- T , Y P.m us HAIENTis THU EVSNINcI. VALIIII7I-ifirRZYS TakA.Tll.ll. Walnut and Ninth ate.— "Our.Ameri b een cousin Heine' —"The Miller of Wheumene.' • Wicitiriaii , ,t CLARIEIea ARCH-eTEEET T4 l / 4 1111. Areb Ittreete above Muth.-" (Amer Twist."—" Blum itimilt• 00. • Ag. Fl lYer En% street. rhit bi dr.4l:l2gruite. below tl►NlOED'' OPERA Roues. Eleventh 'Area, above Obeattint.—Concert nightly. unermG , of WORKLNGMB.I-oAlTTEN _:,fkasimurroia ENDORSED.—On Battltday evening an adjourned mooting of workingmen wee bald at, Spring Garden Hall. ~About.three hundred men wore gathered to • gether,' all of them of sturdy, well *nit frames, and _visages indicative of familiarity with the ele ments. A It Kennedy oocupled the ohair. Ile was not 'ponder with the mime of the delegates, and calls were frequent to Rut a workingman in the chair. - - A difficulty occurred when the minutes were read us to the number of delegates which should ?apts. senteach establishment. it was finally deolded that three should be the number Another difficulty then occurred as to the com mittee upon resolutions. There was some little disorder here, The minutes were adopted as read, followed by applause. A motion was made to ap point a' doorkeeper. Carried, The doorkeeper invited those not delegates to retire. More than halt those present went out. - Farther difil?alty ensued relative to the recep tion-of credentials. The delegates passed to one side:of the house, and eaoh passed over to the other , as Ids name was called The credentials were , The following handicraft appeared in addition to those of last ' week :—Butchers, wagon makers, brass - founder*, iron moulders, batters, wooden ware association, ivory turners, surgical instru ment makers, Elharee'a pistol makers, grocers, turner*, rtkruentere, engravers, saw and tool men, candle 'works, bookbinders, glassblowers, printers, elmtaars, chemists. The following preamble and resolutions were then reported for committee ; Whams, It is painfully evident to all that we are ra pidly approaching a crisis in our national effai re, which threatens the entire dominion and destruction of our World Union, and the infliction moans of the horrors of a mini war; aid. whereas, this einergeney dem slide of the people, and especially of the meohanics and working men, imn ediate and earnest action. and the talc eketesslou of their sentiments: the , afore, Resoitied,"Tnnt we, delegations of the working men of the oily of Philadelphia. assembled without distinction of tarty, stolidly convinced of the inestimable vela* of the union of these United States under a Federal ISo vernmsot, and we are confident that nil Witt tittle that nothing should be permitted to chest it, and inasmuch as a umulee of the Union are now wing every effort to duskilye it, oar duty is to declare our determination to resist reeolutely every each effort, and to use all Oar Power to maintain unity and roma. Assayed. That the present t,onstitutton of the United step evinces rare wisdom, and. if its provisions are allycomplied with. will secure the rights of every weatherer the Confederacy. We feel that ita!mint has been vie, tad by souse States. and we therefore urge upon such States the rescinding of every unconsti tutional entiotenent, that um delusion With regard to the sentiment of the Borth, under whirl, the South is now cabonag,way be dissipated. - it earthed. That we urge upon nor representatives in Congress the necessity of atom immediate action as shall albs. the present agitation and excitement and restore academe throughout the country', so that the wagon don now felt may give way to renewed yrorpertty, and aro Would endo - se any legislation which may be found neeessarg , the more rriectly to carry put all the Pr f=ls, 4 ltt c tgrglit2tg:'&l l hlgsrgych as ex pressed by the President-in nil last message. and cape his declaration in the clear and undeniable right (Of the National Goeernment) to use military foam (le fensively against those who resist the Federal to officers the execution of their legal fonotions, and against those vit the prosperity of the United States, meets lathe cordial response in the heart ore very lover of his country. hesotord. that this meeting appoint one member from each of the fifteen principal branches of Mammy, and that those thus appointed 'hall constitute an eke native committee, whose duty it shall be to prepare a series of resolutions, and to mate all necessary prepa rations tor and carry out the °hint of a mass meeting of the workingmen of Thilaileiploa to ratify the same •, and mars meeting to be held at !reheard Hall, Margot want, below Thirteenth, on Saturday evening, January Seth, at o'clock. Some contusion ensued. A member named Walters mentioned " Crittenden compromise, " which caused mingled dissatisfaction and applaus. A number of delegates made speeches. It ap peared in the beginning that the mejirity favored the adoption of the entire resolutions. Wm. Wells, of Sharp's pistol factory, opposed the resolutions because they contained the phrase, s' enemies of the Union:" 'I here were men with erne on their tongues as well as on their backs. A member said that the Constitution had not been amended as yet; those who did oppose it as it was Were traitors. Another member said that the people should not stand upon the term "brothers." They were vii (Nu and traitors who made war ; let them take all SiOniNnentlee. - Mr. Benoit said that the object of the meeting wail to secure peace. Rig predecessor's remarks implied war. Some one said that If the workingmen quarrelled, they would he es bed ail Congress after a while. 'Great laughter.] Mr, Mull moved that the futther consideration of the resolutions be postponed, except that por tion relating to a mass meeting. Not entertained by the chair. Mr. McPherson thought the resolutions should be disowned. - In the fleet resolution there was nothing objectionable. The first resolution wee adopted. Yeas 80, nays 82. To the second resolution the following amend ment was adopted : That the ecommendation of John J Ctittenden. of KaptunkY. a n amendments of the Lonstitution of the tinned mates. be approvod of by this meeting, and that the Senators and Representatives from this Mete in the Senate of the United States, and the Congress thereof, be requested to use all honorable means in their sower that said reeommendstion be submitted to the people of the tibiae country f r.tbetr acoeptance or Woollen. Several delegates oPPlutd the above, as well es all re • ecinhoes. on the ground that the delegates were autho rised only tomato arrangements for the mass meeting. The balance 91 the reecintlons, exoesung the tut wets postponed. The last was "atranged to rest Independence Equare instead of National Hail. A. oemtnittee of fifteen were appointed to arrange for a mane meeting next entente) , night PRZISIDERTS OF THE CITY RAILWAYEL—The following is a Hat centainiog the name of the president and superintendent of each of the pas senger railway companies: Fifth and kixth—President, James West; Buperin- - tendent. Wm. Leaf. West Philadelphia—President. Wm Wright; tLlPer intendent. Merstinit English. • -.1 , -Tontli and hie venth—President, George Williams; f;filineerintendent. Jacob ream lune. and Punt—President, John N. Hutchinson .teadent..lienry cmith. • Vine—Presidem, Martin Thomas; nuperin ,4- v. Deming. -.Third—President, Robert F. Taylor; dent. John Gillingham 'I . • lima and Garby—presnient, Thomas 8. Ellis; sup. ettindent. George O. Leech. based College— +resident, E. B. J. Edwards ; Super intendent, James F. le ic hole. Green and Coates—President, William C.. Bridges; Bevenntennent, G. W Fitzwater. arab and Fairmount—President, Martin Thomas; Repermtendent, Sidney Deming. Ridge Avenue and nounk —President, Charles T. Jones; nuperintendent. James P. Nichols. Fourth and kiightly. (Germantowni—President. Chaa. Rllan; Superintendent, Guyer Evans. ichmond and Sohnylkiß—Prestdent, JOB, R. Flani gan ; ruserinteudent. Edwin Irwin. Reeteaville and Mantua and Fairmount—President. Anon wowthman. Besenteenth and Nineteenth—President Jos. Brower; Eneelinteneeet. Wm. P. Cooper. th North amedier. Philadelphia (to bermantown)—President, an Na- Chestnut end Walnut—President Charles Camblos ; Eneariatendent. Hiram Castor. rh.neenth Goo r ifteenth—Prestdent, Alfred E. Har mer; Stlperintendent. W .IPlam P. Cooper. Delaware County (Twenty-fourth ward President, E. agencer Miller ; Nmpertntendent, Joseph Powell. Onuaine of the roads the annual election has not yet been held. NEW MILITARY 003IPANY.—We under- stand a new military company, to be called the "Railroad Guards," will probably be organised from among the men who are now. or have been, in the employment of the roads of this city. The object la to offer the services of the company to the Governor elect of this State, if they are re geared in the Impending struggle which threatens to desolate our lend. But" sixty-four men MB re quired, among Illbom will be divided four eommis stoned and eight non-commissioned officers, which will give some of the men a most excellent chow. The party having the matter in charge has been quietly working in the right way, he having re mitred from the right quarters positive assurance that if, • draft is made upon Pennsylvania the com pany Will be one of the first accepted. The men will notbe called from their work until their Berri. see are required, with the exception of the °gloom among whom a school of tactics will be established, to capacitate them to drill the men. POCiriers PlOxgD.—On Saturday evening, about 11 o'eleek. Richard J. Pendergra et, clerk of the Eaetern Penitentiary, had his pocket picked in Seventh street, below Market, of a valuable gold watch' and chain. It was extracted from Ma pocket while attempting to separate two men who'! were .fighting. The light was a sham—being in dulged in by the two men, merely to gather a erowd around them, while a third person operated en the poeketsof all unsuapeotiog ones. This is commonly known as the " Swell•mob Game " A man, named James Bayne, had his pooket picked at the Mob-street theatre on Saturday night, of a bandanna silver snuff box, valued very highly es an old relic.. A medical student, named Clark, also bad his pocket picked at the same ramie, of a small cam of money and a let of valuable papers. TM WAR OF PROP. DOWNING.—This gentleman wee to have been beard on Saturday afternoon, before Justice Duffield, of Camden, on a charge of swindling, but at the hour Axed he was not present, although a large number of wit name Were in attendance from this city, as well ea Camden. Early in the morning he had obtained a writ of habeas corpus, and without notice to wit mew, there was, of course, nobody before the Judge to enstantiate the charge, and the Professor was dimpintd A number of the Philadelphia re• porton went to Camden, anticipating a lively time at the hearing, but they were somewhat die• appointed on learning tbat. the Professor had been redeemed. PREPARING FOR BBRIFICE —On Saturday evening, the officers of the two regiments tf vol. =deers organieed -for service In defence of the Union held a plan:meting at the Northern Mili tary Gen. Small wee milled to the chair, and. Captain • .2, B.C. Adams appointed secretary. On adios of Vol.'Obarlee Angeroth, the two rest manta Were united Into a brigade, for the purpose of tendering their services to tee State and National GOvernsients, in defence of the 'Union An ales. Non for a brigadier gene rat was then held, which resulted In the, unanimous choice of Gen. Wm F. Bdtall Patriotic speeches were made, end at. rangements entered into 'to put the brigade into efficient condition, When the meeting adjourned with cheers for the Union. - 'lnertlna ilitgittiN.—The Eagle Hese Company' of Pitttilting have contemplated a visit to this oily about the irat of May. They will bring with them their new steam engine, and about forty men. Tee engine le of steal oonstruction, and was built in the hose house,'by the members, many of whom are practical mechanics. The " Eagle boys wilt be entertained, during their stay in this city, by the Good Will Eogine Company. During the visit of the latter company to Cincinnati, the members of the "Eagle" were levish in their at. Muttons, and we have no doubt the (l ou d Will exottr- Binidstaisill render the visit of their guests an N ewton laitto be remembered, - Iraildtattit'AltasaF OF listucks --At the kittiwake or Governor Curtin. - the following. nammUltnuoks, all balling from Pine alley, were tehea into ettsiody- at Harrisburg Mysterious Jiniusy, Winer - Price; Whitby Tbeekara and hie broffiotllinkatle Keyser, Sadao bin, Candy, situ PosmatO. SOldLlttle Masson. s ome. one or two of =arty we re released, on account of there not sollelent testimony ,to detain them. The hotoirkpli — efsitost of titessitunake now adorn the suit* rasiallery,.at the Central Station. Saturday af termite-W._ M Reilly and Charlet, Ent& ftM' wage_ gleadnated ' CCr-trnstees of the City Gas WositiglirtipeOetti of the members of &feet Conn ell. _ON, A. Is li.Demomi, and Mr. Rubicam Ie • 1101Mairt - Uthlie Oltpoille party. - The election will r iki ellit•>w thilost Meeting of- Chinnailsin this TRH SmaLIROX:,--Thil Cation of small pox in the Eighteenth ward do not appear to suffer a deorease in number. The two notorious vicini ties known u "Dutch:"-alias "Poverty Row" and "Loose Harbor" were, reported as infeoted yesterday. A row of bilok dwellings, built upon the site of a swamp. on the Frankford plank-road, opposite Earl lane, seem to bo the rrinoipal domi oiles• of the disease. In ,these dwellings, we are told, cue half of the member), of eaoh family are bedfast The (Motors of some of the schools in the vicinity have wisely forbidden children from the infected districts to attend the schools It was said that lads and girls, with the scare of the erup tion fresh open their faces, mingled with other pupils, to the great alarm of parents Theta were a number of fatal oases last week. PISORDESLY Hotnt.—The police of the Twenty-fourth ward made a descent on a disor derly crib kept by Samuel liancook, at Lancaster avenue and Bridge street, on last Friday night, and took into custody Abraham Saltaberg, George Dine. and the proprietor. A tight had occurred at the place, and the whole neighborhood was thrown into great exoltement The house has been the cause of much complaint for some time. Samuel Hancock was committed to answer the charge of keeping a disorderly house. The rest of the party wore hold to keep the peace , FIRS.—The alarm of fire yesterday morn ing, at an early hour, was caused by the burotog of a dye house attached to the star mill, at Jeffer son and Mucha? streets. The mill was the pro petty of Thbmas Crate dc Co. The dye house was ocoupied by Messrs W, J. & I Dickey. It was en tirety destroyed, with a large quantity of valuable dyeetatts, machinery, etc The lose is $1,600. There was no insurances The fire was accidental. NONPARBIL TYPOGELAPIIICAL HOOIETY -- At the annual meeting of this society, held on Saturday evening, the iillowlng °Moors wore elected for the ensuing year: President, John H. Monter; vine president, Owen A Duffle; tree. surer, Robert 0. Smith; secretary, Lambert W. Rolland; assistant secretary, John Mead, Jr.; steward, Rowan Foulke. VANDALISM.—Some time during Friday night, the marble yards of Messrs. Thomas Har grave, at the corner of Thirteenth and Mount Ver non streets, and James Denney, at the corner of Ridge avenue and Green streets, were entered by some malicious permits, and a lot of valuable sta tuary destroyed. At the yard of Mr Hargrave a marble female figure, valued at $9OO, was de• moiished . MILITARY. —A company of young men, numbering fortytwo, aged from eighteen' to twen ty, have formed themaelvee into a Cadet Corp, to be placed under the command of Colonel Peter Lyle, of the National Guards. The name of the 'mum will be the National Guard Cadets " The 9 will have the celebrated Chicago Zottave delU LIQUOR TO Mitions.—Yesterday morning a woman named Ferd was obarged before Alderman Settler with selling liquor to minors, at her pleoe, Front street, below booth The mused ban just served out a term of imprisonment. She Wee Cont- nutted to answer. STEAM FIRS HOSE COMPANIES.—The Com mittee on Trusts and Fire Department have pre pared an ordinance, locating the Fairmount, Co. Mathis and Stoyamensing Rose Companies as "Steam Fire Hose Companies," and allowing them an increased appropriation of $OOO. ANNIVEREARY.—The one hundred anti eeooud anniversary of the birth of Robert Burns will be celebrated on the 25th that., by a dinner at the St. Louis Hotel. An able essay and a fine poem on Burns will be prodnoed on the 000aslon. AWAITING AN OWNER. A handsome silk umbrella, with a hickory handle, obtained from an old 0010 - red Hank thief, known as Gus Johnson, is at the Central Station awaiting an owner. PARDONSD.--James McLaughlin and Ed- ward Oavenattgb, oonvioted of the burglary of the tailor store of btr. Stokes, and sentenced in Ja nuary, 1858, for a term of four years each, bare been pardoned. AminnieT.—Yesterday morning, a man named John Barrett, aged 25 years, had his right leg badly injured by a large piece of coal falling on him, at the Point Breeze Gies Worke, in the First ward. He was conveyed to the Hospital. ROl:Maar —On Saturday night the house of Mr. Charles Larks', in Seventh street, below Lombard, was entered through a book window. and robbed of a gold watch, two chains, and $4O in money. Tux FIRM Assomeriox.—This evening the Board of Trustees will meet for the purpose of deolafing a dividend. We understand it will be somewhat less than last year. CHIRP ENOINPMEL LYLE returned home on Saturday night from a visit to Baltimore to exam: Me the workings of the Fire Department. MORTOARY.—During the past week the Board of Health reports 258 deaths, of wbich 12 were from smallpox. FINANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL. The Money Market. PEILADELPHIA, JADIIIITy 79,1661 There wan another very active and firm stock market today. Reading Railroad shares ad vanced to 231. and the speolhative stocks generally sympathized in the rise A million and a half of dollars arriving at New York to•day, by the Asna, serves as an assurance that the ease in the money market will continue for at least some days, though the accumulation of unemployed capital and the increase of specie contribute nothing to the stock of confidence, re• girding business men, existing on the part of capitalists, and only first•olass paper is looked upon favorably. An exchange notices the following newcounter felts: e Well-executed 105 op the Bank of North Ame rica, of Boston, whiob, it is stated, so nearly re semble in their general appearance the genctite bills, that it is with great difficulty they are de teoted. Counterfeit 3s on the Blackstone Bank aro MSc to circulation Counterfeit 30 on the Berwick Beek, of Berwiok, hi sine, have made their appearance. The Matters' Journal tams up the anthracite oonl trade ao follows : The quantity sent by railroad tide week is 16• 827 09 tone, agabet 20,547 for the oorrerponding last year The trade sums up with last year Ms week as tot P. k R. R. R.— Lehieh Val. R. a aorancon Sea .. 180.851 81 949 19933 4 617 9,653 4 842 2,841 20,e471 13.858 11.765 2 267 32 , 3 2,265 1,851 vo. North,. Broad Top t • • • • -• • Treverton Mt., H. T... Lykene VeOlay. The following is the official quantity cf Coal sent to market from the Cumberland region in 1800: By Baltimore and Ohio A &Broad. By Chesapeake and Ohio Cana... Total. . In addition to the above, the Company consum ed 74,509.10 tone during the year. The following is the Coal trade of the Union Canal in a series of years : Tens. 0.911 11.000 1837-... 17 000 20,883 1:40-- .....-- 20400, 1811.— ..... 19,610 18 19.........._....».. 52 1500 22 000 184429 000 86,00.1 08 030 1847.- 11&31_ , MT- There is a great scarcity of anthracite coal in the South, and the consequence is a rapid rise in prises In Charleston and Savannah it is $l4 50 per ton ; while at New Orleans and Mobile it is sold at $17.50 per ton—more than double the usual price. There are unfilled orders for thousands of tons at Philadelphia, but not a cargo is going for ward to supply the demand. The annual meeting of the stookholders of the East Pennsylvania Railroad Company was held, in Reading, on the 14th inst. The total earnings of the year ending November 30, 1860, amounted to $98,874.19 ; expenses, $50,362 23; net earnings, $48,511 96 Interest on loan of $600,000, &soured by mortgage, 7 per cent., $42 000; Leaving a bal ance of $0,511 90 The whole expenditure on coot of road, do., up toNov. 30,31,098,602.78. The Tem ple branoh, connecting at Temple station with the Reading Railroad, et Tuokeiton, is finished, and the amount expended for this purpose up to No vember 30th was $10,644 57. The whole cost of the, branch, including land damages, will not ex ceed $15,000. During the year $51,990.69 were expended for locomotives and cars, in addition to the 840,816 62 previously laid out for this purpose, making the whole cost of rolling stock now on the road $92 807.31. The road is In good:condition, and the business is inoreasing in a gratifying manner. The following arets the quotations for Domestic Exchange, as furnished by Messrs. Drexel lc Co., South Third street : New York exchange.--....—. -par° Irt prem. Booton each/Mg.. . -pare h prom. Baltimore exchange— •- • • tia S am. American 3GO •i prem. Country fande— 18V82 din. Philadelphia Stock Exchange Sales, Jemmy 19.10161. 1.1901.110 aT B. E. eLayteassatirderohante Exclaim , . cup I. 9 1% 1N 2 Minelial....— 60M 9736 60 do-- 89 , 238 ZO s R 879 60.4 2.1( 4 Penn TN 6 .• • . POMorita Cana-•115 68 do-. • • • 60 70 60 gattawie 9 16 1( Ng City 6e...... ....... 6o6gm 068 63... new 1000gedeing 'BB.OOl 1000 do '86.-- 1080 do 6000 Reading '43 80m Its ltoo l'olt Nov es. 'B3 .. 200 etpoo ty. net Cal 6s Ma 13 do Prof- • • • 154 11E4 Ceun k Amb 7 107 30 Lang Isl •b 0 10 iso do. b 5 10' 20 Race & Vino 18 20 I.oh early ..... 9 do.—.. n .... 24 1 Philedanak.• .. 110 113 Girard Bank.loio. 41 10 Man 3113088 B 8 24 BOARDS. ..... 21 • - • . - .1000 Lehigh 66 20 Beading a • • 100 do.--- 10 d 0.....- lb CI 60 do.— .....10140 470 d 0.....- lots 100 do. —0 to Bony Alinehlll BST' ~..- 100 Rending —73.1 i 100 d 0..-- .. b 6 2354 I VO • do ---.., ... b 6 23% /5 Morrie Canal.-- 64 6 do------..------ 68 tinA RP ME mom 20 Spruce & Pine..... 111 i 35 dO.--.- .. ;.. 5, 100 W.lmineton it SR 20 Bee & Third no N... {BSS ( 11 Penne R-- .....014 39 do---....-. 38/4 1 d 0..., ~ .. ... -. b 3 3815 161 ittle dohyl.. 1414 20 I,ehlgli—...--. 48.14 15 Consol dation 8e.... 207 5 [ ICite-F BM. .8" Asked i Elmira it pit ...-11% 1211 Elmira is 'M - -. -61 68 Long Island R.-....1r,..: loif, Loh Cl & N.—. ,48/4 49 Leh CI &Di 9eriv..3l 1455 North Penns it.... Bli 9 Th Penns .11 6e. -.MIS 6751 IN Penns it 10i---93). 93 ;Cattiness , R (Jon, 9 3, 4 4 Catairiaasprid-- 9 11 10 29 le 9d.st IL dvotigii ON We&Vine Bt 1t...1”4' 18ii. West Phila FL .. .13 as lonia° & Pine ... 83: 8,4 man & Costes,alii 17 ti heet & Walnat.o l 2 33 100 City 6s • . • 117% 200 Itch N V 65, 1 8i...2d0 67 1060 N Velma B. 60..2de 61% 1000 67/1 30 Min shill 60% 2 do.-- 60% 611111. m. 600 Soh 6. '62..... . 674 Cam 6c Amboy..... 109 6 d 0......... . 109 6 --...... 109 10 Morris Canal.-- 88 iso Reading 2334 60 2316 30 Lehigh 50ny.._.... 84 26 titeen & Coates... 17%1 20 17% 6 d 0.... ll% 71 1 0 . 010; 111 r B•d• A•sm. Phihdelphia 60— 97i5 98 ?Ono 60 1t... On. 98 Philft 68 —new..lol 101 Penne. 89$ . Read 14622 Read bds 1 70.. .. 81 Bead mt. 81 mi._ Nig 90/3", Penamt. 66'84... 72 76) ci k —Mg SO,. : *bus 2datt 6s 87 of MC 68 660114(11antalg 112% 11251 Eleh rt Se '111....—.61,11 68 r.cth Nay imp 60.._74 li ti° o/iir rdllll7tt lennenv I9—Evening. There is very little export demand for Flour, and no change to note in the market, which rules dull at pre vious quotations, the trade being the only buyers at 85.37 h to 86.823 for common to ohoice superfine; $5,75 er5.BlM for extra; Seca= for extra family, and 818.61 ®74IP bbl for fanny brands, as to quality. ye Flour is coarse at Si 4IP bbl. Corn Meal continues quiet at 88 bbl for Pennsylvania meal. WllEAT.—There is not much doing, and the market is dull, with rather more offering. Sales of 5,000 bus, how ever, are reported at 13001330 for fair to mires Penns reds, including white in small lots at from 140®1500,ee i n quality. Rye is steady. but lens active, at 750160 for Penna. Corn is not so much inquired for, and only 3 CO3 bus NOM at 63ete90 for new, the latter for prime dry lots, and 710720 for old. in the ears, end in erne. Oats are steady lit Sto for Delaware, and 350 for Penna. BARK.—Queraltron is quiet: there is very little offer ing. and the last sale was at VS 4, ton for first No. 1. tATTON.—The demand has fallen off; but the market is steady, with a small business to note in the way of cairn. GROCitnIEB.—The movement is email, and prim gene rally about the same. P/LOVOiIONII.— . I no market continues firm, and there is more done; a sale of be casks Shoulders in salt was made at Me .13T &. Scans —Sales of 500 bushels Cloverseed are reported at 84 75 o 5.12): Sfr bushel for fair to pride quality. Nothing doing in Timothy or 1- larissee. Wruegx senses wanted at 18); eni9o for Pennsylvania and Ohio tibia,l7Xo for drudge, and 180 , IfY gallon for Mids. New York Stock WOO U 8 66 97 20000 Ult as 1871...._-a 93 50 0 Tenn 66 '9O —. 7534 10000 Cali forn 03.7 e..... 88 2000 Ban 0 Water La 100 1000 Erie R 4 m bds.. 85 6000 016eTol 662 t bde 75 6050 &NW2dm.. 18 4600 I.Ene&WI mb. 6.5 tiotrop Bank.— . 104 20 Mechanics' Bank. 165 60 Canton 18 100 & QnR....b30 78/4 60 raOino MSSCo... 9314 156 do —....e30 93 00 d0..........b10 9334 93 81 Y.Central 1t....... 10 81% 60 Si. 16 Eris R— .40 . 40341 200 Harlem R.... 16 100 Reading It 461% 200 do. 40% 10 Mich Orm R.-- 6854 And now, January 19,18G1, on motion of Con stant Gulllou, Esc.; G. Irvine Whitehead is admitted to practice as an Attorney to the District Court, and Court of Common Pleas, for the City and County of Philadelphia. TUN EXCITEMENT DYING OCT.-9606E810E BOOME to bo getting at a discount, even at the Pouth. The extremists have been snubbed by their brother Southerners, and conservative pea& in both motions of the country are gaining spirit and courage. We are glad to see the clouds in the political sky dispelling, and sunshine breaking through, and we hope soon to see peace and prosperity exerting a blessed influence throughout the land; while people from the North, the Pouth, the East, and West, Sock to the Old Keystone andprobure their garments at the fatuous Drown Stone Clothing Hall of Rookbill & Wtleon, Nos. 603 and 605 Chestnut street, above Sixth. A Mon? Lizeng.—Ab ! a fine thing in this world of trial and eorrow is a light, hopeful heart. ft alone plummier' the stotitneen whioh will carry one through difficulties, afflictions, and persecutions; it can climb mountains, penetrate desertn, and brave the storm tossed ocean; it can endure all the hardehipe of the camp, and march unfalteringly with the rorlorn hope to the cannon's mouth. When the proud man to humbled, and the strong man has felled, he of light heart wtll re main, unfearing and unhUrt, triumphant over every obstacle, superior to every dillioulty, and still 'treating the elegant clothing gotten up at the "one-prom" GUI Emporium of ortArzvar.at Frottus, No. (07 Chestnut street. i Reported for the Preen.] HAVANA—Brig De ht. Dornaby 72 pipes wine 2do anguaderite 3 J Christian; 5 bble 10 half bola 20 nr do 01- are Dabett Bros; 8 coed cigars W G Cochran; JO do John Wagner; 3 do F firmer it Bro; 2 do Writ Warner; eggs tndge order. MARINE INTELLIGENCE: FEE FOURTH PAGE DT TELEGRAPH. (Correspondence of tho Press.) ronvIGRE. JBO 20. Arrived, Mira Mary A Ivira. from Havana; Costa Itit from A.epinirall; Eliza Ann. front Cardenas; Enterprise. from Curaboa; sabre Kroka. from St Thomas; Lane, (Dr) from fannouth, Jam, MEMORANDA Steamship Xonsington, Baker, for Philadelphia, old at Boston 18lb ,net. btearnehip Zulu, Goodwin.. from King stoh, Jam, sth inst. arrived at New York on Saturday last. 30 h mat, lat 2890, long 70, broke the centre wheel of the engine, Made the remainder of the Passage under eanvae. Ship r mme, Agry, from Liverpool, was in the offing at uharleston 37th inst. Ship Ocean Belle, Brown, from Now (Monne, 'with 3,300 bales cotton for Liverpool, went ashore 6tn on Mammas gloat ; 1000 pales or cotton were taken out, when she was got off and towed to Hey W set .12th toot. Billy Timor, Bliley, from Callao, at Gibraltar 26th ult or milers. _ . . Bark Mary E Denworth, Baker, from New York, was at Buenos Ayres Nov 26 Bark Virginia & ste Bina, Wilkins, for Rio de Salmi. ro• sailed from Buenos Ayres Nov 20. Bark Benj. Bellett, Tattle from New Orleans, for Philadelphia, put into Rey West 6th inst. leaks, with d feet water in her hold, and remained tit the llth dis charging I the lower tier, f sugar is lost. Bark Pt. Mars's, team, from Memel,was at Buena Ares Nov. 28 • Brig Kentucky. Pendleton, for New York, Called front Buenos Ayres Nov. 27. B ri g j B ynansa Id, Wallace, for Montevideo and Buenos A yres, cleared at New York 19th met. tdchr J M Vence. Madge, from Key West, arrived at New York yesterdal, Rehr W U Audenriod. Mulford, henoe, arrived at hlo bile /4th inst. eahr D Townsend, Townsend. from Richmond, ar rived at Mobile tett, inst. Bohr Carrie Bum Final. for Gibraltar, cleared at N York 19th mat Bohr A Cordery, Grace, for Wilmington, NC, cleared at New York 19th inst. Bohr Pearl, Robbins, for Newborn, olr ared at N York 19th inst. Bohr near, Crowell, from Providence fn.. x ' unaa '''.""". reti i r t ii " givitore " :k l iMid, from Matanzas, arrived at Wilmington, NC, 113th mot. Bohr '1: A Ward. Hoff, for Trieste, cleared at Wil mington. NC, 19th inst. Bohr Belle, Barrett, for Philadelphia, was advertised at WI mington. NC. 19. h inst. Behr 114 A Mobleili. Tome, front Galveston, arrived at Boston 111th inst. Bohr. 6 Babcook, Jeffers, for New York, cleared at Boston 19th inst. Bohr Jonaihan May. Cobb, hence, arrived at Charles ton /littlest Bohr Alice Lea,. Corson. from New York, at Key West ad met. and remained 14th eisoharging. B o n e ci ty. Rogers, Langley, cleared at Key West 4th inst. for Galveston. Cohen Western Star. dischargin and C P Bickner, loading, remained at Key West 11t h inst. owe compared ANRIVALS AT THE PRINCIPAL HOTELB, dl2 IGO 6 9 1 ifflB dd 2,170 26 163,691 87,680 su 6 MI 4 483 2 4 626 ,962 16 877 39.492 11.936 3,111 2.169 761 1,174 CONTINENTAL HOTEL—Ninth and Chestnut. J C Cresson, Pa Wm B Irwin Is wf, Pa Talbot °Tennant, N York FFL Fay, Cm, 0 Chas al Bootie. Philo M B Preldin_g, Louisville Ir H Arnold, Alabama . A Sinclair, N Carolina J Hartshorne. Boston lii Hartney. Boston J H Shotian, Boston Mr Cochran, N York B L Harden, New York G B Brown, Boston C W Abbott, U S N E P Smith, R Island Jos Hobart, California A 0 Stewart. Chicago Jos Vv Coffroth, California H 0 Bergetreeser, Pa A 1., Dickenson, N York T Dakon PI York John M Smith. Delaware ft Milliken, Jr. N York H C Demos. It York C 0 Cornell, New York eut C Lidayre,_Alabama Mr Law, Panama J H dheridan.te York L Lea & me d.( York J W Yo'k B Shillaber.Boston C Du pee & la Dolton W It Phipps. Cin, Mr Howard, H York Mrs Juliano Henry, Mnl N C Colwell, Virginia T H tc Westhoff, N Y M B Freida, N York Mr Schell, N York D t Thomas, Baltimore D E Avery, N York W•W Fairbanks, Taunton W P Damn, Ctn. 0 Weet, Chicago D Smith, Jerre city Joe P Baker, N York P Swim ID D. N York B P Gaines, Arkansas J C C Reynolds, N York T Lincoln epringfield horntort Smite, W Chest R Moore, Baltimore Mr Cheevor & dm, R I T H Cheever, Rhode Inland John M Loomis & la 111 Alex T Stewart, New York Henry Hilton, New York Copt Linea, New York Leonard Matthews, Mo Capt BR. hoe, Wait Point ales: ht Lawrence Y Jeff Murray, New York Theo (I Meier, St Louis Ulrich Bunn, St Louis Chauncey J Hawley, N Y H B Knight Wm H Douglass, Buffalo W H Wilkins it la. N Y T W Neal, Lynn II F Newhall. Lynn B P Pratt. Lynn J Woodruff, Lynn H 0 Brener It la, Lynn B It Jewett, Buffalo .1B Clark, New York :enlaming GIRARD HOUSE—Chestnnt street. below Ninth. R L Martin. Del co Mrs A G Curtin. Harriebg Mrs ri A Finney, I/ ameba PS Panderson..Philada Mr Duman, kittaburg Mr tdaohron, Penna. C R Barratt, Missouri Harvey & lady, 14 York Miss Harvey, New York W K Armirtead c Alek,Va T L Smith & la, N Tetley Prof Anderson, N York M Mitohell. P 4 York John M duller N York R White & Ycrk Miss White, N York C G Bush Albany ft Potts, Jr. Pottsville Conrad & la, Philada Rev T R Conrad, Philada T W Bryant & wife, Kr M 1.3 COY. it. Kentuoky N K Burnham, Kentucky J V Litohfield, Penna II Warner, Penna F Campbell Pi York P W Shaw, Boston L Maclean. Virginia F Johnson. Baltimore A B Hv 11. Pittsburg G P Potter,Pittenurg W Buchanan. Georgetown C WlsMr.Perinssivenut D p I\ lo h a is o n, York , Pa Miss Nicholson. York, Pe. J W Philo J Kennedy, Pennsylvania W R Russell, Penne. A H !Revolt, Pepnsylvania Mr Steven. E Jackson, rieW York Jolt Chatiman,___Lrk Haven i Murphy, Delaware Foster lc la, Wisoonein W V Aroher. Belfast, Ire'd Trio Haltmarsh, Georgia A Welch Penns Jno W Pearson, Baltimore C M W ismsn, Havana K L Templeton, Penne. Henry McKay Henry L Jadkins. N Y Mrs Jadkirui New York .1 0 Howlett. KentuOky MI J 7 roman, Kentucky N O Bonifield, Brooklyn W A Henderson, Maryland C N Williamson, Maryland Miss Williamson. MA Miss W Nionole, Maryland Riohard !knell. New York Geo N Pa , dem, New York Alex Evans, Maryland las P Hubbard, Maryland Pl 3 Sanderson , Polio Isaac Bawler. New York L H Hart, New York G .3 Kelly. Delaware Jno Nexpen A la. N Y 11W Fannestook,Harrisbg Jun B Waring Conn Geo H Graham, Maryland J B Howell, 8 1Louis Jos White Baltimore E Nicholls, hew Washin gton Co l Hutchins N ew Yo Y At. nibertsno, Washington Col Breokett, New York Jno T Hoover. Bellefonte jtobt Valentine. Bellefonte Wit Brown,,arristurg T W Bra fey, Patna C B Larkin, New York hl R Roberts & %Jarmo Jay Carlton, New York Jas Cochran & la, N Y Miss Cochran, New York E Ramsay , New Fork J cheater, Pew York Thom ndrerre & wt, Pa Miss Andrews. Ponno Mr Baker, Brookly n B. Penfield, Chicago JONES' HOTEL--Choetnut street. above sixth. E A Good, Philadelphia C H Ramon, Phila H Line, Philadelphia A Blade, Geousia H M Lodge. Baltimore Dyer, New Jersey A H Case, New 1 ork Mies M P Sargent. Mesa Gordon A Marshall, hid H B Dam. Maryland Daniel McCook, Minnie W H DeGrooli new York Wm J Walker, Wash, D C Chas Bakens, Portland Samuel A Williamson, Pa Mrs Lake. New York Miss Lake, New York T Hyatt. New York Mrs E Bartlett. New York SC. LOUIS HOTEL, Chestnut et., above Third. .1 Wilson, Baltimore DJ Willa. New York J Bushnill. Wheeling .1 H _Auto/demi. New York N H reinter, Wear. cheater Mr Lombard. Maee N Weeks. Rutland, Vt 0 W Jones, Philadelphia Cli Little, Brooklyn, N Y F M Clark, Leavenworth E C Cole, Baltimore J 1. Booker, Baltimore L henry, New ork A W Free, England R Month, New York N P Riley , New V ork BogenLaliou. New York C J Dougherty, Baltimore J Dorturnell. new York W B Robinson & la. N Y E A Clark. New York Pomo Anderson. N Y John Lout, Messaohusette J F Byard, New York A MBR 'CAN HOTEL—Chestnut et., above Fifth, I D Mackay, New York W ft Wnght, Bristol, Pa • H Strong. Bristol, Pa H Huck, Venton, J W H Fliteralt. Philadelphia B F Stewart, Penna T B Atone. Yenney Nam John Thornton. Farina John G North, New Haven G W Morgan, Phremxrllla 1) r Quinn. hio B M Sonmidt, New York J Goidenorough. Easton. Ma DK Corsage, Maryland J F Bickford, 41 aseadiusetts G G Cummings, Boston I 111 n S'ewart & wr, Penna Jan Dolmen, Pennsylvania G K Van Dyke, New York J Norton, Hrtdeeton, N It W Shelly, North Carolina W 6waim, Philadelphia John Pd Atwood, New York 1 REVERE HOUSE—Third street, above Hese. Amos Bombes'., Penns Wm Cox, Juniata. 00, Pa C M Knauss, Bethlehem M J Seibert POtteville C 0 H Goldin. Allentown Alf H. Hamilton, Pa If F 1 uhe, Allentown W H Lilly, Allentown H Stmit.., Jr, Philadelphia John Krause, Philo A E Thayer. Philadelphia rlt A Orubo. Phua Sarni h Freld. allentown John E lidehman, Ya Henri T Johnson, :Wpm. Del COMMERCIAL 110111—Etzth st., abovo Choctont L J Kiik, Pennsylvania 8 Nightingale , Doylestown R phatede,phia H n Constrate, lowa W H Farina, & la, Pa 0 Hughes, Pennsylvania J R Kirk, Chester county S Deser t Philadelphia .1 Tyanter, Chester county RSl,Woodlord, Ohio Coates; Chester county I bushing, Lancaster J P Broomall, Coatesville J Bannon tic la, Doyleat'n I B }Catgut er, le, voylintown Si Edward'', Jr, New York THE PRESS.-PHILADELPHIA, MONDAY, JANUARY 21, 1861. Philadelphia Markets. zehange--Jan. 10. 00 Mich Con R.,.....697.1 60 do 60 60 d 0.... WO 60 100 do.-- 60 260 & Ind . 16 100 do. ---.... b3O 70 Harlem It prefd... 40 60 ttl S&O4 1 ed etk.. 36Fi" 60 d bl 6 60 do ---- 3634' 160 do._ 35 6010 Cen R. cony.-- 80: Oro d 0.. .. 10 d0....._......,87Nt 25 Gal & Chic R... .. 73Fi 400 74 100 74 300 do. • . ..... b6O 7414 600 Moe & To] R 37 200 d0.—.....b16 37 200 dn....-.....t30 34 7 84 -Ch to Ric bold Ft.... 60 60 d 0..- . 60 122 . 61 00 do ....,....bon 61!1 100 61 TEMS. c ITY tiIIPORTATION:s up To 12 O'OLUOIL LAST NIGHT TRH ITNlbli—Aroh street. above Third. Dr W J Taylor, High Bridge J G Johnson, Ohio T Pinola. filemphis, G Dennison. Mo 0 Denny, Penna. J Bnydar, Virginia .1.1 Snyder. Virginia. D D Merrill, Palmitin! eo It D Tonnet, New York JD. Oaswell, Reading D Resenhsuri, Philada J Ashton. Philada J Trout, Philada .1 W 8 Trout, Philada D'Bond, Virginia MERCHANTS' HOTEL—Fourth street, below Arab Hon H B Hillman, Harrisb W H Buller, 11Boole J C Rood New York J R Samuels Sommer(' Hon O J Ball, Erie, Pa s J Niehols & In Penne E W Curreden, Perna A Wiltee. New York A Williams, Wilkesbavre N B Wilkesbarre 1, Pohnefer, Canton, Ohio N billy, New Jersey W Finley, Maryland TO Reekette, Ohio' . W 13 Mosier, rhilada J W Bonnet, Philada HTATER UNlON—Market street, above Sixth. 010 Kulp, Patterson, Pa C P Rommell, Pittsburg J W t ly de, Erie, Pa R Smith. Port Deposit O Summers Trenton, N J M smiling, Rending J geagrist. Reading .1 Benson, Lob 00, Pa I Prank, Trenton, NJ J Kuhn, Nebraska. 10 Wright, California J Metter, }broke eo, Pa K Wathin, Dunks eo, Pa .1 Watbin, Dunkirk, N Y FOUNTAIN HOTEL—Second at., shot e Market, J B Brown, New JeTAA) Chorine Miller. Phila 'rhea H Moore. New York Joe Morrison. Baltimore Jae Johnston. Cincinnati F Kennedy, Beaton Thee Cavanagh. Brook n T C Barnett &In N York B Smith, Philadelphia J . Beam, „Philadelphia Jnhn hlartln, New Jeraer Jae Harricon, John W Hayden, Ohio Johnenn, Albany, N Y John Freeman BARLEY SHEAP—Keeond street, below Vine. E L Moore, Penne. Jeese Moore, Penne. Alex German. Newtown h G Cheltenham s Woolston, Pucks co 6 Gilliam, Baltimore E Knight. lowa City It .1 1 evering. Penne, Jos Bill,Penna John Davin, Milltown .1 Boyd, New Rope W P MogIII. New Hope C Boiler. Cheltenham John Harding. Books eo J T Dungan, Duetleton .1 Weldin la,,WestJerser Dr W Li vingeton, Plain NATIONAL ROTEL—Bane street, above Third. .1 Kauffman, Reading 'a . Bachman, Freemanab'g T Vallee & la, Philadelphia Dante' Rupp. Yo'k John F Shark°, S 1) Pierce, Cincinnati A R Bouehter. Lebanon A L Kula, Mt JoY B F Swart, Lebanon S D Pieranl, Mtoerevtlle J B Warren, Warvok, Pa U Weiner,l Penns MERCHANTS' HOUSE—Third at.. above Calloahlll E 8 Riedon, Texas H G L an gdon, Mll Chunk rotor Heiler,Allentown don Bhio. Lei Sellersville John Staler, nellertown °regimen, MOUNT VERNON HOTF,L—Saooutt it., above Arab. James Woods, Willa, Del WT A Mdse. PhDs Wm Whatenden, Books oo Ellwood Edwards Poona SPECIAL NOTICES. SAVINQ FUND—NATIONAL SArIiTY TRUST COMPANY.—Duriug the euripenroon of specie YotMoots by tho Banks, Money le received and paid daily, on de mand, in the REMO kind of funds, speak, ornotee, as de posited; Interest five per cent. WALNUT Street, southwest corner of THIRD. ja-tf SEAMEN'S BATING FUND—NORTHWEST CORNER SECOND and WALNUT STRESTL—DepositE re ceived In small and large amounts, from all Masses of the community, and allows interest at the rate of FIVE PER CENT, per annutn. (Mee open daily, from 9 until 6 o'clock, and on Mon day and Saturday until eight in the evening. President, FRANKLIN FELL; Treasurer and Secretary, CRAB. M. MORRIS HAIR DYE! HAIR DYE! !--Batcholor's LIQUID HAIR DYE is lie original and hest in the market. All others are more imitations, and should bo avoided If you wish to mane rtdtoulb. Phlendid Ete.ca or beautiful Bnown instantaneously. Bold by all Drug gluts everywhere. The genuine has the signature of WILLIAM A. DATOFIELOR upon a steel-plate en graving on four sides of snob box. Betuare of Counterfeits. Manufnotory, 81 13arolay ['treat, Into 2i3 Broadway, New York. CHARLES 'BATCHELOR, nool-1r Proprietor. SALAMANDER FISR-PROOF SAFE .—A very Inge assortment of SALAMANDERS for sale et res.- eonable iniees. No. 304 OiltheTNUT St, Philadelphia. EVANS Er. WATeOII, SECOIVD•HAND SAFES.—I am receiving a great number of Farrel, Herring, & Co.'e Second hand Sheet-Iron Urea (many of them alitioat new), also those of other 'makers, in exchange for the now celebrated Lillie Wrought and Chilled Iron Safe A general assortment oonatantly on hand, and offered at very low micas. Plena° cal) and examine. Depot, 715 CHESTNUT, under Masonic Hall. N. C. SADLER, Agent, Philadelphia. nos-iv thtf GROVER & BAITHMS OBLESBATED NOISELESS SEWING MACHINES The Heat in Uee for Family Sewing. No. 730 ClrMaTtrivT Arrant. Philadelphia. ave 7-17 ONE PRICE CLOTHING OF THE LATEST SlPTlalltnistdo in the boot manner, expressly for RE IM), SALTS; LOWEST trailing pries' ;narked in :lain Figure', All goods made to °rear ire.rrantea eau, Oratory. Our ONE-PRICE imam is Wally e *red to. Alt are thereby treated alike. iti528.3.• JONES & Co.. 604 MARKET Street. CARD PRINTING, BEST AND CHEAPEST IN the Gitl, at 34 mouth THIRD Btroet. CIRCULAR PRINTING, Beet and Cheapen in the City.at 34 South THIRD Street. DILL-HEAD PRINTING, (lest and Cheapen In the City, at 34 SouthTHIRD Street. HAND-BILL ERINTINO, Dent and Chenveet in the. City, at 34 Beath THIRD Street. _ . PAMPIILVP PRINTING, and every other tteeerie [ton of Printing, of the most summer quality. at the most reasonable rater, at It INGWA LT A. BROWN'S, DrexePs Buildintr 34 Routh THIRD Rtrest. MARRIED. ASHURIDGS—BELL.—On the 14th metant, by the Rev. T. Horlook, Mr. T. L. Aehbridge,of Lnuie vale. fortnerly of tine oi.y, to Mies Clara V. Bell, of this city. • DIED. DYOTT.—On the 17th latent, Dr. T. W. Dyolt, in the Nth year of his age Funeral from hle late residence. No. 321 Now street, this ratorday) mornmg, at 10 o'clock. CLIAMBEHB.—On the 19rn January. Sarah Frances. youngest daughter of Andrewlt. and tenth A. ham illineral will take place on Wednesday morning, at 10 o'olook,„.T.I. swatted to Laurel he WU vilt4lllld frle wiTHItRB —On the 17th instant, Rebecca wife of HCAPOII Li. WltheaS, and eldest daughter of all K. Prise. m the Ord year of her ago. her partionlar fvetds and those of the family are respectfully invited to attend her funeral: trent the residence of her husband, No. 9 South Broad street, on Tuesdal Moming, the 22d Instant, at 11 o'cl?,t2t. ro proceed to Woodlande Cemetery. IdOßTlelollll . B,.—January 19th, Mottimoore. In the 72d year of her age. The relatives and friends of the family are requested to attend her funer4l, from her eon's residence, Po. 823 . . . . Vltta street on Tueaday, Jan. 2.2. at 2 o'clock P. M. ••• DU VAL.—At the reatelenee of her eon, Mr. Gabriel D. Du Val, at Montgomery. Ma,. on tho 14th tnatant.t Mrs. Ellen Du Val, of Philadelphia, after a char illness. ENDRM.—On Friday, 11th instant, at Danville. Lyvingston minty. N. V. in the 70th year of her age, Margaret, 'widow of the late Rev. Pr .Endrees, former ly of Lancaster city, Pa.. and daughter of Jacob Pries, Esq. formerly of Salem uounty, N J. BeibVVDP;ls.—On the 18th Instant. Mrs. Anna Snow den, in the atth year of her ace. Funeral final the residence of her brother, Mr. David Messer. on Tueetay morning. at 10 o'clock aIt.TI.EY —On the 17th instant.Bamu,llfartloy, Er. Funeral from Ms late residence. No lalt Beybert street, above Fifteenth , on Tuesday morning, at 10 o'clock. FCRIGLOVE.—On the 18th instant. William W. Pureglove, Lir., in the 65th year of her age. QUIPIN.—On the 15th Met, M its Charlotte 1,. Quinn, daughter of the late Charlet. B. end Almira B. Quinn. Funeral from the !mildew) of her uncle, Mr Frank lin Lee, northeast corner of Third and Buttonwood streets this (lis la, day) afternoon, at 2 o'oleek. 13111.81,Dti.—On the 17th instant, Yatriok Shields, in the 33d year of hie age. Funeral from the residence of his cousin, Henry nay, No 637 Queen street. this (Monday) morning, at 83i o'clock. datiTH —On the 17th instant, Mrs. Jane Smith, in the 84th year of her age. Funeral from her late residence, No. 210 Prime streak ! this (Monday afternoon, at 2 o'oloolc TA(.IO a RT.-0a the lath 1 natant, Mark, eon of John W. and Eliza Taggart, in the 22d year of his age. Funeral from the .residence of his father, No. 800 Rune street this (Monday) morning, at 11 e'elOok. eport of Interments. HALTII OFFICE, January 19,10 it 9 cd Philadelphia from the ) 9th of January, MI. Weekly It Interment., in the C to the] EMIED Gangrene— -- Hernia . . Hemorrhage....._. Lunge ...... looping Cough.— . I Inflammation,Brain 4 . 8r0nchi...... Heart Lunge....—.... Pentonteum. " St. tr.. Bowels Inanition.-- ....... Mania a potu..-- Mara5mue............ Measles I Metritie Paley Scrofula 'Softening of Drain.. Small-Pox Still Born.-- ...... Tebee blesenterioa.. Tumour Anemia . Apoplexy ».-.. Burns Cancer. - ..... • - Croup.....__.. Congestione of Crain Lungs. --. Cirrhosis Cona'otion of Lunge Convulsions ..... Diptheria........ Diarrhcea —....... Dropsy Brain. Cheat.... Ewe n —.• Disease of Brain— Heart.... Dysentery...." Debility --, Biluston on Brain... Fever, Scarlet.— •.- Fever. Typhus Fever, Typhoid.. Halos, 127; Femal OF TOR Under 1 year.—.. Bore, 68; GirN, 73 THERE WERE: From 60 to 60.... . . . . . From Ito 2............ 26, " CA to 70.—.. " 2to 6._._...._. ii " 70 to 80 ... " 6to tO. ........... 12 " 80 to 90... " 10 to 15. .—. 5 " 90 to 100.— " 15 to 20. ... 6 " 100 to 110. . ... 20 to 30............ 16 ! " 301040............171 " 40 to /50 ........... 181 NATIVITY—United States, 201; Foreign, 42; Un' known, 13. From the Almshouse, 14; People of Color, 18; from the Country, 3. WARDS. WARD& WARDS. F1TAt.—........10 Tenth .... . 8 Nineteenth....-. 18 8ee0nd;,...„....12 Eleventh........ 9 Twentieth ..-10 Third ...—. 9 Twelfth-- ... 71Twenty-first .... 4 Foprth..., 13 Thirteenth.... 9 Twenty-geoond„ 5 Fifth.-- .-_ 12 , Fourteenth.....lo Twenty-third.... 7 1 Sixth ....... 8 Fifteenth...—. .14 Twenty-fourth.. 21 Seventh ........17 Sixteenth-- .13 Unknown ........ 3 Eighth.-- 6 Seventeenth_.l9 -- Ninth._.......... 4 Eighteenth..... 7 8 T0ta1.... .258 The number of deaths Compar ed with the oorrespomt ing _week of 1860 and of last week. was as followe: Week ending January 21, 1860, war —...... . 181 " " January 12 1861, was.. ..... .........271. By order of the Board of Health. ARUM It HIJOBEI MOURNING GOOD 3 FOR, 1861.-Just rimmed Now Sty leg Second Mourning Bullish Chintzes, and Neat Styles Bleak and White ditto, at 1970 etc ; Black Alpaoriae, IS 25,815£.8755 ate.; flambe, zinc Alpaoens. 873‘. SU. 6233, 70 ate.; Mohair Lustiest, 3170 Me. to 81: Bleak Boon Muslim Enslien Crapes, Veil Cram', Crape Falls and Crape Veile, Ronnie Corner Crape, Laos and Grenadine Veils, crape Collaqtand Collarettes, lne.ieh Dombizintic Jouvin a Black Kid Glove,, medium our sleek of PLAIN BLACK and SECOND MOURNING GOODS full and complete. tiESSON tr. SON. Mourning atom jab No. 0113 Chestnut street. =J. S. CAPEN WILL COMMENCE A °ours EVENING, tures on PHRENOLOGY, on DAY Jan. 22d. at 734 o'clock, at the southeset earner of Ninetoento and North streets, be low Coates. to be continued on Thursdays and Toes • days. until the Moat, These lectures wtl he illustrated by portraits, casts, skulls, deseriptlee anecdotes, and improvenations, and will be adapted to interest and the young. Admissien free Collection at the close. Examinations daily, at tho Cabinet, Pit 2 CHESTNUC btrecit. Ja2l-3t NATIVES OF MARYLAND, ATTEN TION.—The waives of maryland roaldtog a : pray are particularly 'moisten to meet at the Arne rioan Hotel, Pit He UT Street, on TONI:WAY, VA instant, at DI o'olook P. M., for the purpose of organiz ing an nesociatlon. ii —--- (EASTERN MARKET COMPANY —AN adjourned meeting of the ittookholders of the KSTERN MARKET COMPANY will ha held on TUEBOAY EVEN' , G next January 2i, at Di o'olook, at th,. Wetherell Dues, BANBO n Street to hear the report of the Committee appointed at last meeting to Investigate the proceedings of the I.irectors el cted September 24th last, and procure evidence in relation thereto. General attention Is earnestly requested. H. HO WARP, Chairman. P:OFFICE OF THE GIRARD COLLEGE PASSENGER RA It.WAY COMPANY, corner 01,11MBIA and RIDGE A.enues.—PlOL ADEL PIIIA, January B,lB4o.—The BOARD OF DIRECTORS have THIS DAY, declared a Dividend. for the last SixMoths,n of ONE DOLLAR, per Share on each Share of the Capital Stook of this company, payable to the Stockholders or their Legal Representatives, 011 and after MONDAY,January eh UM. 801-dtltal W, BLIBIIIT, Treanor, CT* THE f3ENTLEMEN NAMED THE following Committees as divisions of the Gene ral Committee on the Reception of toe Chicago and Milwaukee Delegation!, visit' eir Philadelphia, are re quested to meet at the ROJMS OF THE BOA RD OF TRADE, on TUESDAY EVENING, at half put 7 o'clock Committee of Reception. Introduction, gee —Henry Budd, totes, J Brooks. Joseph Lea, Hen 7 Lewis, Joseph Altomus, A. W. Little. George H. ( quart. W. B. N. uozzens, James C. Hand, Thomae 8. Newlin, William Divine. Aroh. Campbell. l'harlee Kelly Wm Hay. Charles .Kneoht, Washington Butcher, Joseph Gaskill. J C. Davie. David Williams, Israel H. Mule. J. P. Steiner, James Billings. o. T. Canby. John H. Stroup, Arch. Dotty. S. L, Witmer. James Steel. Geo. B Donnell, C. J. Hoffman. Geo. Bullock, T. 0. Henri, W. 0. Houston, Win. H. Pelireon, John Wright, 8. V. Merrick. John T. Theinpacn. M. W. Baldwin. John Sellers Chas. Wheeler, A. Buokner, Wm. D. nigh muth. Thos (Mater. Jr.. William O. Kent. Amhara 'Wood, P J Smith, Wm. 0. Ludwig. John Sperhawks, Gideoa Jones, E. A. Hendry, D. Rodney King, Samuel Williams, P. Horst. R. W. Snuthinsid, Daniel Had dock, Jr.. Charliee Maguire. A. D. Jessup. M. Wilcox. E. C Knight. John T. Bench, John Welsh. Joseph H. Newhall, 8. A. &tinhorn. Thomas P. Stotesburv, B.C. Dallett, Jr., James Devereaux, John Woodside, H. A. Denkla. William B. Thomas. Robert Ervein, Samuel Hartranft, James H. Orce, Wm. Creaao, J. F. twee. E. C. Biddle, Lewis Audenreid. J. H. Maxwell, Davis Pearson, N. Sturtevant, F. R. Cope, E. G. James, B.W. Bailey, E. C. Caldwell, M. L. Hallowell. R. C. Bale, George J. Gros, 8. W. DeCourser. H. W. Ridgway, Samuel H, Felton. James ale Yee, H. H. Houston, John M. Maria Jahn Price wetherill. 3. L. Crew. J. 13. Lip -I'. V ute T .T O'ji te9 : B Z inker atYptl. fbg,nlosana.ii al illiken,A. - K. Lane, E. N uabaurn, M. Gana, H.Shloss, and John MurphY. Committee on Banquet.—Jolin E. Addieks, Samuel L. Witmer, el. L. Ward, George L. Busby. 8. E. Stokes, W. C. 1.1 , 1971 g. A r-h, Getty, D. O. MoCammon, James Traquair. John Rice, James H Orile, Geo , BulloOk, Kirk B. Wells, Joseph H. Newhall, L. G. Mytinger, James Milliken, nod S. T. Canby. HENRY BUDD. J021.2t Chairman General Committee. !fr A N C ' E II AMUR PI7 I A P NWNO OF l A I N F t.XCH ANGE BUILDING —JaNtI•RY 16, 1861. The following gentlemen have been duly re-eleoted Directors for theyear Den: HENRY D. bHERRERD, SIMEON TOBY. CHARLES MACAL - ESTER, WILLIAM B. SMITH : JOHN B. BUDD. WILLIAM R. WHITE, GF,ORGG STUART. SAMUEL GRANT, Jll., TOBIAS WAOIER. THOMAS II WATTSON, HENRY G. IeRF.IFIHAN. CNA FILL++ B. LEW/8. GEORGE C. CARSON. At a meeting of the D,reetors,held thin day, HENRY H. Slit. RRERIL Ems., was unanamounly re-elcoted President of the Company. ialB 61 'WILLIAM HARPER, Soaretary. COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE CONY LI PAN YnF 'pi; E' SPATE OF PENPOIYLVA NIA, 613 CHESTNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA, January 14.1801. At a meeting of the Stockholders of the I °melon wealth Insurance Compar, of the State of Pennsyl vania, hold at their office, January 7,1861, the following Gentlemen were elected to serve as Directore for the ensuing year: DAVID JAYNE, M. D., JOHN M. WHITAI.L, THOM ,8 8. aTEWART, CHARLES H. ROW. RB, WILLIAM I.ITRUTHERS, Ht. NRY LEWIS, Jo.. ROBERT SHOEMAKER, JOHN K. WALKER. EDWARD It. KNIGHT, STEPHEN COOLTER. And at a meeting of the Board of Directors held on this day, the following Offieers were re elected: President—DA'V D JAY el E. M.D. Vice President—JOHN N. WHITALL. decretary—eAMUEL. S. MOON. ial7-10t - - - - 137 t. OFFICE OF THE FAME INSURANCE COMPANY. PnitanELPIIIA.. January 14,1851. At the annual meeting of Stockholders of the Name Insurance C.•mpany held the day. at their office, No 4010 ORES PNUT Street, the following-named gentle men were elected directors to servo for the ensuing year SP.ORGE W. DAY, MMUS'. WRIGHT, DAVID B. BIRNEY. HENRY LEWIS. JR CHAR, DILIHARDSON, B Inn, J. BODINE, JOHN W. BVERM A.N. GPORDE A. WSST. TH.I.IAB H. MARTIN, O. WILSON DAVIS. EDWARD D. WOODRUFF, JOHN KESSLER, JR. JANUARY 115,1f01. Ate meeting of the Board of Direetors. hold tine da y. the foPowing gentlemen were unanimously elected (aims: GREPROF, 'GAY. Preaident, FRANCIS N. BUCK, Vice President. jalB.St WILL rAnDI I. BLANCHARD, BeerotarY. OFFICE OF THE PHILADELPIIIA AND READING RAILROAO COMPANY. • • - • - PIIIIIIDELPIIIA, January 14. 1861. NOTICE —At the n nnual me etmg of tho etoolM alders Of the Philadelphia and Reading Eallmed Comoani, held this day. thn following gentlemen were twain- Mouely cleated often! for 1861: J. Dutton e Wahl, William dellers, Robert Kelton. TREASURER, SAMUEL BRADFORD. •ECHETARY. W. H. hIcILHENIYEY. By order of the Board. W. H. hIcILH_ENNEY, 0.16 Gt Secretary WOFFICE OF THE WYOMING CANAL COMPANY. No, 1:30 WALNUT STREET. ADELPHIA. NOTICE. TO THE STOCHHOLDERS.—The annual meeting of the ntookholders will he held at the offiee of the Company.No, 230 Wat UT Stmt. in the city of Philadelphia, on MOND AY, January 21, 1861. be tween the hours of twelve and three o'cloos. at which time an election will ttlce place for a President, Vice President. and six Managers to serve for the ensuing year. CHARLES PARRISH, JalB St Secretary. rcrNOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, THAT the Annual lit acting of the Stockholders of tho North Branch Canal Company for the election of a fresident and five Manner re of said Company wall be held at the otfioo of the Com i pany. to ATit n Pin, Penn• erivanis. at 10 0 , clock A. A ~ on WEDNESDAY, the 10th day of January,lB4l, D• order of the Hoard. M. C. hIERCIJR, ' Jets-tot Secretary. aOFFICE OF THE UNION CANAL CO., Puir,naLr..ra, January J. 1861.—The Annual nK of the Stockholders of the Union Canal Coin of - Pennsylvania, Will be herd on Tu3eoA Fe bruary nth, next, at II o'clock A. M . at the office of the Comeau • . WALNUT/10°st ( PAreptharbulldunga.) lall7.dtfos 0. THOMPSON, Secrete'''. 1:M OFFICE PENNSYLVANIA RAIL- ROAD COMPANY, • PHILADELPHIA. January 11. /86 1 . NOTICE TO STOCKHOLD ItS.-1 ha annual meet ing' of the stockholders of this Commons-mat/v. trdittos Itl o 4. 4 .l l .AViterregelarmt • trr ALL. The annual election for Directors will he held on MON DAY, the 4th day or March, 1861. at the offlos of the ComrAny. No. 238 South THIRD street. tala-tfel EDNIUND SMITH. Secretary. Ty. SIXTH AND LAST LECTURE OF TOR COUBE, in old of the CHURCH OF es r. MATTHIAS. on TM:AII/AV EVENING. 2ZdJanuarYl at CONCERT HALL. Chestnut, ablve Twelfth street. by the Rev. A. CLEVELAND COX, D. D., of Balti• more. Md. Subject: "Popular Taste in Literature." Tickets2s cents. For sale at Episcopal Book Deposi tory, luu4 chestnut street; Burns & dies, ft I t Chrat nut etroot. and at the door. jala-fmtu at NOTICE.—TIIIV: ANNUAL MEETING of the Stnokholdere of the heaver bleadow llroad sw'd Coal Company will he held at their (ace,. 0.321 WALNUT Street. on MONDAY. the 21et of January neat, at 12 o'olook Al.. at which time nn elec tion will be held for President and ten Directors for th de °mtoilr*e year. Se L r C t H r AA a BE T LAIN e r. T"NEV YORK AND MIDDLE COAL* FIELD RAILROAD AND COAL. COMPANY." Annual Meeting of the btookholdere of the Com. Daly will be held at their office. elo 004 Ponth FOURTH titreet, on MONDAY, the 4th day of Fe bruary next at 11 o'olock A. M. for the purpose of electing Five Directors of the Bald Company for the entwine year, and for the translation of suoh other business as may ho brought before the meeting. HEN RY ROBINSON, beeretary. Phradelphia, January 17,1881. yaleAfet IirOFFICE OF TILE UNION MUTUAL INSURANCE CON4PANY, PHILADELPHIA, Jan 7, Mi. At a meeting of the Direetors, held this day, a Divi dend of NIX PIM PEN r. on the outatandins Serie was declared, payable to the geriprolders. or their Wel re presentatives nt tne (Vice 01 the Company, on and after WEDNESDAY. January 16 1851. 109-12 t JOS. COLLISON, Secretary... [CrOFFICE OF THE FAME INSURANCE CO., N 0.406 CHESTNUT Street. .11111111 STY 7, 1861. At a meetinx of the Board of Dereotoro, held thin day. a Dividend of TUNE:I!: PER CENT. on the Capital of the Company wan deolared, payable on and after the Ist day of Feb WILL ruary next. lAMS I. BLANCHARD, jag-tfel Secretary. NEW PUBLICATIONS. KENT'S ,VOMMENTARIES, TlllB DAY IS PUBLISHED, BY LITTLE. RBOWN, & CO . LAW AND FOREIGN BOOKSELLERS, 110 WASHINGTON Street, BOSTON. RE T'S COMMENTARIES ON AMERICAN LAW, Tenth Edition. Ave's. 800. ANHUI, ON THE LIMITATIONS OF ACTION AT LAW, Fourth Edition, revised and greatly enlarged, J3y John Wilder May. Bvo. GREENLEAF ON THE LAW OF EVIDENCE. sixth Edition. Vol. 3. jo2l-nrwf St OAMPL,IN ON DIABLTES. Published THIS DAY, and for rale by LINDSAY R. SLAKISTON, Publishers and Booksellers. 23 SOUTH Simi ISL. above Chestnut. DIABETES, its sucoosalul treatment, by John H. Camlin. M. D , F.L.S., &e . from the seeonci London edition, 12mo. Prioo Bo cent. RECENTLY PUBLISHED. I LYONS' HAND-BOOK OF HOSPITAL PRAC TICE. 2. LEIDY'S bIIMAN ANATOMY. 3 HODOEs' DISEASES PECULIAR TO WOMEN. 4 BO De NHAMER ON THE RECTUM. I. A IiTHAUS' M EDICAL bLEOTH Y. 6. KING 8 (VI OKERY 1.7.'48148KM). 7. .1i I ',LEN , POCKET ANA/03118T 8 DI XOS PRAITTIOAL TREATISE ON HIS } MIES OF THE EYE. 13.21 FURS 1 FURS! (3EORGI F. WOMR A-TH. NOS, 41; AND 417 ARCH DTREET, Hal now Opon A FULL ASSORTMENT B. Health OBioer LAI3IES' FU Ft", To whioh the attention of the Pubho is incited. oe9 LOST` Ott MISLAID.--Two cases CI GARS, marked " Y., Vas. 6 and 6." A reward of .960 will he paid for their recover. by ADAM MOFFITT. lt" N. W. nor. FRONT and WALNUT Streets. MBE LIFE-SIZE PHOTOGRAPHS IN OIL, made by REIMER, &Emu , Ntreet. ahoy° Green, are considered, by nil who have Bean them, to be the most correct and &Maio picture now made. 1t PARLOR SICATES.—ParIor Skates for a• Lathes : Parlor Skates for Moses; Parlor glister' for Mothers; Parlor Skates for Fathers ; Parlor Skates for Sisters ; Parlor Skates for Brothers; Parlor Skates for Lawyers • Parlor Skates for Clergy ; Parlor Skates for ail who desire health ; Parlor Skates for the rest of mankind. For sale low by PHILIP & CO, jan mwf 432 CHESTNUT Street. OF JOHN lITPALETtiO.O - 51-:4 Senior. deceased. . Letters tratanientary to said estate having been granted to tho undersigned by the Register of Willa for the city and canary of Philadelphia...Brau:lns having claims against said estate will present them. and those indebted will make pal ment to P aI.ETHORP. At OEMNA W. P.Ai.E CRORP, ROB e RT PALI:THOU P. JOHN H. PALETHORP, xecutors,' 349 RAM?. ritreet. Or to their Attorney, ROBERT I'ALETHORP. It* CO North FIFTH btreet• Full. Oil A kiLES'XiiN AND SA VANNAH,—The stoamehio IC. , YSTONE BTATE,Cetot. Alarehienn, wdl Ball for davannah on dATURGAY. January 26th, et 10 o'olook A. Al Goode for Charleston, booth Carolina, grill ho taken and delivered in Charleston for fifty her cent. additional reight. For freight or Ot m age , T i f f ITRON, ift.,_& CO,. Ix2l No, 120 NORTH WHAVYJimi PRASIDENTA AQA. WHITNEY. VICR PRESIDENT. J. DUTTON 8 (TELE MANAGERS I Charles E. smith. H. Pratt alaKaan, 8. M. Fekn. NEW EDITION ALSO, FURS. DIEPICINA.L. SOMETIILNO MORE VALUABLE THAN SILVER OR GOLD. IT WILL RESTORE THE WEAK REINSTATE THE BLOOD IN ALL ITS ORIGI NAL PURITY AND V11:30R. PROF. 0. J WOOD'S RESTORATIVE CORDIAL BLOOD RENOVATOR. It is preoleely what its name indioates, for while pleasant to the taete it •e revivifying. exhilarating and strengthening to the vital rowers. It also revivifies, reinstates, and renews the blood in all its original pu rity, and thus restores and renders the system invul nerable to Mutest, of disease. It Is the only prepara tion ever offered to the world m a popular form Co as to be within the roaoh of all. SO Chemically and skilfully combined as to be the molt powerful teals', and yet no perfectly adapted so as to act in perfect accordance with the Jaws of Nature, and hence soothe the weakelt stomach and tone up the digestive organs, and all ay all nervous and other irrita tion. It is also perfectly exhilarating in its snots, and yet it is never followed by lassitude or depress on of spirits. It is composed entirely of vegetables, and those thoroughly combining powerful tonio and soothing pro perties, and consequently can never intuit. As a sure preventive and cure of CONSUMPTION, BRONCHITIS, INDIGES TION. DYSPEPSIA. LOSS OF APPETITE, FAINTNESS. NERVOUS 'RRITABILITY, NEURALGIA. PALPITATION OF THE HEART, MELANCHOLY, HYPOCHON DRIA. NIGHT SWEATS, LANGUOR, GIDDINESS, AND ALL THAT CLASS OF CASES SO FEARFULLY FATAL CALLED FEMALE WEAKNESSES AND IRREGULARITIES, THERE Ls NOTHING I2S EQUAL. Also, Liver Derangements or Torpidity, aed Liver Complaints, Diseases of the Kidney*, or any general derangement of the Urinary Organs, It will not only oure the debility following CHILLS and FEVER, but prevent all attache arising from mies matte influences and cure the diseases at once, if al ready attacked. TRAVELLER 8 should have a bottle with them, colt will infallibly prevent any deleterious consequences following upon change of climate and water. As it prevents costiveness, strengthens the directive organs, it 'should be in the hands of all percone of se dentary habits. LADIES not accustomed to much out-door exercise should always nee it. AIOrIIPRS should use it, for it lea perfect relief; to ken for a month or two before the final trial, she will pane the dreadful period with perfect same and safety ! There la no mistake about it!! THE CORDIAL IS ALL WE CLAIM FOR IT! ! MOTHERS, TRY IT And to you we appeal, to detect the illness or deohne not only of your daughters before it be too late, but also your sone and husbands, for while the former from false deliosoy, often go down to a premature grave, rather than let their condition be known in time, the latter are often so mixed up with the exoitement of bu siness, that if it were not for you, they, too, would tra vel ih the same downward path until it is too late to ar rest their fatal fall But the mother is always vigilant, and to you we oonddenti appeal; forme are sure your never-failing affection will unerringly point you to PROF. WOOD'S RESTORATIVE CORDIAL AND BLOOD RENOVATOR as the remedy which should be always on hand in time of need. 0. J. WOOD, proprietor, Na. 444 BROADWAY, Now York, and No. 114 MARKET street, St. Lotus, Alissouri, and sold by all good druggists. Price ONE DOLLAR per bottle. Read what the Poses say. after thoroughly testing the matter, and no one can have a doubt. PROP. WOOD'S RIPTORATIVE CORDIAL AND BLOOD RENOVATOR 111 IL genuine medicine of real merit,plee sant to the taste sod invigorating to the system. While It per floe the blood and soothes the nervous irritstlon, it aids the organs of digestion to yertorm their inflations and resist the assaults of disease It is a oherolerilaftr pound, so skilfully combined thatwhilOcKily .ollows ex doe. not_..Nr.abnoL ComMoesd exclusively of vegetable mortar, It IS absolutely beneficial. and no ill etf.mts can possibly aoctompanr its use. It is en infallible and I grimly remedy for Less of appetite. Faintness. Pier- I volts Debility. Plouralgia, Palpitation of the Bawl Falling of the Womb and other delicate amasses t: which woman in site sot. For Slickness of she htomach. Billaouc Attnolis. jam Complaints. Costiveness Lys toi, Coosump on. end a host of evils fih eir it is a certain cure,—br. Louis Morning H e ald . PROP. WOoD'a ILRIVIORATIVZ CORDIAL.—It is recorded in the Chorales that Psyche was once sent toe climate warmer than the West Indies, to procure a sample of the beauty of Proserpina in a box. Atter some delay the messenger returned, and as soon as the lid of the box was removed. out Hew ail the ills that flesh is heir 'o. Fortunately, hose was found in the bottom of the box, Prof. WOOD'S Restorative Corals! revives tee recollection of the story, for it invigorates the Whit, aide the organs of dgestion, imparts strength to the nervous system, and fortifies the citadel of health, so as to bid defiance to the assaults of disease. it is a healthy ionic, composed entirely of vegetable produc tions. and while it is exhilerating as pure wine, no In jurious results can possibly follow its use. It is a desi deratum in the medical world, and those who are af flioted with loss of appetite, PrePelisia, Consumption, Faintness, Giddiness, Neuralgia, Palpi t ation of, the Hs art, &a, wilt find here an infallible panacea.—Sr. Louis Letup Express. REM WOOD'S RESTORATIVE CORDIAL AND BLOOD RENovAToa ie, without doubt, the best tome Cordial in the world . To those who arn euffering from General Debility we would recommend Its me. for it is plea sant to the taste, is strengthening to the 'imam, and will at once tend to remove all impurities of the blood. and eradioato all traces of disease. It can be takep by the weakest etomach, while these In good health will at once feel its exhilarating power. We are confident that after tieing one bottle of this Cordial none will be for a day without it,—Nero York Leader. A Puma. HEALTHY TON/C. and one free from the de leterious end injurious effects sure to follow those in ordinary uae, ha• long been felt to be a desideratum in the mutant world "Such a tonic. and one no skilfully combined from the vegetable kingdom as to eat in per fect accordance with the laws of Nature, end thus soothe the weakest stomaoh, and at the alma time allay nervous and other irritations., and tone up alt the Or gans of which the human body la oomposedosofthrod Fro!. WoOD'S Heatorative Cordial and Blood Reno vator. Renee, it is perfectly adapted to old and young. Reader, try it. Thousands have already done so, and the testimony is universal in its favor.-IVets York Arles. PROF. WOODS RESTORATIVE CORDIAL . AND BLOOD RENOVATOR, for the cure of General Debility or Weak flees arising from any onuse ; also, Dyesepsia, Ner vousness, Night • weate , Incipient Qonsumption. Liver Complaints, Biliousness, Lose of appetite, Female Weakness in all stages; also to prevent the contraction of disease, is certainly the best and most agreeable Cordial tonio and Renovator ever offered to the af flicted, and no chemically combined ite to be the most Powerful tonic ever known to medical science. Header, try it. D will do you good. We have no hesitation in recommending it, since we know it to l e a safe, plea me, and Sure remedy for the dummies enumerated.— New York Dispatch. llCir Before noticing a potent modioine, we hove to be certain that It will prove Steel( to be all that it is recom mended. And Iry would sop that the Reeta , ative Cor dial and Blood Renovator of Prof'. WOOD will stand the test fully. and in foot it is without any doubt the first artiolo in the market for Purifying the Blood and e•rengthening tho system. We have no heeitation in recommending ita nee to alt.—Nato Yorker. LeOK TO You ReET.VBS in Timn.—Row many, in con sequence of a false delicacy, suffer from unpressed. wrier ul, or obstructed menstruation, and think because they are young that by-and-bye nature will work it seif olear from obstruotions, and all oome right in the end, little dretnaing that the seeds of death are alreadf germinating in the system trecumee the vital energies are impaired, and the entire animal economy deranged, debilitated. and yet. earelesa of themselves as they are, if a remedy was set before them which would restore all the functions of the. system. and reinvigorate the body, they 'would take it, and thus be in time to save their lives. Parents think of this and at once give them a bottle of Prof. WOOR'S Restorative Cordial and Blood Renovator.—New York Courier. 0. J. WOOD, Fropriator, No. 444 BROADWAY, and No. 114 MARKET Street, St. Louie, Miesour). itZii" At 110. 444 BROADWAY, all the Family and Patent Medicines constantly on hand. Always fresh and genuine. 101-mwrtmhl4 RETAIL DRY GOODS. INDIA SHAWLS, VELVET CLOAKS, CLOTH CLOAKS, SHAWLS, DRESS GOODS, In mat variety and (Anion eeleatione. at GEORGE FRYER'S. No. 916 CHESTNUT STREET. onl9-tf CLOAKS.—The greatest bargains in the etc, at IVENS'. OLOAKS.—The largest stook, the beat assortment ' , the choicest colors, the finest qualities. the moat euperb trimminke, the newest styles, the beat work, and deci dedly the lowest prloes In the oity, at IVENS'. 23 South NINTH Street. uoiGsm iILOAKS.--The CITY CLOAK STORE, 'LI 149 North EIGHTH. Every one in talking of the great bargain, and superior quality of the CLOAKS at the new CLOAK 810 RE, 142 North EIGHTH Street. note-3m CWARS.—It you want the best value for your money, go to the City Cloak Store ' 142 North EIGHTH Street, above Cherry. note Bal CLOAKS.—The OITY OLOAK STORE, las North EIGHTiI, is said to be the best and cheapest stare in the city. nol6-3m CLOAKS.—A magnificent assortment of all the newest styles imported this season, with every new material, made up and trimmed in the 'Yen test manner, at prime that defy all oompetition. at the PBllll Cloak Store, northeast corner of EIGHTH and WALNUT Streets. nota-Sre CLEARING OUT WINTER GOODS- During this month Will be oTered Our WINTER DRESS GOODS To Clear the shelves At VERY LOW PRICES, Our Spring Importations. For the The Stook is well ell oforted, Containing desirable styles or SHAW Ls, SILKS. PRINTED GOODS, CHINTZES. DE LAMM, e.OI3ES. and CALICOES. SHARPLEeB SRI IT HERB, cuEsTN UT arid EIGHTH. Streets. I PIENS, SHIRTINGS, 811EKTINGS - 1 .- 4 Fronting. Shi , ting, and Pillow Linens. Material for fine shirts, Linen" and hiegling bp the niece, Gord flannels and Tinkings. TABLE DA NLABKB. Superb stook Table Cloths and Damasks, Good Napkins, Large Dalai= Towels, Doylies, extra large and fine Table Clothe, All at the lowest prices. at retail or BY TILE QUANTITY, cheap for cash. COOPER & CONAHD le9 Southeast corner NINTH and MARKET. BAWLS. CLOAKS, DRESS GOODS, Is , AND EMBROIDERED COLLARS AND SETS. Large display of Woollen Shawls, selling cheap, Cloaks closing out at cost and less. Entire stook of Dress Goods at nominal 'niece, Some Winter Goods at a great sacrifice. ESPECIAL BARGAINS To be had Brom pur large and desirable Mock as are are owrismaut RD TO REDUCE it by offering satisfactory inducemen.s. COOPER CONAR D. Jag Southeast oorner NINTH and MARKET. RYRE & LANDELL, FOURTH AND -•-•-• ARCH Streets. heel, only the beet makes and Bleach PURE FLAX G3TAPbE LINEN GOODS.) 4 Slttaharde Housewife Linens. iliehardson's lixtra Heavy. Richardson's Medium Shirting's. Richardson's Bosom Linens. "'WEE & LANDELL OPEN TO-DAY for retail sales. 10.4 Cheating Mtreline. double weight. Sheeting blue4m3.lo- 4. Sheeting Muslin, sinele width. Shirting Minims, beet only. 3e19-tf r WOULD RESPECTFULLY CALL THE I attention of my friends and oustomere. and uartion tarty those of rocrmantown, to many choice lots of DRY GOODS, now roducted preparatory to taking stook: Woo, several lots from emotion much below as coot sr im portation. at JOHN 11, STORMS', jolt-a 702 ARCH Street. LUPIN'S EXTRA SUPER FRENCH ME RINOB, Reduced to $1 per yard. worth $1.50. OLower priced do $l. Extra Super Black Thilmt Cloth 81.25. Black Cloaking Cloth. Velour Poplin at MK reduced from 62)i cents. Velour Poplins, better qualities, all minced. All Wool and other Plaid'. Moue de Lainee, Valeroias, &o. Cloth Cloaks. Brodie and Blanket Shawls. Hooped skater. b efore s Embroidered Colla rsMMus. and Beta,fto., all marked down took Just ia— bf a"d Roohdale Mualimi,l2l4 mauls. 4-4 Adams & Son'e Muslin, 10 cents, worth UK cents. CHARLES ADAM AR CH ON, laatt EIGTIiTH. and Ste. 9111ORNLEY & °HIM'S! ! ! - 11 - One Dollar Bilks for 760.1 Dollar Twenty. five cent Silks for 8111 Dollar Fifty-cent Silks for WM: I! Dollar Seventy-five cent Bilks for a 1.60 !!! REDUCTION IN PRICES! Long Broohe Shawls. Excellent, forlg. Long Broohe Shawls, Supenor. for 10 to $l2. Long Broohe Bhawle, - Very fine, or 314, 816, 318, and $2O. NEW CLOAK ROOM!!! Beautiful Cloaks for $B. Fine Beaver Cloaks for $l, 88, $O, and $lO. Niohlr and thesantly Wrinimed for $l2, 815, $lB, Bso, and SO. Arab Cloaks. Zonave Jackets, Black and Fancy Cloths, &0., ,to BEST BLACK BILKS!!! Good Qualityßlack Bilks, will wear well, for $l. Heavy Black Bilks. Black Figured Bilks, eco., &o. MEN'S AND BOYS WEAR!!! A Large Brook of Cloths. A Large Stook of Case s, Elattinetts, &Vesting,. Blankets, Flannels, Linens, and Muslin.. N. E. Corner EI GH T H ORNLLEG GARDEN , Ste. s. N. s.—Every article bought for cash. not '''IRANCE- - CORIYAN xr.b UNION MUTioAI, INSURANCE COMPANY or ri-11.14ADEL.PT•fi-A__ PHILADELPHIA, January 14, 7861. STATEMENT OF THE AFFAIRS OF THE COM- RAM Y. Premiums from Jan, 1, 1860, to Jan. 7,7851. ... 4 4210,436 31 PreMlUme earned on' Marine and Inlandriaka daring the year Onding a. ab0ve............ 179.168 23 Received from Interest on Investments—. 7,202 itg Losses. Return Premiums, Reinsuranoes, and 161010 81 Balanoe against Dividend Account 1860, and reservation for loss unadlneted and bad debts - ..... 18,262 85 8 173.2F0 67 9 13.090 60 - Balance-- ASSETS OF THE COMPANY, JAI4. 7, 1861. 86,0010 Pennsylvania 5 per cent. loan, at cost.. 85455 10 000 Philadelphia City 6 per oent. d 0.... 10.300 7,000 City of Pittsburg do d 0.... 6,700 7.000 do do 5 do d 0.... 5,800 41,620 Camden and Amboy It R bonds, d 0.... 41 713 5,000 North Peiineylvania R. R bonds, d 0.... 3,7E0 14,610 Chesa'ke end Del. Canal bonds, d 0.... 14 610 107 shares Philadelphia Bank, d 0.... 14.710 100 do North Penna. Railroad, d 0.... 5,000 as do Delaware S. Ins. Co, d 0.... 2200 4.5 do Delaware Railroad, d 0.... 1,125 10 do Pennsylvania Railroad, do. •. • 400 Sundry stocks of Railroads, Steamboat Cam panian, Telegraph, &0., and certificates of profile of Mutual insuranoe Companies.... 14= 8126,513 Estimated present value $llO,OOO 00 Bills Receivable for Premiums.—..—..- 82,649 61 Cash in ....... Due the Company for unsettled Premiums, Salvage', and other Recounts— The Directors have declared a Dividend of SIX PER CENT. on the outstanding Scrip, payable on end after Itith instant. RICHARD S. SMITH, President. JOS. COLLISON, Secretary. At a meeting of the Boripholdera of the UNION MU TUAL INSURANCE COMPANY of Philadelphia, held at their offioe January 14,1861, the following gentlemen were eleoted to terve as fdreetore for three years Francis Tote George Lewis, Newborn A Smith, J. P Steiner, John R. Irwin, G. W. Bernadou, D. Salamon• William B. Baird. Thos. Caistairs, (for two James tt. Campbell. (for yenta.) one year,) WIIO.IVIIII Riohard B. Smith, Albert Worrell. B. Der ouet. Edward L. Clark, A. E. Rorie. hills Yarnell, William C. Kent, H. P. Robinson, Henry Lewts, Jr., Thomas Mtles, Godfrey Frey tag, Samuel C. Cook, Charles Vezin, Henry Samuel, constitute the Board of D 11501.0111. JOS. COLLISON, SECRETARY. THE I,..,NTE,IP.RIMF 1 16 wfmlit INSTlfietaki OF PIIILADELPRA. (FIRE INSURANCE EXCLUSIVELY.) COMPANY'S BUILDING, S. W. CORPER FOURTH AND WALNUT STREETS. DIRECTORB: F. RATCHFORD BTARR, MORDECAI L. DawsoN, WILLIAM McKim, Czo. H. STUART. PULER° FRAZIER, JOHN H. BROWN. JOHN M. ATWOOD, R. A. FAHNISETOCA, BENI. T. Tuisomx, ANDREW D. CASH, HENRY WHARTON, J. L. ERRINDRIL. F. KATGHFORD STARR, Freindent. CHARLES W. CORE. Sooretari. lels SAVING FUNDS. AMERIOAN SAVING FOND.--Oom. party s Building, southeast comer WALNUT and FOURTH Streets. Open daily from 0 BLit o'olook. and on MONDAY till Pin the evening. Tide Old Institution has always paid in fall, on demand, wrthout notice. INTEREST FIVE PER CENT. All same paid back, on demand, in gold andnivor. TRIJSTEK ALEX. F 1 ILLDlN,President, !MAIL. WO Woe President. John G. Fan T. E. Harper, George Nugent, John Ansgaoh, Jr., .fland. T. Bodine, Mb. o,Roberts, John Aikman, Jones Bowman, H. H. Eldridge, Wm. 3. Howard, JoHN B.WlLSON,Tressurer, - JOHN O. SIMS. Seoretary. nonl-tf if 90 PIGNG GARDEN RAVING REND, Office, 391 North THIRD Street, between Vine end Callowhill. Incorporated by the Lamslature April 14th, 186 k. Open for Deposits and reymente, dailY, from 9to 0 °look. Also, on MONDAY and THURSDAY BYE ttINC3, from to 8 o'olOok. Interest 6 per cent. per annum. Deposit° , can with. draw their elor.ere by Cheats, if demred , appoint Ds. posits received. JAMES B, PRIMO/14. Prident, Fa.fiel. HAAT. thharetarv. ria-tX It REItIOVA_LS REMOVAL.-PASCRALL ISIORRig .4. has removed foe A art cultural and Seed Ware house from Seventh nod Market streets, to his New Stand, Hue MARKET Street, opposite Fanners' Market. Every description of improved Agricultural and Hor ticultural Impfemen , s. warranted. Field, Gordon, and Flower Seeds supplied at reasonable prices as here tofore. at wholesale and retail. F ASO R ALL MOO RIB, Agricultural and Seed 'Warehouse, 1100 MARKRF Street, opposite Fanners' Market. jal-lm JOHN 0. BIOKEL is this day admitted sear i arrja , our BETr o ISEXTON . , A. MARKET G 409 Street. Philn4ninhin, Jnn, 1, 1881, Jal-tuf 7rn A3I47SERIENTS. , AbIERIOAN ACADEMY OF MUSIC. MR. G P.Ottoß GOOD Dan the honor to announce to hie friends and the habitue. of the geese, that he williive& GIL • ND OPE) EVENING. ISRT4 J ANU A RY Ohl 1 MIRSDAY JANUARY St 101. For which speolalty he has ensued the services of some of the most . . POPULAR ARTISTS Of the present time , in America, who will appear in beautiful and varied iIEbECTION OF OPERAS,. Arranged Especial) • for this otsownon Di CARL. FORMES. The entertainment will 00=116E00 with the second ant of Flotow'a Grand Onera of M AR TR Lady Hanriatta—.— Mad. BERTHA JORANRSEN. Mad. yore B RI Els • Lione-- f . .... -- • . dignor ElunkettaiWoriginil ocaraoiey) . ". 2 .oA RL FORMES. o be followed by a gand Scene front TANCRI. DI singADEthlE AN ariaP. In which the will the oqlebrated "Di Tent' Paipiti;" aiter which will be introduced the second cot of DER FREYSCHUTZ. Agatha- • madame SORANNBEN. Annehen vol./ BERKEI.d. Madame Anna Bishop will afterwa BTICIE afterwards appear an d sing .• Banks in Guadalsuiver." To be follewed bY bonnet! ul soene and duo from MABBANIELLO. Massaniello -• • ---- , • Minor EITB3ELLI. •• • • ------- - • • .—, i e EL FORMES. The evening's entarlaminient . enil conclude with a grand National Tableau of In Which the entie Company will sing the STAR SPANGLE B vg." Director—. _.......Mr Tit KOl3O R THOMAS. ) kete . inclodir • c rello/Ved meats. One Dotter. To be obtained on and niter Tuesday. et the Academy. Beek & Lawton'a. and CM ckering l e. from* title o'clook. Family Circle (for rite night only), 75 cents. Doors open at 7o'clock, commence at So'olock.fja2l. at WHEATLEY & %ARNE'S A1i.011.33T. onrEATltht ENT Or )UB3 CHAR FAREWELL ItNGAGE LOT'rE Vil‘H MAN Phe will appear,. for the 7th time, in her world-re nowned impersonation of THI F.VENING 'NANCY BYREM! In Dicdfena' t. OL.V RR T W fn."' Also, in her comic part of Airs. SIMPSON, in PIMPeON CO— constituting' A DOUBLES AT FRACTION! WALNUT-STREET THEATRE. . tiole Leases-- Mn. M. A. GAIME'TTOION. Stags Manager.__........— Mr. WM. A. OEAPMAN. Bounness Agee,— JOS. D. MP .t Flit V. THIS (MONDAYS EVENING. January I. The performance w.ll cons art° with an entirely now Comedy. entitled OUR AMERICAN COUSIN AT HOME. Id?. Pattern .1; 1 ord Duncirearyand the Bon. Samuel Pleuras...net Albeit Triptolomus Roselyn. Mr. V Bowers as ,ASEL Trenahard. Mrs. Anna Cowed as.,••.Banns Trenahard. To oommenoe with th e laughable ineca called /'HE !FULLER. OF WHETSTONE. Doors open at N 4 o'olock pertormauces eommexce at 7 o'oloot. Si - Pricer' as usual. VAN AMBURGH & CO.'S GRAND ZOOLOGICAL. INSTITUTE - UNITED STATS 428UILDINGS, 4 26 and CREeTIi UT Street. Next to tne Custom HOUlfe• EVERY MORNING. AFTERNOON,and IaVENING Doors open at It A. M.. 2 and MG P. M. Admission 25 cents; children under nine years 15 cents. Perform ance) of Flephant. Lions. ers, Panthers, Leopards. Pumas. Ponies, Monkeys, Mules, An., every Afternoon and k. velum - - • • FOURTH SUCCESSFUL WEEK Of this Moral. tratrtfotive. and Amusing habibitton. SPECIAL. NOTICE.—That miracle of sessofty, the wonderful Performing 1 , lephast. Ttppoo drub. will be introduced Into the arena every Afiern-on and Eve ning. by Prof. Nash. and execute feats hitherto deemed impossible, and never attempted by any other animal. 104- f A MUSEIkINT AND INSTRUCTION. Ja. At the request Mammon.. friends and mils. Fa OF. L. G. WHITE, assisted by MRS. CECILE RUSH A. . . LANE. Favorite pupils, Mß l wilJOHanN A entertatnn.ent conaisting give of an intellectual and slimiest , READINGS AND RECITATION% From the bast writers. at ASSESIBLY BUILDINGS, Tenth and Chestnut streets. Philadelphia. on MOO- Dotti January SI, 1861. Tke Filly Cents, admitting a lady and gentleman. MlB et` a SANFORD'S OPERA HOUSE. OPEN FOR THE S EL-Fa-ENT-aEASON, STREET • NEWLY DECORATED AND PAINTED. • MR, SANFORD Ras secared one of the LARGEST COMPANIES ever Presented heretofers. who will appear nkghtl7. Sanford will perform every oretilne% Doors open at 7; Commence at TX. Admittance 15 cents. Cluldren 13 cents. deaf fa IRE GERMANIA ORCHESTRA give A their PUBLIC REHEARSALS every SPITS.- PAY,commenaing at 834 o clock. at tickets,,SCALt FITNU HALL. 8 tickets, .41; single ng cent for sale at Chtakerins es Son's, 007 Cheetuut street ; Andre's. 1104 Chestnut street; and Bea & Lairtoien. Chestnut street. Engagements' for Concerts, Commencements, FIT ties, die., made out y at thew Office, Chiokorin g_es Son s Piano Store, SIT Chestnut street; William Stoll s 934 North Juniper street, or C. Droughman, 1009 Ridge avenue. OCM•tr pENNA. ACADEMY ON THE NINA ART/1-1020 OMF,STriIJT street. " ORIMBOgAZO_," a splendid Painting_ by !Minot. "TII FIRST SIN." a beautiful Marble Statuette by Annelnu. On exhibition for a abort time. Visitors will Menne bring their 01/aM ittw A LARGE STOOK - 0F DRY-GnODS UWANTED—For which a splendid COtlicTitY RE BID aNC " with 22 sores of arabie LAND, alt of Which le in the highest state of ouitivation, and from Three to Five Thousand Dollars in oaah, will be paid. This pro perty adjoins Lancaster City. Fa.. ar.d about one fourth of tie land bee in the oily. The Milani are new, elegant, sod in the Gothic style. 't he propert- cos t twAnty -five thousand doliara—is clear of all mama brance —and the title le indleputable. For Isnot, of location it is not sure.ssed by any ether property in the State. A full description of it, and ail ether informa tion relative to the premises, online obtained by ennuis on JahIES C,ILAILK It 409 CHESTNLI f Street, Philadelphia. $20,000" IN SUMS OF 8, 5,000. iTO I° Bp o pL o o r eel: PA scarALL. 1t• 715 WALNlJracseet. CONGRESSIONAL DEBALTES WANT ED.—The ' • Conareesional GM° " (6 so'untea) of the 'Thirty-fourth Deems, Wanted, at this office. Jal9-rt dE AD VER I I ER, A YOUNG Bides,_ A- is desirous of obtatoino maks - P,, ,ts-monges, tooln . dtng Garman. bilfderate" o o "pen a° rztielyu t O ° faro 511-311 WANTE 13—A SITUATION, by a Ycung Mari in a Wholesale Cloth or Commie. 'lion House, as Book-kerper, Entry Clerk. or ae bale/roan tiatiefaotory inferences given Ad dreee "'r. 8.1" at this offize. jalti-er $5,00° AND $3 000 TO LOAN, ON mortgage ofJgarPi.°Pgiiß4lo. " o 142 South EIGHTH Stmt. QITUATION WANTED BY A YUI NG P.—. 7 man in a House trading with Cobs, or some other • Spanish ports. to cur) , on the correspondence and sexist in keeping the books. Unexnept•onable references given. a ddress "A. Y. N.,' office of this paper.. talc-trithet* 8186 371 17 FOR SALE AND TO LET. FARM AT PRIVATE SALE —A FARR of 60 Ames. more or low very beenti fu.ly crusted on the Delaware River 13d miles from Clamont Station, on the Wilmington and Skala& Iphla Railroad. The land is in tho lushest a are of onlura tion. Buildings iu first-rate repair. For particulars* inawre of G W. LODGP rd” 1. 9 1-4 - e t Claemont. Delaware. r erre MY. fa TO itENT—A neat three-story Brick NEL. House. 1321 OLIVE Street. E. P. rd DDLETOI'd & BRO., 5 oortli Fitorcr etreat, el RF,NT—Residence,. 1020 AROII tutee, Coach Efauge and Stable in the rear. 111)- ply a t I tiO North THIo /It,cet. jay -00 PMTO LET—The Business Stand at the southeast Artier of MARKET and FOURTH titres ca. Apply, between houra of 9 ELLI , TON P. MORRIS. Jal6 12t* Ho. 803 MARKET Street, dm FOR RENT OR PALE—A large aad LB- modern-finished COUNTRY RESIDENCE. with fire awes of ground, near Phcenutville. R Ineni Eß, re of E. F. PENNYPAo Rea! Estate Ment, Phcentxvine. all fma,9t FOR SALE—STOCK AND FIXTURES of the old-established Blank Book and BtahonetY Store, No. b Booth FJ H Street. ialB-fmw 8.88 821 ST NEWSPAPER FOR SALE.—A Weekly Newspaper establishment, with a handsome circu lation, boasted at one of the moot important points In Penney 'penis, is offered for eale. There is $ complete Job °Moe attached. Addres, " Printer," Pros office. det.tf TO LET—The commodious and desii able upper rooms. No. 513 MARK ET Street. being the Second, Third. Fourth and Fifth stories, front 33 by 123 feet, lighted in front, side, and by two large ski lislats. The choice location for nuttiness and the supe rior manner of cottstruction make them more than or dinarily attractive to business firms making or desirili,g a change of location; grui.fixtures throughout. AMOY at MY it Rd, CEA OHO ti N. &auctioneers. corner MASK ET and SANK Eltreers. leB tf A RARE OLIANOE TO GE r 1 co BUSINE.EI4.—The advertiser doing an extensive first.olass pity and country Dry Goods business to the Oity of Lancaster. intending to engage in other busi ness. olTers for sale. on reasonable Orme the stook, good-will and fixtures of his store.with the privilege of either buying or renting toe property. 'The location is one of the very bast in the oily ; the a tore room has recenty been retitled in the most modern etyle, so that 001. • f Philadelphia, the room 18 one of the test in this State. The store room ie one hundred feet in aepth by twenty-five wide. with an cities back and a scant I t of thirty feet. Altogether, it is an opportunity rarely met with. A business of lilXtY Thousan t vollare a year witheen done, and can be done again, and more tol9, the proper kin - 1 of stook. For full particulars ad• dregs " hie rehant," Box 190 Laneaster Yost Orme. jal7-6t* sw, FARMS AND COUNTRY-SEATS FOR SA L F.—The ondersigned, having for sale a large amount of property in Montgomery and adjoining °mantles, ;mob as karma. Country Seats, Grist Mills. Stores, Lumber Yi,rde. Rota., &0.. &e., portions wish mg to purchase or eiohange will find it to their advan tage to oall. No charge for shornng Prone , ties. Cata logue sent by mail. Addrees R. R. CORSON, c124-Im Norristown, Pa. lOR EXCHANCIE.-A 011010 E TRACT of good ununprovec farm land in the State of New Jersey, convenient to the oit,y. will be exchanged for city property. Apply at tie. FEDERAL Stleet. geZ-tf BR. CORSON,REAL DiTATE BROKER. e AND CONVEYANCES, NORRISTOWN. PA. Heal Estate bought and sold on reasonable tBTIIII. Stores and dwellings 'or vtie or rent in Norristown and country. Good mon rar es negotiated. Collections made. The best 'references, given. Collections MISSOURI LAND!! 600,000 Acres for Sale and entry, at prices ranging from 12% to DO cents per acre, in any quantities re quired. TAX paid and PATENTS procured for purchasers of Land under the G taduation Aot. Plats furnished gratis by enaloaing postage stamp. For further of apply to wiLson. totwurros, & co.. U. S. and General Land • gents, 66 CRESTMIT etreet. Between THIRD and FOURTH. OT. LOUIS. Mo. LAND WARRANTS bought, sold, and located. ja74.M MORE EIGHT THE GAS LAMPS FOR TILE MILLION. may be 80011 at 0.. , 4 NORTH SECOND Street; e 30.000 worth are now nee. The Market street, Green and Coates, Ridge read, and other horse oars are now using them. We alter any filthy Kerosene Lamps into Gas Lampe for el . ; 10,000 Agents wanted, to tell them throughout the United States. The Gas Lamp wid light a room twen ty feet square for one cent no hour. OR. C. A. GREENE A CO.. No. 2 ,8 4 NORTH SECOND Street. above Race set!-thatm-ly SliAll. LT A Moto, &c..-5,140 bbts Mesa Nos. I, t, and S Mask erel..arge, medium, ens small, in assorted vaokuse of choice late-causht fat, fish.. 6,000 bbls. New Hall Bastrort, and Labrador Her rings. bonesice qualities. 6,000 extra new coaled Herrings. 2,000 boxes eat a Ike's" No.t Herrings. 3,000 boxes larte Masdriine Herrings. 260 bbls. MaokinaoTthite Fish. 20 bble. new Economy Mess Shad. 25 Ws. new Halifax Balniob. 1,000 Quintals Grand Hank In 6oo ita bo re x an es a ll i e u rin ctil merr i, - l o o cra t wa nt; Cheese. MU b bkit & Kama, nosllo. 140 NO El watutvsa. WAtNTS.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers