Port Sumpt e r, and, the South Carolina against the bill, now before the State Legislature, FINANCIAL ANTI COMMERCIAL. • Rebels: creating the °Moe of cattle inspector . kir. Paul —.....--.----- , (For The Prese.l , . , o mdemned the bill as highly obnoxious in Its main . The Money Market. In looking over your paper of this morning, features. Cattle were purchased on the lay, as it PirrnanzLnue, Jan. 24, 1801. ailed and after travelling many miles they lam very much struck with the letter of your i dt i roo c p in , appearance, yet it was scarcely possible Telegrams from New York early .this morning Charleston correspondent of January 18, in that a man could tell whether they were diseased seemed to indicate a purpose' on, the jsar,t , ' of the w or er n e Ot te If be all weighed reference to the preparations now in progress Dottieand je Doming t e t. pe a - tahlBbniunadrked atoll jobbers of Wall street `icicitultiaka a new among the rebels of South Carolina to attaek, : toousand dollars wouldbe required to pay the bill. chapter of the late stook panic, ,tied the cones ancl,if they can succeed, capture Fort Sumpter. , Mr Paul said he bad bee n informed that the queries was a dull day at our (gook rboard, with That fortress may be destined to be the great i friends of the bill were at Harrisburg advocating the beats triumphant, and prides falling. Read. passage. If it became a law, it would be an in Railroad, Schuylkill Navigation, Lehigh Nevi. pivot upon which this Southern rebellion is , outrage on the consumere of this city. i g North Pennsylvania Railroad securities, ' destined to turn. What your correspondent ' un A at t ou sw e r r eittle debate, the resolution was : sc i on , g Camden and Amboy shares all declined. .says seeing to bo very probable--nothing is ' Mr. Haosten adop ted resented a resolution welcoming The money market is not changed. The influx .-;'. mere so. The constant sight of the flag of the delegations from the Chicago and Milwaukee of coin from Europe continues. Nearly two mil. the United States, flung to the breeze with the B eards of Trade to this oily, and requesting the lions from this source will be added to the amount heads of departments to extend every facility to In the New York banks this week. morning 'gun of, a national fort, and its floating the visitors during their stay In Philadelphia. quietly and proudly in sunshine and cloud, in Agreed to. The Cinolneati Commercial thus alludes to the dente:tee of the effertiOtitherto, of the mis- Mr. POTTER offered a resolution directing the memorial of the owners and meters of steamboats 'guided and bad men who are uppermost in the Department of Highways to advertise for tpro- on the Ohio and Mississippi, addressed to the City • ' Palmetto State, must be, and no doubt's, gall Ir i r e lLf r or th a e s:lllly sin o ß f c irt s tg ee r, d au t d ra m t w r g o . °L e i Commits of Philadelphia a few days since. The ' • and wormwood to them. It roads ' hem a daily removal of coal ashes ,the necessary mouthy to steamboat men complained of the Pennsylvania „iemion. It is the writing on the Wall. It tells protest from fraud.' The proposals are to be ad- Central Railroad, for refusing to comply with their thenief the fate before all their mad and tree- vertised for els weeks. demand "to give us, by their patronage of passen sortable aims at a Southern 'Confederacy over The Chamber then proceeded to the oonsldera- gets and freight, which legitimately belong to the ~' the grave•of this Union. '' ' . ' tion of the ordinancemaking an appropriation to i re for the Another stiggestion connects itselt with this the Revetment of City Commies oue river, at rates the same as by railroad, to any point subject. Hate is a potent principle Of human year DM. Several Items which had been reduced where the freight and passengers may be destined, at the previous meeting were restored to the orb. we making the insurance good via river, and like• '-‘ nature. Your, correspondent suggesta--and ginal amount asked for. The ordinance, as amend- wise on our return freights and passengers, to take it is a pointed suggestion—that- the ' South ed, appropriates $184,420.57. Carolinians, apart from their determination to The rules were suspended, In order to give Mr. them from us at the same rate they do from any • defy the 'Government, are determined to die- Freeman, chairman of the Committee on Poor, an :althea company." appoint Mr: Buchanan in hie wise and patri- opportunity to present an ordinance removing the The Commercial gays: I , eetriothine which prevent the Guardiane of the Te e otio desire to avoid bloodshed. They hate memorialists do not seem to look upon the oor from furnishing relief to the out door per. 'the President bitterly, they believe that he Rho report accompanying states the number of railr o a ds competing with the Ohio river in a vary favorable avorablelight, and t 'are soared, complimentary has placed himself between themselves and out door poor is much greater than was anticipated t oth emse l ves in a Resettling their competitors as the preseriatlon of the Union. Their bate le by the Guardians when the general estimate for e broken-down railroads." The public do not de ' the more rancorous because they had hoped relief was presented to Councils, and the number sire to see either the railroads or the steam. .... .. _• - . ___ _-.. to retain the, machinery of the' Government through the conspirators who sat in the Cabi net. And it has an additional venom against the President, because tboy have injured him. as We hate those whom *e have Injured" is a maxim. The President, having found out their schemes and treason, and dismissed from his presence and from power all who, under guise of friendship to him, were aiding and abetting in war against the Government, now has the cordial hate' of all engaged in the Carolina rebellion. .Bence they will most as suredly disappoint the President, if they can. It is to know human nature, to expect such a 'result. If it happen, where do we stand in regard to the defence of Sumpter ? Anderson will no , doubt sulikr death before he will sur render. A floating cotton battery of sixty feet high, or batteries, surrounding, Sumpter simultaneously, with an insane mob of assail ants, reckless of life, and with I, handful of men to defend it, might show startling results. The bravestmay be overpowered by numbers, acting under frenzy and military orders. Can it be true that there are only men enough in that fort to work eight guns 'f Can it sustain an assault on all sides with eight guns and its small force? The War Department can best answer this, and will, no doubt, Wider its pre sent bold and patriotic Secretary, answer it wisely and practically. Bat if the Govern ment of the United States abstain from send ing reinforcements, is not the rebel State to cease her military preparations ? Is not the arrangement for peace to be reciprocal ? The coercion" has thus far Wen all on one side. The Government has been, to an extreme point, forbearing and tolerant, oven of insults. Perhaps it was wise, as the quarrel is a home feet high, with guns and men, are to be in one. But if these floating cotton batteries, sixty progress, then let the Government at once give notice that reinforcements will be sent to the noble Anderson. Let an °Metal communication to this eftbct be made to Gov. Pickens. It will be wisdom to do so. The coarse of firmness is always that of safety and wisdom. Virginia has in timated her opinion that the military status of the National and State Governments should remain unchanged, until final peaceful nego tiations are exhausted. Does this mean that Carolina is 'to complete extensive aggressive preparations, and the National Government do nothing? If so, and Anderson be sacri ficed. the Union men of this whole nation will rise in mass, and civil war will rage. This is a great era in our history. The internal strength of this Union had never yet been tested. It is now on trial. It will be proved to be one of the strongest Governments known in history. Its springs of Damascus steel are bidden from a first view, but they are in the great and glorious machine, and will keep it in place, and in all its beautiful proportions. Bat the executive must do Its full part, al ways, and in all things, wisely, firmly. JAN. 23, 1860. Jaeitsms. THE CITY. AHUSEbIENTS THIS 'EVENING WAL4I77-n?II.RET THEAMIS, Weinut and Ninth dee' " Our Amended' Comm et home"—" Trying It On." IigUICAMLUT & CLLELICZ . 9 ASCji-STILEIT Arab street, abovo he Btrancer The Roney Moon." UNITED STATES BUILDIN , 3O. Chestnut •tracit. below Piftb.—Van Am burgh & Co.'s Menagerie. SATurrraell °roma Roos'. Eleventh street, shoos Chestnut.--Concert nightly. Proceedings of City Councils. Yesterday afternoon the regular stated meeting of both branohea of Councils was held !!ELECT TVEODORE CITYLER, griSialiilija; the chair. The following petitions and communications were received and referred: One from the Committee on Markets, making for the confirmation of William Eager. as clerk; from Charles A Poulson, pre senting a framed certifioate, containing a vote of thanks. addressed to certain citizens for their con duct during one - .rectos fever. he 1793. It was asked that the certificate be presto sc Scaspeu dance Hall; from the Fame Hoes Company, asking to be located al a steam hose company The report' of the City Controller wee received. An ordinance appropriating a certain lot of ground on Crown street, near Race, for the °ro tten of a school house, teas passed finally. Also„ an ordinance autborirtog the purchase of a lot or ground on Master street, 211 the Twentieth ward, for sohool purposes; the prtoe not to exceed $3411 50. . . Alab, one for the purchase of a lot on Howard street, in the Sixteenth ward, for the same pun pod. communication was received from the Mayor stating that in his opinion there were now more steam fireetieginei than wereneeded. Not sufficient attention is paid to locating them. The oommuni. cation was referred to a special committee on the locating of steam fire.engines. A resolution to request the Common Chamber to return to tide Chamber the ordinance making an appropriation to the Girard Estate, was agreed. to The following preamble and resolutions were presented to the Chamber by the Board: Whereas, The kind civilities that were extend ea to the Board of Trade of Philadelphia, on the *cannot of their visit to the City of the West, in icatabar i.zst, hue been followed by an invitation from the nieeehants of Philadelphia, composing the Board of Traci, and the Corn Embus., to the Board of Tradil and merchants of Chicago and I Milwaukee; And , ;whereas., The response to that invitation is now reclined by the presence in the city of the large delegstion from each of these cities; Therefore, Resolved, By the Selast and Common Councils of the City of Philadelphis, That we heartily ap preciate them mutual civilities as tending to strengthen the bonds of anion in business and in foetal intercourse, and to bring the oities of the great Northwest into a more intimate commercial acquaintance with the +Adieus of Philadelphia, and with its tinniness and manufacturing interests; we most cordially welcome these visitors t 0 Our city, and feel assured that, being the gnesta of opr merebants, they will receive that attention which is due to the importance of the visit. Resolved, That Connolly recommend to the beads of the various departments of the city government to extend to our distinguished visitors every posi able facility to visit and examine the public insti tatioei Under their charge. Thopromuble and resolutions were agreed to A radiation WM offered by Mr. Murree pro luting egeinst the passage of any legislative sot to aid the proposed county buildings for Phila delphia. Mr. MINTON moved to amend by empowering the Mayor to lOW &competent person to take the resolutions to Harrisburg and impress upon the Legislature the necessity of forbearance. Mr. Mebervan moved to amend the amendment by insetting "City 13olloitor," tutted of the Mayor. Mr. 6INNODO now offered an amendment to the original resolution protesting against the emotion of said buildings on Independence equate, Mr. Fox moved to strike out ail after the word 4 . revived," and insert a remonstrance of the &s -leet eed Common Connate against the Legislature increasing the debt of the city, turthe ground that the present buildings could be made to answer all the pur poses _ with a small expenditure of money. Mr Ba.siwean moved to refer this matter to a committee of three, au the. fates stated therein mere 110 t correct. The memorial we. a written moue the violws of the member who offered it, eat not the feelings of the Chamber. A. tens debate - followed, and Mr. Pox dually withdrew his amendment. The other amend ments were also withdrawn, and the xesoletions L e k ! ... flist" read were passed finally. !f t, laaroir again offered the resolution re tie Oity Belk:Ater to 'newsy the same to lir n h tle h l t„,„ tb „-Ideb was also agreed to. ""`'' " 6 '' , en went into a committee of the The Chamber 'ese of considering the appro whole, for the purp. , ' Inhaler' bills. • appreeriation of ell,- The ordinance making an city Treasurer was 125 to the Department of the At. Oar. The then called ap, Mr. Magary In , • ycm,g4.4,seent. ordieasee was passed finally, without ` - ste art% Mr. Dante moved to reconsider the v,„ 'eticrt the anal passage of a bill making an appropr... to the Girard Estate, which was agreed to Mr- Dawn further moved to amend by adding Boy mind of $5,000 to the item "lauds oat of the county." The ordinance making an appropriation of $9,625 to the Department of Markets also passed finally without amendments. Also the ordinance appropriating $10,400 to the trustees of the City Ice boat The bill appropriating $23,450 to the Depart ment of Surveys, wee discussed at length, and passed finally. The bill making an appropriation of $llO 650 to the Department of City Property, was next taken ups. flas debate was caused by , the amendment to thia'btll posed in the other Chamber, " that the amounts appropriated for the Amprovement of Merristaptare,Sedgely,Park, and Fairmount Park, be taken ant of a loan to be hereafter created." A long dismission ensued, when the Chamber re !amid to strike Out the proviso. 2soo,4lbaraber also refused to strike out the pro vision that the amount ($2O 00Q,) necessary to pay thiresibitgege on Wedgely Park, should be subject to a future Teen. Molten appropriating $5 000 for improving the parade ground was increased to $14,000, which in• eludekell'eapenees attending the filling up of the The mainlines then passed finally, after having beett before:the Ohm:Mbar for over three hours. • Thi'intatubor now' adjourned at -fire adulates e: cotmcm. Ailusliet of petitions and oomuturtioations *aro promelatittral appri2priatelyieferrod. Itti~vn.satwsoitted a resolution protesting was still fiirther increased during the present winter. The ordinance was agreed to. A report from the Controllers' department was presented, stating that there was a difference of $31,000 and upwards in the accounts of Messrs. Coleman and Armbruster, which 1%0 require some legislation to adjudicate Referred. A motion to ooneider the ordinance making as appropriation to the Fire Department was not agreed to. The Chamber then resolved itself into a Com mittee of the Whole to consider the ordinance making an appropriation to pay the clerks of Coon- Oil for the year 1861, and to pay detloienoies for the year 1860—Mr. Hazel in the chair. The bill was discussed at groat length, and an amendment was incorporated appropriating $lOO to pay a youth who bad been employed as page by the president of Select Connell. The bill appropriates the slim of $27,100 to the department. It was finally re• ported with its amendments, And was adopted. A resolution was agreed to providing for a con vention of Councils for next Thursday, to elect di rectors of the North Pennsylvania and Sunbury and Erie Railway oompaniee. There was no other business of public' interest transacted. Connell adjourned to meet on next Monday afternoon, to consider annualLappropria !lon bills. Vacomn Paystozatis. —The Board of Health have made their appointment of vaccine phyeloiaos as follows Wei ward, Dr. R. Rey burn; Second. Wm. Notson ; Third, N. C. Reid; Fourth, G J. Chamberlain ; Filth, C. P. La Roche; Sixth, .1 O. Cooper; Seventh, R. W. Ritchie; Eighth , Wm. Moen - Ninth, no appoint ment; Tenth, H. St. Clair Ash; Eleventh, G. B. Dimwit! ; Twelfth, L. E. Nordman; Thirteenth, W. 0 Dixon ; Fourteenth, Berjamin Phister, Jr.; Fifteenth, E. B. Jackson ; Sixteenth, Daniel Her sbey ; Seventeenth, Joseph W. Rowe; Eighteenth, Issue Mcßride; Nineteenth, J. 8. Ribi; Twentieth, no election ; Twenty-first. J. 0. Houniton ; Twenty second, D. P. Paneout ; Twenty-third, S. F. Lamb Twenty-fourth, &Baba Crowell. BAD CASE OF BtraNlNG.—Mrs. Benner, en old lady, aged about fifty-five years, was shock ingly burned about the face and body, at an early hour yesterday morning, by her clothes inking fire from a fluid temp. The unfortunate woman resides in Vaughan street, between Fifteenth and Sixteenth meets. AnitlSTlD.—Yesterday morning William Cummings was before Alderman Kooken, of the Twenty-fourth ward , having been tweeted about I twelve o'clock on Wednesday night at Lancaster avenue and Thirty-fifth street, with a large quan tity of meal in his possession, supposed to 'have been stolen. He was committed to answer. CRUELTY TO ANIMALS.—A mule-driver, named Charles Miles, was arrested at Eleventh and Market streets, on Wednesday, upon the charge of orael treatment to the animals under his charge. He was held to answer the charge at court by Alderman Thompson. SUlClDE.—Yesterday morning the Coro• ner was notified to hold an inquest on the body of James B Boggs, who committed suicide on Wednesday night at a house on Madison avenue, above Allegheny avenue, Nineteenth ward, by taking a dose of strychnine. FlRE.—Last evening a fire occurred at the mosquito.netting factory of Mr. John Meenan, No. 315 Master street. The fire originated from a defective heater, and was extinguished with trifling damage. ANNUAL REPORT or TUE BOARD Or IOANAOZRS or THE WILLS ROBP/TAL• To the Select and Common Councils of the City of Philadelphta, : The Board of Managers of the Hospital for the Indigent Blind and Lame submit their twenty sixth annual report: The expenses during the past year amount ed to . $5,584 57 House expenses $3,405 28 Salaries and wages 1,370 34 Medical department 376 47 Real estate 432 48 -------$5,584 57 Two hundred and twelve patients have been ad mitted into the hospital during the year 1860, in eluding in the said number twenty-one remaining In the hospital from the year 1859. One hundred and ninety-one have been discharged, leaving at the present time in the hospital twenty-one. Of those discharged were: cured, 11S; improved, 63 ,• insurable, 5 ; unimproved, 2 ; eloped, 2-191. Of those admitted. there were born in Ireland, 98 ; United States, 78; Germany, 5; gngland, 6; Soctland, 4 ; Wales, 1-191. I Li; new out•door pauents - reetayers -aurgioal and medical assistance from the surgeons and PhY" siding attached to the hospital during tae last year. From patients, and other sources during the year, $577 65 wore received, and the same was duly paid to the City Treasurer by the steward of the hospital There were three hundred and eighteen surgical operations performed by the surgeons of the hospi tal during the past year, one hundred and twelve being house-patients, and two hundred and six dispensary cases. The principal operations were : for cataract, 66 ; foreign bodies in the eye, 67; strabismus, 33; dilatation of the lachrymal duet, 60; erasion of the eye-bail, ; entroplum, 15. The remaining operations were of minor import ance The institution has been conducted with oare and prudence. The physicians and surgeonshave served the hospital with skill and faithfulness, and the steward and matron have performed their du ties with fidelity and zeal. Signed op behalf and by order of the ,Board, Joint RODAfAIf PAPP, president. EDIT. HOFER, seo'y , Phila., Jan. 7, 1861. Jemmy 1, 1861. To the Board of Managers of eke Wills Hos. pital : Gazirmessair: I herewith submit the usual quarterly report, and, In addition, a seminary of the patients treated during the whole year. There were 27 patients an the hospital at the beginning of the last quarter; of these, 10 were males, and 12 females. There have been admitted dose, 35 new eases, as follows : in October, 17 ; in November, 8 ; in December, 10. Of these, 23 were males, and 12 females. During the same period there have boon die oharged s6—vip ;.n October, 11; November, 11; December, 14. Of thine, 3.7 were males, and 13 female,. Of those discharged there were oared, 19; improved, 11; insurable, 2; by witted, 1; eloped, 2. The whole number of new patients applying for relief at the dispensary, during the term, was 316 ; malting the whole number treated, both at the dispensary and in the hospital, 376. Of these 376 patients, 188 were born in the United States, 139 in Ireland, 22 in Germany, 16 in Ragland, 7 in Scotland, $ in Wales, 1 in Canada. 133 surgical operations of various kinds were performed during the term. ()Ithaca 30 Were for Wariest; the others were for artitioial pupil, re moval of the eye hall, strablemes, teary malls, and varitme miner operations. Q 1 of these operations were on patlude in the house; 91 on those at the dispensary. The following is a summary for the year 1869 : Remaining in the hope January 1,1800, 21; ad mitted during first quarter, 80; second, 60; third, 36 ; fourth, 35-212. The Whole ntimber of new oases treated at the dispensary were as follows : n first quarter, sesend, 510 ; third, 360 ; fourth, i 316-1,445. Making a grand tgtsl for the year of 1,636 new patients. operations during 1:3 witer of surgi cal the year were as follows In first quarter, 57; se emed, 69; third, 44' fonitti, The whole number of operations for catered Were :In first quarter, 14; seoond, 12; third, , ; fourth, 70—i37. In °losing )S7 rert, I would commend to the favorable notice of t he hoard the general good or der and cleanliness of the how so uniformly maintained by the effielent supervision and manage ment of the steward, the faithfulness of the nurses, and the zeal and fidelity with whioh the duties of the resident physioian have been di charged by Drs. Charles E. Healey and 11 Earnest Goodman. n• resignation of the former made necessary by his election to the Elookley Hospital, was a source of great regret to aid connected with the iodate tion His place has been filled with great °Moloney by Dr. Goodman. ADDINSLL MRWEIOV, M. p., Attending Burgeon. Bp us JEWELRY AFFAIR—Ram= llWt xso of TElZlpti7gs -J-Yesterday afternoon R. R. West and agusho Assuage, who were arrested upon the charge of 4espiaz a bogus gift jewelry establishment at Doak and greets, bad a final hearing before Alderman Bernet, at the pen tr4.l3tatien. Y 001047,8 Franklin testi fi ed that some seventy " -• tvg da d bee banded to him by the pomplaint of :pm parties, The witnegh make - • . .t a ltteF to tue firm of R. R. West do had writtv- • 'SI, and /tad poelval, 'nothing in re- Co., enclosing , turn. '•wi, a jeweller, hestikati p.o t, Thaddeus S. Shan. -v. Be said it Was wicrth the quality of the jewel s . 4 of it being brass'. comparatively no th ing, ues- 19 years, testified James Quinn, a lad aged about - •R. It. West that he was employed by the fi rm or • certain Co. to fold eiroulars, and direct them so pares of the country. Mr G. W. Peterson declared that ric lashing house as that of R. R. West k Co. existed in the city. The alderman held West and Ramage in $2,000 each for their appearance at court. NAVIN A OAR.--ifetiterdsy afterneen,a usan named Charles Scotts, who raided at Main and Johnson streets, Germantown, died in a pas senger railroad oar, supposed to be from the ef facts of a flt. The deceased was employed at leeway's store, in Market street, and was going home. The coroner wil, hold an invest to-day. IN our notice yesterday of the iron bridge for the Pennsylvania Railroad, we omitted to mention that the bridge for the Harrisburg and Lancaster Railroad, near Middletown, is beirg i• built from the designe of John W. Murphy, by Rtone, Quigley, Is Brinten, the celebrated builders of the Marphy.Whipple plan of iron bridge. HOSPITAL Casa.--Bernard Martin, aged forty-ave years, while engaged in quarrying stone in. West Philadelphia, on Wednesday, had his right leg fractured, by a large piece of rook falling on him. Re was admitted into the hospital yes terday. boats become broken down. A healthy competi tion between the river and railroads is what our business community wish to see maintained, and their sympathies would according respond to either in ease there was danger of their being " broken down." The Pennsylvania we consider wisely discriminates in favor of their rail connections, and for this reason : The seasons of navigation are variable and uncertain, the railroads are con stant and always at their command. The rail roads cannot carry freight as low es the river, and if, in their present financial condition, the roads west of the Ohio were forced to bear the whole burden of river competition, during navigation, they must either succumb, or they must exact of the Pennsylvania Railroad or other Trunk line, a rate, during low water, that would compensate them for their losses during high water. In this view it will be seen that the Pennsylvania Rail road actually receives a consideration from their Western connections, in return for the disorimina. Ron complained of by our river friends, i e., the Western roads agreed to pro rate with the Eastern trunk lines during low water, in consideration of the trunk lines doing the tame with them during high water. The A - young Post says of stooks in New York ta-day : The titock market is weak to-day and lower. The improvement at the second Board of yester day is entirely lost, and prises are } a l per sent OIRARD HOUSE—Chestnut street, below Ninth. J G Rogers. Virginia Aj Bryant,fi r a d N a e . w R Read i k n g B Tyson. Reading A J wil iamson New York .1 H Ha es Conn 81.ousblin, New York John Winder Afi Stewart k la. Boston Mies Stewart, Boston Rim Coins ook.1:10,3 , 013 Hon R A Tereus, U S 14 to T H Smith, New Jersey [Ye insuela .1 Q tantoo, Indiana J Gorehe, New York N P Courtright, Now York L B Penns .1 W Allyn dc le Now Ynrk Rim eAlsworth New York W HUmPitrArs. New York 0 Wiley New Fork , W Jenkins & la, ltrooktyn Mies Maxwell , Brooklyn J R Upton. NOW York T Heininser & wf, ResrPg El McDougall k la. N York A G Beaman, New York Madam Von Burket t N Y Formes, New York T Gamy, Boston P: B. Hill & la, Maryland .1 R Blackburn, Albany Alm Blackburn & dsu, NY Miss Caldwel. A lbany W E Magri, Memphis 3 B Reiley. Delaware Wm T Morris. Delaware TB H Starrett, Delaware N Stewart. Treiiton Jno B Stewart. Trenton Geo Barry, Miohigan .1 Grier, New Jersey .1 H Jadmon.Wil. Del 0 Tower, Pottsville Geo de B Keim Pottsville M 14,,orhead, Downigtin Geo Cochrii n Simf, Conn Thos J Ward, New York D V Bennett, PI ttsburr Miss Bennet Pittsburg W Ford &la New York LB Adams. New Jersey Mrs Adams & air, 11 J Geo a Phillips. Brooklyn W B Bertran & la, Minn Miss Gerhard, Minn James C Rigging, N York W K Warner, New York Jos de Genoroix. Cuba C Sanianos, Cuba A ti Heowe & wf. W A Butterworth. N York Miss Miller. New York Capt Lambert, New York Miss Mosher, New York Jas Martin Pns, W T Wood, Baltimore 14 el& In. New York Miss Woodward, N Y D R Everts, New York Coin Stewart, Jno C Brent, Wash. D 0 K Davies, New York Geo Fisher. North Carolina R Major, New York Philadelphia Stock Exchange Sales, I AI. nrearly & la, Trenton lovier on the railroad shares Towstie the Moro there WAS a rally of la i per cent. Now York Cen tral was favorably intiammod by the announce ment that the plaintiffs in the toll salt had been non-suited. The market closes steady, with sales of New York Central at 701, Erie 351, Harlem preferred 381. Iteeding 451a151. The Western stooks are quoted as follows : Illi nois Central 130a603, Michigan Central 565561, Galena 71ia72, Toledo 341a341, Rook Island 741 a 75f. The State Stooks are dull, but, on the whole, steady. Tenneasees close at 758, Miasettria at 681- a6Bl. Indiana fives are offered at 88; the 21 per cents. at 60. asit.Merohants' Exchtinte [SPORTED ay B. E. BLATMA Oa Cam & Am..ebern 115 5 50••• •-• • • • I/ 5 5 do--- 55 do. --_..— . 115 2 do —.• • •• • 115 lu Mauayunk Gas .. 493. 1 51 Spruce & Pll2o.lta 83, 100 I. 1000 N Penne R 68 .85 07 1000 67 16 Ehnira Pref.Bswn 13 100 do,-. 28 Penne 100 Loug 181— —.. 10, 17 483 e 10 kar & Mocha Bk. 52 BOARDS. 800 City 93 BOARD. 1000 Penns, 64 C 89; 400 do C&& 891; 20000 do.C&P.oswn 90 400 City 93 1000 do —New 101; 500 do— New 101; 1000 Rah Nay 6a 'B2 67 WOO do 'B2 -- 67 1010 Penna ft latm3da 100 20 Reading-- .. •.. 2235 10 Cam & Am 116 10 do-- -- • 116 5 no-- . . 116 11) do ~...55 116 5 d 0....— . 1153. BETWEE MO City 98 I BECOND Lehigh— 48 48 5 Little Behuy I. 1435 2 do .._... 14. 54 100 Reading cm—PULL. 100 Panne sa_._ 90 91986 d 0......, . 90 1600 doh Nay 6g'Bl.2ds 97 I h 0 City 6s New 100 ,_Ness 10154 50 Byruoe 8. 1 5 CO d 0.... 8571 CLONINe PR Aiitel. PhilltdelPhia 66 98 17817 . 1 Plata Ge R.— 98 98y, P.Mla 6s —aew..1011.5 1011* •nn , " PQL Si 3; 22% .Kt oda 81 84 Read mt 89'80... 89 90 Read rat On 7116 79 Parma It t -87.1‘ 877 Psuns.R 2dnat as 88 go Mlr CI n0n... ... 57 813.8 MorrieClanspr 107 110 Salt Nida'frE.. 67. V 004 Nay Imp6s. . RohoV Na , ink. 77' 8 Elohl Nay Prefd _.173, most 11 .” ASked Manta Elmira IC ta.......123( 13 blmira 7a'73.-....64 67 i.,ona !eland 1036 Leh CI .47. N 4.8A5 Leh Cl &N Soria-33.e 14% North Fauna It.-- El% 9 N Pennell es. • ....fell' 67% N Fan= it 108..-93% 94 Ostaarnssa R. Con. 3%; 4 Catawnlas prfd...._ 9% 10 2d & et dvoff 46 47 Haoe&Vfne St 1L.17 17X West ?tills R.... 61 16 Samoa & Flue-. • 83: 8g Oreen & Coataa...l7 1731 Philadelphia Markets. JANUARY 24—Evening. The unfavorable news from abrodd has dayradded the Flour market, and nrioee aro weak. The sales are en thole confined to the wants of the trade, at 85 373405 50 4P' bbl for mixed and good brands of superfine ; e 6.623; 3868736 for extras; 5605 50 for extra farm!:; and 88 623636 8756 for fancy lots, as to quality. Rye Flour Is scarce at 94. Corn Meal is steady. A sale of Poona was made at 83 ir bbl. Wile/cr.—There is a steady demand with sales of 3000 bus gond and prime Western and Penns red at 130 Gino a lot of dopiern al s. p3a ; and white at from ItOsi t. ih - ci — olfertriiiMil Ilan; COO for new yellow. and 780 for old. - Cats are In mai WI request. and sale' of 3 001 bus Penna were ramie at Me 34360, and Delaware at 33360 jr bog. 1,500 bus New Ye. k Harley sold at 75 0 . Barley Malt ranges from 3,5c0950 4 , bus. Bea —lst No 1 Quereltron is held at 875 per ton. COTTON. The market la firm but inactive, and we hear of no sales. GROCNRIN4 are Unchanged, and the sales to-day are quite limited. Paav !storm—The reoemts from the West are in creasing. hales of 20J Obis Mess Pork at 8 50. short time. City-paoked Mess Begrimes from 812m14. Gash. Lard is steady at 1076010g0 in los and tibia. and 1101140 in kegs. Baena —Cloverseed le in good demand, with sales of COO bus good and prime quality at $505.23 bus. NVISIISICY is steady, tales of Ohio bbls at 18}i3120 Penns do 180 ; drudge 17}60; and hhda at 180 4,0' gallon. xchange—Jan. 24 BOARD. Now York Stock E OBOOND WOO Traria 13 o o 1 . 4 —.,1023f 11000 'Tong 8t 68 '9o. —776 400 VI roi net 1t tle 783( Mletonri b t —Blo_6B lama oo 63 MOONY Con R 73.....10t moo Erie R let in bd0.106 10 Harlem R Prof . lOU .030. . .8.35, to CortiC oal-Pr o f .—. 100 Y Con R -0o d lt o W 2.50 Hud Erie rtiv 95 60 do 100 liadßlv 200 do' . --b6O-404 AO Nov Tol —34% 102 do • .b.10_34,‘ MO Reading R-.—..... 41 50 51101 een 150 160 d Gal & o Chi R... 3.30 .—.72 -71.4 , 50 do ... 110_72 ad Chl Ak I A...W-673i 100 do t 7 50 do 65% 250 do 160 do 61% 60 Chio Bk Q R.-310..74 CITY ITEMS. Brow•Bionta.—An " old•faebioncd" snow• storm set in yesterday morning. The flakes deeoended right merrily, and the boys were as happy as boys generally am under such circumstances. Their seniors moved more sedately through the falling °rye tale, and they entrenched themeolvez within erect coat collars and warm mufflers. Breaking of coats— the most comfortable people we saw abroad in the storm wore the elegant and seasonable over-garments mule at the Brown Stone Clothing hell of Rookhill & Wilson, Roe. 603 and 663 Chestnut street, above Sixth. Art exchange hen the following es en excellent system of gardening for ladies: Make up your beds early In the morning ; sow buttons on your husbsnd's abide; do not rake up any grievanoes; proteot the young and tender prattcps of your family ; plant a smile of good temper in your face ; 'c arefully root out all angry feeling ; persuade your husbands, brothere and sons, to buy their clothing at the one-pride fashion able store of OnANVILLE BTOKIM. Pio. 107 Cheetnu street, receive a valuable airy therewith, and expect a Food crop of happiness. S?EOZAL NOTICES. j.epflet3 Tolrfo VERitlirthp3.-- No other &seare is no fatal or nominee to children, as that faun harly designated—Worma. Unforlunatelbthe youpg ere seldom free from them. and an the eymptoula resemble there of almost every other complaint. they often pro duce alarming effects without being auspeoted. Worme are not only a cause of disease in themselves, but by their irritation aggravate all other diseases, wandering from one part of the body to another. winding them Delves up into large belle and obernoting the bowels rind frequently the throat, causing convulsions and too often death.' For these troubleeome complaints. no more certain or pleagant remedy has, no yet, been disco irered, than pa. D. JAYNE'S TONIC VERNIFUON, which is perfeotly safe, and ao pleasant that children w,il not refuse to take it, It not only deatrogS WorITIP and invigorates the tiliole iyetem, but diasOlvel the superabundant shine or MOWN so prevalent in the ato msob and bowel, of children, eapernally of those in bad Itett.th. This mucus forms the bed or nest in which worms manes their young—and when this is removed, it is impossible for them to tem= in the body. In all oases of DYSPEPSIA, OENERAL DEBILITY, SICK HES BACHE. ?co., the TONIC VERNIIF USE may 6130 be prescribed with deeded advantore• Its action in strengthening the atomach and bowels and restoring the appetite, renders it one of the best Tonics within the reaoh of Dyspepties. Prepared at 242 CHESTNUT Street, and may be had of Agents through odt the country. ja24 2t _ . SAVING FUND—N.IOIIOI7AL SAFETY TRUST CostrAny.—During the aruniension of aelioie nannenta by the Banke, Money le reoeived and paid daily, on de mand, in the name kind of funda, spools or notes, as do posited; Intoreit Alta tier tient WALNUT Street, pouthwest oorner of TRIAD. 1112-U Bs, A. /I* IT SAVING FUND—NOWDIGVGST MUNI* SZCOIYA a/.14 W41.1.117T STRBETIL—DepOaita re oelted in small and largeamounts. from all olasees of the oommOmity, and allowi intoreet at tho rate of FIVE PER CENT. per annum. - • - - ' 'Ace open daily, from 9 until 5 o'clook, and on Mon eaturday until eight in the evening. President day 8 " • N FULL ; Troaanyer and Boaretatt, CHAS FRANKLI N. MORRIE! ' HAIR Dry Ll At a !—Patohelor'S LIQUID HAIR DYE is he original gno: P" 1 in the market. All others are intro imitations. and avoided if you with to °soap° ridionle. Splendid Mang or beautiful Snows instantaneously. Bold by all Drug gists everywhere. The genuine has the eignature of WILLIAM A. BATOHELOR upon a steel-plate en graving on four sides of each box. Damara of Counigrfeits. Manufactory, 81 Banter street, late 233 Broadway, New York. CHARLES BATCHELOR, I r.06-ly Proprietor. ONE PRICE CLOTHING OF THE LATEST tenes.nsade in the best manner, oamenely for RE WAIL LUXE. LOWEST rolling Drums marked in Plain F/ men. All goods raade to order warranted natio.- factory. Oar ONE-PRICE instant a strictly adhered to, All are thereby treated alike, 1e33-1Y /OM k 04.. SUd IVARIVET btreet. THE PRESS.--PMLADELPIHA, FRIDAY, JANUARY 25, 1861. GRovm & BAKU'S OBLBSSATIM r4QIBELEBB SEWING MACHINES The Nit In Use for Family Sawing. Ne •ria oFIESTNUT Rtreet. Philadelphia. au27-i7 SALAIIA.NDEIR Frasi-Prtoor SAFBI3.—A vory hue oloortmont of OALAMANDERS for sale at ran o )nable priooss. No. 304 0131,8 TN UT Bt., rtaadelPhio cat! if 14V ANH At. WATItOri. CARD PRINTING, B3ST AND ()DRAMA IN the City, at 34 South THIRD Street. CIRCULAR PRINTING, Boet and Cheapest in the City. at 34 Routh THIRD Street. BILL-READ PRINTING. Beet and Cheapest In the City, at 34 SouthTIIIRD Street. HAND-BILL PRINTING, Beet and Cheapest in tha City, at 34 South THIRD Street. PAMPHLET PRINTING, and over, other descrip tion of Printing, of the most summer quality, at the moat reasonable rates, at RINGWALT A BROWN'S, Dm-taro Budding. 34 Hama THIRD Wrest. eL3 tr ARRIVALS AT THE PRINUIPAL HOTELS UP TO 12 o'ciLoox Lein {TORT CQNTINENTAL HOTEL—Ninth and Choetnut. David Ferguson. Chicago D McDonald, Milwaukee J H Wright. Louisville 9 E Tufts, N York CJ White, Texan J R Fields, Bt Louis H Moßurriey, Boston wane Walk in,s Belt W Henry. Jr, Scranton Mrs rehenck, N Jersey Rev PA Bohenok, Halt It .1 Patton & la. Pa L AI Kathy. Baltimore W F banshee. Balt Rev J B Patterson, I'a Geo W McCook, Pa Jae Stewart Lancaster ' W M Wiley. Lanoaster P A Small. York. Pa C P Moulinor, Cio, 0 John (I Hager, Lancaster J L Lake. Jr ' N York curs L Lake. N York J C Stanton, Cm, 0 Stanb ‘rough, Chicago It Bherrard. Ohio A Young &yd. L Island L H ()oniony. Wash J M meade At la, N York Thou Al Day, Hartford I H Clifford Mats J Stagelli. N York Mr Dwisht Sr. la. r'ortem'tli Mm Boardman. Portsm'th C D Nee & la. nhanghae 8 10 Loathe Sit Loots John Chetwood. N Jersey Bev E A Hoffman, N J .1 18 Creme, novena ri I. Bishop. Balt W E Betts Delmore D Boyd. Jr PI ila O F Shepherd. new York W Divine. Philadelphia Raymond K Weed. N York J Bishoo, New Jersey C L Bailer, Harrisburg ai D Alettee, Uttltsmore J P Burton. Baltimore T Struthers, Warren Et W Bostwick, Ohio m Brakeloy New York J Fowler. Jr, New York Mr Steven. & la, N r It Wilson At la, Chicago II AloGarland. New York O W Child, Tarrytown 1 . Eska & la Mace P 9 Clark. New York L W Duncan N .1 W Savage, New York AI Moore, blew Juicer W Moore. New Jersey A Crush., Chicago L T Downes. Prov. It I W C Vartmeeter, IC E Richardson, Boston A. 4 Brown Boston Imo Cathcart, Penns E 8 another Penns N Kingsley & la, Hartford hi P Norton, Troy, N W Endicott, Jr, Boston It C Greenleaf Boston Chas A Blake, Boston F T James, NOW York John Thompson, New York C II Parke, Chicago 9 D Slade, Chicago H G Petree, Elkton. KY John A indwell, New York Mee Bidwell, ew York W H. Eldred & I. Milwaukoe J II Thomas. Louisville E Brown New York W Blake. Now York E J Hawley. New York It A Ball, Baltimore II 8 Fairounks, Prov, R I 1)8 Arnold, Alontg, Ala S Shaw. England /tailsMOAN ROTEL—Chestnut at.. above Fifth J G Shaw, Philadelphia 11 Bowman, Pa Geo B Rodney John T Tindal h. la. Pa T fd Hal bran, Books oo Game Btewart,N .F E aehorolt, Lynn A 8 Battles. Bow York Robt if &tyre. Bethlehem E't' Conover, M Chunk Willuone, New Jersey B Nur augh. la Win Helluor, Beaton Thomas, N C John Townsend, X 0 hi Morns, Now urbane Wm Rookefelier. Pa A A Douglas. Isl Chunk vvhou aa. New York T Lansford,ew York Jamesßelford, 10. Chunk E L Va JONES' 130 TEL—Chestnut street, above Sixth. Geo A Mitortell,Whlte Lake Wm C Blount. Aileghell OP Hose, Phixda David h Lane, Philo, j? B Bofors, Altoona J J. Baylor. New York Bosh 0 Ccoror, Baltimore C O Sohoetnaker & la, N Y A Crosby. Crnneotiout Chas 1) Belding. Wash 'nos B Smithson, N Y .Ino Al Wilhams, Ihoribrge Albert Brett, New York BT. LOUIS HOTEL—Chestnut st,, above Third. W W Kimball O Hunt, New Jersey John M Comegge. Vermont I,C Cole, Baltimore John L Brooke. Baltimore Mrs Mark. Piew York James Brown Phan, Mr 'Turner, Penney lvatia J W Angus, Wash. D C Julius Scholz. Phil& John Cooper, Philadelphia J B Molter, Now York MERCHANTS' HOTEL—Pourte alma, below Arct A 11 Foster, Alla 8 Lilly. New Jersey .1 M Stonebrske, Mill Creek A L Orem Pittsburg 81 Berger. Penns C 1 , Fisher. Pluto J 8 LoUtg. Ohm yt. Ft‹,fts, Alisorsville J GI Loag mier, Missomi 0 W Ma.hous. Missouri L P Poulton. Missouri Wm Quail. Wash co. Pa W H Higgins, New York Thus t.; Ricketts, Penns THE UNION—Arch street. oborti Thud. Jos R Giddings. New Jersey t 3 W Raymond, Ohio W 8 Culver, Virginia C.ltner. J r, Harrisburg Miss A M Eimer, Harrieb WlI eh„ Ilar. itead,ng Wm Bonlamin, Trenton, N J A II l•tan.burit, Trenton W B Evans, linlmesburg W Coleman, Vermont W Kellinger, Vermont W MoCenna,Penna Cneyney Geo Mack, Cow Jersey John Black, New Jersey FOUNTAIN HOTEL—Seeend et., awe Market. TIE Irons, Delaware Thee C Fran+, Delaware S Pennewinl, Delaware Z Damon, delaware Morrie Danner, Fence Weieh Baltimore Jno s tiownotosm, Wilm Mien Mary Siert, Del Mee Mary Smith, Del Mira Mary //oeins, Doh .Ino Crookehavka. Let Col C r prttg, tumble, 8 Jaa Roe. belew..tre col W C Rheims, Balt 111sj N B Latta Cm, O Jam Renee, Savannah, Oa F. e Corking. Mass C M Gager, N I BARLEY BELEAF--Beeond street. below Vine. W Davie. Norristown Mots Bowman, Pa Philip Burrougli. Pa 1.) Ott. Lambertville Lin fn Tract'. Carbon oo J D DuiG9ld, Pa Jae Vandeerill, Greenville John B Parry, Attleboro Jos Riohardeon, Attleboro ham T. Gordon. N J TA; ; rt r ifilWa l ti t erat / Nrn.il ° Eastburn Reader, Pa Merrick Reader, km " Egi d itt2; !t A e l i grand teB:Trgril'Aul,llT,Tiggua REVERE HOUSE—Third street, above Race. Jno h7°Buddn, L Haven Gen W Marden Baltimore C H Kirk, Allentown A Y Kra:nor. Allentown Jon W Habb y, Lanoaator bliss a 1 Hubley. Lancaster Veneer, Newark, N J Geo K Smith, Phila. W Bigler, Phillipsburg RATIONAL HOTEL—Race etTeet.e.bove Third. W H Book Miabigan Joe A PiToke, Wilm, Dol A Given, Ddaware P 8 Higgins. handing J Drobst, Catawiem J A Delon; Lebanon J P o Unb,q, bunbury Cane Wint-ra, Clearfield Wm I.33lliman. Jonestown A Y Myers, Lanatietor no P U6lor, Uhlerevilla STATES UNlON—Market street, above Bath. Or L F Butler, Blar: oo Jno Bhoenberger. Blair co Wrn Sell, Blair oo Jno Bearer, Franklin oo Geo L Plitt, Harrisburg A Lyons. Pittsburg W P Cooper, Lannester on 1.1 Boltz itch, Marietta. Pa Geo M Kelm, Burke co .1 Bobweitzer, Berke co John Dougherty, Penns COMMERCIAL HOTEL—Sixth sr,. above Chestnut. J Graham. Penna Irma° Coffman, Plicemxv Bantam, Phi la wII McHenry & la, l'a B F Underwood & la, Pa Jos Hodgson, MOUNT VERNON HOTEL—Second et., above Arob Moholan Phila. Jai" 1. Adler. Phil a B F Gnaw°ld. Now York J D Duffield, Sucks co, Pa MERCHANTS' 1101/BE—Third eO., above Callosatull. John Bush, Chestnut Bill 1 0 Shale, Wmeoort Jas M Pfloger, Lebanon S It Yeariolt. Snyder eo,l'a BALD EAGLE—Third straat, auove Gal!within G 8 Coffin, Danietsville James A Wilt, Phil& Gep W Dixon, pethlehein fiamuei Hauser, Pa BLACK BEAR 110 TE tr—Third et.. above Callowhill Sjmon Troxel, Fogelsville A Bookman, Aleohaublev'o MARINE INTELLIGENCE. SEE FOURTH PAVE BT EiL11011.1.1`11• (Correspondence of the Press.) N Arrived, ehip Booinemnir. 92 daps } ?r ‘ o v in Y ga . eL a tl i e B . 4 l3 MEMORANDA. Steamship Cambridge, Howes, henoe, arrived at Bos ton estardly. steamshie Persia, Judkins, from New York for Li zolii=ean. e ktr ri, 2 t, ft e __ t _Or Liverpool, arrived at Queenstown 12th met. Ship Jane Patker, from London. via Charleston Ilan, arrived at Savannah alst met. Ship Mutual, garden, from Liverpool, arrived at Sa• vannah alst inst. nark John Benson. Gardner, cleared at Wilmington. NC. fad lest for Porto Rioo. Bohr Anna B Hayes, Robinson. hence, arrived at New York yesterday. Bohr J (1 Babcock, Jeffreys, from Boston, arrived at New York yesterday. Bohr Myrover, Rushes, cleared at Wilmington, NC, gad inst. for New York. kite airy abandoned on her r i a 3 snage from Savannah 1, or the i.ly do, and reported as t Champion. proves to the Br ship Grampian. from avannali Nov 21, with 117843 feet ouch pine timber and 13,483 leer lumber for Glasgow. She was 740 tons register, and built on tae Cif de in 1842. Thu brig A Blanchard, of Boston. previously reported ashore on,Hapeaquet Beach, LI. is fad of water to her lower deok. as tar as can be seen. She le apparently but little injured. Her cargo will be nearly a low loss. They are now discharging the oargo between dealt', but it will not amount to much. There is 46000 minimum on the vessel In New York offices, and the cargo Is said to be fully insured, but not known whether in new York or Boston. RUTTER-17AXON —On the 11th instant, by the Rev. 0. Orem. tor. Alexander F. E. Rut.er to Mon Margaret. Jane Alaxon t all of Manayonlc, Phila. * pcliGyl.l.ll-1./A al H.--On the th inetaet, by the Rev.'•Mr. Martin, John F. Bohuyler to Mary Loulaa Berth. PARK-I.IAV.—On the 22d inetant, by . the Rev. J. B. McCullough. Jonathan G. Park to Georgie A. May, daughter of the late Captain George E. May, all of thin city. DIED. JIVIKSON.—On the 22d instant. JOHN 8. JACKSON. the relatives and frierds of the family are invited to attend his funeral, from hie ate residence. No 813 North ighth street, above Brown, this (Friday,)(2lth inetant.) et 11 o'oloak A. M. To proceed to Mount Ver. non Cemetery. • KlTe.—On the 2lth instant. E f dith Kite, in the Sith year of her age. Her relatives and friends are invited to attend her funeral, without further notice, from the residence of Nathan Kite, No. 145 North Fifth street, on Second day it online the 26th instant. at It and 11 o'clock. Interment at, Friends' Easrern Ground. QUICK BAbl, —At Frankfort', on Tuesday, January 22,1861, Mrs. Mary goioksall, in the 68th year of her "Ile relatives and friends are respectfully invited to attend her funeral. from the residence of her son-in law, Samuel McDonough, Orchard street, below Unity, this (Friday) afternoon, at 2 o'olook, without further notion. Funeral to P wooed to uedar Hill Cemetery. • FIROWN.—On the 21d instant, Thomas Edward, eon of Thomas and Louisa Brown, aged 5 months. Funeral from the reerdenee able pa,ents, F ran k_ ford road. above Cambria street, this (Friday) after noon, at 3 o'elook. Bo ; Ham —Am the 22d instant, in Camden. Fannie Logan eldest child of George and Fannie L. Beeline, aged 10 etira. Funeral fredt_the residence of her parents. north west corner of 'Fourth anu Cooper streets, thia(Fritity) morning'. at II o clock. 0 itANCE.—On the 22d instant, Charles, eon of Robert and Elizabeth Chance, in the Silt year of his age Funeral from the residence of lac parents, No. 1828 South Sixth street, below Tacker, this (Friday) af ternoon. at 2o'clook. UONNELLY.—eItn the 21d instant, Bernard Donnelly, aged 40 years. Funeral from his late residence, No. 875 Cherry street; seventh, below Raoe, this (Friday) afternoon, 1 o clock, IVINS —On the 23d matant, Martha Elizabeth, daughter of Charles G. and Martha 'vine, aged 8 months. Funeral from the residence of her parents, No. 775 South Third street, title (Friday) morning, at 9 0 olook. .1 MF,B.—On the Old instant. Marie R. wife of Samuel James, in the /13d year of her age. Funeral.from the residence of her husband, No. 651 John str.et, Camden, N. J., this (Friday) afternoon at 1 o'clock. JOhLIN.--On the 20111 instant, Sarah E. Swum wife of Eld E. Joslin. in the 69th year of her age. Fugate' from the residence of her husband, northeast COT r of Second and Menhanie streets, Knight's PoleCanaden, N. J., on Saturday morning, at.lo t RIARBIED. W R et 7 R A O r b Y NCh e ° a D t I t eh; 22 ag d e i d n 3 n 6 ta y n e t a , , lla . rah Wheatley, Funeral from the residence of her husband. No. 1922 North Front street, this (Friday) morning, at * lo o'clock. I _MOURNING GOODS FOR 1861.—Just renewed New 84 les Frecond Mourning Rae Bah Chintzes. Chintzes. and Neat tr ies Wm* and White ditto, at Mg ; Blank A1m500rutd8X.26,811i.3 . 134 ots.; Bomba zine Finish Alpacioas, WC 09 eh, 76 ors,; hlohnir Lustres,37l, ots. to $1; Black Boot ?Outgun, &atm Crapes. WI! Crapes,Crape Falls and Crape Veils, Rouna Corner Crane . and Grenadine Veils, crape Collars and Collarettes, Ens ish Barnlyizines Jouvin's Black Kid Gloves. making our stook of PLAIN BLACK and SECOND MOURNING GOODS full and complete. lIESSON Er. PON Mourning More. tale No. A iry Chestnut street MRECEPTION OF THE WESTERN DE,EGATIoNo.—The following full het of the inces of Pe:mown, ho.. on the 000aeion of the visit of the deleration from the i hioago Board of Trade and the Milwaukee Chamber of Commerce : Ii ord• , ed to he published : CO.MMIiTNA, TO MEET THE DELEGATIONS ON Samuel . E. - st - eke . e, THEROU S T em E u . henry Budd, Richard Wood. el T. Canby, E. Y. Towneend. GENERAL COMMITTEE OF RECEPTION AND INTRODUCTION. Samuel G. Morton, Samuel Y. M.Yrrialr, Henry Budd, James C. Hand, David 8, Brown, J. B. Lippincott, Richard Price, S. E. Stokes, Morrie L. Hallowell. E. A. Sender. R. W. DeCoursey. James A. Campbell, Thomas ti..Nowlin. J. M. Brooks. A. J. Derbyshire, Samuel T. Canby, Ge(l. H. Stuart. E. 1.1 James. Geo. N. Tatham, John Butcher, Wm. B ii homas, Hugh Craig A. O. Cattell. Jos. C. Grubb, Samuel L. Witmer, Wm. C Kent, S. J. Christian, R. O. Date, E. C. Biddle, A. J. Bucknor, Geo. L Bushy, H. W. Baldwin, m C. Ludwig, P. Janke Smith. Gideon ..I..nea, D. Rodney King, John B Myers. (Merles Kueoht, Charles M (Targe t William Hay. Dant.' Haduook,Jr.. Aron. Carol/hell, Joseph Lea. li. C K.lght, w en ry Lewis, George F. Peabody, Wino) Baser. S A. Diseham, Wm, C Baehr/De. John Sellers. Thos P Brotesburr, Charles ntahardton, Jr. Jos H Newhall, James 11. rinse. John T Thompson, A 1). Jaeger, John Prole W, therill, • Jahn 'P. Hough, James hi illi kin, Robert Ervetn, T. H. Peteison, Charles Kelly, Samuel M Felton, Wm. Div ne. E. H. Butler, H. A. Denokla, F. W. Diu.er, E. C. Caldwell, laaao baker. I owls a udenreid, Samuel Williams, Davis Person, James H. Orne. N. Sturtevant. William Crease. George Bullock, Joseph M. Thomne, W. H. Homan, S. H. Houston, J. F. Orne, 'l' C. Ileary , James Steel, John tiVoralside, Aroh. Getty. 11. 0 Daliet,Jr..ri H. Hoffman, barium! Hartrsnft, George B. Bonnell, Robert Erwin, Th rots Webster, Jr., I). W. Elerstine. John Derbyshire, Wm H. Pearson, J. P. Steiner, Jahn Weight, Jos. A terms, P. Horst. A. R. Little, F. W. Southmayd, S. Henary, Wash. 1., Butoher, H. W. Rld away. James Devereaux, Riohard Wood. Samuel W illiatue, Prot. J. C Booth, J. H. Maxwell, T. C Harvey. Geo. G. Cross, . John SOW hawk, Henry Serra). W. D. N Cezzens, John H. Mai in, Charles Kelly, J. Lew a Crea, Joseph Grail/ill, John H. Stroup,.l. CI Davis Wm G. Frishmuth, /Mud H. Manta, 'lt Nusbaum, James itillings. May or Gans, b dward D. Potts, John Murphy. W. T Mickey, W e Harker, E. Y. Townsend. Morris R. Stroud. A. T. Lure, P. B. Mingle, Fdward N. Wright. Samuel b. Ward, H Chlorin, Alex. Young. James Barrett. Jr., D. W. Herstine, Jamie 1., Bewley, James Magee. James P. Perot, Garrick Mallory, Jr.. James J. Black, Walter MoMichael, Nathan Brooke, S. G. Thompson. N. 8 Richardson, T. H. Cla k, Charles narhort, 'I hos. Mookellar. W. A. Drown COhl hIITTEE ON BANQUET. John E. Addl.:ui. Kirk B. Wells. George L. Buzbr, Samuel L. Ward, Aroh'd Getty,. William C. Ludwig, James / raquair. Samuel T. Canby, George Pullook, Janice H. Orne. Samuel L. Witmer. Joimph H. Newhall. Samuel E. Stokes, L. 0. mytineer, David G. MoCaminon, James Millikin. John Rico, MSPIRITUALISM—MRS. A. M. SPENCE will lecture at SAN SOM-STR RET HALL this ING at 7% o'olook. Admission 5 cents. She will give her oolong lectures on Senility. MNOTICE. -AN ANNUAL MEETING of Contributmg Members of the N e.. Wet SO Y 0 1 718 . 1 . Y. of Philadelphia, wig be held 273 South TRIED Street. on IHUR.r , DAY, the 7th Jar of February next, at 10 o'olook A M., for the election of Ftlt•en Managers for the ensuing year frawtfe7* GEORGE 8. FOX. Secretary. eA7(.THE SECOND ANNIVERSARY OF tho P ABTORAL ATI) AtieWIATION T h i r d. ."8 CsiIJRCII will be held in tont Churoh below Walnut, on f 4 IINOAY I,VP:PIiNG next, at Di o'clock. O[e HOP P -'TTER will preside at the meet ing. and addresses may he expected front the Rev. Benj. Watson, William Welsh, Eon., and Charles E. Lex. Fee. An annual report will be read, allowing the Boolety's oturrations during the poet year. All interested m Lay efforts to reach the neglected of our population a it cordially Invited. las-2t• POPULAR LECTURE, by ILL DE CD ADOYA, ESQ.., at the lIALL OP THE UNIVERSITY, ',n h Street, above Chestnut, SATURDAY EVENING. JAN. 28, 1851. Pubjeot—" The Prlrrohs To oomnienee at 8 o'clock. Tiokeis 58 ciente. Alay be had at the gore of Henry Cohen. CV Chestnut street. and at the Hall on the eve ning of the 'eaten,. in 22 tuft!* MUSICAL FUPiD HALL—LECTURE DAYRK BENJAMIN. In aid of the Poor. on F I r I EIaNING. January 29, at before 8. Subieet—"Flotion and Feet." Tickets 25 eente, to be had at the nrinetval Drug, MoBll3, and B 'oh etores, also at the hall. Ja.2l.-atif • arMASONIC RIOTICE.—THE MEIVEREP S ot KISIN (I STAR LODGE. No 120. A. Y. M . are requested to meet at the Masonic' Hell. CRESTN UT Street. on FRIDAY MORNING, the 25th Inat.. at U 0 °look to attend the runto al of oar late member, JOAN S. J A ORSON. ho order of the W. M. 'MICHAEL NISBET. jest 2t. Pee:o.am POST OFFICE, PHILADELPHIA, PA JANUARYD. 18411, . . • • E6l)if, NO r1131.1.—1n compliance with ipetrua- Bone received from the Poet Office Vopartment. the Publio are hereby notified that postage MU t be luny Pre pair/ by stamps on .11 lettere or paceke.,, to Governors. 11. ads of Department& and hternbere of the I egialature of this and other Staten; in default of e, Well they will 'be cent to the Demi Letter ()Mee* Waelongton, D 4 C. a 2.3 N. B. BROWNE, l'ostinuter. MNOTICE.—TILE ANNUAL MEETING , of the Stockholders the OCEAN BTEAM. G &VON ,CONIte NY, for tn. Ideation of Five Throotora. and for tan transaction ot bnaublea, held at No. 3..0 North DbI,AWA IS IS avows.. on TUESDAY, the fifth day of February. 1861. at 12 o'ola* noon. WM.. DENNIS, Js22-12t 13@oretary and Treasurer. ry• - •_tirtlCE OF THE UNION CANAL CO., m eot th, 0 , ~ nELt•RIA , January 16, 1661.—The Anauai vow ,. or 12 0 4,,,,Asholdera ot the Uninn Como!, U'ot oruarof at the office of the bruary dth. next,at 11 n'aVo,l): held on TUBS OA Compee • , W./ wALN UT BtrSotl Jan-M.(06 0. Tr o.iiroVitTbu'lthng" I vBITA OF /!. TEAK NAVIOATIOI~ colopAziy, ISO 300 NORTH WHARVES. PHILADELPHIA, Jan. 22,1661. The Annual Meeting of the eitookholdere of Ms Com pany for the leotion of Five Managers, and for the transaction of othor bueineco will bo held at No. 30_, Phdadeichto blx , hetnge. (third floor,) on Tummy V ezirNo. the fifth day of February next, et hall - past sewn o'clock. WM. DVNNIS, Ft 22-121 Secretary and Treasurer. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, THAT the Annual Meetin of the Stockholders of the Tor g Breech canal Company for the election of a l'resident and five Managers of said Company will be held at tho offioe of the Company, in AfLler ,Penn ylvanta at 10 o'clock A. M., on WBDIIESDAY. the 30th day of January. 1861 B• order oi the Board. jalt-lOt Eig. OFFICE PENNSYLVANIA RAIL, ROAD COMPANY, PHILADELPHIA. January 14.1661. NOTICE TO STOCKHOLDERS.-7 he annual meet ine of the stockholders of this Company will be held on hIOND nY, the 4th day of February, Mal, at 10 o'oloak A. M., at the HAN 34!h1.-STRK KT HAIL. The annual eleotion for Directors will be held on MONDAY. the 4th day of March 1861. at the office of the Company, No. 238 Flouth THIRD Street. lal6-tfe4 DiIUND AMITH tieoretary. Iig:"NEW YORK AND MIDDLE COAL. FIELD RAILROAD AND COAL COMPANY." Annual Meeting of the Stookholders of the Com pany will be held at the,r office. No 1004 Rooth FOURTH !street. on MONDAY, tho 4th day of Fe bruary next at II o'clock A. M. for the purpose of Mooting Frye Dirootors of the said Company for the ensuing year. and for the transaction of suoh other business Homey be bought before the meeting. HENRY RUBINSON, Secretary. PhPadelphia, January 17.1881. MIB-tte4 OFFICE OF THE FAME INSURANCE CO., N 0.406 CHESTNUT litre.t. PUILADISLVIIIA. January 7. DEL At a tneetiniy of the Board of 1 / a cetate. held this day, a Dividend ot THREE PER CENT. on the Papas! of the Company was declared, payable on and after the let day of February next. WILLIAMS I. BLANCHARD, ja9-tfel Peo.etary. OFFICE OF THE ENT.VIEPRISE IN SURANCE COMPANY. 400 WALNUT Bt. l'inuanmenia, January /6, 1861. At tiro Annual Meeting of ,he Stookholders of thus Company, hold on the 14th January 1861, the following gentlemen wore &rioted Dir Paton; ta r the ensuing year F. RAM/IPDA)/ aTAnit, WILLIAM MoKEE. NALORO FRAZIER, JOHN ATWOO i), BP.IJA MI at T. 'II)...DRICE, HENRY WHARTO , . MOROI. CAI L. nAvolori. OEOROss H. RI DART, JOIR, R. BROWN, 11 A. PaIINBRTOOK, ANDREW D. CARE, J. L. ERRINGED, At a Tooting of the hoard of Directors, hold this day, F. 11 aICIMUItL teTARR wan appointed President. Jail thsectußif CEIARLEB W. COXE,Booretary. 7COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE COM PANY tiP TRE S rATE OF PENNSYLVA -1313 CHES'INUT STREET, PIIILADELPIIIA, January 14,1881. At a meeting d the Stockholders of the rommon wealth Insurance Compan• of the State of Pennsyl vania. hold at their office, January 7.1861. the following Gentlemen were domed to serve as Directors for the ensuing year DAVID JAYNE, M. D., JOIN WHITALL, THOM ,S S. oTEWART, °GUILES H. fIOG WILLIAM sTRUTHER4, DPNRY LEWitt. Je ROHN:FIT SHOEMAKE, 401)80 K. R. WALKER. EDWARD C. KNIGHT, BTF,P. EN COULTER. And at a meeting of the Board of Directors held on this day, the following Officers were re elected: PresidentHlAV 121 JAYNE. M D. Vice President—JOHN M. WHITALL. Seeretary—CAMOEL S. MOON, Isl7-10t REFINED SEGARS AND SYRUPS.- C. DONOGHUE, .No 23 south WATER street, offere for Bale 3 2)0 barrela of Steam Refined Sugars and Syrups. of varioua grades. at reduced vricos for cash or approved credit. Agent for Kelly's Freneh Brandy Coloring. Jam 2t* PEItgONS LIVING IN THE NORTH ERN portion of the City should certainly patro l:o2e 111±.1h1Elt. The gallery is in NECOND fitreot, above GREFN. His Ambroty pes end Rhotog mulls give universal satisfaction. it* H AVANA OIOARS.—A HANDSOME assortment. comprising Pa tapes, Cabanas, . Figaro. voptuno. Punchinello, Dines Sort, Kalemma, Arguelles. Espanollo, Zaragosana,4o., &0., of all einem and qualitioa, in Quarter, Half. One- Fifth, and Ono-Tenth boxes—and in palm loaf j a ., e r lf i ste n e d —ju r !t Amanda. rz e sr , eg na bf or or s iA elow via Now byCHARLES TIT/ E a . 1.1.:1 WALNUT Street. ja2G-Ow 300,000 HAVANA CIGARS OF new crop tobacco just received al- Le na e v il e n l 1 0 07 ' I;l ' sYM a :rill vr a l tiVit , tie% a 111Ztrabang reseal:ninny call Streetr halo by CHARLES TETE, 13.. WALNUT Jade Ow LEGAL. IN THE ORPHANS' COURT FOR THE CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA. In the matter of the tetate of NARY GIBBON. de - °anew% The Auditor appointed by the Court to audit, cattle, and adjust the ricoount of Willicin Windie and David Mattes, Executors of hlary txtbson, deormatid, wtli moat toe nachos interested forte nurttosea of Ms hkpaintmoht at hie officio, at the southeast corner of kIOHTii and LOCUOT Ntreete, on hIOPiDAY, Fe bruoiy 4,1801, at 4 n'olock in the afternoon. la2o-tf DANIEL DOUGHERTY, Auditor. R . SHOEMAKER & G 0.,, GLASS, PAINTS, OILS, AND VARNISHES, Northeast Corner FOURTH and RACE Smote. do i•aul KENT'S COMMENTARIES, LITTLE, DROWN, & 00„ LAW AND FOREIGN BOOKSELLERS, 110 WARRINGTON Street, ROSTON. KENT'S COMMENTARIES ON AMERICAN LAW Tenth Edition. 4 vole, Bvo. ANGELL ON THE LIMITATIONS OF ACTION AT LAW, Fourth Edition, revised and greatly enlarged. By John Wilder May. Ewe. OREENLEAF ON TEE LAW OF EVIDENCE. sixth Edition. Vol.S. in.2l-mwf fiIREENIEIOW ON DIPTIIERIA. ' 4 -' 9 Tablmbed THIS DAY. by , LINDSAY k BLAKIBTON, Millsboro and Boobooliars, 25 ROUTH SIXTH St.. above Chestnut. ON DIPTHERIA. by Edward 'Headlam Oreenhow Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians. &o. I vol. Bvo. RECENTLY PUBLISHED. I. LYONS' HAND-I3UOK OF HOSPITAL PRAC TICE. 2. LEIDY'S /I UMAN ANATOMY. 3. SIODOE'e DISEABER PECULIAR TO WOMEN. 4 BO D ENHAM ER ON THE RECTUM. O. A LTHAUB' MEDICAL hLEIITRICITY. 6. KING'S QUACKERY UohIoRKED. 7. POCKET ANATOMIST. 8. DIXON'B PRACTLIAL TREATISE ON DIS- I. ARES OF TIIE EYE. O. CAMPLIN ON DIABETES. RIM CI. G. EVANS' GIFT-BOOK STORE, • No. 439 CHESTNUT Street BUY YOUR BOOKS AT EVANS% All Books are sold as cheap as at any other store, and you have the advantage of renewing a handsome Gift with each Book. You oan get NEW AND FRESH COPIES of all the Standard Books in every department of Lite rature, together with ALL THE NEW BOOKS. As soon as published. and a Gift worth from One to One Hundred Dollars with each. Determined to maintain the high reputation already bestowed upon our enterprise, we shall present to our customers a superior sucatty and greater assortment of Gifts than heretofore, and guarantied to give satis faction. REMEMBER, That every purchaser of a Book, to the amount of 81 or upwards, will receive a handsome Present, whereby they have the advantage of obtaining TWO CrIFTS FOR THE PRICE OF ONE. And in many instances the value received will be a hundred fold the amount invested. . . TO TIU PROOF. Call In, and one purolutse will assure you that the best Place in the oily to buy Holi dOROE ay_Books. sat GP G. EVANR' °ITT. BOONUTABLI al ENT, No. 439 Olibt3 Street. Philadelphia. Etrangern visiting the city are respectfully Invited to call and examine the large oolleation of Books. dell tf 83,436,618 08 WILLIAM B. HILL. January 14,1861-1a24-3t ACTUARY. AFFICE OF THE PENNSYLVANIA COMPANY FOR INSURANCRR ON LIVES AND GRANTING ANNUITIES. (304 Walnut street.) PHILADELPHIA. January= 1861 At an eleotion of the Stookholders. held on nionday. the 21st inst.. the following gentlemen were unanimous ly re elected Director. for the ensuing year. Charles Dublh, William H. Hart, William Kirkham. William el. Vans.. Money.. williams, William Harmer, I. Pam. Hutchinson, John R. Wuonerer, Frances Hopkinson, St. Geo. T. Campbell, Joseph Swift. Adolph E. Bone, Samuel Norrie. And at a matins of toe Direotors, held this day, CHARLES DUTALH waa unanimously re-elected Pre sident, and WILLIAM B. HILL. actuary. ra34-3t WILLIAM B. HILL, Actuary. LINEN AND COTTON M I EETINGS.- F RANKLIN A full Stook CHARLESTON HARBOR—Large colored map ot-r-publiehed b 4t y authority. for sale at the Phdad !shim Saul btore, 19 °SWAM UT Street. Ohl Booke. e rortratte, and Autograph Lettere bought. Ja24 3V JUHr. UAAIPB ELL. B OOK BUYERS.—Gentlemen: I have CHESTNUT Basement of the Philadelphia Bank. 419 Street, where I will continue to buy and sell (aa I have heretofore done at the Custom house Avenge Book-stand)pid and new Law and Ails pellaneous Books, I have for sale upwards of 100 old black-letter Books printedprior to the year lon. Also, a copy of Enigmas on the New Testament, 2 vole., /to, printed in 1848. Pnee $3O. I will also deal in Hooraying, and Autographs. Persons ate diatom:a wishing to cell Books, will desoribe their namohdates, :ea, .dodings, conditions, and pricer. Pamphlet Laws oi Pennsyl= sante, and old Books upon America wanted. an6-4Sm JOHN CAMPBELIN Linon tneetinge, Wide and narrow Tow&a and Nankin, Crumb Cloths, Stair Crash Rum Crash Diners, ~ Woollen 'Nuggets, Table Covers, Large Blanket Quilts, Curtain Materials, Furniture Rene, Ih Piano Covers, and Worsted Damasksris Shirting Linens, . sHARPLk es BROTHERS, 1a2.5 CHESTNUT and EIGHTH Streets. . , JAY N E 56 All who have used this Standard Medicine for ASTHMA, BRONCHITIS, WHOOPING-COUGH, CROUP, COUGHS AND COLDS, HOARSENESS, Or any PULMONARY DISORDER, attest its useful ness. In complaints of this character, eves when Na ture seems wins making no effort to throw oil the dis ease, the EXPECTORANT imparts vigor to the ma chinery of respiration, and enables the Lungs to dis encumber themselves of the obstructions winch have impeded their free operation. In short, all we ask to in order to Nose that it will oure the various diseases for which it is recommended, sooner, and more effec tually, than any other remedy. 7he testimony of thou sands oould be offered in support of this assertion, had We room. I.llPityu /%4-1/...{.11 PLYMOUTH . . Vermont. Juno 11. MO. Dr. Jayne—Dear tor: For some years I have [guttered from weak lunge. and upon taking cold have a distree sing cough wale)) your EXPECTORANT always re lieves. I can confidently reeommend it to the use of all similarly affeeted. Yours truly. REUBEN TAYLOR, Jrt. FROM. REV. RIJFI3B BABCOCK, D. D., For...fly President of Waterville College. Maine. and present Heorstary of the Alnerlonn and Foreign Bible Society. Dr. David Jayne—Mg Dear lair For more than a dozen year, since. I roommooneled your medlolnee, ow reolally the CARMINATIVE. and EXPROPIAIANT. I have carefully watched their effect in my own family, end elsewhere , and with inertia. ed confidence can still commend them as of inestimable value. -1 " . "/..ac: WITH CONSUMPTION. SUNISIIT eAdaPkt Ca., Ark., Aurills. 1856. Dr. D. in no—De f' with COL T OiI eu A , , rwa . v Fnr five years / was .fiheted tllystlon, for whieh could find no relief y yhysiouill CU f' 4 to lON . wins indu'O'ggnveed modng wan cur l y EX e.E c- TORANT. After using one bottle,Te i better, and the use of the second restoie'a m ' acir much health. C. P.-.o2.f°4Y,c't JAMES BENNLY, evring /haul', lowa county Wm., 'writes: I take groat pleasure in letting you know the snores that attends your medicines. aty little boy, ased six years. was suduenly taken ill with a most serious at tack of Ottrille. I called on a physiman, but all to no purpose ; I gave up my boy as lost, when some one of my neishbors told me to get your I.XPECIOICANT. which I did, and it was not twenty minutes from the time it was first administered to him before my boy not better, and shortly afterwards wee perfectly well. M. C. bIERCUR, Booretarr Missionary of tho Presbyterian Board, at Futtegurh, Your EXPECTORANT and CARMINATIVE BAL SAM were the means. under Providence, of curing a 0.110 of INCIPIENT CONSUMPTION. and alto ofcnol,n i. which had bean pronounced mourable by competent medical men, PERMANENT CURE OP CROUP. NEW AlmaNy. Oot. 6. 12.55. Dr. 1). Jayne & Sou- Goats: T •nting•Flt child. five years old. was attacked by the CROUP. 1 made use of roar EXP.e.O lIIRAct acoording to directions. which gave immediate relief, and a remanent cure was el. footed in two dare. Respectfully, R, A. COLLINS. A SETTLED COLD REMOVED. GARDEN GROVE. /OM July 33th 158. Dr. D. Jayne—Lear Sir: I have used your EX KEC TORANT in a case of SET PLED Cul.D. attended nth a MOM After employing one of our beat physician.. and receiving no benefit I was persuaded to try your kXPECTO4ANT, winch oared Ina before I had eon eumed one bottle of it. 1 have alone used it In our fa mily for common Colds and other complaints that It is recommended for, with the same lumen. Yours, truly, CHARLES EDGINTON. TIMES YEARS WITH BRONCHITIS. STOCKTON, Owen 00., Indiana Dr. Jayne, : My wife, having boon severely emoted some three yeare with Bronohatia, and haying heard of the wonderful effl E OgOT of your XPSOTORaN r for Cougho. Asthma,Difficulty of Breathing. Spitting of Blood. and other Thseaaes of the tmes. I purchased one bottle ot it, and one box of SANATIVE PILLM, and am happy to inform you that after using the v PECTORANT, her cough was immediately suppressed the diffioulsy ofbrenthing and pain removed, producing a free and easy expeatoration, and in ONE MONTH of footed a COM.SLE.CE CURE. J. P. SMITH. The EXPFOTORANT ie prepared only at 942 CR brat. UP Street, and may be had of Agents throurh. out the °country. ragr-tra lIDLRCIROtPNEIIMONIA, OR CATTLE EPIDEMIO. CATTLE DISEASE:, OATTL E DISEASE, oxr I'LE DISEASE, CATTLE DISEASE. An unfailing romedt for this di,ease can be had by applying to Dr, H. ULO . K. No. 407 .VINE Rtreet. Fulladeleble. Also, medtalnes for nil ktnds of diseases /ti Horses CURE WARRANTED, OR MONEY RRFUNDED, CURE WARRartTr•D, Olt MONEY REFUNDED, CURE WARRANTED, OR MONEY N. FUNDED, CURE 'WARRANTED. Ott 1110f1E1 REFUNDED. je23-wfm W3m . LNE SHIRT MANCIFACTORY.—J. W. SCOTT 814 CHESTNUT Street, a few doore below the " continental," The attention of Wholesale Dealers is invited to Ids IMPROVED CUT' OF SHIRTS. of superior fit, make, and material, on hand and made to mum at shortest notice. la4-tt QTOOKS AND BONDS BOUGHT AND Ik." sold on commission by JAY COOKE & CO.. )13.224,n1C 114 south THIRD btreet. MONEY RECEIVED ON DEPOSIT, and interest allowed, by JAY COOKE & CO., ja22.linif 114 &Mb THIRD Otreet. UNOURRENT FUNDS, SPECIE, &o 'Li bought and sold by JAY COOKE h. CO., ja22 lmif 114 south THIRD street. TbRAFTS AND NOTES COLLECTED by , JAI' COOKE & CO., ja22.lmir 114 south TRIAD Street. FEW YORK, BOSTON, AND BALTI more Exobango bought and erold by JAY COOKE k, CO , 3E122-Lair 114 South THIRD Stmt. IWRENOII ZlNO—Pure SNOW WHITE (Vtello,Co.'s,) Ground in Oil, and for unto by WkaithßlLL DROTHEK, Jan 47 and 49 North SECOND St. OMER BRANDY.-5 bbls Cider Brandy of extra quality, now landing and for sale by C. C. Salll,r R tr. CO., del 103 A Roll Iltreet. second door above Pruitt. AI MS PORK-100 BBLS. NEW MESS PORK, for sale by C. C. SADLER Pt CO. de27 103 w R OH Atreet. 2d door above Front. UT TLE-FISH BONE—For sale by WETAERILL Fc 110.0111 BIL, Nos, 47 end 49 Dlorth omorio Street. ail 50 CASES OF SEED LEAF TOBACCO, In store. and feLidle lw se2a-tf 108. B. JaIANSON ao CO. NEW PUBLICATIONS. NEW EDITION THIS DAY IS PUBLISHED, BY RETAIL BItY GOODS. Of Furnishing Goode, Pillow Liman, Linen Damask', MEDICINAL. EXPECTORANT. CONSUMPTION, PLEURISY, FAIR TRIAL, A SERIOUS ATTACK OF CROUP I=l rorthern'lndia, esye ENSUE E 0., • • • INSURANCE COMPANIES. THE PENNSYLVANIA ODIVANY INSURANCES ON LIVES GRANTING ANNUITIES. In conformity witn a t ß e A r c o tAt i g . Legislature. aublish STATEMENT OF THEIS. ASSETS, ON THE 91st OF DECEMBER, 2860 CAPITAL STOCK, 8500.000. REAL ESTATE. Leceue Tette& River Delaware Waco rio. 304 Walnut streetj 111903® °CI BONDS AND MORTGAGES. First Mortgages, on unencumbered property, 712,609 80 Ground Rents, well seemed.— 62,198 81 Loans on oall, with notes and collateredir—,l,oos 6 , 7 07 Life Interests—. 6,668 84 Debts due to Company, includnii"advallolla STOCKS, LOANS, AND TREASURY) NOTaS, viz : 039,100 OD Philadelphia 5r oent. loan, 35,551 00 do. Guard's pe of Poor loan, 01,800 00 do. City 6 per Dent, loan. 8.000 00 do. Gas ever neat. loan, 137,600 00 Pennsylvania 5 per cent. non non bonds 131 792 03 do. 6 per cent. loan, 20,000 00 do. 40 per cent. loan, 91,624 70 do. Guarantied interest, 511 00 fiiihuyl Nv Co float & Car loan, 32,000 03 Camden arid Amboy Rif, 6 per Camdenonds, 24,0® 00 and Amboy RR, 5 per oent. bonds. 20,000 CO North Pennsylvania RR. Co 8 per cent bonds. 40 000 CO Penn RR. 26 mortgage bonds. 71 ,172 68 Chesapeake & Delaware Canal 6 per cent loan. 11,891 00 Lehigh Coal and Navigation 6 Per cent. loan 28,670 00 Lehigh Coal and Navigation I mortgage lan, 5 600 00 Allegheny 6 per cent. bonds. &OW 00 City of Pittsburg 6 per at bds. 12,200 00 City of r ' , tabors 5 per 9t loan, 15,000 00 Cleveland and Mato:ming MIL 7 per cent. bonds 20,000 00 Hamilton County: Ohio, 6 per cent. bonds, 6,000 00 Fatette County. Kentucky, 8 per tient. bonds, 21,400 00 Tennessee 5 per cent. loan. 0.164 00 Tennessee 6 per rent. bonds. 160 760 00 United States Treasury Notes, 103 shares Schuylkill Navigation Co, 164 do. Clevei'd & Mehoning ItR Co, 104 do. commercial Bank, 553 do. Farmers' & Meohanice 161 do. Philadelphia Bank. 95 do. State Bank at Camden, 31 do. Delaware Bridge Co., Easton. 300 do. Insurance Co ,N. America, to do. Pennsylvania Railroad Co. . 22550 0 do. Bald s ogle and Spring Cree . k. 2.50 do. Lehigh Coal tc NaV. Co.florip. 250 do. Lehigh Coal & Nv. Co. Stock, 108 do. Lehigh Valley RR , Co.. 023,000 00 Laokawanna & Bloonnib's RR C 0.7 per cent. Gee Light 00 Washington Gee Light Co. 6 per gent. bonds, FIRE INSURANCE CO. PHILADELPHIA CAPITAL--. PERPETUAL PRRSStU)S3t -___s4oo,ooo 00 $314.146 85 LESS Fivit PER CENT...-. 46.707 34 .$969,439 51 . 200,512 33 -.-- 900,224 64 UNEXPIRED TEMPORARY PREMIUMS SURPLUS - - BriMIEE STATEMENT OF THE ASSETS OF THE COM PANY ON JANUARY 1, BM, FM:MIMED IN CONFORMITY WITH THE PROVI- MONS OF THE SIXTH SECTION OF THE ACT Or ASSEMBLY OF APRIL sth, 1842. MORTGAGES On property valued at over $4,005000, being first Mortgagee on Real Estate in the City and County of Philadel phia, except 876,629.92 in the neigh boring Counties— 85 REAL ESTATE. Purohased at Sheriff's sales under mortgage Maims, via Eight houses and lo'. 70 by 160 feet, on the southwest corner 01 Chestnut and Seventeenth streets. A gouge and lot. 27 by 71 feet. on the north aide of Etyma street, treat of Eleventh street. Two home" and lots, each 18 by 76 feet, on the south aide of Spruce Street. near Sixteenth street, Five home and tote, each 171 i by 90 feet, Nos. 621, 623, 625, 627 and 822 Dillwyn street. Three houses and lot, 19 by 84 feet, on Wi t t* •— au Hotel and lot, ao by 81 feet, on the southeast corner of Chestnut and Beach streets. Five houses and lot, 42 by SO feet, on the north side of George street, west of Ashton street. Seven houses and lot, 26 by 117 feet, on the east side of Beach Street, south of Chestnut street. A house and lot, 18 by tO feet, No. 817 Fitzwater street. east of Ninth at. A ground rent of $3O, lowing out of a lot 13.14 by 40 feet, on the north side of Otter street, 40 feet west of Leo pard street. Sr lots of ground on Buckley street and Quervelle avenue, Bristol. A house and lot, 16 by 100 feet, on the south side of Stiles street, eaetof Six teenth stmt. .A house and lot. 14 by 16 feet. on the east Endo of Front street, earth of Cherry street. ICensTaston. Total. Surveyed and Valued at $110.299 49, COST.- LOANS. ThaaPoStARY LOANS on Stooks as oollateroi souiriti-- • • •-• • NOOKS. 810,000 Almshouse Loan, o per (in terest on./ 200 shares Bank of Kentucky. 17 " Northern Bank of Kentucky, 100 " Union Bank of Tennessee. 13 " Insurance Company of the State of Pennsylvania. 200 " Southwark Railway Co. 97 " Commercial and Railroad Bank, Vicksburg. 303 " Pennsylvania Railroad Co. 91 " Franklin Fire Insurance Co. 2 " Mercantile Library Co. 21 " Union Canal Co. 2 Continental Botel Co. 83 NO do. Bonds. $lO 000 North Penna. Railroad Bonds. $2 000 Burlington City Water Loan. 8700 Philadelphia City Loan. $376.10 " City Warrants. Total Market Value. 887,990 27. Con.. ..... $75,07 97 NOTES AND BILLS RECEIVABLE. 51,116 92 CABS on hand.-- ....$23.293 63 " in hands of agents...... 6,639 47 REAL ESTATE. Market value— .......$110,Z12 49 Coat, as above—.—.... 85,613 38 ADVANCE IN 824,78 6 11 STOOKS. Market va1ue...._..._ 9 8 T 89097 Coet, as ab0ve.........-.._ 75,047 VT ADVANCE IN VALVE 08 LOSSES BY FIRE. LOSSES PAID DURING THE YEAR 1860, $106,326 11. BY ORM OF THE HO►RD. CHAS. N. BANCKER, PRESIDENT. ATTEST. W. A. STEEL, SEC. Pno Tau DIRECTORS. DRAB. N. BANCKER, Yresident. EDWARD C. DALE, Vise President. CRAB. N. BANCRER, I MOR DCAIE D. LEWIS TOBFAB WAGN.ER, D E C BROWN, SAMUEL GRANT. ISAAC LEA., J•CoB R. HAUTE', LD WARD 0. DALE, GEO. W. RICIIARDB. I GEO. FALEB. ja23-3t WM. A. STEEL, ffeerstary pro tem. FIAME INSUR&NOE COMPANY, No. 400 CHESTNUT Street. FIRE AND INLAND INSURANCE. DIRECTOIIB. George W. Day of Day & Matlack. Samuel Wrig " Wright firos & Co. D. II " Davis & Blrney. Henry Lewis, Jr "Lewis Bros & Co. C. Richardeon—......" J. C. Howe & Co. Samuel T. Bodine Pres't Wroming Canal Comle.T Jrio. W. Everman.....ofJ W. Evora/an & Co. Geo. A. West West & Forum. T. 8. Martin.. . . .... .." Savage, Martin, & Co. ' U. Wilson Davis...... Attorney-at. law. E. D. Woodruff of tiihley_, Molten, & Woodruff. Jno. Kessler, Jr. ", ,No elreen etreet. asoßcw. W. DAY. President. FRANCIS N. SUCK. Vice President. WILLIAMS I. SLANCHARD,Seoretary. 1a22-iftf SAVING FUNDS. AMERICAN SAVING FUND.—OOIII- _piny a Building, aoulbeaat earner WALN 1.1, and FOURTH Street& C ' rtom . 9 VI ,: o' c lock, and on MONDAY t Old Inatittition has alwaye - r,....... jklgileaiane, without notioe. INTEREST FIVE FElVatiter. All alma paid back, on Aemantin gold andel' npr. TRUSTE B. ALEX. to UNPIN, Fretidont. S_ANIL. WORK, V oe Posaident. John G. Farr, . A.. E. Ha r r. WOrbe.i 4 :At John /mooch, . - 1 r.. Send. T. awe. . i t. midge. John Allman, Jones Howinant Wm. J. Rovatd. J OHN a.xVibllO ' Treasurer, JOHN CI. SIMS. Saoretaxe. no9o-tf It %PILING. GARD.EN SAVING FUND,' r... 7 Office. 331 N o rth THIRD I h trefei;t!etitin r• , and Oallewhill. booirrapid a :y ILa frit 14 1881 . Oirn tzg ga l lAt IN B A t vil i ttrt a • DE§ &Iv from. to 8 _ Interest over cent . Der.imiittmi. fieWinn= lo a lritriB draw their ale e re by Cheers, ir eard. D" D c4/13 " Gelx". J AMES B. rxmoix; rroaasni. Henn. Beeman , asortiu . . . pRILADELPHIA LOCAL EXPRESS 1 COMPANY, SS South FIFTH Street, deliver freight, carcele, and baggage throughout Weed w y. Par ticular oe and attention given to the Man'Jame of baggage to all the railroad depots, UNION MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY OF PHILADELPHIA. PHILADELPHIA, January U. 3541. STATEMENT OF THE AFFAIRS OF THE OM PAN Y. Premiums from Jan. 1, MO, to Jan. 1 flettL .. 4210,456 SI Premiums earned on'hlarine ana Inland risks during the year ending ae above-........... 179.1 rel 23 Received from Intereat on Investments- 7.232 91 Loraine, Return Premiums, Reinsurancee, ..bx-Dennea, and Commissiotui.-- .. 157,010 82 Balance against Dividend Account 1860, and reservation for loss unadjuated and bad debts —_. ASSETS OP THE COMPANY, JAN. 7, 1261. 8 6 ,000 Pennsylvania 6 per eent.loan,at cost— 85.90 10 OCO Philadelphia City 6 per cent. d 0.... 10,300 7,000 City of Pittsburg do d 0.... 6,700 7,000 do do 5 do d 0.... 5,801 41.635 Camden and Amboy RR bonds, do.- 41 713 5,010 North Pennsylvania R R bonds, d 0.... 3,760 14,610 Chesa'ke and Del. Canal bonds, do—. 14 610 107 shares Philadelphia Bank, d 0.... 14 710 100 do North Penna. Railroad, d 0.... 5 000 88 do Delaware B. Ins. Co, d 0.... 2 200 45 do Delaware Railroad, d 0.... 1,196 10 do Pen nay I vania Railroad, d 0.... 400 Sundry stooks of Railroads, Steamboat Com- Dames, Telegraph, ho., and certificates of profits of Mutual In Stlrezioe Companies.... 14Z11 $188043 Estimated present value.— —sllo 000 OD Bills Reeeivable for Premiums— .-- 81.849 ell Cash in Bank..— ——•.— —.... 18,107 741 Due the Company for unsettled Premiums, Salvages, and other accounts— The Direotors have declared a Dividend of SIX PER CENT. on the outstanding Scrip, payable on and after 78th instant. RICHARD S. SMITH, Preedeat. JOS. COLLISON, Secretary. At %meeting of the Soripholders of the UNION MU TUAL INSURANCE CODIPANY of Philadelphia, held at their office January %nal, the following gentlemen were elected to serve as Directors for Hues yearn: Francis Tete.Jamie, Newberry A Smith, Y'.eggeiner, , John H. Irwin. G. W. Helliinen. D. Salomon. William S.Bsird. Thos. Ca.stairs, (for two James It. CamPbeiL (for years,) one year,) Richard S. Smith, woo, wits • Albert Worrell . S Derouet. Edward L. Clark A. E. Rorie. Ellis Varna% William U. Kent, H. F. Robinson, Henry Levi. Jr.. -Thomas 'miles, Godfrey Freytag. Samuel C. Cook, Charles Yam. Henry Samuel. constitute the Board of Directors. Ja3B-wfml2t VIVALNUT-STREET THEATRE. • • Sole Lessee-- M. A. GARI,EI. Stare Manager WM. A. tIHAP Bkainess Arent— —_llllr..lo/1. D. MEW/ BENEFIT OF MR. BOTRERN. THIS (FRIDAY/ EVANIAO, Jemmy S. The performance Prat commence with an enhrely new Comedy. entitled OUR AMERICAN COUSIN AT HOME. Mr. bothern es Lord Dunareart and the Ron. Samuel Plantagenet Albert Triptolemus Rosalyn. Mr. V Bowers as Trenehard. Mrs. Anna Cowed as.. Trenehard. To conclude with the farce intined YING IT 01. Doors open at IST RX o'clock ;tiO at To'olook. 161 , " Prices as usupeal.rinfinoat SOSIBIAIIO6 WIISATLEY & OLARKKOS • • TEEATEF. BENEFIT OF NIBS CMAPLOTTE CUSHMAN. AND LAST PUGET BUT SiX OF Erk:R FARE, WELL. aNGAGE m ENT! Miu EVENING CU.f HM AN T Will appear ,he ohmmeter of MRS BALI .ER. Jo the famous play of TURANGFR " In addition to the above,. 11 I appear to her oharaoter of Jlll.l NA, in•T .aY" MOON." A DOUBLE. ATTRACTION! -82,969,116 08 VAN AMBUR OH' & CO.'S GRAND ZOOLOGIOAL INSTITUTE UNITED STATES BUILDINGS. 4116 and 42 EsTNU r Street. Next to the Custom Rouse. EVERY MORNING, AFrERNOON, and kV.isI7IING Doom open at IC A. hL. 2 and 61; P. M. Admission 35 bents; children under nine yearalsoents. Perform ance of blechant, Lions, Tigers, Vaaithers, Leopards, Pumas. Pongee, Monkeys, Males, Zco., every Afternoon and Eveaing. FOURTR SUCCESSFUL, WEER Of this MTh Instructive, and Amusing to bition. SPECIA NOTICE.—That miraole of easeiotty, the wonder mil Performing 1 , lephant. Tippoo !Stub. will be introduced into the arena every Afternoon and Eve ning. by Prof. Nash. and exeowe teats hitherto deemed impassible, and never attempted by any other animal. f SANFORD'S OPERA ROUSE. RLRITENTR MUM OPEN FOR THE SEASON. NEWLY DECORATED AND PAINTED. MR. SANFORD lien zoomed one of the LARGEoT COMPANIES ever prementod koretsfors. who will appear nightly. Sanford will perform every evening. Admittance at 7; Commence at 7M. ill ciente. Children le cents. dell- ha 1 11 E GERMANIA ORORESTRA give 4 their PUBLIC REHEARSALS every LATUR, DAYoommencing et Me WelOola at the ill / 2,0 1_ , L. , FUND HALL. 8 tickets. 81.;_xell.“±tete. . 1 1 ).94 A...1.-----...*.-- ,c - con's, tag u estnut street i tha% 1.104 Chestnut street; and Sec & Lawton's. -eovicaml street. tieVAaeg=ornolrl gyarrt73,,,matggigitt.Potri; Piano Store , Full l.herniut street; Wiliam toll, Ste ....itifirNorth Junipe r it.. Ana S t reet, or C. Drou o ghmen nic , Inet Ridge oral-tr ARTS. -10245 ir.,. r --.... .. CFLIMBORAZO," a splendid Painting:WM:Um.- " TH4 FIRST sul," a beautiful Marble statuette by Antolini. On exhibition please short time. Visitors vrill bring their opera glasses. CONGRESSIONAL DEBATES WANT RD.—The " Congressional Globe " f 6 vo'utnee) of th Thirty-fourth Congress wanted, at this °Mee. ,tl9-tf SITUATION WANTED BY A YOUNG man in a HOllB3 trading with Cuba. or some other ypanish ports. to carry on the corregpondenee and aunt in keeping' the books. LlnexAepbonable reference% g iven.A ddress " A. P. 1 , 1.," office of this raper. Sa7ls-tutnnt* $5,000 AND $3 000 TO LOAN, ON mortgage of City Property. AgteLY to JOHN B. CoL.A.BAN, lett Booth EIGHTH Street. 5e•,33 33 FOR Si e4,5] 37 lOR SALE OR EX. , iIIANGE.-8 , 41 worth f first.olass Chiang° city property for sale, on long time. or exchanged tor saleabie dry gm% clothing, or boots and shoes. The property wilt be pot at its preeant value. Address P. ti LUMP, Horn) V 4, Merchants' Hotel. 19.244 t. TEXOHANGE.—S2,4OO of Hardware A- to Exotonge for Western Land. Only 84/113 oash is required. Address ".P.lihitup," Room No. 24, Morahan,. Betel. jai 2t FOR EXOHANGE.—A CHOICE TRAOT of good unimproved farm land in the State of New Jersey, convenient to the city. will be exchanged for Mt! moverty. Apply at No. 11$ FEDERAL Street. set-tf dm FOR RENT OR PALE—A urge and NM. modern-finished COUNTRY RESIDENCE,vith five urea or ground, neer Flicenuville. Ingnire of E. F. PENNYPACK Real Eatete Agent, Fhcenixvilie._ =MI in A LARGE STOCK OF DRY-GOODS WANTED—For which a eolendid COUNTRY RE SID ENC E. with 22 acre. of Lalrooat of which in in the highest elate of cultivation. and from Three to Five T hone and Dollars in cash. w ill be paid. Thie pro perly adloina Lancaster Cunt's., d about one fourth or the land lies in the city. The buildings are new. elegant. and in the Delhi° style. 'she proved , coat twentyfive thousand thiliare—is clear of all innum brains—and the title is indisputable. For beauty of location It 10 not turpsssad by any other property in the State. A fell claim/poen of it, and ail other informs , tion relative to the proinninft, can he obtained by Cosaing on bin 91. t:LA RE, la2l at 909 CEESTND f Street. Philadelphia. 329,919 15 82,231,647 67 ift TO RENT—A neat three-story Brick mit Novae, 1321 ()JANE Street. E. P. BIIDDLETON & BRO., Je2l 6C A North FRONT boost, isTO LET—The Business Stand at the southeast .orner of MARKET and FOURTH Streets. Aeply,oetween the hours of 9 end 10. to ELLI , TON P. MORRIS. No. Sod MARKET street. 12,842 30 filo LET—The commodious and desii able upper:ooms. No. MS MARKET Street. being the Beoond,Third, Fourth and Fifth *Marion, front SS by 123 feet, ',gated front, _ side, and by two large sky lights. Pro choice location for busmen and the suss- Tier manner of construotion make them more than or dinarily attractive to business firms making or desiring a (Mange of location; gas fixtures throughout. Apply at MY CLAGHOIt N In CO., wantioneem, .oemer AIA KIM/ . and BANK Rtreets. 3aB as FsRNIS AND COUNTRY-SEATS orTss. FOR BALE.—The undersigned, having for sale a large amount of property in Montgomery and adtoming oounties, snob as Farms. Country Seats. Uratt Mills. Stores, Lumber Yards. Rotel', &0.. &0., persons w sh ine to Purchase or exchange Will find it to their advan tage to call. No charge for showing Prone ties. Cata logers sent by Mill. Address R. It. CORSON, d9t-Sim Norrtstovni, fan RR. CORSON,REAL ESTATE BROKER. . AND CONV KYANCER, NORRISTOWN. PA. —Real Berate bought and sold on reasonable terms, Stores and dwellings .or woe or rent in Norrustown and oonntry. Good monger ea negotiated. Colleetiona made. The beat refereneee given. d 24 6m MISSOURI LAND!! 600000 Acres for Sale and entry, at prices ranging from It% to CO cents per acre, in any quantities re quired. TAXES paid and PATENTS procured for purchasers of Land under the Graduation Act. Plate furnished gratis by enclosing a postage stamp. For further information awl , to wa Avirt.irios, rt. Co.. U Band General Land • ants, 60 CR 66To , UT errant. Between THIRD and FO UDL ht'o. LO LAND WARRANTS bought, sold, and located, ja7-Sru aLILLIE , S SAFE DEPOT REMOVED to No, 01 South SEVENTH Street, near the klanklin Institute. The underntned , thankful for past favors, and being determined to merit future patronage, has secured mie el e n l a an lsrrim7nYolVtit; . ;! r Z , el ‘ o n b i ra h tr, v4-wrvc,T„ln.l,,ad, lace Iron % r end , Burg r tar Proof Fates, (the only al:Vnt r :‘,:ft d d °JaNairg'urt°,ts:te*.:2lrilik Also. Lathes Bank Vault Doors and Locke will be furnished t. order on short notice. Th s is the sttonsest, best protected, an doheapest Door and Look yet offered. Also, particular attention to called to I due's New Cabinet Safe for Plate, Jewelry, &o. This Safe is eon. Ceded to surpass in style and else eves on. thing yet of fered for thin purpose, and is the only one that It gad* 11 fir and burglar proof. epEcisa. Non ins —I have now on hand say twenty of Farrel, Herring, & Co.'s braes, most ot them nearly new, and some forty of other makers, complains a complete assortment as to sizes, end all lately ex changed for the now Celebrated Lillie pale They will !Isold at very low prices. Please Call and examine. as int fd. C. BAHIA% agent. LILLIE'S SUPERIOR I , ROO F CREEVE—FOR SALE— A good sized superior BBBnrglar and Fire-proof Chest, of tee above-named Mahe, original Cost e2.soAin nee only 18 months; via be gold cheap. Apply at No. 423 ALAAKFAT e treat Ity isi3-3t. SHOW CASE 6—German Silver and Wooden, all sizes and patterns; also.Offica Far- Sitora mute to order by Wm, H. GROVE, 261.1 m No. 111 North FollltTliStrest. CHROME GREEN—Manufactured and for We by VIETHERILL &. flfto77ll3R, Jan 47 and 49 North BECOAD et, 1186 371 If 8173.281 57 •-•- 813.090 ao e:se an 97 JOS. COLLISON, SECRETARY AB2I.JSEDIENTEI. WANTS
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