&sr. .Lion contained nearly a thousand feea , Rh" are bound by the tenderest ties to itousands of households The regiment 19 certainly bound to Perryville, rut Wend :hat po"nt their movements will depend e y e n orders from heaequarters, which 'have not been wade public, nor which will not WI known ofit they Jac -Clop themselves by the °patellae 0 , t h e r egiment itself. It O understood that at Perryville Colonel Pat „ranee regiment Will be joined by Sherman's lotter y, two Ohio regiments, and several compa aler fai nters It is rumored that all will move go at together from that point. but mook of this is mere surmise ” jaa fen Or THE Fume AND SECOND onto nem eariTS —TEXT ARS' QUARTERED. AT SUFFOLK FARE. The first and second Ohio regiments, which cars been quartered at Lisnoester for two weeks, walled West Philadelphia at two o'clock yea terby afternoon, and marched at once to dot-elk park, on the Blue Bell and Penrose Perry read, one mile from the Darby turnpike. Th e o regiments rendezvoused at Columbus, e go, more than three weeks ago. They were en ap pal at Harrisburg a few days, an d lel t Leicester yesterday morning at ten o'clock. They number two thousand one hundred men, od are without exception the moat able-bodied, hely soldiers that have yet reached this oily from abroad. Th e regiments are commanded by Colonel A.M. D. 3lcCook, who lately left the United States army ea proceeded to Ohio, at the summons of the rennteers and Colonel Lewis Wilson. The staff officers of the drat regiment are Lieut. 0)1. F..iward A. Parrot, Major J. O. Hughce,Bur goon Wm. McMillan, and Quartermaster .lames SECOND REGIMENT, Colonel Lewis Wilson, Lieut. Col. Rodney... Mason, Major A. C. Parry, Surgeon T. Webb, and Quarter. muter Mr. A. McDermott The men formed at the West Philadelphia depot with knapsacks, haversacks, etc., upon their backs, A nd tramped by companies to the Park, a distance ,of four or fore miles. Of this they did net cow plain ; but on arrival at the Park, with a heavy shower wetting them to the skin, they were cha grined and mortified to find neither food nor ade quate quarters provided for Winn. They had not eaten since breakfast, and of seenty rations at that fuse; the sheds at the Park were dripping with li b. and straw was supplied to few of the stalls. Their indignation broke into voice here, and they threatened to break into the adjacent farm-houses end supply themselves. A quartermaster was de spatched at once to the city for wagon loads of Toed. bat up to the time of our leaving the encamp ment, (six o'clock P. M.,) the teams had not re armed, and half of the men were standing on the wet grass, with sore stomachs and moody brows. With telegraphic communication between Len sister and Philadelphia, it seems strange that orders were not despatohed for the supplies, so that they might have been forwarded to camp in due for %arrival of the volunteers. We hen ,at a late hoar, that a portion of the men were quartered at the Summit House, on the Darby road, and others at the Blue Bell, King s:olpp Those who accustom themselves to speaking tomprehensively of armies should have seen these two regiments, stretching a mile long, between the Perk and the Summit House, with bright bayo nets streaming down all the slopes and dotting the tops of the hills. M Among the companies composing the First Regi meta are the Cleveland Grays, Dayton and Mont. gallery Light Guards, Videttes, of Columbia, and Kinney Light Guards of the *IV of Percival, Ohio. The latter company is oommanded by Captain Bailey, * graduate of West Point, and an expe- rienced soldier. Among the members of this com pany are lawyers, doctors, and physicians, many of them wealthy men, end ell possessed of intelli• ince of no common order. The Second Regiment hicludis several companies noted for their skill in military matters, among which are the Cincinnati Savers and Cincinnati Zouaves. Another feature to this regiment is a company familiarly called The Cincinnati Bummers." It is composed of sold and daring men, who will not fail to be of eminent service Ina pitched battle. Among the soldiers we noticed a veteran, pro allay sixty-five or seventy years of age, named Captain AloGlaugklin, who served in the Mexican war, and appears to be staunch enough to endure ill the hardships incident to the life of our troops. Major Jack Hughes was also a soldier in the She en war. A soldier named (1. L. Emil Eherere was also remarked. He is a graduate of the Prussian and French military academies, perfectly oonver sant with everything relating to cavalry and ar tillery movements, and is much , respected on ac count of his superior knowledge of these affairs by his comrades. The regiments, upon their arrival at Lanoaster, two weeks since, were quartered in the First Presbyterian Church, until their arrangements to clamping were completed. The camp was 10- osted adjscect to Wheatland, the reddens. of Kr. Badman, one and a half Mike west of tho city. Miss Harriet Lane visited the camp on Tuesday, and was heartily cheered by the soldiers. Mr. Badman, however, did not do so. p number if companies waited on him, and were ;hospitably cattail:led. Mr. Bnehanan expressed the moat cordial approval of Mr. Lincoln's present policy. The troops are loud in their oomplaints of the gone with which they are now furnished. Not more than one half - their number have received Minnie rifles. A portion have the old muskete changed from flint to perctuadon locks, and pro nounce them utterly usedoes,and very unsafe. The good people of /Unpinning ware much *s tatus' bed at the trouddest oppeeiramie of this groat tidy of men. We Iterleard an honest publican, Hying that he never thought to live to the time when troops should be quartered in his barr l / 4 and crowd his bar-room by acereemett - companiea. The ehOdren and country-folks generally straggled into tamp lest night with baskets of sakes and fruits, distributing the= to tlie half-famished men. Kindly maidens likewise braved the possibility of insult and nahnonatrued motive, to carry bread, Bandit-Rhea, and cheese into the ranks. At the Park itaNles, the men fortunate enough to be supplied `with Olean straw threw themselves at ones into their fleabite, and fell into sound slumbers. Perhaps, in sleep, the dream of the soldier came to them, Alled with far-off fancies and prophetic shadows. These men, as we have remarked, are noble fel low' in physique, and the frank, honest character istics of Western men are finely exemplified in lone Of them. A great, rough man, who had been 'resented with a sandwich and an orange, bowed to a depth frightfully humiliating, and said : " Ladies, God blest you! I shall kill four more men now than I intended to WM." The muskets of these soldiers axe Outwit useless They Ind a volley, by one company, over a com rade's grave at Lancaster, and in the diacharge Met muskets exploded. They are uniformed in heavy overcoats, gray pants, and - bine jotkle or lame. Tae Cincinnati "Bummer" corps wear red Jicke43. In thisoompeny one man was pointed Mt who was said to. have been concerned in some twenty homicides on Western waters. The troops will be quartered at the Park, it is thought, three daps, as gaarda have Mark detailed for that time. Their regulation uniforms went to Camp Lad right upon drays. They declare that they will not "TO off without improved. muskets. It was ru stored m the evening that Hon. John Sherman, now in this city, had secured a requisite num ber 9f arms for them. They are anxious to go to Washington, and are ready not alone to kill but to eat all enemies. Thegrounde at the camp were muddy last night, ender the tramping of so many feet, and the men huddled themselves together in great numbers in a hay-loft of a largo barn, so that it threatened to break with them and be the agent of mme broken bete& The two regimente are ()unposed et picked men, and much of the wealth and talent of the States is to be found in their - ranks. A finer sight than that of so many troops, grouped on the green, level field, cannot well be Imagined. They will drill by company and battalion, both morning and after noon, as long as they remain. DardICTITRE or TROOPS It was rumored, yesterday, that the first regi ment, under command of Colonel Win D. Lewis, Imola leave this city this morning for Perryville. We were unable, however, to trace the rumor to sty reliable source, last eveidne. The arrival-of ille Ohio regiment yesterday afternoon, from Lan eestet, and the delay consequent upon tarnishing tem, as well Col. Lewis' regiment with Min% rites, may prevent the departure of any large body of troops fora few days long". THII MILSIDALD/ rawrion in out isms of Monday, we confounded the GeritAldi Legion with the Garibaldi Guard. We are iletued to learn that the Legion now musters some lit hundred men, and is awaiting marching °l'ders• The rank and file are oollsroweel of Am.- ?ells- Colonel Romaine L4sane, one of the Yeast a ccomplished officers in the country, la commander. Tim armories of the Legion are at the northwest earner of Seventh and Chestnut, end the north west corner of Fourth and Arch. COL F_ SMALL'S rizamteuv. We Understand that the First Regiment of Wash. tattoo Guarde, under Col. Small, will be none tend into service to-day. In giving a list of the officers of this regiment, a few days since, we omitted to state that Dr. N. C. Reid was the gorgosit, and Dr. St John W. Mintzer the Remittent Ed EMIT PARLDN. Yesterday afternoon Cotonal- Mai Einstein's ;rant made a street farad's, and, although out ar m an& uniforms,esented a very stable appearance. Th e jjarriaon Guard'', 13" " 6 ' o command of Montanans John ?d. Canon, Washed to this regiment, was one of the (meet coin. Datdu ca parade. 4 ' o x.—A man, named Patrick Geiger, run over, last evening, at Prost and Poplar the ears of tbe North Pennsylvania irroad, And seriously injured. No was taken his residesoe, in Northampton avenue. autozo vrrnt ricKiNG roolorra,—A WWI ftthe name of John Johnson, was malted at and South streets, and committed; by Al 'annum lifeCaben, to answer the cheese of plaiting 'Sakes. A WHOLE COMPARE or SOLDIERS POIIIONID NARROW Racers or Lives.—On Monday evening Ituit the members of Company F, Captain Hebb, of Col. Morehead's regiment, arms partaking of their dapper at Hugh's Hotel, Germantown, were fielded with violent piing, and commenced to vomit blood. The company have their headquartets at German town. and procure all their meals at the place of . Mr ilizalee, free of cost, the expense being paid by subsorlptiOn. They were taken sick about four hours after they had eaten the meal. The com pany numbers seventy-four men, about sixty of whom sat down to supper. This number were all taken sick, and some few were co bad that they were not expected to recover. Doctors Squire, Rhoads, and Winter were at once summoned, and, after relieving the sufferers, set shout to Unread gate the matter. It appears that the coffee bed been boiled in as large tin kettle, with a copper bottom ; and it is supposed in boiling the water was poisoned from the copper. The noffee•grounde. auger, milk, and bread were carefully gathered together, and will be analyzed The physicians give as their opinion that it was produced by the copper kettle ' and, as soon as they complete their investigation, the ogre will be heard before Alderman Ring. Some of the members of the company were so seriously ill that they have not yet recovered. As mon as the news of the poisoning had spread abroad among the peo ple of Germantown, all sorts of rumors were afloat it was said that s man who sympathised with the Seeessionists was seen to put poison in the coffee Another tale was that the lives of the company had been threatened. The Lieutenant of Pollee of Germantown and Detective Franklin tcok theme ter in charge, and soon discovered that these sto ries had no foundation whatever. PENNSYLTANLA. HOSPIT AL .—The eleventh annual meeting of the contributors of this institu tion was held at the hospital, with a very good at tendance . ... Henry Jlliamii, , Was Called to the chair and Saunders Lewis appointed secretary of the meeting. The remounts of the treasurer and stewards of the hospital were laid before the contributors. The report of the late board of managers was read, approved, and referred to the board about to be elected, for publication. The following preamble and resolution, offered by . John Welsh, Jisq , were unanimously adopted IVh6rcas, Present circumstances are indicative of an increased requirement for hospital tiecommo datiolar, and this metieution has unoccupied rooms whisk can be well used for the pzirpose, and its medical ataff and other appointments are equal to its supervision : therefore, Resared, That the managers be, and they are hereby, authorized end requested to signify to the proper authorities their willingness to appropriate the room which is unoccupied for the purposes of a hospital, under the control of the managers and the supervision of their medical staff: Provided the neoessary funds for its preparation and eappott are planed at their disposal. The meeting then proceeded to the election of managers and treasurer, to serve for the ensuing year, when the following named contributors were elected : Managers—Mordeeal * L. DIWSOtI, Alexander Derbyshire Prederiek Brown, Samuel Minton, Jamas it dreeveit, S. Morris Wain ' John Barnum, Samuel Welsh, William Biddle, Wistar Morrie, John M. Whiten, Caleb Co. Treasurer—John T Lewi s.e find at a meeting of these gentlemen, subse quently held, the Board was organized by the election of Mordecai L Dawson, president, and %Vistas Morris, aeoretary. TnE Fosr OFFICE.—The appointment of Cornelius A. Walborn, Erq , as postmaster of our city, gives very general aatiefsotion. He is a gen tleman of stern mtegrity,"extensive business ex , perience, and pommies the energy of character so essential to the satisfactory performance of the im portantend responsible duties of the position. Be has appointed as his chief clerk Mr. Edwin Booth, a gentleman well and favorably known to the com munity, who is folly equal to the task he his as eumed. The appointment of Wm. M. fkodwin and Wm M. Ireland ss first clerks is highly judicious. The former has been for a long time engaged in mercantile pursuits, and has a keen perception of the wants of that class of toe .isommunity with which he was formerly identified. Mr. Ireland is an experienced poet-office clerk, and consequently well acquainted with the details of the office whieb will reader his serviees highly efficient. Be is also familiar with the wants of the newspaper fra ternity, having for several years past been identi fied with that interest as business manager of the North, Arnerzean. From the above indications of the mariegement of the affairs of the office, our community may rest assured that everything will be done that will insure the prompt transmiesion and delivery of postal matter. ASENSTED. Yesterday morning, Ellen Booles was before Alderman Conrow, having been arrested at Thirteenth and Brown streets, obarged with the lemony of $45. She was committed to answer. Beauty:Kr AND ACCIDENT. --- Yesterday morning, a pair of horses, attached to a light carriage, took fright, at Sixth and Buttonwood streets, and dashed off at a rapid rate. At the corner of Sixth and Wood streets they came in contact with an awning-post, breaking the car riage and badly injuring the driver. One of the horses was badly cut in the fore leg. Sturman Dnirrt.—.l - ohn Henderson residing in .Market 'street, west of Seventeenth, was found dead in his room on Wednesday night. He was a wholesale grocer, and well known in the western pert of the city. The coroner held en inquest, and rendered a verdict of . 1 disease of the heart." PENNSYLVANIA LEGISLATUBE. SPECIAL SESSION- Hasarsauae, Nay 8, 1861: SENATE • The Senate was called to order at 11 o'clock by the Speaker. BILLS IN PLACE Mr. Pwaxxv., an sat to provide for the imme diate expenses of the volunteer militia of this State now in actual service, which was, en motion, taken up and passed. RILLS CONSIDERED. Mr. NrcueLe called up an act to incorporate the Rome Guard of the oil of Philadelphia. Post. pored. Mr. Mc:Crams made - a motion that when the Senate adjourns, it adjourn until 20-e'elock afternoon, and-that this stay law be made the' special order, which was agreed to. Mr. boon called up the joint resolution rela tive to establishing a national armory at Pitts burg. Mr. BOUGHTER moved to substitute Lebanon for Pittsburg. Mr. GREGG moved to amend the amendment by making the resolution read " at some convenient point in Pennsylvania." which was agreed to. The bill as amended passed. On motion, the Senate resumed the consideration of the bill relative to the Rome Guard of Phila delphia. Atter some debate, postponed for the present. Mr. Cormen called up an act authorising the Brigade Inspector of the First Brigade, Fifth Di. vision, to appoint a deputy. Passed. Mr. PARKER called up an act to establish a Volunteer Nurse Corps. .Negatived. Mr. Boroarna moved to re-consider the bill for curbing and grading Main or Market street, in the town of Aninville, Lebanon county, which was vetoed by the Governor Agreed to. Agreeably to the provisions of the Constitution, the yeas and nays were called, and were as follow Yeas 25, nays none, and so the bill passed. Mr. SCRIEDEL moved that the Senate proceed to the reconsideration of the act to vacate Oak alley, in the borough of Boston, a vetoed bill ; which was agreed to On the question shall the bill pass, notwithstanding the Governor's objections, the yeas were none, the nays 22; and so the bill f Mr. WH/STOW, on leave, read in TABOO a bill to provide for the accommodation of soldiers, [Pro poses to provide stationery and pay postage of soldiers.] The bill was, on motion, taken up, and after some debate was reooramitted to the Com mittee on Filmic'. Adjourned. ArrilMOON 838610 N The stay law wad discusaed at condderable length, and Anally recommitted to the Judiciary Committee. The Senate then adjourned nousn. speaker Davis called the Houae to order at 19 o'clook. Journal read. Mr. Ilmumbiey offered the following joint reso lutions, which were laid over under the rules : Whereas, It is universally conceded that the Commonwealth Mande forth proudly preeminent in the cause of Popnler Edeention, and is aaaond to no State in her willingness and ability to grant her sons every facility for advancement, either in oivil or military learning, or both: And Whereas, It is evident that the State has not, as yet, made any adequate provision for the special education of her sone in the application of the phy sical sciences and mathematics to the useful Arts ; Therefore, - Resolved, That the Governor is hereby em powered and directed to appoint four citisans, who, with the Adjutant General of the State, shall be a commission. whose duty it shall be to examine, elaborate, and report to the next Legislature a fea sible and proper plan for a State Military School, which shall be under the immediate control of the General Assembly of the Commonwealth. Resolved, That the said commission have the authority to employ a clerk to perform such duties as may be required by it. Resolved, That an appropriation of three thou sand dollars is hereby made for the expenses of said tiommiaidon Ir. BLAIR offered the following resolution : Resolved, That our Senators be instructed and our Repreeentatives requested at the next session of Congress to exert their influence in favor of es t a blishing a national foundry, to be located at or neat the borough of Huntingdon, in Huntingdon county. DILLS. PARSED Mr. HUCK called up the bill authorising the com missioners of Dauphin county to appropriate a cer tain sum of money far the support of the families of volunteers from said county who may serve du- ring the war. Passed. Mr. HAPPKR called up an apt to authorize the deputy sheriff of Washington county to act as sheriff. Passed. Mr. HILL called up an sot to inoorporateithe Pennsylvania Vcianieer Nurse Corps. Passed. • Mr. Sutra, of Berke, calla/ up an sot to an tborize the brigade inepeetor of the First Brigade, Fifth Division, P. M., composed of Berke county, to appoint a deputy. Parsed. BILLS REFORM) Mr. THOMMI, an act to incorporate the HOMO Guard Amory Company of Philadelphia. Mr. Porton, an set to authorize the commis sioners of Cheater county to appropriste_money for the support of the fomiliss of . volunteers ; also, to authorise the Town Council of West Ches ter to All vacancies in'that body. Mr. Thr.r.rwr, an act to authorize the commis sioners of Lucerne "county to appropriate money for the support of the families of volunteers. ?HZ TBEEZ-MILLION BILL. The Rouse resumed the consideration, on second reading, of the act to create a loan of three mil lions, and to provide for arming the State The pending question was on the third section, relative the appointratat, by the Governor, of a major general, to have command of all the military forces of Pennsylvania raised and to be raised. Mr. BARBSLEY moved to strike out the follow-. ing in the third section " And the Governor shall also have authority, is manner as aforesaid, to appoint two persons, of like military education, experience, and Mil, to be brigadier generals." A long diecussion followed. The amendment was lost—yeas 43, nays 45. The words in this section " raised sine' were stricken ontoind the section made to read, that the major general to be appointed by the Governor shell twee 'command of the torero to be 'robed radar the provisions of , this bill. Ut. MeDonovan' said he wee anxious that the bill should he peered al soon is poesible, as a num ber of the member', like himself, desired to get home. He would therefore mall the previous dues. lion. The call was not sustained. Mr. COLIAN3 cifered the following amendment, to come in at the end of the 3d section, whioh was discussed at some length Provided , the same shall not supersede any brigadier general, elected by their several regiments, hereinafter authorized by this bill . Not agreed t o—yeas scythea 49. Mr. Commis moved to strike out, first line of the 3d section, the words 4, in addition to the Moore now allowed bylaw." Agreed to—yeas 44, nays 41. Adjourneduntil afternoon. Arrititimos 558810 M. Mr. SHEPPARD, chairman of the appoial com mattes on that portion of the Governor's message relative to the Baltimore riots, submitted a report, which was laid over under the rules. ' A message was received from the Governor an nouncing his approval of a long list of bills. The Rouge then again reamed the ocnaidera tion of the loan and military bill. The question being on the third section; Mr. WILLIAMS moved an amendment providing that the major general for the fifteen new regi ments alien be appointed by the Governor, with the advice and consent of two-thirds of the Senate and Home of Representatives. The opponents of this section contend that the major general should be elected by the officers of the new regiments, and not appointed by the Go vernor. The amendment was lost—yeas Al, nays 42. The Philadelphia members voted as follows Yams—Messrs Caldwell, Dunlap, Catkin, Pres. ton, Seltzer, and Wildey. NAYS—Messrs Abbott, Leisenring, , MoDanough, Morrison, Randall, Ridgway, Sheppard, and Smith. Anaturr, OR NOT VOTINEI Meters. Duffield, Moore, and. Thomas. Pending the question on the third MOOD, the Howe adjourned until evening. Details 01 the Capture of Major SibWY's COMIIIIBIIII. [Prom the N. 0. Picayune.] , Inntarnma, April 24,1561,—1 wrote you on the 14th instant, informinu yon of the departure of the Empire Cay with United States troops for the North. Since then, the aspect of things here has changed very mush, and the prediction which I made in that letter, that the - very troops we were than Ira ternizing with, and parting with, with eo muoh re luotence, might, before the expiration of another month, meet us as deadly foes in battle array, hes oeen already verified. After the seizure of the tgear of the West, by Col. Van Dorn, the United States troops here were left without any transpor tation, and as the intention was evidently to cat them off, it created ne little anxiety and urteasi nem amongst them. Major Sibley's command, which I informed you was brought up here from Brazos Santiago, was strengthened by the addition of Captain Granger's company, 23 Infantry, Capt. Wallace, di Infantry, and Capt. Jordan, Bth In fantry, making in all about 550 men, women, and children. After vainly endeavoring to oharter the steamers of the Southern eteaniship company to take them away, and Major Van Dorn being daily expected to arrive with a suffioient force to over power them, Major Sibleyohartered two sobooners —the Horace and the Urbanza—to take them to Kay West. On Tuesday, the 23d, the troops embarked on board there vessels, width were towed down the bay to the Pass by the steamer Fashion, where they anchored, and the Fashion returned to In dianola with a guard of about fifty men, to see if another, vessel could not be procured, since the troops were too much crowded on the ones they had. So far fortune seemed to favor their esoape, but she only momentarily indulged them with that hope, that the punishment she was about to inflict, through them, upon the perfidious Administration at Washington, might be more signal and exem plary. Providence works by inscrutable ways, and often, as in this ease, makes the wicked the means of inflicting upon themselves their own deserved chastisement Instead of finishing his business and returning to the Pass that evening with the Fashion, in order to be in readiness to tow the vessels over the bar the'next morning, the officer in command had, to use a frontier expression, more significant' than re• fined, to get tight and quarrel with the captain of the steamer, and kick up a nines generally; so that all the officers of the steamer went on shorn, and left the valiant captain alone in hie glory. Mark the eoissegnenoe ! Early the next morning, before the captain had taken his coffee, or had time to reflect upon his oonduet the previous night, Major Van Dorn knocked at his door and politely eqaested the loan of his sword, and then inviting is companions in-arms to breakfast at the Casa emir House, (which for the nonce was turned into a guard.house,) quietly took possession of the Fash ion for his own followers ; and, chartering two other steamers, which he filled with Confederate troops, proceeded down the bay to report to the commanding effioer, IkNor Sibley, the backelidingii of his trusty lieutenant. The armada fitted out by Col. Van Dorn to inter cept and capture the fugitive troops consisted of the steamers Fashion propeller Mobile, and Dratted Stales, with about 800 men on board, col lected from the surrounding counties. Breast works of cotton bales (Gotten, you see, is always King) were oonstructed around the sides of the Teasels to protect the men from the deadly rifles of the United States troops. Cannon were on the way from San Antonio and Matagorda, but did not arrive in time. Against such a formidable force, judiciously disposed upon steamers that could choose their own position, Major Sibley had no showing whatever, for there he was, cooped up on board two schooners lying at anchor, his command reduced to about 400 men by desertion and cap tare, with not a single piece of cannon to defend himself. The only alternative was to surrender, which he did the next day'at twelve o'clock. The surrender was unconditional. In the afternoon the steamship General Bush, which bad been seized by the Confederate anthorititia at Galveston, arrived with a twenty-four pounder and two six pounders, and 150 men. List of Offidere and Troops on Board of the Ves sels with Major Sibley--Companies A, F, and I, 311 Infantry, Lient Hopkins and lady ; companies 0 and K, Ist Infantry, Captain Wallace Granger, Lieutenant Green. Adjutant Phillips and band, Ist Infantry; A and D, Stn Infantry, Captain Jordan, Assistant Surgeons Lynda and Barns. In ell, 450 men. OfEwers not with Major Sibley on the:oresselit ar rested and on parole—Colonel Waite niid staff, Colonel -Idirrris,,Aldjatant Nichols, MajorTinton, Lieutenant Gerrard, Surgeon Abadle,-ALiali , stunt Surgeon G. it Smith, Colonel floffman,llMajor Sprague, Major McCline, Captain Lee, Captain Bowman, Lieutenant Wfpple, Major Cunningham, Lieutenant Whirtler, Lieutenant Hunter. Officers Resigned—Major Lerkiit Smith, Captain Blair, Captain Reynolds, Captain Trevett. Lieu: . tenant - Cone, Lieutenant M. L. Davis, Haskell, Walter Jones, Dr Jones, Lieutenant Jaa. Major, Lieutenant Washington The terms of the surrender are that All the Aram and company property are to be barbed over to the Confederate authorities. Private property to be respected ()Seers to be _released on parole. Men to eleot whether they will join the Confederate army or to return,to the North. Those who prefer the latter to take oath not to serve against the Southern Coarederaoy during the war. FINANCIAL AND COBIDLPRCIAL. The Money Market. PHILADELPHIA, May 8, 1861, Pennsylvania fives to-day declined to 74d and City sixes, old Issues, to 871 ; new issues 05 The variation in the prises of other reliable securities and the better elates of stooks was alight. Penn sylvania Railroad stook sold at 36, Camden and Amboy at 1071, Harrisburg 501, Lehigh Valley 43. North Pennsylvania sixes sold at 56. Very few Passenger Railway stooks are pressed to sale. Second and Third street sold at 38; Prankford and Southwark is offered at 41; 55 is bid for West Philadelphia, 51 to 5f for Spruce and Pine,.and sales of Race and Vine street were made to-day at 6. The Schuylkill Navigation preferred acid at 22*. Reading liailrOad shares closed Di bid, 16 asked. The market exhibits More steadiness than might be expected. Secession has swamped the Southern Pacifto Railroad Company. The Texas branch (the Texag Central Road) hae ham sold ant by its creditors; and in a recent issue of the New Orleans Freayuns we find a card from General Richardson, agent for the Southern Pacific Railroad Company, in which he implores the stockholders to come to the rescue of the company or ail will be lost. The Pscarene nays: .. This company, in the late quiet times ' was at work building its road, pressing forward its eon etruotion, making financial arrangements in Eu rope and America to meet its engagements. AU at ones the sky ia overeeat, the tempest falls upon the land. The company id caught at sea ;it wants to reach the ehore. It cannot do so unless its friends and shareholders will help. Debts have waned for work done; they must be paid, or the process of the law will sell the franchises and pro perty of the company. The 'late quiet times' did Inet salt Texas and other Southern States, and now they are begin - !deg to reap the fruits of their disquiet. Capital will not go where it cannot be protected against mob violenoe." Philadelphia Stock Exchange Sales, May 8. MI. E 31.011136 22 8. E. ELA.YMAKER, AterOhatlM:, Exchange. FIRST BOARD. * • 200 Penna 5a.......... 7416 2700 Car Si —. New_ 95 6000 do.-.-. --.- 7416 200 d0.—.,.R R. 87X 2700 dn.-- -- -74 1:1000N Panda R 615.... 56 2,gg. do.— 741611500 Et & Uroarl 'l' le.- 36 MOO de— --- 74% 1000 Sec et T.:tad-at 7s. 92 Doo d 0...-." ...... 74% -- 30 do.. .24 R.. 38 3%0 do —.....00011-.. 79% D Cam A . Amb R..... 107% 2000 do— °oda-. 7951 10 Harrisburg R...-. 60% SECOND BOARD. 2 Reo & Third-at R. 38 I 60 Lehigh Soria— 833.4 10 Lehigh &aria —.: 33X 50 d0..:.._ .. .3 X 10 do - - —...... 33% )011 Rob Nar y ref .....22% 6 do— -...—...31X 25 Lehigh Val R-- 43 10 4.......... 0 Penner 11,.. -,,,, ..... 36 10 do --..... ... . . 3304 3 Harrisburg R SOX 10 (M........ ..... 3305 3 Cam 4e. &Mb Et.' -1074 10 de.... ..... --- . 3816 1000 North Fianna 65 .ea 3.1 030* .--......- . 3334 15 Race & Vine...__.. 6 CLOSING PRICES-STEADY. Bid. Asked Sid. 4: , ked. Philadeighis,66-- 87 87% Elmira Ts 13-- - is Fiala 154 R.-- 87 37% Long Iniand R. -..85- , r, o Phil* 6a ...new- 94 93 Leh (II & 11........47 49 Penns 61........- 7434 76 Loh Cl & n ece.-30,1 , 6 Mirg HER....,—. itag 14 NPs se 66...m605U 65 Bead bda '70.-., 80 Di Fauna R 101...80 85 Read nit 615'80%3 8,5 10 Frank A. Routh R - 41 Read rat 6e'33.- .67 70 2dBi3d-at dmott.3o as Fauna R ex-di ll v. .36 36'1 g_ace&Vine-at R.ll 7 Horder Can con. 40 44 weitybiltrit .. -65 57,4 Soh N 66 .. . Marna Can P6d.103 105 soh Nay Fred-. it 13 Etymon& f'me..- 6 . ,5g .. Philadelphia Markets. Mar B—Evenins• Them is very little export demand for Flour. The market is steady, and holders firm at Previous quota tions. about 1. .a bids have been sold, at $6.62 for good superfine ; for extra and $0,25 for faintly ; eiudinai tOO bids of the latter on teeing kept relate. The sales to the trade are limited within the above range of vices for superfine WM extras, and Se.V6O7 for fancy brands. according to quality, fl ye Flour is dull and held at $3 004 F bid. Coro Meal is unchanged, and about 2K/ ibis Pennsylvania sold at 12.75 afs LC. GRAN- Wheat comes in elowlp, and holders are firm. but the demand in limited. It omit 3IX bushels 04; ,,,; at 9131.4er 33, mostly at the latter into for stood Penns,, red sfloat. Prime lots are bead bigger ; w hit e gang's at $1 4081 80.1k1 in quality. Rye is dull and unsettled, and about Isoo bushels Pennsylvania sold at 6.sereBa. mostly at the lowest Ulnas Corn—The reoeists are hada. and the demand good at previous nuoistions ; 6,000mA 6 0 bushel* sold.agelie for. prime boothem afloat. inelnding a small lot of white at 660. and emu• damaged yellow at tee or a are unchanged, and tonthern and Pennsylvania. are held at 338.11350. without much doing. Blom is quiet, $ 96,50 for first muc h CiottleitrOU• 0012011 is quiet, and armee lot of Uplands brought full prices. GILOOKRIAR continue deli and neglected, with a small bneineu doing in the way of sales • PaOI7ISIONS.--110 20 is nothing doing worths of no lerniser is dull at mierso for Oltrargitalatta and Ohio bb1e,11346 for drudge. and 17111173i0 for hdlg THE I°l!.E SS.--PHILADELPHIA , THIJ,WAY, MAY 9, 1861. riTY ITEMS• Tan Artaverou op urratAny nee Is Ogled to the advertisement of the Nan. MTLITART Oar, which will be fuuod in another %gum. It is a soft felt hat, not unlike the KusSUTII, the brim turned up :rpm three aides. leaving a portion to form a visor in front, while within there Is an arrangement for Bemiring a moist napkin by elastic bande, to keep the heed cool. It is decidedly the beet Mole of the bind that could be de vised for the comfort of the soldier. It has been pro duced under the supervision of General B. F. Sanford as well suited for service in warm climates. It bee been adopted by the State of Massachusetts, ee also the new-pattern Army Shoe, both of which are manu factured by Messrs. Houghton, rawyer, & Co The same firm have a large variety of useful woods for mili tary outfits. Mr. E. F. Prescott, the agent for the sale of these goods, can be seen at Room Hi, Continental Hotel; also. samples of toe hats, IN THE EMIT OF UNIVIIRSAL EXOITENENT per sonal appearance, convenience, and comfort are still matters of moment. Above all, money was nave, of more valve than now: therefore, those who desire to save it in the purchase of clothing are advised to visit the one price gift. Emporium of Granville Stokes, efdt Chestnut street. (lifts of value, use, and beauty, suita ble for both ladies and gentleman, are presented to every purchaser. THE MARCH OF THE Fiasv Division.—The Myst divlaion are on the maron South. They are gallant fel lows, every one; ready to lay down their lives in de fence of the Union, the Constitution, and the laws, and earnest and enthusiastio in their advocacy of the great truth that the most elegant. comfortable. and brooming garments in the country are those made at the Brown Stone Clothing Hall of Rocklin' & Wilson, Nos. 603 and SOS Chestnut street, above Sixth. GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING GoODS —Messrs. It. C. Walborn & Co., Nos. 6 and T NOrth Sixth street, now otfer to the trade the moat superb stook of Gentlemen's Furniehiug gouda in this city. Their goods are fresh, fashionable. well made, tastefully got up, and sold at moderate prices. We know of no establishment where unrolls sirs are more oertain to receive the full value of their money than here. FOUR THOUSAND UNPOD STAMM MUSNITS can be furniehed, if immediate application nu made to E. W. Carryl k Co.. Tl 4 Mastoid Meat. RA RINE INTEL LICENCE. FMK' FQURTR PAGE ARRIVE D. Bohr John Jones. Jones, from JeoLmooville Sitli with 114.000 feet lumber to captain. Was bound to Seeca In Grande. but having encountered a S SE gale on,the lint night out. was driven out oilier course and otanged to pat into Hampton Roads with foremast and - main boom sprang, and oame thence to this port for repairs. Bohr &wan; Rogers, a days from Savanmati, - in ballast to Crowell & Collins. Bohr George Fal , o, Nickerson, 02 Lours from Bristol, ill, with rodeo to Crowell & Connie. ochr Mountain Eagle. Ames:6 days from Rockland, via Hamp ton J ton Roads. in balleet toE Batley. Bohr Willie Lee, Bay, 19 days from Bangor. with Po tatoes to order. Bohr Ocean A arou, 3 days from Baltimore, with hides to Thom Webster. Jr. Bohr Orion. Carlisle, 3 days from Baltimore. withifidee o T on Webster. Jr. Bohr Hero. Netter, S dare from Baltimore, 'with mdse to Thus Webster. Jr. Bohr Booth Wind. Mitchell, 3 daYll from Baltimore , with mdse to W m Smith. Rohr Farmer, Deonty,l day from Milton. Del, with corn to Jae Darratt & Son. Bohr Delaware Dr.aby, 1 day from Smyrna, Del, with °out to Jan Barran & Bon. Bohr Mantua. Maxon, 1 day from Frederica, - Del, with corn to Jae Barrett & Bon. Bohr T P MoColler. Carter. 1 day from Camden, Del, with corn to inn Barran to NO% Bohr Aionte B Rue . ell, Duffel'. / day from Levin, Del, with arni., to Jan 1. Bewley & Co. Bohr IS C Fabian. Tnft. I day from Port Deposit, with grain to Jas t. Bewley & Co. Soar Sarah Warren. Hollingirworth. 1 day from LAttl Creek, Del, with corn tor ice t. Bewley & Co. Bch, Elizabeth Jane; Beckwith. S days from Easton. Md. with corn to Jas L Bewley & co - Bohr Bird. L01 . 21C, 1 day from Indian River , with corn to Neall Jr Merriman, Bohr Olivia. Fox. 1 day from Odessa, Del.with grain to Christian Jr Curran. CLEARED. Ketch Commerce. Barnes. Mayaguez. J Mason & Co Brig M E Thompson. Bowmen Boston. J E Bogies. Bohr Montrose. Barter. Thomaston, do Behr John Shaw, Wallops. Portland. do Fehr J N Baker. Henderson. Ker West. W Badger. Bohr Electric, Flash, Ayres. Boeton,saptain. (Correspondence of the Philadelphia Knotianasi. I CAPE ISLA.ND. N. J.' Nay I—LIP M. The ship Daphne. for London. barks-David "Ansley, for Cardiff. *lush. for Trinidad (le Cube, two berm brigs and about thirty schooners. went to sea to-day. Four brigs and ten schooners, in ballast trim, palmed lay. Wind southwest. Yount, So. THOS. B. HUGHES MEMORANDA, Ship Frank Bonlt, Morse, from Liverpool, at Bt John, NB. id inst. Bark Washington Butcher, Collins, from Sagas, ar rived at New York yesterday. ?thin Zephyr. King, cleared at New York yesterday for Ban Prannisoo. Brig A delphi. Johnsen. cleared at New York yester day for Wilmington. Del. Brig Spartan, McCullough, for Buenos Ayres, cleared at new Yorkesterday. Bohr Ida, Howes. gaited from San Francisco 24th Mt. for the Amcor river. Bchr C Huse, Conklin, from Wilmington, NC. arrived at flew York pooterday. Bohr Charlotte Blum, ehaw, hence, at Portsmouth 4th instant. Bohr Heather Bell. Alexander, cleared at Calais 28th ult. for Philadelphia, Bohm J B Austin. Davis. Govßurton, Winsmore, Elias Williams, Hinton, Eliot. Avis, G 1) k R F Shan non, Bowen. Alabama, Vangilder. and Louisa Gray, Weaver, cleared at Boston 7th inst. for Philadelphia. Bohr I flatterthwaits. Haley. J G Babcock, Babcock. Li Rota'', Candy, Albemarle, Raven, 0 F Buckle T Potter. Raoliett, and C C Smith, Anderson, y, cleared a, New Yorkyesterday for Philatlelpbia• Steamers Modem. Self. and Mare.Niehols, hence. ar rived at New York yes erday. The Collector of Boston gives notice that all vowels licensed for the coasting trade, whether in ballast or otherwise, will be required to clear at the Custom Roane before leaving the port. ARRIVALS. AT THE PRINCIPAL INTRO. UP To 12 O'CLOCK LAST al WIT CONTINENTAL, HOTEL—Ninth and Chestnut. W W Young, Pittsburg K R Mitobenili'M Maj J She rw inl. Cp Curtin D W Perione,A;hicago C M. Foster, New York L.l Gage, C . ~Asc ° es 1, H Merri I. Comae° . 1 2 e r , "2° ~ Copt II E Magruder. US A 1., Pir Firth a ter J .veteth , Washington Mr tulpeY, Mau H_Bridge. U 8 N J CLifx Ma" ,g, M mass G Terrell. Kez t rnokr e ' • C W Field. New ork JII win W K Clark, 1J 8 A 7 pIM7, New York Dr W 8 Dpor,Eit Louis ER Mode.. Boston DW C Clarke Vermont . .Lieut W Gibson, U 8 N W P Bullock. U :4 A Hon JPharman. Ohio. A B Stonetake, U S N tot fi W McCook. Ohio H Tilden, Ohio kft ritevenson, Kntland W Appleton. J r, Roston Mrs Lawrence, Boron Mhisl,awrenoe. Boston Robt a Sherrard, utilo ltoht cherraro, Jr. OCio J fi sideman, Pa H L Burnett. Warren, 0 A Tearkastd. X eglitt, 0 C It Kunz, Cinoinnati W Btair, Kentucky O Hager, Pennsrl - vania J . L Hodge, Philadelphia W ss Wright, Downingrwn G A Brooks. New York J W Spicer New York W Ma , sfitld, New York N.O Bowie& la. Boston JOhn Wi son, Wilm. Del Cant 0 .11 , Ilia. CLn. 0 W 8 Clawson te Is. NJ E A Afire is hi, Mari land R Fagtev.Pb.......o -....- GB oCaLlough, Maryland Ornith Fast Weed. al Y t. It Brown. New york 3 a Pease . Now Yore • e lf Babcock, new York 94 H Newell, New York ' merville Holmes, N.Y CO Hoover. Illinois Caleb Seagmee. Prey. It I L D Grego. ConnrOtlOUt E 11,Norton. New York Col 8 L T ming, Pa J - 18 Moo head. Pa P Wilson. Cinoinosti, 0 W C Smallwood, Delaware J W . Dix, New York Chris B Mullin, Carlisle' 8 M Green. Pennsylvania .t. Beaneberd, Pa Li IL McCormick Chiseco Mr Appleton A. le, Ohio Mire Platt,New JOllll/. It F Magna, Ohio John B Johnson Mrs K L Lumberton, Pa Wit Brown, Harrisburg John Bill Albert Blodgett. New York Jae Ale kin. Camp Poott John C Burnet. Cinotnnati W W Wilmot. Cincinnati Chas P Wilson, Cummnati John Swift, Easton. Pa F Watoott, Cincinnati. 0 B Fearing. ei1k01111317.41, 0 $ H Bmioom, Cincinnati. 0 Drew. New York B W Van Voorhis. N 'V B D Con, flew York; N.O Kinney, New York D co? Burnham. Boston Pre Farnsworth. Boston J A Brown & wf, Mass F Corbin, Brooklyn G et (rbin, New York P Corbin, Dew York FA Muhlenberg & wf, Pa Wm It Oakley. Cincinnati J Whitney, I.knainnati Mr trienrienhall,Cinemnain _Corporal Pearson, Coin Corporal Al.toliell, Clan W Y r tan, Cincinnati Chas Taniman _Cinotnnati Ira Atherton, Cincinnati E J Collins. Cleveland, Ili Wm HIM/mister. Clevel'd Wm Morgan. Cleveland James T. d, Cleveland .1 N Foust, U.ereland Chas Wilbur, Clevelandlt i Spianithir. Cleveland E T Bell, Cleveland Gillet. Cleveland W&Carlisle, Cleveland W Hill. Cincinnati m mooned. ono' onati 0 F Glenn, Cincinnati W C Williams, Cinoinnati John Swains. Jr. ( . inn 8 r Sir i e e v r a . IA w N New York t' l gi wi lt i liptr ric Ni t ir a. Y . York P L Macomber, Bo.ton .1 M I.4ngston. Utah e m enrno. Now YorkP Porter, New Yore J A Clark & la. New l, York A Moulton . Beading. Ps beth :. parses He York ' Berlin. New York. . . .. T H • 'Way, New ork r(. Reny. New York John Loney, New Yoik 11: Y 1 Ili eneman, Lancaster W m H Berry, Maas .b.. 3 Cowley. New York Wm Robinson. Phila. Tiffany, Came Warne E: Dubbea, Baltimore Miss Inou.rson. New Yotk Miss De Forrear,New York lei Lanier, U Is N W H Whhoore, Pittsburg .1 H. Thomas. Maryland la ft Bathe , n. New JIMMY Mira 6111 ac as. Maryland 3 P tillt. Maryland Wm Cowan , New York J H Weser. Columbus John 13 rootlet( ' Pi pis If C Hutchinson. New York J A Curtia, New lork Chas T rolhamus. N York AMERICAN HOTEL.—Chestnut street. above Fifth' H C Beatty. Philo 8 lobnson, New Jersey a P Spencer, LISIICSILOT Jams. kIESIL. Pittsburg' Chu Brodhead. Bethlehem J B Molrowelk_Delaware J Ohio Chan martin, New York J A Lovering, Mass H Russell. Bee on M M abodes, Taunton E F Maloney. Columbus, 0 ti T Atwood, Taunton Jam Hopper, Mary sad J Moak, ?eons, W D Witsam, ewark.NJ Miss A A Harmon, Weals A flmakins. Trenton, N J M Stone. Provideoce, R 1 J II Boas/tart. New Jersey Depae, New Jersey J T Thompson, N Jersey W John s on. New Jersey J S Bryan, ItewJerser - Jahn I anestsff. New Jersey A Van Atta , New Janie)" Thom Klinnans,l4 New Jersey A Niramits,_Newark, N W II bodes. New York B. G if ford. New York M N • ben & la. C. nu Miss fn. timith, Conn F Parley & Maas Isaac Alder. liars W 14. WIIIIMP.N Carolina Mks Lizzie N Llourne, wC G Bantam. Brooklyn. L r verett & N York G P Madero. New York Mine eolith &a D C ft B Duncan, Ddlaware S Johnston, Newark, N J MERCIIANTS' HOTELr—Fourui sweet. below arch' J D Foram Latrobe. Pa D Treharn letChuuk. Pa L W Ten Ey oh. Harrisburg Mai_Glanz:Wist Chaster J B Chilton, Pt Peter 0 W dtein. Easton. Pa H E Taylor, Williamsport V Beekman. Easton, Fe Hon A ranker & la. Penns .1 Sohott, Eas Pa .1 F Lauer, *eading T dunderlan A le, lowa W Reifen7der..ppttionllig A. Fulton. Pitts re T Humphreyi._Man land It H Duman , Poona Thais Dater. Huntingdon B H trdner,renna M Carr, Valparaiso. J MoCollen. Connersville Mrs C Toms & Jersey lowa Wm it dlater,Piew meg Coned. New Mrs Miller. Wilmington M 11 Bieharrlson. Cm, Ohio J F Dandelet. Cin, Ohio Vt Gifford. Xenia, Ohio W Ailinon, Xent Ohio J Cole Cleveland, Ohio EL Abby, Oiev sod Ohio H MoLeod. Cleveland, Ohio In Eloarey Cleve ad, Ohio C I'd Erben, Penney vama W Wade. humbug Band L King, Baltimore Hon J IS Danner, remit TEN UNION—Arch street. above Third. M Mowery. Lewistown A Burger t , Navanw..o H Spraskie. Navarra.° Mrs E Hetrick. Easton P Ehollenberyer, Harr, 0 J e cunnsuga, Ohio I3M Melton. New Jersey W Welt!. Massiii.nn. 0 N Groot & ta. Heading L H Torman. Paaton A lbert Drif.khouse. Easton 1) Hulick, Easton Mrs .E irwin,Cumminsv, Pa Ira C Anderson, ft Janie,' ST. LOUIS HOTEL—ChesMut street. &bore Third. jnim GRey. Shit C B Smith, Delaware mat, D Lynda Cleveland H Linekwader, WSkester It Longman, N.w 'York Or hharo, &UM, N.l T Pebb es, Boston P D (Lapp. Soto lohem D Woodman, l'itt.burg J no C Virginia FS H Hervierson, N Castle 81 8 lelrioh, New Jersey 16350 Bowman, New York Jas C Hook, DIMS', co, PS eTATEB UNlON—Market street. above sixth. / 4 /1 P Dunbsr, Pittsburg John Pr ott, Clearfield Y Mellen, le&aes, Pe Joke Meier. Perry. Parma G J Indiana, Ps Jno Boswell, Cumberland Bamt Knight, Cumberland W B rdeodenhalt, Coataire w B Elder Jas Hendrick?, Delaware W Morton. Delaware W Atler. Pella Jos Elder, Williamsburt A Speakman, Coatesville S W Elliott. Pittsburg Jae Milligan, Perry 00, Pa J H Parity, Calitorni‘ J T F•yer, Penna. Minn K Bower, Law:Murk Miss 8 Sower, Landiebnrg Thos E Watt, Pittsburg COMMERCIAL HOWL—Sixth it.. above Chestnut, Theo !WWII+. Penns T C Fitzgerald. Momently E B Darlington. Penns Pennock, Penns T P Osmond. Chester co C R Wtlliamaon. bledia,Pa Mifflin Baker. Yhila M Pennock. Delaware A L Beeler. New Orleans I Bertinet, Reading W T Bye, Chester no, G W Lano en, Pa it R. Rill. Chester co, Pa D W Davy!' dc, la. Potisen in° P bilyard Delaware L B Imbrie. Camp baott A R Daisy, Cincinnati, 0 JON H anaemia, Cincinnati N Guilford, Lincinnau,o C Robertson, Delaware BALD EAGLE—Third street. above Callowntli. Fdw Littleton, Hazleton Alm Kauffman, Allentown Nun Honig, Allentown ikdrrin Camp. Letach 00 Geo Bioliert, Hittertiville Bickert, R,ttersv.lle tirntlwold, Norte.'" co J Wnlcelm s ort Munk Driestwoh,__Al Chunk 8 P Roads, Danatkin on Sohn k. mon , Barrisbunt Miss Bloke. Allentown PJ Roebuck: Dauphin co D Hope, Allohletown Geo Levan, Lancaster co, Ps, NATIONAL 110TBL—Roe street. abatis 'guru. JarobKline, Penns W Pert. Lebanon Ao W Norris, Lima, Ohio J C Ohoewoheri WYohoos Wood. new 'Vora tAartrantt. Pottstown L Pottsville Jog Li le j New York 3o n P Taggart, Penns W Lyon, mailing C leathers, Kingston. Pa SEVERE HOLISM—Third street. Above Rum, AS Sumner, New York John H HeLfnoh., Penns Semi K Rose Allentown ki wdwgron, Smungton Jas W Chswell,All.ntownA_Stuunp. Arenehbarg lbert, Reading W row, nal* BLACK HEAR-Jtitird itteet, above aellowkill. Win Moll, Allo_ntown F Lieke_,l Anil:aver° litmorl Melot. Berke oo Mai S'Woodward. Alore'd H Beehtal Peneapivanis A liesaald. Philadelphia iakett. New Hope D Alletwol lkill 00 w 13 n:unix:oh. Reading - Goo oeugler. Reeding Wel• Temple, Horteville Mr Veto:teed% B;borry m Yeager. Liugiestown MOUNT VERNON lityrn,--asoona et., above Grob. Mrs A Barron. New lamp . 0 B Ouffil,llanoook. Y M Bred ilead t _Bordentewit T Weibel 3 Maynard. Banoook N Y Abraham. Wayne co W Porter. Way m e ov , trieht, Pike iionelr W Dingman Pllcs °panty J L unt M Interwuott, Esmonnk .114 SPECIAL, NOTICES. NOTICE. The following Order, named by the Nary Department on the 26th ultimo, ig now made public for the benefit of all whom it may concern : DTPARTMENT, April td. 1861. To THE FOURTH AVIATOR OT THE TRBARIIRY Sir: The amounts found to Do duo to resigned Navy Offmers from the Mateo which clam to have sanded will hereafter be pa*l them from the United States fund■ heretofore sent to deposited m those States, exoept in oases where the Department shall otherwise direet. I am* " 5 1 ,5 0tfeill. Your obedient servant, GIDEON WELLES. Secretary of the n avy, OAK ORORARD ACID PRANG WATER.— Pamphlets containing the opinions of celebrated Chem ists and Physioiang reepeoting the nee of this WATER in the case of many diseasee of the human system, will be supplied grater on applicatihn to FREDERICK BROWN. FIFTWand CHESTNUT Streets, or FRED ERICK • BROWN, JR., NINTH and CHESTNUT Streets. • CALL AND GgT 4 PAMPHLI7. apla-tf B.S.TOMILOIO3 HAIR MM.—This celebrated and Derreot Halt DYB ii Me best in the world. All other!t+ra inero lenitatiene of this great original, which has gained suckgine - naive Patronage in all parts of the globe. The gen4ne W. A. Batohelor'e Liquid Hear Dye iestantiy pioduoes a splendid blaok or natural brown, without *sitting the akin or injuring the hair, and Will reyardifdle ill effects of bad dyes, invigorating tho heir ((miles:* Bold by all Thai gisti and Perfunieria Wholegide by PAHNESTOCK lir. CO., DYOTT & CO., Philadelphia. mill-tr ONE PRICE CLOTHING OP THE LATEST STYLXB, Made 111 the. beat manner, expressly for- RE TAIL BALES.' LOWEST telling prices marked in Plain Figures. All goods made to order warranted satisfactory. Oer ONE-PRICE system is strictly ad hered to. All are thereby treated alike. scat-it JONES it CO.. 604 MARKET street. filihilLll4 BAUER'S OBLBERATND • NOIBELEBII fIEWITIO MACHINES. The Beet int*, for Family eimina". • 1 , 1o:k30 CIIVECNUT Street:Philadelphia, DEO 47 • • MARRIED. mAGUIIty—.DUNK.--On the-94th ult., by the Rev. Fattier MoMeniale. Mr. Orono R. Magnate to' Mica Maggie Throat both of this 0 tr. GAEettetettliNTAttD.--00 the eth instant, tier grant James G. riateson. of Philadelphia Artillerytto Mine F 1.2 •beth CNltalt, of Philadelphia. GLAZER—CERRY.—On the lath Maroh, by Rev. H. B. Gilroy, Ate; kilenry Glazer to Mien Mary E. Terry, alt of try. MIAG GU—IA/WIS.—On the ad instant, by the Rev. .kihephore, Mr. Franklin Magarge to Eliza beth Abbott Levis, both of tine oily. DIED. ELLIOTT—On the Btl, Im:tone, after a abort illness ' I Ellett hoping Elliott, in the 6 h year of her age. Rut Juan said, Buffer little children and forbid them not tot:regiment° me. for of each is the kingdom .' of Heaven -Itl attbew RiN.l4th Der funeral will bike place from the residence of her grandfather. Lewis relonze, f 10.1172 street, on Friday t %moon; ma o'clock. en irty the lilt , mound lightly von the forehead bare. - In tap - warner yore the daisies Will bud and blossom there. 64./U DER —On Moaday evening, Orb instant, of con gestion of the brain,. Mee. Jane K. gamier, seeds° c ears, wi ow of the late Thomas M. Bouder. rue relative. , and friends of the family are invited to attend herr funeral. without further noires, from the residence of her laughter. Mrs. B. T. Curtis. No. 1406 Arch street. (Thursday I morning, atllo'olook. To proceed tlO. ondtande Cemetery. DvBALL;--On Monday afternoon, 6th inst., George H. DI ball. Ths relatives and friends of the fnmi'y. also the Phi ladelphia TYnogetinhical lonely, and The Latat Man Brotherliood, are. respectfully niviteyi to . attend the funeral tram the widdeoce of his mother, Erg Carlow ld It street. tell (Thureday ) afternoon • at 5 o'clock. PRILADELPHIA TYPOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY —TUC el embers are router:drafty invited to attend the funeral of their late fellow-member, GEORGE H. DYBALL. from the residence of his mother, No. x 077 Callowhill street. this (Thuteday) afternoon, May 9, 1851, at .3 o'clock, fiLorderi WM. R. JO l 2 Elialeoratary. AE rTAR.O.—At Germantown, on the sth Mau, Otero, wile of James H-ppard, in the 43d year of her age. Fernery& from the residence of her huesand. Lohman 'Area L'below Rittenhouse. this ( l'hureday ) morning at 10 o'clock. GEn'FTAN.—On the 6th irritant, Farah E. P. We of Edward IV. Grattan. and step-daughter of the late Ed ward Trimmer. Fontana from thy residence of her husband. southwest corner of Thrift and Ellwood, streets, this filiUladry ) alternoonoit 2 o'clock.- riti/.—ritiddenly, on the sth instant, John Ash, in the 36th fear , of his age. Funeral. from the residence °ff his parents, Oneida place, leer Market retreat, above Brown, thou (Thurs day) afternoon, at 2 o'clock. BAH k,—On the 6th metant,__Joeephine. twin daugh ter of valentine and /nary Oskar. aged 3 yearn, 1 month. and 11 day.. Funeral from the residence of her_parenti. No. 921 Palmer street.. Eighteenth ward. this ( Th ursday ) alter noon- at 2 o' clock: - ' • OSA HCART.--On the 7th mutant, Mrs. Jane Cath cart, wife of Alexander Catimart, aged 61 Years. Funeral from the residence of her husband, No 540 Queen street, below death, on Friday afternoon, at 4 o elook. G ULLEII.-012 the 7th Instant, Mordecai Gullenjeged 67 ears. Funeral from him late residence, .Feeoneletreet, oppo elm Morris street, First ward, on Friday morning. at 835 o'ctlemk. *s DOWN EY.—Cla the 7th instant, Andrew Downey. V: ra ye l a ul the residerme of his eon. John Downey, No. list Shlpp.n street, west of Broad, thin (Thursday) afternoon. at 1 o'clock. Ettf WIEITLIS.—On the 6th instant. Annie. daughter of Joseph and Slither kluternale. aged 5 Y0.1.T. and MOOIIIB. Funeral from her patents ' residenoe. (Joyner of Unity an* -Penn !Ore's. Frankfort!. this (lhuraday) after noon. at 20diriet. - GaRDKDIER.—On tpe 7th instant. Josephine V., elitist dawdler of Dr. William and Amanda i,ardener, aged 10 yews and 6 months. F 0130131 from the residence of her parents. No. 901 Franklin street- OE Sunday. morn' D. ' et 93.1 i o'clock. *** GRA HAM .— On the 7th instant. Benjamin. youngest eon of John and huphernot Graham, aged 2 years and 4 months: s uncut' from the residenoe of his parent., No. 954 Bradford etseet. this (Thnreday) afternoon. at 1 o'clock. W/13 ...E.—On the Ph instant, Annie E. Wible, wife lat Wm. B. Wible. end daughter of Mary and the late .Tostota armlet" in tit* Slaty ear of her age. Funeral from the residenee of her mother. Che,...y street. above *curtth i llicartd. Camden, this Cihttradtp) IM - re--Wire 6th instant. James. son of John and Mary Norton. in the sth year.of hre age. Funeral from the reseldencerof toe eraudmother, Blum Frnwereford _road, above 2homesen street, this (Thuraday lafternoon, at 3 o'oloOki - ' LAWltchlub:.—tin the 6.1, ice ant. (''amnel W., eon of William O. end Elizabeth P. Lawrence, in the 13th year of his ago. Funeral from the residence of Ills 'gamete. No. 743 North Twenty fourth street, Fifteenth ward, que (Thursday ) morning. at 10 or cloak. lIENDE Muhl .—On the 7th instant, Mrs. Margaret Raeder/on.. aced BO year.. Funeral from her late residence, MID enemy oourt, Baker street.' Eighth , below Bluppen, this ( / hursdre ) Bunning. at 9 o'cdook. MOURNING STORY, NO. 918 CHEST NUT Stree4-11ES8ON & SON have just ra mmed • my mixed Chene Detainee. 123e0 ; black and while Aria piloted Grenadine Baregee UM; blanket:l purple do., Incio ; bleak aud purple Cimlly Delainee. 1.8%o; blank nusregia, inge ; black plaid Beireges,lB-Uo; second mourning ,,Enginih Chintzes, lib ; Shepherd Shad Soil de Chettes,ll3Xo, Also. black Barelea, urape Pewees, Grape Tallllea , tans, Bummer Bornuesines. Chant's Barege Hernani, or Grenadine Bareies, Camels' Ha i r Blame. 'remi se., Moneehumi. Lawns, and all other goods requisite of deep *nu lecondpoarrung attire. &pig rff. OFFIC l 0 F COMMISSION ESTA• BLISEIEM by Ordinance _of City Counoi Is, of the relief of the Families of the Volunteers. Weeh tattoo Building. 'Dried above Spruce street. The undersigned liave been appointed a Committee of this Commission pr the purpose of conferring with emaciation. of °lbsen. emared in duties kindred to those whi _ll are tgliSW devolved upon this Commission, with a view of •Fetting harmony sod concert of Ration. They respectfully invite ail such essosiations of our fellow °MUM, wilbont delay. 10 communicate the Maine; and Marmot their officers to this office. Tiny. OUVLEB. CALEB COPE. Committee. my 9 It • A. McINTYRE, CIITHT., 1ff .,1) ...,,K_ lr m it ic.. Milai.—A s t f t ii i i 'D kall ' El l teld li qp. " th ' i F . inst.. the fotiowtes gentlemen were elected manager - e n for the etlinUng swat: Them as e idg war, John A. Brown. Robert Pesto'la John R. 1 atiraer. Thomas P. Jan" Joan C. ISlitoheh, Fredenelt Brown. Isaac Barton, Gorge Taber. Seth J. Cum's, John R. Stu k. ecan Rum, Henry G. Freeman, May B Baseroft. et a meeting otthe Mennen, held this day, THOB. RIDGWAY . Est., was unanimously re elected Presi dent of toe Company. JNO. P. JAMES, Lowery. May 8,1881. mrei-St* crCAT A MEETING OF THE STOCK HOLDERS the AMERICAN FIRE DOW- N. E COMPANY, held agreeably to Charter, on Monday, the Bt6day of May. the following gentlemen were elected Pinafore for the awing roar: Thomee It. Maris, Patrick oradi. John We e h T tewie. Samuel C. Morton, James R. Campbell, tdranno G. Datilb. Charles W. Poultney. lanai Morrie. And at meeting of the .Direotom held on the Bth TilOhlda Y. /HAMS was ananiwoualy elected Promdect A. C. L. caAw.ruitn, MayB Mal. Ims9 Ste rrr GIRARD MANN, lIADELPMA. Mar 7.3001. ‘ jr- Trte Direeton have &et lM re& a uivide nd _ of 'MIME PER CarsT for the last SIX MONTAS, eaSaDie on and after the 17th inat. ely9-thetti tl7 W. L. ECII//PFER, Cashier. or BANK OP-00111011ERCIE, rhILKLIELPHIA, MAT 7. 1861. aloe Direetore have this day declared a Dividend of StateE rER CE NT.. payable on demand. clear of tax. [myB St] J. A. LEWIS, Cashier. try - SOUTAINARK BANK. rIIIL aDELPiIiA May T,1861. ho Threaten have this day declared a Dividend of NW: Pisß CENT., savable on demand. inyB at - . F F. NTEEL. Cashier. ar PHILADELPHIA BANE. 111 PHILADELPHIA, 81 T. 1881. e Direetora have this day deolarea & Dividend of THREE re.JIC C,Brer., parable on deana..d. MYB 3t B. B. Whir CrYd, Cashier. Fry. COMMERCIAL BANK. OF PENNSIIII.- VAr.rn. YLIILADELPIII4. ME. ".ege Board of Direetore have this day,deobsred a semi annual Div , dend of TR ith.F. reit C ENT.. ptiable on and after t FOLOAY text, the Mr-instant, clear of State tax.' myB 6t B. G. FALMER, Cashier. .IVIB.VVIANICS , [ r - r BANK, • ....pettovespeure, 10e.y 't, e Board of 'Directors have this dar dsearad. a DWl deed Of THRBB ABB 4%. HALF PER Ohre/ pya ble ea the 17th met, agreeably to the provisions uf the charter. tera.et WIEGAN O. Jr., Caehter. rrWESTERN BANK OF PRILADEIf rtn4I May 7.1651• e ireetors of this Bank hate this day declared a Dividend of POUR FAR CENT.. payable on and alter the 17th instant, not-at e. M. TROUTMAN, Cashier. ger OFFICE LEHIGH COAL AND N GArwN COMPANY. rou.ramt.zurA, Irir t y 7,1881. At an Election held Able day the folloWinpnemed Damns were chFFICEIIII of the Lehigh Coal and Ditivige,tton Compu7 for the COMM% sear : JAME'. COX. )I.s.7sid.GEß9s Andrea/ Mantleriton, James S. Cox, Jamb Y. ttranois C. Yarnell!, PAntual B. Blokes. WALTX,R, Troagotor. my 3t Erekine Hazard, John Farnum, Bears d. Boller ittohard Lotatragen, Alexander Fullerton, , isOW DWM W ALTRE Beaten r - r - 'r OFFICE PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD COMPANY, Philadelphia, April 17, 1861.7.-The Wrdof Direatong have this day. deolared a seau-an- Dual dividend of THOME PER CENT. on the capital stook of the.Compairy, clear of State tax. payable on and after May lab, Powers 01 attorney for collaotion of dividends cart be had on application at the drum of the "CompAint, No. 238 f 3. Third street. TROMAS T. Ina . ardB lin Treasurer. THE BEAT SHOULD BE BESIREP, therefore you should get Phatartapha and Ambto typos at SR'S notogranlua Oalleryi ahOOND owlet. above Green. it* grim bRELETON of the lirge WIIALE, captured In the Delaware ever lately. is for sale. Apply or address immediately HILLMAN Os i cITREARER. Railway. BEACH /Mr shove d r otribia. avenue. SALES BY AUCTION. A o i N N T 1:0 F: ' CARGO BARK CHANTICLEER. 4,700 BAGS PRIME TO CHOICE RIO COFFEE, IN DOUBLE BAGS. DUTILII, COOK, ea Co. Will sail, at their Auction Store, No. IRS SOUTH FRONT ST., ABOVE WALNUT, ON THURSDAY MORNING, May 9, at U o'clock. 4,700 BAGS RIO COFFEE, nrime to choice quality. Jest arrived ex Chanticleer. Catalogues and Samples on Tuesday morning. mpg -4t NEVIF PUBLICATIONS. HOME GUARD. COOPER'S MACOMB'S. TACTICS. A NEW EDITION Vol., IYmo., Cloth, Gilt. MO pages, Price, $124. .REVISED : AND CORRECTED TO DATE. Br request of Officers of the HOME GUARD. Also. a NEW EDITION of GILHAM'S MILITARY MANUAL Will be ready en the Gth met Pabhahed and for WO by CHARLES DESILVER, iiA=wfmaab,wwaeLffmaa•Lumli,fi No. 1.229 CHESTNUT STREET A full supply of Military Booko, of all desariptiona, on hand. For vale low. m74-6t THE DOCTRINE AND POLICY Op PROTECTION, WITH VIE HISTORY OF OUR TARIFFS, FROM VIZ ORGANIZATION OF THE FEDERAL GOVERN MENT TO THE PREHEAT TIME. BY DR. WILLIAM ELDER. Now that a desperate assault is being made upon the new Tariff to prejudice, the public in advance against it, and, if possible. to have it repealed, it is important that its friends elmsuld be prepared to combat the specious arguments of its antagonists. Nothing will better serve this purpose than the circulation of the pamphlet whose title is quoted above, which -Le one of the ablest and most interesting documents that have ever appeared in support of the true American policy of fostering the great industrial interests of our country. It will, be forwarded by mail or express for 10 cents per single copy ; 76 onto per dozen ; ed per hundred. Address RINGWALT & DROWN, so-te P 10.34 SOUTH THIRD ihreet.Philadelphia. APROCLAMATION (NOT) BY THE PRIM' (CENT !!! Wnsnuas, An insidious Re bel lion (Jeff Davis) exists, having for its object the overthrow of a legitimate Government. and the in duction of a bastard Cotton. federacy. and whereas we would avoid the neeensity which would compel us to nave the 'Firms of a fractured Repoli Now we do. therefore. recommend that all loyal citizens forthwith take measure. to provide themselves with standard publications treating upon Military Diempline, and furthermore. that the semis be prooured from the ex tensive moor of GEOB Gla 0. EVANS. 459 CBES r- NUT Street, Philadelphia. The following we would p_ sea reliable work s 11 &ROSE'S TACTICS—. 80 GIIABAM'S MAN UAL-- —................- 250 NCO ''T'S TACTICS.. ... .. ....-. ........ 2eo COOPER'S 126 CAVALRY TACTICS. ..........—. —. 3 75 ARMY REGITLATIOIuu_ . , 1 50 NIeCt.ELLAND'e BAYONET IOXERCISEq..._ 125 Alec . all the Biographic Writing, of SMUCKER, BARTLEY. CIMMS, and other popular authors. to gether with an immense collection of ISISCEL LA Pd EOUS PLY KJ CATIONS. and a handsome PRE SENT. worth 40 cents to 8100, with each. By order of the Secretary of the Book Department of GFORGE G. EVANS' Popular Headquarters, 439 CObeTN btreet. nOOlll3, LAW AND MISCELLANEOUS, new and nid, bought, sold. and exchanged, at the BILADEI,PIIIA- BANK BOOK. STORE, No. 419 CHESTS UT S treet . _ Libraries at &distance purchased, ee having Books to sell, if at a distance, will state their names, elm. bindings dates, editions, prices, and °auditions. WANTBD—looks printed by Benja min Franklin, as well as ear n Books printed and upon America Autograph Letters and Portraits oar aUaled. Pamphlet Lawn of Pennsylvania for male. Cata logues, in Wait sent free. Libraries appraised by S e -tf JOHN CAM PBF,LL. RETAIL DRY GOODS. YBE & LANDELL OPEN THIS MORNING mow No! r+t the Fashionsbie F hepheM a' Plaid Goods. 1S ate. Shepherds' Plaid Valtnolaii. Phepoerds' Plaid Goat Nair. Shephsrde' Plaid Silk Goode. BLACK SILKS—Very superior grade of quality : —As there is so very little datfereoos tween the yrtoe of ordinary Maas Bilks and our fine STMiCe. WO invite buyers to examine our Bleck Grade linyeri•ti. Blue Edye Black Bilks. Ramey Wide 8i to f..r Sacks. Black Corded bilks for nets. my 9 EYRE & LAIIDELL. VYRE do LANDELL, Fourth and Arch, will OPEN TIM% DAY Ladies' Spring Bask Cloths. Kai a. stripes. Mixed and Praia. Black Mixed WaVer-oroof Tweede. Full assortment of Made-up backs. my 9 SPRING MILLINERY. NEW YORK syrnnil, sr tvuth TENT/4 Street, above Cbes•nut. 7ATISRB vowel-inform the mbehttents or phi la e phi tied one wilt open at the above store on THUReDAY. Nisy 9ch, a choice assortment of MILLINERY BEAD-DRFMEIES, BERTHA on PHs. ho., which. owing. to the dullness of the season, ehe will offer at exoeedir sly low prices. Lantes• to arson, themselves sof this feet , will please oall early at 27 Eonth TENTH Wrest, a few "core shove Chestnnr. msEt-dts MILITARY NOTICES. iHOME GUARDP.—A General Meet ing of the Home Guards of the Fonreenth and Fli t.y enth wards snit be held THIS CI hursday I oVEN IN o, Mar 9. at 8 o'olo4, at .he Hall of the Bpritor Darden institute. BROAD and 81 , 1tIe Ci OA ft DEP( Streets. All members are requested to be present, MS business of Importwewi 1 oe tren.aotea. It Wt.l G. matt/BORN, Secretary. lATTE NTt ON —.a MEETING OF THE TWirLFrIEWARD HOlil6 GUARD will be held .1113 laysrarea.(msy w . 8 o crook. ac melr new hell. M. n. corner or THIRD and sCILLOW. (Entrnnee through the Restaurant.) Election and schoenen of uniform. 1). R. SLIF etaER. It* R. Seorry. tiTWENTY MORE MBN WANTFD in Company lof Cob EIPIM:IN'S Regimen t. ra tions and pay going on immediately after register ing their names. Apply at the S. W. comerof NEW MARKET and COAT.Ea Ste. st* 0.8. WM. COMTE% lUNITED STATES MARINE CORPS. WANTED• 600 able-bodied men. between the ages of 21 and 95 years. not less than five feet four and a halt inches high. and of good eherauter. Soldiers serving in this corps perform duty at navy yards and on board United States !Myna-weir on foreign stations. All other info , mation which may be desired will be given at the Rendezvous, No. 311 South FRONT Street. First Lieutenant W. STOKES BOvD. &DM.lm Reeraiting Oilmen ATTENTION. MILITARY ! THE NEW HAT, for service inwarm climates, produced under the super vision of Goo. B. F.'Edwards, and adopted by the state of Massachusetts. and the r err pattern ARMY BROS, can be !sea at the COISTINERTAL ROTEL. Also, Zonave Uniforms, Fatigue Cans, Flannel Shirts, Rub ber Canteens, Haversacks. Knapsacks, Blankets, and the celebrated Combination Knapsack, LA ROE CONTRACTS SOLICITED. Military men are invited to examine samelea before ordering elsewhere. HAUGHTO2f, SAWYER, & CO., mr9 3.. ROOM No. 13-44. 111 FITZPATRICK & BROTHERS,' 604, jut! OIiEnTrAUT Street. Bale this (THURSDAY., morning, at 10 o'clock,Of Fanny Goode, Stationery, Jewelry, Crooks, Watobea, Silver plated Ware, Cutlery, Fancy Saws, Perim. km,./so. Sale tam (THURSDAY) evening, at 7 o'clock. of a large and extensive oolleotion of Books in the varied Decartmenta of Literature. including 'Winery, Biogra phy. Poetry. Tneolory aleclurios. hiritorT Eciecrip. &o. Alto. several large Family Bibles, Catholic and , Protsmant editions. 500 DOZ. 1.0144 M. FORK BANTI:F . Ii bent. 10 0 dozen Long Shovel Handles, bent. 200 do Hoe Handles. Shovels. Heade', and Hoes. Cedar Sloggots In taxes. tor sale by W. lA. tny9-3t* 020 R A CEstreet, Phila. NEW CLOTHING STORE. II No. 714 MARKET STREET. Constantly on nand a full assortment of C Van LNG, made in the beet manner, and at armee to suit the times. AIM, a large stock of Gray Flannel Shirts and Drill Jackets. J special attention oven to Customer Work. and to making snits for Home Guards. my 9 tbs2t* M. T. WILL'S; Agent. ritaSOLIITION OF 00eARTNERSHIP. -N-Ar The Copartnership heretofore existing it between the ttederaigned, muter the name of 'IAN LOY, f,t -& to We day dissolved by You've! consent. Afi persons indebted to the 1. to firm are rem:lemon to make payment of their accounts to Mr& try Amoy, who alone in authonaed to reoei9t for the same, and to ore the name of the firm in winding ue the business. RNIIRY HANDY, C. W. MORRIS. Philadelphia, May 1, 1881 NOTICE.—The undercianed rcapeotfully informa the customers of the into firm of HANDY, & Co. that he will continue the same breooh of boguss in hie own name. at the old stand, 1.13 South FO 'MTH Street. and solicits the continuance of their_p Y atronage. KENNY HAND. Ptulaaelphis, May 8, 1881, mr9 St rearlCE,---Puil4Datraia., May 7. 1861. Take notice. that've have applied by Petition to the Court of Common Pleas of the pity and sonny Of Philadelphia. tor the benefit of have a p p o int e d ven laws of Pennsylvania. and theye SA TURDAY. the 25th day of May. A. 0. 1861. at 10 o'clock A. M., at their Court Room, in said oity. to hear us and our creditors, When snd wham said creditors roar at tend tt they think proper. llAlelHL MURPHY. Lase trading as MURPHY Ar. SMITH. Grocers, At At.r'YAHDICR M. SMITH. N. w.eorner Second and Coates streets and No. 552 North Second street. mye 14 16,18 21.22 25* C ... LIFTCIN BOU"E, NIAGFABA FALLti, CANADA.-Thu Komi wits open for the Poison on the Ibta inst. Families. woMma board by the - week can be aocommodated with Comae, or Rooms m the !lone, at libtrat rates. joy t IN a: DIJPIKIRE, Proprietors. Niagara Fells. (*made.) May 6. 18111. roy9-8t - - FOR BALTIMORR.—ThIs (Thuraday ) AFTER riooN,at 3 o'clock. BAlalklun Aro.Q . Esay,Arnal..flit ISTriAMBOAI: COMPANY—NatroaftON LINE. The atesmer FAR MER will leave the find wharf 'above Clib.B t'NUT Street , _Tit £8 AFTERNuON. as 3 °NAGA A . and will arrive in utumn early in the morn ' ins, risible of all kinds taken. ezoe_pt such air forbidden by the uovernment. A. 661.0 Boum wvA4.llB- It* Sao. 34 oo • COMMISSION 1101711168 ARMY BLANKETS. BLUE, GRAY, AND WHITE. A FULL ASSORTMENT ON EACH. Foe Sala by STUART & BROTHER. my 2-8 14 13 BANK STREET. WOOLLENS. A PULL ASSORTMENT. For Bala by STUART & BROTHER,. my343* 13 BANK STREEr BLUE KERSEYS AND CLOTHS, Suitable for Military or Naval purposes. For sale by FROTRINGII&X & WELLS, aplB-iftf 35 LETITIA STREET: BANKING. MICHENER & Co., SANDERS, No. 50 SOUTH THIRD STREET. TIME PAPER NEGOTIATED. COLLBOPONI3 MADE ON ALL' ACCESSIBLE roucro W TEEL/4410N. STOCKS AND BONDS BOLTONT AND SOLD ON COMMISSION war Uneurrent Bank .Notes bought at the lowest rates of Discount. Drafts for sale on England and Ireland. [myB eatuthlm MILITARY CLOTHING. TOUN TBORNLEY'S, 311 .011ENTNIIT itr Street. north side—the oldest establishment in the United states. INDIA-RUBBER CAMP BLANKETS, Tor Army and Na , !y Peuinmente. PATeNT RUBBER CAMP SLANKRTS, KNAPSACKS, KNAPSACKS, HAVERSACKS. H TENTSSACKS, CANTEENS. GUN COVERS. GUN COVERS, CAPES. CAPES, CAPS. COATS, CAM COATS, And every other article that is manufaotered of India Rubber—is of the best material. tay3.lta JOHN THORNLEY. TOILET AND FANCY ARTICLES.. DO YOU WANT WEITSKERST DO YOU WANT WIUSILURA DO YOU WANT A MOUBTACKEt DO YOU WANT A NtOUSTAORE? 13ELLINGI-IA.M'S CELEBRATED STIMULATING ONG - UENT, FOR THE WHISKERS AID HAIR. The subscribers take pleaaure in announcing to the citizen, of the United Mateo that they have obtained the Agency for, and are now enabled to offer to the Amerman public the above Justly-oelebrated and world-renowned ardele. THE STIMULATING UNGUENT Ya prepared by Dr. C. Y. BELLINGHAM, an eminent phyeieian of London, and is warranted to bring outs thick sat of WHISKERS. OR A MOUSTACHE In from three to six weeks. This article is the only one of the kind need by the Frenoh, and in London and Paris it is in universal use. It is a beautiful, economical , soothing, yet ribmnla tins compound, ecting se if by magic upon the roots, pausing a beautiful growth of luxuriant hair, If ap plied to the setup It will cure baldreee, and use., to goring tip in theplace of the bald spots a fine growth of new hair. Applied according to directions, it will turn u.n or TOWY hair mug, and restore gray hair to its original color._ leaving it soft, smooth. and flexible. The "ON 9 U ENT" is an indispensable artiole in every gentleman'. toilet, and after one week's use they would not, for any consideration, be without it. The eubseribere are the only Agents for the article in the United States. to whom all orders must be eui dreeeed. Price one dollar a box ; for sale Wall Druggists and Dealers • or a box of the "ON6UENT." warranted to have the ' desired effect. will be sent to any who desire tt,by mail. direct. soouredy paoked. on receipt of price and postage, fi1.14 Apply to. or address RORACE L. ILEGEMAN & C , Draggisto:&.•• 24 WILLIAM Street, New York. DYOTT & CO., No. 232 North SBOOND Street, PM sdelphia Agents. inble-em OPAL DENTALLINA.—We speak from wactiold Ciperienoo 'wheal eaTiZig that the OPAL. DENTALLINA made by Mr. SHlolit, of BROAD aid SPRUCE. Etreste, is decidedly the nicest preparation for the month and teeth that we ha•to ever need. We believe it fulfils all Mgt Maimed for it, and being re commended by the nmet eminent dentiete w • % 01. 5m ,rn to give it a trial.—Butiet ". WANTS. vANTBD-- - Books to - post - and sOttle, intricate accounts to adjust. Apply, No. t 2 South THIRD Street, up stairs. my 8-3t* VI/ANTED—A Lid to do Errands. Ad dress" T." Press offieo. apg-tf WANTED—AGENTS to sell PAOKA ir OEB of STATIONERY and JEWELRY, at • lions ono third teem than can be purchased elikewhere. all on or Addroas (stamp enolgsed) J. L. BAILEY 64 COU.ter stmt. Boston. man. mnati-sat EMPLOYERS WANTING YOUNG Men, &e., are invited to address the" Emloy ment Committee," at the Rooms of the Young M p arto, Chri eet stian Association, 1009 and 1011 CHESTNUT Str. sp34m a ft, WANTEI)-A VESSEL,. of the capa city from p 1.000 to 1,201) barrel., to load for the Weer RETCHE & CATISTAIRS, 20 . 0 sod aO4 Mouth FRONT titreet. BOARDING. BOARDING.—EIegant large and airy Rooms. with fast-olass board, at 1315 Walnut street. Refentuoss exchanged. myi-them 6t• BOARDE BB will be received at a retired but pleasantly-situated Farm House. in ORES TER. cOUBTY, but a short distance from tile Rail road. The dwelling ix beautifully shaded. which. with large Vegetable and Fruit Gaoleux, will furnish board ers with every luxury the country can afford. Address 'B. B 5.," office of The Press. a.P2034111* FOR SALE AND TO LET. di G M ERANTOWN PROPERTY TO WM.L.FT —A commodious MANSION, well shaded by large trees, within a short distance from Shoemaker Lane Station. Inquire of E. m o CALI,n, my9-6t* 18 South SECOND Street. a TO RENT, FOR THE BUMMER MOILSEABOR OR SIX MONTRI—A furnished COT TAGE, Witpt large vegetable, flower, and fruit Garden, vse of Cow, noun? Y, and services of gardener, if de sired. Situation high, pbusty of shade, near station. Germantown railroad. Gas. bath, Ago. Adores' Box 1344, Philada. P. O. no 9 gm TO LET, IN GIG/thItiNTOWN—A 15. Hand Kline GOTTAG E with beautiful elandod_Tard, in PRICE Street. Apply to LLOYD MIFFLIN. mIS.M* ISHOIsMAKER Lame. el TO LET, at Germantown, a cone. nientD.WELLING on Si:loot-house Lane' near Township Line Road. with good , shade. stable. and large lend. Rent Wag until it 1. OAP Annly to CHAHLEBitkoloa, 4PG WALNU Strut. gla FUR SALE OR TO RENT—Three MAIL commodious brick DWELLINGS in Haddonfield, New Jersey, centrally located. well nnadon, within two squares of railroad dowot C. SF/ INN, 22S WAL el UT Street, aTO RENT WITH FURNITURE.—,A SS& handsome ROUSE, with every modern conveni ence, in Arch street, west of Seventeenth. Apply to A. P. & J. 11, MORRIS. ap2o4m 916 ARCH Street, NI FOR SALE—A HOUSE and LOT, Wma desirably located on MAIN StrML Hurl ton. N. J. away to virlti. M. co.libirta,. 506 MINOR Street. noledelplps. FRANKLIN WOOLMAN. MAIN Street. Berlineten. O tn apla- rthirtu24l.* da TO RENT.—A rare opportunity is JIM' offered to a competent manager or a Boarding Ronne by the undersigned. who Were to rent the HOTEL, formerly - known the. UNITED STATES HOTEL, situated on CHESTNUT Street. above Fourth. opposite the Custom ftonse. The home torty room, all of which are furnished. The ditong-hall is ninety.five feet tai length, beside' kitchens. pantries. and every other convention* that can be desired. The WelLUiell ready en immediate complete manner, and are for 000npsney. To IC proper person, having experience. a proAtable business eau be done. To an acceptable tenant the terms will be made reasonable. For particulars apply to JOHN SEA. on the premises, between the hours of 9 and 3 o'clock. aplit.tuthellt 9 1 0 LET-SECOND-STORY ROOM, 802 CHESTNUT ntreet. over LEWIS JADONVB & Co?. Jewelry, Store. The beet location in thilseel - buttlilas. Apply 910 RENT—A very desirable STORE, on tba Ninth-etrept front erne Continental Rotel." Tha Store at Muth and atreeta saps. altar :Wasted fora SADDLE Bad HATtliNes Maker. Apply to JONN RICE, fee-tf Southwest NINTH and RANSOM Ptreete. gm TO LET—A DESIRABLE DWEL nit LING. NC 123 North THIRTEENTH Street. Apply to WETRBRILb & BROTERR, 47 and 49 North SECOND etroot. mltl4-11' ORIGSTNIIT•bTRIEBT MUSS and BS. iSTORE to rent,—The desirable business location. L 122 OLIERTNUT Street.ronth dwelling etteehed. Apply 3t431 Off ESTPUUT etreet. - gall NI GERMANTOWN PROPERTY RENT.—To Rent. the large and commodious modern-built Rouse. corner of A.RIVIAT Street sod WILLoW Avenue, ' , frith sea, bath, hot end ooldiirgto and eh the modem unprntremeeta Apple 1 H 1 „ R. 6. TAR, 710 till Skin liitreen. rhinos • Ora MINMAIIef, AB TO TWO COUNTRY . 110118S i _ono o mile from Two!. = a io, 71.7 WAW4 tstret. ItARRN AND OM vErtiniT Coal Wharf and Lumber 'null_ at Itiartanavilit Tyreney•fourtb Ward. Apply to N. & P. WAR EN. oa t ea mbi"f FOR MOHANGE.-A 0110 ICE TRACT of good *improved far* hied i 4 the State ofitew A m oy, convenient to the cum WM be ox_ohm , nred for eirepiPertli Ay Ply at Pio. 115 FEPSw .Theg, RE. CORBON,REAL ESTATE BROKER . AND CONVEYANCER. liGaltnrroWN, PA. —Reid Mate bought and sold on recconable term.. Store. and dwellings for sale or ant In 2101 11 1 W" "d wuntry. Good marts= el negotiated. Collection" Made' The bat retermell d 54413/ WHEATLEY & CLAM/LIVE ARIHWIT. I , TREATR E. THIS (TRURIEIDAV EVENING, gi Will be presented the grand Military and muitoricial RpeobseiriAp 5 Epochs. emitted THr. WARS OF tie POLEON THE GREAT! c o mposed, warned. and arranged by Mr. Gr 0 RYER, With whom a epeeist engagement bee been entered into, and who red! suetam hie remarkable pee aonatioqof NA l'O , •P 0 . The whole *Tax COMPANY in thaOlsoi. WALNUT -STREET THCAIIIS. Bole Leuee --.Mre M. A. SARRE:773ON. 816:e Maw:tear -..... —Mr. WM. A L OHAVU.N. busigteas Agent— .Mr. Jtht..ll. MUM ritY. IBIS (THURSDAY) EV)7i.lice. Mal 9. Will be presented the laughable Comedir In eats, TH b HaitRACK RO 117 1 of Tobe followed br the Comic Pleas, calle& F1T.30 6-3 rRUOK. Y MOIL To conclude with the grand National t tame, caned BLANCILE UK ngANDywiNs„ &ALM Of Plue3ls.—Fows circle grunts secured sAtbt out extra charge.) 150 tents; parquet. (seats aeonr at BO oente.)37% cents ; sooty airele, cents; privet s hones, soand $3; ore seam 12 cent& Doors open at quarter pest? &aleph i our will nu* st a quarter to 8 Walnuts. WITONOUGH'S OCAMPIC 'THEATRE RACE Street. below Thud Kb-OFF-NINO. THURSIMY EVENING. S O.VE 818 TERRI !SEW 818 I itill! Notice.—The lianagement begs leave to armouries the Re-Opening of the (Hymnle Theatre, when tho StVEX bittLEAS will be performed with many addi tions. GRAND REVOLUTIONARY ACT, . . . Ent:tied MuTMER BA.LEY. or the DAYS OP '7B: Will be introduced. ou welch 000tt.ion Mite. He k KY CHAPMAN wilt appear. The LAST SCENE, nth: BtoTa OF THE BUTTERFLY Will be brought forward. TKO& McK FON, etas* Manager SANFORD'S OPERA ROUSE, ELEVENTH STREET, OPEN FOR THE SEASON. NEWLY DECORATED AND PAINYEL MR. SANFORD Rea !enured one of the LARGEST COMPANIES ever presented UMW:a e. who will appear nightly. Sanford wanperform every evening. Doors open at 7; Commence at 7M. Admission 25 cents. Children 15 cents. TUEGERMANIA OROHESTRA AN NOUNPE their three last Publics Rehearsals at the Musical Fut d Ball. the last one of the season to take place on Sal UAW. Y. May the 26th. lioNeta to be obtained at the usual place. m)84M25 pICN N A . ACADEMY OF THE FINE ARTS-102A CREciTNCT STRXET. The Thirtr-ezhth NNU AL- EXII T LON of PAINTINGS and SCULPTUILE ta nom open• Admittance 25 cents; Season 'notes 00 mints; Chil dren half price. Catalopues 10 cents. Ittoothe deis wilt receive their tickets at the Academy. som-at EDUCATIONAL. GOOD CATISE—A Sabbath School situated in the northern part of our city, near Broad street, is in great want of several earnest, soave leachers. .Ladies and gentlemen disposed to render assistance t h good work will please addre s s" Nab bath !School," office of The Frees. myB-20. LNSUKAPICIS (JOBS PAN ICE,. FAME INSURANCE COMPANY, No. 406,GLIESTNUT Street. FIRE AND INLAND INSUKANC DIAXCTORE. George W. Day & hletleok. astanol Wright-- " Wright Bros & Cs. D. D. Dirr.ey...—....— Davis & Disney. Henry Leine, " Lewis Bros & C. Richardson.-- "J. O. Howe & Co, Samuel T. Bodine...—Fres't Wyoming Canal Cour/ Ino. W. Evermaia—.of J. W. Deem= & Co. Geo. A . West— . Week & Fobes. T. M. "Savage, Martin, & Co. O. Wilson Daitis.—.....Attorney-at law. E. D. Woodrail---...0f Sibley, Molten. & WOotrall .Tno. Kessler, Jr—,- -.No 1713 Green street. GEOKGE W. DAY,Premdent. FRANCIS N. DITOK, vine Presiaene. WILLIAMS I. BLANCHARD. Seeretary. !a!!-tiff ANTHEACITE INSURANCE COMPA NY.--Authorized Capita*. S4OO,OO4—CILAILIEN PERPETUAL. Ohm No. an WALD/ Itlr farmer, between Baird 'OM Fo...;th dtreet, This Company will roman, arnar los: or damage by pu ay p, on Daddings,r-danitare, and blershandis• gear n. Liao. Manna Insimnomor on Vowels, Cargoes. ano Fromitim Inland lrontranao to all parrot of the Irma. DIXECTOBB Jason Esher. Joseph Maxfield. D. Luther t John Ketcham, h. Andenned, John B. Blanton. pans Pearson Wm. F. Dam, Hier BMW, I. B. Bang. ;AMOS lialliag E rninddlinlje WM. F. DEAN, 'ohm Protidotit. • W. M. Ilar/ifh. Otottorary. spl-B SAVING FUNDS. Q,AVING FUND-- - UNITED STATE?, N. 7 Tux= comrany, corner THIRD and Man"- NUT Streets. INTEREST FIVE PER CANT. R. CRAV/TOIID, President. JAMES R. HUNTER, Secretary and Treasurer. Office hours. from 10 until S o'clock. Tlus Company is not joined in any wiliest - Loa to thr. Lenalat, foa ABIERIOAN SAYING 5. E. cor. ner WALNUT and FOURTH Streets, continuo to receive deposits and pay_ all sums on demand as it has always done. ALEXANBER WHILL,DIN, President. JOHN 8- W1L1074. TrwsuraTor. itis/9-ing SAFEb. , LILLIE'S SAFE DEPOT REMOVED to No. 21 South SEVENTH Street, near the Alin Institute. The undersigned, thankfal for vast favors, and being determined to ment D il ute patronage, hasmeoured an elegant and convenient store, and hae now on hand it lergoe assortment of Lillie's Celebrated Wrought Chilled Iron Fire and Burglar proof Rallis, (the tay anal fire and burglar proof safes made.) Also. lle'a lJnequal led Bank Vault, Safe. and Rank LOoks. Lillie'. hank Vault Doom and Looks will be rernigbed i to order on abort notice. This ii the "tract est, Mat protected. and cheapest Door and Look yet o . red. AM, particular attention is celled to IA e'e Frew Cabinet Bate for Plate, Jewelry, &o. This S ae is ooli edft to mimeo in style and message agnaltdi Yet o/ - rend for tam porpoise, and is the only one that as dna"- tir Ere and burglar proof. Srsozas No rton.—l have now on hand any twenty of Farrel, Herring._ 4 CCP..!ff Rafe', most of them nearly new, and some tort,. o f otter maker., 0n...1,4Lnc a complete assortment es to eines. end all LIMY ex changed for the now Celebrated Lillie Safe. They w il l be sold at * ery low vrioee. Fledge call arid vtamme. jas ,, vi m (I ca n s A...AL PUBLIC SALE. pustau SALE OF VALUABLE PRO. FERTY. 111.8 "EMPORIUM RE t EttTATE en AULNU- P.kory.rrilltr ompAily. Or Meow • try.trekr .. - toknurry. faiM i m " Will offer at PUBL. tSA LE. on the pre . On WEDNESDAY. the lath day of !Bay neat, A Large Number of DENEABLb BUILDING LOTS, Eligibly Located for Stores, Faotonee, and ItesidonooL A SPACIOUS BRICK IRON FOUNDRY. WITH Ilta.CHI SOO?, And all the appurtenances necessary for the husinees of UMUTlithetenne Vaginas and Boilers for Dreamt:ea% titular, and all other mine. need in the Southern and Western Country. The Patterns comprise the modern improvements in machinery. with a tall and complete set of Patterns for Stove,. adapted to both wood and coal. This property, from the advantageous location of Mound City, le one of .the mein valuable in the /Southwest _ Abso,at the same time. A FIRST-CLASS TS REE.STOk Y FRAME MO- D E DUI LT HOTEL, Containing some fifty rooms. with a foil set of Fund tors. The Hotel Is now mans a large and profitable business. Also a number of BRICK. STOR4B AND COTTAGE RESIDENCES. Tatou el RUn.—One- fourth (X) cub; the remain lag true:mats in 12. 24. and 26 months from date of aide. bearing interest at the rate of ea per cent per annum. The multi payment may be made in the Bondi of the Company, and the eatymnt' will In tasen in the Stock of the Company par, except for improved pro perty. for which three-fonrths of the puronase-money may remain upon mortgage. As the Company propose to dispose of all their Im provements. as vitalism have a rare opportunity for 'mo ments investments in one of the hem Weald and most flourishing cities in the great Southwest. quart:toe lam, inquire or or addreee JEnati E. PE TOM, President B. R & fil.,Co. • imblghtmle Office 499 WALNUT Street. Phlllide. • NoTioE. —THE PUBLIC ARE OAII -- 10 N n againet buying or negotiating WWI(' drawn by G. & W. BUe.B. on the dank of liming lon and Brandywine. Wilmington del , ['r **MAI, In f.vor of RoI.NLIKR & Boa and en orsel by them and oureelvee . Bald cheek bee' been loot or Mien, and payment of it hen been Moved. TYL.F. H. STONE. & 0., melt* 08 WALNUT Street. opoNs e , IMPROVED SPECTACLES AND EYE•GLA.SSES, with the fiowit Periscopic lenses. moon ed In god. l ver, Wand steel, or tortoie.-shelL stetted &weal, ler every age and oot.dliton of the eyesight. Microscope. Telescope. Opera and Marine Glasses, very powe rful Military Spy-a/ewe , . gfatfriernaticat and Su. veyor s bistruntents. „6:4eciricat jd o ,hy n a r . Also, a great variety of Ste uoesopes and tarn. wholeeate or retail, at the lowest orieea. be At. J. FRANKLIN. Ontlttlell. 312 e, FOUR Ili rat eat. it.eatnat. 1136 Broach office; TAIRD b-h Walnut. airo Harrisburg Pa; NAVAL SUPPt IN.—Sealed Proposals will be received at this Office until the itch inet. for supplying all taw MOM c or rtevy BAFAD which may be required to be detiveied at this Yard r pefore M e lee of July next—to be d Lin- red i n g daysbarrels secly ed, a required, tuum preview, ure he alialite s to be equal tot he ar ticle now d-liverable by contract. Umpire of wlucb can be seen at the Navy Yard. ray merits for the same to be mace by the avr A eat in this tbty, *eon bills duly orrtifled to, and approved at tole office The proposaw to be made stating thp , rate per • amid, and to be guaraf.teed by two:oed and responsible securities for the faithfu complianee with the terms of the con tract, and meaty per Gemara .0 be deducted from each ea a aoluveral seeurity, which will be paid - oil the completion of the contract a F. DU PONT. Comaitudant COMNIANDANT'II OFFICE, 1.1. YARN Phaladvlplue, May 7.18 M. myB.4t ia-IXAMMIPHILADELPHIA. WILMINITION AND BAJ4- 9:161101133. Ll.OA—Flttbaosixtua. May 4, tem, TRAINS FOR WASo itOTON. On and after Monday, May 6.1861. Trains for Wash ington, via .1 4 onapolta, will leave rhiladelphut at 11.36 A. M. and 10.60 F. M. R ETURN LNG, Will arrtve at Phiktde'_ples prom Washington at 10.1 $ A a., and at e at 9.2 t P Through tickets so d at the depot, corner of 1310114 and Prime rea, Ptatadelphia. m 36 mm a. m. rEvr* PHILADELPHIA AND antame RRADING RAILROAD CO, , offloa 227 South FOUna Meet.) PRILCDELPHIA. A➢IA 27,1381. SEASON TWEETS. On and after Mal 1 lat. mama ticket" mill to ineneg by this annually for th periods of three, Mx, nine, aim twelve months, not transferable, Season nohout-tickets MB7 aLto be had at =Per cent , diem:amt. These tickets trill tm sold by the Trevose r st fr 0.1127 South FOUft.TR Street, where any farther information can he Otained• S. sa AD vo tab , • Tratmarer• &NabFOR NEW YORK. NEW DAILY LINE, via Delaware aim Raritan Canal. Philadelphia and New York Baotou Steamboat gout pan, will receive freight on end after ?aQ.NEtLy. 06Th in and _etve dadt at IP. and doh:worms their Mr goes New x ore roe following days. In taken at T e rri '. e a t rol;. Agent, No. 14 SOUTH mrl3 &RYES. Pollaatolakia. JAMES HAND merit, Piers 14 and LT lan' RISEN,New Y or k, mbiff-iftf 1 0 7 — dr a t FOR NEW YORK. —TU PhOdelPhis Stem Propeller Wa wilt wa' commence tom laminate for the season on m eccas , . Is Allniteamers are now receiving freight at BeWnd rim above Waken street. Terms accommodating. .IWdy to • M• BAIRD & 00., comb DidgmA"nuis.. DR. J. WII3IG, /O. 3to Vorth FIFTH Street, PIIILAIDELPHIA.-Ttebtil eneeenfolly dolled tole tune. ell dweeete k 7111114111" of the LUNOS. . KOAT ood tiliaKT. and frenuerar owes COMB:MP lON irk its thltd and Wit stage. Re also restores ell curable dowarwe of the BYE and B&B, Be tow eiven.them his enure ettention at he past 23 y gam Win ',mit petioras, when desired. at he reendenoee. . soll-tm if. I,..RAVE-STON ES, ILA My stook of Gray, stoth;Letia w , t o mold at very reduced pices. before 'ruralise= elsewhere, at ,/-• A. ST .• • feesit. !TWIN kireinee.toseerli •• 13ii0E11141CIER Co.. s " . `' . SLAM, PALM'S. .luxi) Vagilidantat 11•Tikessi finer 10111111 X sal it4LOS Stresta, &Mks
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