. _ THE 1 - var. PARK —l - CaterdaY atiRSIRRIR the - U K , :01.1 races between " Capitols" and 1.47, over this track. it will be re. tI , etrt.t contest, whir% was mile o alob" el w ' a, won by Capitols," with all . 0 hstass exe three straight heats. The oonteat r!' l3t . Th lay Wad two miles and repeat, to Witness, .. ° g aols" was the favorite—two to one fo gy oOltd OD her, with but few respond i"s cieo ie ff " won the pole, and at the first 1. started for the .oripg `t he y neat --Before reaching the turn the dark igdy fersoott the legitimate gait for one 11 4 - be f o re she regained, placed eight leogthe itEso. t he , R ya " which remained con -I,iolo c t, q ue:ter pole McConnell, the driver aa cipi , o) ,• vreeiving there was no imam .' d a eger of bis opponent running over hits it judgment eased off his mare, unitedB with an foresee of speed on the e ft °f creole," decreased the gap at the Pl,t,„%a pale to three leinphe. In this posi. :hey ?Wed the three-quarter pole, and bad On :he homestretch when the black mare 6'. W aited a different set of muscles from ,65-11,,eanire obliged the heretorule of the track, an indul d°:,7roloh la a position whioh, in relation to her oppo r '' . l els a perfect daguerFeotype of the first. At Le se' cot e pole " Cap:tole . ' again allowed her to .41 her, and at the half-mile pole he day 'lt goo eciirely closed out. For the brat time :.0 rase there was Eteme iniereat ' 3 ; jou/lath:eV made to flag, however, by another f riwe rate &teak by "Creolc, - ' which secured for ejrber original position. As they entered on the „ met a, Creole," apparently not having t' shad by bitter importance that breaking calculated to Wm= her chances, again her feet, which, without being encored, had the temerity to repeat, and " Capitoki" • the heat, without a skip or break, in 527 f tSlig RUC there was but one opinion as to the . it, Fla more nacre:ding and exorang, how loathe gamest in the ~tree d heat —After three false starts they got O'OlY at the word—an equality in position welch the ambitious " Capitele" would net long erd et the quarter pole she contrived to 4 a loath ahead. The contest wee now beauti i. en d the path rapid. Inch by inch the black • gained upon her competitor, and at the half „l e pole she was but a neck behind. Down the Capitols," for the first time seeming to !ver, her position, let out another link of speed, increased her lead to its original position, 0 1 led Moss the score by that distance Sri two ,„, r y nee and is half In this mile " Creole" waiting her previous - eforte, approached within 0 - a length, where she determinedly remained • half.mile pole. Up to this point every inch FORA had been antes*, and at no time in trot bad there tie - en more than a length i.iuteee the horses. Just after passing the pole, however, the black mare pro al,aely developed her running proclivities, and i ll slat lengths- The race, aowever, was not :rioter. for Creole - had rested herself by the ' hoar" whilst " Capitola," who. in the entire 3 .. e. had not once deviated from the gait or sine& must wecessarily be somewhat fatigued. r ; ,,,,citted proved that this was, in some measure, 5e ease. " Creole," having now caught, brushed ~festively that she lapped "Capitols" when :i llioray down the homestretch McConnell now Oared hie mere for the beat struggle, and she, iaaing late a flight of speed whiob has tinveria ,;riall her races, carried " Creole" cff of her set and the mousy to her proprietor in the expel. ret theetot 5181. - SUMMARY. ..Wtlint3day, May 22, trotting. two miles and eitat to harness, for a stake of $5OO. lir McConnell names b m. ,5 Capitols" 1 I V. ring " Mk. " Creole" 2 2 Time, 5 27-518/. Ins PENNSYLVANIA HORTICuLTERAI, SOCIN- J held its regular meeting last night, at Concert The attendance, both , of members and was quite numerous A larger number ladies was present than usual, and the fine die ;ley of plants attracted marked attention. The `ergs sad noble collection of fifty plants from the eorervatory of D. Rodney Ring, Big . including t g beet elicw ever made before , the society of °rea lised foliage pieute, was a diating - aished feature ibe evening. They were all well grown and in gb health. Among the novelties were the ussophyllum magnificum, heliotropium variega mta, end rivinea humilis. P. 3laskenzie eg Son contributed a 'very eaten and beautiful assortment of ensiles, fuchsias, rzi other choice plants, in fall bloom, including o:efoilowing new plants : Linton candidissimum, sarents porteana, gszania splendene, verbenas, eeetra and saladin, and several other interesting Etithies 3 . 14 Robert Hoist, ID addition to a fine display .7, French spotted and fancy pelangonintes, ex same new and very rare plants Per the first - Lae; among which were goer negunde fol wane- gas, dielytra aiicutoefolia, and zic,r3s ainbraculifenc. Mr. Thomas Meehan contributed a fine collection doable simile; also, spites arinßa and oaprl aliatd a very early sweet honey- Gale. all new plants ; also, a choice and beautiful =tie of cut specimen shrubs. The following contributions also graced the mo iety's tables: Pena Wen .loyee—gardener to M. W. Baldwin, collet:Wow of foliage plants, cauliflowers, el espartos. Tam A. Felton—gardener to Henry Duhrlng, 'as,—Fine rhubarb, cabbage, cauliflower, pots iteitetambere, and beets. From R G. Swift—Victoria and Hobson's Seed- htttsbarb. iron John Cook—gardener to Rev. J. tithrie--oalosolartals, grapes in pots, strawber f.ti.awsgos, and specimen plants. Fan litomai Me,ghran--CuOttnitiere. e'rwcL W. Damson—Sir Charles Napier straw wry. Premiums were awarded, az fmmere To,Relbert :irizt, tor beet ps.ir of specimen plants, $2 do., for MdeCtiaz.of zzie tassts. n; do., for pelargoniums, iI. To 1' Biel:Aerie:is 4, to tor plants in bloom, 'V; do , now pints. a epeziiii premium, $1; do., fer specimen szstia, $l. To homes Meehan, for tut specimens c hardy scrubs, $1; do., for new special premiers, $l. To John Cook, for - o 'of best pair of specimen plants, $4.; do for beat EL - car beat do , for best - three bunelies Inqw, SI ! do for lanai 'strawberries, $1: do., iar sicnns in pn 9, $1 To Wm. Joyce, for best I Fr-cimen plants, $2 ; do., for bast specimen gant, $2; do., for best asparagus, $l. Tg A. :or best rhubarb, $1; for _heat--Ir=sts., el;. In btsc cabbage, $l.; ,tyrsr. potatoes, $l.. To 2hoina3 ationtribeta, special pre. mina, c'.l. The c , ,miniitee on obtaining a new roam made a report, action upon which was deferred until the nu meeting L very inter:3tlns end inotraetive report on the !likings:43, and present condition of the Society, zsde in aoswor to a ktter of inquirytirom the Pa :est Ofiaoo, was Toad and adopted. It proves this be the oldest Itortscultarai society au Anzeraca. Act- 3. Ennig and Adam Graham were elected :edam, CoBoltrlt'S Isataar.—Tbe coroner held an roust 3scerday upon the body cf Theodote ley], who committed adoide by sheeting bimeelf a Eighteenth street, below Market LEGAL INTELLIGENCE. ihnsior COURT Judge Hate.—Johan- A - Donnelly va. Patrick Quinn and R. MoClos- Icy. administrators of Mogan - nay. Bofore 54o r ted Verdict for plaintiff for $204 M.. limy Smith and W..T. Ferguson, executors, &v., Margaret McClure. An action on a book sic ntat Verdict for plaintiff for $590 95 josbus Clendennon vs. The Social Mechanics' 3:celeial Association, No 1. An action to taco -7n commissions for servicoe rendered in obtaining iloan for the association. Verdict for defendant. UNrran Swan DISTRICT Omer—Judge CLiwalader —Lewis Lafferty was charged with taking counterfeit money. A quantity of men- Melt plater dollars was found in his room, and 11 % the machinery used in its manufacture. - On nisrater Corm Judge Sharswood.— Una H. Faulkner and George hoopoe, trading, James H Sprague. Au tuition on a book went for a balance. - Verdict for plaintiff for kit 90. FMANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL. The Money Market. PHILADALPHIA, May 22,1861 . To improvement in State and city leaner, noted Pearday, was well maintained at the stook board 14 day. New city loan sold at 99±, anti the old !veer at 88±, with a strong demand at these lerites; and State dyes were firm at 79. Penn i, rani& Rail:eat first-mortgage bonds sold at '. et the first board, and at 98 between boards, ed the dock sold at 37. Camden and Amboy Railroad shares sold at 108, hilziehill at 54±, North Pennsylvania Rallioad Shores at 7. Reading Rail 'ltd at 15i Save and Vine-streets Passenger Railroad diaries er,li at .1-, Second and Tbird.streete at 38. and SEE FOURTH PAGE been and Coates at 101. ARRIVED. The tone of the market was better to day. Steanier Louisiana Ritby. from New Orinium llth mil- May via He. West 6 days. in ballast to 3 Flanigan. Ina - Ths General Government will get the nine biay 73.13 t 36 33, 1 ng 7' 20 evoke btrk Reindeer. from beg advertised for by Secretary Chase at par, if V: Vetri P 9 :.- f iCnefr b Stir l iati: a At S7 b i erii E e l t i t t t to dro.t3 not get a premium on a part - 112 New gor y . from hew Y T ork for New Onetime, 'stelae. touched Vr lk Mr. Cisco, the anissant sub-treasurer, has it f.eiull'aroglaweguevrAl. b rl,,% . ',:,e4roli'rodre k d . by 'Heal a list on which applicants are leaving their 8 steamer Union. Beak Wasninaton Butcher, Collins. 3 day from New Inter with the amounts they want at par, and York, in ballast to A heron. Jr. Jo CO. 41 Tel' cent. preliminary deposit, returnable on tiliehilTy:i;=lll4.3llir ltarratt ,fl teg e f . rom Indian Ri i-iia la if the principal is not awarded to the bid - v jar Champion. Colima, i day from Little Creek. Del, ler with corn to Jae Barrett Amu Bohr Pearl, Brown, 0 day. from Boston. in to Le New York Times thinks it probab'e that oag e tath. Re-`chart, Peterson. 7 days from Portland, in I ' 4 stole nine millions will be subscribed for In ballast l, Dl 3to Tyle r, S tone s r , c o , 11212 way at par. every person being able to get r c t i r to rga t t u rt:eir, Annie, 3 days from New York , with 'zet anoints as may Suit his means. if the loan In .9ohr V7Lruif &me, Mason, 6 days from Balton, in rosy met go above par, without the trouble of di. b lob our L ° LT i tte t3 F_ En :Laws. 4 days from Salem, in b al l ast to l application to the Treasury Department at E R Sawyer & Co. 14.41ington. Bohr Messenger. ( new) Vow 5 days from Portland, with potatoes to Van Horn, Newslworth &Co . is this c it y. m err , Drexel it c o , J ay , C oo k e , . i.t c h hr d e . : t o k 4 4 l egoe e rt i a` r u r z !.. re , 5 digs from Wellneet. 2 Co., Thema Biddle .1. Co andE Clar k ,E. W. AVotiT Nina. Walmsley. 2 'dale from Chesapeake City, Caall iir d. with train to Christian e. rarr offer to act Ea agents. free of charge, is M er c e r it Mason. 'Walmster. 2 lo ss . from Chesapeake bi ldizg for the new loan of Treasury 11021:432 (pro- Ci g i ;a w eel t all iani n t ;.s l 3; i . st 2Thol c iriTr r gin i. New York. with Writ f-,e which are to be opened on the 25th in- Steamer to W el Baud & Co._ ant. end will alto attend, without profit ; to the fiLiLSRE.D. /t -, 5 ., 1: of payment, do. Bohr C Loeser, Laws. Salem, E R Sawyer & Co. bent - irl Reinhart. Peterson, Felt Monroe, Tyler, Bidders for any amounts. large or small, will be S ton e & Op, 'll43lite, to by either Of these partite at their aclarJ M phyla,. Thompson. Boston, D Peanson & Go. Di Behr C A ileekeoher, Conon. Boston. Noble, Ram .•2itei of business mdtt k- Caldwell. The New Y or k E,,,..mi,g Prat, speaking o f the I asSed.hiLinlioarnaahlooerr.iok, Montgomery. sainbury, Van DII- L-44 tY Sad stack market in that city to-day,. °shut!. do tape: tiiaß°hh;irbir:eani.graerlt, view maven. B. is Powell. T he stock market this morning was rather dull, Isoh , New maven. Fields, ProVidanol4. limmoason & Z i e FriCO2 Of Government and State stocks were Glover. g ~ 4 7, with leis esteeptitins The sales effected soar U& A T e S l iN ti tri lis e t t i ti. , -1; 14 Havell. 3l . /I /Vieth rovidenee, L amended ~."i st v_of th e 5 par cents. of 1881. at 86401 for con- i & le r Jr ''' " kit a and 83 fel. :is of 1805, and those of 1874 1 it •'h 1 Behr see. Moore, I:eurel. De1..1 er Hawn. Bohr Maria Francis Boy., May's Leneire. carton. :flanle State stools Virginias sustained a severe do- i Ste ILL Gaw, Der. Beore, A Grime, Jr. i . . litt from price yee_terday, amoun ting to 4 t ter I PIENIORANDII. s ew tie . 2 - BOUM are quite firm. under a rumor at I y ete k roinahip Delaware. Johr.son, hence, arrived at sew York yesterday 4. i t terest for July will be duly Provided for i we 6461114111) Africa. Shannon, cleared at New liiirk tos': t aeciirtain that this report rests on any yesterday .or Liverpool . str ittocud than more rumor. Georgia sizes 'Steamship Hadar, Lit tle, for Liverpool.cleared 4 N Xld at 6 . 0 , North Carolinas at 60, and Louislanas TrAitilienV Zia:. wKelly, helot', arrived at Livernol Th. 14 - 't general share market was not active, and l t' a h h i i n ee lesorre Rios. Callaghan, from Mande, arrivetfit I `try ilesoriptions were fractionally lower, but i Bo ten et./ 8131 p .I. l 4lita gi A t o.o. Romans, cleared at New York - b: 7 steady at the decline. Panama WWI quite terrier./ for Pan Francisco few. advancir.g te 106. Illinals Central was ship Ondetwriter. Roberts, from Liverpool, aryl i vi ult. stock, they r, and as the bears have some days of respite at New Yorkmaterdea. r 4 v at Sierra Leo I teem quite determined In their u .s i al i ltilm 4 , 2 1 nit: to break seen the very close corner which Berk . f r om L e rnenton.Bpagem. o gim Rio de 1106110 AP 7._ tined in th is stook for tome weeks. The erwerriv.ed at New _k ork e a i'Z'T western stocks were moderately active and enairilgrarinit.lioaselon.9and ra .12, Bounden', hence, - " , ri s el ftYt Rook Island, which sold down te Rdi• Big Nelson. Alsatian, hence, arrived at Newport market for money continues to work with Mth MU great ease for call loans where the seetuitles and oredit of the borrower are unexceptionable. We quote the prevailing rates as 6 and 6 per cent Pkiludelphiß Stock Eir.hAince May IM, H.E.OIITED ET g. BLI.ThILAKIR. Merrus.t,' I::xchance. PIRPT BOA Ell) BAR Penne R lit tag - 984. 700 City 66 _New 9954 6 lien k Coe's at R. 103 E 2007 994 Mmeeili —..— . 0 4%.2100 .....New 993 e 68 do —. 990 d0....._. 993 4 773 Parma - 1000 Long 78 79 6 Cam & Am R 108 RN* Cite 6e—..New 9914 600 .... —63 'B3 76 610 —Now 9934 6 Penna. Ael do-- --New 99%116 0 Cm) 68 R . 400 do—. —..New 99310 100 Race & Fine et k. 4341 BETWIIE Pi BOARDS MOO Penne. R lat 119 100 Pendioz Rte., IVg lON Penna It_ _ 7 IWO Lehigh VAI finatiM 86 aECOND BOA RD 2 Cam & Auk 1871.7,, ae! slaw men R Pld.. 5 2 do —.._ 1.23 C 4 Penns 87 8 du SO Klee & V in e , R 4 I do iflo3 IF 61 TO -b5 78%1 10'.‘0 do . egi - '783 ?a 2000 Lehigh galley 1221 & Mina 38 MOO (10 " 7 ,ii rar d Bk. „. ...... =PO Si 1•1 do ..... ON 2 00/ du 8 S E/4 AFT - SR BOARD. 78X13000 Penna, AR 78,1" 4000 renna a 5........ CLOSING PRI Bid. Asked Philadelphia ft— 98!..4" 33 Phil& fir gBY; 90 Phila. dr ...new.. SD WI Penn& --_ 78!' ' Read R 113.14 18,7 6 Read bds '70... 78.14 79 Read mt 04'80 'di Road mt Gs 67.1 - GEN Perna R ex•div. 3/ 97;i Penns R 2d enter 83 .911.% Morrie Can ann. 33 41 Moms Gan Pli! Aar ES--BTEADY. iid. Asind. Long; islanil 831. P2ki Leh __49 Leh CI k ri ai North Parma R 7 N Pa R 6s..intoil 87 60 N Penn& ft ICks...ift 58 Catawmas R. eon-- , • caucwwisa R prey Frank & tiontkii alitan-at SN kaaa&Vine-at it. 43 West Nina et -._.60 87 Spruaa & kme r 6 S (hewn & ewe.' _likki 10: Cheat & Walet. Zfl Suit N 67 C 4 Sett Nay Nt0014..., -, 7 Sob Nao 1214 .ESPiI TS Te —46 64 Philadelphia Markets. The Flour market is firm but quiet, at 6 3 .5 04562 X for standard and good straight superSise There LI Very little demand for einem and the only sale reported bbls good Western extra at 35873 i W bbl. Small sales are making in foes to the trade at 495.505t6.611hi for superfine; $676e6 for extras 86 2566.76f0r family ; and 870126 for lanai brands according to quality. Rte Flour continues dull. with small axles at 83.60 4P' bbl. Corn Meal is scarce, and Pennsylvania Is firmly held at eta% W' bbt. Witag.T.—The market is poorly . supplied. and the de mand te good at lully former rates About 4 000 Mistrals have been taxon et 13601400 for fair to prime Penn'a and Southern reds mature and from 1452,165 e for white, Rye IS in baiter ii -mend. and about 1200 bushels Peun gylvauta goal at bile in store. Corn continuint dull; the receipts are light, and about i OM/ baguets new ymlow sold at glo ail at. and 60e in more, inimidtng a lot of datrigged at 690- Oats are not inquired tot, anti odered at 32 33a for Delaware and Penney le lisax.--(brasearon is steady but quiet at 62660 for let tie I. A sale of ble 2 was wade eta en 50 Rcli , ton COTTOX, — The Mallet le quiet but very firm, and little or nothing doing in the way of ea ea. GB L clams are atm quiet, and primes about the SSW. YBOVlSlOhis.—Pnees are nominally unchanged, and . the Noes tinited. WersKy condom dull at 16e1To for bhls,l6go for drudge. and lTe for hhde. Markets by Telegraph. CUICINNATI. May 22.---FI mr is n changed. and the demand miderate at 84.2 s 4 bbl. Whisk. Bello at 123 c0 Priimaioni are nondbal. Ther* is no fang di to .n New 2or k ?nonagon and the market is weed. at XTY cent. premium. lientaoky money is at nois 31, cent disc tint Nave OntaAmi. May s2—Cotton--Sales to. day of SOO hales at 143461134 denim tor middling& There is tithing doing in nuoar a..d inoiasees. flour is held -t 48. tom 602i71i cents. Ides- Perk $34. 'WM ke 24 cents. CITY ITEMS, TES PATRIOTISAT Or ono LADIES. One of the most pleasing features in the grand reaur reetiol2 of the latent patriotism of the Itorth,hoehave n the universal interest nisuirested in behalf of as soldiers by the ladle.. In this city the ladies in our va rious churches have been espeoially active in this labor of love, and, if no other good vete likely to read from our present national troubles, this development of the Obrzehan sympathy would alone to tar towards ooropeniatial Ufa trials atteed hi them. By maiden we veste►day dropped in at the lecture room of the Rev. E. W. Rutter's Church. rat. Met thew's, Lutheran. New street, below Fourtb,) Where we found a large number of ladies of the congregation bum], engaged at work for the moldier,. Upon inquiry. we legrned from Mrs. Rutter (who superintends the worm referred to. and has displayed no small amount of seal and adm nimtrattye ab.hty to the plan of opera ttnnp adopted) that theme ladiei had been meeting daily during toe last four weeks for the purpree of making up garments, and other neuebaary articles, for the dif ferent companies of volunteers that hare left or are about leaving the intr. Among the companies which halm, in a greater or less deg , ee, shared the intim of these Labors are one of General Cadwaladet's compa rues, Captain Kohler ; Independent Rangers Captain Bringhurst Monroe Guards. Captain GoCidfeliour Captain Young's company ; Captain Cando company . ; Captain Rankine company ; Pennelvanla Rifles. Cap tabs Oltmeyre ; Frankford Guards, Company B, and Captain kblor's company. In addition to the above, the ladies have since pre- Dived and f•rwardsd a box to the Pennsylvania troops at 'Washington, containing nearly sin hundred neces- wary articles of comfort not ordinarily &numerated in a soldier's allowance. At the present time they are en gat ed in furnishing the volunteers in Captain Adams' company with shirts. handkerchiefs, et cetera. in addi- Len to which they are also preparing a hospital for Colonel flmall's regiment, of which Captain Adams' company is n part. A large number of pillows and other lisdding, with lint, bandages. et cetera- are 'already completed. lhey are made of the beet materials , and me admirably constructed for service. As the efforts of these ladies are wholly devoted to providing such articles as the Government does not furnish, for the comfort of the - volunteers, their kindness is the more appreciable. We understand that the men havewarm lyeapreseed their g atitude for this interest manifested in their behalf Captain Adam is an estimable man and a good officer, and hie command embraces a fine lo.iking body of men. On last en'day morning they attet dad Divine mein at this church, and heard an able and highly appropriate discourse from the pastor, Rev, ts. W. Butter. It LL TO LAT. The arlruirers of this healthful and maw, be 'pleased to learn that a trer.d match will he played ' to-day iTiAireday I on tke grenade of the Athletic an' Olympic Clubs at Cameo's Wo tie. between some Of. the bset players in the city. The force wilt .assist of eighteen. 'sehscred from the Olympia. Athletic. and Mercantile Dubs, and from the high standing of these clubs. numbering as they (RI sever al of the "creek Players" in this country, the gamete likely to be worth Intnettaing. Two games wil l he played in the enures or the day—one at /1 this Mialafff...:, rimilhe other at 3 this tiftaraue=: Cti former occasions thesa games have been graced with a large attendanoe of ladles, and should the weat-er prove auspicious the grounds to day, es peoially this afternoon. will form no exception In this respect. To those who admire athletic field sgerc.isei, and watching the progress of an interesting game, the ground here named will to-day prove more than usu ally interesting. AFORAOTIONS FOR SRO Issue —ln our miser , tieing columns to-day will be found the new announce ment of Messrs Cooper & Canard, southeast corner of Ninth and Market streets. This homes has been long and favorably known as a first-class store far lad es to repair to in order to obtain everything they need in the way of Dry Goods and Mantillas Their present offer, therefore.to sell their large and ecall assorted stook of Bummer Dress Goods at et atty reduced prises, is sure to attract attention. In fact,vesterday their store was thronged from morning till night, and we doubt if better `• bargains" have been procured anywhere. even in this ext.:ma-dinar" seas n, than can meow be °blamed at their counters in their various de sartments. In ad dition to their splendid stook of dress fabrics. they also offer. at sorrespondingly low prices. a first-rate stock of Linen Goode, Cassimeres. Mantles. Coats, ko. From the catalogue of prices named in the advertisement our readers can form some idea of the reductions made. This stook unquestione.bly offers decided inducements to Purotivens. 81110CLAIt FACTS.—Not two burden beings were ever exactly alike, either in body or mind. In other words. Nature has been mated in making men for 'IX thousand years without ever making one that she thought it worth while to repeat. It is a'se a feet 'worthy of mention that no establishment in the oity ran mat ufa mere Clothing like that procured at the Fashionable Emporium of Granville Stokes. 609 Chest rut street. Every purchaser as, presented 'with a Glft of valise and beauty. TU OBIGISIAL ONARTAn ol• ISI42IBIPLVANIA. The original charter of the liberties of Pennsylvania. bearing the signature and sea of William Penn. was exhibited at the Society of Antiquaries, in London, at the last meeting. It bore r ate e aril 25t11, 2682. /A One corner of it was writlen, in fresh ink and a 11;1013e171 hand i "Bay all jelly fitments at the Brown Stone Clothing Ball of Rockhill & Wilson, Nos. 603 and ISM Chestnut street, above Sixth, Fhilsoelphia." Buowit's Bttoncaraz, Thomas cure Cough. Cold, Hoarseness. Mumma, any Irritation or Soreness of the Throat, relieve tee Hacking Cough in Coneunim twit, Bronchitis, Asthma and Cativrb. clear and give strength to the voice of rubl o epesiera and Singers. Few are aware of the Importance of checking a Couch or" Slight Cold " in its firststage ; that which in the be ginning would yield to a mild remedy, if neglected, a.'"`Th attacks the lungs. " Brown's Bronchial Troches" are a most valuable article. martially eo at this seas n of the year. when Coughs, Colds, Bronchitis, Influenza, Hoarseness, and Sore throats are so nreva - ent. The Troches give sure and almost immediate relief. Sold by ail Druggists in the United States, at 245 cents per box. mite loather MARINE INTELLIGENCE. Rae Brig Sprite Price, from Rio de Janeiro Aaron 19. below Na', '/ork yesterday. Brig 18 A Forrest. Congdon. oleared at New York Yet te May for Rio de Janeiro. Rohr R 8 Dean. Cook, sailed from Dighton Slat be* ibt Philadelphia. achr Frank Luoila, Taylor, hence, arrived at Fall Ri ver is It inag Bohm o J Scott. Steelman, Mary Ann Magee. Magee, Issosiiikt Thompson. Corson, Mary U Banks. (Make. %L 21 Freeman, AI iekerson. Oen I, Green. Green. J Dad walader, Clayton. and t 1: &nisei'. Grate. hones, ar nyed Boeton stet start. 4 4 1 1 . 11 121a R ry obe A rt ei) :° To ra p ° sgir W O Raven. Rebecca ICnight scoph , a I;ndfres. G &natal. m0.1440.7.3e.,,vi.T Alert.o„-Budnwraarld. and I,olliB} Gray, cleared at Boston 2lst Mt. for Phi ladelphia. Soar Pars, Cattiest t. (deemed at New York yesterday for PAM Bohr () R Lee. Loper, cleared at New York yesterday for Pio lade!phia. sto.onere Stare. Nl4Lole. and I Barden, Loper. hence at Near vork resterdaY• Rehr Ike Marge', Stone. from Roston for Philadel phia, was fallen in with 19th inst. on ti. e. by New York Om, boat Fannie. The captain and crew were taken off by sear WM:on, from ((anger for Philadelphia. which was dose by, saying the materials from the wreak. The lld had'a g e ne al of n balee cotton. 10 mow g waishises and a general asso rt ment of indee ARRIVALS AT THE PRINCIPAL HOTEL'S, 0GN11..N133.3TAL N(tTKE—Nintli and Chestnut. Thos T Ilrandr. Ohio R A Morsel!, H B R R John Biggar. Beitimore John Biggar. Jr N V J Duncan. Brooklyn Geo reins. New York Tilos smith, Boston 3) V Ahl. F w wirkiss. VI Del W C Nina! wood. Jr, Writ I 3 VSr flurtt, Columbus f' Tufner. Cleveland J N c ravaTt. Halms. N F it Archer Salem Rev E T Willisma.Ga bliss Mary Gibbs '3a 1.14. as Burroughs. (3a Rev J L Wilson D D, N Y Mine Li idly. New York G A Perdioarts, fa .1 3 A Clarke & la. New York L Gilbert & le. llorrisburk Wm Mason, Newport Miss S Wagner. Manton Mrs Tuns H. Leary, Easton John 0 Wagner, ERVOn G.P ltrsnoman Entionster W G Case. Columbia ki J Dorm North Carolina tiV. at Coleman. Nit J altlr. ay. Pennsylvania 111 , as Jackson, Jersey City ASI Jeuliaun i , Jersey City A Finch. !row York w 13 aims. 833111110T6 11 C tongneekor Perms I 1f J lichen. New York 'rte. Didion. New York 3 . W Green. New Vaolc W tiresn. New ork w D Cretins. litiston E Murdon 11 Rulbsrt, New York 8 A Prides. de la. Penns John H Pries. Patina A 11 GHogot, Bolton elder' Boston Mrs ) tutor, Boson Miss odor, Boston Meeter Norton Dun or:Pestling Sllsruil on, Penns Alex Small Y rk. Penne Ale* Prey. Vo.k.Penna ft Rine. rt Pun! W Crooks. St Paul Manley. itliseouri 11 .l)1 Crussan• henna W L Cugssell New York 1 4 vir lirinnetl, New York W Woionson. Wasningtos C Arbuckle_ p i itsus t it A M sandal% Conn .1 13 Francis &w. Mors G Otliorue. Boston i. odp,ssys t on, New ark D Von Keller. New 'V Ink W Vernon. Jr. New York W Jones New York 1) Hinman. W - heeler J Bail Penne Coll) of Talmage. Alti W 8 0 Moor, :Maine 8 1, armpit I) Phelps N [Aster Geo B Beal, Br.stou. J W Clans Poston I. M cote, Raltimore Jeo Ontealt, !sew Jei sty Goon Pearson. Lowell " Davie., New ork J Haldeman, Penns John Jones, Washing ton 13 A Ninon& Rending Af B Brdir, York, Pa it B Ks oilman Columbia W I" Forrest, Ciseinnati John Gi l roy, Nom York D Oliphant, New Yore F I,aPter. London. Jae M Mills. New York C B Petrie. uitelogsn E A Cutler, P ovidene 4, 11 l Chu Yangbau. Fray, It I rhea F Persulen.New York P A Doris. Prov. It 1 Mrs El M Dov.e. Pron. It 1 D P Forrest. New York J Maurrin Troy. N Y A Mc Ras. New York C Robinson, New York J L Dathaway. New York M's ' ork. New York W H Cranstme. Newport 43 v Pomeroy. New York EP R. as. Au. urn. N Y C üburn, Y Lowrance & wt. N V Miss 1 floVtreTtOtk '1041" Yorir W G V,* M Howard. lisrtfod, Conn 0 13ollos. 'Hartford Cmin F !ovine, Bedford 19 W Hold' Da , t -n. 0 n Van V inst. Ivew Jer.sey AW W old ron. N Jersey .1 al Miller. WIPONIBiII J Prior. hew Jersey J Smith. P.etr Serge" Mrs F. S Hill, New York FJ-Illawter, i New ork W C Noyes, New York H I. POW . Oho II fiammitt, Fauna T MAgZ. INPW Yonc W r ee & Pew York Mai Hagner, L i 3 A T T W Gladding. N nay 22—Eveuint AMERICAN HOTEL—Chestnut street, above Fifth' Ma - lvain. Ferns M G I andis, Pew JerseY W A Arr-ith, C•1341r417.101 J nerrAl- kAueinnati D B JohnstOr , New York Jas B Kennedy. Lane no en Tar !or. Row York Mrs R 11...fferiter, Pel Missß Is 11 11, Del J Hoffeoker & la. Del Wm W Tsobudi, Del Geo = Kay. Delaware Itt.bt N Coombs. J hog B ORA. New York J G Dempsey. Now York LI A K Heaton Chester en J S Futhev. West Chester B Lawson, p.nrigyivania Rev B Kellog a g. New York It ti Thomvann. Phile4a D J Perkins. Brookaide Chas Dario kson, belaware W Eters. Newp.rt. It. I W M Weinman. Lebanon 3 A Smut'. Harrisburg F Pricker. Reading J B Champion. Phi a C T Slimmer. Tamaqua H Bell. Jr. Carolina B F Morris. New York 5 F Beading C A Knoderer. Reading W D moors. Pine rare B J Frey, Tamaqua G W strioslan_ ,d N Y M Au t aburf. New York A Plliott. Jr, Wank, D C R. M Datlt. Penns, .1 V Cunmosham, dd. J B zz.bilson. &unworn Copt W C G. Leber. York Dr Geo 1 Foster York Pa T A Rowley. York. Pa It 0 Swift. New York L Johnson, New York H Atwoter. New Jersey L B Atwater. New Jersey F Ammonia, Plots - - MERCHANTS' HOW 6t.—rourtls strait. baloW Ara'. Wm 11 Devoe, Pitriburg T Lee, Faaton W J.Terry. Wo dhury Hon J ebinael, Lehigh ao J R C,awford. Ho ld dayehg Joe Oyetrt. Penne J Robin of pens. A J Colborn, seraerset, limo it Kimmel. &menet Win H looms, Somerset Joe T cope omit York 1: z't Meyers Yorx, pa r Rau.. York. Penne. 14 Underwood. York, Pa A C abioh. +level rd. 0 Chas Teta, Phila R Hartshorn , 'Harrisburg Ml‘ Jones,.Pittsburg Jae Galbrata. Jr. Pittsburg Juo C Larwill, Ohio J Linsarelt. Hollidaysburg Ltoroggs, Baoyrue. Ohio A TO Leland Mate E P Alteozie, Pa Jae Healy. Perina Baud E Babeeet,Pideburg Id Hanover, Pittsburg 19 Ford, et Lima r.. 7. LOUIS rarrEL—Vheavaut street, above Tia A M Wills, New JOMY It S Jennings. Conn Jes Watson. ratersoh. NJ Mrs 8 Geddes Lewisburg vs' T Nisooherson, Phil* J Dieterned, New York Miss Viwer. Reading K II Caterbridee Bermuda F Bake-. New York d. Now Jersey /dm 'Sandford, new Jersey D H arper , New York THE` ONION—AAA *treat, above Third. Geo i 3 Evans. Delaware Wm B Potter, N JerseY John Leaman. Penns Leonard Duos, 'Maryland nay, Illiams E 13 Astdm etlinton Co J B Bowen, New Jersey A .1 Grants , J 8 Stone. Ohio C L Rah. malta Ohio Ft 8 Overholt, PORZitt N S Byrom. indtonapolts 3 W Brod & Is.. Danvile Dr Jlt Thomas. Bawler D Coughlin & la. Nw Jersey mina larszke ijour hlimvannie Coughlin, N J James Renton, Ohio nr Somerri to & la, N Y B New.on & la, N York F Bonham, Phildnehrus Mrs Drove, Pennsylvania Mt%.TATF.S UNlON—Market street. above Sixth. M. Clerper Columbia M. L Tenpin, Iti Jersey ET Maier New le. set J R Ludwig & WI . , re, E M %mason, l bile John Die rick I B Voesnitz. Ohio B Rims, Perryv ille ti l M Kulp, Pennsylvania L Ku - p, Pennsylvania (+serge am' th. Latrobe, Pa CF 8m th,Latr be, Pa W :anat. Washinstou B Troup. washm- ton R Walters. hew Yolk L D'l 4 wartz. 1,014082 Or et A ltothafiele, Lane Dr John Millar, bane JD Living's, on. Leta at Maratha, Delaware E W Betts, Delaware E Pestle, Lan° 430. Pa John Duce, Lena mi. Pa . ',I J Lane, W. ightsville 1 i Iheacaa.„ Bens co .1 Rump l e & la, Commbia Chem F Smith, Latrobe P Debora, Johnstown -a. se. is crotch. P . ittsbruv. M Whitson Ciartstiana 8 whinion. Chemtionas - r SII Baer. Chester a U hituajlienratiald Pa g Mut' A. liliasnebnre '3 Yalta Laird, Gretneb . urg ' " NATIONAL HOTEL—Rsee street. above 71nrs. .c., 1 6 8 0 7, b 4 .1 _ L n _d is p , o o n d r . 1311 r i ti tenna G Paramet % at""" r 7, Th .. ,:rarStriarkr . 8 4" 7 " • • a t, siva, ottr. .e. as - moor. r ny i s t s . town . r oki C u w oh i.e l e a n dma x - , eg a.7 ehomo Patty. Thou Wren. rottsvdie 4 . R:t i e - m k t Elkton, Ad F Parvin. Jr. Elkton, fad J J t , J Fisher, MoiltemaerY 00 fte:WERE HOUSE--Third street. shove Itsee. G Welker. Lebanon en, Fa, H Btu:nix!, Penne, D berrith, Allentown JEI Moat - yr. et ',dine H thnoWey, Wometedorf Centehell,Btairevlft. Time Oneemban, Plula P Oliphant. Phda BARLEY 81-rEAF ROTEL—siersond st., bet. Vine. B GlDiognuan. Bunks out N wrehs , Btrondebneg G Brown. Bunke °Panty d McNair, Cinfea My* A McNai. Clinton J Burton. bu oonuty VP Plank. Detoklnehmu Gr 8 !McKee. Wilm. Del Pattreou, ew Jersey ALatrerey. fleet e. Del Cronsdale.Onolis runty J u,ker. Tiorritoown J R Moon. Beaks county R 0 CAse. New ROWS J m MuNair. mew Repo 0 Toebett Jr, la, Penn* ?AM Pearmon, Delaware C7lantB.Ro l AL H0T.E.1,--eixth et.. above Chestnut. .1 Osmond, Fak ler. Pa .3 V, Yohn, Pottatown. I Gl'liner. W rh.ster .1' W- Carey. Pi ornaville W 3 Harris, Penne. 31H Anders n. Cn-ater no ra-B*.rjan. Pbaladelohia I 14anett. Rockland, Me W Reinhart, Pe• ua tf .1) Caandler C tirecnel*, Penns M Hammond. Delaware J D ecricina & ta, Cheat cc 1 4 4 Anderson. Cheater no trash Ryon J Way, Laneneter ea D H .43aran, Coatesville, Pa MOUNT VERNON HOTEL—Second et, shove Arch F vldred, Milford M F Vszt Kirk. Parma Or R. Wilsey, White Haven J lor, New Jersee J Rqpieraton. Peon% Mr CAlins, New Orleans Baldwin & la, Stroudsburg BLACK BEAR—Third sweet. anove CslloWhill. Chas Ratner, Jenkintown B Selie. Lynnville obn Reier, t lament St "bald. Mt Pleasant F Ensithitrt: Mr. Pioneer t Tl N B•ohlel, Beontelmville Eh tientit I. Beohteleville David Bear. P Mika Minot, Pa F Gruber, MPear-ant BALD EAGLE HOTEL—Thud et., below Callowhill t.ieut Lar Groyne Phila B R Snyder. Lehighton Fr. Katifraten. Allentown Harrel Rtarrott, Masareth a Huth, it azt.re*h Tara flerretroner, TREASVVY Der , sicrXEltr, May 11. 1861. BEALBD PROPOSALS will be received at this De vestment until twelve o'clock noon of Tuesday, Me twenty-unit day of May now current. for the remain der of stook of the United pates, to be issued under the act of Congress approved Bth of February last, amounting to eight millions nine hundred and ninety four thousard dollars. Tits et. ok will bear interest at the rate of six ver cent. per annum, payable semi-an nually on the first days of January and July, in Gael year, aid will be retail:nimble in twenty years from the first day of January last. The proposals meat state the sum offered for euh hundred dollars of stook, and must he for one or more tsar...ands of dollars. without fractious. One per cent. of tie amount offered must be deposited with the Trea surer of the United Buttes at Washington, or with an assistant treasurer at Boston. Philadelphia, or New York, subject to the order of the Secretary of the Trea sury ; and the certificate showing such deposit MUM 11430•1111ATI the offer. The act reserve, to the Secre tary the rirht to decline bids not regarded as advan tageous to the United States. The amounts payable under the accepted offers for this loan must be deposited with the Treasurer of the United States or an assistant treasurer at Boston, New York, or Philadelphia. on or before the twenty fifth day of May. now current; but if any accepted bidder shall desire to deposit at any other points. his request will be considered. On the receipt here of the proper certificate' show ing snob des...at. certificates of inscribed stock will be lined to the euccessfel bidders, or their assignees, for the amounts to which they may , be entitled. in sums of one thousand. five thousand, and ten thousand dot are each. as may be requited Inscribed stook. so bl ithe.. will carry irtsrest from the date of such deposit. and will be transferable on the books of the Treason. agreeably to the regulations of the Department. Shouldany accepted b.dder desire caroficates of stook with coupons of semi-annual interest attached thereto. they will be issued accordingly. in sums of one thou sand dollars each, with coupons attached for interest from the first day of July next. Bitch coupon stook, instead of be ns transferable on the boots of the Trea sury may le °feigned 3114 transferred by deiivery. The interest en such crayon stock from the date of the dept site therefor to the first of July nest, will he paid on that day to the accepted bidder. or his assignee or attorney. by the depository with 'whom the , prinetea was deposited. The proprasle under this notice shined be endorsed ou the envelopes " Proposal!! for Loan of 8111 February. lest," and addressed to the Secretary of the Treasury ; or the money be put under cover to the assistant trea surer at New York, who will forward them to this De- Partment. The) SIP uld be aent in season to be opened and decided at the time above stated. The p trim 'nary deposit of one per cent. required from all bidders will be included in the deal deposit of successful bidders: and wilt be directed to be iMIIIB - bttbrittll to unsuccessful bidders. B. P. CEASE, Secretary of the Tressory. 7.1) 12 O'CLOCK LAST 1114117 SPECIAL NOTICES. OFFICIAL. FURTILER. NOTICE. The time for rearming proposals under the foregoing advertisement is extended natal Saturday, the tnrent7- fifth instant. tiny bidder mar PTODOIS in the alterna tive for bonds of the detoription above set forth at ant 'pacified rate, or for an equal amount of Treasuri notes. at any rate not below sta-, such f reentry notes being receivable for public dues or convertible into twenty years' six per cent. bands. or redeemable in two • ears. at the option of the holder if any Lidder prefers to Make a esparate otter for bonds or Treasury riwea tt will be considered. The Wrote considered most advan tageous to the United States will be accepted. All amounts payable . under accepted offers must be depo sited with the Treasurer or an assistant treasurer on or before the firet day of June nest; - or, if srefortrd. One third - mar be deposited on or before the Inn. one; third on or before the teeth. aud... 0 102150 1 1,W0.r ton or t'srort". the . We" THE PR Nom.-- - f' .1 ADELPMA, THURSDAY, MAY 23, 1861. 1 14ileatritt DIYAMYYISISIT, April 29, min, SEALED PROPOSALS will be received at thin De partment iintil le o'clock noon of Thursday. the BOth day of May'next, unless the whole arnonat offered be sooner takes at mt, for thirteen infiltring nine hundred and lieventptetsht thousand dollars of St , ok of the Uni ted States, under the act of Coverers approved Vd Just. 1860. authorizing a Loan and providing for the redemp tion of Treasury Notes. This Stock will bear Wares at the rate of six per oent. per antrum, parable semi annually on the first days of January and Jell In BMW year, and will los reimbursable in ten years from the first day of January last. No offer, by the terms of the act, eau he accepted to less than par, or for any Ira otion of one thousand dol lars ; nor can any offer be conaidered unless one per want. of the amount the:o°f be filet deposited with the 'l'reaau.ar of the United States, or either of the Assist ant Treasut era at Boston. New York, or Philadelphia. . subject to the order of the Secretary of the ..c, eatery The certificate showing arch deposit must ecoompanr the oiler. Offers, under' the .above oonditunia, for the amount' above stated, or any Portion thereof, wid be accepted , add the Romano accepted must be doosited either with the Treasurer of the United States. or some one of the lissietant Treasurers above named, before the fifth day of June next. Or, if preferred, one-filth on or before the fifth day of June ; two- fifths on or before the fif teenth day of June; and the remaining two.fitths on or before the thi Altai day of June next. On the receipt hero of the certificateSof the Moyer officers, showing snob dep'sitr; eartifieates of lit- scribed Moak will be issued to successful bidders. or their assigns. in lams of one thousand or five hundred dollars web, fia May be required, laseribed stook so tamed will carer interest from the dati of such de- Posit, and will be transferable on rthe :books of the Treasury, agreeably to the regulations of the Depart ment. Should any accepted bidder desire certificates of stook with couroni of semi-annual interest attached to each certificate, they wilt be issued accordingly milling of one thousand depart' each , with coupons attached for interest from the rat day of July next. Pooh coupon stock, instead of ins transferable on the books of the Treasury. may be maligned and transferred by the de livery of the certi Mates. The interest on snob coupon stout, front the date of the deposit therefor until the first day of July no*t, will be paid on that day to the accepted bidder, or hie attorney,' by Jite depositary With whom the principal was'depostted. The proposals Limier this notice mist he endorsed on the envelopes " Proposale for Loan of sad June, lelte," and addrcasei to thelSeoretary of the Treasury. Wagh ington, 1) C., or snail preemie. so addressed, may be put under cover to tile Assistant Treasurer. New York. who will forward them to this Department to be opened and decided. It is idesired that each sealed proposal may be Morn pame4 with a note, addressed to the De pertinent. Meting this name of the bidder, and she sum bid for. in order thathe bids may be opened Whenever the whole sum °timid is subsoribeil for. The prelimi nary deposit of one per oentudn reunited from all bidtere wilt he included in Orr final de it of the DOIMIPID. , - S. D:C pos id Milt. nue- wet , Beeretary of the Trimmer:. ' . , OAK ORCHARD ACID SPRING YrA2RI3..— Pamphlets containing the opinions of celebrated Chem ists end rhysicians rtapeatillg the nee of this WATER in the ease of many diseases of the human system. will be supplied gratis bar appheatiou to FRLDERICE BROWN, FLF - rtt an'd OftEeTNUT Streets, orTRED ERICK BROWN. At.. NINTH and CHESTNUT Streets. G&W, LED GET • I'ANYELET. 01411 PhiOa OLOXBING OF TES LA.THST Smas, made in the hest manner, expressly for RE PAIL 8/.I.ES. LOWEST yelling prima marked in Plain noires. All good' made to order warranted satialastory. Oar orss-F arm system is 'Wetly ad hared to. All are thereby treated alike, seta 1" JON & c0..*t04 CH A R WET Streit BATORDLOWE HAM Ull.-3118 celebrated and pedant liair Dye is the- test it tAs world. All others are Mere imitations of i lila great Original. Vidal) has gained sunk extensive patronage in all parts of the ;lobe. The genuine W. A. Batitholor's Liquid Hair Dye instantly produces a splendid blank or natural brown, without staining the akin or injuring the hair. and will ronscly the jI. ;(sett of bad dyes. invigorating the hair for lire. Sold by all Druggists and Perfumer& Wholesale by FAILNESTOCK & CO., DYOIT & CO.. Philadelphia, inht-ti GROVNIL 8A1E88, 7 8 OirimEATau NoiBELEBB WWII% MACHII4I9I Site Best in trim for Family Sawing. 7:36 Philadelphia. n.afr-it CARD PlLlsTilie, sllBl' AND OBBAPBBT IN the cite. et. 34 Bonet THIRD Street, CIRCULAR PRINTING, But and Chesnut in the at 34 'teeth THIRD Street. RILL-HEAD PRINTING, Bern and Chesnut In the ity, at 34 South THLELD Street. PAMPHLET PRINTINGZand every other deeorip. ton of Printing, of the most superior quality, eit the mod reesopstile ratestat RINGWALT .t RROWN'N. 34 *mob tOUISITS dsla-tf FRANKS—BUXTON—On the lath instant, hr the Rev. T. W. Martin Mr. Edwin B. Frants to. Mims Anne M. Buxton. both of Mantua,. • • NICKOLAS—OREM —On the Sth instant. by Rev. A. Culver, % homsa P. Nieholas to Miss Emmo L. Creea both of Philadelphia. " MAR el at OTT.—On the lath instant, by the Bev, Jimmie Perry, -John W Martin. hl. D., to Mrs. bob Q. Non- both of Philadelphia • LECHLER—S..SI6.A WAY —Oa the 14th of Ootober met. by Rev. Win. H. Reese. Mr. Howard J Leehter to Mies rusennah Gallaway, formerly or WibblnEtoßt Delaware. WHA B T u NBY.—On the mottling of the 20th lutilent, Thomas Wharteaby, in the 74 It year of his • Sao The relative, and friends of the family are rarpeot fatly invited to attend the funeral, from till late rent donee.B3i .fronh Eighth street, this (rhurade.y)af er noon 21t1 instant, at 2 o'W:tusk. 'go erliegen - to Laurel full Cemetery KW. B.—On Elondhy. the 20th inst., Heaton Smith. Ee', Secretary of the Penney ivama Firs Insurance Comminy in the Sigh seer of Ms age. His male friends, audition of the family. am invited to attend hie funeral from hie late resident's. Ito.itm Walnut street. this iTharsday) afternoolth at a o'clock. rooprsosea lar Laurel Hill. Da 1, 1*. he 20th instant-River a lingering I it tle Dave eon of David amil Debbie 0.04-Lloote, firth. ilth year of -/13494.1h • _ Funeral trom the realeence till lather. P 10.1307 girard avenue, this (Thursday's! tornooe, ese.ftee,.. 1 , 3 cr ohmic , L,111F15.--On the 23 . 4 inst.. Olivia Frances. eldest 'danchter of the late Henry and Olivia F. Holmes Funeral from the residence of her mother. Deitch street, above hurth new thq - . cglipylkill r . tSl!_(Thar~ - litMlefternnite t. —On this . fie intent, Theodore C. Heyl, age ithrs. his late residence, No. 22 South SIURu .) 111'.-13" ••••viedav monsing, atPo'crock. H. bionic anci daughter Of fit IIDOISIS ton. in the. 39th year of he• age. Funeral trom the residence of her hatband, No. 214 North Tenth street, this' (Fifth-day) afternoon, PP 3 1. 0111101e.-01.1 the 21st instant, Arthur Dobson. in the 10th year of his age. Funeral from his late residence. Twentieth_ street, above Market. this (Thursday ) morning, at to o'elooir.. F Y.—On the 31st instant, John Dory, aged 86 years. Funeral from bus late residence, Owen street, lie tween zwenry-thin: and Twen v f.iirth. below 13yriug Da o s ta o cd—D y.uThu rB2tYt ,1 i a s t l ant. c H ck li , c ons Louisa. suisa. yowl...est daughter of David and Elizabeth Gould,. in the Bth year of her age. Funeral from the residence of her _parents. No. 1012 Federal wreet soave Tenth, tuns (Tunriday) arse:. noon, at 4 o'clock _ T ef U — 'On the 20th instant, in the 25th 7 0 3f of hie age Godfrey Guenther Funeral from his late residence, No ; 110 Jefferson this (Thursday ) afternoon, at 1 o IgNpi tuDs.—+'n the the 20th instant. Lawss daugh ter of Wm P. and Dorothea Ann Jennings, ayes 4 yea s. I months. and 4 days. . Fn -OM! tram the re ,dente of her parents. Pr 0.1303 flutehinson street. above Thompson, Ills (Thellehr aiternoon, at t o'clock si till • 11.—On the 91st instant. Mrs. Amelia, wife of Henry Smith, in the Beth sear of her are. Funeral from the residence of her gut in-law. Thos. . . . _ 'Wood Ja.cksou street. Mount Vernon. Manarunk, tine (Thursda) ) atterooon. at 2 o'clock. - _ strag"H —On the Stet instant, birs.kilizabeth Saudi, in the 78th year of tier age. • Funeral tram the resolenoe of barites-in-law, Jame. Le Faye, No. 441 Worth_ street, below ith,thts (Thurs day afternoon. at 3 o'olpok. MUt I,IN ItAUX —Oa the 2lst inetant.l . °alga. danzt tar of Samuel Pad Mary Ann Mulunesux, aged 3 I ear/ 3 months, and 13 days. _ Funeral from the residenee of her parents, deeteon street, Manayenk- this (Thursday) )aft moon, at 3 otdlk iptLitoK GRENADINE BARRIE 'MAN s-P T LES.— Bleat Grenadine Serege Pointe. . Sleek Beret° Mantle& B aok Puffied Bayne Point:a tilaok garage Shawls. Bilk Borders. Buick Berms +nmb. Crate Borden. fibtoic Bilk Net eb...ode. Bleak Grenadine Shawl.. Bleak ilarege Nhawls 13i.tin Borders. N. la.--Fleepnerde Plaid Poll de nhevree, Only .18K cents. Wide Dark 13”..1 Mohair 1831, tents BP .850 N ic PON, mourning fittre, 91.8 CtiEarNUTOtreeL We 7110TICIL.—ALL PERSONS I 4 VINO claims against the Ilestansiiie, Nittnes, and Fairmount Passenger Railroad Company Wil Present them forthwith to the Sequestm•or. i LEWIS 0, /1144611)T. mstil-Str 012 South SIXTH Street. UNIVERSITY OF PlEtlitYS LVANIA— i IT D k.P &hT In STIT OF ARTS —Ths liaminstion of the Senior Claes for Degrees will be h d dnring the present and ensuing week, beginniag on eaoh day at 4 o'ol et' in thm afternoon TRURSD Aa , Mid by the PrOVOSti ( rOStiaiii Economy and Irternationallaw.) written. I FRIDAY. 24th, by the Provost, Gutter g litalogril oral. MONDAY, 27th. by Professor Coppee, (Sokleteri Dir•torr g_t• late , •stnre ) ',Titian. TUESDAY. 25th. by Professor Alin, (The (141pni Tyianzata of Boxboolon.) oral, w spar &WA y , nth, by rrofirssor Jackson. flltsle4. does from JEfetaoo. inValliti. and Taming. i written. i_ THURSDAY 30th, by Professor Wrnda ll , (Intsril Oalontat )writ ten- —T FR' DAY, Ski, by Professor Frazer, ( Phyzioal4e4l- granny.. oral. r my 22 7t GFORDE A • , Sear: . AT A MEETING OF TEE COMFIT TEE OF Tele: OAR FUND (eine relief Otte families! of . Om volunteers. held this nthth day of far. A. D. RIR on motion of Charles %Whew'. Eeq., thtel lowin lir reeolution was unanimously panted : Beselred. That the Treasurer of the Bar Foal*. and he us hereby, authorized end mistrusted to Maar the rum of two thetwatid dollar. to the Coanceiselelfer the Relief of the Fe milieu of the Valuators of thelty of Philedelpaia in the memos of the Felted Stateehr the Imes of the mad Commietinn_ 0. WI LAWN -DAVIE, Chid DAN. DOUGHERTY, Beerefary. - row. - NOTICE.—OFFICE OF &LEIE PE - 13,5 SY LVANIA_ FARM A COALPARY, S. W. or ner BROAD and VINE, • treete. Farinaert nit hrorine 131 , 1 Me Beate the FORIIIIYI IL 1 wampum, or holdice Dread liigrete Issue it, are requentee to present the exme. hr payment the undereigned. on or before the A.ec der of AUG ' next, on which day the affaire of the Company wipe a oced finady, aeoording be law. re, le the.."' la./WA e D B. FERRIS. Secrets rrSCHUYLKILL AND, SURUSHAN RAILROAD COMPANY.. el •n 'Adjourned Meeting aid Mauston of the fito , holders of the mohnylkill P. rt d Itaaanehinnn Ravi(' loompanr will be held at the CO TI N eINTAL 11 ,, Tb in toe city of Philadelphia. on TUEtDAY, Jane 1964 at 120 clock Kt ,forthe portion of °loosing a Pr olden' and nx Idannors to servo (Or theennwag Teal and 6160 for the coosideration of eurh oiler tomineati . I may properly be biousht before ira , d Jamming. null Pt FRANK 8. tiON.IO, Secretary. ITENTH WARD SOME auARD. A asocial 'nesting of the Beard bo head TAI • (*Thursday EVENNG. May Md. at Rayno's Rail BROAD streetp below Race. toWho oitzene of w.rd 8.70 earnestly requested bean rittondanee.. butane= of important* requires their presasoe. BARGE..a. PreEidest. JAB. N. KERN. Beorttari. lATTENTION, COMPANY !—The CON gouDATtoN GUARD. basins betel neeented br Governor Curtin,. alit be mayoral. into the gate a °roam positively on SA I LIED& i' next. A Row sued MOD can be an in One Coonaliny- Apply mole ArinOrI!_CREST N Ur Street. &nose Filth, In the Fifth story, Wont Boons. fty order of Captain P.s SMITH. N. It —The ,feer city Companies aoeepted from Cot. 'Pa Koreans., s Etekilieht wilt melt at their armortee THIS AP FERNOON. at 2 o'olooa, for Ptraat Parade.l* iiBEADQU'ARTERS COMPANY I), Mall% Otrfelf i A hi Y annotou 0 UARD.—Put tdinsuritta. Me O. Ig6t—We, the umierrugned, offioere of Courfenr 0. Fourth wing/1W Monroe O nar a, ou behalf er the Company. return our 111110Cir0 tAIMIIk4 to the Treeteae of the American Meishanice Bail. corner Fourth and George streets, for their kind nese in rdunteering to the Company the use of the Hall for fpfie. one. have extended every faculty in their Pori. t i aid the Company in the r nimerrahing, we Ad ' e el SlialehOsa tinder lasting ohLgations for the nets Lens. ..- 2 . W. IMMIX. Chit. COMMIT D._ SrN liti-a laeut. *. --,:- • '''''',44-41ttlatenV. OFFWIAL MARRIED. DIED. MILITARY NOTICES. yy THE HOME GUARD Of TDB CITY OP PHILADELPHIA. As many misrepresentations have been made re rardins this force. and as numb mlserineeption may exist relative to the oldest' to be etleatrd by it. and its position io the community, it is deemed proper to est That the /lowa event wee organised in antiorpatton of le.filliatitm valor' under an ordinance Of Orionolle, l • " n il be compered of two, classes of men. Firm. of those above the are of orty five pions who will be a Rommel:it I,mal throe organized into regiment". w hose u f l o it will be. to assOuthle at a elven el :nal. irnme ' A ,.. 6 _ . 1 131 '. in nostrioi e previously Resigned to i!ri several "'sallow e. %I'd to maintain tee nubile order end tram qUility within such derisnated Unlit/, It will have in mama the pearls and 'smutty of toe city in al farms of °nation= and yr mular oommosion , and w.ll be dis tributed throng hoot the ruts Itt pa to silver and protest its meet exposed and threatened 10 'slava. locoed. Of those under forty five years. who will °onagers the m ivabis throe, end who will be empioyed in suppressing any ir doonrrance within the city. and W. I be used in sides in ooninnotion with the troops or tee United Notes or of the unroll. or alone. if none such shall he at hand in protecting the epproaehee to the city , u any side of it. sob in repelling assaults that Maj' be made thereon front any quarter. "Ins area to be &landed. the population to be pro tected in it- honest and industrial pqrsuits, and the im mense capital es pqred within our oity'e !ludo', will not Justify the organiza•ion or a smaller force than ten thousand men, which the ant of Assembly relating thereto contemplates. This force ei apart of the suilitie of the Commonwealth. The Old Guard. compared of men over forty- fiveyeers of age, are, by the laws of the Slate and the United states. 011 exam?* from the perforMance of any mili tary duty which is not purely voluntary on their part. :rim men of the Young Gnard, under forty-fiveyears of ale, are, like all ether citizens, liable to be drawn Into th e military service Of the Attie or Government, unaer the militia law, whether they belong to the Home Guard or not. Their obligations to Serve the country PTO unaltered by becoming member]; of the Home Guard: tarne 110 Me Guard. being ounetituted a part of the oti htia of the Commonwealth for the special" defence of the City of Phi aslelph a t and the protootion of life and , property theism ' thouus it. or any root of it. may be aubleot to the requimbon of the "tate or General Government for service at any time," yet it is not sub- I.ot. by either of those Goverrosente, to p.rfore. tarpduty at any other place whiob 'hal not have for its eldest the &femme o the City of Philadelphia. It exoTualvely a lima! force; ard, though it my be ussd by the benerel or Ct•te Government ID DODDAZIO tIOLI %Doh, or apart tram. the r troops for the defames of Philadelphia, yet it cannot be en•ployed by them, or ei her of them. elsewhere. wi bout the previously ob. Mined consent of the members of the Home ol l.l6Td themse,ves. A .1 Pio..AsoliroN, Commander of Home euerd, Ph ladelPhia, MAY AMR. n*23 HARRIt,..ON cIJA4D, Company F. Colonel Ditateires reritowit. Members or whin teeralPlethis to be mustered with this oom_panir. THIS DAY. will apply At 446 North SECOND &reet before 10 o'olook. It lUNITED STATES MARINE CORPS. —wA %MED. 500 able-bodied men, between the age, of 31 and 315 years. not lege than five feet four and a half bushes high. and of good character. Soldiers serving in this corps perform duty at navy yard, and on board United States shine. of-war on foreign ;stations. 411 other information irtneh may be desired will be given at the Rendezvous, lie. all eolith FILOINT Street. First Lieutenant W. STOKES .130 v D. Recruiting Officer. IVO BUILDER AND CONTRACTORS. L Woad burnt Lime, cement. Calcined Plaute_r Plerariug. Bair and White Sand, for sale at leitalt and rto TI.S Streets. utyM-let H. Mc1rt74.134. '4)ON ENVELt PES AT MAGEE'S.— UNTolw ENVELOPFOI3 at al6 OREISTNIJIt st. UNION ENVKLIJIPER at 11141013F.'*. I.IIOIoN PAPIeR at 316 CH t 8 !MUT Bt. UNION , HAtfogg at NIAriEWS Manufactured and for eale wholeaVe and retail, at M MIKES etationery Store, 316 CHESTNUT Street, a bove _ Tinra, Corner of Hudson a reef. Corner of Hudson street. RETAIL DRY GOODS. 10 T_TMM. 77 "R DRESS GOODS REDUCED. Former pries*. 3OM 733. HARBORS.— 12i to 2 ss to No 2'lt3A BO SES., .. 62 bt) tO .11/ 500 110 99 to 4310 00 ELK. Wool OE LAMES 38 to 430 800 B t,ll. ft REO tit 5...... 29 to 31 25 to 38 ELT. TAMA EVA . 25 38 ELK. CEA PE 119ERETZ 25 51 MAL 12% 18% GRAY GOODS AND MOHAIRS AT PANIC PRICES, 'rhe above, with twiny other Goods, will be sold witeouT REGARD TO COST: FRENCH LACE POINTES, MANTLES. AT 'FIRST COST AND LESS. LINEN GOODS, Of every desortption, as LOW as the LOWEST. CASS/MEI : MS* A fine Rites*. SO per cent- under prima MAN TT :F.S, COATS, &c. FRKSI( STOCK AT LOWEST PRICES. COOPER & CONARD. S. E. corner NINTIL and MARKET Streets. 3122. 23. 23.27-44 IMMENSE WHOLESALE STOCK SILKS ! SILKS ! SILKS I SILKS ! AD exv AUND AND AND FANCY DRY GOODS, FANCY DRY . GOODS; FANCY DRY GOODS, FANCY DRY GOODS, FOR 114 . N —rois adLS FOB SALE FOE SALE AT REI - Arir_. AT RETAIL. AT RETAIL. M. L. HALLOWELL & 333 MARKET and 27 North FOURTH tweets, M. L. HALLOWELL Re Co., 333 MARKET and 27 North FOURTH Streets, M. L. HALLOWELL & Co., 333 MARKET and 27 North FOURTH Streets, M. L. HALLOWELL & Co., 333 MARKET and 27 girth FOURTH Streets, ARE NOW OFFERING RETAIL, FOR CASH, Their entire Stook of $ ILK S AND °TEM FANCY DRESS FABRICS. "SUITABLE - FOR B.PRIN AND BUMMER WEAR. As it 1s their intention to atom out these Goods as Weedily as possible, they will be offered at MUCH BELOW THE ORDISEULY WHOLESALE RATES. They Will, at the tame time, offer at RETAIL their latonoive Stook of 4RAWLS, SILK AND LACE MANTILLAS, EMBROIDERIES, &a., And will son by the Stngle . Piece WHITE G.O 0 D Of ALL DESCRIPTLONB. isolates LINENS. /Or Tnnmo, INVARIABLY CABR. on DELIVERY 1nT21.6t QUEPPARD, VAN HARLINGEN, & A.E. . _ itlBof4. 1008 OITESTNITT ST., Invite the attention of vareiussers to their unusually large and well-eeleoted stook of LINEN AND HOUSE-FURNISHING DRY GOODS, OtltTilikiS Al¢ D CURTAIN MATERIALS, ROSIBRY, EMBROIDERIES, CAMBRIC. lIANDWICLI/Ell3, ETC., ETC., which, having MO impritted under the old band, tan be sold much below the present market rate. They beg leave also to inform their customers and the TWA YillaalTs. t ftom mg l i a hr 111 fitteg'N mid for ea delivery. mlll-1m BLACK SILK COATS. OORED MANTLE& POPLIN DUSTER& PRENOR DACQOEIL BILK DAM/DINE& NEWEST DESIGNS. READY MADE, OR MADE TO ORDER. COOPER & CONARD, ul7ll-r2d g. E. earner NINTH and MARKET, CONTINUATION OF 'DIE GREAT SALE CLOAKS, LACES, TRIMMINGS, &a., litutidation of the Estate of J. W. PROCTOR &. Co.. N 0.1919 CHESTNUT ff/RELET• • l fihe Stock coniioto of BRING CLOags, I SNGLIBIL TED cLomrs. • BILK CLOARL AND BACQITES, SILK IVIANT.h.T.IO,, MANTILL/A ItiOIFLOUNOINCRI, - iftENOH LA me MANTILLAS, FSENCR L • S POINTS, FRENCH FRENCH CE nnrriz l rcm a, TRAVEL • G LAVES, ex* , • 411114P* 441 tri!riatt•- a Wit • dco. bilika=lia nay, . - LADIES ! DO NOT FORGET LADI S I DO NOT FORGET LADIES ! DO NOT FORGET LADIES! DO' NOT FORGET That the • IMMENSit WHOLE3ALE STOCK OF PRICE. FERRIS. & CO. in still offered for wee No. 807 CHESTNUT ST., FROM 28 to 60 FEE .. CENT..HE . t . .9W THE UEVAL • DO NOT FORGET. That you ean buy JiCONETS, CAM BRIO% MULL& SWISSES, NAN zOOKS, BR nadascrEat, and all other desenptiona of W HITZ Goon!, at the above LOW RATES. DO NOT FORGET That you can buy 8 HUETING. PIE. LOW , and pLAIN and Paint ED 4FITRTINIU LINENS, RUCK ABACK TI , WEIAS of all KINDS, ThBLEt DMA ARKS, NAP Kur.. every kind of IId.rtDISKROJIIEFIS, sod all other deseriptions of LI t'EN GOODd. at the above LOW RATILS. LADIES! REMEMBER TIM YOU can buy all kinds of EMBRDIDERIES and LAIIE GOODS, CO6LA as, eLEIEVEa. vRILS. trtl rya MAG.NIFICENT EMBROIDBREP SKIRTS, QUILII3, he., at 50 CENTS ON THE DOLLAR. MORE ESPECIALLY REMEMBER That the above atatemente are FACTS NOT FICTIONS. And we respectfully solicit all who "wish to receive OCULAR DEMONS'I RATION of the truth ot this sage:bon, to examine our atook. PRICE, FERRIS. && CO., N.8.--NEW ARTICLES. 300 Toposa hear Printed Linen reminles, neat styles, for ladies' and shildren's summer wear. -- 20 places of the New auk+ Nets " emb=oidereo to colors. for I.lndersleaves, and covering bonne s. no 30-0 anal NEW 01.0 AK AND - MANTILLA STORE. No. 29 SOUTH NINTH STREET, FIRST DOOR ABOVE ORFSTNIIT. The finest qualities, the newest designs. the very be. work. and reasonable prizes. MT TIIE LAROEST AND BEST STOCK IN THE CITY. m 7241 2m LACE MANTLES, EOURNOUS, AND PICCOLONINIV.—A large etook, to be oloeed out below the vont of yryporcation. CH uIAMS ADAMS & EON, EIGHTH and ARCH Street,. Rh PRING CLOAKS, IN EVE:KY NEW style. at 117BriV, sear-lm No. 23 B. Muth street. PEING CLOAKS, IN ENDLItSB VA riety. at IVENS , . sprPlm QPHING CLOAKS, THE CHEAPEST 1.. 7 ever IMOD. at N. SS S. Ninth nine!. NEW STYLE ULOAKS, EVERY NEW style, every new material. at arioes that astonish every one. at the large store. N. E. corner of Eighth and Wain** *treats. apgr.lm VITT CLOAK STORE, No. 142 N. Eighth street, above Cherry. are now selling every new style of the season, superb qualities, in every new shade of color, cheaper than any other store in the city. ap27-3m iflLOAKE—Wholesale Merchants are in eked to impact the atook at IVENS', No. 93 South NINTH Street, career of Jayne et.. apV-Im Between MUrSet mud Chestnut. gI3ARPLESS BROTHERS N- 7 Offer the remainder Of the.r Spew Dream goods. And all mlinmer Fancy Goods, At a reduction of 26 to 33 per cent. The eta* ie :lull well assorted. Swinge Robes formerly at eN. now SD. Fancy Silks from,l6l 26 to 76 cents. Foulards. Plain Silks, Slack milks, Organdies, t.awes. Chintney. Silk and Wool Gray Trovelleries. Reduced from 651 to 60 end 63 eta. Poplins and edit Grenadines. CHESTNUT and EIGRTis. streets. SILKS ! SILKS ! SILKS! SILKS ! IMPORTANt NOTICE TO DRY-GOODS CONSUMERS.—Owing to the unsettled state of the country , and the entire disarrangement of the commer. mai world_ Nave determined to close out our stock, and will offer EXTRA. INDUCEMENTS TO PURCEIA6aRS to elreot raped rept. Our goads have all been reduced mush lower than if a DISCOUNT WERE TAKEN' °PELLET:ER. TEE - - DALE Mr MA DE. It embraces a ;variety of Dry Goods suited to the Inuits of Families. and i being purchased principally for cash, rare opportunities are offered 10 Ma ADAM..,,SOMefs. .E.IDPW ear nrcrtruil git.?lllA ! I 3 .-7 On and after tine date IrFfORriLE Ofito Fl will offer EVERY POSSIBLE INDUCEMANI OMR P,OBOBASEIB OF DRY GOODS! Bain determined to reduce Moir Stock they will site Good Bargains Beautiful Fanny Silks for 75 cents, worth 111 Bossy Rich Fancy Silks for el, well Worth 81.15, Grenadine and Bayne Goode, about one halt their Vi iritt Mixed Good,, in every variety, from 8 cents p er yard to 50 cent". BLACK BILKS, RICAB C LUSTROUS, VERY f neat Black Brocade Silks. double faced, eco.. &o. A Da Lames, Calicoes, Caseimeree, Clothe. Vestinsa. Lin Muebrist, Flannels Quilts. Corers, its. &e. AA fk CLOAK-ROLM EXHIBI rim French Law Moncton.. ectiloku.4 Canons Laoo Chant:llla Lao, Goods, eco, Black thla Costs rdrattlea, 8.e.. In every etyle, At THORN LE 1 ° it CHIBM M. E. Comer BIOME & 611.1.1ie GARDEII nr.t-tf • TOIL SALE Oa Skl.E FOS SALE 4.4 I.. .p , ( 2 . l• KA atl2re y 447l T hi. FILENOLI LAWNS Nutt Grounds W bite Polka Elliot& Made Grounds White P olka snots. These are fast quality French. I,3t* & LAN DELL, myte • FOUR's H and ARCH. PCS. FRAN( H BEililriGEl3, for sale this morat^s. nyi oents. Dress Goods marked down. Gray.6oods, marked down. IdOzambinass, marked down to 18% cents: EYRK, & LAND ELL, FOURTH and ARGIL G. 60 D BLAOK SILKS, OF ALL WIDTWR, fear realm ripe Gradee ot BINA BIM& Wide Black I , Mu, for Coate Black stake, warranted d ara Ole. BYO+ & I,IIIiDEL myle F 011.• kV' and ARCH. GENTS ) AND BOYS' WBAIL-LARGE, seleot. and eipecially cheep stook of Men's and Bole' seasonable wear. Enrols' attention devoted to, Clothe, Cseettnereds, Teague, and to goode for Bois US. COOYER & CONARD asal 8. E. oor. MTH and MARKET. BLACK DRESS GOODS -BARCIAINS.- Black Woollletainse, ZS and 38 cants. Black Wool Delatnie. 46 and omits. Black Barmen, IC 25. .nd 31 cents. Black Crape elaretz, 25 oenur.l Bla k Tamartines. Si cants. Back Pilke. Alpacas, Bombazines, Merinos& Black Figured Del:sines, awns. and Chintzes. COurEft & CON ARD, Bryn 8. E. Corner NINIII and 1141611.X.P.1. CLOARS AND MANTILLAS.— OAU TION.—Ladies are cannoned against the nefari ous statements of persons formerly in our employ. and now in the employ of other parties, who represent themselves " to be cooneoted" with ns, and their es tablishment' to be " bramehea of the Pang Mantilla Emporro-,.” Sleek statements On SiMpiy TINTRLTUB! toed to ensnare and cheat the unsuspecting. We have no other store than the one we have mon. pied these six year., at 711 CtiESTPIUT Street. J. W. PROCTOR & CO., Paris. Mantilla emporium. IipIAREGEB.* aleh Ficured Barageii t 1D i'B end 81 canto. 13 vrege RobesEB3 $3BO . it , and $B. Mozamjagne Rough a $B. Travelling Diva Geode. Elheoluirde Plaids, Mohair -Plaids. eingasinv, Lawn,. Pripti. (hay Ftgund Goods COOPER & CORA RD 19. E. Corn.r NINTH and KARAT. N. Be-Belt HOOP litirts.ll4 cents to 25 mvll RA PER CENT. UNDER COST PRIORS.- SAYE TIME AND MONEY. Persons can do both, by going at once and haying their Dry goods of ff. STEEL & SON. No. 713 North TENTH. atone Coates. Who have a ANDd woll-assortod NEW ESINABLR GOODS , Which they are now oloshsg_ost at THIRTY PER CENT UNDER COST. Rich Gnu elm. BiKet isilke. at We. Orem Bargeuns in Good Bleiok Silts. Rich at7/1011 uf Foulard Bilks, from NY: to 152310, worth 81. Arty Goods for TrilireiliPle Drawee. loans Gray Poplins, at 100, worth 13910. NOTII22.—A RABE MANOR 14 - 7 FOR BAR9LiaNB ! THE ENTIRE STOCK To BE CLOSER Osff ! On account of the uniettimtarste of the ommtry. and deuremion in the mereannie line, I am fletertmeed to close out my stook mach below the aol4 of noporiabon. Orem Inducements will be offered in Dram Billm. Lo., and I would invite those 'robing ury (mode to examine it. One hundred IStiettand Shawl& from St to OH O koLhalf their mane, et tn ii..ollOYEn's ..cee-rf 7410 • arm .e... 1. POLICY HOLDERS And others wishits to obtain the last Annual Lo port of TES MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY Csn do so on svplicetion at this Agency. The Assets of the Company' now exceed ERVEN AND A QUARTER MiLLIOI . OS oa DOLLARS All of which belongs to the Insured. F. RATCHFORD STARR. Agent, 400 WALNUT !Street. THE 89.000,000 1.0 The undersigned win_ Aeen`tr ABB OF Cumins inf o r *no to .1.01%u or ZreastuT o ,,,, g osifor h are opened on the 25th /444" a ',nil and also attend without profitto Oho do te of payment, do. Bidders far RAT amonnts. large or small, will be cheer fully attended to at the oMoes of DfiltlrY l 4 416 CO. JAY COOLS & --- - KW; - OLJULIC tr. 00. RETAIL DRY GOODS• AT RETAIL, ErNkV(P . ; - Ro. SOT CHESTNUT STREET. NEW YOKE, NEW PUBLICATIONS. A NATIONAL HYMN. In obedience to tue request or many oitla►us who bows observed tge tendency to give motto expression to the 'motion which stirs the heart of the nation, the gent emen whore names are undersigned have con sented to not 84 a committee to award a vitae of FIVE lIIIADRED DOLLARS for A NATIONAL HYMN, set to music (either original or selected), upon the fol lowing conditions : 1. The Hymn is to be purely patriotlo, adapted to the whole country—not a wet* tong, or only aPerolnutte to the present moment. 2. it must °epilog of not less than sixteen line■. and is not oi exceed forty, exolutOce of chorus ‘ll. harden, wbion is essential. 4. ft should be of the eimpleet form and the most marked rythm; the word' easy to be retained by the Popular memory. and the melody and harmony suoh ea may be readily .nine cy ordinary voice.. 4 For the word! or Minde (whether the latter be Ori ginal, or celeoted and adapted) from the Name hand, which the committee would prefer. FIVE HUNDRED DOLLARS, or a gold medal of that value, will be awarded For the $7 lone, or for the nuteio alone (if origi nal), TWO HUNDRED AND FIFTY DOLLAIL9, or a gold medal of that value. 5 The committee retain the copyright of both words and mum OM. Byrne to elect the prize ie awa dad and reserve the right of /Orating all contributions, whatever their merit, should none of them be deemed auttable. 6. The pillfitS of the rale of the Hymn are to be devo ted to the Paulette ?end. 7 The ',verde arid muck, utuot he turuhshod U 7 the 20th day of June next, 8. tie the committee may desire to publish a seleo. tion from the manuscripts in a volume, in aid of the Patriotic Fur d. they roman thole writers who are wi Hug that their productions shou d be used for that purpose to sit nify their assent. 9. ludividual applications to members of the com mittee wid be d.erega rded. le. Earth Hymn offered must be distinguished only by motto or o alter. and be twoompanied by sealed envelope, bearing the same motto or oypher, and don taming the w her's name and addreme. All oommuni cations should be addressed to Mantuan B. Field, Erm., Secretary of the National Hymn Committee, New York city. It.. The committee will return no manuscript,. GUIIN C. VRRPLANCR. JOHN A. DIX, CH ARI.EB KING. M. R. ORPariEl L, RemlLsoN FISH, LUTHER BRAD RH, G ORBE WM. CURTIS, RICHD GRAM WHITE, J. J. CISCO. T. R. BRODHEAD. Rk.ORGE T. STRoNG. ARTA UR LFARY, MAUNSELL B. FIELD. my.2l !RUM SOLDIERS , EDITION OF CAPIAIN HEDLEY VICAR% ONLY 20 CUNT& Also. a new edition of a 9OLDII.iVa TAX P-HOOK 5 cents. Per sale by PROTNNWANT zeocopth 1300 K IiOnIRTY. w723-3t* islll4 CIIFIS4NUT eITIEIST. MILITARY GOODS. FIRE -ARMS FOR SALE. 'lls U. S. RIFLES, with berme ts.. vO MINIE MUSKETS, with bayonets. R 5 CADET MUSKETS, with boyeneta. 1.,000 WESTERN RIFLES. 100 Musket barrel 8110 T GUNS. 900 Double-barrel Gum imitable for buckshot. Revolvers. Percussion Cans. Cartridges, Ilullate, &e. FLINT Muskets altered to Permission with despatch, and warranted serviceable. EDWARD K. TRYON & CO., 605 MARKET Street, and. OSO N, SECOND Street my 23 3t* CADET MUSKETS 500 SUPERIOR CADET MUSKETS, of our own make, for Bole low. PHILIP WILSON CO,& 932 CRESTNUV WoREET. BUNTING FOR FLAGS, Of beet quality, in RED, WHITE, AND BLUE For meta, et reduced prices, b WM. H. HORSTMANN & SONS, FIFTH. AND CHERRY STREETS, PHILADA, , ny2t 3t FLAGS—FLAGS—FLAGS. AN INVOICE OF FLACK!, ABSORTE'D SIZES, Just reoeived. and for sale by MARTIN SHARP & Co., No. 322 CHESTNUT STREET. m7Bi•3t latiN THORNLEVS, 311 OEMTNIIT Street, north aide—the oldest establishment in the United States. INDIA-RUBBER GARP BLA.NRETEh For Anny_and havy Evairmantak PAT r..NT NIIBI3Bit CAM P ELAN VITS. KNAPSACKS, K r 4 NAti .- 1. RAERSACKS, Xtt CB , C ANT KENS, _ . A NTS. _ .9..VPImg.". 0 N COVERS. C •P Es - CAM. CO.! TS _ An El every ' , cur( h r time Mani mennfentuyed of India Nabber—ia of the beet material.___ • my3.lm if JOHN THORNIAL COMPRESSED BIILLETS.—United States Mime Mneket and Rifle Belle; also, every de eariptlon of Roland and Conical Outlets manufactured to caler. Large atoeke constantly en band. °Wen! filled Stlnglis br TROM AEI OTIR LEROY tcp" Patent t hot and Lead ou. 2til and 1i163 WATER atreat riEvi YORK. Agll Ini rt tity Tn. WANT RD—Five or six second-hand or new Lathes. to awing Iron ten to eighteen inches. Apply at 109 Norta sEeuND etreet. wyn • arlbOT G HIN WANTED.— LADIES and " 4 - , GENTS having °VW otr Clothing to diarore of owl get e high Mt pane for them of M. U. ANCONA. 620 U htie.t . man 6t WANTED—By an active young man. a SITU tTlON—either our or country. Under atands German- nee been in the dry-goods, &eo gro cery business. Cad giv boot eRr referendum, and a re commendation from present eniploy or. Address for one week **Edwin. , ranitiord r U. ra. mos 2t* ANTED.—A young woman, from • • Nova Roods, would Ike to get a PLACE to fume reetworable faintly- to take care of ohil*ren and e*e and mane herself useful Wages not ao numb au olarot a• a hood!. Puma address "K. 14." York. Pa. np.n. St WANTED—AGENTS to sell PAULA= GEE( of STATIONERY and JEWELRY, at prices one third lea then ean be purchased el.ewhere. caSaddrese stamp swinged) J. L. BAILEY No. 164 UlaißT Street, Boston. Mace. CALL. AT FR.-HMI'S PRILADELPIIIA FP VIE, NINTH and NOBLE. and get a Iwo rior glue 5.* A Ist, Only 4 Gents per gleae. myll.4lt* giIIMPLA.tI E W .aN TIN U YOUNG UU Men, eo.: ere invited to addreu the " Em_plag. ment committee,' at the ROOMS of the You( oxen Chnetien Azesotstion. 1009 /aid CuzeiTIVUT Street. apo-em Afia. WANTED—A VESSEL. of the caps =Mlß caty of fray 1400 to 1;200 barrels to fond for the Weet Indio& Apo to JAUFLETCHE & G&RISTAIRS, own 201 and 204 south FROIIT Bow. BOILEDIN PLEASANT ROOMS TO LET, WITH A. board-kom, and bath, at 833 North ISIXTR street. References egihauged. • It* fItyIJNIRI BOARDING AT A PLEA sant Farm louse. two balm' ride by railroad. Cat late DaY,lrom 10 till 4 - .oolook, at No. 1510 CliBaRY street. it. BOARDING—At 1100 WALNUT Hired. Rooms on ills second floor will' be vacant on the Ist of Jane. Tanas moderate. Also, a Physician's Office. m 1413 61* • fIOARDING• WANTED—By au elderly AA! &_Koteel private family. WW famish bar own room . Southern v. rt of the et preferred. Adams's . * A. B. C.," at thin office, etatmc terms, - Phi* mast he moderate. ' trela-6t* FIOARDERS win be received eta retired -E-a" buteieseentit-ettnated Farm House. inViLE a l- TER COVNTY. but abort diatom. from therlt - road. The dwellint is beautifully eboded.whieb. with large Vegetable end Fruit Gardena. will furnish bc em with evert luxury_ thu country can afford. Ad d • 8. B. 8..7 °Moe of TAs Press. 510g-IL4* CIYMNASIIIM, N. E. corner of NINTH N.-- end ARCH 80011114.-1)31011.3.1011, iu DHILVVIO. wivately Al in nimbi. Aim Lessons In FENCING and GYMNASTIC& minnOt pftiVATE LESSONS IN SMALL AND BROAD Emma), s, well as BAYONRI.givou by my. j. BONDIAVO OS. arnauued tor Mr. I. Airry. Add ream Fencing Club. nor er BRO - I : 4r NU streets. CLAM SOLT SERVED ITP EVEST - d b JAMES PROWS. miS pm %IA MARI; to ANAL unquos, Lallemank nor! Chilli. of flo Nor & Chip: raiTta WWI, Okairsgiit " GAIWTAimf B. tk—Ordere for the direct importation of any of tie sieve twgee..ow he esiee 1 atl, n R. ANDIES. moreow lending. from on board brig' Abby Ellen, ell uter. from BC/MOW= CIS ea- Zit of • rb&tarots, &. Co- Cogoso-, ?met. Castillon. & Co. Cognac. and other fine Colnnen• inver t yeilevois, Rochelle Brandy. vale and dark. in X. pines, X. and h.; casks. anages. Imported and for sale by B.k.NRY. BOHLEN it CO.. 221 and U2S &Mk FOURTH 6t. JUST RECEIVED, per " Annie KiMaill," f ro m Liverpodi, Idender, Weaver, & Nemullm's innyaraimmi: si Ibrisztrnot Mn, own. awat. 16 Os Mntraotlo.yasayium. In 16.3 pm, 60 lb, FltrliOt Belladowue, at.l "'JIM 100 Ss Entrant Taraisei, m 1 m jam. sp lbs Via R6l Oololnol, in 1 lb bottles, MP Ss 01. 51=0'411 Rea., in 1 lb bottle*, lbs nomel. in Ino . NO Pil ilydraAMl,lllln. WET. & NILOSILSf.„, ..4 wa,*. watore. 611.VE-BTONO, 011AVX-EITONSS. - 817 Stilt. of Grave atones and aloadutionte• t• 1011. at TM reaa...td taigas. 1°4 211 , WINO purohams ottawnaro, at, ----- • "%VW fil•-ft I+-11... __ 40 - ' DR. J. MSS, Nit- 31) North FIFER.. Wet Nit- ga of emmi she 611418.11;k4 end IiEART= ON in Ita third =A le.* treq .thur nen Pa curel atw =4;417:11 ourablediseasesiltheßVE iii - d Ait . Be „ i _wen them Ills entire attentkoit tor 31# the oast 10 MU& Will Out PUMAS, whom desi red. their resutencon, &it= it 81 7 1°E2 VMS 1j# :01i11.'ALND VAINIERBIL .. jrjrail loser MP MI USN *twist AUCTION NOTICE OAROO OF RAMC FLORFATA.. 4,500 BAGS PRIME TO CHOICE RIO COFFEE. IN DOUBLE BAGS. DUTILH, COOK, & Co., Will sell. at tmeir ovation Store. No. 124 SOUPR FRONT STREET, ABOVE: wed,rivr. ON' THURSDAY MORNING, MAT 23, AT 4,400 bum Rio Coffee. 'oriole to OttoloBlitni4l4 arrived, ex V forests. Catalogues and SampOre now reads, 52i28 •ZA NINTH AND SAMSON STREETS, /91'5..01A.4 AND If XTRAPP () MARY BALE OF /101113fte, &c. On Saturday Morning. At 3.0 &cloak, comprising the following: fast-tro ring browmborsea puree autunite L Comet" pairof and " Fanny." to be sold tangly. Comet" has been sold for $.1)500, and trout d .n 2 so. Also, an elegant light teatime wagon; harness by Pearce, nearly new. This establishment to bilieved to be one of the most des Table aver offer d at auction in One cry. sir The above may be 00•12 by applying at the Ba zaar. ALPO. fly order of the exesutons of a gentleman lately da. ceased— A pair of elegant bay carriage horses, with 10111 tails. 8 years o d, over 16 hands eig b. ont-nnder henna town. by Wa'eon. - - Set aouble harness. by L oey it Phillips. A pair of brown maiohrd henna, 16 hands high. - A our.under Germantown, by Jul:Minh, nearly Mewl cost ty Double harness, by Sallither. A pa.r of brown bobtail bay horses, 15 hands high, from tioeton Mass - ; of together in tare. minute,. - A newel Teton b- Wat-on, bra-eLt rammungn. A now quiet hy_7lllBsin. A dog milt, by w Mon. A bonkey and donkey cart by Watson, A very handsome and valuable °hesitant-sorrel saddle home A valuable and fast road nr driving horse, cost ItV5. A fine bay mare 16 hands lush. A nearly new Snultarth wagon, for two or four per. soils. and se of ba ne.s. A sorrel horse. 6 years old. 16% bards high. A pair or brown mutes from a farm, A bobtail bay horse. as i ands high A bay mare 7 rate old. 16% h .ndr high. A bay terse .11536 hen a Nan Glean old. A hair o hanusome ponies, sore. and roans to be sold singly. khandsorrie long-tail bay carriage hone. • A brigot-bay mare, 8 +ears ole. A brigat bay saddle horse. A brown mare. wagon and harness. A iong-tail bay mare. 9 Tear* old. A sorrel horse. wagon and ca.milea. A brown Wee. 7 years old, 16 hands high. A long-tail bar horse., 7 years o d. A brown roan mare. coming 6 years old. . A bay io se, /6 hands histt 9 ream old. A sorrel harem, • years old , 1.4)f, hands hig h, A darn-brown mare, 6 years old A handsome bright-nay horse, 7 years old. A roan home. ei sears oboe hands high. A sorrel horse. 8 years old 14014 triad. high. A pair of brown horses, 7 years old, A dapple gray horse, 9 years old A gray mare, 7 years o d, 16 hinds high. AN*, other homes. ALPO A large pollection of darimbi. new and second hand carnage, and harness. with which the sale wilt Qom- Mabee. wir Pio postponement on account of the weather. lt ALPieno M. H SHADES& Ammonium AMUSEIMIENFS williNtlT-STREET THSATItIG. sow Lamm—. --Mrs. M.. A. GARREY/M. toga Manager —.-- Mr. WM. A. Bumneas Agent—.— Kr. .108. D. MDR MT. wars csaußaTion - 06NING, Mar M. Will be presented the new and original national amine, entitled THE PATRIOT'ss DREAM ' • Or,, The Past s the Present, end 'he F uture, Adam ay, Mr. Edwin Adams ; Hunan [kir. 1. 8. Wright.; Kate Gilmer, Mrs. A Cowell. ./SCALz ow raicZe.—orein circle meats secured with. out extra /barge.) so eenui; voltam. (sects secitrod 60 owrits,) WM cents; family <mole WS _cents; Private boxes, $6 and 83; orchestra. 76 oenti. Doors open at quarter vast 7 °Woo/ ; wart:Mt/will rise at a quarter to 8 cemook. MoDONOUGH'S OIaMPLO THEATRE ; RACE Street below Third. THIS APIEC EDAY) EVENING. May 93. FOR THE Tirol': Field night of the newrim!, Wig VIM eratesahr for thin Theatr- Mr. Matthew'', entitled MARTYR BO Pd MAR r•YR oovB MARTYR &•V8 MA k TYR BOYS ARTYA BOYS rell • RTYR BO 8 OF %I; Oz '6l; OF '6I• OF Piri:; oa TUB DEATH BLOW ON' REBELLION. rew Sump" . b l For nett see Israeli &lin cow:diming wit" HOOTS .1." 0 THE SWAN. BAIIbRDAY, BENEFIT OF LIlicaLTY ASSOCIA TION. EPETITION OF TSB VOLUNTEER -Ey CONCERT br the .2 VIE-eTRVET GIN LEP G ham tkil AR SINOOL. at the ACADEMY of IMMO. on THURADAY EVENING, Mare at 8 o'clock. 'haat" 28 oenta for ewe at M.sto Stoma and at the Modem! the d‘y and eveoinic of the onnoe.t. my2l %ME GEHMANIA Oftt'HESTKA AN- A. NOUTtr*E their three le.t Public Rahway**last the Minimal Fur d Ball, the lest one of the uaaon to Me place on anTuKun May the Mk, be abtaineld at the weed pl um , ~a .,ran PPEN. A11&t.r.15511( u , TUE Mei ARTIS-1025 CREXINUT ST R EET. The Thirtr-eighth ANNUAL RXHIBITIOIII of PAINTINGg and BCULP ru now nven Admittance 16 dente; Beason Pickets 55 Gents; half pnoee estates ae. 10 Galata. ttocktio ere mill receive their Umtata et the Academy. - 10P. oven M - from 9 A. M. till I P. M., and from 8 P. vi. 1411 s¢11111" SOD& WA.rEg CARLES BREAKskt 7 8 ICE-COLD tioDA WATER, - - - 1 r tr If FRUIT Hit AT NORTIIMAST ntlttla ER BROAD ADD r Alta fora - j the Reda Vat r is drawn from poreelait-liaer Fountains. pure end snarls, ling welt eiter-ed with eArd. borne acid gas. .he syrups are prepared with di highest regard to retaining the NATURAL lIPX.Air r 0,... THE TRIM No gains milli be spared t. reatntemat tet hiah character which this Fountain has minted!, ts ii.gewi - ecoa - water at Snieenor per Congress Water, treat from the ammo , eollehtiliT on heed. ' mit ItOr SUMMER RESORTS. WHITE SULPHrfR SPRINGS HOTEL .. . c SRLIPLE. Cumberland county, Pa. th e public Proorimors take pleasure in nnonaal to 1111111 public th at MI, mnseg So-nt eettblishmeet is (moo L i ly for visit " re. Pennon w•abing pure mono mo 1 . .. BIAKIL• moat waters. bathino, &Mot. au, good living, Minn, amiable prices. °snout du better than to 4 try things Boring! For particul.rs. send fur ciroutars to WM./4 BU a kt " G aB . of the city of geW York, and . D. C. DUIVIWIPT. . Pronnttom min 3 it BEDFORD BPKINGS.—A. o. ALLEN nrapeotfully informs the public that this well esta blished and powder watering abuse ie now s ' open for trei recto non and woommodation of visitors, and will ne kept open until the hr.* October. Persons %Wahine Bedford ' , anent' Wank, will he sop plied at tee Parings at the following prices, viz: For 1 tid ash) —.fa 00 ~ (oak)...- S 00 .—..—... 200 Bottles. 3i pint. per doz . . -150 Parties wishing rooms. or ti- remit to the Week erte address the B edford mineral Senate Company, Bedford. Pennsylvania- iota 4lft =;==l RIBURANUE UUMPA.I4 It . No. 406 CHEI3T3IITY firm It FIR& AND 'pilots D 1411501Aguit. DIRICTORS. George W. Day--or Dar & Matlack. ISnig W'nght—... Wright Bros & 00. . flimsy —.— '' pro & Hiner. &lir Lawn, . Jr.." Iris ros & Co. 0. Richordso ~ .. .C. H o we 3 & CO. gam& T. tans.. -Preet.Wyoming Ciunt Mae, Jno. W. Eirorman-:-.0! J. W. Esc ! & Co. ' Goo. A. West— ... ' Won & Fobes. V. 8. Martin— ~. " !roma, Martin. & Ca. 0. Wilson Davis— ..Attornerot- law. S. D. Wootroff—...of ~) bley_. Molten, & Wooing. Jot. Hasslor. Jr-._. - No TM lilmsec street. OKUE W. ILAY,Frogident. PLANO!! 61. kiLICK. Viss Premien& WEILW6II I. BL.A2SOMARD.Bsoretary. tan.init_ FABI3I 8A The FUNDS. RAVING rIIND---UNITED grATsa nun COMPANY, corner THIRD wad CHM NUTttreets. otAzirmat FIVF. VER CENT. S. R. CRAWFORD, Praddent. JAN.E3 R. H RSVP.. It, Reorelary and Treasurer. Office hours. from Ifrtuitil o clock. Ties Company Is not loured m any applioation to is t I.Acietatord, . SAFES. poiLILLIE'S SAFE DEPOT REMOVED to No. In South BEVJOIT4 fitreetrnear the Inantete. The undersigned, thankful for past favors, tued'bein determined to merit future patronage, has aerture ts trat elegant and ponveniani More, and has now on levie amortutent of Lillie's Celebrated Wrought g . Chilled Iron- Fire and Burglar Proof Bass, the strictly fire and burglar proof gates made.) Beam& led Beak Vault, a n d and Beak kn. Lillie 's Bank Vault Boors and Looks will be to order on short notice. This is the strongest, beeg proteated, end cheapest Boor and Look yet entered. Also,particular attention is called to Lillis's New Cabinet Bale for Plate, Jewelry, an. This Safe is can oed*: taxman' in style and elegance anything yet of fared for purpose, and is the only one that is striae , ly fire and burglar proof. arsom.t. No rion.—.T. have now on head say twenty Farrel, Barring, & Co.'s Bafts, most of them near n ew, and some forty of other makers, commas/ a complete assortment as to Meet, and all • lately IX, changed for the now Celebrated Lttlie Safe. They will be sold at very low prices. r m lealre . C6 *A n n a r i c e ß Magi i, rat. ia3ll-Iyif • Fotc• THE Stall-BOILS% 3,AAIDEN and ATLANTIC SI ROit ...Mail train leaves It We street terr."/ 14" 1 das , Onindaisszoested I-- '—^ 7 '3 M . Returning. leaves Atlantic.-- —•.----- ..3.0 P. M. Fare . --- --. si so."" Rena& trip toltets.irood for three days, $2BO. Mansiothdiense,raestuke.lsedloW's, an d caner bOtieltir are sew *pe. Bun ti ~ JNO. 6. BRYANT, MM. Pk!R LIVERPOOL.—The steam-, hip GREAT EASTERN, Hon. Captain Commie. R. 0.. 4 Camraander, will sail from New Y.?* POE. LIVRRPOOL SATURDAY, MAY M. PAMOR MONEY. File Ca t 414 : 41 k inth very iiiienor socxi'mmOdatiots. earriNELL, minTuss. & co" mons% New York. inyM-dith r t ja, BAI Blf kRE DAILY AT 3 O'CLOC K P /11. BaIiTIMURS /IND rti 1 lAD Pll4 tiT.baMßOAlt C . O3IPANY. (Enceeon k me,) Via Gersapeake and Daiaware (*anal. 1 f Yllne of the don .ron oteameoate of thia 10M1IMIT leave teen pper ol__rs of Cheanant street Wharf KV/. I AF riiattoui. teP , Bl3* excepted at 3 o will arrive 111 B„ 1 , 1110 1 ) .% early the nest morning. F re i g ht .4 - all cleat m tea a t th e lawa a t rpm. - c. also Cattle. Bonen, stook. Vek, 1 4. 8 &o. For Freight. aniall at Trte uu t , I k.Alkeire V El 3. *m ~, t._ tours witsasvz9. m7lB-1m it Fr m 'AM . NEW Icnia. EW DAILY LlNEorig. Deintrarelett Raritan An , • boat Co rtdisoelsoli a slid New Start , w...... MUM yamiwiltrurtan toan d lm.revives dai t re i v el s it ,,s T r a ... a ..m d , ;:r7 a . :.l „. -- 8eun „ ..,....D.,...A.Y...„. 4. . . . . ._ _ _I I 1 ti i tool in New York Mr fou° l 97,gess. ' • Freights taken at relimcl - dNenti 1/eft 13 kit . renageighjg. datES Uri rat. i . pi..• 14 end id BAB a- . now York itthilidf6r,----_,_*. iii g h e FOE NEW,......—",e YORK. --Tall del^his Steam Froveller Cogoggw , will ooltwianosttild for the imam on Montag nib OWS'. -k-iirinov reestidit freight at i1e741 tctin,Larior Piriiins sooorcriod= 114 .4 , whld 224 ' AIRD &00 aware Ainslie. . (LIVE 01L—Alo 4 f Latour Olivite, tol, l arrive and for uWe JA olticTog tr, • STALKS. SO* South itiU BUHL- _— -- . --:sw
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers