•." ' tetiffirrii Aug' FROM ALNIMiti,TOI3OSTON. . ` itittaartaii nosh& rii . , dif Aga um ,, , it. LI; .m - ''. i iiii y,i,•.- g i ,„„ mo n. ' '''' Mo Winter, i i ir s t....% ' i m er i nt 'r' - • 't , Alesitly. t r wi t o gS ge .I 'A'4 ' o '7 liii =l gee*, to to _ , 4 04/ta 4 * toiM Molitor liorra w V _ , 4 10,./ . 1 4 14._ /0 3: lug ti e, and , ti" for him to t 11MIMMIk i' /4 4 1lielfroot• dial towards MonasseiiMA. *lt oestodd pious& mnitotillt • gis:affly , t;Widt 0 3 4, vial woos' imistimi* woe Ain gust length or the Oftrurit videvfnmel eve Attree how% folk, plod' , . tha , POOLDl4ilesnmblised to IMAM AMU& lialik • , "41kik lulu th depot, Mr. sailed out toter ' . Ashland that he wadi mad Irby-Omer teethe to • Osiked e at Oa -1 0 1 a 40 ,4 4' 1 , 1 /44 14 ',glalaga n ealtta. • ' " l '' ' ' - - ' .stovrainurt da , li ee l *. . _,,,' -1 r i At WorteriManfeti&VaToVitiripuidagur tout 0.4.,4tek.,04- - , , ,ated • th noel etillstbrthe most birdie aaWsu Mdd• of UICTIMS'er teeth thr -bit of nidok' ha pMA,liitlitila &this " '' idiot - I Idme, l 3V_ . . • , Oklibtlight mid-lift. . iftwithura aga Ill i Vr Mr agreed hoe the Sub. Th a i 4 " '3o o ,littliodto" it bill , iholPflisgo vas idesiT' f, al44m_vitirenenlidnidlloW i s ' .: 4te.14X:1411/0111110.? ~ 4 4 14 la iliaiwir.ateldialemn outpacing of the •lEWtstirMillefilitefilin 'WOWS to Ow 40001100 ilea' ftledielted dam, hit . lasairitablelfai-ibeff oftotiiMMlA teunot.' : ine er"itelitslreet,of the platform and ~MiOkited - 011iiii.M 4 -10A0 4,3 12- 1 atadhist ' > . . - „.... . N ore atromansui. At -Wittlbisit depot' win Assmithi with askew minor runanity, all stnitiUDA to' see Wane of this dag ..„.• .- Tniedille&fneldoa fer lin ;:-110stimanivetevihrlop ot any had Isom oct , sr arstemn , toter . . row Vss , ~ ' iiii iiMmo:- Mae_ Ott& ~ lbsa i gia in WievildliOt Etas, list, Pkiast. "TregiiV i ttrodridiedal ens "4ll :4 4 l o7 i ginsaM4 „ ll 4 .l.ll.: , . , .thridr" , i, ~ and- sainwhat bofolMeribitedneMilig. Oda ,Wiere.dred from; the anar"7 and, sinnahmoirosidenees. • 'A iiesemo • . : _ .. . , Thitspo k iik , ta_4o_ • the resopticor at, muss 1 wore*opipisellin Meinsaki la the royal grottos'. As thrMitb_gosiod thsArsenal a national aside was lattLyr MAW dope's! the Panes osprossed • a 41 .4 f• toktiAtan• kb withie wkieb r had 'drawn 1 the nem, aliCafgelt fi Moak the 4, Psis& of Wahrt.....,,,, 1 ' He wok then introllsood to Mums. • En-. veil, '.7 1 4 140 4ii OndlilliMadj altos Whisk tho oa , tire'plfte .Irested In bikii**4l l *lnt Wont by her moir - kali* • iad'estnited by nun troops, moved on-Mirery: **brawl pi Thi` entire t - -sinindual Iss at whish t the "Mdlll.ll4lo4.ll4atlifolliolelsQ vats and plum, omerayantns, OE* wore ed with ou. riele wham to ass the Plisse. They you , 'ordlutz - !sairesonia4 pad his aeknow. • ' WIZ , Wiens& AIN satire- emnprehisslon Of' , the fast. Bons little , - desirbult;•arotrocutidoned * the braking Mira eta omoingets width were - irk. Midas* and Hen., Mr. Roe , entifibontigooloo of anittem-hot as a whole It wed admirably si *or* 111 04 4 4 liitt. , , -- Ts, ik" Alitu: Film , 4 mussup •vortshatt AT •-...' - '._ alat." •-- , . 0 11:**Vikiiii, lot ir . gat bdon -Lord. prg a. x es f r i w . ~,,. At , a vikyl.intereetint in terview teak ' *MS fialfj- T. biliPM llo l • en old unman of it One ef ma 'Outlet to *bon Wellington said, o Mbnevoildia say,, "PP; Guards, and stfbanr,it waslifsellifed to Luda, '"/-, fiIIWAS API" Nike. Be showed W t. Pit.., 11. 8 gretemen pedal. kie. eutidsite of honMeMe dirt obargtitimarmy, fir e t , extrragy , good ooadia,"Mollit .stisidlt of tan • YethaV ow vier Mr MisC i l i feashire. „ fie„ "elm Jumada the liso. — bat . Moo frontlMlCeleird of the Grimadkit ' , 'Miff* • ths ingerintan-, dent ofthiTsradskpolise,_adiramod to' the 001fel , itoreelftia, of Olinda - They_ , ware tivetto MUM In IMS, sad. their solo have 'remiludenbroken till they were. broken ' this moralist by the Prises, They were fund to outran the strongest pantile - eoli - of Mills. '„ Thy Prince and hie suits sae in grim Interest in the veteran. Vitamin lilsohuhroke and fir.' Elliot are themselves MR elms bilistettaisis at protest the,former being in theists* lestsMion in whiehMillsksoutly sotved. Gatifted'lltoes took Mille nbiren, and we trust, sad balms the veteran will have Caere to remota berffipAitplt.et *bards:lo with lidelong pluton, as nootinf OP fine PRIXCIVII mar is saw Mit. A VierldinVitiesmelAtulag the grogram' err* Nep,Meaaderay:on the e r of Ma an I TAU, hvittilithiAti as . Of latnit dn. unnalat noting sum 1 , aininesiastili rove.", teigartirdentiossuis tin nimbi% mid, vatesidint kis',lii,O4, , , _'Meillfaismay ;jut/Weed to' blest the M Prines,aismidimother, and to bloat every one sad Mitagriblat, ,In • general •• tams. • The Plisse, andisdZiner toodnatundo took thoistondei hand of 01 eithuitestfereittssa. ' A 'policemen, 'mho'. domell, the imbue . theno ff erni his hand - - 1/444goft ring dreW himself, up sad.turned il l eto4sa g. _,,,,,, ,Oithe time apotost sing to the Maw, ,•; .: ":01Mialdie hies, a nd exlitst2 that he tour l '?: absiMon batmen 1 vote oitioes df- J'andi•th2l f, of hooPlIontl: V . dad sa d ' a Wont nit 'duty doing thotielititt . • Mks' bendont-Artgoes an inemat of di me Von andeoli-peniession on the post of thalbinos sot ollon Oho Run la 60 .7 0 .4gi a lalis. .f, - DIMS or nos LIIIIAILAirt ov mu , ration. Edward Modaniktitiegoir, dresT EMU* sell. Gr, who made the' disuirwu as inni Renfrew war; dtag down - Mftir avosma on- "tidily morn mattins riblehamodiera Oman died On ,at Beans NooMtal. Se was ar fehltrolt hr hslag'•fi te indad; aailyso , &amid toles al•Poldlo Cheri. tioaqiilat *task of MMus troanne followed, and " 1 r" WO to the Hospital, where his •diandor ''' 4 ' 4 ' -- -Meatus sainsion. •• • Tin,PrbtWo 'avant is umbra for Me Master a linos hmt,in', with* 'Me bur stud - tatt l es, and • swept ao %air OK la tholtall is • bandls of frosbiposa hishory num , ' ' . 2 7 - 7_ll ' Tax Vall4ar=Soo99o9ti Onfintssitut.,-4(r. WiMat LAWN% Tense IPl•tastiedenet. for Amoshst *slim betormatTsms and the Terri, tales of the Unite& illatse,..has•jost *Wired, at, Bea Alatenie.,l2llo; ohjeet.of theiexpedlihra (says" the and - Teaze ) - has' heeselatierfally ao; nom ' Ile hes ,ereeted a moseAcurt PO the no fork of Bail river -reariei.eae .hendiedth meridian, awe, me 10110;steid , kim to.pey, about theMestrillat yonAkilateakleifol4: Tio # ll4 ' try ea ilieeitelaritrethlaestherraie pOrialtuili itadT•sulf watered.: Me mask the Unto theinter modem - of the one hotbed and third meridian Wllittlielifileg.zilt•stist.' • moth iselthedei whip he liouitentither Isouniest , listiesssibee theeseuv foflibbk; be tomitiewl , to imi= as :hertudeff line neginerialy usiflvereklu he i though late - in thole:mute erimilytin,whelliktrivift sad miner riliskinethibinAhmteentitm to well emend with -.MAW eirtFieeklor grasses.-' Aloes the lice with NwsPiddikaltialtesit , gram livery k'zieisttittliisli:Vosil:ellitf he Angobn,* .Classitts A "ljni: TlWteithteettette Of rte =sleet are *noble ornifilusit any Mtgekkboliiisi.ndottif .. able. The defuse works of X•1 1 • 41 :.•04 "he - 14- genes IA roily foraiditiatllritkin tke last two yeers,mmigtooo,ooollerl4o lOC been employed ea As latter., Xis jrovbeettal ..forts elite Lido hen been triasibilitid intOperosmint Mail., ..:Thi sibiliarist,iodrstaidattlmaireetlas of ,the psi ' umscptiltowleokhkesseaty:-, Testes is emeediney , dull. All her youtut -men hive Might,Mfose in •. Piedmont, bit ri ff "wow" touring under the tri- W.and the rest,,theasmla in numb er, are " :-Mmodelfrie,fa,,aerav dieelobahts • optima ,- and tyrsate.. - . tialwilifiot E1T 1 P4 90 7 , • t l V# l6l , - -# t M.k , . 1 4...!P !f l .9 l Ccabl..itile• - :. r4frbtiowe Hinir-,oi run Prams.—ln the • ' _. _ ' hunt ot Os 'Bed Him settlement,, ilridifircklntg c nal ia 4 handfed ercmo, , • -lifthriditili ' s',letso' r leststred duktillityjare* 'llia ,' -00114'414 . 111•0 bekkaVend sat, inartio 1a..4 sulk In witia . two heatbo ; tpud, t! •, Inisterc, rem engaged', thir teehAwadreo \.. se Irete,shot.. „7.itt -smother thwelhoy killed onion* thousand. While drying that sumbeadinuundesturing presisse, a herd of two tasked and Ality.oonte by at a trot, running =Ube ;Ahoy wurcallihrought down and Isla MS:AL: ir,_. - f , -, _. ~ •-- _, , • "Fates a return ..irtgtitiy • istiall;' it,` 'appears that the masa lOW ,of the two hun dred exelone parileni . M ips be if England read,Widee in Int Weitt ,037 .., - The total num bee of eleetere on the register timbales freemen) II 4111-080,, st'diellitaistl,4lB for the. univiratlee, alliFlitesitiseher ofnuAe meepient of /oases ;eits,' silhasted - retail of .4110 ma: .pwardr, 4pits dAII-4 of AVM* "eriglikAliW4o,42o i_. of I 8 ' imeliwnWiklaiikti.of , forlsi under Lk 82,808; - - etlth end ender £ 7, 141115A40til , male etoMplen *mai* thecae liAithted tl•tat 0f Web li IA out 5ymb1ei11114,771.4•• '- n ,-• ,1 • ~ -•;',.• ,41Sit:Iwalig014001*ifhW,iiiiiii.46iimtp: AleitiPtemdfielattt twebtiet to bad two hit 'mimeo. ' • stieutere tot his treamtlestie line They are ". fc e oeittir s; Eodj 410 fiat, beam 55 feet, and g hli - -" ; •ouWlV.lst:lB4het.AThe - desks will be as t a/00CM the balm of , the skipi and the' • i 4*.,, .:„tifitt* will be oidistoootod like ta. ow. of • - - --. fogOnfabill's-iiie. The desk and weer - etireetiew• op* It salleikes form the moor stebif tigit4Whaditili glee the Tient Vest ethrein. ' , l - 16neli , fliiiiiii'lltiii.:The allioi aid Lea - R thtefititPrWettehie toinethetueere to b. atom 24101111. -ffinnktiso Ie the bonnets's' of ..: aioCioali tbs oi•if AO I 1 imam _to ,:,_ lf4itt .tkilirste ed, SZO9 000 • -?, ~,Pg• Pk* k` . 4aiteesen, sied sill km -••i - . a st ock Styr 111).9100,000 store - - = ..2t140_4 _. O eishi w; .= -111 59 , .Tbemsee, it as -slo4ol4•Weir soot base in Best* ill ;.-----4 MrimPriFfehimili iebtilite . leete'exteet: - - --,', -, : ',:i i .4,..4tOramlazaist . AT Sllt•,-Cepteto "kedged, i , -.4M 11 .4400 4 -0 4 ii. Oa, ivtied at Prertioneo on. '..,..4usg.:ediarettea,. flout -fielthiere„ Ile reports -'''' I.ll4eitierliejeay - zoornleg, white be was - Is tett : - Tli:eieellicletiteil,.stel longitude 74.48 minutes-far _-- - kik - .41, ,, u5ei lad : -daring A val. of wind -- an eagle . . : PITT Ike: aids -peak haly ards , • brake hit `, Affilt& deok, soar wee meat ' Atiotinid tour 'Mites front th e," tip of "r••• l4 4#4olit Of the ether. _ , .2 •,, ' . ':- -- -_ ' r ; -,- Alt r etwitii„:2lsuriss-iflLlT:—XollB;*2•Blendin - -"Mt; gal 4 Ati,ln=i to keep en dotes wonderful ~.,. ••'-,te, . ..„.„...,. 06 L,lie:. meek, , ills lost stew , Ur ••••• ' , .•Tf.mmit lett,: Si ll s aver s rope ~.,- . 4 _ f•lotg*• 061 1. 11 * - Mbetek- elevated 900 _ feet r: 0 _,.., , ,. ." At "glOitud . , ~, ..i . la4mor lf bids, 1110f:'-foilr. . ,sm.. , 4. - tarrells& was eiteut--1,200 • feetiened • ws: • . esusimiliet in. wiehillifikalustasy•i was -710.060mi'-atimsti.--k,, 1r!.,',4. -f-,.: .:*o**•*Al!. - iu,iiii:fjibii;iiii:—. - 5,34 , ~._...3,:twAthoix t m st ~,o _•• , eaumeer . ,erkels ; ggiu a t P *-- !, - - .:J , ' 2ll •oWillitli r t WOWS , erf Inv . :i. -,` - .„. ---staler last_jfieSsif"of th&tusing ar i ,c,..* _,, - 14 , Ai, MaiktidiOM heit:trested ;;Aishilit iliklifitill4lll, wit! eras'griol4 —•• ' . . MO IfiNtireir-r , - -.-- - r 4.A-- - ,' t,i , IV N, - , 1 ,4, fe ;VA* ,46 i imr.-4.'orttittivittie'ex.' -.An AtholVw , imidigyt , ehlee,:eiti! ibis '. vet t- w adatilliumpalifiliettuistp - tairldo with .1.4.11 lit'uiP••• lol 4• l oC4intlei l Aztles MAO' , :,- . --41slalike7-•ilieliaOst-ticteitem'' , Idirut, tvi " 4 i 4. ''.'TK, Vt 4l 4" : 46 4 .S .Ait h •Mrt t r i ll e l' , 4 ffi ,_ „z. : • dt . iujiittill-4. , e(13:11. litiald! M Y : . Sot 161 A litim ii*ii liner part (it i•-• • .111si; ' 19:11gristaltted sod.k-,' .-. . r-- ~ teweete 'Olt ho-had biso suck . s le d ' bitte lli er ..„- „,.. „,. : MMM 4thikaberd ais issarteedeti far setae dohs, and WTI edikk!,,,frof•btid" id* tk• 004 1 04 s T lattiftell dint * ors wailed , 00 - 4 - a - lersogads white man who sells ireitishdelinteisitiektethe Indians, it at thin bottroke `illStdb:4ll4.* ltdrittes eAstsoidoitot ger rlistilielosvaials•nist iselyerith their ha , plem dialtsvbat with hifornustiOn /*taw' Nous orthelebloody_work.,_ - gl i tisT4tdtion of the people qt bfifisotui,whop 'ire in fatz glade toJ rallresdleVa„ im`V l a serg, thttesMir , ' Mindless of it; friends of the means will probably ins held at 01. Pshiteirithie idi.K3lolo 15411GL , Aiew: .4110111 oenisty, an eVarseef,vardist - ifiesbell, indicted: foreawdet dos death ut a Veva boy by, whiplug,.wao tried and looneioneU of roanslausliter.. Tlssieourt eon tented-Mos So be bladed and imprhoomd for its Osor; nr ISIMUID:•;--Thil le Irish poem 1000 ,have *mist° band are Inifolh sable to-the potato harvest: A Lhaielek paper iitsthe !doolOift4Pllneyltriet are disheart ens* and the Whitt. Per"a 'WOW* potatom Ass small) isellrbadwitift ettdart:,'• • L'7 ' pperil4.**l l )le Alplotriatio'llentis the Illnitad Stites, Masse andether Neatens ertiot: Ur* lasslOt givipe th at protootipa troen.hot to 40004 in this Coo., lie tilt sidd don the Jfele.Tork- and Boston inensimeireeespaeles MUM to nneire'shiptr ht,thelrade: , - • . •• Morittuttst teal hai•• eontioded," is - rake IMO !edge of °cropland eotton frosn'Oilro, to tile East tryy, rail, aid are in treaty for a much larger .; • , Br a traisge General, Calk% I whoiiiieiset tor Invading' Gotta 'Ries, suffered his , icielmtkna M th• foot of themeisonansenteresitd to hid twatclis the Playa It Pants Arenas; for his many melee" lothe eountr74 •I , TwilitOeita CokOkny are having a survey pasta of s route thr en independent entreats into Oisedinati, with a view of aettertaining the proba ble Otet, 's#,•the - consideration of the MO* . bondholders,' ' , .„• thavii, ll- Ptintr. - 4rinkin H. ItObiy:;. for mutt lr. at fildnitend, Va. has been oonsieted'ef-nunder• in.-the awed. degree, and Orateweedlo the penitentiary for live repro.. - - Olt Saturday last two thotisand bags of ' coi fs*, were sold at ¬ion in Wilmington, N. Ø. at an ;renege of ifteen'doLlars and forty-waren serifs per handred pounds. - ' Gamily T. Srrant,e of the Bap* 'Church; died in Jelferion county, Va., on the 28th' Tux outstanding tobacco in Prinde George's «mars; fdarylictd, luurbiiert slightly nipped" Tat - .citirene of New Albany, Ind., pro.' l ose to erect a monument in honor of Clov. Wil. SNOW bill in the neighborhood of Mount diry, &Myths toasty,' Vn., on Sunda.* morning, to the depth of guati inches. • 7 Gamin W. Licloson ' . formerly -proprietor of iiiiPrevidanea .1.) Journal, died eaddanii on *Mimi. ' Yaw W. 'Rini:ads, of. Gates county, N. G., lately itad 85. - slarell for $85,000.- ' . , • Paskitists4meiutekcountorfeit gold genera are in elongation in Musaolmsetttl. WrORTATIONS. Iltovanid tor The Press& ST JOITIV NB—VebrNoll y-121,000 tooem lona.* lershs lismi Cotton d: Co. itrut ir Como, Cana"-- , lfoopoolith . aanis4 t •1 r WAND OP IitADIC, tirt ' 11 ), rl'. I.Ciutrarria or SAMS. ' ' =;... •) ~ - . !'"Ari TIM" BAG* ~ • . - , ai ~:k*ekinte Kvhangs, Phslafiqpiia. I i Itinti4tA ln -......-.......-..-Werpool pant 1 rlif O g u lretell - 7-7.7 _o2i B A l ' .36% ..- 'axis -- —:l3t Jae ti be: Km • - nyttor Falmouth. Itiffsal,soon .144 . , la. b ia l a; . ............ Bristol Cimino , moon Kett* Ocompro• Bam:7°r• - • - •: - — • —Manillow• matt eahr thinciao,,,Maibott..4..,,....!—ret NM d, CIA% Oat IS . SAILING Or THE Bea l ", ni ,. ~$7,,,,../ gAllnalk I . - - . PAM THZ UNITHa' !..” 4 "''''' I nave 3 1"n of gitirnere,, --I. 7firw Av Ark_,Li=g,:ol --........ .. i = L 0 Vander tit— .fiew Y ork-Havre -" •••-"- ..... 7. ;grth Bri tom; greo-Livor9ool. '• • -----•-• t c ..' legi, --.'...-.New ork-Liverpoot '..:7.. --(h. tlt ow 3i ork ..New ork-Dramen-..-,... - --- 001.27 raw...-.......:,.-Tblvarpoot - ......,....-...,tr0t 31 ~„....,..rsew oxicialhaaiwtom- -.114V I s;_ ...i ...,..-.... lit* elk, tvertool-....... ~ Mori k0n......»,...0..g1ew mit - , yr.--; ..--.§:ov 10 erve5....•.........„,..:Hvet0n.... werpool.-........ , - eV /Menne- ......., .1141nrYotic-4119,vre... -....:-..... 310 V )... PXO?d BUMS; rani. , - , . „ l ierarg- , sea DM ,ganada,..lll..•/ • T*llK+ploo-....,:. • - ....... 00t 6 of Waaktnalon.Thvoreoo - ew 0r i t=..... , :-Alca la ,Thm0te.....,-Boatkapitoar To . • " aet le Caundion-.--:,trerpooL.: ah.° -.. = -Oot 11 nine - -iir.:iiiiiivrevrirmit--tywycTPC.:2..:"-- Bet 1 11 Palma-L.- . Southampton- aw ork— ..- -Oot 17 I Hainkonla.•-30Othampton.% ow ork- ..-.oat m Bohemian -..--Javerpoor-Cinebeo- • - . -....-.oot 10 Sumo., •,.......LiverpooL. ' -......-Oot 90 t e r t ent-,....13a1war New ork- ....--Oot 13 r—. -:.Liverveca -Now ork-.... ---Qot 23 Min -....efarathavreton...3oer ork--.............00t it nomoi Perna.. -.----Lorerpool.lNaer ork. ...--Oot VI ti l t ak. C * l ::lpA is ilmdlitiettil4l&nitgemli“ Yolk kit l„" -11117177111Verr' idea milrf York on it'll he, voi. o ono mon . , , 'MARINE .INTEIGtIOICNCE. xola t irpirArunADlmekeLt, 0016.19, ir Is —aux Aster----I I Asouvzo. .Bterelliolhaulof IttohmendtsttlatafWths to ilartebittere r i tort i a&Var o sar ri l l lie, bark tem% awi n t above , it .s w e . " 4 " "mg i nc '' . I , ll erea f 2 lsl lmk:= l rtrilda . Ir . ism Prabbtort.lio.witb Olt*. amend- to i llit te: O ¢ , ir e . .0n ay lilt lit ia.j% 111 IS try 0,. DAVI* &We am F. xis. wst i to en army sou masts trre.l l"l"... V;so VW, e=rw h m rt a t; findr- fiterr. . s e t co ... I " rio i ,k to day;mywy t oha ,Ir th r fte. YonL from.Deoriretinnt. DC, With tostiotalsi , • • • • Bahr TenneuT L WOoster. 0 days from yklelsort. with rrerk t & 6 4,70h. " 41:iat from flostek 11 . In bal last to Ito s, airon 1. Emil YON 7- arle 6 dSIII from bakm• in Bar mar' 'lll2' f thilli firma Newf art 'in Mb lit to N stMtralt Oe. ' - ' ' -- ' Ash ip ,atsht i +4.. t i I=r; it gys from Portland, with . o — Wr bangarster s It 10 days from Calstri,, with kaki ir . C, niy tear. day , front Dillarnare City, Mi oadAtalyte.t. Ca idehr wm spit el, I day front Emyna"; Del, entity y ft co, 1 selmnelowit asx rrom cfaldal, Del. liith MIA Itt SO SY UM - - • DOM q6llOll 41.01/ Atm Asetanym..l day from 4torrns, likwho ?Ora ma its to Jim I, mowley from :cora .-Jaelatork A l oar Stanws., Dfai r . Tre i miz t. 1 44 n r..,.. i day gait ai. punt_ itinci In to Jay frlew,_ Iff_e_t ida ~., ni t MlV lr eoittanr ia ts* . to t i t' istrey i rrOo l2" "'"'" rig ; li o n % o r 14 romMe r VrrOlHt. r Resem. • kr 6 te elnlic tura r i, VlNThogn rm irld viden r° os td : , f A i lien Rol; Bolton. t i r trIll; jri a 'CirtOn. 4. itynit, holm from tom ' • . c I is illtan, me dl, le boars DWI Dilmrstreitreak-. water. wring in tow salt i Litsrel, trr Wilms. AilintU =inf t in . thell%ta sdkestsyjeicat, tales MAIM. I ELMO us t it t r a n, t iic r i p . m . nremen, sum a nark, ' itrnishit • 'igton' pair, &rot IA iiinsor. • • .hi 1 Wm., darn, N 7 ,,J ANIIIIIIIOO. • kr . • • ti lobelia. MO!. & W womb • • .• , • T "fron,gligr Walton& & Soo. :g • li ois .Bo rolgad,ltsgbeal &Co 8.. . s. t., : &Wain • Lo r t g r . borti ogiis, a ' ittleVsi 'A gni, & , . ......,., - .„, -- I Pt" '"":thaigtaligd, ifoblea*a.gis nVit I Cy. gionerda&otog` . . A. , Bogr ita eguall Bovrell c iaopmon& Bind's - IC* Bohr so' flowell:Coggli coggagott Ifirrowg.tf tgr tom& ar ao.. pOr 9141. Graptli; trIIN nti lA .go r"u Irß u irgos* Oa& Co. Erp,ti , do , .e n , . „ Borg tdo , 4 Bro. r Bolsi. Bahotlnc m Biormpl & Co. Bqr t•Ciiriatikr. gh 4,11 A , a w i Co. '' Yr TL Obiagrige 7' 4 ;, gli 'Xivor R ireoremi go i oio groffman„ Borden, do 111 l it r r it tribi l rArttla i grrl, ICU& of • ft...LI . , .... ,I 1 ,L l4ll :Fet AdOlt. Oot. 111. 1890. 4 71144rt0nt• 10 ton % *den and eons:Et:Bd ? au Bif Vieth bather to M *3; John Olhum, doMinslituraodwalad•r : to ne,J.Lm do Imabeth, o thratt"._ t•CfrAyb wail iron Oil t i no Louisa an : r i 4) togrfillfrepottr, QI CI . Eli - nraminoianw ir TV; A INC Oat. IL 7 g:5 ta r =l,, Vam Al a. t t il F t as ollerenil te _ , ooro Alte-riala . tae mtg. ito. k.oitrisitr' WPFlah er. d 0 to numlltorck s offmon k_wrigitt: #/ P Coureon. rgo i l;;VP . a Ref t: A 8 voloaune, oto hdr Rd : . , .;. . '• ' • 1 MIMORAKOA. . • Aferhiplaiadin. Beale. gingeton. Jaietk Wet, a Ag nee York Mk ' II fe WfOlnint. lerLor, roz . le a nool for Pluladel rVfintrinabales; kenos, vedttt Liver Pool IP lierieekinjr liakham, for Philedefilua. elearodo prowl . .. • - Skip mo 1.44 ht. mg a. for Philadelphia, Maid front Liverpool let inst. , gni) Annie Ximaiso,•alum. for Pkifsdestble: ita lic ) Annie „ 0 4...„..,5. list& na . , ir ~et. Porton. for nevanh, Mowed at- IA Veninel Sin nark, aro, Medwatafeliarldr. Sailed front Pombay Ana a for Rs, York. .31Ship Segarnore.Pfeadlrell. 'geared at Liverpool ed Warr Geleuttn. - . 6 10 at Mark. Coney. varied from /Avert: oo l2d Ind. for an Freosiatio. tik k ip , I3ouiinoureslik;Oyezter. e 0 days. ttol3l , eallao, Pie Hentittoo Seas. a i tif= 4 York J/th wt. kltti , olt, Ist= as p . was to rpr, kir her k Jane A Isabella. fr2m fejr4tw i po for more. . - able MOP* IMO. Crowell, cleared at New York 1701 v et .ftr Kong. ih... .. kb Met e . Winoomb.Oleared at Boston 174 imit, for MIA": Ai Um P f Baker'slslamt. le ill Ki tb2 oolm4 l4l dhalo 4 Cau e " r77for tl klitt n igitli t tgiliO T M lip de Jaeswooto ult. i o itl a f t . l , ls l..pl i g r i Q,lii, r. keno?? remained at tit Thomas anztletoy:thriia. haws, arrived at Kingston. Jam, "el' a ond.4 Jones, sided from Pioviden4 *kW Ina? for miswrite City. • Brig Jean , Rimer. Comte, denim, arrived at Poston Mk mt.- , mohre i rarra, Cordon, from ProvideneafoOloiladel. ibis" vet New York nth Lan. sear B .usaa. cook. new" arrived at Dighteni kW ii n at ' - 16 , I 4, uyiut..T.splor, he . srrivedist Pell Riese 'V. -'. P %lir, Taflot, saged fromPiat Crean en•lll4ll se. r ktieeeipkie. . • , aim , mink* IliesUfffMo%, as C Sohn 1C .tonilai !Li r : ttividc-rmatrle , .4 Ar la jtal us. tran , a t Ne w Raven' 7i "1 1 A 4 Q- 111 / A L ,. _ ......Weietlosottier'LlirA 8 0 1 - ,11....6411t r pi„,... 4 .....: . 9 - ,ff.h.r4, %%dr ° It: 1 '1;011% 7 ;11 C ,, litie w ,en t rigni in hut. hr Zeitir. Tlietober.Sleared eV Boston Mk twit. for hil a 5.., (in .. , - , , ..ft , Di mmsti orreuet . ild;Towniuntd. end Ix 8 Rnieini ' , - - ii odfroetheni Tr i vet at Invent Charles ki*lLineL . - war wo- im Kroll; Emmen, henee 'arrived aiI:WM *OBI7*MM. , 1 . , ' 13 tolut , rn' 011 eThitiiii triletlt, hetion, nrriiiit itiklex 4 andrielna ink. ~BY+oI9IY~. , pq:n EOTINE PZRECIAN FEVER'IOHARM ! FEVEIR AND ORE EXTERMINATED. ;THE HUNAN CONSTITUTION, BANTER FROM WILBOIIi a MB PREVEMVIVE AIM REMNDY. ANTEEDIITTSAT AND BILIOUS FEVERS, CIDBED 111131.1 RED 111 A DAY. NATURE'S ORAPti iiraTORATIVE: OtECTINX. IMPEOTIBB, PIPEOT66I. iNPROTINN. /NPEOTIAE. ISPEOTIWE The twee' its' the FEVER , 'AND ADUN has eirutten hundreds of thousands of persons :tAiousiaut the world evert year, and has never till 'now beet * Peet by lueobeeral npailoal Treatment that hasnotorodueed beltsre MEDICINAL DISEASE!. wkieh effect the lotair, theelleen.the liver, the head, ii other seats of the human orgargirdt, The mrso- TINE ie the *mai eatiwoniert of ell ‘ ferate, and when itiwommi in'emitwit with theekinibr aheerben by the isitaticre organs, whiohysidit wllr kzildasna and all ten dencies toward thein audedlee *kWh prostrate the niind and body with fem. Fever and Anus renalt from aninetong ounce& No place ueiempt from the onutieg which DTdMot4I the ex lame of the disease. Thatbeing once seated in the induoes .depresidon, of opine!, taamtudo, pram chid, fever,' ands long train of Nigro,- able eencetiong, degrivine the eatient of all energy, rir reducing him or her to a condition of EXTREME RELPLEISIMEINI :Why will any one mans the horrors of n debllltnting Inetertnittent FOTef ' when, try the •ee of the INVALUABLE INPEOTINEs PRIUSLAN FEVER ORMLIE, the eminent mediae] and milord triMitiee of whioh ore Instantly absorbed, TXACIEN OF MEIER MAY BE ANN/H ILATED IN A FEW MOURIV ORLP-CARF BETTER TRAM PRIMO. SATURN 18 WIPER TaAN AWL BVINVIIDNIEABB NAB ANIVINN lEBIBDY. 'IRE WISE APPLY WHILST= FOOLISH DitZAM SETT/It. PAIWENT 7W STRIVE. TO (CURE, DELAJE ARE DANGZEOUG THE .INPEOTINE, MIUEAR FEVER ORARM• Rae eared tlitaakiindbot both met of the meet dread in] bum based refloat. WONDERFUL EFFECTS Unmet IkitoilL,of ritioton, t'Or two , Tears sager to libooolt iiktioolttv:74 *sten tO piling sad Fever— mod in lam due - titre• weeks, 004 barroird la Osht tom. Karr Mealy. Saadailtv - ,Ottio, after alma* /Wog pet teams toi trail o,tiejArt4.lbalaternatieit Yam, lath OtiMs. Teetered to health' in twenty boars. of Brautsdra, Main% brought firm death's door, hayian.rentstod for font, years, (made well in nn weeks, and improvod,in two hoar*. tuielvhe Mantra°, of Franoe, r‘liried in one hour, whit, tr►wlllnj in the etre of the Fort Wayne and %two • kAllreid, He Tea ampareeds do ss with ChM!. Shen A.l3ossom. loroltrort, Kew York. mooed ifter sotrortri. A - vorfoot oara, Thoseende of other 661101 prevester! end owed every month, and wen Angie namplaint of the efilolenor of the INPECTINE DUMAN FEVER tOßMitt wily /lc XIXOYE 17. KINOW /7. Ant iniklailiairern ital. vendetta' 'power! mad nrtnela; thatltioee Whonadren or who are threatened with nattering, num be led .to 'any a simple, innoadone pre vanities. fiandidoed be the field of Nam for • bIADCB - BLEtitiING. INPEOTINE SOLD BY' ALL NUMMI AND MBDIMIE D ALI U U *M 11Oe, PRICE ONE DOLLAR Seat by mall t stir yid of the United Matta. REMEMBER.. , It is set iatioilairaren bet 114 14 lied 01 0,04 1 1 110comtlaiiii ilbasakaa. 4 akkapealloaar. eadhattek ate. Vl-4INUP4CITVI" sx JOHN 1N11.1:70X & CO.. 199 MAIM 'OTREST. axonatoßD, VIRGINIA alia_twzr OFFICE, Ito: 68 Ditik OiitIOMMEACIE BtIILDING., ;11 ,7(i, y PEW YOU otry,' adi•ttmiktotalas MEI PRESSAMILAVDELPHai I ERWAY,iJ) , , BEW 1860., pop. RESTORATIVE OORDIAL BLOW RENOVATOR , precisely what Es name Indicates, for, while pleasant to the taste, Mi. revivityingienhiminsing, ' and strengthening to the vital smears. It also re vivifies, reinstates, and renews the.blood tri all Its original Purity, and thus restores and mailers the system invulnerable to attacks of disease. It is the only preparation ever offered: to the• world in a popular lorm, so as to be within the retch of all. So °Mimosa,' and skilfully combined ea to he the Most powerful tonic, and let no berretta, adapted as to act in pleat ateoulattes with the laws 4/ to tare, and hence soothe, she weakest stomach, and tone up the digestive'orgarie f nodal's) 'all nervous thoroughly groper ue s o , o a r r d • b a n il ti p s o r w i t r t r ru t a t y i o t o n n . It s4 I t oo gamma, exhilara ting in its effects, and yet It is never ollowed by laseitudesor. depreesoln. of spirits. 'lt Ist composed entirely of Vegetables oonsemietititean neverieffire; Shen *remedy hag se soo long been fait to be a desideratum in the medical 0 s 1, d o t h e world, both b,y theithoroughly itimedioal C smenee,and also by all who have an from de ee - Witty ; for it needs to mistiest skill or knowledr • even to see that debility follows all attacks of d ease and lays the unguarded system open ; attache of many of .the most dangerous . w hi eh g Poor humanity is oopstaidth such, for en. C am_ple, az the following : ..C9 ll .l:llmption, Dion:shills, Indigestion; Dyspepsia.. 'Woes of appetite Faint. ntss. Nervous trjitt:oilltp, Neuralgia, riffitation . o the Heart-, cseleneho T,ltypoohond , Night . OWeetiii*:ngtior Oiddingge and all that cleat of . owe. ' ho fearful l y fatal ir unattended to rh time, ..ftmale Weeknessesaeld listhsetariiies. also, I aver Derangements , Pr Toyptdity, and Liver Coin -p; laints, Diseases o fthe Kidneys, Scalding or In • eontinence of She rine,mr any general derange- meat of the Urinary Organs, Pain in the Bach, side, • and between the Shoulders , predisposition to alight' Colds, Reeking and Continued Cough, Emaciation, Difficulty in Breathing, and, indeed, we might ena merate irony more still. but we have space only to VITA it will not only cure the debility %Bowing Chills and Fever, but prevent attacks arising from Illalexistio Influnnese, and care the distal. - at once, if already attacked and as it note directly sadpersistently upon the biliary eyethm, arousing the Liver to notion, promot ng, in tact, all the ex cretions and secretlens of the system, it will infal . }lt s ! yu ow Aig u r i inz lgi c i t seAu t gn eAs lotion traveller. should gime a bottle with thein, e tiß • should take a tablempoollftil at least before eating. all rls ft - prsivetitheeetistenees, strengthens the diem' - Svc organ's, ilisrluld be in the hand, of envenom of sedentarz ll eh tan students, ministers, literary , men; and ad VI not sethletomed to much 'out t i door exermse shoild AIWA pee it. f they will. ~ they lint and an natheable. plea/apt, and effieient • rentedy ageing?. thine ills which rob theta of 4 beauty I for aeauty cannot exist without he and heal cannot etust while the. aboVetthe • - ties oon he. Then, again, the Cordial is a per eat - ffilothgee e ll er. Taken a month or two before the - fingslArial, she Will page•Slia dreadful ;Air With : perfect ease and safety. Th ere is no mk *oat it, this Cordial dealt we aairnfor_it... Mot era, try •it And to you we appeal to detect the illness or decline, not only of your dailghteberori, it be too - late, but also your sons and hug ands, for while • the former; from false delicacy, oat en go down • apremature grave rather than ' let their condition be know excitement e latter are otten so mixed u With theof heathen that tf it *era no or you they, too. would travel in the. same thrirn. ward path, until too late to arrest their fetal fat Sat the mother it always vigilant, and to youwe confidently appea, for •we are cure your never. failing attention unerringly point you to Prof. Wood's Restorat ye Cordia and Blood Renovator, as the remedy w Joh should be alwayi on band in time ofneed. I). OOD, M Propnoter, 44 4Droest. May, New York. e n d 114 arket street St. Louis, o. ; and enld by all good Druggiete, Price, One Did Dollar per Bottle. here By DYOTT & CO.. tiSS North DECON greet, eowd&W-t LOOD ROOD. BLOOD FOOD. BLOOD PM. BLOOD e BLOOD PUD: The attention of inViiiids, physician', 6, 11711181 h seientifio men, and the yiiblio generally, is rano Min indented to the Mori is Of this chemical preparation containing Iron, Bulubriv, and - Phew/horns, and :which is identical in its composition with the Remelts uto n fo, or red b lood. Inyilliduseasys ausompanied with DEBILITY. gide oountenancio,eutdnervauderanitement.linalnes of the blood show a defielenav of the red gillbniee. Ruddy complexion and a rosy tint of the skint, is itivrays indica tive of heidth ; while a pale, Waa•llire akin and collate narice—w lob evinces dehoierion of thereof globulin—. acoornpan el, a disenited organism. Pteeni idiots or Iron have been given for the purpose of sillstilying the red globules, bin we oordend that Iron alone, Balphur olone,or Phoephoroturalone.will not Wiest the deficiency in every came, Ant that a judicious combination or all these element. is necessary to restore the blind to normal standard. This sointnever before attained. s has been reached in the Blood ood. and its disonVer, ranks se one of the most - Wen Ho and important of the sae. Its effects in • r • CONS Uhler lON r are to eniten the cot, braze the nerves , strongthai the mum, allay tiny tostrating night sweats, mamma the phreical end men l snarly, conch the blood by n et:arum the lacking red ILobules, Morose. the &Oaths, restere the-enter, and o othe the skeleton frame with. ash. The Blood Food will be found apetifto in all Cluonle Disease' of the Throat Or fitilige, mob ma me, Bronehitie, °Guam, ko. Pohno speaker's and s. singer* will land it of oteht utility is clearing. and tgrgillt,urt.;°,.. l vll2,°.7 . "l l 24,llZ.,PPtiittil h er, Gravel, St. r ltue- wanoefFever . and Attie, am., its em osoy is marked and instantanenua In no clan of dm— eaves, however, are the balehoial Waits of this remedy o consolations au in Mae harassing FKMALIS COMPLAINTS iowhieh the gentler se n are hable, and 'ostrich willtend towards • Oottanmetiou . , Such se _. , supprefted or diffloo It MenatzliattOni Groan mammal, whltee. &e., eseeolallr when these complaints are acoorapanie'd Into paleogge, 1 4 Mort hue or pallor of the skin, depressfon i Of Pratte, detulliJ palpitation. Want of appetite,• nervolm Oftistration., ove have the amost Confidence in Tacom a:ending, the -BLOOD FOOD tit all who may be Gon adal of ales!' of vitality or energy, and to thaewloge militia or bodily sotto are prostrated through or traor SlttEr or O nand or body, arid "reclaim !la o}lr err 14110 % all eases of 'Weakness nroi Mauls% on, And te n t dienagegof the Katie re or gladder, ihls ptro potation 'has a claim upon the attention of sufferers which oanoot be oveousgmated. A faithful tnal will be found the mostoonvinollig proof tp revved - to its efficaor that eohld be askotl lot With the above remarka, and with the Milnenins testimonials we have in its favor, we the " BLUOD'FOI)t." to the oonsideration oi the atiitilted, knowing that it will be acknowledged suipre.em neat overall other prigs.- Oir m liVraliMAlNlNergl t orttililigedni; toua r ceu. 'oertifieateaol remarkable. cures will be gent tee when desired. W e forwent the BIAKig FOol) to any part of the United States or Canadair nn re giant tit price—li per bottle, fa r Six bottl e, . Be careful in ail axes to take none but that having opt fan amile agatatlim upon the wrapper. /lone other it genuine. Yrepotspd only by CfIURCA fc DOONT.. No. 409 Broadway, New Yor4 , And sold by them, and by .DYOTT pc CO., 932 North SKOOND artist. Philadelphia, sad Or all respectable Druggists. cue-mwt tf INSURANCE COMPANIES. 'DELAWARE, MUTUAL SAFETY IN WURINOR COMpAny, . . INCOBBORarsv BrI7P.E-LEorsEATuRR OF PENN,GPL A- NIA, 1636. OFFICE IL E. CORNER, THIRD AND WALNUT 13 tree ' /rib ria M 4_.E. i /V is RANOR ON VEISPELB, ' ()ERGO._ t;oe11 parts of the World. FREIGHT; INL D INEIRANORI3 On Goods, hr River, Canals, Lake*, and Land Oarrl6 6 e toalrperja of the Union -FIRE INPURP.NOEff On Itterohand z ravallr. On Stere Ass a. Dw a . imsniatac.o&mo.noty. _ November 1, MP, I Par. llfarket Valaie. I)lSMOThiladelphlsi City 6 i ii r eelß. Loan. 4 / 1 3 .03 99 ' 100 Pannaalvanala Efate 6 cent. ILoan, 147,5a 0 to 21 , ronnailvanla Efate 8 cent. Loan— 31.0a0 00 26A0 U. G. Treawary 67449 , cent. Pintas and intereatdus . 2 16,263 at '530,000 y.e. Treasury 69F cent. Hats anll Interest dna. ~.. , 00,616 00 875404 Temicrtau Loon 6 'the dity Of Flute ' v .._ . ...,.. 00 ...,..,,„,,,,, v...--.,4,,..,„„,,,. 8 Gent Band!. _,.. _ ~.,. 4.3800 GI $30,060 North Penns Ivanial34;Rallroad7niort pooo 6 bent. nd5........--, 12,600 00 81.1,000Weat real elphiaTaaseniter Aphis,' Ompany 7Wp at. coupon Bonds. • WOO 00 111,000, aot airticatoole Garrosptown Gas Company. ...... interest vol prmoi ye de guanuttled by the ody 01 No • phia. ' • $140,100 Share. Pennsylvania a Railroad Co - /560 :P° . . ' 077000 40.000,100 shares North ' , outlaylrani& Railroad SOO 00 80.800 *harem 1 hita4eltAlNloo,PAtW9Usui Le l and Mortgages. and Real Estate. Of- 84°8 ' 718 51 Lars "'" lanoe ligonolegPremituna . onla- 1841" . " rine Poltoieß. interext, and other debts duo thyl Company-- --. BiAgg Bony and stook of Bundrl Ininitanoe Com m ..„—. ..... 8.760 00 Chien on Devont " " 67,060 31 DIRECTOR& hWiMaga Magfp . ilvll B E. to n kes, oo nn hilt; Parading. , gery Moan., ' PI: t. 07.-.. Wftra Darlington. Jonas rpolca, mos QUISItt Drertf:oln,- ri ni n Ira Jr., alert Burton. iltif i llt_LuArig, boob 1.. JobfAl, 011•311 :50111. James B. WE*land, Dr. R. M. Raston, oshunlyre, Boor 0. bower, io : ht& mo De r r i g n l , e, Plttfyg. Dug Craig. Char am Kelly .. ' , WILLIAM MAtig r iirerlf3onL TODD. C. BAND, itso resident. HENRY LYLBUB24. BeoreturT. , dli-wfra 1 - NBI:TRANCE COMPANY OF THE BOIJR. ISIATE RANDSBYLVANIAPINE AND NA-' D NU Nos. 4 AND EXCHANGE Chartered in 179}—Capital MANi—Feb , MO, OSali, value. $488,742 77. All invested in salmi and available saonnhes—oon- Nuns to Mears tin Vestals and Cargoes. Enildinal. Stooks of Motohandme, &a, nu liberal terms. DIRECTNG. Henry D. tberrard, George H. Stuart, • Simeon Toby. Parana( Grant, Chathis blasalestsr, Tobias Wagner. williusG. smith. Thomas B. Wattson, taleadd White, frVere.liwlr' NE G NIMD C ..Bi a IEINID, Prosiden, WILLIAM HARPER. SermitarY. le9..wimtf LIEGE INSURANCE AND TRUST COM, - 13 - 3 P.629Y.—THE PENN MUTUAL LIFE liniti- HANCE COMPANY, 931 CHESTNUT street. Assets, i llflittfa LIVER for the whol e term of pfe—grante TM raf t Mfd d p7f4 gliTl:= d i g, nagl e gt"gt oontingenmes of Life. They sot 54 Ereantors, Administrators, Assignee, Trustees, and Guardi Tß ans. USTEES. RI: - 4,. Miller, ' Winne i t eres. , K =Ml:it'd, James 61 1 4 1 :hnd. Wil mP. Hanker , Joseph H. Trotter, . W May. Kern, 4rheoph i ll=ulding, must Hues. ;Wes Rowe ll, mond A._Nonder, airy C . Tawrligend, inial L. Hutchins:qt. ,1154 Relit' a m 11. Can, Jo hn W. Horner, Ellis B. Archer, E, •Du on , wl iaiberreon, rowel J. Chnstlen, : lope M. Thomas,. Warner . RM. la i J ohn O. /frontier. t ‘lArlk e t latin . .KF. President.. A .... E. 5T01413,. Vigo ,P - 0.. J, an W. Itoanos. Boorman'. • • nl9 AMERICAN EIRE INSURANCE O.; LNOORPORATED IMO--CIBARTER PBB.PEW- V. ! , IM WALNUT street above Third, Philadelabm. 'rin a large aid -up syntal Stook and Barre in- Fted in sound, and rival blo_Beomitles, oon ill to name on Bweninge, Stores, Furniture, Moro a lee, Neale in Fort and their aergoes, and other Bel nal topertY. Ail me■ liberally and nrompuy awn■ RILINOTORN. Yot i l*l l ig a i ria, , Si n n T1.4‘11, es li . Gambill. GliniUo O. ortoa, - ' mu G. Datilli, Fatrink Brady, i. Ohne. . f ouline,. • vNliarkAns rieid.i., • ALBERT CI, 2,,Cilt it ...georeta4.- inict# , UM= CITY INSURANCE COMPA- Eln i erkeZ N Atit 741117 I. ... AL o.— nyorooptaloot IVA .tir r oi sillerila or tl!,e !Da, bow rts tokosoo MLA EA : I , I ,RILIF.4IJART,ProoIdent, e. .MV__p__ . r B id end rum, , 11, .I. , amansint door' . t DinVII,; ,.. rt ?CT -- ' ' Woirtk &owl'. . . I.kkir. '. Ile " ° "' -nillitt.tf F I XOUANOR - INMANCE COMPANY . . .. FE HO' NIIANIn isf r iet. rievaer4o 1 wow an 4 Rierohondlioo tonomitr.ou tororap a , ftrut, either to of s6l' WIWI& AUER' RS. Cs Ronan. trral tif ie g ooto, o Qcoodo, ,no Pz h on. ° oittolo: - ' .I._. . can eli. Jr,,, , •. ~ ; Pialg7k, •• sk. T.' 010, Bellefonte, REPC 130 .NR LL , PyostooOt. ' _1010114,131.11 ODO, Yule Ileoidoßi. ' dftwaari W. Daiiv.,lliacme r i ji r. tohsl," - vitt - IorAMOD , 4 389P1D IN OIL,' Maw, .111101(11171AL. LiiWiiiiiiiiVbr A Te r yiai — aria vannah atom MS ga ion Com, ny, Omen Leant i rgatgon tkonvang, Martian _and 'Havre de grigieSteatn ow Bost Companyjrhtladelphia Exchange , Oompany--.......---.. - - • 2,210 CO X AIIiIIOALD ,1411FMR. 18" NE -12 1 01 YOREl (186(1 THE CAMDEN AND Tom - Alut RVIA DRAT3 fram e % 'la v a& 15 ... 2 A WAY PLAM mrt oinut-ttreet•Wkiakv— wutteave m roilora—vist - • ' At 0 AN, Ida Camden and Amber . , O. at A. Act00m!.. 432. m0d5t0n.....- f -. -____ At eA 21 Tia Camden and Jersey Oft (113.YA5... 1R8 Alts,Viiamden atelirtady IIT, Morning 333 .._,.... .-- - aOO At U A!, 11716 . 61_ lOU, 212 Taoony - Aiir./..rseY _ City. estop, .2.2 press. -__ pp Ay„gi 01, via Camden and Amboy, Adeemnr>7 At lilt via r Ogia - d ' in - iiiirrultiiii,lreZi ifi:"ff- th : A? r ihr, hi4tirdhoeriti t iiions and Jersei a - elven Meas, - ....---:•-,-.:. - 800 At $ P 42, , am'oost via Wasony sod Jame, Oiti, class. „,....., •2 MI Alt .' ,ma oamOn and Jersey City, mvsmos mat. ....._ ~.._ ........,......,.._ _s so 'At 11 P 21, via Camden and lereei.city, Bentham Mail 2 U At I P 127 1 11M - Iss4_,, art and AirifloY7AVoiirdooda.. tdm, (Freight ana Famongert}-16thaas WiWret - .. ?!e r I • •-, , am 'Ph ' ' Minks eft. e 1 M: Rode em lll ia4Nt , d l 4# lllB detai l . - FPI' rrd i finOAVALa t r l s i t e ' gr ill e% /mu. st 6 af t , re st art "lett ' l 4 , lllnOsNartglintrg lk)ragtori,' Villkm tr. , , Montrose, area Itapd, tso., as'e A. m. tram - NI , l a;nyt street yharf, and JO 16.21_,Er0m Kensiastonvvin e I Y r; ktrl ie rray 4 ,l44l77 g rai t , rind Ci P. M. 1 For Freehold , et 05 11 A. in.. an 2P.AL ' WAY LINES. W i rnuf- r n i t i r t fi T w r ila n iA o lA .Ind in 44 4 i r r i gn Nejasington, For Palmyra.,lltverton, Delano*, Beverly, Burling ton, Florence, Dordentown, at 12g, 1, and 4)d P. N. dteamboat Jo* Beduin" ;or pordentcmn and interme diate Phonic, 141)f. P.M. —,; - Sieambsat 'lronton for Titconyet 11 A. NI, and Towyoevads u ßurdndton; and rustol, at dP. 51. xi round" or Baggekger Only, oWed eaob ter. amender! aro prohted titan taking anything ad aktage but their yrearuig apparel. Aladdago .t.vor pounds tp 14 paid I.4r g extrt L 1 216 *many UV and intl g rolteltellr . for agqinoune tic/RV/M.:Ta unt by spereibltill . ntraOt. • IWO • , WM. 11..GATZMF8. Arent. TUE PENNSYLVANIA I. CENTRAL ILLUOROAD ; 360 MIMES DOUBLE TKAOX. 1860. lair 1860. T " ~,,,i me, T i gtsu a rk w nQuAL ETlifftf TIROL " ": 116hi9mitRe, ige t.d,11:41)2,4 1124t u rid T iik a lig nton pet atPitnrs lin? (nigh 'rattle to and NM al points us t he West, or liwes, and Idontyrrest _tu g unlashing RION! dr the traneptutation 91 nnNrpageed 13 , 04 Itmd O MM DY anY ri tua ° °"° te. - .1i lin I; thzo Sit to r tublift, with t e " t lat Oarsor e coMeston! All thro l g_h rex sexier ma provided with Lotighlidaere n ratent Brnaa - liFesd under Ilerfeet eopttol 01 the engineer, th adthummeoh to the safety oft rintlb..o._ • 4 . Imaking careers attached to end 4 rUipj , tt ooartip'll InitisfiTsV DIEVAILINi LIZ, a! dlrit.t. . 1 Tian IVO. Fhilaitelphla at 7 30 A. M. eat Lute .• MAIM. oeste Train lialN 10.48 N. AY TRAINS 1, yz TOL 91./Ilii bug ANtOlypd3.3. %%in. illln ,3P. AL huns .00 . ht. • Vett Che ster g • ne t kl: West Chester Passenger. WM e,tae_Prell, 31/43t Chester Acoonainedationdulut Ca toa Trtuns. , Fassensers for Butdrety, WilhernePortt t ßirra, iint al, Niagara Fat% and intsratedlate poin , Iteir, - hpleigatent 3.13 A. Id. and 3P.M. go amour._ pour %Wets Weetwardesty be obtained ante oill 0 e pang In Fbalatielpia. Na a r York, =t e r! A - t t gird re e ; d a doeg e n t tlieM; atso n o t k l 4ro ii soil Oe t r yaw Line of 'Blamer. on the pp WO W° 1 , "..ikt. Van alwayi es fow, ant time as Wok, ea by any other Route, For farther mfOrmation an* at ktia pat...., lite- Ilan, tiontheast °omit' or ElevSnth and motet Streets. 'Tee comstelt u 3Ne&aern oonneotton: of the kart% E, 3 0 / 1 to I mi I:PA Bli AND THE 1 oflhoesiateetiost of by the Earoad Bodge ,at *wows, whims a dry age or, Mange • of Wean. together with them. , t , .ma .." ?um .. ~,. T gArp r i u tl by BMIN/ereof FLight, and, tha .Traref- I , ;Amu art Ithimparientrnatms the treassoitatinn s e their Fail t to twit Po t. Pwans. wan to NIA emu , uak e ilkillt e dlln 1 6 Irk to and from any point in e WWit br As tutsylsanlA Railroad Ore as ail Nous as fay ertabli all en shorod by *Mr Railroad Comae:Ns. 1W Boyarthodar to mph sioksess " via Penna. ltall road. • For Freight Contrasts or Bhisplng" Mr oottens, asebr to, or address, either or they:owns:Meek of Me MN. tang: ji. A. SYggirAftlf, pittitt_ 31t.B.Plerne & Uo..F.sneryillot o !..;,..i_ riirdililtintsY, o.; B. Motietadvho, y., ~..., &Arm., rortprg, , ad ilb 4:, & a ni tirsevik it e n dk rtifst.t, &ennui, 0,; R.'6. Meldrum: iladieon, Ind.; us. E. Moore, Louisville,' XV.; P, G. 0' Riley & co., verardie Ind.; N. W. cream a. Co., _Cono_lll,.; R. V. Bus e Blister la Cities, Bt. Louis, Mg t ; John H . Ear. tie, r4ostrwine, Tenn.; Martin Pa Hoot. Pumpkin. Ten.; gorge fr, Co., ChiMuo, III.Lw : K. at pzoo t Ano., ...; .... to Freivht Agents of Asurodds at oilmen points s e West. ItiGEITQA Predate/LA., ti W .3. ar ..,..tos, Nom numb pouram, 8 * P DA% or 18. Wham et., ICY. & ,Alr, 14rit tatestrest, Boston. jiL n " B ee °II* q l . 7 l .l l f re Z "Ag gir ija. h; tkfrf 8, gilk.„ , eAra.rii.. 2as-7v PHILADELPHIA ELMUt& Mb & PHILADELPHIA AND EL MIRA RAJI.KOAD. QUICKEST ROUTE to Tranaana, Camilla, •atn pert, QU I CKEST e L IScanton d Danvi l le Milton. wil- M l4 l+isiatoilF; Cleveland ln • ' % V I AL trot; Ono, St. . , wanxee, and au points worth eau eat. Peasengeriatszll leave the new Depot of the Phi- Will statb. g Railroad , corner BROAD and OALPIPRIL Street!, (raelonger 'aren for n josh Street.) dale_ (Manaus excepted), above ;torn ntmajorish . --SOO A. M. Riti4: .T RX.Paft --- -,-. ASO P. M. ' The 8.A.f...14 Min conneots at Rupert for Wilkes 50eiltraa AlA t irlltt g etAlLAA l ß altrhe s t re trtr u la w , ‘ ,t coif egir at Res kg i atrallsoin i ar,losyr orlean a ire En flpgYoric Central Eat 041414 ° Stoto a paints wit: and bleat, and thrdas. Beegage oh to Elmira, Barelo, and Sespetudon 'Bit MEL nierwediats pante t• N . ... irwred at he Philadelphia end El m e'sTi ataxia, * northwest sorner of 'i:mpoivrt Millifi t il'ad tAVArriftr. Tukow -EXPRESS Pkßunrr TRAIN Leave V Phil : cell big Reading Depot, Wog sad Caws etre Ir Ws ifendetie excepted), for all 1 1 1: 1 1 st: " '. Dilg,raT before SP. R. tonsure 'thef l l iit in e lu ;f inistri . ti 1 ht Freight Depot, TatßusEirti A v e d 044F1ia1,,4.. Nortipresteotar BUZ I lINIVIIVIrriro Is, 14"kv Philadelphia . ...„. NORTH PTINNSTL y,yivw,rID. mA ti,,,,,, , i &i,i. lv ogayffiiirg HAlrldri, IL paltllE. LAMSFOn'r, /to. VIRSIV_TEbtOUGIt TRAM& On an r ` mOntiliAlt, Itdrad, MO, l'asaangor Zaino In Ieavd_FIAWIT and 141.4140 W Attica, Phi ladelphia,' AlL,.(aundaysixolptad,) as fo i lirs I , At Chunk ffid. fntsresh int r em entown • id ßuoi unidetnn, willteaDarte, W amasmt, m, At 1.30 P. td. (Entail), for Bethlehe )3_aston, /O. This train resottem /4 LW P . pontmotioti wi th Now steer Central for row ".et IP. M. for Bethlehem, Allentetra, Monett Chunk, & a , At a A. M. and 4 r. P. for Doiledo,_ At IeJO A. &Ad 6XI P. M. ror Fo rtweehtnat The CM A . .... noterese Train makes elate oonneetlon with the Lehigh Yeller Railed et Bethlehem. being the Shortest and most dement. e ronte.to Wllkeabarre , and to all volute in the Lehigh Coal Region. 3.v..e.we FOR PHILADELPRIA: Leave Slethlehout EA A. Al., LW A. M. and 343 P. leive Porle , at L3O A. vi a1t214.0 F. M.' eve Fort 3ashimbiANl v t, M. aud ILM P. M. • pl 'itio2:4tmeth fi o r WeEetu r nt plestcrinctor r triAhra htlie t aro itioMire Audi chntik:eito" re,to too, ...... 1 COIF' are to Dopeetowa.. 1)3 &out_ Ttokeummt be procured at the Ticket Qt"- ; rites, wILLOW Street, orBER,IO3 Street , too ider tecure the atve rates afore, hummer t t ithMeM i llulAT T lVraini) d eohthot T r b i rd t f e e t enemeheet it e tnittel l' igt i g, leaflets MI ow. street. SYS ELLIS CLARE.fiteht. .801,666 67 AMINFALL ARRANGE- M ENT-PHILADELPHIA ag/If/TON. )3A.L . TIMORE RAILROAD. • On and after MONDAY, OCTOBER 1.1850 PARBENDER TRAINS LRAYB PHIL For Baltimore at 8.15 A. M., LI noon (Express), and 11.10 P.M. For Chester at 8.15 A. M. 42 noon, LIN 4.16,6, and 11.10 For - - Wilmington at 8.15 A. ICO2 n00n,1.15, 4.16, 6. and 11.10 P M.• • For New Castle at 8 15 A. M. ans 4.15 P. M. or riar e i t trel6l B ..lLlAV3 4 . • For Harrington at 816 A, At. and 4.15 P. M. For Milford at 8.10 A. AL, (Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays at 4.16 P. m. For Farmington at AM A. AL (Mondays, Wedneifays. and•Fridaya at 415 P. M. For Seaford at 6.15 A. M. (Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays at 4 15P. AL) For Salisbury at 81.6 A. M. Trailrat 8 15 A. M. will connect at Seaford on Tom ftiirs, Thursdays, and Saturday a with steamboat to Nor- TRAINS FOR PHIL/ DELPHIA and 6 Leave Baltimore at 643 at, AL (Express), 10.15 A. M., , 25 P. M Leave Wilmington at TAO. 9. and 1150 A. AL, 145, 3.45, and 335 P. M. save Sallalrary at 1 30 P. M. Leave Seaford at (Tueedays, Thursdays, and Eatur da_7ll at 7.2Z0 A. M. 1160 F.M. Leave Fartninston auesdays, Thursdays, tind Sa turday. at 8 A. M.) 4 10 P. AL • Leave Milford at Moniillye, Wednesdays, and Fri da_ye at 7.60 A, M.) 4P M. M. Lam Harrington at 8,15 A.M. and 4.25 P. M. • Leave Dover. at 906 A. lit, and 5.451'. AL Leave Middletown at 10 16'et. M. and 6.40 P. M. Leave New Castle at 830 and 11 A M., and 736 P. M. Leave titer at 8.3 0 and 9 .40 A. 82 ., 12.04, 2.22, 4.26, and 9.15 .M. Leave Baltimore far Salisbury and Delaware Railroad at 10.15 A. AL and 5.25 P. M. TRAINS FOR BALTIMouvi; Leave Chester at 8.45 A. M., 12.28 and 11.40 P. M. • Leave Wilmington at 9.25 A. AL, 12 RI P. AL, and 12.20 FREIGHT TRAIN, with s Passenger Car attaohed , will run a follows Laatie Phlladelplua for Perryville and intermediate places:it p, minm. , . Leave Wilaton for Perryville and intermediate places at 5 P. M. Leave •Baltiore for Havre-de-Graoe and intermedi ate places at.t2Bl'. ON SUNDAYS: Only at 11.10 P. M: from Philadelphia to Baltimore. OX at 6.25 P. AL from Baltimore to philadelphia. S. AL FELTON. President. v ~ , PHILA - DELP - lIIA - • AND READING RAIL ROAD.-PASS ntrGER TRAINS far TO'ITEIZILLE, READING, and HARRISBURG. • . 'MORNING LINES, DAILY. (Sundays axeepted.) Leave New Depot, corner of BROAD and °ALLOY/- 111 LE Streeta, 111.1..ADELeHtA (Passerr entrances on Thirteenth and on Gallowhill Weeds at BA. M., coenting at narnatoars with the PEN SYLVAN! A A LRLAI); 1 P. M. train running to Pittsburg; the 'CU /BERLAND VALLEY 1.0.0 P. 51. train rummy to hamAlerahurs, Carliala, /co. Land the NORTHERN VENTRAL RAILROAD 1 P. M. train, running to Sun bury &o AFTERNOON LIN EEL _Lieu* New Depot ,oeruir p og i ß,RO E ,AD and CALLOW. t asaenger entrances MLLStrata. TRU, DE d 6 ' Cll he m - ELltttialtmultaw v atArell: ) ,Vir°l,Tft: R.EADtaG only, at 8 P. A.... DAILY, (Bundaya ex eestrd. • „ 'DISTA CES VIA FRIbADRIRILIA. AND READING RAILROAD. FAUN rtimatiantts., Miter, Te. rhonsevOle-... NO ' traaVo g n ---'- 7. " :......: 88 8 . rruiburs--.........tP r .0.,...........,......, unbnry.....—.........169, - ' r i a li v e o la rto in h ri- Jun - Itlon- itil torthounbeTlaud ,-..171 emsouto ----..---. 178 i1t0n.... .....-.151 Frjuip0rt7."....:1 9 :0 7 enter Store .... , ...., -232 , • Book Hama --..•- • 23 ? - rstatt-',. . .--. 233 • r 07..... t • •-.••••••-•••• ....,2 51 WIPSIMESat and Elmira - , Elmira: .., ..: ''" Railroad. The B,A. 14." and sSI P. itf, iresitt canned dativ at 41 a n tiqikIT i ltriPre P atli ritßit t i l tal " , maklis eloarsionneoions with tines to uiagaraTtille,' Oat_ er_the west mut Southwest. DE OT IN BHILADELPIIIA. Corner 44 BROAD and CALLOWRILIA_Streeta • apia-tr . , W. A. MoILHS.NNEY. Secretary WEST OHEB•TES • Aar o -leasaii kl r andd Za s t filiff 4 d 3L e E n .2, . MGIs M 06Mit a ti T n! r - ff Pa " si t 14 • NO2 IgbitA4, A, OR 0 X • PRP •074 PDXTISIs9 I3 TibIi "VA.' K ORAN O OS L CATLIN foe the reeergt atio,delt verr of Freight. -- • ' • -i•L Oa and cuter 'Monday, Ooteber rafts. e Goods by this line 'wilt sand to PRENT EMS WaSty house:under National Re 11,122- MAR ET Strait. Entrance for drays iu t#l4 , ipat. of the building, from Thirteenth Eitreettbitong Iter o,tieeti Al ark bloods s. Via See of Munson; yrUl take the 8.18 -A. M:, item at - the depot, corner of grout street and vgardinsgtori avenue, °, n Sg e fo d r a git lr o l l u gge l etig 'n e d riN i n t igtri meals on the boat, 117 Second-olau poosengeto, inoltdibb ttlealb tin thb host, 11.1% kt NNEY, Master of Transkortation.: oell tf P. W. & B. R. ft Ale. WIDEIT CHESTER AND' PRI L. ABELPHIA BAD '• VIA MET. MANE/ROE OURS, On and after Monday r ße_ ptem War.. Mem trains will leave PHILADELPHIA. from the .Ueeousiorner of Thirtgret and grkeistreats, West Philadelphia, at T. a le A. IN and BP. M.. Leave EgiT sT ,R, from the Depot, on E Market attest, at 7 and 11130:A...111.. and EINI and 111 M. SUNDAE, - Jaws Philadelphia, from the depot, northeast Minim f ighteetith and Market attests, at A. A. ands , f • Leave West Chester, at 710 A. mt. and_d.41P. , 31.• ' Trains 16ayirg Philadelphimat7 all A, mi. and and on *Wennesdave and llattirdaye only, at L P. at., connect at Pendeittin with thef o hiladelphia and Balti more Central Railroad. for noord, Kennett, Avon dale. Elkview, and. for Ox ord, via Stare. fromend or Track, at 7:15 ALM. On Tuesday, Thursday, end Sa turday, the 7 45 A. M. train from Philsidelehla Will con- Pect with a line of stages, via Oxford and Rommel, to esch Bottom, in Linsmater county. The last Passenger Railway Car will leave Front and Market streets all• natintea. and Eighth and_ Market atteata 2$ minutes holm§ the starting time trout the 1 pewit, arid *ill carry a nag to denote It. °Mee and waiting room, southeast corner of Eighth and Market , streets. where pametigers. purciuming tickets for West Chester wilt be furnished with a ticket Oar the Paisteriger Railway. • • RX/11. 1 %. rOD d ; • • Oeneta nee uten eat. The baggage oar win leave Eighteenth and Market streets one hour ,before the departure of tb.e train from the West Philddel ' ' Plitt.ADELPEU'Eniate OW 'en d s ol4lVEValeneat On fter _12.0641 4 1 , 414414, , , Poe., MI ILia i rei Philp•irl, II Il e ~ a. D. lo,litn V A. 1 1 4., 3 6 1 )4 i kte r all i. i t .' r i fki; 4. /441.0 A. It, iir.alit, Pkilidninitin to 1:/t, tt 1; nt...0 • www 111 aia, A. 14.,5'1.14110A., d, OX. :, UM" ' . 74 f 4 ' 4 4 t il en t rit OM ' $ . , 4, $O. I. w a Et% kilt %We 661164 Sill 7.300.A1 Licy . Joda WC A. it., I.W. 140, 0.111. Ai" ana_Lia r: in: On SUNDAYS ;pave Ph il idalph.l.l4.o4 A. M., V., and TN P.M. X ~ ayllltea,nl OA 1414, A. ,14.60. a., Pad 'At Tol aIintIVICIMWN. JEASALVI9 i s Likh 9 _ll , ,A. 41., v_ong.4l . ra. • - I i n erma . roin c ! 1, Et , 41 11 A. M.. 111, Of, pliddel hilrit°ll.' Ut4 outo? 57 • .11 "d I ELL RAiki. V.. vi aj,d 1 P. Lease PhiliedelgairillglrlfirllA A. NOM. 9.99. 8,09, 44%; mite, (V 11.4 P. ,Mg . . e e r. p e r rere % .o,,ea, OM, and UM A. M..a. ' w. ' MOM Madelphiateriralid BP /IC , home nannyannylLA.M., 04, Oir eind .ba P. 111.; 1/..11k, ___SniraL,s3erteral aaupc_ttri tam_ si .1111 At _ DitilettYX.l4DlTH end (MAIM nurear. . , . . ' NE111011..-CHESTER itoAft-P.M. - NB r R Mallifl3o V iala r ri l asoll MID in, 7 r• r IA:I:34 tirrA tuNtl.-On aittAterkath Stab Paisettaer T r&th 8 for DO WI r grAZ fßte t M i l i nit e r r eiiatiggi K et ralt a lthial rain Downiaitelta. lama At LOU ttimin '_ l ' Clot, HAM ter Dawahlatrara. Waver at a "ALLY ttaldat e rratt agmet as l'allatetwa all=filkrallvA49, App aaa •• , v V , /IN { In n OA* NI IW , Y . 9 ti! te ia Tr • NIMIR• • THEE ADAMS BXPRESB CO., Office 320 OHEEIMNIM Street, Fir& Pawls, eete3ee.Meehalee Bettre, nes l h l as princi pal towns ehd °Wee of the Tr .. i v , 01 6 , General .antandeot. ,' PENN 'STEAM ENGINE 'AND .4(//4 ' " IaVP ai l& NIPP Y " p 1 - rTrif i r Atilt T It. P ai l &O _BIM fil4olllll Tlib_n_OfLEß-MA EftflalLAOKardfThe, " 4 PUU 1126" ' "vintslioireZeaellitirl4 been gna a r i t=teiVirafr and Rim in a ,,iii and lqw ronersture, fon _ ' Water - Mks, _ ire, M., go.,restentfuilyarrer their seri.oes s to igi ,, . ISt as troiqa srqlr srors attn,e, tr ' '''r Salina i g ISIS 0/ sizes. menia l aPlez, ois rid,n notemsai umpreat see, am lift a Zanitallet ov ooze with onion diumateh. Every script /or rs tem 'Taking made at the shocked notion. r ig and j1 1 tign a el e i 41% . i ''' . :=TVg YII II4 B , ix'. atl o 4ts tint! k kinds; Iron and DM! Ceatinmo danariptiona; Roll Taping, &Oar Cutting, and ell other wort cow rooted with the shove business. Drawings end inseeilmationg for ell 'work done at their establishment, free or oherse, eta vark rearm:Wed. The anbsoneem have ample wharf doon a rm fo l'Ib• Iran's or boats, where they can lie in Der eat safety, end are provided 'with sheen, blood , f . iho.,'lce. for raising heavy or light Mg eitil. a B R , w ,E, SEAGA and PAM.** streets. muslin v. mum, x. 'mummy uzotzms WlLtlac SOITTHWARIC FOUNDRY mix azro wmanneloil knium -ffiaM ai rttoNll4__ . urao RROIRVIRS ~ MLI i f=tua zatina. sd, t Eer. g ratd ,nd o e mimes .A 4 ., arm jEA,L,0 0 4,........ icwiti. I,Preoll Bevil zor !so Work% Work non. Zatt rcrotorts r i n i kflea Meoleatory of I. Isnot an mil bit• proved onstroolact Every delorlo on O i t wh ql44lloll idtkokinOrf. Ink ni Sarar,flotri and riot - nom Fmk Owing ?minis, Dofeonore L P teR Paining En Int% Sole Agents' tor M. sax • Punt glir. lin reit iportlry tent a et an A r r a 1 /Kama onus- NI 1111. - " POINT PIARAIIANT FOUNDRY, N. 9M finikfli t ßM, KtlVATnalftstkintwr kb% the e ToPZl en att i Vinteil; er.t, eivt. Saw 11 Caotinto, gop. Obongool, HOMO Wark 6 = arasm ig. Cruz mode nom Relfer- Mr". or ' Illry or peen rottir PRANIELIN SAVING FUND, No. - .it. -- roe Booth Fawn( Stroot,betwoen CUD, not sod Wahmt, Philidolphis, 1)831 ill .Deposits on demand. Depositors' and mojssod irjrt aoNwie..&ato rsi, a muii iag a„ oommi demo WET WO* thin WO profit% oensequentir. Will nut muse/gin= dopo- I intone'. raon, i si, kg have It et all Mee MO to return, With Der vent. hatet., 0 the weer, ea they ye ways done. This cheortheeY never ag r n eteiesried or ' single, and Moon, eon deposit their men right, end mob deposits our .1. / ria be with wn army by their COMO. 1 _ginirterypereMil, inaorpcirated Mee Rate I gtiroperllllll4l/Isll ellperltlr to reeertemoear rellrxWMAtims fzicravmp. oe open army. irog, g to il o olook, gag on Wedneedity evening until 8 o'olook. DIZEO7O.IO. o ee t r s ti Insane% . a Cyrai n Ctedwa nne rr. %a i r tltt ` ed o o r rar4i . . - Hylitt, • t i. 1;,, " o Ilss o r i ß oo ttte b rta blar n ina hatisi ' t d::: "l ito/ or law k ed eo le: y. • 1 Jigle,.._ t. I _, ; I.Auti 1 13 , O froitident, MINI CeinFhla,A r, • InelB-7 • . RAVINE+ FUND-FIVE PER °ENT. IN. TRNATIONAL BAP= r TEI/gT CONI Raiff, WMAUT Street, southwest corner err HIER, rhiladelyhia, thoorporated hy the Etate . Pennell. Money is received in any lam, large or small, and to. Mutat mild from the der of deposit to the des of with. dr prok. 'Pig Moe in mien every day front nine o'olook thi moy, mg till Aye le the evrtailland on Monday ev s eigkp u tkpo " T 1134. 1 P.0.NE twinsflent Wismits I. Ryan, Beeretary. ..,.. 1 ..: Ir. Iletr if y L. Benner , Carta Breereter. ward . Carta, - oeeph B, Bate =Tel V iletit: ranourlas, , °lea IV • O. Llll2dftl . Mural, lames L. a te k flpatamp Marley Is roomed and payment. made da i ly . , %he investments are mad ,e ,in oonfornuty_with the roltdons of the Charter, in , f teal Eatate tqMUM ' n secur m the d Ya O or m tga aa mnd, ronnOßent',a e n4 etch firetalase lion t hi s atoh cannot P n to give per y anencyii stability to to Institution. aul-ly SAVING FUND---lINITZD • WATER TRUST, COMPANY, corner THIRD and N UT Street. , Laine and mail aintakraooll4, aggatdi t ron mule. ntVietro tic dr i on;oitl to the a k,V4rTtt &nal. um:anti: L ep 92sti1 o'olook evil' day, and an 2DA v r atlNua from 7 until o moot. toKale on England, Ireland, d lootland, from:Apr*lu raddant-8 • PION A. gpAwroxv. ma i tigtra .. littriWEit. yell no PIANOS ! PIANOS! ' PIANOS !I PIANO-FOETES ranoira. 1 u-POHTES a ,„ MEAIDEOZE J Mede br Raven, r etain. & Co., UMW & UWE§ =dot Davi s . & Co.. an °there. J. E. cig_gia, madly SEVENTH and Ma - 51V u lAMIISTEINWAY & SOWS NEW PA INTENT QVERI3TRING GRAND PIANOS. SIAILE` GRAND. AND SQUARE. PIANOS, pow Pre emu ta concert:o and lig private cdrol.a by the beat Per 9T r l i nf 3 g hi lgiege4 th 4 I t aigrem i lo overjho i te r r . VAVon ' so ast oo4pothrizi. ° HA_ l Vp w Ala Y, 1000 CHESTNUT &met. HAINES BROS.' OVERSTRUNG PATEN T-A CTI 0 fi PIANO FORTES, "Cheapest Ftret-Clase fiance made." A splendi d &teortmentof Louie XIV., and other styles. for sale at notary Cash Prloes. and warranted for 5 yoare. Esmond-Mind Fuson for sale and to rent. OgOIIGE 1,. WALKER PRINCE E. Con of BgTh/STR and ARCH gt. PRINCE & 00.11 Improved XIELODECNB. from tiowtsrda. 1•14-5 m BURNS' CELEBRATED ROSE WOOD and full m?tallio.Plate PIAN 0- , FOR'ITS ; and Fete). & Omen e natmonna and Eohan The aboVo inetrumente are of the very. latent IMprovemonte. and beet reakee, Per We at hla.RShrs Maio Store, No. 1102 a CHESTNUT Street. tie., lm Philadelphia and Handbill and Lebanon Valley .11,H, Northern Central. Railroad. ARSD'S NEW IMPROVED PIANO Lex , Malt POTION BOOK.—Eameet method of du mtrintt together snth a beautiful selection of, popular 'Sims and hroeriesive leeeone . ever before_ publtsbed 111 a small work —py oe onlifieoente—at MARBkViII Music Store. t 102 OR Street. oett-lm' MtYSICIFiom all ' Catalogues in the United Btatee r at One Cent per paiii—nt 1118 MARKET Otreett gpsysite the Fanners Mammoth elation Rouse. coors-im Sunbury and Erbyß. A WINNER'S INDEPENDENT VIOLIN ,o : A i yie r fri xt l Y 2sB e, tr it l , ,.,, N tr os a . I,l43,Asktitii.ao.m7.wiainedstoB,rcwiazoi.itign; Apr FA MBAN PUkTIORM 5q.4.14s V.. ; 144%132MS EVPIL R,IEIFINED SUGAR.--1,000 Barrels LO. VERINGII Minolta& mune find Ine gairmrised. faakaietada4lll,gl9sV=l.(°"" 5() OASES OF SEED LEAF TOBACCO, " sWit il "5"1411" 7. 611 ,166. ewlatie Mk 001. a KAIMIOAD E%REBB COD [ PAI~IEB. MW'rMI I TTN . ''MIn7I7I SAVING PUDIDS. "A little, bat often. Albs the Peres." " A Dollar saved li twtoe eanto4." PIANOS . AND MUSIC. 111116=3 simedvisi'rAtt „ ntiv ,OP tti o rto 4r o OA , • - .- 4 - • , '4 • 'i. , niti l ) . it. 7 ' trra, Si g° 42- t iree ' ; -- _ - •' - al t ' . 4. ' ' Cl"ltlit' Nee. FA OIRELY. Ott 6 141 1 )24TAW.CarlD11`. ,- A 0 A It_D TO TRH TRAftit:—We will sell thls por n . ing. oomettenotas at' re o 'oloool VA lustig 'f i a °A catalogue of - Freneb,speoll . L. obt• it of iet limn_ .. of Bens rd la Hanonevomet, fija, Inn or Ase m Intent mar oe. or; dawydonti, efierota.• Oa.. rtu - ar... • :p Arr . r . at oeset.s a memeefined: i i L . rton Il oo diu l e d M i rrarl l rrialorefotir l'ar nakasolani. revs loveritrioa, aseartedeoloressdblaek . aow ao !to. Col Oran and_eleak collar veleeta, and sasnalla . 6101.6: - - - ' Abio. Ore glean medium cud extr. doh ' and Wilt Lyons Mom sukl, taahallusyntAst °firmed at, anotkem , NIAMo .bakne heuevY tnecnillain, and soared silks, lin city SILK ROBES. . • Alan; 100 extra rink broohe and Velvet ru bes, 7 sad 9 finances, very oostly. - - • . . SHAWL& • Also, a foomplate assortment or sbnals, in Lupin's black, mode. and Mier Wore thibet, lonsandataare. brooks border della. printed Alubet, - and stalls boron', reversible woollens dog, , viSultana do. Mb ' ' Alio, broohe lons and Aware enwele, the A& M ob. mhawls-.offered, of the 'celebrated men tile of 00010 & Co., Pans. ..,_ At.tr Meek °remits, scarfs, ukut: • ,- ' ‘" *Or beitalegnes and samp les now readi.' LARGE, BALD OF , ritSKOSIL , ARY_ GOODS. - 'lO7 Me importsOurn offilfeemr. Oestimurd &Hutton: ‘ • • OctoberM. *M '01a r1d6 ,7 1131 ! . Cmigillfuet?tr— • c .' , 600 pleats merino Moth, AuCirted colorful blanket and, whites, flue. to -very fine, manufintsre Or ffeldont Fla bet, k Co. 400 Menem plain moils de bsuie% asMeirted coforrii high colors, and blaoks. superfine quAlftles. - u ' • ,' 160 pieces flu velour imperial, velour•Ottoulaal and reps irneerat(loo. , . 200 plepes,high colored plaid 00107111 merinos.. q 75 Mem MAU, assorted colors and blacks, elersth usiitles. us 0,..0s etch fanny dress talks. colored and blank. • WO Silk robes, - brooks • and velvet, 7 and 2 finnan.. choidec and new styles.'. • - - M Neoax Lyons mantilla and collar velvets. _ • SHAWLS. IMO blank, mods. and bigltoolored thlbet sbewb, sulk trine°. ' . ' IRO maitre and tons black shumrlsy n sMoi fringe. Soo-very rlohand yelper quistitice oche border stalls Awls. _ . - .- 200 ruck printed thibet shawls, @Mall .palmeand Tioit stellar.• .•- . . . • • - ... - 010 new styles reversible woollen shawls. very &I er.ble. • '• ' ''' - 600 superb Pans Make farmed- broohe ' Ossh..irs'' shawls, inoluding new an d elegant dealers!, of the ogle booted mennftature Of Mein & Co., Pans, Iklolo 10101 high 0061, - • BALE OF FR_ENCII. at Ootober 19, at 10 O'clock; otiong. 600 mirages andlots of Prenah'dry goods N F. PANOQABT, AUCTIOZ4RES, Bue ll • ceasor to B. fiCIOTT: 431 (Acorn( Bt. . &ALE. tit" RICHLY 'FRAMED OIh"FAINTINaP,. FRENCH-PLATE OVAL AND PIS ft MIRROR& tto., tco. , This Womb,, Oot. 19,1@80 LP cotalogne. commencing at 10 o'slook. Sir Collection arranged for exanunatton on Than. day, Hith init. - Inoluded will IA found— Tlessing :'American, Awl's, and Italian landscapes, marifte dietta,mast scenes, German exteriors and In tencos, rano, sulphas, As., all richly framed in.pare gold leaf gilt frames.. - • MUCHA Extra thick Pninolitplate oval and pier mirrors, in ornamented and lam frames. „ , SALE OF A STOOK OFROPRRIOR OLD BRANDY, Wls. fag. On Saturday Morning, 'Oot. Ib. Cionmenonin MN% o'clock. rier Particular attentlgn totnyited toihi ale. which will contain a quatillW of pare corona bread', ahem, pot!, and Madetyrt tram, Scotch and fttaltardtaky, c., being. Stook siiieetild for bast oily ratan sales. Inolddedarill be fottad— - l'ure old Cognac Jamody. , in tone-eighth and !anti quarter and Bra n d y, old •Slonoeslisle Whisky- Whisky. W lee and Brandy, in Jinn traitors - demijohns, honors In bottles fro. P, AN ST 'O T tI EY uIt L i I a A LI r N A II O C F LAP R IE eBUFF A LO , ANL FAItiCY ROBES. On Monday Moraine. October 11,1660 • Consisting in part br— , Bets of tOin and three piece,, *Oh "ont-half, one quarter, and ceStie of mink. 'e4uirret, marten, and oilier fashionable fan. , Also. mink cod other mots, cents' pit earn, sloteir, and conning: Itobes—Andison dal, Wolfe Company, and bear robes, winter killed buffed° robee.l LARGE 81113KIVVEI SALEOF A'FIN L AND COM PIiNTE AD OAT S CARR/ABB/4 MA TBRIALa. ko,oraoelabtstedmaks- Oa Tbussdat Mams, Oot• MO, at 10 o'olool4 at Om we, and 1011 Chestnut stoat, - • -•- -Also. Oa M091 , 101%44. - Oat- 21. at MS Filotory., - northwest csionei BiztA and blaster streets. commanomg at 10 0 °look, a time totof law mssaisnateriatomanisbedwork, lumber. /So. 'arts la fatutoAdvestliansents." QArdIIVL NATIIO3, AUCTIONEER, Tin. 224 Routh THIRD Street. 'below Walnut: LAILIM BALD OP FORFEITED PLVDWEB, By order of ABRAHAM riteTHANEI, Broker. On Tuesday Monans, Ootober 4/.14 Ohio otonkl. souststing °told and rilvor paten lever and other , mashes, sold stains, Anger risesresdpins, medalhons. Mined oases. Silver tind plated-Ware, coats, pants, Vesta, stumrhr, umbrellas, Deptip earoets. pistols, sum &d. persona haw= good* mr_derweit with ' rne ever the legal length of time, will osU had redeem the same, otherwise they will he sold atpUbilo sale on the above day, 'ABRAHAM NATHAelk__ll.olren onl9 Northeast corner POSTA and claLiArwrirr.L. ' ' DULL IP FORD & CIO., AUOTIONERRO, &toglfo.ll3o MARA= Street. and s9t KIROV. STOVES. --- INDUSTRIAL STOVE WORKS. 1141 1 ZWILLTAM NEMAN. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL - REALER TrO V.E S. • so. AS NORTH RECORD STREET, Offers the most peering, eonveulentosnd economical One-burning Cooking Stove yet invented. Inquire [or his Lehigh Ging-Inirser, to obtaleillusbent Stove in um - • Also,one' of Cie invent and snort ecaisiete stook of Stoves fAr heating PI curls chambray, Males. mina n houses, do., in the city . Ue attention or the PIM ois solicited. - oalf-lid A. -STOVES!. STOVES!.!' JAMES 8P R. • 1.4.116 -STAMM. Mir ftgarad to meet tie wan o the pabdosaoro completely mall the details of the atm , * trad*lglan any other *eta Lahment it Pkiladelobla. iavroof of irbion bosvites COMPAZATIVI xxassursrlos. , - - Illeirarri&S h g selr fea llrlde 4111=16g au trZel0111. several* Woo pe go & rept lotion os margsaging is exesikasiia - lisosanyllll7 Oiber elteofolltilnei - . JAMS& SPEEILIs the Imoratorind Peaan acknowleb”of the {roved gee bernini mmu MWag too, dge& to 4 Jars t ignar=nteiooraPelebrited Ei1ik.30... pla t i. -1,14,5 v. now rahMly- amain 1 ME I :4 Strati,' thi P iv di. halioyeit, au= ve le .11 1rart%Alviii r onti proved iti t atii=fterti&NWT, otet n Zveg - fitillbralSYS4is the 101'41440t tit; Labor, Feel, and Comfort.aa Ironing Pan. gler at iftPßA the Inventor and Palatal of the *slab I- oar Seater. ' TAMES Ma is the inventor of tha,linaroired 1 Fi e-board Stove. or all of the above the Inventor very lastly - claims sulvfilltagfewlook ta anti* be anderstoodbp the public to , ost univenip apploolated and preferred to any other artlelea of t olpse in tho =stet ;Ap t ; t . wan t beretff extend a cordial Jnvitabon to till . . la want Of atoven to call and examine for Mangle's's& artles winhing.to examine will pave every atiesioan • shown thentownether intending immediately to r-. .. Wows or not. . :•... 46 , QUAKER •CIT it • GAS 817MBitiATENTED by CHARM ! Irmo. altritefttmENT ON IELAtiIiPS OAS EITANER.: BY lit use of th e Q uaker City Osa-Coneuraing Parlor', mat 0 oe Stoves all duet may be avoided. the roomy ventilated, and an CYFIL temperature maintamee for man hours, without any attention Co the Are, and ate, gr gir lawillitylliALES ve JONES, Pawheertentee , Noexcellent. SOS North , MOON street, abo Vine, the 0,44-4 eturnml7 . Coolants Btove DAYLIGH , number o 1%4 0 redone, ma every taed. Of the huge now n .operatton, atove, we believe, given entire itatiefachea. - • oat ant THE ORLRBRATID ROYAL • COOKING STOVE to the boat sad moat tape; la r Cookies Stove in the market . It m made either with or without ittaMetlyag haturea4 Idemateatured sad _for.,sele by 001tni, 024112,_a0 NORTIL Foundry Waretooma, 209 North 1920020 Stteet. 08-tm ME- FIERY STAR GAS•BURN4 ING 'AND RADIATING PARLOR BTOVE; is the tad and meat aeonontigel Hestia noes annteetured and far age tty NORTH. cain—it NORTH. Foundry Wareroomn. 309 North 3 mato Street. he OUR NEW GAS-BURNIAO•BASS STOVE ti thp most economical Stove at the kind. and much more durable than the Giea+ burners with a sheet-iron base. Manufactured and tor sal. by NORTH. (MAUL h NORTH. Fosmilli Ware , room. 1409 North UNCOND Street. -016-1 m A p i SECOND-HAND FURNITURE YO ANY AMOUNT.-foneekeoperi having articles or Furniture, 'other Bede. Carl/ebb Ringers, Re., tod4pote ft, ml get a laral cult gnat by spatting to wA 48 Also, on hand, select asworttnext ofnew and wend-nand Furnit ure suited for the OAP trade. T. N. WAI.BII, 4)439- 12 6 * No . 934 MARKET Street, below Tenth. BREAD. pußx AND OAP BREAD, MAN'UFACIYIJIIRD BY TUB MECHANICAL BAKERY. lAN 33 4:ITAINIED AT 233 tOLLOWINII i'LAOI3B t afgaIIANICIAL BAKERY, B. W e . tomer of Broad and Vin streets. O.M. CLARK.— far street, below H. Omer Sixth and Coates street, JAMS & ,Plo,lnia North Fifth etreet. JOHN 9. MOINIf --MMUS Vine went. T. P. SMITH.. 112 North Filth street. 5. 800 Y— „.-- --D. B. corner Fifth and Brace inrCete: W. W. BIATREWS. —A A. corner Elmnth and Loennitat este_ . D. KRIGHT.-- atthrtti below Wel ' t. GEORGE GARVI.N...„---14 nu o.14191.outheal Street; _ . D. COURTNEY...—. W..eorner Sixteenth and Pine streets. W3l C0URTNEY,...,......—.:N0.'tre KI6 South Twelfth at. wasammusg F ederal street, above Binth. 8. South Fourth and Jonneton streets. W. bornerBixteenth an DAVID SADDLER— --. Nos d s igith l. Eleventh J.WEIORTIKAN..—,—TIedenth atr:g t bolow B. B. TOMKIfig...----No. o lgte e lf a ilr t Front B.: MO& zygrx , o e f ts, l3eventh F.. MORRIS, H A W. (turner Tenth end E. B. THANE% --.......N0. 11 11 1 11t e n e nth Von stre t. e 'W. corner Broad and Bartlett etreete. THOS. T. BLEB?, .......... Cr n rkei t ar toe street B. B. IL E. corner 1411:4, and Federal Welts. J. MaLliTYßE.—...—',Fivetttruecond street, ab. Coates. , ALEX. FULLERTON.— Gl i rxr ofFirth and Chen- NLRB. E. RAMBLBR--.....—.N0. 1731 Wats* Street D.P. & T. W. Girard avenue, wm. bk08ACK8E........... , .....mat Hamilton street. It. IL ot et. Twel ft h Wti corParr ish M. ;tIPPES .........—.4.ll. a l G ag n ef it of Fourth MR$. ELL10TT...— ..,.....5. -8. W. comet Tenth and Grean Meet. I. L. ECM— ....amani t a J.. More Me Arch t. CI. M. RAiNFER.--..--rrh ve ti ti l l iAt o tath at. N. L. YARNELL,— anndenne. JOAN BARNA . -- --. ne e and Puts EO. B. TOWNSEND. Watt zit Chester. Perm M. MoCLEE9—..--Altlantio D. HORTON---,.....41t0reh00. N. I. B. Pr. '."ca.. r-SYW'Y7Yivi ~ : i7'~sl • ~.~~~4~:f~,.=t'yv4~~~ Elgokis:ii*lii.. . , .. - , tell(- °Tom Arra i mikorA gmi t af i r ot ExCluctie virAli a .4.;., .2,70. . r ob t r , 1 ,. livtni the ibiftsr 4.4 ~ t t n sabh gal L owe d . istenlmenre-mi , _. renter elvengsgli .desbarteoper of ad weltecear : cold rlat-ThreFe n A = 7 ll:l ieV l in d u s tog s t 'th e Jra° Pth l reventrZ. be e ' ' .' " I :WcyzimisB7.ltotr . ' add s i r e t vAriTarxramid: atioide , , sale. Wail 7 or .114_44.01N4r _ . preePartr.•• , . s jr-1...., Ariz*, ,two 1 114.141,=1,1m5 - . • at whisk OP 'Allies 0 111 !:, Aoti viektr, f ViOn t . Oritirti m Qesdar. October 33, at it o'clo ck noon, Mae Ph'ads)bkia Es. change- Pew No. 2. Ones intriohtEmiesipid./. Pew No. t 6. mok•Biroot Probtwriso Match (Rev. Mr. Wpisworth I#l2lo bohdinandy iind Bower Owl Co. .1 11 20-Ntislltiittitatts Coast Co. - • • :shares klaraninte ifotel .Corniany.Phllo4.loM tar Mo. • • it share Perinestvaitia Anadiony Fineelayte-wo Om' sharopPnitadetpins Bilk Claus alw suumainedlit Company-,sar 2 Clams Pforth AsserManAcademy of the neriineMa , thin Bealing,Arter . . :f l dlr e e i t o t a l t alf ) 11 , 1 the Commonwealth Bask, (QM shares Cornmerplal Beak. • For account orwhom it MAY concern- - • 10 Bharat htaryland,goap aton e Company stoma • .Abre. entbiatlesorrer, by o rder' of an installer -20 skatesJavarpear GLENWOOD c 1/ 0 9. Section n, Nor: tie, titt. TU. SU;3le; MY:414124 each. -• • F Se. .21.2.12111. 377-par int • - '• s. - 6024% 60 1, 203-Par 1712-pv.0710. A separate deed will to 24van walk each Int. shares 410.Mlemy Ilfplusio, with hetet; - t Shans Leadenly Fitie Ar a " SIRYPENTE rya, RALE—OCTOBER 23, Cythans' Col Pale—Estate of Nathan Sapp leo, deed," Valuable T ACT D OP A N D: tln9f jteres4psi 'movements.lookler, within throe mills of Juzket duet bridle: Sante *Eitate-41 Frame • DWEI,LINGSS ,4nd LOT, souttenardly ride aft:hails, atreei. TwesivAlsprth ward - Same rototo— Two - story Hank 'DWELL...IRO, Mei n! Dawyn ducat Soma Estate—Tbree sterr, Briek DWRIJAMO. No.. seine street, late Rensonstott : eEstate—Thrre. atm .8n0* ‘1, 1 0 2 1 4. 11 4 11 , 10 ;" 2 0 n u ke target; ItiolfttonossooL Plume betato—Thres saucy Erb* DWALPAPIEL No, Pitt Ross street. Ime_Retesinston_, • Same Retate‘tißatt/ND RENT: Ha fltat. Orphans' CourtSeds—Fsnite of Isebella SAW, deed. A Yony OBOUND Mom , - 2aphatie Court ltelateuf Judo" "moor, dOe'd. One widnuded math part of[ a 43Etluts1) RHPIT 'of 54 a year. xecons!Poromitoryealo—:Fattli of Kuhr Careen., IMlDENCE. , itsito,OOlgolillotoie. 464 largo WT. Ritteohodeott ,OESAILMVFOIifff, tit swoon ow:- toed - Widoed .Zrori B rses riokr4 haed WDit.NO, So, siffliois street, weft. Eishteenth a:reef; 'it Island' bOO% end has modern turaPenras. firospedtaim poessasswe Executors' dolt,- Otte of Gannet - 1.4 11 011 2, 40gd. • Nee Modern)) EW E% 24o.ehi Fralkford rood. above Wood street: • . , Tatra-cam Muck - OWEI•LING, Tenth ettest,iiiiith of Twitter, Pint ward, Admlntetratore 19iPt-.7:Sttacs of Attie Stuart, deed. xevEart iciftiow - madNe. noi Mast *outer of Locust and Dttvonceau streets. and n'-lktee-stnsit Dwelling in the veal. Handsome 'Modern RESIDENCE, Fifteenth inveltts north of Thompson ,street, base • the modern ewe- Wen 0•11. Peremptory SaIe—BUIDDING LOT, Yorketroet,ureat of Parke street, Twenty foonti wasd-4411 feet front. BUIL OINO LOT, sorters,: Cooler of Lombard and Coma streets. _ Orphans' Court Peremptory Sakii--Entate of Elizabeth Hergetet4stemeadmi, - SQUARE OF 3ROUND. Do or_itstaltliMi Seventeenth - and Orownstreete. , _txtentersliple No: I 5117nyttiffissr. - - Fltitrarlllll4ol im. orApyfyyryty XlblignEß Ttlelkc.- 2.4 th instant. at 10 o'clock, at e. larit Vine street, by enter of the mouton, the superior !bruits/e t Preset_ fare mirrors, telplidtr AIMUUltqr earpeta t firmer Nisi ravings. on - „ to examined on the naorabig 'et sale, at 'll o'olook, with catalogtres. - • - &ler No. 4184lorlit8B00241) Street. 28 MARBLE-TO? TABIAtai, OIL CLOTHB, WOOLS. HAIRS, BELOW 01,811 03A8 TIXT &a. • _ lin inst., at 10 o'olaok, at1i0.3.18 mirth eerroniatreet, above aaliewhal streett the &Mena el' a eeefeatiosur n o m. ocusiatog Of eatiehts- top tables. epult• =r des Ayttlitta. arum made, ematitY e od ittai oream oats Rad teta.'ke. • - • - sr Mu Ire mutated at I Adult ea' the saenans the We, • • - surEmoisiSallis4N.imoweAtoii , CA! 'lam. On Monday Manna& _ 22d inet..nt 10 o'clock. at No. MO Dodos Anna. above deconil idlest, the entire stOol of d efiblalltelatekone. compninng eueerlor parlor. dinipa.remAndidelniLor furratur email church organ, with 11 - aggs, boo , desks ogle , * hu%-tase demi& lta. • Rir May be examined link ea Lnek-flO2ll VilliaCar to. the cake . ' - - FIRE ELADETI4AND .SG NARY WDIER, . le Demijohns. ilettßottier, ' iobe roldosithroreserve, atthe Amon° ilflore.N' es. 139 sndl4l t oath , F el th street , : 2 ' . , 9% Wedased* umber 24. el la Welt:nee noon. ..1114140 'Win 1,"nolado -15 dellUAllt Kola BarniO4 gailelle, Elbl6,7lweet . 13 demijohns Yerdelleo Madeira, itandi brawl tditill• le do - Ilteadatin histleira. vary rteliesta. 9 do. Ididnuagy Madeira, veryold._ ,' elle. alarga anti veil fine sasortntent of- Itret old NW deire and &terry Maar. or fult , nes botties.. • . . Sr Full gartioalsre la catalogues, aow reedy.. GREAT RALEOPVALE - i..ELE iiißee. ._, JAME* 8. P.ANX4 it BCUYar TatEaGaralteßLA OP PAINT 1868.1* take plika• at the • PENNRYLVARLS AGAGEMY Or FINE 40TR. , - • Ooleber la andel - - Thie gate leill 'Gamma seeaueitee of &sired": VW: mmdorelehrsted Eitmegke sad Americo r of which have been', atilnied' sermons ,for •• non, Among the .moat liserhehelarle. -! mersted.ralty's greet e alisagtokat v Forge,lllPrOtat of the works of a late • '., brunet "lee" Dlr. lfdelVe7 b r ita ler .. Yoram vaginal VOW" -, ' it: Tail% BMW. nth. Boob, . id. ..11, laliaaot._,Wat Olake. Soiester lelwetook.... • haven, Realism. Petit: Aiiial .44. • tog • '' i• Tbeerbeie le be go without tlaWl#4o.oirXoWW6 will be OpeillW b e nevets!dee e dinieeiblie. Ititti - x1" .4 ,, Elem. FITZPATRICK • it-"VRW - AUG. TIONAERB, 604, CralißTALlT'ftgEt, 1164 Sixth. • RALE or - wAT6ifte. 9LWRLiY, 60. yla Kam 79th isalstait: at In o T 'clock, a m g motion oe One old, silver, slid [Mk paw $1064 jewelry, gold sod 'Wad no. I) ASS, 1110., oar drops. shirt stags, asd s ono buttons. seas= nag of }comity. gold and Elm Desalt game, Iliac riele, gold ' Lolsats; ands (anima amosttosat oraild a cd g latadjairetry. - • - Also, silger-slated *air, gloats, table and vadat gal lery, and ram good'. - • . BALER EVERY RVENING. At I dole c g i d Rooks, etedionery sad fancy Rood*, wvolie,,,' *We , (dotal. garter elated wars . °WM. patatazat, MI tagiviiiiiati: &a • - - "I— 4°'R rr. dry good. - boots - sod Moss. Ban Or (,l4,,JBlßigaltsnrcekmilaultii dii.' Wahkeed•i • *aid Fit ' - Plua i kTiu %lo - • At privatesate move large tad elfthiti, Jewelry, books. stationery. galvvrit ware. °*l m. fano) goose, &o. To whiob, Is solicited the ettsatten of vatysad COnatrY merabeata 640 o th er', - - Count:mu eats 'allotted of all Made of , merehimiltee. for .kther rtblio or privatle sales. --•- - - Mir Liberal mak adVanises glide all aottaivineeate. • - thitikw sales namely mtande 4 to. _, , ~ MOM, . NAT W" A 11 ifT lON /Islr BA:arielliteeet corargrOMMlM I W IT • =PAW" • • priti.Otateleto, les acme, , mutate: tallot OM Steak e ptiritg m end al ' ill .......telia% o . lu t or reis . _, tae.....0h egarrtaior to oT antibratet WO Itja to tile dlr. • or. private entrance on wanvet. _ .. eir h 71 ,.., 0 ,.........., ar Adrian._ $ tad emu* at tiro per et Mama a.= lIPW .at at JPW, I r i 1 " Altjwi e __ of k lir r Am, at ADO nA : rem .at Oat ty 4 o r t te r llimegeze= leg . =km Irt . waif es Tta_or , i ,.. r_ ea cremator; elm eat t o et a ta l =n eihriiin to mat eat arms other* .AlpitA. In situ -th ft ri kint u r 111 4 EIMPPING. MC TILIC SOUTH.-01LAREAS• 4111114-" MOWBSfalig i"1"11 is i r tr n, or alums sitrartalcaser lent la. The 11.9. all_ . %%TATE, Qsa. tam Charles PI maalluass, mai oa T hureft, ea 25emaxat. L iii al la ~ 14 YO a..i AN . 15"4 The IL N. NMI , ti. a IP lIITAMINJA. Casisis Joh* L. Tara*. Wm sal as asbudaY. ust W. at ID o'clock A. IL linegr: . l,2litto 13.11a1p is i e oh frau maks es t = assi sat di Mir mei sa TeOV l Salt rat i sez ioa m t =tasur t Amn ia Lm ytikat t . aMu L atki_guefillifse em ir wa,Artz, i s salim. - -.--.... lAntlArbmatravviLyn Shan by Pi 7feerele, Ns ormilua one at r tMaaLtiral 1"1iet"...11 -ii l=s Fri t isseseessrp, tamer sham or .as,m, au litaarostlCiMe nis taW o rAtMees soma. Fare lit Ureato is to el per sent. e esper UM by ika kw 2 a=// b tisa 11030- del& ' Thmsh skits m Hai. Wand elms= • Ph Pr , as she whop route, =sae testa , v an _ mei to ma/grown* 2 VIA enelaSerON, ' Ina mamas. To 4hagarsaa*-011 Sr To ikrimma.—.-.11 i10mm5ia........ tie sppepe—.— 17 lIA . ,Mata.—...,-. It at -- to OS Atlanta— —. nvo . assts.— —; MOO -arm— 2T. beabes— - a (33 ton g.„ 0r1ean5...... as Ts ' ortlsOsi . .-.= us oo sahvale--. la 70 One—. as SO Knoxville --- Is SO Ilea Orleans-- so ts Memphis. - 31 la Fare to Savannah. via %priests .11.—......... M9O _fa oi No NIL of r Lodint miltdd ft itret tae f btt wile. For freight or ?Uri above Inne strresteort on oot second Al= R Otta.,kgck, MIRTH wHARVEL Moots Chorleston,T, f 6. &Moab, MINTER eas.m_ For Florida from °WIMP% doom! mror ever, Iforodor, For Vali& from Bovaanali,=s Ilt:Matel and et. Janes Glory Tioodso sod APILTILE BRITISH ANT) NORTH AMERICAN ROYAL MAIL STUB:I mes NTW WIZ TO LIVTILTOOL. Chief Oebio Fume —. —,PO Eteoond Gahm Pauses— . mot AMON TO On t TS o — r - o — o i. 7 Chief Clebiß Peatass.—....— --IMO Ostend OEBI I= 4 ..,—.........—........ se The ships m sw_ or Deli of linden The Wye hi It *swan • and Cork Mu , PViIIIIA, Capt. Jodkins. FIVAIM, OW. LW& _ ARABIA. Copt. j,, Stone. ließ,BAMat, Moodie. ABM, t. R. li. Lotf.- - • MEW tAsdsrson AFAIOA, Oltstantn EVA; J. Lata. flow tuna s Uses =iry &slit -sr to IVA mat-Iksad ; ri sBl l., J 4= edlinj ohn Ac , : tr . gva llror t= odissdayi a ao tt r. k o A A mord: ' " it ' ll"= " ' Tv 3 T F A)koodle, : * Yig llliod4 l ,24ov. it It i l a t PERMIA; Judkini. '' - iri., nosy, fl sr. 11. Berths not warred until till or % t n et z =rett l i:s g ablti nettslird w i utable tor Got , Silver. IlelluntAmeno. 4eweiry. joie Etteeee or seek. =tem We of %Mu Aro ea odko era the value thereof, therein outsotoosd i , (=mak pm- PQM nestr to ..-c WO 4 , BaTlins tirsWiert. tiltivr-WEaS cliosii"O` at gilowprio to
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers