--- naked eye were reached at the remotest portions a the park by bringing into use the telescopic sr rengement connected with the cannon. The cow any arrived in the city about five o'clock in the , P rtmnoon. fin d dined at the Continental. They then proceeded to their quarters. They wilt p r .- toady remain here several days longer. ILlrenl MATTERS. "The Headquarters of the Military Department o f Washington" has been relneVed from the pri vate residence of Gen. Patterson, Thirteenth and Locust streets, to No. IRS Chestnut street Major e e i g er, S A ,who has been appointed to take charge of the Commissary Department, has his o ffice at the same place It la ptepend to form a "Pony Elilitd " A rail for a meeting of persons favorable to the formation of a company composed of men under five feet six inches in height, has been issued. The meeting ass held last evening at Richmond and !Rarit,- rough streets. The First Regiment of Philadelphia Light dor& Ccl. Morehead, the first mustered into the se rvice of the United States, are now receiving tbsir arms and equipments. eompany called the " Hamilton Home Huard," Gag been formed in the Twenty-fourth ward, and was organized on Saturday. Sixty-five names have been enrolled thus far. The Hibernia Fire Engine Target Company No. L o u r commend of Capt. J. B. Byrnes, now numbers seventy five members, and is ready for service We understand that it is to be attached to the Regiment of Independent Rangers *ihe,lii- Ganda Engine Company has furnished members for the State Formiblea, Oadwalader Grays, Scott Le eed National Eitterde, A new company now meet at Military Th e y have sixty members, under the following officers Captain, Charles I. Wickersham ; First Lieutenant, Joseph R. Finns; Second Lieutenant, Road young men wishing to join will re port themselves at eight °Week P. al., on any evening. A quantity of muskets were received in the city an Sunday, and taken into Jones' Hotel. .Some thirteen oases were also received yesterday morn le from ,Nait Fork, end taken to the game plane. Drilling is still going on in the public squares. The State Fencibles were drilled yesterday morn ing, with muskets, in Washington Square. A por den of the Scott Legion, who were in Indepen dence eileare, else had arms The Philadelphia Zonaves and 'another company, in addition to the Feneibles, occupied Washington Square yesterday morning. About one hundred men, laborers, were de spatoked down the Baltimore Railroad on Sunday night. They go to Annapolis, and were in charge of Lieut. Woods, United btates Navy. The Salmylkill county regiment is still - en. ee raped On Washington street, below Broad. The Providence artillery company have not left Me city. Their cannon attracts much attention from those permitted within the Baltimore depot. The West Philadelphia Grays have repaired to the Esatonville Railroad depot, which had been Fioced at their disposal by the company for drill ieg, A second company is about being formed, and upwards of forty names have already been enrolled. It is expeeted that the full complement will be made up to night, when an organization will probably be effected. 'ewe Cincinnati companies of Zonaves are guar wed at Lancaster, in this State, LIS cue of IheSe siaMpaniea are two youn Philadelphians, sons of the distinguished actor, Mr James E. Mardooh. A new company, tutted. the Home Defenders, is now drilling at Eleventh and Coates streets Chas. F. Jones is the captain of this company They liwjy number comae eighty men, and have made exeellent progress ia The armory of the National Guard, during their absence, will be in charge of the National Guard Cadets, a company of young man, whom Col. Lyle has been drilling for tome months, and who are how in a very forward state, FLAG RAISING. AT poor BREEZE PARE_ On Saturday last, the members of the Paint Breeze Park Association raised a new and beauti fel flag at the Park. Benj. 11. Brewster, Esq , mails the following eloquent end pettiOtie Speech npon the occasion : GENTLEMEN : By your kindness I have mean in cited to say for you a few thoughts as to the pur pose of this occasion. It would be an easy thing, Sy Strang and vehement language, to excite you to a pitch of indignation; but I would rattier, in mild end firm tones, express the sense of those I now speak to. There is not a man here who does not lament the tearful sorrow and disgrace that party rancor and fanatic:Sao has brought down upon us iiere, in sight of Red Bank. a bloody and victorious field of our Revolution, we must all resolve to forget by gones, scatter to the winds all party obligations, tad for the sake of a common nationality, for the sake of our noble Commonwealth, for the sake of our dear Philadelphia, rally to the support of our country and its constituted authorities If Southern men stand up for their State rights, end are willing for that cause to hazard not only our national unity but popular liberty, it certainly becomes ue of the North to stand by our State and our nation in this hour of impending paril, lot the Malt be what it may. May God defend the right ! Come what come may, for one I am and ever will be for my State and for my Government. Abraham Lincoln is the Prealdont, and to him by popular will has been oonfided the execution of the laws, and be must be upheld in the exercise of his authority, and none are more obliged to do so than those who have before this opposed his politi cal opinions. It is to express that high resolve that we now east to the winds of heaven that bright and stream ing symbol of our national unity, our national liberty, and our national glory. Soon may it again efinCollllllol2 flag of a united and common des tiny, Non may it wrap in lie peaceful felde mil lions of freemen,proud of their country, forgetful of all party grifs, and mindful only of the sacred duties confided to them. In a common cause was our independence secured on fields of blood and tbreagit days of sorrow. In the cause of Christian airiiitsiicn has this flag always floated to the WegAinei it—others may abandon it—but we men of Pennsy/vanta will stand oil] never aln ., ...ter it. or the great truths it 113 the frliCbOi of — love of liberty and obedience to law! Coder it we have lived, and by it, and for it, we will die. Soon may the day come when, again 011 lied, the North and the South can march together to repel Invioion and punish aggression; but now ■nether duty is before us_ We most prove to the world that we are worthy of our past history, and the free Government we live under, by our earnest support of the laws, and those whose appointed duty it is to administer them by the sacred judg ment of popular will. SFLIZUBS OF A scuooNzu Yesterday afternoon, under direction of Marshal .11illward, a schooner lying at Pine-street wharf was seized and overhauled, when it was found to contain a quantity of dry goods and flour directed to a gm in Maryland. 1243/ICRESTLCG CERIOLONIIO. On Saturday afternoon, from the pnblio school and Old Fellows . Hall at Manayunk, were sus pended two magnificent flags. On Sunday the volunteers of the town attended service at the Ptcabyteriau church in a body. After the zermou the clergyman presented each of the soldiers with aeopy of the Bible. NATIONAL GUARDS. In consequence of the large number of good men who have been Mooted, (this regiment having its full complement allowed by law,) it ban been de termined to raise another regiment of National awards. Lieut. Bird has bees detailed for that purpose. . The hooks are now open, and all persons dimwits of joining a regiment under really good (deers have the opportunity, by applying at the Sall, on Race street. PSISSENTATION OF A FLAG Yesterday morning at half peat ten o'cdook, the regiment of National Guards, under the command of Colonel Lyle, 'assembled in Franklin Square, for the purpose of receiving a richly wrought silk iag, prepared by the fair hands of the ladies of the Sixth ward. The presentation was made by Charles E. Lea, Esq., City Solicitor. It was re ceived on behalf of the Regiment by Captain Neff. Alter the presentaron, the /WT. H Torrance peeseated to Colonel Lyles 00p7 of the New Teatameut. BRANDYWINE VOLUNTEERS. in addition to the patriots who have already manned, a company of mounted men—Young far mers end farmers' sons—is being formed in the vici nity of do Brandywine battle ground, for the pub lic service. They will render acceptable service, as a vidette troop,along the violnity of Mason and Dix on's line, during our Border troubles, by detach ing a squad under an motive offieer, two or three times a week, to traverse the country from Chads ford to Nottingham, by way of Reer‘ett end New London or Oxford. By mach arrangement, our people could receive prompt intelligence of any raid or inroad from the south side, which might he important. If snob a corps had been in err 'tee, there, in September, 1777, Oen. Washington ter,old have been kept better adviaed of the enemy's movements, and might have wrought a different result on the Brandywine. PCCIIIVES PASSING THEODOR DELAWARE COUNTY. Numbers of fugitive slaves have passed through Delaware county during the peat week. No one interfered with them, but rather aided them on their way, with the exception of one in stance, where a ruse was resorted to to ascertain nbethsr two who stopped at the mill of Samuel Ogden, in Thornburg, to beg something to eat, were genuine fugitives, as they represented. While E-012:16 one left for the house to prozure them food, a hand in the mill stepped into the room where they were with a pitchfork, and asked for writing materials, saying that be wished to arrest them, whereupon they darted off with almost the speed of a dear leaving their oboes and mall bun die4 behind, and took to the woods. The miller pursued to call them bank, but they only ran the teeter, sad nothing was afterwards seen of them, elthough diligent search wee instituted in order to return their shoes and bundles. The case o€ the poor fallowa. who ware probably baltstarved, sonsiderable sympathy. They represented t hat they csino from the lower part of Maryland —l4lodia Advertiser. A BALTI:t °sr. TACEir SEIZED THE DELAWARE The river police, under command of Lieutenant captured on Sunday night a yacht thirty feel in length. The oratt reached here two or three :lap since from Baltimore, and is eaid to have ht s - oglit some ten or eleven pereone. The tidc,et of I..`e visit of the latter was not known ; but it wee rumored that they were Secession spies, tod Lieutenan! E4lgar started in pursuit of the bust. lie was no oble to find her until Sunday night, when :he was breu:tht into Coates-street wharf and 'ae selz.;,l. The ist7ht we-3 in charge of two moo, who denied all knots hedge of her or the purpose 7 ".4 which she le here. the boat, it is thought; has tees cacc, , aled in the violi:sty of Brideeburg since her Let arrival. She is painted red, white, and b/ e- and is now held by the river palin. SLITS FOB THE HOME GUARD TTV9 snits for Home Guard use were exhibited yesterday at the headquarters of the Guard in the Saprezne Court recta One of the matte, consisting .f oat and pants. is fxrniched at nine dollars and 11 ' 41 . Ina other is sold at Eve dollars. A STORY OF MARTIAL Law. 'Jr+ Sutilay evening, a rumor that n men had been Eliot at the camp at Perryville as a spy, pre !ailed in the vicinity , of the Baltimore depot. .70ine credence was given to the report, from the fact of the body of a men having been brought to t h e eifyoo the train and taken from the depot very quietly. It seems, however, that the man was a watchman upon the road. Hand down upon the track, and a train going South ran over him, 47 ktittg both legs, and injuring him in such a Meter that he lived but a short time. NO MORE RAMTTRO TO Me Flail,. Mayor f.ienry but ordered the discontinuance of the bring of cannon,, guns , .4e., in the oily, And a !puts at Goldamith'e Hall wea stopped by Platt' li ugales on Saturday. Almost every Iterraising "sr acctrupanied by a salute, and the constant 400 miug al heavy CEULDSI got to be a great annoy *ace to our oititene. People who hoist Asp here intr still have to hurrah instead of acct. rimtcnoo ORDRES. 'the Philadelphia troops have no yet received no marohin t orders. 0nt0...1 5 13 mustered-Into Ole ser vice of t United States The companies are all encamped in their armories and live on soldiers' fore_ They go through the drill daily It is ex • pasted that orders will be reeeived in the course of day or two, and the whole Vint Dtvieban wii! de part fur the seat of war on Wednesday. IMOTRING ARRANGBAISNTS The State order for 10,000 suits of olothiog is r4pidly appreaehing completion, at the groat OS tablishment at the Girard Rouse. Some of the garments are entirely finished, and most of the hands are now buoy on eaok wets and overcoats. Wee suppose that an additional demand will be created when the men called for under the new requioitirm woe to be elethad_ MUSICAL FUND HALL The managers of the Musical Fund Ball have planed their building in Locust street at the dispo• sition of the military. CONTB4IS4NDISTe Scarcely a day passes, says the Bullettn, with out the seizure of articles intended for the use of the St/tithe= rebels, but we never hear of the ar rest of ;hose wbo were willing to Cell the goodff. It i 8 hardly possible that any one living im the North can now be ignorant of the fact that those taking part in the Southern rebellion are traitors. and that those who "give them aid and comfort" are equally grail of treason. Would it not be wail, then, to make an example of some of those vendors of provisions and principle:l, or, at least, to let the public know their names? If we effectu ally blockade the Southern ports, and suffer noth ing to cross the border, we need not strike a blow . and our authorities, therefore, should search out and punish every one inclined to traffic with the rebels. 4, Non-intercourse" will prove more de structive to them than rifled cannon and Minnie muskets. 3/31iATOR MBSOR, It was believed that this distinguished Virginian was still in the Twenty.second ward, on Saturday. Oa that day certain parties made affidavit before a United States Commissioner, charging him with treason, and demanding a warrant for his arrest The ooruutisolouor refuted to Luna iha warrant, on the ground that the alleged treason was not corn. milled within the bounds of Pennsylvania. The persona making the affidavit were referred to Judge Cadwalader, but as that official was not to be Amid, Ow R atter felt through. The ladies who have volunteered as nurses for the army held another meeting yesterday morning, at their headquarters, Chestnut street, above Ninth. The 1`0:411 was again full. The rhombi. Iron Works have received an order for several rifled cannon for the use of the city. TUB D9TLISSI9IIII . QtrARPII. Capt. Wm. H Davie, editor of the Buoka county Democrat, arrived in this oily yesterday morning, with a company of seventy men, named the Doyles town Guards. This is the first company orga nised in Books county, and is composed of picked man_ Capt. Davis Perved with 'distinction in the Mexican war, and is a valuable officer. They proceeded to the house of the Diligent Eogioe Company, where they were hospitably entertained, and afterwards marobed to West Philadelphia, where they took the cars for Harrisburg. They will report thetngeitell immediately at Camp Cur tin, and bold themselves in readiness to march at any moment. HUNG IN EFFIGY Last evening the Reserve Corps detected a sin galar looking figure suspended from a tree in front of the State Rouse, which, upon examination, proved to be a representation of Jeff Davis. The figure was dressed in shabby regimentals; around its neck was a placard bearing the word " deceit" It was removed to the Central Station. AUSEILVOTON MAIM Au adjourned meeting of the old members of the Washington Blues was held last evening at their armory, at Sixth and Chestnut streets. A large number of persons were in attendance, who en rolled their names, and pledged themSeireS to enter the field service or prepare for home protec tion. It is intended to form a regiment, to be called the Washington Blues. Samuel A Hairnet was elected colonel. The armory will be kept open from ten o'clock in the morning until ten at night, for the purpose of enrolling recruits MORF: STARRIRO Gesns.—Yesterday morn ing, about two o'olook, a man named Hugh Mor ton made an attack on Charles Reed, watchman at the Alleghany House, Eighth and Market streets, and cut him with a knit* in tho nook and shoal der The wounds inflicted are not dangerous. Morton was arrested and committed by Alderman Thompson, in default of $1,500 bail, to answer at court. On Sunday night, about ten o'olook, three mon, who were somewhat intoxicated, got into a diffi culty at Nineteenth and South streets, when one of them named Samuel Hunter stabbed the other two. Abraham Thompson and Adam 0. Smith, inflict ing serious injuries. •The wounded men were eon veyed to the hospital, and Hunter was arrested and committed to prison by Alderman Patohel. DROWNING Gasas.—Yesterday morning, Cornelius Lyons, aged 40 years, an inmate of the Almshouse, while intexicated, fell through the tressel work of a small bridge into sandy, creek— s distance of about ten feet—onthe West Chester and Media Railroad, and was drowned. The water way, only about twelve inches deep, but on account of the deceased being under the influence of li quor at the lime, it is supposed he could not help himself out. Yesterday morning the coroner held an inquest on the body of Joseph White, aged 2$ years, who was drowned while fishing with a net in the Schuylkill, below the data. The deceased resided near Market-street bridge, and leaves a family. PICKING POCKETS.—Johu Houseman was arrested at Ninth and Walnut streets on Satumay, upon the charge of picking a man's pocket of port-monnais, containing about slr. The accusod was committed, in default of SI 500 bail, by. Al derman Battle:. A Po - mumza.—A female child, about three weeks old„ was found' on the steps of the Widows' Asylum in Cherry street, between Bereateenth and Eighteenth streets. It was sent to the Alms house. HArtrartro FrawAnets.---Abont ten o'clock yesterday morning, while a number of youths were wending their way to Franklin Square, when near the corner of Arch and Sixth streets, a pistol in the pocket of one of the number exploded, (supposed to have been caused by the hammer pressing on the cap,) the ball from which struck the side of his shoe, tearing off a portion of the same, but, fortu• !lately, the youth was uninjured. BALmatotex En/Ad.—Many of the exiles, now in this city, are sadly in want of provisions and clothing. Most of them who fled from Bald._ more are enrolled In the "Baltimore Union Vo lunteers," of which body T. Edward Rawlings, formerly of New York, but late of Baltimore, is captain. Those of our citizens who desire to con. tribute to their wants can communicate with Captain Rawlings, at the Continental Rotel, who will make proper distribution of all articles or money sent. •• AN APPEAL FOR Anats.—By reference to our advertising columns, it will sbe seen that a company consisting of 74 members has been organized at Newark, Delaware. They appeal to this community for funds to furnish them with re volvers. Subscriptions left at No 9 North Eighth street will be faithfully distributed. FATAL RIgSULT. - Michael Connelly, the member of the Schuylkill county volunteer com pany who was stabbed on Saturday afternoon, on Delaware avenue. died yesterday morning at two o'clock, at the Pennsylvania hosetti,l. William Spittal, who is alleged to have inflicted the stab, is in prison. ALLEGED Howc.i.DE.—Coroner Conrad was sent for yesterday morning, to hold an inquest upon the body of a German named George Brown, employed as an hostler at the public house of Wil liam Knight, on the Limekiln road, near Haines Went. in the Twenty•second ward. Brown, it is said, had an altercation with a man from Mont gomery comity, about ten days since, and was se verely beaten with a bucket, besides being kicked and otherwise maltreated. His injuries proved fatal last evening. The assailant was arrested at the time of the occurrence, and admitted to bail, but was rearrested en Sunday night, and com mitted by Alderman Mears, to await the result of the coroner's inquest. LEGAL INTELLIGENCE. Nisi Paws Judge Titompson.--The Mine Hill Railroad Company vs. Tho Mahanoy Railroad Company. The argument in ibis case was concluded yesterday. WARM. Sassums—Judge Thompson.— A number of trifling ewes were disposed of. Al. derman Charles Relfricht, convicted some time since of a charge of assault and battery on two citizens, was sentenoed to pay a fine of $5O and costs, (over $lOO in all). Letter from New Torii IMPORTS AND EXPORTS—Ex-PRESIDENT PIERCE AND GOVERNOR BANKS--THE PRINTERS OPP FOR THE WAR—A WAR SCENE . AT WARD BEECHER'S CHURCE--ANOTHER GIFTED CLERGYMAN BECOMES CHAPLAIN — THE CIJUIGY ON TEE OIIIBIB — BINTIBN REGIMENTS READY TO MARCH PEON NEW YORE-- NURSES EN ROUTE. TO WASHINGTON—MAJOR AN DERSON—THE BANKS—THE LAWYERS' POND - .-TRE INTERlOR [Correspondence of Press.] Nzw Yowl, April 29, 1861. The imports at this port for the week ending_en Saturday last, were $2,103,987, against $4,150,253 in the corresponding week last year. Since the Ist of January the falling off has been about one third. Exports keep up 'finely, the week's ship ments amounting to $3,052,470, against $1,336,424 in same time last year. The total exports since January 1, are $40,399,747, against $20,129,937 last year. Ex-Prebident Pierce has net yet left the city. He was at the New York Hotel this morning. Governer Banks is also in town. Toe printers are joining in for the war quite en thusiastically. I learn from the foremen of a leading journal that six have gone from the Tunes office, six from the News, twelve from the Tribune, twenty-three from the World, eight from the herald, sit from the Krpress, eight from nor per's, six from the German dailies, and eight or ten from the Journal of Commerce and Conner. These make a total of eighty-five All told, about two hundred members of the craft have enlisted for the oampaign. Another scene, characteristic of the man and of the place, occurred last evening in Henry Ward Beecher's church. Re had announced a Sermon On The Stars and Stripes, and, of course, had, as he always has, a crowded audience. The theme could not fail to inspire him with great and patriotic thoughts, and to bring out " words that burn." His hearers, forgetting the sacred character of the place, gave vent to their feelings by loud Cheers. This he endeavored to check, but in vain. Cheer they would and did to the end. It was a most ex citing spectacle. Another gifted clergyman has abandoned the peaceful duties of a parish priest for the more active and dangerous post of chaplain. The Bev. H. N. Hudson, a profound scholar, and the editor of one of the best editions of Shakspeare issued in this country or England, has volunteered as ohaplain of a regiment of Englishmen, now in rapid course of formation in this city. He has attended several meetings, and addressed the eons of St. George on the propriety end duty of taking up arms in behalf of the country of their adoption. The clergy of New York are notably conspicu ous, but not inappropriately, for the share they are taking in the present campaign. In the evening papers I notice Several cards, signed by rectors, calling the iodic§ of their congregations together for the purpose of making bandages, reta in funds, Ao., so., for "the American army." They are commander, in the church militant in very deed at the present moment.. There were sixteen regiments, instead of four teon, ready to march from this city on Saturday night. The Quartermaster Oeneral Is nod giving out lb 000 rations daily. A company of nurses, under the command of Mies E. M. Powell, leave here to-day for Wash ington, amply provided with lint, bandages, &c., Ao Some of the party have had experionne as MUP/4611.1 nurses. Major Anderson has just been paid another com pliment—a regiment of Z,uaves, under command of John L Riker, having been named the Ander. eon Z 311aVeR. Major A has gracefully acknowl edged the honor. The berths have caught the patriotic contagion, and are giving liberally to the Union defence fund. On Saturday the Chemical lent $3 000, the Tradesmen's $l,OOO, and the Bull's Head $l,OOO. The lawyers' fund for the defence of the Union had reedited MI Saturday the stun of $20,150. The cities and towns of the interior are respond ing nobly to the mill for the sinews of wa . Thus far, however, the palm must be awarded to Buffalo, whose citizens and Common Council have raised SlOO,OOO for the equipment of two regi ments and the relief of families whose members have volunteered. To-night Mr. Forrest plays Damon: for the benefit of the families of volunteers who have gone to the wars= Laura Keene gives the proceeds of this evening's performance to the same object. Ditto the German Stadt Theatre. RITRON. FINANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL. The Money Market. PHILADELPHIA, April 29, 1891. Dullness still reigns at the Stook Board. State Eves declined to 781 City sixes sold at 90 for the old issues, and 961 for the new. Pennsylvania Railroad shares are steady at SR to 361, and the first mortgage bonds at 991 to 100. Camden and Amboy shares sold at 107, and Reading romaine steady at 16 t 016.1. In the Money Market there is little doing. The banks of New York have adopted again the plan of clubbing their specie for mutual saftty, resorted to last lath By this means it le empeetect.timi public confidenoe in their stability will be main tained or increased. while they will be enabled the better to sustain the wants of the General Govern ment and of the business community. It is sug gested that a similar arrangement for this purpose should be entered into by the Philadelphia Banks. From New York a good suggestion comes that the bonds of tha Seeeded and Border States and the bank notes of those States shall not be sold at the Stook Boards of the Northern cities, in order that the treasuries of the Secessionists may not be replenished with gold drawn from Northern oities for bonds and paper that aro more likely to be re pudiated than paid. OFFICIAL BANK STATEMENT. WEEKLY AVEILAGES OF. TIM FIIILATIELFEII. BANNS LOANS. arBol2. _ BANKS. April 22. April. 29. Aprll22. A 1111,22. - PhiladelDhinl .. $3,2 0 5,000 83.207.010 1,036,006 1.016,000 North America 2,988.054 2997,06. 618 261 673,109 Farm & Mesh- 4 008,881 4,0121 867 1,2-2,01 1.090 48/ Commercial.... 1,557.1441 1,588.500 au 030 275 We Mechanics'." ... 1.60,893 1.600 040 985.529 375,0 , 6 N. Libartyl.9. 1,305.000 15101800 MAO 458 000 Southwark 882.849 811.421 314,949 231 695 . 673 0 0 676.821 167,171 166 8 4 Penn Township 729 547 729.559 205.570 210 038 Western 1,419,065 1,393 067 437110 396 206 Man. & Mesh.. 1.084.105 1.633.230 197.295 17.135 Commerce ..- 635 07 GM 641 246,766 191 866 0,1E0.104 0,106 037 441.599 409,411 Tra4esmen'e..- 400,029 469,134 157.339 173.460 Consolidation ... 466.262 461-538 09 679 76,099 City --- 767.100 751.76, 190.870 371.606 Commonwealth 411.562 482.4 8 92.115 75 825 Corn Exchange 462.169 413.760 88.171 66 733 413,658 398 931 93.152 45,849 Total ..... -... 25,909.955 25,296,963 6,796 011 a 6,20,13( DEPOSITS. CIRCULATION. BANKS April 21. April 29. April 12. April 29. Philadelphia.._ 41,812.000 41.703 000 4316,000 ,306.00 North America- 5,029.938 1 959 307 ' 975-055- 934 NO Farm k Meoh.. 2,919 651 2.740.636 411,985 418.390 Commeroial...- 916,000 866 000 117,010 103 000 Mechanic!'._- 917.890 906.540 145,720 131.970 14. Liberties-- 1,119.000 1,193 000 101,000 91.000 Southwark-- 656,219 632,990 97.616. 91 460 Kensicff. 485.978 440.228 127 430 330, 130 Penn Township 579,803 663,971 64,095 70,185 - Wee:dent_ 1,09 757 907;152 324.456 119,935 Kan. d: Alech_. 619.940 548,713.5 99,745 90,4215 Commerce 544.812 468,704 74,495 71,523 Girard...._..... 1.128,913 1.066 542 220,440 707.015 Tradesmen'!.._ 324-582 873 788 66,518 70.890 Consolidation 214.517 00.673 87.635 80,950 City . 469.050 14500357 65.120 65,400 Commonwealth 2456,310 274,149 81.070 109,600 Coro Exchange 226,1e2 230.760 118.415 82 815 Union..--...... 261.297 317,220 47,455 46,000 T0ta1.......... 16.633,221 15,749282 2,641,015 2,846.225 The following is a statement of the tranwtotimus at the Philadelphia Clearing Howe, for the week ending April 29, as lumehed by the menager. titeorge E. Arnold, Fail Cleariuge. Balances. e 3,127,309 89 *346,139 14 2-436 595 70 les Asa 51 2,806 483 56 2,10,503 76 2.999 939 61 174.683 31 3.455 966 37 124,529 49 2,236,162 04 196,965 06 April 2R.. . MaVEME & . /2 460.48 10 81.132.758 27 The aggregates wiinpare with those of previous weeks as follows: April 29. April 22. Capital Stook...—. ..,811. 810.315 $11,810095.-Inc. 1, 5 ,.250 (maps. —.. 26,298,962 25.309 956 .Dee. 13 013 84,0,137 6,796,011 -De01515.874 Due fm other 1.616.679 2,010.756-Deo 395,127 Due to ocher She.- 3.273 705 3,332.073-Dea. 58 369 15.749,262 10,633,231.. Dee, 885,9 19 Circulation.— 2656,305 3,641,056...De0. 94,760 Loans. Specie. circulation. Deramte. Nov. 4, 1857.31,199,463 2,071,464' 2.141,113 16,635,7591 Jan. 11,1858.21,302,374 3,770,701 10911,037 11,465,263 July 6. -24,311,929 6,635,817 2,434,181 18456,318 Jan. 3, 1256..26,451,657 6463.356 2,741,754 17,049,006 July 6._. ...25,446,440 4,297,00 2,808,70 1 6 16,481,04,4 Jan. 2, 1860..25,286,887 4,450M1 2424 , 101 14.995,,919 .1,23i,11? 2.547,983 16 , 825,916 Jan. 7.1861.26 891,280 4,020,266 2,689 812 15.261.928 Feb. 4 -.....25.901.581 4,638.054 2,77E1.318 15,296.435 Mar. 4_....75.055,614 5.006 988 2.811,491 14,666,736 April 1 ....74 973 496 6 200.1213 2,811.263 15,960,147 8 413 188 6 452 091 3 970 226 16,006.115 " 15.....25.415.442 6 67532/ 2,620,863 16,458,933 25 369.955 6,790.011 2.641,065 16 6 4 3,01 ' • 29_ .. .22,396.945 . 6.280,137 2,546 305 15.749.282 By telegraph, we learn that the -Lehigh Valley B,sitroad Company brought down from Mauch Chunk, for the week ending on Saturday, 27th lust., 13,509 tons of coal, against 14 634 tons for corresponding week last year, making, for the season commencing December let, 1860, 307,704 tons, against 299,728 tons to same date last year— which is an increase of 8 ; 066 tons. 1,03.5 tone of Pig Iron were also sent over the road for the week ending same time. Philadelphia Stock Exchange Sales, April. 29, 1861. REPORTED ET S. Er SLATTEAKER, Arlercitaute tzahaure FIRST BOARD. 2 Penne R. .. --- 364 1 - 00 City 65... New Gee 90 3 do __ --.. 344% 100 do— New 90X 1000 Lehigh 63. .... 1014 300 do.: . New 96X 4000 do.--............../01 2 Miuotiill 3t —...... 92 6000 d 0........ ....101 T d 0,.............. , ta 3000 CIO —.. . . . ....301 8 Lehtt h 46 2000 do— —.— .101 50 Reading R....—... 1634 2000 d 0..... .. 161 1000 Penns. 55........... 7014 auo City 6e . Pa. R9O 12 Fenno. it. ... . 26i 1000 do New Gas 90 2002 Reading "Ms.*. BO BOARDa. 1000 Norrosen R 66.200 98 10 Penns R......ea5h 363 BOARD. 100 Lehigh.— C &P.M' 1000 Penna 65.. . 78 9 Cam & Amboy R.. 197 6 renns R..... C& P 3676 1 do. ... 63 P. IA &Pi BETWEE 2000 Norriet'nß6B.2dye 88 lOW do --2 dye 98 RECONI) 100 City 90 2000 Reading '43'Bos._ 87 509 State ss---- 78/4 /090 d0...._... 78 78 78 Rehl Play Boa' La. 90 1500 Lehigh.--.C&F.101 CLOSING P • Asked Philadelnhia6e— 8 % /034 Phila 68 R.—. 89;i 90 I Philo, Os —new— 9651 9636 .3id. Asked. Long Inland IL 81.6 10 Leh CI & 48 49 Leh CI & I`l Ecp-30 51 North Penns It t» . 6 8 N Fa It Ga. antou 66 60 N Penns R 103.-80 90 Catairlasa R con. 2 33ti. Carawiass pref.._ S 7 Frank & Southw 30 41 24/c3d-at R ff. divo3s 40 RenekVine-it X. 8 10 West Fhila —56 57 finnace& - Pinc..— 6 8 Green sr, 410ate8.- 5 14 Cheat &.'o7aln —2O 22 Fennel, 79% e 4, 8 67 7 0 56'; 36.14 Read bds Read mt 6e'Bo' Read rat ee Penns it ex-div Penns Rc2d mt Morrie 00:11..ion Morrie dita Pfd,loo 107 !'eh N 611 'SI-- 60 Soh Nair Stk... 5 Bah lYsv krefd... 10 14 Elmira Tx 60 61 I Philadelphia Blarket9. There is a steady home demand for Flour at fully for mer rates, but there is little or no inquiry for shipment. Bakers are buying at 85.37% for common Western su perfine ;85 Meta 6231 for standard do ; 76M6 for ex tras ; $8.2606.60 for family ; and e 6.760740 for fanny soooralog to outality. The teseipig ace light. and holders firm at the above figures. Rye Flour te held at 83.10 ttr bbl, without sales. Corn Meal meets with a limited inquiry, and Pennsylvania Meal is rather scarce at VMS bbl. WHEAT comes in slowly, and grime lots Meet With a good demand at full prices. About 000 bushels Western and Pennsylvania red sold mane lane in store ; 1,040 bushels fair Southern white at 1470 afloat; and 6 000 bushels Kentucky do on terms kept private ; the latter in store. Pye is dull but steady at Eiito for Pennsylvania. Corn is wanted at the advance, and about 11,000 bushels prime new Southern yellow sold at 0350 afloat. The re ceipts are moderate. Oats—There are few offering. Pennsylvania are worth 640, and Delaware SI% BAHL mestaWitk &steady demand at woo for Ist .140. 1 Quo rettrOra. Corroir —There is little or nothing doing, and no chance in iii- market. - 6Rocsitigs.—A few small sales of Sugar and Coffee are reported to day at steady prices. Paovisions —The market remains inactive. but without any quotable ahanse in York. Ration. and lialtPd Mesta. Lard and Butter are quiet, and prises about the Caine. NI:EMU continues dull, bbls selling slowly at 18nrilfilio —the latter for prime Ohio ; drudge at 17e ; and hhds at 17)4.0. Philad.elphia Cattle Illarket PHILADELPHIA. APTII The offerings of Beef Catt'e were light, only reach ing about 1,059 head, most of which were disposed of at prices ranging from ez.to to e 9.80, the latter for extra quality ; the bulk of the sales were at e 8 to B 2 the 1W Ths, and the market generally was dull. The following are the particulars of the sales made public at A.vertue Yard: 28 1. Abrahams. Lancaster county, at &Be 9. 69 McQuaid & Carr, Ib. end Lancaster on., e 800.25. 26 Scott & Kimble. Cheater coon ty ,3;84t9. 34 J. Kimble. theater county, BSc?. Sti Kennedy & MoClease. Lancaster county, egro. 40 Jamb rneFillen, Lancaster county, :$80*.26. 61 P. HethawaY, Lancaster county, *GDP. llt P. Mennen. illinois, e8e8.76. 711 Cochran & McCall. Lancaster county, *809.22. SG J. Seldomridge. 111in0m.418.2509 60. _ 120 Mooney & smith. Illinois and Ohio, Bgetn., 50 B. i'etdomridge , Lancaster county. 4i8.5059. 28 H. CSailt. Pennsylvania, 57.60¢+850. 73 Fuller & Brothers. Illinois, 68 50¢8 75. 32 J. Meister, Lancaster county, *gag. 23 tmeth k Baker. Lancasterwarty, al. 4 3. Frank, Lebanon county. Smug. d 3. Myers, Barks county, GlisB SO. 8 Coates, Lancaster county. 88,10. au C. Amman. Lancaster county. 87459.50. 62 Haymaker & Bro., Lancaster county, 58er8.25. 29 D. W. Wilmsn. Lancaster county. $8600:9. 26 T. Masterson, Lancaster county, 37.1500840 About 40 Cows sold, including springers at `. 4 ; 2 0 to 330. aid Cows and Calves at Si& Borne 4,600 Hogs were disposed of within the range of ikti 6007.26 the 100 lbw net. The receipts and salmi of Sheep reached 4,000 head, at ana34a for 'wool on, and 4,44ere0 qv lb gross for !Sheared. New York Stock E ROO UIS 6s '81.005% .. es 30 21 Y cent A— ,7 3 MO Trees" 32 to 2 ._lit 20 do-- .....7.6U 73 4800 Tenn 6s '90 ..:..- 80 25 do - - Th.. b 62 733‘ 3060 du 7 68. 50 20 Mich Cent R. .45 8002 N Carolina 65..... 55 60 Mich 8 & Ist 1.-..b20 1334 0000 Kentucky 64 70 100 M. 15 &PI I G...._... 29 ,4' 5000 Virstain 62._ -48 20 Penman X... ..... .102 -- 35000 Missouri 6s- .41 210 111 Cent Sorti, ....53 89 2009 Iv y State Os '66-101 150 d 0........-. Jae 69 bOOO Brooklyn W L.... 95 00 do--... 69y,„ 000 Erse 2,9 19— 43.100 20 Galata & Chioaio__ 68 -- 10000 Brie Roth m—. 86 20 d0.....-._.-.180 98 1000 Cl & Tot SF— 7534 150 d 0 ..... ..... r oi 20 BI: of Commerce. 8234 61,J Clev Jc Tot R, 24 Go so Yanno al Co.„ 72 100 d0..............b.90 25% 160 4 , rat R..-„....-.ta 1u,21 100 do- - .... .120 24 160 EttrleM K..... pB3 110 Chi &itl R - -.... 36 THE MARKETS. Awns' are quiet and stead r at $5.623: for Pots. Baaanastara.—The market - for Mats and Western Flour hi COE sad AM. The riles &Ted 00J bbla at Se 20 fof moods* mate ; 5a.10e5.4 for extra State ; 1.6.1001525 for saper4ne lohtgaa. Indiana, Ohio. lowa, Ixe.t and 45.3066.60 for extra do. intddthnt chippin g THE PRESS.-PIIILADELPHJA , TUESDAY, APRIL 30, 1861. A STARTLING NirtrMOß PRO/T AVasnirreects —We hear, from the beat possible authority, that Cabinet meetings have recently been held at the capital, in re ference to information that has been received by Gael. Scott. thsotigh a eserstegent of Government. who hag just returned t. headquarters. The rumor is nothing lees than a clear recognition, by men of all parties and in all sections. of the fact that the most elegant and the moat comfortable garments for gentlemen and youths to be found in the country, are those which are made at tile Brown atone Clothing Bali of floohluil i Nos. 603 and 600 Chestnut street, above Sixth. AMUR& or Parsimic.—A spasmodic atreotiGn of the Bronchial Tubes, which are covered with a dry, te nacious phlegm—" BROWN'S BRONCHIAL TROCHES" will, in sotnil mita' If 6f ins standing, persevere with thsm—they will alleviate in time. "An otd tarty friend having tried many remedies for Asthma with nu benefit, found great tette from the Troche.e."---Itex. A. LsTTe, Prankrort,lll. aF27-stattt 3t ARRIVED. Bohr Caroline Cox. 2 days from New York, with ma- hogany to John'Eigenbrey & Son. Behr Commie. Noyes. 3 days from New York. with older' to captain. Behr Chi... Merrick. Mohtsomery, S dey a from New York. with wise to D Cooper. Bohr Mechanic. Corks'. 1 day from Odessa. Del, with corn to Jae L Bewley & Co, Bohr N Lank. Fleming. 1 day from Frederioa, Del, with wheat to Jaa L Bewley & Co. Steamer Madge, Bell 24 hours from New York, with mda to WV m M. Baird & Co. Steamer %mar. Pierce, it hours from New York. with mdse to W P Clyde. CLEARED Steamship Keneiogton, Raker. Boston, H Winsor. Baru Frei:mews, (nal) Vella Gibraltar and a market. Banners & Draper -Bahr FIT, Ohocaomui, lifiritucketiVan Dom tf9r ton & Go. Sear M Niohole, gawyer, Maohiae, E A Souder & Co. btr Mars, Nicho.s, New York, W t Baird & Co. IT TELEGRAPH. (Correspondence of the Press New Yore'. April 29• rr.ved, ship VnitaiMer. from Sin FieeeMe, Ad EMCRAHDA. Ship 1 Gwen, (new, 1190 tons, Mason, Bailee Bom Kennebunk 27th lust, for Philadelphia. to load coal for Louts°. Africa tvp Neptune's Favorite. from Callao for Hampton Road, was spoken March 26th, let 21 80 0, lons ti ed 7 0 • Ship Roswell Sprague. from Callao for bampton Roads, was spoken April 7th on the Eanstor. long 37. Brig , Delaware, Cobb, cleared at Boston 27th inst. fur Philadelphia. Bohr J Darling, Percival, for Rio de Janeiro, cleared at New York yesterday. Bohr 9 D Pitts, Corson, &cat Cho-Melon, arrived et N York ye.terday. Bohr Albert Mason. Corson, from St Mary's, Ga, ar rived at New York yesterday. Bohr Burrows 0. Clark, 8 I. Stevens, Studley, Rosso nab. Rose. Burgess. M A lessee, Magee. 8 Godfrey. Russell. N u r Thompson,Steelman. and Neptune, 121titi, benne. arrived at Bo ston 7th meet, Bohr Alizabeth Anginal. English. for Philadelphia. via Chestor,UPa, cleared at Boston 27th inst. Bohr Treasurer, Eisner, cleared at Boston 27th inst. for Philadelphia. Bohr Willow Harp, Hulse, hence, arrived at Boston 28th inst. Bohr E W Pert7,Bempsou. at Boston 29th inst. from Jacksonville. Bohr C It Vlokery, Babbitt. from New York, at St Johns. PR 14th inst—err 9th. Bohr Ann B Brown. Brown, sailed from Providence 28th inst. for Tnokerron. NJ. Bohr Tennessee, Graham, hence for Beth, at Edgar town 24th inat. m enet Behr Ja thmes Gorham, Andrews. henee, arrived at do. 96 met. ARRIVALS AT THE PRINCIPAL HOTELS, CUNTIN ENTAL 110 . 1 . E.L—Ninth and Chostunt. Mr Bradly. Prov, It I S P Sanford, Prov, R f H 0 Alaggrell,Easton I Ir B nurnham. M Chunk S E Gittings. Baltimore Miss J a Gittings, bait P T George & In, Oxtord D W Cornier, California Samuel Harris T Baratt. Cuba Manual Doszules. Cuba David 8111A0.2. Cuba Wm Sohumau. Cuba J Ball. New York L Giover. New York Bev A Gorman & wf, N J J J Burnet, N York Sarong( C seaman, N Y 0 M Steinman, Lannaster N N Armstrong. Miss Miss P C Armstrong. N J Mass J B Thornton. N J Bon T J t orke, N Jersey 1 ' D Luther, Pottsville Horaca K Bmith.N Jersey S Jones. Pittsburg John Black &. da, N Jersey N ticker, Boston Dr J P Klnge L Patiama E Meg een. Wash, D C S M Payson. Boston John Wilson. Wilmington If L Kemper, Cincinnati Moss 6liv a Walter, B J A Dobbins. Beiltfoute J u Wilson. Pittsburg W B Shaw & wi.Washingt W Frick. Chester J T Pittsburg Miss Call, Churah. Fatah Mr Churchill, N York It T Packwood. N Orleans S' go .I_W.K,itlinger, Lebanon Miss li melt, Lebanon T Reardon. . T Howland C T Zelgenfuss, Pa .7DIVIs WAS..., Pa Rev E N Kirk, Bosto4 o Brinsmada. 8 T Dickinson, New 1 ork Good Clark, New York Cambridee Livingstort, Aires Burgess. New York Rodman, New York 0 M Fotoh, New York J 8 Mitchel , new York HSI Cowin,. New York ',mut C H Pieros. U 8 A Murray Hoffman, N York Ben R Ports, New York .1 g 0 A Graham, Maryland W Met.'uns. New York Jas _M Cooper & la. ?HAM J B Cronise New York B W Gdoert, Diarrland Copt Kody, U S A j) N Welch E B Welch, Boston lien D Lyman, New York It M Nelson, W Pet , nt,NYEW Anderson, W Point Thos te'Denng. Wilm, Del in Binge. Wilm, Del 11 Chamberlain, Mass Jno MoDonald. Pittsburg W Bel zhover. Pittsburg Alf Wings, New York .1 A We ear. York. Pa A GartmAn, York. Pa BDe Keim Harrisburg V A ..urtis, Kentucky J Morris, matyjand It Egerton. New York Mrs Egerton. New York Miss A Hayden Bath, Me W M Suter, New York W lily . Port Deposit B lay, Port Deposit N Coles, New York Mrs Saints & oaughrer Mrs Woman & oh, N York J H Bradbury. New York J Irljirkpatrick, Pittsburg E R Sprague. Baltimore W F Joys Mr Wood & laxly E A Acton, New Jersey Carib., Jr. Now Jersey N M Shoemaker. lialtimore W Frick. Chester J Mclntire, W iw D C JFi Scranton, California r O . Bigot, New York I Honig, Baltimore W H Walcott., N. Island AMERICAN HOTEL—Chastant street. above Fifth G Valentine. Bellefonte W E Bpruanse, Delaware J Cosies, New York ti Bailout. Easton B Murtaugh. Penna J A Shultz. i aneaster od C H Long, Lancaster oo iV B Mendenhall, renna .1 El G holes. W Chester C L Barren, .Plulada G W Beck. Pottsville J Knabb. Reading .1 B Champion. Plulada J M Poweri, New York 0 1.1 Cavell, Wilm'ton. Del P Brady. Penn& Si Tumor. New York G N Taintor, uoon Lt. Taintor, Chioago C Corbit. Delaware W R Reybold, Delaware 3 Osborn & eon, Penna W Kens, Eolder Pa HLOVOY. New York win C Armstrong. t r a George - Kellogg, i , onn John itarper , new ot k Thomas Cookos York H Harrison, Pensyivanut Wm is Bitch. Delaware Mrs Wood. De laware Mils Wood, Delaware B Wwsoo, Delaware J ‘4 , hits & Ls. Maryland Thos Walsh &la, Baltimore M B Bnokmaster. Del A W Seabrease. Maryland J Alder, Philadelphia T Willes, New York CES-D ULL MERCHANTS ? HOTEL—Fourth street, below Arab. E R Newhard, Allentown A M Jelly, Allesheny City tdoHAgri, Loy 'Mown Riohd ttloGram.l.anoseter tuctunnev A e r ly. Lebanon, Ye Ram' Wetherell. Penns It E Brown, Reedins Jos E Miller, U tl N A M Colvin. Wilm, Del Wm Has. York. Penns L W Ten lcyak.liarrisburg John C King, niettysburg J W eheriff, Lewistown m W nankin, Lanaaster Chas Gill, New Jamey II yr Matti:v.lre, N Jamey Wells. Bethlehem tr5lCl l l l l Union 901 ht J ohn OONIOnt Indiana Roller York It et Moi,uriniak, Penne j_P Rogue. Watsontown W Cooner, Watsontown R.l Reader. MehtlyellltVlllo J P Beards. Mahrwensville E nverett, Wataontown a Rases, MaEwenrivide F R conover, Trenton, NJ Col J Pomeroy, II Castle F W Lernbadh, Bethlehem APRIL n—Evening ST. LOUIS HOTEL—Chestnut stied. above Third. J Kirk, Philadelplue. B. Smith H Perkins, New Jersey A B Johnson, Wash, D C Geo E Harrison. Maryland F. ISutliff, Maryland H Shipman, New Your P Sanderson, Beer York EQ/ Bobber New York W Wallace do N Y Yy hitney,New Jersey W Richards, Pottsville J B BOMADY ATraek, 04 no k H Mule. Jersey City J w_ ellinektlg De were n James, Jersey Dradfora, Aew York THE UNION—Arob street. above Third. 8 Wilson. Reading G li Loober, Maryland W Locator. l'ettzta 23 G May. Middletown D Peters. Middletown liGranter, Altoona .11G bbang, Onto Dr It Latham, Gniosso meDonough. Philadelphia D Eppley..Rea nebula R Watson, JUoylestown b Blokes la, Stroudsburg J N Stokes, Stroudsburg L Wainwright, Jeanesvdle Mum Stokes, Idttendetewe Lowersten , Wilkesbarre W B Mason. Pottsville W Burt, New Jersey A B Casper, Ohio Geo 13opkins, Battunore xchartge—April 29. brands of round-here Ohio at 85 50a5.55. and trade brands of do at $6.76®7. Fouthern Flour is firm, but rather unsettled: alien 600 bole at $606.1 1 5 for superfine Baltimore ; 86.60®7.60 for extra do; 86.60 fir Brandywine; 87 6008 76 for Petereburg city; 5k7.60me.75 for Richmond city - . Canadian Flour is quiet ono steady. with sales 01'650 1,1,1 e et 8.4 . .iiiroVao for the mane of endra Rye Flour is dull, with email salmi at $3.1084 for the range officio and superfine. Clorri e hleal ;a Mend, ; we quote Jersey al. 32•88 ; Brandywine. 81.15; pucoheons, u.un is firmer. but there is less notivitr. Barley la dull and limey at MUM, oats are quiet at 310330 for Ooutbern. 340A40 for Jersey. Delnwa.e. and Pennetivanin. Se3srt3e36o for itltate, end 34340363‘0 for Western and Canadian.. Wheat is a little firmer for rood grades. but quiet for minima qualities; saie• 1 000 bu; $1.47 for white Canada. $7.te01.e6 for white Kentucky, 81 4301.60 for white Western, end X 41 30 ior white Wisconsin. Rye is Arm at 6.40. CITY fT EMS. Um= Nzorr-zine.--Mr. E. Oppen)leiruer, whOfig plow of ImainaSH is at No. 12 Bank street, is manufao turmg very neat and appropriate nook-ties. The ma terial is the finest silk aril combines the tri-colors of our glorious ensign—the red, white, and blue. Every true American should wear th em. KIMP COOL. —Many persons seem to think that excitement in an emergency is a good thing—hehis effi ciency of action—whereas its effect is direetly OnCe site, &Bina is fit for an emergency who cannot keep cool and have the full possession of his reasoning pow ers. It is then that be should be able to act with the best wisdom, and purchase his clothes at the one-Price gift emporium of Granville Stokes, at tog Chestnut street. tiannenta of latest styles and fashions kept eontitanthr on hand or made to orders MARINE INTELLIGENCE. SEE FOURTH. PAGE Or TO 12 O'CLOCK LAST MOM. BTATBB 1214101i—Market street, abOxe CLAM. Wm Wanelt, London, Eng Franklin Miller. Beading Meroer. Penne. Geo Stench, Penns Wm Ii Watt, Latrobe,Pa T B Bohan, Yorx, Pa P brown, Delaware I) Richwine, Lane no, Pa Jae Wallace, Lana co, Pa baud Watt, Pittsburg Jas Hanson, Pittsburg B Bit erlati, Minim 11 IT klrady, G _ reensburg A Dull, Caambersburg W Dobbins. Lams co, Pa Win Green, Blairsville 8 D McKinny, Penns Jacob lieetem, Centreville Ely Clootthert, Pa COMMERCIAL ROZEIr-Sixth et., above Chabot. I Pearce, Bordentown. 14 J C Pearce. Sordentown .1 Taylor. Bordantown A M eloan, Washington J T Fisher. Cheater oo Prizes . , Boy laatown Jim team Cheater co A Kimble, cheater co Jr Kimble, Cheater co Jas 14 Kirk, Cheater co Joa Posey, Columbia L Z Ringwat, M A, Lan co W m tt Hannum, Penn VW m J Parvey, Penns I L Co ff man, At .1), Penna. Wm B Seas, Bantgdn co N JJ Hammond, Cheater no J L Phillips, Pnila John C Fourley, Panna J W Caldwell, Maryland I , C. Maxwell. Baltimore H Stoner & eoe. Parma REVERE HOUSE—Third street, above flaoe. Joe Whitaker. Mt Clare Geo L Rube, Allentown D Landes, York. Penna. S tshaler. Liverpool, Penna t; 31 Miller, Bioomeburg K blanneok J G Hewett. Sebyl en. Pa 3lt Bertram It. la, Pettey Alagninie it la, klarinsbarg BALD EAGLE—Third street. above CaDimwit. Lewis /4 Phillips.Qoakert'n T S Leisenring, Pittsburg' Adam Markle. Allentown Abraham nonorts.M. Clink Jostisdi Reigel, Hellertown Jacob RlSegue, .Penna C P' , moiler. Berge oo R C Clevell, Nazareth Jae D Kieter. Berke co, Pa M Achware, Milflinsburg_ H Y. Glover, Penile. L Lehigh co, ra BLACK BEAR—Third street. above °CoatiU. 1 Bubb, Jr. Penne Mahlon Luther, Weiseuh's D Peter, Wash, Penns Nathan Peter, Flinah, Pa Mr Krouse, Wash, Penne M Walitienser. Penna. D Davis. Jr, Nola luta° Frongle.der, Penne, Nathan Shock, Hamburg r=li Bechtel, retina When brehr. Penns. Id in 13 in Green. Seeding simen Troxel, Fogelsville Chas Wteand, Allentown Bernhard Eel's, weisenb's Jaa anaeok, Beading BARLEY SHEAF HOTEL—Seoond bol. Vine, A C Stiles, Nei* Jersey Jno Mathews, Pa Join Ely, Newtown Thor' P Perry. Bueks co Ghee II still, Books oo J thesis, Bucks on Jonathan Bartley. N Rola Mae W Birk. W Cheater John Roberts, By berry, ra Dr Walton , Stroudsburg J Lloars. rennsy By P c Hoff. Lambertville J B Morgan. Monroe Alf Harris Honesdale .1 C Gallaher, Pennsylvania Edmund Showell, N J MOUNT VERNON HOTEL—Secona at.. above Aroh. M Williamson & Lano o Jos Moore & la, Lancaster J J Wilder, Laic:miner Amos Gregg'. Yonne J Wart:tenon. N Brunswick W 6 Ellis, Forsstville A M .k 1 ie. Forestville A 11111. J r, Eitnimink C Christman, Norristown A litil. lir. Eau nuns: T Simonequinunk John Lord, t quinunk .1 T 1 la. r. Chas Alpough, .1 N T A Itidse. Buoke oo .1 Jones, W ilkescarre Mr From, Danvihe Jonn 4house, Hawley, Pa NATIONAL HOTEL—Race street. above Third. H McKnight. New York H D Carmany, Lebanon J E. Briasier. Lebanon J W Busier, nuneury 11 IP Everett. Colombia bliss E 4 Creaser, ferule J 8 Roberts. Cetas.iutiati W F Vonte, Pottsville H soarbeer. eats Harbor a 8 Pettebone, New York. FOUNTAIN NOTEL—Becond it.. above Market. Wm Evans, W Chester Sae Ponder, Delaware N B Bookmaster, Dela:wow. W W Mbimust. Uhaatereo II C Wilson. Chester oo G O Harrington, bet W Carter, Dover, Del .1P Bellmhso, .Delaware SPECIAL NOTICES. OAB. CAW/LARD AMID .5P.11156 WATER.— Pamphlate containing the opinions of celebrated CRem- WU kW Physician resenting the use of thin WATER in the case of many diseases of the Wean system, will be supplied grabs on application to FREDERICK BROWN. FIFTH and CHESTNUT Streets, or FRED ERICK BROWN, JR.. NINTI-1 and OWESTNUT Streets. BALL AND GET A PAMPHLET. Rpl3-ur BATomeat's HAra twa.—Thls celebrated and perfect Hair Dye is the beet in the world. All others are mere imitations of this great oils:mel t which bee gained tomb extensive patronage in al! parts of the globe. The genuine W. A. Hatehelor's Liquid Haar pre intently produoes a splendid black or natural brown, without staining the akin or injuring the hair. and will remedy As ill effects of bad dyes, invigorating the hair foe life. Sold by all Druggists and Perfumers. Wholesale by FAIINESTOCK & CO., A YOTT & CO., Philadelphia. ON PRIOR Cumnra OF Tim EATERY STYLES, made in the best manner, expreeely for RE.- TALI, SALE/5. LOWEST selling prioes marked in Plain Figures. All goods made to order warranted satisfainory. Our ONE-PRICE 'Mem is striotly ad hered to. All Rae thereby treated alike. in2S-17 JONES & CO.. 604 MARKET Street GLOVER & BAKES 7 B OHLEBILATED NOISELESS SEWING MACHINES. The ?Tat ia 1J rvi FSFRIiI7 girifilalfr No. T3O CU t3treet, nitwit:Uhl& autT-LT UARD PRINTING, BEST AND OHEA.PEST IN the City, at 34 South THIRD Street. CIRCULAR PRIPITINGi Beat and Cheannat in th City, at 34 "with THIRD Street. MARRIED. RAMP CON—MOFFIT.—On the 25th inst.. by Rev. W. T. Rea. Mr. David Bro.ka Hampton and Mltii M. rthe. M.aoldeiMotiat. ho'h of this °it!. HILREF—GRIFFENHERO.—On the 25th inst., by the F ev. Wm. Barnes, Mr. Charles Milsee to Miss Fli zaheth Crinnbers. both of Philadelphia. Mca WI.EY—BOLTON,--On the loth lost., be the Rev. Win Barnes. Mr. George W. MeCawley to MITI Fanny Maria Holton. both of - Philadelphiih THIRY—FARR niT.Li.—On the 221 Inst.. by Rev. J. W. Bmith, Henry C. Vane,' to Miss Olivia F. Farrell. of this olti. DIED. MEGAAGNE,—luddenly, on the 29th met., Mrs. TacY Megargee. relict of the late Jacob Megargee, in the 69th year of her see. Her relatives and friends anti those of the family are i respectfullyinvited tn attend her funeral, from the re indenoe of her eon, Theodore Megargee, Twenty•hret and Tinge streets, on Thursday afternoon, May 2. at 3 o'clock. II v.RSON.—On the nth inst.. Mrs. Mary P. Rend.rson, widow of the late eamnel 3. Henderson. Esquire: ; '1 he friends of the family are invited to attend the funeral from her late residence. No. 1053 Walnut street. Wedeesday. May I, at 10 o'elonlc. Interment at Pennysmck. RA ,-0a theaGth Met . William Rambo, in the 53th year of hie age. Funeral from his late residence, corner of Columbia avenu eweek- and Wildey street. this (Tuesday) afternoon, at z °. * CtiESTNtrr.—op the 38th inat,s IVlhor Catherine Cheat:ant. in the 78th year of her age Funeral from the residence of her nephew, Mr. Wm. Murphy. No. 1322 South sixth street, this (Tuesday) afternoon, at i o'thock. * CUSH.—On the 27th inst., Frank Cush. aged 4 years, 4 months and 2 days. Funeral from the residence of km parents. 209 Penn street, east of. Front street, above south, this (Tuesday) afternoon. at i o'clock. De Y.-0n the 27th- inst., Ann Jane Daly, daughter of Capt. John Daly. * Funeral from the residence of her father, No. 828 Earth Front street, below Queen, this (Tuesday) morn ing. at 9 o'clock. " DERRICKt+ON.—On the 26th Mat, Martha A.. wile of John W. ..,:ti-iiekton. and eldest daughter of Samuel 0. an Mary gain Douglass. Funeral from the residence other leet , and. 4.14 Dick erson street, this ( Tuksd ay ) afternoon. at 3 n'olok. FRICKE.—On the 26th inst., Emily Louisa, second daughter of M. W. and Catherine J. Fricke, in the lath rear of her age. Irno.e.l Aron the reehienoe of her parents. Ger mantown avenue and Chatham street, this (Tuesday) afteyoon. at 2 o'clock. GI 8 / 1 1,—On the 38th inst., Paths Conrad. twin dumb ter o Ridgway and Martha Gibbs, .in the 3d year of her ago. Funeral from the residenc, of his parents. No. 226 North Twelfth street, this (Tuesday) afternoon, at o'clock ITE the 28th inst., Berths E. Smith, in the 23d year of her age. Fuitemt from her parents' residence. No. 1928 Serums street, this (Tuesday) morning. at 10 o'clock. • Waltri ER.—Oa the 27rit cast, Charles /1., son of Lydia E. Warner, in the 21th year of his age. Funeral from the residence of his aunt. hack of Pi o. 493 i lawn' Street. below Buttonwood, this ( Tuft day) afternoon, at 3 o'clock. • WRITE:—On the 28th inst., i losepli L. White, in the 324 year of his age. Funeral 'trona his late restdenoe. 1332 Fitzwater street, on Wednesday afternoon. at 2 o'clock. WRAY....Oe the 27th inst.. Mall Yonne. in the 18th year of her age, youngest daughter of the late hlathow Wray. Funeral from the residence of her brother-in-law. Mr. teen. Gumphert. No. 914 Marlborough street, this I Tuesday ) afternoon, at 3 o'oloot. MAIREB.—On the 28th inst.. at the residence of' his son-In-law. Mr. John P. Bisnell, Mr. Lewis Melees , a fittig 9 oM- a Zii the 28th Met , Joseph. infant son of Robt. C. and Mat visa Mania, aged 1 year and 4 days. NLEDOOCR.—On the 2811. mat.. Mary Jane Russell, infant dlughter of Day d and a tin Jane Alecoooh. age d 9 months and 23 day.. Funeral from the residenos of her manta. N 0.1013 Berton street, this (Tuesday I afternoon, at 3 o'clock, KROBEIttiF R.—On the 28th mat., Mr. CharlesJiro berger. In the 37th year or his age. • PIEWLIN.—On the 27th inst . Andrew Nebinger, son of Susannah T. and tae late Emmor Newlin, aged 2 y ears sal month. O'9NNE..b.—On the 28th inst., Bridget O'Donnell. iu the 17th year °flier age. Ynneral from the residence of her paripir rs..oe's court, fievetrh street, below Elitpee”, needs;) afternoon. at 1 o'clock. 81Efitt.A.Cx098.—On the 27th inst., MIAs Emeline :the ]Dross. Funeral from the residenee of Mr. James Dungan. &hers street, below Leine" street. Frankford, this (Tuesday) afternoon. at 1 o'olook. MOURNING STORF, NO. 918 CHEST NUT Street.—OKSSON & SON have Mat re oeived • gray mixed Cherie OrPaines, 12)4o ; blank and white liens printed Grenadine Barerell. 11XO; blaoitend Purple do.. 16Xo ; blank and ourpie DOIMIDeMo leXo .1 bleak Parcae*, lago ; bleak plaid BMW'S'', 1814 c; seori. d mourning Enstish Chintzes, 100 ; Shepherd Plaid Poil de Chevres.lB%o, &o. igi==bleak s‘ -" tl etz 'T rel ;f ar ii 3 Cigsßref Hern aat, see, MousehnOs. Lamas, eirierktii, Katy. Bps, Si. Tami of deep arm second ntourruns attire. OFFIVIV OF HE LEHIGH COAL AND NAVIGATION COMPANY. . PITILAMLIENTA, April 27, 18 3 1. The stated MMUS! meeting of the Stockholders of this Company will be held of their office,•on morning, the 7th day of slt kY next, at 11 . o'olook. after which en election for tamers of the Company will be there held. to acme at 2 o clock P. ht. on the same day. at3.l-tmt7 JAMES COX, President. NOTICE.—THE ANNUAL MEETING of the Stockholders of the GERMANTOWN RAKET cOm.PANY will be held at their office, MAIN Street. germeniown, on TUEsDAY next ( Mar 7) at 7.' o'clock Y M., for-the purpose of electing SEVEN DIREC7OBB, and the treneeation of other 'business. JOeEPN April 29, 11121—ap30-7t* Secretary. OFFICE OF TILE AMERICAN FIRE IN au ILANCE COiIrANY. No. 3te WALNIIr street.—A Cieneral Meeting of the Btookhoidere in the American Fire Insurance Company will be held, agree ab.y to charter, on MONDA Y, the 6th day of M&Y next, at lf o'clock, M. .1 he annual hieorion for Directors will take place immediately thereafter. A. C. L. CRAWFORD, apE,3O mr2 1 48i6-50 Deere tary. OFFICE OF THE SHAMOKIN VAL LEY AND POTTSVILLE RAILROAD '3OM- Er, JOS WALNUT Street. PHILADELPHIA, April D, 1861. The Annual Meeting of the tlsookholdere of the , xhamokin Valley and Pottsville Railroad Company will be held at the Offiee of the Company. on MONDAY. 6th of May, at 17 o'clock, for the election of Managers and a President to serve for the ensuing year. apl3-11298i0tm36 I . OFFICE PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD COMPANY, Philadelphia. April 17, 113111.—The card of Directors have this day declared a semi-an oust dividend of TR HE E PER CENT. on the capital stook of the Company. clear of State tax. payable on and after May 15th, IBM rowers of attorney for collection of dividends can be had on application at the office of the Company. No. MS S. Third street.. THOMAS T. FIRTH, &DM 1m Treasurer. MSCILLYLKILL AND SUkQUESAMNA RAILROAD ~o.—The Annual Meeting and on of the Stockholders of the Schuylkill and Sus quehanna Railroad Company. as required by their °tarter, will be held at the CoN'IIINLr.TAL ()TEL, in the city of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, on MON. DAY. May 6tn. MM. at 12 o'clock. BC. for the purpose of choosing a President and six Manage • s to serve for the ensuing rear. and 8140 for the consi deration of moll other business as may properly be roust; before sat meetior. FRANK S. BOND. A prtll3, 1881. [alai -tmy6) Secretary. MEDICAL BOARD_ A MEDICAL BOARD will convene in the city of New York on the let of MAY ensuing, for the examina tion of candidates for admission into the Medical Staff of the Vetted States ATMS, in ancordeutoe with the following Order. There are now five vacancies in the. Medical Staff. wAR DEPARTMENT, Adjutant General's Office. WAMINGTON. Match 13,1861. BPEC IA L ORDER* , , No. 76. A Board of Medical Officers will assemble in New York city on the let day of NSW next, or SO soon there after as practicable. for the examination of Assistant Burgeons for promotion, and of such candidatesfor ap pointment as may be invited to present themselves be fore the Board. DETAIL FOR THE BOARD. Surgeon Clement A. Finley. Charles McDougall. W. J. Sloan. By order nt the Secretary of War L. THOMAS, Adjutant General. Applicatious must be addressed to the Secretary of War ; must state the residence of the applicant, and the date and place of birth. They must also be accom panied (references will receive no atter.tionl by respect able testimonials of his profession. the moral and physi- Cal qua' ficatione requisite for filling creditably the re sponsible station; and for perforininF, ably the arduous and active duties of an officer of the Medical Staff. Applicants must be between twenty-one and thirtT There are now five vacancies iu the Medical etaff. _shAl-3t AT TENT lON, HOME GUARDS. THE CAP ADOPTS') BY COL. PLBASANTON, For sale by CHAS. LAING & CO., SIXTH AND CHESTNDT BTREETB. Any Erie of HAT or CAP got up at the shortes rotiete. apV-et A""' CLOTHING.—Indi a " title and Cadet Sattireta ; Regulation Shadoe on hand and fore eby JOS PEt L RA, a-6r 128 and 130 CRERTIIItIT Street. REDUCING THE PRICE OF OOLORED rim rueßArn B to al, end malting supenorpio to. ee at the reduced price, induces hundreds to resort to DEIME We known establishment, SECOND street, above Green;. it* VINE :4H1.113 MANOFLUTORY.-J. W. SCOTT. 614 CHESTNUT Street, a Dm doors below the ." Continental." The attention of Wholeeale Deakin, le Invited to hie IMPROVED CUT OF ISHIRTg, of superior fit, make. and material. on hand and made to /wee, at ehorteat wain*. Jai-tf PAL DENTALLINA.—We speak from practical experience when saving that the OPAL DENTALLINA made by Mr. BRIAN. of BROAD and SPRUCE etreets, is decidedly the nicest Prenatal= for the month and teeth that we hate ever used. We believe it fallits all that is claimed for it, and being re coMmended by the meet eminent dentists we advise all to rive it It trial.—Butterie. moll-9m` Q,PECII,AL NOTIOE.--SHIPPERS WILL 1 4 . 7 planarian notios that the South Carolina R. ft Co. have discontinued forwarding all through freight and that ail goods formerly eaneigned to them moat now be consign_ed to a city agency. Mardis. T. B. & T. G. MID) inn &mud all roads to their addrese. HELIUM, ffir._VAR N ., JOS Ku 106 Ron* WEAR . YAM' MILITARY NOTICES. . IHOME GITARD- SIXTH *ABP.-A meeting of the Home Guard of the, Sixth Ward will lie held 0..: the house of IMI. Flanagan. No. 158 Te.crt.h IXTII Reeet, Till.R ( Pcmatie .1 'EWE NIN(i. at 8 o'clock, for the ourpoee,of eleatintr officers. Cittz.ns of the Ward desirous of joining the Guard are invited to attend. . . . . . EH RISTOPR ER BR 4 Z ER, freaident. BERNARD RAFFERTY, ocuretary. TO ARMS ! TO ARMS ATTENTION, VOLUNTEERS! The MARTON GUAROB,under onmmand of CajA. APP, are filling' up their ranks at t 603 CEEB EN UT Street.' A FEW MORE ONLY ARE WANTED. Young Men betwm I nod it. winning to Enlist in their Counfree aid, are ossirod to come forward at once and enroll their mimes. SAML.K • trCEEVER. ap3o tuth&e3t* Vet:ream 11 THE 'CINDERSIONED APPEAL TO their friends to furnish the men of their command with 1t ItVOLVERSI. The isorripp jw 000io ito of ae veno-four non commitsioned abeam musicians, and privates. They are stationed, at Newark. Del. any contribution toward this fund will be received at No. 9 North EloHTH . §treet _ J. W. HOFMANN. Captain. W. WALLAGE, Mint Lieutenant. A. BEIOWN, Beetled Lieutenant. Officers 'Company R, First Regiment I hilsdelphia City Guard—Colonel Dare Commanding. It* tiUNITED STATES MARINE CORPS. —WANTED. SOO able - boillati iie I 10 .41ttVell th, ages or 21 and tS years, not lees than Aie feet tour and a half inches high, and of good oharacster. Soldsers serving'K in this corps perform duty at navy. Yards and on board United States shins-of-war on foreign stations. All other information 'which may be desired will be given at the Rendezvous, No. 311 south FRONT.Street. . . First Lisittsissist W. PPORP.B 28 1 . 7 .11, sp3o-1m Reoruiting 0 ffiser fi QUARTERMASTER'S DEPARTMENT, ROME GUARD. CITY OP PHILADELPHIA, AlpTil 29. 1861 NOTIOE,- , 30 as to avoid any farther enaremesen6 Lion. as to' (solo , . etyle. and coat of uniform of the "•110M4 GUARD," members of comp:mom now en rolled, or to he organized, are re Heated to examine suite at this office. . WILLIAM 13RADFORD, Welt Quartermaster Home Guard. AT A STATED MEETING OF THE SCOTS' RIFLES of Philadelphia. the following were appointed to receive and enrol members: 'THOMAS G. BR.O MU Market street. AS DW. MAC A LPI N 12s South Eleventh et. JAMES LAD SW.BOI Wharton street- DA RL cfbITYR.E.I27 Jones' alley. WILLIAM DAVIDSON Ifdi smith stmt. PETER. SIOMAPRLAND, Pres't. - A. W. atscALmNa, ap29 IWELSH SOCIETY.—At the request of 'several members of the Society I hereby invite thou. member, who have not enrolled thoxr "Annan in any of the Military organizalions now forming or having been formsd, for the defence of the city and the support of the Constitution and Laws of the United Mater, and the Stars and Stripes of the Union, who are disposed to form en annotation either for the military detente of the city or to aid three who here volunteered for such purpose, to meet at the Wetherill House, tief- BONI Btreet, shore isixih, on TUESDAY 10/k.i4l/415, 30th instant, at 714 o'clock, JOB. M. THOMAS. sio29-2t President WelithSgoolety. HOME GUARDS HEADQUARTERS, rait,Acer,rara, April 22, leel _ ORDlitt No. 3,—The Uniform for the iltralL GUARD will consist of a sinale-breaated light or cadet gray frock coat, with standing collar, and button* of the arm to whioh the regiment may belong; Pantaloons of the same material ; cap of army pattern, of drab oolor, with a rosette of the National Colors, Red. White, and Blue. The Uniforms Gan be procured at a met not exceeding Twenty Dollars for each man, and will be furnished by the members of the ROM E GUARD themselves. The Uniform, will be habitually worn, CO that on the ocoagion of an alarm the officers and men can repair at once to their armories, without stopping to change their Oahu. • - Special Million Organizational, formed or to he formed. will eeleot their own Uniforms. (Maned.) A. J. FIX A BANTON . apall-6t Commander of Home Girard. HEADQUARTERS HOME GUARD, CITY OF PHILADRLTWA., Apr il 23. 186 L—ORDER No 4—NIRDICat. DEPART MENT. let. This Department shell at present consist of five !means. one of whom shall ne " Mnitesi Dime tor.' by whom all details concerning the Hospital ar rangementa for the sick and wounded soldiers shall be mace. .. . ed. This Bureau eliall appoint.. at the nomination of the Commander of the Hume Guard. four or more 1•s -militant Surgeons, to be assigned to such duty u may be 1:144 6 / 1 101.11. 3d. The Medical Dire for shall select aceornmada• Doug for the reoeption of the awn and wounded, and make 'mob requisitions upon the Quartermaster for hospital iurniture and stores as may be renaireil. Ath. 1 his flo.pital shall be need not only for the sick and wounded of the "Home Guard," butalso for any others in the service of the Unitadlittates. 6th. This Department shall be gove:htd by United States regulations. 6th. Moyamenning Hall has been mei gned to the Home Guard for hospital purposes. and will be fitted up ac cordingly, under the orders of the Medical Direotor. 7th. Dr. John Ned is hereby appointed Med;enl Di recto,. A. J. ?LE/Ape' 011. up2A-CL. „E G. Commander of }come Guard. 6.PHE&DQUARTERS HOME GUARD, CITY OF lIILADRLFRIA. April gl. 1861.-OR DRR ito . s.—Many inquiries having been made re lative to the details of uniform, it is stated. for the information of Owen intateltvd tat. That special military organizations will be an oepted'on part of the Home Guard, without being re quired to conform to the patterns of uniform adopted by the Rome Guard raised in the wards—butmuat be uniformed by Regiments. Itt. That as it may be difficult to obtain tin short no tion a euffioient 'MUM,' Of OADIST OKAY cloth for the entire tome. any other shade of slay will bp ac cepted if au flioient for an entire Regiment. 3d. Tile cost of 'mash e uniforms may be varied, it is affirms. from 8640 per suit to 820. 'Li:wording to taste. 4th. In oases where it may be diffioult for the men lo furnish their own unitorma. it is suggested that the Wards in which these companies may be raised shall furnish funds to mealy said uniforms. in 661 sideration of the_protection afforded by the Guard. sth. The Regiments of the • Younf . giumilgaigoa in allowed to substitute for the Arm. . . Order aio 3, a gray catilitAiiined that no company of , ja 11 0 -I!).Wffelinnclred men will be reeeived. nor RANte - r 'tolls to tho itome tivard or Atisoial gra olgationg hereafter tie iturnighed. eyeeption pre gestation of a copy aignaturee to on Ward tn rollmente. A. 1. PLEAPt)NTON, ap36-6t Commander of Nome Guard. HEADQUARTERS HOME GUARD, CITY OP PEILADIKLPHIAPRILADILPIIII, April2l,lB6l. GRIMM No. I.—ln addition to the Yonne and Old Horne Guard. there will be organized a RESI DENT Boum GUARD. without reeTegleft to age or looality, who will be a fixed boil Guard. ingbieot to the orders from Headquarters of -Rome Guard's. The or ganization Into Gompanma and Regiments will con form in nrim Cm to those of the Home Guard, viz one hundred privates in each CoroPenT. A. J. PLEASONTON. Commander of Home Guard. HEADQUARTERS HOME GUARD, OF PHILADIGLI'DO., APRIL 2i, ThaI.—ORDER BrUOllOl L. liolhossworth. Dr, Josep_h Bome ri a vr.Franois enoth. and or. John H. members of "_vo hereby appointed .Bur !one!, and ivial Bureau, eatsbhahe by oed.r. No. 4, dated April 7~ • an t, th norm, arms .the Bureau. They will to 0u0. 4 d and u rerpected accord ingly, a .L.PLEAEQNTi IN. mid et Commander of Borne Guard of Philad'a. ti HEADQUARTERS HO ii GUARD, CITT OF PRILADELPITIA, April 26th, INSI.—fiENE- R4l, ORDER, No. 9. I. The organization of the Cornrinniet COMDOeille "The Home Gnarl of Philadelphia" will be as followt, viz Every Company. whether of Cavalry, driller), In fantry. or Hides, will have the following oflicers.ne one Captain. one First Lieutenant. one A econd briu tenant. one Third Lieutenant. one Fourth Lientemktt, and one Company Quartermaster; also the followitg Pon-Commeeloned trfficers, viz ; four Bergeacte, four Corporals. two Musicians, and one hundred privates. Each Company of Cavalry, will also have one other non•commissioned of f icer, viz: a Farrier and Black smith. Bach Company of A rtillery will also have two other non-commissioned doers, viz : two A rtifisera. For Cavalry, Artillery. Light Infantry, Rod Rifle Companies, both the musicians are Heelers; for Com pa anies er of Infantry, the musicians are, a Drummer and Fmusicians Each Company shall select its own officers and non commissioned officers. by ballot ; which must be done before the Company can be fin ally mustered into the Guard. Offices of the Young Guard may be over forty five years of age. The Commander repeats hie strong advice to the Companies, to select capable and efficient officers and non-commissioned officers. The organization of Regiments will be announced hereafter. IV. Every Company. whether already accepted or in process of formation, will proceed in drilling_with the utmost ii..dintr.r. A. J. Pt.EASANT. iN. ap29.2t I Commanding Boma Guard. COPARTNERSHIP NOTICES. NOTICE. The partnership heretofore eaistil between PKTER RAJA and FRaNCIa BIACKBU NE, Jr., under the iftinl of BALL & BLACK li NE, was dissolved on the 18th ult.. by the decease o fPater Ball. 's he business of the firm will be settled by "MAXIM BLACHBURNE, Ja. ap..10-et THE COPARTNERSHIP HERETOFORE existing in VII iladelphis std. Baltimore, ander the name qf HOWELL & nROTRERS, is this day dis solved by mutual consent. T_he business in Baltimore will be continued by DA RIUS C- ROWE , L & JOS. ROBB, and in Philadel phia by the remaining partners, under the same style 001 here Wore. JOHN A. HOWELL, GEORGE ROWELL, Z TEAR C. ROWELL, WILLIAM ROWELL, DARIUS C. ROWELL, WILLIAM WILSON, JO'w.Pll ROBR, ROBERT C. MJSCUI qr. April 37 IMI, ap3o.3t* RETAIL DMA GOODS. IV AR !I ! GOVERNOR CURTIN% T r aeseia ,- ." : " UNION CLOAK ATORE." No. 40 SOUTH SECOND Street, Oldest Established Marinfactory in the City. DAILY OPENING A large assortment of Ladies', Misses'. and Chit drees Cloth and Oat Coats, l3aismes. Accs. ; among which will to found the " Union Moak," a new and beautiful article t French Lacs Mantles of ail styles. together with a superior line of DUOS MaterlAlll, In cluding Poplins, Gray Goods, Travelling Cloth, &a.; all of which haye been purchased at late Auction Sales, at a great sacrifice, and will be sold unusually apSO 6t* M. Y. R. HUNTER. EMBROIDERIES. J. M. HAFT <EIGH, Noss. $O9 Sod 911 ORESTRET STREET, Will O,nn on MONDAY, April Ad, FIVE CASES EMBROIDERIES, All to be sold at a great sacrifice. FOR CASH ONLY. ap29-2t pp ED, WHITE, AND BUIE GOODS JILL FOR FLAGS. Red, White, and Blue Detainee. Red. White, and Blue Merino. Red, White, anti Blue Silk. Red, White, and Blue Flannel. EYRE & LANDELL, sp29 -FOURTH tie ARCH Streets. PYRE & LANDELL ARE OPENING Ju. Barcains from Neer York undone. Dessonaoto Dress ldoods. Fashionable bhawis. ;yawed Shape Mantle& Bain ChaDies, choice shades, VIEBITOT INDIA BILKS, BDEPLIERD PLAIDS.—These goods are perfoot flag extra gloom. Blarik and White Plaids. Brown and White Plaids. Blue and White Plaids.. Purple and White Plaids.. OYEZ & LANDELL. BOURPI,I and ARC I 1 Straeti. COMMISSION HOUSES 0 VI * AND CLOTHS', ' Suitable for Military or Naval purposes, . For sale by FROTHINGHAM & WE14.3, APIA if t i 36 LETITIA. STREET. WESTERN HAMS, J mgt. asesivEn Olf CONSIGNMNT, Win be itqW Icar, by A. T. LANE a; CO., 9929-1 t 419 MARIcET STREET. WARTS. W to AN Nei l i T on D e . aha l re a o m r going West and wish d iTina a new w'":"l'4:ha7l:;4lll"Arrie°B Ik' WANTOD—A loung Man to Learn Al AlmonDural azd Need bustnese. Addree "A. O. H." Fritss O ffi ce. ap27-6t, WAIIII'ED—A Lad to do Errands_ Ad dress" T." Press office. an - ti WAhTBD—tiGENTS to sell PACHA v v 6EB of STATIONERY and JEWELRY. at trines 0120 third less than can be purchased ei.ewhere. all on or address (stamp enclosed) J. L. BAILEY, No. 61 eourr Street, Boston 346". noldd-llso p, iVIPLOTERS WANTING YOUNG Men, dco., are invited to address the" Ein_ploy,- meta Committee," at the Room, of the Younen *Chnetian Association , 1009 and 1011 CHESTNUT m TNUT &mak ap9-8m WANTEO—A VESSEL, of the capa city of from 1,000 to 1,200 barrels, to load for the West, Indies. APPy to AVRETCH.V. lc CA TtsT.AlltS, 1102 404 and ilO4 South FRONT Streak FOR SALE AND TO LET. WELL•S[CURED MORTGAGES, of 81.200 and one of er SO, for sal at a dis count. Apply to J. 11. WEI BELER. 1t• 113 South FIFTIIBIIeSt. filt TO LET.—Brick Dwelling No. 417 HARMONY B T., irrin or cachorino l wroc or PoPoonaL i .-.ore regime, large yard• rood rag. &a.; rent, 810 per month. Apply 619 VINE ST.. from 9 to 12 A. a., and 2 to 6 P. M. It, in WEST PHILADELPHIL—TO RENT inm—A modern COTTA G 1, containing parl9r, thni Id WWI 661thiben. apply hr av29-6t 8. A. BARR IFON. fj! PUBLIC 8 &LE.—Will be sold at ma* pubs° rain on MONDAY, the 6th day of MAY next. on tao Islamises in the Borough or Cheater. De laware county, Pa.. at 2 o'clock P. M., all that orryu s _ bitable hod valuable Property and Fadbary Build ings thereon erected. • ith such maohinery as belongs to it. he property is situated at the steamboat lanhis,s to Chester, containing , r ACRIsS OF LAND, has about 300 feet river front. This propetty is erJithy the Wen t' tvt of manufwaurers ; is 15 miles from Philadelehta, and in almost hourly communication with the city by water and rat [toed. Lenditiens at talc JOHN COCHRAN. apw-rt* Real Eitate Agent and Auctioneer. Ng • FOR SALE OR TO RENT—Three Mraloonimotliolui brick DWELLINGS in Haddonfield, NOW Jersey, esetrally lo.sated. well shaded, within two squares of railroad depot U. H. SHINN, ao2B.tf 222 WALS UT Stu et. TO RENT WITHFURNITURE. —A dm hendivme BOUSE, with every modern conveni ence, m Arch street, west of Veventeenth. sp2o-lm nolo to A.P. !t; J. H. MORRIS, 916 ARCH Street. IA FOR SALE—A HOUSE and LOT, Miatleeirably located on MAIN titreet. Burlington, IN, J. Apply to WM, M, °inmate, 400 MINOR &met. Phtlndelplua. Otto FRANKLIN WOOLMAN. &plB-tbstutO* MAIN Street, Burlington. a TO RENT. —The large Dwelling. Rm. House u No. 415 South FIFTEENTH Street. A p PIT to J,3bit 0 RANT PAIGE, No. 813 ARCH time& ispui-in gm TO RENT.—A rare opprtunity Is offered to a competent manager of a Boarding Hone by the undersigned, who offer' to rent the premises formerly known as the UNITED BTATEB ROFELA, situated on CHESTNUT Street, above Peottii. eppelate the Ca/stain Rouse. The house con tains forty rooms all of which are famished. The dining-hall Is ninety-five feet .in length, besides kitohens, pantriee. and every other converumme that can be desired. The premires have beea fitted up in a complete intnner, and are ready for immediate occupancy. To a proper person, having experiepo a profitable business can be done. To an accepta ble tenant the terms will be made reasooable. For particulars apply to JOHN REA. on the pren ieee, between the hours of 9 and 3 o'olook. apl6-tuthent TO LET---SECOND-STORYROOM, 802 JR. CHESTNUT ?treat. ever LEWIS .IJADOMUS &COti Jewelry. Store. The best kxistion in Phyindel rids for any kind of light baldness. Apply ii the Jewelry 'Store. Rent V* tel 9 TO RENT—A very desirable STORE, on the Ninth-street front of 4, The Continental Hotel." The Store at Ninth and Hansom streets wipe alallY adapted for a /SADDLE and RARNEU Mater. Apply to JOHN RICH, feti.tt Southwest NINTH and RaNsini streenr. ei TO LET—A DESIRABLE DWEL LING. NO 123 North THIRTEENTH Street. Apply to WETRESILL. /c. BROTHER, 4T mod 49 North SECOND Street. viii TO RENT—For the Summer season. iii a commodious Country Rouse, with furniture, grounds, and Stabling, within two bouts' ride, by rail, gf: Philadelphia. Apply to E. P. WiLBON. at 333 MARKET 'Street ; or oildreeus " I (ISIAH WI LOON, Parkersville, Chester Co.. Pa." ap4.lm gitm CHESTNUT-STREET HOUSE and SOL STORE tp rent,—The desirable business looation, 1322 CHESTNUT Street,Nvith dwelling attached. Apply at 431 CHESTNUT Eitresi. apll . GERMANT()WN PROPERTY To 16 RENT.—To Rent, the large uatonn ..112/ 1 i "Street end modern- bout Rouse, oorogic diftri; Ft o t end cold water ILL Avenue, ' ThiVrevernente. Asaey to BBNBY and all 44 itraitabil Otroot, now:ll4lga, or on the at TO RENT TWO COUNTRY itousra,olll3 mile from Taoony. Ing,nire 3 No. W 717 A Ntreet. mh2s-m* ►ro' RENT-THR LIAR3E AND CON VENIENT Coal Wharf and Lumber Yard, at Ms landvilla , Twenty fourth ward. Apply to E. C. & WARREN, on the promisee. tabu tf ROE, EXCIEIANGE.—A CIIO.IOR TRAOT of rood unimproved form land in the 800 of Now Jersey, convenient to the city. will be exchanged for Pity erli-proerty. Apply at Na. 119 FEDERAL, street. mtf RR. CORSON,REAL ESTATE BROKER e AND CONVEYANCER, NORRISTOWN. PA. —Real Estate bought mid sold on ransonabla terms. Stores and dwelling' for sale or rent in Norristown and country. Good mortgages negotiated. Collections made. the beet references elver. 'PUBLIC BALE OF' VALUABLE PRO. A- PERTY TEE "EM PORIUM REAL ESTATE AND MANU FACTURING COMPANY." A.Mound rity. Pulaski County, Illinois, n Lit LILLE., on the preutwa. On w PNEBDA.Y. tut, Seth 4. of May next, - Large 'Number of - DESLRADbI MIMING LOTS, Eligibly Located for Mar% Featonea, and Thinideneeni Alec. A SPACIOUS BRICK IRON FOUNDRY, WITH MACHINE Seer. And all the appurtenances necessary for the business of manufacturing Wl:mines and Boilers for Steamboats. Sugar, and all other Ming, need in the Southern and Western country. The Fatterna comprise the modern improve ante in machinery. with a lull and complete set of Patterns for Stoves, adapted to both wood and coal. This property, from the advantageous location of Mound City, is one of the most valuable in the Southwest. Alto at the same time. A FIRST-CLASS TONES-BTORY FRAME MO URN-Biala lionk Containing some DRY rooms. with a full set of Furni ture. The Hotel is now come a large and profitable business. Also a number of BRICK STO ak tt AND COTTAGE RESIDENCES. Tawas t3ALE.—Oue-fourth (X) cash ; the remain ing payments in 12. 24. and SC months from date of sale, bearing interest at the rate of six per oent• per annum. The cash payment may be made in the Bonds of the Company, and the time pay Manta will be taken in the Stook of the Company at par, except for improved Pro- Pens, for which three-fourths of the purchase-money mar remain upon mortgage. As the Company propose to dispose of all their im urovernents, ocpitaucte have a rare opportunity for pro fitable invent/gents in ono of the boat located and MOOS flourishing cities in the great Southwest. For_nartiou lam, inquire of or addressJESSE E. PEYTON; President B. it- E. & M. Co. mh2e-tna4 Office 222 WALNUT Street. Philaja. NEW PUBLICATIONS INSTRUCTION FOR THE HOME GUARDS. RIFLE AND LIGHT INFANTRY TACTICS, For the exercise and maronivre of Troops, when sat ing as Light Infantry or Riflemen. Prepared under the direction of the War Department. by BREVET LIEUTENANT-COLONEL W. J. RAIDER. U. IL A.. In two vols., with Sixty-seven Illustrations engraved on steel. Price 81.50. Vol.—Schools of the Neither and Comm Instruc tions for Bkirnuittes. Vol.l.l.—Sohoot of the Battalion. J. B. LIPPINCOTT & C 22 AND 24 N. FOURTH STREET. ap2s-St 75 1 10,-. noo VOLUNTEERS WANTED to call at EVANS' Great Gift-Book Em 1001111Mi No. 439 tiliESTPlin Street, and make their selections from an immense assortment of new and timely Publications on Military Tactics. A valuable Present accompanies every Book bought. The Books for study—the Gifts as mementos for rela tives and friends. In Union there is strength! Fall in line! Forward, march . GILRAM'S MANUAL FOR VOLUNTEERS AND MILITIA. 1 vol. $230. A want long felt among our Volunteers and Militia has been supplied in the presen tation of Gilnant's Manual. Besides containing every thing that may be necessary for mere tactical instruc tion, it also embraces much valuable instruction on va rious other subjects of equal importance with taotion— subjects that few who have not been regularly trained in the military service are familiar with. The thou sands of our young mac who are , eager for the coming fray should not fad to acquire all available military knowledge. COOPER'S MACOMB'B TACTICS. I Vol. SIM. Hera we have " much in little"—a great deal embodied ip a small amount of space. comprehending the met dims and movements of the Infantry. Light Infantry. and Riflemen, Cavalry and Artillery , . together with the manner of doing duty is Garrison and in Camp. eta. A glance at the volume will suffuse to awaken an aPore elation of its worth. HARDEE% RIFLE AND LIGHT INFANTRY TACTICS. Designed for the Exercise and Ifilameuvres of Troops when acting as Light Infantry or Riflemen. 2 vols. $l6O. This work has been prepared under the direction of the L nited States War Department. anti is honed in a neat. convenient form, we bound and pro ' timely illustrated. IV . CAVALRY TACTICS. Also published by order of the Wer Department. 3 vols. $325. The many enco miums bestowed on this volume have not been nnme riled. It conveys its instructions in cook a olear. BSIIt style an to make it a favorite with even those who do not wish to use it primbaally. IIdcCLELL AND'S BAYONET EXERQIIIES. 1 vol. $126. Thin is a manual of superior , merit in its sve clann of military science. Lute the Works nreviouslx " mentioned, it comes to us by authority of Uncle Gam, who nertainly would not printout 61e heirs with anything of 4nestionaule emoelionoe. All the standard MILITARY BOOKS, together with all the Biographical Writings of BfdUCKBR, eilfd Me, HARTL 6 Y and other authors. and an immense co Ileo tion ot Miscellaneous Publication., at the Publishers' usual prices. A Gift worth from RI cents to 010 0 nrelmed with ever r Hook. BuBDIR4IB--CLVILIANS—EVRILYBODY. flint in at GEORGE G. E vArts , Palmie 439 ft Book Finontim, CHneTNUX Street. BOOKS, LAW AND iiIISOELLANZOITS, PRILIERESgAv.zn gold . sad l l :tett! 6 11 Ot t 4 t il 011EBTri UT Street. Libraries at a distance antahesed. 'hose harms Books to sell. if at a distance, will state their names, arises. bindin_m_dstes, editions. au sad onncitions. Wish TED—Books prints pi Bigt min Franklin, as well as early &Oki printed in and uppoon America tai r r a nt o rii, e i c t in tr i rs sn: 6 l:ortraits my lognes. in press, sent free. Libyns. svp4ittisth,Cats te3s-ti JOHN in.eillol3lo.LL- VILE lIIANUFAOTORY_ L gg: 211 NRW EiTftEET. Files and Rasps of every description, and good quality. made to order at the above establishment. WROLEatiLLE and RETAIL, at manufsaturer's pnoes. lteoutting done is 0.14114 , 01/Or iltaX* 6 t. W-144 J. 4). ANITA. ALBILUBEILENI'B. VOLUNTEERS' RELIEF ' FUND FOR • TR. , i•Or , ik.: MOTHERS AND WIDOSf!.—MISS A NrilP M.IN A SPA/M :Id, 1110 honor to ammunde that the grand Pe FR ,, lllanyn at the A • • :Aljr; my F MUSIC, for ,no okolusive benefit of tilts Fund, wdi take place on TPURADAYdrXT, when a grand Meeical and Dra matic matinee will be given under the ausp oes of Mayor HENRY and a Committee. whose name. guaran tee the fulfilment of the trust reposed in them. ph has also the nallteUrn to ittinouvee th , t the 'tires te•re 01 the Academy of Music have granted the one of the house on chi- most generous terms; that the Coin- Pante' of the eroh-street and Walnut-street Theetr•e wi'h Permission th .ir several manse. meets) have. with • qua: senerraiir, rendered their se , vt oes ; that nit tto em Aor Bea of ill, Aoaden.y nave volunteered. Bad thatho ? or ellesiPel and Dramatic Minn have ten, dared illifiPiersi•e•ie on tine nen4B.on, with the intent and purpose that the entire proceeds !than be devoted to the dssisna'ed purpose. Full particulars w be announced to-morrow. It WALNUZEITREET THEATRE. T Bola !ILA nARR R11946/4 Bt .° air M V . A. CHA. Minnow Agent r. JOS. D. MURPHY. THIS (TUESDAY/ Mfg MG, Awl! SO, Will be pregenred the very laughable Comedy of OUtt. AMERICAN COUSIN AT BONI V. Mr- Sothern will appear as Lord DiltArMill and bein. T. conelteleMpb the Drente , ele set, enti4ed DREAMS (1 ' r I.J . Scats or Piticrs.—Press oirols. (!eats secured 'with out extra charge.) BO °eats; parquet. (sesta secured at #lO cents.) ani rents; family etrole, 26 cents; private boxes, 455 and 83; orohestns, 75 cents. Doors upon ai Quarter our T o'olooli Curtain at a Quarter to a °Wool. WHEATLEY it OLAEHrti Alto/1-BT. THEATRE. THIS (TUESDAY) EVIOHNG. April M. Will be presented the grand Military and Historiaal (31)11grinitIoD 5 Kona'. ont (Cat w AHS OF NAPOLBON THE GREAT: Coniposed, adapted, and arranged bi Mr. O. 03 OE RYER. With whom a swamisl engagement has been entered into, and who will sustain hie remarkable per sonation of' N A P 01.1. 0 ,1. The whole STAR COMPANY in the Cast. psK.NA. AOADBMY Olf TA S. FINK Th A T ß h T— ye o ig 2 h 4 stCßA EN4NTNUTB TRXFH:TI BI T I OA of PAINTINGS end SCULPTURE u now open Admittance 25 cents • PeedOe Ticket/ 80 oente; Chil dren half weleo. Oatieloeuee 10 ovule. 'btookliii . dere will receive their Mama at the Aoademy. aart-tf SANFORD'S OPERA BoLISE, OPEN FOR THR sEAeo ELEVENTH h STREET NEWLY DECORATED ItNp norm?, HANPOASP Hakseoured one of the LARGEST COMPANIES ever presented heretrfor. who mil appear nishUr. nford wall periorm every eventne. ea open at 7 ; Commence at ThA. Admission 25 mints. Children lA cents THE GERMANIA ORCHESTRA GIVE I . their PUBLIC REREAR9ALS every SATUR DAY. commencing at 8% o'clock. at the !MUSICAL FUND PALL.. 8 tickets 1; musts tioketn, 26 cents. for sale at Chtokorin to§firl'B. 807 Chootnutatren; A.dr. 9 .,ttoi Chestnut street Book & beiwton's. Chestnut street. Engagements for Concerts. Commencements, Par ties. Ero.. made only' at their Office. Chick - erin& k Son's Piano Store, 807 (inestnut street; William Stoll, 214 North Juniper street, or C. Droushman. 1009 Ridge venue, laSl-tr MEILIPICII4A.I. DR. J. WISE, No. 30 North FIFTH Street, PHILADELPHIA Treats sucitiessfhily# and applied to in time , an dimmers Of the iillTil ,I H MOAT and WHART, a frequent onres CONN mPTION in its third and tut Blase. e also restore, all curable diseases of the EYE and EA . He has riven them his entire attention for he past Si years. Will visit patients, when desired, at heir residences. met 1m if• SAFEbe LILLIE'S SAFE DEPOT REMOVED to No. SI. South SEVENTH Street, near the onklin Inatitute. The undersigned. thankful for paat favors, and l 4llll determined to merit future patrona,te, has incur an elegant and eenvanisit iitor, and hr.. now on Land e large assortment of Celebrated Wrought sod Chilled Iron Fire and Burglar Proof Salm (the only 'motif fire and burglar proof safest mag i .) Also. I 4 lids actual led Bank Vault, Safe. and nk Locks. Lill Bank Vault Doors and Looks wi llbe furn ish to order on short notice. Thu. is the atromost, prottetad, and 6,l4llndit Door and Lock yet °fared. Also, particular attention is called to Lillie's Nett Cabinet Safe for Plate. Jewelry, An. This Safe is con oedeu to surpass in Bole and elegance sec thing yet of fined for this purpose, and la the only one that is strict ly fire andburglar proof. SplclLL l'<nrinE.-1 have now on band say twenty of Farrel, Herring,. k Co.'s Safes. moat of them nearly new, and some forty of other makers,oomprising complete assortment as to sites, and all lately en chanted for the now Celebrated Lillie Safe. They will be sold at very low prioea.. ?loose call and examine. .11118-iyif M. C. SADLER. Agent. EVANS •!F. WATSON'S SALABANDEB skreh. STOICS 304 ORESTI4HT STltvJ PHILADELPHIA, P. 6„. han d , A large variety of FIRE-PROOF VA 4. . & mmilB4/ore; Sul S ft ANCt etl Mr All ir• ILIA= iNsrm,A.E.lOll OOMPANY, No. 4O CHESTNUT etreo, FIRy AHD INLAND trowaiuwii. DIRECTORS. D Vts nay of Day & Matlack, nainael Wrial z Wright Bros A. Co. D. D. " Davie! & Birner. Henry Lewis,Jr_." Lewis Bros & C. Riehardaon.--..." J. C. Howe ft Co. it runnel T. 80dine....-Efeet Woming Canal Cintripiy. Jno, W. Everman _of J. W. Evarman . Co. Geo. A. Went " Went & Poona W. 8. Martin. . " Savage, Martin, & Co. 0, Wilson Davis. A ttorney-at. law. E. D. Woodruff-- ....of Sibley, Molten, & Woodr u m'. Jno. Kessler, Jr...,...-.N0.1713 Green etreet, GEORGE W. DAY, Preeldeta. FILA:siCIS RUCK, vice Fluidal% WILLIAMS I. 111,ANOTIARD, Beeretary. laat-itts LITURAtiiTE INSIMINO — B COMPA cm. IfF.—.A.uthorised eloo.ot*--0/3AXTE3k PF.RPETITAL. °Moe /go. 311 WALN}Irs Street. betworn %lire MI Fourth dtmoi F 10.144010400 Tide 'Company irili inane arlitE r llT iOZE or damage isy Fire, on Bindings, Furniture > and Merchandise sem i". Marine insurances on Vessels, aergeee, are Freights. Inland Insurance to 111 carte of the Vines, tECTORM Joseph Moationt. John getaimm, John a. Binkuiton. Wm. F. Dean ; J. E. Baum. At tt3 ESltEltt, President. wht. "LAN, viso Preside/a+, ltseretel7. ne3-0 iioob Eeizer. D. Luther,. le. Au(tonne*. Pavia Peanaoz rotor Etisgkr. SAVING FUNDS. SAVING P.IMID-TTNITED STATEB TRlnirr tovrtIPANY, oorue, surilln and CREST.. RUT Streets. INTEREEIX FIVE PER CENT. S. R. CRAWFORD. President. JAMES It. (INTEL Secretary and Treasurer. Whoa hours, from 10 until 3 o'clock. Thia Company is not mined in any applioatlon to the Legislature. fee A MERIOAN SAVING FUND, S. E. cor ner WALNUT and FOURTH Streets, continues to receive deposits and A pay all sums on demand as a has always done. - hRXIINEER. WHILLDIN, President. /OWN s. WTLILIVIIF. OAILDING. BOARDERS will be received at a retired but_pleasantly-eituated Farm House, in CHES TER COUNTY. but a short distance from tne Rail road. The dwellins is beautifully shaded. which. with large Vegetable and Fruit Gardens, wi ll throwh baud ere with every luxury the country can afford. Address .13. B. 5.," office of The Press. WS-Im` SPRING MILLINERY. ca MRS. E. JACOBS, No. 212 NORTH EIGHTH street, will open a FARITION_ABLE AS-oRTMEAT OF SPRING MILLINERY, on THURSDAY,ApriIIIth. WI-1m MRS. M. B. BISHOP, 1016 OHEBT 11,4aNUT Street, has received aohotoe assortment'of PARIS MILLINERY for the Syrinx. mh22-101 FIREARMS GtINS AND RIFLES—For sale cheap, by MOORE, wartrzr.y. 00. • ap2s et No 427 MARKET RESdo LOST AND FOUND. .013 T—Five Coupons No. 206, 207, 250, Iffi. and 108. due Jen. Hee, Imo of the county of Allegheny to the Pittsburg and Contotbartbe Railroad. Aliberal reward will be given for the return of the insane to E. P. 11111/DLETteI. realati S North PROW/ Strait. algaeFOß NEW YORK. NEW DAILY LINE, via Delaware end Raritan Canal. Philadelphia and New York Express Steamboat Com pany will receive freight on and after MONDAY. 26th instant, and leave dally at I P. Se ~ delivering their car goes in New York the following days. Freights taken at reasonable rates. P CLYDE, Age Jut Lite. 14 1301.1T$ WR &RVEK. Pluladelphiti. JAMES RAN D_,_Agent. Piers 14 and 15 BASF RIYAR, New York. FOR NEW YORK. - THE Philadelphia Steam Propeller Cowan, will commence their bushman for the enema on Monceak lath liter. are nom receiving freight at Sewed Pier above Walnut street. Terms necomraodettes. l"to BAIR]) a co.. 224 Snath Delaware Avenue. PHILADELPHIA AND READING RAILROAD CO., 1271 - 1 --- er _ (Office 227 South mute street.) _ PELLA D . I3LP2IpI, April 27,1961. SEASON TICKETS. On and after May 1 186t.season tickets will be brined by this company for th- periods of three, six, nine, and twelve months, not transferable. Season school-tickets may also ha had at 93 par UAL discount. These tickets will be sold by the Treasurer at N 0.227 South FOURTH Street, where any further information can be obtained. S. SRADFOittI, as99.tf Treasurer. IIOTIOE.—The citizena of the different Cities end Towns throughout the State are tussled to competition for the place at which the nextAN 11UAL giTATR. FAIR shall be held. Proposals containing inducements and advantages, directed to the undersigned Committee, appointed by the Ex ecutive Committee. will be received up to and in cluding May Mat next. Communications should be ad dressed to either et the following pA:reons: WM COLDER JR. JOHN P. kin ABI€FORTri JACOB MUiR, SOWN H. Zik.GlAlt, Barriabarg,PA, AMOS B. KAPP, Northumberland. Pa., Committee. ai4S-dtm,M M ACTUREL, HNBRINO, SHAD, BAL. "-x-, molt, &c .-- 3,000 btds. Mess Nar.l, 2, and tMack arm, lent. medium. and small. in assorted tetokagea of choice late-caught fat fish. _ 6,000 bble. New Halifax, Eastport, and Labrador Her - mins, of choice qualities. 6,000 boxes extra new sealed Herrings. 1010 boxes extra new No.l ItOrTlAcc 100 bozo langl Mtilittne HerrtllM 11110 Ws. MisaYinao white Fish. SO bbls. new Hoortomg . Mess 8111!4. 6 bbl{. new Halifax Salmon. ' WOO Quintals Grand Bank Witarii. 300 boxes Herkimer -00.w, Cheese, In sore and sal e landinfer la ua %sl4 uivliv a w K evict. 0(X10 LF HAVANA CIGARS just 1 received e ver steamers Quaker Guy and A - onset*, comprising CabanasFttaro. Pottage*, Comeroiante. Black aim, Punchinello, Ekelvina, Diablo Marino, Verdad, ?Mabee°. MI:los itOdp or sized and qualities and for sale at the heir ket rates byeit leer - Let W i ALM CILAJILES ISB, im.a. tat CRAmPAGNiv:—Ve. Oliquot, Lallemon& Ducal Grape. and all of Pe Venose & Co.'s Chant for safe by JAURATGHE CARSTAIRB Wan , d :104Outh F.RUIt Etrest. • N. B.—Ordera for the direct importation of any of boys brands will be nunoniallv attended to. eeB VBENOII ZlNO—Pure SNOW WHlTE (viiiie, moDeime.tgov around in Oil and for br Vn.axl 1. & OROTHEI 7 444 4 Kotti iF:CON IL 700 boxes fine Herkimer County Cheese. on oonninuont, for sale by C. O. CHKESH. nn sAmis. & co., 103 ARCH eßrOet.SOCOnti GOOF above Front. &W.& V E ,S AT I ONRRY AND JEWELRY fitratehed to Arrant' sad Dealers. stvar3 regoootratu..Coll. to mud mow, t 502 caw:mirk ittrest 2 ltiladephm, ri, OP= FAIMAM & cat
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers