FINANCiAX AJfD COWMISHttIAL The Money Market. Philadelphia,Tfov. 7, 1860. A light business was dona to-day in stocks, but there wai nothing like tho exoitcraont that has been so freely prodioted, and by some anticipated, *«8 the couaequenco of Mr. Lincoln's election. That event has, in foot, been foreseen, and, so to speak, discounted by political stockjobbers and bears, and all the effect that the election is likely to hare has been recorded in the past few weeks. Now that the rating is done, we may reasonably expect a season of more quiet and regular business in stocks. There is a tair demand for money, and trans actions in good commercial paper are quoted at from Bix to soron per cent. In New York, acoordiog to the Evening Post, the Btook market is lower to-day. Early in the day Urge sales were made at an advance of joi per oent. on New York Control and Erlp, but to wards the dose prioes gave way lali per oont. from tho highest points. The bears wore very active, and seem to have fixed npon to-day as the best opportunity for break ing the markot. Their operations for the fow days previous were smalt, bat everything on tho list to day receives attention at their hands. The Stuto stooka were firm, and, in most c&scb, better. Tho soles ot New York Central wore about 6,000 shares, commencing at 84 anti oloaing at 823 Erie was among tho firmest of the list, and sold frooly at 343 Tho net receipts of this road‘for October are about $OOO,OOO, against $lBO,OOO last year. ' Harlem leaves off 17a17j; the Preferred 40a 491. Michigan Southern 17ial7J; the Guarantied 40*403. Galena 703*71. Toledo 34a34L Rock Island 64J&641. Missouri 6ixos rose i per oent ; Tennossee j. Virginias reaoted from tho late advanoo, selling at 9ii, but olose 911 bid. Illinois stocks arc 106 bid. The railroad bonds were dull, and rather weak. Miohigan Southern and Erie wore offered at l&lj per cent, lowor prices. Tho earnings of the Groat Western Railroad, for tho week ending November 2, wore as follows: Passengers freight and live stook.——.. Mads and sundries..— . Corresponding week last rear. Inoroase— 12,24302 Tho holders of the first morlgago bonds against the New London, Willimantic, and Talraer Rail road Corporation met on Friday, in New London, and organized a new company under tho title of the New London Northern Railroad Corporation. A board of eight dir<jotors was elected, consisting of tho following-named gentlomen: Henry. P. Haven, Robert Coit, Aoora Rams, Franois Allyn, and Wanton A. Weaver, of New London; Wil liam G. Johnson, of MoutviUe; Lafayette 8. Fos ter, of Norwich; and Gharlos H. Marshall, of Now York. Subsequently, at a meeting of the board of directors, Henry P. Haven, oi Now London, was chosen president. This corporation will immedi ately assume the managoment of the road. Tho London Times, speaking of gold and silver in England, gives the following interesting in formation : ‘‘The loading foaturos of this traffic are very distinct, and not a little striking. Oat of £22,000,000 and upwards of gold which wo re ceived in 1859, more than eight millions and a half came from Australia, and nearly eight mil lions from the United States,— i. e , California; while Russia still furnished two millions, and South Amerioa almost os much more, leaving but a very small b&l&nco to bo supplied by the rest of the world And what does tho reader suppose wo did with all these preoious consignments ? We sent tm&rly three-quarters of tho whole (£l4 902 469) to France, and received from France in return more silver than wo got from all the mines of Mexico and Peru together—in fact, nearly twice as much; for, whereas the latter countries ant us only £3,- 385,282, Franoo sent us £6,365,852 Where the silver wont to we need hardly say. Almost every ounce of it (vis, £16,003 267 out of a total of 417,607,664) was despatched to tho East Indies and China; so that tho current of gold runs from Cali fornia and Austrslie, through England, to Franco, while the current of siivor flows from France, through England, to the ancient realms of the East. Altogether we retained little over a million of these imports for home consumption IVe received In gold an(J sitver togothor £37,070,157, and we sent away again as muoh as £35,633,803. The following is the Pittsburg bank statoiaont for the week preceding Novembor 5: „ , basks. Circulation. Specie. Loans. Depo’a. Bank of Pittsburg.. .$232,776 $473 810 $1,523,007 $670,178 Exchange 8ank..... 712,000 230,975 1550,723 251,169 Mefoh & Mech...—. 531,967 191,341 2 001,212 894,059 Citizens,' 281.300 123 953 7ft),099 144 845 Mechanics’ 278,000 1 05.183 790,999 103,476 lton City..-.-. 279 815 137,184 765 6 4 202.488 Allegheny 368.995 132,(29 815 485 195,G57 . $2,416,713 1,400,485 7.262,599 2,035*82 Laatwoek 3,434,783 1,379,694 7,109,205 1,919,736 Increase——. 20.891 153.593 83,146 Decrease 8 076 - „ nAN*« Treasury and Due to Due by jinks, other Notes. Banks. BaDk*. Pittsburg 827,375 825,315 $311,684 Exchange 150,065 25,014 128,467 M.&M......... 64 655 61 829 178.040 Citizens’...... 22.682 15,003 30,512 Mechanics’...- - 38.2T0 30,966 28 292 Iron City.™ 80,699 42,019 Allegheny..-- 34 387 39,0C0 31,044 Last week—. Increase.-—. ...... 5559 Decrease 132,9i2 47,711 ..... t’J»iladel?tij& stock JSxcb'iogr ‘uin-, November 7, 1660. Exported by 8. E, Slatmakeb, Merchants’ Exchange FIRST BO A HD. 105 Readng R lota £O U 35Morris Ctnai,.—. GO 10 do —... GO 3 d 0... ....... 60 6 Grit Coates... IS?£ 17 Lehigh scrip fcfi 39>i 5 Harrisburg R.~~..*5l 50 Beh Navpref....— 2uK 25 do._ 20 ii 20 Lehigh— 63 I BOARDS. I 20Fr&8outbR!r.‘‘!tS BOARD. 1000 City 6sPR 10X I 22 0 City 6c. ...lota’new JO5 16 Lone Island..l3 4 W Fijila K *5 6T . 302 d ie Sd'St R 61 60 raon Minnie 2}£ SO Rending K—. .211 i&i 26 d 0...- ...21 20 do 21 IS d 0...... 21 JBETWEEi lOOO.Peuna 6i SECOND 1000 W ChestBs...*Jwn 55 »' SUX) Donald Imp 7s-.oh AS 1500 N Pennata- 73 MO do.- 72 1 Harrisburgß..-.. 51 16 Lehigh lots 53 60 Peuca R » 3yJ« 1W Long Island. 12;g OLORINQ PR] ~ Bid. Aahtd. PhiiadeJpbiafls. .10134 182 PhitaCs K..._102 Paila 65^ los'f Penna Se-mtoff w 95 Read R so*4 Heading hd* ’7O-. 84 Read 6s ’B9 in off.WSj .. ] Read int ea’B6 74 74tf Penna R div off. 89 893> Senna KMratto 80 »>i lorCloondvoS.6o 60)5 fllor Cl pfdvofl.-110 'll3 Boh N 6e’&) tn0f1,72 7314 BohNdV - jnp 65.... 83)4 B)5 *ohn»l NaTprf 20)4 21 EJourait.-—— 7H Vi i 60 Gr ACoates... ——. 18K 2 T .V Couth R. 49 8 Morris Cana1........ 60 50 Reading R so % 100 Lehigh Zinc 18>4 1 Girard Bk - 40 20 d 0.... .. 45 lICFB—DULL, •/>*" Atkfdt Elmira R pref.... 17% 18 Linura 7s 73 70% 7 u% Long Islandl3 Leh Cl A .52jJ (A Leh Cl & N Sonp..39)S 40 North Fenna R 9 0% IN Pezraa R6s 72 72% ' W Penna R 10s IbO ’ Catawis ftCon.M 4 i% CatawlasaPrefd..Wi 14 Frnkf Sc South R.. 49 49. V Seoond A Third.. .51 ti}£ Race* Vine St R.. 30 33 West Phila R 57 67% SprAPine 9 10% Green A Coates .18!£ 18>£ Chest A Wa1,..,- 32 53 Philadelphia Markets. Novexbsh 7—Evening. The markets have been rather inactive to-day, owing iq some measure to the po'itioil excitement- In Bread* stuffs there is no change. The demand for Flour ie li mited ; about 1,000 bbls sold at $6.60 for superfine, $5.70 06.75 for Western and Pennsylvania extra; sales to the trade range at from the above figures up to s6a6 75, the latter for fanoj brands. Rye Flour and Corn Meal are dull; the former is held at $4 iff, and the latter nt $3.60 & bbl, without sales Wheat is unchanged, with a moderate business doing, and about 6 000 bushels sold at Idoeisso for com mon to prime red, 1370 for prime Boutborn do, and 136 a 1600 for common to prime white, the latter for Ken tucky. Rye is selling slowly at 7So for Pennsylvania. Coral* dull. and about 3,G00®4 OcO bushels yellow sold At7O«7OKo in the cars, and 71c afloat. Oats are dull: 3.000 bushels prime Delaware sold at 34X0 afloat. ana 600 bushels Pennsylvania at S6ass}£o. Barley- is un changed. Bask is wanted at $2O ton for Ist No. 1 Quer citron. CoiTon —The market is quiet, end a few small sales of Uplands are reported a> s eady rates. Gbocbbjbs.—Sngsr and Molasses are dull,* a few small sates of Coffee have bjen made at 13)a®!4>£c for Rio. on time. Pbovuioxs.—'The market is inactive at previous quotations. Bsxns.—Cloverseed is bet’er: about6oo bus sold at 56.12Ka0-378t w bus; a sale of Timothy was made at 962 Whuey Pennsylvania bbln sell slowly at 22®23>«0, Ohio 230, drudge 21%0, and hhds 220 & gallon New York Stock 1 BBCOND Sxchangc—Nov. 7. BOARD 11C00 Tenn 6’« 7 90..- ST% J 6000 Missoni 18 6* 76 ] fitoo do b5O 7Wf 4000 Kentuaky 8 6*... .104 1 1000 California 8 75.... 92 i 3000 Harlem 2d mtg... 9 0% : 4000 MiohB 8 F bds... 775i‘: 400 Erie Railroad 39% : ioo d 0....—.—. 63 y, : 125 d 0..- 3SX ltO do -..530 33K 200 do— b»S4 15 do—. 83K 100 Hudson River R. .. 68 30) N If Con R. 3i% 100 do SlO 83 800HarlemR-~...... 17 860 Harlem H pref...... 40 100 Mich Cen it—- >3O 62% 100 do.——elO 621< 100 do_ sls 62% 100 do b3Q 63 100 Panama it 122 100Mioh8 ANI R ... V% 100 do 37?* 35Mioh 8 A NI G’td. 40 100 40% 200 do 3954 100 do e6O 39% •200 do elO 39)5 160 111 Cen R sop 72% 100 do eSO 7 t% 25 Gal A Chi R. 70tf IGO do 71 108 do _s3Q7OK 100 do b6O 7iR 6<) dj S3O7ott 400CIev A Tolß. 82* ItO do eSO 335 f 100 do 33*£ 230 Chi A Rook I 64% [ 100 do h3O&GS [ 6dMil A Miesifsippi.. 12)2 60 d 0... l»)a THS MARKETS. Ashes —The market is steady, with sales at $5,25 for Pots and Pmtls. . . . Fiona.—Tha market is .heavy and a shade easier, with receipts of 29 095 bbls, and sales of 7,600 bbls at $6 SOafl 40 for superfine State, $5 50®5 55 for extsa do, 86£i06.40f0r superfine Western, $66506.80 for extra do, and $5.75e5A0 for round-hoop Ohio. Southern Flour Is quiet* with sales of 600 bbls at $5 8036 f»r mixed to (good, $0.1007 75 for fancy and extra. Canada Flour is quiet, with sales 250 bbls at $5,7507.50 for extra. ' Gxaik.—The Wheat market is rather more steady, with receipts of 97,028 bus, end sales ofXO.OOO bus at $1.26 for Milwaukee Club, and $1.38 for winter red Western, m stores. Com is a shade better, with re ceipts of 7,676 bos, and sales 50X00 bus at 72072&0 for mixed vyestern, afloat and instore. Provisions.—The Pork market is dull, with small saJerfat $l9 for mess, aqd $1412©14 W) Jor prime. The Beef market is unchanged, with small sales. Put Meats are dull, with small sales at BK©BKo for Bhoalders, and UtfllKo for Hams Baoon is quiet, Bard is unchanged. Butter and Cheese steady. „ Whisky is nominal atSlMo. Henry Ward Beecher's Oration be fore tub New Esglahp Society.—The anniver sary of the N. B. Society will undoubtedly be one of the most interesting of the season. We have seen the letted of acceptance addressed by Mr. Beeeber to Dr. B. Frank. Palmer, president of the society, and the readers of The Press may be as sured that the incomparable lecturor will be the orator of the oeoaeios. Tabbed abd Feathered.—An Abolitionist, named Zetgler, was tarred and feathered, and shipped to the North, from Bt. Mathews, on Monday.— Charleston Mercury, Nov. 1. Sale o? Luxuries.—Tho different public sales of Mr; Augustus Thorndike’s effects in Boston, have within the past two weeks reached tho sum of nearly $28,000; Wlnfcs, $5,500; pictures, $12.033; Sevres porcelain, bronzes, Ao., $7,909.61. The first train passed over tho Charleston and {Uvannah Railroad on the Ist instant. Ho Right.—•“ A man that has a soul wortti six pence must have enemies.” It is utterly impossible for the beet man to please the world, and the pooner this Is understood, and a position taken in view of tho faot,the better. Bo right, though you have eoemles. You cannot escape them by doing wrong; and it is little gain to barterawayyoar honor and lyteg rity, and divest yovr selfof moral courage to gain—nothing. Better abide by the tratk, frown down all opposition, and rejoice in the feeling which must inspire a free and independ* nt man, clothed In the beautiful and seasonable styles of Gran vitte ftaiawitb* Miebrhted clothier, No. 607 Chestnut •tree*, wlw preeent* toeechpurchwer a valuable gift,,; Besson & Bow's Mourning Stork —ln nnothef column of our paper to day will be found the catd oi Messrs. Besson A Son* No. Md Chestnut street, an nouncing a rare o&taloguo of goods requisite for family mourning and second mourning attire. We need scarcely say to the ladies of Philadelphia that this house has long occupied the first position among the bouses in this country devoted exclusively to this branoh of trade; and judging from the large proportion of this class of apparel observable in the street, we doubt not that, in glanoing over the artioles named in their adver tisement this morning, many will bo found especially adaptod to the warns of the season. The Ladies’ Departments at Oakpords’ Happening in at the splendid warorooms of Messrs. Charles Onkford (c Bobs, under the Continental Hotel, yo&terday, we found their several Ladies’ departments thronged with buyers. The attraction in these seemed to bo about equally divided between their magnificont sets of Furs; theirexquißlto FrenohHats forCinldron and Misses ; their Ladies’ Riding Hats and Gauntlets and their Ladies* Shoes and Gum Boots. Too muoh praise oannot be bestowed upon the good taa'e evinoed in the several daises of artioles here naiped that are now selling at this famous establishment. The great peou’iarity of this stook is. its entire freshness nnrt novelty , there being a manifest ohange m it on each successive day, owing to their constant arrivals from abroad. Ths Bonnet Season.—lt is no more certain that the American people have expressed their prefe rence for a Presidential candidate to oonduot the af fairs of this great nation four years from the 4th of March coming, than that the Ladies of Philadelphia have expressed, by word and deed, their decided pre ference for the establishment of Lincoln, Wood, ft Nichols, No. 735 Chestnut street, as the plaoe lobuy their Bonnets for themselves and Children; an I no matter what politicians may say about tho former the wisdom and taste of the latter in this decision oan not admit of a reasonable doubt. Their store yester day was literally alive with customers, and tho cry is, “ sttU they oorae !” Fettled.—Tho groat national contest is deoidod, aid the fever in the publio mind will now be allayed. Men will turn their attention irom President-making to their own private pursuits, and tho world will wag along aa though there were no suoh things as oleothns, and fierce contests for pnnoiple, place, or power. We congratulate the publio on this great ohange, and would advise ail our readers to oultivate the arls of peace, and buy their garments at the Brown-Stone Clothing Hall of Hockhiil ft Wilson, Nos, 603 and 605 Chestnut street, above Sixth, where the mostaplendid stook of wearing apparel for gentlemen and youths to be found in tho oity is on hand. .§22,354 17 . 31,455 03 . 1,333 79 ARRIVALS AT THE PRINCIPAL HOTELS, GIRARD HOUSE—N. E. oorner Ninth and Chestnut. Dr 8 S Fitoh,New York Charles Durant KLLoutz B Brown, New Orleans Charles Williams, NO DP Brown, Pottavillo J P Quinn, M D W Blanchard, Fhila J P Sanderson. Pa Jas R Wilson Sc wf, Va Miss Wilson, Virginia Miss Crawford, Virginia John Stratton ft wf, Pa W R Haywood ft wf. NY iwss Harwood. New York Mrs Wm Franoe. Del Mrs Cniflelle, Wash. D C A Manning, New York Geo F Wanning, New York Thos M Crawford, Md Mrs urawford ft ch, Md Geo F Hitoh ft la. N Y John Randolph, Now York James Morgan, New York Hon HD Maxwell, Knston E M Rauch. M Chunk John W Lumsden, D C James W Geazev, Md w M Knight, Maryland Mr Craft ft la. New York Miss Coleman. New York Dr D Luther, Reading A M Ballade, Reading Hon R M Pa.mor, Pa R W Giveler ft wf, wash W Carpenter, Lancaster Jm Myers. Colombia, Pa Warren Leeoh, Virginia Miss Leeoh, Virginia R 8 Coohran ft la, Dot 8 Coohran. Delaware G M Nteinman, » anoaster J M Albertson ft wf, N Y Miss A Ibertflon, New York John Sterling, Penna J Cochran. Delaware RobtH Nnow, New York Jno Greenwood. Jr, N Y G P Eddy, Wilmington, Del G C Gordon, Delaware J Matthews. Baltimore O G esory. Charles’on , Mrs Gregory. Charleston Wm Moore, New Jersey Jae Thomas, York Pa T Baumgardner, LaDoas'r N R Maxey ft la, Augusta H W Putnam. Clevel’d, O James S Cook J W Bakor. Cincinnati, O W J Baker. Cmoinnftti, O R Strong. New YoTk Ij Bpidlev. Now York P T New York G A Wells, New York A Cately, New York WW Willard, Wiihamsp’t S A Whitney. New Jersey faaao Eckert, Penna G P Whitaker, Maryland 4 G Gardiner Mrs Gardiner Mr Stewart ft la, New York Mrs Pochrsn. New York J W B*rrett. Brooklyn Miss Barrett, Brooklyn Jas W Roaoh, N Orleans K Roach. Now Orleans F C Do Munce ft la, LI John Powers ft la, Fla Mr Baldwin ft la. Conn 8 Bincla ? r, Albtny ?eo Cochran. Albany N E Armstrong & w, N Y Hiss Armstrong. New York R B Wigton, J T a Simon Btevens, Lancaster W Ward, New York lira Ward. New York Miss Ward, New York 'ShasW Hams, Hartford Chas O liunnell, Riobm’d lobtJ Walker, New York Chas Campbell. Now York Geo Livingston, Tennessee Louis Herechihorn, N Y K Richter. New York FA Benjamin, New York GeoFSoott Wash, DC CONTINENTAL HOTEL—Ninth and Chestnut streets, J Vanderpool. New York Jas M Bowman, Penna J A Fisher Vermont J 3 P Miller & la, Altoona . Ault. Ohio JT Lewis, New York J M Kimmey, Cin, Ohio W H Clement, Cid. Ohio ) 8 Gray, Coinmbue. Ohio W B Clark, 8t Louis rt T Bmke, Wash, D C Mrs G Parker. Wash, D O Mrs J E Bouligny, Wash J MoConkey ft dsn, Penna L Passano, Baltimore LD Possano, Baltimore Sami A Gilman, Bangor Mrs Dearborn, Poland Mi»s Ba*Ties, Poland Dr A H Moore, Alabama Miss M E Moore. Alabama Mrs K A M Heißtor, Readg Gen E Olymer, Reading James Potter, Princeton Miss Potter. Prmoeton Miss P Potter Princeton Miss Gilbee. Prinoeton R M Cu*ler, Prinoeton B B Clark, Denver City, K CW Colton ft la, N J 8 B Leach, New York W P O’Brien, Montreal W H Rice ft wf. Chicago H T Vanderhoof, N Y W Bringhurst-Wilm, Del A L Neff, Lsnosstcr C H Breneman, Lancaster Jos Parker, Jr, N Haven C H Girard, New York A Montgomery. New York Silas Downing ft la, N V Miss Low. New York Gen H Houle, New York Z D Gilman, Wash, D C R Polkmhorn H Cowan. flew York J F J ogan. N Carolina Col Geo W Lay, U B A J A Campbell, Wash’ton Mrs Lay H M Mazlec. BantaF© MnGwFarquhar.Pottsv’ H O Snow, Maine J L MoDormert ft la. N Y J R Pulkley ft wf, N York John 8 Btiger ft la, N York Aug O Ptraton. Now York Alex Williams. London W Hammond ft la. N York W H Williams ft la, D 0 Miss Green, Maryland Dr W C Pardee ft w. N Y F. H Bsrrett, Massachusetts K-M Stanton, Washington Col Hoffman, U 8 Army J W flarper, Jt. ft la v. b Buckley, New York.' Wm Taylor. Jr ft la. Va O J Galnr, New York R L Jones, New York T H Whitney, New York R 8 Greene ft ia, N Y A J Smith, Texas Moxley Sorrel, Bavannah Geo N David, Boston C »• C Cain. Mississippi Thos Leidy, Baltimore W 8 Winans, Baltimoro . JH K Üblmao. Baltimore Mr Maitland ft la, Balt G W Kendall, New York Geoß Burnett ft la, N Y 197,192 650 057 241903 C 44,458 MERCHANTS’ HOTEL-Fourth street, below Arch. W Shirllidge, Bellefonte I> P Gwin. Huntingdon W fioharison.Ohio ‘ Tl.ewy,flarnBburr N Whiting, Pittsburg Robt Ppoar, Peoneylvania Cfaas J Mann, Altoona W W Rankin. Lancaster David O Herbet, Pitts s u g P F Eilenbarger. Easton Q John J Heisler, > aeton Mi«s E Heieler, Kastrn 8 C Evans. Indiana J M Daron, Blair co. Pa Lesris 8 Bmitb, Muncy J R Crumley, E Tennessee C F Glcssner, «'ambndge,o Peter Reed A la, N Y - Wm AU*nr^cnns>rivanla jyiiipgoaKe. ftlunoy.Ta J Al.angcake. Munoy.Pa R Collins. Columbia City.Tnd B L Chapin- Ohio Gee W Jonor, Chambersbg Jos HsmMl, Xenia, O o H Bardwe 1. Lano co, Ha W Towanda, Pa G Koapp. Wilkesbarre, Pa D Ripley A la. Newark .NJ John Chahoon, Virginia CbasHeebner, Ler,Mass JONES’ HOTjEL— Chestnut street, above Sixth. J R Powell, Phitada J Price. Chester 00. Pa Wm Drown,Philndelpbia TBDalrell.AlleghenyC’r W Forney, Holmesbarg J W Conrad. Wm Calender, New York Mrs Calender. Now York M Rowland, California Geo N Birdtall, New York R R R R W right. Texas J B Timbarlake, Raleigh M. R Book, Washington, BC Geo Foster Sc fgm, N Y K Whitney, New York J Wallace, Massachusetts G Grant. Massachusetts P Knisht. Massachusetts J H Rfed A wf. New York J W Higgs. New York J Coudon, Maryland . . J Anderson, New York F Reading. Trenton. N J Rvan, New Hope, Fa FOFrr< man, Boston Wm Ellison. Boston Miss J Freeman, Boston N P Eaton. New York Miss Hutohines, England J P Blake. Conn J PBou Wen. New York „ JHSraith A la,Wash,D C ?J r King, Wash, DC J FCunmnghim. Md H C Viotor, Virginia AMEJrOAN HOTEL—Ch<*sinut st., above Fifth. W J Maxwell, Philadelphia B Ashmead. p a W H Howler, New Joisey W Reed. New JJrunswiok Mr* Gillingham, Pa, Miss Gillingham, I’a HD Watts, Ponnsylvania KCoalbsugh, Wmaport H Johnson . 8 Silver, Delaware Wm R Looking, Md Miss Looking, Md John R Gill A la, Maryland R E Brown. Maond, Ga BM. Crawford, Maryland John Goldsboro, N J rhos H 1 impson, N J B P Stewart. New Jersey E M Phillips A la, Boston Mis* B Phillips, Boston M»*g Newberr. New York Mrs Bishop, New York J?W Evans. Philadelphia J W Eastman, Maine H Furbish. Maine . L W Hunt. Maine Wm Hamilton, Maine K Myers, Georgetown, D 1 Wm H Wert. urn. Ohio D Hiohardson A la, Texas JQPvfmouj & wf. N York Miss Hiohardson, Texas G W Kendall, New Yoik Wm M Reed, Bath, Me Geo Stevens, Bradford, Pa ST, LOUIS HOTEL—Chestnut street, above Third. H A Johnson. New Jersey J K Blyler, Savannah GJunthey, Allentown, Pa MrChaoe, Philadelphia Wm Warren, Philadelphia Jos A Kenner, Montg, Ala John A Hartley. Phila J E Simpsoo, Maryland Joa B Ewing, Ohio A M Wills. New Jersey H Kurts, Mt Joy. Pa Peter Weidman.Mt Joy,Fa ELalloii, New York Prof A 8 Kepper, Lane A Gaw A la, Maryland A Platt, New York J W Bhoppard. Cm. O D Potter, New Jersey J UesturneU, Now Yoik e AHause.Troy. N Y T A Pope, Norwich, Conn J Syrtes.Lansmgburg, NY S Robinson. New York Mr Duthill. wf, Asia, bel H Jnoobi. Philadelphia R J Simpson A la, Md FBtlv* New York J R Hall, Newport Lew Mulford, Millville. NJ G Hughes, New York THE UNION—Arch street, above Third. H C JJifdon,l New Jersey Jaeobßretx- Philoda r« Ghi° J H HuUnr.Hughesvilte R 8 Maxwell. Penna J F Roe, wayne co. Pa Mrs B Hart. Cmoinnatl Miss Conklin. Louisville O Worman, New Jersey V O Wagoner. Baltimore Mrs M C Wade, Virginia W B Bolton. Pittsburg w g Pharp & la, N Jersey C E Evans, Boston Miss Russell, New York Nolen A la. N Carol Mi*s O R Nolen R Island KT Warner, Pchuylk’lon A Jr. Newark, Del M MoHenry. Newark, Del Gen H LC&ke, Pottavilld M Yardley. Doyleatown J Hamme r. Orwigsburg 8 8 Lungren A f, To'edo.O S Amies, New York CoIIJ Hendricks, Norr st'n W H Caldwell. Virginia A Legcate, Allegheny, Pa WC Delar, Maryland W Carlisle. Maryland Mrs Lowe, Pittsburg. Fa T Mlxsell A la, Easton, Fa A 11 Trego A la, New Jersey FOUNTAIN HOTEL—Peoond street, above Market Jos A Rooker. Cecil co, Md J Brown, Delaware 'f Russell, Delaware G W Dewees, New York AT Reading, Philadelphia Wm Bavage, Philada OFBfariiger, Philadelphia Bawl J Townsend. Del F L Mulford, New Jorßcy W E Hall. Smyrna, Del Gen Ennis, Delaware Morris Collins, Delaware COMMERCIAL HOTPL-Sixth at., above Chestnut, Thos P Ku'tey, Reading P Preston, Wear Grove Benj Denoiston. Pittsburg Jacob Bwayne. York co H N Hammond. Newark, D Jos M Clark, Lane 00, Pa J Williamson, Philadelphia E R. Williamson, Phila J 8 Crawford, Elk'on, Md Wm H Gleason, Wiaoon WmT Niemann. Philada Jos Mintser, Pottstown Wm Bharplets. Penna Mr Fletoher A la. Ohio W Griest, Lano co, Pa Cho* epeakman, I>el co W H Swayne, Chester co E Chandler, Marcus Hook Jno Louderbnugh, Bod’d co R A Louden. Millerstown H Andrews, Jr, Lano 00. Pa Chas E Ferns, N Castle P- B Lamborn, Penna D M Rerno'ds, Lano 00 B Woods, Lano 00, fa B Smith A wf, Chester co BTATEB UNJON-Market street, above Sixth. Amos Booker. Lano 00 A Bnydor, Georgetown. Pa Jno MartinrGeorgetwn.Pa J«b Taylor, Westmoreland J T Ludey, Westmoreland P H Shields, Pennsylvania Mrs Huntsburger, Penna John Gamble, New York 8 Fort. New York H JBtarrett. Lancaster 00 H Parkman, Lancaster W B Mendenhall, Coatesvl 8 8 Ballinger, Marietta Wm Mell. Sbippenshurg Wm G Bannum. Chester co H H Dunbar, Pittsburg Jm Milligan, Pennsylvania JacobSponogle, Penna G C Tharp, Liverpool, Pa N M Door, Pennsylvania J&sT Woodall, Harrisburg BALD EAGLE—Third street, above Callawhill. V. Doster. Bethlehem . Peter Groff", Pennsylvania John hockey, Pennsylvania W Sohwenk. Peunsylvania lIT Worman. Allentown G Janter, Allentown Jo* ftopp. Allentown Miss Stopp, Allentown . Folonwn Boyer. Lehigh co Mrsßoyer, Lebighco, Pa Danl Boyer. Lehigh oo» P* Chae Mionael, Pa Mrs Boyer, Lehigh 00. Pa Pdw Kraniiok* Pa J F Pilueger,Northamptn 00 Miss J Pfleager.Northtn 00 Da Kehler A wf. Nortbtn 00 Mrs Krause, Allentown Chae Stapler, Bucks co H J Steokei, Allentown MT. VERNON HOTEL—Second street, above Aroh. Cbas Wiend. Allentown Dr Wm G Smith, Danvillo IFt KldredtlPennsylvama Geo S Fox, Holmesburg J H Dewees. Hnlmesburg H C White, Pennsylvania D M Rioksb&ugh, Miilerst’n John Swartx* Penna J Eahelman. Pennsylvania 8 Gross, Easton. Penna W H Smith A wf, wellsboro M S Deringer, Prospect BARLEY SHEAF—Peconfi street, below Vine. C Msgill A dan, Bucks co W Porter, New Jersey J williams, Pennsylvania A Livezey, MD, Fa H Smoker Milton I. D Eveland. Penna W Crook New Hope, Pa W Hewett, Maryland T 0 Mnrphy, 8t Louis A C Barber. LnmbertYiUe WBrodhcad Pennsylvania B Blaokwell, New Jersey Mrs H M Blackwell. N J MERCHANTS’ HOUSE—Third street.‘ab. Callowhill N BGerman,Alentown HHeigs, Allentown J TSbeimer, Allentown W" M Jones, Allentown J Coles, Allentown J Oerter. Bethlehem T H Bfooklj, Bath, Pit M*Raw A son. Pa P Blotter. Pennsylvania J IrSpang, Berks co, Pa H A Rauch’Linz, Pa M M Sensenig, Lane co « W Milnor, Illinois W G Ryan, Connpcticut SJFittenmyar. PennsjlvmaD M Patterson Orangevlle Vwowman A la, Pa Mita Bowman, Pa BLACK BEAR—Third street, above Callowhill. BornvUle, Benj Helfiioh,Lng Swamp MacunsSo Cha* Harper, Jenkmtown Jos Bowman, Lebanon V&wKL’ffi* Jacob Gruber, Jr. Tremont Saml.Biohoe/,Btouohsburg SoftwßK’SX®** i&ml Lefiler, Orwi.abarg CITY ITEMS. UP TO 12 o’clock last night. IMPORTATIONS* l iU pcr’od lor Tho BOSTON—Stpanißhip Phinoos Sprague, Matthews -114 bales ana 16 oases A Siado ft Co; 10 hales ami 20 oases Waldo. Learning ft Co; 17 bales and 13 oases Harpor ft Jenks; 30 bales and 6 oases J-imes- Kent Sinteo ft Co; 27 bales and 32 oases Frothingham & Neill; 51 oases boots and shoes Myers Ciaghora ft Co; 36 oases do Brown ft Pratt; 32 oases do Shumway, Hart ft Otr* 22 oases do P Ford & Co; Sloasesdo Thayer ft Cowperthwaite; 175 bills maokerel J Palmer; 181ibls oranbernos Selacr ft Bro; 100 bales gsinbia W Pyle, MARINE INTELLIGENCE* SEE FOURTH PAGE, ARRIVED. Steamship l’hmeas Sonumn, Mafthown. 43 hours from Boston, with mdse and passengers to Henry Winsor. Sohr Horn, Pickards, 2 days from Indian River, with oorn to J W Bacon. _ . . CLEARED. Bohr J w Pharo, Cavalier, Somerset, Sinntokstw ft Glover, BT TELEGRAPH. Uoriesponilenoe ut The Press.» A . New Orleans. Nov 7. Arrived, ships Trenton nnrt Fomonn, from Liverpool; Arizona, from Hclvcet; South Shoro, from Grand Basso. MEMORANDA. . , Steamship Statu of Georgia, Garvin, honou, arrived r.t Savannah 4th mat. . , A Steamship Delawaie, Cannon, hence, arrived at Now York yesterday. „ , Steamship Edinburgh. Kennedy, from I werpool, via Queenstown. arrived at New York yesterday. Steamship Vieo. MoGnignn. from Liverpool, via Queenstown, arrived at New York jeste'day. Steamship Asm. Lott, from Liverpool, sailed from N York yestorday. „ , , , . Slap Viotorv, Ainoworth, for Liverpool, oleared at N York ypcterdiy. „ „ , , , A .. Ship Linda Favonn, for Va'parawo, cleared at New York yeprerdar. , A .. ... Ship D S Choate. McManus, cleared at New York yes terday for Liverpool. , Ships Lovi Moodhirv, young, B'lrn-lnß Webb. Hughes, Georgmun, Salter, Ivoucmhea Claussen, and Jos Nesmith, watts, for Liverpool; E F b'abam,Von Hapnn, for Bremen, and Wilbur Fisk, Cutter, for Fleetwood, cleared «t New Orleans Ist inst. with an ag gregate 0r25 212 bales cotton. Bark Wnshineton Butcher, Collins, sailed from Mnr sailles ]3th ult. for Alioantc—h«s been reported for New Orleans. Bark Taeony, Brown, remained at Marsoiles J7in ult. uncertain. . . t . Hark Patneroh, Fordioo, from Riode Janeiro, arrived at Pensacola 30th nit. Bark Hyperion, Gib on, for Barbadocs, oleared at N York yesterday. „ „ . , , .., Bark J C Anners, for Buenos Ayres, oleared at New York yesterday. . _ Bark Oolumb’a, from Baltimore for Bromen, was on Becchv Heart vitb ult. , Bark Gazelle, Rhoads, cleared at Now \ ork yesterday for Barimrtoes , _ , , , _ Bark Marian, Smith, for Pernambuco, sailed from Richmond G»h inst. „ ~ , . , Bn« A Orta. O'-outt, for Philadelphia, was advertised at New Orleans 6th inst. „ „ „ , Sohr Martha Moore, Bennott, henoo for ct Marks, put into Savannah 4th inst in distress. , , fichr Eagle. wUlotts, palled from Richmond Cth inst, for Newbern, NG. . „ , Sohr D S Mershon. Allen, sailed from Richmond Cth inst. down the river, light. Sohr Jay Neilson, Burt, sailed from Taunton slh mat, for Philadelphia. Sohr Cnernino, Willetts, for Philadelphia, was adver tised at Wilmington N'J, Cth inst. Sclira R M Price, Kelly, J Cadwalader. Clayton, R J Moroer, Cul on, and O Shaw, Shaw, hence, arrived at Boston Cth inst, Sohr Halita. Barlarie, for Philadelphia, cleared at Halifax 3J inst. Schr Geo Mangham, Souddor, henoo, was discharging at Galveston 27th ult. Schr Trident, from Rockland for Philadelphia, arrived at Portland Cth inst. Bchrs Sharon, Thurlow, GAzello, Naylor. Hiawatha, Disnoy.and Spray, Price, flailed from Newburyportßth sth inst. for Pnilxdelphm. Bohr Oninmarnior-in-Ciiiof, Mnrston, hence, arrived at Now BedU.rd 6th met Schr Milton, Nelson, cleared at New York yesterday for Philadelphia. Sohr L Bturtevant, Harvey, a 1 New York jemerday from Alexandria, Sohr Alvira, Brannin, for Philadelphia, cleared at N York yesterday. Steamers Pianet. Wilson, and Blaok Diamond, Allen, hence nrnvod at New York josterday. Propeller Bristol, Allen, olearod at New Y ork yester day for Pniladelphia Ship M Wiiitmobe-St Johns Port. Oct2l—About 6COQ bigs of wheat ann ico bb!a o’ flour have been inndod on (he boaoh. Tho water been kept out of the ship, so that wo had not more tha n a foot for tho last day or two, and sometimes the pumps .suoked. The spring tides come on to-day, ord we expect tho ship will soon float in her bed; if the weather should be moderate cho will r lion enme off; if not, she will then go higher up, and no anohors oan hold her. SPECIAL NOTICES. '< nnoAT and Lbng Diseases —Any form of dirense of tho Breathing Organs are at once relieved and permanently cured by the use of DR. J. K. STAF FORD’S OLIVE TAR AND IR’JiN AND SULPHUR POWDERB advertised in this paper. The Olive Tar infuses Magnetism or vitality, whioh is retained and diflused through tho system by tho notion of the Iron and Sulphur Powders upon tho Blood. The Iron retmr.B the vital or life-giving forces in the ciroulntion, and the oombmod Sulphur converts its waste or worn out psrti oles into gases, which are expelled from tho body through tho pores. Scud for a Pamphlet. Sold by aU Druggists, and by DYOTP ft CO., No. 23J Worth SECOND Street, Philadelphia, 003-tf Hath Dte ! llaib Dve! !—Batchelor’s LIQUID HAIR DYE ii the origiiiaf and be't tn the market. AH others are mere imitations, and should be avoided if you wish to esoape ridicule, Fplcndtd Black or beautilul Brown instantaneously. Sold by all Drug gists every whore. ’Jhe genuine has |ho signature of WILLIAM A. BATCHELOR upon a steel-plate en graving on four sides of each box. •Beiccre of Coun’crfeitx. Manufactory, 81 Barolay street, Into 233 Broadway, New York. CHARLES BATCHELOIt, n °6’ly Proprietor. Saying Fund—National Safety Trusp Companf.—Chartered by tho Stats of Pennsylvania. RULES. 1. Money is received evory day, .and in any amount, argo or small. 2. FIVE PER CENT, interest is paid for money fioin the day it is putin. 3. The money is always paul baoh in GOLD whenever it is oalled lor, and without notioo. 4. Money is received from Executors , Adtninistra tors, Guardians, and other Trustees, m largo or small sums, to remain a long or short period. 5. Tho money received from Depositors is invested in Real Estate, Mortgages, Ground Ronta, and other first class securities. 6. Office open every day—W AL NUT Street, southwest oornor Third street, Philadololna. jal2 SuAifEN’s Sating Fund—Noktiiivkot Corkp.r Second and Walnut Strebtb.—Deposits re ceived in small and largo amounts, from all olaesos of tho ooimminity, and allows interoat at tho rate of FIVE PER CENT, per annum. Money may bo drawn by oheoks without lors of in terest. Office open daily, from 9 until 5 o’clock, and on Mon day and Saturday until nine in tnc evening. President, F.RANKLIN FELL; Treasurer andSeorotary, CfiAS. M. MORRIS. SEcoND-IIAbD Safes—l am rccchmga great number of ‘■arrel, Herring, A Co.’s Second hand Sheet Iron Safes (many of thorn almost new), also those of o«her makers, in exchange for the now celebrated Lillie Wrought and Chilled Iron Safe A general assortment constantly on hind,and offered at very low prices. Fleaoecall and examine. Depot, 715 CHESTNUT, under M&toma Hall. M. C. SADLER, Agent, Philadelphia. rcs-rrthtf Salamander Fire-Phoop Safes.—A verv arge assortment of SALAMANDERS for sale at rea sonable prices, No. 304 CHUBTNUTSt.,Phila<lelphia. *»® tf K ANS A WATaON. Grover & Baker’s Celebrated NOISELESS SEWING MACHINES Tho Best in Use for Family Sowing. No, 730 CHESTNUT Street, Philadelphia au27-1y Card Printing, Best and Cheapest in ’ho City, at. 34 South THIRD Street. CIRCULAR PRINTING, Best and Cheapest in the City, at 34 *outh THIRD Btrect. BILL-HEAD PRINTING, Best and Cheapest in the City, at 34 South THIRD Htreot. HAND BILL PRINTING, Best and Cheapest in tli hty, nt 34 South THIRD Street. PAMPHLET PRINTING, and every othor descrip tion of Printing, oi the most superior quality, at tho most reasonable rates, at KINGWALT A BROWN’S Drexol's Builduig, 34 South THIRD Hreet. el3-tf AlAimiKlJ. —On the 7th instant, by the Rev. Richard W. Humphrleß, of Groat Kalla. N.H. Wilhmn D. Neal), of the firm of Nenll A Merriman, to of tlnn oitv e eBt of A. Steimnetz, Esq., all BAILEY—LAWBS —On the 23d tilt., at I’h® Rov, W\ W. Lord, Mr. C. Handolph Bailey, of 1 ' ,1, « r Ba, or Philadolcma.* floptember, by the Rev R M. lillotson, Mr. Wm. p. Poole toMuaChnt tio J. Mustek, both o' tiuscitv. * FfcLi.— BTOCkTON.—On tho JOtli September, by the Rev. Alfred Lookman. David W. Foil to Josephine K. btoekton, all of this city. * FISCHER.—On the Gth instant, Clara, daughter of Wm.G and Mary Fischer, aged 3 years and 3 month-. funeral from the residence of her parents, 911 Corinthian avenue, below Girard avenue, thiß(Thurs- 2 o’clock. i instant. Mary, daughter of ir 1,011,1 Goodbum, in the 4«h year of her age. J rom .t* ,e residenoo of lier parents, this ( iw U m^ a Ji mo /, ni n , e ’ 10 o’clock. ’ * ®tli instant Mary Ann. daughter nn flMo r garet Hoover need 4 years. R Funeral from tho rosidanco of her parents. No. 439 Watkins street, above Fourth, below Morris, this <T ou r r B . d , a Tin , ) er r, oo, J, iat 1 o’clock. morris, this *4ILL.IPI J.On tlie 6th instant, at Reading. Pa.. Mary U.. wife of * brain H. * Julitppi. and daughter of Francis R. and Sarah Levering, of Philrulolphia. (Thn"»say/Srn''oo r n tate rc " ,dM = [ ’' ♦ M® kOW Pi* Montgomery county. Fa., on the Ist instant. Mrs. Malvina Puce, wife of Daniel this o)t daughter of Dr. i’onroa9 Wiley, formerly of ,•n H .h l « l on7w^. o,l rte Mhi "' lt • , Mrs ’ £l| z“''Oth Smelt*, in tho 90th year of horage. Funeral from her late residence*. No 612 North Tenth street, on Friday afternoon, at 1 o’o oflf. ** BMIIH.--0n the Cth instant. Margaret Smith, duugli monthsJ ° hll T ’ nnd Jan 6 nKOd 4 yOArB ftn(l 2 Funeral from the residence of her paionts, No. 1021 Ptocker street, below« arpenter. north of Seventeenth, thiMThuredayiafternonn at I o’clock. * SI YER.—On the 6th instant, Rachel, wife of Charles ct-er, aged 36 years. Funeral from tho rpsidenen of her husband. No. 2030 °J? F r‘<lav afternoon, nt 2 o’clock. - * NNEY,—On tho (Jtiunstant, Jaii9 Sweenney, agea 24 years. fr 9 m t,ie residence of Mr. Wm. Keefler. No. 1227N0b1e street,above Twelfth, this (Thursday) af ternoon. at 2 o’olook. * YOUNG.-On Ue sth instant, Mr. Joseph Young, aged 54 years. * Funeral from his late residence, in Morris street, above Belgrade, (Into West,) this (Thursday) after noon, QtSo’olook. * ACCOO,—On J>ov. 5, 1860, Mr, Jesse Acooo, aged 6f years. Funeral to-day, Btli inst., at 2 o’olock P.M. * TAYLOR.—On the sth inst.. Mr. JnoobTnjlor, in tho' 82d year of his age. Funeral from his lata residence, cornor of Cherry and Belgrade (late West) streets, this (Thursday) after noon. at 1 o’olook. • nut'll, tu A W UIUUn. - WINDER.—On seoond day, 6th inst., nt tho house of J. Paul Knight, fouihampton, Bucks county, Robecca Winder, in the92il year of hor ase. funeral this day. Bth inst.. at 10 o’clock. * VOUNG.—On Monday, November StJi, Thomas A., eon nf Henrr and Mary B. Young, aged 6 yoars, 8 months, and 17 days. luneral will take place from t h e residence of his father. No. 1125 Citron street, this (Thursday) afternoon, Bth inBt.,at3o’clook ♦ B^ o AOK DRESS Cv Cashmeres, Merinoes, Armuro Cashmorea, Velour Reps, Velour Ottomans, Bombaxines, ramisca, Mousßeiinfs. Reps Anglais, Paramaitas, BESSON 30DS.—A large stock Bombazmo Alpncaa, Molmir Lustres, Satin de Chines, Airmiahnes, Figured Poplins, Irish Poplins. Grns Grain Silkn, Poult de Soies, English Silks, Patent Boiled Silks, Ao. A SON. Mourning Store, No, 91P Chestnut street. CPEOIAL ANNOUNCEMENT TO THE LADIES. G PER CENT . DISCOUNT FOR CASH. We extend to the Ladies, on cash purchases, at our Retail Counters, the allowance hitherto enjoyed by our Store-keeping lustomers,of 5 PER CENT. DISCOUNT FOR CASH. TRIMMINGS, ZEPHYRS. LACES, RIBBONB, SKIRTS, CORSETS, SHAWL-BORDERS, HAIR-NETS, Ac. City Railway Fares to our Establishment will be amply repaid hr the inducements we oiler in price, va riety, quality, and quantity. J, G. MAXWELL A BON, Aranufrtcturtng anti Importing Establishment , noS-tt 8. E, oor, ELEVENTH and CHESTNUT, THE PRESS.—PHILADELPHIA, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 8, 1860. ry» at a meeting of, the stu- II DENTS of Division Gof the CLNIHAL HIGH SCHOOL, of Pmladoluhia, on tho 7th of ber, 3860. the following Trcamblo and Resolutions were a< B7N?r<a.«. Ithia pleased Almighty Providenoe re move from our midst om beloved fellow-student and friend. 1 JaW.ES H. TaTMA? ; therefore. . • 1 Ilcsolved, That wn deeply feel tho loss wo have ex p-rionood by the romovarofone wro showedsuoh rare abilities, and bid fturlo bean ornament to Society anu to ße°ofvetf,°Th twe offer our hoartfeltcondolonoo to the family of the defeased, and eincerely sympathise with them in their aflliotion. , . . W dissolved* That a coprof these resolutions bo trans mitted to tho family of tho deoonaod, and be published in onoor more of tha diuly maK _ chalrraa „. A. PiiMiss, Jr., PeoreUry. “ rv-5=- GOUGH’S LECTURES. |[_3 NOVEMBER 13 AND 15. AT THE ACADEMV O.' MUSIC. . On nml aflor WfdnesDay. the 31nt inst. tho romnmins Tiokela for unroserved neats will 'esold nt n niUen e Book Sioro.oOli CHESTNUT Street, nn,’ Iraot Deoositorr, CHESTNU'I' Street, LolowTentli. numhpr of Stage eml Orohestra Ticket, o^n bo had at Martian’s only. Fries 60 pants. n° a tY3=» NOTICE.-TO THE CONTRIBUTING IL? MEMBERS OF THE F Hll. ADt Li F HIA BAND, No. 1 (Beck’s). , ~ The annual Meetine will lie held on FIHDAY n 'Yh- NING, Nov. 9th. at 7K o’clock, at the Band’s Room, 8. Ji. corner oi EIGHIH and WALNU i Streets, lourlh Htorj, for the purposo of oleotmg a Floor Manaj.or Aps’atants to conduct the Momfrrs’ Quadnllo raxties, (ninth series ) for the ensuing season. jamls madisov beck. no3-2t* BeoTQtary Philadelphia Band, No. 1. MECHANICS’ BANK, t . .... U < Piiilauxlphia, Novombero. 1850. The DiTeotors have tins day declared a dividend of FIVR PER CENT, for the past fix months, parable on tho 36th instant, agreeably to the ohartor. ~ no 7 9t L Wlk GAN D,Jr„ Cashier. T , IE riULADELPIUA HANK, !J ? '<ovomber6. 1860, Thn Directors have Ibis day deolared a dividend of FIVE I’EIl Cl'M'l. for the last six months, payable on demaud. tno7-3tj B. B. COMLG V 8. Cashier. SOUTHWARK BANK, Lk? PinLATiKLPHiA, Novtmbor 6,18C0.. The Board of Directors have this day deolared a divi dend of FJVF. PER CENT., payable on and aftor MONDAY NeXT, 12th instant. .. no 7 JOt F. P. STEEL. Cashier., ry"3=» GIRARD BANK, PHILADELPHIA, LkJj Novpmbor 6.3860—Th0 Dirootora have this day doolared a Dividend ofTHRKfe AND A HALF PER OKNT, for tho last six months, payable on and after tho IGth inst., free of otato Tax. no7-dtl7 W. L. SCH * FFER, P=* WESTERN BANK OF PIULABEL ! PHIA, November 6. IB6o.—The Direo*ois of this k have this day declared a Dividend of FIVE PFR CENT., payablo on and after fhe 16th irst. , n7-10t G. M. TROUTMAN, Cnahier. rrsr* CORN EXCHANGE BANK, PIIILA DELPHIA, Novomhor C, IB6o.—Tho Direo’ora have this day declared a Dividend of THREE PER CENT, on the oipital stook, payable on tho ICth instant, and clear of Mate tax. no 7 JOt J. W. TORRE Y, Cashier. fYy* COMMERCIAL BANK OF PENNSYL- Uot VANIA, PHILADELPHIA. November 6, JBOO - Board of Directors havo this day declared a semi annual Dividend of THREE AND UNE-HALF PER CENT., payable on demand, o'onr of State tax. no7-10t 8. C. PALMER, Cashier. FARMERS’ AND MECHANICS’ L 5 bank. Philadelphia, November e. isco -1 he Directors have this day declared a Dividondof FOUR PER CENT., payable on demand. no 7 Ct W. RUSIITON, Jr., Cashier. MANUFACTURERS’ AND MECIIAN ICS’ BANK. PHILADELPHIA. Nov. 6, 18‘0. '» he Board of Directors have this day declared a DIVI* BEND of FOUR PER Cx,NT. out of the profits of the loot six months, payable on tho 16th inst., atreoable with the Charter. M. W. WOODWARD, Cashier. no 7 3t CONSOLIDATION BANK, PHILADEL- Lk_!? PHIA, November 6. 1860. The Dirootors have this day declared a Dividond of TH h EP3 PER CENT., for the pa*t six months,jparable on Monday, 12th met. JOS. N. PEIBSOL, no 7 Ct Cashier. POST OFFICE, PHILADELPHIA. PA/ 'J.-3 tIOVKMBVH 2. 1860. NOTICE in hereby given, by order of the Postmaster General, that from uml after this date. Letters for the Mails deposited in the eTcot letter-boxes, without tho pro-pajinont of ONE CENT FOR COLLEC'IION, vYILL HE DETAINED, and notice given, as m the caso of Letter* whore tho onstage may be wholly unpaid. lno3-6t] N. B. BROWNE, Postmister. FARMERS’ AND MECHANICS’ BANK, LLS Philadklphia, October 6,1860. 'The An« v\al Eloction for Dircctora will bo held at the Banking-House, on MONDAY, tho nineteenth day of November next, between the hours of 9 o’clock A. M. snd 3o'clook P. M. f and on TUESDAY.the sixth day of November next, a general meeting of tho Stockholders, will bo hold at tho Banking House, at 4 o’olo.k P. M., ngrecabiy to the chartor. ooS-dtnol9 W. RUSHTONf Jr., Cashier. SOUTHWARK BANK, PHILADEL -ILS PHIA, Ootobcr 9. IB6o.—The annual election tor DIRECTORS will bo held at tho Banking House on MONDA Y, the 19th day of NOVEMBER NEXT, be tween tho hours nflO o’olook A. M. and 2 o’olook P. M. The annual meeting of STOCKHOLDERS will be held at tho same place on TUESDAY, the 6th day of NOVEMBER NEXT, at 12 o’cloox Al. 0011-dtnol9 F. P. STEEL, Cashier, [Yzr* GIRARD BANK.-PHILADELPHIA, iLi? OCTOBER 16, IB6o.—Notioo is hereby given that «u election for THIKTEEN DIRECTORS, to servo for tho ensuing year, will be held at tho Banking-house, on MONDAY, Novomber 19, between the hours of 10 A. AL. and 2 P, M. The Annual Meeting of tho Stockholders will he held at the same place, on TUESDAY, Nnvomber 6. at 12 o’olook M. W.L.SCHAFFER,Caehier. Ootobcr 16. 1860. ocl6-tuths tnolQ CONSOLIDATION BANK, PIfILADEL- VltlA, October )sih, 1830.—'Tug Annual Eteouon for Uireotors of this Bank will bo hold at the BANK ING HOU.sE, on MONDAY, tha lPth day of November next, between tho hours of ten A. m. and two P. M. And a General Mooting of tho ‘ftookholders will bo held u'the samo plaoe, on TUESDAY. November 6th. at twelve M, JOS, N. PeIRSOI, Cashier. oo 16-tulhfta t no!9 THE riHLADELPIUABANK. October Us»3 13,1860. —The Annual Mooting of the Stockhold ers of this Bank, will bo held on TUESDAY, the sixth day of November noxt, at the Banking House, at 12 o clock, M.; and tho Annual Election for Dirootora w«H be hold at the Banking House, on AIONDAY. the 19th day of November next, between the houiaol teno’clook A. M. and two o’clock P. M. oel6-inihtnol9 l\ B. COMEGYB, Cashier. WESTERN BANK OF PHILADEL- Us 3 PHt A, tOCTOBzn Bth, 1860. An election for thirteen Directors, to soryo the ensu ing year, will be held at thta Bank on vONDAY.tho I9tli day of November next, botweon tho hours ol 10 o’clook A. M. and 2 o’olock P. M. 'Jhe annual meeting of the stockholders will b© held at the same place on IUEBDAY, the Cth dar of November noxt. at 12 o’olook M. G M.TKOUTMaN, 09-tutlitl9nov Cashier. frTK o oS£' ,^iF^ NLYI ' VANIA RA,i - r, .c- Philadelphia, October 17,1840. The Unrud oT Directors have this day deolared n eeml nnnual dividend of THREE PER CENT, on tho Capi tal Stock of the Company, clear of State tax; payable on and after NOVEMBER 15, 1860. - Powers of Attorney for collection of Dividends oan b* had on application at l bo of tlir Company. No. 233 .South THIRD Street. THOS. T. FIRTH, ucts-tdol TrensuTer. LPIII A EXCHANGE COM- Ii 7 5 I’ANY, Ootobor3l. 1860. mu 1 ,? RJanagers have tins day declared a Dividend of two DOLJ AHf* rer sjiare on the Capital Stock ot the Company, payable to the Stock holders or their legal re presentatives, by the Superintendent, at the Exchange, «n and after the 16th of NOVEMBER. The transfer boobs will be closed until that date. no2-fmwils nrs** NOTICE.-TIIE ANNUAL MEETING 1 L-3 of the Stockholders oi the Pennsylvania Bnlt Manufacturine Company wi'l t o held on TH UkSDAY. tho )6th of NOVEMBER, at 12 n the Office of the Company,No. iai WALNUT street. Philadelphia. 0c20~12t THUS. BPARKS. Secretary. Dj‘s?a^ B iSsjj , p 0 K c r M, “ ,o " iSi Tkkasuky Dkpartmbnt. I .... . . Harrisburg, October 24,1860. f Notice is hereby given, that sealed proposals fortho iiale ol all or any part of one hundred thousand dollars of the five percent, loans of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, will be reoeived at tho Trensurr De partment, m the city of Harrisburg, until 2 oVook, P. Sl-. oC l UtSDAY.THBaitIi PAY Of NOVEMBMI A- 1). 1850, the same to sot forth the amount offered, ft nd the price asked. To be addressed. “Cormn’esion era of Sinking Fuud, Harrisburg, Pa.,” ondorsod “Pro posals to soil State Loans.” Tho b ds will bo opened* and allotments made to the lowest bidders on that day. WM.■ M. HIKSTHR, Seo’y Comw’th, PLI SLTFI'.R. Stato Treasurer, _ THOS.E.COCHRAN, Aud.Gen. ocJ7-tno?Q Commissioners of Sinking Fund. rHOME MISSIONARY ISOCIETY OF l r L3 r THb CITY OF PHILADELPHIA.-*he Of fine of thm Bocicty has been removed from No. 531 East NINTH Street, to N0.41S North FIFTH Street, below ARCH. It will be open daily, (Sabbaths exoept od.) from Dto 5 o’clock. Iho money contributed to this Bociotv for the relief of the poo r,is scrupulously appropriated to that pur pose on y, ana the managers earnestly solicit donations Jrom the public, to onhble them to carry on success fully this branch ot the Society’s operations. To afford the comrnenity an opportunity of contributing, they *i av i s 5 p I , Il rV^ t r lh 'l AßOntof tho Association. Mr. JOHN P. AHJuspN, who is now waiting upon our oitizens. *obciiing their aid, and the managers bespeak for him a kind reoeption,'a patient hearing, and a liberal re sponse. GEORGE H. BTUART, President. MATTHEW NEWKIRK, Vioo President, R. K. HOEFLrCH, Secretary. I HOB, T. MASON. Treasurer, oo)BthatuB No. 4 34 MARKET Street. irg a OFFICE OK THE PHILADELPHIA U *Nf> READING RAILROAD COMPANY. . , .. . _ March, 1860 fhe hol< ter«°i the bonds of this Company, due July 1. 1860, can now laooive. upon application at this office, 10 poroent. m cash, upon tho terms apooifiod in theoirou tar attached, The holders are also entitled torne benefit ora Slnfc tng l-.und of 8140,000 per annum, as establiahed by the h 0 ll «i» al their annual meeting, held January 8. 1860, and in pursnanoe ol tho oontraot,entered into by he compani and duly reoonled, to carry tho name into C I R B CU , !!^.’ Foi,JJ ''‘' r ~ 16 Sr! Holders bf Philadelphia and Riarfing Railroad Company Montage Ponds, due Julv 1, 1860. Iheso bonds aro secured by the first mortgages on the road, amounting in the aggregate to $3,3u8,400. The £mft, r . e T e s*u for lftot ,e,nr was six time* the amount of the annual interest on these bonds. * ihe managers propose to extend them for a penod of twenty rears, the holders retaining the bonds and tho of the mortgages in the pieoise condition in whioii they are now held. Fresh sheets of coupons for the interest, payable half-yearly, will be issued. A bonus oi 10 per cent, given to the holders, m consideration of their assenting to the extension. Tins bonus will be paid in oash to the bearers of the bonds, on their signing ft■ Tteevpt and preaoming their reepeo tive bonds at tho office of thr Company, or to its Agents, forendoreement. ’ ronns of receipt and endowment will he furnubed Ok application. By order oftho Hoard of Mannrers. ml-tf W. H. MoILHKNNY. SeoretarT. corAitTNEusmr notices. IVOTIOE IS HEREBY GIVEN, THAT , _ the partners^lnp heretofore existing botween the A |;KX J. MONTGOMERY, WILLIAM CURRY,' „ ISAAC PUGH. Philadelphia,Eept,B, 1860 nO B 6tif* WO 'D-BURNT AND MARBLE LIME, Calcined Plaster. Plnstenng Hair, Whito Sand. Cement. Orders by mail for shipping promptly Ut l0&Bk Corner NINTH and COaTaS, n o 3 H. MoINNEB. PRINCE OP WALES EXOITE ment has d od out, and made way for the present excitement Jar Photographio I'ioturts at K KIM HR’S Oallory, M 7 North SfeOQND Street, above Oreen. It* C* DONOQHUE 23 SOUTH WATER • Street, has for salofij 00 paokagos of stoam-Tofined Sugars and bjrups. inoliulingptttont out Loaf, of various Bl nB-3t* Ut rcducetl for cush or approvedorediL fJONYBBSATIOJS IN FRENCH.— PROF. GERARD oan recoive a few advanced numls «»■ his study,No 517 PRUNEStreet, whore applioitiM may be made at any time oftor 4 P. M. _nol 2t* n IMACKEREL, HERRING, SHAD, SAt- I.VJL MON, &0.-5,000 bbls Moss No*. 1, J, and 3 Mack erel, large, medium, and email, in assorted packages of choice late oaught fat fish, pamegos, I N ew ßalil.x, Eaitport, end Labrador Her rings. of choice qualities. ' 6,000 boxes extri new scaled Herrings 2££, boxeB P xt 'ftncwNo, 1 Ilornnta. 3.000 boxes large Mngdnbuo Herrings. ;60 bbls, Maokinao Whito Fish. 60 bbls, now Economy Mors Shad. , 25 bbis, new Halifax Salmon. 1.000 Ouintnls Grand Bank Codfish. 301) boxes Horkimer-oounty Cliecso. in so.e a- u landing, iorsam by 0 MURPHY & KOONK. No. 11 n Nurth WiiAnvi;, |V|ESS MAOKERFL - G 3 bbls., 57 half bblp,, 74 quarter bbls , and 160 kitts No. 1 Mess Mackerel, of a clioico qualitr. in etoro ami lamline. In? Mlojx, MURI'IIY & KOONH. Jm No. 14b NORTH WHAItVKR. FLOWEBS—For sale bv T YCOPODIUM— For sale'by WETIIE- •JH HILL Jc BROTHER, 4 1 and 49 North SECOND <~kYSTER STYLE KICH PRINTED 00- : " r burgh, S°,£ p, 7 100 b t oxes ? 1 f an 0a ,p ; „ 175 do. fS“tiio°cohfui a . uMfa&WkS? ioWwWW' nos EYR E& FI b°XS r «»ROHBt I() o t . KETAIL DRV GOODS. HJOURNiNQ’ goods NOVEMBER SALES. BESSON & SON, MOURNING STORE, NO. 018 CHESTNUT STREET, Respcotfully invite attention to tha following list of seasonable goodsi No. 1. BLACK BEAVER CLOTH CLOAK*. 2. uo. THIBET LONG AND SQUARE „ , . SJIAWLS. tfo- do. do. SHAWLS, oxtra sizes. ‘ 4. do. FINK WOOLLVN LONG SHAWLS ft do. blanket long and square " «' LONG and SQUARE !! I ?,?S£B ER i>i > LAID SCOTCH lone SHAWLS. 8 BLACK ALI. WODI. VbLOURnKSS. 0. do. do. VELOUtI OTTOMANS. to. do. do. valour imtkruls. “11. to. ,| O . SATIN DE CHINES. .. 12. do. <lo. CASHMERES. 13. do. do. MERINO! S. 'H. do. do. TAMISfa. ’ 15, do. do. MOTBELINE HE LAINE2. " in. do. do, AMELIN ES. ‘‘l7. do. HOMBAZINES, LUI’.N’S MAKE. ’ 18. do. KEI’S ANGLAIS. ' 19. do. PARAMBTTA CLOTHS. “ 29. do. ARMURE CABHMEIE-I. ‘ 21. do. HOMUAZINE ALPACAS. 2J. do. MOHAIR LUSTRES. “21. do. Sluts GRAIN SILKS. “ 21. do. POULT HE HOIS SILKS. “25. do. ARMURE AND VENITIENNE SILKS “2f do. GKOS D’ECOHHE, OR OTTOMANS, “27. do. UtI.IHII POULT HE SOIL 28. do, SOI LEI) BILAN, BONNET’S MAKE. “ 29. do. GIIOH HE KHINES. “30, do, NEAT KIQDREI) SILKS. 31. do. RICH H'IUCiUET FIGURED SILKS. 32. do RIRII DIAGONAL SILKS. “ 33. do FLOUNCED AND DIAGONAL SILK ROBES. “31. do. MARCt- LLINES, LUSTRINES, FOU . I.AR OS. MODES. Ao. “ 35. BECOND MOURNING DREt.B SILKS. “ 35.BL.CK.OnAV AND LEo I) IRISH POPLINS. “ 37. SECOND MOURNING POPLINS. “ 38. do. do. VALENCIAS. ” 39. do. do. GttANDHILLS ” 40. do. do. IIROCADE MOHAIRS. “ 41. do. do. STRIPED MOHAIRS. “42. do. do. VE .ITIENNHS, &o. ■’ 43 BLACK an! WHITS: SAXONY PLAIDS. “44. do. nttd PURPLE PRINTED CASH MERES. “ 43. do. FIGURED POPLINS “ 45. do. ENG jd|H CHAPES AND CRAPE “ 47. do. ENGLIsk CRAPES AND CRAPE . VEILS, lame crimp. “43. do. ROUND CRAPE and LACE •VEIL-. “ 49. do. BAREGE AND GRENADINE FOR VEILR. “,50. do. and PURPLE ALL WOOL MOUSSE LINKS. “ 51. do. aniIWH'TE do. do. ” 62. MOUBNING ENGLISH DE LAINES AND OaSHMKRKS. “ 63. BLAOK ENGLISH DELAINES AND CASH MERKB. “ 6t. MOURNING ENGLISH CHINTZES. “ 55. GRAY AND BLAOK HACKINGS. " sfi. MOURNING BALMORAt. SKIRTS. “ 67. ALEXANURb’S, JOUVIN’B. AND GOLD ME DAL KID GLOVKB. '* 68, PURPLE KID GLOVES, BLACK KID gauntlets. “ 59. FLEECY KID GLOVES AND GAUNTLETS. ” 60. GRAY FLEECY SILK GLOVES AND GAUNTLETS. “ 6». BLACK CLOTH GLOVES. “ 62 FLEECY SILK, WOOL, AND SPUN SILK HOSK. ° 63. BLACKCRAPE'TIUMMtNGS, DUTTONS,ftc. “64. do. GROB GRAIN BELT RIBBONS. “65. do. ENGLISH SARSNET RIBBONS. “ CG. do. CRAPKSISTS,COLLARS,SLEEVEB, , RUFFLES. “67. do. AND GOLD CRAPE COLLARS AND CUFFS. " 68, FANCY WHITE LACE BETf*. “ 69, WHITE COLLARS AND SETS OF EVERY OEttCnIPTUIN. “ 76. BROCHK. VELVET, AND THIBET SCARFS “ 71. MOURNING BORDERED AND HbMMED HDKFS. “ 72 TUCKED AND EMBROIDERED HDKFS. AND ALL OTHER GOODS REQUISITE FOR FAMILY MOURNING AND SECOND MOURNING ATTIRE. It J\fEW CLOAKS. SACQ.UEB. BASQUES, PALETOTS, AND LADIES’ FURS. OPENING EVERY MORNING, AT THE PARIS MANTILLA CLOAK AND FUR EMPORIUM, 708 CHESTNUT STREET. THE LARGEST AND CHOICEST STOOK. IN THESE SPECIALTIES, TO HE POUND IN TEE CITT. J. W. PROCTOR & CO.. NO. 708 CHESTNUT STREET. nol-tf E. & F. BOO. S, W. C. E. & G. LINES TO E. k L. Porn# folks originate, While others imitate, 0021-tf JNDIA SHAWLS. VELVET CLOAKS, CLOTH CLOAKS, SILKS, SHAWLS, DRESS GOODS, In great variety and choioo scleotions, at GEORGE FRYER’S, No. 016 CHESTNUT STREET. oo!9-tf RADIES’ JDRH.SS TRIMMINGS. STAPLE AND FANCY GOODS. ZEPHYR WORSTED, BEST QUALITY. GILT TRIMMINGS AND BELTINGS. CROCHET FRINGES AND BERTHAS. EMBROIDERED SLIPPERS AND CUSHIONS. EMBROIDERED CHAIR SEATS. WOOLLEN YARNS, ALL SIZES. ZEPHYR-KNIT TALMAS AND JACKETS. ZEPHYR-KNIT SONTAGS AND SLEEVES. ZEPHYR-KNIT CAPS AND GAITERS. R ARSON’S TRIMMINGS AND ZEPHYR STORE, . Corner EIGHTH and CHEEKY Street., oafl-tNSd L^OAKS. —The greatest bargains m the 01lr “‘ IVENS’. CLOAKS.—The largest stook, the host assortment, the ohoioest colors, tho finest Qualities, the most superb trimmings, the newest styles, the best work, and deoi dedlythe lowest prices in tho oity, nt IViSNS’,23 South NINTH Btreet. oolS-lm pLOAKS.—The OITY OIOAK STOKE, Vy 142 North EIGHTH. Every one is talking of the great bargains and superior quality of tho CLOAKS nt the now CLOAK STORK, 142 North EIGHTH Btroet. CLOaKS. —If you want tho best value for your money, bo to tho City Cloak Store, 113 North EIGHTH Street, above Cherry. pLOAKS.—The CITY CLOAK STORE, 142 North EIGHTH, is said to be tho best and oheapost store in the city 0013-lm pLOAKS. —A magnificent assortment of all tho newest styles imported this season, with every new material, made up and trimmed in tho very best manner, at prices that defy all competition, at the Paris Cloak Store, northeast oorner of EIGHTH and WALNUT Streots oo!3 lm TVW LIN KN Si ORE. X v The advantage of twenty years’ experience in tho Linen districts of Ireland, and in some of tho prin cipal Linen Importing Houses here, enables tho sub sort ber to sell at the lowest prioes.wholesale and retail, CAUTION.—Cotton Mixtures, in imitation of every description of Linen Goods, are extensively sold ns Linen, the counterfeit being so good ns to deooive ordi nary judges. Hence the ooinplnint that Linen does not last so long as formerly. All goods m this store warranted Genuine Linen. SAMUEL ORR, No. 13(H* CHEBTNUT Htreot, near the Mint, Fhila (lelplua.* TIIOKNLEY & OBISM’S! ! ! One Dollar Silks Tor 750.! Dollar rwomy five cent Silks for SI I! Dollar Fiftj-oent Bilks for 81.75!1 ! Dollar Fevonty-five cpnt Silks for 81,60!.'.'! RKDUCHON IN PHICFS! Lons Broohe Bhowls. Excellent, for §B. Long Broohe Miawls, Superior, for 810 to 812. Long Broohu Shawls, vory tine, for $l4, $l6, 818, and $2O, NEW CLOAK ROOM!!! „ . Beautiful Cloaks for 85. I« ine Bnaver Cloaks for 87, 88, $9, ami 810. Riohly and Elegantly 'Primmed lor 812, 815, 818, 820, and 825. Arab Cloaks, Zouave Jackets, Black and Fanoy Cloths, &o.» &o 1 .BERT BLACK SILKS!!! Good Quality B aokSilks, will wearwoll, for 81. Heavy Black Bilks, Black Figured Silks. Ac., Ao. MEN’S AND BOYS’ WEAR!!! A Largo Stook of Cloths. A Largo Block of Cassiniercs, Sattineifs, A Vestings. Blankets, Flannels, Linens, and Muslins. At THORNLEY A OHISM'S, N, E.Corner EIGHTH A SPUING GARDEN Hr*. N. B.—Ever? article bought for cash. no! n INDEK-GARMENTB FOR LADIES and GENTS. Doublo-breastcd Shirts. Extra large Merino Shirts. Merino and Cotton Drawers. Bilk Shirts and Drawers. Ladies’ Merino Ves e. Ladies’ Bilk and Cotton Vests. Welsh and Swanskin Flannels. Fall Stock Winter Hosiery. EYHE A LANDELL, FOURTH and ARCH. oc3o-tutliAstf EYRB & LANDELL, No. 400 ARCH Stieot. 100 lots Auotion Goods. Mennooß, bhawls, silks, Dolmnos, and Cashmeres. nos NEW PUBLICATIONS. A VALUABLE BOOK FOR EVERY LIBRARY, Published by _ LINDS'¥ Sc BLAKISTON, Publishers, Booksellers, and Importers, win^nuH oolll SIXTH atront, aboveChostnut. „,W«SON’S NEW DICTIONARY POETICAL Q.UO- I Alions—oontaimnK elegant extracts on every aub jeot. Compiled from various souroee, and arranged un der appropriate bends, by John T. Watson, M. D. „ . r J 9 R © a »Kot filled -with preoious gems of learning Ini,/«»1 n i,/«»l o l’f o r£ ra P BC 4, a 8 to fascinate, at a glance, the ,f y & 0 t u l ?“ £ y referring to the index, whioh is mln? p fh» f¥i or d fl r,you can find, ma mo ment, the best ideas of the most inspired poets of this —Ghron\cte' fte>^aa urope * upon any desired subject.’' -y-INCENT’S SEMI-ANNUAL UNITED STATES REGISTER, FIRST VOLUME, BKST niSTORY OP THE COUNTRY EVER WRITTEN. This contains every event of importance oc curring in the United States within the last six months, haoh event arranged under its date, such ns Affrays. Duolb, Fires, Bequests, Wills, Murders, Outrages, Po litical Allaire—comprising National and State Conven tions, ctatoand City Vleotions, Lives of Candidates, with their Letters of Acceptance; Clmroh Matters, Sninwrecks and Casualties at hea, fclopementa, Rail ro>id Matters, Forgeries, and Swindling Cases, Death ol noted Men and Women, with Biographical Sketches of their lives, togother with every event of interest transpiring m the United Btates within the last half year. The Book has an Index of sixty columns, is handsome !y bound in Cloth and Library style, sent by mail, free of postage. PR'Ch—Cloth, 82 00 Library style* 82.25. OFFICE, No. 00 North FIFTH Street, Philadelphia* F, VINCENT, PUBLISHER. nol-thstust* ANOTHER “ NOTHING TO "WEAR.” A SATIRICAL > THE OF " NO THING TO WEAR,” kntitlkd „ THE PKINCb’S BALL. By EDMUND.C. BTEOMAN, Author nf the “ Diamond Wedding.’' - IWUt many humorous full-raxc illustration*. Ono elegant 12ino volume, tinted papor, cloth bound. Frioo, 60 cents. This little volume sots out humorously to chronicle the journmr m Amotion. of lu* RoaM Highnoss the Prince ot Wales—his passage hom the mother country r a . r , rlv 2i ~ n Canada, nnd exploits therein. From thence to the Statos, with his manifold adventures, he is fol lowed to Now York oity, whore the culmination takes piano—t. THE BALL AT TIIK ACADEMY OP MUSIC, orwhieh a graplno sketch is presented 5 with the trials ol Miss l lorn MoFlimsoy, not only m proounng admis sion. butmher subsequent endeavors to dance with the Prince. ~^ v ,nften by the masterly satirical pen of the author of the Diamond Wedding," ombeihshed with humorous original illustrations, and sold at the low price of 60 oents. The publishers anticipate a rapid sqlq. *#* Copies sent by mail, postage free, by Messrs. & CARLHTON, Publishers. oclB-thatt 1.3 Q GRAND street. NEW YORk, jVEW AUCII-bTREET OLOAK BMPO RIUM. CHaRLFB ADAMS SON have now arranged their Fall and Winter Stook of II4L fashionable cloth cloaks. or all the latest styles, in great variety, from 85 to $2B eaoli. lurchanors are invited to oxaininethisassort ment belore purchasing elsewhere. i .9;°..." * l 7 rido !" ? rller »t one dny'B notico. Also, the best asnortmentof Ladioo’ and Misses’ Blanket Shawls m Philadelphia, Gents’ Mauds, Fanoy Neck Ties, h 2. 8 ? r Collars. Linen r ’nnib. Hdbfs., &0., &o. BDLENDID STOCK OF BHIKT BOSOMS Juat from the Manufactory. Iho handsomest variety New Style Shirt Bosoms ovar oflercd in this market, comprising Prince of 300pIeat8 TlPerla * xo ° Blor ’ 50 *» &o.,somocontaining ooCT-tuthstf EIGHTH AND ARCH STREETS. GG. EVANS’ GIFT BOOK STORE, * N 0 4M CiIraTNUT Streot. .... BUY YOUR BOOKS AT EVANS’, Where ,ou can sot boolu ill ever, department of Lite rature; and . BEAR IN MIND, that besides Retting your book at the lowest retail prioe. __ ~ , THAT A GIFT, Worth from 50 cents to $lN> accompanies eaoh Book, ALL THE NEW BOOKS AS aOO.N AS l’Uß _ ~ LIBHED. Cali in, and one trial will assure you that the best placo in the city to buy books, is at „ , r GIFT BOOK ESTABLISHMENT. ocS’tf No. 438 CHESTNUT Street. TOST PUBLI3HED —THE BOOK OF SIGNERS: Containing Fao-Bimi!e Letters of tho Signers of the Declaration of Independence. Il lustrated with sixty : ono engravings, from original pho tographs and drawings of their residences portraiis, Ac. Ouarto, $B. Large Paper Copy, India Proofs, $l5. A Book ihftt no American should bo without, and a desi deratum in every library. „ U 1 . , WM. BROTH FRHEA D, Pubhßher, and Importer of Old Books, Autographs, and Engravings, oc3l-lm* 218 South EIGHTH Street. 1300 K BUYERS. —Gentlemen: I have 77? JftteßnftP. Basement of the Philadelphia Bank, 419 CHESTNUT Street, where I will continue to buy and sell (ns I have heretofore done at the Custom house Avonue Book-stand) old and new Law and Mis cellaneous Books. I have for sale upwards of 100 old black-letter Books printed prior to the year 1439. Also, a copy of Erasmus onthertew Testament, 2 v015.,4t0, printed m 1548. Price $3O, I will ahiodealinEngravings and Autographs.. Persons at a distanoe wishing to sell Books, will describe their names, dates, sizes, bindings, conditions, and prices. Pamphlet Laws oi Pennsyl vania, and old Books upon Amonoa wanted. aw«-«m JOHN CAMPBELL. GAS FIXTURES, LAMPS, &c. Kerosene oil of superior qua lity. KEROSENE, or COAL-OIL LAMPS, CHANDELIERS, BRACKETS, &o„ Manufactured and for sale, at LOWEST CASH PRICES, WITTERS & CO., No. 30 NORTH EIGHTH STREET, N. E. cor. of Filbert, botwoen Market and Aroh. st»U-2m WATCHES AND JEWELRY. JAMES E. CALDWELL & CO., BQ2 CHESTNUT ST, IMPORT AND MANUFACTURE FINE WATCHES, RICH DIAMOND AND ALL OTHER JEWELRY, MANTEL CLOCKS AND BRONZES, STERLING SILVER-WARE, ENGLISH AND AMERICAN PLATED GOODS, PARIS ARTICLES, FANS. OPERA-GLAB9ES, Ac., The principal part of our stock is entirely new at MODERATE FIXED PRICES. An Examination will entail no obligation to pur chase. nol tJal-if JSS FINE WATCHES, of the most ap proved makeia; Jewelry of every description, , Silvor-ware equal to coin; also, Flated-ware of the best quality, at G. KUSREi.L’S, oc29.ini 82 North BIXTH Street. SOARF-PJNS. STUDS, and SLEEVE £X&f BUTTONS.—A large assortment of Carbunolo, Coral, Lava, and Ltrusoan Gold BoaTf-pins, at _ G. RU>BKLL’S, oc*Mm 22 North SIXTH Street. FURS. T ADIES’ FANCY FURS. JOHN FAHhIRA, 7)8 ARCH Street, below Eighth, has now in store, of his own importation and manufacture, a very large and beautiful assortment of all the different kinds and qualities of fanoy FURS for Ladies and Children that will be worn during the com ing season, at manufacturers’* prices.} nofi-Ctr KflA nnO HAVANA CIGARS, of the vvrVr most oolebratod brands—viz.: Figaro, Cabana, Partagas, EspnnoW, Noptun", A-Joraoion, Black Sea. Aoierto, Filitnfropa, C’lhoun, Ao., Ao, Of all.sizes and quality, on hand, and landing by re cent arrivals, and for sale low by CHARLES TETE, noB 12t 130 WALNUT Street i” 1 LOTUS FOR MEN’S OVERCOATS.— 6-4 Blaok Doeskins. Heav> Beaver Cloths. Volvet Frosted Boavers G 4 Browns ior Friomls nos EYRE ALANOKLL, 4QO ARCHftreet. rMULDREN'S SHAWLS. V Bright Scotch Fluids, and Medium Colorings, fine Wool, Long and Square, for girls. Children’s Stellas, and Bordered Cashmero Shawls. no 2 BHARPLK93 BROTHERS. Black india satins. Suporior quality India Batins. White and Colored India Pongees. Black and Colored Jnsn Poplins, Importod by no 2 BHARPLFSS BROTHERS. French poplins. A FEW CHOICE STYLES AT THE RIGHT PRICES. XiUpin a Frenoh Mermoes, at the right prices. Figurod Wool Dolniuos and CaMimeres. Valonoias, Plaids, Figured Alpaoas. Children’s Delainon and Wool Plaids. BLACK DRESS GOODS. Auction lots Frenoh Morinoen, 05 cents to 81. “ •• Wool Delaines, 30 to 60 oonts. *' " 5-4 sublime quality, $1.25. “ “ BombazincH and Alpaoas. *• *• Amehnes, Fg’d Alpacas, Reps. *■ Black Bilks, Coburg, Ao. COOPER A CONARD. 0015 Southeast oor. NINTH yid MARKET. jf ALL AND WINTER CLOAKS, of nil R- the new shapes, ready made or MADE to order. First-class work at popular prioes. Every garment guarantied to fit and please. . Cloths by.tho yard or piece, of just the right kinds for Ladies’, Misses’ and Boys’wear. COOPER A CONARD, 0015 Southeast cor. NINTH and MARKET, Blank books and stationery. M. A. REES, Blank-Pook Manufacturer. Stationer, and Printer, No. 418 WAI.NUT Btroet, botweon Fourth and Fifth. {Formerly David M. Hogan.) BOOKS for Banks. Public I flices. Merchants, and others, Ruled to any given patern, (wither without Heading printed,) ami Bound in the best manner, both with roftnrd to neatness au<i durability. Orders for An nual. And ntlier Reports, Cards, Circulars, Bui Heads, and JOB PRINTING ot every description, exeouted in tho best shoit notioe. Also, Engraving and Lithographio Printing. A general assortment of Amerioan, French, and Eng lish stationery, Cap, Lotter, and Noto Papers, Enve lopes, 40. Initials stamped on Paper and Envelopes. Mubio and Books rebound in any style of Bioding. Having, through misfortune and losses, been obliged to givo up business, I would respectfully recommend to mi friends and patrons my successor, M. A. REkS, who will onrry on tho business under my personal super intendence, at the old stand, 415* WALNUT Htreer. Orders thankfully received, and exeouted with fidelity and despatch, upon tho most reasonable terms. no2-2m DAVID M. HOGAN, Agt. for M. A. Rees, LOST OR MISLAID —Certificate of Ftock No 260, for 12 shares in tho New York Mid dle Coal Field Railroad and Cod company, and would hereby give notice that I have made application for certificate in lieu thereof. no 2 30 c EDWARD HUGHPK. BA VAN A 1 1GARS —A fresh assortment now lanilinr from Brig McClanahan, just arrival, and ior sale low by OH MILES TETE, no3-]2t 130 WALNUT Street. JAVA COFFEE.—I,UOO pockets prime tKr Java Codes, for sale by JAMES GRAHAM A CO. CANDLES. —IS9 boxes Adamantine Oan . dies ; 170 do. Hydraullo do.; 50 do. Spermaoeti do.; store, mid for sale by ROWLEY, ABHBURNER, (i CO.» No. lb South Wharves, no 6 WANTS. —A Boy to run Errands. —Ad- _* * dreea 44 W,.” Prts* OfGoe. ro7-3t* WANTED BY A YOUNG MAN OF good moral olnraottr. a situation as Book keeper; is a pniot'cal accountant and good penman, and would make himself useful otherwißo; can produce testimonials of dbaracter and ability. Address "Book keeper,’’ Press, office no7-3t* WANTED —A Competent Foreman to takeohargo of a Carriage Factory in the city of Richmond. Address I. PEASE, Richmond, Va. oc6-3t* WANTED TO RENT—By a good tenant, a Btable which will accommodate about fifteen hoTBAB, Address *‘ Stable,’’ Press offioe. ma-tf VOTaNTED —An active business man, ▼ v having $7,000 to $lO 000. to take the place o r a retiring partner in ao established Msroantilo bußmesjr, paying a net profit of 25 per cent., without risk. Ad dress ‘‘Partner,” this office, with real name, nol tf A RAPER MILL WANTED—lmrae diate Poßsesaion In running order preferred. At or within thirty mU“s of Philadelphia. Kent paid in fMvanco, if required. Address A. J. BEAUMONT, New Hope, Bucks 00., Pa. no 7 6t* A YOUNG lady, of good educa- TION, wishes a Situation aa Teaober in a privato tamiiy. A small compensation only is required. Ad dreßS M. A.,” at tnisofnoo. no 6 st* A yodng man, op industrious habits, who is an expert Penman, wishes a Situa tion in a Wholeealo House, rs Book-keeper or Assist ant. Add cess • ‘ Toland.” through Blood’s Disnatoh. nos 4t # PAST-OFF CLOTHING WANTED FOR V-/ CASH. Please call or address A. I). ANCONA. 0C24-121* 330 SOUTH Mreet. flfin 35,000 and $4,C00 Trust Funds to loan on mortgage of City Property. Applr to JOHN B. COLAB AN, nod-thth»3t* T4‘J bouth EIGHTH Street. *1 /Xflfl WANTED, A PARTNER, Sr having $1,500, to join the Ad vertifer in an entabhahed bnamess, paying well. Ad dress “ F, C.,” stating where an interview can be had. n>g-s‘* FOR SALE AND TO LET, A RARE CHANCE. —The Stock and Fix tures'of a fi'tt-class retail Drug Store, on Eighth stre-t, for sale Atiply at ELLIOT, Y/HITK. & OO.’ri. N,>. as Noun FOURTH htreet. noB 3t w M LARD-OIL FACTORY.—To rent, a LARD-OIL FACTORY with 32 Patont Lever Fressos, with Plates, Bigs. Tubs, Kettles, Tanks; all m completo order. Apply to ROWLEY, ASHBURNER, & no. oci No. 10 oOUTH WHARVES. HPO CHAIR AND C \BINET MAKERS.— . ... Phcenix Wood-Bonding Company, owners of 44 Blanchard’s Patont,” for the States ol New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania and Maryland, will sell county, town, or shop rights, or grant licences to use, on easy terms This in the only patent. All infringers will be strictlr dealt with. Apply to JOHN SILSBY, or C. A. BURGESS, No. 34 BROADWAY, New York. oc4-d3m IfOR EXCHANGE,—A CHOICE TRACT of good unimproved farm land m the State of New Jersey, convenient to the city, will bo exchanged for oity property. Apply at No. FEDERAL Btreet seZl-tf 1?0R SALE, A BARGAIN—A 2i HORSE POWER STEAM ENGINE and BOILER, but httlousod. Apply to A. RaNKIN. no7-3t* 120 North WATER Street. FOR S \LE—A well-assorted stock of Hardware, Cutlpry, Ac., and the fixtures of the store, with the privilege of routing the store, which is situated in tho centre of business. The house has been doing the Southern and Western Pennsylvania trade. Any person flesirous of going into the Hardware busi ness will find it a good opportunity. The stock will be offered on reasonable terms. Address “ A.,” at this offioe. selO-stuthtf For sale—a- very- desirable PROPERTY for a Public Institution of any kind, handsomely situated in view of Laurel Hill, and over looking tho City of Philadelphia, portions ot it being 205 feet above tide. A nio« stream of water flowing through it, having a fall of 23 feet, affords an opportu nity for raisin* a largo supply of water. Any quantity, from 50 to 70 acres, molud nc about J 5 aores ot fine nMßfcß.can be had on libera! terms, by applying to JOSEPH FOX, 1209 SPRING GARDEN Street. Be tween tho hours of 12 and 3 P. M. no - stuth Ct* * PUBLIC SALE OF ORIZABA IRON WORKS, SOPHIA FURNACE, &0.-Br virtue of authority vested in us ns trustees for certain credi tors of Pobard McCormick, in pursuance of a de cree of the Distric 4 Court of Allegheny oountr. in the Commonwealth ot Pennsylvania, m No. 3 of November te'm. 1858. we will expose to public s&' tho MER CHANTS’ EXCHANGE od FOURTH Street, in the oity of Pittsburg, on TUESDAY, November 13 1850. commencing at 11 o’clock A. M., tho Rolling Mill and nail Factories, situated near Now Castle, Lawrenoe county, Pennsylvania, known as the Orizaba Iron Works, containing sixteen Soiling Furnaces, five Heating Furnaces. Bar Roils, Small Rolls, Nail Plate and Muck Rolls, Squeezers, forty-nino Nail Machines, on* Wrought Spike Machine, and machinery for ma nufacturing nail kegs and fire brick Also, tho Blast furnace known as Sophia, adjoining above work*, which is capable of turning out one hun dred and thirty tons of pig iron per week. Also, several lots of ground, adjoining, rtnd several Pieces of land adjacont to the lr-m works containing coal, iron ore, limestone, and fire day. TERMa.—One-fourth of the purchase-money to be paid in cash on the acknowledgment of the deed; the balance in one, two. and three years from the time of salo.with interest from that time; the deferred pay ments to be secured by bond and mortgage on the pre mises. CHARLES KNAT 11. BRADY WILKINS, ISAAC Al. PENNOCK, WM. K. NIMICK. no7-tl3 jyjISSOURI LAND 11 000.000 Acres for Sale and entry, at prices ranging from UX to GO cents i or Aore, in any quantities re quired . TAXES paid, and PATENTS prooured for purcha se rs of Land under the Graduation Act. Plats furnished gratis by enclosing a postage stamp For further information ouplyto WILSON, RAWLINGS * CO.. D. S. and General Land Agents, 6d CHEBTNU’THtreet. Bttwoen THIRD nnd FOURTH, ST. LOUIS, MG LAND WARRANTS bought, sold, and located. 001-3 m BOARDING. ■CMRSTM3LASS BOARDING, with hand -*- some communicating and sitglo Rooms, at 1417 LOCUST Street. 0018-lm" INSURANCE COMPANIES. Removal. —the penn mutual LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY have removed to their new budding, No. 921 CHESTNUT Street. Assets, over $lX‘OO OCO Charter perpetual. ALL THE PRO'* I i’S divided amongst the insured. POLICIES issued this year will participate ir the Di vidend to be declared in January next. '1 be CompanT has fall authority to act as Executors. Administrators. Assieoena. Guardians, and Trustees for married women andohildren. DANIEL L. MILLER, President, SAM>.. E. STOKES, Vice Pres t. John W. Hornoh. Beororarr. MEDICAL EXAMINERS m attendance daily, from 1 to 2 o’clock P. M. poB The mutual l»fe insurance com pany OF NEW YORK. SIX MILLIONS OF DOLLARS, IfITSSISD IN MORTGAGES ON HEAL ESTATE. WORTH OVER. $l3 000,000. The premiums are lower than in many other Cornea nies, and the Dividends have been greater. This is a atriotly Mutual Company. There are no Stockholder*, so that ALL THE PROFITS .BELONG TO THE INSURED. Pamphlets, and every information, may be had gratis, on application to F. RATCHFORD STARR. Agent, 8. W.oornerFOURTH and WALNUTStreet*. PHILADELPHIA REFERENCES: Thomas Robins, John Welsh, Mordecai 1,. Dawson, George H. Stuart, George M. Stroud, E. 8. whe en, John B. Myers, J. Fisher Learning, Joseph Patterson, William C. Ludwig, John M. Atwood, Arthur G. Coffin, Thomas H. Powora, Georgo W. Toland, William MoKee. Thos. Wattson. n23-Iy*lf TFIRE INSURANCE. MECHANICS’ *■ INSURANCE COMPANY of Philadelphia. No. 138 North SIXTH Street, below Race, insure Build ings, Goods, and Merchandise generally from loss or damage by Fire. The oompany guarantee to adjust all losses promptly, and thereby hope to merit the patron age of the public. DIRECTORS. William Morgan, Robort Flauigan, Francis Cooper, Michael MoGeoy, George L. Dougherty, Edward McSovern, James Martin, Thomas B. MoCormiok, James Duross, Joan Bromley, Matthew MoAleer, Franois Falls, Bernard Rafferty, John Cassidy. Thomas J Hemphill, Bernard H. HuUemau, Thomas Fisher, Chartaß Clare. Franois MoManus, Michael Cahill. FRANCIS COOPER, President. BERNARD RAFFEkTY, Secretary. <>o23-6m Fame insurance company, no. 406 CHESTNUT Street, PHILADELPHIA. INCORPORATED APRIL, 1855, BY THE BTATE OF PENNSYLVANIA. CONFINED TO FIRE AND INLAND RISKS. DIRECTORS. Samuel Wright, D. B. Birney, Wm. W. Walters, J. W. Everman, Chas. Rioh&rdaon, Henry Lewis, Jr„ Geo. A. West* JaoobW. Stout,, O. Wilson Davis, Monko Stern. Thos. 8. Martin. GEORGE W. OAV, President. FRANCIS N. BUCK, Vice Pres’t. WILLIAMBI. BLANCHARD. Seoretary. Liall-ift SAVING FUNDS, AMERICAN SAYING FUND.—Oom •4* pany’s Building, southeast corner WALNUT and FOURTH Streets. Open daily from 8 all 0 o’clock, and on MONDAY till 8 m the evening. Phis Old Institution has always paid in full, on U*raand. without notice. INTEREST FIVE PER CENT. All sums paid baok, on demand, in gold auditive*. TRUSTEES. ALEX. WHILLPIN, President. BAAIL. WORK, Vice President. John C. Farr* T. E. Harper, Georgo Nugent, John Anspaoh, Jr., Sami. T. Bodine, Alb. (.'.Roberts, John Aikman, Jonas Bowman, H. H. Eldndgo. Wm. J. Howard. JOHN B. WILSON .Treasurer. JOHN C. BIMB, Seoretarv. oc3o-lmif SPRING GARDEN SAVING FUND, Office, 331 North THIiID Street, between Vine and Callowhill, incorporated by the Legislature April 14th, 1851. Open for Deposits nndl'ajmentfl, daily, from fltoSHo’olook. Also, on MONDAY and TRUIISDA'Y EVENINGB, from 5 to 8 o’olook. Interest A per cent, per annum. Depositors can with draw their Moneje by Checks, if desired. Bpewal D« posits received. JAMES 8. PRINGLE, President. Fn*mut Ha*», Bnar«tftr*. tcSO-tfif BEIJLS Only one-third the price of lhasa and less than hal that of Steel Bolls; of equally sonoroiiß and mellow tone. Warranted for twelvo mouths against breakage by fair ringing. For sale attho SOLE AGENCY »n Philadelphia, No 512 COMMERCE Streot. se3o-thstu3m _____ A. M. F. WATBON. AIB FURNACE. Thenew Cono Furnaco Gas Consumer will thoroughly warm your house, with one-third less coal than is re quired by any other furmioe. Natislaction in alt cases guarantied. Buildings warmed and ventilated by ARNOLD ft WfL?ON, eeB-aluth3mif 1010 CHESTNUL' Street. COOKING RANGES.—AII in want of the beet elevated, double oven Cooking Ranges, fill do well to call at ARNOLD & WILSON’S, seS-stuthSmif 1010 CnKSTNTT Street. KH UASBHOP SEED leaf TOBACCO. in Btore, and for salo by selff-tf J()H. H. HANRMW * no /pto MISSES O-BRVAN, 914 CHESTNUT ftreet, above Ninth.will open Paris Millinery, for the Winter, on Thursday. Nov. H, ISiO. n 7 l m « WJSST of ENGLAND ” TOILET SOAPS.—A large nssoriment, inoiudiDesome new varieties, on hand and for sale hr the agents, WM EVANS. JR.. A. UU., no?-3t* aaa yniiili FHO.nT Street WHALE OIL. —(i 600 saUons extra bleached Palm Oil. 7.500 c»non<'■ Whjle Oil, for Bale by BOlVbtl’, AoHBbJm UK, A 00. Wo. 10 South Wharves - no * RUSJrs T-\JK, rWL* PITCH. —1,500 bbls assorted grades, for all purposes J 125 bbls Tar. 389 , ln pfffth KtrA iiM. for BH| ° by JtOWLEY, A3H iflrpafh rt. e fc COm No. I<> houth Wharves. no 3 CJPIRITS TURPENTINE. —93 bbls Spirits © TurDentine, for sale by ROWLEY, ASRBUKNEH, it CO.. «s». IQ South Wharvoa. no 2 CHOCOLATE POTASH For sale by WETHERILL Sc BROTHER, 47 and 49 North (SECOND Street, oo» AMUSEMENTS. WHEATLEY & CLARKE’S ARCH ST. * » THEATRE. THE Houses orowded. The andienoes. in rapture, testify their appreciation nr thunders of applause, la consequence of its great success, it will be repeated THIS EVENING, together with DVVID COPPf-BFIELB. Booth’s nights, Seats secured 3 days in advance. WALNUT-STREET THEATRE. ▼ T Bole Lessee St&se Manager - Mr* WM. A. CHaPMAJJ. Business Mr.JOS. D. MUEPHi. THIS (THimSHAV)* EVENING. 'Will be noted,the celebrated sensation drama (al ready witnessed bv over 30,000 persons) of THE DEAD HEART! Performed for an entire season m London. . Robert Landry, Mr. Kdvin Adams; Mr. Younz: Catharine Duval, Mrs. Gladntane } Ceritette, Miss C. Jefferson. Previous to thep’ar _ A POPULAR COMEDIETTA. Doqr«°penftta6>t o’oloolr; perfornianofli commence at < o’olook. *&• Prioes ao usual, m cDONOUGH’S OLYMPIC (Late GAIE • TIES.) "RACK Street, below Third. LITTLE CORDELIA HOWARD AND HER _PARENTS. , ni .. TWO GKEAT PLAYS TO-NIGHT. The thrilling Drama of DRV’D; Or. THE DISMAL SWAMP. J. E. MCDONOUGH as Dred. r ’ LITTLE CORDELIA HOWARD as Tom TiL M’LLE MARIE in Beautiful Dances. After whioh, the beautiful Drama of THE LAMPLIGHTER. Little Co*delia Howard as Gerty; Mr. G. C. Howard is Truman Flint. _ In rehearsal. MUSTACHE BALDIN, and THEGLA DIATOR OF RAVENNA. Doors open at Q‘i o’clock; commencing at 71*. Admission, 25 ofents; Family Circle, 15cents. rpHE PHILADELPHIA LIBRARY COM ,*■- PANY’S Twentr seventh Anniversary will be oe- L®W® d ..°n FRIDAY EVENING, Nov. 9th, 1860, in SANBOM-BTREVT BALL. The Exercises wjilcom ■mencs at 80’olocb, consisting of Addresses, Vocal and instrumental Music. &o. M r T o F o«& ,? v 8 £ Y M 0 U S BAND is enraged. Also. Mr JOSEPH L GORDON, the celebrated Harpist,will ?®w°Kr ?™? ra J airs on that instrument. MARIO *nd J.D. CLIFF, have kindly volunteered to sing on this onoasiOD. Tiokets 25 cents, nr five for §l. To be hod of J* 0/ Bowers, Frankhn Turner, Bamuel M. Smith, Wm. Still,.and at the door. The Company ■will hold Lec tures and Debates, m the Leotare-roora of Bt. Thomas' 1 hurch, FlfrTH Btreet, below Walnut every Tuesday Evenm* hereafter. JOHN C. BUWERti, Pres’t. F. Tdrnbr, Seord>afy,» nc B-2t* Concert hall. GEORGE CHRISTY'S MINSTRELS I TRIUMPHANT RECEPTION lll A. lll'UM TO OVERFLOWING. TUMULTUOUS APPLAUSE, AND PEALS OF . LAUGbTER. The unanimous verdict of the publio pronounced in favor of „ GEORGE CHRISTY’S MINSTRELS, Under the personal supervision of , GEORGE CHRISTY, As the most complete and brilliant corps of artists ever presented to the public. . t GEORGE CHRISTY, and hm MAMMOTH TROUPE OF TWENTY-ONE PER FORMERS, Will appear EVERY EVENING THIS WEEK, . . CONCERT HALL. i£rSr , .s , .* lna l ®nd inimitable George Christy in his NOVEL AND PECULIAR ENTERTAINMENT, Comprising the principal GEMS OF ETH OPFAN MINSTRELSY, AND CHARACTERISTICS of negro - _ ECCENTRICITY, P root seats reserved for ladies and ladies accompa nied by gentlemen. Reserved seats can be secured at the Bos Office daring th» day, without extra charge Tjckete to all parts of ihe Hall, Cents. GRAND MATIN l*E ON SaTU KDAY AT 2 O'CLOCK. Doors open at 7 o’clock—to commence at7K- (CONTINENTAL THEATRE, (Lute National,) WALNUT Street, above Eljhth „„„ „„ „ , Third veolf of THE GREAT AMERICAN CONSOLIDATED _ „ CIRCUS COMPANY, H* ftIAOIGAN /c CO. Proprietors. HOUSES CROWDED EVERY EVENING DURING THE PAST WEEK. MONB. DE BACH, in hie Great Spiral Globe Wonder. _ „ , FOUR CLOWNS! i an Gardtior, Sam Long. W. H. Gardner, Young Dan, and the whole of the Consolidated Circus Company, every night. On Saturday a MATINEE, commencing at 2 }i o’ol’k. ihedoors open at half past 6 o'clock. Perlormanoe oommenoes at half past 7. Admission only 25 conts; Family Circle 150. nos-6t SJANFORD'S OPERA HOUSE. _ ELEVENTH STREET OPEN FOR THE SEASON. NEWLY DECORATED AND PAINTED „ MR, SANFORD Has secured one of the LARGES T COMPANIES ever presented heretofore ■who will appear nightly. Sanford will perform every evening. Doors open at 7; Commence at 7H. Admittance 25 cents. Children 13 cents, oclB*lm Headquarters, franklin PLACE.—FRER CONCKRTS-Lunoh 11 A.M. hongs, Dances, Alusio, &c.. nirhtly. nos-6t* CHADWICK & PEET.Sup'ts. TJASSLER’S ORCHESTRA.—Serenade and Military Band.—For encasements, apply or address MARK HABBLER. Office 120 S COCU iT street, Or Hlasko’s Academy, BROAD Street, below Walnut. THE GERMANIA. ORCHESTRA give 'their PUBLIC REHEARSALS every S*'! UR DAY. commencing at 3JS o’clock, at the MUSICAL FUND HALL. 8 tioken.Sl; sinele tickets, 25 cents, for sale at Chiokenn* & Son’*, 807 Chestnut atreet; Andre*. 1104 Chestnut street; and £eok& Lawton’s, Chestnut street. Engagements for Concerts. Commencements, Par ties, &0., made only at their Office, Chiokarmg 3s Son’s Piano Store, 807 Chestnut atreet; William Stoll, 224 North Juniper street, or G. Droughman, 1009 nidge avenue. oc3l»tf f}ARL WOLFSOHN AND THEODORE V-/ THOMAS’S SERIES OF SIX CLASSICAL 801- REEB. at the FOYER of the ACADEMY OF MUSIC. Subscriptions will be received at the Musio Stores of G. Andre & Co.. 1104 Chestnut street; Lee & Walker, 722 Chestnut street; Beck & Lawton, Seventh and Chestnut streets; and Th. A. Bohmidt, Juniper and Cheetnut streets, where the programmes and particu lars can be seen ae2B 6w* PENNA. ACADEMY OF THE FINE ARTS.—-1025 CHESTNUT Street. ** CHIMBO H AZO,” a splendi.l Painting by Mignot. “THE FIRST SIN,” a beautiful Marble Statuette by Angelini. On exhibition for a short time. Visitors will please bring their orora glasses. MEDICINAL. | R. STAFFORD’S OLIVE TAR When Olive Tah is Inhaled its healing Balsamic odors are brought in oontaotwith the lining membrane of the THROAT, BRONCHIAL TUBES, AND ALL THE AIR-CFLLS OF THE LUNGS, relieving at onoe any pain or oppression, and healing any irritation orinflamation. When Olive Tar is Taken upon Sugar, it for .ns an unequalled Soothing and Heating Syrup for Coughs and all Throat diseases. When Olive Tar is Applied, its Magnetio or con centrated curative powers render it a most speedy PAIN ANNIHILATOR. Olive Tar is not sticky—dots not discolor. Fifty cents a bottle, at 442 BROADWAY, N, Y„ an by all Druggists. J. R. STAFFORD’B IRON AND SULPHUR POWDERS aio a soluble preparation of Iron and Sulphur, identical with that existing m the blood of a perfectly healthy person. Uniting with the digested food, They Revitalize and Purify thr Blood. They Impart Energy to the Nervous System They Invigorate the Liver. Thby Strengthen the Digestion. Tim Regulate the Secretions op the Body, And are a Bpeoific tor all Female Weaknesses Price, One Dollar a Package. At 442 BROADWAY, New York, and all Druggists. Pamphlet containing Testimonials from the following and more than 100 other well-known promi nent persons, will be sent to any address,/ree by mail. Geo. Law, Esq., Fifth avenue, New York. Mmeon Draper, Esq., Banker, New York. Thurlow Wbbd, Esq., Albany, N. Y. Gen.Lupp Green, Washington, D. C, Col. Samuel Colt, Hartford, Conn, Col. Cras. May, U. S. A, Rev. Joshua Leavitt, Ed. Independent, New York. Rev. E. Bright, Ed. Examiner, New York. Rev. D. W. Cronk, Agt. Am. Bible Union, N. Y Rev. 0. F. A. Spinning, Butternutta, N, Y. Rev. Dr. Leonard, Exeter, N. H. SEND FOR A PAMPHLET. Sold by all Druggists. DYOTT ft CO.. No. 232 No SECOND Street, Agents for Pennsylvania. se22-Jm l cmnif | For the INSTANT RELIEF and PER ndiUiMl MANENT CURE of this distressing «o» plaint, ss# F E N t> T • F BEOUCHIAii CIGARETTES, Made by C. B. SEYMOUR & CO., 458 BROAD WAY, New York, Prioe 91 per box; sent free by pest. mr7-dm if] FOR BALE AT ALL DRUGGISTS’. SPECIALTY FOR LADIES. TRUSS AND BRACE DEPARTMENT oonduoted by com petent Ladies. Entrance on TWELFTH Btreet, first door below Raoe. A lull line of Meohanioal Reme dies, light and elegant tn construction, specially adapted to Ladies * u.«e. _ C. H, NEEDLFB, Proprietor, S. W. corner TWELFTH and RACE Streets. Philadelphia. Entrance to C. H. N.’s Room, for gentlemen, at tho oorner. sel4-3mif AWONDER-FUL AND NEVER failing REMEDY FOR DISEASES OF THE NERVOUS SYSTEM. PROFESSOR MORRIS’ EUOEP HALOS, AN EXTERNAL REMEDY, Prepared by MOCKRIDGE &• CO., No. 62 North FOURTH Streot r BST* And for sale hr Druggist* generally, sel3-3mif RHEUMATISM. SMEDLETUS INFALLIBLE REMEDY efl'eots cures when all others fail. Bee oeTtifioates, Oflioe, 819 FILBERT street, 0020-swBtif* ! AZUMEA ! AZUMEA ! AZUMEA! AZUMEA! AZUMEA! AZUMEA PROF. MORRIS’ AZUMEA BAKING POWDER. Manufactured solely at No. 62 North FOURTH Street, and for sale bv Gmc/*™ generally. caH-Smif A CARD—TO DRUGGISTS AND PER FUMEBS—The uudersigned. having reason to believe thatalarge amountof valuable goods, o, Jollow ing denominations, have been feloniously taken rrom their premises, viz.: Fienehacd American perfumery; ivory and buflalo tooth, nail, and hair^brushes; mmora; shell snuff* boxes, inlaid and lined with gold, inkstands; puff and trinket Btands; bottles ; hie pre server*; paper weiehts ; ’ corkscrews; ivory and shell dressmgeombs fine-tooth combst playing cards; memorandum books; oabaa; essential oils : ot’o of roses; musk ; tonquin , oil of neroli ; va ml?,t Yiftan • oil of rose geranium, and other oils, and m“tenaffused in the manufacturing of perfumery. .AH persons who have been offered suoh goods at prices much beloV their value will confer a favor by smug S. in the subscribers. nocVt . JULES HAUKL & CO. Philadelphia terracotta ma- NUFAOTOiIY, SEVENTH and GERM aNTOWN road and 1010 CHESTNUT Street. Vitrified Drain and Water Pipes. Ventilating Flues, Hot AirTluea, and Smoko Flues matte ot Terra Cotta, and of suitable size for overy class of buildings. This article is worthy the attention pt all parties putting up buildings. Large size sewerage pipes for city drainage, water pipes war ranted to stand a severo pressure. We are now prepared to oontraot with oities or corporations for this artiole in any quantity. We warrant our goods to be equal if not superior to any other made m the United States or Europe, Ornaments' Chimney Topi and Garden Vm»p, fekS-tf Profitable but simple con- TRIVANOEi. —A Patent has recently been ob tained for Egg Beating, ihe best practical thing for the purpose possible, for Restaurants pnd Families. Rights for safe. Acply early to H. F. DftOT T . 712 GIRARD AVENUE. nos-6t Gymnasium the germantown Physical Institute at the TOWN HALL. German town. lor the proper development of strength, health, mind, and the cure of chronic affections by medical movements, adapted to both sexes an d every sge is open for the WINTER COURSE, under tbeoajaful management of Prolessors HILLEBKANiJ & LEW ia, proprietorsof Institute at NJNTHand ARCH Streets. nB- mvth3t*
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers