Special Meeting of City Councils. A special meeting of both branches of Councils was held yesterday morning at 11 c'oloolc. BELEM' COUNCIL. 711E0. CUYLER. President in the chair. Bobo e pro...dine to busitneel. MT. MPA &KY DrOposed that each member reaffirm hie oath of fidelity to the Consti tumm and laws el the State and United Straps. Some d scussion ensiled, in whieh the measure! was mmosed on tee ground that it implied a suspicion of loyalty where there is no foundation fir it. Dir. Meagre with drew his resolution. The committee appointed on the eseolutions offered Yesterday made a rep •rt. 'the got."( it was as follow!: Your commit e refrain Irmo makine a report in detail. bromine they a,c fury a•eured that the nine,- Imre@ propow d wilt meet wits a prompt and Men, re_ kpon me I om every member of the Council,, and that any sts-h report would ho nee ens a The cations resolutions and ordinsnoee offered on upon end unanimously adopted. Thursday were vo The of eta neorporeced into the preamble and reso lutions offered be Mr. Meeary, and published in full in The Prca= of yestatffitY, Were adopted. after the unanimous adoption of most of the resolu tions and ordinances. Mr. DRAYTON read a paper de fining his position. He lamented the division in the Demooretto tarty. He was born in South Caroline, and inane relatives were in the Seco-mon ranks. He pro elsimed himself a citizen of the United Stares. and of the State of Penneyivenia, and at the command of either he must eheulder his musket and march in their defence. He owed an allegiance to the United etstes paramount to all others. lie considered the ant of the seceding Stares revolution. and bile unwilling to mill men traitors who were conscientiously intisfied that they were right. he was wilting to vote men and motley to put down an unjustifiable revolution. Several gentlemen made speeches eulogizing the course pit sued by Mr. Drayton in the delicate and pa of ll posits m in which he was placed. The Pit EnIDENT l Mr Molar, referred to the deli mit- posit .n in which Mr. Drayton was plaord. and spoke ot the profound emo.ion with wroch he had lie. t-ned to the loyal remarks of the gentleman from the Fifth ward. The following is the substance of the various resolu firms and ordinances which wipe passed unanimously No. 1. Provides for reiterating ttne citizens to form companies of one hundred each for home service. 00. 2. Committee on Finance to report an ordinanne for a loan of one million debars for the purpose of pro vici,ng a fund for the relief of families of volunteers who 'cave the city in the service of the country, and for other purposes connected with the distracted con • dition of the country. flo. 3. Commissioner of City Prop erty to lace p un occupied public hells at the disposal of dri ;ling Portia.. No. 4. Applauds the course of Baltimore and Governor Hicks in opposing the secession movement. No. S. An appropriation of G5l l for the purchase of arms for Dome Guard.. or other defensive purposes. A committee ot five to aid the Mayor in carrying out the ordinance. No.a An ordinance appropriating 8125,0(g) for relief of familiesof volunteers No 7. Resolutions approving of the prompt and de termined steps of the beneral Government inputting down rebellion. commending the conduct of Major Anderson, and determining to tender him a sword. No.B. en ordinance appropriating 45.000 to be em ployed by the Mayor in such a manner as he may deem summer, for the Preservation of the Deane of the City, for the detection of all persons engaged in treasonable designs. and for the detection of persons engaged in molesting the property of cougars of Philadelphia. Mr. BKNTON off-red a bill providing' for the payment of the meaty of any officers under the City Government, who, before the proolamation of the President of the United Plates, wore ocurbected with volunteer compa nies. and who. May be called into service. This proposition was objected to upon the ground that the city has no more right to continue the pay of absent Officers 01 the city then they have to pay the usual vases of any other claims who may think proper to enrol themselves. after a long discussion the bill fell, the Chamber re fusing to suspend the rules. The amendments to the various bills made by Com mon Council were evecurred in. e ?solemn:is from Common Connell. providing for the payment ot salaries of certain officials in certain apeoiat cases, were referred to the special committee. The Chamber aereed to the resolution concerning the eatery of George I'. Pleftedding. Adjourned. COMMON COUNCIL. The Chamber was oat ed to order startly after 11 o'clock, Mr. Trego, President. in the chair. heavy every member was present. The Chair made a statement to the effect that a highly respetrable member of the bar had. yeatercay morn ing. offered his services as Clerk of Common Council during the absence of General Small. lie will serve without oomeensation, in order that the salary of Ben. boleti may be continued. In response to an inau rY, the Chair slid the gentle man was Mr. Edward tamstead. ( Applause./ Alto- srme decurmon the subject was laid aside for the present. Mr. QUINN offered an ordinance to continue the pay of such city officials as may enlist The ordinance pro vides for the continuing of the pay of such parties in the employ of the city during tneir enlistment, pro vided that their pay does not extend beyond the time for which they may have been elected to their city offices. A motion being made to refer the ordinance to the Special Committee, M r.QUIN N urged that the commit tee had no such ordins ECG ready, and ii becomes us to act atones, as the volunteers are leaving at this very moment, to fight for our laws and our rights. la e hoped thin ordinance weird now no through, an as to keep the Inmdies of the volunteers from want. Mr. FREEMAN thought it was proper to not in an orderly manner. and by tending the ordinance to the committee we would hasten its passage. After some further discussion, the ordinance was referred to the Specie. Committee. am tort on of Mr. Freeman, +he Chamber took up the business from the otheriChamber,iin relation to the war matters. A resolution from the Special Committee. directing the Finance Committee to report an ordinance for a loan 01.51,000,000 for the defence of the city and for the support of the fam-lies of the volunteers, was taken up and passed unanimously. The resolution. providing for the use of any of the Sit, halls. not otherwise mewed, for the volunteers or any military association, to drill in during the present national troubles, was taken up and passed unani mously. The resolution requesting the citizens to form com panies of 100 each, in the various wards, to drill 'and prepare to defend the city and their country. was passed final y. The Chair presented a communication from the offi cers of Common Councils. (G. F. Gordon. J. Zimmer man. and T. B. Ball.) pledging themselves to perform the duties of the Ch of i lerk. during his absence. The second resolution speaks warmly of the noble stand taken for the Union by the citizens of Baltimore. An additional resolution was offered. requesting the Mayor to forward cop es of the veto utions to Governor Bloke and the Mayor of Dalimore. Adopted unani mousiy. The resolution extending the hosetta)i ties of the city to the gallant Major . e nders - n, his officers and men, was adopted by a unstit mous vote. A series of resolutions from Select Branch in refer enee to Governor Bias and the people of Baltimore were read. acd The Minuet e severely orieroieed, while a' the same time much et thustaem was expressed at the con se of Governor Make and the Salomon:mit. They were then amended and passed unanimously. The first resolution speaks in glowing terms ot 'he conauot of Governor Bloke m resisung the tide of treason, and deolares t at such action is worthy of the proudest dais of our Sepal". ic. The Chamber concurred i n the resolution directing n appropriation of 30,1100, to be expended by the Butler. The bill making an appropriation for the families of the volunteers was 'siren up and the first amendment made in the other Chamber was read. The Chair staled, that if Councils pleased. he would undertake the duty of se acting the committee provided for. but he would do it falai:it/tatty. for it would be diffi cult The amendment. together with the other amend ments, was concurred in. The ordinance providing for the election of a clerk of Common Commies was taken up. During the discussien of the resolution a committee from belect Comm' was announced. They informed the Chamber th ey were Shout adjourning. Unless there was acme further important business. The resolution was then ref rred to the Seeeial Com mittee, and the CilaUlt.r anon after adjourned. Proclamations of Governor Hicks o Maryland and Mayorlltitly:n. To the People of Maryland : The unfortunate state of affairs now existing in the country has greatly excited the people of Maryland. In consequence of our peculiar position, it is not to be expected that , the people of the State can unanimously agree upon the best mode of preserv ing the honor and integrity of the State, and of maintaining within her limits that peace BO ear nestly desired by all good citizens. The emergency is great. The consequences of a rash step will be fearful. It is the imperative duty of every true son of Maryland to do all that can tend to arrest the threatened evil. I therefore counsel the people, in all earnestness ' to withhold their hands from whatever may tend to precipitate us into the gulf of discord and ruin gaping to re ceive us. I counsel the people to abstain from all heated controversy upon the subject; to avoid all things that tend to erimination and recrimination; to be lieve that the origin of our evil day may well be forgotten now by every patriot in the earnest de file to avort from us ito fruit. All powers vested in the Governor of the State Rill be strenuously exerted to preserve the pease and maintain inviolate the honor and integrity of Maryland. r call upon the people to obey the laws, and to aid the constituted authorities in their endeavors to reserve the fair fame of our State untarnished. I a.sure the people that no troops will be sent from Maryland, unless it may be for the defence of the National Capital. It is my intention in the future, as it has been my endeavor in the past, to preserve the people of Maryland from civil war .; and I Invoke the assistance of every true and loyal citizen to aid me to thus end. The people of this State will, in a short time, have the opportunity afforded them, in a epeeist election for members of the Congress of tbe United States, to express their devotion to the Union, er their desire to see it broken up. Ta. H. Emus, Governor of Maryland. BALTIMORE, 18th AprU, 1861. PROCLAMATION OP THE MAYOR. MAYOR'S OFFICE, April 18th, 1861. I heartily concur in the determination of the Governor to preserve the peace and maintain invi olate the honor and integrity of Maryland, as set forth in the above proclamation, and will earnestly co-operate with his efforts to maintain peace and order in the city of Baltimore. And I cannot withhold my expression of satis faction at his resolution that no troops shall be sent from Maryland to the soil of any other State. The great questions at IMO must, in the last re sort, be settled by the people of the city and State for themselves at the ballot-box, and an opper badly for a free expression of their opinions will speedily be afforded at the approaching Congres sional eleetion. If the counsels of the Governor shall be heeded, we may rest assure in the Confidence that the storm of civil war which now threatens the country will at least pass over our beloved State, and leave it unharmed : but, if they shall be disregarded, a fearful and fratricidal strife may at once, burst forth in our midst, Under each oironmetancte, can any good citizen doubt for a moment the oonree which duty and honor dike require him to pursue? Geo. Wiz BROWN, Mayor. AlUelbuiral, NO i ICES. SURVEY DEPARTMENT, OF CITY PHlLA.—Ossice OF THE CHIEF ENGINEER AND SURVEYOR. April 1, UM —.NOTICE TO CONTRA,I - PROP , IHALS will be received at thus office, Ito . lt 12 South PIPTiI street, until 3 &Mack P_ of W E cab "iY, the first day - of May, 2861. for all material and - workmanship: regulate and neces_sary to oOnsfrilet the abiOrnetets. pier . and approaches f or a BRIDGE over the river rchuylkill, on the line of Chest net street. Payments for said work will he made montbly:uponati estimate of the relative value of the work done, to be Melted of by the rioiaf Engineer and Surveyor said estimate,. less THIRTY-THREE PER CENT. (33,) to be paid either in bonds of the city of Philadelphia AT PAR. or in case. at the discretion of the mayor. The retained per °antes's of 33 percent, to consist of First Mortgage persu cent. bonds of the Philadelphia City Passenger R ai ad company, which retained per cantata will not be paid until the Barnum SHALL BE OPEN yea TRAVEL, nor until satisfactory evidence shall be pre sented to the city that all claims and demands whatso ever scorning by reason Of said construction have been Paid. All proposals must be made upon the blank forms furnished by the city, and to secure their consideration, mutt be filled nominate. Itie also ntiseasarl that each bid be accompanied by a certificate from the Law Depart ment teat a proper bond for the KIM of-five hundred dollars has been filed there, in accordance With the ordinance approved May 26th. 1860 ,. The contractor or cormosotors, _ makin immix. shall do so with the understanding that if their stePOe6lB shall be sesame& that every disputa or dif ference which may arise relative to material, speed of eoMitruction. and the like, shall be dec.ded by the Chief Engineer and tzurveyor, from whose decision there shad be no appeal. All bidders are invited to be present a t the opening . of proposals offered on said dYs, ate o'clock P, M, Flans may be seen and examined at the Department of Ber gey', Where specifications and blank nrolmaale may be obtained. STRICKLAND ENE A 83, Chief Engineer and surveyor. JOSEPH 13HANTZ. aer , 20 87 Chief Commissioner 'Highways, LEGA* . J)4VID bIEOHGE HAS THIS DAY Ex iscnted and delivered to me an assignment for the benefit of hie orealtors, without preference. .a.llper sona indebted to him will make payment, and those having claims against taro In Opresent them to JEatris GhORGE, Assignee. Blookley_and Marion Road. m1323-rat* Near Ifeatonvilie, Twenty-fourth Ward. IVOTICE IS hESIOSY GIVEN THAT 1. the solumnber has lost Certificate Re. aPT or the West Chester and Philadelphia Railroad Compslay, en titling him to nineteen shares of its capital stock, and that he will apply to the said company to issues new. cartificate aplB-thirdt* THOMAS B. BELL. NtENNOII ZlNO—Pure SNOW Waits! (viene, men e & Ground inAlina to ode by & BEM fan 47 an 49 Next' MOO t. FMLADELPIBA BOARD OF TRADE. wm. C. KEEHMLE, TouS.J No. it:. A F 0 DICKE), Comm-rims OD Till MOTH. S. ERtION, Lr.TTER BAGS At the Merchants' Exchange, Philadelphia_ Ship Tonawanda, Julius.-- —Liverpool May X Ship thtehtte, Havener— Lond on. soon Ship 'Westmoreland. Deoan Liverpool. soon Ship Wm Cummings. Cope tt verPooi. 10 " Ship Belle of the Ocean. iverpool, soon Barg Ellen Bilorrisoß. Platt agnayra, soon Brig Marshal Ney, crag, aoor, Behr Geo J Jones. Crowell—.. _Demerara, loon Rohr Vveline. York.— HavAna• 5000 Bohr J Northrop. Prince, soon FOR THE WEST COAST OIX AERIES—The brig Calvert, Capt Willar. for Sierra Leone. will leave this port on Saturday, the 20th inst. All letters and volumes for the American squadron and others will be forwarded if left et the enrein Letter Moe. Philadelphia Exchange, on or before the above date. SAILING Of THE OCEAN STEAMERS. FROM TILE UNITED STATES. SHIPS LIAIIII rOIL PAT/ Fdinbureh- New York-Eavre— ... April 20 United Kioadom.flow York-Olsegow. --Alin' 23 Pereira •-• MOW )tork-tiverpool—.......April 21 Fulton -. New York— &pre -April V v k rr AW Avorponl_— *Dr flioerniao...—..,,Portland—Liverpool—_—..---Aeril sr York-Liverpool --...«Arn I 2IT New York- liembur2—....-- M.. air 1 / . New York-Liverimol- May 8 Bremen-.......-New Yore_ 8 r emen...._....--May Hemmouis.— sew York-50uthampt0n............-Er. Groat Engem...Now York,.. England y 24 Canadian-.........P0rt1and-Livorpcol—......-May 30 . . FROM EUROPE. SHIPS LILT' FOY DAT, Fl I barn jan........-Liverpool_ Portland 6 N means ...---. Liverpool -80et0n......._..April 6 9 C or W sighing ton. Liverpoo- New • .April 10 Etna_-- Liverpool-New Tort-. "-Anti! l 0 -- evr 13 Ilremen--.l9louthampton-New 17 Vigo - Liverpool-flew Y0rk.....--April 17 Ham monia-..Boutham pton -14 ew York-. ..... •Aeril 1 8 Anglia— _ Galway_Boaron- —.-.. April Arago- :Southampton -New York--..—. en ay 1 tireat Easstern— -Eng land-liew --- May 1 leutlismDton....New The California Mail Steamers sail from New York on the lat.llth, and Mit of each month. The Havana Steamers leave New York on the Id. 7th, 111th.17th. and 27th of each month. MARINE INTELLIGENCE. PORT OF PHILADELPHIA, April 20, 1562.1 SUN ItIBES- -5 17- UN SETS-. - .6 43 HIGH 10 19 AIIEII I EII Park Alnah. Nevins. 12 days from Trinidad de Cuba, with sugar and molasses to bled/ors& Cabada. Bark David Lapilley, Bishop, 2 days from New York, in ballast to Geo H Ayres. Brig Ereolit.(Siollian) Bottone. 65 days from Palermo, with fruit to Jeanes, Scattergood & Co. Brig C F O'Brien. Damon, 10 days from Mobile, wits cotton. &a. to order. Brig rt homes Walter. 11 inrth.l2 days from St BUDS, with mdse to Janterotie & Carstaira. Co Brig Jo Bri & g Joseph- Cat6es. days from Cardenas, with sugar elsh. Bohr ugusta, Kelly, 4 days from New Bedford. with oil to Shober & Co. Bohr Diamond. Norton, 3 days from New York, with lead to Tatham Bros. Bohr Sophia Godfrey, Ru risell.4 days from Now York, in ballast to ottptain. Behr Widow', Bons. Riving, 2 daya from Seaford, Del with railroad hem to I W &MOIL Bohr Georgia, Adams. S days from Pocomoke River, with lumber to J W Bacon. Bohr Cropper & Brn. Hill. 3 days from Federalists:mt., with rat load ties to J W Bacon. Bohr Vandalic. Cooper, I day from Smyrna. Del, with corn to Jim Barrett & Son. Bohr Eva Belle. Lee. from Boston. Sony h 1 D Crammer. Crammer. from Roston. Bohr N B hornpson. Conover, from New York. Bohr N Queen. Hulse. from New Haven. Steamer Josephine, Green. 20 hours from New York, with mdse to W M Baird & Co. Steamer Mara. Nichols, 24 hours from New York, with mdse to W M Baird & Co. CLE7RED, Steamship Virginia, Kelly, Norfolk and Richmond, T Webster. Jr. Bark Mary Baker, Churchill, Queenstown and a mar ket, E A Bonder k Co. Brig Loango, Evans. St Jago de Cuba, G W Bernadon & Bro. Brig Calvert, Willer. Sierra Leone, W Cummings & Bohr Gassebas, Cole, New Castle, Del, E A Bonder & Co. r Beh Sophia Godfrey. Russell. Boston, E R Sawyer &o. Bohr Ron Gene, Lee. Boston, N Sturtevant & Co. Bohr M D Crammer. Crammer. Boston. do Bohr N B Thompson. Conover, Boston, Van Dueen, Norton & Co. Bohr Sarah Jane, Edward... Hartford, Sim:dawn & Glover. Behr N Queen, Hulse, Providence. B Milne. & Co. err L. Gary. !Mr, Baltimore. A Groves, Jr. (Corresponclenee of the Prewl EAVRE bk - Vii.:4Tg., April IP. The Kingston left with 8 boats, one being the F Ts tart. reported yesterday. and left here at the captain's request. The other boats are laden and consigned as follows: _ _ . . L Jaoote. wheat to A G Cafteit lk Co; Then Glent worth. wheat. sumac.. &a. to Perote a Bro; Isabella, lumber to Samuel Holton k Co: Malone k Taylor. do to Malone & 't ay tor; Orlental.:coal to B 1V Barrows; Leba non Valley and Sarah Edith, coal to Delaware City. (Correspondence of The P ress./ REA WOG. April H. The following boats from the Croon Canal. passed Into the dahn)lloll Canal to•day, bound to Phtladel• phis. viz Wm Edler. lumber to captain; Rising Son. do to J H Beysher; frlagnolia. do to John Craig; bta sand Stripes. grain to Humphreys, Hoffman & Wright. IKR111()R AND A Steamship Kensington. Baker, hence, arrived at Bos ton IPth inst. Shin Charger, Hatch, cleared at Boston 18th inst. for San Francium. Bark Am e r, Hammond, sailed from Boston 18th inst. for Philadep h i a. Bark Nonpareil, Flinn, nailed from .Boston 18th inst. for Philadelphia. Bare Washington. White. sailed from Baltimore lath inst. for Rio de Janeiro. Brie 'Tangent, Wylie, hence, arrived at Wilmington, Del. 18th inst. Sohr R 8 Miller, Gifford, cleared at Boston 18th inst. for l'hiladelphia. Sohr A Townsend. Townsend. cleared at New Orleans 12th inst. for Charleston. ILLINOIS LAND. HOMES FOR THE IN DIISTRIOVS. IN 2113 (MAVEN STATE OF THE MOST - . THE ILIAMOIS CENTRALRAILROAD COMPANY Rave for We a I; • • - 1,200,000 ACRES OP RICH FARMING LANDB ON LONG CREDIT AND AT LOW palm. MECHANICS, FARMERS. AND WORKING MEN The attention of the enterprising and industrious portion of the community is direoted to the following 'statements and liberal inducements offered them by the ILLINOIS CENTRAL RAILROAD COMPANY, Which, as they will perceive, will enable them, by proper energy, perseverance, and industry, to provide comfortable and permanent homes for themselves and families, with, comparatively speaking, reiT little capi tal: LAMPS OF rbLuroie No State in the valley of the Mississippi offers go great an inducement to the settler as the State of Illi nois. There is no portion of the world where all of the conditions of climate and soil so admirably combine to produce those two great staples, corn and wheat, AB the prairies of Illinois. RICH ROLLING PRAIRIE lANDS. The deep noh loam of the prairies 16 cultivated with uoh wonderful facility that the farmers of the East ern and Middle 6tates are moving to Illinois in great numbers. The area of Illinois is about equal to that of England, and the soil is go rich that it will support twenty millions of people. EASTERN AND SOUTHERN MARKETS, These lands are contiguous to a railroad seven hun dred miles in length, vrbioh connects with other roads and navigable lakes and livens, thus affording an un broken communication with the Eastern and Southern markets. APPLICATION OP CAPITAL Thee far capital and labor have been applied to de veloping the soil ; the great resources of the State in ooal and iron are almost untouched. The invariable role that the rucaltania arts Omuta& beet where food and fuel are cheapest, will follow at an early day in Il linois, and in the coarse of the next ten years the natu ral laws and necessities of the case warrant the belief that at least fire hundred thousand people will be en gaged in the State of Illinois in the various manufac turing ettinloymenti. RAILROAD SYSTEM OF ILLINOIS. Over 9103,000.000 of pnvate capital have been ex pended on the railroad system of Illinois. Inasmuch as part of the income from several of thee° Works, a ith valuable Nubile fund in lands. CO to dinunish the state expenses, the taxes are light, and must consequently every day decrease. THE STATE DEBT The state debt is only $10,106,28 . 14, and within the lawn three years haw Donn roduciod 113,969,746 Fe; and We may reasonably expect that in ten years it will be come extinct. PRESENT POPULATION The state is rapidly filling up with PoPaladon ; 868,026 persons having been added mace Mai, making the pre sent population 1,719,496—a ratio of 102 per cent. in ten years, AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTS The agnoultural products of 11Snout are greater than those of any other State. The products sent out dur ing the past year exceeded 1.600.000 tone. The wheat crop of 1560 approaches $6,000,000 buehels, while the corn crop yields not lees than 1.40M0,000 bushels. FERTILITY OF SOIL Nowhere can the industrious farmer secnreauch im mediate results for his labor as upon these prairie moils, they being composed of a deep, rich loam, the fertility of which is munanalsed by any on the globe. TO ACTUAL CULTIVATORS. Since 1851 Me Company have sold 1,300,000 acres. They sell only to actteal caitivaters, and even, contract contains an agreement to en/I:vale. The road has bee* eintaftntreet throngh aese lands cri an az - poraf Cit 440,- 000000. In 1850, the population of the forty-nine coun ties through which it parses was only sas,m, since which 479,293 have been added, making the whole popu lation 214,891—a gain 0.143 ins cent. .EVIDENCE 3 OF FROOFERITY. As an evidenee of the thrift of the people, it may be stated that 600,000 tone of freight, including 8,600,000 Millais of grain and 250,000 barrele of flour, were for warded over the line last year. EDUCATION Meohanics and workingmen will find the freewohool Indent encouraged by the State and endowed with a large revenue for the support of schools. Their chil dren can live in sight of the church and school house, and grow up with the 'prosperity of the leading State in the Greet Western Empire. PRICES AND TERMS OF PAYMENT. The prices of these lands vary from ea to effi our acre, according to location, quality, Ste. First-class farming lands sell for about $lO or $l2 per acre; and the relative expense of subduing prairie land, as com pared with wood land, is in the ratio of one to ten in fa vor of the former. The terms of sale for the bulk of these lands wilt be ONE YEAR'S INTEREST IN ADVANCE. at six per cent, per auAlllnt Bd sit ihterest 1440 a pt 11l per cent. payable respectively in one, two, three, four, Eve, and six years from date of sale: and four notes for principal, parable in four, five. •Ix. and seven years from date of sale the contract stipula ting that one-tenth of the tract purchased shall be fended and cultivated, each and every year for Ave years from the date of sale, so that at the end of five years one-half shall be fenced and under cultivation. TWENTY PER CENT. WILL BE DEDUCTED from the valuation for cash, except the same should be at six dollars per ears. erhen the cash price will be Ave dollars. Pamphlets desoriptme of the Lands, eon, a h mme, prodnotione, price& and tenni of pasment,nan be h a d on applioaUou to L W. FOSTER, Land Commissionerallizoin Central Railroad, Minato, I Ihnois. For the names of the towns, VDIII6BO, and °Mei alto ated neon the Illinois Central Railroad, see Dagee 138 189. and Ho Appleton's Railway Guide. fel-toth&sem HAVANA OIGARB.—A fresh importa tion or the two nest brands of BLACK BBA" and " PUNCHINELLO," just reeeived per steamer Quaker City _and takeover Evans, under the old tanfrrrieee, andfor sale ln" MAMAS TEM esoB-113 130 WALNUT. ("LIVE OlL—Pare Olive c"-L a tour nd JsureWbe & Carstbiri, FR O bale by JAY .RESCRIS & CARSTAIRO. 202 B. YcJi Et. Laye RETAIL IPICX GOODS. APRIL, 1861. LARGE CASH PURCHASE OF SILKS. THE CHEAPEST SILKS IN PHILADELPHIA. THORNLEY Ar. NET C A SH Just bought FOR NET 6 lots of Black Silks, of superior ilnality, and very cheap. lots of Rich Chene II ilks, in Stripes and Plaids. for 25 cent.. Importers' price for which has been tau ! 1 lot Heavy Pole de Poing. solid colors. in Browns. Blues. Greens, Modes. Purples, at $l. Importers' pdoe 31.15! 1 lot of Double-facod Black Brocade Bilks, very deed- Pahl& Rich Barege Robes. IS and ii Flounces, at 50 cents on the dol:ar. 1 lot Challis Pe Lathes for 150, worth 25. Beautiful Dress Goods. in syeat variety. SHAWLS AND CLOAKS! Linen Goods ofour own importation. Power-Loom Table Linens, Damasks, Table Cloths, &e., ko. upriug Cloths,fleuunraeres, Veetinge t goo, Ito. At TnoRNLEy & cif 18111:8, Pt. E. curter MOUTH At 8P R INN HA RIDER Ste. N. B.—Will open in a few days Silk Mantles, and French Lace Goods. (and] & C. GOOO NEWS FOR THE LADIES.- New arrivals of the cheapest staple and Fanny TRIMMINGS at the Moro No, 103 North HIGHTH Buret, only, second um' above Arch. Kid Gloves, 25 cents a pair, worth 50 cents; Mohair Nets. 10 cents apiece, worth 25 cents; Tarletnns, two yards wide, 12 cents a yard. worth 25 cents; India Rubber Combs, 5 oenta apiece, worth 12 cents ; White Curtain Fringes, from 5 cents up to 15 cents. worth double the price • a full bne of Silk and Mohair Mitts, extremely cheap ; Dress, Wrapper, and Mantilla Trimmings, of the latest fash ions, of set. e,shiscly low p.teest the bast variety of D r ees and Wrapper diatom'. Paris and London styles ; shawl Borders, of all widths, at lees than half price; Hoop Skirts, of the beet makes, cheaper than else where; the fi nest assortment ol Belt Ribbons: Hair Nets, of the last imProvernents. Ladies, our stock is too numerous to be specified ; it will be to your inter est to visit this place of bargains. No. MI North EIGHTH. street. mile remind door above Arch. and oonyince yourselves of the fact. The Proprietor being manufacturer of Ladies' Trimmings, is enabled to offer YOU more inducements than any other store in this city. WM. I,oNri F. RSTADTEN, inh3o-1m 103 North EIGHTH st.,2d door ab. Arch. CHARLES ADAMS & SON-EIGHTH A." AND ARCH STREETS-- Will offer. this morning, it fine assortment of STELLA SHAWLS. purchased at Auction, and for male at a vary small advance, ranging in 'slice from 14 to Sl3. A leo. a fine assortment of DRESS GOODS. Chalk Detainee. every variety, from Mo. to 230. Chime Mohair,, neat styles, from We. to Me. Ottoman, Mrrteline. and Diagonal Poplins. Silk, Embroidered, and Embroidered Diagonal Fop lies. Neapolitan Silk Check Mohair. 730. and 870. LA 111 13' CLOAKIN GS, in stripes and plain onions. The latest shape of HOOP SKIRTS tor Ladies and Misses, of the best quality, both tied, and wide and narrow tape. FRENCH COLLARS AT HALF PRICE. * small lot just parishaaed, which we will guarantee to' be so'd at one-half the usual price. Grenadine Veils, all colors and qualities. drab Veil Baregea, ell colors, including Solferino and . Particular attention is requested to our Holum 'Fur nishing Gmuts. Shirting Linens, the best article for 260. ever offered, and better qualities in proportion. Ballard Vale Flannels. a full line. 1 case 4-4 unbleached Muslin, fine. 90. 1 ease 4 4 unbleached Muslin. heavy, 100. case ys' bleached Muslin, ago. I case 4-4 (Assailed Muslin. Co.—splendid. 1 case 4-4 C. Adams & Son, 10n. 1 case 4-4 C. Adams & Pon, 12,ici 3 4 Band Mills. amoskeag and Dodgeville. 1 owe 10 4 bleached Sheeting, 26c, usually ZOO. 1 ease r 2 4 bleached Sheeting. so°. usually 40c. apl3-tf FIIRE AND LANDELi , FOURTH AND ARCH BTRR,RTS. Will have all their Auction Goode oven and illeeleYed early this warning. Bleak Dress Barages. High Colored Eld'egee. Blank Crape de Eepagne. High Colored do. Fine Black Tamirtinas. nigh Colored Tamerlane'. ark Gray Griaaillee. tra Black Chalhee. Merino Shawl.. Silk Fringe. High Colored Thibet Shawls. Black Thibet Long Shawls. Sewed Border Dtellaa Black Cashmere Stein. Colored i..aatimere Stones. Black Stella', all grades. N. B.—The above are all ¬ion bought. and well adapted to PENNSYLVANIA TRADE. enllg SUARPLESS BROTHERS Have placed in & Department . Heparate from their Sprint Stock, A oolleotion of JOB LOTS Of Spring and Summar Dress Goods, Comprising Ortandies. Eames, Lawns. cheap Silks, Chintzes. Lawn and Organdy Robes, Bemire Hoban, Flounces, and J upes ; All of which will be sold wt nearly half of usual prices. Bo ae to show only froth Goods In the other Departmenza. aplS - CH ESTN UT and EIGHTH BTS FROM AUCTION. One Lot of Mozambkques at 18H. worth Mi. One Lot of double-width Gingham's at 1234. One Lot of '1 able Linens at 400.. worth 60. 60 Doz. Towels at 11 25 per dozen. 60 Doz. Ladies ' Hd at 51.60 nor dozen. One Lot of Black Lace Veils at 871‘. worth $1.98 The above Goods will be opened this morning at JOlll4 H. 8 10KEY. apl2 702 ARCH Street. NEW DRESS GOODS. G r e o , Wide Broehe Figured Poplins. Gray Wide Bilk and Wool Goode. Fine Mozambiquee. Pan/senile& Travelling Goode. Mohair Checks. Beet Black Billie. Bombazines. Lupin's Black Wool Delainee. Lawns, Cheap Gray Goods. Gingham. WRITE GOODS of every deveription. COOPER & CUNARD, apt Soothes/it corner NINTH and !BARRET SPRING CLOAKS, Daily adding new styles. Silk Mantles in a few days. Daily taking orders for Gloaka and Mantles cooPrAt & CON AR__ apl Southeast 64) rner NINTH and Mann. NEW CLOTHS, OASSIMERM. Fancy and Black Cattlemen& Boys' Wear, Ladles' Clogkinga. Marseilles and Valencia Veaunge. Complete Moak of Cloth Hoots. GUOYMt coil AAP, apl iSoutheset corner NINTH and MARKET BUSINESS CARDS. RUMNESS MEN ARE ADITEETIbING m-. in the Best Newepapere of City and Country at the Offices of .4- JOY, COE, & Co., ADVERTISING AGENTS. Firm and CHESTNUT STREETS, Philadelphia. TRIBUNE BUILDING, New York. &eV tf AL LFRED D o h& TISIRTEs AND EUROPEAN PATENT OFFICE, No. 144 SOUTH FOURTH. STREET, PHILADZLPIIIk. . . . Patent Laws of U. (new) and Europe eau be ob Lathed gratis. re, F. GLENN, ACCOUNTANT AND Jur* Rent Estate Agent, No. 218 WALNUT Street ‘ feetiond floor. Room hio.1„) Southwest *orner of 'Seventeenth and Green. - Accounts tut sated, Books written up. Estates settled, money procured, money invested, Real Estate bought, sold, and rented. mh2B-Im* JAMES Al. SOOVEL, ATTORNFY AT LAW, No. 113 PLUM STREET, above Fiera, mh2l.-Ira* bASIDECII, N. TT O. II LL MA N. ATTORNEY-AT -m-lu. LAW, JERSEY SHORE, Pennsylvania. %apologia promptly made it/ 011igoti and LICOMIIig oOuntien. REFERS TO Mame. Walter & Raub, Philadelphia ; J. H. Hume', ESQ., Jereeff Shore ;_ Masers. Bannon & Co.. Philada. Shaffner, Ziegler, 4c Co,, Philada.; Friehmuth &Co Philada.; L. A. Mackey, Look Raven; Yard, Gilmore, 4t Co., Philada. - Thatcher & Woddrop, Philada.; Rey ankle, Howell & Reiff. Philiule. fell-1m GEORGE J. HEKRELS, UPHOLSTERY and CABINET WAREHOUSE No. 4 WAL NUT &Octet, opposite Independence WAREHOUSE, of N 0.113 Chestnut Street. Philadelphia. ' JOHN ELLIOTT, WINES and LIQUORS, NOS. 313 . and 310 WALNUT Street, (basement stores, between Third and Fourth, north Bide,) Phila delphia. N. B.—Fine Old Whiskies always on band. (Established in 1846.) ia3o-17 pAWt3ON & 'NICHOLSON, BOOKBINDERS, Nat./619 arid 521 MINOR street, Between Market and Chestnut litres% PHILADELPHIA. JAMES PAWBON, JAB. B. NICHOLSON 1317-Iy' FIIGUET & SONS, • IMPORTERS Or HAVANA CIGARS, No. 216 'Zoete. FRONT Street. leseire regularly a fall assortment o desirable Cl •AHJ!p whioh they effer at lOW rates, or melt or SD MVOS. oredit. JeLS.I7 ft/I UEPHY-WITIPPLN IRON BR L, LTA BTOPIB, faHIGLET, It BURTON, No. 333 WALNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA, Beg leave to inform Railroad Companies, and others intorestedln bridge eonstruotion,that they have formed a commotion in business with JOHN W. MURPHY. Cml Engineer„tanthor and inventor Of the above well gnown plan of iron bridgeo and are prepared to manta orders, from any part or the country, from his designs and personal superintendence. letters relating to plane and estimates should be addressed to JOHN W. MURPHY Civil eingineer, Dollar? For STONE. GI HIGLEY, & ifigHTON MEDICINAL. DYSPEPSIA. REMEDY. Dt. DARIUS RAM'S AROXATIO INVIGORATING BPIRI7 This Ms scuts has bssn used by the slake for six years iota isterstuttar /mar. /t u rsearornaredszl to Curs DX/Pirsits_s_ Netvousx4 l sB9 Hsurt-Burm,. Cotit rains, wisd the Stomach , or Pails: i n the Boasts, HasedatAs, Droustusss, Ifidrity CoMpittistta, Low Spirits, Dsitrium TranaitS, Ditstapsralsca. Evumaris, EXHILARATES, INVIGORATES, BIT WILL set Ittreticale (At B,kapienr. AB a Medicine it is cilia Mid effeotual, curing the most aggravated oases ofDrspepsia, Kidney Oompfai atm, and Ml other derangements of the Utomach and Bowels m &speedy manner. It will instantly revive the most melanoholy and &omens snirits. and restore the weak. nervonm, and eiokl to health, strength, end vigor. Persons who, frogs . the injudicious use of linnorii, have become demoted, and their nervous systems shattered, eonatitetions broken down, and subjeot to that horrible *urge to humanity, the Dimmium Timmins. will, al most immediately, feel the happy and healthy invigo rating ellicany of Dr. Ham's Invigorating S pirit, WHAT IT WILL DO. Hon.—One Wine glass full as often as neoessary. Une dose will remove all Had Spirits. • One dose will our, Heart-burn. Three doses will dare Indigestion. One dose will give yon a Good Appetite. One dose will stop the distressing mine of Dyspepsia, One dose will remove the distressing and disagreeable effects of Wind or Flatulence. and sa soon as the stomach receives the Invigorating Spirit, the distress ing toad and all vandal feelings will be removed. One dose will remove the most distressing pains of Cohn, either in the stomach or bowel.. A few doses will remove all obstructions in the Kidney, Bladder. or Urinary Organs. Persons who are esriously &filleted with any Kidney Complaints are assured of speedy relief by a dose or two. and a radical cure by the use of one or two bottler. NIGHTLY DISSIPATION. Persons who, from dissipating too muoh over eight, and feel the evil Coons of ponsonone liquors, in violent headaches. sickness at stomach, weakness, giddiness, &0., will find one dose wilt r emove all bad feelings. Ladies of weak and sickly constitutions should take the Invigorating Spirit three times a day ; it will make them strong, healthy, and hem Y. remove all obstruc tions and irregularities from the menstrual organs. and f reatore the bloom of health and beady to the careworn ace. Raring pregnancy it will be found an invaluable medi eine to remove disagreeubls sensations at the stomach. All the pronnetor asks us a trial, and to induce this, he has put tip the IRVIGIORATING SPIRIT in pint battles at 40Ioents, quarts $l. loners! Depot. 4S WATER street. New Yen*. HYOTT & CO.. 232 North SECOND Street, Wholesale Agents in Philadellphid, And for sale by JOHN H. EATON. 25 N. EIGHTH Street. and all Drogyusts. JeT-thetnly MRS. JAMES BETTS' OELBBRATED SUPPORTERS FOR LADIES, and the only sap- Porten! under eminent medical patronage. Ladies and phyinciane are respectfully requested to call only on Mrs. Bette, at her residence. 1039 WAIACUT Street, Philadelphia, (to avoideounterfeits.) Thirty thousana Invalids have been advised by their physician to an her oplianees. Them only are genuine bearing the United States copyright, labels on the box, and signa tures, and also on the Supporters, with lolltilsorings 0016-totlikstf UST RECEIVED, per " Annie Kimball," n , from Liverpool, blander, Waver, & biandees preparations: 26 Ps Extract irkl Mitts, 29 m 9 Extract Hrosoyelm.lo fare, 60 The Extract Rellationnts,.l2 1 Ibissa , 100 Rut Extract Teraisoi, /1010. 50 pi Via Rai Qolehiai , ,nl R. bottles, 100 Thu 01. onoonn Rent., in 1 R. bottles. 600 lbs Calomel. in lb bottles. 100 g ni Pit laydram , .. lbjars. WRT/LERIL_& BROTREfi I . m ks 47 and 49 alma SEOOllp TILE PRESS.-PIILLADELPHIA, SATURDAY, APRIL' 26, 18616 al CHESTNUT-STREET HOUSE and fITORE to rent.—The deisirable business location, H 22 CHESTNUT titieet, with dwelling attached: Apply at 43 clizeTzruT /street. apt!. in GERMANTOWN PROPZRTY TO RENT.—To Rent, the large end commodious modern-built Rouse, corner of ARMAT Street end WILLOW Avenue, with gee, bath, hot and cold Watdr and all the modern improvements; Apply to impu i ll S. TARR, 710 GREEN Street, Philadelphia, or Oft the premises. ave-tf TO RENT—For the Summer semen, a ooMmodions Country Rouse, with furniture, grounds, and istanium, within two hours' ride, by rail, of Philadelphia. Apply to E. P. wimorr, at 333 MARKET iStreet; or address "JOSIAH ILSON, P arkerevile. Chester Co., Pa." ap4.lta ge TO RENT—TWO COUNTR Y ROUST:9, one mile from Tooony. Inquire No. 717 WALANUT tttreet. mus•ano T 0 RENT-THO LARSI AND CON VETPENT Coal Wharf and Lumber Yard. at Maylandville. Twenty-fourth ward. Apply to E. C. & P. H. WARREN. on the premisem. mhicti gTO LET-A DESIRABLE DWEL LING. NO 123 North THIR.TKENTH Styaet. App}y to 1/17STIIESILL & 1311.01.11 ER, 47 and 49 North SECOND Street. mhl4-tf orm 10 RENT—The Three-story Brick JIL.AiL DWELLING.. No. 1634 WALNUT ER. Imme diate pneeeetion riven. Rent SM. Apply to SAMUEL O. PERKINS. 621' WALNUT et. apll•thetutf fFOR SALE OR RENT—A desirable COUNTRY RESIDENCE. near Attleboro, Ruske county, half an hour's dive from Sehenolt's Station, on the Philadelphia and Trenton Railroad. Two lines of stages pass the property daily. Double stone man sion. modern etyle; large lawn. woll shaded; garden, and a variety of fruit .; large town. carriage house, and otuer outbuildings, with frern iI.VO ha one hundred acres, as desired. SEMON GH,Leld. Apply to HARVEY GILLANI., No. 6'29 CH h.STNUT Street. apIS-6t* An TO LET, FOR A TERM 01' YEARS, ROL the "rafted States Hotel, in Buffalo on the Ter raM oontatninK one hundred room, and thorouthly repaired, painted, and Tempered throughout, and sup phed with water, gas, and all necessary convenience. of a feet-rate hotel. Apply to WM. VV'. MANN. 216 MAIN Street. Buffalo; or MANN & RODMAN. 39 WALL etreet, New York. - aPIB-6t fp TO RENT.—A rare opportunity is TRIM offered to a competent manager of a Boarding Rouge by the undersigned, who offers to rent the premises formerly known se the UNITED STATES HOTEL, actuated on CBESTNUT Street, above Fourth, opposite the Custom House. The house eon tame forty rooms all of which are Tarnished. The dining-has is ninety.five feet in length, besides kitettOUS, Pal/tries, and every other convenience th a t can ile desired. The premieen have been fitted up m a complete manner, and are ready for immediate oconpancy. To a proper person. having experience, a profitable business can be done. To an acceptable tenant the terms will be made reasonable. For particulars apply to JOHN REA. on the premises, between the hour of 9 and 3 o'clock, ffi GEKAIANTuWN PROPERTY. EXECUTOR'S POSITIVE SALE. Will be sold at public auction, on TRURIDAY AV. TERNOOIv, the 25th of Arfti L, inst., upon tar, pre mises. the following valuable Real estate no. 1, a Lot of Land, with the improvements thereon. situated on the westerly aide of Germantown avenue, opposite Germs street. bounded by said avenue, land of George W. Carpenter, deceased, John Leibert, the Orphans' Horne end Creisham road, containing five acres of laud. ihe improvements are a large two-story atone Mansion, with a two-story back building, two large parlors. wide hall,-dining-room,`and kitchen. upon the firm floor, six chambers on the second, and wee plastered r one nnplasiered, in the aqics. A. one and a half story frame building, adjoining the main street, a large stone barn, large hay-house, with shed for wagon, &0., unde-nesdh ; a carriage-house, with hay loft and granary above; corncrib. shed for posts, fruit and ornamental trees, kitchen and flowering gar dens. Ice. It has a front of 24t1 feet on Main street, and 216 feet on on Creisham road. N 0.2. a Lot of Land. oh the westerly side of Orris barn road, /19 feet front. bounded by lands of Carpenter, deceased. and John Lei bert, containing two and one-half bores of land ; it has a spring of water, a small pond, and a few apple trees upon it. Also. immesiarely after, will be sold, ayearly ground rent of SSI 60-100 upon a certain lot of ground, held dow. or formerly, by Author Bell. and by_ him and William W.eibert onnveyed to Mary Lelbstt and Elizabeth Leihert, on the 27th d'y of 00toher, A. IL. 1862, par able half yearly, upon the first days of January and July, in every year. Late the property of Mary Letbert and Elizabeth Leibert. both deceased. Bale to commence at 2 o'o.ook. Terms at sale, by 10t* JOHN LEIBERT, IS A FARM NEAR BURLINGTON, be ',old nt Public Bale, on the 27th day of awl!, 1861, a FARM of 60 Acres, late the Pi °petty of JOHN T. TROTH. deceased. Jriod excellent. and in a gmd state of cultivation. with frame dwelling contain ing 10 rooms, barn, bay-hone ! carriage -house, &c. This farm posseases great advantages of situation; is in a healthy neighoorbood, and on the Railroad leading from Burlington to .nount Holly, by which Marl can be delivered at the gate; is 3 miles from Burlinrton, and within an hour's ride of l'hiladelphia, the earl jailing eight time' a day. It has a front of Lsoa feet on said Railroad, on w hich are suitable sites for dwellings. Hale to commence at 2 o'clock P. M. on the premises. JOHN C. DEACON, ep6-eat' - Administrator. FOR SALE—The valuable Wharf Pro -Kr pert, and Lot of Ground in CHESTER. Delaware county. containing about three acres. bounded on the south by the United .States wharf. The building, on the property are wed adapted for manufacturing pur poses. apply to SAM UFA. C P.BIL_KInid, sull-thstu6.* 827 WALNUT BUNG TO LET-SICOOND•STORY ROOM, 802 CREBTNUT PI treat. over LEWIS hADOMUS & Co.', Jewelry btore. The beet location in Philadel his for NW Sind of light busmen. Apply in the Jewelry Store. Rent 8400. (619 rrO RENT—A very desirable STORE, on the Ninth-street front of " The Continental Hotel.' The Store at Ninth and Benson* 'streets espe cially adapted for a SADDLE and Manaus Maker. C terq to Southwest NINTH and R ANSOMreeta. FOR EXCHAN G E. -A OHOIOR TRAOT of good unimproved farm land in the State of New lanai, convenient to the city, will be exchanged for eit le y i riperty. Apply at No. 134 FEDERAL Street. R R.. OORSON,REAL ESTATE BROKER • AND CONVEYANCER, NoßitisTowri, PA. —Real Estate bought and sold on reaeonable terms. Stores and dwellings for side or rent in Norristown and oonntry. Good mortgages negotiated. Collections made. The best references given. &It- 6m DIIBLIO BALE OF VALUABLE PRO. PERTY. THE " EMPORIUM REAL ESTATE AND MANU. FACT:UJUNG COMPANY." - . of moiniirrWy7filiasicri.'iniiiti:lllioolg, Wiff offer at PU B LIC: SALE. on the premien. On WEDNESDAY. the 16th day of May next, A Larpe Number of DESIRABLE. BUILDING LOTS, Eligibly Located for Stores, Factories, and Residences. A SPACIOUSCK BFt I IR IV 2) . 11 giRIN 1 r- Ana an the spnuraoripoes necessary for the hairiness of manufactunng Rnwes and Boflers for Steamboats, Sugar, and all other ills. used in the Southern and Western country. The Pattern' comprise the modern improvement" in machinery. with a lull and complete eat of Pattern. for Stoves. adapted to both wood and coal. Tina property, from the advantageous location of Mound City, is one of the molt valuable in the Southwest. - - Also.Tß RE E•STO FR at the same tny. A FIRST-CLASS AM M E O DE.RI4-BUILT HOT L. Containing some fifty room, with a fh:l got of Final tare. The Hotel Is now clouts' a large and profitable business. Also. a member of COTTAGEBRICK BTORhB AND RESIDENCES. TERme OP &7a.—One-fourth (X) cash ; the remain ing payments in 12. 24. and 86 months from date of sale. bearing interest at the rate of six per cent. per annum. The oaeh payment May be made in the Bonds of the Coiripsny. aholthe tone payments will be taken in the Stook of t he , Company at par. emote t for improved pro perty. for whioh three-fourths of the pureasse-money may remain upon mortgage. As the Company propose to dispose of all their im provements. oapital)rts have stare opportunity for pro fitable investments in one of the beet located and most flourtehtng °Mee in the treat Bouthwest. FQT eertteu- Hue, impure of or address JESBE E. PEYTOm , President E. R. E. & M. ,o. mh26-tml4 Moe 222 WALNUT Street. Philads.. PENN STEAM ENGINE AN i. BOILER WOM—NEAFIE Pl 3& C AL AND 'THEO "TiCAL ENGINEEItE, MACHINISTR,BOILER- ERB, BLACKRICTrid. and FOVIIDE7tI3, ha a , tot many years, been is ummeeaful operation, b ee n excluarvely engaged ip banding and repairing Ma rine and Rimier .4'nginec ince and low pressure, Iron Boas, 'Water Tanks, Proponen t At., &a.. respeetfolly o ff er their gerv.oes to the yobbo as being folly prepared to contract for Engines of a c i Cada. Marine, River, and Stationary ,haying seta paterne of different Annex. are prepares to execute Or. dens with quiet despatch. Every desoription of Potters making made at the shortest notice. High and Low Pressure, Flue, Tabular, and Cylinder Boilers, of the best Pennirylvania °hamar iron, ,FOrginp, Of all MIS and kinds ; Iron and Ursa" Carlin of deaanyttona ; ga, 101 l Turning, Screw Cutting, and all other work top neoted with the above bualtiom. braWingn end seeof64MriMisfor all work done al their oetablishment, free of charge, end work gnarantied. the niebsoribers have ample wharf &ma room for re• pomp fri boatip,wkaro thoy nO perleot Way gni are pnwiteil wall ;amen, ilicrote, falls, he., age . Kyr raWag loan or JACOB O. NEAFIE, J 01124 I. LEVY. 101/41 BEAUS ate I'ALMEI mein, T. VAVaItAX NLISILXICX, /0/IN X. COPS. WILLIAM H. DISI/RICX. HART/4T MWARICX P h OUTIIWARX FOUNDRY, FIFTH AND WASHINGTON STREETS. MERRICK SONS, 'ENGINESSA AND MACHINISTS, ManUfaOt4re High and Low Presisnre Steam Engines, for land, river, and manna eernee, Boilers. Gasometere, Tanks, Iron Soars, &c; Cast• rocs of all kinds, either iron or brass. Iron Frame Roofs for Gas Works, Workahops, Zan road Stations, dco. Retorts and Gas Machinery of the latest and most tra gic:ldr:- con struction. or Plantation Machinery, such as enaar, Saw, and Gnat Mille, Vacuum Pane, Open Steam Trainee Defeestore. Filters, Pumping .bugines, Sole Agents for N, Patent Sugar Boiling Apparatus Nesmrtn's ratent Steam Hammer,and Az. pitnrall & Wolzeg's Patent Centrifugal &mar Draining hiaabine . FAIRMOUNT MAURINE WORKS, WOOD St., between Twenty -finst and Twenty: geoond. Establiahed The undersigned, successor to the late firm of .1. & T. WOOD, will continue the humanism all its branches an heretofore. Potter Looms and all maahlneaeonaeated with them. Embossingeallenders, Lard Oil Presses, Stiaftingi and Machine Work in general. Thanntul for peat favors, he would respectfully solicit a continuance of the patronage so liberally bestowed on the late - firm. THOMAS WOOD. Philadelphia. Jan. !1.1861. JaSa-Sm POINT PLEASANT FOUNDRY, No. 961 BEACH StreatLKanainzton..Philadelplaa.—wa. 1.11131 }I. TIERS informs his friends that, helmet pay skated the entire stook of Patterns at the above Foln dry, he te now prepared to receive orders for Rollin: % edit, and Saw riuu Castings, Soap,. Chemical, ane Zemin Work. eeariug• lasst;ngs moat Liam 3.rrior Watery tor Casehi. Illtrasses, vs dry Sr miss laud. s TO BUSINESS MEN.—An eiceellent chance for reliable business men to secure a Pro fitab'e manufacturing boatman, requiring- but a small oanital in its rambliehment sue progeoutten, Tne manufacture consigns in the appl.catinn of a pe culiar composition or enamel to common red brines. and & variety of other building material. ornamental architectural finishing", ceilings, tiles for floors and for roofing. 1 his enamel may be tinted of any calor, from the purest white to the deepest blear wlth all the colors and shades between. It :moans TO toe articles to which it is &oohed a hardness and durability almost incredi ble, and a beauty eureaming that of the rarest and most costly of the variegated marbles, and, unlike them, is impervious to moisture, and will never fade, stain, or deteriorate, unsung but a fractional part of the price of Ordinary marble. It is also valuable for table an stand totia, mantel pieces, monuments, and an endless variety of other articles of nape use. The process of applying the enamel is simple, while the articles enameled will com mand a ready sale, affording large profits. it eeponsible parties may procure licenses for manufaetunng under the pate b ntior any city or prominent town in the United &etas, y applying to the subscriber. A small tariff on the articles manufactured will be required for the use of the invention. Circulars giving lull particulars will be forwarded to all applicants. The superior merit and beauty of this enameled building material to anything in use hay) the unqualified endorsement of many of tns most eminent architects and scientific men of this and other cities. For particulars, address JOHNSON & PRALL. General Agent" for Fnamelee Building Material, app -dam 24. NASSAU Street. New York. NOTIOE.—The Citizens of the different Cities and Towne throughout the State are invited to competition for the place at which the next AN NUAL. STATs FAIR shall be held. Proposale containing inducements and advantages. directed to the undersigned Committee, appointed by the Ex ecutive Committee. will be received up to and In cluding May 31st neat. roinumniestione sumo be ad dressed to either of the following- Renione: WM, COLDER. lE." JOHN Pi XVI RER ' PON.S. JACOB PAII3H, JOHN H. ZIEGLER, AMOS E: KAPP, Harrisburg, Northumberland, Par, spn-dtmy3l Committee. Q,PECIAL NOTIOR.—SHTPPERS WILL please,take notice that the alouth Carolina B. K Co. have disoontinued tonrarding all through freight and that all goods formerly consigned to them mast now he oo reign ed to a city ase.llloY. News. T. 6. as T. G. BUDD Inn forwardtill goods to drem. No 19 their ad A. H 6 e EßO tth , W a...atiViin. sago ~~ i MACHINERY AND IRON. =M= MICE CO 111 S. THE BELIANOE INSITH MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY, or PIIILLIALPitta, OFFICE, No. 30t3 WALNUT STREET, Insures against LOSS OR DAMAGE BY FIRE, on Rouses, Stores, and other buildings, limited orerpetuakanil on Furniture, foodiw Wares. and Mer chandise, in town or country. ° A BE CAPITA L ..673/, 1 10 county 11317,1142 04, Which is invested as follow., via: In first mortgages on city property, worth double the amount.— ;. 51163,000 00 Pennsylvania Railroad Co.'s 6 per cent. first mortgage loan, at par—.— 5,000 00 Pennsylvania Railroad Co.'s 6 per cent, ea pond mortgage toad. illge.oool- 27,200 to Huntingdon anu Broad. "Fo Railroad and Canal Co.'. mortgage loa p n_ 4,000 00 Ground rent, first-class— 2,482 50 Collateral loans, well secured ._..........» 2,6)(1 00 City of Philadelphia 6 per cent. 30,200 00 Allegheny County 6 per cent. Pa. RR. loan— 10,000 00 Commercial Ban stook—. 6,136 01 Mechanics' Bank stook— 2,812 60 Pennsylvania Railroad Co.'s stook— 400 00 The Reliance Mutual Insurance Co.'s stooli game 00 Who County Fire Insurance Co." stook 1,0 5 0 00 The Delaware M. o. Insurance Co.'s stock... 700 80 Union Mutual Insurance Co.'s scrip-- 980 60 Bills receivable—....„.. Book accounts, scented interest, 7,104 65 Oath oa hand— —,— —..... 11,614 64 e 817,142 o• Tbe Mutuml prinoiple, combined with the eeeurlly , of a Stook Capital, entitles the immured to pe.rtiaipate in the profits of the Company, without liability for losses. Losses promptly adjusted and paid. - - - DIRECTORS: Clem 'Tingley, Samuel Bisnham. William R.,:lhomuson, Robert Steen, Frederick Brown, William Musser, William Stevenson. BOW. W. Tingley. John R. Worrell, Marshall Bill, S. L. Carson, J. Johnson Brown. Robert Tolaud, Charles Leland. G. D. Rosenearten, Jacob T. Bunting. Charles S. Wood. Smith Bowen, James S. Woodward, John Bissell, Pittsburg. CLEM TINGLEY, President. R. M. RINCTIMAN, Secretary. February 16. 1861.1b29 _ -- THE - ENTERPRISE INSURANCE COMPA.N OF pIiMADELPriA. (FIRE INSURANCE EXCLUSIVELY.) COMPANY'S BUILDING, S. IV. CORNER FOURTH AND WAL/V UT STREETS. DIRECTORS: P. itArczaronn STAICR, WILLIAM McKim, Reims.° FRAZIER, j JOHN M. ATWOOD. BINJwT,___THXDICK. ILZPIRT W BARTON. F. RATON( i CHARLES W. CORE. fiv PENN MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, No. 921 CHESTNUT Street, Philadelphia. CHARTER PERPETUAL. ALL PILE PROFITS DIVIDbD AMONG THE IM SURED. - . Insure Liver for short terms or for the 'whole term of life; grant Annuities and Endowments . purehase Life Interests in' !teal Estate,. and make ail contracts de pending on the contingencies of life. They not as Executors, Administrators, Assignees, Trustees, and Guardians. ASSWIR OF TBE COMPANY, January 1.1361. Mortgages, ground rents, real estate— .0013,981 97 United t3tates stooks, Trensurylona of State of Pennsylvania , city" of Phila delphia, ..... 268,793 54 Premium notes, loans on collateral , 337,694 08 Pennsylvania. North Pennsylvania Rail roads. and County six per cent. bonds..„—. 105,M2 50 Bank, insurance, railroad, canal stooks . &o. V,447 40 Cash on hand, agents' balances, &0., .98,20614 DANIEL L. MlLLER,President. rO7l,i2B 02 SAMUEL E. STOKES, Vice President. JOHN W. 110 R NOR- Bearetary. mh22-tf IELAWARE MUTUAL SAFETY IN EDRAIICE COMPANY, PHILADELPHIA. Ineonporated by the Leytelettere of Pemrtylvetna, DAL office ts. E. corner of THIRD and WALNUT greet". .PHILADELPHI4. MARINE INSURANCE, On Vessels, Cargo, r i To all garb: of th e World, ireight, I LAND INSURANCES On goods by Riven. Canals, Lakes, and Land Car ragFlßEl NpaURANC EUnion. On Merobandise generally. On Stores. Dwelling Houses, Ito. ASSETS UP THE COMPANY, November 1, MO. $lOO,OOO United States fiveer cent. loan— —sloo.ooo CO 116,000 United States six IP cent. Treasury Notes, (with accrued interest)___ 119,461 34 100,000 Pennsylvania State five oen loan. 21,000 do. do. sixdo.tlo. f 1,946 W 111.060 thiiadelphia City six fr cant. Loan. 125,203 ST - 110,000 Tenneasso State five omit. loan.- 24,000 00 50,000 Pennsylvania Railvo& 20.1 mortgage eta , W cent. bonds - 46.000 00 14,003 S O O shares, stook Germantown Gas Company. interest and ppnoipal caaranteed by the City of ?him- 13,213 CO Imo MOgnarls" Penasylvatua Railroad 3,900 00 1.000 100 elm - reel North Pennsylvania Rail road Company.. 990 00 1,200 BO shares Philadelphia lee Boat and Steam Tug Company-- --- 1,300 00 253 6 shares Philadelphia anr. Havre de.' Oraoe Steam To,. boat Company. 32) 43 100 2 aharea Philadelphia Exchange aci 00 CompanY—, 1,000 2 shares Continental Rotel 10566,700 par. Cost 0517,335.34. Market va1.18854,366 71 Ills receivable, for insurances made.--- 171.386 42 Bonds and mortgages.— --- 34400 00 Real estate—— - __ 61,363 35 Relates* due at Ageneies—Preminms onl6la rine Poholes. interest. and other debts due the Company-.—. 61.666 02 Scrip and stook of sundry insurance and other Companies . 2,626 60 Cult on hand—in banks.-- 428,673 16 in drawer—. 1.” 36 39,1ne 61 DIRECTORS. William Martin, Samuel E. Stokes, Edmund A. Bonder, J. F. Per:ll2ton, IlaintiVit if anidi , nr. Henry Sloan, Edward Darlington KrETI C. Davis, A. Joao' Thvoko, James TranuaiKr Montour NV ilYainc. William .Egie , Jr., Thomas C. Rand. William C. no, Robert Burton, William C. udwig, Jacob F. Jon es, Joseph H. Beal, James B . M'Farlant, Dr. R. M. Huston. J oshua Jr. Eyre, eorge C. /Awn', oint B. &manly, niten'u. garti Crat D. I, Morgan. 1..,••• yg A i 15. Derg_nr. .. wit,i,ikra MA RTIN, Pretion,, I: THOS C. HAND, Vice P^. h'enit HENRY bYLITURN. Beoretary. noir- F IRE INSURANOR wirt3LUSIVELY.— THE pSamayLyarvi A FIRE INEFORAI4CE q,OlSVANY—lncomoratod 18th-CHARTER PERPk, UAL —No. 410 WALA UT wise., opposite Independ ence equare. This Company, favorably known to the community for thirty-six _seers, continues to insure against loss or , damage by Fire. on whim or private Buildings. either Permanently or for a limited time. Also. on Furniture, stacks of Goode or Mernhandtae generally. on li beral te it s eir Capital. together with a large Surplus Fund, is invested in the moat careful manner. which enables them to offer to the insured an undoubted security in the case of loss. ' DIRECTORS. Jonathan ratteraon, Hisao If salohntitto Qtuntin Campbell, Thomas Robins, Ji,leruider Benson, Hamel Small, Jr., Willie= Montelios, John Pavarotti, Thomas Smith. JONATHAN PATTERSON, President. BEATON 8311741, Secretary. aPS-ly INSURANCE COMPANY Or THE !STATE OF PENNBYLVANIA-FIRE jiND MA FAIg INSURANCE.-- Nos. 4 AND EXCHANGE LDINGB. Chartered in 17ft-Capital #1300,00)-Feb. 1. 1860. oath "aloe, 81438.792 77. All invested in sound and available seennties-aon nna to insure on Vessels an- A r".. —moos, Buildings. Stoats of Merehandise, rOit /co e on liberal terms. DI REil. Henry D. sherrerd, George H. Smart, Ilimeon Toby, Samuellreot, Jr., ?Lles blsoalester. Tobias Wagner, im 8. Smith, roman B. attson. eha B. Budd, Gar . TeNMWT, 4, William Wbite, Geoe C. Car r __ HBriGy . D. BBEKBbiRD, President. I:A WLUM HAXPE . /Secretary. Jelktr VIREINSURANCTS. BIEOHA_NIOB' INSURANCE COMPANY or Philadelphia. No. 136 North SIXTH Street, below Race. insure Goods. and Merchandise sanerally from toes or damage by Fore. The company guarantee thedjus all leases promptly, and thereby hopo to meritpatron age of the publio. D1112( . 70111. Wuham Morgan, Robert Fkaingtua, Franols Cooper, Michael anotteoy. ohms° L. Dougherty. - Seward MoVorern, nines Martin, Thomas B. MoCormiok, James Bayou, Matthew McAleer, Jonn Bromley, Franois Falls, Bernard Rafferty, John Cassadr. ihomes J.lEB=Oll4l, Bernrd E. Holsernan. homas Fisher, Char les Clare, rartoli iloNanno L Michael Cahill. FRANCIS COOPER. President. BERNARD RAFFERTY. Secretary. 003-8 m AMERIOAN FIRE INSURANCE CO., INCORPORATED 1810 CHARTER PER PETUAL. No. 310 WALNUT Street. above Third. Philadelphia. Haynie a large paid-up CdDital Stook and Smelts, invested in sound and available Seeuritiee,eontinee• to insure an Dwellings, Stores, Furniture, meroliandise, Vessels in port and their cargoes, and Otbet "personal era -All losses liberally and ptomptly aditutted. DIRECTORS. John T. Lewis, • James R. Catneps Edmund G. Dntl.lh, Chas. W. Ponltney, Israel Morris. Thoe. R. Marie, John Walsh, Samuel C. Morton, Bartok Brady, THOMASR . MARIA, President. .LLBERT C. B. CRAWFORD. tifebretuy. . fe23-tr VSCHANGE INSURANCE COMPANY -4:00(so No. 409 WALNUT &root. FIRE INSURANCE on Ronne and Manhandles generally, on favorable terms, either limited or per petual. DIRECTORS Jeremiah tonsall, whonuividensh, John Q. Ginn/alio Charles Thomism/i t Edward D. Robe rta, James T. Hale, Samuel L. Smedley, Joshua T. Owen, Reuben C. Hale ; John J. Griffithe. JLREMIAIIIIONSALL, President. GIENODO, Vice Pre/admit Itionain Coe. Seeman. ia3i SAVING FUNDS. "A little, but often, Elle the Puree." ; VRANK.LIN SAYING FUND, No, -a: 136 Bouth FOURTH Street, bemoan Obestntit and Walnut, Philadelphia, pays all deposits on demand. i Depositors' money secured by Government, :Mate. and City Loans, Ground Rents. Mort gauterh a o• • Phis Company deems safety better than large urofits, consequently will tun no risk with depo sitors' money. bat have it at all tunes ready to return. with 6 per mint. interest to the owner, they have Menus done. This Company , never impended. Female., married or Mingle and Minors, can deposit in their own right, andel:oh deposits can be withdrawn ODLT by their consent. Charter perpetual. Incorporated by the State of Penney lvania, with authority to receive money from truetees and executor.. LARGE AND SMALL SUMS RECEIVED. Office open dahy, from 9to 3 o'clock, and on Wednesday evening until Li o'clock. DIRECTORS. Jacob B. Shannon, Cyrus Cadwallader, Johnßhindler. George Russell, Malachi W. Sloan, • Charles Laming. !Jeremiah Comfort. henry Delany. rhoholus Rittenhouse, PlatheiLlimecilei, Jos. 11. asstershweate, .I . ooos crimes John Alexander. JACOB B. BRANNON, President. ; CYR'S CADWALLADER., Treaeraren auras-IT " A Dollar mood ie Moo earned." EXPRESS COMPANIES. HE ADAMS iirtognin.co. l :ofikoe SOO CHEIMI4UT R Itueet, forwar Perot , Paokstrot, Merohandue, Ault/totes. sod specie. either by it+ own Lines or Inoonneotioi with *fuer Exprou Cowponies, to all the orb:wipe' tewre and .:ties or 941AT'astik4 States. laid-tt B. eseilePOßlP, he.ettet.eoevt. PHILADELPHIA TEE RA-00 T T A WORKS. office and Ware Rooms, 1010 CHESTNUT Street. Ornamental Chimney Tops. Garden Vane and Statuary. Enosuitio Flooring Tile. Strohltecnural Ornaments. Ventilating and Smoke Fitton. Ridge Tile and SatutarY Ware , Steam-premed Drain Pipe. Water Pipe, warranted to stand gyeaelire.ohaap and durable, The Trade auplied on liberal terms. Mail ogone sent. by Mall on 61%,% L oation by letter. Bmpost. mhll-t f 1010 On.uoaAwa Street. THE PENNSYLVANIA CENTRAL , RAILROAD, • 460 MILES DOUBLE TRACK. 1861. Meows 1861. TIRE CAPACITY OF Tilts ROAD 16 NOW EQUAL TO ANY IN THE COUNTRY. THREE THIPLownt PASSENGER. TRAINS BET WHEN PHILADELPHIA AND PITTSBURG. Connecting direm at Philadelphia with Through Trains fro onemis. New York, and all points East. and in the UnDepot at Pittsburg *Rh Through Trains to and from all potato the Weet..Northweet. and Southwest —thus furnishing faoilities for the transportation of Passengers unsurpassed for epeed and comfort by any other route. BAPress and Feist Lines run through to Pittsburg, without change of Care or Conductors. All 'rbrough Passenger Trains provided with Lougbridge's Patent Brake—speed under perfect control of the engineer, thus adding much to the safety of travellere. Smoking cars are attached to each T 13412 i Woo nilre Sleeping Cara to If 'OMR Etnti Fast Train& The MPS ESo. RUNS DAILY: Mall and Fast Lines• eau dale excepted. Mail Train leaves Philadelphia at 7.36 A. M. Feat Line 11.45 A. M. Express Train leaves WM P. M. WAY TRAINS LEAVE AS FOLI,OWS • TRAINS LEAVE , l'elosapscat L. DAWsOl , l ‘ GEo. B. STUART. Joint IL &Bow's, S. A. FAHNESTOCX, ANDREW D. CABE, T. L. Enantowt. ORD STARR, President. Ire%Atti• feu •904.!7 a RAILROAD LIMBS! Harriiibitrg:AreOnikiiioiiitroK - viii - dilitivibret, lit P. M. Columbia 400 P. M. Parkeshurg " at 8.40 P- M- ' West Cheater " No 1, at 8.18 A.. M. _ " 2 at 1230 P. M. West Chester Passengers will take the West Chester Nos. l. and 2 and Columbia Trains. Passengers for Bunbaiy.. Williamsrort, Elmira, Buf falo, Niagara Falls, and laity:mediate points,leaving Philadsiphia at 7.10 A. M. and 2AU P. .L,A go dircotlY through. Tickets Weatward may be obtained at the oflices of the Company in Philadelphia, New York, Boston, or Baltimore ; and Tickets Eastward at any of the impor tant Railroad Offices in the West ; also on board any of the regular Line of titeamers on the Mississippi or Ohio rivers stir Fare always as low, and time as quick, as by any other Route. For further informaCon apply at the Yessenter Southeast corner of lileven'h and Market streets. The completion of the Western connections of the I Pennsylvania Railroad to Chicago, make this the DLRECT LINE BETW BEN THE EAST AND THE GAT WE. THE The connection of tracks by the Railroad Brides at Pittsburg, avoiding all drayage or ferriage of Freight, together with the saeing of time, are advantagea readi ly appreciated by Shippers of Freight, and the Travel ling Merchants and Shippers entrusting the transporta tion of their Freight to Mrs Company, can rely with confidence on its speedy transit. TOE RATJV F FREIGHT to and from any point in tue West Dv the rennerlvama Raitrond are at all %inlay as favorable as are chargergby ocher Bat/road Campania& air Be particular to mark packages "via Pennsyl vania Amiroaci." . . For Freight Contracts or Shipping Direction- kt*PlY U. or address eikher of the folloWlng ltgentil of Cie Cormicuit P. A. Stewart, If. B. Fierce & Co., Zanesville. 06 J. Pittsburg: J. Johnson,Rip len C.; R. McNeely , Maysville, Ky. • Ormsby & Crop per, Portsmouth, O.; Paddock & Jeffersonville. Indiana; W. Brown & Co., Cincinnati. o.kAthern & liihher4Oincinns.ti. O. ;. R. C. Meldrurn, Madison, Ind., Joe, 8. Moore, Louisville K. • • P. G. O'lti ley .t Co., Ev.nsviite. Ind.; 14. W. Louisville, & Co.. Cairo, Id.; R, F. Sass, Oar! ler Giese, St. Logic. Mo.; John Harris, Nashville, Tenn. ; Harris w Hunt, Mem phis, 'a eon.; Clarke & Co., Chioago, 111. ; W. H. B. KOOLAS. Alton, Ill.; or to Freight Agents of Railroads at d.fferent points in the West. S. B. KI GSTON, Jr, MAGRAW & KOONS. £0 North street. Baltimore. LBEOII & Co.. I Astor house. or I S. William Y LBEOR & Orli.. No 71 State street. Boston. H. H HOUSTON. Genii Freight Agent. Phila. L. L. BCH PT, Gen't Ticket Agent, Phila. E. LBW'S. Gen't aun't Altoona Pa. 10,3-1/ 1861. Napalm& SPRING ARRANGEMENT -NEW YORK LINISR THE CAMDEN AND Alk BOY AND VRILA . DEL.E;Iiii AND TRENTON RAILROAD co.'s LINEB FROM PEILADELPRIA TO NEW YORK AND WAY .PLAChd, IVHARF AND •XBNBINOTON -61170 T i====ii=3Zl WARN. At 6 A. M.. Tia Camden and Ain boy. C. and A. An. onmmodation _ _ .6t126 At 0 A. 61., via Camden Accommodation-- . r _ _ a ati At A. AL, via Camden an d At 1136 A. M., via Kansiniiou and Jamey City, Wettern Exp . rests. _____L 3 to At IM4 P. M., via Camden— aid Amboy AO-ioniMO dation—..- . . . . .. 3 SS At 3E. yin Camden and Ainim . y, G. pleasS 00 At 4% P. M., via Kensington and Jamey Cit y, Eve ning Ex_prege. -.,„ 340 At 4:6 DI., via Kensington and Jersey City 20 A Ogg TiOket—.—.-,..—. 2 SS - _ .t DP. Id" via Camden and Jersey 010 3 EVeninE . .". . II 00 At n via xr. M., (Almon and Jersey City,leotiett ern Mail . 26 At P . M., Vl6, Hamden andAmboy, Aocornmoda tton_, (Freight and Passenger )— tat elbei Ticket_ 2 Z Do. do. 24.1 Class Ticket... 1 69 The e P M Mail Line ran. daily. The 1131 P Id, South ern Mail, Saturdays exoepted. For tielyiaere, 'Eamon, Lambertville. Flenthintoa. Me at 7.10 A. M. from Konenrton, and 23i P. M. from Walnut-street wharf. . . For Water Bap, /3tioudaberg, Scranton , Wilkesbarre, Montrose, Cheat Bend, &0., T.lO A. M. from Kenetigton. via Uebmare. Laeirawapna and Western it. R. For Macoh Chunk , Allentown, and Bethlehem at 7.1 e A. M. from Kensington Depot, and 1134 P. M. from Wal nut-etreet wharf ; (Me 7 A M, line connects with train leavinK Easton 'ULU P, CIFor Mount Holly, at I and 8 A. M. 21 end Alt P. M. For Freehold, at 6 A. M... and s P. M. WAY LLNE! For Bristol. timitOn, &o. 10, 7..10 A. M., Qtand P. M. from Kensington , arid 23( P. M. from Wainer.- street wharf. For Yalmyra, Riverton, Dolanco, Ptyalin Built:l6- ton Florenoe, Bordeutown, Eto,, at Mi t 1. d)( ant II Steamboat Trenton, for Bordentown and intermidiat6 places at 214 P. M. from Walnut-street wharf. sir For flew Yon - , and Way Lines leave Kensington Depot, take the care, on Fifth street, above Walnut. half an hour before . departure. The cars run into the depot, and on arrival of each train, run from the depot, Piny roundel or Baggage, only allowed each Yemen- % raeeengere are prohibited f rom taking anything as gage but their wearing apparel. All baggage over theipounds to be paid for extra. The Company limit r responsibility for bairtelleto One Dollar par patina, and will not pa liable for any amount beyond iteo, ex cept by usattal odiatteet. tnhir _ .. _ WM. H. IFATZAIER. Agent. arIMEMPAIIN_WINTER ARRANGE -111. N T.—PRMADELPHIA, DERMANTOW2I. AND NORRISTOWN RAILROAD. On and after MONDAY, _Nov. 19, 1960. FOR GERMANTOWN. Leave Philadelphia, 6, 713, 9. 1041, and 13 A. M., 1, Ir I, 4, D J . Eh T. 8, 9. 10 L iwd 11)9 P. M. Leave uennautown. 6. In. ap Pr 10. 11 and 12 A M., 1,2, 8,4, 6, 6, of 78 n . and 10 .M. bl.l Leave Philadelphia, 9.06 rani. A . M., 2. 7. and 10% P. M. Leave Germantown, 8.10 min. A. M.. 1.10 min., 6. and 9% P. M. CHESTNUT HILL RAILROAD. Leave _Philadelphia, 6, 8. 10, and 13 A. M.. I, 4.6, 8, and 10% P. M. tovi, 6.10, an E. 40. M. P Leave Cheetvot _Rm. 7, 10, 7.M, 8.40. and 940. and U. 40 A. M- ~ .s.t ON RONii tt YS. ..sve P. 06 A. min, A . Al P, 81. Leave Chestnut Rill, 7.60 min, A. Al., /3 60, 640, Anil 8.10 nun. P. M. FOR CONSHOITOCKETE AND NORRISTOWN. Leave Philadelphia, 5.60. 7,ti,pea, and 11.06 min. A. M., 1.06,11.06, 6.86, and 11X Y. M. Leave Norristown , 6. 7, 8.06,2. and 11 A. M.. 1%, 414. and 6 P. M. ON BONI/AYE. Latta Philadelphia, 9 A. M and S P. M., ter Horns tinive llojrielovrn, 71( A M. and it P. M. FUR MANAY UNK. Leave Philadelphia, 5.60, 73f, 9.06, and 11.06 A. M. 1.06. 2.05, ]Plana.3i, 5 8.05, 1131 C P. M.. Leave innk, 63f . 8.16, 934. 113 E A. M., 2, 63 f OX. and 9X, Y. M. Wlu pA lE. Leave Philadelphia. 9A. .. and 7P. M, Leave Manaynnic.3X A. -. at. dad BP. M. li.K. SMITH, General tlaperintendent. aolo-11 DEPOT. NINTH and GREEN Streets NOR TII PENNSYL VANIA RAILROAD. FOP ralielk :ro D(. l 4l:l,E43T E O c lift ky MAllCH T • EE THROUGH TRAINS. Y. On and after MONDAY. December 3.1860, Paeaenger Trainswill leave FRONT and WILLOW Streets. Phila delphia, daily. (Sundays excepted), as follows: At 6.30 A, 01,,ILiorese). for Bethlehem, Allentown. Manch Chunk. 'Hazleton, Wilkestiarre, At 2.45 P. M. (Exprese), for Bethlehem, daaton, This train reaches Easton eta P. M. and mates close connection with New Jersey Central for New York. & o. At 5 P. M., for Bethlehem, Allentown , Manoh Chunk. At 9 A. M. and 4 P 131., for Doylestown. At 6 P. M.. for Pert Washington. he 6.30 A. M. Express train makes close connection with the Lehigh Valley Railroad at Bethlehem, being the shortest and most desirable route to Wilkeebarre; and to allpoints in the Lehigh coal region. TRAINS FOR PHILADELPHIA. Leave Bethlehem at 5.42 A. M.. 9.15 A. M., and 6.38 P M. Leave Doylestown at TX A, M. and &SOF, N. Leave Port Wesnington at Mb itt. ON BllF l DAYS.—Philadelphia for Fort Washington at 9.30 A. . Philadelphia for Doylestown at 4 P. fot. Doylestown for Philadelphia at 7 A. M Fort Waehington for Philadelphielat 2:45 P. M. Fare to Bethlehem—ll 50Fare to Manch Chunk.ll2 es Fare to Beaton 1N I Fare to WiLkelharre,,,. 60 Through Tickets must be procured at the Wicket Offioes, at WILLOW Street, fir BERES Street, in order to secure the above rates of fare. All Passenger Trains (escept Sunday Trains) connect at Berge Slreet with Fifth and Sixth - streets, and fiemond and Third-streets Passenger Railroads. twenty minutes after leaving Willow Street de3-ti ELLIS CLARK. Agent. SPRING ARRA/V(IE MENT.-PRILADELPHIA, WILIEI III e4 g. BALTIMORE RAILROAD. On and after MOrtfLAI L AYRIL .1.101, PASSENGER TRAiNB ILOA VA; YRILADELPRIA! For Baltimore at &lb A. AL, 11.33 A. Al., (Exprese), and 102.0 P. M. M. dheistir at 8.15 A. M., 11.85 A. M. 4.15 and 10.50 For Wilmington at 8.11 A. M., 1198 A. 111., 4.11 and 0.60 P. M. For New Castle at 8.15 A. M. and 1.15 P.M. For Dover at 8.15 A. land 4.11 P. M. For Milford at 8.18 . For Banal:very 8.1/ A. TRAINS FOR PRILA DELPMIA heave Baltimore at 6.11 A. M. (Express), 9.41 A. M., , d 4.41 P.IW. Lemon Wilmington at egg and 9.10 A. M., 120 and LAIL Leave Saliebary at 1.0 P. M. Leave Milford at 4 P. M. Leave Dover at OAS A. M. and WO P. M. Leave New Castle at 8.25 A. M.. 7.20 P. M. Leave Chester at 9.49 A. M.. 9.40, IX and 840 P.M. Leave Branner& for ealienury and Delaware Rail= row at 6:16 A. M. . . TRAINS FOR BALTIMORE Leave Chaster at 8.45 Lel.. 12.05 and 11.10 P.M. Leave Wilmington at 9.15 A. ALI 1132 al.. end 22 /rt . M. FREIGHT TRAIN, with Parieenger Car attaohed, will nut. ea follows Leave PhilAdeleiti or Perryville and intermediate .laces at 0.10 1!. . Leave Wilmington for Perryville and intermediate lama at Tali Y. zn. LORTO Wilmington for. Philadelphia and mterme late places ate P. M. Leave Havre-de. Graoo for Baltimore and intermedi te station at 8 A. M. Leave italiima;li for Havro-de-Grace and intermedt ate ataftons at a P. la. •• • . . ON 1317NBATB Only attend. P. M. from FM1.340;1126 to Baltimore. Only at 4 43 P M. from Baltimore to fluladelphia. welt B. M. FELTON. Provident, PHILADELPHIA AND R EADI RAJL ROAD.—PASSENGER TRAINS for POTTSVILLE, READIIIO, and lIARRLSBURO, on and after Nov. sth IWO. MORNING LINES, DAILY A (Sundays excepted.) Lease New Da t. corner of BROAD and CALLOW HILL Streets, PRILADELPHIA,(Paasen t Ier entrances streets on Thirteenth end on Callowhill ate at aA. M. , sonneoting at Harrisburg with the PEN SYLVANIA RAILRLAD, 1 F. M. train running to Pittsburg; the CUMBERLAND VALLEY 1.05 P. M. train rumor to Chansbersburg, &o.•and the NORTHERN CENTRAL RAILROAD 1 P. M. tram, running to (tan bury, ,to. AFTERNOON LINEN. Leave New Depot, corner of BROAD and CALLOW RlLLStreets, PHIL,ADELPNIA,IPassenger antral:ion on Thirteenth and on Callowhill streets,) for POTTS VILLE and HARRISBURG at SAO. AL, DAILY, for KRAIaIING only, at SAO P. XL, DAIL. (Sundays ex ?MACES VIA PR ILADDLIIIIA AND READING A. FROMPHILLDILPHIRA.. I Mil LOAD es. To thexisliao-- so' weadinz-----•--- 12 6banon--- ea MONET Millersburg —142 Itr n evorton4on_l6B Rubuy uneti Northumberland .—l7l' Lewubtin —/Th Milton —.—.... saunas_ Williamsport —509 terse Shore Look EsTen Ralston_ _zoo . Troy • au Williamsport and edmirn Eftllllll.—... —.— .21 Railroad. Th Cl i nt on excep t ed, n connect dtulL at Port Sundays . with the OATA WILMA, close IAmBi , ORT, end BRIE RAILOAD) mating close sonneetiorm with linea to Niagara Fans) Cansidndtie West and Southwest. DErtrg PHILADELPHIA: Corner of ROAD end GALLOWHIMI Streets. ann-tr W. H. MoILHENNEY. Se retsri DAILY INLAND PREIGET LINE TO NOR,- PULE AND PORTEMOUTEE, VA., and to the prated pal Dam and Towns in the South and Southwest bloods sent to the Depot, corner BROAD Street end WARRINGTON Avenue, will be forwarded daily, and at as low rates as by any other line. . H. F. BENXI. y, Masts of w. K. uo WEST Oil E S TEE -TRAII4B .FX 3111Pkyarod OAis-lre A. diDll,eAkraliff _ T Mk. LUW Po Not vow FURNESS, BRINLICY, & 00., No. 429 MARKET !STREET Pegmpfory_salefor ems h_of, a LARGE 8 L'OCa. OF FANCY GOODS, At the storie formerly eeeneied by 81 MM PCHAFIMR it ROBERTS, NO. 4i.9 MARKET tiITREET, On Tuesday and Wednesday Mornings A Aril 23 and 24, oommenoing at 10 o'olool each day, oonsisting of Wool shirts and drawers, cotton and wool hosiery, slaves, gauntlets, patent thread, spool ootton.etar bind - Inge, silt handke reel els, suspenders , steel -sm ingboos' skirts, merino wool coots, goad l ewelry, combo, brushes, buck And leather Duras!, portmonnaies. pocket books, paper, envelopes, buttons, gaiters, fans, pipes, pipe stems cords, pine, hooks and eyes, pistols. permission cape. baskets. soe4. Cologne water. gerfemery, , and a great variety of feneYoodn, Also, large Inge thie f-proof safe. 2 kirge size show 011896 6 large s,ze German sliver-mounter , phew eases. 8.--Goodif Will be oven for examination on Mon day morning. April b, with eatalogum • . le. rArtuOAST, AUO lON kafac, Sue • oe••or to B. Scott. Jr.. 431 CHESTNUT Et. Sheriff's Sale. LARGE FIRE- s I , B.►FC. WATCHES, &is. This Morning, A mil 20, at 10 o'clock 1)" eolaelY, will be sold, by order of the sheriff. a amok of waiohes, movements, t ools, sionsisting of gold and silver bunting and open-facie Engizah arid Swms watches. fine watch movementil, a Cornpletel stOck o f watch rakers' tools, springs, &O. Open for examination ear ly on the morning of sale. BALE AT JONES' HOTICL. , On Tneedr Morning. April 231, 1361. at ten olOok. upon the premises, Jones' Hotel, Chestnut s rect. above Bilth, will be sold— The entire balance of the stook' of furmtliqi, Consist ing of the furniture, beds. and bedding of 100 mortis. Brusgals and ingrain carpels, oil °loth', dining moth furniture. silver plated ware, cutlery. har ExturOxi wines, &c. &c. SALE AMERICAN AND IMPORTED PRY GOODS, EMBROIDERIES, RIB ONB, FLOWERS, Re v By catalogue, on a credit. On Wednesday Morning, Avrtl 24, sale commencing at o'ciiona preeisrly. pIIIUP FORD & (JO., AUUTION EfElt IL No. 330 MARKET Street end del MINOR In. LARGE ISPFCIAL SA LE OF 25,000 WINDOW SHADE& On sitiment of one of the largest manufacturers in New York. • Oa Tuesday Morning. April 23, at 10 o'clock preoisely. by ostalogue, for emit. will be peremptorily sold to the highest bidder, as follows: 10 0006-feet centre velyet atd gilt 'Modes. 111,000 - plain 2.000 7 feet 1 600 " centre " 20000 6- feetplain gilt ehades. 10.000 ' centre and i. tilt shades 2 ano 7-ffet " 2 600 ' plain .t 1.000 6-feet plain green 1.000 • centre and green " 2 000 7-feet 1.000 6-feet centre and silver c 0 7. " WO wood call he especial attention of buyer, to the above 50008, Re embracing the handsomest assortment of shoe ea ever offered in this market. POliluVß BALE OF 1.006 0.281;8 ROOTS, SHOES. AND BROGANS. On Thursday Morning. April 25, at IC o'clock precisely, will be mild, by catAk topic -1,000 wee men's boys ' and yeathe' calf. kip , and grain boots, golf. kip . and gram brogans. Congress gaiters. Ox ford. &Mob, end Jersey ties, walking shoes . &o.; wo men's, misses', and Muldren's calf, inp, goat, and id heeled boots and aide's, gkitera, basitinf, slippers, &es.; lOW, a large assortment oT first-Mass oity-made goods. atgo 10 dozen coohineal (100de open for examinanon, early on the morning of sale- Ant.WEEKLY COMMUNICATION liy STEAM. BETWEEN NEW YORK ArlD LIVERPOOL, tailing at QUEENSTOWN (Ire- WOO to hind and etlibark_paamenors and despatches. The Liverpool, New York, and Philtulelphia Steam ship Company's aplendt4 Clyde-built iron sorer, steam ships, are intenibil to amiss follows: FROM NEW YORK FOR LIVERPOOL. EDINBURGH. Saturtr. !ADM j) GLASGOW. Kato. ay, April P 7 CITY OE WASAINOTON, Bator IM.fay 4 And every Saturday throughout the year. faun c .bR No. 44 N. R . RATES OF ?MUSK ._ .111CROUGA FROM PRILADELPiaaL. Cabin, to Queenstown. or Liverpool.-- Ti Do. to Loodoe,eia Livorp6Ol...—__ 00 Steerage to Queenstown, or Liverpra — ...........—.. 30 Do. to_l•ondon,.- 7 .—...„. ; ..,...................... 33 availitiritiTOliii months, from Liverpool.. $6O Passengers forwarded to Havre, Pafie, Hamburg, Bremen, and Antwerp, at through rates. Ce•tifiestes of passage issued from Liverpool to New Vertitiontom of peerage issui;7l from iiiterriotown to New YOrk..- • • - • - 030 These Steamers have superior acoommodattons for P assengers, are oonstrooted with watertight eompart meats. and carry experience! turgeone, For freight, or passage,ap_ply at the °Mee of the Com pany. 0. DALE Agarit. 109 Walnut strsat, Philadelphia. In Liverpool, to WM. INMAN, Tower Buildings. In Glasgow, to WM. INMAN, • 13 Dixon street. PHILADELPHIA ELMIRA ROUTE.— PHILADELPHIA AND Els , r ( 11 :6ACKEST ROUTE to Tatotions, estairisita._Ns En t ffillrestarro, Boranton d Damn IL i Niltol itil l r ia n'werii et t 42. heate n t; CleVelft!lideDotM, Toledo; Chiang°. L , tikes. and all points North and West Ferienger traina will leavelhe new Depot or the Fla- Indelphiikend Reading Railroad, corner BROAD and CALLOWHILL (ramonger anti:moo on Cal loWhlLl greet,) deur (tioodare exoepted). for above point& ae follows! DAY EXPREIi A.M. EXF 011—. P. M. Vhe LOU A. Al. trai sonnets at Rupert, for Wilke.. balm l'Ation. /Scranton, and all stations on the ILACYAWANDIA AND BLpUMBBURO.RAIL.g.O.O. Whet above tratns mete direct connection. at Elmira with the trains of the New York and Erie, Csatandaigna and Niagara Fade. and Britalo_, New York and Erie, one New York Central Railroads, from all pointa North and West, and the gonads". .ft i reaee ehm.ti to Elmira, ItLLffalo, and Ihtspentwon By e tancda n a eiL t m m a e tedida a ep t n P hiladelphia and El- Mire RallrotdWr e'sTialtet Office, northweet corner of SIXTH and CR L /Will' Streets, and at the Peuseenger Depot, eornero 'PHLH.TEEN TO and OA LLOWHILL. THROUti EXPREBB FREIGHT TRAIN Leave the Phil . delphja and Reading Depot, Broad and Gallowhill etre points Weida tNort hidall ,atl P . (Sond. ItEem . ; excepted), tor all Firemota nos- be dehtered before IP. K. to inure their going the t amp day. For farther infennatleti tapi at Freight Depot THIRTEEN Jar. mid GALLOwMLL, or to CRAM aS. TAlTEN,AilenerajAgens, nertawirst 'order SLINK and iCitEllTal VI Stromlo, arlf-tf PSI letelne M A WEST CHESTER, A AND PHILADELPR/A RAILROAD, OIAA BLBDIA. SPRING ABRANGEMBNT, On end after Monday, march 11,1861 . the trams will /cave Philadelphia, from the Depot, northeast corner of Eighteenth and Market eiroote, at an A. N., end d. and 640 P. M. The Freight Train, with pamenxer oar attached, will leave West Philadelphia at 6 A.. 91., running rue far as the Baltimore Central Junction. On Stindays, leave Philadelphia at 8 A.M. and 2 P. M.; leave Wept Qheeter at 7.90 A. M. and 4.M P.M. The trams 'pawl's Philadelphia at 8 A. M. and d P.M, eenneat at Pennelton with train.. on the Philad_elpilia and Baltimore Central Railroad. for Kennett. Oxford. Ac, ito. EERILY WOOD. mall. General aluperlatendeat. misiess NOTIOL-OHESTICR VALLEY RA ILROAD...PAII. IinNOBR-TRAIAP FOR 'Down trtaTowle AND IN TERMEDIATE STATIONS.—On and after Nov. attl, INS, the Passenger Trains for DOWNINGTOWN will start from the new Passenger Depot of the phu t ,- dolphin and Reading Railroad Company, corner of BROAD and CALLOWHILL, Streets, (passenger so- Dame on Callowhillj TRAllii for Downingtown leaves at e.OO A. M. AFTERNOON TRAIN for Downingtown Mares at LSD P. M. DAILY ( &Radars exoepted). Br order of the Board of Managers of the Philadel phia and Readino Itatirma Comeanfr. ault W. R. MaIi.RENNY. Seoretarl- Philadelphia and Loadlna apd Lebanon Valley JI.K. Northern Centrel. Railroad. NOTICE TO BRIDGE--BUILDERS. rented proposals will be received at the DEPA ET- D/R./VP BURYBYti, tr 0.1112 B. Ft FT/i OTKERTi until MOhID4I,Y., Xt, 1661, at four o °look. P.M., tor the completion of the bridge over the River Sehuyl hi'', at the Falls village. The bridge will be 604 feet lonr, in three spans of burr truss, with arches and suspension rode. The contractor will be expected to make nee of such of the material delivered an may be found suitable. sup ply dra wli ngiencies. and !complete the structure as 'hewn on now on file in the Department of Surveys, excepting the roof and roof timbers, weather boarding, facade, and painting. The masonry upon the igen to be raised to proper le vel, and the eke w-backs WOW, d for cast iron butting elatee. The proposal must give a sum total for completing the structure to the satisfaction and acceptance of the Chief Engineer and Surveyor, and the bidder enter into bonds with the oity, in the sum of illgooo, to have the struc ture so completed within slaty dare after executing the ontor.;t Ind will be reeemei arrive a bond ie given, agree. ably W an ordinance approved May 24, 1860, All bidders are invited to be present at the openirg of Proposals offered, on said day ,at 4 o'clock e„ at EITEiCK4,4I4D Ifr4Rdße„ agde,20.22-St Chief Engineer. and filorveyer. Banbury Eris' , A. Xt CIRAVE-GRAVE ORAVE4V)IOIS.- luii My era of Gravp stones and Moienteara to be 11 4 8 told at very redwood mom Plena. 11 , and immune, before ourobamag elsewhere. at' e Works of ZI A 1 4XY Z A 11125-11ta ILIDO to. bin, 11. SALES iii /MOTION 911 LIPPING TLIE BRITISH AND NORTH AMERICAN ROYAL NAIL OMR [I GUIS. PROM TOR[ 10 LIVIEPOOL. Chief Cabin Second Cabin Paten /MON BOSTON ro LttofrkfoOL. Chief Cabin Passage----- SIXI Second Cabin roseage—. _ . 00 The ships from New York call at Cork . Harbor, The Ships from Boston tell at Halifax and Cork //ar bor. PERSIA, Capt. Judkins. AFRICA, Cant. Shannon. ARABIA. Ca_pt. J. Stone. CANADA, Ca s t. Anderson. ASIA, Capt. E. G. Lott. AMERICA, apt. MoAnley AUSTRALASIAN, NIAGARA, pt. tooodie. Capt. E. M. Ffookley. EUROPA, Capt. J. Cook. SCOTIA, ( now boildinr.) These vessels CATTY A. clear white light at mast-head ; br , es i n A T i v i narboard bow ; red on port bow. Anderson, leaves Boston, Wednesday, April S. AFRICA, Shannon, " York , Wednesday, Apnl 10. EUROPA, Cook, " D . Icetoti. Wednesday. April IT. PPRSI , Judkins, " PI. York, W_ednesday, April Si. NIAGARA, Moodie, •• Barton, wedneeday, Iddy 1. ASIA, Lett, 14. York. Wo4no.dna, 5. ARABIA, NtOos. " _MOWN, Wednesday , May AFRICA, Shannon, " N. York. Wednesday, May XL Berths not ',soured until paid for. An experienord Surgeon on board. The owners of these ships will not be accountable for Cold, Silver, Billiton, Specie, Jewelry, Preoious Stones or Metals, unless Dille of lading are signed therefor, and the value thereof therein stpressed. For freight or passage apply to B. OUNAH. O. mho-ti 4 Bowling Green. New York. SPECIAL NOTICE - - IMU - 11. - 12 - 11E - - SOO Tll. ---(HELARLEb• TON AND SAVANNAH STEAMSHIPS. Bills lading forgootle for points other then the cities of Charleaton and Savannah, must be accompanied with certified invoices, to aniline prompt delivery. Ali goods not permitted imffiedlately after the arrival of the steamers at Charleston ELM Savannah will be sent to the Custom-house stores. The Steamship STATE OF GEORGIA ha !nag been withdrawn for the present, the Steamship K EYISTONB STATE will run to both Savannah and Charleston, taking freights for both ports at the name time, pro ceeding first to Savannah, and front thence to Charles ton, making a trip every two weeks, thus making de liveries as freeirently in Charleston and Savannah as when both ships were refining. Pushenhere for Charleston *ill be ticketed through from Savannah to Charleston by Rai I, dad. Fare tr. Savannah, $l3; through to Charleston, $ll. FOR alittilLE ,ToN AND SAVANNAH. Owing to the Difficulties at Charleston tie Steamship fif:YSTPI Or, STA'fb, Capt. Marshman. has been with vin fbr the present. line nonce of her mil as will be guyed. Goods ressived ever. day; and Rills of Ladies signed at impend wharf above Vine Street. INSURANCE. Freight and insurance on a large rroportion of Goods shipped South will be todind to be lower by these shins than by sailing venal.. glir ineurance on all Railmad Freight is entirely unneeeasary, farther than Charleston or Savannah, the Railroad Companies taking all risks from these " P c llcieliftdi to fleet Orleans add intermediate points. Charleston and Savannah route, connecting with paean:tem for Florida. and with railroads for New Orleans and intermediate points. ei.azAT REputrzioN IN FARE. Fare by this route 53 to 10 per apt. oteaster ASA 1.3 the Inland _Route, as will be seen by the following sehedule. Through tickets from Philadelphia, vie Charleston and Savannah steamships, INcLuDING MEALS on the whole route, except from Charleston and Savannah to Montgomery .: To Savannah— .. —Ste 0. To Columbus.._._ .111 00 Charleston.---- se 00 Albany ..—..—... S 3 00 oatiruipa..,,,—.... 11 se Montag:omm ....-,., le IN Macon— —.. Xi a ktotnie .. ft OD Atlanta_.__.. 21 001 New Orleans..... 59 76 N. B.—Passengers by this route connect with the In. land Route in South Caroline and Georgia, travelling by the same conveyances thence to New Orleans. to bilis of lading signed a ft er th e ship has sawed. No freight received on the dal of sailing. Agentsin Charleston, T. . /Savannah, II fl, & ,G, B UDD uTTE &6A MM ELI. D T. O. & T. G. BUD, Charleston, and 11116TER & GafiIMISI,,L, Savannah. will attend to entering and for warding all goods consigned to their care. RAILROAD LINES. TuubiA - - ti M• Nom. 139 and 141 poutlt I . ;r. (For Merl) nine. 47 end DTDCRA AND REAL EBTATE—TUESDAy a x 7 ram3hiAt eatalognati hmt , read. • a n nthlmng „.• fOrtptioAq of Mt Via proven, to ha sold no Tumid. ? m,l - a list of sates of real estate and furniture..Witt' 2 d. 2:kt, and 30th and let May, of sale. et t h - e -,..‘e obanaa, 30th Awl! and 7th May, intruclins a se. 4' l ' ha amount of *nimbi* prolbffaq! THE NEAT MOnERT4 RESIDENCR,NOt7S,,.. Fifte ys, at enth ai oiettreetatat, will be bald at erieeta en ha da a o urine. • STOCKS AND SEAL ESTATE. SALES AT TII v tsn Y • Ileop # Handbills of each p roperty' omed i tomiot , l y "thtoi t We pubsh. on the Swords. 0 ;', 7 1 : to each sale, one thousand oatalontes, in pruntdd" soh! on full dosorietteus of ell the pea tten , soh! on the felkrwing Nuesday. Ithil/i ER LATE AT PRIVATE BALE, WR tato a tare') RITIOUnt of r etl @lbw , 41 time, . amt. daitOriatiOn of ody and c o „- property. Printed lugs gny be had at the anodes,„"! PRI VAT E REGISTER. II - 10 s# Real estate entered on out envoi* owe rerim advertised occasionally In ogr 'yobbo ea l, at _._eni. Cu, wbioh one thousand copies are 0, nuts w "..Zg ; tree or enanre• PEREMPTORY BAI,F-13TOCIC8, UN Tuesday. April 23, noon, at the liaoriange i will bs sold_ W LOMA reserve for non Payment of anseasments_ 2.4 1 11) shares Bohemian Minins Company. For delottp.t of whom it may ow:sen— ile shares Union Cline, Cnmaany. 130 shares Little eshwylledi et rivirat!on owl Compaaft owl 1 share loowelobla Library Company. sawn°. a Peremptory Pale -27 shares North Penns.) Yam RaiirOSO Cr ho shares Commonwealth Bank. 1 share Mercantile Library. 2 .200 .200. a-mortgage bends of the Barclay Company . . 0W 110 rip (Myst, /Baptist ChArcli, Foderal streot SIFAI I ESTATE S eLE—APR IL 93 Fueentork tißlß—Fa te of Conrad Wolf. detest e d Very valuable GEEDIANTOWN PROPERTY. uri acres, with on_provercents,Vlen's lane, near the' Airy station . Chestndt Bill Maitre% d. • ass Orphans' __gears Bale—k state of Diem! Brow, 08alle(1.—DWhLtarro AND LOT OF GROUND 4, 5 „ 1 , 1 ' west (inflict et Twenty • third Street and Brown's tOti above Callowhal street. Same Estate --FOUR. DWELLINGS on Dross's court. west of Twenty-third .treat, north of CellnirOd . Name ksiate.— THßEE -STORY BRICK DWELL 11 1 0. Logan street. north of Green Street, lath Weld, mete k.inate AMU DWELLING, notch uds of CANNONII street. weal of Twenjy-third street the Sam EtatetcTOßE AND DWELLING, edjonting above on tlie 3 THRF.te-ISTORT 8R1C.4 DWELLINGS, Noe.T)9, 731. and 733 Lombard mintier.. BRICK DWELLIN G. No. 1.1 Shuman! avenue, north os_Logribard stre_et BLEU/ire) et P..EeIDENCE. side of North Ersed street. south of 4irera 6901/0-0. Lot 37 feet front. The house hoe ell ths modem coo. sentences, Exectutore f Peremptory_ Sale—l• stet- of A nn deceased — N EAT Ek;SIDENCE. No 73S annace st oat' and Erick Dwelling in the rear. on Orange Street. Perempir Gaon &Eh! n Eri ct rilihrsTyr r ylibb, with dif acres. with superior ' iota eet front ott Tholp , itiese. Mart Trusteeto Rtes.—TEE BAPTIST CHURCH EDI EWE. and large lot, 106 by 100 feet. south side of Sas . tom street, between 'Plinth and Ninth etreete, °owe the southern front of the Conpaental Hotel. HANDSOME NEW MODENA RESlDENCEnurtb west oorner Seventeenth an .n d , l7 i allene etteetr. ° TR, Britei: l alli BY% R 1 dreiVci n l. w„ . fisime street, northwest of Tulip Street. to Distric t o r Rlinnithad. THREE•III'ORY BRICK DWELLING, Fulton rt. northwest of Till fp Stret. TWO THREE-810AV DEICE DWELLINGS, Fol. ton street. FOUR YVARLY GROUND , RENTS. viz.: *Q I Nib ISM, and $24. CLOSING BALE AT THE GIRARD ROUSE. FURNITURE, UNCLAIMED g BAGUADE, ke. April Thi, 1). at 10 O'OlOOlC, by catalogue, at the Crtrve Hones Chestnut ',treat, a quantity of chamber faun lure,tails!, mattresses, carpets, a quantity af vanta' din. Also, the kitchen latrinture...to., large stiantio copper cooking . utensils, tabS3 oil cloths. It e. Also, a quantity of unclaimed !,Yaks and valiana, with the oontente, GT Catalogues will be ready and artietae ram he ex amined on Friday. Bale at the Bertram Garden, STOOX OF 1101.*E8, nARRIAGES, w A b'4h B. CA RTEidIIQW INO MACHINES , CATTLE , Phut. IN ImPLEMENTS, Ac. Oh ililOnday fidorginX, April at 10 o'olocir,,at_the yes enee of A. M. East wick, hid. below bran! Ferry. W tie sold .M rube eels. intho . ot eeeee sbost 30 head of cattle, inolanr a number of fine nith,h oolt,fteVeral with Calvet by their eiddA; some Tory &airtime youcs stook; apq. rough bred DUrbern Mel, and five 'many bulls; hie horses; oarrtake,_ Try fa/iota; Carriage. by boul a , ; York wagon, by Watson; detible and single Innate, Boddie and bridle, do. Also. Ketoham'e mowing maChine aril seed ddil Landreth's mower and renter. with all tee latest on. provemento ; hap rake. seed drib, parent hoisting hey fork. altlyatorg, plougba, harrows, large roller, dal , me-hone oWar. two ormid•whesl hay wagon', ee7. row-wheel hay wagon. with box bed, two one-hone carte. germ, cart, nevi aping wagon, block sad nick% lot window frames, sash, lot teed pipe, oast-iron atpe, old iron, a large lot of farming illiptemente, &0., ho, Bale peremptory. Ter me cash._ The varby rasher:ger Railroad C ars I.ag orrery half hour. Administrator's Sale, 1911 Walnut street—Estes of Dr. TNPIZIELIB Harris, deceased. SUPERIOR REISIVIEnOti , AND PURNITURS, ROW?. OIL PAINTINOIS, CURTAINS, CHARD& LIRAS, No. On Tuesday ISohling, 09d ituit., et 10 oatook. at No. SIP Wahmt street, by catalogue, the entire furniture, coMprisior superior walnut drawing. room furniture. manfel and pier au• rors, fineMl paintings and engrayings , ceitaiss, ass defiers. glase and china, aupsruir du:deg-fools ssil chamber furniture. Also, the kitchen furniturZ. Wuv aerator ho. or The superior reeidenoe, with coach timer , mil b e sold at to o'elook precisely, previoue to the sets of furniture. Full particulars in hand bills and catalogue, . rs Hale at the Penneylvaiia Hotel. 110UASHOLD FURNITURE, FEATHER HEN, RPETti, CARNIMThe, BAR F. XTUREs. LI QIJORE, &o. On Wednesfty Monnary • Nth inMaot t at /0 o'clock 01 , the f obiley/Yania He tl, No. North Huth street, the enure lorrotare4 Rohm beds, carpets. family carriage have, two family car r lagria,har rilltigree, liquors, &o. 11W May be examined at 80'0100 on the morning of the sale. Sale No. 0011 Chestnut Street. ELEGANT FURNI UHF. fiIIEAORS. flAtiQ, ortArtorsLiztue. vsLirw_r cAltruiS. do On Wedneeday moraine. April 31. at 10 o'olook, at ego. 13)3 Chestirettistl. by catalogue— The entire furniture of a lady declining bouesteent, comprising rosewood and brooatelle drawisoctse furniture, piano -forte by Gate & Co., handsome mantel and DIM' mirrors. fine eels et darnel/. Plated wins China and glass ware, superior walnut chamber birsi Lire, fine mattresses. cottage furniture. oil clothe. et. Also, a quantity of fine preserves, i also, the kitchti furniture. 161" May be examined at 8 centnek on abs a•erstini 41 the lIT No postponement on account of the weitthe►. ESTATPeremptory We floe trammel. E' GEO R(I) _MotI BEET ESQ. TH E 454 T COUNTRY BE w OODBO ANL FINN MARSIon, AND2O ACE . AB E T DAM SIX MILhB FROM MARKET IS ABET BMUS,. . . . . On Wednesday Damming, Mar let, 4861, at ten o'clock precisely, Will be sold at ptiblio auction. without reserve, on the premkis— All that bearitiful country seat. Wnodboarner InpOri..r modern mansion, stable and coscs-bdw. green-horse. ioe-house, and other out-buildings. sod W acre. highly Unproved land, situate on the Spnaglheli road. abodt halt a mile from the terminus of the Dub, Passenger Railroad. and ail miles from Margot street bridge. The mansion is of brisk, painted eitd sanded. bruit and finisbed in a most (sonny and elegant style. from p doe by .7. McArthur. Esq.. architect. and seder his superintendence, replete with every modern im proveiment and convenience for a winter as well asp summer residence. The out buildings are also mperior apd commodious , the grounds beautifully bud °stud Planted with every speotes of evergreen sad denldeo l ls tree , and shrubbery, Sae trait, pears, cherries. plops. &o. Also, an arbor of !choice grace Vines. a Pram and several large hot beds. In the rear of the mannon are about three sores of fine American forest trees. and a grove of large walnut trees. The property tweeds also on the Darby Creek, SO feet wide and 7 lest ass, which afford. fine bathing and boating. A more fell ddikarigOen WA.* 14 had dt the otiatlen room*. The sdperior furniture, horses, **Truism he.. wtll be sold, by catalogue, immediately after the real estate. ksrms—half cub. ea's absolute, the owner having gone 10 Europe, Bale No. MI North Sixth street. SUPERIOR FURNITURE. MIRROR. MIMEO CARPETS_, de. On Friday hicrinns. 84a7 Mr. at ten o'clock, at 874 North Bath street, above Parish street, The Irrecrior, parlor, dimna- room,. and chamber (amt' tare, fine.Frenott elate mantel mirror. fine Bressele• easoete, anterior spring mattresses, and leather bete. fine _plated tea set, &a. 11 Mat be eitiornned with catalogue on the yenning of the sale, at eight o'clock, MFITZPATIZIO& a BROS.. MIO , lii TIONEERI , 604 caumistrs Burst, ober, BALES EVERY P.VENINS. At o'olook, of Books, stationery and LISR@J 60.4 1, watches, jewelry, clocks, silver plated wary. paantuge, musical inetruements, &o. A.llO, nOIIOTY, drl gOCal, boots and shoes, and 11.. t *handle* of every ascription. DAY BABES eve Monday, Wednesday. seA Yr, day at 10 o'clock A. M t _ PRIVATE SALEM At private sale several large eeturitmineme of watches. eweiry, books, stAtionery, salver-plated ware, Gallery , , ancy gams, &o. To which solicited the attention el city' and country merolumts and others. Coasignmente eoliolted of all kinds of siereese&e• for either public or In rate rater, Mir Liberal watt advances made on oonmeneselltim Ont-door sales promptly attended to. MOSES NATHANE), AUCTION PI 1 , AN-IL AND CONLMISSION MEACHAM'. Doitthese corner of SIXTR and RACE Streets. NATHANS , LARGE BALE OP FORFEITED WATCHES. ISWELRY, &o. From Nathauee Principal Establiehment, southratt corner of Sixth and Race Streets. da Tuesday Morning, April M. at 10 o'clock at Moses .Nathans' Auction Rouse. Noe. 166 and 16r North Sixth street, ladielalas the southeast corner of Sixth and Saco, Consisting, in Patti of — GOLD WATCELES. Gold hunting- ease. double-case, and double-bottomed English patent lever watches. in Itt• ca nd beat meters: rat oases. extra full Jewelled, and of the most approved a gold hunting - case and open-face detached escapeslent patent lever watches , IS-carat cases , and of the best makers; gold hunting-case end open-face horizontal. oyiinder and lowan nititahan k 13-oarat cad at the very beat makers • gold double..time and inde pendent-second patent levere watches. in 18-carat eseth and beat makers; various kinds of gold English , 81 ""' end French watches. SILVER WATCHES. Silver hunting-oruse, doable-cage, and double-bottom Erg Hell patent lover watches, of the most oqiipito d MIS boat makers; silver, duplex, escapement lever..ol ll4- dor, and lemma watohes , t o hunting oases cad open faces, full Jewelled and plain ; silver guarder vaisv"r silver Minnie case, amgle.osave, and double-bottorae . English, swiss. and Preach watches. JEWELRY. Diamond linger rings and brsoistidni. Knee 14 " 6 and clusters; fide gold cos for lobos • gold ma. m o t l . fob, and chatelaine obeine ; fine gold finger r.in 0 2,,,, every variety. and kind ; heavy fine gold eag l e; gold breaet-Ditui, gold ear-rings, gold ad pencil-oases an d Rene, gold studs. gold sleeve gold and silver apooyieles..gedil eye Flame. cola ! e l:, aPalsi and chorine, gold raedallions and lookeek And bracelets. t r: a. none other watches and Jewelry. &o. NATHANS' GREAT BALE OF CLOTHING , DING, AND OTHER ARTICLES. Oa Tuesday Morning, 90th inat., at II o'clook, at The auction atom THE NEW JOB PRINTING OFFW "THE PRESS " laprepered to OuentsnOsubahamoly,ond expedition! BOOKL PAMPHLETI °Alll)6 ' ISLA1(18 OP EPDXY DE CJ ANCRIONEKRE, LAWYERS RAILROAD AND /NBURANOR OOMPANIEL PLAIN AND ORNABERNTAL PRINTIO IT Ail ride n left at the Publication once of lit: Pr ass IL 417 UlDfdll'Xillr Strain. will he wolf 144 S _ M. TATIO.NEY AND JEWELRY packages foralabed to Agents runt Dealers. 'tufa redaolrjatee. cell, (or sand Stamp.) 602 gamins Screstulhilsdopua, Fs. • GO FARMAN k JOB PRINTING. szentrition fir PAPER Boo ns. OIROILAIN SILL HEADS BANDBILLet PIINTINO TOR MEACIIANIB, MiNUFACIVR mscitAnias, maim
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