and private intermit would prevail; and that the Yankees and the Southerners would quarrel harmoniously for many years to come. The event seems to be against these anticipations, and Eng lishmen are coated to look on in ollonoe and won der Not so the Amorioans. While every mail is bringing news of fiery speeches and the planting of palmetto trees, the almost universal tone of ptivato letters is that there is nothing dti it all. 004th Carolina cannot secede, or, if she deer, she meat come beak again. The other States only want to maks terms and to come back into the Union after having extorted new conces sions as the price 0 reconciliation The wish may be father to the thought, but that such is the thought is to be learnt from the most cursory glance at the Amer:atm newspapers The coarse of pro seeding is to be as follows: Ninth Carolina, Ala bama, Mississippi, Merida, Texas, perhaps Lou isiana, are to separate, form a federation of their own, and then treat on equal terms with those who remain faithful to Mr. Litwin The Northern Wave States, with Virginia and North Carolina at their head, are to sot as me diators, and enforce concessions by the throat of joining the Southern league, which would then number fifteen slave States, with a vast territory, and the prospect of conquering all tho riehes of Mexico The President, it is whispered is inlayer of compromise; Governor Seward le in favor of compromise ; in short, now that the loss of South ern wealth threatens them, great panthers of the staunohest anti-slavery men are in favor of compro mise. Whet the terms of the comnromi.te shall he of coarse remains in doubt. The hope of the Demooratio party an the North is that the slaveowners will not be too exacting, or insist on the repeal of the personal-liberty sots, by which some of the Abolitionist States have nullified the fugitive slave act Many of the Republicans are anxious to revive the Missouri Compromise, by which slavery will be prohibited in any part of the United States' territory north of 36 degrees 30 minutes. Bat, as the abolition of this oompromise and the assertion of the alaveownere' right to oarry mi grate into any part of the territory is a recent and a very great viotory, it le hardly likely that the South will concede this No one in this country can pretend to judge of the event; but this we may conclude, from the tone of American disous aion, that the North will cot ho too livid; and that the slaveowners wilt receive what rill but the most rabid of -them will consider satisfaction. Governor Seward, who first spoke of the " irrepressible con filet" which was ilnpent:ing, now prophecies peace and harmony at no distant day, while many of his most intimate friends have given their adhesion to the scheme of compromise brought forward by Mr. Crittenden. But, Whatever may be the final result, we may expect to hear shortly that other States have followed the example het by South Carolina. The Trial of Jackalow TIVISKTON, Jan 23.—Six witnesses were exa mined to-day in the Jaskelow ease on the nett of the Government. The ovidenee was mainly to prove the attempt of the prisoner to buy a boat for the purpose of going after blue fish Two witnesses testified to having gone in pursuit ef the prisoner after reading the amount of the collision with the Luanda, and the out posed tragedy on board. They found him on tho plank-road bridge. aoross the Haekensaek. The pawnor told them ho was an East Indianian, and save hie name as Sam Patoh. After they got him to Jersey City, they found two begs tied around his body, next to the skin—one of which contained gold, and the other silver The exeitoment created here by this trial le una bated. Every part of the court room is crowded Several ladies were present at the trill.' to day Important trom Pensacola. PurtsecoLa, Jan. 22 —A salute of thirteen guns has been fired from Fort Barranoos in honor of tho lone•star flag or Florida. Two oolumbiads have been mounted at this fort. Fort Plokens and Fort Mcßae are being invested, and the guns directed against them are manned by the allied forces of Florida, Alabama, and Mississippi. Chicago Board of Trade. PITTSBURG, Jan. 23 —The Chicago thard of Trade left ,here this afternoon for Philadelphia. The morning was spent in visiting some of our large Iron, glass, and copper manufactories, after which they were entertained at the Monongahela flours, by some of our citizens. The dinner was got up in fine style, and our visitors left us ex pressing themselves highly gratified with their visit here, and the attention paid them by our business men. THE CITY. AMUSEMENTS TIIIB EVENING AMEILICAN ACADEMY or Music.—Grand Operetta kntertamment. VIMEATIJIT a CLADISS'Y ARCII-BTRERT Aroh street, above sixth.—" Henry VIU "—" The Lost Ship." W ALMIIT-era SIT THEATRE. Walnut and Ninth Ml., " Our Ainettean Cousin at Home"—" Wandering Min strel." UNITED 121T6SRS BOILDINGO. Chestnut greet, below Filth.—Van Ambush & Co.'e Menagerie. HANYORD'E OPERA HOVEL Eleventh street, above Chestnut.—Concert nightly. CITY RAILWAY MATTNRS— EICITA NOD AND Couprawsorreur TICEETS —The Board of Railway Presidents held a meeting on Tuesday afternoon. It wee determined that, after the first of February, the following city railways will sell twenty-five tickets for a dollar, and abolish the present system of exchanges: Richmond and Schuylkill, Race and Vine, Green and Coate!, Fourth and Eighth, Arch street, Mar ket street, Spruce and Piot, Thirteenth and Fif teenth, Seventeenth and nineteenth, and Girard College The Tenth and Eleventh and Cuestnut and Wal nut-streets roads 4111 take this combination ticket from their junction. The Second and Third-streets and Filth and Sixth-streets are opposed to the arrangement, and will not go into it. The combination ticket will be printed on bank note paper, and will be good fur any day in the year. 'Poore will be no exchange tickets, and the name of each road on which the ticket is good will be printed. on the back of the envelope containing the tickets. If the arrangement works well, all the reeds will doubtless come into it During the discussion of the matter, a resolution was passed abolishing the exchange tickets abso lutely. bat it was subsequently modiaed and ar ranged as we have stated above. The people will not gain by the arrangement. Tee great riding publio will not Invest a dollar in tiokete; and at the rate of five oente per single ride, the advantage to the companies will be to ob tain ten ovate where they now receive seven Yesterday, the reporters of the newspapers re (Mired their annual complimentary tickets Tho president, of all the corporations gave the cus tomary consent to such tame, save tnat of Market street. The economy of this road is unfortunately mob that no reporter would acoopt a ride over the line. P&NNSYLVANIA RAILROAD BRIDGES.—TIIO Pennsylvania Railroad Company has been en gaged, for some time past, in replacing their wooden bridges with Iron structures. There are now but few of the former left. The plan for the bridge across the Sobuylkill, near the United States arsenal ; has been adopted. The contract for its erection has also been awarded. The atm tun is to be of iron, three spans, each one hundred and ninety two feet. The top chord of the bridge will be of oast iron, and the lower chord of wrought iron eye bars. The vorticala and main diagonals will also bo of wrought iron, and the counter diagonals will be adjusted by screws. 4. bridge for the Harrisburg and Lancaster Railroad Company, recently leased by the Pennsylvania Railroad, will be shipped from this oily in a few days. It will cross the stream at Middletown. It Is one hundred -and eighteen feet span, having three trusses proportioned to carry 6,000 pounds per lineal foot. at a maximum load. This bridge is to supply the place of a wooden one put up in 1055. ThEl PHILADELPHIA GBAYS.—Yesterday wag the anniversary of the organization of this admirablydieoiplined corps, and was celebrated in the afternoon by a street parade The company were accompanied by the band of the regiment, and appeared with full ranks, and in full march ing kit—overcoats, knapsaoks, blankets, &a. The new overcoats and regulation hat, with the red pompoon recently adopted by the Artillery Reiff. went, was worn for the first time, and the company, as usual, presented a handsome and soldierly ap• pearance. The utmost unanimity of sentiment exists among the members, and they hold them selves in seediness to respond to any call that may be made for their services. At the time of the Mexican war a large majority of its members volunteered their servioes, and were with the Penn sylvania regiments all through that campaign. PrirrY THIRVING Yesterday morning John Wilkinson was beforo Alderman Dallas, hair• ing been arrested in Pasayunk road, near Catha rine Street, while in the act of carrying off, from a store door, a show-oase containing a number of small articles. fie was committed to answer. Yesterday morning, Josephine Bunting was nom- witted by Alderman Boswell, to answor tho larceny of about $3O worth of clothing from a house at No. 251 Lybrandt street, where she was employed as a domestic'. Edward Meyers, colored, was also committed by Alderman Shoe=libr, to answer the charge of stealing one pair of boots from a store door at Se• cord and Poplar streets. Wm. Miller, also colored, was committed by Al derman Hibbard, yesterday, to answer the charge of stealing a lot of meal from Sixteenth add Market anew. At some of the station houses large quantities of stolen goods are awaiting owners. Persons losing tlrtiolee would do well to visit the nearest station bonzes: - POLICE LABOR.—By the published re• ports of the operations of the city police, we find that 32 051 arrests were made during the year MO. With 743 policemen, including forty eight officers, we find that each man has made forty. three arrests, or nearly one arrest per week. About eighty-nine arrests have been made per diem, or one man in eight bee made an arrest. Questions for political economists to consider are, bow many Main might have been committed had there been no policemen to prevent the same? and bow many of the 32 051 might ha-s been left un done had the number of vigilant officers been greater? If the number was no great under the eircumstances, bow mach greater might It have bean bad the opportunities for crime and maps bean Increased? billartnnOUS Assam/P.—A colored man named James Pearson was attacked at Efghteeuth and South streets, on Tuesday, by a white man, Who Injured him so badly that the result may be fatal. Pearson was aroused of theft, and wee atrnek on the bead with a heavy atone, and then kicked in the face, inflicting severe gashes He was plotted up apparently dead. and taken to the station•honse. and modiste( aid summoned. Yes terday morning he was Bent to the Alma:tone°, where be lies in a very critical condition. The assailant made hie escape. ME COLORED PROPLE.—It is not true, as a morning cotemporary recently alleged, that the colored people of the olty will take any public+ measures against the repeat of the alleged personal liberty sections of the State laws. A petition is in elronlation, from the Female Anti.filavery Society, protesting against the repeal of the flame The colored people regard any action at this crisis as impolitic and unauthorized. INCITING TO RlOT.—During the fire in the netehhorhaad of Front and Thompson streets, on Tuesday, a young man named Charles Shannon was taken Into oustody upon the charge of inciting to riot fie was caught in the sat of throwing brinks at a rival fire company. Alderman Shoe maker committed him to answer at ooart. THILOWN PROM A. CART.—WHI. Eipielber (sr was thrown from his cart on Tuesday at Third and Canal streets and seriously injured. Ho was taken to his residence at No. 1129 north Third street. • Omani , . Fnue.—An alarm of fire was Aimed, about, ids o'olook yesterday morning, by the t 1 ht burmag of a stable in Benton street, Girard. FINANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL The Money Market- PHILADELPHIA, Jan. 23,1861. The stook market was again dull to-day. Reul ing Railroad shares opened at 23, and closed at 231—about the same as yesterday. Camden and Amboy Railroad shares gained 2 per share again to day—selling at 1161. Pennsylvania Railroad shares declined 1. Reading sixes of 'B6 sold largely at 73—an advance of upon yesterday's price City sixes (old issue) declined 3; Minehill Rail: ro4d 3 ; Elmira preferred 1. State fives advanced 1. The New York Post of laat evening says : The stock market, on the opening of business, was weak, and prices of the railroad shares fell off lei per cent from the quotations of last evening, but at the close there was decidedly a batter feel ing, and the decline is more than recovered. The printed list shows large transaotions on time, espe cially on callers' option, while the sales of cash stook were smaller than any day of the past week. The market closes firm, with sales of New York Central at 79L Erie 383, Toledo 361 Rook Island 59, Galena 711, Harlem Preferred 395. There were so public: sales of Brie stook. 368 was bid at the close. The Boston mail for Europe taken 1.000 abates. For Brooklyn City Railroad 115 is bid, for Brook lyn Water Loan 100. The firmest of the State stooks are North Caro. lines, which sold at 82, a further advance of 2 per cent Hissourle close at 683a69; Tennessean, 76 ; Virginias, 763. Ohio Long Loan rose to s lo6 Government stooks are firm; the bide are as follows: For the sixes of 1867. 96; the coupon sixes of 1868, 99 ; the fives of 1865, 92; the cou pon fives of 1874, 93, The money market presents no new features. There is a freer mdvement of capital outside of bank, and call loans aro quicker at 61117 per cent. There is no alteration in the rates of discount, prime paper being in county supply at 709 per cent. The Courser and En 'parer says : " The English news has very little effect on our money market. There is a little moro activity in money, but that we think is caused by the pay ments into the Sub-Treasury on acoount of the five million loan. The rates_ for money continue the same, six and seven per coot on call, with occa sional traneaotiona at five when the money is loft with baultiog houses or stookbrokers. In the dis count 'market wo notice r o mango ; there it: still a good demand for first-doss bills at galo per oent , with sofas of the very best short aoceptanoes at seven. Tho decline in the loan column of the banks last week of over three millions, while at the same time the deposits increased, plainly indicate that the demand for money is slackened very much." Philadelphia stock Exchange Sales, January 23,1861. Paroavin 133 8. 11. BrA.Tatataa.lllsr6 Exoliall64. 1 , 1.08 . 1 HOAR/ 300 abt Palma be..._. DO 6 Cain & A1u...-... 116 5200 Gay 6s..lota.tieW 10 1 'i' 5 do.---.. 116 260 City 61 kt UT% 3 do.-- 116 2 Minebtll.... -- 60 1 11655 1 clq.. . 60 1 do.._-.... 1161. 10 Harriainirg 63 5 (10— .......... 115. q 3 do . 113 5 116.4 7 63 3 West Phila. R.-- 65 .............. —..10t. . .. .. . . .. EC Lehts,ll.. a 41156 200 Rawlins It— .-- -, • 23 6 Penns R..—.-- 271 5 do— ....2dB 23 5 Cam & mu. —. 116 10 ru--..... 2d5 23 ill d 0..................« 116 10 do ...... ~2de 23 6 do ...... ....... 116 I BETWRIIN BOARDS. 4000 Reading 6o '66.... 72 15 Elmira Pref..-... 13 8003 72 I 9 Belay Meadow 100 J Reading ' 43 808.— 90 20 Kentucky Bank.— 102 SECOND BOARD. 600 N Penna. R 108..... 94100 Read .R.sawnkint 231; NllO & Third fit. 1t... 459 - I 12 Cam & 116 ZJ Pe nea 3714 9 do— —... 116 10 do .......... 3704 10 do.- —..—. /L 6 10 do . gda 8774 13 Far & 51eohe Bk.. UM It Norristoau 4971 6 Phdada Bank won efAuStrici raIOEA—PULL .BJf. Asked. Phitsdelphia6a— laU fobil nits da R. ifTg NU, —new-101.4 10161 Pent!. 80. Bin. Asked Elutira R nrf....-13 1334 tanura 78 67 Long Island It-..... 10 1054 Leh 01 & Pi. AB% 49 Leh CI &. N 50n0..54 16 North Penns R—.. 834 N Penns it 6x.....,6 1 ' 67% N Penns R. 109......93N 94 R Con. 5 . : 8 4 Catamount prfd....- 1.1 10 & N i n e 86 48.4 i Kaosectline 86 R.. 1734 18 I West Phi la 58 Rome & Pine ... 8 84 Green & Coates-17 Ina Cheat & Walnut. 31 34 Rena R, !toad S SG 21'. 21 88 Read mt ;so— is 9 Read Int fie . 71V, 73.4 . Penne It 36 Penns It 2dtut. 68 88 ES ?dor Cl eon. ...—.85 66 Morrie Canal or 111 113 8.34 .N,6surL 67.11' Bah May Imp 65...74 .. Sonny_ Iva , . Mk... 7 8 Sold Nay Prefd —l7il 18 Etnnra ..... 6ff, 8 Philadelphia Markets. JarmAnx 23—Evenius The Flour Market is dull to-day. There is no export demand, and the trade are about the only buyers, at 515 5005.62 for super; 8676 for extra; $6.87n626 for family; and 862007 for fanny brands, as to quality. Standard shipping brands are offered at our lowest figures, and the stook is light. Rye Flour and Corn Meal are quiet, and the former is selling at 84. 200 bbls of the latter sold at $9 tfr bbl. Virii ant is offered more freely. and rather dull to-day, at mamas quotations. About 5.000 bushels nave been sold at 1300133 e for good and choice Penne, red. ni ally at the former rate, in hiding some small Into of white at 145et2e00. Rye is less inquired for with email sales of Northern and Penns at 760. Corn is unchanged. and about 9000 bushels mold at 6306.50 for new, ens 10solgo for old yenow. a. to Till lity. Oats are dull and taller lower. and 304,001 bushels sold at 53Xer3loifor Southern. and 54340550 for Penna. BARK is wanted at 825 zip tan for let No 1 floored tron. COTTON.— he demand is limited, with small roles at about previous rates. (Thomas& —Further small sales of Sugar and Coffee are reported at stemir prices. Pao Ins market is firm, but not very native. Mess Pork is worth 818 50 ifr bbl. A sale of beet Rams was made at 818, and= tog Lard at 1011010 no, own and time. sodEUll.—Cloversee bus h elre native, and about Bfo bug 8505 25 41 mostly at the latter rate, which is an advance. IVnis icy is unsettled and rather lower. 100 blue Penns sold at tee; small tote 18X0; drudge 1714 o; and blida Ito per gallon. New York Stock E: zohange•-Jan. 23 BOARD 138.0015 P 1060 U d o a'74 '74 00up....91)4 93 9000 d , 15020 Tress 12 o . . ice° do 8•11 0 if Car St 89 2000 Cal 75... 54.00 Missouri St 61.-- 69M 6000 Hat Ist m bda 2nxkl Han te at Jll bs.. , 2000 Ohm W Ist m 45 5 lm & Tra —..lw 44 Mechanics' Blr 10514 50 Pacific 111. 8800.... 90 23 Penn Coal CD -•-•-•-• - 79 100 Edo -• 6 50 0 Hod do 160 do -..---45 400 Readisg R. —... 46X JUO -860-10.1 150 Mich Can TILE M 200 Dihob So & ?CI R._1656 ao do —.. —...• 16N; 100 00 d& N 1 013..31 10 100 111 Con It earl') --SIN: 100 do _. 120 do 20o(1,1,k, Clue —. R., 72 JOG do 36 00 do 723 200 100 do do 4 ...ElO-7234 SOO Cloy & Tol 40...30,4 VD do ........b3O. 32 600 Chi Rk 11-- .. a8 200 do 60 13 13 k. Q R 330..74 90 do .743 i Awes —The market oontinuce steady. with sales of 55 bele, at ac-Ther Ferule. and 55 for Pots. Fmmu, demand for atate and Western Flour is quite moderate, and the market le live cents safesarrel lower. with receipts of 6,946 barrel State;d of 8.000 barrela, at ea 1505,25 for euperfine $. 6 3505 45 for extra State and 55.1505 25 for super fine Western; 86.4000.65 for extra Western: 55 700 670 for sr ipping brands extra round•hoop Ohio. The market for Southern Fli.ur is steady, with a mo - Aerate demand ; sates 1,400 bbie at 85.70a6 for eil_eer fine Baltimore, 862607 for extra Baltimore, 8607 lu for Georgetown, &060 x6 0 for Pete shunt, WM*7 50 for Richmond. end 80 166.25 for Brand wine. Canadian Pion( is dull and heavy, with same of 350 bbla at 86.100 7.25 for common to choice extra. Rye Flour ie quiet at es 4004 20 for common to choice superfine. Corn Ideal is must and unchanged. W a te lt 7 . — T k e market is steady, with sales of 360 bbls at 180. URAIN.—The Wheat market to heavy, and one to two cents per Imehel lower. with only a limited burliness doing. with receipts of 2,110 hushele, and ealee of 20.000 bushels at 81:150126 for inferior Milwaukee Club; 8145 for common white Western; 51.34 for very clime winter red Western. and 51.55 for white California. Rye continues quiet, with ea es of small parcels at 700750. as In quality. Barley is firm ; salmi of 600 bus State at 740. in Mom 7ho Corn market is heavy,aad drooping, with sales of 30,600 bun at 683060 e for mixed Western, and 65340 for do at the railroad depot. Oats are only in moderate Testiest at 500310 for Southern. 330.35 e fur Jersey,36o37o for Western and Canada, and 37031:10 for State. NEW YORK CATTLE MARKET, Wednesday, Jau. Zl.—At market, 4 701 Beeves, 81 Cowe, 361 Verde, 0.518 Sheep and bombs, and 8.815 owine—showing an in crease of 724 Beeves, 2 Veale, and a deoreate of 22 Cowls. 4.157 Sheep and Lambs, and 2,517 Swine. In eluded in the reoeipts aro 777 head tmld at Bergen, ri .1. to New York butchers. The Cattle market to-day was stain lower. ft was a difficult matter to set 9c. for tbevery best in the ',erec— tile same that yesterday sold at 9.140 and last week at Mo. The common grades sold from 6071:o. medium to rood 8 WOO. and prime 913. .A few that were extra sold at a shade higher figures. Yesterday several lots of very fine sold at 93.40100, but none were sold to-day one' 959,...fa, and very few even BO high as So. Nome of the oommon kinds sold at 500.40• ono lot of 18 head. and 4 near old steers, cold at 6J 2 each. and then rase dat 827.50 each. They wore deer at any price. A lot ol eight very fine Steers and Oxen weigh ing 11 amt., sold to Bryant Lawrence for 8116 each. We quote generally from 6 to 9 gents for common to prime 4P' • extra a little higher. The deohnets fully 0.1 . of a cent pound on the opening sales of lust week Markets by Telegraph. liwrituoita. Jan 23 —Flour active and firm ; Howard and Ohio $6.60. Wneat steady ; red $13001.36; white 1.40e1 W. Corn firm: yellow 831266.3• white 68610 e. rovisions active ; bless Pork 818 ; Lard' 10540. Whis ky tower ; WWI at W. New °ALBANS. Jan. n —The steamer's news :mused less firmness in the Cotton market: 10 00Q bides gold at 110113,0. balite for three dsys 0.600 bales, against 496,0 for the e wee time last year. Nagar dull at 4660. 1. lour dull at $64606.60. Colton Freights to Liver pool %. Mesita, San 22 —Cotton—The weather M very wet ; sobs'oday of 2400 bales at 1041:610go for middlings/. the market closing dell. CINCINNATI,23.—FIoor dull at $4 sped ts Whisky' firm at 13.540. Hoes rub. closing at a ehrht decline; ex tra heavy were offered at $666 Receipts to-day. tAo hose; Inc the season, 417,000. Provisions dull. Mess Pork $l7. CITY ITEMS. GOLD oft Swan. deposited in tho Saving Fund, No. MB South Fourth street, below Chest nut, Philadelphta, on end after January 8, 3861, will be repaid in sold or Salver on demand, without notice. Bank notes deposited repaid in Bank notes. All depo sits bear five per Gent. interest. YUJITORB PROM THE WEST.—Delegations frcna the Boards of Trade of Chicago and Milwaukee aro expected to reach this oily this morning. for the Purpose of paying our business p•oplo a visit. and to tospeot our Philadelphia institutions. The Stall of Independence will, of course. be visited, and next in order among the lions of the city is the Brown Btone Clothing Hall of Itookhill & W Beou. Nos. 603 and 605 Chestnut Street, above Bixtti. This establishment will, of course, receive a visit. and our Western friends may expect to be astonished at the vastness and elegance of the stook of wearing apparel for gentlemen and youths on hand at tine famous establishment. Ate exchange has the following en an exuallont system of gardening for ladies: Make up your beds early in the morning; sow buttons on your husband's shirts; do not rake up any grievances; protect the voting and tender branches of your family; plant a smile of good temper In your face ; carefully root out all angry feeling ; persuade your husbands, brothers' and eons, to buy their clothing at the onc-nripe fashion able store of GRANVILLE Swim, Pim 007 Chestim street. receive a valuable GIFT UlEl'Ol6Ol, and cannot good crop of happiness. MARINE INTELLIGENCE. SEE FOURNA PAGE ARRIVED. Steamship Boston, Crooker. 20 hours from New York. with mdze and passengers to Jas Alldertlioe. Parma an unknown Bohr in the bay, bound up; off Liston's 8M eteamtuge Amerios and Atlantic, eaoh with a tow; brig Loanco, for Bavaria, was at anchor off New Castle, Bohr E L Hammond, Hammond. 3 days from James Rivera with wheat to A (3 Qattell & Co. rohr Amanda. McCracken. 2 days from Smyrna. Del, with corn to Jae L Bewley & Co. Behr Clayton dc Daiwa', Jackson, 2 days from Smyrna. Del. with (WSW !LW it Bewley It Co. Pohr Wm (horse. Halle!. 2 days from Smyrna, Del, with corn to Jab 1, Bewley lc Co ET TELEGRAPH. (Correspondence of the Press.) NEW ORLEANS. Jan. 92.—Arrived, phip Ellen Food, from Bremerhaven ; ship William witherlee, from Heivert I ship Beliwuod, tram Liverpool. LPer steamship North Briton, AL Portland Arrived from Charleston 9th mat, Ben Parstuil, at Li verpool. A raved from Mobile 9th, Clara Morse and American Union, at Liverpool. The ehtp Sheridan, for Now Orleans, put book to Qimenstown The ship Champion, from Savannah_ for the Clyde. wan abandoned at sea on the nth of Deleon:amp The crew were etivpd. IdEalOitANDa. Steamship State of Georgia. Garvin, hermit. arrived F Saysanaga at §A AT g§4ol§liT, Steamship Keystone State. Alarshman, at New York Yesterday from Savannah, Steamship Virginia, Kelly. Wed from Richmond inst. for Ptiiladelphia. litnp Cineinnatus, Doane. cleared at New York M ts. day for London. Ship Ph Ira Owen, Alexander, from New Orleans, at Genoa Ist inst. ems, Annie - ize. Sullivan. for New Orleans, Mewed attire,pool Ph inst. Ship Colombo. Stewart, for Charleston, cleared at Li- VerpOol 7th to e, Ship Elizabeth. Chillier, from Charleston, arrived at Liverpool 7th inst. ship Kitty Simpson Hepburn, cleared at New York yesterday for Antwerp Bark Aohi lee. Oalmgher, from London for Philadei ph ia, sailed from bravesend Sth inst. Bark 8 W tioinrook, Small for Cuba. cleared at Port land 21st met. Berk Fame, Kennedy, from New York, arrived at Riehmcort 22d inst. Brig Princeton, Wells, for Cardenas, oleared at New York yesterday. Bohr E 0 Feltor. Lilian, for Spain. °leered at Wil mington. NO. Hooke Bohr John oClnok, arrived at New York yes terday. with logwood and mine, the balance of cargo saved from the brig e011q11.36t, wrecked on Morriohes Beach. • • . Havre—ln port 9th mat, "Logan," March, of and for Now York Jan 9th; Germania, Townsend, n do 16th; En terprise, McLane, do Feb oth; Admiral, Min. do Jan 30; Adelaide Bell. Robertson, of Portsmouth for New Orleans Jan 12; Hemisphere. Taylor. of New York; Col Adams, Mills; Transit, Patten, of Bath; Rufus Choate. Bich of Boston; Joseph Holmes. Hanson, of Kingston; Arkwrtght. Davis. of Portsmouth; Btmoda, rreson. of Boston; Greenwich. Navon. of Kennebunk; R Tucker. Clark. of Wiseasseit; Amity, Stinson, of Bath; North ampton, Elwell, of Bath. • • ARRIVALS AT TOE PRINCIPAL HOTELS LP TO 12 0 7 0LOCHL LAST NIGHT GIRARD 110 UBE—Chestnut street, below Ninth. A W Leisonring, Penns H P Wenner & la. N York Miss b Wenner. New York B Y Wright. New York M Heiden, New Jersey Chas Albright. el Chunk P Woodhouse. New York 'P r Kondig. Memphis Mr Gillett, Baltimore W R Jameson & la, N Y Mica Cochran, New York W B Richards, Virginia M Hilton W B Lemon & Wr. N York Miss Wetherell,Philltda Henry White. Moss 8 P Ellie & wf. Now York Miss Compton, New York A J aul. New Jersey W Northrop. N Jeireey Mies Northrop, N Jersey . N Jones. Maryland Samuel Smith, Maryland Gro C Oliver. Indiana J Burk. Indiana George Burk, Indiana J H Moor & wf, Elmira J B Steinberg, New York Geo law, II N N W H Wright, Cinninnati i Disbrow. New York Joan Delaney, New York B Keith, New York Thes 'lorry. New York K A. Magruder. Penns B Kyle. Peniasylva is (3- P Hunter. Delaware (3 II Anderson. New York W IT newborn. England C Loeser & of, Pottevillo E Moraine. New York W S Reese, Baltimore Hon T Jonas York, N Mise &Ismer. Virginia 0( Arnold, North Adams te Johnson. North Adams II H Peaker, New Hampshr L Plumb, New York Z Epstein. Missismem Wm J Pooley & la, N Y Mrs W Tyson. New York L II Hopkins, Wash, 0 C 8 N Johnson. 1M ash. D C A Ilitchoock. New York David smith, New York E Tracy. Lansingburg W Temple, Lanai ng burg liquitekonboes, IN York RW Bout &Net, Newark,NJ CO' TINENTAL HOTEL—Ninth and Chestnut. Thos Terry. New York C L Kauffman, Pa OLi Moore, Pennsylvania R thakeley. Galena Il Sorkamp New York A Ilonghtaling. New York P 0 Adams. 81 Louts W 'l7 Foote, Now York A C Yates & la. Syracuse H N Slater. Providence C 0 Parke, Chtoago G D elude, Climago J E Crane, New York J Harrell, St t.ouis E Lawrence. New York 0 Morris. Chester on. Pa Roht E Cr x & wf, N Y J R Clerk, Jr, New York N Wilkinson. Wheeling. Vs. PAL Py far. Baltimore J C Hammett. Wilm, Del Mrs P T Collp, Maas A W Sturdy, New York L Rowdier. New York H Van taken, New York AI Clark, New York Ci Potts, New Yerit 1..1 Albertson, Norristown John T Daly, New York John .7 Phelps. NOW York A R. Poo, Now York.l A Ordecy. Bnaton H Heating, Boston Wm 0 Smith, Virginia Edw savage, Conn F. B Savage, Conn E Schre tide r, New York Cites Drake, New York Toudert, Jr. H wf. N Y Jamb Netter. Cincinnati Mine Mayor, Cincinnati lacunas r chat!) & la. N Y Geo C Howson, Boston ft P Barroom, New York J A Briggs, Now Yo k Mrs ALE Wheeler. N td B Stetson. Bridgewater A B Benda & la. N Y A B Sands. Jr, New York John Burgess. New York Prescott. Maryland J Al Deal, Now York S Pe roe it, Cliarteeton.lB Wa•sort. New York J J Itiohardron. Ohio Hirein Veneer Remota J 8 Ray. East Hampton J J Van Nest, n ew York Max Weil, New York J Weil. 81 Louis Louis L 'uvelller. N Y Max Stadler. Cincinnati roix,Cinoinnatt Chas Markel!. Baltimore Brodin, Butler 13 el tlieditl. Butler Lieut.° U Lee. Ch41 . 108L.11 Anson Atwood, '1 roe, N Y H Kroll, New York H G Fisk. New York Ota , d de In Ways & la, N Y Chas a Van Zant, Jr, N Y V Chas P Stagg, ow York T W Walters W H Freeman, New York MERCHANTS' HOTEL—Fourth street, below Arch t 0 Blakelee. Mauoti Chunk Peter Shim. Chicago 34 F green, New York See Quail, Washington. Pa T O'Hara, new York Jac Morrison. Peoksburz .3 F Boyd. Cornwall, Pa T . eekman. Easton D Riegel, Easton C Nagle. Easton ACI Brodhead, hl Chunk D Darraugh. Baltimore J 0 Lu z, tit Joseph W Bib ey. II oehe.ter SF Baird. beak. Pa J V Kennedy & wt. N York T Isham, New York F E Cushing, Mass A I, Clark. Boston E B Martin. Tennessee J Kenn, Montgomery, Ala A Bragg, Massaehusetts Cline Kessler. Heading ST. LOUIS HOTEL—Chestnut at.. above Third. Wm H Miller, Port Penn John W Van Hook A 8 Patrick D La Dow. Dayton, 0 Jae Morrison. Parkebdrg Mr Arliildlll, Pa Mrs Parker, Florida Dr Gunnell. Washington !Ars Paraineon, Delaware A Spencer. Norristown F A Stuart. Washington )' A Convers e _, Conn E ' , airman. Connecticut Fred B tree, Washington 'l' °amnion. Schuylkill on J B Drarte, Pottsville EJ Simpson & In. hld Wm E Barrett. Providence S M Pond. New York Duo W Sohelton, Cohn (3 H MeCahe, Tamaqua JONES' HOTEL—Chestnut streot, above Sixth WI Brineburet Delaware C P Bose, Peilade . . Cummings, New Jersey Mrs Commis s, N Jersey T Virginia Mr s Pars o n s. irginia G F Scott. Washingron, DC Wo, de, Maryland G Law. US N I. Kline. Cincinnati }4l W printer!Del co Y nrenzel. Penns W Pattorron. 'New Jersey Ur W kimor. New Jenny AI . Denude. Now York P Andoreon, Lowell H quackenboss. N York Madam Anna Bishop, N Y Mrs J Snow, Now York ANIER I CAN HOTEL—Chestnut st.. above Fifth. F Frick er, Reading Jas B Fonueman. N Y H Mll Miller, New York 111 Newhouse & la. Halt Jae M Barnes, Connecticut C T Ross. Connecticut haml B Dorian. Cheateroo John H nodney, Delaware 'rhos 0 Wes.cort, I') rune M 'Filford, New Crieana O Tilden. New York Ed 'Millen. New York Norton, o ewJer,ey h. A Packer, New ark R Humphrey, Connecticut S R Gelid,. Connecticut J C Heatu,New York J 11. Edwards, Phila STATES UNlON—Market street, above Sixth, J M Kandis. Lancaster. Pa J JP: Howard. Boston O Ifaydev, Absenoin P Bosserman, Newport, Pa Christopher Beahan, N y '.V 11 Watt, Pittsburg Geo F IViest, tlohyl 00, Pa W A Blackwell, N J les h leer, Pittsburg Chas L Walla, 1.0171110, Z Shreiner. Lancaster A Snyder. Lano.ster co W Davis. Lancaster Sas '1 hompsoc, Milroy, Pa Jns F Riddle, Bellefonte dos H 13.nvard, Beliefonte AS [Retreat, Lancaster 'lens 8 Young. Chester co V Brodriok, N 3 C Rohm, Carollna COMMERCIAL, LlOTl.:l,—lbxth et.. above Chootnur, Joo Way, Cheater co I l'lltaoh. Penr a G B I. ary. Del co. Penne Jas M Clark. Lanoaater oo J B. Frank, Baltimore J M. rilebnro., Tenn J D Rooney, Phila. 0 W Maxwell, Mar) land A Al de d: la. Cheater oo 1..1te Maxwell. Maryland Bawl J Sonar. Poona Robt Lynch, boulevule Chandler Phillipe & la, Pa THE UNION—Arab street. above Third. Wm B BhaWer C Corvert.lo D Robinson, New Jersey .1 0 Buller, Warren, 0 Semi W Williams, Pinta A N miles, Conn J m 0011; Conneotiout Mrs J L Stephenson, Philo W Cafe. Vi heeling. Va David Gans, Easton, Yn J Sihiman, Pottsville J M Collins, 7 renton.N J P Mallards, New York 0 R Lauber. Batt W J Walter & son, N k M Hill, Pittsburg IC Franks, Pittsburg Misserillie FralllCS, Pa Chas C Ashley, Newark. NJ F Ashler, Baltimore REVERE HOUSE—Third street, above Race. Stleininger. Reading Joel Fink. Pt Providence Samuel J Walker. Pa alias A noa Swank, Pa lilies A it; Ritter, Allentown Mrs S N Fried. d.lentown Joshua Rohnurrnan. Pa Mrs Geo F Kurtz. Lano Mice Nallia Kurtz. Lane Capt J ir Dill.nger, Pa Louis Royer, Philadelphia John Brunner, Jonestown T H Rtnkert, Pottsville NATIONAL 110TEL—Remo street, above Third. Goo Hofer tune. Pottsville Ram' Liarlsoy. Colinnbia Reuel , Delaware earn( Russell. Maryland II J Handler. Pottsville J G Bretton. Boston Mrs Gavin & da, De'nware John Benny, Reading It II Robinson, Wilkesbarre BARLEY BIUSAV—Seoond street. below Vime. W Davidson, Cheltenham Jas Scott. Penns Bawd hloCarter, Hartsville 'has Ramsay, Hartsville John Carlon. blargland Elwood Barton, Yonne. Joe Hill. Peoria John i redoll, Moats oo H Morris. Penns At LI Watson. Penna. W A Ninith, Danville John Wagner, Mafia W B Brown. ronna BAUD EAGLE—Third street. aoove Caßowfin!. 0 A Miller, Mallerston - n, Pa lease Benner, Ducks no ii Shaeffer, Monis co Nathan tiearr, M .Ltg 00 Titue Richards. Bucks co H S Groah, Bethlehem J Dreher, Pottsville J Wright. Po tsvillo Dr C C Field. Eiutea, Pa E told. E. aton, Pa Recoil. Nazareth John 13 Mazton. Reading FOUNTAIN HOTEL—Second et., above Market. E I I, 3 t=.° l ,!rt .l kltiLgt.6. 3`L't,,,it t .,,,, Th a t t i i i rid p , A n j Del Goo T )(Ay, Ile laware Alma E Warren, Jici W Redden, Delaware MOUNT VERNON HOTEL—Second et, ahoy+) Arch C Rardrof, Renneylvania Win Kinsey, Rnlmonborg T 11 M Addiß, Montg no B ciiddletun, Fctla BLI , LIK BBAB HOTEL—Third et.. above Ca iluwlull J 8 Miller, Berka eo. Pa .1 Boyer. Btonereville I) R Clernena, Chest Valley Win flrumbeeb, Pieter Geo K Levan, Reading I/ 11 Beelltel, l'ennn MERCHANTS' HOUSE—Third st.. above Cr.llowlall D Lauri, Leine!too. Pa C E Christ, Allentown J L Lynn, Bethlehem John Bum Bethlehem J A 1 embaoh. fauna SPECIAL NOTICES JAYNE'S TONIO VERIitIFUGN —No other disease to to fatal or common to children, as that farm hurl, designated—Worms. Unfortunately,t he loung are seldom free from them, and as the symptoms resemble those of almost every other complaint, they often pro duce alarming effects without being suspected. Worms are not only a Cause of disease in themselves, but by their irritation aggravate all other themes, wandering from one part of the body to another. winding them_ solves up into large balls and obstructing the bowels and frequently the throat, cawing convulsions and too often death. For these troublesome complaints. no mo.ecertatn or pleasant remedy hag, as yet, been floco• vered, them Da. D, JAYNE'S TONIC Vti.RMIFUGhI, • whieh is perfectly safe, and so pleasant that children w II not refuse to take it. It not only destroys Worms and invigorates the whole system, but tIIIIOOIVI3B the superabundant slime or mucus, so prevalent in the sto mach and bowels of otildren, especially of those in bad heath. This mime forms the bed or neat in which worms produce their young—and when thin is removed, it is impossible for them to remain in the body. In all cases of DYSPEPSIA., Oh:MURAL DEIVLITY, SICK HEADACHE. &0., the TONIC VERMIFUGIF. may also be prespribed with decided adventure. Its action in strengthening the stomach and bowels and restoring the appetite, renders it one of the best Tortes within the youth of Dratieptics. Prepared at 242 CHESTNUT Street, and may be had of Agents through put the country. jolt 2t SAVING/ FUND , ..-NATIONAL SAIBTT TRUST COMPANY.—During the suspension of specie payments by the Banks, Money is received and paid daily, on de mand, in the same kind of funds, speoie or notes, as de posited ; Interest five per cent. WALNUT Street, southwest corner of THIRD. me-tf SEAMEN'S SAVING FUND—NORTHWEST Comma. BEnoND and Wi.LNVIT Srnalvs.—Deposits ro omed in small and large amounte, from all Omens of the community, and allows interest at the rate of FIVE PER CENT. per annum. Once open daily, from 9 until a o'clock, and on Mon day and Saturday until eight in the evening. President, FRANKLIN FELL, Treasurer and SooretarY, CRAB. M. MORRIS SECOND-RAPID SAFES.—I am receiving a great number of Farrel, Herring, & Co.'e Seciond hand Sheet Iron Safes (many of them almost new), also those of other makers, in exohange for the now celebrated Lillie Wrought and Chilled Iron safe A general lissortmeat constantly on hand, and offered at very low prices. Please call and examine. Depot, 713 CHESTNUT, under Masonic natl. M. C. SADLER, Agent, Philadelphia. no3-inthtf HAIR Dui 1 HAIR DYE! I — Batcholor's LIQUID HAIR DYE is he original and best in the market. All others are mere imitations, and should be avoided if you wish to osoape ridicule. Splendid BLOCK or beautiful Baown instantaneously. hold by all Drug gists everywhere. The genuine has the signature of WILLIAM A. BATCHELOR upon a steel-plate en graving on four sides of each box. Byways of Counterfeits. Mapufe,otory, Barclay street, late 233 Broadway New Yor)r, CgARLES BATCHELOR, 8C 4 4/ Fropylptor, THE PRESS.-PHILADELPMA, THURSDAY, JANUARY 24, 1861. I SALAMANDER Frus-Pnooa SAIIEL —A very Ivria as of BALAMANDERB for sale at tea s mablo priaec No. 904 CEILETNUT EL, Philadelphia. an2l tr PO:AM & WATOON, GROVES & BAKBA'S ORLBEHATBD NOISELESS SEWING MACHINES Che Bent in Use for Family Bowing. do T :AO OW VAT T*4 In 14 rr.t. Phibuielehia. aul7-1r s i PRIOH CLOTHING OF THE LATEST 'Olt Ltd, Made to the best manner, °Wanly for RE 1r fIL BALM LOWEST zoning Nue, marked in r• Fieures, All goods made to (neer warranted eatis %story. Our ONE-TRICE system to stnotiy adhered t '; cur Gsreby treated alike. ~ 2q 1. 'itr+Fla rio 004 MARKET Strnet TOMldDiSnli-LHIGHIJAND —On the 9d instant, by the Rev. A. T. Spalding. Mr. William Tomlinson. to Miss Sarah Ann Highiand, all of West Philadelphia. HA RRIATN—i •EHMAN.- On the list instant. at Norristo•n by the Reg. Charles A Baer, Mr. Samuel G. Harrington to Wilbelmina 3. Lehman, alt of this city, JArtlftiON.—Ori the 22d instant. JOHN S. JACKSON. the relatives and frier de of the family are invited to attend his funeral, from hie late residence. No. 813 North sights street, above Brown, on Friday, (25th instant.) at 11 o'clock A. M. To proceed to Mount Ver non Cemetery. QUICKSALI..—At Frankford, on Tuesday. January 22, 1861, Mrs. Mary Rulokeatl, in the 68th year of her age. The relatives and friends are eispectfully invited to attend her funeral. from the residence of her non-in law. Samuel McDonough, Orchard street. below Unity. on Friday. at 2 o'clock. without further notice. Funeral to n•ocieed to ~edar Hill Cemetery • * BU K 1 US.—On the 20th instant, Mrs. Rebecca Buckinn. in the 63d year of her ace. Funeral Item the residence of her non, Peter H Peoklui. Frankford rend. encomia Point lane, this (Thermion morning. at Old o clock e.VIKING.-1 in the 2181 instaat, Nathan Lovering. in the astir year of his age. Funeral from sin late residence, No. 235 South Second street, t lig ( Thera int morning, at 10 o'clock.' LINK —On the 20th 'natant. Mrs. Magdalena Link. repot of the late Gotha. Link, in the 63th year of her age. Funeral from the residence of her son, George 3. Link, Seventh street, above Germantown avenue, thin ( Thursday,/ at 12 o'cleo., COLOhttli l' AD.—On the lat instant, Vlm Colder heed. in the 65th year of bin ace. Funeral from lie lore rcnidence. Edward street, be tween Second and School streets. tine (Thermion af ternoon. at 2 o'clock. • • . COUHTNEY.—On the 21st instant, Hannah Court net', aged ad yearn and 8 months. k uneral from her late residence, No. 221 North ti Tenth street, tins (Thu tidal I morning. zit 10 o'clock. .1-1111E8.—On (119 224 Instant, Patrick Hines, aged 24 years. Funeral front the waidonee of bin brother-in.lew, Michael Torpoy, illiert street, none Twenty-third, this (Thursday) afternoon, at 3o'clock. HT./Cita, —On the 21st mutant, Mary youngest daughter of Robert and Jane L. Bucket, aged 3 yearn and tentmaker. •. Funeral from the residence of her plxer,ta, Maui street four Coors above Foulkrod, Frankford, tam (Thursday) afternoon. at 2 o'clock. . . tiIEGEL.—On the 2let instant, h mina Adelaide, daughter of Ellen hlegee. aged s years and 7 months. Funeral from the roe donco of her mother. north west corner of Third and Girard avenue, this (Thurs day) afternoon, at 1 o'clock. EDGAR —On the 21st instant. hire, Mary Theresa Edgar, wife of Charles L I agar, in the aatli year of her age. Funeral from the residence of her husband, back of No IES North Fourth street, this (Thursday) af ternoon. at 2 o'clock. GORE.—On the 21at natant. illaty Ann, wife of Ji:001., Gore, in the 21et veto of her ago. Funeral from the m1E161200 of her husband No. 1092 South Fourth street, below Carpenter, this (Thursday site/noon. at 2 o'olook. siTIAN —On the 21st instant, Mrs. Almira G., wife ofJohn J. 11,tattan, in the 1911 a rear oilier age - Funeral from the residence of her husband. Syeamore street. ne'ow Thirty-fourth, Mantua. Twenty-fourth ward,. thus (Thursday) afternoon at 1 o'clock. BELL.—On the 21st Instant, Jane Fleming. aged 4 /cars. and Dorman Rogan. aged 11 months and oars. son and daughter of i.hzabeth and the late Thomas Dell. • . Funeral from the restdenee of their mother. Church street. Frankford, this I Thursday) afternoon, at 3 o'clock. _ . _ • - • SHALCROSS.—On the 21st instant, Airs. Sarah SW areas, daughter of the late Israel Benton, in the 7JI year of her age. Funeral front Aar late reeideuce. rollers street. be low t e:per, Frankford. this (Thursday) )afternoon, at 2 o'0101:1k. BO KIDS—no the 22d instant, in Camden. Fannie Logan eldest °had of tioorge and F mune L. Boosius aged 10 years, nOURNING GOODS FOR. 1861.—Just renewed New Mlles Psomid Mourning En• lick Chintzas. and Neat Stirlen Blank and White ditto, at 12Ki eta ; Blank Alsace/is, MU, 25,31.4. 373e' etc ; Bomba zine Finish Aloachas. 371.6. 60 62g,76 ots.; Mohair Lustros, 3731 cis. to 81; Black Boos Manilas, English Cranes. Veil Crapes , Crane Palle and Crane Veila, Round Corner Crape, Lace and Grenadine Veils, Uraße 00114.5 and Collarettee, ang,ish Bembizines Jouvin a Black Kid Gloves, making our stook of PLAIN BLACK and SF:L:OND 'MOURNING GOODS full and complete. BESSON ft SUN. Mourning Store, jalo No. 918 Cheatnut street. IXRECEPTION OF THE WESTERN DhLEGA floNd.—The following full list of the Committees of Reception. & ~ on the cocesion of the visit of the delegations from the Chicago Board of Trade and the Milwaukee Cnainber of Commerce, 18 ordered to be pubuseee COMMITTEE TO mEET THE DELEGATIONS ON THE ROUTE. Samuel V. Stokes, Samuel T. Canby, Henry Budd. Richard Word, E Y. Towneend. GENERAL comatarßE OF RECEPTION AND . . N iRODUCTION. - . Samuel C. Morton, Samuel V Merrick, 14 enry Budd. James C Hand. D ,vul S crown, .1 B I ippincott, Rio' rd Price. S. E. Stokes, Morris L. Hallowell, E. A. /Yowler, H W. DeCourser. James A. Campbod, Thomas S. Nowlin, J H. Brooks, 0. J. Derbyshito, Samuel T. Colby, Goo. H. Stuart. E. G. James, Geo. N. Tatham, John Butcher, Wm 11 Thomas, Hugh Craig. A. G. Cattail, Jos C Grubb, Samuel L Witmer, Wm. C. Kent, 8 J. Christian, R. C. • ale, E. C. Biddle, A. J. Bucomor. boo L. Hinny, M. W. Baldwin, Won. C. Ludwig, P. Janke -meth, Gideon Jones, 1) Rodney King. John B. Myers. Charloa Kneant, Charles Megarge. William Hay. Daniel Haddock, Jr., Arch Campbell, Joreph Lea, E C. Knight, Henry Lewis, George F. Peabody, Wm. C. Baker, S A. thspham. WM C. Kaahmle, John Sellers, Than P St Leebury, Charles Richardson, Jr., Jos, H. Newhall, James H. Orme, John T. lhom peon, A. D. Jessup. John Price vs inherit', John T. Hough, James Milllkin, Robert Ervein, T. B. Petereon. Charles Kelly, Samuel M Felton, Win. Divine, E. H. Butler. IL A. I/cockle ' E, W. Batley, E. C. Caldwell. Is ao Baker, Lewis A udearoul. Samuel Williams. Davis Pearson, James H. lime, N. Sturtevant, William Crea e. George Bullock, Joseph M. Thomas, W. H t Houston. E. H. Houston. J. F Ores, T. O. Hearn. Jams Steel, John Woodside, Arch. Gaily. H. C. Ballet, Jr.. C. 11. Hoffman. Samuel HartranG, George B. BonnelL Rollers Elwin. 'I hoe. Webster. Jr.. IL W. Ileistine. John D.rhyslure, Wm. Si. Pearson, J. P. Steiner. John Wright, Jos Altemus, I'.Herat, A. ft Little, R. W. tioullnayd, E. Hendry. Wash. L. Butcher, H. W. Richman Jllll.OB DOV.relllUX, Richard Wood, Samuel Williams, Prof. J. C. Booth, J. IL Maxwell. T. C. Harvey, lieu U. Own, John Sparhawk, Henry Sorrill. W. II N. Cunene, John P.I. Marie, Charles Ke ly, J.l ems Urea, Joseph Grisk ill, John H.:Stroup, J C. Davis, Win G. Prishmulh, Israel H hlaulo. E. Nusbaum, James Billings, Mayor Gans. 'Edward B. Potts, John Murphy, W. T. ()Balmy, W, I', Hacker. E. V. Townsend, • Morris s. Stroud, A. T. Lane,_ P. B. Mingle. Edward N. Wright, Samuel L. Ward, H. t. Woes. Alex. Young, James Barratt, Jr., 11. W. Berstine. James L. Bewle, Janics Masco, James IL Perot, Garriok Mallory, Jr.. James J. clank, Walter McMichael, Nathan Br , oks, B. G. Thompson, N. H. Riah•reson, T. H. Clare, Charles Harbert, Thos. Illaokellar W. A. Brown. COMMITTEE ON BANQUET. John E. Addieke, Kirk B. Wells, George L. Bozo', Samuel L. Ward, A rah'il Getty, William 0 Ludwig, James Traauair, Samuel T. Canby. George %amok: James a Newhall, Samuel L. ',, Hiner, Joseph H. Newhall, Sammy. b. Stokes. L. G. Mylingar, David C. 1110 Oa m Mon . James Al illikin, Jolla Rice, _ 104 MUSICAL FUND lIALL —LECTURE by PARK DBNJANIN. in aid of the Poor. on TDESDAY EVENING. January 29, at before 8 Nubjeot—"Fiction and Fact." Tieketa 29 cents, to to had at the cruunpal Drug. Mime. and B'ok stores, also at the Hall. J1124-6tif" El- MASONIC NOTICE—TILE MENDE" A of RISING ST R LODGE, No Itt6. A. M.. aro requested to moot at the v'ttsonie Halt. cnErmvur Street, on ROA? tiORNIN (I, the 21th Inst.. at II o'clock to attend the Funeili lof our late member, JOHN S. JACKSON. Br order of tho W. Al. [MICHAEL NISBET, js'24 Fooro tam rY OFFICE OF THE RELIANCE 3,3 TOM., INSURANCE COMPAN Y.—DIM/that,- PII 1 a. January 14. The Annual Meeting of the qtochholdera o f ti n e Company will be held at their office No 3 , .8 WAI— NU r Street, at 12 o'clock AI, on MONDAY, the 4th day of February next An Election for Twenty Directors to serve the mum ine year will be held on cold day, at the Dania place, between 12 o'clock hl, and 2 o'clock Y. NI. DOS tutha tfe4 13 AI. EINCHMAN. Secretary. ns-.. AN iNTERESTING MEETING,—A Meeting.L'nbel aT of the AMERICAN ctrunon sußsioriAny Bo' lETY will be held to At Paul'. Cnuroh ft h:rd et•eet. below Walnut. TIIN EVENING. at half• past seven o'elook. The Rev Dr N. 71the Rev. 8. H. Wllois, of New York' : the Rev. .. i3o henok. and Rev. Wm. Newton, of West Ches.- ter. are exfteetsd to address the meeting. It' rrPOST OFFICE, PHILADELPHIA, P.. 1. JANUARY 22. 1801. EPECIAL NO CICIK.--In eamellatme with metro, floes received from the Post Office Department. the public are hereby r Milled that postage taut be fully pro paid by stamps on Al letters or paokaves addressed to Governors. 11 ads of Departments. and 'Members of the t evislature of this and other Ntytes; to &NIP of sehielt they wilt be sent to the Detd Letter Office, Washington, D. 0. 1a2.3 N. B. BROWNE. Postmaster . SXNOTICE.—TILE ANNUAL MEETING or the Stockholders of the OCEAN STEAM STEAM I 7 GATION COMPANY. for the elention of Five Direotors. and for tae transsooon of other business, will he hold at No. 300 North DELAWARE Aventis. on TUESDAY, the fifth day of February IBM. at 12 &plonk noon. 'MAI. DENNIS, J,23-12c Ssoretnry and 'Pressure*. CENTRAL HIGH SCHOOL—TILE EX aminatiom of Applicants for Admirearm to the CV, THAI, HIGH NCHO will begin on MONDAY. the 28th of January, nth A. M. The oandolates meat be at lea t thirteen,yeara of age. residents of the city of Philndelptita and for at least ono year pupae intim nub ile schools • f the city. The order of examination will be as follows : MOND +Y. January 28th, History of the United States and aeosraphY• TIJEQOA y 29th. (Orthography and Monsuratien. W I.:ORR/WAY 30th, Grammar. Rules, and Parsing. THURSDAY, 318 t, Aritlimetio, Theory, and Exam ples. FRIDAY, vebruary let, Definitions, and Constitution of the United States Candidates will be admitted on Weilneeday,February oth. NICHOLAS H. AIAGUIRE., A. m., Ja92•3t Prinmpal. fir - • OFFICE OF TILE P ILADELPHIA. AN I) SAVANNAH i.TEAK. NAVIGATION COMPANY. No 300 NORTH WHARVES. PIIILADEI Ptllk• Jan• 22.1861. The Anneal Meeting of the atockholders of this Corn Pang for the b 'refine of Five Managers. and for the trensacition of other business• wilt be held nt No. 30, Ex^liange. (third floor.) on TUESOAY VENING. the fifth day of February nrxt, at half east seven o'clock. Whl. DFNNIB, 4022-12 t secretary and Treasurer. TXNOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, THAT the Animal Meeting of the Btookholders of the :Branch Canal Company for the eleotion of a r r eeident, and five Managere of said Company will be held at the aloe of the Company, in nut NS, Penn sylvania. nt 10 o'clock A. H., on WhDBESDAY, the 30th day of January, 1061, 11. order of the Board. M. C. MERCUR, jall-lOt Boaretary, TrOFFICE PENNSYLVANIA RAIL ROAD COMPA NY, PIIIIADELPHIA. January 14. 1881. NOTICH TO STOCKHOLM:I-W.-1 ho annual meet ing' of the etookholders of this Company will be held on MOND Y. the 4th day of February, 1861, at 10 o'olook A. M., at the SANotiel STR. ST HALL, The annual election for Directors will be held on MONDAY. tho 4th day of March, 1881, at the office of the Comtany, No. 238 Routh THIRD Street. Sall-tfet iiDMUND snwril Seoredary, Bc"NEW YORK AND MIDDLE COAL. FIELD RAlLttunD AND COAL COMPANY." rAnneal Meeting of the titookholdere of the Com pani will be held o n e MONDAY offioe. 204 eonth 1 , 1)1JR11 - 1 ntreet, on MONDAY, the 4th des of Fe bruary next 0.11 o'clock A. M. for the purpose of electing Flue Dirootore of the said, Compan y fur the ensuing' year, and for the tranoiotion of seek other Wetness ea may be brought before the meeting, HENRY litifillNBol`4, Beeretery. JalB-tfe4 Phi'adelphia, January 77.1861. Ty. OFFICE OF THE FAME INSURANCE CO., N0:406 CHESTNUT Stre.t. PICLADELPIIIA, January 7, MAL At 5 meeting of the Mare PER CENT, hol Capitaly. a Dividend of THREE; PER CENT. on theof the Company was doolared, payable on and after the }at day of February next. WILLIAMS I. BLANCHARD, lag-tfol kisoietriry. MARRIED DrOFFICE OF THE ENTERPRISE IN SCHANOB COMPANY. 400 WALNUT St. PHILADALPHIA. January 16, 1881. At the Annual Meeting of , he Stookholders of this Company, held on the 14th January, 1861, the following gentlemen were eleated Directors for the ensuing year: F. Rift:llEORD aTAhlir WILLIAM MoK 6E .NA LUPO Fir AZ(F,R, Jolla ffi ATWOO BE 4 J nllll , l T. HENRY WHARTO% MORD cAI L. DAWSON. DEORGi, UART, JOHN H. BROWN, ANDREW NESTOCK, D. CASH, J. L. ERRINGER. At a meetzng of the Board of Directors, held this day, F. B aTCHFORD STARR was oppointed President. Jan thatuatif CHARLES W. COXE.SeerstarY. COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE COM MA,PANYF THE 8 VATE OF PENNSYLVA -61.3 CHESTY(' STREET, FIIILADILLPIIIA, January 14,1861. At a meeting of the Stockholders of the eommen wealth Insurance Comeaw, of the State of Pennsyl vania, held at their office, January 7,1861, the following Gentlemen were elected to serve as Directors for the ensuing year DAVID JAYNE, M. D., JOHN M. WHITALL, THOM,S S. OTEWADT, CHARLES H. ROG s RS, HENRY L ENWRU THERS, ROBERT SHOEMAKER. JOHN K. WALKER, EDWARD O. KNIGHT, STEPHEN CODur And at a meeting of the Board of Directors held on ails day, the following Officers were re elected: President—DAV I) JAYNE. M.D. Vine President—JOHN M. WHITALL. Secretary—tAhlUEL S. MOON. lal7-10t • IN.UHANC E COMPANY OF THE STATE OF PENNSVI VANIA, NOS. 4 /OD KOH ANGE BU LDIAG 10, 1881. The following gentlemen have been duly re-elected Directors for the ye 861: HENRY ar 1) oHERRERD, SIMEON TOBY CHARLES MACALESTER, WILLIAM S. SMITH, JOHN B. BUDD. WILLIAM R. WHITE, GE01108: 11. STUART, BVHIJEL GRANT, JR., THBI AS lATA'= . +ER. THOMAS U WATTSON, HENRY G. FREEMAN, CHARLiv , 8. GEORGE C, CARSON. At a meeting of the D.reotors,holdthis day, HENRY D. 1111,RHERD, Esq., was unanimously re-elected President of the Company. MI6 at WILLIAM HARPER. Secretary. OFFICE OF THE UNION CANAL CO., r}..3 PIIIIALSLI , tiIA, January 15. Wl.—The Annual Meeting 01 the Stockholders of the Union Canal Um patty. of Penneylvanla, It'll! ho held on TUEsOA Y. Fe bruary 6th, next, nt 11 o elook A. 51 at the office of the Corrbot•, 228 WALNUT Street. ( Farquhar buildons,) 15.17 dtfes 0. THOMPSON, Secretary. GENT'S' FURNISLONG GOODS GREAT R E 11U OTIO N iii PRIES (+HEAT REDUCTION, G - 11 EAT Ff.6IWUCITION, GREAT HEDUCT ON, (4 H,E A T REDUOTION, AT THE C VAT STOW: No 701 0111 : , TNIIT BTREI,7, CORNER OF SEVENTH A Largo Assortment of CRAVATS. SCARFS, NECKTIES. UNDER SHIRTS, DRAWERS. HOSIERY, ULOVES, SUSPENDERS, AND MEN'S FURNISHINGr GENERALLY, AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. TO SUIT THE TIMES J. ALBERT ESHLEMAN, des atuth-H SE VENTIrAND CHESTNUT. E. & ESHLEMAN & FLETOHER. L& 800 CHESTNUT STREET, SOUTHWEST CORNER, OF EIGHTH THE CRAVAT STORE THE OOLLAR STORE PHIL4DELPIII,R CITY GRAND DEPOT GENT'S PATENT ENAMELLED COLLAR AND BEST LINEN CHOKER. CRAVATS, SCARFS. AND NECKTIES IN END LESS NUMUERB AND IN STYLES ME' VERY LATEST ALL KINDS OF GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING GOODS. riIIIRTS MADE TO ORDER G for Sp and upwards. (NO FIT, NO SALE.) BEAR IN 'Min , The Corner Is EIGHTH CHESTNUT, NO. 80 0 . iftl7-thoktutf - FINE 4IIRT DIAN PACTORY.—J. W. SCOTt, Sl4 CHEaTNUT street, a few doors below the " Continental." The attention of Wholesale Deaters in invited to his .IPIP.IIOVtip CUT OF SHIRTS, of superior fit, make. and material. on hand and made to °roar at shortest none°. EDWARD N, HALLOWELL, ClO A. 1.4 DEALER. AT ROBERT R. CORSON & CO.'S OFFICE, 133 WALNUT STREET, BELOW SECOND, JaB anal 111 COPARTNERSHIP NOTICES. MOTIOE OF OUPARTNERSHIP. The undersigned have this day formed a copartnership, under the firm of ROBIN 'ON. SCUT A; CO,. for the, Bpsrpose of nursing on the Auction and Commission Business, end will (mum , tire store No. 343 BROAD- W AY. at present occupied by Henry Robinson & Co. 3, Dated New York, January lsm. HENRY ROBINtioN, BKNJAMIN BOOTT, JR.. ia9-13t WILLIAM IL PARSOAS, IVO rICIE IS HEREBY GIVEN—That the Partnership heretofore existing between JOHN and THOMAS WOOD, miller the firm of J. & T. WOOD, was the day dissolved by mutual content. The mist ime., of the Into firm will be nettled et the Odle°. No. 2106 WOW.) Street, and either of tee partners is au thoriued to use the name of the soul firm in liquidation. JtleN wOOD. THOMAS WOOD. Phileitalobie..ianuare 22. 1861. 1820 3t* FAIHMOULTr MAURINE WORKS, WOOD St., between Twenty-first and Twenty aeon d. 'Established 1839. The uncle:signed, successor to the lam firm of J. k I'. WOOD, will continue the business in all ire branches as heretofore. Power 1 °ems and all maoldnes connected with them. Emb isaing Callentiers. Lard Oil Presses. Shelling'. and machine Work in general. Thankful for past lasers, he would respectfully solicit a continuance of the patronage so bberallr bestowed on h tie late am THOMA 3 WOOD. Philadelphia. Jan.= 1641. ja.24..3m tvi URPIIY-WIIIPPLE IRON BRIDUE. STONE, taIIGLEY, & BURTON. fio. 333 WALNUT' NTREET, PHILADELPHIA, Beg leave to inform Railroad Companies, and others interested in bridge construction, that they have formed conneotion business with JOHN W. MURPHY, Civil Engineer, (author and inventor of the above well pawn plan of iron bridte,l anti are prepared to execute orders, from any part of the country, from his designs and personal superintendence. All letters relating to plans and estimates should be addressed to JOHN W. MURPHY, Civil timneer, nol&arn For STOVE, QUIGLEY, & BURTON, CHARLESTON HARBOR—Largo colored map 01—published by authority, for vale at the Philadeiphia bang tiara, 41 9 C hAs titreet. Utd lio• hi. Portraits, and Autograph Letters bought. jn24 J °Ha unfilt.BELL. rpO ALL WHO DESIRE AM EROTYPES -IL or PHOTOGRAPHS, we would advise, to try REI- M RR. SECOND Street, above OHBEN. before going elsewhere. The fact that his pictures give satisfaction enough. pa LILLIE'S SUPERIOR PRO 0 F ORUM-FOR BALE A good si-ed superior ar and Firo-oreof Cheat, tot the alove.nainod make. original coat 6250,. in use only 18 months ; will be N sold cheap. Apply at o. 4m83 AIAnKET street Up stairs ia2.3.30/2 pfiILADELPIIIA LOOAL EXPRESS COMPANY. Stin South FIFTH Street, deliver freight. earaels, and baggage throughout the oily. Par ticular eve and attention given to tho conveyanco of bagßlign to all tan railroad devote ing-Im* es,L'OOKS AND BiNDS BOUGHT AND sold on connnimon by JAY COOKE & CO., Jan Innf 114 -oath THIRD 'treat. fUONE ItEUMVED ON DEPuSIT, Mg And interest allowed. by JAY COO (E It CO., ja.32 imif 114 South Twin) Street. INOUILLIENT FUNDS, SPECIE, SIT, ILI bought and sold by JAY COOKE h CO., ja22 Imif 114 loath 'rutin) Strout. WAFTS AND NOTES COLLECTED by JAY COOKE k CO., ja22 lmd 114 South THIRD Strata. NEW YORK, BOSTON, AND BALTI more Exalting', bought and uold br JAY COOKE k CO , ja22.lrnif • 114 tiouth Til INu Ptroot, SW (.) AS E S—Uerman Silvor and Wooden, all s,zes and patterns; also, Office Fur niture made to order by Wel, H. iIg ROVE, ja3•lm No. HI North FOURTH Street. PEACII BRANDY —3 bbls superior quality, of Georgia Pea C o . h C 04 nd 0yEo aley der 103 ARCH Street. eemind door above Profit. FRENCH ZlNC—Pure SNOW WHITE, (Vieth", Montagne, & Co.'s,) Ground in OIL and for male trr DIU/THEN, jal2 and 19 Norrh SECOND Ft DY.-5 bbls Cider Brandy ' 4, 1 of extra quality, now landingand for mile b C. C. tiailL, R fr. CO., del 103 A HON fOrn.o.l , ooond dom' shove Front pH.N.OIIIE GREEN—Manufactured and ILI for sale by WETIIERILi. k BRO b: ft, jal2 47 and 49 North 81KCOND Bt. WILT .11 LEAD—Pure,manufactured and for sale by WETDER.,II,I... t tiROTDER. .102 47 and 49 North SECOND Bt. ESS PORK-100 BRO. NEW MESS YORKI lot , ale 0. 0. gAOLER & CO. de27 103 eRCH Ftreet. 2d door above Front. lITTLE- F 1811 BONE--For salp by WETHEIIILL & BROTHER. Non, 47 and 40 40118E0011D titian*. INSURANCE COMPANIES. THE PENNSYLVANIA COMPANY FOR INS URA N CES ON LIVES AND GRANTING ANNUITIES. In conformity with an Act of the Legislature, Publish the following STATEMENT OF THEIR ASSETS, ON THE Mgt OF DECEMBER, 1860. CAPITAL STOCK, 8500.000. REAL ESTATE. League Island, River Delaware ,(( Bl9o,ooo 00 Witco Building. NO. 304 Walnut street, BONDS AND MORTGAGES. First Mortgages, on unenoumbered property, 742,509 80 Ground Rents, welt 5ecured.................... 62.198 81 Loans on call, with notes and oollaterals—.l.o9s 6'7 07 Life Interests ~..........__ 4,668 84 Debis due to Company, inoludng advances Truat Estates . . ...... 4.962 25 • • Cash ............ 341,394 40 STOCKS, LOANS, AND TREASURYI NOTe.S, viz: 330,100 00 Philadelphia 5 per cent, loan, 35.545 00 do. Guard's of Poor loan, 51,300 00 do. City 6 per gent. loan, 8 000 00 do. Gas 6 per oent. loan, /37,00) 00 Pennsylvania 5 per oent, cott- I'on bonds I t l 131 792 00 do. 5 per cent. loan, 20 COO 00 do. 43 per cent. loan, 41,624 70 do. Guarantied interest, 4 ell 00 Salley{ Nv Co Boat & Car loan, 39,000 Op Camden and Amboy R 11,6 per cent. bonds. 24,000 00 Camden and Amboy RR, 5 per cent. bonds. 20,000 00 North Pennsylvania RR. Co 6 per cent bonds. 40 000 fg) Penn RR. 2d mortgage bonds. 71,172 68 Chesapeake & Delaware Urinal 6 per gent. loon, 11,881 00 Lehigh Coal and Navigation 6 1 Lehighnt. loan 28,570 00 Coal and Navigation mortgage loan, 5 IMO 00 Allegheny 6 per cent. bonds. (03 00 City of Pittaburg 6 per of 12,200 PO City of riltsburg 5 per of loan, 15,000 00 Cleveland and Motioning 1011. , 7 per cent. bonds, 20 000 00 Hamilton County, Ohio, 6 per gent. bonds. 6,000 00 Fayette County. Kentucky. Si percent. bonds, 21,400 CO Tennessee 5 per cent. loan. 8., 00 00 Tennessee 6 per oent bonds. I 160 700 00 United States Treasury Notes, 103 shares Sonuylkill Navigation Co.. Ng do. Clevel'd & Malioning RR Co, 104 do. Commercial Bank. 553 do. Trtrinene & 'Mechanics' ilk, 161 do. Philadelphia Rank, 45 do. Btato Bank at Camden. 31 do. Delaware Bridge Co., Easton. WO do. Insuranoe Co ,N. Amerioa, 10 do. Pennsylvania Railroad Co. 279 do. Bald ag le and Spring Cre ak, 250 do. Lehigh Coal & Nay. Co.Sorio. MU do. Lehigh Coal &Nv Co. Stook. 108 do. Lehigh Valley 1111„ co,. 833 000 00 Lackawanna & Illoomeb'g RR Co. 7 per cent, bonds, 10.060 CO Washington Gas Light Co. 6 . 1 percent. bonds. • 83,439,618 98 WILLIAM 13. HILL. January 14.1661—.1a84 3t ACTUARY. OFFICE OF THE PENNSYLVANIA COMPANY FOR INSURANCHR ON LIVES AND GRANTING ANNUITIES. (303 Walnut attest,) PUILAUZLyITIA. January:l.lB6l At an oleotion of the Btookholdera. held on nionday, the 21st mat.. the following gentlemen were unanimous ly re elected Directors for the ensuing year. rhatles Dutilh, William 11. Hart. William Kirkham, William 8. Value, Henry J. Williame, William Harmer. I. Peni Hutohinson, John R. Wuonerer, Frame Hopkinson, St. Geo. T. Campbell, Joseph 13wilt, Adolph E. Boris, Samuel Nome. And at a meeting of the Direotors, held this day, CHARLES DUTILH was unanimously re-elected Pre aident. and WILLIAM 13. HILL. Actuar. Ja2 , 4-It WILLIAM B. HIL L, Actuary. FRANKLIN FIRE INSURANCE CO. CAPITAL-- PERPETUAL PREMIUMS, $914,146 85 LEss FIVE PER CENT—,-. 45,707 34 ---8868,439 51 UNEXPIRED TEMPORARY PREMIUMS.— 200,512 33 800,224 24 To t, .8%269,176 08 STATEMENT OF THE ASSETS OF TOE COM PANY ON JANUARY 1, 1861, PUBLISHED IN CONFORMITY WITH THE PNOVI- MONS OF THE SIXTH SECTION OF THE ACT OF ASSEMBLY Of APRIL 6th, 1842. MO RTGA GES On property valued at over $4,000 MO, being flint Alorrgages on Real Rotate in the City and County of Philadel phia, except $l6 629.92 in the neigh b0ring._......._........_51,954,558 B5 REAL, ESTATE. Purchased at Sheriff's solos under mortgage claims. viz: Eight bowies and to . 70 by 150 feet, on the southwest corner ot Chestnut and Seventeenth streets. A nouse and lot, 21 by 71 feet, on the floral aide of Spruce street, west of Eleventh street. Two houses and lots, each 18 by 75 feet, on the south aide of Spruce street, near Sixteenth street. Five helms and loth, each 1731 by 95 feet, Nos. 521. 523. 025, 527 and 529 Diliwyn street. Three houses and lot. 59 by 50 feet, on mud side of Seventeenth street, south of Pine. Hotel and lot, 50 by St feet, on the southeast corner of Chestnut and Beach streets. Five houses and lot, 42 by 83 feet, on the north side of George street, west of Ashton street. Seven home and lot, 26 by 117 feet, on the east side of Beach street, south of Chestnut street. A house anti lot, 18 by SO foot, No. 017 Fitzwater street, east of Ninth at. A ground rent of 530. issuing out of a lot 13g by 40 feet, on the north side of Otter street, 40 feet west of Leo pard street. 87 lota of ground on Buckley street and Quervelle avenue, Bristol. A house and lot, 16 by 100 feet, on the south side of Stiles atreet, castor Six teenth street. A house and lot, 11 by 10 feet. on the east solo of Front street, worth of Chnrry street. Kensington. Total, Surveyed and Valued nt 511 0.199 99. COST— 595,51 3 33 LOANS. TEMPORARY LOANS on Stooks as collateral security... ..... 59,5 7 1 37 orrOOKS. $lO,OOO Almshouse Loan, 5 per eent.(in terest on.) 200 charge Bank of Kentucky. 11 " Northern Bank of Kentucky. 100 " Union Bank of Tennessee. 13 " Insurance Company of the State of Pennsylvania. 200 " Southwark Railway Co. 97 " Commercial and Railroad Bank, Vicksburg. 300 " Pennsylvania Railroad Co. 91 " Franklin Fire Insurance Co. 2 " Mercantile Library Co. 21 " Union Canal Co. 2 " Continental Betel Co. 53 000 do. Benda. 510 000 North Fenno. Railroad Bonds. 52 OKI Burlington City Water Loan. 37C0 Philadelphia City Loan. $375.10 City Warrants. Total Market Value, 557,1/90 in. Cosy NOTES AND BILLS RECEIVABLE. CASH on hand— —....873.252 58 " in hands of agenta...... 6,035 47 PHILADELPHIA Market value._ Coat, ae ADVANCE INT STOOKS. 887 89097 75,947 97 MaTket value.... Cost, as above.—... 08 LOSSES BY FIRE. LOSSES PAID DURING THE YEAR 1860, $106,323 11. By ORDER OV VIE BOARD, CHAS. N. BANCK.ER, PnEanwir ATTEST, W. A. STEEL, Sac. PRO Tsar DIRECT ORS. CHAS. N. DANCKER, President, EDWARD C. DALE, Vice President. CHAS. N. DANCKER, I MORDECAI D. LEWIS, 10111A8 WAON.hR, I DAVID S. OftuWN, SA(PUEL GRANT. ISAAC LEA, J •COB R. soIITH. P,DWAHEI C. DALE, GEO. W. RICHARDS. GEO. DALES. R.2.3-3t WM. A. STEEL, secretary pro tem. 'FAME INSURANCE COMPANY, No. 400 CHESTNUT t treet. FIRE AND INLANn INeU HANCE. DIRECTORS. George W. Day.. ..... .of Day .k Matlack. tiamuel Wright........ • Wright Bros k Co. eirney--.....' Davis de flimsy. Henry Lewis, " Lewis Bros k Co. C Rithardson........." J. C. Howe tr. Co. Samuel T. Bodine... —Pres% Wyoming Canal COMO' Jno. W. Evermari....ofJ W. Everman k Co. Geo. A. West _,..'• West & Popes. T. S. •, martin, k Co. G. Wilson Davis...... Attorney-at law. E. D. Woodruff* of sibley, Molten, & Woodruff' Jae. Kessler, Jr ......No 1114 Green street. GEORGE W. BAY President. FRANCIS N. BUCK. Vice President. WILLIAMSI.I3L ANCHA RD, SeeretarY. 1a22-iftf IN THE ORPHANS' COURT FOR THE -lit• CITY AND MINI yOP PHILADELPHIA. Estate of AN DREW WIGHT, Stt., Beamed. The Auditor a_ppointed by the Court to audit settle and tidiest the first and final aooount of ANDRUW WIGIPI. and Ett..ORHE W. 1t.1 4 .1.11.1 A Administrators of the estate of ANDREW WIO}II, Sr., deceased, and to repot distribution of the balance remaining in their hands, will meet the parties interested, for the Pommes of lon appointment. on TUESDAY Februart 5.1841, at 4 o stools Y. At., at hie office, No. 213 Eolith SlXTHutreet. SIXTH dtreet. LE. W 1a2.1•26,28.30&fe1* Auditor. IN THE ORPHANS' COURT FOR THE CITY AND COUNTY OF Pi ILA DEUHIA, Estate of DIM.h.ON AIARDLIALL, Deceased. Votive le hereby Mon that .he widow of said dece dent has filed In said Court her petition and appraise 'neat, outlining to retain the personal property therein mentioned. to the value of $3OO. under the not of As sembly of April 14 Ital, and tuat the same will be ap proved by the Court on the lath day of FEBRUARY . , A. D. unlace exceptions shall be filed thereto ORY , I, ror Petition e, ia2 -the•At* JAVA OOPPEE.-1,00 poolipts prime Java Coffee, for Nal.. bv AVMS GIANAM h GO.. LBWS . II a... 50 OASES OF SEED LEAF TOBACCO, in more, and feynalo by 4 0 4 - if JOB, A, AIANBON k CO, PHILADELPHIA .---$400,000 00 $75,047 97 51,916 95 829,939 15 84,231,647 67 REAL ESTATE ..-- 4110,29) 49 83,813 38 $44,716 11 LEGAL. INSURANCE COMPANIES. TUE RELIANCE MUTUAL INSURANOE COMPANY PHILADELPHIA, OFFIOE No. 308 WALNUT STREET, The following Statement of the affairs of this Com pany on the Slot of December, 1860, Is published in pur suance of the Charter, viz : To Capital Stock, paid in.. e 214,700 00 To Cert,fioates of Profits, convert . ible into Stook.— 0,942 60 --9220,642 50 To Contingent Account for Premi ums on Fire Risks. outstanding December 31, 1859.-_....._._. 049 795 56 Do do received inlBso.—. 43,756 35 To Interest Account, net, received $93.053 92 in 1 860— 916,700 41 To Policies, Transfers, and other Profits.... . ... . 56 00 To Profit ana Coas,fnicT.mber . 3 . l . it, 18511. . 69.764,78 80,677 67 By Dividend Account, paid for the 8394,27 e 09 year 1859-- By Losses by Are in 186 . 7_, — :. . 842°2 24 BY Return Premiums, Commis- 22.468 22 Commie alone, & o Dr Expenses. ineludini . XienejTe . s, "77 21 Taxes, end Donations to Fire Companies._ .. —..... 11,935 08 ---- 17.132 85 Remaining with the $317,142 04 WHICH IS INVESTED AS FOLLOWS: In First 3lortgages on Improved City Pro perty, worth double the amount-- 8160,900 00 In Ground Rent first class— —..—.. 2,452 60 In City of Philadelphia 6 per cent. Loan, (30 --• —._ ....... .... 29,973 75 In Pennsylvania Railroad Co ' e. 6 per cent. 2:1 Mortgage Loan 27,900 00 In Allegheny Co. 6 per cent. Penney.vania Railroad Loan— 10,000 00 In Collateral Loans, well Bemired— . 2,600 00 In Huntingdon and Broad Top Mountain R. R. and C. Co., Mortgage Loan... 4,000 00 In Pennsylvania Railroad Company's 6 per cent. I.t Mortgage • . 0,000 00 In Rehanoe Mutual Insurance Co. Stook.— 24,360 IS In County Fire Insurance Co. 5t00k......._ 1,060 00 In Delaware M.B. inauranoe Co. Stook--.... 700 00 In Pennsylvania Railroad Co. Stook.— 4,000 no In Commercial Bank Stook— 5,131 01 In Meohanios' Bank Stook— 2.912 50 In Union IC Insurance Co. 50ng.............NM 00 In Rills Rea eivab1e........ 14,332 74 In Book Accounts, summed interest. 5.604 65 In Cash on hand.- The Direotore have this day declared a dividend of SIX PER CENT on the Capital Stock of the Commix,. and on the Certifioatee of Profits outstanding, tor the Tear ending December Shit, /Ho. without deduction for Stare 7 ax. payable in oash, on and altar the 16th inst. Also a Dividend of POUR PER O , N r., payable pro role on the Capital P.look and Premiums earned, out of the profits of the Company for the year ending Decem ber cl. 1860, for which Certificates of Profits, bearing interest, will be delivered to the Stockholders. and to the insured entitled to receive the same. unoer the pro visions of the charter, on and after the 16 , 1 i inst, No certificate will be issued for any less sum than ten del lore, nor for any fractional part of one dollar. Some less than ten dollars, and not less than one dollar, are oredited to the immured on the books of the C3mpan7, and if, within any period of ten years. the said credits amount to ten dollars. certificates therefor will be issued. Certificates of Profits are liable equally. with the Ca pital Stook, for the losses and engagements of the Coin pany, , and may be converted into Capital Stook at any time. at the option of the holder. DIRECTORS. CLEM TINE/LEY, ROBERT STEEN WM R. THOMYBoN, WILLIAn MUGS R, FREDERICK BROWN, BENJ. W. TINOLEY, JOHN R. WORRELL. MARMALL HILL, H. L. CARSON, / LOTHROP, ROBERT TOLAND, CHAR I..E'S LLAND, PREDERICK LENNIG, JACOB T. BUNTING. CHARLES 8. WOOD. SMITH BOWEN, JAMES I 5 WOODWARD, JOHN BISSEL, Pittsburg. SAMUEL BISPHAM, CLEM. B. M. BINCRIVIAN. Beo NORTHERN ASSURANCE COMPANY, LONDON. ESTABLISHED IN MS CAPITAL, 86.298.800. CASH ASSETS, $2.392,255.62. ANNUAL, REVENUE UPWARDS OF $1.130.000, Statement of the oor di don of the Company. made in complianee with the law of rennsylvama Capital thank— 00 Number of shares of Stoot subseribed for -- ..... 62,003 Amount of assessments or instalments on atook paid in, in cash -------- 312 015 00 ASSETS. The value as nearlr as mar be. of the Real o;state held by the 292,022 13 Cash on hand. and deposited in Banks 103 922 73 Cash in hands of Agents, and in course of transmission— ..... 225.783 55 Lonns secured by Bonds and Mortgages, constitutieg the first lion on the Real Es to e on which there is teen than one years interest due and °wins —.—.-- 679,90 44 Stooks owned by the Company. whether of any state or of the United States. or of any incorporated cite of the United States, or of any other deseription— 291E91 /SS Bonds ho d by the Company as Collateral Security for 683,500 CO Other 91,190 18 LI A BILITIES. Losses due. and unpaid, (Fire and 189,890 27 Claims for losses which are in suit or con tested by the Company.... • ---- None. Lone. during the, year which have been paid, ( Fire and , 545.297 39 Divider de den ared......... ..... —.....—..... 23.401 33 Dividends declared. due, and unsaid...._ -. 9,644 96 Amount of all other claims neatest the Company, contested or otherwise includ ing Fite Duty , due the Government, and unclaimed 48,440 48 INCOME. 0/018 cash premiums received. (Fire and L ife )- 930,815 89 Intereq, money reserved from the invest ments of the Compan- • •• • 93,19861 Inoome of the Company from any other ..... ---, 7,09375 EX PENDITURES. Amount paid and owing for reinsurance pre miums, and amount of return premiums, whether paid or 144,333 48 Dividends paid during the ye ar..... . 23,457 58 Expenans paid during theyear, including oominiesions and foss paid to the Agen , s and t,lncere of the 183,048 60 Amount of all o.hor expense& and expendi tures of the C0mpany...,.... 81,744 75 Having complied with the law of Pennsylvania, the undersigned respeotfully 'Holt a continual:3os of the patronase which has been so liberally bestowed upon this Company ranee the establishment of the Agency in this ear. • "he lame capital of the Company and unlimited liability of all the Snarcholdere offer the greatest se curity to Policy holders. Loam] paid in Philadelphia as soon as proper proofs aro presented. GETTY %i LEIBING. AGENTS jal7-thatuflt pENN MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE • COMPANY OFFICE No. 921 CHESTNUT ET.. PHILADELPHIA. The following sinteentpf the affairs of the Compa ny is published in conformity With a provision of the Charter: RECEIPTS FOR THE YEAR ENDING DECEM BER 11, 1860. For Life Premiums for term of 1ife..... —5 . 16.2,531 33 For Limi'tad 'Premiums abort iorm. - For hit7a7R'r;iB, • 3 f 37 8 0, 1 27 For 11 - O.mM. received on ..... 62,218 37 For .Policics, Polio .. 216 62 For florin Dividend on purchased P 0...... ........ 8237,356 97 LOSSES AND EXPENSES DURING THE SAME PERIOD. For Losses (29) amounting to. 844,870 00 For *xpenses &limns, Adver tising. Med. Ex - . 10 235 65 For Rent,State and City 'Eases, For Agency V.i;arges — , COMMis alone, Taxes, km—. . 9,751 75 For Reinsurance and Interest Paid.. . . . . 2,723 07 For Return Premiums purchase of Policies. ......... --- 11,053 10 For Interest Dividend, Interest on Scrip For Guarantee CapiCal 8,08166 -- 8101,317 22 Amount added to Capitol in 1860. ..... .. .accumulated Capital December, 1869..._.. 935 OM 27 Accumulated Capital December 31,1890 81 071,118 92 ASSETS OF THE COMPANY LIABLE TO PAY LOSSES JANUARY 1, 1661. 100,000 United States 5 per cent. Loan. 1871- . 100,512 50 13.000 United orates 5 per cent. Loan. 1865.. ...--...-- 13,376 00 30 C6O Unit, d /stales 6 per cent. Treasury N0te5............. 30,037 50 2000 Pennsylvania 6 per cent. --.-_. L0an....... 2,1 M 00 23.000 Pennsylvania 5 per cent. 18,174 59 00,1910 Pennsylvania a per cent. Coupon Bonds..' 18,636 00 14,803 Philadelpsia 6 per cent. L0an_.......,...13,601 75 35,000 Philadelphia 6 per cent., Exempt .............--- 33,e1 23.070 Philadelphia 6 per cent., no tax.. .--- 26 679 50 31.200 Philadelphia 6 per cent. Loan.— ....-.-. M,730 60 10 000 Pittsburg 6 per cent. Loan 8,325 00 22,000 Allegheny county 6 per cent. 1 can ... 16,915 LO 10,000 Washington 0011nnty Oyer Loan _ 7,625 00 31 000 Pennsy l vania R. R. lel. mortgage 6 per cent, Loan 20,690 03 20,000 Pennsylvania It R. .1(1 mortgage Goer cent, Loan 16,040 00 30,003 N. Penna. R. R. Ist mutt- gage 6 per Cent. Loan.... 22.600 00 600 she Penna R. R. stock 26,442 77 looshs Lehigh Coal and Navi gation Company.- 6,373 El 212 Girard Life Annuity and Trust Com Pan • 6 670 36 100 she Western Bank stook. 6 851 50 208 she Commercial 1.10 stook, 10,680 26 , tlll North America Bank stook .. • . 10.168 00 100 she Manufacturers . ' and Mechanics' BaLk stock.. . 2,784 00 00 Menhanics' Rank of Si. Louis_ .... Rents, all 60 Mortgagee and Ground . Rents, all firer liens ....... 2r.V.160 93 Loans on Polio es _ 15,179 20 Loans onCollaterate .... 40,179 69 Bills Receivable, Premium Notes ___ _ ~--, 120,916 69 Real Ea'ate, Building and • Dook. . - . 36 PM On Real psiaio7dFiet;irstreet... 24,701 04 Lividends of Ineuranoe Comeantes. .... . 61,300 00 Agen e. balance of their an eounte due.— 20,745 78 quKrterlY Pa7mehts on Polimee issued -».....».-..._.. ...._ 11,916 08 Cash on hand and in Bank.... 13,444 28 In crest on investments to Jan. 1. 1881....- ...... - 22 305 85 Office Furniture Franklin Fire Insurance Co.-.... 300 00 Annuities- 20026 IMMO Deduct two Lenten duo inlio . l7 2 ' Cq ts 4 :2o B 07, 81,071,1.28 02 FuneralLpubt. Jan. Rh, BR. At _an eleetion bold, at the office of the Company, on MONDAY. the 7th met., the tollownig gentlemen were duly °testes Trustees: FOR FREER TRAFtII. WILLIAM MAR PIN, TE JOHN O. BRENNE_ RICHARD S. NEWBOLD, BENJAMIN COAS, JOS. H. TROTTER, J. II Mc FA BLAND, WM. H. KERN, JAMES EIIBTON. WM. P. HACK aR, JAVE7d. WAN. FOR ONE YORE. JAMES TRAQUAIR. Itt_a meeting of the Board of Trustees, held THIS EFENING, DANN. LL. MILLER, sq., was elected President, and SAMUEL E. EITOKEs, Esq., Moe President for the ensuing sear. The Board of Trustees hay_e Bits day declared a Scrip Divide d el T WEN FY FIVE PER CENT. upon the cash premiums paid in IHX). They have also declared Cash Dividend of SIX PER CENT upon toe Soria Dividends issued from IMO to Hal, inolusive. payable at the (doe of the Company atter the bth Oar of r ebtuary next, in those who have paid their whole premium in cash, and to those who are Andebted to the Company for premium notes or other wise, It will be payable at the time of settlement of their next premium. DANIEL I, MILLER, President. SAMUEL E BTOKhB, Vice President. JOHN W. HORROR, Secretary, jai:-thstu6t IALEP—For sale by WETRERILL & BROTHEIL47 and 4V North NECOND Strad. JANUARY 12, 1861 DER FREYSCHII rz. Agatha . . madame JONA NNsE (S, Annehen....-- —.Madame VON BE F KEL. --Signor ST I GE10.1,1 . Madame Anna Bishop will afterwards appear and sing •• Banks of Guadalquiver ." To ha followed by a beautiful scene and duo from hi ASSANIELLO• hlassaniello . • —Signor STIOELLI. Pietro ........ ............. FORMES. The evening's entertainment will conclude with a grand National Tableau of WAIBINGTON. In which the antis. Company will sing the "STAR SPANGLE') B •NNEfL" Director -—. • • .....Mr SODOFH THOMAS. rokets. inoludip reserved soars. Ono Dollar. Beak obtained on and sifter Tuesday. at the Academy. & Lawton's, and etookering's. from 1 fill 4 o'olook. Family Circle (for this night only), 23 cents. Doors open at 7 o'clock, commence at So'olooktfa2l 41 3317.141 04 V. TINGLEY, President. retare. Inl/5-tutliSce6t 425 CHESTNUT STREET, New Building Philadelphia Bank $229 936 97 7.420 00 AMUSEMENTS. WHEATLEY & CLARKE'S AROILST. v • TFF,ATRF. FAREWELL YNGAGEFIE" , T OF itLISS CHAR LOTTE ClJ , Hami N THI EVENING Mae (yusumAli will appear for the first and only time in Philadelphia, in her ms orear,,m of CiARDINAL WoLSEY: In Sbaktmeare e htatorio rrag_edr of r NRY Concluding aith the LOST nautical drama of THE SHI! WALNUT-STREET THEATRE. • Sole Lessen__... —3lm. K. A. GARMMOSOR. iStaxo hlanager-- -- Mr. WM. A. unJIPIA Basin)). Aeon , _ JOB. D. MVO 3B. THIS (THURSDAY) r.v.uNititi. January SC The performance will aonomde with an entire! new Comedy. entitled OUR AM ERICA N COUSIN AT HOME. Mr. Pothern ea Lord,DunerearLand the Hon. Samuel Kl i on.t r e . gpa er Alpert . Tr) ptole m us /foie T h rd hire. Anna Cowed or. .....: 7 7..• • ;,. -- .:finette gre e ncita;d. To commence with the farce entitled a v...T.H.8. at e AND,E I RIN . G inINsTREL. t 0 , 60 4 . 0. c. a oak . riOrMALLOba otocanoscoe noes as usual. AMERICAN ACADEMY OF MUSIC( MR. GEORGE HOOD Has the honor to announce to hie friends and the habitues of the Opera, that be will fflVEl a OR CND OPERATIo NTERTA INIVIENT ON THUR:IDAY EVENING. MI &RV U. MD. For which specialty he has engaged the services of some of the most . . . ... • POPULAR ARTISTS Of the present time in America, who will appeal' in a beautiful and vaned ....9k:11.03T10N OF OPERAS, Arranged especially for this occasion by CARL FORMES. The entertainment will nammenee with the setlond act of Flotow's Grand near. MARTHA. Lady lionsiatta-- Mad. iscatTELA )013ANtsiiiVi. Nancy •-- —Mad. VON BERREL. Lionel._ bienor BTI DELL!. Plunkett (his original chatacter) ....CARL FORMES. Tn be followed by a grad Scene from TANCIik DI BY MADAME AN YA BEBFrOP. In which she will sing the celebrated aria " Tanti Palsoti ;" otter which will be introduced the second act of 'AN AMBURGH & CO.'S GRAND ZOOLOGICAL INSTITUTE UNITED STATES BUILDINGS. 420 and 428 CHESTNUT Street. Next to tee Custom House. EVERY MORNING, AFTERNOON, and EVENING Doom open at 10 A. 01.. 2 and 64 P. rl. admission 25 cents; children under nine learn 15 mints. Perform anoe of filephant, Lions, Tigers, Panthers, Leopards, Pumas. Ponies, Monkeys, Mules, &n., every Afternoon and Evenin FOURTH S PCCESSFUL WEEK Of this Moral, fratruative. and Amusing Exhibition. SPECIAL NOTICE.—That miracle of easnoity, the wonderitil Performing P lephaet, Tippoo stub. will be introduced Into the arena every Afterfron and Eve ping. by Prof. Nash. and execute feats hitherto deemed impossible, and never attempted by any other animal. f I LANFORD'S OPERA. ELEVENTH - STREET OPEN FOR Th E SEASON. NEWLY DECORATED AND PAINTED, MR. SANFORD EDS secured one of the LARGEST COMPANIES ever presto/Rad heratofert, who will appear nightly. Sanford will parlorm every evening. Doors open at 7; Commence at 7X. Adnuttance 23 ciente. Children 13 eentar. delf-Sia THE GERMANIA ORCHESTRA give their PUBLIC REHEARSALS every SATUR DAY, commenoing at 83k o'clock. at the MUSICAL FUND HALL. 8 tickets, al; single tickets, 26 cents, for sale at Chicken= & Son's, Beeksnut street ; Andre's. nal Chestnut street; an& Lawton's, Chestnut event MIT+ o f :frr t Piano Store. 807 heat:ant street; William Moll, ads North JOIIi9OT street, or C. Droughman, MS Rides avenue. oe3l-ti pENNA. ACADEMY OF THE FINE ARTS.-1020 CHESTNUT Street, " CHIMBORAZO," a splendul Painting_ by Minot. "THE FIRST SIN," a beautiful Marble Statuette bs Angehni. On exhibition for ashen time. Visitors will please brine their opera classes. WANTS. WANTED—i GENTLEMAN OF RE RPECTABILITY to occupy a furnished room as a eleeptne room. in a strictly private family. Un exceptionable references required. Address Blood's Despatch. ja23-2t. A TRAVELLING SALESMAN, WELL A acquainted with good short-time buyers in Penn sylvanta and Maryland, wolPd ba willing to sell by sample, (and to add to hie present trade.) Staple Pry Goods Plnisdolphia made Goode preferred. Address G. G. Q," Press office. .1a.234t. W ANTED A Situation by a Young Man. who has had four Tears experience in the Cloth Beninese ; unexceptionable reference can h 3 given. Address C. B. K.." this office. 1822 at" CONGRESSIONAL DEBATES WANT WD.--The " Conzreasional Globe " (6 vo'tones) of the Thirty-fourth Congree, wanted, at Chia offloe. ial9-tf SITUATION WANTED BY A YOUNG N- 7 man in a House trailing with Cuba. or some other Spanish ports. to carry on the correspondence and assist in keep ing the boas. ilnextuptJonable referencee given. tnt ...hat ddr * ess "A. Y. N.." office this paper. ml - $5,000 ANtD S 3 000 TO LOAN, ON 143 Smith EIGHTH Street. FOR SALE AND TO LET. ...... FOR SALE OR EX!)IIANGE.—SSO,OOO worth f first-olacs Chicago city property for sale, on long or exchanged for saleable dry geode, elothtag, or boots and shoes. The property wt be put at its present va , uo. Address P. SHIMP, Rom A 4, hotel.ja2t-21.• 910 EXOHANGE.-62,400 of Hardware to Exch•neo for Western Land. Only SRA in cash is required. Address "V. kthimp," Room No. 24, Merchants Rotel. 2t* 02 A LARGE STOOK OF DRY-G9ODS tigrd."W ANTED—For which a splendid COUNTRY RE SIDRNC 0. with 22 sores of arable LAND, all of which is in the highest state of cultivation , and from Three i to Five Thousand Dollars n cash. will be paid This pro perty adjoins Lancaster City, Fs.. ai d about one fourth of the land lies in the city. The buildings are new, elegant, and in the Gothic style. 's he proved. coat twenty-five thousand dollars—is clear of all mourn branoe—and the title is indisputable. For beauty of location it is not suremised be any other property in the State. A full description of it, and ail other informa tion relative to the promises, can be obtained by Galling on JAMES hi. CLARK. 0121 6t 409 CRESTNU 2 Street, FluladalPtda. FARM. AT PRIVATE BALE -A FARM of 60 Acres. more or less. very beauti fuily situated on the Delaware River. We miles fmm Claimoat Station, on the Wilmington and Philadelphia Railroad. The hind is in the highest s ate of cultiva tion. Buildings in first-rate repair. For particulars, inquire of G. W. LODU r., P. ea . Jail-4t* et Claymont. Delaware. Terms easy. de TO RENT—A neat three-story Brick Jai Hon ea. 1321 01AV R Street. E. P. .1111OVLETON & BRO., 5 Borth FRONT tweet dTO LET—The Business Stand at the southeast corner of al ARKET and FOURTii Streets, Apply, between the hours of 9 and 10. to MALI -TON Y. MORRIS, No. $OO MARKET atreet. -a- LEl'—The commodious and cleanable upper rooms. No. 513 31ARIChT !Street, being the Second. Third, Fourth and Fifth stories, front 33 by 125 feet, lighted in front. aide, and by two large sky- Itghts. The choice location for business and the impe ller manner of construction make them more them OT dinanly attracure to Wetness firms making or dewing a Change of location; gas• fixturea throughout. Apply at MYeRS, CLAGHO & CO., auctioneers. corner MARKET and BANK Rtreeta. lae-tf u.g 'FARMS AND COUNTRY-SEATS sass FOR BALE.—Tho underiogned, having for gale a large arnount,of property in Montgomery and adjoining counties, such as Farms. Country Seats, Oran Mills, Stores, Lumber Yards. Zco., ko., persons wish.. mg to purchase or exchange will find it to their advan tage to call. No charge for shoving properties. Cata logues sent by mail. Address It. H. CORdON, d24-2m Norristown, Pa. RR. CORSON,REAL ESTATE BROKER • AND CONVEYANCER, NORRISTOWN, PA. —Real Estate bought and sold on reasonable terms. Stores and dwellings 'or sale or rent in Norristown and country. Good mons PA es negotiated. Collections made. Wile best references RIM. 4124 6m MISSOURI LAND!! 600,000 Acres for Sale and entry , at prices ranging from 1255," to 60 cents per acre, in any quantam re quired. TAX FS paid and PATENTS procured for ptirchasare of Land under the Graduation Act, Plate furnished gratis by enclosing a postage stamp For further information and! , to WlLtsOol. iiAWLINGS, & CO.. a. and General Land ' , gents. 65 CH ESTAUT otrest. Between THIRD and YOUfTH a r LOUIS. Mo. LAND WARRANTS bought, sold, and located. .la7-3m SAVING FUNDS. AMERIOAN SAVING FUND.—Com _any s Building. southeast corner WALNUT end FOURTH Streets. Opon daily from II all o'clock. and on MONDAY tall Bin the evening. This Old Institution has always paid In full, on dement, without notice. INTEREST FIVE PER CENT. All same paid beak, on demand in gold and eti var. TRUSTII3 ALEX. AP' ILLDIN, President. SAML. WORK, Vice President. John C. Farr, T. E. Hauer, George Nugent, John Anepaoh, Jr., Saml. T. b4odine, Alb. C.Roberts, John Allman, Jonas Bowman, H. H. Eldridge, Wm. J. Howard. JOHN S. WILSON, Treasurer. JOHN C. SIMS. Seoretary. no2o-tf if WRING GARDEN SAVING FUND kJ Offloe, 331 North THIRD Street, between Vine and Callowhill. Incorporated by the Legielature April lith, T 1361. Open for Deposits and Payments_, daily, from eto 236 o'olook, Also, on MONDAY and HURSDAY EVENINGS, from IS to 8 o'clock. Interest leer cent. per annum. Depositors can with. draw their Moneys by Cheese, if caracid. Bream' De posits received. JAMES 8. PRINGLE. Posedeet, Pi&VOUNAIT.BMwetam sta-tfit RAILROAD LINES. MAK.. - • 1 WEST 011ES1 ER . • ••••=t - ' - ' AND PDILADELPRIA 111P5.-7r!" LMMMI VIA MEDI WINTER. ARRANGE A. MENT, From !Maness; corner of Eighteenth and market, streets. On and after Sunday. Nov. 24th. IMO, the trains will leave the northeast corner of Eighteenth and Market streets at 7.40 A. AI., 2 and 4.30 P. Al. Oh Sundays, ate A, M and 2P. M. Trains leavirg Philadelphia, at 7 40 A. M. and 4 SO P. M., and on Wedneedape and Saturdays, at 3 P. M., connect at Pennelton with the Philadelphia and Balti more Central Railroad, for Concord, Kennett Avon dale ,Oxford, &o. HENRY WOOD. nom General Runerin, ardent, NUTIII.E.---0.11681`21ff VALLEY RAILROAR—FAB - BENCIER TRAI 8 FOR DOWVINUTOWN AND 114- VERDLEDIATE 18TATION8.--On and after Nov. 6th, ISSO, the ronenser Trews for DOW NINGTOWII delis et fr / omthe nwarg a l e gpTof the?ha tMD CAN Streets,his=l - Whoa* on (lallorrhilL A. ItiORLYLLIAI WIWI( for Dovraingtolrh, :eaten at axe APREIRROON TRAM fer Datritiertowl, Isms at OOP. BIL PALLY (Soudan easested.) order or one /3oarci el managers of the rkiliklblie 111101. Read= Railroad Comearty. ae9 W. U. Mel &OF:NUT:V. &motor,. INLAND FREIGHT 10. 1 11 14 PORTSMOUTH, The Tri-weekly Line via Seaford to Norfolk, Va.; will be discontinued for the present. A Daily Line will take the place of it br way of Baltimore. Hoods sent to PRENTZEL'S Warehouse, 1524 MARKET Street, will he forwarded with despatoh, and at as low rates a. by c, any other Lai. , 00 t p...F.r, - fumy, blaster of Traneportation, P. W. A. B. R. R. 00. lattg3 %VEST CHESTER TRAINS via PENDIRYLVA PHA RAILROAD, leave Ock?et, corner ELEV.hRT2 no MARKET, at 8.00 A.M., 12.30 P. ra,s end 6 r.ra, 1730-tf
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers