TECS PRESS* r ow pAnT, (SURDATI3 HEOEPEicyj BY JOHN W. FOUNECC, ova .140. 07 CHESTNUT STREET. DAILY ritzsg. Toles e" Pla 1711151Ki7ablo to the'Verzler. .t.He aotworibore cat GCMG CHT at siz Douala . 7 ,40 vi, Faun DomaGG Tot EIGHT MoNTltit o 1;s1 Doa , A Bs Ton Mx EoNTHAl—lGTlzinbiri s in_ rotor the time ordered. Tar -WEEKLY PRESS. tO S riatrabers Ont of the oh/ at Tann, Dow. A1g111N.1.12 30511019. 41110 , XILLINERY GOODS. se noTO OPENING OF aiaIDREN'S GOODS, TH URSDAY, APRIL 11. m oots, WOOD, te eof Ito. 721 CHESTNUT STIEHL FA BNOII FRAMES, r iBNOH. FLOWERS. STRAW e-0011. S. LAT Val STYLESCEIVING CONSTANTLY RE . Ti los_ KENNEDY ifc BRO. la' cIIESTN CT Street, below EIGETR. CABINET FURNITURE. ABCINET FURNITURE- AND EEL amy T L BLES. WORE. & OAMPION. N o. R6l SOUTH BEGUN)) CITAZEIN '''' o r t t igurel ti u l ig i l r a c in u re v r e ago i ra 141.1 ""' BILL T AARD T rABLES, ° .4 hiss novr ntt hand a full etipply. finished with mpg cAmrtotre ttoVED CUSHIONS. oh are pronotiPtiotb by ell who have used them, to petiteOr 10 ell others. quality sod finish of these Tetilee the mann ,,r,rapi refer to their numerous patrons throughout Ishuott. who ere familiar with the obernotet of their I ;sfk. falLfilis LOOKING GLASNEN, IoOKIN4a-<}IAASSES. ITVTEI • k rYTt_] LOOKING-GLASSES, pi nins all the latest Improvements and bailie/ In pottsnturo test novelties In Walnut and Gold and Reeeweed ed &Id Frame. for MIRRORS. Vs moat extensive and varied enortnient is the Koh. JAXES S. EARLS at SON, .6AILLEIP GALLBRIBB, itm f 616 011013/171117 CARPETINGS. FEESH ()ANTON MATTING. J. F. & E. B. ORNE,, orMITE STATE ROOM EnTo now open their SPRING IMPORTATIONS OF DOODLE EXTRA IMPERIAL warn. PURPLE. end RED CHECKED CANTON MATTING. Di ALL THE DIFFERENT WIDTH& AT MODERATE PRICES. J. F. & E. B. ORNE, OPPOSITE STATE Koren- IEIROCEIittEB. T FAMILIES-RESIDING IN THE RURAL DISTRICTS tCp sre prepared's& heretofore, to aapply families at ma Gantry Reaidenoes with every description of FL NB OROCRwIIow, TEA% ite., ha ALBERT a ROBERTS. ~l.rlkvr.r i EXCELSIOR HAMS. MICHENER & (XX, AP:ARIAL PROVISION DRALEWS, OM Minn or ?K1 CELMATED "EXCELSIOR" - - 15IIGAR-CIURED HAND% IC4 144 AND 144 NORTH FRONT 'noun (Between Arch and Rase Stmts.) PHILADELPHIA. Thenunly-oelobroted Excelsior Rams are. eared by LK. & ( in a style peculiar 46 toomonivreL or co.lipforteettay Ilasor o ir i a: r fmn Mu ripener tn wee neared for sale. .selS eta HANNJ.NG. THE $9,000,000 LOAN. The undersigned will rot es Agents. FRES OF r aiAR 6 E, in bidding for the New LOAD or Treason 5 .101 Ihrowaale for which are to be opened on the Seth Lemma end will sled attend without Drat to the de mi' of payment. Ite. Bidden for any amoante. large or email, will be °beer 'l.l attended to et the aloes of DREXEL & CO. JAY COOKS & CO. THOS, BIDDLE & CO. W. CL.ARE & CO. Ay(iIIBT BELMODIT & BANKERS',.' ISO WALL STREET, NEW YORK, Imo mere of credit to travellets, available is ei sett* et Bettete, through the Awn. latheetald of re. hy. Lender.. Frankfort. Naples. Vienne. and their eor nweetuiente. fai64lla* JEWELRY, &c. BEST ORME 'YET OFFBRKD BEW GOODS. NEW ISTORIL NEW STYLES. GREAT METROPOLITAN JEWELRY DEPOT, FOUR TIURTV-7 1 / 2 0 CHESTNUT STREIT. WENT aACRIFICE. TO INSURE QUICK &LLB!! I halm opened. at the slave store. one of the finest tad oestassorted storms of Jewmrp, Silver plated vase. it Furey Goods, ever before offered to the public. ITIII taallaar to glee perfect estmfection to ImM rardu` - Cad-aagerr nd examine my stook and roe will find a edam of lards equal to MIT to the elm OBBKRVE THE PRICBMI: Octal. Enameled Cameo, Lava, Gold r.unm, end ORLI eetkf0r.........,...- 41, visual prlca $3 14141 e enameled Go.. Enamelled . 1 „, douguet. An. _-- do - -121 do. $a 'Nwic. Jet. Lams, Carbuncle. Tur-_ Pass, Etna can do -.- -- 11 do. . 1 Ewnsess. Cerbunelle, Bead Cluster. /Litton Ty st do .$2 do. #2 Ilirrayed Vi a n d GoId CITZ;d -- — Silid jrwalets.— 1 do. #4 'err etch Engraved and Chased do- #2 do. fa 'tar Loh Carbuncle end Gold Clus ter do, --... —l2 do. .16 kr, 2 : 1 . t,e „,- Lin'T•W. 77 --- _ .1 do. a - .a- ' Aeon:lei, crest vanetT —. 1 do. 3 at Da do. with Medallion.... I do. 3 ligsilions, great variety..., _--. 1 00. 3 lets with Double Bides-- .-. 1 do. 3 to of Studs and Bier,. 131atellal, Real by varier)... .....,__ .. ......-- al do. $4 of Studs rineleerre Buttons, Car , nre,_ Enamelled. Jso—.------. SI do. It 6 ..n.i ele Chm C lan Chasing— ---.-B2 l de. do. 9ae .1t Vew n• do. do. __------, el do. 5 I , dies' Earrings— ..---........ WI do. 6 do. 1 do. 4 s litt e Sleeve BaTt - o - ne,7ltie - to - tf. mull arms re, to 3 Ai sr do. goo to 1, do. 1........ 3. 1. 4 :9.1 11 ,0 Pens and Peemi . Tooth _ P icks , Watch 1 , om. cues, Chain Puss; Cremes. Mre., Ac. Willan a small lot of-FMB e qually iatri 8.11.7131 it GmelEs. which 1 will-sell at low Prue& lent tar Mail or Express to' all - parts of the I'llit 'd Stain MIS Canada free of daiitt.` Wkl. IL 1111.11-Wt. Arad. ' 174- allnirann le 4311-CHEMIUT Street. FINE WATCH REPAIRING. PERSONS HAVING FINE ViiiiTONM that have hitherto Moen' alY.teititfactfou the e are invited to bring bimbo our eto. ~ro Where , cota WM be remedied nY imilliditita l!Featifie worknien, me=lba' watch-lrerranted• !We' 'mare astiatisetion. ' • - mantel Cloaks, 31.44iael Beams. &a, carefully put M l enodete order. PAIR ox gROTILKIL, tanortere of Welshes. 31441e4i Bes. 0144144,&5. Ict.ta 344 CalitfiTNlY3 PtraeL boint JUST REORIVED, - pecr:•iAvpie.Onbine'.' -140, Ereernocd; minder 'waiver, litaininen Melfainnm g; lbe Von Anwiiin, Emma yosjann, AB Lib Janis tie Extrisoi BelladosinaLdn-1 We Inc Eatnet Traitabt; Ilk A I L Oolshiesonlib bottle*. Mh OL as Caloinci, in 1 - - OW Nil drambt ileArt , ludo t:EftralA g 44 .0 0 . 01 111 -1 V... gilt ir GROVE-STONER tiRAPS-STQNSS.- ~ _Y snot, of Gawp atortwant Moaninentito a . tag PAVitieVarroNtegreticrieg -44-11. a MON Ai %etc, J .. arg Olt • . ',,, , k 11 / f i 1,.1 . _ _ ..... . 5,... N. ‘ ", \ ‘, l f , 1 / / // 0 „,.. • • .."- - ..-,..* 111t 4 , 30 . t. _._ Z _ .• i‘l t r 4/. „. II : , . •..- , C._ ....„- L" . ' - ‘•sr i .... 0 " - ---" .-1 ;,;,-- .- : • ----, 4- - r A— . /".., , •-,--, •-• t. •_:, ,).. , . : 1 . _...- , _-_ ,..ii i it al ..._4 ... • ...) • - It r. - _ , . ~ ..,.. 1 , ` fltr 7 ., ,-- ,_ Ail, ...,. , 1t'a1ik.....,-------.::: ;,..-- P. -. 1 1 sr,'liiit. , -. S i:.-,..-: - . ; -.."-*, ~ - ---_-___-e-r-rj ~-----, ,i - ----',- i 4.:ltt tt. 1 ..-..-- ~ , 44 , .. !, ~- ... A pi a ..„__ „moos -..-,.. -. : „--1: .... ......,.., - - ....." •.. Me .. 11 1 Ili ' ' , Mk 1,. r., :" . 4 fllFP.Mtlfet , '- . • ' 4 4 6 , ~ ...e•-1, .• , , • • :.‘ , , . .ri ~...r ,I .iti, ...,,,- -- ) '1 . 5,.." ' ! ". '' -1% t " s- 70 7 •• , . .....:'"- - --4 0 g1" ..4 $ . _. ...,. ; „4•••• ..-,..-- - --- --,-. .;:.:_..:. 1 7 •-. ' 1, . w > 116\ I .. '-'..- : 1 .... • .'.. : , ...... \ , . ~ a Y ,• .1., .. . ',.. ..- . I ......-- ... - A , I , . " ..e........1. . . :........................" '° \ .F.. ....:016......1"...' ..,........ A . , I, 'el• 7 , . 4-" t \.% ..',.- . r: ~ t. - 7 ' • ' ' '' ; l , -, . . - '.. : - '"'.:-. '"'--'''''—.--- - f 7. . :- z : ' •,- VOL. 4.-:NO. 254. DRY*4OODB JOSHUA L. DAILY, 240. 1113 MARKET STREET. Invites the special attention or CASH BUYERS TO 111/1 OROIOE STOCK 0 1 FANCY AND STAPLE DRY; GOODS, CORIFRISING ONE OF TEE BEST ABOORTMENTO OF FRESH GOODS IN TER PELLADELIARIA MARKET. ara-tI SPRING OPENING OP MATHS, CABSIMERES, VBSTINGS, LAMER, OLRAKINGS. Udall goods suited to MEN AND BOYS' WEAL WHOUSSALB AtfD *STALL. AT 0. SOMERS & SON'S, OILESTNirt Stroet % under JAYNE'S HALE, inte-litea spRING. 1861. J. T. WAY & NA, vs voting inii“ 1,11.15101. inFORTIRita AND JUBBIIRS ow DRY 431 , 00.08. • OW= WWWFIr ie VIIWZWAIINT &AIME AJUP f K it )44 , rwa lt 0011.11.147.14 rr 1861. DALE. ROSS, & CO., 14211 DALE, EON, A WITHERS, NO. 521 bLII KET BMW, Nave new oven Wet fall SPRING. IMPORTATIONS o. SILKS AND FANCY DRESS GOODS. meted. attention of OASH BUYERS is emeguslisitla. COMMISSION HOUSES. A. a w. SPRAGUES' PRINTS. UNION PRINTS. HOY'r, SPREketTES do 00., NO. SU CHESTNUT STREET. szolt-tf WELLING. 0301 0 VIN. & 00 1 Se. NI CHESTNUT STREET, AGENTS JOB TEI GALE OF DVIIIMILL MPS. COM PRINT! AND LAWNS. CREME MPG. ems munnr KED JIM) runs PROT& Fine Bleached Cottons. LONSDALE ROPE. BLAClitirroNE. 814.1331N VILLS, JAMgSV)MMi t R*RNANI, GIU3Mt, mzuon, iiNilxtiviiM . . AWILAM - /ILLYIN. MI. NOP& FIUKDORIAII, 157'- lDSCY,`OffiO.eaoroit, VIIIGINIA FAMILY Artn MRONANICIP MID FARMEMV. 0W7024, lILATERIMILLN. AND JEWETT O[lY DRNIATA AN.!) STRIPES. LONEDILE NAITILIODE 41 @ ELI!IM Gt-LAEGOW CORSET MEM EIOTTOMLEYM BLACK ADM ELEMILIX. CO.'!FADDY MIXED CIOTRE. - - MAIMS AND lIIXTDEM arm' CAIBSIMMEEL GILIONFIRLD 00.'6 Mawr 00Firtirr. -10DMAIVE PINK JRAIMIi DOUB.uri - AWD TW WEED CASMMEEZIL - MEOW MOTE& kc. M1M0T, , ,M98 - 11VBE;CMYSTAL*DIEDEPD 1111- 'MEM, DRITEDEMXTEX.' ;EMESTOL -141INSTE; . . felt -t( Ss -HA 7, A RD, I HUTON, NO. lilt asturinn IT.. OOMMISS/ON MERCHANTS, FOX TEM XALS OF 111.1sADELPHIA , MADE GOODS. K .1W PUBLICATIOIIIS. TEIF DOOTRINR AND POLIOY Or PROTECTION, WITH TEE HISTORY OF. OUR TARIFFS, 11101/1 THE ORGANIZATION OF TSB FEDERAL. GOVERN MENT TO TEN Pit MEAT TINS. BY DR. WILLIAM ELDRIL Nov that a desperate sesanit it beige made epee the new Tariff to preindiee the publics in advent* whist it. and. if possible. to have it reseeded. it is ietadriant that tee friends shankd be tinelartst to oombibuttie spode= sersuoptdo of Its sateseniets. Nohow POI • better serve this samosa .than the air ralation of Abe pamphlet whale title is eizottel above. which is one of the ablest most intebeiting documents that have ever asneared in heaven of the tree Anierionn polite of tosteling the greet- viametrisl Weems al mu meaty. la will be (awarded bp mall or exprees for 10 emu per abase copy; 711 Wats per &wen ; 5a per bemired. Aden*, RINGWALT & BROWN, ept-tf leo. St SOUTH THIRD Street. thiledelphiat B OOBS, LAW AND MISMILLANBOUSt new and Me, beaslih sold, sad egghseseli at the POITADEI , PIII9-110 1 K POOK IMRE. a. 419 OHEaTNUT auset. Lum" aka dliataner senehased. Thisa hem/ gooks to sell, lf at a &stave., soli MPS their wonee; 'awe. 'trimness :diitel: - 641tioes. Ines& wold wsuitions. NAM) wowed Oi Beal atut flanthlt. as well as sar/yJkooks rititsd Aa eC Auld_ :41.4,"urtiote=li. i . L° 7i 4 ,, tr)=7 V ito.t i r in's/eon : se* frog; a utoniriew appraugA by -10414 TOILET AND FANCY ALETIMES. DO YOU WANT WHUHMUI DO YOII WART • • DO Yollf WANT • ItOUSTACRE ? DO YOU Will? 11MOVOTAMIS t BELLINGMAMI3 USIEBRATED STIMULATING ONG u k•NT, FOR 71E WHINIEIS AND HALE The imhseribers late picaimre la sainronoirig to the citizens of the United litotes that they have obtained the Asenew for, and ere now enabled to offer to the Amerman publio the above gutty-celebrated end world-reterwiled artiele. • THE BITPITTLATING (MOURN" is prepared by Dr. O. P. BELLINGH IM, an eminent vhysioisa of London, and is wastsnted to bring out a thieliser of - WHITIBRL OR A moutrrechtz • - in Irma three , to au weeks. This srtiele ill the may one of the trod need by the Frew*: end in London and Tans it is in' Muvenal use. It is a beennifin. - eironomicisL seething, yet Mamie, tiny, oomPound. sonar as if by martiompontheyoo. ti. mum& , ',beaming growth or Itiwisitt balm i f /AP 'Use to the see! it Intl Mire baldrami mid ranee to . enyinviip in the ow of thy bald *yolk* Boa rtotrthol new hair . Aireboil seriaiding to throaty:ma. itmorill tarn can or TOW" our Nay. sad nmnotir slay bait wits • Orillifarkla DATUM' /t4tlllv sasooth.And Alezihic ..,,,e . 0 GU istri- , is ma uvrispensibleartiele in every' wentlemaree tailetzazd atbt ethey-would lea, wear, .consideossibrqwwitkout-it.-. 'il'aUlbribßllflttlY the Octratents 'for "the article in the.siffigilildelliliilllllliltrWheill'aelkailiong musk be'lid &mod..., ~_ - • . T s rieemie aoTliirabon ; .f . cf : r e t ' 1, ... 1 tat e i l l " 'D irer r a l I i t a t 4 and 11 Ightratriersg'erwill be sent to any who denim qt; . direct. rocaridy peaked; on receipt Orpricie an postage, SLY& . Ayer to. or . address .. . ROLLOS L. KIIIGEMALICa. -Draggirts,&e. St Wthia&M. IFl;*‘flow York. DYO77 & CO.. No. oss North NECOND driest. ft 14.5110tua Acesa. OPAL DINTALLINA.,--L-Ww. speak itOM --..jciaarexperlimaiirlin =lip. Oa; lhac_PAL Dr LINA pa}de by Mr. 5)31.ari. , of BROAD and 15 0*- etreetri u ifootdedly the/9mnd sidtiostion for.tlicorpnui-ana testy lbstmirtions: offer W belte.s. ol,pid ?brit, 4Thd-br To" oumitielidoito. tileTtetist esdrentilealibte - In ad ws _ _ 111161101*. F . • 1f4.1i . AtiPAOTORY:et4 - ; SCOTT, 814 * trx etre:4w low the " Vamp f 04.170 : rim.4o nr, a n rbor taoake. -. 4064 la mii% Ms* - For.w, MEDICINAL. HELMBOLD'S GENUINE PREPARATION. RTEOLD7-11ELMBOLDIt—RELM8.0.KE HE In Ept, o'n—FMLM BOL MI —II BLOvi u , H., .a IS m nviArr B—E EGm onL, Ers....R ELK Ka, D., 4 vim Ri DLO' ci—FIR IMROL mg—NELM ROL DIE ELM HO L. 041.--E EL m BO i".•O'B—ii ELMEtn,D'S . H Nufsi HO D'S -11 ELM ROLADT—HA LIM EOLD'S 1 6,,m or . u 2 .--lINLM 8131, 1 rP--fieß lad 801, D'S ... ' . we'll , LD'E—ii EL m Bot.ll l B ELM uoLIPB ELM MTh D'E—RELMBOLD'B-11ELM BOLD% ' ELM ROL, um—H FLY'. HO ',WS—HELM Bub we gLiii Rol, Li' 8 —lg EL m poi..n 9 A 7 aFt.meoLD:s4 a 50030L0 ,4 -11131.51B4) L.IPS—li Rim Ro t..ln 8 r 11 010.1.01-3 1 M LAI uQ Gniii—lTlE EA HOLD:11 • ELM nu i., ifa—REL M BuLIVE—HE L 6180 Lail Ei 4LN EOLDII—E.ELMEOLDE ELM BOLD'S 1 WAR NTH tatgl. ill inutur dal • TR._ tila. Hi 1r RA l4l pluturT : 1 ; xii R R R : IFI R a l a l 1 3 1 I TRIG/NM Drama. TH GRX&T LI int zric. fa ottmAT n uttguo, ILE G. 4 BAT n utt.gre. HE URI BaIItETIC . WS Gk .:FA( I lIIR Rio: ifr.; oßztrri URR id. t , E.' GRE&T_ ll , Rgyjn. l lg MN 11-11-2 , 18: RE ii It AT DISAti 8 : HE 611LEAT DIURS A fOSITE AND SEECIFIC A°sr,' v•E AND sr i‘ CI Plc A OSfT VIR AIN il SPECIPIe A OS Tivß ANID SPEC_ PIC A PDS rirs AND SPEcIFIC A Posirtv- AND SPE C I FIC A POSITIVR AND SPE IM A POSIT PE AND SPE Irli: A POSIT rE.Am n sP ier7P.c A PO R TI ,_ . .e AND SPECIFIC A 'ITE AND sPPCIFIC A POS TrrE 4NosrEciFic A P P OOSS/TrIVN AN9 SPgrIFIC A POS I T IVE A ND SPECIFIC NOR DISEASES OF THE BLADDER. ZIDNRYR. GRAVEL. DROPSY, BLADONK, 1 4 10NEYS, 0R41 7. 6%, DROPSY. ILADDFR, ICTONFYS URIlrgL, pRoPzY, • LADDER. .K.L..IIPYS. (MA YEL,...DROP‘Y. VA-DOR' H.IIIDAIRYS. a RA.e.RL, DROPSY. LADDER. .ICYDIVEYg. GRAVEL. DROPSY, ',SLAM) F. R. It lONEYS.- GRAFF:L. DROPSY. 13&..ADOJIR. JUDAISM GRA r-N.L. -DROPSY. MLA ODER, RIDPI•-re. (tr.ArRI,, DROPSY, IL4DDER. KIDNEYS. 0 R *VRt.. totopsy. : LADDER.-SioNFITS, OR.AYAL, PROPS L , LADDER: (Bran's. oIIAYEL. Dump r. MLA 0 ••KR. lONRYS. oftdYEL. §ROPSY. 'BLADDER. IDEErs, oR,AvFx.. RoPsy. :111...ADDRR, DIVRYS. GRAVEL. NU PSY• AND ALL DISEASES AND ALL DISEASED AND ALL DIsCAsEs AND DissAsEs AND ALL insEAsPS AND ALL DIS &Akin AND ALL DISEASES A ALL Y D IS EASES DISEASES AN§ALLDISEASES AN ALL' [SEAS NS AN ALL DISEASES ND ALL DISEASES ARTAITIV fIV . II Pegg .0 [l . ; f t 4'I A 44075prt lON ARIA IV RQM tills 'll 4 A G M IVPIIRITI Kr rF Tl. , r BLO,D, Re. IA T i er% OPTi BLOOD, ro. lil IT OF TDB ,4 LIPM, &a. mp aoring OF-THB BLOOD, km. Mr STTIES.OR 'THE BLOOD, &es. IMILURTTIRR - Or THE ELOI , D, /to. IM.I SITIES Or. .THE,St.OOO, &o, IBPURITIEE OF THE BLOOD, 46 . MPURITIBW OF TELE abocko. & A ,. IMPURITIES O P Trig .plooo. ice. IMFO+III- 1 1W8 O TRE-RE4 1 4)0 1 . &a. lallt TIEB-OF T111,441.0)D. Le. IiTETIEB.OF 'alL_B BLOOD, &o. It P RITI:E8 or-rita - owoo, &a NNRVOIIB DIMBACES, CONSUMPTION, EPILEPTIC FIT% Universal Lassitude of the Munnler Orem, D 11110.66 OF Tl3lO/it INEIAk4ITY. PALLID COUNTENANCE, FOUR 51'0)14.Glit lIELMBOL'D'S BITRAOT BUOA HO FAMILY SHOULD $E WITHOUT IT. BB FAMILY SHOULD Bk.' WITTIOTIT IT. Pripared amoramt. to PHARMACY AND CHEMISTRY; PREICRIBRD AND DIED NT The most eminent Physicians ; endorsed and reoom mended by distinguished Ciergymen, Governors of Stites, Judges, the Prers, and all who use it—ererr Wliece--eridence of the moat reliable and responsible 'Chisnoter open for inspection. IT 18 HO PATNNT fllllffiltlnd. It is advertised liberally, and its basis is Sherif; end depending Upon that, we offer our suepani tigin to the afflicted and aufferintHrimanitr with intim eonfidenom 4 THE nionsauts OF THE Mame ORENATA. Were known as far back as two hundred Years• and Its peculiar enema on the Mantel and Plummet Powers are 'oaken of is the highest terns by, tboop molt eminent date, among authors he propene end ancient date, among Whom Ind be -founatilhakeeemeni. Byrini and others. Prom this feet tt has proved eminently' asoreerful itt those osmstoms of a nerve.. temperament, arising • from sedentary' habits_and vrannslned...andlostios to bating. literaryso warsliS, d , sonfinamant from the . Mein air, and Is taken b's MEN. WOMEN, AND CHILDREN. RELMBOLWE EXTRACT BIICIIIJ • Is ploasant in tra taste and odor, and immediate in its aotion. and free from all injurious Properties. GUM Litthi ISzvouse. LITTLE OR NO CHANGE IN DIET LITTLE OR NO mum's, IN DIET If roe are offering, send or eall for the remedy at ono*. Exehoit di.eolxotut sooomplay„ Pilot ONE DOLLAR per bottle, or six for FIVE DOLLAXS, de- Bred to Nay WO, initial, hotel, put, express °Mee, or store. TRY ONE BOTTLE. TRY ONE BOTTLE. ILBLIASOLD S CREME PREPARATIONS RELMBOLD'S OKNIIINE PREPARATIONS EXTRACT EXTRACT SARSAPARILLA. PEYSICIANS, PLEAsE NOTICE t We make no eddre at higmdionte. The Compound Burin is ociiip - Med or Beihne; Cehebe. and Juniper Bernie. *Meted by soompetent Dina-pet. and am of the hest analiti. PREPARED, 1* Visettro, H. T. HELIVIBOLT), PRACTICAL AND ANALYTICAL CIOMIBT BOLD AT IarLMBOLIVS, MEDICAL DMOT. NO. 104 50 Via' 'mini STREET. atiCifr ginciszwrrr. Where all Lettaiiniairt:bniuldremied. SAF4:44C 47ORLTARVIZTS. A/4:5M1 - !.• BNLAEOOLIrS:" :TALI NO' OTELNR. ittris,—Dooot No: 104 &tett Tenth street. Seed. toil, at smite stows: The nodtome.' solneted to tech and oyorg sue WILL. Rt iliErditED; iiasoeesen. en ow the pont to the lenteht or advice, one a speedy -end eeretaseut oars, Via r : BO MUCH DISIKEID. mete terellik That th 6 IMMENSE WHOLE3ALE nom( at PRICE, FERRIS. & CO. „. is *tin °dr rod for isle No. 807 "CHESTNUT TNUT FROM 2to XIPPR i tß iy . aW TRH IJVFAI, Thaliou fan buf J OONETS, QA.SI HMS. MULL% 5W.1213.E5, NAN: 00_KOL.BR/Lldal4llo, and all other deeeriptione of W H ITE 000118, at.the above L0W..11,4,2•28. . DO NOT 'FORGET Thatyinu oen buy RETINI. pria.ovr. sod PLAIN d PRie rKD utrium. RU CKAOACK' TOWE tie Of Dftm 4r. Ko, BINS. every tied HAIIDICeRGHtEre, axle sh ether downplay:. of .s.EN GOODS, at the above LOW RATXB. LADIES! REMEMBER Thut_you aan buy all kindle kMBROIDISRIVIS LOME tiOt/DB, CULLA RS, 01,Ss.YEN. . VMS, XI r itukenta mown , Sal SROIDSP.ED SKIRTS, QUILTS, ao.. at MORE ESPECIALLY ILEMEMBER That the above statements are FACTS, NOT FICTIONS And we tespootfollT solleitall who - truth to raceme 00VILAR DENIONB7 RATION ofthe truth of tine aose:tton, to examine our stook . . PRICE, FERRIS. 436 N.D.-NEW ARTICLES. 300 pl.pan %lean Printed Linen Cambrian. neat ntylen. for [mime and child ren ' ' am:lnner . Weer. S 0 mom 0? the New nate New" emtworlerea in eiders. for Underaleeves, and eovenng borunws. iniso4jattel • •. REMEDY BLACK SILK COATS. GORED MANTLED. POPLIN DOSTERR. FRENCH RAMMER. SILK BARQUINEE. NEWEST DEMON& READY MADE, OR MADE TO ORDER. COOPER & COIcA.RD,, myll-tX B. E. earner NINTH bid MARKI.T. NNW CLOAK AM) MANTILLA STORE, 'No. 29 SOUTH NINTH &MEET, FIRST DOOR ABOVE ORFISTNUT. The (neat qualities, the newest designs. the Very heat stork- tea tatuienatile topless. iq"TRE LARGEST AND BRIT STOOK IN TDB CITY. mfl6 4m MAW/14W BOVSNOtrO, AND Nnecuummesa.—A lance stook, to be eloNed oat below the coat of i. , portation. CH ADAMS /t. 'NW EIGHTH and ARCH Streets. pkine ClAilift, IN NYS/CY NLW :etlle. et mum, 'golf-lm No. sis B. Ninth street. K"PRING CLOAKS, IN ENDLESS YA . dotty. at IVENS'. aar-lat tEIPEING _CLOAKS, THE OHFAPEST - Oder mesa, at IVENS% atSPlat No. 43 S. Nintiiiiiteet. I - •:‘ • ' ()LOAM% EVERY &Vriese that entomb* • STORE, No. 142 , N. Eighth street, above Cherry - . are now telling every new etyle of the 110110913, IR19611) SWllitliall, is 414117 new Bilbao of oolor, cheaper than any ether afore • in - the olty• • ap27-lin CL0101.8.--Wholesale Merchants are in. .14W to laiseat the stook at 'YEN'S", No. 93 South NINTH Street, corner of Jayne sort-in Botween Markin and Chestnut. ,•RIIARPLISS BROTHERS 1 -• err t'-e -pqrdir 01 their doting Dress Goods. And sit 'simmer Finer Good& At a redaction, of la to per cent. The stook ia atilt wet assorted. Bemire Volley A-mm.o4 at GIL new !IL Fanny Wilke from G 126 to Te Gents. Foulards. Hem Silk& Moak silk.. Grenadine, town& Mateo% bllk end Wool Gray Traeelleriee, Reduced from GI to no and el at& - • Poplins end Wit Grenadines. CrICESTNVW and rjaliTii streets. 1 heritable. Even the most sanguine • , enlists scarcely venture to say more than i a ... . t t they hope for a reconstruction of the ion upon a new basis, after a temporary tion of its component parts." ... .- he election of President Lincoln, says the ; us nits newer, woe the Signal for . Seceeision in the IMPORTANT NOTICE .TO DRT-GWDS hers States : ii The Cotton States of the corittuutßes.-twins to the ansattied state of ' the nth viewed his return as a national declare sicm-•ng tiny. sad the entire diestressmemeat of the Comm ainBB their view of this vital queetion. o- -t -oilet w.rld,we haws determined to mom Out our stoat, fears were excited, their animosity was and E in X i kl r a er INDUCEMENTS TO PllRClitise SS • , 1 r to efeet meet sates. Our goods have sit been reduced k;e11; - they regarded the election as an open moth lower the if a . • DISCOUNT wERE TANEN OFF AFTER - TEE declaration of war against their 'property;' - , .... . BALD wee maDE. .- ___,,. „ It embracera a variety of Div Ovals gaited to thejappt South Carolina, the former leader in the want, of Feenliee. see, beteg enrotraend wrinoteallr ' Intilli . fication struggle, the moat impetuous and for 00 ". rar e eyeettu niar 6143 11128 & 13011 passionate__, though not the most powerful and important, aulti - E.l6llTltaad anon Sabots. briportant, of the Southern States, took the QPKOTAL NOTICE 1 i bad i n for Secession." ii And " the h. , On and after Due hats . 1 . _ s wirount.ety & (Allem villain. 'Reviewer adds, it although this proceeding may EVERY POSSIBLE INDUCEMENT net have been purely rational, we must admit TO 0/0511 PUBOBABERB mg_ OF DRY 000.1131 ha! it n was not anuatara." Thence the Dedetermsold so raw their . eir Stock they wilt ' ap e d pommies I , . ter diverges into an attack upo tt the dan- Boatman Panoy Silk. tot TS otatil, Werth - /11! l . tea", Nigh nog' Mike tor 411, well worth 81.31. . Or of an election of the chief magistrate by tnermdinsi and Eareg e meas. about one Wilber:. . .. , the ipmultaneons votes of the entire perils "ll°34 ml lxed Gcoda in every variety,from om 8 omits vet!. yard (ton, and of his coneequent identification with tollo v ote 11401( niLKO, RlOil AND LUSTROUS, V$ 1' Cfles.AP. `mitts disputed principle, or some „political teat Dim* limeade bilis. donbla bead. kn.. inf. pa r ty." Ds, Cassuneras, oaths, veStinglaF --. &r: Lam es , Call ' ; The defeated party, the Reviewer declares, Linens. Moshe* Flannels . Aslte. Covent, &11,. &o.: - lumen.. Ao 0 CLOAK-ROOM. EXHIBITION. ti nought safety in secession. It may be true irersoh LAMs Mantle& Pointas,Bhawlsi Anianeli mans La i " mantjeg, mamma Lad . Goads , &a. Sn. toot a small number of' pereoms, who have oc- i hart thia Vi T ta t i a lki r ltrit i t/afflinitlie' hipled high places, have for several years past in vi N.E. Candor SMITE & GRIM 11 A- 10 BN Ettik ices contriving means for a disruption of the - ' Uizion. But, without some event which gave 1 A A POLKA SPOT rRENOH LAWNS ia [Ridden and simultaneous impulse to the -- x , for Ws at 125/ mints. • i., I 11113.11 rounds 91 lute Polka Spots. . Fulfil of the South, they might have continued rose Gnomes white,/ olka *Pots. , , plot . and These am first sinalits Pronoh. . To , for years in secret, might have re. 1 EP sit & LAN DEL . i swag YOUIrI ii and aeon. at a, ed leaders without followers." It will An POS. FR r.123i mints. CNCH BANTAMS, for 8614 1 ' . °llt, we think, as he has stated, that the this morti ..o piracy which culminated in the Southern quint, res. Ooods marked down. le ' on has been maturing through many Y Goods, marked &pan. Monambrants, marked down to 18Dents. 1 41 i.- - • itY.III IS LANDBLDI ouirru. and chi...A-R awing by a riot very lucid account of the I estniri Compromise, (in which, by the way, Reviewer modestly refers to an article of t it qiwn, published in October, 1856, et in b . the e evens which have mice Occurred ' i i already foreshadowed es events which . eI.ENTB 7 AND 3301gliirMAR. • .-L 11 , 0 K . . in all probability, have taken plait! ‘l4 select. al esivelekZ,'"? I „ b e n k e r gra,l l : , ears madly: it Colonel - tatnout had car tatts=berei.eiriatinee, isn't a to 6 gotZ mA i : , ride election at that time,) we .eome to ' • ' ' COOPER & o f L __ • gm LACK n - Sece s sion, namely . The North `tom. DBMS $3OOPB 8 4 1 14 /AIN , - - t h e mar r ic k w o e Delainam. 28 and re sent.. - easing of the Nebraska bill and h violation' lack Wool Dahones. 48 and /0 oents. the. Missouri Gimpromiee and with the I La o susses, lir 3 6 . and 31 ands. Noto Crave es arem, at COML. complainingof the anti-sla v e ry .seta. t at '' - - la it Gaeta. z ne. __. poem _ II a nd the frustration ofilm tit sou M o ro. at cime rz i r wi l s. in. , l , &nine .1 , 1 " " Igur" otroha & uostakk, .w.. 1.: 1 S. Z. Corner NINTH and MO RIM!. iThe Reviewer, to do him justice, writes, if drILOARS AND MaIsiTILLAS. OAUpt Itil one having authority, certainly as one informed on some points. Ile says, and I ILI TION.-Ladies are cautioned against the neftiz oni OUS statements of parsons-forme/is to OUT MOO, v li6W in tbe emelor of nit i la,Vr e. "l: l r t r . ",,, :ti beg partieeler attention to the lines we kgrggnat;7,:i be c rt il islohes of the Pans MallS.lllilit ill italics , nln fact, it is now manifest &menu .• - siva statematts ere Amain onrstrra I p s o to swam* tad ducat Mr aluissesnraS. , 83 OM revelation (for such it may be termed) wa.,.....ear bass Pe other re" th o lgtilfg e gw ae it i.long been cossierstplated by the Southern P l e d "--: glI 7----. -- J. IC-r__ltodTeit & 09.. tiliticiana as the alternative of 'Success In the miii-tr Paris mantilla omponuroi *natal contest. Several of the members B ARICOEB. Millitchanan's Cabinet had,' secretly and Riati Pr" B4reig.g e " I t 11 1"1 al testa . 6Aw., honestly arid diehorieetl made pre ill‘rese Mosoll3 50. 4. an ti. _ --: _ y• Mozambique Roues. at $5. amine for the coming change; and "Upon Tiovenine D'ePkt 4 " ls . 81./.3 no .nerds' Plaids, Mohan Pla ids. he declaration of the result of the election einstams, Lawns. villas, Cha r les. a . Gray FlgUYed Cilivds .. h e at once shifted their allegiance to the new, COOPER & CONAFIN • S. B. Comm. NINTH ant MattiCEVonfederacy. It is probable, from „the. ease N. 8.-nest Soot' ".lirte• " eerie,te. " 4 "" ' W idth which the machinery of thee Provisional 30 Pig R itj jg N T. OI'IDKR OC6overnment in the South has been brOnglii etueEn.- TIME' AND M ON E Y . • -nto Play, that Mr. Jefferson "Davis and his int- SAVR. Persons eau do both, in some at ewe and nay gaiees had matured' their whole scheme before- ' their Dry Goods of . _ls , g. 'nm & SON, ,s\ ' Nn. Vl3 North TENTH . show* Co rnet„ ell4‘ , o , . wbo have 6 jar 0 and IroWnsport...l .took or -.i. . iieviewer sea no harm, nothing wrong, AEI” AND pESP.AOLN STODS. Oil* out of the wa in the 8 session et a wh V i niry are ire e tni e ltv l iltit COAST. t hoOt a t e , or of several Y' States, from the lie and oleos. Blass Biika. at 1,100. Iry ittfc ,, , ,,,, ,w , ivilm. vim :to 0 tsIOD " Every American State," ho de tail 111. laresrLhas a complete government, hale- N ray Owes for TravelltrtDreeame. ••'-peridetH Of the Federal rneehaniemed it hie a i case Gray Toots, rat e°. 'worth late. U r oOel l tr and an Executive; It ha* a Lees . ilatureit Ilea a judiciary. It has all the or gang Vikfell are requisite for independent ac { Wten; it, in , order to give it .praelical Jade- Tender), nothing more is necessary than 'to 'cut thee which attaches it - WI the Federal GOVeriallt. This is a simpie and essay pro- LANGUOR. NERVOUSNESS. SICK lELBADACIHE. HECTIC' FLUSH, &a. OK NO P 4 T p ~I RAIDAY, MAY 24, 1861.. ItEtAIL DRY GOODS. LADIES I DO NOT FORGET LADIES! DO NOT FORGET LADIES! DO NOT FORGET LADIES! DO NOT FORGET AT RETAIL, DO NOT FORGET 50 CENTS ON THE DOLLAR. Hp 507 CHESTNUT STREET. Cr_ 00 D BLAOK AiLHB. OF WIDTIIX. fairdrums.. : • Flee .oradeaol Black &Mi. Wide Bleak for Coate Bleak ts die. Warrantee durable. BYRE & L DEW" myl6 FOG RTR - and ARCH. faRECJIAL RAKE MIA FOR BARIIIVIS TRK ENTIRE STOOK -1 ox.vohD.ou - A. - .. On isceouht of the nanettled eh Of Ow cammtry, and derommion:proutim.iisi am flouloffineo alsos lout ocostotitnporsVon. - eraftrind mats sole tie 1 T tnalFol4terel l ol l atiknahtlecerei ,11001Okl! those to*, 17;000 to, raimmxte IL Otte W shetyvA : 10:189ha it lf theirArl Aulairmm!' ((Jilt Vrtss FRIDAY, bllaY 24, 1861. The Mshilbtirsh Review on Amerman Politics. It is a sound legal practice to accept second ary Whin/ it is impossible to obtivn prrmary evidence. Therefore, finding it impossible, at present, to ascertain or understand the pur posed policy of the British Government to wards the United States, in- the Civil War Which has unhappily broken out, we may be allowed to refer to what their accredited organ puts forth, in a semi-official manner. That Orkin 'fa the Edwiburgh Review. • Ever since the appearance of the Edinburgh Rcyiew, in the autninn of 1802—when Sydney mith, Francis ' Romer, Francis 'Jeffrey, and 'Henry Breughain put their heads together to astonish the public with literary criticism in dependent of book-publiahers—that periodie,al line xtuitormly and coaatetentiy, se sec;e4 ably, been a Whig partisin: In:factAtviiati lie reCogniaed organ of the Whig . partf; # ritit ftiftdii aa well akin office, and it never front thin line of ad:icies:ly. From 02 until the death ,of Pitt, in. Jainary, 1806— liter: ;that 'untimely event to the demise of Fes, in the autumn of the saint; year,mthette ffitring the governance of gc All the Talents"' I , lolstry, down through their exile from office, *le Spencer Percival and Lord Liverpool reigned, until 1821, when Canning. became fiitne Minister, the Edinburgh Review stuck the Whigs, roost pertinaciously. It backed Enid Grey when his hauteur and envy made_ tffiLrjoiu with the Tories to assail Canning. 1f nneered at Wellington in his civil capacity. le-Cheered on the Reform Cabinet, eventrhen Lord Grey, its heed, quartered his relations on the' public, as placeholders, to the tune of $876,000 a year. It sneered at Peel, when he win' Premier, in 188445: It steadily apolo giaed for. the poeveureutte rule of. Melbourne and the assuming pretension of John Russell. It ridiculed Peel, on Ma return ; to office, even When Peel did the Whig workofintrodueing free trade, and, during the ten ielre which have elapsed since Peel's death, still the Edinburgh Revigtv has been at once the apolo . gist, champion, and servitor of the Whig Party,-;-rdways praising Russell and Palmer ston, and always. withr equal fervor, assailing Derby and Disraeli. Nay . , lair George Corn trail Lewis, a literary"' baionet of unusually heavy-solidity, who is now Secretary of State for the Home Department, actually edited the Edinburgh, Review in 18544, and quitted it, in the latter year, to become Chancellor of the Exchequer. He recommended Kr. Henry, the gentleman who succeeded him as editor, and it Is known that he still finds time to de fend the Whig Government, as especially himself, in its pages. ". This - may seem a needlessly long preface, tint we desired to remind our readers, by the recignitdaties of known facts, that, during the whole of its existence, a period of nearly sixty years, the Ed.hr g h, .Review has been the ad vocate, even the mouth piece of the Whig "party of England. • The concluding article in the number of the Review Publietted in London last month, and just reienblished in New 'York, is headed eclfrictihe , "ii of President Lincoln and its Con inquentirs," and professes to be a, criticism pon;iour priblicationx, viz : James Stirling's Vattiisfi'ons the Slave States ; Olmsted's Tra velsipitbe Slave States; Mr. Vallaudigham's Speech in et r"House of Representatives, last Fbruary, upon cc The Great American Rave. kitten or ;" and Mr. Calhoun's Disquial- KOtiOtilliivarini" tint, . and - a Discourse on the • ' • *km lj< d .government" of the MIR inkeit, in the article, of the four . orks in quo tibn. • 'From the drat, the Reviewer begs the ques tibn, and - assnmes, (writing in March, Ina -mediately after Mr. Lincoln's inauguration, toilg befere tin atter* um Fed Sumpter ) ) that the Secession of certain Southern States hid broken up the Union. This organ of the Pidestraton Cabinet, says " the disruption of . the ITluted States is, if not consummated, at least highly probable, and indeed appears at eess ; it implies no revolutionary - . - tuovement or painful sacrifice on the part of the'seceding States; but, on the other hand, it inflicts no serious wound, and mules no serious temporary derangement in the , remaining States, and does not create that necessity for negotiation which secession, in an ancient republic,produced." Just so; but, mutate naming, substitute Ire land for South Caroline, and what would, the Reviewer think of the ariumeMi? To sepa rata Irelked from Great Britain would be « a simple and easy process :" it would involve no painful sacrifice on the part of seceding Ire land ; 'it would inflict no serious wound, would cause serious temporary delansepeitt in the remaining provinces or counties of the . Kingdom! A two-edged argument like this, like two-edged weapon, cuts DWI Ways. The Edinburgh Review, which hen found It co not difficult to arrive, by logical steps, at the legitimacy of Secession," in. the case of 'ilie.Southern States, should also recognise, to lie consiatent; the " legitimacy or SeCesalon" lathe event of Ireland desiring Withdraw from its legialtitiVii Tinfoikwith ? By, a parity of `reasoning, if Sir 'George Cornwall Lewis, or wheeier the Edinburgh Reviewer may be, justifies the 'disrnption of our Lrniop, Southern, Seeestlion,..his. should 'be ready and willing to admit of the seceision of Ireland. But that wonld not suit a Whig Cabinet Minister—though this is the inevita .blo conclusion of his argument. Further on, with curious inconsistency, the Reviewersidmits that the North has not given cause to justify the condUct of the South. lie says, very, frankly it Nothing whatever has been done, attempted, or even threatened, by the Executive or by. Congress .against the in terests of the South. The mere election of Mr. Lincoln--the-more accession of the Re publican party to office-are-the sole grounds on which the acceding States at present at. tempt to justify their conduct. -Here, then, their case utterly breaks down. They have acted upon a mere apprehension of some evil or injustice supposed to be impending over them, but which even their own political ad versaries repudiate and deny." - • The, Reviewer leeks upon the Southern Confederacy as much a fixed fact as the poli tical organization of Switzerland. The seced ing States, he tells ns, "will not consent to returu to the old Union, and resume their alliance with the free Stet* except upon terms winch the victorious Republican :party of the North must. repudiate with disdain." He thinks that all the States retaining Slavery will secede, and that those which .do not se cede will abandon slavery. This reads very like a bull, but it is the Reviewer's, not ours. Then, we have, 64' it must be confessed like. wise, tbat.the alacrity which Congress , has re cently shown in increasing .the protectionism of the federal tariff,' for the profit of the Northern, and to the detriment of the South ern States,. evinces'a selfish and uncoisciliatery spirit in the new dominant party, calculated to extinguish amy'dglire of reunion winch may still be turking in the Gulf rtates." Should the South have irrevocably resolved to secede, the Reviewer says "then.it is earnestly to be hoped that the North will net resort to the policy of toercielf; bat that ne gotiations will be opened for an amicable equation." He suggests the "-arbitration of a friendly Governitient for the purpeie of set tling those cniestionis upon which the old and new Unions could not come to a voluntary Agreement." At the time this was written, Mr., Seward had not made that eminently pa, trietic declaration that our Government Would not parmit any Foreign Power to interfere in the itomeetic affairs"- of the United words worthy of being written in letters of gold, after the Oriental fashion—words Which are graven deeplynpon the heart of our whole South should be allowed to wade without bloodshed, he hail the candor to admit that the North must triumph over and inquer its less populous neighbor. He also concede* the fact 'that England, as a People, would be in imical to the establishment or continuance of slimly in countries where white labor for: agricultural purpoies 111 practicable ; that, as the Missouri Corapromise line is exactly coin cident with the South of Europe, all the slave territory north of it may eafely be assumed as fitted for white labor; and that, In the hot countries, where the European cannot endure field labor, the employment of an inferior race has not exhibitUct satistactory results. The RevieWer, who seems to have received President Lincoln's inaugural address just as he was concluding his article, coolly asserts that g , it demi not Mean what it says; that its object is to 'gain time, and that the Federal Executive intends to adopt no decisive step until the intentions of the Border States are declared." It happens, unfortunatelY for the argument, that President Lincoln, with fall approbation of his country, has taken very a.- cided steps without *siting until the intentions of the Border Statei were declared. We must give the Reviewer'a peroration in "It would, in our opinion, be premature to ape. ordate upon the probable effects of the movement now improgrem . speoulitions must rest On a merety,eptlenturel baste, natil,itie known whether there will hewer between the Northern States and the Southern Confederacy; and Whether.the Dor , der. Buttes wilt -adhere -toil's). free Nertit s .orjoin :the slave' States of the South.. We will only, in conalueloo, " express our opitikin that the enainte. manse of the Union, snperpetatty it empossible • and that the entire region from Niagara to Mexico' and from New York to California, mama dentinne for Many years to be governed by a elegle Peden) Government. Dizeolattoss, to 40MO extent, and at' no distant wiriodrii. me believe, the 'manifest desttnyi . of the United States' Wheneverthia solution takes pia* internitelonal-lent will regu late . the.. relations of the mew.. Confederacies a pon recognised 'principles ; . ,theril be, as in the Old World, dentition; of intarest,.nitibial compromises, and- a, balance of power, bist.thirinmerioe energy. intellinenbe, and wealth of the Ifortbermatates ulit, as we think, dense their influence to p.tiipen Berate, and thus will enable them to occupy alf fbe temperate regions of-North Axtuorkis, sates "popu lation cultivating the soli by means of free labor, and , renouncing- the institution of slitrary We eaneur en the opinion of those vas baize #zp . rassed 2022arnoleei regret at the apparent dissolutton of the Unica. No doubt the compara tive failure of so great an experiment in the pro /rasa -of mankind is to:be deplored ; but we are by no nieans_oonvinced that tnetpranraat afr assitlll4, wowarentionouneseti:wfir not be advitteed by this:separation:l. Ncithing;iiduld be more deplore. , ble t than re- saugninery contest between' thee% two I s t z l eat'imatipoe of the duiwiriena peoplo.; .but we asereenilteed; foi humeral:Le regions, that each a ountest, if It< z take ' , vises - , et all • will be of very ,bait duration. -On the - other - hand, we confidently believe that the . peril, of the reiressionwealth =frill 'call a higher blase of mittito , :the.illreation of: public affairs, and that the Isite of ranking. of froenton not ions be „abanioneifto the 'corrupt and' incapable agencies whint have bitiligoTerned it. The reverence of theVnion -into two warts will beget. -be both of them a etroicge; fens. of 019.0bliptiona of inter - sentinel few,' anifiegreater respect for neigh borsr.-.The;Sinith., will follow the broad path of oommereds.l..fr u edom• uncontrolled by Northern proteetionists: Thi.North will follow the , higher treetc:nt freedom -unfettered - Southern elsveholdete TO-seelt 'division of. the Alnion a vast pereer of power, prosperity, and usefulness noising open ; and if. they have the good sense to abstahi from mutial iggrersion, each of these two greatoonntries continue to play as important a part in the affairs of the world .as when they were 'united by the slender tie of a Federal compaet." The sheer ignorance exhibited here is re markable—it is only equalled, we think, by the impudent audacity of the assertions. Let not American readers belleve;for a mo ment, that the article upon which we - have' commented, expresses the , opinion of even a minority of the - British ;public. With the ox ception of the: 'cottonocracy In the single county of Lancaster; England• has the most decided anti-alatrery feelings, and, therefore, does, not and: cannot • sympathize wittrthe so , ceding South. • Moreover; titegeneral feeling Angiand is so irieridly.toward the - United ,States that should our glorious Union be dis solved, or seem to be in danger of dissolution, great, regret would be amikened. The Edinburgh. Review,: in the article which we here have noticed, does 'not express the. feelings - of British nation—nor of the Whig party.:"simply enunciatei - tbe'oplulofood . wishei of the Falmeriton Cabinet, Arid, mOit prOtiieiy; Was written by a member :of "that Caikiet. 'We beg our, readers to draw line. Of distinction. Anierlean *dilutions are' too 'ter the meett-llhileol.OtLeidtil.: Adininlistration. iii*cilirideitiel that Perliament is now, seigoia;4 1;4044) neither Lords nor Commoria will Permit TWO CENTS. mutton, alitlgeßy ' & Go. (rally to elde with the South, which, it ,is clear, some of them would gladly do. The people of ,England, in one word, are not for the South—whatever Palmerston and his Mends, despite of their utfected neutrality, may really feel. No repeat, emphatically, because we are certain Of the foot, that though the British Minbitty, aristocrats who hate our Union because it is republican, may incline to favor the South, the good feeling of the British People runs alrnoat excluaively the other way. If Palmeraton letEugland drift into war, or even into coolness, wit:lathe United States, he will thereby obtain ao much unpopularity that his. Admipititiatign must be. broken up. Nor is it lately that Queen Victoria whose son, was in. sultod in the South and honored in every other part et the UniterfStatea that be viaited, pea sittlY can sanction any Ministerial policy against our Union: No! not even-were Prime Albert twice , . as untriendly::to Ursa he is reported letteF from tbe'ladian ' Countiy . , teorrespondeamef The, Pressa OMAI3A, Nebraska trevritory, • - May 14, 1861. ' Here I am, upon the very verge of civiliza idea, with my face turned toward the great Pacific, • Where rolls. the Oregon, . And hearsno sound save his own dashing." Our is an unusual one, nothing 'having been , seen like` it since the days of when our vestinland plains and forests: were crowded with emigrants moving with anxious and ava ricious hopes ter the, golden shores of the :new El Dorado. And, greatest boon of all, -we have an able, brave ' eaperleneed earn :Mender 'in Captain Mitnadier, of the - United States army, who has: already secured the esteem and confidence of - his . subordinate , ellicers. Oar mission is partly scientific and geographical, and partly to afford protection to - -the vast body of emigrants that have en damped hereabout for a united start to w the other aide," as they Say in Omaha. Tlareugh the exertions of Senator Baker, of. Oregon, $60,000 was appropriated at the last session of cprigress for the purposes of this expedi. iiiinitind its disbursement and the charge of the expedition have been entrnated' to Captain Manadier. It shall be my pleasure to keep You-informed-:of the. incidents of our trip, •Wbich, becefute 'of the withdrawal of the , regular "troops from the seeeral.lndian posts, bids fair to be lively and Interesting. Although we look out upon a long path through the wilderness: of America, upon the far-stretching - sand-plains aud - gummy prat- Ilea, over the. tiocky Mountains, across the esicherons iriticksands of the inland one-way -*fining rivers;_and amid the dense, intricate, aud - iinglid - :wild-woods .yet we have been somewhat -: prepared or. h ardened for the ser. vice.impesectupon tut, fer our journey from Philadelphia to this place has been no w prim rose-path:of dalliance." We have arrived at ISM; after - one 'of the most tedious rides by rail and stage it has ever been my lot to un dergo. =:.Leaying .with only one other of our party the city of Chicago, where I spent five days- delightfully, we bad necessarily to pees through Miaaourl. 'We found the Seces sionists, who had just heard of the bloodshed in St.;.Lonfs, with their .pro.slavery fanaticism worked np to an . intense pitch of excitation. At every, station were throngs maddened with liquor and false inforniation : (the latte r we .have - since discovered) ; and it would have coat us our lives to have breathed out - that we came from the prolific North, of!- were fired - tvitti , Jove of country and its national - !symbol; As well expect calm reason In a mad-lionie. Committees, as they styled, theinselves, came into the cars, -and, W;ith it great flourish of - trumpet)), made an in spection of the passengers and freight: Not having an excessive. regard for a costume of tar, and teathers,:f.. found refuge beneath the Mantle of: silence, and gave myself up to an all-absorbitig perusal of the elegant and no -will vituperative leaders of the . co , Whang -dOodle Patriot, le aders Thunder- - clond,'"•ptiblished semi-how-and-then, or per hips oftener, not n way town in - Maine,” but somewhere,. designated as Athens, , in South- Western Arkansas. At the thriving. outpost town of ht. Joseph, upon the Missouri river, littniliarly called Saint Joe, we to 0 't 0 Lahore-op braces with -a coeval covering., • Our ! eon veyanee- C04841/14ed single eye to ti ti c esigth; - ‘elin erifinott.. ease being entirely; ignored. From Sunday morning at eight o'clock, till Tuesday follow :leg at ten o'clock A. M.i we were shaken and bounced and rattled and swamped with an ate' rnation only Western travellers have any knowledge of: This; too, is the rainy season, and all the - bottoms were Spongy bogs or quiveriug mud lakes. Now we were whirled. with lightning speed Over the prairies - and then 'innate-the deep despond or miry roads. We had to turn out often and lend a helping hand, and after we reachedd - firm ground we were glad enough to get in the stage again; beepattered atis we worn with:mud, and chilly with wet. At night it was terrific.- We could hardly see our hands before . our "faces, and so slippery, .was the ground tbat .we slipped at every step, and with - the kicking' end plunging 'of the , hergise,-And the contradictory orders of driver andccoriductor with the interleaved advice of pitattengers, - We had a miniature Babel of con fusion. - When we -were : dropped at Council 'MUM" We lioked, like the men that Falstaf was ashamed temarch through Coventry. I ara.Poiltive that "_what clothes had left were se tuiftinradmitti - mud tbat they would have stooituplike a ramrod ;without anybody being inside .of. them. We only: had a Imile to cross to Omaha, yet ill luck was Milani to us; our 'boat running upon a snag detairdng us thereby sour or five 'hours. • • Omaha, which is Our rendezvous, is a small town:. The inhabitants are sociable and kind to atrangeri.. Provisions are plenty, except- ing vegetables, strange to say. Eggs sell for five cents a dozen. We are very much pleased with onr ginerters, where I= think we will have tO remain ter a week or two, in leaking pre parations. To-morroW, brigbt - and early, start, with,another. upon horseback, for an eighty -miles ride up the Platte river, to have brought to the camp. the horses and horned cattle required to mount the expedition, and for transportation of baggage, &c. At least•tholst - of Jane next will see us with a train of emigrant - wagons extending, with ont exaggeration, twenty to twenty-five How like a snake it Wilt look 'from the moon. tain top,' art-itcoils around the'base, and then trails over the plain beyond. The famine in Kinaas,:together with - our national troubles, has atimuiated -emigration to 'Oregon and Washington Territory. Camp-fires of min. grants have been, increasingrtil along this bor. deer 'Since the'opirning of, spring. y They wa'.t tor an escort, and it is our ddly, as it is our ,iileasure, to guard: them 'safely %through the /*llan country to the- fertile valleys - of the rat, far West, where- they go to build up new ensPires, and stud our flag with new constel!a -lidni.:l - _ , - ;Nebraska is entirely for the Union. Every man belongs to a military company ; and, by the way, as they have lived in:the saddle, they OWFl:turtriah.you . with-good cavalry companies, Which:you may need. i saw &party of Pawnees at supper yester day. These notorious horse-thieves exhibited a larder.with hWthe Variety of that of a:society of, beggars. They had the refuse of the slaughterhouses-the entrails of beasts, &e., &c.—, which, when coolted;they greedily de voured:-'There they were, standing' in stolid stupidity; lounging, wrapped in gaudy blankets, , upon their ground: Stilre 'their blankets, at this season the men go entirely naked.. Adios for the present. P. R. F. A CARD. At , a meeting of the . National Light Infantry ! of Pottsville, P,enna Captain li.tdeDenald, held at their quarters. Washington Anima), 10 C., on the letb aay . af May ) 1861, it was unanimously ,MaSolved; - )lblik the , neartfilarbants of this com pany.. are , due, and are- busby tendered, to that noble end pattiotio son orgiunsylvinla, the Hon. John-MI .:- - ItOrney, clerit''of tiro- /lonia of Barre tenintivigi - for the' attention anditindiresehe has A s i i s r irlayed IC this company Mom Um moment of our 2tasolvia, That he Swill alirayi hold a prominent place in our grateful remembrance for the mani fold favors be hoe - bestowed_npontu— Resalmid! That .theao prootedirgs be published dtr The res a, .soda Copy sent to the faint. John Extract frau:kilts) minatea.: • , • • M. MDGAW. Iticzasiva ta A. Volunteer vie UDC au- Effective Blockade; (For The rialial . To Natty the tfeittlotta minds of the members of the-.N tieb -..PlThiblenty by eatabliehing an effeo tive blitakittie .our_ooart, „why rhonld not a voluidailrnairyttaduly . bmnftdartnned by the Fwd."- ral - eararlantenfi'Llrev - wou 1 " rd - nommand ate o " is Pla Alllnakend.-Intait idgelboant.eanaa ? 2 h . .441 4 aaft in the shipplps_htteinem from the : NoitliernApotikithd-thfildxh 'Pre_ndu a l. . f l rir n e ' rime; teitvernehatatritt.ddl• r - t arts k ramalth obliiiiiniuncsgo and ; eapaolty Anent... taltiet of .61101111.11tt113 expletteVof lhaidonthern priva.'teers. .4 *OW altitaftla. from;the Nord". ;fatly. equipped ,with erewe, .armsment, - and struninitlon, :unquestionably' bet:meal in debreaainF the aha t kes of plandefi by the Owlthirrn:pirikted.:l) l ll, -- 0/rimus.. •011117;w004-41;-$ INAS. end" eonYinc..Kag Aglisige.A.*t. 441 r gvyerc inefit-bie ample seacitunetvin Alatablifithre what England' nowlooka upon:ealopeleialY fixtheobaitle. • : :•-.: • •: A Eames. „ TRE WEEKLY FREES. Tin Wang Pines Will be Sent to niblierft4ll by lead (per ammo to eavanee.) sty..--- 20•00 Three threa t . •00 • Fire " 2.00 Ten " *` -- 12.00 Twenty • " " (to one address) 20.00 Twenty Copies. or over (to address of each subscriber.) euth— 1.20 For a Club of Twenty-one or over, we vitt •0114 an extra Copy to the getter-up of the Club. .1. air postmaster, are tweeted to eat SI AMA@ fee Tax WxxXLY 1032111. OALIFOELNia: PILMSIC Issued tame times a Month, mi time for the ealiforala Steamers. - - Orgies an the InfetuntEtegions over Secession.; [For The Freers Hark! bark! to the fend: " Ha! ha! ha! hs! ha: ha!" And all b—l, overjoyed, returns a' Mazza:" "Let ne drink to the plot that on earth le laid bare," And clink go the cons to the toast from the chair. Up . rhee old Batan—" My friends and my wire, I give you my thanks for your voices and (sheers; Well may we rrjaiee in our victory, when It will people our regions with myriads of men! Know, then, that a land milled the United Statsa Was an favored by heaven, that the will of our Fates Seemed to work it no ill, and prosperity's hand Sowed, broadetiat, ite biesdngs all over that land. Per 7aErre have I atriskan those biassing to mar— To break up its Union--seaste civil war— To inflame the worst paesions of man against man— per I've haled it e'er riven its Union began! My cffarks, alas WM% all fellitte9ll and vain: Ad my will and my strength solid not never UM • chai That bound as one people that Union so grand— a:i over the earth as a God-ohosen land— Tin at last oar Boar children, ( 1 down South,” u • they say, In a State where we rule o'er the rig/in--where • play Al! the werafof wen's Faesiona—seught by pretext - sad 're undo the great work of the godlike and wise. We breathed fire in the soul of a demon called Men; -7*, We ittdepervi ono l'Ancey—one Platens kelt— rill max coaxed OR the crowd to , daawaton and stems, And an edict of wrath was the fruit of the dune. .flow we gloried. my peers, to see the are spread fin limo on ;the cam was pp raging And-red, And a cordon ofltates, from th eir spheres madiy , hurled, Getned the lore of our heart—the contempt of the world We &pry in rain—nar pont-leo 6121 r 611.1121: Dot 125 force on the issue, these fools to o'orwhelnt, For that North that we hatii and that West we do- Are sure, in their wrath and their fury, to rise, And they qi °rut& dawn dletualon—looeselen they'll kill— We shall have Davie wanting some Place, here to And Stephens, and Pickens, and Yancey, and Itbett, Will make oepital demons—we cannot forget That half-nigger Toombs, with hie terrible holsr, Which can beat our dog Cerberus out of his oollar Indeed, all f.nr friends, the SSOClaliOnblitl, soon Will knock at our-door, and will crave, ae a boon, All the offices here ! ''twill exalt° alt our mirth— For they obeli not rule here es they tried to on earth; Am! when these grand knaves we torment in our wrath, With thousands of others whom they've led the faire path, . Though hateful to us, the old Union attain Will be bound in a lasting—a fraternal chain • For Heaven has decreed that the Union rhea IA Through an tiara • the abode of a people that's tree; And all we ►hail gain by our purposes, fell, Is peopling with scoundrels the purlieus of h--I!" As Satan sat down, many rounds of applause Showed how aS his imps loved the disunion suture, And a brave little demon jumped up in a chair, And 'oiled out this toot with a triumphant air : *Here's a weicoraa to RION, and &NASD; and Rhett, And to thousands of others, whose names we for- gat; We shall have them—en earth they eenisot be for- given. And their love of our lies , is their forfeit of hea ven !" Then.he waved a email fiag—seven dim stars in its field, And n'oort of a %lag ihrizt a tree and a shield: 'rwas a cotton oonosan, and. in waving, It same Somehow loosed from the staff, and was burned in the Boas. Satan rose in hid Owe, at this oininous turn, That ended, in ashes, the ootton concern, Took a gulp of hot liquor, bade good night to eaoh • friend, And deotered both the 'meeting and „flag at an end Ur. Jeff. Davis at Pensacola. The Pensacola aorrompondont of the Mobilo Ad. vertsaer gives the following amount of the sudden appearanoe of Jeff. Davis in the vicinity of Port Piokeng PXI I IIIACIOLA, Wednesday, May lb, 1861. Unheralded President Davi, ascompsnied by Secretary Mallory and Mk. Well, arrived in the 'early train of this morning. While her fs the' guest of - Elecretary-Mallory:' Without " potop or otromxistacool , ne mace tea , way to th e Staildilt eMbeirlted for the nark yard, I hitailiiiterterS of Gm ;Dram ww Alta, now fa a Menelll.o Rant. off fyout ittelarni belatliparifive but little, if any, temonnt- this eve. "ling of wAtisappetted there-4artiter than , the booming of aannoa'whioh, as natal, -staitliod tha -`; Tale "or - Poltßioltens from their propriety-4hey icathistakelmown thadows. It has bean some, thee since I SAW the 'Pretddint; and lit 'drat glineirtoolf bim for Gov. Winston. Re was vevplainly dna -ed---no insignia denoting the chief of &great nation. `He leaves to night for Montgomery. The obleot .11.111$ Agit. Lisa riot been cata,;lly. Made known ; many astociate it with some great event, and I'm inclined to that opinion myself- If allowed to ea press an opinion, he has found 'in Gen. Aram an able Soldter--one oaloulated to conduct to a mo o:infra canchtsian a antlipeign of great 1006 , 0110de. Since Capt. Adams' notice of blockade, the vllll - now in port are hurrying aboard their return cargoes,. They col:option bitterly of its terms. Some of them will have to leave half loaded or fight their way out. The John Bulls are down on old Abo, and I hope their Government is, too. Thwvessels of the fleet have been amusing them selves the last two or three days in target Ming— practising 'for the " rebels.?' Affairs at Pcntress Monroe and in the Potomac. [From the Baltimore Bun of yesterday morning.] 2'be steamer Georgians, Captain Pierson reach ed.• her wharf yesterday morning frank' Old Point Comfort. Among her passengers wee De. surgeon of the fort and her mails were only from Hampton. Captain P reports that there are about mghteen war - *etude lying in that vioinity, most of yritieh are gurt , boate, though the leinnesorafimsd oaombeitcsird are still there. On . noon a large steamer arrived at Fortress2lSonree with ' a regiment from Massaohnsetts, Comprising 800 men As she approached Commander-Pander. greet ordered the yards of the fleet to be instill:ad, and the new arrival war Cheered at thccettiesier passed. - - The regiment was Immediately marebitt into the fort' The force now in Fortress Monkish nearly 4 000 men, and a constant guard Is kept from the fort to Hampton. To the battle between the Star (late .11fontess114) and the battery on Sewell's Poinc,on banclay, the Star reseieed seven Shot from the battery. One ball passed through tier pilot-honee and mortally wounded a boy ; another penetrated her larboard bow, about eighteen inches above the water ltne, and a third passed through her boileratonte, and lodged in one of the coal. beakers, end four others penetrated her ball in different places. She wee so` numb disabled that she bad to' belowed 4/ Besides - the boy, three men were injured, one ea verily and the others slightly. Blues Sunday Jur veral of the'propellere which passed near. ilia Vir ginia batteries were fired at, brit they kept out of range, and changed their course whenever Chi batteries would open upon them. The Virginians , generally threw hot stint The steamer St. Nickolas ' (refrain Kir w an, reached this city yesterday from Witthington. Captain K was ordered not to touch at any of the Virginia landings, and she confined her stoppings to the Maryland shore, where at,*gathered a num ber of passengers and freight Copt. K, Saw a defence thrown up near dqula creek, but *paid not discover any gnus; The United Cates steamer Poeakantas ran towards the defenee, but before getting within range altered, her coarse Hamer MO a sotlioiency of steam epistle at Wasfibgtorf fur all neecoaary purpoate Froin Montgomery-. The eorreinondent of the Charleston Courier, writing from Montgomery, May 14, sere Toe.bittiresary et War, after most eximusblag bors, has sent in Isis list of appointments to the army . . The but; bin!' of appointments made, and" the names of the 'appointees, has not yet transpired. though, from tbe - Past files of written ." appitostions," , and % " endemism= papers," X eonalucle it rand lb, large Within the past week I have heard much fro* talk of a reorganization of the President's Cabinet. When .first the matter was canvassed it was by whispers; then the Con/edierattran, riewept:iarzi mime out boldly in advocacy of the Step, all that it was due to the sovereignty and, might; the Old Dominion that she should, throigh one of heir sone, hold in her hands the adnithistration of one of the executive branchee of the Government of the Confederate States The people, indignant at such a proposition, fairly (tried shame. Boon it become whispered about that the deoretery 'of War thought of resigning, and immediately It was apeculateo that Mr. Bunter ? of Virginia, 'would flit the vananoy but 'on may tely upon ft Mr. Walker 'create no. such opening, even to gratify . Virginia, and there the matter must rest. The rumor was very current upon the streets 'yesterday that Pike with tea thousand Indiana at hie bank , was walla way to the capital %Ater hit and. their terrines to the Confederate;Stahel. - Tide will *be a novel feature in the salient " of' the war; when two suoh wild mounted regiment.' as thine are rewired. It le gratifying for me to say that, notwithstand lpg'd, N av y Department of the - ls sadly repreeented on the high seas, atilt the= of of vessels of-war is coming up Very briskly. The steam frigate Sumpter, the first of ear navy, it i s a t i um p;" 88 ibestd an aid aillormyttinother 'day. YOU Snow she formerly beton/ant - to-Wu ytuw , 'star andMavana line,. but ,hee has-. Smog I m o pur obased'brouFGoiternineni, and 'ls rapidly' being altered end 'plotted - for warfare. The ten gun boats : on the -mays: are:: nearly nalthed, while the.. privateers are enrolling themselves by, the scores and hundred.' - * Mors Mamie hinds will arrive tn.morroef of the determinations of $1,150. The whole tore. of the Trieciary DePartzoont to engaged in signing them. NeChillough has been appointed Brigadier-: .aeneral - and sent on special service to take Conj. mond of Indiana on the frontier. DISASTER ON THE GoAAT (or Tsx4ll.—A Otati tespandent at GAlTAttan itntOß to the /Nauru)le, on the lEoh, ss follows : . The brig E P Hooper, loaded with eorn end bound to ladiasola, went ashore oti the beach Os A AsOrnhAlciSn d is 1 4 1 /..4.;. , ,1ie had 500 woks An board. Ito brisker' _am tinning seierely, and . tha crew era on" the' boweprit. Baste' are about being rent to her relief.". She will; prey. total lon..
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers