 4 bales sheeurigs. r. Lan am ety hhds beings end btrls.f inatiorm wales, truck% presses. CO 4,, 8C(1. BORNE, WA GON, dro. I hove. 1 wagon. harness saddle. sleigh. Also, immediately after the above. at the Pork Ronne. in Poplar street, below Front, a terse lot of salt, ma lawes. saiteetre. soda, laid, grease, Ice. Catalogue two days orevious To sale PHILIP FOND it 00., AIIVTIOIiTISERS, No. S9O MARKET Street and f+ll MINOR at. LARGE PIGSITIITH tiALE OF 1.000 OASES.IIOOTB. BROM. AND BROGANS. On Thursday Morning. May 19, at 10thaloot Dismal/. will be sold, by DOW Mane -1,(SIO owe men's, boys' and youths' calf, kin, and grain boots, calf and kip brogans, Congress goite, Oxford ties, &o.; women s, nosier; and children 's calf,, kip, goat, moroooo and, kid heeled boots and shoes, glitter& animism, buskins, &o.; also, a large and dearablo as sortment otnitr-inado goods. vor - -430oss.osan for examinakon, with SaWaraells early onthe morning of sale. MOSES AUOTIO Ji AND O_OlO4llOlON I.ll.EltirdANZ. Southeast corner of Ilix•rm and RAM; illev.oots. NATyr ANS' GREAT SA LE OF PORPEITED GOODS. OVER q.OOO LOTS OP FORFEITED ARTICLES. The sale will take wawa This Morning. May Et, at 10 o'clock, at Moses Nathans' auction House. No,. 185 and IS Northkl tth street. adioining the southeast corner et Sixth and Race streets. and Will consist of ladies' sod gent lemen's , 01"thi'g, bedding, carpets, housekeeping articles t 00... sewing machines. guns. pistols. fancy articles, &0., viz : Superior frock, dress, business, •sok. and over coat. , Pante ; vests; debate , detains , and other dresses and dress pattern.; 'skirts; every variety of Nob Canton craps shawls; silk, satin. merino. plaid. woollen, broohe Stella, and other shawls; silk velvet, silk satin, Merino, lace, *loth, and other cloaks, hascuee, shawls, circa ars, and mantillas; cape.. oollars, photos. pa , o sole under clothing of every description. feather Dens, quilts, spreads, comfortable.. blankets. sheets. towels, table cloths. china. glass, and cveensware, double and single-barrel fowling-pieces. tools of every description, clowns, paintings ver-plateo were forks, knives. soon.. Havana cigar., lamer', eat, in short, goods of every description. including furniture, &o. ST The goods will be open ior examination on the day previous and on the morning ornate. Dealers. housekeepers and others will please attend thief:Ml6. as seen article will positively be sold, with out the least reserve. PRIVATE BALE. some of the eitt GOLD PATENT la.' VE. ant ONRONOM:ET WATORP,B raannfacrorod, et hall the renal selling prices, gold lever and lepitm Intones, silver lever and lerene watches, English , Swiss one French watches, at astonishingly low prices, jewelry of every description, very low, guns, pistols, mc.lest in- Etrumen4. Ara; quality of Karam aitare, at half the Importation price, in quantities to suit purchasers , end various other Ulna of goods. OPT DOOM 8,114f,15 Attended to personally by the Auctioneer. Conzignmenta of any and every kind. it-A.of gooes soli sited. M 031,3 719 AM. MONEY TO LOAN $Ol,OOO to loan, et the lowest rates, et diamonds, watches, jewelry. silver plate, dry goods, olothing, &ro ckeries, Mate. hardware, cutlery, PiEOlOl, mirrors. thy- IlltUre. bedding, and on goods of every desonPtion, in large or small amounts, from one dollar to thousands. for an.Vength of time agreed on. he Oldest Established Rouse in this atty. Mr mate entrance on RACE Street. Nor Business hours from 9 A. M. to 9 P. M. Heavy Insurance for tbe benefit of depositors. • CHAEoEiI ONLY TWO PER CENT. lir Advances of $lOO and upwards at two per sent Advances of *MI/ and upwards. at one per cent., ter short loan*. gRIPPIPIo. WEEKLY COMMUNICATION BY STEAM. BETWKEN NEW YORK AVD LIVERPOOL, nailing at QUEENSTOWN (fro thed.) to land and embarkpamenamw and despatobea. The Liverpool, New York. and Philadelphia steam ship Company's splendid Clyde-Molt iron screw steam ships, are intended to sail as follows: FROM NEW YORK FOR LIVERPOOL. KANGAROO, .Saturday. MEW 16 ETNA. Saturday, June I IsDlNßUltall. Satorda June 8 And every Saturday thronkhout the ye ar , from Pi N 0.44 N. R. . ... . RATES OF RAIRSAGE Queenstown ROM FRILAWRLFRIA. Cabin, tu, or Do. to Lotott, via --," 80 Steerage to nesestown, or Liverp001......_.. tla Do. to Mon. ga Do. Return tickets. available for six months, from Liverpool,, am - Passenger forwarded to lias - m. Paris. Hamburg. Bremen, and Anrwerp, at through rates. Celanlease of Maga minted from Liverpool to New Yort - gig Certifmates of passage issued fronTqueenstown to New York-- e/30 These steamers have superjor mmommodations for Passengers, ere construoted with watertight compart ments, and carry &romanced surgeons. For freight, nr preisagevoly et the okte of the Corn eal:ff. OUB DALA, Agent, 111 ainut street Philadelphia. to LiverSool. to Wit . wer uilding& In Glasgow, to WM, INMAN. 13 Dixon street Ws,THE liitITIBLI AND NOWI'H AMERICAN ROYAL MAIL STEAM- IntoY NEW TORE TO EIVRRPOOI. Chief Cabin Paanage—;-------- Is Second CAM* Peatmee— Is PEON 905 . 709 TO LIVERPOOL. Chief Cabin !emu' —.—.....—... Second Cabin Paseage— 60 The shine from New York call at - Ccirk Harbor. The ships from Boston call at Halifax and Cork Ru bor. PERSIA. Calt. Judkins. AFRICA., CoOk.noßuon. ARABIA. Ca t. J. Stone. i t CANADA., C_pt. Anderson. ASIA, Capt. O. Lott. AMERICA, Cent. SleAuley AUSTRALASIAN, "GA OARA,Cept. 'noodle. Capt. E. M. Beckley. EUROPA, Capt. J. Cook. SCOT lA. I now building.) Thee° resole carry o clear white light at meet-head ; [teen on starboard bow ; red on port tow. AFRICA , Shannon. leaves N. York, Wednesday'. Mar' M. Euggye, Anderson, " Boom, Wednesday. Mar 79. PE RBIA, Judkine,N. York, Wednesday, lone 5. AM ),RICA. Moodie, " Boston, Weaneedat June 72 . AUSTRALAriA Rockier, " N York Mednaidal .4126 19. ARAIJIA, &OLIO. " Boston, Wednesday, June Berths not &soured until paid for. An expeneneed Surgeon on board. The owners of these Wes will not he noocstetnAlo Gold. Silver, Bullion, Speoin, Jewelry, finomtimoir' or Metals , inaless bills ofje.diun aro eiwne4 thou- -ones the TRW. 4130/144 IROSt4 tOp&TOWK k‘p- ..ACT, and vadaFay vela to , irebrjlt or 4 &Milk% Ok• : CUNARD, ...reen, New York. ItAILIWA - - LINES_ FUILIADEI4PIII.II, a I WILMINGTON AND RIL- JuLl LIMA F O Rs (LA May 4. Mil. TRILIPIR WAfils I DIG rON. • -a and after.alonday, May 6. MR, Trams for Wash mono, YIS dnanglia, will leave Philadelplua at ILsi and MAI .r. • RETURNING, Will SMlPei at Philadelphia trout Weahingten at 19.1 E M•, and also at Pal Y. M. Through tickets sold at the depot, corner of Braid and Prime stream, Philadelphia. my 6 8, lit FRLTON. MAN rommim PHILADELPHIA AbiL 4 111 24 f7Bo nth "L"" April 27, SEAsiVrficilTs. On and after May I. iddt.eeeeen ttoke•ts will be Lowed by tine oomneny for th- permds of three, ax, nine, and twelve montba not transferable. do son aohool-tiokete may oleo be had at 33 per dent. s:punt. - - . - These tickets will be sold by the Treeenrer at Teo..tt27 South FOURTH Street, where any further information attn be obtained. 8. SRADPORD, ardg-tf Trenearer. Tilf.M.V.s ;,i.„Pvt . Mfr^ .gon. 1311 04...7. 14 IFOrintii!Gox, f,. epOCKB AND REAL, raja vhies ontatoguee POW roan). r c ,,, t „ jLlß tri v,,o- 1 4 parizaiona of thy pr o o o rtr ;c 1 ba ecid "t 23th tont— e.t Coat, oeir noon. and e newt, 01 Orphans' %reign nee others, co X te e ' D 4 ,4 wet : . large amount of property. PUBLIC AA y.- F'P•.; h Eft.y ". o , olook. noon. dame the begineta i 1 7,„g anntinips oi eaoh property tatte d „ a tt addition tale ieh we en bliza, on t h e attritro p t „ l, tn ioixa eli , e c h .hrin:fuli n d e elsa th r c rti Aide . the pth .tl e r e i , %: t f . l:A ° l aold on thef win!. "1 . 13 . eed . 31 3 , b. REAL .de..rha : W edding hs ever, nino4n (If mkt cen,,i' t 4 ,,L.,• pr m denarkptdon of etty .4111 Printed)prie nab tha nvor "' - ' 4l t) PRIVAa. -1.6 11.48.1te, R. 1 0411 4 oco - Final estate entered OA oar afttrt...e t t , and advertised oveaaionally era. al% 'els,kt. (of whlnit on- thousand ennica ar. ,:n7A; ‘.4 41 / 44 : tree of ettnrte . STOCK! BOND!, 5.c. This Day, May 28, a.r, 12 otolook noun, at the phi.,,,i obanro. mitt be sold- r 1 1...;, ~ 821,84:0 Chesapeake and Delaware Canal loan. 30 shares Philadelphia Exchange ntock. 05 shares Little troliurllrall Navigation aid u r , 4 l fl ak,. PM". r i - . , Alecr 4 shares coney roma Centre! Rai `lc e tshar shares Commercial Bank-par tso. REAL ESTATE 8A L'.l;--Polli 11A Orphapir Court Sale-Estate of tie r ," i . ,: ~, dred._.prEßy VALUABLY!. DELAWAith Virg, and L &ERE LOT AND BUILDINGS, fp int klir twasson street, Ilains rtrest or landing, and the 4 laWare. Bounded on the north ny the city p ru ,v,. DA By order of Asaignees. • i q. HAN DMOMIG be OD ERN 11.,:.61 DENCE, N4,eti 111 . 13, t o th en street, between A roh and F fl beitatregi side. Pereinigory Sale. -- NEAT NEAT Alf ily,an OF ip, STONE KI4 4 IDBNIA. No, 3019 Walnut girrog ")i -f Twentieth. The house Ills the mo t , ent um n o ienon g , &as, furnace, hoc and cold water, tao,e2ca' gale abielute. -..c. VERY VALUABLE IRON-I - 8.0.` , T sup p „ 325 Arab street. east of Fourth.. I- ut 17 til 1 1 ' ',, Clear of incumbranca. Orir .518,0n0 emi , . len LARGE. ANII VALCABLI. 'ROUGH AR-. RESIDENCE, Price .treet. noetaweet of Svru * -. Ciermantown. Twenty-second 'word, witain'il,,,"'wl, rates' walk of the railread depot tint 71 t rEt ri,,, l. ib HAN D,,omE MODERN .11K9IDKNCE-...., Green street, west oh "lye Guth street. L , ii,,A A l i ...1 inches front. The house bas all the mod urn , e , l 7' cleanse-Sue, hot arid cold wate. larnKra, r of all ineambranem Torme - -54.603 may remi, r ,'Z In lqu sg6 i4 g iiT COTTAGE ELEI3TDENC B. az,u td „ Thirty ninth Street. north of .Itr4ll street, Tio .('' fourth Warm. Lot 25 feet front, They, are lAhlt i : t e lr tage et. le i have the modern c onvesieneet, rle b.,,,,!' ,not and oo'd water, ir o. ' ' -, THRBK-STORY BRICK IftVlil.l.l•NG, w i th t . story back betiding's. No. 318 South Filth meet, heit,, Serum &rear. Lot 18 feet front, ',lmes -82W ~,,i'i tesuran on mortgage, Sale et Noe. 139 and lc/ E.ontil Aitni SUPERIOR Puatit'rumE, FRI.NCH-1-I,ATitm. RONAN PIAI I IO-EI)ILTEN. BR WaSELfi CARP/fir On Thttriday hierninG At o'c second- h and Auction &ore, sal ascinuel excellent furniture. elayeli; pu,4o4 t , rn . , fine mirrors, carpets, etc., from dii.0;;;; hourektmeing, removed to ttm core for,:iet'e-Al sat!. !ale Nn. 1386 Green Atreet, RANDS° ME P NIT+I RE. FRB. Nag_ MIRROR, TA PGATBAtI: PET:, - On Friday Moroni:, 31st inst,, at 10 oicCk oeteingue, et No. MC Goa t ertie F, below Vittet'entn, tno hanntorne in tint. dente room and ohamber furnturre. fine French-plate lie; mirror. handsome tapestry carpets, Ao, Also, the kitchen furniture. oar may he exammesl at o o'olook on the iourstar the gale. Baja N 0.217 kouilt Broad Flust. SUPERIOR PURNITUBE. PI *NO, t;Birrit,i, !SAXONY OARPETI. 81e. On Tuesday Moratog, June 4. at 10 by catalogue. at tro 217 bun Broad street. the enttre household farnihoe, hor,koase..fise plated Ware, mirrore, ras fizeoleath), dow qttirceism. Saxony and Brunets oareeta,shing ap; glarrwares sir of sa may a De e i xam "i ined with catalogue on the tumuli the le. t eight n'n.o, To M arhi , /Jewels and other.. PEREIIaPTORY eA LP. v FINK EPALIAN et.m MONTMENTS. MONLIMIttiTa;• bales, art , being a special t tc.Mecere Vitt Brined (sla Wedneadar Mercier. June 6 awi l llooii, at the marl*, yard Fifth nen, above o a t h , be sold a fine O.:election of (Wei marble monument& of Grecian. Roman. and i mLe soles. with itroiDsi, figures. and urns. fine hew ?there and carving,. The oolleation comprises some of Ike finest ever ...tiered a exam i nation Will bs ready for on Monday, id Ito. catalogues Will be ready on Thureday,l3ta nut.,ao oan be MIS St the Section rooms, or at tee warmest of M Viti Bros 639 A rob street. Terms—trider .2200 earth ; over that %mow, tx months credit for approved endorsed senor. Rale NO. 182.41 arch &ect. STOCK OF MORB4h; 0 101YUltENTS. hrtit KA. TUARY. OFFICE FU . LIRE. ke. Olt Monday Meriting, June 10. at 10 o °look. b• eacalogd, at the meet yard No. 1825 A rob street, tog:dote she concer n the It . tiro stock o tratien marble monuments, held aoo kat sto es. urns, fine statuary, a quantity of regim e blocks, &o. ko Also. the eines furniture. medet t.oh, In W For particular/ see cataloguer. IVO FITZPATRIWE 4S; Elia,. l e r , • 47014),aut1y. 004 01/E.576 or tam timo iiiztk. EX At . 1 so'sioak e ot _Books, slAtiontzr 1 2_cylogip. wsteces, jewelry, stooks, silver placed vIrP. 11113140.11Instrsements, eco. Also, Al 01 4 0 17, dry roods, boors &fl stocc ALI me- DAY_ OeTerr description. cAssEff eyeiT mondar. W04:11241h1. cu re. Sal at cistook . • AIVATE vAnp. At private sale several torcsf.oll2lMY.Pr.ti or ittatatt s °wai', books, stationery, silver- p lated wore, tam, fancy g OOPS. &o. To which is solicited the anemias ft City and 0011/2 try merchants vie others. Wa~icautc49ll9ltoa of all ;ludo of ancluitio for either nubito or private /14:CII. Liberal cash advances made on setsisaasals. Oat-door sales promptly atteacird to. ttiAtIHIPISHY AND LAW. ' PrA.P..!:. STILE MUMS AU '.• BOIIEL "•103 1 La,-4EAFIT: A LF,'YY. >?FX§ii AL Atti IliPAA.Mirlt.l L'it %Kan, • to mad3tOLLis)L-MAYLlA.lll,.7.Saattfla, ant FOSiriDEnz, oavaor. :a; last, TM,. Wes 'N anaceaahl oaeratfen. and N'aiSk exeincrroly pavoij W iens and reigurme marine and .d :':.•; Err„7.2. v, and !ow eraarara, Iron Boats. Water I:Llll.fron l e..., ear.,.&a., rt:meat:nay o ff er their aervataco oat: :a noinifkiir oro_nora i to oonrcaet fzi . - 2... a.• .! unsex, Marine, River, and etaltunarf .1.m4 •toili aaterna of difforent situ, ars Brame: ..e ,I • as ters trot game' deeeattie. Evora deaoriefict cif 1 .1 nekton inada et tho shortest native. 123: sal Probeara, Plait, Tabula?, :nd Cr/gder ffatvi, iII les o east Pennoylvonio aharaoal iron. Forgil20 1 of ad cam and kinds: iron Slid *raw esailalkef all tenfileola: Loll la Sorer Cattier, and ell Wen •NI3 up seotat with above tatu:ww Dr/mints and inediAostons ? sr t, wort VANN tin* satabluitunent. frail of nano, and work snaturro. Ike iqtbadriblna Aiwa aten!O C! Oat rpm co{ no 'Air/ Or bOetlONkero ike7 NU bast NefTeat N.Ati atte ar• prep/mod wit:: ttoore, . NW. :ka.4e. cier miens heavy t. ugh' frainat. Jar , p. AVM JO ..., .... il,), y . . iltiAn7ft . I,JI ?AWES.% P. 411011 7. vAlfellAN roun Leapt, WILLIAM 11. MIRSICX. 11.117LST Mint SSOUTHWARKYOUNDRY, FIFTIt AND WARRINGTON aTl.'s6:l, I.I(TLADZLYLIIA. biSlilt/Cli a SONG, ENGINE.ERIS AND fIIACIIINISTII, pdanufacture High and Low Premise Melon stow. oi land , river. itg e l e ir r ie s rLro aeg i viyt n vo,:s in. of ku: s l 4 /Ithe ' r iron o; hreas. 46 ' Iron Friona fa for Gar Work& Wi1ti0 ,, P7.1 86. read WAWA:* &e. tetorte and Gas Machinery of tbk iAtsst and maim. proved 001221i1129t10n. levee description of Plvion Moohtiery, Wig is e agar. flaw, and tilriAt Vegnium F/12.1. 005 !!team Trains. Defeon' Mime, Pampint Aceins. &O. • Sole Amoy for N. litillieure• Patent RUM 3 * AnDarat , ;.s. gamy tit's Patent !Steam lissuseriPSler tonwall rz °Okay's Patent Centrifugal Sugar Machine JOINT PLEASANT FOUNDRY.M.2r. M thegtira I s t ool[ Lag: t ke ' .tt Y ,flA . dry, he is arc wowed to recolVoordraz!7•l 3l :ll "nat. and aaw eaalincel,l,6*/mh C4 141 A• , "' =Work. lioaritr i Coaukuts pm. jar_ p.m: J., or htrvoioiroimarg, tufo or :am W 1... WO • itXPREBB COMPANUIB. amps Tirg ADAMS WitrA cg.)„,thisee 3UO CR.M74Ie, S ri. forward. Pune* Paokatee , Merzkeadita• 1 :0 Nei"' end Specie, either by its own Lim v „wan rló Germ with ether FApreas * 1 1 , 41 t %gammas, V Ike nr!•43 4 " Ft e" itl4tt m i $Y 9 , - .-d & W. TS - 0 — SALAMLNDER SLYER' sToar - 304 CIIMPA STREET. A lane v ar iety .fiail. % E s .1 9 1 , 1, haw+ THE WEEKLY .p,REsS. THE WHEEL. Y PR been entaldiehed enamor:are and permanent founding:, Wait is, in reality, a marvellous exampie of the Mal of laver which s rightly-conditioned LrrsaLsay, POLITICAL ; A. 1.41) raw 2 JOURNAL CIA reecho at die hands of a hberal Athi Onfiftil; Public. Oar moat grateful thanks are tends* for patl•onage already beatowed upon u, and we shall no no efforts which may carve to render the neVer tv " more attractive, useful, and popular ia the fated , The POLITICAL mule of TEE 1117BNLY P RA` need not be enlarged upon here. Independent, tub' and fearless. it has battled, unwaveringly and leskl' i In in defenoe of the BEGUITS OF THE pEopLS against EXECUTIVE WSURPATIOIi, and Imhof 4 ' 6 tyrannical legislation; ever declaring and addend the doctrine that POPULAR SOVEREIGNTY C tutee the fundamental-bath, of our free orititutiourt er that the intelligeunatend patriotism of our °Mono r.' alwaye be preeerwative of a wise. "I tiLtrsG ul erornent. Thuile are *the wil l ow.. t o trhich ~ WEEKLY PRESS bee been omematedi and to t himil will adhere. TERMS: I) Zie OM% one itt CO Three Copies, one year. — 1.: Five Comes, oneyesr..— "; Ten Copies, one year...... k." Twenty Costae, to one addressat the rate °` ' in Per 'HS —.•--- • Twenty Copies. to one address of eseh sub soriber Bowmen Comex will be forwarded to those who " (mast them. Any person sending us a Club of Twenty e V"' * - 2, 0 1' be entitled to an extra copy. Weeontinow to s —end Tu / WEEKLY "'REPS to Clergymen for $l. Bubtoriptions MT comma, pt aa• I = 6 ' Ter'rj 4 ,11 M11 WWII In Wimp: All loicorg to b o nadittuilil , JOHN W. FORWE I No. 417 CRESTNUT STiarr* P vr . xs la 37, 3? XX -4‘ JOB PRINTINN THE NEW JOB PRINTITRi Orr/ " TAE PR tab " IsDrinaroki Wo erteaesttl,shemx SO UMW 0.4.1.' 1171,11 PPMUr , '" ► PAM PHLIITA. Poozi.• SIIQ aiZ~ resirwu. NANDBILLL • ne • liir Alt indent left at the poeboation Office Preis, N 0.43.7 CHESTNUT Sweet. will be POI! Attended to. je7c,-
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers