THE REBELLION IN THE SOOTS• Virginia Annexed to the Southern COn.. tederacy. The following is the Virginia EocoiSloll heroanee that the Convention agreed upon 'alai ont gomery Government AN ORDINANCE To Repeal the Ratification of the Constitution of the United States or Anterior& by the State of Vir ginia, and to resume all the rights and powers graut ' ed under sid Constitution. The Iwoe or vi r eni-L, in their ratification of the Constitution of tie trained States of America, adopted by them in convention on the twenty fifth day of Jane, in the year of oar Lord one thousand seven hundred and eighty.eight, having declared that the powers greeted under the said Constitu tion were derived from the people of the United States, and might be resumed whensoever the same should be perverted to their injury and oppression ; and the Federal Government having perverted said powers. not only to the injury of the people of Virginia, but to the oppression of the elaveholding States Now, therefore, we, the people of Virginia, do declare and ordain that the ordinance adopted by the people of this State, in Convention, on the twenty-fifth day of June, in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and eighty eight, whereby the Constitution of the United States of America was ratified—and all acts of the General Assembly of thin Stale ratifying er adopting amendments to said Conetitution—are hereby repealed and abrogated ; that the Union between the State of Virginia and the other States under the Constitution aforesaid is hereby dissolved, and that the State of Virginia is in the fall possession and exercise of all the rights of so vereignty which belong and appertain to a free and independent State. And they do farther de clare that the said Constitution of the United States of America is no longer binding on any of the citizens of this State This ordinance shall take effect and be an act of this day when ratified by a majority of the votes of the people of this State, east at a poll to be taken thereon on the fourth Thursday in May next, in pursuance of a schedule hereafter to be enacted. Done in Convention in the city of Richmond, on the seventeenth day of April, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty-one, and in the eighty fifth year of the Commonwealth of Virginia. (A true copy ) Joss L. Banana, Secretary of Convention. An Ordinance for the adoption of the Constitit tion of the Provisional Government of the Confederate States of America. We, the delegates of the people of Virginia, in Convention assembled, solemnly impressed by the perils which surround the Commonwealth, and appealing to the Searcher of hearts for the reoti tude of our intentions in assuming the grave re sponsibility of this act, do, by this Ordinance, adopt and ratify the Constitution of the Provi sional Government of the Confederate States of America, ordained and established at Montgomery, Alabama, on the eighth day of February, eighteen hundred and sixty•one ; provided that this "ordi nance shall cease to have any legal operation or effect if the people of this Commonwealth. upon the vote directed to be taken on the ordinance of secession, passed by this Convention on the 17th day of April, eighteen hundred and sixty -one, shall reject the IRMO J (A true copy NO- L. _EUBANK, Secretary. CONVENTION BETWEEN TEE COMMONWEALTH OF 'VIRGINIA AND THE CONFEDERATE. STATES OF AMERICA. Tee Commonwealth of Virginia, looking to 'a speedy union of said Commonwealth and the other slave States with the Confederate htates of Ameri ca, according to the Provisional Government of said States, enters into the following temporary convention and agreement with said States, for the purpose of meeting pressing exigencies affect ing the common rights, interests, and safety of said GeMatanWealth and said Confederacy ; let. Until the union of said Commonwealth with said Confederacy shall be perfeeted, and said Com monwealth shall become a member of said Con federacy, according to the Constitution of both Powers. the military foree anti military opera tions, offensive and defensive, of said Common wealth, in the impending conflict with the United States, shall be under the chief control and dim tion of the President of said Confederate States, upon the same principles., basis, and footing as if said Ceeimonwealth were now, and during the in terval, a member of said Confederacy. 2 a. Th• Lemmonwealth of Virginia will, after the e‘'estun te 'tio of the Union contemplated in this Convention, 'nil her adoption of the Coned- Auden for a Government of said Con federate Stet", and she -"all become a member of said Confederacy, under eale.permatient Conetitn tieni if the same occur, turn 0, 9. to said Confede rate States all the public propery, nava l stores and munitions of war, Ac., abbe t'ay then be in p o ssession of, acquired from the Unite... J .9pm,, on the same terms and in like manner en j i be States of said Confederacy have done in like cases -31. Whatever expenditures of money, if any, said Commonwealth of Virginia shall make before the Union, under the Provisional Government, as above contemplated, shall be consummated, shall be met and provided for by said Confederate States. -This Convention entered into and agreed to, in the city of Richmond, on the twenty-fourth day of April, 1801, by Rlavander 11. Stephens, the .duly anti:raised Commissioner to act in the -matter for the said Confederate States, and John Tyler, Wm. Ballard Preston Samuel DUD_ Moore, James P_ Holcombe, James C. Bruce, and Lewis E Ear Vie, parties duly authorised to act in like manner for said Commonwealth of Virginia—the whole subject to the approval end ratification of the proper au thorities of both Governments respectively. In testimony whereof the parties aforesaid have hereunto set their hands and seals, the day and year aforesaid and at the place aforesaid, in du plicate originals. ALEXANDER R. STEPHIMS, (Seal J Commissioner for Confederate States. Joan TYLER, [Seal.] Wm. BALLARD PRIMO; [Seal.] S. Mello_ Moonn, [Seal.' Jemss P. HOLCOMBE , [Seal.] Jaime C. Baum Low,c u..u.ovia, cool j Commissioners for 111 77 tirginia Approved and ratified by the Convention of Vir ginia, on the 25th of April, 18GI. Joan JANNEY, President. JOHN L. ErrEANE, Secretary. Weatern;Virginia Still for the Union. The Western Virginia Guard, published at Clarksburg, Harrison county, Virginia, comes to na, under date of 26th inst., warmly for the Union, and bitterly opposed to Seceesion. We extract the following : A large and enthusiastic meeting of from 1,000 to 1,200 of the citizens of Harrison county assem bled at the court-house, upon a notice of forty. eight hours, on Monday, the 22d inst. The Ron. John B. Cerrito addressed the audienee, with mnoh feeling and good effeot_ On Saturday the na• tion's flag—the stars and stripes—capped with a gilded spread eagle, was attaehed to a crimson staff, and displayed in the principal streets of the town, and erected on the Guard printing office on Monday morning, where it floated majestically un til sundown. The following preamble and resole. Hens were adopted, without one dissenting voice PRILAMBLZ Whereas, The Convention now in session in this State, oalled by the Legislature, the members of which had been elected twenty months before said Gall, at a time when no such action as the assem blage of a Convention by legislative enactment was contemplated by the people, or expected by the member' they elected in May, 1859, at which time no one anticipated the troubles recently brought upon our common country by the extraordinary action of the State authorities of South Carolina, Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi, Florida, Louisi ana, and Texas, has, contrary to the expecta tion of a large majority of the people of this State, adopted an ordinance withdrawing Vir ginia from the Federal Union ; and whereas, by the law calling said Convention, it is ex pressly declared that no snoh ordinance shall have force or effect, or be of binding obligation upon the people of this State, until the same shall be ratified by the voters at the polls; and whereas, we have seen with regret that demonstrations of hostility, unauthorized by law, and inconsistent with the duty of law-abiding citisene, still owing allegiance to the Federal Government, have been made by a portion of the people of this State against the said Government; and whereas, the Governer of this Commonwealth has, by procla mation, undertaken to decide for the people of Virginia that which they had reserved for them selves—the right to decide by their votes at the polls, and has called upon the volunteer soldiery of this State to report to him and hold themselves in readiness to make war upon the Federal Go vernment, which Government is Virginia's GO. Torment, and must in law and of right continue so to be until the people of Virginia shall, by their votes, and through the ballet-box, that great con servator of a free people's liberties, decide other wise; and whereas, the peculiar situation of Northwestern Virginia, separated as it is by natural barriers from the rest of the State, pre cludes all hope of timely succor in the hour of danger from other portions of the State, and de mands that we should look to and provide for our own safety in the fearful emergency in which we now And ourselves placed by the action of our State authorities, who have disregarded the great fundamental principles upon whioh our beautiful system of Government la based, to wit: "That all governmental power is derived from the consent of the governed;" and have, without consulting the people, placed this State in hostility to the Federal Government by seising upon its ships and obstructing the channel at the mouth of Elisabeth river ; by wresting from the Federal officers at Norfolk and Richmond the enatom-honsea ; by tear ! ing from the nation's property the nation's flag, and putting in its place a bunting, the emblem of rebellion, and by marching upon the national ar mory at Harper's Ferry ; thug inaugurating a war without consulting those in whose name they pro fess to act; and whereas, the exposed condition of northwestern Virginia requires that her people should be united in action, and unanimous in par pose—there being a perfect identity of interests in times of war as well as in peace—therefore, be it Resolved, That it be, and is hereby, recom mended to the people in each and 8.11 of the coun ties composing Northwestern Virginia, to appoint delegates, not leas than Ave In number, of their wisest, beat. and disoreetest men, to meet in Con vention at Wheeling, on the 13th day of May next, to consult and determine upon snob action as the people of Northwestern Virginia should take in the present fearful emergency. Resolved, That Ron. John S. Carla*, W. P. Goff, Hon. Charles S. Lewis. John J. Davis, Thos. L. Moore. B. S. Fleming. Lot Bowen, Dr. Wm Dunkin, Wm B Lyon, Felix Sturm, and James Lynoh be and are hereby appointed delegates to represent this county in said Convention. Joey Haase:. President. J. W. HARRIES, Secretary. Strange to say, among that large assembly, not a single response was heard to the Call by the pre sident for the nays on any of the questions before the meeting- Cheer after cheer was given for the Union. DITVITION Or HOBaia iNTENDZD POR Tna Bovril —The Cincinnati Ga.ette of the 25th says that on the day previous thirty horses, destined for Memphis, Tennessee, were brought to this city from Cincinnati for shipment on the Jacob Stra der, when she should touch here for her freight, but ■ committee of citizens, hearing of the =- tended shipment, stepped aboard the boat and pre vented it. The horses were then taken to Jacob Metin's stable, on Greenup street. We are informed, since writing the above, that ILA attempt was made to forward the horses to Louisville by the Kentucky Central itailroed, but the company refused to take them, it being con trary to the orders of Gov. Magoffin. Ws sus requested SO State that the light et Ranting Gland has been estiegelehed for the pre sest.—Charierton /12arcury. (Written for The Friss, by $ We Conquer or Die. Tina—Star-Spangled Bm*ner. Rouse ! patriots, rouse! 'tie your country that 0 00 ; ' ris a voice from the tomb where our Washington's sleeping; 'Tie the blood of the brave men that speaks from the ground, For they purchased the blessing, whisk You have been reaping. Then rush to the rescue, stand up for the right, Let our brave Northern Goldoni be first in the fight While our stare and our 'gripes shall wave proudly on high, . We will never surrender We conquer or die' We call them not brothers. we call them not frtends. The men wbo, forgetful of freedom's sweet story. Would sever the cord that hae bound us eo long. And trample in duet our bright emblem of glory. We meet them as strangers, we meet them as ibex, And we'll prase to the spot where the war fever flows; But we greet not the Rebels, we mile not en men Wh would plunge our loved country in bondage again. We will brand them as traitors, and treat them with Seer% And our country" loud claim shall accuse them of treason; They have spread a foul blot on our Country's fair Page, They complain of her laws without justice or reason. Let the Palmetto blush for the land whence it came, Let tte snake on their banner loud hiss for their shame ; But our stars and our stripes shall wave proudly on high, In Reason isour trait We wiU conquer or die Prophecy and the Rebellion For The Yam.] We have received the following communication Emma Tux Passe : When the President of the United States addressed the people of the South, in his inaugural at Washington, he probably never contemplated these words in the 20th chap. of the Prophet Ezekiel, 46, 47, and 48 verses : " Son of man, set thy Wm toward the South, and drop thy word toward the South, and prophesy against the forest of the south field ; ' And say to the forest of the South, Hear the ward of the Lord ; Thus saith the Lord God ; Be hold, I will kindle a fire in thee, and it -shall devour every green tree in thee, and every dry tree : the flaming flame shall not be quenched, and all fume from the South to the North shall be burnt therein. " And all flesh shall see that I, the Lore, have kindled it: it shall not be quenched." It street me, on my attention being drawn thereto by a friend, as remarkable, and pecu liarly appropriate to the present times. Loox FORWARD. Bibles for the Army. [For. The Press.) Permit me, through your columns, to suggest the importance ,of a pocket Bible as the constant com panion of every soldier, whether "born to corn mend," or to wit in the equally honorable aspe rity of "private," under "the flag of our Union," for the preservation of our glorious Constitution. How could oar Bible Societies more appropriately dispose of the "'Word of Life?" Parents, wives. sisters, brothers. lovers, friends—remember the bush at Valley Forge witnessed a Washington on his knees; remember the Christian warriors, Gen. ilaveloek and Capt. Vioars ; remember the hearty response, "we will, we will," from assembled thousands, when our President, upon leaving his Western home to take the chair of State, said, " Pray for me, pray for me," and secure to your. Selves the consolation he takes the Bible should this suggestion be viewed in all its bear ings by all interested, as by the writer, Bibles will be forwarded for distribution by chaplains and other appropriate parties among all who have al ready left their homes to "battle for the right," whether on land or water. This last word brings to mind Commodore MoDonough, bowed amid his brave crime on the deck of his flag ship, imploring the aid of the God of our fathers, on the eve of the bloody battle which resulted in his glorious vic tory on Lake Champlain, 11th September, 1814. May the God of the Bible—our forefathers' God —the pod of battles, prosper and bless our patriot brothers UNION. Prox.onst,rnia, April 27, 1861. ILLINOIS TOE THIS ITIVION.-21 correspondent writes us from Milton, Illinois, as follows : " Ex citement high. AU Illinois will turn out to a man if necessary to put down the rebellion. A large company went through here yesterday on the Il linois Central Railroad, cannon, muskets, •fio. Two companies went to Springfield from near here to-day, to get armed and Nl:tipped. We are for the Union ; not one Seoesslonuit in Illinois.- There was a call on this State for four thousand men, and there are already twenty thousand offered, and if necessary they can furnish fifty thousand with out the least trouble. Hurrah for the red, white, "cd blue !" 'f OBOE SAN_ -- Domingo, mtifyini^ureW. ' e have advioes from San fished of the cession of the tee .. ,, Pilb republio to the crown of Spain. Great exall.a lt ! prevailed in Hayti in consequence of the motion of Spain, and the Haytien Government had protested against what is termed the innovation of Spain. It was feared Spain would be demanding all terra. tory acquired in conquest by the Daytime from the Dominiciang during the last fifteen years ; and, in that case, the Haytions will resist to the death. We also nave our correspondence from Cuba, but the letters contain no news of insportance.--Herald. SCHVYLIEILL 00IINTY.—In ardor and patriothen Schuylkill le second to no county in the State. She contributes to the Pennsylvania line twenty two companies, composed of 1,880 men—or more than two regiments and a half. This is the best effort made by any county. Some of the mining districts meet be neatly depopulated ; and yet we hear that efforts are making to raise new comppaa nies. The relief fund subscribed up to last ffriday amounted to $12,020. TROOPS IN AND FOR WASHIZIGTON.—A writer in the Providence Journal has an artiole proving that the tracing in Was_blerion or moving 7.m. amount to 35,000 man. This is in. elusive of 12,000 at Philadelphia, Harrisburg, and Perryville. The regiments reported as ready for transportation. and awaiting orders, amount to 18,900 men. Eleven first-class ocean steamships are now engaged in transporting troops, stores, ko., from New York to Washington. REPAIRING THE TRIAGRAPIL—Tha Mayor and Police Board have given their unction and ap probation to the application of the American Tele graph Company to repair their wires between this city and Philadelphia. They express the hope that no person will interfere with the parties em ployed to repair the wires.—Raltirtorc Tits Memphis banks have appropriated fifty thousand dollars to plaoe the oily on a war footing, and also intimated a purpose to double the sum if it becomes necessary. SIXTY of the An:limit College rise ) students have formed a company, and area a bout leaving for Washington. ANDREW JACEBON SMITH, late United States consul at Lagnayxa, Venezuela, died at Galveston, Texat on the 14th inst. Tars authorities of Queen Anne's oounty, Md., have appropriated $20,000 for the defence of the county. PHILADELPHIA BOARD OP TRADE. WM. O. REFIRMLE, THOS FEHr4 O COXMITTRE ma MONTE . B. N. LETTER BAGS At the Merchants' Exchange, Philadelphia. Ship Tonawanda, Liverpool, May 1 Sin kaphno, Havener— London, soon Ship wop more land, Doom—. ----Live rpool, soon anip Ganhaldi. Emery__.—EltPanlde Loaodo, Boon Ship Calliope. Goodwin .........Liverpool. soon Ship Flortensia„ Athm— —.— Liverpool, loan Bart David Lapaley. Bishop.-- —Cardiff. soon Sohr Geo .1 Jones. Crowell soon SWAIM OF TILE OCEAN STEAMERS. FROM THE UNITED STATES. sIIIPs LIAYR FOR DAYS Columbia-- Boaton_fialway-4.....—...Apnl 30 Bay ana t__ New York-kambart—..— May 1 Niagara-- .. Boston- werpool—.. May 1 Cof Waahingtonliew YOrk- rearpool— .- -May 4 A5ia..........._. New York- werpool—.--- May 8 Matanzas . ~_.--.N ew York- tanzaa-...--May 8 Bremen.---....ffew Yore- Bremen- . —....May It Hammonia.— New York-Boathamiton. May 15 Arabia.,....--__. _____l3oston_Laverpool—._ ..May 1.6 C of Baltimoyo.- - New Y.,rk -Liverpool.. ... May 18 North American. Po and_Livarpoa --•- Ms, IS ZSIS .. lair oric_Kintawn. Ja—......May 20 treat Easte rn -. ow ort -kingland-- May 14 Canadian_.... Po nd-Liverpcol—. May 30 FROM ZUROPR. SHI Pe LZAU 101 DAYS Brea= —.Bonthampton—New York —April 17 Vigo Liverpool—New York—....—April 11 Hammooia— ..Boa thampton—N ow York--........Aprjl 111 Bohemian.. --Liverpool— Qaeheo Arabia—.._ Liverpool— boater' • April 20 Adrietio -- Galway_ .April 23 33 C of Baltimore.. —Liverpool...New York— L. April 34 North Ame rioan.Li verpool—rebee— 25 Africa ----Liverpool— 27 .Arago— .Boothampton— ew may 1 Great Eastern.....England—NewYork,..— May 1 Nova Ileetiam...Liverpool—Qaebeo 1 Baxonta —Southampton—New May 4 barn is Boa ton------ —May 7 Canadtan—,—Liverpool_Qoebeo—.— Mar 7 Tentonia--Boathampton—New York---- May 14 New York.— .Bouthampton —New May 16 North Bnton—...Liverpool —Pot tland—.— Mar / 0 Felton... —Southampton .. New York May 11 The California Mail Steamers sail from New York on the 121.11th.tilig ra of myth Month. The HaVana e leave New York on the Sti. 12th. 17th. and 27 of audit month. F.T /17111'`'n71MF=11 PORT OF PHILADELPHIA, April 30, 1061. surf RIMS -atm 04 HIVE - - Brig Geo Amos, Nichols, from New York, in ballast to Binniakson & Glover. Behr Geo Roffman. Bennett. 4 days from Fall River, mdse to captain. Bohr Mantna. M aron.l day from'Fraderloa. Del, with corn to ISM Barratt k Bon. Bohr A Martens, Blazam. 1 day from Magnolia, Del, with corn to Jam Barrett & Bon. Bohr T P hleColley, Carter. 1 day from Camden, Del, with corn to Jes Barrstt & Bon. hr .1 B Austin, Davis, days from Boston, in ballast to o N Sturtevant & Co. Bohr Fulton Brown. days from Baltimore . in hal hist to Geo B . Kerfoot. Capt Brown left on Tuesday without any clearance, bating been refused man aMilt ction. He brings the captain and two of the oreW of ' the sohr Resron. which was soak at Norfolk by the Be co/Blooms: also the consignee of the 'renal tn Balti more, who left for fear of being mobbed. Bohr M A bhmdler. Ireland. 8 days from Darien. Ga t with lumber to Gaskill & Behr Mary Price. Blizzard,3o hours from New York. with asiOetre to G Smith Bohr Treiwa. Bhourds."/ days from New York,with India to Captain, Behr L & R drank. (new, PM tons) Smith' from Wil mington, Del. In ballast to D N ISTn & Co. Bohr Prowess. Jackaway, from Ow York. Behr Ocean Wave. Price, from Ne w York. Bohr Lizzie Taylor, Taylor. from New York. Bohr R J Mercer, Robinson. from Now York. Bohr B A Taylor, Dates. from New York. 15. hr Alabama. uongthier. from New Bohr F F Ranlp Miller Tu rk. Rohr Rohr mary rate d '. Goa..fom f Ne m Yo r York . Bohr Volta. Brooks. from New York. Bohr Geo Edward. Weeks, from Boston. Bohr Ell W Etolmee, IlleElaree. from Boston. BAT iott, AT* from BLston. hohr A Haley, Haley from Litton. Bohr .1 Cadireilader.Glayton. from Boston, glom . too Loipr. Robinson. from Newport. Rehr W C Nefton, BIC Ith• from Newport. Boohr J M W AT W oso C . Gaivrri s r n mGo m b rasiseweotort. CLEARED. Brig George Amon , Pitch°Ll, Portland, Binotekson (Rover. Bohr C W Holmes, McElwee, Lynn, do Behr B L Croaker. Preabrey, Lynn, do Beta Elliott, Avis, Beaton, do Aohr Alabama. Vrimp Ida r, Boaton. do Behr J Northrop, Nom Port an Prince. ThON Wattaon & Bons. 8010 Preview, Jaokaway. Boaton, Van Dusan, Bor ten & Co. rota J Cadwalader. Clayton. Boston, Bancroft, Leans & 8 0. & F F Randolph, Miner, Boston. C A Heeksober &hi Geo Fdwatrl Weeks, Boston, N Etartennt & CO Bohr W Lo r. b . i lly n &hi J main, vim, iketou, Bohr R J Mercer. Robinson, Boston. Costner, BUok ner & WsMargret'. Bohr B A Taylor. Dukes, Providence. do Bohr A B 6 U3l, Haley, Batton, noble, Hammett & Bohr W Woo Won, Garrison, providence, do Bohr W Nelson, r3m4h, Providence. Re lion Jr- Bro. Bohr Ocean Wave, Price. Providence . B relines & Co. Bohr Lirie T:Volton. Bohr Mary ligersport.LßotLermel & Co. Rohr Volta ,Brooks. DROVallpOrt, do Bohr Mary Now& 1, Covill, New Bedford, E R Bawler & Co. MEMORANDA, Ship Edmund KIST.. Steele, from Liverpool 28th for Philadelphia, was below New York 28th inst, Bark Amerman, Christian, at Cardenas 16th mat from St Thomas. Bark Joni°, Hutchinson, uncertain, remained at Ma tanzas slat inst. Brig John Welsh, Fifield, hence, at Trinidad de Cubs Mb inst. Rohr Geo Manghatn, Scudder. front Remedios 19th inst. at New York ISM inst. Bohr John Griffin. Foster. henna, at Cienfuegos 16th instant, Bahr G W Hinson. English, sailed from Cienfaegcus 16th inst. for Philadelphia. Bohr Reindeer, Kinnear, for Philadelphia, WAS at Ha vana Plat lug. Phila Bohr Raven delphia.. Rose, sailed from Cardenas 19th inst. for Bohr ft L Tay. Shepherd, from Nassau.. N P. 91st inst, at New York 281 h lan. tiohr_Wm Bennett, Hilliard, hence for New Haven, at New York 28th mgt. Capt Cobb, of the brig Adehne. at this port on Satur dayfrom Boston, re its that on Wednesday last, six miles south of Egg Ha po rbor, during a squall. gaw the gobr J X Stonetwok, Sisley. from New York for Philadel phia, in ballast. capsized. Went to her and took off the captai nothingew. and brought them to this port. Their saved but what they stood in. ARRIv ED LEGAL. I' ' 1'1i: "1' ;)- CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA. Estate of JAMES SILKY, deceased. The Auditor appointed by the Court to audit, settle and adius the first and final account of Imo MUL J LEN and OHN R. McCOADYL Executory of the las . will and testament of JAM ES AILEY, deed., and t. report distribution of the balance in the hands of th aceountante. ineet the parties interested, for th purposes of his arwintment, on WEDNESDAY. MBA 1. 18e1, at 4 o'clock P. 1.1., at his office, No. 139 Son g FIFTH Street, in the city of Philadelphia. ap2o-stuth-5t THOS. GREEKS ANIC, Auditor. NORTHAMPTON uuuNTY, es. THE COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVA ...."...- NIA, to the Sheriff of said County, Greetingi We command yon that You attach GEORGE P. WHITAJE ER, late of your comity, by sit and singular hisgoods and chattels. lands and tenements, in whose hands or possession scorer the Name may be so that he be and appear before our Court of Common "'leas, to be hoiden at GASTON, in and for , eaideounty, on the third - Monday of APRIL next, there passswer ALEXANDER WiN, summon of tres on the case, &o. And that you all per sons in.whose hands or possession the said goods and chattels. even of of them, app e ar attached, so teat they and every of them be and before the said Court, at the day and place answer what shall be objeoted against them, and abide the judgment of the Court therein; and have you thehere this writ. Witness the Honorable JOHN S. FlNDLAY,fresi dent Judge of oar said Court " the seventh day of Horeb, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty-one. WM. MUTCHIAR, Prottunotary. [ENDORSED.] " Attach all the right, title, end interest of George P. Whitaker i n the estate and effects of the partnership of Joseph Wh i taker & Co., of which said firm the said George P. Whitaker is apartner, in the hands or pos -118161011 of Joseph Whitaker, William Davis, Joseph R. Whitaker. and George W. Whitaker, the indpridnal members with the said George P. Whitaker, of the said firm, and to summon them as garnishees ' also. _ alt right, title. and interest of the said George r. Whita ker in the following tracts of land: one of them situate 111 Williams township, in said county, adjoiningslond of John Beidleman.rolomon Buchman, and Bartel Hoover, and oontairung seven sores, more or less. and the other of them situate in Ramon township, adjoining land of Benjamin Knecht. Se,muel Waxen , road from Hel lertown to Surham • tend of Peter Rem. Joseph ',ol dish, John Wager:Henri Detweiler, end others, and oontauungfitteon acres more or lose," To GEORGE P. W HITAWE R. too defendant above named : Take notice of the above writ. THOMAS HECKMAN, mhl2-tu 6t Sheriff of Northampton County. OFFICIAL. CLOTHING AND OLOTIIING HATE 'Li RIAU. N &VT Da? AILTMENT, OF PROVIsIONEI AND CLOTHING. April 9,1861. BEPARATR P_ROPOS ALB, sealed and endorsed " ProDOSSIs for Navy Clothing and Clothing Meta vials.° will be received at this offioe until 9 o'clock A. m.. on the 9th day of May next, fo r furnighlng and de livering (On receiving qty days 'notine) at each or either of the navy yards at Charlestown,_ Manta ohueetts • Brooklyn, New Yors ; or Gosport, Thwck a the quantities below mentioned of savor all of the fol lowing onuses of artiolu of navy clothing and olottung materials. and such further quantifier! of the same es may be ordered oy the chief of thin bureau, or by BM commandants of the said navy yards, respectiveiy during the fiscal year commeneing on the let day of July next, sad ending on the 30th day of June, BM, viz: CLAAII 1.-Cloth Clothinr. Bias, cloth 000 Blue satinet Ccass trowsert. 2.- - Seamless Cloth - mg. Blue felt Pea-jackets- Bine felt caps CLASS 5.-:Fiiinne/ Blue flannel overshirts-.-- ..-.—.3.000 Blue flannel undershirts— . --- -3,060 Blue flannel drawers— . .... . Ccass Canvas duck troweers— _...---3000 Barnsley sheeting trooks- . 000 CLASS 5.-Blue Satinet. - Blue satinets CLASS 6 ----yards, 10,000 .—"elue Manna. Blue flannel-. . —................yard5, 80,000 CL ASS 7.—Sheeting, Duck, wad Nankin. Barnsley sheeting— .—.—. yards, 10,000 Canvas duck—. .._— 10,000 Blue nankin— —...... hoes. do 30,000 CLAss 8 —S Calf skin laced -,,...---. —.pairs, 4,000 Kip - skin shoes- -.-._do 4,000 CLASS 9.—Socks. pairs, 8,000 Mattresses, (witt72l,BWlo._—M attresses. Ctass• 3 • 000 Blankets—. ... ' - — oracle - Black silk handkerchiefs.— _.._8000 Offers may be made for ono or more classes, at the option , o u t s te,gra bid r ; but alt the articles embraced in a Etch oleos will becionstdered by itself. aid the con tract for that class will be awarded to the bidder atone proposals for the articles comprised in the class are lowest in the aggregate. The aeanitesa clothing shall be of felt cloth. died pure indigo blue, made of good wool only, and shall conform in the sizes, color, grade of 'wool, and in all other re spects to the samples deposited at the navy yards, The cloth for blue cloth trowsars shall be twilled, all wool, and h pure indigo blue, wool-dyed. It shall have a li s t o n oneedge, composed of 04 white threads, of all wool. All pieces tiderlpieuuutis per yard will be re tooted.;feritinAreigiridlia. le o fabout 300 yards must average The satinet must be 27 inches wide inside of list, with a heading to consist of not less than twelve white wool len threads at each end of the piece; must weigh, got lona than 934 ounces per yard, to contain in each yiieoe I about 18 yards • the warp must be cotton, pure in*il blue, yarn - dye ; and the fining wool, nine wool-dyad. Each bale of 400 r aide a mai be be ano a nalf ounces to the yellmt a ••:" low 9)h' OanOes to the yard. troweers mast ,c above. The broadcloth be made of material lik f t and satinet of which g". ants are made shall be well sponged before mode LAP. The flannel matt be all wool, wool-dyed pure indigo blueland twilled ; must be in pieces of o un cesO yards in length, 21 mimeos wide, weighing tive per yard. with a list on each edge of four white . wenn threads woven in the Whole length Of the pieoe TO be packed in bales often pieces, the pieces to be rolled separately tefihrta cloth boards; each bale to contain 600 yards r and/1 26 eight th an 4 8-10 Dowses p flannel. No pi ar eceyard to have a less ave age w. 7he Overshirts, undatahirts, and drawers must be lode of flannel like the above. 'The Barnsley sheeting must be free from cotton. 80 inohes In width - weight, twelve ounces 31-100. per yard ; texture, 4 by I to 1-10 inch. The canvas duck must be free from cotton, 17 inches in Width, and about 36 yards in the piece . double-thread war p sad ailing; weight, eight ounces 23-100 per yard ; texture. 91 moat The shoes ly stamped with the contrac tor's name, rnmber of the 'boa, and year when made. , The sizes to be in the following proportions for each 100 pairs, unless otherwise ordered, viz: Boe No. 5. of N 16 of No. 9,7 of No 10, and of rio. 11. They must conform in all respects to the samples at the yards. and be delivered in good, strong boxes, the tops of which to be securely fastened with screws, and each box to c_ontain 25 pairs. in these pro portions, viz : 8 pairs of Pio. 6, with 17 of No. 6,13 of No. 7, with 12 of No. 8, or vice versa, 16 of No. 9. with 7 of No. 10. and 2 of No. 11. The calf-skin and kip-skin shoes to be packed in separate boxes. The woollen socks must be woven or knit. indigo mix ed, all wool, shall be well scoured, and in color and quality fully equal to samples. The mattresses must weigh ten pounds, including ticking, which is to be cut 6,feet in length, and 31 inches wide. The covers must measure 71 inohes in length. and 29 inches ni width. The hair, ticking, and covers must conform to samples. The nankin must be equal to the hest bins American nankin, 58 inches wide, texture 6 threads by 4 threads to the 16th of an tech, yed with pare Bengal The blankets must weigh nix pounds per pair, and measure 66 by 78 inches each. A bale of SO pairs must weigh 300 pounds, and no pair shall weigh less than pounds 13 ounces. They mast be made of clean wool, and each blanket must be marked " U. 8. Navy," as in the sample. The block silk handkerchiefs must be 3114 by 3134 Inches, and weigh one ounce and 12 Mina Troy tex ture. 14 by 23 to one-eighth of an mob. Bidders for the above will appal ty whether the arti cles they propose to furnish are to be of the growth, production, and manufacture of the United litotes. as a preference will be given to such. A aohednle of the three sizes for eaoh 100 pieees of made-tip clothing will be found with the samp les at the respective yards; and all the above artioler. including the necessary buttons, ring.. he., are to be fully equal in the quality. texture, color, weight, and finish of ma - terial, and conform in pattern, sizes, and workmanship to said samples. The number or quantity. which will be required of each of the foregoing wholes cannot be precisely stated. It will not be feel, however. than the quantity specified in the foregoing list. The contraots will, therefore be made for the quantity of each article so seeoified:and for such further quantity as the bureau may . requlre. The price must be uniform at all she siciteris, Ail the above articles must be subJeot to snob inspec tion direct; pleas of delivery es the chief of this bureau may and no article will be received that is not fen, - equal to the sample in every respeot. and which does not conform to the stipulations and provisions of the contract to be made._ The whole must be delivered at the risk and expense of the contractor. Each box and bale to be _marked with the contractor's name. The inspecting ortleare to be appointed by the Navy Pepartment. The °Hem must distinguish the prices for each article i mentioned n a class, and must be calculated to cover every, expense attending the fulfilment of the con traot. inctudingthe necessary buttons. In case of failure on the part of the contractors to deliver the several artices which may be ordered from them, its proper time and of proper quality, the valet of the Bureau of Provisions sod Clothing shall be au thorized topurchase or direct Du/challis to be made of what mal , be required to timely the definieopy, under the penal to be expressed in the audited • the record of a requisition or a doplioote copy thereof at the Bureau of provisions and Clothing, or at either of the navy yards aforesaid, shall be evidence that such requbntion has been made and received. Two or more approved sureties in a sum equal to the estimated amount of the respective contracts will be required and twen , y per oentum will be withheld from the amount of all nayments on account thereof as col a inr aiseouctyts. an mp n li o dwianhy ; e avnnite i o h be ty P p a er l c unt u m of the amount of all delivertes made Ind be paid by the navy agent within thirty days after triplicate bills, duly authentioated, shall have been presented to him. Bidders whop proposals shall be accepted (and none othere)will be forthwith notified. and as early es prac ticable a oontraot will be transmitted to them for exe cution, which contract must be returned to the bureau within ' Ave days, exclusive of the time required for the regular-transmission of the mail. A record, or duplicate of the letter informing &bid der of the aCceptence of his proposal, wall be deemed a notification thereof, within the meaning of the act of 1846, and his bid will be made and accepted in co or mity with this understanding. Beery offer made must be accompanied fas directed in the sot of Congress making aggiropnstions for the na val service for 1846 ' 47, approve d 10th of August, 18451 by a written guarantee. signed by one or more respon sible persons. to the effeot that he or tbey undertake that the bidder or bidders will, if his or their bid be ac cepted, enter into an obligation within five days, with good and suffioient sureties, to furnish the supplies pro posed. The bureau will not be obligated to consider any proeosal unless accompanied by the guarantee re quired by law; the competency of the guarantee to he certified tit the navy agent, duitriot attorney, or the collector ol the customs. Btankforms of proposals may be obtained on appli cation to the nary agents at Portsmouth, Neu( Hamp shire; Boston, hem York, Pkilade/phta, Baltimore, Norfolk, and at this bureau. The attention of bidders is called to the samples and description of articles required, as, in the inspection be fore reception. m ust bat rigid comparison will be made between the articles egerea and the samples and con tree:. rtreieing nose that fall below them ; and their attention is also partirttlarth directed to the joint reso -1 lion March, lahl, in oddities to ths act cif lath August. IBM - apii-tu St EPHRATA MOUNTAIN SPRINGS, LANCASTER COUNTY. PENNA. Rpm Joseph Konigmaoher, the. late Proprietor of this favorite summer resort. hum/ lately died. the subscribers, Executors gif his will, have leased the es tablishment for the coming season to CoL S. C. SLAY MAKER, who bas been an assistant at this plane for the lest six years, and. we believe. favorably known to ell the visitors. Thanking the patrons of the place and the pablie generally for the liberal patronage hereto fore extended to the late Proprietor, they respeettnily, solicit a conunhanoe of the same to his Worthy suc cessor. &PAM KOPIIGMACRER, WM. CARPENTER, Executors. • Ravin leased the above-named ylaee, and engaged Mr. H. H. RELNEARD, who has been an smnstant at the Minnie for some TSUI. the undermined will open for visitors the Ist day of June, NM, an hopes that Ws own. as well as Mr. Reinhard 's long oonneotion with the Springs, together With his detergainguon to eon ouot them, in every departl ntit. in their ueuel popular Way, and. a. near as posinvio, with the 'awe acoMa- MOdatarig servants grid be a guarantee to the gl strops o f the place . as we ll as the , mill i tp gelierall7. that Inn th_rings will merit their emitinn patronage. For Ihrther pertionhos and oiroulars•nrease Call on JOS. B. MYERH_, corner of 'MIND and VINE fits. mr, REINHARD, at the Union Hotel. ANON Btreet, 011 June Lt ; or, address B. C. tiILaYMAILSR, Ephrata P. 0. spla-Itt Lanewitir county . Dda. THE PRESS.---PHILADELPHIA, TUESDAY, APRIL 30, 1861. HOMES FOR THE IN DUSTRIOUS. IN TIM emultut STATE QF THE WEITZ" THE 11.11,1r101 1 4 .A I. RAJ I.,ROAD 001v1FAN Y 1,200,000 ACRES TRACTS OF FORTY ACRES AND UPWARD, Os LONG CREDIT AND AT LOW PRICES. MECHANICS, FARMERS. - W AND WORKING MEN The attention of the entererleing end induntriMli portion of the community ie directed to the following statements and liberal inducements offered them by the LLLINOIS CENTRAL RAILROAD COMPANY, Which, se they will perceive, will enable them, by proper energy, perseverance, and industry. to provide comfortable and permanent homes for themselves and families, with, comparatively opeating, very little gap tal LANDS OF ILLINOIS. No State in the valley of the Ithealwappi offem so great an inducement to the settler , as the State of lib nobs. There is no portion of the world where all of the conditions of climate and soil so admirably combine to Produee thou two great stoles, corn and wheat. az the Prairies of Illinois. RICH ROLLING PRAIRIE LANDS. The deep rush loam of the prairies is cultivated with noh wonderful facility tnat the farmers of the East ern and Middle States are moving to Illinois in great numbers. The area of Illinois is about equal to that of England, and the soil is so rich that R will ruimort twenty millions of people. EASTERN AND SOUTHERN MARKETS, These lands are contiguous to a railroad seven hun dred miles in length, which connects with other roads and navigable lakes and rivers, thus egording an un broken communication with the Eastern and Southern ragickota. APPLICATION OF CAPITAL. Thus far capital and labor have been applied to de veloping the soil; the great resources of the State in coal and iron are almost untouched. The invariable rule that the mechanic arta flourish best where food and fuel are cheapest, will follow at an early day in 11. , . Heals, and in the sours , of the next ten rears the natu ral laws and necessities of the case warrant the belief that at least fire hundred thousand, people.will be en gaged in the State of Illinois in the various manufac turing employments. R.AILEOAD SYSTEM OF ILLINOIS. Over 8100,000,090 of private capital have been ex pended on the railroad system of Illinois. Inasmuch as part of the income from several of these works, with a valuable publio fund in lands. go to diminish the state expenses, the taxes are light, and moat consequently every day decrease. The State debt is only $10,106,898 1 14, and within the lest three Tears has :been reduced 82,909,740 80; and we may reasonably expect that in ten years it will be come extinct. The State ie rapidly filling up with population ; 863,026 persons having been added Enos 1880, making the *pre sent popalationl,7l9,49o-4 ratio of 102 per cent. in ten years, The annuitant meditate of Illinois are greater than those of any other State. The products sent out dur ing the past year exceeded 1.800.000 tons. The wheat crop of 1860 approaches 34,000,000 bushels, while the corn orop yields not lees than 140,000.4100 bushels. Nowhere can the industrious farmer secure =eh im mediate moults for hie labor es aeon these prairie they being compoaed of a deep, noh loam, the fertility or which is unaurpassed by any on. the globe. *TO ACTUAL CULTIVATORS. Since 1884 the Company have sold 1,300 2 000 acres. They sell only to actual cultivators, and every contract contains an agreement to cultevats. The road has been emestructed through these lands at an expense Of 'OBO.- 000400. NSW, the population of the forty-nine Conn ties through which It. passes was only 5315,590, since which 470,123 have been added, making the whole popu lation 814,691—a gain of 143 per cent. • EVIDENCES OF PROSPERITY. As an evidence of the thrift of the people, it may be stated that (00.(00 tone of freight, including SASLOW bushels of grain and 260,000 barrels of flour, were for warded over the line Mot year. EDUCATION. Mechanics and workingmen will find the free-sohool riateln enooureged by the State and endowed with a large revenue for the support of schools. Their ohil dren oan live in eight of the churoh and sohool house, and grow up with the 'prosperity of the leading State in the Great Western Empire. PRICES AND TERMS OF PAYMENT. The prices of these lands vary from $6 to $25 per sore, according to location. quality, &o. First-01324 farming lands sell for about 810 or $l2 per acre; and the relative expense of subduing prairie land, as com pared withwood land, is in the ratio of one to ten in fa vor of the former. The terms of sale for the bulk of these lands will be OWE YEAR% INTEREST IN ADVANCE at six per oent. per annum, and six interest notes at six per cent. payable respectively in one, two, three, four, five, and six years from date of sale: and four notes for principal, payable in four, five, six, and seven years from date of sale ; the contract stipula ting that one-tenth of the tract pnrohased shall be mum^. -„d cultivated, each and every year for fire years from the of sale, so that at the end of five years one-half shall be fences and under cultivation. TWENTY PEN CENT. WILL BE DEDUCTED from the valuation for cash, except the same should be at six dollar! per acre. when the oash price will be five dollars. Pamphlets descriptive of the lands, soil, climate, productions, prices. and terms of payment,can be had on application to W. FOSTER, Land Commissioner, Illinois Central Railroad, Chicago. Illinois. For the names of the towns, villages, and cities situ ated upon the Illinois Central Railroad, see pages le3. Ulfi. and RIO Appleton's Railway Guide. fel-tuth&sam DYSPEPSIA REMEDY Dr. DARIUS HAM'S AROMATIC INVIGORATING SPIRIT. This Madieiss kas bee. end by the ?state for six ysats with iscrusing_ fee or. it is rscommuasd to Curs Dppipsia,_ 111dIVOUSILISS. /hart-Bunt, Cali. Wiedin the Storm:wit, or Poses to gas Beusls. Haststrukt, Dr/ARBOURS._ irithuy Compfaists, Low Spirits. Define* Trews:, intemperaiscs. IS X TUNIIIMATEN, EXHILARATES, INVIOORATTII, BET WILL NOT INTOXICATE OR 8117PRITT. As a Medicine it is quiet and effectual, curing the aggravated eases of Dysrps PIM A K Miler Comltialllta. an ati rallother &Iran ements of the ;stomach and Bowels; in a speedy manner. It will instantly revive the most melancholy and drooping ',spirits, and restore the weak, nervous, and sickly to health, strength, and vigor. Pemons who, from the ituudimons use ahem:ire, have become dejected, and their nervous systems shattered, constitutions broken down, and subject to that horrible Ounie to humanity, the DZLIRWM TREE:ENS, will, al most immediate feel the happy and healthy invigo rating animas o I.23arres_lnvisorating 7 TIT WILL DO, Does.—One wine glass full as often as neeemearr• One dose will remove all Bad Spirits. One dale will cure Heart-burn. Three doses will cure Indigestion. ' One dose will give TOLL a Good Appetite. One dose will stop the distressing pains of Gespepshg. One dose will remove the distressing and disagreeable effects of Wind or Flatulence. and as soon as the stomach receives the Invigorating Spirit, the distress ing load and all painful feelings will be removed. One dues will remove the most distressing pains of Collo. either in the stomach or bowels. yew doers will remove all obstructions in the Kidney, B der. or Urinary Organs. arsons who are seriously afflicted with any Kidney Complaints are assured of speedy relief by a dose or two, and a radical ogre Dr the use of one or two botUes. NIGHTLY DIBBIYATIOPi. romps/who, from dissipating too mnoh over night, and feel the eYII effects of poisonous liquors . in violent headaches, sickness at stomach, weakness, giddiness, ,to., will find one dose wills move all bad feelings. Ladies of weak and sickly constitutions should take the Invigorating Spirit three times a day I it will make them strong, bealthy,l , hapi y , remove all obstruc tions and irregularities fro m the menstrual organs, and =tore the bloom of health and beauty to the careworn Daring pregnancy it will be found en invaluable medi cine to remove . diugreaabla sensations at the stomach. All the proprietor asks is a trisl, and to induce this, he has put up the INTIOORATINO SPIRIT in pint brittle' at warmth, quarts IL funeral eot, 4B WATER 3treet,_.New York. DYOTT & 232 North !SECOND Street, Wholesale Agents in Philadelphia, And for sale br JOHN H. EATON. 44 N. EIGHTH Street. and all Druggists. Jef-thstnly R UMNESS MEN ARE ADVERTISING in the Beet New/Wipers of City and Country at the Offices of JOY, COE, & CO., ADVERTISING AGENTS, FIFTH and CHESTNUT STREETS, Philadelphia TRIBUNE BUILDING. New York. .api7 ALFRED D. BRICK'S UNITED STATES AND EUROPEAN PATENT OFFICE, No. 144 SOUTH FOURTH ST.REET, PRILADIMPUIa. Patent Laws of U. 14. (new) and Europe can be ob tained gratis. 'es alai-till JAMES M. SOOVEL, . No. 113 PERNATEti, L ato I L Front mh2l-Im* clams, N. Ty 0. ULLMAN, ATTORNEY-AT • LAW. JERSEY CHORE, Pennsylvania. Collections promptly made in Clinton and Lyoommx counties. REHM TO BUMS& Walter & Kano, Phuadeiplus ; J. R. Mattel Sea. Jersey Shore Blazer'. Seroroft & Philada. Shaffner, Ziegler, Co.&Philada4. Friel:math & Co Philada.; L. A. Bleaker, Look Raven; Yard, Gilmore & CO., rhilada.; Thatcher & Woddrop, Philada.; Rey colds. Rowell & Reiff. Philada. gate-em . . . TORN BLLIOTT, WINES and LIQUORS, Sr Nos. 317 and 319 WALNUT litreet,(baonnant stores. between Third arid Fourth, north Me,) Phila delphia. N. B.—Fine Old Whinkleß &brays an hand. (Established in 180.) 'lOO-ly 13111.WSON & NICHOLSON, N. BOOKBINDERS, Noi, 619 and 621 MINOR Street, not-wean Dit r ar.r At p uf E lchintuut &Meth JAMB! PAWBON, B. NicHoLgori ES. JAMES BETTS' OnEBBATED loug. SUPPORTERS FOR LADIES, and the only &LP porters under eminent medical patronage. Ladies and plirsioiatis are respectfully requested to call only on Ma. Betts) at her reskienee, 11)39 WALNUT Street, Philadelataii. (to avoid tiounterfeits.) Thirty thousand Invalids have been advised by their phyliicsaaf to her appliances. Thoim only are genuine peeping the United States copyright, labels on the box, and 'spun tares, and wo n the Supporters, with testimonials ecilg-tuth SPIIGITET & 80N8, • IMPORTERS OF RAITAILL Clek No. lila Eouth PROWS' /Street. - Butueivs regularly a full assortment of eosins:As Cl SAAD I wbleh titer offer at low rates. for smelt or is privet credit. lelC.-17 MURPRY-WRIPPL.R IRON BICN. STOE, WIGLEM & BURTORg • tio. Sag WALNUT' BTM:tri g PHILADELPHIA, Iler leave to inform Railroad Companies and others interested la bridge construction, that they have formed connection in business with JOHN W MURPHY, Civil Engineer, (author and inventor of th e abovo well known an of iron bridged and are prepared to'execute orders, from any part of the country, [tom hi* derigns and personal superintendence. Ali letters rsialista to BOMA and estimates emu as addressed to JOHN W. MURHY, Civil Aurintotr ual-ing far STONE. 0 IiIItILRY. BICtION IDHILADKLPHEA. TER R A -0 OT TA WORKS _, Office and Ware Rooms, 1010 CHESTNUT Street. Oraareelital Cb:mner Tapia Garden vases and S r a l Enesuatio FWories War s , Ozaenki. Venblatitie iuipl 8 _NI Fleas. Ridge The aue 'lll7 Ware. steam -stored Drina pe. Water ripe. varrir to etaad Yt e ngrig h4 4 l ,o 9 lt i ed tont+ Lalestrated Catalainas Nut br Nail on andiestioa by Zi g 49g0 #ruCkr,4l. if Ave for ants EIOH FAltler triq LANDs THE STATE DEBT. PRESENT POPULATION AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTS FERTILITY OF BOIL. BUSINESS CARDS. itANcit CO THE RELIANCE MUTUAL INSTOI4OII COMPANY, Of fIithiIDIILPHIA OFFiCiBi 305 WALIIIyT, tifiEjsy, Insures against LOBS OR 32,2111.40 E BY FIRE, on Hones, Storm and other baddlllo,limited or verpeditakand on Furniture, Dwds, Wares, and Mer chandise. in town or country. mai eitpiTAL,All2ll,7la 011--AdeBTB 11577,142 04, Whioh is invested as follows, viz In first mortgages on city property, worth double the amount ;,- - al - 162,900 00 Pennsylvania Railroad Co. 'll 6 per cent. first mortgage loan at par— Pennsylvania Railroad Co.'s 6 per cent. se cond mortgage load, cr20,000)-- 27.900 pa in Huntgdon and Broad op Railroad and Canal Co.'s mortgage oan— 4 , 000 00 Ground rent, first-olaas-- 2.462 BO Collateral loans, well &Waled 9,1500 pp City of Pluladephla 6 per cent. loan— __ pomo oo Allegheny County 6 per cent. Pa. RR. 10000 00 Commercial Bank stook-- 6,165 01 Meohaniori Bank stook 60 Pennsylvania Railroad Co.'s stock— 4,100 CO The Reliance Mutual Insurance Co.'s stock 26,260 00 The County. Fire Insurance Co.'s stock— 1,000 co The Delaware M. d, Insurance Co.'s stook- 700 00 Union antral Insurance Co. 'a Bona-- NO 430 B ills rsoeivable--- . 14,902 74 Book account/1, accrued interest. 7.10‘ C ash on hand— • 11444 64 $31T,142 Os The Mutual principle, combined with the eeourity of issues Capital, entitles the insured , to participate in the PritdM Of the Company, without liability for Jesus. Looses promptly adjusted and paid. DIEZCVORB: Clem Tinaley. Samuel Mayhem, Williamß thompson, Robert Steen, Frederick Browns, William Musser, Withem Stevenson, Beni. W, John R. Worrell. Ms.rshall N. L. Carson, Y. Johnson Brown, Robert Toland. Chilies Leland. EL D. Itoseneartein, I aoob T. Buntings Charles 8. Wood, 1 Smith Bowen,_ James B. Woodward, John Bissell, Fittebni CLEM. TINGLEY. President. B. M. KINGMAN, Beoretary. February 16.1861. fen THE ENTERPRISE INSURANCE COMPANY OF FRILADELPHA. (FIRE INSURANCE EXCLUSIVELY.) COMPANY'S BUILDING, S. W. CORNER BOVIC7II AND WALNUT STRERTS. DLRECTORB: F. RATCHFORD STARS. ilaitenear L. Hawse?' WILLIAM McKee, no. H. STUART. MALMO FRAZIER, JOHN IL BROWN, JOHN M. ATWOOD. R. A. trAtrissereen, BMW. T. TRIDICH, ANDRIW D. a lart RAHRT WHARTON. J. L. ERRINDIR. F. RATCHFORD STARR, President. CHARLES W. COXE. Seoretary. fen PENN MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY,_ No. 921 CHESTNUT Street Philadelphia. CHARTER PERPETUAL. ALL THE PROFITd DIVIDED AMONG THE IN SURED. Insure Lives for short terms or for the whole terof life - grant Annuities and Endowments ; purobase Life Interests in Real Estate, and wake all contracts dig peridtng on the eontingenoies of life. They sot se Executors, Administrators, Aesignels, Trustees, end Guardians. ASSETS OP THE COMPANY, January 1.1461. Mortgages, ground rents, real estate- .. $312,981 97 United States stooks. Treasury notes, loans of Suite of Pennsylvania, city of Philo,- delpbia. Sto—. 268,793 M Premium notes , Igen . ;on collateral., . Pape 38 Pennsylvania. North Pon,nsylviinis Rail roads. and County eiE ner cent. bonds—. 106,802 60 Bank. insurance, railroad, canal stooks, dco. 97,617 49 Cash on hand, agents' balance., etc., etc.— 18,206 14 e 1,071428 02 DANIEL L. MILLER. Preindent. SAMUEL E. STOKES, Vice President. JOHN W. RORISTOR. Secrets'''. 25h22-tf lELAWARE MUTUAL SAFETY IN BURLNCE COMPANY, PHILADELPHIA. Incorporated by the Legislature of Pentuorlvalus, 18U. ODkw D.E. oornor of THIRD and WALNUT streets. PHILADELPHIA. MARINE INSURANCE: On Veuelz, i t Cargo , ? o all parts of the World. Freight. it, LAND INSURANCES On Roods 'by Rivers. Canals, Lakes, and lead Car riages. to all parts of the Union. FIRE INSURANCES On Merchandise gener ou ally. &o On Stores. Dwelling Rses, . ASSETsOIr THE COMPANY. November 1,1860. V60,00D United States five cent. loan—.11(1400 00 114,000 United States six cent. Treasury Notes, (wi th accrued interest)-- 119,4321 34 100,000 POMMYIVana State fore Cell 05,9700010c0 51,000 do. do. six do. do. 51,515 00 1.13,060 Philadelphia City six cent. Moan. /25,903 57 110,0ffl Tennessee State five cent. loan— 54400 00 50.000 Pennsylvania Rally 2d mortgage ell cont. bonds— 43,000 OD 1140 300 shares, stook Germantown Gas Comsany, interest and principal guaranteed by the City of Phila delphia 11000 00 5,000 /00 shares PenssYlvama Railroad ComPanY_ . 5.9110 00 5,000 ICU shares Plortirennitylvarins' hCail road Company....-- _— 1400 80 shares Philadelphia Ice Boat and Steam Tug Company.-- 1,300 00 ISO 6 shares Philadelphia and Navin- de- Grace Steam Tow-boat Comrany. WO 2 shares Philadelphia .Exchange Company— Litoo 7 shares Continental Hotel Co..— 0564,700 par. Cost $347,335.52 1 Market vaL8511.3311 71 Bills receivable, for insurances made__.-- 171,386 47 Bonds and mortgagee.— MAC Cd Real estate-- 01,303 34 Balances due atAgenoies—Premiums on Me nne Policies. interest. and other debts due the Company— 51,566 01 Song and stook of sundry Insureinee and other Companies 1.310 00 01112 en hand—in —.Old•fin 15 in drawer—. 415 36 --- shwa m DIRECTORS. .- 1 William Marta, Samuel E. Stokes, .skmurol A. Sender:, .J. F. Peniston, ydrilulus rankling, . Henry Sloan ( t hi .kineee. Edward Darlington. John G. Davits. 31, hues Brook°, James Traquarr, , Suertoer il.D.u.Le.----' . ---- - Walleye E rap Jr.. __-_--1--noxi , J. ~ - • - , Jaeob P. „toner, en, H. Beal, ' . James B. M'Faxlane, Dr. R. M. Huston, Joshua P. Eyre, George C. Leiner, John B. Semple, Pittsb'g. Hugh Craig,. D. T. Morgan, Ckarles Kelly, A. B. Berger, •` WILLIAM MARTIN, President. THOS. C. HAND, Pine President, HENRY IaYLBURN. Beoretary. 'noir-a' FITINSURANCE RXOLUSIVELY.— E PgNNBYLVANIA FIRE 111aUlt_ANOE qt la ArAigi l l n O en eldrlVTg s r7g l O A , rii r eluet t irnt enoe &mere. This Company. favorably known to the oommanitr for thirty-six years, continues to insure against loss or damage by Fire. on publics or private Buildings, either vermanentlff or fora limited time. Also. on Furniture, stocks of Goods or Merohandise genera ll y. on liberal terms. • Their Capital, together with a large Surplus Fund, is invested in the most careful 'winner. which enables them to offer to the Insured an undoubted security in the cue of lose. - - • .. .. . . . . DIRISCTORB. Jonathan rattemon, Isaac flaxtabard, ttinntin Campbell, Thomas Robins, Alexander Benson, Dental Smith, Jr., William Alontelins, John Dena real, Thomas Smith. JONATHAN PATTERSON, President. BRAZON 871178, Secretary. a94-.17 TN BIIRA li ON 00 hi r ANY OF TUB AL STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA—FIRE AND MA -Iprillit&y.RANCE Nos. 4 AND a EXCHANGE r3tertered inlr-Casital lED,XO—Feb. 1, IMO, sash wine, $4.38,792 All invested in sound and &Tellable seonntiez—con ggV;f iggiliali'd,Z,°, l ll , `".. onibellifteelt. .Baildints. DIRECTORS. Maury D. Sherrerd. George H. Stuart, Mlon Toby, Sanmelarent, Jr.. es Mamlester, Tobias ismer. am S. Smith, Thomas D. weitteon, Wm .& lila, . Henry G. Zreemea, Witham A. Wmte, Merle. S. Lewis. George 0. Carson. HENRY D. SHERRERD, President. WILLIAM HARPER. Bei:treaty. teS-11 VIBE INSURANOII. - PIECIELANICIP INSURAI COMPANY of Philadelphia, No. 15 138 North DC Street, below Race. insure ',redid inch Goods, and erchandise generally from lose or & - mage by Fire. The company guarantee to attmet all loseesprompriy, and thereby hope to merit the patron age oft he publie. )133C1011.5. William Morgan, Robert Flanigan, Franco', Cooper, Michael MoHaGY, Jrge L. Dougherty , Edward Moriovern, Jes Martin, Thomas E. MoCermiek, James Dares' Joan Drotriley, Matthew McAleer, Frauds Falls, nernard Rafferty, john Casasei, Thomas .r. Hemphil, Bernard B. Heineman. Thomas Fisher, Charles Clare iranois 14.0Maccs,_ Michael Cal. FR.ANCIS COOPER, President. BERNARD RAFFERTY, Secretary. ocB-ly AMERICAN FIRE INSURANCE 00., INCORPORATED 1810 CHARTER PER PETUAL. No. 310 WALNUT Street, above Third, Philadelphia, Raving a large paid - up. Capital Stock and Enrvltis, invested in sound and Beoarittee insure on Dwellings Stores , Furniture, Merchandise, Vessels in port and their cartoes, and other personal property. All liberally and promptly Minified. DIRECT ne. Thos. R. Maris. ohn T. Lewis. John Welsh_ ammi R. Campbell. Samuel C. Morton. nod G. Dutilli, Patriok Brady, Chas. W. Poultney, Israel Morris. TROMJ.B lt.. PIARIS, President. ALBERT C. 8. CRAWFORD. &crater,. feSt-tf XOHANGE INSURANOE COMPANY E . --Offiee No. 409 WALNUT Street. FIRE INSURANCE on Rouses and . Merchandise nenendlr, on favorable terms, either limited or per petual. .DIENCTORIS: J 3 Pra ll et ti . l Ginn73do Tho eell, Thomas nsmilacTh Edward D. Robe r ts , James T. Hale, - 14 Samuel L. Smedley, Joshua T. Owen,- Reuben D. Hale, John J. Griffiths JERE MLAR BONSALL, President. JOHN Q. GINI4OI/0, Vice Preaden t RIMAILI) Com. Secretary. lASI SAYING F1U74D13. •' A lane. but often, fills the Purse." F RANKLIN SAVING FUND, No.! 136 South FOURTH Street, between. Chestnut and Walnut, Philadelphia, pars all , deposits on demand. Depositors' money secured by Government, State, and City Loans, Ground Rents, Mad ames, ta. 'nos Company deems safety better than large IIOW, consequently will run no risk with depo atom' money, but have it at all times ready to return , with 5 per cent. interest, to the owner, las they hare always done. This Company' never imspended. Females, married or duple, and Minors, caul deposit in their own right, and snob deposits can• be withdrawn ONLY by their consent. Charter perpetual. Incorporated by the Statei ,of Pennsylvania, with authority to receive mane_y from trustees and executors. 1 LARUE AND BAIALL BUNK RECEIVED. . 06100 open daiyy, from 9 to S o'clock, and on .Wedneeday evening until 8 o'clock.. DIRECTORS. Jamb B. Shannon, Cyrus Cadwallader, John Shindler. George Ruse% .hisisshi Sloan, Charles ',suing, Pereintah Comfort, Henry Delany. ricoholas RitteWouse, Netheu_Omedley, Jos. R. Battartnraits, Jones Yerken. i John Alexander. JACOB B. bliAlifiON, President l Crane CAnwannansa. Tresinnar. a -h A Donar owed ii Mis earned." WRITING AND LEDGER PAPIORS.— , • We have now on hand, and are manufacturing to order, at the Mount Molly Paper Mills, every de eurption of WRITING AND LEDGER PAPERS, which ~for color rod quality, are not excelled by any other Mills m the united States. We would call attention to a new article of Paver manufactured by ne. and now for sale, called Busmen Letter, which has been gotten up to meet the wants of basin*** men and others, who object to Commercial Note as being too narrow, and do not wish- to nee part of usual latter sheet. This overoomes both the above obieotions ; is a per fect sheet, pure wove; plate finish ; ruled on one side ; stepped in centre near the top ; made from best ma! tenet, free from adulteration, and put Tnp in neat Dope, conueruent for nee. We also have a paper called Bank Letter, similar to the above . , xcep g nes bet half the number of lines eo se 'to altow a printed blank or headimtbove. • KEIRPTUN & m uLLIN m ou nt Holly donnas. Cumberland Co., ie. The above Pavers can be had of tdeaers. 8. ropy= & r:0" and MBOARGBE BROTHERS Pio.. and REcaTu atreet. , 1 .ARD.-1.25 tierces e a t s Leaf Lard, for igg4o try C. C. 3 A.DLIISR t . CO., 103 iiRCh 31,0 l e seelnd 400 r atoveXfonta RAILROAD LOBO. THE PENNSYLVANIA. OENTRALI RAILROAD 4 260 MILES DOUBLE TRACK. 1861. EtitaiME 1861. THE CAPACITY OF THIS ROAD IS NOW EQUAL TO ANY IN THE COUTRY. ET T W H E R E E N E TALO A U D GE L P p A RI SS A EN A ti N E D R P T IT U T A SBU INS RO. Connecting direct at Philadelphia with Through Trains from Boston. New York. and all_poirda East, and in the Union Depot at Pittsburg with Through Trains to and from all points the West. Northwest., and Southwest —thus furnishing fhoilities for the transportation ot passengers unsarpaassad for speed and comfort by any other route. Express and Feet Lines run through to Pittsburg, without change of Cars or Conductors. All Throng passenger Trains provided with Loughridge's Patent Brake-weed under perfeot control of the engineer, thus adding much to the safety of travellers. Smoking Care are attached to each Train ; Wood ruff's Bleeping Cars to Itxpress and Fast Trains. The EXPBEtIa RUNS DAILY Mail and Fast Lines, Bun dans excepted. gall Train leaves Philadelphia at 7.30 A. M. Fast Line 11.45 A. M. Express Train leaves " 10.45 P. M. WAY TRAINS LEAVE AS FOLLOWS : Harrisburg Accommodation, via Columbia, 230 F. M. Columbia SSD P. M. Parkesburg 0 at 5.40 P. M. West Cheater " No. /, at 8.75 A. M. No. 2 at 1270 P. M. West Cheater Famentere will lake the Wee; Chester Nos. 1 and 2 and Golum is Trains. Passengers for. Banbury Williamerort, 1 00 711, OP' falo, Niagara Falls, and intermediate points, leaving Philadelphia at 7.30 AM. and 2.30 P. M go directly through. Tickets Westward may be obtained at the officer of the Company In Philadelphia, New York. Boston, or Baltimore : and Tickets hastward at any of the impor tant Railroad Offices in the West; also o n board am of the regular Line of Steamers on the Blislissippi or Ohio rivers Stir Fare always as low, and time as quick, m by any other Route. For further information apply at the Passenger Sta tion. Southeast corner of Eleventh and Market streets. The completion of the Western connections of the Pennsylvania Railroad to Mosso, make this the DIRECT LINE DETWitiEN 1 EAST AND THE ARMS GREAT WEST. The commotion of truly/ by the Railroad Bridge at Pittsburg, avoiding all drayage or ferriage of Freight. together with the saving of time, are advantaged nimb i,' appreciated by Shippers of Freight, and the Travel ling Public. • Merchants and, Shippers entrusting the transporta tion of their Freight to this Company, Call MI, with confidence on ite speedy' transit. Tiß RATES OF FREIGHT to and from any Point in the West by the Pennsylvania Railroed are at all rimer as favorable as are charged by other Jiailroad Companies. glir;.lie particul"ar to mark packages " via Pennsyl vania Railroad. For Freight Contracts or Shipping Directions, apply to. or address either of the following Agents of the . Company : D. A. !Stewart, Pittsburg: H. B. Pierce & Co.. Zanesville. o._; Johnson, Rip ley. 0. ; R. McNeely, Maysville, KY.; Ormsby & Crop per, Portemboth, 0.; Paddock & go.. Jeffersonville. Indiana • H. W. Brown & Ci 11011113114. Atheni & Hibbiirt._Cincinnati, 0.; C. Meldrum, Madison, Ind. Joe. B. Moore, Louisville, Ky. ; P. 0. O'fbley & Co., .If.vanirviile, Ind. ; N. W. Graham & .Co., Cairo, • K. F. Stow, Hasler Se Glees St. Lou;.. Mo.• John H. ' Harris, Nashville, Teem • Hams & Runt, 'Mem pale, can, ; Glares ec 81. ;W. Fl. Koonts, Alton, Ill.; or to Freight Agents of Railroads at different point! in the Weet. B. B. Xi moaToN, Jr.. Philadelphia. MAGRAW & BOONS, 80 North street. Baltimore. LEECH & Co.. 1 Actor House, or 1 S. William at.. N, Y LEECH. ft 00.. No-77 State street, Balton. H. H. HOUSTON: Gen'l Freight Avant, Phila. L. L. BOUPT, Gen'i Ticket Agent, f'hila. B. LEWIS. Gen't Sysn't Altoona. Pa. * jag-Sy 1861. alpiamiti 1861. SPAIN.C+ AItItANGEMS: iiVIEWIYORK LINES CAMDEN l i T v ti t ilD PELLA DMA AND OAD__CO.II -FROM.P 4 1DJA A 10 NEW YORK AND , AY PLA 1111014 WALIWZ-isl.'veztaaur D nansrneyor, neap. WILL LISAYE AS FOLLOWS, VIZ ; Yana. At 6 A, M., via Camden and Amboy, C. and A. Ao oommodation 26 At aA. M., via C a mden Jorse y City, (D. J.) Accommodation-- 196 At 8 A. M., via Camden and Jersey City, Morning Rait—.- . 00 At 1U A. M., via Kensington and Jamey City, Western Faunas --. nu At 1.234 P. ISL, via Camden and Amboy Accommo dation At 2 P. M., via Camden anAnbor, C. and A. Es press ------ a 00 At 23f P. M., via Kensington and Jormey City, Bee s 00 At of P. M., via Kensington and Jersey City, 2d Class Ticket --—. 226 At 6P. M., TM Camden and jersey City, Eve ning Mail. . 200 AtllX P. M., via Camden and Jersey City , South . : - ern Mail . 2 25 At 8 P. M., via Camden andAmboy, Accommoda tiou_, (Freight and Passenger}-4st Class Ticket- 2 26 Do. do. • - 2d Class Ticket- I 50 The 6P M Mail Line inns daily. The DX PM. South ern Mall, Saturdays excepted. For Belvidere, 'Easton, ' Lambertville, Fieltlillgterl, ?CO., at 7.10 A. M. from ; Kensington , and 234 M. from Walnut -street 'wharf.. For Water Orm l Strandabare, Scranton, Wißtabarre, Montrose,Great nand, &0., Tay A. M. from Kensington, via Delaware. Lackawanna and 'Western K. It. For Manch Chunk, Allentown, and Bethlehem it 7.10 A. M. from Kensington Depot, and 3)4 P. M. from Wal nut-street wharf ; (the 710 A 611, line connects with train leaving Easton at 3.35 P. Mo_ For Mount Holly, at 6 and 8 A. M., 2 and 43i P. et, . For Freehold. at it A. NI., and 2 P. M. WAY LIMES. - - For Brisiol, Trenton, st TAO A. M., 4.1 f, and 6W, P. M. from Kerclngton, and 214 P. M. from Walnut atreetrharf. For Palmyra,verton, Delanoo. Beverly. Barling tonk Florence, Bordentown, As., at U 34, 1, 661 and 6 Steamboat Trenton, for llordentown and intermediate Pleceeiat 23i P. M. from Walnut-etreet wharf. gror Now Yort, and Way Linea loavo Kensington Dimot, take the Gant, on Fifth street, above Walnut, halt an hoar before departure. The oars ran into the depot, and on arrival of each train, run from the depot. Fifty Pounda of Baggaro, onlyj allowed each Pawn 1. P 11110314811 are prohibited from taking anything u gage but their wearing apparel. All baggage over I pounds to be paid for extra. The Company limit their reepongibility for baggage to One Dollar per pounu, end will not be liable for any amount beyond .1001 ex oept special oontraot. mhri wM. H. eATZMEI. Agent. ar tig aims WINTER ARRANGE- Al ENT.P_RLADELPHIA, OERMANTOWN: AND NORRISTOWN RAILROAD. • On and alter MONDAY Nov 77.1860, FO or:RmArdowli. Leave Philadelp . a, 6.7, 8,9, 10. 11, and U A. M., 1,1 r 3 1 1„ 2, 3.19, 4, e t 6/1/, 6.T. 8,9, 10 1 ( and /1 P. M. Leave (sermantourn, 6, 7, ' TI , 8. 8 .9,_ 10, 11 and if A bl., 1,3, 3,4, 8,0, 616 6 7, 8,9, and 10 .M. N SUNDAY , Leave Philadelphia, 9.06 mm. A. M.. 1,7, and 10% P. M. Leave Gemmetown, 0.10 mm. A. M.,1.10 min., 8, and IN P. hl -Witantli7 , 444o4WWT!law.,,,„ - ffirdimi P. Leave Chestnut Chestnut HiLl. 1, 10, 838 8.40, and 9.40, and 11.40 A. M., 1.40, 3.40, 8.10. an 8. 40. M. ON SUNDA Leave Philadelphia, 9.08 A. IL. 2, and T P. M. Leave Chestnut Hill, 7.6olnin, A. M.., 13 60, L4O, and _. . . 4SWX7 II git •ONeROROCREN AND NORRISTOWN. Leave Philaaelphia.‘,P00, and 11.06 nun. A. M. 1A6,349, 47e, 9.00, and r and 6P.. Leave M Nornstown, 6. 7, 8.06,9, and U A. PI., 13e", . ON SUNDAYS. Leave Philadelphia, 9 A. AI and 3 P. M.. for Norris town. Leave Norristown Oß , 55 AMANA . Y UNK. and 5 P. M. Leave OS Phi n ladelplua, 5.80. 714 9.06, and 11.06 A. M. I. Lave , ma avun z, 7 41 48 P. 9 M .113(A.M.,1,8% 5, GM. and 934 P. M. ON SUNDAYS. Leave Philadelphia. 9 A. M., 8, and 7 P. M. Leave Manayunk, 7l( A. M .. 634, and 8 P. M. EL K. SMlTH,._eneral Superintendent. nob)-Of DEPOT. N INTH and GB.ERTI Streets. MaltaiMN NORTH PENNBYL VANIA RAILROAD. FOR BETWLEMBM, _ DOYLESTOWN. hIAVOR CHUNK. HAZLETON. and HUXLEY. THREE THROUGH TRAINS. On and after MONDAY. December 8.1860, Passenger Tralnewlll leave FRONT and WILLOW Streets, PhDs delphia, daily, (Sundays exeeeted). as follow. At 6.80 A. AL,l_Exvressl. for Bethlehem, Allentown, Mauch Cheek, riazteton, Wilkeebarte, ace. At 1.45 P. M., (Express), for Bethlehem, Vaston, This train reaches Easton at 6 P. M. and makes olose connection with tiew Jersey Central for New York. At 6 P. M.. for Bethlehem, Allentown, Mauch Chunk. o. At 9A. M. and 4 P M. for Doylestown. At 6 P. M., for Fort Washington. The 6.30 A. M.ress train makes *lose connection ,Bsp with the Lehigh Valley Railroad at Bethlehem, being the shortest and most de4nrablo route to Wilicesbarre, and to all points in the Lig TRAINS FORP H ILADELPHIA. P Leave Bethlehem at 543 A. M., 9.15 A. M., and 6.38 Leave Doylestown at 7.20 A. M. and 3.110 P. M. Leave Fort Wastungton at 6.41 A. M. ON SliNDAYS.—Philadelphia for Fort Washington at LW A. M. Philadelphia for Doylestown at 4 P. M. Doylestown for Philadelphia at 7 A. M. Fort Washington for Philadelphia at 3.45 P.M. Fare to Bethlehem—el soFare to Manoh Chunk.s2 60 Fare to Beaton 1 60 I Fare to Wilketbanre— 4 110 Through Tickets must be procured at the 'Ticket Mess, at WILLOW Street, or FERMI Street, in order to *sours the above yates of fare. All Passenger Trains (except Sunday Trains) connect at Berke Street with Fifth and Sixth-streets, and Second and Third-streets Passenger Railroads, twenty minutes after leaving Willow Street. del-tY ELLIS GLANS. Agent. SPRING ARRANUE MENT.--PHILADELPH lA, WILMINGTON, AN I) BALTIMORE RAILROAD. On and after MONDAY, APRIL 15, 1861 PABBENG.ER TRAINS LEAVE PHIL DELPHIA For Baltimore at 8.14 A. M., 11.35 A. M., (Ezpress), and 10.60 P. M. For Chester at 8.15 A. M., 11.16 A. M., LIS and 10.60 P. M. For Wilmington at 8.15 A. M., 11 313 A. M., 4.15 and 10.60 P M. for tew Castle at 8 . 16 A. M. and 4.15 P. M. or over at 8.16 A. M. and 6.16 P. M. For Milford at 8,16 A. SL For baltelsarY 8.14 A. M. TRAIM FOR PHILADELPHIA Leave Baltimore at 615 A. M. (Express), 9.43 A. M., and 4.15 P. M. Leave Wilmington at CM and 9.10 A. M., L and 8 P. M. Leave 8811mM:try at 1.40 P. M. Leave Milford at 4 P. M. Leave Dover at 6.35 A. M. and 510 P. M. Leave New Castle at &95 A.M., T. P. M. ve Chester at 7.40 A. 10,, 9.40, 1.5 T and IMO F.M. ve Baltimore for Balistmry and Delevrate Rail road at 6.15 A. M. TRAINS FOR BALTIMORE:. Leave Chester at 8.45 A.M., 1246 and 11.20 P.M. Leave Wilmington at 4.33 A. M.. 12.35 P. AL. and 13 FREIGHT TRAIN. with Passenger Car tittaehed, will run as toilworn s Lem Fidiaddlabra for Perryville end intormodidte flacon as 9.50 P. Leave Wilmington for Perryville and intermediate places at 7.1 a P. M. Leave Wilmington for Philadelphia and niterme diets place"' at 6 P. M. Leave Barre-de-Grape for Baltimore and interreedi ate stations at 6 A. M. Leave Baltimore for Havre-de-Grape and intdrdledi ate ate:U=4 at 6 P. M._ ON 81JNDAY16 Only at 10.50. P. M. from Philadelphia to Baltimore. Only at 446 P. M. from Baltimoretcyluladelphis. 5912 B. M. FELT ON. President. ar t imm PHILADELPHIA AND READING RAIL ROAD.—PABNANGER TRAINS for POTTSVILLE, READING, and HARRISBURG, on and aftordArril 1881. MORNING LINER, DAILY, tbundays Azoepted.l_ • Leave New Defp_ot. corner of BROAD and CALIA)W NIkL Streets, PUILADELPHIA,(Paiwanjer entrances on Thirteenth and on Calltratill strelats At, 8 A. SI.. co_nneqtang at Itarrielrarg with the PEN sYLVANLA ItAILRLAD. I P. M. train running . to PittoixtrE ; the cUMBERLAND VALLEY LOS P. st. tram tannin/ tO Uhamborebura, tee.. .Land the NORTHERN CENTRAL RAILROAD 1 P. M. train. mining to San ben. &e. AFTERNOON LINEN. Leave Now Dewy comer of BROAD and OfiLLOW RILL Street*, PRILADELPHIA,(Pasaanger entrances on Thirteenth and on Callowhill atmeta,) for POTTS VILLE and HARRISBURG. at 8.399. Id. DAILY, for READING Only, at a P. M.4DA.U.Y, (Bonaire ex- DLISTAXIDDI3 VIA PHILADELPHIA AND READMO RAILROAD. nom Pnita,nximitta.. Miles, To Phmaiz~ille 78' - loadinr— 1181 Lebanon-- ---- Ramobarc Dauphin Millersburg_— .-10 j Travono unotion_ Simburs Northumberland liewiabarg —lB Milton-- --DS —..—.18T Williamsport --JO or Williaminort and Elmira Elmira_ .. _ __3ll The 8 A. fa. and 3.30 F. M. train minuet:4 dailL at &rt Clinton, ci3ansima exceted& With the CATA- Willais. 1L lAMSPORT, and RIE. IidILROA.D. making 01000 oonnootiono with lines to Niagara Falk. Dartadeldhe Weet and Soutvciat. DEMI PHILADELYELA : Corner et 8.42.0 and CALLOWRILIAtreete. agde-tf w. H. ?dc11.1111111(16Y. N raters Mil---- - IYA IL Y }INLAND FREIGHT LINE TO NOR -FOLK gin • 0 MOUTH, VA., and to the winos- GoCities and Tows,- in the Eolith and flouthweet. ods sent to the Depot; corner trltOaD /Street and WAGII.INGTOrt Avenue, will be forwarded daily, awl 7. It se low rates as by any ether 11.36. H. F. KNftaif. Master ol:Rraitavoration P. w. /c. lirß. It: Co. . t - ' .... --.- ''''''"`W 10 Toyrit s T zit as ,* ..,.._- ______ TRAI2IIIS via PWII V . if ti .T.-i_ r 0 .. 4 , 4011 1 01 *wail eipriger: AU in at i FURNESS, BRNIVIG & No. I 4 %4 MAR KS'S CO.,TREET. POSTPONEMENT. NOTlCE.—thir sale of femur goods advertised for Tuesday and Wednesday, April 2.4 and 24, in postponed until farther notice. N F. PA.NCOAST. AUCTIONEER, Sua- IN• clamor to B. Soots. Jr., 431 CHESTNUT St. BALE AMERICAN AND IMPORTED DRY GOODS. EMBROIDERIES, RIB .ONS, km, &o. By catalogue. On Wednesday Morning. MIST tat. ISM. at ID o'clock. • TWO HUNDRSD AND FIFTY POUNDS FANCY YARN. Also, On Wednesday Mornins. MO Ms assorted colors two-ply yarn, for tha manufac ture of fancy hosieryjgooda. Also, M lbs of cord for bomb,. POSITIVE BALE OF 260 CASES STRAW GOODE. On Thursday Morning. May 2d, 18611 3 at 10 o'clock— . The stock of manufacturing firm. °Molding of all .grades and styles of choice new goods. PHILIP FORD & QO., AIIOTIONSERS, No. 030 MARKET Street and 4131 MINOR at. LARGE SPECIAL B O AR ALE OF 26,000 WINDOW ES_ On account of one of the Y rg laest manufacturers in New ork. This Morning, April 30,4 at 10 o'clock preeiselY. by catalogue, for °sO. will be peremptorily sold to the highest bidder. as renews: .10 000 6-feet centre velvet and gilt shades. 10,000 " plain " 2,000 7- tat " 1.000 centre so,ooo 6- feet plain centre and gilt shades. 2 300 7 feet 10,000 6-feet centre and silt shades. 2,300 7-feet plain 1,020 6-feet plain green " 1,000 •• centre and Jreen •• 2 000 7-feet • 1,000 6-feet centre and silver " 1;007-fees " 10 000 fancy paper abeam!. We would call the especial attention of buyers to the above goods. as embracing the handsomest assortment of !thanes ever offered in this market. . POSITIVE SALE OF 1.000 CASES BOOTt3.ISIIOES. AND BROGANS. On Thursday Morning. May IL at 10 o'olook precisely, will be sold, by cata logue— LOCO oases men% boys' and Tenths' calf. kip. and grain IX NAIi t eon, km, and gram brogans. Congress gaiters. calf and Pat Lea Oxford tits, walking shoes, &o.; wo men's, misses' and children's calf. kip. goat, morocco and kid heeled boots and shoes, gaiters, slippers, bun king, .Ao.; also. a large and desirable assaortment of first-class oity-made goods. 16i" Goode open for examination, with catalogues, early on the morning of wale. IFITZPATRICK & BROS., .M;t4' • TIONNER6, 604 CHESTNUT Otte •e. 4461- SALEis a rnat rrvjNlllo. At f o'olook, of Book', stationery and fancy town watches. jewelry, olooke, silver plated ware, antlers. paintings. renewal inatmementa, &o. Abe, onelarY. dry goods boots and shoos, and mer *handle. of every deserjption. DAY FIAEES everymods!, Wednsidiy, end Vri day at.lo o'clock A. ratVATE SALIBA At primate sale several yergeloonaignmentis of watches lewenrY, Woke, 'Wiiam, !dyer-plated ware, cutlery fano; goon, eco. To which is solicited the attention o oit_y and country merchants and others. Consignments sohoited of ail kinds of merchandise for either public or private sales. Liberal out advances made on oonedenatents. Out-door isles promptly attended to. MOSES NATHANEA, ALTO TION A.Tm- AND COMMISSION MERMAN,- Sonatase coiner of SIETE and RACE Street*. NATHAN'S' GREAT OTHERARTICLESG. BED DING, AND On Tneeday Morning, -4 Wth hut— at le o'clock. at the notion store. SPLENDID BET OF DIAMONDS AT PRIVATE SALE. Consisting of diamond and opal breastpin and ear rings. Price $660. Cost in Fans 11.400. A. splendid single-stone diamond breaat-pin, only VAL coat OWN OTT DOOR SALES Attended to personally by the Auctioneer. Consignments of say and every kind of goods 'Wh etted. MOIDOS NATHAN'S, MONEY TO LOAN $20,000 to loan, at the lowest rates, on diamonds, watches jewelry. 'Myer elate, dry goods, clothing, gro ceries, aware, hardware, cutlery, plane', mirrors, inr niture, beddin, and on goods of every description, in large or emai l amounts, from one dollar to thousands, for eng_length of time agreed on. rir The Oldest Established House in this atty. Sir Private entrance on RACE Street. Wir fluidness hours from 9 A. M. to 9 P. 3L Heavy inatuance for the benefit of depositors. CHARGES ONLY TWO PER CENT. sir Advances of $lOO and upwards at two per omit. Advances of $lOO and upward', at one per cent., for abort Inane WEEKLY COMMUNICATION BY STEAM BETWEEN NEW YORK AND LIVERPOOL, calling at QUEENSTOWN (Ire land.) to land and emberk passengers and despatobes. The Liverpool, New York. and Philadelphia Steam ship Company's splendid Olyde-built iron strew steam ships, are Intended to sail as follows: FROM NEW YORK FOR LIVERPOOL. VIGO Saturday, May U OLAIO OW • Saturday, April SI CITY OP WASHINGToN. Saturday, May 4 No. Rod every_ R. Saturoay throughout the year, from P k.R 44 N. RATES OF PASSAGE THROUGH FROM PHILADELPHIA. Cabin, to Queenatolru, or Liverpool...-...-- 7i Do. to London, Via, Liverpool -...., —— - MI I Steerage to Queenstown, or Liverpool. ... SO Do. to London. ...,... ....—.... 33 Do. Return tickets, available for six months, from Liverpool.. __. . . _ $ 6O Passengers forwarded to Havre. Paris,"lamburg, Bremen, and Antwerp, at through rate.. Co tifteates of passage issued from Liverpool to New York— --...- _ .. __.— 840 Certificates of passage issued fr - Om - glieensaiiiitTO :taw York . -- -*SO These steamers have superior accommodations for passengers, are constructed with watertight compart ments. and carry experienced Surgeons. For freight, or passage ally at the °Moe of the Com pany, .V ir ft O. DALE, ASCU. 109 out stree t Philadelphia. In Liverpool. to W S ? . INMAN In Glasgow, to Wl:r w l e lialt ui rv idi , 66. li Dixon street. THE BRITISH AND NORTH AMRRICA,N ROYAL MAIL &TRAM- R PROM NEW TOIL TO LIVERPOOL. Chief CabinVlSO Second Cabin Passage- _ PROM BOSTON TO LIVERPOOL. . .. . . . . reins tP . I. .. , ...:4 - • : - .r.. - :=:....—_ _ I . The ships from rftreell at Cork Harbor. The ships from Boston call at Halifax and Cork Har bor. PERSIA, Capt. Judkitur. (AFRICA, Capt. Shannon. ARABIA, Capt. J. Stone. CANADA Capt. Anderson. ANA, Capt. E. O. Lott. AMERIC A . Capt. McAuley AUSTRALASIA:I_, 111AGARA, Capt. !booth*. Capt. E. M. Rookie!. EUROPA. Capt. J. Cook. SCOTIA. I noW btulthng.) These vessels Gam a clear white light at mast- head ; green on starboard bow; red on port bow. CANADA, Anderson, leaves Boston, Wednesday, April S. itnir, Shannon. 7. N. York . Wednesday , Apnl 10. pft_O A, C.00.k, . Boston._ Wednesday. Ann . ! 17. RS A , JnoW ni t • ' N. York, Wednesday , Apti 114. NIAGARA, Moodie, " Boston, Wednesday. May 1. dal& Lott, a , N. York, Wednesday. May 8. ARABIA, Stone. " Boston, Wednesday. May 11. AFRICA, Shannon, " N. York. Wednesday, May 22. Berths not secured until paid for. An experienced Burgeou on board. The owners of these ships will not be aooonntable for Cold. Silver, Bullion, Spools, Jewelry, Precious Stones or Metals, unless bills of lading are signed therefor, and the value thereof therein expressed. For freig h t or Damage, apply to E. Cu_NA or mhe-ti 4 Bowling Green. new ort. FOR THIS. SOUTH.-OHARLES. TON AND SAVANNAH !STEAMSHIPS. Bills ladint for goods for points other than the &tee of . Charleston and Savannah, must be accompanied with certified invoices, to insure prompt delivery. All goods not permitted immediately after the arrival of the steamers at Charleston and Savannah will be sent to the Custom-honse stores. Thletteamshij) STATE OF GEORGIA having _ been with rawn for the present, the Steamship KEYSTONE STA E will run to both Savannah and Charleston, taking freights for both ports at the same time, pro ceeding first to Savannah, and from thence to Charles ton, ;among a trip every two weeks, thus making de liveries as frequently in Charleston and Savannah as when both ships were running. Passengers for Charleston will be ticketed through from Savannah to Charleston bgailroad. Fare to savannah , ,• thro to Charleston, S IB. FOR CHARLESTON A SAVANNAH. Owing to the Difficulties at Charleston, the Steamship KEYBTON BTAlla, Cat. Idarshman. hes been with drawn for the present. Due notice of her imams will be given. Goods reoeived every day, and Bills of Lading signed SURA at second wharf above Vine NC street. INk. Freight and insuranoe on a largeproportion of Goods shipped South will ba found to be lower by thee. 'thins than by muting vessels. p? Insurance on all Railroad Freight is entirely rinneoessary, farther than Charleston or Savannah, the Railroad Companies taking all rube from these points. Philadelphia to New Orleans and intermediate Points. Charleston and Savannah route, connecting with steamers for Florida. and with railroads for New Orleans and intermediate points. GREAT REDUCTION IN FARE. Fare by this route 23 to 40 per cent. cheaper than by the Inland Route, es will be seen by the following schedule. Through tickets from Philadelphia. via Charleston and Savannah steamships, incLuntrou MEA LS on the whole route, &unapt from Clisrlisstos and Savannah to 10.02111001017 ! 1 To Savannah.-- -110 aTo Columbus..—.Sri 00 Charleston.— 14 00 Albany— --... 23 00 Augusta-...-.-- 17 10 Montgomery _.. mop Moon—. -_.. 20 00 Mobile__.__... So or Atlanta_-. 21 00 New Orleans..... 19 70 it. 8.-Passensers by this route connect with the In land Route in South Carolina and Georgia, travelling by the same eonveyanets nee to New Orleans. No bills of lading signedafter the ship has sailed. No freight received on the day of & sail in in Charleston, T. 8. & T. G. IS lij) Savannah. BUTTER. GA iglA T. S. & T. G. BUDD, Charleston, and HUNTER & GAM meta. Savannah. will attend to entering and for warding all goods nom:tinned to their oar 111.1111 A ROUTE.- 1 PHILADELPHIA A.ND MIRA RALLROA.O, QUICKEN/ KOUTh to TaalaqtutiCOtoo. /A rt. WilkesTtrre=nratonii!!.4l"l,g -iagararipihirter: ditTieyitt.Wl,l Toledo__ awl WNW, Lam WA0. 0 14 11 to north two it at, Paiwensor trigos will l re the new Depot of the Phi ladelphje and Reading lread, comer BROAD and OALLOWHILL Streets, ( assenyer entrance on Cal i 4 .0. i.e. daily (Ban ys eroeptad ), for above Mm frticrj • ____Atel A. M. H. nY II , --- = . ____ AS.S9 Y. M. The A . M. train eonneer;eißepert, for Wilke,- barre, anion. Boninto_n_, _ and all stations on the LAGRAWANNA ABED DLOOMBBURG RAILROAD. The above trains make direct oonneotior .r aVdmini with_the trains of the New York and Eno, r • , E , and Niagara Falls, and Buffalo, Newyork and Erni. a New York Central Railroads, tom all Points rialth West, and th i padss. Baggage oh . to Elmira, IlYaffalo, mid livepoluden B VtMtreg t atbei L l t =l t it i Vi t tility.delplua and El vafg RaHroadLtr . e' A omoe, northwest corner at PILITML L. .2. treats, and at the Peasenaer D o 6 o 0 / • 'PITHand CALLOWEILL, Et ' REM FREIGHT TRAIN Leave the Phil i delphia and Reading Depot, Broad and oollowhin sue Udall; (ancdays eximintod 1, for all 'wm Wortaa ilortD, et IP. M. F l agon mi.,' Da deUreroa before I F. IL to iaxtra their going the rime day., For farther information VlPteiskt Depot, 17111.7EKATH and CALLO , or to CRAB. R. .d..PP , la ral Asont, northwest essay KLINK an d I I II W 7 throats. tialt-tr Ploll4lolDilit ialltg/PME E WEST 011 EST ER MALLROAD, AND PRILAILPRIA VIA On and MI, GPRINCyt.Si MAI N WE . M.Etir, after Itlon 2. March 11, 1861, the trams will leave Ptillislelphia,fro m the Depot, northeast darnel' of Eakhteenth and Market streets, at B.OOA. M.. see I,A, and 6.30 P. M. The Preight Train. vrith passenger car attacked, will leave West Philadelphia at 6 A. M., rpaalnl as tat as the Baltimore Central Ideation. On Sundays, leave philacteipAut at a A A M. and 2P. M.: le&ve West Chester at 7.86 A.M. end 4.86 P. M. The trains levier ptalndelptua at 8 A. M. and 4 P.M. spoluoot, Ponneltsin with trains on the Philadelphia aid Atittmsta Oentrat Railroad, for Memel.. Oxford, tati:. RENRY WOOD. lohll General Beperinten4eat.„ Philadelphia 'lnd ILeadip,g and Lebanon Valley Li. no.lie t r=tral. Swabia, ant k;rie R.I. NonOB.,OIIISTIAR V A Vi t inatAl VlOA r ir- P IBENGERMR. A NIT44ITUW pi ND IN_ TRANI ADIATE STA W. . - -14 °ad 4,11 Qv. Bth, im, the paneu.or ruts or DO O TOWN Inn gad fre the delr Paseenger Pent o the Phila delphia_ an liteedipijietlroa,e.! Commay. Gunter of Au.OAD eiBd CALd i rw ki.L.L. tareeta, (lAA:eager ion trrtialgßA for Downinstcrela leaves at 8.00 A. • A . TY AXOON TRAIN for Datinzingtawn leaved I,‘ LW P. hl . DAILY Mandan excepted), lip order of the Beal l ; Vglit n r of tea 141,1641.1- phis and Reading MAU nog yr • .?a irrim it NY. &we ta r• . ....—...--.... • RAY SIONES, ÜBAVE-STONSS. My hook Of Grave atones and Moaumente to be aold at very redttoed prices. Plow call and exa before pulclusatnir elsewhere, at ' fin-2a UDINE Avenaa, boa j tatkig I H. ,11 1124 3f4r. mimaractared ur wifigaNitieriaMM HIPPINC SPECIAL NOTICE • 0 ' TUOMAS EONS, T • • NON. 139 and 141 Satan FOUII:TH (Formerly Now, or and 62.. • STOCKS AND REAL ESTATE—THIS DAy Painehiec oatalognes now rano . , eontninin k nor' phone of all the. property to bn sold on Tuna/ail,' 30th Lost., with a lint of salon lot and 7th tor M.. largo smount of real imitate pnvete '• -4 Y THJ LAT MODERN RESIDFNCI,„,i n. „, F dem ifteenth streoder et, ate will be e held at private male inr { ' , hot 6. at am. STOCKS AND HEAL ESTATE. INAI.ES AT THE AMIE E VERY Oar' Handbills of sash nroverty.insued sepA ratc addition to whioh we publish, on the Wards, 0 , 1,11 to each sale._ one thousand ca.talosims prove ,, eviokie deeoriptions of all the rniPidel mud on the following Tneacle.Y. NT t o b. REAL EST ATE AT PR [NATE SALE, IP We have a large amount of real eetata woe, inolnding every dgeorintion of city property P rinted Irate may be had at the auetinnLluT PRIVATE SALE REGISTER, wre Real estate entered on our private gale ofand advertiged 000atnonally in our public tialemzqt, which one thounand copier are printed we t e rtri, free of charge. k 1,1 PEREMPTORY BALR-BTOCKIL By Ponnoift ent, Thin Day, April SO. at noon, at the .Naointnge, w na m es. old— without reserve for. non p ayment of metni, 8,4/50 charge Bohemian Mining Company. gg(10 par mat t mortgage loan Penn Topnthip Lodge Bai t Aegoination. Without reserve -8600 bond ILLgon i ttun County Mining and Manufa Company rrin lit • REAL ESTATE SALE—APRIL 30. Peremptory Sale.—The large and valuable Blue% BUILDING and LOT, southwest Corner of Broad Vine meets, with steam eiginemaelneerl, "•• de the '' MECHANICAL aftEratY, lot si fe e i b ows feet—three Ovate . May be examined rovem :nhrueiliddare: vim! sale. 3 In , pip e LILT and elegant THREE. STORY BRICK R.har ogri g. 1108 Spruce street, west of Riev es i h ' street. Hee all the modern amp Weems Yard planted with fruit trees. arse,. shrubbery. onto, Clear of nil ID O UII I I4IIIIOO. possesemo. Keys at the auction r,,onis. nmedtay Administrator's Sale—Estate of . Dr. Thorne' • dtioeiteed.—VALUAßLE REBI u is NOE, !mow , !ono, nor o f Ni n th and Spruce streets, with stable and house it. the rear. Lot 80 feet on epruee street. " HANDSOME MODERN RESIDENCE, No it Filbert street, west of Sixteenth street. The h ou i e 4l the modern improvements and convenience. hat Two handsome MODERN KRICK M ReStlar E s Nos. 2107 and NO9 Green street. built In the best with all modern STORE :ELL nel. and replete BRICK DWELLING..tind LOT(); GROUND. west side of Germantown iead, Kilns Tillage. Twenty-first ward. 40 feet 6 Inchon froni,ail feet deep._ TWO STORY BRICK STORE AND No. 772 Callow hill street. THREE-STORY BRICK DWELLING, No, 8 4 . 3 term street north of Parrish street, rovrttesth one d TWO-STORY BRICK DWELLING, xu 3A Sixteenth street. above The street, DOttli THREE-STORY BRICK DWELLING, N e Eiehteenth street. below Market street. • .auth THREE-STORY BRICK DWELLING, No. zu Bert street, wee , . of Twenty- second greet. • 1 .. THREE-STORY BRICK DWELLING, No. 21% Summer street, meet of Twentfirst street, THRE.a-tiTuRY BRICK DWELLING, N. gan street, south of Surma street. li. LARGE TlfithE-IsTORY BRICK ftga llJ with side yard. N 0.424 South lord street, bel ee 'p int • 40 feet front. 199 feet deep. , LARGE AND VALUABLE LOT, with aide el Molt street. west of cwenty-firet. 100 by 102 feet COTTAGE R hISIDENCe:, with stable and aos e l, h ouse . Leyerington avenue, Twenty-fiat ward, isle Roaborough. BRICK AND FRAME DWELLINGS, No. 1034 Beach street. THREE-STORY BRICK DWELLINr Tk street, southwest of Crease street. On l 2loll LOP OF GROUND. Twenty-second street, north of Cherry street. LOT OF GROUND. Cherry street, east of Twenty. Stetted street. LOT OF GROUND. Duke street. north of Somerset. Sale on the promisee, No. 720 Wa'nut 'wet VALUABLE RESIDE NCE AND FURNITURE, Tide Morn intt mint 31), at /0 o'olooki Will be sold. at. Dllblin isle. on the premises, all that threeloory brick Inman led lot of ground situate on the corgi lode of With am 128 feet oast of Eighth street, N 0.726, cotini t . i e n t 'front on Walnut street 20 feet, and matelot it i s n t r g e depth Pi feet 6 inoheg. to an alley 6 feet wide, sztendinn from seventh to Eighth 'treats, With the ps t il e , a ~ maid alio.. The house hail the gas introduced. Clehr of all incumbranoer 4 15 00 may rehlalaet mongsre fora term of seer& , lyar May be examined on anplontion to n41,140°4 HANDSOME HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE. WIER MIRRORS, &o. Immediately after the aale of the house will te WS, by oatalottoe. the handsome houssho'd furniture, Sate mirrors. &o. Bale No. 723 Walnut &relit. SUSRRIOR. FURNITURS MIRRORS, EfffißAT. INOS, CHANDELIERS. AND BRUSSELS WARE, MOQUET AND BRUSSELS CARPETS. &c., &c. This Morning. 30th lest., at 10 o'clock, at No. 7E Walnut strut, I, catalogue, the entire household furniture. Also. the kitchen furniture, k.o. Hir The handsome residence still be sold at IS e'eket precisely, previous to sale of furniture. Partioalars in catalogues, now ready. Peremptory Sale r on the Premises. ESTATE OF GEORGE McFIENRY. THE EL EGA NT COUNTRY SE ea, WOODBOOSSE, FINE MANSION. AND SO ACRES. NEAR Deßal, SIX MILES FROM MARKET uTREET BRIDGE. On Wednesday Morning, May let, 1881, at ten o'clock precisely, will be sold public Auction. without reserve, on the premier- All that beautiful country seat. Woodbounie, superi r modern mansion, stable and coach - douse, green-house, ice-house and other out- buildinpi, act th sores highly improved?and, situate on the fiptiajfied road, about half a mile rom the terminus of the Ms Passenger Railroad, and six miles from Market antet bridge. The mansion is of brick,ainted and sanded. built and .fintshed in a most costly and elegentebil, from p aim by J. MoArthur, Has., architeot, aid silk, his superintendenon, replete with every model in: provernent and convenience for a winter as WA sat summer residenoe. The out buildings are almuyanor and commodious, the grounds beautifully laid mad planted with every species of evergreen aid Oriental, trees and shrubbery, fine (mit, pears, cherries, pima, sm. Also, an arbor of (choice grape vanes a miss. and several large hot Ws. In the mar of the mime are about three acres of fine A:seri oan forest tree.. sad a grove of large walnut trees. The aroma, toads also on the Darby Creek, 60 feet vide and T feet deep. which affords fine bathing and boating. A more fan description may be had at the /motion rooms ar dal( the parakeet, money may remain en men. it a ttGANT FURNITURE. HORSES, CARR:SW . B, o The superior furniture, horses, anthem, at., silt be sold, by catalogue, immediately after the teak sites. Sae absolute, the owner having gone to Eons. SA LE Ole RARE. CURIOUS, AND INTERFeTIVS BOOKS. MANUSCRIPT UTOGKAPRS, GRAVINOS, AND PAIN T INGS. On Wednesday and Thursday Evenings. May I and 2, at the Anotion /Store, Nos. Mud lii south Fourth street, a collection of rare, onnow, interesting books, manuscripts, autographs, far it grevinite and paintings. from the private ii err si eatalogneY. wilivh "%I! le ready one cay previous. SUPE RlOat N R . 1 V .15 I 1 TURE, FR E F CH bATF e , t * 11. ROKS. YlAro-FORTES..BA.USEELSCAR:, On Tliursday blornlng, At 9 o'clock, at the Auction Store. an awornerat exoellent second-hand furniture. elegautluslo-foltm, fine mirrors, carpets. eta., from (auntie' demists ho.uselteeDlot, removed to the atom ior oonronienoe of To Bakers, &0.-Bale oorner Broad sod Vise streets. 1 , 1561.04171.Te1g, TOOLS. BAKI. tor pl3llll-CallTs. wAeoris, BREAD CREPT:Si IRON BREAD 'an &o. On Friday Morning. May S. at 10 &cloak, without reserve. at lb. hIECHA. ISICAL BAKk.RY, southwest corner of Broad LW Vino 'greets, a large amount of personal property. llgr Full particulars in printed ostslor ues, nos rind!. The real estate, with steam engine, ko.. will be so% at the Exchange. o Tuesday, 30th nun.. venous 13 the above. • sal n e absolute. ale No SYS North MIRROR t. SUPERIOR CARPETS_, &c. Onnday Morning. hi as Id , at ten o'olook, at M 4 North Sixth shot% above Parish street, The superior parlor, dimes-room,. and ohamterfutti• tore, fine French plate mantel mirror, Ens Brawls. carpets, superior Boring mattresses, and Rather hest fink plated tea set. &e. SW May be examined with catalogue on the V01T44 of the sale. at eight o'olock. uscHIPIRRY *IW IRON. PENN STEAM ENGIN PR Ar.) ALANworNEA FIE l I TtIRORRIICAL, ENSIESSI. NIA OBINIST ILEIL-MAXBRB, BL ACIEWB , and FOUND , hawing, fp) many ream. ass 2 inuntatufal operation, end been exolusivet earwig 4 building and repairing Marine and Rive; Engird% LW and low preeenre, Iron Boats, Water 'Rua+, FroSe".wh Ace., Ns., respectfully offer their games! th e . as beinA Mir prituured to oontracd for ithalcso sizez • MVPS+ River, and atribublezy earns ma' Dater= o dif f erent mos. arab/nem to WWI V' itasinth ao,ok deepetoh. KNil.i7 desoriptlet of FIRM r=txuAn at the shortest , entire , Risk sad l Low re, ne, Tdtatar, nod cylivider Bouenno best Pennsylvania okarooal iron, Forcers, 01 00 e 8 ! andyms Iron and Rum Cantina, oral' descriot•ta• ming, Rey Cutting. and ad ether wort ra nee wtth the above btWawet. Draiinngs and speolffitiationn for all work ileac at me estegialtment tree or cause, and vial' iseiraptle 4 . The rubdoniiiite t haire wale ',haddock Toni for, ry in ealre t. Wank w are they can lie in lienlat gar Ind VI! Droned with eaters, bloke, PON, fir mann heady tit lit!_ we JA B•. BRAF/E. !SACK JO and EAJ r. la M N Y. EA 1. TAWOHAFt 111.11111.1C1, .70EN Z. COPS. WILLIAM B. XIRILICI. EASITLIIT SUIIIIIWARK FOUNDRY, FIFTH AND WASHINGTON MIMI& PHILAS.IILPHIA, MERRICK & SONS, riNgINEERB AND mAcnirrisTs. Manufs,oturo High mid Lose Pressure Steam Etti • fo Laud, slyer. and marine servioe. . Oracimeters. Tenn, Iron 800% tcoi ins of all ki n ng. either iron or brass. Iron Frame Roofs for Ges Works, Worket.4a road Stations, &o. Retorts and Gas Machinery of the Intros sii4 ioa tll. Proved contraction. s. hoary now:mutton of PlantAV,ocitiobinell.filt., ll , Purer Gale, and Unit Ica, v acuu m pas. Steam Trains. Defecators. Mars, punitoss 1 . 111 "'"' &o. dole Agent! for N. BLlllrix'n Pesti Sillsr.B3 l . Apparatus _IN o aksank's Potent steam Rainnerr‘,..,.ol W Uwe'■Ptiteot centralise{ Sural fiAIRMOUNT MACHINE WORKS, " WOOD at.. between Twentr-tret and 'N 4ll ' second. Established eghl. kT. Zkwandersigned. successor to the m a te hap of/ WWJLP J will continue the busman in all IA ewe heretofore. Power Looms and all machhod .P l ^ with them. Einbossingeallenders. Lilo (hi rreoet• Shafting, arld Machine Work in aCiatiaL Thankful for plat tarots, be wroall respectful' , al ° a continuance of the patronage ll,4ol44 " be" (je the late firm. THOMAS rtuladelphia,Jan.l3. ma t "/41 RANTjpO.22,,TPLIW 1011NDICY, No. 90 --tua i llrev r icestainjgton , MASI M. T.l a rale hie friends that, hatitt:". rr l -17 : : 441, re ll. Patterns at the PM Or° to reeeiveoritera fi.irreng end Saar Mill Castings, , ticayt Cheitatteir l a v ee r- fearice. Cartilage =tee —ra"rr or o•ovolo Vistraager. in err or xr•dt 141111. EXPRESS COMPANIES TILE ADA3D3 O P. uo..oasir2o Lrw either r b el Ms g 6°8411 fatte.all.l Irak o th er RInTIII I / 1 ennA l Anlen, In VI Inn 7 .111 0 $ geTTe and *Mee er tat paithe soma s toto If ecco,,,a conift, _ BUSINXBS (leek' ay: aniline for reliable tossiaitas men to see..V W . iitaVe Roma fneturina semi, requiring ~t ~4 m - Itt capital in It. I'sldt/tan:Leta eV, urogendile' • ,„ so' The anntaortere connate ra the apvlto cutler compositiou or tiona,p 4 .l to c0n ,,,,,,e ` red and a variety 01 other braiding material. era.. 7610: aroliteotoral Aniebinca. mutineer , tiles for flows"' FOO ki enamel may be tinted of any 00 10 „ , •, M 1 Wield White to the deepest black. with a" and shades between. It imoarts to the articles to re ., it is 'Mulled a hardsteu and durability cicioia tile, and a beauty surpassing that of the rarest alh e ,,l 00stly Or the vartesated marbles, and. agli t o, o, !nversions to moieture. and will never aetariaraile, coating but a fractional part ar i lll elrici 111111.17 marble. t Liao valuable for table and stand kW. m eet. Pieces. monuments, and an redline rayietliy% arum.; of eta me Oil. TAR WOO" of aPS enamel is simple, while the articles enamels mind a ready sale. affording large Profill• ° fist ta l i Parties ma i y procure prominentanufsetseitre the patent or any city or town ti o pt c 4 btates, by applying to the subscriber. log ro ost the eructate manuisetared will be leagued. of the invention. Circulars giving lull starila la " Thewarde to all sentinel's. etoserior merit and beauty of this Otos building material to anything in use has 0,6, "" 11:V100 endorsetnett =AI of tee most amnia , and st sutiao men of this and other muse. tgor partioulars. address pRA L,r . , joßx§on a General ARCMS for FINTIO ed milldam 1 0 -e o rt. ap9-d3m 93 piALISAU JUST RV: I EI 9 7IU), pot 4 ' from Lmerisol. Mande/. prePargleita: gitztniot AooySid, la Se Extract 1f t a b Jars. The lExtra"..l illtde.ante, In 1 IN fa E3.BrhOt Tartrtaet, In l rib ian, B°lb D iti 003 0tu, int lb bottles. ,off . 11 oiill b Wales. Itia di - d 4 .gp. t b lp t it t r i., 4 1,J, v Jura & Boouiviollia
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers