SCceJ , sOn , IForTkaPress.i i. Mx :Annex • I have thought 'Much upon the preaent Secession "movement in reference to its future, dettilliptients;iind will. give my thliniiiti."llWattaidd of old lhat_ii Whom the gods:W*lC' te:destroy they first Mike, mad ;" the condition .of - those States in the South who have declared for se- It is not the negro questioty nor 'the elec; , tion of Lincoln to the Presidency, nor the per sonal -liberty bills in thsNOtthern States, nor the insecurity of Slave property, but it is . the settleAl conviction of the leading minds South form of government la sot_ ;the peculiar institutions of." the Soiztli;`)Ma, one, more fit accordance with the stapliPfroductions of its soil and climate, and the Vehitiorts °'t its laboring classes; is needed. TtinfUouviction,hasbeen growing in the South ern mind for the last thirty years, and it - has oulyjakenlorre since the election of Mr. Lin.- coin' .I'old - dent.% • No -cOmproteises now will change their poli cy. They have settled down upon the neces-, sity of VOW Southern Confederacy; and they 17111 . 104 a a dOsPoratO effort to accomplish this object. „ , The free States injr,iest assured, that if it is to be ,provented, neither legislative action nor compromises will avail," Either we will be compelled to stand by'and let them peaceably secede; and, carry out their' designs as best they may ; or we must at once anticipate their movements, and by force of arms successfully Crush' them. - It now beconies'a question with us whether the free States will not be seriously injured, if not destroyed, by a dissolution of the Union ; and whether our ownexistence, as a free peo ple, will not ultimately aticcumb to the over whelming influence of anarchy ; become the prey of dissent:lona' and civil misrule, in our midst, and the aggressions of loreign Powers from. abroad. At present, we are- respected and feared, but division on our own soil will reader both a Southern and Northern Con federacy weak and impotent, and make ns en easy prey to the ambitious and selfish: The preservation of the 'Union Is the only safety, both for the North and the' South; and if a civil war does commence, it will not end until one of the parties shall be utterly dis abled, and it requires but little sagacity on the part of any to know which wing of the nation will feel it the most. If the issue is fairly made, itwill resolve itself int* this : shall free labor or 'slave predominate? And who knows bat what a war on this principle may-re sult in the utter overthrow_ of slaveocracy in this country. Many are ready for it, and there are now, in the free States, since the work of tie , : cession has commenced, ninety-nine out of the hundred in favor of it. And 'you may rest assured; that the first battle fought on Southern soil will render the free North a unit on this head. Our own boner, interest, and liberties depend upon It. 'And it is to be fought out,,“ no slavery" will belhelifritto; All other issues will be merged in this. Bat, let na take a Southern view of this sub ject. Suppoie that 'a confederacy should be formed, such as they contemplate,what would he its relative' condition on our own conti nent? In the first place, if Maryland, Virginia, Kentucky, Tennessee, and Missouri should be sacked into this swilll maelstrom, they•would be at once destroyed—no power an earth could save them. It would be the settled po licy of all the States on their borders to ren d& their slave property as insecure as possi ble, to withdraw them from the unnatural— the unholy alliance—involving them in end less disputes, fends, and border warfare, until the slaves should fairly understand the issues, and then regular stampedes would occur; and sertile insurrections, until the very existence of these States would depend upon the libera tion-of their slaves; and in the course of time they would seek a reunion with the free States, and extend free labor to the very borders of those States which now feel secure in their cowardly attempts at secession. This is only a question of time, and the results are inevita ble. And still further: the laboring white popu. laden, feeling their degraded condition in the South, would, in process of time, leave the slave territory and come to the North, leaving only the slaveholders behind to pro tect their interests, and that, :too, with an en emy in their midst More to be dreaded, than the free States would summOn against them. Hew long could they stand up with such for.. midable odds against them? In addition to this, the emigration from En roPe always has, and will, seek for free soil, and _ this element, constantly increasing, will augment ftie opposition day by day, and in crease the hostility to the South, and-render it more deadly 'and formidable. The Mishit of the conflict will be to revolu tfordise the' .border Southern States, and to push: to the :Gtat States the institution of slaveiy, 'and there, at the mercy of the free States, it, may, and probably will, for Some time remain ; but never, hereafter, with - any safety, or with its former prestige. ,And_now another 'view : It has been, and still Is, the settled policy of England to find a sail and, climate outside of America, for the production of the cotton for their looms. Many experiments already have been made, some of which are more successful than g,' - unviulutimwel_admit. But it is contia soil, or of the band, that, is partieniarty nerative to remain in the hands of any one Maas, ifpatent. The selfish, the ambitioul, the, plodding will enter into competition, and the history of the world will not furnish a sin gle instance of failure in thiadirection. Eng land, manufacturing England, will be this-corn petitor ; for thia she has sent Dr. Livifigtontito CentratAfries. Already has he, after eigb. teen years' sojourn as an explorer in that country, declared in its favor as offering the, test soil and climate for the production of sugar, coffee, and cotton, In the world, with a swarming population ready to engage; under suitable management,- in their cultivation. In twenty-five years, at farthest, Central Afri ca will take its revenge, peacefully, on the alaveocracy of the South, and will be its formidable competitor. When this shall be done=-and it will be—the only market for cot ton, grown on our continent, 'will be the hated and despised Yttakeedoni ; and we yen tare to say that, in the 'process of time; the South will not only be the flietto•repent of its folly and short-sightednese, but will seek the closest alliance with those whom they now regard as their worst enemies. • „ 'UMW( OF THIRTZ.THILEE. PUII•ADELPUIA, January 19. GENERAL NEINVIS. Tint Tittsron or Weans AT RICTIMOND.—Lord Lyons has' Written the following letter in reply to one from Mayor Mayo, of Biau:ond: This vexed question may now be considered settled : - WASTUNOYON, Tan. let, 1861. Era; bad yesterday the honor of receiving the letter dated the 28th of lest month, in which you ask me' to Inform you whether, at any time or place, - during the yiett of the Pellicle of Wales Ao Riehmond; I saw or heard anything insulting, on. kind, or diecourteous to his Iteryal Ilightwas. Int:hesitatingly answer that neither taw nor heauf anything intuiting, unkind, oidiscouttecue to,the Prinoe. I 'considered the reception of kis Royal Highness et Richmond to be in no degree inferior in courtesy and cordiality to that which he met with in the. other cities which he visited in the United Sintee.• X need . say, no more to assure you ost it wee regarded as perfectly satisfactory, and remembered with pleasure and gratitude. I am, sir, your honor's most obedient, humble servant, Lrotts, The Hon. antra MAYO, Mayor of Itiohoona. ' Tam Hang4rlans in Pads are openly proms. sing thip throne of itimgary to the Prinoelispoleon. Thelkingeristrcommittee at Pas% are in cotolun. deletion with et. Petersburj, end have Offered tbo crows! of St. Stephens to P nee Constantino, NiAr . anitallY bike 675,812 inhabitants. In 18501 t had 589,558. It has inereased 'during the lasi ten Jeers more rapidly than doting any pie- Woos decade.- Every county has gaine d. , • • it.iteltualbowl hands big been, arrested in Wheeling, Va., charged with stealing -horses in Pennsylvania and bringing and selling them in that ally. • • CLTAILASICS OT VZSaELS AT OIIALRLIOTOIG— The . Obarlestoaten eutborities still jure for the clearer:sof vowels from that. port the blank form supplied by the Treamu7 Departmentkb the United Stine' collectors, The words f , in the eighty-lifth year, of the - Independence of the vaned suit.. of America" 'are erased, however, .and in thedr plain are rabstltuted the following words, Inter lined with a pen: '" Eighty-fifth year of the sore.* reflptY. independenee of the State of South Carol -I.lW' , THIS EVISOTS 01 JANTJAHT ring the thunder shower, of Wednesday th e 16th, the lightning struck t ote bone, of. Mrs. Jacob Loomis in Bloomfield. Orerseventy panes of glare were lhattersd by it, clapboards were thrown or, tho - plostotlng was tom from the wail and a pichit fence, in front of the house, was splintered. Two twee sitting in one of the rooms, upon finding the Willy visitor had raised within ten feet of them,' fainted, but were not injured. Li addition to this, the mold-went into the well, which has Awe refs. sad to yield nay of the aqueous oonvenlehool; for whisk it was specially designed. So it appears that the malignity of January lightning equali th a t of the hottest months of amulet. ; isisran-urns in Paris is an Unwonted•oc., curtains, but _the Oaken* had ail'APPottuar Leif weeks ago to enjoy it. The limperefenot • pros rode in an Amerieinaleighi,behind two gi. tondo and beautiful Antirieati bores* Ois • rain: morning" Of tho 11th of January there 'Was a' ingular meteorlo phenomenon in the vicinity of Kane county, lii. Three or fearlesss. meteors were seen •at the north at about slaty dr green elevation, passing to the tat, end a heavy report and continual rumbling as of Winder iras heard by most of the people in thevillage. The nottorie were exceeding bright, and at the time of thole appmiranoe the airfras still; but soca after ha the ' eommenesd blowing ray bard, and Sited until *Mt In the morning; • ' •_ • , Tin Pithsburt(pa.).So.erting Chrosicla Ammo the grotifyizi intelligenoe tit all the prinalital yollftmille - in that vielnitrare 'in ope ration, and do wimp business. an esitaiiteen establialthleno.holit*A.twOciltegotja4lss latish ,eutplefedilThte *Ws Mtlitfell . bsttiltut(loo: Bi,thoi *natant-10 ' offghlejoiry, a man eon. luss4 of bigwig' was eentiewitaki to lb% with both wives in the same item; theerime - was, in d ense; queue, extremely, rare. , • FILM Suez are now day conedlieid. Bee tomb, oe. - Tax. weather bee been nnagnally_, *Om in liegland esui ezt""ibe eenklifelit Death of Lola 4ontez. . . (Prom the New:York Evening Post of Saturday.] We have to day received information of the death of Lola Monte:, one of the most remarkable and versatile women of the present age—one whose life is a romance—whose career presents the va• rious phases of a countess and public lecturer, of a king's favorite, and a dancer in a second-class the atre. The real name of Lola Months was Maria Dolores Lorris y biontes. Was she born in Seville, in 1818• is Montrose, in 1820; or in Limerick, in :1824? Was her father a Spaniard or a creole? `No one knows. It has been ascertained that her .mother was a creole, and that she was brought up in England, , . • . She visited Paris for the first time in 1840, giving herself out for the wife of an °Meer in the Britian 'army, whom' she married, and quitted in India. 'She obtained an engagement, as danseuse, at the theatre of the Porta tit. Martin, and lost this situ ation through an eccentricity of deportment that was voted intolerable even in that region. Lola Moutee soon obtained admittance to the :stage of the Prenoh opera, but was hissed on her appearance. In a fit of oontemptuous fury at this disgrace, she kinked one - of her buskins into tho parterre, creating an uproar in that aristooratio house- "more easily imagined than desoribed " She was, of course, prohibited from appearing again upon that stage. Having become the mistress of Desjarrier, one of the editors of La Presse, Lola Monter next scandalised Paris by appearing in deep mourning at the trial which followed the duel in which Dos i'jarrier had been killed. In NV she went to Munich, where she speedily captured the affections of the old King, who had seen her, by chance, is the house of an officer of 'his Guard. She was officially introduced at the court, and created, by royal letters patent, first, Baroness of Rosenthal, next, Countess of Lands felt In her arms were a crowned lion, a silver dolphin, and a rose. With her new rank the ob tained a pension of 20,000 Ruins. The Ministers having opposed the exaltation of the favorite, the Cabinet wee dissolved by the Ring. The Countess nominated anew Cabinet, and soon afterwards dissolved it. The Univeraltyvras divided into two clamps; 1)130 of these being for the favorite, the other against her. A riot broke out among the students; Lola Monte' hastened without escort to the scene of the tumult; the King hastened after her, offered her his arm; and led her away. The monarch, irri• tilted by this outbreak against his fivorite, ordered the University to be closed for a year; en which the munbiipil authorities waited 'on the King in a body, and implored him to dismiss the Countess from Court. The King refused to grant the prayer of the civic fathers, hot yielded to the energetic remonstrances of the Rouse of Peers. Lola Mouton received the royal order to gait Munich ; her pa lace was pillaged ; and theAing, who, unnoticed in the crowd, was sorrowfully watching this out burst of popular indiguation,,was wounded in the forehead by a atone. The ex-favorite went to •England, where she monied a second and a third 'husband, though her drst was still living. She ,then went to America, where she is said to have married several times. Her first literary attempt was the publication of bar own Memoirs, in 1849, in the Presse nowspa• per: suppressed, as scandalous, by tho authority of M. de Girardin, after the publication of the first half of the fret chapter. On arriving in the United Staten abe appeared in a play of her own wilting entitled ';. The Adventures of Lola Mantes in Bavaria." In 1853 she married the editor of the Ban Franoiseo Whig. In 1859 she appeared on the stage of the Melbourne Theatro in Austra lia. - She canto to this country in the year 1851, and after oontinning the erratic course which made ter so prominent in a larger field during her pro• vious life, she was some' months since attacked by a partial paralysis, since whioh her health has been gradually decaying.. It correspondent who saw her a few - days , since, ass she was expecting soon to die, says: Far from the members of her family, and re •pudiated by those who bad been the friends of her youth, she was far - happier than she could have been had she died in the midst of the palatial splendor which was lo keg her glory and bar shame. , "That merciful Providence who so constantly sande' -Bid blessings' alike Upon the good and the evil, ,threw this pcer'outosat during her last days upon the hind Charities of a Ohristian lady;*who had chanced t 6 be her siehoolmate in eeetland, but who wee for. runny 'years ignorant that the Lola Monies of the newspapers was the innocent sohool girl of thirty years ago. "Though disabled by sickness, and deprived of alt claims, according to wordly printydoe, upon any such assooleHon, she here found a self-denying friend, who soothed her dying mome nta , and led her to take refuge in the oonsolationa of the Chris. (lan faith. The Rev. Dr. Hawke, on being re quested to attend her, was frequently at her bed ilde, and gave her the benefit of his pastoral In. strnetions, as if she had been one alas awn flock. Be Mutated at the funeral on thel7th instant, and Mr. Broirn, - vrho has attended so many funerals and weddinge in his day,' (may ho many years), was seen to wipe the tears from his eyes as ho heard the clergyman say that be bad never known a ease of more sincere penitence than was evinced in the present Waterloo. 'Let him that Is without emu cast the fret stone et her.'" PASSEN SEES SAILED. In steamship Mor t on Illsorsin, for Savannah—George W - Mrs Halcmam, Ali L Matthews, J T Beater, Wm Carrara, W C Mclntyre, IMPORTATIONS. [Reverted for the Prowl BONAIRE—Bohr Julia Smith, Orlando-1000 hellhole salt John Catlett & Co. PHILADELPHIA HOARD OY TRADE. JOSEPH C. GRUBB.. EDMUND A. soupvß,lCOMpitt2TES OH 11111 MONTH DEOROE L. DUZDI. LIEVEER 86015 At as .fifischanie' , Exchamge,-Phaatietohst" Ship Ttllle&T0111, D 1101107)..... ehrp Philadelphia. Poo • " " B°°n ona Gain gr ug h'"_,.....=;nro Jane iro, soon B&rri rdalvina. Ida Pernambuco, noon Bart Irma. Worrinier,....—.........flarbadoes, noon Bra Loans°, Ennui -- • ...Mataniai, anon Rohr J W Allen. Blarnianan.....,. •--.Cronfuetos, 600 n Bohr Beeline, Yorsn•-•..... ..... Havana, soon finlaSiov BnitoniFinimore ..... ..--.St Thomas, coon 3° LLIGENCE. PORT OP PHILADELPHIA, Jan. 21 18€.1 6111. N 8-BUN ,--.- 4 83 ARVED. Bark Alex McNeill. Home ßl rs. front Lii , erpool, fd dais to the Capes, with mdse to John R Penrose. Deo slat, lat 48 10, loos 1386. passed a vassal heading norlh—ap parentlY a British bark of about 700 tons—with most of her sails blown to pitmen; she was painted blaok. Wall a fall pcmpiminted white, and all her spars were aloft ex oept the-main royal yard. Deo 20th lat 4317, long et, signalled ship Jacob A Staroler , from New York. Brig Delhi, Dersaby, 9 days from Havana, with cigars, ho. to 'rhos Wanton & Itons. Br sobs ftiohard O'Brien, Hartigan, 6 days from Ha lifax, with fish to order. Br sohr Margaret Dill, Dill, 12 days from Cornwallis, NB, with Potatoes to Yon Horn. 'Woodworth It. Co, Behr Bveline York, 8 days from n York. with maze tory.° W.Beniadou at Bro. 80bnialis tirnith, Orlando, from Bonaire tith nit. with malt to Jahn Dallett co. Left brig Trindelen, for Port land 74th and sohr Oista for New York bit inst. PO! Harriet Baker, W ebber, 30 days from Portland, with heading toB & wow,. city joeßoat. &belittler, 8 hours from the Poarteen- Toot Bank. to w he reint she towed the ship Clyde and brig 81YstarYhe left them at anohor at 11 A M on .Frlday. At noon saw brig Rotka. for Cardiff, and Jahr It 1., Hammond, at anohor off' the Buoy on tho Middle. CAD U 8 M stesansfnp Stat L e oEf Georgia, °mirth Savannah. Alex Reran, Jr. 4 Co, Steamship Virginia, Kelly, Norfolk and Richmond, T Webster, Jr. V * aluably/ Boston , Crocker, New York, J Allderdice. rk Beindoer, Coups, Pernambuco and a market, T A shall /t Bone. Bark Albania, Herald, Cork and a market, Thomas Ri_ohardson & o. MI/ Ruud Asrbelm, Forsall, Cork for order& Work man Co. fin g Isabella .7owett, Read, Tranidad.S k W Welah. SAILED. The U steanishis State of Georgia. Cut gar fall igrA l t v it:2l irn ai r2 nf B gfell ' el t e e withl e may be found wider the Proper Seco. MEMORANDA.. .6:bullwhip St Lotto. Fletcher, from Ilea York for Ca lifornia. paned Pernambnoo 10th nit. Ship, John Carver. Edge, for Philadelphia, entered outward fit Liverpool ad inst. Ships AndNr Jackson, Johnson. and Reporter. Howes, for den Runolsoo, cleared at New York 19th lost, Ships Rookltght. Radler. and Sharon, Smith, from Mobile:arrived at Liverpool etti inst. ships Stmoda, Smith. and Arkwright, Davie, from Allobile,,at Havre 24 inst. Ship T W Beall. Drew, cleared at New York lath mat for Melbcmrne. Ship Orphans. Howes, from New York oth August, at San Francium 3let alt. Ship Philomela, Rime, lrons Boston. at Sol:unbars let Nev. • • Ship BUlan Fearing, (new, of 80a0n.1019 tone)New comb, piqued at Batton 18th inst. for Now Orleans. Bark Old Hickory, Holm ea. cleared at Newcastle, Egg, Ist_inst. for Hew Yo , cleared lled from Shields Bd. Bark k 8 jab, ffouldat Baltimore 18th inst. for West Indus: Bark Wessacatmoon Who Wen, from Baltimore for Montevideo, was seen ° 6th lust, tat 86 lit, long York Bark Gertrude. Goodbaro, cleared at Nov 19th Inst. for Valparaiso. . Bark Bensaa,Felnhageo, from Baltimoro, at Monte eide r Brig Breese, thaterbrldge, from New York, at Monte video lrov ao. Pink P n Warwick. Gait, from New York, at Rio de Janeiro Dee 9. Bohr D Pitts, Corson, cleared at New York 19th bust for Philadelphia. _Sohn Zphnsial de Anna, Dose. and A .111 . Aldridge, natemse, for BOMmuoleared at Mobile 12th Inst. Bahr Bodying:Kirwan. from Rio de Janeiro lot ult, arrived at Baltimore 19th inst. Sehr R Whllden, Real, from Baltimore, arrived at New York 19th inst. Sohn Mary Price, Blizzard. front Brandywine. and Ponder, Jr, Ellingsworth, from Milton, Del, arrived at Dew York 12th inst. Hairs Triumph, Attic and Emma, Smith, hence, ar rived at New York' 19th inst. Bohr George Bdward, Weeks, hence for Boston. at N York 19th inst. Steamer 8 Beinlollr, Painter, hence, arrived at Alex andria 18th last. iparunzugui T OOTTA MA.- "TigHtWiIVIZZVIVATIV4 r7SALS i.e. v ia ern ansl9( .suitablp sire alsneolsYL ass, ip i sg h t i r t gl e din:Z. sas t arns gsetanzpsee for wig; War water plpea ...thihtmiromirrogtia.T4 MT AU igfli any hp e r , to ;,s c uw e rvap to r gigs V n il i r e t t i e l; , n4 Onlisuntal Tots and eardss 011111. 101,141 naIENTAL DETERSIVE SOAP.—One pound of whleit *lido gamin* waking. and do ig hogi b ega ur ,aa three o common rosin soap; clothes need go nor Tubb ng on weep Ward Over 100•0Q0 families are AO. , 00witeutly wog it. W e guarantee it to give 1111010110titql, or return the money. All reor101a• bleGrocare have it for sale, aaggme tf - a* TR nd A 04 &o u dK lt EN s E ea . WA JAMS . MTV OXLEBRATAI) auPrown as FOR LADIEN, and the only Sue iellry=er eminent medoalestronage. Lattiett and 14,01. are remreetrult.ll tordtte4,' ZAlTlT°Bntle:f itig t (glemidaiiielfeite.) Thirty thousand' i Chart, bona aimed y their enyeloieng to tiee liket applainitia. These only are genuine nearing the not4ia Mates OW/tight, label/ en the box, and signe t:wee, Ind also tin the StiePorterib With tentinionials. oeliFtuttutetr VEMOVAL.-;,;THE PENN MUTUAL A- 1 5. LAM INBUSAPIOS COMPANY nave removed to their new. build, No. • 0111 I:IIIE6TP(UT Street, Amite, over +5 1,000 ,00,. Charter perpetual. Alai Vag riloz , T 6 divided amongst the insured. pomalacs berried tjus year will participate in the Di vidend to be deolsred in January next. lne 900170.11 T ham fa authority to sot se costory. Administrators. Amisuses. Guarduk nag tees .101% . 112aTrIg Woal 011 aid t/ MM./ - / k . miLIA.o.:•.I- idea. ~ ..i. f i,..x.,8T00,8, wee Prete t. int&• • ' 5 l, CA I B a tt Xpi t itri ' site n d tinily daily, from ItO reolook P. : - noB [cE."----Watt.LAST froth the mail, a 'QtertifilfteAr Eleven,flkires of Stook in the Union Batik, of 4iia , Oolobliw in the ram* of Mrs. Mary Br ireMaiZt t elp A or j i p t hery r that an applica tion kal,lleaa tetO ealct flplhfor h lievf 'Oaf WI oatei Also on all parlous to anew et!tunt wni, it should not be tuned. . MARY aRIsWELLER. aelf.ettwilt.", f ilfir t Atp • Oki : by WXTIIRRILL A tlint s " 1 4nbulgraniP Stmt. LIST OF LETTERS REMAINING IN tho PHILADELPHIA POST OFFICE up to 12 dolook P. Si. on Saturday. AIIIIELTI 19, 1860. Persons applying for advertised Letters will game mention the date of the List. von on Sunday from 736 to Pdf i o'clock A.M.. and 2 to 8 P M. • LADIES' LIST. Anderson O B Gatlin Marg't Parry Mary E AllenSarati A Gore Harriet K Panting Willie W Allen F Granger Mary) Putnam Sophie, I Andrews Emma Gant)) , C L Pondleton Sallie J Ansel Rose Gomloy Jane Peals W L Mrs Atwood J . Mrs Gordon Ellen Poulterer Jane Arnold Mrs Dormer Sallie A Parsons Mary El Baker Mary Mrs Garner Johanna Parry M. Mrs Balmer II Ann Geir Cath'o Phillips Julia Bentworth Addle Heaton Eliza J Pearce SamiShlrs Raker M A Hart Mary Riggine Sue Batman Margt J Henderson M Rion Eiizabh Mrs Baker Almira A Harkins Mary A Read Jacob Mrs Refire Mrs Hail torah E Read Sarah J Bennett Jaen Mrs Hannah Jane Ralston Louisa Beck Sarah A Haraeighty F Reeves Han M. Bonnie Sarah - Hall Emily A Rittenhouse DI Berry Frances Hamilton Kate Itioharas D Bird Itard'ph Mrs Harries Harriet Rodney Eliza Blank Elizabeth Harries C Mrs Robinson Jos'e 13raokon Coils Hanlan Mrs Robinson Han Bothell Mary A Higgins Fanny Rudderow Reb Bray Jenny Hight Ann Rockwell Jane Brown Clara Holmes J Urdu' Hagen Margaret Brown C Mrs Hopkins Eliza') Ruts Bliss Brown Mary T Hower Ann Scott Mary Brown Annie Howard Carole Salty Mary Ann Buckwies Elmab Howell Bella Powell Eiemie J Burton Mrs Hurley hmina Senn Amanda NI Burlingame M I Bough Jane Similar LAM. B Brintwall Mrs Hawker L Mlf Shaw Isabella Borden 8M rs Hutchinson E A Severson M. 1 7 antle C Hughes Mary Sonenday Mary Galleys Mary A Johnson S C Mrs Scott Millie Mrs Carpenter CS Mrs Jones K P S Hemel , . Isabel Lerida Susan Janett Mary A. Scott Elizabeth Cannon Lai h'e Jenks Jennie E Scott Ross A Clinbergor R A Johnson Miss Smith Sarni Mrs Ciancey Mary Janett Pusan Smith Win Mrs Clymer Ann Scoots Lizzie Smith H B Mrs Coxen Luoy A Jones Sarah a Smith Anna xi Galley Mary Ann Kerr Janett J Smart Adie Cunningham Mrs Kant Anny Smith Ellen, Rotten Mien A Kiiherman 8 A SuitthCarotine Creighton Mary Kin- Mary Jane t•mith Lydia C Crooke Chart' Kink ',Ben Smelt Emilie Cull' Martha Kohul Mary A heckler Caroline • Croween Mary Kenneth , It Snowden Rob Conley Bridget Klein Margaret Stiller Joanna Denton Maser Kiosks Lira Sprague Mary R Davie Hannah J Koohers Coral Stillwell (1 W Mrs Liver Bridget Kerr James Mrs Sovengsr Mary I. Dickson H 8 Mra Kelley Oath Stokee Martha H Banana Mary Koltle hamar L Stewart Murat • Danah Herein C King Rachel Punogat Fanny It Devlin Kate ll.conard A Steeling Ellen Davin Elizabeth Lea Elizabeth Stevens Sarah De Mnstaera Gets Lynch Sallie Sutherland Mrs Mad Lockwood A E Sutherland AD 2 Doggett Car'e 11l Linn Agnes H Sutton Sallie 8 Devlin Rosanna Lawson Henry Sonnswacheme Dempsey Mrs Mrs Sterling H A Donithew Maria Laing Fanny Mrs String Willie Mrs D. ke Mary A W Lyons Cath Mrs Townsend J Durand E Lon; Annie TreVenclia Mrs Doane Jane Monenna Ann Tennon Cath Mrs Denney Laura McMahon Grid Tripp Sallie Dorr Ed vah H McAfee Elizabh Tnomas Estella noel", Cate megenna C 8 Thompson Lydia, Dunwoody Mary Moriluskey Biddy Thompson Mrs Bennett Marie J Melvin Reub Mrs rretecher Mary drowning L zzio 'Magill ALAI lire Tupper Louisa It Duncan Rose MC Maonetllli M Vanderger A L Dyes Maria O Meads Mary_P Vernum Duthie Draper Elizab'h Maee John Mrs Vandenburger Doran Eliz'h Mayfield Mary :Vann rat Lizzie hyena Wlt Mrs Miller Amy' Quin Mari Eckert Pusan hlaroney Maria Walton Plimbe B ngar Emma Moore Mary G White Ma H. Early Bridget Mullen Sarah Whelday Mary R Edmondson Fun Wooly Margaret White Kroh Mrs Ewing Amelia Moses Mary E Work Susan Esmore.da De J Monday Mary A Watkins Maria L Mad Munson Hattie White Victoria Frost? 8 Mrs Mulvey Cath Mrs Washington E Fairbank 8 P Mennin Mary West Rachel Foreman Gen'l Moyne Nano' West Anna M. Mre Neill J al Mrs Walker 8 Mrs Fleming J Norton Ann Mrs Whitman Rah Fulton Partin Mrs Newton Adele 'Warren A 31 Airs Furguson Mary Nathane Minnie Wilson Maggie E Puri ke Fannie Heaton Emma M . Wittig Ellen Mrs Fordham Mary O'Brien Cath Willing Ellen Field A V Owens Alice Mrs Winter E Frankels Mad V Orr Harriet Mrs Wilson Clara Frisby Jac Mrs Osborn Hattie Wilkinson M R Fisher K O'Brien Mary Wise Oath Mrs Fisher Mary Ann Orneneetter BAt Wilson Henry II Gorman Ellen Olphine Emtna, M Mrs Gibbing L Mrs O'Brien Mary Widerman Rlme Gambian Mary: Polar= ElaratiJ Winters W V Green Matilda Parmaleo A Mrs Mys Ganaga Sallie Parker Vise ill Wright Jl3 Mrs GENTLEMEN'S LIST. Aertien Robt B Grombreoht Chao Nulmola Wm Aiken J B Griffith Potter Osborn Jaa P Allen 8 D Griffith & Col Opronheimor E Alday Dr riemrod Jae O'Nerlt Fronk Malt &Co C F Gurrey JWm Ovenngton Wm Allen John M Grovomon A Osborn Jae Althrop Time Griffith Jos F 2 O'Neill Joe Ashton John Hall Thou F Oliver Jae C Andrews GW D Haines Fenton Orneeotter Alex Ache W W Hadley 11 E Owens Jas Ashton Jos Hagan Ed Osgood 8 M s Appleton Jae , Haldeman Jno O'Brian Andw Arthur It Hall It S O'Ponel John A she R Y Hamblin Wm E. O'Connell Dent Arndt Moses Hetoh, Gibson, & Page BeLli H Armstrong r- , Co Parker W F Atkins John R Harts T A E Parker Jas Austin 0 T Hayward Henry E Paul A W Apple & ro' - Baryon F Parker John Jr Angel-oof & Hosea Julius Paster Fdwin R Booth Harris Wm Parker Joe It Boner Eberharts Hasson Haas W Payne B .F. Barton 0 H N Harris lea"a Patrick E 31 Bahnort L Harrison W R Pelmet R Banoke Moses /Wotan Thob Peluso Joshua Baumeister it C BodSeiX L Phillips & Tern- Bandon' A R Hawk Henry MIIIIM Bailly Alexis foothill &Co A Phillips C T Balt Rev A 1 C Hanson BF Pease 1, II Baker F T Harvey .11, Pettengillß K Batinson C T Heilman I Penovergffenry F Beohtol Alex Helmfraeoht Jon Perkins Mark A Bennzinger John /reales' Win Penn W A HAAJarilln Ralph If elmuth Wm B Pettit Wm Boloher e red'k HOllBOll P ell Pellook John Bernhard Geo Hey John Phillips G J Bernard Jos Bandicoot° M'k Peak Geo Bellew j P Nominee Geo Perkins 1-1 II Beohler John Henry Jas F Peterson John Bennett S J Remmiok Wm H Pierson J W.B AV Bachmann 0.1 /testes Geo PideockJohn W Bellinger Chas Heylman John C Pickard Mr Berko John W Bitchier' Christ'r Plohin Win Barton Honed Hiobard Morrie Pine Clayton Boniam al r Hill I W Pond Jon Benientel John Hill Adorn Powers Ina Bierman B Hiople Frank R Porter Geo W Biddle r, M. Hill Hoary Porter Edwin Bassett Lovi Hill A Pratt J Rev Biddle & 'Jo J Holmes Robt 2 Prior Go, Blank J W Houghton Otis Pratt It H Blatienborg H M Hoffman Goo E Prescott Addison Illatohford Win Hort 11 W Priest John Bowen I , li Hollingshood J M Pugh Poml W Booker Joe Holmes J A Pugh W 8 Boomer John R Horning Wesley Radnor Jos W Boyer Jae H Hollingshead E II Rarneour J & Co Boyer Daniel Hop kins Jae A Rathbone It Boyd John W Hoand John W Rawlins 51 fd Broughton C M Howell Win ft Rex F& Co HowrY & Son Jos Horn David Reader I ft & ET Bond Henry Boreal Wm Pi' Reinhard* Wm H Bole Prot W H Husband Thou H Red Baronet Brown Jos Hutton J F Reinter 8 8 Brown Alex Humphrot n H Rhinehart A R Dr fiiisirii -- - HU " A Benny & Pon Bra r m mhl Tfultcm,lnn..,- --need Jana m Brown JAS I' Irons Joe Repetto lignvu Brush John Irwin Wort!, need Pi Bryan & CO Wide° Chas Religions Month- Brad e. D W Jamison I' Iy3 Bryce Jos 7; Jackson JIH Riohardson, Mil- Biooks Frank H Jaokson John Al lin, &Co Brewster ri Jackson John Ricardo Philip Botgene W F Jaokson J H Risher 0 Bradley Henry Jeanini 8 Chas Riedel Frank i n H nroose E D , Jeans Wm 8 Rioketts Jos W Burnes Barney Juvenal Win If Rowland Resort Burns win Jones, Walling- Robinson C E Byrne Pat ford, & Co Rowani Palle° Bullock Jae Johnston 1 II Boehm Jno C Burden Mr Johnson Geo E Rogers & Crane 2 Burk W II Johnson I M Rothe A . . Ball 8 0 touting J H 2 RUM tt C& On Burnham & Smith Jonee Judge 2 livaewald & Lilt Buil= Win A Jones NI 0 dal) Byrne Wm ones 8 H Bobbing Edw 1) Burg Simon W Jones Thug C lioblidion A T BUnceBll G W Jones Asa Bosett,Trontman Butler Thos J ones Jolla S . it Thaws, . .... .. . - Cawley Mr Janet! A 0 Rosett 'Ss Sicking Carroll Jae Jones Dan WJ Root H K Caldwell R 0 ' Jones &Co F ii' Rose Jae Campbell Roble Kaufman Wm Rout Jae campboll Mr Kelly Rev Jno Rolirman John Campbell P W Keefe Wm Rohlhuna. R L Vashenoki Mr Keine Jos Roberts & Ito- Carroll John Kelly Joe W 'lrish Carpenter 13 0 Kimse -John Robinson Timid Cassidy Daniel , Kane John L Rogers &Wessels Casmore Jae Kelly P 9 Callender Chas Kenedy H. Roberts Alfred H Cemobell&Co 0 H Kelly Jas Morley Barry Carling Chas It Kelly John • Russell P W calking Marshall Kiehl Ed Ryan Alex Canker & Field Klein A Ryan Thos Carville Henry Kirkman & Luke Scott Robert Charlton & Keller Kirk J 1) eohonortma F Charlton & Kurtz King John, Sanford Decry Chamberlain A M. Kurnirger Andw Scott J Chapman Wm G King Robt D Soott ED i Chase Nickels, & Laguerenne Rd tiohmeek Peter Hill Lawenon Jacob Scott Lucius H rhi omen Wm Lassen J 3nxtoz Jai . . • .... Cluttiok J J Lain, J A Scott G I_l Coambore Thos Lake Geo Savage John C Clement Jae 111 Lague° Don Paul Schuylkill Y rint Clark John 2 Lackey It 11 Works Clarke M E Lazell hl 8 Setter Geo 8 Cleaveland E A Layton Noah eeargent II ii Clark Jos Latimer F. Cl pillar David Clymer T W - Laney John ealJoil Clark Joe G Linder Peter otgennt JD Coming Toon F Len ..1 13 Sedger Jacob Cooper John (1 LeVering Vd Seerly P cooper S W Lesley T G Shaffer W ill Cook & Ernernik LeiliThos hi Shelby E T Dr C'ohr IA Lemon Daniel Shelly David Cooper Wm Lee lone Sheets Peter Connolly ft B Lewin 0 W NMieclet, McLain Conn a W' Lemisson & Bro & Co Cooper W II Levi John Shamed Edwd Conrad Osborn Lent L B Shelby Ithoh'd Z 2 Collwell & Co Letterman Wml Sifter & Roam 0011111 R & Allen Lynch Thee Simmons J Collin John W Lindsey F E G Silva P Cook B J II Linden Harry Skeels It M. Cootee W C Litoh J isineor Theod'O Collins Wm A Leon Chen Slum I s Cooper D C II keno C F Sloan Jae Coiling Rev V It Lobgetreth John Smith Willie Coe,Che Lynch Michael Smith A Hamilton Cadmus John E Longstreth F Smith J t) Collis Chas Loyd Mr Smith Orin Cunningham 'l' Long & Bro Smyth Sam'l Crawford Joe II Luon & Co Southern John P Criatiani & Co Lord Jan H Smack I) W ()raise Geo 11 LoDoris Smiley O W Rev Curry John Columbian, No ad Smeton Jae Croft Thos F 10 0 F Snell Lewin Canes A Jefferson No 1210 tionnberg II Craig Wm 0 F Spelman Mr Curtin Almon McAllister Jno Shallots II P Currier Jas M McDowell Coo Stuart F D Crossley Henry McCarron John Stein John Craig John MoCalley 0 P Stock Jno H Craighead Gen S McCann Jae htar stove Mould Charlton & Kurtz MoClueky M C era' Union Daniels Mr MoGorklo Jas R Steward H P Davis John McCall Mr Stanley Edwd R Dorm II 11 McCarthy Dent Strong Joe M. Davis Eli McCartney Jno oteohone Wm Dayton H MoCahon John Steward Mr Darling, Albert- McClain Oliver Stonebernor J 0 eon, & Rose McDonald Wm 8 Steen Jno A Devoe 0 T Mollenrir Jos Ptiokney & Poor Detwiler A B McElroy Jas Stanley Edwd It Devereux ft E McLaughlin Jas Stewart Thou Devere Mark McGowan 'Thou Stevens 'Win Denning Win McMullen J Stroup W H Denison Jos MoGinnes Geo Nykee Jae Dickson Saint MoManus P Swingle Frank Doling Henry • McGill John Swann Wm Donnell Too b Maltrilty l'atlC Sulfenberger J . E Downs Wm H Maoy 0 G Taft EA DOlde Depths Mayer & Camp Teal J DouglassW ra 11 Mennen' ET Teelford SR Rey Doran Ed Mayel Thou Telehe _Hone y Dougherty Wine Martin Chas Taylor W W Gen Downs Wm March 0 11 & Co Temple A J & Co Wm H Manning Jos S Taylor Wm owley Michl2 Mayne Thor' T 2 Taylor Thee A Dookerill J Mann A P Thompson J& I) Dodge Ed May Jan Thompson John Doyle M. J T Manilla G A Thompeon I) 0 Dunn NI ej e Meld John ' ThoMpson Semi Duncan L Magellan Sae Thompson.) G fuar Jae E Manly fra A Thomae I, B unn John It March C It & Co Thomas James G mouths btalioot Somber N Thalman 0 G. Dan And Mackey, I Thiene & Co moon Garrett Maximus Edw .1 Thompson A W Edoluan John Marltand J & Co Thompson H 0 KAMM Charles Mail David Thompson Daniel Eseton Alex Martin Thoa C Thompson E Earle Geo F Matland Jos Tobin John Edwards E B Magill John Br 'lonnere Robt E Egar Anton hlai len A Tobin Chem Dr Evans Ed ' Mohr Edward Trumble 1. 'P Brans Thog Marko Jae N Truman Geo M Er n° Henry Metoalt John H Trouser John Eobleman & Flat- Medlin P P Tresten Owen cher Metcalf Geo Turner w m Evelio Robt 11l Merchant G W Tyler C W& 13 Emerson Wm P Miller II 11 Rev tJpdyke Beni P Evans G 11l imminger E libel' J .1 _Edwards WmL Miles Saint N Oppenreddy H a Ferguson Chas Miller M 13 US Steamer Wa- Faes J M Miller Edwd 2 ter Witch Fern= Henry Mitchell Jail Velterlein B T Farrun B .1 Mills 'l' E V:maredale A Felt Paul E malt Alex Vandyke V A Dr Fairman, Bower, Mourn Patrick Vandyke It Dt & Co Moses Frank 13 Verity B Farmers' and Me- Mortimer 'P V Vanaman Joseph ohanios' Inn Co Moravian Book Virdens II Capt Faiver 1, , Store Voneider Joe Felix & SOD F Moreland v D a ß on 4altfl c r,iG Raub f= g r t n ° l its H l i ligfri:Dis a Witt 0 Wtgato Geo Town wa rtr i e o rAnand Flanigan F H Morton & Sharp rtson Ism .1 Fish & Co CH 2 Morel Chae iqint W John Moeely & Finley Geo Morrie, Clothier, Wagner Chas Frick 0 It & Lewis Wallace & P'olweli Chas Morley C Fletcher Fatten & Co E Mott Dr Ward Martin Prink H A Morrell Carl Welkin bean Franklin 0 Morgan L Warburton Ram! Forest John Monk Mr Waiters W W Fool J B Moller Mr Wentworth J P Frith & Co hloorley .1* F Weidman— Gamble Rev Geo Monahan J Rev Weeder Dr Gatlin( P R & A Morris Jos Weeks & Co isladinJ Morgan Thou Wells Wm Giro 1) Edelberto hloorn Pats White David D Givens W If Bonder '1 W 2 Whipple D 13 Dr ()looker Win Munroe & Co Whitman Wm E Ci , bbs J 0 Muldoon Thos White Alex H 011jon Riad Murphy Jos Wilson A T Gifford Win BPI Mulford Alfred Wiley John S Girard John A Newton , ssao 4111H011 &Martin 2 GOMIS Antonia Ravine E M Williams N B 2 Gondy , Thoe Nichols A H 5 Winston John Gorman Ed Nimes , W Rev Widmeyor & Dove Frank W Nystrom Jno W Futternenht Gunner Jae Nagloe John Jr Wilson & Martin Gratioh John Bait E Dr Wittere J F Gregory E,lll Nevins John S Wilson E L Groth‘Philip 2 - Bill John Willy John °reveal , , . Nebinger Mr Wilson Ephraim THE PRESS.-PHILADELPHIA. NOONDAY. JANUARY 21, 1861. Wills G E °apt Wiewoll J 0 Woods Wm A W Williams C k Woodruff' R W Wright Frank R Weistling Jno H Wolff , 760 kCo Wright H C D Wilson ki Wolf Jacob Wurtz A H Wilder John Wortham J B 'young A T Wilkinson A al 2 Wood Jos T Yoder Wm A Winter Armor Woollen C W Dr Young John 8 Witzman John it N. B. BROWNE, Postmaster. M ADAME CLEMENT'S FREN 0 II Boarding-school for Young Ladies, Beverly, NOW Jersey. The Eighth Tenn will commence ribruniy 4th, 1861. The number of pupils in limited, and the li/- erection ill thorough in ',Very department. Terme Hasznsticss.—Rt. Bev. Alonzo Potter, Rt. Rev. W. Odenhouner, Thomas A. Biddle, Ras., Yhiladelphia Major Robert Anderson, Professor W.N. Phelve, Tren ton. iiilS-frkinSt rdj ESDAMES 011MARAY Al - D MIER- VILLY respeotfully inform their friends and the penile that they have removed their Boarding and Day Bohool for Voung Ladies from Logan Square to Nog. IeUT and I Pl 9 BERME Street. Pupils from five yearn of ago upward prepared for the mirth dare. iY24-61n RRYANT, STRATTON, &FAIRBANKS' a -P MERCANTILE COLLEGE, 8. E. corner SE VENTH and CHESTNUT Streets.—Day and Evening Sessions. individua/ instruction in Bookkeeping, in cluding General 'Wholesale and Retail 13usiness, B:hip ping, Forwarding and Commission, flanking, EX change, Manufaoturing, Railroading, Steam boating. ate„ the most thorough and practical oourse In the United States. Also, Lectures, Commercial Calcula to,ooo, Arithmetic, and the higher Mathematics, Pen manship (best in the city), Correspondence, tco. For wile, their now Treatise on BookkeoPin 5, beauti fully printed in oaten, and the best work published. sege-tf INSURANCE COMPANIES. IBILAW ARE MUTUAL SAFETY IN RUBANCE COMPANY, PHILADELPHIA. Inoorporatod by the Legislature of Pennsylvania, 1415. Moo E. E. warner of THIRD ond ADELPH WALNUT streets, PH/L/A. MARINE INSURANCE, On Vessels, Cargo, To all parte of the World. Frelght, INLAND INSURANCES On Goode by RIVOTB Canals, Lakes, and Land Car ranges to all pars of the Union. FIRE INSURANOEB On Merohandisa generally. On Stores, Dwelling Rouses, ASSETS OF THE COMPANY, November 1,1880. 0100,000 United States five Sp' cent. 10an..... 01.1 400 00 1115,000 United States six S,Yr cent. Treasury Notes, (with scorned interest).— 119,463 31 100,000 Pennsylvania State five - 4P' oen loan•—•—•"--- .- .--, 95,7/0 00 21,000 so. do. six do. do. 21,946 00 143 050 Philadelphia City six 4P cent. Loan. /23,203 37 30,000 Tennessee State five tc , cent. loan— 24,000 00 60 WO Pennsylvania Railroad ad mortgage six tu' cent. bonds_ 0,000 00 15 000 200 shares, eteek Germantown Gas Company, interest and principal Kuaranteled by the City of Phila delphia _ 16.500 00 5,01.0 100 ehares Ponssylvania • RailroMl Company_.... f--. 8,990 00 5,000 100 'shares 2,lortliFenneylvarda Rail road Company......, 900 00 1,200 80 shares Philauelphla lee Boat and Steam Tug Company 1,200 00 2150 5 shale Philadelphia arid Repro dO - Steam Tow-boat Company. 550 OD 510 2 shares Philadelphia Exehange Company— • • 125 00 1,000 2 shares Continental Hotel C 0..- 000 00 13656,700 par. Cost 81147,332.54. Market vai.6354,314 71 Bills receivable, for insurances made.. 171,386 42 Bonds and mortgages.— 34.600 00 Real estate.....__.,, . . 01,143 33 Balances dneiii enci 7 a - "PrWlilit , lni. on Re-. rine Policies. interest. and other debts due the Company— 6 1 , 3 66 02 Soria and stook of sundry Insuzance and other Companies 2,626 60 Cash on hand—in banks —.523,073 16 in drawer...-. 433 35 59,108 51 ,ITOKS. William Martin, Samuel E. Stokes, Edmund A. &lder, J. F. Penieton, Theophilus Paulding. Henry Sloan, John R. Penrose, Edward Darlington, John C. Davis, H. Jones Broolui, James Traquair, Spencer M'llvaine, William Eyre, Jr., Thomas C. Hand, James C. Hand. .Roluirt Burton, William C. Ludwig, Jacob P, Jones, Joseph H. Seal, James B. M'Farland, P Dr. B. M. Huston, Joshua P. Eyre George C. Leiner, John B. Semple ' , PittsVg Hugh Craig. D. T. Morgan, Charles Kelly, A.B. Borger, WILLIAM MARTIN, srealdant. THOS. C. HAND. Vice President. HENRY LYLBURN. Secretary. noll.rf EN SURA AIME COMPANY OF THE 44 - STATE OF FENNSYLVANIA—FIRE AND MA RINE INSURANCE Noe. 4 AND 6 EXCHANGE BUILDINGS. Chartered to 1791—Capital BMo,ooo—Fob. 1, WO, earth value, 6438,792 77, All invested in bound and available neourthes—oon tune to Insure on Vosaels and, Cargoes, Buildings, Stooks of Merchandise, &c.. on liberal terms. DIRECTORS. Henry 1). Sherrerd, George H. Stuart, Simeon Toby Samuel Grant, Jr., Charles Macalester, Tobias Warner, William S. Smith, Thorium B. Wattson, JOU B. Budd William R. #bite, Henry G. Freeman, Charlee S. Lewis, George C. Carson. HENRY D. BHERRERD, President. WILLIAM HARPER, Secretary. le9-tf p . I.M.3II.ANGE INStJBANOE COMPANY 'LA —Oltioetio.loo WALNUT Street. FIRE INSURANCE Pon 11011t011 and i'deroheandise generally, on faVerable term, either limited er Dor- Petral. DIREOTORd. Jeremiah Donsall, Edward D. aoberta, John Q. Ginnodo. John J. Griffiths. Joshua"T. Owen, Reuben 0. Hale. Thome', Marsh, John McDowell, Jr., Snml.L. Innedlol • Jae, T. Hale, Bellefonte. JEREMIAH BONSALL,, President JOHN Q. GINNODO, Vioe President. ... EIDWAILD W. Davin. Iseoretars rnh VIRE INKURAMTE. MECEIANICV INIWRANOR COMPANIIeof Philadelphia. Nu. 138 North SIXTH Street. below Rees. inhere Build inge. Uoode, and Merehandiee generally from lose or damage by f ire. The oompany guarantee to azimut all losses promptly, and thereby hope to merit the patron age of the Imbito. Dinar:one. William Morgan, Robert Flaw Ann Frartots Cooper, Michael MoGaol, George L. Dougherty, Edward McGovern, James Martin, Thomas B. McCormick, James Dorcas Joan Bromley, TZtilar.rmAe.r:„, 1:211%.. F 4.4 11 1;:_ Thomas Fisher, Charles Clara. - --- - Fromm McManus, Michael Cahill. FRANCIS COOPER, Fresidont. BERNARD RAFFRItTY, Secretary. oenam ANTHRACITE INSURANCE COMPA NY.—Authorized Capital 8400,006-011ARTBE PERPETUAL. 'Mot, No. 811 WALNUT Street. between Third end Fourth dtreet, Philadelphia. This Company will insure against loss or damage by Fire, on Buildinga.Purnitnre, end Merchandise gene rally. Alto, Marino Insurances VemsAls, Cargoes, and Ftealatta. Wand Inaurance to ell parte of the Union DIRECTORS. Jacob Esher, Joseph Maxfield, O. Luther. John Ketoham, Audeerled, John R. Btagurton. Pavie re 6711011, WM. F. Doan, eter Sieger, J . E. Baum. JACOB ESHER, President. WM. F. DEAN, Vice Fru:Wont, W. rd. SMITE!, SeoretarY. apB-tt A MERIOAN FIRE INSURANCE CO. 431 . VAL INCORPORATED IMO-ORARTER PERPEY Sld WALNUT Street above tfhlrel, Philadelphia. Having a large paid-up lapital Stook and Surplus In vaded in sound and avai able Securities continue to lnsuro on Swellinsa, Stores, Furniture, hterehandise, Vessels in Fort and their cargoes, and other Personal Property. All losses liberally and promptly adjustod. InitACTOZI. John R. Lewis, o Weigh /Amen R. Camp boll, flsmuei C. Morin, Bdmund Q. &DIA. Pittlek lliM7, Chap. W. l'ovatoey. jilnun Morns. TROMAB R. MARIE, rumple:a, AJMER? 6.11. CRAWFORD. Snoretarr. fen -t, PRANKLIN SAVING FUND, No. A . 136 Smith FOURTH. Street, Lohman Meet ma and Walnut, Pattadelettla, me all Bernatta on demand. I Depositors' money seosred by 'goverment, State, City Lsans, Ormond Ronal. Mort Company deems safety batter than large Pro re, oonsequently will run no risk with depo sitors' mone but have it at all times ready to return, with ri p er cent. interest, to the owner, as they have always done. 'Ohm Company never suspended, Females, married or tingle and Minors, Dan deposit in their own right, and de:made can be, withdrawn oat.: by their oorisent. Charter mperaal. ted by the state otPonnerlyama. with authorityto receive money from trimteee and executors. LARGE AN ALL BUMS RECHIVRD. _Moe (pen daily, hymn to o'clock, ant in 01.50rAIST evening until a Wolook. OJason B. et,anntrti. 81f Uinta CallwaCadet. John Bhindler, Remo Russell, hlataohl W. Blom. Edward T. Bytt. Lewis Krumbhaar, Koury Delany, Ntoholos Rlttenhotuus, Nathan Broodier, Jos, M. nottorthwalte,__ Jones Yoram. Joseph w.LlPPinoott, JACOB B. satairwri, President. 64ttiri CLDWLIAAZI.R. Trosausr, aria -7 RAVING FUND—FIVE PER CENT. IN yP-74ISTf,RWEALSTITUNTAIIrratAl., emrth A w F o E st T o ‘r orn 7 o ß r U cif B T T ElV l D; Plialedelohim lnomporeget try Um Ilitate et Penns - , I. tvalle4lll eoeived 411;1,} arm, `if.:ll*oafnir i i tft: draw& Who 01/100 ho open every day from nine eolook in the morning till five o'olook In the crisping, end on Monde, ant Igheriely evenln r y o gripe, la& flkl s llll l lllE l '4l'er fttrgil WILUILK Lltnitlhasoretary. DIRNOTOZ4 71011, Emmy L. Berucor, e. Carroll Brawato% Edward L. Castor, Joseph B, Barr Siebert Belfridc, amual E. Ashton, FranouiLem, Joseph Yerkes, Landreth Munn", James L. !Reviler:Ma, oney re received and payments made daily. Whe investments are made, in conformity with the provinione of the Charter, in Real Notate tilround Bents, and graph first-class oeciiriteo ea will al ways Juntaperfect seourity to the depositors, and which cannot fail to sive permanency and te thie inzbitutiOn. • RAVING FUND-UNITED STATES TRUST (1055. PANT, corner TRIED end GREAT. NVT Street. Large and email dams received, and _paid boot on de. maul without notice, with FIVE PERCENT. mph. REST from the dor of depogit to the day of with. drawal, oEloo holm, from 9 until 5 o'oloos every day, and ex MONDAY EVENINGS from until 9 o'olook. DRAFTS for 'Moon England, Ireland. d Llgothind from.tinpwards, President—S'PEPllEN IL ORAWFOILD. Vreeeurer—JAMES R. AVNVER. PLMY MT. Marna, weir H 0 Y T)l3 HIAWATHA HAI R. RESTORATIVE Is warranted in every instamm to RESTORE GRAY HAIR TO ITS ORIGINAL men. IN T IZOVIIATIBIPtYIr OASES In the . ? tge s iN l :i l f o r t e n iang e lE t ig, a rg, HASt i NOT all that is Waimea fort, No Hair is s beautiful Red but tbe HIAWATHA will change it to a and life-like Brown and It lanot an instantaneous dye which crooks, eniuts, and gives a deed black color to the hair.the patient having to submit to soaping. washing, and sponging of the hair every time it is applied; nor is it a preparation of sulphur. sugar oflead. ko.;nor of any in de leterious to the hair or skin. It is an article requiring no preparation, no washing before or after using; it ill applied in five minutes time, and with no little trouble as any ordinary article for the toilet. People who have used this preparation declare it is miraculoue in its effects and that it will perform all that it pretends to do."—lllailou's Pictorial. Its ounces is wonderful, and we can only say we en done all the proprietor says in regard to it."—(Boston Journal. We observe, by a notice in a Boston paper, that a premium vase:warded by the Messaohusetta Meelianies °inimitable Aesocnation. at their late Fair, Boston. to Mr. Joseph Hoyt, of this city, for his oelebrated • Hia watha Hair Restorative,' an article which richly merit ed this favor. It was for its superior mental in this re spect that the committee, after suffieient °Menne pre sented to themselves. awarded to air. Hoyt this flatter ing ttnitimProvidence Evening Press. Por sale Cry the principal Druggists in Philadelphia, and throughout, the country, APO. PH HOYT. Pro prietor, No. 4 ALATHEWSUPI St„ Providence, It. I. PEACH BRANDY —3 bbls Superior AL quality, of Georgie, Peaah Brandy, for Bale by 0. C. SADLER at CO., del 103 ARCM Street. Canoed door above Front. CIUT TLE-FISH BONE—Far sale by VirETIELBRILL BROTILE,R, Nos, 47 and di Muth iizOOND fittest, di EDUCATIONAL. HAVING FUNDS. " A tittle, bat often, ells the Puree." " A Dollar waved is Woe earned." / 1 1.18CELLABEOUS. %ME AMALGAMATION OF LAN- A- GUAGES.—There is a growing tendenoy in this are to appropriate the most ezpreooive words of other languagee, and after a while to incorporate them into' our own; thus the word Cephalic, which is from the Greek, signifying "for the head," ies now becoming popularized in connection with Mr. Beeldins'n great headache remedy, but it will soon be need in a more general way, and the word Cephalio will Mumma as common as Eleotrotype and many others whose die tinotion as foreign words hoe been worn away by common usage, until they seem " native and to the manor born." 'artily Realized Ili 'ad 'n orriblo r endaohe thin hafternoon, hand I stepped into the hapotheoary's, hand saps hi to the man, "Can you hease me of an 'eadaolis ?" " Does it haohe 'ard P' says 'e. " Rosooodingly." says hi, hand upon that 'e gave me a Cephalic Pill, hand 'pon me 'onor it cured inn no quick that I 'arrily realized I 'ad 'ad an 'eadaohe. giir HEADACHE is the favorite sign by whioh nature makes known any deviation whatever from the natural state of the brain, and, viewed in this light, it may ho looked on as a eafoguard intended to give notice of dis ease 'which might otherwise escape attention. till too late to be remedied ; and its indications ehoidd never be neglected. Headaches may be olassified under two names, viz: Symptomatic and Idiopathic.. SYmptomatio Headache is exceedingly commons and is the procurint of a groat variety of diseases, among which ate MO plexy, Gout, Rheumatism, and all febrile diseases. In its nervous form it is sympathetic of disease of the stomach. constituting sick headache, of bepatlo dumase constituting Wiens headache, of worms, constipation, and other disorders of the bowels, as well es renal and uterine affections. Diseases of the heart are very fre quently attended with headaches; antemlitand plethora are also affections whioh frequently occasion head ache. Idiopathic headaoho is also very common, being usually distinguished by the name of nervous headache, sometimes coming on suddenly in a state of appa. raptly sound health, and prostrating at once the mental and physical energies, and In other instances It oomee on slowly. heralded by depression of spirits or acerbity of temper. In moat instances the pain ig in the front of the head, over one or both eyes, and sometimes pro voking vomiting t under this Class may also be named Neuralgia, For the treatment of either class of headache the de- Oahe Rills have been found a aura and safe remedy, relieving the most acute pains in a few minutes, and, by its subtle power, eradicating the diseases of whioh headaohe is the unerring index. Bridget.—Miesue wants you to send her a box of Ce phalic O'ue ; no, a bottle of Prepared Pills—but I'm thinking that's not just it neither; but perhaps ye'll be ether knowing what it is. Ye ede ehe i s nigh dead and gone with the Sick Headache, and 'Amnia tense More or that same as re}alred her before. Druggist.—You must mean Sualdines Caphalio Bridget,—Ooh: sure now and You've Jed ft. Rere'a the euarther, and giv me the Me, and don't be all day about it, either. @90{,907 51 Constipation or Costiveness. NO one of the " many ills flesh is heir to" Is so pre valent, so little understood, and so much neglected no Costiveness, often originating in oarelessneea, or se dentary habits. It Is regarded as a slight disorder, of too little oonsermenoe to excite anxiety, while in reali ty it is the prooursor and companion of many of the most fatal and dangerous diseases, and unless early eradicated, it will bring the sufferer to an untitnely grave. Among the lighter evils of which Costiveness Is the usual attendant are Headache, Colic, Rheuma tism, Foul Breath, ?ilea, and others of like nature, while a long train of frightful diseasea, such as Malig nant Fevers, Aboestres, Dysentery, Diarrhoea, Dyspep sia, Apoplexy, EDiiODISY. Paralysis, hysteria. hypo ohondrissis, Melanotioly, and Insanity. first indicate heir p reseneo in the syhterh by Mb alarming symptom. Not unfrequently the diseases flamed drlginalli in Ctin stipation, but take oil an independent existence unless the cause is eradicated in an early stage. From all these considerations, it follows that the disorder shank, receive immediate attention whenever it mums. and no person should neglect to get a box of Cephalic. Pills On the first appearance of the complaint, as their time ly use will expel the infidioils approaches of disease, end destroy this dangerous foe to human life. A Real Blessing. Physician.—Well, Mrs. Jones, how is that headache I Mrs Tones.—Gono ! Dootor, all gone! the pill you sent cured me in just twos ty minutes. and I wish you would send me more. so that I ran have them handy. physician.—You can set them at aralDruesist's. Dal for Cephalie Pills. I find they never fail, and I recom mend them in all Gates of -Headache. Mrs. Jones.—l shall send for a box directly, ancremil tell all my suffering frionds, for they are a riot et/aster 'Wllll7ll' Mintioas Olt DOLLARS SAVIIIN—mr, Spald ing has sold two millions of bottles of his celebrated Prepared Glue, and it is estimated that eaoh bottle eaves at least ton dollars' worth of broken.furalture, thus making an aggregate of twenty millions of dollars reclaimed from total loss 'by this valuable invention. Having made his Glue a household word, he now pro - - - in pp ri UV owq the aching heads with nor uopnano u., win if thei a ar i e as good as his Glue, Headaches will soon vanish sway like snow in July. agr OVER EXCITEMENT, and the mental care and anx iety incident to close attention to business or study, are among the dmiteroils ()Mises df Nerve:is Headache. The disordered state of mind and body inoidetit to this din tresslfig complaint, m a fatal biow to all energy and am bition. Sufferers by this disorder can always obtain speedy relief from these charming attacks by using one of the Cephalic Pills whenever the symptoms ap pear. It quiets the overtasked brain, and soothes the strained and jarring nerves, and relaxes the tension of the stomach which always accompanies and aggravates the disordered condition of the brain. FACT WOILTH snowinc.--Beelding'is Cephalio Pine aro a certain ours for Blot Headaohe, Bilious Head ache, Nervous Headache, Costiveness, and General Debility, GREAT DIECOVERT.—Among the moat important of all the great lizedloal dieoovoriee of this age may be considered the system of vaoeination for proteotion from Small Pox, the Cephalio Pill for relief of Head ache, and the nee of QIEMIIIR for. the, prevention of Fevere, either of which ie a mitre epoolfie. whose bene fits will be experienced by sabring humanity long after their discoverers are forgotten. Or DID you eller have the ?hot Headablie t DO you remember the throbbing Whiplash the fevered brow, the loathing and disgust at the eight of food? How . .totally unfit you warn for pleasure. conversation. 6r study. One of the Cephalic Pills would have r eiteved you from all the suffering which You then experienced. For this and other purposes you should always have a boi of thorn on hand to use as °minima minuet. CEPHALIC PILLS. CURE ROB HEADACHE! OEPHALIO OURE NERVOUS HEADACHE! OEP}LALIO PILLS, OURS ALL KINDS OF HEADACHE! Bp the use of those Pine the periodical attacks of Per ilous or Sick Headache may be prevented ; and if taken at the commencement of an attack immediate relief from pain and sickness will be obtained. They seldom fail in removing the Nausea and Ilead ache to which femalee are so suWeot. They not gently on the bowels, removing Coe tiVeriSFS For Literary Men, Students , Females, and all persona of sedentary habits, they are valuable ail a Laxative, improving the appetite, giving tone and vigor to the &scatty° organs, and restoring the natural elas ticity and strength to the whole system. • The CEPHALIC PILLS are the result of long investi gation and oaretblly oonduated experiments, having been in use many years, during which time they have Prevented and relieved a vast amount of pain and suffering from Headache, whether originating in the nervous arstem or from a deranged gate of the sto maEle, They are entirely vegetable in their (imposition, and. mm be taken at all times with portent safety without making any change of diet, and the absentee of any dint (roseate taste renders it easy to administer them to children. BEWARE OF: UOUNTERFEITS! The genuine have five eignatures of Henry C. Spalding on eaoh Box. Sola by Druggists and all other Dealers in Medicines. A Box will be sent by mall prepaid on receipt of the PRICE. tat) 40ENTh. AU orders should be addressed to HENRY O. t4PALDIN4. pm . u. MOBBAIit 611.113.E4, NSW TM( RAILROAD LINES. 1861. Mack r. 1861. WINTER ARRAsIGEktENT. —NEW YORK_LINEIS. 'Mt: CAMDEN AND AMBOY Alip two- D4LpHJA 4ND /RENTON RAILRoAD it. I LINEs FROM PHILADELPHIA TO riLw YORK AND WAY PLAGER, PROL WAENDT-ST. WHARF AND DEERING/TOE DEPOT WILL LtAVE AS FOLLOWS, VIZ: FARE. MO A. 21.. via Camden and Amboy, (land A. Ac commodation _ ~ • • •83 25 At 6 A. M., via Camden and Jersey City, (N. J.) Acoommodation— * . .... 2 23 At 8 A. At., via Camden and Jersey City, Morning At WI A. At., via Kensington and Term' bur, Western Expre55...........-- -- a 00 At /231 P. M., via Camden and Amboy Accompao dation.--.. .. ... 226 At 2 P. M., via Camdenand - AMboy, C. and . , ... .... 800 At s XI., via Kensington and Jersey City, bye ning Express.-- --• —.. 3 00 At 45i P. AL, via Kensington and Jersey City Id Class Ticket --....— .. 2 26 AreP. AL. via Camden and 'Jersey Ci ty, veni . ng At 114 P. - 61., via CiiiVideri . and Jorsoy City, Smith ern Mail 223 At 6 P. Al., via Camden and Athor, Acoothmodit ton, ( Freight and Passengeri—let Class Ticket._ 2 26 Do. do. 3,1 Clam Tiaket_ 1 Se The 6PM Mail Line runs daily. The 11X 1' At, South ern Mail, Saturdays ezoopted. For Belvidere, Banton, Lambertville, Flemington, ite., at 7,10 A 111 and 3 I'. At., from Kensington. For Water Clap; Stroutieburs, ;Swanton, Willinstarre, Montroae, Great Bond, As,, 7.10 A. M. from Kensington, rift Delaware, Lackawanna and Western R. R. For Moue& Chunk, Allentown, and Bethlehem at 7.10 A. M. and 3 P. M. from Kensington. For Mount Holly, at 6 and 8 A. M., S and 435 P M. For Freehold, at 6 A. M., LI N 13. and 2 I'. M. WYE For Bristol, Tronton A , As at 7.10 A. M., 2,4) and sKP. M. from Kensington. For Palmyra, Riverton, Delano°, Beverly, Burling ton, Florence, Bordentown, km., at 12% 3, 456 and 6 P. nl. For New York, and Way Linos leave Kensington Benet, take the oars, on Fifth street, above Walnut, half an hour before doparttire. The cars run into the do_pot, and on arrival of eaoh train, run from the depot. Fifty Pounds of Baggage, only, allowed each Passen ger. Pomaceous are prohibited from taking anything as baggage but their wearing apparel. All baggage over fifty pounds to be paid for extra. The Company limit their responsibility for baggage to One Donarpor !hyped, and will not be liable for any amount beyond woo, ex cept by sonata' °entrant. nol9 wig. H. GATZMER. Agent. .WINTER ARRANGE. RENT -PHILADELPHIA, WILMINGTON. M OD BALTIMORE RAILROAD. On and after ONDAY, NOV KM DER 26, 1860, PAB/3ENGER TRAINS LEA YE PHIL ADELPHIA: For Baltimore at 8.16 A. M., 12 noon (Express), and 10.50 P. M. For Chester at 8,15 A. M., 12 noon, 1.15, 4.15,11, and 10.60 P. FoM. r Wilmington at 8.16 A. M.,12 noon, 1.15, 4.15, 6. and 10.60 P. 51. For New Castle at 816 A. M., 4.15 and 6 P. M. For Middleto*n at B.lsandM and 416 P. M. Eby DoVer at 8.15 A. 4,15 P M. For Harrington at 8.15 A, 51. and 416 P. M. For Milford at 8.15 A. NI., (Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays at 4.15 P. MO For Farmington at 8.16 A. Al. (Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays at 4.15 P. M. For Seaford at 8.15 A. Al. (Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays at 4.16 P, For Salisbury at 8.15 A. 51. Train at 8.15 A. Ai. will connect at Seaford on Tues days, Thursdays, and Saturdays with steamboat to Nor folk. TRAINS FOR PHILADELPHIA: Leave Baltimore at 830 A. M. (Express), 10.15 A. M., and 5.10 P. 51 Leave Wilmington at 7.30, 9, and 11.00 A. M., 1 48, 4, end 8.20 P.M. Leave Salisbury at LSD P. M. Leave Seaford (Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays at 7.20 A. M.) 2.50 p. Ldatie Farmington (Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Satur days at 8 A. Ill.) 4.1 D P. M. Leave Milford (Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays at 7.50 A. Al.) ap.m. Leave Harrington at 8.15 A. 61. and 4.25 P. M. Leave over at So A. 51. and 5.25 I'. M. Leave hliddletown at 10 05 A. M. and 6.40 P. 51. Leave Now Cagle at am and 11 A. M., 736 P. M. Leave Chester at 8.20 and 9.40 A. M., 12.04, 2.22, 4.45, and P. M. Leave Baltimore for Salisbury and Delaware Railroad at 10.15 A. M. and 0.10 P. M. TRAINS FOR BALTISIORE: Lore Chester at 8.45 A. M., 12.28 and 11.20 P. M. Leave Wilmington at 0.25 A. Nl., 1255 P. 151., and 12 A. 51. FREIGHT TRAIN, with Passenger Car attached, will run as follows : Leave Philadelplua for Perryville and intermediate places at 3 Leave Wilmington for Perryville and intermediate places at 6 P. M. Leave Baltimore for Havre-de-Grace and Intermedi ate places at 4 15 P. CI. ON SUNDAYS: Only at 1050. P. M. from Philadelphia to Baltimore. Only at 6.10 P. M. from Baltimore to Philadelphia. iso24 S. Pd, FELTON. President. WINTER ARRANGE- .- EN T.-PHILADELPHIA, TartinieroWl4, MO NORRISTOWN RAILROAD. On and alter MONDAY, Nov. 12. 1860, " FOR GERMANTOWN, Leave Philadelphia, 6,7, 8,9, 10. 11, and 12 A. M., 1,2, 2,5%. 4, 9 2 6%. 6. 7,8, 9, 10%. and 11% P. M. Leave Germantown, 6,7, 734, 8. 8%. 9, 10, 11 and 12 A. M., 1,2, 5,4, 9,6, 6%. 7, 8. 9, and 103; I'. 61. ON SUNDAYS, Leave Philadelphia, 9.(45 nun. A. M., 2,7, and 10% P. AL 9% P Leave M. Germantown, 8,10 13110, A. M. 1.10 min., 6, and . OREIITNUf HILL RAILROAD. Ledve Philadblalia, 8,8, 10, and 12 A. AI., 2,4, 6,8. and 10% P. M. Leave Chestnut Hill, 7, 10, 755 8.40, and 9.40, and 1140 A. 51., 1.40,5:40,6.10. UNDAYSan. M. ON S Leave Philadelphia, 9.05 a. M., 2. and 7 F.M. Leave Chestnut Hill, 7.somin. A. M., 1260, 6.40, and 9.10 min. P. M. FOR CON6HOIIOCKEN AND NORRISTOWN. Leave Philadelphus.6.9o, 7.%, 905, and 1105 min. A. M.. 1.05, 3.05, 4.%, AM, and 11% P. AI. Leave Norristown, 6. 7.8.06, 9. and 11 A. AL, 134, 434, and 6 P. M. ON SUNDAYS. Leave Philadelphia, 9 A. AI and A P. 6 1 .. for Norris town. Leave NorrietewnFOß MANAY U ,734 A M. and UN P NK.. Leave Philadelphia, 950, 7%, 9.05, and 12.05 A. 55., 1.05. 2 05, 0.00.435, 5.56, 0.175 , 1111 F. Al. Leave M anay unk. 634, 734,855, 914. 1134 A. AL, 1, 34, 5,635, and 91; P. M. ON SUNDAYS. Leave Philadelphia 9A. AL, 3, and 7 P. M. Leave Manayunk, 7% A. M 634, and 8 P. M. H. S. SMlTH,Genoral Superintendent. nolo-t! DEPOT. NINTH. end GREEN Streets. PHILADELPHIA EgESF-----t- - r AND - RE ADI NG RAIL ROAD-PASSaNGE-11 TRAINS for PIYITEIVILLE, athREADING, and HARRISBURG, on and after Nov. . MIN MORNING LIN,EB, DAlLYp(lndaye exeepte(l.l.. Leave Nest Depot. corner Of R AD and CAL LOW HILL Streets, PHILA 111.1 PH A,( aesen i rt entiati l fs on Thirteenth and on Callolshill streets ateLA ~ Oonneatlng at Harrisburg with the PEN SYL VA RAILHEAD, IP. M. train running to Pittsburg ' CUMBERLAND VALLEY 1.0.5 P. M. tram runninr to Chambereburs t Carbide, &a.; and the NORTHE.RN ChIITHAL RAILROAD 1 P. M. train.running to Sun bury, h-e. Let , AFTERNOON LINES. oVi , HlLOStreets, PlitLgirisTh r ill/ I 3 A .... D .... an g d o CA r tti th an W ee . on Thirteenth and on Callowll stronia"),or " rvi,o N VILLE and HARRISBURG, at 3.800. M. DS ILy, for READING only, at 430 P. M.. DAILY, (Sundays ex cerned.l_ DISTANOEB VIA PHILADELPHIA AND READING P.AILROAD, FROM PIIILADALPIIIA. Miles. To Phcenixv(lle.....—__ 31' Reading— -•-• -• 58 ' Lebanon-- ... Harrisburg. .112) Dauphin hillier/Mug• .- -143 Tresorton Junotion-1 Sunbury-- .. Northumberland .--.1 Lewisburg Mi R0n.....___.._._.183 Mune,' .--197 Williamsport —.209 Jo rEalShore ..... Look Haven —.-..Z3 Ralston- The 8 A. ISf. and 3.30 P. Putt Clinton, i!undays ox WIL lAIIISt'ORI making close oonneenons Canada. the Wert and Soutt DEPOT IN PHILADP,LP and cAbLowaiLL Streets ap23-tf W. IL Philadelphia, and Reading and Lebanon "Valley 11. R. Williamaport and Elmira Railroad. • . • M. train connect daily st eepted. L with the OATA . and ERIE RAILROAD, with lines to Magnin Falla, hweet. . HiAi Corner of BROAD cILMFANRY, 13aoretarY THE PENNSYLVANIA OEN TRAL JRALLROAD, POO MILES DOUBLE TRACT. 1860.p-5 ,Ewrwx,,„ 1860. THE OAPAOLV THISAIffXI) IS NOW EQUAL TO IN Till. CONTRY. THREE T 0111VJASSErfER TRAITIs BETWEEN PHILAD si IA P •FITTSBURO, Connecting direot at Phi Aphis with Threugh Train/ from Boston, New York, and all sonata kaat, and in the Union Depot at Pittsbusg with Through Trains to and from alt points in the West, Northwest , and Southard thus funiuMing facilities for the transportation of Paasengers unsureasaffd for simed and comfort by any otherroute. Express and Fast MUSS ran throlgn to Pittabirg, without change of Ceram Conductors. All thro Brake—speedPa anwerlg'rdlliithttigie',tent unepeecconnrtngineer, thus addinumuch to the Brant, of traseiters. Smoking Cara are attached to each Train Wootroirs Wks Care to Nxprass and Fast Trains. 'lhe NESFS i IitUNS DAILY: Mail and Fast Lines. Sun da7tlWlialetives PhilaAelykla at Sad A. M. sat Line Ilsa A. M. Express Train leaves MO P. M. WAY TRAINS LEAVE AS FOLLOWS : Harrisburg Accommodation, via Columbia, 2 P, rumble $119...Pir% M. eiikarcir g West Cheater Passengers will take the flail, Parkes burg Accommodation, and Columbia Trams. FUlellgolll for Sunbury, Williamsport, Eli:etre, Bairn lo, flinger& Palls, and intermediate ru:iinta,leauung phi ladelhta at 8:02 A. M. and 2P. g directly through. Tickets Westwardmay be obtained at the offices of the Company in Philadelphia, New York, Boston, or Bal timore ; and Tickets Eastward at any of the important Railroad Ofileea in the West; also on board any of the regular Line of Steamers on the Mississippi or Ohio monk_ . . . . WT Pere always ea lerr, and thus an gale k. ea br ant ottier Route. For further information. apply at the Passenger Sta tion, Southeast oorner of Eleventh and Market titTeeta. The completion of the Western oonneetions of the Pm,nsrlvania Railroad to Chionao. make this the DIRECT LINE BETWEEN THE EMT AND THE OE AT WEST. The eenne -- on of tracks by theftellroad Endo at Pittsburg, avciding all drayage or ferriage of Freight, together with the sewing of time, are advantages reedit, appreolated by Shipppere of Freight, and the Trayel- Dng Publio, Merehants and Shipers entrusting the transportation of their Freight to tills Company, can rely' rah caul denee on its speedy.transit. THE DATES OF FRED BT to and from any point in the West by the Pennitylvenla Railroad an at alt Hints el f bla as ars eitarga by ono' R 611110411 COVIrAMIS. Be partisalar totemic paekagas "via Penna. HMl read. For Freight Contmots or Shipping Direetios, apply to, or _4a either of the following ACOnts Of tie as's- Dant B. A. IFSEWART, Pittsburg; ILS.Flente & Co., Kentorrille,O.; J. Johnston f. .RipleY4 0.; R. McNeely, Meyovillo, Ky.; Ormsby & t ropPor. Portsmouth, O.; - Paddock & Co., Jellersonyil e. Dia nne; W . Broom & Co. s Cinconneti, 0.; Athern & 0.; R. C. hieldrum, Madir.on,lnd.; Jos. B. Moore, Louurrille P. O. & Co., O t ;re & p o tgroi t utij A i r el rin4viliksreni3.; arse & Co., Mono, 11 . AWata. or to Frefrbt Arent' of fronds at different points m the West. N. H. xtriGSTON, phimetwiia. itclitaw xowle. Nortb streak Widmer& Euli CO., I Astor .tionSe, or 14 wilbsinst.,X.Y. Bali & CO , No. Tr. State street, flown. ta.loysioN 9 1 0,11,1WILLigit a rkl . la. ;51 3 1 ', 1 A,lteonzt. 1119.77 EL MIRA RAILROAD: QUICKEST ROUTE to Tamaqua,. Catawiesa, Re port, Wilkmberre,_l39minton, Danville, Milton, W)t- Rampart, Troy, Ralston, Outten, Elmira, Buffalo, Niagara Fella, ROO heater, Olevelend:Detrolh Toledo, Chlnagp.St. Louis, Milwaukee, and all points North and Weat. l'asnez2ger trains will leave the new Depot of the Phi ladelphia and Rending Railroad, corner BROAD arid OALLOWHILL Streets, (Passenger entrance on Cal lowhill street.) daily (stindaye excepted), for above potato SA follow, : DAY R7CPRESS... ..... A. Id. tli NIGHT EXPRE.,. M. . The B.OOA. hi. train connoote at Annett e iorlkea. Mute, Pinson Scranton , and all Matione on the LAOKAWANDIA AND DLOOMSBURO RAILROAD. The above Maine make direqt connections at Elmira with the trains of the New York and_Ene,Canandaigna and Niagara Palle, and Buffalo, NOW York and Erie, and New York Central Railroads, from all points North and West, and the Canadm. Baggage ohmkod to Elmira, Buffalo, and glespenslon Bridge, and alli, immediate points. Tickets pan be i ramrod at the Philadelphia and El mira Railroad Lir e's 'Pietist Oillae, northweet corner of SIXTH and Olt t NUT Stream, and nt the Passenger Depot. oornero THIRTEENTH and CALLOWHILL. - - THROW EXPRESS FREIGHT TRAIN beave the Piet (alleluia and Reading Depot, Broad and Oallowhill etre dally Mondale exoepted), for all points Woes t North at 6P. id, Freights mu be delivered before BP. Pd. to lasers their going tat 0166 clay.. For further information apply at Freight Depot, THIRTEEN tt and CALLOWHILLe, or to ()HAS, 8. PAPPEN. Getteral Agent, Northwest einem. EIXITH and tCHEWRNUT Stree ts, atile-ff Philadelphia IL*, to awl:sumNl ;Mg lo►.~ TILE ADAMS EXPRESS 00.,0fRoe 320 OHESTNIIT Btreot, forwards Fe Merchandise Beak Note,. and Benoit., either by ite own Lines or in commotion with other Express Companies, to all the erinotold town end cities of the Malted Bletee. Jell-tf • g AANDFOiD, oral onisegatenisza, Ell URN SA3S, BRINLEY 6 CO.. No. 429 VLARKWY BTREN% 'IV ld F. PANOOAST, AUCTIONEER, Sue counor to B. SCOTS. .11.. 431 CUIEBTI4UT Bt. SALE OF' DRY GOODS, HOSIERY, CRICKET JACKLTS, FANCY KOIIT GOODS, cmtrlirs, kc. On Wednesday IVlonnvg, January 235. by catalogue, on s mint, Coinmenolng nt 10 o'oloog. preoleoli. TOP WAGON. (Hy order of eheriff.) Moo. On Wednesday Mornin. At 10 o'clock precisely, by order of S heri f, fur ac count of former purchaser— one top wagon. pfIITAP FORD &CO., AUOTIONEERS, Je- fie. S3O fitA.R.KFAV ,Stroet, Fnd /Alt ISIII4Oe, SALE OF 1,500 CASES NS.BuOTS, 8110E 8 , AND BROGA On Thursday Morning, January —. by catalogue, 1,500 oases boots. shoes, and brogans. MOSES NATHANS, A ITO TION EER AND COMMISSION fdERCHANT. Southeast oorner of SIXTH and RACE Streets. NATHAN'S' GREAT SALE OF FORFEITED 0008 8, Nathans' large eale of forfeited watohes, Jewelry, ko.. from the Principal stabliehrnent. southeast cor ner of Sixth and Yaks. streets, will take place On Tuesday Morning. January 12 at 10 o'clock. at Moses Nathan' Auction Nouse. Nos. 105 and 117 North With street, adjoining the southeast corner of Sixth and Raze guts% and w• 11 comprise Home of the finest watches and jeWelry ever offered at PUblio auction, viz,: Fine gold double-time patent lever watches, with in dependent rotunda ; do. imported expressly for eporting Eentlemen, in hunting eases and open facie; fine gold nglish patent lever watches ' in hunting eases, dculde case. double bottom, lull 18 natat fine gold, extra full Jewelled and of the best and moat app•oved rnakera ; fine gold bunting ease and open-lace escapement lever and lupine watches, of the beet makore ; fine gold du plex tvatolies; itng fish, ffwies. and Fi enoh gold watcher; elver English hunting-male ana open-face Patent lever watches, beat makers; full jeweled and plain hunt ing-we and open-face escapement lever and lupine watches ; t rill jewelled hunting-ease and open-face du plex watehes; English, Swine, and French watehea ; floe gold vent, nook, guard. chamber. and other ohaina; fine sold penoll.cases, stads. and eleeve buttone; fine gold and silver 'pentacles ; handsome eye-glasses. keys, Beale, charms ; floe gold bracelets and bands; gold me dallions and lockets; unusual), .fine gold breast-Dina and ear r age ; sets of fine gold jewelry ; neeklaces. DIAMOND BREAST-PINS AND EAR-RINGS Min atone diamond finger - tinge . uds, tem. together With every variety of jewelry and fancy goods. IST The watcheswill be sold firet. Dealers and others are invited to attend this sale, as every article will po sitively be Bold, without the least reserve. 111. NATRANS. FURNITURE BALE. On Wednesday Moraine. January 23, nt 70 o'onng, at Moses Natbana' Anotion Route, Not Ira and 157 North Bath street. adjoining the aoutneaat corner of Sixth and Pace, Being the furniture of a gentleman relinquishing houaekeeping, consisting in part of— Bureaus, whrdrobes, bade. bedding, carpets, chairs, whatnots. lookinglaseee, goyim, conning utensils, Queeneware, kitchen furniture, do. TN TUE COURT OP COMMON PLEAS A- FOR THE CITY AND COUNTY OP PIMA DELRHIA. - - Assigned Estate of WORRELL COATES & CO. The Auditor appointed by the Court 'o audit, settle, and adjust the account of AtAXANDERL. MASSEY, assignee of the Estate of Worrell Coates & Co , and to report distribution of the balance in the hands of slid assignee, will meet the manes interested for thepur poses of his appointment on WEDIVERDA Y. cite 80 , h din of January,lB6l, at 4 o'olock P. M. at his office, 432 WALL UT in the city of Philadelphia. JalB-fmw tiLRGF.A.NT. Auditor. IN THE ORPHANS' COURT FOR T. 1.0.3 CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA. h state of JACOB H. LENTZ. deteased. The auditor appointed by the Court to audit, sett/e, fled adjust the account of PNOCH TAYLOR.Execu.- tor of the last Will and Testament of JACOB H. LENTZ. deceased, and to report distribution of the balance in the hands of the accountant, will meet the parties interested for the purposes of his appointment. on MONDAY. the 28th day of January. Mil. at 3 o'olook P.M.. at his office. No. 139 South FIFTH Street, in the pity of Philadelphia jal3-fmwat THOS. GREENBANK. Auditor. IN TUB ()RP it ANS' COURT FOR THE CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA. Matter of the Estate of ACHSAH WALTON, de ceased. The. editor appointed by the Court to audit, settle, and adjust the acoonnt of ISRAEL weuroN, Exedu tor of the het will and testament of ACRSAH WAL TON, deceased, and make distribution of the balance in the hands of the Accountant, will meet the parties interested. for the purposes of his appointment. on Tije;.DAY, January 22d, MI, at 4 P. hi., at his Office, No. 412 WALNUP - &rear, psllndel p iall-fmwet ILLIAM ErtPlbT. EISTATE OF DAVID C. WOOD DV CEA§ED. TheAuditOrappointed by the Orphans' Court to an dit, settle. and acjust the account of RICHARD D. WOO 4, Administrator, .ko" of DAVID C. WO.,D, de ceased. anc to report distribut,on of the balance in Me bands. Will meet the parties interested, for the _pur poses of hie appointment. at nis Office. No. 029 ARCH mdtrnet, on WEDNEADAY, January 23i. at 4 o'clock Y. ED WARD HOPPER. ]all-finwAt Auditor. lAT boost. \V. O. 1 . 4.001LRE en JAY COOKE & BANKERS D . 114 SOUTH THIRD STREET, (Fire[ door north of the Girard flank.) ja4.3m PHILADIFELPHIA. pAWBON & NWHOLtiON, BOOKBINDERB,_ Non. 519 and 153.1 MINOR Street. Between Market and Chestnut streets, HILADEL JA PHIA. JigHEI PAWSO P N, S. NICHOLSON jyyt•li FUGUBT 14.01T2t IMPORTERS ON HAVANA i3IOAAI3. No. 216 South 1 , 110/47: Street. .Roolnye regularly a full aszortmeut of detnrltt4o Gl elkftb, which they offer et low rates, for oath or by wove* °teen. NEW ORLEANS (LA.) MAI UNE.- JOY. 00E. da 00. Hags been appointed sole agents in Philadelphia for this eater:empty oireulsting paper, of pommanding in beeline. Beninese men aro adverneing in the best newe r otttic4i attd °AWE e t Streets, Philadelphia ; Tribune h Be f New Y York, 5e26.0 .. . . .. . . Hout , ,EKR.Ere.ERS LOOK TO YOUR IN TEREST. Buy your COAL AT HICKS', where nothing but the Very beat Lehigh and Behnylkill Coal te offered at the following reduced prices: Lehigh, Etr.?lten,E9 . , and 5t0ve........ 3i 75 nrir ton. Schuylkill • ..... 450 Large a au Warranted free from elate or dart and full weight, et HICKS' Yarn. Southeast corner MARSHALL, and WILLOW. Call and see, dell-am Northorn Central. Reitroad. PORTLAND KEROSENE OIL Itt otter to meet the aonatanilr•tnoreeaine demand tlit thta )ttat)l oELEIMATMD OIL AS AN ILLUMINATOR, the company have now doubled their former cacao' ty, and have the most offensive worts for mane- Mowing 0:1 from Cool in ON Witted :ayes; and to order to insure for us a constant siuPPM, adequate to the demand,. they have positively refused to establish any new manatee, or create say new outlets for itwhet ever. What we claim for this Oil if. ITB UNIFORMITY IN QUALITY AND SUPERI ORITY oi , ER ALL OTHER OILS. It to entirely free from the °gene ive odor peculiar to all other Coal Oils in the market. and for brilliancy as a light, cleanliness, oheapness. and misty, (having no =Plosive proPettest, is, we may confidently my, THE ONLY OIL THAT WILL GIVE GENEILAL SATISFACTION. Wherever it has been introduced oonsamers will use no other. Ac there are many inferior Oils sold as Kerosene, we caution dealers Inparticular =alum using this trade mark. Whenever doubts exult as to the genuhaeness of the article, we reepeotfully ask that a sample may be ettlnnittsd to us for i twee:afore. We osier it to the trade at the Sunbury end Erie R, R. COMPANY'S LOWEST PRICE, Mid dll orders addressed to we by snail or otherwise will twit 'with 'prompt attention. Z. LOCKE es CO., Sole Agents end Manufacturers of lcohol, Burning Fluid, and Pine Oil, 90.104 m No. 1010 MARKET Rt.. Philadelphia. apowNORTH PENNSYL VANIA RAILROAD. FO BETtIEHP,,M. DOYLBSTOWN, AUC.II. CHUNK, HAZLETON. and ECKLEr .1 THREE THROUGH TRAINS. On and after MONDAY. December 9.1880. Passenger Tr ainswiil leave FRONT and WILLOW Streets, Phila delphia, daily. (Sundays excepted). as follows: At El A. Al.._(hdprese) for Bethlehem, Allentown, Mauch Chunk, Hesleton, ire. At 2.45 P. M., ( ), for Bethlehem, Futon, Ac. This train reaches Easton ate:tr. AL. and makes close connection with New Jersey Central for New York. At 6 P. hl., for Bethlehem, Allentown, hladott Chylnk, Re. At 9 A. M. and 4 P. M., for Doylestown. At 6 P. M., for Fort Wallington. The e.BO A, M. Xsprees train makes olone connection with the Lehigh Valley Railroad at Bethlehem, being the ehortest and Most desirable route to all points in the Lehigh coal region. TRAINS FOR FIIILADELPIIIA. Leave Bethlehem at 5.42 A. hl., 9.15 A. M.. and 5.28 P M. Leave Doylestown at 7.25 A. M. and 520 P. 11. Leave Fort Washington at 6 43 A. Al. , ON 2UNDAYS.—Philadelphia for Fort Washington .at 940 A. M. Philadelphia rot Doylestown at 4 P. M. Doylestown for Philadelphia at 7 A. M. Fort Washington for Philadelphia at Z 45 P. M. Fare to fleth , ehern—Sl 10 Fare to Mauch Chunk.B2 60 Fare to Easton-- 160 I Fare tO DoyleatoWll,-,_ 80 Through Tickets . dunit So Mowed at the Ticket Offices, at WILLOW Street, or BERRI Street, in order to 860140 the above ;rites of fare. All Passenger Trains (except Sunday 'Treble) camel at Berke Street with Fifth and Sixth-streets, an Second and Third•streets Passenger Railroads, twenty minutes after leaving Willow Street. dO3-tf ELLIS CLARK, Agent. aITZIPM WEST 011E81 ER RAILROAD AND PHILADELPHIA VIA MEDI WINTER ARRANGE A. MENT, From nortneaat corner of Eighteenth and Market streets. On and after Bandar. Nov. 261h,1860, the trains will leave the northeast corner of Eighteenth and Market streeta at 7.40 A. AL,' and 4.90 P. m. On Sundays. at 8 A. M. and 2P. M. Trains leavArg Philadelphia, at 7 40.14. M. and 160 P, M., and on Wednesdays and Saturdaya, at 2 P. AI., oonneot at Pennalton with the Philadelphia and Balti more Central Railroad, for Conoord, Rennett Avon dale, Oxford, AM, &o, HENRY WOOD. note General Superintendent, NOTIOE.---CHESTER BEGGED. Timrls ivittgiViri wro ir jr c arD P TERMEDIATE, !STA 0118.- 4 9 n and Otter Nov. ath, 1650, the Paiwenser new tor DOWN INGTOWN will start from the new person ier Depot of the Phila delphia and Readint_Railroadi Company, corner et BROAD and CALLO td DI LI, &treats, leaseenger en- Mapes on Callowhill. MURTillif TRAIN far Daratavara, 'taros at 8,00 A. H. AFIEJtIIOOP 'CALM far Prweirelawa. loam[ at 4.30 P. M. RAIL] , (Band e aye indoepted.i erglitvr„lhh„„2°l.Zde:l YI! ,, T ar at the Philadelphia aa4 w. 31 . Are lIEI raiUv. FOR INLAND FREIGHT PonTsmo UTE, VA. LINE TO NORFOLK AND The Tri-weekly Line via Seaford to Norfolk, Va., will be discontinued for the present. A Dail Line will take the place of it by way of Baltimore. Goode neat to PRENTZEL'S Warehouse.l224 MARKET Street, will be forwarded with despatch, and at as low rates as by any other Line. F. KENNEY. Master of Transportation, P at MTh R. Cs WEST CHESTER TRAINS via PENNSYLVA NIA RAILROAD, leave depot, earner ELEVL.NTH nd MARKET, at 843 A. M., 12.13 I'. M„ and 4P. M. Ivso-tf SHOW CASE B—Aiernaan Silver and Wooden. all e;zes and patterns; also, Orme For nitnre made to order by W FOURTH OVE, No. 111 North Street. WBITE LEAD—Pure, manufactured and for eale by WETHERILI. ,74 BROTHER. J 412 47 and 49 North SECOND 84. Iti EbS PORK-100 BB LS. NEW MESS D PORN, for sale by O. C..F.ADLER lc CO. de27 103 ARCH Street. 3o door above Front. CHROME GREEN —Manufactured and for axle by WETHERIL NorthROTHER. !an 47 and 49 SECOND St. AVAOO.I I TEE.-1,000 pockets prime JAlT A Cigree, for 14 J 4157,15 41 514,51411 , 041X5. 11.1118511 t. SALES BY AUCTION. LEGAL. BUSINESS CARDS KEROSENE OIL. BAILROA.I) SALES 13T _AUCTION. MAi THOMAS & SONS, Nov. 134 and 141 South FOURTH Stmt. Formerly Noe. 07 and 64 STOCK% ATID RJEAL ESTATE—TUESDAY Nk.XT. l'emphlet catalogues nom ready, containlng fult de sonptioss of all the property ro by solid on Triesidar,22d inst., With a list °Coates of 23d and rath January, com prising a great variety of valuableYeal estate. hi order of Orphans' Court, trustees. and others. aTouES AND REAL ESTATE. SAE.E'I AT THE Earl'Lae GE EVERY TUESDAY. rar Handbills of each property lamed eavanttely, in addition to whleh ire publish, on the Saturday Oen to each sale, one thousand catalogues, in yam RIVATE SALE. form, giving fall desoriptioris of all the propertrter soul on ß th E e A lo L llo E ur S in T T E uer T aS p . ST We have a large amount of real estate at private sale. including every description of city and country property. Printed lista ma 7be had at the auction store PRIVATE SALE REGISTER. P 7 Real estate entered on our private sale regiSternt and advertised onoasionally in our public sale abstrapta l (of which oho thousand copies are printed 'if.edirft , free of charge PEREMPTORY BILE--STOCKB. Withoutjan.22 On Tueiratyr e lr er l v a e t noon, at the Elotanse, will be Administrators' gale.-60 shares GI rata Pits and M - rifle insurance ComeaDX—ear 8100, fall 0814, _Pen , No. 83. tooth aisle, miadle block, R. mart if Church Her. Dr. Wilmer, rector. Per account or Whom it mai-concern— = shares California Quicksilver !dining Asseeistion.. REAL ESTATE BALE—JANUARY 22. This rale will include-- Orphans' Court hole--Estate of Coady's, Minors. vE .Y VALTJA.BLE I. HO P.m HT Y. BRIOTOL TUttiNPLKE-63 amen ma perches, with improvements. It to beautifully manatee, opposite the elegant csmotri gate of George H. ntuart and Robert De Bdver, Esti& It to three codes above the Passenger Railroad depot. at Fronkford, and within a quartet of a mile ofcthe depot of the Philadelphia and Trenton Railroad, of Rolmesburg. P ull paitimiters handbills. F RAND.: DWELLIftO .afiD ACRE. BRISTOL TUR.PIPIRh.--11ro. at the MAD time, will be WO is fmall frame duelling, with About Ail acre, taint ft-. 6 ruit. adjoining the above, being a pextet front on not turnpike. Orphans' Court Sale—Estate of Eliza Dayton, &S. ceased.-3.t.TOSY BRICK D +YELLING, Midge ave' nue south of Poplar street. Orphans' Court Peremptory sale—Katate F:Mildtts D. Hail. decewied —l-eTORY BRICK. DWEL,LIJWA. tio.TOI North Nineteenth street. Peremptory pate.—NEAT` DWELLING, No., MY Latimer Street, between Locust and Spruce streets. The house to papered throughout, gas and water intro duced, bath room. ho. Sale absoluto.,_ - Peremptory rate —3-BTuRY BRICK DWELL , NO, N 0.631 Jefferson street. see' of Seventh street. The house has bath room, hot and cold water, dr.o. hale sa solyte. 3 1 etcRY BRICK DWELLING. No. 17 Barton street, between Seventeenth and Eighteenth Street!, north of South street. TRUSTEES' SALE—TRtsVERTON COAL, AND RA. , LROAtt. On Wednesday January 23. at 12 o'clock noon, at the Philadelphia Exchange, by order of trmooes. In pursuance of a de area of the Supreme Court of Pentairlearns, the Tre verten Coal and Railroad. air 83,000 of the purchase money to be paid in cash at the time of sale. Assignee's Bale—No 719 Pine street. 110118E11.9bit FU ItsrITURE. M19110111:4 VELVET CARPETS, ROOK-CABER, CHINA, &c. On Wednesday Morning. Md inst.. at 10 o'clock. at N 0.719 Pine street. by ordes' or apignee, the household furniture, velvet carnets, ow ce wor walr ut book-eases, large and =senor walnut ex tension dicing table. sideboard. china and glass were. chamber furniture, &o. Also. a. Mei case olook. Also, the kitchen furniture and utensils. s9' May be examined at s o'clock, previous to sale. BALE OF AN EXTENSIVE PRIVATE LIBRARY. Comprising . Standard and Valuable Authors, on Ve nous subects. elegant Illustrated Works, tto., chiefly fine Lon don editione. On Wednesday. Thursday, and Friday Evenings, January dld. 24th. and lath. An extensive and valuable private library, whittle in cludee a large collection of standard and desirable au thors, on interesting and important lab Beta. Also, beautiful illustrated and motorml works. Also, an assortment of fine imglish AAA American stersomopic mews. /ET Catalogues will be ready and the bookB3naJteese. for examination two dare previous to ant°. Sate at NO. 4 2 Antith PLEVPNTH street. HANDSOME IINITIT SE, SUPERIOR PIANO . , BRUSSELS CARPETS. &o. On Tuesday hlornins, 29th mat., at 10 n'elook, at No. 4.12 South Eleventh street, byoatatogue, Th• entire furniture of a gentleman leaving the PAY, sompriaing superior drawing-roam, oak dumg-rooni, and chamber furniture. Also, the kitchen furniture and utensils. I May be examined at 8 o'eloolc on the morning of the sale. wrignee's Peremptory Bale, ELEVEN MORTOAGEI2, On Tnesdar. January 29, at 12 o'clock noon. wrll ba sold, without reserve, et the Philadelphia Baohange, by order of the Assignees. for account of whom it may concern. All the right, title, and interest of George W. Ivory, and Isabella 8. Ivory Oats Tomlin) hui wife, being as undivided sixth part of. 'noted to 8 mortgagee... 3 l.y Geo. W. J. Ball to Christopher Vallon, Snare= the minor children of Enoch Tomlin. decieect; Mortgages recorded in Mortgage Book No. Syr 9 7:1 4 876 4 hg , t 4 i 7 , 6 1: , itntre n , d aueinterest of IMMO Itkitittle being an undivided 11th part in 6 ether Mortgages, /PM, to secure) the dower of sarah Tomlin, widow of Bnoebt Tomlin, deo'd , one of theta be Thom as McCoy. reenter ed in Mortgage Book G W C,Nci 29. page 880 the other fiVe by G. W. J. Ball, recorded in Mortgage Book G W 0, No. 23 Pages 467. 478, 473,441, and MY. WA full destination or the e.nove yissiy be had 'tux handbills at the auction rooms. Bale at Nos. 139 and 141 South FOURTIEI IL SUPERIOR FURNITURF. FRENCH-PLAT liK ROBS, PIANO-FORTES. BRUSSELS CARP On Thursday Morning. At 9 o l otook, at the Auotlon Store, an assortmtml or excellent sooond-hand furniture, ele ff ant piano -fortes fine mirror, , ore, oar Fate, eto. fromfamilies deolinina hutlookooOlng, removed to the store or oonvenienoe of FITZPATRICK gE BROS., Al7O - 604 CREST/TUT Street, Mare Sixth. _ bALED EVERY EVENING. ceotoolc of Boa*. stationery and fate; 'coed" Ifes. Jewelry, clocks, oil - Ye/Med ware, eat f paintnigs, Initsioat instuernent*.. o. las°, Hosiery. dr,' goods, boots and shoos, and met• ohandtse of every description. DAY BAEEB every Monday. Waditesditioma4 Fri day at ia o'clock A. M. PRIVATE BALPA At priVate We several large ocrungliments of watchers, Jewelry, book!, etetionery,silver-pleted Were. malaria (awn goose . ko. To which is solicited the-attention of cityand country merohtnts and others. Consigrunents solicited of all kinds Of manhandle* for either public or private sal94. "Sir Liberal cash advances made on oonaintmonta. Ont-door sales promptly attended to. elkiiPPENt, FOR THE SOUTH.--OHA.SLES.' TON AND SAVANNAH ESTEAMI3IfIIIi. FREIGHT REDUCED. et average of e TE" per sent below FORCrAqEcTOs. 8 C. Tho U. 8. Mail Steamship KEYSTONE STATE. Contain Charles P. alarahman, will sail on Fridnl t Jan. 52, at EP o'clock A. M. Through in 42 to 60 SAVANNAH boors at Sea, FOR . GA. The U. S. Mail Steamship STATE OF GEORGIA Ceptalh John J. Garvin, will aml Saturday, hemmer 19, at 10 o'clock A at. Through is SS W 63 0.1785—0n1y WS hours at Se;. Sir Goode received and Mae of Lading' signed silWo d. STONEdi first-elass side wheel Steamships R.lOl . e ATE and STATE OF GEORGIA now ruin as above every two weeks, thus forming A Weekly add with Charleston and igavanaW add tied South and Southwest. At both Charleston and Savannah, then 511/00 neat with ateamors for Florida, andwith naitroaMr. for all plaice in the South and Southwest. INSURANCE Freight and inernrance on a largeproportion of Goodie shipped South will be bound to be lower by these elope than by sailing vessels, the premium being one-hallthe rate n— gNß.inrsrurancreonr alh aßtalir oa i dF l toght at eintre onftoad Companiesinaria: from lg Points, GREAT REDUCTION IN FARE. Fare by this roUte ZS to 40 per cent. cheaper than by the Inland Route. at will be seen by the following schedule, Through tickets from Philadelphia arleaton and Savannah ateanuilime. INCbutriatr MEALS on the whole route, =oast from Charleates add Savannah to Montgomery : dies , lanaLnevort. U. sa.ValenAß. To Charleston.--.. 515 00 To 5avannah.._......615 Augusta._..... 17 00 Augusta-- 1706 Columbia XO 00 Macon__-. SO W Atlanta__...... si 00 At1anta._.._....21 00 Montgomery 1600 Columbus._.._._ 2106 35 00 New Orleans...., 39 75 Must awry.--.. 26 00 Nashville ..... 2778 MOLT Sa W Knoxville— .-- taro t New . 70 Memphis ._. St 6011111 Fare to Savannah, via Charleston— Oar Charleston, via Savannah- No bills of lading signed after the ship has For freight or passage apply on board. at semi* wharf above Vine street, or to ADEN . . H I E RBO r N O CO., Rvps, Agents in Charleston, T. S. A T. 0. DODD. R Savannah, UTTER GAMMELL. For Florida from Charleston, steamer Caro Wm every Tuesday, For Florida from Savannah, steamers St. Mary's and St. John's every Tuesday and Saturday. aa.THE BRITISH AND NORTH AMERIOAR ROYAL NAIL ATEAN FROM NEW TORE TO LIVERPOOL cluet Abilk Pi.viage —.— Second Cabin Paarage—._ 7.3 anox Enron to tawrarom- Chief Cabin passage_ . —VW SOoond Cabin Paraia.- . I.ils &Ma from Now York OtillArcork Harbor. tto Woos from Boston call at Haan and-Cork Har bor _ _ PEltal/t, Card. J74aus. I AFRICA, Cakt.Bbannoir ARABIA, Copt. J. Stone. iASIADA, Capt.Lsss. ASIA, Capt. E. G. Lott. RIMRICA, Capt. Moodie, AMUR ALASIAN, Capt. fAGARA Xs,/ Anderson E. AL Rookie EUROPA. Cot. J Lena,. Y dICOTIA, (now butkling./ These reseets carry a plea; white Sent at mart-bead uni n A oßtarboard bow rod on port oow. AnC.'ereen, leriees Boston, Wednesday. Jan.! AUSTRALASIAN, Ba3kley, " N. York, Wednesday, Tan. RI AhlNRICA,Little. " tenon, Wednesday, , ASIA. Lett, " . Yore, Wednesday. Jan 30 NIAGARA, Moodie, " Watt, Wedusirday s leb e ARABIA, Stone, " re. York, liredneedar, F ebry CANADA, Anderson," Ironton. Wednesday, keb,le Sprits not neourea until paid for. An eepenenood Snrgeon on board. Vie owner, of these ships will not be acoonntable Sold, Silver. Bullion, .1 , 1 , (1016. Jewelry, Preoions Sten orMetals, unlace bills of lading are slimed theteferan7 the value thereof therein expressed . For Prarkbe [ass sage apply to 11. °UNA o 4 Bowling Green. New York. 111A.C121INERY AND IRON. PENN STEAM ENGINE AND BOILER WORRS.—HEAFIE /G_LHVY I PHAO' ICAL AND THEORETICAL ENGllifißles MACHINISTS, BOILER-MAKEIM BLACKSaLIp, and FOUNDERS. having, for man Team, been la successful operation, and been exolasivelmnsaged building and repairing Marine and River inn , high and low pressure, Iron Boats, Water Tanks, cavalier's ago., too,,respeatfully offer their serv.ces to the pubhoi to being fully prepared to contract for Engines of a Risen. Marine, River, and Stationary , having sets a apaten'. of different nixes, are propene gc, execute m ns with ;wok despatch, Every desonption of Pattern malaria made at the shortest notice. MO and Low Pressure, Flue, Tubular, and Cylinder Doilero,L - of - thig boot Pennsylvania charcoal iron. Porcine, elan min and kinds; Iron and Breve Castings,of all - denotirtmosit Roll Turtling, Screw Cutting, and all ether Yost tico pouted with the above tininess. Drawings and specifications for all work done at 001 l establishment, free of charge, and wOrk tnaranticd. The subsonbers have ample wharf dock room fur re pairs of boats, where they can he in perfect safety, and are provided with shearsobloon, faits, kg., kik, for railing heavy or ligkl weights. JACOB S. STAPLE. JOHN P. LEVY. BEACH and PALMER .tree.. NaIIVII V. 1L111.11.1. J. vvvvv AN W111.!7.1 wiwarat XIITRIVX. SOUTHWARK FOUIsIDRY, VIPS% AND WABHINIIVOM 411tRIOnng ratt.sAlvezta, =OJOS & GUNS, ARD oturp Mal and Lovr Pressure }Roam Zeus.. for Land, River. end Warms servroe. Bolters, Gasometers, Tanta, Iron Beata, ate., et4lloo of all bode, either Iron or Bran. Iron Frame Roof' for ®se Werke. Work Itim*. Mill road Stations. k. Retorts and Elas alaskinory of tkit latest awl awl IX proved construed:lot Every description of Plantation elaclunery, nos as Baser, gay, and Grist 1111111, Vaarom Pans, Men Btesos grains,Deteostors, Filters, Primping Engines. am - - Bole Acontx for N. RiltionVis Potent }spar a3llcD4 Anparatront fiaanlyth'n Patont Steam Hammer •,•latol Aspinwall & Wolsoro Patent aitnVifulkl MlCar-1 tar Maaaln. OILY POINT PLEASANT aC FOUNDRY No. $5l _SEAClTStreetenetrigton, Philadelphia.-1411.- MAM A. TIERS informs fnenda that, hammy. par *hewed the entire stook a Patterns at the above Fein - dry, he is now prepared to receive orders for Rolling, end, and Salt Mill Casting*, Soap, OhemlW, anit iforigtei Wor k Gearing. Coatings made from Rever berarntory or G 111.213 Fanetteee. in iry Cr green sand. or ea. myle,tit F --- RFNCH ZlNC—Pure SNOW (Viello, MontriLus,& Cc. s , ) Ground Gil. and for ails by wiriTH&RILI. & ISROTELER L 47 and 49 North B.BOOnD et. CIDER BRANDY.-5 bbls eider Brandy of extra quality, now landinEnnd for sal R er, e 0. O. WWI& • der 103 MICH Streehimoond door above env
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers