POSITION OF GNNE,RAL HOUSTON General Houston spoke in Galveston, Texas, on April 10. The Uivchcs t eitetehee his remarks. He denied all intention of trying to regain the east from which he had been ousted, counselled coolness, union, and courage among all classes of people. He gave a humorous account of the manner in which he had. been superseded in the office of Go vernor, and said that his relief from the labors, cares, end responsibilities of the office Was rather a favor than a matter of regret to himself. He briefly alluded to his labors and efforts to discharge the duties of the place, and thought he had committed no sot with which he could be fairly reproached. He briefly reviewed his whole public career, and alluded to frequent instances in which he bad, for the time, stood oppoeed to popu lar feeling, but neon sustained by subacquent ex- Darlene°. lie attributed the disruption of the Union to the Kansas-Nebraska law, and said that although he bed been denounced and put down for his course on the question, no oar now denied the correctness of his views and predictions when the question was raised. With reference to the recent reports of hie complicity with Lincoln in a plan for the reintroduction of troops from the United &atoll into Texas, be pronounced them unmitigated false hoods, and said that he bad uniformly expressed the opinion that the Federal Government should evacuate the forts, and withdraw the troops and all other sOnrOte of irritation from the seceded States. TIM RTAP. OF TER WRIST AFFAIR The New Orleans BuMain, has this : ME ETAS OP TES WEST —We have had many questions put to us about this vessel and her use. Prom our own observation, we would say that she should be discharged of the 600 or HO barrels of provisions, put into some dock, and immediately overhauled and repaired, or made into a servicea ble state. This should be done instantly. Daley is dangerous. The yacht Wanderer, celebrated in Charleston and Savannah, is also soon to be in this port, if not actively engaged on the Texas coast. Then we have ■ chance of other useful vessels. Let them be looked to and made useful for us. We have in this city the elements of the finest marine power, In the shape of men, officers and all, ready for service SIQUBL of THE STAR OF THE Was? AFFAIR-- We learned last evening, from a Texan soldier friend. that a sequel to the Star of the Trost affair war about being.pet into excitation at the time he left the Lone Star State. It war to capture and make prisoners of war some 600 'United States soldiers who bad left the soil of Texas on board the steamboat Fashion in order to get on board of the Star of Me West. The Star of the West bad gone away. and so the Fashion would have to loot after bar cargo. If they landed again on Texan soil they would have to take the conse quences. WET THY WOMEN AND CHILDREN OF CHARLESTON WEBS NOT SIaILUGHTNRIED The Charleston Arereary makes thin explana tion: Is Major Robert Anderson has made it a point at every stopping place at the North to complain of our inhuman treatment' in firing on Sumpter after the barracks were enveloped in flames Did any body prevent lantpulling down his dirty stripes? And why is it that he has not told ' the Northern people' that to bad a ten-lush oolumblad planted on the parade ground at Fort Sumpter, at an ele vation sufficient to enable hint to throw a ten•inch shell into the crowd of unarmed citizens and help lees women whom he knew full well would congre gate in White Point Garden at the firing of the first gun. This is not a rumor; the gun hat been seen, the elevation and direction have been no ticed, and by his own acknowledgment, and that of his officers, the guns in exposed places could not be worked without the certainty of deatruotion; so our mothers, wives, and sisters have not been alaughtered beam= our guns kept him in his essemates. This is the brave man who was sup. plied with fresh meats, vegetables. &a., dm., and was thought by some to be a friend." PROM Lotasuirs—TEE PRITATERRING BUSINESS The New Orleans Crescent learns that there are two large and fast-sailing schooners fitting out at that city for the privateering hominess. The Cres cent says: "Mr. Walter H. Peters, notary pub lic, No 50 Camp street, has on hand black forms, for parties desirous of obtaining letters-of-marque and reprisal from the Confederate Government, which be will furnish to all who may desire them. There is considerable bustle in Algiers, with a view of privateerivg. The Algorine Newsboy . , of daturday, says : - There is much activity pet now in looking out for suitable vessels for priva tearing, Onr ship-builders have been kept busy 1 in examining and planning suitable additions, alterations, and repairs to several first-class yes. Nell. The old salts say there will be no need of.' calling for volunteers for this service, as thou sands are now eagerly watching for the signal.' " POSITION OF ARKANSAS. A large number of the conservative citizens of Arkansas, among them some of the Union dele gates to the State Convention, publish a card in the Little Rock Gazette declaring it to be their purpose to resist to the last the coercion policy of Mr. Lincoln, and to " embark their lives, their fortunes, and their sacred honors" in the rebellion or revolution, as the result of the conflict, already began, shall determine its character to be. The Gazette has been hitherto a Arm Union paper. In its last issue it says : " We fairly and deliberately, in the light of day, and in the exereise of our calm and cool judgment, take upon ourself the position of resistance to, and rebellion against, the present Government of the United States: and if there be any who wish to denounce ne for this treason against Lincoln's Government, or war against Lin coln, we are willing and ready to furnish them the testimony by the commission of an overt act when ever an opportunity offers." TEE GOVERNOR OP ALABAMA EAR " A I.PTTLR RE PRISAL" ON HAND. We read in the Mobile Register : " Governor Moore, who has been some days away, has now returned. It is rumored that he has a little matter of reprisal on hand which will attract tome attention. Some time ago Governor Moore purchased a quantity of muskets in New York, to be paid for on delivery here, which were "tired by the authorities North. Although there - vio pecuniary loss, the detention of the arms aqA matter or SeIiQUS injury, and was, at the %.prooedure - a new/J am pa r IL has •Aanetained oaten.. WaPleezdn, ...s.otitat there are four bundrer" - to Law s ji;:airehouse in this city berongins. • . New York, and it is rumored tasks OPen.,fetained for the present." dew CIIIN-NOITS ON TIM MISNISNIPPI. Parties in Chicago are preparing sun-boats-An command the river. The Democrat (Rep ) rays : "We learn that nearly all the toga in this city can pails the canal looks. They are just the thing for gun•lwats. A Mississippi steamer would have no more ehance against these boats than a balloon frame building would against Gibraltar. They should be armed with at least one 24 or 32-pound gun at the bow, and a 24 or 32-pound howitzer at the stern, the latter to throw grape, shrapnel, do. Twenty of these gun-boats would give ns command of the Mississippi, and with grey or sixty we could oonvey an entire fleet to New Orleans, raking down everything in the shape of a land battery on the route " smormau MELTING IN NEW ORLEANS. A meeting was held in New Orleans on the eve rang of April 24. to take into consideration the ex pediency of expelling from the city "Abolition sym pathizers." den. Palfrey presided, and singularly enough, argued forcibly against the object for which the meeting was called. A series of ungram matical resolutions, of which the following is one, were finally adopted: Resolved, That it is the duty of every citizen in the present emergency to denounce to the legal authorities all persons whom they know to be hos tile to our cause, and that the members of this meeting individually pledge themselves to do so. TROOPS IN RICRYOND. The Richmond EttquirAr publishes whet It calls a fall list of troops assembled there Besides 600 South Carolina volunteers. there are 2,276 Virginia volunteers quartered in that city. and 61 cavalry, making a total at that place of 2 937. Then it Is reported that there are some 5.000 troops now sta tioned at Barper's Ferry between 1.500 and 2.000 at Norfolk ; between 3,000 and 4.000 at Alexan dria; several companies at Fredericksburg and over two hundred oompanies now ready to leave for any point to which they may be ordered, at a moment's notice. roar (From the New York Herald.] Port: Meliairrty, April 30, 18431. In your paper of the 28th instant, you publish a letter from Washington containing the following Pegly. "'Ph where is egeneral, wide-spread belief in Seces sion circles that the gnus of Fort McHenry will never be turned against Baltimore. Many allu sions to a recent understanding between its late commander and certain members of the garrison, aiming at its betrayal into the hands of the trai tors, have reached my ear." The above is a base attempt to'oast suspicion upon the loyalty of the officers of this post, every one of whom is true to the flag, and I pronounce the writer an unprincipled calumniator and a eon temptible puppy. Very respectfully yours, Jiro. C. Rom: arson, Captain U. B A., Commanding Fort McHenry. DOVIMINTS OF lEPP. DAVIS A letter dated at Montgomery on the 18th inst., and published in the Savannah it epnbhcan, says: " Vice Provident Stephens bas returned to the City, and will 111 the Presidential chair, in the temporary absence of Hie Excellency, who is re ported to be making arrangements for establishing his headquarters at Richmond. This is of itself a egnilleant fact. His army of fifty thousand men will be equipped and ready for the field in thirty days' time, and will be joined by as many more, thirty days' before he reaches headquarters." VICIEBBI7BG 3ATTLEIE In conformity with orders from the Governor of Mississippi, the citizen soldiery of Vicksburg, under the command of Captain Horace H of the Sharpshooters, have erected batteries at Fort Hill, in the northern suburbs of that city, facing and on the banks of the river. These are manned by two or three companies, and armed with several 24 pounders and guns of smaller ernalibre. RICH VOLIIIITEEILS The Southern papers are constantly boasting of the gentlemen and rich planters who are members of military companies. The Cincinnati Gazette mentions a company in that viditkily of twenry . seven members, whose property is estimated at nine millions of dollars. sass SON ETENSIDGB. Emerson Etheridge is threatened with violence, and his friends slain, as we learn in the following "The Memphis Avalanche learns, through a gentleman who arrived from Paris Tenn., that Emerson Etheridge went to that Paris, with the intention of delivering a speech. e was met at the edge of the town by a committee of gentlemen, who told him As could not speak to Parts. Ethe ridge entered the place, however, and a difficulty ensued, during which one of his friends was in stantly killed, and another teas fatally wounded, and has since died. The informant could not give the names of the parties. Etheridge did not apes& in Paris." guar CLAY SPNAKB THROUGH HIS ROIL - Th oma s R. Clay, in a letter addressed to the inhabitants of Fayette county, endeavors to show that seeession would be the rain of Kentucky, by the destruotion of her alive property. In cvaeln• lion, be says : I would say respeetfully to the Governor of our Commonwealth, beWare. You dare not take one step toward revolution without the approbation of our People. You cannot constitutionally call a Convention. Should you attempt it, the judgment of an Indignant and outraged people will rest upon you forever. AATACIC ON CAIRe The Louisville Journal gives currency and par ed credit to a report that General Pillow, at the h ea d of a body of Tennessee troop, reinforced by some Kentucky troops with artillery, now at Pa ducah, was about to attaok the United States forces at Cairo. JIZLENA PR PARED A. battery bai been greeted on the river bank at Helena, Ara.. and the " Father of Waters" at that point is well gaardod. Military Affairs IA the North. 'Elkin Peruvian, Roberta, from New York Nov 9 for San Franoisoo,Wall Spoken 29th March, tat 26 N. long ARREST FOR TREASON. James S. Kent, of Richmond, Va t and Presiden t SS W. Bark William. Lord, for rhiladelplua, sailed from N .i, York Sd inst. of the Union Anne Manufacturing Company 0 . that city, was arrested in Tolland, his native Bark Anne Kimball. Stinson, hence for Glasgow, was seen 6th nit, let ad, loaf St N. _ town, by officers Chamberlin and . Cowles, Oatur- APAgg;l:ll:s;ZlM'Sifri-`,Te.:lll9oTtlratillgialtd. day, and brought to this city for trial yeSterdayi Bahr Rooknicham, Taniai , sailed from Portland ad on charge of giving aid and comfort to the enemies inst. for Philadelphia of the State. The offence alleged was that Mr. , Bo c h e rd u ltiokiton, Garrison, hence, arrived at Prow- Kent endeavored to induce a workman at Shares a. O Bohr! George Fates. Nickerson. and John Laneaater, factory to go to Richmond, to work on arms to be Stites. for Philadelphia. sailed from Providence ins t: Id t ^ used by the troops of the Confederate States, The person to.whom application was made appeared to testify, but declared that Mr. Kent was not the man It is also stated by those who know Mr. Kent that he is not of Secession proclivities. He was honorably discharged. The times in which we live require that all lovers of their country should be watchful and Allard against her foes. Innocent mon like Air. Kent may be placed under surveillance, but they can afford it if a general lookout now and then fastens a traitor. —Hartford Courant, 30th, A CORRESPONDENCE. correspondence, of which the following is the substance, is Said to have paned between Gover nor Hicks, of Maryland, and Governor Sprague, of Rhode Island, on Friday or Saturday of last week, by telegraph : Gov. HICKS TO Gov. SPRAGUE.—"/ understand you are about to proceed to Washington with the Rhode Island regiment. I advise you not to take them through Baltimore, and thug save tronbleit Gov. 'SPRAGUE TO Gov. Ilicks.—"The Rhode Island regiment are going to fight, and It matters not whether they fight in Baltimore or Washing ton " THE NICKLES REGIMENT Lion Daniel Sickles visited the drill•room of this regiment and addressed the men in a patriotic speech. Three cheers were given for the Star- Spangled Banner and three for the Queen of England. Lieut. •Col. Torres, late of her Britan nic Majesty's Seventeenth Foot, who has seen active service in the Crimea, is at present in com mand of this regiment. Donations in any shape or form will be vary roseeptable to this raiment. ♦ COASTING YEB3NI. BOLD The Portland Argus says: We understand that a sharp-built schooner, copper fastened, made for the trade between New Orleans and Charleston, has recently been sold in Charleston. S. C., for $4,000 more than she cost. There are rumors of the sale of one or two other vessels owned in this State under very suspicious circumstances. If we have traitors among us, the fact should be known, and we think the United States District Attorney and the Grand Jury should look into this matter at once. A WORD OF CAUTION It is important that nitre and sulphur, two im portant components of powder, should be seized going South. If the South can get these articles they can make their own powder. The nitre is put up in bags like salt, and easily passes for it. Please calf attention of the proper officers through your columns_ G. May 2, 1861. The Navy Department expects to have at least fifteen men•ot•war put to sea for the blockade of the principal Southern ports in a few days. Some forty odd more vessels will be got in readiness in the coarse of the next four weeks, and in less than sixty days every inlet on the Southern coast, from the mouth Of James river to that of the Rio . Grande, will be effectually closed. CAUL° (ILL.) A STRATEGICAL POINT. The Natohee Courtier of the 24th tilt., gaya: The probability that Cairo is to bo made a strategioal point by the Northern foram, with a view to a de scent upon the valley of the Mississippi, strength ens the bellef that the companies now ordered into service will be sent to Memphis. Mississippi has organised a few troops for the defence of the " big water," and they are fearful they will have to fight. The Spanish Acquisition of St. Domingo in England. [From the London Times, April Ls This annexation gives room for numerous idea- Lions and speculations. Had it been a real and voluntary return of a colony to the mother country, after trying and experiencing the evils of a turbu lent independence for forty years, it might well have deserved to be ranked among the most curi ous events in history. Oar intelligence, however. from Cuba, seems to discredit this view of the sub ject, and to tend to the conclusion that it is rather to be considered as a carefully prepared end deeply concerted scheme on the part of Spain to recover the first of her colonial possessions. Even if this be so, the event is hardly lase curious. It was said but a little while ago that the North American States were threatening Spain with an invasion of Cuba unless she could be pre vailed upon to sell them the island, and now we find Spain herself becoming the aggressor, and, instead of surrendering one colony, actually undertaking the conquest of another. Those who have felt—and there are very few who have not— the enchantment of the old romantic literature of Spain will feel a certain instinctive pleasure in seeing a nation with whose name are connected so many glorious and romantic associations rousing itself from the ignominious slumber of two hun dred and fifty years, and coming forward once more to play a distinguished part on that theatre of the New World which was once almost ex clusively her own. We know too little to specu late very deeply as to the motives of this singular step. It is very possible that we see in them the first result of what is assuming every day a more decided import—the dissolution of that great Con federacy whioh has exercised hitherto so vast an influence over the destinies of the Western World. Spain acts decisively, because she no longer fears the projects of the United States, and also proba bly with a view to anticipate any enterprise on St. Domingo which might be devised by the new Southern Confederation. The United States are tasting the first fruits of the polioy of disintegra tion, and we cannot doubt they are bitter enough. The glory is departed, indeed, when Spain takes up the policy of Lopez and Walker, and acts without reference or regard to the feelings and polioy of the Union. For ourselves, we have every reason to wish well to any enterprise which will raise the power and Influence of Spain, and thus restore an important element to the balance of power in Enrope. Bat in this ease the feeling is mixed with very consid erable alloy. In the first place, in our capacity of ereditors, itiajattlqft-SZCOSSiink...4.•••••• •••••••••0'..e.... up can n siiSney for iron-elad ships, for wars with Morocco, and for the conquest of San Domingo—for every thing, in fact, except the payment of her debts. We know that it is very rade and ill-bred to mention such a time at snob a time, but we must nevertheless positively insist that the victor shall carry this slave with him in hie triumphal oar to the capital. Then, we cannot conceal from our that this proceeding, as far as we know any thing of it, has somewhat of a filibustering, or at least irregular, aspect. It is better to consult the wishes of people before you enroll them under your banner, even though that banner be the glorious Castles and Lions of Castile, This little preliminary has boon omitted, and we cannot help suspecting it has been omitted for a very sufficient reason. It may probably have occurred to the natives of St. Domingo, lust as it occurs to WI, to ask what will be the policy of Spain when she hoe obtained possession of the island. The channel between Cuba and St. Domingo is only 60 miles wide. How will the mother-State treat the two neighboring islands? Is St. Domingo to be dealt with after the fashion of Cuba, or is Cuba to be raised to the position of St. Domingo? At pre sent it seems as if Spain could have bat one object in reannexitag St. Domingo to her crown. Nobody can believe that she has the slightest intention of giving freedom to the slaves in Cuba, from whom she draws so large an amount of revenue. Still less, one would think, can she contemplate the govern ing, side by aide, two islands placed by Nature in exactly the name circumstances, and only differing in this, that in the one the black population are free republicans, and in the other, slaves in the lowest state of misery and degradation. The alter native is, that Spain must mean to reduce the free negroes of St. Domingo to the same level as the black population of Cuba. If this be the mean ing of the enterprise, it is one abhorred alike by God and man, and we shall not have to wait long before we see it recoil upon the heads of its con trivers. PRILLDE,LPEUA BO ARD OF =AD& Fejg. KEpi ra E , : A DiJICIV, COMMITTEE OP TIM MONTIL HO& 8. PERro If. LETTER BAGS At the Merchants' Exchange, Philadelphia. ebb; Victoria Seed. rratile London. coon ship Paragon. Bowes—Liverpool, loon Dulp Garibaldi. Emery----8t Pant de Loando, soon ably Calliope , Goodwin—z_-- —Liverpool. coon Ship Hortehma. Atkins_ Liverpool, won Brig C F O'Brien. Damon—.— Buenos Ayres. coon Ketokeornmerca, Bernell _.-_._-.._Mayaguez, coon Sort? boo .1 Jones. Crowell _.—...Leinefaxa, opop MARINE INTELLIGENCE. PORT OF PHILADELPHIA. May 6, 11661. MTN RISKS -4 59-41IIN BE7B- - -7 I MGR, WATS' -i/A1 .ARRIVED . _ rohr G W Hynson. 'English, 12 days from CienfgUMOk, with sugar to 8 W Welsh. Marco Me. off !and soy. spoke brig Naiad, from Cienfuegos for New York; same day and place. spoke sohr t obese. from Cienfuegos for hew York. The light on Florida Reef is all riyht. Bohr Flyaway, Davis.! days from Sag linrbor, with oil to Bunting Dennis & Jones. Bohr Wm George, Hard. 1 day from Smyrna. Del, with corn to Jam L Bewley & Co. Bohr Jas B ever in . Prisms. 1 day from Dover, Del, with corn to JBB garratt k. Bon. Bohr li. Q W hilmn, Neal, eidayi from Boston, in bal last to N Sturtevant lc Co. Rohr H E Weston. Long, 8 daps from Boston, in bal last to N Sturtevant it Co. Bohr W idaulsbury, Hudson, 4 days from Richmond, in ballast to captain. Bohr Thos 1. Cooper. Taylor. 3 days from New York. in ballast to L Andenried Bohr Western Star Crowell, 6 days from Boston, is ballast to Raker As Poleod, Bohr J H Mather. Niokerson, 6 days from Beaton, with mdse to Crowell & Bohr Spray. Price from Mobile. Bohr R B Miller. G ihord, from Boston. Bohr I. P Btiokney, Garwood, from Boston, bohr Wm Wallace. Scull, from !Boston. Solar Win Li Dayton L ßand, from Boston. Bohr Jas M Vance, ifurdge. from New York. Bohr Jas House. Sprague. from New York. Bohr g R Coggeskail. Tilton. from New York. Bohr J H Wainwright. Corson, from Salem. Bohr Farah A Bowe. 80109. from A bseoom. NJ. Steamer Marine. Bell 22 hours from New York, with mos to Win M Baird it Co. CLEA RED. Bark David Largay, filiation, Cardiff. Thai Richard son & Co. Bark Alnah. Nevins, Trinidad. Madeira & Cabala. 13ahr A Idasee.Wheaton,Cienfuegos, D 8 Stetson & Co achy Cornelia, Noyes, Waeliington,Tyler.Blol:ol & Co Rohe gaulabu y. godson. Fort Monroe. do Bohr Spray. Raker, Quitior Point, J Blakiston. Bohr Alliance. Ireland, hantucket, Van Duaen, Nor ton & Co. Behr 8 Washburn, Thrasher. Taunton, do Behr Wm L Dayton, Dyad, Boston, do Bahr R co. yealtall T//krn. 88430. do Bohr J B Johnson. 4oltaitud, Roabnry, •do Bohr R 8 Mater. tiltrord, Demon. b R Sawyer & Co. Bohr J ht Vance, Bunige, Roston, CA Reoksoher & Co Bohr Wm Wallace. Mini'. Boston, PI Sturtevant & Co. Bohr H Weldon, Long, Weymouth. do Rohr G Wadden. Neal. Caw bridgeport • do Behr Albano*. Barrett, Norwich, Costner. Stiokney & W ELVer n iitiokney, Garwood, Fall River, do Bohr Jas Rouse. Sprague, Provutence..USIIOTOR.LIMIS Co. Bohr Sarah A Solna. Bolos, Salem. J R White & Co. Jerome, Jerome, Alexandria, T Webster. Jr. (Correspondence of the Philadejohia Exchange.) LE.WES. Del., Mn, 3. There are no %mush, at the harbor except ihs ship e ye e for r d i3 a y ul . 3 nw°ai Ayres, Victoria Reed o. it d cto ss r ,, i - a era ß l e o e t d h r The os s e d achr t; l io ar a g 1 , 4. W. DICSHAti. (Correrpondenoe of the Press.) RNA.DiNG, May s. The i0t14, - trini boats frOrn the Union C " al l P 84414 o into the Soh 11111 Genet to-day, bound to f hiladel phia. viz . _ J L Meyer and Fured Gay, grain to Perott & Bro; F Co'enano. boa, de to Trum_o & Bolton; to Samuel Bolton k Co; Mary, do to Henry Croeltell 8 R Barley. lumber to JoanßrldSom. do ;S MEMOILAN Di. Ship Wm Cummins/. Cara, hence for LlTerpool, was spoken 29th ult. lat 400, long CP 61. Ship Jacob Badger, Staples, from Chinch& Islands, at Callao 6th Wt. and sailed 12th for Hampton Roads. at 816 per ton, Btu. Petiole!, E 12017. at Callao 6th ult , from Chinoba Islands. arid railed 11th for Hampton Itoade, at 410 per ton. Ship ere?, Wilson, from Baltimore, sailed from Val paraiso td for San Francisco. LEGA.L. TN THE ORPHANS' COURT FOR TIIE CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA. Estate of PETER JACOBS. deceased. Notice is hereby given that the widow of the said de oedema line filed in said Court her petition and appraisa ment claiming to retain the penning property therein mentioned. of the value of 0300, tinder the; nut of 14th April. 1851. and that the same will be approved on FRI DAY. the 17th day of MAY, 1861, unless OXCAPtIOI2B be filed thereto. THORN, mya-fm 4t* for Petitioner. TN THE ORPHANS' COURT FOR THE CITY AND COUNTY OF FHILADELPH/A, Estate of THOMAS B. WORTHINOTON. deoeaSed. Au appraisement under the 6th section or the act of 14th April, 1861, and supploment, having been duly filed in the said Court, notice is hereby given that Rebecca Worthington, widow of said decedent, claims to retain the personal estate therein referred to, to the value of 5300, and will apply to the Orplens , Court for approval of said appraisemont, on FICIDEIY, the 17th day of May, A..u. /861, at l 0 o'clock A. 61 B. R. It T. P. POTTS, in2-furit , Attorneys for the Widow. IN THE ORPHANS' COURT FOR THE CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA. Estate of JOHN REYDIER, deceased. An apprair. merit under the 6th Beaton of the act of 14th April.lBBl. and supplement, having been duly filed in the maid Court by the widow of acid decedent, no tice is hereby given that said widow claims to retain the personal property referred to therein, to the value of &300, and will apply to tne Orphans' Court for ap proval of mid aupraisement on FR WAY, the 170. day of May, A. I). 1881, at 10 o'olooic A. M. Pi. R. & T. P. POTTS. m 9 fm-4:* Attorneys for the Widow._ FN TUE ORPHANS' COURT .FOR THE CITY AND cowry Y OF PHILeDELPWA• In the matter of the jEstate of JosErli CARTER, deceased The Auditor appointed by the Court to audit. settle, and adjust the account of JOHN L. FAALLEV. ad mintatrator of JO8h:Y11 CARTER, deceased, and to report distribution of the balance in the hands of the accountant. will meet the parties intereated , for the minions of his appointment, on TUESDAY the 7th dap of Mae ,1861, at 4 o'clock P. M.. at his office, No. 520 WA Lo.UT Street. m the olti of Philadelphia. ap24.-wfm-St* JOHN M. THOMAS. Auditor. - IN THE ORPHANS' COURT FOR THE CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILADFLPH/A. Estate of PERDLNAND JOSEPH PEIDLER, deo'd. The auditor appointed to audit, settle, and adjust the account of 0/VIIIIIRM EURIZ and WILLIAM WIEDERSHEIM, Executors of the last Will and Tes tament of FERDINAND JOSEPH SEIDLER, de ceased, and report distribution of the balance in their hands, will meet the parties interested, for the purposes of tos appointment, on TUESDAY, May 7. 1851, at 4 P. M., at his office, Plo. 612 WAI.NUT Street in the City al Philadelphia. wet. rativeri . , ap34 - wfm-Dt Auditor, NOTICE.—IN THE ORPILINS' COURT OF MONTGOMERY COUNTY, PENNBYLVA- In the matter of the application of JOHN H. STEIN ER, executor of the let will and testament of PHILIP MILL v.R. late of Frederick township, in mud counev, deepened, for the gale of certain real estate of said tee tator, situated in said county o' Montgomery. Notice ie hereby directed to Barbara Miller. widow, Paul Nicholas Miller, Lucetta,intermarried with John Schmitt. Jew:Mina. intermarried with George Adam fichlaohter. Catherine. intermarried with Dr Spanna kis, Adam Miller, John George August Allier. Chris tina. intermarried with Benry Miller. George W. trogere. guardian ad Mem for Philip Miller, and all other persons informed to he and appear at an Or phallte LAMM to be held at the court home daybe borough of Norristown, on MOND nY, the glati of May. A. D. 1861. at 10 o'clock A. M., to chow cause, if any they have, why the said application should not be granted and a decree of vale made of said real agate, agreeably to the prayer of the petitioner. Orphan Court, JAS. C. BURNSIDE, Clerk .' Court. Clerk's °Moe, Norristown, April 19,1861. aplt-m3t TN THE DISTRICT COURT FOR TEE CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA, WILLIAM DIVER and ELIZABETH, his Wife, vs. WM. CLAYTON and Charlotte, his Wife, ( for merly Diver.) and JANE DIVER. June Term, 1861. 80. fr. Pursuant to an order of Cettrt, made in this ease, the writ of eummons named therein is .pubhshed, viz : City and County of Phitadaphia, ft. [anat.] The t;ornmonwealth of Pennsylvania to the - The of Philadelphia county. greeting William Diver and Elizabeth, his Wife, make you secure of prosecuting their claim, then we command you that you summon, by good and lawful summoners, Gilliam Clayton and Chorlotte. Me Wife, ( formerly Charlotte Diver.) and Jane Diver. late of your aunty. so that they be and appear before our Judges at Thula delpela at our District Court for the City and. County of Philadelphia, there to be held the Ist MON AY OF JUNE NEXT, to show wherefore, whereas, they, the said demendetit and the said defendant, together and undivided, do hold all that certain mesruage or tene ment and lot orpiece of ground, situate in Manayunk, bounded, limited. and described as follows i beginnine at the northwestern corner of a lot sold by the Sheriff (01 ktai u?„11; Uli°l°V` "'Stlrnene ?MP:cr.` by the &Au, !kill Navigation Compa,ty, called Tower street. 96 feet 6 inches northwastwardly from the corner of Market and Tower streets, thence extending along the eastwardle line of Tower street north 37 deg. and 30 min.. west 16 feet 6 inches to a earner of a lot Bold to John W. Stephens, thence north 61 deg.,' min ,east along said Stephens' line 95 feet 11 inches to the west erly side of Ellis street, thence along the said sine of Elite street south 30 deg. 30 min. east 16 feet 234 incites to a corner of the lot sold by the ' Sheriff as aforesaid. thence along the line of the same 94 feet 214 inches to the place of beginning. with the appur enances. The sane defendants partition thereof between them to be made (s cording to the laws and customs of this Com monwealth in snob case made and provided), do gain say. and the same to be done, do not permit, very un justly and against the same laws and customs. as it is said, &o. And have you then there the names of those summoners and this writ. Witness the Honorable Geo. Sharowood. Doctor of Law. President our said Court at Philadelphia. the NU day of March, in the year of our Lord Mt. atil6-m6l P.A. TREGO, Pro Proth'y. SIIERIFF'S BALE.—By virtue of an or der of sale, issued out of the Court of Common Pleas of in °flummery county, and to me directed. will be exposed to sale, by public conduit, on MoNDAY, the 10th day of May. A. D. Mel. at to'clock P. M., at the Sheriff's olhce. in the Court }louse, in the borough of Norristown, and county aforesaid, the following de scribed Real Estate: All that meseuage and tenement and tract of LAND, situated in the township of Lower Merlon. in the oovn ty aforesaid, beginning at a stone (a corner of this land) of William !maker, south twenty-six degree, and fifty minutes, east twenty-seven perches and thirty-one hund seethe of a perch, to a stone, a corner of this and said land of William Lecher, in line of lands of Samuel Sanders; thence along said land of Samuel slanders, south seventy-two degrees and seven minutes. west thirty-four perches and ten hundredths of a perch, to a stone. a corner of this and said laud of Samuel Sanders, ttt line Orland Of Dennis Kelly; thence along sold 'and of Dennis Kelly, north twenty .six degrees fifty minutes, west twenty-two perches and four hundredths of a perch. to a stone. a corner of this and land of Minie' Sanders ; kittleily in ZLe`egg' a Ime,itfntitg:taittits e i ztorth sq!y three degrees andhuudrodthe of a perch. to lace and Seventy-two Winn. according to a. recent survey. beginning—.^ontatkpe perches, and eighty-nine hun five awe., thirty-obi dredthe of a perch. sue a two-story frame Dwelling Tee improvements at' - '-well of water, & o. house, frame Barn, drab. ;rain proceedings , in par- To be sold by virtue of on Pleas of Montgomery talon. in the Couyt of .idaer and others are de county, wherein Jacob B. Rdtt.othere defendants. mandants, and Samuel ries ate ,TAUFP.Mit. Sheriff. jOtlfe M. era SOME Bu MUFF'S OFFICE. Norrietown. - apTS-may6, 13. St • - •...,- JUEDICI_NAL. ROF. WOOD'S RESTORATIVE CORDIAL AND BLOOD RENOVATOR le precisely what its name indicates, for, while Pleasant to the taste, it is reivtvifying,e.xhilarating, and strengthening to the vital powers. It also re vivifies, reinstates, and renews the blood in all NS Original purity, and thus restores and !linden the system invulnerable to attacks of disease. It ID the only preparation ever offered . to the world in e. popular form, go as to be within the reach of So ober= Ally and skilfully combined as to be the most powerful tonic, and yet so perfectly adapted as is act in perfect accordance with. the lams Q r na ture, and hence soothe the weakest stomach, and tone up the digestive organs. and allay all nervous and other irritation. It is also perfectly exhilara ting in its effects, and yet it is never followed by lassitude or depression of spirits. It is composed entirely of vegetables, and those thoroughly com bining powerfully tonic and soothing properties, and consequently can never injure. Such a remedy h. long been felt to be a desideratum in the medical world, both by the thoroughly skilled in medics science. and elm by all who have antlered from de bility; for it needs no medical skill or knowledge even to see that debility follows all attacks ot dis ease and lays the unguarded system open to the attacks of many of the most dangerous to which poor humanity is copstantly liable. Such, for ex ample, as the following ; Consumption, Bronchitis, Indigestion, Dripeyele, Loss of Appetite, Faint ness, Nervous Ir_ritability, Neuralgla ka ridpitatto M of the Heart, elanch y 01. Itypooho rut, Nigh Sweats, Languor, Giddiness , and all t at class o oases, so fearfully fatal if unattended to in time. Liled Female Weaknesses and Irregularities. Also, ver Derangements or Torpidity, and Liver Coin plaints, Diseases of_ the Kidns, &aiding or In continence of the urine. or a rty antlered aerange ment of the Urinary Organs, Pain in the Back,Side and between the Shoulders, predisposition to aligh (',olds, Hacking and Continued Cough, Emaciation, Difficulty in Breathing. and indeed, we might enu merate many more still. but wo have space only to say, it will not only cure the debility following Chid. and Fever, but prevent all attacks arising from Miasmatic Influences, and cure the disease at once, if already attacked, and as it note directly and_pereistently upon the bibary system, arousing the laver to action, promoting, in fact, all the ex !oretions and seoretions of the system, it will infal libly prevent any deletenons consequences follow ing upon ohs.nge 01 climate and water; hence all travellers should have a bottle with them. and all hoeld take a table-spoonful at least before eating- As it prevent, costiveness. strengthens the diges tive organs, it should be ip the heeds of all pinions of,sedentary habits: students, ministers, literary men; and all ladies not accustomed to much out door exercise shook' always use it. If they_ will. they will find an agreeable. pleasant, and Melon remedy against those ill. which rob them of their beauty; for beauty cannot exist without health, and health oaanot exist while the above rregalart ties continue. Then, again, the Cordial is a perfect . Mother's Relief. Taken a month or two before the final trial, she will pass the dreadful period with perfect ease and safety. Taere es no mistake about it, this Cordial is al/ we claim for it, Mothers, try it And to you we appeal to detect the illness or decline, not only of your daughters, before it be too late r but also your sons and husbands, for while the former, from false delicacy, often go down to a premature grave rather than let their condition be known in time, the latter are often so mixed up with the excitement of business that if it were not for Ton they, too,wwo ld travel in the same down. ward path. until tooate to arrest their fatal fall. Bat the mother is always vigilant, and to you we oonfidently Appeal, for we, are sure your never alleotion will unerringly point Tall to Prof. Wood's Beetonitive Cordial and Blood Renovator, as the remedy witipit should be always on hand in time ofneed. 0. J. WOOD. Prim:instal% 4 4 4Broad • ay. New York. and 114 Market Street, St. Louis, Mo. ; and sold by all good Druggists. Price. One Dollar per Bottle. Id in this city hy B. A. FAHNESTOCK & CO., N. and 9 N orth FIFTH Street ; HASSARD & C • • RIPTH and CHESTS UT Streets. and DYOTT I „ 232 North SECOND Street. d-eowWtf To BUSINESS IsIEN.—An excellent A- chance for reliable busineas men to seoure a pro fitable cmanufaoturing busmen., requiring bat a sma ll capital in its establishment and proesoution. The manufacture cortelets the application of a pe culiar oompoution or enamel to common red bricks, and a emery of other building material. onuunental arch i teotural finixhings, ceilings, tilos for floors and for roofing. hie enamel may be tinted of anycolor. from the purest white to the deepest Weak, with all the colors and shcdee between. It imparts to the articles to whioh it to applied a hardness and durability almost incredi ble, and a beauty surpassing that of the rarest and most costly of the variegated marbles, and. unlike them, is Impervious to Moisture, and will never fade, stain, or deteriorate, coating but a fractional part of the price of ordinary marble. It is also valuable for table anddl stand toys, mantel pieces, monaments , and an endless varietyof other article' of staple use. The process of applying the enamel is simple, while the articles enameled will com mand a reedy sale, affording large profits. Responsible parties may procure licenses for manufacturing wider the patent for any city or prominent town in the United States,. by applying to the aubeoriber . A small tariff on oilarticles mauumotured will be required for the use 'et the invention. throulars giving t o particulars will be forwarded to aU appliospts. !lie superior merit and beauty of this e name l e d bidding material to any thing in use has the mummified endorsement of many of the most eminent arc h itect and ementifie men of this and other cities. For partiOnlersi address JOUNSON & Pit&L if , general Agents for Fnameied Building Material, ap9-d3m 96 NASSAU Street. New York. pLRErRO,PNEIIMONIA, OR CATTLE EPIDEMIC. CATTLE JIMMIE. CATTpE DIEFASIS, CATTLE EiBEAr3E. CATTLE DIBEABE. Al' Wlfailincremed, for this disease Ann be bad by ?tgallf B. CLOK. . No. 407 . vINE Stmt. 4 i l i ac o . taw, gottlioinop for &I trui4e of disease, cu 1117 a.0.121iNT.Lp. OR MONit REfUrtD,Ri CUBEvikaannTew. OE MON ittiqin On". !NBA WARW/g.D. MON ILESPITD ouRE We'AtitartiL D. OR MON ND . istfi-wfro w3m efEEESE. 700 boxes fine Herkimer County Cheese, on ooneirnment. for We by C. C. ISADL.BII. ir, 00., 103 ARCA Atreet. seoond door p 37-11 above Floats a 1 THE PRESS.-PHILADELPHIA, MONDAY, MAY 6, 1861, CF.PHAL.IO PITA.s BIOS HEADACHE, N EJEW OUS ELEADAOH F. 01.111 A ALL RIN3)b OP HEADAOHE I By the use of theme Elle the periodical attacks of Ner •ow or Sick Headache may be prevented ; and if taken at the commencement of an attack immediate relief from pain and sickness will be obtained. They seldom failtin removing the Nauss's/id Hood moo to which Females are sozubleot. They act gently on the bowels, removing Costiveness, For Literary Ms, Stvinsts, Delimbs P 01041161, and all person. of sedentary /Writs, they are valuable as a Laxative, improving the appetite, giving sang and vigor to the digestive organs, and restoring the natural alastioity and strength or the waole eyertem. The CEPHALIC PILLS are the TOWOR of long invalid nation and oaretally oonduoted experiments, hating been In age many yearn, during which time they have unwanted and relieved a 'rut amount of train and mirroring from Headache. whether originating In the swedes system or from a deranged state of the aro mak They are entirely veritable in their ootniewitloa, and may be taken at all times with perfect safety without making any change of diet, and at absence of any dim vital* tens raiders it easy to administer skim re iAiidray B WARE or 00IINTERMTO The genuine have Ave nignatanso of Roar) O. Spalding on each Box. Olold by Druggists" and all other Duelers in Medicines" A Box will be seat bT moll ereeabi on remote* of the PRIDE. 25 CENTS. •u orders skoeld be "Adrenal HENRY O. ISPA.L,DIN4a. 48 CEDAR BTREET. NEW YORE NIB FOLLOWING ENDORSEMENTS OF SPALDING'S OEPI-lALIICI PILES' WILL CONVINCE •LL WHO BUFFER FROM HEADACHE. SPEEDY AND SURE CUBE IS WITHIN As these Testimonials are "masticated by Mr. SP ALIH Ines ;kw afford unqsationabis proof of Ma eacy Of this !flaw Seinitifie discov4ry. MR, Drumm. 15145ozivzLz.z, Conn.. Feb. 6.5861. I have tried our Cephalic Pills, and I rikatiem so welt that I want you to send me two dollars worth more. Part of these are fin the neighbors, to whom gave a few fifths first bon I got from You. Bend the Pills by_mati, and oblige Your ob't Segra_,.nt JAILED KENNEDY' mu, aPLI•DING• 311 • . I wish,yOu to send me one more box of your Cephaho Pill& /Mar 'arrival a [watt/eat of bewadt from them. Yours reveren AN tly. mAity N 5T01K1101742. OPIUM% 011331 L, HUNTINGDON COUNTY. Pa., .18,1361. IL Yu. SPALDING. Sus: You will please send me two boxes of your OmMeile Pills. Send them immediately. Respectfully youri. JNII. B. NIKONS. P. S.—.£ hays ratourod mob= of your Palo, motel Ala Skeet tzetiket. - Boma "Irrarion• Ohio, him la, R. C. SPALDING. Esq. Please find enolosed twenty-five canto, for which send ma another box of your Cepheho Pills._ new are tr./. tA bOar P ilis I A". " Sr S"L"' A STOVER - P. Pelle Vernon. Wiandot oct., Q. • BZVZIWY, MEWL, DOC. %MO. E. eapALDING, ESQ. I wish for some combing or large c how goblins your Oephisho Pills more particularly before Mrette tamers. If you have anything of the hind please send One of my customers. who is subject to stovers Eiok Ilesds.chs, (mmally lastics two dam) was curaci of gm Piits. which I sob AULliv% her. BOODOOW—M yours. W. B. WILKE& .111.5MOLDSZErRa, FILI.IIgLiN CO., Ohio,/ January 9,1811. RIMY C. BYALDIIII*I No. CS Ceder at. E. Y. tha Inclosed And twenty-five cents. (25.) for wh send box of " Cephaho ri ll s." Wend ro addreaa of Key. Wm. C. Filler. Fternoldsburg, Franklin Co.. Ohio. Your rills work liko ;14mm-6161v Hoodoo/to olmeal iartanter. Truly lOUTio Whi. C. FILLER. Ms. Br/ammo. Era : Not lone Nino* I sent to you fora box of Deutukho Pitt for the onre or the Nervous headache and Costiveness , and reoetved the same, and they had so goat an Afoot that /was inotucod to seed for =ors. Plows send by return mail. Direct to A. R. WREELEI. Yuailanti. MUM. FILMS EXiSdniMIT, Norfolk. Ti: Cephallo aosomplish the otdeot for whioh they were made, me.: Cure of headache in Ku forms. /ken As Ravonimr, Neriak, V. Whey have bean tested in more thane thousand oases, with entire nooses. From the Democrat, St. Mold, Mims, If You are, or have been troubled with the headache, afoul ihr a oin, ICeoliene Pills,luo that you may have them in ease of an atteok. From tAie Adetrtiss Prairie/m.11,R. I. The Cephelio Pills are said to be a remariably effee tive remedy fior the heudsehet.and one of the very beet for that very frequent ceruplazat 'which bee over been discovered. From ths Weston' R. R. Gazette, CAieago .111. We heartily endorse Mr. Spalding, and him unrivalled Cephaho Prom the Eastataha Tansy Star, rattataka, Ta. We ere rare that persons aufferitit with the headache, who try them, will stick to them. .Fl , 4ms thut SoettUr" Path Finder, Nem Orkamar, La Try them you that are afflicted. and we are inn that year teatneosy can be Mired to the already nomeratur eat that has reeeived benefita.that no other medicine can produce. Awn the Bt. Lends Democrat. the brawn* dpgusßd for t h e t! , rti9lo.(Geplue ! lio Pins) is 'rapidly 1110f01611126. /kW= As Gazsets, Davenport, Icoris. Mr. Spalding would not counsel his name with an ar ticle he did not Snow to roam real merit. -Woos Os Arlen-suer, providence. R. I. testimony in their favor or mama. from the most respectable culinary. From Ow Daily Norm. Nfssrport, Cephalic PiME are taking the glum of all kind'. Prate rho Commercial BeiWm, Besion. Mans NU to be very erneaoiope for the Misdealt,. Ames as Commercial, Cimismeaci, linfering humanity eon now be rebus& ilMr A' !Ingle bottle of PIIEPAKED *LIVE wtU ewve teA ihne! their mit alltleellVVll SPALDING'S PREMED GLUE I SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE ! SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE ECONOMY! Ilkir" A STITCH U TINI ISAVMS rilNi."llM As seeklents will happe n . even in well-regulated families, it is very damn le to have some oheap and oonvenient way for repairing Fernitare, Tova, Croake r!, :to. APALDING4I PREPARED GLUE meets all moll emergent:dm and no household can afford to do without it. It is always ready. and nu to the sticking point. USEFUL IN' EVERY ROME: , cent N. s B.—A Brush attoomranies each bottle. Price. 25 . Address. HENRY O. SPALDING. NO. 48 CEDAR STREET. IfET YORK. Agp oirt4in unplosittieled versant, are attempting to paint off op the morimeoting public. imitation" of tof PREPARED GLUE. I would Gannon all person" to ex amine before pnrehaaint. and we that the full name. Mir RIPALDINtiII /111ZAILIIP his the ettlinde "maw i all aeon ere Nellie= 1101111119111111. 11011141 DICINAJL WHAT A THEIR REACH. IlAvaitroup, Pc, Feb. 6,1861 YPSILANTI, Mica., AIL 14 /84. SAVE 111213 PIECES! DISPATCH! MOTION # # . COmp ail J. irc.ng muTulk TA INSURANCE COMPANY, OF FIiLLADHLFILLi g OFFICE, No. 30g 'WALNUT STRZ.E% Insures against LOSE OR DAMA. GE BY FIRE, on Rouses, (Bores, and ot h er r Duildings, limited or pereetual_,_ and on Fmnitarc. 000 Ge, wares, and Mer chandise, in town or country. CASH CAPITAL, 0211,119 00—ASSETS 3317,10 04. ' Whisk is invested as follows, via: In first mortgages on city property, worth double the amount— 162,900 CO Pennsylvania Railroad Co..' 6 per cent. first e mortgage loan, at par.._...`. 0,060 CO Pennsylvania Railroad Co.'s 6 per cent, se cond mortga.Fe load, pLOOO co Buntingtlon Flu Drood Top Railroad and Canal Co, mortgage loam—, --- 4,eop 00 Ground rent. rat-class. -3.462 00 Collateral loans, well secured....... :......_...__21100 00 City of Philadelphia 6 per cent. gimp 00 Allegheny. County 6 per cent. Pa. RR. 10an... 10,000 00 Commercial Bank stook— 5,135 01 Mechanics' Banketook— r . 2,512 so ;Tirreri a a n c ia r. g atc " folelntr s 84) : 1 &7 7- 13. steg 00 00 The CountrSoire Insurance Insura nc e I'o6o to The Delaware M. ts. Insurance Co.'s stook—. '7OO 00 Union Mutual Insurance Co.'s sonp-- soo 00 Hills receivable-14A7/2 74 Book accounts , accru ed interest, 7,104 56 Cash on hand--- 11,644 64 The Mutual principle, combined with the security or a Btook Capital, entitlee the insured to participate in the pretlts of the Company', without liability for !oases. Lasses promptly adjusted and paid. D/WECTORII: Clem Tingley. Samuel Bispham, William 31 1 1011 /6 1 0 11 , Robert Steen, Frederick Brown, William Musser. William Stevenson, Benj. W. TingleY, John It. Worrell. Marshall Hill, H. L. Carson, .T. Johnson Brown, Robert Toland, Charles Leland. G. D. Rosengsrtem, Jamb T. Bunting. Charles 0. Wood, Smith Boaten,_ James B. Woodward, John Bissell, Pittsburg. CLEM TINGLEY, President. 5. M. HINCUMAN. Seoretary. rebruary /6, /861. THE EN TERPRISE • •• INSURANCE COMPANY or PHIGADITLPEA. IFIEE INSURANCE EXCLUSIVELY.) COMPANY'S BUILDING, S. W. CORNER FOURTH AND WALNUT STREETS. DIRECTORS! F. /47CEPORE STLRE, MORDECAI L. DAWSON ' WELIAIII MCKEE, GEO. H. STUART, Exam° Es.zust, JOHN, B. BROWN. JOIN iN• ATWOOD, B. A. FAEKIIITOCE, Bah T,Titanica., ANERKW B. MEL ANNIE WHARTON. J. U. EREINGISL F. RATCHFORD STARR, Preside nt. CSAßLES W. COXE. Seoretstv. • fell - PENN MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, No. 921 CHESTNUT Street, Philadelphia. CHARTER RPETOAL. ALL THE PROFITS DIVIDED AMONG THE IN SURED. Insure Lives for short terms or for the whole term of life; •grant Annuities and Endowments ; purchase Life , Interest: in heal Eatate t and make ad contracts de panting on the contingencies of life. no, sot ea Executors, Administrators, 4lseignees, Trzstees. and Guardians. &MGM OF THE COMPANY, January 1.1981. Martgagra, ground rents, real estate— ,08:11,981 97 Untied States stook.. Treasury . notee, loane cd State of Pennsylvania, city of Flubs dalpttia,• • 268,796 Si Premium notes, l oans — n collateral - & a,o.— -. 237,694 58 Pennsylvania. North Pennsylvania Rail rinds. and County nix per cent. bonda 105.802 59 Balk, insurance, railroad, canal stocks, ho. 97,647 49 Caution hand, agents' balanoya, ho., 4ao 98,206 14 DANIEL L. MILLER, PreaMint... lm 02 jowlW. Rti aANNE.L .B E. STOKES. vice Preaident. NOR earetary. mh22-tf DELAWARE MUTUAL SAFETY IN EURANCE COMPANY, PHILADELPHIA. Ineerimated by the Legielatere of Penneylvalne, Moo E. E. corner of THIRD and WALNUT streets, PHILADEAPHIA. MARINE INSURANCE, On veeeehil Crgoh-,t, To avails or the World. Freig I LAND INausericm flood' by Rivers. Comae, ogee, and Land Car riages. to all garbs of the Union. FIRE INSURANCES On Merchandise generally. On Stores, Dwelling Rousse, &o. ANNETN OF TEE COMPANY, November 1,1780. raw= United States fivecent. loan-4100AD 00 112,000 United States wiz cent. Tressurf Note', ( with worried .. interest)--- 1 1 .9,483 1(X).000 Pen State five eon , loan. 06,970 00 11,600 do. do.- xis do. d0.1.1,04a 00 1E1,050 Philadelphia City cent . Loan. 135,203 77 00,000 Tennessee State five cant. loan_ .14,000 OD 00,000 Peonsylvaroa Railro id mortgoce Fox p cent. bonds—. 46,000 00 12,000 NO share', stook Germantown Gee Company. interest and pnacipal guaranteed by the City of Phila.- annul —.— 11.500 00 NM WO unarm Pon - aultania :Railroad Company, .. ..._. 3,000 00 IN3 100 !Mersa North Penneylvania Rail road 1,000 80 shares Philaaelphia . foe BWat and Steam Tag Company . . 1,200 00 ISO 6 'shares Philado_pl hiaann Ravre de- Grace Steam Tow-boat Company. 150 00 100 0 shares PhiLtdelphis Rxehanse Coman— _ 115 14100 shares Continental Hotel Co. 000 -- Cl) 00 9184,71:0 par. Coat 8547.685.64. Market vaL8554,556 n Bills receivable, for insurances made.----- 171,3E6 40 Banda and mortgagee.— 04.000 00 nead &date— 61,363 35 Balaton dila at Agenaias—Preminni on Ma nna Follows. Interest. and other debts due the Company.---. - • 11,1555 01 Scrip and stook of sundry Inference and other Companion . 2,811 SD OW on hand—in banks---- —.imam 10 in drawer.._....... 420 as 23,106 151 DIAEO7ORE. Idamned E. Stokes, J. F. Pentagon, Henry Blown. Edward Darlington, IL Jones Drooko, snag M'lrraine, - .6 - nomax D. Hand, Robert Burton, Jacob F. Jones, James B. M 7 Ferlsnal, Joshua P. Eyre, John B. &mete; Pittsb'g. D. T. Morgan, " 1 A.E. Ear—Ater. 60 .M MARTIN, President, '. NAND, Vioe President. „trete'''. nol7-ti" IE r- ;William Margin, Edmund A. Soudar, Inteap_hur Paulding, John E. EtirOleo John C. James Traqualri William Eyre. Jr.. James C. Rand W ill i am C. Ludwig, Joseph H. Beal, Dr. R. M. Ruston, George C. LaMar. Hugh Craig. Mules 7808. C. ILP.NRY LYLEDIRN. Sec VIRE INSURANth_ r.aCOLUSIVELY.- -IL THE PENNSYLVANIA. FIRE INSITRANGE ClMAPANY—lnemorated IA3S—GRARTER PEREL JAL—No. 510 WALNUT Street, opposite Indepeud enee Square. This Company, favorably known to the community for thirty-six years, continues to insure against loss or damage or Fire, on public or prime BniMings. either permanently or for a limited time. Also. on Furniture , ,of Goods or Merchandise generally' , on liberal Hoic k s Th e ir Capital. tostiher trit.b.,a,..t" :4 -.. • " ... " . "'" ;.474 invested in t h e . Surplus Fond l y! ,r centsmaL.,ost Metal manner. which enables thaw er to the insured an undoubted security in the ease of lone. Jonathan Pattemo D n l , R3cT°B limao . Haslehurst, Quintin Campbell, Thomas Robins, Alexander Benson, Daniel sniiih, Jr., William Montelimo, Smit John Devereux, Thomas h. JONATHAN PATTERSON, President. BEATON Srelno, Secretary'. api-ly INSURANOE COMPANY OF TB.E ATE OF PENNSYLVANIA—FIRE AND ALA.- wiE IarBUILAIICE Nos. 4 SAD Q EICHANUE BUILDINOIL Chartered in 1794--CaDital 1/100,00G—Peb. 1, use. sash tame, 11438,791 71. AU inverted in sound and available meounties—eon- Unite to insure on Vessels and Cargoes, Buildings, atoolsa of Merohandiee, ..ko on liberal tonne. DIRECTORS!. Teary D. Btherrerd. George R. etuart, Simeon Toby Samuel Grant, Jr., ' Charles Maoalester, Tobias Warner. William S. Smith. 'Thomas B. Watlson, W~D. El_pdt.L. Menu G. Ereeman. X 9 w alto, Charles S. Lewis, George C. Carson. 'HENRY D. SIDERILIIRD, President, IT/11./AM HARPER. Reorettisrr. . .16-11 IRE INSURANCE. - MECHANICS' J. INSURANCE COMPANY of Philadelphia, No. 1.3 S North SIXTH Street, below Race. insure Build ings, Ehrodm, and Merohandiae generally from loam or damps by Fire. The company guarantee to admit all loasem promptly, and thereby hope to merit the patron age of the SIRICTOMI. William Morgan, Robert Flanigan, Franoie Cooper, Michael Moueoy, illeorge L. Dougherty, Edward MoSevern, James Merrill. Thomas B. MaCormiok, James Duress, Joan Bromley, Matthew McAleer, Francis Fas, Bernard Rafferty, _-_ John Cassady Themes .1: Hemphi ll, Bernard R. HiAlsonan, homes Fisher, Charles Clare,_ ream McManus, Michael Cahill. • FRANCIE COOPER. President. JiIERVARD RAFFERTY. Reoretarr. ooM-ly A MERIOAN FIRE INSURANCE 00., INCORPORATED. 1810 CHARTER PER PETUAL. No. 310 WALNUT Street, above Third, Philadelphia'. Having a large paid -ep Capital Stook and Bongos, invested in sound arid available Seourities i _coatinnee to Insure on Dwellinev, Stored, Furniture, PleruhaUdiae l Vessels Inport and their carting, and other personal property. AU losses liberally and promptly adjusted. DISOWTOFM. Thos. R. Marill. John T. Levis, John Wels h ' James R. Campbell, Samuel C. morton, Edmund O. Patrick Brady, Chas. W. POCdtl2o7l Israel Morris. THOMAS R. MARIE, Provident. ALBERT C. S. CRAWFORD. Secretary. felll-tf V.IIOIIANGE INSURANUE - COMPANY 1._:• —Office No. 409 WALNUT Street. FM]; INOORAZIOR on _Rotuma and Merchandise genera neL ll7. an favorable terms, either limited or per- DIRECTORS: Jereraish Bonsai!, Thomas Marsh, John (4,. Ginnodo. Charles Thompson, Edward D. Roberts, James T Hale, Ilateuel L. Smedley, Joshua T. Owen, xenben C, Hake,_ John J. Griffiths. MPXLIAII HONBILL. President. JOHN (./. GINNODO, Vine President R.1011481:1 CO3. Secretary. SAYING FUNDS. "d hale. bet often, fills the Purse." IiF IR' 136 South Il l 'O k UlA Cl Struet, between ; iCheatunt end Walnut, Philadelphia, pay. all deposit" on demand. Depo!atom' money 11701111X1 by Government, State, and City Loans, Ground Rentz, Mort gases, ,to. - This Company deems safety better than large whim. oonseanently, will run Co timesth depo sitors' money, but have it at , all ready to retarnowith a per cent. intereet to the owner, as they home always done. 'hie Company , .• • nett'? suspended: Female., married or single, and Minors, can demwit in their own light, and such delimits osn be withdrawn ONLY Dy their concept. Charter perpetual. Incorporated by the State of Pennsylvania. with authority to receive money from truatees and exemitors. • LARGE AND SMALL SUM IIitCEIVED. O 8 ice open daily , from 9 to $ o olozb. and Go Wedmday evening until 8 o'clock. DIRECTORS. Jacob Itrahannqn. Ch Geotte adin CwalladeT, Jowl " jMBl.lXilli W. 4: loath Charles Luting ' !Jeremiah Osgravn, ylvary Delany, Nioholam Ritteuhog.se,ntitbaig_Blpecuey, J05.}1. EattortliTaitp, /ogee Yg Joh. r n dioxinAer. JAGO.I3 U. BRANNOLI, President, I CYRUS VADWALLADIsAr Trediurer. apti-li is A. Dollar tared is ►miee sarned.." WRITING AND LEDGER PAPERS.— We have now on hand. and are manufacturing to order, at the Mount holly Paper Mills, every de scription of WRITING AND LEDGER PAI , E.RN. whlch,_for color arid quality, are not excelled by any other Rips in the United Stater. • We Weald Gall attention to a new article of Paper manufactured try us, and now for sale, called Business Letter, which has been gotten up to moot the wants of hairinessmen and others, yrrio object to Commercial Note MI being too narrow, and do not wish to use part of usual letter sheet. This overoomes both the above objections ; is a per fect sheet, pure wove ; plate finish ; ruled on one side ; damped in centre near the top ; made from best ma terial. free ,rom adulteration, and put up In neat boxes, convenient for use. We also have a minor called Rank Letter, similar to the above, exeent it Etna bllt - halt the number of linen on. co en to edlow a enured monk or hoodin t_above. KEMPTUN & MULLIN Mount Holly Berman, Cumberland Co. The above Papers or be had of Messrs. J. p_ piNcors & an MEOARGEE BROTHER'S, Nor. 3 and a DECATU Street. rchrt-Itm 1/110-...125 tierces extra Leaf Lard, for sate by C. C. SADLER 00., 103 ARCH erniot, soooad door aboya.Front. ass-4i THE PENNSYLVANIA CENTRAL RAILROAD, 260 MILES DOUBL E TRACK. 1861. MegiRINIC 1861. THE TITCAPY OF THJS__IpAB_ItPW EQUAL ANY IN TUE COUNTmy, THREE THROUGH PASSENGER TRAINS BETWEEN PHILADELPHIA TEND PITTSBUIIO. Connecting direct at Philadelphia with Through Trains from Boston, Mew York, and all_points East, and the Union Depot at ritt,shorg wi th T hrough Trauma to and from all points rn t he West, Northwest, and Southwest —thus furnishing facilities for the transPortation ol Passengers unenumassed for speed and comfort br say other route. .Express and Feet Fines run through to Pittsburg, without change of Cars or Conductors. All Through ri auenger - • e raimt Provided with Longhridge'a Patent rake—speed under perfect oontrol of the engineer, Ulna adding mueh to the safety of travellers. 131/1031113 _Oars are attached to each Train WOOO - Swoons cars to Express and Fast Trainer. The EXPRESS RUNS DAILY: Mail and Fact Linea, Sun &Ye eagepted. Mail Train leaves Philadelphia at 7.110 A. M. Fast Line " • 11.45 A.M. Egprose Train leaves 10.45 P. M. WAY TRAMS LEAVE AS FOLLOWS: Harrisburg Accomm odation , via Columbia, RA P. ?d, Columba LOOP. M. Parkeeburg " at 540 P. M. West Chester " No. 1. at 8.15 A. M. No. 2 at 12 30 P. 141. West Cheater Passengers will take the West Cheater Nos. 1 and 2 and Cobitabia Trains. Passengera for. Sunbury ~ Williamsport, Elmira, Hof fain, _Niagara Falls, and, intermediate points leaving Philadelphia at 7.30 A., M. and i,30 P. M.. so' directly throngs'. Tickets Weetward may be obtained at the offices of the Company in Philadelphia, New York, Boston, or Baltimore ; and Ticions Eastward at any of the impor tant Railroad Office' in the West; also on board any of the regular Line of Steamers.on the Miesissippi or Ohio rivers _ en ,2a 04 ST Fare always as low, and time as quick, as by any other Route. For further information sooty at the MarketgLion, Southeast earner of Eleventh and streets. The completion of the Western oonnections of the Pennsylvania Railroad to Chicago, make thin the DIRECT LINE BETWEEN THE EAST AND THE GREAT WEST. The connection of tracks by the Railroad Bridge at Pittsburg, Avoiding all drayage or ferriage of Freight, together with the saving of time, are advantage!! readi ly &immolated by Shippers of Freight, and the Travel- Merchants and Shannon! entreating the transporta tion of their Freight to this Company, can rely with confidence [Wits speedy transit. TB..E RATES OF FREIGHT to and front any point in tne West by the Pennsylvania Railroad are at all times as Javorabie as are charged by other Railroad Companies. partioular to mark packages "via Penury! vania Railroad." • • - • --•- For Freida Contracts or Shipping Directions, apply to. or address either of the following Agents of the Company : • D. A. Stewart, Pittsburg : H. S. Fierce & Co., Zanesville. O. 3. J. Johnson, Rip ley, 0.; R. McNealy, Maysville, KY.; Ormsby & Crop r,lLt° Portam t O.; Peddeek On.. Jeffersonville, /adman; H. W. Jirown & Co., Cincinnati, O.LAthern & Ribbon, Cincinnati, U.; R. C. Meldrom, madmen, Ind. Jos. Ei Moore, Louisville Ky. ; P. G. (YHA ter & Co., Ind., Ind.; N. W. ' Graham & Co., Cairo, R. F. Sam, Smiler & Glass St. Louie. Mo.; John H. 'Harris, Nashville, Tenn • Harris & Hunt, Morn - Rhos, 'term.; Clarke & Co.,!Chtoago, 111. • W. H. H. Koonts, Alton, Ill.; or to Freight Agents of Railroad, At different eginte in the West. 8. E. KInGSTON, Jr, Philadelphia. Mei.OßAw & KOONS, e 0 North etreet, Baltimore. LEECH & Co.. 1 Astor 1i0n,, , or 8. Wdliam st.. N. Y LEECH & CO,. No 77 State street. Boston. • H. H. HOUSTON, Gen'l Freight Agent, Fhils, L. L. HOUPT, Gen'l Tioket Agent, E. LEWIS, Gen'l Sup't Altoona, Pa. la .183-1 Y 1861. 14§1Lims 1861 P.ll .0. AREANGBOIKRZ—DIEW . 'IVRK DIAEIS maim CANDM APP"' AMIOir MLA: -4. ND TRSNTOri AAILGMT .11 FROICIIiuLADELPRLA WONSW YORK Arlo 'WAY PLACE& TROX WALNUT-BT. WHARF AND rinternarom DMA , WILL LAAVR AB FOLLOW% FAIN. At 0 A. Pd., via Camden and Amber. C. and A. An uommodation _.sll 15 At 6A. M., via Camden aid Jersey City, ( N. J. ) Aooommodattonls At 8 A. M., via Camden and Jersey City, Morning Mail.---. (V At 11% A. M., vie: Kensington — and' Jersey City, Western EsPrega• - • lII° At isH P. M., via Camden and Anwoy Aooommo dation —_ Z At! P. M., via Camden and Amboy, C. and A. Ex ress 00 At 4% P. M., era Kensingto and Jersey City, live nisg Ezprege. e 00 At 4% P. M., via Kensington and Jersey City, Zd Class Ticket_--_- _.._._ 3 26 Ate P. M., via Camden and Jersey City, Droning' Mail_ . 3 00 At 11%P.M.. via Camden and Jersey Cit 7, South ern . . M At 5 P. M., via Camden and Ambov. 4000mmoda tion, (Freight and Passenger}--Ist class Ticket_ 2 26 Do. floe 2.1 Clem Ticket— 1 20 The OP M Man Line ring daily. The 11%P M., South ern Mail, Saturdays egoested. For Belvidere, Easton, Lambertville, Flemington, kn. at 7.10 A. m. from Kensington, and 2,1 i P. M. from i Wannt z stroet wharf. For Water Gap._ titroudaburg, Borankm, Wilkesbarre, Montrose, Great Bend, Igo., 7.10 A. M. from Kommagten. via Delaware. Lackawanna and Western R. R. For Mauch Chunk, Allentown, and Bethlehem at 7.10 A. M. from Kensington Depot, and 4% P. M. from Wal nut-street wharf ; (the 710 A. M, hno connects with train leaving Easton at 3.35 P. MO MPor fibmmt Holly, at 6 and 5 A. M., 2 and I% P.M. For Freehold, at 61. Pd.. and P. M. WAY LINES. For Bristol, Vrenton, ego., at 7.111 A. M., Of,And P. M. from Kensington, and 2% P. M. from Walnut treet whf. "Or Palmyra, KtVerterl. Delano*, Beverly Barlig ton Florence, Berdentevn. Jee., at 1 1 :4, 1;43i an P. it. Steamboat Trenton, for Bordentown and intermediate plaoes,_at P. ht. from Walnut-street wharf. sir For New York, and Way Lines leave Kensington Depot, take the ears, on Filth street, above Walnut, half an hour before denartaro. The ears ran into the dept, and on arrival of out train, run from the depot. Fay foluida of Baggage t only, allowed each P,assen ger, raagengere are prohibited from Miring anything se baggage bat their wearing apparel. All baggage over fifty pounds to be paid for extra. The Company limit their responsibility for baggage to One Dollarper Deena , and will not be liable for any amount beyond 6100, ex empt by eveohil eontraet. „ h 27 WP4. OATZMEI, Agent, WINTER ARRANGE -111 E N T.—PEILADELPHIA, *ERMAN OWN. D NORRISTOWN RAILROAD. On and after MONDAY, Nov. M. 1 340. FOR GERMANTOWN. Leave Philadelphia, G. 7,8, 5. 10. 11, and 12 A. Al., 1,? I, 3g, 4,6 6.4, 0,7, a, 2, /0.,X, and 11)1 P. Al, Leave dormaoloWn; 0. 6, 710. 8,834.9 10, 11 mid 121 M.. 1,9, 3,4 , 6,6, 6%, 7_Bo and 10N m. Offil 1, UNDAYS, Leave Philadelphia, 0.06 MD. A. M., 9, T o and 1034 P, M. 035 P. Leave Germantown, 9.19 min. A. 111. ,1 min., 6, and hi CHESTNUT EILL RAILROAD. Leave Pldladmvkia, 6, a, El, and 12 A. M., 2, 4. 8, 5. and I.OX P. M, Leave Chestnut Hills 7, la, 7Z. 8.40, and 9.40, and 1140 A. AL, 1.40, 5.40,1.10. and 0.06 ON SUNDAYS. - Leave Philadelphia, 9.08 A. M., 2and f P. XL. Leave Olieutuat Rill, 7.50 min, Al. AL , /2 06, 240, and mm. P. M. FOR QONMIROHOCKEN AND NORRISTOWN. Leave Philaoelphia, 5,60.734, 995, and 11.06 min. A. M., 1.06, 5.04, 434. 0.65. and 1131 P. M. Leave Norristown, 6,7, 8.44.9, and 11 A. M., 134. 454, and • P. 14. Oti eintniye. Leave Philadelphia, OA. Itl and F. Al ,,for Norris town. • Leave Norristown, 7.it - A Id. and 5 P. M. FOR MANAYVNK. Leave Philadelphia, 5.00, 734, 9 . 06, and 11.09 M., 1.06. 2.00, 8.06, um, 8.0601.36 P. Al. 5, 034 Le6 , and 030've Manaronk, 634, 2,6 a log A. AI., To Di, ciotaq a • UN SUNDAY& Lev elphis. 0 M.. 8, and 7P. 81 peeve At ISN, and 8 P.M. and SUperintendent. nele-t! DEPOT. NINA and GKEEN Streets. ailitmom NORTH PRN - NitaL. VAN!!! RAILROAD. FOR RETELMEN,_ DOYLRSTOWN_. MAYOR CHUNK, Is 'SLETON. and..ECICLEY.; THREE THROUGH TRAINS. On and after MONDAY, December d, IMO, Passenger Trainewill leave FRONT and WILLOW Streets, Phila delphia, flail (Sundays excepted), as follows At 6.30 A. 33.,_CExureas). for Bethlohopr: Al ; lentown, Numb Chunk , H azleton, WilYeabarro, /30. At 1,45 P. IS., (Express), for Bethlehem, Easton, This train reaches Easton at dP. M. and makes close conneetion with Bethlehem , Central for New York. At P. is., for Allentown. Stanch Chunk, At 9A. M. and 4P. M. for Doylestown. Ate P. M., for Fort Wealungton. The A..2D .A,.. _X. Express trans makes close commotion with the Lehigh Valley Railroad at Bethlehem, being the shortest cud. most desquide route to Wilkeebarre, and to all pointer in the Lehigh coal revolt. TRAINS FOR PRILADBLFRIA. Leave Bethlehem at 541 A. ht., CM A. M., and L F" M. Leave Doylestown at 7.26 A. M. and LSO P. M. Leave Fort Weenington at o r e A. M. ON BlTNDAM—Pfuladelphus for Fort Washington at 7.161 1 A. M. • Philadelphia for Doylestown at 4 P. M. Doylestown for PhiW.delptua at 7A. M. Fort Washington for Philadelphia at 5.45 P. M. Fare to Bethlehem-8160 I Fare to Mauch Chunk.S2 60 Fare to Banton 150 Fare to Wilkesbarre— 460 Through Tickets must be procured at the Ticket OtSoes, at WILLOW Street, or BERES Street, in order to secure the above rates of fare. Passenger Trains! ( except Sunday Trains) eonneet at Berks. Street with Fifth and Sixth-streets, and Second and Third-itreete Passenger Railroads, twenty minutes after leaving' Willow Street. del-tt ELLIS CLARE. Agent. aratiajpiti WRING A RRA MENTr—PHILADELPHIA, WILMINGTON,L A AND BALTIMORE RAILROAD. On and after MONDAY, 151861_, PASSENGER TRAINS LEAVE PHIL AWEIXRIA: For Baltimore at LB A. Mo 11.85 A. AL, (Exoreash and 10.10-P. M. P For Chester at 8.13 A. M., 11.35A.M.. LIS and 10.55 For Wilmington at BA A. M., 11 36 A. M., 4.15 and 10.ao P. M. For New Cmdle at 815 A. M. and 4.15 P. M. For Dover at 815 A. M. and CIS P. M. For Milford at 8.15 A. hi. For Salisbury R. 15 rd. mine FRS PRILIDELNUA Leave Baltimore at al5 A, PI. (Express), kV A. Mu and 4.46 P. M. Leave Wiliiiinston at 0.50 and 9.10 A. M., 1.00 and 8 P.M. Leave lialisbur at 1.40 P. Al. Leave Milford at 4 P. M. „ . A. Leave Dover et 0.30 A. M. and MO P. M. Leave New Oaatle at 5.25 A. M., 7,84. 301. Leave Cheater at 740 A. M.. 240, / and 140 P.M. Leave Baltimore gm - Balisbui7 an Delaware Rail road, St CU A. M. TRAINS FOR BALTIMORE: Leave Cheerer at OA A.M.. 32.05 and 1140 P. Leave Wilmington at 9.35 A. M., 12.05 P. A 1... and II A. M.... FRRIORT TRAIN, with Peesenger Oar r.ttaohed, will run ea : Leave Philadelphia for Perryville and intermediate Platee at 6.30 P.M. Leave Wilmington for Perrrville and naterlialtdiat• place. at 7.115 P. M. Leave Wilaziketpu for Philadelphia, and interme diate places at II r. 75. Leave Ravre-de-Grate for Baltimore mad intennedl ate atationa at 6A. SK. ' Leave Baltimore for Havre-de-Graoe and intermedi ate stations as a P. M. ON SUNDAYS: Only at MAO. P. M. from Philadelphia to Boltunom Only at CM P. M. from Baltimore toyitila4ol ti , 8.10 X. Xt. Tart. - rr , PHILADELPHIA ANDU READING Ro D.-PABSBN ER TRAINS for P(YSTBVILLE, READINO. and HARRISBURG , on and after/April 1861. MORNING LINES; DAILY,. [Sundays excepted,L Leave New Depot. oorner of BROAD and CALLOW HILL Streets. FUILADELPHIA„asumenrr entranoes on Thirteenth and pit Cailuwhill streets at BA. M., sonneoling_at Harnebarg with the PEN SYLVANIA CUMBERLAND. B. train ranninkto Pittsburg; the VALLEY ;If AL train runnniEto ehambentbur_g i Carlie ece. i _encl th e tiORTHMIN CENTRAL RAILROAR 1 P. auiralitt rulpling to Elin bury, fee. ' AFTERNO.O.N LINES. Leave New Deßo_, _t corner of BROAD and CALLOW RILL Streets, PRILADELPHI4,(Pessenger %trances on CALLOW RILL and on ciabilowhia etreete4 fgz aMi HARRISBURG, at L. *MY. for ARAIINN oars at e.l. itI..IDAWY, I aundays co_p_ma. 011- DtaTallrCFa VIA rIFILAD.ELPHIA AND READING RAILROAD. FROM PHILLDICLPHIA. Mille, To Phtealxvillas__; Rending— --- Yhiladeiphieittei je Lebenot -..._, 85 and Lobsizon Valley RA. Dauphin -_._114 klillerthurg.„-N1 ert.,_eiserton4 auction-ma Gordian Mort:nun borload levuslntrg .---rra Milton Williarceport Jens y_Shore l o ook Raven Ralston- Wilildittoort and Elmira ••••...1.11.. Railroad. `Rae eA. hitand Lau .m. train *dulcet deulE at Port Clnton, Sundme excepted.) with the_ CATA WISSA, WIL lANNYORT, and ERIEHAILRAD, making close connections with Linea to Niagara Faux. WestCanadtkliut_ and Sons eat. BMW NH ILADELE Corner BIA: of ROAD and CALLOWRILL Streets. ap2S.ll W. IL MoILTIENNEY, On velar/ Eget DAILY INLAND FREIE/T LINE TO NOR ROLLAND PORT MOUTH,' A., and to tho annol pal Cities and Towns in the Kogtb and Kotabwatt, clouds am to the Depot, corner BROAD Street and WAS BIN GTO N Avenue. will be forwarded do*, am} at as low ratan as by any other lino. - B.' F. KER/IF.lr, natia-tr - ajlte P r . ° W .r &B." R...rzaßtlc2. WEST 011115'1'4M K Ta TILSINB Yil PENN ot ai TULETI. . WEEKLY COMBITTNWATION BV STEAM BETWEEN NEW _YORK Ai I IiWE R POOL, calling at Q.C...174111T.0WN are land,) to land and embark nassaigewr and despatehee. The Liverpool, New York, and Philadelphia Steam ship Company's splendid Clyde-built iron sore, steam slupe, are intended to millets follows: FROM NEW YORK FOR LIVERPOOL. CITY OF WASHINGTON, Saturday. May 4 CITY OF MANCHESTER, Saturday. May II CITY OF BALTIMORE, Saturday, May IS And every Saturday throughout the year. from Pi ER N 0.44 N. 11. RATES OF PASSAGE THROUGH FROM PHILADELPHIA. i Cabin, to Queenstown, or Live r pool.. ` ._. —..-- 75 Do. to London, via Liverpool_....._ •••••- SO Stare to Qnsenstown, or Liverpoot.. _ _ __. 30 to London. - 33 DO: Return from Passengers forwarded to $61770, Paris, Hamburg. Bremen. and Antwerp, at through ratee. Cealficates of passage issued from Liverpool to New Yorkates of paeans $4O ceiso issued H Queenstown um to ew 430 see steamers have en nor aeaornmodations for passengere. are constructed with watertight compart ments and oarry experienced burgeons. For height, or passage apply at the aloe of the Com pany. JoHrt G. DALE, Agent. 111 Walnut street, Philadelphia. In Liverpool, to Wel. I g NMAN, Torc In Glaagow, to WM. trithaAri. 13 Dixon street. TILE BELTED AND NORTH AMERICAN ROYAL !LAIC TR.plff NEW TORE TO nruilt.rool.. Chief Cabluen° Second Cabin Pulsate 76 PROM BOSTON TO LIVERPOOL. Chief Cabin Yrienage— SOO Second Cabin fitaame-- 60 Who 'Moe from Near cal l call at Cork Haybor. he snipe from Boston at Halifax and Cork Her . bor. _ PP.RBJA, Capt. Judkins. AFRICA. Cant. Shannon. ARABIA, Capt. J. Stone. CANA DA., Capt. Anderson. ASIA. Capt. F. G. Lott. AMERICA , Copt MoAnley AUSTRALASIAN, NI AGARA,Capt. Moodie. Capt. E. M. Hoekley. EUROPA. Capt. J. Cook. SCOTIA. now building.) These vessels carry a Wear white light at mast-head ; gratin on !starboard bow; red on port how. NIAGARA, Moodie, le a ves Boston, Wednesday, May I ASIA Lott, York, Wednesday. May' 8. AA lA , Stone. " knoll, Wednesday, May IL AFRICA. Shannon. " . York, 4.9 eduesday, Mar Vt. EUROPA, Anderson, " Boston, Wednesday, May 29. Judtins, " N. York, Wednesday, Juno 6. AMERICA, Moodie, !! Roston Wednesday, Juno 21. ASIA, Lott, " rf.Yori,Weduoeday, June 19. Bertha not emu rod until veld for. An expenenoed Surgeon on board. The oners of these shins will not be aooonntable for Gold. Si lver, Bullion, Specie!, Jewelry, Preoions Stones or Metals, unless bills of lading are signed therefor, and the value thereof therein expressed. For freight or Pa/Sage,. apply to R. cuntArtv. mht-ti 4 Bowling Green. Bow York. - _ FOR VIE SOUTEL—CHARLEff, TON AND SAVANNAH STEAMSHIPS. t 11 •' 4i for ccxvls for wants other than the cities of-Charlesztrc ...d, naeannati, must he accompanied With Oertifidd invo ices,ki ineeirwmpt delivery . oettlgegzhaiTrro'btiligAl .14 4 8.1 ' 2 valv sent to the Cnstorn.hottee stores. The Steamship STATE OF GEORGIA _having been withdrawn for the present. the Steamship K EYSTONE STATE will run to both Savannah and Charleston, taking freights for both ports at the same time, pro ceeding first to Savannah, and from thence to Charles. ton, making a trip every two weeks, thus making de liveries as frequently in Charlegtoo and Savannah as wee. both ships weresnoiri-. -- saaengers iifii i;lisrisston will bs ticketed through from Savannah to Charleston by Railroad. Fare to Savannah, 8 1 / 1 ; through to Charleston. TM FOR CEA II LE 3TON A SAVANNAH. OWing_tothe Difficulties at C Weston. the Steamship KEYSTONE STATE, Capt. Marshman, has been with drawn for the present. Due notioe of her &alma will be given. Hoods received every day, and Bills of Lading signed at second wharf above Vine street. • INSURANCE. Freight and insurance on a large proportion of 00043 shipped South will be found to be lower lir these slate than by sailing vessels. MT insurance on all Railroad Freight is entirely unnitoim farther than Charleston* or Savannah, the Rai Compadnell Wong all risks from the.. points. Philadelphia to Now Orleans and intermediate points. Charleston and Savannah route, ookneCting .nth steamers for Florida, and with railroads ler Vow Orleans and intermediate points. eItEA'P RADUO7riON IN FARE. Fare by this route gs to 40 gar cent. cheaper than by the Inland Route, as will be seen by the following schedule. Throrigh tickets from Philadelphia, via Charleston and Savannah meamehips INCLUPOING MALEt on the itholo route, except fro m Charleston and Savanna h to Montgomery To Savannah.— —.ale 0.1 To Cohimlnni.. .1121 00 Charleston.— 16 03 Albany— —.. 23 06 Augusta_......._. 11 60 Montgomery .r., lb 00 Maoon--- 23 00 Mobile —.. 35 00 Atlanta—, 21 001 New Orleans..... SO 76 N. B.—Passengers by this route connect with the In land Route in South Carolina andgeorgia, travelling by the same oonveyanoes thence to New Orleans. No bills of lading signed after the atup lima gaited. No freight received on the day of sap Agents in Charleston, _T. S. & 1.0. LI Savannah, NUTTER &GA A ELI T,_l3. &. T. G. BUDD. Cha rleston , and HUNTER & GAMMELL, Savannah, will attend to entering and for warding all goods oonsigned to their care. laialiti - 11 , OCITIG.— PHILIWELPHLL .AND El /51MA R OAD. WArli HOWIE to Taradlliti Catawba's. _lm part, Ise o,lSiorantan, Dartl,Mton, _wit lianmeorti. Trot. Ralston, Canton. h Nonfat*, Niagara . eater, Clevelluid etroi Toledo, chteage, t. , althea, and all points orth and West. 1 jaleancer trit t n e kwe leave the new DepotafotsPhi r katITTIILL, Otrata (kassetSe ° r r gi e jsanoa On (V (Ow l t,) daily Minden ezoeptod), for a'seve points, aa lo we MONT ~........ . .P. M. The S.OP A. M. train tblineots — at Rupert, for Wilkae herrn, Plttaan, SornntArse, and all stations it t he , LACKAWANNA AND BtOOII,I3BURG Rity.ii AD, The above timing_ rapt or Mot eenneotlo.7 a al ra with the Ina of the ir Otk andigiVitridairna and Niue Ind alo, Nov fir rip, and ;ew Yorl n Nallrodsts , tram al Dein /1011111 and eat, an 0 .., EV.3lle tA PlT= " ta la •Po ' t i ti ale. and 81449" i" tio l tad in eh nan be in:leered ' at the Yteladelptua and Bi mini ilroadkar VaTiekst ONoitotorthweist Dormer et SIXTH and OH k L.IN UT atreeth and at the Paasenier Depot. oonaeroi TIORTEENTHand CALLOWNILL, TRROUG EXPREss FREIGHT TRAIN Leave the Phil : delphia and Reading Depot, Broail and Callawtill Etre t 'astir Okndoys exoested), far all volute wog:tea North as ,P. at, Frettnts ma.' toe del ivered WIWI 4P. IC tit Isms their going the 1 algae da , For farther lefa ' r at Freight Dept, lAlltitE c tiMit 0 LL, or to * P , Jjeaoral i et oat, Nerthwast ASST SI sat lONE:an Streets, Sial-tf Is 1 1.111,101,111, Worgim m WEST UHISTER. RAILROAD, AND P.N.MADRLPHIA MEDIA. COILING ARRAN OBMENT Og twil after Mundar . March 11,2861, t he trams will leave Philadelphia, from the Depot, nort MASI corner of Eighteenth sae Market attests, at 8,00 A. M., sad 1,4, and LIM 1". M.* The Freight Train, with game ter esr attached, Will leave _West Philadelphia at 6A. Z ., running a; far as the Baltimore Central On Sundays, leave nilledelgbia at 8 A.M. and 2P. M.; lam) West gloater at 7.30 A. M. and 4.110 P. M. WI W trim leaving Philadelphia at BA. M. and 4 P.M. eonneot at r ennelton with trains on the peliadelplue and Baltimore Central Railroad. _l_o7 ennott. Oxford. As. REM RY WOOD. anal General Stipenntendent. NOTICE. —CHESTER VA DO tßAVi d itt)A D. •••PikB - ti it TRAMS . 1C Dow PitttuToWS4 N ov. ND ta- TE MEDIATE BTA flff.7.—On arid after N ow, MO the Passenrar rains for DOP7NINOTOWN wits fln the new asaenger Depot of the nii 2- dolphis an Reading Railroad Company . Cotner of BROAD 411 ceLpowathi, Streets, (passenger en tranoe on Callowhill M. ,1 nitmourie TRAIZ( for r.z.valngtcden learea at 8.00 A. AFTTNOON TRAIN for Downinctown leans at 41P. AIL (Sondays excel,ed). r order of the J3oard o Managers at the Philadel phia and Readies Agit Coupon ad w. . humor:am Y.Bearetary. WEST CHESTER and PRILADELPHIAIt RAIL ROAD. via MED A. -- NOTICE TO PERSONS SEEKING sUltr ER BOARDINCi.—in order to ihrs lea increased isoilitiee during the coming:Si/mu:ler. the Woit Cheater and Philadelphia Railroad Company intend running not less than_six daily trains each way between Philadelphia and West Closter, one of which wilt be at nista. tionneoUnt with two ilall trains each tray on the Philadelphia and Baltimore ntral .R.Ml road (exoept Sundays. when there will be two trains each way between Philadelphia and West Cheater.) Persons desirous of being in the oily early end late. will be accommodated by this mrrartgeirtAnt. Fear ‘ lind for the summer oan now be obtained at tte many t i de sirable localities having time and health situatiOns on the West Chester an ol Philadelphia an Philadelphia and Baltimore Centre JiteilreaWa For &Via for sea son Coupon Tmlpate. 0 . apply at the Joliet 07. in the pezot, li. h.. no rue( ,EI tr ft /888 TR anu MA R EAT MAIM. HiinlY WOO . apIA-mws ltn Oenenbl Superintendent. kortkorn Contra, 114.1rnil. is bars await Erie Lit. THIS ADAINL .( S gailki/J238 INFLAPRIBM1,0118; 0 19 Olijinnattreat. forwards Par P.I_LC4, sites. v Lohz-n ..7—..1,-,: t M Paawls. s sr ET WP ta • , ida Sr GU ma COAVflt. W the taUlfitmli Wiry* ouidi slims of tits IL: Eler aANI/FOID. leis-11 _ ow: n.;,r.. ■u.smic ft...xi. ALIVE OlL.—Pare Olive Oil, +‘ Latoing XL'lOHK j areValla r r al ma r k NA VA! lativ- FURNESS, BRINLRY, & 00., no. 421 MARKET EYELET rosTroriEMEN'r. NOTield.—our sale of fanny goods advertised for Teem's' and Wednesday April 23 And 24, is postponed until further notioe. 1% . F. PANCOART, AUCTIONEER, ENG .'. 1 • oossor to B. Scott. Jr., 431 CHESTNUT St. POSITIVE SPECIAL SALE OF SOO CASES STRAW Comm. This Morning. May 6th, at 10 o'olook preoisely, , will he road, by cabs logos— e large and attractive assortment of straw goods, consisting in part of medium to fine pedal braid. Flo rence. straw. Leghorn. &o. Collura nnets in great variety. of the best and most desirable shapes. Also, a full line of 1, bite and colored ttonlevards, Eu rekas. Veronas, and other fashionable hate—all new and uesirabia scions. BRERIFF' oI This M o goiLE OF DRY GOODS. May flth O at 10 o'clock, a large st , ok of Staple kiue rloan and I mported Dry oods. by order of Sheriff. Included in sale will be found— American and kniliuh yrtatr, delaines, barsgss, lawns, pla:de, fancy dress good. White and brown mu:- line, drilla, wait° end colored alamata, cassimorae, sa tinets, being a full and oompleie stook of desirable staple goods SHERIFF'S SALE—STOCK OF GROCERIES. Ort Tuesday Monnns. May 7. commenoing at 10 o'clock, upon the premises, of 110 Market street, a large and well 'elected &took of grooorlei, consisting, in part, fine teao,loo he, sugars, wines, brooms, Wakens, soaps, nuts, fruits. inmates, &O. Also, good-will, fi xtures. and lease of store. IgAIE AMERICAN AND IMPORTED DRY GOODS, EMBROIDERIES, RIB eONS, FLOWERS. An., by catalogue. On Wednesday Morning, May 8. oommoneing at 10 o'clock. piimup FORD & 00., AUCTIONEERS, No. 630 MARKET ntroot and 3511 MINOR I% By order of.Assiness. POSITIVE BALE OF DRY GOODS, rILOTHING r FANCY GOMM GU edB. PIaTOLB, Ac., Ac. On Tuesday Morning, May 7th, at 20 o'clock precisely, be sold by on.tis tome. for oaeh, a gook of goon by order of aseigneee. consisting of dry goods, ready-made clothing, fancy goods, guns. pisiti!e, cutlery, gilt jewelry, Ac., &0., to which the attention of buyers is invited. POSITIVE SALE OF 1.000 CASES BOOTS, SHOES. AND BROGANS. On Thursday Morning. May 9. at 10 o'clock precisely, will be sold, by oats logne- -1,000 oases men's, boys' and youths' calf. kin. and grain boats,calf, kip , and grain brogans, Congress gaiters , calf and Pat Lea Oxford ties. walking shoes. ko.; wo man's minims', and children's calf, kip, goat. morocco and kid heeled boots and shoes, gaiters. slippers, bug ling, &o.; Mao. a large and desirable &assortment of first.olass city-made goods. NT Goods open for examination, with catalogue., earl/ on the mormoc of into, MFITZPATRICK BROB., AtJu • TIMMER!, 604 CB_EBTICIT Direst. 414v4 Sixth. 13A1,3.3 v z;NINfi. At 7 eekldk, of Books, stationery and faney geode. watohes. jewetry, clocks, ether slated ware, eialsri. paintings, musical instruoments, &O. AbOy Hastert, dry goody, boots and shoes, and mot , *heaths. of every description. DAY HAMER eves . Monday. Wednesday, and Fri day MID o'clock A. . VATIC EALEB. At private sale several large oonsignmenti of watches, Jewelry, books. stationery, silver-plated ware. cutlery, fanny gooes, ,to. To which is solicited the attention o f sit y and country merchants and other.. Consignments solicited of all kinds of merahandise for either Dithlie or private sales. leir Liberal cash advances made on consienatentai Out-door sales ormantlY attended to. SHIPPING. SPECIAL NOTICE RAILROAD LINES. EXPRESS COMPANIES. THOMAS tc 80N3, • No„. 139orma and rly 141,..nnth 001.1 Pa A P me 13 n, THE EAT MODEM, AVE trgnict, ,„. Pdtsenth etroot, will be held at pnreht tic! ft7".Y4 de.tr, at e. moderate pnoe. STOi.tXB AtIP REAL Ehl'all BALEX AT THE IllgettAttGE Elftky , i . air Handbills of sank proberts Immo . 0 ,,,t...k1.4 : addition to whioh we publish , on tt.seararee,'"KlT.ii to each sale,. one thotts4nd eata.ogs ee , i a thirly t, form giving lull desoriptions of all the srept t oltddv sold on the inilowing Tuesdel. ")t. every deeonsition c.f . oar ass E l % REAL. ESTATE. AT PEINATE BALL We have a large amount of real eons Eg sale, inokfce Property. VA lists may be had at the se m , ' , Mary .PRI VATE BALA; ILEGIIITY.R. "nO4 lei Real estate entered en oar priv. temie . and advertised occasionally in our Pub li c Ws itt l iOrs, tor 'which ono thousand 00PiCal are sm i t k ttk 4k tree 01: charge. wilt BTOCKB, &c. On Tuesday. 111.84 7, at 12 o'clock noon, at the Phil adels hj ggj change, will be mold— Without reserve, for account of 'WIIO/1/it p 117 cern -100 shams Wromins Canal abinseey, m , without without reserve for non aaywcut of each, / 660 shares Bohemian Mining Conmany, For account of whom it may concern -6 bonds, $6OO each i $ 3,00 04 Boston Coal Also. for account of whom it may concern— co . )tt l• elatton . 185 shares Baltimore City Paavenaer ahhwe REAL ESTATE SALE-MAy 7. VALUABLE RESIDENCE AND L,Altllk ie Buylington. N. J.. fronting on the Deinw Gant. Wood street, and Pearl street -thr ee Ott Nee the modern eneveniettoes. Te ma is VALUABLE WHARF AND LaGe Ltyr' lington. In front, on Green Rank, or Riess Re. KB feet front. and in depth Wis feet. Go e i t„Pligu e. Orphanx' Court Dale - EMIII of Henry gig.d, THREE-STORY BRICK D WELLING, Lig:- street, month of Morgan. with a sei ne d weßiar ii °l4 'ear. 76t name Estate.-THREE. STORY BRICt sge east side of Eleventh street, adjoining g„ with a two story brick dwelling in the rear. DWB sne .setate.—FlVE TIIRRE- STON Y Y ELLING'S, north /Ado of Quarry Watt, ea ,' Third. MODERN RESIDENCE, No, 111. Frsialth e no H n at g i. l D r g o O p M la E r. MO me rry RESIDENCS, De ifelb r Dipyristown, Montgo conMy, pa. VERY VALUABLE FARM AND GOUNTs Delawareer 103 acres nor h frontine on the • second ferm north of " Andaiss m , 4,4 4 " a valuable Shad Ftohery, It le neer Dro li landings, and direotlr commits Corawali wation.T,Z ton Railroad. The fishery sad farm rent !corm,: exolusive of the mansion and lawn. SPECIAL PEREMPTORY HALE-MAV O'CLoCK IN THE EVENING, By order of Assignee. on Tuesday Evening, May T. at 7 3: &cloak, withOltt tenure the I ori• ov:4 properties, viz.: HANDSchIt. RESIDENCE, No, ills Jam woe., west of Nifteep RESIDENCE, Lot 23 feet front. HAN DSQM E No. IMO g lea west of FineentS. lot 32 feet front. ntpor s THR treet EE -STsouth uRY o Vine. DWELLING, -0 le . B_UILDING LOT AND STABLE, Perry strelLuilit. of Vino. BUILDING LOTS, &Quitman corner of Hsu, t Sixteenth streets. id, THREE-STORY BRICK DWELLING, N. ikt Wood street,west of Sixteenth. BLE. No I..HREE-STORY BRICK DWELLING AND yy. 1620 Wood street. • a 'THREE STosy BRICK DWELLING,No 111 street. west of Thirteenth. L , THREE-STORY BRICK DWELLING, N 0.28 ti c , Sixteenth street. THREE-STORY BRICK DWELLING, Shrttm,,. runner Sixteenth and Pearl streets. lofl7by 76 fe,;. THREE-STORY BRICK DWELLING, shiest.. street. seoo_ocl house north of Pearl. 'IWO COTTAGES, on Penneylvania avenue,Atap_. Cif, N. J. THREE-STORY BRICK DWELLING, Dirteir.i° street, north of Peari• Lot 17 br 10 feet. BRICK DWELLINGS AND CARPENTER ;lot Nos. 212 and 224 Madison street between Ram Vine west of eleventh. hot 31 by Is feet TWO TH i tk r lE- STORY BRICK DWELIGS'S,: 1111, an Int Diviston street, north of c s i im, • and east of ellith street. LARGE AND VALUABL Nineteenth rner of Trme son and Edgemont streets. ward, IN to hi feet. BUILDING LOT, York street, Nineteenth Irard,t: by 7 00 feet. BUILDING LOT, Christian street, west of Tre.l•..!. 18 by_loo feet. BUILDING LOTS, Everett street. west of Welk. south of Christian sale will lot 16 br 76 feet. Ifir The entire sale will be aboolate, DI Order of Is eignee. ear' Full descriptions and partionlant Me, be hid handbills, at the Auction ROOMS, Stir Sale will oommenoe premeely at half put sate, o'clock. Sale No. 938 Lombard treet. HOUSEHOLD I. ORNITUREZCARPETS, This ?domain, 6th inn.. at 10 o'dlook, at No. MG Lombard atrotl !4 low, Tenth, the household and intehen furoluire, De e. &0., ere. family declining boueekeemg. Ilkir May be examined at 8 o'clock on the mortnt L. the sale. Bale at Nei. W and HI Rooth Fourth !Ozer SUPERIOR PORNITURE, FRENU-PLAI S RORS,, PIAI I 4O-PORTItsr, ERUSSELb CAR Ere . OA Thunder Morning, At 9 o'clock, at the AtioUpti esters, en astertmrtt of excellent second-hand furnitore. ele.eant piano-foam fine mirror', carpets , etc., from femme. limier! ) housekeeping', removed to the store for commute o, sMe. Bale No. 6C7 Market street, LARUE STOCK FINE Wllyilf AND .I.IOUORR,k, On Friday morning, May 10, at 10 o'clook, by catalogue, at No, 601 street, a large stook of fine wines and liquor/, inekur.:c fise ta berry. Madeira, and Port wines. Clismosio. Claret, &o; o'u high grade brandies, whisky. gin, iv.. bitters, fancy liquors /kn., in casks and Wife,. Also, the counting - douse furniture and stand rasa, OSLS NATHANS. AUOTIONEi• zt vm- AND COMMISSION' MERCHANT, tkottioat oornor et SIXTH And RACE Streets. AT PRI VATS SALE. Some of the _futest GOLD PATENT LEVER are DRRONOM TER WATCHES matisfachltell. at tit! th i e serial se ins prices, gold lever and feriaU 'der ? ver lever and lapin° Vrofohes, &elan, 1104 reach watches, at astonishingly low vices, lesser of every description. very low,gune, me Una,in struments, first quality of Havana cigars, at half the importation price, inluantines to twit welasaen, sod various other lands o roods. SPLENDID SET F DIAMONDS AT PitlVkik. BALE Consistln. of diamond and oval bretatri , s' 24 oa t ' rings. Price 3550. Cost in Perin 01,15 e. A splendid single-stone diamond bresivirtn, ler 1159, coat $925. OUT DOOR BALES Attended to personally by the Auctioneer. Corungnmente of any and every kind of L050:10:. MONEY TO LOAN sited. MORES NATL..% $21,000 to loan, at the low rates, on dishhrt%, watches, jewelry. silver plate, dry goods, elothlw, aeries, cigars, hardware, cutlery, pin.. 1104. Sib re , bedding, and on goods Of every desnnytiolot large or email amounts, Does one dollar to tlioessidat for any lonEtti of tllne agreed on. ilk The Oldest Estetnietted Again in [history. S Private entrance on JACIS Street. NI - Business hours from 9 A. Irl to 9 E. 51. weary 11.11suramols fo• O. benefitof des.volugs. Irr CHARGES ONLY T o reset CEra. Slir Advances of glao and upwards at two per pew. drauces of *la/ and upwards. et one percent. tel. I • ort loans. MACHINERY A_ND IRON. Oa PENN mum AMU Am BOILEI WORTB.—NBAFIB PILACTIT AA Irlippgtkalooti Elt AlAGgiti T§3 jiWitEA-MAXEllar BLAtlia and rOW D LlA n ic tea mans Team been le roceseauffel operation, boon ezoltunveiy imaged hailding and repaying ine and River Engines. luti and low preseurs, Iron Boats, Water Tanks, Propene's. &o,relpeetfully offer their eerveiee to the ea being fatly prepared to contract tor Enti:at a • rises, Marine, Elver, and Btationeav , hint[ lett tt astern' of different mists. are 'pewee t, meet' C aere With Clack dearttatotk. Every deeniotioe of Pine's shag made at the 'diorama .riottae. High lull Law enure, Flee, Tubular, and Cylinder Boiler", of tit Pennervanie ehareoal iron. Forging', demist and kinds ; Iron and Brass Outings of elf desertion': 101 l 7urning, Screw Cutting. ate ail otter 110Tk 1141- looted with the above toorinets. Drawing' and apt eilloatiorot for all emit Lem tt P A !, establiehment, free of charge, and Wilrh tLaarebr it. The sabeen berg have ample when deo reo,o (or N yman; Of boats, where they oaa Ile in et , 'lees ram and era provided with shears, blankes t ea, far raising heavy et Bar WICACti. JAlrns TESYBS. JCJIR and FALTER Oro:. Y. VAlItilIA.N3OB:f 1. tors, watiass siLlam i t : 211.117L1Y 1131111:1. ROUTIIWARK OITNDRY, FIFTit AND WASHINGTON ISTREEtt, ILADZI.PIXIA. MERRICK & LIONS, HNGIN 888 AND AlAOHt ' ~(tfrd. Manufacture Hi[ i and Low Prosswie 6teata for land, river. and marine serrit4 Boilers, Gasometers, Tants, pros Boats, ko; CHI Inge of all kinds, either Iro(14 brass. Iron Prams Roofs for ccia Works, Workshos, lr road Stations. &o. Retorts and iGmi ononMachinery of the latest led 11101111 . roved pontrtr. beery 4ialoriptltin of Plantation Machinery, moti w, Saw. kod Grist Vaanum Pam, prey Steam Trailu. Defeoators, Falun, Paultosis tsri Bole Agents for It ) itilheare Patent Bear Bol:mt A PPralt 4 s . . , ogr-pui ar ratan' Steam Hammeruaat ao 'Ravel ec, I Patent Centriflual Suter MaaMy machine pbENT PLRANANT FOUNDRY, No. 961 iwoklrftli olcrimbiat9umaxil2M•ll:ill6n2l:".hr 6 rata 1 1/ 10 • %Viten? a :no spore /oak /' us 111 n n. V 14 1404.•• ordoEs for R6lllOl and Saw ~.; 1 d NFItiSosPI G•e "" °8-. Work , lllMl zzasi r. —.aims sumo from WIT Wry oy elkisw Is ~, is in or tallan " 3 "dr OMR. mt.. :3i1:}I~1 4 J:IIt.~;i:I;a RUMNESS MEN ARE ADVERTISING' in the Best Newspapers of City sod , ‘" au/ the Offices of JOY, COE, & Co. , ADVERTISING AGENTS. FIFTH and CREXINUT STREETEL.AuIedethx TRIBUNE BUILDING. New 'fork, ee/ ALFRED D. BRION.'2 UNITE! RTA,TES EUROPEAN PATIINT OFFICE' No, 144 EOLITH FOURTR grids?. PHILADELPHIL, tam ed / Vattinit ni L b awn of U. B. (new) and Riwors oas be H 0. ULLMA N, ATTURNEY•!T -• LAW. JEMMY SHORE Poaaarlvtnis• Caelotions Prattielar made to Canton and Li 00 1" aoantme. 11117M1 70 Move, Walter & 4qiuo. kiladelobis • ►erea~ Bore maim tiarerott Cm, rai . y, er. PhiLaila.; Frlternot ion , e, Akit a :Tam Lokk ia p c : l , , r d e ; .y rra d ; nolde . . Rowed Reiff. Thatch er r"' le" JOHN ELLIOTT, WINES and LIQUORS , N°4 * 317 and 319 WAldita etreet, (bum"' stores. between Third awe( Fourth, u orthmde.)Fha t• delphia. N. B.—Fine Old Whielnen &twills on blird• (Established in 2846.) seto-ir pAWSON NICHOLBON, BOIIIC9INDRItk Nos. 619 arid 691 MINOR Etroat, &bre6.ia Market. aqiirant! lolttela. PH 5 1kMES PAWBO/I.ILADEL AB. B. NICHOW I4 LTS-ly• SFIIGIThrr k BONS, • IMPPRTERB OF HAVANA t 110,40. no. $lO gosith FXOII7/ Strtet.m OMIvo retisihslY oral mosortment of atarS. 4 whim they ;LW as low rams, for 1016 1 ` r Droved °milt. Y MIIRPHY-WEfIPPLIC IRON BRIDGE , . atoms, qintalg o ly i & suirrox , ich. aoZt wALrt ETHER - Tr PHILADELPHIA, Bog leave to inform Esilroad Ccieor_ a lg, and 00 5 4 interestertin bridge oonstrueti ocuseetion in business wi th;owl K. MURPR 'gill I Eng loser, (author and e: fantor of s p or e sei4 tbsr Wive foil.. known plea of iron bridge ' ) a pp are prepared to e: nu orders, from any pert or sad personal su,nribt..sndpeteo, * Use reentry. from his o•• • Id bo Al ' /eueng rika.!:rig to piens and estimates oboe addressed to . W. 'MURPHY Civil Ensodon uml - ew re 7 0170fiE.UVICitEY. & fr j HAMPAGNE.—Ve. aliquot, Lallemand , Due.' Grupe, end iktl of De Veno%e h Ca. 7 i Dunes. for este by JA UKETCHE dr. Urtlinilli a, ,1011 and 204 South FRONT /Street. D.--Ordors for the direct Importation of &AY o L, th boss brands wilt ha Puu c • attanded to. HAVANA CIGARS just 1 9 000 9 0U 1 - 7 raoeivad ter itnainerd Oita and lomatlc, comprising Cabanas. Figaro. Pat was, Conmdante. Black Bea. ranch I nello, F.: telly:el a . b i to ra nXi . lio, ac of all sires and qualities, as a i for sale at kot rake. by CHAR(, irKTE aal-IRt /.3 1 4 ALN FILE MANUFACTORY* 911 NSW 11174211 T. File. and Renew of sway description, and nr qualm'. made to order .1n aboyet wnning"' WHOLRALE awl RETALLI at mannfamnrara wino. Enamel's done in a superior meow. anl-dlna B. IMAM
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers