?SE PIOUS OP WALES 11 BOSTON ICE =MILrrAIt Y CiNG Tiff) : YANKE*I4, ,Wail /11WinfL' ltlar Ilarrivox of Itunkii . v s ri - -177 --- . , . vas 1.24.01114111jC5.71.10X AT liellitoN—Tele 'DIX .• • ',44: , .1.,i09 ..-.4otiDor. ! la - refiGrAt' proilenzation of Mayor • "= 4l " tleellatlV the'itogratii, Eli - sad the mehoolit all diem fli zzlithaterlp.llo”.l7loo illasitie'maill WWI With! .!' pittittalkiljili 3 611i - roOti of the Revere ?A l= llM an4 Am -,7llletwnir , The moat was grown. .744 Ilatirr47B'“Neteeltft-. The fiaditai ; ' tAhe Kite ease, end the Vest of . =2l Mtniaa„-,lClfirmoon waiting th e : lee. Oct Reed, who, MA , .Z'tio r. ii l e ~ esperWil - ore' l tae ilia;: . ..laid thPlieekeeleg t Rhef trend' - Ilia Gain moyailart7 were eeeVeYe: l lf,, ' ''' .etWirdid atreetr-te ,WI itiOrePX lr I i - ,... i -i r the aapauoeliiiniii,:tfliere Wine • '41111.' aO/011Wthiifillie q04110li„ * r,.• 411:11 - And , a ;MO thetire - d , re:rider*. - 'ap k i -", - wool the Ithaca' tit the %Verner r:IS 1 11. i miuoi i is , , y his being the only in. ziztaii i i e,, Us been wlling.,kl have r plelab s... ks . tzeZteee.:Astf.tie firPett4 hilt Attkat b rollows : - ! . wit g n i,„,,...... at I weleem i i your' ~ .z.-z '' - WU* 'llosiosiolirsalthLof . ion-, . -ehiseelier sad - extend - to: ye ti :the ; tacit; Orilla lltite *OW Thil Wm miaow . , with a Pelleeme, . 4,,,, ,h i titill, tir , spolutg lear Tid o io ttm, i ;:nu rtain eo at n e a hl ten ita t, ~ 11$ , ' lintel rignt So isy, so near ite tor , a ir. :', - triaLiamosedirdr, yo hi lizeiritith yea l OW toff - ,tialtafilM/f l / 1 /Mit'itif - ' Mar people. Of ,}tassochtt, - setts for ~ j oacilialw.ratain to your Mende ,r i:, =na4o: 412,-00007. ' iill tit' Me , 'are i ' , at4r / U law and: *-eerl.yon .” iselooira ; r I ",F 111 , 101 % irl_liAtthhAPtel f Prsa ieee,'•,,filo , ' j ., ,, . - ame paid ,des suite:: ,1 - ilitietileeltedee PlitVhefellitee id the Rim Departateat of" "Govirnmenb--his t Governor, the ireatkunlin of. ?.., , At i 7ll(aritlire .: 144• =offi, , ; tad . like jUirretary of Asa i n n ,i , , i•' rOm , .:: i . „ AfezNiosieargefittleitim mokimieil to were moor - Meet bilks Potrote;:avito lip* • bands OtordlaLy: • with the aide, when ,ate had sbehliefore. , - ma' ititreisiHeammw- _ , ', ~•4;')4 i, ~ ter, eifiiiiklidly elParlimied, weizi proVided ~, fee ,tRe 4 rirlaws. mull lad% who' as well ss the Go - mime an&vall.V.werti I drisged in fall uniform. The troole,meathelfteTat-thi”tholif4Pd. were 1 * :geofmn . ap ,atO ; trill three laded of 'a verallelo- Atri k s" - ;-, ',X.,, lea were Militant the parties dieercaaarari,:the whole font - fog:One of, the molt , . lienistlasl apostasies Stir lien : Mr Renwick- Nil .. limp eseilfikbakie heehaw of this party, bat as the Giostittior-Giamiria of Caned. sailed ymterilly, for Metope, amass elk: With*, 'Us ,bean sworn in .., .. laliatelik he was oriapilledi to' forego the pfesse re, aistiimpailelked CbsartirafaitterSimanellyme4 Capt. - De - Wintes,Abralit;tesipi, and appear iii the, PrineeilludGijor bpi: ~ ~ .- ' , . 1; - - ' As theßrineWrode op and down the line's, the _vast erowds mead* °hewed eontlatioady and, Ras- idly, to width be responded by' lifft Ids plumed =lmitd liettilleg his seknowl4gments. The irreflevilleveat! arida upon the oitizen set diiiiii_,Moza e_netted,werit.praW "from the Prince sad Genera Brae who p a re: ,pleised to, express ....thatt - grallieatioa -in "pereeeto: the Aeon. who wereb a avoided ,41 . the elm of the is. Too' -grebe amulet be awarded! to , 4 . - filefeheet tai Mayeilditioln for: their Rd .: .-infiriaoh=ll *walla ,arrillampeats; nor , ein toe "--%llitt - . `,0.09*. itt VW Chief of Tfaigte;' who o,!voifilatiM•thitateallafiefilfillithetiel in Sete of big' •'''lletdritibo* end Mimi - meverity, ' Rom: _lli. lirikr4 . 4a. the With& '' ' hail ,oiziesion r :.;!. la fhlogiivalrfreit Idslitatt-Moit ' &agar, and i , !Amiatitrilllthiglittlis4estata,mrhsto lie wee seised '"- - Zthe,2l!Pollialsaan, who would - Hasa te - rio ex - ' tin withimaselfforei pushed" blip -bee* •••:',,! .Wfilleroirdi - .. , • ! --:••• ; , -A MO, , „ 'At OM , M 114111 ROOM - ,ilisi HMrsitiw airaimi promo= watioinied ~,' . whisk irctuidammisti the crooked streets greatlyto, - .-clajey - ef thepopileet; and which finally deposited • A meet few at Um Stlitellimee, where the Governor' - • - arriprepet*statielk." The „room' in which it - was - 1 , girs* was liffy tostaratty decorated, and; the es • e ,1 „....„_„, 161110 . 1 ",_,,_ 4 _0 1 F1 8- # ll .l' s in Vital Mi.. , 'The ~: 7 .l.l•FriptAisomisk. 'to obtain ailcnit€. ‘;_ **Ai liteask_ of raloteatt, SD • Colonel 'Reid, a tly ~,,,, - ,fiefithi ?dace triter a metered eirriage, In ', - le ~1110_ %-illy _Miaveyed to the Revere, •, - = l ,, ehAelfel,•.Malshtesat of the countless . , , , , , ..,,, --;•"' '-'• • "Illtis affstoor. wsurnemt. - ' ..,,• mitefikialliiie and Ipaeefal • oomph meet yet -1 - Pl i tehleell was the masical &Rival, this after ' ' r 'ma* *Wm were nosed in_ feta - LI tettwa of sea* itu - lkigille toWatdil 'a illehtele - . - . ehe_toys on ..thelnalde,-and the - -e if - , • , . eittellet-the-dask clothing or the r ecamt dm bitlllaitt.tollets of the tater. witb • . 10111k,n4=itir,oithetbeesimsatfoparogneyoyasiof besides , ... Vialkit tillrepeeiese lei were densely puked -.. _tWlLlaikfz-Ivrovit-illimars. - avant, (dullard, Ramsay jianiaerit. Iflntlemp,', Rollie& Ww, antethere deal ..Riatial twatirittloh -", hesifieuthe PriaisiM fasady:frlends, the 4"ertelfh.-,Thfi!mstraise of Jar,..4ll,uxi -11C.Ititiliikla thr the ; ITlmiltedderatyi' waif the ". Viet littitqpionem - - Tiro . ~same use: was thin; sad the. main saps -, llfrmit "` God Save'. the to "w‘ausms all =44 the allusion to Pdatiorbi, Rile .ind - :Was, received with Mit egiffkaiL • When he untied and when hi Aida* Shikaslyetibiptialthfili hull add' ihoutal nedlif-thi!gtrliczinvierthelr littonter, MM. The Prince was daglited and grotilled at -theilahrela era) "Wad , asidbarireetiog un' enter ,. , . , • 'wins • aeon ante, raw, ars.. • The Government haiddovd..fivai , R cAsitor :histrirleil ph:timid thersinse and Mr BEM snau stendhig et the TOmb of Washington. The Priori, has ahead, graisted.lim Goidterwrrerai opposta eltl#lPtGit PrOillgietibe 7itati- • • •=y: Tim mra r l- - - - lama bloted doddi aid, two hundred and ;t firer Gelds were sold toy the moos wog about twenty thousand Millais... The beilloom was eroirded arty, an 1 by ten Veto* was a piirfeot pus;nll. the house except the idginittler being - Wed; and even the ,dresolog. loom and hdoblis crowded. , Three thousand per , - . lb* Pets. was Ma late. Th e audience grew =t.•—"rhe amid jolayektiittilising point, o was Wound even alibi, as Ma Royal 'illigkensalaad sat 'oats,. At 10.,,80 'km numbed ,the thoubtlei'itit was. eonduated • fit gram/ 2 0N to - the lieeptkeerreope, :Where' hu,larrouged nis sed• at o.4B,ltabeted a very beadsman sad ale -dseesi* dl 11 , foltowedd by his entire suite litral.a*thes„. The bud Ovid a quer medley e t ..."„tetiltal:..oiterteute, ,, whieh brought in forty times;' and oe- Miweadf , bictaluntirsubse in its rendering, titi Priam sad triatytag the alioady• ex- ITS,IIIIIIOIII/X01111; ' - Led by Mayor LiaeolnOho injal ,party then Saud a narrow passage franitiii totranae to - the rear, mad basit' tiii tie middle of, the. floir, where, in a spree half larger saisellt to swing a small eat, a quit&nthmetia formed: 'SU Prises dueled with , Mrs. Mayor Lintels.' `ln ids set' here Lord Rin ehthbrolto, Mr. With, ,of, the English Legation, and Col, Oblifirtiring t • Of plasm-forte celebrity. The kiddie Mu* iktre.''Cltitkaing, Mls Fay, daughter otiliethead &NOOSE_ 4.; nittli Eli Illgelow. - inimpsurci mum Amt. 0011111=011 ulnae; , .- , , • 'Tkia pieced lad y' who hound the Prinee•th the ' desthe Mae Ilirs.Leovirnor Banhaotho was most dressed, and did .what very few of his pas itlY evet attemptstairtained him during she taleavukel up:4 by sprightly and witty eon ' ~ r l - - • "Diaatall'iON ali /'1 LOWS{ . - TIM itati opened Jinaithine, Eke that' in New Tork.,:lor ill.- the emaimittees, being anxious to speak to the Primo, and - iamb; forwardlo do an, Mask sat, a missed lowers, mattering its Mon• lotto ants the Pilau. -Thom were profuse spelt). gibs; hat tho Pilate - Was laughing so heartily that he imaidmot bear or 'peek; Talk lithittesillxo eMMIIIBIII. Of um raping. Titireird •datimit,' a. wilts, 'the Prince danced witifitrit!irlitt, daughter of Edward Everett, Land I Madre of Gov. Wk. of Virginia. Th. Mutt, the LuMork the Tdnee danced. with' NW !CtittlipiNol4o4, . daughter of an eminent b r ilr ilearp Upteuthado hthienif .censpismons by trying to cleats Vase thethithaturs, and, at the ennelision of the .7..Matiers,' mild thik Prince to take. a walk. ':Ehe 'Prince teptlid that lie wthildi walk , ahead end, return to_ the same spot, in order 'to" imillealif thinrowd. The dories was not summand, 1 Iluantlet.. Ye:thou are hot to be taught by lath i i rth* Mat ; duos, a qudrille, the ,Pdeoe's SieLlas 'Mime &Mort% gread niece of Lord ~__ , • , • • - , - . . , . ~ ' *l"l tuartf il l ie llO t t e i . sf .I t ratr a k wi"l4l - _ . lfigeber, - tax e. _.. ?, - I . ‘:. loole'LAlmut. vassals. AlleAkereak ilf the laidles•woris superb, bid; in' astrattelaes 10414 „erairdVdt4.ltot appear to great =t l t- bi tttri a rleo estaf only In two". S Mini Pailtettifir rim lininia area veritati• ' Alifit . .a..latt...braiikfmst-- the -"Priatie granted'aii. dispute Edward Eroriatt,Litho lntrodueed "Ralph', ifanthere: Om last serviibig moldier who fought at ihnither Rilif ../fo to one twothrod peen of egeiand kie yikkigael ovitim,who.aseqeqpikaled him, 0-16 fear ibildaiverseveatptlir. Tlia'Prinaa was ver y kbal $ the ekt aeatiattaa, mak quite - won bit' , heart;,..ii.:Was ettated - by lb murk, that 4, It altael. - Watallllie. pm to a body,: thorn' - :, ,';'.'X:. iitaikititow 'AT attiratt. ' ' • l ros ofS/° ftif lootltaloo7o ;A , Quit. tid_apenitatti: toga' .. 1011; 00114 :: of a throne, - theptmbe o r Wei* a vary slat yeast iaaa—wortlt Ellikeell ' .1- lids vaitt ;sysin bee artist bitty tie o V i threminw• furthOtheithallas Of tallahnby : a PO 'WO S 4 loiellaill sallied haiaadP • Ode '' .....10etiChows, aid - Wail :have bath la; ea 'maithitirithla!tereth boo that ties, saitthlit. ,faildmill • ge ea' ineriestifiehtil.ki i , teatime sub-' kooto of th , O9o!totifathila :the fts et tiatpesii,:. se Oat, ii,fanif the w tie Nakaf ditto •• hi itill, sloes/ r . 010 " t Ailg"t• AISILI,7 Al; • te 66,l a kasd ,_ „., - 4.ccimi*--Al.sit FA.lss mu Sso:= . Le;IF; rkkinewl, : 16 4 , 114.1 or °Week, 1•11 ' •-, -•:' ' ' •.- reep t . 4 011-PWrit iIiCIRS ..,,-10 . 4 , yeativ mk. •-• A. ~1 1 14 811# _: - ** . t. S's .4,-.• , - , .... • '11:01tylitio Imo, *ay, et dml 25i; e. ilimosil . iiiii• liarr il, ilis - ~ _ sitish4 - ,isseu - swypiail im ^, , g - , iliiirapiekodvikoc issift 19 ' - ' • :111 81.166 gam bat Ms 10 " * W eirtt Y r "dli ;st i r; t t rii* . Jailta iiiii: Aliilled, tad So boy, Is ow' fl ll / 4 1 W$11:cielth Ws parent( ha 1 1 011111 ., :,5 - ..,17.:ff.V..."Nre 4‘ ,. : Poilia,i.—Abia•Petenbutt g il t) 4: 01 _ ~,. p kfp4i, lila. frt., Ise the felloyt , ~ ! !, . .T1- ~n`. • . !nag e ski, himixit)l•6 - 61 eotitintie .SI - rnalioalibmi ' • liso :sosttelmil bo Ale . las moths, se lat z t io, X GENERAL NEWS. 3tost . will be seen by the report of=Vtillfeedings in the Court Of !Dyer and .Terminer, thot Edwaril, Sullivan WRO 0Ort• littiodiof Dabber* hi the - drs4degres`,” It will be resnanillexid,.that he wig charged - With despoiling - griten - dtiutiffymen from- littiLawreaqs County, Iniethea l Aiiiiiii;Uf,lbute.moneY &initiate articles. Matiltatlitir failotiKnotned %loaf and,Von -Buskirk, elsgsfgefF* the a ff air, and both are now 11l the-State prison Zen ten-year The ease 4m:dragged ._along two or thile-yelirfiAlurhig • Prt awn IC inriis liffifforpty:m ir and u liven broke - Id! once or iwkwrittiettLand it was *Jong - while liftifthfrW aii i - T g . w" at. Visited at =Flag ;some mekt c a fe , on the vie• difteineditilbrrittoWitaetis, but at laid hit Walkdisoluirged cd ble owirreetignizance. Hi` has made fear or live journeyi While from St. :fillirone.: o . o , l3 * - 4 0 .thilliftf o rt l itrlIT A / 14 of &P -lated:4 t0. tUur1:1014 1 ',0 4 4 1 9. , , , Several times the vrillorrinrioitioned,at.the'request,of 'counsel for thelinlprits. - 4-if Sektiter;Demoerat: Tail origin of the - :end EL. D. datiSabask - ro thelwellthneitury; at. the first el: - ,tabliabantait ofikelunivereltiee; andwerethen. held eateemf , l'Thelirstprson apOEPWhom the Utle, VitelOP,Wif effM%reed ;raaii o aa. a I latariliqfgladel'Aflaw, at the liaiversity of Bo e, itideeid3 the: Ereperefr,,hotharie IL, whoa' . . eheneellorle was, to create title, and ,he Modal, was the firet:reeiplent of It: Be was AndeVueiOr two* University. Subset fifientlY the titlimasherrewed ,by the fancily of theology, nid frdt eonferred' by, the ,linlyarsity of Paris en Peterlsitobard; the celebrated scholastic theologian.. William Gotdenio was the" dist per son upen.whonr *otitis of Doctor of Mediane was bestowed,rwho received It, from the College of Asti *1320. , „For 'several ages the *Ornate, was a title initiated with high honor but in the present century, And upsoittilyin this. Country; there are so many tbonosods of them that the title is greatly diminished-in value, and now heals , worth hay- Taw English Journals are fairly sulphurous 'with cautioned istatistios of the inliereal prepare. detUr•for war isesi going on in , Great, Britain. Thai IrWaliioldinas are full*ofaciainots of volunteer *4014 rifle '.looting, and cannon' roadie). Their scientific columns tall us alloboutihe Menu. --44*Tli.-4fith-0-i-Kl*-11Wingiginkfthe.,neit-L" rifled ithot•giaM' half invented conical bait" that will ll,.evewithin forty rods of All 'pastwhiz. fa fallss- , England frightened ? or ohs playing at- madonna - inventions and prao lee, as IrSokee - bOyi play .at training? Or is the old*.Saxon • Berfliwitir .:madness coming , ou With seven•fold 'fury; ssidri to culminate in O grand roar af"dellintiv all; the notions, of the. earth? At present united opinion of Christendom be ieves that an - afprefiriate affirmative answer to the &Oaf thee! questions may be sorely snide. .Sirelousz—/ - '/ Pantiancisn Etonian or $4OO IX :evening, as the 10 o'clock 'train' was' about leaving Syracuse, a westward passenger discovered that he had been robbed Of $4OO, whit& belted upon his person. A telegram was sent to Officer Sherman, but too late to reaoh him in time for hint to be at the depot. ()Meer campbell, however, hOppened to be pre sent when the train arrived. „He went through the train; and searched several persona, but with no siteoem., The thief probably went east, as it Is not likely that he would come upon - the same train with the person whomine had relieved of hit gold. —Rochester Exprent. Lotioitolays Expnoinott.-L4 telegraph from Syron" Mo., to - the St. Louie 'Reioilican says : " The: freight train plug down 'met with an acci dent- about half peat twelve o'clock to-day, (Tues• day, the -2d Inst.) The' boner of the Pacific, No: S, exploded withitsirrible foroe, blowing 'the fire men foity yards** a oorn field, and killing him 'instantly. The engineer was taken out of the wreck horribly / mangled, and lived only a few hoots. Mr.-Iless, who bad a large stook for the Jefferson fair; was badlyirdured, and a young man in his employ cannot poodblj-survivc Fourteen cattle-eare - were wreaked and piled 'indiscrimi nately Upon each other:' The track was torn ,up forty yarda;'an'd several fine bulls and other cook were killed." Eine - emu AT Viciresuza.—We copy from the Vieksburg Sun of the 11th loot. • ' • The saw mill visited by L. Brien Oo., situated at the foot of Washington street, up the river, was seriously damaged yesterday morning by the ex ploitive p the holler, Woxvlsited'itte scene of the -moister immediately after it • &mired, and every. thing we saw that walooineetsd with the mill was in estate of. topg-turvjtude.* The boiler Wu sent upward into the air by the - foreebf the steam, to a instance of Aniarly thirty feet, while the chimney waspropelied by the satne force one hundred and 'fifty feet. No person was killed, - although two "arose were Injared. .:,11[WrriltaiOus DIDAPPBAZAN9Ni—A lad named James Maier disappeared from his home itTenn Yin;anorak 'weeks rinse, under unaccountable elrettmatances: The Olitortildo says that he is the eon of. Yalta( ff. Oilier, of Abet awl the slagabirity Of his absence is greatly ino4aesd by the quiet sad amiable ohs/actor 'he has always maintained. Be has always Wan highly esteemed as a good boy, in the just and emphatic sense, of the terns. WA parent - and friends would be much rejoiced to learn - or his Whereabouts, if well altos ted, and it would allay their anxiety to hear where he is In any event. UNITED STATICS SNIPS IN TIM PAO:IOIO.—We learn front ari Attentive correspondent at Banama the following faits in regard to the whereabouts of ticvernment AIM& In the Paoifto : The fl4gsbip Lancaster, `of • the ,Peolflo - squadron, is at (Watt ; slso"at the lama. place, the War-steamers Wyo.. Mink , cud Marrageneett ' The St. Mary is at Pa, name. The Oyu, ID on the Mexican coast. There is noilnitsd States teasel at Aspinwall, except the stereddp,Falestrath. • Ptnetiomr: TO Pirr, CAssox TO.—We see ;that s brain' kites of 'the Virgin Mary was re . eently'iningurated on Mount Coloollio, at Puy, 'Prase4;Mbledt4Otltroließliianand mut fifty up, The bturisi ti - Outt f# twoltandroM and - thirteen Suitunient, laiten'At • isitf ; , gfiesi , by' the 'Mich -Emperor: The statue - is - upward§ of„ fifty het. high, - and attedits of one hundred and - twenty pieces -fastened Angether. In the , interior is a wiralialalairelies al In. the °alumna of the Place 11VMM:et suid'Ofthe Place de le Beadle. L:,:1311,11, , ZAKATe , B11111.1111.01X1131T TO ::11t = GOA vanno.---The Commissioners of the Oanal Fund wet in Albany - oil the 16th nut., and- dtreated the auditor to unrest $400,000 of the ()anal revenues' in **Vats tax levied to oompletadthw enlargement work. By Xi doing, the eoitraeting bead will be in Binds to_ oirry on the work this winter, at the Obeli tit navigation, without waiting for the tardy eollintlon and return of the tax. Carious Will of a Eiontliern Planter. Ad iced gentlemen, a planter in one of the Southern ittetes, hujest died, leaving a fortune of 8100,000, which Is to be disposed of the provisions of his will, and - that document is as follows: bequeath all ity streets to the children of my biother, on the following, conditions : Desirous of markingm sense of the sorties which my New y foundland dog rendered me in, saving my life one day reboil I, was drowning. and wishing also to pro vide for my housekeeper, I appoint my said house. keeper -nurse, tutor, and mother to my deg. My natural heirs shall, on thiseoconnt, pay to her, out Of my entire fortune, a dilly sum in the following manner The daily - payment shall continue so long as' the dog "shall live, not one second longer. During the, drat year after my decease, or for so much °fit si the dog shall live, Art.y. housekeeper shall , ;reisive $5 a day.; the immadyear she shall remlys Wider; As :third`year 916; and so on, until' the death 'of the doge In the course of the month', hi: which the deg shill - die, there shill be paid to mrhouitentiptir 'foreveryday'of the dog's existence $125: ' On, theAsy of his death, she shall be' paid per hour of the does life $250. In the last hour of his 'shall receive for every minute that he lives $375; and for every second of the last minute- $5OO. -My notary is charged with =per., intending the carrying out of my whi." • This eccentric gentleman appears to have enter , Mined for his deg santinients similar to Byron's What thileirs will think or do we cannot sty, but we - shall be much surprised if Ihat'dog lives •many, houri longer. Supposing him to'die at 59 minutes and 69 soloondilafter 5 o'clock on 'the 30th day.of the month, - the sum to, be paid to the housekeeper would be: „ 30 days,". at $125 $3,150 11.hcars,' gt $250: • , 2,750 59 minutes; at $375 '2125 59 wends, at $5OO 29 500 Totsi PARSE NOERB , A.RitrtED. In steamship Stets of Gegfa ft . from Savannah —Fte, &mak Proctor. Wallace 8 lebeok, Mrs W Good man and two children, Thos . Holland, and one in the steerage, - ' ' . tiLIbADELFRA. BOARD OF TRADE, 9Feiza t OLA . AVM*, 07 viz Mnow . LETTER DADS At the Merchants' Exchange, 9t'lp elarakin. T05t1nn4...,.......„_.,L15ern00l soon snip 'Wm unmonsins.cons— imp Ennis Dillik_tilatedsll,—,..;—„Lonson, soon qi,Brgirrighziwrizeratiati anon gDo lawn. —JR inol Manus :soon Teton Common, Bimini— soon Sobs Onsooo. TOtnitt----,,K7sno de en ba. soon MARINE INTELLIGENCE. ,PORtVOF PHILAtiELPHIA. Oct. 20 1060, UM . W ,: f!6-BUN NETS-, IN • -- _ .. AMUSED. Btaaraship Dorton, Crocker, gp hours from New York. with rodeo and ',Am asser' ki Jag MOM i dloe Paw sohr palatal maim, (muses May. bound up; a b ark of the Ledge, bound down; bark D 0 Adam; for Now Orleans, shove the Dods"; bug Rollo. for Hottest, off Bombay Hooka foreign rull-rlsged brut above L.non's. heating r 74 .:t; . `.M`ll,ll:::n . "4 1 .1.Tlii'l IL41111: off U 818 ateatrighl Mate o+Tilllk Grrvin, ID ileum fiat , waniTah, with Jr .... 4 ...... m . t . tif i eron, from rrelfo l irriphribWredgetia ll 7. s go A r M, 5 14 1 :4 steamsti o eines@ mats, Ontilmi south of Frying Pan tlards, ring south. - hip f foming, Barton, SS dug fmm..Liverpool, with es art ist'saiwasgers to oope wroa Towed no by th liai rliij e tih r WM L I P 8 r e l gs a ltuf ;lag i rs! ... F 4lT:ito- - lasses to .........ght - . Co. s.gperuntoed hem., weatbor lai l lifur i Teltdf, OW Churehlll, from London , via loianuouth. B. 6 days. with chalk and maokerel to B A der Is p, , . . --_, rig Bash Berolos, Clark, from Now York. :rrig W i se ?Bohol', ;flab? fffnig ido odon• : firvait i aik.ixtr4 T ,' r Q .11inswtonn. ' ilif i tts, m irlit frit, Zwi'AtTitoston. with salt to 41Thr ni t VW' cinder, Dorman, 4 days from Albany, with lumber to IS Iton & Co. Beil o Ply. bowman. 4 data from Lynn, in ballast to L A n it co, ~ with Ltle to W i nlo ri rlfays Mom PronnostoWn, Behr o ptgoiNburehill, a Lys from Plymou th , wi th I r t i i 'White Data l ttlefisid, II days from Batton, with I talkk.ll days from Portland, with rodeo 1 4 6; ~..4%,„kVamman, A dayS from Newburyport, wi th it- wood. ic A r i . e. -Igl i l i r k aM il IC./ clay from Smyrna, Doll, with • ' ; Meta , -1 day from New Castle. Del, ' V v. • l* . ' 4 7rtu i ton. ' ' . 1. 'i . t . • . ; - I. mit n• ' -;:- ", gw. ~ , from Boirtori. r - VI . foot ; ; •,, - . or l ie . 'i .- .ii 4 l. fr om ''ro ' ' ' doge. 19 hr • su ' rug, ' ' /141 fronallow Bedford. ti l '' 1 ' Norio?. from NewboryporL , ~, hr _Ono*. Vbew../pra , new York. ' 'Mohr i tiii b li n irsl e *,lg liii'l fi head. i eninnt V e. la Muni rom New York , with mdim to Id Go co • ~, •.,-,;:,; '2? iimum. iratitip Gilt °!-. P,o9lridclattoli•il, Richmond, T r . timril 4F., , Mlls.Dittnn,Bantittleh. Alex lir , rogWiFiliiiiiii...:)?l,iii..iialeirif Elinalokson ' & 0 Chaloser,Klualy,BuStois. do . • Brig Wm riloholo, Do OWL' Bostdrir .1} Audinrind & co, BrigVhatEdirartrathoto. 0044,p; Pietist - on - it Coif. , Brig Cobok, "out,ii*mmott & °aid- Whi4t. %. • • ,-1011tpikAallilltkW arOr:del100. - Bohr ari Buren. wellSk'a W rlestawki. Bohr Halo. riewmath.nevtatrlzart, A Wood Bohr Gazelle, Playloral ea burnout, L Andenned & Co Bohr Fly, Chessman, NewEort, • do Bohr Union, Libby, Baotou, L Bothorme & Co, Bohr J G Baboook, Jeffries. Llostbn, do Bohr Aid. hadloott, 800t<0..0 A Heoksohor & co. Bohr U • Green, Weaver, waohington, Hayes & God shall. Bohr Vadat Share, Haley, Richmond, Binniakson & Glover. Behr J P Cake, Endioott, Rinhmond, Van Damen, Nor ton & Co. • . • Bohr Damon, Pitcher, Boston. do Bohr S Mandl, Mathias, Rlohmond. Reading RR Co. flohr trtublitsop,'Norfolk, J treat & eo. Fr ft L fia l it u aNlti a rro n re f . Jr . Y6 : It° & Co BY TELEGRAPH. (Correspondence of The Press.) „ - , • SAVANNAH, VOL 18. Arrived, New'Ensland L from Liverpool; bark Morton, from New York; brig Harps, from Beirut. leerreepondenoe of theildladelphia Exohanged LEWES, Dol.. Oot. 18. A bark and two full-rigged bilge came in yesterday, and 'far, t:ll44l.l.eirr tra g n i o s hO n o g f the Breakwater. oohr Hortensia remains ashore on the point otthe,Cepe. Wind BE , Veers. N. W. HICKMAN. tiiieriesponden3 of The Press., HAVRE DE OBACIrs. Cot. 19,1860. The-Wyomtng left with 6 boats, laden and consigned as follows: Flemington Mills, flour and feed to li 0 Mytinger; D Triune lumber to RI Trumjl & Bon; North Star, do to Malone d Taylor; Joseph B Lawrence, do to dalepn; Emblem,ooal to Delaware City. • (Ourespondenoe of The Frees.) RING i Oot. The following boats from the Union EA C D anal ssued in to the Bohnylkill Canal to day, bound to Plutadelphia. laden and consigned as follows: Alma, blooms to Trenton Iron Co; Farmer, lumber to idu John Craig; Ciroaaman, do to H Deyr; Pennington & Raymon. do to Jan Haley; SE Carmony, do to Jones & Co: C 0 Itiokets, do to Jones & 801)11.._J & D Richard. bark to Wm & A Fichthorn; George &Oharles, grain to Humphreys, Hoffman & Wnght. MEMORANDA. _ Ship Mart Washington Tinkham, for Philadelphia, Sailed from love rpool OM imit. • - Ship Mattapan, Dunbar, from Calontte, arrived at j3oston With inst. • ShipPiniaiti :ones, for APalsoldoola 9th twit, wan advertised as of, velpool 6th. . 113110 Witch the Wave. Todd. for Philadelpiumns; advertised at Dondon 6111 inst. • alffkl—MariALAmitha Or Riolunond, cleared at New Urkima inst. narx-Charier A •lazi Abswida.virate at Port Au Pnnoe i k e Set r ign l i e ltar t ig a ior • Phtl delthia; was atseniet, ibraltar6677thultJ Mohr Kansas, fkisinaTi kenos, /tripod at Alexandria 16th inst.. Bohr Banging, Newell, flange, arrived at Norfolk 17th instant. .Bohr Shenandoah, Blackman, for Philadelphia, at Newport 17th nut. t3ohr Americ& for.Philadolkhisi sailed from New Ha ven 17th tap. Bohr Ban saint*, tor- Philadelphia, ;ailed from New London 17ilunst. e : • Elohr U & T Gramm Healer, for Philadelphia. sailed from Pawnisket.l7th inst.- Nora OFalco. Niok•Mon, W W' Mato . , Norton, M H Mifflin, Book', and. A Jenninge. Lake, for Philadelphia, sailed from Providenos 17th inst. Bohm J Turner, Crowell, end A S Simpson, _Chem. from Providenoe for Philadelphia. arrived 4t Newport 16th toot : Bohr Starlight, York, hence, arrived at Porttbind 17th Fainsta h nt. c t hr Wave, Merritt, henoe n arrived at Boston 16th instant. f .gitessaer Move, enuttley, hence , &Trivia tit Bart ord nth init. PREPARED GLUE. SPALDINO'S PREPARED GLUE! OPALDING'B PREPARED GLUE! BPALGING'S PREPARAG GLUE! NAVE THE PIECES! ECOHOMY: DESPATCH Wir" A firival IN TIMM 8AVIII.NINII.""Vi As accidents will happen, eves en teell-regulatedfami fies t a is very desirable to have some cheap and con ventspt way torrepairing Furniture, Toys, ()weer,' SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE meets all suoh emergencies, and no household can afford to be erithoug it. It iY always ready,and np t 9 the stiff ing point. There IS no longer a necessi ty for limping chairs. splintered veneers, headless dols. and. broken cradles. It is just the article for cone shell, and other ornamental work, so uplink/a' . with ladies of reftnement a l i his A:nimble preparation is used cold, being ahem i cally lied in solution, and tiossessinf all the_ valuable used In of the test oabinet-makers Glue. it nig', be used in the place of ordinary mucilage, being vast y more adhesive. "USEFUL IN EVIAY NOUSE." N. B.:—A Brnab mammies each bottle, Pr ft • *1 08Ntit WHOLIS AIN DEPOT, NO. NI PLATT ST., NEW You. Address HENRY 0. SPALDING A CO., Box 3,000, New York Put up for Deniers In otoeucondstninp tout, slat, and Melva dozen—a beautiful inthographio Show-Curd moompanyina each PaOkuire. WA maple bottle of SPALDING'S PREPARED Ghousehoi d LUE will save ten times its oat annually - to every :01 Sold by all prominen_t Stationers, Driipsists, Rant- Ware and F'urWture Dealers, Grooers, and Paw Stores. Country_ merehattts siipAd make mating of SPALD JAG'S PREPARED GLUM, when up their hat. It will stead any olimate. SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE! USEFUL IN EVERY DOUSE. SPA LRIWPS PREPARED GLUE% 1104 D BY STAT/OPWRIL SPALDINGT PREPARED GLUE. - • SOLD GY DRUGGISTS. SPALDNG'SPREPARED GLUE BOLD .131 - RARDWARE onixds. sPALDINGT VAIEPAPLED OLM , 301,07 - ,ormousur,vuomosnixe mho. •• • • , eramolviummaro GLUE BOLD Warfrumullias DEALERba SPALINGI ERE_ PARED GLUE SOLD DY PANCY•GOODS DEALEAS...- SPAI.DII4B PREPARE/ GLUE. SOLD EX OROOE Npu t reorturitzPANW_GLUß. • SOLD COUNTRY SIERORAiffd GENERALLy Mame& tared tor • !MAY O.I334LDINIik. Address Poet Moe: it PirellA e t, de. Y°Tk. Annexed is en Alphabetical List of Articles whiohi if niefalneas damaged, may be restored to their original strength and by SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE. A_ MendeACCOUNT BOORS-- . -.—. A 8.-Mends BUREAUS.-- --...---- --..........8 0-Mends CRADLES ........- - —..0 1 . ....7.1121:EfittREc -- . ----------7. :E S::::Eni:turPAki . ' - :::=:::::::77. - 1 r::: :2 Arawisiiii;:..::==: - ::::F 1 ...- 11....-,. ends KNOBS. 1.--Mende LDATHER-W130......q=...-....1., 91- .14330 MIRAL_QR-FRAMES.—....— -.ld NN -.Mends D8.13.P05T5.....-....--...31 . ...Mends OTT KANS.:. .. ,-- .. ..... - -.0 i..... Mends P 0•FATE5.................... ..... __,l. iv ? -.,Mends ,Q. Lry ME5.....—............1 -.Mends R OKIN -ROUES —-- S.... Mends SOFAS. T.... Mends TABLES.--.....,,_ ..... ...-.......T O-..Menda OMB_RELLA-STIGES.— - II V-Mends VASES --..--.---V W -.Mends WIR-80XE5...,, —.W X-Mends XY OGRAPRIO-WORK.-----..X Y--Mends , VA D-STICKS. - -_. --- -- Y 2--Mends ws KYR W00D 7 W610.,_ ,• z .9.---In donoluelon,SfALDlNG'S P PARE CLUE tenseral in /abrasive and Sa oole. 1-.11. -.Mende sons-, _......_:._19.... 1 L...P....Mends PITCHERS-- ..... -- ..... P.... 3 3.....•-.. Mends ACU_QRPEO_NI3.--....._ __A.- .. 3 4... t ...Mends LErrrEH-SEALLIND _ ~. . .... 4 L.. ....Mends DAGUERREOTYPE CA5E11 . ..11.... I 1L... fdends IMAGEBEL.,,,-...,._ I - .. 6 T. -.N. -.Mends NEW BREAKAtiES -.....11- .. I 8- -G. -.Mends GUN EITOOKI3.---G.... 8 9.-- 8.-Mends BOHOOL-BOORS.-....-.-... S-- 9 11L....t-Mende PARASOLS . —.-- P.... 10 1L... -Mends RULERS.. ......._. ~....,..„13....11 IL_ -. ..Menthe ELEDTRIDA,L MAOHINEI3..K. .18 IL-P.-Mends PAPER- 13 0131013.—....P.....is it.:4:::l: r affoli A 8 ..._.,..... - . 1s o fi i 5.... .Mends RASE HANDLES.. - — . E.: -IS 17-D.. Mends DESKEI .. —B-17 v l3l".±...hlendefill..OßEl3 —.- G..... 18 19 • Mends LOOSENED LBAVRI3—.-L....19 SO- ;...Mends _Upholtered PuRNITURE-.1.1-90 Mends ESSG-BEATERS - -.„-.. —E-2I V —.Mends ACO RN - WORE »._..._....» ---m as__ .._....Mandi D E811:110ARDS —.33 31-.....- -Mends F IDDLES -,.... ,_ _, p 4 13-.....lltendsilHELL_7( . - ....... 16 98-- Mends FI_LLET-WO j l i --- —93 X ----Mends 1110 BY-HO . —37 19 —Mends KA OS OP 13 ---•--- -.in 211 Mends HO -BOXES . •- - _no 30 -..Mends PICT E PRA MA --.30 31_- Mends SECRETARIES -......, ~-31 33.. -....--. Mend. VENEERINO,„,,... ark.- Arend., SCHOOL F EIRNA'ORE..=.: if IA ......... Mend. PAPIER-MACKE --- -34 36 ....Mends WARDROBES-, ---- -.as 16— - ..§ends PARIAN B. MARBLE— -...-....38 38 '....,........1en e Y-JI/M.PERS t --.. -.38 39..........-. ends MA y RY-w0atr............-.-.......39 410.......-.. ends TCH-SAFES ..-... -44 41 --- Mends PIC ~,----- ----41 A .............. Mend* OH LL-WHE518............- ..-43 18 .....Mends WELV .4 OKI3.. .. —.43 AL .... Mends ASH T DS ....- --,,44 M-.-.... Mends B DST 5..-- --- -.. 4 6-4 46......,- &Inds D 1./Mt.r... —.... e .... Elam IL owitß i us... ..__ 68 49 ' -..Mends HE 8.. / 1 1::: - .7.- . ..r e nde119K8i# 0 410Ii4DX11.1.114,7. • .:.:1 •SA ...., Meg: EX. -BOARD3I- • :- - -Z - - - - II rt= e l ft ' jAirAmmi.::::=::72 I l i tall. A ES.. r1.....7 "-" - - ' Id: fROSIBTIKB:„ . . - - - -- - : - ...-1 6 1 gh,_,...., e nds .0f: ti, 5 4: •....... 0 •.• ...1.. •-•-•-•.• ....1 I 49-.... i.... ends AU .1ANDLE5,........7.7.7-7-:60 M- ....- ends R E 5..., ...-.. —..- 61 11L.:. • n re _.:........,. .... at . .". en OR l igEs------ 64 OL.:-..... en ds - 68 416.-...... Men 0 BO ADS-. --- -- ....._66 ST ....Adendi CURTAINS— _B3 . M.-- , --1110:2 CASINOS .. : ..... .......... ........ ; . ;g8 49 - . inn 48434/13 ,-...-....... --- r o e t4:=: - Fdind. BE - gkEtivalita . :::::;:::::: : A rd--.:— Mends A _ -OAS .......,.......... 1=7. 4 « ingi VRTP4 . ... j i ta ".'.' := .== 78-.....--,:atmn_Bolicia. - .7 -•- 8 39-.--.Mends'DISHES.....,...--..................-79 80-.. Mends VA N 5......-.. . .. 80 BV.- ........Mendop 0E 80XE5..... - ..... .......- -81 81'AiirVio 4 1 111/8 - . - -'• -• • •-••• • • -7,46 133 7..... ends , li A,R . DiI7-..............- --- -...- - 1 --Manna 1, B ~.-_ ...., 8/1.2.... -.Mende dLUITERS fa• • - ' -- 1 .1 116.31 8 1LA RE --•----87 ' 8&-.,.. , ...... e nd s .....-.- - -- - -89 no_,..z_:..- erode T A-PERCRA Vi r ikE.....-,-e4 9e-.:..,....Mends Ni t TE13.1...,-. .-.--- .-...90 111-...--lleuds T PS. .... • 131....,-..- Mends 0 (UM-. ;-- .- „........,,s0 St .. : ... bleeds MODELS...___..__,__. ..... . 0 01......... -Me/ tIik A Itria•MACHINE BTANDS-Ai 1e.4-- Men 0. A NM ' -.96 99-o» Man , TirdtRIMORR --. —96 ~,,,:...=! N e u A S.-- ......... ....,..„- - .41 OS ---..Miandi HID EfrOMMI. . ....98 it :--- Mn og gioio,a,if IllrtAMlti.---------99 SPALPItO.RPARED OLLIE. Sow BY STATIONERS. I,SPAPAgrifygtRER Gum, GOI TS. UW.4llllO'B B E/Alan GLUE. ITALDING'S PREPARND HOLD - By . HARDWARE STORES; SF.ILLD_INGM. PREFAB:I'Ii GLUE, AOLD B Y •HOH :n3 FURNISHING STORES GLUV A BOLD BY , fANOY-000.08 111EALERS. BPALDING'B PREPARED (I I,Ulk. :SOLD BY COUNTRY MERoliAlera 6.ENEAALLY.- ,'Manufactured by - KENNY g, BrALDLNO & CO,. • . , - 411 CEDAR Street, New York. - Addeo* Pool Offioe, Box No. 0,000. 'Ent% lit;ditoeirL tioti nig tiiiiFOur, Eight, or GOMM A1447;-,A,4 l l ll6lltitl wi tolg2oollAPll SHOW - MID 110001 1 0111 111 E OSO IMO 449 , • . THE PRESS.--PHILADELPHIA, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 20, 1860. ' A )ic trim, DYS 'REMEDY. D r . DARIUS HAM'S/ -t! AROMATIO INVIDORATINt3 This Medicine has bun used by the public for six years with increasing favor. It is recommended to, Cere Dyspepsia, NeritOttritiles. Thou-Bunt, Cobs rains, Wind in the Stomach, or Faint in the Hecutaihe,..broweiness Kidney', Comp/abets, Low Spirits. D elirium Tremens, Intemperance, IT aTIMIILATIo, ExEILLILATES, INV/GOA/Mai BUT WILL iNOVINTeXIO4TIt On EITTIPtirf. As a Medieine itquiek "and effectual , !surfing' the moitaggravated onus of Dyspepsia,_Kidney Complaints. and all other derangements of the stomach and Bowels in a wady manner, It will instantly revive the most melancholy and drooping spirits, and restore the weak, nervous, and Maw to health, etre - s i r, !sad visor. a Persons wheaten', InJudlolOns use of liquors. have become dejected, and eir nervous systems shattered, constitutions broken down, and subjeot to that horrible curse to humanity, the DaLIRIIIM TIIBEINNII, will, al moot immedlately r feel the ,happy and, healthy inVigo - efficacy of_lß.Hart„Ang_orAtingEtpint. • WHAT WIL.IIO. Dos a.—One,wine glass as often as neoesesty. . One dose will remove all Bad Spirits. • One dose will core Heart-burn. Three donee will cure Indigestion. ets One does will give, yon''!!{{ Obotf,,Appetite. One dose will stop the distreuang pains of Dyspepsia.. One dose will remove the dbitreseing and disagreeable effects of Wind or Flatulence. an ea soon as the stomach receives the Invigorsting-Spirit, the distress ing load and all painfilf feelings will tie removed. - cite dose will remove the most Murciano' pains of Colle, either in the stomach or boatels: A few doses will remove all obstruotions in the Kidney j. Bladder, or Urinary Organs. Persons who are emousy y afflicted with any' Kidney Complaints are muted. of speedy relief by a dose or two, and a radical cure by the age of one or two bottles,' NIOHTLY. DISSIPATION. Persons w ho,, from dissipating too much over night, and reel the evil effects o. poisonous liquor.. in mind beadaohen,teoltnote , at stomach; weakness, giddinees, Au.,will fi nd one dose t t move all bad feelings, Ldles of weak and sickly constitutions ..Mould take the Invigorating Spirit threer times a day lit will make them strong, healtiwo ban% Y• remove - all °barna thins mid irregularities m the menstrual arming, and restore Me bloom of health and beauty to the careworn a fting Megutiney Hail' be found an Invaluable Medi cine to remove disagreeable sensations at the stoillsab. All the proprietor asks is atrial, and to Induce this, he hag put up the INVIGICIIIATINO 81.11 IT In plat bottles at bOYeents, quarts $l, Boners' Depot. 40 W ATEtt Striet,'Ne7 York. MOT.' & ole twpoy,DA . t irt , And for sale b JOHN H. BR:Oft2ti u fittest, and all Druggists. ley-trisnitir P . ERITVIAN SYRIfP; . , .;•.•.( Oft' , FROTECTRI - - 4 ,_ 1 SOLUTION OF ; PROTOXIDE OF IRON CODIIIIN4I) , This well-known Remedy has heed need 'bxtensively -. . - and with neat amens for AA • • 4. DYSPEPSIA, . , OR naPArro sa A T N l s N rdrEnn.or i - 'lt FOR THE CONIGQIIENT DETERIORATION or Tun BLOOD: tt 1 ...-: - A 0 AND VOA TUX FOLLOWING ; FORMS 'OF DIAEASE', ea • Mott of widah originate In t , DYSPEPSIA : LLVER c4myhmitt, DROPSY, NEURALGIA and NERVOUS AFFROTIOSS, LOSS OF A FrETln, HEADACHE, LANGUOR find DEPRESSION or_ IaPIR.ITS,OARMINCLU.B and noila. PU.:§i, SCURUY,AFFECTIONS OF T SRIN,O 0 S U SIFT' YR ENDENCIER BRuNCIII.- TIS, DISEASES PECU- . , LIAR ta FEMALES, . and A L L. COhl- PNTS ACCOMPANIED BY AT O N I CNRL DEBILITY. and REQUIRING and ALTE HATIVE MEDICINE. Noys.—The failure of IRON as a remedy for DIM PIIPBIA, a bad state of the blood. and the numerous diseases causeo thereby. has arisen from the want of eget* a preparation of Iron as shall enter the stomach In purproama state. and assimilate at once with the blOOd. This vont trio rbittrvi/ . Byaup, suppltes, and it does so in the Only form in Mob it is possible , for Iron to enter the circulation. or thie'reeson, the YEZUVIAN BY iI.UP often radically cures diseases in which other pre_parations of Iron and other mediebies have been found to be of no avail. OE4TIFIOATE OF 4. A, 1..4yE11, M. P. Bat SToti.• h t Net t Mal " It" of r 2% 1 S at l fAratn n y t i l gil that to maintain a solution () Le i it-mu:mos of Iron, wit h out further oxidation, has been mimed impossible. In the PERUVIAN BYR P tide desirable-point Is at tained !if COMBINATION IN A WAY BEPORE trrtwavirtr; and this solution may replace all the proto-oarbonates, citrates, and tartratesof the Mate a roadies. A. A. RAYEti, ARNSTOI to the state of Mass, 16 BOYLSTON threat, Boston. N. B.—Pamphlets containing Letters _front the above named Gentlemen and others , end giving full tutorials- Son of the Syrup, tan be had on avehcatlon to the Agents, or to N. L. CLARK & Co., Proprietors, 00D MAN BUILDINGS • No. 78 SUDBURY STREET, BOSTON. ,: Sold by Druggiats generally throughout the United Staten. Agents for Penneylvania ' T/YOTT & 232 North SECOND Street.Phllatia: i iva7-tutbe LIj.,LLE'S PATENT WR"UGHT ANp OHILLEP lON FIRS AN BURGLAIL-PROCIP eAp.s, arp couple- TION BANK I,OOKEI, VABIT DOORS, &o. The time has arrived When Bankers, Mertihanterlpli business men begin to feel act only the importance the necessity of having it thoroughly fire and burglar proof Bale. That the sheet-ironer common safe bee lie 4 P improved as a fire-proof einee it. first introduction, an that it will preserve the written matter, meter remora able circumstances. le admitted ; but that it still bag e clone defects must be conceded. Its liabilitg to crushed by the faller wails, timber.. d 0., or by Its owa. fall : Its inability to prevent the eonetentevagoration the moisture from the filling, as Ulm scarcely possible to/ make or keep the vapor chamber water -tight Ursa fraU a structure ; Also, its entire inability to retain the steam or vapor during the Orel; its rapid deterioration by rust and otherwise,and Its entiretnseeurity against Anirglec , dwill hardly be denied. It is claimed 'that all these efeats are remedied in the above wrought and chilled; iron safe and look, and the object of this article is not n!r to phew this fact. but the why and the wherefore, kuttgl s .irbi e fiTrit i t ifful l .r i o l i c tge v isiT i e o if !hi sheet-iron safe , pre misi ng at the two mine L a h t io l l , - prise all the soppier Rafael now in nee, Or Ore% the, vapor principle is the minas! new, re 1 0 4400 Wreaks tile Safe nee- proof. bY au safe - ma k ers vine any celebrity, oonsequently, all now gat In A tionietal-. tion-phamber 10/ Owl otdeo STRUCTURE OF 0111t , VD-Efifilq 441 1 ,10 BORI RM. A The base or body of this safe is a box wade often ggEE wrought Iron. X to Kr of 'an mak thlek, by chi- to upshot, wide crossing earth other 64 Viet 11110411,,,en plated near each other, re/inlet emsoreist network, about l ( lash holes are twilled near eeeirraer 'amen. these Demand counter seek; out fren lento these dun and Into the beige, and over the oa ,t 4.771 itg:::PittgaigttllinfiNai°"4"olo4l4repat, d, l th e the eget i r e the making St drill eire:r, ° whise, the two boomer. so strongli tied so sotto be arieetstaitd:i or broken by Any oniirtirtrerer. 80 STRUCTURE OF 8 ET-LRON SAFES DE- The . sheet-irn safe is made of itheet.lron plates, frbm one• sixteenth to one twelfth of aninch thick, banded rotted the Oateredge with light bariron, the !arsenates having& band wrap% the centre. Tide oonstitutes the whole Ironwork, adding the door dances end beelta i ti and the door-Way or front Bargee t except"' liardie a thin plate of hardened steel is visaed MIII4e, and till is called tabneglar-proof safe. _ As has been mentioned, each of the shave Befog babe tionipositiOn chambers, or, mote preettosily, Vaeor chambers, as va_por ie toned &be/lintel). necessary to sot upon the iron Surges that eurroend the oompoeition chamber. or the heat would be elan, conducted through these flanges to the interior. thoegh the'compauttolit be everso good a non.condootor. as iron lea Lee con daotor of heet, and vapor le the only preveptive. It must be admitted that toe beet distorts' for' this cham ber is that which is the greatest absorbent, and will not oaks or become hard. Limeay lie co:Loaded to be that article, as most of the Bate m makers use compo sition having I.me for a constiMent, end this is the only reliance for the production of vaor but as lime is light, ght, it i s In the sheet-Iron safe a d ult erated with fire cday..Or some beavysebotance, to give them weight and solidity. The Chilled Iron Safe hes both in the cuter struotnre. consequently the (Member!' with unadulter a tad, producing mulch more vapor tnan the opmposindn used by ghost-iron makers, and while the shiet-iron Bare is warping and twisting at every joint. when heat ed allowing the Vapor to escape, the chilled iron hex no outer join ta and me thickness of iroa prevent/ the springing oethejoints. consequently the vapor cannot adepe. And here lies the great advantage this Pale 'miens fire proof/ over the sheet iron, bet it has other Important advantages. The atrugture shows thin it cannot be affeoted by the failing of wid i le, turitero . No.. or its own fall ; that there u no chance or detenoration from rust or otherwise ;.that in case of fire its shape is not erfeetee ; that of it le checked by water, Or other cause, the cheek can only reach to the wrought Iron bars, oonsequently the Bare is not feinted for use ; that the steam or vapor is mainly kept In the vapor oham bar, end doss not destroy the bindings to books. or so injure the paper as to require cowing, thereby saving this trouble. es well as the expense of a new Pete: As to Burglary, the etruortre shows this Path to be dnil-proof eil over the eurlaoo,• and. with Lillie • cele brated flank Look attached, itioh ip drill. • eledee, end powder proof, it will ble seen that ft is thoroughly bur glar proof—while,tae structure of the sheet iron Safe shows .that the crowbar. axe, acid-obitel, or drill can penetrate it in a fete moments, without much noppe ay! disturbance. The following late severe test is one of the many of a cannier character now Ulm' poseession. and published in my general circular, fully demonstrating the advert— taloa claimed for this Safe: Caftan BAY. Wisolinsin. Soy 25, ,866 FRANK E. Howe, se . Agent or ales: warehouse was burned on the molting of the 17th inst., and you may judge of the character of the fi re when I tell you that fifty barrels of whisky stood • within eight feet of one of your large else No. 4 Bates, making an awful haat,which your Safe passed through, and , to the astonishment of all. Preserved eVerrthing, Wooer, books, and papers, inn perfect state. aligned, Ono HATWOOD. ' M. 0, SADLER, General Asap". 715 CIiEBTNUT Btreet, kinder Masonic HAIL_ MMT3 EIRE INSURANCE AND, TRUST CrOM m-ePANY.—THE PENN MUTUAL LIFE ursu- RANCE COMPANY, 911 CHESTNUT Street. Assete, SWAIM.= 1N URNS LIVES for the whole term. of life—erants annuities and endowmenta--purohases life interests In Beal Estate. and Fiske s all oontraots depending op the oolungenotes ot Lite. --. They tot es Ey' .eoutors, Admlnietritont, Assignees. Tmstees, and Guardians. A ; - TRUSTEES. . Daniel L. Millet, getnuel E,Stotres, ‘g . Be min Coates.. wilhain 4.1 nut., R. Klan' S. hieworold. James 13. inparlenp, William P. ulcer, - ioeeylt 11. Totter, ~. William H. ern, AZ; gl i titiqrkul di ' , titttgilitgAl, tdmund A. Sonde/ Henry C. Townsend , Wei L. Hutoht 11, Rodolphus Kent, ' ohn W. Horner, William IL Carr, Ails IL A roller, r 4111.taiirift%rtsou atnuel J. Ohnetisn, agoon M. Thomas, . Warner M. Ram.' John G. Brenner, P. S. Mohler, East.on, DANIEL I L . MILLER... President. SAML. E. STOKES, Vice Frl. , I. JoaN W. HORNOR. Secretary. salit ' A Z-31- NEERIOAN FIRE INSURANCE 00., INCO_SPONATED lelie-ijitAnta P4RPEW. . 111 -jP.610 WALNUT street above Third, Philadelphia. = laving a large pald-up lamtal Stook and Surplus In 'Mod in eound and aval ablo Soomition, core to ron DwellingeStaree, Furniture, Mar audios, angels in Port and their oargose, and other arsons] ropertY. AS homelberalle and promptly adinated. traitorous. hoe. H. Mario, John I s l./Wm, John Welsh Jame: il. Uempeed, Samuel U. hurtle, Edmun ti. Alta, 'atria leraal Brady. ' Ohms. W. Poultney, Morrie. THOMAS H. MARIS. President ALBEA'S U. L. CRAWFORD. SAorrtATT. fett-ii ;QUAKER CITY INSURANCE COBlPA '4`tilx,PY2,llith,NAViriplitaLDSANgifll,9 Al r i li f 'Al p urk e L,4s.7o.—lneures 8.11 . lenn. LOSS qr Inunate by re. and the Feral of the Sea. In Itavisanun and nstutsortation. H. Ito U Wllianft f T, Peside nt. H . R ou3nALL r Sooe n and Trenso rot. 11. 11.BUTLBR, Assistant Seorottry. limp H. Hen, ViSt . R.goggenall, on. M. Fuller. EECRANGE INSURANCE COMPANY —ANIIoo No.. 00 WALNUT Street. - FIRE INSURANCE Ron 1101/kON BP4 10T6.41 31 " g•Aorellirou favorable terms, either mot so or per !Angel. DIREOTORS. orrmash V MENA , - Edward D. Gera. ilk. 118'41°' 4 ;. G e ri jug . , ems marsh, . • John R eubenl.)owelf Jr., I. L. mi Bmediel ißglibli ja tAli/Mtr .l o l l l So a rt: W 4 f l .tIVIN Ouu, via reludent. rNwAnt, w llANtr...rommtArs HARDWARE PACKAGE HOUSES.: lIIIIIFAOKAGE HARDWARE Elo tiSE.—We would revett i fully ottll the attention of the Gene ff lih d litliTAlAV t klett a email Or me. rdirect Import ation no totted,And Gonda de livered et her in Mite eity.kitw York. or If swOrleans. W. 0 LIMNBON, 411 COMMER CE Etreet, • Importing and Comtillselon Merchants, and Agents for rimier and Domestic Hardware, . SAFES. INSURANCE COMPANIES. DIXECITORB,_ B. Y. ROSIN, Footar roans, Androw quirnDert. Seminal Jones, M. Do RAILROAD LINER. 1860" • E • - T URK LIN .7 • tHE CAMDikt AMBOY iND nshristrA At /TON RAI ROAD CO.'S , LmES FRO I ADELPRIA TO HEW • yOB.K. AAJP AY PLWES, F,ff t l W m alu ve u . t-et to r i te wa_ lt 1%h ... 5r!, At 6 A M, viaCannieri and Ambor, C. a A. AocoMI LIt • mOdation. caroden and Jersey City (Ha.)Ao- A , A{6 a t i M,, Os , Camden and 'Jersey La' y. Mornins $ 00 grate , rura.O . B,l7:viiTteioonViCii ..rze City, Weste7n Exprese.oo AMMO M, via Camden and . Amboy. Aciommi- At f p hi, via Camden nttd Ainbo7, O. press IN At P MOO Steamboat vie. Tacony imd formai City,Everung . 00' 4 , F 61, by Stieboat via 'Amin,' and - ./Si - sel City, Id Clue I M Ag 6 p M,VIS.UMIISOII and Jersey City, EVening , _-• • 00 At 11 PM, via - itaulden and 'jersey City, 'Southern Mail I Sti At 0 P and A - n * 11;o, ./.-.in.r.da ,, Von, (Freight and Parcenger,)-lit C "ss Ti?ket, 26 Sd • 1 - 00 The 0P M Mail Line" rune daily. The ii PM, South ern Mail; Saturday st excepted. For-Belvidere, Easton, Lambertville.l Flemington, *O., at bb A M. and I P M, from.Waluut.qtrest wharf. and 7.10 A DiltOM Kennington. For Water Garlifitroudabitrg, &wanton, A Wilkesblirre. Montrose, Great Bend, 6 A. M. iron Walnut street wharf, and 7.10 .M . - from Kennington, via Dela. ware. Lackawanna and Western _R. R. • For Mount Holly, at 6 and 0 A. 61.. g and 414 P. M. .For Freehold, at 0 A. M.; and $ P. Al. WAY LINES, For Bristol, Trenton, &0., at Sii sad 4 P. M, from Walnut street wharf, 7.10 A. M. and 112( P. M. from itOn Dela o 8 . 1 . 5 ton, Florenoe, ace, 434 P. a/. Steamboat Jos B itis for Bordentown and Interme diate Places, Trenton 2 . Steamboat Trenton or Twiny at 11 A. M. and Taconyjlievetly. Burlington, and instol. at 4 P. M. Fifty Pounds of Baggage , only, a lowed each Passen ger.. Passenger% are prohibited (kom taking anything Be Toga but their wearing apparel. baggage over pounds to be paid for extra. The Company limit the r responmlnlity tor baggage to OneD6llarper pound, and will Opt lie liable for any amount bei on woo. ex opt by epanial oontraot. 6146 " WM. 11, GATZMER, Agent, , THE PENNSYLVANIA CENT RAL ItAILIROAD. . . . - • 980 MILES DOUBLE TRACK. 1860.- Aryfrain -- 1860. TER CAPAO t; HI ROADIii;NOW BQUAL TVS Iyr •HOURIRy. • THREE T 01J ABBENGER TRAINIS . TAVERN' AD fit AND ..PITTSDUEII, - nnecting direct at P ade with Through Trams E , out Boston, New Yo , and partite Met, and in the Union Depot at Pittsb= with hrough Trains to and ru all points lathe Wait, Northwest, and Southwest —thus furnishing facilities for the transportation of Poseengere unaoirpassed for ,speed , and comfort bran otiiv ri og. ~ and Fast Lines ran thrash to Pittsburg, Without ehangeof Career Conductors. AS thconak Pas tenger Trams provided. with Lougbridati s Patent nrage—spe_ ed nutter - genera control or_tue engineer, the. siolinrunuoh to the safety of travellers ! ' Sinking Jarts are arhed to and re sin; W r OciArf h 's /VMS II tt r t24 II A Ltrhl ß A axurFast Line. Sun! d" itilrgl d leoy . Phi Ihi't 7' Mt hf. Peat Line n ' — ea " e " a 11.130 A. M. Yaws. Trniulpives " 1036 P,ll, AY TRAINS LEAVE AS FOLLOW - IP , . .Xarriebarg Acaommodatiap, v,i3 Calginbia, $2, lt. . Columbia i; ITO t: l ' 4 . ~,irettlffesl i er 1.... . ".. • , Will .81: rquit Chester .P.eosogere Will take the Mail, West .. Cheater Acioammodation end Columbia Trains. lofgra: T PA S , igirg Y te ‘Villit ire i groragitti ti t ?: logr o u t :l7.l6 ..24 4 81. ap&l , Pr t :M. go dirnt A i t o h o ra h t; 0 61 3/1 0 41 hi e §Fhtdolals. Re* ttic a 3toston, or' Sal- Moron. ;op T okete Eastward at any of the important Rolimad c oar in the West; also op_ board any of the regular Line of Steamers on the himemorpi ar 91110 rvers. Were always as low, and time as quick , as by any otter Route. For further information apply it the Passenger Sta tion; Elouthistrakootner arf Eleventh anci MaTigat Sow oth The oondrilanon of tigi c lir i rtern doitin t outtine the 'ila l ftl i a a llaff N f if i ll,S . P A% 'PEP WEI . The aonneotiop Ofjper DY the Railroad kinds* at Pittsburg, a t Tic ) irillig 4 - Maga or rsmage or Freight, together Wi the sa rig or tme, are advantogeareadny ,71 1 )e . 1 , y Slopppore of Freight, and the 'novel erolicutaAnd Mappers animating the tralurportation 3 then. F j eight to twit forapani, can rely !nth oonfl- Siefrtar s E t iGHT to an vanla d from any poi q t i l iji h siZfacer eet Iti e irli r ri i i4sresd by .Mar lroad are ' NAPOVSIIIBB. . . Nur Be Neirtionlar to Bunk psoloiges" via Penns. Rail-, 4Pitrltu f ht e e° itb r e Lt r r attgoVo r iti h ig D en h tr Slit Ma ly - Tii4o D, A, STEWART, Pittsburg; 11, &Pie Co.gesvillo, O.; J. J...l l ohnirtoniElpley, 0,1 K. hie eely, 'villa; KY.; Ormsby & t a ro per, Portemou,g, 0.; 4. gok .t po., JedarsBn . yille z loth pittelti,%(7ll4l,lt a m Ti l 07, Vg o. 6, " lll2 , rei s &Badificig:l74d. ' os: E.....00te,a4 _uier . r01t0 . N7.: P. C. ~.- f liley .. Co., Evansville, In N. W. Graeant& Co:, Cair0,,11.1.; t. F. Baas, Binder & Eilaiw, Bt. LoMiii, !do,: John M. liar irenviitit, Trot; AMIN PC Runt, *toughie, Tem.; ati & , Ohlet.go. IdI.LW.. D. H.- Monte, Alton. ig4F'ti ~ l a Agouti' of mai:roods at =trent points; IP • - *0 ,J . PhiAdelybia. i A , .1 North sortei,Peitimers. 4 ..i , . , ; ; ; ; . .., r 040. or IS. 7r , P,X.Y. - g It VI T." : 1 ?; tr - b , 11 Fra g i ge_Dtatios. o , Genl %Met itsen mit. .' • . 4 . . • %WI Supt Altapp l Fa. ta-za, PHILADELPHIA AND.;:I.,- k , _ Pal , . C f i . ' ROUTS to Tamaqua, Ctiaoriese, no ilk rre, Scranton Donvulo =not VVII - rt,_ ro i y A lteiston, Imam, .Igmira offal°, ars irons, nester. 0 velend; etroi °led°. esgo,Bi, i,o e, Milwantee, and all points North and rt. ~. Derr Re Iwo Ibe. new Depot of the rid : °a t e re s ta nni4=, earner . BROAD end t s 4 loortuwer, .) der laiLlaYs , : ro t e:Mrloot l i v p% • 1 n g r ii ° M2o - : - . - Aft ~ AMA- Wtgl'! ; 1 4 4` Vigta l il I. above treat j) tA lo elpti g eoti sift et EVire.' . tnibgeWors end Nruty ., llsl4llo l 3ne Nandars . 1 4 aka bey !York Se Re i TIM ell saiWtrortV2t4 .. • . . liw i ir:l46 4 agg• 6o l 2 e.w. and Iluspeludon 11l osn ne I netted stAlgThlbsdeiehle Pad El :Albaretii.riME76.losrm A l"st r rne m r of . ~,, rt., corner° • 'i' .... ono un t rluielirig •, , !AtROUII EXPRUPS -FREIGHT TRAIN 43, a the Phil . telpius and Reading Depot, Woad and vrtil etre, I •Widir ttlidegg °tweeted), l or all te este i North, at e Pi, Geis i t : i it N ti vi v. before 3P. lit to amore t Aligaihr e t informat . ai 1 Ai Freight Depot h and 0 LIIWELL, or he . lici;th4ritgt ao i g i ef l idk an d 'dna GooltrelAgent, wi'l u'r 80'034, mallor Philedelah 1 a • Eft 1401iTH PEN .NBYL VAIr RAILROAD. For OFIR IL LER 4EBTOWM, morf, meumi 0 NIG ZLE ON. EOKLEV. WHITE RAVEN. WI ILES ARRE, WILLIAMSPORT, &o. TR EE_ THROUGH TRAIN& and Mter MONDAY, July 9d, ItM), Pa:saunter Ann will leave FROrer and WILLOW dolma. Al lude Oda; DAlLYadmidaye aloepted.) at follows, At 6.90 .M. (E.:orals), for Bablehrun. Allentown, Meate4 Chunk,llasletens WlDreabarre, Williarnutunt, &o. . • • Atilt) P. M. (Empress), for Bethlehem, Easton, Rd. Tido Dam reaches Merton at 5.50 Central d makes . conneetion with New..../arseyfor New At SP. M. for Bethlehem, Allentown, Maud, Chunk, &o. At A. M. and 4, P. P. for Doylestown. At 1020 A.M. and 50 P. hi. for Port Writngion, The tiao. l l , rto Rterarsin qtekeLdl Ortutheotonl with the b. r Yelle Uellyoad at BA hem,heing the shortee a ;most funraMe ronte to ilkeebarre, and to noin in the Lehigh Coal Region. TRAINS FOR PRILADELPRIAr Leave Bethlehem at 2.13 A. AL, 0.20 A. Al. and 8.22 P. 31. • Leave DoylM W a shing t on 0 A. AT and and. Yd. Leave Portat AU A. MAla P. M. UN SUNDAYS: Philadelphia, for ethlehem 8.0.4t,V. Eltiladelphia, for_ 2 1 0 1 01211,0 F . U. poglestovra tor rn einhia at 0. A. hi, • Bethlehem for PM alpine at AM P. M. Fare to Ilethlehein.-. nal Fare to Mauoh Ohnnk.B2 Fare to tenon... ... 1801 hie to DOVertOVII— 000 Through_ Tickets int be procured at the Ticket Of fices at WILLOW treat, or BERXB Btreet, in order to secure the aeon° ratan afore. d T rai ns ) tlitePric; [ns !At 11, rd6gnigil and Third-street Passenger Aodroada, 20 Imputes Secon d leaving Willow street 173 ELLIS CLARRagent. FALL ARRANGE 11W1111 51 E NT.- PHIL AD ELPHIA W 11.51 OTON, BALTIMORE RA11,1 4 0.213. On and after MoNDAY, OCTOBellt 1. 1860, PASSEN GE A TRAINS Lo:A.VI4 PHIL • DELPHIA • For Baltimore at 8.15 A. M., 12 noon (Express), and hao P. M. • • For Cheater at 8.15 A. 51., 12 noon. L 16,4.15,6, and 11.10 P. FMor. Wilmington at 8.15 A. 51.02 n00n,1.15, 4.16.6. and 11.10 P. 51. • • For New Castle at 815 A. M. and 414 M. , For Middletown at 8.16 A. M. and 4151', M. For Dover at 8.15 A. M. and 44 For Harrinston at 816 A. M. aint4 ,p. At. For 51,Iford at 8.15 A. M., (Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays at 4.15 P. AL; For Farmington are 15 A. M. (Mondays. Wedneede is, and Fridays at 4 15 P. 51. For Seaford at 815 A. M. (Mondaye, Wednesdays, and Fridays rit 4 15 P. M.) For Salisbury r.t 8.15 A. 51. Train atB 15 A. 51. will minneet at Seaford on Tun- Jaye, 1 handful, and Saturdal a with steamboat to Nor folk. TRAINS FOR PHIL/ DF.LPHIA Leave Baltimore at 8.30 A. M. (Express). 10.15 A. AL, and b 85 P. M Leave Wilmington at 7.30, 9, and 11.20 A. M., 1 45,3 45. and 815 P. • save Salisbury at 1.30 P. M. Leave Seaftdd at (Mondays, Thuredays, and Satur days at 7.20 A. M. 1160 P. 51. Leave Farmington at (Tuesday', Thursdays, and Sa turdays at 8 A. M.) 4 10 P. M. - Leave Milford at ( _Mondale, Wednesdays. an,l Fri days at 7.60 A. M.) 4 P. M. J.oaye Harrington at 8.13 A.M. and 4.25 P. 51. Leave Dover at ft 05 A. DI. and 5.25 P. M. Leave Middletown at 10 15 A. M. and 6.40 P. 51. Leave New Castle at 8.30 and 11 A. M., and 735 P. M. Leave Chester at 8,20 and 9 40 A. M., 12.04, 242, 4 25, and 9.15 P. At, Leave Baltimore for Salisbury and Delaware Railroad at 10,15 A. M. and 625 P. M. TRAINS FOR BA LTIEJORP LGave Wilmingt onl6 A. 51., 12.28 end 11.40 and ave at 9.25 A. AL, 12 53 P. 51., 12..V A. M. FREIGHT TRAIN, with Passenger Car attaahed, will run as follow., - Leave Philadelphia for Perryville and intermediate placer, at 3 P.M. Leave Wilmington for Perryiille and intermediate games at 8 P. 51. Leave Baltimore for Havre-de-Graoe and informal. ate planes at 425 P, m. ON SUNDAYS: Only at 11.10 P. 51. from Philadelphia to Baltimore. Only at 525 P. id. from Baltimore to Philadelphia. sew kb M. FJiI.TO7{, President, . ROAS ) .-PASo ~P.O ER TRAINS for - O•ITEIVI.Lo s , READING. and' HARRISBURG. ENING LINES, D A ILY. (Sundays excepted.) Leave New Depot. earner of BROAD aid OA Li. 0127.. MIA Streets. PH ILA DEI.PHIA (Pewit' , er entranons on Thirteenth and on Calloahlit . ntreeno at 8 A 31., o n at Harrisburg with the Euivnsy LvAn IA LRLAII. 1 P. AL train running to Pittsburg; the C MIIERLAND VA LLEY 1.05 P. M. train moms to Chambertiburg, Carlisle, &e.; traine NORTH'. RN CENTRAL RAILROAD 1 F.M. running to Sun bury, iro. AFTERNOON LINES, I.eave New Depot, corner of BROAD and CALLOW HILL Streets, Nandi D ELPHIP.,( Passer CU entreinges on Thirteenth and on Oallowhill streets,) for POTTS and HARRIEDURO, at 33U r. m.. D ILY, for READING only, at IS P. AL. DAILY, (81Indays ex- VIVi d ACES VIA PHILADELPHIA AND READING RAILROAD. FROM PRILAPELP,IIIA. MI Philadelphia end Reading Lebanon.. -...... and Lebanon Valley R.R. Ilarripburg- - • ••• • • •1 61 if Florton iunotion- is ortgliniberland Lewisburg —./78 Wi n lliamsport Reg,' Jenny Snore ........ 226 k Haven 2.45, eiltol3- I. 0) 201 he P:r Clinton WASA, Wll, 1711 ° 00 making alosei conneetions Canada *he AVe.t, and South DEPOT IN THII,ADELPJ and CALLOWHILLAtreets aP 23 7lf, Williamsport and Elmira Railroad. M. train oonneot dmIL at 'oepted,) inth the OACA- P, and Milk; RAILROAD, with lingo to Niagara Falls, meat. filAt Corner of BROAD tolLif ENN EY, Pooretary # I 4II III S I ZR247.I ( 2I E ttr iPER Pi IA ROAD, leave - dapati aptuat3L... - and VA ET, at Pt.) A.. itt, /7130 P. Xi, sad 4 Al. ast Oa day. ET Philadelatua at 8 A. Ma ea! eat Chen at 4 P. IL 1,11841 NEW'. %%WEEKLY FRFIGRTAI,4O II PABISRNGER ROBT,F, TO NORFOLK AND .PO. R rtIMPUT, VA. ORANGE OF LOCATION for the receipt' and,deli very of Freight. • On and 'after Mendai: Ootobor .15 4t _Forwarders 'of thianne , gerld,to_.,PKß TZ MIS Ware kavie. under Nawonal Ra 11,12124 K KT Street, Entrance for drays in the rear of the building, front Thirteenth Street through Leiner street. Mark Boons'. Via ,Seaford, Del." Passengers will "take the 816 .A. M., train at the depot, corner of Broad street and Wsuthington avenue, on"ruesdays. Thursdays, and Nqatdays. • Raiff for first-olaw passongers, Including meals on the boat, $7 Second-b s4 lase kaagengere, inolliding nie4s the,beat, 60 R. F. KENNEY, Mader 91'h' ansortation,: • 0.312 tf - w. & Ri • . • • T B idit,Ro 'AND PRILADELFIa4 Ala • • A - (MANOR OF HOURS. On and after Monday, Septemberl7th 1660, the trains will leave PHILADEL,FOIA, from the De t, corner of Thirty. first and Market streets, West P ladelphia, at 7.45 and 10 A, M.. and 3.90 and 6 P. M. Loave WEST CHESTER, from the Depot, on East eirket street, at 7 and 10.15 A. M., and LH and 5,P. ON SUNDAY, Leave Philadelphia, from the depot, northeast corner of Eighteenth and Market etreeta, at 8 A. M. and 3, P. Leave West Chester. at 7.50 A. M., and 4.4.5 P. M. Trains leavirg Philadelphia, at 7 4 only n and P.M. and on .Wedneadaym and fiaturdays.p.t 3.30 oonneotplueltOrf with thaThiladelphia and Balti more C Railroad. for Concord. Kennett Avon dale. El ew. Oco , and for Oxford, via Eftge, from end of Track, at 7A5 M. On Tneeday; Thttraday, and Sa turday, the 7•45 A. M. train from fhtladeighla will eon nem with a line of stages, via Oxford and Hopewell, to Peach Bottom, in Lancaster county. The last Passenger Railway Car will leave front and Market streets 50-mtuiree, and Eighth and Market streets 26 minutes before the starting thime from the Repot. and will carry a flag td denote it. ,ofZee and waiting room, so utheast corner of Eighth and Market streets. epaesengers. purolissing tickets for West Chester, will be furnished with a ticket over the Passenger Railway. • HENRY WOOD, • general ,atioerintendent. • The besiege oar will leave Eighteenth and Market streets e hoar before the departure of the train from the West PrilMelptua Depot. nets-u a" " ' ' PHILADELPHIA GER - MANTOWN AND NoRRII3- 44 - R0 UmmBRADJULKGENENT.— Owanatafter MONDAIG May_l4,lBoo, FOR. GEMATOWN.. Leave Phile,delybia 4, 7. 8,9, 10, 11, 444 11 A.A.. 1,1, 01,, 0,0, o,' , 8. 7,/8.51, and ;Of Leave Germaatera e, T.75e, B,' 834,, Me, A. IL; 1,0, 0, 4,P, 0, 01, 70. 3111-E: 0 SUNDA 13, Leave Phledelphis. 014 nun. A. M., 1,1, 11, 764 tad 1034 r. M. L ea ‘b t e rma pt o w n te4, 21.„ 1.10 inin.,l, Ml, awl 934 P. X. en9vivl Zte.fk i toAD. Leave Phil ad ebbs 4,8, 10, 11 ~ 2, 4,14 63; I, ou -Leave' Cl r. esMt. itut Hlll 7.10 7.fD, 8.40, 9.4011.40 A. M., Lao, 8.10, and 111 ) 61. AYIL ,have PhiladelphiaON 8 9.06 A. M., and 91‘ P. N. min M. Leave Chestnut Rill 7.50 A. ?L , UM. 1.10, and 0.18, .. P. FOR CONBROROMSEN AND NORRISTOWN, Leave Philadelphia 6.60.734, 0.03. 11.06, min., A. M., 6.261, 6.60, end 11.34 P. M. Leave Norristown 0,7, 6.99, 9, 11 A. M., 134, 496. 0 and 734 P. 0 surumia, hire thiitdaite A.M. and and 6.!, ye morn& to 7/64 11 gx410 1r 6 PP .3 Phtladeie )14. 9.04 n. 06 A. M.,1.06, os, Las; clooirt lig P. Leave Manainnk !M. and 11% A. 33.. 3 • AI, Eit 8, and . , ON SUNDAYS, Aeave Philadelphia lA. 3, 16 and P 141. u°7° ma rilm n fAiLtt*lli.i . tai P detit 1113.1. f DEPOT. Nhe L e aad urn. e lAN etreese. AI% DAJLROAD—PA UNE/ It_T INS 7: IQO INGTown AND IN TERXEDIAT OITA ONG. apd after 28th May, 16/,' ttia Passapigitt mo ron for DOWNINGTOWN will Our from the new easenger Dspot of the PMla ddphis and Iteading_DVlload Slortisaiti , corner of BROAD and OALLOWattiii Streets, losasonser en trances On tlattplrbill. ' 15101tliMEWRAIN 'far Downingtown, leaves at SA A 'AffERNOOI4 IMAM for Dirwilnitowni loam at Id t. Pr Ai rdgr i iirg i e a rard e a fatt /si ing= of Ike litilatolskla and titans Comen. • apt ff. PIcILHENNEL &avatar!. • PENN •STEAI/I 'ENGINE . AND ... BOILER WORRH—NEAFIg:it LEVI:, P AC CAL AilD THEORETICAL , EDIGINEEF.A. ILEA MAILERS, BLACKONITFRII, tiAinr 0 g 0 g having, for many years, been in suocauful operatic?, and eacively erig:se i t i. In building and reDai Ms Marin e. and River ,AngiO a. en, and low preserve , Ir on ts, water xalimp.s; rope Aix, too., ko.•,respeotfully offer their aerzass to the .nonno as being folly prepared to contract for Engines of all glees,Marine, Ewer, and Stationary , having seta o patens of different saes. are prepared to exeoute or ate loth amok despatch.' Every,desori piton of Tern making* m F l uet the shortest' notice. High ,an Lop Pressure, Tubular, and Cylinder Boilers, of the best Peniuiyivants °Woos' Rol,. Fortin aI, ot all sizoii illinds ; ltnn and SIM. Cashniga,of ail denonpinona . Turning, rimy Cutting, and ad ntnar work' Dan iVadlrrth the snore, tali Ps& .. aieoillo t iuni n.- Vogau work done 4% their earlirag, d etiretraliarge, an4prk guarantied. e atilison tu to hay° amyl° sth &elf rOOlll for re ns rs of boablorhere .tnny 0an..1 e In parlaol atifldg, and rue provided wi th, *lmam, 0 4(0.U..4* 1 1. &O. xot• for raininW boon or lititttlitoitt _. Fut . .71 0B u ..4,0 „r r. ' BUM= and rill% ntronin. Li irval, V. Nutmeg, - ,7. VATIMAII 111211111/S wrixti_sr, w. uneatn, QOUTLIWARK FOUNDILY,_ )•• - 1 VIPS% AND WASHINGTON INGENSIN MB a rimitin at m 0, ENGINEERS AND PIAOMPRffin, Manufacture , ligli and Low Pressure Stearn Engineer for Land, River! mid Manna germs. , .-- 'Boilers, Ghssometora, Tanks, Iron Bests, &a.; Goofing of all lundoosither Iron or Elms .Io risme ]loo fa tar Sita.Warks, Work Shows Salli row Matrons; 0, Rototts s it e r l tre Msokloary of too Wu' sod masa is ' Keisse,oon ,rosilp i ' syri il of DlalllSNon free wok' ao c raw Eng ,s, an r soriltila,.rsou ono, pea Weans Ti ns, Doniastorgaillog . , Pow ing gilleih &5... Bobs Agents for. N. Ilt lours Wont stillsr Senntili .4,,pperr a tist tliwth i 's_ ii , te t na Rnmnini r al if itt l tligi. W 'r' "' • . " sa, .. -.16%."1 PLNASANT FOUNDRY N0.'961 LlAi n art l it w O m " i ta t eitlMP orate e Mahn at WS IV one dry, he n ow - ,pc to native brava r BaiUpt Atrial, and -Saw ' settee &apt trbesatoel,' etre Rome ;Work, tßoariag: - Otta - m-We from Rever beratory or-uaeola•rersaoes, err or arm gaud. or 'loam. • • •• 1 - • • InvllLti .• . . - pitman . * 04vultiltrict, - , No. iumputh " - AU kest.borm ci= 1::nd WPM, hiladelphia, OW al. Do doMq•l'la. 7 • - • . _ Statereartira‘arirginria c arg, a vio l; at LA a lalailaT deems safety better than lane pron, , sonsecuently will run no risk with depo sitors' ineney. bat harp it at all times ready to return. with s.per oent, 'literati to the ordar.a.6 they have always done. This Comp.W.never ints_pendeil. Females, married or ideals, and Minors, cub delimit In their own richt, and snob decants oar be withdrawn onLT bi their oonm i nt b . y h 3 lifi'enliiil l ytt with authority , toreeedie e nze t r a ul from trustees and elrrs. LARGE ADM 8 L KM imsivEp. Mee open daily, ram 9 ton o cloak, and on WoiLoniday eyep,ing ilaBl 8 o'iiiPt2T. • .1)IRVOleli, irtfob 13, ElIVIrAlz. mu Cadwallader, agieet!o.76.ln, .441:a - Tultjett. Leans Krumbhaar, Henry Delany, Niobstlas Rittenhouse, Nathan Smedley. Jos. H. 1, N , att . ert J hwa p ft h e d Jo O nes Yo t rk e • s, SACQM W n or t. Pre u deta Craw CAnwAttanzs.7relyryirer. ap2B-r AVING FUND—FIVE PER CENT IN TEREST.—NATIONAL SAFETY TRUST COM. PANT, WALNUT Street, 'southwest comer of THIN P. Philadelphia. incorporated by the Mate of Minot. Money is received in any soul, large, or small, and u tmost paid from the day of deposit to the do of with. drawl. The °Moe is open ever, des :front nine o'clock in ths morning titi o llye o'clock IR the eve ntehend on Monde) end . 4aarea ki v VitltY " . olß4 President. T BLL RIDGE lee Precident WILLIAM J. Rutin' Secretary. • • DIRSICIfoRS: Hon. Ham L. Benue, .E.Cgroll srewater. Edward L. garter,• , Joseph E. Dan Eobert Boltridao, franoni l kaa. Samuel K. Ashton, baeph ar C. Landreth Manua, &Ines L. (itophhpi, enson. lat i tafgr v t:lfVuMT e ttltr a rnatt l ''zith ,li toe etaanrovinion.s of tha Chula:t o in Epal iSatato Nortmea, (Mani* Roots. and anon firdt--eMM woonronsa as Mine porleot sewirit7 the dapondtorya and which cannot thil to elm narraawarhy 5114 to this lnatituturd• aut-lt FUND—UNITED STATE TRUST COMPANY, canter THIRD and CDEPT• NUT Street. Largo and email sumo received, and paid bank or dt•- mand yntnout notioe, with FIVE PER DENT. INT3I• RENT from the day of doormat to the day of Intl - droved. Oftlea nom, from 2 until 3 o'clook erery day, and re MONDAY EVENINGS from 7 until 9 o'clock. DRAFTS fur cal* on England, Iroland :cotlano from Xtupwards. Fresident-nITETEIEN K. CRAWFORD, Treasurer—JAMElS PLINY FISK, Aotnary. aelT i tw PIANOS ! PiANot3 ! ! PIANOS ! t PIANO-FONTES, MELODEONS, PIANO-FORTED. .Ma],'LODEONS, Made b . !' Haven, Daum. & 00,, Nunna & Clark, Halle t Davie. & Co„ and others. mild I , J. E. COULD, SEVENTH and CHESTNUT. way ; STEINWAY & SON'S NEW PA. TENT OVER-STEIN_G GRAND PIANOS, SQUARE GRAND, AND SQUARE PIANOS, now Preferred in cow:lens and private tholes by the bast Pertormers: Received the lost premium's over the best makers, from Judges bite Gottmehallr, Mason. and Ighere. Cliallenge all competition. BLASIUR HROTHERS, dtkly looti CHESTNUT Street. WI URINES BROS.' I OVERSTRLFG PATEN T..A CT I ON PIANO FORTES, " Cheapest First-Clay Pianos made." splendid as of Louis X IV., and other styloa. for nab, at Newton' Cash Prices, and warranted for 6 years, eoond-hand Pianos for r i ge o trarLe . n4 tudval O. R. Cor. of SE V.n fall and ARCH Si. PRINCE & CO.'S Improved nIELODEONS, from Oa, upwards. 1,14•1 in MrBURNS' CELEBRATED ROSE WOOD and full manilla-slate PIAN .FORTES ; and Estey & tirosn's Ilartnonio and Eollan Pdelmleons. The ahoy° instruments are of the very latest improvements. and bent makes, For Bain or MARSH') bluaio Mole, Pio. 1102 Clith:STpluT Street. 005 lin MAIM'S NNW IMPROVED PIANO INSTRUCTION BOOK.--Easiest method of fin gering, together with a beautiful selection of popular Oboes and progressive lemons, evor beforepublished in a small work—prioe only PO oente—at MaRB.ll , B Mime Store. 11102 CHESTNUT Street. MUSIO--From all Catalogues in the United States, at One Oent per patip—at 1118 MARKET Street, oppotate tho Farmers Malmotit Market Rouse. aca-tin WINNER'S INDEPENDENT VIOLIN • • PLAINE, Nos. 100,4, ay O. 7. and 8,, are now readv—prieen6 cents—at rattitßß Musia Btcre, 1(01 CHESLN UT Street ace-imp Northern Central, Railroad. or FAIRBANKS' PLATFORM SCALES ali ji l ij or Yale by 714Phailen pIiILADELP tilA TEARA GOTTA, 151. A• NUF.AOTOft y, SEITEXTH and GII3II.I4ANTOWN ram end 1010 DDIsaTNWK Street. PitriSed Drain pd Weyer Piss i F t entilating_Flues, Rot Ai:Tines, and oke blues m ays of Werra uotta. and of santatdd also ay every class araiding's. .This argot* id worthy the attention of ail parties patting pp bu il dings ! Large sue reweragT ses for oily drainage, water pipes war ranted to Man a rawer. pressure . We are now prepared to oentraet wit totnee or oorporatlons for this article in any quantity. Wo warrant our goods to ti e equal if not Vpertur to any other made in the United Dtates or arepe. Ornamental pawner Tops and Darden spas 14.1 R. Sunbury and Erie R. R 1:1131 LEAD,, lit - MIMI) IN OIL, Mann , faotuored and for gale: VETBERILT, B 41 itikt North , WIND t 4 b , s-P`i• 001/ CASES-Or SEED J.EAIr TOBACCO, More, and for age b s. imam uo. RAILROAD - LINES; MACHINERY ANDIRON. SAVING FUNDS. " A little, but Wen, flue the Pun.." " 41allsx earned." M=a!=M= i4iit HY°A~i7 iI ~ - - - --- FURNESS, BRENIAT & wn. 429 MARKET STREET SALE OF IMPORTED AND DOMESTIC DRY r ao'°°kata s itli fil ill itr ' o l;9l 7ll :9 :o l i °B. ll: ll : B l cl i rl d roods. cired7 I°° , :f.' PAIIQOAST:I4, - VO'l ONNER, Sup ;cessor to B. SCOTT) Jaa4/11MILESTNUT6L SALE OF A'STOOR OF SUPERIOR OLD BRANDY, WISES, &o. • . This Moronic, 00t. , 20, otimthenoms at 10X o'olook. ' • Er pogoutar ht.teoVoo 1s loyitso to thwiwic which wiltoontmsa dowitity or wars oosnao rpodr, sherry. Crt'itils_dt.olgegaoretticerOltj'airioth whisky, , 29.,; ' ;Include° will bo,found- - Y "tap Wee. COICAAO B, AZtar• i n; ghe-eighih arid one wlet oasks,tio o old Idononsallsis Winikr,Whisky. - W o irio edd Bnukdrila • !me galuwc4oigiolins, liouora in . , FIRST SPECIAL SALE' OF LA_DtEr, migBElV. 'ADM glawaßervs FANCY FOREL BUFFALO, AND . FANCY, ROBES. - On Monday Morphia, Ootoieri2,lBoo emunstme in Pert di— . Sets of two and three pieces; .wint 'ene-half, one 'quarter, and full eitmee of mu*. metrical, marten, awl other fashionable Aloe. Also.'tnink and 'other snuff.. gials',for naps, Sloven, shd collsre: Robra—lindsonjlaY, Wolfe COmPadY. and, bear robes. winter kilted aural° robes.. @ALS OR 810 LOTS SRASONABLR DR GOODS., .EMBROID kRIES,AISBOIid. AND MILLINER GOODI,IItIMMINGS., Ad: On Wednesday Morning. October 24, by (minima, on a credit, oommenoing at 10 o'otook. LARGE SHERIFF'S RALE OP A FIN L AND COM PLETE ASSORTMEYM OF CARRIAGES MA- T 1 RIALS..ka ,of a celebrated make. . On Thunder Morning, Oct 26,1860, at 10 o'clock, at the warerooms,loo9 and 1011 Chestnut street. Also. On Friday Morning, Oat. 26. at the Factory, northwest corner Sixth and Master eine% commencing at 10 o'clock, a large lot of carriages, material. unlinlihedlrork, !ember. thoi.. Mr' Particulars in future naverhaementa.• QAMIJEL NATH • ANS, AUCTiONEER, K- 7 No. 2214 south THIRD Streit. below Walnut. • LAREIK OGLE' P FORFEITED Floh-D 4 EB. By order of ABRARA NATHAN'S, Broker. - On Tuesday Morning, Oeteber &hat q'olock-A M.: consorting of gold - and silver patent lever and ether Watches,, gold chains, finger rings. browning, medallions, pencil osier. silver and plated-ware, recta. pent,, vests, shawls. umbrellas, DUPur gun': &e . - Nona Wrung cords on deposit with •Ine over the legal length-GC:time ' will mill and redeem the same, otherwise tiler will be sold at public sale on the above day." ABRAHAM HATHANIA,Broker, Northeast corner N trrß and GALLOWHILL. eon let" IVIOSL9 N*TELMEI, AUCTION MIR OD • aommuatom MERCHANT, southeaa t isomer of KERN sad LACE Strews. • • -! • • NOSEY WO WAWA 526,009 to jean, q.t. the, lowest roses on. diamond's •watageiajeweitys silver g o lcir goods .cdothinic.- miss sews, hardwares es . warms atirroci. rape, bedding, and onit. o desonstion, large or small =mints from one dollar to thogeante. for ani n letigth of tittle agreed v im he Hided Established in this Ctrs . ;Sir ?rivets entrance on RA, !Street. hours from IPA: kr ) F. H. Roar imams. fo O N LYenit detscaltOra • . , • CHARGER TWfi r i r gig CENT. mr Aoyanoes of 111 109 and tag at two per NW. Seances of .100 and litsWg s• at aye - per cent, for ■- • AI i fiRiVATE WAIN: - Som's rt loans. of the , 004"FATERT lac ez.l st , °Bitumen= r Manefaeglired at the usual selling brie go lever asaidAnne veto sis silver. ismer end leg e , wateliesl„Eng Swiss, and French watotags. at astonishing low m usical of eyerrOstoription, very loya_sansi pistils . musical in. stinnumts /Sat qViAtl or Havana Maws, at half the; importation Moss in quantities to flit plirotnuiere, various other sands of goods. OUT DOOSIMLR" Attended to p mortally by the Auotioneer. Comical:auditor any and evert - nd of geed, rob sited. MO ki SES WAVIAR SPLENDID SET OF SALE. DIAMONDS AT PRIVATE Consisting of diamond and 'opal breastpin and ear rings. Peon, SM. Cost in Paris MAO. I.IIIILIP FORD & CO., AUCTIONEERS, Street No. 530 MARX= Street. and sat MINOR LARGE POSGTVE BALE GPA,1490 OASES SOOTS BTIOns, - )..31109 ANN GUM SHOES, On Thursday Morning. October 2 0, at 10 o'clock precisely, will bi sold, bi catalogue, on 4 Months' credit, 1,200 owe men's, boys', and youths', calf. kip, and grain boot!, calf, kip, and buff brogan., calf and patent leather gaiters, Oxford ties ; women'n. misers'. and children ' s geat , kid, calf, andjmorooco heeled boots. Also, a large rasortment of oity,tpsde goods. early, attention of buyers is requested to the above sal e as It W ill embrace large invoices of prime Leek goods from Ant-Mass manufacturers. 43ocdsn for examination with catalogues early on room ope ing of sale. • 111/1 FITZPATRICK it, BROS., AIJC LL. TIONEXtIB, 601 eIIiESTNUT Street, above Sixth.' . _ - . RAVES EV.P.RY EVENING. At T o'clock, of Rocks,. ttationery and fancy goods Watches, jewelry', olooks,- glitter plated ware, cutler y pairainsir.municall;lstrnemendejko, ' Rpriery. dritroods, boon and shoes, and mei dim id of everrdeeoription. DA SAPPS every Monday, Wednesday, and Fn day ai is ct'obqok A. M . PRIVATE SALES. At private age several large consignments of 4stehes AIWOII7, books, stettonery, raver-plated ware. cutlery fancy sooer. to. , To winch is solicited the attention o OltY and country merchants and others. Consignments solicited of all kind. of merchandise for -Ither public or private WOOL tar Liberal cash advances made on coneignmonts. Outdoor sales promptly attended to. wi. LOUIS. MO. • WLL1.4148, - BOI , LE & AUG' TIOWEERS & OOMMItION NIERGHANT 0, No. North MAIN at , , UlB, Mo., I.forroerl, with Mean. Cla.gitorn. & Plailada.) °Bei their perethes to the roarehaam,. rimehtheaarera, and other* of Plailadelpjul, for the sale odry gothic ear. ack i. hal f e rinee, bottom*. jewelry, &0., &e, Bettleureata me vanosa r i ttlr2 rtnte r r g eale. rterrazoose. , Metrelfaf t le & et n iliat Mitittelehla, " Van , Wearr,Nieteren&& arrow, Neer Yeti. t tiCe b i rt ,&& ; , " Crow. hlearearv. & ' isAt-thstalt EtTOVEii. A , INDIIRMIAL non: *4151111.8 MWILLIAM 0.- NEMAN' W110.4&013 AND RETAIL DEN.LDR -' • : I ; - i :rr - o vF;S ; -•-;- ", ; tioarelE(sONo INTONE% • ' : 1 ti timee„. m Oki) 000 , tenten14 mid eroonontioal verbarnin . Stove titt mormnd. . ia West - or bur ,nh Gsa-burnOr t to obtain Not boa to,,,a me h tit t lit s hrit and *oat complete stook oi e o Aohambenr, stops. oount nu honing, &0., it the pity . " The attention or tne ribliOnt solicited. _ ' 00114 k STOVES! STOVE4I!, JAMES SPE IR A Pio, 1116 KA ENS RIIIET, ' s now waisted to rosettlie the the SSW° ISSIte 1 0 1 completely in alt the details of Stove trade they any other establishment id Philadelphia. in proof of which I k e invites COMP/MAI/VS ILXANISVPICIL The following are among hie oWn Penn MAl:mean% several of whlchha already obtaineda na onal. reps; tenon as sittnewsin g in s xcelltut and reassess any other Stoves in OAS. J.altlEß lEIPAIL is the inventor and Patentee of the Improved ore Darning Cooking Steve. acknowledged to he the best Stove for family use in the world. JallitEe SPEAR is , the Patentee of the celebrated . Gag-eansuming Cooking Range, now rapidly cionong. mto generalSPEA IMO. JAMES R is the Patentee of the imprimbi iiii - ` verhi Air-tight Oaa-consuming Parlor Stove. . JAMES 13PEAR is the Inventor of tko Irpproved (Patented) 'Ornamental Stove Ings, which, front its . befi l u y ty v ani o, utility, ie likeil. Our, season, to be naives'. aVJAM EAR higl it f i rg i t t ee of the Labor, Fuel, A ' AETA% the Inventor and Patentee of the oetebrated Railway-oar Heater. . ' TAMES SPEAR, le the inventor of the Improved Fire-board Stove. For all of the above the Inventor very Juty r olaims advantages which require but to be nuden ess by the pnblio to be universally apsciated and pre erred to any other articles of that d .1 in this mar h e t ; and he would hereby autend a cord' ievitatioo to ea. persons in 1 / 8 43 Of Move; to oall, and IMSMISe for themselves. Parties Will 114; to examine Tiii kIVO every attention shown themorhother =tanning immediately toss par chase Or oat. esilinsa 46 QUAKER- CITY GAS 00N -81;IXER, PATENTED by CHARLES JONES, Fevebtli Month. Rae. GRVAT IMPROVEMENT ON SILYER'S GAS BURNER, By the use of the quaker City llaa-Comaiming Parlor and Office Stoves all duet may be avoided, the rooms ventilated, sad en 'even temperature Intlietained for many hou it, without any attention to the are, mid at a g r• at saving of fue. For sale by.CHARLEFI JONES, Patentee, No. 36 North SECOND sweet, above Vine. where the ateellent Gas-t•comming Cooking Stove DAEMON I% tumor passed in its °boredom. may be obtained. Of, the large number now in op.ration, every stove, we believe, gives entire satteraetion. one am THE HELEBRATED Row - COOKING STOVEis tha heat and most'aoaa* Jar Cooking Stove lo the market. lt is made either with or without' gal... tinting fixtures. Ma, ofitotttled and for male by NORTH. CHASE. it NORTH, r ounary Wararooma, 209 North SECOND street. 08-2 m THE FIERY STAR GASSURN ; ING AND RADIATING EARt OR STOVE, -ut the beet and morn ace:moral Heating Sec NORTH. and fo r s a f e xeoß ( musk. t s, NORTH. Foundry Wareroome. 'SOY ottb SECUN Street. im atOUR NEW OAS-BURNING BASE STOVE le the moat economical Stove of"the kind, and much more durable than the Gas burners with a sheet-iron base. - Manufactured mad 44 wile by NORTH, CHAIM & NORTH. Fohy,acy Ware 'vomit. %.09 North NECONDBtmet. oB,lm BOUGHT FURNITURE BOUGHT TO ANY AMOUNT.—Housekeepers having artio.ee of Furniture. Feather ;lade: Carpets, blirrors, Au, toulepose or, gat a liueral cash price by sparing to WAI au. Also, on band, a select assortment ot; new and wound-hand Furniture suited for the city trade. T. N. WALSH, ooP-12t* No. 934 MAP HET Street. below Tenth KERQSENE PORTLAND KEROSENE OIL In order to meet the conetantly-inereasing demand for thodustly CELEBRATED OIL AS AN ILLUMINATOR, the company have ntive doubled their form er °salmi' antl have from ost _scrams. teenks ea / a cturtni Oct Coat ma the United Sgtites wen d tonorder to ineurolor us a coast tnt supply. adequate the demand, they have posinvely refused to establisn any now agencies, or create any now outlets for it what ever. What we claim for this Oil is, ITS UNIFORMITY IN QUAITY AND SUPERI ,ORITY OVER ALL, OTHER OILS. It is entirelfree from the offensive odor peculiar to all other Coa We in the market. and for brilliancy as a light, clean In c.,, cheapness , and safety, (having no eXPJOBIVe properties), is, we may confidently say, THE ONLY OIL THAT WILL GIVE GENERAL SATISFACTION. Wherever It has been introduced °annular* will usa no other. As there are many inferior Oils sold as Kerosene, we caution dealera in artioular against using this trade mark. Whenever doubts exist as to the genuineness of thy article, we respect fallyask that a sample may be eli bmilted tons for inspeotioa. We oiler it to the trade at tbe COMPANY'S LOWEST PRICE, & co., • and all orders addressed toss by null or otherwise will meet with prompt attention. Lnimm Sole Agents and Manufacturers of Alcohol, Burning Plaid. and Pine Oil. °DE tin No. 1010 MARKET St.. Philadelphia. V. A UT I ON I—ASTROLOGY !—LO OK 'a./ OV_TI—To NEWS FOR ALLI—The never hang into. V HORN Is the best; she sueeetals when all othe rs have failed. All whortra 1)1 Moulds, all who have been unfortunate, deceiver/ by false propane., Ity to her for advice and comfort. .fa tens of l airs she west fatly . She has the rnearet of winning e affeo- Owls of the opeoute sex. It no this fact wino induces illi•erata prettZets to try to imitate her. and copy hen Advertisemen s. She shows Tod thullheaelts otl a ir fu ture wife, has nd, or absent Olen . It is wail awn to the nun° at rge that she to the and on per son who ran show the Illy er in 0 ti, .atatean glwe s enti S e ke Te t e t i nY i ti:l l 1% 1 11 14 . thousigg; 6 4 ' &v a lti i,,,, ,l ti y ivi l pia vi pf; d i1 i 311 1, 5 smut lit t s r ltet. et :tr e j o u u t tl ,er:ro tu,,,,,1 • obIA-6t' • ZINC' GROUND IN, 0114,. Brown and I,llno Mn add {fir AS.- .1• 11E.ttiLL Alla? 8114 IM,VIISItI swop( myT, , YL M iitt fELS ole/Aioow price to TWOO. Pect vont/ amt. paw ~. ISALICS WY AUCTION. ' ' n 'n it SQn ,_ . . ;89 and 141 Sou FOURTH treat. .i (Formerly Nocar and ‘19.) . . !MOCHA AND 1111411,_MTATE.,. , .. 8: at AT THE EXCHANGE lb vER.Y TUESDAY ter Handbills of 011,0 b PrOpOrtYL - 4'lle - tell. in :addition to Web we pobibili,'on t e, ex ominous to , ,l ei rtii i sari - 000 thoussad. oatgenew,* Pamphlet to g ran devenytiona o!the property to be 'sold 0 the following Tuesday, Hi I.—O ar e4lee..of reel sedate and stooks a the e: will hereafter be hold at 11 o'oloot noon, and, the eventng. atifloelg. .ogr.Contributomhave the 7yAther gale: REAL EIfBATE AT X A Lug, Or WO haveni large arniseint o re estitte at print* ,side: including flea; lifeeription of city end _country Property. Prat sta iV li taato had ittailetion store PR ATE El B REGirrKzlL leirßeal gists red on our private eels registew and adyertined oedise'orally in oar Public sale abgtrek t (o f f whioh e 1,000 cortex are whited. -nresidg,) Ma at .% Bidets of John C. Weber deceased. ' PEWS, errant's. ANIJ , LOANR, _ - - On Tuesday. October 23, at 12 o'clock noon, at the Plehnielphia Ex change— • Pew No IV GraceiChuroh (Fontana% Pear No, m. - Arch-11401 Presbyterian (Rauch (Rev. Mr.(Wadtworth - • -4130 bandstand:y . 7llnd Beaver CanatCo. 1 1 26 . 2 0 , hulututikanna Canal Co. shares 'Merchants' Hotel Confoenr. Philadelphia— Ear *lOO. 1 share Pannerisinia Arcade as Fine Arts—par 825. 5 shares Philadelphia Bilk Culture andManufacaurimt •CimeTeyVf 41'1 A merican- • , Academy of the Rommopa ' • 10 shares of Stock in the Commonirealth Bank, (4 24 'mid on each share.) 2 shares Commercial Bank. For account of whom it may concern— -10 sharer Maryland Soap Stone Oompany stock. . Also. wi theta reserve, by order of an executor -20 sharer Girard Insnrance Company stork—par 8100. ,•GLENWOoD CEMETERY LOTS. - Section 0, Nos. 218, 220. 22t. 215.616, 317—par $2l each. • • F. • 246, 3!6. 370, 827—par 624 each. -• M, • • 659. Ma, 661.662—per 020 each, • • E, ma 175—r 830 A separate died will be given with each lot. 6 shares Madeniyef Music. with-ticket. I Share Academy Fine Arta. SIXTEENTH - FALL' PALE—OCTOBER 23. Orphans' Court Neje—Fatah" of Nathan &melee, deed. aluable TRACT OF LAND, 66 3 L Amer, and ha. nrovellinida• BIOnkInT, wi th in three Miles oeklarket street bridge. flame Estate-6 Prune 'DWELLINGI3 and • LOT, aouthwardly side of Green street. Twenty_faarth ward, Same Esiate—Two-storg Brick DWELLING, No. Am Woke street - - Pame Estate—Three story Brisk DVFELLLNG, No. 248 Duke street. late Reusingtou. Name Estate—three story Brick DwELLiige, No, Z a Duke 'greet. late Remington. game k state—Three story Brink DWELLING, No, 10121totestreet.' late Nensineton. Num Estate—GßOlifr D RENT, SO ear. Orphans' Court Sale —Fatata of •biabelle. Shaw, deo'd. A Yeirly. GROUND, REN T of. St., Orphans' Coed Bale --ketate of Jame' Banner, dee'd. gheeundivided sixth part of a GROUND R ENT of 81% %year. • nzemiturs' Iniermitory Bale—Estate of Martin Canon, eceased • WERIDENCE.StabIe, d Conch Rome. and large LOT, I Rittenhouse at ,GERMAATO %Rama the modern con yenienoim—gas, hot and cold water, ho.; also, a good garden: Nabs absoltito-time handbills. Handsome Modern Brick RESIDoNCE, No. le3l/Aroh street, west of. Eighteenth street, it is Neel) built, and hu modern conveniences. Immediate Fieontote Bate—testate of (Jeered L`. Remy. deed. Nttv Modern DWELLING. No. eel Frankford road, above Wood - street. . Three :Wig Brick DWFLLINO Tenth street, north Of Teske r, Fleet ward.' Administratore B , le—Fetate of James Stuart, deo'd. TAVERN and DWELLING, northeast corner of Locust and Dat:mean , streets and a Three-gm Dw an n s g meMo ar n . RESIDENCE; Fifteenth street, north of Thompson street, has the modern eotrre ,nornoes. i'ereinntory Sal e—B1.111.1)11f 0 LOT. York itrest.weez of Parke street, Twenty fourth ward—en feet front. BUIL,DIft LOT, northwest corner of Lombard and. Carus. streets. ••- - , dipitting' Court P eremptory Fale—Estate of EliZabeth • ergeant. deoeased.. "SQUARE OF filtoU/VD. corner of_ Sixteenth and Seventeenth and Brown streets. Bale absolute. Sale No. 214 COATES Street. SUPERIOR FURNITURE, ORGAN SHOW CASES, &c.. dre. On Monday Morning. 22d Met.. at 10 °Week. at No. 210 Costes street, above Second street. the entire Meek of a cabinet warehouse. comprising suerior parlor. dining-mom. and chamber furniture, ema il church organ, with 5 stops, bookcases, desk.. chow VMS. 2 high-case - olocks, &c. go , May be examined with catalogues three days previous to the sate. REAL ESTATE, STOCKS, &o. Tuesday amt. Fumbhiet catalogues now rutty. containing foil do nor/ottoman( IS properties to .te sold on Tuesday net, by order Of Orphans' Court, executors . and others , with a hat of a talus amount of real estate at pnvate sale. SALE OF MISCELLANEOUS Boma FROM A • PRIVATE COLLECTION. • - • Cm Tuesday everting,. October atthe auction More. collection of iota • restinirnesoellatmons works , from a pelvis** aollootion. _ For parttpv9sno - oataloraea. Pereiterorr Sate. FINE MADEIRA' 2,14 alitiltßY WINES, In Derudohns anatles. 10 be sold. without reserve, at theAuotion Store, NOB, Wand 141 teeth Fourth street , . On Wednesday. • October id, at ti o'elook, noon. The Baia - trill inelait&-- demtiohne Meta /lamina Madeira. DbalWr brans of 1840. • • 18 demij ohns VerdeLhofdadeira. Visa, brind of - 181A 18 • o • :, illanditria Madam, very delicate. 9 ,do hiIIIIII,OI blaftira+YarY old- s Also. sledge and roan Rile assortment of Sae Old Ma- Yleira and ahem Wines, in fah-site bottle*. - ' , Er Full atruculars in catalogue*. now ready. . VALDAIDA PRIVATE LIBRARY—Of #1041841 and vary - desirable' author' . on important end isterasties subjects. , -- On Thursday and Friday evenings. Ootoher # end re. at the auction- store. will be sold a valuable pnvatelibrery. - which inoledes _standard au thors la the yellow, denertedents of literature; silence, and art,'' .. . A valtrirmy OF FIPERVDID IT.I.IIBTRATED AND ROI °KILL WOREB OF EMI COW_ . „ . V.- - The chief poltient of the coltecilonmetessatinadinas, ET For partundan he catalogue of the haulm. V • _, (MEAT DALE OF At.iyAßLi t ltiliv. 3AbiEs B. EARLS &goria' • ...e.tu itl i p g• aux Ogg PAINTIO Sftlui PENNbiLveNl i t et teADE ARIL •., A lt This sale wideineprite - Lnde of the =it aelebiated Eistepeart, data artisteiman, of *doh have been sainted aittasionr for. this t•ii•ollee tom A MOPS. the MIMI preerlisent iro!ha, alas be on morated. PIII/ei r rit philtre of WAshinatostedVelhl, g u ingmr o ale lite . roth' octarx-iarrojrbi imam : several "eras- W. r.ionbstle. hlovist, vanataktopr t h, 4 4m ak. , eaga t fijeduar. Milrl2ot* D littridge. JR Mater. kablellbatak . ye/besot boron, amt. Patrelsb..estent..ito., ite.- - ' • - The wh ol e Jo he add leithset Insibtatioa or serve. Wl wiHlMOPfilifOrfttbibitiosourvelral than Defers the aide, EI etiteal* - ..,. _ _ - 41 FOWL= Stmt. • . 1 batirt A ADN etita l i t u i " l e d =1,10t.744,;1:4 .SUIPPING. 4211. , .104 - 14M)901:112:—CIIIMUS3. 1 "- mmmegmir - Mie l t i nrelFr Allimin ' .__NlNiy ?yerFlit se an a • a i hnirriaitillei teak W ife Pei '• Y‘ >) l 2. _ i _m e. e. The TM. 164 Eteneseap YaTuftli TEAM Ma im Charles P. Mayolimoelwillasili oh T huroday, ,00. t., 22. el la &cloak. A: 0z.. , '_,- - 1, -, • , '1 . Through tri SS to 114 ra i rralelfgera‘ at Mila," -, . .. • .goo ~.11, OA. Tiro' 11. F. Moil' Imear; ITTATE' 0 - 11112:01111.A, Captain John, J. Marvin. w it ,ail-on -Mania Cot 20. at 10 o'oloat A. M. . / hrangh in ga to op hou i ra-ighly M *ern at ant. Ire , g i r g days olisag ilfroaseirery lestaraay to mry ,14,7 . .7004 . a reeeleel. aad Pilaf of Lading rune( BTOrirlinfr i llf i thhrig . o l lift ise atom seam tee Vs, thno forming a fise-oay ocrs.mu niregral u_nar Mon and glayarinah. and Ina Botta andili rall tUl eissea llw r i iit, e Ill Gn aliest, l444llll44 ' ' Via' /NI 0 -, !IT/Viol% v b Ar l asi t s. = ie lg ai "* V a iii i r t " r il ...., by mil= ' the -rnaiairbolag me- tre i !If?. noro 14-I rY. %an Char [PgFei L ym 'akin '1" TIV?"L" Fare ay t e rout° Xto 41 Der cent. Ors - the Inlandßoute, so will be am_ by it ir ix ovinigher dale. ,Tluoi m mi n aoketa from Wade, ama C Ire ton and tei steamship", lININILIJD oul R 1 out the whole route, map* frinsi Charleston and Saran , Wilk to Montaoroorr : ; ILL CIELL.W.STOX. ' • Sti. IIIYANNAB. To Charleston...-011 20 To Igairsano.l4 - $ll II 1t : r .--.r.s. iTer —= IS SS [ . EMI% --. 4100 Atlanta._...._, 21 00 1 oixerortery-,, le 00 lolurribag-- .... 21 00 , Nowa— .10 en lbany. —,m 00 - r agfint.-: ail Inglltr"--- ..e......„ ......_....c.. nso Km ogrix... — ::: as i. emphis.L. - fare to b o Saltith. via Cl i t i rlfftr•-.....- ........ 10 00 iho bills of ladios n' il6notatr airs elect. * For freight or I mmo ac . on 0, at second vkarf abase Flue shoo. or • ALEX., 11 ONar.,& ,CO. No. 126 1 , 1011. TE watAEYEe. . Agoras in Charloiten,_T. a. A T. G. 1 1 1/01). Bovaxt.noG, nUNTER. it 0 2.1,0210.12. For Florida from Charleston. ate/unsr Ogrohas orory Tangd For Fl orida F frog. Earannak,piesmea EtalorY'o and 81. John's evert Tueolar gild toeurday. TEX BRIUSEI AND NORTH AMERICAN ROYAL MAIL SWAM, 1 1 1 10 M MI TORY TO LIVIIIPOOL I Cipof - COW O - Second Cabinyy PROM BOSTON TO LIU/toot.' - Chief Cabin Passage. Seoond CabmPaaaspek.„.. 60 The ships from New Pork wall at Cork 'Harbor.. The ships from .11.stten call at Halifax and Cork Har bor. PERSIA, Cast. Judkine. 'CANADA, Capt. Lang. AS I ABIA. Cart. .1. Stone. AMERICA, Capt. Moodie, AS Capt. Ai. O. .Lott. NIAGANA,Capt Anderson APS 4 C B ‘,.Cant. Shannon. EUROPA, Capt.L. Lanai. SCOTIA, (now trtuLtng.) These astift i oarry a clear white ngt at mad-head tivradkiv..t=.-d.oln'ortnWelneadar. Oot. 18 aDA.Anderron, Boston, Wednesday, Om 11 AF CA, Shannon, " York ',._trednesdar.Uot. Tl ARAB/A. Stone, " °con, wedeesday. Ont. 31 AB/Ar. bolt _ " . Yors,WedsesdaY, Nov • 7 vlißtiPA, " Boston. Wednesday, N0v.14 PERSIA, Jenkins, " N. Y ork, Wednesday, Nov. II Berths not Secured tutu raid for. • An exPertenoed Surgeon on board. ' The owneneof these alma wll not beitoeountabis for Gold, Silver. Bullion, Seeroe, Jewelry, Preplan's Stone' orldetals. Wass bills of lading are signed therefrr and the wales thereof therein expressed. For cr , tabt os Pas sage. apply to R. r NRD, 0010 • 4 Bowling allell• New York. _ 1 1 ~-~ ~, THE ADAMS EXPRESS IKAPRE - co„offweaseCEIESTNUTSMat. forwards Paroals, P Whams. Itlerehandiaa, Bank.tiotasi and t3peoier, either In its own Lines or in oodasoloA with other lizoross CoMpaniesi to all the prwom4+ towns and oities et the linitod State& lele-nE. H. PAINIEFORD, Senor-el Ravertotandent. . _ JOB PRINTING. THU NEW JOB PRINTING OFFICE, "THE PRESS" is premed to exeonte neatly, nee ply, end expeditioutif PLAIN AND ORNAMENTAL PRINTING PA MPILLETB, PAPER BOLKB. CIRCULARS, BLANKS OF EVERV DELTRIPTION, POSTERS, HANDBILLS, =MEM AUCTIONERR3, LAWYERS, M ERCIIANTC, MANUFACTITRERS. RAILROAD A.1 4 2,4,1N8131it4N0S COMPANIES - _ ordori loft at lite Ihibllltittion 00160. of 2'/ g Pres. , , No. 4 17 •CNESTNNT will. bit - promptly itendod to. - " Jolfrg BILL HEAD B. LABELS. .MECHANICS. BANK%
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers