Ft*lirtC[iiti' s #u°.coi vi 4. Tie , Meier Market. Pratterzr.itiA, Ott. 17, 1990, c;•tAilaitte a utiOuledt reaction la en fancy Mods took - *too at the board to• day, bat State and outs loans, bank •••_ stook!, sad tylasitallls/ lalbse7 *bans are firm at pre ; - ,vioitattsotatiesst, Cstawisaa preferred 'Old at Rig and lb* oonsoltdatell at klraira preferred sold at r 2 ; NalfrigidiOß. 0 1 0 11 11011 stook; sold at 9; Read_ -• mares 1 1 1.#4 ; golitlyilliaVavigatiosi6sg; Lettish so* 42 5 ; Mester ;Valley Railroad ISg; , Delaware Di.- vulon Canal Company ealf ; Lehigh Eve* cold at 17, sad - ofialiaSnining etotikebanged bandit att.% -.Tanislonll/ marketitimaini tiltboat change; • ' • tttt , TotaTutisanlvania Railroad ComplinY 61,0411 1 111 1. 1111- , of three Per tionnolear Or State tai, , v- 11, 1 21 0 . 4 'Oa and atter November - - - The folloring is the coal tonnage of the Shamokin" and Pottsville Railroad Catuany ".. ' For week ending Onk 13. -- mune time Ism rear-- 1nerea55......1,061.09 . 24,353 01 The to lowing is the Pittsburg bank statement for weet,prededing o,otober ' • , ' . - BANKS: ,* Circulation. Bowie. Loaner Bank of ,Pittsburg .....136.706.476M,111611,77104610707.1727 Exchange 691.410_ W 0.667 1 str,gas 333,7717 - • Ketch dr : bleak... —.. 337.511 -198961 996•666 910.1 7 7 ' 7tleens' 378.3735 142,307 7 774 918 752,774 soma 71.887 763,400 97 666 It .17104 - , MIX 7394 9 1 1 233.686 ' 766100 .101,766 777,696 114,47/ tesanicierixe.or tocues 1.989.786 Lent week : 1,519,997;'7,109.0741063 670 Doorease.. ,- - 99;196 • - 1921 :66.967 2,7/11 .....- :tuargot...d. Riga) Rir:kb.:, ifitrilinig:..:..., 1957.846 *87,916 111,07,1 e nt1ig .. ei ....,2. , 114 241' . , /7 0 Z . , 183,771 kar t VLIF::: Lill 7,789 21,281 36,903 32.692 Iron utty........ • ' 3049.11 118 88,199 A1105n0rty,..'...... ; 42,669 r 22 819 67.332 , Last week rebrea • ".Deoreamo..... i.6,13i. 23.166 .--. The United States Goveinseent 41n the market for ea new Men Cd... yew stiLrows, for Which bide will be reoeired tudiraext Monday ittd ) The Imit loan has been sold mr high mi 1616163. The Beeretary of the Treemily - gives notice that no oder will be accepted • below per. • and none for any tractive of one thousand .. ' dollars. Nor von env offer be oonsidered unless one , per debbiti of the mount, thereof is deposited with a deep:celery of the United States, getdeot to the order of , the Secuitary of the Treasury. Tem certificate of such ' depost ;must exemplum the proposals,. In all came the 0E176 MlO9l 1:41 unconditional, Mahout 'reference to - other effete, and most stater 'the'rate , of premium , offered. - , ~' - The, proposals should be endorsed on , the , outside, • " ProPosals "for Loan mi . 164" and be addressed "To 'the Searetax of the Treasury, Washington, D. C." The beet biddele, under the foregoing conditions, for thi eggregxe sem of 010600,0t0, will to immediately ; informed bystMlotthe acceptance of their offers, and they must delimit the amount au eacepted, with the pre - min* thetas, with the Treasurer of the United States. _ oythe Assistant Treasurer at Boston, New York Phila delphia:. 'lLharleston, New Orleans, or Bt. Louis. on or - - ',afore the ald day of November next. Should succese tut bidders deem to Oepoait at ether smote, their wishes Will be duly meandered on being stated to this Depart - meat, • Ceittficatenef tescnbett stook will be iesued in gums not lsle than:WM eaoti,,to the successful bidder s, or their - easigai, flay the strieroXel so deposited, carrying , 'nutria at the MN etre 'per canton' from' the' date , of such deposit. , Sleb stook will be transferable on the books of the Treasury, agreeably to the regulations of The Bet weekly statement of the Balton banks is as follows: • - Capita 5t00k..... ' ...... • Lastosad dim:Duets • L railer; 6111 ei binia . ...— .... .—.--. ~ • . . ' ~ .. ...... . „ . . a to other truths 7 . ..... ...... .. .. r ~........................:.:::::::: ..... :::: ~ "'The New York Ereable Peri lays: 'llie Kook market continues heavy, ond the_speos , le live Ind premium • general decline or MOM ir neat. c fewer/Tx business is Nat, the communion houses executing ere. Tkepearketoloicqr steisdiei, but dull ; • tales of New • York l'ontral as felVelleki, atm X% • 'also, &meet ed the railway Xeres was Galena and Uln a:so, which row to 78, after selling down to 77. K. The buyers of this stook, we undentano, are moving oil the ''.. announeement: telegrieh of the termination of the war with the Wisoonsin road& old rates now being • lily teetered on freights' well an mussagers. , - okwe with sabot at MOM. Moak /shed ' 4 ems 3. WC. Illinois Lenten E, Mulhigele Ceti ....., , • - Melees gold at X -We bier that t h e new express nr • 12matatdeeir sot meet with the susses. anticipated, , e i rlied it la t. .111 ° 17 4 . egid li e lrett wh rrrt o usen tile i rt i° ll t oli h i t rO n" cent. froie_yesterdar. " Pnoifiti MD waa dull to day at 9111 At lhe close 94 wee the best bad. Pasisma was Arm at 11681: 1 3. Retina and Moroesbar is quoted at 411x10 ; Dela ware, Lackawanna and Western is 91 bid. • erooltlys Water 'Loan u 10301033‘. Brook:yn City Zeroed. lignite. - - bit IVltArgui n gerr'v l erlgisg." ch"g"m4 Is Tke r . is more doing in trovernment bonds. The Con , po i o rives of MfleoldlYsely at 191. , Thanulroad bonds are nueltsaged. The muss of thb „ Allialitsen Southern. Brie, ass °memo and Northwest ern, are steady at p Otcu. • Philadelphia Steck Exchaage Sales, October 17. 1616. - ` ' N97013T0D DT B. E. Na73146111.> Merchants' Exchange JUST BOARD, . . IWO 4 1 / 4 111tIll be- 136 97% 117 Sahlfav_prer—.6s 9 ma west Chalker X., 00 23 Lehigh 5i50........... 17 2100 Cain AAm es'oll ;.- XX 10 _ do --........-.. 17 • 0131= I rl fm g friirt.ll / • 33: 1 tro l gr%ir - iii4=:. 21§ ..wo flit, 6e.............10115 9 Reading ft— ..... UK, NON rennin Leg .. -. 76 100 do --.......23 66 \ 1005 Reading 46'84 -TT 150 do . .. .. 73 re • lacDphald 1 4,60 en 63 In Caw leert..is.lts is% • - 3 labia snip -=- 43 1 'do 1,. ef.. b 6154 10 dir ....... -"be 43 2'do put' .- 104 'l9O Simi-. pref.. m X Wilmington R....i1l 410 , 5 .47 j, e , m ar --r ;I is o.itay.... x Con." e)2 •• - '99 . -;do .. ' .....bg Ms 7 21391409:00 - 91= A' Serena efiiiiig--- 236 4 do .. • --.:.. al ISO Lois 1e1and.....b5 li 5 West Fiala it..eswn an No.do - .... ...... 14 31 Girard Bank. Jots gm 100 do —l9 6 Fans & tdesi. Bk. 273, ~. ,-• .• , , • - BrelltKNO BOARDS, ' • •' - to Green & Cnotos.lois 10Y.151 Morns Canal.-- . 6414 20 Catswissa It prat 161 Wilts Del Div Canal, 49% SECOND BOARD. , ' NO City 011iee...l a meot.1034 la Catawises It prof... N = *Wit Can itillflt 93 I a l reaollgtgUrii-Itc, N i' , 2 1 ‘ 1 500 Caw & Alo as 'X 93 a Casedon & Am00y..130 to Reedin g` ...... a 239,; 1 do .. -. _,...160 • ISO OhogtOr, lila, :',-.- 3)4110 Nan & lies Bk Fitt. 67% 37 Cataniaaa prof . 157741 Dianne Pala , r 6 • /AL Asbed. plim i tidpktalla-102 ten INA. 102 WIT h"1: - .:irrat I rpq gee in ii., 66, ...13% 15 11- 1 5 /4144145111itr.01K, tr rum id la /IL.. V iorng- V gm * 46,,i glr h ' ' 'nt ilid rj ll or 4 I M I pisdvotll 3l l6ll Witngir63( 89 MililM..4 _4I I ,Ed., 2..............10 ii)s - Md. Asked Mamie% .11.....0r0f.21}; 22 Manna. To '93- .D i tt lalf Ci&F~orl7.lf'C e 3 of Penns R-.loli Lisi elm • maps' , ova A Lop.. Spf Qr,towiq* , lON /63" Fent! & &lath 11-42 OU 4 Elwood & Roos & Vine-at.. 34 NI Pb,)We t o, R.:- OW 112 5 4 Some &, Pule... 914 10N: I Green & Coates 203; Cheek Walllut.-31 Altitkets. The Preacistnfilf market ix film, but only about 1,000 bblibeen disposed of at SATaset.iff for ednitna r n sad rood superfine ; for extra; And 1110.150 ON for extra tangly. At the elate holders genueraLy reunion lowed fiettxne for emir. Bales to the trade range Cron the above rates for esperEne and - extras ; sod $6 Mug for fano, brands. as to quality, Rye Flour la isUins at fig PP bbl. Corn Meal is in steady de niandl4lllPAo V, Ohl far Penna. • 'Wawa . is to anal demand. and prices are rather bet. :tar; 9.000610,030 bus cold at from SIX into for Com mon to good and choice red, tha latter for Southern. ;and 'lt 4(101.60 for white of ,common. and yerremme quality. Ryon' selbng in almni) way atillki for Tirana.. _and 7607741 for Delaware. Con is in moderato nearest, and about 7000 bas sold at, 7.110 &Batt. Oats are un changed ; fag tam 'Southern sold at SissallNo, and.l.ooo Nana. seat.. - - Beat urinated, with small pits of first No.l Quer eioOn at dittly ton. which is an advance. corroarii—ifle outran is firm. but only moderate/ option. amid ~NA Wes sold at previous moss • • eclatoratsr.eiri farther salsa of Sugar are report, from Shilialiia ,r lb for Cobs. Plovitaromr.—Scoolarot all kinds are light, and market, Steady ; and a small bur rosas doing in fork, Bacon, and Lard. Brine.—There is very little Cloverseed ofterina.and prim, fa waoted; About 150 bushels mold at 1157505 tbe latter foy_gylme poverty. Timothy Whits at /3 7502 elk V Odadel. WONKY Is - oetter t 250 b i l e Western gold at Mango ; 160 bids Yentas at 2110 drudge 220, and hbds g2%e2.31 40 . gallon. New York Stock SECOND ichange, Oct. 17. 110ARD, ~ . ROO Tenn dr 10...... -90. 1 . IMO Id#sodn fer.......... :Mb 1090 9alir do ri — Hr . 4 . ".tiM "11010 a. gale j... S W Id e l in.te l 1 8 A Slate of h ,10Sh' I 8 Can t o n Beak .p/I MO 'Co • 19% , im do.. ..- .A 50.20 50 crows ii ii:q ... 4 - lia ' 'do - - 110. 280 Hudson River lit . ...gt step Harlem it......... art to fittchigen - Senie..l4 10) Pettit 115.140.01 - 310 do."; .... ....., -Ail 50 d0...........h80.94% " -60 , d0........-.430.90.1 ' ~ New Yoik Markets of YottordßY. Are as ere steady, with email sales it yesterday'i prices. . • ..: . . .. Preen.- The market for State sied.tif *stern Flour exhibits, 14. little- better feeling. bat yrrieeli are without sirikif eking*, With nreelpts of 21.e3 bids. and_gsles , _ of4ll hble at NOM ea 00 for superfine Mate end West eta,- giskyo. for ratio ,Brate.- et em.s RE for extra „ Weeretrwand '5668 lot roopd.hoop Ohio. '!median - Ftour is - Bon: with sties or TO bele. at Ril iglier So Popthem Float,. aniet and stead,. with males • 1490 • - .Phis, pr:BPRIMIO for maim-m.4nd 1te.2010.76 tor fanny ' andrutmet• :Rye Floor is inlimmed temiet at about our . • re ,/ iLkt i tta i li i ti t i, ,... Mea l to stoma , wi t h small sates: i iiitig " •,-Mheat l,a one collt higher with a good ex ' po rt gitit . 1 1 4111,w,vig i gtta d w i e..;,.: ' m k t s st rod ester' t__Bl 2310.31) for. 0 burro f ~,„,„,, „b. 1.40 for white Western. Rye M gtmtly and unitznit o . Harley is in moderate request C orn ._Alio for s last and Welt, and Tlio for Stat e. with is firm; Wit a Meter toed demand for expert. with re etilitir 0f.60.1148. and sales of MOM bushels at 71!fo for , muted ~ in t ee ht. eats are !needy end enehensed, at $10370 for ftatbern and .Jersey, and 88 M 0 40e for west• . f ern and Northam - ...' POSIVISTWIS -Pnyk Is dam. with sales of Ito bble at If 18 BIoIB.M for Mese, and 1414.44 V lot Prime. Baer ir steady. with silts of 140- bids at east 311 for country - Mem, 5701980 loy_repaoked Mese,eind NM 50011 25 for , extra do. Prime Mese Beef end ftef limns are dull and unchanged. Cot Monts ire nominal. Lard is dell - end unchanged. with sale■ ofllo htils at a2,40181-o. But - ter_and Cheese erg quiet and steedY. ', ', Westin; is held at WO. . NEW Yult X ginti,EIIIAHRZT. Wednesday, Oo• tuber 17.-lipef cattle , very plenty. Sheep lower and a bundstes. The rinampts have been 5.708 Beeves; 13$ Cron; Off .Venda; 11154 Sheep mid -Umber ; mod 14.80 51,ine i. stamina an increase of 870 'Beeves, 792 Cheep and Lawns. and &MI !twine. and a &wrote of 41 Cows 11 , d lA:Visals. At Bergen. New Jersey. MA road nod to Plow - Yo t, and 7D nand on last Monday also at -Bergen ill, The Brats. of 1 Ilinols, Iforanakr. and Ohio ; f - ego the arinoinal tont/thaws to tat aunnlyast weak. Kentesky sonde63ll head. Illinoisl,4o2.' , - - r ,' - • . - • The market' BM been rather lower, MY gage r , M. Bat few sold at nr.over.93fo • some few extra fat and mime bronghtmorio. T11,5 ' 1+41.1; general', f rom 711 ea.llo ; Mrergillt '7307M0 - .. Common stooge so ld as Mar as emeXo. The demand was modersA; 0111 half sold on - Tuesday. 'A tnouniction of ResirT weatimmet *as looked Donn by the - trade es very improper elm ' MIN& 414 is said Au have pimelaged of Turner Bras. , yrigestolihnoitatilare amg.oxerb_sind paid down .5151 " ' to issu e tie' balm. ' A niarnaroa, repenting of hie. • pureherser be obteined the Bun Oreg. on site plea of giV int the seller, et/glands. , rut. when the money wag ,le '' ' - hifttlllsls ll WSW Mtn trirlittlii i'VS Olt My MOSlello and --• ,"yds ea let veer ratite! - • "e • , J. , ' -Ail thir.rdatplioria did trot Miry. 'en i ti t l:st 'few It star ',..4",1,4,.,1tjardat_4714-47-4, Mig e er . jill! lower. , ~., selt.fltr i te/104 4 1 1 i r cat vvr i ..., , , ii t i ,,...b. Ito 1 ' • fl/ rIN t died fiir 1114 - gi Beam & Vat, g 6 end for 1' - now: -lin Thellgee C. ,leirkin: 1-113 I.ken dor 04.- , -' t o.'hat'airetimte. ST 11/“Ions C.:Wanting hose for 6, 11i/lettio reveaut,' le mak. By Mollia,r4 O'Brien. , - • ',' NI amolfte44lo. & _.- , nuidtecowa'aro Wing at OW Wig, 0114101.4 at $3O , -.. to Ora. - • a dValverritiktii4MJlA - -.020 tit 71 / 4 'o ..- 0 001 i 0 i . m. (to Chi2,., 43 =airal7.7Wil ittiat . l. - 40 0 044 0 live, t O I 4MXO - 6000V - '- - '-'' - -". KO Ildieig&R I Old b 80.47 _ Iliceo RBOO. Clev & Pitabotx.-19,{ 100 Milano& R I 90 Chilena & Obi R.bIO 78) 7 100 100 60 do.. 78It WI y GO 0,1 11819 100 930,88 100 • • ..100.82 sa Erie Railroad-690.M PO d 0... 'OO. 100 d 0.... 39 . Weds Mamma , ,or LA4RBT maw. - war_ INAMPAIrfj_: imMU m-su x` , %lib" 0161461104•SIVOISHIVarnsiod - 2 -iiiiters; - VfV011_11; OO: lirg f ithied ^. - 3114i wfwriewohe A M MC , - ; triSkilp trhi gociNAl4,44,otost. ; . Pisan At TRAMIIONA AT OANFORDS' Fon,Tas Laniss.—Therstis scarcely a day same without bring ing toldessra. Charles bakford Zs Bone, under the Con tinental flote. same (theme additions to their magma twit and varied stook. Eveiy new thing that makes its appearance tnforeign market' is at ones tenured by their agents abroad end forwarded by the first steamer; and as motile the goody of their own manufacture, it is "ell known that their facilities and taste are confess edly unrivalled in this country: or this our readere may rest assured; that for everything they may want in the way of Ladies' Furs; Ladies' and mime? French- made Shoes and Gum Boots ; atlases' and Children's Hate; Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods, and Gents' Hats and Cam of the latest styles, °Words' oder facilities, both in point of prices and quality. which are not to be met With in any other establishment. Their splendid wiveroomis are now daily alive with customers, who can testify to the truth of what we have here stated, if that were mmmy. which we flatter ourselves it is not. Week. 'Veer. —6.196.06 153 346 .5.044 17 1Z9,9:12 19 hfairrino.—On Tuesday evening the annual meeting of the Union Benevolent Association was held at the Office in Eleventh street, near Chestnut. Richard D. Wood: Eeq., presided. After the transaction of preliminary buelnitaa, the Corresponding &oratory, Mr, L. Mont gomery Bond, read the annual report. The following table exhibits the general aggregate of labors for the year: Be. of visits made during the year........n.--.16,406 " families in ;Aare e......... ..... 6,369 sick persons under care --.. 121 domestics impelled with places —... 847 " other persons lound employment......__.... 390 " children sent to day and Sunday &hook— 220 " disabled persons and children given homes— 103 Among the diehursernents was aid, in Dash, from the treasury— ...........:..—. .. • .01,261 BO From funds collected by visitors 1 719 29 By the agent at . 1.143 63 Paid for sewing for the 2,302 78 Paid other employees ................ 664 76 1,3315 g tone of coal 8 867 80 The total diebu momenta in cash and material. 316,978 61 The Society professes to assist only those who are worthy poor, and yet it cannot be denied, says the re port, "that a great' majority of our recipients ,have been brought to their condition of want by habits of indolence, intemperance, and improvidence." These thise vice's are largely dwelt open in the report and theirinlluence ably portrayed. It assorts that intenipo ranoe has become a great political power. It bolds pub lie meeting, in a sister pity, and claims the balance of power j a population of three-guartera of a million. .The multiplication of drinking shop,, small and great, in Philadelphia, is four-fold within live years, The number is estimated at 6.010. It oonoludep with alt na ne!slth the charity of all ei tisane who desire to see the progress of crime forever stopped, It says, "let all who are in the enjoyment of abundance feel for thoee who want of the necessaries of life and come Up to their help through this medium. Let the merchant, the me nufeeturer, the incident°, the advocate, the minister, gay bow much each will dedicate of hi, opulence to this object, ea an expression to God of their gratitude to Him." The following resolution, offered tif Thomas Latimer, Esa , was unanimously adopted: Resolved, That the Union Benevolent Association, after an existeone of twenty-nine years of efficient la hror amongst tho deserving poor of the city of Philadel phia. renewedly recommended to the nubile as a most exnellent means of dispensing their charity. The following officers and managers were oleoted for the ensuing year : PHILIIIDEIM-738411301 B. Perkins. VICE PISSIDENTS.—Riohard D. Wood, J. Fisher Learning. TREASUREL—Edmund IV(loon. 63111615 PONDING 9ECIETAIM-1... Montgomery Bond 111.1C4RDIN6 f ECHNTARY.—John B. Atwood. MAN/it:ntl.—Benjamin Coates, Mathias W. Baldwin, William M. Collins, Thomas Latimer. John Bohlen, William Purvea. Arthur D. Coffin, PonAmin Orne;John W. Claghorn, Thomas Wattion. John D. TaylOr, d. Morns Wain, Joseph IL Donee, John Aibhurst, Thos. A. Bed: Zebulon Looks. Charles Rhoads, Rio(mid Wood, Chide. Stewart Worm, IC D., William• O. Soulton. • 6l 616,000 5. 000 2m 305 60(1 • 90 606 1410 A 00 500 7,761 111 XI PaYsictette.—Willient R. Denton, M. D., Hi!born West, M.D. ESCAPRD FROM GOTBAL—The Ninon has m oaned from gothain, sad ions to Boston. He got od' nrlthirhole bones and amid twee, notwabetanding the risve.m at the Opera House and the bombardment of the Pdth-avenue Hotel by a - firemen's torch- light pro cession. But his clothing auffered minerals, end it is said that the fret thing hie Royal Highness will do, on arriving at Boston, will b, to telegraph to Phdadeign'..a, ordering mientire new suit at the Brown-Stone Cloth ing Hanoi Rookhill k Wileonalea 603 and MI Chestnut street, above , ' ' Basra' IMPLITZACII6.—There can be no greater blessing than to be born in the light and air of a cheer ful. loving home. It not only insures a happy child hood, bin it insures a happy manhood, and a fresh, yeast heart in old age. Them can be no greater mis take Manta lierm fun " away from borne ; instead of with:M.lst mirth and social enjoyment abound ; let the fire burn brigntly at night, and make the homestead delisktfulurith all the little arts that parents should Perfectly understand. Youth lanai have enjoyment, and if denied it at home,-will seek it lees Prohtal4 abroad.' Habits are early formed, and none more last ing and enduring thou those gotten up at the " bne. Price" Fashionable , Clothing Bazaar of Granville Stoker, No:101 Chestnut street, where a beautiful and valuable gift la presented with each purchase. I CHICKS!, BALAD.—TIIIII delicious dish ig,served up daily by T. W. Prbw, at his restaurant, southwest corner of Fourth and Chestnut streets. lie pays spe cial attention to family orders, and May he relied on for • promptness in filling them. Bar. - Prioestsatie deserved ly high a a professor of the culinary art, and serves up everything in season in a style of unsurpassed excel lence. Wrnissour.—Too =oh can not be said in praise of Iturnsids'e sure Rye Whisky, sold'hy Clary & Stiuskdal6. Walnut street. 'Reins the pure juice of the rye honestly distilled, it is exceed ingly nutritious, invieorating, and healthful its purity to endqrsed by many physicians and thousands of con sume'', in this city and elsewhere. Goons son COLD WDATEIDR.—Fire &roans and Fenders. Reel Fair Bets, Plate Wanner', Coal Hods awl PAW, Foot Warmers, &0., at,E. W. CADRYL ate Co.'s House Furnishing Stara, 714 Chestnut street. , „ COSMOPOLITAN ANT ASSOCIATION. --The .new Fietere ' ter the Feet, noir on exhibition. Books non4pen for stitieeription M 8, H. Hunt J corn- Sames.torthwest corner Fifth and Chestnut attests. .NE-SIBADY TOWXIIIEND will lecture, at Sansom•etreet Hell, this rummer. FOR COUGHS, Olt FOR ANY DISEASE OF Tllff Breathing Organs, use J. R. STAFFORD'S OLIVE TAR and IRON AND SULPHUR POWDERS, whioh are advertised in Ode paper. The Olive Tar infuses magnetism or mtedity, - allisimg -at once any pain or op pression, and its great behnimio properties heal sore ness and inflammation. The Iron and Sulphur Powders, being a soluble preparation, 'mite with the digested food, end enter with it into the formation of new blood, the iron retaining the vital or hie-giving forges in the blood. which in its circulation is diffused through the entire system. The combined sulphur convert; the Waste or worn-out "particles of the blood into gages, which are expelled from the body through its pores, by the increased energy given to the circulation. It is these wastes or worn-out particles of blood that form phlegm end tubercles, and it is their acrid humor whion irritates and destroys the. membranes of the throat, bronchial tubes, and airmells of the Inns. Bend for a pamphlet. See advertisement to this paper. Fold by all druggists, and by DYOTT to CO., No. 232 North SECOND street. Philadelphia, 0011-tf OCTOBWR SAVING FUND "—NATIONAL SAPSTT TRUST Goetreity:—Chartered hi the Stele of renneylyanta. RULES, 1. Money is received every day, and in any amount, large or mill. e. FIVE PEE CENT.interest is paid for money from the day it is put in. S. The money is always paid hank in GOLD whenever it is Called for, and without notice. 4. Money is received from Executors, Administra tors, Guardians, and other Trustees, in large or email sums, to remain a long or short period. a. The money reamed from Depositors is invested in Real Estate, Mortgages, Ground Rents. andother first. oleos securities. 6. Office open every day—WALNUT Street, southwest owner Third street, Phila.&Woo, oar SEAMEN' IS SAVING FUND—NORTHWEST COINER SECOND and WALNUT eralare.—Depoota re ceived in email and large amounts, from all classes of the community, and allow interest at the rate of Fl VE PER CENT. per annum. Money may be drawn by checks without lose of in ternat. Offioe open Milli, from 9 until I o'alook, and on Mon day and StMorday until nine In the evening• President, FRANKLIN FELL; Treasurer and &watery, CRAB, IL MORRIS. BASAMANDI3/. RUB-PROOF SAPE3.—A very large sasOrtegeat of SALKNIANDERB for We at rea sonable prices, No, 304 011.40 TX UT ot., P41144414h01. sWif 130 ANS ib WATBON. altOnat do BAKER'S CELEBRATED NOISELESS SEWING- MACHINES. The Beat in the for Family Sewing. NO. 730 CHESTNUT Street, Philadelphia. au2l-17 GENTR—NI.TTALL.—On the 16th instant, by the Rev. J. Yogelbeoh. John B. Gantt' to Miss Annie IL M ottall both of Philadelphia. SLEEPER —MAUGI.E.—On the 16th of May, 1803, by the Bev. Jospeh H. 'Kennard. Mr W; M. Sleeper to Mea l /Miss C. Mangle. On of I hie oh, • • AS TOM—HROWN.—At Washington oity. on the 26Rte Gino. by the Rev. J. C. Gee. Gr. W. E. Ashton, of Waatungton city, to Mtn Ells V. Brown, of Bolin dolphin. ' • • JACOBS—GIIIESE.—On the 7th Instant. by the Rey. Pr. Clay, Mr. Camps Jacobs. &a.. of France. to Mrs Mary Annette Gummi, of Philadelphia. x_ SMITH--SIRIPMAOL—On the 30th of. July. by Rev. R. H. Pattison, Geoe W. Smith to Annie It., oungrst daughter Of Jacob S hipman, Es 4. ISCRELLENOER.—On the 37th instant. Josephine Rule, daughter of Captain Henry F. and Elizabeth WI EcheDenser, need 16 months and 8 dais. CM3b.Y.—On the Itch instant, Mary Philemon', daughter of John and the late Ounan Casey. Funeral from the reindenoe of •hor father. Twelfth street. below Vine on Friday morning at 8 o'clock.** COCO RAN.—On the 16th instant,' Mr. Benhimin Cochran. in the 89111 year of bit sue. Funeral from his late residence, Shipeen street, above Fourth this this (Thursday afterun, at I o'clock. * DX m .- On the 16th instant, William, son of Charles and Elisabeth Dale, seen 6 years. • Funeral from the residence of hie entente. No, 113 Frankleld road, Frankford, this (Thursday ) afternoon. T o elook. FITZBIMMONI3.—On the lath instant, Mary Fitz- Ammons, wife of the late Peter Fitzoromone, a native ofounty Meath. Ireland, seed 86 remit Funeral from the residence of her son. Ifenry Fitz Simmons, No. 8 Eaton IgnOn, Otter street. between Frat kford toad and Front street, this (Thursday) aft:r -luratilteti;l4,lLOn the 16th instant, Etc Bridget Narauton, aged 96 year.. Funeral from the residence_ of her eon, Fifteenth 1 atroe o t, below Market, this (Thursday) afternoon,.at n'eok. JON —On ` the 16th instant , Mrs. Margaret Ile •wees, wifeof WM. Joneg: in the 60th ygar bar age. Funeral from her late res donee. Slain and Washing ton streets, Manayunk, this ( hursday afternoon, at 1 oialook. hilccoNNFLC..—On the 16th instant, Mre. Mary, Mc' Onalie 1. media yens. , from Omelets reeldenes. No. Renton street, brain/mouth and Sixteenth -etreate, below Mr kelt ej launder interning, at 9 ceelock. ti oath) the Nth instant. Edward Manuel, in the shit year of hie sae. N-Fhtte Ei g hth e t ree t, eshdie n (Thu s h a ) rmhnrn N a t 3 10 o'clock. MOORS.—On the 16th instant, Captain Robert C. Moore. , Funeral from his late residence, eorner of Sixth and Eallowell attests. this(Thotaday movnins, at 8 o'clock. PATTERSON.--On the 16th instant, Wilham Patter son, aged 64 you're. Funeral from his 1 103 residence ) No. 5134 Spruce street this (Thursday) afternoon. ate o'olook. * LACK BILKS ! BLACK BLLKS !. -- g f t t it firml: . - i l io l s i ly . Fg:).:lng. ie4oeel Robes, ' ' t Grog; de Alines. .- 0 slotomsd Robes. godset's 811Ss. One enfts thie. " Patent Boiled.' E'tds Joao. - Otos S'roosse. - Vetietieanery • - 00otosos. 4ristros. • • - ; JO, Silk., &o. 1 4 : ‘,.., , A l', A .., , A ~,, ',WO el . Cielitant illtre.ti ITEMS. Mum BENsvoLaNT Assoczkrzos ArneuAL SPECIAL, NOTICES. MARRIED. DIED. THE PIIESg..:--Ptiii,AliEfAltliA, THIJIISDAY, OCTOBEit 14; 1880. ARRIVALS AT PRINCIPAL HOTELS D! TO 12 o'ohoos LAST ALM CONTINENTAL HOTEL—Con Ninth Mid Chestnut. W RBorneY,Mobile A N Walker & la, Virginia Mies Barney, Virginia Jas B Bell, Cincinnati Robt Clarke, Cincinnati W Whee'wright Boston (.)-1 &IMO & la, 11 B A K Houetoun, Florida E P flood &wf,WeehingtonJas Kirkpatnok, New York O 0 Tracy, South Carolina Wm Brisbane, „8 Carolina Jan W Tuyman, Kentucky F G Terry, Cadiz, KY B Smith, New York A C Bering, Bnitof A Bingham, New York Lyman A Jacobs, York , Thee Coraukes. Cincinnati W Andrews, Ch cage .1 A bum, New Orleans M. Speed it la, Virginia Miss Waller, Virginia Mrs Coin Radd, Virginia Mrs C J Murray, New York W J Murray. New York mime, New Crime A Surge, New Orleans Geo Roberts, Boston Mrs Walker, Baltimore Adolph Ansbaoher. N Y J Roberts, Penns rth Y ig rk H ii,'(ltgAtzlgtielp° , e 7.4 Vgni: AWn'ollti Lmd Baltimore Jacob Seitheimer it N Y Mies de itneimer, N York B Bettheimer & wf.N York Master Netthelmer, N Y Mies Shan?, Boston J Miller, New York Cook, New York . E Thompson, New York Rev L Jones,loEB3 81)1'01110. New York It Brown, Lima, Ohio Sand B Clark & wf N Y John Magee, Bath. N Y Gee Brown it la, Bait co Caleb Newbold,N Jersey 1) B Pierson, Cinoini,ati, 0 Lorenzo Mayo. Havana Anemone delPazo.Havana J Barre & la, New York Geo M Bakes & wl, Halt J F Thompson. MD, Md C U Moody, Rochester I Manning, New Jersey mice C Manning, N Jersey Mies J Manning, P 4 Jersey Miss b Manning, N Jamey John MoAnemy, Virginia Col J Cohen, Baltimore Rev Dr Clarkson & la, 111 A Oliver, New York J M Abenittley. N Carolina Beni Haines, New James , Dr 0 U Fml__,d Roston Dr 'nos J Bergin Easton Dr Thos B Ward, N York Win Johnson , England Dr T Henry & It, FMies C MoKinney, Ky sirs Lawrence, New York Mrs Davis, Symons!), .N Y H Miami, Chillicothe, 0 hot Reader. New York Goo A Bicknell, Indiana Mrs Bicknel l, Indiana Jar H yde & la, Auburn. N Y All Munroe & la,N Orleans Mien ()extrude Munrce.l4 ONB Finney it la Georgia A Eby, Jr, & wf, Ohio T Button. N'Carolina Dr W B Mayo & wf, NY JA Tauten, New York J P Hamlin, Boston T Nicholson, Harrisburg John Cr Freeland, Penns H Hallook, Detroit Miss Ifellook. Detroit Mrs NI, C Montfort it 3 d,SC K Hays it wf. Pittsburg , D C Plummer. Pesna A B elliott. New York Thos Lyons, New York W Post, New York Mm Pont, New York 1 Lees & wf. Mobile Jos Tucker it In. Mobile ID Brown, New 'York A II Bitvesder, Boston W F Front, New 'Mk John 8 Sammie, Florida John Whom New York Fr. Crookerarew York Geo Newbold, New York A Crawf ord,, New York Mrs Fay, Boston T McFa J r, Fitton's W Laudon' it la, New York Pi C Folger, Now Orleans H Brigham, Boston b B M_Corneil. N York F 8 Beitsinger, Phil& C White & la, N York C HerehelrodeDayton Goo B ailey, n. Bridge wt H Honig New 'Yore T W B New York Lorne Deiongo,,New York A Barnoklo, New York Jno Bloxham, Mew York - W Gra n, W Bpetden, Jr. & Is, China D E Small, York, Pa C Billinger, York, Pa J Brandt, Jr, & wf. Va W 13 Baker, Baltnnore l,Thorn, la ew Haven Wm Milligan. 81 Louis Goo Fuller, New York It N Tatman, Now 1 irk Oreaehaw, Virginia P Conner. england • •, A Klanworth it wf, N Y C E Hull o o la, New York R Fraser, B Carolina B F Patrik r Ohmago 'Jan Andrews, Ireland Erasing Elinith,_Hartford Mold Biokle St la, Va Al A Bledsoe, PI Carolina .1 M Cruzat, Cups It ',Johnson. Virginia H W Watkins, Memphis Mrs it ii Watkins, Memphis John R OMey lc la D C AG. Stimson,tiloston , J Merrifield, Baltimore B Murray. New York J 3 Yelland. Baltimore Mrs Parke, Parkehing Jno Parke, Plirkeburg B I' Brush. Stanford Chas (3 Carney, Virginia Mice E Triplett, Virginia Y R Daley, Virginia James Douglass Holmes & la,C Good We Mien F. Holmes, C Bond II Miss 13 Holmes. C Good It L W Fain:Mild, New York Dr .1 11, Bartholf, N York Jno Moulson,_New York F Neal k wf, boor is J P Howell, New York E 8 Morrison, New York B Hambleton it la, 111 d Philip W Downer', Md 811ARD ROUSE—Ninth and Chestnut streets. W L Wheeler, Now You k Thee Thorp. Now York .1 II Smith a. la, new York J H Savage. N York hose Coal, Jr, Balt Hen Poet, Venezuela d Camaoho, Venezuela John A track°, N York L A Jacquelie. N York A Monhoimer, N 0 A Leawood, New York H Brown. New fork J Mo , arland, Mies Mine Welch, Mien Mra Dorriokeon, Mita Jae 1, Winters & la, Ls W R Eldridge ss la, N Y Mies Eldridge. N York Mies Wilson, New York H Andrews, Chuntgo Jae Kingston, Chioago Mien Lawson. Baltimore Mina E Baltimore J T Lowher, Baltimore K B /I cyanide. Danville H H Mahlon berg & la, Pa W B Miller, N Jersey .1 W W hits &la N Y Miss A While. N York Miss btewart L N 'York , H P Brown. Pa Miss Brown. Pa • • . lohnA Graham, Conn • • . D 0 Arthur. Conn A 11 Newton Sr. wG Balt Mtge Newton, Balt B Collins, New York H Morgan & la Troy Mine Mouse 'troy. N Y .1 0 Blackwood. 'N Mexico W Tompkins, N Orleans Miss R Winkler. On 8 F Chapman, Alex, Va C McAfee, Pot evilly P 8 Marts, Pottsville Mre 0 Eckert, Rattling al W Wheeler. Btooklyn Dr C Wagner, U 8 A Miss Rosa:Wagner, Balt .1 1 1 Smith & Balt Miss Baot T I)et Mr Catpenter, Philada Geo Branton, Writ Chanter James Wallace, J Mrs Wallace. New Jersey Miss Wallace, N J JR Yorke, New Jersey W:lhompson Mieltigan A K King. Delaware CitY Jae h, Black, Delaware Israel Painter, Westm'd Wll Taloott, Jersey City 1111ridarnan, vr Cheater W Blackwood. W (.heater F BinNh. West Chewer 8 Montgomery. New York W 8 Winder John coat, Lancaster. Pa John B Hood 11 S. A John Loyd, New York ti 1, Bayles Hartford 8 hi Capron, Hartford Warren Harris, Hartford iohn B Moore, Savannah W Hancock Sr. M, Danville Chas It New Jersey C Tyson, New York W R Boliton Mies Young Thos 11 Roberts, N Y .1 A Small, Harrisburg B. Kelly N. la. N Carolina 8 Bogert, New York P Hail, Erie city, Pa K Kerr, New York Dr Jos Al Hester, t a A G MeLanakan, Pa C N Watta, Carlisle Beni F Shenk, Lancaster Austin Gannison,Milwaukee Geo PI Gilbert. Baltimore Thos Clark, Baltimore Chas Moore. Baltimore Geo Dudly, Connecticut Milo A Taylor, blase Rontinow. New York John houteau, D Bright Indiana E Owen, B a ltimore Geo 0 Hover, Boston MERCHANTS' HOTEL—Fourth street, below Aroh H S Bowen, Virginia ft A Neal, Connecticut .1 J Stephens, Now York Joe Porker, Mercer, Pa NTHyncon, Maryland W P Shinn & wf, Pittsb M B Woodward, M Galloway. Clearfield 'Tummy, Penne A Pt Ligge tt ___, Ohio P D Riplinger, Alliance, 0 W Greer. Washington Miss Anderson. Pittsburg Mies 1, Anderson. Plush W Wilson, Bethlehem Rev J L Gray, Seaford C McFadden, Downingtown Boberts. Penne T Myler, Pittsburg .1 If HooktoWn J Trimble, _el oogtown al Traoy, Mansfield, 0 W E eolith, New Hope, Pa J 0 Bruner, Columbia, Pa Hon A K Wright, Clear fi eld ti C Tyler, Duchess omit Y H Swartzewaldor, Ma D 3! Hamer, Indiana C H Noising K D Armstrong, Balt M Boman, Ohio F Homier, tit Louis S I! Little, Maryland A Hill, Hollidaysburg It T Barber s Is, Penns 0 Stewart & da, Penns Mrs 13 B Vanbalzah, Penna. Mrs Anne .P Lyon. Penns .1 Elliott .1 Duncan & la, Palbston N Beck, Centre co .1) H Williams it In. Penns W Brown & In, Elmira, NY J Banana. Bedford, Pa Mrs Maloney . Baltimore Miss Maloney Baltimore F PHungthal, Centre 00, Pa Chas Flint, Lew York Thai Ward.. New York W Soot:, Piqua. Ohio Weimar, Mill Ball, Pa J P Ploggold. Baltimore w Sham, Portsmouth, 0 .001131011tc la, Pittsburg R Reese, blktos, idd AMERICAN ROTB,l,—Chestnut street. above Fifth. Prof I H Woodooak, N Y Win If Breeden, N York T Bewail. New York JIS (Mailmen, Wilkesbarre Dr Thomas, W Chester Jas Johnson. Delaware ()ea M Thorne, Delaware Joe M Cola maryland 8 D Day, Lineinnati. U ,B„Baryisru*, (r lnia Wm Cuthburt. Virginia IA Harrison. flow York 8 L Lippinoott, rittston Nam' Al Adams, Carlisle C 8 Green, 8! Louts Mrs 11,A1 Curtis. Delaware Miss 11 co,ris;Jersey City Miss C Curtis, Jersey City Frank Batch Ss la, La CW34 W 8 Harris. Penna D Morris, New Jersey W Curtis, Delaware so .1 B Baines, Lewistown (1 H Wheeler. Milwaukee A B Anderson, Lyne, Conn CJI Jonesaennsy Ivan an A B Ta) tor, _New York 11 T Jones dc la. Conn F Latta, New York JH. Campbell, New York C & wt. N J W 8 Biioook, New York ii W Orubeek. New York H. It Freeman, New York ST. LOUIS HOTEL—Chestnut at.. above Third. P Vossen, Now York Wm Blythe Jan Tahharci. Washington Alfred 11.01, hart, rennet Mrs W M lllaysion. N York Jno 5. Newbortville JF. Brown, PhiLthlpbia J C I',ay. Philadelphia Prell. Wilmington. Del S Webster, Poona Darn W Ball, Dew York Chas Perry. Philadelphia' Riehard Reason, Philo all McCabe, Tamaqua Wm Jarvis bermantown Wll Painter, W Chester Jas B Mao Lellan, Virginia 8 Smith, Alassaehusetts chas E Do Haven,N J C 8 ,Uawes, Boston Dr Terry, New York C Hampshier, Pa 8 8 Barbels, Jeanesir, Pa Thos Robb, Burlington A Ward, Altoona, Pa 8 W Corner, Kansas J 8 Swam, Cinoinnatt William Pleming, Pa E sioldsmith, Bali Moore, Warning ton D Douglas, J H Brown, Pa W Look - wood, Sid JONES' ROTEL—Chestnut street. above Sixth. E Chat:color, Delaware H B Jaokeon, Hew sork W 'Potty, Richmond, C A Bogue, hiMrfork A G Bovra:d , Utica, N H Mesons, Connecticut Robt Bayard. New York Robt P Smith, Alabama J H Brown Ohio L Darr, len:lessee F Burris, St Louis Prank Kirk, et 1.01118 Gen 8 levy New Vork Wm J Wallace Lams no Is D Fisher, Virytua W A Fisher, VIMInt Horace S Pearson, Pb Mrs Wooleery, New Yotk Mall Northrop, New York Gen F Book t,_W ash, D Dr J Pindar, New York hi It Rook, Wash, D C Harvey Toompson, rennet. C B Edwards, Ma.a Jams 0 Wheelie:l,N Hope Mrs C Gandey, New Hose R c Morgan, New York A Malrtne, San Franoisoo Chas Whitney. Minds:Wl Goo C Bourdele Yit Dr it B Donaldson, D 1. Henry, Berlin, Md THE UNION HOTEL—Arohiffeet, above Third. Jno Tatern, Newark. NJ Chas A Moore, Pa John 0 Moore, Fa H. Bettor, Connecticut E Peek, Connecticut ht Yardley, Doylestown al Koamer, Otawag° Durant neat, Aeon°, U Jacob B Cook, Fayetteville R r hipley, Adams oo B Elmo, York, Pa Geo. Brown. Taormina Tll Winterstyin, Pt Carb litre B A Pat s, Minerevillo blies Fate, Minersvnte Mrs Gatbraith, Blinbridse D Smith, Connecticut A M Shane. Minerva, 0 Jaa T Barnard. Cheater co 0 litioeston, Velment% .1 McKnight, Philadelphia Ueo F Peck, Mower, Pa 118 Grist, Pimiento. Pa Jonas W mar. ktaieratowa 1) t: Aughenbaugh, Maryland J G Homier lc la, Tam en COMMERCIAL HOTEL—Birth street, ab. Chestnut Jesse Manley, Cheater en .11111 Way. Lancaster en .18 lekinver, Pennsylvania R Taylor. Pennsylvania C A Howell, New Jersey N T Adams, Connecticut Air widget ! , Cheater on Geo A Bright, Chester co Robt Roberson. Waterloo C Wynaer, dt Louis 131., Cuthbert, Pittsburg D Stubbs & w. Nottingli'm rs D Kirk. Limo no, Pa Miss R L Kirk, W Chester Miss Jane Rays. Laneaster Jas It Brewster. Petal& 0 Darlington, W Chester It C Hawthorne. Lane 00 Wm Bre. Chester co J T Pos,lethwait. Penns Wm Morgan Pennsylvania S M Oldham. Ohio Jesse Bowersock, lowa .1 Leedom, Del on, Pa M MackPennsylvan , a W T Beal, Pennsylvania Wm Cox, Kennet gaunre MERCHANTS' HOUSE-I,hird 'street. ab. Callowhill, J A Leinbaoh. Stroudsburg J M Swartz, Catasequa .1 Weber. Calasaqua .1 Barter. Monroe co .1 ti Snyder. Cabmen% Chas Brower, Penns, John Krause, Penna. 11 ernith. Penna R L, Eaton, Reading H. H Houtz, Readine .1 Brown. Look Haven A Jones. Look Haven 11 R Bolts. Berke co P Goodman, Berke oo At F Wolff Hamburg, Pa Miss Wolff, Hamburg, Pa J K Feltzer. Lebanon John K!opp. Lebanon co Elias Frantz, Burke co P &Lutz. Berke co C N 81111th, Lebanon 1, R Bland, Birdsboro C W Ban, Catioaqua n Fianok, rentro on. Pa H Arun art. Sr, Centro co . John Brandt. Tremont (IBurkholder. Penna. if Hiller, Leek Haven R mote. Wind Gap, Penna. t Ackerman, Wind Gap John Prugh, Carbon on, rn NATIONAL HOTED—Haee ;tract. above Third, 'lnnSmiths N Columbus R Korn. bltddleburg,Ps Smith & la. Penne. Jae Lawrence & Is, Vs M E Coollmuglit Puneannon Mrs Moffett, Durtoannon 8 81 Piet t. Berlin. Pa W F Allfarther, I a Miss F R Romig. Allentown Mentor Romig, Allentown J Romig, Allentown Geo 8 Kelly & la. Mere Thos Morneon & la, Mass Mrs N MoCay, Penna P A Beitectnan & la, Pa .18 Lawrence. Miners ville John H Mellott, Annvllle John Mare, Annvire Mrs 8 Rhoads. Minersvalle Miss Henry. Lebanon P Molsany & la, Penns John Pursel, Oreenbn rg John Oland, Mt Airy H J Headier, Pottsville .1 J Greer, Doylestown .7 le got, Greenwood Jen Moore & son. Pottsville D B Orbit, Pottsville Geo L Rube, Allentown BALD RATTLE HOTEL—ThirS at.. above Oallowhill Jos Yonne. Carbon co, Pa Abut Bolton!, hi Chunk Oeo Mti!older A la. Pa Jacob Albert i Pa Neese, New Jersey Geo Wenner, New York B A Aileron, Penneylvnum J C fltephone, Pa John Harbater, Reading J P Kohler, Lehigh co .1 T Berger Quakertown •B h Leisenring, Pittsburg L Kemper. Lancaster co A B Bertolet, Boyerstown Rdw Shoop,ildelPhia Sohoolc. Pennsburg John Harrisburg Mrs cheep, Harrisburg W F Donusiey, Denville, BARLISY BBEAF MOTET.—Eneond st.. belew Vine. Jno T Neely, Bucks oo Friend Whitlock, N J R Watt W.lrnington. Del T 8 Snyder, Hartsville W tall, Beaks no Jesse 8 Heston, Newtown David V Feaster. Newtown B G Welton, New Jersey J F Brodhead , Harrisburg 8 F Dimond. Penne 0 8 Torbet , t, Newtown Jno Dealt. Belvidere J 0 Clefr. Penns tiaml M Ensign. Conn Richaster. Books no Jno Yerkes & la, rem , . Bneneker, Trenton STATES UNlON—Market street. above Stith. Jno Er Mellows's. Gap, Pa Albert Kitebenr N .lareer Jas Good, Christiana D Thomas. Indlana oo F Boon, Bohellabitrg, Pte J II Hoon, Pehelleburg, Ps Jno Fulton. Broad Top. Fa Alex Port, Runtrattdon,Fa Gen M liambrlght. Lana no .1 33 MoWllltams. 01in'n no A ft educator. Lancaster no .1K Patterson, Juniata no J A Patterson. Penns ter Pa .1 ft Abodes, briflltn, Fa W B Cram, xi Bloomfield FOUNTAIN MOTEL—Second street, above Market. L New Yorir L D MaGonigal, Delaware J DA Dulan, Maryland .114 White, Sussex no, Del J k I.noateln, Maryland J Z llrouoh k go, Delaware J W Reynaldo, Dftll3.Vet fel John Pinipson. DSIIVOIIi WE Knighton. nelaware D froliboker. Dover, Del w 8 Bazar. Philadelphia has 8 Johnson, N J Mrs A Adanie. New Jersey - MT. VERNON HOTEL—Errand miner, eh. An. In. .1 H. Draper. Penns) Ivania The. it Dart, Burks to John Thompson. New York Alex Reek', Ponna M Thompson, Eyterry, Pa W 'dud. Jr, Penna P need, yhnadelphla Id Walls, Delaware B P Thompson, Philadelphia - fit,AOR BEAR HOTEL—Third et.. eb. eniloetkin, Chen J., Bmidt, Bethlehem Newton B Limber. Phtht W rebuked, Bailie co Alm Oilarver. Jenkintown i Ghee Harper. Jenkintown Mu- evil JenkintOwn 1, B Bute,_Allentown ' WA 4Ps L. Jolting t i Miller, Betke no , tend Beettig, Bs Geo Xult•r, Daurbia oo oe Leshniatt, X& ~ . IMPORTATIONS. 'Repotted for the I'reset.l ST MARTINS—Bohr Arnt. (Sr) Churchill-577 bble salt 15 pieces mahogany a lot of old metal W Cummings & Son; 5 mks bay rum Twelle & Co; It doz straw hats or giithcrouca Nll—Bohr Sto B Donnovan 650 (*Glad. Twells & Co.. SAVA Matilda, Woe eotton C Self: es do Winner & HaTlmeas; to do Knight & Bell; 96 empty oaks Massey. Collins & Cu; 38 empty oath()) s Powers & Weightman; 76 do bbla order. MARINE, INTELLIGENCE. SEE FOUR= PAGE. ARRIVED. - Brig Mt lunkus, Mitchell, 7 days from Eastport, with fish and plaster to A dooder & Co. Bohr Anna._( Br)) Lburolnll.3l days from 8t Martine, with mare to WM Cummings & 800. Bohr B & It Donnovan. JO days from Buck touohe; NB. with larhs to Twat, & Co. Bohr 8 M Rent Thompson, days from Baltimore, with stilt to Wm Bumm. Bohr Annie Virden, Chambers, 1 day from Lames, Del. with bark to Jas Bewley & Co. Bohr John Whitby. Rendarsnn, 1 day from Odessa, Del, with oats to Jos L Bewley & Co. Steamer Ironsidos. Vantleyveer. 21 hours from New York. with mdso to W M Baird & Co. CLEARED. Brie Wean Wave, Morton, Charleston, Dlnntoloon & Glover. BY TELEEE.I.PEt. (Carrel , /;Modena° of The rees.) NEW O P RLEANS. 00t. 17. rrived.ehipff Vendoll.. and Wellington, from New York; Joseph Holmes, from Boston. • MEMORANDA. Steamship Boston, Croaker, hence, arrived at N York yesterday. Steamship Habana, McConnell, cleared at New York yeaterday Hamm. Steamship Ganda' quiver, Dookendorff, for Havana, cleared at New York yesi artist , . Steamship New York. Von Kamen. from Bremen. via Southampton 4th hist, arrived at New York yesterday. Steamship Isaabel. Rollins from New York, arrived at (Marlene,' 15th met, and sailed at 7 A M same day for Key West and Havana. Steamship City of Richmond, Mitchell, for Philadel phia. sailed from Sionmoi d 17th inst. Steamship Bienville. Bullock. for Havana and New York. cleared at Ne* Orleans 13th men. Steamship Smpire City, Baxter. for Havana and New York. cleared at New Orleans 13th inst. Ship Tuscarora. Deniers, hence for Liverpool. wait omen 13th inst. lot 44, long M. Ship Bridgewater. Barstow, from Liverpool, arrived at New York yesterday. Ship Brandmine• Pitrington. for Livorpdol, cleared at New Orleans 13th inst. Ship Galles°. Homewood. for Rin de Janeiro. cleared at New Orleans 13th met. with 3309 boils flour and 895 Mk rosin. . . • . . Bark T alisman, frorri Stookholm. was below York yesterday. Brig A G Cottrell, Watson, for Philadelphia. Cleared at New Orleans 12th inst. with 423 bales cotton,-2139 bdle wire 98 hhda tobeeen,7o likes Mdse and 116 empty casks. eohr 5 Learning, Tilby, from Jacksonville, arrived at New York yesterday. Behr Barad Queen, Hulse; Baited from Providence 16th inst. for Philadelphia. Bohr %orals. Sweet. nailed front Newintryeort 16th Mat. for Tbilacelphia. Helps Barak. Slither: Edwards. and H , Q Ely. MoDo maid, hence. arrived at Waehineton. DO. yesterdaY. Steamer loseahme. Green, hence, arrived at .N York yesterday. • firROME MISSIONARY- SOCIETY OF THE CITY OF PHI L.AORI.PHIA.-1 he of floe of this Society has been removed from No. 531 East NINTH Street. to No. Ott .plorltt FIF CH Street, below ARCH. It, will ba open daily. (Sabbaths except ed.) from 9 to 5o cloak. The money contributed to this Societe for the relief of the poor, is scrupulously appropriated to that pur pose only, and the managers earned], solicit donations trom the public, to enhble them to parry on auccess fully this branch of the Society's operations. To a ff ord the community an opportunity of contributing. they have sent out the Agent of the Association. Mr. JOHN F. AR 'who is now waiting upon our citizens. sollidling their aid, and the managers bespeak for him a kihd reoeption,'s patient hearing, and a liberal re - Flpoll6o, GRORGR H. STUART, President, - MA FTREW NEWKIRK, Vine President; R. K. 110.EFLIcH, Secretary. THO 3, T. AIAbON Treasurer oolatlistuB NO. 434 MAIIKET Street. OFFICE PEN NLYLV A'N A RAIL .r.rROAD COMPANY. PHILAVELPIIM. October 17, 7860. Tho Board of Directornhe till day declared a semi annual dividend of TRRB J PER CENT. on the Capi tal Stook of the Company. clear of Butte tax, payable o Powers lter NOVEMBER soli of Attorney for ection of nvidende can be had on epolonitton at the Moe of the Company, No. 2:3BSOUth THIRD Btreet. TROS. T. FIRTH. oele-teel 'Veneerer. WSPIRITILAUSSII.—DIES. M.ll. TOWN. SEND, of Vermont. a raneeatledium. sill ad Leeture undrr Spirit Control, at 8/0180M EITNNE ALL. on THURSDAY EVENING, at IX n'elook. Admission n 6 cents. 0017-30 POST OFFICE, PHILADELPHIA, PA. OCTOBIR 15, 1&50. TICE in hereby given that the following are the legal vitae for the eo lleotion and delivery of betters s One Cant (ore-paid by stamp) for the collection of let for the mstile, from tub-seat offices, an e lamp- One Cent lyre vod o y h tamp) e f r o b o t ne collection and de. livery of city letters. One Cent for the delivery of mail lettere. The letter-carriers bay° been instruoted not to charge, in any csaso.more then the above lutes. nor ere they allowed to accept more, even when voluntarily tender. •oele dl N. B. BROWNE, postmaster. SOUTHWARK BANK. PIiIILADEL* October 9, IBoo.—The annual election tot grECTORs VIII be held at the Bantam' Douse on MONDAY, the 19th do rof NOV EMB ER NEXT, be• tween the hours of 10 (04;i0l it t%. an 2 o'clock P. 14. The annual meeting of S OCKII DERE will be held at the same plane on CESDA , the Qth day of NOVEMBER NEXT, at 12 o'oloas M. oell•dtp010 F. P. STEEL. Cashier. ErIWARMERS , AND MECHANICS' BANK, PUILADELPIIIA, October 5, 1360. e ' An ual Election for Direetore will 131, held at the Banking-House, on MONDAY. the nineteenth day of November pext, between the hours of 9 o'olook A. M. and 3 o'clock P. M., and op TUESDAY, the eilth day of November next. a general meeting of the Stoekho.ders will be held at the Banking-House. at 4 o'clo,k Y. M.. agreeably to the charter. ocedtriol9 W. RUSHTON, JR., Cashier. Tr. WESTERN , BANK Ol' PHILADBL. PMIA, Ocvocrat Bth 186. An election for thirteen Directors, to smile the ensu ing year, will be he d this Bank on inVINDAY, the 19th da y of November next. between the bouts of 10 o'clock A. M. and 2 o'clock P. M. 1 be annual meeting of the etookholdere will be held at the same place on TUESDAY, the 6th day of November next, ist 12 o'eloplc M. 0. M. TROUTMA , 00-tuthtifinov Oashier: Ea* GIRARD SANK. PHILADELVIIIA. OCTOLIRRI6. S ANK. —Notice is hereby given they en election for THIRTEEN DIRECTORS. to ollyefor the mating year.will be held at the Banking-hones. on MONDAV, november 19, between the Mute of 10 A. AL. and 2P.M. . . The Annual Meeting of the Stockholders will be held :lea:kale° place, on V.V9 I 6 I I . I . ASTINTBfIIig. " October 16, leo. oel6-tuttotinoll? CONSOLIDATION BANK, PHILADEL.,, PHIA. October )616,1846.—The AMMO Election or directors of this Bank will be held at the HANK NO lit.l.li, on eloft/YAY, the 19th day of November. next. between the hours of ten A. M. and two r. Si. And a Oe eclat Meeting of the Stotitheldere will be held at the same place , on TnEnDA .I. 4 ovember eth. at twelve M. 309. N. MIEIIOI,, Cashier. oo 16-tutlan t nol9 OrTHE PHILADELPHIILEANK. Omega 13, 1860.—The Annual Meeting of thn Btookhold-' ens of this flank, wdl be held on TUMMY, the sixth day of November next, at the Bunking House. et 12 o'clock, M. ,- and the Annual Election for Direetors wilt ho hold at the Elanking House, on MONDAY. the 19th day of November next, between the hours of ten o'clout A. M. and two o'clock P. M. oolit-nu hippie B. B. COMEOYB, enabler. C I T COMMISSIONERS' OFFICE. PHiLADICLPHIA,CIot. 11, 1860. [1 ;1:BOARD OF APPEALS will sit upon the fol-, lowing days, to hear Appeals of Property Owners, to wit : First and Second Woods, Monday, October 15. Third and Fourth Wards_,Tuesday, October 16. with and Sixth Wards, Wednesday. Ootober 11. Seventh and Eighth Wards, Thursday, October 18. Ninth and Tenth Wards. Fri day, uctoberlo. Eleventh and Twelfth Warde Monday, October W. Thirteenth and Fourteenth Wards, Tuesday, Ooto ber 23. be Fitteenth and Sixteenth Wards, Wednesday. Octo r 4. Seventeenth and Eighteenth Wards, ,Thursday, On tober 25. Nineteenth and Twentieth Wards, Fnday, Octo ber 26 Twenty-Bret and Twenty-second Wards, Monday, October 29. Twenty-third and Twenty,fourth Wards, Tuesday, October 20. EDWARD R. WILLIAMS, CELARLKB NEAL. JOHN A. 'HOUSEMAN" City Comntimoners. ors OFFICE OF THE PHILADELPHIA AND READING RAILROAD COMPANY. Kapott, IMO The holders of the bonds of this Company. 01/0 July I. Odd, oart now receive, upon applioation at this ohfoe, lo per c cent. in ed °soh, upon the terms specified In the modu lar attah. The holders are also enhtled to the benefit of a Rink ins Fund of 0140 , 000 per annum, as established by the stookholders at their annual meeting, held January., 1860, and in pursuanc, of the contract, entered Into by ha company and duly recorded, to carry the same into Reid. B. BADFORD, Treasurer, CIRCULAR. Rena te lioldars of Pitikeig/pAis and Reeding Railroad Company Mort ate Bonds, due JsaV 1 , 1060. There bonito are secured by the first mortgages on the road, amounting in the aggregate to 183,308,400. The net revenue for the lest fdioal year was six times the amount of the annual interest on these bonds. The managers propose to estand them rot a period of twenty years, the holders retaining the bonds and the amity of the mortgages in the precise condition in which they are now held Fresh cheats of coupons for the interest, payable hal t - yearly, will be issued. A bonus of to ner cent. will be given to the holders__, in consideration Cl their assdnting to the extension. This bones will be veld in cash to the bearing of the bonds, on their signing a twin! and presenting their teepee• two bonds at the °Moe of the Company, or to It, agents, for endorse neat. Forme o receipt and endorsement will be furnished on anlicat on. By order of eke Beard of Managers, mt-tr Mell,BV.rittY. reetatedx, NEW PUBLICATIONS. LEIDY'S ANATOMY, JUST PUBLISHED, AN ELEMENTARY TREATISE ON HUMAN ANATOMY, BY JOSEPH LEIDY, M. D., 1 Profeesor of Anatomy in the University of Penneyl mole ; Curator of the Academy of Natural Sotencitt, &e., &0., &O. 1 vol. Bvo. ELRGANTLY ILLAMTRATISD, WITH KKABLY FOUR HUNDRED ENGRAVINGS, ' MOSTLY 1 , 11011 ORIGINAL DRAWINGS. J. B. LIPPINCOTT & CO., 22 and 24 north FOURTH Street. 0011-th fr Beau th a•et rj. G. EVANS' GIFT 1300 K STORE •...)• • NO. 439 CHESTNUT Street. BUY YOUR BOOKS AT EVANS', Where you eau got hooka in every department of Li te return; and • .. BEAR IN MIND that besides getting your book at the lowest retail price THAT A GIFT, Worth from 60 oentc to Site accompanies each Book. ALL THE NEM LIS BOOKS H AS BOON All PUB ED. Call in. and one trial will assure you that the ben plane in the city to buy booing, is at G. G. EVANS , GIFT BOOK ESTABLISIISIENT. ocB-If 80. 439 OKEATNUT Street. ROOK BUYERS.—Gentlemen: I have take the Basement of, the Philadelphia Bank. 419 CHEBTE UT Street, where 1 will coating, to buy and sell (as I have heretofore done at the Custom house Avenue Book-stand ipid and now Law and Mir oellaneous Books. I have ,or late upwards of too old bleak-letter Deese printed oiler to the peat 1499. a copy of Ernsmue on the Hew Teetement,2 , Printed in 1148 . Pries 850. I will alsodeal In EnSraVinee anti Autoeraphs. Persons at a distance wlehine to sell flooks, Will deltetihe their namer4datesi sizes, bindings, oenditions, end armee. Pamphlet Laws o) Penny'. Vaniai end old Books upon Amenes vented. JOHN CAMPBELL. V,TEREOSOOPIC PON TRAI fi AND GROUPS taken at moderate prioeat Bterommoie Vlore and Boxes for sale, °hese, at REartm tographio vasty, NO3. 616 and 617 North ECON.° Street, above Green. It* Ch :DUMAS COGNAC-40 quarters, 20 , ur• eights, lending from Rolls." For br - LONGOEIAMPB odlB-lat 907 !South FRONIN. NEW PUBLICATIONS. MZSM=M MAS. GREY'S NEW 800 '4, OOUSIN HARRY, IS PUBLISHED AND FOR SALE THIS MORNING. BP , 9. B. PETERSON & BROTHERS No. 306 CHESTNUT STREET, AllpVE THIRD ANOTHER, " NOTHING TO WEAR." 4 . 0 • Y.D TO-DA A SATIRICAL r REA ORM. I Y N VHF. STYLE OF " NO Tam, TO WEAR," RNTITLID THE PRINCh'S BALL. 13r EDMUND C. BTEDMAN. 'Author of no'. Diamond Wedding." With many AIIMOTOUS full-page illurtions. Ono elegant lgeno volume, tinted papor, c l o th bound Trioe.lo cents. This little volumes** out humorously. to chronicle the Porno. in America of Me Royal Highness the Prince of Wales—his passage from-the pother country —arrival in Canada. and capiol adventures , om thence to the Sta_tes. with hie manifold ha is fol lowed to new York oitY, Where the culmination takes plaoe—i 0.. THE BALL AT THE ACADEMY OF MUSIC, of which a graphic sketch is presented ; with the trials of Miss Flora MoFlimatiy, not only in proouring admix mom but in her subsequent endeavors to dance wit ti the Prince. Written by the masterly satirical pen of the humorous the" Dttrnond Weddine," embellished with original illustrations, and sold at the low price of CO cents.' The publishers anticipate a rapid sale. `, Comes seat by maidopostase free. bY Messrs. RUD G R ANDllTOPublishers, 0018 thatt 130 street. NEW YORK. NEW POLKA. " TH E PRINCE'S OWN" is the title of one of the most brilliant polkas ever published. Composed by P. Henrion, and appears beautifully printed to N 0.5 of the HOUSEHOLD JOURNAL t✓ this week. Now ready. May Le had of ati ws- agents. Price. Three Cents Mailed on receipt of ti three-eent stamp by the pub lishers, A. titan BILL & CO., 20 PBorth WILLIAM street, New York. ode 3t THE HOUSEHOLD JOURNAL For this week. Now Ready. Three Cente CONTAINS "Honesty ix the Beet Policy." An excellent tale, " The Queer Client." A Philadelphia atoll "Pride has its Fail:' A sketch "Tbe Carlisle Heritage." A story of interest " An Autumn song." By J. W. Ward. "The Phyrdord Forces., By Professor Faraday. "Napoleon, Mazzini, and Garibaldi." "The Prince's Own." Polka, 2 pages musio ALSO,• Thetory and Travel. Realties for the Workshop. Selene° and Art. hilisoellanenue Reeding. EMS' and Literary name. Leseons in Frenah. Wit and Humor. Leading Artioles. Et:laves. Charades, Am Household Reaipee. New Invention& Anawere to Correspondents Juveniled The Drama. Lessons in German. Department. Hardening, kri, SIXTEEN PAOES Bold by all News Agents. Price Three Cents. $l5O e, year. Eta le copy mailed on receipt o f throe-cent stamp, be the Publieners, A. RAR MILL & Co.. 20 North WILLIAM ' , greet. New York. One cony free for every club of six s bsorabers. 0018-3 t A BOOK TO MAKE HOME HAPPY If , A PPLETON & CO, 1443 A D 445 BN 0 • ()WAY. • PUBLISH TIM DAY: • TITS HOUSEKEEPER'S ENCYCLOPEDIA OtHeARY. ARD_ALL OTHER BRANCHES OF DOMESTIC ECOBV:Bly, • containing the first EcientiGe and Reliable Rules ever e , ..no Rm vatting tip all kinds or Hermetically se ed Fruits, with or without sugar. sit gin WIWI or ma r:ca betties; also. Rules for p reserving Fruits in Ame- r n and &cinch ant les ; with tried receipts, for making AtICI Winn,. Catsup', Bynum,' Cordials, &o. t and Practical Directions for the Cultivation of Vegetables, :Fruits, ,and Vows. s, Destruction or insects, .t.c., &o. Y AR. . . HASKELL. 1 vo1:12mO, ototh. This is not morelr a Cook Book. Itis a aoropenditim 'of household. knowledge, which, if studied. and its tem:Mins' followed. will save many anxious hours and weary steps to every housekeeper. It is praoticislly in structive upon every branch of Household Economy. It is of especial value to the inexeerienoed—to the young wife, just entering into a home of her own, to whom it utilisers the mortification and disappointment of those many little failures that without such a guide ate inevitable. It is not too much to say that every home in which this book is found will be much the happier for it;; every reeel.ln that Mune better ohosen and better prepard ever, household duty lighter and better attended to; and that inexperim oa t or even a general want of intik'. need never be a cause of failure. ',the most minute di potions are given upon every eubjeat. Mrs Haskell hems f is an expenenoed housekeeper, and every rule that she lays down has been over and over again tested by herseif, rind proved to bo rood. film does not therefore give any niece theories. Few books even upon time one branch .of cookery possess this ad- Vantage—as they are mostly mere collections of recipes gathered to every direction, and strung together with out any positive knowledge of their correctness or ex cellence. ANALYSIS OF THE CONTENTS. EMT I, contains eight chatters. including advice to young honsekeepets upon selecting and furnishing a Ulnae; stilton. and management of gammas; economy of cheerfulneee economy of cooking well, and econo my in small ma tters; washing, it" ; entertainment of company, and carving. In the general instructions to the family, the young husband is not forgotten. and lespart in misting the toung wife to form herself into a finiehed housekeeper o clearly defined. PART' 11. treats of nutrition, elements of food, and marketing. • Pahl. IL—Of general cookery—swum fish. meat& soulry, vegetable.; how to cook, store for winter, and hermetically seal them; puddings and dinner deseorts. pastry and pies, yew. bread and Won't. This last chapter tisane of great importance; the rules are as perfect as, is possible, and will insure good bread of all kind& cakes, confeetinneer, , tea, and coffee. The abate ter on coffee wag prepared with great care from expe rience, end if followed, will insure to the faintly coffee that Is perfect. • PART IV. contains five chapters upon breakfast dishes; hashes, eggs—to select, to proems° for the family, and market. cook. &o.; economy in dishes; showing how tie use the odds and ends; cold dinners, and lu•oftes PARS V. contains six chapters. giving directions for gathering andpreserving apples for market and the family; also to hermetically seal, prerervo with Sugar. make rider, dry, and cook them. T o soleot and pre serve, dry, cook. and hermetically seal peaches, pears. plaints. cherries. small and West India fruits. This part contains tae first Cotentin° Directions made public in this country for Hermetically Sealing fruits without boiling. alto Haskell has put up fruits in this manner for the past eight) ears, with good success. and has reduced this art to scientific rules ; so that any per son can with ease preserve their own fruits. rawr VI e,entainefour ohaptera upon domestic wins, beers, fruit, brandies. and vinegate, cordials, and ex tracts Fear VII. contains four chapters of directions for making °attune naiads, fl.tvored vinegars, pickles, and mangoes. PART VlM—rive chapters on gardening; kitchen, fruit, and flower garden, hot- beds and IRSOCIII. PART 1X —Two Chapters. Curing meats, milk, cheese, and butter. Paul' X.—Four oliapters on the sink re Pm—what it should be, remedies, treatment of infants, cookery for the sick. PAn — rs Xl. and XII. are misesllaneous and general This book wilt be sent free of postwre to any part of the United ertates art the reeeipt or 8173. Data 3t H ALL'S JOURNAL OF HEALTH.— Monthly. el Per ennim. A new subscriber writes: " I like the RING of your articles; MAY leap from the , die 23 carats, and full weight. I never rend your Journal till to-Car. I re ceived &shook on the first, page, and now wish to Wilco hands with a man who has sloughed cant, and stands unlaced before kis fellows," . A clergyman writes: " The vigor and raciness, and baron plainness of the language. together with its evi dent honesty and importance, Make each number a EI ROPING to ma. It cornea like a duly flavored and eliervesaing glass of soda. arid maintains its sparkle and its goodness marvellously." , The 6 Completed Volumes ate_9l.26 each. JOHN AIeFARL,AN, Agent, Office of the New American Cyclopedia, • And the Now Issue of Irvioe's Works, 33 Booth SIXTH Street. Irealth and Thews. el. Bronchi CI and Kindred Diseases, $l. .. Consumption, $l. The Fireside Monthly', eLSO a year. 0016-3t-tliths nIIRTON'S LAKE REGIONS OF CENTRAL, 'AFRICA. With illustrations. Published this do. Also, ODD PEOPIst. By Captain Mayne Reid, with illustrations. wn KAT AND TARES. FAR RADA Y'S JACTuRn ON THE FORCES OF MATT SR. liluet•nted. DV'S ARAI . ° SAY. Illustrated. KURTZ'S CRURCIL 111 S IVRY, Volume 1, to the Re formation NEW BOOKS, In even , department of literature, received as soon as publtelicd, and for sale at low priors. LINDSAY & BLAKISTON, Publishers, Booksellers, and (cavorters. oda 25 South SIXTH Street, above CsthaTNUT. CLOAKS.—A magnificent assortment of all the newest styles imported this season. with every new material, made up and trimmed in the very best manner, at prices that defy all competition, at the Paris Cloak Store, northeast corner of EIGHTH and WALNUT Streets. ocl3 lm VERY OHEAP MERINOS SHARPLESS BROTHERS Have received lave lots of FRENCH MERINOS, (FULL WIDTH,/ At retail or by the Cave, From 66 - Dents to 81 nor yard. - Belay. far below impotution cost. A UTUMN AND WINTER SHAWLS, Freneh Blanket, licotah Blanket. Paisley, Vienne, Broohe, Girl's bawls, Black tlhawls, Heavy Berlin. email Cheek/I, Friends' Blanket. Cloth and silk, Bright new str,e g s tripes, aßgMen sTrave BHABP w EBBBOTH ER& octl3-tf corner CHElaTfi UT and EIGHTH Btroote. • XTENSIVE IMPROVEMENTS! TIIORPILEY & ORRIN!, r 4. E. Corner EhtillTH & SPRING GARDEN Ste., Haying enlaN c ed ß t EA e ß r ED to T re a ft E n l d ß STOCK, Now offer for inepeotion ORB OF Tlt BEST STOOKS OF GOODS In their line in Philadelphie. BOUGHT FOR CASH EXCLUSIVELY. And will be sold BOSITIVELY CHEAP : Spaniel attention invited to Bth rigll ir eTi l l (3 01g:el. Clotnaand Caseneree, Dianlots and Fiannala. Linen °code and IllusliveL' Marmotlles and other Quilts Ho sing!? iv.; & o. All Goode marked St the lowest slice, eel/ WANTS. WANTED—By a Young Man, of steady and industrious habits, a situation as salesman " °l " k * 'Mu good business qualifications,_ and_ flan furnish Use best testimonials. Address Clair," office of this miner. oolg AGHNTLENIAN, AGED TDIETY-SE- Yen years, wants a situation in some good com mercial house or manufacturing establishment, as assistant book-keeper, or corresponding clerk. Salary not so mush an object ae permanent employment. First-class oily reference giVP,I. Pio objection to the South. address " C. C.," oilioe of this paper. oclB 3t5 WANTED—A situation as Book keeper or Entry Clerk. tiatisfaotory references given. Addreee " P. L.," at this office, ocil-att WANTED TO PIIROHASE.--The ad- Palliser has 81000, with which he is willing to Purchase a permanent and well established business that will ',laid him a comfortable support. Address " Capital." Press effigy). oril7.6t* WANTED—By a competent shoe Rah man, a situation, in a first class Boot and Shoe Houso. between now and the first of January. Has teen on Market street for the last fourteen years, as salesman and b er. Address F. A. P., Press office. only 4t* WANTED—BY A YOUNG MARRIED • • MAN, a. situation as Bookkeeper in &Wholesale Henn or Manufeerni ins Establishment. Best of rare ranee given. Address ACCOUNTANT, Oithse of The Press. 0017-50 WANTED—A PARTNER.—An active Business Man, hiving 810 OM, will hear of an excellent opportunity of engaging in a fi rst-clan Mer cantile business already esta b l ished, and ,plying well. by addressing, with teat name, L. & CO., (Ate of this Paper. uoll-fits WANTED—A- situation as a Salesman in a Cloth House. line hadeeverat rears' expe rience. Address" W. B." thin office. 0c16.5t• PARTNER WANTED —The advertiser has an established business, paying well, wishes a partner to 'mem+ Ins eaAtal. 131.80) required. Ad dress " Faotory," Press race. 0018-4 t. • WANTED—A Situation as Apprentice to the Printing. or Paddlei and Hamm making trade. Apply to Mr. JOHN WHIST, of the firm of R 'gel, Baird, & Co., North THIRD Street, Philadel phia. 0e6.12t. FOR SALE AND TO LET. anF R SALE OR. TO LET —A supe rior-three-story brick dwelling. with three• story druble back buildings. and ell the modern improve ments, situnte on the • south side of A KOH Street, No. 1825. Apply to ROBERT MACCIRHOOR, oclB 233 South THIRD Street. pOR SALE—A well-assorted stock of Hardware, Cutlery, &0.. and the fixtures of the store, %edit the pitVilege of Tenting the atom Ishii% is situated in the centre of business. The house hes been doing the Southern and Western Pennsylvania trade. Any person desirous of coins into the Hardware busi ness will find it a good opportunity. The stook will be offered on reasonable terms. Addreee " A.," at this Mee. fele meth tf VALUABLE SCHOOL PROPERTY FOh v .8A UE OR RENT. Will be offered for sale or rent on THURSDAY, the let of NOVEhII3F.R. 1860. et 12 o'a took M on the pre mises. MOUNT PLEABANT SEMIN 4 RY. one of the most healthy and desirable 8 tool loaations in the he in Boyertown, Berke county, Fa. For condition of the eohool and further partioulars see an nual Catalogue of the lent five years at this office, or call upon or address the subecriber on thepremines. P. H. BTAUFFEB. oel2-tuths6t* Boyertown, Berke no., Pa. 'PO CHAIR AND CABINET MAKERS.— The Phoenix Wood-Bending Comtism owners of " Blanchard a Patent," for the Statism of New York. New Jersey , rennsylvanis and Maryland, will sell county, town, or shop riebte. or grant licensee to use. on easy terms This is the only patent. All infringers wilt be striotly dealt with. Apply to JOHN eIIABY, or C. A. BURGESS, No. 34 BROADWAY, New York. 004-d3nl FOR EXOIIANGE.—A 011010 E TRACT: of good unimproved farm land in the State of New Jersey, ronvenaent to the oily. wdl be exchanged Tor ci ee23-tfty property. Apply at No. 116 FEDERAL Street. MRLARD -OIL FAOTORL—To rent, a LARD-OIL FACTORY with 33 Patent Lever Prance, with Plates , lime. Tube, Kettle', Tanks; all in complete order. Ap• to • • + ROWLEY, ASHEORNER, k cla. 004 No. 1.6 cOUTH WHARVES. AROR-STREET PROPERTY FOR SALE.—The Store and Dwelling. No. 211 ARCH Street. Street. Apply to ALLEN & WI. Real Estate Oro kers. office aJuttteast corner of FOURTH end WAL NUT Streets, No. 3, second floor. 0012 ASt• MONTGOMERY COUNTY FARMS - .AS. AT PUBLIC AND PRIVATE SALE,-11. R. CoRBON, Real Estate Broker, at Norristown, Penn sylvania. will offer at public sale several valuable FARRIS during the mouths of October and November. Catalogues. with full descriptions, sent by mail to par ties wishing information. Handsome aropertios. varying from twenty to fifty acres. within 2hl miles of Norristown, for gale. FARM of 50 aorta. L( mules from the borough, with a fine, large cottage, water and trait, and fine looaiion. . FARM of 20 mires, beautifully located. with new cottage and out-building, only 2 miles from the borough, will be sold a bargain. . FARM of 78 aorta , U;miles from Court-house. dames of woodland, 15 acres of meadow land. and stream of running water passes through; house is 2 stories, in fair condition, and one of the largest and beet tarns in the township; will be sold a bargain, as the owner is soing to Europe. - Terms will be`easy. 'nine - is a tenant house and barn on this property. Persons wishing to purchase will call on or address se29-smth9t R. R. CORSON, Norristown, Pa. MISSOUBA LAND I I 600,000 Aoree for Sale and entry, at prices, ranging' from 11)fi to 00 cents er Aore, in any quantities re quired . TAXES paid, and PATENTS procured for garotte.- sera of Land under the Graduation Ant. Plate furnished gratis by enclosing a postage stamp For (nether informetton apply to wmor+, BAWLING'S it CO., N. eiwailitiVuNglet Be tween TRIAD ajgd FOORI IS'N. LOMB. O. LAND WARRANTS bought, sold, and located. 001-3 m RETAIL DRY GOODS. DREhIS ' Goo.Ds, THOS. W. EVANS & CO. Have now open a Iwo and handsome assortment or DRESS GOODS. VELOUR POPLINS, BROOM& POPLINS. PLAID POPLINS REAL, IRISH POPLINS, FRENCH MOIJSLIN Ed, PRINTED MERINOES, EAIBROIDERED At ER (NOES, FRENCH AND Briolion citlNTzEs, I=l LATEST NOVELTIES IMPORTED THIS SEASON 0c163t Non. 818 and S'2o CHESTNUT EltrfatM FALL CLOARS OPENING DAILY. TUE FINEST ASSORTMENT IN THE CITY W. P. CAMPBELL'S, NO. 1124 CHESTNUT STREET CLOAK OPENING. GEORGE FRYER, No. 916 CHESTNUT STREET, will open CLOTH AND VELVET CLOAKS, ON TUESDAY, OCTOBER 16, In the ueual ELEGANT STYLES Of this Estabitslitnent FRENCH CLOAKS. An assortment of GAY FRENCH STRIPE CLOAKS, Jost imported. TLe richest roods of the season. IVENS, 0013 Gt. No. '23 SOUTH. MAUR Street eLOAK.B.--The greatest bargains in the %-/ city at IVENS'. CLOAKS.—The largest stook, I he beet assortment. the choicest colors, the finest qualtrtes, the most superb trimmings, the newest sty les, the beat work, and deci dedly the lowest prioes in the city, at IVENS', 23 South NINTH Street. 0013 am LADIES' DRESS TRIMMINGS. STAPLE AND FANCY GOODS. ZEPHYR WORSTED, BEST QUALITY. GILT TRIMMINGS AND BELTING& CROCHET FRINGES AND BERTHAS. EMBROIDERED SLIPPERS AND CUSHIONS. EMBROIDERED CHAIR SEAM WOOLLEN YARNS, ALL SIZES. ZEPHYR-KNIT TALMAS AND JACKETS. ZEPHYR-KNIT SONTAO3 AND SLEEVES. ZEPHYR-KNIT CAPS AND GAITERS. RAPS ON '8 TRIMMINGS AND ZEPHYR STORE, Corner EIGHTH and CHERRY Streets. Oca-th9s EIRENOII POPLINS. A FEW CHOICE STYLES AT THE RIGHT - _ PRICES. Lupins Fronoh Merinoes, at the right prices. Figured Wool Delaines and Cashmeres. Valenems, Plaids, Figured Alpacas. Children's Helaine. and Wool Plaids. BLACK DRESS 000DS. Auction lots Frertob Alerineea. es oents to SI. Wool Detainee. 30 to 50 cents. " 0-4 sublime quality. $t 25. • Bombazines and Alpacas. " Amellnes. Fg'd Alpacas, Reps. " "ins Silks, Cisl'" Witk coNmtp, COO pole Southeast nor. NINTH and MARKET LIALL AND WINTER CLOAKS, of all j the new shapes, ready MADE 10 ORDER. Eirat•etass work at popular prices. Every garment suarranued to fit and rouse. Clothe by the yard or Woe. °Chid the right Mode for Ladles', edema and Boys' wear. COOPER & CONARD oola Southeastoor.l4lNlll ,_ and bIARRET. CLOAKS.—The OUT CLOAK STORE, V 142 North EIGHTH. Every one ie talking of the great bargains and superior quality of the CLOAKS at the new"CLOAK STORE, 142 North EIGHTH Street. CLOAIII9.-If you want the best value for your money, go to the City Cloak Store, 14,2 North EIGHTH Street, above Chem'. VLOAKS.—The OILY CLOAK STURE, 142 NortIIEIOIITR, is paid to be the beet and cheeped stole in the city. " ' oid3.lm EDUCATIONAL. MONS. ALEXANDER WOLOWSKI, PIANIST, VOCALIST, and COMPOSER, begs to inform hie friends and the nub totest.nremously to his departure , he is ensimenoing PITI VEIN WITH LAST COURSE OF I %NTH LICTION of the PIANO and SINGING by.his EXTRAORD NARv METHOD. All those who desire to avail themselves or the tut an portunity_ shon'd asp!) , at once, at his random°, No. 721 SANSUM Serest, between one and two o'olook P. M. 0018.6 t if PRIVATE PUPILS fitted for College, by an experienced CLusioal Teacher. Address " A. M.." at this office. 0013.6 t. MESDAMES CILIEGIARAY AND MIER VILLY respectfully inform their friende and the vtiblio that they have removed their Boarding and Bay &Med for Yonne Ladies from Logan Square to lios. 1627 and 1629 SPRUCF. Street. Pupils from five years of age upward prepared for the fourth glass. .1.116-6 m PREELAND INSTITUTE—A BOARD. ING SCHOOL FOR YOUNG MEN.—This insti tution ie !coated in a delightful, healthy, and retired Phiof the country. twenty-four mites northwest of Phi adelchia, two hours' ride from the city accessible by Norrirown railroad and Waxes, twice a nay. Next session ovens October 22d. For circulars, address sti27-t0022. PerkEmAinitirliriCKEß• go. Montgomery cm.. Pa. RRYANT, STRATTON, &FAIRBANKS' MERCANTILE COLLEGE, 8. E. corner SE VENTH and CHESTNUT Streete —Day arid Even inR. Sessions. Individaae instruction in Bookkeeping. in cluding_General Wholesale and Retail Businesi. Shin ning. Forwarding. and Commiesene. Rankles. kx change. Manufacturing. Ranroading; Bteamboaties. &0.. the most thorough and practice/ canna in the United ,States. Also, Lectures, Commercial Calcutta Sone. Arithmetic, and the higher Mathematics. Pen mansh IP (best in the altyl, Oorresmidenee, tco. For rile, their now Treatise on dookkeepi as, beauti fully printed in colors, and the best work published. se26-tf CLASSICAL INSTITUTE. DEAN STREET. below LOCITST. The dame of the Classical Invitate %nil be resumed Monday. September & LW. FAT RES, A. M., anal- d2rn PENN INSTITUTE, SOUrfIIEAST COR NER THIRTEENTH and FI'L,BERT Streets, re opens MONDAY September 3a, Four, more MBA will be admitte d. Catalogues sent to any addrew. autl-tf R. ST.EWART. Principal. UR. WINTHROP T4PP.AtItli BOARD. /MING and DAY SCHOOL f.or YOUNG LADIES, , No 1727 VINE street, near Logan Square, irtit on 'WEDNESDAY, isepternker Igth. Ononlara I uniehed on application. Aula-tr BUSINESS CARDS. NEW ORLEANS (LA.) PI9AIIINE: JOY. 00E. & Co. - Have been appointed sole agents in Philadelphia for this extensively circulating raper, of commanding in fluence. Business men are advertising in the best news- Capers of city and country, at the offices o CHESTNUT as CO., Advertising Agents. Fill 11. and Streets, Philadelphia; Tribune Buildings, New York. z026-tf HORACE SEE, MRCHAPRCAL ENGINEER. and PATENT ATTORNEY. No. 114 South SIXTH Street, (Nearly oppogite the County Court Hons.,) Prepares Specificygtions, Drawings, &0., and transacts all other business connected with the obtaining of Let ters Patent Machinery Designed and Drawing. made, auS6-sm• IQ R. PORSON, REAL ESTATE BRO- A-L• KEA AND CONVEYANCER, NORRISTOWN, F rrlo.2 l , ll kl'OßES, MILLS, and HOTELS FOB SALE.in Montgomery, Evoke, Chester, and Delaware Counties, varying from 10 to 200 ogles, in good locnhtiee. Pennine applying will be thorn properties free of charge. Honda and Mortgages negotiated at fair ratan. HAND SOME RESIDENCES for eale in Norristown, .Potts town, anti Intermediate places. For Catalogues and fud description, address R. R. CORSON, Norristowu.Pei. - . J NICHOLSON, •• • blenufaetnrer of SHIRTS. LINEN and MARBEILLEE 11080M8 AND COLLARD, A large and choice usortment, and WILL mann, always on nand. unto which I gartioularly invite the attention of cam and prompt-paying. anowr-Tilt) hums. 8. E. Cornet of SECOND aid ARCH Htree ta,_ Phila delphia. au7-3rn • SFIIGUET & SONS, • IMFORTERS Oh HAVANA CIGARS , Ho. 2)6 South FROST Street. Receive regularly a fall eteaortmont of desirable Cl which they offer at low rates, for cash or ao proved oredit. 1e10.17 PAWSON ik NICHOLSON, BOOKBINDERk NCO, in AND in MINOR STIEEII,_ Between Market end Chastain Maim JAME6TAWIWN. JAL B. iN3iNnada. feO 1v• E • J. BAYLIEVHOMAS, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Rae removed his one. from No. Aroh street to Ns. ene WALNUT street. Particular attention given to the neoovery of Xenon tile Claims. The drafting and eXaminstion of Vine, Conveyanotor, .Anignmefits, Briefs of Title. and other Inetnucente of Writing. The manseementei Kummer 'M Administratorships, and Traits. supenntended; and th ee, e beet 'mountains procured for the permanent in vestments of Money. Satisfactory referenoe Elven when required. apatt-em• BoA.RDiriG. FIIi,ST•CLASS BOARDING, with Wind some communicating and single) Rooms, at 19 IT LOCUS V Street. 0018 flOAßDlN 4 a.—Three choice commumca flag ROOMS. on the first floor. - whieh may be had tosetber or separately, nil be vaoant on the 15th of Ootober, at MKS. LEVELY'S, no 1216 ORES rill UT etreet. 0015.5 itibute.A.Nur, le iIIIt.P.A.A LIE LS. THE MUTUAL LIFEIT!SURANCE COM. FANY OF NEW YORK. Asters : SIX MILLIONS OF DOLLARS: INVESTED IN DUB? ISIOSTGAGEs ON REAL itty.stn. WORTH OVER en omega— is are LOWER than in many other Cornea meg, and the Dllndends have been aura. This ia a striotly MUTUAL Company'. There _are no Stookholdem, en that ALL THE PROSITS NELoSO To TIM INSDNED.• Pamphlets, and every information, may bett GRATIS, OR apphoation to , F. RATCHFORD STARR.ent; Streets. PHILADELPHIA W. corner FOURTH and WALNUT Streets. PHILADELPHIA REIFF:RT.:NOBS: Thomas Robins, John Welsh, Mordecai L. Dawson, George,lL Stuart, George M. Stroud; E. S. Whe en, John B. Myers, J. Fisher Learning, Joseph Patterson ; William C. Ludwig, John M. Atwood, Arthur C. Coffin, Thomas IL Powers, George W. Toland. William McKee. Thos. Wat Mon. nM-17°11 INSURANUE COMPANY, NO. 41.• 406 CHESTNUT Street, PRILADELPRIA. INCORPOR ATED PENNSYLV APRIL,IB36. D ANIA.V THE STATE OF CONFINED TO FIRE AND INLAND RIEKR. DIRECTOM. Samuel Wright, D. B. Birney, Wm. W. Walters, J. W. Bverman, Chas. Richardson, Henry Lewis, Jr., Geo. A. West, Jacob W. Stoat.. O. Wilson Davis, Menko Stern. Thos. B. Martin. GEORGE W. DAY. Prerident. FRANCIS N. BUCK, Vice Pree't. WILLIAMS 1. BLANCHARD. Secretary. Liall-ift SAVING FUNDS. A MERIOAN SAVING FUND.—Crom a'.4l-n Ftithirßuidgets.altheeirt da o i o l i , :ne f r WiLti il in o'clock, and on MONDAY HITS in the evening, This Old Institution has always geld in full, on demand, without notion. INTEREST FIVE PER CENT. All sums paid tack, on demand, in gold andsiiver. TRIISTREG. ALEX.WHILLDIN, President, SAM.. WORK, Vice President. John C. Farr, T. E. Harper, George Nugent, John Anseach, Jr.. ItamL T. thrie., Alb. C.Robettli, John Allman, Jonas Sowynan, __IL H. Eldridge, Win. J. Howard. Jost( B. WILSON .Treasnrer. JOHN C. SIMS. Secretary. atdll-2rn SPRING GARDEN SAVING FUND, Office, 331 North Twin) Street, between Vine and Callowhill. Incorporated by the Legislature April 11th t 1881 ; Open Pm Descants and Payment'', daily, from 9to 9K . o alma. Also. on MONDAY and ThIUMDAY EVENINGS, from 6 to 8 o'clock. Interest 6 Der cent. Der annum. Depositors can With draw their Moneys by Cheeks, If desired. Spechsl Ds Posits received. JAMES B. PRINISLE, President. FRANCIS HART. Beoretarr. seee-tf If COPARTNERSHIP NOTICES. DISSQUITION. --- The Copartnership heretofore existing under the name of L. JOHN SON & CO, was dissolved by the death of L. Johnsen, on the Wth day of April, 1860. tiONIAB IHACRELLAR, JOHN F. SMITH. RICHARD MOIL COPARTNRRENIIP.—The subsoribers. having .pur ohnsed the entire interest of the late Mr. 1.. Janson. have entered into copartnership nailer the firm-name of 1,, JOHNSON & GO. The business of Type end Btereotype Founding, Electrotyping. and Wood En graving, will be continued as usual, at the old 'outwit. No. 606 NANnOIVI tßreet, Philadelebia. 7 , 'OAIAB MACKELLAR, JOHN F. RUTH. DICHARD PETER A. JORDAN. Amu., 27, 1311. 0018 3t r kJE OCPARTNERS.T3IP HERETOFORE -IL existing tinder the name and aryls of SAGER & SLOAN and SAGER. SLOAN, & CO.. is this day cis solved, by mutual consent, Charles M. Sloan and Sami. ``withdrawing front the mild firm. William C. anger g:r ie r.uthor7ed In nettle tho hitsjness of the late firm at the old place, 163 North SECSIND Street W. S. SAGER, C. M. SLAN. 0018 3t* S. SAGER. DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP.— The undersigned, trading under the firm name of the Bridge Company, have this day dissolved part nership by mutual consent. The business of the firm will he closed up by the 'Premium, Algernon Roberts, who is authorized to use the firm's name in liquidation of the affairs of the Company. A. & P. ROBERTS, L WTI LINE.. PHILADELPHIA, 00tober 17. The buisiness of building Iron Bridges will be con tinued by the undersigned, to connection with the ma nufacture of Car Axie•. at tiro Penonyd Iron Works. Office 4111 WALNUT Sorest. Philadelphia. oel?-12t A. & P. ROBERTS. D ISSOLUTION OF COPARTNERSHIP. —Tho Partnership he•etofnro existing under tho firm of SIMONS,COLHIMAN,& CO., Wagon Alanufao tutors, was this day dissolved. by mutuareonsent. All Persons having Maims against the late firm will present them to Henry Binions for pay mont, and tnose tn..ebted to said firm will make payment to him. lIhNRV SIMONS. ROBERT Al. COLEMAN, GEORGE F, COLEMAN. Philadelphia. Sept. la, 1861. HENRY BIAIONS tcilt continue the buskers at the old stand. and we cheerfully recommend and ;whoa for him the patronage of the customers of the old firm. ROCKET M. COLEMAN. cold et. Ge.OROK P. COLEMAN. nIF.SOLUTION.-The Copartnership of GOOD k WHITE is this day dissolved. by mu tual consett. All persons indebted to the concern or having clams on them null please will on EDWIN A. GOOD, who is authorized to settle the MM.. EDWIN A. GO OD, ALEXAND IL WRITE. PaILA.DELPILIA, Oct, 11, It The business of this concern will be carried on, as heretofore, by oelS-tf FOWIN A. GOOD. TB. GODARD VERY OLD COGNAC, .10 half pires,2o quartepqr le c yk a fBl l 7l,ll,l , ovlB-121 211 FRONT Street. MARSEILLES MADEIRA.-389 casks of Marseilles Madeira, in quarters and octaves, ".Valetta"of and " Groussot " brands, an custom haute store, For sale ei JaURETCHE & CARSTAI RS, oals•nrwf4t . 202 and 204 South FRONT Street, HOPI bEIGNETTE BRANDY.—An voice) to arrive. For salo by JAURETCHE & CARSTA IRS. 06115-mwf-St* 401 and 104 Louth FRONtAtTeet. - - - • LATOUR OlL—Always on hand and for este, to strive or from store. by st.U.IthIGIIY, ils - Clte'rtoliS; Bole Agents fctiffe 'sited States, oollt-Intef-St * 202 and 20 0 eirth , JMl' attest. FORAGE,—Storage for merchandise cf r•wo all kinds, and at low rates_ at Keneineton Eorew Dook, ri0.1036 North DELAwAKE Avenue, ools amtvetts. CODICERT PROFESSOR ANDERSON. SOMETHING NEW!! TO-NIGHT, AND EVERY EVENING, THE NEW PROGRAMME 0 STILL MORE MARVELOUS WONDERS, Selected from the exhaustless repertoire of- TfiE GREAT WIYARD OF THE NORTH, Including the MONEY THAT CANNOT SE COUNTED. TEE CHARMED LADY. _ - THE KEY OF EIMIS. THE MYSTERY OF LATII4LNI4AS, AND MARVELS WITHOUT NUMBER OP EVERY KIND. PROFESSOR A10E10303% stay will be brief. - IF COMING=COME;' THE MIGHTIEST MYITIOLST OF MODERN TIMES - - Tenders !he invaation. MISS ANDRRSON EVERY - lEVENING•VIP • NEW MN,EMONIO FEATS. GRAND MATINEE at X o'clock en SATUII DAY NEXT, Oct. M. withe- HALL ILLUMINATED IN TEE DAYTIME. BALCONY, 25 CaNTo; BODY OP HALL, 00 Doors open at 7 ; commence ate. 0017-3 t . NOTICE.--Sqcure your . seats in Alio 43-i r if you are going to see OROFEBSO .01DE SON in the evetunr. Box (Mae ota g co Ntmem i5e".„.5...„„ 4,-.- HALL from 10 till 4. In °ante eoeef the (mat orown,the re is no chance of e ~, unless you book year pitoa in the dar. It . . WALNUT-ST-AE/3.T .TEIRATEB • • Bole Lee:!( —Mrs. M. A. Rage 1Ne. 13 ...11 r—.— Mr . WM. A. 0 I . C liasines4 :teem—. .- -- .Mr..108._ G. 1.1 Y „...-- TIES ( TIIVRAVAir) EVENING, BRANDY' MAGUIRE. - Shamir Magutr' -- .. . ..,.„.Mr.: Berm Williams PRINCE sucLORO3O.- ' .. l'rfnoe Dolorosa —_ Mrs. Brune' , Williams. Princess Pioretta . ' Mrs A'Correll. i F idifirctßOLE. . ' Con 0'Car01an....... 1 .". her. Harney William'. Moleshee —Rm Barney Williams. boors open at a smarter to 7 o'clock ; performances, commence at Vin'olock. oar Prioes ea usual. [WHEATLEY it CLARKE'S AROSST. • THEATRE. THIS Cr HURSDAYi EVERING, LATHEIGoT BUT ONE OF GRAND DRAMA, THE MERCHANT AND HP. CLERKS! - THE MERCHANT AND HIS CLERKS ! FIRST TRAGEDY NIGHT OF Tim nasom. The entertainment will commence with TH.RuBBRS! tIME ROBBERS! The Groat Brim. of The Monkey Boy" Rill /Homily be reolY• MoDONOUGH'S OLYMPIC (Late Gail& Tlutt.) RACE Street. below Third.. " GOLLY ! l'sE 80 WICKED !" Lest night bet tiro of UNCLE TOM'S CABIN. The beautiful CORD ELIA HOWARD es the " Gentle Eva," in which obiraoter she spinde unrivalled. Mr. G. C. HOWARD as " St. Clair. "21111KODAY EVE NING, Oct. 18. 1860. ' BENEFIT OF MRS. G. 0. HOWARD, . The Great Original TOPSY,' J. E. Me UONOUGIL as r" Donee" Fletcher",_ the Kentuckian 2 UNCLE TOMB CABIN on SATURDAY A FTEKNENNI. at 2 &elm*. Doors oven at 7 o'clock ; to ennuis ace at 7X o'olook, Price of admission, 25 cents; Family Circle, 11 MIMS. Beata Secured without entre change. SANFORD'.B OPERA ' VE NTH MEET OPRN FOR TtiE EL SEESON. • NEWLY DECORATED AND•PAIPITED.- M lIM secured one of theß. RAIgORD LARGEST COMPANIES ever preeented heretofore, who will sostear nightly. - Sanford will perform every evening. Doom open et 7; Commence at N. Admittance 23 cents. Children 13 cents. - Gen lm fIONTINENTALTHMATRE, N-0 (Late National.) WALNUT Street, &twice Eighth, MONDAXEVENING, October Le,yreef commeno EIGHTH WEEK AND LAST. SIX NIGHTS OF THE SEASON "OF CARNCROSS AND SHARPLEYIRMINITRELS. Change of Programme every night. &mess unptralleled, They respectfully announce SIX FARWELL PERFORMAISCES. " Six aistinot changes- of Programmes." "On* nightly." introducing all the Troup*. First night of the new burlesque, " BLACK RICHARD THE THIRD." harpley - as —.Richard. Brower . . . . .. . Richatontl. And a great cast. Doors open Mai ; commence et7X. Tickets, IS gents. CARL WOLFSOHN AND TEHEODOP THOMAS'S SERIES O - ACADEMYSSICAL REES, et the. FOYER of the OF MIMIC. Subscriptions will be received anthe Music Ewes of t . 4. Andre P t C0.,1104 Chestnut street; Lae & Walker, 742 Chestnut street ; Beck - Lawton, Seventh and Chestnut streets; and Th. A. 15011thidt, humour and Chestnut streets. where the programmes and pestien lars nen b 5 seen Den 6w• PEN NA. ACADEMY OF TIM TINS ARTS. 102 CELNYPNITT fltrest, Containing a large oolleotion of binaural art" tam is now open daily from 9 SC' P. i t =mon LS Ott. I children under 13 711M11,1, amts. 37941 PIANOS AND- f ff il PIANOS ! PIANOS! rwips!l NAM-FORTES • _ MRLObBONMI L • IA.II64ORTRR.. KRIA)DE01111, Made by Raven, Bacon, & Co., Minna & Obtriciamett, Dons. & Co., and other, __ S. BOOM% raylf-1.1 SEVENTH sad CRESTRVT. 091 “ STEINWAY & SON'S NEW PA TENT OVERITRING entuzatrion. SQUARE GRAND. AND BQVARE Pi pow prefenea in normerts end in pripstopirdee bit tie best performers. Received the first presunnutowir Mibest makers, from judges lace Gottsohalk. lifsser c iMn. Challenge all oompetition. M RR 8 el6-1y . 1008 CHEISTN . filirpl _HAINES - BR9S. ) 0T113 . 313114' [TVG 1 5 A T B N T-i d T i 01 4 1 - 1.141110 FO ''lll4lCfk Cbeaneet,,,Fl CiachaDoe..amada- 4 . sa•-•—• ~.. rA s tft - i , V.. 110 , 1 Mbar a Wag for - gab at kaaciry v vash PrJene, and warranted fora mak; neoonii-laand . Piano" or ritlt3 . ei . 4._, ' D.E. ' Car :of DR4 MI an ds- .. , i PRINCE it- OKI: Immured D , F - Dem SU. Inman.. . . . IviLliri /011-11111. BURNS' CELEBRATED - ROSE. VoLTlA`ilWArtg rtf,L,lllal l l:4, l = rad el It . hielndeons. The above tnatrumenta are of the Ten latest unntovements. and best mates, For:eale at S treet. him° Store, /to. 4102 climax:tin Street. HANSEL'S NEW impitovEa - PiSISO INSTRUCTION BOOK.—Neateet vitethed of sn eerier' together with a beautiful seleettop efloyeler Pieces and proaresaive leuone. ever before publu&sd n small work— rice only_ an cacti—at MAKO 'ARC W Store. 1102 CHESTNUT Street. NITISIC—From all Catalogues in the United States. at One Cent porlpine,-at tile MARKET Street, opposite the Farmers ' Mammoth Market House. oes-bst WINNER'S INDEPENDENT_ VIOLIN PLAY tql,Nospl, 2,3, 4 , 8.6 . 7. nal, ars now reedy—pri ee 26 oenta—st MARSH'S 24Neto Rom, 1199. CHESI ri UT Street - - aell/AU Diu,LixEny. ?N. MISS E. M. REDMOND, HAS RE -1144 MOVED to 1224 WALNUT- attest_ and erill have on SATURDAY afolleseortmentorßOANETS for the season. 0c11.41t. or a MISSES B NiRVh 914 OHEBTNUT foeStret m IPie Whig FURS. LADIES' FANCY F U !—FA BC Y FURS :—FARETRA, at 'his New, One-price La dies' Fancy Fur Store, IS ARCH street below EIGHTH, has now in store. of his own iniportins and mann fa otu rine, the most complete numortment or Faller Furs fort Eldlell and Children to be found in thi s city. embracing emery kind, quality. and 'stile, as allmy Furs have been in.eorted by myself during.the present year, and mann facto red u fide r toppren suPertuftion; sad ha'qug adopted The ono -price nmiciple of doing bssinese, I reel confident in supine it is the interest of all - within( to Purchase a set of Fur to sive use •ontB-Ittr ANILA F t INSTANT RBLIBF end PEI MAEEN'T CURB or this distriesiek lea- plaint, u. FEND T7B BRONCHIAL CIGARETTES, Mode by C. B. SEYMOUR & CO., 458 BROAD WAY, Dew York. Prioe /flyer bon; sent free by post. mytAlm in FOR RALE AT ALL DROGOIRTIS. SPECIALTY FOR LADIES. TRUSS AND BRACE DEPARTMENT conducted by com petent Ladies. Entrance on TWELFTH. Street, first door below Race. A lull line of Mechanical Remy dies. light and elegant in conetruCtien. specially adapted to Ladies' me., -- C. H. NEEMEB,. Proprietor e. W. corner TWELFTH and RACE...Street; . Philadelphia. P 9" Entrance to C. H. H.'s Room, for geatlemea, • at the corner. seli•Smi I AWONDERFUL AND,NEVER FAILInG REMEDY FOR DISEASES OF THE NERVOUS vqBpf,l4, MdFEEISOR MORRIS' El) OEPIIALOS, AN EXTERNAL REMEDY, Prepared by MOCKRIDGE & CO., No. 62 North FOURTH. Ptreet. soar And for sale by Druggists generally. eel2-3mif HART'S DIGESTIVE.—To invigorate the digestive organs.—Those who protnee to take no medicine use it for its strengthening qualities. told by W. U. ODUS9N, Northeast corner of TENTIf and ARCH, and other Druggists. oce4Bo A AZUMEA ► AZUMEA. AZUMEA: AZUMEA! AZUMEA! AZUMEA PROF. MORRIS' AZUMEA BARING POWDER. Manufactured eolety at No. 62 North FOURTH threat. and for mode by Ornoara rano rallv. sett amtf AMALGAM- BELLS. - Only min-intim the price of 'Braes and lees than half that of Steel Belle; of eoo t al r! p nor „, imd, mellow tone. Warranted for twelve snonthe against breakage by fair ringing. For sale at the BOLE : AOENtArte Philadelphia, No 512 COMMERCE Street. gem thstnarn -- "' '.WATSON. WARM AIR ' VURNAOF. Thelma- Cnne Furnncs Gas CodsUulerwilltiio caddy warm your house. with-ono-third ItISS coeltilart la re- Mitred by any other ,rurnace.- Tatiataotiaa-ra all oases MIMI:Med. Buildings Warmed and Ventilated by ARNOi.D & 1010 ,011.E8TAU1 Street. seB-stuth3mif CNORING RANOEB.—AII in want of the beet elevated, double oven Cooking Itariges, will to do Weil call at eeB-atuf :knit' ARNOGD .r, WILSON'S. 10 (0 CAIIISTNTT Street. SLATE MANTELS.—The richest and moat l.cautiful specimen! of enamelled Slate Nan tele ever offered for sale in thisnountry, manufactured by us. from Pennsylvania slate-stone, and for sale very low. .ARNOLD & WILSON. sea-stuthamif 1010 eIIEnTNUT Street. TEREOSUOPES AND STEREOSCOPIO Spentaolee,` ' Orem slam e. incoacopea, mal All kind of Optaoal antt*attle mafiosi Instruments. nt AI, FRANKLIN'S. Oitioian. 001-12 it 112 R. FQ URTH otroot. below ghesoolit. 50 bbls, 200 half bbls, '375 qi . bbls, 400 kit's, 9W two•oaart orals; ?7CO one-qbirt orals ratent Tallow Grease.. wage, yellow - sad blaeja.illa nu facoured and for sale __fy ROW/LET. ABHPURATER, & CO. No. 10 BaUth.-WhR01111.•.,•. 'bbls. 50 half li- E bt )B K E er l 2.6 ° ,s l t;itle ° . ° n . L e y nt itzrai t , o vs ir dzi A t I n clt n. A .. , F as , , v 3 :irt Wharves. eel CARDAMOM SEED, MALABAR-1 ease for sale. WETRERILL h BROTHEA. seta a 7 and 49 North 89110 ND Rt , AVA 001 4 1.8 E.-1,000 pockets prime r w impo N trm t ter rale by JAAIEB GRAEIAM:k. CO.. , , Dv°l7 CO., N0..232 Noith SECOND Street.-- , llAvlng removed to our new and *anions store, weewild call the attention of Dealers to our ex tensive stook of PATENTIItIEfoICINEP, PER FUMER F. and FANG? ARTICLES. Oat hat cam prim a greater variety than ran be tonna at tinl Inn Malt • hahmant in rho United dt4stss. add ont woe* cm:l ea's wan any market. • ma-tatadea
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers