u ld cal• a ilmessures to strengthen and ~,-u o I 5 0: " ."" the federal I avernmet. What was and our what bad R h eas? Was it :dort2owieElenroment, country? Baptized in i o siled by good and true men, proteet• rming the Chureh and religious • ssi„ f ro m the t ' s date or its beginning Who o sto ote r r rasehent tti at thie f paint, these 7 and • go,, par awl gr ow eioqa Th! 'V - l b the profoundest attention. The 0-fhi°:rl;r; i t t i nLYeoman were unequal to er tea ..iOn c " 4 6- ' d , i ger then dfscusse constitutionality t,; e t r esolutions Ha alluded to the the 1 ,7. 6 "; : ery and her antiqnated reolutions. A s e r r jj - watch revoked laughter from their wl3 b9;707.43 the. Church when it must Dt - ,:-.: r .od Well to preserve itself "le of unconstitutionality in notion, se ~i b c , stion, emanated from those Statea ,p'5,.1,.t . ',0f up the troublesome doctrine of From such quarter it was, at least, 0;• frg be other - si de the solo argunieut had been to • , tbs ir ,.rprtiteary of the resolutions. If tern breihren would secede from twl.4l,'L.biy. 15f what authority had such been they designs.i to seoede he would ask po „ Would they separate betatue i.uwo was entreated, or influence to III!: 114 integrity of the United States• or to ". 3 11 strengthen the Federal Govern tbers were sohismatiOs upon issues like I ;TA : * j e t thOr reoords be made, and rosterity 110; " s sk upon their dishonor and disloyalty '",- -- .' r a t than of indignation, th !eis bYI tern forbidden to recognize any other 7 • f the.. Oblin3h than the South ; for that seetion, CV:3O3 of the Church, seemed to claim all I .he r.,hy rod all concession. .IF t , s „ a restage of said resolutions would do l o ts than The withdrawal of the Southern le be great North and West the Cnurch would be prostrated. '' l ' e 'YstEes in the East the West, and the North n „rt that mood that tardy patriotism on j of this body would disconnect them from the -j '00! llharch. F3363SeSßring'a resolution' was , e. 11.4 Presbyterianism always been loyal Est tow there were places where her loyalty ,„ &t arei. resolution...El . :lust be Farmed to ts C h ute , in a true woman. The motives cs q,l would not remark; but their course t”.e. to be the index of their loyalty or die ,.,;*•. They must be passed to meet the sad fact one Synod had avowed disloyalty already. es y,3 penned such action, and sent it to the AFECLrady , 'Some of the fain asters of that 12 . the army of the re3els. [dams- t wolutions wore right, and that was :treason • rannisatious men should vote for them. This nor sectional business, but a national • shish all Beationa were intereeted. te3E - 411 that others from the if With were not •=4 useathly. wr.s not besause they could not Cersin Synods had declined appointing dani• -.O.,EarE to the Aarenably, !nowise they were in with treason. yirs Pr Lord was interrupted, and asked to • said Synods secatioued that they owed it to the Govern • to subscribe their loyalty Their ellArter w i tiven by the r United States. ii*tweertsirs members again interrupted. this thne, when the tieremtaeut was strug ..;:fat,e the Assembly owed it to themselves subscribe their loyalty. s,plared the Cross and Crown of Christ above .. . mug s; but next to that Cross and Crown, his . e...Dvy and its flag. [Applause SFIISCH OP MR- BARRIE., OP 311..V.A.5. t r Baker, of Texas, made a speech. lie was ;rid G, elteutottances of the thus:, but not awed :ts.ty remitof what he might state. Those who ;:setai , t osefidentb of matters of the South had ; in seen the Smyth, even with a telescope. 3, was going to say things, for saying which he rain danger of being hung in the North, [great 3:it:tr.3 and also at the South_ Was the impulse under which they were about to ehrLatian impulse? Dr. Soling was elected r le die understanding that he should not make a tneTement. Great confusion here ensued. Biker went on : Was this a politiesl or a 'Ay: They were servants of God, not of :• , ,bms or adMittistrations A gentleman from F.::ibotg with a pleasant voice, but a 'very un sprmh, (laughter.) had alluded to the 110. , of etim,.. because pantie sentiment was 100 r,az Ir.r the Church- The great stands of the had been made in dedanee of the world, :tied:. and MO devil! 53 man admired mare than he the grand Im i:ld the 'North. with its thousand flags and :Kering :egiusents. But let not this worldly pin mire upon the Church ! if the Chart& divide, let it not divide upon the fatal and, .;tad Mason and Dixon's tine- Pr. Spring g resolution was pagsed, the at the Church would follovr, and the Fey: ri" the South had no control of such dia- Hs fait somewhat safe of being assented at • far the mail bad been stopped T. He hated eni n! ifireat applause stain, a moan :scald be erected to him, either at the North -side Smith. If he voted for said reso:ntion, 1:.:rld not preach in Texas again. Vote for .2.." and Sabbath-schools, missions, and churches r...a be broken up. The Cherish must divide, or :::smhern Presbyterians must more North, if Spring resolutions were passed. He was a son B iker, and was glad that be was dead ! iler. Daniel Baker was a noted missionary of • ?waviest= Church, of wham an excellent :ETlTity has lately been written ] Ite Presbyterian Cherish alone had fought for Ti in the South Pan the Spring reeola axc the Secession flag would be run up over .%tithey be true to the Federal Government zo. ;arta Christ? Be lai never made a prayer for the President •,: zee Confederate States in his pulpit. Tu crops had jailed in the South, and many •".:-uters were too .. poor to send their delegates :Philatlelphic.. both accounted for the sup ged couitimmy of come Presbyters. ' The speaker came North for two purposes': first, I preserve the unity of the Church; and secondly, rough its unity to rettere the distracted country. l.pplause I Let this last thread be snapped, and zoutlry was lest. He bad witnessed the se. iestive of the Episopal Clairol:a. But two re :abed: the Roman Catholic and the Presbyterian :sureties. Twenty-four of them were here; should zey be CM off ? If so, they would return to their 2isifal and glorious outh, their fortunes linked n, sod their lives given to its defence. Di Hodge moved that the whole matter be laid 4• - a the table. The yeas and nays were ordered :: x recorded. Ls rote was then taken—yeas 74. nays Me Rene, during the speech of 31r. Baker And fd%ving ballot, was marked and interesting. with team in their eyes, provoked by the elo .7.lSee of the young Texan, voted for Dr. Spring's and the resolution alone was a test of ztfselirg in the Assembly. Many of the South ceri left last night, and some, it is said, will zike farewell speeches today. TEE VOTE LX DETML. he following are the yeas and nays on Dr. ?Agee' motion. The yeas are supposed to repre el: the strength of the party which desires the 4 - amblv to preserve silence on the loyalty Toss _ =*.? ad of Albany —Messrs. Kennedy, J. T. 3 in Harvey Church. 3zfilo —4aorge W. Lane, Miller, Lockwood, :etaryne :c York.—Wasmott, Imbrie, Childs, Wells, tits, Rankin. You. jersey. Hornhlower, Charles Hodge, :Milord, Barr, Hutchinson. Puladelphia &hawk, Watts, .Happersett, cy,ty, Patterson. McKean, Macalester, Foo Batimare.--Dioltum, Murphy, Mauer. Putsburg Whedirsg,--Scoektoa, Alrieh, Mahaffey, Mere C. 614 -- Lloyd, Hunt, Lee, Semple. lechisky.—Leymatt. Satat • zc Paid —Lyon, Mercer, Baldwin. /omz —Stryker. i7P , Arissourt.—Clark. Symington. -gigio2l , i Miltelmore, Leighton, Mat 5.1.100, Wayland. —Matthews, Fraser, Cheek, Condit, :.swthorLe, Harbison, Warren, Tanstall, Hub , ' 2 " l - 11 i , --Royte, Harrison, White :iitrisappi --Ogden; Peden, Belch, Grano, ` 7 werforL Molnuis, Smith. ' v'mpl —Gillespie, Stewart. '' ,., 2l . .—MoNair, Baker. SAYS. ZysiOd of Albany —Clerk, Hollow, Hellions, : '-' l .lln. Newland - ; ,71i - ito —Millar, Hall. . - - 7 '•11 York —Lyndstey, Drake, Dickinson, Wil Lowrie, Beard ~,,,re rsry Crane, Gabbard, Telly, , reses, Eehoo, Mackey, Gabore.e, Ryerson, On- HomphreyCwiningtiam, Combs, Lytle. • h aitidelpito —Musgrave, Latta, Dimon, Rar ?Z.?. Powell, Williamson, Waller, Miller, Mar .,inkead, Rae, Barber, Lawson. 2"!tiniore —Murray, Clark. Linn. 11Pc.i..6arn. —Jacobus Hastings, Donaldson, John- . • 'finic, McConnell, Rogers, Hamilton. .: , (4 , ny —Coulter, Critchlow. Eaton, Annan, : 4 !•&.= Alexander, Lewis. —Eaton, Maxwell, Davy. Kelly, Seeker, Semple, Pratt, -..- :irsaas. Prise, Graham, Stewart. ~xen.d.4• Dubuar. Cempinill : Radean, tyke, B atatlne , QOM): 4 , 4 cumari —Eastman. Thomas. Monfort, BlD t` 'ADO ' Thomas ; : T. E. Thomas, Frost, ---Lee. Rookies, Palen. MoChord. rsr Fi‘lher. Weston. Lain/ter. —lrvin. Goodman, ForheS, estspOell, Meredith, Williams, Seller, . . • t Newell, Ileum, Stone, Ro , 4.• . P exoaier, Waddell, Reynolds, Paden, Ranson, Coon, Lord, Swan, r owiewl. Spring, Seater fleokman. Robertson. 2,1/ - -Thiyer. Barnett, Stitiat. r, — Jones. D.)13, Cookey, Chestnut. Mason. 4.?•.,2. , icy". —hfoGnigan, Taybr, Hamilt on, Ratan, Windsor. ;):47, 'Saztri--Reaver. -- Anderson, Caldwell. Srqpiclow.—A. colored nasal - Virginia sr. —red ccy 2N'it_tis, uda said to hell frau; night, by the Fifth ward cf :t oo the charge of being a anspioiciu; eha -- colored man appeared against the pri teatitied that be saw in his possession, a rrose - humerouspapers, dot +meats, ~ , ,,,7z A te ,le was well supplied with money. The re ?as now be found, and the witness an, Vi!: t'44 .P tt thOnt•T n being a spy. The prisoner ,cansiearilr.T. el by Alderman Swift to await a far- .. , Ezzi rnom Rms.—Yesterday a boy, ?.c.t.l ; outs Duffy, was seriously burned by taking fire front a bonfire at Front and to a St Tttil. Re was taken to Ms home in -so6e=tmea. • 13a,.; DtiriNTL—A cart driver, named strained on Sr.fardny, at Ala:llft at feats, by Lieutenant 4 ° - tto 7 2neotlr.fcarth wird, upon tiao gzd fiat daring He was taken 4 -14:5.1 I :to'deu and the nand penalty E,„„ aPt' YAs3 Boors Conf.—Charles '41. 4 6 4 ,` 'od Mahlon Creasman were arrested at , O, Pb end Jo:Corson streets. on Sararday, upon i2..4 45 ,1* of attempting to pass a isounterfalt tit pr 2 Pitc• money Was offered at sere- At. buost refubeil. Tee accused were both to ituswer by Alderman tiboamaket. fr4:,:t41:0*(110:'r 0:444 [MOVEMENTS OF TROOPS. IGreat, aetivity Boerne to prevail among the milt tars, and those who are encamped at Suffolk Park are eager to march. The Twentieth, Twenty-4ra, I and Tweaty•fourth regiments are all at the Park, I awaiting orders to march South. These three ' regiments will probably move in the course of a day or two, when the equipments which they sill nerd are iln readinese for them Thwe three fine regiments will prove an important addition to the faros of men in the field, and will make eight fall regiments from Philadelphia that will be in active service. It is probable that the regiments of Colo nels Mann and March will go into camp at Bid:folk Park am moon es the three regiments now there march. soffQlk Park 'rat. the centre of attraotion to many thousands of people yesterday and Sandal. During the entire day wagons, omnibuses, and other vehicles were constantly passing to and fro between the city and the camp, and it was esti mated that fully three thousand vehicles wore upon the ground at one time. A very large pro. portion of the visitors were females, and there was no tack of life and bustle at the camp. Daring Nanday there were several tights in and about the camp, but the pollee on duty at the spot prevented serious disorder. OOLONEL gRALL 7 S RVAIMIINT Colonel Small's regiment has taken posseseion of the City Buildings, in Chestnut street, below Fifth, made vacant by the march of the Scott Legion Regiment to Snll-.llk Park. There was a livety scene there yesterday morning. Recruiting was going forward, the inspeoting and mustering in of the men was in progress, and the sound of the drum and fife. and the tramp of sentries in front of the building made up a warlike picture. Colonel Small expects to be in readiness to march by the ol.se of tbe present week. Major Rut u.. 8. Ayesterday morning mus tered into the United litotes service Captain John B Adams' company of Anderson (guards, attached to the regiment of Col Wm. F. Smell A Soar or nobler set of men have not left this city. The other companies of the regiment will be mustered In in regular order. A few U/01'0 able-bodied men will be taken. The recruiting , office is at the Go vernment building next door to the Custom House, on Chestnut street. The company mustered yesterday morning were all picked men, and it seems to be the ambition of the cffieers of the companiee to present all their 00IIIMbIltill with ranks full of men not one of whom will fall to present the bold front of a veteran. COL SRI, - RECADY'S RAGMENT Company D, Captain Simpson, of Col. Brady's regiment. at proont randenvtate in the large tent at Franklin fittuare. They have been accepted, and they expect to be inspeoted and mustered in to day. A few more reornits are wanted to fill the ranks. The ladies of the Fifth Baptist Church have made up a full supply of allirta and under clothing for Company D. This doe body of man paraded yesterday after noon, under command of Col Paler C. Ellmaker, and attracted universal admiration. The Re serves were all attired in full suits of gray, and number over one thousand men. They formed into line on Broad street, near Chestnut, at halt past four o'clock in the afternoon, and, preeeded by a splendid band of music. marched over the route heretofore pub:ished. Ia the ranks we no ticed a number of men who formerly belonged to nue city military , companies—many of them over fifty years of age—and several prominent mer cantile men. The sidewalks Moog Arch and Chestnut streets were crowded with interested spectators. PRNRIPLVANIA TROOPS MOVING SOUTH. The Eleventh Pennsylvania Regimeut, whioh has been encamped at West Chester for some tune past, reached this city yesterday morning, and marched down Broad duvet to Prime, where they took a special train for the south. They are a fine, harry-looking sat of men. They expected to proceed to Havre-de Grace. Joseph Parkhill, a private in Calomel Owen's re giment, met with a serious accident on Sunday evening, In falling from the third story of the back building of the IS e bonhomie, through a gangway to a cellar-door. Be amok his head, arm, and back in the tall, and lay insensible for a long time. Dr. Bryan was called in, and every thing possible wee done for labs relief The aufferer was doing well yesterday morning. He has been removed to the residence of his mother, Thirteenth below Pine. The United 6tateg steamship Flag, late the Phineas Sprague was reported finisned, and in medium' ger;lee, et the Philadelphia navy yerd yeetarday morning. She will be put in oom nliggion forthwith. ARRIVAL OP NNW YORK PNOOPII. Last evenings telegraphic despatch wee reoeived stating that the Ninth regiment ; Slate militia, and the Eighth regiment, First German Rifles, had left New York at S o'clock, and consequently would not arrive in this city until 3 o'clock this morning. They were to laud at Washington street wharf, and proceed directly South. Lieutenant Hampton } of the Seoond police district, at a late hoar last night, was making arrangements for the reception of the troop. at Washington-street wharf. Ia view of the great distress now 'prevailing in the oommunity, from the depression of business, the ladies in the northwestern part of the airy have organised a society—under tbe name of the Spring Garden Benefsnal Society—for affording relief to the poor. They have obtained the use of the Spring Garden soup house, where they propose to make a daily distribution of bread and soup to then:loy. In furtherance of their lendable enter prise, they appeal to a generous public for aid in money or provisions. They trill appoint a collec tor, who wilt call on the citizens for contributions. Donations will also be re:mired by any of the un• doroigned othcore; Dinah H. Taylor, No. 1605 Green street, presi dent. Baehel B Speneer, N. corner of seventeenth and Greeu streets, treasurer. Mrs. F. D Sherman, Mount Vernon above Se venteenth street, aecretary. Distribution commences Wednesday, 29th inst., at the Spring Garden Soup House, Buttonwood street, below Bread, at 10 A. M. near nacoriserr SEW ItAMPSHIRE vox:mammas. This fine regiment of aeldiers, as we stated yes• tardily, passed through our city en route to Waeh ington at a late hoar on 'Sunday night. A train conveying their baggage, however, was detained at Broad and Prime streets until eight o'olook yes terday morning. The regiment is accompanied by fifty ladies, who act as nurses. The men are pro vided with thirty days' rations, plenty of shirts, drawers, stockings, and all the little com forte necessary in a campaign. Each man is supplied, in addition to the , regular uniform, with a -lighvgray suit for the warm weather, end a gutta-percha blanket, besides the regular arms blanket. They have a hospital Wagon along with atom, well filled with an abundance of medicines for all complaints. Sixteen two-horse , wagons accompany the troops, well filled with pro.. 1 visions, besides one four horse wagon—ell being made in the most substantial manner, and that, too, at twelve days' moth's'. They have seventy-sir horses, of the best Stock, for the regiment, with the complement of teamateis The regiment is provi ded with twenty thousand cartridges. and eeeh man hes the modern-style musket All this has I been done by the State. This is undoubtedly one of the finest equipped reject:env that have yet passed through Philadelphia. They number nearly one thousand men, and are a fine body of soldiers Their dre-.8 is gray pante and coat, gray cap with a red band around the base. The following le a list of the officers: Colonel—Mason W. Tapper. Lieutentuat Colonel--Thomas J. Wlfipple Maior—Aaron F Stevens. Adjutant—S Q Fellows. Quartorwagster—Dulielder. Chaplain—Rev M. Abbott . Surgeon—A B Crash Assistant Surgeon—H. 0. Sbaw. Star beeretary—Charles I, Brown. Sergeant Major—G J. Sawyer. gassrtormagter Serfeant--Albart Sae!! Ffe tilej3r--Frauess H. rite. Drum Major—Wm. Carr Paymaster--Moses K. Hazleton. Company A—Captain, Louis Bell. Company B—Captain, D. A Kimble COmpatly a—Captain, I L Company D—Captain, J M la Barton Company E—Captain, C. F. Greenleaf. Company F—Captain, A. S. Edgerly. Company G-=-Captain, A. J. Sargent. Company H Captain, J A. - Drew. Compaty J--Captain; E Sturtirant Company E.—Captain. G 1L Meister. • THE Raw CONTAACT.--Numerows 'cOM plaints have reached this city from the various enoampments at Perrysville, York, tke, in regsrd to the beef furnished to the soldiers. The allega tion is that the beef was of an inferior quality, and in a putritied condition, before forwarded to them. Parries interested in this matter, however, inform us that when the present excitement arose great care was exercised by them in selecting beef of the beat description_ It was then sent to (thereot aoup•houees in thin city and boiled. While yet warm, and against the advice of the matrons of these establishments, it was peeked in sloes bar rely and forwarded to the various encampment!! The result 18 known. The beef was thin rendered unfit for use, and • our troops very jostly nom pleined. The matter has been remedied, however, and we are informed that the beef now supplied is oonsid ered unobj,otionable. SAD Dnowxmo Cum.—About noon, yes terday, two boy; aged about eleven and twelve years, were drowned at Cheripstreet wharf. The name of one of the lads was MoGonegal. The other one's mune is not known. SLIGHT FlE.—Yeateriay afternoon a alight fire peen red at Wm. Olp home, in Fourth street above Brown. The damage done was shoat $2OO. The flaMol3 care caused acci dentally. As alarm of fire wee caused about six o'clock on dunday evening by the burning of a foul obimney, in Iteoklese street, below Front. LEGAL INTELLIGENCE. Dim= Om= -Judge Sharswood.-- Bank of North America, of New York, vs. Theo dore B. Knight. An action on a promissory note. No defame. Verdict for plaintiff ,/.940 94. Joseph B. Bolton vg. Samuel P. Sterrett. A feigned issue to test the ownership of certain per son2l property levied on by the sheriff as the pro perty of Kimball 4 Oorton, and olahned by plain tiff as his. On trial. D/STRIOT COURT—Judge Bare.---IFilliam P. Rowan, by hie guardian. James .E.. Glandinc ye George W Biddle and Eliza Corny, late Eliza Stott, ezeatttors, Au. An action to recover for money had and received by the ezeonton. 170 defence. Verdict for plaintiff for $307 75. Margaret Murphy VEL Charles Buena. An Ra tion to recover the earn of $7OO alleged to have been loaned to a firm of which defendant was a member. Defence, that the money wee loaned to one of the °that- partnsrs individually, and but 8300 of it was applied to the business of the Arm. On trial. J M. Thomas for plaintiff; Theodore Cuyler for the defendant. ETRE UNITED STATED DMA= Coo met yeatetday, bat, on aooouut of the death of Judge Cadwalader'P daughter, NM adjourned for two dap!. Tun Cousr OF QuASTBR libessum, Judge Thorupsoo,-mer, 'encircle, monsins for jury tams, for the &et time elan the adjournment of the court, two weeks ago, but great ilineany wee ex• perieneed ingettleg eny a w e s before the jury, and the coon adjourned at au array hour. MEETTIO OP THE BOARD Or TRADZ.—This body held their regular monthly meeting last eve ning. at their rooms, PM and 01119titut eireets, President Morton in the chair. A letter was read from the Board of Trade of St. Joseph, Missouri, forwarding resolutions recent/1 adopted. pledging themselves to maintain the ilDiOn at all hazards. Another oommunication war read from the edi tor of an Alabama paper, stating to the Board the true state of feeling in that *State. He declared himself en out-and-out Upton man. asking the sup port of the men of the North. Be offered to ool• leot all Northern debts in that State, and forward them with de.matah. A oommunioation was read from the New York Chamber of Commerce, submitting aortal) resolu tions, condemning privateering, and all other en croachments upon the liberties of the sea. The following are soma of the principal resolutions ; Resalved, That the proposition of Mr. Jefferson Davis tc inlla of MINIM to whomsoever may apply for them, emanating, as it does, from no recognized Government. is without the gang lion of public law, but piratical in its tendencies, and ; therefore deserving the stern condemns. lion of the oiviiised world It cannot result in the fitting out of regalar privateers, but may in infesting the ocean with piratical cruisers, armed with traitorous commissions, to despoil our com morso sot that of all other maritime nations_ fle.voketi r Thut in view of this threatening evil it is, in the opinion of this Chamber, the duty of our Government to isaise at once a proclamation warning . all persons that privateering under the eemmissions proposed will be dealt with as simple piracy. It owes this duty, not merely to itself, but to other maritime nations. That the I:railed Slates Government shall promptly discountertanoe every attempt within its borders to legalise piracy. It should also at the earliest moment blookade every Southern port, so tut to prevent the egress and in groat of such vessels. Thai communication and resolutions were refer red to the Executive Council for an appropriate answer, showing the entire agreement of the Now York and Philadelphia Boards of Trade on this subject. The Beard then adjourned- Da.3. W. Ttiontesori, residing at No. 338 Wharton street, requests ne to state that he will attend the families of voluateera gratis during their absence, should they need medical or surgi ea/ care Ho bac also raede arrangements to fur. rash families attended thus with the medicines they may need, at cost prima. To prevent imposition, all applications must be accompanied by a written certifliete from some responsible person. For distances over eight squares, ten (tents will be expected to pay riding espouses. CONCEALED WEADOSB.—Two men, named Joho Mariner and Edward .13oyle, were taken into cur.,-Ay. in the Nineteenth ward, upon the charge of maliciong Mitobiot carrying conoonloci dnad/Y wesponk and threatening the lives of the officers. They were held in $l. 300 each, by Aldermen Me. gonegal, to answer at °curt. PEOTRSTANT EPISCOPAL CONVENTION.—This morainz taa Convet•tion of the Protestant RAMO psi Church of this diocese will meet at St. An drew's Ceuroh, Eighth street, above Spruce. Cuvuen D> nsc anoN.—The West Federal street E Church, Federal street near the Gray'a Fw.l7 road, was dedicated en Sunday with appropriate ceremonies &Lour Fox..--/in alarm of fire was calmed, about half past seven last evening, by the burn ing of R foul chimney at a house in Eieventb street, below Locust. The American Medical Association. CSIC6OO, May 27 —The annual meeting of the American Metioal Association, which was to have bona held In this oily on the first Toissday is SUDS, has been postponed for one year, by order of the Committee of Arrangements. Fire at Galebburg, 'Mums. GALZEIBURGV. /11., May 27.-5 are broke mit in thin town this morning, destroying property to the amount of $35 000. on which there is an insurance °foxily $13,1010 The principal losers sre A.. Jacobs, boots, shoes, and clothing, $8 000 ; Bartlett it Judson. furniture, $O,OOO ; Reed tt Babcock, hard. ware, $5 000. The U. S. Steamer lllitistastppi. BCSTOIII 2 May 27 —The United States steamer 21.11.cussr:ppi will sail lc-night, or in the morning. The steamer Colorado will sail on Wednesday. FINANCIAL AND C INE RC] A.L. The Money Market. PHILADELPHIA, May 27, Isfa At the Stook Bard, this morning, State fives sold at 78 ; City Railroad sixes, old issue, at 90.3 . ; Pennsylvania Railroad stook at 37; first mortgage bonds ta 971; and second mortgage bonds at 83 ; Reading Railroad shares at Ili; bilvel2lll, 5l ; Beaver Meadow, 551 ; and Race and Vine-street Passenger Railway shares at 4 Mr. Simplon, the newly . ..cleated presldent of the Race and Vine street Railway, anenueeet the digoevery of a frau , dulent issue of stook, to an amount exceeding that authorized by the charter, and also of notes end bonds ; for which the company has received no legal eonaideratiore. He sayer that legal prooeed ings will be instituted to ascertain whist' are gnu. ine and which spurious of these issues, and that in the meantime the company eannotrately recognise any of them. OFFICIAL BAYS STATEMENT %uny AVRAJLONS OF TILE PHILADELPHIA. ii/LNICS LOANS. spxcin, E. 821114. --- May 20. May 27. 'day 20.' Mar 27 , Philadelphia 689.000 723404 i North Ameri-- 83.248.000 83.298 000 ca .9 Ott 072 2 442 861 650 820 681 8.0 Farm fir Mach.. 3,270,338 4 204 745 1.066 780 1 189 235 Commensal.- 1.554644 1.e114 MS 204 000 3+2 06 11 Mechanics'. ... 1.581 325 1055 732 379963 arms N. Lihertiei.... 1,373.014 /.552 9 , 4 845 00 0 3 1 0 08 KI Eteuchwark.,...... 974.074 962 078 222.788 229 711 Kensingtort...,. 650 579 686 Me 158,004 164 989 Penn Township 718 249 676 5.57 les 516 146 275 Western . . L 486 771 LB9O 21 559 968 342 799 Man. & Iviiror.. 1.189 266 983 coo 160 OW 154 44 4 Commerce ..-- . 706 t5B 693 141 189 884 182./96 Girard..-.... 2,142 439 2.054 665 375.312 4 330 .25 Tr5d810105106...- 508,843 541 454 1.9.,67 12%445 Consolidation - 446 978 464 124 91 553 9t 624 City -.. 707 444 684 598 122,177 118 481 Commonwealth 444.289 414 0 , 3 122 708 63 800 Corn Exchange MAXI 373 0 0 94 00.1 97100 tu0n.......- 381,737 326.890 76.494. 65 016 Total.- -..... 25.496 530 23,191.116 .648 551 5 643.220 DEPOSITS. CIRCULATION. BILNRE , I 3111, 20 May 274 May 20. MaV. ------ Philadelphia.- 81.638888 31 VA 004 8291.000 .9277.1100 North naterios. 1.972.470 18E2 101 2913.083 280 8110 Farm & Mech.. 2.975 243 5,1331091.427 840 419 718 Commercial..._ ass 00: 740 000 126.000 136.0021 Mechanics'..-.. 784 710 757 1146 131.300 127.4'6 14. Liberties.-- 1,064 000 1,431.000 93.003 105 Me Goathwark..- - 712.034 676.2 4 85.'85 80.856 Kensington..., . 442.728 48.4.0 115 3417 112 946 Penn Township 503,842 482 125 64.165 6-465 Westerit..-.... 972 1 14 954 674 114.2811 106.4.0 Man. & Mech.. 44.170 4011.118 - 87.593 82 8 0 Commerce ..-. 574 5 , 5 658460 67.696 63 920 Girard - .. 1.110 420 1.125 042 16 . 3911 I'S - 8 11 Tradesmen's..... 350.379 3 8 669 67 as: ea 888 Consolidation - 234 7011. 245.633 74 295 78 940 City -- . . . 342 995 13111.*0 62 30 60.860 Commonwealth 158 404 161 995 94.7 , 5 ea 285 Corn Exchange 216.400 22 , 1 0 f 74 1410 70,0041 Lini012.....-..- . 182.962 183.5681 39,395 36 580 Totith_ -....... 15,549 797 15 410,522 2.496.652 - 12.4/ 15.618 The aggregates compare with time of previous weehe as foLlows • May 20. Mas 27. Loans. . 25 495 530 MlOl 216..De0. 403 301 Specie....-.... ..... 6 541 BMS 429 .Ino. 9.665 Ccroulation.-. ..- 2. 662 2 4 , 8 518. -Deo. 85604 .. 16,0 797 15 41.642. Da0.139,275 Lou..c Specie. Oiroulation. .04100471. Nov. 4, 1867,21,199,462 2,071,481 3,141.113 16.e36,7e9 Janp.ll 3,770,701 3,011,033 11,435,163 Jal2 5.,.24.511,928 8,636,817 1,431.181 15,555.558 Jan. 3.1839. .26 . 451,067 6.063.266 1.741,784 17,049.005 July -25,448.440 4.2,97,065 2,808,11 M 15,01464 Jan. 3, 1869-15.385,382 4.450261 2,656,401 14,962.912 July 9.--.26101-196 4,374.549 2.696,786 15391 916 flea- 1 .--- .26 973 207 3 323.827 13/7.901 15 051.130 Jan. 7.1861.26 891.211 4 020.266 2.60 813 -16.261.918 eb. 4 .....26.1•01481 4. 638 . 95 4 2. 77 8. 3 .8 / 5 MI 09 Mar 4 _...36186,314 6 016 988 2 811.491 14,05,755 April 1 ....21 973 496 6 200 063 2471 263 15.800.147 • 8 .13 186 6 152 995 3 470 no te.ooslia as 416 412 6675.131 2.824,543 26.468503 25 209 963 6.796.011 1641.166 16 374413/ " 296 912 62M 137 2 516 3141 15 7419 May 6 .....26 438065 5 845 MI 271661 15 691 997 13 715 315 6 738 048 267471 1569,151 20 .....25 495 530 5.648 651 2 494.082 M. 549.797 '27._...25091,225 8,60,240 .9408,813 15,410 522 Tile fallowing is a statement of the tranasetions at the Philadelphia Clearing House, for the mesh ending May 25, as furnished by the manager, Geo. E. Arnold, E€q CLearinge. Balancier. 601 118 ea 8142386 713 1.64r1 389 93.631 03 2,957 003 94 199 449 92 , 1.979 664 11 166169 99 . tier 170 60 14389 33 . 1 661,6.x1 SO 117 . 808 64 812.660.244 69 end ea 73 Ay 50..-- . » _ !. • 21 -_-_-__-_ ERNE By telegraph, we learn that the Lehigh Valley Railroad Company brought down from Maui& Chunk, for the week ending , on flaturday, 13,771 t•3ne of coal, against 13,238 -tone for corresponding week last year, making for the season commencing Btoomber 1, 1660, 363,386 tons of coal, spinet 251,142 tons to corresponding time last year, whiels is an increase of 12,244 tone of coal. 1,445 tope of pig iron ware also transported over the read for the week ending the same day. rialade:phia Stock Exchange Sa lex. May R. 1561, itsPeaTign Si Q. E.StAyzazta, Aferoltraits' Ezehaage. FIRST BOA RD 25 Peons R -_ -.... xr 12000 Ohio & Pa Inc. Oda 46 10 It 0 Penns 2d - 0a...... 83 , 009 If eadint 63'80 49 'toe do--- Ers4,l(k4 Penner 54._--..-- 78 1 1000 de... .....-.05 St ono Oety 61 —_.. .R 20% li4o d. Ist 1n.... 07.14 I{4 do , - .. R cash 900 11 10 Minehill --...- 61k 13 Girard Rh..- ..... 32 2 do_- _. 543 i lo Reading .11....r.6wn 143 E 100 Race hVine-st R 4 I ISO do. - • /036 4 Beaver hleadovt..‘. 0036i1000 Went Chexterle... 70 9RCONL BOARD ItWO Long Island R r 7 I 3 Lehigh— ,48) 441)0 ienuespess be 39 at') Scht Nay its '99- 68 Le7u917.--- 49 311 CLOSING PRICES—FIRM. Bid. Asked id. Ask.d. Pliiiadeinhia 88_ 91 .. ISeti Now Prefd— 11 is% Philo Gs R----- 04 Lung *lstaud R__ 94 ?bit& 68 99 Leh 016; 91.--48% 49 9 4 Penns 77 79 Lah r (.8. Ss. .Sop- 84. - Read R —163 E Fenno R 8 Read Ws 73 79 ii4Pa Ii 68.. int off 6 Read int 68'80'43 89 90 i N Perms R it!) Read Ent 68'886_ 69 70i Frank & Sonthß 41 Penna R 36% 37 2d6c81- et R..:___.s 38 Pennsß3duiit6s92 83 West Pkila 69 67 'Morrie Gan non. 3.9 41 lee:nee h rille Morns t3un ..fiR 3.4 ,lire,su 4 1 / 4 Coates .... & , 14. N 'PL't 81% 6,1 Philadelphia Markets. fd lY ff—fivervng • There :e vert little raovement in Flour today. and the market is dull at previous quoted rates. A few hun dred barrels only have been disposed of at en 50 for ma nodule, including MO hali barrels extra and extra fami ly on terms kept private. Bean to the trade range at tee 6 .e 2 34 for superfine, eis 750. for ex ra. eft gnar r 0 fur extra family, and sgmuTzs for fancy MAUI, according to enmity. The demand is limited. Rye Flour and Corn !deal are dull ; the former is offered at es se and the latter at e 2.873„ bbl for Pennsylvania Meal; we hear of no sales. W litter =Pitt with Si moderate inqutr sicd about SA/1 bue told at ISea /KO, mostly at the latter Tate for prima Pennsylvania red. afloat. inoluding a lot of tow southern white at IrOo. and WO bus *boles do on terms keotyrivate ; the latter ranges at trom tato Mo. as in quaqty. Bye is dull; boilers ask Co for prime Penn ertranta. wtth macerate sales. ilora—Pr me lots are wanted at full 'moss. about 8 000 bus prime Sutphenn salloW s Id at We, aßoat slut 3 OM) bu. white on tertee hetet prieate Oats Ste unonanged and dull at Mc for Southern and Pennsylvania. afloat Batilk. , -1 hers Is a steady demand for (leen:wren at 8:65 0 for let No. 1. end 'Very little off •ring. CorTort.—The sales are limited, and prizes about the same as last quoted. oi. o ooalas —me bear of no movements in the mar ket. and pi roes are steady. at a stand still. :anted, at au r w d a ir l v i i ee: y l a v oyf u ll i T s i ; i ll n e b d b sT a tiettl e k r 4 i ty ul u r o , n tu b ea rnal ti the latter for Ditto, and buds et 1660. THE PRESS.-PHILADELPMAiI. TUESDAY, MAY 28, - 1861« Philadelphia Cattle Market. PRILADILPICIA. b 157 MUM. The market for B 0 f Cattle was brisk, and prices arm at from $ to 100 50 the 100 bs—the tatter forestra quality. The receipts and Wee show a considerable fading off this weals. o • reaohing 177 head at Pinnies' yards. The following are the partioulare of the male' St. Abrahams. Union county, Pa., at 88.50.5 6 . U John Canderson. 513019. 112 McQuaid k Corr. Minot's. Mg Meg. 46 Kennedy, Berks count,. eget. ea J. Mon i len,J r.. Lancaster comity. re° 23 ' 35 P. Hathaway. Lang.eter and Ohio 80009. 51 P. aloPillen. 111 sail Chest-7 contitY . 3ae9 * se Cochran. Lancaster county. 5609 36 48 J Seidtonrides. Lanctsta non .ty. 48 250 Y 100 Mooney &-itrnith. Ohm and Penna SACO. It Shaun hers & Co.. Harks notint 3808.0 1. 25 Stsrvi & WAstern. 36®8 7 5. 40 H C:.515. Pennsylvania. 380846. 32 aloP'all, Lancieter county. same. Lancaster county. 3809. 19 Pranks Fracklin county. 38,5009.30. go John l'Arslll. 1111110111. 8875. 16 Allam‘n, Lancaster °num.. 38.6009 00. 13 T. Duffle]. Pennsylvania. 33600 9 tO.. 62 Haymaker & Bro., Lancaster o tun y. 8809. 6 Grimm. Pennsylvania. 17,6008 60. 12 A. Pester, Lancaster counts . 87e760. 7 Oren Scull, Pennsylvania. 97.00. About 60 Gaya were disposed of at 392089 for Doing* e a( g ig s 8260 6 8 te 1 er C o w s r ac 3100 he a d, inoluding 13 , 0 at the Wilton and 760 at the Avenue yard. at from VA , to 26.76 the 'OO ibii—the latter for prima corn led Hasa. Rome a 000 Sheep were offered and .0111 at 4047ic lb gross, as to conning:M. 4a.rkets by Telegraph. CrIYniNNAT.I, May !r.—Flour in in moderate demand at ail 40.124. W. In Provisions there is nothing doing. and the vices are nominal. The !dime. market is steady ; change on New Vrirk dull at 3F per cent. uremiuv ervuoiry money 208 per cent. discount. "w Me , 37 , - I Pne Cotton market is at a .tend-stiti. Mess Pork, 320. Freights on COi 9 On to tilYerpeOlt THU LATROT PRO! VIRGINI.II—A baser Bast TFE Imeggnrico !-:-Late accounts from Virginia state that the Union troops are gathering in immenee force at certain pail:og_ while he Conf. derate a: my is 1.1209.- tog northward and concentrating its strength. A col lision ie intuitable. and the conflict to near at heed•. In the meantime, Booktuil & Wilson corlinue to make r ; at their Brown Stone Clothing Bail. Nos. &O and iseer Chestnut street. above Sixth, the moot elegant gar— ments for gentlemen and youth.. Gnu. Wm. F. SMALL'S RMSIMBNY.—This gal lant cam has finally ouotmeded in getting his regi ment accepted. They have volunteered for three years matinee, and a number of the companies were in spected seater, ay. 'She men of tins reginient are of good aims. and every way capable of doing excellent eervioe. We understand that a number of them have ordered their military snits Mill the one-nrite Grit Clothing Empornm of Granville Stokes, Nlo. & 9 Chest nut street. We can vilely ray to them that they will have no cause to regret having taken thm step. £aoh male insures a valuable gift. !!A IMF INTELLIGENCE. SKIS FOURTH PAO'S Eteamehily,loceott Whitney, Loveland. 41 hours fr ont tioeton "el thlats &O. 40 henry Winger. S s eorr a bare ana ong aff gape may vine mottling, atandmt id. itsig ban , url Fsenoh, 6arr4t. from E. aatstart eta Hampton. Roads 3 avys. With Lathe and picador to E A &ender & Co ia - or Res Gull (Br) _ShOO% house, clays from St John, da, wan hobo nottioolrora so E aouder It CO. Nobs Jahn (5r.) Ilmith. 60 days from Mmuund, with f uit to JeatLes. Bootterg oil & Co. Bohr N m Rauh. Roark, J days from Beltabury, Ma, wan hark to J W: thwun Bohr Sallie Veazie. Davison. 2 days from Milton, Del. with bark to Theo W Parker. r ol l , Bohemia, C ark. 2 nays from Chesapeake City. Pith grain to iititievan & Cum,n Oahr aaml Omit, Cooling, - .2 clsys from Chesapeake City, Witi. grain to Gluon= & Curran. itchr Henri Wolfe. Atkins. 2 daya from Milton, Del, with gran to Christian & Curran. Bohr Mooning° Coolies. 1 day from Odessa. Del, with °ern to Jos L Bewley & Co dont IMeruoud, Townsend, 3 day. from Indian River, Del. with earn to J+l,o L aeltiey dr. CO. Bohr Kent. Boutien. 2 thya trona Bassafree River, :t Id. with wheat to lea t, Hew er & Co. edit Eliaabeth Jane. Batiew,th 3 days from Easton, Md. with wheat to Jae L Imlay & Co. Behr Wonulia. limey 2 days from Still Pond Creek. Md, with corn .o Jae L .13r•wley Co. Bahr Young AlllOllOll. Tuft, / Oar from Port Deposit, with grain to Jae b Bewley & Co. Steamer Tudeony, /MY. 22 hours from New York - , with moze to Win M Baird & Co . . . Tug amerios Virden, 8 hours from Delaware Break water. reports the bark Carlanne. fur Cork, gamma to sea on aaturday : the bark &mean Pearl. for Wawa?. went to erre yesterday. Off Romney Buok Easwel h ll ,B Wm Crawford hence for Bano. returning to !New Wale for raps ra. hams beau lh Minion With en unknown achy and carried away lore yard. CLEARED. Bohr Grace Oirdle_n Clark. Boston, captain. Behr Lads Lake, White. Fall River. do. alterßtoomfmoi, Wheeler, Wasoington. Bailin. Cole. Bohr A S Brown. Brown. Boston. captain Mohr D French, Stites, Providence, Tyler, Stone Bohr J F Crouch. Henderson. Stonicston. captain. Bohr J L Redoer. Cordon. Salem, Van Dusan, Nor ton. it Co. Bohr F F Rudolph. Miller, Roxburi, do. Sofa A Cordery, Bsbcook. Salem, do. Bohr ACVOOIIIIP, Gandy, Boston. N Sturtevest & Cu. Bohr !tutored, Corners. Frov.dende, E It Sawyer & Co. Bohr It 8 Dean. Cook, Providenoe. captain. Bohr N T einith. Smith. Meaford•L Audenreid It Co. Bohn C 8 teasatairs. Somers. Chelsea, Noble. Ham mett & Co. eehr Denrnstle, Brightman, Fall River. Caramel'. Strikney & Weiiington. Jr. Steamer J B Shrtv er, Donnie. Baltimore. A ei rocs, BY 7ELIi.APH. (Correspondence of the Fos' elm May 27. Spoken. Nifty TS, lat. 40. long. 87, ehtp Elizabeth. from Plitleme'phis, fur Lonoun.derry. Arnved. brig Anne, Trout Cork buoy IlaiWOOdt from Messina. Below. sh.p• Therese. from Liverpool; Humboldt, from Hamburg. BOSTON. MAT 77. Arrived. steamers Keruriaytoo, from Philadelphia; gr4ridge.frmo fPortresaSaoLlTcsS J4ln• W ON. from . bums° Barka A Csivey. tram Smyrna ; Bard Webster. from Messina; Barmen, troll) Comfuegoa. Brig Nellie Bunt. from Buenos AY ea ; W it Sawyer. from 861.116. ARRIVALS AT THE PRINCIPAL HOTELS, OP TO 1.3 O'CLOCK LAST VISA? CON TIN KNTAD HOTEL—Ninth and Lliestaint. Mai F Badge. California .1 0 Wilson. Pittsburg IL 2 MeGowitt. Pittsburg Win it 1002. 8888i81 Dr W 8 leo•woori. Md J 11 Anderson. Pr J T P Obapinazi,New York Dlf Madge. New York N Cheney. flew '1 ork Geo H J ~h arson, New York Mr Dexter & la. New York N H Perrin Rochester J J Payne. amazoo til 11 Robesonoo W Willis & wt . Maras Mr dr, lA . Balton Y. Hostler. Boston P 8 Hooter. Hemline Cem K 1. Hand,. U 814 Prams Lawley. rang tiso Soule, New York F H Ketcham. New York T Belkose, New l'ork Lt W li • erkes, Womb W ['Jones, Norristown J H Cormiok. Clint' C A Wertandyks. • J Wm Nomx Jr. Harrisburg W W Muller, Cafollarbor Pi C P Learning, N J Alex gmall. York. Ya 11 B Cup Untoaso C Loeser & wife John it 11.01109 tlettimore J A Harter, Pittsburg Tape ['Arwood. Maine Anton.° Via. New vork F Gran. New York .1 rassural. New York Mantle! Pawns!. N 'York B Chamberlin, New York J B Briesmade & la. N Y Ili Johann 4 L Eltiobser. Reeding ...._._ _ .. ire . p ler Dauber,. Conn J thaw. New .reisisl - Pr..coat. ?tilled& J B MeCram Oil Chunk A Rwrian. Now York R Robertsonolloston M Courtright. hew Yark N Pranks d. New Voik WHaer, Memphis B Soon. Jr. New York N W 8 nyvcsant. Jr, NY W R Moore. mph - s I Bronson. New York R L Curtis Jr. New York 8 W Pito* ix. Awe York 19 H Barber. New Yo L Marx. Diet Columbia J B Hussey. New York F Loner& Mites Cit Vatichan. Prot,. ft B Harrison. inotunati J . O Hartehorti, Privy, B I t. D Arosebald, Lyndon W Miller. Providence , R J elartwell, Prom l A R PoIM Washington Miss Po•ter. Washington Milli A W Phillips, Wash F. 18. Stewart, }, Washington It Cnthbert. • 'island J G Christy, O Louie Mrs Weed. Wash tow, DC Mse Cooper. New York W Eduraon New Y.trx N J &ante, , Bra.. kisn I Bridehern, New York airs A F rex or, Pray'. Rl N Wheeler. Brideprt Ct WH. Green, New York T T Gladd ng. Xl York 5 H Bates tklew York A W Waldron. New York A F gaze. Boot= I) D Dana. Boston A it Benda. New York I. Tweeds Gann H Hodge, New York J Grover. hew York J W Dietrich. Day ton, 0 it H Wentz. New Yook L Dubai°, Jr, New Y..rk J B Fielding. Lowell , Mess I F oicripiin Lowell ,Mass Ad.ni Putnam. Lowell A Putnam.i..oweil. Mess A French Lowell. Mesa Geo tras Lowell N landau:Cincinnati Chas F Hollis, Boston Wan.._ttitrideree, trine R C Crocheron. eew York le A Wald, New York Gnu .1 beddin.Orenge.Nl Wm alive/ Beware, 1 , 1 J T B Johnston. Lowell, Mass See E. Baker, New York A H Lamer, New York AMERICAN HOTEL—Chestnnt street. above PiHit W B Blake, Pennsylvania W P Copeland, Penns J H Ha ley. Mu° D P Par ,or, California 140 K raiser's, Oalifornia J M Crawford, New .Niatle II 6 Daniels, Washington tt Buston New Jersey W K etorious, New York Ni WeILIMED. ?earns P Hu News. Cinoinnatt, 0 Tj Hahou„ .vew Jetties stmt.! Pot., New Yerk E Wisw.o. New York Henry Howland, Breach H W Howland, t, Branch F Lasd-rbcon. Penns B WaLson. Penns it 'harp. & son. HoilsY,Pit A L Fitter. taklez, Pa J01:10 n COX, it., York Chas Dean. Now Ye,k is Bowmen. New York P flay Bslqagoi• bliss A Kay, Re limo,. J ft koilisd & wf, lel Jae H Botd,H.lsonore John H Wit is Mary 'and 1' sV flab,ll iford. Del n May. Pennsylvania C Tube , Be.hmtiem Isaac tlenso., Harrisburg 0 d Berry- En., to P Martin, Harrisburg • it M Heslen,lbal*lrnore amscuArera. licara.—Yourth street. below dzah D D Vail, York, PA e 11 Edwards. New York N H nil er, lowa J It Eby. Harrisburg D thorns'. Cataaanna W H Devoe, Pittsburg Wm Maim, Jr. Lewistown H B Manning, New Jersey It F . Brown. leading Moses Bigelow. Newark H Han' anion wf. Watih'n H Evans, Pitmen, r W d Restful. Pl.b{oll. Ps Jno Haber, Chambersburg lloglpangler. York co. Pa U W epanslor, h Berlin Nl:jali Seemlier. East Berlin Hon .1 Solundle. Lehigh W ft lisaaa-ntluig. Danville It 'l' Lee. Easton Hiram Hilt, t,onnect cut J A Russell, Elootnabarc Wft ute.falatiola Chunk 0 H ilaruwell. Laao 00, Pa Jet Caldwell, Indiana TRH ONION—AroA street. above Third. fttpler et. la. Florida J C Woodworth. DI Chunk Heoneton st 41. Chtettao Mita * Hampton, Chicago Mae G M Keuler: Raton Davie 0 .ria. Lennon G M *anger. Hartford 8 C Brown, Penne, Irania Otrtis Myers. Adams no. Pa Sarni 8 Cleaver. Delaware Whlortimerjr Yousville Y 6011Vill0. Delaware c Halms DelAw•re B.Rezbold, DeAor•re Ctti 11 pother! , Ohio it R uarintle. Washington rr.1.3018 ROT EL—Chen:ant street, above TIAN. i A Bente New York 11 Remote, New York W Rosh*B. Mow 6 Rothermst, t bile F Csa.,, New Yore 8 Bowers 6: le. le Cant T itawliars,N F Barber. Trot, N Y A Perrin. New York J Wharton, New York .1/Stewart, Trenton. N / W Y Hammond. Vl:tile ft ftg VERB HOUSE—Third street. above Rom Washington. D. C H A Bergmann. Philada E ituhe. Allentown is P Lyme. sllen.own E S Deob, Allentown 8 B anewalt..elientuwn Jos Whit. ker, eit. Clare J Creemaneledelevilie C dlyeratown nof Sued i r•nZIA U Terry. Breaford, Yonne A BwoleV. Wee.. un. Ps D Gabel. Barks no J Crobeirove. Penns J Croesgrove. Penns B. E Warfel d. new /toren w F Yracer..Allenteen AL Shark, Lebanon Kra P/noh, Alle‘town STATES UNION--Inantet street. above Sixth. Hp 'Dunbar, Perry oo J WsWm,. Plias P bomb, Jr„ Pt,la Wat ell eon ra Pr Masoll. Yew' , iwtnis B r Solter York co, Pa itoofmtb YiLtabOrg Joe Miter, rtttebarg L L amp', repney.Tetiz crime n iproul,r • P Roy. Baltanero 100 W Cobb, Elizabeth'n HT ehul.z. e.tizabetbto'n W zetbe rt. Chew bereburg John Weary, Perry 00. Pa W E Shode ! Reading, Pa COMM r.RCIAL HOTEL—Maui sc. nbove ()bantam. Joe pewee, Bu tt lentovaa Chas Pearce, Bordentown John J ray ler. Bordontown P key boid. Brooklve W h Barr. Trenbot Pavan Rnnbte, Tenter ao James .naott. Cheater co Alma/Limb/8.0 ewer oo J a,oCano. Pennsylvania it A Johnsen. Pew Jersey Jess.. A Hem. Pe_nnsylv'a John Vanderslice & 11, Ye Jae Rittonhoase. Pottstown Jos ra!ipzer. rocutvwn & la Jan a Aire, Chester oo tie 9 T L.onard, Loonst Gro J Broomall. Coatesville al Leo. Pennsylvania P Croaby , Potuitown A T McConkey Lawo'ster co S liVolvard. Lena co Levi Hewes, Pencil Ivania 1) C Durnite L Aarrisourg J Levee, West Chester Wm Levi.. Wan Uheiner HAZT.I P.AGLE . iftlrEi.—TVii:a at., below Callowtod. Stephen Saeger, I obigy co Jos MnegelmanAnakertwa Mrs lausseannn.Quakertwn A Auseelwan.Quakenwu Mn Ganskall, Quakertown M N Pohlman .AL U, n Y Job. B e rin g er Tamaqu a Aug a oner, alLyeratown W B J Ceeltzer. Lebanon oo Cue aggneller, Ontaseuene Ara K.au/s. Allen LORD MHO ROlnto, A liontown NATIONAL 'MOTEL—Bane street. abors Third. jiattrauft, PAttstown aW • by, Mount Joy John root, Mount Joy Li, Fidler. Wookolitd.rf A J Flohthorn & vs sou, uNat.ntwo, peon& M.. RAt, bathlola= J P flatsru, r.ttavilie sioutur VEN.NON HOTEL—EIOOOnd It, above Arch Mr 1 1 43 Now Jersey Wm Itubbe. Smyrna, Del t hoe Wllawns, New Yo,k C Bea t _, Now Yore 0 A libilslllll6r,B6llnogrove A W Morton. Penns Jr. Lambert, New Aope, Pet BARLEY SHEAF R(YrEL—Beound it.. bed. Vino. H Morris. Willow (hove Theo Koos Doylootown Jaa ThOrnton By berry it u bnair:Marylosid J s bbow tlagytantl (,_e) kiiWorily. rbilak J t atewa:rt. rrio sotoo,N J W 0 abiblr, DOiielltOWn A H alum, Kamm, City =E! BLACK BEAR—Thltd urea. above CaDowhlll. Pater Snyder. Forma Cr. An'Oder, Penne . Daniel Hum. Olney suirenn Mioith, Joni - lateen F Wo•danborgor, Penna. in Biehtel, Pettus John 81zAl, titurimpywwn pagugol 14orria, Pada I) Dave , Phitudelphis W Cherraustou. Lelmton Mr adman, Lebanon I B Conrad, Barnville L K UdlcPerma D B Lome, lemildir Booneville Blnkly. Beading SPECIAL NOTICES.. OFFICIAL. NALry Bllll.lll\ll eY CONTRUCTION. EQ1771.3161.1T, •ND REPAIR, May 22. -861 The Navy Peps, tment hereby invitee proposals for building the Steam Machinery of a number of t•orew .nu - linsta. 7he machinery of snob gun boat to eon sist of two back. action. horizontal ensines with sur face condensers, and of two vertical water-tube boil ors. The cylinders to be 30 inohes in diameter and th'e stroke of piston nl inohes. Ibe two boilers to con tain 91 square feet of grate surface and 2 700 square feet of heating surfece. No proposals will be con eidered except from proprietors of engine building establishments. flush parties deeiring to propose for the above ma chinery will apply to this Bureau, which will Impish them with a complete speciaoation of the same, and moss sections of the vessel, together with the Provi sions and conditions of the contract they will be re quired to execute. JOHN Ia:NTH/IL, myna et Chief of the Bureau, KNIGHT'S LIQUID iiIINNItT makes deb moue Junkets. Cold Custards. and other elegant Des serts. Get a bottle for 25 cents. at Igo. 7 South SIXTH Btreet, and try It. nti27 Rit" BATCH:IIiLOA'S HAIR 11111.—T11119 celebrated and perfect Hair Dye is tki be" is the wend. All others are mere imitations of this great original, which has gained nab extensive patronage in all parts of the globe. The genuine W. A. Hatohelor's Liquid Han !?re immesh, produces a splendid black or natural brown, withopt staining the skin or inJuring the hair. and will rentrgy the ill dear of bad dims, invigorating the hair for life. Sold by all Druggists and Perfumers. Wholesale by PAILWESTOC% k CO.". DYOTP k CO.. Philadelphia. ORR POOH CLOTHING OP THIS LATIN ETTLXR.madein the beet manner, expressly for RE TAIL SALER. LOWEST pfices marked In Plant "puma All goods made to order warranted Witleraotory. Oar 01416-FRICE system lo strictly •d -bered to; All 4re thereby treated alike. seal-11 CO.. 8011 MLRRE7 strew. ' , OAK ORCILARD NPRING WATER.-- .Peuiptilets eouteinins the opinions or celebrated Chem tete end Physioiatut respecting the use or this WATER in the ease of tunny diseases of the human syeLeni. will be supplied Ostia on application to FREDERICK BROWN, FIFTH and CRESTNITI!Streste, or FRED ERICK 13ROWN I Jii4, 1 NINTH and OTIEBTIrUT Streets. iND Gil • PsurPHLIT. 41,13-tf UROVRIS do RAKOWS UELBSEATOD NOISELESS SEWING NLAOHINIM tioat in Mll7 for Febmiir Soviet. Me. 730 ORESTN UT Street, Philadelphia. esti 17 OARD PRINTING, NEST AND CIiCIAPIRT IN the CAI'. et 34 South THIRD street. CIRCULAR PRINTING. Bent end °heaped in the Citv. nt 34 Routh TRIM D Street. BIAR.RIED. SELLMAN—TUCKER.—in New York. on the 2P:hi Mat— by ne.v. t.r. Dowho. John P Rahman to Pantie R.. 'Dunned 4aughter of Henry Tucker, formerly of this oity- Off• LLIA BEDELL. —ln New York city, at TrinitT Cburoh. on Thuredee May 2.3, by the Rev Dr. Praveir 'locos, William 01:0114II Wlliltime, of New York city. and Jennie, daughter , of Charley. Bedell, NS, of B•diallton, N. Y't TEM—YENIIANW -On the 24th inst., by Rev Joseph R. Keennyd. J. U. Intern. of this city, to Situ.ll C. Vansant, of Somers roint, New Jersey. DIED. JUSSOP.—On Seventh-day morning, at 4 o'clock WiPmm Jsuop. son of Edgard and Mary Jump in the 2lat year Of his age. LLP,r4.—On Sunday mo.n;ng. the 26th mat., William Al-en. Sr in the 69ih year of lug sae. The relative' and frier.ula of the family are respect fusty invited to at eel hie funeral from bib late real donde. No 2010 College avenue. at 1 o'clock. this tikes day) at' ernorh,, iraboat further natio*. To droisee t ta Ator. 8 E 8.-0 a the 20th Inst.. Adele Jwitina.Oatighter of .rederick and Sarah D. Staab. aged 35 months and 10 dare. The relatives awl) friends of the family are reeveot fulls invited to attend the funeral. from the residence of her parents. No. 235 New street, this (Tuesday) Inornins. 28th last., at 9 o'clock. Interment at .14.0 - naisscn e t (meter,. BHA SON —On the 25th inst.. Mary Bryson. Funeral from the residence of Manua! McsAhaiu, No. 2348 Locust . Street this (Tuesday) mrrning. at 83i o'olk. FO II I.)C ROD.—On the Mth Inst., Bar tusea • n daugh ter of Henry and May Fouiltrod, aged 7 mouths. Funeral from theenos of her sweets. Penn street, Frankford. rmO Tenth)) afternoon, et 29'04. LOY IS. On the 26th asst. Sarah C. Loyd, wife of Charles E. Loyd., in the lath year of her age T ND.—On thatith init., Margaret R., wife of J ta. Lynd. Funeral from the residence If her husband. No. 816 North Hiatt] street, this ( The day . ) afternoav , at S o'elic. 31 'CON Y.--Vn the 26th toot., Andrew M'Co nmgby, tined S years. Yokota, from the residence of his father, Heston 1114. Twenty-fourth ward, this (Tuesday) afternoon, at 3 o'clock IRE eV K.—On the 26th inst., Hosea Reeve, to the 86'h year of his age. inflated (Min hie late teeidence. No. 1822 Franktord road nue Toccoa-) afternoon, 3 o'oloos. uLACE GRENADINE BARE'E MAN. Ras Tr,P,B.. Black Oremulme Berea& Points. WeakD.w.k Bare ft , Mantles. • .rifil ly Savoi Pointe.' 'Shia& garage ed Sbawle e . Bilk Borders. Bleak 'Savage Shawls, Crape Borden. Bleoir Bilk Net Bbtists. Bleak Grenadine Fide's% Black bareite Ktiawia, Satin Borders. N. B.—zikepiterde' Piaid Poil de Chevres. only MC cents. Wide Dark G.'y ato in reel cants. SESSON &. 80N. aloornint Store ToTit ol cnoteinmr street. %r1102'10Er—_711111" ANNEAL MEETING or the *tockholdere of the Ph.Ladeltibla Piteam ook Company for the eteation of Five Oirecters. and Yli• trasmaction of other bueiness. IMO be nerd at No. 3on North LAWA EX Avenue. on MONDAY, June 3,1851, at If o'clock. Loon. v7M. DENNIS. Beoretary and Treasurer. .guy.Tl St Tr OFFICE OF THE MAYOR V) 86 L CITY OF FNMA lA. Mel 186 L By virtue of the authority conferred upon roe by the He. visione of be •• Ant relating to the Home Guard of the Ca. of Phi adelphia" i , hare appointed AVM; Till J. PIJFAFIONTON An Cornmnnder of the Home Guard " with the rank of Brigadier General, and he has been accord lug 5 commissioned by the Governor isf the Commonwealth, and wit. h e obeyed and roennoted tits snob ALF...U.1408R HENRY. no 28-at Mayor of Phthulelphia. frr NOTICE TO STOCKHOLDERS.—THE Anrnai Meeting of the Stinekholders of the atermantown Pam:enter Railway clometny be beld the office f the Commis, AIX H and DIAMOND Streets, between the hours of 1 sed 3 &aloe! on MA R DA Y. June 10, fir the purpose of electing a President, Tresenref. and nine Hewers, to serve for the en suing year. By order of the Heard. JOBEPR IHNGERLY. Peen. and Treaenrer pro tom. Phi14241/244. EILY 24.1121.. my7s-tielo 517 VIIIVERSITY OP PEN PlayLvAN lA— DISPARTH ttNT OF ARTS —The kasimmation senior Cleas for negreee will be held during the present and ensuing weak. beginning on eaoh day at o'ol oh in the afternoon. TB lIRBDit Y,2:141, by the Provort.( Political Economy and Illernatineal Law.) written. 1 7 .111DitY,24th, by the Provost, (Butler's Analogy,) _ MONDAY, 27th. by Professor Copses, (SohlegePs Distory of Lite”taro ) wrinea, T ISEBD AY. Mtn. by Professor Allen, (The 0311ibus Ty/swung of So) hooles.) oral. wEENEE_DAY, 29th$ by Professor Jaakeon. (Pelee- Voss trop ßeyes., J. venal. end Tacit:us.) written. TfIURR4AY. &Mb, by Professor Randal, (Integral Calouluslysy;tten. FR‘ DAY, 91st, by .Professor Frazer, Physloal Geo graphy.• oraL MY 33.7 t GEORGE ALLEN, Secretary. MIR RESTORATIVE. TEN ONLY PREPARATION THAT HAS STOOD THE TEST or YEARS, 6SOIIIIIII al ORE AHD MOSS roPin&R STET DAT. And teetiatwda a. new, and almostwlthout number, audit be from ladies and gentlemen in all grades ot societyashore muted testimony none °avid resist, that Prof. W' ood ' s Hair Reatopitayowill restore the bald and.gray , and preserve the hair of the youth to old age, in all its youthful beauty I Saul.; Canna. Mich., Deo. 11, MSS. PllOl. WOOD Thee please accept a Sue to in form thee that the hair on my bead all fell off over twenty year; ago, caused by a oomelloated enVenlo dis ease. attended with an eruption on the bead. A con tinual course of suffering through Life havingteam d me to a stote of dependence, I have not been Ibis to obtain stun for OAPS, neither have I been able to do them up, , in consequeee§ of which my head has suffered extremely from cold. This induced me to pay Briefs & Hodges almost the last cent I had on earth for a two dollar bottle of thy Harr Restorative about the tat of August hut. I have faithfhtly followedthe directions, and the bald spot now covered with hair think and black, though short; it is also coming to all over my bead. Feeling confident that snooker large bottle would restore it entirely and permanently, I feel onxiouti to persevere in its use and being destitute of means to I purchase any more, would eel thee if thee would's not be willing to send me en order onthinefOr bottle. and receive to tyymilf the Scripture asoLaration The reward is to those that are kind to the widow I and the fatherleas." Thy friend. SUSANNAH KIRBY. VW:IMRENObIe 00" Indians, Feb. PIOT. O. J. WOOD: Dear sir: In the fatter pert of the year len. while attending the State and Aetional Law school of the State of riew r ork, my hair, from a cause anknoirn tag me. commenced falling off very rapidly, so that in the short apace of six months, thei whdle upper part of my scalp was almost entirely bereft of its cover ing, and mos& of the remaining portion upon the side and back part of my head 'Monty after became grey ; so that you will not he surprised when I tell you that, upon my return to the State of Indiana, my more casual ao quaintaDoeg were not so much at a lose to discover the cause of the change in my appearance, as my more in timate acquaintances were to recognise me at all. I stoups made applioationjO the molt skilful PhYlii- Wang ip the country, but. receiving no amturatioe from Mem that my flair could again be restored. I was forced to become reconciled to my fate, until, fortunately, in the latter part of the year 11167, your Restorative was recommended to me by a druggist. as being the most reliable Hair Restorative ip use. I tried one bottle, and found to my great satisfaction that it was predawn& the desired ergot. Since that time. I have used seven dol lars' worth of your RestoralAve, and as a result, have a rich coat of very soft black hair, which no money can AM a mark of m 5 gratitude for your labor and skill in the production of so wonderful an article. I have recom mended its use to many of my friends and acquaintan ce', who, lam hap,py to inform ou, are menu it with like effect . Very respectful ly, yours, LATTA. Attorney and Counsellor at Law. Depot, eke Broadway, and sold by all dealers through cut the world. The Restorative is put nip in Bottles of three In'. vO: large. medium. and small ; the small holds ha ll a pint, and retails for one dollar per bottle; the medium holds at least twenty per oast. more in proportion than the email, retails for two dollars a bottle; the /AM* holds a gnarl,* per omit. more in proportion, sad re tails fur 1 / 3 a bottle. 7. WOOD & CO., Proprietors. 444 BROADWAY, New York, and 114 MARK ET Street, St. Louis, Mo. And sold by all gOOd Druggists and Fancy Goods Deal ers. . Bold in thin oltv by B. A. FA HN ESTOCK it Co.. Non. 79 North FIFICIf Ntroat and HANVARD & Co., TWELFTH and , CflaSTNllTatreeta; BYO ST A 232 North SECOND Street. eal3-nostenyWtt PROPOSALS FOR FUEL. VARTERWASVEit'S OFFICE. U. S. Marin e Con*. sVedifi , vistott, Slay. lOU PROPu2ALS will to received at this office until TUEAD Y, the 3sth day of June. 18'U. at 3 o'clock Y. M .for supply ins synod ann coal to the U. E. Atnrines stationed at Philadelphia. I' a., from lot Jill. 1881. to the Stith June. 1863 The wood to he beet 4.1 r esn'int. and to be deliverrd, piled meatfured, and inspected suchlints within i t, walls of the Marine flarranlis as may designated by the ClemZending Marine (Armor. free o expanse to the United Ratty. q'te to be east White Ash Anthracite egg coef, free from duet, arm to weigh: I lbe to Us. ton. To he weir bed. imposter!. and delivered at snob points within the walls of the Marine Barrack 1141 may be designated by Lilo 9ornwatoliat Menne tnlicer, free of ezPeneo to the united hteites. and both w vd end goal to ae far at nook times and in such quantdiee es the said Comma thug Marine Odher may require. Falg't will be rimer IMOD the qu.rt.riv roceleftion of the Commanding Lffizer, It. tins the quanuties re quired for the use of his comiriand, agreeably to letnia bons. - requiem *lnto uite,p upon the quartprlv roquisition et the omen- hehrog (Meer, stadia); the quenttheea euireu fo, the use of turn command egreestoy to roods- Vona. A goarantY. to be strawd by two , ityymitible peorrona, whims respor etetl.ty mid be oertified to by the unite d States Ousdnot Judge. United Outs* Diatnot Att,rneYi or United dr...e•Ouvootor. most *coon:teeny °eon pro row, otbefwiee it will not INt. 00081dered. T be endo,ped ytoyowits fur Fuel," azad addressed to o e e . denteued. W. IL zuLACK. zA7WiAt Quartermnater ?tering Come. SALES BY AUCTION AUOTION NOTION. pUBLISBED BY AUTHORITY i!AROO BARK RE/N.DEER. %two BAG! PRIME RIO COFFEE, IN DOVSLE BAGS. DUTILH. COOK, it Co. Wt/I sell, at their Auction Store, N 0.1.21 BOUTR FR9NT STREET, Above Walnuts ON THURSDAY WANING, May SO, 18M. at 11 o'alook, 2,600 bags Wilma Rio Corse, in double hags, lust arrived, ex Reindeer. myla 8S NEW YORK AUCTION SALES. AUCTION NOTICE LOCK WOOD DUOS. Sr. UNDERHILL., No. 45 MURRAY STREET, N. Y•. Ocr AO Auotloa, for oarih, oo WEDNESDAY, MAY 29th. 1861. At 11 o'clock, LARGE SPECIAL ,SALE RIBBONS, MILLINERY GOODS, STRAW GOODS. EEO OA tams NSW AN U lIMIRABGN BPR/Nl3 BONNET RIBBONS_ •L9O. FRENCH FLOWERS, CRAPES.. TARLATANS, BONNET *ILLS, AND MILLINERY GOUDB GENERALLY. Xso,Xo easei aompriring a general iasartment of 81'kAW GODS: '':4;::'rtrA)2l-2t M . I.LITA.K V .60 0 DS. JITTST RECEIVED, -• STRAIARR PERSIA, A LARD E LOT OF SUPERIOR QUALITY OP BUNTING. JOSEPH H. FOSTER, X 1037 3t No. 443 North THIRD Street. DARK AND LIGHT BLUE AND CADET SATINETS, FOR ARMY OLOTIGNO. ALVI, BLUE. MIXED AND GRAY ARMY BLANKETS, GOVERNMENT STANDARD, For late by TREDICK, STOKES & CO, NO. 18 SOUTR FRONT STREET. 104-4 t GENUINE ENGLISH WORSTED BUNTING, JUST ARRIVED PER STEAMSHIP " PERNA," IV RED, WHITE, and BLUE, IMPORTED ADD FOR SALE BY CONNAII & NORRIS, my24-4t 74 DUANE STREET. N. Y. CADET MUSKETS. 500 SUPERIOR CADET MUSKETS. of our own make. for AIMS low. PHILIP WILSON 3; (MR, my211.6t 432 CITESTNITC STREET. TORN TIJORNLEY'S, 311 OfIESTNUT Street, north side—the oldest establishment in the United BGstee. INDIA-RUBBER CAMP BLANKETS, For Ar Al a 6 u l d Tß y U y ß B q M ui K pm AMP BLANKET& KNAFACKS, KNAPSAC CArI K& HAY 'MIAOW!. 11AVTENTki N. RSACKE. btirittt_ evil GI/Trate, GUN COVERE, 12:4 PEE. CA& OA Pill. CO 4 TE, CAPE._ COATS, Add &vim other artiote that to manu factured of Wits Rubber—iii of the beet material. m7B-lm it' JOHN THORN.LEY. COMPRESSBD BULLETS.-17uited States Mime Musket and Rifle Balls; also. every de scription of Roland and Conical Ballets manufactured toorder. Large stocks constantly on hand. Orders tilled insight by 'IIIOSIAS OTIS LEROY &VO., Patent shot and Lead Wo • ••- VD/ and Itti3 WATe.ft +Street. ntYll-Im NEW YORK. .RETA.II. INKY GOODS. 4-4 POLKA tiPOT PRENIJH LAWKI, for sale at 1 1 146 sante. Rad Grounds tote Polka note. Mode Grounds WWI! i olka Roots. These are first quality F tch. mild EY i°D & R IB N n DE M L C H.. 11 POS . FRENCH. &IRMA'S, for sale this tnorntsg, 1.23 G Dress Goods marked down, ti_rS7 Goods. marked Boon. Mozambiques, marked down to MI assts. EYRE: & LAI4DELL, FOURTH. and 4REIR. Gfj. OOD • BLAME NLRB; OF ALL wuyrus. a ur pn c es. Fine Grades of Blao_k Slks. Wide B loot Kilt , for Coate Blank tinlics. warranted durable. EYR 6C a LANRELL., Fuld FOURTH and ARCH. inLOAS.S AND MANTILLAS.- OATI. A-1 TlON.—Ladies are cannoned unmet the nefari ous etntemente of persons formerly in our employ, and now in the employ of other parties, who represent themselves " to be connected" with us. and their es tabliehments to be bretothee of the Perm Manuile Enwarinp." •911. h sintemen LS ere simply uNTRI7THS, used to warners am 4 cheat 144 tottureettattf. We have po other store than the one we have 000a pied these six years, at 708 cemailiire Street. .1. W. YROCTOS. & CO., myl4-tf Paris Mantilla omporium. 30 PER CEN T. UNDER COST VRIC S A V E TIME AND MONEY. Persona can do both, by going at once and buying their Dry Goods of R.STIF.EL & SON, No Tl 3 North &hove r - toatioi, Who have a lame and well-aseortsd stork of NEW AND LESIhABLE GOODS, Whith they are now Moiling out at THIRTY PER CENT. UNDER COST. Rich and Olken Blank Wks. at 900. Great Bargaine in Good Black bilks, Rich mu lee of Foulard Silk., from .373 to ago, worth foray Goods for Travelling Dresses. I easy Gray Poplins, at 100. worth ISXe. mei MILITARY NOT (CIES. LIZAtigII A RTERS COMPANY D, FOURTH COMPANY MON ROE . UARD.—Prn. LATlaLrlite. May 11. last.—we, the etlerehreed. afloat. of Company D. Fourth company M•l2 ne Dawn, on behalf of the Company. return our sirsoere thanks to the Trusters of the American meek' tows' Hell, corner Fourth and George streets. for their kind nem trovitutteennt to the Compare, the nee of the Hall for Drills, and haw extended evert facility in their power to aid the Company in the r oodettakinp We shoo feel 01111Mb:ea under Luting ool•gations for the kindness thus extended. Wf W. @WENN.. Capt . Company D. JOHN iI. S. RUHlJ,LrtLteut. " malt JOHN El DONNELL.Id Went." lUNITED STATE 9 MARINE CORP& —WANTED. 500 able•bulted men, between the ales of II and 35 years, not leu than five feet four and a halt Mohos high. and of good oharaoter. Holdiers serving in this coma perform duty at navy yards and on board United Btatee shies of war on foreignambions. MI other info.mation linnet! may be d esire d w. 1.1 be given at the Reilde78•1111. No. 311 South FROND Street. First Lieutenant W. ST i : i -I BOVE,. aulo-1m R .or Offieer. LEGAL. BY ORDER oF Tilt UNITED BTATES DIfYRIQT COURT OF TRV EASTERN DIS TRICT uF PitfteleXLVANLi. e following Moni tion is publaned: CV lli.Ll e ' MILLWARD nt . U. R. Marshal. D reTe. F.cerillj i syltlct 07 trl EXIIIILVAIIIII. ROT. Tag Pa Where' OP TB Is Ina • Th.ll ITATEII. To TR" MARSHAL oir 7112 P.Astgltri DieTIICT 07 Pants? V..111A, GREETItett: tiVanargs. The District Court of the United States. In and for the Eastein District of Penne. Ivatua. ightly and en y proceeding on a Libel- sled in the nem. of the United Btataw of America bath decreed all persons in general who have. or, Pretend so have any right, title. or igirsat un_tha ODD ER AL PA llRHlltlit whereof William H. Forbes is master her Tackle. An imist, and Furniture: and the floods, Wares, and tiler abandiiie laden in Said ship, nattered al a prize by the flatted !States eteam-friget e Niagara. u der isomroand of Captain William W. Mclfesn. and brought into this port. to be nionahed. oiled, and called to rudzment at the time and place uaderwntton, and to the snot nereafier expressed. line!1•0 yet:miring 1 You are therefore charged. end stria y enjoined and oo wend ed. that you omit cot. but that by public; ina those Ms sent' in at least two rt. the daily newspapers printed and published in the oil y of -hi adelehia. and in the /Alai Inta , liviscer, you do mom.h and cite, or cause to be moniebed and cilia, Pe•empiortly, a I persons in general woo have, or pretend to IAtaYO, eur right. or Inter at in the said ships iNNECAL her 'lactic, Apparel, and Furniture, and the said tioode. Wens and hlerobanume laden on said slip• to appear before the la onorabie John aowalader, Abe Judge of the said Cann. at he Disci ct Court Room. in the otty of Philadelphia. on the it tribal Itle,TH. day af ter publication of these presents,. if it. be a court day, or else on tue nest court dm toltowins. between trig usual bouts of h-aring c.riece, tb-ti and there to show, or allege, in due foam law a reasonable and law ul excuse, if ei_y they have. wby the said ship EirCfr cirAL PAP KRILL. her Tackle. Apparel. aid Furniture, and the floods, Wares. and Merchandise laden therein, should not be pri nounoed to belong, at the time to the capers of 'he wn., to the enemies of the United States, and as goods of their ensues' or otherwise, liable end subject to oondeo.netion- to be adjudged and oondemned ea good and lawlul prizes; asd turther to do and receive in this babel. et to ma tins sir It appertain And that you duly intimate. or cause to be us - nnated, unto all persona aforesaid. ge nerabr• tto whom by the tenor of these p ciente it in also intimated,/ that if they shall not appear at the time and place above uteco ion- d or appear and sheik Oct show a reseopiab e and lawful Gam said e to the con trary. teen id "tittle' Court doth intent", and will proceed. to soludiestion on the said capture. end may pronounce that the said ehip GEN RAL PARK RILL. er Tactic, Apparel, and Furniture. and the said oode, Wicres,and tterehendure ladep tbeiein, did be long. at the tinoe pt the capture of the same. to the anemics of the Intel eterce Amenos. sod es goods of pen' enemies. or otherwise, liable and 81.1 ject to confiscation and condemnation, to be adjudged and oavdemned as lawful prize, the absence. or rather o n tumecy of the remota se cited or intimated in anywise notwithstanding, and thatyou dulcertify to the said Di.trict o..urt what yo. shaft do In the premises. 0- pettier with these present*. W ones* the lionoraba Jon:: Canty /malign. lodge of the said Cou t, Floiscirlphi., this twenty fifth day of Mat . A I) 1861. and 11) 'keel!" ht.. flub year of the independenoe of tae said United ß Stamp rripVl-tuf 8t Clerk Distr of Court 8. IF Yul 7 'WANT A PEI( TOGRAPH, GET s colored one for 81 of REIMER. BECO. , D "treat. above Olean. Where y is find persons who possess .ktli and have every advantage is inakitie plOttirea. /t. PROPOB.I.IO FUR GUN UAlittlAbE TIMBER. Orstsw off NAVY AOBRY_ POYITH TRIAD 8?.. rbiladeiptni• Ate! 21 at. Proposals will be received at Una r Sae egad 1801 r. DAY the 10th day of Jane, sat noon for mappirrog so 000 feet board measure) 814 A COae? OAK lin- Bigß, for Nun Camases. IMP the privilege or Moron vont is to safmo feet. Particulars; iven by Ca. MID P. DKAYTOB, assuataut Ins p ector o f Oidnande. at the rary-Vard. Philadelphia. JAMES B. CHAMBER& my2B-takjet Navy Agent. NEW PUBLICATIONS. TER WAR DEPARTMENT, MAY I, 1861 UNITED STATES i INFANTRY TACTICS, For the Instruction. Exercise. end Mei caw res of / the th itrd rtema leffie , r , . including hamar, of the Line. Light Infen , yr, end Riflemen. j Pr.p. , red under the direction of the War nevelt ment, and authorized and adopted by /I^. ei•-•cat TAUT OF WAR. WAR DRPARTMENT, W /Williston. MST 1,1861. This system of United Staten Infantry Tactics for Light Infantry and Riflemen, prepared under the di r-otyon of the. War Department, having beer approved by the President, is adopted for the inetruotion of the Troops when Ming as Ling Infantry or Riflemen, and, under the Rota May 12th. 1820. for the observance of the Militia when so employed. SIMON CAMERON. Seoretarj' of War. CONTENTS. SCHOOL OP THE SOLDIER. SCIIOOI, OF THE COMPANY. INSTR UCT lONS FOR SKIRMISHERS. GENERAL CALLS AND CALLS FOR RICIRMISHF.NT. SOINOL, OF THE BATTALION. THE ARTICLES OF WAR. DICTIONARY OF MILITARy TERM. One Vol., 181 no. J. B. LIPPINCOTT & Co., PUBLIBB.EES, PHILADELPHIA. nulT 6t 'PRE'SF, AND WILL R PUBLIHND • daring the forthcoming Week, A NEW blttd7ARY EOOE, _ n BAYONE pa T r E so XERCISE, aItIRMISUER'II :DRILL, AS NOW USED BY TUN ZOUAVES IN Tax, i!Eriull ARMY. Together with HINTS FOR THE PO DP- e WHEN IN BATTLE. To which are adored THE UNITED ARraY REGULATIONS Relative io Review,. Inspections. Paredes. Guard-Mounting, &e. WISH oraa Tl3/STY iLLl7sTßairloNs •• • Translated from the Fromm by a Pupil of CtOL. ELLSWORTH. One volume, lama., paper cover. Price Vicente. _ BAXTER's VOLUNTEF.RS' MANUAL ( Aver ved of offiataltr.) THE BIIST 'MILITARY ktOOK Tat Laublished,•contaming FULL, tisraIIIMPIONS FOR TER RECRUIT, Ano all the information necessary for the forming of CORPS OF COME GUARDS. Illuotrated WITH OVER HUNDRED ENGRAVING-e. Is also THE havta. wORK PrISLISIFTICD IN VTR GERMAN • At the mamawins and is tne only German Book of American Military . Tactics Published In the United States balsas oo_ pie. of the above Books WED. Pk Pla OP PttBTAG, To any address in the Unted States, upon receipt of th ems, by KENO da BA Ro e . Printers and Putoieherst m• 25 6t 607 SANSOtt Street Philadelphia. wAxrgi„ OULD.ERS WHO HAVE SIIRSBD AN app rentienehip at moulding Cannon Balls and Bomb Shelia will please leave their address at Ivo. 909 North Zeoond street. mJ2t•3t* lITiARNB. , ...B4IAKEKS WANTED.--From : Fifty to a Hundred more Hands oan find employ ment, Scrapping Kaapersolts for she United Stereo, ripen a.ppluntion at tee Quarse.rnaater_e °farm, U. H. A., corner TVirELFTH. and EHRILRD Streets. m527-inwl V I , &CON D-II AN .1) F LTBNIT 471 E Bede. warping. Mirrors. and all House keeping articles witch the vary highest cash Dime via be paid. Constantly an hand a 'Meat awriment of New and beeond•Eta d Furniture. rotted to the Qt. trade Apply or address T. Pi. WALSH., tto. 984 /street, manta aide, below Tenth street. mytil dtk WANTED.—LADIES and C O " GENTS having' asst-off Clo.h log to dispose of oa.• set a hish cash piles for these of M. D. ANCON A. till SOU ry Ptre.t. out 42 et* tjjAINTED-MiENTS to sell PAUKA • GER of STATIONERY and JEWELRY, at prices one third less than can be purchased elsewhere. Call on or address (stamp enclosed) J. D, BAILEY, No. 164 COURT Street, Boston. Mao. india-axo FAIPLIOYERS WANTING YOUNG • Men, ,to., are invited to address the merit Commtttee," et the Rooms of the Young Me n% Christian Association, 1009 and 1011 CHEBTaII.I7 Eltreet. sea-Am A ga,. WANTED—A VESSEL, of the capa city of from 1.000 to 1,100 barrels, to load for the West Indies. Apple to J ItURETORE & OARSTAIRB, seta stOd and 404 South. PRONT Street" FOR SM.E AND TO LET. TO LET.--Triee-stOry STORE, No. MI 335 r 4 MCP., et t eet. Pave-story 9TOP V- No 93 N' FouBTP rtleet. A large seeend boor. ho. 26 NOITH i OURTHfireet, nth "fine rot. hPrn light. The above prociertiee are offered for Beet at ' , duped rates. /41)1 to W.M. H. B&CO.. 231 fiIe.HKET Ptreet. my 33 6c. fig GIMMANTOWN COTTAGD AND ARE FURNITIIRE TO ItENT.---Partor. Library. Dining room. .tivolisn. &ore room. Wsoh-hon'e on first floor four chntnbare, barb. and .water closet so nand 8 /or t two °unmoor" thud ao sr.: range. ;as. 'trot 6130 cold water. Pituafed on hignrolind near a rail road Pta - ion. addrests " cottage." Intottr" Dispatch no% 6t* go TO LET —A small NTORE and OWS.L.LING, suitable for a Conrootionery, 1007 r.DERAL Street. lt* FnR S 41LE—A goad FARM near the city, with Stook Farming Uteneile , and Crops: Watt immediate pommillien- ApeiT 0 r`ONRAD, non at * No Q 52 North FIF FR Wreet. BMTO LET—A L•esii able LIOLImE, with all the M.-dere Improvements. tearrouoded with shade and ornamental Trees. N 0.95 Us too stgeet. Bur lington, N. Apply to IC. N. 1110Da.8101v, myl6-tr 5 North PRINT yt,eet. a TO LET-A DESIRABLE DWEL ANL LING. NO 123 North THIRTEENTH Street. Apply to WETWERILL, & BROTHER, 47 and, 49 North SECOND street. mhl4-tf CEIVisTNLIT-STREET HOUSE sad MK STORE to rent.-7he desirable business location. Lffi CILESTIS UT Street, with dwelling attached. Apply a , 4 51 GET F.FITTIUT ;treat. apll mi FOR BALE—A HOENE and LOT, Sem.deeirably loonted on MAIN Street, therimnton. N. J. Apply' to wry! M. CoLe.INA, 606 MINOR Street. Plnlidelphia. Or to PRANKLI% WOOLMAN, aplB-thetu2lt" MAIN Street. sarlincton. mGERMANTOWN PROPERTY TO RENC.—To Rent, the large and conimodione modern-built Rouse. corner of ARMAT Street and WILLOW Avenue, w.th gee, bath, hot and cold watpb and aL, the modern improvements. Apply to ii EERY E. TA RE, 710 GREEDS Street. Philadelphia, or on the Premissa. ars- tr TO RENT - TWO 00IINTE1 ROUSES L one mile from Teem!. Inquire No. 717 WALNUT street. mAn-line T O T- ROOM, 802 CHESTNUT street t over LEWIS LAHOSSITE te C 0 .5 Jewelry Store.- The bent looationlaSel phi& for ear kind of light beginesy. Apply la the Jewelry Store. Rent $4OO. fel9 MO RENT—A very dearrable STOR,B, on the Ninth-street front of " The Continental Rotel.", The Store at Ninth and Bansom etreeta en& Giant way wasted for a Selma and asuansa Maker. A t o /HOB, ree-tr Southwest NINTH and RANSO JOHN M Streats. rroßaiT-THE LAMA AND CON VENIENT Coal Wharf and Lumber Yard at Maylaudvillo, /I*mq-fourth ward, Apply to E. O. at p. w•Airwflr4 an the premixes. mialit-if TOA EXOttiltibtE:—A 011.01011 TEAM of good unimproved lam land in the Mute of Net Jersor, convenient to the °A7, will be audience/I foi eity_property. Apply et Au. Ws FEDERAL Bbnet. 111M-rr RR. UORSON,REAL ESTATE BROKER • AND CONVEYANCER, NORRLSTOWN, Pd. —Heal Estate bought and aold -on .resion4bie term'. atoms and dwellings for sale or rent in Hometown and oountr, . Good mortgages negotiated. Collections Made. The beet roferenesa cress. dgegto BOARDING: BOARDING.—A few Boarders 1-7ean be aeammodefed in a private family.. Loca tion desirable. grounds evessirc and s had, , ten nonutee of the city h le r Apply to CHARLEB KAN FIN, KA GB POINT, by letter to titund.n Poet °true. or via Bouth-sti eat Ferrr. Int2B lathe Or WARDING.—Front, and communicating •-+ rooms for gentlemen rt, a very pleasant location Good Board, and at mothrato prices. Please cad at 032 PENN Street. Camden, N 3. my2a et JAIUDING.—Pour gentlemen can be e nm fortably saenmmodated. and at moderate mioes, at 33 A r e1.:74 Street, Camden, N.J. m 327 6t HOARDING -At 1100 WALNUT Kreet. Room on the eeeonO floor will be vaount on the hi of June. Terms moderate- Also. a Phint yele23ians Moe. 6t. BOARDERS will be received at a retired bat pleasantly-situated Farm Rouse, in CHES TER courivir. but a short dietenoe from tee Rail road. The dwelling is beautifully shaded. which, with large tiegetable as a Fruit Gardens, will banditti board ers with every luxury_ the country oar. afford. Address • iv Fi . o f T&e P.m. liDl6-1,11. H ERR'S HOTEL, HARRISBURG, Fa Th e management of this wet-known natal having been leased by iii-sari COYult ILE. R. the p•esent proprietors beg leave to inform the nublie that the mo„,,g, is now being_ thorough RENO IfliTxD, lit- ItlTTfd).andlititi'RUvßD, with a view to the proper and comfortable acoommodation of those who may favor the- establishment, with their custom. Guests will receive dim atsention and courtesy, and no es- D essurtri I hampered that may conduce to maintain the hotel in a first meat stile, ramifies aid others desiring to soi , urn in Harris bn outing the summer mouths will find plessant boarding and large at d Rooms at our establishment, upon moderate terms eCOTT COYLE, MY2I4M GiLBARr BEER. NOTICE-10 T ISACtiEIB.—An xami nation of Cardioatea for the eituetom of PR IN LIIPAL UP Me Lt. Otte Medan. e HouLe in thin te_, will he held at the Z 1E -STREET jet)U.E. ZANE Stret. above Se.ventb, on FRIDAY, June 7 880— commencing at I o'c'ocdr. M. An Ra.,...inatlon for ASSISIANT TRACHEAS 11l Grammar not Other School; will he hu' a; the came pla.-e on SATURDAY raORNiNO, June 8. commeno m at o'clock A. 11.1. The a xammemou for Principal will be for the Uar annoy to occur in the Soothweet Boys' 'Stammer it n k w oi on the let September next. salary 41.0(9 ;nix amount. ity order of the Committee on QualiSoation of Teaeltere. Rt/lit.RT J. bbVI FRILL. my 27 8t Secretary of Controllers of Public Stitionle. Icon SALL—A superior Ken rooks bred M ARE. six years old sound and Kidd ; broke to the saddle by ova ; tuts been d isert io oingle hod dead e One bl ank LittfbsE, Seven ears old 11111.0 to stogie a.d double harness; en d want 1 nee. Gen be seen at 1.33 AlDlia 4Sirenue. mr2B 3:' rrOBOILDERN AND CONTRAt TORS.— ... wood burnt Dine. Cement, Calsined Never, Plaaterie.3. flair and White Sand, for sate at Plana and nO• The &meta toaallt • N. MCINNES. TUE MTAI LAW. Certified Copes, neatly printed. front the effirial records. Frio. 6 Cents. HOW & FintgeD,Publuthere m 323 3t :1 0 ,607 84.418u1d adroit. ipi ~,...,„.... . Alf --4. W. SCOTT, 814 CRISITNUT Strop. a Ws doors below the " Continental; The attentloh. 9,1 Wholesale rre Le invited to hie IhIPROVA-L Cul' op. ErIM, or superior AL make . and materia,i, on Sins ill =My t.....,./ 47 st aliortotot nett**. 4e,441 GybiNctS UM; N. E. corner of - NINTH an d ARCH Streets.—lnstmottou in DRILL i pO, tvivatel, or in rank WAIN Leirolono FENCirioi sod oyzdVASTICV.I. unl2l6t uAM SoIJP EiERVAD TIP - AVERY gkel dg- by JAMES PANHER ego MALLET grow itaIUEIRMIENTS WALINUT-STREkT TLIBATRE: Pole Lessee __. Mrs. M. A. GARRETTSOII. mace Mr. WM. A. CRAW atiasess Aunt OS. EL my TRIO (TUESDAY) EVP2SING. Mar MI Will be presented the new and original Nations; dratear entitled THE PAT at or 4 DR VAMA Or, The Past, the Present, end ha F'uOtto. Adam (yap, Mr Edwin Adams Rupert indsay, Mr. J.B. Wris hi,' Kate Gilmer, Era. A antral!. &she. ow IntICES.—, rose wrote twists secured With mit extra charge.) 60 cents; gamest. (seats 'issued et 50 3736 cleats ; family a. role, 35 cents; inmate boxes. 116 and ; orchestra Te cents. Doors Open at at a 1111151,Ver to O quarter past 7 o'clock ; Rai rise alotl e N ß CF=ll , ti 01,1 , NIKO TRBATRE, on which ormaston Immo!. B O Uri O. PellOraled. THB MAHTs' • BOYS Ou 61; TH- 116 ~ HTR Hord OF 2 61 With all its beast' sl t o a cl DA Y t E4lgla On which nowolon Num Winthrop will appear. "hies Dan. es ny Mina bble. Wall also oer Prated MR. AND MRS. - . DKR wHATR: MOH, WHO 1088 TAE BLBY BELLOW} TO C ete lit ___ .. . -rts. tlasaro6A. Mrs. Peter White enry Chapman. JOHN QUIN CY AIJAM3 1,1 Ret M kt A R 6CpOOL.-A Conoert for the benefit of the faint lie. of the volunteers will be given, by its young ladies tr the acove Behool on kilrLiNl -.4 mys 7 lie SB, feel. at the • a d+- ! of Mums. VNIMBLY BuILDINGS. A STEREOSCOPIC AND PANORAMIC EXHISI 'LION COMIC'S isD. MONDAY EVENING, MAY V. and every Evening during the week, will be exhibited VIEWS OF THE PRFEIRNT WARS with mechanics! effects. Also. Sends roost's manna PA •(DRAMA OF THE FU , S AIV WAS; ADDropriate music by a Dre•s Band Adams's!! IS cents ; Lin:hires IS ciente. Doors open et ?3. Commence at S. mrSt tf fIaRL WoLFSOHN AND THEOMPRZ THOMAS' iiz h and Nat CLASEIMA `O ags or takeeivee on 'PH UktliD AV, Itizor .10th. 18;11. at the Foyer of The •cederny of Mesh) dingle tto.ete itrl. Cem be hnd g‘n.h. evening et +be d mitt at ANNA. AVADEWY OF THE FUJI 8T HFAlhrin7 RWAIT. The Ti C T birtv-eitbth N NUAAL E X 1 11/ T.( Off of retirrririwi and dUULP ruKE Is now apen Admittance .20 cents ; 81711/500 rlekete Ce cents; Ohll dmi kali cram. Cataloi nes 10 mate. etoolthodlets wtll receive their thatete at the Academy. 1 0 t 1 pe4 . l.rom P A. id. till 7 P. M., and from 8 Fanall3 SUMMER RESOR l'S. RPHRAT A. MOUNTAIN , -PRINGS. • A LANCASTER COUNTY. PENNSYLVANIA. 'Ws celebrated 'Petering Plane will open for vim tore on MO day of JUNE. With all the aturantions or prmer seasons. lElitu.ted on a merietein 1,200 feet above overlooking the Inched agrl amoral country in the world the air p , rfeenly pure and dry at ail WWII. ran dom it proverbially healthy. where ere ample nuteommndetinne for 400 visifttre•-• fine gulden walks through the forest to the van as perinea apd bummer hone, no t e mountain end to the °harm on from tne top of whin Is Pre Doted 10 tne ere one of the fined and m .st extensive p .no ramie new* to be seen. A good live'', is kept on she Place. end beautiful drives ermine • hot and cold baths; a splendid band f 'Mune (from the fey mania. of I hi. ladelphis howling sheen and billiard askvac with the latest innroeed tablet', Large raid •os attached to the place. from which all the vegetables Lie taken freak for the table. which. cm. will IM:supplied fr the Philadelphia and Baitimnre ratykets as well as froth the rich agricultural country around. Careful and attentive servants. leaving teen connected with the establishment far NOW scam with. Vat 6 , 13 pr..prietor. The nuclei* ned assures the old patrons or the place and .he on lie generally that it will be o ondu..ted in every depart own, in its former popular way. Visitors to the wpm ga will take the oar, to Lamle ter, thence 13 mime marine over pleasant rinds and through a beautiful o.untry. 't'hrough t.4tkets issued at the Pennsylvania Railroad ndl.e, P.. 14 h.Vx-rf and" M/kIlKFra Streets. Philadelphia. For further partjoulara or circulate the nrcieretor refire to JOS. Id. at v SW% corner MIRO nod Streets. and to -JA Ea B. B•ysor4 Do. PllOAth StXrli Street. Ptu'adelphia ; or, wid•eas ' aI, 141..AYMeEER, Ephrata. P. 0.. Lancaster en.. Ps -3m if WRITE SULPEtnR sPftfigimi utyißL, ol BLUM'S. Cumberland count?, Pa. The Proprietors take steamers m • nammoing to the Pubbo that this tnatutfio-nt estehltstonentje now open for visitors. Perrone w•shing pore monn , ain air. mot atrial waters, bathins, &hint. Fka• teed llvinr, atrea sonabie prices. canner do better than to try these Syrinx' frorprtrrionl.ra. woad fur oiroultsro to Wit A DURROMS . of the nits of New forkt D. C. BUIW 1?T, Proprietors. myl2 REDrORD BPItINGB.-A. (.4. ALLEN respectfully jeerers' the subtle that this well esta blished and pepulsr watering place is now open for tee reoe tion and aseeramodation of visitors, and will be kept OPOD urjt/1 the first of Comber. Persons wishing. Bedford gainer,' Wager. will be sap plied at Inc springs at the following prices, viz 2 For 1 bbl « ,..3`B 07 (mu . berry ~3 00 " llottlee. (oakp int. , per doz 00 Parties wishing r.oins. or is.• y mforinstion egagd to the plate will address the B dford Mineral Springs Company, Bedford. Pennsylvania. 3111-02 t SODA WATER CEIARLES BiLEAlititt , a ICE-COLD tiODA. WATER. WITH FRESH FRET'? svßupg, AT NORTHEAST n , kitriEß BROAD AND MEAT. NUT *TR E FS. The Wat-r is drama from noreeteln-lined FOUuttlinel pure end spark lint well eher-ed with car t:ionic mac toz. •hu ?Imp. are prooor-d With. M. highest regard to retaining the ELIVrVV^L VLAV tt • V tau m,tryr No ratios atilt be soared t. minutia the high character thigh this Fountsin has already et- Bottled Soda Water at 373 i cents per dozen. Congress Water. fresh from the aprizmo. conebtathr on hand. mrU Sm r LNSURaiscis Oftleesntsera. LAME INSURANCE slf..7lkgreiss X , No. 405,..CHESTNITT Streets FIRE AND INLAND INSV RANCE.. DIRSCTORe. George W. Day_ & ?Salina, Damned Wright-- " Wright Bros & 0.. D, B Sirvey Davi!, & Birnity. Menu Lewis, Jr........ " Lewie Bros & Co. 0. Raohardeon...--..-- 4 * S. C. Bowe & Co. Samuel T. Bodine...—Preset Wyounu Oar.allicaney. Jno, W. Everman--of J. W. Bverman & Co. Geo. A. Weld.— " Week Jr. PoCee. 13. Marna—. Savage, Martin. & Co. O. Wilson Darsa.....Attorner-at law. E. D. Woodruff. .of Sibley Molten. & Woaraff. alio. Kessler. r ~, ~ 1713 Omen street. GEORGE W. DAY,_President. PRA Nerti N. BOOK, Vioe Presidept t WEIMIAZda I. BLANC:BA RD. 3eoretorr. SAYING PIUNDS. QAVING t3Tit.TPEI kJ TRUST COMPANY, comer THIRD and CHEAT. , NUT Streets. tNTIEREBT FMB PER CENT. 8. IL CRA wPoRD. president. JAMES R. HUNTER. Secretary end Treasurer. Moe hours. from 10 until 3 o'clock. . =us Cowman* is not Joined nor applicationfie GOvarlottnra foe SAFES. praniLILLIE'S SAFE DEPOT KEAIuVATI to No. :al South SEVENTH Street, near the klin institute, The undermined, thankful for pant favors, and being determined to merit future patronage, has secured an elegant and convenient, store, and has now on hand a r large assortment of Lillie's Celebrated Wrought and Chilled Iron Fire and Burglar Pico[ Ram, tthe taniy strictly fire and burglar proof safes made.) Elan, lie's Unequalled Hank Vault, Safe. and Flank Looks. tallie's Dank Vault Doors and Leeks will be furnished to order on short notice. That to the etrongest, best- Protected, and cheapest Door and Look yet offered. Also, particular attention is called to Lillie's New cabinet Safe for Plate, Jewelry , &o. Thin Safe, oon oeded to surpass in and nd eleganoe anythinyet. of fered for this purpose. is the old, out , that a strict ly fire and burglar proof. arum". Novics.-1 have now on hand say twenty et Farrel, Herring, & Cu.'. dares. most of them nearly new, and some forty or other makers, eomproung a complete assortment ae to SiSee k and all lately changed [or for the now Celebrated Lithe Rafe. They wilt be sold at very low prices. Please call and examine. no WENT ()HESTER jaMIRIPME Tit .0 INS via Pldf 4 l.l !gime- A KAI It A wave depot. corner ELF. OMR and MARK 64T. at 2 a. 1 11/. 1230 v. M and 4Y. I'd. On Sunday, leave Philadelphia at 7.30 A. 1V1.,114 gl 0111. Chestet ate k. at. pdln tf 11111114011110PHIl'ADELPLI w iLMIAGION. AND BALI TliatlßE. RA I au a 11.—OPP.0 a No of WN.;. F OR FORTH F:88 MON RO On tad 'after •rUFIAD•Y. mar 28. 18d1 . the trait leaving Pnvadelvien. at /I M. will sonatas ever, day. exempt RA daps, with me of ire Oar Ina titer=. em from ml IMOTO 10 ForTIVIO 'Pleurae. lirough ticket* Will be Dr arble at inx • rti and KaTb U P Track, fluid et Depot, BROAD and wAEliime,uv v au, Through fare. $B. Trusp., le da mimeos of not lemt tubs fifty two-thirds fare, ur $5 53 each mcal- , f , LTON. President. a mpipmil WEST CSESTKR AND i'LLILIADELPSIA b.A.I.LatOAD, VIA MEDIA. SUMMUK Itrt *43 On and after MON DAY. June 3 1851. the Mine will leave PhtturalKl from the Depot. N F owner of 6.IONTEN,PITE air , MAD ar t eete. at 740 end 10.30 A. Al.. And 0. 4 15. 6 30. and 10 P. M. an..l - 1111 leave the station , ouraer PH ri-PIR•T and in* Kazin Btreete. ( west Ph , lad-lehla,) at 803 3 n4 10 45 a. M., and 2.15 430.6.45 an • 10 15 Y.M. (. aurora's Leave PHILA. DELPII2 in at A. Al. and 2 P. M. Leave WEST GRIST ' 11 at 8 a M. mud 0 P. Id. Trains leavens 'hiiadelph a and West Uhenter a; 7 45 A. M. and 4.5 r M conneet at Pennetton w !Crain', on the Philadelphia an' Baltimore Coma/ Railroad for Oxford and intermediate pointer. DRNRY WOOD, General upertotendent. as ar m Fult BA 1.111111 . Ra DAILY AT 3 O'CLOCK P M. BaliitatoKE. AND PHMADM PULA isrhAMEOAII CONIPADY. (Ericsson I me.) Via Chesapeake and Detawave One of the new imp stearatioate of this. anatomy leave the upper yule of Cite.tnut /meet Wharf Eve; a TERNOIDe it.n , days excepted at $ o'clock. an will arrive in Baninn.re early the ne.t merman. Freight of all kinds taken at t.e lowest Yates Cattle. Homes, Stook Venn:ilea &o. For Freight, apply at the office. a. ‘i OVP.S. Ja., 1111ArtSt. 718-1)11 No. $4 SOUTH WHARVES. matFOR NEW YOUR.. NEW DAILY LINE, via Delaware ad Raritan' Phiutoeighiti and New York Exams Steamboat Con pang will reee,ve fretakt on and after MONDAY. 4S a netapt, and leave daily at It P. et delivering their ea, goes in New York the followmg days. Pretext* taken at reasonable rate.. WM. P CLYDR. Agent, No. 14 SOUTH Wile. ttIIES. Philadelphia: jAmEd RA al Agent, mitlegftf _ Nen la and 14 EABr RIVER. New York. mac F(jy, Da, :L OAK. LB Phatidelrilla Steam Propeller Comps. y will commence their balances for the Almon on Mous" nth Init. Their Steeper, ere now reaenring freight to fkoont Pier above .117 ainut itreet. Terme seeentruodanng. -tern.'" _. B A to w. SIRD & 00.. was 1124 NoOt 2 ti Delowlvre epopih DR. J. WII3 tg, No. 3b North FIFTH &met, PHLADELPHIA—reats imoefuly. if amilied loin time. ail Mammies et the Lurois, NUS T and HEAR Lime frequently mires COMUMPTION In its Mire an I sole. He Mao restore' all curable dhows of the Bib and NAIL Be hasmeen.thein his entire attention II the pea m team will emit patients. when dreirtilb their reelilentmei ens We Si* R OT QUALITY ILUOFINC4 PILATE al- BEA Nyua e h t and a.k., far wale at Union Wharf , 0 461 Me 1. Itb l i e g ill OPl ° li etroj. WU u L NaCks i. exican washed WOOL, in store end for Bate An ME RINO . No. 1 4 0 S FROX - ttskt. NEW 01-11;PNE.-1 0 Uozed F rime it ew Bei timer wanly Cheete 00D1111/Mattt 1. fot lo Se b. C. C. It D k. 41 DIOS St +OS A RCA Rt., seroad door a.m. Fr L. nui s t Bpi .-200 808. JA erse cork,t oro d• by C BAI)..IFR &CO • m o b 3 t 103 A RCli ' c oon door ad) • 6 6 , Tont. 11. V.-50 'hero. Praxis ; int lat 41, for roe byC. S. S. Dt.E.ii Ze. Co , iro2sat 104 ARCH' At . etwond doer tiewe oront , ChLI VAi • A lot of *tour ULM Oil, ‘..." to &O and for etio JAVILLTCAN row Wal $O4 &nib ,ITANS , Stmt.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers