Baib ■TBni> ; 'tti»' , Sii’fl^- £ SSitohelor’a tiatTtß 'HAH DYS it'lit i* «* xuahtu# All other* »f*,’;q*»re imitation*, eodshouw be *»WileaifVoa’wiih ridloale. flplendid Black or be*uUiol Bkowh ineteataneowly. Sold by all Dru*- .nMi Tfae xeßtdae has the eignetareof %ILLIAMA. B ATQHKLO R upon »,*Uel-plAt* en irtAti»roafo«r»ide«of ew^boK. {•j Stwm af CBvnUTftit*, "Meenfliitiih.'ffl 1 rir- , T street, lateSSS Broadway. HHr tote- 1 ‘ 5 ' * "CHARLES BATCHELOR, not-lr - - - • Proprietor. Luxate Iftrir Cabinet sapr. the most and the only' thorouihly M» AeAHrefarnreofSefe yet offered to fcoueekeoer* for. tie pttceotiea of Plate; Jewelry, Pfe»« examine anueyle now at my devofc;'7l6 CHESTNUT Street*. «&£•(’ftffkMßio C. SADLER. At#et» "T • •' iy -» ■’. • - noS'iAwtf ■y Oflß P*lra| 01-OTBIKO OF THB LATBBT *riL*i.«wie is tba beirt msAser, «»rml7 tor KB -01 Ml) BALBS. LOWJESTiallinr one** maikad is BUIs Fifona. All loodamadotooraerwarrantad aatia faotorr. Oar OfiK-FRICK a jstsm is atriatljr adband t 0.411 ate OMrabT ttutrd alike. jUM4t { /I. 10WK8E CO;' 00« MARKET Street Baak * N' a Savins Fond—North wbst C6,](«.'®*cbiitf sad 'WiLKffT Btribt,.—Daport, re- VMMia akaU aa4lut« Mnoanta.from all oluaea of JjMepauaaaiirtattiattbws interestat the rats of FIVE PAR CANT. itfmoALi; ' . Money may be byoheok* without loaa ofin- Offioe open daily, from 9 until So’olock.&nd on Mon day and Batarday until nine in the evening. President, FRANKLIN FELL; Treasurer and Secretary, OHAB. m,.morris:■ - ‘ OaS;D PniNTING, BEST AND Off*APKST iir '•Kaoitr, &t 3i' (jouth THIRD Btraat. •.CIRCULAR PRINTING, Best and Cheapest in the City, at 34 "oath THIRD Street. BILL-HEAD FAINTING, Best and Cheapest in the Oitja at 34 BopthTHIRD Street. HAND-BILL PAINTING, Boot and Cheapest in tha City, at 34 South THIRD Street, < PAMPHLET PRINTING, 1 and every other descrip tion of Printing, of the most superior qaality, at the *Meri*aodnablei4tes, at RINGWALT A BROWN’S, DrsnaPa Building. 34 Boafh THUD Street.- ett-tf MAItUIED. < • • LIST—HKEBCTRN.—On the morning of the 19th inst., by Rev. Thoraaa Braioerd. Mr. J. Frederiok ListtnMjaiHarHetßephnra.oftbisolty. •* BRFAff—READING.--Oa the *Sd inst., at Middle* I?W9*JDeI«. hy» Fev. A. 1«. Goldsborougb, Mr. C. Bryip* of. aonth Amboy, N. J.,to Miss Mary JR*, only dwjjrgkter of the lata hr.A.-P. Reading, oMbe former the.Md Inst., by Rev. Meary-Steele ciarke/D. D., John 8. Oappto Mary E., deuihterof AlieeC Miobener. F«<i. _ Mifflmtown, Pa., on the IStfcjnst., by Aar, N. Baokinyhatn, Mr. Calvin B. Haros. of the Jnniata True Democrat, to Miss Jennie Homing. . . . . , ; : died. fiftlCT4IN«--0a the-evening of Ibe J2d mat., A Cterkßrittaia. the33dyear of falsa**. The relatives and friend* of the family; also the aeahM!^Ghpen Friends Lodge, No. 100,1. O. of O. F.. are respectfully invited to &U«nd his funeral from th#l*He«*rpfhi* yaroDts.No 9« Jtando'ph street, on Monday, afternoon, 26slr inst., at'l o’clock, without further boom. •» BOMIEB6ER.-011 Wednesday afternoon, tbs fist inst.. mrs; Marlon, B. Huston, wife of Rev. J. H, A. Jkneberser, i)»D.,ur tbe.etthjearofher ace. m 7?EeihtaJs Of the family, the members of the Pasto* ru»m of her husband, and his olsnoal friends, are affscnosatsly invited to attend her funeral, without fur ther-nobs* r m Monday, the Nth mat,, at ISn’oiook. ■OMt-a* the* Church. in Jisce street, below Fourth; thMrttoyioeeea to Boston, Pa. [L anoaster, Boston. papers will pleasecopy.) AuiNi)£R.--% the 91*t inst. Mary Jane Kinsey , *ffsof John Alexander, Jr.* m the 35th year of her axe. tee residence of her husband, No. 101* Marapfsaiag avenue, on, Sunday afternoon, at two BUUAIIT.—On the Sd lust, Mrs. Jnlia 8., wife of G.rd.h street, on Mondaymnraias. at lO o’clock. *\* William P.Coryell, In Item; the residence, of bis father-in-law. ~ * tni6t,tbia ■^fi)KnVt-OUthetSd lost., Charles.-son of Catharine udt|mlMeS«ShHoran,mthe3Hnyearqfhiiaxe. , from hie,mother 1 * residenoe, No. 99 North Biißtermbat,;this Saturday) afternoon, %\ lo’elrck. . UttAY.—On the 33d met, Joseph Gray, in the 81st i Thomas CMWiManoQ street, ihls (Saturday) afternoon, at one t&OJSd inst, Mr. Edward Gongiuaged Ovetts. >' 4 ntseralffom the residenoe of his brother-m law. Mr. Peter Corner,Paul street, below Church, Frankford. on k *' the 394 inst-, Bhsabeth Ann. wife of Wg*PTjreeiel t m the iflyearof her axe. A „ r _ - Funeral from the residenoe of her husband, No.' 335 ArelLe&eetjMvßeadsy afternoon, at 1 o'clock. > * 33d inst, Annua U. Hippie, daugh- Mr of the late Jacob 8* ana Anna Bi.Hippte. * nSemlfrom the residence of-her aunt. Germantown avenoe. below Sboemakar’s lane, this (Saturday) after* §mij|i x o’clock,-1 , * ■ “ LATCH —On the Slst lust, William Henry, eon of JaMbaedßmelineirtttoh, seed 8 years and 10 months. Tumi from the residenoe of hi* parents, feliaabeth street, between Sellers and Unity. Frankfort, tat* (Ba jppsetatfrtex the residenoe ofhi* mother, Twentieth, abo^CrtiejswMfstreet. No, 414, (hie (Saturday l aftsr 31st indt, John Baton X# Conte, J32S Sprues street, thi*<%torday)moi*inx«»t 10o’clock. _ „_ „ * . jmwuliTmmAs S3d last., Mrs. Mary McCall, wife eftheJateWab MeCeil«'*xed 65 year*.. „ ~ mmlinM her late residence, Ng. 20) Fine street, part.l,;. PmeexM froni bislate residenoe, Hancock street, above woms.tbisfßafurdaTlmarainr.atSKo’oiook. wit* Mrs. Mary Master- Mastersoo; seed 29 year*. :*/ * from the residenoe of her Jpitandivifaft _—^.Fitsw*ter street, below (Seventh* this li&uaiSvaftOftuiifff at 8)* o'clock. “ ' - j - * Md intt• Addie 8.. only daughter of Boh and Satan B.Malholiand. aged 4 vertbu’ riiidno'a . No. W 8 New, Maritrtr—t,o*geirtayafterao?p,at t o’olorfc. _ 4 -WilTa--s«tk» ad inat. Mm. Mary Smith. oonaort <ofthe late Henry B ISM ith. in the 49tbvea> ofherage. -IraMtyi fnm her lata teeidenne. Dark Run Road, otore Frankfort, no Sunday, afternoon at 1 o’oiook.. the UXhinet, Elihu MeCetnmant Ot*NMHMf eon of >MMa Stevenson,-of Honey Oronk. smsKS^SfStJSsnsffsih^,.^ fSjean. Funeral from'the at. Lawrenoe Hotel, thia < Saturday). afternoon. at t o’clock. , WATEjU-Hhi the 23d inat.* Jatoee Water*, aged W 'fcwnjhii late residence, opyosite the Xtn ■mint ftoeii f <ffireaty-thifd Ward,) on Sunday after ffjTfjte net inti* Jcdeph Young, aged do hje.late residence. Ash street, below atreet, on Sunday afteraoon.^at P>LACK REPS ANGLAIS, 374 cents. 44 oeafs. : -=« liwywth Mer Jnoee, 87X oente. .Blaefc fuMh Caafcmere*. so oeate. • week Striped Va levelur, 35 cant*... . i^TpieepajßmokYalenoiae, 8 eenfc*. • aTO-W* Week Neapolitan!, 18% oect*. > * Black Fart watt**. 38 cepf. <-‘NUek AlpaeM, It® cents. , / Mourning Store, , ntt - , . • Wo. >l9 Cbeetnnt etreefc A NNOtftfOUMENTTO the ladies. x9l nxscodSTfor cabhs percent. Orittgaert tmbunur at oar Retail pouter* will allowed the iam deduction as Store keeper* • - ggn|T^QOßa^l45 J3H A WL- feo X *&c. - CWrlauwaTPud to cmr Eitabllihment wul be am* a9r'j«Ml9;-Ivtbo rndueement* we offer in price, va wrt^atjr,.a«i4u*pg :umnthh h ’tBT PreeaidgOoda centby-jaatlor Jtepreee, - ■-i- 1 ; • • - JPKOPIE’I LITER ART INSTITUTE, t i l -. Lv,j| «, OEaSS williectnro atCONOB RT UaJU.TTUMfOAV RyBIIINd, November.lT* .Bab* NC-^ 1 niandbis Worn.” Lecture, gairter belore itff.ytrtf. TiofcetaßoenU. nodt-St* imMP RJSIIgR LPTHmWiIMTER. 11-Jb H, UUCK v nbach ChttrobToHRISTrAN Street, vJBSwSk, to-morrow, at aKP, m. n* rvao jLSUIfDER PRESBYTERIAN Nineteenth, and Gjreen«—Preaching tbePutor. Sabbath- BSrpagEtegSfflL<egTßftatf* tew g^ trap, chckck ov the covenant. Cm. llg ;eert Hail qbeatnst, Twelfth etreat. Bar* whm«WBRY IUNpAY. at lutt A. M., ana 7X P- M., toFse»ffv B.T.NOAKEB, Keotor, It* /tf»RjRY.S.H.GIESY WILL PREACH liwwt Chorph *#i evening eemce at JUoe-etreet Toe eo*fr*iatfon* will vorshi^to- 'IKITCAI.ISM.4-THOMASaAX.jKS KHRoll! IMtars st»ANIOM-ST. HSU., ,Y,»tIMA Mj»nd7«P.M. ASoiltuu /anHrvill civ* bl»clo*a» Isetnre, »t th» asm* Aatardft* •vniof, ItecsmMr 1. AdmitlsnM 'raonitt - ••• ■ Jtl. WAtKKR j AtK# o» WILL, H. Bio* Vina, THdWKSOIVING ;n( o'clock. • . ; , „ IT-I»«<enu. Btj, M obtained at oeoeg# an« Vine,endJoupli snai Vin, '^ig^ )T9> |WK9IIfMRO-THK SIXTH AND tll> cjpriCdißK LMtBMof JUr. B. F. BARtfe/TTS ffßalf IhUm MMBtiid Bfttiir* ud quality oifTt%v«n, "iKllltßK'rt wt' 1 ereaah in the iuh pleee In the »««» tBocia ° lt - All l ° t » ,M “ <l "s*■ »•> iMIUIttHHU BIBI>B SOCIETV - lßgß»aß™^OSHtea«W ■XKv: wmsSßßroeJ.Hev.eherfee P.Krauth, OT!S»«OTwrtP»n Uk»nu*''on behalf of tfce Bible T Chairmen. , Committa** wifi be ' «npi«t*<l for the oomtaff yw j aa iatareatißg ratatina |g* 6 - ‘ ‘ '«g ? ofTthe union bans. aeoond Motion of the sot 01' Mafci3iiflßMM* of thia Cmnmoßweftltt, approved ESSBT'ttVmMf'/' A. D. 1857*, "‘ls:™ « t*!*j «worn.ii«K»e ud nrft« WLdtwjfiJgt rrs=» To iECMKi COMMIXTKES.-AB IT Benevolent«.,lhat bfwlliMMjjt th«ir invita tions if addressed to * » PARK BKbJaMINi uons. u SEVENTEENTH Street, n023-lmd&W New York City, LECTURES IN AID OP THE CHURCH lUte, ST. MATTHIAS. „ , a Course of Six Mature# will be delivered at CON CERT HALL, in aid of the above Churoh, by the fol- R&it Rev. John Willienu. D. D., Bfihonof Conneegont. *ubJeot-“ Edmnml Darke.” - jDeoemberllthi Rieht Rev. ThomM M. Cle'h. D. D., Ruhop.of Rhode Itlend. BobJeet— ■< The Livins Ma chine?* - , ! - Reoember 18th. Rev. A.N. Littlejohn, D. D., Brook lyn. L. 1.. BohJegt—J _fnbl)o Opinion.'’ JennetT Sth. Rev P. D. Hnntineton, 1). D.. Boston. l£S?h*!?nl» lß4 ***ndenee of Character, the True JMoerr Uth. Rev. Frenbie Vinton, D D., Kerr York. Bnhieot—“ Itsiv end Rente.” January —, Hot a. Cleveland Coxe, D. 8., Baltimore, Tiohbts •l.dO for the Couree, to be hedet the Store* £is?J“ r, \ Bur <» * Bier, 911 Cheetnnt etfeet; Bpieoo- Beporitory, 1994 Che.tnnt streot: Banmef Heeerd, 'jr.'rvlCbeatnat street: smith, Bnalish,* Comwny, 40 Worth,Sixthatreeti-Blair A Wythe.eonthwest oor ner . i.hth and Welnnl streets. nolQ-tnthAe tdel |TS“ OFFICE PENrtI.YL.VANI A RAIL UPROAR . _ tel Stock of the Company, e leer of State tax, payable on anaafUr NOVEMBER M.IBS). • . Powers of Attorney (or collection or Dividends can ' 0018-ldel , . ■ Treasurer. ARRIVALS. AT THE PRINCIPAL HOTELS, UP TO 12 O’GLOOX LAST RIGHT. CONTINENTAL HOTEL—Ninth and Chestnut street*. Gee C Bringhurst, 8t Louis I) J Morrell* Johna>own Wb O Bokee, La -, G M Adam*, Kentuoky G £ Adam*, Jr, Kentucky ». B Saga Prattsvilie, N V J 0 Saxe ft la. New York R K Lytle, Ohio % J Landon, Rutland R T Aldrich, Rut’and J L Landon, Rutland Mrs M Chilton , Newnun Week*. Rutland Kdw M Binn, New York W Dibble, New York Jo* Sneder ft la. Brooklyn Edw Harris. New Jersey B Henriques. New V ork J M Turpin ft U. Georgia W 8 Henderson, New York C H Apefeton ft la. Boslon WO Hannah, La Porte u R Collin* ft la* U 8 Army L Prnke.Jr, New York 0 Harding, Boston G If Joeeph ft la, N York V. Brooks, 9 ennsylvama W A Turpin. Jr. Georgi a E 8 Boateber, Pennsylvania U B Watson, New Jersey PC Dairy. New Y*rk -F D Moulton ft la,N York w Morrow, New York WL Ward, i-aooaster J 81agg. New York A Caldwell, Columbia JolmWileoo, Wiltn,Del E M Oorlits. New York D »rawer, Mitford, Mas* . J C Dalton. New York T W Bhasnon, Boston Hon Tho* Corwin, onto W Peterson, New Jersey J W Hayward. New Jersey Win Corlita. Prov, RI Smith, Priv, R £ O Paulson, New York 8 H Pool. New York J B Niohols. Maryland H B Hubbard ft wf, N Y Dr T W Martin/Maryland Dr D Hall ft la, Del „ r m 8 Gregory ft la. Jersey 0 n 8 Gregory, Jr, ft 1%.N J W Gregory ft la.JeneyCity J E Gregory ft la, H / Miss Gregory. Jersey City niss Catlin, Jersey City Jae W i> ray ton, Jersey City G w Gregory, Jersey City C Manrey, Wash. D C BeW Gregory, Wash, D 0 J R Ci lio. Troy ’ W G Grimshaw. Va. - D H Reidenour. Va a Banks ft wf, Baltimore Alias A Banks, Baltimore Min M Banks, Baltimore Tboi RDowny, Baltimore. W FGoodwin, Baltimore G Brenen, Baltimore Cha* MoFaddsn, Pa GIRARD KOUBE-N. E. comer Ninth and Chestnut Wl. Gray. Baltimore Mrs Gray, Baltimore _ U J ibbotson. New York Thos J White ft wf, N Y Miss Thompson. N York Mr Mason ft ia, Troy HonJMKunkel, Aid Dr L Q. Rawson, Ohio Mus Simpson, New York w j Davis ft la, N York HW 8 Thicker ft wf, Md M Jameson. New York W Coneyer, **ew York J Harvey ft la. Brooklyn D J Knight* New Jersey Jae L Hutton ft wf* Bait H L Phillips. New York Thos. Robinson, Delaware Jas Carson, Miohigan DC‘Norton ftwf, Md T 0 Chittenden ft wf, N Y Miss Well*. Now York W H Brown, Harrisburg G D Christopher, N.York Win K Rookafellow, N Y CH Adams, St Louis «i T Webster ft wf, Conn N a Foster. Miohigan Mrs Foster, Miohigan BAmall, Indiana n Ch&sChuily. New York # Jaa Worthington. Buffalo Miss Fowler* Buffalo D White. Vermont A Bnodden, Georgia Wm Walter*. Delaware H ►till . _ , , W.B Smith. New York J Wallace/Penua ' ■ AH.Btewartftla. Penna 8 Bmolair, New York H White, New York Mr Walker ft ia, Albany WSL Edwards, New York It Eatle, New York A B Kent ft la. New York A J Faust* Virginia Mrs M E Baconft son,Va H K Parson*. Harnibarg W H Wright, Cincinnati E Hail* New York . JBRusaeuft wf.NYork C hmitn, Conneotinut Geo nhaw. England , F C Beuley, New York Mias Beuley* New York J Davidson ft la, Penna H Ferry, New Jersey B Hillard, Ohio Mrs Conrad, Bridgeport M.‘iosr«u. Z?BBtklXBum BT. LOCI 6 HOTEL—Chestnut street, above Third. M Herbert, New York B W Hendereoa, Penna H- Wadies, Cheater co J £ Bimpeon, Marylaodv John Hooper, rhila ■ A fioadone, New York J G Hartley, New York Jas T Baxter, Boston SC Benson, Riohmotd, Va V Cowles, Cleveland, 0 ' r Aokerman, Boston M Fassm. New York John Broam&n* New Jersey J 8 Harper, Penna *”Felt<«, New Jersey F Lewis, New Jersey W Jongs, Maryland MKRCH ANTS’ HOTEL-Foarth street, below Arob. R K Campbell, Greene co E G fitiles, Chicsgo F J Allwin ft la, Del . G DeWitt, New Jersey , J E Day, Allegheny oity MastH Paoker, M Chunk R bond . Lexington, Kr MreO B Hillard, Pa Mrs Roller. Wmibnrg. Pa J N Kline, PottsviUe TN Chapman, Seneca Fails J J Fay* WilUamsburg S£B A W Coleman, Bpringfld, 11 M Barry, Lancaster THE UNION-Aroh street* above Third. CWBood.MD. Phila L Douglass,New York, Mia* C Holcomb, N Jerssy j B I'hnmpson ft la, N J Miss M. C Thompson; N J Mrs M L Carpenter, N J B Diokinson, Delaware, 0 J Wiest, Schuylkill 00, Fa HC Bower, Bloomsbury. GMeuir* Berlin T J Oliver, Indiana ; J C Hillman, Chicago D Fletcher, Pennsylvania W A Sharp, New Jersey W p Thomas, Detawate JONES* HOTEL—Chestnut street, above Sixth. W Draper, Philadelphia J TToland, Cincinnati, 0 K 8 Esherman, New York J B Esherman* New York John BMason/Mass' Robt P Woods, Maryland W B Rider/ Providence, RI H H Burnngton. Prov, RI GeoFroettChioago . Wm Campbell, Chioago J George, Canada Joseph Blunt, Connecticut m Cramer, Maryland H Wilks, Maryland. Ambrose Green, New York D W Moore, New Jersey Chaeßiring,Trenton, N J .MS McCoy, Baltimore J Kastman, Newark ' W Rhoads. Baltimore J W Hall, NrrYork , John Green, New ¥o?k W R Nenhs* California* Alta* L B Barrett, Cin, 0 AMERICAN HOTEL-Chestnnt at,, above Fifth. WL Dupear ■ J M Myers, Boeton vv i Leireßring, Manch Chunk J H'Bprinser, N Carolina JSi FrlekTrennsylVinTa ‘ M Miller. Virginia v „. jes J Hall; Viritiua ■ ' Thoe H Roberuon, Illinois B A viler, Lebanon A C Oortnght K B Leisennug, PKilada M G Landis, Hainmonton TFareons, California WM foribner, New York J H Jorcan; New York B W Field, New York CLumeden, Bichmond, Va BARLEY BHBAF—flacond street, below Vine. AEStrafe.Muoey,Pc (WASmith, Williamspjrt Robert Beans, Backseo l 6 Hill. Naw Jersey , ShariesDubree, Abingtou Oeo Pickering, Bucks oo •vj Hartley, Centrenlle , J Barnsley, Bewtown Wilton DLafYe.Tajl’sviUe J L Janney, Jr, Newtown John Davis, MiUtovn - E GHashes, Buckingham Wm K Doane, Buckingham Ed Lcrdora, Ncwcown K woolter, Newtown D Biair, Hartinlle . J Smith, Newtown J Vf Hallowell, Hont’gdon Jas Palmer, Middletown' K Baker, Chester co D MoNan, Bocks oo ABnydar, Backs co,, Alex German* Newtown J Fell, Meehamcsville A Clayton, Newtown . i> T Nelson, Books oo T B Smith. Bucks oo • E Campbell, Books oo Jno Hoppock* Buoks oo -J. Bookman, Doylestown J W Bergen, New Jersey •, IS E&s<burn.Lanieka JobnSe&ey, Books co - J Newbold, Bucks cc» Isaac Bookman, Newtown - Jl B SohermsrhormN Hope C HSchermerhorn. Pa Jos Barnsley, Books oo Hw Stackhouse, Bucks co JS Williams, New Hope B Hnlcomb, Books oo' : W Davison, Cheltenham M. Boeder, fiolobury 8 IS Broadnurit, ti’kagliam BLACK BEAR HOTEL—Third it,, above Callowhlll. S A Lewnr, Wilmington, Dal H S Rorer. Olney Jas Tomlinson, tkmthamp'n Jas FUck, Yardieyvilla Mr HoAttend. Northampton Mrs floatland< North™pin Jno Willard, Northampton A Buokman, Pennsylvania S 'J'rumbower, Doylestown H Gibson,Doylestown M Ualdemau, Danboro Benj Tomlinson. Byberry LTomliuoh, Byberry a H Roads, Southampton Chat Roads, Southampton 8* A Naaid, Yardley villa Wm Neald, Jr, Yardleyville F T Beane, Yardley villa John Heistapd, South Car T Boaglaod, Southampton Frank Hoagtand. Bouthmp’n J Vauatudolen, Feasterv A Lukins, Backs oo 0 Hoads, Bomdrton NATIONAL BOTEL-Race street, above Third. AOnuh. Pennsylvania GeoD Jaokson.Pa e B Bturdevant, Si Paul Joel Fink, Ft omixville P B Hf gin*. Heeding Moses Speoht, Beavert’wn FH Bunnell, Williamsport P £ Nolan, Williamsport il W Rank, Lebanon < COMMERCIAL HOTKL-Bixth at., above Chestnut Baml White, New York Jas Scott & la, Pa T H Peiroe, Pennsylvania T Darlington, Chester oo John Gilfitlan. Chester oo A Lyons, Port Deposit N P Brower « wf, Pa J Naylor, Phcenixville BTAT£& UNlON—Market* stToex, above Sixth. VS Gray, West Chester J Gar jxus. Somerset 0023| R Hoskins, Somerset oo B Kuhns, York 00, B B HsoktCCameron co„ N K Gilds, Mt Blaijkvilte (l Mather, Cameron oo,’ Pa H B Shelters. Reading iJboeJi Auoker' Dr H U Johnson, Boyert’n 0 0 Tollman. Hiiladelphio J W Hughes, Maryland A John, Wnghtsville J Kennedy, Peaoh Bottom Jas Barnett, reach Bottom FOUNTAIN HOTEL-Second street, above Market. K A Ely, New Jersey J Davis, Jr, Delaware Jos B Archer, Camden P Mill KL Todd, fit George, Dei % MT. VERNON H.OTEL—Second street, above Arch. Mrs J CVanoleve,Bucks co Chss Christman, Fa John Reed, Lanoaster . Benj Doan, Buoksoo Col S Jones, Philadelphia MERCHANTS’ HOUBK-Thirdsb, above Callowhill, W F Woile, Allentown Miss Patterson. Fa B B Bowprs, Bchuylk Haven 0 8 Martin. Altoona, Fa R L Jennings, Altoona, PaE H Williams, Buoks oo H Umstead,Fenniyiyajua BALD EAGLE-Third street, above Callewhiil. Z H Lons; Carbon 00. Pa . Chas Beans. Books oo B Y BheUey.Neb Territory W Beans, Bucks oo Kobtvdbd,Doylestown H J Dreher/Pottsville J 8 Stoughton, Miltpn, Fflk MARINE INTELLIGENCE. SEE FOURTH PAGE. ■ ST TILEOEIPB. (Correspondence of the Press.) ~ - Savannah, Nov S 3. . Arrived, ship Milton and bnr Anderson, from Boston; brig Australia, from Wisoaseet. MEMORANDA. Steamship Kangaroo, Brooks, oieared at New York yesterday ioi 'Liverpool. Steamship Bremen, Wessels, for Bremen, oieared at New York vesterday. Steamship Africa, Shannon, from Liverpool 10th inst, Arrived U New York yesterday inhibit, Uto A r M, pasted Keamehtp Arabia, bound into Liverpool; l4tb, be toaCi tyoTW* 4 a * orew Bleainer * supposed to Skip Annie Kimboif, for Philadelphia, oieared at Li* versool previous to loth Tnst. #■ fusoarora, Dualevy, and Philadelphia. Poole, R>£ PhUadeiihia, were loading at Liverpoolluth last. .S'-u u otandiah, Gardner, Irons • London, arrived a L*\ i S v ,rkjr * <^* T dar. Hxpenenoeda continual suc cession of westerly gates the entire pueag*. yesterday 101 ** Hi ' fom Livcrpool. arrived at N York r,omV&SoS“lt, en ’ 11l ' ir ' for »•* York. ...led Bhlp Wizard Kin,, Cone, for New Yuri, .liled f ro ra Bombay Oct 10. Bark Nimrod, Sinolair, for Philadelphia, sailed from New Bedford Sid n at. Bark C W Pouttney, Sprague, for Montevideo, sailed from Glasgow dihinst. * Bark Houaaa, Cartwright, for Npw York, sailed from Amov Aug 0. ‘ Palermo, Ingham, from Girgenti, arrived at N Hamilton, from Smyrna, arrived at N York yesterday. . r ‘ Brig 1 ride Wind, Johnson, oieared at New York yes tsrdar fqr Oadix. .. Brig Viator, Haskell, sailed from Now Bedford 22d Hist, for Philadelphia. , , a Bchr Austin, Davis, from PlymoutJi for Philadelphia, •sited from Newport 21« t inet. Bohrs a Field, Westgate, from Taunton, and Hosan nah Rose, Burgess, from Dighton lor Philadelphia, passed down Fall Kiver Xhh irut R B Rowlett, Somers, for Boston, oieared at J«0. **d mat. ;Bebr 08* (terptalrs, Somers, for Boston, was adver tised at Wilmington, NO, S2d inst. Bohr Mary Ensabeto, Heed, sailed from Salem 32d in*L for Philadelphia, . • Bohr L A Daaenhower, Milter, hnnn/1, arrived at Sa lem J2d inst. Sohr Aona Smith, Brown, henoe, arrived at Boston S3d inst. - steamer Madgie, Grumley, hence, arrived at N York Ironsidep, Vanderveer, henoe, arrived at N York yesterday. All who desire to obtain a good Photograph or in the beat should not fail to go to RAiMKR S Gallery, SECOND Street, above Green, . ltl_ RIBDMPTION OV PAYMENT.—Penn- Jui' SfiSfS cfoSltNo. PAPERS AMP E.Nr rs^ r » B /iSl3S ,! r.s o l JC >>‘B»-®DOB» zmMipvxa AND FAPEKB, afelhePasev. (htrdAhd Envelope Depot, *oS4-6t* ¥ » tf>tIiS : TOBP*NTINE.-29 bbls. White 'HP RETAIL i)*v GOODS. gPEOIAL AND IMPORTANT NOTICE! In ooneonuenoe ol our WHOLESALE THAI) K hev me been muoh lew then we entioipeteifi we tievein .tore .large SURPLUS STOCK OF FALL AND WINTER MOURNING GOODS. » AND WILD SELL OFF THE SAME AT COST AND LESS THAN COST. The reduction in pnoes will commence on SATURDAY. NOV. 94. And will be continued ONLY until the surplus goods are disposed of. The early attention of our customers and purchasers generally is respectfully invited. BESSON & SON. MOURNING STORE, . no2l-3t KO. 918 CHEBTKUT Street. RADIES’ OLOAKS. AT REDUCED PRICES. I ADIEB’ FURS AT REDUCED PRICES. In view of the present monetary crisis', the subscri bers are induced to offer their Stook of ELEGANT cloaks And furs AT A REDUCTION OF TWENTY-FIVE PER CENT., FOR THE BALANCE OF THE SEASON. J W. PROOTOR & 00.. THE PARIS MANTILLA, OLOAK, ASD FUR EMPORIUM. noa-tf TOB CHESTNUT STREET. PEREMPTORY SALE. OVA LARGE AND VALUABLE STOCK - , or STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS. L. J. LEVY & 00. Have determined to clone out their ENTIRE STOOK AT RETAIL, WITHIN THS NEXT THIRTY DAY*. The prioes will be marked with a view to SELL THE STOCK. The opportunity will be offered to the publto and their customers to purohase at a VERY LaRGE REDUCTION FROM THE FOREIGN COST. The interests of the present partners have to be olosed within the time named, and the stook entirely sold out. n022-3t E. & L. FOURTH AND ARCH. PLACE FOR SHAWLS, PLACE FOR CLOAKS, PLACE FOR SILKS, PLACE FOR MERINOES, PLACE FOR POPLINS, PLACE FOR PE LAINES, PLACE FOR BLANKETS, PLACE FOR CLOTHS, PLACE FOE NAPKINS, PLACE FOR SHEETINGS, PLACE FOR PIANO COVERS, PLACE FOR EVERYTHING. <x£9-mw. tf VEW OLOAK ROOM CONTAINS Klegant Cloth Cloiks, * Every new style Coat and Cloak. Woollen, Broohe, and Bteok Thibet Shawls, COD PER A CONARD, tio24 Southeast corner NINIH ard MARKET. Lakge blankets. Bed, Crib, and Cradle Blankets. Marseilles and Dimitv Quilta Fine Table Linens, Napkin;, and Towels, „ COOPER A CONARD, no« Boutncaat corner NINTH and MARKET, MERINOES, DELAINES, PJPLIN9. Fine stock Black Dress Goods. Some dress goods very much reduced. Printed Cashmeres, yani wide, 31 and 37 cents. . . COOPKR A OONaKD. n 024 Southeast oorner NINTH and MARKET. fUOTHB, OASBIMERBB, AND SATI* V/ NETS. Heavy and light-weight Beaver Cloths.! 1 ricoti, Frosted Beavers, Flam Broadoloths. Fancy and Dlaok Cossimeres COOPER A CONARD, n 024 Southeast comer NINTH and MARKET. IVEW OLOAK EMPO iI RIUM. CHARLES, APA.MS A SON have now arranged their Fall and Winter Stook of „„ „ , FASHIONABLE CLOTH CLOAKS. Of all the latest styles, ip great variety, from {M to 938 each.. Purchasers are invited to examine this assort ment before purchasing elsewhere. Cloaks made to order at one day's notice. Also, the >est sesortmentof Ladies’ and. Misses* Blanket flhawl* in Philadelphia, Gents’ Mauds, Fancy Neok Ties, „ . Just from the Manufactory. The handsomest variety New Style Shirt Bosoms ever offered m this market, comprising Prmoe of Wales, Imperial, Excelsior, io., &0., some containing 300 pleats. ocS7- tullis if EIGHTH AND ARCH STREETS. I INDER-GAEMENTB FOB LADIES U AND GENTS. Double-breasted Shirts. Extra large Merino Shirts. Merino and Cotton. Drawers. Silk Shirts and Drawers, Ladies’ Merino Vecs. Ladies* Silk and Cotton Vests. Welsh and Nwanskln Flannels, Fall Brook Winter Hosiery. _ EYHK A LANDKLL, FOURTH and ARCH, 0030-tutbAstf EXCHANGE ON NEW YORK, ANp OOED. EXCHANOB ON NEW YORK, and GOLD, bonellf and sold by DREXEL & GO.) n023-lm 34 South THIRD Street gHOTWELL'S SWEET CIDER, MADE FOR OUR SALES. The first invoioe of this CELEBRATED CIDER Just reoeiyeg. ALBERT O. ROBERTS. BEALKR IN PtNE GROCERIES. - ocJl-tf Corner ELEVENTH and VlNEStieeis, qpiIOMAH THOMPSON. SON. & 00.. IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS OF CABINET-MAKERS’ MATERIALS, 338 SOUTH BECOND STREET. W Brocatells, Flushes, Reps, Damasks, dnd every description of and Qo,ods. seU-Sm pAMILY FLOUR, MADE FROM CHOICE WHITE WHEAT, C. H. MATTSON, S, W. aor, AHga and TENTH .treats. SPARKLING AND BTILL CATAWBA MANSVACTSaSD By J. eshelby, Olnoiimatl.Ohie, Alwmr. on tend, and In lota to suit paronaaon, b, CHARLEA F* TAGGART, Sola Aleut, Jrß No, 631 MARKET Htre.t. TAR ANP ROSIN.—SO bbls. Wilmitig ton'Tar, layice size; 160 bbls, strained Rosin, ionm, W JJ g B HANBOM'SI CfO. THE PRESS.—PHILADELPttIA, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 24, 1860. Lord essays. i (RIVERSIDE EDITION.) SHELDON & COMPANY. Publishers, 11« NASSAU Street, foewYork, Will publish November 24th An entirely new and-ojesant edition of the Critioal, Historical, and Miscellaneous Essays of the Right Hon. Thomas Babinoton Macaulay. , With an Introduction and Biographioal Sketohof the author. By K. P. Whipplk, Esq., of Boston. And containing.a New Steel Plate Likeness of Macau lay,from a Photograph by Olaudet. Six volumes Crown-Octavo. PRICE PER SET i On tinted p»per, olotlr s9 00 Fine white, do do - *J® Sheep binding, white paper.-—*. 12 00 In half calf, or half Turkey, tinted paper.... 16 00 The want of a complete, elegant, and aoourate edi tion of Lord ftlacau'ay’fl'miscellaneous writings, con taining all the author’s later oorreottons, is universally acknowledged. All the Amerioan editions heretofore published nave been printed from the earlier English editions, which were materially ohanged by Maoaulay before his death. He expressed himself as not satisfied with any Amerioan edition of his work. Volume Third of the FLORENCE STORiES: By Jacob Abbott. Author of “ The Hollo Books,” Histones, fto. 1 vol. Iomo. . , „ „ With seven illustrations, from designs by H. W. Her* riok. Prioe 00 cents. CLAIBORNE. (Vol. 9 of the Oakland Stories.) By Geo B. Taylor. With illustrations after designs by H. W» Hernok. 2 vol. ISmo, prtoe£o cents. LOVE ANDPENALTY; or. Eternal Punishment Consistent with the Fatherhood of God. By J. P. Thompson, D.D., Pastor of the Broadway TabernAole. I vol. 16mo, prioe 76 cents. HINTS ON THE FOR MAT H) N OF RELIGIOUS Addressed Especially to Young Men and Women of Christian Eduostion. by Ray Palmer, D. i>.. Pastor of the First Congrogetional Clniroh, Albany. 1 vol. 12mo, price 8t- THE ANNOTATEd"pARAGRAPH BIBLE. Tho New Testament. Completing the work. 1 vol. Bvo, olo'h, 81 CO • The same, 1 vol 6vo, sheep, 8S The Bible complete. Cloth, 84.80. “ •* 1 vol. Bvo, sheep. $6 M '* “ l vol.Svo, moroooo, 88. , HIBTORY OF LAtTn CHRISTIANITY. By Henry Hart Mdman, li.D. 8 vols. crown Bvo. Price 81 SO each. Vol. 1 now Teady. Vol. 2 will be ready this week. The remaining volumes will be published on the first of eaoh month THE LIFE OF GEORGE WASHINGTON By Edward Everett, LL D. Urao, prioe 81. LIFE AND LETTERS «F EMILY C. JUDSON. * (Fanny Forrester.) By A. C Kendrick, D.D. Price BLSS. FORTY YEARB* EXPERIENCE IN SUNDAY &GHOOLB. Fy Stephen H. Tyng. D D.. Rector of Bt. George's Church. New York. One neat lsmo vol., prioe 90 cents. n 024 d2tfc Wit IVE W WORKS AND NEW EDITIONS. 11 THEOLOGICAL AND RELIGIOUS. Published by . LINDSAY ft BLAKISTON, J'ob’ishers, Kooksollers/nud importers, ‘JO South SIXTH Street, above Chestnut. HERZOG’S ENCYCLOPEDIA ot Theological and Religious History. 2 vols., octavo. Price 83 eaoh. Do. _ do. In 12 parts. Prioe 90 cents eaoh. KURTZ'S TRXT BOOK OF CHURCH HISTORY. 1 vol. Price 81.60 ' KURTZ’S MANUAL OF SACRED HISTORY. Se venth Edition. THE BK4UTIFUL CITY AND THE KING OF GLORV. By the Hon. Woodbury Davis, lvol IBHMAEL AND THE CHURCH; or, The Rise, Progress, and Fall of Mohammedanism. By Lewis Cheesemsn. D. D. Price 75 oents. THE FIVK SENSES; or. Gateways to Knowledge. By George Wilson, M. D. Price 90 oents. no2< TWO CAPITAL NOVELS. tSB? READY TO-DAY: An Italian Novel, bv tha Author of ‘•DOCTOR ANTONIO » fto. (Printed from the Author’s odvanco sheets.) One largo J2mo. Cloth bound. Prioe $1.25. * THE d^COND A UaLzaO NOVEL, PETTY ANNOYANCES ov MARRIED LIFE. A Novel. By de Balzac. Translated fram the Frenoh, by Wight and Goodrich. One 12mo volume. Cloth bound. Price 81. *+* Either of theso books will be sent by mail, post age free, on receipt of nrioo, by „ RUDD ft OARLETON. Publishers. r.o2t awtf NEW YORK. JANE FAIRFIELD!!! OF JANE FAIRFIELD. SUMNER LINCOLN FAIRFIELD. With r Steel Portrait, engraved by SARTAIN. Hand tome), bound m one re)., Umb. sis ,aget. BAZIN & ELLSWORTH. A SENSATION BOOK.—Mrs. Sumner Linooln Fair field has completed the manuscript of iter Memoirs, and it is now ready for publioaiion. We understand, from competent judges who have read it, that it will form one of the most remarkable and reoherobe vo lumes ever printed in the United States. Mrs Fair field's history hoe been a marvolou«ly eventful one. A lady of great pergonal attractions and hikh mental no comphflhmeals, she commenced the journey of life under the happiest auspices; hut clouds and shadows soon darkened her path, and she has been called upon to exercise an energy oi will and a oontest with adver sity whiob, in other forms and applications. would have Siren her renown equal to that achieved by many of so greatest heroes of the age. Her correspondence embraces letters from a large number of the most emi nent men—philosophers, statesmen, authors, ito., &o.— m Europe and America, while her journal is given in that Uveiy aud piquant style of narrative which a spi rited and clever woman understands how to nse so charmingly. Her duties having called her all over the country, her aoquamtanoe is large and in l imate in every Sjate, and, of consequence her pages will pos sess an interest as wide as the nation. [From the New York Herald.] Mrs. Sumner Linooln Fairfield, widow.of the cele brated poet, has prepared for the press autobi ography, which, we prodiot, when published, will pro duce a most extraordinary seceation. a. O. EV ANh 5 GIFT BOOK ESTABLISHMENT, Two doors belpw Fifth, on the upper side. no2M4-S6-St * * v * YOLS. PORTRAITS. A few only of the 4th series containing 26 portraits engraved on steel and published in advance, with auto graph signatures, may now be had % and the London 1 IW4JBTR4TEP NEWS OF THE WORLD, WMI be sppt to apy add rees for 2$ week* '• UltfF FOR SIX DOLLARS ysilll The Ist, 2d, and 3d series beautifully bound, and eon- 1 taming 40 steel portraits and memoirs m eaoh,may still be had for 87-FIVE DOLLARS FIFTY CENTS EACH.*’©* The cheapest collection of steel plate engravings in the world. American Agents: Cs?* HENRY A. BROWN A CO.,“^» 14 Hanover street (up stairs) near Couft street, Where may also be found an unequalled assortment of the very best English ENGRAVINGS, CHROMOS, OIL FRINTS, '* , Water Colored Prints. Imitation Oils. Mounted Litho graphs, Embossed on Velvet ditto. Ovals, Line, Stip ple, and Mezxotint Engravings, and other goods, INOLUDINO AN ASSOItTMBNT OV OVHR | \\ \ l goo 000 ENGRAVINGS I! 1 1 of every size and variety, bound or in nhnets, and on large paper for framing—all of whioh, as direct Agenti and importers , we offer for sale, at or below the PUBLISHERS’ LOWEBT CASH PRICES. &r The Elegant Full PRINCE OF WALES PORTRAIT may still be had, prioe 15 cents; or any of the 140'por-: traits already published, may be had. with memoir and •‘lllustrated News of the 'Vorld.” price 15 cents each. Terms for this English Journal, $2 per quarter, in obidlug 13 portraits. IJ. A* RROWN & GO.. nojS-tps-tf 14 HANOVER BTRBET, BOSTON, TAOTIOS. PUBLISHED BY ORDER OP THE WAR DEPARTMENT. INSTRUCTION FIELD A r’t ILI-ERY. Prepared by & Board of Artillery Officers. Ivol. 12mo. 82 00. War Dbpahtmknt. Maroh 6. 1880. The *ystem of instruction for field Aitillery, pre pared by a Board of Light Artillery Officers, pursuant to orders irora this Department, having been approved by the Frendont, is herewith published for the informa tion and government of the Army. all exerolses, manoeuvres, and forms of parade, not embrnoed in this system, are prohibited in the Light Artillery, and those heroin presonbed will be strictly observed. John B. Ftoyn, " "• foorotary of war. „„ lIA KOBE'S TACTICS. .Rifie and Light Infantry Taotios, for the oxorcise and manmavres of troops when aotlng as light infantry or rifieihen. Prepared under the dirootion of the War Department. By Bfevet'Lieutenaut OoloneY W* J, Harukb. United ttates Army, in two vote. Vof. I.i- Kohools of. the Soldier and Company ; Jnstruotions for Skirmishers. Vol. jl.—School of the Batta lion - .8150, , CAVAIRY^ACTICS. Published by order of the War Department. Firat Fart.—Bohoolof the Trooper; of the Platoon and of theScuadron,Dismounted. Second Fart.—fiobool ol the Trooper; of the Platoon and of the Squadron. Mounted. Two vole. JBtno.- MtOT’ELLAN’B BAYONET EXEBCISPS. Manual ot Bayonet Exorcise: Prepared for the usa of tbe Army of the -United States, Br Geobog B, McClellan. Captain First Regiment Cavalry, U. S. A. Printed by order of the War Department. One voi, Bvo,. ..^....81,25, J. B. UPPINCOTT t Ott, noNI-tutlu-St 32 and 24 North FOURTH Street. TOST PUBLISHED—THE BOOK OP v THK SIGNERS t Contnintns Fao-Simila tattai. of tha Signer, of the Declaration of Independence, ll luetrat.d with .Ktr-on« ontravingß, from original pho tographs and drawings of their residences portrnito, *o. Quarto, 48. Large Paper Copy, India Proofs, 3is, A Book that no American should he without, and a desi deratum in aver, library. BROTHKRHF!AI^, publisher, and Importer of Pld Boojcs, Autographs, and '■' ’ ‘ 3JB Sontl) EIffRTH Street. NEW PUBLICATIONS. LATELY PUBLISHED.’ THE ORKNEY ISLANDS. RUFFiNI’fI NEW WORK, IiiVIIUA Uniform with “ Cesar Birotteau.” NOW BEADY, THE AUTOBIOGRAPHY EMBRACING A FEW BELEOT POEMS, .ONE DOLLAR. PUBLISHERS, NO. 1 CORNHILL, BOSTON. {From the Boston Post.] FOR BALE AT Np. 439 CHESTNUT BTREET, PHILADELPHIA, NEW PUBLICATIONS. fji he COMING HOLIDAY SEASON. SAMUEL HAZ ARD, JR, VH CHIiSTNU£ STREET, Respootfully Inforttis BOOK BUYERS'" Generally, that ho is now prepared to meet the demands of those persons detirous of making purchases of BOOKS FOR CHRISTMAS GIFTS He haa made preparations thus early in the season in order to afford his customors ample time to examine at their leisure, his LAROF, AND WELL-ASSORTED STOCK OF STANDARD, ILLUSTRATED, GIfT AND MIS CELLANEOUS BOOKS . His assortment of BIBLES, PRAYER BOOKS, and CHUHCH BERVIOES, comprises the most beautiful editions published in England and America, of every size and of every conceivable stylo of binding. OF ILLUSTRATED WORKB, There is this season, an unusually large number pub lished, some of which exoel in taste and beauty of their getting up anything heretofore published. OF JUVjENILE AND PICTURE BOOKS The assortment is unsurpassed, comprising a'l the piot tieot and most attractive JUVENILES, ENGLISH AND AMERICAN. Persons can make their selections now, at their leisure, have the paokagos done up, marked, and sent home any time befoie Christmas. nal9-ttuths3 rjnm TRIBUNE EOR 1801, PROSPECTUS. The XXth Volume of tho WEEKLY TRIBUNE commenced with the issue of September 1. During the post year Tub Tribune lias been oblired to dovote quite a large proportion of its sp&oe to Polit'os, but we shall soon be able to forego Fohtioal discussion almost entirely, for months if not for years, and devote nearly all. our oolumtft to subjects of less intense, but more abiding interest. Among those, we mean to pay espo oial attention tg, . I. Education,—The wnole subject of Education, both Popular and General, will be discussed in our oolumns throughout the year 1891, and we hope to elicit in that discussion some of the profouudest thtnkers and the abloet instructors m our country. It is at onoe our hope and our resolve that tho cause of Education shall re. oeive un impetus from the exertions of Tub Tribune Jn its behalf during tho year 1881. It. Agriculture.—^We have been compelled to re strict our elucidations of this great interest throughout 1860, and shall ondoavur to atone therefor in 1801, Whatever discovery, deduction, demonstration, is oal oulated to render the roward of labor devoted to culti vation more ample or more certain, shall receive prompt and full attention. » 111. Manupactuuk*, fto.—Wo hail every invention American Capital and Labor are attracted to and advantageously employed m any do partmontof Manufauturing or Moohanical Industry as a real contribution to the Publio Weal, insuring ampler, steadier, more convenient, more remunerating mar kets to tho Farmer, with fuller employment and better wages to tho Laborer. The progress of Mining, Iron making, Stool-making, Cloth weaving, fto., fto., in our country and the world, shall bo watohrd and re ported by us with an earnest and activo sympathy. IV. Foreign Affairs,—Wo employ' tho best cor respondent* m London, Pans, Turin, Berlin, and other European Capitals, to transmit uu early and ac curate advices of tho great olmnges there silently but certainly prepating. In spite of the pressure of Domes tic Politics, our News from tho Old World is now varied and ample; but we shall have to render it more perJect during the eventful year just before us, V. Home News.—Wo employ regular paid corres pondents in California, at the Isthmus of Darien, in tho Rooky Mountain Gold Region, and wherever else they seem, requisite. From the more accessible portions of our own oountry we derive our information-mainly from the multifarious correspondents of the Associated Press, from our exchanges, and the oooosional letters of intelligent friends. We aim to print the oheapest general newspaper, with tho fullest and most authentic summary of useful intelligence, that is anywhere afforded. Hoping to “ make oroh day a critio on the last,” ond print a better and better paper from year to year, as our means stq steadily enlarged through the generous co-operation of our many well-wishers, we solicit, and shall labor to deserve, a continuance of pub lio favor. « ro - . TERMS. Daily Tribune (311 issues per annum) SG Semi-Weekly (104 .. .. ) S 3 Weekly (62 .. .. ) $2 TO CLUBS— Semi-Weekly.— Two copies lor 85, Five for $1125, Ten oopies to one address for 820, and any la»ger number at the latter rate, For a clubof Twenty an extra oopy will bo sent. For a club of Forty we send The Daily Tribune gratia one year. Weekly.— Threo copies for 85, Eight oopies for SlO. and any larger numoer at the rato of 8120 each per an num, the paper to be addressed to each subscriber. To olubs of Twenty wo send an extra copy. Twenty copies to one address for 820, with one extra to him who sends us the club. For each club of One Hundred The Daily Tribune will bo sent gratis for one year. W hen drafts can be procured it is muoh safer than to remit Bank Bills. The name ol the Post Office and State should in all cases be plainly written. Payment always in advance. Address, THE TRIBUNE, No. 154 NABBAU STREhT, nol7-3ts-ftWeo3t NEW YORK. TVEW BdllKS FOR SALE BY L, SAMUfeI, HAZARD. Jb„ 724 CHESTNUT Street. GU£«SF.S AT TRUTH. By th. Brother,J&Hli First American, from the filth London edition. This 7 dehghtlul book, for many years so popular in-England, has just been reprinted in this country in the most beautiful stylo ot tinted paper nnd antique binding, with portraitonsteel. One vol. 8160. ,LAKj3 HOUdE.jRy Fanny Lewald. Transited from the German. OfflTvnl. 75 oents. A now novel, the scene of which iklaid in Gormany, giving charming pio tures orGerman life. TBJi RECREATIONS OF A COUNTRY PARSON, or the every-day jottingq ofone whose desire is To have a oot beside the hill; A bee-hive’s hum shall sootho my oar; A willowy brook that .turns a mill, . With many a fall shall linger near. One vo*. 12mn. oloth, tinted papar. >9l 25. HOOD’S WHIMS AND ODDITIES. A new edition, with illustrations. Onevol. 91.25. Mfi'lHOulSM SUCCESSFUL, and the Internal Causes of its Buoc.ena. By Rev. B. F, Teffk, with a Let ter of Introduction by Bishop Janes. One vol. 91.35. SOCIAL WfcLFARK AND HUMAN PROGRESS, or Considerations on some of its Elements and Con ditions. B* C 8. Henry, D. D. Onevol. 91. EDUCATION, Intellectual, Moral, and Physical. By Herbert Sponocr. Ono vol. 91. UNDINE aNI) 81NTKAM. From tho German of the Baronesj Pouque. A new and beautiful edition. 75 cents. THE SONGS OF IRELAND- Edited and annotated by Samuel Lover, author of •* Handy Andy,” &o. One Vol, 9125. ETIQUETTE,and theu'sgcscfSooioty. Containing the moat approved rules for correct deportment in faah lonablo lifo. the etiquotto of lore ainf oourtslup, mar riage. &o. Ac. One vol, cloth 25oents. NEW BOuK.” THE FOUR GEORGES. Sketches ol Manners, Morals, Court and Town Life. By W. M. Thackoioy. Orb voluino, with illustrations, 61. EVAN HARRINGTON; or, He Would be a (leutlo maii. By Georgo Moredith. A new novol in ouo voiume. 91. THE LIFE AND CORRFBI’ONDEKCE OF JOHN A. QUITMAN, Major General U. H. a.,and Governor of the State of Mississippi. By J, F.H. Claibomo. in two voluineg. with portrait. 93. no2Q- P REPARE FOR SABBATH-SCHOOL ANNIVERSARIES. _ Just Out : THE SUNDAY-SCHOOL CELEBRATION BOOK. By Ida and Grape Murray. lBmo. Entirely new, and filled with; Ongiqal andSpioy Reoitations, Ac., 5c0., for Sanday-sohool Anniversaries. „ . Also, New Editions of THE ANNIYERS ARY SPEAKER s Or.Ypunc F piles on thei Bunday-SohooVPlatform. By the Rev- N. Bea ton, of Newark, N. J, Fifth oaition. Sales constantly increasing. THE BUNDA'V lir t|io Kov. John Kennaday, D. D., of Brooklyn, N. Y. Tenth edi tion. Either of the obovo works sent, post-paid, on receipt of 38 cents, which is tho retail prioe. Punhehedby PRRKINPINE & IIIGGINB, noJ7 21,21 No. 00 North FOURTH fit., Philadelphia.^ BOOK BUYBKS.—Gentlemen: I have taken the Basement of the Philadelphia Bank, 419 CHESTN UT Street, where I will continue to buy and sell {as 1 have heretofore done at the Custom house Avehue Bpok-stanqlQia and new Law and Mie oellaneona Books. I have lor sale upwards of 100 old black-letter Books printed prior to the year 1499. Also, a copy or Erasmus on the New Testament, Svols.,4to, printed In 1548. Price 830. I will also deal in Engravings and Autographs. Persons at a aistanoe wishing to sell Books, will describe their names,dates, sizes, bindings, conditions, and pnoes. Pamphlet Laws ol Pennsyl vania, ana old Books upon America wanted. anS-Sro JOHN CAMPBELL. LEGAL. IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF EDWARD BMITH, DECEASED. The Auditor apoomteri to audit. Bottle, and adjust tho ol MATTHEW NEWKIRK, one of tho Exe cutors oi l-award Smith, deceased, and to report distri bution of the ba'anoo, will meet the parties interested at his ofiioe, at the Southeast corner of EIGHTH and LOCUmT Streets, on TUEBDAY AFTERNOON, De cember 4> 1800, at four o’clook. n 023 <s4t PAM’I, DOUGHERTY, Auditor, IN THE DISTRICT COURT FOR THE CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA. GILBERT It. BPALDING. assignee of Charles J. Ro gers va. WILLI AM 1). ROGERS, FI. Fa. September To 1830. No. 533. The Auditor appointed to distribute the fund in Court arising from the BherilPs Buie above writ of fieri facias, will roeottbe parties interested at hia office at tho *outhea*t corner of EIGHTH and LOCUST Streets, on FRIDAY. December 7th, 1839, at lour o’olook in the afternoon, when and where all parties interested aro required to appear ana present their claims or be do- Oldtfd from coming in on this furtd. n 023 lot PAN. DOUGHERTY. Auditor, TN THE VISTRIOT COURT FOR THE A CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA. BUSH HOI) W. KNIGHT vs. ELIZABETH WAR MER. Administratrix to the Estate of James Harmsr, Contrftotor, and Elizabeth Harinor. owner. Levari Fa oiaa. September Term, 18(30. No. 733. HENRY I. BOCKIUS vs. SAME. Levari Faoias. Beplember Term. ISCQ. No. 748. Tho Auditor appointed to report distribution of the fund in Court, arwine from tho Sheriffs sale under the above'yrnlsol t‘A}l that'lot orpiooe of ground, with the throe-stoned bnok building thereon ereoted, situate at the Bouthweßt corner of Eleventh and Barley street, in the oity of Philadelphia, containing in front or breadth on said Eleventh street twenty feet, more or le?s. and extending of that width in length or depth westward along said Barley airoet eiglity-two feet to a twenty feet wide otroet, laid out bv Joaeph Swift, Arc.,” will attffnd to the duties of his appointment on TO KB - the fourth dar of December, at i o'clookP. M„ at his Office. No. 4(14 PRUNE Street, when and where all persons interested are required to present their laims, or be debarred from coming in on s%td fund. no3!-10t P. P. MORRIS, Auditor. jJJQKE LIGHT! THE GAB LAMPB FOR THE MILLION, may be oeen at 2u4 NORTH SECOND Btreet; $30,000 worth are now in use. The Market itfroet, Green and Cpataa, Ridgo rood.and other horie' c&rrare now using them. We alter any filthy Koroseno Lamps into Gas Lamps for gl ; 10,000 Agents wanted to sell them throughout the nited States. The Oas Lamp will light a room twen ty feet square for one cent an hour. DK. O. A. GREENE & CO., No. 204 NORTH SECOND Street, above Race. MAOKEBEL, HERRING, SHAD, SAL- LvA MON, &0.-~3,000 bbls Mess Nos. 1,9, and 8 Maolc otcl. large, mt-diuDi.and small, in assorted packages of choice late-oaught fat fish. 5.000 bbls. New Ilalif.x, Euitgort, and Labrador Hor nnga. of choice qualities. 6,000 boxes oxtr i new soaled Herrings. 3,000 boxes ext nrowNo.l Herrings. 8,000 boxes largo Mngdt&ine Herrings. 250 bids. Mackmoo White Fish. W bids, now Economy Mess Shad. 25 bbls. now Halifax Salmon. 1,000 Quintals Grand Bank Codfish. 300 boxes Herkimer-county Cheese. In ntoi o and landing, lor saie by ‘ royKPHY & KOONB, nos No. 14fiT NORTH WHARVES, 'DEFINED SUGARS—O. DONOGHUE, AA as South WATER Street, offers for sale, at re duced cash prices.s.ooopackages Stesmßofined Bugnrs and Syrups. Solvent bank notes ol Pennsylvania, Now Jorsoy, and Delaware taken at par. n023-2i* DRIGIIT VARNISH.—2S bbls. No. 1 AA Bnglit Varnish in Spirits Turpentine packages. For sale br ROWLEY, aSHBURNER, A CO., Wo. 1© fiontb Wharves. no2i BAY RUM-r-For sale by WETHERILL & BROTHER, Noa. 47 and 4Q North SECOND ?t. ' ' 1 now- GENTS’ FURBISHING GOODS. E. & F. ESHLEMAN & FLETCHER H?8OO«£0 .Means NUMBER EIGHT HUNDRED. S. IV. C. E. & C. Means SOUTHWEST CORNER EIGHTH and CHESTNUT. LINKS TO Z. k L. Means Some men originate. While other* imitate, ALTOGETHER. Means THE NEW CRAVAT AND GENTLEMENS FURNISHING STORE. NOW OPEN. With a stook comprising alt the Latest Styles and Manufactures. THE BEST ASSORTMENT IN THE CITY. CRAVATS, - SHIRTS. 80ARFS, HANDKERCHIEFS. TIES, • . GLOVES. COLLARS, MEN’S HOSE, HOSIERY, BOYS' GLOVES, UNDEHBHIRTS, BOYS’ HOSE, DRAWERS, POCKET HDKFS, MUFFLERS. • (Linen and Silk.) Vt* Shirts made to order, 6 FOR $9 AND UPWARDS. THE MYSTIC LETTERS & F. E. & L. C. & o EXPLAINED. Eshleman ■ £ Fletcher Elegant % Latest. ' Collars 4' Cravats. ELEGANT AND LATEST ELEGANT AND LATEST ELEGANT AND LATEST COLLARS AND CRAVATS. COLLARS AND CRAVATS. COLLARS AND CRAVATS. ON FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 10, “OR ANY OTHER DAY,” SOUTHWEST CORNER OP EIGHTH AND CHESTNUT. NO. 800. PHILADELPHIA. noia-stuth3m JDST RECEIVED 1.000 SCARFS STYX.RR, EUREKA, DORSAY, AND DEJOIN VILLE. CRAVATS AND NECK-TIES IN ENDLESS VARIETY, AT TILE ORIGINAL Gt. P. E. O. CRAVAT STORE, 701 CHESTNUT STREET Men’s Furnishing Goods in every variety. n022-thatti-tf J. ALBERT ESHLEMAN. ijp H E ORIGINAL HI CRAVAT STORE IS STILL AT NO. 701. N. W. CORNER SEVENTH AND CHESTNUT. no»-tl J. ALBERT ESHLEMAN. I fyyHY NOT! WHY NOT! WHY NOT! i SAVE YOUR MONEY. By buying your Furnishing Goods of S^ETSTOEK. No. 839 CHESTNUT STREET. You’ll find it the cheapest plaoo in the oity to get FINE LINEN OR MUSLIN SHIRTS, FINE LINEN COLLARS, UNDERSHIRTS, DRAWERS, TIES, STOCKS, FANCY SILK SCARFS. LINED GLOVES AND GAUNTLETS, DRESSING GOWNS, HDKFS., SUBPENDERB, &c. STRANGERS, AS WELL AS CITIZENS. Are respootfully invited to examine our Stock before making their purohates. Remember the number, 839 CHESTNUT STKEET, Adjoining Girard House, nold-swtjnl Opposite Continental Hotel. DINE SHIRT MANUFACTORY.—Tho A subscriber would invito speolal attention to his IMPROVED CUT OF SHIRTS, known m the most perfeot fitting made. On hand, and made to order at‘ shortest uotioo. WHOLESALE TRADE SUPPLIED, Mao, an.extensive assortment of GENT’S FURNISH-. ING GOODS, of Ins own importation. J. W. SCOTT, „ „ , , 814 CHKSTKUT Street. 0c25 Four doors below the ** ConUneptal Botal.” IVOTIOE TO GENTLEMEN!—The beat J- » assortment of SHIRT BOSOMS ever offered for sale in the oity of Philadelphia, oomprising Prinoe of Wales. Imperial, Abraham Lincoln, Arc., Upright Plaits, Bias Plaits, and Cross Plaits, some containing three hundred plaits. CHARLES ADAMS fc 80N, nolQ-tf EIGHTH and ARCH Streets. FURS. PURS! FURSI GEORGE F- WOMBATH, NOS. 415 AND 41T AJiCII STREET, Hu 1)07 Open A FULL ASSORTMENT 07 LADIES’ FURS, To whioh the attention of the Public is invited. oc3-4m Ladies* fancy fuksj fancy fursi -JOHN FAREIRA, TlB ARCH street, has now in store, of his own importation and manufacture, a very large and beautiful assortment of all the dinerent kinds and qualities of Fancy Furs, for ladies’ ana ohll dren’s wear, selling at manufacturers’prices, n 024 fltr WATCHES, JEWELRY, &c. JAMES E. CALDWELL & CO., BQQ CHESTNUT ST. IMPORT AND MANUFACTURE FINE WATCHES. RICH DIAMOND AND ALL OTHER JEWELRY, MANTEL CLOCKS AND BRONZES, STERLING SILVER-WARE, ENGLISH AND AMERICAN PLATED GOODS, PARIS ARTICLES, FANS, OP£RA T GLABBES, fcc., The principal part of our stock is entirely new at MODERATE FIXED PRICES. Aty Examination will entail no obligation to pur chase. nol-tJal-if FINE WATCHES, of the most ap j6,faf proved makeis; Jewelry of every description, ***** Silver-ware equal to coin; also, Plated-ware of the beat quality, at G. KUSSEI.L’S, oo»-lm 22 North SIXTH Street. J£\ SCARF-PINS, STUDS, and SLEEVE &CM BUTTONB.—A large assortment of Carbuncle, “““Coral, Lava, and iitrusoan Gold Scarf-pins, at _ G. RUdBKLL’S, 0c29-lm 22 North BIXTH Street. MILLINERY. MISSES O’BRYAN, 914 CHESTNUT Ptreet, above Ninth, will open Paris Millinery, for tlio Winter. 6n Thursday. Nov. 8. 1860. n7-lm* BELLS. Only one-tuird the price of Brass and less than hal that of Steel Bells; of equally sonorous and mellow tone. Warranted for twelve months against breakage by fair ringing. For sale at tho SOLE AGENCY in Philadelphia, No 512 COMMERCE Street. .eap-thatufm A. M. F. WATSON. AIR FURNACE. Thone7 Cone Furnace Gas Consumer will thoroughly warm your house, with one-third less ooalthan is re quired by any other furnaoe. Satisfaction in all oases guarantied. Buildings warmed and ventilated by AKNUI.U oc WILSON, acB-etutli3mif 1010 CHESTNUT Street. CLATE MANTELS. —Tbo richest, and most beautiful specimens of enamelled Slat© Man tels ever ofiered for sale in this country, manufactured bj r , fro#. Fenneylvehtn.lntone, very .e3-fituth3inif 1010 CHESTNUT Btroet. /ROOKING RANGES— "AH in want of tho elevated, double oven Cooking Ranges* will do well to oall nt AHNUGD & WfliSOW, «ea-etuthBmif 1010 OriEHTNTT Street. ORIENTAL DETERSIVE SOAP.-Ono wlu d 0 M rau ? u waiting, nnd do it better than three of oominon rosin soap; clothes need no bqihiig nor rubbing on a washboard. Over 100,CQO families are now constantly using it. We guarantee it to give satisfaotiou, or return the monoy. All respeota bleGrooera haye it fo? sale, ' M ’. * r THAIN & McKEONE, auB3-ws if tf 22 and 94 South Wharves WANTS. WANTED-Amerlcan Gold »nd New ’ ~_,Y ork: Fund., CRONIBE t CO., nolLSt 40 South THIRD Street A PARTY WITH FROM 83,000 TO $4,000 can hear of an opportunity of doubling his Frri° n omee. me ' by WANTED— -A Situation as Clerk, Time Keeper, or out-door Clerk, at a Blast Furnace. Rolling Mill. Foundry, or Machine Works, by a “an of experience in keeping time and paying bands. Good testimonials fiom last employer. Address “ Clerk,” this office, one week.- . n024-3t*^ TMfANTED —A FIRST-CLASS FORE y * MAN. to take oharse of a Cotton Faotory In the South.' Address THUS. BENDER, Maoon, Ga. no2j-Bfc WANTED—EXCHANGE ON R f OH- Apply to WARDLE & BTE- N ‘ GomerVoURTH and ARCH streets. A PARTNER WANTED.— A Partner of tiiA hpYf a Hw with a , capital of about $2,000, in one ninai®> pt-.fS« nane . a {n our country. Address “ Pnn hnrta ’ * ress office, stating where an interview can be “Hi - n 022 3t* WANTED.—A Partner, with B - a capital of about $2,000, is wanted in a first-oUis f^ T \ V m y i Dn e°rrk hundred percent. Addraa?" Edi* maV hA bSd of Ihe Press ' 6lat, og where an interview may be had, n022-3i* BURNISHED ROOM WANTED. A single man wishes to hire a commodious Room north of Caltowhill and ea&t of Twelfth street. Address atatine terms andlooality, RAYMOND, Press office. ni9 tf* WANTED TO RENT—By a good tenant, a Stable whloh will accommodate about fifteen horses. Address •* Stable;” Press offioe. nol-tf WANTED— An active business man, having $7,000 to $lO,OOO, to take the place of a retiring partner in an established Mercantile business, paying a net profit of 26 per cent., without risk. Ad clrosß ‘“Partner,” this office, with real name, nol- tf FOR SALE AND TO LET. M THE ACADEMY BUILDING, known as the LEBANON VALLEY INSTITUTE, in tho village of ANNVILLF, Lebanon oounty, Pennsyl vania, is pleasantly located on the Berks and Dauphin Turnpike, and within view of the Lebanon Valley Railroad, five miles west of Lebanon, a large and ap propriate budding suitably arranged and constructed as a BO A.RDINGSCHOOL, situate on a spaoe of ground 100.1)7 193 feet. The dimensions of the building—A NEW THREE-BTORY BHICK HOUSE-62 by 45 feet, with extensive b'ok buildings, all under Slate roof. The budding contains two school rooms. 34 by 27 feet, and twelve rooms editable for boarders, besides the family department. The above building was recently erected by Miv BALBBAUGH, teacher, now deceased, with very sa tisfactory encouragements for agoodsohool, and who had been very successful as a teacher for several years previous at the plaoe. The property was sold by ins ad ministrators, and purchased by. several of the oitisens who oesire to see tbe improvements extended, and therefore oiler every possible inducement to a compe tent person. .*>7 Possession will be given for the renting. &0.. on April 1, 1831. Reference and applicationoan be made to tbe undersigned, at Annt tile. a „ RIGLER, SHERTZER. k CO. Axnvildb, November 16,1660. no*4-stPtb9t S FOB SALE. - THBJSTORE AND DWELLING. No. 21t ARCH Street. Tenoe easy. Apply to .LL.EN & SIMB, Real Estate Broken*. S. E. corner FOURTH and WALNUT Street., No. 3 seoond floor. n023-Gt* mFOR SALE, VERY LOW, AND ON terms unusually accommodating, the’ four-story DWE LLING, No. 25T South SEVENTEENTH Street, containingjall the modern improvements. ■ Lot 19 *2OO. Apply to aLI.kN & SI Mg. Heat Estate Brokers, 8. E. oornor FOURTH and WALN UT Btreets, No d, seoond floor. n023-3t* MLAKD-OIL FACTORY.— To rent, & LARD-OIL FACTORY with S 3 Patent Lever Freuss. with Plates, Bags. 'Pubs, Kettles, Tanks; all m oomplete order. Apply to ROWLEY, ABHBURNER, k no., oc4 No. 16 BOUTH WHARVES. TO CHAIR AND O ABINET MAKERS.— The Fhcenix Wood-Bending Company, owners of “ Blanobard’s Patent,” for the States or New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania and Maryland, will tell county, town, or shop rights, or grant licenses to use, on easy terms This is the only patent. All infringers Will be striotlv dealt with. Apply to JOHN BILBBY, or C. A. BURGESS. No. 34 BROADWAY, New York! oc4-d3m - • For exchange.—a choice tract of good unimproved farm land in the State of New Jersey, convenient to the oity, will be exchanged for Apply at No. 118 FEDERAL Street. m A SPLENDID FABM AT PUBLIC «3mBALE. The undersigned, about to relinquish farming, will sell, at public sale, on THURSDAY, December 6. 1860, at 1 o'clock P. M., on the premises, his desirable and produottve FARM, containing 62 acres and 90 perohes of'land, more or less, situate inWhitpain township, Montgomery county, on a public roaa lead ng from Blue Ball to Gwynedd Station, (on North Pennsylvania Railroad,) being half mile f om Penn Square Station. The improvements oonetet of a large two-story stone DWELLING, with two rooms, hail, and kitchen on the first, and four rooms and entry on seoond floor, am - ply supplied with olesets and other conveniences. Fine lame Garden and great variety of Grape Vines, stone Spring-house, over a lasting sprmg of water, with fish- Sond adjaoent, stone Smoke-house, Wood and Coal louse. Stone Barn, 60 feat square, with large over shoot in iront. large Hay-house, Wagon-house. Corn crib, Cider-house and Press. Carriage house, high and permanent stone wall around the barn yard; water is introduced into the yard, pump also at the barn,making it one of the must desirable and conveniently arranged harns in the couaty. Thriving yonng Apple Orchard in good bearing order, with every variety of fnt’t. Tins property is very desirable, beautifully located, highly cultivated, oonvemently divided, under good fences, in olose proximity to oburobes, Softools, rail roads, turnpikes, and in an improving and intelligent part of theoountry. Persons desirocs of viewing the property will call on the owner, residing thereon, or to R. R. Corson, at Norristown. Sale positive. Terms very easy; conditions on the day of sale, R. R. COR3ON, Agent for tbe sale, „ _ Norristown, Pa. • „ „ „ willtam miller, „ Blue Bell P. 0., Montgomery county. Norristown, Nov. 20, 1860, n021.24.2S 23-delA fit PtJBLIO SALE OF A VALUABLE 23L FARM. The undersigned will sell at publio sale, positively, on WED t* BDAY, i eoimberfi, 1860, at 1 o’ofook P, m.\ on the premises, his FARM, contains? t 77 aores, more or less, in Norn ton township, adjoining bp rough limits, one mile Jrom the Court House. The improvements are a two-story stone Dwelling, substantially baiit. with 7 rooms, and pump at the door. Large stone Barn, double decker, nuilt of the best material, and conve niently arranged, having all tbe modern advantages; stone spring-house, over a never-failing Spring, car riage house, and all other necessary out-bnildings. 'l he laud is in a good state oi cultivation, ana beauti fully located, with a running stream of water passing through the property ,near the improvements. The fences are good: a portion of ihem are stone, well put up. Also, about 4 aores of Timber Land. There are about 10 aores of prime Meadow Land well watered, and about 12aoreelront on the State road, adding ma terially to the value of the property. There it alio a stone Tenant House on the property, which commands a fair tent. This farm is well worth the attention of farmers and others desirous of purchasing, as the sale will be posi tive; and considering the locality, quality of the soil, proximity to Norristown, churches, sohools, markets, railroads. &0.. Sc o . and the prospect of land enhancing in value, will insure some one a great bargain in the oourse of a little time, Persona wishing to view the property will call on R. R. Coison, at Norristown, or tho subscriber, residing thereon. R. R. CORSON. Agent for OSCAR KKiOHENBAOH, n 022 21 28 28 del.3 Norristown, Fa. PUBLIC SALE OF A VALUABLE FARM.—The undersigned having concluded to go West, wilbeell *t public sa’e. positively, on WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 28, 1860, AT ONK O’CLOCK P. M., on the premises, his liandsomely located and produc tive FARM, containing NINETY-TWO ACRES, more or less, situate in Whitoain township, Montgomery county, on State road, leading from Norristown to Doytestown. lour miles from Norristown Railroad Depot, and near Centre Square, where the pike orobses the Stato road, being only two miles from Gwynedd Station and aixteen miles from Phila- is well known for the beauty of its lo cation, productiveness, convenience to railroads, turn pikes, sotools. obnrohes. &0., Ac., being an oblong square, divided in the cenlre byalune, makung it very oonvement either for & grazing or d»uy farm. The whole is under good fences, the laid all arable,-rion. and easy of cultivation, always producing good otocs ot grain or grass, divided into ten enclosures, with an orchard of the best of fruit. The improvements consist of a substanti il STONE HOUSE, three rooms and entry on the first and same on the aeoond floor, with three ceiled rooms in tha attfo. Piazza tho whole length of the house, well with good water with pump therein, frame kitohen attached to tbo house, and a never* failing spring of water'near the door of the house, (none better for dairy purposes.) also another spring not far distant. « . STONE BARN, Bixty six by fifty feet* well built, very convenient in all the arrangements, well of good water with pump therein underthe overshot, oorn-onb, pig-sty and other out buildings. This is one of the best and most desirab'e farms in Whitpam township, ‘iho buildings are all very good and conveniently arranged. The stages pass the pro perty twioe even day. thus having daily communica tion with Philadelphia if desired. Any person wanting a good farm, pleasantly situated, in a good neighbor hood, here is the ohanoe. Persons wishing «o view the property previous to the day ot sale, will apply to the subscriber residing thereon, or to H. R. Corson at norristown. Terms and condition? easy and mode known on day of tale. R. R. CORSON, Agent tor the Sale. Norristown, Pa, J. B. EVANS. Proprietor, Centre Square P, 0., Montgomery qounty, Pa, n 24 26 MISSOURI LAND!! 600,p00 Aores for Sale and entry, at prloes ranging from u* to 50 oenta per Acre, in any quantities re quired . TAXES paid, and PATENTS prooured for purcha sers of Land underthe GraduationAot, Plats furnished gratis by epoloaing a postage stamp For further information spptrto WILSON, RAWLINGS A CO., U, 8. and General Land Agents, 61 OH KSTNUT Street, Between THIRD and FOURTH, LAND WARRANTS bought, sold? andtocateii. °* 000-3 m , BOARDING. A PRIVATE FAMILY WJLL LET A HANDSOME CHAMBER to a single gentleman, with breakfast and tea, if required. Hopse with all the modern Improvements. Apply to 71TSAN8uMbtreet, • n034-3t» BOARDING.-A FINE THUiD-STORY front room, with first-class B 'ADD,can be had permanently.atllild WALmUTStreet. n023-flt* A FEW LEFT, OF VERY CHOICE ROOMS, for tingle Gentlemen and for Families, at moderate prices, at the RICHARDS HOUSb, corner EIGHTH and SPRING GARDEN. J. G. CHADSEY, Proprietor. n023-lm A PLEASANT HUME, is offered to a gen tlemen and wife, in anAmenoan family of three persons, having more room than they require, in the pleasantest x»art of the West End.GKKEN St., above BROAD. The house ooutains all the modern improve ments. References exchanged. Address a note tq “ Home.” at tho oflioe of this paper, which will be im mediately attended to. nols-tf ■CURST-CLASS BOARDING, with hand ■- some oomnrnnioating and Binzle Boom., at 14 IT LOCUST Street. oolS-lm* INSURANCE COMPANIES. ■ffjTAME INSURANCE COMPANY, NO. ■F 406 CHESTNUT Street, PHILADELPHIA. INCORPORATED STATE OF CONFINED TO FIREAND INLAND RISKS. DIBECTOBB. Samuel Wriaht, P. B. Birner, , Wm. W. Walter,, J. W, Eventian, - Chas. Hiohardaon, Hennr L4wii,'Jr., Geo. A. West.. Jaoob W. Stent,) Q.Wtwon .Davis, Menko Stern. Tnos. S. Martin. BsciJv*oe I pres>t. WILLIAMS I. BLANCHARD. Seoretarr. Uall-lft SAVING FUNDS, AMERICAN SAVING FUND. —Com- jpanr’s Building, southeast corner WALNUT and FOURTH Streets, Open daily from 9 vill.» o’olock, and .on MONDAY kuiSin the evening. lhi« Old Institution has always pud in full, on demand, Without nofg»; EREBT pIVB R CENT. All Bums pud book, on demand, in gold andsurer, PrejideiU. * i BAML. WORK, Vicb Prerident, . ; fsteasa.l., «&. Jo s^ o r^L S oS'?'iSr**' JOHN C, BTMB. Sooretary. ooSQ-lgnf. OPRING GARDEN SAVING FUND, io Offloe, 331 North THIRD Street, between Vine and Callowhill. Incorporated by the Legislature April 14th, issi. Open fbr Dapoetia and Payments, daily, from J toiMtfptopfc -Also, on W)NDAY aod TJIUJtoDAY EVENINGS, from 8 to 6 o’clock.,, Interest8 per oeat. per annum, Depoeltors eaa with draw their Money eby Checke, if degrade SpaoulDt poxiti received. ‘ JAMES B. PRINtLE, Pmidenti Fuawou Haav. Beeretary. ulB-alf AMUSEMENTS.’ WALNUT-STREET theatre. • ' Bole J,esea. „—Mr.. M. A. GARRETTfIOrt. Stare Msr.arer Mr. WM. A. CBAfM.F Bo.ieewi Act . Mr.JOS. n. MUjtPBY LAST MGHT OF MIBB PAB-LLE FRt E M AN. THIS (SATURDAY) EVENING. Not. M, Wi ll bolM nuW r A BORGIA. „ Lnoretia Borgia, Miss Isabella Freeman; Gennaro, Mr.E. Adams ; Negroni, Miss Price. To conclude with _ = ~.. T FITZBMYTHK. OF FITZBMYTHE HALL. Fitz?rayibe, Mr. Vininxßowers; Frank Tottenham, Mr. J. Sturton Wright; Fenelopd. Miss Miller. Doors open sr 6f( o’cleok; performaaoe* at7o’clook. Prioes as usual. theatre. EXTRA CARD. BENEFIT OF BDWfN ADAMS, „ ON MONDAY EVENING* NOV. 25, 1860, . Who respectfully submits to his friends and the patrons of tbe theatre the following bill: First night of the new play, entitled a- n DREAMS OF DELUSION. . Sir Bernard Harleigh- Edwin Adams Lady Viola. Harleigb — Mrs. Gi ads tana .To be followed by the new fa'cs, first time in this oity, entitled „ TOO MUQH FOR GOOD NATURE, * Romeo Jamer Jenkins..... Edwin Adams Mr. Adolphus- -.— —........ Vining Bowers Mrs. Chummy— Mr*. Thayer Betty Miss C. Jefferson The performance oonoiudmg with the sterling drams, entitled _ THE DREAM AT SEA. Launce Ljnwood .Edwin Adams Richard Pendeli~ J. Pturton Wnght Alley W. A. Chapman Tim Jinkle— .—Vming Bowers Anne — Mrs. Glodstane Prices as usua*. Box Book now open. It* WHBATLEY & CLARKE’S AROH-BT. * V THEATRK. .TfiSS SATURDAY, SPLENDID BILL. „ _,Tbo LASi NIGHT of the great combination, Buok stonos glorious comedy of . ... , RURAL FELICITY. And drama.£. LONEL X MAN OF THE OGBAN. briiet,*e^iUtled nment to oono^ud ® "with the celebrated „ . JPJP* MAJA DE BEVIGLIA. Monday. BWNEFTT. A ROH-STREET THEATRE. ‘ BENPFIT OF MRB. JOHN DREW, ON WEDNESDAY .EVENING, NOV. 23. Shakespeare’s great comedy of „ . AS YOU LIKE IT. . —.Mrs. John Drew WALLACE. THE HERO OF SCOTLAND. Every member of the company t> n i will appear. Box Book now open. Of oDONOUQH’S OLYMPIC (Late GAIK TIES.) RACE Street, belmr Third. A GREAT BILL FOR SATURDAY NIGHT, First night of the Beautiful pla; of T ’ „ GUY MaNNERING. J. E. M oDonough aa Dandle Dinmont; Meg Matrilei, Miss Eliza Alitohell. drama’ofthe 0 Wllh ' for ,hs lut tiraB > th * LONELY MAN OF THE OCEAN. „ Introdaomg THE GREA l- SEA FIGHT, . DEAD CREW 0N A DECKBY MOONLIGHT. Adm'Sßion—Parquette.2s oente: Oreheßtra.B7ol Fa milr Circle. 150 i Prnrato. Box Seat,. Mo" Doom own at6?j o’olock; oommeno nc atTfrj. IJIHE MESSIAH, at the ACADEMY OF MUSIC. THURSDAY EVENING, DECEMBER 27, 1860. Arrangements, the most extensive, are in progress for this rendering of Handel's great Oratorio. Particulars hereafter. n024-satuth tf JkJANDEL AND HAYDN SOCIETY FIRST GRAND CONCERT OF THE SEASON, ON MONDAY EVENING, Nov. 36th, CONCERT HALL The Diraotore of the HANDEL * HAYDNeoaouooe tne first Concert of the onrrent season as above A choice and varied pro. rsmrae, consistmr of Choruses. Quartettes, i rtos. Duos. Solos, Ac, will be presented. Ihe celebrated Solo and Chorns, ** Hear My Prayer!” by Mendelsohn- never before-performed in thir oity, together with selections from the compositions of Han del. Hard a, Beethoven, &o, and the ohoicest Ope rVi-7!“ r P r °o?oed in a style commensurate with the abilities of the Sooiety. The Chorus, consisting of Two Hundred Voices, will beiaccompanied by tho Germania Orchestra. Xwo Oelebrated Overtures by the Orohestra. 2 PIANIST 'UCHAb.-- H CROBS. , DIRKCTOR.. ...... Prof. B. CARR CROSsLy Bubsoriptions for the series of three Conoertf, $3~ entii tiog snbsonbers to three tickets to each Concert. Single trokets. 60 cents. Tickets for sale, and subeorip tions received, by Beok k I awton, .'eventh and f’hest .nut streets; Chiokenng A Bons, Chestnuti ab. Eighth: Comaton, Lighth street, above Cherry. Doors open at 7. Conoert oomm**noe at 8 o’elocki noa-4t AOALEMY OP MUSIU. „ ITALIAN OPERA-Mkz. COLBON. Opening of the Recnlar Opera Season. _ . MONDAY EVENING. N0v.26. On which ocoasioo will be presented Verdi’s tnost fa mous Opera, wtih its splendid miss en scene, .. . THE HICILIAN VJSBPERB. Madame PAULINE COLSON in her celebrated charao ter as Elena. Big. BRIGNOLI as Arrigo. Stg. FERR ( as Montfort. fiig. BUdiNI, his first appearance as „ . , Johnof Prooida. Mnsioal Direotor and Conductor—Sig. MUZIO. N »TICE.—-Tho pnoe of admission to Parquett*, Par ftoLLAll att<t ■ Balaony ’ beea fix€d ONE „ NEW ARRANGEMENT. seoured without extra oharge, beginning on IfIURf'DAY, at the Box Offioe of the Academy of Musio; Beok k Lawton’s, and Chiokeriag’s laseio Stores. Family Circle. 50 oents; Galierv, 2s cents. Doora open at 7, l i o’clock. Opera oommecoe, at o* 1 ”*- noH-tf CONTINENTAL THEATRE, - (Late National,) WALNUT Street, abore Eilhtt. MOST POSITIVELY THE LAST THREE NIGHTS OF“MONS. BLONDIN,” THE HERO O* NIAGARA PALIS. Who has been induced to remain one week more. « 4w»wb«P* £• MADIGAN t CO.’S * GREAT AMERICAN CONSOLIDATED CIRCUS COMPANY. • LEJRUNK BURT, the great dare-devil Rider ef the Southwand Mias KMMA PASTOR. Horn. LA PIERRE and M. J. FOoTE tt. Clowns. The doors open at half past 6 o’olook. Performance commences at half past 7. o I ?L B#, ° 11 onl f 28 oents » Family Circle 15q.; Secured Seats SOo, nolB-6t BIROH AND SHARPLEY’S opera HOUSE.— JAYNb’S COMMONWEALTH BUILDING. (CHESTNUT filreet, above SIXTH.» * This New and Beautiful Temple of Minstrelßy, fitted up expressly to make it the GRKAT FAMILY RESORT. Will OPftu on MONDAY EVENING.Nov, 19th, with BlnOH S SBARPLBY’S MINSTRELS, AND _ . . FRANK BROWbR. Entirelynew Programme, with 14 Star Performers, under the Direction of _ BILLY Bl «CH and BAM FHARFLEY. Doors open at 04- Commence at 7% precisely. Admieaion 25 oenta; Children IS cenis. nol7- tf CANFORDS OPJSRA HOUSE. ELEVENTH STREET OPEN FOR THE SEASON. NEWLY DECORATED AND PAINTED. „ , MR, SANFORD Has secured one of the LARGEST COMPANIES ever presented heretofore who will appear nightly. Sanford will perform every evening. Doors open at 7; Commence at 7R. Admittance 25 cents. Children IS cents. nolf-lm fTEADQUARTERS* FRANKLIN J*-JL PLACE.—FREE CONCERTB—CHAS. JEN KINS, in oonjunotiou with au entire New Company tonga, Dances, &o. no2Q-5t CHADWICK fc PEET.Sup’ta. TJASSLER’S ORCHESTRA.-—Serenade and Military Band.—For engagements. apply or address MARK HASBLEA, Office isos LOCU.-T street* Or Hlasko’s Academy, BROAD Street, below tTalpirt. FJIHE GERMANIA. ORCHESTRA give X- their PUBLIC RF.HEARBALB every' SATUR DAY.commencing at SK o’clock, at the MUSICAL FUND HALL. 8 tiokets, 81; single tickets, 25 cents, for sale at Chtokermc A Son’s, 807. Chestnut street: Andre’s, 1104 Chestnut street; and JBeok A Lawton’s, Chestnut street. Engagements for Concerts. Co rumen oements, par tie* &0., madeonly at their Office, Chiokering & Jon’* Piano store, 907 Chestnut street; William ntoll, 84 North Juniper street, or C. Droughman, 1009 Ridge avenue. ocSl-tf PENNA. ACADEMY OF THE FINE ARTS.—IO3S CHESTNUT Street “CHIMBORAZO,” a splendid Punting by Minot, “THE FIRST Bltf,” a beautiful Marble Statuottebj Angehni. On exhibition for a short time. Visitors vriU please bring their opera glow. PIANOS AND MUSIC. PIANOS! PIANOS!! PIANOS!! PIANO-FORTES, MELODEONB, PIANOFORTES. a „ MELODEONB, Made by Raren, Bsaon, A Co., Nunna * Clart,Hallett, Davu. at Co., and others. J. E. GOULD, SEVENTH and CHESTNUT. flfSan STEINWAY & SON’S NEW PA rriTTITENT OVER-STRING GRAND PIANOS. SQUARE GRAND, AND SQUARE PIANOB, now preferred m concerts and in private circles by tha beat performers. Received the first premiums over the beat makers, from judges like Gottsohalb, Mason.aud others. Challenge all competition. BLA8IU« RROTHERB.- dg-u i noB r.HRRTmrr attest EDUCATIONAL. TMESDAMES CHEQARAY AND D’HEft Y?- 'eweotfnll, inform their friend. and the pnblio th»t the, have removed their Boardinrand f» B sWjf 9 rB»tfc LOB “ S, “ te,<,S ' o '- foarSolaa™ ® Te ™ r ’ of 808 n,ward Prepared fir the Bryant, stratton, & Fairbanks’ MERCANTILE COLLEGE, 8. E. oorner SE VENTH and CHESTNUT Streets.—Rep and Evening Sessions. individual instruction in Bookkeeping, in cluding General Wholesale and Retail Soilness, Ship pm*. ForwaTdmg and Commission, Banking. h%~ ohange, Manufacturing, Railroading, Steam boating, *o» the most thorough and practical coarse in the United States. Also, Lectures, Commercial Caloula tions. Arithmetic, and the higher Mathematics, Pen manshiptbest in the oitii, Correspondence,. So. _ For sale, their new Treatise on Bookkeeping, beauti- in colors, and the best work published. MEDICINAL. CPEOIALTY FOR LADIES. TRUSS AND BRACK DEPARTMENT conducted by com petent Ladies. Entianoeon TWELFTH Btroet, first door below Race. A full Uuc of Mechanical Reme dies, tight and eligani »» construction* spicially adapted to Ladies * use, w 0. H, NEEDLES, Proprietor, 8. W. oorner TWELFTH and RACE Streets! Philadelphia. . Entrance to C. H. N.’s Room, for gentlemen* at tho ep.m&r. eel4-Saif A WONDERFUL AND NEVER. FAILING REMEDY FOR DISEASES’OF TDK NERVOUS SYSTEM. ■ ’ PROFESSOR MORRIS’ . E IJ.O E P H A L O s, AN EXTERNAL REMEDY. r& 8 &^&° CKHIDa3S * °°» «“• « a .««** ■ And for sale by Dmg gists generally; ealMmlf ! AZUM2A l AZUMfiA l AZUMEA! AZUMEAI AZUMEA! AZUMEA PROF. MORRIS’ AZUMKA BAKING POWDER, _ Manufactured solely at No. 69 North FOURTH Street,‘and for sale by Grooen generally. ~ eelf-ftnif QTBREpSCOPIO INSTRUMENTS, MA nuractured in every- style. STEREOSCOPIC Chestnut. / noll-fitif
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