TON lIIINTCRING INTO NSA ,torstarid ;h3t. to-day Ow Nell will ODD. .-,, u t " a bor. under the old regnisitiou, by mu de tbo scrcios of the United States the re . runes of the Second Regiment, Second 0-11D.'36,N1 of the Irish Volunteers, Hiher .''e c ie ' Emmett Guards, Meagher Guards, Jaasou Guards, P. Light Guards. ields sant 1 , thirda, Second Shields Guards, _ and elf_in eet ; , ber Guards. Soren oompardoeof this , bsee aiready been mustered in, awl on Ts: the foliowing regimental Oilers were fp fi; Outonnt. Joking T Owen; Lieutenant or 1. Den is Heenan ; jr, Donnie 01Cane; e t :,t . feba Devereni ; Quartermaster D. . di!' Serval, Dr. Boy . er ; Assietent, , Dr. re,y4ol, This regiment is composed of good ~".je z deck. Col Owen will /end, and not follow "„:„Ijcand. 'When a lawyer turns s oldier, he oir-ly retains his belligerent p:openalties; and °Fen's charge of practice will consist only In 019, sso mo re weighty arguments in the prose. , t oo af Ins Sa• A POBTABLII BATTleri - r. The exigencies of the times have brought forth intention wbiob may be styled a portable rail battery, which will be put in use in the re -o.7trortion of the bridges on the line of the Bal- I mare g Th abdat ewhich being bdestroyed i b s y o ily e , ''otar?latfarm baggage-ear has been fixed with ld top of thick sheet-iron, the slaps having t omes anl loop holes for musketry A turn• . bie b been arranged, on which a rifled cannon b e placed. The carriage for the gun is so „ om itted that it can be fired at any angle, and sa y one of the port-holes in the the end of , e3r . ID plass of shot or Shell forcannon, was tif iron poached from locomotive boilers will used as loads. This oar is to be placed in front t , iromotire, and, with fifty men inside, armed riles, and seamen to work the imam, , r e are but few more terrible instruments of de- muLeruaLTHIA LIGHT 611141T13. ['sloe' Morehead's Re giment of Philadelphia Ottards will parade this afternoon. The line 'R forst at 3 o'clock at the State Arsenal, Six iera and Filbert streets, and proceed up Six <nth to Vine, out Vine to Eighteenth, up Eigh ,4,„,h to Caliowhill, out Callowhill to Twenty. ; r d. up Twenty-third to Green, down Green to g r een to Seventeenth. up Seventeenth to Mount v er ve, down Mount Vernon to Fifteenth, up Flf tesc:s to Parrish, down Parrish to Thirteenth, .pra Thirteenth to Spring Garden, down Spring t ipdeu to Sixth, down Sixth to Vine ; np Vine to fa:b, down Tenth to Chestnut, down Chestnut to 1.40 ed, down Second to Walnut, up Walnut to 'lola, down Twelfth to Locust, tip Locust to ilraid. up Broad to Filbert, and there dismiss. At meeting or Company .11, Philadelphia Light dcsnit, the following members, Theophilue Bart ley. Benj. Wilson, and Jon Laughlin, were ap- V,, re d a committee to la dies o expressive b . e - le greased* to the of Green Hill Pres hitetisu Churoh, for their kindnessin preparing inkier antacids and other comforts for each /nem ber e nbe company. Whereupon, the following pre ssible and resolutions were adopted t r pf . ra ,, In response to the proclamation of the p r esMent of the United States, we have enrolled e wes, and solemnly pledged ourselves to sus tain the President and General Government in a Er upt administration of its laws, infamously tfi:egressed and set at naught by Southern mita:B who have arrayed themselves in hostile IV against the North. And where..., In the defence and maintenance of those laws by a tuilitsry power there are many hardships that a soldier has to endure and many en/forts that he laoke. And whereas, The ladies of Green Bill Presby twito Church, with that discrimination which gentle woman is alone possessed of, have discerned i b eE e wants, and patriotically administered to them: Therefore, be it BeSO/176d, That we are deeply sensible of their tiedoess, and the noble and disinterested manner in which they have oared for our necessities Our heats, like the pies*/ clay, have been impressed th e reby, but, like adamant, will retain those im preasions while life exists. Whatever trials may beset us in ourvocation as soldiers, whatever hard ships our lot., the memory of their noble efforts will ercourage us to patient submission and endurance of them all, stimulate our hearts and nerve our arms vigorously to sustain the cause we have espoused. TIM MILITARY DEPARTMENT OF WASHINGTON The headquarters of " The Military Department of Washington," under charge of Mojar General Paterson, are at No. 1.516 Chestnut street. The first floor is 000apied by the quartermeeter's de putment, the second by the Major General and th aid, and the third floor by the medical bu rsas The following officers compose the depart ment staff: Brevet Major Fitz John Porter, assistant adju nct general. Brevet Major James Belger, aesiatant quarter master, until relieved by Lieut. Col. George H. Unman, deputy qoarterossuster general. Surgeon Chas. Tripler, medical director. Captain Edward O. Beckwith, Third Artillery, subsistence department. Lieut. Col. Robert E. Patterson, division in spector. Major R. Butler Price, aid-de-camp. Mem Craig Biddle, do. Messrs. Martin Tsohndy, of company E, First aliment ; Henry A. Merchant, of company C, Se soul regiment. National Guards and J. C. Biggs, of company .R, First Infantry, have been ap pointed temporary clerks in the Major General's office. FIREMEN IN 11111 YIELD. The following list will show the number of mem bers of the different fire Companies who have volun tetrad their serviese in defence of the National davernment: Assistirte Ermine columbis Elms 21 Ibluent 13 slam —.....—.40 Bole amt. —33 Pouthvark Ross— 22. fracifis Enrme fannsflcsma Gael Witt ttosa ant lade eudesee &Lime. —.43 G. - NM intent gore —.— 31 Western aneine....--42 1 , - weeeaeoe Poems -- 46 ,'erseveraree .Rose..._ 201 1: idea Stases nose. co rr,set Philadelphia liese.33 K en. fir COU BPSeI I2CO Endue. t w ,„ iatookand Latider.aP Good Will Entitle-- — B5 Fairmount t name— 108 Column's. A moron Boss— 18 Proem Bose --.....16 t °arum Engine.. - Philadelphia Hose.--16 Fame ROSS— ... .. •.• thotad States engine -35 Washington Fairmount h05e....---Pt 1 .1)11/gent Boss— . —3O i - iehuyiktil Hoge.— ....-26 Waaniugton Entine —.25 Warren Home— —.44 Philadelphia Tivoli nose A SAD DISAPPMITMENT On Sat lir:lay 3,010 amptoyera at the eirard House presented themselves to the cashier to receive their pay, bat 1b State proved delinquent, and the money in:h.urf only liquidated about one-Sith of the sum due. This ern, we are glad to state, how. ever, will be teat abort duration. TES ,UllBB'S GUARD, under the managenwat of Mrs. Fulton and Smith, it now completely argitaimod and ready , for action. Them two ladies uaim.ut receive too much praise for the time and labor they have spent in organ izing this useful association. Another mooting war held on Saturday afternoon at the headgear :tam So. 912 Chestnut street It was expeoted that several members of the Legislature would Knave been present, but they were prevented by The pressure of official duties. By the time our volunteers are ready to march, the Nurse Corps Will be ready to follow them to lend each aid as be female hand, guided by the female heart, atone knows how to give. An instance of patriot ism, deserving of mention, is that two little boys came i;.• the meeting on Saturday, and presented bandies or dried dandelion roots, which they had dug for the so::liers, having beard that such roots w ere much need f.,;- making drinks for the sick. A vote of thanks was giv,..7.'n to the lads. For tho last ten days the ladies attaciied to the corps have been attending lectures delivers,: by Dr. Win. Payne. We has instructed them in all the minutim of ban daging the wounded, the science of ventilation, to. FIEM2EO The Independent Mounted Rangers, No. 1, Col. 11. Young, will take a benefit at Sanford's spent house on the evening of Ni'veneaday, May Bth. The Quaker City Guards will alao take a benefit, on the evening of May 9th, at the Olympia thee- PRAISSWORTHY ACTS For the putt three weeks the butchers of Callow `till-Areal market have been giving, cheerfully, large contributions of good, wholesome meats to .some three or four military oomps . lniel located in Their vicinity. On Saturday morning the demands upon them were as numerous as ever, and they 1 , 'ere as liberally responded to as at any previous d e. 'a. As a slain, the butchers of Philadelphia dew. T've to be ranked with the first of our citizens poi L of IJberality and patriotism. At the • hist btated meeting of Washington Lodge, A. 0. of c 11. F., it Tsai resolved that all members that have, et may hereafter, enlist for active duty in the cant 'a of their country, will be kept in gi)o4standing and be entitled to benefits in oases of netnesa or dea t h -The Typographical Society on Saturday evenir. I passed a resolution keeping their members t t , good ping while in the service of the United States. LIGHT GUALIIIM. Thia compan y have elected the following officers: Captain, Wr a , H. Ed", vs& : fast lieutenant, Wm. H. Pardon ; second 1, Nontenant, Wm. Banckert; third lieutenant ; Alex. Hay; fourth lieutenant, Jelin Keegan. This et, laPauY la numpoend Of about seventy young me, "g anix " tor home protection ONTARIO LIGHT II 17 " TRY. The following named °Seers 'were elected by the Ontario Light - Infantry Compan ; Captain, Bora tie G. Sickles; lieutenants, Davii,„‘Doughy , David Wonderly ; sergeants, J. F. Dand.'ir, J. b. tiortes, Jas. Brooks, Joe. Iliekeroon cor:wrils , T. B. Swell, J. A. Thompson, T. N. Jalueir, ,Fairavd Young. SIXTH•WARD mots suasp. The following officers have been elected by this body: CaPtaia, R- Flanagan; first lieutenant, H. Baugh ; second lieutenant, B. L. ileppard ; third lieutenant, M. C. Fife fourth lieutenant, J. A. Burley ; first corporal, 11 M Paris ; second cor poral, Jos. W. Case ; third corporal, Christopher Shiskel; fourth corporal, Charles Williams. THIRTZYJITH-WARD HOME GUARD Captain, E. Motiregory; lieutenants. N. B Gilbert, A. Ramberg, Leonard Myers. D. W. C Moore; corporals, R. Si. Smith, J. F. Icard, Geo W. Warner, Jr It. Crime. CADWALADSR GRAYS This company is quartered at Jones' Hotel. They are now divided into messes of eight men each. Oa Saturday morning a ewurd was pre sented to Captain Tapper by the men in Isis com• mend, and at the same time Orderly Sergeant Justin B. Bird was presented with a revolver. A COAT OF MDLAZSMI AND COTTON. On Friday evening a man made himself par ilmilarly obnoxious to certain people congregated the neighborhood of Ninth and Green streets, b y season at his Secession sentiments. The man pe e l (smelting language towards the stare cad stripes, Ned the erowd took him in custody, and, after filly a coating of molasses, plastered it plentifully se. corton, and then let him loose. 911 WORT INFANTRY. The Second Li hi Colonel Max Rini staled:we offere d their '2-3•PgZeil to the G overn ' meat for three years, as d z 4 we been accented. They are now nearly one thotio Strong, and they present a fine appearance on per' TEM TIME Or ItARCRIBG- The First Artillery Regiment (Grays), Colonel Fruit Patterssn, have boon ordered to be in read!• INIM for marching, wish two days' redone., this morning. This reduces it to a pretty clear cer tainty that this regiment will move southward to-day. Their destination is unknown.. PICKII9O POCKETs.—a. young man, giving the name of wigiant Rodgers, was arrested (is YOday night, at Walnut-street wharf, upon Ms °barge of picking the pocket of a lady, named McMullin. About $27 of the stolen money was recovered on the person of the accused, who was cotnalited to answer by Alderman Batter. lioarearr.--Dering the past week, the Board of Health report 254 }teethe, of Ye 2AI wino from small-pox. THE FINE IN THE FIFTEENTH WARD—FUR THER PAILTICEIaItS —We learn that the loss by the burning of Thein k Co.'s Candle Works, es mentioned in The PTGSS of Saturday, amounts to about $56000, the greater part of which is covered by insurance in the Philadelphia and foreign com panies The companies sustaining the heaviest loss are the Royal. of Liverpool, and the Atria. of Hertford, Conneotiont. who lose $lO,OOO each. Mr. Faulkner, who was injared by the falling of the wall, is likely to recover. lie reoeived a severe wound on the bead, but his skull is not fractured. The other firemen injured are doing well. The origin of the fire we learn to be this: The asbestos cement 1. blob filled in the joint of one of the con densing pipes in the still-house suddenly blew one. allowing the escape of AN immense amount of gaseous matter, which took fire from a saa.bnrner. and in a moment the whole building was filled with flames, as is• the case when oamphene takes fire. The night hands who were at work near the condensing apparatus, had to flee for their Lives. The same establishment was destroyed by fire about ten years since It was occupied by Mosere. Mitohell .1. Ritchie RECOVERY of THE BODY of A SUPPOSED Sin cum —On Saturday, the body of an unknown man was found in the Delaware, opposite the Greenwich coal wharf. There was a rope tied around the waist, to which two stones, weishin• thirty-five or forty pounds, were attached. VW body had evi dently been a long time in the water. The de ceased was about five feet nine inches in height. The dress was as follows: Double-breasted brown dress coat; two vests, one black cloth and the other gray; white shirt, knit undershirt and drawers, and high boots. A tin spectacle ease, a key and a knife, were in the pockets. Coroner Conrad held an Inquest. A verdict of suicide was rendered. Swum; AyrAm.—Between seven and eight o'clock on Friday evening three men went into the tavern of Toseoh Bartholomew, at Nine teenth street and Smith College avenue, Twen tieth ward, and indu)ged in a row. Knives were used, and Mr. Bartholomew Wag out in 'he cheek, just below the eye. A man named Young was stabbed in the back. Two brothers of Mr. Bar tholomew received game pretty severe blows, but were not cut. None of the men wore dangerously Wounded. The assailants, after getting into the street, threw atones at the building, and broke al most every window in the house. They were ar rested by the Twentieth-ward pollee. and gave the names of Henry Stretcherbeck, Andrew Robin son, and John Rimer. The prisoners were all com mitted on Saturday morning by Alderman Reese, in default of $lOOO bail, to answer. Th.eIIONEST EMPLOYEE.—A colored man named Charles Thome& who has been in the em ploy of Coarteney & Willett, manufacturers of cottage furniture, Seventh street, above Chestnut, for a number of years, was arrested, on Friday, on the °barge of robbing his employers. Be was in the habit of stealing entire suits of furniture, and sending them to auction. lie was committed to answer, by Alderman Beitler. ACCIDENT TO A VOLIINTEER.—On Satin Ga y, evening, about 'MEC o'clock, William Andersqn, aged twenty-three years. a volunteer in Company 41, Philadelphia Light Guard, was ran over by a oar in Broad street, below Coates. lie was taken to St. Joseph's Hospital, where it was found iseoes sary to amputate his leg. CLEARANCES TO PORTS IN VLBOIRLA. eon THE DISTRICT OF Conomera.----Tho following 'notice has been issued by the Hon. William B. Thomas, col lector of the port of Philadelphia: "Under in. Woollens received, clearance., will be issued of vessels destined bona fide for ports in Maryland, and for Washington City and Georgetown, in the District of Columbia, until further notice." SOLD.—The Mechanical Bakery, corner of Broad and Vine streets, was sold, on Friday morn ing, on the premises, by Messrs Thomas .b Sons, for twenty-two thousand fire hundred dollars. The eountry-seat of Mr. MoHenry was sold by them, on Wednesday, for eighteen thousand air hundred dollars. THE PURII.s of the North Went School will Table a large flag, at noon to-day, at the echoed house, Race street, above Broad. Over one thou sand ehildren will unite in singing " The Star- Spangled Banner," and addresses will be delivered by Air. Charles E. Lax and others. THE ROUTE via Annapolis to Washington is still ?pen. Passengers arrived bete yesterday morning, having left Washington on 'Saturday, passing, soon atter leaving Annapolis, the New Jersey fleet. They were not obliged to obtain passes, but bought through tickets, headed U. S. R., for $6, at the Washington depot. SOUTILWARIC LITEIIAICT SOCIETY.—This SO °lat.)! will hold a public meeting, at their hall, Fifth and Washington streets, to morrow evening. No tiekete are required. LEGAL INTELLIGENCE. QUAILTSB. SESSIONS—Judge Ludlow:—On Saturday the case of Joseph 13.. Flanigen, convicted of a charge of libel, was called up for final disposi- tion. Judge Ludlow remarked that while the court bad always endeavored to sustain the free exercise of the high privileges enjoyed by the press, they at the same time were determined to suppress that which looked like an abuse of those privil , ges. The publication of the article in the -Maly News was such an abase. If it had not appeared that the accused was sick at the time of the publication, and therefore exercised no Control over the paper, the court would have added an imprisonment to the sentence. Mr. Flanigen was then renteneed to pay a line of $lOO, and to give Beettrity in the rote of $1 000 to keep the peace towards all the °Ulnae of this Com monwealth, and particularly towards Vito Viti, the prosecutor in this case. In the ease of William Murphy, convicted of an assault and battery with intent to kill, the court rofased the motion for a now trial. LIST OF PATZNTB issued from the United Ude!! Patent Office to the citizens of Pennsylvania for the week ending April SO, 1801, each bearing that date: Th omas w, or Philadelphia; for int telegraphic. cable. John W. lifurphy, of Philadelphia ; for improve ment in the mode of adjustment of truss•frames of bridges. James K. Eivrett, of Pittsburg; for improvement in spike machines. Thomas 8. Whiten/Lob, of Boston; for improve. meat in harvesting Hugh H. Whitney, of Waterford; for improve. meat in bee-hives. olomon Fry, of Monongahela oily; for improved door-lock. William M. Orieeow, of Philadelphia; for im proved shutter fastener. William L. Haller, of Philadelphia; for improved scrubbing brush William if Hope, of Washington, D. C., assignor to Thomas B Fsorence. of Philadelphia ; for im provement in street-cleaning machines. John bhinn, of Levezington. Pa., sussignorto him self and. Barton H. Jenks, of Bridesburg, Pa. ; for improvement in looms. Jesse S. Butterfield, of Philadelphia; for improve ment in breech-loading ordnance. FINANCIAL AND CONIMERCIAL. The Money Market. PrtiLimXLPRIA, May 4, MI. Reeding Railroad shares sold at 301 at the first board, andlB74 at the second board, with sales between boards at le. and closed the same es yesterday. Morris Canal preferred sold at 10131, and the common stock at 48. Camden and Amboy Railroad stock sold at 108. City sixes were firm at 83Y, to 89, but State fives receded to 7S. Our random will do well to look out for the following counterfeit notes; ONES on the Bank of the Bepnblie. of Boston, and on the Bridgeport Bank, Connecticut ; TWOS on the Be verly Bank, New Jersey ; THREES en the Cuba Bank, and the Southport Bank, Connecticut; arras on the Bank of North dcaeriga. New York oily. the Lambert ville, Bank, New James ; the Lincoln Bank, of Maine ; the Stresiat Bank. Pine Fialna. New York, and the Bank of Lima. New York ; and Taus on the Mechanics' Bank, of New Bedford, Mass. The Miner's ;sumo/ sums up the coal trade for the week as follows The quantity sent by railroad this week is 60,714 Oa tone, by canal. 29 77170; for the week, 156496 16 tom against 71.765 for the oorreeponding week lest year. Tlle demand for lump and broken boat is arm, but for Prepared it is rather dull. from all the regions sum up this week The ehipmen as foliews: WEEK I TOTAL as.o9T/ PtWt. P. do IL R. R.._ 1 Sohuyi. eanal— Lehigh VaI.R.R. Lehigh Canal— common St'h .. Do. forth_. Del. k A. C 0... Broad Top.-- Treeerton S'h. Mt.. H. T._. Lykeez Valley. 76 634\ 299 7261 30,681 91 894 18,932 Z.ll 436 31303 - 43,860 1 \ 4,115 26 343 3,22 m 55,141 2 173 23 953 2 755 /510,377 22 2483 153.1:6211 6.604 13i 636.1,4130.626 116,0261-14-Zik9lll The quantity sent to market does not dechne to the extent hums emoted, judging from the number of miners that hare been drained from the different eon' regions to well Up the volunteer companies. The Delaware. Lackawanna, and Western, and the Delaware and Hudson Canal Companies have with dr.zstri their circular of prices. They antioipate an en velop," in the price of coal. The statistics of the T_Tutted States branch aunt in Han Francisco. for the first quarters of 1160 and 1861. show a malarkableanaiformity. The gold deposits for the two periods respeotirely were as follows. the we i g hts named being those of the metal after melting curses . , 1860 —.. 143 Pis s: 144.607 174 Increase first quarter of eV 52 Coinage first quarter of MO: etess.ooe 32,000 Coinage first quarter 1961: $23 50 000 30 WO 2 &V,OOO Falling off first quarter 1861—.--. 2745,000 The operations of the mint front Ist to 6th of April were as follows: 6014 bullion deposited—weight after melting• ounces ....11.664 33 Coinage—gold double eagles— Philadelphia Stock Exchange Sales, May 4,1861 RIPORTIED DT a, 15. BLATata.lisca, Ittoniiiiittior Ricohnose FIRST BOARD. - 1600 N Fenno R ee SOO Vanua" 75 1000 56 1100 d 0....— 76 5050 d0—. 65 lOW —do . 75 3 Mot Canal iref.....10.3% 50 Lehigh 42X 3050 Fenno 65.-._:....._. le 2 Cara ec Am R.—. 168 3101 d0..........75 505 City tit—. 1006 75 NO b 9 7.5 10 Reading BBTWBEN BOARDe. 72 Lehigh Val R. 43 OS Mar 43 BBOOND BOARD. j 4 Caro Is Am R —lOB 'NV Penns 5t.... il t tehtlime -awn. 1671 19006 d renzia 14— 78 NI Hail u'aL - • s 6. ss 76 1046 Top 7L2,14. 30 7,5 um Del Div , -35 6 N I sio ..... 6 Min. Cansl prefd _785% CLONING - At. Asked 3id. 178t8,tes et 1831-384, Soh Itsv Pmfd- Ipt Fulado , ltuats•- 681 f 87.1,i Him ra 'it 86 Btl6 b IL. 6 Lana insult S Pula 6. -mow_ 15 96 Leh U 1 & El.-- 48 4 realm 747 7531 Leh GI & N ees--30 Si Reed 15' 1 North Peiann. 6 8 Noma bap '7O-- 78 88 NPa it ea. antoll66X 6631 /teed mt 6r t arts 66 88 N Penns R 106,-76 90 Road mt 64 MIS-. et% 68 Gataviass 4 7 LOW% R ex-61v. 36 , 34. id&tid- it 18 divon.37 41 spats R 36 mt 66 66 Nami&Vine-ittlt..7 10 erui Can am. 43 44 West PhDs 4.-._53 38 Morns CHM Rfa.20 1 % lu4 Bpril6o4tasi 63(1 1 6112 ---- 8 6 (keen 4 bh IW IMP es. XI In Flour there is no quotable change, and a small business only tattoos, Numb - to auaol, the llama trade, at $5 6334 eI:EAU for supeifine 05.873408 for extras; $52508 re for extra family; and Wel 60 qp bbt for fancy brands, as in quality. There is very little thaws' for export. and the only sale we hear or is 200 bbl, Lan easter county extra ^ t a price kept private. Rye Flour and Corn Me& are not inquired for, and dull. We Quote the former at 93 60. and the latter at We VY bbl for Fenno, traTliß. Nee. without sake. ellein.—WheatThere is not n tteh offering, but the demand has alien off, and only about SAO bushels found buyers at 13301340 for red. and 14ealbeo for white, as in quality. mostly at 133 a for prime Pennsylvania red, whine is a decline. Rye is steady at 68e far Penns* vain Corn is scares, a n wanted at tne tate advance. 800 barbels Pennsylvania yellow ,old at ssoeflo.t; *OO bushels sold at the SAM* rare delivered :JO 600 bushels white ateec aft rat. Data are unahallgetri and fantasy , - vents are quoted at eite. with moderate sales. A small sale of ordinary Southern was name at 330. continues Wneheeay o e man a at . an 2 d 6. Bloa t. p N • o.lQuercitron cor f or.—The market is quiet. with a few small sales orris tonere, at about previous quotations. Gnomons AND rat:Ml . 3loNa The movement is email and the market tot both about tile same. with a limited business to note in the way of sales, SOD hari, Rio Coffee sold at 13011).0 on time, Wilie3Y continue, dull, bins selling slowly at Mimeo for Pennsslvanta and Western; drudge at leYlraffo; and Was at truanto. Form THOUSAND UNITED STATES MUSKETS ean be furnished, if immediate aPplication m to 1:- W. Carry! & Co., 7/4 Chestnut street. Tris SOUTHERN Unvimaitiat —Jeff Davis' Go vernment has announced its ultimatum. It demands that before any treat! of Ream, be made with the Fede ral Ad minktmtion. that Washington be surrendered, together with all the public, &rehires. Are., and that all , the forte, arsenals, mints, and cast mi houses in the seceded States be made over to Jeff inh.e own right; that Mr. Lincoln show his submission to Mr. Davin by kissing hi■ great toe; that five hundred principal cal ming of the Union march to Montgomery. Ala., with rapes about their necki. for the purpose of being hanged ; and, finally, that all persons born north of Mason and Dixon's line shall wear sackcloth for the remainder of their natural levee, abjuring forever the elegant garments made at the Brown dtone Clothing Hall of Rooklnd & Wilson, Dios. 603 and 606 Chestnut street, above Hlstl, Abraham will think of it , LET THOSS LAUGH was WIN —Zee. Davie laughed, it is reported, when he heard the President's proolamation, calling for seventy-five thousand men to put down the rebellion of which he is the head and front; but Jeff. m in troubled waters, as he will pre sently learn. lie stands about as mann enacee of sub vertraK this Government and establishing his own as he domicil procuring one of the fashionable suits from the great Clothing Depot of Gramm! e Stokes. 609 Chest nut street. All who purchase here are presented with valuable Gifts. BROWN'S BRONCHIAL TROCIIRS.—We know of no article which so richly deserves the entire mai dance of the community as this. We have noticed the moat flattering commendations from the most cele brated Clergymen. Lawyers. and Public /beakers* and we can also !peat from personal experienee. 2 Trey Whig. int 4-111aW3t ARRIVALS AT THE PRINCIPAL HOTELS, CONTINENTAL HOTEL—Ninth and Chestnut. /no J Preston. Parma IT Way, Phila. I H McKim. England T' M Tinn, II A 10. Janee,__Pittsburs J Dunham, New York C Orr ashington G Slaight W W w St Loom Wm A [Mire, at Lunn, Mrs rd L Perry, St Louis N J Rust. New York Jae Jatton J U 8 R G Howe. Boston W H Welker. Indiana W .F 1 Walker, Jr. Indiana . W C Doane, Wash. D C Mr Austin. Boston Mr Thayer. Banton Mr Mudge, Joh Si l l cott. New York M. F ield, Mas s ac husetts C Mman & la, N V .1 Roger & wife. Wash John 8 Haynes. New York I D Howland, Indianapolis A 0 Taylor, Boston I m. Porgies, Mass L Bittielrort±t Louie James Oakes,U S A J An elegiac. Wheeling, Ya W 119 Mill. Ohio D S Dana. Ohio Cant Chamblisg. IT S A Lieutenant Lee. USA Mme Lanro. Carlisle Capt ditoticookJl 8 N M T Autism, Cincinnati Col JD reams, 11 Bressler. Fenno D F Johnson. Gregg . 'Virginia Lieut J F Thompson, Penna 8 N Kenney & wi. N T Merrick. Venanso. Pa 8 13 Lanni*, Harrisburg W R Hocking, New York B Gonzales New Granada Lieut. B MoKean. Penna Lteut U A Mason, Penna John D Binds, Harrisburg H. 0 MakWell,Easton Jl3 Montgomery & in. Pa 7.1 Wyeoug, New York A F Etorman, New Y"rk Peter Winter. Milwaukee James P Byrne. New York A H Bart, New York Lieut Il i H Ransom, US A Li Howland, Auburn. N Y 8.1 Barnes, St Louis A B Montgomery, N York le 51 ?olden. U 8 N Gen C F Jones. it Island N Dickinson New York Cans A hkumer, Mass Semi Norris. Rhoda Island Wm H N A H Mailer, New York W neleen. U B N Thus Holymake, New York S A Whitney. New Jersey James J Thom eon. Ohio J C Wellington, Boston Wm W Williams, Pittsib'g Hon Wm Applaton,Boston Win Amory. Boston T W Walker, U 8 A N H Swims. Columbus, 0 J R Swan. Howard Dwight, 13F Ingraham. Memphis W 0 Ruimles. New ' - ork F Jones. Conneoticut A G Biekford, New York .1 P sanford. eltiany.N Y W Fuller Albany. N Y I Pittsburg .11.113radr.'Weeb, C W W Badger. NOW York K &Mt. Connectieut Geo It Smith. Omaha. N sI S Lowrey, Erie, Pt C fi Winans- U H A J J Coker, U S A B N Crang, U S A. H B Mathews, U S A Jag Murray, I; S A Beni Gregory. U 8 A C C Bartlett. 7th R_elr N Y L Sotimidt. 7th Reg N Y C E Fouache, New York J H Immeo. New York TN Heektion. New 'York rerrY, Peneallvania I ieut G vt , Underwood,NY Lieut Jag 0 Platt, N York G G Boller. New York Lieut G S Lauman, U 4 A Semi Moore. US A Joe J Potter, 1.1 . el A Jae S Turner, U H A Geo G Fogg. Concord, NH EF Wallace. New York Mrs N A Johnson, Maine OR Merrill k wife. Wash Coin Price, U N N A A Burton, Kentucky P R Voorhees, U N L P Lee, New Ye, k .1 A Yozin. New York Mrs P Milchener, N Car'a N H MoLeari & wife W H Barter, Beaton Geo W Barker. N Orleans Glr Spsldine. Uttwn, NY Mrs Garlai d, New York J H Ireek, New York P 8 Band. New York 8 L Bodges, Worcester W 8 Shattuck. New York F A Sanders F A I•etabrook, Worcester John Clanoy K 0 Kendall, New York A ttonley, New York Geo Jewett,Ne w York J A Dean, New Yong R iouribot. Bsit.ttlolo I D Bray. New York RII Hill, Princeton, N J T Welch. Princeton Lorain U B. A I H %Melt!, New York E' K..owlton, New York AH. Grant, Now Yor k Robertßayard. hew York Jan FDe Feyster,N York I H Warren, New York M.ERCHANTR' HOTEL—Fourth street. below Arab. T J Wolfe, Philadelplna Capt John Craig, Phtla J J Het.Linear, Minerva, 0 W W Knurls. Pittsburg is Hunt, Pennsylvania Ft Richardson, Springfield Geo Imlaware John bliorylens eamuel Mamie% Clearfield J e. blob] mai, Clearfield J Broohead. Cedar Run Chas L liretn, riusburs 800 A Beisey. Harrisburg Ws; Wagoner, Penns "on K L Blood. Brookville : B Coon, Brookville W w l'orbet, Brookville. A; Coburn, Haverhill, M li n oJ E M rpa i. h. siarristig S Truman. Beverford Pa w ilbainsport J W Bryce & ram is York A Thies & la, Tennessee f W Briztewood, , Boston T W Murray. Indigna Jae Caldwell. Connelsville B Napier, t amp Soott 'l' M Fehl. tamp Soon John Carssete Camp sco- t P H Hanned.s. C&mp loott C C PdoCielland. t ookhaven A J.' P mem Boston Jan McCol um. Indiana . Jeobt Blame, Minnesots, 41 lig L Winter. Mobile W ii Langlr y, ea Limbs J P Galbraith, Tennessee Wethermaynn. K a as.m A Zsumachsr, New '').'ork Win Te.UWIY- New 1 Or' M Lanomann, New 1 or .1 , sr Bryce & tam, N Y P Johnson. New Jamey L B .kaakard, Penns . J morn, Johnstown, Ya AMEILICLN HOTEL7Cheetatit street* above Fifth. A Miller, New York Mr' C B. Miller, re York e S W„ It-re, Penna. b. h Merrill & la, retina C C Walters, Fen,erlyania J B Champion. Plulada W A Phonole, Y,nney/vanie .1 B. 0 Miles. Fenn% tt J timralan, B o A Jerre Janes. Jr, Philada O Me , drnm. Newark A B rope.. Frey, R. t /Ober', lia.timore W Behord, ann) Nagle Pact ts Jenkine,. Del John! 11. New JereeY 3 Dayton. uennaylvanitt .11, Whitaker, ned I a 73.ntrwoosl, Fenno 3 F Everhart, Penns Chu R Aior,la. N Orleans D Beater, Plkdadeinbia .1 Bier. Brooklyn B ki B Berri ek, New York B F Ely CampNagle S Dyer, oew Jersey Cant It .'Parsee, IJ 9 A Blehaideon, N Jersey At; Beatings. oew Jersey' Robt Klotz, Mauch CLunk E. A Packer, New York James Warner, Maas C Warner, New York ex. LOUIS ROTEL—Cheffto I street, above Third. E Perandie, NOW York L Rothermel, Phil& W Bobbing. Batttmore J H Hutcheson, New York J T Pebbles. Boston O W Jones, Phva A R Tumor. New York John T Pr ice, - bc Louiu John Johnson, retina E Hurd, Cumumeti H. Rudolph, blew Jersey E 0 Rudolph- Virg mut B Putnam b A Peng 11, Was ~_D C Adolph Renthneer, Phila A B Haight, New York J toter - Rochester Chet King, New York F Jafeld, Phila Mrs Harper & den, Ohio A Brown, hew York D Davidson, hew York THE 01.1101 4 1—Arett street, above Third. Beni ?ohm idt, Pittsburg Jno Ralston, lit Chunk Jerome V Banes, Albany Miss hi Phillias, Boston J Hfr AYI New Je-ser 3no L.angata, lA/ aah, N T Miller, Wash, ti J ' Geo tiannlton. Waah,l4 J NC Joh. awn. Wash, Pi J G ti Holltagebead.Nl J Jas I) Vanatte. Waah, N J B 8 Crow, Richmond, 0 L ttlay look, Phila Dr TR Gotha d, Cin, 0 W Hammond, Mils LientJ B Borth, U 8 A. Col H L I.hompson, Wash DW C Boutelle. Penns STATES UNlON—Market street. above Sixth. Geo W Tato, Bellefonte Win Cummins, Ind co. Pa Wesley Hes, Columbra,Pa T Webster & la, reduce& henry ' , ratty, Greensnurn S Zook. Jae V Boyd, Lano.stsr, Pa G Williamson. York Cerra Thee E Watt. Latrobe, Pa awls Posey, Chester GO A dmith, Pennsylvania B Jr. Plvladelphia A Simmer, Virg.nut J Jones, Maryland H W CoreegY & la, Pittsbg Miss Can, Pittebtirg B Brown. Chicago John Marshal Jr, Pittsbg H J Brady, Waal', D C W nanderson. Pottsvilie asznl Arnold. Pottsville „I A Conley. tireensburg AJ . Wolfaiil, Lewistown Geo W Plitt, P Mahal% COMMERCIAL ROTEL—Olitb et.. above Chestnut. E Prizer. Doylestown. Pd J Clifton Pa A Armen. Baltimore. L 8 Irribrie:York. Pa J P Speer. Paanailvanis J Oliver, New Jersey Oanse, Kennett R It Torbert, Alkton., Md J I Broomall, Magnolia, Pa M Baker, Magnolia, Pa Wm McDowell, Chester co B 7 Shoats, 11 A .1 P Broomall, Delaware B V Gamest, Warn, Del Dr L R Kirk, Chester oo Truman Coates, E C Maltzinver. xi° Jen'ro Wm Ellis, Illinois D Beans, Ohio Win Ulna, Ohio J Lee, Needing, Fe B 8 lioraerwhe John C Drayton, Phila 3851. TOTAL WBBBl TOTAL. INC. 80.714. 832 2901,030 431 n 771 i 151,395' dBB 143 33 5u9 307 7s2j 8 067 27.6171 60 924 d3O 970 18,6.81 318429 d S 407 4 069 65.114 t 22 3'4 7.330 7 360 7 360 8418 49,646 d 6,897 . 4 - ' B6 48.483 12.411 REVERE HOUSE--Third street, above Raoe. Miss Richards, New York TV P boads. York, Pa Saar Idil~er, Aihmtown ff William:la, Lewistown John T Bastion. York. Pa J P achindel. Allentown r Oarwiak. Pa Gad A Plinth. Berwick, Fik 011 Krum, Ohio V Stormer, Pearce . ... .. 461` 16 81241 8,41 Ikrl LS $1.91d 2.703 --- 1,266 15,81.9. 1 2.581 - -;---- 118.63611,489,524 NATIONAL HOTEL—Race street, above Third, T Wheelock, Vienna, N Y OF smith. New York Veo Futz. Louth Bend B Brooke. Pottstown Jas Benders. nrookline Jos Wolf. New Yolk W Bmnh. V 8 A Wager, Monter Penare 1 Ulman, Williamsport J Johnson. New - York A Thomas. Yoluivillo MOUNT VERNON ILOTEL—Becona at, above Arch L Tyler. New York G W Cornly, Centreville B Parker, co F T Edwai dm, Bucks CO T Barnes. Wayne co. Pa V skinner, Penne Miss Ma V Edwards, BARLEY BREA! ROTBl—Bsoond it.. Del. Vine. C Janney. Beets eo, Fa A Joneer, Wayne co, Pa U P tcohoonover,rs Jos Ili Pa Mrs A Gilbert, Pa Mrs h Kirk Pa tits Fanny Kirk. Pa Alm 8 Hughes, Pa JOll BMWS'S". Bucks co A 1.• Grotz. neon W Potter, Phila. I R Patten, Newtown BLACK BEAR—Thud street. above Callowhill. Geo Aa Gaynor. Pa Robt Holloway, Pa BALD EAGLE—Third street, above Canowem. El F 2 Trexell. Easton. Pa E Doster, Bethlehem Wm Kistler. Lehighton, Pa 3EII FOURTH 'PAGE es re e. dd R d ship Victoria dare from London via Delaware Breakwater • in ballast to Workman it . Co, Towed up by steamer Thomas Jefferson. Barks Catha rine, train Pt John. and William, from New York at anchor below Reedy Island; soh r k /fort. from Wil mington, NO, and brig Viator, lumber loaded. together with ten schooners. were besting up above Reedy Ist- Mid; Ships Tonawanda and Westmoreland. harts Jo seph roagurell and J Godfrey , . PH bound out. were at an. char oir the Buds on the Middle at 12 111 on eattirdo. New Castle, saw below Emma and Billow; British gehr °cells Wave wag Cheater. Brig Emma, Baker, a days from Boston, with mdse. to Twang & Co. Brig Bil tiodyden. b days from Mem : With plas ter to Or.arell ,h Collins egatir Effort. Dunning. 7 days from Wilmington. NC. "rah norm stores to Cochran & itussea. Bohr Orinoco. Kiekards. 24 says from Caribbean Sea, with se tons guano to order. Bohr Sarah. Benson. 3 days from New York. with oil to Bunting, Dennis & Jones. at TICLUEIRATH. (Correrpondenee of the Pres*. (NEW Ymtg. Mar 5 Arrived..hrps War Unwit and Chanen Ear. from Li verpoott C LundOti: GINIEO Hurlbut front Havre; Zmorps from Liverpool; bork Helga's from Glasgow; opting Flower, from Sunderland. MEMORANDA. Help Umle Joe, Some, from Havre, arrived a 2 New Yore 4tk inst. Bop Kitty Floyd. Dearborn, from Liverpool, arrived at. Bev York 4th met. Limp 11iLare0a, Ct-andter, oleared at Liverpool. Roth nit for Now Yore- • /Snip Marathon, Vandyke, at Glasgow 10th ult. from New Orleans. Able Ann B - Hoover, Hooper, from Liverpool for New ye. trlers spoken 24th tilt. at 4026. loop 52 16. Berk Grand Turk, hence for Beaton, passed Hisht,nd ytset4th inst. st si oi sa t z l i sit etiri ns ea u de Bellevue. an, hence, arrived - • • Philadelphia Markets. CITY ITEMS. OP TO 12 O'CLOCK LAST vll/117 MARINE INTELLIGENCE. ARILS? NO THE PRESS.-PHILADELPILIA , MONDAY, MAY 6, 1861. Brig Louisa. Teel. hence. arrived at Bolton eh Ind' Bohn Richard Vries, Prink, and N T Smith, Smith, from Jackeonville. at Boston 4 h med. Bohr Village Gem, Baker, at Boston 4th -inst. from Wilmington. NC. Bohr Lenora Gray, Weaver, at Boston 4th inst. from GeorSelown.lsC. Bohm J B Austin. Davie. W In Cargill, 'Hawkins, s• C L Reeves, Lake, yashti Sharp. Sharp, and Dupont, Car eon. hence. arrived at Romon 4th inst. Sabre B t. Berry, Weaver, Snow Flake. Bioherwo , Ivy. Henderson. Triumph. Ards, Jes Siloordiort. ktite4, J Cadwalader. Clay ton. and i 1 L H Wales, Hoffottaur °tested at Ho tort 4th Mat for Philadelphia. Lahr Lady Lake, milled from Pall alter Ut_ Mit. for Philadelphia. /Mr 8 L l rooSer, Presbroy, hence. arrived at Digh ton 2,1 inst. flohr Ontario, Sawyer, sailed from Pawtucket lki inst. for Philadelphia. Bohr Vesta, Tomlin, cleared at New York 4th inst. for Cane May. Rohr George Byron, Hardy, henoe, arrived at Boston itd met. 6011 r Balloon , PhilkOelt, henoe, arrived at Bangor 2d finer Bchre Huntress, Disney. from Newhuryport for Phila delphia, and Thos Borden, Wnghtington, flout Fall River tor do. at Newport 2d inst. Sabre O Witham', Golding Wm Bennett. Parker..l H Moon, Smith. Shenandoah. Henderson. and Mary, /lo sers, hence, arrived at New York 4th inst. _Steamers B. Burden. Bell. T /leant, Siddell. arid *loan. Morrison. hence, arrived at rt York 410 inst. Steamers Tarn,,,, , Ely, and Beverly, heron, Cleared at New York 4th inst. for Philadelphia. Steamer Thomas Sparks, Grumley, hence, arrived at Hartford Pd inst. MAv 4—Evenlax. The following Order, issued by the Navy Department On the Seth ultimo, is now made public for the benefit of all whom it may concern: NAVY DITARTXENT, April re, 1682. To THE FOVEITH AUDITOR. OT THE TRIZASOILY eir The amounts found to be due to resigned Navy Mears from the States which claim to have seceded will hereafter be paid them from the United Staten funds heretofore sent to or deposited In those States, except in CMOS where the Department shall otherwise direct. I am, respectfully, your obedient servant. GIDEON WEI J LES, my6-32t Secretary of the Navy. SEALED PROPOSALS will be received at thie De partment until 11 o'clock noon of Thursday, the bOth day of May next, unless the whole amount offered be moaner taken at par, for thirteen millions nine hundred and seventy-eight thousand dollars of St et of the Uni ted Ntates, under the act of Congress approved zsd IMO, authorizing a Loan and providing for the redemp tion of Treasury Notes. 7 hie Stook will bear inter( lit at the rate of six per oent. per annum, sayable semi annually on the first days of January and July in each year, and will be reimbursable in ten years from the first day of January kilt. No offer, by the terms of the not, can be accepted at lees than par. or for any fraction of one thousand dol lars ; nor can any offer be considered Unlese one per cent. of the amount thereof be first deposited with the Treasurer of the United States, or either of the Assist ant Treasurers at Boston, New York, or Philadelphia,' eubjeot to the order of the Secretary of the Treasury. The certificate showing each deposit must acoompany the offer, Offers, under the above nondittont, for the amount above stated. or any portion thaveof, wia be tweeted. ate the same so accepted must be deposited either with the Treasurer of the Lloited States. or some one of the Assistant Treasurers above named, before the fifth day of June next. Oa the receipt hero of the eertifieates of the prover officers. shearing such dem:sitar cortifiestee of in scribed stook will be issued to summesful bidders. or their assigns, in sums of one thousand or five hundred doltare each, es 131a7 be required. inscribed stock so issued will carry interest from the date of such de posit. and will be tremsfereble on the books of the Treasury, oveenbly to the regulations of the Depart ment. Should any accepted bidder deeire certificates of stock with coupon■ of semi-annual interest attached to each certificate, they will be issued accordingly in some of one thousand dollars each, with coupon, attached for interest from the first day of July next. Puch coupon stook, instead of being transferable on the books of the Treasury, may be assigned and transferred by the de livery of the certificates. The interest on such coupon stook, from the date of the deposit therefor until the first day of July next, will be paid on that day to the accepted bidder, or his attorney, by the depositary with whom the principal was deposited. The proposals under thin notice must be endorsed on the envelopes, " "'repeals for Loan of =June, 3860," and addressed to the secretary of the Treasury, Wash ington, D C.. or such proposals, to addreseed, may be put under cover to the Assistant Treminror, New York, who will forward them to tine Department to be opened and decided. It is desired that tee,' sealed pints:teal may be accompanied with a note, addressed to the De partment, ate tine the name of the bidder, end the BM bid for, in order that the bids may be opened Whenever the whole sum offered is subscribed for. The Preloni nary deposit of one per oentum reeuired from all bldaers will be included in the final deposit of the principal. S. P. CHASE, iny6-00 Secretary of the Treasury. SPECIAL NOTICES. OAK ORCHARD ACID 'SPRING WATBIL.— Pamphlets containing the opinions of eelebrated Chem iota and Physicistss respecting the use of this WATER in the ease of many diseases of the human system. will be supplied gratis on eppboation to FREDERICK BROWN, FIFTH and CllEgard UT Streets, or FRED ERICK BROWN, In., NINTH and CHESTNUT Street,. CALL AND &BT A PAmpritra. BATCHELOR'S HAIR urn.—This celebrated and perfeot Hair Dye is the but in the world, All others are mere imitations of this great original, which has gained Buell extensive patronage in all parts of the globe. The genuine W. A. Batchelor's Liquid Hair Dye instant/1r produces a splendid black or natural brown, without staining the skin or injuring the hair, and win remedy the ill affects Cd . bad dyes, invigorating the hair for life. Bold by all Druggiata end Perfumer'. Wholmle. FARNE&TOCK & CO., DIM . = & CO, PhiladelPhiti. mhl-tf OHS PSICIS CLOTHING OF THE LATEST errx.xe, made in the beet manner, expressly for RE TAIL SALES. LOWEST selling otiose meshed in Plain Figurea. MI geode made to order 'warranted satisfactory. Oar ONE-PRICE ayatem 111 ad hered to. All are thereby treated alike. „.31.47 70111 $ h nn. Hog MARKET Street. GEoVER it% BAKER'S UIiWISE/4.28D NOISELESS SEWING MACHINh.B. The Beat in Use for Family Sewing. No. 730 CHESTNUT` Street, Philadelphia. add-Is PAMPHLET PRINTING, and every other desorip bon of. Printin, of the moat most reasonable rate, at RINGWALT & BROWN'S, Dr.xidis Building. Re: Rooth TUT RTI Photo. dot!-tf BURIME—TWAY.—On the 2d instant, by the Rev. Joules r 3, ehrun. Mr. Henry C. Burette to Mies Emma L. Twee, allot' this atty. GEI GER —FGBTER.—Ort tbe 21st ult.. by Rev. B. M. Tillotson. Mr. Tao W Geiger to Mow Malmo Foster. MTFERGER—RELLEY...-On the Mth ult.. by Rev. B. M. Tthotton, Frederick A. 4rtecger to Miss Louise. M. 2elkey VIER:TEEN—TIiOMAB.--On the 81st 'ult., by RiP. Joseph Ferri. al r. Jeseient fletnerteen. of Femagal, Ireland, to Mots Sarah A. lignites, of Delaware. tr MARE—BAC tbe attt January_, by Rev. Mr. Bunker, . sir. Mart i n Mars . of Lower Merton. Mont gomery county, to MISS Ante E. Brown, of Flak * EllitlTFL—Of typhoid fever. on the eh instant, An netta Old, eldest daughter of Vincent and Mary o. klinith lased 8 years and O months. Vh7.ll , l.—lit Berlin,Prussia. on April lath. in the 23th year of her age , Caroline, wife of Charles Venni, of this pity. k..LLIS —On the 4th instant. John D. Ellis, in the 37th year of his age. Funeral front his Isle residence, No. 1133 North Thir:eenth street. on Tuesday afternoon, at I O'clock." °Awry —On the 3d instant. Mrs. Anna M. Carty, wife of James H. Carty, daughter of Henry and Sarah E. Wearer, in the 26th year of her age. Funeral from the residence of her hushand. N W. corner of Twenty-fourth and Jefferson streets, this (Monday) afternoon, at 4 o'clock. CHRIS NPR e.R.—le this city. on the 2d irritant. Ella. daughter of the late John and Martha Christo pher, in the 14th year of her age. Funer.:l from the residence of her mother. Willow Grove, Montgomery county, this (Monday) afternonn, et 4 o'clock. . , HUN ER.—Cn the 2d instant. 3. Elizabeth Garwood, widow of Andrew H. Floater Funeral from the reeimance of her father. comer of Fifth and I ine streets, Camden. thin (ftiotday) atop noon at 2 o'clock. 111ViA.—Lin the 3d instant. Amelia J. Irvin, wife of William Irvin. and daughter or Shadrach and Ann Job. bine, in the 26th.year of her age. Funeral from her parents' retideince. Chur ch street, Mentwunk, this diond.y afternoon, at! o Moak. * KaiRR —On the 3d :net., Mary AIM Hebblethwaite, in the 10th }vat of her age. dangle er of Wm. Kerr. Funeral from the residence of her fatner, No. 1010 Vienna street. below Frankford road, this (Monday) afternoon, at 3 o'clock. hAB .—On the act instant, Emma C. Ennis, wife of the late Carey F. Knew'. Femoral from her late residence, N 0.431 North Fourth street, Ole Monday) morning, at 9 o'clock. PEftli F.o.—On the 3d Instant, Alexander, eldest son of Hugh and Louisa Perm, in the Nat y ear of his age. Funeral from the residence of his parents. No. NS Eilynen street. this (Monday) morning, et 10 o'clock: • RA1.1.1,14'8.—0n the 3d instant, Mrs. Mary Frullipe, in the 78th year of her age. Funeral from her late residence, No. 1239 Lyndall street. below Walnut. this (Monday) afternoon, at 4 * o'clock. MI DDLETOPL—On the 3d instant, lada B. Middle ton. in the 11th year of her age. Funeral from the residence of her nerents. N 0.843 Twelfth street, this (almond day) morning, at 10 o'oPk. MOURNING STORY, NO. 918 CHEST NUT Street.—BESSON & SON have just re ceived gray mixed Chem, DiVaines. tvio ; black and whits Pane printed Grepadinaßareses. Wle; blank and twine do., 115X0 ; black and purple Chalky Delaines. Imo ; bang ßaines, wygp ; blank plaid Batavia. 18Vo; asoond mourning &palish Ihintzes, lon ; tihspilera Plaid Poil de Ohavres,oo4o, o. Also. black Sanwa,. Grape Marets, Crape Timms tans,Summer Bombazines. Challis. Same I:termini, or Grenadine Bareges, Camels' Hair Bare:cp. Taint ass, ?douse/inn. Lawns. and all other goods requisite of deep ann souond mourning attire. apsil orCARD OV THANKS.—THE UNDER BIGreISII hereby tender their furcate thanks to the members 01 the vaiious fire organizations of the city, that rendered snob efficient service at the fire which occeurrad at their manufactory, at Fairmount , oa the night of Ftidar. the Ed instant. Poignantly regret ting the tote of life on the occasion. we offer our heart felt condo:thee to the relative' of those who sacrificed their lives in nobly performing the *elf-imposed and H eir Beer flame datiee of a Fireman. and we hope that t ie tome-re the wind to the shorn lamp," may give them strength to bear with fortitude the dispensa tion of an All-wise Providence DAVID TRAIN Es CO. Philadelphia. May 4.1E81. my 6 It FORT DELAWARE —ALL PACK AGES unstudied for the holdiera ewe stationed rgiTo ' rt Delaware can be forwarded by seedieg them, crop- rly dirseted. to tne Steamboat PILOP__ROV. which leaves Arch-street wh arf l on Tuesdays, There days, and baton/It's. at 8 olook A. M. or to the eteamboat MAJOR REY BOLO. which leaves from the lama wharf daily, at I o'cilook P. M. The mail leaves daily. at 5 A. K.. and alt lettere should be sent through the Post Office. to 4-smw3t [TT' , MECHANICS' INSCRANvE cu. May 2. IMI. Tim Animal Election for TareALY Limiutors will tia held at the Office of the cninn.ny, No. 132 1 North 81...XTa nuns_ on MONDAY next. May GUI, between lo o'clock A. AL and 2 P. M. ml 2 at B bRN Aft D RAFFERTY. Re °rotary'. gGIRARD COLLEGE.—TIIE DIREC TORS of the Girard College give notice that y are ..... red to band ont. in the Stale of Penneyl- Vallia, t,.atr orphans. in accordance with the win of Menden Girard, sinew le oeeneatlone, such MI Agri culture, cavanalion, Arts . ineehameal *1 MOM Wald Mintufaeteres. ihe master will be required to teach has apprentice his reopeotive art, and to furnish aim with suitable board and In: sing in has own place of re sidence (except where for special reasons. Om appren tice may be allowed to board elsewhere.) . The master wall be allowed to take each orphan on trial for a term not exceeding One month, and the apprentice, wh•ll board. sv,ll fanainhed by the institution with &suita ble ceche. Persons desirous of °Owning an apprentooe fan apply at the College between the hour. of 3 and 5 V. M.. or if not citizens of Philadelphia. can address the undersigned in writing. giving Il&Mft, residence. as causation. and reference ; the latter, whenever ponible , to be residents of Philadelphia. HENRY W. AREY. BUHR Secretary of Girard College. OTIPICIR OF I'HE LEHIGH COAL ANC HAVIGAIION COMPANY PVILADELIIIIIS. April 27, 1861- The stated annual muttna of the titookhoidere of OW Company will be held at their Mhos. on 1 (J 8D • Y moraine, the 7th day of 'et t Y next, at It o'olook alter which an eleotion for officers of the Company WO he tbere bold. to close at 2 o *look?, M. ga the game day. ask3O-Unti JAM' CUX, rrawident. PNOTICE.—THE ANNUAL MEETING of the Stockholders of the GERMANTOWN t::KET COMPANY will be held at their office, MAIN threat. German.own, on T VEADAY next ( Mar 7Let T g o'clock P M., for the eurpoae of electing tIEVEN DIRECIOItB, and the trenteotiop of other ousted*. JOOEPP KIvG, ADM i t Isa--434 Dar On mum. NOTICE. OFFICIAL Tuxes SPRY PIPARTMIENTI April 29,lBBl. MARRIED. DYED. AMOFFICE OF THE AMERICAN FIRE iristuterics °advert?, No: 310 WALNUT merc — a A F a re e nsu M e e n e eConm tane wloeMeodedainrM the ably to charter, on MONDAY, the 6th day of MAY next. at It o'clock. 14. Ihe Annual e leo'ion for Threaten' will tyke _place unmediately thereafter. A. C. L. CRAWFORD sail° llll2oliktebt" Beoretair. MOFFICE OF THE SHAMOKIN VAL LEV AND POTTSVILLE BALAWAD COM , .309 WALNUT Street. PHILADSLPHIk. April 11.1861 The Annual Meeting of the Stockholders of the ohvroolno Valley and Pottsville Railroad °mostly will be held at the Office of the romoinT• on MOND 4 Y. dtb of _mar. at 12 ...clook. for the eleepea of MiLlidleil and rraoident t.. serve for the sewing !ear. .112)&dtm0,6 P NIISYLVANIA HOSPITAL. PHILA DELPHIA, tth month, 6th.1661 —The contribu tors to the PSNNtY VANIA HOPITAL. are hereby notified that an election for t w e e e ! Manager' and a Treasurer. to verse for the ensuing yen,. will be held. commit to Kw, at the HoapitaL FIFTH MON/4, 01 tith 1861. at 4 o'clock P. oz i,pB tm76 h M.. r 61DDL E. Seoretars. OFFICE PENSYLVAN /A RAILROAD pr R comp Any, Philedelptca, April 17, 1861.—The d of Director! have this day deolared a semi-an noel dividend of THREE PER CENT. on the capital stook of the Company. clear of State tax, eaTahle on ftnd atter May 16th, 1831. Nweri of etiorzies for collcotioti efdividellde can he had on application at the office of the Cowan, Pie. 258 8. Third street. THOMAS T. FiftrEt, Bele Ira Tree/layer, SCHUYLKILL AND 8132.+QUEHANNA RAIL ROAD ~ .o.—The Annual Meeting and leotion of the Stockholders of the Schuylkill and Sas quelunna...Dailroad Company. as required by their charter, Will be bald at the CONTiNEDITAL DOTBL, in the city of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. on IVIOII- DAY,May et:eat:Al, at le o'olook, Pd,, for the purpose of OW:wag a President' and six Managers to serve for the ensuing year, and also for the consideration of snob other business as may properly be brought before said mee tie g_. FRANK B. BOND, April /.1. 1561. faent-tmvall Secretors. lUILITARY NOTiCES. VOLUNTEERS WANIEII, for the DAN. HOF GHPRTY LIGHT INFANTRY. All Moe desirous of r emus tasir ootrutrf 'Pi II .Plens9 eall at th eir bsedquartere, se JOS. P. CROUSE:a. ti , outhea.t corner of EI.e:Vt;NTH end SHIPPED! ; also et 7. i IMM INA', THIRD btreet, below Minima. By order 0- Ccptein !MOW. 1¢76.9r iTHE t• OLD GUARD" of 'State Fend- Meg and their friende. who wish to join for Borne Froteettoo. will meet at the Armory, CIiEnTNUT. above Fifth streot IBIS EVe.Blo G. at 80 . Moak, . r very Monday, Wocineeday, and Friday evenings, k r drill, t* TE N TION - 1 - TWELFTH. WAND HOWE GUAR!) tditl meet on MONDAY I.:‘ , enteg. May 6te, at the Hail, Iwortheatt career of FOURTH aid G REEN Streets. Business of he y:educe. 114*.] D. B. SLIFER. A FEW ABLE-BODIED YOUNG MEN wanted to MI op the ranks ore company for inimical oovvioo Coll Immo lintel, at TEMPERANCE HALL, T WELFTrt and FILBERT Ste. M 92 4t* AT A MEETING OF THE KA MO! RIFLES, held on TUESDAY evening, the following resolution was passed: hero:tied, That a committee of eleven be an jointed to collect funds to purchase came and equip ments. Under the above resolution the fonoWing gentlemen here annotated and are empowered to receive sub scriptions: D. W. STUART. Ed West !Alma Square. E. W. GOU .D.,1v0 59 Bow% Third street. E. C E STEWART, 633 Arch street. W. S. DICK, M. 11 934 rine street. H. HAIN KR-, 427 Walnut street. phiNIN shfirmods Vine street. 4EO. W. tlDELtdeael,l 46 Girard attest. NbtL, tia South Ninth street E. D. VAN PO ItN 1600 Wallace street. B. WRIGLEY, 234 South Fourth Emmet. L. T. IROMPSUN. Idle Filbert street. m12.4* UNITED STATES MARINE CORPS. —WANTED. 500 able-bodied men, between the ogee of at and rears . not Ism than five feet four and a half inches birth, and of stood Character. Soldiers serving in this corps perform duty at navy yards and on board United States ships-of-war on foreign stations. All other micomation which mar be desired wilt be given at the Rendezvous, No. 311 !South FRONT Street. First Lieutenant W. ATOREB BOyD. an3o-1m Recruiting Officer. LINCOLN DRAGIOONS.--Volwa. teen wishful of joining in a ("wain , Conmang we requested to call and enroll themselves at calEsTpuT Street, fourth story, without delay. By order of W. S. WOODS, mr4-2t* Captain Commanding. OFFICIAL. -NAVAL GENERAL ORDER.—At a Naval General Court Martial, convened in the ^ay of Washington, on the 12th dew of March, 18e1. Caplan Jayne! Armstrong, of the Navy, was tr,ed on the following charges and specificiationa. preferred against him by direction of the Peoretarr of the Navy CHARGE I.—NEGLECT OF DV VY. Fpenutnative 1. In this: that the saiditt ROM Armstrong being, on the twelfth day M. January. e elite-n hundred and sixty one. is command of the vatted States Nary Yard at Warrington, State of Florida. and a naval force thereat adequate to a de fence of raid and did, then and there. oa the demand of Commissioner/ of the state of Florida, supported by a military foroe from the States of Alabama and Flo rida, eurrender to them, without remittance. said yard, the public property thereat, and a portion of tht, force under Ins command. Slim-Watt= 2. In this: that the said Captmin James Armstrong being. on the seventh day of January, or thereabout, eight•en hundred and sixty-one, in com mand of the United States Navy Yard at Warrincon, state of Florida. and the naval forces thereat, and hav ing reason to apprehend the approavh of hostile force, did then sod there. and at all times sob mquent thereto to the twelfth day of January, inclusive, eighteen hun dred and sixty one. fall to take die of dinar, and proper measures for the defence of said yard. and the public property thereat, Specification 3, In thus: that the said Captain lames Armstrong being, on the ninth day of January, eighteen hundred and sixty-one, in command as set forth in 'he lastyrecieding spec fie tion did then and there. and at all times subsegnent thereto to the twelfth day of Janu arr. melumve. eighteen hundred sad eixty-one. vegleot to remove to Fort riokeoe, or other place of safety, the men ander his command.. and nAlnitiore of War. and otrer publio property in his obarge, or the latter to de stroy ; mthough at the time aforesaid he was 'n eons ant expectation of the appro eh of a ho tile force which ha believed he could not. with the forces under his coat mend. succeashrly 4) resist. Cilaft l 4 I . —Dlhßlf,Dll3blrlF: • OF OROF:114 AND CONDUCT Übillt e Co M IN O OFFICER. Spar;Aratiest 1. In thin: that the gad Captain Junin Armstrong being, on the ninth day of Jaw'. 11. eighteen hundredlan d sixty-one. in commend of the United States Navy Yard St Warrington. Fbrida. end tee naval forces thereat. and in charge or the public property attached thereto, and in receipt also, at that time, of an order fronfthe aeoretary of sue Navy, dated January the third, eighteen hundred and sixty-one—of he tenor following: . lie vigilsnt to protect the public property. be Qom- Mending officer at Fort Barrancas has been instructed, to consult with you. You will co-overate with him. " rid, then and there, and at times i-übseetient therein to the twelfth of Januar. ,eighteen hundred and eisty-one. in violati o n of said order, neglect to send the marines. and other men under his command to Fort Pickens to co-operate in the def nee thereof, and to remove to a place of safety the pubis property in his charge. or to take any measures, or practice any vigilance for the p.otection of sad Navy Yard and the public property attached thereto, except to double the guard at one of the gate. of paid yard. ,Fpee,,fiearion 2 le this: that the said Captain James Armstrong. being in command of the United States a t 11/ A rington. Florida . end the naval fumes thereat an u the Navy directing him terbir Annt h ref,faranof putilin eroperty. and to co-operate with the command ing officer at Fort Barrancas, who was Lieutenant eiemmer, United States Army, did, on the tenth day of January, eighteen hundred' and sixtr•one. then and there. to accordant* with an understanding previously had with Lieutenangatlemmer, despatch the steamer wrindotse to aid him, Lieutenant blemmer. in the de fence of hie post. Fort Pickens. Florida, to which he, Lieutenant Stemmer, had removed ; and thereafter. to wit: on the twelfth day of January, eighteen hundred and sixty-one. the said Captain James Armstrong, in violation of elicit understanding and his-instructions, issue°, without the knowledge of Lieutenant Stemmer, to meutenant U. A. Berryman. commanding said steamer, an order of the following tenor: " You will continue to co operate with the commanding officer at Fort Pickens, but would an attack be made, you will not Ere a gun unless it be actually necessary in the de fence of the vessel under your cornmind. In the event of the cati.ure of the fort, you will proceed immediately to the station to which you have been ordered by the Navy Department. It is reported that the yard is sur roundrd by armed men:* UlPall these charge. and speolhastions the " Einduir of the Court Is in the following terms! The Court, having maturely considered the whole case, with the evidence and the defence aloreasid, find as follow.: . "1. That the first apeeifioation of the first charge against he said Captain James A r matrons is preyed, ex cept as to the words in said speoification—• adequate to a eefance of said yard. 2. That a second isperafication of the first charge against the 'Hid Cap ain James Armstrong is primed. "S. That the Om speaification of the first charge is proved, except that the 'moused did remove or send to Fort ick ens thirty men—a part of hie command—thirty muskets and some ammunition, and a barge load of provisions. •• And the Court thereupon further find that the said Capta.n James Armstrong is guilty of the first charge ofseglect of duty, And the (Mort doth further find; . 4 1. That the first specification of the second charge against the licensed la prsved, exoept taat warty men—a part of his commarsa—were sent by the said Captain James Armstrong to 00-operate in the defence of. Fort Yichang. And they further find : 2. That the second specification of the second charge is proved. '• end thereupon the Court find the said Captain James it matrons to be gultrY of the second charge of disol.cdtince of cider. cad conduct unbecomtng an gfit ser. And the sentesee of tbe Court ia: "That the said Captain James Armstrong be sue- Petaled from duty forth* term of five year,, with the Lose of pay for the first half of the said term. and be re primanded by the honorable neorelary of the navy in general orders have approved this sentence, and Captain James TORPtrOrti wilt accordingly be easpended,from duty for the term of five yea a from thie date, with lotus of pay for the first half of the said term. In carrying into execution that part of the sentence which oi mete that • aptain Armstrong be reprimanded in general orders, I have a painful duty to perform. The stemma in this case might be considered severe without the addition of a reprimand: bat a court Com- Pored of atrium the highest in rank and moat experi enced in the service, has deemed otherwise, and us Judgment cannot but be approved. Th. misconduct. indeed. which led to this trial does not Weet alone the reputation and discipline of the naval riervice, but the interest of the 'whole people. And the age and length of service of the officer who hue been bound guilty of dereliction of duty, under such ciroumstances. nutted of conetuntiug any claim to Jenny, only render it the more imperative that the discipline of the service should be vindicated. It was the duty of Captanddrmetrong as the dom. Mandit g officer of the naval [incest Pensacola—a duty yroich he could not but know Yea eXpreitely and '• strictly enjoined" on him by law—to ehow in himself " a good example of patriotism," as well as to be" vigi lant in inot_tng the o.mcfuct" of those under his com mand. W heaver the embarrassments of Inc iposition may have been. an earnest patriotism would have taught him to make the best possible use of all the re sources at his disposal—adequere or ibedequate—and to have imparted zeal by his example to those around him. Inroad of sanering toe promptmes of loyalty to be chocked. aithet by so speculations or conjectures of hie oven-or any suggestions I rom others, es to the pos sible views and designs of superiors in oiboe. Had he discharged his duty with stern fidelii he might have disappointed some. but as events have reoently.shown in the ease of another officer placed in ell:01w mourn atanoes, he would have been untie d by the apeman of big fellow-countrymen Sod the respect even of anther). Diet& Tee Palest. as well as the meet honorable (mums for every ind.vidual in the public service. whe her COM mend er or subordinate, is to be tree to the flag of his country, no ma.ter what ditlionitiee or dangers tricorn pass it. t hie General Order will be promulgated es usual, at all too naval stations and on board of all vessels of the navy in commission. GI tth.ON WELL Ed, Elearetaryof the Navy. Navy Department. logriiil.lB6l. Mre GIGN tail la NAVAL ORDER. A Naval General Court Martial. °mounting of a full complement of officers of the highest null in the servioe, wears candy convened in the city of Weiseing ton for tie trial of Captain James Armstrong, of the OM. Olt CIuATIMB growing out of his surrender of the Navy Yard at Warrington. Florida. tielore the ''curt separated. the members of it ad demise° a OoMMUniOation to the Navy Department, of which the fillowiris is 1 he President and Members and Judge A dvooate of the Court late 3 held 111 the city of Washington, D. C., for the trial of Commodore Armstrong, beg leave re som_tfully to submit to the lion. reo etary of the Navy the propriety.. justice, and good ponoy of bestowing some aporou g rze e m o s a r a k d o c i t its e4Pirr, probation Onikripl i t sp u tr a i r t. Q Quartermaster of the Navy. on duty in th e ya rd . at Warrin• 'on. Florida. when the aame wee surren dered. on th• 12th of January, Mel. who, with manly pride. and in a spirit of patriotic devotioo, ssfered to obey the order to haul down the National Flag on the Ooeselon of said surrender. "The evidence of his honorable devotion to the dignity and credit of the Flag of his country is found in the record of the testimony in Commodore Arm strong's case. " itespecifaily submitted, Ity order of the Court. A. 13 MAONUD I, III JuageAttvooate, "WASILINUTON, P. Co April 8. It appear., from the testimony taken in Captain A rm strot.s. ■ ease that Triaiam Copulas , an axed seaman. doing Cull as quartermaster in the Warrington Navy Yard at the time of its eurrender. when ordered by Lieut. F. B Rearbair to haul down the hational Flax, promptly and lodignainiy refseed to obey the order 'rite revs and reverend , . tithe IMPII IlVele exhibited for It , it °notary's nu. in the hour of tut peril is not the tree worthy or bent called untie atm chive' in be e .use d•splayed by on• in an bumble station. It is the more deservin s of commemoratio• — l'r subordinates in the novice are ant usually expected to set example. 01 ra ttle ism and lideiit. in their trusts, but to fo•low them. 'r he Departmatt deems it n.• more than strict flame to William O.llWIlq that this testimonial from the tfourt ib his behalf shontd be Made known tansußbent the ser vice. It tliersiona dittoits that thia General eirder be publicly read. es early as tosettaable after its reomPt. by the Commander. of all naval 'rations. and mit yaw , . of the Play, in commission. in the pietism./ of the offi earls and men under their command. fil Ulm" W1114,138 t _ eeoretary of the NITY- NalrY DePikrtiiient, Awn 24. UM. NEW YORK AUCTION SALES AUCTION NOTICE. • LOCKWOOD BROS., 45 MURRAY STREET, NEW YORE, WILL OFFER AT AUCTION, FOR CAM ON WEDNESDAY, MAY 8, AT THEIR BALES ROOMS, LARGE SPEC/AL RALE OF RIBBONS, MILLINERY GOODS, AND STRAW GOODS. 1,300 cartons of new and desirable SPRING BON NET RIBBONS. 300 cartons of FRENCH FLOWERS. 300 easels, comprising a general assortment of STRAW GOOD& Together with a general assortment of Millinery Goods, consisting of Aerophane and French Crape* Bonnet Silks. &o. my4-3t RETAIL. DRY GOODS. SHEPPARD, VAgi c ipLINHEN, & 1008 CHESTNUT ST., Invite the attention of purchasers to their naurnally large as II well-selected stook of LINEN AND HOUSE-FURNIEDING DRY GOODS, CURTAINS AND CURTAIN MATERIALS, HOSIERY. EMBROIDERIES, CAMBRIC HANDKERCHIEFS, ETC., ETC., which, having been imported under the old tariff, can be sold much below the present market rate. They beg leave else to Inform their (= t amers an d t i• Rgenerally that they trtil from th a date DEDUCT RIVE PER CENT. on all goods bought of them and Paid for on delivery. mire et CHOICE GOODS. THOS. W. EVANS & CO. Rave Jut received, PER LATE bTEAMERIL A CHOICE - ASSORTMENT OF PARIS DRESS GOODS, OF THEIR OWN HELECTION IN PARIS, Eiribragang the Tory LATEST NOVELTIES 111 DESIGN lan) FABRIC. n 46 at SIC end BEO CHESTNUT Er. PARIS MANTILLAS. THOS. W. EVANS & 00. Invite attention to their LARGE AND ITANDSOME STOOK OP SPRING MANTILLAS, SILK, LACE, CLOTH, ter.., Their '-' MANTILLA DEPARTMENT Being a Isesetalikr, the assortment wilt be found ' COMPLETE AND UNEQUALLED. mss 3t SlB and 820 CHESTNUT street SPEOLIL NOTICE ! 1 On and after tine date woken y * cue tete will offer EVERY POSSIBLE innucratracr CASH PIIRCHASERS TO OP DRY GOODS! Being to reduce their Stock they will give Good Boredom !: Beautiful Fancy Silks for 75 cents, worth 411.12 Peary Rich Fumy bilks for el, well worth $1.45. Grenadine and Damps Goode, about one half their wattle. Gray Mixed Geode, in every varlet!, from ii,eente Der yard to be eents. BLACK SILKS, RIgUIIp_LUEIREGUS, VERY._ — Neat Black Brocade hills, double faced, ta.. &c. Be Lainea, Calicoes, Cam:norm, Cloths, Yet/Goan. &o. Linens. Muslim Flannels. Quilts. Covers, &e. &o. SHAWL, AN D'CLOAK-ROOM EX H 181 French Lace Mantles'. rouoise, Shawie, busertee. Cambria Leon Mantles. Chatiulla Laos Goode, co. Black Sill Coats Mantlee p .A 0.. in every stria, At TH.ORNL;di &. CHIBM ii, A. F. Center AIBHTI.t & BP/<II4G GARDEN Ste. TOTS-tf MILITARY CLOTHING. JOBN THORNLEI'S, 311 CHESTNUT Street, north side—the oldest establishment in the United States. 'INDIA-RUBBER CAMP BLANKETS, For Army and Navy Equipments. PaTe.l 4 lT RUBBn3t OA.NI P BLANKETS, KNAPSACKS EN A HACKS, HAVERSACItS. Bs RSACKS, c APT KENS. TENTS. GUN COVERS, GUN COVERS, CAPES. CAPES,. CAPS. COTS, CAPS. COATS, And every other article that is manufactured of India Rubber—le of the beet material. myS 1m if JOHN THORNLEY. KERSEY CASSIMERE, striTABLZ 101 VOLUNTEER COMPANIES, For sale by TINGLEY, ENGLISH, & 41.28-fnaw-6t 28 SOUTH FRONT STREET. UNIFORMS FOR TEE ROME GUARD OF PHILADELPHIA, AND OTHER CORPS. CHARLES HARKNESS, 60S CHESTNUT STREET, Now getting up the UNIFORMS for the °Mears and privates of the " GRAY RESERVES", is premed to undertake the equipment of Regiments or Companies at thelowest rates, and at the shortest notice. N. B.—Particular attention to style, &0., is furnish ing (Mears' Uniforms. MILITARY CLOTHING,. GRANVILLE STOKES', 609 CHESTNUT STREET. The different styles of outfits adopted by military or ganizations can be procured. or made to order at the shortest notice. at the NEW CLO MING. j r )tcpor of GRANVILLE STORES, 609 CHESTNUT Street. For alevines , and durability. these garments cannot be surpassed. and every purchaser to sure to receive a handsome and valuable sift. my -a t ARMY CLOTRING.—LndIgo Blue and 4 - 11, Cadet Battirets ; Regulation 1116kiee on baud and for gale by J LEA, age-dt* 12E and 130 CREB NUT Street. OPAL DENTALLINA.—We speak from eraetieatereerienee when urine that the OPAL DOTALLINA made by Mr. liffloyi of BRuaD and IC SPUCE 2treete, is decidedly the nicest preparation for the month and teeth that we base ever used. We believe it fulfils all that is claimed for it. and being re commended by the Nana eminent dentists we advise all to rive it a trial.—BulLdia, apll-3m• 11,7 - 013 ALWAYS KNOW the Photographs vett Ambrot. Dee made at RE MER'SHem Elk GOND Street, above omen, because they ere *eve rtor pictures. It* r{ INE SHIRT MANUFAOTORY.-4.W. A- - Boors', 81.4 CIMTNUT Strew, a few doors below the " Continental." The attention of Wholosale Dealers is invited to his IMPROVED CUT OF SHIRTII, of superior fit, make. and material, on hand and IStsde to ontiwr wt •hwrtwat wnt 51.113 ARS, SYRUPS, AND O()PFEES.--19. DONATI UR, 23 South WATER Street, offers for stele 5,000 bbls of Steam Refined riugare. including all the various trades, at reduced cash yynoes, Palate , in par funds. Also, Ea) bbls of Philadelphia Steam Seined. C arifiea, and eusar- house'Su gars, 5)0 bads and bble of Steam Syrups and Buser bonne Motormen. and LW bats grime reaming grades of klto Coffee. at reduced cash ovine.. vanilla on demand In Penns! Priem. Delaware. and New Jersey nurrenor, at par. rrirrt.At• STATIONERY ANDJEWELRY ••••-' Paokacre furntabed to Agents and Dante ,rs atom reduced rates. Call. (or send stamp.) bog CHESTNUT Street, Philadelphia, Fa. PA 14 1 / 1 14 r 110 • ir.t.ifLA V E-ISTON vit. A V .IC-81'014 My stok reduced ve stones bad Mosumeuts to be eobf at ver7 arm e. Please call and examine, before eurobaainc elsewhere, at Marble Works or A. STEIN METZ, mew 11110451; Averms. two. , ELKVENTHiIift. FiticNOLl ZIN o—Pure SNOW WRITS (Vielle, Malawi &Pa%) Ground ut and fir MN by THEFLI. ultoluxy, v AO 11...411, C l -ROMI GSEEN Manufactured and %,/ fig Kt. WSIFIEJULk allaWi so 11111 Cr sad 41, monk' SALES BY AUCTION. AUCTION NOTICE. - CARGO BARK CHANTICLEER, 4,700 BAGS PRIME TO OHOIOR RIO COFFEE, IN pouns BAGS. DUTILH, COOK, & Co. • Will lea, at their Auction Store, No. 194 SOUTH FRONT ST., ABOVE WALNUT, ON THURSDAY MORNING, May 9. at 110'131mA. 4,700 BAGS RIO COFFEE, prime to choice quality jest arrived ex Chanticleer. Catalogue', and Sample, on Tuesday morning. CORIMISSION HOUSES ARMY BLANKETS. BLUE, WHITE. A FULL ASSORTMENT OF EACH. For Seta bl STUART & BROTHER. my3-6t* • 1.3 BANK STREET. WOOTALENS. A. FULL ASSORTMENT. For Bala by STUART & BROTHER. m73-6t. 13 BANK STREEr. :BLUE TcF,RSEYS AND CLOTHS, Suitable for Military or Naval earls:ow,. Pot male by FROTHINGII&M, & WELLS, avlB-if tf 33 LETITIA EMMET SPRING MILLINERY. GMMRS. E. JACOBS, No. 212 NORTH EIGHTH Street. will open a FASEHONAHLH 48. 0 RTMENT OF SPRING MILLINARY, Pe THURSDAY, April 11th. WA.NTIS. ALADY IS DESIROUS OF OBTAIN in; Cot her Nurse Maid a situation in a family proceeding to England, end will °onside, anuses th anuses s SA an equivalent for her services. She is used to the sea, an excellent attendant on board of ship, and has but recently returned from a long voyage in care of osildten, and is in every respect a trustworthy 1701110 El• Apply to Mrs. HART, 427 aPRUCE Street. anya-fmult* WANTRD—AGRNTB to sell PACKA GER of BTATIOIVERY and JEWELRY, at Role one third lea then °an be purchased elsewhere. all COURTress (stamp enolosed) 3. L. BAIL EY,No. 04 Street. Boston. Maw. mhafkam p mPLuYERS WANTING YOUNG JILL. me n , ke., 'we invite,' to address the" Empfor ment Committee," at the Rooms of the Yonne Chnstian Association, 1009 and 1011 CHESTNUT Street. ap3-em WANTED—A VESSEL. of the capa city of from 1.000 to 1,900 barrels, to load for the eat Indies. Apply to J A URETCHE & CATIOTAIItS, son toy arid 1e.04 South FRONT Street. FOR SALE AND TO LET. fin TO LET ,--Commodious modern =A- DWELLTPIe. in plownt 10 - wation, 028 1 GPESDI fittest Apply at 24 South FOURTH et. nty6 Pt* dm TO LET, at Germantown, a conve- Di•nt niutrt•LLlNG on School-Pon e Lane.near . Township Lino Read with good eade. 'table. and large yield. Scent e 164) unit( Ae it I. 'Mg Apply to CA Ait E.FB if HO* US. tnye•Jt• 4.35 W ALM., V Street al TO LET-A THREE-STORY HOUSE', im.17:36 MOUNT VERNON Street, with all the modern im prove Me. my4 St • dm FOR SALE, OR TO 1E r FOR TVE kRABnN—A CIITTAGN' PESIDFNCE AT Rl vt N d.. on the river front. nearly opp"site Tacony, about eight twos tram the city. and ae,eas ble man) times a day by tag nr steamboat. in from thirry to forty-five minutes. The itemises ate in a high state of cultivation. abourding in all ther esiratile fruits, as strawberries , raspberries, btaokherries i cher ries, eu• rent,. %race.. p•tno. klarart p ears. &0., &O . in great varlet ] , and embellished with the moat select assortment ofrnanienual trees. and rare and hardy shrubb , ry and II ,were. rose!, ko ' he hotwoontame a large parlor. dining • room. dontee kirohen. bath room, with hot end cold water ; seven chambers; a large. little, and ventilated vault; very dr. cellar; a large rain-water cistern, with a perfeot filter at bottom. constructed on sorentifio principles, aff rding the purest water , or drinking. lywklog. or bathing; sigh • pump with we I in kitchen and vault. Tne premises are panning turnisr.ed, and will be let on reasonable terms to a reapenegge party for the Seas On. Or other wise 'the Inwitinn iswarranted per . goat health 7. end rombir:es all the aclvairages of a summer watering Place for sailing and fishing. as also the finest gravel turnpikes for driving. */ he place can be visits(' by the John A. Warner steamer which leaves Chestnut-street wharf at tire o'clock P. M.. same afierooon ; or by rail at 11.30 at.. Walnut street wharf. For further porlibulani and terms- aptilt to . WiLMANI dc d ORES. Corner of Twenty-first and Pace eta., or THOMAS P. COPR. rey3-3t* - - iI•WALN T Street. GEMINTOWN PROPERTY TO LRT.—A commodious MANSION. well shaded by large trees. anthis a short distance from ehosinaker LAU mutton. hoonoof McCa Mat. nill-0 0 ' 18 Routh SECOtrD &root. PUBLIO SALE.—WiII be sold at Public sale on MONDAY, the 6th day of MAY next. on tne premises in the Borough of Chester. De laware oonnty, Pa.. at 2 o'oh.ok Y. M.. all that very cle avable and valuable Property and Factory Buildings thereon emoted. with anon notobin.ry fo be Image to ii. 9 he property us situated at the weamoost [anoint. in Chester, containing AORbel OF LAND, bee about SW feet river front. This prope , ty is wy. thy the atten - ft-a of manufao urers ; to miles from Philadelphia, and In almost hourly common cation with the city by water and railroad. t..onditions st sale ap29-7t. JOHN COCHRAN, Real Estate Agent and auctioneer NaFOR SALE OR TO REST—Three oCommodions brink DWELLINGS In Haddonfield. New Jells!, centrally loomed, welt leaded, &0., within two ennarea of railroad depot C. H. SHINN. ap2B-tt QQ2WALNITT Stn et. al TO RENT WITH FURNITURE.—A MIL handsome ROUSE, with even modern oonveni enoe,in Arch street, west of tleventeenth. Apply to A. P. & J. H. MORRIS. ep2O-Im 9 IS ARCH street. MO LET-SECOND-STORY ROOM, 802 A. CHESTNUT street. over LEWIS LADOMUS & Co.'a Jewelry Store. The test location in Philadel phia for any kind of light business. apply in the Jewelry Store. Rent fell TO RENT—A very desirable STORE Hotel." I'3 of "The Continental adapted for ISADALT. and nARNYBII S Maker "De A II to JOHN RII, teen Hon thwoot NINTH and RANSOM meow is TO LET-A DESIRABLE DWKL MIL LING. NO 123 North THIRTEENTH' Street. Apply to wETHEAILL & BRoTHER, 47 and 49 North SECOND Street. ratin-u 01168TNIIT-STREET HOUSE and MX /STORE to rent. —The desirable business location. 130 CHESTNUT Streetowith dwelling attacked. Andy at 431 CHESTNUT +Street. . spit GERMANTOWN PROPERTY TO RENT.—To Rent. the Mrge and commodious modern-bruit noose, oorner of AfthlitT street Bad WILLOW Avenue , with gae, bath, hot and cold water, T and_alt_ the modern unpmvemente. Apply to 1113,118 Y S. ARR, 710 WERRA Street. Philadelphia. or on the premises. apb-ti TO RENT TWO 00IINT Y Boustzs,oae mile from Tawny. Ingetre 1 , 10. 717 WiltuNUl: /street. mhls.3m rllOl RENT-THE LARRE AND CON VENIENT Goal Whorl toad Lumber Yard ..„ at Nbnylandville.'rwenty-fourth ward. Apply to E. U. & P. E. WARREN. on the premin.m. natin-tf RR. OORSON,RIAL RSTATE BROW • AND CONVEYANCER. VORRLSTOWN. PA. Rut Estate bonat and •old on reasonable terms. Born and detellima for wile or rent in Norriatown and eouslbi• Gaeod raortintes nezointed. Colleotunur made. The best referencia Ever!. d24-ent DUBUC SALE OF VALUABLE PRO. PERT_ Y._ THE "S MPORIUM . REAL ESTATE AND MANU FACTURING COMPANY," .1r Of Mound vitt. Pulaski County. Minns, Will offer at IT C eALE, oaths prenueas. On WEDNESDAY. the 16th day of May next, A Large Number of DESIEADLA BUILDIPG LOTS, Eligibly Located for Stores Al , Feotones, and kesidenoes. so. A SPACIOUS BRICK IRON FOUNDRY, WITH MACRPrE SHOP, And all the anisurtenences 1100elinalT for the business of manntactunng Vaginae and Boilers for ineemboate, Sugar, end all other Mills. used in the Southern and Western country. The Patterns oompriec the modern improvements in machinery. with a Lull and complete set of Pattern, for Stoves, adapted to both wood and coal. This property, from the advantageous location of Mound Gay. is one of the most valuable in the Southwest. Also at the same time. A FIRST-CLAM TR R tin-isTOs Y FRAME MO DERN-BUILT ROTEL Containing some fifty rooms. with a fu ll set of Furni ture. Tae Hotel in now ticking a large and proSialile business. Also a number of BRICK STOR till AND COTTAGE ESIDENCES. TERM 01 SALE.—Orle-iblirth (MI cas h ; the remain ing payments in IL Si. and SG months from date of sale, bearing interest at the rate of six per cent per annum. The Gash payment may be made in the Bonds of the Coalligur, and the time payments will be taken in the Stook o* the Company at par, except for improved pro- Party. for which three-fourths of the purormae-money may remain upon mortgage. As the Company propos, to dispoee of all their im provements. oApannets have a rare Opportunity f or ow _ arable investments in one of the hest located and most flourishing cities in the great Southwest. For_parben hare, inquire of or addrco Instr. E. PEYTON President E. R. E. &M. Office Gun WALNUT Street. Philade. BOARDIII BOARDERS will be received at a retired but pleasantly-situated Farm House. In GREE TER COUNTY, but a short distance from tee Rail road. The dwell'sg is beautifully shaded. whieb. with large Vegetable and Fruit tia-deus, will funds!), beard ere 'with every tuxury_the cmtintry can a ff ord, address " 8.2 8.." office of The Pratt. ap26-Ime EDUCATIONAL. ST. 121.411 Y'S HALL.—The Forty itittth Tenn benne on the let of Mai (Feast or at. Philip and at. James.) 1861. Address Rev. ELVIN K. 1321ITH,_Prinotigl. tny4 2t &manna:42.21.1. A MERIOAN 8011001, INSTITUIS 1-A. EST ABLIBOED 11.54--To sappir Fangbas and &shoots with the best Teachers. To ova cisootkeive to imitable appointments. To boy and ea 0011001 properties on oonimission. Ta eras parents iaroremdea ofseed *phonic, O. B. WOODMAN & COMANY. (Late Woodmiko, N ow ., 696 BKOADWAY, York 9 801Ith &MT& Street, rhiladelabith WALNUT-STREET THEATRE. Bole Lealee_—.Mre. M. A. OAHE ETTI9O.i.. Stage WT A. CHAPie AN, Stumm Arent— J O N. D. MURPHY. BrATEFIT OP MR, TH•YER. TWIN (MUNDAYI Eve:NING. May 6 Will be Presented ' ulwer's plat in 0 apt', entitled THE t.rDl Q trYrrNS. Cleude Melnotte, Mr. S. E. Murd. , ah r Pauline. MIL alexia& Farber 84er. To copulae, Wite the pa. trtotio prima. oat ed `i ePi KIT OF '76 SCA Li ON PRICIB. I Teen wrote fiesta Seeure. withi Nit extra charge.) BO vote; parquet. t seats moored pox et s n el r a lß n 6 s r ; i or ; o N b M rra o r ' e l en e 2,6 septa) privte 1/uere open at quartet pour' 7 o'clock curtain will nY at a quarter to 8 ..'.14,40 WHEATLEY & 43LAREE'li AROJI-ST. THEATRE. THIS ( MONDAY) EVENTING, Me 7 6 . Will be presented the grand Militarp and Historical Speateme. iu 6 Etiooho, rivaled Tax. WARS OF NA POLBON THE GREAT Composed. a-amed. end arranged by Mr. 0, 0 4(0.: RYER. With wham a Ipeoial engagement her been entered into, and Who will irontain his remarkable per soCOMPANY° v. The whole OTAR in the Mut. EPENNA..IIOAIMMX tie TUN ilpir ARTS-1025 CH,EsTNIIT STIMET. Tao Thin - v -0110th ANNUAL ExtuttlTlON of PAINTING X and EiGULiP ITU in now open, Admittance =cents; enelfin oe mite; Chil dren half price. Cetannlues cents. eta:Velem Anil receive their tickets at the Academy. e,,82.ty SANFORD'S OPERA DOUSB, ELEVENTH STREW, OPEN FOR THE SEASON. NEWLY DECOR R ATED AND PAINTED. S Itgeseenred one of the ANFORD a R GEST COMPANIES ever pre/rented herateloii who will appear nightly. Sanford will perform every evening. Doors open at T; Commence et Admission te cents. Children ii Gents. 91 FIE GERMANIA GRORESTRA GIVE •••• their PUBLIC RERICAIVIALIS every BATUR- Dia oommenciaa st 1 nieleek et the MUSICAL FUND DoLL. 8 ustrets 61; me! nakete,zo (motet for sale at Chu:items & nu Chestnut street ; Andre's. UN Chestnut street; and Beak & Lawtori t er Chestnut street. Ensagementa for Concerts. Commencements. Por tion, &0.. made oral at teem Moe. Chmkering & Bon's Pomo Ettore, 807 I..heentin street; William Stoll, ZIA North Juniper greet. or C. broughmen, Ibtlje venue. ieF/-41 MEDICINAL BROWN' S E-SENUE 01P JAMAICA GINGER.—FREDERIrK BROWN, Chemist and PrVITZZ kit .ortheeak cornAr of Chestnut and Ftlth star Philadelphia, so e manufacturer of Brown's velem of Jamaica Ginger, whi. , lt is reoornized and prescribed oy the ined iota Dm I Ili and haa become the standard family of the United BM , es. . „ This Neeenor is a prep .ration of unusual exoellenee. In ordinary diarrlicet. incipient cholera. in short, Nall Times of profit , ation of the digestive functions. a is of meetireabm value. During the prevalence c.f epideente cholera and rummer contraiute of children, It le pecu liarly rificacious ; no family, individual, or traveller should be vir.tllollC it. NOTICE —To prevent this valuable Essen, from being counterleited. a new steel engraving. executed at a great cost, will be found on the outside of the wrap per, in order to gourd the purohaeer against bang im posed up m by Prom. leen imtlitinne —IPNI Prepare I only by P R I,DRI , ICU BRAM N, and for Pale at bug Drug and Chemical store. N. E. on. ner of Frith and chopinutet,eets, Philadelphia. and at F .1)EllICK 131ana N. 3 ft.'s. Drug and illamirial litter& B. E. corner of Ninth and Chestnutstreets. •• Conti nental" Bole!. Pniladelphia. A len for sale by all re spectable Druggists in the United States. 3m ODR. J. WISE, No. 30 North F iFTII &Teat, PITILADELPFILA.—Treats inwpiessfitily. if angled to in War ' all diseases! f . of the LUivi3/3. ~ Kola end Rafl'r. awl frsauentlY wires COPIdUItiPTION in its third. and lira' eta e. He also rewires all °arable diseaera of the EYE and EAR. Ile hair riven them hts entire attention for he past 30 years. Will visit patients. 'when desired, at heir residencies. aria tin It" SAFES. IDLILLIE'S SAFE DEPOT REMOVED to No. 111 South SEVENTH Street, near the ID institute. The undersigned, thankful for past favors, and being determined to merit future patronage, ham secured so elegant and convenient store. and has now on hand a large assortment of Lillie's Co:definite.] I:Wrought arid Chilled iron Fire and Burglar ?roof i , afgar,ttne 4 2e1.7 strictly fire and burglar proof safes made,' leo, Lat he's Unequalled Dank Vault. Safe. end Sank `l ooks. Lhlie's sank Vault Doors and Looks will be furniebeo to order on abort notice. Thee is the strongest, best protected. and cheapest poor and book yet offered. Also, particular attention to called to Lillie's New Cabinet Safe tor Plate, Jewelry, &o. This Safe is con cedeu to surpass in style and elegance an.thing Yet of . feted for this purpose, and is the only one that is atria 1, fire and burglar proof. Brictey have now on hand gay twenty of Farrel, perring, at Co.'s Safe., most of them nearly new, and some forty of other makers, compriong complete assortment as to sizes, and all lately ex changed for the now Celebrated Lillie Safe. They will be sold at very low prices. Flease call and examine. fiats-tytf M . C. gAI/LVII. Asset. SPANS a W TRON':I SALAMANDER. SAFES. STORE 304 CHESTNUT ISTREE7. PHILADELPHIA. Y. bauA large variety of FIKE alwa ys SAFES always ot d. 3-11 INSUJEA.NCIR COMPANIU. FAME INSURANCE COMPANY, No. 406 CHESTNUT Attest. FIRE AND INL tNUJPRIHRANCIo. D16EC70113. George W. Dayy. & Metlack. Igazoool Wr i ght--......" Wright Bros & HD. Dirue7 Davie & Bunny. enryr Lewis, Jr— " Lewis Bros & CO. C. Riohanison.... " J. C. Bowe & Co. Samuel T. Bodine... ..Fres't W onus' Canal come/. Juo. Feertrusu-....0f hverman & Co. Geo. A. West ..• " West &. Fohes. T. B. Martin.....,....." Severe, Martin. & Ce. C. Wilson Deivis......Attorner-es law. H..D. Wondruff..-...0f Sibley, Molten. & Woodruff. Jno. Seamier, 1713 Green street. NEtntnik: Ipeit,Prasident- PRANCIN3 N. BUCK, vice President. WILLIAMS I. BLA NCH AR D. Beare tore . ANTURAOITE INSURANCE OOMPA NY.—Antnorized Capital SERACO—GEARTER PERPETUAL. °Moo No. Sll WALNUT Street. botwoon 'Ward and 'Garth dtreet, PtuLtdolodia. you company Inn form% aseinst loss or damage i 7 b..yee on ihuldilifil. Flinn - are, and Alonahanchao Fen.- a 1 . Also. Marino Insurances on Verse", Cargoes an/ . 111101 ,1 . Inland losu 11F01 rao_co to 011.11 MI ports of the Vasa. Joseph John Ketcham. John R. Blahlation. Wm. F. Dean. J. E. Baum. JACOB ESICER, President. . FM. I. DEAN. Vuto Presideltl. Ar 3610111:1111.13aiereuhrs. orS-t/ /mob Esher, I. Lather, . Andenried, an/ reams, ?.tar Sister. SAYING FITNUS. SAVING _RUND-SIPSITED kITATES COMPANY. comer' THIRD and CHEST NLIMIgEUT o * . N-b.B r FIVE PER cENP. S. R. CRAWFORH.7.'. JAMES R. HUNTER, Secretary and Tula, t" Othoe hours. from 10 until I o'clock. ale This Company is not Joined in any application to Legislature. feu A mERIOAN SAVING J'UND; & L °or ner WALNUT pnd POURTII Streets, nontinuem to meows deposits oad j ailear i nekdomorta as it boo always done. 1311.1.D1N, President. boo Rf Je4IW X WiIAXIIII. Trominevar COPARTNERSHIP NOTICES. NOTICE. The partnership heretofore existing between PKTHR HALL and FR %Melt Bi..ACKBURNE, Jr.. under the firm of HALL & BLACK bURNE. was diasolsod on the lStb nit by the deoesse of Peter Rail ',the business of the firm will be settled by FRAir Cl 3 BLACh.BURAE. 5y.3.1-6t PHILADELPHIA, avi l i -seVet WILKINSTON AND Rai; 1.1510ttr.. RAIL nOA • —Patz.animpaie May 4.1861. TRAINS POR WAS , I.NOTON. On and after aload,w, May 6. 1861. Trams for Wassb ington, via .Atinapolier, will leave Philadelphia at 11.66 A. M. and 10 00 P.M. R ETURNING, Will arrive at Philadelpeia trom Washington at 10.18 A M., and also at 9.2 i P M. , • Tbroutb tickets sot at the depot, corner of Broad and Prime strews, Philadelphia. my 6 . B. M. FFLTON. PUILADELPIDA AND READING RAILROaD 00.. 'Office 22:1 EIRE street.) _pyilpstyuk. Apr3177,1E101. SEASON TICKETS. On and after Mg! 1 1861.eeason tickets will be tuned by this demean) , forth venues of three, eix, nine, and tweets moth,. not traneferable. Roma Silhoul-tiokete may also be had at as yer cent. disooans.. 3 hay& t ots will be sold by the Tre•■rarer at leo. 227 Rout TR/Street. where any furtherronnation OSA 0 S. tIR a FOs.D. . splett - reaanrer. algaeFUß NEW YORE.. NEW DAILY LINE. via Delaware ime Raritan flanaL Philadelphia and New York Express Steamboat Cow pany will :waive freight on and deli v er NDAY. Mk Incept. and leave daily at s P. their car goes in New York the following data. Frau/its taken at reasonable rates. WM. P CL YDR. Agent , No. 14 sorry w B a RYER. Phila.:wields. JAMES RAND, Agent, Fiera 14 alio 10 EAR r RIVER, New York. sadrut FOR NEW 'YORK. —THE Php ladelthia Steam Propeller Comm, will commence their hydro= for the unman ea blowsy . 113th mat Their Steamer* are now receiving freight at Second Pier above el stunt attest. Terme accommodating. VW i 0 ht. BALED it CO., tan gge Routh Delaware Avenue. is BEDDING OUT PLANTS. R. BUTT & SON have a large stook of the ftuest varietwe of Weir/IER BLOWeING PLAN .b,iwhiob they offer at very tow slums by the dozen, hundred, or i heueendlemeielig , N of N KIR VE BENA RELTrWTRO.P.E3 I PiEw Lard - ranAe l ZE t. W w D l l 4 l -IX LAtir, PE* 84.1AVInt3. rghW 0. HAM tIM. N I W eXERLAST/Nfi, NI W FUgl3Bllo, ecc., itc. NEW FISTUN LAB, - 1C RD WA REFIOUIF, 1921 RIAHKg,T Street, ireenhoutes, oarby hoed. N O 4, 922 an my4.9t Nursenea arta C OTTON SAIL DUCK and (MINYA'S, of all numbers and Weirdo. 116•611'11 puck Awking i withr,of all deeerlptiona. for Teats, Airmen, Trunks and wagon Covers. Also. Papor May (dam:rare' Drier Felt.% heel 1 tOB feet wide. Tarpaulins. Beams, , a,l &o. _ Joan & 103 J0N13.5 T3iiOEMAT I RR di (30** SLAM. OILS, AND va.Rannuct, 111fintitadat Oman POTIIIII and NAGS Strad& &AU Is JOB P RINI' IN 0. THE NEW JOB PRINTiNO OFFICE "THE PRESS" Inomarei execute neatly, OAS*, mid eximatiovab, Immix Dim:minion os 5001,15. pA~PHLStA, I'APEZ BOOXX, CIMOVILAXS, OARDB. POIVENJUII, aarrDßfLut. BLLNIS OF 13 VERY DPICRIPTION isisornis 101 ACCEONEINI, LAWYERS atsitaWl2ill, MANFIPAUSTA IAILILOAD AND INSURANCE COIkLPANLEL Fue r lx AND ORNAMNNTAL PRINTING rorifteSt the Plibllattion Mae of Ths M 417 'veer. s 417 cm.vaink litrimn,inu Sal&Pr•ll4l7 gitine4 BIZB ALISA.IIB LAIIIIIA klEimenzas, BAnice.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers