d s F eigtit searlog machines, officered by an equal a mber of Tofing wero at work during a at part of fithe previous night. Tbe completed are.Rg wa s hung out yesterday afternoon. itILITARY. At a large meeting held on Thursday evening at aippawa Bali, Twenty•firet and Market streets, ed tarmined to raise a company, and, if pop it was Ole, a r egithent, to be called the "Fenneylvatia Defenders ." A committee, consiating of Mews. C. d. Conley, Chas O Werth, and Alexander Lovett, were up rioted to receive recruits for the company= Forty woe w are obtained immediately. Captain Wood ward'e Taggart Gnarls are clueing or their ranks rapidly. His rooms are at Twenty wood and Callowbill streets. file company has been accepted by Governor Curtin. c co mpanies composing the First division of pennsylvania Volunteers, which comprises all the cooler uniformed volunteer companies in the city of rhiladeiphia, were on their arms at their re sit yesterday i mong. pecac armoriry es They ore in momenta expectation of rec eiving orders la move . Th a First division have received orders to bold thwelres in readiness to march at a moment's , o tim end the armories yesterday morning pre• tested a lively appearance. The men were generally in the rooms, some in uniform, ready , to parch The German regiment were equipped and • bad their sane ready. Company 0, Philadelphia Light Guard, has bee divided into three companies. The first is under em umad of Capt. Bertlezon. The emend. is com mended by Cart Danfield, hnt the third has not ye been organised, This sumps is attached to Col Morehead's regiment, and were ordered to assemble at their armory at nine o'clock last night, lady to march . The Frankford Guards, which was formed this seat, and is composed of ninety-three men, left far Washington yesterday morning, having been attached to Gen. Small's brigade. The officers of the company are: Geo. L. Ritman, captain ; Syl vester S. (troth, first lieutenant; Joseph D. Wil liams, second lieutenant, and d. G. Rowland, third lieutenant. The proprietor of the Odd Fellows' Halt, in Rockford, has offered the use of the large room for recruiting and drilling purposes, and the books were opened there yeeterday. rat acorn This v omit eompany, the remnant of the Penn uirsids forces that fought in Mexico, have opened recu itiog stations at the United States Buildings, Chestnut street, below Fifth ; at Fourth street, sear :'hipper, and at Tenth street and Girard groove• The voice of the Legion was unanimous for the formation of a regiment, and we are m old that every man will turn out in defence of the eapital. POLICEMEN ENLISTING 9n Thursday, five of the policemen attaohed to Lieutenant Hampton's division tendered their re eigastions to Mayor Henry, stating that they had ealicted in the volunteer service. The Mayor told arm that their places would be retained for them Oil they returned, when they will be re-ap pointed. At noon yesterday, a splendid pair of Colt's re valvers were presented to officers Joe. Hayfield and Saini. Moorehead, by their comrades of the De tective and Reserve corps, as testimonials of ap preaiation to their courage and patriotism. Then gentlemen are both officers in the Philadelphia Light Guard- George Alfred Townsend made the presentation remarks, and the officers responded. FLAG RAISING IN THE NINETEENTH WARD The employees of Messrs. Irwin Stinson, Co lumbia Mills. raised a beautiful American flag, eighteen feet long, on Thursday afternoon, at their factory, at the corner of Columbia avenue and Member street. The flag was purchased by the attired subscriptions of the operatives. Great credit is due to the ladies of the mill, who, not be lt; able to purchase one ready made, eat up all sight and wade one, After the flag was raised, mite of revolutions were'adopted, expressing their devotion to the Union and their determination to stand by the flag and support the Government at ell hazards. From the front windows of a private house in Girard avenue, near Twelfth, were displayed yes terday two handsome silk Sage, bearing the thirty bar stars on a blue field, but showing only five broad stripes of red and white. These attracted some canons attention in the neighborhood, and a policeman was sent by the Mayor requesting their removal, because of their resemblance, from the number and width of the stripes, to the flag of the rebellions States. The request .asas complied with and the flags withdrawn, probably to undergo a reconstruction at the hands of their fair makers. SOUTHWARK GUARDS. The members of the Southwark Literary Society enrolled themeelvea as a military company on Thuteday evening, and intend offering their' age. rites to the GOTATDMODt ANOTUNR NNW VOLUNTERR COMPANY. Last evening books were opened at Glenn's res taurant, Sixth and Chestnut streets, for the forma tion of a company of soldiers, under the title of rodopendont Rangers." The company in to cousin of one hundred picked men, who will maroh =der avasamma of Malikalart, alder man of the Fourth ward. WORE FLAG RAISING. A splendid flag has been purchased, and will be reined at noon to-day by the workmen of the Qua ker City Inn and Nail Works, at Fountain Green The poplin of the Harrison School, Master street, aboreficoondOeventeenth section, have procured a handsome flag, which will be flung to the breeze on Monday morning next, at 8 o'clook. APPROPRIATION BY A MBE COMPANY. IdAl evening the Tivoli Hose Oompenv appro. printed $OOO to aid the families of the volunteera of this city, who have marched forth to battle for their country. Yesterday a rubsoription was started at Harris- burg to provide equipments fcr the Cameron Guarde r previous to leaving that place for Washington. When the paper was presented to E. G. Heston, an agent of Adams' Express Com pany, he at once banded over sixteen dollars to procure a revolver for one of the Guards. Adjutant William H. H. Davis, of Doylestown, Penne , the editor of the Doylestown Democrat, who served with distinction in the Mexican War, ha tendered to Governor Curtin the services of the Doylestown Guards, whioh have been ac cented. The pupße of the various sohools of the twentieth action purchased a beautiful milk flag yesterday, Ltd presented the came to the company of which DiteatOr W. O. Elaine§ ii iioutommi. They also presented the Lieutenant with a aword. The presentation was not a formal one, for the mason that the company started in the morning for 'Washington before the arrangement could be made. The banner and sword will be sent on. Arrival of the Eighth Regiment Massa. chusetts Volunteers. The Eighth Regiment Massachusetts Volunteers arrived in this city at half put five o'clock last evanmg, and was esoorted to the Girard House, by Obis( Ruggles and three hundred policemen. The Eighth numbers eight hundred and fifty nine Men. It left Boston in eighteen care, on Thursday eve ning at six o'clock, via Springfield, Hartford and New Raven, and arrived at the Twenty-seventh street depot, New York, at half peat six o'clock yesterday morning. The composition of the yogi meet is se follows Colonel—Timothy Moore. Lientenant•Colonel—Rd. W. Sinks. lisjor—Andrew Adjutant—Gee. W. Cresey. paymaster—R. G. Usher. Quartennuter—A. A. Insane. Surgeon—Bowman Breed. Assistant-Surgeon—W. W. Tapley. Companlee—Salem, Capt. Devereaux; Marble head, three companies, Captainclilartin, and Boardman; Lynn, two companies, Captains Bewail and Nucleon ; Beverly, Capt. Porter Gloucester, Capt. Centre ; Itlewbruyport, Captain . Bartlett; Pittsfield, Capt. Briggs. The Eighth includes a large number of men re cruited. for this emergency, and does not present so fine a military appearanoe as the Sixth. The eons penis% however, present a fair proportion of sol dierly-looking men, 'tout-limbed, and no doubt strong hearted—they looked Lc fight." In marchin g through the streets, the men, be cause of their fatigued state, were not kept to strict military discipline. In general, they wore the volunteer dress, complete, as famished by the State, but a good many of thorn ware without re• gelation caps, or some other article necessary for uniformity, so that their appearance while mans h ing down Broadway was rather incongruous in a helped point of view, which peenlierity was not coked by the men not being ranked according to The spectators, however, cared little for these things, and looked with interest to the manly appearaisoe of the volunteers ; and their hopeful szpeetations were met, for they are a hardy-look. latest of mon fhe train bringing them from New Haven con lines of nineteen cars. On the route from Boa. tot, from the time of leaving there on Thursday a/1 moon, till late at night, the volunteers were greeted with cheers, illuminations, cannon-firing, t ic at the various depots as the train passed, r d wherever stoppages were made they were met crowds of people and hearty demonstration" of entheniu m . The regiment numbers, rank and file, about 859 den- They have no band, but a corps of four i gi ninera The men had so little rest since vo „clittering, that they were a good deal fatigued on theft arri val here. Nevertheless, they all talked spiritedly of the duty before them. Many of the men are exceedingly intligent, and net a few come from famines eminent el In the history of the old Bay State. They spoke of the ability of Massachusetts to send thirty thousand, Dr even more, volunteers to the mapped of the Go vernment, if needed. As the first detachment of the army which New Ze land gwill speedily supply the Government, the ? sentient made a highly creditable appearance, and ism shown no more attention then its promptness s ad patriotism rightly deserved at the hands of t " People of New York. Among them who accompanied the volunteers to the care and evinced a lively interest in their rupees, were Anson Burlingame and William hi. &tart., Brigadier General Butler, of the Third Brigade, Its been appointed to the command of the Mama e R e na troops, and will go to Washington at once. min ware quartered at the Wrard Renee, I/4 assembled on the plena in front, giving the "Victim Zonave ;Meer. They are 111144 with Tin- dlotiveness on amount of the murder of their brethren in Baltimore. and are anxious to march with their handful of mon through the streets of that town, and drive the aseassuns of the Sixth Regiment before them Then men will move off at an early hour today, it is said, in the steamer Keystone State, which has been chartered by Government, from the Navy Yard. Bloodshed in Baltimore will thus be avoided. 310101 MOON, TO COME 7802il NAFISACIII/BITTS. Other Massaohusette regimente may shortly be expected here. The Third Massaohneetta regiment, Cola War drop, has been consolidated with the Fourth regi ment, Col. Packard. But, as the two regiments resod Fort Monroe by different routes, they each go out under the command of their respective offi cers. At the fort, Col. Wardrop will be displaced by the seniority of Col. Packard, who is ordered to assume the command of the coneolidated regi ment. The regiment embarked on Wednesday evening, on the steamer S. R. Spaulding. The officers are as follows: Colonel, David W. Wardrop, New Bedford ; Lieutenant- Colonel, Charles Raymond, Plymouth ; Major, John H Jennings, New Bedford ; Adjutant, Richard A. Pierce, New Bedford ; Paymaster, Sandford .Almy, New Bedford; Surgeon, Alexan der S. Holmes, New Bedford; Surgeon's Mate, Johnson Clark, New Bedford; Chaplain, Thomas E. St John, New Bedford. This regiment consists of Companies A, of Hali fax ; B, Plymouth ; 4, Freetown ; B, Plympton IC, Carver; L, New Bedford ; and Company C, of the Seventh Regiment; whole number of guns, 355. TITS POURTII 41.11113 SENT This regiment left Boston by the Old Colony Railroad, on Wednesday evening, and proceeded to Fall River, where they embarked on the State of Maine for Fort Monroe. This regiment arrived in this city last evening, In good condition and eager for the fray . Their armory in New York wee crowded all day by members of the regiment, making the last pre paration for the march. and their friends taking leave of them. The whole regiment aseembled at three o'clock. when their lady friends bid them farewell and God speed. Immediately afterwards, the regiment marched down Broadway and took a spend train of can from Jereey City. In Washington the National Guard will be quar tered in the Old Hell of the House of Repreeenta tivee. Col. Lefferts notified Gen. Scott that he m y have trouble at Baltimore. Each man is, therefore, provided with twenty-four round of ball cartridges. Holm GUARD.—A meeting of citizens of the Fourteenth and Fifteenth wards, favorable to the formation of military companies for the home de fence, will be held at the Commissioners' Hall, Spring Garden and Thirteenth streets, this eve ning, at o'clock. The call is signed by Thos. Potter, W. 434 Conrow, F. V. Warner, Hobert Hutehinson, lair' am Ayres, Robert Bethelt Chas. R. Clark. Charles B. Trego, Isaac C. Prise, B. Avalon. John Q. Ginned°, Henry Davis, D. A. Al lison, Samuel Allen, and others. GOISMONWEALTIT AATILLERY. -- This com pany was last evening impacted by Brigade In. specs= Weaver, and mustered into the First batta lion under Col. Patterson. The following Wilms were elected : • Captain, Jas. E. Montgomery; First Lieutenant, F. A. Lancaster; Second Lieutenant, A MeT. Robinson ; Ensign, J. W. Beater, Jr. The company reported themselves ready for im. mediate active service. Public Amusements. ACADEMY OE Miisw, LAST Mawr.—The repeti tion of La Jame attracted a fair and highly, ap preciative audience last evening, notwithstanding the existing excitement, and the threatening cha racter of the weather. The performance through out was admirable. Colson was all herself, and well merited the enthusiastic, applause she re ceived. Mime Binktey, as the page—gay, spark ling, and piquant—won the hearts of her auditors, whilst Stigelli again proved himself to be the most reliable of tenors, and Smith was truly grand in his rendition of The Cardinal. This evening, the last of the present season, Verdi's latestlind most successful work, Un Ballo in Masehera, with its magnificent oast and gorgeous mire en scene, will be given for the last time. MOM A LEYLAND'S STEREOPT/CON.—The pro prietors of this popular exhibition, ever on the alert for novelty, have succeeded in obtaining photographic views of the "Bombardment of Fort Sumpter," which will be shows this afternoon and evening. MARE HASSLER'S FAREWELL CONCERT.—ThiS entertainment, in whioh the bones:stare will be assisted by the leading vocal and instrumental performers of this city, comes off next Thursday evening at the Academy of Music. The fawn nerohor Vocal hoolety will lend their aid, and an oroheetra of seventy performers. The programme, which bee just appeared, is full of high promise, all of whits)", wo doubt not, will be fully realized. PROFESSOR ANDERSON, JR., the son of his father, who has been his chief assistant almost since be bee been out of hie swaddling clothes, com mences business on hie own account at Concert Hall on Monday evening. Possessing all his father's knowledge, and act rainted with all his feats, he adds to them several highly inters's- hag ezperi-nents of hie own, which promisc much gratifiaation to tic patrons. Ho will be assisted by Woe Andorran. HOOD AND SHELDON'S FLORAL MAT/NEIL—The first of these spectacles will come off at the doe demy of Music on this day week. As before, a great many young people will appear. There is to he a pantomime—also a Carnival scene, in which the audience may join—moreover, the I United States represented by thirty-four little -children,-aanantonolDg with the Hint thirteen—then MILLS' equestrian statue of Jamison—and, as a finale, Venice beautifully illuminated. If this programme is not anfloiently novel and brilliant, I we should like to know what is. MR. 80THEELL—This admirable eccentric come dian recommences his engagement at the Walnut street Theatre on Monday evening, when "Our American Cousin at Home," which created so great a furore last season, will be revived, with alterations, emendations', and entirely new 'rase en *CMG. Lord Dundreary , with a new budget of witticisms, will make hie re-entre, and the in evitable Binney will be on hand. In such times as the present, we require such a man as Sothern to keep our spirits up. WALNUT-STRUT TIIRATRII —An opera without an operatic company is an absurd arrangement. An opera out down to suit the exigencies of a non operatic company, is little lees than a direct Injury to the composer of the original work. We have had too many emasculated operas to tolerate any more. Dr. Onnuington in (we feel enured) hie labor of pain bee out down Loder's opera of " Giselie" into—next to nothing. Miss Ric:things sang her share of the music charmingly—but she is but one, and not au entire , company. Bean Brummel's valet was met on the stairs one morn- ing, with an armful of white unalterable% by one of his master's friends- 4 What have you there?" quoth the visitor. " These, Mr, our failures," replied the valet. " Ghetto" is an operetta one, in its present form. ARCH-STREET THEATRE —This evening the management tender a benefit to the "Wheatley Guard," when a most attractive MR will be offered. For The Preis.] PHILADELPHIA. Aprill9, 1861 MR. EDITOR : I heNti with pleasure noticed the movements which are now being made to form Home Guards for the defence of the pity and suburbs; bat if I am not mistaken it is only those who are exempt from military duty, being over forty-five years of ago, who are admitted into membership Now, why cannot a Home Guard of young men, say from seventeen to twenty-five years of age, be formed ? I know personally many young men who are so situated as to be unable to leave home, except in ease of absolute necessity, who would gladly em brace such an opportunity of ehbwing their devo tion to their country. And why should they be forced to remain inactive while older and more fa, vorably-eironmetanced persons are showing pa. triotiem, which they are far from looking. I am sue that youthful devotion and strength, well dis ciplined, would not be put to the blush, if a struggle took place, by those who may have the advantage of them in ego, but not In vigor or love of country. Will you not, sir, nee your influence, and that of your valuable paper s to call the attention of the young men of this city to the subject, and by so doing confer a favor upon many who wish but for an opportunity of swelling the ranks of an associ ation for the defence of our beautiful oity. H. A. Meeting of Delawareans. For The Prim ] As there seems to be a conflict in the minds of some persons concerning the position that Dela ware holds upon this question, I 'propose that a meeting of the Delawareans, residing in this city, be held to express their opinions. This will have a good effect. It will, at least, encourage our brethren in the Diamond State, who are battling so nobly for the Constitution and the Union. What say yon, Delawareans, shall snob a meeting be held? AL W. B. E. The following correspondence explain. itself : [Limnos J Gannnwoon, near Philadelphia, April 13, 1861. His Excellency Andrew G. Curtin, Governor. Dams. Sne : Taking what I hear in connection with your proclamation, which bas my approval, I presume that yon will soon call out the militia, neither against the South nor *softest the North, but for IfesinsyLvoitsrs. Should this be your purpose, I will feel person • ally obliged by your giving me an opportunity to serve. In the present exigency it should be the reverse of a disqualification that my associations and sympathies differ from your own. Very respectfully, your obedient serv't, THOMAS L. Kanx. loransonen.l PnmenzraquA, Monday Morning, April 15. Hts. Excellency Andrew G. Curttn, Governor, Harrisburg. will you accept a company of hone, to be raised by me in Elk and MeKean counties? I can leave to night, and bring my men down in a L. week. THOMAS KANS. VSISIVP.B. 1. TILEGEAN.I To Colonel Aortas L. Kane. Eirit : The tender by you of the Elk and MoKaan County Cavalry is amepted. Hold youraelf in readiness to maroh on short notice Answer, stat ing number of men. Sittrzw, Seat', Commonwealth. ANSWIft 2 Lii.,2111 To Colonel Thomas L. Kane. Sze: The tender by you of the Kane Mounted Rifle Company, in answer to the demand of the General Government upon Pennsylvania for volun teers to march to the defence of our country, is here by accepted, and you will hold yourself in readiness to march in compliance with General Orders to be issued immediately, By the Governor. Eta Su um. lieeretary of the Commonwealth. A large and exalted crowd gathered round the .A li f r or .an 2 ii Pzl e iire i g, Maar, sailed from Richmond lath armory at an early hour yesterday afternoon, to "" j Bohr Diriko, Cgok a ;cleared at Savannah 13th inst. for wimess the final preparations for the departure of New York. ilse gallant corps. The assemblage was of a very .. I ?ptij i g Clark, Orilla. hence, arrived at Providence respectable appearance, and seemed wrought ttp " 4 " achr 4 C , W rummies, Weldon. hence, arrival at New to a high pitch of enthusiasm. A large wagon be- Bedford 18th inet. longing to the Amerioatt Express Company, deco- Bohr Je sse Jr. Winsmore, heUe, arrived a t Bo d hr a l t N 4 e t w Eill Y 4lid ork ;d rated with a number of small American flew, was drawn up at the door 9r the armory on Sixth street, rive y esterday. wsiting to twelve the baggage of the officers, who steamer Concord, Borman. hence, arrived at New are allowed one small trunk each. The wagon York yeetereay. presented a very gay appearance, and attracted the attention of all the bystanders. Conspiouons among the baggage were a number of large chests labelled " Medical Department, 7th Regiment, N Y. S. M.," showing that the medical wants of the soldiers are well pro vided for. ELECTION OF OFFICERS.—At a meeting of the Wheatley Guards, held at their armory yes terday, an election for their commissioned officers was held, which resulted as follows: Captain, Ed- Carroll ; First Lieutenant, Win. R. Murphy ; Visconti Lieutenants, Robert P. McKibben, George W. Gile. st NEW VOLUNTEER COMPANY, known AS the “National Defenders," wrs organized at the corner of Eleventh and Girard avenue, lag even ing, who intend to connect themselves with the First Regiment. It gives lir . omise of being one of the finest companies now being formed The fol lowing are the officers chosen : Captain, W. T. Doyle ; First Lieutenant. Thomas Ford ; Second Lieutenant, S. D. Allen ; Orderly Sergeant, C. IL Dinky. WE ARE requested to state that John Kess ler, residing at No. 1713 Green street, and a num ber of gentlemen residing in that vicinity, have cheerfully tendered their dwellings for the use of volunteers passing through Philadelphia, on their way to the seat of warn, Isaac 14. Denier ' M. D., of the Sixth ward, desires us to announce that he will willingly attend the family of any volunteer, free of all charge, during his absence, providing the Doctor himself does not find it necessary to join the army. _ - A S/turves TIEREAT.-A man, named George Green, was arrested at his residence, in Bird's court., Tenth and Locust streets, on Thursday, upon the charge of threatening to shoot his sister. lie was taken before Alderman Patohel, and com mitted to answer at court. DECORATED WITH FLAG .--The officers of the Twenty-fourth ward have decorated their ata ttort-honae with a number of flags. FINANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL. The Money Market. PnILADBLPSIA, April 19.1863. The war exeitement unsettles the stook market, as it does all kinds of business, and commentary upOn the changes which occur, as hour after hour brings some new message from the South to heat the Wood or damp the ardor of the readers, is Ulgainge. Solid securities maintain fair prioes under all oirenrostanoes. Plotkin' is doing among the note brokers, and in mil count ing-house the &Bounden of the war and the doings in Baltimore takes the Axon of the usual operations of trade. The following is the amount of coal shipped over the Huntingdon and Broad Top Mountain Railroad du ring the week ending Wednesday, April 17,, and since January 1, 1861 WEEK. PREVIOVSLY. TOTAL. Tona. Tone. Tons. , 355 38,445 42 328 1860 -- .3,486 44 47A 47 812 Increase-- -.—.. 379 -;„ 603 5,984 Philadelphia Stock 'Exchange Sales, April 19,1E01 EXPORTND By S. E. 131.. A.MAILICH, Merchant:l' Exehaage FIRST BOARD 1000 Reading '43'80... 91 150 Read R.-.3swnscint 1533' 2000 do 1 44 7 805. . 90 '6O 3011 300 Pena at._—.3aeli 853A1,50 do._ ---- 700 do. . °ash 8534 AO IBM 3000 Cam & Am 76 83 4 Lehigh.... - 2000 Penn% R. 1et 99341 1 Cam & N mb0y.....-113 200 clay . Os. .. . 94 3 Rarnaburg St 3 German t o wn Gas. 49 2 Commonwealth Bk. 36 50 Reading R /630 3 Mechanics' Bk..— 2334 • BETWEEN BOARDS. 1000 Penns, CoupPZ ISO Beading R 3 Penns R..... CAI' 37Ni SECOND 1000 Reeding 6 '70..... 82 800 City H 54.-- 94 .100 d0—....x_.94 55 Lebigh....3dyn.lota 01 10 do.— 51 7 Commercial Bit.— 44% S—UNBETTLED. 1000 Poona.. 84% leoo Pa Coup oa, ...241 . ye 87 1000 - ..2 lie 87 2000 Reading ... 91 3000 do '43 1308.b5 91 2000 do '44 80e 90 CLOSING PRIORI Bid. Asked. Philadelphia Be_. 94 95 Phila 89 -nem_lo2 103 Penes 58,..-- leU 85 Read R 83% Read bde '70... 8131 82% Reed mt '80'43 90 92 Read mt 6e'86,. 7136 73 Penns R 37% 373 L Penne; R 24 int 5/5 82 85 Morrie Can con. 48 01% Morris Can Pfdlus 110 Soh 14 66 'B2 68 Soh Nay Imp Cc. - -_ 75 soh Nav Stk.. . 8 Bah Nay Praia 13 17 Elmira 7s ... 66 Long Inland 11:—. 014 10 Lek Cl & 61 013 i. Leh Cl do N ecp-33 04 North Penne, x 7 A% N 6s—int off 60 64 N Fenno. R 62% Catawisea prof— 7 Frank & Sonthw 41 21.16014. et R 44% liaae&Vine-at IL 8 JO West Phila. --- • 68 Spruce a Pine,— 6 8 !Green fr. Coates_lN 15 CITY ITEMS. CARD 761011111 PUBLIC —PHIL&DELPHIA, April 19 To the Editors of The Press : My business has always been to a great extent with the South. and I have at all times filled ordere for responsible parties. until our flag was assailed. In corroboration of this: on Monday last I received an order for over twenty thousand dollars' worth of toy manufactured work. which I positively de olined, and have notified all my eorreepondente on the lath. of my accepting no more orders until our flag bee been justified ;and having privately offered my !emcee and means, I now publicly do for the supremacy of the Stars and Striven. which I am thankful to nay I have always lived under, and will under any and every cir cumstance defend with every mean. in my power, either personally or pecuniarily. I have °room now in promise for models or samples of Gun-Carriages. Cais sons, Battery and Forge-Wageoe, to. an or our South western Staten, and whioh States have now, L., tele gram. extended no aid to the Union, (although loyw. to our flew when I reoeived the order 7 And on this ac count I have notified them they cannot hive them. I shall hold them when completed for service in our own State, or our own Government. Very respectfully. U. B. National Wagon Works, Philadelphia, ro. UNIFORMS TOR TRH ARMY.—We invite 'Men tion to the advertieement of Mr. Charles Harkness, Pio. 608 Chestnut street, which will be.found in another wham We are authorized to state that his facilities for manufacturing uniforms for our military are un equalled by any other house. The reputation of this house for manufacturing garments of this class has long since been established, and in view of the present greatly increased demand for them bi the Govern ment, he has employed one of the most thoroughly skilled foremen, rn this department, in the country, Mr. Isaac Moffat, who for some years served in the Canalian Anna in making uniforms for the troops. We know of no one better prepared to execute Govern ment orders with promptness and satisfaction than Mr. Harkness. A SNaIIONABLN HINT TO PNESONB MOVING TO THE Corrimtv.—No greater annoyance is felt by per sons removing out of town at this season of the year, than the absence of gee to which, in the country. the, bre Bubjeoted. Messrs. Witten at Co.'s Kerosene Oil Lames (manufactured and Bold at No. 36 North Eighth street, corner of Filbert,/ meet this want exactly. both as regards ornament and convenience. No one should think of removing to the country without them. E a. WHITMAN & Co.'s CONPECTlONERY.—Not withetarding the war excitement, it speaks well for the good taste and self-possession or our people, that the demand for Menem. L. G. Whitman & Co.'s choice eon feetionary is unabated. "Their counters are atooked with several rich and racy new varieties, and the throng et customers ie ea great as ever. A Gantt? Cnewas.—Those persona—Ml they are MIMOTOUB—who may hereafter wish to Crack their jokes With Graaville Stokes," will have to proceed one door further west then his old store. namely. 609 Cheatnnt street. where they will find a new and AIWA stook of cloths and ready made cloth ing.that has .last been obtained from the most oelebra ted sources, and all are offered at reduced prices. Philadelphia may well be proud of her fashions. Po far as gentlemen are concerned, they are absolutely con trolled by Granville Stollen, whose immensely increas ing trade has induced him to removes to his present noble core, where ho dispenses a gift with every arti cle cold. Butte all his customers he says Come and examine for yourselves." PUBLIC SPRAKERS AND VOCALISTS. --A noted clergyman and public , lecturer says of Brown's Bron chial Troches "In all my lecturing tours, I put Trochee into my carpet bag as regularly as I do leo tures or linen." Public speakers, voealists, clergymen, and all others who exercise the voice. should never fail of using these Mochas. They surpass all other preparations in clearing and strengthening the voice,, removing hoarseness, allaying irritation of the throat, and, as a cough remedy, a:e pre-eminently the best.— Troy Whig. ap2o atnthlt TIOGA LIBRARY'S SIXTH GRAND BALL will be given at the National Guards' RDA on Monday evening next, the agd instant. Tha most of the members of this Library have enlisted, and wilt leave the city in a few days for the South. "SAFE BIND, SAFE Fran."—The Franklin Sa ving Fund, No. 136 South Fourth street, below Chest nut, receives special deposits at four per cent interest, and repays them on demand in gold or silver. Otter deposits five per cent. interest. Ax Exerran INDIVIDUAL —A genius arrived at our office this morning in a high state of excitement, and blundered cut as follows: "Batty Anderson has come home like a Major, and he is going to Rock him self a Bus hill to Suit Ins Wilson. at the C.lestorte Brow ning Ball up ( hestnut Street. After fanning our visi tor, and begging him to calm himself, Be explained his meaning in the folk:ruing words:" Major Anderson has arrived home in the Baltic, and he is coming to this city to buy himself a new suit at tbe Brown Stone Clothing Ball of Bockhill & Wilson, Nos. ace and 605 Chestnut street, above Sixth." MARINE INTELLIGENCE. SEE FOURTH PAGE ARRIVED - - . Steamship Boston. Croaker. 20 hours from New York, with mdse. &e. to Janie? AUder ice.()tithe Cape rntw a large bark beating in; bark /milt , Maxwell. from Porto Cabego. was at anchor off the Buoy on the Mid dle; bark Fenelon. for Fernando Po, was of Bombay Book; a deadly-laden topsail tar was off Liston's, coming up. Soon. 1) McCarthy, Smith, from J Bak eanallle mat. with MO otto feet timber to Gillingham & Garrison. Left ochre Therm Cdo sail 12th for nichMondt J Bur nett, Ireland. from New York. had been struck by lightning on the 7th, and had mainmast destroy ed. Bohr Borah Mines. Weaver, 3 days from New York. with melee to I) Cooper. (Correspondence of the Philadelphia Exchange.) NORFOLK. April U. UM. Loss OT TEE BRIG FLACK BQUALX.-IBIGOLOR to com municate the Mae of the brig Slack Squall. of and for Philadelphia, from St Jago de. Cuba, with a cargo con sisting _of !80 hhds and 100 barrels sugar for Mums S & W Welsh. She encountered a violent gale from NE on the 9th last, and was lost 0.. tiontoose inlet at 2.30 Lext morning. Capt. King and two of the_p_aseentrers each had a leg broken. tt passenger named Wm Nixon, of Nixon's circus company. anti a seaman, John Han non. colored. a native of Philadelphia, were drowned. Vessei and cargo a total loss. Several vessels are re ported by Cain King as being ashore near his wreck, &move Nelneh the act, Gen 1! Tittle, from Mahatma. all hands saved; mar Mary A Hammond, of Philadel phia, from jacirronvilie. Fla, all hands saved. Cu the tub Mat Capt King raw brig War Eagle sunk inside Drummond Shoal. Large quantifies of women's and children clothing were strewn along the beach in the vimn ty of Hatteras, which the wreckers suppose came from a steamer. mirn. ere. HENRY L. LAMY. MEMORANDA. Steamship Marro. Fletoher, for Key Weer. cleared at New York., caterdsT• Steamship ClSlttor. Lord, cleared at New York yes terday for Kinieton, Ja , Steprostutt MOM! e, 13ullook. Cleared at N Orleans lath lest. for Havens and New York. Oteamsbip Edinburgh, Brooks, for Liverpool, cleared at New York yesterdaY• Ship Sbootrog star, Drinkwater, cleared at N York yeisterdaj for Acapulco. k . Ka na wha, Lynch, cleared at Savannah lath lost for i l - r b d Hug ears l •• Jay nes , t" 'al oare d at New York ' , retard& a 806 7 for Philadelphia. ,grip Qooon Aproy, Atwood, for Mordevideo.oleared at New York yeaterdar. THE PRESS.--PHILADELPHIA 2 SATURDAY, APRIL 20, 1861. To LADY INVALIDS.—In suggesting to ladies of feeble habit the importance of HOSTET TER'S STOMACH BITTERS as a means of safelY supplying or renewing that vigor upon which health and the duration of life depend. we solieit their atten tion boa few imp.trtaat faults. The preparation is ape• amity adapted to the cure of all functional derangement arising either from constitutional weakness or other causes. It is recommended by medical men as a sure remedy for the obstruction and irregularities front which few of the sex are uniformly exempt, and mar ried ladies especially. Mothers who are engaged in the cares of maternity will find the Bitters a glorious preparation for recruiting the bodily energies. and giving tone and tension to the relaxed nerves. They cheer and animate the spirits without creating undue excitement, promote sleep, act mildly upon the bowels, create an appetite, are extremely useful in all bilious affections, and may be taken wAli the fullest confidence that the infinite good they do can never be followed by any unfavorable reaction. For sale everywhere. DYOTT & CO. Agents, 23 2 North SECOND Street, Philadelphia, WO Nam OAK ORCHARD ACID WATAR.— Pamphlets containing the opinions of celebrated Chem ists and Ph32kliaDti nopeeting the use of this WATER in the ease of many diseases of the human system. will be supplied gratis on applioation to FREDERICK jaKowii, FIFTH and CREItTIIUT Streets, or FRED ERICK BROWN, Ja., NINTH Ind cfiEsTICUT Streets. CALL AND GET A PAMPHLET. aplS-tf BATOMMOTOBRAIRDTH.---MIS celebrated and perfect Hair Dye itt the best in the world. All others are mere imitations of this great origlnal, which has gained such extensive patronage in all parts of the globe. The genuine W. A. Batchelor's Liquid Hair Dye instant/1r produces a splendid black or natural hro -a, without ataining the akin or injuring the hair. . ani Aid will remedy this ill alects e bad dyes, invigorating the hair for life. 801 d by all Druggists and Perfumers. Wholesale by FAHNESTOOK & CO., DYYNT & CO., Philadelphia. ONE PRICE CLOTHING OF THE LATEST ETrute, made in the beet manner, expressly for TAIL - TAIL SALES. LOWEST selling prices marked in Plain Figures. All goods made to order warranted sansfeeterg. Our ONE-PRICE system is strictly ad hered to. All are thereby treated alike. owl rims & CO.. 604 MARKET atloo. KEYBER—BROWN.—On the 18th inst., by the Rev. Taylor, Mr. ANDREW K.B YRER. Jr to • Miss ATTIN BROWN. both of this nits. THOMEION—BOWMAN.—On the 31st ult., by Rey. J. L. Douglass. M r. Peter B. Thomson to Miee Ls dia D. Bowman all of this pity. Melribl—CASK hY.—ln 'Frank ford. on the 17. h met.. by Rev. lease Gray, Mr, Isaao McKim. of Delaware county. to Miss Hannah Caskey. of the former elsee. CLICKERMAN—MAJOR.—On the 29th ult . by Rev. F. Church. Mr. William B. Clickerman to Mien Linn NW'. both of this atty. NewcomEft—YOUNG.—On the 13th hunt.. by Rev. 3. If. Cathcart, Abraham Newcomer, of Norristown, to Almira Young, of Philadelphia. DIED. MAETIEN.—On the 18th inst.. 'William FL Martian. Funeral will take plane this day (Saturday 1, 20tli Services in the Seventh Presbyter an Chureh. Broad above Chestnut street, at 4 o'clock P. 51. SEIBBRLICG.—SuddenIy, on the 18th inst.. John Ferdinand Seiherlloh. son or Anthony and Vie.oria Seiberlich aged 17years and 6 months. The relatives and friends are respectively invited to attend his funeral, from the residence of his parent& 419 Spruce street. on Mond y morning. 22d. Will leave the house punctual-v at half past eight, without further notice. To proceed to the Trinity Church, Sixth * end Church streets. * BA NEN.—On the 16th inst., Rachel, only daughter of.Fsul and Caroline Bannon, in the .22d 3 ear of her age. Funeral from the residence of her parents. No. 2105 Jefferson street. vest of Twenty-first, on Sunday af ternoon at t o'clock. BARNES.—On the 16th inst., James Barnes, in the 78th year of his age. Funeral from hie late residence, Erinulmret street, Germantown. on Sunday afternoon. at 2 o'clock. • BAs. i ON.—On the ISth inst., Mr. Thomas Barton, aged 83 years. Funeral from his late residence, No. 1511 Burton street. on Sunday morning, at 9 o'clock. BRIT l'Atrl.—ln Camden W. J.,on the 17th Sate. daughter of George D. and Margaret Brittain, aged 14 months. Funeral from the residence of her parents; Carman's avenue. above Broadway, this (Saturday) morrung..at 10 o COULTER the 18th inst., Alderman John Coul ter in the 62d year of hie age. Funeral trom has late residence. 1 9 p, 1332 Rodman BOARD. aid. Askid treat. this ( 3 aturday) afternoon. at 4 o'clock. AL BREIT LL—ln Camden, on the 16th inst., Ales ander Galbraith. in the 45th year of his age. Fluters' from his late residence, corner of Fifth and Federal streets. North Camden, this (B*turday) after noon. at 8 o'clock. lt ILL —On the 17th inst., Mr. Jacob Hill, in the 73d year of his age. Funeral from his late residence, No. 1345 Montgo met y avenue (late Cherry street), Eighteenth ward on hunday afternoon, at 1 o'clock. IluttrEt.L.—On the 16th inst., Andrew R. Howell, in the 21st year of his age. Funeral from the residence of his brother-in-law, MtilliamHolloway. near Baineripor,. Harlington co., N. J. on Sunday afternoon, at 2 o'clock. I{.A.NeL—te the 17th mat Mrs. Margaret Term, *l - of the late John Kane. of Ballyeastle, County An trim, Ireland. Funeral from her late residence. No. 305 Carpenter street, above highth, this (Saturnay ) he 20th. PRE rsOT.—On the 18th inst., Augustus Preget, aged 34ears. Funeral from his late residence, Cherry street. west of Seventeenth, this Saturday 'morning. at 10 o'clock. THA tr M.—On the 17th MAL, Mary Jane, daughter of David and Margaret Therm. in the 4th year of her are. Funeral from the residsnoe itt her parents. No 685 North Thirteenth street, on ;Sunday afternoon, at 2 o'clock. „ THORNLEY.—On the 17th inst., William ThOrnler. in year. . 0 street from his,lsteite-resiamm 1 o'clock. u uhactra Yrth ina no t o ., n 'Frederiedt Ulmok, Jr.. aged 41 years. Funeral from thb...sidenee of hie soother. Mrs. Marsh Chick, Upper Darin' mad near the Garrottord road, limper Darby Township, n..laware county, this (Satur day) afternoon at 2 o cloak. YOUNG. On the 18,h Inst.. Alia* Emma Young. Funeral from the residence of her aunt Mrs. 8. Adams, No. 604 Lombard street, on Sunday afternoon, at 2 o'clock. thINRY SENTOXSI SPECIAL NOTICES. GROPER it BARER'S CELEBRATED NOISELESS SEWING MACHINES. The Beet in Tee for Family Bowing. No. 730 CHESTNUT Street, Philadelphia. auTf-17 MARRIED. TUOURNING STORie, NO. 918 01:1E8T .. 111 NUT Street—BSSSON & SON have just re-' oeived gray mixed Chen° Deimos, 12350 ; Manic and white Pans printed Grenadine Bareeee. WO; Maekibna purple do., 18Xe ; black and purple M. 4 4, Delainas, 18740 ; black liareges,lBXe ; black plaid Thiregee,lBXo; aetzond mourning - Eng , ish Chintzes, lox; Sheens ra Plaid Pod de Chevres, laXe, &n. Alen. black Baregea,c.rape maretz, Crape TalTlMA tans, Bummer Bombazines. Challvs. Beteg° Harntini, or Grenadine nexesss, Camels' Hair namme. sea, hlonsielines. Lawns, and all other goods reultudte of deep lino second mourning attire. awn J. G. MAXWELL & SON invite atten tion to their new and magnificent stock of BILK i3Oßtt Sa'Atil BUTTONS, LA CE TRIMM INGS AND GARNITURES,' RIBBONS, LACES, AND oimPS, of ohoioe styles and qualities. OOMPrieing their own Spring Importations and Manufactures, and their New Yort ee.eatious. S. E. owner CHESTNUT and ELEVENTH Sta. TRUBMING4, SKIRTS. CORSETS , ZEPHYRS, NETS. SHAWL BORDERS. !co. apla-mtheit THE REV. 11. L. HASTINGS. of Pro -11 It. 1.. will preach at National Hall, H.eOW. at 103 f, A. M. eublaat at 3 P.-Nl.—The Good Warfare; 13G evening—lied's Proclamation ot War among the Nations. ELEVENTH. B 3ETIST CHURCH, IN TWRIRTII Street, between Rule and Vote.— '" 'the Christian's Duty in the liner of his Country's Peril." Rev. J. RI T milli on this enbyeyt SAB BATH Evening. It arPIETY AND PATRIOTISM —REV. R. A. CARDS :et will peach on this subject in Ame rican lilleolianios' Fpurth. and George streets, SUNDAY Afternoon. 3i. o'olook. Hell Middle seats reserved for Men. Collection for rentit* of . rrrHANCOCK LODGE, No. 43.1. 0. 0. F. —Whereas, The unsettled condit i on of our country retie. roe the services of her lo• al citizens, and as 11118119 of our brothers have enlisted in her defence: herefore, Resolved, That all of our Brothers who have or mar enlist in the service of the United Mates. obeli be ex onerated front their dues so Log as said service shall last and in case of titaness or aeon, their Wats shall be paid. By o Misr of the Lodge. Attest—MA.lAß HICKS, FecreterY. ifrGREEN -STREET DI E. CHURCH Rev. WILLIAM R. BRISBANE. raster. aril preach TO-MoRROW. (Sunday ' ) at 10% M. and 7% P. M. Subject in the Peening a -"The "'hnotian's Duty in the Present Tune of National Trouble." fry. SPIRITUALISM.—THOS. GALES FOR STER. of Ohio, II Trance Medulla, and a very aluquent Leaturer, will epee*. at flaniiom-street Hall, on BT.JftH AY, at 10.3 i AL and BP. M. Admittance 8 center. /t.* WGEORGE STORRS, OF NEW YORE' Fdutor of "Bate Examiner," will preach 10- S OW, at the Gall. southeast corne clo c k , RING sARDEN and NINTH atreeta. atlo4 o mora inic. and half past T evening . . The puttho are invited.• En" HOME GUARDS "— A MEETING FOR ,11*.z an es c a o rttrc te H:fe_, a kt i r.l o o n r;te w r " ii hi dfill and CAL LID w WILL, htreets. s.t 8 o'clock. All who de sire to join this corps, in defence of the Union, are in vited to attend. Sy order. spats- It* A. M. SPANGLER, SesretaiT. THE LAWFUL. AND COURAGEOUS URW OF 'sit^. 4SWORD "—S. Sermon on this from Luke XI I, 39. wilt be delivered i 0 MOR ROW 1-.VENI" , G. at half.m?. in the - Coates - street Presb yterian Church, near Fourth. by the Factor. Rev. 13. ()ROE DUFFIELD. Soldiens who have ,just en listed,or who are about to do so, are specially invited.* tiIrATTENTION, WHEATLEY LIGHT GoAROS.—'Chu Comm. will assemble et Armory, in the Ltard story of the Fairmount En gin. House,:t Rid MOHNIP46 (5atu107.)519 o'clock A. M. for drill. Per order of the Carmelo. It* JUAN D. GEEilQh,FiretSergeant. THE YOUNG MEN'S CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION iLiF PHILADELPIHAm—Tim redular monthly meeting _will be head on MONDAY EVENING. the 22t1 inst., in the Church in SANSONE et set, below Ninth. et 8 o'clock. The Rev. Nam. P. Heron is the menet. Subject—" Concealment" Members specially requested to attend. StrAngers and the pub is geoarally invited. ap2o-2tr JNO, WANAMAKER, Con Roo. g-A MEETING OF THE STO'CKHOLD RI4 01 the s'LMIRA AND WII.,LIAMSP•tRg AILROAD COMPANY. will be held at heir Office, No. 3tin. W ALN UT Street, Phila - lelphia, on MONDAY, the 29th inst., at 12 o'clock M, for the purpose of re ceiving the Annual Report and accompanying state ment. of the past veer. An election for Pres dent and Mix Managers. to serve for 100 ensuing year. will tie hold from 12 o'clock M. toe P. M...0n MONDAY, May 6th, at the taineilaca. wal. C. LONGBTRETH. Secretary. Philadelphia, April 19th, 1861. a. 50 s to th 129 tqrSTATEMENT OF THE UNION BANE. as required by the second section of the act of eneral Assembly of this Commonwealth, approved the 13th day of Ootober, A. D. 1867. Amount of loans and discounts....— gm 007 02 " spews—. . _ 108 au or it due from Oiher banks-- ..... 90 879 92 of notes in circulation— ...... 49,380 09 deposits. melanins balances due to other banks.. . 347.169 est CITY OF PHILADE LPHIA , 3$ LP7II:S, April 19,1861. : 1. James Lesley, Clothier of the Union Bank, being sworn depose and say that the above statement is cor rect, to the beat of my knowledje and belief. JAMES LESLEY, Cashier. Sworn before me, this 10th day of pril. A. 1/.1851. It JOH. ZIH. FH lCK,NotaryPublie. rr A CIRCULAR, ISSUED IN THE NAME of C.B. Norbert & Co., 121 -south Fourth street. refers to me, among others, as to the in tegrity and ability of the maid C. 8. Colbert & Co to rpm their engatements. &o. I hereby not fy the public that I have no knowledge of the character of their buts ne4a, who oonentute the fi in, or whether their integrity or ability to perform th sir engagements can be relied upon. and that my name wan used with out my kW:rids:sage or ooneera. a,19 3t 2 IC IL HORN, Catonuqua, Pa. MSCHUYLKILL AND SUeQUEHAN2I.4 RAIL KUM , o.—The Annual Meeting and on of the Stockholders of the Schuylkill and Sus quehanna Railroad Company. as required by their !loaner, .will be held at the CON . / INI el TA .1.• H OT.ht, in the city of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, on MON, DAY. May eta. Mel. at rg o'clock". M.. for toe purpose of choosing a President and six Managers to serve for the e peeing year, and shio for the consideration of snob other buebrem =may properly be brousbi before said meeting. FRANK B. BOND. April IS. 1861. feplB-ireve ifeeretalle irrPREACHING in UNION M. E. CHIIR CH. YOU htreet, below arch, To morrow baman& at lOg estook_, br the Pastor, Rev. A. o '. - WOOD. Leonine. by Rev. J. W. KKAMER, EA 7 o'olook. t* rcr S BABSPEARE.—HABILET WILL BE read a.td exuds zed on the a‘ternonne of the 22d, 25th. and 29th met, and of May zd. at life o'clock, at the Asaembiy Enduing. It* SAMUEL M. CLEVELAND. LIFE. DEATH, AND IMMORTALITY. -C —rrofeaeor MORktitT Third Leararelon tinu entot at aagetatd. Building., TENTH. ZIP d C'c.ebT -14 B trderd..To•lllo/1 NOW EVKNING. at 73( o'n'ic. MEW rUMLWATIONS. 4. NEW NOVEL, BY THE AUTHOR OP •` THE tIEMI-DETACHED btOttek." NOW READY, THE SEMI-ATTACHED COUPLE. EDITED EY LADY THERESA. LEWIS. 1 Volume, lemo. Prom $l. Road 'what the English Crities say of it "1 he only novel that has been written in Miss Aus tin's style of which Miss Austin need not have been ashamed."—Saturday Review. .• We haye read very few novels which are sn plea sant as this • Semi-Attached Couple. .t has really none our heart good- It is clever, very elever."—Athenmum. " In light, feminine satire, free from ill-nature, this novel excela."—Rxaminer. "The author delights us with her gaiel, her simple refinement of manner, the happy ease of her mind in portraiture, her wit and Rumor. and her tenAlernees, that never degenerates into sentimentality."—tipeata tor. PHILADELPHIA: J. B. LIPPINCOTT & CO. DOSTON T. 0. H. P. BURNHAM ! PUBLISHER, S W AEHINGTON STIUI-ET. ap2o-2t A NEW ROMANCE MRS• HARRIET BEECHER STOWE. ATLANTIC MONTHLY MAY, 18611 WILL commune AGNES OF SORRENTO ; A new novel by Mrs. IL B, S TOWS, author of the , • filininteegi Wooing," Unole Tom's Cabin," eto. This romance will be continued in every number throughout the year. During, the plosives of the SIMS Mrs. &owe will Mae the influence at the ROMAN CAMatoLIC FAITH noon: the intellectual and moral de velopment of a young tirl. her hemine, in the same meaner and with the same payer with which she de picted in the " Minister's Wooing ," the influence of the rmteatant Faith- AdditiOn to the above, the May number presenta the following TABU OF CONTENTS Rest arid Motion Lights of the English Lake Dia triot ; Pink and Mile ; .Pomegranate-Flowers ; The Ps Ririe Mate ; Concerning Future ). saw, Brother Jonateen'e Lain nt for P inter Caroline ; Original Me morials of M.e. PIO= ; The finger and its Explorers; Reviews and Literary Plotless; ; Recent American Pub lications. TERMS. Three dollars per annum, post-paid to any part of the country. subscriptions may boom with any number. lla k numbers can always be supplied. Otraarros ABRANGEMENTS.—aOheeribefil tOlptiar their monostage. Two copies. Five Dolma: Five comes. Ten Dollars ; Eleven copies, Twenty Dollars, All letters should be addressed to TICKNOR & FIELDS, PUBLISHERS, 135 WASHINGTON Street, Boston. 75 000 VOLUNTEERS WANTED _ _ _ to call at EVANS' Great Gift-Book Em porium, No. 439 uRESTNI.IT Street, and make their selections from an immense assortment of new and timely Publications on Military Tactics. A valuable Present accompanies every Book bought. The Books for study—the Gifts as mementos for rela tives and friends. In 'Down there is strength! Fall in lithe Forward, march GILWANPA MANUAL FOR VOLUNTEEREI AND M un't A. 1 vol. eli2 80. A want long felt among our Volunteers and Militia has been supplied in the presen tation of Dilnam's Manual. Besides containing every thing that may be neoeiwary for mere tactio".l timn, it also embraces much valuable instruction on va rious other subjects of equal importance with testiest subjects that few mho have not been regularly trained in the military ISTV , OO are (amibar with The thou sands of our yours g Map wbo are eager for the coming fray should not fail to acquire all available miiitary knowledge. HARDEE'S RIFLE n.raD LIGHT INFANTRY T aCTLCS. Designed (or the Exercise and Mau wawa!! of Troops when acting as Light Infantry or Kinsmen. 2 vole. $l5O. This work has an prepared under the direction of the tilted States war Department. and is issued In a neat. convenient form, well bound and pro • uteely illustrated. . CAVALRY TACTICS. Also published by order of the War, Department. 3 vols. 313.75 The many enco oduntstettow=d on this volume have not been unme - rued. it convey. its instructions in such a clear, plea sant style as to make it a favorite with even those who do not wish to use it braebeallY. McOLELL AND'S BAYONET EXERCISES. I vol. el 23. This Ma manual of superior merit in its speci alty of military amenoe. Lise the works yrevmaelv mentioned, it comes to us by authority of" Uncle Sam." who certainly wooldmot present his heirs with anything of questionable excelience. . . miIiTAV R AILKE) extant. tether a collection o tenuous Publioations, at the Publisher's lowest prices. Gift worth from sla cents to $lOO presented with every - Book. Boldiere, °Amens, every body, turn in at tiFit/ROFE 6. E , TANB' Illammoth Gift Book Establienment, 439 elfEisTl4l.l.l" atreet. L . IEUT. GEN. WINFIELD SCOTT'S A—A ABSTRACT OF INFANTRY TACTICS, in chiding FXOICIPIIII and Melocenvrea of Light Infantry and Riflemen for the use of the Militia of the United Published by the - Department of War, under the au thority of an Aot of Congress of the 2a of march. law. New edition. containing 90 fine illustrations. Bent by mail on rem eipt of /5 cents, free of postage. Published by M A RKETO h.. CO., ay9o-3t - 430 Street, Phila. %ME PITH AND MARROW OF -EVE .S. RY BUDLECT connected inch the WAR will be found in APPLETON'S NEW CYCLOPEDIA. $3 per vol. JOIINc KARL AN. Asent, 33 South OIXTEI Street'. New subsoribers can have one vol. se ved monthly, and all the new boos' of the dm,' at 20 Ph.D. CENT. DiI3COIINT. ap2o-2t TO BUSINESS MEN.-MERCHANTS, Manufaoturera, inventors. and all who have Wares. Inventions, Lands, or anything else to sell. most advertise if they expeot to find purchasers, and we believe there is no other advertising HWIIIIII so good as THE NEW YORK TRIBUNE. Its circula tion is largely in advance of any other newspaper. An advertieement inserted in all its editions will reach nearly two hundred and ninety thoneand subscribers, and more than half a million readers. RATI! , OF *EVERTITINO IN THE NEW TORE DAILY EMI= Ordinary Advertisements, classified tinder appropri ate heads 10 cents per line eaoh insertion, or Two Dol lars per line per month. LEADED ADVERTISENIENS—SIXTEEN CENTS a line. FANCY DISPLAYED ADVERTISEMENTS Double rates. SPECIAL NOTICES—First Page—FlIfTEEN CENTS a live each insertion. Nothing inserted for lees than SEVENTY-FIVE CENTS eaoh insertion. BUSINESS NOTICES—Fourth Page, before the leader—TlMM CENTS a line each insertion. Nothing inserted for lase than Wen Dom.sa each insertion. IN CITY ll:GAlel—Prefixed by the word [Advertise ment)—Tnnrry CENTS a line each insertion. Nothing inserted for less than ONIS DOLLAR eaoh insertion. ABOUT NINE WORDS AVERAGE A LINE. - - The circulation of THII DAILY TAIIIIINE ie now over 50,000 oopiee, and le one of the beet mediums for City SEMI-WEEKLY TRIBUNE. ORDINARY ADVERTISING-Twzny-FivE CENTS a line each insertion. I TED4I-lAdverbeement7—Firry Came a line each insertion. THE WEEKLY TRIBUNE. ORDINARY ADYERTISINO—DI.2S a line each in station. ITE ei—ln the News Column. prefixed by 'word [Ad vertisernent]—el SO a line eaoh insertion. Nothing inserted for less that e 5. No lees by the quarter or year. That advertisers may iudge of the va'ue of THE TRIBUNE as an advertising medium, we append a taMe of its cironlation April 10, 1551.. Circulation. New York-- 101 631 ' Penuaylvania-...... 26 000 4 'hi021.900 111in0i5......:....... 1607 Indiana...-...,._._., 11.081 Wisconsin— 10 96 lowa- -........... 119+8 MasetteanaettS 9.827 Michigan-- —.. 9,901 Maine.. ....::..a......,.. 10.10 flonnecticut 10,768 Vermont—. 10 627 Cali ornist 5 515 New Hampshire— 6 573 New Jersey. 6,806 Minne50ta............ 3,611 Kansas ." 2.173; 151and :.,..... Rh0de laland.. - 2 629 Canada . 1,885 Missouri 744 741 Maryland —......_ 811 Nebraska.- .. 535 - 291 Kentucky.- 24C [NoPs.-The above table gives a somewhat too large circulation in the State of New York. with a cor responding deficiency elsewhere-the copies token by Newsmen, which we do not know to be sent to other States, being incsluded in this State. Address, THE TRIBUNE, apligeno No. 15 t NASSAU Street, New York. cc G ET A GOOD PHOTOGRAPH, WHILE YOU ARE ABOUT IT."—You get a gnperior Colored Photograph for kl, Asnbra7aaa at allwhim!. at REIMER'S Gallery, SECOND Street. above Green. See the Life -Size Photographs in Oil- It* .EPIIRATA MOUNTAIN SPRINGS, LANCASTER COUNTY, PENNA. Bon. Joseph Konigmacher, the late Proprietor of this tavorite summer resort. having Well' died. the subscribers, Executors of Ins will. have leased the es tablishment for the coming season to Col. it. C. ft LAY MAKER, mho has been an assistant at this place for the last six years, and. we believe. favorably known to oil the visitors. Thanking the patrons of the plass and the public generally for the liberal patronage hereto fore extended to the late Proprietor, they respeorfully solicit a continuance of the same to his worthy sue- COMM. r DAM KONIGMACRER. WM. GaItEhNTER., Executors. Ilavini Mimed the above named place, and Mr. M.U.RisifittAßD. who has been an assuitant at the Cor ona for some years. the undersigged ..111 opea tor manors the day of June, Hi lip end haPas that his own, as wen an ter. Reinharolklong convection With the Symms. together with bis determination to con duct there, in every department In their usual mom ar way, and, as near as pout, le, with tea same &mem mooating servants, will be a guarantee to the patrons of the place , as we ll as the public, generally, that the swings will nterittheir continued patronage. FOT further particulars and Munger, please gall on J0*....8...M.,Y5K0l corner of TatiaD and inetb ate. ; Mr.linilf 4 HAßTl. at the listen Hotel. ARCH Street, tilt June let; or, address C. ar j AynAgica. Ephrata P. On Latnouter county, femme CONTINUATION CLOAKS, MANTILLAS, J. W. PROCTOR & Co., The Stook coneiete of— SPRING CLOAKS, ENGLISH. TWEED CLOAKS, SILK CLOAKS AND SACQUES, SILK MANTILLAS. MANTILLAS, LACE FLOUNCINGS, FRENCH LACE MANTILLAS. FRENCH LACE POINTS. FRENCH LACE BOURNODX, TRAVELING SUITS, FLOUNCING LACE!, DRESS AND CLOAK TRIMMINGS, Ito., &0., All is immense variety, and to be sold at about FOR THE BENEFIT OF CREDITORS To facilitate sales, and enable purchasers to make prompt aeleotiona, ALL GOODS will be marked in PLAIN FIG DIMS. Special attention is called to this Bale i Great induce ments, as to prices, are offered, in order to close outthe entire Stook. NEW MANTILLA STORE. SILK MANTILLAS, In every new style. the richest qualities ever seen. at the elegant New Store, 25 SOUTH TENTH STREET. HOUGH & CO. aplo-En EYRE & LANDELL, FOURTH AND ARCH Have an assortment of SHAWLS SHAWLS SHAWLS SHAWLS SHAWLS SHAWLS To snit the Net-Cash Trade. STELLAS, FROM LOW TO FINE. BRAWLS, OF ALL PRIDES. BLACK SILK SHAWLS, ALL GRADES. THIBET BRAWLS, MODES AND BLACKS. nplQ-dt•wfakmws EYRE & LANDELL ' Are prepared to east NET-CASH B DYERS NET-CASH BUYERS NET-CASH BUYERS WITH FINE LINE OF DRESS GOOD& FINE LINE OF DRESS SILKS. FINE LINE OF BLACK SILKS. FINE LINE OF MOZAMBIQUE& aplo-6t-wfs&mwe MANTILLAS. MANTILLAS. OPENING DAILY, AT P CAMPHRTiIfiS, No. 1124 CHESTNUT STREET. In his large and ELEGANT STOCK will be found the richest display of MANTILLAS, 1N SILK AND FANCY CLOTHS, 103-.lnt EVER MADE IN THIS. CITY. PLAID SILKS, PLAID SILK POPLINS Just received from New York. Asok and White, Brown and White, Bla - and No'hoe. heher desrable colors of nck sllks„ a i t 136.34, 6234. and 65c. FANCY OILKeI AT RADUCED PAICEB, In order to cone teem out in season. VERY CHEA P BLACK RUM Small Plaid Gray Silk Pc_pplins. Chintz Fie'd Gray tsilit Pontine, at Oa. _Rich Pied Grettedines,_alfoolors NEW STYLE nILK AND uLOTH GOATS. H. sTio & oCIN, No. 713 North ThANTII Street, above Coates, aro2o-tf WRING CLOAKS, IN ENDLESS VA rietT. at IVENS'. mh3l-1m -SOR l ntra (LOANS. IN EVERY NEW style,at i r ua.v . =h2l-1m No. 9,3 S. Nocith street.. SPR,Hiti CLOAKS, THE CHEAPEST ever aeen, at IVENS', rah2l-Irn No. 23 S. Ninth street. NEW STYLE CLOAKS, isiVERY NEW 1 - - I style, every new material. at prices that astonish every one, at the large store, li. E. corner of Eighth awl Walnut atreeti. mit.9l-1m ei,LoAKis —Wholesale Merchants are in "l6-1 vited to inepect the stook at CITY OLOAK STORE, NO. 142 N. Eighth street, above Cherry, are now selling every new style of the season, superb qualities, in every new shade of color, cheaper than any other store in the city. mh2l-ini E. O. THOMPSON, MERCHANT TAILOR, N. E CORNER WALNUT AND SEVENTH BT., AMMONS a Now Mak of FINE SPRING AND SUMMER MATERIALS. FOR GENTLEMEN'S WEAR, Conciating in part or very desirable Myles of super French and English Melton CLOTHS, COATINGS. CASSIMERES, &c., selected with especial care and reference to the wants of a DISCRIMINATING AND FASTID OUB CUB rub He offers the following inducements for * Tour pa tronage: Good .Material, a redact liniment, and Punctuality and Precision in the execution of al orders. INSPECTION IS RESPECTFULLY INVITED. apl3-tuthe-2m April 30,1861. Circulation Tennessee .... 124 Delaware 169 Distrust ofColiimiiia 356 Washington Ter'y— 171 Utah Territory— Nova !cons— ...... 30 Louisiana— 30 North Carolina-- 52 42 Georgia 86 South Carolina...—. 23 21 Florida.— ..-- 10 19 New Mexico. 6 ;Cherokee Nation..... 5 Dekota Terricor7. - • 16 Foreign ..... 352 Arsons oloredn. 139 New BrunsWiek...... 16 Total— --...2b7,750 F TII GREAT SALE LACES, TRIMMINGS, &c., In liquidation of the Estate of 706 CHESTNUT STRE E T ONE-IfALF TUE USUAL PRICEB, PARIS MANTILLA EMPORIUM, 708 CHESTNUT STREET. The most splendid SILK MANTLES in the *NY HOUGH 84 CO., 25 F 013TH TEETH STREET. IVENS'. Pio. 23 Eolith NINTH Street, corner of Jayne et., mh2l-1m Betwoan Market and Obeetnut. MERCHANT TAILOR MILITARY CLOTHING. UNIFORMS FOR THE DEFENDERS OF THE UNION. CHARLES ILARKNESS, WHOLEIYALE CLOTHIER, No. 668 CHESTNUT street. le fully prepared to execute, on the shortest notice, and to any extent, all orders for Military Clothing. The Superintendent of this Establishment having had moo expenenoe in the manufaotnre of every style of uniform, parties may rely on having their or ders filled with entire entusfeetion, and at the lowest rates. CHARLES HARKNESS, ap 9.6 t No. 608 CHESTNUT Street. FIREARM S IMPROVED BREECH-LOADING FIRE-ARMS, GALLAGER'S PATENT, ENDORSED BY B, B. GOVERNMENT. MANUFACTORY, 1121 BEACH STREET We are now prepared to receive orders to support the STARS AVID STRIFES SAFES LILLIE'S SAFE DEPOT REMOVED to No . ol South SEVENTH Street, near the TlLle i tildgi i gnird, thankful for pan; favors, and being determined to merit future patronage, bee secured an elegant and oonvenlept store, and has now on head a large assortment of Lillie's Celbrated Wrought and Chilled Iron Fire and Burglar p roof Safes, (the only strictly fire and burglar proof safes made.) Also, Lil lie's Unequalled Bank Vault, Safe, and Bank Loots. liankVault Doors and Looks will he furnished to order on short notice. Thin is the strongaet, best protected, and cheapest Door and Look yet onered. Also, partieular attention in called to Lillie's New Cabinet Safe for Plate, Jewelry, Ito. Thin Safer ie ow, cede; to su rpass in style and elegance anything yet of ered for th is purpose, and is the only one that /i strict /1 fire and burglar proof. SPECIAL PiCnICE.—I have now on hand say twenty of Farrel, Herring, Jr.. Co.'s Safes, most of them nearly complete some forty of other makers, OclcPcillllE a assortment m to sisal, and all lately ex changed for the now Celebrated Lillie Safe. They will be midst very low prioee. Please mil and examine. lens-lyif DI. O. SADLER.. Agent. EvANs A WATSON' SALAMANDER SAFES. 'TOILE 304 CHESTSIU_T STREET, .P.IIII.ADELPUIA PA. lar A ge variety of FIRE-PAOOF SAFES away h.. d.mad. FOR SALE—A Gray MARE, Rar itan and Bugs- • = TO 8 is a. A draws Bost 1910 Pout r .4 " old ; Palle OW7-4 COMMISSION HOUSES BLUE KERSr.^,YS AND CLOTHS, ' Suitable for Military or Naval purpoese, For alb bY FROTHINGHAN Si WELLS, avia-itif 35 LETITIA STREET WA.NTS. A LADY WISDES AN ENGAGEMENT A , in a Private Family or School ; she is fully com petent to teach the French ..Language, Music, and the common branches of an ' , min& Education. References of a Ann respectability men. Address " J. 21.." B,x 2138. nth9-33t* WANTED—A Business Man, a native of a stave State, to travel in the South and make collections._ None but those who can give ample scou r] ey and .anfactory re ierencee will receive attention. Address' Iron2' at this office. 1418 30. WANTED—A Lad to do Errands. Ad dress " T," Press office. ap9- tf WANTED----AGENTS to sell PACKA GES of STATIONERY and JEWELRY, at prices one third tee, than can be purchased elsewhere. Call on or address (stamp encloser° .1. L. BAILEY. No. 104 COUR T Street, Boston. Mass. mh26-3m SIPLOY ERS WANTING YOUNG ar men, &e., are invited to address the " Employ ment- Committee," at the Rooms of the Young Men's Chnetis.n Association, 1009 and 1011 011.SSTNUT Street. ap3.6m RPEOIAL PARTNER WANTED.—A P-7 I/Tr-Coeds Commission llouse of many years etanding, and with m et desirable connections, wishes to lorm a !menial partnership with some person who can contribute to the amount of $69,000. Please address Box pee Philadelphia Post Office. ap9 12t* A-- MERIOAN SOBOUL INSTITUTE L EWA SLIMED If4s—To supply Families and &Armin with the best Teachers. To aid i Bachers to suitable appintments. To buy and aelt school properties on commission. To give parents information of good mohools. G. 8. WOODMAN & COMPANY, (Late Smith. Woodmau, & } 596 BROADWAY, New York. mh9 mws-2m 25 South SIXTH Street, Philadelphia. FOR SALE AND TO LET. IIERMANTOWN. - -40R SALE OR TO `IA rent, a desirable Cottage Residenae, with stable and cost& house, and little lot of ground, situate on Daelea lane, east of Main street, adjoining reindeer's of Jeremiah Reeks'', within flee minutes' walk trent either steam or horse railway. HOW* has parlor, diring-room, two kitchens, and all the modern con veniences; lot prettily Gaud out with trees, shrubbery, &a. .T. M. GUM bY & HUMS, ap2o.2t* 020 WALNUT Street. - POR dALE or Exchange for City Pro m- perty—A fine Trent of Land, containing about 402 acres, in Monroe township, Wyom ng county. Penna. Apple to J. D. RtMel BOTH, ap2o 3t* 4106 WALNUT Street. mi TO LET - 110IME, 521 OA JAY Wtreet. Bent $3O Der month Key nest door. it.* fa go Ist , HOUSE No. 37 South MaLSIXTErIaIi Street. Rent SIM per month Ke.l 110 XL door. it Rs FOR SALE A BARGAIN—The new 11-DLEttor e and Dwel'ing Ronne, corner of EVERE t'T and TW ba,FT H. streets, be•ow Chr,stian. Lot 18 feet front. Only $9OO wanted. The balance can remain on mortgage. Apply to J. D. REINBOT St H, ap2O-St• 438 WALNUT reet. in TO RENT WITH FURNITURE.—A =9.handeome ROUSE, with every modern conveni ence, in Arch street, west of Seventeenth. Apply to. A. I'. & J. H. MORRIS, ne2o-1m 916 AMC!, Street. ge TO LET—AT CHESTNUT BILL, Miiiirond Mansion Mouse, with a large stable and grounds. on SUMIITT Rtreet, first house from the atm nue. Apply to B. BOWLBY, broaer, 230 WALNUT Ocreet, b,olr. sp2 I -St VOR RENT—Two fine houses to rent, ten miles from the city, situated• in Roxborongh a fine. health, location ; Rent SICO. Apply at No. sill AIoRKRT Street. apIP 3t* -0-1 FOR SALIE—A EIOUFE and LOT, desirably loontcd on 1 1 4AIN Street. BurlinKton. N. J. ADD!! to WM. M. 0 0 1.14M5, tiOto IYLINOft Street. rhil.doiois. WOOLM.A.N. MAIN etrort, Harlington. Or to aplB-thsto'24t* N A TO LET-HOUSE 140.120 ARCH ST., DEL below Peoond. with good back buildings. gas, bath, range, hot and cold water. api9-4t* a TO RENT. The large Dwelling SUL Roue, N 0.416 south FIFTSFI , ITS Street. ply to J. 81ata4ANT PxlOE, No. Sl3 ARCH Street. avlB-12t BOARDIA G. P L E.a. SANT FURNISHED Lodging Ja• Rooms for Gentleman. with first-elan Board, at No. 226 Routh BROAD Street. apto-2t* rilWO PLEASANT ROOMS, ONE single vacant, with board. N 0.16713 WALNUT Street. aplo-12t. SPRING MILLINERY. j MRS. E. JACOBS, No. 212 NORTE! WAIL EIGHTH Sweet. will open a FASHIONABLE THURSDAY, OF SPRING MILLINENY. on THURSDAY, April Mb. lm MRS. M. S. BISHOP, 1016 CHEST NUT Street. he+received adhowe assortment of PARIS MILIAN SKY for the Spring. mh29lin a t MISSES O'BRYAN. 914 CHESTNUT Street will open PART! fiIILLIDIRRY for the Spring, en THURSDAY. April{ mh26-Im^ AGRICULTURAL. LANDRETH'S WARRANTED GAR- D liEhDlif,—For sale D. 'ANDREI% & SON. Agricultural Warehouse, lt* Pros. 21 and on kWh. MTh Street. sis FLOWER SEEDS, in boxes, contain ing 26 select varieties. Price 81, or by the angle paver. D. L kNoite:TD & SON. It* ' Nos. 21 and 23 South eIX ru Street. L.AISVILOPur , u-oßar FAME INSURANCE COMPANY, No. 406 CHESTNUT Street. FIRE AND INLAND INSURANCE. DIRECTORS. &Otte W. Day---..?f Day. & Matiaok. Samuel Wright—.—. Wright Bros & Ce. D. B. Barney.--.. Davis & Birney. Henry Lewis Bros & Co. C. Richardson........." J. C. Howe & Co. Samuel T. Bodine.. .—Pres t Wyoming Canal CoMn/Y. Jrio. W. Everman—of J. W. Everman lc CO. Geo. A. West— " West & Fobee. T. S. Martin "Savage , Martin, &. Co. 0. Wilson kw. E. D. Woodruff-- .of Sibley, Molten, & Woodruff. .Ino. Hessler. MS Green street. BEOBGE W. DAY,Prepidont. FRANCIS N. - BUCK, Vroe President, WILLIAMS I. BLANCHARD. Secretary. i+22-Ctf ANTHRACITE INSURANCE COMPA XT.—Authorised Capital 11400.000--CHANNER PERPETUAL. °Moe Ito. 311 WALNUT Arrest, between Third and Fourth direst, Philadelphia. This Company will insure against loss or damage b) fire, on Buildings, Furniture. and Merchandise scow rally. Also, Marina fulminates on treseeln, CIarMLBS. and Preside. Inland 'Enuring. to all parts of the lime& Jacob Esher. PULEVI° Jose iM ph Maxfield, 11, Luther. John Ketcham , Aadennel. John R. filakigten. Davi. Pears**. Wm. F. Dean, Peter ninon J. J.i. Banm. JACOB EBNER, President. WM. F.DEAM. visa President. W. Al. 511111 . Beoratarr. svg4-II SAVING FUNDS. S AYINGR FUND-UNITED STATES TRUST COMPANY, corner THIRD and CHEST NUT Streets. .INTERESE FIVE I TE _ _ 4 OXII4 !Minden JAMES R. RUETER, Secretary and Treasurer. Office honrs, from 10 until 3 o'clock. This Company is not Joined in any application to the Legislature. fee A MERICIAN SAYING FUND, 8. E. cor ner WALNUT and FOURTH Streets, continues to receive deposits and nay_ on sums on demand MI It has always done. ALE XAISKER WHILLDIN. ?middens. inWler. IWYLents. 'hammerer. itl9•lftf LOST AND FOUND. - - - LOST -Fine Coupons No. 206, 207, 250, 209. and 298. due Jan. 1888, time of the county of Allegheny to the Pittsburg and Connelsvilte Railroad. Aliberat reward will be oven for the return of the name to rhisty E North DDLNTUN. LEGAL. IN THE ORPHANS' COURT FOR THE CITY AN)) opypigLozpiptLDELPlllA. The Auditor appointed by the Court to audit. settle, And adjust the Wilt and final aoonunt of Isaac MUL LEN and JOEII4 R. Mc URDY Rxeoutors of the laet will and testament of JAr. V .RILEY. dec'd., and to report dietribution of the balance in the hands of the sooluntanta. will meet the parties interest Pd. for the purpnsee of hiss ppointment, on W Earl Y May 1.1881, at 4 o'clock P. M., at his office. No. 139 South FIFTH Etreet, in the city of Philaoelphis. aide stuth-6t THOS. GREaff BATIK, Auditor. F ILE MANUFACTORY, 211 NEW STREET. File and Raape 'of every description. and rond quality. made to order, at the above eatabliebitient. WHOLESALE and RETAIL, at manufacturer's prioee. Remitting done in a superior manner. anl-d6m B. SMITH. UNITED STATES PENSION OFFIOF N-1 --The office for Tray Log ,pensione has; been RR MoVED to No. 4 9 WALNUT Otteet. mooed story 011ie hours from 10 to 2 &Moak. E. ROULIOIO. eel& 6r, Pension Rant. tiUll3 ERN BBIPM YIN TS. ir•-7 Certificates attaabed to Invoicee of Goode for the Southern Confederacy, by DAVID B. BIRNEY, Commissioner of Deeds for South Carolina, Alabama, Georgia. Mississippi. Texas, Florida, and Louisiana. null 10t-if EiLNIG blztlß't MAN °FACTO:Ea.—J. W. SCOTP, 014 CHESTNUT Street, a few doors; below the Contnental." The attention of Wholama. Dealers ie invited to hie IMPROVED CUT OF SHIRTS. of superior fit. make. and material. on hand and male to order at ehortent notion. Dell4l WRITING AND LEDGER PAPERS.- We have now on hand, and are manufacturing to order, at the Mount ktolly Paper Mills, every de eormtion of WRITING AND LEDGER PAPERS, which for color and quality, are not excelled by any other Mills in the United States. We would cad attention to a new article of Paper manufactured by us, and now for sale, celled Business Letter. which hes been gotten no to meet the wants of Mantels men and others, who object to Commercial Note as beig n too n arrow, and do not wish to use part Of =nal letter shee. This overcomes both the above objections ; is a per fect sheet, pure wove ; plate finish ; ruled on one side ; stamped in centre near the top ; made from best ma terial, free from adulteration, and put up in neat boxes, convenient for use. We also have a paper called Bank Letter, similar to the above, except It has but halt the number of lines on, so as to allow a printed blank or heading above. REIM ?TUN & Mulaarit menial Holly Syringe, Cumberland Co., a. The above Papers can be had of Messrs. J, LP: PIPICOTT & M., and MECIARGED BRQTIII--KA-- Pim 3 and P DECATUR ahem. mhB-11m R. SHOEMAKER 8.3 Co.. GLASS. PAINTS. OILS. AND VARNIONEE Niatkrad °ergo FOOD= suit sari atcseis" .. ' del+ 4. Wiquot, Lallemand. Doom thspe. end on of Re Venoge & Co.'s Chem alma. for by IA URFA/VI:1E & CARSTA IRO. Solt and 204 South FRONT Street. B.—Ordens for the direct importation of en of the N. above brands will be punctually attended to. 698 Quip Plinfrare, BEST Alelvaziaar4ST fl the CUT. at 34 South THIRD Mast. ACAD'MY OF at P E R A.— LAST NIGHT OF THE SEASON {criTtlti It TI • Vtfilloat, April 27), LAS" NIGHT OF Uhl SEASON. POSIT' V eLY LA T TI Mfr Of Verdi's latest end most celebrated work, UN RAL. 0 IN meta 'HERA, (The Masquerade Balla Which achieved an immecedented triuirph on its first production, on Thnradag evening. cos •HON—Amain. KLF,Y—The Pege. PHIL! IP B—Ulrica. BRIG , 01,1—Rinardn. ARDAVAR Rl—tr snarl°. HARM' and PUBREUL. Director and Condantor...-......--.Sig. MAIZIng In the Bal Masque e'en' A n.g..W GRAND GA' 0 ExPresst. °mewed for this Opera. b. sit. Muzio. will be introduce° and danced by the Gorps de naliet and Visitors. WOW TO THE PATRONS OF THE OPERA. The management respectfully recess , suoh of its Pa trons as may wish te participate m the masquerade ball, to make anomalies at the b .x office for cards of admission. whine Will be supplied wit. out any eddi t oval charge, as also ma.lis and dominoes to en are unprovided. The sole entrance to the stag. wilt be by the pass door. through the Omen Room, front the front of the house. AMERICAN ACADEMY OF MUSIO. MARK FIBLER'S GRAND PA R.RIVELT. CO ,VCE RT. a HO Haliair Apral2a, lost, The following celebtated Artiste have volunteered their Nervioes: Alla CAROLINE. RICHINGS, The diet nguished American Prima Donna. att. T i HOP, The popular hnglish Tenor. MR. A. BIRGFKLD, His first aopeeraine At the Aotteemy Baritone -7 1 Inalifilifiri 8010 Violinist CAR[ WOLFSOHB* The eminent hairet The time - honored MAENNNR.CFLOIR of SOCIETr. Under the directione aPI` bug fold. Vic, and a o ORO ts WO RA OP REV dNTY PEO.FORNIFRP: Including the three - 1 . 0.s of our principal Minimal Socie ties. and the beet instramentiatits in our 031 Y. Leader. Aar nimon Howler. Conductor.....Thecdore Thorne', The Concert will : filth the grand national song of " THE BVAR-BPANGLRD BANNER," Pang by Miss Riehings. With a powerful Cho - us and the Grand Orchestra. Doors open at 7; to commence at S. ieketii — Parcuette, Parcuette Circle, Weeny, and Boxes 60 cents Seats secured without ex'ra charge, at the Academy, from It A. M. to 4P. . and at serk & Lawton's. and Andre & co.'s Music .I.tores, Chestnut street. Upper Tiers Me. .entrance on Locust street, ap2O fit WHEATLEY & OLARHE'S AROH-ST ' I IIFATHE. BENEFIT OF THE WHEATLEY GUARD. THIES (N IV A C TUTg e M ar i4 l 2§At ra imil ad. The performance will commence with rHE DRame,nBr. .arterwinch,th e y e ry laughable comedy of TURNING THE T +BLEB. To conclude with the thrilling dr/na or THE coRPENTEH OF EOUEIC WALNUT-STREET THEATRE. ir IF Bole Lessee—. —Mrs. K. A. GARB ETTBON Otago Manager Mr. FPM. A. OE a1.".1.5. Dimness Mr. „lOC. D. MDR PM/. TEM OSATIJKDAY) - kVail/10, April NI The Performanoe to cornmetto. With dEI.t.E ; OR, Tisk; PIG aT. , DANGER*. Mine Caroline Rictungs ; Godfrey, Mr. Etchings. To conclude with LOVE IN '76. - - SCALN of PRICBB.—I ress circle (seats meowed with out extra charge.) 60 orate; parquet, (mate secured at 40 emus.) 3734 emits ; family Errata. 26 cents ; private boXOB, ac anti OD orohestra, 70 orata, Doors open at 7 o cloak ; curtain will rise at 736 a'alook. BIieDONOUGH'S OLYMPIO.-( LATE GAIETIES) RACE Street, below rtord Ario HER TRIUMPH IN SCENIC ART. UNCLE NAM'S G C TER ['PAN. THE BIKTit OF THE Etril TERPLY IN THE BOWEtt OF FERNS) Acknowledged by the entire Press of Philadelphia. end enthused by over 130,000 Persons, as the most beautiful epeotame ever proonoe LA d. TE EVENING THE SEVEN SISTERS, AND UNCLE SAM'S MAGIC LANTERN. Produced at a cost of Wee. Aamounon—Pareuctre, 70 cents; Orchestra, ; Fa a ily Cal:W.l6o; Fnvate Box Seats, SW. Doors ova , - at 6% oPolook: commencing at TIGGA LIBRARY'S SIXTH GRAND BALL .—To be given at the NATIONAL O . IIARD'a HALL, on MONDAY MV r NINe. April 32, 1861. FRANKLIN W. Rt• AD, Master of Ceremonies. • GEOFIGE Bra% Secretary. BEICIA.4It4 W, , onnausa. Treseurer A BEL Jb 13 1Z IA A 1) ' 8 STEREOPTICON I ASSENIBIX OUILDINGS. - LAST SERIFS Of these Popular Entertainments. cosmopoLrrA PRI *KAM 51E, AID NEW VIEWS EACH EVCNI3IO. Adults:lion 213 ciente. Children. 18 cent'. Doors open at Li( : continence at 3 o'clock. rdATiNEE Wi-DA ESDAY AND SATURDAY ONLY Commencing at. three o'clock. al)/15-6t C _ PP: CERT HALL, CHESTNUT STREET, above TWi.ILiFTD. MON I) April 12, 1851. MON DAY. April 22,1661, And every Evening during 'he Weelc, PROP h.RSOR .J. U. AND SR ON- JR., " Z ARD OF TH E iD." In big NEW and POPULAR ENTERTAINLAI vNT in Ni r,CII A %MAL, PRYhiCAL and NATURAL, MAGIC. entitled Tv% 0 BOVA'S OF ILLUS ONS. The Great RIOT 0 4 `A, ROPE EAT. which ban met with no much ti VP • RNIETRICIAL 81.1CUESiii wil. be .ntrodnaed; also, many new sperm:mute PIA AIISTr... MISS F. AiND no0" 1 . Grand frindlGAL AIATINiii; or APR Ed MIDI MAGIQUE.on SA VUE DAY. April 27 at9P.M. Admission 25 Lento. Reserved beats 20 cents. PARLOR F N TERTAINM FNTS. lIAMBIJJ ER the BOVA iitV I Z ARD• and 81G. BODOLPRO! At CHICKRUING liaLt., 827 CHR•TNUT Street, comm.noine MO Da Y. April 15 and continuing every Eve inn. at 8 o'clock. mild Wed.,erday and Saturday at 2 P.M. Admittance 250. ; Children ha.f price. See nro gramme's. apls-st* SANFORD'S OPERE HOOF, ELEVEN ER STREET. OPEN FOR THir. SEASON. NEWLY DECORATED AND PAINTED. MR. SANFORD Ras seenred one of the LARGEST COMPANIES ever presented heretofore who will appear nightly. Sanford sill perform every evening. Doors open at 7 ; Commence at TM. Admission 25 ciente. Children 15 denM. rrIHE G4i &MANIA ORCHESTRA GIVE 1 their PUBLIC REHEARSALS every Pt ATUR PAY. commencing at Sfi &cloak. at the MUSICAL FUN') BALL. 8 tickets $1; single tickets, 20 cents. for sale at Chmkering & SOT Chestnut street; Audre's.llol Chestnut street; and Beak 8c Lawton'e. Chestnut street. _Enesements for Concerts. Commecompu... par_ riario at.'re, - North Juniper street, or C. Drank man, 110 -avenue. Ja3l praiNA. ACADEMY OF THE FINE J.- ARTS. The Aoad.my is now closed friths public for a short time, in order to make preparations for the spring ex. hibitions, whif will open on MONDAY, the 22t1 of April. spi-tf THE TURF. 4 s t l z $4,150.00 IN PREMIUMS /LT SUFFOLK PAIL PHILAPEI,PHIA. ay 1, MU—Puree of 31.100—Free for all Mortice owned in the State of Pennsylvania ; best 3 in 6 to Harness May 9. 1861 — Purse o f s76o.—Free for all 'forges ouri ed in the Mate of Pennsylvania; beat S in 6 to Wason. May 14. 1861—Purse of 13180.—Free loran Horses that have never trotted better than 2.40; beet 3 in 6 to . Earnese. • Same day—Purse of 41100.—Free for all Homes that have never trottedbetter than 2.45; beet 3 in 6 to May 75—Puree of WOO.—Free for *ll Horses that leave never trotted be ter time 2.36 to Harness' best 3 to 6. 11 , 1116 day—Furae ot 5100.—Free for all Soma chat never have trotted better than 63.40; best 3 in 6 to W 5.2011. May 16--Pnrse of 8300.—Free for all" Green "Horses that hove never trotted in public ; beet 3 in 6 to Ramose Mav 17—Puree of 411130.—Free for all Horses that have never trotted better than 2.40.2 miles and repeat to Hareeee. - flame day—Purse of Il6o.—Free for all fiVe-yeer old Gone ; beet* in 0 to Herneee. May 22—Puree of 131260 —Free for all Homey owned in the State of Pennsylvania. 2 miles and repeat to saddle. Three or more Entrlee to make a Race. The above y ntriee wfil 'maturely o one on the 26th of Apra with 10 per nett. at Jaueoey & Goodin's Western Hotel, Sii6 MARKET Street. above Eighth street, at 9 o'clock P. M. nil entries meat be sealed. and will positively close as above mentioned tries moat baditedted to D. F. WARD. apU dtap2s* Proprieter of buffo k Perk. MEDICINAL JAYNE'S ALTERATIVE. It is an established fact that a very large ohms of dis eases can only be cured br suoti remedies as will enter into the blood. and oirculate with it through every por tion of the body, for only by this means can the remedy be brought into immediate contact with the disease. To obtain this desirable end, no preparation hat ever been so uniformly , sucoesaful as DR. D. JAYNE'S ALTEEATIVb. SCROFULA, BEM DI3EABEth CANCER, ERYSIPELAS, GOITRE, RHEUMATISM, DROPSY, }PILEPBY, &c., CANCEROUS TUMORS, WHITE SWELLINGS, GOUT, LIVER C9MPLA /NT. DYSPEYSIA, ULCERS, SCALD HEAD. &c., &c., Have all been effectually cured by this ALTERATIVE. It is, besides, one of the meet pleas - ant arthdee that oan be taken into tte stomach. °parading as a tonic, and removing Dyspeptic and Nervous affections. It is we - pared only by. DR. D. JAYNE & EON, 242 ORLEIT NUT Street, and may be had of the Agents throughout the country. api6 mws • , DR. J. WIS!' , No. 30 North ? 7 -..e• PlF'rg Street, PHILApELPE; A—Treats snocessfu:ly. if applied to in time. all di/wages of the LUNGS soya' and EAST. and frequently cures CON2I.IMPTIOrs in its third and last stare. Re also restores all curable diseases of the EYE and E Be has riven them his entire attention for he past 20 years. Will visit patients, when desired. at heir residences. ape lm Jr' ww-n , and PH IJADELPHIA ROAD. va M NOTiCR TO PE 0.50 NS SEEKING SUMMER BOARDING.—Ia order tO fur- ish increased r °Mae' during the cominsnhuntner, tae Weat Chester and Philadelphia Railroad Louisan,' intend rota , tog not lems than six daily trains each way between Philadelpora and Wee t Onester, one of win' A will be at bight, connecting with two daily trains each we. on the Philadelphia and thereunre erentrai Rail road (except sundays. when will he taro trains earth war between Philadelphia and Wee; cheerer.) Persona desirous'of being in the evy early and ,lalt , will be accommodated by this arrangement i "rum' for the Illemlet•r can n w he obtain ed at the rri;ns de sirable localities having high hi.d health,' site-temel.gn the W est Cheerer end rhiladelpins and Philetflelp ee. ais end Raltanore Central sir/amens. For eon Coupon Tickets. eco - apply airy h r e n t Q d KICI n D T the Depot, X. E. corner .bbli id A A , Via, W O O D , 1 Weems ig uperuitendent. syillinwa _General 8 aggriut FOR NEW YORK. NEW .DAILY LINE, via Delaware and Raritan Cienal. Philadelphia end New York Express Steamboat Com pany will receive freight on and after MONDAY. 26th nistapt. and leave daily at 2P. in delivering their oar ine in New York at follovnng day.. Freights taken at reasonable rates. No. . 14 6011 .3 917 ' •Mlia; JAMES 1 1 0., C e i t s V D D E_ 713 2 1:P e k:es. d . Piers 14 and 16 BAB .1` RIVEN, New York. mbfe•iftf &AgitFOß NEW YORK. —THE Philadet , his Steam Propeller Cowman; will commence their business for the season on Monger, lath inst. Their Steamers are now receiving freight at Second Pier above +Ai slant street. , Terme aceeonedativa. kr,p , Sp" TRD & GO., vv • 224 Anuth neIRWATa Avenue quarters, for MA °KEE EL.— 311) b bls. Is as. 1. 2, and 3 Maakeiel. in whole. ves. and We be C.'. C. BAD4Ett oth . 103 it maenad door +bare Prna' ayso at IFIEKRIIt G.-300 bbls. extra Na. far gale by C. C. SADLER dr, C 0,1133 ARCS Street. second door atom.. Yront. anlatt .„.. WHEII.I FISH. —2OO half-bbla. extra V No , I White Fish. on consignment. end for s-Ici by 0. 0. 8 4 Dl.t.R & N 0.1113 ARCit street. second door above Front. . im2o-3c C 4 jIILOME GREEN --- Manufs,attaixi and G-1 , for Ggiii iiIXTVW itiL & BWANCL, On GT sad 49 Sera am WEST CHESTER
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers